stringlengths 6
| label
stringlengths 4
| dataType
stringclasses 2
values | communityName
stringlengths 4
| datetime
stringclasses 20
values | username_encoded
stringlengths 136
| url_encoded
stringlengths 220
Check out my English-Ukrainian dictionary! 🇺🇸🇺🇦
I used AI to generate definitions, examples, translations, images, and all the other stuff. It might be useful for you too! 🤔
Notice how I tried to make images helpful and memorable to hint at meaning of the words.
I believe it could be easily translated to other languages.
| r/ankipro | post | r/AnkiPro | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNUV5NUtUcVNFbTZVQVQ2bUdzdzNublZjZVZBZGUzMk1zaG5iUXFzXzhCTENDTFd1aC12dGlISkdhVzlfcmlOVmctTFZtZTlxWW9wdVRoY1NNMHowc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WUowTFF6U19SWHU1OEd1MWo2RV83MmRNNmpMcm1zVDNiQ3pKNXJ6eW10cXZFOWRCay1ZS3J2eS11eTNubWdWOGZJOFlNZXl1MWRYWlJmMlZTN1NXYlgtb0pVODR3NV9Qcm1PM3lJRnYybVdENHNWNDc5ckVZdHlUblNZVmVxVDRFTVFOTk9QNHBOakhkQ2JkblAxazEzM3NqVXhmWHBrcjZubmM4cWxfNFRnYUlUbS1WTVhGNERmTU9hbXZyeVdm |
I am a Swiss citizen although I’ve never lived in Switzerland and can not speak German , French or Italian.
I have a masters of teaching and have been trying to find a teaching job in Switzerland to finally make the move over.
What would my best bet in terms of finding a job ?
I have only taught as a substitute teacher as I have previously been working in professional football as a coach. | r/internationalteachers | post | r/Internationalteachers | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZGVDNUhqOEtEV2dVOEk2SmUxaXY1QzN1Q2dPTU5BbE1KTktWWExSWDVmTk05NXdPY0tFMDVMRUlSNTBtd2kyRkZISWFtR1RkZ2NnNWJfdmtNT2JDQ1NuRWNpUVFQRExTcC1JWV9XeGhpQUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VzZLTTlydWphYkVjUng1MjdEZTE0YlI1YnNlbVVTM0NIbG16eVlYdFF6eXpmSHF1TUpfVjZ0ZGI2MkJxRUt2RTJtSzZzb3FzQmdCV2tJRlVRdnF2OUNqWWpodlhtSUdya1F4a3NMNGM5cnBrRTZIMldfQm1KQVhrVzNrNF9ZRHFDRHowMVZrY1l0UTUwdmNFU3R4WjNxOFFqS0xhX2xCNjVKWkd4a0lRNjZKbTRFZzJLa3FMMTRjRmZEQnB4VGRQNkM1Q1k4Ujd5WjhoeE43Qmx0UEZIdz09 |
I have the 1995 iron man with a error ghost print of The Xi'in card shadowed 180° I have looked for years and never seen another could it be a 1 of 1 | r/marveltradingcards | post | r/marveltradingcards | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aSUVQWTFmdEx2bTNHWi1xS2JmMUZZZ2tjQnBmNzZUb21LSVBBWExGNGRLX2N3Qlh4QkQzbFFYRkhObkI3ODJlYW9CQ3FLZWdvc0luQkhqNkZsQVV1M2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZGFLX3d2QU5BSmppaXhLMEY0a3JzZVNFVGl3MHpya25FVW5pR0czZWZGWWdVbVQ0QzBPZ3p5TXZuN2hUd0dYV193RmdDekhyOWpka1BYUTlwa0JXRUJlaEpDVUFUd21FUlVObm40cTctZFJTcHJEaWhacENIQklQN0lfbFJ3OTNGWGEzSmJfNkJ6QUV0ckNOWmFIQWVSSWNwODRYakR0SHVFR3YwV2p2M3haRUNvY2VIN0ZsZ2hUd3pjZmE3YXJz |
I recently moved to a townhouse with an FTTP connection, and the NBN box is located in the garage. I’m on a 750 Mbps plan and purchased a new TP-Link AX1500 router to support that speed.
The problem is that while I get 100 Mbps downstairs, the speed drops to 7 Mbps upstairs, which is far too slow. Since all three household members work from home and have their office setups upstairs, we end up relying on mobile hotspots instead of Wi-Fi.
Could you please advise whether I should get a Wi-Fi extender (recommendations are welcome) or if it’s possible to move the router inside the home to avoid needing an extender? I’m also open to other options. | r/nbn | post | r/nbn | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYmJpYUFwSUtmN0xEd2Rrd010N29XbVBPNmpudkNERWV3cXNYcTBSMjh3RFl0N0FoQlFQeXN6Mi02NUM3LXR5RFRzQzFXZnpTQVNXSzBqT0k5bm9JeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dG4tY2RYWThoc0pFb1lfSzhZdG94anVEQjRoQk5hbUpDUy1iRUtTWVlKUVdaR25oXzZYbXNtWmFDWExJMm1ObUZiYXRHQkJyd3FRa3Z0dGY0NHFGVDlMMUVXNHBNM0hNQzM2V2dzNzFNb0dxTzlvNVBQYWd6d3U1c1JoRHE5WC00VGNXZVJlUEh4YVp1ZE53UkxKd2d3PT0= |
This goes without saying, but everyone needs to be reporting these accounts. Their actions as of right now are to go to low pop area's and farm the mobs that have low drop rates for big items or they are stacking 2-3 of them on one party and leveling all at the same time.
From my friend and I's perspective on the Alliance side, they are creating a large amount of nightelves and human characters since they are the 2 races that are being created the least. I personally have seen 3 groups of 3 and a group of 2 mages that were all in elwyn forest or westfall that were leveling and stacked directly ontop of eachother and engaging the same target at the exact same time multiple times. My friend just ran into a group of 5 that was being lead by whoever was controlling all the bot accounts in Darkshore as soon as they saw my friend following them they immediately hearthed all at the same time and were all hunters with chinese names and their boars just spelled boar in Chinese.
Be aware of the bots that are already invading the server. | r/wowhardcore | post | r/wowhardcore | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aanc1N2h1anBZU0NsR3dlWnVmc0c2ZlJjYU5udTJrR2dZbHl1Z3FuQU5GblA2a0U4U1RZd0FlSHJZWHI2Y2FjdXF1VVdjVkk3TUN1dEJQTk1JM2Z0bFhZYlVuNXVTbENOR194X1ZQeXVmZzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91N01yc2VKUm5ndEtXbUFSWFFkRzlxdHl0dWotZFdRc2c5ZjNtMWZQVG8yREljSDNJdWRKYWNTZk1vbmJBUGl4OVR1cEJQUEljemxQdnk3VEJoY0Z2S1QxeWJGVHlYcV9CRXVmOWV6YnJlVHNmX05KODdYOUpkWXcxUUtnUm9iUkg0bDcyV1U2NUtMVDRJdmYwcXJRRnBWTzZMR0NPTzJqbHJENWJhaEphcUNoVVJiRERUQS15YjREZ3l0MGl1d0hN |
I’ve searched for these for so long but I cannot find them | r/acnhcustomdesigns | post | r/ACNHCustomDesigns | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQjB2NDI3QXlRSzVOQUNxUjRxa0VFYjl3V2wtYmJWcnR0bkxfRnVwWXRUVHFvSVJsMlNEM0ZMV0hqa1ozVkxWVFpkb3NhbHJ6aHdla0IxbDM1Y2hJdmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dExhdXhIb250Q3BrZGdqelYwX2d0dkV4dWlaVXczcFpmR1EyUzhEODY0X0ZtSW1PVDJ0TWVMM3A4eEtpdVVlSkNnNEdVODY0UjZGWnd6LUZlTjNGbnZmbEpGNjNETmgtMXVFWVN1RlFxUWRoUWcwb2w3eHQ3c2JxY1JsZjh0anlkSDRkQnZVNDZlZGMwNUx2c01qZXV5NHBST0xxai15LWVGU1NycDd4bjZEdUk0M0V2ZFYwT1ZTelVXdUdIcktF |
I bought dumpling pastry in a package, but all are sticking together. Is this normal? How can I take them apart and use them? | r/dumplings | post | r/Dumplings | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWkNaYmpTRzNCdWdGbFZRZ004ejdvMGctM2F2cXY0TWliNkZYbjZXQ1hkSDBnVXRya3l6MFlWcWRPOFFldGNPell1QnBRRHBwdU1Ed3FPTFFXWVYzZXFNYmY4X3BGTno5NmdiN3JUZ21EZU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dkRwS3NMOE9ra0ZYTThKWHRNQzdEWFlveC01NkhzdFVjUWJ0VzFFajlPX3ExRkZod0VZRTAtYnFFdWh4blIzaEZMOWR6UUlmZkx5SE9fdUtEZ2V4cUZCY056UDcwRWV1N0ZlU2NZdlZDRDRuQjFlSGhQMXJqMHVCNldJS1d6Y3FrczIyMk1LTmxaLTJMcUhRWVpudU5fUWl0MmlJYTRtMGVDMHo2TlpsTGxRSmZVS3dTYkNSNmIyZnUxc0U4WktC |
I see a lot of discussion on here of inaccurate in-game values, and of the item being mad expensive. And then one time I got an offer to trade mine for 30k so idk how fair that is cos the game lists it as 10k. So what the hell is the actual worth?
PS: While the jokes of “3 pinecones” and all are funny in isolation, please don’t overdo them and leave some actual answers. Thanks in advance! | r/arcaneodyssey | post | r/ArcaneOdyssey | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQktkQmdFd3pQa3FNdWRjUEg4ZVY2ZEVqYXNQYkw3bXJQSm5oRlFWcDdKWENJR0otOEFsQmhyV25lYzhVRURKN2hla2szVEVsTjBxVVFEMGFnVm1IZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SzNZV0tpMDVnaHNJb1hzakJCMzJUYVctWTU5dWpfZUpaTURqdjBsWWJNXzI1Tm1YMWFGVWV0cm9fMG9MekNKODdDZC04aFVaSjFtVDMtM3FLakVzVWZhbHJWbkhyTU13OGM3aEJOaVRXbFJ6czZldDk5YlZXU2dEQUF6VnBTZHB0SUVleVJRRlZQdjRpcEpMUGc0SGx4UURCY1dKc1psZWlIYmRSVFlNazROanpqZmc1d1NwOHFCVnZmbzRoV3J4TnlwSTMyQlFZeDEzWlVRNHZKVHFTUT09 |
Do prior offenses in the game play any role in how we deal with NPCs? For example, do they provide more probable cause for actions like searches, or will we be penalized for acting on priors without current evidence? | r/policesimulator | post | r/PoliceSimulator | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aLVBsbkNZUE1JdDNhYV9GSUNQMmI1M29XQkt1NjM0UURyRzZyODNyWTE4VndsaWV5enh4UlVHYVpkYXMtaDVVZmY2TzRxVnFsT2xWdWU4dmVWVGotbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91LV9Qam1ZaW0tLThOU0tGck5QNHVjTmt1akZULWpjbUxheHFlZENxQ0pucFQ4VXVKd1hvQjI5aDVrN0QyX3FfSmoyUTgxcXZqM2xRME1HenUzYm93SHB3MjdwdTBLdEFrNHRuVVBQMkx5TGxvanc4QjJYcE1pOWtBOW1IQ2g2QmZoLUI4SzRZTDJ6cjUtLUgwSUdLZFE1MURIYWFWam9DekwwdEVYdThWT2prTmxfajFHRXdUWVczcFc1NTVNVm04 |
I've been getting an average of Bs and I'm afraid of getting low grades like Cs and Ds. I'm not saying they are bad, I'm just afraid they will affect my ability to get a job and earn enough money to support my family.
Also, what would happen if I fail a mod? Can I just retake the mod again next sem? | r/nus | post | r/nus | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWDdtYXZSME5yUkdpeGI3TWQ5YW9ScGhTUVpUeDJCZDVtZ3l5aXZvZkhrdDNuTHhDMmxIWEV2cjZVbHBCQTBYT0lXeGFuT0V6NWd0c3dNa09RRS1pQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91T3ctLUNydEJfcy1TTDEtZW5VLXMzcEwwdlcyRmktaWlYdWI0Ulh0dGxEWnpTMkxBOVVGLXFkTlp0cXQ2NHhzNnZ5SzNmWWdjUS1QbmlDSjRUUEphN3JtXzZzeTJhS3U4RzJCcm9uSnAzRWtyNUV6RUIyek5IU1ByeGRLT0FnSkp6bUFoQlFOREwzWWpkcUxwb3dUbE15akV1c2FjcEcyRGNmSmF4TF80bElzazRKanYwelJOTV9CZDZlZDJhM05E |
I’ve done the FA and flow rate calibrations. I can’t for the love of god get this retraction test without crazy amount of stringing.
I’ve dried the filament and also printed it in an active dry box so I know it’s not a wet filament issue. I’m printing it at 250 degrees as per manufacturer recommendations.
The filament is sunlu petg translucent.
Any ideas on settings?
| r/bambulab_community | post | r/BambuLab_Community | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adjBFdXo1NC1yMW5KMTVDemQ3T20ydExLaGdkUUtYMFJZU3pxdW9vVnYydkl6amJ3bWF1elB3ZEdubFNxVjEtLTZFNExkMUNacWcwREN6OWdxMTB5OVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91OEJ4NlV6djQzTG14cVJkcm1QRHcyTF9NUnVMVUI5RmZrbS0wb21XMzBaNGZPVEVlaGl6dWZaYTF2a3VBdG5iRzdxSDNpbFdETFE0NGd2T2ZIOHlZdHVGNjVOX0ZIRWp6R0ZjNWJhUUQ3anJWUWExdjEyXzNmd1c0YVdUN1poSDBTbUNDcV9vcjZEX2xWQXpPZ2tGbnVhcGdEZFJVRWNkTDJsdmo0VTN2dG1JPQ== |
I've been using IFTTT with Octopus to switch on Immersion heaters when electricity is cheaper than gas. However in the last few months the apps just switch off. I raised this with IFTTT who said it was a problem with Octopus. Octopus are unaware of any issues.
Has anyone else had this issue? | r/octopusenergy | post | r/OctopusEnergy | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aN2w3SjFrRzNUUDFKWk9haXItbVJSTEJsY1V3NHpINmFmOWF6NEFCWDhoVHkzM0YzcG1aOWs5Yy05MURSaWNqYVEyemlfbHpyMzZoaWNDbWJSajNUT1pRU2lRQWg3bWh5aXlUcmM2RHRkR0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bFN4ZmVGS3p2VFFIYS1NdDdWeWI1MmRKZnlib0lPTjBQSFB0MXkzazBRQi1fanNwR3hoU01EOTYtUjFkVnN3dlZTUmlFZGdnWG9OUE56ZWhRamFfcXpuRTh5VldOLXB5U2t0MGItZVJUMUtVY3NzR3hwcmxobDJKLUl3VHpSUGRSN05kejJ5b190dFRoMGVRNURBTWRINnA4WENfQzhQVElQcHQwd2prXzhOZWc1eVZEZGZUSFZUMUlHeWE3bC1F |
My partner's little sister who is 11 has asked for me to buy her copies of this.
I'm sure it's absolutely fine but her mother is incredibly strict (highly religious level strict) so I just need to know that there's no sexual activity if possible? It's fine for 11 year olds?
I'm chill but I don't want to get screamed at by her mum.
Thank you x | r/truebeautywebtoon | post | r/TrueBeautyWebtoon | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abmlHbEx2Yl9LV1IyTm9aT0E1TzhzdkxHRTN6djVqY3A5ZFV1bFJzUEMyUGJLMHZGenJ1VFJLU0xDSUZZVjRJYzdGSkYxeGs3NFBUa05xaGNMU1RjeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MGFVZ0YzTFpMMWZBTjBTVUdtbGo2WHhEQkxCQTZHSnZLWlhjMnJWOE1IYWstNEN5UlZJelRkZkVaQkxDeXNhSHpMa1I3SkM2emw5TjhDdFhSNzhwS0RZRHc2UmZ5dGhOTUVCNDJJTmZrWFRsbXdEenQzOU9VNFgxemJWSFdyS255Q3h1VUFtX0lfcGJXX2pMZHhVZWk1QkltZDN0SFNWaXFNeWpheDhPVjVEQlU2WVlXYjMyRWJDNFI1aGoycmNm |
seems if your last save prior to the update was in the hive, that save file is now useless | r/bugfables | post | r/BugFables | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adnhEYkV0UmJZSWFsSzY1Z1ItTmJMSkhaRkZGSlpZaUlsTGlGNHRkM1ZhVnNGa1ZyaWVwMUk3Q1Uza1FUY0pRWnROdDVtckJWQUZPemNDQjJLRjFuQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Umdpa1RGQkpKNHBNS0NXdllCOXI0VFJzN3piVlgya2ZCYmkydWZNNm5kRDRBLTRBRmZLakNuUEY5amc4dXlvMS00VjFxUUVlWTI1YmdEcDh1am4tYjJyWE5rVnEycnZnY2gtWVRTTlpYVG0wanl4Z2pNT09hUl9DSHlxZjZEUHkyU1R3RnhHNm5MQ2x3UEM1SlNOOFJLaDloeW82WDdkN0d3dG1HcXVWbUswaVk0UnNOMFlPLUlzVGZVcVFLNmR5 |
When we write function parameters and return types as interface{} and let say I am writing add function for that.
And when I use that function
res := add(1, 2)
res + 1
Go will thow compile error saying can't use + operator with type interface {} and implementation will contain switch or if statements with assertions for parameters type
Fine till here.
But when I use generic in that add function
func add[T] (a, b T) T{
return a+b
then it will not throw compile error on doing
res + 1
So what I know is generics helps you let Go know what are the types of parameters you're passing in function accordingly it may know the return type and that's why you can do res +1
So do I just need to remember that generic behaves this way? Or there is any other reasoning too, to know why generics behave this way?
PS: Please correct if I went wrong somewhere. | r/golang | post | r/golang | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aalhGYnl5Q0NVV0pIWmN0d0xNWFo5QnRudWdhX3BrcWVLblN2eWdiWEJLVTJQV3JFdVpvc1FwWE5ZckZtMHBhMkJGTnZfaThuWTRJLUJfZWk4SnN1S3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91eVVuSFZIdjBwX0JoRmtiSWRhaFZvOFpzSHJaWjBnZEQ4UnpwZm1ENTBZSkQybGdfZGNCOEtfNWk1R3hGVkJ6dHRaa25Lb1pfNXVOUnB4UVFudGllbUpET2YzQXNoZmhjNTJOanBSYV9kMWRvWlVJRjZkWGdHa3o5X2RubktzaVd2WkxKMS1EN19LcHFjS3NVWVowcEVPZ2ZRbU9TSlJNVUdnVVRqeEp5U2ZnPQ== |
Global exclusive?!?!?!
This is for those who knowls
Still water 💦 👹👿👽
Mangoango 🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭 | r/houkai3rd | post | r/houkai3rd | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adXdtcXhVWmFzbUNhZjlGRG84UjJWV0t0SmxGTFdqV1VnQXpQOXY4UWVDYW5ZdFNzQ2gyZGdIYVlHYnNKNlVJcWlxcUZXSVEwY2pNU0gtd1hUaDF4U1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZHhPZlhfY0pPQVZRNVdab1hJNW56TzNPRENoOFp4LU9yb0xMbnMzUVJMdVAzdVBKOXVtY01KZzRiamhhS2lrNTJzd3lPaVIwdHFRLTBRM0hZcUdIVmUwS2d5NkVzMTd2bzlNV2I4UHlZcURBSTBmTElwYjZVT3d4QU4waGxfNjFjQXh6YnJOQUZiMmI0bEttMXFGdzRLd19XY1BUVTExOGNMY2E0c2prTWVvPQ== |
Well first from what I've seen we'll get new units: With the Christmas and Everlasting units certained to be in this update.
So saving up medal would probably be a good choice as more units are about to arrive, But then what will be added?
I think they might bring back events but I'm unsure, What else do you guys think it will be added? | r/metalslugattack | post | r/MetalSlugAttack | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZnUwTURJVU84eGNGMU5CUEhYZnlCWm9mM0dzLVZaR2xyeEdhWXdwRkdDZjVCYU11V0NXMmFMRHlEblFJMlhmM1M3MmtWMkhtb29sSjZoOEdBMmYtMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZlhZdFpSX1dEcG5ET0MxMHVxSWxlcFJENm9wbU4ya2poLUNtcloxNk5nX2haRkM1SWd5QU9IcFVPbUVydDQ4eE9yWUQ1WUhyeG1tVXNoZGtyN19jdHUzdFRIQ0JLckgxMk4zY3BvTGx6TUdMWU5RN0JEUFpsOGNKMEV4Zy1SVEdqTEdqWGs5TTVPYjZmUExCdncybXUwOHRLbGwwUFdnUjRmbENTTThxRE9hUEhDcGdoMS15aDBIclhsX1JMSUhPNGJFVzFreEF2dWs2OXNqb2FHUG5vQT09 |
Search loadedonlyfans or gateload on Tel egram.
Starting from 25 for 150 balance, and more (1200 max).
Never suspend.
tags: onlyfans accounts, onlyfans balance. | r/openseanft | post | r/OpenSeaNFT | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYmlzd3VOTnBuTXBXTnUxVklDTHdyelItNVA5ZmptVndIalgzZ0VyZ1YzNk9YYVNHZXVNaDF5R25jejhuR2FEU1ppZlJsbG1FaXNya2c0TnBsYVVlX3NJU00wR0R1djJBbElNZ1NSVFpUS3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91YWxESE1jbjB3YThQWnc2ODZoRUFER01HWVF5S3A1MlktQnFibUw1UEI3VFI4bUtXcENxbGZuTmp3NEo3ZkVsckREbmJKWkt2NlJYTXlDNHhETTJQclJrekl4c0NUYzdfdFI0XzRfaFAta1MtN01NcUVYTkZfMTg4bktybThRQTltT3U0SlpoQTl4X2tycEhoX2NiRDNnVUlGLUFBYzN1cEdoNGg0T3Q0S0g5dk9ONlpEbTAwTDR0MXY1T2VxMUtmNFpxZXU4N3F4dnMteWVZZHNpdkVUUT09 |
Wake up fuckers it's Game Day!!!
Let's start cleaning house by sweeping the Patriots first! Shall our defense feast on the atrocious O-line and eat sacks all day. I want Tua to go for 300yds, 3tds again and we also ground pound them for another 150 yards.
Let's keep the 8 minute drive train going!
Fuck the Jets, Fuck the Bills and Fuck the Pats, but most importantly Fuck the Jets!!!!
Let's take one game at a time all the way to the playoffs!
Miami has the Dolphins! | r/miamidolphins | post | r/miamidolphins | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aa1ZvY0FBUzY3RENRWHNOSWdQNUU5X0kzblB6RmNCdWVLZGpLMnAtRGhaU21EUG54WVJlRlAwNGIwd3EzaGhrMUFpamtna3ZaejM1TFljbjl2TnZNSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91YUEyUWZjVVJZei1SZHJvUE82WW9DbVJVYWoxODN4V2R4Q1J6TzhPTlpxRXJiWmwwNG1BWlE4a1ZjeDE3dUlBaW9zd0pBcV92cDhxYW5fdEpnOVltcUlLWjN1ZHE1VmV4dGFhN2NidXgtN3UyYkNzZWVYZXRNWlVhdW1aNmhmZ1paeW1qeG5FWUF6NHlPa19hX0FWdHFPdVNNNnhnWDQxRUNGQVhrcHJBd3B5M1BndlZzZnFoVHdreDBNYUhyek1O |
Hey all, i have Logitech g923 + shifter and right now im playing ets2 on my computer, sadly my computer is not the best so im having loads of fps drops which is really annoying... :(
Anyway, i dont want to sell my wheel because i really enjoy and love it, so i saw at my local shop that they sell gt7 for 45$ because of black friday...
Im thinking about getting it, i know its not similar to ets2 by any means but i was hoping you guys can lead me and tell me whats the game is about, I've never played any gt games so i have no clue ..
Is the game have open world like forza horizon?
What do I do in the game? Only racing against AI? There is an online option? (If yes is the online active on ps5 and its easy to find games?) Is the game cross platform?
Is the game runs 60 fps on the ps5?
Does the g923 have full support with shifter and stuff?
Thanks alot! Im writing through my phone so im sorry if the post is not organized
Thanks alot! | r/granturismo | post | r/granturismo | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZEJGTjAxN2RmWXlqZGIwZFo3RlRnUzNNc2ZYcHRyUzVNdzkxVVR4Ui01OGhiaGhrR3laa3NNcWY5U3JkZWR3Y29zT1RCQ3d4M0ppcW11SGdVd1FKeXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TzhTUm5KaVc4OTVQajdjLTU3dk1MWWMtWE5ocmV0R0w3dVhoVUFqb2N3WXBsalUzajB0Y2dxbEcyQ0dRMkE4WHZpejdZdjEtYlEzMFdhV3NMUS1zT0M1LUVqb0xLQTNxR3VLcXk2SXYxRktFUXhoTU4wTm5GbjZUXzgwS1dWNkFjVEREZzVIRU5xck8xVTA1R0l1V0c2VHI5eW5tQlR6R19NNE85N0xhUlF4d2lqTHlZRng4UG9SY0xHY1BYVVdIY3dKenZVTnZuaFY1UDQzNmdpZ3FKQT09 |
im bored.
if you want you can mix some like say "Isometric/Horror" or "Exploration/2D" kinda | r/indiangamers | post | r/Indiangamers | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aVmxXNEgtN21CckhGOWhUblhUUVc4RTk5RG5UV3dfcVlfZnN0TkN2YWcyTGpMOHRDZEd2eEFqaEZnbjhUaHVJdEpJdjNSNnVJcG1NREFXUzV2TURrVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91T1o4TkpCSUUwZURKc0c4Q3hNclJHVDR0ZG1WN2lod2RvWENjNXBSUk1sckdQZ3pXMXg3amJnVGtZWXEwTjR5X1hIYUdOTWNwNWF0Uy1fRXRRMm1TdzBaWE1DMGthOWNrd2FCREFpVEdVQlZvcm1FTy16UnVNT2tHSVlmS1VRM1dxakZiSXBrcFdVNEZyVUljV3dLSW8wdW0zZnJ1ajA3Rk1CZEE4NWllNGY1bnJacWFTYXJaRlhkVW1LZmRNSW5saXRicS1uLVNpaXE4dU5mS0tJSlJBUT09 |
Got a score of 776!
Really thought I had failed before the test ended! This was after going through a gruelling morning yesterday (weatherwise), before getting to the test centre.
And then got stumped by 3 PBQs in the beginning of the exam! Glad I could flag them and review them later on once I regained my composure and managed to then go through the questions again and get what I (eventually) needed to pass.
Used Prof Messer's Videos & the practice tests from Dion Training Academy, to prepare. Did not prepare for any PBQs, but would highly recommend others taking the test to do so. Thankfully I do have some IT knowledge through my studies, so used that + logic to get past the above.
To anyone scared of going for this - prepare, revise, rest, hydrate, and don't doubt your ability to get past this :)
I really did doubt my ability & knowledge when the test began, considering the fact that I am a professional overthinker, but managed to trust in myself and my ability, and did the best I could, irrespective of the outcome :)
Best of luck to all of you preparing for this, or are taking this exam!
| r/comptia | post | r/CompTIA | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aTkF2MWN3QlU1MTYteFNkbmcxYnBWQmpEZG91OXRXU1hhRUUta044WTJkbEw4eTVCMnQxWkxXc0pmckY3QmxnbHE4TkRMZzN2c1h6al9pS2JBbWFIOEcxY09Jci1wTno5VU5sVkNhMEF0UDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91c05QQWFYUlN1dFc0NHdjLWFUb3Joc1RpcERrcGw4OVRTeHhKX2VTQWE4RjExbWtIbkdtWDIwblRnOUxoZldQT05Rb1dQbDMzdC0wZVIwQTVkNmhnWGRvNVdlX2JKNEFUa25yRWhoMU9QX3dpQWhqeWpoQVUwNUFleEdqUzJyVy1zOWRfSHl5NEdKMzdaRzZQNlNUWGtfdy11NDR5ZGc1MVp3VG5iVHNlenRmLWx0MEE0UFFWTEJjS2piT19TY1Ju |
I've been searching for lantern moth to unlock mine level 20 (and general store quest) for so many hours, basically I was at the mine every in-game day... People suggested using elevator and jump between level 10 and 15 and I did. I also cracked all rocks and barrels near all light sources but still couldn't find any. I remember I got one pretty early in game and donated to museum, probably in Sping. Right now my game season is Fall. I wonder if these lantern months do spawn in Fall.... Any tips? | r/fieldsofmistriagame | post | r/FieldsOfMistriaGame | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aang3MDJ0X21mU0FINURrMURqZEZyd0laeE9aWE83RHZDSGRVUWtIWVRCNDA2QXJOSFlSZkFIakMyTGNRV0YxRDlsRk9HTjFpSEZOVHczN2RkeWdKUDZQaVppbmdveEFwdGhjRmoxNm1ycE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UlBXTC1HSEhZSjRTclFQVXhOMnNVdFp4blA5azJZQ21tQlpCVFJWNUpHTDJ2c1ROeXpIaVdhRW9wVnRWUFlGMmp0QlE2NEhackF4dnhxU0tza3c1WndFZzJoMDRYemE0ekRIckdRTGkyX0JpYnJHelN0RTNmcHd3UHFzVDNFSVJKWHllZ29VT0ZleTNZQ0ljS1JTRkJEYjBpc3VQSWxjaDRWZ1g4UTdOeHBjcnZWUUd3eE9oT19Zd0VjcHV3dVpySHpQM3Zhb20xbjdsNDBxal9WamZzQT09 |
As the paint was completely ducked, I decided to strip it. Never done that before but I’m happy with the result.
Stepped it, used 320 and 400 sandpaper, applied gun blue and varnish.
It’s not perfect but also didn’t expect it to be.
It will be a build for my pops so 1x9 with an old shimano xt, LX crank with a wolf tooth chainring, origin8 quill stem with sqlab 321 2.0 bars, MKS pedals, Oury grips, and some old Ritchey wheels with Billy bonkers probably. | r/xbiking | post | r/xbiking | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aX3NEOERQQVFlVWdoQ0ZxNEd0SERQbjBKMXdET2tGenpkTzBaNGdXQWdtbnk0b25RelpkbkVRN2dYaXpzV1pKNTZJbVd1c2x2UDIwT1RUN242OHVkcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VHh0SVdMc0hzY1dWZTR6cm03RUJWcGZSa3hCd25jXzFDWVZqUVJONzZQaEROSGV5QjhEYUtKS2NZMUQzRGRFdFFFRFRlUURVOXlUVkpKR0VfZXpuZ042NmdLdEhidHN1ODZncEFBdVdGZHpTZmpIWTlQTE5WNElQemNrM1VZbW5UcE9IR2g3Smx5UVFvSzJyaHM2NjY4bTVTdEhKME40Vk9hMk01d2JadnJrPQ== |
I’m holding back from making an entire post of these, but it’s so funny to me that these two have so many scenes that are near identical. Luckily this isn’t a spoiler for Veil, just some art lol. | r/unpopularloreolympus | post | r/UnpopularLoreOlympus | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aVDBEU0tUdGVpTzA0U0tCRXNwUG45RGJDZGwybzNncTJNY0sxVy1CSmJMaUhCWktqR0wzUTBHVjNMbnZPd25yMW1FUGd5ZG05bHJwWl9XTVZSSjFnUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NUthVDZnQnB1Z0wtckp1RzV5OHZwSHRZdWw3V3VINk9GTmVFOWVuWFdaQXFIOVFUSEJSdkxGOTlFdnZiUHlzTFVLeXE1cWRTR2N0SG1WZWU1RzJMbTNmSklyeGxaMkZHZU5hSWk5RWIzX2Q5eDBnbnN5MHVqRnE1c2RNMlBSeWZwTVp4ZzhFMUZfc2NaSzlFTF9iVDREVFQ0ZGFJVTRxclE5QXo5LTZjMXZjSm9RckNHVmFTR0RmS0lRODZBU0c0 |
Many of you seem to forget that Russia has brought an incredible amount of suffering to many (mostly even Muslim) peoples. Putin is also not a nice guy because he kisses the Koran and is against the burning of the Koran. This is propaganda, why do you believe it? Putin alone has killed hundreds of thousands of people in Syria and Chechnya and if we look at Russia's history, genocides against Muslims were something of a national sport for them. What is happening in Ukraine right now is also imperialism. So stop supporting a state that would kill you if you are even minimally critical of them | r/askmiddleeast | post | r/AskMiddleEast | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUkMwc2RrdGtjSFM3NFg3TTZIWVhmdDF1OWZjak9ydTJaeUNyTTA3RnlOZ251MC1JR19wdWE1Y3VVNkVxNTc1eHdHa1c5eWNxYjFNYTBhbXBjRmtNdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dzV2NkRPNTR1RlJBVDQzNzdPQThMOFpTSGZvRS1teXJINmN2aXAwZFFLemxiQlRIdWhVQkVYaDFwMllPQUtBZzJjdDZvWk11WE1ibGV6N3BPdTZILVdZOTZQNWsySDBxQjBHSGl5ZktDYjhmeXE0SjVRV2VIck14VVp1UU90OXR4V1RZMjJrS1VTYTZoX2NDU3U1ZXNDajFFNElFOGVfLVVLTE4yd00wR1E0SmVLeDVoejVHTnR3ZzI5Szg3N3V3Y3BQRUllMWdpdC1KT1lUODZJd2UxQT09 |
hi, i'm planning to travel with my family in late march next year (25 to 31 Mar) to taipei and would love to gather some feedback to finetune the below itinerary to ensure it's well-balanced, easy on the pace and elderly friendly.
half the family prefers to just eat and chill and can't walk for too long, while the other half enjoy nature. for general welfare, i'm trimming out places that may require my mom to do even the slightest amount of stair climbing. we will likely commute around by taxi and keep the morning activities optional, as some may not want to wake up for breakfast or go for morning walk. activities in bold are the ones we will be doing together as a family.
DAY 1 (TUE) - flight in
**- dinner: explore ximending**
\- optional / morning: yehliu geopark + jinshan old street (for the active half of the family only)
**- PM: explore tamsui (incl. sunset at fisherman's wharf)**
\- optional / morning: taipei zoo OR cafehopping at daan area (the folks, moonshine coffee)
**- PM: chill at maokong tea houses**
**- dinner: tonghua night market**
\- active half of the family to check out yangmingshan area
\- the chiller half of the family to consider checking out CKS memorial hall, taipei 101 or tianmu area
\- optional / breakfast: liu dong shan beef noodle
**- noon: explore zhongshan (incl. chifeng street)**
**- late afternoon: explore dadaocheng (incl. dihua street)**
**- evening / dinner: dadaocheng pier plaza** (ningxia market as alternative)
\- optional / morning: yonghe soy milk + daan forest park (incl. flower market)
**- noon: explore yongkang street**
**- late afternoon: songshan cultural park**
**- dinner: explore fujin street/minsheng community** (raohe market as alternative)
DAY 7 (MON) - flight out of taipei in late afternoon
\- optional / morning: elephant mountain solo hike + ichiran ramen
will be skipping:
\- national palace museum: went before as a family
\- jiufen / shifen: went before as a family
\- huashan 1914 creative park: went before as a family
\- beitou: family not very interested in hot springs | r/taipei | post | r/Taipei | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUUplLXBvSTNSZXVZVGMzdTZHcUhqRTVRa01hUHlSb2pWM2FtQUI4bzVudHAxR1BlZl8temowWEJjXzR3MS1Ua1pwZ2lJdkhpYVpoNVdCX3NmMDl4NGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bV84UDdRSy0zWnc0QzZDT05pTlg2QTJFTXZMcG1xOGl3QTVCVjd6em9tMnNhbzQ5bFRXQXg3dnkwUm9uSEpBVHJkWGlFMVFYYUc2Q3AxODByUFFBbTNmTVV6dDdydVJYa2NESGxVS1VKVFpjMnhqd194VEw4bTBLNzZMdDFLX3hIZHl4RlFBYUlqMW1VcENTbHdmUmpzLTFnejlBVzBReFVkdnhZRzhKeFgycUZuU0RYY2gzQVZMaDI1cnhra19H |
Hello fellow bad breath sufferers, I discovered a really niche search engine that let's you search more diverse websites and discovered health911.com. It's a very old website, I don't think it's updated anymore. I'll just copy and paste the content from their article about bad breath. They even mention about low stomach acid. Here you go:
"Bad Breath
There are a number of causes of bad breath, foremost among them being bacteria in the mouth, stomach and intestinal disturbances, bowel sluggishness, sinus or throat infections, and tobacco and alcohol use.
• Alcohol consumption causes digestive problems which leads to bad breath. In addition, alcohol dries out the mouth, which reduces saliva production. See below for more information.
• Stress is another cause which may not be readily apparent when you are looking for reasons for bad breath. Stress affects the digestive system. An insufficient supply of digestive enzymes may be another cause.
• Other sources of bad breath are in the nose and the nasopharynx, the area above the base of your tongue.
• Dieting may be a cause of bad breath.
• Since dehydration leads to constipation and digestive problems, it is very beneficial to drink 6-8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Juice, coffee, tea, colas, etc. don't count!
• Bad breath may emanate from the back of the throat due to sinus or tonsil infections resulting in excess bacteria. If you have sinus or throat problems you may well have some form of allergy.
• Bad breath may also be the sign of potentially more serious medical conditions such as diabetes, duodenal ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux, hypoglycemia, kidney or liver malfunction, and respiratory disorders.
• The foods eaten also are a potential cause of halitosis. Certain foods, such as garlic, onions and certain spices are frequently cited as cause for a person's bad breath. Both vegetarians and those who eat large quantities of meat may develop bad breath due, in part, to the digestive process. Digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva has enzymes which begin the digestion process, and the type of food eaten can affect the food chemistry of the mouth. Saliva will also pick up odors from food within several hours after it has been eaten. Odors are strongest from carbohydrates - sugars, starches and cellulose, less strong from proteins, and nonexistent from fats. Bacteria in the mouth react with the decaying food and drink residue and can be the source of the foul odor.
• A milk intolerance often is the cause of bad breath. Eliminate all dairy products and see if they are the culprit.
• The stomach also is an area that causes bad breath problems for many people. Poor digestion, constipation, or bowel disorders may create gas which exits the mouth. Not enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach may cause poor digestion, so undigested food will pass into the intestines, putrefy and give off foul gas which rises up and causes bad breath. This problem is quite common with older people whose body does not produce enough hydrochloric acid naturally to aid the digestion process.
Another common digestive problem is due to the imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. Food won't be digested properly and the result can be acid reflux, yeast overgrowth, or fermentation. One of the byproducts of this problem is bad breath. To correct this imbalance, use a probiotic.
• Diarrhea caused by intestinal parasites is the third leading cause of illness. If you have a number of the following symptoms: gas, diarrhea, chronic constipation, bloating, fatigue, skin rashes, nail biting, mood swings, insomnia, dry skin, brittle hair, hair loss, weight gain, bad breath, and muscle cramping, you should be tested for parasites.
• Dental problems, especially periodontal disease and tooth abscesses, are often the cause of bad breath. These infected areas harbor large quantities of bacteria from the infection and foods eaten which have been allowed to putrefy. Other dental sources are gaps between teeth or crooked teeth, both areas where food can be left to decay. Vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin C and niacin, are the cause of some gum diseases, so follow the supplementation recommendations listed below. Don't chew gum or eat candy, as the sugar can leave a residue that promotes rapid bacterial growth. Each person's body chemistry is different, so what works for somebody may have no effect on somebody else, all due to that person's chemistry. See our gingivitis/periodontal section for more information on dental problems.
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Changes to Make
Ridding yourself of bad breath may be a several step process. By following a step-by-step program you may find the cause of bad breath and be able to eliminate the problem. Try this program over several weeks and see what works for you.
Oral Hygiene
Practicing good oral hygiene is always important, so start here. There are three areas of concern in the mouth: the tongue, teeth, and gums. Brushing your teeth, flossing, and cleaning your gums, followed by rinsing thoroughly, will help minimize the problem by removing the buildup of bacteria. The tongue may be loaded with decaying food particles and bacteria that cause bad breath. Brushing or scraping your tongue first thing in the morning and before bed will help eliminate the problem here. By removing the buildup of decayed material, a major breeding ground for bacteria, you will reduce your plaque as well. The plaque leads to periodontal disease, which, in turn, can lead to heart disease. So this oral hygiene step is very important to your overall health!
• Get your teeth cleaned and any cavities filled. Plaque and cavities are a great breeding ground for the bacteria that cause bad breath.
• Another way to improve your oral hygiene is to use a water pik after breakfast. Put an ounce of hydrogen peroxide in the water.
• Try brushing your gums and tongue with some powdered cloves or myrrh.
• Brush your tongue twice a day with a toothbrush soaked in chlorhexidine (an antibacterial agent).
• Swish water around in your mouth after each meal or snack. This will reduce the food particles or drink residue (primarily sugar) that may lead to your bad breath.
Although mouthwashes will solve some of the immediate problems, you must get at the root of the cause. Mouthwashes in general are only a temporary mask for the problem, and their effects last only half an hour or so. Gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash. Try to find a mouthwash that has as little alcohol as possible, as the alcohol will make the problem worse! Also, frequent use of a mouthwash with more than 25% alcohol has been linked to an increased incidence of oral cancer. For a non-alcoholic mouthwash, use a mixture of 50% hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) and 50% water, and swish it around for 30 seconds and expectorate.
Your saliva is important in the fight against bad breath as it suppresses bacteria that cause it. Anything that reduces the saliva output, such as alcohol, antianxiety drugs, smoking, stress, and medications such as decongestants and diuretics, allows the microorganisms to proliferate.
Eliminating certain types of foods, such as high-fat foods, meat, sugar, exotic spices, and dairy products is the next step in pin-pointing the cause of bad breath. The types of food you eat may be one of the reasons for your bad breath. Acidic foods, for instance, create an environment for bacterial growth. High-fat and high-protein foods may not digest well and give off gas. Some people have a hard time metabolizing meat and dairy products, with the result being bad breath.
Sugary foods are a problem as the bacteria in the back of the throat feed off the sugar.
Garlic, onions and exotic spices (such as curry) are common sources of problems for many people. As these foods are digested certain compounds are transmitted from the blood through the lungs and exhaled for up to 24 hours.
Cheeses, such as blue, Camembert and Roquefort, fish, especially canned tuna and anchovies, and spicy deli meats are often the culprits.
Beverages such as coffee and tea are other possible sources of bad breath. They are both very acidic. Cut back on these and see what happens.
Eat more fruits, especially kiwi, papaya and pineapple, which contain digestive enzymes. Vegetables are very important, too, especially leafy green ones.
Vitamin B A deficiency of B vitamins may be the cause of your bad breath, so try taking 50 mg of niacinimide with each meal, plus a high potency B complex tablet and 50 mg of B6 once a day.
Vitamin C in divided daily doses of 1,000 to 6,000 mg will help rid the body of excess mucus and toxins that may be the cause of bad breath.
Zinc A deficiency in zinc may be another cause; take 30 to 60 mg per day. Don't take more than 15 mg. of zinc for more than a week or ten days without medical supervision as high levels of zinc can interfere with the absorption of copper.
Digestive system
Another step to take is to improve your whole digestive system. By changing your digestion you may well eliminate the cause of your bad breath. A high-fiber diet emphasizing whole grains and fruits and vegetables is essential for optimum digestion. Stay away from high-fat foods. Eating yogurt or acidophilus will help balance your stomach by adding beneficial bacteria which will improve digestion.
There may be three causes of improper functioning of your digestive system.
• First, your system may be lacking in enzymes necessary for proper digestion. This is especially prevalent in older people. To remedy this problem take 2-4 tablets of digestive enzymes with each meal.
• An imbalance of good and bad bacteria in your gut, as mentioned above. Take a probiotic supplement that contains good bacteria like acidophilus and bifidus.
• A second problem may be the lack of enough hydrochloric acid, the production of which declines with age. To remedy this, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal. Another way to get the necessary hydrochloric acid is to take 10 grains of betaine or pepsin tablets before each meal to aid digestion.
Detoxification of your bowels is another important step to take as many health problems are caused by poor bowel functions. For instance, constipation may be the cause of your bad breath. Putrefied food may be stuck in your intestines and give off noxious gas. Many people who are constipated don't drink enough water. For optimum health, drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day.
Another important thing to do is eat plenty of fiber. Eating several servings of yogurt with live cultures will help regain a balanced intestinal flora and get the bowel to function the way it should. This will help the constipation problem and get your intestines working properly. Or, you may not realize specifically that you have a bowel problem, so it is important to cleanse the bowel to eliminate this as a possible source. If you have a tendency to over eat your stomach's digestive enzymes may not be able to complete the digestion process and gas may be emanating from the intestines.
In some cases a deficiency of vitamin B6 is the cause. Since B6 is not plentiful in foods, this deficiency occurs frequently.
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Apple cider vinegar Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar just before each meal. You may want to take it in a glass of water. This will aid your digestion.
Baking soda Brushing your teeth with baking soda (or a paste made with hydrogen peroxide) will help reduce the acidity in your mouth and make a less-friendly environment for the bacteria to grow.
Charcoal Take 5 gm. daily of activated charcoal to cleanse the stomach and intestines. Charcoal absorbs toxins and is a natural purifier.
Hydrogen peroxide The sinuses can become infected and cause bad breath. If this is your problem, the best treatment is using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Use the drugstore variety, which is three percent, dilute it 50% with water and put five to ten drops in each nostril and sniff vigorously. It may burn a little. Do this twice daily and see if it helps. If it doesn't, your sinuses are not the problem.
Water, salt Gargling with salt water will help clean out bacteria, mucus and food particles on your tonsils or the back of your throat that may be causing your bad breath.
Alfalfa tablets may help eliminate bad breath.
Anise Chew anise, cardamom, dill or fennel seeds to help mask odors. Anise, the licorice-flavored seed, kills the bacteria that cause odor.
Chlorophyll Try liquid or chlorophyll tablets which you can buy at your pharmacy. Chlorophyll has a deodorizing effect and is used in a number of products for that purpose.
Cloves Cloves are a powerful antiseptic. Make a tea by putting 3 whole or 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves in 2 cups of hot water, and steep for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour through a fine strainer and use as a mouthwash or gargle twice a day.
Fennel Fennel is another useful herb and can be used in several ways. Slowly chew the leaves and allow the saliva to build up in your mouth. Or, mix the contents of a fennel capsule with baking soda, make into a paste, and brush your teeth, gums and tongue with it. The fluid extract of fennel can be rubbed on your gums and tongue.
Filberts Chew some filberts (hazelnuts) slowly as they will absorb the bad breath.
Herbs Chewing mint, parsley, basil, rosemary, thyme and wintergreen will help mitigate bad breath.
Lemon Suck a lemon wedge sprinkled with salt to stop onion or garlic breath.
Myrrh Dissolving a pea-sized piece of myrrh in your mouth before bed or sucking a small piece of cinnamon bark during the day may help relieve the problem.
• It can be made into a tea. To make the tea add 2 sprigs of coarsely chopped parsley, 3 whole spice cloves, 1 teaspoon of powdered myrrh, and 1/4 teaspoon powdered goldenseal to 1 pint of boiling water. Steep. Stir occasionally while cooling, then strain and use as a mouthwash.
Parsley & mint Chewing parsley or mint leaves has been a remedy used for thousands of years. These herbs are especially good if garlic and onions are the source of your bad breath. Parsley is very high in chlorophyll. Chew a few parsley sprigs dipped in vinegar for immediate relief. If you swallow the leaves after chewing them they will be digested and continue to provide breath freshness for quite a while. These plants seem to reduce the production of intestinal gas by promoting better digestion.
• Natural gum made with spearmint or peppermint essential oils will also be helpful. These oils kill odor- causing bacteria, and the chewing action stimulates the production of saliva which helps combat bad breath.
Sage Chew sage. It contains essential oils with antibacterial properties that help neutralize one of the causes of bad breath.
Spirulina is a very good source of chlorophyll and can be purchased either in capsule or loose form. Start with 500 mg three times a day.
Tea Another tea may be made by steeping 2 sprigs of coarsely chopped parsley, 3 whole cloves, 1 teaspoon of powdered myrrh and 1/4 teaspoon powdered goldenseal in 1 pint of boiling water. Stir occasionally while cooling, strain, and use as a mouthwash. Can also be used for a sore throat. Alfalfa is rich in chlorophyll. Drink alfalfa tea several times a day to keep your breath fresh. To make the tea, put two teaspoons of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water and steep for 10-20 minutes. You may also find alfalfa tablets at an herb or health food store.
• Peppermint or fenugreek are other good herbs to use in a tea to sooth the stomach. They are exhaled through the lungs and help sweeten the breath.
Tea tree oil Tea tree oil, derived from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, contain antiseptic compounds that make it a powerful disinfectant. Try using a toothpaste containing tea tree oil, or put a few drops of tea tree oil on your toothbrush alone, or with your regular toothpaste. It has a strong aromatic flavor." | r/badbreath | post | r/badbreath | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aR2J5Szg1TGkzTUd3ejVubDNvdmNtWWs1cGlEUTJTalllRXhkbUZpV3ZHTWU0NE9xLW5lQXhsNExwWWNRSHBkWUNJYjNieWhNbFhSRFZ1eTRqSUk2d1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91T1hPU2pPM3RFejROTnJtMWNaQTRfZDlUTFZJMHhmTEZuU3FhRjROUTBqanB3RmprNTZRdmpZVlJxdDB0ZFlpdURmMDhiellZN2lYNUs2VWRHTFJzaW5wVWlGdHA5cFgzRkx3OWJjenBSYllER2lsQkJfLXBlc2gyR21Mcm5PUUJnVVZ2dTIzUWZmMDBxSmlTVTAyaGtiaHVNQXZoQ0NzTHlfRGZOR1ZUQ3B6eFBoT2ZEdEZVbTN0ZEROTmI0YkxI |
need 7-8 | r/pokemongoraidinvites | post | r/PokemonGoRaidInvites | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aLWRycXhJdDRab0FxYWJvZGJjTkhCbEZMeDc3UGtlaUgzT0hnUENLYkM3WVQ5cUxUWUlZV01vZExaNVluaFNWZHZIWndqN1Q2RmlnZ2VUelZuS3FGMHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91c3RMMVlvQ2k5THR0NTFmT2pHSVdDYUhCM2doUldaUmFlOUZYek12R2VWd01vNFdLMW9JSVVxSlYyVXBzYXliWGllUkVpZ0FCVDd6WXlyQzgtbDFWQ0k4SHlmY3hZWjcxM0JBUl9lTFRKbzNVVXV2MEVQc2NZN3dCM0NIN0kxbnJ5LTI2Ym5FTW5JWDd3dUhoTmVZVFlZOGRYWVA0UmdwSDl0LWtSdTFnZVI0dkJ1ZVNOVFJ0OWpZd2RSQ202WHZX |
Has anyone gotten any update on their Ace Pro 2 shipping? I ordered mine a month ago, shipping was due 25 days ago and still got 0 (zero) explanation on what's happening, why I didn't get my order. Did anyone get anything at all? | r/insta360 | post | r/Insta360 | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abS1lX0xlNF9wQk9VYXNIMzduMkNnN3ZRc2U5ek5qNmx4dnVKRGxFaTQ2Z1VVQkpmWWFPRi1TNTBRczd6czFNRXExWDVXeHViTlBNRlZHOEQ4Tml5T0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZTE0OTNrZzJLRFlmSVdULTNGMXl2eHRaMUUxYnd4ZWdSOG03S04wNGNFSXZtNzVMYUhnSXR1Ri1uUnZpSlprNExoVHBUN1p5eVU2WDM4QndFNEhOUTRvRE9rWllkRkZ3YUN2ZmZhSGRQbEZhaXNKUmRKcjNEY3FiTGV6aU14TE1TdXVsdFJabE9MYWJpSnQwSHpuZ2Q2MVZlSjBsekh2OHVkb2t3NTQwenJXZzdXam9kYUo3M1hoY3ZxQzJSLV9u |
Hi all, l'm looking for a few tips for how to create a good kitchen as it's our first time. We went to Wren as a starter to get a render but they've missed some things like:
Heating - no space given for radiators
The triangle, we'd be dodging an island, kids and pets to get hot water from the hob to the sink on the other side
From the screenshots I've given, what tips / advice would you give us first timers? We also have a dining room connected to the kitchen thatll have the fridge / pantry / dining table (but open to change)
Thanks in advance and I really appreciate your honest feedback! | r/homeimprovementuk | post | r/HomeImprovementUK | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYTk2eG95a3JsYmNLRmw4WW50OVVZd1RBTGhpNjhKSnJpMERUS3BCQnh4MjMwVlp1Q0VFZmQ0R0h6SDhjZ0k2VHFDWDJGdlFIalhUUWJoWGlYVFl1V0tEaVZYZWE5Z245Z1hOeVpCSGlFMVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SnVENnhIejlBUktKR3FXRzBaSkx5OTBrV0xKLTV1UU9hZG1NMjdpNlppN3lYOTFNcGhFMnlvOW5rSThyVGp3algyZjhVSlhhNDNFb3hwY1Mzd1lKZTgzM3dZcGRSNWFLaWluM3cxSGNHZUotbHdaOXJYOEhZbDZGVlB1elAzWF9yeGFhT1o4VmhzS3NCNmdVYzVzdXhJVEJNUUp1MnhqMl93MWs4dy1zaWp6SW5qazh5Vlg4WWdDdUJsZ0xMME5XR3FVTWFqTldqQlJsclRoUmROX08xdz09 |
Moved into a new house and these had both already been planted. Google says one is a Yew and the other is a Western Red Cedar. What are the benefits to keeping these?
If anyone can help to confirm this and help me identify these then that would be greatly appreciated. | r/gardeninguk | post | r/GardeningUK | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abGJVUWRoRUVFbm5zd0VVV29kVlFVazNULVhITUM0S1dyN2dieVg3cFFxbW5SRlpEMG1iNjlOWDhPYU1UcHdScHpSUVYtTTA4X2tUUlVudlVfVVIzY2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91cXFENEhWUjg5bG4ya0VTOUI2NUNiRW0xdHNIX0ljeWlaOG1nZElkaXVUTUpUX0xxZUNzN0dlSGs4TU5pQlg4VG5DcTJwN2RHY2hrNnZyX3pxWTA2S0N2WUJQM20xNTRGcGowenRkTzc5bEZUOEQzQkFyYVlVck03ZTRjcGFMVWRIWHdNMXNGMHFaVTN5b0dtbUk2TkpBPT0= |
3/5 Rukia - Full Stamina SP
Booster boost
Team Party Buffs
Full builds shown at the end | r/bleachbravesouls | post | r/BleachBraveSouls | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUnJuWWljcG5sY2ZZdzBjVU43QW00RjgtZmVybnJtR1VDTmVmOFJXQ2dKM2xVOExxdTA5aXhOYW9Ib2s1cVFNMmdOajYxU0tGeVoyTmx2TWFNVDFyN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MnVibUgzWWI1OWl3NGxhOUZXeXdWclI0U21UUzZzWFBKb2pkVU94b250Q3VhZGhXbE1tNHh3bktJTG5VaW5xMnZXalVJanNrNmFPME5NR2VyTDhvZmsxZmdFWlYzOWRKNC1Mek0zQnJGNHdLTDZNV3h0N3luUGFmeHUtajUwdXYtVnJLYUlaWkxwZ2RNbXRRNmt1V05zQ3lhNmpsNm5TNGFxekFBRVJYcDRwTEZYLTZMeFlZVXRZUjU1QjlYcTJTV0JWVTA3aXhIOWsxSGVJLXJHRDJOUT09 |
Tem um vídeo que ele fala que é casado e tals, mas eu não acredito que alguém do naipe dele em game design iria se contentar com uma esposa humana, por isso acho que ele se casou com um daqueles jogos de 3ds e tem vergonha de admitir. | r/andreyoung | post | r/andreyoung | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aM040VVp4dTlXcGdkS1o5YjZYVnhVQWdNdlp5MENVS0YzNllsUVJoWTg1dUNLTU0wWnFqRjhVR1k1V3RyRWdVN1dGVWp6V1FqcVZkS0s1MDdBdVQ2U0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91cVplNEo2emROZy1FZlZUQ3pXM2FWb1VQYjhNbXBiQ0tWb3lxQkZwUldtRWtibnV2ZlNtc2ZBN0p6Nm41MUUwTldFV01OalE0WEhtZlFyMzRIRllCa0lEOW1oWkE2WHV4YXdNNnZ0am5YN1pkYkFsdG16by1SRXhKWDdtTVRDLXhLaW83UVpVR0hSV1lGRjVvNm14bk1UbXJoRmNhWlJheTY2RUxvR0Z3czJxcjdEM0hpbE9wTHVNZFdQUmNrTGJ0dHZsMkNTRUxJVkI3cXAzOWdmZmJQQT09 |
My bottom step has a gap between the top and bottom bricks. The bottom bricks are loose and I can wiggle them a bit.
How can I address this and prevent further deterioration? I imagine that I will need to shim the gap with something so that the top bricks can be supported evenly. And then fill with mortar.
But the gap is pretty thin, I don’t know what I can fit in there. And not sure how I can distribute mortar into there evenly.
Thanks! | r/masonry | post | r/masonry | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZUluY2loOWtic1ppcDNLS3ZUYV8xMHI0NGdpTFBBS0hmVVFkUjRIZ3FxQUVPTnVhQnFKOHU1czJLMmhDOHFyU3RsdGQtS25Zb2ItMEl0cGpyMnY2cVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WTFacHBlbXVWX3lkd09zM3AyUjBSc0ZQSDVTMGQ5U0RPQUlxcjVGdHkzLWhOTE43dE1PanpBUUxVMFFWYzNQWVZyeUZsZHp0dXhKRldHa0FvaS1mQnE3YjhuLWQwRkYwTmZza3FEZXl1dWJXNk1SRG40RTFvbENEMFk5VVJhdDRaRVJDNmRuSDJKRXNySWNCb0ZHbVhPekk1RldYWFMtR2o0Ny1WbXRQRl9nPQ== |
is it normal for 850 dashes to start falling apart? well my car was abandoned in the son for years so tahts to blame but the right side of the dash is starting to detach from the fire wall. any easy way to prevent that from happening like super glue or silicone maybe? is it even possible to save it or do i need a new dash? | r/volvo850 | post | r/Volvo850 | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aLUx3ZmxiN0V2WHcxVTdtUDk3dUdfa1pHRlZBVks5NWVqeUdQVjM5LVRZUG41cGJITG1iQmJHV0hld0ttenpHcllrVkpxRzQ5TE8xTlhmcVd5Z3E2U3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91cTdKbHVvMzZINkN5Q010SGlDVHp6MDNkTC1PVWhkN05OdmRNbVpWWktpbGNmbUZWd2ZjMDlrWWN5WktVRG1Xc05DNXhLZUEwZDdZTktTUHpnajdMLWg3bU1tclZGUlZqR3BtcnBtUnhNX1F4aEQ5b1ZYRlV6MnBiUG5fSHlxVWZ0QkdVemdFXzczeDl2cHBqOTh6dndaejlfdlA4Ui1sU0duTVRIOVhCRkxRPQ== |
Hello ! Can anyone help me identify this 7string BC-rich ? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Also what is the approximate worth of it ?
Thank you | r/bcrich | post | r/BCRich | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aOEtRdUtlaW43OUxQeGZUaWxjNHJ2NGxFMTU1dEU3bnVjYklPS1pfeXpnendIcFJRRmFZTWI5bVRORngtVlA1UjYtZU80elpubHN4TmNhOWFYZW5LRnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91U2x5X09ZeWZSMHV1U05WbnBtdE52TUQtMVM5SUdDdFRfTmlIZ25NR2xnV3BKUVRUdS1JRzVTQjBwMkVWRWZ3U21UczhLRFo5UjY5c3VWODQ3djhTdmd1eWZ6VmNKZlZFQUQtV1dUUXNiVllKc0RZOVZOM3lVajc5TnhRMG5rWjc0Y1pYdnFKSUtWeUNHVmRrdVhQWS0xOXZEejhxSGhDaVZwLVRxekRITFU0PQ== |
Intel i5 rtx3050 24gb ram
What’s causing this to happen? This happens during browsing and scrolling but effects carry out of browser too. Has occurred 3 times in last 24 hrs during long uses, goes away after restart. Anything I should avoid doing to prevent this from happening. | r/lenovoloq | post | r/LenovoLOQ | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9ad2gtbXU4bUpGV1ZpODJiYVhxNVE2QnpPNE11NmRPaUFhVTFCb0NLS09RZWJJdW9YSWFYdHlodWZmREFaMExhaE43UlZqdGJUY1dwcl9STThGMFBTRHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91N3lQU09ZdHcwckNXWlhQSlljSHZ0QnlMRFgyVG5uUzhlcWRycGVxcWUyNU9Kak1lX3FTMXVWVi1UMll6Z2lsNnR0Y1RzRlNVeFRHX0dqLTYwUndYZXI5WXotTmd1OW1fNTZyYWJtR0F3MFlFOHFWSzFuVHRKTmdmT1R1UFMxLUVMUUN6XzJnZVFWd3l3c2NhSmhGYmpFeExObXJOZTlKYXcxNFd4a2RmN2RrPQ== |
I’m nearly 4 months out from my first MD. The first two months was smooth sailing, but then one day I had a sudden “flare up” and started feeling similar pain at a lower intensity. All the docs said it was just flare ups and was expected. The past month has been fluctuating pain from 1-4. Not intense enough for anyone to take seriously, but debilitating enough that it affects my day to day. The worst is when I sit in a car and try to get out. I got an MRI while I was traveling (it’s like $80 where I am), and it shows that I reherniated again at l5-s1 (same as the original MD).
I don’t know what to do. The pain is sometimes manageable where I feel like surgery is overkill, but then there are other weeks where the pain is so consistently annoying that it’s hard to think that the rest of my life will just be accepting that I’ll be limping around and needing to lay down randomly when it feels worst.
Not sure if it’s an important detail. But I’m also wanting to try for a child soon. Id like to believe a 2nd MD will just help get this pain out of the way since It’s hard to imagine being unable to help to my fullest in my current state. I feel like I’m always walking on eggshells trying to prevent more pain on myself
Any advice is welcome | r/microdiscectomy | post | r/Microdiscectomy | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYm04aVZ1UFhiUnk1TFl4SVgzR2drS25sU3B3WXFwYmVDYU50d2hvYnk3eUp5RUFITDA0dkdHM2dkYU4zOEZKRjExNElwbkE2bFpjOGZoX3JYYk5WU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91XzA0NGJOWjVBUzM5M2pIa0pROHU3QnVaZlJxMUNvNWxNVFhaYjl6U3N0Mi10ME9ka0tmakVMWU9HMEpONUY5cGhiYkxHTmJ3VDlZLS1uRnhJX3kyTFJRYkpDdEEyZkZ0eGFsUDNGbGNTTWgxUU04V0J5RmtIdWhLVmN2dDRISGZlZWN6ZzRIT1lIcnVZT1ZERmc2ZnpuSjQ5SEhhVEpscl9CQXQwbEMtRjRURHFRXzVYV2NkZV9pTW4xZU8wdzV0S01TTGJOeXFDLURCN21fNjFFVVFYZz09 |
So everybody knows that certain gifts will make others happy right? Well on every guide i only see a few gifts and it says that you can only get 5+ or 10+ on gifts. However there seems to be gifts i have that aren't on the list including a 'grey warden hand puppet' thats gives Alistair 50+ so why's that!?!? Also the weirdest gift i have is a chastity belt 💀!??! (I can't gift it to anybody tho for now) so why aren't those in the gifting guides because i doubt this game suddenly had a new update. | r/dragonageorigins | post | r/DragonageOrigins | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aS2dEV1JGaDNXNUdlamhUNEJBVlhYT1dfY3lSYURmSGttR1IzR2ZqdDN1YW82eENxUXU1dV9MSExyaXBoUEVkV1A1Y3NZWGpJNElaQVh6RDh4VVE4Znc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WXlaMHV4QU5DcWU5UElYX1BHTmpEcENDYmhGNGFBS2hBVWVlaXF0RHBjY01DMnp6c0tuZzJIQ0l5bEFldlhWSldON2dmcVRIbXpGZ085aEY0TDdlR1dsVWVTYURXR0JGQWYzZTBZRWJrclpsYlEzcDZZak5FUzBFX1hBWWxtMTFRZEJCZEFnbkhIeUJDQlB1SnJ4ZFM5ZXRmZjRsWFFpMmZndkRwdVQzSDBUQUZXRjRQOHRQbmRqaTJwLU90M2p1OEJLWUd3UFMzLUxGRnpQcFA0OFBudz09 |
Guys I am really bored and I really would greatful if you all could recommend me some world Hopping Novels, Where MC goes from one world and then onto next one and then to next and every world is a journey on itself with new power system and new life.
Would appreciate if the MC is not a Goody Two Shoes...
PS please don't recommend any novel where MC goes into a marvel, DC, anime world. I really don't like them. | r/martialmemes | post | r/MartialMemes | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQ0xNbllNM3dsMXJNTFZZLWFyZnotVUM1eTRmR2tocV90NkRYclJVQ0tZVVRRZVJOWDNNbVF2LTdmT09yWWUwbDlRWjEwMnBFQlpMTm9qdTJaRG01LWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91N05ZRGRSRFcyX3Zqakt3VkdKRkoxX3c1TGRyUUxoS2tIU1dneThTQm5vbUg0VHdGX18wU0V6R0Y0MHM3UmlOdjktQ1VSU1RwamVOcUJTR004UTF3WEZiekFCVWo3OWhRY00wV2d6SFZhSl9vR1Qxdk5PYjBxcnlTblVWV0FTWGNuNzRCQ1BySWdmTm9ZTHpXQ1d1MXB0V1lFV0djNUczdUF2NEJMT3YtZmdYOHRqMXR0QUljbHdRUDU5SEhETXBSS3p6YjAyTC04VGhHSUVPX0p1bV91QT09 |
I'd love to rewatch this show in an official capacity, but I'd rather watch both seasons back to back rather than just the first. Any word on when / if season 2 is coming to Netflix?
Edit: I know I can watch it elsewhere online. I already have. I want to know specifically about Netflix. | r/pantheonshow | post | r/PantheonShow | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aaXpCd3JCUkJCbEVDNmpqN2pOa3R5LWtfV05QNmY0dXRXendtUFRWUkdDV3BhaEkzYkpZbTJVbU81VVFVdUttZHd1eFdwNkNkUkF6TmxYT3NCd01rd3I2bkt6NURNMW9nOFhGU3BCN0huVk09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VlFTVF9MTm9XaVliRTNPemw4M1VXX0FKcS1yeEc2YTZkdlR4djRFeFJ6cUR3X3k3UHY5WlJnVHlHMkVsLWl6YnlYMy15cnhQTExMZzZVUk04dXdIRlZCRjlZM2hscGVkS1ZBXzloN3FuODZhSElHT2M5WWhEaTBfakhaaG9ISGRnbkVBbmo3dE1lanYwU3dyZHFqNVl0OHBMWG9DeHQwZU5XbUlxTFdCUGdwUTRPM1JJWUxhRF9lOGw3OHU3VVpG |
Why do folk answer the door with a baby, or a dog? Why! Firstly I love dogs but I don't care what ya think, your dog can turn on someone and I rather not be bitten again. I've had dogs lunge at me when putting down a packet and the woman struggling to hold the dog back just laughing. Plus if they got a tendency to piss off, why bring it to it's freedom?
You can leave babies alone, they don't need you around them all the time. They be better for it. Room doors are brilliant and exist for a reason. Use them.
From a bored and fed up postie 😂 | r/royalmail | post | r/royalmail | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZTkwVm9XR1ZyQUhsb1puZTV0V0w0cGxTcmtERlpnVklrX3gwSkVpSG5kZWswQldUa29aTURNZkZGZGp1cjJRSXlJeTBwMDhXUmo4NWkyQk9UWHhBYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NDRhdzItc0E1cjExMFdSeDlpZThsMDJWdDdST0RDY1BBdi1EY0FtOWd3V2o5YlFkbnNOSERnY0VzZXVjeU5hUjNYZ3VZYWZuVm1CdmNQdk4zemtzZWEwbEZPVkQwQ0VUTWpvUXJIVURvbFJyMWR2Q1JXdm9FZTJFUW5TSU53SThTbDFBTWlMdTljZkxUVTVrZWwxcUNFaW5YSGh1bUV0RWRRcHVsTEdnT1ZNPQ== |
In comparison to Alder, Ash, Basswood, Mahogany, etc.. how much better/worse is it? | r/guitars | post | r/guitars | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abEthTlg4bTBmczVCWDhfaFpxckZNRjRhTHNzQ0o0d0liWHhwelVsblJmM1M0T2Z4QTJhRC05MEZFSEpFekVGeXRydDVrLTB4MW5UY2dZZUlaT3lRX1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91QThqWnp2cHk5Qk8tZ1QxYVhRaWN0cWdLZU1UQ1FTU21FVkdrU29aY2FpQ2Z4M2RLQXBycU5uRWlMY1lORDVoQUM4NGtxWUlWVHZ3WV94b01YLWJZS1hyTmE2UW9WOGo4YzJlb1RCRlVUU3l0Mzd3cUNHQS10R2Y0LXJUWEtDemRkTGVETWtxaW5xX1NzeXVRQnF6Z2VHWWQ4U0EyTDYxclZSdDIzbjBXUmhHMkVMUmMyUU9mQ3dVMHRpcU1QMUNRX21oX1JsdDg5d1c1RWNCUlI2OVpUUT09 |
Hello po! Ask ko lang po sana if alam niyo po kung may nagbebenta ng kettle (not electric) sa public market tsaka thermos? Tiongsan pa lang po na check ko na meron and was wondering if meron kayong alam na mas mura. Thank you po sa sasagot! | r/baguio | post | r/baguio | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQmZUNUFvZkhZZWNkWF9vN1pWcWVIVm9ORzdHbnZ5WlgwcERuMmtoVjJjOC0wcUhETERXMngzMnB1WVpqZnY1ZlY4SHJwQ1RhOGdfWEdQV1ZycHczcXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91QjdCaXhTU09OZThWVnIyck1XUTNhdGxiZTF0U0V1TVcyM0F3bndtOUpVS25ULVY5X2RiY0VzVGRHVnNNS2FBQ2I1MTdfWFdrX09XRkNtaF9mNk95MEw5aXRSaFJzM0dUNkFuT0NTY0kwTnZNRGFZSThxajlrVlRtbzFfNXAtZGVMNkhhUVVPUFMtY2pYZHlkamxaU1NEbEVXdWFlM1dfN2tiR0x5NXRnVG9jPQ== |
A seller is trying to scam for 1.5k +, which rep manufacturer made this?
Clearly the brand tag stitching is the incorrect colour (see red circles v green circles)
Additionally, the ‘no bleach’ symbols ‘cross’ is angled too far down and is not far enough away from the ‘wash temperature’ symbol.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
| r/vetements | post | r/VETEMENTS | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aRFppVl92WDluQ29hQ18xbjd6bXVwMEV2Tnl3S0FGVlYwZk1DaFFJOUVuQ3B5NFRSMHpjYUYxbkluTUt6NGo2TVNraENJbk1hT3lDbFZWYWd4OU14bTQyRzNRQmpvUnBjWFpvX2JEN3dVcjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91cDFzZW9WV2lyanliQzFnaEVJNk5YMjhEaHpOSWJNY0g1SU5TaDR0YkVlWkxEZ3N5b0V1VHBvNlkwbl9NLXo3bzBlSlMwNFh0aUZyN0dsSzJTUW1wb3l4VzRqZHRZNHVzWG0xT3pNTnI2dkthazF2UXdfbnYyc0pLVkJiZExaSTg2bXZ4NE9PaDVDTVhyeG5BTXEtc1JLYlBLU3djWVo1YWdwWVFNaldzck1NPQ== |
when I que for games I always accept the match but sometimes it just gives me warning about not accepting and gives me penalties (and I get back to lobby), now I have 7 days ban for this issue which I don't know how to repair | r/leagueofbugs | post | r/LeagueOfBugs | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9acmZVeDg2N09KVy1IRWo3M1ZuYU1zZnRkRnl3Ujg0dnhINGozTUw0X0FONWw0RGFDS0IzYnIxVFgxLUs4T0JubVpIcWF6dW81NGJ1TlIxQ1A0VHZRekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZmM1SlhGS3BQcWpwLU10QzlLbERuQ1FEd3JyMXlPRE9pNUNFNUNUVUprUi1QemRjbF90Ty1CMllHMGo3NzF0MVowMzhmOGdjeTBDbjJubzg3YUpqMVJPcnpSdGV4aklrbVJlYThpTENPaXpHWUFPZm1BSFVqRWc5NUY2TXdWanhGMURRMkZ3emVzZkJFNjg2bmFET2xwRGQ5RGUtS2FJcE9raXNNc1RyR1VwcEZOd1pvQ2gwSEEyVlNLUmlDem95eVpEeFVfNER5RTNxWmRDblJjQnBPdz09 |
Hey there, though I'd chuck this on here for some opinions.
I'm looking to buy a cheap daily, tossing up between an EK Civic or a Mazda 3( not mazdaspeed) and stuck on which would be better as I've heard great things about both.
Also open to any other suggestions of vehicles.
Cheers | r/carbuying | post | r/carbuying | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aeUtFZFNIOFhLY1lrSS1kUGM4Yk5uaGEyVGNibVB4V2pVejZhSklTQ3RsSzFYdHlCbDl3WTJnNkR4bkxlamp0V1RUQVRKcU0wVlZsdUpBc3lkcTZheGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VFhuMkFMeWV4N3lycDZxcnI1OExrVXJydW9DcC1ZYTlnaUxWbXZqNk5kak43QmU3MXFadEx4NjZ2S2g0Vl9zRGd2Ql94THpWMFFMNVo1OFNteVVBYWtncmlSYmJjcUhmYnFVV1N2c3ZISkpxZzRJTDVueW9uZE5yamFWclAwN2pENkRXdV82elFYVVRSMjAxaDk2SVJpRjRuX21RUjcwc1VqakxVT0ExUy1FPQ== |
Took some advice from my last piece. This is my first attempt at real shading using a blending stump and a circle technique. Any advice on how to make the shading pop more/ be less murky?
Ik the eyes are off. Was spending too much time tryna get them right but that wasn't the point of this piece so I just left them. | r/artcrit | post | r/ArtCrit | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adWFVamlGVE9IWi1vX1dUVlR1bjRab2gwZ3MxakFETHoxV1VMcDViaE9scEk4QjhOWEJwSmVodDdSV3hlX3RncW9La2hzTDEzNWY1VmVkMGlKanJjc0V5eURtSy0xcHNPUWFzSjUyend4UTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91OHZSLWhFVllseW1nZW94Q3FCdThXRmJLQy1Ud2k1dWFvblQ0UlMtekxtc0RGbHNnMzRoeEdNYVQyRGhrVkg4b2w5a3B0NmdoaHFWWjJ3UjlHX0pXbjgwUEpoVXFtOW5CYnFVdmw4cy0xd2J3SE9RaUd4Z21HRnROV3U4aXFWQTYyczVDczdQemVLZS1LNjZUT1locUFGbXdjb3V5cGR4ZkVOMEVFS3Z1Uk1JPQ== |
Hey guys, is there a sort of recent tier list of various classes for each role ?
Shaman Tank sounds really fun, but i'd hate to get to max level and realize i need to go heal/DPS for high level dungeons and raids.
I would just like to know for every class in general so i can make a well thought decision.
Or is Turtle Wow perfect and every class can fill every role comfortably ? | r/turtlewow | post | r/turtlewow | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZ0ZNQ040REk4aDdiM0hmQlhyeTRfaGVFRy1xSmJVa1VnV2JPS2pLR3JiWHFoS0RDdDVNNDREOEFfVWNDRkFBNkh1Y21zT3NnNHlJQ09IbU03TTFiS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZWsxUDVKRkYySmNZMnNsc0RwUXZZN0EyeGdpekZxV0VnbGdiY2RzTVRNX2NUZi1RRmZPOFRUVjZEWUYwblJHeVhMV2tUMmtZVmlaUk90cU11UE1XN2dXNG9ScDlFcWl3bkkwcHJMZ2syeXFLMFBDWHc3bEQ2eDFTSlc1VzQ1S0lvY0hRUXR1djV4S3hhZlJfWkRweFd4TWlOcnJWMlVSS2lUWkNuaFNBbWNnPQ== |
I’m curious to know how many of our members working in manhattan have submitted a transfer out request in lieu to the congesting toll being implicated this upcoming January. | r/fdnyems | post | r/FDNYEMS | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aemFXNnlRUjNjNVFxRkY5VnpuWUwtVWE3VFN6WGJweWpvLVYwUXVfZ3RTS1BfOUJoQmRvNmZsZXI5V2paaTlJbTNuNDk1Z1RRN0UyUF81MlNqX01jNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SDNuM2QtenFCWHRwUF9vcEU4X1dkNUl0QlI2ZWRJT3dpLWZKRnhWdWdxV09PbS1YWThyanhGRG14ZnExcG5NdC1RdjV5SFE5VEJsekZmWnVLQTFxbWpqaGplZGwwdnRCZW9fUVhjdVJyRG5rTk1YbUdyUjlmbW44NUh0T0JQLVlmVkF4bXVHdWJRR2pWQTI5bUxWX210eHFRQmV6R3g3TmhDZk9lNlNqR3MtWG5Zb2l6Z2xVczYzM2RjMjg5VV8x |
I’ve always had white teeth but I noticed that my teeth are turning yellow with Invisalign especially the ones who have attachments on them
What could be the reason ? | r/invisalign | post | r/Invisalign | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aMEJWTE41MTBXTHZTaXg4c09Pcy1qeEVZdHg2eEVDUWtzNFRfb3RPWlR2NEFCdDFtVjVXalFybncyYXFWVGJ1a3VJSVdYYmdQeDAtSERTc3ljMkJlQkNJNlFDTUdzQ2dYWW82WVhzVGpSZlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bHZuVFRhOGM3clV2R1owU2g3bVdxbFVEM2NWQnIySVFWV2Yzb1FJdHZDX24xTGJ6Q25TaXFXTy13V2d3Rk5RVXVPOUo1Mm5NY1pIRUdEN0wtTEFTNmJUZy1VODVidVJLdTg4Y3dSV3FrOC1lODVuelBMRnI0SUhZc19Ec3h1OXlBLWJVY09kVHNSUEtmMGpDUDhSbXlHdzNsMkFSazdOV2h3RVlENUYxS2RUVTgybmNCQThfV0FMUFpmbjZRdG4t |
What's your favourite joke from the show?? | r/regularshow | post | r/regularshow | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aVl90VXV6NWxKRlZZZjV0a1hwNGVfYWt2V0lCZXgtU2dqYlFwbm9QbGtBM2J5VnMtQTlSLWhqQUdrRF9MZmFraThMOFFzbFdzUFFmczVLdkppd0tsQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MElVUG1QdFFodU9IeHJDWEEzRkl6X1BsSUZFUkxwcEhJMDh5N04zcFg3Ynd6TlhFcGZVXzlJM3JZUGZvR3EyV0M4Y29Xd29NWXdOWHNlaFpOUzZ6cWZVVXZWcUoxY3lLVzQ1YTBQb242ZVluZ214ZFdjTENSMEl4cnRVak52UnlJOHhSX0JLS3cwb1JtLXlvMkhWYkR6bVRtQmZYVUdkVklfcDJZNlZsOTQwPQ== |
Hey, been enjoying the game so far but I've gotten to act 2 and it seems I can't progress, my deck seems to be to poor. I started with the tech scrybes deck and can't seem to beat many battles. Does anyone have any deck building/synergies/general advice you can give me so I can continue? Thanks! | r/inscryption | post | r/inscryption | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aalFPcGR6b3B5bE1XWmlxV1p1ckpPRnZyYnFmVkc5TGp5blQ3VDhnZ2VndkU4ZXhLQTRsSDlWa2xFU0VYMEE3eWRXUmFtbXdQUGJaNzNWZEd3cWRDVkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NDlqZ2J3WTBZdklFLTBWbE9VR0ZYUlRYVjFHVW8zNkxDRVpyX0hmdGViZS13ZDdfZnNFcjNHMFlGQ1B5aHliZXlXbk16RXZHYmF4cDNPQXNERnE0d2ZsQ0hKUVBua2tCZ2IyMzlLTkl2ZzkzZlQ0SzdLcFEtWDNLT1lieUdqanVSbG5Xc0J5ajl5cGNtMS1OS0xYNEIwMGJIZmNnTWd3Z2RLVVpDREtPa3BlU2wxOTl4U19qSDNlaWppSmJLMnVL |
I finally finished my lyney build im so happy! Unsure if u should try getting a better atk sands to get him on the top 1% tho | r/lyney | post | r/lyney | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYjRJcjJSWDR3YVFFa3RIVzhMT0V3R3VDYklvUEJFUmUxLVpZTlhFZ0JETjJUalhvTlBfeld4ZlpuR2E2dEZXRDctUDBNS1dEOGVUY3FTVjFwd3Iyb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91b0V6SXB6UUxya3djeUhfektUU2NWRkUyVFRESmVBTVNoN2YxV2EtekdmbVVkYXhFU2dCblQ5WnpoRzR2UWZfT0gtZTRteXNENUZKbWl2am9GUThKX0dlRmZjai1CeFVneFE5MklSOUZUWXVfa3hoTXZpdlRXamdIMHVaTUMzSXM0Y1FnajJZQ01JanFGazdXNFBsSjVWcGNjWFZ1Q0FfQjF2SjhLWmtOVFEwPQ== |
So I’m Demigirl and also NB and I’ve got straight long black hair (probably the straightest thing about me lol) and I’ve never cut it my entire life, but I’ve been want to cut it for a while now to look more androgynous, I personally don’t really care how I look but I’m like very aware and very terrified of how people perceive me. I have a round face shape and I’d like some hair to frame my face, I also don’t want to cut it too short cause I like to comb it kinda like a stim and also hide my face. IDK I think I’m mostly just scared it will turn out bad and people will judge me because of it. | r/demigirl_irl | post | r/demigirl_irl | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abHJVdG80RlBFOXFHcWxZQmJUM3lRMEVXUlRnMVRqcldXUFJUUmFCSi1HeEJ1eGd4MjVVNjRtbGxNbzNOUHlOVGJ0VXdpS3oteTRpYUpuNkFlV0tGOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VlFHY180S2VadXZPaVBCaEtnZjRjcGk5cWhGMTRTZXBSZGd5eUozY0RQQVRwc0puVVpHRVVIeWtVOFhHcXZvb0l5X3ItY0NqUW1kdGZxMVNBVFFWN0dGQmlVZTdsbWVnaE81Sl9iNkVUWHVrNFBiOVItUUZfSXhnaWVQVXFLZ05zRlJlb1BQUWE2Mmh4YUl2cmRBa2QwaU5vTGVGcnc4N2lhaEg1QWFHcnhRPQ== |
It's so cute ajwhjwbwsjbsjsjwjw | r/tianguancifu | post | r/tianguancifu | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aMVJBejNDQjZ3XzVrVHViazRhR2p4elAtUlhSR2w0RXdFWWJJM0Z2SlUtcFd4UE5vNDFKZlFXMVhrVjR3YTlYUnVjTDZPSzNzbFlDV21qa1FxOXlpem9ybzVHYUlRYTJFNUVFdVBBaUZmM1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZExfemY0RHhzUHZGZ2hhbEhudXNvYmk3SF92VF8xVEMxQjljTVRJX2NrcmhDZTZHU2Z6TDc0QnlDb1VxNmQ3c1hMRVh6LXcxNzNlQkN3OC1rMGxPekpFM0VZejlSM3Z6dHZWTHJNcjVoYlo4NHkweG5DdEl0OXRoZzdzeXIyNG1xckV0SXNtTDE3QmVxSFJTaTg1VTd3YmxlYXJwc0F0RlZsbnJzelVhTjdJM2d3a0ExOExrZ2QzTDZheWxqQ3k0 |
Maayong adlaw sa tanan!
This Christmas season, I’m leading a simple initiative called Season of Sharing: A Holiday Meal Drive. With the help of kind volunteers, we’ll be preparing and distributing packed lunches and goods for those in need.
We want to assure everyone that this initiative is transparent. Updates and breakdowns of expenses will be shared regularly, so you’ll know exactly how your donations are being used. The drive will officially begin on December 16, focusing on areas around Dumaguete City.
Any excess funds will be sent directly to Angat Pinas, Inc. (Angat Buhay) to help even more people in need.
Even small contributions, whether through donations or simply sharing this initiative, can make a big difference. Together, let’s make this Christmas more meaningful for those who need it most.
Maraming-maraming salamat po 🫶🏼
Quick update: I’ve decided to share my Gcash number for easier transactions.
09929163100 | r/dumaguete | post | r/dumaguete | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQ19hUE96aEZTNHpEMlJTRVlQSS0zUXZnNkVTYVhzNGhPakF1QXhpWjduQ1VNdkdrU2doQnJpZWZqQnVCVkR1OTVGTkJwa1Eyb2NzN01HU0tMNzBIMVJQZ1RCN29kUzB6aEM5aHkwclM3b3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ckt4ZVhhcHhpZlRhbGRDTWRJNHluVGFMbURDcGhnVmVwd2djaVRyYmpJcGFtSVhoUXhfMU84VmtKR0hUZ0VhZ3o4eVJXOGxJZlVUZkJWd3B2aUJmRzRuTzBOR3V0RHFUZTJmUktDLTB4WnRMeVRRaHRBRURGLWV2QkVPMEdfeWVGMWRVeWRWalYtWktSdTdVdVpuMEp4QmFFV0NQRVFJdGdOV0VoR1hjYkxxcFcyQmVObDVxcEVCRW90SE16cmZC |
Hi guys,
I've been playing along to some drumless tracks off of YouTube. I'll convert the link to mp3, stick it into logic, then record myself over the top. It's great fun, and gives me a sense of where I need to improve.
My question is, is there somewhere I can go to get drumless tracks without having to go through YouTube? Do you play to tracks with drums on, and put yourself louder in the mix?
Do you use AI to take drums out? If so, what do you recommend?
I'm keen to get an insight into other people's process, see if I can learn a thing or two.
Cheers | r/drumming | post | r/Drumming | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aRkhrLV9WNGdnRFRITS1ZanZ6LVRhS0FBWks5eTNNWDNnV09tNm1JNVZTQ3d1bUVGMi1XM2t1R1Jrc1NudG56TzdYUzR6MkF6Yjl4b3I2TmxmMDNSZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91M3dfbXBPSEM1WXJrOFFTRXR1M2R6NnB5QjI1SWd4ZmZXajVSVnZZYUFxd0w5NFBIa3VRa1VpalRHeU9DV0ZXTUZqSjFBM1c0MC0yWDBSNXNHcDhjcy12bDExWGlYX0sxc2FwOHdneVByUTNRSk00eXlzZWh1TDNxazVwWm42MkFGbXJwaW53ZWU0Tm1zd1BwTlpiX1VkOHFQQ2h5YVdTNVlLUFZlUlhTamRWdmNMQUNfTHZzcmdlYTlfUVlyV2l6 |
Ok so the thing i want to do is try snd get a oart in future httyd projects, as in if they do a second live action I want part in it, only issue is I live in australia and dreamworks is American, so i’m not sure how to go about it and tbh I am willing to do anything as my lifetime dream is to play a part in a httyd official film or show as httyd is my life basically I wont go into detail but for a while it was keeping my life going, and at this point I feel more like i need to be apart of it then i want to it just feels like my calling and i would do anything to get there, devoting every waking minute to make that dream a reality but i don’t know how to even start because i dont even know how to contact the company because they are thousands of miles away from me, please help me figure out what to do I beg you all | r/httyd | post | r/httyd | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9ad1lWNFpyb3F6VUROdU9idl9IMHFoS2QtVFpVdFZWRnF5a0dIUVdPMktVY1JmaGZTUVlOY1B1V01xVFdObVZtdkdDdHdNanRrd1kzc20xYV9zMndzY3dlV3FOQjZDYnh0dU85QUZ2SDdCM2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91azNuQnRGal9KVHkwMEpqNC13NGZmdXJVaFp3QXVWVnJ0cUVhODhtVDltTUlFU0xXQmRCZnBma3JzajZhenpsNHBEWGZDb21pWVYxN0tpQ1JBNVM1Mkkwb0F0N0JDaFFGMmZ2X1JGOTF6bUtVNGI4MnlTWlRYM2lCOWxzV1BNcUo1NHF5R1ktb2JFcDVkNVZCWkwyejY4V0JkSlBLNjRFaE53QS1Hc2VxWXJzPQ== |
Definitely one of the best manga I've ever read | r/bluebox | post | r/BlueBox | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aTXY0Yk4wanBYYV9FSDdkSWExN0V5d1ozUkN2UE1zV1RieG01ZzNKMkstZmVWOGJHTy1RVnpmb2hKVC0yUWM5R0c2cnVjVVh1TGk1VFZjWV9GLXhyV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TkdSd1FNQTFCWm9yWXI2X1NFNy1Tc25jR0JHOWxzZlJqcXpvQ0JiTXlMY0dVSG0wanFjOVR2QUxBcEhtRUV6NHQyU0xpSnVFbjFSMEFYS0NnLXh1d2ZnUU9oUVRhaXJYWmh5U0hVUnlxamM0M3NTNVJCVnp1Z1oxN0k1NzJqNFhOVHQ2TW9NWGV3NVBkVjlXdk41d1hWMUtKUFBPV1RBNEJtc2J5Y2hGRUpLZXJ1UXFUQ2Y3RTZyQnRrdGZUOG14 |
And there's another one coming in February... If Jerky sits this one out, we might have a fighting chance, but I doubt it considering he still posts Stories supporting the kids who toured this year and even choreographed one of their music videos... 😭😭😭 | r/justdance | post | r/JustDance | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9acW1jWVBGV0RIR2piWjRZUDJoZGt2RnBNMExsQ2hzTC1oTlV0WThCeGJJMXllcFZnU3F0ZU5qLVpmU2hfdkdJTXpRb2pOME82ekxBQ2JDeWRmNlp4TEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dTZvZU4wU1c1TjdFc25yTzJld3dHUThnX2FRdm5kMVVJVzJGeGpRcDRtcy1jT3F2Q2V5NTB5Z0xyeGlqUzhoT2RPa1psOEZaSEFKNE5oVmNsdzNvMzEzNkQ3LVdPM0VrOWozQzVQVk02d044YkpXdTJPRXQwbUZlVzJUa2VBSnhtamV6VWVrYXg5T2IzSDdvS1dRU3QweUdINC1aVFkzOW9BT1Z0cHp1TVFaTjFWcl91S1BDU1p2Y1dGOFQxLW1vUDhhdDRZTmJiX3pZTzdpX1RwV3l3Zz09 |
Meron bang direct bus from surigao to ormoc? | r/ormoc | post | r/Ormoc | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9admxCUUNwZVY2TDRRQWU4YjdLTGxqdklfMGRQMEQ2Uzd3NkJnV19KeTlxMG0tWVFzSDAxRF9NN3BSd1htQndaaTVsbkZmX1RjeGFSbWlEUC0wc1Y5TWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91R3BJNlBIbGZtano3SEtwVXdNSng1d3k5SHZlOVpkbHI0S25vNnZYWUdjNVlXdVZaLW5iZS13UTNZZGE2MUZGOV80M0JzelF2ZXd2Z1dvVkRCZzJQZGdpbG1KblBVelZVU0I4a2g4b3N2TGtSdUhBX0kyM3dFMzNwT21JRHhlT0NDQlpPSHZ2R2lSbFYtMVNRak1tc3Z3PT0= |
Hello i have been trying to play It on mobile using citra but im having the box face issiue,tryed everything i could find online but nothing worked | r/tomodachilife | post | r/tomodachilife | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYWJiNGRuUThiQk1RUlNrQ25HUjMxbEVQbHMwTEFMcWNUb29zSmRIbDdZYXg0MGpnbFdaZnhmaTJwcGgyb3BrSTA4R01mYndpSmJlanZ1TEpKT3BWOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UnZrR09ublROT2lIak01ZGRxc01KWm56N0NsTzRENkpWdzl3RkV4ZV95Y0tCYkhlT3RZRDZmU2FnYlVrcldWTDk1OUN3cWIyM0JyaXhrQ1FtNXN3WFNkQUVXcVgtejFJVWdDdzViallwVl9tU2dScjhLaWpPMjlOMDhLSjUycFFYZUlmNmJpTVY0MXNWSjc5RDgtSWgyTUsyRTB0OWRMNkRzTHJ3SkZjS0NkQkx0U3pUaEhsRXpIVG1WNUtVbUNT |
it’s giving frums vs team grimoire or maybe usao/tag but idk
edit: juggernaut is a good guess cus it’s Designant.
Designant. Juggernaut. Make sense? | r/arcaea | post | r/arcaea | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aLS03NWM1ell6SEJOdXc0ckdiRjZxX09lT3kxRW43czJRekNQcFcxTFcwZ3dNNGI3NFRUN2dUVnc3N3lIdXNMcl9GdmwwZ2lhMjVuQXJfZTVwNkdnZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bVdpckpfbzJtZUdHVGJtbVlKa2V6eVlpRUN2RmZZUXNQcmF0eFE2UHRiTWN3cWlpMkozdlpmMnAtNkhFVlZRVTg4TnRsbVRpZzRuWHppcWlyemJ1Z0w0cDEzRHRxRHo3VVB3dUMxQk1MdHdZUmJKd0Q4WjlEUjctQlA5VTZPU1FETENsbWl5eFVXZWhqV3I4cXM3elNESEx0Ukw5ZmlZQnZHMTJ2S1AxaG1RPQ== |
Okay, so I had a Waves subscription for few months but then I had to stop it for some time - now I resubscribed but the plugins won't work. I can see them in the in the plugins window, but when I try to load it just says "the following plugin could not be loaded". Problem is I have some work-in-progress songs and I don't want to lose the settings for plugins I used there. Any ideas how to fix it? | r/reaper | post | r/Reaper | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aSnRzVDZPTEtWZEZMbWc5S1QwM0ZaYkhDdzdUeEFPeWZMLWwwU1dOeWV4SC05REYtY0E2MVE4cm1HSXpzaEdheUdHREF0blFTMUJEQlBicnFiTGo2Vmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dHF4ellUdHpqTTNkbllBZ18xOWZVNXZWRE0xS2Y4bUJWQkdIZDRId3RBNDEyS3BFUGlXRUZpd0k3UTIyOTFBR0J6MTBpRk9xU0hvdDNESURwNWhZQVZtUFJUMnJ3bXFHY21YOHdCYXFmWVNyQ0VuVkxNRUNFS3oxejhTM0FPZldLQnRmbERjZGlwRk0wU0FwQi1rWXpVYTlyanRTSmJkR1lvQ05oVTVRako4PQ== |
I know. You lost a fight. Probably lost a lot. Then thought that the reason that you are losing all the fights is because you are bad at aiming.
You thought it's about aiming, becasue it was the only thing that you were focusing on at the monent. But how do you improve? Play some aiming trainers, they say. Hit the trainig grounds. But the truth is, no amount of training against dummy bots will trasfer into real skill, unless you get lots of real world practice against real people.
So despite some pretty mediocre improvements in aim trainers, you are still losing fights.
That was pretty much my own story. Sucked at multiplayer fps games for years. Hit the aim trainer for a few months. Still sucked. Until I asked myself this:
**How, exactly, did the pros stayed in the fights for so long without getting instantly killed like myself?** They are playing against opponents much better than myself, yet they stayed in the fight for minutes, sometimes not even got their shields cracked. Of course they are killing people much faster than me, but they are also suirviving under enemy fire for much, much longer than me. That was the revelation for me.
In order to kill, or even practice shooting at people, you have to stay alive for long enough. Find good angles, catching other players off guard, not letting youreself get caught. A pro might be able to kill that guy in 1 second, maybe I need 3 seconds, but it does not matter if I am putting myself in a spot where I can be killed in 0.5 seconds.
In order to get good at fps games, you have to take your attention off aiming, and find ways to stay in the fight and survive. Once you find yourself actually shooting at the enemy for a lot more than they shoot back, and you are not winning, that's the time to practice aiming.
Practice other fighting skills first (positioning, finding angles, catching people sprinting, etc.) then practice aim. | r/apexuniversity | post | r/apexuniversity | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9ac3Nzb2Jxc2VLY1M2alZ1YTNOdERPRmd4cHdjYWVkUDRaMkRwLVB0bmlxYlZPam5HYVM5TEtCMUQ3QzNTbFQtS19ROHh5NGxxVVpHWTVJWENJN3ZJU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VndjZ0Vsc0x3N1BBWG9CMFZLX0syTml4cXpDNE9BVFM4UFhDMTdaXzlBZ2VUcXotRGJEMUZnRlNxZ3BORGUzczBITVVtWVpSR25LUVNCMU5OaFp5WnpNNjlrV0VtY2ktRGYxVWJBQjQxOExTMTFnU3NXN0M0LWtEOFVFMXFqVW9LcHBLMXBPUkdFb1VoT2JiZkRVOXpieng0azNNQU5nQ2Z1NndGOUNfSTFlTVh6eTBrZzFHYVB3aUVVMVNLdXNwNXA1VHIyeEVTTURHS1ZLNkRtcExPUT09 |
No matter what strategy and any kind of situation....
The rocket units will always be the best. | r/commandandconquer | post | r/commandandconquer | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aalh0bnZSWVlPbzVTc0dlZHdJSWc0REZlVkFSekhkUjhIa2xaaHFvVHJYbjFLUC1QWENqY0lQN2ZHVEkwVXVaMXYtd2dBU0FqTHRaQU1uTFB0ODZfcVRwMEFobDJxZncxOVQ4SG55bWZNRG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SkZ5S2lRaG5udzZqY1UydWNncWlGZThIVlZNTWl5cFNBc1ZWdjRQTjVDWEpBYV9saGwxcWk1NnA3TDZadFlYem4yMzhtTkVjSXM2QXVqWGJodWo4NzQ0UlNkeEd5VG1GTFJZY3FWbnVDM2phbTI4dzFxLVNpZGlTMDBteTlPbm9XUTFmRVlRWFZWR3BWLXE0TDZZX296bFNqRVBEbWdKN3VFcHRKejcxb1Q0RnRScTNuWm84TG9MTktZYlAxS1RTVVlPQ0QycXkwVDFWaEo0RGpjUkRvdz09 |
I want to know what does CIDCO tendered plots means. From internet it seems that they are handed over to builders for development. Are these freehold plots or are they leased by cidco for some years. Do you know where can we validate these details. | r/navimumbai | post | r/navimumbai | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aVjV0TjNFckxUN193UXByQ3V5WUdjTGlfc2l4N1h3bTU2WmtGREVnWmRzRnkwcVJNenlvUjdrMl9mT3lsWVVQZ0RZWkZkY1Vpa1c3NFVDbUNuR3hhRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91XzczMlMtWWJXQVRtZ09rN1lON2J6dHNfRHVVQXF2S21FZWpaVENaY091Nk5jc3g1NUJNbEhLNmZoU1BDajFGMHBUWUJZLUU5Y0RyZk0zTXg4UVNaRlVBWkQyWjJFbFFJVDlraUVFNEhCUFNfbnNtb214OEM0MFJ5MWEtRmRPZTVPY3ppZ2F0Q3gtVVZRSjQtN3FNZEIza0FKc1RCMmhuampCVW95Wlh6M0tDcmtmal9mRXZoUFd1LVRvMDNULU90 |
Redditors, please work your magic! Thank youuu. | r/catsandsoup | post | r/CatsAndSoup | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQmhwRVNWdndaNUNackhvSUZONzB4Y0xPTjZveGFKNHV4UUhqVXR0N2t4VndpSFRSdnVnZ3h3bHJfRTBVTWJ4cDV1cnktS2lDSE90OW1jcC1PbFlyemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91RE92SHJyUWF3TWhzUXgyWmczZmszaG1VMFZYcmw3TWFPdFNSay1XdGtwREsyM0gyZlFlYWxnYjFwLTVCeXNaM21UbHFZQlhVMS12am1wNDY0c1hubktnd2szNllLdklhcG5zd1pEeUNBeXRrX1RIbldUejZWX2VKQXV0YjV0RHBuQW5KUDg4dkNYcHZWVG5KZnVsNGJOb1BVdDlXYTYwYmx1Z29SRG9OT2RtU3UzTU1YU1FLV2x1X1Z6YmVvdWZEYWNvYTVueXhMaEZJSFAtaTRxWkRoZz09 |
And your hat is awful too! | r/kaleefakerogers | post | r/KaleeFAKERogers | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aci1uYS12aXpUai1WaE02dzR2OVphWDdXejcwQjc4YnZ0QW9Lcll5S1FiaVNrb01WVW93alotNXNYVWVoUmgwM1cteURaeGpuV2FNVmRTMkNWbkJCdm9uRllKZ0xWZFVvbGN4SXF4N3cwU0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MWt0UTh1b0VHYW1RT3lRRC1yUzBkSnR6b1JaQUtNOUozekJ6eG16d0hrcThhMDRkNEViZTVub25hUFFtNW9lYWp1NUtoX2dONVYwZk5tTHZEdlR0Wjhla1dXYjl6anJaTV8tNnBNLU1YbmxEN3hocjM0cVlzTFh0Uzl4RkVyY1F2SjV2VGpnXzlPSlRkSnZVSHllTkdTeDg3VE12Ykg4LXVRRXpRMGcxVy1JZk82WGNxaXZYUU9CenozcHlkd2V3SC0zUWlYYzg0aFhtd1RHZjhRU213Zz09 |
Bit of an odd one, but the last few times Ive been out for an Indian ice woken up in the night absolutely parched. ( And no, not from the beer...)
Different restaurants, different towns. The curries were fine, but they were definitely at the high end when it came to saltiness.
All the the last three months.... | r/ukfood | post | r/UKfood | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aVUR2a1FZOTFaRE5PLWUyWWpaMEpLOEJrT0o5RHNwbFY2SmgzbHJlbFcwU0FrNWVyMjBaVlZGOW5ORFZXbXRQMHBkU0tQRWo3Tk9VVGF5aWxJMkU3OEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91aUxEZjdENk9JeURKd203dnBPeFFuTUVBX2ZteGh4ekg2U1FxdHE5ZENHNVlBbzFGU0JuX0tZYTdaT25Odk5TT1N2Ynh4VDBvRUxQSURjaVhVNjlhNDRFaGlpVko3VWJUYVBuVjN1RFB5NHotWnpPOFFkUDFjd2FDRUg4UzM4SGhNbjhoS2lOSkFCZTZFODZ1TXNJdTlOUjV1MjUtcnROUi1pS1g0MFBQdmQ4PQ== |
Hallo. Two fence panels of 4 down. Standard size.
Have asked on my local Facebook page but you get all sorts of cowboys recommended and it’s hard to tell who’s legit and who’s not with the vast amount of replies you get from bobs mum, and aaraons girlfriend etc. For the most part you lot seem genuine 😉
Would also be interested to know what people have paid for 4 panels and posts to be replaced. We got a quote last year for £1100 and we simply didn’t have it, so I’ve been saving up over the summer and it really needs to be fixed before my neighbour gets hella pissy with me.
Se sim? Por que? | r/filosofiabar | post | r/FilosofiaBAR | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aX2tFQl9WaU1YUmhBTy15c25qR3dCX1Z3SHpWY0IyOFFmZ3pEdmY4dU5seGoySlJxTzMzU0RpTzk5VVZKRmRMdmtxSVNKVjZVTk1Bak9HVTNHQ1pWQ0hQRjNPMUJoZ1hocFJtX05pMnRPNzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91cTliV2ljSXUwM1JWNzBoZmZRQXV6TW9vWWRzUW5mXzIyOHMtdDFUc0dERi1OQklyWXZhZmhGUHA2VmZ1clJqdEZQcHV0dmx3RVlXenE1cFg4RF9kbzJ1OEhUZmVpY0RhV0Q3VlpoemFOUGxnQUdfOS1ObFdsQ3N6SWQybl95OTRyRUI4RUV1MDIzdkZfbDRyOU9vclpQSElhZHRfRlBnVzBuLUVPSzdRdXU4eW9kODNFQlRvUnBYOFg4clQ1Z2NO |
So I did some cleaning on my drivers side and door panel (mr2 aw11 1987) and after everything was put back together I saw this part on the floor. Can someone tell me what is is and where it belongs? (tape measure is in cm) Thx in advance. | r/mr2 | post | r/mr2 | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYmNCRXBZUFZTdjRZWTZlV0t0Tnk2aUJkck1Rb004dzZuQWRuNEJPdGpHU0lCLXlPZmM5TUNKLW9LSmlEZnhGN19TY0ZnTm1sTUthX1FEWnpsSlRQcXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91aWpJYWNWT2F0VTVoR1VCSl85QmJqNzJzME55b2xscEZNbWtxX3hGOS1UQmxvUDRMbURBOTZEOWhtWUlZeE52SVBXMDFfMEk4ZXIxTHdmSFVEVVVMVXhOY1J2SnYwZjlXaFZTOExBR0RDM01POWlHQzhoWnVWZllOd3pRaHpFUVNyQ0JHMlh0UWRzSk9FS3JOd3NhcGtFREdiNVVlYVVHeXJwanZodHloaWpiek1nNDdiWFN1aEFDQkNUODlESl9n |
I'm confused about something I need help with. So my mum is currently on jobseeker but was on medical exemption for last 3-4 months due to arthritis and back pain not being able to work.
This week she will be having her first initial DES appointment with MAX Employment on Thursday and the next day on Friday appointment with her current job provider WCIG.
So which appointment does my mum have to attend? The DES or her current job provider, or does she have to attend both appointments with them? I'm really confused trying to help my mum out. | r/jobprovidersaus | post | r/JobProvidersAus | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aS1EtODNTcHJUUlBSUC01V1dqM25xbEJpMFpTMVhlZ0RXd3p6YTBhRzNjSHhQMG54TDNzTVFwNFV0cUR0U3hxeXNrSnF0NXEtck9iMHhoYUJCcF83WlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91YzM4bTdhenk4S1ZVeFdBaUhlSmQ5WEZFTTg5VG40NjEyNnBZY0NnV0FJMDlkS0czampfa0ROTFJxZXJBMDc3WG9sOW5TSDR6RTZFZ0w1eWFBV3lBZEFOOXdrN252OHU2TlFUb3dvamlIdUJkazdhTm9nWE4xNU1yWS01bGlqWVdXbzFLS2pCbW1oVHhVSFNkUmRVZHltVGFxcE1TcTdDazhDcUR3V2YzOUZFZW9DTlVPSnpIWE0zdnpuQjYxQUtJdmtDaWx2RXQ3NHJkbEU1QkRGUWJfdz09 |
Has anyone ever used de-icing cable over the gutters? Who I should speak to get it installed . Electricians or roofing company? | r/nanaimo | post | r/nanaimo | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aR1BsVlpZNEFsSWxXb3pBVXZiOElhUFNDX0NLV3VpOHNpTkM4N2JxeU5QQkRjNjRWakJNSzFReXZNU2FZbXVQME80NDZ4YXV2UldOWTRTbzI4TU5TX3U1VC1YUjB5YmpGNUNOUC0wdmJ5cjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UXBzLWxFS0otVERtWlFpQUE4SnRiRXhhU1ptNnQ5cHFsWFJJUG9mM2Q0dlpFaHpIVWNJNTNSanJLWml4QVdjTWkzZl96Zk13RDBlVjM3Tk54TjJWWkNQY3dFa0M0d1VCOThvcjJGV1NuVmlnYmM5bHRLSWpNTldNQnhOUFFQWDAtcFliSnBWUThKeUNrU2duVlZsMFJ5dnFwdlgyV2RCUGlyNlVzLUVZc3RVPQ== |
This is from my novel I'm working on. This is the description of the hidden city underneath Las Vegas. It's the first time the MC has seen it. Would love some critique-
It was as long and wide as the Strip; but instead of a street full of cars in the middle though, there was a river with bridges spanning every hundred feet. I saw shops and restaurants, all lit up just as if we were on the Strip above ground. There were street performers and food vendors. People yelling and cheering. I saw drunks and people who were obviously on something stronger.
There were dozens of people, everyone from families to couples to friends. The only reminders that we were underground, were the massive torches that burned everywhere and the dark stone ceiling.
It was like some medieval fantasy village, with beautiful lights and exotic displays. I felt as if I had stepped into a completely different world. It was so complete. If I didn't know any better, I would believe this was all the world was.
The buildings were a mix between humble small shops with red brick and brown cross hatched roofs and tall imposing towers made out of white marble and pointed tops. Small colorful flickering lights adorned each window and everywhere It was as if i was stepping back in time and into an alien world at the same time.
It was the same style on either side of the river and the river itself flowed beautifully, casting an almost ethereal glow. Small boats, most tied up at wooden docks but the few moving, flowed freely without any engine but by the song of casters willing it to continue forward.
The arched bridges were mixed between black stone and red brick, tall and wide, allowing several people to cross above and boats underneath. They were clearly the oldest structures here but well cared for and strong. I had a sense even the largest earthquake couldn't knock them down.
Dozens of people played along the cobblestones between each bridge and the storefronts, their bare feet hardly skipping over the pale colored stones or heavy boots indenting the mud along the bank. The mood was euphoric, light in spite of the shadows that played along both walls and faces.
The entire city seemed longer than wide and despite the weight of the ceiling above us, I never felt claustrophobic. The lights above us were consistent in both the warmth and heat they brought and I knew nothing would douse them. It felt homey and familiar and I knew this was where I truly belonged. | r/fantasyworldbuilding | post | r/FantasyWorldbuilding | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aS1o0bDhmTkpWZ2l4SGFza1V2azgtOEVzT0JhN3JialAyaDhrZ2ZaNHBWbXJoeElPRGlIbW53eFlxQXVNd1J1eUx0SkhwWkpzQjlYNVlVaHNEdjBwckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91QjNQRlJub2x5WEZDb2pETWRqTVpVV1hGd0w3bWVHSXJfSGhqOTMtQ3FZT2hNRnRMTmdpUG9MLWFGRXQ1VjVUcEtkdlRRY0FaX01zLWZpYmtTTmdCV2VZTGFpa1dyMkYxWDBoeXBlQ3NRYi1fNGZpaUxZVnowNDFFd2hMZjkxOHNPdzdqYUZxQlg1RENoeXVTS3FlUy1yb196dC02WTBVczhoNG1kb2Q5dEM2RzA4RVVwVGVBWmt0LTdpSVI3SGY1 |
Would prefer ninety one, fire fox, polygon, etc. The well reputed companies | r/india_cycling | post | r/india_cycling | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aMlhDejlMbGhlQW9OZHp2bDhKRzhaMnFybU5zU24xU1hkRFV0a1RSYmRBZUkxMkM1N2xUUThQZ0VRWE1TYV8yVnNFMVFqYkNXV3ZaM1pwTmFNQzRPOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TDdKTEszUHYycGNfUV9GWXYxcEFlMVpEa1lpTUtjXzNWVW5ySXNLVTVnR2NGSFB0bl85V1NFSEJOWUxtVk5lcFBQRnhNdEdkeTM5VlU5djlCOUZ3dlV5N0J4MFN3ZFluWkplNWVGeXBrdEM5OTFZV05CLVhZbks1Mzl0WXc3X2hQMkR1WWZsSFNnLUJrWEN1RWY5SUFJZndkN2ktdnJ2QUpPQTY3SUY2aHJCRWZXemtGZURzRDVjY196eng0N212 |
Looks like the Punter wants to not only get Pant, but also wants to snap the chances of DC picking Shreyas! Sweet revenge on the way guys? | r/punjabkings | post | r/PunjabKings | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aRFJNZ0hIb1FBSVI0NElaRkZLUV9qT0F4RkJTc1JmcHRRb0hidVZXd0N5UUl3YlJKcXNaRmM5NGpYazNZclhkeVNTSkJtdHlVQlVsX05aY0VIWVljS0ZwUENDRVlVak5jV0NSZU9FTy1xNW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ald0dTZIOW02REhVSnJSUVNtcHNnZ1diUEQ4U2RlWUhseExpb2RxNmFTQnZLenR4UUhjN3pGOTZyQUFHSHVqM1E0ZmlDWnRDaXNLVUx5eEQtOW93NGF6RzFoX3pMclZ6VjQ2bEFDSWtrUWxUV3paUm5yb3dsZ25tMmxYVHFYckpObENJSWJyZmJTMC1JU2NPZFphbWQ3dGxBVGhscWs3Nkc3TjJQcHhiX0swX3o3Rk8wa0pnWlJMVDNtaEVRSW9i |
Hello people,
I'm a data science student stuck creating a model that is used to classify different buildings based on various variables that I believe they are not very relevant to the goal of this post. The thing is that our professor told us that the best thing we could do is to find out the real location of these buildings in order to preprocess the data and add columns to the dataset based on real information that we know. I have found which city it is and its a place that im very familiarized so I will surely know most about this city.
The thing is that im now stuck and I dont know how to advance in the preprocessing and the data preparation.
Any ideas suggestions are more than welcome, our goal is to maximize the F1 Macro score as much as we can.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Here is some additional info: The specific goals is to predict and classify many different buildings into 7 different classes (Residential, industrial, farms, etc.) There are a bunch of different variables like coordinates, area, number of floors, and there are other 40 different types of satellital measures that we are not indicated what they are exactly. With real information I meant that as I know well the city maybe I can make geographical distictions based on the areas that i know there are close to no buildings of a certain type, for example farms in the city center, I still dont know how to implement this efficiently, i didnt mention this but its one of my first times working with machine learning and as you may already tell im really lost. , Again, thanks for the help in advance | r/mlquestions | post | r/MLQuestions | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9ac1Z2Z2drSy05dE00VnJMbVQ2dVhpRng3OXRJZ09HUTRCZHhueEhpWW9ZOFFWVGk5OHZ4aE1jeTlRbkEwS0s4amxPRWU3T19zNmREXzFtN2h1SkFNTkpUWmU5LUdDa0hmYjAxV1BZSHVNWlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bm1rNFFUSVg4YTZfX2F0aEJWcExOcTI5d1ExZVU4NzRPcE95ZnJZakZNZlE2UVVKV3FXMzVWM2xlUnFMdTkwTlpkYlFxM1JON2tZdDVLR1BsNGZHMHFTQUotZ1FuX25tbHZMNUJ2WXF4T1ZXN19MYnRXQmdueExZc3JDT05TZWsweG5vM0NfbDhEMmdZWTZILU9kRmlRTkU2cTgtOTBKbE5hUDRmTDhTYVlQUVFFNjNoWExtTzVpeDZ6XzRyTmNObWppZFplRXBRek50dXF0TGQyYkFVQT09 |
Hello, I’m looking to configure Tdarr primarily for the following use cases:
Subtitle Management for live action movies & tv shows:
- Remove all subtitle tracks except those in English.
- Preserve English SDH (Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) tracks.
- Ensure the file names remain unchanged after processing.
Commentary tracks for movies:
- Remove all commentary audio tracks from my media library.
- For foreign movies, I want to ensure that the original language audio track is preserved and not mistaken for a commentary track. This is particularly important, as while 95% of the metadata is accurate, I’m concerned about the 5% that may be mislabeled.
Anime Library:
- How to handle issues with mislabeled tracks, such as English subtitles incorrectly labeled as Japanese by certain fansub groups.
- The ability to process only specific shows in my anime library.
General Settings:
- I do not want any video transcoding to occur, as I don't want to degrade or alter the video quality at all.
Is it possible to configure Tdarr to achieve all this? If so, I’d appreciate guidance on what plugins to use or what configurations people have setup for Tdarr. Thank you! | r/tdarr | post | r/Tdarr | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abFFkcTRlLW5oNTJ1TFBWUUk1NGFfNEQ3NENpR0VLVUttQTUzM04wMEpPTnRKeFJaYllRRHJFRmU2UjR5cEJhVVExeHhkY0lOQmVwRFlkemlHcDAteFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dDZqNmw3STEtWnNSbHlsQXJQcTRnLVg5Rk1ET21URzZwSmNoSUI2Y1lwcHNTR3ByQ2dtbVJHX1pjN0RSdmJNNGdFWnkyMUI3d28zOUFoY3dkakx2ZUI4a0JUNXJyZ1lVTENyOFU5dUY2QTlPeXBMVTVmdEY0U3BUQ2N2RGFUbVZ4b0NwdXJtZE1NWUJqemdhNENuOHo0QWtlODN2ejNLbVV1eFZtRThKM3hON1p3R2s4NDd0OEYzOG5xb2lpeWF0QjRTemRpZGxjaWJOWThQbU1JWU5fZz09 |
When in nightsoul blessing chasca fire some element shots,,of course they reacting,so are these reactions activate cindercity effects??? | r/chascamains | post | r/ChascaMains | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNU4zUUZFcHJxbDgyN3YtV3g1bm1LcFZrZkFJUWVxZDNoQUI3MHJGbWZkLWxsbnBNWlNTaXRlekEzT014eVVDSnVlaWJWa1BFcU9hUGxueFcyMzR2YXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91aVpCc25tY1loVFM5NHd4cGNHek9zcGRnX2dCeUNqX1RJV1RFa0xtWHVMWG81clVHdDU5TzhDTlZhTmx0bFY5VTYyeFF0OEJfazNiTGZBR2NUMGViQWRuY0swWVF6WWk1emJ1WlFlWVRkSFo0RTJkUHRYSEZ1MGpxZWl5MUU5OEhtS1hqRjVsT2FLMUJkOGZTZE1rdGlmYl9GWVVMN2k0TXVjbWY5RVJRVE02TkRsVl9MUGFyR0hSemRYN1k2RXI2 |
I think this was a pretty good box | r/squishmallow | post | r/squishmallow | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aam8xREZjSVpReHpTM2pfTXkydzFOMTlNUmhzRkc5aV80ajBWNW82ZTRBc1YxTVF5dGhQTkJNS1QyWWxTS1lBbG1GZEIxRUdCZUhxUnZlUEhnYk5RUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91cW9RZmFSUjdlb1RmdE5NTkJyMzdyYW1LOUZscVVsMkJ3Sml1NzZBbE1jUDFzd0Z0dG42akF5V1VhMTdsaFUzaEpNLWZUVFpTUjVnaFVyTVF2cXl1OTFQWWtUU21mM1RPcTVKOVNVM250QjN2eUlOR0lpamxwcDdjajkyVXFraVltSExaeDJ3dVA5WGlWTVpqUXVyZTFwMUE0NFExMHFLRUhOVTBoOFdhTFA0M0tUWjFqeUNVNllGZW9lRzFFYVgt |
Here’s my 2 month coffee setup with a moka pot, French press, South Indian filter. I’m waiting for Christmas/New year offers to buy a Timemore C2. Any suggestions for further additions? | r/indiacoffee | post | r/IndiaCoffee | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUHU0SUZORl9fOTg0dEZicnRPUHJPbE5TZFFaLTVrYUoxNEp0dUc2WjlOUjNiWkhwS25uSi1VbVl0alJ3bmh3cGdTckxQVkFXZ1JoVTRnUk1FYzN2TTRVVlpvaFFaQTZyV1N2OVhiV2JpV2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UGxneHJOSFduM3lyRXFpeWVscE5lVHNFZm5hamNrYTB2dkdLQ1B1YVUxR2M2bkw0OUhIM1c0OGFFd2dnZnB2bVhjbnBQc1p5QmJyS2YzbG14UDRwNG93QXhQeXlfZE5CMHNXOXJJNXFHZklmdGVQU2NYcFM2LWw5QWczd2d6aHNMVXdhUEZlYm5faEVzNEt5UXVZeHg5Z2ZhdUFzNWtRRHhCbW1wTm1JRi1jPQ== |
I have applied for a job on a hospice inpatient unit. I have only done community nursing since qualifying (5 years). I'm a bit worried about going to a ward environment as I have not one this since being a student and I am worried about being slow at meds rounds etc. Has anyone been in a similar position? Or can anyone advise? | r/nursinguk | post | r/NursingUK | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9ad1hVUGdmbzZzWGFpVkJCN0EzUnByaDZpTExlalVod3lZQXROZTc5ZWVUOWVhcUhJQjhEdXpqd0t6ZGJodTAtZ2xKdGFQTkp1clUtQ2xfM1FGb1FVUG1oNnZwU3hkamYxZHN3Qmltb0ozR009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UnRNLVRPd0xaRW5TSWdXX2VkU1ZLZXZNV0tnNlpscTJIVWVBcVlDSldzR3Fvdi1NZ2VNb0puUjczMlFOemZsOXliZEN4Y3NaMFVJbFZnTUZpVHpmdmxVUF9GczVzay1DeG01RVdxYVlRLVN5N29mQldtZmFndUNQVUcwTVAxbmcycHJUdmRpVWhhd1NiQVhybEd0eXNfendzTjlsc3kzWDNCMUdsSHp3bkNXSzJENHlGMzhpNnpUTmc4RDd3UlhI |
Share your experiences about the commonly termed "Evil-eye" concept.
I had a cat, looked cute like snowbell from stuart little, I started posting pics of snowbell in places. And suddenly one day, she was gone🙂. My friends say it's pure evil eye... idk
What are your experiences | r/coconaad | post | r/Coconaad | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aaVdsZmRWNkMxN3VtWnJrQlBSYVI3aUxYRGhkSWhha3dnV0FPTE5pOWtsaVpISkJrSTBDLVNKYkVxNkx2NGhncGIwTU13NUpyNGJjeTlXaTJRaGljVkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Rlo5cmhnRTlvZW14UWEtMHVSd3pwaEYwTXhWUEhlaWI5X3JKRERmZVNZUDd3clRjV1AzUFlaOHNkUDB6TmlXTXkwYWRiUnFLSTJfQmxVM1dqRzFTR25yUlFoZVp4VVF3a0JIQzBNLXVnS3FzSlRtNWVxQ05MX29CbVNKQlNnWG9lYXhkdVc2TjZsWFNfVGp5T1BZWDF5NXZKRG1xUU1OWTBjeDY5dDJTWW9FPQ== |
I’m looking to expand my collection, but good god these are impossible to find. Where can I get actual prints of these? | r/blacklibrary | post | r/Blacklibrary | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWGprTi1YQVlkc3c2M1k1WHh4ODNZdUVYUC12YkRxOWtMUERJMUJvcFQ4Szhndng3bi12Z0xDQXdXOVpmQ0I4UEdNSG9yUkxwbWE5Q1dQSkU3Rm1MekU3NWF6VDFDdk84RmM3aS1sVTVyRTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Ym5CSVpkUTNzYndDdDItMnUxa1ZGckZRc3pwWnpRLWx0MEZpR2lvQnpyYmFHZU14aktBYWQyX0FCUEhuaThpVkRJei1tTk9JY0ZLUW9xNVhHQTY0eHRZem15WEphS1hGQ2hnd3ZZWXJhS1lnMTlveUFpWGd2Q1NRc3lLZnNURUp3UVFtN3pmaV8xWW5DU1ctMUM2T3kzMVAwaVJxcTVmdDRUZjg3X1loNHR3TFhHRXNLZC00bkRDeUI4MHdqSWJC |
is the new audiobook emerson put out read aloud by him? | r/palayeroyale | post | r/PalayeRoyale | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aaDhxZ0t1Um1pclRfWDlKRzQ1N2lqSVRsSG5ScE5LX1AwOGtNNmRSc1NJTUg4STYwTjJiOVdYZG1HcUk1SHRBcXVjWDctdG5paUt3UG9vMGcxbTVTUGt3bUNQQWh2OGVFOFhVWFpNRXNZdmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UzJUOHdLdlF3TG9wRGVkNTVBT185dk5aUTBkTzBKMU5TY3o0Q1BwZzZIS3pjalFodzZxZ0hXWnU4NXBYMk5WUzBtZTU4X1FwUDZQcTI4NFBfMDBoblR4MkFNenR5TGVjM3FUR2FuVk9COXJVUDBxQ0VXX0JVb2RPSWR6UUpNWHJ5VWVha0pFX3NLMEpPMGFwRDNpR2Y1cTBxYU5CQjdiUDg4ZnpNeC10WExNPQ== |
Study buddy for gate 2026 | r/study | post | r/study | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYnRIMjEtUU5waXE5UjZiZU9mS1JldkcwRjI2WlZxVFRVTFhlMUk1eXVUMm1DVjlPZjhXZUowRHo5SzVyVUxWekNDSFNfMUtKZlFfMUJvR205Rzd3YkVFaWhHVkJZaFZlMnlNdFdERmtuTzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TDBVQzJIaWNsTFJHNmw1dlM4a3pYRkdhMkpoVE1WenktcHp5dVNMenJIZUs3Q1BsT2NFQUk0ZEYzNHNrR0dIdFdtSUg1UXp1eDlSbFNuakxjUXNxUVZtb0dIUERjSWRuZG1nVGQtck8yQkllX1NyZ1FVMHIyWmstYjJBTXExNVVTUUxtcFFFOU94SjBBZjVvWXlVV0RnPT0= |
Che cosa significa? | r/relazioni | post | r/Relazioni | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aczRreEMyVmZGRDhxc18tamNiM0FfREtoa1dSMEFPMHg2STdQWm9LWTgyaUt2Zk9MRU5Jc1kxUDdpbGRGRmZzTjJlbTBjSy1RdEhyNThPYkJXUGtHaFJySlJFM3UyelRDSnd1X2IzRzJiLWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SUZoN05BcFJJYkxTdDFpWlBwOVZFbmtaZFo5QmNkcWlzcU1YTUFBLUp1Z05PZGRVNlc4MGNqQW95TVBETVBoQm5weWozNU1IME9pUmtXYXdjcFBXM2dLcWdnMWw1Z0dGQU00ODdiMjRwaHNOR0JJSVFlSkJiRV9ydXd6Q3U1M1BLZUI2S0ZSdTYtUG5EdU5ONnJSQ3kwdEgyUHVoOHJUc09TNDFGOWQ1b2FZPQ== |
I wanted to make the best raid farm but I couldn't find the best one. So can someone tell me what is the best possible raid farm in Minecraft 1.21 in the single player world. | r/minecraftfarms | post | r/Minecraftfarms | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNVpOR1lZZXdMM0hBNHVySm5LVTZJcHdYckU5aDJ5T0dJSEs1MDdRUk1SN1JlSDJ2emJQMU1zaVh0SGNkTk9zUkhZVnBFMm0zeE9QY19rcnZsSW95SHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91RmVHWUZwSXNnYWJ0dm5xazNUU0hzSkhfWWJOQnNEYU9kcm9ZazZQM1lWcU9ybzNiU3RMSHJLSGdfajQ3MDc1SHlPVk80QVRsSXRIckljR21kNEJsb2JlMnV3S2owalhKaThJbVpEdkgzUkR2SUctU2JKN3BTZzVVTkZBcXZEd3UzYi16WWZBUFp2SVhTenZnUVdhSGRrLUxvc3c2VDRwZ0Z3LUpZZXlsMk4wPQ== |
Hi! What are these coin airdropps? And can I interact with them? | r/ergonauts | post | r/ergonauts | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aY2pjZnZXTUQ2bjVfT3pwZTBxcjJwd1g3OXptUXl4OWh6a01mcEFEQTE3Z3NoVFQ2MzFfSDVLTUswSDNOT1IxcjkzOUIwOHRMY0J4cFpmRVR1MTM4OGs1NEFDZXRjMWpKR1oxMGFuSmd6R0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Sm9GRjFYbEdmQnFNUWRzUlNEN3J5NkJ1dXptTmNkRXN1T2xpbkU0OFZ3S3lyckRZX253aWpGVWU2TElweHVEZ0N0S1FxakJqNEw3a1lpa21fbDZOX0JXOXV1MlFLenhyMHZ6ZEdWaGM0MkV2RDlTOTVFNVBYY1NrR1RaT0oxMGtwalZYcS1qcFVEVFpOV0ZodlZhSkx4NWNWM3RPNzh4ZjAwZjFjUDlSRGw4PQ== |
Right lads, on an A2 licence, haven't done the full test yet but looking to get a nice solid economy bike to daily and pass my full licence on. Preferably 250-400cc for running costs and a budget of 6000.
I was looking at some bikes online and seen on RSA's website that to pass the test the bike needs 20kW of power.
Some of the bikes I've seen such as the RE hunter 350 and benelli leoncino 250 are just under 20kW, would you even be allowed to do the test on those slightly underpowered bikes? Are the testers strict on bike power ? If so, am I gonna have to get a slightly bigger bike to make up for that 2 or 3 kW?
| r/motoireland | post | r/MotoIRELAND | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aN3MyejhhZERZTWxyc3R2Q3FZVm9WSkhiaDhfT0tVeld6NmE2bE5vS1Y2WlNIa3A1WXRrM1pEeXhHMEt2TEtBVHRCOVNTTkczcDA3RWtFQUtRQW82d25TaXc3UmN1eklFeFp5OEpwOUlyY009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91QkFscUZVTnNyLTNFQXdxSFgyYXZuT3V6UlFtY1VPU0VmRXVoMDBqQnpCeUdEUU0wSC1uaDE0OWhFbFNYRFRmZlFWRkEyNWQ4M2NNZzFjbktjMmhkMU1wMEt4ZS0wdWdTNmJXZU9qZkdpb3FQOWlWWXN1MVJYZzV3SXZyS2U5SDI2ejdyUVJhVFlCS280dm95MEUxalZsc2pYcXFFSXhJdXREZWFMNy1XQnBzWWh1YlNNbmVPREFyWXNFaFR3cWcwd3JmY1luSFpBR2oxRVRqWHo5SlNnUT09 |
Trying to figure out.
| r/jazzguitar | post | r/jazzguitar | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aSFJtWjgtdTJ4V0FyWVBmMms2bHZtaEc1UUJHLTk0RkFWV0oyZEtjS01UcWV3VmdGTTFpN2VOU2xUOVBqVHJqR2Qyb29sZTVURXp3MVJ0a3lReHJXVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NWljRGhHTFNDaHRZcVg5clBnOXpmV3V0VmVXREg0SGFCd1hkY052M2hLTkF5cU51NzBlVjZOUTNGZmJsNEUzVHFpMGlCN0NqUFRWdmRnck9EUEkwcDJQdmNacExrYW41ME9IeTNYVFM0Znp2d24tN0VzN0xJRWJ6LThmUjM1bk8zT0hUMnRrNW1yX2NJenJZRFFHaFpsS2tpb2dxTUFyS0ZsY3JZa3E5U0Q3X1hteElGbHlvMGYwSlU4RUhsbm5i |
New fleece lined crocs to keep the little toes warm during the winter season, super comfortable! | r/crocs | post | r/crocs | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNHg5dHc5aVZjWWdSaUR3aGIyQXJoa3I0U1FxbkFROGFJQ1VnS2hrQkp4QlZaX2hxRVB3RjVjanpnMTVKcndqSGVxY2ktQ0tncng0QThSSEtNdnpfdGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TVV3TVd5YkdPWkdQbDAxa2ktVVBmNXdDMWZWVnJRNTFJX0VnRElTeUFneVVCWUw4MGJQUWJleXUyN1BxdThCLTdmVWZJYUZ1RXVLaE9xekxrMWdiOG5EVjdPQW9McUctcE83bUZmN1JXTFhvdWY4aEdrNFZFVEF3cXRjakd1SVlpSHJoMG9MZFBfTEU4Q19maW4tamtDYV9sYlhBOUtma0kxV3JLRXA2WFdzPQ== |
A couple weeks back I had an error where it would never "receive playlist" and I had to download every video individually. Yesterday it kept crashing whenever I used it for individual videos or playlists, and I spent 45 minutes trying to use it before migrating to another software. Feels like any new updates aren't tested before release, because they all make the app worse every single time.
Support is also actually useless, because I asked them for help when the receive playlist error was going on, provided all the information they asked for and never heard back. I think at this point I'll just never use it again - I'd ask for a refund if it hadn't been such a long time since I got the licence. | r/4kdownloadapps | post | r/4kdownloadapps | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abWljY1hBSzVaUEg4SnNTLTN0SDYyM0xEUERTeEJlV210U1JVN01LOWFIN1V0QjNvZ291NmZrYURoTXMzQ05iWndWRXdSSTlRN0R6dDRXTEg2bU9qVUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SFRiQ0lGTDZiX0g1a3hEZk9SSS1obUh1ek8tcGtzazdxNEIyeWp2bjFzVEh4MVZMOWRZcGRsaXkwVG9YWHp3NFRDdFl1bmxwRkJHd0RHaGctV3Y1WWRWTTVmbTlNU0pwQzdfUHpuc19YazVhbUtqRUN0TTBWUGc1azBBM0JycHdycEJOX0RuZkxIU2xrWTZrMDFnNy1rSG1BZDhZbndZd1o1aEhTcnFiRUwtSnc4YlNGeDRBVEw1RTRsd1RLVGl0ZWRCT2NpZEFOUUdmRmY1T1pKUlNUQT09 |
I have a poco x6 pro phone, sometimes when i listen to WhatsApp vocal messages, the screen goes black, the volume goes down hard and i often can't turn it back on, unless i do it manually with a tap of the power button, in which case whatsapp freezes for a couple seconds and the audio gets interrupted. It's annoying as hell, considering how often it happens, and it happens even when my face is far from the screen, sometimes just a finger is enough to trigger it.
In short, is there a way to turn off the proximity sensor? Or at least make it stop working for WhatsApp | r/pocophones | post | r/PocoPhones | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWld4cWRVeWtxeWRhSV9sS0kxb0s1NkxpWm1sTC1zTUtGZjZ2WGVKMGQ0YXNremVlcHlzWXA2Q25VMTh5bnNMeGliZmRabUg3ZEpQVjlzbzdPWUZncFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Yl9LWDc2cFE5eUxPLWR5UHJTU2ZaWjJ1RXN0ZVlZcmRLVkVXYzk3VGJtRjdhQ0xlU3ljeDMxcC1sZ0M4SXVCX2xRUHlWcEZ0QVBUOGNXLWxydUVGdkhzcUdNQXQ0dHF5cnFZNmFVc3gzMVZmOFIwSzBDaDdSc2VDbFNEcHdKaE5GSVVycDM5RkRrM0VFMHlQRFgtbkhMNXZPN0JWbVZqNmI0dGxGM3JDR3I4UnlNT2NXRGZmSThtbloxcndwR2Iz |
So my friend always says that when a monster effect is negate it can still use it soulguard ability to stay on the field unless it got nullify all ability, by the effects of the end rulers, Vile Demonic Deity Dragon, Vanity Epoch Destroyer "Re:B", etc. is it true? | r/buddyfighttcg | post | r/BuddyfightTCG | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWEtZTmx4MmtUd3ZES2p6WVMyek5aZ0phNHVhSXExRjhHNWxNakhBZ1p0NWVCTldGeW1UQ1B5MzhSV21XNWZ5S2VZeTVnWGhiZjNGMnNhMUNjcUlkSXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UlB6SVZ3blhrN3kzaThyZXdXMll5Mi1uaVppSDNNUnczTVdpZlYzLXhhN0FRYkc4RXdJRF83SGhEazJIQkI0cTc4V05RVE5ORlJtNEE3dkdWU01yd2h2WnIyNVJUUGRVeWM1TjFJZTdsR2tBOGE3VXg2bjhna3dQTDBHaldZd3dZcy14V2tWRjIzVFdiRDFZb3JKOFBBamczbDJzV3ZRdnNTSnRVR3hvWDE2bkRZaDhadktLRnRfWXZuODlqbTVO |
I want to build a small business offering data visualization services using tableau.
My question is,
1. is it viable to sell customized dashboard for each of my clients?
2. Is it possible that I handle the purchase of license? I want my client to only view the reports and not worry about purchasing tableau on their own. If yes, what products of tableau are fit for this? | r/tableau | post | r/tableau | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aOVFyR3JPSVZZMXN3M1AyMzVpTXNaN3llQWRMRmZoV2JUUHI2WXVSaTlRX0tpUTBUVjdxNEtpQmlGSXEya0NzNW1nc2FyVHFBRzl3LUJjdm5jODI3Snc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91QzdfcGVsWDdPXzdZWEVQbm8zUlRfV2hEX0RDcG9lbmVaRi1wU2VtSVdwWTBKcXZncnhXMTJubE92RUw2VXkxQVNUUUU4RTZqdHMxUEZldTdYZjZ1elRCbktpVWhGUHRpd1BOU1JheVVNUnllWDh0Qmx4RmJtdWV6LXM4UTF3bnp0YUdVYnFleUJ0bC1VZ3NqNDhRZ2RLanpXSEJOYzMzMjVlY095UjYxcjFvPQ== |