8 values
Meditating absolutely does since the whole point is to clear your mind off things and concentrate on the task ahead. And the wild? that's whole other experience because you either concentrate on things or you get mesmerized by nature :)
Affirmation and Reassurance
I do not feel that you are the one in the wrong. Unfortunately, there are some people that you just can't reach
I did, ASMR guidance seems to help me most, but I happen to be ASMR sensative, perhaps you are as well? They seem to help with my anxiety as well.
Providing Suggestions
Awesome! In addition, as you follow your study plan, remember to pace yourself.
Yeah do your best :)
Is there anything else that you'd like to talk about ?
i can imagine it's hard to put those feeling into words when you want to move on.
Providing Suggestions
You are welcome. That is really kind of you to want to protect your children from harm. It seems like you feel the best way to do this is through owning guns? Have you thought of any alternatives, since the votes have been cast?
I am sure your grades will be excellent. Best of luck!
Providing Suggestions
Is there any way they can come and visit you?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
So from what I understand you are feeling upset because you feel like you haven't given back what your parents were able to provide you>
The northern part is near Erie
Restatement or Paraphrasing
So it seems like you have been noticing some distance between you and a friend and it also seems like he/she is not putting as much as effort into your relationship as you are. It seems at times that you put in all the work and that it's one-sided. Does that sound about right?
Affirmation and Reassurance
of course, it's been very rough this year for you
Providing Suggestions
Yes, I'd recommend wearing a mask whenever you go out to lessen the chance of you contracting anything. At the moment, it's all we could do.
I know that a very large percent of the population suffers from anxiety at some point or another. There are therapies that can help.
You are making good steps to rethink the situations. Is there anything else contributing to the heat rack you still feel?
Affirmation and Reassurance
don't worry
Providing Suggestions
I might not understand that particular aspect, but self worth is still self worth no matter the context. I'd say try not to pay any mind to what he's up to. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence, but if you just focus on watering your grass (making yourself happy) then you'll have a much more fulfilling life.
Reflection of feelings
I will say though that exercise, movies and lots of coffee have helped me.
It was nice speaking with you today
that really sucks. Do you have a garden at home?
Affirmation and Reassurance
He may have found what he thought was better but then again you will be the better. He may come back but the seed has been planted
Reflection of feelings
It is never too late to change anything. However, i hear that you have always found it fascinating,have you considered talking to your uncle and seeing if you can find what you loved about it again?
Providing Suggestions
Another suggestion I can make is contacting your local workforce department (department of unemployment) as they can make suggestions too.
Affirmation and Reassurance
You seem to be a real go-getter from the short conversation that we have had so far.
Affirmation and Reassurance
I understand loosing a job can be tough. but it's not the end of the road. you can take it as door closing and opening a new one
sure! Have a wonderful sleep ahead
I hear you, I have been suffering badly from them the last year too. Have you seen anyone about it?
Reflection of feelings
its got to be good being back home
Restatement or Paraphrasing
That might be the reason. It is not impossible to quit it. you just need bit guidance.
I see. How long has this been going on and is this a daily occurrence or does it happen at certain times?
Affirmation and Reassurance
People change sometimes and it is hard to understand. I want you to know that you are ENOUGH! You are smart and beautiful. Maybe it's time for this relationship to come to a close, but other people will come your way that will treat you like you deserve. I know it's painful now, but you will be stronger and better for going through this.
Providing Suggestions
Have you spoken with your supervisor about how you feel? Often times it helps to make sure your supervisor is aware of your concerns.
Then you already have a plan. I like it. It's good to have something to focus on. When is your goal to finish the book?
Providing Suggestions
Maybe this year you could have a party in your home? And cook a lot of delicious food & ask people to bring their own drinks
Personally I took three years longer than it should to get my degree and accrued some debt because of it. Although I feel it is worth it now.
Providing Suggestions
I think the best thing to do would just be honest about your feelings and start the conversation with her. I think you could also consider when is the right time to do this so that you minimise the affect that this may have on her.
Good thank you. Why only ok? What is bothering you?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
So from what I understand, you caught your significant other texting someone else.
What sorts of things?
lol you too ;)
Providing Suggestions
No, Habitat fir Humanity has car pools.
ok bye
that way the other person can call him off
Reflection of feelings
Ah, so you feel as though your mother could and should have helped and you were put into an impossible position you were not prepared for?
Hey, hi are you doing today?
Affirmation and Reassurance
I am happy to help. Sometimes what we need is someone who affirms our dreams.
Are you doing good today?
Affirmation and Reassurance
You will find someone that will be a better fit, that is to be sure.
Providing Suggestions
One other thing, many insurance companies are providing chat via computer with counseling.
Providing Suggestions
I suggest creating flyers and ask to be a dog walker.
Breakup from a girlfriend? Spouse
Reflection of feelings
I can understand how you feeling and that you are trying to help your friend. you are a very good friend for doing that.
Reflection of feelings
It seems like a stressful time to be in college.
Providing Suggestions
One thing you need to assure yourself of is that it wasnt your fault.
to them and may find out that it was never anything against you
Affirmation and Reassurance
You must have other friends in common, maybe they were afraid to say anything to hurt you
Providing Suggestions
Do you see them everyday?
Does your son have any other supports in his life?
Providing Suggestions
Do you talk to Garbo? Or bring Garbo to dog parks? That's a great way to do something for both you and Garbo!!
How may I help you?
Oh, right. Okay. Good night and Merry Christmas!
Hello, how are you doing?
Reflection of feelings
I can tell that you're really struggling.
Affirmation and Reassurance
And I understand that is not the easiest in these times but I believe you can do it!
Providing Suggestions
Whenever I am stressed, I like to go for a walk and listen to music. It helps take me away and reflect for a while.
Good evening
Your welcome and I love that you are so dedicated to your development
What is happening at work that makes you feel likes that?
Thank you for your kind words! You should invite your friends. I don't think living in fear is actually living. It feels like death.
if you just press quit and answer the questions ;)
Nice talking to you
Thank you so much!
Whereabouts are you? (I'm in CAnada)
I have also been having financial woes at this time.
Affirmation and Reassurance
January should hopefully bring better things to the world I think. I am really looking forward to it, I think it will be good.
Did you need any other insights from me to be glad?
may I ask where you are located?
I understand about the pains of divorce
that's great!! happy beginning of new life
Providing Suggestions
And whatever small step you manage to acheive, celebrate it and reward yourself.
Hello. Thank you for joining the peer support session. How can I be of help today?
yes. that is the best thing to do
It was nice talking to you.
Talk to them. They might feel guilty or in future they won't do that. Sometime we indulge in a conversation which starts with fun and later take the drastic turn. It might happen in your case.
Providing Suggestions
Is your coworker open to suggestions and feedback?
Are you currently looking for a job?
That's great, good luck!
Providing Suggestions
I understand that. I think you have a legitimate complaint. Maybe go to upper management and make it more like a concern than a complaint? If you word it right, they will believe that you really care about your job (I can tell that you really do). I am sure they don't want to lose you.
Are you feeling down about something?
i see, may I ask where you are from?
Providing Suggestions
Have you thought about fun activities you did without your partner?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Sounds like you need a little help staying on track and feeling me productive ?
But what about the family?
Reflection of feelings
that is good, i work in such place where everyone is like a family.
Affirmation and Reassurance
The card could be a nice gift
Hi, how are you?
I've been through break ups as well where things can seem pointless afterwards. It took me some time but I eventually got through it
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