[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/monica55568-1464652" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’m sorry you are so worried about this. But I’d like to help relieve your mind a little bit. When I was in my 20s, I also developed muscle twitches all over my body even on my eyelid? I thought I had a horrible disease. On top of that I had floaters in my eyes. Weakness, buzzing or vibration feeling in my brain, arms and legs., And several other sensations. My dad took me to a neurologist, and all of my testing was normal. I also found out that the muscle twitching is called benign fasciculations which means they are harmless and can be by anxiety and stress. \r\nI couldn’t figure out why I was having all of these sensations. Until I thought about it, and he realized that they were all caused by anxiety and stress that I have had for a long time. The body can only take so much before it has a breakdown. \r\nI am happy to tell you that I am now in my 50s and doing very well. I get occasional anxiety. And maybe a funny sensation here or there but I ignore it and it goes away.\r\nbenign fasciculations, are nothing to worry about. I’ve had them on and off for decades, and I am very healthy! So, please don’t worry. Everybody should have a yearly check up anyway with their family doctor.\r\nalso, I would like to advise you to stay off of Google and re-searching diseases, because none of those will pertain to your individual situation..\r\nIt would be a good idea to learn how to manage the anxiety because you would see a reduction in the twitches. \r\nI also learned through the years that the more I paid attention which is the more I had them. Keep yourself busy. Maybe speak with a counselor to help you manage it. \r\nRemember that any sensations related to anxiety are not harmful, including the muscle twitches !!\r\nI hope this helps you at least a little bit and relaxes your mind somewhat. I really like to listen to meditations for anxiety on YouTube a couple times a day. It’s important to relax your mind. Take care. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T11:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-hell--800422?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health Anxiety hell!!
ive had health anxiety for like 5 years (I'm 20 now) and developed body wide muscle twitching after reading about ALS last year it's gotten worse recently and now I'm convinced I have als, a brain tumor os or maybe even huntington's! has anyone experienced anything something similar??
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joshua39169-1464514" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nSorry to hear you are going through such a rotten time, health anxiety really is horrible.\r\n\r\nIf you have been given the all clear for exercise, that really helps, but nothing too intense, gentle constant exercise is better.\r\n\r\nTalk therapy should also be really helpful.\r\n\r\nWhat I remember is that the more concerned I became about lack if sleep the less I slept and I was always tired but wired. Once I really accepted that I wasn't going to sleep and it wasn't such a big deal, I began to sleep, that plus starting low dose Mirt which really helps with sleep hehe.\r\n\r\nI hope someone will come along with better advice.\r\n\r\nNothing lasts for ever, I wish you will start feeling better soon!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-24T14:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-sertraline-800366?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Panic attacks - sertraline
Hello all, i just wanted to speak with people in a similar situation to help me rationalise. im 28 with no history of mental health issues apart from every day stress and anxieties which have never caused me an issue since march i have ended up in a+e 3 times with what i can describe at the time is im having a heart attack - pins and needles throughout my body, thinking im going to die , blurred vision, difficulty breathing . ive been given propanolol whilst there due to heart rate and blood pressure. these big episodes usually last 2-4 hours but then left with very bad anxiety for the next few days . the first two times i got to a really good place - socalising and exercising but this time i cant seem to get back ecg and bloods all come back fine however since these episodes my health anxiety has got terrible, anything im feeling im making myself belive i have an illess and im just not going to wake up. ive been refered to endocronology? but in the mean time ive started sertraline. my most recent episode was sunday and i have not managed to sleep since i woke up sunday as im feeling very wired, my body is exhaused but mind seems to be on overdrive . im trying to be proactive as possible i have cbt session booked for this week so interested to see how that work, cut out caffine , alcohol and vapes. sorry for the long post - it would be nice to hear about other peoples experience with panics,anxiety and sertraline
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "that type of medication can take several weeks to kick in. But if you are really struggling with it, I would suggest you call your doctor and talk about it. I know how that feels. I’ve been through it and it’s awful. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-05-21T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i felt better after 3 weeks" ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T14:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello my doctor has taken me off sertraline due to the severe side effects I was having. I was only on 25mg for 8 days. It is now the 2nd day of stopping and still feeling tired, although not as bad, but stomach upset and lack of appetite. Do you think it will take a few days for the sertraline to get out of my system when, hopefully, these feeling will abate." ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you will start to feel better soon. Make sure you are staying hydrated.\r\nI can relate to you. I can’t seem to find an anti-depressant that doesn’t cause horrible side effects." ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T20:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI have been using Sertraline for a number of years and found the main side effect for me is excessive sweating and dehydration. To be honest, am not really sure what the positive effect of this drug is supposed to be ?(if anyone can please advise?) as it has no apparent effect on me - I still suffer will daily tension headaches / head pressure / brain fog / dizziness. I do however notice if I I stop taking for say 2/3 days - I will start to experience strange sensations in the head (like brain zaps ?) makes me wish I never started.\r\n\r\nThe best medication for me in relieving the tension was exercise and being away from the uncomfortable environment / people that cause the problem. An activity such as dog walking really helps as it relaxes the mind." ], "date": [ "2023-05-24T10:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
My doctor started me on 25mg sertraline 7 days ago and still getting side effects of weakness,lethagy which is very debilitating. Is this normal or should I be feeling better by now.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denise92859-1154170" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/denise92859-1154170" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for the reply.</p><p></p><p>I just can&#39;t seem to comprehend that the pain is down to anxiety. I am/was generally a very fit 28 year old male and this has come out of nowhere.</p><p></p><p>In my head, all I can think is it must be something else. I&#39;ve read up that problems with the thoraic area generally tend to result in a more serious problem and this has my mind running crazy.</p><p></p><p>Is there anything you have found that helps to de stress and to stop the pain? Thanks</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T11:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Stephen I have too, been having back ,neck ,shoulder pain for about 1and half years on and off my doctor says it’s anxiety .I suffer badly from anxiety.I did nt realise till coming on this site what health problems anxiety causes and looking into the subject .and yes anxiety gives you back pain.After Xmas I could nt swallow lump in my throat I was in bits Choosing to forget I’d had the same problem on and off for 10 years .I do hope you feel better soon de stress and your pains go away good luck " ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T10:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lina1961-947102" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lina1961-947102" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks, going to request one today as I&#39;m there to talk through my bloods.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T13:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Ask your doctor for mri scan you may need physio and pain management I have this pain and mine is degenerative disease \r\n\r\nLina" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T11:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "content": [ "Sorry to hear this.\r\n\r\nHave you had an therapy (CBT) or taking any meds for the anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T13:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "content": [ "Hi brya,\r\nI have the same diagnosis as you and have all of your symptoms. I realize also that anxiety can cause many of your symptoms. My rheumatologist believes the cause is forward head posture, sitting at a desk, looking down on a computer all day. Texting is another cause, the increased weight of the head going forward causes muscle fatigue. It causes inflammation of nerves in the neck which go from your neck to your shoulders and degeneration. It can cause headaches, vertigo, giddiness, tinnitus, TMJ, and vision issues, weakness in grip and strength among others. Mine started with a stiff neck and aches between shoulder blades. I still get the stiff neck and shoulders but the pain between shoulder blades has gone. Try some isometric exercises which you can find online. Chin tucks is another. Also, try an Anti-inflammatory diet. Ice is good for inflammation, try ice packs on your neck. Good foods to eat are ginger, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, boswalia, look them up. Posture is the big thing, beware of heavy shoulder bags, tilting head to the side, multiple pillows,sleeping on stomach or turning head fast, use your body to turn your head, use your shoulders.\r\nCervical spondylosis is another name for neck and spine arthritis and there is a lot of information on the internet.\r\nGood luck!" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T14:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Jayn,</p><p></p><p>many thanks for the reply and taking the time to explain - i was worrying its MS but reassured that you (and many others im sure) have the same symptoms...very weird feelings at times especially as started out of nowhere back in Dec.....Since my post i have seen an Osteopath on 3 occasions, and he said same that my posture isn&#39;t helping and my head too far forward, he has given me some exercises (chin tucks - you are spot on !)&#160;so will see how these help. i will also look into the other things you mention too, once again thanks for the help and wish you well.....</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "content": [ "<p>i had CBT about 6 years ago, im the type of person that sees the benefit whilst i&#39;m there during the session but then as soon as i walk out i&#39;m back to my old negative self !!....took tablets years back (Sertraline from memory) but i personally didnt want to carry on taking tablets so stopped hoping i could &quot;re train&quot; my thinking instead....sadly that hasn&#39;t worked !...yet !! but anxiety is better nowadays apart from health anxiety...good luck&#160;&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "content": [ "Hi brya,\r\nYes the mind can play horrible tricks on us. All the best with your therapy.\r\nBest wishes" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for this. Hopefully the CBT will help and doctor is very helpful (has suggested fortnightly appointments for now so he can reassure me on any symptoms I may have).</p><p></p><p>Glad to hear you&#39;re managing it well!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T17:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>hi Stephen, i have similar problem with added symptoms too since Dec last year, please note my post below to see amount of treatment i have had, yet despite this treatment / tests still feel same and seems Docs think its anxiety (which i do suffer from especially health anxiety), my point being im the same as you i find it hard to believe it can be as symptoms are so real but as below after all these tests i still have it ....so im slowly starting to think maybe its anxiety as these symptoms taking over my life for over 6 months so im constantly thinking about them and re enforcing the issues.....</p><p></p><p>Hi all, since Dec 2017 I have been having almost daily (although it comes and goes each day, never all day) an Achy neck / weird woolly-dizzy head feeling that lasts seconds / drowsy at times / mild headaches / pain back of head / blurry eyes at times / pins and needles in back of both hands and forearms. Also seems at times that griping things like screw tops or cuff links / shirt cuff buttons get a bit more fiddly etc. Back ache is also another symptom that comes and goes and at times my legs feel heavy. It sometimes feels like &quot;wet cement&quot; sloshing around in my head for a second or 2....all very odd and specific but equally hard to explain and put into words with not consistency.</p><p></p><p>Checks / tests so far include:</p><p></p><p>- I have had a neck x-ray (showed age related arthritis only)</p><p></p><p>- blood test (lack of Vitamin D only)&#160;</p><p></p><p>- full MRI spine scan (few niggle things with very slight bulging of a neck disc but nothing&#160; &#160; serious)</p><p></p><p>- had 10 acupuncture / physio sessions&#160;</p><p></p><p>- had 4 separate physio sessions&#160;</p><p></p><p>- had 6 chiropractic sessions</p><p></p><p>- seen GP about 5 times (blood pressure seems okay)</p><p></p><p>- numerous sports massages</p><p></p><p>- about to start with an Osteopath (last option left !!)</p><p></p><p>despite above its still here, as say since Dec 2017 (although randomly completely stopped for 10 days recently but back all again).&#160;&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m at a lost and its interfering with the quality of my life. My family seem to think its stress / anxiety related which i do suffer from but i truly believe its not, (even the docs seem to be at a loss now).</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m a fit healthy 43 year old male -&#160; I don&#39;t drink / smoke and I&#39;m not overweight etc, any sensible help would be greatly appreciated - many thanks.&#160;&#160;Report this</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T11:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/itaintmono-1170428" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/itaintmono-1170428" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks. I&#39;ve just got back and he said because my bloods are fine, it&#39;s nothing serious and he suggested physio.</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/itaintmono-1170428" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "content": [ "Awesome! Good news indeed! ^_" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T17:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I see you&#39;ve had some great suggestions in this thread so far!</p><p></p><p>The other thing you might need/want to try is an EMG, that will help to rule out any nerve problems.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Hope you get back to normal soon!&#160;^_</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T14:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "content": [ "<p>I haven&#39;t no. Doctor has said previously they aren&#39;t required as it is muscular.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T15:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "content": [ "Hi Stephen,\r\nGood news that your bloods are fine. Muscular problems can surprisingly take a long time to heal, at least you have peace of mind now.\r\nBest wishes" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "content": [ "<p>Do the bloods fully confirm there&#39;s nothing further (doc seems to think so)?!</p><p></p><p>Feel like I&#39;ve got a chest infection now which is making me feel worse anxiety wise!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T17:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Stephen,\r\nHave you had x rays done on your neck and spine? These would show any arthritic changes.You may be young but it can happen at any age particularly these days with the use of mobile phones, texting with forward head posture, even your place of work, office, driving etc." ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T14:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "content": [ "Thank you. I know I need to get on with living but the worries with my health keep getting in the way!\r\n\r\nThanks again" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T18:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "content": [ "<p>I know it&#39;s not easy but it sound as though you have a good doctor wanting you to make fortnightly appointments for reassurance. I wish they were all like that.</p><p>Best wishes ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T18:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Stephen,</p><p>Your doctor is satisfied and your bloods are fine so stop worrying. If there was anything wrong the bloods would indicate reasons for further tests to be carried out. </p><p>Remember, anxiety intensifies pain and vice versa so try to chill out. </p><p>Some tips for you that I have taken from the net which helps me:</p><p></p><p>.....Try to get a good night&#39;s sleep, if you have trouble sleeping try deep breathing exercises when you go to bed. Try listening to delta wave music on the internet (works for me)</p><p>.....avoid inflammatory foods, sugars, fried foods, take aways</p><p>.....accept anxiety, you know you are healthy, your brain will play tricks on you</p><p>.....Don&#39;t Google your symptoms</p><p>.....Avoid caffeine, stimulants</p><p>.....Focus on now, not yesterday or tomorrow</p><p>Another thing I would be aware of is your posture. When texting hold your phone up rather than looking down.</p><p>If you have to look down tuck your chin in.</p><p> ???</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T17:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason36371-1431359" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "god i have the same exact thing its the lower part of my mid back but not quite lumbar . came on out of the ordinary, i move around fine but its a deep ache and its episodic and sometimes it goes away for a day or two. When i lay down it usually goes away within a half hour and i sleep fine . Doc says its a muscle spasm but i dont believe it lol , But has anyone else had this? " ], "date": [ "2022-06-22T22:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason36371-1431359" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did it go away yet?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T12:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Thoracic back pain and health anxiety
<p>Hi,</p><p></p><p>Looking for some solace here. I&#39;ve had thoracic back pain/ache for 10 weeks now with no original cause. Doctor keeps telling me it is musculoskeletal but there&#39;s no real let up from it apart from after a sleep or a hot bath. For some reason, I absolutely convinced myself it must be cancer of some sort.</p><p></p><p>Bloods have came back okay and doctor said it&#39;s health anxiety. Why is the back pain still there and so constant? Said there&#39;s no need to assess the back as it&#39;s down to the anxiety. Surely there&#39;s something wrong with it (now convinced its lung cancer after ruling out others).</p><p></p><p>Any replies would be appreciated I&#39;m going crazy with it.</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Mate.\r\n\r\nYeah I feel you, when I play football or run that little bit to fast I get this really strange weightlessness sensation, almost like I can't control my legs. I had an ECG when playing football and I pressed a button when I felt it come on, but nothing happened! No idea what it was, but I think it could be associated with anxiety as I always thought about it, to a point that I refused to do exercise for a while. I have seen quite a few other posts like this so i think it's all related! either that or I'm really unfit! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T07:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/exercise-brings-on-physical-anxiety-symptoms-anyone-else--800330?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes and yes. I have had anxiety since childhood and it progressively got worse throughout the years. I’m actually in my 60s and I am a veteran of this ha ha.\r\nI had a sudden appearance of multiple sensations in my 20s and I thought I had some horrible disease. All of my testing was normal. After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that all of my sensations w were to the stress and anxiety I have had for a long time. It’s the straw that broke the camels back. The body can only take so much before it has a breakdown. Anxiety and stress tend to target The nervous system. that’s why we get these sensations. It’s not harmful but it’s scary.\r\nAnxiety takes a toll on the body, including the nervous system, and the muscles. It tires us out! So, when we exercise, we are putting additional stress on the body and that’s why you feel the way you do. It’s not gonna hurt anything it’s just what it is.\r\nIf I get really anxious, even now, I can get some of those sensations back but not like it was when I was in my 20s. I work on eating healthy and exercising which really helps. Sometimes I go a little slower with exercise if I feel I’m not up to par but I still exercise.\r\ndefinitely try to stay away from caffeine and sugars. They are inflammatory in nature and will worsen any anxiety or depression that we have. Stick to the healthy foods. and keep hydrated!\r\none of the things that is recommended during acute anxiety and stress is to either splash your face with cold water or even take a cool shower. I know you said it brings on sensations however, the cold activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the calming system. And it turns off the, sympathetic nervous system, which creates the anxiety. \r\nthere are lots of people who are going through the same thing. Try to relax your mind as much as you can. If you get a negative or fearful thought, acknowledge it, and let it blow away. You have to be consistent and eventually the brain will learn to ignore it. 99% of the things we worry about never actually happen. Hope this helps at least a little bit!" ], "date": [ "2023-06-23T15:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/exercise-brings-on-physical-anxiety-symptoms-anyone-else--800330?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wewe29716-1464407" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wewe29716-1464407" ], "content": [ "Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply.\r\n\r\nNice point regarding GAD and HealthAxiety, i do think i only worry about health + symptoms, you're right, i only heave health anxiety.\r\n\r\nAgree with a lot of what you have said, the SSRI is working, i have not been this happy for months and symptoms don't seem to worry me as much anymore. I have exercised quite a lot in the last 3 weeks, things are improving.\r\n\r\nIn terms of good/bad stress, there is a difference, and it normally comes down to planned/unplanned/controlled stress events i think? E.g., your boss shouting at you out of nowhere is an unplanned stress event that will release adrenaline and cortisol, going for a run is a planned/controlled stress event that will release adrenaline and cortisol.\r\n\r\nThe place i think i currently find myself in is that ANY adrenaline/cortisol from good or bad events is too much and tips me into a state where physical symptoms appear. \r\n\r\nAnd you are correct, due to HA, any sensation is heightened and possibly reacted upon, the only benefit is i know they may come and can try to adopt the correct mindset. Gotta keep on keeping on" ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T07:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "First of all: GAD is not health anxiety. I think this is important. If you worry only about your health, you have health anxiety or health OCD.\r\nSecondly, your idea that physical exercise adds more stress to your body is only partly true. Physical exercise is good stress. The problem you are currently in is typical for HA suffers. You start exercising and your NORMAL body sensations are getting highlighted by your anxiety. This causes you to freak out about the symptoms which results in negative stress.\r\nFor me today I was freaking out about a pain in my finger that suddenly appeared. I was already starting to google \"if that could be anxiety related\". I was already digging the hole when I said \"ok stop that, I go now for a fast 5k run. After the run the pain in my finger was gone. Anxiety causes stress, if anxiety is not treated right, you are having chronic stress. Chronic stress lead to chronic symptoms. Take your SSRI and try to start therapy and keep a DAILY exercise routine as soon as you can get back to exercise. This is 100% cureable." ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T20:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/exercise-brings-on-physical-anxiety-symptoms-anyone-else--800330?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Exercise brings on Physical Anxiety symptoms, anyone else?
Hi Folks. Last July i woke up in the middle of the night not feeling quite right, bit dizzy etc. I then proceeded to freak out and have a panic attack. Over the next 6 or so months i was constantly worried i was ill, to the point where i now have GAD regarding health. I've since had a whole load of tests done which are all clear, this plus the scattergun nature and fluctuation of my symptoms, confirms to me anxiety. I feel like i am turning a corner and getting better (started sertraline 3 weeks ago) but i am still having issues when exercising. An example of this would be a simple short, easy cycle/run bringing the onset of physical symptoms such as dizziness, tight chest, blurry eyesight etc. Before all this started i was quite fit and have ran marathons in the past so i have a decent idea how exercise feels and how my body should react to it. The only thing that makes sense to me here is that the stress caused by exercise tips my already quite high level of stress just over the edge and into a place where physical symptoms occur. Does this make sense and importantly, has anyone else been through this? It's frustrating to have been so active and now face this, especially when 95% of anxiety and exercise material is about the postive side effects. I also experience the onset of symptoms if i have caffeine, or sometimes during other controlled stress actions like, cold bath/shower
Worried that I develop Fibromyalgia
Hello, For three years now I suffer from some kind of health anxiety. But my health anxiety differentiates from the "normal HA sufferer". I'm not afraid of catching a deadly illness like cancer etc. I'm more afraid of getting a mental disorder or a chronic condition like CFS/ME Fibromyalgia which literally ruins my life and I have to suffer. So my core fear is not the fear of death but more the fear of losing control. Beside that, I dont have any anxiety. No GAD, no social Anxiety, have a rock solid life (very good job, good earnings, healthy family etc). Unfortunately, Im not able to enjoy my freetime anymore due to the constant worry what could be wrong. If im tired and fatigue (which is a result of the worrying), I think I have CFS. Then I do workouts just to prove that I dont get PEM, so I dont have CFS. I also get aches and pains in my joints and muscle tension in my neck from time to time that drive me crazy that I have fibromyalgia. Then I read on forums that people with Anxiety disorder are more prone to fibro as they are in a constant fight/flight/freeze response that makes their central nervous system go wack. And of course, there is no medical test to rule such conditions out. And even when I'm not in pain, I think "If I don't get calmer, this will be my destiny". Which drives me even more crazy. I got no prescribed with escitalopram which I'm afraid to take because of potential long lasting side effects like tinnitus etc. I'm literally trapped. Not sure how to escape this cycle...
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/edwardlucias-1464266" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edwardlucias-1464266" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I appreciate it. Thank you." ], "date": [ "2023-05-21T07:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am glad you reached out on this site. I can tell you that I’ve had anxiety my entire life and I’m way older than you, so I’ve been through it all. I have spent many years worrying about things that never actually happened. What a waste of my days! So the sooner you can get help for this, the better you will feel, and the more you can have joy in your life. don’t let it rob you of your days. I know it’s easier said than done. But there are ways to help manage it. \r\nand that precious baby that is coming, needs his or her daddy. The day you feel that little warm bundle on your chest will be one of the best days of your life! It was mine. So you want to do your best to feel good, so you can enjoy many years with your little sweetheart. \r\nanxiety may not go away 100% but then again it may. That’s what I had to accept. However, like I said, there are things you can do to curb it. Some of the things I did were.\r\n1. I did get some virtual counseling and I actually still do that. It really helps to vent to somebody who can help you. \r\n2. Get regular exercise, even if it’s just going for a walk. Exercise activates the parasympathetic system, which is the opposite of the sympathetic system which creates anxiety. It also activates good hormones in the brain that are linked to a sense of calm.\r\n3. stay away from sugars, junk foods, etc. they are inflammatory in nature and can worsen anxiety. Eat healthy foods, and stay hydrated!\r\n4. I listen to meditations for anxiety found on YouTube. I do this a couple times a day. It helps to put things in focus. And also relax the mind.\r\n5. Focus on positive thinking. I think of everything you are grateful for every day.. Things like that . I can give you some good resources if you would like to private message me.\r\n6. Never ever give up.!! I have found that there are some good days and some not so good days, but keep pressing along and think of your little baby.\r\nI can tell you some thing about worry. First of all like I said, I spent years wasting my life with worry! Worry does not add a single day to your life, nor does it prevent anything from happening. Worry does not make anything good happen. Worry is a useless emotion that can only hurt you. I learned that I had to let it go as soon as it entered my mind, or else what happens is that it makes a deeper groove in the brain and it’s harder to reverse. Anytime you get a scary or worried thought, calmly, acknowledge it, and then let it go and then move on quickly to do something else. Once you get in that routine , the brain will automatically get rid of the thought. Focus on what is good and beautiful. Sorry, this is so long, but I just wanted to share with you what I have learned along the way. \r\nStay strong! You can do it ONE day at a time! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-21T07:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-have-severe-anxiety-coupled-with-ibs-m-life-is-extremely-stressful--800255?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I have severe Anxiety Coupled with IBS-M. Life is extremely stressful.
I have Severe Anxiety and IBS-M, and some days its hard for me to even get out of bed. I am always nauseous, and 4 days out of the week I have migraines. I just found this site with people experiencing a lot of what I'm going through. It hard for me to reach out to people, and this is kind of my first step in that direction My girlfriend is pregnant, and I just want to be there for her and the baby. I need advice on how to get over or curb the constant worrying I endure.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jasmin74938-1464171" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you’re probably dealing with anxiety and stress. Some of these supplements can be expensive and not approved by the FDA so be careful. Consult with your doctor first. There’s no cure for anxiety. So we have to find ways to relax our mind. Some things that are helpful, are counseling, meditations on YouTube, exercise, and so on. Practice long, slow, deep breathing for the dizziness, you can find all sorts of breathing exercises, meditations for anxiety, etc. on YouTube. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-20T15:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizziness-anxiety-800226?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Dizziness/ anxiety
Has anyone taken any kava liquid drops to help with anxiety? I am not sure what I am feeling I just know its driving me crazy, I wake up restless shaking and with cold sweats and dizziness and this continues throughout the whole day.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/77petar77-1464256" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "do you have anxiety in general? Many people who have anxiety don’t feel comfortable driving. I don’t feel comfortable driving mainly on the freeways because people these days will ride up behind you, cut you off, etc. even if I’m riding in the slower lane. It makes me very nervous. And that’s because of my generalized anxiety. Sometimes I will take. Different roads to get to my destination because I at least feel a little better about it. I think there’s a lot of people who are nervous driving\r\nSome of the younger people who first get their license, think that they own the roads and have no fear. I’ve been driving a long time and I’ve seen everything. So I’m just extra cautious and drive slower than most other people. have you been driving a long time?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T14:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/fear-of-driving-800248?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Fear of driving
Hello, I have a fear of driving, it's like I am not in control, that kind of a feeling. And it's related to other problems, I think everybody can drive without fear, without any anxiety at all, the just pass the test and start driving. For me it's just complicated like many other things. Does anyone else feel this way?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for replying,\r\n\r\nI'm currently 2/3rd of the way through Silver Cloud CBT, I do find it helpful at times and it certainly does put a different perspective on how we process stuff bouncing around in our heads... I'm still hoping that the medication is going to all level out soon. i can cope with anxiety to a level, but these side effects are relentless. here's hoping :) \r\n\r\nI just wish there was a way to remain asleep as that would help me immensely! " ], "date": [ "2023-03-24T16:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sorry you are going through this. I know how miserable it can feel. Everybody responds differently to medication. keep in mind that medication does necessarily not keep away anxiety 100%.\r\nYou might need to combine medication with some therapy with a counselor, getting regular exercise, eating, healthy, staying hydrated, etc.\r\nAnxiety needs to be coordinated in different ways. Getting help to change the way you are thinking that might increase Anxiety is important. maybe there are things in your life you were doing and not realizing is increasing your anxiety. Maybe the way you handle life issues, etc. I’m just saying it’s something to think about. also get on YouTube and learn great breathing techniques for anxiety. Believe it or not how you breathe is important when it comes to anxiety. Hope you feel better soon!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-24T14:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the advice, I'll check her out on YouTube. I hope that it helps me... I have no trouble falling asleep, my issue is nodding off and then waking up sometimes only 10-15mins later feeling all tingly and anxious, I'm then up for about an hour then nodd off again and the cycle repeats, it's so frustrating as I know that I would feel so much better if only I could stay asleep long enough.\r\n\r\nI will give Joanne ASMR a go to see how I get on...\r\n\r\nI know that I'm not alone, but it's so easy to feel like you're the only one going through this sometimes...\r\n\r\nThanks 😊" ], "date": [ "2023-03-25T08:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes staying asleep is huge. I’ll tell you what I do. First of all I’ve had anxiety since childhood and I’m in my 50s now. So I have been through it all!\r\nBut as far as sleep goes, I, turn on White noise, and turn on a meditation for anxiety or sleep. It really relaxes me and I usually don’t make it through the entire meditation because I fall asleep. If I should happen to wake up later on, I just put another meditation on, because if I don’t, then I get lost in my thoughts which I don’t care for.. there is a lady with a super soothing and reassuring voice. That is really great for falling asleep. She’s on YouTube. Just search for joanne asmr. I like the one for anxiety, but all of them are great! People comment all the time on how she helps them relax. Just take one day at a time and relax your mind as much as you can." ], "date": [ "2023-03-24T17:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Jan,\r\n\r\nthought I'd update you 🙂 GP increased my Sertraline dosage and I seem to be doing much better now 👍\r\n\r\nHopefully, it's upwards and onwards from here.\r\n\r\nThanks..." ], "date": [ "2023-03-30T15:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cathy26812-1458973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi there i am sorry you are feeling this way i can empathise \r\n\r\ni was on citalorpam for years with no issues except my anxiety spiked early this year so they moved me to Sertraline . it didnt agree with me and made me feel nervy, jittery all day for no reason for 2 weeks \r\n\r\ni know a friend who also came off it and changed\r\n\r\nbut thats not to say it wont be ok for you but if youre not feeling right soeak to GP \r\n\r\nthere are loads of other options \r\n\r\nive just switched to Venlafaxine and having thay awful adjustment period 1 week in \r\n\r\nkeep speaking to the GP . but i wouldnt recommend keep changing (like i did as i was a bit impatient) " ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T16:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyd89-1462735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyd89-1462735" ], "content": [ "Hi Stacey, \r\n\r\nThat's very kind of you... the roller coaster ride seems to be slowing down finally! \r\n\r\nI'm having less bad days recently, maybe 2-3 a week, I'm starting to understand the meditation a bit more and seem to be adjusting to the dosage of Sertraline that I'm now on.\r\n\r\nI would love to give those recordings and books a go 😊\r\n\r\nThis community is so reassuring when you're feeling really low, it reminds me that there are lovely people around the world willing to support those struggling. I'm hoping that I can help others on here suffering from what I'm going through by offering the knowledge that I have learned along this path! \r\n\r\nAll the best..." ], "date": [ "2023-04-30T15:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey don't apologise for this you don't need to. I'm the same as you except I take my sertraline in the morning with my breakfast & then my propranolol 40mg at night. I've got some hypnotherapy relaxation recordings I can send you if you would like them & some anxiety book downloads as well. " ], "date": [ "2023-04-29T21:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean43523-1145389" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sean43523-1145389" ], "content": [ "Hi Sean,\r\n\r\nI missed your message, sorry... I'm doing much better thanks, still having ups and downs, but it's more manageable. \r\n\r\nI'm currently taking 100mg of Sertraline and I think I'm at the right dosage for me at the moment. I increased from 50mg to 75mg for a couple of weeks and then to 100mg. The side effects did come back when increasing the dosages, but they were less, for me anyway, on each increase.\r\n\r\nI have never really been a great sleeper, but the side effects that the Sertraline was causing me were awful. What really helps me is 5mg of Amitryptaline before bed and meditation whenever I have the time to fit it in.\r\n\r\nSpeak to your GP about the possibility being prescribed something to help you stay asleep. Good rest is very important for your recovery. \r\n\r\nAll the best..." ], "date": [ "2023-05-19T09:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI have a similar experience to you in some ways. I'm on 50mg 5 weeks now and although I feel motivated my Anxiety is high with insomnia and if ever I nap im awake within minutes. I was thinking of upping the dose to 100mg but am scared it would make my symptoms worse...How are you doing now and are you on 100mg?\r\n\r\nthanks\r\n\r\nSean" ], "date": [ "2023-05-13T09:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/owen82563-1463777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi guys sorry to bother you all ive been taking sertaline for 3 weeks i did start seeing some progress last week but stupidly enough decided to drink alcohol ever since then its like my anxiety has got worse and im awfully tingley after taking my tablets has anyone else experienced this ? i feel ljke im just getting worse and its hard to believe that this is just anxiety with all the feelings im having does anyone have an suggestions on what will make me feel better " ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T09:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Owen,\r\n\r\nI hope that you're feeling a bit better today... \r\n\r\nI feel you there... I've not had a beer since before Christmas! \r\nUnfortunately, alcohol and Sertraline don't mix very well as alcohol is a depressant and Sertraline is an anti-depressant. Please double check this with your GP, but you could be suffering with side effects from the medication. Tingling skin, heightened anxiety and a sudden feeling of impending doom were side effects that I suffered with regularly for a few month, but it does get better as time goes on. \r\n\r\nI knew when I began to adjust to the medication as these feelings became more tolerable and less frequent, so hopefully the same will happen for you.\r\n\r\nThings that really help me are keeping hydrated, walking, mindfulness meditation, being kind to yourself and reassuring yourself that it WILL pass... oh, and a plain old cup of tea helps too. \r\n\r\nI wish you the very best in your recovery..." ], "date": [ "2023-05-15T06:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertraline. HELP! roller coaster ups and downs.
hello everyone, I'm a new member to the forum, but I have found the messages posted very reassuring to me whilst I'm dealing with this horrible disease. Really sorry for the long life story post. I was diagnosed with suffering from GAD in 2008 and was put on Citalopram, but it didn't agree with me, so I started on Fluoxitine that helped or several years, however, I started suffering from really bad indigestion and reflux, so I was switched to Sertraline and I honestly cannot remember having any side effects worth noting whilst I was adjusting to them. fast forward a few years during a Covid lockdown, I was feeling great and ready to slowly come off the Sertraline, this went really well with absolutely zero side effects! Fast forward a bit more and a few things in my life became very difficult to deal with and I slipped back into feeling low and depressed. This time around I was suffering with constantly feeling nauseous and on edge. I tried many of the over the counter herbal remedies to help keep it at bay, but I got much worse over Christmas 2022 and suffered the worst anxiety attack I've ever had! Needless to say, I contacted the GP and explained the whole scenario. I still had remaining Sertraline so it was agreed to start them again. Wow! it certainly caught me by surprise... on the first day of taking 50mg I had an ambulance called out to me by 12am that evening, the side effect were, extremely high anxiety, tingling/burning skin, nausea. no appetite, waking up only minutes after dropping off to sleep with racing thoughts and a massive feeling of panic etc... I was given Diazapam to help take the edge off, but they didn't seem to work. the dosage of Sertraline was reduced to 25mg and I put up with the horrible side effects for about 7 days and then upped to 50mg. I was off work during this time as there was no way I could function at work during these symptoms. The side effects started to ease of after about 3 week and I start to have the odd day here and there where I felt OK (about 75%), I then started to get a few days in a row that were OK and a few that were rubbish! These happier day bouts have happened twice. I have now been on Sertraline for 8 weeks and a few days ago I started feeling a bit low again and I thought nothing of it, I'm back at work now, and 2 days ago the side effects began to come back, the sleep issue I was having hasn't ever really gone completely, but I have been able to manage it a bit with 5mg of Amitryptaline each evening. Last night I was back to square one! Irritable, really anxious, waking up after only several minute of sleep with a racing heart rate of 100bpm+ etc... This doesn't seem normal to me and I feel so hopeless and scared. Has anyone else gone through this roller coaster ride of highs and lows, and can you share if these get better with time? I totally appreciate any replies I get about this. I hope that I'm able to feel reassured that it will pass. Thank you so much and so sorry for the extremely long post.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nf07249-1451416" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello!\r\n\r\nNot sure if you're still having this issue but I can confirm i have the same. it's debilitating and I'm constantly thinking about it, even now my back feels like it's shivering but it's not cold! judging by the other comments on here it seems to be a very common issue. I really think it might be stress related! I can't imagine stress would do you any good! i have the following issues:\r\n-Muscle Spams in my arm, leg and thigh.\r\n-A trembling feeling on and off\r\n-eye discomfort and sight oddities \r\n-A full body vibration\r\n-Pain my left side of my head like a burning \r\n\r\nI haven't had a neurological exam but I will be pushing for one. though I recon the result will be null like everyone else's! it seems it comes hand in hand with anxiety! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T22:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/periferal-neuropathy-or-parkinson-s--794812?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nf07249-1451416" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "pains, aches, , twitches, vibrating, floaters in my eyes, weakness, numbness and tingling, constant, muscle twitches, . I’ve had them all! Starting in my late 20s. I had testing done and every single test came back normal. I can completely relate to you, although I am way older than you. You may go and have testing done and everything may come back perfectly normal. Please don’t be surprised if it does.\r\nEvery single one of my sensations was due to long-term anxiety, especially health, anxiety, and stress. I have learned a lot over the years and you have to remember that the body can only take so much stress before it has a break down. That’s exactly what happened to me and why I had all those sensations. anxiety and stress tend to target the nervous system and create those sensations. Any symptom or sensation due to anxiety and stress is not harmful, but it can be very scary. I spent way too many days, weeks, months in years, worrying about all of what I was feeling. I thought I had some terrible neurological condition. I am perfectly healthy although I can definitely tell you that when I do get anxiety, some of those sensations will pop up. But now I ignore them and they fade away because I know what they are caused by. I will get muscle twitches and some of the other ones. The muscle twitches are called benign fasciculations, and they are harmless.\r\nSorry, this is long, but I really wanted to share my experience with you and tell you that there’s a high probability that your symptoms are related to anxiety. doctors really don’t know that much about how to illuminate anxiety and the sensations that come with it. They need to do more research studies.\r\nwhat I really had to do, was focus on decreasing the anxiety because it wasn’t the sensations that were the problem, it was the anxiety that created the sensations. Counseling could help You also learn how to manage this. It’s very important to learn how to relax your mind because then the sensations will decrease. Every day I listen to meditations on YouTube for anxiety. Feel free to private message me anytime. I can give you other resources also. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-19T02:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/periferal-neuropathy-or-parkinson-s--794812?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Periferal neuropathy or Parkinson’s?
Hi, I'm a 30 year old female and up until now have always been very healthy and none of my previous self inflicted health scares have ever been accurate (brain tumour, ms, heart inflammation from the vaccine to name a few). But I have been experiencing the worst three months of my life. It started with some health anxiety around some midback pain I was having. I freaked out I had a tumour. My doctor thought this was ridiculous but sent me for an X-ray. As I left the X-ray scan, I remembered that a year before I had had an X-ray with contrast (due to thinking I had heart inflammation or a clot from the vaccine which I did not). I had an allergic reaction to the contrast (just a whole body rash and a very hot, swollen face). I immediately freaked out that having another X-ray would do damage to my body. The next day I woke up with shooting pains, muscle aches and twitches. Over the past three months these symptoms have been getting worse and I?ve also been getting lots of tingling. I?m talking constant muscle twitches everywhere, especially calves and feet, constant tingling and vibrating sensations in feet. It has moved into my hands and arms as well. I feel it constantly even when working out. I have had neurological exams, two brain mris, cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine mri, which only showed a minor disc bulge in lumbar spine. Now I feel like my hands are constantly shaking and I feel like my whole body is constantly vibrating and shaking too. I?ve been to the ER three times, seen countless doctors and have a referal for a neurologist in two weeks. I?m going insane with worry. It?s all I think about and I have been able to enjoy anything. Not Christmas, turning 30, nothing. I have a history of health anxiety but I?ve never in my life had such strong, constant and long lasting symptoms. I really want an emg as I?m worried I could have periferal neuropathy from the X-ray. Is it possible that this is just a really intense case of anxiety or is there really a neurological problem? No doctor seems to think so but this symptoms are full on. Please offer some advice or share your own experiences. Thank you.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleigh8695-1462016" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Lovely.\r\n\r\nDefinitely a trauma response and it's natural with anxiety to connect dots that were never there in the first place.\r\nMy advice would be to talk to your SO about this so they can understand how you feel.\r\nI would also say despite your previous experience, it sounds like you have a form of separation anxiety which is normal. \r\nMy partner is quite stone faced when it comes to anxiety and she has told me if there was anything wrong she would tell me so I'm sure your SO is the same! Just enjoy your partners company and try and change your thoughts as you may find yourself withdrawing from them without knowing you're doing it.\r\nstay strong! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T16:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/relationship-anxiety-799603?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleigh8695-1462016" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry you were going through this. I have felt like that in the past. But then, as I got a little older, I learned some things that were important for my well-being.\r\nI learned that I needed to stop being so dependent on someone that I would worry so much about the relationship. \r\nI learned that the person in the relationship with you needs to undoubtedly be your best friend first and foremost! Even before romance. Because if they are truly your best friend, you won’t have any doubts about your relationship. They will always put you first like a best friend would do. That said, when you have your best friend, you won’t have any doubts, even if they forget to say love you . you will feel so secure in that relationship that those things won’t matter.\r\nDon’t ever feel like you have to chase somebody to get them to want to be with you. In that case, it’s definitely the wrong connection. Those kinds of relationships you’re always feel insecure in. And it’s not worth it. you want someone that’s going to have your back. \r\nI’d rather be alone than not be with my best friend. Best wishes to you!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T21:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/relationship-anxiety-799603?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Relationship Anxiety
hi everyone, I guess I'm creating this discussion to help myself not feel alone, and hopefully, others can relate to mine/others experiences. does anyone struggle in relationships with uncontrollable anxiety? my partner and I have had our ups and down, yes. But it doesn't matter, I have always had this anxiety of being cheated on or them leaving me for one reason or another and it consumes me. Change in texts, they don't say "love you" when ending the call one time....I'm there panicking something is wrong. I've later found this is a trauma response from my past experiences in relationships and from my parents splitting up. I'm trying to work on it but the physical sensations and my brain doesn't shut off as I almost obsess over it. Does anyone else experience the same sort of thing or anything to share for others maybe? thanks 😊
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stan47220-1463812" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stan47220-1463812" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "content": [ "What examinations did you do? I think in my case it is connected with the muscles of the back. Because it is the muscles that hurt, if they are pressed, I feel how this pain diverges further, to the right side" ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T13:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello.\r\nI have had feelings like this. It sounds like IBS to me. I know it's really simple but IBS is unforgiving and can cause horrid pain all across your front and lower back. \r\nIf all your tests came back fine then it's most likely fine. Anxiety can heighten these feelings by a considerable amount. it could also be a pulled abdomen. This can hurt for years! My left side hurts a lot, but I beleive it's due to the food I eat! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-17T22:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-symptoms-800067?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and symptoms
Hi there! I’m chronically worried about discomfort in my right side ... in 2017 I clearly remember how I started to “press” in my right hypochondrium, I ran around all kinds of ultrasounds, doctors, and so on ... they didn’t find anything, they just said to improve nutrition. Already at that time I was worried about anxiety, hypochondria, panic attacks and all possible events ... there were fears of a stroke, a heart attack and a full range of symptoms. In December 2019, I was scheduled to move to another country, and literally 2 weeks before the plane, I started getting backaches/discomfort in the area of appendicitis. I went to the ambulance, they examined me and found nothing. This added obsessive thoughts and fears. The move took place, everything went smoothly, I don’t remember what would bother me in “that place” in the first month or two. Then, in the summer of 2020, I found out that my friend had an intestinal rupture and was operated on ... I noticed that on the same day I again began to feel discomfort and aching pain in the appendicitis area. I went to the hospital, they examined again, they did not find anything. They prescribed "duspatalin" and said that neuralgia or something like that is generally possible. Moving on... in October 2021, I again had a keen desire to find out what was bothering me in that place... I began to undergo an insurance examination. I passed tests, went through a lot of doctors - a surgeon, a urologist, a gastroenterologist, a neurologist. Didn't find much of anything. Only the neurologist indicated that this was referred pain from the T12 vertebra. I also went to see my friend, who works as a surgeon, he palpated me, looked at the ultrasound - again - zero information. Now, since July 2022, my entire right side has been bothering me on a regular basis. The symptoms have expanded. There was stiffness in the lower back, it hurts when tilting to the left (when the muscles on the right side of the body are stretched), discomfort in the area of appendicitis, waist, lower back on the right side. It gets a little easier when I crunch my lower back or stretch. Against the background of all this, there is a strong anxiety and an aggravation of everything that is possible. Handed over recently the analysis of a blood, US of an abdominal cavity. Everything is in order, only slightly elevated monocytes. In the summer there was not a strong herpes zoster on the right side of the back, he was treated with Valaciclovir. What worries me in the right side - I do not know. This worries me a lot and I'm a little confused. Please support morally and tell me what to do
Hello. I was wondering if anyone else suffers from TMJ. I recently posted about some spasms and Jan kindly reassured me. however recently the pain around my ear up the side of my head has become almost unbearable. it feels like there is someone in my head kicking my temples over and over and the pain is spreading down my neck so it feels stiff. I'm not concerned about it because I beleive TMJ can do this. but I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this? thanks!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " I’ve been through that and it’s an awful feeling. For me it was scary and negative and I just didn’t want to be alone. I had a mild panic attack and had to go to a store just so I wasn’t going to be alone. I ended up getting some counseling, but it took quite a while for me to start feeling a little secure. Never felt secure 100% and still don’t. \r\n\ti was analyzing why I am this way. I don’t know anybody else like this. I’m thinking that I don’t feel secure within myself. I look to family members for my security, but they have their own lives. I knew I had to get my own life, my own interests, and have a sense of purpose. Currently working on all that. But I’m sorry you’re going through that. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-16T22:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/uncomfortable-feeling-800126?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey lovely, this is classic separation anxiety. it's a really hard type of anxiety to come over, mediation can really help with calming you down. Or finding a social game to play to take your mind off it x " ], "date": [ "2023-05-17T12:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/uncomfortable-feeling-800126?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Uncomfortable Feeling
Do you ever feel a race of negative or anxious thought or panic attacks whenever someone you are comfortable with leaves for a long time or far away? I'm sick of this, I want to overcome this but symptoms always came after if I try to
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ron05709-909451" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so sorry. this is a little long, but I wanted to share with you things that I have learned. \r\nI know exactly what you’re talking about because I have always been afraid. Something bad would happen even when I was a child. And yet I had a wonderful childhood! Always scared something would happen to a loved one especially my parents. or my kids , Afraid I would get some disease. and on and on. \r\nbut I can tell you that nothing horrible has ever happened, and I am a way older than you! \r\nBut I learned some things along the way.\r\nOne of those things is that when we think of the worst case scenario, we are allowing fear to take us over. Fearful thoughts are not based on reality, they are based on emotion.\r\nalso, we need to live in the present moment and not in the past, or in the future because they don’t exist. The present is the only thing that actually exists . and that’s where we find joy.\r\nRemember that we control our own life. If you don’t want to ever get in trouble, then you have control over that. that’s all in the past. You are not 20 anymore. You can make the right choices. Nobody can take that away from you! \r\nit’s time to start thinking\r\nin a positive way, and be grateful for what you have! you love your job. You love your life. You love your partner. you love them so much that you’re afraid you’re going to lose them. right?? So then the fear sets in. I did that myself for a long time. but what happened is that I wasted those days with worry and fear. I can never get those days back. I could’ve spent those days feeling joy for what I had.\r\nyou don’t have to lose those things.\r\nevery day I wake up, I write in a journal the things that I am grateful for. \r\nbe happy in the present moment, and stop thinking about the past and future.\r\nlet me tell you, life goes by very fast and you’re not gonna want to regret wasting days on worry. \r\nWorry doesn’t add a single day to your life, nor does it bring you joy. So get rid of it. \r\nEvery time a negative thought begins to enter my mind. I acknowledge it and then I let it go. The more you do that the more your mind will automatically get rid of the negative thought. The more you hang onto the negative thoughts the deeper they will set in your mind. This is actually a scientific fact. \r\nI am in my 60s and I am cherishing my life, family, the beauty of nature, each and every day. It’s a beautiful gift. You’re going to be OK. The word fear stands for false evidence, appearing real. Rise above that!❤" ], "date": [ "2023-05-13T20:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thinking-the-worst-case-scenario-will-happen-to-me-all-the-time-800038?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Thinking the worst case scenario will happen to me all the time
can anyone give me some reasurance? for weeks i have been getting worse and worse with thinking something really bad is going to happen in my life. i have been to theropy etc and gone through hypnosis etc but constantly feel something bad is going to happen. we have all been young once and I even get scared that something will come up from when i was 20 years old (Now 24) and cant stop to stress myself i will get in trouble some how. i cant afford to get in trouble but years have gone by and still cannot stop to think something bad will really happen. has anyone had any coping mechanisms ? i love my life , my job , my partner and would hate for it to come crashing down.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you, i will try, its a long road but may be some light at the end of the tunnel talking to other people, take care. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-28T09:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "it’s very common for people with anxiety to believe test results are wrong. The odds of that happening are extremely slim. \r\nI have felt like that also but no longer do that because I know I did that because I thought they missed something . not true. \r\nI have known for quite some time now that all of my symptoms were due to anxiety and stress. I have had dizziness, vertigo, headaches, severe weakness, gastritis which was horrible, vibration feeling in my head arms and legs, muscle twitching floaters in my eyes, ringing in my ears plus several more. Believe it or not they couldn’t find one thing wrong. That was when I was 26 years old. I thought for sure I had MS. I am now in my 60s and doing well. If I get anxious I might feel a little thing here or there but I ignore it now. \r\nanxiety can cause hundreds of different symptoms.\r\nstart working on reducing your anxiety level and you will notice a difference in your symptoms. If you need to, get some counseling for support. Don’t focus on the symptoms, focus on being more positive and staying busy and enjoying your life. Whatever we focus on will grow and grow that includes negative or positive thoughts. Don’t focus on symptoms or other peoples symptoms. It’s not going to be helpful. Focus on reducing your stress a positive way. Take care " ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T11:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Hi Lorraine, thankyou for your reply, i suppose most of my life, but was heightened ten fold when my Sister died christmas 2020. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-28T09:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "hi millie, i am so sorry to hear you lost your sister. how are you doing now? i hope chritnas day was manageable. here if you need to talk x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-28T10:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Thank you, im still not great had all these problems before she passed, now just so bad, anxiety is terrible, depression awful, just hate feeling like this no energy numb all over just want to feel normal again. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T20:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "hello how are you today? do you take any meds for the anxiety? it does get better, im slowly seeing a light at the end, i do have to keepreminding myself how far ive fome becquse i was in such a bad way. here for you x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-29T15:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Hi Lorraine, thank you for replying, and being so kind, i take citalopram, and olanzapine, not sure why none of them work, not been great today, lots of anxiety, and indigestion then feeling like im going to die, that my heart will stop, dizziness, totally drained mentally and physically fed up, i fight on but end up a wreck by the end of the day. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-29T22:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "hi millie, thats okay. these forums are really great to speak with people who underdtand. i also take citalopram i was on olazapine but it got changed to quetiapine, what doses are you on and how long for? im nearly at 15 weeks and what a rolercoaster its been. yhings do get better i promise you will recover. be kind to yourself especially on the bad days. just little things to cheer you up, for me i like a bath with some lavender oil dropped into it and a hot water bottle, a walk on the beach, something nice and comfy like a fluffy blanket. it doesnt have to be big things just small, baby steps. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-29T22:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Hi Lorraine im on 60mg citalopram, about a year now and 40mg olanzapine, also about a year, doctor has just put me on 40mg of propranolol as well today, im convinced my heart will give up even though had an ecg 4 weeks ago, convinced i have cancer, so my doctor said today that he will give me 24hr heart monitor and blood tests to put my mind at ease, i just feel that im wasting the nhs resources but maybe this is a good thing to have, maybe will ease the anxiety a little. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T17:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lois95799-1073055" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "wow 60 of citalopram???in the usa 60 is dangerous.take care" ], "date": [ "2021-12-31T11:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi millie, just wanted to let you know that youre not alone in the suffering you are currently edexperiencing. but things do get better. it takes a lot of time and lots of ups and downs. how long have you been experiencing anxiety? x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T20:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kirsty44765-1411104" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kirsty44765-1411104" ], "content": [ "Hi Kirsty im 55 have suffered with depression as long as i can remember, but this anxiety and the feelings of dread are something else, i panic when im on my own, i try to think positive, but some days i just think its the end, what if this happens what if that happens, just worry worry worry, its just so exhausting, a constant fight that you feel you may never win, headaches, dizziness, off balance dry mouth, shaking, feeling sick its endless, but everyone i have spoken to has these symptoms, i have had so many tests all come back negative then i feel guilty that i have wasted every ones time, guess we are all in this together and one way or another we struggle through it, if you need to chat im always here, maybe we can all help one another, i wish you well and hope that a new year will all bring us some light at the end of the tunnel. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-31T10:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rayvinragas-1411442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kirsty44765-1411104" ], "content": [ "glad im not the only person who struggles with going into work bc of anxiety. i feel so helpless and like a loser and like no one at work will understand how badly my anxiety affects me and my work performance. then i get anxiety about calling into work so its a vicious cycle " ], "date": [ "2022-01-03T03:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieron27576-1461163" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "hi how are you doing now" ], "date": [ "2023-05-15T18:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi ive suffered anxiety for a while now and in the past few years its got really bad. i struggle going into work daily just with anxiety about going in . i struggle with weekends away if im away from my family and kids. Ive started having panic attacks and not sure how to control them yet . Millie you are not alone and please chat on here with how you are doing. we wont feel like this forever although it seems that way just now.What age are you?( if you dont mind me asking) im 32 and its at its worst just now\r\nI have feelings of complete dread most days and no confidence at all xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T20:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine42830-1411375" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi Millie, for me i was diagnosed about few weeks back by a GP. I was skeptical as i didnt know how it could lead to what was called Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD). It started with like nausea, weakness all over my body, dry at the end of tongue ,numbness and pins and needles. it was a bad attack that went away quickly but became a common occurence over the past one month plus. some days i feel ok though i feel my body is not mine somewhat as i dont seem to have the enthusiasm to go out much anymore . i have very similar symptoms to yours including tension at the jaw which is daily. and not sure if u or any of the ladies here have this feeling of 'blood draining from your body' feeling . thats the worst feeling ever . its like everytime it happens i feel like i am going to die. i have been to 3 GPs and both said its anxeity and 1 wanted to put me on a long term medication on anti-depressants. i am thinking if anxiety does this to your body on a daily basis ? i am quite frightened and feel helpless and unsure if its something else and so i just did another blood test as my last blood test was 8 months back and didntvshow up with anything. would appreciate if anyone can share if anxiety does this on an almost daily basis and how do any of you try to manage or cope with it? somehow i feel like i can never get back to feeling normal again .\r\n\r\nElaine" ], "date": [ "2022-01-03T10:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kiri64646-1414787" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you are not alone!! i am also having terrible anxiety for the past week it just came out of no where!! i feel like a failure and i hate that my family have to see me like this. im going to see my GP to see if its not because of menopause as im 47 and my periods are nearly non existent. keep fighting hour by hour day by day - we are all in this together! " ], "date": [ "2022-01-28T08:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety is off the scale
I would love to know how anxiety affects you all, i have dizziness, headaches and head pains, jaw hurts in fact every part of my body hurts, i feel sick off balance, have reflux, indigestion, feel weak feel shaky, dry mouth, feel like something bad will happen, had lots of tests all negative, im convinced the results are wrong, its never ending, and mentally and physically exhausting. x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousee-906722" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "![image](https://patient.azureedge.net/forums/images/upload-sm/906722-638196090690543091.jpg) :( " ], "date": [ "2023-05-15T08:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-figure-out-what-this-is-800045?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousee-906722" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousee-906722" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "im trying to not google and not freak out :( i dont tan often that was my third time going in years but i am still peeling (when i went i was peeling because i burned bad) im going on vacation to the beach and i didnt want to burn or be miserable so i was trying to tan a few times before i went :( i was thinking the meds but ive been taking them and nothing has happened until now.. since i posted this it did start to itch but its not an annoying itch it was a small itch . i itched it once then realized what i was doing and immediately stopped ! i tried posting the pic but it didnt go through:( " ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T01:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I don’t see the rash picture. However, I do know that amoxicillin can cause a rash. Don’t Google because you’ll just scare yourself for nothing. They always give worst-case scenario of everything one in most cases it’s not worst case scenario. People get rashes all the time the vast majority are harmless and go away on their own. \r\nbeing a registered nurse, I can tell you that tanning on a regular basis is dangerous. Don’t know how often you go, but I wanted to share that with you. I would worry more about that.\r\njust let your doctor know if the rash doesn’t go away on its own. Most likely the antibiotic. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-13T22:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-figure-out-what-this-is-800045?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
please help me figure out what this is
i’m having terrible anxiety about this rash .. i looked it up and it’s saying its a leukemia rash and i haven’t calmed down since.. does anyone know what it could be? i’m having no pain , no itchy , no burning.. i do not have bed bugs or fleas. i havent been around plants, i havent done nothing new. i was taking amoxicillin for 2 weeks (with a week break in between) bc i MIGHT have an infection in my tooth. my face isnt swollen and i do not have an abcess but i had jaw/ear pain after a cavity filling so my dentist gave me the meds. other than that, i did go tanning. those are the only 2 things i can think of. im 26 and i’m not allergic to anything that i know of. i went to bed and woke up with it about 3 or 4 days ago.. theres a pic in the comments . its on the top of my thigh
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe39608-1453679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sounds like the anxiety is causing the negative scary fearful thoughts. Pressure in the ear, Hearing sounds, ringing in the ear is extremely common, especially in people who have anxiety. I’ve had ringing in my left ear for over 30 years on and off. That’s not a sign of a brain tumor. it could be as simple as you have fluid buildup in the ear or if the doctor doesn’t find anything it can be caused by stress that’s what mine was caused by.\r\nThe fact that you convinced yourself, it’s a brain tumor does not mean that is correct. That’s just your fear and emotions talking. Fear is not based on reality. Only thoughts and emotions. Are brain tumors produce way different symptoms than that. So many people have inner ear issues or stress.\r\nI would suggest that you stop looking for bad health conditions. This will increase the anxiety and cause other sensations that will scare you, even though there’s nothing wrong.\r\nLive your life and find joy in every day. I learned I had to get out of my head and into my life if I were to enjoy it. You need to do that also. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-07-26T22:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-one-ear-tinnitus-head-pressure-800059?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Please help one ear tinnitus head pressure
ive battled with health anxiety and G.A.D for years and now its back it started when i found a lump it turned out to be a hemmaroid which im having surgery for on tuesday then i started checking my body found a lump in vulva checks out as nothing now i have a sound in my right ear and a weird pressure feeling dr looked says its nothing i dont know if i can get through this again my head is heavy im all tense when i bend down i hear my pulse i have a feeling its because of surgery im feeling like this but now ive convinced ive got a brain tumor because its only one ear and ive popped it so cant be a blocked ear help
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma47045-1459204" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Exact same symptoms. exact same outcome. Never anything! one day a tumour next week it'll be a nerve illness, week after it'll be heart problems. it's really really hard to be dying of every illness all the time isn't it lol! we can only stand and laugh about it because sometimes us anxious folk are very silly when we look at it from a different perspective! " ], "date": [ "2023-04-28T10:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-798101?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/magicalmary21-1462560" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma47045-1459204" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "**A life coach can help individuals experiencing health anxiety in a number of ways:**\r\n\r\n**Develop Coping Strategies:** A life coach can help individuals develop coping strategies to manage their health anxiety. They can help the individual identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their anxiety, and work with them to develop positive coping mechanisms.\r\n\r\n**Set Realistic Goals:** A life coach can help individuals set realistic goals for their health and wellbeing. They can help the individual identify specific actions they can take to improve their health and work with them to develop a plan to achieve those goals.\r\n\r\n**Support and Accountability:** A life coach can provide emotional support and hold individuals accountable for taking action towards their health goals. They can help the individual stay motivated and committed to their health goals even when facing challenges.\r\n\r\n**Mind-Body Connection:** A life coach can also help individuals recognize the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. By becoming more aware of this connection, individuals can learn to manage their health anxiety symptoms more effectively.\r\n\r\nOverall, a life coach can provide guidance, support, and practical tools to help individuals manage their health anxiety and improve their overall wellbeing. They can help individuals gain confidence in their ability to manage their anxiety and take control of their health." ], "date": [ "2023-05-12T11:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-798101?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health Anxiety
Hi, ive been battling health anxiety for over 2 years now it was bad after i had my second child, it seemed to calm down a bit but now after my 3rd child I think it has come back. im saying I think because this symptoms are a bit different before and I always think there's something sinister going on, i try to tell my self i have had FBC just november past sure if there was something wrong they would have seen in the blood test. so has anybody experienced sudden tingling from head to toe along with dizziness (I've had that once) that want away within a couple of minutes followed by a sweat and then random cold patches on ur body. I have had a few panic attacks after this head to toe numbness incident. The random cold patches I still get, also headache usually one sided left or right, dizzy spells, constant pain inbetween shoulders and neck sometimes like a burning sensation, pain down middle of chest don't know if it's my sternum or a nerve its hard to place exact spot. pain in arms and legs but at different times. random numb or tingly patches on arms. I think I have diagnosed my self of nearly every cancer there is, as I alway google stuff and it comes up, I have just googled the spine pain between my shoulders and now its went to myeloma I now feel sick at the thought and thinking I have it as the symptoms they say I have a good few. if anyone has had any of this symptoms i would greatly appreciate a reply known im not alone in this.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dan20338-1463494" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan20338-1463494" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hi Jan\r\n\r\nThanks for your reply. I'm just worried as I'm experiencing minor cramping in my right hand and foot as well as the twitching. Have you experienced similar symptoms?\r\n\r\nI'm trying to refrain from seeing a doctor but I'm so convinced this is it 😩" ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T18:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "sorry you are scared. however, i have had muscle twitching all over on and off for over 30 years! ive had tightness, and many other s. \r\nall due to long term anxiety and stress.\r\nwhen you worry they’re going to increase. \r\nMy muscle twitching is called benign fasciculation’s. That means they are harmless. my neurologist told me that is not a sign of the beginning of any MND. if it was, I wouldn’t be here. \r\n It’s really important that you calm yourself down . I know how it feels to lose control of your thoughts, and then fear just takes over. \r\n if you want to ease your mind, go get checked out. But once you are told that everything is normal, don’t get in the habit of jumping from doctor to doctor. That’s the time you have to really work on managing the anxiety. Get a counselor to help you with that.\r\n The fact that you have had health anxiety in the past is very telling. In my experience, anxiety can come and go. Along with the sensations. I really think you’re going to be fine but you need help managing the anxiety and stress. And fearful thoughts. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T01:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mnd-als-intense-fear-799955?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
MND/ ALS intense fear
Hi all I have been a sufferer of health anxiety on and off for around 6 years. I've convinced myself I've had many different diseases but for the past couple of years, my health anxiety was almost non-existent. However, fast forward to now and for the past week or so I am absolutely convinced I've got MND. My right foot is almost constantly twitching, sometimes twitching in my right calf and I'm experiencing minor cramping sensations in my right foot. I also feel like my right leg is tighter and a bit weaker than my left. I've had a fear of MND before, but I'm convinced this time I've got it. Can anyone relate to these symptoms? I'm going out of my mind!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Not sure if im alot older then you as i am 55, but i dont know where to turn anymore with this ive pretty much told myself its never gonna get fixed and its probably terminal, my will to fight get weaker, everyday is the same scary symptoms and struggles the head symptoms dont stop unless i sleep then the symptoms wake me up in the morning its been pure hell." ], "date": [ "2023-04-05T14:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I completely understand what that feels like. I’m sure I’m way older than you and I’ve had anxiety sensations. on and off for a very long time.\r\nBut I do know that the more I’m upset about it the longer they stay and linger. \r\nafter having testing, which all turned out to be normal, then I knew for sure all of these sensations were due to long-term anxiety and stress. After that, I stopped reacting to them. I just let them be, and even though they would still pop up every now and then it was nothing like before. \r\nso remember that when your testing comes out normal, it would be a good idea to maybe get some counseling to find out what’s causing the anxiety. Then you can work on that and the counselor can help you manage all of this. \r\nhave you ever tried to relax your mind with meditations for anxiety? Also, what really helped me a lot was getting regular exercise even if it’s just walking. \r\nanxiety can produce hundreds of different sensations, all of which are not harmful. Feel better soon!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-19T15:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "Ty for your reply, could i ask you if yours is everyday? And what does a head adrenalin rush feel like? My head never feels normal always something going on in there. " ], "date": [ "2023-03-31T17:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "Hi, if I can describe right but it feels somewhat like if you were in an elevator that suddenly drops (a 'whoooossh') in the head. When am relaxed / happy these symptoms vanish. Head feels tight and neck often stiff, a lot of this is down to tension I believe.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-03T15:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nIf it's of any help I experience very similar to yourself, head pressure / brain fog / adrenaline rushes in the head - having had an MRI head scan was given the all clear. My symptoms tend to build when around people I don't like (which unfortunately seems to be quite a lot) and then eases off when I relax, it's like a fog which slowly builds in the head and then clears as I start to feel happier.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-03-30T10:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "You're welcome - have you had an MRI scan ? I had a head scan and was surprised / relieved that it came back clear. Can't wait for the Easter break, 4 days with no head pressure or brain fog - even if I haven't got much planned it can't come quickly enough !" ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T08:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "yes i had 2 Mri and a ct scan of head only thing found was mild cerebellar tonsillar ectopia but they don't think that's what's causing symptoms, at least yours goes away when not stressed mine is constantly unless I'm sleeping, it's very scary and I feel like there missing something and it's gonna kill be, I never have a good day." ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T14:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Ty for replying . Yea i cant get them symptoms to stop some days its real bad and scary when you dont know whats wrong. Like i said been to few drs and tests but no real diagnosis waiting now to go for another test to make sure i dont have a spinal leak. Thanks again." ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T00:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola89657-1405335" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "this is me i been doctors 4 times googling brain trunor etc been 8 day headaches random pains here there everywhere in my head i really want them stop " ], "date": [ "2023-04-07T20:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im sorry hope you find answers your looking for ive been suffering everyday for a year and 1/2 to the point of going crazy just want these symptoms to stop and feel good again. been to quite few Dr's and tests no real answers now going for test end of month to see if I have a spinal fluid leak that could be causing it. I cry everyday only relief is when I sleep. God bless you\r\n " ], "date": [ "2023-04-12T18:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "can anyone else relate to head symptoms, last couple days bad pressure on top and back of my head like someone pushing on it. ty" ], "date": [ "2023-04-18T17:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I can absolutely relate. I've had a pressure in my head for a few days now after having a very nasty virus.\r\nI have had thrombin and my eye lid has started twitching.\r\nI have scoured the Web and found the tales of death which seem to be around every corner and leech off every symptom and I reached motor neurones disease of all things.\r\nNow I thought... let's look logically here... I work on a computer, i use a phone, I use a switch and watch 2 Tvs a day... Hmmm... Am I wearing my blue filter prescribed glasses? nope... oh look the sympons of eye strain are the exact symptoms I am having! what do I do next? Buy some eye mist and wear my glasses! give it 2 weeks and I'm sure it'll have passed. Then I get a rumbling feeling in my body when I lie down... MND!!! nope, probably just my heart going into over drive pumping the blood at 100mph round my body due to the panic! sometimes things really are simple but it's okay to be scared. Just ground yourself sometimes and think... what could be causing it really.. and you'll find your answers are lot more sensible and then the anxiety meter will fade! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-28T09:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "well went for cisterngram test no spinal fluid leak but still no real answers and same head symptoms constantly " ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T15:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Symptoms don't stop
ive posted before but been awhile, these symptoms are not stopping been 18 months, I'm constantly dizzy, lightheaded or pressure, weird feelings in my head sometimes feels like something moving in my head, my only relief is sleeping, yes I've had testing and waiting for further testing but I feel I'm losing my mind can't get no relief spend alot of my day scared and crying and begging for it to go away. Anyone have anything they can't relate to this or advice. Thank you and God bless.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/denise31188-1463581" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denise31188-1463581" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hi Jan\r\nThank you for replying yes I have told the doctor and i am hoping the side effect will ease at some point, i don't have much of an appetite at the moment but am making sure i eat something little and often, after reading the comments on here I feel i should try to keep going as it seems it can take a while before you start to feel better on this medication, i am also in the process of getting some counseling , thank you for your advice " ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T12:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "does your doctor know you’re having these awful side effects? \r\nunfortunately, anxiety is difficult to treat. I’ve had it since childhood. they can try different medication‘s, CBT, meditations, etc. All we can really do is try different things. I have gotten to the point where I just accept it and try to live any lower stress mental state. Anxiety can pop up at any time so we need to be constantly practicing Relaxing our mind. I know it doesn’t always work so getting some counseling on a regular basis is very helpful. take one day at a time., Stay in touch with your doctor about what’s going on, get some exercise,, eat healthy. Stay away from caffeine and junk foods. I wish I had better answers for you. That would be really helpful. I do hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T11:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-so-bad-on-sertraline-799978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Feeling so bad on sertraline
Hi i suffered anxiety and panic attacks over 20 years ago and was put on citralopam, i remember feeling much worse for a few weeks but got through it and have been on the whole good , about 2 months ago i started getting bad anxiety again , the doctor prescribed me sertraline i was on 50 mg for 6 weeks then it was increased to 100 mg, i am on day 17 of 100mg and i am feeling awful, i wake up with severe anxiety burning through my body , i have burning in my stomach and pelvic area, headaches and upset stomach, I am really struggling to even get out of bed some days and have not been out for over a week, i take 2mg of diazapam to take edge off it but am finding it so hard , will i ever feel better
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "I had asthma when I was younger came back when they put me on propanalol but iv been taking my inhalers as and when I shud" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T18:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Do you suffer with asthma?" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T18:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your reply I have a hospital appointment later I'm going to speak to them about it they think maybe my tablets have set my asthma off so thank you for your comment hopefully get to bottom of it" ], "date": [ "2015-02-18T18:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "content": [ "Please let me know how you go on Iain.\r\nBest wishes\r\nRod" ], "date": [ "2015-02-18T22:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "Hi rod \r\nThanks for your advice turns out I'd taken a reaction to tablets was setting off my asthma so iv stopped them for now so hopefully feel better over next couple days \r\nThanks again \r\nIain" ], "date": [ "2015-02-19T00:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "content": [ "I'm very pleased that you have sorted this problem out Iain.\r\nIt only goes to show that there is always an explanation as to why our systems occasionally give us problems.\r\nNow you you can get on with enjoying your life.\r\nI wish you well Iain.\r\nAll the best\r\nRod" ], "date": [ "2015-02-19T04:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "Thank you rod same to you" ], "date": [ "2015-02-19T09:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john84483-721392" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "Just wanted to say thanks to Rod for the precise diagnosis and insight. i am from Canada and this diagnosis just gave me some clarity on a similar problem. Although I have no asthma... I do have allergic reactions and have been taking antihistamine medications. there were no pollen outbreak today so that might explain it. But I am not sure now if this might have more to do with indigestion or heart burn. Thanks" ], "date": [ "2015-05-12T06:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Iain, bronchial itching can be caused by an ashthematic condition, and I would therefore suggest that you should get in to see your GP about this as soon as possible.\r\nIt does not in itself denote anything serious, but it may well be an allergic reaction that needs to be isolated and treated." ], "date": [ "2015-02-18T17:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gwen1953-595821" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This can be a broncial problem.  Have you had bronchitis or bronchial pneumonia at any time if so that could be the cause.  You may need medication or even an inhaler. Go to your doctor and see what he suggests." ], "date": [ "2015-02-20T15:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raj34525401-978435" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have the same itchy heart sensation throughout the day. I have no asthma history. Can somebody please suggest if they have experienced this and guide me on how to get rid of this. Thanks" ], "date": [ "2016-10-02T14:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sara98792-1127379" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jazzrock17-1181025" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sara98792-1127379" ], "content": [ "Am facing a similar issue have any updates on your condition?" ], "date": [ "2018-05-19T09:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I get a sharp pain in my heart accompanied with a deep itch in the same area, it&#39;s worse after I sneeze, but lasts all day and worsens when stressed. Been going on for about a month now. I went to the doctor yesterday and got and EKG, blood tested for blood clots, heart echo, and chest x rays. All seem okay. I haven&#39;t had asthma or any type of bronchitis or pneumonia and am in general good health (27 years old). I&#39;m discussing the issue again with my doctor in a few days to see what the problem is and fill you all in. Please let me know if anyone has had similar issues and what the source was thank you!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T02:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jazzrock17-1181025" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Am facing a similar situations have any updates on your condition?" ], "date": [ "2018-05-19T09:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah70453-1182371" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also have this feeling deep in my life is/ chest like ltchy and my back is starting to ache! I have asthma and have suffered alot with phnuminia before. I only sneezed and had a couple coughs today. Starting to not feel well at all :-(. I will try my inhaler and see if that makes a difference. I am a medical courier and I go in and out of the hospital etc. So I am always in contact with illness uggg not good\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-05-24T15:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aniipao-1352976" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/powerdrift-1364209" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aniipao-1352976" ], "content": [ "I get the internal \"itchy\" sensation ,and a mild ache, right in the centre chest (slightly left), a day or two after intense cardio exercise. \r\nIt is driving me crazy.\r\nI have had all the basic heart related tests, they have all come back normal. I have no history of asthma.\r\nI wish I knew what it was.\r\nOne sports specialist said they thinking it is breathing mechanics related." ], "date": [ "2021-03-12T09:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay33205-1420165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aniipao-1352976" ], "content": [ "i have the same issue what ever happened ,! :( it is driving me crazy " ], "date": [ "2022-03-12T19:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm currently experiencing that! I discarded the possibility of having covid-19 by getting tested. Then today I went to the doctor and they did a physical on me and found me to be normal and good but ordered an x ray of my lungs & chest area. The c rays came out looking normal & good. I seem like a crazy person, but something inside my chest itches all day & night! I don't know what's wrong with me yet!" ], "date": [ "2022-03-12T19:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay33205-1420165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am getting tbis it doesnt go away what is it???" ], "date": [ "2022-03-12T19:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jain04198-1448733" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello all,\r\n\r\nCame across that I have same feeling itchy on front heart line,under left armpit and left back upar. & sometime light pain in chest in a day.\r\nMy i did xray, ecg, cbc blood test normal as per reports. (ecg looks borderline because of pulpitation i think) but dr. normal ecg.\r\nI am on high blood pressure medicine since 1 month now. Before i was not taking medicine because I think 140/90 normal.\r\nI started medicine since a month now (concor 5) as I was feeling acidic and gasy so i think because of high bp. & dr. earlier told if you need start it anytime. \r\n\r\nnow for this itchy heart i took alergy tablet, used move cream, gasy acidity tablet for few days but still same condition yet.\r\n\r\nI do not know what to do?\r\nI doubt it because of blood pressure medicine, & I tried to stop 3 days only & did not see any major difference . & started back as dr. told you can continue.\r\n\r\nI am thinking I should stop bp medicine for at least 7 days to see any difference.\r\n\r\nno idea what it could be?\r\nI am 40 age.\r\n\r\nthanks\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-12-04T03:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Deep itch inside chest feels like heart is itchy
Any help please it feels like my heart is itchy it never stops as soon as I wake up in morning untill I fall asleep I have had cardiac blood tests and ECG and everything was fine has anyone else had this constant itchy feeling it's really getting to me
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you Jan as always you are a Ray of pure sunshine in a dark cave. I beleive you are right, it just spooked me is all, all the MS, MND, TA, just brings me down. I had a serious head injury when I was very young and have always wondered if I would get any symptoms from this. \r\nI will continue with the mediation as that helped prior. I also have CBD and St Jon's Wort to try so maybe they will help. I just want to avoid prescription medication. \r\nThank you for sharing your experiences, that really really helps! its crazy what the brain can make you feel! being bullied by your own mind is a weird sensation! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-08T13:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "content": [ "thank you. \r\nyes! our worst enemy can be our own thoughts. They often lie to us, and so it’s important to recognize that. There’s even a book called the battlefield of the mind. Many people are going through this.\r\nI also thought I had MS many years ago. I learned over the years to acknowledge the scary thought, and then intentionally let it go! The more you do that the less they will keep popping up. You’re gonna be OK. ❤" ], "date": [ "2023-05-08T15:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "these sensations you are getting are common when someone’s been through a traumatic event. remember that your doctor said you don’t have any red flags. \r\nI have had eye twitching on and off for many years due to anxiety and the sensation in the temple for the same reason. Fuzzy vision, floaters in the eyes, etc. can also be related to stress and anxiety. I’ve had them all.\r\nThe memory issue is also closely related to anxiety and stress. It will improve once you are able to manage the anxiety. \r\nReally try to calm down your mind and see if it helps. go for walks, do things that relax yourself. The worst thing you can do is sit around and think. \r\nI listen to relaxing meditations for anxiety on YouTube, along with deep breathing exercises on a daily basis. When your mind is calm down, that sends a signal to your brain that nothing is wrong and many times the symptoms and sensations will calm down also. \r\nOf course, everybody should have a yearly physical examination. If these sensations continue or get worse, let your doctor know that. if needed, the doctor can order what test he or she thinks is applicable. \r\nAnd please stay off of looking up your sensations online. They will only increase the anxiety and then the sensations will continue. In most cases, whatever you read online will not pertain to your individual situation.\r\nbut in my experience, all of those sensations in my case were due to stress and anxiety. because all of my testing always came back normal.\r\nalso, if you need some support for the traumatic experience you had, speaking with a counselor is a great way to learn how to manage all of this. It feels great to vent to somebody else who can help. I wish you the best!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-08T12:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/some-slight-concerns-anyone-had-the-same--799892?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Some Slight Concerns. Anyone had the same?
Hello Everyone. 2 weeks ago I was quite Ill with tonsillitis. Accompanied with chronic health anxiety which I have had for around 4 months now, since a tragic event in my life, which re triggered it for the first time in 4 years. During the Illness I started to get a horrible spasm in my eyelid, which is triggered by either touching it or squinting. I called the Dr's for a second opinion and they said I have no warning signs or any of the "Red Flags". I decided to leave it 2 weeks and see if it cleared up as the Dr's said it probably would. I'm now on day 15 and it's getting worse. I put it down to stress and now I'm thinking it's not that. I've also got a horrible spasm feeling in my left temple as well which feels like I have a wood pecker hammering at the area, this only lasts a few seconds and sometimes disappears for the rest of the day. Ive still got really bad anxiety and I'm trying to keep it under wraps but I'm struggling with this. I've read a few things online which worry me but I'm trying to ignore it. I've started getting fuzzy vision and also feel like my memory is a bit worse off but this may be psysco-schematic because of my anxiety... I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this, did it clear up? how long did it last? how did you get rid of it? Thank you ❤️
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Oh my too many typos hope you get the point" ], "date": [ "2016-09-05T22:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "i began walking amidst feeling like absolute crap. I was sick had issues going on and bp was a mess. I walked. I walked thru all of it and guess what. It made me feel so good somewhere around week three. So i speak from doing not from the air. How incredibly illogical your anxiety has become to tell you not to move. That would only play out well if you were a tree." ], "date": [ "2016-09-05T22:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for the reply. When I first went to see my doctor about my heart (I told him something just didn&#39;t feel right), he referred me to a cardiology. They did blood test and had me wear a 24 hour halter monitor that showed ectopic beats but nothing out of the ordinary. After that they decided they didn&#39;t want to investigate further. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-05T22:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "content": [ "<p>Ok go into motion now. Ignore what you &quot;feel&quot; as a danger. Walk, walk, and walk some more. Get a juicer so you can make very healthy drinks and move out of your own way. Dont feed into this so much. The pains there ok keep walking. The pains there again..walk. Walk your way theu all of it.mwalking never killed anyone. Stagnant, poor diet and full on worry all the time will cause you more illness. Right? Your not a tree you have to move.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-06T00:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tess33005-930839" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi there,</p><p></p><p>Good news that there&#39;s nothing wrong with your heart.</p><p></p><p>Now you can start at the gym without worrying that you&#39;ll have a&#160; heart attack.</p><p></p><p>enjoy!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-06T04:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tess33005-930839" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah my anxiety doesn&#39;t work like that. Honestly, the doctors could give me all the tests in the world and I&#39;d still be convinced there was a problem. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-06T07:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josee21255-1063870" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "content": [ "<p>I know exactly how you feel I&#39;m 35 and weigh 250 pounds in terrified to work out I have panic attacks all the time I Check my pulse all the time also it&#39;s so scary but I&#39;m working on cutting down my food and just walking watching what I eat someday I&#39;m to scared to even go put of my house to walk so I do it in circles in the living room just try and work around your anxiety do things like change of diet or less food simple things that won&#39;t trigger anxiety start off very simple one thing at at time for as long as needed to see that&#39;s ok then add another it&#39;s longer but for me the only way </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-03T00:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>First things first.. Have you recieved a cardio exam? Full exam with a stress test. Id say that needs to be cleared. Then logically you know your heart is good. At that point start slow you are probably out of shape. Drnk a lot of water and walk and walk. You can walk outside or get a treadmill and walk inside. Its movement you want. &#160;Walk 45 minutes a day at whatever speed you want. It will lower your blood oressure, circulate everything nicely and isnt taxing. Abiut a minth or two of just enjoying the walking at yiur own oace you can walk a but faster maybe invest in a stationary bike and ride the bike for a half an hiur day. You can do all this is a gym as well they have treadmills and bikes. Thats all you need to so until you are completely comfortable. Put in some nature sounds while you walk or bike its good fot the soul and calming. Or low key happy music. Indont know why people think they join a gym and need to become the incredible hulk, you dont you want movement. Slow and steady wins the race &#129303; I woukd also very stringly recommend ourchasing juicer. Best thing i ever biught and im not skme gym freak at all. I walk and bike but everyday i drink a healthy homemade juice of my choice. The nutrients absirb way faster this way. Tins of recioies for every ailment online. Good luck. No excuses.. It will absilutely helo you feel better.</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-02-20T21:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gyda-377921" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harrison03092-1463318" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gyda-377921" ], "content": [ "Hi mate, i cannot begin to express how posotive this sounds to me as i am going through the exact same thing " ], "date": [ "2023-05-08T10:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I know exactly how you feel mate!!&#160;</p><p></p><p>Im 24 and had bad chest pains, shortness of breath etc, so i thought something was wrong with my heart even though my ecg was normal. This made me scared to excercise, but whenever I did, i got chest pain and shortness of breath, like literally every time, if i ran a little or played football, i&#39;d get chest pains.. I couldnt walk to the shop without chest pain. I diagnosed myself with angina, MVP.. everything.. 100% had something wrong with my heart.</p><p></p><p>One day I played football, and I started running and got a really bad chest pain and struggled to get my breath back, so i thought enoughs enough, i want more tests. Went through all the tests, ecg, stress ecg, 72 hour ecg, echocardiogram, stress perfusion cardiac MRI... all normal.. doctor said your hearts fine.</p><p></p><p>Once i learnt to accept that, the symptoms went away.. honestly it took 2 weeks or so for me to accept it but since then I havent had any chest pain while excercising.</p><p></p><p>Your mind is VERY strong, if you convince yourself enough that somethings wrong then chances are you&#39;ll start getting the symptoms. Beleive me i know its hard to accept it but once you know its just anxiety you&#39;ll get better.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Good luck!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-11-06T09:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/km071281-1065037" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Its good to hear someone else has these symptoms/fears and that it can be overcome. I&#39;ve been recently getting chest pain on my left side, and it&#39;s been scaring me so bad. I had an ekg done months ago and they did it twice in my GP&#39;s office to confirm my heart was fine when I told them my health anxiety had been centered around the heart recently. </p><p></p><p>I know the mind is so very strong, and I know I have to just let go, and breathe, and take back my life. Thanks for the encouragement that it can be done.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-02-01T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bambicflores-1071001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m the same way except my anxiety is feeling dizzy and light headed I want to work out so bad but I&#39;m scared I might pass out, I went to the er 6times they say nothing&#39;s wrong but I&#39;m convinced there is because I&#39;m always dizzy and off balance , I do walk sometimes but I want to run but I&#39;m scared so just try walking at first see how that goes</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-04-01T21:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven47549-1058705" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had the same fears, and still struggle. &#160;I second the advice of having some cardiac tests done so you can go into the workouts with the knowledge you&#39;re good (if you haven&#39;t already).</p><p></p><p>Think about this: &#160;regular exercise, along with a good diet, is one of the best ways to ensure heart health and prevent cardiac issues. &#160;So if you&#39;re worried about your heart, one of the best preventative measures you can take is to exercise. &#160;</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-30T03:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel this exact&#160;same way! I&#39;m absolutely terrified to work out now :( I was at the Y the other day, did 2 miles on treadmill, felt ok... when I got off, I jumped on the elliptical... was on a couple mins, looked down &amp; saw &#160;my heartbeat was 184! I jumped off terrified! My Dr has tried to put me on Zoloft for a couple years, but I just keep thinking I can beat this... I&#39;ve tried the natural, homeopathic stuff also... some does actually work.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T21:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "content": [ "I’m begging to think that the diagnosis of anxiety is correct but our body’s telling us of something else. I had panic and anxiety most of my life. Just recently after Irma in September 2017 there about it just got extremely worse. \r\n\r\nJust yesterday I gave working out a try again heart rate was slightly higher than normal when I started but I was truely worried. As I calmed down it went back to the normal range for the exercise I was performing so I started feeling amazing.  I thought maybe I got this. Then that night I woke up to get some water. Felt a thump in my chest and got real sweaty. Heart rate rose from 70-ish to 144 in a matter of minutes while I was just sitting. I got terrified called 911 and went to the ER and again got the diagnosis of a panic attack. They did more heart tests (which I’ve had several) and all that was normal. I got a visit with a psychiatrist on Monday maybe they can alter my meds to calm the panic. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T22:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "content": [ "<p>Oh goodness, I know all too well the ER trips... They know me on a first name basis! It’s an awful feeling &#128546;&#160;</p><p>I went to a therapist a couple years ago that deals in Anxiety/Panic disorders... She helped me &amp; I feel like I was finally overcoming some of it, but for whatever reason it has come back full force. She once said to me, No one has ever died from a panic attack, it will pass. So... I try to tell myself this when I feel it coming on. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t.&#160;</p><p>I just can’t stop thinking about health issues... Someone mentioned to me about A-fib... now I’m thoroughly convinced that’s what I have... it’s just a vicious cycle&#128546;</p><p>I hope your visit Monday went well... please share with me what meds you take &amp; side effects?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T09:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "content": [ "In a way it’s good to know I’m not alone and other feeel the same symptoms and been given the same diagnosis.  It’s terrible and I would not wish this on anyone even my worst enemy. \r\n\r\nDr visit went well. He’s taking a light medication route with CBT and the normal exercise and diet stufff. He wants to change my meds to Prosac 10mg, Buspar 5mg both daily and Xanax as needed. I haven’t started yet since Walmart had an issue giving prosac when I’m already taking Celexa. The two do have severe interactions if taken together. I guess they didn’t figure out that I’m stopping Celexa. So a call to the doctor should clear that up hopefully. \r\n\r\nGood chatting with you, I hope you are doing well. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T10:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christine41272-1158478" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "content": [ "I had to check the name on this to see if wrote it because I did the exact same thing . I’m using a program I found online to try and beat my health anxiety , slow going . \r\nIt’s with an Irish therapist called “ learn my therapist ie “ " ], "date": [ "2018-07-31T00:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the exact same issue. I was overweight back in 2015, then lost a ton of weight through eating well and exercise running 5-6 miles a day. Then in late 2017 something happened. I had a fear that my heart was failing. Had several tests all indicate that my heart is fine but I can’t shake the feeling something is wrong. Since that time, I have been off and on to the gym. I’d go for a while until the sytmtoms happen again, go get more tests and the result that everything is ok, then back to the gym. That was until March 2018 when I had symptoms again, two ekgs and three doctor visits later still being told all is ok but now I am absolutely terrified to get my heart rate up. If I do work out I watch the heart rate monitor very closely. It’s very annoying to me. The doctors all think it’s anxiety and have put me on meds for anxiety but I still don’t fully accept it. So I know how you feel." ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T20:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathleen28063-1169341" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I LOVE you All! I thought I was the ONLY person to think these things!!!!! Thank you GOD for letting me find others!!!! I&#39;ve been suffering from these thoughts for 26 yrs....long yrs. I&#39;m 49. Countless ER , doctors, testing and I can&#39;t get it through my head!!!! This all started growing up with my dad who suffered with an extremely rare medical condition that aged him physiologically, so I developed a phobia of heart and health issues. Everything you&#39;re all saying is things I thought or think. It leaves you not only isolated, ashamed, embarrassed but it steals your happiness and quality of life. I smoke so that is definitely making it worse for me. The depression from it is daunting. I was overweight my whole life but, now a small person thanks to my primary who asked me to take off 1-3 lbs per month. He promised me not only could I lose the weight but keep it off and he was right! I started in 2012 after a spinal injury and it took me until 2017 to take it off and keep it off. You can do it CLR!!! I can give you simple things and you will succeed! I did it with diet alone because of my injury. First is, you can&#39;t lose weight for vanity and remember nothing ever tastes as good as the first bite which leads you to portion control and healthier eating without giving up the things you love! You can only weigh yourself once a month also. I know you can do it as long as you&#39;re patient. Best part you learn to love yourself along the way. I signed up for a gym recently and panicked too! My friends suggestion; go slow. Walking in the door and take your time feeling comfortable until you can get on the treadmill and or bike. Throw a small towel over the screen so you&#39;re not looking at your HR, listen to relaxation music or music that makes you happy. If you can only go 10 mins it&#39;s a start.....all you need is 30 mins a day, 5 times a week. I&#39;m trying this myself!!!! My gym has massage beds and chairs so that&#39;s a bonus for relaxing.....if anyone is up for it we could start a little support group for the gym, suggestions, recipes, quitting smoking etc on one of the apps out there so when we&#39;re scared we can text each other....KIK or something like that with our user names from here!? Perhaps we could just keep the discussion here as well. Anyway, I hope this helps not only you but others. I am just so grateful to have found this discussion and know I&#39;m not alone!!!! You all really personally gave me hope today!!!!</p><p>Hugs!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T19:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/seth36662-1172145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Wow you sound just like me! The only difference is, is that I’m super fit and have been excersising very well until I developed anxiety about my heart. I’ve taken blood tests, ekgs, and even an echo cardio gram all saying that my heart is fine. I’m always checking my pulse and worrying about my heart stopping for some reason! I hate it and it’s making me depressed! I can’t seem to go to the gym without leaving in with an anxiety attack not even finished with my workout. I get really lightheaded and dizzy, have chest pains, ringing in the ears, head aches, feeling natious and faint. It’s horrible, and so weird how the mind can do this. You aren’t alone, stay strong bro!" ], "date": [ "2018-04-15T18:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c51984-1444258" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c51984-1444258" ], "content": [ "I started to listen The Anxiety Guy from Youtube and Spotify. He really knows about health anxiety (suffered 10 yrs) and helps me with my fear of death. I am 32 yrs old male. I lost a lot of weight, stopped drinking, started to walk. Some stairs still give me racing and pounding heart but it's all inside my head because underlying anxiety is still there. I still have a lot of work to do with myself but we can make it. Hope you will get better soon." ], "date": [ "2022-10-23T05:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c51984-1444258" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the advice, I will check that YouTube channel out.\r\n\r\nThat sounds similar to me.\r\nI stopped drinking, stopped smoking and starting eating a lot healthier and lost weight.\r\nA lot of my friends thought I was doing very well living a healthy lifestyle.\r\nI never tell them that I actually feel worse now than I did back then.\r\nThanks for the kind words. I hope we both manage to work through this" ], "date": [ "2022-10-24T22:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c51984-1444258" ], "content": [ "My friends told me the same, that I look great. But as we know that people who never suffered from health anxiety don't know what we are going trough. It's up and down at the moment, mind still fears many things and these awful thoughts that I am going to die or something awful will happen are still there.. Funny part is that when I feel really good and happy then anxiety reminds me that it's still there and how I dare to feel happy. If you watched some Anxiety Guy videos then you know it's our over worrying inner child, that wants to keep us safe and everything new (also feeling too good) is scary.\r\nVery good to speak with people who knows what's going on. Have a great day and soon we are out of this!" ], "date": [ "2023-01-02T14:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I know this is a bit of an old post, but if any of the posters here are still active, how are you getting on now?\r\n\r\nI'm 31 years old, male.\r\nA few years ago (before covid) I had an incident happen to me at work which I think was a panic attack.\r\n\r\nI was just sitting at my desk reading emails when I suddenly felt this strange feeling all over my body. It was dreadful.\r\nI can't remember the feeling exactly, but it was an odd feeling over my whole body. I went to get some air and then really started freaking out as my heart felt like it was beating weirdly. My colleague ended up calling an ambulance as I thought I was having a heart attack. By the time they got there, I was feeling a bit better and when they checked my pulse and blood pressure, they said I was ok.\r\nI went to the doctors after and had an ECG, multiple blood tests, 7 day heart monitor and an ultra sound type thing where they can see the heart (echocardiogram maybe?).\r\nThe doctors told me everything came back fine and that I was fit and healthy (I worked out with weights around 4 times a week and went jogging 1 - 2 times a week)\r\n\r\nOver the years, I managed to convince myself it was just anxiety and things were getting better, but a few months ago, I was in a queue in a restaurant on holiday and I passed out and collapsed on the floor.\r\nI had been drinking the night before and was hungover. Plus I hadn't had breakfast and hadn't drank much in the morning (I passed out around midday)\r\nThe doctors did blood tests and ECG which were fine and just blamed it on the alcohol and the lack of food/drink, but it has set my anxiety levels right back to 3 years ago.\r\nI now am not doing any workouts or jogging as I'm so worried something is wrong with my heart even though all signs seem to point to it being normal.\r\nI'm just finding it really difficult trying to figure out how I can keep this up.\r\n\r\nSorry for the wall of text" ], "date": [ "2023-01-02T14:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety has me scared to exercise!!
<p>I&#39;m hoping someone can help me. I&#39;m not sure how exactly, maybe by giving me tips to get over this irrational fear. </p><p></p><p>My health anxiety has been rather bad lately, mainly focusing around the idea that my heart is failing, I&#39;m going to have a heart attack, or I have a pulmonary embolism. Because of this, I begin panicking any time my pulse speeds up and I take my pulse/feel my heartbeat continuously throughout the day. </p><p></p><p>This has gradually gotten worse, and I&#39;m now scared to do anything that will raise my pulse. I feel winded and breathless after climbing a flight of stairs, and have to rest for a while because my heart will be racing (part because of the movement itself, part because of panic). I now try my best to avoid all unnecessary exercise because of the fear I&#39;ll have a heart attack or such. </p><p></p><p>Anyways, I&#39;m overweight and have been rather unhappy for a while. I&#39;ve finally plucked up the courage to take out a gym membership and will be going for the first time tomorrow. Here&#39;s the problem - because of what I&#39;ve mentioned above, I&#39;m terrified of actually stepping onto any of the machines. I&#39;m terrified in case I become extremely breathless, in case I have a heart attack, or even in case I make a fool of myself by working myself up and inducing a panic attack. </p><p></p><p>How can I get over this? I know I NEED to do this, but I can&#39;t get my head round actually doing it. </p><p></p><p>Oh, and to top it off I have asthma (although I&#39;ve never actually had an asthma attack) and I&#39;m scared in case I have one while working out. I&#39;m stuck in a vicious cycle! I&#39;m depressed because of my appearance so I want to work out, but I&#39;m scared to work out in case something bad happens, so I become even more unfit and even more depressed. </p><p></p><p>Sorry for the long rant, I just really need some help right now. :&#39;(</p><p></p><p></p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "*needs " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T17:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>I to have been on medication varying from citalapram, fluoxetine and sertraline and I felt a tad better but came off meds in November as didn&#39;t want my life to revolve around taking drugs for me to function and wanted to beat it on my own. It&#39;s the constant feeling of been breathless and fearing the worst. I wake up everyday and all that&#39;s on my mind is breathing and think oh god am I going to have a heart attack. The strain been put on my heart can&#39;t be a good thing forcing it. I have tried everything I&#39;ve had the one on one lessons I&#39;ve bought hundreds n hundreds of pounds worth of DVDs and books to help me I&#39;ve been to get hypnotised kind of thing and nothing has helped. It&#39;s like I&#39;ve forgotten how to breathe like a normal human being and I need to reset it somehow and people say try but I try every day. I love going out and doing stuff but sometimes even before I go out if think oh no my breathing is going to happen. Also I get muscle spasms all over my body is that something you get. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T18:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I think this breathing thing is something me and you are in the same boat over.</p><p></p><p></p><p>It&#39;s a horrible thing to live with everyday isn&#39;t it like unsay I don&#39;t know what normal breathing is anymore me I took it all for granted and yes i also get muscle spasms.</p><p></p><p></p><p>You mentioned medication there and that you came off it if you said it makes you feel a bit better maybe you need the meds to get that little bit of extra relief but heyy people are different some people need them some others don&#39;t. I have started setraline today 50mg and I&#39;m on mitrazpine and propanolol.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>I also fear the worse to whereas my breathless is concerned it&#39;s just so terrifying isn&#39;t it i even feel out of breath talking sometimes and I go jogging aswell which terrifies me even more but I force my self to to do it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>My tablets they only prescribed me 10mg I get the feeling when I go doctors they look and think oh it&#39;s him again so just take the easy option and say it&#39;s anxiety to get me out there quick. I don&#39;t dare to Any physical activity at all as scared what the consequences might be </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>Did the breathing affect your day to day Life like cause you to avoid certain things and situations due to the shortness of breath I am feeling it 24/7 it affects my sleeping for some reason I wake up every 2 hours I don&#39;t know if it&#39;s depression and my anxiety or if it&#39;s a serious lung condition it&#39;s a feeling like if I breathe through my nose it&#39;s not enough so I gasp or try my best to yawn to expand my lungs it&#39;s very scary </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-05T02:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe43307-1274509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "Get a spinal x-ray, or MRI of your back! You may have Ankolosing Spondylitis!\r\n I have had CHVS for over 24 years, complete with heart palpitations, IBS type symptoms, and a strange reaction to cold, whereby if I got chilled, it turned into a Parkensons like tremor....Also, a misdiagnosed testicular lump metastasized into \r\nmy gut, and caused so much pain as to make the ER think I had a ruptured appendix....(I also had weird back and hip problems for years.) I knew something was wrong with the nervous system, but no doctor would listen...Until I was idle for an extended period of time...Then almost every joint hurt! It hurt to take those CHVS deep breaths in too, because even my ribs and shoulders hurt!) Finally, a rheumatologist ordered a back x-ray, and there it was, bone spurs projecting up from each vertebrae...FYI, there is a strong link between CHVS and A.S. When I googled, \"Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome and Ankolosing Spondylitis\", I found--\"Breathing problems, (not necessarily respiratory problems), and abdominal problems, (pain, nausea, pressure), can predate the diagnosis of A.S. by several years. DO NOT ACCEPT THESE CHRONIC BREATHING ISSUES AS ANXIETY! THIS IS A DOCTOR COP-OUT!! " ], "date": [ "2019-10-25T21:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Friend you are describing me exactly here in this post, ever since I had had my panic attacks last April I have had this chronic breathing problem before these attacks my breathing was on auto pilot I wouldn&#39;t even think about it were as now I feel as if though it is on manuel and I concentrate on my breathing all the time.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Like you say to also o have had X-ray of chest which was good 3 ECG tests which were all good I&#39;ve had my oxygen checked at the doctors is that what you ment in your post about your oxygen levels where they put the thing on your finger? I to feel short of breath all the time to.</p><p></p><p></p><p>With me the only way I can describe it it&#39;s as if I can feel a tugging in the centre of my chest as if there is a Empty part of my lungs that bees filling every 5 mins so I also take a big deep yawn.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve tried breathing exercises which help a little and I&#39;m receiving CBT therapy for anxiety and panic and also in medication for anxiety and panic.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Does it make you feel there is something physical wrong with you? because it does with me I just can&#39;t grasp how anxiety can do this to a person without there been a physical cause if you get me.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>How did all this start for you?</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>You are not alone in all this&#128578;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T17:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>Appreciate the comment. As its a constant it&#39;s so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just wish could wake up one day and do simple things and live life like I did many years ago even chilling out on sofa with my wife i feel short of breath so gasp n yawn until I get one until minutes later it all starts over and over again. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T18:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "<p>Bless you... I wish you could too.... I had similar a couple of years ago and did not realise it was anxiety..Until my doctor did tests.</p><p>Thankfully it didnt last long .. but i was desperate so i did every bit of relaxation and meditation and anything i could lay my hands on that would destress and declutt&#233;r my mind and help my body relax.</p><p>There is some good info on dealing with it on the net... the site that you can listen to music and watch videos !! If you type in methods to stop anxious breathing ... it comes up with all the info for self help.. If it helps get your life back its worth a try &#128522;</p><p>good luck&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T18:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m willing to try everything and feel like I have tried everything from books DVDs relaxation music, massage hypnotherapy I&#39;ve tied it all. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "<p>Have you asked your Doctor if there is medication that could help. even if its short term to help break the cycle.&#128578;</p><p>Like you say you want to get your life back... and your stuck in this cycle so if meds can do that see what they say xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>I have been on citalapram fluoxetine and sertraline and they only helped the tiniest of bits diazepam didn&#39;t really do nothing either I am constantly checking my pulse and stuff and the muscle spasms are a worry Aswell </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "I dont know much about those meds , as i am in the UK.\r\nIs there any research you can do about different meds? and suggest them to your GP .. I have heard a few people mention lexapro or something like that.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>I am also in the uk I live in Nottingham. I feel they just try and get me out the surgery as quick as possible and just say it&#39;s anxiety to try and shut me up. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "I did a self referal with a leaflet i picked up at the surgery called talking therapies... I did it on line and thought i would have to wait ages.. 4 days later they rang me .. I have had   5 sessions so far and it really helps. ..\r\nGive it a whirl ... it taught me how to react when the physical symptoms were affecting me and they got me from checking my HR on my watch from 10 times plus a day to 1 x weekly lol... \r\nThey have the same in nottingham as i remember reading it under Trent PCT.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "Thanks for the help. " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>It is one of the physical symptoms of Anxiety Matt...</p><p>Everybodyvhas different experiences with anxiety... some have the same.... There are 100&#39;s of symptoms that come from anxiety and can present themselves at any time.</p><p>So you really need to get to the root of the anxiety.</p><p>Maybe ask your GP what support is available in your area for anxiety .. Thats a good place to start.</p><p>Also there are lots of self help things to help ease the underlying stress/anxiety that is causing you this problem</p><p>Mindfullness is good but it doesnt work overnight.. It has to be done daily.</p><p>Also CBT is good as it helps change the thought pattern when you are experiencing the breathing issues.</p><p>I hope you get the support/help you need.</p><p>Good luck you can but try it and if it works for you BONUS xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T18:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/borderriever-963132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Matt\r\n\r\nTo stop Hypoventilation breath into a paper bag, or brown paper bag, you can also use a grease paper bag. DO NOT USE A POLYTHENE BAG\r\n\r\nPut the bag over nose and mouth and breath into the bag, this recycles the used air and stops the hypoventilation. When you are ok breath normal without the bag\r\n\r\nBOB" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shiva1985-1077254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did you ever get relief, ive been suffereing with the exact same thing you have for the past 18 months. I monitor my breathing and Its like my breathing is not automatic. I yawn a lot and I have done ecgs and blood tests that come back normal. I feel so stressed by the situation I am constantly worried about this breathing problem. ive forgotten what is like to be normal" ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T01:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shiva1985-1077254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi good day, i am interested to know if you ever found a solution to your problem, as i have been having the same problem for the past 2 years. I am constantly out of breath during the day 24/7" ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T17:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Been to the Mayo Clinic rodchester campus. Emergency department 7 times. 3 specialists where I live. Anxiety is an ugly b***h. And I understand where you are coming from and finally found someone who knew what we were going through. The top medication for resetting this&#160;[b]<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"http://www.oatext.com/The-beneficial-effects-of-oral-amitriptyline-in-anxiety-induced-hyperventilation-syndrome-a-case-series.php\">http://www.oatext.com/The-beneficial-effects-of-oral-amitriptyline-in-anxiety-induced-hyperventilation-syndrome-a-case-series.php</a>[/b]. That is what I found and what they put me on currently. Hoping you are already better.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T15:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "content": [ "<p>The only thing that worked was amitriptyline within one month I was 90% better they recommended a benzo &#160;to me as well let me assure you when you stop it it’s going to make you feel unbelievably worse. That was what the emergency room originally gave me it was Ativan and Valium and I stopped them cold turkey it’s horrific. The reason I recommended amitriptyline is after spending 50k and having every test done for heart lung brain. The Mayo Clinic the leading authority for every hospital in the world said... and I quote yeah that won’t work but this will... lo and behold they showed me the study and within a month voila. To others searching here’s the info&#160;[b]<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href=\"http://www.oatext.com/The-beneficial-effects-of-oral-amitriptyline-in-anxiety-induced-hyperventilation-syndrome-a-case-series.php\">http://www.oatext.com/The-beneficial-effects-of-oral-amitriptyline-in-anxiety-induced-hyperventilation-syndrome-a-case-series.php</a>[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-14T14:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark21119-1184961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\n\r\nI have exactly the same problem for last month. I was on amitripiline for a year for migraines but only 10mg but now have this I have spoken to doctor and it’s upped to 25mg. Only been on it for 6 days so hoping it sorts this problem out. What dose are you on and has it sorted everything out for you now? You said you was 90% better? Mark" ], "date": [ "2018-06-26T23:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark21119-1184961" ], "content": [ "Hey brother so sorry to be so long in responding and yes after a couple months I tapered to 30mg in dosage and it started to fade now I’m tapering off the amitriptyline 2.5 mg every month till I’m off the doc said I can go even slower if I want. I promise it gets so much better!" ], "date": [ "2018-09-30T06:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/albilva-1235140" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "Hello. My name is Alberes. I'm from Brazil. I saw your report on the forum and identified myself immediately. Are you still using Amitriptyline? How have the results been? I was excited to start the treatment soon and get rid of the notorious symptoms. Awaiting return. Big hug." ], "date": [ "2019-03-14T17:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Bump this post - I’ve been suffering from this for years! I’ve had 4 EKGs, 3 chest X-rays, a CT scan of my lungs, and recently had an echo done. Now I’m getting a pulmonary function test done. My O2 stats are 98-98% yet I feel dizzy and lightheaded and my chest muscles are tight and sore and have been for years! It almost feels like I’ve been exercising my pecs nonstop.\r\n\r\nOnly thing that seems to help is a low dose Ativan. Anyone have any suggestions?" ], "date": [ "2020-07-28T23:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "I used to lay in my bed telling my father my girlfriend I’m dying. That’s it I’m just dying I felt as if every breath was gonna be my last it felt as if I was choking to death the only peace I felt was sleeping because it meant Maybe I wouldn’t wake up to this nightmare. It gets better with the amitriptyline it took almost 3-4 months but it slowly slowly fades back away. You’ll catch yourself feeling better and better the amitriptyline is hard to get used to for the first 4-6 weeks but if you can struggle through their is lights on the other side. And yes I had the same crazy thoughts but it does go away mine occurred on October 13th 2017 and it’s finally fading now after 8 hospital visits 20 different meds and supplements a trip to the pulmonary and critical care department at the Mayo Clinic. It gets better It’s slow and it f*****g sucks so unbelievably bad but it does go away. Talk to your doctor about the amitriptyline show him the article please." ], "date": [ "2018-09-30T06:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "The other thing was it always felt no matter how much I was breathing I could never get a deep breath." ], "date": [ "2018-09-30T06:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "will lexapro not work this? been on it weeks and no relief." ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T01:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "content": [ "didn't work for me did both lexparo and zoloft wasn't till amitriptyline till i experienced relief its both an anti cholinergic - anti muscarinic which relaxes the lungs and muscle. my Dr is now checking me for Babesia and Mycoplasma and started me on Azithromycin per Dr hahn's asthma relief plan. Experiencing a ton of relief after starting this protocol. I had no idea that both mycoplasma and Babesia can cause life changing air hunger they litterally eat the oxygen inside your red blood cells" ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T04:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "how did they suspect mycoplasma and babesia?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T07:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "content": [ "as the symptoms only got better. but would not resolve completely. both those illnesses are the most likely cause of air hunger " ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T15:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "interesting. seems like your doctors think outside the box, lucky! i do have a naturopath who gave me colloidal silver, ive seen online this kills these bacteria too. i will try and ask my doctor about testing for them though. idk if cardio doc will believe it though. what doctor ran this test for you to look for them?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T15:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark21119-1184961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "hi is this whats been agreed then that has caused your air hungar . how do you test for this " ], "date": [ "2018-10-24T15:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark21119-1184961" ], "content": [ "a pcr and igg/igm test for all of the above as well as a western blot and elisa test to rule out lyme disease babesia is the hardest to test for out of the groups. but if you type in babesia....or mycoplasma and air hunger on google the results are actually saddening a lot of people have this and have spent years wasted instead of treating the root cause." ], "date": [ "2018-10-24T17:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "were you positive for any of these tests ever or did they assume you have it even though the titers arent raised or positive? ive heard they can be negative even though you have it. also how long will you be on antibiotic?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-24T21:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alma30132-1314760" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "Hi, \r\n\r\nIm having the same exact symtoms. please can someone who was succesful with this medication help me. \r\n\r\nplease, at this point i feel like there is no help for me." ], "date": [ "2020-05-24T15:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tord74295-1463261" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "how did it go?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-07T11:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey man I&#39;m not sure if I&#39;ve got the exact same condition as you but what u r describing is spot on with what I&#39;m feeling. I&#39;ve been short of breath all year it has stopped me dead in my tracks it is every day and every second of everyday I&#39;ve been to the ER probably ten times this year. And specialist I&#39;ve had EKGs blood test x-rays CT scans urine test pulmonary function test Spirometry test I&#39;ve been to a ENT had s scope down my throat and I&#39;ve seen a allergist as well I cannot find out what is causing the problem. I&#39;ve wrote death letters to my family because I&#39;m just convinced I&#39;m gonna die soon it&#39;s been going on a year now I cannot exercise anymore I cannot function period I used to have alot of anxiety and panic attacks before this started but now it&#39;s became constant I&#39;ve been tested for lung problems blood clots u name it I am I&#39;m fear for my life </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-30T03:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/albilva-1235140" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe43307-1274509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albilva-1235140" ], "content": [ "I have tried Amitriptylene 25mg combined with fluoxetine 20mg, and it worked great. Problem is, kiss all passion good-bye, never mind your sex-drive! Will try Pregablin next...Just got a diagnosis of Ankolosis Spondylitis, which I believe was the root problem all along these last 24 plus years...See what I replied to Luke 08690!! God bless!" ], "date": [ "2019-10-25T21:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "\r\nHello guys. Has anyone else been successful with Amitriptyline in the treatment of Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome?" ], "date": [ "2019-03-14T20:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "has anyone found a solution to this issue? after having my last panic attack in which i was severely hyperventilating i have yet to fully catch my breath. what worries me is that people have gone years with this issue and no one seems to find a solution\r\n\r\nthis has been going on for almost a month for me and i dont know what else to do i dont hyperventilate i just have difficulty having a satifisying breath,\r\n\r\nsometimes i have to yawn sometimes i have to take a gasp for air\r\n\r\nbut is there anyone out there that had successfully went back to a regular breathing pattern whether with the help of medicine, natural products, yoga, meditation or whatever\r\n\r\ni cannot take this issue for years" ], "date": [ "2019-06-18T11:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe43307-1274509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Check out, and please pass along what I sent to Luke 08690...Ankolosing Spondylitis...It may be that, or something else that is causing interference with your central nervous system...Trust me, I know! Dont EVER!!AND I MEAN EVER!!Allow a doctor to make you feel like an anxiety case in regards to a chronic disorder such as this!! God bless, and let us know what happened in your journey!" ], "date": [ "2019-10-25T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adonay54523-1370292" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adonay54523-1370292" ], "content": [ "Adonay,\r\nI too have been like this for 15 months. Do you feel out of breath? like you feel when you do after walking up a hill or is it that you feel like you just cant get a full breath in? \r\nI also get horrible sensations on my body. What sensations do you get?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T22:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "I feel both types of breathlessness. Like I walked up a hill sometimes. Other times, struggling to get a full breath, feeling like the air is not reaching the bottoms of my lungs." ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T23:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "How long have you had this? Did you have any good leads on how to stop it the feeling of overbreathing (walking up a hill). \r\n\r\nwhen all of this started my symptoms were much worse, where i was on a sofa or in bed panting hard to breath. You could see by just looking at me that I was hyperventilating by how my chest and stomach was heavily moving. \r\nAnd I had many more symptoms than just that...lump feeling in the throat, burning sore throat, burning nostrils and pain in my ear, rapid heartbeat, feeling like I was breathing through a straw and if my throat was going to close up on me, a weird raspy feeling when I exhale, spasm in my throat, a inner feeling of doom, headaches and dizzy feeling. \r\nWith daily meditation/relaxation exercise, forcing myself to walk at least 30 minutes a day, forcing myself to get up to my job, and now the amitripyline (anti-depressant) that taken away throat symptoms and shaking/inner doom feeling, I'm still left with trying to find out how to stop the overbreathing feeling. \r\nIm seeing a functional doctor who is having me do biofeedback breathing exercises twice a day for the next 6 weeks before I follow up with him again. \r\nI started the amitripyline after my doctor recommended it. Its an old school antidepressant. I saw other people using it and said their symptoms very slowly after 6months went away. Look up on google: anxiety induced hyperventilation syndrome mayo clinic case study. Youll see patients on this antidepressant who said it cured them. Im on 20 mg now and in a week will move up to 30mg. I started with 10 mg.\r\nI know all this happened from trauma that happened in my life because before a couple months before the trauma happened I was completely fine and a very happy person. Its amazing anxiety can cause the mind to make ones body have these crazy symptoms. My doctor said he had a patient who was temporarily blind from anxiety. There was nothing organically wrong with the person but his mind gave him the symptom of feeling he could not see. So, anxiety has done this to is. Please keep me posted if you find anything that cures your breathing and Ill keep you posted as well. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T19:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "I've had it for a month. I had it about 12 years ago, and at that time it lasted for a few years. But I knew less back then, and feel better equipped to deal with it this time.\r\n\r\nThere are good days and bad days. Like you, I try to force myself to do normal things, and try not to let my breathing to stop me too much. What helps me a lot is yoga. When I move with yoga, my breathing feels better. The other thing is to try soft, slow breathing. Usually, I am doing very effortful, deep breaths. But with hyperventilation, we are already breathing too much.\r\n\r\nI haven't figured it out yet, and I have some random bad days. But you sound like you are doing all the right things. I'm sure you will start to feel better very soon.\r\n\r\nWhat biofeedback breathing exercises are you doing?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T21:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "HI,\r\n\r\nI have been going through this for 3 months now and it's horrible. But the worst is that recently, I've been feeling lightheaded and feeling of faint. My pain moves around my body. Sometimes my chest then my feet then my head....\r\n\r\nAny updates and advise? " ], "date": [ "2021-04-18T00:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is exactly how I feel! Came out of nowhere. Thinking of each breath, struggling to get that deep breath for some relief, and panicking if that doesn't happen. And experiencing breathlessness ALL DAY!\r\n\r\nQuestion for all here: was you breathing fast? I counted, and I do 10 breaths per minute, which is actually on slow side. So how can I be hyperventilating? Do you have to breathe fast, or can you hyperventilate while still having normal breaths per min?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T23:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gen671-1441671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello friend. Broke my heart to read your post as I 100% relate and have the EXACT same thing. I too have self diagnosed with chronic hyperventilation syndrome and it certainly sounds like that’s what you’re dealing with as well. I’m 28 female and have had this breathing problem for at least 10 years maybe more. For the longest time I didn’t know what it was and it got to a point where it was so bad one night I made my dad drive me to the hospital as I thought I was gunna die because I could not catch a good breath no matter what I did. I went to emerg and they told me nothing was going on and that it was in my head. Well needless to say I didn’t like that answer but went home and sat with it. That same night I started doing some research online, this was about 8 or so years ago. I came across a post a girl had made on Yahoo talking about a breathing problem she was having and it was identical symptomS to what you and I are dealing with. When she mentioned the yawning and never being able to get a satisfying breath I was like WOW THATS ME!! I had never read of anyone else having this problem before. These days, it seems it’s being talked about more and more. In her post she also said that her mom had the same problem and she felt as though she subconsciously picked it up from her mom because they lived together and we’re always around eachother. This also completely resonated with me as my mom has had this issue for a long long time as well and I wouldn’t be surprised if I subconsciously took it on from her. Watching her constantly taking those extra big breaths, it became habit. I believe she took it on from stress. And I’m sure this is how it starts for most people. And mine certainly is amped up when I’m stressed. back when I read that girls post explaining her situation she also explained how she was able to start helping herself. And it was indeed all about breathing techniques. Now this next part might be hard to hear but let me tell you, it has helped me deal with this condition immensely. We THINK we need more air and bigger and better breaths. But we don’t. We take these big huge breaths or yawn a million times to get that satisfying breath but all of this is actually working against us and making it worse. It was described to me like this- imagine there are these little bungee cords on the side of your ribs just above your hips. When we take these extra big gasping breaths we are actually tightening those bungee cords making it harder to get more air. So, in order to help, the trick is to really slow down your breathing and take calm breaths as much through your nose as possible. Now at first, this will feel nearly impossible and it will feel like your making things worse but after forcing yourself to do it for a bit, and I mean really forcing yourself, you will feel some relief. Also, lying on your back is not good try lying on your side. Again, it will feel extremely difficult to do this calmer slower breathing but just remember you’re not gunna die. Your body will not allow you to just stop breathing. Mind over matter. Also, try to belly breathe. This is also challenging but so helpful. When you take in air your belly should fill and rise, and when you exhale your belly should fall. Once I really started focusing on this kind of breathing whenever I’d have a really bad breathing episode it started getting easier and easier to manage. I still have the issue but it’s manageable and I never feel like I’m about to die or pass out. I can do everything i want as far as physical activity and it doesn’t get in the way. I pray with all my heart the same can come for you. Please reach out if you have any more questions. Wishing you the best " ], "date": [ "2022-09-22T09:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
Chronic Hyperventilation syndrome
<p>Hi, I&#39;m a 29 year old male and for about 8 or 9 years now I&#39;ve had what the doctors have told me is &quot;anxiety&quot; but myself doesn&#39;t feel anxious and have come across chronic hyperventilation syndrome. I feel as if this is what I have. Over the years I&#39;ve had 3 ecg test a asthma test and a oxygen level test and all come back normal also had ambulances to the the house as felt was having heart attack an would die. My day consists of waking up and everysinle breathe I take I think about I just cannot forget about it. I constantly feel short of breath get chest pains. But most off all I yawn hundreds if not thousands of times a day just to get a breath and one yawn to get breathe can last 15 p 20 seconds then feel dizzy as stopped all oxygen getting to my brain. Best why I describe it to my family is my breathing is like a car that is running out of petrol and needs more to carry on. My breath feels like my body is empty so I need more and I have to yawn to get this breath. I fear it&#39;s life threatening and it&#39;s so scary. I used to play football 4 times a week now I don&#39;t do nothing no excersises at all as I will run n think damn what about my breathing then would start to yawn n the cycle continues. It&#39;s not just certain times its every second of every day I have to yawn to get a satisfying breath and I just want to live normal. Can anyone help or tell me what they think could be or anything. Sorry it&#39;s such a long message just so fed up of feeling this way all day every day and my only rest bite is when I&#39;m asleep. Hope to hear some replies. </p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/piet35735-1229766" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nAs a recovered alcoholic I have to tell you it has nothing to do with being strong, the only way out is with help and once you get that help and stop drinking , everything else falls into place and you become stronger. It cannot happen the other way around.\r\n\r\nI do wish you enough strength to take that very first step which is to find some help." ], "date": [ "2023-05-05T15:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mental-illness-799825?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/piet35735-1229766" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i agree with sasical. an experienced professional counselor, can be a great benefit to you! You really need support right now, and it’s next to impossible to figure it all out yourself. For the sake of your children, and also yourself, please reach out and get that support. It would definitely make a huge difference in the lives of your children as well as yourself. the \r\ncounselor can give you resources also. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-06T13:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mental-illness-799825?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Mental Illness
Hi All I am in a toxic relationship and my past relationship is also very toxic, yet i did have a set of twins with the fist one. I now need to drink in order to express my concern to there mother or she just dominates me. What are my kids chances as im like this? Anything I can do to be a stronger person?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I'm really sorry that you are going through this. Are you on any medication for GAD, as these can have an impact on blood pressure, heart rate etc... Anxiety can be linked to all sorts of physical symptoms, but it's best to go and get the dizziness checked out by your GP. It does sound like you could be suffering from some health anxiety related issues, however, you should pay the GP a visit to confirm that everything is OK. \r\n\r\nI wish you the very best, and remember to be kind to yourself..." ], "date": [ "2023-05-04T10:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-799782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Does anyone here experienced these kinds of symptoms, Im so anxious I want to live longer but these symptoms kept hanging me in a dark room - slow heart rate after laughing so hard - yawning excessively these symptoms doesnt show when Im working out but when I dont do something or stuck in home in several days I feel these heaviness in my body, dizziness when standing. - I also get unsteadiness when bending down or just looking down, I cant go outside no more brcause of this cause I feel like falling off or lose my balance (im thinking this is bppv cause of health anxiety) - digestive problems (constantly diarrhea and checking color of stool yellow) - I dont know if the symptoms are real or just caused by my anxious mind, - can I be anxious even when I think Im not - Im suffering from GAD for 6 years. - For 2 years Im okay - and now Im so back with severe setbacks and new symptoms although other symptoms maybe gone but new one appears - Does everyone feel the heart slow or fast and doctor say fine? Cause i havent been in a cardiologist and because of that im scared thinking I sort of having a heart issues if you would say you experienced that and doctor said its okay, is it possible for me that this is just caused by anxiety and not other way around? - cause ive searched and it said vasovagal syncope which can lead to serious heart problems and Im so scared. Godbless to answers!

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