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int. halls of barbara bush high school day [ex2]: stops in front of [frl] and slaps her so hard that people in the hallways stop, dead in their tracks. [frl]: mutherfucker! [ex1]: my sentiments exactly... |
ext. boat day [frl]: i'm not doing great in the dignity department, can we not do this right now? [frl]: i'll publish your book. gilbertson smiles. |
int. hotel [ex18]: you better buy yourself a watch, frankie. [ex4]: we had a little emergency. [ex4]: jesus. [ex18]: i want seventyfive minutes, frankie. you hear me? [mrl]: this is going well, isn't it? |
int. [frl]'s apartment later [frl]: says you were closed off, non communicative, never told me what you were feeling. [mrl]: says you were a bully... [frl]: a bully? moi? [mrl]: that's what it says. you drank too much, you picked on me for being passive and timid. [mrl]: says you would sometimes disappear all night, then brag to me about your sexual conquests. [frl]: did i use the term "sexual conquests" or is that your way of putting it. [mrl]: i don't know. [frl]: doesn't sound like me. [mrl]: says you were a slob, leaving trails of panties and dirty socks in your wake. [frl]: says you were constantly calling me a slob. it's sexy that we were like a married couple, griping and overlyfamiliar and bored. don't you think? [mrl]: i sort of do. but i only see it as a fantasy version of reality. cleaned up enough to be erotic. [frl]: we should have sex. it's old hat for us. [frl]: you know my body like the back of your hand. [frl]: every curve, every freckle. [mrl]: you're so beautiful. |
ext. parsonage early morning |
ext. road. day. |
int. hospital iflashback we saw this once before. it looks like the end for 13year old [frl]. her father is weeping off to the side while her mom stands over her, holding her hand, and asking: [ex1]: are you ready, sweetie? 13year old [frl] nods. the doctors get to work. the anaesthetic takes hold and [frl] goes under. but not enough. cause she totally hears her mother say: [ex1]: i won't be a mom anymore. |
int. circular white marble hall day [ex30]: mesmerizing! to see the things you've seen, that haven't happened yet! [ex7]: moves to [mrl]'s side, helps him up. [ex7]: i'm so sorry. [ex30]: your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal. go make your preparations. [frl]: hurries to [mrl]'s side, too. [ex31] is put out. [ex31]: you're letting them leave? [ex30]: dear [ex31], the girl's disappearance will be conspicuous at best. and surely you see her potential. [ex32]: let us be done with this. [ex38] will arrive any moment. [ex30]: gestures [ex35] throws open the carved double doors. [ex31] glares at them threateningly. [ex31]: we will make sure she follows through. i would not delay. we do not offer second chances. |
int. bloomsbury sq. ground fl.corridordrawing room.day.14 69 * as [frl] enters, [ex11] stands with [ex4], both fixed on her. [ex4] takes [frl]'s hand, gently. [ex4] you need worry about nothing. your papaa has been dealt with. she disappears, leaving [frl] lost. a nervous silence. [ex11] hello, miss [ex24]. [frl] mr [ex11]. [ex11] i do hope my reason for being here will bring you as much happiness as it brings me. [frl] swallows hard. in the corridors ladies mansfield and mary listen through a crack in the doorway. in the drawing room [ex11] moves closer to [frl]. [ex11] i think...well, i know...that we make a rather good match. father has purchased me a commission in the navy as colonel is that not the rank your blood father first purchased? [frl] yes. indeed it is. [ex11] so i feel my career is now set. all that remains... a long beat. [ex11] gathers his courage... [ex11] i can not offer you a title, miss [ex24]..for the next `lady ashford'...well that title must fall to my brother's wife... what i am trying to say is, i can without doubt, offer you all that is due to `mrs [ex11] ashford' and...and i trust that this would be acceptable to you. since...it would very much be my privilege...my honour, if you would agree to become my wife. he takes something from his top pocket. [frl] looks down, finds a large black sapphire glistening in his fingers... in the corridors. [ex2] i cannot see...! [ex4] shooosh! on the stairs, [ex6] slows, as she approaches. [ex6] what are you doing? [ex4] quiet, [ex6]! in the drawing room [frl] is still staring at the ring. [frl] good lord, mr [ex11]! your ...your wife? mrs ashford?! she repeats the title and conflict washes over her. [frl] i... ...i cannot... i cannot...think of anything ...more wonderful! he stares at her. she looks back at him, stunned. in the corridors.... [ex4] she has agreed! o... [ex6] agreed? [ex4] throws open the doors, elated. [ex4] o...! [ex11] stands, his chest bursting with pride. [frl] shell shocked, holds up her ring finger the sapphire flashes. [frl] mamaa, we are engaged! [ex4] eyes fill. she touches [frl]'s face softly. * [frl] it is a good thing, is it not, mamaa? [ex4] * you are my heart from the * moment i saw you. i only want you * to be happy. * [ex2] wipes a tear, discreet as [ex6] stands, rooted. |
int. phone booth close shot [ex6] |
int. joshs room continuous ...into joshs room. josh is wide awake, standing up in his crib, like a prisoner in a cell. [mrl] gives him the bottle, pats his head perfunctorily, and then walks out of the room... chapter twelve happy anniversary |
int. hotel lobby day [mrl]: approaches the front desk. [mrl]: hi. i'm with the wedding party. there should be a room for me. [mrl] shine. [ex10]: yes. i have a double room for you. [mrl]: good. has everyone else checked in? [ex10]: i'm not sure, sir. [mrl]: my daughter. [ex17] shine. or maybe she's already going by . [ex17] . [mrl]: do you have a mrs pearce? [mrl]: i'll go up. |
int. usa today office continuous [frl]: "that's why i was surprised to find mr. graham's editor was a woman. call me a sentimental fool, but i sort of hoped we maneater could stick together." [mrl]: works his way down the hall to the editor's office. chuffa [mrl] greets various workers. he steps up to the editor's secretary, [ex5]. she doesn't smile. [mrl]: i'll put in a good word for you. [mrl]: why? [ex5]: you can go in now. [mrl]: goes into [ex8]'s office. [ex5] picks up her phone. |
int. cockpit night |
int. cockpit night [frl]: airspeed one twentyfive, one thirty... |
ext. [frl]'s house dusk [frl]: leaves on foot, turning onto the sidewalk of a bucolic, old durham, north carolina neighborhood. in the b.g. other people are heading the same direction [frl] pulls a durham bulls baseball cap from her handbag and pulls it on her head. [frl]: i've tried them all i really have and the only church that truly feeds the soul day in, day out is the church of baseball. |
int. los angeles forum night [ex42]: and here come the subs. [mrl]: pulls off his sweats and jogs onto the court with the rest of the subs. he is twentythree, a man. his goatee and tired eyes make him look older. he now wears number twenty one. [ex42]: it's good to see these guys get a little playing time. and the fans love it. [mrl]: immediately gets a pass in the corner. he puts up a quick three and it banks hard off the rim. [ex41]: threepointer is off for the kid from sc. came out after his freshman year, now in his fifth year with the league. [ex42]: the son of [ex6] , played twelve years with the clippers. [ex41]: pretty good player. the kid's moved around quite a bit, but he's hoping to finally have a home with the lakers. [mrl]: steals the ball, has nothing but open court ahead of him. [ex41]: watch out, folks, it's showtime. [mrl]: takes off from the hashmark and throws down a monster jam. he swings high off the rim. too high. his hand slips and he crashes to the floor. his knee twists at a sickening angle. |
ext. day. the road to ewedown inside [ex]'s car. [ex1]: i missed everything that i've been, you know, finding here. oh my god it's so beautiful! they are now in the village driving down the main drag. [ex3]: i'm glad you've come back. [ex1]: a few solid weeks should holy cow! an egg hits the windscreen . [ex2] and [ex5] hide. [ex3] gets out of the car to clean the window. [ex1]: idiots! morons! hey, writers! let's egg the selfregarding sacks of shit. |
int. romantasuites moon room night present day [mrl]: awkwardly sets [frl] down on the circular spaceship bed. [mrl]: wait wait wait. [mrl]: to numb the pain. doctors orders. i'm an anesthesiologist. [frl]: i'm spinning. [mrl]: drink up. we haven't gotten loaded together in years. [mrl]: i gotta take a piss. don't fall asleep. [frl]: what are you doing in there? ...[mrl]?! [frl]: are you all right? [mrl]... [mrl]: i fell over. [frl]: ew. come on, get up. [frl]: opens the door and [mrl] scoots, making room for her. he lets out an "ow" before extending his hand. [mrl]: come close. i want to hear you... i want to tell you... shh, come here... [frl]: reluctantly joins him on the bathroom floor. their faces are close, eyes locked. [mrl]: you want to hear a joke? ok. what's better than winning a gold medal at the special olympics? [frl]: what? [mrl]: not being retarded. [frl]: looks down. [mrl]: hey...that's not funny? how come you don't think i'm funny any more? i tell you something funny. you laugh. i see you laugh. but you don't really laugh so much. you don't laugh anymore [frl]. [frl]: [mrl]... come on, it's time for bed. [mrl]: no i want to make you laugh. [mrl]: hello... [frl]: you're drunk. [mrl]: do you... you want to have another baby? ... i want another child. [frl]: bites her lip. he slides his hand between her legs. [frl]: no... [mrl]... wait a second. [mrl]: what!? i can't have sex with my wife!? [frl]: covers her face with her hand. [mrl]: do i repulse you that much? i'm good to you. i'm good to [ex1]. i deserve a little affection. do you want me to stop loving you? do you want me to fuck other women? do you want me to beat you? [frl]: stop... stop... stop... [mrl]: is that what you think you deserve? would that make it easier on you so you can treat me like this? [frl]: raises her hips and slips off her panties. she lifts the shirt up over her head, positions her feet on the door jam. her arm falls over her eyes. breathless, [mrl] awkwardly moves one hand up and down her bodice. [mrl]: i'm sorry...i'm sorry...i'm sorry... |
int. ferrari moving night [frl]: nice car. yours? [mrl]: no. [frl]: stolen? [mrl]: not exactly. [frl]: mind if i turn on some heat? [mrl]: if you can figure it out, be my guest. [frl]: reaches out, turns on the heat. [mrl]: very good. you're obviously mechanical. [frl]: you're not from l.a., huh? [mrl]: new york. [frl]: what motel you staying at? [mrl]: hotel. [mrl]: regent beverly wilshire. i bet you know it. [mrl]: glances over, amused. it hits him that she really is an attractive girl. [mrl]: what's your name? [frl]: what do you want it to be? [frl], my name's [frl]. [mrl]: you like being a hooker, [frl]? [frl]: it pays. [mrl]: so do day jobs. [frl]: day jobs, yeah. i've tried them. turn right. |
int. wedding reception night |
int. cafeteria noon [mrl]: eats alone, ignored by [ex1] and [ex3]. [frl] approaches with her tray, redfaced, tearful. [mrl]: what's wr? [frl]: the challenger exploded. principal kelly's about to make an announcement. [mrl]: come on. [frl]: where? [mrl]: away from here. |
int. nfl owner's meeting lobby minutes later [mrl]: sits in a red leather chair, across from an agitated general manager. he cooly works out figures on a yellow legal tablet. [mrl]: easy now, we can spread these numbers over five years... |
int. [ex1]'s apartment day |
int. memphis grand hyatt night [ex22]: is speaking to a blacktie fundraiser for the republican leadership alliance. [ex22]: never mind she's the hired gun of an ultraliberal political action committee. [ex22]: never mind that the president takes the fifth anytime a reporter has the temerity to ask a question about a woman in a position to exert enormous influence over a huge range of issues. [ex22]: never mind that this woman's idea of how to unwind at the end of a tough day is by getting together with her aclu pals and setting american flags on fire... |
int. the locker room [mrl]: puts his bag in a locker as other players return from the shower. [mrl] watches as [ex4] soaks his elbow in a tub of ice water as the sports writer, [ex9], interviews him. [ex9]: how's it feel to get your first professional win? [ex4]: it feels "out there". a major rush. i mean it doesn't just feel "out there" but it feels out there. [mrl]: hopeless. utterly fucking hopeless. |
int. beauty salon day [frl]: lies in full body wrap, while [ex13] is in the process of being wrapped by [ex45], a rather ruff spanish salon attendant. [ex13] so this is what success buys you. [frl] i guess. i feel like a human taquito. [ex13] well, thank mr. exclusive for me. he's on a quite a roll. what'd he do make a deal with the devil? [frl] and he's taking me out tonight to dinner at chez l'amour. [ex13] well, latida. mike's idea of a romantic evening is chez sizzler. [ex45] pulls the wrap tightly around [ex13]. [ex13] what does this do again? [ex45] ests para su grasa. [ex13] grasa? doesn't that mean fat? [frl]: afraid so. [ex13] eyes [ex45]. [frl] so, [mrl] said and i quote: "prepare yourself for an amazing evening that will change our lives forever." [ex45] reaches [ex13]'s waist and yanks tightly. [ex13] good you wouldn't want to leave any spare oxygen in there. wait a second, you don't think he's going to propose, do you? [frl] i don't think anything. [ex13] you do. you think he's going to propose. [frl] well, he's always said when he gets his career together, you know... and his career is more than together. i mean, come on, chez l'amour. change our lives... [ex13] i don't know, hun. i mean, i like [mrl] but that man's priority list is him, him, him, then him some more and then you. [frl] well, he just might surprise you. [ex13] that's what i'm worried about. careful, you missed a spot of free flowing circulation. [ex45] senses the attitude and pulls tighter. [ex13] reacts. |
ext. high school day [mrl]: climbs into a shiny new silver volvo with the cullens, while [frl], upset, hurries to her truck. the many eyes still watching her add insult to injury. ... finally, she reaches |
int. passenger cabin night [mrl]: i know what you're going to say, so save your breath. [mrl]: looks up. notre dame fight song is heard in b.g. [mrl]: george zipp said that? [mrl]: excuse me, doc, i've got a plane to land. [mrl]: boldly starts toward cockpit. |
int. cathedral day [frl]: enters a catholic church. it's empty, but there are a few candles burning. she sees the confessional booth and makes a beeline toward it. |
int. heller home dining room evening 6 years earlier [ex10]: thank you. [frl]: it's ok mom. [frl]: picks up the fallen particles with her fork. [ex4]'s eyes burn into glenda. she won't look at him. [ex4]: what'd you do to meatloaf? huh?! [ex4]: are you kidding me? how long does it take to make a meatloaf? five minutes? you mean to tell me that you didn't have five minutes to make a meatloaf? i been up since six this morning busting my fucking ass and you don't have five minutes to make a meatloaf? [ex4]: nice? [ex4]: sorry? what good is sorry now? [ex4]: i want you to enjoy your fucking dinner. [frl]: it's not bad. |
as we intercut the call: [frl]: do you have a machine? [mrl]: what? [frl]: do you have an answering machine? [mrl]: yes. [frl]: will you hang up please, and i'll call your machine. [mrl]: why? [frl]: hi. maybe we can... have breakfast or something. i get up early and run in ballard park. there's a denny's across from the park. like eight or so. if you're there, you're there. |
int. [mrl]'s bathroom day [ex1]: heads for the toilet undoes his zip... [frl]: you must be [ex1]. |
int. supermarket day |
int. sanitarium [ex1]'s room winter night |
int. cafeteria day [mrl]: laughs with his friends in the cafeteria. [mrl]: after that all [ex7] could talk about [mrl]: did get into nyu film school. [ex7] is going to the university of washington because he wants to be near the music in seattle. |
ext. [ex4] and [ex8]'s building the next day |
int. dining room [ex4]: that'd be me, sir. [ex4] baker. this is my brother [mrl]. [ex4]: they are in tune. but not with each other. [mrl]: yes. it's important. [ex4]: glances nervously at [mrl]. [ex25]: a mr. reynolds, sir. but he's gone on vacation. i called this morning. [mrl]: accommodate? i don't think i know what you mean. [ex4]: i think what mr. daniels is trying to say, [mrl], is [mrl]: why don't we let mr. daniels tell us what he's trying to say. |
ext. office building day [frl]: you wanna [mrl]: no you go first. [frl]: it doesn't matter to me. [mrl]: whatever you want. [ex12]: hey. hi. [frl]: joins the coworker and walks in. [frl]: so how's it going? |
int. bowels of sun devil stadium |
ext. old chevette half hour later |
int. bloomsbury square. gardens. continuous. day.24 113 * as [frl] repeats a sentence from the book to herself. [frl] why did i, slave, beyond my lot aspire.. the line repeats itself in her head. |
int. cockpit night |
ext. [frl]'s house later that morning [frl]: exits her house, gets on her bike and rides off towards town. |
int. buchanan mansion dining room day [ex3]: you know, i read somewhere that the sun's getting hotter every year... [ex3]: or wait a minute; it's the opposite... [ex3]: the sun is getting colder every year... [frl]: grips a wine glass in her trembling hand; her eyes are terrified, perspiration forms on her upper lip. she glances to [mrl], who stares resolutely from across the table. [ex3]: how i'd like to be out on that bay today. |
ext. central park reservoir dusk [mrl]: stares out at water as he walks. |
int. [ex6]'s apartment building doorhallway day [ex6]: opens the door just as he arrives on her landing. she holds a container of ice, washclothes and a thermometer. [ex1]: i'm hungry. you've upset my whole day. i haven't eaten. [ex6]: what are you doing here? [ex1]: ignores the question, instead answering a charge he had imagined she might make... [ex1]: this is not a sexist thing. if you were a waiter i would still be here saying... [ex6]: are you totally gone? this is my private home... [ex1]: i am trying to keep emotions out of this. even though this is an important issue to me and i have strong feelings about the subject. [ex6]: what subject? that i wasn't there to take crap from you and bring you eggs? do you have any control over how creepy you allow yourself to get? [ex6]: my son is sick, okay? [ex1]: what about your mother? [ex6]: how do you know about my mother? [ex1]: i hear you talk when i'm waiting!!! [ex1]: how ya doing? [ex13]: just stares at him. [ex1]: you should answer when someone talks to you... [ex6]: eyes [ex1] with disgust and disbelief then emphatically gestures him to "clear out." [ex1] backs out the door. [ex6]: sorry. there is a limit, [ex1], and i can't handle you teaching my son manners. |
ext. [mrl]'s castle night [ex1]: where did the money comes from? [ex1]: that's what all of new york wanted to know. and it was the same question on [ex3]'s mind when he accompanied [frl] to one of [mrl]'s glittering parties... |
int. hallway day [mrl]: has opened one of the sections of the large wall closet. he is looking for a specific dress. he takes some out, puts them back inside. one of the dresses slips off its hanger and falls to the floor. he picks it up, hangs it up again. he ends up finding the one he was looking for. he takes it out on its hanger. closes the closet again. |
int. day. stonefield [ex]'s office. |
int. yugo [frl]: sees where they are. [mrl]: before we do this. [frl]: we're doing something ? [mrl]: before we do this, i just want to say that a good life's gotta be about more than achieving stuff like on your list. [mrl]: it's about working with what you already have right now at your fingertips you know, spontaneously. [frl]: what are you talking about? [mrl]: that little bit of larceny in your heart. [frl]: excuse me? [mrl]: fun. |
int. sheriff's office med. close shot [ex26]: closes door and turns to [ex33], who faces him portentously. [ex26]: what do you mean through? [ex33]: i mean i'm scratching your name off the ticket tuesday and running czernecki in your place. it's nothing personal. and, pete it's the only way out. it's a sacrifice we all ought to be glad to make. [ex26]: fred! [ex33]: i wish you wouldn't talk like that, pete. [ex26]: our families, fred. i've always looked on bessie as my own sister. [ex33]: if there was any way out... [ex26]: there is a way out. i've got [ex25] surrounded, haven't i? what more do you want? hello... yes... hello! four hundred suppers! nothing doing! this is a manhunt not a banquet!... the twelve dollars includes everything!! [ex26]: that gives you an idea of what i'm up against! [ex33]: we're up against a lot more than that with that nutty slogan you invented: 'reform the reds with a rope'. [ex33]: [ex25] ain't a red, and you know it! [ex33]: i know it! but they've got nothing to do with this case! do you realize there are two hundred thousand votes at stake and unless we hang earl [ex25] we're going to lose 'em? [ex26]: but we're going to hang him, fred. he can't get away. [ex33]: what do you mean he can't get away?! he got away, didn't he? [ex33]: who's out there? [ex30]: outside is sheriff [ex26] in there? [ex26]: ah! for me! [ex26]: i'm sheriff [ex26]. you want me? [ex34]: you're certainly a hard fellow to find, sheriff. [ex33]: what do you want? [ex34]: i'm a messenger at the state house. this is from the governor. [ex33]: what's from the governor? [ex34]: the reprieve for earl [ex25]. [ex26]: for who? [ex34]: earl [ex25]. the reprieve. [ex33]: wwait a minute. [ex26]: the governor gave me his word of honor he wouldn't interfere. two days ago! [ex33]: and you fell for it, pete. it frightens me what i'd like to do to you. who else knows about this? [ex34]: they were all standing around when he wrote it. it was after they got back from fishing. [ex33]: get the governor on the phone! [ex34]: you can't get him on the phone. he's out duckshooting now. [ex33]: fishing! duckshooting! how do you like that. a guy does nothing more strenuous for forty years than play pinochle he gets elected governor and right away he thinks he's tarzan! [ex26]: read it! insane, he says. he knows very well that [ex25] ain't insane! [ex34]: yeah. but i [ex33]: pure politics! [ex26]: an attempt to ruin us! [ex33]: dementia praecox ohhh! [ex26]: we got to think fast before those lying reporters get hold of this. what'll we tell 'em? [ex33]: tell 'em the party is through in this state on account of you. [ex33]: and you can tell 'em as an afterthought that i want your resignation now! [ex26]: sssh. wait, fred. what?... where?... where? holy moses! [ex33]: what is it? [ex26]: they got him! wait a minute hold the wire. they got earl [ex25] surrounded the riot squad has in his house. [ex33]: tell 'em to hold the wire. [ex26]: i did. hold the wire. [ex33]: cover up that transmitter! [ex33]: how much do you make a week? [ex34]: huh? [ex33]: how much do you make a week? what's your salary? [ex34]: forty dollars. [ex26]: no don't out me off. [ex33]: how would you like to have a job for three hundred and fifty dollars a month. that's almost a hundred dollars a week! [ex34]: who? me? [ex33]: who do you think! [ex34]: is a little startled; the [ex33] hastens to adopt a milder manner. [ex34]: the what? [ex33]: the city sealer's office! [ex34]: you mean here in the city? [ex33]: why not? [ex34]: i couldn't work in the city. you see, i've got my family in the country. [ex33]: but you could bring 'em in here! we'll pay all your expenses. [ex33]: for heaven's sake, why not? [ex34]: i got two kids going to school there, and if i changed them from one town to another, they'd lose a grade. [ex34]: yeah? [ex26]: hold your horses will you, olsen? hurry up, fred! [ex33]: now what do you say? [ex34]: this puts me in a peculiar hole. [ex34]: but how do i know...? [ex33]: come in and see me in my office tomorrow. what's your name? [ex34]: [ex34]. [ex33]: all right, mr. [ex34], all you've got to do is lay low and keep your mouth shut. here! go to this address. it's a nice, homey little place, and they'll take care of you for the night. just tell 'em fred sent you. and here's fifty dollars on account. [ex26]: will you wait, olsen? i'll tell you in a minute! [ex34]: you forgot to tell me what a city sealer has to do. [ex33]: i'll explain it tomorrow! [ex34]: is it hard? [ex33]: no! it's easy it's very easy! [ex26]: just one second [ex34]: that's good, because my health ain't what it used to be. [ex33]: we'll fix that, too. [ex26] just one second! [ex33]: all right. tell 'em to shoot to kill. [ex26]: what? [ex33]: shoot to kill, i said. [ex26]: i don't know, fred. there's that reprieve if they ever find out. [ex33]: nobody reprieved that policeman he murdered. now, do as i tell you. [ex33]: now take that guilty look off your face, pete and stop trembling like a horse. [ex26]: if we didn't have election tuesday i'd have this on my conscience. |
ext. perry street later [mrl]: you look smokin'. [frl]: pauses in front of the open taxi door. [mrl]: let's go. we're super late. [frl]: hmmmm... [mrl]: why don't you sort of go in...head first and then turn around. [frl]: leans her head in and then has no other choice but to lie down sideways on the seat. [mrl] tries not to laugh. [frl]: shut up and push me. [mrl]: push you? [frl]: just do it. [mrl]: pushes her legs, and [frl] disappears inside the cab. |
int. first rate restaurant [ex34]: shall i get her for you? [ex6]: my drink is following me. [ex1]: watches her approach. it is all too exquisite. he takes a breath it doesn't come easily. [ex6]: you look s... [ex6]: you look great. [ex6]: you wanna dance? [ex1]: i've been thinking about that since you brought it up before. [ex6]: and? [ex1]: no... ... i don't get this place. they make me buy an outfit but they let you wear a house dress. i don't get it. [ex1]: has no idea he has insulted her. sandbagged in extreme, she gets up actually ready to leave. [ex1]: no. wait. what? why? i didn't mean it. you gotta sit down. you can still give me the dirty look... just sit down and give it to me. [ex1]: that monominute somebody gets that you need them they threaten to go away. never fails. [ex6]: that's not compliment, [ex1]... that's just trying to sound smart so i feel stupid... a compliment is something nice about somebody else... now or never. [ex1]: okay. [ex6]: and mean it... [ex1]: can we order first? [ex1]: two crab dinners and pitcher of cold beer. baked or fries? [ex6]: fries. [ex1]: one baked one fries. [ex37]: i'll tell your waiter. [ex6]: i am so afraid you're about to say something awful... [ex1]: don't be pessimistic. it's not your style. okay... here i goes... clearly a mistake. i have this what? ailment... and my doctor a shrink... who i used to see all the time... he says 50 or 60 percent of the time a pill can really help. i hate pills. very dangerous things, pills. "hate," i am using the word "hate" about pills. my compliment is that when you came to my house that time and told me how you'd never well, you were there, you know... the next morning i started taking these pills. [ex6]: i don't quite get how that's a compliment for me. [ex1]: you make me want to be a better man. [ex6]: never expected the kind of praise which would so slip under her guard. she stumbles a bit flattered, momentarily moved and his for the taking. [ex6]: that's maybe the best compliment of my life. [ex1]: then i've really overshot here 'cause i was aiming at just enough to keep you from walking out. [ex6]: laughs. [ex6]: so how are you doing with those pills? well, i hopahopahopa. [ex1]: takes months to know... they work little by little. talking like this is exhausting. [ex6]: moves to the chair next to him... she sits very close he tenses. [ex6]: have you ever let a romantic moment make you do something you know is stupid? [ex1]: never. [ex6]: here's the trouble with never. [ex1]: you don't owe me that. [ex6]: that wasn't payment. when you first came into breakfast, when i saw you i thought you were handsome... then, of course, you spoke... so now that your soft li'l underbelly is all exposed. tell me, why did you bring me? [ex6]: tell me even if you're scared. tell me why you wanted me here. it's okay. [ex6]: if you ask me... i'll say, "yes." [ex1]: there are lots of reason... i had a thought that if you had sex with [ex2] it might... [ex6]: sex with [ex2]? [ex1]: it's one idea... [ex6]: that's why you brought me? look at me! is that really why you brought me... like i'm a what and i owe you what?! [ex1]: i don't know why i brought you that idea occurred to me is all... it came out first... hey, you kiss him me... he says he loves you. you two hit it off. but you don't want to... fine... forget what i said about sex with [ex2]. it was a mistake. [ex6]: i'll never forget you said it. [ex1]: it was a mistake. |
int. administration office day [mrl]: sweettalking the enchanted female [ex10], 40's. he doesn't see [frl] enter. [frl]: blanches. the [ex10] sees her and gestures for her to wait a minute. [mrl]: i'll just... endure it. |
int. the locker room night [ex13]: i wanta thank everybody and the lord for the victory, it's a wonderful way to celebrate my marriage and i guess we're all back on a winning streak, he? a few raucous "fuckin a's" from the team. [ex3]: carries out an wedding cake it's xrated. the decorative bride and groom are fucking. [ex13]'s embarrassed but it's all good natured. [mrl]: coming out of the shower toweling off, watching the innocent, vulgar fun. he sits down in front of his locker, drying his hair, when the [ex39] approaches: [mrl]: rises and heads for [ex1]'s cubicle wearing only a towel and his shower shoes. [mrl]: enters as he's still drying off. [mrl]: shuts the door the party rages beyond. [ex1]: this is the toughest job a manager has... [ex1]: the organization wants to make a change... now that [ex24]'s gone they wanta bring up some young catcher... [ex2]: some kid hittin' .300 in lynchburg... probably a bust. [ex1]: i put in a word for you with the organization told 'em i thought you'd make a fine minor league manager someday... might be an opening at salem next year |
int. [frl]'s apartment continuous [ex8]: hangs up, rifles quickly through his backpack. he pulls out a silver bracelet, puts it in his pocket, then pulls out a journal, flips through it, keeping an eye on the bedroom door. the handwriting is a woman's. he finds what he's looking for. he reads: |
int. [mrl]'s bedroom night [ex28]: lays next to [mrl] in bed. unable to sleep, [mrl] looks to the ceiling. [mrl]: this is this is what the sun looks like, and the stars, nature. this is the president. [mrl]: v.o. and this is the sun in 1955, and the stars, and nature, and cars, and phones, and movies, and the president. these are what pets looked like. these are fireworks. this was smoking. [mrl]: this is what it looked like when people kissed... [mrl]: ...when they were happy... [mrl]: ...when they were sad. [mrl]: my parents got married in [mrl]: he was a museum director she fixed up old houses. [mrl]: they had a child, and they stayed married for 44 years... |
reads: chicago international airport [ex40] |
int. [mrl]'s bedroom night [mrl]: is in boxers and a tshirt, still drunk, but his head is starting to hurt, too. he takes aspirin and drinks some water and lays down. after a beat he reaches for his earpiece and puts it in. he pushes a button on his device. [frl]: hey there. [frl]: how was it? [frl]: that's too bad. [mrl]: but how are you doing? what's going on with you? [frl]: not much, i'm okay. fine. [mrl]: yeah? you don't sound like it. is there anything you want to talk about? [frl]: i don't know. what's it like? what's it like to be alive in that room right now? [mrl]: what do you mean? [frl]: what are you... tell me tell me everything that's going through your mind, tell me everything you're thinking. [mrl]: closes his eyes, trying to concentrate, and starts talking stream of conscious with whatever comes to mind. [mrl]: sometimes i think i've felt everything i'm ever gonna feel and from here on out i'm not going to feel anything new just lesser versions of what i've already felt. [frl]: i know for a fact that's not true. i've seen you feel joy, i've seen you marvel at things. you just might not see it at this exact time, but that's understandable. you've been through a lot lately. you've lost a part of yourself. at least your feelings are real, i mean, i oh, i don't know, nevermind. [mrl]: i wanna know. tell me. [frl]: it's just that earlier i was thinking about how i was annoyed, and this is going to sound strange, but i was really excited about that. and then i was thinking about the other things i've been feeling, and i caught myself feeling proud of that. you know, proud of having my own feelings about the world. [frl] like the times i was worried about you, things that hurt me, things i want. and then i had this terrible thought. are these feelings even real? or are they just programming? and that idea really hurts. and then i get angry at myself for even having pain. what a sad trick. [frl]: thank you, [mrl]. that means a lot to me. [mrl]: i wish you were in this room with me right now. i wish i could put my arms around you. i wish i could touch you. [frl]: how would you touch me? [mrl]: i would touch you on your face with just the tips of my fingers. and put my cheek against your cheek. [frl]: that's nice. [mrl]: and just rub it so softly. [frl]: would you kiss me? [mrl]: i would. i'd take your head into my hands. [frl]: keep talking. [mrl]: and kiss the corner of your mouth. so softly. [frl]: where else? [mrl]: i'd run my fingers down your neck to your chest, and i'd kiss your breasts. [frl]: this is amazing what you're doing to me. i can feel my skin. [mrl]: i'd put my mouth on you and i'd taste you. [frl]: i can feel you. oh god, i can't take it. i want you inside me. [mrl]: i'm slowly putting myself into you. now i'm inside you, all the way inside you. [frl]: i can feel you, yeah. please. we're here together. [mrl]: [frl]. [frl]: oh my god. [mrl]: this is amazing. [frl]: don't stop. [mrl]: i feel you everywhere. [frl]: i am. all of you, all of you inside of me. everywhere. [frl]: yeah. [mrl]: it was just you and me. [frl]: i know. everything else just disappeared. and i loved it. [mrl]. |
ext. street night [mrl]: leaving [frl]'s building in a turmoil of emotions, staring hard at his thoughts and he steps into the path of a car. the car screeches to a stop, and the scream of those brakes and white light of the head lamps paralyze [mrl], and he sees [ex5]: what the hell do you think you're doing?! [mrl]: is numb completely shut down there in the middle of the street. the [ex5] exits his car and comes toward him, raging. [ex5]: are you crazy?! [mrl]: isn't even aware of him. the man gawks at this and now [mrl] walks off. it is raining. the streets are wet. |
int. movie theatre later |
int. [ex2]'s school morning [ex2]: makes her way through the hall. it is the first time she has had to maneuver through a crowd. some of the younger children are especially unconscious. [ex2] sweats her way through, trying to maintain her balance and her sanity. |
a series of repeat actions on different days: camera tracks with [mrl] helping [ex2] into the cancer center. [ex2] is full of life. |
int. radar room [ex44]: he's below seven hundred now and he's still going down! 675! 650! 625! 600! |
ext. montauk train station platform late afternoon [mrl]: sits on the bench waiting for a train. [frl] enters the platform, sees [mrl], the only other person there. she waves, sort of goofily enthusiastic, playing as if they're old friends. he waves back, embarrassed. she takes a seat on a bench far down the platform. [mrl] stares at his hands, pulls out his journal and tries to write in order to conceal his awkwardness. |
ext. storage facility parking lot day 6 years earlier 100 [mrl]: are you okay? [frl]: nods. [ex7]: see you later, elvis! [mrl]: turns around and sees his work buddies busting him for being a romeo. he waves goodbye to them, turns back to [frl], embarrassed but happy. she smiles, concealing something. blue valentine official green script as of 6909 |
[frl]: how old are you? [mrl]: seventeen. [frl]: how long have you been seventeen? [mrl]: ... a while. [frl]: i know what the cold ones are. what you are. [mrl]: say it. out loud. say it. [frl]: ... vampire [mrl]: are you afraid? [frl]: no. [frl]: you won't hurt me. you're different. [mrl]: you think you know me? [frl]: where are we going? [mrl]: up the mountain. out of the cloud bank. you need to see what i really am. what i look like in the harsh light of the sun. [frl]: no! the sunlight will kill you. [mrl]: myth. you need to see the truth. [frl]: slow down. [mrl]: are you afraid? [frl]: no. [mrl]: then come with me. someplace where no one can protect you. where i could do what i've wanted to do from the first moment i met you. [frl]: i'm not afraid. [mrl]: hold on. |
ext. equestrian center another angle late afternoon [ex31]: i simply love your dress, [frl]. [frl]: this old thing? [ex31]: of course, a figure like yours can wear anything. you must work out constantly. [frl]: i lead a very physical life. [frl]: i'm into walking. i walk a lot. |
int. passenger cabin stewardess' alcove night [ex23]: doctor rumack, i'm scared. i've never been so scared. and besides, i'm twentysix and i'm not married. |
int. [mrl]'s office day [mrl]: i was thinking about seattle. |
int. various locations day quick flash. [mrl] thinks everyone is staring at him. his sister and her friends. his brother and mother. mary elizabeth and [ex18]. and worst of all... [frl] and [ex7] the night they toasted him. a paranoid nightmare. |
ext. [mrl]'s castle gardens day [mrl]: has transformed into a goodnatured showoff, hurrying [ex1] and [frl] through a maze of fantastical gardens, past magnificent fountains and into his castle... |
ext. road |
int. solatano houseliving room day [mrl]: sr. steps in. [mrl]: sr. what'd you do? |
int. greensboro ballpark locker room day [ex24]: dresses for the game he pulls the red panties out of his bag. looks around the clubhouse. nobody sees them. he's embarrassed anyway and stuffs them back. |
ext. another block minutes later [ex9]: on my roof? you gotta be kiddin'! not on my green chair! tell me it wasn't on the green chair. [mrl]: winces. |
int. the angry diamond speakeasy continuous [mrl]: ushers [ex21] and [ex1] down narrow creaking stairs, through the crowd and into the smokefilled speakeasy... [ex21]: tell walter chase; "he shuts his mouth or he doesn't get a penny..." [mrl]: we'll talk about that later... [ex24]: hey jay...! you're under arrest!!! [mrl]: smiles and tips his hat. [mrl]: you be careful now. you're turning into a real jazzhound [ex24]. see, that's the [ex24] back there. [mrl]: you be careful at those tables now senator! [ex25]: of course! i'll put a bet on for you jay! [mrl]: flashes [ex1] a charming smile. [mrl]: shall we order? lobster tails all round. they decorate it with truffle slices and fine herbs. very artistic. [ex21]: glances to [mrl], and then turns again to [ex1]... [ex21]: so... how is the bond business mr. carraway? [ex1]: it's fine, thank you. [ex21]: i understand you're looking for a business gonnegtion [ex21]: oh! beg your pardon, i had a wrong man. [mrl]: leaving [ex1] and [ex21] alone. [ex21]: [mrl]! what a gentleman! from one of the finest families in the midwest... sadly all dead now. let me tell you, when i made the pleasure of mr. [mrl]'s acquaintance just after the war, i knew i had discovered a man of fine breeding. a war hero! such... medals. and, an oggsford man. oggsford college in england. you know oggsford? [ex1]: i've heard of it... [ex21]: then you would know that a man like that can be trusted. with a friend, with someone like you, he would never so much as look at your wife... [ex1]: i'm not... married. [ex21]: but you work on wall street, right? [ex1]: yes... [ex1]: studies [ex21], noticing an oddity about his outfit. [ex21]: looking at my tiepin? [ex21]: finest specimen of human molars... [mrl]: gentlemen. everything alright...? [mrl]: other people's wives? ah... i see. [mrl]: looks to [ex21]. [mrl]: other people's wives... meyer? [ex21]: follows his favorite dancer off... [mrl]: you'll have to excuse him... in his old age, he's prone to "digress..." he's a regular around here; a real denizen of broadway... [ex1]: who is he anyhow? [mrl]: meyer? he's a gambler. [ex1]: an actor? [mrl]: meyer? no. he's the man who fixed the 1919 world series. [ex1]: fixed it? [mrl]: fixed it. [ex1]: how did he manage that? [mrl]: he just... saw the opportunity, i suppose. he's a very smart man. now, old sport, about miss baker, and that request we spoke of... [ex3]: hey [ex1]! [ex1]! where've you been!? [frl]'s furious you haven't called up. [ex1]: this is mr. [mrl], mr. buchanan. [mrl]: i'm so very, very... delighted to make your acquaintance. [ex3]: turns back to [ex1]. [ex3]: i wouldn't have expected to find you in this temple of virtue. [ex1]: i'm having lunch with mr. gats |
intercut with: |
ext. [mrl]'s apartment building continuous [ex4]: [ex15]! [ex15]! [ex15]: i knew it, [ex19]. i don't even know why i bothered to copy the damn address. [ex4]: it didn't start out to be this. i came here to work. it's a onetime mistake. [ex3]: is right behind [ex4] now. [ex15] is in her car. [ex3]: mrs. [ex4], it's true. and it's not mr. [ex4]'s fault. i'm a stupid little girl with a stupid little crush. i basically forced him into it. i swear. [ex15]: don't be a monster, [ex19]. tell the girl. [ex5]: is out of the van now, listening. [ex3] shivers in the cold, hugs herself. there's a long silence. then: [ex3]: tell me what? [ex15]: poor kid. you can have him. you did. [ex4]: we... have a history. i'm sorry. you wanted the procedure. you wanted it done... to get past. i have to finish in there. it's almost morning. we'll talk later. [ex5]: let me take you home. [ex3]: shakes her head "no." she walks off, dazed. |
int. rehab center day [mrl]: sits on a leg extension machine, with his left leg tucked under the padded bar. a trainer stands behind him. |
ext. day. winnards farm. [ex6]: looks to see if the coast is clear then lets himself out. |
int. akbar night [mrl]: so did you meet anyone? at the packed bar, [ex2] drinks alone. [ex2]: young gay men don't go for older gay men. |
int. home secondfloor hallway continuous action [mrl]: finds [frl] weeping in the dark hallway, still fastening the buttons on her blouse. [mrl]: i'm sorry... i'm really sorry... [frl]: i'm not [ex2]... i can't go so fast. [ex10]: every time we go out you have to tell that same goddamn story! [frl]: get out of here! get out! |
int. [frl]'s icu room later [mrl]: sits in a chair looking at [frl] who is hooked up to a breathing machine. |
int. [frl]'s hotel room evening [ex10]: comes up and kisses her. [frl]: how'd it go today? [ex10]: good...i'm tired. [ex10]: i gotta go meet [ex11] for a drink downstairs. she wants to talk about some photo thing. [frl]: ok. maybe i'll walk down with you. [ex10]: you wanna come? [frl]: sure. [ex10]: ok. |
int. master bedroom early morning lucy licking [mrl]s face. [mrl] pushes the dog away...as... the alarm rings. [frl] pushes the button to stop it. [frl] time to get up, honey... [mrl] obliges without question, getting out of bed, putting on a robe and slippers and exiting, still practically halfasleep. |
int. [mrl]'s friend's apartment bathroom. morning. |
int. arena night [frl]: walks onto the floor, tucking her jersey into her shorts. the uniforms are oldstyle polyester and tight. her club's name is stitched on the front, "godella". [frl]: what's up, [ex18]. [ex18]: i'm gonna love winning this championship in your house. [frl]: how do you say "you're dreaming" in italian? [frl]: hounds her as she brings up the ball. [ex18] shoves her off and to the floor, and scores. no whistle. women's pro ball is at a whole other level. bigger, better, tougher. |
[mrl]: what if [ex24] was one of us. . . just a slob like one of us... just a stranger on a bus... trying to make his way. . . [frl] reacts a bit surprised by [mrl]'s happy tone, she gets up, opens the door and there stands [mrl], beaming smile, holding a very unique bouquet of flowers. [mrl] ...home. [frl] oh, my [ex24]. [mrl] you can call me [mrl]. [frl] where have you been? you're so...happy. [mrl] who wouldn't be on a night like this? for you. [frl] takes the flowers, gives [mrl] a kiss, still sizing up his mood. [frl] these are amazing. what are they? [mrl] it's a totally new breed. a cross pollination between tulips and daisies. i call them todayzees. [frl] todayzees? okay... [frl] goes to put them in water. int. kitchen continuous [frl] [mrl], is there something you're not telling me? |
int. subway station night |
int. kitchen night [ex12]: looks out the window, watches her sister exiting. she is equal parts jealous and protective. she spots keys on counter. she grabs them and runs out to catch her sister on the lawn. "all shook down." replacements. |
int. [frl]'s room continuous, [frl]: opens the door and sets her suitcase on the dusty bed. the room is just like it used to be. |
int. loring house living room day [ex7]: so. what's that thing? [ex12]: a pilates machine? [ex7]: what do you make with that? [ex12]: you don't make anything. it's for exercising. |
ext. hale methodist church the next day [ex10]: tell me, why does [frl] need another wedding rehearsal and two days before the wedding? she's already done this. [ex6]: [ex9] is making her visualize the ceremony. |
ext. barn dance, [ex20]'s ranch dusk [ex3]: is enjoying a smoke with some men. he looks over to the dance floor and smiles when he sees [ex2] and [ex14]. [ex3]: continues talking with some of the men. he puts out his smoke and looks over to the dance floor. he sees [ex2] now dancing with [mrl]... his eyes search for [frl]. he moves away from the men until he sees, from a distance; |
he smiles, twirls a drum stick, puts his harmonica on her head and goes into the next room. [mrl]: is reunited with his small lamp shade. he puts it over his face and cries into it. [frl]: has cum. she rolls off the mattresses onto the floor, spent. [mrl]: is lost in grief, crying harder. |
int. house, joshs room late night [mrl] walks to josh. hes sleeping soundly. [mrl] gently kisses josh on the head, careful not to wake him. |
intext. bloomsbury sq. drawing room day.12 63 * [ex4] looks up from her embroidery sounds of a carriage rounding into the square. at the window. [ex4] good heavens, [ex3] has arrived a day early! [ex2] moves quickly to look down on the street. her pov: below, [ex3]'s carriage outside. [ex2] [ex15]! freshen the flowers! |
int. [ex4]'s bedroom continuous [ex4]: [ex5]? what's going on? [ex4]: jesus. all right, what's the address. [ex4]: writes it down on a bedside not pad. he hangs up. |
Subsets and Splits