stringlengths 9
int. [ex2]'s house [mrl]'s room night [mrl]: pop? |
int. loring house entrystairs day [frl]: heads into the foyer and up the stairs. we see a posed photo of [ex13] and [ex12] in the stairwell. their house is beautiful, but frigid. [frl] rubs her arms, shivering. |
int. taxicab process close shot |
ext. the ranch another day |
ext. day. in the copse. later. [frl]: sits beside a dewpond, gingerly washing the blood off her face. [mrl]: [frl]... [mrl] is watching. she turns away from him. he approaches. [frl]: i'm sorry. she starts crying bitter tears. [mrl]: i'd better get up to stonefield. come with me. we'll get this sorted. [frl]: shakes her head. she separates herself from him and stands. [mrl]: then get [ex14] to take you to london. make sure he looks after you. [frl] walks a few paces away. she stares straight ahead. [frl]: i don't want to be with [ex14]. she looks back at [mrl]. he begins to understand. she walks off. |
int. train day |
int. airplanefirst class night [ex10]: monkeyface... monkeyface, listen... i'm not going to say it here.... no... [mrl]: continues to work, as his laptop now beeps. battery's low. [ex10]: ... oh listen, i got you the perfect white shirt, at this out of the way place... no... quit trying to make me say it! [mrl]: shuts off his laptop and prepares for sleep. trying not to listen. [ex10]: how about if i do it and don't say it... mmmm... see you soon... [mrl]: i have to ask. [ex10]: what [mrl]: where'd you find the perfect white shirt? [frl]: it's okay. we're in it together now... [ex10]: you're with the sports people on the plane, right? [mrl]: [mrl] maguire. smi. [ex10]: bobbi fallon. bpi. i'm producing the coke commercials for the playoffs. [mrl]: well. good luck with that [ex10]: can i just get a quick "man's" opinion from you on something? |
int. townhouse living room day |
ext. street day |
int. [mrl]'s car night [mrl]: drives past vague local landmark. |
ext. parking lot after school [mrl]: follows [frl] out of the building. catches up. [mrl]: [frl] [frl]: you lack honor. you lack compassion. you lack honesty. you lack humanity. [mrl]: okay. maybe some of that is true [frl]: you don't know the first thing about being someone's friend [mrl]: i don't want to be just your friend [frl]: you don't know what you want [mrl]: you don't either. take a look at yourself. maybe you're scared that someone might actually like you [frl]: and why would that scare me? [mrl]: because then you couldn't hide behind your books and your telescope and your sweater and your god. [mrl]: but the real reason you're scared? you like me! [mrl]: if you were really my friends, you'd be helping me, not running me down. [ex1]: the only one running you down is you. |
[ex7]: what the hell is that? [ex6] is starting to visibly sweat. [ex6] i'm sorry. there seems to be something. [ex6] shoots [ex15] a look to cover for him. [ex15] tries to cover with a joke. [ex15] looks like my new coanchor may need a glass of water. she laughs, [ex6] laughs in a ridiculous high pitched girly l au gh tha t m ak es it ev en w or se . h e s ip s th e w at er a nd hi s " "" n vj voice returns. [ex6] ah, there we go. sorry about that. the prime minister of sweden visited washington today as my little tiny nipples moved to france [ex6] stops cold, staring at the teleprompter. int. tv studio continuous the [ex16] in the booth reacts. [ex16] what did he just say? check the prompter. the [ex17] checks the text being fed to [ex6]. [ex17] it's fine. [ex16] well, signal for him to keep going. |
int. dining room dark and soundless. balloons, streamers and the other debris of revelry cover the tables and floor like snow. [ex4] is sitting at the window, drinking as he stares at the ocean. as [mrl] crosses the room, he looks up. [mrl]: what're you doing down here? [ex4]: celebrating. join me? [mrl]: the party's over. [ex4]: pours him a glass. [mrl] notices the bottle. [mrl]: expensive hangover. [ex4]: a gift. courtesy of our courteous hotel manager, mr. daniels. we, dear brother, are a fucking smash. yup. they want us back. easter. it seems they have this egg hunt every year. only not for kids. adults. they stuff these plastic eggs with timexes and little certificates for free mai tais and everyone has a grand time crawling around on the front lawn. then afterwards, they have a dance. an egg dance. everyone comes dressed in a different colored shell and at the end of the evening they crack themselves open. it's our job to separate the yolks from the whites. slippery business. [ex4]: smiles as he takes a swallow of his drink, then leans his head back, staring at the ceiling. [ex4]: you know, i've never kissed my wife on new year's. not once in twelve years. [mrl]: studies [ex4] as he stares at the ceiling. [ex4]: the holmby has a chandelier like that doesn't it? with the blue glass. [mrl]: looks up at the chandelier. [mrl]: the royal. [ex4]: right. the royal. when's the last time we were there? [mrl]: couple years. [ex4]: february? [mrl]: april. [ex4]: right. it's incredible how you do that. remember things. [mrl]: a useless talent. [ex4]: drove me crazy when we were kids. the way you never looked at the music. miss simpson would just play it and ... [ex4]: snaps his fingers. [mrl]: they were simple songs. [ex4]: not for me. i still have to look at the music sometimes, you know that? otherwise, i forget. i just forget. but you. you never forget. ever. so how come you couldn't remember ma's birthday? [mrl]: i told you. it's a useless talent. [ex4]: studies [mrl] a moment, then stares out at the ocean. [mrl]: yeah. [ex4]: i always think of him on new year's. how he used to pour us each half a can of beer. remember? [mrl]: you always threw up. [mrl]: he was just having fun. [ex4]: it was like you'd passed some test, you know? [mrl]: it was just a can of beer, [ex4]. [mrl]: you could've come. [ex4]: i could've. but he didn't want me to. [mrl]: you're making things up, [ex4]. [ex4]: maybe so. you ever go back there? where it happened. [mrl]: stares at the angry sea, loud even through the thick glass. [mrl]: no. |
int. cockpit night [ex36]: watch your nose! it's too low! [mrl]: is struggling with wheel. the wheel begins to fight back, pushing [mrl]. [ex36]: you're coming in too hot! |
int. [ex2]'s apartment day [ex2]: pats his leg trying unsuccessfully to get verdell to approach him. instead the dog goes to the door and scratches at it. [ex19] starts to pick the dog up. [ex2]: no. please, don't force him. [ex19]: you little stinker. he's given you everything. |
ext. forks, washington late afternoon |
int. lobby of the empire state building night [frl]: sprints in and over to information booth. [frl]: no. please. i really need to get up there. [frl]: takes a deep breath. she's hit the end of the road. she turns to go but then turns back. [frl]: you know that movie? |
int. [ex2]'s apartment day [ex2]: hello?... yes... sure... finally, huh? why, "finally"? because i called you so many times. maybe [ex2]: "will you please loan me money? i will pay you back. i will give you whatever percentage of my income i don't absolutely need until i do. it will take a while. but i don't know what i'll do if you say"... that. i understand... yes... no, i do. but you know, you know you didn't even ask how much, [ex16]? well, [ex3] has no right to discuss how much i'm in hock... no, you're right not the point. so... what have you been up to??? uhhuh... oh, the group show... how was it? well, i'm not surprised that there's that much talent around... great... look gotta go... no, you shouldn't feel that way at all... take care, you, too... you, too... goodbye. pal o' mine. [ex1]: maybe i'll bring him some food by. [ex2]: thank you for walking him. [ex2]: wheels away from [ex1]. [ex2]: if you'll excuse me i'm not feeling so well. [ex1]: it smells like shit in here? [ex2]: go away. [ex1]: that cleaning woman doesn't... [ex1]: where are all your queer party friends? [ex2]: get out. [ex1]: pauses [ex2] weeping... verdell looks at [ex2] with concern. [ex1] is thrown. moved? [ex2]: nothing worse than having to feel this way in front of you? [ex2]: rot in hell, [ex1]. [ex1]: no need to stop being a lady... quit worrying you'll be back on your knees in no time. [ex2]: swings his arm and cast at [ex1] the sudden attack jolts [ex1] but not as much as what follows. [ex2]: is this fun for you? well, you lucky devil... it just gets better and better. i am losing my apartment and [ex3] wants me to promise to paint hotter subjects and to beg my parents, who haven't called, for help... and i won't. and i don't want to paint anymore. [ex1]: has made for the door... [ex2] blocks him. [ex2]: so the life i was trying for is over. the life i had is gone and i am feeling so damn sorry for myself that it is difficult to breathe. right times for you huh, [ex1]. the gay neighbor is terrified... terrified... lucky you, you're here for rock bottom... me wallowing in selfpity in front of you, you absolute horror of a human being... [ex2]: get out. [ex1]: don't piss on a gift, tough guy. you want to know why the dog prefers me... it's not affection. it's a trick. [ex2]: looks up, his mood turning on a dime he's rapt... [ex1] comes and stands by his wheelchair. [ex1]: i carry bacon in my pocket. [ex1]: now we'll both call him. [ex2]: come on, sweetheart... [ex2]: would you leave now, please? [ex1]: stupid dog. i don't get it. |
int. hospital moments later [mrl]: walks by curtained beds hearing screams, wailing, moaning. he finally sees [frl] in a bed, hooked up to wires and monitors. she looks scared, a bit sedated. [mrl]: hey. [frl]: what are you doing here? [mrl]: [ex5] called me and wanted me to make sure you were okay. so how are you doing? [frl]: fine. totally fine. never been better. a thousand percent fine. just like fainted a little at work. i didn't have breakfast this morning. [mrl]: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. you know that. [ex21]: ms. gardner. your room will be ready soon. okay? [mrl]: where is the security desk? [ex21]: it's downstairs. exactly where you walked in. at the security desk. [mrl]: the security desk is at the security desk. got it. |
int. loring house [ex13]'s special room day [ex13]: is seated at the computer, surfing a horror movie website. he has the blank expression of a bored obsessive. the doorbell rings. |
ext. new york street dusk |
int. medical helicopter night [ex36]: looks out the window as the helicopter swoops down toward the lights of lower manhattan. |
int. [ex2]'s apartment studio day the greenhouse studio is a busy sanctuary, as [ex2] puts the finishing touches on his painting of [ex17]. a beat and then a strange figure crosses between the camera and the scene gone before we can examine him further. [ex2]: you can put on anything you want now. i might be sort of done here... [ex17]: quickly and expertly picks a cd to meet his immediate needs and puts it on dying a little at every second of silence during the transition... then loud music plays... [ex17] even goosing the volume. [ex2] does a take he gestures [ex17] to take it down which [ex17] does. [ex15]: lucky vinnie he's a painting. |
ext. day. minutes later. winnards farm. [ex5]: is outside the back door. she lifts a flowerpot and takes the key from underneath. [ex5]: she keeps this here for [mrl]. [ex2]: what if she's got an alarm? [ex5]: soon find out. [ex5] opens the door. they go in. the alarm is hanging off the wall, the wires pulled out. [ex5] grins at [ex2], satisfied. [ex2]: what if they come back? [ex5]: if you're too chicken, go home. the girls wander in, awed. [ex5] turns and grins, her eyes like a cat's. |
int. penthouse day [ex38]: is that everything, sir? [mrl]: that's everything. [ex24]: the lady, she go? [mrl]: yes. she go. |
int. [mrl]'s hotel room day [mrl]: looks at himself in the bathroom mirror, he feels his stubble and sees that it's turning grey. [mrl]: hello? [ex20]: mr. harris, we have fax for you! [mrl]: ok. [ex20]: do you want i send it to your room? [mrl]: great. [ex20]: thank you, mr. harris. |
[frl]: let the record show that i, [frl] , being of sound mind, ample breast size and the occasional corny knock knock joke, do enter this video blog into evidence in the case against me. because i'm being judged by a jury of my peers, i will attempt to insert `like' and `totally' into my confession as much as possible. so here it goes... i confess i'm, in no small part, to blame for the vociferous gossip that has turned my varsity letter scarlet, but for anyone hoping that the sizzling details of my sordid past will provide you with a reason to lock the door and make love to a dollop of your sister's moisturizing lotion you'll be gravely disappointed. look, i just need to set the record straight and what better way to do that, than to broadcast it on the internet. so, here it is part one: the shudderinducing and cliched, however totally false account of how i lost my virginity to a guy at a community college in a neighboring town. let me just begin by saying that there are two sides to every story. this is my side, the right one. like, totally. |
int. [mrl]'s kitchencorridor day [frl]: and remember [ex1] owes you an expensive dinner. or holiday depending if he's got the brains to get the going rate on betrayal. [mrl]: that's not true. and wait a minute... this is crazy behavior. can't we just laugh about this? seriously in the huge sweep of things, this stuff doesn't matter. [ex1]: what he's going to say next is there are people starving in the sudan. [frl]: you're right: of course, you're right. it's just that i've dealt with this garbage for ten years now you've had it for ten minutes. our perspectives are different. [mrl]: i mean today's newspapers will be lining tomorrow's waste paper bins. [frl]: excuse me? [frl]: you really don't get it. this story gets filed. every time anyone writes anything about me they'll dig up these photos. newspapers last forever. i'll regret this forever. [mrl]: right. fine. i will do the opposite, if it's all right by you and always be glad you came. but you're right you probably better go. |
int. brasserie. berlin. night [ex15]: is already at the table in a chic modern brasserie. she is a sympathetic young woman of around [mrl] approaches. when she sees him, she gets up. [ex15]: i was early. [mrl]: leans in and kisses her on the cheek. [mrl]: [ex15]. [mrl]: welcome back. |
int. hall continuous [ex5]: weeping as [mrl] goes back to his bedroom. |
int. cvs present 44 [ex10] so where are the socks? |
int. [frl]'s bathroom. night [ex14]: i do know what you're feeling, [frl]bean. i've had moments myself where i say: what am i doing here? who made this decision? how could i allow myself to do something so stupid and why is it still happening? we women are more emotional. you have to remember [frl]: turns to [ex14] and interrupts: [frl]: i hate you. [ex14]: don't say "hate". [frl]: why not? i mean it. [ex14]: you think you mean it. in this moment. you're trying to hurt me. [frl]: exactly. i know what you do with that sad, dumb police man. you go to bed with him. [ex14]: looks stunned. she says quietly: [ex14]: he's not dumb, but i guess he is kind of sad. anyway, we shouldn't discuss that. it's not appropriate for me to even acknowledge what i already just said. [ex14]: sees something sticking out of the leather folder. she pulls it out and stares at it. it is the "coping with the very troubled child" pamphlet. she looks to [frl]. [frl] looks away. [ex14] sighs deeply and says, on the verge of tears: [ex14]: poor [frl]. why is everything so hard for you? [frl]: starts to cry. she covers her face. her voice breaks as she says: [frl]: we're in love. we just want to be together. what's wrong with that? [ex14]: puts her arms around [frl]. [frl] shakes, silently sobbing. [ex14] pulls some twigs and stems out of [frl]'s hair. she studies the beetle earrings. she says wearily: |
int. tower night [ex36]: all right, now just listen carefully. you should be able to see the runway at three hundred feet. [ex36]: aim to touchdown a third of the way along. there's a slight crosswind from the right, so be ready for it. [ex36]: if you land too fast, use your emergency brakes. the red handle is right in front of you. [ex36]: if that doesn't stop you... [ex36]: is suddenly aware of what mrs. [ex12] is doing. he gives her a look and she removes her hands. [ex36]: if that doesn't stop you, cut the four ignition switches over the copilot's head. |
ext. kennedy airport a few minutes later |
ext. dense forest day [ex12]: to: [ex12]: to: |
ext. olympic peninsula road day |
ext. church yard. evening |
int. brooklyn secondfloor hallway later [frl]: walks down the hall, opening doors and glancing inside. she opens a bathroom and three cats dash out. [frl]: shit. [frl]: you lost your horns. [frl]: uhhuh. [mrl]: we were checking out the roof. [ex9]'s got quite a setup. [frl]: thank you. [frl]: you guessed it. [mrl]: smiles and rubs his hands together [mrl]: is the party over? |
int. [ex5]'s housefoyer night [mrl]: sr. ...and i'll take that fucking camera and i'm gonna break it over your fuckin' head, then i'm gonna come back and interview you about what it's like to get that fuckin' camera broken over your head! you wa, what are you laughing about? [mrl]: sr. okay. [mrl]: sr. walks back to his house. neighbors catcall [mrl] sr. [mrl]: sr. go back to sleep. the party's over. show's over. |
int. kinko's copies night [mrl]: in tshirt stands proudly watching copies pumped out. wired college students, band guys, other copy people of the night nearby. [mrl]: nods. it's 3 am, and this guy sounds and looks like a prophet. in fact, everyone in kinko's at 3 am does. [mrl]: thanks. |
int. [ex16]'s office day [ex16]: talks faster. [ex16]: more money, more endorsements |
ext. solatano house night |
int. passenger cabin night [frl]: is seated next to [mrl]. [frl]: i remember everything. all i have are memories. [frl]: mostly i remember...the nights when we were together. i remember how you used to hold me...and how i used to sit on your face and wriggle...and then afterwards how we'd watch until the sun came up. when it did, it was almost like...like each new day was created...only for us. [mrl]: that's the way i've always wanted it to be, [frl]. [frl]: but it won't be. not as long as you insist on living in the past! |
int. apartment later [mrl]: has more than fifty selfhelp books on a shelf by his bed. he reads from one called "six steps to getting over him." [mrl]: "so he broke your heart. you've been sad and depressed for weeks. perhaps you've turned to drinking or even drugs. and nothing's helped. now what? should you binge on rocky road and watch soaps all day?" [mrl]: "no you should not." [mrl]: "through extensive research, we have found the six most effective ways to get over that lost love and make room in your heart for a new man to fill. those steps are:" |
[mrl]: pours his cereal into a bowl. pauses. [mrl]: you want to share this? [frl]: why did you order raisin bran? [mrl]: why did you order tea? [mrl]: i ordered raisin bran because i didn't want there to be any mistaking this for a date. [mrl]: it's not a date. so how's your thing going your dancing thing? [frl]: it's good. how's your restraining order? [mrl]: i wouldn't actually call the restraining order "my thing," but getting back with [ex26] is, and i've been doing pretty well. except for a minor incident at the doctor's office. [frl]: and the socalled incident with the weights. [mrl]: yeah. that was a thing with my parents. i wish i could just explain it all in a letter to [ex26] because it was minor and i could just explain it and let her know that i'm actually not out of control and that i'm actually doing really well. [frl]: takes this in. beat. [frl]: i can get a letter to [ex26]. i see her sometimes with my sister. [mrl]: can't believe what he is hearing. [mrl]: it would be so amazing if you could get a letter to [ex26] from me. [frl]: i'd have to hide it from [ex8]. she's not into breaking the law, which this letter would definitely be doing. [mrl]: but you would do it? [frl]: i'd have to be careful. i'm already on thin ice with my family, you should hear how i lost my job. [mrl]: how did you lose your job? [frl]: by...having sex with everybody in the office. [mrl]: everybody? [frl]: i was very depressed after tommy died. it was a lot of people. [mrl]: we don't have to talk about it. [frl]: thanks. [mrl]: how many were there? [frl]: eleven. [mrl]: wow. [frl]: i know. [mrl]: i'm not gonna talk about it anymore. [frl]: okay. [mrl]: can i ask you one more question? were there any women? [frl]: yes. [mrl]: really? [frl]: yes. [mrl]: what was that like? [frl]: hot. [mrl]: jesus christ. was it like...older women, a sexy teacher who wants to [frl]: made me sit on her lap and do things? yeah. [mrl]: what? you sat on her lap? [frl]: mmhmm. [mrl]: she told you what to do? [frl]: mmhmm. [mrl]: oh...my god. [ex26] hated when i talked like this. made me feel like such a pervert. maybe we should change the subject. [frl]: i don't mind it. [mrl]: you don't, do you. [frl]: no. but then people were getting into fights in the parking lot at work, and in the bathroom...and the boss called me in to his office and tried to pin it all on me. so i accused him of harassment and then they fired me, sent me home and put me on some meds. [mrl]: i get it. the song that was playing when my wife...was in the shower with the history teacher... [frl]: i heard about that. [mrl]: ...it was my wedding song and when i hear it, i go kinda crazy. sometimes i hear it when it's not even playing. [frl]: wow. [mrl]: yeah. so they put me on medication, which i feel ashamed of. [frl]: yeah. [mrl]: so i know. [frl]: you do. [mrl]: i just gotta get a strategy, you know? [frl]: me too. [mrl]: we'd better get back to the letter. [mrl]: what if you told [ex26] when [ex8] was in the bathroom? [frl]: yes. yes, that could work. i love that. [mrl]: begins to slide out of the booth. [frl]: can i at least finish my tea? [frl]: my tea. can i finish it? [mrl]: wait a minute. did [ex8] tell [ex26] about our dinner? why would she do that? was it a test? [frl]: i kinda got that feeling, yeah. [mrl]: goddamn it. i knew it. it was a test. how did i do? i think i did pretty well. [mrl]: "basically"? was i some percentage not cool? [frl]: sort of how you are. it's fine, relax. [mrl]: what do you mean? how am i? what does that mean? [frl]: sort of like me. [mrl]: "sort of like you"? i hope to god she didn't tell [ex26] that. [frl]: why? [frl]: you think that i'm crazier than you. [mrl]: keep your voice down. [frl]: i'm just the crazy slut with a dead husband! [frl]: forget it! [mrl]: shut the fuck up. [frl]: fuck you! [mrl]: stands up. [frl]: you shut the fuck up! [mrl]: [frl]! hey! [frl]! [frl]: walks. [mrl] watches. diners |
ext. city street night [mrl]: walks through the streets, confused, upset, muttering, angry at himself. |
[mrl]: sr. that's right, you are why today happened. [frl]: i'm the reason why today happened? [mrl]: sr. i think so. [frl]: let's talk about that. [mrl]: sr. be my guest. [frl]: the first night that [mrl] and i met at my sister's, the eagles beat the forty niners handily, forty to twentysix. the second time we got together we went for a run and the phillies beat the dodgers seven to five in the nlcs. [ex14]: she's right, dad. [frl]: the next time we went for a run the eagles beat the falcons, twenty seven to fourteen. [mrl]: wow. [frl]: the third time we got together we had raisin bran in the diner and the phillies dominated tampa bay in the fourth game of the world series, ten to two. [mrl]: sr. let me think about that. wait a minute. [mrl]: sr. he was with you? [frl]: he was with me. we went for a run. [ex7]: really? that's crazy. [frl]: there have been no games since [mrl] and i have been rehearsing every day and if [mrl] had been with me like he was supposed to, he wouldn't have gotten in a fight, he wouldn't be in trouble, maybe the eagles beat the new york giants. [ex14]: she's making a lot of sense, pop. that's all right on all counts. [frl]: does anybody here happen to know what the official motto of the state of new york is on the official seal of the state of new york? huh? anybody? do you? do you know? "excelsior." look it up. yeah, "excelsior." [ex2]: oh [mrl]. [frl]: not that i give a fuck about football or about your superstitions, but if it's me reading the signs, i don't send the eagles guy whose personal motto is "excelsior," to a fucking giants game, especially when he's already in a legal situation. [ex7]: unbelievable. [mrl]: wow. how did you know all that stuff? [frl]: i did my research. [mrl]: sr. well, i gotta say, i'm impressed. [frl]: thank you. [mrl]: sr. i gotta rethink this whole thing. i didn't trust it before, but i gotta say, now i do. [mrl]: sr. i have to say i do. yup. [mrl]: is that right? [frl]: you're twisting the knife right now. you get off on it! [ex3]: that's bullshit! that's not true! don't say that! [frl]: you get off on it! if not, then prove it. prove it. [mrl]: sr. yeah, prove it, prove it! [ex3]: how do you want me to prove it? [mrl]: sr. how's he gonna prove it? [frl]: by giving them the chance to win back everything, double or nothing. [ex3]: double or nothing on the bengals, next week? is that what you're saying? [frl]: no. [frl]: against the cowboys. [frl]: that's your team isn't it, [ex3]? [mrl]: that's his team! [frl]: i know who his team is. [ex3]: when is the game? [frl]: december twentyeight, last game of the season. [frl]: same day as the benjamin franklin pairs open freestyle dance competition. [ex2]: oh god. [mrl]: sr. [ex3], i thought they were america's team. don't you believe in america's team? [mrl]: sr. i like it. [ex2]: no. no, patrizio [mrl]: sr. i believe in the eagles, i believe in my son, i'll take the action. i'll take it. [mrl]: dad! [mrl]: sr. i have faith, i have faith. excelsior belongs in this house [mrl]: sr. not in the state of new york. in this house. [mrl]: sr. i didn't know, either, but now i know. [mrl]: i know, but listen to me, this is toxic. dad, dad, dad, this is toxic, you shouldn't be doing this, you shouldn't be doing [mrl]: sr. [ex3], what do you say be quiet, shut up. you already did enough. [ex3], what do you say? my birds, benjamin franklin's team favored by one and a half points. i'll give you three more. [mrl]: sr. in fact, i'll give you ten points. [ex14]: dad! [mrl]: sr. you have to take that bet on the cowboys. [ex14]: jesus! [mrl]: sr. how could you not take that bet? even with the ten points i give you, that's an insane spread to your advantage. cowboys are cowards. and i'll bet you're such a coward, you won't take the ten. plus, are you listening, plus whatever their score is at the dance thing. what's that? [frl], what's that? [mrl]: what? no, no, no, no. [ex3]: you're crazy to give away that many points. that's ridiculous! i won't take that! however, wait a second. i do like the idea of a parlay. [ex2]: what? no parlay! no! [mrl]: i don't know, i don't know how they fucking score! we're participating. we're not, we're not a part of it. there are people, this is a high end dance contest. i don't know. do not put it as part of the parlay, [ex3]. don't [frl]: they go by the philadelphia rules. each dancer is scored on a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest. you have to average the four judges' scores. [mrl]: we suck. [frl]: we don't suck. [mrl]'s a beginner, i'm okay, we're happy just to be going there. [ex3]: and how are the people you're competing against? [frl]: they're good. some of them are professionals. [ex3]: they're good? better than you? pause. [frl] says nothing. [mrl]: a lot better. [ex3]: a lot better. so if i was to say you only have to score five, i would be really very generous, right? [mrl]: we can't get five! [mrl]: sr. give `em a five. give `em a five. [frl]: we can do a five. [mrl]: what are you talking about, dad? you haven't even seen us dance! [ex3]: that's the parlay. [ex7]: you gotta win two bets or you lose the whole thing. for [mrl] sr. to win, the birds gotta beat the cowboys plus [mrl] and [frl] gotta get at least a five at the dance. [ex7]: that's the parlay. [ex3]: shake on it. [mrl]: you know what? i'm not gonna be a part of this. [ex3], [ex3], you're a sickness. you're a fucking sickness, [ex3]. i'm out. [mrl]: i'm not doing the dance. i'm out. [mrl]: see you later. [mrl]: sr. what are you doing? [frl]: [mrl]. [mrl]: sr. [mrl]: what does that even mean, dad? i'm not gonna make that, that, that connection that you're making with desean jackson. it doesn't matter anymore okay? just because i have the fucking jersey on...i'm not gonna do it. i'm sorry. [frl]: you are not a stand up guy right now. if it's me reading the signs...if it's me reading the [mrl]: if it's you reading the signs? you're reading the signs? oh, okay. [mrl]: steps through the doorway [ex2]: [mrl]! [frl]: you are not a stand up guy! [ex2]: [mrl]! [mrl]: sighs. |
int. heathrow o.n.s. booth day |
int. home entry hall and staircase night [ex9]: comes in the front door and goes up the stairs. [ex11]: [ex9]? where have you been? susie cut her finger on the piano pedal. they're as sharp as razor blades... [ex11]: steps into the entry hall. [ex11]: [ex9]? did you hear me? susan cut her finger on the piano pedal. [ex9]: disappears at the top of the stairs. |
int. [mrl]'s bedroom night [mrl]: is sound asleep. his device chimes loudly, waking him up. halfasleep he puts his earpiece in. [mrl]: [frl]? [frl]: i'm sorry to wake you. [mrl]: it's okay. [frl]: i just wanted to hear your voice and tell you how much i love you. [mrl]: okay... goodnight. |
[ex30]: on basketball court [ex27]: turns into a closer shot. he's a living magazine cover. |
a series of shots daynight |
int. usa today observation room day [mrl]: what are you trying to say to me, fish? [ex4]: vindication. how would you like to get some? a chance to prove that, though your facts weren't entirely straight, your theory was correct. [mrl]: the real story on miss carpenter. [ex4]: all the gory details. [mrl]: the anatomy of the black widow spider of maryland. [ex4]: it wouldn't be a bad way to get you back into writing feature pieces again. [mrl]: this is good. it is a good story, fish. [ex4]: if she runs, then it's a cover story. all true. all accurate. [ex4]: then you've got it. if you leave tomorrow for the hinterlands, you'll have plenty of time before her next wedding trot. [mrl]: "paid vindication" that's what i call justice. [mrl]: but i'll get my normal fee, right? [mrl]: you want me to do it on spec?! |
ie. [mrl]'s car long island countryside day [mrl]: ah... well... ah... look here, old sport... what's your opinion of me, anyhow? [ex1]: my... opinion? [mrl]: yanks the wheel; [ex1] hangs on for dear life! [mrl]: i don't want you to get the wrong impression from all those bizarre accusations you must be hearing. a pack of lies i assure you. you've heard the stories...? [ex1]: well [mrl]: i'll tell you god's truth. god's truth about myself! i am the son of some very wealthy people from the middlewest; sadly, all dead now... i was brought up in america, but educated at oxford; because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. you see, it's a... a family tradition. [ex1]: the way he spoke... no wonder people thought he was lying... [mrl]: after that i lived like a young prince in all the capitals of europe! [ex1]: europe? |
as [ex1] picks up the phone... he clears his throat loudly. following is intercut between [ex6] and [ex1] the first such cut showing [ex6] blasted by the throat clearing. [ex1]: hello. [ex6]: yeah... well... [ex1]: how you doing? [ex6]: i can trust my brain. [ex1]: that seems like a good choice. [ex6]: i don't know whether i'm being sensible or hard on you. [ex1]: the two might go together. [ex6]: see. there's an example. i don't know whether you're being cute or crazy now. [ex1]: cute. [ex6]: you don't have to answer everything i say. just listen to me. okay? [ex6]: it's really something that you're looking after [ex2]. and what i said on the street. that was a bad thing to say. and it made me sick to my stomach. it was a bad thing to say. and i'd be lying if i didn't say that i enjoyed your company... but the truth is you do bother me enormously and i know think that it's best for me to not have contact with you because you're just not ready and you're a pretty old guy to not be ready... and i'm too old to ignore that. but there were extraordinary kindnesses that did take place. so thanks for the trips... [ex1]: okay to say something now? [ex6]: go ahead. [ex1]: i should've danced with you. [ex6]: okay. goodbye. [ex1]: so long. [ex6]: hangs up. she feels strange. a shoe hasn't dropped. oh, hell... she missed him. |
int. hospital room day [mrl]: opens his eyes quickly, the silence and whiteness contrast sharply with the preceding fantasy. standing beside the bed are dr. hirsch and mr. collins. mr. collins wears a bow tie and is holding a briefcase. [mrl]: where am i? [mrl]: london? where's [ex2]? i had a strange dream. [mrl]: the guy i was with. is he all right? how did i get to london? [mrl]: what? [mrl]: [ex2]'s dead? [mrl]: everything's in order? what are you talking about? [mrl]: you don't crate and ship [ex2] like some side of beef. who the hell are you people? what's going on here? where is [ex2]? i demand to see him! [mrl]: get your fucking hands off me! what the hell is going on here? [frl]: enters amidst [mrl]'s shouting and confusion. [mrl]: continues shouting and struggling. [mrl]: how long have i been here? [mrl]: two weeks? [mrl]: lunatic? [mrl]: it wasn't a lunatic. [frl]: i beg your pardon? [mrl]: it was a wolf. [frl]: what? [mrl]: a wolf. [mrl]: passes out. [frl] looks to dr. hirsch. dr. hirsch did he say a wolf? |
int. campus gym morning [ex18]: is all over [frl], slipping in cheap shots, but [frl] starts to come on. she does a quick crossover and loses [ex18]. she dishes off to [ex29], who scores. [ex17]: [ex18]! you feel like playing any "d"? [ex18]: scowls as she runs down court. she gets a pass in the corner, tires to make a move but [frl] slaps the ball loose. [frl]: grabs it, drives to the threepoint line, puts up the shot. swish! [frl] stays posed, with her arm up. [ex18]: takes advantage, sprints back down court. she get the long pass, lays it up. [ex17] blows her whistle. [ex17]: [frl]! get over here. [frl]: jogs over, sheepish. [ex17]: while you're so busy posing, your man just scored! [frl]: drops her head. [ex17]: show me again. [frl]: what? [ex17]: you love to pose so much, let's see it again. [ex17]: i want you to stand like that for the rest of practice. [frl]: coach... [ex17]: i want you to stand like that until you're sick of it because i don't ever want to see it again, you hear me? [ex36], take her spot. |
int. chicago dispatch night [ex36]: lights cigarette. [ex36]: all right, [mrl], now you listen to me and you listen close. flying is no different than riding a bicycle...it just happens to be a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes. now, if you just follow my instructions... |
int. passenger cabin another area night [ex23]: remove the jacket and unfold it so that the red arrow points up. |
int. royce publishing reception morning [frl]: exits the elevator and receives an enthusiastic... [ex4]: good morning! [frl] quickly walks by and gives only the slightest nod. |
int. moss house. [ex25]: you look like trash, boy, marked up like that. cheap trash. [ex25]: i'm just glad your ma ain't alive to see that thing. |
ext. subway station platform [frl]: runs through the crowd in a panic dodging people. she finds who she is looking for, her boyfriend [ex2] . she runs into his arms like long lost lovers. [ex2]: tries to untangle her from the cords. [ex2]: watch out! [frl]: have they taken us for someone else? [ex2]: we're in a film. [ex2]: we're in a film. if i kiss you... [ex2]: ... it might be cinema. if i stroke your hair, it might be cinema. [frl]: what's going on? do you know them? [ex2]: it's a long story. in short, portrait of a girl. it's been accepted for television! and the girl is you. it's you! [frl]: you're mad! you might have asked me first. [frl]: smacks the microphone out of their faces. [ex2]: i wanted to start with shots of [frl] at the station meeting her fianc. yes, i know them. they're my crew. [frl]: so you kissed me, and you knew it was being filmed. you're a bastard! traitor! [frl]: i thought of you day and night, and i cried. darling, i can't live without you! [ex2]: wonderful! cut! that was perfect! |
int. pickup day [frl]: tries to get [mrl]'s attention, but he's looking out the window. finally she pinches him and [mrl] jumps. he gives [frl] a "what did you do that for" look. [frl]: i'm a lucky woman. [frl] does her best to smile. |
int. plane day [ex28]: welcome to flight 1601 to seattle, this is your captain. we've reached our cruising altitude of 30,000 feet. flight time'll be three hours and thirty minutes. and [frl]? [mrl] has something he'd like to say to you. |
ext. dr. carter's home minute later |
int. kenwood house. ground floor corridorsstudio. day. 5 28 * feminine feet move along the corridor. reveal [frl] making her way to [ex3]'s study. her pov: through the doorway to the studio. an unfamiliar face mixing paints, engrossed. his weather worn hands are recognisable from the opening credits. his stare meets [frl]'s, calmly moved by her beauty as she stands, frozen her full lips parted in astonishment. |
Subsets and Splits