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Restatement or Paraphrasing
It sounds like you are preparing well but are still worried that it won't be enough. Does that sound right?
You are welcome. Good Luck!
you will be okay no matter what
I completely understand. I have been in situations at work that I couldn't resolve due to the exact same reasons.
I understand. What have you tried to overcome your depression?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Your motivation and how you are studying is probably related, you are right. What attracted you to microbiology in the first place?
I can understand how you feel.i am between classes also
Affirmation and Reassurance
That's horrible they would treat the HOSPITAL workers like this, with everything that is going on in the world today.
I can relate to that totally. I have had a hard time learning Zoom too. Mostly I have trouble with the audio though. It can be frustrating
I am so sorry to hear that. I've had someone close to be pass away recently and it can feel unbearable.
Reflection of feelings
That must feel terrible, I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I would feel the same way in your situation.
Yes, please do! I am almost certain that could help you!
Affirmation and Reassurance
That would be very hard, especially with the way the world is right now. I want you to know your feelings are valid, and I'm sure you are trying your best.
Have you tried to talk to him about the problem? Or a counselor?
Of course. Have a good day and good luck!
i've made that mistake too honestly
True. The blue light emitted tricks your body in to thinking that it wants to be alert still.
You too!
I also like hip hop and r&b. It's too bad we aren't able to go to any live music events for a while, though
Providing Suggestions
With COVID-19, it may limit your options, but you could decide which activities you would collectively enjoy the most, and try to do them as often as possible together.
Reflection of feelings
You may feel a little apprehensive to get started
is there anything else that you would like to talk about or ways I can help you?
Providing Suggestions
Sure soon we are going to see the lights at the end of the tunnel.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Did you already search for a new job?
Providing Suggestions
Yes! It can be frustrating at times. But it sounds like you have a plan in order. You just need to execute it.
Providing Suggestions
That must feel really isolating. But working on yourself and becoming a better you is the only way to move on in a healthy manner. I think you're doing the right thing in waiting and learning to love yourself before you can open up and love another.
I have experienced Anxiety myself and meditation helped me for the most part, I also found that I wasn't sleeping enough and being tired made my attacks longer.
Affirmation and Reassurance
I agree with you, what used to be super-exciting activities now have a much more monotonous feeling.
Thank you!
Are you in school and working at the same time? What have you found recently to make extra money?
Thank you! Enjoy!
Affirmation and Reassurance
I'm guessing the unemployment office is pretty backlogged right now but at least you've got that done so far.
Yes, you can sign up online to join a project.
Most definitely, I've also been feeling a bit overwhelmed by what's going on.
Hello there. What is on your mind today?
What do you think is one thing that is giving you a lot of anxiety?
There are many ways to find a mental health professional at little to no cost. Look in your network and see if you can find someone without a co-pay, or if you don't have insurance, you will be able to find people who provide services who use sliding pay scales.
You can try gig worker, being on Mturk can bring some decent money if you're diligent
Providing Suggestions
While it may be true in general that honesty is the best policy, in this case I wouldn't suggest telling him. It is just going to cause angry feelings.
Hi, how are you?
Providing Suggestions
There are many organizations that can help you get out of an abusive relationship.
Do you find yourself being stymied at the application level or the interview level when it comes to jobs?
Providing Suggestions
Your welcome i am sure he will give you a raise once you talk to him
Hi! What can i help you with today?
That is a good thing!
Providing Suggestions
I suggest that you stay exactly the way that you are. I feel like you'd be happier that way and also more likely to find someone who shares the same values as you
Affirmation and Reassurance
That sounds like a very difficult major to study. That's a very notable goal!
Providing Suggestions
I joined volunteer groups to help others. I made friends with like-minded people who volunteered to make a difference.
Reflection of feelings
I see what you mean. Finding work in this environment can be stressful as well. In any case, I can say that a good way to start is to account for all transactions you make.
Providing Suggestions
I agree. There is a lot of well meaning advice out there, but its best to see a professional to really help you.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Ok well it is natural to feel like this sometimes. People tend to fear the worst.
Sometimes I take a benydryl because they always make me sleepy, but I usually know why I need to relax, I'm nervous about the next day. So I have found it important to know WHY I don't rest well, if that makes sense to you.
I see, it does sound like she is being negligent with her behavior and not respecting of you and your concern on this virus. When you say your friend does not believe in the virus, what is her stance on it?
Providing Suggestions
yes I think that is a great idea, look for jobs that meet your needs and figure out what you can do to look attractive to employers
Providing Suggestions
try to read something boring novel it will help you in sleep
That's great that they can offer that, I know it's very difficult to get regular care at the moment with the pandemic.
Providing Suggestions
and if Greece didn't permit Indonesian, then you just go to Greece, wait there for two weeks and then leave for Indonesia.
You prefer it that way?
Yes, I would reach out to old friends who may be willing to give you insight into how they viewed things. Support groups can feel intimidating but are usually very welcoming and truly there to help people.
I know in my own life I have had some problems that were too big to deal with by myself. I had to find help. It's not a sign of weakness, it's a strength.
Hello, how are you feeling today?
yes thats true
Getting a lot of rest or releasing stress will improve your fear and anxiety, which will lead to a more positive attitude to finding a job. Having a more postiive attuide well help you find a job.
do you think the credit card company has acted irresponsibly?
Affirmation and Reassurance
It sounds like the right choice.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Thats' so horrible. THere is so much more valuable. YOu can keep the books and art and photos though.
Providing Suggestions
Have you tried making a designated study area?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Absolutely! You have an amazing day and keep you head up!
What types of things was she texting him about?
Affirmation and Reassurance
if you really love someone, shouldnt they love you back? did his actions show love?
Is there anything else going on, aside from this?
Providing Suggestions
That is a good idea, especially at this time when it's probably not a good idea to see too many new people in person. Could you call your doctor and ask them?
Affirmation and Reassurance
You are not alone, a lot of people experience anxiety attacks due to physical stimuli.
Providing Suggestions
oh it's been my pleasure!! Give the doggie a hug for me
Crossing my fingers COVID ends soon.
Yes I am able to make a little spending money by doing small tasks like delivering real estate papers, or delivery take-out food. You can google a list of sites like RentSons.com where you can sign up to do an assortment of tasks, and your warehouse skills will come in handy!
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes the Pandimic has effected use all greatly but I have read so manyy heart warming stories of how it has brough t people together while being apart
Providing Suggestions
Even if you just do something easy like a walk around the block. Or sit in front of a window while the sun floods in on you.
Whenever I have important dates coming up , I always take time to myself and try and focus on the task at hand . Have you tried methods like this ?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Earning a license for loans or for real estate sounds like a great way to add to your skillset.
Well I hope I have been able to be of help and it has been nice to talk to you!
Providing Suggestions
all we can do is learn from our mistakes and not let the past repeat itself
Providing Suggestions
Good idea! You can take your mom along with you in the park. She will recover soon.
Good bye?
I am really sorry to hear that. Is that due to the pandemic? Times are really hard for everyone right now unfortunately.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes I am sure it may help relieve some of the stress your are feeling.
Personally, if that's how he felt, then you're better off. I know that doesn't stop the hurt you're feeling, but you are worth more than that.
Okay I hope I was able to help, good luck!
is there one particular problem or issue that's been on your mind the most lately?
Providing Suggestions
Pick a small action, like making your bed. Establish a habit of doing it daily. It will be easy to build on that success, but you might first establish a habit.
Are you still keeping in contact with your friends and family back home?
hi, how are you?
I was told that I was overweight by others. I was able to defend myself by saying that I am a good person with a good heart and they are not important to me and neither are their opinions. I became more confident in myself. Have you ever wrote your feelings down in a journal?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Yes, giving them a helping hand, getting things done together, could greatly improve your home life.
You need to press quit from your end and take the survey :)
Can you tell me what's going on to cause you to feel this way?
I felt much the same way back when I was in college. My parents paid my way through school, and even got me to pursue a major that I had no interest in.
leaving is really easy but having good friends are hard to find. Think about the time when you made wonderful memories.