8 values
Ah! I like pop songs from the 60's :-)
Reflection of feelings
Hi there. I understand how are you feeling. I have been looking for job for the past 5 months and it is a huge challenge.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Have you considered getting some sort of help? There is lots out there.
fight happens for?
If 2-3 people already know, then it's possible for him to find out. Could you go to couple's therapy? That is a good forum for discussing the marriage.
good! How can i help you?
Ok! then we can just wait for the 15 minute mark. Do you know when that will be?
Is the pandemic the reason he is having also financial difficulties at the moment?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
It at right bottom below where we are typing chat
You should definitely let her know that
Restatement or Paraphrasing
I understand you have been having some issues with your old friend. Is that correct>
Restatement or Paraphrasing
correct me if i'm wrong but sickness causes you nervousness?
Affirmation and Reassurance
It's really difficult, but I know you can get through this! What do you like to do for fun?
Thats good at least. Well, its great you are being proactive about it!
How long did you date him?
Anime clubs are found in schools and on social media!
Affirmation and Reassurance
wow, that is a lot going on at once!
And he has always had cocky attitude? Have you ever told him that?
Providing Suggestions
Here are some things I do....no coffee after noon...
Affirmation and Reassurance
That's great. You've already taken a huge step by reaching out for help and that's a big deal! A good next step might be letting the people around you know that you need some support at this time. Sometimes people don't know something until you tell them, even if it seems obvious. Is that something you can do?
Do you think that you enjoy your current field even though it is not as well paid as it could be?
I do need to go now but I hope that you can find some comfort in the future. I wish you all the best.
Providing Suggestions
have fun :P (you have to be the one to press quit first, I can't this side)
What about him has made you feel betrayed?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
So, your partner denies the charge of cheating?
Affirmation and Reassurance
me too..
Restatement or Paraphrasing
I am sorry you are having a rough day.
Providing Suggestions
In any case, it is always better to tell the truth, because you don't want to have the truth boiling up inside of you for a long time. Thats what I say
Can you press quit and take the survey :)
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes of course. I hope you have a great night and enjoy your phone call. Just remember all these covid restrictions are temporary and soon you will be able to reunite with your daughter and granddaughter!
Have a good night!
Ok I see. And for yourself, do you see a future with him? Because in the end it matters how you feel. Do you feel taken advantage of?
When I had a toxic manager I went in and did my work and kept to myself as much as possible. But it does help to have allies throughout the company too!
Reflection of feelings
I am so sorry to hear this! Losing a close friend can be very difficult.Communicating your feelings is a step in the right direction to cope with your emotions.
You're so very welcome!
Providing Suggestions
Try Uber and that is good choice as you are not doing anything.
Hi there, how are you doing?
Affirmation and Reassurance
I know it is hard at times, but be strong.
Hello. :)
Your welcome I'm glad I was able to help. Is there anything else I can help you with?
I am so sorry for your loss... When did this happen?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Totally, sad side of our current situation. I hope you can tide-over this hard time soon and you are doing your best at this time. So proud!
What seems to be the issue
Affirmation and Reassurance
you should not have anything to worry about as long as you did not play the game then you will be fine and you will not get in trouble or your boss will not see that as a problem.
Affirmation and Reassurance
I can definitely understand why that would be stressful. Do you have anyone to help you study?
Affirmation and Reassurance
That is great news! See we already got your mind off your girlfriend. You'll be back on your feet stronger than ever soon.
Have you ever wanted to try a new hobby? Knitting, woodworking, anything really?
Providing Suggestions
again, it sounds like you're impulse to stay from them is correct.
Reflection of feelings
That sounds very frustrating. I think if I felt those kind of expectations I would be anxious.
Restatement or Paraphrasing
well, then they were not as close of a friend as you thought. you deserve bettter .
Affirmation and Reassurance
I really wouldnt even consider it cheating to have feelings. Acting on them or trying to strengthen them may be though.
Are things slow at your work?
Providing Suggestions
Maybe you can chat with some friends and ask if they knew.
amen, He will bless you either
Affirmation and Reassurance
His dementia is causing him to become upset? Your right he does need to be around family and needs love and support, and you are not doing wrong being on your girlfriend side.
Take a rough estimate like how much can be done in a day. It will reduce your work load
I have found there are ways to calm myself down when things in my life seem very uncertain.
I am sorry to hear that! What seems to be bothering you?
Reflection of feelings
I bet there are lots of people feel the same as you do. But they are afraid of sharing the negative emotion to others as you do.
I am very well. Do you have any problems you'd like to discuss with me?
Providing Suggestions
He clearly does not respect you so you need to set up some discipline and ground rules.
Hey there, I'm here to listen and help :)
You too, have a wonderful day and know you are in my thoughts.
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Oh wow, i'm so sorry. That's really scary.
Providing Suggestions
yepp. and if you try to remove or avoid those triggers, it will really help
Affirmation and Reassurance
I have to say it's hard to find motivation and I was in that spot at the beginning. With news of vaccines being introduced here shortly, that's what's keeping me afloat. Are you able to hang out with friends?
Walk outside, away from the students waiting for their tests.
Hey, how are you doing?
Providing Suggestions
I listen to a really good podcast called Tracks to Relax. It's guided meditation that helps me deeply relax before I sleep.
Providing Suggestions
Then make it a great experience in the house. Make decorations and do holiday things. There is a lot people can do this time of year without going outside that is fun and meaningful. Try to be optimistic even in tough times. Sometimes it is all we can do to get by.
Hello, how are you today?
Providing Suggestions
There is no harm to approach people and introduce yourself. Find some common interests by asking a few questions. If you like the individuals' personality and if they seem genuine then you can seek a stronger connection.
Yeah, its a low blow. What are you looking for around this?
What is stressful about your job?
how are you doing
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes I do. I would not personally do that to someone even if I was unhappy in relationship.
She helps you find companies
Providing Suggestions
But they are so cute, that they are making sure that you will not go away !
There always seems to be people in the same boat I am in, it is just a matter of thinking outside the box and perhaps even calling friends and asking for suggestions.
What have you done to try and help the situation?
I don't think you owe her an explanation after how she has behaved. Leave her to make the next move
Providing Suggestions
Also if your on good terms maybe get references
I have tried pinecone, focus group, and a few others. none compare to mturk in my opinion. How long have you been using mturk? it definitely gets better with time. I'm still figuring it out but it has helped more than anything else i've tried. Did your family say why they wont help you out? maybe they are just unable to
it's really just up to you what do you like to do or what would you like to do. Right now the possibilities are endless
I must leave now but I urge you to get professional help
Providing Suggestions
I understand that must be difficult, time will help get over her and what she's done to you.
Do you have no idea? Do you think you might have done something wrong or perhaps she was being unfaithful to you?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Sorry. I guess you have to change your plan so much.
Unfortunately, life doesnt always do what we want. What we can do is plan ahead though. It will make you less anxious if you know you have a back up plan.
Restatement or Paraphrasing
having problems with friends can be frusterating
Affirmation and Reassurance
since it is only your first grade of the semester try not to let it get you to down, i am sure you can pull you average back up
Providing Suggestions
A cat is a sweet companion and also like to sleep comfortable with people at night.
Reflection of feelings
I understand. She was important. but now she is gone. You can accept this , or not. I would suggest accepting is the better option.
okay. at lease seeing them in the video should have brought you some relief. Are you planning to get vaccinated when you are able to? And what about your friends? once you are vaccinated, it will help you meet your friends in person.
Oh I am sorry, I misunderstood. Can you tell me a little about the situation?
Reflection of feelings
Bleh, sorry to hear that. And also, that makes sense based on what you've told me.
Before we quit, would you want to say one specific thing you know you can do today to help yourself out?
Reflection of feelings
I understand, I can tell through typing with you that this has made you very anxious.
i have found a pert-time job also, it doesn't pay much but its better than nothing
Is she able to support herself financially?