[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandi32309-133569" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You need to be more confident and love yourself more. Accept your self and others will too. Yes there is a good chance this is anxiety or you are causing anxiety from the way you think. \r\n\r\nWe all get aches and pains. I do almost everyday and I am a healthy woman. I am 34. However, worry and anxiety causes more aches and pains and definitely tiredness. \r\n\r\nYou shouldn't cancel your holidays. You need time to go enjoy yourself and to get your mind off your worries for a little while.\r\n\r\nWe all have worries all the time. Try not to let small stuff get to you. Take things one day at a time. Take time to do more for yourself. Extra time to try a new hair do, try new make up, something that makes you feel more better about yourself. \r\n\r\nI am sure you are not a freak by any means. We all come down on ourselves once in a while but we have to stop being so hard on ourselves. \r\n\r\nWe are women and we are strong. You be strong, take control and try and fight these negative thoughts and worries. Dont be scared to go to your doc. You are not wasting their time. They get paid for that and that is their job.If we all thought we were wasting the doc's time, they wouldnt have a job right? \r\n\r\nTell your doc how your feeling, look into some support groups in your area and tale to a close friend who you can trust and tell them how you are feeling. If they are real friends, they will understand and help you though it. Believe me, you are totally normal and there is nothing wrong with you for worrying. Just dont worry so much about what others think. \r\n\r\nBe happy and proud of who you are and love yourself. Thats all you can do. Thats all we anyone can do. \r\n\r\nDefinitely take that Holiday and enjoy it to the fullest. Dont let your mind and thoughts control your life. You be strong and fight this anxiety. I know its hard but you can do it. I have been dealing with anxiety for 18 yrs since I was 14 and although I have bad days, I decided one day that I AM NOT going to let me insecurities and silly thoughts take over my life. I deserve better and so do you...Dont ever forget that!!!! " ], "date": [ "2014-03-24T14:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/what-is-wrong-with-me--145003?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Going over the same situations is not healthy. You sound a little OCD and must get help from a DR. for this before you can no longer control it. There is a chemical imbalance many times in people and they don't seek help. By reliving the past, you are not giving time for the future. Good Luck." ], "date": [ "2014-03-24T14:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/what-is-wrong-with-me--145003?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nhave you thought about your image a lot when looking in the mirror? Does this cause you to worry even more? I think maybe that you might or might not have an anxiety concerned with your personal image and the way that people view you. Also are you eating OK? If not you may have an eating disorder. so go and see someone (if these questions have some truth) for advice." ], "date": [ "2014-03-24T20:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/what-is-wrong-with-me--145003?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
What is wrong with me!
Cant handle feeling like this no more. I’ve just turned 20; I’ve always been a shy girl but after leaving school and getting a job my confidence grew and I became an outgoing girl who loved going out with friends. However for the past year now I’ve been changing. And the worst thing is I don’t know what has triggered it. I can’t go to the doctors because I feel as if I’m wasting their time. I also feel guilty for feeling like this as there are people out there in worse situations! I have no reason to complain as I have a job and the best family and friends you could get. I constantly worry about everything, especially of what people think of me. If I go out, the next day is the worst, even if I haven’t drunk I need a friend to reassure me and tell me every detail of the night. Sometime I just suffer and don’t ask my friends because I feel as if they are sick of me and think I’m being silly. If I do drink which is hardly ever I could literally send myself insane with the questions I ask myself. My appearance is really bad also. Sometime I feel like I don’t want to leave the house or I actually don’t leave the house because of the way I look. It takes a lot of courage to get out the house and when I do go out I feel as if everyone is looking at me. I’m getting so spotty because I feel run down and my bags under my eyes are atrocious. Without fail I am sick before a night out. I constantly think of horrible scenarios in my head and believe that they are going to happen. I’m tired of being tired and having aching pains, I’ve been to the doctors about this and my bloods come back ok which I don’t understand. What is causing me to feel this tiered? I’m scared to tell people about the way I’m feeling in case they think I’m being pathetic and tell other people. It’s never ending Cycle. It’s getting me so down but I can’t show emotion as people will ask questions. I try to put on a brave face and try to act like the confidant girl I us to be, but inside its killing me. I feel as if I’m a freak. How am I meant to get help if I can t even help myself and go to the doctors. What if my symptoms aren’t even signs of anxiety? What if I’m being pathetic and everyone feels this way? There are too many what Ifs. I’m meant to be going on holiday with the girls but I’m going to cancel it due to the way I feel.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patient97-165280" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "23 years is really long time. I certainly appreciate your patience and resilience. Let me tell you something about my own experience. I suffered from anxiety and depression for around 6-7 years. I consulted many doctors. But no use. The problem was not solving ! Then I started studying many things myself. And I realized that doctors do not go to basics. They just keep on prescribing anxiolytes / anti-depressants which do not cure the root cause. It just cures symptoms. By studying, I came to know that the root of problem lies in vitamins, amino acids and hormonal imbalance. I started trying many nutritional supplements. and also did several blood tests. I finally found that I had sever deficiency of vit B12 and vit D. And just correcting these deficiency solved my problem. \r\n\r\nSo basically my advice is start reading yourself. There is lot of material on internet. Try vitamin supplements. Specifically Vitamins B1, B6, B9, B12, D, magnesium are very important for well being of nervous system. You can try them individually. If this does not help you can also try amino acid supplements like 5-HTP and L-tyrosine. In addition you can test your thyroid and adrenal profile. Make sure that your hormones are in correct range. And in addition to that thee are certain rare conditions like mytral valve prolapse which can cause anxiety. Please ask your doctor to rule out every possibility by doing required investigation. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-22T17:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/coming-off-a-lot-of-medication-144881?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sjhonan75-165367" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi and thanks so much for replying. I have studied a lot also and done research. I have just been to my local vitamin shop and stocked up. Some probiotics, omega 3 some multivitamins and echinea. I am looking forward to starting a new chapter !! My hormone level and thyroid have been tested and are fine. I have to agree with you about doctors. They just write a prescription and fob ya off. I am taking control of my body now :) I will investigate amino acids and magnesium also. I thank you so much for taking the time to reply and help xx" ], "date": [ "2014-03-22T20:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/coming-off-a-lot-of-medication-144881?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patient97-165280" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Its good to know that you are aware about this. But make sure that you try vitamins / amino acids one by one (in their prescribed range only). Generally what happens is we are deficient in one or two vitamins only. But most of the tablets come as muti-vitamin tablets. And they have very less quantities of each vitamins. So this does not solve problem and secondly we can't understand which Vitamin is really making difference. " ], "date": [ "2014-03-24T10:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/coming-off-a-lot-of-medication-144881?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Coming off A LOT of medication
Currently I am on VENLAFAXINE 300mg a day ESCITALOPRAM 20mg a day BUSPIRONE 20mg a day Been on these and other forms of medication for 23 years now. I am finally at the stage where I want to take control of my life once and for all. I am going to discuss with my GP and hopefully come up with a plan to taper. I know it will probably take about 12 months to get completely off them. Many years ago I was self medicating with valuim I ended up having to be institutilised when I went cold turkey. It was the hardest time ever !! So now I will do it properly. Has anyone else gone through something similar ? I would appreciate any help !! Many Thanks xx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "maybe it is the other way round and you are suffering because of his behaviour. If you are going to survive \r\ntogether you need to understand each other.\r\n\r\nOn the cat front sometimes ill treatment in the past may mean that they behave a certain way. The previous owner may have been a male who was cruel to the cat for example.\r\n\r\nAnyway good luck and remember there are plenty more men around if this one is being too much for you to bear.\r\n\r\nRichard" ], "date": [ "2014-03-23T21:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-to-do--144956?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandi32309-133569" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You go talk to your doc asap and try to do some cbt. ( cognitive behavioural therapy) and tell them what you are dealing with. YOU are not alone and I am going through the same thing. I have health anxiety and it is very scary. The longer you wait to go get help the longer you will suffer with this and the ones you love will suffer too. \r\n\r\nWhen someone doesn't have anxieties like us, they don't understand what were going through. It's so hard to live like this and you need to talk to someone now. You don't wanna waste your life worrying. I've been going through this since I was 14. I'm 34 now. What kind of things cause your anxiety? " ], "date": [ "2014-03-23T21:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-to-do--144956?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stellarvore-165872" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was going to make a doctor appointment tomorrow as enough is enough. The last time they gave me a self help booklet that worked for a bit but it's not helping to control my emotions now. I'm really unsure what sets me off, I get extremely nervous at the prospect of having to set foot out my comfort zone. I get nervous over silly things like if my partner didn't like the meal I'd made. The whole situation with the cat as well. I desperately want to make the cat happy and regardless how hard I try, she doesn't seem to care and it upsets me.\r\n\r\nI get extremely frustrated with myself as well. I get angry at myself for getting upset, then I get upset at that. It's a vicious circle." ], "date": [ "2014-03-23T22:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-to-do--144956?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandi32309-133569" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am no professional but in my opinion you need to be more confident in yourself and do to expect too much from yourself. We are only human. Do the best you can. As for the cat, maybe it's getting neg vibes from you. Try and be calm, happy and slowly approach the cat. He/she will come around. That's a very minor thing to get upset over. Let it come naturally. We had a cat that loved my husband more than me. No big deal. As I'm sure you want the cat to like you, don't read into it so much. \r\n\r\nI make meals all the time that my husband doesn't like lol some he loves some not so much. If he died by he doesn't. Don't let little things bother you as much. Take it day by day and do your best. We can only do the best we can. Don't be so hard on yourself. You need someone to talk to they will help you understand that it's ok to make mistakes and it is totally normal for everyone make mistakes. You have too many high expectations of yourself so work on that. Be proud of what you can do and don't worry so much about the small stuff" ], "date": [ "2014-03-23T22:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-to-do--144956?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandi32309-133569" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I meant if he does he does if he doesn't he doesn't ( not dies) lol dumb autocorrect" ], "date": [ "2014-03-23T22:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-to-do--144956?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stellarvore-165872" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's all these silly little things adding up. Plus trying to get settled in our new home. Im waiting on my work start date so I'm worrying about money. My partner seems really sad about moving away from his friends at times, and I understand that. He has his own anger issues he needs to deal with, but he can't deal with me being so upset at times. I need to get myself back on track, you're right, I don't need to be so hard on myself. I feel guilty when I do maybe treat myself sometimes as well. I worry about everything, sometimes things that don't even need to be thought about. It makes me feel hopeless and a let down to everyone. \r\nI haven't just sat around wollowing in selfpity though. I've recently joined an evening class that I'm enjoying. I'm hoping I can maybe make some new friends and whatnot.\r\n\r\nI feel like I'm moaning again. I'm sorry." ], "date": [ "2014-03-23T23:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-to-do--144956?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandi32309-133569" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Don't ever be sorry. Take things slow and do what you can to make small improvements one by one. Take one day at a time. If you notice you focus too much on something, try and work on that first then move on to the next etc....,\r\n\r\nWe all have things big and small we obsess about and focus on too much. We as women put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do too much and to please others. It takes a toll after a while and you feel like your losing control. As I said, we are only human. Start your day of thinking positive tell yourself your gonna have a good day and don't put so much pressure on yourself. Talk to your partner and show him these articles so maybe he can understand it a bit and see that your not alone in this. My husband has a hard time understanding this too. \r\n\r\nI'll be here to chat anytime if ya need to.." ], "date": [ "2014-03-24T03:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-to-do--144956?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandi32309-133569" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "As for your partner, it will be hard on him leaving his friends but as long as you guys stick by each other, communicate always, things will be ok." ], "date": [ "2014-03-24T03:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-to-do--144956?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I don't know what to do :(
Hey, I'm just new to this group. I needed to find somewhere I could talk to people who maybe feel the same way I do. I feel hopelessly lost just now and I'm not sure what to do. I've got anxiety issue and have had for a few years now. I've been taking propranolol to help control it, which it has done successfully for a long time. Lately I've been feeling horrendous though. Easily wound up, nervous a lot and just not myself. Those familiar anxiety issues have reappeared. It's getting slightly out of hand and I'm getting so upset all the time over nothing. We recently relocated up the country and also rehomed a new cat. Everything is just fine, apart from the cat taking a huge disliking to me and being jealous of me being near my partner. Despite trying really hard to give her lots of love and attention, she just isn't interested and it's upsetting me even more. I've tried to explain it to my partner, and he just thinks I'm stupid. He won't hear what I have to say. All he says is, "she's a cat!". My partner is losing his temper with me a lot as I'm being grumpy and just anxious all the time. I know it's frustrating for him and I'm desperate to make myself feel better incase he leaves me. It'd break my heart. I love him dearly and I don't want him to suffer because of me. I need to try figure out what's wrong with me. I can't keep doing this anymore as it's not healthy. Help :(
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hiya,\r\nYes I get headache every day have done for months and months cannot get any relieve try hard not to take any meds, because of rebound headaches,so I do sympathise with you so bad have laid in bed all day sometimes just feels that if I could lift the scalp off it might go.Not much help I know except to tell you I have read your post and you are not alone and probably like you it is stress and depression they put it down to,have had MRI bloods all the tests.\r\n\r\nJoan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T17:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/quick-question-144827?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bmc-165233" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thankyou for posting! It always makes me feel better that I'm not alone. So you have had MRI done? That's what I'm so so afraid of.. I think when I have that done I should be much better. But like I said I'm really afraid to have that done... hats where most of my anxiety comes from " ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T18:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/quick-question-144827?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Please don't get stressed about that I was in a terrible state and I took a CD with me and they played that for me through headphones and I listened to that and did not open my eyes and it was over in no time.Honestly if you have to have one you can not be worse than me and it was just not worth the worry ((know easy said than done)) but please believe me. if you want to pm me feel free.\r\n\r\n\r\nTake Care\r\nJoan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T18:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/quick-question-144827?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, bmc,\r\nI share Joan's sentiments completely.\r\nForgive me; but what is it about having an MRI scan that worries you?\r\nI've had e'm. Is it clostraphobia? It's only like getting into a big smarty tube for an x-ray. Honestly, there's nothing to harm you, infact during the last one I had I was so relaxed I fell asleep!\r\nWhatever you do, we all wish you well here.\r\nAlex" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T22:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/quick-question-144827?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bmc-165233" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Alex, I'm a lil nervous about the MRI itself but I'm mainly scared about the results.. that's where my anxiety comes from.. so if this turns out good then my anxiety should be under control \r\nThankyou so much." ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T22:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/quick-question-144827?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi again bmc,\r\nglad you got back lastnight. Question.....was it that the headaches etc followed a referral for MRI. or the other way round?\r\nThe symptoms you describe are typical of anxiety related issues. I don't wish to be negative; but if your scan is ok, are you prepared to accept these symptoms may continue as a result of underlying anxiety?\r\nI truly hope everything is happily resolved for you soon." ], "date": [ "2014-03-22T21:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/quick-question-144827?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
quick question
I've had anxiety for not too long now ...I get the symptoms lik rapid heart beat and feeling flushed. I also get headaches and the headaches is what makes my anxiety worse bc everytime I get a headache I overthink it and tend to freak my self out and make my anxiety way worse. I was just wondering you guys get headaches a lot to?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loopyliz89-60918" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Ross, I have just recently been diagnosed with gad too and I am the exact same with the fatigue symptoms I am tired all the time just want to sleep have no energy and zero motivation to do anything. My gp told me it appears I am suffering with depression too as the above are classic signs of depression. Sometimes I juat go to bed so I dont have to feel so down. I don't really know how to improve this but just know you are not alone, ive been told to try and keep active and busy but its difficult when you just don't have the energy to do anything! If you come up with anything let me know, sorry Icouldn't be much help. Liz " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T15:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Your medication should help you have a more sound sleep. I suspect you may also suffer from sleep apnea if you are overweight. Your medication tends to make your drowsy so you should take it at night before going to bed." ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T15:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ross98355-133674" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "thanks for the reply, its hard to get people to believe me when i try and tell them how tired i feel all the time, this can also can make me very irritable. which is effecting my ability to work and also my relationship.\r\n. " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T15:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "losing a job is traumatic in these times. You could use some kind of an antidepressant to help focus your life and get back on track. Go and tell your Dr." ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ross98355-133674" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "elizabeth70142 i have asked about sleep apnea but doctor is convinced that it is a symptom of my anxiety/ depression, i believe that sertraline is part of the problem because of excessive rem sleep ie vivid dreaming." ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T15:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maz222-60897" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry your finding it so hard to to return to \"normal\" after my meds started to have some affect i had to forget about what i once did and consentrate on what i could do achevible goals accept that who i am is not who i once was and things had to be diffrent cause i am diffrent not the person i once was or capable of doing certain things life became easier for me once i accepted....hard to explain but it works for me good luck i hopefully once you start living your sleep pattern will teturn" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T16:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie24530-91804" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi ross\r\nIve been on 150mg of sertraline for about 3 years. Im always exhausted and I have mine at night time instead of day cause I would have slept all day if I could. Never attributed it to the extremely vivid dreams though. But It makes sense now you say it. To be honest the vivd dreams dont stop so I aint gonna lie. Maybe take it in the evening and if your not quite right go back to docs and they Might put you up to 150mg. I too lost my job and that's why I had my meds increased. It will get better and I had a good couple of decent years unfortunately for me they have stopped working so ive got to change them but same thing happened with citalopram so that's just me. I hope you get it sorted quickly and feeling better soon \r\nTake care\r\nNatalie" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T16:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codexali-133685" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Ross, My energy levels have been a problem for 65+ years. Narcolepsy was diagnosed in 1966, medication helped with this auto-immune disorder.January 2010 welcomed prostate cancer followed by gallbladder pain (advice-remove it). A free helicopter ride in 2012 led to being told I needed a triple heart bypass. My meetings with consultants however made me wonder if I was just a number. My body was under attack on four fronts. The expert in one field new little or nothing about the other three. I decided to decline the offer of NHS standard procedures and have since trawled through huge amounts of medical info on the internet.\r\nWhy did I end up this way? From all that I have learned, the most relevant is the importance of water. We are 70% water and if we fail to drink enough chemical free water every day (2 litres), we function badly. The bodies systems shut down. Fatigue is one result. On reflection, for the first 68 years of my life I drank very little of anything. Are you drinking plenty of water? (Do not go from zero to 2ltrs immediately) Also, what is your Vitamin D3 level? If it is inadequate you are not going to get well from anything. IMO it is dangerous to assume a medical person is aiming to cure you. Take control and ask awkward questions eg has the drug prescribed had all the known bad side effects published (unlikely) Good Luck!" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T17:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patient97-165280" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Ross, I have suffered for depression and anxiety for many years. Doctors keep us on anxiolytes / anti-depressants. Therapy also does not help. But ultimately I found that the root cause lies in deficiency of certain nutrients. Once you correct the deficiency, the problem resolves miraculously. I advice you to check your vitamin levels specifically - B12, B9, B6, B1, D. Also test your magnesium and blood sugar levels. Vit B12 and vit. D deficiencies are very common. Most likely you have B12 deficiency as you are getting daily fatigue.\r\n\r\nIf this does not resolve your problem, try to check your thyroid and adrenal gland functioning. Ask doctor to prescribe appropriate tests for that. All the best.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T06:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codexali-133685" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Ross, patient97 has given good advice. If you research on the internet to learn why you have become deficient in x/y/z, you have started a huge jig-saw! Gradually pieces slot in. Resolving any one is harder without a little knowledge of how they all interact eg a poor Vit D3 level does not increase if magnesium is absent. Nutrients is a key word. Time spent reading about nutrients will not be wasted. Modern farming methods have left the soil with few natural nutrients; today's crops have a lot less nutrients than 100 years back. Scientists have had their input, so that wheat for example is addictive (to increase sales). Sugar & sodium is added to manufactured food for the same reason-profit. Table salt has aluminium added to make it powdery. My view from research is that supermarket packaged food is lacking in nutrients. Someone like yourself will struggle to recover if that is all you eat. The additives add to the stress your immune system faces; the temperatures the products are heated to in the factory wipe out most of what goodness the crops had. Fresh fruit and veg are essential, along with adequate clean drinking water. There are huge profits made from drugs/medicines but this can only occur if people become ill. Is the supermarket food made with this in mind? Why are we not taught how to walk along a cliff edge without falling off? Are there too many with lucrative occupations treating (not curing) those who fall off again and again? IMO the more awareness of all these many factors you have, the better your chances of regaining and keeping your health." ], "date": [ "2014-03-22T19:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-disorder-fatigue-124174?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
anxiety disorder & fatigue
hi new to this forum, quite nervous about posting. i am looking for some feed back from other posters regarding there gad symptoms, i have always been an anxious person but three years ago i lost my job and things just went from bad to worse. i was diagnosed with gad for which i have been taking sertraline 100mg for over 7 months this has helped me regain some what of normal life again (what ever normal means) i still have anxiety but the most troubling problem i have is that i have contant daily fatigue i.e could sleep all day. never wake up feeling refreshed, making everyday tasks a struggle .
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Danielle,\r\n\r\nIts Lisa here. I was going to reply to your other message a bit later but I feel I have to answer this now. Yes unfortunately propranolol is unlikely to help you to get to sleep it is not a sedative. In fact if anything it is likely to disturb your sleep. I wanted to say this to you earlier when you stated that you were taking it but I didn't want to make you feel worse. It just isn't a drug that is used as a sleeping aid. It is more likely to help those with stage fright if anything.\r\n\r\nI know you're going to the doctor tomorrow. Are you in the UK? Because if you are it is very easy to just go to a different doctor in the practice if you are not getting anywhere with your current one. But obviously you have the appointment with this one so better make the best of it for now.\r\n\r\nFor gods sake just say that you need a sleeping pill that's what they are there for. It should be prescribed in the short term i.e. 2-4 weeks while you are waiting for your anti depressant to kick in as I know that you have only been taking it for 2 weeks.\r\n\r\nExplain your situation fully cry if you think it will help. It is unhealthy for anyone to go without sleep as long as you have and any doctor worth their salt should know this and prescribe you what you desperately need now. You need either temazepam or zopiclone something like that. Even prescribed at a low dose you would get some relief. \r\n\r\nI really hope your doctor is more compassionate tomorrow Danielle and that you get some results.\r\n\r\nI will reply to your other message later.\r\n\r\nTake care and good luck lisax\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-17T02:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey Lisa, yes I'm in the UK, West Yorkshire actually, if i don't get something to help me sleep tomorrow i am going to throw a paddy on the floor I'm that tired. \r\nIt just really p...annoys me because they told me they would help me sleep......i think they just wanted me to stop asking for things maybe..... Or lack if sleep is making me paranoid, not made my mind up which yet. \r\n\r\nIts hard for me Lisa, I'm really not confrontational, if the doctor tells me i need to give the tablets more time i just sit there and nod, i ask for a sleep aid, they say no, i sit there and nod. Just not got any fight left in me.\r\n\r\nbut like i said, I'm gunna either throw tablets at her or sit on the floor like a petulant child and cry my heart out.\r\n\r\nthanks again\r\n\r\nDanielle xxx " ], "date": [ "2014-03-17T02:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie24530-91804" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Danielle\r\n\r\nPropranolol made my anxiety worse and especially at night I had sleep panic attacks oh and some hallucinationsnice. I refused to have them for the bad patch I recently went through and doc put me on amitrypline 10mg. Its almost the lowest dose and its used alot more for pain and treating children who persistently wet the bed. So in low doses it's a relatively safe drug. I have it additionally to sertraline and other than feeling a bit drowsy It doesnt give me any bad side effects. I found it v calming and v helpful. So I would recommend giving up thd propranolol and asking for amitriptyline. My doc wanted to change me to venflaxine cause she said they work well together and less interaction and more sleepiness. I take my meds at night by the way so induces a better sleep. I was on sleepers but they tend to make you feel like you havent had a normal sleep found them a bit unnerving in that sense. But if they wont prescribe the trypt then I would at least as for the sleepers. \r\nTake care\r\nNatalie" ], "date": [ "2014-03-17T08:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Danielle,\r\n\r\nPropranolol is a rubbish medication for anything other than making you feel worse than what you already are a complete waste of time,these tablets are a throwback to the 70's and 80's when a certain Canadian snooker player called Bill Werbenieuck used them in place of his usual 16pts lager and booked his place in the quarter finals that year,god knows why they're thrown around at real anxiety sufferers suspect its cost.\r\n\r\nHowever mirtazapine,pregabilin,remeron,even amitryptiline,have sedative qualities although maybe amitryptiline is a bit too similar to Propranolol in my humble opinion,but may be fine for you.\r\n\r\nSo,yes,throw the tablets back to your doctor and tell him you need a medicine that will help you sleep.I'm sure that such medicines do exist,and not necessarily sleeping tablets.\r\n\r\nAnyway will leave you to ponder,why don't you do more checking online there are substances out there that will help,I found one but am not allowed to mention it unfortunately,perfectly legal,but......\r\n\r\n\r\nBest Wishes Malky Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-17T19:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Malcolm, why mention it if you cant tell me lol especially when I'm sleep deprived....frustrating.\r\n\r\nAnyways i went back to my doctors and yet again they said there was nothing they could give me to help sleep, just changed my propranolol from 40mg x3 a day to the slow release 80mg up to twice a day, said he's not promising it will help me sleep but it might...\r\nBut here i am, 1:20am and still no sleep, had to ask for another 2 week sick note aswel, i just cant go back to work the way i am at the moment. CBT doesn't start till the 26th, just feel like I'm wasting my doctors time if i go back though, asked 4 or 5 times now for something to help me sleep, they just keep saying no.\r\n\r\nWhat do i do guys, I'm getting desperate, this is every night, I just want to be able to fall asleep without the panic attacks, even though i don't get physical symptoms anymore, i still get the same shock and it wakes me up. \r\n\r\nJust down in the dumps, not at work, sick of panic attacks.....an all the doctors keep saying is \" give your medication chance to get in your system\" .... Right, but what do i do till then? And they have no answer.\r\n\r\nTold you Lisa, you should have come with me lol.\r\n\r\nDanielle x\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T01:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Danielle. \r\n\r\nI'm really sorry to hear that you are still having problems.\r\n\r\nIf it makes you feel any better my sleep hasn't been great the past few nights either lol.\r\n\r\nSo what reason does your doctor give for not giving you anything to help you sleep. Surely it cant just be no?\r\n\r\nI feel awful not being able to help you but I am honestly at a loss as I don't understand why your doctor is being so unreasonable about this.\r\n\r\nI still think it would be worth a try to speak to another doctor\r\n\r\nLisax" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T01:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've seen 3 different doctors now Lisa (all in the same practice) and they've all said they cant give me something to help me sleep :( don't know why actually, i never thought to ask. Could be because of the propranolol though, it says on most sleeping tablet boxes you cant take them with propranolol, think its because these slow tour heart down and sleeping tablets do the same, probably a risk of stopping my heart altogether....that's my theory anyway.\r\n\r\nI'm sorry to hear your not sleeping so well either, is everything ok? \r\n\r\nDanielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T02:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ok so I've just been reading through what CBT is and i really don't think its going to work for me because i know my fear is going to happen whether i want it too or not and its really starting to get on top of me.\r\n\r\nI'm scared of dying so i cant see a positive way of thinking about it, I'm sorry i just can't. This is why i don't think going to CBT is going to help, all these questions like 'do you think this fear is rational?' and 'is this fear going to actually happen?'.......well YES IT IS, so wtf do i do now?\r\n\r\n\r\nsorry for the rant but just reading through what CBT is has made me feel quite hopeless in the matter. Sorry.\r\n\r\n\r\nDanielle\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T03:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey guys, one more question if you wouldn't mind answering another?\r\n\r\nLike i said before I'm on propranolol 40mg x3 daily soon to be the 80mg slow release x2 daily....i just wondered if you can build up a tolerance to it? As I've taken my full dosage every day since i got them and they've been working great apart from the past 2 nights, I've started getting a pain in my right thigh, like cramp, and no amount of stretching is relieving it, is this normal? And I experienced a rapid heart rate and a short burst of adrenalin when i had a little panic attack tonight, i thought beta blockers were supposed to stop this exact thing? Can anyone help please? \r\n\r\nDanielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-22T00:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/any-other-suggestions--144664?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
any other suggestions??
Hey guys and gals.....Danielle again, listen, does anyone know if its Propranolol stopping me from getting to sleep because if it is im going to go throw them at my doctors head tomorrow.........like wise if anyone has any idea of an alternative medication i could take that would ease the symptoms of a panic attack yet allow me to drop the f**k off on a night i would very much appreciate a response and i look forward to hearing from you. sorry if in any way this message sounds crude or improper but i am rather tired and a bit miffed to be honest......i haven't had a decent nights sleep in almost 6 days. As always Love Danielle xxx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david7897-134541" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Danielle,\r\n CBT work has a good chance to help you understand how to break the cycle of negative thinking. Now you are feeling a bit better there will a bit of brain space available I think. You could make a start on this before the sessions start if you are up to it. My anxiety attacks turned me inside out, but with meds and CBT I am down to one in a few weeks and quite mild. I am very very relieved . Some thoughts :\r\nBe kind to yourself ( the Compassionate Mind by Paul Gilbert). I had no idea.\r\nBecome aware of your thoughts and create alternatives to the repeating thought. I used to have a little script. Not to be funny, but it's rather like saying the Lords Prayer as a child or singing a hymn. Who'd have thought that Sunday school would be useful?\r\nThe actual recurring negative thought, how real is it, will it in fact ever happen, will it be as bad as you think, what else could happen to reduce it or make it never happen. Write it down and all the positives around it that you can think of. Read it, say it, think it (only the positives).\r\nThese are mind games to help us break the cycle of negative thoughts that co exist with the anxiety and low mood. For me I am not sure which is the chicken and which is the egg, but moving my thoughts to a better place has certainly helped.\r\n\r\n Hang in there. David." ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T07:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/doing-well-i-think-s-144791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patient97-165280" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Do you have any other symptoms like - \r\nConstipation / fatigue / do not feel fresh when you wake up in morning ? \r\nDo you get sick (cough, cold, fever) frequently than others ?\r\nDo you feel tingling sensation in your fingers, palms or any other part of limbs ? Or do you have weakness in your limbs ?\r\nDo you feel numb / depressed ?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T11:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/doing-well-i-think-s-144791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "David, thank you for the reply, unfortunately yes my reoccurring thought will happen, do doubt. So i kind of worry about it ALL THE TIME. I try to distract myself, it doesn't work after a while.\r\n\r\nAnd patient97 yes i do feel like crap when i wake up in the morning and feel fatigue all day. I feel depressed on and off during the day, more on than off. I don't get anything else. Why do you ask?\r\n\r\nDanielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T22:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/doing-well-i-think-s-144791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ok so I've just been reading through what CBT is and i really don't think its going to work for me because i know my fear is going to happen whether i want it too or not and its really starting to get on top of me.\r\nI'm scared of dying so i cant see a positive way of thinking about it, I'm sorry i just can't. This is why i don't think going to CBT is going to help, all these questions like 'do you think this fear is rational?' and 'is this fear going to actually happen?'.......well YES IT IS, so wtf do i do now?\r\n\r\nsorry for the rant but just reading through what CBT is has made me feel quite hopeless in the matter. Sorry.\r\n\r\nDanielle" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T03:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/doing-well-i-think-s-144791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maz222-60897" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Give c.b.t a chance it is amazing what you do pick up....there may be weeks when you come away and think w.t.f was that all about and some weeks it all falls into place...igo bk to work nxt week i hope i can still fit c.bt around it....is it 1to 1 or group work c.b.t that they want you to attend? X" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T05:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/doing-well-i-think-s-144791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm not sure to be honest, i just know i get to take someone with me the first time so probably group?? " ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T13:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/doing-well-i-think-s-144791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maz222-60897" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Groups are good someone might bring up your fears with out you even menitioning it....my fear is not of dying but by being a burden to my family with illness...i think i'm overcoming it now....it's still a posibility unlike your fear which at some point is going to happen....difficult 1 that sorry i couldn't be of more help take care x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T14:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/doing-well-i-think-s-144791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for the help you were able to provide anyway, and hopefully CBT is going to help me live my life fully, even if it only reduces my problem its better than nothing.\r\n\r\nThanks again\r\n\r\nDanielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T15:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/doing-well-i-think-s-144791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Doing well.....I think :-s
Hey guys, Just a quick update and in need of some advice if anyone's got any. So been almost 3 weeks now on the venlafaxine and the propranolol and i can honestly say they are working for me like i treat. I've not had a full blown panic attack in just over a week now and am feeling better in myself. I couldn't have gotten through it without all of your support though, even when i was posting on here more times than i should have, you all stuck with me and provided me with the help, advice and support i needed. Now I've been through hell and back and am glad I'm finally on that road to recovery, just have to start my CBT on the 26th and hopefully things will just get better from there. Now the advice.....yes the propranolol is taking away almost all of the physical symptoms of the panic attacks, there starting to have less of an effect as before and I'm starting to get small heart palpitations and a little of an adrenalin rush at times but my doctor just upped my dose from 40mg x3 daily to the slow release 80mg up to twice daily and my venlafaxine gets upped in 2 weeks which I'm looking forward to getting even better results from. The problem is I still cant get myself to block out the reoccurring thought on a night that causes my panic attacks, no matter how much i try to block it out, it fights its way through, this is bringing back, slowly, the insomnia i was suffering from before, this is starting to bring on some of the depression from lack of sleep and the fear of going to bed is creeping back meaning the anxiety is too. My doctor told me today that propranolol does usually have less of an effect of the system the longer you've been taking it (yes apparently now 3 weeks is long) and that's why he's upped my dosage. I just wondered if anyone had any advice around getting a better nights sleep so these other issues don't slowly start taking over again. I'd hate to take 3 steps forward and 1 back, if you know what i mean. Any advice would be most helpful and appreciated. Danielle x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/spookshowbaby-165414" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey, at least if you try it you can cross it from your list of things you have tried to make you happy and relieve your fear a little. It may work. They will teach you techniques to help with your negative thoughts on your fear xx\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T04:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-dont-think-cbt-is-going-to-work-for-me--144844?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "But I, myself cant see a positive way of thinking about it and I've been suffering with panic attacks for the past 8 years over the same thing. And what am i supposed to feel positive about it anyway? Can you see where I'm coming from? \r\n\r\nDanielle" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T04:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-dont-think-cbt-is-going-to-work-for-me--144844?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bmc-165233" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Danielle, I completely get where your coming from. I have the same fear as you. " ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T04:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-dont-think-cbt-is-going-to-work-for-me--144844?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy89817-102245" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "CBT doesn't just identify and find reason in your thoughts, it retrains your thoughts. If you give it a go, at least you've tried. I was sceptical at first, but it helps, especially with someone there supporting you the whole way. I had/have a fear of being ill, I have a severely debilitating chronic disease, so me being ill is inevitable too . Perhaps you should try hypnotherapy." ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T07:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-dont-think-cbt-is-going-to-work-for-me--144844?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Danielle,\r\nHope you don't mind my comments.\r\nIn the past I've undergone 2 periods of CBT each lasting about a year.\r\nThe first thing is, there's someone actually there listening. And prompting. That in itself can be very reassuring.\r\nMy main benefit from CBT was finding parts of me I'd forgotten, lost, supressed. You may realise your beliefs are based on past events which at the time you dealt with in the best way you knew how. This is all stored in your subconscious and influences your decisions and reactions now. Often past events are buried because they are uncomfortable in some way.\r\nDue to my upbringing I had to deal with a lot that was just normal to me then. That's the kind of foundation that underline who you are. You may discover through CBT that some things that influence your mind from within could be a lot different looked at from a different perspective. \r\nI honestly believe everyone would gain useful profound insight into their character and the world around them. It's a journey of discovery into YOU.\r\nIn that way some problems just melt away.\r\nIt may not make things perfect, but you will know a lot more about who you are, and hopefully be a richer person.\r\nGood luck" ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T12:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-dont-think-cbt-is-going-to-work-for-me--144844?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks everyone, I honestly feel a little bit more positive about the CBT now, still sceptical, but I'm sure I'll make my mind up when i actually see what it is. I think its my mind, subconscious, or whatever, setting me up to fail because of my scepticism.\r\nI will try it, just need to get these nagging doubts out of my head first.\r\n\r\nThanks again\r\n\r\nDanielle " ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T13:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-dont-think-cbt-is-going-to-work-for-me--144844?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I dont think CBT is going to work for me :(
Ok so I've just been reading through what CBT is and i really don't think its going to work for me because i know my fear is going to happen whether i want it too or not and its really starting to get on top of me. I'm scared of dying so i cant see a positive way of thinking about it, I'm sorry i just can't. This is why i don't think going to CBT is going to help, all these questions like 'do you think this fear is rational?' and 'is this fear going to actually happen?'.......well YES IT IS, so wtf do i do now? sorry for the rant but just reading through what CBT is has made me feel quite hopeless in the matter. Sorry. Danielle
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jossy80-165503" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi BMC.I was the same about a year ago, i was so anxious. The best MRI to go to is \"open mri\", its not enclosed. It makes a weird noise, reminded me of Alien music, so i stayed positive and danced with my toes to it. Its not bad at all.Definitely look into open MRI though. Good luck." ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T21:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-need-some-reinsurrance-please--144837?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bmc-165233" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thankyou very much. I will def look into that. I'm just so worried about the outcome." ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T21:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-need-some-reinsurrance-please--144837?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jossy80-165503" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Not to be nosey, but what outcome are you worried about? Sorry, just asking to see if it was the same as mine." ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T22:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-need-some-reinsurrance-please--144837?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bmc-165233" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Well what triggered my anxiety so bad is one day I googled what could be the cause of headaches and brain tumor showed up. Now I'm beyond scared about that.." ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T23:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-need-some-reinsurrance-please--144837?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jossy80-165503" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have learned not to Google stuff:) It makes you worry more than you were in the first place! Headaches can be from anxiety as well.Dont think the worst:)" ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T23:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-need-some-reinsurrance-please--144837?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bmc-165233" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yeah I've def learned my lesson to not google stuff that's wrong with me." ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T23:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-need-some-reinsurrance-please--144837?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike1969-165129" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Best to have the necessary tests now I would say. Yes google can provide all sorts of answers so its best to get the professionals to provide the answers..." ], "date": [ "2014-03-21T08:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-need-some-reinsurrance-please--144837?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
i need some reinsurrance please!
I'm trying to get the courage up to go have an MRI done on my head to make sure everything's good.. that's the main reason for my anxiety.. does anyone get bad headaches and have had this done? And if so was everything ok? I'm just not sure what to do..
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Congrats Liz tough call but you made it,now do it as oft as you can and maybe you will get this under control,the victory is won,now let the battle begin,once again,well done.\r\n\r\n\r\nRegards Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T22:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-positive-post-144777?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kennybhoy-45666" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Liz,\r\nI respect you for your post and I have utmost respect for your grind to get through your day,\r\nGood attitude and good luck\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T06:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-positive-post-144777?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Well done, Liz. Brilliantly handled situation." ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T15:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-positive-post-144777?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
a positive post
So I just wanted to share a positive post with everyone on this site, many times I have been at my lowest and come here for help trying to find out im not the only one feeling like I was and many of timea I have noticed there aren't many success stories. I am not cured and my anxiety hasn't gone but I wanted to share this today to maybe give some positive thoughts to someone feeling at their lowest today (I hope this makes sense). So I haven't suffered with anxiety for as long as others, probably about 6 months, it started off as mild panic attacks gradually getting stronger and stronger til the point I was depressed also (I have suffered with depression for many years but never anxiety).so exactly 17 days ago I started on citalopram 20mgand propanolol 40mg at that point I was at my worst for the first two weeks the anxiety was sky high the panic attacks were absolutely awful, I wouldn't widh them on my worse enemy, my mood was worse than low and I was ready to quit my dream job. Life was hard I wanted to sleep it away so I wouldn't have to feel. However this week has been different, yes I have had a few minor attacks I have still felt at times that I am not myself, things arent real and I have been to the point where I have not done something as I have felt so nervous, anticipating an anxiety attack I have changed my routine but then today after having a week off work I felt nervous all last night and all morning about going in. So I get in to work eventually and I feel nervous but I keep thinking to myself loud and clear in my head, I can do this, its ok, I am positive I am not negative about my life. So my supervisor says we are having a meeting about your development is that ok? So I am so scared I want to go home ao much I leave my coat on. My palms sweat so much wprse than ever my before they are dripping and my vision starts blurring in the middle of the meeting! I was ready to ask to go to the toilet when I say to myself very load and clear in jy head NO I wll get through this I WILL be ok im not going mad, im not going to collapse and faint and make a show and I will have a good day! My palms still sweated but my vision went ok and I began to calm down. The meeting ended and I acrried on with the rest of the day with only one additional blip! I am so so proud abd I just wanted to share this with everyone to say at some point you will also have this moment, it may not be everyday but its a start be positive and try your bloody hardest to aim for this because it can happen! Thanks guys. Liz!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mango6-60687" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi ya can I ask what physical symptoms are the proprapol working on I've tried so many pills but nothing helps.ive had one session of hypnotherapy but been so ill last few weeks have to keep cancelling appointments.how long have you been ill xx " ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T08:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hypnotherapy could work for you but cbt is a definite must. I have tried it and it turns negative thoughst into positive thoughts. With practice your troubles should ease.\r\n\r\nRichard" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T09:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike1969-165129" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have tried some treatments but CBT looks like an option for my anxiety/nervousness issues" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T13:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ye the propranolol stops the release of adrenalin, so my heart doesn't race, i don't get tremors, the blind panic rush, the sweats, tingly hands or feet.....just completely took the physical side of them away.....i must admit i am starting a higher dose because mine aren't working as well anymore, but the only thing you have to compete with is the mental side of things, like my panic attacks are triggered by one specific thought (i wont get into that now) but its 90% easier to deal with because now all i have to do is distract my mind.....ye i still get the shock awake panic attacks (i have them at night when i try to sleep) but they only last a few seconds, then i take about half an hour to fully make sure I'm back in control and i try to go back to bed.....it honestly does make life easier, the only thing i have to do now is calm my anxiety because I'm just waiting for the physical side of the panic attack to come on, but they never do.....my heart stays at a steady pace, there's no adrenaline rush, i don't feel panicked at all, its just that first initial shock.\r\nI'd recommend trying it, really i would, my days are calmer, i sleep longer.......not better though, i have very vivid dreams and don't feel like I've fully rested.....im afraid this is my only side effect from them.\r\n\r\nHope this helps \r\n\r\nDanielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T20:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Oh and P.S I've been suffering with panic attacks for 8 years now, and this is the first time I've sought medical help" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T20:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bmc-165233" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I'm sorry I can't help you with that ...I've just recently got bad anxiety ... Can anyone tell me if you've tried hydroxyz hcl before? And if you did how'd you like it? I just recently got prescribed that and I'm not sure about taking it " ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T21:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Well Danielle have tried both unsuccessfully,and all I can say is give it a try and see for yourself,as I said to you before we are all different,and some treatment works for some but not for others.\r\n\r\nBut what have you got to lose? Try it!" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T22:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "£50 per session, that's what i have to loose lol sorry but i came on here because there's no way NHS would pay for me to have hypnotherapy when they've already recommend CBT ..... I want to try both really and see which one works best for me. Now I'm willing to spend that amount of money on hypnotherapy IF it has at least worked for a few people, see I'm sceptical over what might work and its my partner that suggested it, so i thought id give it a whirl.\r\nJust want to hear its worked for a few people first.\r\nBut thanks for the feedback so far guys.\r\n\r\nLove Danielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T23:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david7897-134541" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I take Mirtazapine to help with anxiety. CBT also helped, but without the meds I never would have got to the sessions. On some people hypnotherapy just doesn't take, on others it can help. Have you been hypnotised before? As you have been suffering for a long time, it is likely it will take a while to improve and many sessions may be required. Hope you feel better soon. David." ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T23:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Nope never been hypnotized before, think that's why I'm so sceptical about it all, never really believed in it.....but like i said in willing to give anything a whirl.\r\n\r\nDanielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-20T00:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hypnotherapy--144740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Hey guys just a quick question, I've been referred for CBT but am looking into hypnotherapy also for my panic attacks and anxiety, the propranolol is working on the physical symptoms but not the mental ones so I'm still kind of having panic attacks but not in the same sense, and the venlafaxine is working on the depression but not the anxiety......i know i should be letting the medication work, I've been on them for 3 weeks now, its just i still can barely sleep due to the half hearted panic attacks and the anxiety over the panic attacks and still haven't returned to work as i still feel like i cant return......i just wanted to know if anyone else had tried this route? And what the results were? many thanks guys Love Danielle x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kari1155-113071" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ok everyone I have been HORRIBLE that last couple of days, I have never ever had so much panic and anxiety,when you guys get or have anxiety has it ever lasted all day and you felt completely hopeless and that you are going to oh crazy or lose your mind and end up in a mental institution. I have been having this all day today and it sucks so bad.... \r\nI fell like I am never going to get better \r\nThanks Kari " ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T02:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sleep--134567?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes i had this when i was on citalopram 10mg and only for 5 days, i felt like my whole mind had just cracked and id gone off the scales........went to go see a different doctor and he put me on venlafaxine 37.5mg x2 a day, beta blockers Propranolol 40mg x3 per day and a weeks worth of Diazepam, that was last week and things have gotten much much better, its only tonight that i cant really sleep and the panic attacks are kicking in again, I'm on my 5th one in 5 hours and counting, just seems everytime i close my eyes to go to sleep i have another, which is pretty hard as the propranolol is making my head fuzzy and me extremely drowsy, but everytime a panic attack comes i wake right up, its a vicious cycle in in now, one which i doubt I'll be able to break now tonight.....\r\n\r\nDanielle xxx " ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T02:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sleep--134567?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dear Danielle/Kari,\r\n\r\nYes panic attacks,sleepless nights,worry,or any combinations of the above all make this a real living nightmare for us anxious types,yet we still get up the next day to fight another round,down and up off the canvas,a punch-drunk boxer,tottering around the ring waiting for the killer punch.\r\nI don't know the answers only that somehow we get through,I guess I'm lucky in that now I'm the other side of 60,I tend to doze off more than I used to,so kinda nice in a way,when I was younger I could do my martial arts,football or cricket to burn off that energy that contributed to my anxieties then,a hard days work was never enough I had to be doing something extra,out and about on the move,then and only then could I sufficiently ease off and get a decent sleep.But I never have managed to weed out the anxiety or depression completely,with or without medication,at age 18 I was put on Phenol-barbitone,slowed you down so that 10 yds seemed like 100yds,slept ok,but struggled to wake up,couldn't be bothered with anything.\r\n\r\nLike I say I now do as much walking as I can,get the air,take my meds (pregabilin) near bedtime,and I sleep after 4 hrs reading,browsing,crosswording etc.then I fitfully sleep till 8.30,all being well.\r\n\r\nSo in answer to your questions can't actually give you a straight one just hang in there till sleep comes,or search the Net for info on products that may help you sleep,I found some that help,just browse around,sleeping aids etc,you'd be surprised what you'll find,panic attacks,well!, that is all about the right medication and breathing,again I found some really good breathing techniques that helped on the Net.\r\n\r\nAnyway,I feel a nap coming on,all this writing,I'll be up till 02:00am if you need someone to talk to,in the meantime I wish you a good day! Hang in there!\r\n\r\nRegards Malc\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T15:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sleep--134567?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vickycam-37275" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "The suggestions I am making here deal with insomnia not panic attacks. I suffered greatly from \r\ninsomnia until I went to a sleep clinic on Long Island, New York where I live. I consulted with a \r\nspecialist there, a PhD. He prescribed progressive muscle relaxation exercises. You begin by sitting in a comfortable chair with your hands in your lap and your feet flat on the floor. You tense each muscle 15 \r\nseconds and then relax 15 seconds. Starting at your neck, bend your head back towards the top of your back. Hold it for 15 seconds then relax. Push your shoulders up towards your ears. Push your eyebrows up as high as you can. Squeeze your eyes shut tightly. Pull the corners of your mouth back as though \r\ngrinning. Clench your jaws. Squeeze your fists while resting your arms in your lap. Squeeze your fists \r\nwhile bending at the elbow. Push your feet flat into the ground. Raise your toes off the ground with heels on the ground. Curl your toes under your feet. He also recommended meditation-like exercises where \r\nyou focus on a sight which gives you pleasure. ie. sitting on a beach watching the waves break on the\r\nshore. or lying in a hammock in some peaceful glade.You do need to practice these techniques daily. \r\nThe more you practice the earlier you will begin to feel relaxed. It has worked for me and I hope it helps \r\nyou. I take 7.5 mg. mirtazapine at night which also helps me sleep and nothing else. As you probably \r\nknow it is antidepressant, not a sleeping pill. The usually dose is 15 mg. but as that potency made me \r\nsleepy during the day and at the MD's suggestion I cut the table in half. The mirtazapine is for mild\r\ndepression. with no side effects. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T23:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sleep--134567?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ok all, just tried the whole writing down why i think my panic attacks started and what happens during a panic attack.......it brought on a panic attack!!!!! I cant do it!!! I had to give up and I'm not even half way through so clearly that's not gunna work for me........ Ok so my panic attacks are about during dying ok, I'm scared of dying end of.....i cant get over it because its inevitability, and this is what i panic about every single night, I'm not religious even tho i have tried to find god it hasn't worked......my panic attacks are justifiable and i cant see how I'm ever going to get over them......im sorry but i just cant.....this is the most I've ever talked about them......and i cant 'embrace' them because i cant find a reason to calm myself down......many people have tried explaining their way of thinking and it just doesn't work for me, I'm at a loss, and writing all this in panic because i just don't know what to do anymore!!!! I don't know how anyone can help me, it all seems pretty hopeless........im sorry about the rant but that's what it is, because now I'm panicking, and no amount of medication seems to help.\r\n\r\nDanielle" ], "date": [ "2014-03-15T00:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sleep--134567?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brummiebabe-22754" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there Danielle. Like malcolm, i am an anxiety sufferer since childhood and am now 63!!! You name and i feel i have had it. Re sleepless nights, try just relaxing as much as possible and dont even think of sleep. I know this is hard when you obviously do need sleep, but the very act of TRYING to sleep can create stress in itself. In theory, if you are tired enough and fairly relaxed, sleep should come.\r\nI`ve been on loads mg valium, anti depressants, beta blockers etc ova yrs and agoraphobic too. Thanx 2 good counsellor i found root of problems and 90% recovered from agoraphobia, At mo on 0,5 mg valium, seroxat and bisoprolol (beta blocker) Good luck to you\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-17T18:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sleep--134567?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all, thanks for your advice, i have, over the past couple of days, been trying your suggestions, i tried the exercise, which was hard as i still wasn't over my depression, but i forced myself to go, admittedly yes this did tire me out, but I'm afraid as soon as my head hit that pillow i had a weird panic attack thing (due to the propranolol) and i didn't get to sleep until 4am. I then tried the relaxation techniques, all this did was make my muscles ache (may have been tightening too much) but still no relaxation for sleep....then i tried emptying my mind and to my shock it worked and for the past 2 nights i have been able to sleep, tonight however i had my eyes closed for about 40 minutes, clearing my mind, and that same god awful thought popped into my head and again i had some weird, symptomless panic attack, shot up tearing quite a bit of hair out too, bloody hurt. I've now been sat up for about an hour or more, wondering whether to go back to bed or not. Im running out of things to do.\r\n\r\nthank you so much for the advice guys\r\n\r\nLove Danielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-19T02:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sleep--134567?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Hello to whomever is awake at such an ungodly hour, I just need to sleep that's all, just tried and cant get a wink, cant take anymore beta blockers and have nothing else to help...I find my panic attacks particularly hard to cope with as they happen at night, you know when your supposed to calm down and go to sleep.....foe the past few nights Propranolol has been working its magic making me all tired and fuzzy headed and I've been drifting off safe and sound.....now granted yes I've been waking up with a jump at 3-4am because of a panic attack in my sleep, which I've never had before, but i was certainly getting more sleep than i have in a long while. Only tonight they don't seem to be working, got my normal fuzzy head and tiredness at 10pm so came to bed, tried to sleep.....i have lavender and everything......only this time i had a panic attack, but not a normal one because obviously with the Propranolol my heart wasn't going a mile a minute and i wasn't hyperventilating, i was just having one.........so i got dressed, put my shoes on and went for a walk......after around 30 minutes i came back, got into bed with my fuzzy head and sleepiness and have tried now for 2 hours to sleep and yet i have another panic attack, just like the first one....... Now with it being 1am i cant exactly go for a walk, start cleaning the house or exercising as: 1) My partner is fast asleep 2) I have neighbours 3) I'm supposed to be winding down to go to sleep 4) I know i need sleep or I'm going to feel worse in the morning 5) It's not exactly safe to be walking to streets at 1am so by all means i am wide open for suggestions, because NO WAY am i going back to sleepless nights, feeling anxious or like I'm going crazy.......I just cant do it again....... At this moment in time I feel like crying because i hate relying on pills to help me sleep when i could sleep perfectly fine when i wasn't taking them, but the facts is i need the meds to help me get over the panic attacks.....bloody ironic. My CBT doesn't come in till the 26th of March which seems like forever away. I just need help PLEASE!!!! Danielle xxx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy89817-102245" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel the same way! I'm terrified about going out, but also terrified about people coming to my house. I think it's because I can't just tell them to leave when I feel anxious/panicky/unwell as it's rude! My home is where I feel safest, and the idea of people being there makes me feel anxious as I wouldn't be able to escape! Sometimes I get the same when I know I have to have a long phone call with someone, as I can't/it's rude to escape the social situation. " ], "date": [ "2014-03-15T23:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-about-people-coming-to-your-home--144627?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathyf-164906" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I often don't answer my phone! Sometimes even when it's a family member I get that panicky sicky feeling. I am pleased I am not the only one - I thought I was barking mad x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-15T23:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-about-people-coming-to-your-home--144627?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy89817-102245" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I thought I was the only one too! It's silly really, I think I sometimes panic more about people in my house than me going out of the house!" ], "date": [ "2014-03-17T10:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-about-people-coming-to-your-home--144627?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety about people coming to your home?
Hello I am new to this :-) I have suffered with anxiety for years - it has driven me mad. I used to be terrified to go anywhere and worried about anything and everything. I have had a little part time job since then and it's done me the world of good, BUT, the one thing I can't get rid of is I panic when someone wants to come over to our house, I can't tell you why, I don't know; I always find myself making up excuses for them not to come or hide and ignore the doorbell. I hate it. Does anyone else do this? It's such a horrible feeling Thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kennybhoy-45666" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi danellie \r\n\r\nYes it is totally safe and you will not overdose, \r\nNytol is only antihistamine and will not cause you any harm, I'm also on venlafaxine, inderal and benzo's,\r\nYou'll be fine,\r\nBy the way can you buy propranolol over the counter in the UK?\r\nOnly asking cause I can buy it in any pharmacy over the counter here in UAE\r\nKenny " ], "date": [ "2014-03-13T18:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "No it has to be prescribed im afraid, you can't buy many medications over the counter in the UK.\r\n\r\nDanielle" ], "date": [ "2014-03-13T18:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I wouldn't mix any medication. Call a Pharmacist. The medicine that begins with a P I think is very strong and may be the same one Michael Jackson OD on. Be careful...........Go to a Dr. with your situation!" ], "date": [ "2014-03-13T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nI thought I should just clarify that Michael Jackson OD'd on propofol not propranolol, just so that nobody gets scared lol." ], "date": [ "2014-03-13T22:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kennybhoy-45666" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know it's no laughing matter Elizabeth but Arthur is right, propofol is what killed MJ not beta blockers.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-13T22:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I wasn't making light of the matter. Believe me I am in no position to. I have been suffering from horrendous anxiety over the past year which has nearly driven me to suicide. I only laughed because there is a wealth of difference between a beta blocker and what MJ was being injected with" ], "date": [ "2014-03-13T23:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ok. I just knew it began with a P like I wrote." ], "date": [ "2014-03-13T23:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know its not funny but you guys just cheered me right up with that conversation and I'm in the middle of a panic attack right now!! \r\n\r\nI never knew what MJ overdosed on but thank you for the enlightenment \r\n\r\nNo extra panic caused so no worries\r\n\r\nI just need to sleep that's all, just tried and cant get a wink, cant take anymore beta blockers and have nothing else to help...I find my panic attacks particularly hard to cope with as they happen at night, you know when your supposed to calm down and go to sleep.....foe the past few nights Propranolol has been working its magic making me all tired and fuzzy headed and I've been drifting off safe and sound.....now granted yes I've been waking up with a jump at 3-4am because of a panic attack in my sleep, which I've never had before, but i was certainly getting more sleep than i have in a long while.\r\n\r\nOnly tonight they don't seem to be working, got my normal fuzzy head and tiredness at 10pm so came to bed, tried to sleep.....i have lavender and everything......only this time i had a panic attack, but not a normal one because obviously with the Propranolol my heart wasn't going a mile a minute and i wasn't hyperventilating, i was just having one.........so i got dressed, put my shoes on and went for a walk......after around 30 minutes i came back, got into bed with my fuzzy head and sleepiness and have tried now for 2 hours to sleep and yet i have another panic attack, just like the first one.......\r\n\r\nNow with it being 1am i cant exactly go for a walk, start cleaning the house or exercising as: \r\n\r\n1) My partner is fast asleep\r\n2) I have neighbours\r\n3) I'm supposed to be winding down to go to sleep\r\n4) I know i need sleep or I'm going to feel worse in the morning\r\n5) It's not exactly safe to be walking to streets at 1am\r\n\r\n\r\nso by all means i am wide open for suggestions, because NO WAY am i going back to sleepless nights, feeling anxious or like I'm going crazy.......I just cant do it again.......\r\n\r\nAt this moment in time I feel like crying because i hate relying on pills to help me sleep when i could sleep perfectly fine when i wasn't taking them, but the facts is i need the meds to help me get over the panic attacks.....bloody ironic.\r\n\r\nMy CBT doesn't come in till the 26th of March which seems like forever away.\r\n\r\nI just need help PLEASE!!!! \r\n\r\nDanielle xxx" ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T01:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Danielle,\r\n\r\nI'm really glad the conversation cheered you up - it was quite amusing :)) .\r\n\r\nI'm really sorry to hear about your sleep problems I have suffered from terrible insomnia too and I know how frustrating and upsetting it is.\r\n\r\nI know I'm stating the obvious but will your doctor not prescribe you some sort of benzodiazepine or sleeping tablet just to get you through the worst?\r\n\r\nI was prescribed lorazepam which really helped me when I was at rock bottom. It is much stronger than diazepam so it was a god send to me at the time.\r\n\r\nOther than that the only other thing I can think of is a sedating antidepressant like mirtazapine, trazadone or a tricyclic. But I see you are already on another antidepressant so you probably wouldn't want to change over.\r\n\r\nI'm sorry I cant be of anymore help but I'm sure you will start sleeping again soon.\r\n\r\nBy the way I'm female I just put the name Arthur without thinking because my cat is called that lol.\r\n\r\n\r\nAnyway take care lisax " ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T02:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Lisa, \r\n \r\n I've already had to change antidepressants once already from citalopram to venlafaxine because citalopram made me feel like i belonged in a nut house...... And funny thing was i asked my doctor if i could take anything to help me sleep and they outright said NO so I'm not sure if they will give me anything, i just know that for the 5 days i was on citalopram it was the worst week of my life and i will never go there again, so I'm not bothered about changing antidepressants at all, its just the sleep i need \r\n\r\nDanielle zxx" ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T02:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Danielle,\r\n\r\nSorry to keep going on about it but I really do think that it Is terribly unfair of your doctor not to prescribe you something to help you sleep. When I was at my worst I was prescribed diazepam,temazepam and finally lorazepam and I honestly think that I would be dead now if I hadn't been given them. To this day my psychiatrist is quite happily prescribing me enough lorazepam while I taper off it.\r\n\r\nYou really need to be more demanding of your doctor and if he/she doesn't comply them go to a different one.\r\n\r\nNo one should have to endure the distress of insomnia to the extent and for the length of time that you are having to. Yes there is the worry dependence when those types of drugs are prescribed but they are prescribed in the short term to help people like you who are in real distress.\r\n\r\nI hope you get the help you need soon, Lisax" ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T03:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lisa,\r\n\r\nI have a doctors appointment tomorrow and would give anything for you to be there lol my doctor just dismisses everything i say, think its because of my age, anyways the sleepless nights have continued, the propranolol seem to be having less and less sedative effect, I've packed in the eating again, gone down a jean size :-S and my anxiety seems to be on its way back even though my medication hasn't changed. All i seem to hear from this doctor is to 'Persevere' with the tablets I'm on......it wasn't even her who prescribed me the beta blockers, she wouldn't prescribe me anything but the anti depressants. I am really thinking of changing my doctor, i always feel like an errant child around mine, that i should just do what I'm told because i don't know any better, I'm 24 not 12!!! \r\nAnyway I'm going to tell her about my lack of sleep, the anxiety, lack of food and the fact i have now become slightly agoraphobic, i cant leave the house for long periods of time without feeling overwhelmingly anxious, so looks like my plans of going back to work on Tuesday, after having a week off sick already, all rest upon tomorrows verdict from my doctor....who doesn't like me and wants me to suffer... I will endeavour to be assertive tomorrow Lisa, i promise....just waiting for the CBT that's getting to me now.\r\n\r\nHope to hear from you soon\r\n\r\nDanielle x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T23:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propranolol-venlafaxine-and-nytol--134557?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Propranolol, venlafaxine and nytol????
Does anyone know if its safe to take Propranolol 10mg x3 , venlafaxine 37.5 x2 but also take a nytol??? I'm just finding it hard to get to sleep on a night and stay asleep which is making me more tired during the day, not to mention making my depression and anxiety levels spike sue to the fact I'm not getting up until the afternoon due to waking up at 3am then managing to get back to sleep by 6am or 7am and oversleeping. I know Propranolol is supposed to make you tired, and it does, but I'm now waking up with a panic attack, which I've never done before, then I'm having to take 1 of my Propranolol to calm me down leaving me one dose down during the day, I'm then having to take another Propranolol when i wake up again and the last dose early evening. I just feel i could do with saving a dose for before i go to bed but obviously i cant overdose and take an extra one, but i cant help having to take one very early hours. If i cant take the nytol then its back to the doctors, obviously I'm not going to put myself at risk taking something that's going to react with my other medication and set me back or hospitalise myself. Any advice would be much welcomed. Many thanks Danielle xxx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi danielle,\r\nyou are on quite a lot of medication at the moment, do you really think that upping it will help you? By the look of things your anxiety levels are through the roof because your mind is wandering about things beyond your control. Try and do what you can to sort yourself out before sorting out the world around you. Small steps not big worries about things you cannot control.\r\n\r\nHope you feel better soon\r\n\r\nRichard" ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T22:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-my-medication-stop-working-after-such-a-short-time--144660?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Danielle,\r\n\r\nLook I know anxiety can cause all these feelings,but this not wanting to eat,trouble sleeping,lumps in the throat,all sound like what I used to get years ago,in the end they found a duodenal ulcer in my tummy,didn't get much pain but wow all those things you have were there.\r\nAnd you know why I got that,well yes,you got it...worry!\r\n\r\nI don't know what to suggest but I can tell you that most anti-depressants upset me,propanolol,well I get the slow heartbeat and headache,I refused them in the end.\r\nHowever you need something obviously,so give it a bit longer and if no improvement get back to your doctor ASAP and ask for an alternative medication,Alprazolam,Xanax,mind you,much persuasion may be required,doctors don't usually hand them out readily,but from what you've said you need something with more\r\nstrength.\r\n\r\nI wish you well!\r\n\r\nYours Malc\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T22:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-my-medication-stop-working-after-such-a-short-time--144660?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for the responses guys, i really appreciate them.\r\n\r\nTo Richard, I understand where your coming from, really i do, I was apprehensive about taking medication in the first place, and had such a bad time on citalopram i almost didn't take another antidepressant. But in the same respect id do anything not to go back to how i was before the propranolol....i almost went crazy.....and i cant help but worry about the things around me, like work and my partner, family and friends, because that's who i am, they make 'me' ....I feel if i let them go i have nothing, and i don't want to ever be that depressed again......I thank you for the advice but id get drugged up to the eyeballs if it helped......you see, and i can admit this, when it comes to my mental disorders and what not, I have a very addictive personality, now i don't have an addictive personality with anything else mind. Firstly i was addicted to keeping close family contact, whether it was 3pm or 3am, if i had a panic attack i called them, couldn't help it, now its the drugs and i know next it will be the therapy, but i cant help myself, really i cant.\r\n\r\nTo Malcolm, I should have also stated in that first message i get paranoid about my health, but you weren't to know.....I've already been on diazepam once when i was at my most manic, last week, so my doctor definitely wont prescribe anything else like that for a long time....Is there anything else you can suggest that may help?? \r\n\r\nsincerely wishing you all the best\r\n\r\nDanielle x " ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T23:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-my-medication-stop-working-after-such-a-short-time--144660?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
can my medication stop working after such a short time?
I've been taking venlafaxine 37.5 mg x2 and propranolol 40mg x3 daily for around two weeks now, and this may sound silly, but is it possible they can not be having as good as effect than before already?? It's just i can't sleep and when i do I'm waking up really early, i can't eat after a certain time in the afternoon which means in only really getting a bit of food per day e.g today i had toast this morning....that's it.....i'm feeling more anxious today than i have in a while....i mean i actually thought that during my doctors appointment tomorrow i could ask them to reduce the amount of Propranolol I'm taking, now in going to ask for something stronger. I'm just running out of options, my anxiety is getting worse and my CBT is still just under 2 weeks away, I'm also starting to scare myself with the prospect of having full blown panic attacks again and getting more physical symptoms, like the lump in my throats come back and the nauseous feelings. I'm scared.....really scared, I've come so far, i don't want to go back to what it was!! I'm also starting to worry about work because on the sick I'm not earning enough to keep me and my partner afloat (he doesn't work at the moment) but I've also become a little agoraphobic, like i cant spend long periods away from home or i become anxious which is stopping me from going back to work. I'm a support worker and cant be depressed or freak out around my residents, they'd probably do the same back!! Things are just really getting on top of me at the moment, this panic/anxiety disorder coupled with the new agoraphobia and depression has taken over my whole life. I don't socialise anymore unless people come to me, I'm off sick from work at the moment and i feel I'm making my partner suffer because of my conditions, and i feel bad for him which is making the anxiousness worse because i feel I'm loosing him........i'm just a mess at the moment, but i don't think there's anything else my doctor can/will do for me. I just need help...😭 Danielle x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vickycam-37275" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Oftentimes there is an underlying problem that you don't realize is there which causes these health related\r\nanxieties. I used to be very fearful that I would catch some fatal disease or burn in a house fire. It was an \r\nawful burden to live with. I was engaged to marry at that time but after I broke my engagement for other\r\nreasons the fears slowly abated. I'm an elderly woman now probably with more reasons to be anxious \r\nabout my health but the fears of those early years have never returned. Perhaps seeing a psychologist \r\nwould help you to find the underlying cause of these fears. If you believe in God, prayer would be helpful." ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T13:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/will-i-ever-stop-worrying-144634?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Burgess,\r\n\r\nYes mate it's all anxiety,it's such a clever thing it can cause your body to mimic all those things you speak of,like Vicky says above,age is no barrier,it comes and goes when it pleases,leaving its mark,and as you live with it through your life,you kinda learn to accept it,and although the symptoms are still prevalent,you find ways of coping,either medication,counselling,exercising,meditation or a combination of those things.\r\n\r\nHowever the right medication is key,anti-depressants never work for me,not long term anyway,I take 400mg Pregabilin,best drug for it I've used over my 50yrs plus of problems,but I may have to change as anxiety etc ramped up recently again,saw psychiatrists Friday.\r\n\r\nAnyway keep fit,eat well,lay off beer etc if you do drink,and get a good book or a good hobby and they'll help,try and lessen those thoughts that whizz through your head and the physical symptoms will ease.\r\n\r\nGood luck\r\n\r\nRegards Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T14:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/will-i-ever-stop-worrying-144634?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/burgess65-164935" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for your replies , my age is 41 and been like this for about a year although I've had anxiety for most of my adult life but this health anxiety has just crept upon me, and nothing will seem to stop me thinking the worse. It's terrible I just want to enjoy my life as when I'm older I'm dreading how lll be , that's if I make it to that age . \r\nI'm going to stop drinking wine which seems to make it worse , and get cbt , plus do yoga few times a week and run and hopefully things will improve \r\nThanks\r\nDeborah " ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T15:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/will-i-ever-stop-worrying-144634?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Deborah,\r\n\r\nI hadn't realised you were a lady,not that it makes any difference,but like I said I'm 64 and have a real case history of this lot,you will get by,I used to drink no end to make myself better,took stuff too,but you can't beat it that way,don't see anything wrong with a drink of wine really,I no longer drink alcohol on a regular basis,although I'm tempted very often,but i've had another up and down week,guess it will always be that way,but tell you what it is not going to kill me,nor ruin my life,least not today.\r\nOne day at a time,that's my motto and not to dwell on things (not easy,but required).\r\n\r\nYours Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T22:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/will-i-ever-stop-worrying-144634?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Will I ever stop worrying
Hi this is the first time I've posted on a forum but feel like I need some help . I'm constantly thinking I'm going to have stroke or heart attack , I've suffered with anxiety for years and take 10mg propronolol often but lately I've really become increasing worried about my health , I've had 2 ecg,s , blood tests and all fine but I keep getting pain in my shoulder and arm and convinced I'm going to have heart attack I've been wanting to go to a& e all week and get another ecg as the doctor will not give me another one as it was 2012 when I last had one. At the moment I'm thinking I may have a stroke as I've got a head ache . And my heads burning . Help I'm really suffering
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You haven't wrote how old your mum is poor lady I can only imagine how scary that must feel I'm no doctor \r\nBut I'm sure the tablets won't start working quite so soon I just feel she needs reassurance and to know that you are always there for her.Stay strong for your mum and I'm sure you will get through this tough time soon\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T19:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan02424-113029" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry, my mum is 67. A very timid lady , totally not the person we are seeing at the moment. She is very demanding and although we are as a family supporting her as much as we can she doesn't seem to want to listen or is just so depressed she can't comprehend what we are saying to her" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T19:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Bless her doesn't seem old enough to be going through all this and I can sense that you are not coping very \r\nWell I feel sorry for you all I lost my mum to alcohol about 5years ago and I tried so hard to support her so I \r\ndo understand how difficult it is but the tablets your mum has been prescribed will work as long as she keeps taking them so bear with her but remember to look after her you really need to keep looking after yourself xx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T19:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan02424-113029" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks, I suffer from a rare life threatening disease and get very tired, I'm on regular treatment and also have our own business and a 6 year old son. Although I'm there at the drop,of a hat for her I feel helpless for her and for my dad who is obviously with her more than I can be. I'm sure in a couple of weeks she may see some light and feel,better. \r\nThanks so much for your kind words" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T19:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Just remember there are people on this forum that will let you rant on and will be there to listen ( read ) \r\nAnd advice so please you are not alone xxx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T19:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan02424-113029" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you scruffy61" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T20:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tarun-29064" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Susan \r\n\r\nThe effect should be noticed within the first 1-2 weeks, perhaps slightly longer in some patients. Side effects however can occur at any time, and blurred vision is known to be a common problem in some people taking medicines such as amitriptyline. If this is making things particularly difficult to cope with I think an alternative may need to be looked at. Best wishes,\r\n\r\nTarun (hospital pharmacist) " ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T20:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan02424-113029" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you tarun,\r\nI was hoping the blurred vision would settle with time. At the dr on Monday and will mention it\r\nThank you" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T20:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Susan,\r\n\r\nAmitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant. I am on one called Dosulepin which is in the same group. Tricyclic antidepressants are usually quite sedating which is probably why your Mum has been prescribed this one as it will hopefully help with her panic attacks. Due to their sedative properties they also tend to help with any sleep problems. In general tricyclics take around 4 to 6 weeks for the full benefit to be seen but an improvement in any anxiety issues could be seen within the first few weeks. I wish both you and your Mum well and I really hope that the Amitriptyline helps her soon. Lisa x" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T23:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was on Amitripyline and then I was switched to Nortripyline because it is easier on the heart. I take it for nerve pain 50 mg. This is a major life change for your mother that is why she is anxious and crys. She lost her independence and fear has set in. She cannot be left alone anymore. She needs 24/7 care now. Maybe \"companion care\" from a nursing agency can help out. You have to think on the lines of her safety now with falls, and fires. Amitripyline leaves you with a increased appetite and a dry mouth so drink alot of water and watch the weight gain. Nortripyline does the same." ], "date": [ "2014-02-28T15:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan02424-113029" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "My mum is still not good but starting to be more positive, I think. She is now on both amitriptyline. And 10 mg of citropram ( not sure of spelling. Hope they work\r\nSue" ], "date": [ "2014-03-07T20:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz54943-46983" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Tarun - can I ask you, is it quite common for the good effects of amitriptyline to stop working after 3-4 weeks of taking it? I'm at my wit's end, because I was feeling so good on it, and now I'm back to square one, feeling so anxious and despair-filled.\r\n\r\nAlso will it make any difference that this second pack of amitrip, is by a different manufacturer? Could that be why the good effects have stopped?" ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T18:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I would seek Medical Help. Perhaps the dosage needs to be changed. I took it for nerve pain, not depression but it does help with my anxiety any way. I take 50mg for nerve pain. The dosage is alot smaller for nerve pain." ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T19:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tarun-29064" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Liz\r\n\r\nI think if you have shown a good response to amitriptyline then the dose could be increased slightly further - often people will feel better after sticking with it for a few weeks only to then feel it's not working. May be worth discussing with your doctor to try and up it slowly so you can tolerate any potential side effects. The required doses for treating anxiety/depression effectively are usually much higher than the doses used for nerve pain. The different manufacturers isn't an issue - unfortunately it's very difficult for chemists to receive products from specific manufacturers as what they get depends on what their supplying warehouses stock. " ], "date": [ "2014-03-14T21:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz54943-46983" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you for replying Tarun, I really appreciate it.\r\n\r\nAfter a lot of pondering last Wednesday I decided to increase my dose of amitrip from 30mg up to 50mg at night (my GP very much left this decision to me, and said it was up to me, as I had taken 50mg of amitrip in the past and seemed fine on it).\r\n\r\nAnd, I have gone back to taking 80mg of propranolol each day. Since Thursday I have felt dramatically much better again. Head is slightly fuzzy, but no signs of the 'anxiety dreads' at all, and I feel back to my old self. The diarrhea has completely gone, too. Was able to go out on the town with friends on Friday night and thoroughly enjoyed it, whereas earlier in the week I had been dreading it, as I felt so anxious.\r\n\r\nI hope this continues, and I think I will stick at this 50mg dose until I see my GP in 6 weeks time, and see what they have to say. I'm just not sure about the propranolol though, as I really don't feel I need it now, but I thought that last time and within 10 days of stopping taking it, I was really struggling again.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-16T16:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-it-take-for-amphytripiline-to-take-effect--103954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
How long does it take for amphytripiline to take effect.
My mum, who is turning blind and has very little vision left has just been put on this drug for anxiety. She becomes very anxious if she is left alone, cries, and has panic attacks . She said the vision which she has left has become blurry and she can't cope. She has no get up and go in her and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. She's been on these tablets 7 days , should they have started working yet
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi \r\n\r\nI'm taking fluoxetine and just had first session of hypnotherapy - can honestly say the hynotherapy is the best money I've ever spent - feel like a different person x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-07T22:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/treatment-for-severe-anxiety-disorder-124263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Amy,\r\n\r\nSorry to hear of your obviously debilitating anxiety.panic attacks/agorophobia etc it is a real shocker,especially for someone as young as yourself and with a good future in prospect.\r\nAll I can say is that counselling and CBT work for some people,not all,but some,indeed the same can be said for medications,you just have to hit lucky and find the right one at times.\r\n\r\nI've been struck by anxiety/depression/panic attacks etc etc for well over 50 years,not every day,but on and offthese episodes varying in severity,from just feeling a bit down to a full-blown attack where you fear heart attack/stroke and so on.\r\n\r\nI've had prescribed to me Valium,phenobarbitone,esatilopram,citalopram,diazepam,amitryptiline,mirtazapine and others over the years,and yes they help,for a while,some react and make you worse,I don't know the answers,nor do the professionals apparently,anxiety is so common now,of course most people suffer it but can deal with it,I and you and many others cannot,so why?\r\n\r\nLook I am on 400mg of Pregabilin,it's non-addictive,a good pain reliever and most important of all a mood stabiliser,although my doctor isn't sure about that.But I know that they are a big help to me and I hope that i can remain on them,at age 64 I don't see why not.\r\n\r\nIn answer to your question CBT and counselling may help but reading your symptoms it might need a little more than text book learning to help you,plus CBT is pretty impersonal,and counselling if the counsellor has endured anxiety and come through it then yes,but how many have? I've had a few and asked them if they had suffered it and none had to any great extent,anxiety is not a science and cannot be taught,so I think you need a medication that fits your needs right now,but really it's up to you,ask if you can try Pregabilin,see what your Doc says,on a month's trial maybe,nothing ventured nothing gained.\r\n\r\nAnyway I really do wish you well.\r\n\r\nGood luck\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-07T22:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/treatment-for-severe-anxiety-disorder-124263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy89817-102245" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Many thanks to both of you for your responses. I'm definitely willing to try everything. I am going to see my doctor again about a different type of medication, which will hopefully slow my heart rate down, and then hopefully hypnotherapy will be successful." ], "date": [ "2014-03-15T13:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/treatment-for-severe-anxiety-disorder-124263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Treatment for severe anxiety disorder
Hi, I have just turned 21 and have been suffering from anxiety disorder since I was 14. I've gone through phases of it being much worse, and have tried CBT, counselling, Seteraline and Citalopram. I thought I had sorted myself out last year- I was working full time on a busy hospital ward, living away from home, in the city centre and had a place for university. I was unfortunately hospitalised last Augst for a series of unexplained fainting episodes and since then I have been practically unable to leave the house, I have had to move home, I am unable to work, I have had to defer my university place to this September rather than last year. Before August, at it's worse, I would only feel anxious when leaving the house (I know that is still extreme, but at least I had vague reasoning for it) but now I am getting random unexplained episodes of anxiety, even when at home, The panic attacks are so much worse than before, and I don't like being left on my own for too long. Has anyone had successful anxiety disorder treatment? I would like to try hypnotherapy or CBT again, but at the moment I don't feel like I am ready enough for that to be effective. I have tried two different types of SSRIs, but had severe serotonin syndrome following them and am reluctant (as is my GP) for me to try anymore of them just yet. Thanks, Amy
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Ahmad,\r\n\r\nI think moving home is very hard,I took years getting over homesickness which actually ramped up my anxiety/depression a lot,so I know how you feel.\r\nWith regard to your drowsiness and appetite increase it is quite common and will settle with time,and you will feel better,it can take up to a month before the medication kicks in sometimes,so hang in there.\r\n\r\nI see a psychiatrist on Friday,because I have had high anxiety/depression for over fifty years and they think a new medication may help,I am currently on 400mg Pregabilin,which is alright,but doesn't stop the brain racing,so we'll see.\r\n\r\nHope you soon feel better,I'm sure you'll be fine in time,Alprazolam is good I believe.\r\n\r\nRegards Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T17:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/summer-and-depression-and-axiety-134483?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Look under drugs and look for side effects of all those drugs. Sounds like you are taking too many drugs. Perhaps a different Dr. can help. The amiptripylines and nortripylines or any medicines like that increase your appetitie and leave you with a dry mouth. I found it hard to believe you need all those meds in 2014.\r\nIf you have faith, pray on it. Prayer is powerful. Perhaps a Licensed Social Worker, or Pschotherapist will direct you better." ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T19:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/summer-and-depression-and-axiety-134483?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad32938-154535" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes thanks a lot for such a supportive reply, I ll be sticking to medicines since I believe many have benefited from and I think I ll also benefit from it but I except that 3 to 4 weeks should be given to the meds at least to show their effect\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-13T16:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/summer-and-depression-and-axiety-134483?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Summer and Depression and Axiety
Hello, I have been suffering from psychological disorder from last 12 years I have depression and axiety visited a psychiatrist last week I am taking Alprazolam .25 + L Mwthyfolate 7.5 mg in the morning and Alprazolam .25 mg + L Methyfolate _ Mitrazapine 30 mg in the night. i am feeling so much drowsy and increase in appetite is a lot. Its 6th day of my medicine. What should I do I dont feel any positive change? PS: I moved to a new city 12 years ago in summers and after that every summer is like death
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have you thought about seeing a sex therapist or even going to seet out a prostitute they don't have any expectations!!!! \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n Scruffy" ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T21:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-do-i-freak-out-when-girls-i-like-begin-to-like-me-back-please-help-134500?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Talk to a DR. perhaps you are low on testorone even at age 20 or you should work on your self esteem. Sounds Psychological. Maybe you think everyone is big from the porn movies. They are unrealistic. Maybe poor parenting got you here with emotional neglect. Talk to a psychologist first." ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T21:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-do-i-freak-out-when-girls-i-like-begin-to-like-me-back-please-help-134500?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george46caravan-154563" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Elizabeth thanks for your reply, I am pretty sure it is psychological because when kissing/ touching i have no problems with an erection. It is when I am about to have sex/ the thought of sex where I lose it. I doubt it is low testosterone and definitely not poor parenting as I have the most caring parents in the world... I am just very very embarrassed which is why I haven't told them. I am just wondering if anyone can relate and have overcome this, and how?" ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T21:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-do-i-freak-out-when-girls-i-like-begin-to-like-me-back-please-help-134500?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "OH, I see now. You need to talk to a phsycotherapist and she can direct you. Good Luck" ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T21:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-do-i-freak-out-when-girls-i-like-begin-to-like-me-back-please-help-134500?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
why do i freak out when girls i like begin to like me back? please help
I put it down to insecurity but whenever I start pursuing a girl I like and she finally likes me back and things seem to get serious I freak out. I'm a 20 yo male and without sounding big headed a good looking guy and have over the past few months been working out and gained a muscular body with a hope to gain confidence. The thing is people would never expect this because I am usually very socially outgoing with my mates and girls, making it even harder to speak to anyone about this in person. I have always been insecure about my penis because in the flaccid state it is very small, but average erect at just above 5 and a half inches. I can't seem to shake this insecurity and have lived with it for as long as I can remember. I have only had sex with one girl abut 5 times and I failed to achieve an erection 3 of the times. I love interaction with girls if I know sex cannot happen (like with friends about or parents home) but when I think about sex I get a sickening feeling in my stomach and feel so anxious. I have a rock hard erection when I'm just kissing and touching it's when my penis is revealed I get scared. From failing to perform in the past I have avoided sex for about a year and have recently started speaking to a hot girl I like and have just met in uni. She now seems interested in me and hinting about meeting which scares the **** out of me because I know sex will probably happen if I do. Again I have just cut things off when i really didn't want to (well I do right now to stop the nervous feeling I have) but I hate the fact I can't live a normal life. From a young age I have substituted real life sex due to my insecurities with porn which I think also adds to my problem of not being able to achieve an erection by having 'porn induced ED'. I have quit porn, improved diet, go to the gym... but I am still just so nervous and anxious of the thought of sex or a relationship. I think I need to speak to someone but it's getting too much. Someone please suggest something I can do to solve this...
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kimberley93403-48367" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Also I just don't want sex with my boyfriend any more , not him at all\r\nI just don't feel up to it! All the time ! After a long nights sleep I never wake up feeling refreshed constantly \r\nTired and feeling rough! " ], "date": [ "2014-03-11T22:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-to-square-one--124463?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kari1155-113071" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Omgosh I am going threw this now as well,I am afraid to eat because I'm scared it will trigger everything.\r\nThe dr said I am now suffering from depression on top of anxiety.. This sucks soooo bad \r\nI even left work early today because I felt so sick... " ], "date": [ "2014-03-11T22:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-to-square-one--124463?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dear Kim/Kari,\r\n\r\nLook I've been bad with anxiety for donkeys years,I'm 64 (a young 64) ans still alive and kicking,still have anxiety/depression every now and then,and all its hangers-on.\r\n\r\nWith regard to eating,eat little and often,or not at all,but drink water,loads of it,the appetite will return with no consequences,anxiety promotes so many irrational fears,3 months ago I feared going to bed,dreaded it but after a couple of weeks it went away,last week I literally feared taking a bag of jumble to the charity shop but I did it,it's the name of the game,anxiety puts those thoughts into your head,work at it,exercise,read,whatever just get it off your mind for a while somehow and see your doctor and tell him about your fears.\r\n\r\nWith regard to sex,yes it has an adverse effect,of course,and some meds cause problems in that area,unfortunately none of these problems are easy to dispel,but accept it and try not to worry about it too much,that is the hard part,but don't let it rule you.\r\n\r\nIf you want to talk about depression I can help you there too,I am seeing a shrink on Friday,yes even now I suffer,but I will not give in,or I'm done.\r\n\r\nThe best of to you both\r\n\r\nRegards Malc ;) \r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-11T22:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-to-square-one--124463?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kari1155-113071" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is scary for me because I have never had such racing thoughts,and loss of concentration,I just feel down right bad,I feel like I am going to go crazy,or lose controle,I would NEVER harm myself or others as a matter afact I am deathly afraid of dying... I just feel as thought I am going to snap and I will end up in a home for psycho paths...my thought proses is horrible,I woke up last week and thought to myself well I'm awake.. Almost to the point of thinking if I had just passed in my sleep I wouldn't be such a burden to everyone and I wouldn't have to feel this way.. I am a mother of 3 wonderful children and a good husband.. It's just soooo hard to deal with,I have been on Prozac for 10 years,I was at 80 and went down to 40(with dr permission) then started with anxiety so they upped it to 60 and a week after that bam A big one er and everything,now I am back up to 80... Idk if I am just umuned to Prozac or if I need to give it more time? \r\nThank you for listening sry so long\r\nKari" ], "date": [ "2014-03-11T23:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-to-square-one--124463?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Kari,\r\n\r\nThis is full-blown depression I recognise those symptoms,especially the burden bit,I too have three great children,and a beautiful grandddaughter,but I feel like I'm unwanted and somewhat ridiculed and feel like driving off somewhere to get out of it.\r\nI too will never harm myself or others,I just beat myself up,and it hurts,I think you need something different to Prozac,that is an anti-depressant,you need something stronger for the anxiety,convince your doctor you need help and ask for a psychiatric check,there is nothing to be ashamed of in that,it may just be what you need there are medicines and treatment to ease all that,it takes time,but do it and be yourself,don't let the doctors dictate to you on what treatment is best tell them it is ruining your quality of life,and is dramatically affecting your family life too,these things are precious,but also learn to help yourself,breathing exercises,yoga,meditation,breathe into a crisp bag,get some control back.\r\n\r\nTake it from me,things will improve once you get out of that groove,try it,now!\r\n\r\nBest wishes Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T01:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-to-square-one--124463?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kari1155-113071" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you so much I am contemplating going into the er as we talk,I am having an attack panic/anxiety \r\nTrying to breath.." ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T01:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-to-square-one--124463?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You go ahead and breathe,get it back,\r\n\r\n\r\nYou can do it,love and peace" ], "date": [ "2014-03-12T01:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-to-square-one--124463?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Back to square one ....!
I have recently posted things about my anxiety and how I feel I have overcome it. But now I am Experiencing feeling sick all the time. I am absolutely petrified of thinking I'm going to be sick, I try to Avoid eating out in public and hate the feeling of being full because it gives You that sick feeling :( I still walk around and feel like I'm in a daze and nothing is real , Basically in a bubble. I try to ignore it. I even avoid certain favourite Foods now and constantly check the sell by date on foods Because in don't want to be ill! My diet is pretty rubbish to be honest which doesn't help But I really don't want to eat ! It's a case of having to :( I won't go too far away from home Knowing that if I'm ill I can quickly go home to somewhere I feel comfortable.! Iv never been like this before and now it's starting to put me off having kids cos of morning sickness and the thought of giving birth petrifies me! Is anyone else in the same boat?! HELP!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loopyliz89-60918" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi mandy aorry to hear of your troubles, I have been suffering with severe anxiety for about 4 months now 8 have also just been put on 20mg of citalopram 5 days ago and my symptoms have also gone so much worse, I haven't experienced the attacks as bad as they have been this week and also just grneral anxiety I cant seem to relax at all and my thoughts are all over the place. My doctor did say it might get worse before it gets better though. I have also been put on propanolol to help with racing heart and the tremblies. Hoping soon will start to feel a bit better and I hope you do too, liz." ], "date": [ "2014-03-07T20:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/citalopram-side-effects-124276?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loopyliz89-60918" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Oh just to add about the nausea I cant seem to eat at all either due to the sickness I havent had a meal since I started, I managed half a sandwich today and was sick. Are you like this too?" ], "date": [ "2014-03-07T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/citalopram-side-effects-124276?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy21524-47709" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "No, fortunately it is not as bad as that. I tend to have the nausea late morning/afternoon, so can't face lunch but can eat a small breakfast and dinner. The leaflet enclosed with the tabs says side effects last for a few days so hopefully it won't be much longer, let me know how you get on." ], "date": [ "2014-03-07T21:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/citalopram-side-effects-124276?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Mandy/Liz,\r\n\r\nLook I never had trouble with Citalopram,nor did my daughter,didn;t do much for me may as well have eaten Smarties,but helped my daughter tremendously,no side-effects at all.\r\n\r\nHowever I took Mirtazapine for a week and was really ill within a week,sickness and diarroeha,so stopped it at once,slept well, on it but not good for the anxiety.\r\n\r\nSo all I can suggest is get your tummy checked out after my tummy bug it was later discovered I had Barretts Esophagus and hiatus hernia causing acid reflux,heartburn,nausea and of course get another med for your anxiety,sttrange how some meds cause such diverse reactions amongst their users but I think they are too readily issued to some people who may not have that deep-rooted anxiety syndrome.\r\n\r\nGood Luck\r\nRegards Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-07T22:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/citalopram-side-effects-124276?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Citalopram side effects
I have been suffering anxiety and depression on and off for some years and was recently on mirtazapine but it helped me sleep but nothing else. I am now Citalopram 20mg started last Monday. My anxiety seems to have got worse since then as well as suffering nausea etc some of the time. I know some people on here say it has worked for them but have others experienced a worsening of their symptoms, if so, for how long, and how long before I may see any beneficial effects?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi \r\n\r\nDeep breaths! Take your medication. Diazepam is amazing and within 30 mins you'll feel much calmer. If it's got to such a bad stage you need to be taking the advice from your doc about taking the meds. \r\n\r\nHave you been referred for counselling etc \r\n\r\nTry things that help you relax. Even if it's standing in a hot shower and the water helps relax your shoulders for a few moments " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T10:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi chloendaisy,\r\n\r\nJust want to say you are not alone on here we have all been there and some still there.have you thought of ringing Samaratains to talk to they will just listen to you,I know how you feel about meds. But perhaps it might help just take the first dose as prescribed one day at a time,I know that's not easy I have just had to result to meds, and have stuck out so long but I think as soon as we swallow one every ache or pain it's the meds and it probably is not.the mind is a most powerful thing.Is there not anybody else that can get your child to school.\r\nJust do a little thing and then rest,put the telly on or radio or have you a garden you can ho into with your little one anything to try and distract you from your thoughts if only for a little while.\r\nJust keep coming on here always somebody that will answer you.\r\n\r\nTake Care\r\nJoan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T10:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for getting back am just scared the diazepam are not going to take it away at the minute I have built up such a massive fear of taking either tablets and all the doctors are telling to do is take the tablets but I have a physical block in my mind that just want let me do it it's so scary because I am losing everything I want to get better but I just bring my self to take them because I know I will have a panic attack and it scares me but I don't want to lose my daughter either it's so horrible I just don't want to wake up everyday it's killing me " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T10:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks Joan I haven't left the house in a month now and it's the separation from my daughter brings on the attaks more it's horrible I just hate it so bad I feel sick 24/7 so I can't even eat I just want it all to go away now it's so bad and I know there is medication there but I just can't bring myself to take it x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T10:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Why don't you try and call the Samaritans and talk it through? Even if it's just to talk about what you're going through so you know you're not on your own x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I rang them today there just there to talk to I need real help and to be honest I am sick of going over it all again and again I know I sound like a bitch but I have just had anough now x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Could you take the tablets for the sake of your daughter because they will make you feel better and then that's better for her? " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have u ever had diazepam " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, \r\nI'm so distressed to hear how you are feeling. As I've been afflicted with this for years and I truly sympathise.\r\nFor what it's worth; TAKE YOUR TABLETS. You clearly need them to help cope. Suffering needlessly won't help with the situation with your daughter. The sooner you get this Demon under control the better for you both.\r\nThese episodes are a nightmare especially dealing with them on your own. BUT they DO PASS. Take the meds and hang on in there girl.\r\nI don't do this very often, but, I'm sending you some love! \r\nBe strong, be you'\r\nAlex XXX" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nShall we try and get this into perspective,can the tablet make you feel any worse than you are that's what I said last night with my first one,you say you need help but at the end of the day the GP can only give you tablets or some counselling,if you went into hospital you would have to take them (well of course upto you) but they would discharge you if not.I am sorry if this sounds harsh but that is what I have told myself.or if things are that bad and sound like they are as your GP got a crises team to come out to you. think of your little one you don't want to loose her.\r\n\r\nSorry for being blunt\r\n\r\nLove and lots of it \r\nJoan xxxx" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes I have - I take them now 2mg each morning. It relaxes me and takes away the panic symptoms x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meteor63-42336" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello there.\r\n\r\nI really feel for you. My thoughts are coming your way. You are definitely not alone.\r\n\r\nI totally understand your fear of meds. If you don't want to take the ssri you could just take the diazepam. 2mg is a very low dose. 2mg of diazepam didn't touch it for me. Neither did 4mg. But when I was given lorazepam it was amazing!\r\n\r\nTake care and hang in there." ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T12:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "First take a deep breathe and take your medicine. You were prescribed these meds for a reason. Your anxiety is effecting your child by not sending her off to school. That is not good especially if child protection services get involved by not sending her to school. You must tend to your medical health and not halt it all of sudden. That makes it worse. Drs. try to help, but if you don't follow thier orders it is useless. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and dont take 10 steps backward. Do it for your child." ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T13:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robina87-45070" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi chloen, please take the diazepam. i know how you feel about meds. i was the same and i will tell you why i was so scared to take them. because i thought that they would make me even more helpless and i wouldnt be able to function.i thought i'd loose control, but they have the opposite effect. they give you control. thats what they are for to control your symptoms. and also if i was you i would phone the school. there will be a nurse there for the children that you could talk to. no one is going to take your child away. you sound like a good mother who loves their child. we are all in the same boat here. and have had to take meds to help us so we know what we are talking about. i was on 40mg of prozac and they stopped me crying. i started on 20mg so they cant be that bad if i took another 20mg. the diazepam are to relax you and when you take it you will wonder what all the fuss is about. you must break this mental block and take the tablets. dont let a mental block rule your life. as thats all it is. face the fear and have courage and believe us. look how many of us have posted to you. because we all know what its like. you are in my prayers. love xxx" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T15:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you robin it's always worse in the morning when it gets to this time I start to get tierd so that calms me down I am going to try let my partner to take her to shop soon so I will let u all know how that goes I really appreciate all the support and help from every one dose anyone know the best way to stop a panic attak or just be able to control it and make it stop x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T16:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi chloendaisy,\r\n\r\nThis is classic the mornings are worse,you have come through today I really don't know how you stop panic attacks just let them come don't try and fight them and say OK you are not going to kill me but just go away don't want you some deep breaths while you focus on that you should find they subside I know they are horrible but nobody has ever died from panic attack.just let your daughter go to the shop and think how she will like it.if you panic when she has gone come on here and sure somebody will be here.\r\nTake care and think about taking the meds,think you are doing it for your daughter and yourself.\r\n\r\n\r\nLove coming your way\r\nJoan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T16:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason92093-112591" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I think your going threw the worst of it now your doctor should be helping you if he or she is not you need a different doctor this is not your fault this is your nervous system screaming at you that something is not right I think that human services coming to your house is making you more anxious you are in need for people to come to your need so you and them can find something that you guys can workout the hard thing is the people that have not gone threw this extreme adrenaline rush don't understand it I feel your pain im 24 the symptoms that you have told me about I had when I was 18 I was crying everyday I didn't want to deal with it so I would try and sleep all the time but then you ask yourself what can I do people say to me go and speak to someone I think that is crap if you ask me not saying it does not work but it does not for me now I think that you should call a mental health place and don't be scared of them there not going to lock you away they will help and if they say they cant tell them im not going home till I feel like I can and stay there they have to see you and if you keep crying they will see you because that's what I did they get angry but when they do ask them nicely are you in my body can you feel what im feeling say what am I crying for no reason trust me stay at a hospital refuse to leave stay there if you feel that bad give your kids to your mother of a very close friend till you feel better I hope that I could help god bless hope all goes well and please reply I would like to know how your going or improving thank you jason " ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T06:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Well last night went well but bamb 2am woke up and I don't know what's happened in my head something dosnt feel right though but I can't explain it and then every hour woke up and just had to get out of bed my heart is just racing all the time and my head is in over drive why is this happening to me I can't stand it anymore I need my life back it's a lie when they say it goes away when ur notices there is nothing to fear it dosnt I know there is nothing to fear but it's still bloody there so bloody bad x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T07:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason92093-112591" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hate when doctors used to say to me there is nothing to be afraid of its no ones fault I over analyse everything now my brain is still in that mode it sucks ive seen all types on doctors but all they want to do is give meds and get rid of you its sucks I felt that bad yesterday I was yelling at my doctor it takes that sometimes for them to understand. if im correct you side effects you feel like your going to die /pass out cant breath I know to a t what your going threw I hate when people say its all in your head then I say ok so your in my body are you and your feeling what I am my body is screaming help me but you don't know what to do you try to ask and then people judge you me other people its not right " ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T07:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I seen alsorts of doctors to I just don't know what to do I hate have having to get so tierd to feel like I can cope I just wish I could wake up and the anxiety not be there it's horrible and so stressful I just hate it so much I can hardly breath now and my heart feels like it's in my thought and there is no way to stop it apart from take diazepam but taking them will give me a full blown panic attack until they work and that's if they will work enough for me to calm down so I don't get why I would want it to get worse it's so stressing x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T07:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason92093-112591" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "what mg of diazepam are you on 2s 5s 10s I have to take vallium everyday mine is that bad and im 24 still a pup " ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T07:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Only 2mg not ever tried them yet am to scared and am only 23 " ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T08:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason92093-112591" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "ok the truth vallium will not help you in the long run but with the symptoms that your tell me you need to do whats best for you I think if you can snap the little tablet in half and take it I will talk to you till it kicks in so your ok deal" ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T08:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "How long do they take to kick in on a empty stomach and do have any advice for when the panic attacks get full blown x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T08:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason92093-112591" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "about 20min to 40 mins when they get full blown I grab a pillow and hold it over my face yell cry into it the hard thing is that it sucks at the time but I swear it will pass if it get extremely bad and your body cant handle it you will pass out but its ok if that happens just be near a seat or a bed so if you do you don't hit your head and hurt yourself on a empty stomach 20 mins it will work I think you should be on 5mg tablets not 2s and with the medication the worst thing that can happen on the dose your on is you will go to sleep but you will feel calm :) I hope im helping you im just going on what I ve been threw " ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T08:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloendaisy1990-133634" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I don't even think I could the attack for 20mins to be honest I am so scared of them x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T09:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason92093-112591" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey not being rude but do you have Facebook it would be so much easier to chat about this over that " ], "date": [ "2014-03-06T15:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-i-just-want-it-all-to-stop-124158?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Please help me I just want it all to stop
My anxiety has gone crazy it's killing me I haven't eaten in 4days it's got that bad I am waking every hour dreading the morning coming I have stopped sending my 5yr old to school because I just just have panic attacks over everything which has resorted to social services getting involved am so scared I have been prescribed diazepam2mg and fluoxetine20mg but I am so scared of taking any of it I am in such a hole just crying 24/7 I just want to die now I have had anough someone please please help me
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I do believe you are reacting to a very stressfull time so try to be a little bit more patient easier said than done I know but you have to believe that time is a great healer and the meds your on should do well for you it's a horrible illness to go through alone so being on this site will help . I truly recommend this everyone understands " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T18:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ads-suddenly-seem-to-have-stopped-help--124182?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ross98355-133674" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi sorry to hear your having anxiety problems, I have suffered badly with anxiety over the years. I take sertraline (anti depressant) for the last 8 months, during that time i have had to up my dose from 50mg to 100mg. it can take time to find the right medication & also the right dosage.one thing you could ask yourself are you better now than when you first started your medication? have you asked your doctor about cbt course to help cope with anxiety " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T18:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ads-suddenly-seem-to-have-stopped-help--124182?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie24530-91804" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello liz\r\nThe same thing happened to me about 3 weeks ago now my sertraline 150 mg stopped working after haven taken it for nearly 3 years. I ended up having 2 seizures at work and 2 weeks off sick. Im still on them as doc thought it was a bad batch and put me on 10mg amitrypline. I felt better for a week and now im struggling again. Im going back to the docs mon to swap meds maybe you should go back for some advice before going up. I tried going up on amitrypline and made me feel awful. I hope you get sorted soon \r\nTake care\r\nNatalie" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T19:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ads-suddenly-seem-to-have-stopped-help--124182?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Ads suddenly seem to have stopped. help!
I started taking sertraline at start of year for anxiety, and mild depression, reacted really horribly to it. Massively increased panic attacks, horrible physical symptoms, the works. So after 4 weeks my GP swapped me to amitriptyline. Within 3 days I felt like a new person, well like the old 'me' iyswim. And for the last 5-6 weeks I have felt so much better, really good in fact. So good that I've wondered whether I really need to take the amiltrip'? I've felt content and centered and really rested, zero anxiety. Then I had to host a stressful meeting at the end of last week. Then on Friday night I met with a good friend, who has just heard some traumatic news which was upsetting. Saturday was very busy and hectic, and I ended up having a minor falling out with my Mum and younger DC. But I coped, and I felt okay about it all. Then by Sunday afternoon I started to feel a few twinges of anxiety, and I felt flat. Sunday night I slept really badly, and on Monday I felt a few more twinges of anxiety and I felt low. Another night's bad sleep followed. Last night I had to deal with a very stressful incident at my DC's school. I was calm at the time, but felt upset later. I went to bed early hoping to get better sleep, but woke at 3.30am after having a nightmare. I then feel very anxious, and my chest felt tight and white hot, I also had palpitations. I ended up having to take propranalol (which I haven't needed in weeks) and also 5mg of diazepam (which I haven't needed in weeks). I feel so upset, as I really thought I was getting so much better sad Now, I feel I'm back at nearly square one. I'm currently on 30mg of amiltrip' and wonder if all this means I need to up my dosage, or whether I'm just reacting to a stressful 5 days?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie24530-91804" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello Natasha\r\nI too suffer with what you do and I also have intrusive thoughts. They are extremely scary upsetting and unpredictable. Mine started after having my daughter over 6 years ago. I wont go into too much detail but they were v much based on harm coming to her and my fear that I wold be the one to cause that harm. Those particular ones thankfully have gone but im still left with ones based mainly on the death of those I love in car accidents being run over etc. I know exactly how you feel one thing I do and it prob sounds weird but if one pops in my head I literally shake my head to shake it out of me. I have been taking sertraline 150mg for over 2 years which is quite specific to anxiety and ocd I had to go up to 150mg before I felt any relief and am now waiting for my appt for CBT. I want you to know these things your thinking( I can imagine what they might be as you describe them as disgusting) are actually v common. Everybody gets a thought in there head and it then goes. People like ourselves then become obsessed with those thoughts and that causes anxiety which makes us think more intrusive thoughts more anxiety and so the vicious circle continues. Just know that whatever is in your head isn't going to happen you are not mad or some sort of disturbed person. You have a horrible form of ocd which with the right meds and the right therapy will get better I cant say it will ever go cause mine hasn't fully but it will get better. Sertraline is the best for this I would say but give your meds time to work. My last batch unfortunately was dodgy so I withdrew badly but new batch and feeling better. I really hope your feeling better soon. If you ever wanted to private msg me maybe even just to tell me some of these thoughts your are more than welcome to I can honestly say Ive had the weirdest freakiest ones and still been told im not mad by a psychiatrist. I find being able to tell someone who understands or had had them themselves is helpful in making you feel better and taking some of those fears away.\r\nTake care\r\nNatalie" ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T14:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-do-i-dispose-of-awful-unwanted-thoughts--124032?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natasha67722-133228" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Natalie, tht message has seemed to lighten the load a little! Thankyou. I have looked into a lot about it online and it seems to be more common than I initially thought. I have been put on beta blocas and anti depressants for now, I'd like to think it's me doing the hard work though. I had anxiety n OCD when I was just 16 and managed without meds. I got through! I'm now 25 n had a hard few years with different things but I am now very happy and settled with my life. So I'm guessing that why it's all comin bk to haunt me. I'm glad u are feelin a little better, and I too have a child so I must think of her! I'm powering through till I get my cbt appointment and we shall see what is said to help. In the meantime the meds n strength should get me through :) " ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T19:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-do-i-dispose-of-awful-unwanted-thoughts--124032?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josephine55703-112695" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Natasha - I'm so sorry you are going through this. I haven't come across many people with obsessive thoughts OCD but I too am one of them. I can spend a good 5 hours a day lying on the bed thinking and worrying and writing notes down - all to do with health. I seem to spend all my time analysing what cud be wrong and not worrying about the actual illness (cancer!). I have been on sertraline and beta blockers and had cbt but nothing has worked because it's so severe. I know it has to come from me and the only way to get better is to push the thoughts away which helps strengthen the positive thinking. I broke down yesterday - I was so hysterical it scared me. I am trying to start today pushing them away - it's made me realise how easy giving up smoking was now ( which was sooo hard) lol. Giving up obsessive thinking is like losing a friend (I know, a bad one) and I feel lost without the thoughts because they have become a huge part of my life). I'm thinking of trying hypnotherapy and my cousin has contacted someone in London who deals with this and is emailing me with suggestions and where to go from here. I'll pass on any information that could help. In the meantime good luck with cbt and try to keep pushing the thoughts away as soon as they come into your head and I will too. WE CAN DO THIS!!!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-do-i-dispose-of-awful-unwanted-thoughts--124032?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josephine55703-112695" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I meant to say the bloke in London is sending suggestions other than hypnotherapy." ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T11:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-do-i-dispose-of-awful-unwanted-thoughts--124032?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
How do I dispose of awful unwanted thoughts?
I have recently been told I have anxiety and OCD. I've been put on medication but still Yet to start therapy. I can't stop making up things in my head! I'm tensed from head to toe an panic I'm weird as I have discusting scary thoughts :( how do I stop them!!?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie24530-91804" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Gary\r\n\r\nYes for about 7 year's I have had morbid feelings and general fear of death. Anxiety as a whole for 15 years. I would see your GP as a first point of call but I suffer with reflux with my anxiety from time to time. I get a cold burn from mg stomach right through my windpipe. They may recommend meds but that can make your stomach probs worse initially but they can prescribe omoprozale for that as that's what I have. Another thing Gary please don't think that anxiety and the need for meds makes you look weak or defeated it takes more strength to seek help than not. We all need help sometimes thats what Dr's are there for to help you feel better and try to get you back to your old self. I suspect the reflux type illness is anxiety related but then again it might not be. Unfortunately as an anxiety sufferer they tend to pigeon hole you and put most aliments down to that. I hope this is a bit helpful and you get to a GP soon for advice at the v least. \r\nNatalie" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T15:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anyone-help-124078?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Reflux is a sign of possibly a problem with the body. You need to talk to a Dr before it gets worse. It could be a hiatal hernia. If you believe in God, pray to him." ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T15:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anyone-help-124078?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie24530-91804" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Its also an anxiety symptom as is IBS and many other physical symptoms. " ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T16:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anyone-help-124078?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes it is a symptom of IBS and Fibromylagia that is why you need to go to a Dr. soon before it gets worse." ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T16:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anyone-help-124078?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie24530-91804" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ibs and reflux are symptoms of anxiety. As well of a physical illness. " ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T17:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anyone-help-124078?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi mate,\r\n\r\nGet this seen to ASAP,I had similar problems last year,had anxiety/depression for over 50 yrs,so I know the score.\r\n\r\nMy throat/stomach problem was diagnosed as barrettts esophagus plus hiatus hernia,in my opinion this was worsened by worrying over things too much,mainly due to having a dual knee replacement and prior to that being medically retired,so no work for 2 yrs.\r\n\r\ni can now walk,my stomach reflux seems to have abated,and my anxiety is under control thanks to 400mg of Pregabilin per day,although I am seeing a shrink in a week's time to discuss my ongoing problems with anxiety and maybe a possible change in medication\r\n\r\nYou must see your doctor and get this seen to,it will not go away on its own,believe me.\r\n\r\nGood luck" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T18:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anyone-help-124078?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vickycam-37275" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Gary, The advice to see your GP is very good. Your symptoms could be from a physical condition so it's essential to see your doctor ASAP. Perhaps you should see a new doctor and not mention your anxiety and fears. Sometimes when you speak of anxiety doctors think everything you feel is attributable to mental and emotional conditions. Natalie mentioned this in her comments. Just describe your physical symptoms and let the doctor do the necessary tests to rule out a physical ailment. Good luck from Long Island, NY" ], "date": [ "2014-03-04T02:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anyone-help-124078?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gary78927-133370" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you everyone very much for your advise and being honest, I have booked to see my Dr for tomorrow so hopefully will get some closure on it, it is very nice that everyone is so kind and once again I thank you all.\r\n\r\nRegards Gary " ], "date": [ "2014-03-05T09:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anyone-help-124078?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can anyone help
I am 47 and over the past few months I have been suffering from some sort of Reflux (without acid more muscle movement) from my stomach to the back of my throat ,my tongue is sometimes red and sore and I have been suffering from anxiety and feeling very morbid , I am trying to keep strong for my family but think I’m losing the battle and may break down at any time. Has anyone else been through this and should I go on anti depressants?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi Ryan,\r\n\r\nTry not to worry the fact that you felt much better for the first 4 days of taking the citalopram is a really good sign that it is going to work for you. But you have to remember that it takes a while to build up in your system properly and in the early stages you might experience some break through anxiety until the drug is completely in your system. It can take a few weeks for these pills to reach their full effect so don't feel disheartened that you have felt some of your symptoms returning - it is natural that that would happen. Keep taking it everyday exactly as it has been prescribed and you will stop having these attacks as the drug begins to control it properly. Take care , lisa x" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T04:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/everything-was-going-so-well-why-does-it-change-now--124060?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natasha58567-47345" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi ryan\r\nPlease dont worry that is totally normal im still having days where I feel bad and think oh I felt so good yesterday whats going on are the cit not working now ?! :( then I feel better the next days and good days keep getting better. My dr said this is normal and to just keep taking them each day as prescribed and things will continue to improve . \r\n\r\nTake care :) " ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T09:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/everything-was-going-so-well-why-does-it-change-now--124060?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robina87-45070" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi ryan. as others have said. it does take time for the citalopram to work fully. and you will get the odd breakthorough of anxiety coming through. i was on citalopram and they were the best medication i have ever had for anxiety. i felt the first tablet i took and really felt myself relaxing and calming down what a relief. so just keep going as you are and you will feel much better as the tablets build up in your system. its good to hear that its working for you, as it did for me. i got taken off them as i was put on another medicine which you cant take with citalopram and they changed them to prozac. i can tell you i really miss my citalopram. they were excellent for me. and good luck. " ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T10:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/everything-was-going-so-well-why-does-it-change-now--124060?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan6803-112956" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey gys, thanks for taking the time and effort to reply. I really appreciate it\r\n\r\nIts comforting to know that it will have some delayed effects, i was just lost in a happy world where i thought everything was fixed and could never go wrong again, but i realise now that this is just a hiccup in the road to getting there.\r\n\r\nCan i ask another quick question; what was the dosage that you were put on? because i feel that the 20mg ihave been given may not be enough. This is only because of my friend who is on 100mg of Setraline. I know they are different, but they do the same thing - or so my doctor told me.\r\n\r\nI know im probably just finding other things to worry about by asking this, but it is a genuine concern. \r\n \r\nThanks again people :)\r\nRyan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T16:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/everything-was-going-so-well-why-does-it-change-now--124060?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi Ryan,\r\n\r\nNot at all unusual what you experienced mate,anxiety takes many forms,I too had a similar experience years ago on escitalopram felt great,laughed a lot,saw the funny side of things,and carefree,but that old devil anxiety hit back big time and well after that I may as well have eaten Smarties for what good the tablets did.\r\n\r\nIt really is a mountain to climb Ryan,I'v e had it 50 yrs plus and I,so far have got through,been damned hard but at age 64 the fears have not abated,but the worst symptoms have gone I hope,thank goodness for my medication.\r\n\r\nIf anything i am now a little bit forgetful and in my own little world,but that's good because 3 months ago I considered ending it all,but thanks to CCT team I got by,so like I say,enjoy your ups and accept your downs,you'll have plenty of each.\r\n\r\nYou take care,don't panic!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T18:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/everything-was-going-so-well-why-does-it-change-now--124060?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan6803-112956" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I notice now how much it can vary, like you said malcolm it takes many forms and hits you in the most unexpected ways. Only a day later, i feel completely fine again. occasional tingles in my face, but mostly ok. I still cant sleep properly however. Im too afraid to take my sleeping pills incase i dont wake up or dont get the required -8 hours sleep, or otherwise ill apparently suffer from memory loss. So it looks like ill be on here every night at 3:30 in the morning :P\r\n\r\nIm glad to hear that you got over your struggles, i hope that you do fight through them. Just like you say, ups and downs. I could really do with an up right about now :P\r\n\r\nThanks again malcolm. and to the rest of you who replied.\r\n\r\nRyan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-04T03:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/everything-was-going-so-well-why-does-it-change-now--124060?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Everything was going so well, why does it change now?
Hey guys, just got a little question to ask. 4 days ago, my doctor gave me 20mg citalopram for anxiety. Before this i had already been on propranolol to help control the physical symptoms. Anyway, even within the first hour or so of taking my for citalopram, whether it was placebo or not, i felt great for the first time in weeks. Even though it made me feel really sick at times, it was such a relief from the anxiety i had been experiencing before hand. All has been fine, friday, saturday and sunday were all fine, but only an hour ago things started to get bad again. I felt stroke like symptoms, my face and neck and arms tingled and went a little numb. This was what i used to feel before. I have calmed down a little since. Im wondering if anyone has had that kind of delay before? I mean surly if it wasnt going to work it wouldnt when i first started taking them as opposed to 3/4 days later. Thanks, Ryan
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Scruffy,\r\nCould it be overactive thyroid?: Better tell Doc all of your symptoms,amxiety can and will cause all untold problems,however I've nev er had anything like that really .\r\nAgain I would suggest scouring through all the forums for related symptoms especially with regard to change of life,because there I can't help you being male,but my wife was subject to many problems with her change which seemed to last a long time.\r\nSorry I can't be of more assistance,but check out those forums,just typ in your symptoms on your browser and work from there.\r\n\r\nGood luck Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-02-28T12:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for your prompt reply sorry but I have an under active thyroid gland I had some blood taken awhile ago and came back fine so not sure quite what to do xx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-28T12:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, Scruffy\r\n\r\nYou should have told the GP everything but I know how you forget everything,perhaps if you go again write it down don't be embarrassed they have seen it before my daughter is clinical specialist and tells all her patients to do that when they come to clinic.Try not to focus on your throat because you know our old friend anxiety will kick in worse and don't google.Have you tried to gargle with mild salt water or TCP and suck some lozenges and keep drinking also honey and lemon.Hopefully just a blip let us know howi it goes\r\n\r\nLove\r\nJoan" ], "date": [ "2014-02-28T12:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank so much it's great being able to rant I really do find it a life line on here I will try gargling with salt and I know anxiety plays a huge part xx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-28T13:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes it is nice on here to know we are not alone and be able to rant .xxx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-28T14:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Scruffy,\n\n|Never alone on here, I started this particular topic before Christmas and my how its grown, if we advertise products perhaps we could get some money,although patient..co.uk might not allow it, however hope you feel a little better, and keep on ranting and raving even, it gets it out of your system.\n\nKeep in touch!\nLOL Malc xx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-28T17:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks Malc \r\n \r\nFeeling very afraid at the moment at work alone feeling rubbish my throat ears and neck are really sore too afraid to visit doctor again but feel like I've got flu this isn't. Life it's just an existence " ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T18:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Scruffy,\r\n\r\nSorry to hear your throat is no better,I am in bed with very bad head GP tomorrow probably say anxiety yes it is through pain.when we find the answer we will be rich (if only) I am like you scared to death today been crying most of the day but there you go.Thats my rant for today LOL.\r\n\r\nHope you feel better soon\r\nJoan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T18:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Scruffy and all,\r\n\r\nI must admit with all the anxiety I've had I've never had throat trouble like you seem to have,odd really,but of course anything can happen with this thing.\r\nYou should see the doctor,when you're suffering as you are,help ease your mind,make it easy on yourself,I wish you well.\r\n\r\n\r\nBest wishes Malc\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T19:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Malcolm\r\n\r\n\r\nThanks for replying, nice to know we are not alone.\r\n\r\nJoan\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T19:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Joan,\r\n\r\nNo you're not alone,so many with problems,young and old,rich and poor,sign of the times we live in I think,if I can help then message me anytime,I will try to be of some use.\r\n\r\nHave had anxiety/depression since age 9 it's been one hell of a ride!\r\n\r\n\r\nRegards Malc \r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T20:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Scruffy,\r\n\r\nPlease go see a doctor,do not be afraid of this,accept it for now,that's the key to it,acceptance,as hard as it is,just let it run its course.\r\n\r\nBut see your doctor,no need to be scared,accept,accept.\r\n\r\nYour'e never alone!\r\n\r\nKeep on messaging\r\n\r\nLol Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T20:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you so much this forum has so much love because I can't talk face to face I'm glad that I've got people on here to vent my frustration \r\nMalc I'm so grateful without this space Iim not sure I would be here now \r\n\r\n Xxxxxxx" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T21:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey scruffy,I'll tell you something,not ashamed of it,but I had enough about 6 months ago and tried to get out of the pain,know what I mean,but thankfully I did not complete the job,look as I said before first accept it,then the task becomes a tad easier,it;s like you're building a dam to keep the water out but facing a losing battle,let the water in,let those thoughts run rampant,but just hold enough back to say to yourself I can deal with you,you can't hurt me,and slowly things will ease.\r\n\r\nLike I said,you must see a doctor,don't be afraid,that's what anxiety feeds off,face that fear,only you know what it is,my fear is I fear fear,at the moment I am pretty good,but I seem to have become a little forgetful,I drop things,and I feel like I'm in Wonderland,perhaps going a little cuckoo,but it's kinda nice,still have bad days but I get by,and so will you,believe me,and believe in yourself!\r\n\r\nKeep on messaging,I'm up till 02.00 every morning,and not working at mo so always here.\r\n\r\nYours Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T22:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/don-t-quite-know-what-to-do-103978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Don't quite know what to do
Just as I thought I was coping very well everything seems to have gone out the window had a sore throat bad neck when I joined here it helped and I knew I was suffering anxiety and things seemed ok but my throat kills today and my neck does and I'm checking for lumps all the time Went to see my own doctor after a very long wait 2 weeks and all I mentioned was the change of life and that I'm not coping well Not sure I want to through this all again feeling scared. My husbands Feb up with it so I can't talk toHim Any suggestions
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi J, \r\nsorry to hear what's happening. I've had a bad back for over 40 years. Diagnosed with multiple disc degeneration (ie. 8 slipped discs, but still fit for work LOL). I attend my pain clinic at 6 week intervals for acupuncture, which does help with the pains in my legs; it doesn't mend the discs but it gives some reief. In the past have had lumbar puncture and mylograms which were a nightmare, but helped diagnosis, along with x-rays and scans. Been down the steroid injection and physiotherapy many times with no relief. No help from the tens machine either. Just take codine and paraceatomol these days and try to get by and put up with it!\r\nI'm so miserable even religion seems a better hope, but can't find one that makes sense!\r\nI'm always amazed once we're out of childhood we're on our own and everything these days is our fault. I grew up believing in kindness and compassion. Getting any of that is harder than getting a lottery win!\r\nAnyway that's my rant for today. \r\nPlod on J\r\nregards Alex" ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T11:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-pains-palpations-124033?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks Alex ,\r\n\r\nYou are so right nothing exciting in getting older,but we cannot turn the clock back unfortunatley.Thankyou for replying.\r\n\r\nJ" ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T13:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-pains-palpations-124033?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pipps1-91698" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi joan\r\nwell I'm only 32 and this hit me out of blue last nov for no apparrnt reason .like you I've been in and out of hospital lots of times originally thought cardiac related but seems it not? my gp said he personally does think its anxiety. but doesn't know wat it is as all tests clear? I feel lighthraded weakness as if i cud faint hot or cold sweats heart races at times ru the same?" ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T13:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-pains-palpations-124033?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi pipps,\r\n\r\nThankyou for replying yes the hot and cold sweats all day and at night it runs of me ,I also have tremor which does not help my only relief is laying down which you cannot do all day.But must just accept it I suppose but ŵould love to just be like I was 3 years ago but that's life.Thank you again nice to chat and on here you don't feel so alone.\r\n\r\nJoan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T14:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-pains-palpations-124033?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pipps1-91698" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes i know its just awful they gave me meds but I've not taken any coz of side effect I'm tryin hypnosis so hopefully it will help?i find deep breathing exercise do help good luck to you too its really amazing to see actually how many thousands of people this effects but it really makes you think when gp says no its not anxiety yet he doesn't know so wen you get all these symptoms is it actually anxious or a medical conditions docs have not detected? Strange.." ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T14:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-pains-palpations-124033?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly79051-91515" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I have been exactly the same since October last year I have had blood test ecg but can't find anything wrong doctor has said it's nothing to worry about but it's hard not to also my sister and a friend are having them too i know it may sound silly but I'm wondering if there is some kind of bug going round this winter that's causing this" ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T17:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-pains-palpations-124033?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Kelly,\r\n\r\nHow I wish you were right had mine nearly 3 years,they just say stress and anxiety yes true health anxiety but what the answer is don't know except we are not alone .Thankyou for replying this forum has so many lovely people and so glad we can be there for each other.\r\n\r\nJoan" ], "date": [ "2014-03-02T17:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-pains-palpations-124033?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth70142-113118" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have multiple bulging and herniated discs in cervical and lumbar. I am on nortripyline for pinched nerve pain. It is also a antidepressant but they use it for nerve pain also. I am on 50 mg of nortripyline for five years now. I would never be able to work without it. I would get constant spasms in my left buttock and sacroilac area. If I was depressed I would be on 200 mg. etc. You got nothing to lose try it. Physical therapy, Tens, chiropractor did nothing for me..............Try it. It gave me my life back. It helps also with my fibromylagia. It is all over active nerves I believe we all suffer with that causes a chemical imbalance in our brains." ], "date": [ "2014-03-03T21:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-pains-palpations-124033?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Heart pains & palpations
Hi, Another afternoon spent in hospital yesterday ECG bloods X ray examinations all clear which is good but no explanation not even told anxiety this time,told to go to GP for referral to pain clinic as if was sent there for back given tens machine does nothing.So just trying to say that anybody who gets these symptons guess we have to believe it is anxiety ,that's ok until it happens again why can't I believe it.Guess this is health anxiety Hey Ho there are a lot worse out there ,just feel like ranting sorry. Joan
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maz222-60897" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You seem to have had everything undercontrol then this illness occured and knocked everything...i'm on meds for my anxitey without it my heart feels like it would pop out of my chest among other things...not sure wether to see your dr? Have a word with your pharmist...see a nurse? Get your heartrate checked and your burning may be a due to your infection..don't mean to panic you may be part of anxity does sound like it...if i don't eat propaly even on med's i feel rotten with my anixty try and eat little and often substitute tea/coffee with cupasoup's i hope you feel better soon" ], "date": [ "2014-03-01T14:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxious-all-the-time-114018?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi \r\n\r\nI would go to docs, I didn't and left it 10 weeks, its now taking forever for the meds to kick in and I'm exhausted and fed up all the time… would really recommend getting help asap rather than trying to wait it out and making yourself feel worse " ], "date": [ "2014-03-01T15:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxious-all-the-time-114018?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Carina,\r\n\r\nLook don't delay get to see your doctor quick and he/she'll sort you out I hope.Have had similar symptoms myself and not at all pleasant and very disruptive,so get your skates on ans see your doctor ASAP.\r\n\r\nAll the best Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-03-01T15:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxious-all-the-time-114018?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carina10529-123190" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you all for your replies, I will make an appointment with my doctor on Monday. I think the main problem is I can't seem to take my mind off it which in turn makes the physical symptoms worse. I was on citalopram it was working until the episodes started so I will be going back to ask for something else" ], "date": [ "2014-03-01T15:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxious-all-the-time-114018?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carina10529-123190" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Cont: I was told to come off the citalopram but it hasn't made any difference so I will definitely be going back to the docs" ], "date": [ "2014-03-01T15:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxious-all-the-time-114018?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Carina,\r\n\r\nLook i don't want to sound like a know-all but I've had anxiety/depression for a very long time and at times I had a 100 thoughts rushing through my brain,uncontrollable and have twice blacked out,god knows how many panic attacks and lots worse.\r\n\r\nTaking your mind off it is difficult because it seizes your mind,just say to yourself,when the mind is reeling,yes it can be done,just say I ACCEPT YOU over and over,out loud or to yourself,in the streets or in the home,persist and you will start to get the better of it,it'll still be there but not in total control.\r\n\r\nFind something to occupy your mind,a book,a crossword,a game,yoga and exercise outdoors,get the air in,it all helps.\r\n\r\nAnd ask your doctor if he/she would prescribe Pregabilin,it has been good for me and many others,non-addictive and reasonably few side-effects,but stick to the dosage and don't drink alcohol with it.\r\n\r\nHope this helps\r\nThinking about you,good luck" ], "date": [ "2014-03-01T22:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxious-all-the-time-114018?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxious all the time
Well it started just over a week ago, I thought I had my anxiety under control, but I had been ill and wasn't eating properly. I had my first episode at work where I had no energy, my body was burning and my heart rate was through the roof. Needless to say I was sent home. I had another episode the following day, but began to perk up a bit at the weekend. My partner and I were in a minor collision that weekend and although I felt reasonably okay I just thought things would getback to normal. Well its a week later and I am anxious all the time, I've worked out what's causing it (lack of food, feeling sick everytime I eat and fear of having another episode) but I just can't seem to calm down. I've been signed off from work for the week and am trying to push myself to get back normal and it is working to an extent, I just can't seem to stop thinking about my heart rate and the burning. I'm debating whether to go to the doctors or whether to just wait it out. I am sorry for the rant its just a bit frustrating and I am curious as to whether anyone else has experienced anything similar and how they have overcome it.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/oliveria-32905" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hope this will pass. I just to think the same after I had my second child. It was total anxiety. I think you may be suffering from post partum depresion. You have to see your doctor and mention that. All the best for you and your beautiful family. I can tell you, you will be in this world for many, many, many years. Send you a great big hug full of good energy/ Belive me, is nothing wrong with you, you are and will be fine.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-02-19T21:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-been-told-i-have-serve-anxiety--93696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/faye1811-102168" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you for your kind reply yes my doctor has already said he thinks I might have abit of post natal depression but I didn't believe this as I love every minute with my baby and I thought if I had that then I wouldn't enjoy being with her? All I want is my kids to have a mum and these horrible panick attacks to go saying that I haven't had 1 today but had 12 on Saturday and 4 on Sunday but starting to feel a tad better! Thank you judith84 xx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-19T21:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-been-told-i-have-serve-anxiety--93696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel for you i lost my mum whwn i was 9 im 49 now and have 4 grown up children. Have never had any problems with anxiety until the last year or so but i think its linked to menopause and some life stuff. Take care be strong you will be fine, try talking therapy rather than tablets and keep yourself busy, loving your family." ], "date": [ "2014-02-19T21:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-been-told-i-have-serve-anxiety--93696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/faye1811-102168" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yeh trying to keep myself busy but always at the back ov my mind.....I have a counselling session next week what I'm looking forward to in just very tiered all the time because of the tablets I'm on x" ], "date": [ "2014-02-20T10:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-been-told-i-have-serve-anxiety--93696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/judithe-60816" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Faye,\r\n\r\nI just wanted to express my support. It must be exhausting dealing with anxiety and being a mum to young children. You are a doing a great job, keep it up! \r\n\r\nI had a friend who suffered from anxiety, she said that counselling really did help and so did taking 'personal time'. Her road to recovery was bumpy but she stuck in there and is much better today.\r\n\r\nHang in there Faye, best wishes for your counselling session next week.\r\n\r\nJ" ], "date": [ "2014-02-20T14:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-been-told-i-have-serve-anxiety--93696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/faye1811-102168" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you Judith joining this forum has just really helped me ;) x" ], "date": [ "2014-02-20T20:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-been-told-i-have-serve-anxiety--93696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/judithe-60816" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Now, that is just the right attitude for success! How did the counselling session go? x" ], "date": [ "2014-02-27T11:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-been-told-i-have-serve-anxiety--93696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
So been told I have serve anxiety :(
I'm 25 years old with 2 children,I live with my partner who works a lot off the time! I lost my mum when I was 6 years old due to cancer this have never really seemed to bother me until I had children! 1st my son who is now 6 and now I have a daughter who is 5months since having my daughter I am constantly thinking I have cancer!! I check for lumps every day and self diagnosis on the Internet even for a cough! Since having my daughter I've convinced my self I have cervical cancer my doctors won't do a smear yet as my cervix won't be back to normal! So the past month I have just been telling my self I'm dieing and going to leave my kids like my mum left me and my brother!! But this last week my daughter got rushed into hospital and was admitted for 4 days they thought she was going to go into intensive care!! Luckily she is fine and was aloud home after 4 longs days! Since having her home I haven't been myself unable to eat even less then what I was before I thought I had cervical cancer! I've lost a stone and half in 6weeks due to stress and anxiety! I've never told any1 how I feel it ever spoke about my mum! Saturday 15th February I broke down Infront of my 2 child being sick having a panic attack I had to ring my dad to come and get me! He had to take me to a&e I was that bad I thought I didn't want to be here while I was having these Planck attacks I just wanted to be dead!! So nearly a week later on calopram 20mg feel rubbish in a morning but my self in the afternoon! But have been getting really bad night sweats which then lead me to self diagnoses again and guess what cancer again does any 1 no if night sweats is a side affects to calopram? I have an oppitment with a councillor next week what I am actually looking forward to! X
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "for some reason it has but gaps between sentences , im new so i apologise" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T20:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hiya,\r\nWhat do you think caused the anxiety to start?" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T21:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "i really dont know , i wish i did and then i could start from there , all i know is , is that ive felt \r\nthis for a really long time and its slowly creeped up getting worse and then to severe ... i basically\r\nfeel trapped \r\n\r\nthanks for the reply by the way" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T21:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "think back to things which happened to you maybe things which made you feel sad? Did you feel alone, asolated, break in job?" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T21:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick21015-48348" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "When anxiety is severe relax and tell yourself worrying achieves nothing, worrying will solve nothing,think of a good place,somewhere you've enjoyed ,felt happy and safe." ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T21:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "my last job i had , i was a great worker , i always have been , got my head down and did my job\r\netc ... but i would even spend more time in the toilet at clock off time just so i didnt have to que up to leave\r\nand engage in convos , my face goes bright red.... i never once sat in the cantine for lunch , i would sit\r\noutside with the older guys etc... this was a great company and then i had my breakdown ... they gave sick\r\npay and was sending me get well soon cards but i couldnt do it , and ive worked ever since leaving school.\r\n\r\ni know worrying achieves nothing , but its like its in my nature now ... as though its normal \r\n\r\nthanks for the replies \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T21:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lydia50240-112325" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi\r\nHave u Ever been to talk to someone about your anxieties. " ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T21:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi lydia \r\nyeah i did cbt , but nothing worked with that and was hoping it did , ive spent money buying books\r\non depression and anxiety , downloaded apps .... even being on here is making me anxious .... i just want \r\nto feel human again \r\n\r\nthanks for the reply , i dont know why it is putting gaps between what i write " ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T21:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hollie011288-43328" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello\r\n\r\nYou are not the only one barreling thus, I have been like it since September, I am 25 and can't bare the thought of being alone, I have a fiancé but he doesn't understand what I'm going through, I'm an only child and my mum died 7 years ago and then my dad 4 years ago, I did my grieving for both of them as we were very close, and had anxiety prior to this, I have been fine for about 2 years my normal outgoing bubbly self, getting up going to work, but ever since the end of September Iv turnt into a nervous wreck, my symptoms are, nausea, shaking, depression, toilet troubles, loss of appetite, dizziness, sweating, suicidal thoughts, it's bloody awful, I currently take 40mg of fluoxetine and 300mg of pregabalin but Iv seen no changes in taking these, I am going back to see my Gp" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T21:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick21015-48348" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Most of us in same place so don't worry sf , all friendly and helpful on here. On the same dosage of fluoxetine with up to 60mg of propranolol which I find takes away physical symptoms." ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T22:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi hollie , sorry about your parents , i cant imagine how it was to go through that .... im currently living\r\nat my parents and my dad has cancer and i hate seeing him taking loads of pills and oramorph daily , \r\nmy mum , dad , 2 sisters are basically the only friends i have .... sometimes i feel pressured by my sisters has they want me to go out and meet someone .... i cant do that , im not happy within myself so whos gonna want to be someone like me , and i wouldnt at the moment anyway....all your symptons are familiar with me and my sleep is horrible , hope you feel well soon" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T22:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi rick , appreciate your replies and everyone elses , i even feel on edge writing on here as though im gonna be judged etc " ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T22:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick21015-48348" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "No one will judge you, I'm the same at times, depends how I feel but a chat can help I find. " ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T22:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick21015-48348" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Goodnight all , chat tomorrow maybe, sleep well." ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T22:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "thanks rick , im gonna get my head down too .. chat soon i hope" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T22:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey rick ,glad you have had a good day , what type of tv do you watch ?" ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T21:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks so much for the links " ], "date": [ "2014-02-26T18:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick21015-48348" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ok sf take care" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T23:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have you tried going to a group for people who feel like this in London I know a good one could put you in touch if you like" ], "date": [ "2014-02-22T23:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vickycam-37275" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "SF My heart goes out to you. We in the forum are here for you. No need to apologize for anything. Have you seen a psychiatrist or psychologist? Having a professional to speak with might help to root out the cause or causes of your extreme anxiety. A dear friend who suffered through years of anxiety while taking all kinds of psychotropic medications has been on mirtazapine for the past couple of years. She said it has changed her life. But everyone is different so sometimes to find the right medication we must go through triasl and errors. . Psychiatrists in the US are able to prescribe medications but psychologists and other therapists are not permitted to do so. MD's are also able to prescribe but I think psychiatrists are better about analyzing the causes of our fears. Good luck. I'd like to see you \"starting fresh\" on a happier life." ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T03:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire47442-112555" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi guys I am very new to this, I can't tell you how much I can relate to this is so many ways. \r\n\r\nI have the most amazing fiancé and I can't seem to get over my anxiety it's ruining our relationship, he does nothing wrong and I'm always so suspicious ! I had a panic attack a few years ago when I was in a pressured job but after a few weeks I was back to normal and ok again. I am a very outgoing person I work in sales, I don't have the problem with going out but I think that's because I can put on a front of being happy when I am customer facing all day. \r\n\r\nI have just been prescribed 50g of streamline but was unsure if I should take it, I started to take Kali's and this seemed to help so I stopped and went back to my normal crazy self ! My imagination runs wild and I am convinced everyone is out to get me, if anyone offer any criticism to me I take it as a personal attack. \r\n\r\nI also want to be normal again and not to have this black cloud over my head, my finance doesn't understand and just thinks I'm looking the plot. I just can't explains how I'm feeling inside but I also feel like I just dint know what to do !!! \r\n\r\nCan anyone help ? \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T18:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick21015-48348" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sf hope your having a better day. Sounds like time for a good holiday Claire ." ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T18:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/startingfresh-112454" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi guys only just logged in , hope you have all had a ok day \r\nhi heather nice to meet you and thanks for replying .... i live in nottinghamshire so im quite away from london....hi vickycam , yeah i maybe should go see some one again , its got to the point where im second guessing myself ... am i crazy etc ... its so hard to explain through words i guess.\r\nhi claire , i cant really give any advice to you but i understand what you mean about putting a front on , i do it to my family , making out im ok but inside im basically dead , its a battle sometimes i just want to submit too.\r\nhey rick , hope you have had a good day too , i had dinner with family being quiet as usual " ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T19:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have a look in your area for meet up groups in London there are loads look for anxiety try and meet some people who feel the same it was really helpful in London" ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T20:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi \r\n\r\nCan you tell me where I can look for groups? I'd love to meet up with someone who is going through what I am - but have no idea where/ how I even start to look for where people live\r\n\r\nthanks " ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T20:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nWhere do you live?" ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T20:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Kent " ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T21:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick21015-48348" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yeah had a good day today sf thanks, walked dogs by river, dinner , bit of catch up tv." ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T21:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there,\r\nWell theres a great group in london called leading light they advertise on meet up, they have group meetings for socials and meetings to help people talk and build their confidence. Theres no pressure you do what you feel comfortable with. I could forward you a contact for the group if you like or try googling meet up in kent, i think they are all over, let me know." ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T21:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks - do you have a link and then I can have a look in to ones in kent \r\n\r\nThanks again " ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T21:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "http://www.leadinglight.org.uk/\n\n[b]Emis Moderator comment: I changed the personal email address originally posted to the link above as we do not publish email addresses.[/b]" ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "http://www.socialanxietysupport.com/forum/f12/uk-kent-london-essex-surrey-sussex-meet-up-group-189649/ link for anxiety support group kent" ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T21:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-beat-this-and-be-happy--103782?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
can i beat this and be happy ???
Well here goes ... im 28 years of age from the uk and my anxiety is basically ruling my life And i don’t know what to do anymore. Does anybody feel like this on a daily basis???because this is me everyday. So scared to answer the door when people knock? Scared of answering my phone to numbers i don’t recognise Scared to go to the shop which is literally 10 seconds away from my house , and even When i pluck the courage up to go i pray that im gonna be the only one in there so i go straight in And out , and the small talk and eye contact is a total nightmare. I make sure if i have to have my hair cut that im there real early so theres not many people About and once again straight in and out. Going to the doctors and being in the waiting room. The list can go one tbh Guess what im trying to say is that im a nervous wreck , i never used to be like this , i used to be happy , outgoing , confident and bubbly etc ..... i just don’t know how it came to this , i feel like Theres a constant black cloud above my head day in day NOT out etc....... Sorry for going on so long , i just dunno what to do and its sad really because i know theres People out there with worse problems i guess. I even deleted my facebook because all i kept seeing is people posting pics of family , holidays And all nice stuff because it depressed me ... yeah i know that sounds selfish but im a really nice Person and would do anything for anyone. Anyway im rambling on .... anybody out there anywhere that has beat these beasts ????? Thanks Oh yes and im on mirtazapine and beta blockers , maybe i need the right meds for me
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/designergirl12-18109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lisa\r\n\r\nWhen you go back to the docs demand a second opinion and See a consultant. Tell him or her what you have told us on here and say how long you have had to cope on you r own. \r\n\r\nAlso you can self refer to IAPT you will find this online in your area. They will listen.\r\n\r\nGood luck\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-02-18T22:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalegs79-102048" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you DG12. I just feel like I'm being a nuisance or worrying too much, which inevitably leads to another attack! " ], "date": [ "2014-02-18T23:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trex-20922" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Is there anything that you are anxious of ? or is there somethig bothering you ? or is there any one thing that is causing you to be anxious ?\r\n\r\nIf they listen to your vital organ (heart, lungs and check bp) and it all comes back normal without any other symptoms it is usually anxiety. Same thing happened to me, i didnt even know i was anxious. Went to the docs 2 or 3 times, and they said the same things, after that i have been fine, just relaxed and bit more and kept myself busy, thats all." ], "date": [ "2014-02-18T23:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lisa,\r\nIt does seem to be like this with some docs, if you are concerned there is something wrong, get them to do the relevant checks this should put your mind at rest. You dont mention how old you are. Im in the process of getting tests done now. Has there been anything in particular to set your anxiety off?" ], "date": [ "2014-02-18T23:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vickycam-37275" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Lisa, What I'm going to say may seem ery far out. But have patience with me, please. I used to have all kinds of fears - health issues, fear of dying, fear of fire (I couldn't stay in the best hotels without worrying that I would be caught in a fire. I would remain awake all night fearing that I would be overcome by smoke)At that time I was engaged to marry. For various reasons I broke the engagement and gradually my phobias disappeared. That was a long time ago but I still remember how frightened I was. Perhaps there is something deep down in your life which troubles you. If you could root it out you might find that your fears are unwarranted and that you could begin to enjoy life. I can understand how troubling your fears are. I truly emphathize with you. Internists, GP's, etc don't seem to be helping you. Have you considered seeing a psychiatrist? This doesn't mean that I am diminishing your fears and anxieties but I am suggesting that there might be other avenues to explore to relieve your anxiety and restore you to total health. " ], "date": [ "2014-02-19T01:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather70113-91622" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nYes i think youre right about the uncertainties in life, i think since leaving my fulltime job and my partner being overseas, this has caused a lot of the way i feel. Im trying to not let it take over but at times that seems uncontrollable. Its hard to see sometimes in life that actually our body takes over. Im just trying to sort it out so things gain some normality." ], "date": [ "2014-02-19T01:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scruffy61-91583" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Lisa\r\n I do understand your health worries but if you keep reading the wise words from people on this forum\r\nit most def will help. I also suffer with anxiety it wasn't until I found myself at the docs for the third time in a \r\nRow that I realised and looking back over the last 4 months my life has been rocked by a lot of heartache \r\nThere is a trigger maybe sit down and have a moment of recollection you never know\r\n\r\nGood luck but keep talking. \r\n Scruffy61 xxxx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-19T15:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dee21-38150" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I use to feel just like you describe but you have to try and look at from a different angle. All tests have come back normal and as you have had this for 5 years if there was something physically strong you would have known by now. All the symptoms are classic panic disorder , the constant focus on every ache ,pain or change be it imaginary or real keeps the adrenalin pumping through your body making tgevsymptoms worse , therefore you notice the changes making even more adrenalin pump round and so the cycle goes on.\r\nI know it isn't easy but once you can totally accept these are panic disorder symptoms and nothing else you can then learn to accept you are not going to die from it. \r\nLearn how to breath properly to bring your anxiety level down, read everything you can , join the postal group 'No Panic' (brilliant help) and slowly but surely the symptoms will lessen .\r\nI never thought I would cope with my horiffic panic symptoms and thought those who were able to could not possibly have it as bad as me but with determination and time I have gone from living every day in a total state of panic to now ocassionaly have a ' anxiety moment ' which is still horrible when it huts but it no longer controls my life. \r\nIt will take time and you will have set backs but the fight is deffinatly worth it in the end. \r\nI hope I have been able to offer you a little hope . good luck" ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T15:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dee21-38150" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry, should have been. ' physically wrong '. Not. ' phsysically strong ' !!!" ], "date": [ "2014-02-23T15:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalegs79-102048" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you guys. I started getting anxiety attacks at 30, I'm now nearly 35. My doc at the time said the anxiety was due to prolonged stress (my ex was a cocaine addict and got us into a lot of debt) however I'm not separated from him for over 2 and a half years, yet the anxiety remains. In my day to day life, I can't recognise any 'usual' trigger. Sometimes I wake up anxious and it gets progressively worse, other days I wake up fine but and then during the day or evening, I feel the symptoms coming on, or feel a change in my body and cause an attack. For example, I've had a nasty chest infection the part couple of weeks and my throat has been sore. As I was having a coffee earlier I noticed my throat wasn't hurting, so kept swallowing and couldn't tell if it wasn't hurting or was completely numb inside. I then convinced myself I'd either accidentally not rinsed the cup properly when doing the dishes and was having an allergic reaction or I'd developed pneumonia or a tumour in my throat. Then my breathing quickened so I convinced myself my airways were closing up. It seems ridiculous now I'm calm again, but at the time, I was sure I was going to die. " ], "date": [ "2014-02-25T20:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalegs79-102048" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "*now separated from him!" ], "date": [ "2014-02-25T20:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-won-t-anybody-take-this-seriously--93668?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
why won't anybody take this seriously??
Hi all My name is Lisa and I've been suffering with health anxiety for nearly 5 years now. I have hypersensitivity so every tiny change in my body, I feel and dwell on. I get all the usual anxiety symptoms....chest pain, palpitations, chills,nausea, racing heart, hot flushes, a feeling of impending death. Although I've been diagnosed with health anxiety, no healthcare professional has offered me any help. No meds, no therapy, nothing. Every time I visit my gp worried over a health issue, I get told its anxiety with no tests. They listen to heart, lungs and check my bp, but that's where it stops. I'm just trusting the words of my gp with no proof that I'm not seriously ill. Its gotten to the point now that I'm having attacks all the time because of some new ache pain or twinge but I'm worried if I keep going to the doctors, they'll just tell me its anxiety without even checking into my complaint. Does anybody else feel like they're constantly fobbed off?? Thanks in advance for any input. Lisa. X
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kimberley93403-48367" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I can't relate to any strong pills but I'm on propranolol which helps calms me but not emotionally. I have no side effects and can take them whenever and stop whenever. It acts as a beta blocker. Do you know what has caused your anxiety? " ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T14:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pipps1-91698" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi\r\ni was on proponolol to n it slowed my heart so bad i nearly passed out and ended up in hospital. plus was disorintated awfull plus its immediate effect on u.I've been on herbal passiflora tincture complex drops for one month now and would def recommend it wit no side effect \r\ndefo worth a try " ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T14:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j50802-70548" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi \r\n\r\nSounds like you had the same experience as me - took sertraline for 5 days and ended up in a and e! Then changed to fluoxetine - been taking them for 26 days now… def feel much better than I did but it is slow and you have good and bad days, you just have to ride the bad days out and enjoy the good ones. \r\n\r\nI am also seeing a counsellor to look in to triggers and what situations make me anxious (mine is anxiety, not depression) \r\n\r\nI also take beta blockers and diazepam to help when things get bad. \r\n\r\nPlease feel free to message me if I can help / advise anymore. \r\n\r\nI would def say take the tablets - each day you don't is a day longer you have to put up with feeling like this. I left it for so long and wish I had just addressed it when it started rather than trying to fight it! Make weekly appointments with your gp to talk about any side effects/ how you're coping with them. x" ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T16:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi\r\n\r\nI've been on and off Fluoxatine for years and never had any side effects whatsoever. It can take up to 2 weeks to get any noticeable benefit as in my experience the effects are quite subtle, but it does help.\r\nYou probably will be on 20mg to start, which I think is the minimal dose.\r\nIf you read the patient leaflets that come with all meds you wouldn't take any of them!\r\nI'd give it a whirl. Tea and coffee is worse for you." ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T16:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi again,\r\nThe fluoxetine is for depression. If you feel you need something for anxiety I seem to have become the forums advocate for Pregabalin. It helps me a lot. The only side effect I had was a mild headache for four or five days, but went thereafter. Neither drug should give you the spaced out feelings that others do.\r\nGood luck, whatever you do." ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T16:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pipps1-91698" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi \r\nWhere do I get the pregabalin?" ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T17:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi pipps,\r\nOk, I've found Pregabalin helps stabalise my anxiety, which for me is great. It kicks in after about 2 hours. (dose is low to start with, then increased to suit your needs)\r\nIt's easy to google Pfizer Pregabalin, to get their patient information.\r\nYou would have to start with your GP. Not all GP's may be familiar with this drug. Some would defer you to a psychiatric professional for a prescription.\r\nSo there you go. It may not work for you, but if you go that rout let us know how you get on.\r\nGood luck!" ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T22:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Pipps,\r\n\r\nI had a brief spell on fluoxetine never touched me no side-effects but no help either.\r\n\r\nI go along with Alex,pregabilin is very good I find it stems the anxiety and is quite a good pain reliever and I should know after having had two knee replacements in two years. It is non-addictive and the only thing to watch for is,depending on the dosage,the first tablet may make you feel a bit dizzy but it passes and believe me without it over the last three years I would have been in a mess.\r\n\r\nSo go on,get to the Doc and ask him for Pregabilin (Lyrica) and see what he/she says.\r\n\r\nGood Luck\r\nRegards Malc" ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T22:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex80074-49433" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi again again !\r\nAgree about the pain relief, \r\nI was originally put on Pregabalin to treat fibromyalygia. \r\nIt was purely by accident that I realised as the dose I was on was wearing off, the anxiety became more intrusive. Discussed this with my 'shrink' who agreed and raised the dose from 150mg twice a day to 2X 200mg. \r\nResult. \r\nIt's not a complete cure but makes the difference between the Habdabs and being able to feed myself etc.\r\nAll my best, Alex" ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T22:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason92093-112591" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello im am Jason \r\nim detoxing on mirtazapine and its terrible if your worried I think go and get another opinion it does not hurt the last thing you want is to start something and then feel worse and then try and detox of it your anxiety will double over night coming off it I hope it does not come to that.\r\n I hope all goes well all the best and god bless jason" ], "date": [ "2014-02-25T01:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robina87-45070" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi catherine. there is nothing to be scared about taking prozac. iv been on them at a few different times in my life. the first time i just felt great and everything seemed really bright as if someone had turned a light on and i felt part of the human race at last. as i'v always felt different.\r\niv just come off my prozac this time as i dont feel they are helping me now. i never even had to cut down and i was on two tablets a day. 40mg. obviously i'v got some tablets left just in case but i'v never had to use them. i didnt tell my doctor. which i suppose was wrong. but she knows now. i had no withdrawels. perhaps thats because im on other strong medication.\r\nplease try not to worry about taking the prozac. only two things can happen and one is they work for you or they dont, but im sure they will work especially if you'v never been on them before. all the best catherine and please dont be scared, you are worrying over nothing. so try not to worry." ], "date": [ "2014-02-25T10:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/query-with-fluoxetine-103836?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Query with Fluoxetine
Due to start taking Fluoxetine tomorrow but am scared due to the side effects I've read about, Have had a look on the discussion forum here and everyone seems to have some degree of side effect and have come through it but I'm still nervous. Can anyone reassure me I wont go crazy or stop functioning completely. Am suffering from anxiety and depression and have been trying to cope without meds but now at the stage where I need them but am wary that people may think I'm weak for giving in. would really appreciate some feedback from fellow sufferers. Did take Steraline but didnt like the worse panic attacks and out of control feelings so Dr has changed me to these. Here's hoping someone puts my mind at rest. Thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/godblessed-91964" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I admire your stance re: taking stand. I would say, give your body time to adjust. You were on that medication for 4 years-therefore its natural to feel like hell. How would you manage your condition now? If symptoms/withdrawal persists, and/or you get to feeling worse, I would seek out medical advice, perhaps from someplce else if you have lost confidence in your go. Good luck!" ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T07:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/withdrawall-103822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robina87-45070" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "if i was you i'd take a tablet and then that will help with the withdrawels. its dangerous to stop suddenly like you have. thats what i did and the only relief i got was to go back on my tablets but to keep it down to the lowest dose i could. and go back to the doc and tell him the truth,," ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T09:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/withdrawall-103822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vickycam-37275" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Jason, I agree with robina87. Going cold turkey is dangerous. You should see a new GP immediately. (I think prescribing 90 mg. per day was wrong). One must wean onself off medication. Start taking it again but in a lower dose and then gradually reducing it further. Were you taking this to sleep? I believe there are better drugs with fewer side effects to help you sleep. " ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T14:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/withdrawall-103822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Jason,\r\n\r\nI was prescribed Mirtazapine,just 20mg per day and after a week I suffered violent diarrhoea and it wouldn't go away,admittedly it took the edge off my anxiety and I slept better for a while.\r\n\r\nYou have been prescribed far too high a dosage and should be weaned off accordingly and that may take time.\r\n\r\nI suggest you ask your doctor for Pregabilin,you will not need a high dosage of that,I currently take 400mg per day,but started on 200mg,it is a wonderful drug,my brother was actually mentally sectioned,this drug saved him he's still on it and swears by it,and so do I.\r\n\r\nGo back to your doc and tell him/her straight,I don't mess about now,life's too short to worry about doctors reactions to my requests,ask him to sort you out with your withdrawal problems and ask for maybe a couple of weeks on Diazepam,but ask for Pregabilin,it will help you big time.\r\n\r\nBest of luck!\r\n\r\nPeace and Love Malc\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-02-24T22:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/withdrawall-103822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason92093-112591" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello again Jason here \r\nthank you all for your support its great to know that im not the only person going threw this disgusting feelings so thank you. I just cant understand I told my doctor but he would not listen to me so I got serotonin poising was sick for about a week. I went to the pharmacist last night and I told him all my symptom's and he said I should be feeling a lot better so im a bit confused im not sure how long the detox will take I've looked on line and one bloke said he was detoxing for 8 months I hope that is not true as I feel bad enough now and its day 12 today is it going to get better. Malc what type of medication is pregabilin??? get back to me guys thank you for your support \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-02-25T01:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/withdrawall-103822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Hello my name is Jason I have been on mirtazapine or avaza 45mgs at night just before I go to sleep. My doctor pushed my dose for 45 to 90 at nights I got serotonin syndrome where I had to go to hospital. I was not taking my dose but my gp kept telling me to go back to 45mgs I've now stopped cold turkey I feel like death I need to go to the toilet all the time I feel like im going to be sick all the time all my organs are sore my eyes are blurred and im getting twitching mussels I feel like im going to pass out how long will these side effects last for I feel like im so sick and im getting over feeling like this. I've been on avanza ,mirtazapine for about 4 years I have not had any for about 12 days now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE somebody help me with an answer thank you for reading. PS if your doctor try's to put you on 90 BY ALL MEANS SAY NOOOOOO!!!!!! that's my advice
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "i wonder if you are still looknig at these posts? Maybe you have moved on with your life - I hope so! I have somatisation disorder and haved posted here in the past. I also have depression and can empathise with how you are feeling/ you felt. Please don't feel foolish that you think it is all in your head. Our brain has intimate connections with, especially our digestive system and our immune system and more and more research is finding out more and more connections. You can feel almost anything as a result of brain/mental activity. I am completely disabled some days with severe pain in my stomach, diarrohea, nausea, wind.....I have had test after test and nothing has been found. I have had Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and counselling - they helped for a short while but i have not yet learned to apply what I have been taught when the pain kicks in and get severely depressed. I agree that it is a vicious circle. we sufferers certainly need more forums like this as i feel we need to understand that there are lots of people out there feeling similar symptoms to ours. another thing you need is a sympathetic and well informed GP - can't say mine is either and that it is very hard for me. Let me know how you are, you live close to me I think. Are you in Ashby? I am in Nuneaton!" ], "date": [ "2010-02-15T17:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wow--27485?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "It may start in your head but chronic stress becomes a very physical condition.\r\n\r\nRead a great book that explains the stress responses, its called Spark by John ratey - it explains how exercise will get you out of teh mire your in." ], "date": [ "2010-07-29T11:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wow--27485?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mucknamee-24391" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you to all the previous contributors for making me realise I am sane rather than insane. \r\n\r\nI have experienced the mental symptoms of highs, extremes lows together with the physical symptoms for twenty two years. Only within the last twelve months have I accepted that this will be my 'normality' for the rest of my life. The physical aspect is as debilitating as the mental. Presently I have been vomiting bile consistently every day for four weeks. My Community Practice Nurse states that I am anxious but not depressed. Though I have had the extreme tiredness as previously described. In one instance sleeping for five days and nights; not dozing-sleeping! In that time I had very little fluid or bodily motions. As previously stated, more boards like this are definitely to be welcomed as they are very much needed. Thanks again to previous contributors for enlightening me that I am most definitely not on my own." ], "date": [ "2012-10-26T20:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wow--27485?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Well, having been disgnosed with CFS and depression (to explain away my extreme debillitating tiredness) I am now coming to terms with the fact that it could all be stress related. I have had a fairly crappy couple of years. OK, nothing too singularly traumatic but lots of little things that have added up (redundancy, berevement, etc etc). I first went to the doc because i was falling asleep at odd times (when on the loo!) abd the doc diagnosed CFS/ME (but offered no help or treatment). Then, after another 6 months went to see another doc who, after I broke down in the surgery, diagnosed depression and put me on anti-d's. Now I will admit that emotionally I feel a lot more stable but there are various symptoms that just haven't gone away. I am tired all the time and I seem to be keeping Rennie in business as I do suffer from an acid stomach. I know I don't have an ulcer as I had an endoscopy a couple of years ago. But today I came to the self realisation taht it could very easily all be stress related. So, I am going back to the meditation CDs, stopping drinking coffee and I intend to try and relax. When i go back to the doc in a couple of weeks for my anti-d's I will discuss it with her. I feel so foolish as this is all inmy head. I have had blood tests for pretty much everything and apart from gallstones i am fine. So it has to be coming from my head! I daren't say anything to my family as the immediate response will be \"you have nothing to be stressed about\" which essentially is true. But it doesn't stop it happening! I just want to feel like me again! Lelly xx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pindi-21313" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi iv just been woken up again with similer symptoms its 224 in the morning i have a burning sensation in my neck that goes along my shoulder down to my lower back and it also aches i try to stay positive and accept its a physical effect of anxiety but im finding it so hard to do that ive been on the net looking for private hospitals to pay for an mri scan dont want to bother my gp any more i feel like i being a nucience has any one had these or are having these symptons with their anxiety im at a loss and worried its damaging my body?" ], "date": [ "2012-06-29T01:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/neuro-pain-36208?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sis-23003" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1991 and these are one of the symptoms I have to suffer when I'm having a 'flare up'. It might be worth checking into this." ], "date": [ "2012-08-23T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/neuro-pain-36208?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fanny_jane-22875" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi maz1961, It could be nerve impingement of a disc in your back, being referred down your legs in the lower back and possibly from your neck (cervical) in your arms. I have both these symptoms and I have a mixture of disc problems with spinal stenosis, myelopathy,radiculopathy and arthritis. (All diagnosed with X rays and MRI scans).\r\nYou say you are on medication that does not help. You need to return to your doctor and explain this. There are many medications that help spinal problems but you need a definite diagnosis from hospital tests. You also need decent pain control.\r\nAs Sis said you could also have a condition called Fibromyalgia or even something completely different to both our suggestions, you need to get it sorted out.\r\nGood luck and hope you get an answer soon." ], "date": [ "2012-08-23T20:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/neuro-pain-36208?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
neuro pain
i hav burning feet sharp shooting in arms and legs which gives me severe pain i already hav sciatica lower pain and my backside is tender can any 1 help , i am on medication but it does not help
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1871" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I found it was more like being in a whiteout rather than being in some really close enclosed space, they can hear you if you speak and talk to you (and depending on the gizmo's they're using) a loud bleep goes off with your heartbeat so if it starts racing they can hear that as well, if you just lie back and close your eyes you could almost have a kip (if it wasn't for the bleeping, horns and other assorted loud noises)\r\n\r\nHope this helps :) " ], "date": [ "2012-08-08T19:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mri-at-north-staffs-hospital-36751?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/belles-22704" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "ahh thanks for the response.\r\n\r\nHow long was the scanner? It's my leg that is going to be scanned, so hoping that all my body isnt in the machine! This may help?!\r\n\r\nWas anyone allowed to come in with you?\r\n\r\nSorry for all the questions, I dont think I'll sleep for the next 3 weeks :-(\r\n\r\nThanks again" ], "date": [ "2012-08-08T19:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mri-at-north-staffs-hospital-36751?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1871" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I think it's (the doughnut bit with the magnets in it) is about 6 feet long and the table you lie on is another 7 or 8 feet (the table slides into it), I'm not sure, it's big,, they did my Abdomen and I think I was about half way in,, you don't have to go in head first so if they're doing your leg then you might not even be completely in. I don't think they let anyone in with you, ring them up and ask, but I don't think so :) " ], "date": [ "2012-08-09T01:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mri-at-north-staffs-hospital-36751?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz240671-22744" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello. Have you considered seeing a hypnotherapist for your phobia? In just a couple of sessions they could help you relax completely. I am one, but I am down in Maidstone so a bit far to help you. Good luck!\r\n\r\nLiz :o)" ], "date": [ "2012-08-10T22:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mri-at-north-staffs-hospital-36751?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brummiebabe-22754" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I used to work as an assisstantt in MRI so hope I can help you. As it is your leg that is being scanned you should not go into the scanner itself. This is more for heads and backs, stomach etc. You will lie on the couch and will have some type of apparatus put over your leg. This acts as an aerial to pick up the sound waves that are coming from your leg. It should last around 20 - 40 minutes but depends on how much of leg is being scanned. It is very noisy but you are given some headphones to wear.( In the hospital where I worked, patients were also invited to bring a favourite CD to listen to!!!)\r\n You are usually in the room alone but the radiographers can see you from a window at all times and you are given a buzzer to press if you feel you want to stop the procedure at any time, However it`s best to grin and bear it if possible. If you ask, you may be allowed to have someone with you. This is not usually done due to the amount of noise the 2nd person would have to endure - however more `phones may be available. Sorry it`s long but hope its been of hekp to you. GOOD LUCK!!" ], "date": [ "2012-08-11T20:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mri-at-north-staffs-hospital-36751?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
MRI at North Staffs hospital
Hi Has anyone had an MRI scan at the new North Staffs hospital? I suffer from claustraphobia and panic attacks, so am absolutely dreading my appt. Any info would be much appreciated. Many thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/princess_pink-22470" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi daisydoo. i dont suffer with anxiety or panic attacks , but i have just been told that i have non epeptic attack disorder, i was put on all sorts of medication like yourself and they havent worked. I have been told that if i am stressed or anxious then the fits become worse. i am also talking to someone once a week about my condition . i dont have much family surpport and i feel that no one believes me. well the only advice i could give is to go back to your doctor and expalin that the tablets are not working . and also try some relaxation cds i have been given these byn my doctor. i wish you all the best let me know how you get on princess pink" ], "date": [ "2012-07-31T13:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-ruining-my-life-36693?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pindi-21313" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi daisy well come to the forum there is a few of us who blog regular like you i suffer with anxiety which in my case i also do suffer badly ive been on numerous tabs over the last 9 months and have really not got any better i am starting again weds talking therapy which i found last time to be very helpful with my negative thoughts i dont think i have full blown panic attacks any more i tend to get the physical symptoms now which include aching all over and a overwhelming feeling of detachment which is very scarey im back to docs in the morning to see what med i can try again i do feel i am being a pain by keep going to the docs but i want some sort of normal life back if it wasent for my partner i really dont think i would be here shes been great even though i some times dont even relise shes around because im so wrapped up in my own illness i think \r\nu should go back to the docs and ask for some talkin therapy it is good to talk to trained people who know what we are going through and not just the meds to help good luck ;)" ], "date": [ "2012-07-31T15:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-ruining-my-life-36693?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daisydoo-22541" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi thanks guys for replying u do feel like your on your own I have a fantastic family and great friends but they don't understand what I'm going through, I feel like I'm moaning and feel really embarrassed about it all cos I'm not one of those people who go to the doctors or moan about things I've been told about relaxation CDs which I'm gonna try and most of the time when I can feel one coming on I seem to think about it more and that makes me worse they always come on at the bad times and in places when I need to keep calm. I am back at the doctors and would love to know how your attacks start and what symptoms you have as I still don't believe there panic and anxiety attacks. X" ], "date": [ "2012-07-31T17:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-ruining-my-life-36693?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pindi-21313" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi daisy\r\ni went to the docs this morning and ended up breaking down i felt such a fool as i to dont think i am hacing attatcks when i told him that i thought i have every disease going he explained thats what anxiety makes you feel like that you think you are ill all the time he reasured me and put me on some different tablets to try he was very comforting and i came out of there a bit happier so now im just off for therapy session when my attack does happen its when i calm i think something clicks in my brain because im not used to my body being calm its a bit of a catch 22 really i hate the attacks and im not used to feeling calm SO FRUSTRATING if you are out with people and an attact comes on my advice to you is to try and sit it out it is hard the first couple of times i know ive just walked off wen ive been out and no one new where i went after a few times of sticking it out it does become easier its like taking a first step and if you are with friends they will understand i tend to go quiet and they know wots happening to me and just make sure im ok try it well im off now to therapy here goesssssssssssssssssssssssss" ], "date": [ "2012-08-01T14:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-ruining-my-life-36693?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and panic attacks ruining my life
hi I'm new to this but really red some advice in how to control them as there ruining my life. My symptoms arelifelines, then feel the colour drain from me, I go hot and have to walk around, I then need the toilet immediately and then feel shakey and so tired I get cold sweats then I shiver and have to sleep straight away and these knock me out for the rest of the day. I have four children so this is so hard to deal with. I'm on sertraline but am back at the doctors shortly as this is obviously not working. Does anyone have any remedies that work that I can try that is not medication. I work in a school, I can't go out with my friends as I have to come home has I start to feel dizzy and sick, please can someone help me I would love to be able to have a normal life and not feel so embarrassed and feel like I can't go anywhere it's not fair.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pindi-21313" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi havent seen a blog from you in a while i thought all must be well with you seems you going through a bad spell just like me im not ding to well my self fel i going mad im on propanol at the mo not sure of spelling i try to grt through day by day but feel so detatched from every thing is this really anxiety i keep wondering is there some thing wrong mentaly my artner is fantastic and keeps telling me it is the anxiet and its a condition im not convinced wh have you changed your tablets what are you felling to have to change keep blogging and keep your chin up x" ], "date": [ "2012-07-19T19:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help--36602?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jlc-19979" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi pindi\r\nI came off the other tablets as the side effects were out weighing what the tablets were doing for me. I had constant rapid heart rate and Doc said he is glad that has now gone away after stopping them. \r\nI didn't end up staying on the sertraline and I am now a week into Prozac, I am feeling very anxious in a morning and want to be sick and I keep dry retching but it is easing a little.I have very little apetite and feel nasueous most of day.\r\nI see the Doc a week on Tuesday so I am hoping that the side effects will have started easing off.\r\nThe prozac is not helping my sex life though ( being very honest here) The lofepramine didn't bother that at all and although getting better is my main priority when tablets take away what good things you have going then this adds to the fustration on being on tablets in the first place!\r\n\r\nDetachment is def a sign of anxiety, I used to have that all the time when I went out. I would be walking round in some type of surreal world. I don't have that quite as much now although my anxiety seems to have turned into this depression and I can't see the fun in anything.\r\nIs it just propranolol that you are on ?" ], "date": [ "2012-07-21T09:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help--36602?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pindi-21313" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi jlc\r\nim just back from southport my partners mum has been in hospital it was a long drive and i found it streesful some of the time, ive stopped taking the propranolol its been 4 days now i just felt my body was just in a slow motion and i couldnt think straight (dont really know if it was the tablets or the anxiety) i used to take prozac i was on the for three years i got on well with them so give them time you right they do affect your sex life. im still getting the detachment which i do find it hard to cope with also feel my legs dont belong to me sometimes fell im going to fall over im starting talking therapy next wednesday been waiting a while to start as ive been off work over a month now but cant see me going back for at least another month didnt realise that anxiety could be so debilitating i when i fell bad i still get thoughts of that i must have an illness like a tumor of some brain damage its just so wiered any way give the prozac time to kick in (i was on 20mg) what are you taking! good luck you be fine" ], "date": [ "2012-07-27T08:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help--36602?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertraline help..
I have just been prescribed sertraline 50mg after being on loepramine for a year, I came of that because of the heart rate side effects. I took my first sertraline after evening meal last night and hardly slept, I had stomach ache all night and felt so sick, nauseous and faint this morning that I had to lie on the bathroom floor for a bit. I am now back in my pyjamas and trying to rest. I really don't like taking medication but I feel that I need something and the Doc says that sertraline is a good one for anxiety as well. He said to start on 50mg but I am wondering if it might be advisable to drop it to 25mg for few days or just try to ride it out and hope things get better.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jlc-19979" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there, did you have any luck on the Sertraline? \r\nI have just come off Lofepramine as the side effects weren't helping although I think they may have been helping slightly. Not on anything at the moment and not sure on what to do next as I am now feeling a bit more tense and on edge again. " ], "date": [ "2012-07-11T13:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-36110?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mal123-20777" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi jlc\r\n\r\nI am not on sertraline any more. I am now on venlafaxine which are very good. I say very good, but I am not entirely free of anxiety even now. But better than before. I may ask my GP to go back on Sertraline as they seemed to be working quite well towards the end, before I switched to Venlafaxine. Anyway good luck with taking nothing - probably the best in the long run, if you can manage it. All the best" ], "date": [ "2012-07-13T11:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-36110?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susanmit-22086" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi\r\nYes, I was also on Amitriptilene and I am afraid they clashed. I had a reaction and had to stop. My sysmptoms were suggestive of an underlying disease so they were not needed. I did not know the two could clash, so am glad I stopped them/ Perhaps you need to ask doctor for a review?" ], "date": [ "2012-07-15T09:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-36110?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I have been on sertraline (100gms) for two months now and am really not noticing all that much difference. Slightly less nervous but not enough. Has anybody experience on these drugs. I was previously on Venlafaxine which I actually found better and am wondering whether to go back on them.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/coggy-20518" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, I was on 2 Lofepramine like you for 4-5 months and still felt not great - psycahiatrist added in another one mainly for anxiety (SSRI) but no betetr. He then upped my lofepramine to 3 a day and I noticed a big improvement within 3 weeks and still on that and its good - see if you can increase dose - it made big difffference to me !" ], "date": [ "2012-05-07T20:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-take-a-tca-and-ssri-for-anxiety-depression-36107?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jlc-19979" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi coggy, thanks for the response. The doc has discussed going up to three lofepramine, but I was a bit concerned in adding to already existing side effects. The side effects that have stayed with me since starting them are quite bad constipation, flushing of the face, neck and arms at random times and a rapid heart rate ( around 90 bpm but can randomly go upto 120) although this has subsided a little. \r\nI would rather stay on this than add in an SSRI as I know that they have more sexual side effects and without being to indepth, this is the one aspect of my life that is ok.\r\nDid you suffer any side effects on the Lofepramine?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2012-05-08T13:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-take-a-tca-and-ssri-for-anxiety-depression-36107?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/coggy-20518" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hiya\r\nYes I did get side effects - constipation really bad although I have improved my diet and fluids ++ and its much better now. I had terrible sweeting on SSRI's thats why I changed over to these and althiough I still do get it, its much less often. I have got no more side effects since increasing dose, in fact I think they have got better or maybe I have just got better at coping with them ! The effect of the drug has really helped me though so I can cope wiht the side effects I get. I didnt get racing heart though - is this def the medcication> Yes SSRI's are known to be worse on libido so dont think the incraesed dose will effect thigs there if 2 tbs a day not been a prob. Why not give it a go, u can alwasy reduce again if problems but I so glad I incresed cos life much nicer :) :) All the best with whatever u decide x" ], "date": [ "2012-05-08T19:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-take-a-tca-and-ssri-for-anxiety-depression-36107?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jlc-19979" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for response coggy, Yeah, the heart rate has been checked out by doc and I have had an ECG. My heart is fine, the pulse rate is just up because of meds.I didn't have this prior to taking them. Think that's the bit that scares me really as TCA's do have a more marked effect on your heart than others, but I think it's swings and roundabouts.\r\nI think I would prefer to go up on this one than start to add in another. I will discuss at next appointment.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2012-05-09T10:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-take-a-tca-and-ssri-for-anxiety-depression-36107?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Does anyone take a TCA and SSRI for anxiety/depression
Current Meds - 140mg Lofepramine ( 70mg morning and night). Although I am feeling slightly better than I was 9 months ago when I wnet on these, I can't say they are doing the trick with panics when driving and I still don't feel able to work. I am still very tearful through frustration of my feelings more than anything. There is also a definite change in me come mid month in my cycle. I am currently trying cyclogest for 2 cycles to see of there is any change, but if this doesn't help then doc is suggesting adding an SSRI to the Lofepramine. Does anyone else take 2 types of anti depressant for anxiety/depression and if so what are they and do you think it has helped?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/coggy-20518" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, An anxiety diorder is a very big group of conditiions so is very general. Has your gp offered you soem help? The best treatment for anxiety disorders is CBT , talking therapies, not medication. Difficult to get on NHS but is possible , just rather a long waiting list but very sucessful in many cases. Take care x" ], "date": [ "2012-04-20T21:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/newby-d--35978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meggsie-20490" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes, she's said it would be more of counciling/ talking- maybe something i need to work on and would help. Ive been more generalized here cuz ive had a variety of differnt symptoms over the last few years. Thanks for the help x" ], "date": [ "2012-04-21T13:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/newby-d--35978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/coggy-20518" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Its worth a try Meggsie - life is too short to suffere soemthing which coudl be helped I decided and I must admit, when i picked up the courage to ask for some help, I felt liek I was gettign soemwhere- hard to initiate but good in long run !" ], "date": [ "2012-04-21T16:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/newby-d--35978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Newby D:
hey everyone, im kinda new at this and thought id give it a go to chat to people who might be in the same boat as me. I recently was told b my doctor, after investigating into it, that i had anxiety disorder. Umm i dunno what really to say. It sounds silly to go into details as to why, but some of the side effects have been ongoing now i think about it and they are starting to worry me. Sorry to be so vague but its my first shot at one of these things and im one of those people that is more a helper than a 'helped' if that makes any sense. once im used to it, im sure il open up, cuz think many of these symtpoms/ causes people may be accustomed to. meggsie
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kel87-19240" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, i dont suffer with your symptoms but with costrochondritis which is inflammation in the chest and rib area, you are not alone with thd anxierty, i suffer daily with it even if i dont have any pain at that moment i am constantly thinking when is it coming back. I was perscribed a mild anti deppresent which is also used to treat pain called amitriptyline i dont know if this could be any help to you." ], "date": [ "2012-02-22T09:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-and-anxiety-35579?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zen--17344" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Jon,\n\nI too suffer Health Anxiety.. I have been to CBT and Clinical Psycology..\n\nTake a look at this link for some excellent advice and information on both Anxiety and Health Anxiety.. \n\nwww.ntw.nhs.uk/pic/selfhelp\n\nTry to find a positive side to all things life is too short to be sad every day..\n\nBest Wishes\nA" ], "date": [ "2012-02-22T20:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-and-anxiety-35579?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/genie_ex_nurse-19314" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "HI Jon. I too have a hiatus hernia. also diverticulae disease, lupus, scoliosis, and continual disslocatablehip. I suffered for years, not knowing what was wrong. When you are worried about your health, and aregetting no real answers or support, you are bound to be anxious, which in itself, can cause health problems. All I can say is, for me, I found a Dr that was a good listener knew his job,, and followed up on my signs and symptoms.Only you know your own body, and with someone to guide you, and care, as well as trusting them, you will find you won't be so anxious. Hope I have been a help." ], "date": [ "2012-02-23T07:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-and-anxiety-35579?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
health and anxiety
my name is jon about 4 years ago i got diagnosed with a hiatus hernia from which i get severe acid and foam all day every day.i also have ibs and health anxiety from which i get severe bloating which feels like one side of my stomach is bigger than thne other.plus i get alot of trapped wind.but i think i am the only person who feels like this,i dont believe that someone who has got anxiety symptoms like mine can have them 24/7.i have been to my gp she keeps saying its all to do with the anxiety im on all sorts of medication.i was wondering if there is anyone out there that is like me,if you have any advice i would be grateful.i also wanted to know if anyone as had hypnotherepy to help with anxiety and if it worked.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindap-13621" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am on citalopram for anxiety due to an overactive thyroid. I have also been offered some cognitive behaviour therapy on the NHS to help me. It took 4 weeks for the anti-ds to kick in. I am still not going about as normal but I am on the mend. The GP reckons it will take another 2 - 3 months.\r\nAll the best \r\nLinda" ], "date": [ "2010-07-13T00:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-fear-31414?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks linda any help is always appreciated, they keep checkin my thyroid but hey no hope, glad to see it does help in the end\r\ncheers chris" ], "date": [ "2010-07-17T00:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-fear-31414?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/usernameunavailable-17666" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Chris. This sounds so identical to what I am going through at the moment. I am 23 and have suffered from panic attacks on and off for the past 8yrs I have always managed to keep them under control but like you I suffered a severe panic attack 6 months ago where I thought I was having a panic attack. I have been prescribed Citalopram which is an anti depressant, I havent taken them yet but I am hoping for this to work. I was prescribed proprananol which is a beta blocker but this didnt help for me at all. I too have a severe phobia of death or anything related to this. It has never bothered me before up until now. Its affecting my job aswell, as I am in charge of security in a high risk store for Tesco and as you can imagine its hard to deal with anxiety when dealing with highly stressful and sometimes violent situations. I think my phobia of death stems from when I was working as a special for the police and I witnessed someone dying from a heart attack and ever since then I have been in constant fear of death and dying. I also check my pulse and I dunno if its because of the panic attack or what but sometimes my heart beats so weak that I cannot feel a plus or thumping in my chest and everything slowly moves away from me. Its common to feel extremely tired after a panic attack which will cause you to fall asleep, but I suggest when feeling like that then have something sugary like a mars bar I have found this helps for me as after a panic attack I feel week and extremely tired. I hope your getting through this mate as for me I feel as though it gets worse every day and feel cripled by it." ], "date": [ "2011-10-07T02:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-fear-31414?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
constant fear
For the last 6 months since an incident where i thought i had an heart attack ive been nothing but obseesed with the thought of death constantly, checking my pulse aware of my own breathing bp etc, I suffered terrible panic attacks to the point of falling a sleep at work after them, as a manager this didnt help. im now on fluxotine for depressions and anxiety but still cant shake the anxiety fully even tho some days are better and i have clarity im not a bout to die, but they niggle back in has anyone else been through this and found away to help?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, \r\n\r\nI have exactly the same problem. I am 30 and have been suffering on and off since I was about 22. I had a fantastic 2008/2009 and thought I had beaten it once and for good then I noticed symptoms again in May. I tried to work on it myself and got progressively worse to the point that I have had to take time of work ( repeat of what has happened in previous episodes). I am back on the medication and have the same ignorance from other people which upsets me and sets me back. I dont want to be on it but if it helps then ok. I have had so many different therapies and nothing helps, I never know how I get better other than accepting that this unfortunately happens to me. Luckily I dont turn to alcohol but I do feel sometimes I make it worse for myself. the anxiety is worse than the depression and hard one to shake but I have started again to have freedom from it and I feel so normal and myself when I dont have the anxiety. I am learning to watch what I think rather than react, to be present in the moment and to be aware of my inner body and practicing CBT. The trouble is there are so many techniques out there and advice from every tom, dick and harry that it gets pretty confusing but I trust that I will find something that works for me.\r\n\r\nGood luck to all in recovery. I know I can be better and you should too!" ], "date": [ "2009-09-23T16:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/depression-and-anxiety-17719?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harry-3462" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have come to accept that I am a chronic mild depressive. I used to wish I could quietly die, but I am not suicidal. I am on citalopram. A book which I have found helpful is Depression for Dummies. It seems to have more insight than other books I have dipped into. :(" ], "date": [ "2009-10-27T02:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/depression-and-anxiety-17719?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa17-11398" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I am also a 30 year old female. I have only been suffering from anxiety since May this year. I also got to the point where I needed medication. I am on Sertraline. Yesterday I asked for my dose to be increased.\r\n\r\nI also can't figure out where this came from and how to stop it. I worry I will have this for the rest of my life, I dont want it. I am desperate to find a cure, I am not depressed I love my life and my family and I have never been happier.\r\n\r\nI have started CBT last week, one thing I figured out in the session was 'I have lost trust with my own mind' I said it to my therapist and he said it was a good term, and since then it made sense. I am constantly mistrusting my own judgement and my own self. I think its what OCD suffers feel too (I have a bit of that). So when I feel a little anxious I tell myself its only me not trusting myself, and we can trust ourselves as its only anxiety, I think it would be a different story if we had Bi-Polar or Schizoprenia. \r\n\r\nI think there needs to be more help out there for anxiety sufferers, I have noticed that we are all out here trying to figure this out for ourselves, when its at time when we feel our lowest and needed help we have no one else to turn to, as its usually in the evenings we feel worse. WHEN I recover from this, I want to help people who have felt like we do. \r\n\r\nI wish you lots of luck, and we're here to make you feel less alone." ], "date": [ "2009-10-27T08:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/depression-and-anxiety-17719?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matyoly-15439" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive sufferd with anxiety and depression for about 10 years and i used to try and carry on drinking with friends at weekends, but you are right. drinking on top of meds will only make what you are going through much worse. i was put on sertraline and orlanzipine 6 weeks ago and cut out drink. i am just starting to feel better, but this is a long road and i have to realise i am unwell and cant , at the moment go out getting plasterd" ], "date": [ "2011-01-26T10:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/depression-and-anxiety-17719?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Depression and Anxiety
Hi I am 23 Years Old and i have suffered from depression and anxiety since i was 15 years old. Over the years i have been better and worse, at the moment i am inbetween but i have got better at lifting my mood by doing the things that i enjoy. You have to be true to yourself. Only you know the best course of action to take. Now i can recognise the signs that i am getting worse , and know that if need be i can go to the doctors and they will give me medication to make me feel better. Sometimes i wish i didn't have to and it doesn't help when some ignorant friends say that its all in your head and that you don't need tablets or medication to help. All i can say is that they can never have experienced the pain, anxiety and panic that a person can feel and never truely wanted their life to end. The thing i know i should do is go to the doctors and keep taking my tablets but i don't, i always stop when i feel better or adjust the dose if i feel worse. Heres a tip dont do it! Also i tend to drink alot at the weekends and this makes me feel ten times worse. So anyone out there who feels the same as me don't turn to alcohol as a release as the next day everything feels worse and hopeless.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi im am sufferer of panic attacks also .my worst fear is being closed in eg.trains ,back of a car,a room with no windows and now i have to experience a flight to spain were i had a panic attack the last time i flew ,but i have promissed to take my kids away aged 13 and 10yrs.my partner is trying to be supportive but as he hasn,t suffered one himself he thinks i will be fine telling me to get a mild calmer of my doctor.so i have made an appointment .the fear of actually having one his driving me daft i haven,t been sleeping much lately.i should be excited rather than not wanting to go away.how can i stop feeling like this and do you think a mild calmer will relax my nerves." ], "date": [ "2007-07-18T22:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-cure-to-panic-attacks-11963?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Haja all\r\n\r\nI just started to read your views and symptoms and have to say that mine panic/anxiety/depression are very similar and had been for a while now (some3/4 years) but getting worse as sinus does not help and my breathing through the nose is limited.\r\n\r\nfound that the calms tablets, which are herbal based are quite effective!" ], "date": [ "2010-02-17T23:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-cure-to-panic-attacks-11963?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Cazze\r\n\r\nI too suffer from panic attacks but they can come on in any situation but I can sympathise with going on a plane. I don't go far and try to stay within my comfort zone at all times, this is not a good idea but after 30 years of suffering I am too tired to fight it, however all I can say to you is take little steps and tell yourself you can do it for the kids, it did help me to concentrate of mine as much as possible. \r\n\r\nYes a mild calmer will help if you are not sure cut it in half and take it a few days before so you know how it will make you feel on the day, that's what I have done in the past because I worry about taking any meds\r\n\r\nI hope you are ok, I do feel for you" ], "date": [ "2010-02-18T16:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-cure-to-panic-attacks-11963?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
My cure to panic attacks
I'll start from the beginning! I got up to go into bed one night and the next minute I had fainted. I came to a few minutes later. My body felt really heavy, I got up to go to the window and my vision was blurry. All of a sudden I couldnt breathe, my boyfriend was trying to hold me and calm me down. I ran out of the room into my housemate's room and I was screaming that I was dying. The only way I can describe it was my heart was beating so fast I thought it was about to pop. I could hear it beating so loudly in my ears. I had to try so hard to keep my focus and not pass out. I was so scared. I really thought I was going to die. I felt like I was taking a heart attack. I had hyperventilated so much. I was sat on the bed with my friend holding one hand and my boyfriend holding the other, they couldnt let go of my hands or I'd start panicking. Even if they asked if I wanted some water I'd go into a panic. My movements were very slow and I couldnt speak properly. This went on for a few hours until I began to calm down. It was so out of the blue. And after that, they happened alot. The initial feeling of panic rushing through your body is the worst. Once you become aware of your heartbeat you automatically start to panic. I had to come home a few times from work and I felt being social and doing simple things like being on the train or walking in the street were causing me to panic. I had an extreme fear of taking another panic attack and I still do... What I can say is, the advice which you will probably have heard already really did help me. This only happened a couple of months ago, and even now I can still feel the panic rush over my body, I cant even drink coffee or Red Bull because I am so aware of my heartbeat and my breathing. The golden rule is CLOSE YOUR MOUTH AND BREATHE THROUGH YOUR NOSE! As soon as you can feel that first wave of panic rush over your body, give yourself a reality check. Tell yourself, \"dont be so ridiculous! You are in control and you are worsening the panic on your own\" \"this is not a fatal condition, this is all in your mind\" \"do not let yourself rise to the panic\" Do not make a big deal out of the fact that you are panicking. Instead of thinking \"Oh no - I can feel the symptoms coming on\" and making yourself worse - shake your head and tell yourself to stop being so silly! Keep yourself busy. Just do not let yourself slip into the symptoms that come along with panic attacks. The second step is to sit straight and relax your muscles. Keep your mouth closed at all times! Breathe through your nose, inhale for 3 and exhale for 6. Keep repeating and you will automatically feel calmer. This will stop you hyperventilating. It may not cure you but the best thing to do is not to act the part - do not let yourself get caught up in the panic. As I said - even now I still feel the rush of panic come over me. I'm still very aware of my heartbeat and my breathing. But the best thing to do is to keep breathing through your nose and the panic will vanish from your mind. I havent taken another panic attack since I started doing these things and I hopefully wont take one again. I am also now taking fluoxetine to help treat the depression and obsessive compulsive disorder aswell. I really hope that my advice will at least help one person out there!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stwj-suze-8296" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi worried girl\r\n\r\nI have a 12 year old daughter and at her school they have a school nurse to talk to. Why don't you go along for a chat if you have a nurse at your school, and maybe she can give you the reassurance you need.\r\n\r\nSometimes reading up about conditions is the worst thing to do - even if you are ill. If you are fit and eat well, then start enjoying your health and try not to get bogged down with the \\"maybe I might have......\\".\r\n\r\nTalk to the nurse if you can, tell her your fears and I am sure whe will be able to come up with some good ideas for you to work on.\r\n\r\nEnjoy life and be happy - you have such a lot of fun ahead of you!\r\n\r\nTake care\r\nSuze :diva:" ], "date": [ "2010-01-25T14:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxieaty-at-12-28848?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dear worried 12 year old,\r\nHaving read your description of how your thought pattern is regarding worrying about illnesses it sounds like you need to talk to somebody, perhaps get some talking help. You sound a very aware 12 year old who will get over this period in your life, but you probably do need some help to shift your pattern of thinking. I talk through experience, as a therapist, but also as someone who has health anxiety and has battled with it for years. It is very hard to change the pattern of thinking without getting someone to help you in this, but there is help out there. The self help information on this link is, in my opinion, very good and describes fully the kind of worries people have and how to challenge those thoughts, particularly the line which says about imagining you are 90 and looking back on all those wasted years of worry. I have children, am a sane person (!) and have a job where I help other people, but still have these battles, so it just shows you that nobody is immune to such issues. However, I have had cognitive behavioural therapy which challenges your pattern of thought and it is a case of re-learning things. We are like we are because of things we have learnt so we need to re-learn and challenge our original thoughts. I hear what you are saying about your parents and think that it is hard to see your children worry about things which are difficult to understand, and anything like this is hard to explain to other people. My advise, is to firstly not worry! You can get over this and you have a great life ahead of you. I would talk to somebody, get the ball rolling, and then see what information is on offer to you. I think that if you tackle this now you will be able to move on much quicker than if you worry about it alone for months. From a very personal point of view, I have found that exercising really helps - sounds a bit of a cop out to say this - but getting those positive hormones in your body pumping! I do something every day now and it helps also because you are helping to keep yourself as fit and well as possible. It is a distraction but one which helps focus on the positive and the healthy in life. I run each day, but there's lots you could do. I hope that this helps you a little. Best wishes." ], "date": [ "2010-01-26T10:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxieaty-at-12-28848?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tricity-12642" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello worried girl\r\n\r\nI think the advice of mumof3 is good advice. I too suffer from anxiety and I can relate to you because I know I had similar worries at your age and now I am still suffering at the age of 48. There is more knowledge these days on this condition and how to combat it, do it now because fear breads more fear\r\nand the longer it goes on the worse it will seem to get.\r\n\r\nUnfortuantely for me I feel it is too late, it is so deep seated I just live day to day trying to avoid certain situations, so don't leave it, talk to someone you will be surprised at just how many people actually can relate to your fears.\r\n\r\nHope you can overcome this, no, I know you can.\r\n\r\nT" ], "date": [ "2010-02-08T10:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxieaty-at-12-28848?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxieaty at 12
I cant stand it! Im only 12 and im sure ive got health anxiaty Allthough i can never go to the doctors by myself i sort of secrtly get reasurance from my friends all the time! Ill ask them things like do you get growing pains or do you ache when you get cold, do you get swollen glands and do you get swollen glands here. I spend agers on the internet reaserching symptons. One time i found a small lump on my neck and my mum told me it was just a gland and i worried all day and sat reasearching about it thinking i must have cancer untill i made myself physicly sick. Im constanly thinking about parts of my body hurting or having a tight chest so i might have a heart problem or i was thirsty so do i have diabeates. Ect ect. Im to scared to tell anyone, at one point (not very long ago) i was so scared that if i told myself i didnt have cancer or whatever i was obsessing about then ill jinx myself. Please help! I have no idea how to tell my parents becuse my mum and dad hate it when i start obsessing over something to do with my health.. I keep most of my worries to myself and i think i need help before it gets worse...
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "[quote:3fad47b1cb=\\\"yeldham27\\\"]I was taking motival for many years and then suddenly last August the manufacturers decided they were discontinuing it. My doctor has (over the past 9 weeks) been trying me on Citalopram, which is good but hasn't quite (at 30mg) done the trick. I am still very anxious, resulting in shortness of breath, tight chest, weakness of limbs, swollen tongue and quite a few other things. Has anybody else had this sort of problem.[/quote:3fad47b1cb]i no how you feel i have the same im not on medication as none agreed with me i just started seein a counciler so i hope that makes a difference,maybe the swollen tongue is the pills? i no alot can do that ,how long have u had it ?" ], "date": [ "2009-07-27T20:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-25623?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yeldham27-10355" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Phebbs\r\n\r\nI have been on Citalopram, 20mgs for 5 weeks and another 10mg for 8 weeks and must admit that today I am feeling on top of the world. Head not too muzzy and tight throat and difficulty in swallowing better but not gone. I am going to see about getting psycotherapy on Monday but it needs at least 12 sessions and at £50 a session, doubt if I can afford it. Have you tried Citalopram. Dodgy for ages but I think if one hangs in there, will get there in the end. Seeing doc on Friday - think she will put dose up to 40mg and that should do the trick. I cannot do without medication as I have very deep, constant anxiety and the motival I was on for 20 odd years gave me a hassle free life completely, but as you probably know have been discontinued and wrecked my life. Sounds dramatic doesn't it - but that's how it is. Bye for now Phebbs. Marion" ], "date": [ "2009-07-28T11:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-25623?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yeldham27-10355" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry Phebbs - I see in my reply I have duplicated most of that which I originally wrote. Poor old brain not working properly!!!" ], "date": [ "2009-07-28T11:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-25623?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I was taking motival for many years and then suddenly last August the manufacturers decided they were discontinuing it. My doctor has (over the past 9 weeks) been trying me on Citalopram, which is good but hasn't quite (at 30mg) done the trick. I am still very anxious, resulting in shortness of breath, tight chest, weakness of limbs, swollen tongue and quite a few other things. Has anybody else had this sort of problem.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tessa-10" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Sam,\r\n\r\nI know it probably feels like you are the only person to have this problem, but I can assure you, you are not alone. I had a phobia about being sick as a child. I had it fixed in my head that if I didn't eat, then I wouldn't have anything in my stomach and so couldn't be sick. It seemed logical to me as a child. It continued until I was 19 and had my first baby. I felt sick through the whole pregnancy and that sort of cured me. \r\n\r\nIf you can't find a shelf help group then it is a good idea to set up your own, because there are people out there who have the same problem.\r\n\r\nGood luck\r\n\r\nTessa" ], "date": [ "2007-06-26T12:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-t-eat--16999?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xxstobartbabexx-5685" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Sam..\r\n\r\nIm 23 and also have some anxoius times when eating and drinking. I have recently been told i have a hernia in my stomach which doesnt help.\r\n\r\nWhat i do when im needing to eat is i say to myself that its just food, its all in the normal days life. And through doing this i have managed to control the thoughts.\r\n\r\nHave u spoken to your parents or GP about how u feel?\r\n\r\nI know when i was 11 years old i was diagnosed with depression and anxiety then. \r\n\r\nI hope what i have said helps you.\r\n\r\nKeep in touch\r\n\r\nPami\r\nx" ], "date": [ "2008-11-15T20:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-t-eat--16999?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gerry_the_neck-5229" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi.\r\nI have experienced anxiety / food problems in the past. On reflection, having tried to figure out what had overcome me, I came to view it in a way which might be helpful. Try to imagine that you have two control centres in your brain. One is the anxiety centre and it is your default setting, i.e. it kicks in whenever a doubt or confusion occurs. The other is your normal, rational centre which is the one you really want to be making your decisions for you. Now, try to get your normal, rational control centre to insist that your anxiety centre behaves itself and only\r\ninterferes in normal procedures when it is commanded to. In other words,\r\nmake yourself believe that your normal control centre is boss and is capable of subdueing any inclination towards unwarranted anxiety. It may sound patronising but,after all, anxiety is only a small element in our\r\nmental capacity and yet , let loose, it can dominate behaviour in areas where it doesn't belong. If you internalise your thinking and try to visualise that there are elements in your thinking processes that can influence you negatively and that you are the creator of these negative\r\nprocesses, then you will probably see the need to control them!" ], "date": [ "2008-11-21T05:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-t-eat--16999?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura1975-8833" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nI had a similar experience even if not food related. I have an anxiety related problem (my heart goes funny all the day.. it's a month now) and doctors identified it as a NON life-threatning thing. they said is anxiety and so they've decided it will go away on his own!!!\r\n\r\nI suggest you see a psychologist, he/she will show that sensitivity that a normal gp seems not to have (i found english doctor very \\"cold\\") and in the mean time you ask your doctor to prescribe you some anxiolitic.... all the \\"unreasonable fears\\" are anxiety-related and need their specialist and specific medicine!!\r\n\r\nI also found therapeutic to take a pet! you'll need to feed him, so in some way you'll see the situation flipped around...\r\n\r\nhugs!!" ], "date": [ "2009-03-12T18:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-t-eat--16999?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can't eat!
My name is Sam and I have had a problem with my eating habits for about 11 years now, I don't know if it would be classed as an eating dissorder or a phobia, all I know is that it is a problem. It always starts when I get ill, I'll completely go off my food because I am terrified to eat in case I am sick. It will take many months before I can eat properly again and this is with no help from doctors. I have spoken to many doctors over the years and each time I get the same respons \"just eat\", but it's not that easy. No one has atempted to help me through this (even when I had gone down to 6.5 stone) I was just told to eat. I would really like to fine out if there are other people who suffer with this problem and if so, set up my own self help group because I know from experience what it's like to feel like no one understands.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skye-5109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hiya, \r\n\r\nYou haven`t mentioned if ur taking medication for this....or have contacted ur GP.\r\n\r\nIf I were u, thats exactly what Id do.\r\n\r\nYour 30....a long time to experience panic attacks....but uve got years ahead of u, so try and get some help for it.\r\n\r\nDoes your bf know u experience these? He needs to understand how they make u feel.\r\n\r\nI wish u the best of luck." ], "date": [ "2008-08-12T14:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-18546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leahs-5492" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "[quote:f0537da2e9=\\\"Skye\\\"]Hiya, \r\n\r\nYou haven`t mentioned if ur taking medication for this....or have contacted ur GP.\r\n\r\nIf I were u, thats exactly what Id do.\r\n\r\nYour 30....a long time to experience panic attacks....but uve got years ahead of u, so try and get some help for it.\r\n\r\nDoes your bf know u experience these? He needs to understand how they make u feel.\r\n\r\nI wish u the best of luck.[/quote:f0537da2e9]No i haven't seen anyone, not sure if med will work, what do you take?" ], "date": [ "2008-08-12T19:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-18546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skye-5109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I don`t suffer from panic attacks chick.\r\n\r\nId advise u to pop to ur GP. It won`t get better (as u know) otherwise.\r\n\r\nMany different types of medication for this. What works for one person won`t work for another. Its a matter of trial and error.\r\n\r\nGood Luck" ], "date": [ "2008-08-12T20:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-18546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
panic attacks
I'm 30 and been having panic attacks all my life, but now, well i've been with my boyfriend for 9 years he asked me to marry him about 4 years ago, but he can't wait any longer, we broke up 2 months ago and it's been hell,he has rung me and wants to get back together, we both love each other, But i have panic attacks about moving out of home and leaving my mum and dad, sometimes i can't even go out, I was ment to go and see my Aunty just for the day a couple of weeks ago, but at the last min i couldn't go cause of a panic attack, i used to be able to go and stay with her but can't do that now. What can i do i really don't want to lose my boyfriend, but i think i am. Can someone HELP?.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, im 31 , i have a good job , but i myself does not know what is happening, its a terrifying ordeal, i start with numbness around my face well its like when you are just getting the feeling back from a visit to the dentist if you know what i mean?? i then think something bad is going to happen which makes me worse, i can be having a really good day then it just comes over me withiut any warning , i myself keep going to the doctors but instead of help i just get fobbed of with change my job!! 3years ive been like this im soooo fed up and be greatful to talk to anybody :roll:\n\n[i:361f40f70e]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:361f40f70e]" ], "date": [ "2006-04-26T22:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-am-39-yrs-old-and-have-had-panic-disorder-since-i-was--2292?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I sympathise with everyone with panic attacks. I am 32 and have suffered for around 3 years but only realised a year ago what they were. I have epilepsy (only mild compared to some people), but this is what I am sure started it. The feeling of going to have a fit is so similar to panic. The feeling of dizziness, feeling faint and not in control etc. Once I realised it was more of panic and not me going to have a fit, i was relieved.... however the panic totally controls my life. I avoid so much and I hate it. I panic about panicking ! I avoid going out even food shopping. I can be sitting chilling or even at work and I have an overwhelming panic feeling that I cannot control, which reduces me to tears. I feel very low and even suicidal which I do not admit to many at all. (I would never do anything stupid). I have a great family, partner, job, money etc so nothing is bad in my life. Saying that, I have had many bad life experiences but managed to get through them after years on anti-depressants - i took myself off them after 10 years as I felt it was time. I have tried everything. Counselling, hypnotherapy, meditation, relaxation, herbal pills, exercise, great diet, no alcohol/caffine, reading loads of books, writing down stuff etc, but honestly nothing has worked or taken the edge off it. I am now trying proper medication again which I have avoided as it makes me dizzy and panicky! But going to try it and have time off work and work through the panic. I am at the end of my tether and want to enjoy life. If anyone knows the secret, please let me know!\n\n[i:66a44ca7a4]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:66a44ca7a4]" ], "date": [ "2006-10-25T20:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-am-39-yrs-old-and-have-had-panic-disorder-since-i-was--2292?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leahs-5492" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "[quote:37ed1fc182=\\\"J. O.\\\"]I am 39 yrs old and have had panic disorder since i was 12. I am always sick or wretching, shaking, dizzy, crying, in another world, and have immediate diahorrea and now IBS. My nan and daughter have it so i think its hereditory. I am a paramedic of 10 yrs and appear so strong, but inside i wait to die so it can all be over. I have lost 2 stone and developed early anorexia as food makes me feel sick and therefore panic. I only go to work or stay around home. SSRI's make me feel sick and that triggers an attack. I feel ill every day and worse during a period. Nothing will get rid of it, i paid for CBT but it only helped for a while. I feel like im in another world and not here, so isolated.\r\n\r\n[i:37ed1fc182]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:37ed1fc182][/quote:37ed1fc182]hello, i'm 30 and been having panic attacks all my life, i have the same thing's s you, i have not seen anyone about them too scared, but they are getting worse and ruining my life, i've been with my boyfriend for 9 years, and about 4 years ago he asked me to marry him, but i have panic's about moving out of home and leaving my mum and dad, and somethimes can't go out. We split up about 2 months ago cause he can't cop with it, But we love each other, and yesterday herng me and wants to get back togetther. but needs more from me.So i can't eat and falling apart. i really don't want to lose him. No one gets what is wrong with me none of my famley or friends. don't know what to do. i've only just found this web site, i don't know where to go for help. i thought i was the only one like this and i thought i was going mad. so scared." ], "date": [ "2008-08-12T19:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-am-39-yrs-old-and-have-had-panic-disorder-since-i-was--2292?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I am 39 yrs old and have had panic disorder since i was ...
I am 39 yrs old and have had panic disorder since i was 12. I am always sick or wretching, shaking, dizzy, crying, in another world, and have immediate diahorrea and now IBS. My nan and daughter have it so i think its hereditory. I am a paramedic of 10 yrs and appear so strong, but inside i wait to die so it can all be over. I have lost 2 stone and developed early anorexia as food makes me feel sick and therefore panic. I only go to work or stay around home. SSRI's make me feel sick and that triggers an attack. I feel ill every day and worse during a period. Nothing will get rid of it, i paid for CBT but it only helped for a while. I feel like im in another world and not here, so isolated. [i:dcc279308f]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:dcc279308f]
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lisa, I am very sorry to hear about your dad!\r\n\r\nI dont think I have gad, but I do get panicky alot, and often its is soo unexplained, nonsense. That makes me feel completely mad, alone and isolated. I tremble a lot, and sometimes I want to throw up. O ther times , and I put a face on things and crack some jokes. I am scared I am going completely mad as well.\r\n\r\nYou sound like you could still be in shock after loosing your dad. Cancer is a horrible disease!!!You dont sound like you are mad, just very upset! I am sure you will get better soon! Counselling should help you on your way...but remember that you have to work hard to, to get better.(Huh...dont listen to this dumbo!...who needs to swallow some of her own medicine!). Take care." ], "date": [ "2008-01-17T10:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-feel-i-m-going-mad-and-so-alone-15007?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "you are not alone love,both my parents died within months of each oter last year i went through all the same feelings as you and was very close to being admited to hospital,with lots of councilling and being positive i now have more good days than bad,trust me it will get better" ], "date": [ "2008-03-09T17:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-feel-i-m-going-mad-and-so-alone-15007?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hiya Lisa.\r\nI know exactley how you are feeling.I lost my mum in 2004 rather suddenly although we knew she was very ill,then in 2005 i had a miscarriage.I was really ill and needed a blood transfusion and since that day to this i keep thinking im gonna die. At the moment i am 8 months pregnant and all the nasty and evil thoughts are coming back....what if i die giving birth,what if my babys poorly,what if something goe's wrong.i will i cope in labor.It's the worse thing in my life i have had to cope with apart from losing my mum.No-body understands because they cant see whats going on inside your head.Its like saying to someone who is not a sufferer feel like this!! They cant do it.Please DO NOT think that your alone." ], "date": [ "2008-07-17T17:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-feel-i-m-going-mad-and-so-alone-15007?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
i feel i'm going mad and so alone
hi, about 2 weeks ago i started feeling very low, i lost my dad about a year ago to cancer and feel that this is what started it. i have been put on prozac(now day 9) and given diazepam ( 2mg ) the constant anxiety and panic attack are ruining my life, i have an appt with the CPN and am just waiting for that. I wake up panicking and am finding it really hard to get up and carry on, am i alone or is anyone else going through the same thing. thankyou lisa
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "jUST READ ON ANOTHER FORUM PERFECT DISCRIPTION OF THE FEELING i HAVE IN MY LEGS \\"FIZZY BLOOD\\" JUST GET RID OF THIS AND IM SURE ILL BE FINE." ], "date": [ "2008-06-12T20:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/changed-from-mirtazapine-to-buspirone-17492?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Appointment with psych today, this new med Buspirone, which is an anti-anxiety med, has side effects I wasnt told about, hieghtened anxiety, nausea, nervouseness, and will take 2-4 weeks until it has any effect.\r\nDont know how long side effects last, each person is different. review again in another week. Husband has booked us a short break next week, cannot get motivated for this.Have lost a stone in weight.\r\nDont even know why Im posting this no one replys" ], "date": [ "2008-06-13T22:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/changed-from-mirtazapine-to-buspirone-17492?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hilary-47" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Daniele\r\n\r\nIt's possible that no one is replying because you're essentially now writing about your experience of Buspirone and yet your posting is in the mirtazapine topic.\r\n\r\nWould you like me to move this thread from mirtizapine to buspirone and see if you get more response?\r\n\r\nHilary\r\nPatient Admin Team" ], "date": [ "2008-06-16T14:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/changed-from-mirtazapine-to-buspirone-17492?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks Hilary, you can remove it and post on other sight if you dont mind.\r\nThanks Again\r\nDanielle." ], "date": [ "2008-06-21T15:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/changed-from-mirtazapine-to-buspirone-17492?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Changed from Mirtazapine to Buspirone
Took last mirtazapine and beta blocker last thursday on psychs advice, started Buspirone friday, no side effects from new med and it does absolutly nothing for my anxiety, might as well take a smartie. Last 2 weeks I have woken every morning to a panic attack, wretching before I have even got out of bed and now nervous feeling in my legs which I assume is anxiety that never goes away, had a panic attack at teatime tonight. Back to see psych in the morning, I cannot eat as my stomachs in knots all the time. Cannot bear to be on my own im so scared, husband as lost so much time from work just to be with me. Does anyone know if diazepine can have the opposite effect to whats its used for, because when I lokk back this severe anxiety started when I was taking 2x 5mg per day, yes it does calm me down for a while, doesnt shift the anxiety, but since taking it I feel a lot more anxiuos after, is it my body telling me im hooked on the stuff, and it wants more, or is it something else. Sorry to bore you all with all this just trying to find some answers as I dont know how much more I can take, feel as if something doesnt stop it soon I will have a nervous breakdown. Hope everyone else is doing ok, its been a bit quiet on here for a while. Danielle.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You are not alone. There are hundreds of people out ther who feel the same as you. You can overcome this with some help. Go and see the pracctice nurse at your drs surgery and ask her to refer you to councilling or self help groups where you will meet people going through the same things as you.\nI am now 45 years old and my anxiety was nothing compared to yours but it has got easier as I have got older. Are you working or studying? You need to be with people of your own age.\n\nGood luck\nMarie\n:D:D\n\n[i:b4c7ccaf99]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:b4c7ccaf99]" ], "date": [ "2006-07-08T12:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know how you feel - you are definately alone. You need to talk to someoneand be positive.\nYou need to see your gp urgently - you cant carry on like this! Maybe medication will help and you definately need counselling. I have also heard hypnosis is good.\n\n[i:581626bae3]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:581626bae3]" ], "date": [ "2006-07-11T21:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, im 19 and from 9 months ago started suffering from similar problems as you. However, after jus being told its in my head and letting the problem get worse i made a trip to see a doctor specialising in nutrition, allergy as well as hormonal probs etc. he did some tests and treated me for my deficiencies b12, b1, zinc, b6, magnesium all needed for the synthesis of GABA seretonin and other key neourotransmitters. 3 weeks on im starting to see signs of progress....and i feel a lot more positive about life!!! sure u can take drugs.but it will just cover up your symptoms and never solve the main problem!!!\n\nhope this gives you some food for thought!\n\nmark\n\n[i:088558856e]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:088558856e]" ], "date": [ "2006-08-09T17:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "First of all, I know you must hear hear this all the time but, you are NOT alone. Anxiety is common. We all feel stressed, self concious, down, annoyed, upset, deppressed, etc. It's all about how you deal with this. That is what I have learned.\n I am 22 years old and have been suffering for a while now. So much that I can't remember doing something (going out for example) without blaming myself for something or, putting myself down, over-analysing stupid small things and fall into a pit of depression over it. I felt to blame for all bad things that would happen to my friends. If they had a bad day I feel guilty for not being able to do something about it, when there is absolutly nothing I can do.\n This went on for a good few months. I repressed all my feelings and didn't talk about them. Not even to my best friends, whom I live with. I felt that I was wasting their time. That it was my fault if I bothered them eith my "small problems" when they've got far worse problems in their own life.\nI stareted to self harm as a result of this. I felt angry with myself. "That girl won't like me, I'm an idiot", "You shouldn't have said that. Now he hates you."\n I stil feel like this sometimes. Fortunatly, there are many things that can be done. I went to my doctors and she refered me to a councilor. I've only had one session but it's given me alot of things to do. Whenever I feel like harming, I do one of the relaxation techniques my councilor taught me.\nI still have panic attacks. But whenever I do it's time for a secleuded place, room, garden,etc, for a relaxing breathing technique. In (count to 7) and out (count to 11). I almost fell asleep in a field near the beach in Devon the over day cus it so relaxing. I've waffled on now haven't I? Yes. Yes I have.\nThe main thing is, don't repress your feelings. There are always people out there that will listen. It's only going to hurt you in the end.\nI've been Josh and don't forget to tip you waitresses.\nx\n\n\n[i:f6f5e101cc]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:f6f5e101cc]" ], "date": [ "2006-08-16T02:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "My life has been affected by being anxious all of the time for the last six years, since I left my husband to start a new life. I have sleep problems and find that my anxiousness and guilt feelings are affecting my relationships and my work. A few months ago I went to my GP to ask for help, as even little worries are getting out of hand. First of all she gave me betablockers. They gave me terrible headaches and now I have been prescribed Gabapentin to take this pain away. I was referred to our mental health unit. Last week I had an appointment with them. I was really looking forward to finally being able to talk about my worries and getting some help. I was seen by a psychiatric nurse who seemed more stressed than I was! The appointment lasted only ten minutes and she wasn't interested in my problems but gave me a handful of leaflets which I had already read. She said I could go on an anxiety management group course, which doesn't start until December. I am at my wits end really and don't know what to do next. I just long to be normal again.\n\nDoes anyone have any experience of anxiety management? I'm not sure whether to go or get some counselling privately sooner, which may cause me more stress due to the cost. Any advice would be gratefully received.\n\n\n\n[i:6fc702bdeb]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:6fc702bdeb]" ], "date": [ "2006-09-12T17:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there \n\nSorry to hear that you have had an awful experience with a Psychaiatric Nurse. It appears that you do not feel validated and that you feel as though you have been tossed to one side. I have had a few experiences the same. I might as well have done my own diagnosis, rather than what any services have done for me!!\n\nI have been on betablockers and they made me shattered all the time untill I become used to them. I came off them gradually, as they are not good to take them long term and did not really help with my anxiety atall.\n\nI experienced panic attacks which lead to agoraphobia and I can tell you I was afraid to even have a cup of tea before I went out, incase I might experience panic in a shop I might be sick or run screaming from the shop!! It seems I was embarressed of myself.\n\nI laugh now, as that problem was huge to me then. You will become stronger, when you realise you have a right to be who you are and accept who you are and not to fear anybody and what other people might think of you.\n\nThese funny fears come when our bodies have been under great stress or we feel guitly and a bad person for what ever reason, may have happend in your past.\n\nLearn to love who you are. Take care of yourself. You will relax and one day without realising it, your lists wil probably become smaller and the worries I hope will begin to cease.\n\nMy regards\n:ok:\n\n[i:eef9f40d98]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:eef9f40d98]" ], "date": [ "2006-09-25T16:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nwhere to start, suffered for about 12yrs now the last 4 yes 4! yrs wiht help\r\nI tried to fight this on my own thinking I was getting old ( Iwas 37!) untill one day I wanted it to end. with the help of my wife and the thought of my young children I it the bullet and went to my Doctor.\r\n\r\n(At this point I must state I'm a 6ft2in man 16st and look as if I could chew broken Glass! ) Boy was it tough, but unlike you the help was second to none. I think the cpn you saw needed a slap! i'd allowed myself 6 weeks to recover, 4yrs later I'm now able to get my head around it, but still trying to be free of it\r\nPlease seek Help! IT IS AN ILLNESS!\r\nGood Luck \r\nCheers Take Care Ian........ :D \r\nSorry for any typos :oops:" ], "date": [ "2007-09-03T11:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noowa-2194" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi S.\r\n\r\ni went through your experience and even worse, and this is my 4th year with GAD. Me too, 21 years old.\r\nI was the most popular at school, very clever and hard working with A+ grade for all coarses. Now, my grades declined, as everything else....its been along time since i last laughed from my heart, i felt that i dont deserve to live....\r\n\r\nLook S, i didnt go to doctors, and i will not, i believe that i will recover and take the lead of my life again, and im working on that.\r\n\r\nMy approach is to be more faithfull, to believe that god will help me, that he is very merciful and that he didnt bring me to this world just to torture me, no, he brought me to this world and gave me life because i can change the world to be a better place...\r\n\r\nwell, i hope i inspired you dear S. when i read your experience my heart bleaded, it was as if i was reading my own experience...\r\n\r\nI hope we both get recovered S. \r\n\r\nplz keep in touch, i joined the forum today, im Noowa." ], "date": [ "2007-11-11T12:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ghostfreak-3938" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know how you feel.\r\n\r\nI used to have trouble going out with friends or even a night out, usually I would make up some excuse to stay in. It's getting better now as I have a girlfriend who loves and cares about me :)\r\n\r\nAnxiety is very hard to live with, I've had to literally force myself to go out sometimes and it really does mess your head up - but believe me it does get better." ], "date": [ "2008-04-17T20:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/im-21-and-suffering-with-anxiety-i-find-myself-unable-t--3954?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
im 21 and suffering with anxiety. i find myself unable t...
im 21 and suffering with anxiety. i find myself unable to do simple tasks such as catch a buss into town alone, go out clubbing with friends, go out for a meal with friends, go to visit relatives i cant do any thing. ive no confidence in my self always feel down and depressed, im never happy with the way i look, and wen i have these panic attaks i cant help sweating i have sweat dripping off my face and i feel every1s looking at me thinking ' look at her all sweaty' and laughing at me i just need to no can i ever get better i cant see light at the end of the tunnle ive lost count of the amount of times ive tryed to commit suacide i cant see any other way out i just want to talk to someone who has been through wot im going through i feel so alone :(:( [i:cdfcfbd56e]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:cdfcfbd56e]
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I too have only recently started having panic attacks - about two months. Today was the worst one ever! Full blown attack. i was at work and felt I was gonna collapse - tingling in my fingers, racing heart beat, sweaty - really not good. I had a bar of chocolate which for some reason seemed to calm me down a little. I started feeling better in the after noon though. It feels awful, I find it really difficult speaking to work colleagues I have with drawn so much from my usual self. I am usually really lively and fun. I cant explain it to people. I have only spoken to my doctor about it who I dont think he took too seriously. I would really like to speak to someone who is in the same situation as me and maybe be able to help each other. The worst thing is not being able to speak to any one about it! I feel if I speak to a friend they may think I am going crazy - so I just keep it to my self. Hope you reply.\n\nSaj.\n\n[i:316dce8c5d]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:316dce8c5d]" ], "date": [ "2006-02-27T20:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-have-had-panic-disorder-for-only-about-six-months-but--538?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have had panic attics for 10 months and I feel like I've been in hell. I undrstand everything you're going through. The worst part is feeling like you're losing your mind. I feel so alone. When I'm out in public I look at everyone and envy them. They all look so normal and I feel like no one else in the world is suffering except me. The only thing that has helped is my faith in God. I won't give up praying for healing. God is at our sides and He cares even though it may seem he doesn't. Good luck andd write back if you wish.\n\n[i:0dbb2b1912]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:0dbb2b1912]" ], "date": [ "2006-06-10T23:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-have-had-panic-disorder-for-only-about-six-months-but--538?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "i kept tit to myself for so long, never told anyone so i really do understand how you feel, ALone and scared. I finally plucked up thecourage to confide in my parnter and family who have all been so supportive. I am no whre near my normal self but i am dettermined not to let this rule my life anymore. Go see another doctor make them listen there is help for you if you need it. My doctor gave me this fantastic websire which helps you change your thought atterns. It is moodgym.anu.edu.au. Try it. But most of all talk to a friend a stranger anyone. Yu do not have to do this alone as i have just found out the hard way.\r\n\r\nI truly wish you all the best." ], "date": [ "2007-06-21T10:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-have-had-panic-disorder-for-only-about-six-months-but--538?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/snt79-2061" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi you posted your experience two years ago and i sincerly hope you are better now but i felt i wanted to reply. I am recovering from a panic disorder. It started with a random panic attack on the 29/04/06 didnt even know what it was, and i ended up thinking i was going mad and was gong to end up in a mental institution and was goning to lose my family. This was the most terrifying time of my life. I am coming to relaise that though i am lucky to be 90% better (due to being on medication called citalopram, have been on this for just over a year.) i will never be back to my normal self. I dont dare come of my medication and still have to fight the panics off every now and again. The difference in me is amazing though i couldnt sleep or eat before, just wish i wasnt on tablets. Basically i know what yo u have gone through and no body understands unless they have been there." ], "date": [ "2007-11-01T23:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-have-had-panic-disorder-for-only-about-six-months-but--538?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I have had panic disorder for only about six months but ...
I have had panic disorder for only about six months but to an extent, i am on medication, both anti depressants and beta blockers. The physical symptoms of panic have subsided but the anti depressants are not helping the mental effects of panic disorder, therefore the panic attacs seem harder to deal with as instead of having physical symptoms that make you aware its a panic attack no physical symptoms make me feel in my head i am going insane and feel that i cannot handle what is going on inside my head and it is very frightening. it is the most intense fear i have ever felt in my life and i imagine it is how you would feel if someone had a loaded gun held to your head and was telling you they were going to pull the trigger. [i:55aedf3a35]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:55aedf3a35]
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have had panic attacks for 3 years now and feel the same i am 40 years old and feel i have lost years of my life and still dont seem to get any where it just seems no one can help .\n\n[i:43a44a4d7a]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:43a44a4d7a]" ], "date": [ "2005-10-30T14:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "since being diagnosed with pcos 7 years ago, ive become increasingly paranoid about my health. ive had 3 ops due to my condition and my husband and i are currently on our 4 th attempt on the IVf. i have suffered with nerves before like anyone else i guess but know i find myself getting worse as at times..even talking to people or waiting in a qeue i find my felf getting aggitated if im on my own. anything to do with my health i always think the worst. i started getting palpatations 2 years ago and to this day i still feel im going to drop down dead of a heart attack and a lot of the time i dont feel as if i can get enough air into my lungs. i like to keep fit but a lot of the time im looking for chest pains ect to see if i have something wrong with my heart..i know this sounds crazy....but..i cant help thinking it..ive had a mobile monitor fitted before and my doctor said everything was ok..but...that was 2 going on 3 years ago. everything just worries me:roll:\n\n[i:5aa617fde1]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:5aa617fde1]" ], "date": [ "2005-11-10T19:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am 43 and have suffered with anxiety attacks for the past 23yrs, I feel I have wasted half my life being petrified of dying. Ive bought every book I can think of and yes had anti-depressants, I still take Diazapam (not everyday). Sometimes I can handle them and go with it, and other times it just feels like the first over again.\n\nI have 3 wonderful daughters who have seen me in the grips of terror, what a legacy to pass on. Exceptance is the cure so I keep trying and one day who know's it will pass, until then I will struggle on with my quest for peace.\n\nI'm sorry if this does not inspire confidence in curring your own condition, if I had the answer believe me I would share it. So if anyone does have any ideas please let me know.\n\n[i:f1a5163bfd]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:f1a5163bfd]" ], "date": [ "2005-12-22T03:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I had pannick attacks when I was 13 and had no idea what they were, I just found an excuse to blame them on, But when I got them I just felt like I would do anything to get rid of them I used to think to extremes just to get rid of them but I look back and this and think why did I get them I had no reason to. I stopped gettin them as much so instead of everyday it was about once every two months or less when I talked to my mum about it. \n\n5 years on and I have started to get them again. This time I have no excuse because I know I'm fine ive been fine the past 4/5 years.\n\n mine just came out of the blue. I get them when I feel trapped where I feel trapped in myself or trapped in a lift or while gettin my hair cut but reading about pannick attacks and what they are, how they are caused helps. \n\nExcept when I pannick although my heart races and feels like its going to jump out of my chest I don't feel like im going to get a heart attack I worry about the mad feeling I get in my head and pannick that it will never go away. I pannick about pannicking and its the only 'thing' I can think of. I have done some exercises and they do work. :)\n\n[i:985083241a]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:985083241a]" ], "date": [ "2005-12-29T13:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hard to explain really, one day I was in the shower and it just sort of hit me that one day I was going to die, and there was a lot of complicated things going on under my skin (inside me) Ever since then I have been scared stiff, now I think that every single thing is wrong with me, it has been especially bad in the last couple of weeks, I must have diagnosed myself with at least 20 Life threatening illnesses (have not even had a single minute of medical experience) I can see I am begining to make myself ill, everyday I wake up I am so tense and have a banging headache all day, I feel like I am going to give myself a breakdown, but I just cant help thinking it, I keep looking over the internet to try and "diagnose" myself from what people show and say. it is driving me mad, I just want my old life back.\n\n[i:9a920af447]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:9a920af447]" ], "date": [ "2005-12-30T00:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for about four years now but it has only really come to a head in the past few months when my husband made me go to the doctors. at first they put it down to depression and put me on anti-depressants which didnt seem to make any difference after two and a half months. i have now been put on beta-blockers to try and ease the symptoms of my attacks and hopefully i will be able to get back to my normal life. ive been to see counsellors who basically have told me i need to deal with life better but unfortunately at the minute i just feel as though life is dealing with me pretty badly so why should i bother? my little light in the tunnel is that one day this has to clear up, i surely cant go on like this for ever!\n\n[i:b7b6daa720]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:b7b6daa720]" ], "date": [ "2006-01-04T15:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi ive been havin panic attacks now for about 4 years but they have now got worse as im havin them every day i worry so much about my health i cant even go out to the shops without havin one or thinkin i might passout i have to hold on to thing while standing still when im out as i feel i might fall. i also find i cheack my pulses so many times a day any pain i might have i think its sum thing seriously wrong and that im gonna die. ive had anuff now as i have 3 young children and feel im missing out on my life so much coz so scared of every thing ive tryed anti depresents but they make me feel worse i also get pulpertation then i think im gonna have a heart attack im only 23,\n\n[i:b808807005]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:b808807005]" ], "date": [ "2006-01-25T20:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I dont speak english very well but I will try. I am 20 years now. from Croatia. I got my firt panic attack 4 years ago. and than again 2 months ago. i called 911 because I tought that I am having a heart attack and i am going to die. Since that I done every possible search in the hospilal. They did not find anything. after that I had two more attaks. they least for 20 minutes to 1 houre. i always feel extremly hot. Now I realise that those were panic attackc. That is the worst feeling I have ever expirienced andI am petrified that they mighz occure again. Lately I ve been under a big stress and I break up with my boyfriend. i belive that was a triger. and to stop thinking about him I started to work too much. I was constantly anxious, depressed and exausted of too much work. I belive that panic attack are a messages from our body that we need to slow down and change a way of thinking. But how to do that I do not know. That is the problem.\n\n[i:80a08a9fe1]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:80a08a9fe1]" ], "date": [ "2006-02-25T17:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi \n i have read all the letters on hear and if any one takes two minutes of there time to read this i swear they will get better\nfrom 25 years old i have had pannick attacks postal mattick distress\ndeprision anxciety i am now 44 years old i had real pains and i mean they are real pains in the chest dizzy fealing sick tremendos\nhead pains but every think yous see or every think yous watch on tv\nor hear about a relative or family dieing yous will all think you have the same simpton i gurantee any body if for instance you hear some one dies of a heart attack a day or two after you will start and get pains in your chest if its cancer or brain tumer you will \nstart and cough like it is real lung cancer or you will get migrain head acks like it is real brain tumer believe me evrey one these pains are so real visickley and mentley and to discrip to some one or close family that the pains are real is very hard for them to beileave us and you can have exrays for cancer hart scans brain tumer scans you can go to hospital and the doctors every day \nbut it will not go away and they will find nothing a matter with yous a doctor will give you a pescripton for tamarzapam or some other drug but is in it funny how you will go to the doctor or hospital and once they say or wee could not find any thing or theres nothing a matter with you you will go home and the pains and every thing else just gos completle away then 2 or 3 days time the chest pains or other pains all starts flooding back again so ask your self this why is every bodey on hear nearley all got the same pains and the same problems simple reason been no drug will work and the pains in the chest and everey whear else in the bodey are onestley real and this sets the pannick button in hour brain off which will leed to short ness of breath and then the real pains all over again so its back to the doctors and once he says you are fine the pains go away and the pannick button in the brain is switched back of untill the next 2 or 3 days again and its all back to squr one back to the doctors i took codien solfate which\nis like a morfean tablet this relaxsis the hole bodey so it does not pannick as the bodey is relaxing the pains go away and so does the pannick and every time i took them when the pannick came on i\nwas in asda shopping one day i feld sick dizzy palpataions pains in chest sweating i whanted to run out so i popped a codien solfate tablet they are like a morphine tablet my hole bodey starded to relax after 6 minutes i was back to normal but to get rid of this terrible phobias pannick and every thing that gos with it you have to do it you self\n\n[i:0d63fce981]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:0d63fce981]" ], "date": [ "2006-05-07T14:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "[quote:c624b3da9d=\\\"L.\\\"]Hard to explain really, one day I was in the shower and it just sort of hit me that one day I was going to die, and there was a lot of complicated things going on under my skin (inside me) Ever since then I have been scared stiff, now I think that every single thing is wrong with me, it has been especially bad in the last couple of weeks, I must have diagnosed myself with at least 20 Life threatening illnesses (have not even had a single minute of medical experience) I can see I am begining to make myself ill, everyday I wake up I am so tense and have a banging headache all day, I feel like I am going to give myself a breakdown, but I just cant help thinking it, I keep looking over the internet to try and \\"diagnose\\" myself from what people show and say. it is driving me mad, I just want my old life back.\r\n\r\n[i:c624b3da9d]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:c624b3da9d][/quote:c624b3da9d]\r\n\r\nId just like to say that it is EXACTLY how my panic attack started. I was in the shower in December 2006 and as you said that a thopugh went pass that 1 day i was going to die and that was wen i had my first panic attack and even today october 2007 i still am suffering from anxiety and panic.\r\n\r\nIts so strange cant understand how and why it has happend to me???" ], "date": [ "2007-10-18T12:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/ive-had-panick-attacks-for-9-yrs-now-i-am-25-my-heart--367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
ive had panick attacks for 9 yrs now i am 25. my heart ...
ive had panick attacks for 9 yrs now i am 25. my heart races an even skips beats then gives extra beats. i cannot focus i even get extremely dizzy even before a attack which makes me worse, i get all sweatey anxious i dont know what to do with myself, i panic about panicking. my gran died 9 yrs ago an i am petrified of dying i always feel my heart is gonna stop. i sometimes get really angry at others an myself i hate the life i am leading. i am scared of being ill an feeling that every illness i have is fatal i feel like i am at a dead end an i cant get out. this is me for the rest of my life no hope. [i:b07885c138]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:b07885c138]
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have had agrophobia for 22yrs and find it so disabilitating and need someone to go out with me - I can drive but never get in my car without my TRUSTED CARER - who unfortinately twisted her ankle on Sunday 17th Sept and again has HIT ME IN THE FACE how dependant I am on this 1 person. My relationship of 22yrs failed due to me being "Cripple, always in house, I can come back in 20yrs you will still be here in same place" - very very hurtful\n\nSO I LIKE YOU would LOVE a non VALIUM CURE\n\nWishing you all best of luck:D\n\n[i:5d9544cbfb]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:5d9544cbfb]" ], "date": [ "2006-09-19T00:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-57-and-have-been-agoraphobic-since-i-was-20-sometim--3748?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been a sufferer of agoraphobia or as i say panic attacks since i was 16 and i am now 42. So practically my whole life has been dominated one way or other by this complaint. I like you need to remain positive or life would be very grim. I have had two major bouts of where i couldn't leave the house at all, and two years ago was off my work for a year and a half! But my work rallied with me instead of against me and i have been back full time two years this summer. Every day is a struggle and like you say although it doesn't feel like it most of the time we are actually very brave and confident people. And without wearing a bandage on our heads nobody would know anything was wrong. I found comfort and help through alternative methods, though had a good doctor eventually, who convinced me to take anti-depressants even though i do only take a very small dose it does help to cope. \n\nThink and be positive and remember to breathe:)Gillianx\n\n[i:1fc695050f]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:1fc695050f]" ], "date": [ "2007-02-07T01:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-57-and-have-been-agoraphobic-since-i-was-20-sometim--3748?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jcmt4-1324" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, mine started as a result of excessive stress.i agree that the severity varies from time to time.i've had to endure it for over 20yrs,without much medication.whatever phobia one has: the panic is the same.therefore the panic-attack is the real problem,leading to avoidance of where you last had one.the worst effect for me is wide open-spaces like motorways & beaches.i'll research dr.claire weekes books.for unknown reasons agorophobia is quite prevalent." ], "date": [ "2007-09-02T07:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-57-and-have-been-agoraphobic-since-i-was-20-sometim--3748?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I'm 57 and have been agoraphobic since I was 20. Sometim...
I'm 57 and have been agoraphobic since I was 20. Sometimes it's been worse than others and I've found it hard to cope, sometimes I just felt uneasy but was able to work, shop, etc. I'm not working currently but am able to shop, visit, go for walks, etc. as long as my husband is with me. People who know me know of my illness and most are sympathetic but of course only another sufferer really understands what it's like. The people who don't even try to understand and who think it's all a matter of pulling yourself together and 'fighting it'are the ones who have always irritated me. I deeply resent the implication that people who suffer from agoraphobia are weak in some way or lack courage. If our critics knew the courage it takes for an agoraphobic person to leave their own home they might be rather less scornful. I wonder how they would cope in our place? Having got that off my chest I'd like to say please don't get too despondent. Agoraphobia does vary in its severity so even if you feel really bad now you may well feel better at a later date. Positive thinking is good, but my best help has been from the books by Dr Claire Weekes - she manages to simplify the whole thing and gives excellent advice for coping. And it's interesting that there are now various doctors looking into the strong possibility that there may be a physical cause for agoraphobia - two possibilities are inner ear dysfunction and non-integration of primitive reflexes. So hope for better treatments or a cure in the future is always there. [i:fe078863c9]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:fe078863c9]
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1871" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Do you know how many cases of CJD there have been since 1994 [???] 1000s [???] 100s [???] 10s [???] Give up [???] ^_ OK I'll tell you, there has been about [b]180[/b], sooo it's highly unlikely (verging on the impossible) that you have CJD :)" ], "date": [ "2014-01-10T17:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-really-i-ll-or-is-it-just-my-anxiety-62546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sally52255-48142" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi amy, ihad the tingling in my head and round my mouth,it feels weird but apparently very common with anxiety. If you are still worried about it in a couple of weeks then ask your doctor to put you in touch with a wellbeing councillor. Hope this helps you x" ], "date": [ "2014-01-11T12:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-really-i-ll-or-is-it-just-my-anxiety-62546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amylaws2014-48994" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you.Today I haven't felt very anxious however I still have the heavy feeling in my arms and legs and I have had random shooting pains.I know it's most likely the anxiety but I've had this almost 48 hours (after never experiencing these symptoms before and wish they would go away as the longer it goes on the more I'm going to think it's something serious xx" ], "date": [ "2014-01-11T17:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-really-i-ll-or-is-it-just-my-anxiety-62546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sally52255-48142" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Amy just so you know you don't have to be actually feeling anxious to have the physical feelings but if you are worried go to your gp and get it sorted. If you don't it will just get worse then your body will feed off of your anxiety. Good luck 😊\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-01-12T02:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-really-i-ll-or-is-it-just-my-anxiety-62546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amylaws2014-48994" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Been to an out of hours gp today.They don't think it's anything serious.i hate feeling like this almost 72 hours now and I'm worried I'm going to be like this for ever x" ], "date": [ "2014-01-12T14:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-really-i-ll-or-is-it-just-my-anxiety-62546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sally52255-48142" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know what you mean and i know whatever they say to you you are not going to believe it, but stay calm and see your gp that you trust , tell her/ him your feelings even if it sounds stupid . I felt like i was going mad when it first happened to me , thought i was dying but i am slowly getting there I will not go away over night but keep positive :)" ], "date": [ "2014-01-12T20:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-really-i-ll-or-is-it-just-my-anxiety-62546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexmuk-49196" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Amy,\r\n\r\nAlthough I have issues myself, I like to be able to help people.\r\nGoogle is often a cause of anxiety, but I suspect you are much like myself- you like to be informed, and to double check that a doctor isn't screwing you over, because you see it all the time on the news don't you ?\r\n\r\nI highly recommend you do some googling on somatic symptoms of anxiety,\r\nI see a therapist of my own choosing and she lent me a book on the subject it's unbelievable how your body can react to anxiety, even if you don't feel particularly anxious at the time, and the effects can last for a long while after one particularly stressful event.\r\n\r\nI also saw the best gastroenterologist in my area, and he said that people with anxiety can be much for sensitive to pain and other sensations, he mentioned they did a test where they inflated a balloon inside of two peoples stomach, one with, and one without anxiety, and the person with the anxiety felt it being inflated MUCH sooner than the 'regular person'.\r\n\r\nAs much as I can stress it is EXTREMELY RARE to have CJD, those that have a higher risk are of those who have received a blood transfusion, or those that have been treated with a human sourced growth hormone pre 1985 (src HPA).\r\n\r\nIf both your GP and that out of hours doctor suggested that it's nothing serious, I think they are probably right, and I know probably isn't what you want to hear, but my probably means 99.99999999%.\r\n\r\nWithout taking offence, have you considered perhaps talking therapy ? I'm one of those that used to think 'f' that, there's no way it will help, but since starting mine, she has explained to me how the mind and body are so very very closely linked.\r\n\r\nHope I may have eased your mind a bit ?\r\n\r\nAlex " ], "date": [ "2014-01-12T21:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-really-i-ll-or-is-it-just-my-anxiety-62546?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Am I really I'll or is it just my anxiety
I got a studded bout of health anxiety 3 weeks ago after a short illness.It has got to the point where my dr have me 50mg setraline to take.I took them for 3 days (haven't taken one since yday afternoon) as it has made my arms and legs feel weak and my head has started tingling today.Im terrified I have the start of variant cjd as I googled it and it says it can start with anxiety and the tingling and heavy legs are making me feel even more certain I have the start of it.Someone please help I can't stop crying :'( xx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Rhys,\r\nSorry to hear you are feeling so bad,I cannot take any meds., but I do know others that have and I believe that they do take a time to kickin but if you really cannot tolerate them perhaps go back to GP.I don't think you should swap without asking GP but go and tell him exactly how you feel and don't be fobbed off.I do wish you all the luck in the world and keep posting on here it does help and I am sure there is always somebody that will answer.xxx" ], "date": [ "2014-01-10T18:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-to-citalopram-please-help-62549?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vecta-49019" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi joan\r\n\r\nThanks, I have decided to keep going with Sertraline, cant be doing with a restart. x" ], "date": [ "2014-01-11T11:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-to-citalopram-please-help-62549?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz54943-46983" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Rhys\r\n\r\nI completely understand what you are talking about. I felt exactly the same when I was on Day 3/4/5 of taking sertraline. I honestly felt I was going mad. My anxiety was crippling, it made me physically shake. I had a white hot burning sensation in my chest, I felt sick and I just felt absolutely terrified of everything and anything. I couldn't bear to be left on my own, but couldn't stand to be with anyone either. Just completely irrational and completely horrific.\r\n\r\nI went to see my GP and she prescribed me beta blockers to stop the crippling waves of panic/anxiety - just while the sertraline had chance to start working. They were fanastic, they really helped. They were like a magic pill, honestly. I'm on Day 10 now, and I feel so much better - yesterday I was so chilled out and serene, it was lovely - and I only needed to take 40mg of the beat blockers (had to take 100mg on Tues/Weds/Thurs. Today, I think I won't even need that much?\r\n\r\nIt WILL get better, my GP explained that sertraline can very often dramatically increase your symptoms while it's sorting out your brain chemistry. Try and see this as evidence that it IS starting to work, and that very shortly you will feel much better.\r\n\r\nIn the meantime, see if your GP will give you beta blockers because they REALLY help so much." ], "date": [ "2014-01-11T13:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-to-citalopram-please-help-62549?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertraline to Citalopram Please Help
Hello, My doctor perscribed me 50mg of Sertraline and i have been taking them for 4 days now and feel like im going mad, I feel as bad as somone can with anxity worry panic curled up into a ball, ill have to take more sick days off work, my question is can i switch my meds to 20mg of Citalopram? or will that cause a even worse effect? iv been on Citalopram before and it did a simular thing but i know that it did eventually help! Cant see the doctors till tuesday,
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick21015-48348" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi bill,I'm sure after all these checks with Drs etc you fine" ], "date": [ "2014-01-05T21:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-62417?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/looptheloop-45633" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Bill…reading through your letter was almost like looking at a medical dictionary….anyone suffering from all your symptoms and 'illnesses' would be very unlucky indeed.\r\nI think you are 'capturing' every illness that you have heard about and read about and made it your own. Well what for….!!! The simple answer is that it is your obsession.\r\nPlease listen to your doctors. They have years of training and expertise and know infinitely much more than you do.\r\n\r\nWhat a waste of a healthy (yours) life to be worrying constantly like this. And all for nothing. This is the time to begin a health plan and look after your body. Walks, good food and a friend or two. (not to moan at about health matters).\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T09:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-62417?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/looptheloop-45633" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Just briefly, I never really took many tablets as I was lucky enough to be guided towards a relaxation programme which also discussed how our body reacts to panic. I believed in this and listened and it was the real start of my overcoming dreadful anxieties that had led/ruined my life. Don't perhaps rely on too many tablets although this of course is an area to mention to your GP. Im sure he would be ecstatic to see you in a positive light rather than adding illness on top of illness. THINK HEALTHY" ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T09:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-62417?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bill79-48473" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Cheers I fully appreciate what you have said, I do continually try to convince myself I'm fine, surely 5/6 Dr's can't be wrong, it's just the constant changes with stools and feeling with in my stomach, as my friend keeps reassuring me I've had two bloody tests both came back fine surely they would have shown something, the mind is a powerful thing and trying to over come the thoughts an constant worry is very very difficult " ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T13:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-62417?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/designergirl12-18109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Bill, I would suggest the acid is due to the anxiety, your stomach must be churning out the stuff like billy-oh!\r\n\r\nYour stools will reflect this. " ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T16:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-62417?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sally52255-48142" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Bill i also suffer with the dreaded health anxiety, it has made a massive impact on me . The acid i would say is your anxiety i had never had it before till my anxiety started i take Lansoporasol best think ever and i have tried about 5 different ones in the past 15months. I understand how your life is revolving round your health and its not very nice but since i have been on here and listening to peoples stories you realise your not on your own. Take the advice and realised that your ok .Im sure in time you will be fine so will I. Good luck too you " ], "date": [ "2014-01-09T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-62417?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bill79-48473" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks Sally, anxiety is something I've never experienced until recently, it is very difficult to convince myself that I'm fine, as mentioned in my first post I was convinced I had this & I had that but that seems to have gone now it doesn't seem to be one specific thing now, I just feel that something isn't right but not sure what, it seems to be the littlest things, I've felt that the acid is coming back just a little but hopefully not like it was, also from just blowing my nose and there being a little blood sets me off worrying although Im more than sure this is nothing just a case of a sore nose (I hope)\r\n\r\nOne thing I am very sure about is that anxiety is not a nice thing to have " ], "date": [ "2014-01-11T12:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-62417?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Is this health Anxiety
Hi all, I'm not to sure what I'm looking for here whether it be some reassurance or what, around the being of November a friend of mine had mentioned about some one he knows had just been diagnosed with a brain tumour, upon hearing this that night I had started getting slight headaches/shooting pain in different part of my head be it the back, sides and top, this set my mind thinking and over a couple of days I then started to get a real heavy burning pressure on the top of my head which would come and go, due to this real worry an thoughts had kicked in so I had made an appointment to see my GP, I explained to him that as mad as it may sound I was convinced I had a brain tumour, he did some checks blood pressure, check in my eyes etc... And said 99.9% you don't have a tumour to which was big a relief just to hear, later on that evening just my luck I had hear of a distant relative to be honest I've never met who had a fall which caused her death it was apparently confirmed she had a brain tumour upon hearing this this again set me worrying, A day or so after due to worry I went to see my other GP who again did some checks on me and again assured me there was no signs he arranged for me to have bloods done which came back clear he also suggested an eye test, I had informed him that I had already made an appointment that morning, glad to say my eye test was fine and the took some photos of the back of my eyes after which the optician said if the was anything there they would be able to see something as it's to do with the nerve at the back of the eye again this gave me some reassurance, only a couple of days after I found myself attend the walk in at the hospital as I was still very very worried, with in minuets of seeing the Dr there she suggested I'm suffering (if that's the right word) from Anxiety, she asked a bit about my life to which I had mentioned that I had a daughter who had past away 5years ago now to which I broke down and became very upset as would be expected, the Dr had referred me to a friend of hers who is also a GP at my local surgery, I made an appointment to see this GP who also suggested it's anxiety, she proscribed me some medication (Propranolol ) Only a couple of days after taking the medication I started getting a real acid feeling in my stomach so after a couple of days I was back to see the GP as I was still very worried, I was then also proscribed Citalipram and some oemoprozol (antacids) unfortunately the oemoprozol didn't make any difference so I made an appointment to see my first GP again who suggested they proponolo maybe disagreeing with me and wanted to ween me off so I was weened off them after twomonths, the day after coming off them (Boxing Day I made a trip to A&E as I started getting chest pains, the Dr's did an ECG which showed my heart was fine, took my bloods which came back clear, also a blood sugar test also fine they suggested I had been taken off the propanolol to soon and should go back on them, over this period I've been having soft and hard stools for which I checked on the internet which suggest bowel cancer so all of a sudden I've gone from a brain tumour to bowel cancer, (APOLOGISE for being a little graphic) butI have now found myself constantly checking my stools and worrying about the shape the fact they are soft and flat then as people may say normal, I still have the acid feeling in my belly so as I said I'm now convinced I have bowel cancer I attended the Dr's who has again prescribed me a new beta blocker instead of propranolol and assured me this is health anxiety but as I was worries about taking new tablets I mad another appointment to see the GP I was referee to who told me the tablets are fine but she wanted to take me off the citalopram and proscribed me amotriptoline(apologise if spelt wrong) she also assured me I don't have bowel cancer , all in all I have see my own three GP's , the Dr at the hospital and the Dr's at the A&E as well as the two clear blood test surely I'm fine but due to the acid & stools my mind won't let me believe I'm ok
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I am new to this site and would love to join in conversations .I have been suffering with anxiety and panic \r\nAttacks just been put on pregabalin and am petrified of the side effects,any help appreciated.like you is there light at the end of the tunnel." ], "date": [ "2013-11-30T16:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-aniexty-and-panic-attacks-61753?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/timetoletgo-46212" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Meditation and breathing exercises have help me more than any meds ever have, and I've been on a lot. Taking up a musical instrument and/or yoga also helps." ], "date": [ "2013-12-02T19:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-aniexty-and-panic-attacks-61753?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amiyafoster-46257" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am also suffering from panic attack almost 5 year, It's very horrible experiences for me. I think you try to breathing exercises and yoga. Yoga can help reduce stress." ], "date": [ "2013-12-03T07:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-aniexty-and-panic-attacks-61753?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mendy82737-46324" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi ch cim 37 and have hade anxiety since I was eighteen, I can go years with almost no symtoms but then when it hits me it hits hard ive been having bad anxiety and panick attacks for about 3 weeks none stop I also think im going threw perimenopause which could make it worse beside I have had almost every side effect that there is with menopause I have totally fallen apart don't know where to turn anymore been to ers" ], "date": [ "2013-12-03T22:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-aniexty-and-panic-attacks-61753?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sanderella-46109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have never been diagnosed with a ligitimate Anxiety Disorder or Panic Attacks but somewhere along the line I was put on Klonopin and I eventually became very addicted. No my Dr. did not tell me this. The Tolerance Withdrawals caused so much anxiety and panic that I was not able to function for months at a time. My anxiety was actually increased 50% and I had no idea why at the time. But the final Klonopin Withdrawal increased my anxiety and panic 100%. I actually thought I was going insane. It felt like I was high on too much LSD without taking anything. And the final withdrawal was so truamatizing, terrorizing, and horrendous I almost killed myself to escape where the Klonopin had taken me. So I guess my message to you is be VERY careful when deciding to take these types of drugs because if you ever have to get off them, remove all the guns from you house." ], "date": [ "2013-12-04T14:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-aniexty-and-panic-attacks-61753?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have been to GP today very understanding took me off of pregabalin thank goodness much better day without still got neck and headache but not so depressed no crying today they certainly made worse. Hope we all\r\nhad a reasonable day." ], "date": [ "2013-12-04T19:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-aniexty-and-panic-attacks-61753?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becky45638-48486" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all. I'm new to this site too. I'm trying anything I can at the moment to get over this horrible feeling of anxiety. I've been having panic attacks for nearly 5 years on and off. My last one was on New Year's Eve. I don't feel safe anywhere in case something happens to me. I hate it when it gets dark because that's when I have my panic attacks. I've had to phone people in the early hours of the morning so they can talk me down from the panic attack. It's taking over my life at the moment. Anyone else feeling like this? " ], "date": [ "2014-01-05T20:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-aniexty-and-panic-attacks-61753?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gentlewaves-48571" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there, fist of all i would like to pause , take a breath and wish a happy new year to everyone. What you describe above are several symptoms of anxiety disorders, to my experience these are signals warning us that we are simply not happy with our lives. \r\n\r\nWe can hide it from everyone else except from our selves. I agree with timetoletgo and amiyafoster that breathing techniques, meditation, stress management or yoga can be really helpfull but you should also try to find out what realy bothers you and what changes you need to make.\r\n\r\nI know this is not easy but in this way once you find your path these symptoms will ease away." ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T19:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-aniexty-and-panic-attacks-61753?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
bad aniexty and panic attacks
Hi im new to this. I have suffered from panic attacks and depression for about 10 years now. I have been on effexor for 10 years but now have come of it. Been on fluoxetine for bout 5 weeks 40mg and 25 of pergablin in the morning and 75mg at nite but my aniexity is not improving. Please say there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/poony-45996" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have all of those symptoms! Its crazy!! I've had all the test n blood work!! This sickness is from hell n no one understands how we feel. These past 2 months have been horrible for me\r\n" ], "date": [ "2013-12-29T19:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-anxiety-please-help-62202?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sanderella-46109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You both are describing the all too familiar symptoms Tolerance Withdrawal from using anti-anxiety medicine. No Doctor will find anything medical wrong with you because it's you're own medicine making you sick but no Doctor will tell you this. It drives me crazy to hear all these stories describing the same crazy symptoms. I know one of you is on Klonopin not so sure about ten211218 but I can only imagine you're on either Klonopin, Ativan, or xanax for anxiety and all these drugs, the benzodiazepines, cause exactly what you're describing. I was addicted to Klonopin for years and it did to me exactly what your saying to the point where I could barely function anymore due to such high anxiety when I've never been diagnosed with an anxiety problem before and the diarrhea is horrible (the effects on the stomach). I was unable to function for 7 years until I stopped taking my Klonopin. Now there is no more anxiety what so ever, no more diarrhea, no more ringing in the ears (classic symptom of benzo use) no more social anxiety, no more agoraphobia, no more anything. It was all caused from my Klonopin. So you may want to save your money on all the testing, they will come back normal. Instead do some real research on the medicine you're on. Specifically look up Tolerance Withdrawal for Klonopin because that's where you both are right now and it won't show up on any test, nor will most Doctors know what you're talking about, in fact, they may not even believe you as you describe you're symptoms so DO you're homework on you're meds. So many of them end up causing more anxiety in the long run that what you had in the first place. I know it doesn't make sense but it's how they work. And you both know that you are already addicted to Klonopin right? Other wise you wouldn't be having withdrawal symptoms while still taking you're medicine as prescribed. It's the nature of the addiction. Klonopin is a very dangerous drug and that comes from someone who has abused prescription drugs most of my life. Drugs my psychiatrist prescribed and then became addicted to. There's a video that may help you: The Marketing of Madness: The Most Shocking Psychiatric Documentary Ever - YouTube See if you see yourself in it anywhere. I'm guess you will. " ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T10:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-anxiety-please-help-62202?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ten211218-47546" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello im not on any medication , just got my blood test result for scleroderma and lupes and they are negative . Thank good.i need to do nerve and muscle test because of my weakness . Im tired of chasing my symptoms cant stop crying:(" ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T17:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-anxiety-please-help-62202?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gentlewaves-48571" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there i think you described a number of psychosomatic symptoms that what they basicaly do is telling you that you are not happy with your life!\r\nOnce you discover what bothers you and change it they will eventualy leave you, its not easy i know but u need to find your way. If you cant do it by yourself ask a professional help, i.e. a psychologist or join a stress management group. I think you ll get some help there!" ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T19:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-anxiety-please-help-62202?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Is this anxiety please help
Hello! My symptoms started 1 year ago, I'm 33 with 3 kids. Everyday I have symptoms they change every couple of weeks. Dizzines , nousea, diarrhea ,ringing in the ears, neck pain, heart pounding and chest burning sensation , feel like shake waves, numbnes and tingling, what worries me is my left arm and shoulder is weak for months and for a week a have this numbness on my left side of my cheek.I have donne. Blood tests, endonoscopy ,colonoscopy , ct scan of abdomen , MRI of brain, thyroid checked, EKG plenty , electrocardiogram twice, eyes checked, ears checked and everything is normal. My question are this symptoms anxiety or should I do some more tests. can anxiety cause weakness in one side and numbness. Please help , I can't relax anymore I'm living hell. Thank you.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/designergirl12-18109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi ten\r\n\r\nyou don;t say how old you are but anxiety can present itself in numerous ways. \r\n\r\nsorry I can't be of any more help." ], "date": [ "2014-01-04T15:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-or-what-62377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ten211218-47546" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im 34 but i feel 134" ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T17:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-or-what-62377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/designergirl12-18109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Has your doctor suggested cognitive behavioral therapy?\r\nThis might help rather than ant anxiety tablets..." ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T19:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-or-what-62377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
anxiety or what
For days i had tightness on my side of the face and now no more but i have slurred speach wich is driving me nuts is this anxiety or stroke i have lightheadness and nausea. Done every test posible and diagnose with anxiety.is thisnormal for anxiety? Thanks to everyone
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/looptheloop-45633" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Any of these symptoms are anxiety related. Remember that everyone has this sort of thing happen to them occasionally. However what you have done is focus in on it and are now expecting it to happen everyday….and therefore it is. Your body is really following what is whirling around in your brain ( even if you don't mean to think about it you are).\r\nThe art of coping is accepting that it is going to happen for now. Try not to worry before hand and when it does happen accept it….As for not eating…well you won't starve so eating only a little will not hurt you….\r\nAll this takes time….\r\nAnxiety is awful. I only reply to these letters as I have been down that harsh road and come out the other side.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-01-05T13:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-s-happening-to-me-62391?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousface-42968" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello looptheloop, thank you I really appreciate your reply and support. Your absolutely right i think i do wait for it to happen. I have just been into town shopping but could only manage 3 shops as they sent me dizzy then I feel sick as if I've been on a merry go round and this time i wasn't even thinking about it but i did say to myself.' you know this happens so just float past it and let it happen' but having said that its really unnerving when you feel off balance and nausea whilst out. \r\n\r\nI feel I've lost my independence and cant go anywhere without my husband. I hope to get my life back but its taking its time.\r\n\r\nThank you looptheloop xx" ], "date": [ "2014-01-05T14:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-s-happening-to-me-62391?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sanderella-46109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sounds like you're taking anti-anxiety medication. If you don't mind me asking, are you by chance. " ], "date": [ "2014-01-05T22:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-s-happening-to-me-62391?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/looptheloop-45633" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "No I don't take any anxiety medicine at all. Many years ago I had 2 weeks worth of a mild tranquilliser to initially help. I think it did a little. However after that I read books, went to relaxation classes. Absolutely believed in what I was told and turned round from someone who had to sit by the door at college. Was terrified of any outing and all that life controlling horror to a person who has had a good career and is able to travel on aeroplanes and drive where I want to and if necessary catch a bus. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-01-06T09:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-don-t-know-what-s-happening-to-me-62391?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I don't know what's happening to me
Does anyone experience what i do? Towards the end of the day when I'm standing making the dinner i feel as if the floors moving and off balance I get through making the dinner but feel emotionally shattered and weak i have a job to eat. I really don't know if this is part of anxiety that's why i ask if anyone else feels like this who suffers. i'm finding it really hard to cope with this. any replies would be gratefully received thank you.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer_13742-46207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi have you been to the doctors. You should perhaps see a counsellor. Best of luck " ], "date": [ "2014-01-02T19:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/strange-side-effects-with-anxiety-62353?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hiya,\r\nSorry to hear how you feel ,I know exactly how you feel I am there also my problem being what ever meds. They give me I can not tolerate so it's down to me which I am not in control of,have had CBT did not work for me but don't let me put you off if meds.or counselling is offered you because a lot of people get on well with it.\r\nKeep posting on here I will always answer you.Not much help I know but wish you Good Luck and a better 2014." ], "date": [ "2014-01-02T19:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/strange-side-effects-with-anxiety-62353?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sally52255-48142" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi thankyou. I have been to the doctors and hospital had lots of tests for things like blood pressure,ecg,stroke ect all came back ok. I have had couciling for 7weeks but that has now stopped. I take fluoxetine and i have. Ra so take a few meds but had them ages\r\nthe anxiety is 24/7 even waking me in the night. If anyone feels the same could you say as i feel on my own with this any advice would be appreciated \r\n😞\r\n \r\n " ], "date": [ "2014-01-02T20:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/strange-side-effects-with-anxiety-62353?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Sally,\r\nYes I wake n the night in a panic and the sweating,had all the tests like you or normal it is our minds that do all these strange things .It is a powerful thing the mind and thinks I will give you this ache or pain today then I don't know about you I then go into panic that I have everything,and the Dr Google on here is scary so I don't go near that now.nice to get your reply and ŷes it is awful.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-01-02T20:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/strange-side-effects-with-anxiety-62353?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sanderella-46109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sounds to me like you're taking an anti-anxiety medication or an anti-depressant. Am I right by any chance?" ], "date": [ "2014-01-02T21:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/strange-side-effects-with-anxiety-62353?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sally52255-48142" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes i was taking the fluxatine for depression which started after my sister died,then i had a plural fusion and was totally convinced the doctor was wrong,it all started like that and now it just seems to get worse. I try and be positive but find it hard, i still have the pain from the plural fusion after two years so on one hand I think if it was anything bad it would have got worse but then the anxiety takes over and i think allsorts. The doctor said it was health anxiety i have but just cannot get passed this stage. Thankyou for your feedback 😊" ], "date": [ "2014-01-02T21:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/strange-side-effects-with-anxiety-62353?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sanderella-46109" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so sorry to hear about you're sister. But honey, you're Prozac is creating all of you're symptoms and problems. You just made a partial list of most of Prozac's side effects that are listed. Anxiety, panic, depression. ect. Please look up Prozac on the Internet and read the Warnings, Uses, and Side effects and you're going to see yourself on every page. I didn't even know they used Prozac anymore. Every anti-depressant has side effects. And withdrawal symptoms as well. Does this all sound too crazy to you? " ], "date": [ "2014-01-02T22:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/strange-side-effects-with-anxiety-62353?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
strange side effects with anxiety
Hi i wonder if anyone can help me? I have had anxiety for about 15months now. I started when i was driving i had a full on adrenaline rush from my knees to my chest. I then had another straight after then i was weak. Also it felt like a out of body experience and thought that this was it i was going to die right there. I known it sounds dramatic but that is how i felt at the time. Now i have the same feeling all the time which is not good. I can't seem to get pass this yet and wonder if anyone can help me please. Thankyou for reading 😞
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer_13742-46207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Surely cannabis wul make you paranoid. I hav been prescribed oxacepam but they made me hav tremors and just wanna sleep. Also citalopram which mad ny heart race. I'm on the,waiting list for cbt " ], "date": [ "2013-12-08T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/increased-anxiety-when-increasing-sertraline-61932?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luisa001974-46665" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Exactly don't think I will be taking teeth canines option. \r\n\r\nHi Jennifer \r\n\r\nI am in the middle of Christ therapy but have had to stop as my doctor wants to get my medication working first. I was on citralopram for years but stopped them as they were not helping me anymore, that's why my meds have been changed to sertraline. I have been on them for 3 weeks but only increased my dose \r\nto 50mg 10 days ago and my heart is racing all the time. Have you stopped taking citralopram now?" ], "date": [ "2013-12-08T20:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/increased-anxiety-when-increasing-sertraline-61932?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer_13742-46207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Only took 1 citalopram and ended up in hospital cos my heart was almost jumping out of,my chest. Hospvadvised me not toi take any more. Gp then gave me Prozac and mirtazapine. Too frightened to take them at all. Just dont take anything anymore. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2013-12-08T20:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/increased-anxiety-when-increasing-sertraline-61932?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luisa001974-46665" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "So how are you coping with nothing can you manage day to day activities?" ], "date": [ "2013-12-08T20:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/increased-anxiety-when-increasing-sertraline-61932?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer_13742-46207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I manage but I'm probably in a different situation to you. I'm retired so dont hav to work and my husband does most things for me. I had a couple of panic attacks w week back and before that ended up in hosp 5 times in a weekend thru panic attacks. Used to take a quarter oxacepam if I felt edgy but found that I didnt.like being out of control and spaced out all the time. My panic attacks ate probably caused by tge meds for my hep c. Good luck " ], "date": [ "2013-12-08T21:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/increased-anxiety-when-increasing-sertraline-61932?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emis_moderator-18625" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi All,\r\n\r\nI have deleted the post re cannabis by Garry as he has been spamming throughout the forums.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nAlan \r\nEmis Moderator" ], "date": [ "2013-12-09T10:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/increased-anxiety-when-increasing-sertraline-61932?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
increased anxiety when increasing sertraline
I am on day 9 on increasing sertraline from 25mg to 50mg I am experiencing increased anxiety and panic attacks I am also now experiencing agoraphobia. Does it get better? Thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI am having them as well,horrible just have to ride them have tried everything but just to let you know you are not alone.I have just been put n pregabalin and feel absolutely terrible only had 4 and could throw them but have to ride the storm until they are in my system I suppose.keep posting on here I will always answer you if it helps. Take care.x" ], "date": [ "2013-12-02T19:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wot-can-i-do-about-panic-attacks-61807?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer_13742-46207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank u so much jean152. Ur right they r horrible. The trouble is because of the meds I take fie my hep c and,my copd ." ], "date": [ "2013-12-02T20:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wot-can-i-do-about-panic-attacks-61807?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Nice to get your reply ,keep n touch.Good Luck" ], "date": [ "2013-12-02T20:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wot-can-i-do-about-panic-attacks-61807?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amiyafoster-46257" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Don't be upset. For your panic attack you should try yoga and meditation. " ], "date": [ "2013-12-03T07:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wot-can-i-do-about-panic-attacks-61807?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert4b-46262" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ask your doctor whether he could prescribe a \"beta blocker\" drug, such as nadolol, atenolol, or one of the newer such drugs. Even just a small dose (10 or 20 mg, much lower than for cardiac patients) of nadolol taken once per day will alleviate panic attacks, and it starts working right away." ], "date": [ "2013-12-03T08:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wot-can-i-do-about-panic-attacks-61807?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer_13742-46207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry robert4b I cant take beta blockers cos of,my asthma/copd. Thx anyway. Am going to go tomoz asking fir blood test for over,active thyroid gland. Wil keep u posted. " ], "date": [ "2013-12-04T19:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wot-can-i-do-about-panic-attacks-61807?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Good luck Jennifer for tomorrow hope you get some result." ], "date": [ "2013-12-04T19:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wot-can-i-do-about-panic-attacks-61807?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer_13742-46207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thx. Joan " ], "date": [ "2013-12-04T19:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wot-can-i-do-about-panic-attacks-61807?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
wot can I do about panic attacks
I am a 65 yr old female and suffer from mild copd which is well controlled. Last yr I was diagnosed with hep c after having it for 40 + yrs. Caught I presume from ex husband who was an iv drug user. I started triple therapy treatment 8 weeks ago for the hep c but it seems to hav made my breathing worse and now I am having full blown panic attacks almost every other day.My gp prescribed oxacepam and should b taking them half to one tab 3 times a day. I hav only been taking a qmatter of a tab when necessary. Surely these tabs r addictive. I am hallucinating with them and they're making me feel spaced out. I'm not in control anymore. I was also prescribed citalopram and took 1 tab and my heart wad racing and paramedic done ecg at.home and then rushed me to hosp. Seemed they had an adverse effect on me. Now I hav been prescribed mirtazapine but am frightened to am them. Plz help these panic attacks r.really getting me down.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose2267084-45589" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Please read my post for the anxiety question there. \r\nIve been there and am glad to be attack free. " ], "date": [ "2013-11-24T05:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/are-these-anxiety-symptoms--61563?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen40-20870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi sorry your suffering with dizziness and being short of breath , I think you should go for a check up at your doctors , you may have blood pressure problems that need attention , a good check up and a discussion with your doctor will surely put your mind at rest , I would ask for a full blood test as well to check your thyroid is functioning properley and you are not suffering with anaemia . , do your symptoms follow a particular pattern ? It may be worth seeing if they are related to your monthly cycle ?, your hormones may be causing the problem , You could try a good vitamin and mineral supplement theres plenty out there too choose from , but Id go to see your doctor first , and get some answers there first , glad your lovely girls are helping to keep you going , but go and get checked out \r\nBest wishes " ], "date": [ "2013-11-24T16:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/are-these-anxiety-symptoms--61563?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jawibble-45099" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for that. Definitely not my monthly cycle, I'm a male :) Feeling less stressed at the mo but had some bad headaches and dizziness and completely worn out over the weekend. Been to doctor finally this morning who said it could all be stress related but doing some blood tests to check some other stuff. Tried supplements before to see if anything would help before going to docs, no help.\r\n\r\nAt least I have now been to see someone so I can stop worrying about doing that and thinking about my symptoms all the time. Gotta start somewhere." ], "date": [ "2013-11-25T12:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/are-these-anxiety-symptoms--61563?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kennybhoy-45666" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi man\r\n\r\ni can relate to 90% of your story and to me it does sound like you have an anxiety disorder of some type.\r\nI don't mean to freak you out but i was diagnosed with GAD(Generalized anxiety disorder) a few years ago and had the same feelings as you,,constantly on edge,obsessing thoughts and breaking down in tears.\r\n\r\nIt is manageable and you can get help.\r\nGlad to hear you've seen the doctor." ], "date": [ "2013-11-25T12:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/are-these-anxiety-symptoms--61563?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jawibble-45099" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks\r\n\r\nA lot of my symptoms to seem to match up with GAD so wouldn't be surprised if I do have that. Other times I don't feel too stressed and wonder if something else making me tired and feeling a bit rubbish is making me feel depressed. Or a mix of the two.\r\n\r\nWait and see now." ], "date": [ "2013-11-25T12:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/are-these-anxiety-symptoms--61563?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen40-20870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi omg , thank god its not your monthly cycle !!! Oops , what a relief ,,, 😁" ], "date": [ "2013-11-25T15:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/are-these-anxiety-symptoms--61563?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Are these anxiety symptoms?
For the last year or two I've almost constantly had a slightly light headed woozy feeling. I feel constantly on edge, going over and over and over every little thing in my head all the time and having arguments in my head with people who annoy me but I never say anything to. The last couple of weeks I've been majorly stressed in work, trying to study for a change of career but rarely seem to be able to concentrate properly. I've started getting chest pains, bit short of breath and the odd dizzy spell that lasts a couple of seconds. I haven't been to see a doctor, I know I need to, I just kept thinking it was a little bit of stresses and tiredness and would go away but I'm finding everyday life hard to deal with now. I don't know how many times recently I've wanted to burst into tears for no particular reason. Luckily my two daughters can manage to make me smile. Writing this is actually making me realise how bad I am feeling. I need to do something about it.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela261-36869" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Jim \r\nI have just read your letter and thought I would reply I went through the exact experience that you have I lost my job two months ago with the same bullying ect..and it seems I canot get uemployment either because if the lies... I am going to appeal it... im here in Canada alone family all in the UK its been a nightmare\r\ntrying to get help I paid into the system for years and now this im in the red blahh..so today I went on some meds for anxiety and insomnia ....went and seen a lawyer too for severance which they owe me and found out for sure it was unjust to fire me I had several great evaluations then in a matter of two months of faults at work it was for sure a witch hunt ..so I know how you feel I think you should try antidepressants before you get too bad, at least give them a try .I wanted to go on them to help me for the crap im going through and the crap to come fighting for my rights ...takecare " ], "date": [ "2013-11-14T04:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stress-anxiety-i-have-seen-a-few-gp-s-and-im-at-the-end-of-the-road--61465?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela261-36869" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Jim \r\nI have just read your letter and thought I would reply I went through the exact experience that you have I lost my job two months ago with the same bullying ect..and it seems I canot get uemployment either because if the lies... I am going to appeal it... im here in Canada alone family all in the UK its been a nightmare\r\ntrying to get help I paid into the system for years and now this im in the red blahh..so today I went on some meds for anxiety and insomnia ....went and seen a lawyer too for severance which they owe me and found out for sure it was unjust to fire me I had several great evaluations then in a matter of two months of faults at work it was for sure a witch hunt ..so I know how you feel I think you should try antidepressants before you get too bad, at least give them a try .I wanted to go on them to help me for the crap im going through and the crap to come fighting for my rights ...takecare " ], "date": [ "2013-11-14T04:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stress-anxiety-i-have-seen-a-few-gp-s-and-im-at-the-end-of-the-road--61465?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/singingsnail-44931" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "As a mental health nurse, I too have worked in awful and damaging environments and I really sympathise. A word about stress management courses - they're not just about talking but could teach you techniques that will help you to manage your anxiety levels. I'm afraid there are too many possibilities to go into here - I don't know which particular techniques the course you were offered a place on would teach. But my own suggestion is- give it a go. I don't think people will expect you to endlessly talk about your situation but will give you space to do it if you wish and support in trying out new ways of coping. Lastly, I'd say - please think about why you're continuing in this awful job, Is there really, really NOTHING else you could do to pay your bills? Or has your self- confidence been very badly eroded by this situation so that you feel nobody else would want to employ you? If so, please check that out with those around you. I'm pretty certain they'd help and reassure you. Those who love you must surely be so concerned for what you're going through. Sometimes you just have to get out of an undenurable situation and put your health first. :) Good luck.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2013-11-15T22:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stress-anxiety-i-have-seen-a-few-gp-s-and-im-at-the-end-of-the-road--61465?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Stress / Anxiety? i have seen a few GP's and im at the end of the road....
Hello, New here. Basically my employer had a change of management 2 years ago, they promoted many new managers from a very low level with no experience. It seems there only way to communicate is by bullying, intimidation and harassment. Over the last 8 months my health i feel has deteriorated. I have been victimized and bullied and my colleagues have noticed it and also mentioned to me. Some of my other colleagues in the past also had the same treatement to them and they were forced out of the company. Now it is my time it seems. I am asked to do impossible or unreasonable things where as some of my other of my colleagues in the same role as me do not even get asked. Regarding my health, i have had to call the ambulance once because i thought i was having a heart attack. When the ambulances arrived they said it was anxiety attack. This is new to me and i was and still am so confused. On 2 or 3 other occassions i also have had anxiety attacks and on 1 time last week i drove off the road into a field and i could not move my body, my lips were tingling and my chest felt pressurized, i had to lay down in my company vehicle in the field for what seemed like 4 hours but it was about 35 minutes. I then started driving again but very on the edge. I feel like my body is breaking down and at home i am so miserable and i prefer to spend time on my own rather than with my partner. I really am fed up writing/speaking about this as i have been to my GP 4 times each time i seen different GP's because my surgery keep changing GP's all the time. It is so frustrating. I keep explaining to my GP's but they seem like they dont care or listen. 1 GP i felt was very good and he booked me off work for 1 week and issued a stress counselling course. Other GP's are just saying they want me to try stress counselling. I dont feel talking about the matter will resolve the problem because it is not a problem made up in my head but a genuine work related bullying/intimidation. My colleagues have been signed off with stress/anxiety and signed off for a long period and now they have recovered. I want to stay off work to recover also and i do not want to go back to that job. However i do not want to resign at the same time. I really cannot go on any more and i need advice on how i can tackle my GP. They have issued me with anti depressants but im reluctant to take them, very nervous.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1871" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have you talked to your GP about this [???] They're the best people to talk to about this :)" ], "date": [ "2013-11-08T01:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-having-a-panic-attack--41860?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayleigh1990-44252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "My GP says its me over reacting and always say i need to loose weight but i have lost alot recently but the pains have got worse." ], "date": [ "2013-11-08T07:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-having-a-panic-attack--41860?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beth15788-44296" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey\r\nI suffer from anxiety and panic attacks so thought maybe Id be able to help you see if you are suffering with them although obvs its different for everyone. For me when I have a panic attack I get sharp pains in my chest and it gets really tight and theres like a burning feeling. Then I feel as if Im about to be sick and I normally start sweating and shaking. Then I end up hyperventilating. Is that anything you can relate to? Depression and Anxiety often combine togetehr so it could be quite likely? Do you worry a lot? xx " ], "date": [ "2013-11-08T12:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/am-i-having-a-panic-attack--41860?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
am i having a panic attack?
For about a year i have been randomly having awful pains in my chest and i checked my bpm and the highest was 220. I suffer from depression and have dont since about 8 years old (i am 23 now) but i dont know exactly what a panic attack is and my doctors saying i am over reacting. What could this be?. My family have a bad history of heart disease and my brother died two years ago of ishminic heart disease (cant spell it) i am getting worried about that as my mother has this and i have had alot of stress recently. What could this pain be? Please
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen40-20870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi red 7 , great that you have posted to ask for help and advice , its takes a lot of courage to do this ? , you are on the road to recovery by posting , and acknowledging you have some issues that are causing you some problems , have you had a general check up at the doctors , a full blood test to see whether their are any medical issues that can be causing the problem , it may be thyroid ? , have you spoken to your gp ? , I totally inderstand you do not want meds , do you have someone you can confide in ? If not , try ringing samaritans ,or asking if you can see a councillor through your gp . \r\nWrite down your anxieties ? And how you feel you can resolve them writing it down may help considerably , you need a plan to resolve your issues , start at the gp , get a full blood test if you havent done this , or go to your gp for some advice \r\nBest wishes " ], "date": [ "2013-11-05T11:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trouble-with-anxiety-41784?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/red7-43927" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, thank you for your kind advice Helen 40, it is truly appreciated. As per this misunderstood thing we call anxiety I actually woke this morning very charged and positive. Not the way I would normally feel on a Tuesday. \r\n\r\nI know this probably isn't a long term change, but I wonder if posting here was a little release...kind of like saying it to the wall or giving yourself a pep talk. \r\n\r\nIt made me wonder if others gain the same from posting their feelings or concerns?. \r\n\r\nRed." ], "date": [ "2013-11-05T11:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trouble-with-anxiety-41784?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen40-20870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Great your feeling more positive , a problem shared is a-problem halved , keep going forward with this , consider what you may want to do to continue on this path , on ward and upward ! \r\nNever give in , never surrender ! " ], "date": [ "2013-11-05T11:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trouble-with-anxiety-41784?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynda-5094" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Getting married, having a child and being the main breadwinner is enough to make anyone panic. Your panic is more exaggerated than most, your whole world is about to change forever and it's scary so don't beat yourself up for wanting a happy family life for you and yours. Suicide is something you must talk to your Doctor about and 'u decide' to make the changes necessary to make you think about life differently. Women get depression during childbirth, perhaps men do too, after all they are about to become parents too.\r\n Depression is common amongst men I think it has always been there but men didn't talk about it. They do now and there is no shame in it. Mental health problems are just problems with that part of the body. You wouldn't beat yourself up if you had appendicitis would you. Read books for self help if you don't want to open up to your Doctor just yet. You don't have to take medication but you need to make some changes. If your not happy in your work, think about another career. I know now is probably a scary time to think about changes when you are trying to hold yourself together but you are happy with your partner and looking forward to Fatherhood so look for the areas in your life that are not making you happy. Perhaps you are shy and work in a sociable environment which is always going to make you feel uncomfortable. So love who you are and fit the world around you in a way that makes you happy. Depression in men in their twenties and thirties can clear up just as easily as it arrived but if you are feeling in any way desperate please, please, please seek help.\r\nDepression is a serious health problem and you need to look after yourself properly. Talking about it openly is step one and you will be surprised how many people out there will know a lot or a little about what you are feeling. It really is more common than you would think. Step two don't hide how you feel or be embarrassed about it, step three believe you can change the way you are feeling with help and you can. Good luck I'm sure you will make a wonderful sensitive father. x" ], "date": [ "2013-11-05T16:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trouble-with-anxiety-41784?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynda-5094" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "The Depression Cure by Dr Steve Llardi try this book you can get it at the Library and it can be the first of many to help you. Actually I have just spotted him on You tube as well. Good luck in your recovery x" ], "date": [ "2013-11-05T16:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trouble-with-anxiety-41784?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Trouble with anxiety
Hey. I'm new here and I'm thinking I want to try and write this down. I'm 36yo man and married, first baby on the way and I'm struggling. Not with the marriage Not with the baby, but with absolutely everything else. I have a reasonable home, I work for Good people. I have some amazing friends, and I've had a pretty interesting life. My problem is That day by day I seem to be slipping into a more confused state. I am suffering with anxiety so badly that I have to drag myself to work, the only thing that gets me there is the fact I don't want my wife to know how I'm feeling. I'm on the edge of tears most of the day, I suffer with tight chest and that constant sickness in the pit of my stomach, pressure behind my eyes, I always feel flushed and self aware but the worst of it is a constant fear of everything. I constantly have to regulate my breathing for fear of a panic attack. And I constantly hide it from everyone. I've started going to the bathroom at work every hour on the hour, washing my hands before I go in, spending a few minutes where no one can see me so I can relax for a second, flushing the toilet (even though I haven't had to use it) coming out and washing my hands again, and then I get back into hiding the way I'm feeling again. The only time I dot feel like this is on a Sunday when I get to spend the day with my amazing wife. I sound very selfish because I know I have the relationship most people would do anything for, a good life in general and a little girl on the way. This is what scares me, there is no rational reason for my anxiety. I believe I have or I am developing some sort of mental illness. I worry about everything from money to health to the way people see me to my performance at work to my future. I hate it and don't know what to do. On the outside I'm together, but inside I'm in knots. Completely out of control. I've come close to suicide four times in 8 years and I've had to shout at myself to stop myself from doing anything. No one knows how close I've come and I'm truly ashamed to know how close I have been in the past. I used to be the sort of person who had everything sorted. And I hate the person I am now. There are many more sides to my daily anxiety and I have to say some of the posts here have helped me recognise it for what it is. I can't do meds, I won't do meds, but I don't know what to do. I don't know if anyone here recognises any of these feelings or thoughts or if they can offer any advice. I would be truly greatful. My dream is to see my wife and my little girl happy, and loved, and safe. I don't want to continue down his road for fear (that word again) of affecting them. Thanks in advance. X
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annegam-43131" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I have been taking sertraline for the past five months for anxiety and depression. I have found them very helpful along with counselling and I'm not in the process of coming off them. I haven't suffered any of the side affects but did read about them and was very concerned at the start. I hope this helps" ], "date": [ "2013-10-26T22:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertaline-tablets-anxiety-help--41579?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hollydollymix-43042" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you :) " ], "date": [ "2013-10-27T13:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertaline-tablets-anxiety-help--41579?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sailawaywithme-43194" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, like you I was scared to take sertraline because of the side effects. Yes, you may get some, but they only last a few days at the most and I have to say they were a godsend to me. Please take them, accept the side effects, if any!! and let them do their work and you will feel so much better. I remember waking up about 10 days after taking them and thinking \"what the heck was I worrying about\". They changed my life xx" ], "date": [ "2013-10-27T16:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertaline-tablets-anxiety-help--41579?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertaline tablets anxiety help.
Hi there hope somebody can help, I experience severe anxiety an have been signed of my work for a year now an feel like I'm getting worse I've experienced depression off an on throughout my life an its come back in full force. My dr prescribed me citalopram an I experienced chest pain during sleep. I have now been given sertaline an have not started taking them yet as I'm very anxious about taking tablets due to side effects ect. I can't leave the house alone an cannot go in to shops use public transport ect. Has anyone found this medicine useful ? I'd just really like some support right now as I haven't got anyone but my mum at the moment. Some encouragement an motivation would be amazing an please no negative feedback. Thank you for your time :)
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/merryl-7506" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I haven't been through this myself but I understand how you must be feeling. I think the best person to talk about your feelings is your own Dr. He might be able to start you on medication before you go on holiday, which could make you feel a little better. The abortion is still very fresh in your mind because it was only 2 months ago.\r\n\r\nSorry I was'nt much help but I hope you will start feeling better as time goes on! " ], "date": [ "2013-10-24T11:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-am-i-so-scared-to-go-on-holiday--41531?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen40-20870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi so sorry to hear you are having these distructive feelings , you need to discuss the emotional issues that are causing you to feel like this , your gp should be able to help you , and refer you to specific councelling service that will help you , are you able to talk to a trusted friend ? , or a partner .? , there is help out there for you , but start at your doctors , if your able to see a female gp , you may find it easier to discuss your situation , ? \r\n Best wishes " ], "date": [ "2013-10-24T13:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-am-i-so-scared-to-go-on-holiday--41531?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda373-42964" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I have been through an abortion many years ago and it is a decision that no one takes lightly. I suspect you may be experiencing some grief reaction, amongst all the normal emotions you mention. Your body has been through a big change and you need to go gently. and a holiday is just what you may need right now to get away and find a quiet place to be. Allow your body to experience your emotions, it is normal and part of the healing process. Try not to allow the grief and guilt to overcome you, it will pass, and every day you will feel stronger. I feel it may be unrealsitic to expect the normal joy associated with a holiday, just look on it as a much needed healing opportunity.\r\n\r\nOn your return you may benefit from some counselling, the hospital shoudl provide you with an address. It passes, not easily i know but one day at a time." ], "date": [ "2013-10-24T15:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-am-i-so-scared-to-go-on-holiday--41531?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda373-42964" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I have been through an abortion many years ago and it is a decision that no one takes lightly. I suspect you may be experiencing some grief reaction, amongst all the normal emotions you mention. Your body has been through a big change and you need to go gently. and a holiday is just what you may need right now to get away and find a quiet place to be. Allow your body to experience your emotions, it is normal and part of the healing process. Try not to allow the grief and guilt to overcome you, it will pass, and every day you will feel stronger. I feel it may be unrealsitic to expect the normal joy associated with a holiday, just look on it as a much needed healing opportunity.\r\n\r\nOn your return you may benefit from some counselling, the hospital should provide you with an address. It passes, not easily i know but one day at a time." ], "date": [ "2013-10-24T15:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-am-i-so-scared-to-go-on-holiday--41531?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Why am I so scared to go on holiday?
Hi guys I've never posted on a site like this before but I'm looking for answers so here goes. I'm due to go on holiday in 3 weeks time, since booking this holiday I'm having horrible thoughts and feelings that I'm going to die while I'm over there or become very ill and no one is going to be able to help me. I have suffered panic attacks before but this is a different feeling and it's all stemmed from a very emotional abortion I felt I had to have 2 months ago. I have felt guilt and regret and anger since doing it but all of those feelings are now replaced with this overpowering feeling that something terrible is going to happen to me, it's making me feel unwell! Please any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen40-20870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Carla , very interested to read your post , how distressing for you to be feeling like this , , your blood tests have come back normal and other tests also seem to be normal , thats really excellent because you can find a solution .,, you seem to be a healthy woman , I dont know whether you have linked the symtoms you are suffering to your monthly cycle . Have you had your hormone levels checked , what are your periods like , all your symptoms could be linked to your monthly periods , and fluctuations in your hormone levels ,, they can seriously cause a great deal of havoc , even in a young woman such as your self ?, you could see whether there is any correlation between your migraines and your monthly cycle , are you taking an oral contraceptive that may also be causing you some of these symptoms? Diet exercise , and sleep , as well as relationships can all have a bearing on your health , you could try looking at your diet , supplements to aid your migraines , and exercise , relaxation , some times the smallest changes can have the most beneficial effect , hope this may help you , please post a reply , I'm happy to discuss further \r\nKind regards " ], "date": [ "2013-10-24T13:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-or-chronic-fatigue--41551?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carlacupcake-42869" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Helen,\r\n\r\nI sent a reply, but used the message option under your name rather than this post a reply option. New to this and didn't check before writing my reply. Doh!! Not sure if you received my reply? Let me know and thanks again for you reply :-) " ], "date": [ "2013-10-24T15:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-or-chronic-fatigue--41551?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen40-20870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "No probs , as long as youve got the info , let me know how you get on \r\nKind regards \r\n" ], "date": [ "2013-10-24T15:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-or-chronic-fatigue--41551?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and/or Chronic Fatigue?
Hi everyone, I am new to this/any health forum and am looking to share experiences and perhaps pick a few brains on Anxiety and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I definitely have anxiety and am now wondering if I also have CFS. Or maybe something else? Brief list of symptoms... Fatigue (groggy & heavy type tiredness) Brain Fog Feeling detached and 'spaced out' Muscle weakness (especially in extremities and legs) Sensitive to light and sound Sometimes feels like I have flu or a bad virus (although I know I haven't) Feels like I sometimes have a lump in my throat Light headed Light dizziness Easily tired out There are a few more general symptoms, but the more I read my lengthy list of symptoms, the worse I feel! Ha ha :-D Brief History... I have had anxiety issues on and off for many years and also hormone induced migraines. This year the migraines are definitely worse and so too is the anxiety. I had an 8 day brutal migraine early/mid September, followed by 8 days of severe brain fog/fuzzy head. I haven't been the same since. I'm also wondering if my symptoms are migraine related? I've had 2 full blood tests done and 2 urine samples taken. All came back normal/clear and healthy. I've also been to see an ENT consultant and he has ruled out an inner ear virus. He also checked my throat and balance. I had a full eye examination last week and my eyes are in great shape. I have an MRI booked next week and am also waiting an app have an ECG recorder fitted for 48 hours. I have not yet seen a neurologist or anyone else. My Doctor is saying it is all down to anxiety. Is anybody experiencing anything similar? I feel more anxious not knowing what is happening to my own body! Any replies/advice would be greatly appreciated... x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bastet-36207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "The only advice I would offer you is to 1) take written notes of your discussions regarding the level of stress your occupation is giving you to other people. Just try to be as crystal clear with the issues affecting to you so that there won't be the claim that no one was aware of your unhappiness! 2) If you know in your heart that one week isn't enough then obtain as much support from others to push your gp to extend your leave. The nhs can vary as I'm sure you know, so it might also be an idea to change your gp and provide him/ her with the history of your current situation. 3) Remember that we all live only once and with 'work' unfortunately we can be easily replaced by someone else, but our friends and families can't resurrect us. \r\n\r\nI have had a situation similar to your experience and have learned the hard way. Try and sort it out asap. I'm thinking that your difficulty sleeping is likely to be a result of over thinking. Try to establish a \"bedtime\" routine such as putting \"work\" aside at least an hour before you try to sleep. I find it helpful to make a list of things I need or want to do the following day. Turn off and keep away from electronic devices when you think it's bedtime as they do affect the human brain. You might find it helpful to then have a shower/bath with aromatherapy candles or room sprays. I've been told that yoga can work for some people or having ambient music playing. I wish you luck. Carpe diem!" ], "date": [ "2013-07-21T21:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/work-related-stress-40008?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline190-36111" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you for all your help and advice Bastet, I will try some of your tips, I went for a swim today which helped a lot and my company have booked for me to see occ health for a chat and assesment. I think the answer is for them to take off some of this stress and share the work load. I have made a decision that if things don't improve in the next few months I will sell my house and move on to a less stressed job. Life is too short. Thanksagain x" ], "date": [ "2013-07-24T21:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/work-related-stress-40008?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bastet-36207" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm pleased to hear that at least one person has found my own experiences helpful. I can't stress enough the importance of dealing with work pressures before it induces a brain haemorrhage, because if you survive it it's almost 100 percent certain you'll be a changed person. My 'hard way' of learning this is through the horror of having a stress induced haemorrhage which meant that I was in hospital for a year.\r\n\r\n When I came through the trauma I emerged from being a linguist to having to learn how to talk, walk etc. I didn't recognise my husband much less my family. I went through a phase of having to take haloperidol which is a kind of sedative/antipsychotic as I was trying to escape and had become abusive and aggressive to people. In essence I became the kind of person I was trying to manage in my job as a school improvement officer. I'm still on anti-seizure medication and have regular rehabilitation meetings with my consultant. No-one wants to find themselves reduced to that state so my advice is to make the choice to find a way of improving things quickly or escaping. Carpe diem!" ], "date": [ "2013-07-26T11:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/work-related-stress-40008?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline190-36111" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I can't imagine what it must have been like for you to go through that and it's scary what stress can do to the body. I hope that I can sort it and get back to work and be my normal self. The doctor saw me on Friday and said that he can see an improvement which I agreed with and my blood pressure has gone down a bit, so he has said to stay at home for a further week and he wants to see me Friday again. I do feel that I am on the right road and my husband and I have said if things don't change when I go back to work then we will move to Eastbourne and downsize and get a less stressful job. I wish you all the best with your health and happiness in the future and thanks again for sharing and caring. X" ], "date": [ "2013-07-28T17:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/work-related-stress-40008?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/byoga-40626" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's a really frustrating thing when nothing seems to change / help. I have suffered from insomnia, stress, etc, and wasn't offered anything but pills and more pills. In my experience meds make problems worse long-term. I went down the alternative medicine route and was amazed at how it changed my life. I subsequently became a yoga teacher, and am training to be an acupuncturist because I want to pass on what was given to me - health and happiness. Thinking outside the box can really help sometimes, and just because doctors can't seem to help, doesn't mean there isn't other help and solutions out there. If this speaks to you at all, and you're still suffering, there is hope and a solution for you somewhere if you look in the right places. If not, then I just wish you all the best." ], "date": [ "2013-09-25T17:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/work-related-stress-40008?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
work related stress
I have been stressed at work for about nine months and my team manager has also been stresses, I am currently under kings college hospital where my heart is being monitored and I have a heart monitor implanted. The stress only began when my company had a restructure and we were all given different jobs. This change in jobs happened about four months after my heart implant. Up to now I have just coped at work but recently my team manager moved to another job due to stress and I now have a new manager who I have to support until they are trained up. I told my company in January that i could not continue but so far nothing has changed. I went to my doctor who signed me off for one week but I don't think that will help. I can't sleep I am feeling very low and I don't know what to do for the best. Can anyone help.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/splodge-39481" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I used to suffer pretty badly from social anxiety, and unfortunately it still happens every now and again when I least expect it- I have the most embarrassing panic attacks. \r\nI feel that (as a separate issue) you have answered your own question when you mentioned these facts-\r\n\r\n1. I do tend to not get the correct amount of sleep needed \r\n2. I play a lot of video games \r\n3. take a lot of caffeine / sugar during the day \r\n4. i have started smoking a lot of weed \r\n\r\nIf you tackle each of these issues separately and individually with full focus, I am sure you are more than capable of rectifying the biggest part of your problem. If you still find that you feel the same way after a realistic length of time that should be considered for sorting this out then you may then need to try and evaluate other issues regarding your mental psyche. This can be sometimes helped with counselling of various methods. This could be speaking to a professional, simply doing exercise, self help methods such as meditation or listening to C.D's or some other way. Good luck." ], "date": [ "2013-09-09T00:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/going-mad-problems-concentrating-40748?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/splodge-39481" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I used to suffer pretty badly from social anxiety, and unfortunately it still happens every now and again when I least expect it- I have the most embarrassing panic attacks. \r\nI feel that (as a separate issue) you have answered your own question when you mentioned these facts-\r\n\r\n1. I do tend to not get the correct amount of sleep needed \r\n2. I play a lot of video games \r\n3. take a lot of caffeine / sugar during the day \r\n4. i have started smoking a lot of weed \r\n\r\nIf you tackle each of these issues separately and individually with full focus, I am sure you are more than capable of rectifying the biggest part of your problem. If you still find that you feel the same way after a realistic length of time that should be considered for sorting this out then you may then need to try and evaluate other issues regarding your mental psyche. This can be sometimes helped with counselling of various methods. This could be speaking to a professional, simply doing exercise, self help methods such as meditation or listening to C.D's or some other way. Good luck." ], "date": [ "2013-09-09T00:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/going-mad-problems-concentrating-40748?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt54-39447" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I agree with splodge - the caffeine alone is a huge stimulus, you are firing your brain with chemicals that stimulate it and make it over-active, the cannabis also has well-documented long-term effects and I expect that all these things are just by-products of the social anxiety.\r\n\r\nA lot of the time, social anxiety is a varied form of agrophobia, and can be treated in the typical method of 'exposure therapy' - small things like walking round the block once a day, or even to the end of your garden, staying there until your anxiety has ramped up a bit and then heading back indoors - start small and work your way up. Use manned checkouts instead of self-service at the supermarket, speak to friends on the phone instead of via facebook etc - small changes to how to you interact with other people can make a huge difference... it sounds like you are having anxiety attacks to me, given what you report, but tehre may be other things going on - when anxious, chemicals ramp up in your brain and you try to process everything at once, which causes the overwhelming feelings. CBT may help with this but try approaching a few mental health charities as tehy are great for helping, even if it is just counselling or pointing you in the right direction.\r\n\r\nAs a side note, give up the weed if you can - it is a coping strategy that eventually will lead to worse things as you keep searching for the next buzz or high!" ], "date": [ "2013-09-09T03:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/going-mad-problems-concentrating-40748?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/norfolka-39478" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for the advice.\r\n\r\nIn the last few days i have attempted to cut down on drinking a lot of tea and coffee .\r\n\r\nAnd started to drink water as a replacement . Yes it is true exposure therapy is help full as i have found out in the past but its just about pushing myself in my case to harder situations . Life is not easy with social anxiety let alone this horrible brain fog feeling i have been getting recently." ], "date": [ "2013-09-10T22:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/going-mad-problems-concentrating-40748?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Going mad? Problems concentrating
Last year i found out i had social anxiety , I was going through a lot of stress and anxiety for around 6-8 months . I managed to get help for this (CBT) which helped me a lot my stress levels have improved slowly along with my anxiety . My social life has improved a lot and i am a happier person as a result. but.. I have noticed over the last 6 months or so i have found it really hard to concentrate on day to day things . At first i thought it was a problem with my eyes which i got tested and everything was fine . I sometimes forget things and find it hard to take in things that are going on around me . ( Its really hard to explain ) . Basically my head feels like its all over the place and nothing like it was before i had my stress problems. It has effected my recovery from social anxiety a lot since its hard to concentrate on what i need to do. It also effects my work . Best way to explain it is . its sort off similar to the when you are a little bit drunk or high . But all the time I am a 20 year old healthy male and i don't see why this is happening to me since my stress has gone yet i still have this problem . I do tend to not get the correct amount of sleep needed . I play a lot of video games and take a lot caffeine / sugar during the day and recently i have started smoking a lot of weed . all of which i assume is not helping my situation one bit. Any help is much appreciated r
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j91-36974" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "After last night that I got through without doin owt I regret, I feel demotivated, like I'm numb, think depressions come back, I'm alright I hope but because I have very few inhibitions it's a dangerous way to feel, I have taught myself that it is better to act out on other things rather than myself, maybe a good plan is finding group session with other depression and anxiety suffers, oh Sheffield, is wonderful, it's full of depressive and nervous anxiety patients, oh Sheffield is wonderful. I have been through lockin myself away for months on end, running away, robbing off people close to me for drugs, messin up girls minds, being aggressive in holding cells and hearing voices.I think I'm just scared, scared of life and living it, but I don't think I'm able too. I hate the society we live in and this is a good distraction. If no one ever replies I,ll just keep posting, I don't care. \r\n\r\nJ" ], "date": [ "2013-08-03T12:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-self-harm-when-i-don-t-feel-very-depressed-40210?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lau24-39458" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Good afternoon,\r\n\r\nI am sorry that you feel unwell.\r\nIt is good to recognise that you may have a problem and that it's getting out of control.\r\nWhy do you feel so angry at yourself? When you say you're depressed and anxious, what kind of feelings do you have?\r\nIf you really want to start feeling better, stop the drugs. It is only a temporary relief from your feelings.\r\nDid you talk to your doctor? You need to talk to a specialist to understand where the problem comes from and then start to address it.\r\nInstead of hurting yourself buy a punching ball, go out for a run and find a quiet place to scream to release the tension.\r\nI hope you will get through this.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2013-09-08T16:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-self-harm-when-i-don-t-feel-very-depressed-40210?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vickycam-37275" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Toj91 I'm so sorry that you are going through this nightmarish existence. You must get help before you injure yourself or others. The suggestions made by lau24 are good ones and you must follow them. See a specialist right away. Have you considered spiritual guidance? It works for many people. Do think about it." ], "date": [ "2013-09-08T17:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-self-harm-when-i-don-t-feel-very-depressed-40210?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/splodge-39481" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I understand the feeling of wanting to hurt yourself without actually taking the important few seconds to think about it. I did that myself. I threw a glass plate down, took a shard of glass and slashed my wrist. It was a really deep cut and was in no way pre-meditated. And the reason was ridiculous which makes the whole thing worse. I have been living with the scar for 14 years so far. I am left handed and would naturally wear a watch on my left hand- but I 'awkwardly' wear it on my right; whether I want to or not just to hide the scar. I am certainly not proud of it and have spent the last 14 years hiding it. \r\nLike you, I was simply agitated. Since then I have been a little bit more thoughtful in those few seconds before I actually do something, and so I do not.\r\n\r\nFor a few years, many years ago, I used to take anti-depression tablets. All in all I found them to be ineffective as they are just a plaster to my own mind. I know that tablets just mask a feeling and I am more interested in dealing with my own emotions regardless of whether I know how to or not. Without tablets I still have major bouts of depression (I am in one currently), but at least now I am aware of it- when it is coming, how i'm going to feel, and how best to try and make things most comfortable for myself by not doing certain things I might ordinarily do without thinking. This is easier said than done, believe me, but it is far better to learn restraint yourself than by masking your problems with medication.\r\n\r\nI speak with experience and I could talk further, but I have only just joined this forum and I don't know yet whether it is actually active or whether I will get any notifications regarding any input I have made (such as this), so I will sign off now and if you would like to talk further, feel free to ask me." ], "date": [ "2013-09-09T00:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-self-harm-when-i-don-t-feel-very-depressed-40210?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt54-39447" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Can I recommend contacting MIND, Rethink or a similar organisation to help you - you have taken a huge step in being honest about this and talking about it on an open forum, and this is a step that many people simply cannot take - you should recognise what an achievement this is.\r\n\r\nI would strongly recommend speaking to MIND or RETHINK, even if its just to have someone to talk to - there are many different ways they can help and reduce the risk you have to yourself when looking for a release - remember that a 'release' is just a temporary measure that eases the feelings at that moemnt in time, places such as MIND can help you deal with those feelings and help you with strategies that will help reduce those feelings or at least recognise and control them. Most importantly, remember that your behaviour is just a result of your feelings and anxiety, it is an expression of emotion in the same way as a smile or a frown (just more exaggerated) - you are not a bad person, nor are you destined to become a bad person. Th main thing is to learn how to stop the feelings before they escalate and many places can help.\r\n\r\nAnxiety, depression and mental health can affect anyone to any extent - you are confident and bold, and it sounds as though you have an anxious mind that is 'agitated' and always 'looking for something to do' - this doesn't mean that you can't get help - reach out and you will find hundreds upon thousands of people there to reach back and help!\r\n\r\nBest wishes and stay strong!" ], "date": [ "2013-09-09T03:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/why-self-harm-when-i-don-t-feel-very-depressed-40210?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Why self harm when I don't feel,very depressed
Cut with a bread knife the other day but it wasn't because I hated myself, I was agitated, if anxiety is what I have then why am I a people's person, good communicative skills and thrive off competition with others. Been suffering quietly for years but now I'm outlandish, getting in trouble with the law and women, the more I do the more the depression creeps in and I don't mess about. Been given Valium to tie me over until my olanzapine and anti d starts to take effect but I still can't sleep. I was wondering if anyone had ideas on a release that wasnt harmful to myself or society. Sport doesn't quite cut it., in fact headbutts seem the most effective technique. Can't carry on like this for my families sake. Any thoughts are welcome J
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisablue-37074" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nI am in the UK and have a 17 old big tall lad who is a challenge at times so I understand it's hard for you to sort out...your right you cant make them do anything they don't want to...not like when they were 7 eh.\r\nListen, if he's stuck out in the sticks and it's not easy to get to his mates doing 'online gaming' is the next best thing for him. If he was in the UK I would suggest encouraging him to take up his favourite sport...dodge ball and rugby are the only two things that prises my son off COD!! But he isn't in the UK and, for now, that isn't possible for him so I do understand why he's down. So what can you do to help him now...in this situation..til you get a move?\r\n\r\nFirst thing, is there any family member in the UK that would let him stay with them until you can get a move over? He is 17, it would only be short term until you get a sale, have a think.\r\nSecondly...get him involved in the house sale. Ask him for suggestions in helping sell the house. If he can see your making a concerted effort to move it may help him understand he isn't going to be stuck there forever.\r\nThirdly...explain to him you wont be able to go anywhere if he dosent eat! He will become sick, end up in the hospital, and then that will put the sale back a notch...no one wants that...least of all him!\r\nFourthly...he's only 17 and he is not to worry about his future. Tell him he needs to work out what he wants to do when he gets home! College? If so what courses? Does the college where you will be living do the course he plans on doing? What qualifications does he need? Get him busy and involved in planning what he will do when he's in the UK...it's not far away now after all :-) That will reinforce the fact to him that it wont be long before he is home!\r\nLastly...can you do online gaming? Bet you'd love a go? :-) ahhum...anyway...ask him to move his PS or Xbox into the living room and teach you how to play gears of war or COD or which ever game he is into. Perhaps you could say your fed up too and it would help take your mind off things and really really mean it! It gets him out of his dungeon and he will be very busy no doubt getting frustrated with his mum 'just not getting it'\r\n\r\nHope these suggestions help, things will improve, you will get home...this is just temporary remember that.\r\n\r\nLisa" ], "date": [ "2013-08-05T11:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/17-year-old-son-depressed-40230?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nikki2203-37075" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks Lisa, you've made some good suggestions. I realise online gaming was all he could do stuck here in the middle of nowhere but setting his alarm to wake up in the early hours to play is not good. However, in the last couple of weeks he hardly plays at all, he's now says it's getting boring. I wouldn't be worried but it's such a sudden change & all he wants to do it chat online to his 'girlfriend' who he's never met in person. He has a lot of empathy & is caring so her psychological issues are bringing him down. He said he had another friend who he thought was suicidal & he spent time chatting online with her to help her. This is very noble & caring of him & it's nice he that he wants to help people but he's very sensitive & he worries about his 'girlfriend'.\r\n\r\nI've spent the last year researching college courses for him but he doesn't have any GCSE's as he has been educated here in France for the last 4 yrs. So if he's not excepted on the courses he want to do then he will have to find a college that offers GCSE's & not just Maths & English which is all that some offer.\r\n\r\n I have thought about sending him back to stay with relatives but my husband is against it, he says we all go together & it would be an imposition. My parents would have him but they will be away for 3 months from Sept & I wouldn't let him stay in there house on his own, especially not in his current frame of mind. He has always been very shy & introverted, much like I was, in fact I only improved when I reached my thirties & had my own children.\r\n\r\nWe are stuck here until someone buys our house, we had hoped to be back by September in order for him to start college & his sister to start in year 9. I blame myself for having the idea of moving to France in the first place but it wasn't done on a whim, I spent a few years looking into it but unfortunately it's turned out not to be the right thing for us, although the kids have done well learning French but neither of them are confident individuals & both struggle to make friends. The saying 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' is bullsh!t. You can't change your personality, if you are shy & lack confidence you will always be that way, all you can do is push yourself & make yourself do things & it does get easier with age but you always have doubts. Why did my kids have to take after me, why not take after their dad?`" ], "date": [ "2013-08-05T14:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/17-year-old-son-depressed-40230?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lau24-39458" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Good afternoon,\r\n\r\nI found your post and being French living in the uk at the moment, I felt I would drop you a line.\r\nI am 29 and I suffer from anxiety and depression. \r\nMy story is different from your son's but I remember I was not feeling mentally well at his age.\r\nThe first thing I want to tell you is please don't blame yourself. I can feel that you deeply care for your son and this is not your fault. I hope you will be able to move in a less isolated area as soon as possible. Your son needs to meet new people, engage in new activities and find new friends. It seems he lacks of self confidence like me. I used to be extremely shy and introverted but I was recently able to give a speech in front of a public. He needs to find an activity that will help him build his self confidence.\r\nI don't think he needs to see a doctor but he should find something that drives him. If you feel like he needs to talk to a third person, you could try depression charities and the pen pal system. Just be aware of depressed teenagers only forums, he needs positive help!\r\nIs he worried about his future because he thinks he won't be able to achieve his goal or because he doesn't know what he wants to do? He is only 17 and has many options available to him, maybe you can motivate him to look for a career he would like? I think that if he is motivated for something it will help him feel better.\r\nTake care of yourself." ], "date": [ "2013-09-08T15:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/17-year-old-son-depressed-40230?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
17 Year old son depressed
My 17 Year old son depressed. we live in the middle of nowhere in France with only 1 car which my husband needs to use for work. My son has no social life & is currently in the middle of 8 weeks summer holiday. He has only a few friends & none live with in cycling or walking distance. Until recently he spent all his time playing online computer games but in the last 2 weeks or so he has started chatting online to a girl who live on another continent & they appear obsessed with each other. He has told me that she is also very depressed & has been seeing a Psychologist for a year & is on meds. He doesn't want to eat & has lost 8lbs in the last to weeks. He's defensive & cries & spends all his time in bed or online. He is worried about his future. We are trying to sell our house here in order to move back to the UK for him to continue his education there. I know he is depressed as I suffer from anxiety & depression & have been on antidepressants for 11 years now. He is very like me with regards to anxiety also. He did the Goldberg's depression test & scored 66 which indicates sever depression but he refuses to see the doctor. the doctor will probably refer him to a Psychologist in the nearest city an hour away & I know he won't go. He refused to go when I thought he was addicted to gaming. I can't make a 17 year old who's taller & stronger than me do anything he doesn't want to. I know if we can get back to UK I'll be able to do more to help as there won't be a language barrier but I'm at at a loss as to know what to do here.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helpmeplease-35918" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel so sorry for you, your living a nightmare. Have you seen a doctor. I really hope there is help for you." ], "date": [ "2013-09-02T21:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/repetitive-negative-thoughts-40657?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vickycam-37275" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, you must see a doctor as soon as possible. Whatever you did wrong can be corrected but you must learn to forgive yourself and psychotherapy can help. Your suicidal thoughts need the attention of a trained professional. and immediately. Please seek help - and help is out there for you. " ], "date": [ "2013-09-02T21:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/repetitive-negative-thoughts-40657?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aisha4-30457" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I talked to my sister having OCD she says u seem to be having symptoms of OCD ," ], "date": [ "2013-09-03T12:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/repetitive-negative-thoughts-40657?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Repetitive Negative thoughts
Almost 4 months ago I just made a little mistake ,now suddenly it has started repeating in my head over and over again ,making e feel so much guilty that i can hardly concentrate on anything ,My brain gives me logic over and over again that what you did was totally wrong ,that I deserve to suicide ,extreme negative thoughts ,I feel so low crying all day ,I feel like that I have to confess to ever body over and over again ,I talked with a trusted friend told her everything but the thought stays in my head and suddenly other mistakes I did start coming to my head and keep repeating over and over again giving me the crippling feeling.Why my brain tells me to confess everything ? I know everybody does mistakes ad mine wasn't that bad :( but my brain is just repeating the whole scenario breaking me apart ,I just cant control it :( :( Ive cried my eyes out! Is it a disorder ?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen40-20870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi jeffrey , sorry to hear you are Not feeling well , and have ing a lot of anxiety , \r\nWhat job do you do ? , when can you trace the attacks back to , ? Have you seen or read something or has someone said something to you that has suddenly made you feel \r\nIke you are having a panic attack , in order to try and sort this put you neeed to see if anything has triggered these feelings ! Sometimes we put things to the back of our minds and subconsiously they can resurface with anxierty type problems \r\nHave you got any worries or problems that some one could help you with , ? , are you being bullied ? , there are lots of help groups you can get help from if you want to to someone , try the Samaritans , you can ring them \r\nP you further , , has your doctor run blood tests , and done you a general mot , for your health ? , whats your diet like ?\r\nAwaiting your reply \r\nHelen " ], "date": [ "2012-09-20T16:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kazgee-14081" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi jeff, do you drink a lot of caffiene,coffee,tea,cola,could be just that" ], "date": [ "2012-10-02T10:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xleeanne3x-23971" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im 21 too and suffer very bad from anxiety attacks your not alone :) ive had trips to the a&e twice cause i was convinced i was having a heart attack or something wrong with me physically bit ive had ecgs and x rays and theres nothing wrong its just anxiety. It is a scary thing to deal with. Everyday i wake up in fear and i cry alot cause i just wanna go back to the old me. Not this. But dont let it beat you. And thw vwst thing is dont go on medication cause i regret it. Ive gotten worse. I think only yourself can beat the anxiety. I twll this myaelf everyday :( i always think im gonna die. At night i cant sleep cause im constantly worrying is something gonna happen to me? But its not! When people see me they cant believe i suffer with anxiwty. Surpisingly a lottt of people do. But we cann beat it cause its all in our heads. Were 21 right so us to have an heart attack is like nill chance. Dont worry. We only have one life so lets live it and dont let this ruin our livws " ], "date": [ "2012-10-08T16:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cherry08-24261" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi\r\nIve been dealing with anxiety and depression for many years now, and it all started when I was 20. Dont really know what started it, always been a bit of a worryier but nothing like that. Started with anxiety on and off then depression. I tryed to deal with it without going on medication for quite a few months. But in the end had to on medication. I did help me a lot but everytime I try to come of it, I seem to get ill again. \r\nI think if you can get better without pills it would be great, I read somewhere that omega 3 helps and also which sounds weird is gardening, aparrenty scientists have found a bacteria in soil that when handled can increase the brains serotonin. You need serotonin to help the brain function properly. \r\nWhen you have a panic try and calm down telling yourself that panicing wont change anything, it wont make things any better, easyier said than done I know.\r\nIf you do decide to go on medication, the first 2 weeks you take them you will probally feel a little worse than before, but after that they should slowly make you feel better. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2012-10-23T02:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alleyjames-23555" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "How you start getting all these thoughts. Is their some thing bad happened to you in the past, that suddenly come infront of you by mean of person, situation or condition." ], "date": [ "2012-10-23T06:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kazgee-14081" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi guys, have a look on wikipedia about Choline and Inositol might just help but make sure it does'nt interfear with any tabs or meds you are taking :) good luck" ], "date": [ "2012-10-23T08:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kazgee-14081" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi also have a look at Arterial Fibrilation i believe same sort of problems but dont worry thousands have same problem :)" ], "date": [ "2012-10-23T08:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robinnorton-24287" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi jeffery36 ...\r\n\r\nI had panic attacks once at a stressful point in my life. Beta blockers were the answer, I had an ECG first to check there was nothing wrong with my heart ... that in itself is very easy, not stressful and sets your mind at rest. \r\n\r\nThen Beta Blockers can just tackle the short-term issue. Now, and long-term I would really advocate a look at your lifestyle ... eat properly, sleep properly, drink properly (not too much alcohol sugar or caffeine), get exercise (start just walking and build up to a routine: get fresh air and burn stress! ... gardening counts). If you try and manage the stress out of your work and don't get far enough, get an exit plan!!!\r\n\r\nHope that helps!?\r\n\r\nCheers, R." ], "date": [ "2012-10-23T10:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary411-39097" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Jeffrey,\r\nThese kind of things can happen when you are in a harsh period, even if you are not conscious of it. The point is to try to find why... Have you tried the online life coaching ? It helped me a lot when I had my exams period. Even if everything was alright in my life and I had never failed in my studies, I had this kind of total irrational fear I couldn't avoid. I think I found a coach on your24hcoach. Have you talked about it to your family and friends ? It is important to be supported.\r\nWell, I am sure you will get better soon! Good luck" ], "date": [ "2013-09-03T11:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/21-year-old-suffering-with-anxiety--37040?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
21 Year Old Suffering With Anxiety!
Hello all, new to this my doctor has told me to use this to help me! it all started a few weeks back having a panic attack in work, just sat there at my belly went warm and moved up my body and it panicked me! know everyday i wake up feeling crappy! i am worried of everything, i think im getting chest pains when im actaully not, only when i take a deep breath, i fnid myself pulling funny faces to make sure im not having a stroke, and im scared to play football and go out even to have sex because im scared of having a heart attack, i just feel so down, i thini about my life before these anxiety attacks and it makes me cry because i want to go back to being the happy ME! any suggestions and help will be great :) im not taking any medication for it either!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda436-38301" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Just wondering about the onset of symptoms, you mention anxiety from age 9, did you have problems at school with concentration, impulsivity, daydreaming, fidgeting, poor memory, being disorganised, not being able to follow instructions, poor emotional control?7" ], "date": [ "2013-08-25T10:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-suffer-from-a-racing-brain-and-inability-to-concentrate--40484?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malcolm47-35153" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Linda,\n\nYes i did have all of those things,but at primary school after a shaky start I excelled passed 11 plus easily,and at Grammar school had three good years but failed miserably at O'level stage,I just could not seem to absorb the education,especially geometry and physics.\nMy anxiety was brought about by things that happened at Primary school,which I will keep personal,it is disturbing,and also events at home,again I will not divulge the incidents,but put it this way no 9 year old should suffer what happened to me,the experience certainly has had a major effect on my life.\nAll those symptoms you mention I suffered,and still do,but doctors and psychiatrists seem to think there is a little something wrong but do nothing about it.\nI have tried counselling, cognitive behaviour therapy,but although they are helpful they do not work for me as I cannot absorb or understand some the information therein,I tried recreational drugs in my teens which made me feel normal and helped me do things that normally I could not,so therefore I feel that there is something in my brain that is not quite right and at my age it will not get much better unless I receive the help I need.\nHope this explains how I feel and why I put this on the forum,are you suffering similarly?\n\nRegards Malc\n\n\n" ], "date": [ "2013-08-25T13:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-suffer-from-a-racing-brain-and-inability-to-concentrate--40484?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda436-38301" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 47. During my childhood years I did well until around the age of 12. I blamed all of my problems on my dysfunctional family, had therapy etc which worked for some aspects but not all. It was only when my two children were diagnosed with ADHD, although we each present differently, that I realised that all of the criteria applied to me. I saw a separate pyschiatrist who diagnosed adhd and was put on Concerta to if it made any difference. Well it makes such a difference, I can actually feel my brain slowing down so that the million and one incoherent thoughts become one idea that I can follow from start to finish. It also helps a lot with anxiety. I think anxiety is perhaps not the correct word, rather I always felt like I was waiting to take an exam or anticipating something, always in state of restlessness. My advice would be to get a good book about adult ADHD, which not only includes information from a medical point of view but from adults that have had a late diagnosis. You may be able to relate to a lot of it. \r\nOf course it´s possible to have adhd and anxiety and/depression as a separate issue and it´s also possible to have other issues that have resulted in undiagnosed ADHD. Undiagnosed sufferers often have problems with drugs, alcohol, addictions, relationship issues, holding down jobs etc but not all of them do. What drugs did you take during teens which seemed to help, amphetamines? I hope this post makes sense but feel free to ask me any other questions.\r\nRegards\r\nLinda" ], "date": [ "2013-09-02T19:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-suffer-from-a-racing-brain-and-inability-to-concentrate--40484?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda436-38301" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "ps ADHD was never considered for my problems at school and I know that an adult diagnosis can be difficult to get in the UK and in some areas impossible. I was lucky that I had an open minded psyc. She said that although my symptoms did sound like depression and anxiety, she didn´t think that I was depressed. Not all ADHD sufferers to badly at school, some have Phds but they will always have to work twice as hard to stay organised, concentrate, remember, focused etc." ], "date": [ "2013-09-02T19:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-suffer-from-a-racing-brain-and-inability-to-concentrate--40484?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Does anyone suffer from a racing brain and inability to concentrate?
I have suffered depression and anxiety since age 9,personal reasons,but recently have found it hard to read,study,retain information,and act on impulse,which has got me in to a bit of bother personally. Another thing I do is to just fall asleep instantaneously,I take pregabilin as a stabiliser and am under care of Mental Health team,would like to hear from anyone who has similar symptoms an discover how they are being treated. I am 63,and in reasonably good health apart from symptoms mentioned above,but I would like to hear from anyone with similar problems. Regards Malc.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sezzie-7857" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have finally found someone who has the same experiences as me. I wish I had read this earlier.If you are still visiting the site I would love to know how you are getting on.I still need help." ], "date": [ "2009-01-14T12:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaye-7731" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid but get panic attacks because my heart keeps racing (one of the hyperthyroidism symptoms I'm afraid). My GP prescribed me Atenolol (beta blockers) and when I take one it stops the racing and panicky feeling.\r\n\r\nI also read on the web that when having an attack, to sit on a chair with your hands on the arms of the chair or in your lap as this enables your lungs to get the maximum air you need. Also breath in for 7 counts and out for 11 - difficult I know when your panicking but it gives you something to think about. I sit downstairs and put a classical CD on and the TV on mute to give me something to look at.\r\n\r\nI also bought Rescue Remedy (Bach flower remedy) from Boots. A few drops on my tongue or in a cup of hot water can help. \r\n\r\nAlso get yourself a paper bag and breath into that and out again. Or cup your hands over your mouth and nose and breath in what youve breathed out, if you see what I mean.\r\n\r\nI feel like running away when it happens. You're not going to die even though at the time it feels like it. It will pass but try my hints. Hope it helps.\r\n\r\nKay\r\n\r\nI hope this helps." ], "date": [ "2009-01-17T17:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maluvsya-9031" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi i have been suffering with panic attacks for four years now and when we finaly get over one worry two more turn up it can be silly things like the THINK adverts just had one at 11.30pm 2 night. they are not very nice and i get very very tight chest pains and feel dizzy, i feel like i am goin to die by my heart poppin out of my chest or im going to faint and smash my head. no matter how many relaxtion points i do it just doesnt work i am finaly goin to have my thyorid tested on thursday and maybe be prescribed beta blockers. i have always been perscribe citalopram which helps with depression and anixety and i have been off it now for 5months after bein on them for five years. i hope you find your solutions i think the chest pains is common for evry bdy having a panic attack. they are not nice. im only 19 and i am scared to do many other things like going out i should me enjoyingmy life but its been overtaken by this lifes not fair sometimes but i just keep living on, who knows i may one day wake up and not have panic attacks again. \r\nemma x" ], "date": [ "2009-03-23T23:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/duru-13240" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "[b:35452b9b05]i was diagnosed with overactive thyroid followed by type 1 diabetes then thats when my panic attacks also started.. still got it though..iv had for 7 years now altogether.. i take citolopram for my panic.. i was good at first but now its no use.. i get alot of panicy when going out.. my tummy legs shake.. and feel like screaming but i hold myself and throw myself outdoors .. then its abit ok.. but still feel the fear inside me.. im trying hard to win it.. my gp wants to send to those sessions where people get together and talk about there problems.. i hate those and will not attend.. i have no big problems... but i want them to change my tablets.. there not helping.. :([/b:35452b9b05]" ], "date": [ "2010-03-27T11:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "[quote:719b5de771=\\\"sezzie\\\"]I have finally found someone who has the same experiences as me. I wish I had read this earlier.If you are still visiting the site I would love to know how you are getting on.I still need help.[/quote:719b5de771]" ], "date": [ "2010-05-09T14:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "[quote:bb0af9e7fe=\\\"sezzie\\\"]I have finally found someone who has the same experiences as me. I wish I had read this earlier.If you are still visiting the site I would love to know how you are getting on.I still need help.[/quote:bb0af9e7fe][color=black:bb0af9e7fe][/color:bb0af9e7fe] hi sezzie i,v just read your experiances and i suffer from all the same things when my attacks start my chest starts to tighten my shoulders and neck start to stiffen upthen i start getting rapid heart beats my arm starts to get pains in it and pins and needles in my hands my legs seem to turn to jelly . But like you i start to think im having a heart attack , i,v also been to hospital several times and had all the same tests you have had which they have said im clear . but it seems not to matter wen you have the next attack .....hope to get a reply back from you soon take care and all the best pete" ], "date": [ "2010-05-09T14:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi folks\r\nI too have experienced panic attacks, chest pain & dread feeling (8+ years)\r\nDoc gave me all sorts of pills, beta blockers for the shakes, valium, parkinsons pills etc.\r\nI didn't take them, it was just a physical problem (now sorted with an op). Now I know it's a thyroid problem. Blood tests can indicate it, but not always\r\nHowever I'm sure the thyroid pills work too.\r\nBelieve in yourself and keep pushing for an answer. Good luck, Jane x\r\n\r\nAnxiety or depression is not a disease but a symptom" ], "date": [ "2010-10-25T11:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nagalot1969-10463" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have underactive thyroide and suffer panack attacks its now got to the stage i wont leave t helps me xthe house look up joe barry its a site and i" ], "date": [ "2010-10-25T20:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/oldtyke-16467" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "The best way to control a panic attack is if you feel one coming on get up and do something bake a cake, anything .\r\nWhatever you do, do not let it get started.\r\nPeople think they are going to die in one but do not.\r\nI used to get them in the middle of the night, waking up in one.\r\nWhen I realised what it was.\r\nI thought this is not going to get a hold.\r\nI would get up and make toast and tea.\r\nTell it in the most offensive way to go.\r\nIt will.\r\nThe worst thing to do is get on a drug regime especially Valium.\r\nit is just a downward slope then all the way." ], "date": [ "2011-05-23T15:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/prettypolly-23962" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello \r\nI am new to this forum and would really like to hear how you are getting on ?\r\nI too have developed panic disorder following diagnosis of benign heart palpitations. \r\nI am currently attending CBT and am struggling to see how it is helping me. \r\nI still have the fear when I take an attack that there is something wrong with my heart or brain. \r\nWould be glad to hear from you in reply\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2012-10-08T10:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kazgee-14081" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi , ,panic attacks,in the thirty five years of looking after someone,who suffers from panic attacks,(ig Agrophobia) could it be Arterial Fibralation of the heart that causes it,just this morning sat at computer looking about my own health i come across some stuff called Inositol check it out on wikipiedea just might help,oh and if doc offers valium forget it, , all that does stuff is just to keep you calm so your ticker dose'nt go into hyperdrive " ], "date": [ "2012-10-08T10:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ladyanguine-37053" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have have had chest pains since having a car crash in May last year, from the seat belt. I was diagnosed with Costochondritis in February after the pain worsened. Its been a hard time because every pain reminds me of the crash. Try not to worry about it because it will make your pain worse. I never had a panic attack until recently where I thought my boyfriend was going to crash into the back of a van. Since then I have been an awful passenger. I also can't sit with the seat belt close to my chest as a passenger. \r\nI feel similar to you as I want a solution, but it seems so out of reach. My advice would be to read up on other people's stories for some self reassurance. I have also had an ECG and i'm 21. I was extremely worried but have been told my heart is 100% normal. Costo is an awful thing, mentally and physically. We all need to support eachother! " ], "date": [ "2013-08-04T12:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann304-38147" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, im new to this site, im so glad i came across it while looking up the side effects of sertralin, ive suffered panic attacks for years,and they hav completly ruined my life, my gp prescribed proprananol and sertralin, , but the two tablets together make me feel sick, ive stoped the proprananol, i was on a slow release dose, and the sertralin seem to help, ive just spent 2weeks in doors because i could not cross the road to the shops, guess it takes this long for the sertralin to kick in, thank god i had the help of a friend to go shop for me till they took effect! " ], "date": [ "2013-08-20T20:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dee21-38150" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have had panic disorder since 1997 , my previous doctor was very unsympathetic and put me on strong tablets for depression which did nothing but make me feel disorientated. Seven years later and no better i moved house and had to change doctor , what a difference ! she changed my tablets to Citalopram and within two weeks i began to feel ' with it ' and a lot better. I still had to battle the each panic attack when it came . When I first had panic attacks i was sure I'd NEVER be able to live a normal life again , they completely crippled me but being a divorced mum of a then small son I knew I had to fight it.\r\nSo with determination I managed to slowly resist the longing to get myself down to A & E only to be told ' it's just an anxiety attack ' , I made myself stand in queues rather then turn and get out of the shop even though I felt i was going to pass out , slowly I have my life back.\r\nEven after nearly sixteen years I still get the occasional ' funny turn' BUT I no longer panic so it doesn't turn into a panic attack. I started off having at least 10 panic attacks a day but now I may have one or two a year and I can control it when I feel it coming out of the blue.\r\nSo if like I once was ,you are in the early , terrible ,frightening stage of panic attacks/disorder and feel they will never go away and other people who have 'got better' could not be as bad a you , take comfort from a fellow suffer ( and I mean suffer ) you WILL get your life back but you have to help yourself get there.\r\nThere are 100's of books on the subject ( I must have read them all ! ) but the paperback book that helped me the most is ' Your Survival Guide To Panic Attacks ' by Bev Aisbett is brilliant !\r\nI have come so far with my panic disorder I know give free help & advise to anyone who needs it so please contact me and I will give you my email address , don't suffer alone xx" ], "date": [ "2013-08-20T22:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-have-been-suffering-with-anxiety-and-panic-attack--8128?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Hi, I have been suffering with anxiety and panic attack...
Hi, I have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for the past 3 months. Mine all started when i got diagnosed with a condition called costochondritis which gives chest pain identical to heart pain but after many ECGs blood tests chest xrays an echocardiogram visit to the cardiologist and lots of different doctors i am constantly assured there is nothing serious wrong, but whenever i feel a pain in my chest now i stil convince myself im having a heart attack or something is wrong with my heart and im gonna die. I have lost count of the amount of times i have been to a+e and my own doctor. Although the costochondritis has almost cleared up i still get chest pains and pains in my left arm/jaw/neck and back and everytime dispite all the tests i convince myself its my heart then i feel my chest getting tighter and all horrible thoughts that i am dying start racing through my brain at 100 miles per hour and i feel myself getting more and more lightheaded. I am starting counselling this week hopefully it will make a difference because im too scared to literally leave my house incase i get a panic attack ive started to get them on a morning now before work meaning i have to go in later sometimes luckily they are very understading about it. Does anyone else get chest pains when they have a panic attack or pains in their back my doctor assures me mine is due to anxiety and my muscles being all tensed up i sometimes get these pains when i dont feel anxious (although the doc says i am i just dont realise) i am hoping the counselling helps me i also have diazapam to take as and when and my doctor prescribed me citralopram (not sure how to spell it) but after reading the side effects i decided against it. It really helped reading other peoples experiences at least i know im not the only one out there and i really hope everyone gets over it one day xx [i:c2a182f1a7]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:c2a182f1a7]
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexander29-37208" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Please excuse this being in the wrong section but the sub-topic function is confusing at best. " ], "date": [ "2013-08-06T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/benzodiazepines-how-likely-for-the-gp-to-allow-me--40263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emis_moderator-18625" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Alexander,\r\nSorry for the confusion, I am in the process of rationalising the topics to try and make things easier but this will take time. In the meantime I have created a new sub topic and moved your post here.\r\nRegards,\r\nAlan \r\nEmis Moderator" ], "date": [ "2013-08-07T09:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/benzodiazepines-how-likely-for-the-gp-to-allow-me--40263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1871" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Why should you have to medicate yourself just so you can go to work,, I personally wouldn't work there either, time to move along to a better employer :) " ], "date": [ "2013-08-07T19:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/benzodiazepines-how-likely-for-the-gp-to-allow-me--40263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Benzodiazepines - How likely for the GP to allow me?
Long story short I'm a care worker in a supported living residence for people with learning disabilities. We have an extremely violent schizophrenic woman in the house that isn't supposed to be there but no one will remove her despite none of us being anywhere near trained or qualified to deal with her because we're not psychiatric nurses. I'm basically bordering on panic attacks before each shift because she's allowed to throw knives and bowls at us, spit and hit us and endanger the other residents and we just have to stand there and take it. I don't know how much more I can take and the police and managers won't do anything. My anxiety is getting so bad that my stomach is constantly in pain and I'm shakey and light headed all the time. It's the waiting to be attacked and not knowing when it'll come that does it + the fact we're not allowed to even push her away. I know the GP is going to give me some nonsense about trying to fix the problem instead of medicating it but there is no solution. She's not going anywhere and 3 people have already quit. I honestly don't think I can carry on in this position without medication. How likely is it that I'll be granted medication? In my experience getting on antidepressants was hard enough and they only allowed me to trial them after a suicide attempt (many years ago, very far back in the past).
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny1946-21066" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "The site called No More Panic is brilliant :)" ], "date": [ "2012-05-26T19:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-36213?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kecki-19020" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know how you feel, suffered from this after witnessing an accident,. It might be helpful to sit and practise circular breathing - lie or sit comfortably, preferably a quiet room or music you find calming, breathe in through your nose to a count of 5, hold your breath for a count of 5 and then breathe out slowly through your mouth to a count of 5. Try to be aware of using your diaphragm to push the air out gently. Do this once a day. It might also be useful to try and think of what caused this to start in the first place. I also found Bach Rescue Remedy helpful. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2012-05-27T10:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-36213?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/viva-21204" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "thanks so very much jenny1946 and kecki, i will surely visit that site. and practce the circular breathing. please let me know when you learn of any new techniques that may also help.:)" ], "date": [ "2012-05-28T16:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-36213?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kecki-19020" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I eventually went to a therapist about my problems, and I found it to be really helpful. One of the best things she told me was to keep a notebook, and to write down how I was feeling, it helped me to realise what I was actually panicking about. And I was told to avoid all caffeine for a while, which did help a bit too. Hope you're feeling better soon." ], "date": [ "2012-05-29T15:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-36213?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/viva-21204" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Gosh kecki you are God sent! thanks once again for sharing such brilliant information, i am very grateful." ], "date": [ "2012-05-29T17:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-36213?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john494-35371" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Next time at the Doctors ask about Quetiapine helps me with panic attacks and anxiety." ], "date": [ "2013-07-16T15:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-36213?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
anxiety and panic attacks
i have been getting palpitations and i hyper ventilate a lot. i panic even when a car brakes suddenly. can any 1 help?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mollysox-22137" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "It is an evil drug. I have at last come off it after a long weaning process. Good luck" ], "date": [ "2012-10-05T18:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fanny_jane-22875" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lyndie, you have my sincere sympathy and hope that you are feeling a bit better today.\r\nUnfortunately very many drugs can do this to you. Basically all drugs are poison, some help us in the short term and some make us worse. It's a trial and error thing and depends on why we had to take it in the first place as to how long we stay on them and how effective they are. I have Tinnitus and other problems due to drugs that I have been prescribed in the past. I also wouldn't have taken some of them if I'd know that I was to be left with permanent problems.\r\nAll you can do is bear with it and keep calm. Try and rest when you can, do something that makes you relax and feel as comfortable as possible.Things will improve but it is a hard, horrible thing weaning off a drug that your body has become used to.\r\nIf you feel panicky try slow breathing, with your eyes closed if possible.I hope that your gp is being helpful and you have confidence in him/her. I would imagine that you will need to take something in it's place for a while at least. Make sure you ask lots of questions about long term use and safety etc;.\r\nYou should be very proud of yourself, weaning off Venlaflaxine is not easy.\r\nMy best wishes to you." ], "date": [ "2012-10-08T15:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lyndie-23920" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, \r\n\r\nThanks for your message,\r\nit just helps at present knowing that someone has gone through something similiar.\r\n\r\nim sort of coping day to day.\r\nThe vertigo and tinnitus are still there as is the nausea but it feels like im experiencing them \"under water\" so with rest i can just about cope.\r\n\r\nIve started getting anxiety jitters...you are right slow breathing helps. the last time ive breathed like this was during labour..21 years ago....just shows some things you dont forget.!!!\r\n\r\nim scared to go to my g.p as i feel i have lost confidence. i really really dont want to take ANY drugs if it can be helped bu.t i know i need to be able to function. i have a 3 week period in between jobs to \"get myself sorted\" but i dont know how realistic im being here...time will tell i suppose.\r\n\r\nthanks again for responding your comments have been really helpfull.\r\n\r\nall the best,\r\nlyndie\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2012-10-08T16:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mollysox-22137" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You are doing really well. Suggest you talk it all through with GP. They can't force you to take anything its your choice but I think your GP ought to know what is happening\r\nTake care" ], "date": [ "2012-10-08T17:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fanny_jane-22875" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lyndie, you mention that you are scared to go to your gp, which is a great shame for you. Could you take someone with you to help keep you focused and calm. Is it a group practice? You could perhaps book in to see another gp, they're all different and some more sympathetic than others. You may find that changing to a different medication will be more helpful for you. Only a gp/consultant can decide that though.\r\nI know that it's not always possible and I absolutley hate going to mine, mainly due to the 'not bothering the doc' syndrome. The truth is it's their job and they really don't care whose coming through the door next, they plough through us all and get paid a great deal to help us through whatever it is we present to them.\r\nI assure you that you are definitley not alone. There will be many people reading your post who totally understand what you are going through. Worldwide there will be millions, all nodding in agreement.\r\nYou mention childbirth, I'm with you there girl, been through it a few times myself...\r\nTo be brutally honest three weeks won't be long enough to get you through all this. However three weeks is long enough to get a handle on it. To try to breathe through the worst bits and get used to how you are feeling. Us ladies have so much to cope with, mostly doing at least three things at once, all the time.\r\nDespite how you feel about the gp you must go back and explain how things are and what is happening with work etc; Make a list to take with you. Most doctors are only too pleased to see someone who refers to a list so they don't forget anything. They know that you will be feeling anxious and anxiety makes us forget things, usually the most important bits too. \r\nYou owe it to your family to get the best help and care and to try yourself to get on top of how you are feeling. Anything that helps you feel calm is a good thing,a hot bath, a walk, listening to music, watching films, surfing the net! The list is endless. Lock me in a room with a good book and I'm in heaven.\r\nLife is a challenge, it's just that sometimes we're challenged a bit more than we'd like. My mantra has always been 'this too shall pass', as it always does, honest. I have taught myself after a lifetime of rubbish health and rubbish people, to appreciate the sun, a pretty garden, my little robin who lives in my hedge, my grandsons, my long suffering hubby, I have even been know to talk to the trees on occasion!\r\nHave you considered talking therapy. It's not for everyone but can be very helpful for receptive people. Your gp can refer you for Cognative Behavioural Therapy or a psychiatrist. It's OK to admit you need a bit of help now and again. We all need it sometime to sort ourselves out before we can step out into the world once again.\r\nKeep trying and keep well, take very good care of yourself, Fanny Jane." ], "date": [ "2012-10-08T18:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mollysox-22137" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Nicely said Fanny Jane" ], "date": [ "2012-10-09T10:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lyndie-23920" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi mollysox,\r\nI know you are right.. im going to make an appointment to go and see a different g.p at the same practice.\r\ntake care\r\nlyndie" ], "date": [ "2012-10-11T10:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fanny_jane-22875" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you Mollysox. \r\n\r\nLyndie, good to hear you've made the decision to go and see a gp. Let us know how it goes.\r\nYou are not alone in all this, thinking of you with all my fingers and toes crossed, Fanny Jane." ], "date": [ "2012-10-11T11:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lyndie-23920" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi mollysox and fannyjane,\r\n\r\ni hopr you are both well.\r\njust to update you:\r\n\r\n I have been to the gp and he is pleased that i have gone so long without venlaflaxine in my system.\r\nits now 15 days.\r\n\r\ni asked if i should take an alternative or a reduced dose to see me through and he is happy for me to go day to day without any which is excellent news for me.\r\n\r\nHe believes i have sufferd the worst and that if i can manage my anxiety/jittery attacks without antidepressants as i seem to be doing so far (not that it isnt hard, because its about the hardest thing ive ever had to do) that this will benefit me more.\r\n\r\nim still getting constant nausea but its niggling rather than disabling like it was ON the venlaflaxine.\r\n\r\nMy Tinnitus is MUCH reduced. its almost worth going through this all this to get some relief from a condition which has caused me so much over the last 2 years.\r\n\r\nI have told him that if i know things are likely to only improve over time rather than worsen that i want to do this.\r\n\r\nHe has said to go back and see him if i have any problems and to tak this day to day/week to week.\r\n\r\nTo help me cope:\r\nI keep telling myself that the anxiety attacks, which come with almost \"flushes\" are maybie good practice for when i go on the change and that my nausea means im coming out in sympathy with one of my step daughters who is currently pregnant with her fist baby.\r\n\r\ni can only hope for any positives that may result by not being on tham like weight reduction and return of my libido....we can but hope.\r\n\r\nall the best...lyndie\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2012-10-14T08:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mollysox-22137" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Well done, be proud of yourself.\r\nTake care" ], "date": [ "2012-10-14T08:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fanny_jane-22875" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lyndie, I am so proud of you, you have been so strong and it seems like you are now able to go further without the use of medications. Your family must be so pleased for you and having a supportive GP makes a big difference as well.\r\nMany congratulations on the coming baby. I am also getting a new grandchild at the begining of February and we are all very excited as you must be also. Remember when you fell anxious try and slow right down if you can. Slowly count either out loud or in your head backwards from 20. At the same time breathe as slowly as you can. This will bring all the adrenaline surging through your body back under control.\r\nBest of luck to you. If you need to post anytime go ahead, I shall be thinking of you and hoping that you are progressing.\r\nWe all go through bad patches in our lives and feel like we will never be the same again. Then one day the sun comes out and we realise that we can tackle whatever it is and life becomes bearable once more.\r\nTake very great care, keep positive and going forward, Fanny Jane." ], "date": [ "2012-10-14T11:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lyndie-23920" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "i want to say a big thank you to mollysox and fannyjane for taking time out of what i am sure are vey busy lives to provide me with much needed support and advice at what is a very trying and difficult time for me.\r\n\r\nwhilst i have a very loving and supportive husband it is nice to be able to talk things through and get an impartial opinion.\r\n\r\ni have never done anything like this before but have found the whole experience of the discussion forum has helped very much.\r\n\r\ni will keep you updated once in a while. if someone else reads what is discussed and is helped in any way then it will be worth it.\r\n\r\ni think the worst thing with coping with ANYTHING is feling that you are going through this alone.\r\nwhilst we are all individuals its not much comfort to think so when you feel so rough or feel that no one is available for help or support.\r\n\r\ni hope this website continues as i am convinced it is providing a valuable resource and service.\r\nlyndie" ], "date": [ "2012-10-15T15:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fanny_jane-22875" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you Lyndie, I also have gained a lot from talking with you. I'm so very pleased we have had the chance to chat and hope that the future pans out well for you. \r\nMy very best wishes, Fanny Jane." ], "date": [ "2012-10-15T17:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mollysox-22137" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Best wishes to you both\r\nmollysox" ], "date": [ "2012-10-16T11:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alleyjames-23555" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Why doctor prescribed such medicine that have long lasting troubles for the rest of our life. 1 problem go with million others to welcome in our body. " ], "date": [ "2012-10-16T11:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mongoose-24460" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Strange isn't it but I have taken this anti depressant for several years without any undue side affects whatsoever!" ], "date": [ "2012-10-29T20:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carebearmeca-27989" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Well I am hoping you can all help me. I was severly depressed over five years ago and they put me on 450 mg of Venflaxine. After a year I was put down to 300mgs. I had no side affects except if I missed a day or two and felt like a had the flu. \r\n\r\nThis year I have been taking 150mg in the morning. I forgot to take it for two days and thought this is great,, no side effects. Well that was a mistake, yesterday I cried all day, suicidal thoughts, nausea, sweats. I took a sleeping pill and slept 13 hours. \r\n\r\nToday I feel very hungover. shakes, sweats, slurred speech, no crying yet, lightheaded. I know why they said not to drive a vehicle. So this is day four. I want to take a pill right now cause I know in four hours I will be okay but I feel like a drug addict. My husband all the time states I don't need to be on this but I can't handle the withdrawals. \r\n\r\nDoes anyone know if my symptoms will start to get better. I can handle a week but two months, forget it. \r\nAny ideas?" ], "date": [ "2013-02-24T03:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john494-35371" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Folks.\r\n\r\nOne thing I have found out there is no ONE GREAT or ONE EVIL Drug.....I am on Venlafaxine 75mgs one a day and I am coping great, unless I take it close to bedtime as it gives me weird dreams of a disturbing nature.\r\n\r\nI moved onto them as my fave tablet Amitriptyline wasn't working anymore, never imagined I'd develop a tolerance of it, I was prescribed Sertraline (my personal EVIL DRUG).\r\n\r\nI can add that Quetiapine for anxiety works great for me...\r\n\r\nOne thing I'd suggest is if a drug is making you feel worse, give it two weeks then change. On Sertraline I was really on the edge it was awful but I stood my ground and asked for a change.\r\n\r\nNow I feel I am enjoying life again, of course till the next time.\r\n\r\nKeep going everyone!!" ], "date": [ "2013-07-15T14:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/long-term-disabling-side-effects-of-venlaflaxine-37176?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
long term disabling side effects of venlaflaxine
I have been prescribed antidepressants over 10 years. The first was prozac (fluoxetine)and the i tried a few times to come off fluoxetine but the anxiety/depression returned and the last 3 years ive been taking venlaflaxine. during the last 2 years i developed CONSTANY TINNITUS ,VERTIGO and NAUSEA(constant whoosing in my ears,room spinning when i turn my head and nausea). this has made my life miserable!!!!! i didnt associate this with the venlaflaxine and have been seen by audiology consultants with no cause found. recently i developed chest pains resulting in a trip to A+E, luckily no cardiac cause. something made me look up side effects of venlaflaxine and it was like someone turning on a light bulb in the dark!...it was all there including other symptoms i have like loss of libido, jitteriness,suicidal thoughts etc etc etc. i couldnt believe i have been doing this to myself for so long! i went to the g.p and i am weaning myself off them. this is supposed to be a reduction of every other day for a week, the following every 2 days and so on. however the most recent symptoms have included vomiting/flu like symptoms....on top of everything else this was so bad i thought dying couldnt be much worse. i am therefore 4 days "cold turkey"... i dont know what this will do in regards to any reccurring depression but frankley the VERTIGO,TINNITUS,NAUSEA is LESSENING to more tolerable levels....although i have new symptoms like nightmares/vivid dreams and my jitters are more pronounced....at present they are NOTHING compared to waht i have been suffering on the Venlaflaxine. I am currently finding each day a challange but there is slight hope (i am also praying!!!) that this will get better and that i will be able "weather the storm"...i hope so as i am convinced that venlaflaxine has been very debilitating and toxic for me. i am intrested to know if anyone else out there is experiencing or has experienced anything similar and would love to know how you got through the worst! I also add to my wish list that doctors start listening to their patients rather than pharmaceticul companys regarding effects of medication.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1871" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "You [b]must[/b] speak to your Doctor or someone you can trust, a perforated Bowel is not pleasant in the slightest :|" ], "date": [ "2013-04-12T21:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/swallowing-pins-38854?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aisha4-30457" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I just can't tell anybody ,there are no symptoms either but I don't know the consequences :(" ], "date": [ "2013-04-14T13:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/swallowing-pins-38854?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1871" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I wouldn't worry about it they've probably passed straight through,, or they'll just be rusting away in your stomach (or caught up somewhere else), they're not really sharp enough to cause much damage unless you are unlucky, I mean your GI tract is pretty tough and rubbery (you hear of people eating razor blades and glass as part of stage shows) :)\r\n\r\nYou [b]must[/b] find someone who you can talk to about your problems, this playing russian roulette with bad times isn't much fun :|" ], "date": [ "2013-04-15T05:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/swallowing-pins-38854?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hspcode-35716" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "The consequence is unknow but can be a potential complication in the long term such as someone mention bowel perforation but surely your body will gradually goes into stages of imbalance called homeostasis imbalance which sometime your body will recognise these as foreign object eventually rejected it and possibly cause fluid to build around the surrounding area which may cause irritation, remember your stomach has full of acid fluid and these acid can cause the burning but trying to burn the pins is meaning the surrounding area is also burning can lead to complication such as pain, infection and so forth. The Dr will properly not doing anything s now cos your are very normal but Dr will wait for any of those complication to come before they do anything. So please take care of yourself and get some behavioural therapy help, wish you the best of good health." ], "date": [ "2013-07-14T03:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/swallowing-pins-38854?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Swallowing pins
I have swallowed 20 common pins (small) ,I swallowed 10 of these a month ago and nothing happened ,this time still there is no pain but I am too afraid ,I suffer from extreme depression all the time ,Please guide me what to do :(
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "dear jojo,\r\ni have only in the last 2 weeks started suffering from panic attacks and i know how scary thay are. i wake at 5 every morning feeling as though i will pass out or worse. my family are finding it very difficult as i become quite hysterical and some days i daren't even get out bed.\r\ni/m trying to think positive and have been put on prozac and diazapam to alleviate the fear. i/m on day 12 of prozac and you just have to keep beliving that you will get better. you're not alone.\r\nkeep your mind busy, i know it's hard but good luck jojo\r\nxxxxxx" ], "date": [ "2008-01-20T06:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/been-suffering-from-a-panic-disorder-for-12-years-15036?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sammie-3016" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yesterday was my big day. After suffering with panic attacks since October, yesterday I told my boss and my husband, then I went to the doctors and was given Citalopram and i'm seeing a therapist to talk and develop coping stategies. Even after all this I don't feel in control but I had to do something. My panic attacks are linked to driving - which is when I got the first one. Unfortunately driving is a big part of my job so either I deal with it or I give up my job. I just want to be normal again but my big fear is that i never will be. Reading other people's experiences is helping - I thought it was just me and I'm going mad.\r\nYesterday morning I was thinking that I couldn't take anymore but now i've told everyone so there is no more hiding and lies and trying to cover it up - which was almost as exhausting as the panic attacks and just added to the stress. I just want the desperation of feeling like this every morning when I wake up to go away. \r\nIt can only get easier right?" ], "date": [ "2008-01-23T10:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/been-suffering-from-a-panic-disorder-for-12-years-15036?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jd-4251" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi\r\n\r\nMy husband suffers from depression panic attacks etc. He has had several antidepressants since Feb 2007 and no longer takes them as they disd nothing to help. One of his Drs did a blood test last July and he was diagnosed with B12 deficiency and perniceous aneamia. He has a stomach problem and takes Lansapresol(spelt incorrectly) He has had this for ever. The Dr reckons this is his depression problem and after looking on this site fopr perneous anemia I think he is correct. Have a look on there to see if you could be suffering the same problems and maybe have a test for B12.\r\n\r\nJD" ], "date": [ "2008-05-03T08:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/been-suffering-from-a-panic-disorder-for-12-years-15036?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leahs-5492" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, i'm 30 and had panic attacks all my life, i feel like i'm falling apart, i've been with my boyfriend for 9 years, and he asked me to marry him about 4 years ago, but now he can't wait any longer, we split up about 2 months ago and it's been hell. he has rung me and wants to get back, But i have panic attacks about moving out of home and leaving my mum and dad. Can anyone help me,? don't know what to do." ], "date": [ "2008-08-12T13:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/been-suffering-from-a-panic-disorder-for-12-years-15036?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindaxxx-9601" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "[quote:0b38011c30=\\\"jojosammy\\\"]I have been suffering from a panic disorder for 12 years. I was on anti depressants for 7 years came of them I have had acid reflux for 2 years cannot eat much trying to find it hard to lead a normal life as this has taken it over i have now got burning mouth syndrome and keep getting mouth infections i am currently taking 30mg lansoprazole for the last 2 years and colofac for ibs to relieve the bloatedness now my doctor wants me to take citrolpram 10mg but over the years i have a phobia on taking new medication i am afraid by taking citrolpram will harm me i am at my wits end now i cannot carry on like this i just want to lead a normal life.[size=24:0b38011c30][/size:0b38011c30][/quote:0b38011c30]hi jojo,god!as i was reading your\\"situation\\"i was/am surprised how it EXACTLY sounds like mine!lets just say i never had the best upbringing(leading onto bad relationships etc)i wont bore you with that!(youll hav2 excuse spelling etc,ive been awake since 3.00am!)ANYWAY!ive suffered from panic attacks for as long as i can remember,i feel as if ive had a horrible knot in my stomach since i was 5/6 years old........i STILL struggle with the simplest of things,it could be going to buy milk!BUT for the first time in my life..........im DETERMINED to beat this \\"bad thought process\\"which leads to panic(for me anyway)5 days ago i split from my bfd of 10years,4days ago i was diagnosed with acid reflux which i was given lansoprazole,my stomach is a BIT better,but i am SURE this cda been caused by stress/anxiety,im praying they work!sorry,im rambling!i was also prescribed,diazepam,citrolpram(i have declined taking them as i had a bad experience with another anti depressant,2tired2 remember the name! :roll: i have heard really good things about lansoprazole,i DO always take my diazepam........im 33,after MANY years i have realised even these(my crutch)are not the total answer,ANYWAY!i just wannid to say a lil bit about me so you would know your not alone...........im in the process of PLANNING 2go back to college.........i see this as a fight ive been losing ever since i can remember,and maybe now im alone?ill win!genuinely,lol to you,lindaxxx :)" ], "date": [ "2009-04-30T05:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/been-suffering-from-a-panic-disorder-for-12-years-15036?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/agnesmack-35726" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "This has been an interesting discussion and I'm glad I found it – I've been looking for information like this for a while. It sounds like my story is pretty similar to many of yours. I'm 33 and have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety issues for a few years now. \r\n\r\nLike most of you, I've tried numerous different medications. Some of them worked OK but had side effects that weren't worth it, and some of them didn't work at all. Like the OP, I also have fears around taking new medications. I'm not sure if it's to the point that I'd consider it a phobia, but every time my doctor says we have to try something else, I get a sinking feeling. \r\n\r\nThen I spend a few days researching all the possible side effects of the new drug, and convince myself that I'm experiencing them – sometimes before I've even filled the prescription! I really do want a solution to my anxiety problems – it's bad enough that it regularly gets in the way of enjoying my life – but taking all these meds just doesn't seem like the answer to me. \r\n\r\nLately I've been really looking into natural remedies. Have any of you tried any of them? I'm super nervous about that too though, because I know they can have side effects and there's so much information out there I'm not sure who to take seriously. It seems like everyone's got an agenda – and typically that agenda has to do with making money – so I'm weary of all of it. \r\n\r\nAll that said, it does make sense to me that there's a lot we don't understand about our brains, and that what we do understand can be addressed. Articles like this one (http://panicandanxietyblog.com/the-most-important-piece-of-advice-for-panic-attack-sufferers-part-2/ ) are interesting to me because they actually break down what can actually be done about it, beyond taking pills to just make the bad feelings go away.\r\n\r\nHave any of you tried any natural remedies, or other methods to deal with these issues? I'm so torn about the subject and would appreciate some personal experiences with these things. " ], "date": [ "2013-07-13T20:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/been-suffering-from-a-panic-disorder-for-12-years-15036?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
been suffering from a panic disorder for 12 years
I have been suffering from a panic disorder for 12 years. I was on anti depressants for 7 years came of them I have had acid reflux for 2 years cannot eat much trying to find it hard to lead a normal life as this has taken it over i have now got burning mouth syndrome and keep getting mouth infections i am currently taking 30mg lansoprazole for the last 2 years and colofac for ibs to relieve the bloatedness now my doctor wants me to take citrolpram 10mg but over the years i have a phobia on taking new medication i am afraid by taking citrolpram will harm me i am at my wits end now i cannot carry on like this i just want to lead a normal life.[size=24:c3b63ac1ce][/size:c3b63ac1ce]
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi i am a 25 year old single mother of 1 and am also a sufferer of social phobia and am findin it realy hard 2 deal with daily life i also suffer from panick disorder wich adds 2 my anxietys i did attend cbt and started 2 get better but now have relapsed and feel worse all i want is 2 live a normal happy life but it jut feels like thats never goin 2 happen but i am hopin that going back 2 cbt will again will help me get back on my feet 4 good" ], "date": [ "2008-03-19T13:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-am-the-parent-of-a-19-year-old-son-who-has-social--959?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-3" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I have just read your note about your 19 year old son with social phobic disorder I also have a son of 20 who has social phobic disorder since he was a young child. My son has had CBT which did work very well and we have a very good supportive GP which is also a great help.\r\nI know how difficult and also heart renching for the parent because you so desperately want to help them but feel powerless. I do make a lot of time for my son I encourage but never false him into situations. He reads a lot of selp help books and he is about to start university. This is his second try, first time he wasnt quite ready. my son takes fluxoitine which helps his depression and keeps his anxiety levels under control.\r\nHe did have a slight relaspe after the CBT but he was fortunate the therapist agreed to see him again and talk to him on the phone. This helped him a great deal and put him back on track. There is light at the end of the tunnel but I had to fight to get him the help he needed. CBT THERAPISTS are very few and far between and they tend to only give 6 to 12 week courses I fought to keep my son on their books. I do know how you feel as a parent. sometimes it just helps to know you are not alone. Show this to your son, there is help just keep trying he can turn things round." ], "date": [ "2009-03-16T12:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-am-the-parent-of-a-19-year-old-son-who-has-social--959?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/babzi-33465" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im 50 and suffer with social phobia, im ok if i have lots of alcohol but that isnt the answer and being on meds i can not do it anymore, i dont go out, untill my children come home, if i was to go out id go with my dog but have panic attacks, i get them even before i leave the house, i was told its because i lack confidance, but im not sure what it is and why i have it, ive had it from being 16 but only recently been diagnnozed with it, i also suffer from stress disorder and post trauma , im under the mental health team now , im awaiting an appointment to see the therapist who is going to try and solve it for me, and i know in my head already, what ever she does , it wont work, im ok at home, in my own comfort zone, i just realy want to be left alone . im fed up of seeing people on appointments and fed up of haveing to feel paniky when i go out, >:[" ], "date": [ "2013-06-05T13:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hi-i-am-the-parent-of-a-19-year-old-son-who-has-social--959?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Hi I am the parent of a 19 year old son who has social ...
Hi I am the parent of a 19 year old son who has social phobia. The comments about the illness on this website have helped me to understand just how serious the condition is. He has had some CBT treatment but has relapsed and although he started a diploma course at college, will not be able to attend as he cannot face the small group sessions. I have not contacted any of the support groups listed on your web page but will give it a go as the strain on family life is sometimes quite intense. Thanks for running this site. [i:b45d532443]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:b45d532443]
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tarun-29064" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Unfortunately increased anxiety is a well known side effect when these medicines are first taken, which is why your psychiatrist was right to recommend starting low and building up to the recommended dosage. Rest assured these feelings will pass once you reach the therapeutic dose. \r\n\r\nTarun (hospital pharmacist)" ], "date": [ "2013-05-26T17:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertaline-and-upping-dosage-nervous--39329?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jane262-32882" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks Tarun for the reply : ) May I ask, do you know anything about Cymbalta? I know that is advertised for anxiety. Again, thanks for the reply." ], "date": [ "2013-05-26T17:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertaline-and-upping-dosage-nervous--39329?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tarun-29064" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Melatonin is also a \"drug\" (or licensed medicine) but is licensed only for insomnia, not for treatment of anxiety. \r\n\r\nI am aware that Cymbalta (duloxetine) is licensed as an anti-anxiety medicine but its use is not recommended by NICE except for those patients who do not benefit from sertraline or who do not tolerate it. I would also recommend non-drug therapies. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and relaxation techniques are also endorsed by NICE. \r\n\r\nTarun" ], "date": [ "2013-05-27T09:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertaline-and-upping-dosage-nervous--39329?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertaline and upping dosage- nervous!
I started having bad anxiety several weeks ago and went to a pscyiatrist (spelling?) and she diagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder. My primary dr had already given me sertaline and told me to start at 50 mgs. It was then that the anxiety got worse. The pschyatrist told me to start at 25 mg for a week and then go up to 50 for a week and eventually 100 mg. it's been 3 weeks i've been on 25mg, been scared to up the dosage because im still having nervous feelings. Im scared if I up the dosage anxiety will be even worse. Any help or suggestions?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julie4-25796" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "try calms they work for me sometimes until i have a major panic attack " ], "date": [ "2013-01-03T20:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-30791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aimee12-30659" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ask for propanamol there very good, not addictive at all\r\nJust help you cope better and please don't have anti depressants \r\nJust those above I told you and councilling! Bet this before you get a \r\nDisorder like me!!" ], "date": [ "2013-04-17T06:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-30791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bb_1-30723" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "the thing is to remember that a panic attack has never killed anyone. you may feel like you are going to die, but you won't. \r\n\r\nif you need your mind put at rest you could ask for a heart scan to rule any heart problems out.\r\n\r\n\r\ngoogle panic attacks and how to cope on youtube etc. lots of tips on how to cope." ], "date": [ "2013-04-17T18:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-30791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
panic attacks
:( hi i had my first panic attack on sunday. and my chest still feels tight and i feel pancky all the time . my doctor gave me betablocker and i am frighten to get addicted to them.but iam not coping very well. without some thing to carm me down i feel a lump in my stomach all the time and i want to screm and cry . i have 2 childern and i need to carry on for them.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suwho-28655" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Kelly, first off this medication takes a little while to get in your system and start making you feel better. Please speak to someone about how you are feeling. There are people that care for you. You may not think it because of how you are feeling." ], "date": [ "2013-03-10T23:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-please-38462?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suwho-28655" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Try to be a little patient. The citalopram will start to make you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2013-03-10T23:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-please-38462?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kazash1-28868" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, Kelly, I have been taking Cet for 16months for anxiety attacks. at first it made me feel worse i had really bad anxiety and felt as if things were going round and round in my head. i talked to my doctor and she gave me some pills to take as well as the cit for a few weeks while the cit started to work. this really helped. try and keep taking the tablets because they do work ( it took about 4 months to work for me) i know it sounds a long time but it is worth it. A site called no more panic really helped me it explains about anxiety and depresion as well as having a good forum where you will see other people are feeling just like you. good luck with the tabs. i know how you feel but it does get better." ], "date": [ "2013-03-12T13:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-please-38462?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
help please
I started to take Citalopram few days ago and I am feeling worse than before. I really want to kill myself. It is very hard to think properly right now. I dont know what to do . :(
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ericleo-27190" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Cheerie\r\nI've been on mirtazipine for a number of years and was able to teach okay. It certainly doesn't interfere with day to day functioning in my experience. It does take a while - from 3 - 8 wks before you see any benefit. So, I'd give it a go for a few wks at least. I'm trying to come off gradually as I'm retired now and have been taking them for 4-5 yrs!\r\nI hope things improve for you." ], "date": [ "2013-02-07T20:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mirtazapine-consumers-37981?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheerie-26482" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for replying ericleo! It's been 3 weeks now and I still feel unreal and lack concentration at times. Did you have to take time off work at the beginning?? I just want to get back to work and feel NORMAL !\r\nCheers." ], "date": [ "2013-02-09T00:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mirtazapine-consumers-37981?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ericleo-27190" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Cheerie\r\nI had some time off if I remember correctly! Could you ask to go in for half the week or half days to begin with? I think once you get back to work, you can sense whether the meds are helping. However, only you can decide when you feel able to return to work. Whatever you decide, I wish you well - its not easy, but it's worth perservering! " ], "date": [ "2013-02-09T09:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mirtazapine-consumers-37981?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Mirtazapine consumers
HI, I have been taking Mirtazapine for 5 days for depression and anxiety. I work in a school with kids but have had to ask for some more time off as I am feeling worse this week. Does anyone have any good news about Mirtazapine or anti depressants in general. Is anyone able to work and function normally on them or get better and be able to cope without them eventually. (I am looking for a little light somewhere !) Cheerie