stringlengths 9
int. [ex14]'s apartment a little later 38 [ex13], [frl], and [mrl] sit around a wooden table in a small apartment's kitchen. [ex14] puts on a cd. [ex14] hey man, you like zappa? [mrl] dweezil or moon unit? [ex14] frank. man, that isn't even funny. you should check out "apostrophe" some time. [mrl] "apostrophe"? [ex13] it's an album. [mrl] i thought he was correcting my grammar. [ex13] can i get anyone beers? [frl]? [frl] sure. [ex14] you know it. [mrl] okay. [ex13] distributes beers to everyone but [mrl]. [ex13] sorry, [mrl], we don't have enough. [mrl] uh, yeah, sure. [frl] you want mine? [mrl] no thanks. i'm kinda picky about beer. i'm more into stuff like guinness, bass, killians. [ex13] that's so... british. [mrl] it's a coincidence, i swear. [frl] has trouble opening her beer. [ex13] rushes over with his keychain. [ex13] i thought guinness was going to be cool, but it sucks. made me nauseous. [ex14] dude, puking blows. that's why i smoke weed. you get high right away and no hangover! [ex14] pulls out a baggie of marijuana, and rummages through the closet. [mrl] yeah, i don't know. giving me pot is like letting richard simmons smoke crack. i'm paranoid enough as it is. [ex13] yeah, well, some people just can't handle their bud. [ex13] glares disparagingly at him while [mrl] pretends to examine the ceiling. [frl] pulls out cigarettes, lights up. [frl] [ex14], what are you looking for? [ex14] finds it: a gigantic bong made from a vacuum cleaner. he sets it up on the counter. [mrl] wow. i bet you could use that for yard work. [ex14] [frl], you don't smoke either, right? [ex13] really? [frl] yeah. i used to, but when it became my social life i knew i needed to stop. [mrl] kind of like why i stopped playing dungeons and dragons. it was, uh, in sixth grade, but it was kind of similar. [ex13] why don't we go smoke in the living room? [ex14] oh, ampersand's crashing on the couch tonight. [mrl] "ampersand"? what kind of name is that, esperanto? [ex14] well, his name was mike, but he couldn't cope. he thought it was, like, too square. he wanted a name that would tell people, here is a person that only the brave will understand! here is a person living beyond the walls! [mrl] he must have been listening to "apostrophe" at the time. [ex14] or prince, cuz, like, prince's name was a squigglything. but mike wanted something powerful, meaningful, and above all, something you could type. therefore, "ampersand." it's already on the keyboard and everything. [mrl] how much did that cost? because i have a friend who wants to change his name to not bill. [frl] is his name bill? [mrl] no, not bill. [frl] what about originally? [mrl] originally he wanted to change it to something else. [ex13] steps forward and pushes up a sleeve. [ex13] hey [frl], check out my new tattoo. he's got an anchor on his right biceps. [mrl] snickers. [frl] gee, [ex13], that's really cool. [ex13] i know it's not what you suggested, but i needed something more... masculine. [mrl] quietly whistles "popeye the sailor man." [ex13] you think you're pretty funny, huh? [mrl] c'mon, i thought hippies were mellow. [ex13] you just call me a hippie? [mrl] sorry, popeye, i guess i was thrown by the dave matthews merchandise. [ex13] i'm in a frat, geek. [mrl] well shouldn't you be back there date raping someone? [ex13] [frl], where did you find this creep? [mrl] and [ex13] both look to [frl] she must pick a side. she pulls on her cigarette, then turns to [ex13]. [frl] [ex13], lay off. go take a hit off the hoover and mellow out. [mrl], i'm sorry. [mrl] hey, it's okay. i'm cool. he takes a beer from the table, fumbles, and drops it. [frl] nah, it's time. it's getting late anyway. she puts out her cigarette and grabs her coat. |
int. day. winnards farm the kitchen. [mrl]: turns the alarm off. [frl] enters the dusty kitchen. [mrl]: used to do bits of work for your mum. been keeping an eye on the place since she died. [frl]: what sort of work, graphics? [mrl]: i do horticulture now. [frl]: you're a gardener? [mrl] says nothing. he stares at her nose. [ex1] has come in. [ex1]: this is a great old house. [frl]: would you like to buy it? [ex1]: i'm not really the propertyowning kind. prefer my life to fit into hand luggage. [mrl]: that's why you're back, to flog it? [frl]: yes. [mrl]: make a nice second home for some banker wankers. [frl]: [mrl] if you want it, why don't you make me an offer? [mrl]: because sadly i'm still prey to the economic forces that threw the peasant classes off the land. [frl]: unlucky. [frl] opens a cupboard. it's full of empty wine bottles. [mrl]: tam. their eyes meet. [mrl]: what the fuck have you done to yourself? [frl]'s face falls. |
int. living room. day [mrl]: takes a cassette and puts it into a white box. he writes on the side odyssey then he reaches up to put it on a shelf next to boxes separately marked odyssey 1,2,3,4, then he takes out a small notebook and crossreferences the new tape in a handwritten list. |
int. doctor's office day [mrl]: sits across from a large desk, beneath a wall of framed certificates and diplomas. the door opens and dr. paul [ex23], 60, africanamerican, dour and forbidding, enters [ex23]: mr. keane? dr. [ex23]. [mrl]: jerks to his feet and they shake hands [mrl]: thank you so much for taking the time. [ex23]: it's my job, sir. please, sit down. [mrl]: so then what treatment is she getting? [ex23]: at present? nothing. [mrl]: shifts uneasily in his chair. [ex23]: eventually she'll be treated for pain. in the end, surgery could become an option, but her chances of survival would be slim. right now [frl]'s against it. she's signed a directive forbidding any sort of heroic intervention. [ex23]: there's more here if you're interested, but it won't mean much to you. [mrl]: shakes his head and rises from his chair. he turns to the door, then turns back to the doctor [mrl]: how long? [ex23]: optimistically? a year. |
int. kitchen day [frl]: don't walk away. okay? [frl]: is it working? do you need to check it? [frl]: dad... [ex8]: what the hell are you doing?! [frl]: please? please what?! will you stop protecting him? you were always protecting him! don't talk to your father. don't bother your father! [frl]: i'm going to bother you for one minute, dad. okay? can you handle that? [ex8]: advances on her. [ex8]: just get the hell out... [frl]: this isn't about you, [ex8] or you, either, [ex18]. this is between me and my father, so leave us alone for one goddam minute! [frl]: how about you, dad. do you want me to leave? [frl]: dad... i'm asking. am i welcome here? [frl]: i want to know! do you want me here? do you love me, dad? i want to know. [frl]: do you... need to... check that again? [frl]: well... you do. it's a shame you're going to miss knowing her. you're going to miss all that. |
int. townhouse [mrl]'s bedroom night [ex9]: of human bondage. you're such a bullshit artist. [mrl]: shut up, [ex9]. you don't even know what it is. [mrl]: do you know what it's about? [ex10]: who cares. books are for fags. [mrl]: books are for fags. i weep for the future. |
int. the library night [ex22]: voters aren't interested in how to achieve economic growth, and they don't want to hear our plans to strengthen foreign policy. [ex28]: so it comes down to character. [ex29]: the press like him, senator. the networks, the newspapers, they're [ex22]: reporters like him. networks and newspapers like ratings and circulation. for all the bitching we do about liberal bias in the press when it comes down to a character debate... [ex30]: the press is an unwitting accomplice. [ex22]: because it couldn't. our polling told us that attacking his character less than a year after he'd lost his wife was gonna be a turnoff and was gonna make people feel sorry for him. we couldn't run the campaign we wanted because the opponent was a widower. [ex31]: he's still a widower. time's passed, but [ex22]: you'll have to forgive my friend. he's been on a hunting trip and cut off from the world. [ex31]: what's going on? [ex22]: the president's got a girlfriend. |
int. [mrl]'s bathroom new year's eve |
int. [ex6]'s apartment living room night [ex6]: in bed on the pullout sofa... she is in turmoil... there is thunder, but no rain. she walks to the kitchen. she is trembling as she drinks a glass of water and exits. |
ext. country road night [mrl]: takes [frl]'s hand and pulls her toward some invisible place. [frl]: where what are we ? [frl]: where? [frl]: you're acting like a crazy person. [mrl]: you're straddling the state line. you're in two places at once. [mrl]: repeat after me. [frl]: i can't. [mrl]: i'm gonna teach you. |
int. [ex16]'s apartment mos night [mrl]: we were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at twenty six. we were of that disposition. everything seemed much later than it was. |
int. [mrl]'s office lunch room day [mrl]: sits at the table reading a physics book. he picks up his earpiece to call [frl]. [mrl]: hello? [frl]?! hello? |
int. loring house den afternoon [frl]: park it, dude. [ex13]: sits down. with great fanfare, [frl] retrieves a dark, glossy sheet from the envelope. it's her ultrasound. [ex13]: you're kidding! [ex13]: examines the ultrasound, baffled. [frl]: i think it kind of looks like my friend, paulie. [ex13]: looks jolted, as if it's the first time he considered that her baby might have a father. he stands up and holds the photo up to the light critically. [ex13]: can you tell if it's a boy or a girl? [frl]: the doctor can tell, but i decided not to know. i want it to be a big surprise. [frl]: that's what you think. i drink tons of booze so you might get one of those scary neuterbabies that's born without junk. [ex13]: junk? [frl]: you know... it's parts... [ex13]: i know what junk is. [frl]: yeah? [ex13]: we definitely want it to have junk. [frl]: well don't worry about it. my stepmom is forcing me to eat really healthy. she won't even let me stand in front of the microwave or eat red m&ms. hope you're ready. [ex13]: chuckles. [ex13]: wait...do you hear that? [frl]: what is it? [ex13]: it's only my favorite song. it's sonic youth doing "superstar" by the carpenters. [frl]: i've heard the carpenters before. chick drummer and freaky dude. not unlike the white stripes. [ex13]: you haven't heard the carpenters like this. listen. [ex13]: grabs the stereo remote off the kitchen counter and turns up the volume to a roar. [ex13] and [frl] stand in silence in the kitchen. [ex13] mouths along with the lyrics. [ex13]: don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby... [ex13]: this album is all carpenters covers by altrock bands. it's called if i were a carpenter. it is god. i'll rip a copy for you before you leave. [frl]: you don't have to do that. [ex13]: it's the least i can do. what did you say your favorite band was? [frl]: i didn't. but it's a threeway tie between the stooges, patti smith and the runaways. [ex13]: walks over to his music collections and starts pulling cd's. he's got a carpenter's disc, the "no alternative" charity compilation, and mother love bone. [frl]: spots a vhs tape on the coffee table and picks it up. [frl]: the wizard of gore? [ex13]: oh yeah. it's herschel gordon lewis. he's the ultimate master of horror. [frl]: please. dario argento is the ultimate master of horror. [ex13]: swivels around slowly on his desk chair, surprised. [ex13]: argento's good, but lewis is completely demented. we're talking buckets of goo. red corn syrup everywhere. and fake brains up the yinyang. [ex13]: gives a look "oh, really?" |
int. house day [ex2]: is sprawled on the couch in sweats, wrapped in a blanket, watching "sixteen candles". when molly ringwald leans across the birthday cake to get a kiss from her dream date, [ex2] changes the channel disgustedly, settling for an infomercial [ex3]: are you sure you don't want to come with us? it'll be fun. [ex2]: takes the tea and gives a weak smile. [ex2]: i ' m sure . [ex3]: sits down next to her [ex3]: you looked beautiful last night, you know. [ex2]: so did you [ex3]: gives her a squeeze, then jumps up when the doorbell rings, opening the door to a waiting [ex8]. he peeks his head inside. [ex8]: she okay? [ex3]: i hope so. [ex17]: was that your sister? [ex2]: yeah. she left with some bikers big ones. full of sperm. [ex17]: funny. [ex17]: sits down on the arm of the chair and watches the infomercial with [ex2]. [ex17]: i don't understand the allure of dehydrated food. is this something i should be hip to? [ex17]: so tell me about this dance. was it fun? [ex2]: parts of it. [ex17]: which parts? [ex2]: the part where [ex3] beat the hell out of some guy. [ex17]: [ex3] did what? [ex2]: what's the matter? upset that i rubbed off on her? [ex17]: no impressed. [ex2]: looks up in surprise. [ex17]: you know, fathers don't like to admit that their daughters are capable of running their own lives. it means we've become spectators. [ex3] still lets me play a few innings. you've had me on the bleachers for years. when you go to sarah lawrence, i won't even be able to watch the game. [ex2]: when i go? [ex2]: reaches over and gives him a hug |
int. the fossil fuel war room day |
int. chapel parlor [mrl]: stays back, watching mourners approach [frl] and her mother, hugging them. after awhile, [frl] sees [mrl] through the throng, hanging back. she breaks through and to him, holding him close for a long time... [mrl]: ...and when she let's go of me, i feel i don't need to become a different person. it's happened already. |
[mrl]: i don't want any meds, doctor. look, i am not the explosion guy, okay? my father is the explosion guy. i'm not that guy. he got kicked out of that stadium he beat up so many people at eagles games, he's on the exclusion list. i had one incident. [mrl]: but i'm ready. i'm ready to take responsibility for my side of the street. she just needs to take responsibility for hers. [mrl]: what's hers? are you joking? let's go back to the incident. i come home from work after i |
int. the residence day |
we intercut between the two sides. [ex1]: you're lying. you're a lying bitch and i hate you so much right now. [frl]: i'm not lying. i promise i'm not. i really would love to go camping with your family this weekend. i had fun with your family last year. |
int. radar room |
int. penthouse living room morning [mrl]: i want to. [mrl]: i'll see him alone. everyone knows you're my muscle. we'll make it social. tell [ex26] i'll meet him for dinner. tonight if you can arrange it. [ex3]: you shouldn't go alone. he might claim that you tried to black mail him. [mrl]: i'll bring it back. [mrl]: hangs up. he pours a glass of orange juice and takes a sip, thinking. something makes him turn. [frl], wearing a monogrammed hotel terry robe, is standing uncertainly in the bedroom doorway. [mrl]: good morning. [frl]: you didn't wake me. i'll be out of here in a minute. [mrl]: no hurry. would you like some breakfast? [frl]: only if you do. [mrl]: sits. waits. [frl] sits across from him. [mrl] serves them breakfast. [mrl]: did you sleep well? [frl]: yeah. too good. i forgot where i was. [mrl]: occupational hazard? [frl]: where'd you go? [mrl]: i took the couch. i had some work to do. about last night... [frl]: i just hope it was worth three hundred bucks. [mrl]: i'd say you give a good dollar value. [mrl]: do you ever... enjoy it? [frl]: i like guys if that's what you're asking. not that i trust'm. [mrl]: no? why's that? [frl]: "occupational hazard". [frl]: what do you do anyway? [mrl]: i buy companies. [frl]: no shit. they expensive? [mrl]: the one i'm buying this week will cost around 150 million. [frl]: ... dollars? [frl]: you are major league, baby. your mother must be very proud. [mrl]: is oddly pleased at her reaction. |
[mrl]: dramatically finishes the national anthem. * [mrl] * ...of the * braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave i . * he hits an impossibly high note and the rink glass shatters i * [mrl] is projected on the arena jumbotron. he shoots his * arms up, the crowd goes nuts! "mr. exclusive" flashes on the * screen. * ext. woods day |
ext. drugstore day |
int. [mrl]'s parents dining room moments later [mrl]: is back. everyone is eating ice cream. [ex7]: my mother used to make best kulfi. your grandmother. [mrl]: i think ice cream is better than kulfi. [ex9]: oh. i wonder who that could be? [ex9]: goes to the door. [mrl]: i'm guessing it's a young, single pakistani woman who just happened to be driving by our house, which is in a cul desac and i'm also guessing that the phrase "dropped in" will be said in the next ten seconds. [ex7][ex8][ex10]: ten. nine. eight. seven 17 [ex9]: enters with a dressed up, pretty pakistani girl [ex12], 20's. [ex9]: everyone. this is [ex12]. she just dropped in. [ex12]: salaam. [ex11]: wa alaikum salaam. [ex12]: sits next to [mrl] and hands him a headshot. [mrl]: thank you so much. [ex12]: the truth is out there! [mrl]: it's from the show. thank you. |
int. [ex20] [ex4]: thank you, thank you. you know, [frl] and [mrl] and i only just arrived here yesterday, but already the people here at the king corporation's moorish manor have made us feel, well, a part of the family. and it's their hope that, before you leave, everyone of you will feel a part of that family also. so, if duringthe next few days, we should happen to pass one another in the hallway or in the lobby or wherever ... don't be a stranger. stop. say hello. introduce yourself. because here, there are no strangers, only friends. and family. right, [mrl]? [mrl]: right. i love you, [ex4]. [ex4]: what? [mrl]: i love you. i just wanted to say it. [ex4]: stares incredulously at [mrl]. [frl]: huh? [ex4]: got another song for us? [frl]: oh. yeah. i gotta bunch of them. [ex4]: well then ... shall we? [ex4]: corners [mrl] as they exit the stage. [frl] looks around nervously to see if anyone's watching. [ex4]: what's the matter with you? [mrl]: i'm sorry, [ex4]. all that talk about family. i just got emotional. [ex4]: how dare you say you love me. [mrl]: it won't happen again. scout's honor. [frl]: what's with you guys? [ex4]: someone needs to grow up. i won't take it, [mrl]. [mrl]: sure you will. [mrl]: pushes past [ex4] and leaves. [ex4] watches him go, then turns to leave himself. |
int. the party room continuous [ex1]: who are you? [ex31]: we're ice skaters. can we go now? [ex1]: no. i want you to hear my philosophy. it'll do you some good here it is. this is a simple game. you throw the ball, you hit the ball, you catch the ball. you got that?! [ex31]: yes. [ex1]: are you lovely creatures aware that you are about to compromise yourselves with a buncha bums who are what are we? [ex2]: eight and twentyfour. [ex1]: eight and twentyfour! how'd we ever win 8 games? [ex2]: it's a miracle. [ex24]: steps forward hands [ex1] the hundred dollar bill.. [ex24]: he can't make it. here's his fine. [ex1]: aw christ, he don't have to come. he's hitting . [ex30]: don't you think that's a double standard we're here and he ain't? [ex1]: i believe in a double standard for guys hitting . look, men you got a choice. you wanta be roasting your nuts off for midas muffler welding exhaust pipes up the assholes of cadillacs... or you wanta be sitting in the caddy while some other guy's crawling around in a monkey suit with a blow torch? there's only two places you can be in life in the caddy or under it. these are the best years of your lives. these are the glamor days. it don't got any better than this. but... if this club don't start winning soon, there's gonna be changes made! |
ext. [ex]'s house late afternoon [frl]: no fair, reading [ex3]'s mind. [frl]: and since when do vampires like baseball? [mrl]: it's the american pastime. plus, there's a thunderstorm coming. it's the only time we can play. you'll see why. |
ext. city. night. 6 years earlier. [frl]: are my hands cold? [mrl]: yes. [mrl]: follows suit, reaching up under her jacket to touch the skin on her lower back. she recoils from the icy touch. [frl]: you wanna go somewhere. [mrl]: sure. [frl]: where can we go? |
int. hospital hallway later [mrl]: walks with a giant stuffed giraffe. |
int. townhouse living room night [ex6]: sits and listens as a grieving [ex3] tells her story. [ex3]: and when i confronted him about his affair with [ex4] he told me it was none of my business. then when i said "well what about [ex6]," he said you were nothing more than a stupid... the n word and that you deserved what you got... [ex6]: and this happened before you and i hooked up? [ex3]: it's been going on for a while. then he called me a disgrace to our family and that's when he hit me. [ex6]: racist piece of shit. [ex3]: i'd be careful if i were you. god knows what he's up to. [ex6]: he doesn't scare me. i'll kick his ass in. [ex3]: will you stay here for the night? you can leave in the morning. that's when my parents get back and [ex6]: don't worry about it. i'll stay. [ex3]: hugs him. [ex3]: thanks [ex6]. you're a good friend. |
ext. day. field and copse. [ex1] and [mrl] are in the valley between the two farms. [mrl]: it's winnards farm. lady there died a while back. place is empty. [ex1]: you think it's being robbed? [mrl]: prob'ly just kids. nothing to do round here except make trouble. [ex1]: what if it's bad guys? don't you have a blunderbuss or a fowling piece or something? they climb up through a copse. |
int. townhouse living room day [ex3]: throws a sushi at him. [mrl] catches it. [ex3]: he didn't dump me. we had a parting of the ways. [mrl]: stares her down. [ex3]: alright he dumped me. |
int. subway afternoon |
int. [mrl]'s apartment night [mrl]: is unconscious on the bed, completely still. [ex3] and [ex5] watch the monitor and smoke a joint. after a silence: [ex3]: it's amazing, isn't it? such a gift [ex19] gave the world. [ex5]: yeah. [ex3]: to let people begin again. it's beautiful. you look at a baby and it's so fresh, so clean, so free. and adults... they're like this messy tangle of anger and phobias and sadness... hopelessness. and [ex19] just makes it go away. [ex5]: you love him, don't you? [ex3]: seems surprised, taken aback, caught. she is silent for a long moment. [ex3]: no. besides, [ex19]'s married, [ex5]. he's a very serious and ethical man. i'm not going to tempt him to betray all he believes in. [ex5]: takes another drag on the joint, passes it to [ex3]. |
int. hospital cafeteria predawn [ex3]: i saw [ex1]'s parents while you were at the apartment... i wanted to say something... but i... i was so relieved that [ex2] was still... that it wasn't our daughter. [frl]: we're very lucky. [ex3]: the funeral's on friday. [frl]: okay. [ex3]: it's on the table by the phone. i didn't know what to tell him... ... whether or not we were... ... if we still we're thinking of redoing the couch. [frl]: just nods. she senses [ex3] is looking for some kind of reassurance, but she can't give it to him. he continues; [ex3]: ... and uh... mario called about moving the wisteria? [frl]: oh. right. i'll call him. |
ext. mountain road night [mrl]: the first place he'll go is your house. he'll track your scent there. |
ext. country road, ct. early morning [ex2]: ... [ex1]'s foot was caught in the stirrup... she couldn't get up, she was so scared... i saw this truck, coming around the turn... [ex2]: ...he was honking, trying to get us to move... i tried to grab the reins to get [ex1]'s horse out of the way... [ex2]: grabs the reins of [ex1]'s horse. the horses are spooking... [ex2]: ...and the truck started skidding... [ex2]: ...it was coming right at us... there wasn't any time to do anything... it ran right into [ex1]'s horse... [ex2]: ...[ex1] just disappeared... and it came right at pilgrim and me... [ex2]: ...and pilgrim reared up at the truck and i fell off... [ex2]: falls onto the road, the truck running over her. |
int. s.f. opera house box night [frl]: it was so beautiful i just about pissed my pants. [mrl]: smiles at the now shocked looking older [ex31] and he and the still misty [frl] exit. |
int. espn studios [ex31]: it's the start of the new college season and i'm like a kid in a candy store. too many great teams to choose from. you have your dukes', kentuckys', arkansas', but my surprise treat this season... |
int. car night [mrl]: rides in the back of the presidential, looking out the window at the city. |
int. prom night later |
int. [ex]'s car night [ex15] drives past a tall snow drift. she looks down at the 45 of the beatles in the seat next to her. she smiles at [mrl]'s birthday present. then, she looks up as the headlights of the semi truck smash the windows with a crash! |
int. [frl]'s apartment day [frl]: i just came by to... wish you well. to... congratulate you and wish you well. shit. |
int. mill grove high school hallway afternoon [ex8]: did you already do the term paper on to |
ext. criminal courts bldg. night med. shot |
int. coffee shop day [mrl]: collects his juice in a coffee shop on westbourne park road. |
ext. [frl]'s apartment building later [mrl]: helps [ex23] and [ex24] carry their luggage upstairs. |
ext. [ex47]'s bar night |
int. hospital reception area day [ex38]: if i could just get you to sign these, you'll be all done. [mrl]: signs a form. [ex38]: and there. and that's it. [mrl]: glances at the receptionist she is roughly [frl]'s age. just then his phone rings. he picks up hopefully. [mrl]: hello? [ex2]: hey [mrl], it's [ex2]. where are you? [ex2]: well you get yourself back here my friend. i've got some great news. you were right. the samuelson account. none of the kids could handle it. they couldn't nail it. they ended up picking one of your old tunes. they want you to come back and update it. we need you back, [mrl]. your old room's here waiting for you. [mrl]? [mrl]: looks around the room at the lonely figures, waiting. a young boy fidgets. next to him sits a young man, lost in thought. [ex2]: yeah. yeah, `it's great'. i mean, look, i know when to eat humble pie. so look, hey, when can you get back here? [mrl]? [mrl]: glances back at the old man. the old man continues to stare back. beat. something changes in [mrl]. [mrl]: i...i'm not coming back. [ex2]: what? [mrl]: i'm quitting [ex2]. [ex2]: what you mean you quit? [mrl], fuck you man, you need us. [mrl]: hangs up. a smile breaks across his face. |
ext. arcade day [frl]: looks through the window as a tan japanese boy, tries to win a stuffed animal for his girlfriend. |
intercut with: |
ext. street. day [mrl]: is cycling towards [frl]'s apartment, his hair wet from the lake, looking equally unhappy. |
int. press room close shot [frl] at phone [frl]: fine. and here's a kiss for you. |
int. [ex]'s classroom later [ex9]: last day. [mrl]: yeah. so, uh, i know it's none of my business, but have you decided... are you going to new york? [mrl]: is relieved. [ex9] is staying. [mrl]: yeah. yeah. [ex9]: i think you could write one of them one day. [mrl]: really? [ex9]: i do. [mrl]: is quiet. then... [mrl]: you're the best teacher i ever had. [ex9]: thank you. |
int. evening. stonefield downstairs. [ex3]: don't you dare [ex6]: joined solidly at the top but with the ends able to roam, in freedom his phone beeps. [ex3]: that's from her isn't it? are you keeping her waiting? [ex6] finally snaps. [ex6]: we've talked a lot about the creative mind and we agreed that it needs freedom to explore! [ex3]: take your freedom. i can't live like this any more. it makes me feel worthless! |
int. [ex2]'s office day the real [frl] is no less beautiful than the one we just saw. [frl]: late in the winter of my 17th year... [frl]: ... my mother decided i was depressed. [frl]: i'm not depressed. [ex1]: ... she eats like a bird. she barely leaves the house, [frl]: i'm not depressed. [ex1]: ... she reads the same book over and over... [ex2]: she's depressed. [frl]: i'm not depressed! [frl]: the booklets and web sites always list depression as a side effect of cancer... [frl]: depression's not a side effect of cancer... [frl]: ... it's a side effect of dying. [frl]: which is what was happening to me. |
int. command tent. day |
int. usa today loading docks continuous |
int. townhouse living room day [ex3]: in any event, my feelings were hurt when i learned that he had fallen for someone else. someone chaste... pure... innocent. [mrl]: you don't mean? |
ext. narita airport night |
[ex2]: stares intensely at [mrl]. [mrl]: sr. you understand? [mrl]: yeah. [mrl]: sr. heavy. i want you to go to the game with your brother. [mrl]: you want me to go to the game with [ex14]? [mrl]: sr. of course i do. [ex14]: does he want me to go? [mrl]: sr. of course he wants you to go. [mrl]: he told you that? [mrl]: sr. he told me, yes. [mrl]: even with all his friends? [mrl]: sr. with all his friends. he trusts you. [mrl]: he's not embarrassed? [mrl]: sr. no. i'd love to go to the game, too, but as you know, i'm banned from the stadium. `cause i'd love to see us beat the giants and take a lot of money from this asshole. [mrl]: sr. [ex3]. i just hope you heard what i said. it's like a family business, it's our family endeavor. we all stick together on this. that's how it works. that's a positive, positive vibe. [mrl]: i made a commitment to [frl] about a project, and we have a very important part of it that we have to go over on sunday, and it's good for me, dad. it's making me disciplined and focused, and it's, it's, i never would've thought this, but it's a good thing. [mrl]: sr. what is this thing you're doing? [mrl]: it's a dance thing, okay? there's nothing more to it, dad. i swear. [ex2]: steps to [mrl], kisses his forehead. |
int. bathroom [ex4]: i'm putting my stuff on the right, okay? [mrl]: okay. [ex4]: i figure that way we won't get confused. [mrl]: right. [ex4]: unless you want the right. [ex4]: we might as well do the towels the same way. [mrl]: okay. [ex4]: i just figure things'll go smoother, you know, if we have it all worked out from the beginning. [mrl]: good idea. [ex4]: but if it doesn't work out, let me know. i'm,flexible. [mrl]: right. [ex4]: nods and moves to the bed. [mrl]: you leaving that on? [ex4]: yeah. [mrl]: all night? [ex4]: yeah. [mrl]: we're gonna be here a week? [ex4]: yeah. [mrl]: so you're gonna leave it on. every night. for a week. [ex4]: yeah. you mind? [mrl]: why would i mind? [ex4]: i don't know. i mean, i always did it as a kid. i figured it was no big deal. is it? a big deal? [mrl]: just stares at [ex4]. [ex4]: oh. i didn't know. i mean, i always did it as a kid. it was never a big deal then. was it? [mrl]: just stares at [ex4]. [ex4]: oh. well. you want me to turn it off? [mrl]: just stares at [ex4]. [ex4]: i'll turn it off. [mrl]: turns back to the window. [mrl]: forget it. it's no big deal. |
ext. record store day [mrl]: emerges behind them, [ex4]'s skateboard in hand. they have enough distance to bolt, but they can't leave that board behind. [ex3]: pulls two cd's out and slides them over to [mrl]. [mrl]: and what about you, dork? [ex4]: pulls about six, and puts them down in a neutral spot. [mrl]: picks all of them up and starts looking through them. [mrl]: eno import. sigue sigue sputnik. break beats. serge gainsbourg. ryuchi sakamoto, syd barrett... what's going on here? are you guys stealing for other people now? [ex4]: naw. those are for us. [mrl]: oh really. you two are slamming to nico now? [ex4]: you got the cd's so can i have my board back? [mrl]: i think you have more. [ex4]: well we don't. [mrl]: i can't frisk you but the cops can. [ex3]: reaches down again into his baggy shorts and comes up with a tattered old book, "how to make a record." he tosses it over. [mrl]: jesus. that thing's been in the bargain bin for six months! was it just your criminal nature or what? hell, i would've given it to you for free. [ex3]: we don't know how it works. nobody even knows, so we wanted to check it out in that mag. [mrl]: snorts. [mrl]: can't resist edifying them the curse of the underappreciated expert. [ex4]: records are those big round black things, right? [mrl]: fuck off. [mrl]: turns to go back in the store. [mrl]: drops it and enters the store. |
int. restaurant that night |
ext. park night [ex4]: did you hear something? [ex17]: just now? [ex4]: yes. [ex17]: no. here we are, [ex19]'s is the one.... |
int. elysium late afternoon [mrl]: not much. i took her home and she pointed out an irony that fate was now offering us the very same thing that just this morning i'd told her was all i could offer her: a relationship with no future. [ex9]: a kid figured that out? [mrl]: she's not a kid! that's what i've been trying to tell you. nothing's lost on her. i'm the kid. she... i don't know what the hell she is... but i do know what she was. [ex9]: looks at him curiously. [mrl] glances over his shoulder at the bussers, then leans in close [mrl]: a virgin. [ex9]: what? [mrl]: i had no idea. that's the only reason she had her party here, so she could lure me into doing the honors. [ex9]: she used you, pal. [mrl]: i know. [ex9]: the hangman got hanged. how's it feel? [mrl]: embarrassing. [ex9]: laughs. [mrl] settles into a brooding silence. [ex9] goes back to work [ex9]: so what now? [mrl]: i end it. [ex9]: how come? [ex9]: i don't know, when you talk about her, you're not such an arrogant son of a bitch. you get all whiny and stupid. i like that. [mrl]: thanks. [ex9]: and since i don't see you gettin' serious with any of your other victims, i figure why not spend a little time together? [mrl]: because she's dying. [ex9]: i got bad news for you, brother, so are you. [mrl]: stares at him thoughtfully. |
ext. beach parking lot night |
ext. rocky gorge. day [mrl]: hikes through a pass wearing an extremely large backpack with stakes, metal poles, and two bedrolls strapped to the bottom. he wears a compass on a string around his neck. |
ext. little goat farm day [frl]: bumps along the winding driveway of this idyllic hudson river farm. there are red barns in the distance and green pastures filled with goats and sheep. the house is an old carriage house with a rusty weathervane on top. [frl]: parks the car and takes in the whole scene. [mrl] opens the front door, with a huge smile on his face. [frl] sighs. [frl]: he's so not a douchebag. |
[frl]: gives her upbeat extistential responses as her fitting continues. [frl]: i see it everywhere. all the time. [ex2]: what do you mean, everywhere? [frl]: on walls. on buildings. [ex2]: walls and buildings? [ex2]: what are they selling? cars. tinned meat. cigarettes. [frl]: no. they're all about young couples. before marriage, no children. then the same couple, married with children. in short, marriage. the perfect, ideal, successful marriage. it's no longer the preserve of the church. the husband was burdened with responsibilities and the wife nagged. now, weddings in advertising smile! [ex2]: they smile. on posters. [frl]: on posters, of course. but why t take poster marriage seriously? marriage... pop marriage! [ex2]: comes out from under a dress. [ex2]: pop? that's the formula. for pop youth, pop marriage! but... what if the pop marriage doesn't work? [frl]: then you have to fix it like you would a car. the spouses are two workers in overalls bending over an engine to fix it. [ex2]: and in case of adultery what happens to the pop marriage? [frl]: in that case, there are three or four workers. [ex2]: what about love? is love pop? [frl]: no. that's not. love isn't pop. [ex2]: love isn't pop. so what is it? [frl]: the workers retire to a secret flat, take off their overalls and become men and women again and make love. [ex2]: is captivated. [ex2]: you're wonderful. [frl]: it's the dress that makes the bride. [ex2]: you're better than rita hayworth. [ex2]: what are you doing? stop! stop, but keep filming! why aren't you filming in the rain? [ex14]: you're crazy! [ex2]: has lost [frl] in all the hubub. he is disgusted with his crew. [ex2]: you're all fired! [ex2]: where's [frl]? [ex15]: she must have run off. [ex2]: when? ln the rain? [frl]: [frl]! [frl]! [frl]! [frl]! |
int. struthof camp. day |
int. [mrl]'s room morning [mrl]: answers the phone by his bed. [mrl]: hello? [frl]: it's [frl]. [frl]: thanks for getting me back in one piece. [mrl]: of course. [frl]: do you want to have some breakfast? |
ext. parsonage roof night [mrl]: carries [frl] out a large attic window. the finished large telescope is set up. pointing at the sky. she's in her nightgown, wrapped in a blanket. [frl]: it's beautiful... thank you. [frl]: i don't know what we'll be able to see... help me stand. [mrl]: wait a sec. |
[ex1]: in my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice: "always try to see the best in people," he would say... [ex1]: as a consequence, i'm inclined to reserve all judgements. [ex1]: but even i... have a limit. |
ext. north dakota prairie night [ex1]: chasing this destiny, a sixteen year old gatz ran far, far away. |
int. terminal building night |
int. cockpit night [frl]: screams and covers her face. st. christopher statue covers its face. |
int. [mrl]'s bedroom night [mrl]: enters and closes the door. turns on a stereo which plays a cello piece by yoyo ma. books fills his room. he sits at his desk, puts on eye glasses and looks through some paperwork. suddenly he stops, looking over the paperwork, into space. a thought passes by. we don't know what. |
int. camaro [mrl]: you okay? [ex1]: yeah. [mrl]: [ex2]? |
ext. maxwell housegarage day |
ext. burbank airport day |
int. tower |
a gdc conference room that [frl], her assistant, [ex20], and two interns have made into their 72day headquarters. a similar tote board reads "23 votes in 69 days." [frl]: we could do with a little party leadership, mike. is the majority whip takin' a break? congress is in session, right, i'm not wrong about that? [ex21]: i just got off with luther simons. brock's on board. [frl]: terrific! [ex20]: you're awfully jumpy today. what do you have a big date tonight? |
int. passenger cabin night |
int. [mrl]' bedroom night [mrl]: sits up, wearing glasses, reading a book. [frl] enters from the bathroom wearing a flannel night shirt [frl]: by the way where were you today? [mrl]: what do you mean? [frl]: when you called i assumed you were at the restaurant, but when i called back later, [ex6] said you hadn't been in all day. [mrl]: i was in montclair, new jersey. [frl]: why? [mrl]: an opportunity. [mrl]: i was considering opening a restaurant. but the rents are too high. |
int. [mrl]'s bedroom night |
ext. window of churchint. sunday school room day [frl]: he's not coming. watch. he's not coming. [frl]: you and your lucky geese. you always see geese. [ex6]: not eight... [ex10]: and in a "v". [frl]: eight is good... "v" could be victory. [ex10]: rub your ears. [frl]: rubs her ears. [ex10]: we do it to our dog. [frl]: it's hurting. [ex10]: we'll rub. [ex6]: he's here! he's here! [ex10]: i'll get the dress. [frl]: he's here!... he's here! [ex6]: now's the time for calm... if you don't calm down, you won't get your dress on... he's the one... he's the one. [ex6]: moves to help [ex10] with the dress. [frl] stands alone at the window a moment. she picks up a toy horse. [frl]: this is not a good sign. [frl]: goes over to [ex6] and [ex10], and starts to get into her bridal gown. they continue to ad lib words standing with the letter "v". [ex10]: we have to hurry. the sunday school kids will be here soon. |
int. housebathroom day flashback |
int. dancing elk school head office day [frl]: takes the slip, turns around and smiles all the way out. |
ext. baltimore international airport day |
int. solatano houseattic night [mrl]: would you put it in here? it makes no sense for you to put it in here. |
ext. front porch [ex9] home night [ex13]: is taking a photograph of the family group assembled on the porch. flash bulbs go off, and the group breaks up. the crowd enters the front door of the house, leaving [mrl] and [ex7] on the porch. [ex7]: where's my hat? where's my... [mrl]: takes the hat from [ex7]'s head and hands it to him. [mrl]: the middle one. [mrl]: right down here. [ex7]: old building and loan pal, huh... [mrl]: now you just turn this way and go right straight down. [ex7]: that way, huh? |
int. [ex7]'s car day [mrl]: so the minister says nice things, and then, what, we all troop outside and they bury him? [ex7]: it's a crematorium. [mrl]: you're kidding. a crematorium? jesus. [ex7]: what difference does it make? [mrl]: is ray going? [ex7]: no. they don't know him. and ken liked you. [mrl], ken didn't die for your benefit, you know. it's like everybody's a supporting actor in the film of your life story. [mrl]: isn't that how it is for everybody? |
ext. city streets night |
int. penthouse night [mrl]: you're awfully quiet. you haven't said a word since the party. [frl]: you asshole! i can't believe what a ! [frl]: clean the slut up, take her out, huh?! what are you trying to prove!? i'm not a piece of meat for you to offer to your friends! [mrl]: i don't know what you're talking about. [frl]: i've been with stinking old men who've made me want to puke but i've never had anyone make me feel as dirty as you did tonight. [mrl]: would you please calm down. tell me what happened. [frl]: [ex3]! he wants an "appointment" with me after you leave. you my pimp now or did he think that up on his own? [mrl]: looks guiltily away. [mrl]: what was i supposed to do? i told the truth. why should the truth upset you? it's not as if you're from a convent. [frl]: i want my fucking money. i'm getting out of here. i don't want anything more to do with you. [mrl]: can we talk about this? can you just try to calm down? [frl]: your goddamned friend, he thinks the only reason i'm with you is for the money. [mrl]: [frl]... [frl]: pay me! before i pick up this chair and smash your face in. [mrl]: fine. i'm only here a couple of more days and i'm not going to spend them fighting with you. [frl]: fuck off. [mrl]: i'll call you a cab. if you want the clothes, pack them up. |
int. stadium hallway night |
int. [ex13] and [ex14]'s kitchenliving room night [ex14]: is there. [ex14]: hiya sorry the guinea fowl is proving more complicated than expected. [mrl]: he's cooking guinea fowl? [ex14]: don't even ask. [frl]: hi. [ex14]: hi. good lord you're the spitting image of... [mrl]: [ex14] this is [frl]. [ex14]: right. [ex13] okay. crisis over. [mrl]: [ex13]. this is [frl]. [frl]: thank you. |
int. loring house upstairs hallway day [frl]: opens the bathroom door and instantly bumps into [ex13]. [frl]: whoops! yikes, i didn't expect to see you up here. [ex13]: sorry. i was just getting something. [frl]: did your wife send you up here to spy on me? [ex13]: what? no! do we come off like paranoid yuppies or something? [ex13]: i don't get a klepto vibe from you. evil genius? maybe. arsonist? wouldn't rule it out. [frl]: i did steal a squirt of perfume. what do you think? it's clinique happy. [frl]: smell those sparkling topnotes! [ex13]: inhales. [ex13]: am i supposed to feel happy now? [frl]: you should be happy, holmes. i'm giving you and [ex12] the gift of life. sweet, screaming, pooping life! and you don't even have to be there when the baby comes out of me all covered in... [ex13]: viscera? [frl]: blood and guts. [ex13]: we'd better get back downstairs asap. [frl]: mocks his use of "asap" silently. [frl]: wait a minute. is that a les paul? [frl]: is staring into a room with the door slightly ajar. we see guitars mounted on the wall, and the edges of posters. [ex13]: oh. that's, uh, my room. [ex12] lets me have a room for all my old stuff. [ex13]: shut up. |
ext. echo park street night [mrl]: walks [ex28] across a lit field, towards the dog park. |
int. [mrl]'s home office later day [frl]: that was great of you this morning. [ex17]: read it to me, and don't say anything unless it's over nine. [mrl]: aw shit [ex17]: onepointseven for three years. that's below average. we owe more than that... [mrl]: i'll go back to them. [ex17]: and say what? "please remove your dick from my ass?!" [ex17]: i'm sorry. i'm a little pregnant right now. [ex21]: i feel like crying. i feel like breaking the room up. [ex17]: what are you talking about "don't get emotional." if you ask me, you haven't gotten emotional enough about this man. [mrl]: [ex17] [ex17]: what do you stand for??? [frl]: looks right and left, can't hold back. [frl]: how about a little piece of integrity in this world that is so filled with greed and a lack of honorability that i don't know what to tell my kid except take a look at a guy who isn't shouting "show me the money," he's quietly broke and working for you for free! well, i'm sorry, i'm not as good at the insults as she is. [ex21]: no shit. [frl]: in fact, you should read something that meant the world to me... [mrl]: another time, okay [frl]? [mrl]: and i appreciate that impulse. [mrl]: throws the mission statement into a bottom drawer. camera moves to [ex21], and we see him for the first time without his protective shield of attitude. scared. [ex21]: tell me what to do, [mrl]. you tell me to eat lima beans, i'll eat lima beans. [ex21] if you say take the shitty deal, that's all we can get [ex17]: "all we can get?" [ex21]: can i speak with my agent here? [ex17]: is passionate. focused on rod. [ex17]: you know what you're qonna do, rodney. you're gonna reject this shitty contract. you're gonna play out your existihg shitty contract and go be a free agent next year and the hell with arizona. this is us, and we determine our worth. you're a fine, proud, surviving, splendid black man. [ex21]: the shit. [mrl]: if you get injured, you get nothing. [ex21]: won't happen. i'm strong in my mind. [mrl]: it's a risk. [mrl]: looks over to [frl], who grits her teeth at the implications of the decision. [ex21]: bet on me, dude. bet on me like i bet on you. [ex21]: puts his hand out. maguire is conflicted, but he takes a breath and shakes. |
Subsets and Splits