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ext. roadside dusk present day [frl]: i gotta go. [frl]: jogs across the road. [mrl] sees traffic coming. [mrl]: goddamnit [frl]!! pay attention!!! [frl]: ...hello? |
ext. central park day [mrl]: you know, in this day and age it's not so outrageous a request. i mean, i don't know this kid. i don't know where he's been. [frl]: you're worried about where he's been? give me a break! |
int. bathroom night [frl]: is drying her hands in the bar's bathroom, staring into the mirror. no smile now. we see into her mind for a second. [frl]: there you are. [frl]: we thought you wouldn't show. why you sitting here? [mrl]: i don't talk to a lot of people. would you...? [frl]: i didn't have a chance to thank you. i'm [frl] pogue. [frl]: you look familiar. [mrl]: i guess i live on the beat you patrol. [frl]: why would you do that jump a man with a gun? [mrl]: he was going to shoot you. [frl]: he could've shot you. you have a death wish? you a bungee jumper? [mrl]: no. i didn't have time to think about it. [frl]: what d'you think about it now? [mrl]: i figure... it was worth the risk. [frl]: for someone you don't even know? [mrl]: yeah and for what you do. i think cops are great. out there, trying to keep it safe. you know? tough job. firemen are everybody's heroes. kids wave at firemen. people should wave at cops. did you ever think about how many people are walking around this town because you saved them? [frl]: i never thought about it. [mrl]: ... because you helped them or because you arrested somebody who would've hurt them or because you just... did your job? [frl]: now i'm walking around this town because of you. ever think about that? maybe you should be a cop. [mrl]: i don't know... i look pretty dumb in a hat... [mrl]: ... and i don't drive and, like i said, i don't talk to many people. am i talking too much? i am. you go ahead. [frl]: okay. what d'you do? you employed around here? oh, god. sorry. every time i try to talk to somebody, it comes out like an interrogation. [mrl]: where do you want to be ten years from now? [frl]: what? [mrl]: somebody taught that to me. kind of a shortcut. you ask somebody, what are your plans for tomorrow what're your dreams for ten years from now. it's supposed to get things started. [frl]: does it work? [mrl]: i never tried it. [frl]: bullshit. [mrl]: no. really. i just remembered it god is my witness. [frl]: not in here. it's mostly cops. [frl]: you have a nice smile. [frl]: so... what were we talking about? oh, yeah, you were giving me some line about starting a conversation. [mrl]: the shortcut. [frl]: okay. i'll play. [frl]: tomorrow i've got a night watch shift. if the weather clears, in the morning i'll go hiking. if it rains, i'll go to the gym and the laundromat. ten years from now... i want to be living in some mountainous place. [mrl]: tibet? [frl]: could be tibet. could be colorado. your turn. [frl]: drains her shot and stands. [mrl]: oh. i'll... walk you to your car. [mrl]: thanks for the drink. [ex10]: least we could do. we don't like her very much but we don't want to lose her. [frl]: frowns and waves to the booth of cops. [ex10] smiles and shakes hands with [mrl] as a goodbye. [mrl]: take care. |
int. house [mrl]: what's she talking about? [ex5]: this is where other people get to call in and dump on what you said. |
ext. [frl] and [ex]'s house night [ex22]: "merry christmas!" "good luck at your dad's!" "see you at new year's!" [ex7]: approaches [mrl] in the doorway. [mrl]: have a good time at your mom's. [ex7]: thanks. and [mrl]... since you were born on christmas eve, i figure you don't get a lot of birthday presents. so, i thought you should have my clock. from the heart. [mrl]: thank you, [ex7]. [frl]: gives [mrl] one last hug. [ex7] and [frl] watch their friends leave. [ex7]: i love you guys! |
ext. farmer's market later [frl]: runs through the market looking for [mrl]. [frl]: [mrl]! [ex12]: turns around and sees [frl] running. all belly and boobs bouncing towards him. her gown starting falling off. [ex12]: whoa. i've had nightmares that started like this. [frl]: [mrl]! [mrl]: turns. [mrl]: [frl]? [frl]: [mrl]! [mrl]: are you okay? don't run! [frl]: i can't help it! [mrl]: are you all right? [frl]: great. i'm great. [mrl]: why are you in a hospital gown? [frl]: i'm in labor. [mrl]: what? what the hell are you doing here? [frl]: it's you. [mrl]: what? [frl]: [ex16]'s my birthing partner, but she passed out and needed stitches, and [ex1] asked me who i most wanted with me,'s you. it's only you. i don't want to be alone anymore. i love you. you don't know how much i love you. [mrl]: doesn't know what to say. he's literally speechless. [frl]: more than anything in the world, i love you. [mrl]: i've been in love with you since the moment you stole my cab. [frl]: bends over, holding her stomach. a contraction. [frl]: ow. ow. ow. [mrl]: i'm sorry. oh, i'm sorry. i just love you. i love you so much. let's get the hell out of here. [frl]: yeah. i think i really need to go to the hospital now. [mrl]: let's go have our babies. |
int. hospital nurses' station night [ex10]: is helping mrs. hobbs dispense medication into paper cups when dr. hirsch approaches. he is still wearing his overcoat. [ex10]: is not sure how to answer. [frl]: has walked up and overheard the last. [frl]: it's all right, susan. yes, doctor, i have. |
int. clinic waiting room day present day [frl]: wearing scrubs, picks up the ringing phone. [frl]: mediplex... you are going to need to come in... we're going to need to see him... i can't diagnose over the phone... about 20 30 minutes... okay? ...okay, bye... [frl]: hangs up. she holds a clipboard. [frl]: [ex17]? [frl]: right this way. |
int. bedroom night [frl]: what is this music? |
int. locker room dusk [ex28]: hell yeah. [ex21]: looks at [frl], standing in her shorts and sports bra. [ex21]: oh damn, mon. [frl]: what? [ex21]: i think ol' girl took out your chichis with that charge. [frl]: kiss my ass. [ex27]: i don't want to go play overseas. [ex36]: i thought you were hyped about going to portugal next year. [ex27]: it's never gonna be like this. playing in front of my family, hanging out with my girls. probably not even a mcdonald's. [ex18]: least you got an offer. my agent's still looking. [ex25]: what about you? [ex21]: maybe it'd be worth it if i knew some day i could come back here and play. but for right now, it's law school. [ex17]: [frl]. |
ext. snow covered forest day |
and extras. cu on the cookie plate. |
int. triple door continuous [mrl]: slowly walks up to the stage. he stands there silently, looking at the audience. then, finally... [mrl]: have you guys heard of this new drug cocktail called cheese? like that's the name of it, it's called cheese. i saw all these news reports, and they were like, there's a new drug, it's called cheese. everyone's doing it in the midwest, kids are doing it. [mrl]: it's just really hard to do standup comedy when your girlfriend is in a coma. [mrl]: not quite sure what part you're laughing at. they say she's fighting, but she doesn't look like she's fighting. she looks like she's just laying there. i said horrible things to her. i hurt her. she loves birds. like she gets excited every time she sees a bird. she's like, look at this, it's a bird. and i'm always like, yeah, they're all over the place, they're birds. but she likes that bird. every bird she sees, she sees it. [mrl]: her dad just called and said that they can't transfer her because the infection has reached her heart. which means... she could die. |
ext. train station evening |
int. outer office bldg. and loan day [ex7]: listening at the door. as [mrl] is about to enter his father's office, uncle billy grabs him by the arm. [mrl]: got to see [ex17], [ex7]. [ex7]: some other time, [mrl]. [mrl]: it's important. [ex7]: there's a squall in there that's shapin' up into a storm. [ex8]: [ex7]... telephone. [ex7]: who is it? [ex8]: bank examiner. [ex7]: looking at his hand. [ex7]: bank examiner! i should have called him yesterday. switch it inside. |
int. [ex2] mintzs office continuous its [mrl]s old office but you wouldnt know it from the decor...lots of country pine, a fabric sofa, and a play pen where the bar used to be. [mrl] enters, immediately struck by the difference... [ex4] [ex2], this is [mrl] ...the one i was telling you about... mintz, a confident look on his face, gets up from the desk and goes to shake [mrl]s hand. [ex2] [mrl], of course. they shake hands. [mrl] mr. mintz. [ex2] please, call me [ex2]. we try to cultivate a casual atmosphere around here... [mrl] i can see that, [ex2]. a chuckle from mintz. [ex2] you have kids, [mrl]? [mrl] uh...actually, yes. two... good ones. another laugh from mintz. [ex2] thats great... why dont you have a seat? [mrl] nods, sits down on the plush sofa, mintz and [ex4] take the chairs. [ex2] so, peter mentioned that you were an avid cnbc watcher but didnt say whether you had any actual wall street experience? [mrl]s a little taken aback by the question, not realizing he was walking into an interview... he crosses his legs, trying to get comfortable. [mrl] i was a sales associate, at e.f. hutton. [ex2] a broker? really. and now youre in the tire business? [mrl] thats right. and auto supply... [ex2] uh huh. the retail end, i understand. [mrl] nods... [mrl] uh...we actually get about sixty percent of our business from automotive service. [ex2] mind if i ask what kind of sales you did last year? ballpark... [mrl] we did one point seven million in total revenue... [ex2] uh point seven. and what do you project for this year? [mrl] pauses, analyzing the situation...the patronizing questions, the smirk on mintzs face... [ex2] any thoughts at all on that? as [mrl] stares into their faces, he realizes the extent of his handicap... [ex2] [mrl]? he stops, takes a moment, looking at mintz and [ex4] then ...a confident smile. [mrl] well, [ex2], i think were gonna have a banner year. sales are up almost twenty percent in the first quarter and we just landed a major trucking company account. [ex2] really. so youre projecting what, a tad over two million? a gleam in [mrl]s eye. [mrl] thats right. and that would make us number one in our market... you mind if i stand? a raised eyebrow from mintz. mintz and [ex4] follow [mrl] with their eyes as he crosses the room to the desk, pours himself a glass of water... [mrl] look, i know our paltry little two million in sales is about what you spend on office supplies in a year. and i know some regional trucking company account is nothing compared to a sixty billion dollar merger... [ex2] im not trying to knock the tire business, [mrl]. [mrl] its okay, [ex2]. i get it. im in your shoes, im thinking exactly the same thing...but heres the thing. business is business. wall street, main street, its all just a bunch of people getting up in the morning, trying to figure out how the hell theyre gonna send their kids to college. its just people... [mrl]s confidence is throwing mintz off, but [ex4] appears intrigued... [mrl] and i know people. [ex2] im sure you do... [ex4] lets let the man have his say... mintz covers his embarrassment with a smile... [mrl] take you, for instance... [ex2] what about me? [mrl] you drink about sixteen diet cokes a day. youre an excellent father, but you feel guilty about the time you spend away from home. you drink bourbon, but you offer your clients scotch... [mrl] looks around the office then back to mintz. [mrl] and your wife decorated this office... a laugh from [ex4] as mintz sits there stewing, a caught look on his face. [ex4] he certainly has your number, [ex2]. [mrl] youre a little tougher, peter. a raised eyebrow from [ex4], but hes game... [mrl] for one thing, you like expensive things. [ex4] thats easy. youve seen my car. [mrl] smoke hoyo de monterreys. youre a scotch man, single malt, not because its trendy but because youve been doing it for forty years, and you stay with what works. you have two great loves in your life, your horses and this company. you wept openly the day the dow hit ten thousand... [ex4]s impressed. [mrl] and youre a man who prides himself on finding talent in unusual places... [ex4] oh? and how would you know that? [mrl] smiles. [mrl] because im here. on [ex4]...nodding his head. mintz, a plasteredon smile. [mrl] im prepared to do anything it takes to get this job. start anywhere you need me to start. ill park cars if i to... the biggest part of judging character is knowing yourself. and i know this, i can do this job. give me a chance, peter, i wont let you down. [ex4] returns [mrl]s gaze with equal intensity. in a moment, he turns to mintz. [ex4] [ex2], why dont you show [mrl] around a bit... [ex2] id love to. cut to: |
it is now winter. the track team jogs in formation, leaving tracks in the snow. those bastards never stop running. |
int. hallway west wing day [ex3]: he's got the whole white house press corps asking each other how to spell "erudite." [ex3]: i know. gotta rewrite the state of the union. [ex3]: goes off in one direction. a.j. heads towards the oval office. |
[frl]: watches [mrl] drive away, perturbed by the exchange. she forces a smile and goes to greet the visitors. [ex5] sets up [ex4]'s wheelchair and [ex4] climbs into it as [frl]: come to visit your truck? [ex5]: looks good. you got that dent out. [ex5]: shoots his father an irritated look, just as the police cruiser pulls up. [ex3] climbs out, holding two sixpacks. [ex3]: pale ale. [ex4]: harry clearwater's homemade fish fry. [ex4]: any luck with the [ex12] case? [ex4]: seems disturbed but not surprised. [frl] is horrified. [frl]: a person did that? [ex5]: a crazy person, walking around barefoot this time of year. [ex3]: spread the word out at the rez, will ya? keep the kids out of the woods. [ex4]: will do. don't want no one else getting hurt. [frl]: looks away from [ex4], unnerved. [frl]: floats near [mrl], only their hands touching, but their bodies are nearing, so close, so sensual.. . |
int. reverend's office [mrl]: doesn't sit. [mrl]: i'd like to take [frl] to dinner on new year's eve. [mrl]: i'm sorry i haven't always treated [frl] the way i should have. she deserves better. [mrl]: i care for her. [mrl]: i wouldn't do that [mrl]: ever again. |
ext. day. the fields . [mrl]: she's completely different. [ex1]: how was she before? what's the story?... [mrl]: there isn't one. [ex1]: come on. [mrl]: was nothing. decade ago. just a teenage thing. |
int. kenwood house. ground floor corridors day.7 48 * [ex6] steps from the ladies' parlour [frl] from the drawing room, winded with emotion. as they fall into each other's arms, weeping... [ex6] i am sorry, [frl]. so very sorry. |
int. classroom day [frl]: sits in class. [ex2] passes a note back to her. [frl]: she wrote me a note in first period. [frl]: reads it. it says: hey girlie! you wanna hang out after school today? kisses! [ex2] [ex2]: looks back and [frl] gives her the thumbs up. |
int. [ex14]'s cab day [ex14]: if either of you two see a stranger around here, it's me. [ex14]: reaches over and hands [mrl] a bottle of champagne done up in gift wrappings. [frl]: good old [ex15]. [ex14]: by the way, where are you two going on this here now honeymoon? [mrl]: where are we going? look at this. there's the kitty, [ex14]. here, come on, count it, [frl]. [frl]: i feel like a bootlegger's wife. look! [mrl]: you know what we're going to do? we're going to shoot the works. a whole week in new york. a whole week in bermuda. the highest hotels the oldest champagne the richest caviar the hottest music, and the prettiest wife! [ex14]: that does it! then what? [mrl]: then what, honey? [frl]: after that, who cares? [mrl]: that does it come here. |
int. day. hadditon the marquee. [ex6]: it all runs very smoothly. i start a book in the summer, publish it the following spring. bit of a factory, really. |
int. living room night [ex11]: hi. [mrl]: hi [ex11]. |
int. dispatch night [ex36]: sits at the mike. an air controller is standing next to him, but only his midsection is in frame. [ex36]: all right. it's obvious you remember me. [ex36]: so what do you say you and i just forget about everything except what we have to do now? [ex36]: you and i are going to bring this plane in together. [ex36]: before we start, i'd like to say something. i know that right now things must look pretty rough up there. [ex36]: but if you do what i tell you, when i tell you to do it, there's no reason you can't bring that plane in. |
int. chicago dispatch night |
[ex2]: and [mrl] walk into the attic. [mrl]: i looked in here, but this is all your sewing shit up here, for your sewing and everything. did you put it up here? [mrl]: steps to an open closet. [ex2]: what about in your father's study? |
int. hallway continuous |
int. o'shea apartment building lobby day [mrl]: lies sleeping on a sofa in the lobby. the [ex13] taps him awake. [mrl]: what time is it? [ex13]: eight o'clock. you got to go. [mrl]: did she show up? [ex13]: nope. [mrl]: do you mind if i check upstairs? [ex13]: i can't have you do that, nor can i have you hanging around the lobby all day. [mrl]: i understand. thanks for letting me crash here. [ex13]: don't worry about it. |
int. [frl]'s room 84 where [frl] is frantically pulling the chord out of the back of her radio. [mrl] fades the phone out, the music up. [mrl] don't be too proud of your five seconds of fame. more people would hear us if we shouted out the window. [frl] my radio days are over, i'm now deaf. [mrl] didn't i tell you not to listen to my show? [frl] you were only playing music. [mrl] well, all these songs are about you. [frl] wow... you're a real piece of work, you know that, [mrl]? |
ext. dancing elk school track morning [frl]: waddles toward the field. the guys on the track team, ridiculously arrayed as usual, are doing hurdler stretches. they stare at her quizzically. [mrl] spots [frl] approaching and jogs up to the chainlink fence. [mrl]: did you put like a hundred things of tic tacs in my mailbox? [frl]: yeah. that was me. [mrl]: why? [frl]: because they're your fave. and you can never have too much of your favorite onecalorie breath mint. [mrl]: well... thanks. i think i'm pretty much set until college on the tic tac front. [frl]: you know, i've been thinking. i'm really sorry i was such a huge bitch to you. you didn't deserve that. you never deserve any of the poo i unload on you. [mrl]: you know it's okay. [mrl]: i try really hard, actually... [mrl]: i was just bored. i only think school is awesome like, 80% of the time. [mrl]: it does? [frl]: presses [mrl]'s hand against her belly. [mrl]: wizard! [frl]: i think it's because my heart starts pounding when i see you. [mrl]: mine too. [frl]: that's all i need from you. that's more than i could ever ask for. you're just golden, dude. [mrl]: can we make out now? [frl]: okay. [ex3]: passes by, does a double take, then hurries up to the fence, rolling her eyes. [ex3]: you know, you can go into early labor sucking face like that! [frl]: gives her the finger, not breaking the clinch with [mrl]. |
intext. [mrl]'s car later [mrl]: drives in the middle of the night, empty streets. [ex5]: she's still in the er. could you just go and sit with her? i was there for as long as i could, but it's a crazy time for all of us... |
ext. street afternoon [frl]: walks down a little street in a quiet neighborhood. |
int. [mrl]'s living roomcorridor evening [mrl]: thanks for your help on the glasses thing. [ex1]: you're welcome. did you find them? [mrl]: sort of. |
int. [mrl]'s bedroom dusk [mrl]: looks at the new bottle of prescription wellbutrin. he puts a pill in his mouth and washes it down with rc cola. |
ext. sidewalk evening [frl]: walks down the street, alone. [frl]: looks over her shoulder, takes off running. [mrl] runs after her. they turn a corner. he is chasing her, a reverse of their previous runs together. he grabs her arm and she [mrl]: wait a second! [mrl]: i have one more letter for you to read, okay? [mrl]: let me say something. you don't ever have to see me again if you just read it, alright? [frl]: this is so fucked up. [frl]: unfolds the letter. [frl]: "...i know you wrote the letter. the only way you could meet my crazy...." [frl]: you wrote that a week ago? [frl]: you let me lie to you for a week? [mrl]: i was trying to be romantic. [frl]: you love me? [frl]: okay. she leans forward and kisses him, they kiss. camera pulls away. score comes in. |
recording of him reading howl fades up and over the next |
int. [mrl]'s apartment. kreuz. day [ex29]: i have noone else to ask. if you don't take responsibility for her, then [frl] has no future at all. [mrl]: it's kind of you. thank you for letting me know. [mrl]: puts the phone down. he looks as if he has just been handed a sentence. he gets up and stares at the wall which is now stacked with all the books he has read. then he goes to his balcony. |
ext. airplane night |
they exit the car and stand in the street, looking up, scanning the dark buildings but the sound is hard to track, a faint ballad on a skillful horn. [frl]: wow. [ex1]: got 'im? [frl]: look at that moon. [ex1]: full moon, man. hey! [ex5]: this guy's crazy! bat[ex14]: this asshole sideswiped me! [frl]: are you mcguire? bat[ex14]: what?! [frl]: mark mcguire? bat[ex14]: no. [frl]: then put that bat away. put it in your trunk. now. [ex5]: i never touched his car. bat[ex14]: you lying bastard! |
ext. notting hill garden night [frl]: what's in there? [mrl]: gardens. [ex28] these streets round here have these mysterious communal gardens in the middle of them. they're like little villages. [frl]: let's go in. [mrl]: ah no that's the point they're private villages only the people who live round the edges are allowed in. [frl]: you abide by rules like that? [mrl]: ahm... [mrl]: heck no other people do but not me i just do what i want. [mrl]: whoopsidaisies. [frl]: what did you say? [mrl]: nothing. [frl]: you said 'whoopsidaisies.' [mrl]: i don't think so. no one has said 'whoopsidaisies,' do they i mean unless they're... [frl]: there's no 'unless.' no one has said "whoopsidaisies" for fifty years and even then it was only little girls with blonde ringlets. [mrl]: exactly. here we go again. [mrl]: whoopsidaisies. [mrl]: it's a disease i've got it's a clinical thing. i'm taking pills and having injections it won't last long. [frl]: step aside. [mrl]: actually be careful [frl] it's harder than it looks... [mrl]: oh no it's not it's easy. [frl]: come on, flops. [mrl]: clambers over with terrible difficulty, dusts himself off, and heads towards where she stands. [mrl]: now seriously what in the world in this garden could make that ordeal worthwhile? [mrl]: nice garden. |
ext. road |
ext. street dusk [frl]: dungarees. |
in the kitchen: we see 10yearold [mrl] watching his mother [ex5] and father kiss quickly, politely, and then his father leaves quickly. [ex2] remains in silhouette through the shot. different day, in [mrl]'s bedroom: [mrl] watches [ex2] and [ex5] kiss, and [ex2] leave more like a performance than anything real. different day, in parent's bedroom: [mrl] watches [ex2] and [ex5] kiss and [ex2] exit, quick and dry. 10yearold [mrl] studies them each time. |
ext. street day [ex2]: don't tou... |
ext. ranch day [ex2]: waits in the truck as [mrl] leads [ex3] through the cows and cowshit, climbs up and hops over a wood fence. [ex3] follows suit not as gracefully and gets a splinter... |
int. [mrl]'s living room evening [mrl]: in a towel rushes downstairs, having just had a shower. he shoots past [ex1]. [mrl]: bollocks. this happens every time i go to the cinema. average day, my glasses are everywhere everywhere i look, glasses. but the moment i need them they disappear. it's one of life's real cruelties. [ex1]: that's compared to, like, earthquakes in the far east or testicular cancer? [mrl]: oh shit, is that the time? i have to go. |
int. showers day |
intercut between [frl] and the computer screen |
ext. pasture another day |
int. station wagon. night [ex8]: pans a spotlight back and forth in the darkness while he steers the car. the lamp has a short in it [ex13]: how can we help her? she's got so many problems. it's getting worse. [ex13]: looks strangely to [ex8]. he asks: [ex13]: whose fault is it? [ex8]: i don't know, but just for the record: ninetyfive percent of all runaways return home within six hours. that doesn't do you any good right now. it's just a statistic but in all likelihood [frl]'s probably hiding in the closet at her best friend's house playing chinese checkers at this very moment, as we speak. [ex13]: she doesn't have any friends. [ex8]: how's laura? [ex13]: how's laura? [ex13]: i don't understand. [ex8]: is she upset? [ex13]: looks baffled and disgusted. he throws his hands into the air. he looks away and shakes his head. silence. [ex8] wiggles some wires. [ex8]: i got to get this spotlight fixed. |
int. cafeteria day [ex9]: you were right. she's still pissed. [ex10]: sweet love, renew thy force! [ex9]: man don't say shit like that to me. people can hear you. [ex8]: you humiliated the woman! sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even the score. [ex10]: best case scenario, you're back on the payroll for awhile. [ex9]: what's the worst? [ex8]: you get the girl. [ex9]: thinks for a minute [ex9]: if i go down. i'm takin' her with me |
int. carter kitchen dawn [mrl]: quietly shuts the back door. exhausted. starts making coffee. [ex4] appears. [ex4]: your father called. [ex4]: [frl]'s a patient at his hospital. he's having a colleague look at her chart this morning. [ex4]: i'm sorry. i didn't know. [mrl]: i didn't know either. |
int. passenger cabin another area night [ex25]: i happened to be passing, and i thought you might like some corfee. [ex26]: that's very nice of you. thank you. [ex25]: thank you. cream? [ex25]: were you vacationing in los angeles? [ex25]: no. i'm from washington, d.c. i'm a lobbyist for the small businessmen's assocation. |
ext. mrs. porter's house day [ex3] sits in a lawn chair in the back yard wearing a large straw hat and reading a book. [mrl] and [ex1] are repairing and painting the fence. [ex3] looks up from her book: [ex3]: that board doesn't look straight, [ex1]. come on, [mrl], you've been painting the same spot for the last five minutes. |
int. club foyer night [ex9]: walks up to [ex22], who's frisking a badly mowhawked pierced eyebrow [ex5]. [ex22] pulls a switchblade out of the boy's inside pocket. [ex22]: next time, leave the bic at home, [ex23]. [ex23]: it's a bottle opener. [ex22]: pushes him inside the club, then sees [ex9]. [ex9]: always a pleasure, brucie. [ex22]: didn't have you pegged for a gigglepuss fan. aren't they a little too preteen bellybutton ring for you? [ex9]: fan of a fan. you see a couple of minors come in? [ex22]: never [ex9]: padua girls. one tall, decent body. the other one kinda short and undersexed? [ex22]: just sent 'em through. [ex9]: starts to go in [ex22]: hey what happened to that chick you brought last time? the one with the snake? [ex9]: laughs and goes into the club |
int. [mrl]'s living room night [frl]: the thing that's so irritating is that now i'm so totally fierce when it comes to nudity clauses. [mrl]: you actually have clauses in your contact about nudity? [frl]: definitely. 'you may show the dent at the top of the artist's buttocks but neither cheek. in the event of a stunt person being used, the artist must have full consultation.' [mrl]: you have a stunt bottom? [frl]: i could have a stunt bottom, yes. [mrl]: would you be tempted to go for a slightly better bottom than your own? [frl]: definitely. ths is important stuff. [mrl]: it's one hell of a job. what do you put on your passport? profession mel gibson's bottom. [mrl]: the ice cream or mel gibson's bottom? [frl]: both. |
int. hospital corridor day [frl]: has the patient in twentyone gotten his tray yet? [ex14]: the american? yes, duck. [frl]: how did he look? [ex14]: what do you mean, `how did he look'? [frl]: you know, did he seem depressed? do you think he'll eat the food? [ex14]: i'm an orderly, not a bleeding psychiatrist! i push things about, but i've little say what happens to them. [frl]: thank you. [frl]: holds up her head and proceeds to [mrl]'s room. she hesitates, then peeks in. |
int. day. winnards farm [frl]'s bedroom. [ex2]: you are so fit i wanna shag you. love from [ex14] pfwoor!!! [ex5] takes another swig with a wicked grin, she sits at [frl]'s pc. we hear [ex2] knock three times on the back door. |
int. [mrl]'s bedroom continuous ...impeccably decorated and obsessively neat. close in on the bed where [mrl] , now 35, sans mustache and long hair, opens his eyes. a flash of bright morning light from the window. [mrl] shields his eyes, turning his head toward the bathroom where he sees... a woman's back...draped in a incredible back, neither flabby nor overly toned, beautifully curved...[mrl] focuses on it a moment. as the woman turns to him... [ex1]. beautiful, late 20s, a toothbrush in her mouth... [ex1] i hope you don't mind. there were like ten new ones in the cabinet. a playful smile from [ex1]. [mrl] it's not what you think. i took mentadent public... [ex1] smiles, moves over to a chair and grabs a little black dress hanging neatly over it. [ex1] did you really mean what you said about tuscany? [mrl] of course i did. [ex1] last night was great... [mrl] you are an amazing lover. you should be giving motivational seminars. [ex1] thanks. you're not bad yourself... [mrl] grabs his [ex5] mueller watch from the night stand, puts it on his wrist. he looks at [ex1] as she slips the dress on. [mrl] i want to see you again. [ex1] i'd like that, too. [mrl] tonight. she turns to him. [ex1] it's christmas eve, [mrl]. [mrl] so we'll get egg nog. [ex1] laughs. [ex1] i have to go to my parents' house out in jersey. would you like to come? [mrl] jersey? you know what the traffic's gonna be like? [ex1] i'm taking the train... [ex1] approaches [mrl], leaning over him, her long hair dangling on his chest. [ex1] don't you have anywhere to go? [mrl] i've got plenty of places to go. he stays there, confident, sexy, waiting for an answer... [ex1] maybe i can try and sneak away some time tomorrow morning... okay? [mrl] if it's something you feel strongly about. [ex1] walks to the door, then turns back to [mrl]. [ex1] it was nice meeting you, [mrl]... chapter two main titles |
int. buchanan mansion [frl]'s bedroom continuous |
ext. school parking lot same time |
int. beauty parlor later [mrl]: sits with a towel over his head as [ex6] blowdries the back of his head. his back is to the mirror, his body faces [frl]. [ex10] does her own nails as mrs. pressman scratches off lottery tickets. the dog, sprout, sits in is basket. [frl]: in another one... [mrl]: peeks out from under his towel as [frl] continues. [frl]: i'm inside the church. everyone i know is there, only they're not really them. they're like frankenstein monsters, but without the bolts coming out of their necks. it's all very "night of the living dead". and here's the creepiest part i look down at my dress and it's red. i mean, i have no idea what it means. red's not my color! [mrl]: listens intently and stares steadily into her eyes. [ex6] removes the towel. his hair is divided into equal parts and dyed orange and red. [frl]: so what do you think? [mrl]: stares back at her, the tickle of suspicion creeping up his spine. [mrl]: i think you'd look good in red. [frl]: swivels his chair so that [mrl] faces the mirror. [mrl] looks at his brightly colored hair. [frl]: you're all ready for football season, mr. graham. [mrl]: stares at his hair in total confusion. with icy calm, [mrl] rises from his chair and primps the end of his hair as if giving it the finishing touches. then he sees his defaced newspaper clipping and all becomes clear. he picks up the article and shows it to everyone. [mrl] does a slow burn. [mrl]: turns and puts the clipping up on the mirror. [mrl]: my jacket, please. [mrl]: thank you. [mrl]: moves toward the door. he spots [ex11]. [mrl]: excuse me, [ex11], do you know a place that sells shampoo... strong shampoo? [ex11]: doc's pharmacy. third and elm. tell him [ex11] sent you. want my hat? [mrl]: no thanks. [mrl]: smiles at [frl] and exits. [frl]: he seems crabby. |
int. pub night |
ext. [frl]'s house day [frl]: walks [ex1] to his cruiser. he wears a dark, ill fitting funeral suit. at the car, [frl] adjusts his tie [ex1]: thanks for understanding, bells. they wanted to keep the service small. [frl]: don't worry about me. are you gonna be okay? [ex1]: yeah... but sue, and those kids leah's only a year older than you. and seth's, what, fourteen... [ex1]: there'll be a reception after. i might stay late, see if i can help. [ex7]: you're not going? [frl]: i'm not the most popular person on the werewolf rez right now. [ex7]: because you're friends with me. [frl]: shrugs. [ex7] hears something, then looks down the road [ex6]'s rabbit appears in the distance.... [ex7]: huh. didn't see them coming. didn't see him pull you out of the water maybe my visions are allergic to dogs. [frl]: [ex7]. [ex7]: i'll go do some hunting. [frl]: [ex22]... you, too? [ex22]: yeah. me, too. [ex6]: climbs out. [ex21] takes the driver's seat. [ex6]: you alone? [frl]: yes. shouldn't you be at the funeral? [ex6]: had to talk to you first. i'll meet you there. go on. |
int. apartment building hallyway continuous [mrl]: so what did he say? [frl]: he's checking in again to see if you're ready to sign your divorce papers and he sounded very aggravated. do you want me to read them to you? [mrl]: seems lost in thought. we see the following images under the rest of the conversation: [mrl] and [ex4] sitting at a table with their attorneys; [mrl] & [ex4] sitting in their marriage counselor's office, heavy; [mrl] and [ex4] at her laboratory, he's sitting on a counter, and they're talking and laughing as she works; [mrl] and [ex4] standing in their kitchen in the middle of a fight he says something mean and we see how hurt she is. [frl]: are you okay? [frl]: is there anything i can do? [mrl]: no. i'm good. i'll talk to you later. |
int. [ex1]'s apartment bedroom night [ex2]: where is my big hairy boy? [ex1]: is alarmed. he stops breathing as his gay houseguest approaches. [ex1]: breathes again. [ex2] enters the room. [ex2]: should i get it? [ex1]: nods. [ex2] walks into the next room... several beats as he finds the phone. we hear him pick it up and: [ex2]: hello. [ex2]: hello. it's me. he took me in. did you know? hold on, i'll get him for you. |
int. central park went apartment night |
int. convenience store night on [mrl]...crouched down in an aisle of this local convenience store...checking out the bags of rock salt... he looks at the price tag on one of the bags... [mrl] four ninety nine?! its just salt for gods sake... on the entrance to the store...the door opens, a young girl, 17, enters, an average suburban teenager... she glances at a fashion magazine, picks up a package of gum... from the pov of the cashier, we see the girl approach the counter... on [mrl], crouched down in the aisle. he grabs a bag of salt from the shelf, when... [ex6] thatll be sixty five cents, little angel... [mrl] registers the voice...he rises slowly, looking over to the front counter...where he sees... [ex6], dressed in a typical chain convenience store uniform, ringing up the teenager... an excited smile from [mrl] at the sight of [ex6]... [mrl] you...! then...the color drains from [mrl]s face... [mrl] what are you doing here... [mrl] moves toward [ex6] at the counter... [mrl] youre not sending me back... the girl eyes [mrl] curiously, then removes a dollar bill from her pocket and slides it across the counter to [ex6]... [ex6] [mrl], its good to see you... [ex6] reaches into the register, taking out change for ten dollars...he hands the girl $.. [ex6] thank you darlin... the girl looks at the money, realizing that [ex6] has given her the wrong change... [ex6] what do you got there, rock salt? look at you, all domestic and shit... you really figured some things out, huh? the girl looks at [ex6] talking to [mrl]... [mrl] im not going back... the girl hesitates...[ex6] turns to her... [ex6] everything okay...? she looks at him, a moment of decision, then... [ex25] yeah...fine. [mrl] hey! did you hear me...?! [ex6] ignores [mrl], watching the girl as she heads to the door, hesitates a moment, then walks out... a look of disappointment on [ex6]s face as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a little notebook... [ex6] looks at [mrl]. [ex6] that was a character issue... ...and for nine dollars? thats just sad... [mrl] hey, im talking to you! i am not going back, do you understand...?! [ex6] looks at him, compassion on his face. [mrl] you cant do this. you cant keep coming in and out of peoples lives, messing things up... [ex6] cmon, [mrl]... [mrl] throws six bucks on the counter... [mrl] ive got kids, im going home... [ex6] you know what the word glimpse means, j? its by nature an impermanent thing. [mrl] walks determinedly toward the exit. he stops and turns at the door... [mrl] im staying. [ex6] follows him with his eyes, a proud look on [ex6]s face as [mrl] leaves... |
ext. texaco station that night [mrl]: pulls the plymouth up to the pumps. he's neatly dressed in a jacket and tie. [ex1] comes out of the office and leans in the car window. [mrl]: fill 'er up. [ex1]: nice tie. [mrl]: oh mind if i borrow it? [ex1]: puts the nozzle in the car as [mrl] climbs out. [ex1]: i thought you didn't like those parties at the 's? [mrl]: i don't. [ex1]: then why are you going? [mrl]: just doing someone a favor. how come you're not going? [ex1]: i'm persona non grata. [mrl]: what's that mean? [ex1]: you know what it means. [mrl]: what happened with you and [ex2]? [ex1]: nothing. i just outlived my usefulness, that's all. [mrl]: how were you `useful' to her? [mrl]: has no reply to that. [ex1]: [ex2] was just looking for a way out. a way out of the whole world. and it turns out that it takes a lot to get away. it's not enough that you sleep around with boys from your world, you have to fuck boys from the wrong side of the tracks. [mrl]: what do you mean? like guys from fountain park? [mrl]: we're not from the wrong side of the tracks. [ex1]: hangs up the nozzle and screws the gas cap back on. [ex1]: i wouldn't go to that party if i were you. [ex1]: you still don't know, do you? [mrl]: know what? |
ext. cronin's grill afternoon [mrl]: gimme a second here... [ex21]... arizona contract... new glass cabinet... [ex16]: you okay? [mrl]: i'm fine. what's up? [ex16]: i came here to let you go. [mrl]: pardon me? [ex16]: came here to fire you, [mrl]. [ex16]: it's real, [mrl]. you... you should say something. [mrl]: aw shit...the crowded restaurant... so there's no scene... [ex16]: i know. it sucks. i suck. [mrl]: you... [ex16]: you did this to yourself. you said "fewer clients." you put it all on paper. scully was very upset. heart attacks make some people sweeter, but not him. you did this to yourself [ex16]: although i do gotta hand it to you. for about five minutes you had everyone applauding smaller revenues. [mrl]: you... ungrateful... unctuous... [ex16]: ... dick? [mrl]: dick. [ex16]: give me a little credit for doing this facetoface! what i went through knowing i was going to do this to my mentor! can you get past yourself for a second? [mrl]: you'll lose. [ex16]: you wanted smaller. [mrl]: i'm over it. now i want all my clients and yours too. [ex16]: [mrl] [mrl]: and i'll get 'em. [ex16]: you'll always be my hero, [mrl]. always always always. we're bringing other elements in, we're focusing on endorsements it's not about handholding anymore. we're no longer babysitters [mrl]: fights the desire to use his fists. hangs onto the table. he's starting to freak out now. trying to calm down. [ex16]'s mouth keeps moving, but we hear the music in [mrl]'s mind. rising percussive music. |
int. [mrl]'s apartment elevator late afternoon |
int. bathroom 1994 [ex2]: since the disintegration of her parents' marriage, she'd only loved two things. the first was her long blonde hair. [ex2]: the second was how easily she could cut it off... and feel nothing. |
int. hospital corridor day [frl]: rushing down hospital corridor. |
int. chinese restaurant night [mrl]: check them out. [frl]: sees. she has no reaction. [mrl]: that is hot. [frl]: keeps eating. [mrl]: i am very turned on right now. [frl]: sometimes you can be so judgmental. [mrl]: huh? [frl]: i mean, who are you? they're happy. just mind your own business. [frl]: goes back to eating. [mrl] can't believe she snapped. |
int. taxi day [ex3]: why so nervous? [mrl]: i've never done this before. [ex3]: how have you dumped girls in the past? [mrl]: screening calls. any suggestions? [ex3]: i knew this guy last summer in the hamptons. he and his girlfriend at the time were madly in love with each other. but she had this huge weight problem. his friends taunted him mercilessly about it. you know, "how do you breathe when she sits on your face?" "it's embarrassing for you to be seen with her." finally he couldn't take it anymore and decided to dump her. she flipped and he went on the defensive. i distinctly remember him saying the same thing over and over again. "i'm completely fucked up." "i'm completely fucked up." "i'm completely fucked up." poor fatty never had a chance. |
intercut: the phone rings, wakes up [mrl], he turns on the light, answers the phone. precancer [ex2] talks excitedly. [mrl]: hello? [ex2]: [mrl]? [mrl]: yeah. [ex2]: i'm not sorry i woke you! i went to akbar tonight. [mrl]: you did? |
ext. the stadium parking lot day [frl]: greets [ex24] they head for her volvo.. [ex13]: starts across the lot on foot, dragging his luggage, when [ex5] pulls up in her car. [ex13]: have you accepted jesus christ as your personal savior? [ex5]: no. [ex13]: can i give you my testimony? [ex5]: you can do anything you want. hop in. [ex13]: nervously gets in with [ex5] they roar away. |
int. fossil fuel war room day [ex41]: [frl] , the political strategist who accompanied president [mrl] to last week's state dinner, reportedly spent the night at the white house as a guest of |
ext. street night |
ext. airplane |
ext. ichican sushi restaurant day [frl]: you can't get sushi anywhere in japan after 2 o'clock. did you know that? |
ext. runway night [ex11]: the forklift? it's over there by the baggage loader. |
ext. late afternoon. ewedown bus shelter. [ex5]: they should let us in free. [ex18]: too right. they come here, drink our water, use our fields, they leave all their crap in our drains [frl]'s car sweeps past with the roof down. it is closely followed by a bright yellow porsche. [ex14] is driving and his boxer dog, boss, is in the passenger seat. [ex5] clocks him. [ex5]: [ex14]! [ex14]! she jumps up and down in the road with both arms waving. [ex2]: what are you doing? [ex5]: that was [ex14] from swipe! [ex14]!! |
ext. [mrl]'s truck traveling |
ext. suburban house late afternoon |
int. car. day. [mrl]: we got $98 and you're laughin'. |
ext. window establishing morning |
int. a taxicab [ex43]: what are you gonna do there, spit off the top? [ex5]: no. i'm gonna meet... my mother. |
int. dr. hirsch's office night [frl]: sits and dr. hirsch leans against his desk. [frl]: looks confused. dr. hirsch realizes the cause of her concern. [frl]: at my flat. i'm off at midnight and.... |
ext. [mrl]'s castle front gates day [mrl]: i had the gates brought in from a castle in normandy. [mrl]: do you like it? [frl]: i love it...! but how do you live here all alone? [mrl]: i don't. i keep it always full of interesting, celebrated people... [mrl]: my house looks well doesn't it? see how the whole front catches the light like that? [frl]: yells back... [ex29]: come on you two! i want the royal tour! |
int. the pool room night [mrl]: richard reynolds' district office. she's thinking of running his campaign. four in the corner. [mrl]: gets down over the ball [mrl]: hartford. the insurance capital of the world. have a good time, syd. [mrl]: smacks the ball, bull'seye. [mrl]: you handling me, a.j.? [mrl]: good. 14 in the side. [mrl]: gets down over the ball... [mrl]: excuse me. [mrl]: has he lied?! [mrl]: has [ex22] lied in the last seven weeks? [mrl]: other than not knowing the difference between harvard and stanford, has he said something that isn't true? am i not a commanderinchief who's never served in the military? am i not opposed to a constitutional amendment banning flag burning? am i not an unmarried father who was sharing a bed with a liberal lobbyist down the hall from my twelveyearold daughter? [mrl]: i don't think you win elections by telling 59 percent of the people that they are. [mrl]: don't [mrl]: is the view pretty good from the cheap seats, a.j.? [mrl]: it occurs to me that in 25 years i've never seen your name on a ballot. why have you always been standing a pace behind me? [mrl]: fuck you. [mrl]: have [ex3] put the final drafts of the state of the union and the crime bill announcement on my desk in the morning. [mrl]: gets to the doorway...stops...turns around... [mrl]: if mary hadn't died...would we have won three years ago? [mrl]: if we'd had to go through a character debate three years ago, would we have won? [mrl]: looks away...nods absently... [mrl]: yeah. |
int. dancing elk school cafeteria day [frl]: almost eight. you wouldn't believe how weird i look naked. [ex3]: i wish my funbags would get bigger. [frl]: trust me, you don't. i actually have to wear a bra now. and i have to rub this nasty cocoa butter stuff all over myself or my skin could get stretched too far and explode. [ex3]: hot! |
int. car night [mrl]: in his parked car next to a fence surrounding a drivein movie closed for the season. he weeps. the windows fog up until the outside is completely obscured. |
int. hospital patient room another afternoon [frl]: [ex15]? [ex15]: hi. [ex15]: comes in. [mrl] offers her the book. she takes it and keeps going from where [mrl] left off. stumbling but reading. [frl] grins. [frl]: who's been working with you? [ex15]: looks shyly at [mrl]. [frl] shakes her head, amazed. [mrl] nods to [ex15] and she begins reading again. |
int. lobbyatlantic hotel day [mrl]: has checked into the atlantic hotel. the clerk, [ex18], hands him his key. [mrl] asks about room service and the restaurant. an older [ex3] asks him if he plays bridge as he goes up the stairs to his room. |
int. equinox steam room day [frl]: tonight. [ex2]: and then we'll have to do a paternity test. is it the cheese farmer or the redpubed bandit? [frl]: i'm not going to have sex with him tonight. it's too soon. i'm not a slut. [frl]: very funny. [ex2]: i'm not joking. [frl]: i'm really not a slut. |
int. cafe day [mrl]: we didn't have those terrible, strained sentences, that seemed to characterized most of my relationships. and she liked me. she liked me. she liked me. [ex17]: gives [mrl] a quick kiss and keeps talking... |
End of preview. Expand
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