[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/monica55568-1464652" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’m sorry you are so worried about this. But I’d like to help relieve your mind a little bit. When I was in my 20s, I also developed muscle twitches all over my body even on my eyelid? I thought I had a horrible disease. On top of that I had floaters in my eyes. Weakness, buzzing or vibration feeling in my brain, arms and legs., And several other sensations. My dad took me to a neurologist, and all of my testing was normal. I also found out that the muscle twitching is called benign fasciculations which means they are harmless and can be by anxiety and stress. \r\nI couldn’t figure out why I was having all of these sensations. Until I thought about it, and he realized that they were all caused by anxiety and stress that I have had for a long time. The body can only take so much before it has a breakdown. \r\nI am happy to tell you that I am now in my 50s and doing very well. I get occasional anxiety. And maybe a funny sensation here or there but I ignore it and it goes away.\r\nbenign fasciculations, are nothing to worry about. I’ve had them on and off for decades, and I am very healthy! So, please don’t worry. Everybody should have a yearly check up anyway with their family doctor.\r\nalso, I would like to advise you to stay off of Google and re-searching diseases, because none of those will pertain to your individual situation..\r\nIt would be a good idea to learn how to manage the anxiety because you would see a reduction in the twitches. \r\nI also learned through the years that the more I paid attention which is the more I had them. Keep yourself busy. Maybe speak with a counselor to help you manage it. \r\nRemember that any sensations related to anxiety are not harmful, including the muscle twitches !!\r\nI hope this helps you at least a little bit and relaxes your mind somewhat. I really like to listen to meditations for anxiety on YouTube a couple times a day. It’s important to relax your mind. Take care. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T11:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-hell--800422?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health Anxiety hell!!
ive had health anxiety for like 5 years (I'm 20 now) and developed body wide muscle twitching after reading about ALS last year it's gotten worse recently and now I'm convinced I have als, a brain tumor os or maybe even huntington's! has anyone experienced anything something similar??
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joshua39169-1464514" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nSorry to hear you are going through such a rotten time, health anxiety really is horrible.\r\n\r\nIf you have been given the all clear for exercise, that really helps, but nothing too intense, gentle constant exercise is better.\r\n\r\nTalk therapy should also be really helpful.\r\n\r\nWhat I remember is that the more concerned I became about lack if sleep the less I slept and I was always tired but wired. Once I really accepted that I wasn't going to sleep and it wasn't such a big deal, I began to sleep, that plus starting low dose Mirt which really helps with sleep hehe.\r\n\r\nI hope someone will come along with better advice.\r\n\r\nNothing lasts for ever, I wish you will start feeling better soon!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-24T14:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-sertraline-800366?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Panic attacks - sertraline
Hello all, i just wanted to speak with people in a similar situation to help me rationalise. im 28 with no history of mental health issues apart from every day stress and anxieties which have never caused me an issue since march i have ended up in a+e 3 times with what i can describe at the time is im having a heart attack - pins and needles throughout my body, thinking im going to die , blurred vision, difficulty breathing . ive been given propanolol whilst there due to heart rate and blood pressure. these big episodes usually last 2-4 hours but then left with very bad anxiety for the next few days . the first two times i got to a really good place - socalising and exercising but this time i cant seem to get back ecg and bloods all come back fine however since these episodes my health anxiety has got terrible, anything im feeling im making myself belive i have an illess and im just not going to wake up. ive been refered to endocronology? but in the mean time ive started sertraline. my most recent episode was sunday and i have not managed to sleep since i woke up sunday as im feeling very wired, my body is exhaused but mind seems to be on overdrive . im trying to be proactive as possible i have cbt session booked for this week so interested to see how that work, cut out caffine , alcohol and vapes. sorry for the long post - it would be nice to hear about other peoples experience with panics,anxiety and sertraline
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "that type of medication can take several weeks to kick in. But if you are really struggling with it, I would suggest you call your doctor and talk about it. I know how that feels. I’ve been through it and it’s awful. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-05-21T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i felt better after 3 weeks" ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T14:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello my doctor has taken me off sertraline due to the severe side effects I was having. I was only on 25mg for 8 days. It is now the 2nd day of stopping and still feeling tired, although not as bad, but stomach upset and lack of appetite. Do you think it will take a few days for the sertraline to get out of my system when, hopefully, these feeling will abate." ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you will start to feel better soon. Make sure you are staying hydrated.\r\nI can relate to you. I can’t seem to find an anti-depressant that doesn’t cause horrible side effects." ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T20:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grannnie-1464278" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI have been using Sertraline for a number of years and found the main side effect for me is excessive sweating and dehydration. To be honest, am not really sure what the positive effect of this drug is supposed to be ?(if anyone can please advise?) as it has no apparent effect on me - I still suffer will daily tension headaches / head pressure / brain fog / dizziness. I do however notice if I I stop taking for say 2/3 days - I will start to experience strange sensations in the head (like brain zaps ?) makes me wish I never started.\r\n\r\nThe best medication for me in relieving the tension was exercise and being away from the uncomfortable environment / people that cause the problem. An activity such as dog walking really helps as it relaxes the mind." ], "date": [ "2023-05-24T10:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-800297?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
My doctor started me on 25mg sertraline 7 days ago and still getting side effects of weakness,lethagy which is very debilitating. Is this normal or should I be feeling better by now.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denise92859-1154170" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/denise92859-1154170" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for the reply.</p><p></p><p>I just can&#39;t seem to comprehend that the pain is down to anxiety. I am/was generally a very fit 28 year old male and this has come out of nowhere.</p><p></p><p>In my head, all I can think is it must be something else. I&#39;ve read up that problems with the thoraic area generally tend to result in a more serious problem and this has my mind running crazy.</p><p></p><p>Is there anything you have found that helps to de stress and to stop the pain? Thanks</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T11:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Stephen I have too, been having back ,neck ,shoulder pain for about 1and half years on and off my doctor says it’s anxiety .I suffer badly from anxiety.I did nt realise till coming on this site what health problems anxiety causes and looking into the subject .and yes anxiety gives you back pain.After Xmas I could nt swallow lump in my throat I was in bits Choosing to forget I’d had the same problem on and off for 10 years .I do hope you feel better soon de stress and your pains go away good luck " ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T10:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lina1961-947102" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lina1961-947102" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks, going to request one today as I&#39;m there to talk through my bloods.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T13:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Ask your doctor for mri scan you may need physio and pain management I have this pain and mine is degenerative disease \r\n\r\nLina" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T11:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "content": [ "Sorry to hear this.\r\n\r\nHave you had an therapy (CBT) or taking any meds for the anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T13:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "content": [ "Hi brya,\r\nI have the same diagnosis as you and have all of your symptoms. I realize also that anxiety can cause many of your symptoms. My rheumatologist believes the cause is forward head posture, sitting at a desk, looking down on a computer all day. Texting is another cause, the increased weight of the head going forward causes muscle fatigue. It causes inflammation of nerves in the neck which go from your neck to your shoulders and degeneration. It can cause headaches, vertigo, giddiness, tinnitus, TMJ, and vision issues, weakness in grip and strength among others. Mine started with a stiff neck and aches between shoulder blades. I still get the stiff neck and shoulders but the pain between shoulder blades has gone. Try some isometric exercises which you can find online. Chin tucks is another. Also, try an Anti-inflammatory diet. Ice is good for inflammation, try ice packs on your neck. Good foods to eat are ginger, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, boswalia, look them up. Posture is the big thing, beware of heavy shoulder bags, tilting head to the side, multiple pillows,sleeping on stomach or turning head fast, use your body to turn your head, use your shoulders.\r\nCervical spondylosis is another name for neck and spine arthritis and there is a lot of information on the internet.\r\nGood luck!" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T14:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Jayn,</p><p></p><p>many thanks for the reply and taking the time to explain - i was worrying its MS but reassured that you (and many others im sure) have the same symptoms...very weird feelings at times especially as started out of nowhere back in Dec.....Since my post i have seen an Osteopath on 3 occasions, and he said same that my posture isn&#39;t helping and my head too far forward, he has given me some exercises (chin tucks - you are spot on !)&#160;so will see how these help. i will also look into the other things you mention too, once again thanks for the help and wish you well.....</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "content": [ "<p>i had CBT about 6 years ago, im the type of person that sees the benefit whilst i&#39;m there during the session but then as soon as i walk out i&#39;m back to my old negative self !!....took tablets years back (Sertraline from memory) but i personally didnt want to carry on taking tablets so stopped hoping i could &quot;re train&quot; my thinking instead....sadly that hasn&#39;t worked !...yet !! but anxiety is better nowadays apart from health anxiety...good luck&#160;&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "content": [ "Hi brya,\r\nYes the mind can play horrible tricks on us. All the best with your therapy.\r\nBest wishes" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brya1974-1180594" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for this. Hopefully the CBT will help and doctor is very helpful (has suggested fortnightly appointments for now so he can reassure me on any symptoms I may have).</p><p></p><p>Glad to hear you&#39;re managing it well!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T17:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>hi Stephen, i have similar problem with added symptoms too since Dec last year, please note my post below to see amount of treatment i have had, yet despite this treatment / tests still feel same and seems Docs think its anxiety (which i do suffer from especially health anxiety), my point being im the same as you i find it hard to believe it can be as symptoms are so real but as below after all these tests i still have it ....so im slowly starting to think maybe its anxiety as these symptoms taking over my life for over 6 months so im constantly thinking about them and re enforcing the issues.....</p><p></p><p>Hi all, since Dec 2017 I have been having almost daily (although it comes and goes each day, never all day) an Achy neck / weird woolly-dizzy head feeling that lasts seconds / drowsy at times / mild headaches / pain back of head / blurry eyes at times / pins and needles in back of both hands and forearms. Also seems at times that griping things like screw tops or cuff links / shirt cuff buttons get a bit more fiddly etc. Back ache is also another symptom that comes and goes and at times my legs feel heavy. It sometimes feels like &quot;wet cement&quot; sloshing around in my head for a second or 2....all very odd and specific but equally hard to explain and put into words with not consistency.</p><p></p><p>Checks / tests so far include:</p><p></p><p>- I have had a neck x-ray (showed age related arthritis only)</p><p></p><p>- blood test (lack of Vitamin D only)&#160;</p><p></p><p>- full MRI spine scan (few niggle things with very slight bulging of a neck disc but nothing&#160; &#160; serious)</p><p></p><p>- had 10 acupuncture / physio sessions&#160;</p><p></p><p>- had 4 separate physio sessions&#160;</p><p></p><p>- had 6 chiropractic sessions</p><p></p><p>- seen GP about 5 times (blood pressure seems okay)</p><p></p><p>- numerous sports massages</p><p></p><p>- about to start with an Osteopath (last option left !!)</p><p></p><p>despite above its still here, as say since Dec 2017 (although randomly completely stopped for 10 days recently but back all again).&#160;&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m at a lost and its interfering with the quality of my life. My family seem to think its stress / anxiety related which i do suffer from but i truly believe its not, (even the docs seem to be at a loss now).</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m a fit healthy 43 year old male -&#160; I don&#39;t drink / smoke and I&#39;m not overweight etc, any sensible help would be greatly appreciated - many thanks.&#160;&#160;Report this</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T11:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/itaintmono-1170428" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/itaintmono-1170428" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks. I&#39;ve just got back and he said because my bloods are fine, it&#39;s nothing serious and he suggested physio.</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/itaintmono-1170428" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "content": [ "Awesome! Good news indeed! ^_" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T17:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I see you&#39;ve had some great suggestions in this thread so far!</p><p></p><p>The other thing you might need/want to try is an EMG, that will help to rule out any nerve problems.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Hope you get back to normal soon!&#160;^_</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T14:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "content": [ "<p>I haven&#39;t no. Doctor has said previously they aren&#39;t required as it is muscular.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T15:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "content": [ "Hi Stephen,\r\nGood news that your bloods are fine. Muscular problems can surprisingly take a long time to heal, at least you have peace of mind now.\r\nBest wishes" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T16:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "content": [ "<p>Do the bloods fully confirm there&#39;s nothing further (doc seems to think so)?!</p><p></p><p>Feel like I&#39;ve got a chest infection now which is making me feel worse anxiety wise!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T17:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Stephen,\r\nHave you had x rays done on your neck and spine? These would show any arthritic changes.You may be young but it can happen at any age particularly these days with the use of mobile phones, texting with forward head posture, even your place of work, office, driving etc." ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T14:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "content": [ "Thank you. I know I need to get on with living but the worries with my health keep getting in the way!\r\n\r\nThanks again" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T18:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-916680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "content": [ "<p>I know it&#39;s not easy but it sound as though you have a good doctor wanting you to make fortnightly appointments for reassurance. I wish they were all like that.</p><p>Best wishes ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T18:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Stephen,</p><p>Your doctor is satisfied and your bloods are fine so stop worrying. If there was anything wrong the bloods would indicate reasons for further tests to be carried out. </p><p>Remember, anxiety intensifies pain and vice versa so try to chill out. </p><p>Some tips for you that I have taken from the net which helps me:</p><p></p><p>.....Try to get a good night&#39;s sleep, if you have trouble sleeping try deep breathing exercises when you go to bed. Try listening to delta wave music on the internet (works for me)</p><p>.....avoid inflammatory foods, sugars, fried foods, take aways</p><p>.....accept anxiety, you know you are healthy, your brain will play tricks on you</p><p>.....Don&#39;t Google your symptoms</p><p>.....Avoid caffeine, stimulants</p><p>.....Focus on now, not yesterday or tomorrow</p><p>Another thing I would be aware of is your posture. When texting hold your phone up rather than looking down.</p><p>If you have to look down tuck your chin in.</p><p> ???</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-30T17:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason36371-1431359" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "god i have the same exact thing its the lower part of my mid back but not quite lumbar . came on out of the ordinary, i move around fine but its a deep ache and its episodic and sometimes it goes away for a day or two. When i lay down it usually goes away within a half hour and i sleep fine . Doc says its a muscle spasm but i dont believe it lol , But has anyone else had this? " ], "date": [ "2022-06-22T22:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason36371-1431359" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen49654-1183776" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did it go away yet?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T12:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoracic-back-pain-and-health-anxiety-659822?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Thoracic back pain and health anxiety
<p>Hi,</p><p></p><p>Looking for some solace here. I&#39;ve had thoracic back pain/ache for 10 weeks now with no original cause. Doctor keeps telling me it is musculoskeletal but there&#39;s no real let up from it apart from after a sleep or a hot bath. For some reason, I absolutely convinced myself it must be cancer of some sort.</p><p></p><p>Bloods have came back okay and doctor said it&#39;s health anxiety. Why is the back pain still there and so constant? Said there&#39;s no need to assess the back as it&#39;s down to the anxiety. Surely there&#39;s something wrong with it (now convinced its lung cancer after ruling out others).</p><p></p><p>Any replies would be appreciated I&#39;m going crazy with it.</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Mate.\r\n\r\nYeah I feel you, when I play football or run that little bit to fast I get this really strange weightlessness sensation, almost like I can't control my legs. I had an ECG when playing football and I pressed a button when I felt it come on, but nothing happened! No idea what it was, but I think it could be associated with anxiety as I always thought about it, to a point that I refused to do exercise for a while. I have seen quite a few other posts like this so i think it's all related! either that or I'm really unfit! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T07:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/exercise-brings-on-physical-anxiety-symptoms-anyone-else--800330?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes and yes. I have had anxiety since childhood and it progressively got worse throughout the years. I’m actually in my 60s and I am a veteran of this ha ha.\r\nI had a sudden appearance of multiple sensations in my 20s and I thought I had some horrible disease. All of my testing was normal. After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that all of my sensations w were to the stress and anxiety I have had for a long time. It’s the straw that broke the camels back. The body can only take so much before it has a breakdown. Anxiety and stress tend to target The nervous system. that’s why we get these sensations. It’s not harmful but it’s scary.\r\nAnxiety takes a toll on the body, including the nervous system, and the muscles. It tires us out! So, when we exercise, we are putting additional stress on the body and that’s why you feel the way you do. It’s not gonna hurt anything it’s just what it is.\r\nIf I get really anxious, even now, I can get some of those sensations back but not like it was when I was in my 20s. I work on eating healthy and exercising which really helps. Sometimes I go a little slower with exercise if I feel I’m not up to par but I still exercise.\r\ndefinitely try to stay away from caffeine and sugars. They are inflammatory in nature and will worsen any anxiety or depression that we have. Stick to the healthy foods. and keep hydrated!\r\none of the things that is recommended during acute anxiety and stress is to either splash your face with cold water or even take a cool shower. I know you said it brings on sensations however, the cold activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the calming system. And it turns off the, sympathetic nervous system, which creates the anxiety. \r\nthere are lots of people who are going through the same thing. Try to relax your mind as much as you can. If you get a negative or fearful thought, acknowledge it, and let it blow away. You have to be consistent and eventually the brain will learn to ignore it. 99% of the things we worry about never actually happen. Hope this helps at least a little bit!" ], "date": [ "2023-06-23T15:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/exercise-brings-on-physical-anxiety-symptoms-anyone-else--800330?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wewe29716-1464407" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wewe29716-1464407" ], "content": [ "Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply.\r\n\r\nNice point regarding GAD and HealthAxiety, i do think i only worry about health + symptoms, you're right, i only heave health anxiety.\r\n\r\nAgree with a lot of what you have said, the SSRI is working, i have not been this happy for months and symptoms don't seem to worry me as much anymore. I have exercised quite a lot in the last 3 weeks, things are improving.\r\n\r\nIn terms of good/bad stress, there is a difference, and it normally comes down to planned/unplanned/controlled stress events i think? E.g., your boss shouting at you out of nowhere is an unplanned stress event that will release adrenaline and cortisol, going for a run is a planned/controlled stress event that will release adrenaline and cortisol.\r\n\r\nThe place i think i currently find myself in is that ANY adrenaline/cortisol from good or bad events is too much and tips me into a state where physical symptoms appear. \r\n\r\nAnd you are correct, due to HA, any sensation is heightened and possibly reacted upon, the only benefit is i know they may come and can try to adopt the correct mindset. Gotta keep on keeping on" ], "date": [ "2023-05-23T07:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "First of all: GAD is not health anxiety. I think this is important. If you worry only about your health, you have health anxiety or health OCD.\r\nSecondly, your idea that physical exercise adds more stress to your body is only partly true. Physical exercise is good stress. The problem you are currently in is typical for HA suffers. You start exercising and your NORMAL body sensations are getting highlighted by your anxiety. This causes you to freak out about the symptoms which results in negative stress.\r\nFor me today I was freaking out about a pain in my finger that suddenly appeared. I was already starting to google \"if that could be anxiety related\". I was already digging the hole when I said \"ok stop that, I go now for a fast 5k run. After the run the pain in my finger was gone. Anxiety causes stress, if anxiety is not treated right, you are having chronic stress. Chronic stress lead to chronic symptoms. Take your SSRI and try to start therapy and keep a DAILY exercise routine as soon as you can get back to exercise. This is 100% cureable." ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T20:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/exercise-brings-on-physical-anxiety-symptoms-anyone-else--800330?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Exercise brings on Physical Anxiety symptoms, anyone else?
Hi Folks. Last July i woke up in the middle of the night not feeling quite right, bit dizzy etc. I then proceeded to freak out and have a panic attack. Over the next 6 or so months i was constantly worried i was ill, to the point where i now have GAD regarding health. I've since had a whole load of tests done which are all clear, this plus the scattergun nature and fluctuation of my symptoms, confirms to me anxiety. I feel like i am turning a corner and getting better (started sertraline 3 weeks ago) but i am still having issues when exercising. An example of this would be a simple short, easy cycle/run bringing the onset of physical symptoms such as dizziness, tight chest, blurry eyesight etc. Before all this started i was quite fit and have ran marathons in the past so i have a decent idea how exercise feels and how my body should react to it. The only thing that makes sense to me here is that the stress caused by exercise tips my already quite high level of stress just over the edge and into a place where physical symptoms occur. Does this make sense and importantly, has anyone else been through this? It's frustrating to have been so active and now face this, especially when 95% of anxiety and exercise material is about the postive side effects. I also experience the onset of symptoms if i have caffeine, or sometimes during other controlled stress actions like, cold bath/shower
Worried that I develop Fibromyalgia
Hello, For three years now I suffer from some kind of health anxiety. But my health anxiety differentiates from the "normal HA sufferer". I'm not afraid of catching a deadly illness like cancer etc. I'm more afraid of getting a mental disorder or a chronic condition like CFS/ME Fibromyalgia which literally ruins my life and I have to suffer. So my core fear is not the fear of death but more the fear of losing control. Beside that, I dont have any anxiety. No GAD, no social Anxiety, have a rock solid life (very good job, good earnings, healthy family etc). Unfortunately, Im not able to enjoy my freetime anymore due to the constant worry what could be wrong. If im tired and fatigue (which is a result of the worrying), I think I have CFS. Then I do workouts just to prove that I dont get PEM, so I dont have CFS. I also get aches and pains in my joints and muscle tension in my neck from time to time that drive me crazy that I have fibromyalgia. Then I read on forums that people with Anxiety disorder are more prone to fibro as they are in a constant fight/flight/freeze response that makes their central nervous system go wack. And of course, there is no medical test to rule such conditions out. And even when I'm not in pain, I think "If I don't get calmer, this will be my destiny". Which drives me even more crazy. I got no prescribed with escitalopram which I'm afraid to take because of potential long lasting side effects like tinnitus etc. I'm literally trapped. Not sure how to escape this cycle...
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/edwardlucias-1464266" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edwardlucias-1464266" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I appreciate it. Thank you." ], "date": [ "2023-05-21T07:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am glad you reached out on this site. I can tell you that I’ve had anxiety my entire life and I’m way older than you, so I’ve been through it all. I have spent many years worrying about things that never actually happened. What a waste of my days! So the sooner you can get help for this, the better you will feel, and the more you can have joy in your life. don’t let it rob you of your days. I know it’s easier said than done. But there are ways to help manage it. \r\nand that precious baby that is coming, needs his or her daddy. The day you feel that little warm bundle on your chest will be one of the best days of your life! It was mine. So you want to do your best to feel good, so you can enjoy many years with your little sweetheart. \r\nanxiety may not go away 100% but then again it may. That’s what I had to accept. However, like I said, there are things you can do to curb it. Some of the things I did were.\r\n1. I did get some virtual counseling and I actually still do that. It really helps to vent to somebody who can help you. \r\n2. Get regular exercise, even if it’s just going for a walk. Exercise activates the parasympathetic system, which is the opposite of the sympathetic system which creates anxiety. It also activates good hormones in the brain that are linked to a sense of calm.\r\n3. stay away from sugars, junk foods, etc. they are inflammatory in nature and can worsen anxiety. Eat healthy foods, and stay hydrated!\r\n4. I listen to meditations for anxiety found on YouTube. I do this a couple times a day. It helps to put things in focus. And also relax the mind.\r\n5. Focus on positive thinking. I think of everything you are grateful for every day.. Things like that . I can give you some good resources if you would like to private message me.\r\n6. Never ever give up.!! I have found that there are some good days and some not so good days, but keep pressing along and think of your little baby.\r\nI can tell you some thing about worry. First of all like I said, I spent years wasting my life with worry! Worry does not add a single day to your life, nor does it prevent anything from happening. Worry does not make anything good happen. Worry is a useless emotion that can only hurt you. I learned that I had to let it go as soon as it entered my mind, or else what happens is that it makes a deeper groove in the brain and it’s harder to reverse. Anytime you get a scary or worried thought, calmly, acknowledge it, and then let it go and then move on quickly to do something else. Once you get in that routine , the brain will automatically get rid of the thought. Focus on what is good and beautiful. Sorry, this is so long, but I just wanted to share with you what I have learned along the way. \r\nStay strong! You can do it ONE day at a time! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-21T07:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-have-severe-anxiety-coupled-with-ibs-m-life-is-extremely-stressful--800255?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I have severe Anxiety Coupled with IBS-M. Life is extremely stressful.
I have Severe Anxiety and IBS-M, and some days its hard for me to even get out of bed. I am always nauseous, and 4 days out of the week I have migraines. I just found this site with people experiencing a lot of what I'm going through. It hard for me to reach out to people, and this is kind of my first step in that direction My girlfriend is pregnant, and I just want to be there for her and the baby. I need advice on how to get over or curb the constant worrying I endure.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jasmin74938-1464171" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you’re probably dealing with anxiety and stress. Some of these supplements can be expensive and not approved by the FDA so be careful. Consult with your doctor first. There’s no cure for anxiety. So we have to find ways to relax our mind. Some things that are helpful, are counseling, meditations on YouTube, exercise, and so on. Practice long, slow, deep breathing for the dizziness, you can find all sorts of breathing exercises, meditations for anxiety, etc. on YouTube. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-20T15:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizziness-anxiety-800226?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Dizziness/ anxiety
Has anyone taken any kava liquid drops to help with anxiety? I am not sure what I am feeling I just know its driving me crazy, I wake up restless shaking and with cold sweats and dizziness and this continues throughout the whole day.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/77petar77-1464256" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "do you have anxiety in general? Many people who have anxiety don’t feel comfortable driving. I don’t feel comfortable driving mainly on the freeways because people these days will ride up behind you, cut you off, etc. even if I’m riding in the slower lane. It makes me very nervous. And that’s because of my generalized anxiety. Sometimes I will take. Different roads to get to my destination because I at least feel a little better about it. I think there’s a lot of people who are nervous driving\r\nSome of the younger people who first get their license, think that they own the roads and have no fear. I’ve been driving a long time and I’ve seen everything. So I’m just extra cautious and drive slower than most other people. have you been driving a long time?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T14:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/fear-of-driving-800248?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Fear of driving
Hello, I have a fear of driving, it's like I am not in control, that kind of a feeling. And it's related to other problems, I think everybody can drive without fear, without any anxiety at all, the just pass the test and start driving. For me it's just complicated like many other things. Does anyone else feel this way?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for replying,\r\n\r\nI'm currently 2/3rd of the way through Silver Cloud CBT, I do find it helpful at times and it certainly does put a different perspective on how we process stuff bouncing around in our heads... I'm still hoping that the medication is going to all level out soon. i can cope with anxiety to a level, but these side effects are relentless. here's hoping :) \r\n\r\nI just wish there was a way to remain asleep as that would help me immensely! " ], "date": [ "2023-03-24T16:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sorry you are going through this. I know how miserable it can feel. Everybody responds differently to medication. keep in mind that medication does necessarily not keep away anxiety 100%.\r\nYou might need to combine medication with some therapy with a counselor, getting regular exercise, eating, healthy, staying hydrated, etc.\r\nAnxiety needs to be coordinated in different ways. Getting help to change the way you are thinking that might increase Anxiety is important. maybe there are things in your life you were doing and not realizing is increasing your anxiety. Maybe the way you handle life issues, etc. I’m just saying it’s something to think about. also get on YouTube and learn great breathing techniques for anxiety. Believe it or not how you breathe is important when it comes to anxiety. Hope you feel better soon!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-24T14:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the advice, I'll check her out on YouTube. I hope that it helps me... I have no trouble falling asleep, my issue is nodding off and then waking up sometimes only 10-15mins later feeling all tingly and anxious, I'm then up for about an hour then nodd off again and the cycle repeats, it's so frustrating as I know that I would feel so much better if only I could stay asleep long enough.\r\n\r\nI will give Joanne ASMR a go to see how I get on...\r\n\r\nI know that I'm not alone, but it's so easy to feel like you're the only one going through this sometimes...\r\n\r\nThanks 😊" ], "date": [ "2023-03-25T08:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes staying asleep is huge. I’ll tell you what I do. First of all I’ve had anxiety since childhood and I’m in my 50s now. So I have been through it all!\r\nBut as far as sleep goes, I, turn on White noise, and turn on a meditation for anxiety or sleep. It really relaxes me and I usually don’t make it through the entire meditation because I fall asleep. If I should happen to wake up later on, I just put another meditation on, because if I don’t, then I get lost in my thoughts which I don’t care for.. there is a lady with a super soothing and reassuring voice. That is really great for falling asleep. She’s on YouTube. Just search for joanne asmr. I like the one for anxiety, but all of them are great! People comment all the time on how she helps them relax. Just take one day at a time and relax your mind as much as you can." ], "date": [ "2023-03-24T17:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Jan,\r\n\r\nthought I'd update you 🙂 GP increased my Sertraline dosage and I seem to be doing much better now 👍\r\n\r\nHopefully, it's upwards and onwards from here.\r\n\r\nThanks..." ], "date": [ "2023-03-30T15:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cathy26812-1458973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi there i am sorry you are feeling this way i can empathise \r\n\r\ni was on citalorpam for years with no issues except my anxiety spiked early this year so they moved me to Sertraline . it didnt agree with me and made me feel nervy, jittery all day for no reason for 2 weeks \r\n\r\ni know a friend who also came off it and changed\r\n\r\nbut thats not to say it wont be ok for you but if youre not feeling right soeak to GP \r\n\r\nthere are loads of other options \r\n\r\nive just switched to Venlafaxine and having thay awful adjustment period 1 week in \r\n\r\nkeep speaking to the GP . but i wouldnt recommend keep changing (like i did as i was a bit impatient) " ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T16:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyd89-1462735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyd89-1462735" ], "content": [ "Hi Stacey, \r\n\r\nThat's very kind of you... the roller coaster ride seems to be slowing down finally! \r\n\r\nI'm having less bad days recently, maybe 2-3 a week, I'm starting to understand the meditation a bit more and seem to be adjusting to the dosage of Sertraline that I'm now on.\r\n\r\nI would love to give those recordings and books a go 😊\r\n\r\nThis community is so reassuring when you're feeling really low, it reminds me that there are lovely people around the world willing to support those struggling. I'm hoping that I can help others on here suffering from what I'm going through by offering the knowledge that I have learned along this path! \r\n\r\nAll the best..." ], "date": [ "2023-04-30T15:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey don't apologise for this you don't need to. I'm the same as you except I take my sertraline in the morning with my breakfast & then my propranolol 40mg at night. I've got some hypnotherapy relaxation recordings I can send you if you would like them & some anxiety book downloads as well. " ], "date": [ "2023-04-29T21:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean43523-1145389" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sean43523-1145389" ], "content": [ "Hi Sean,\r\n\r\nI missed your message, sorry... I'm doing much better thanks, still having ups and downs, but it's more manageable. \r\n\r\nI'm currently taking 100mg of Sertraline and I think I'm at the right dosage for me at the moment. I increased from 50mg to 75mg for a couple of weeks and then to 100mg. The side effects did come back when increasing the dosages, but they were less, for me anyway, on each increase.\r\n\r\nI have never really been a great sleeper, but the side effects that the Sertraline was causing me were awful. What really helps me is 5mg of Amitryptaline before bed and meditation whenever I have the time to fit it in.\r\n\r\nSpeak to your GP about the possibility being prescribed something to help you stay asleep. Good rest is very important for your recovery. \r\n\r\nAll the best..." ], "date": [ "2023-05-19T09:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI have a similar experience to you in some ways. I'm on 50mg 5 weeks now and although I feel motivated my Anxiety is high with insomnia and if ever I nap im awake within minutes. I was thinking of upping the dose to 100mg but am scared it would make my symptoms worse...How are you doing now and are you on 100mg?\r\n\r\nthanks\r\n\r\nSean" ], "date": [ "2023-05-13T09:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/owen82563-1463777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi guys sorry to bother you all ive been taking sertaline for 3 weeks i did start seeing some progress last week but stupidly enough decided to drink alcohol ever since then its like my anxiety has got worse and im awfully tingley after taking my tablets has anyone else experienced this ? i feel ljke im just getting worse and its hard to believe that this is just anxiety with all the feelings im having does anyone have an suggestions on what will make me feel better " ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T09:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Owen,\r\n\r\nI hope that you're feeling a bit better today... \r\n\r\nI feel you there... I've not had a beer since before Christmas! \r\nUnfortunately, alcohol and Sertraline don't mix very well as alcohol is a depressant and Sertraline is an anti-depressant. Please double check this with your GP, but you could be suffering with side effects from the medication. Tingling skin, heightened anxiety and a sudden feeling of impending doom were side effects that I suffered with regularly for a few month, but it does get better as time goes on. \r\n\r\nI knew when I began to adjust to the medication as these feelings became more tolerable and less frequent, so hopefully the same will happen for you.\r\n\r\nThings that really help me are keeping hydrated, walking, mindfulness meditation, being kind to yourself and reassuring yourself that it WILL pass... oh, and a plain old cup of tea helps too. \r\n\r\nI wish you the very best in your recovery..." ], "date": [ "2023-05-15T06:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-help-roller-coaster-ups-and-downs--798377?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertraline. HELP! roller coaster ups and downs.
hello everyone, I'm a new member to the forum, but I have found the messages posted very reassuring to me whilst I'm dealing with this horrible disease. Really sorry for the long life story post. I was diagnosed with suffering from GAD in 2008 and was put on Citalopram, but it didn't agree with me, so I started on Fluoxitine that helped or several years, however, I started suffering from really bad indigestion and reflux, so I was switched to Sertraline and I honestly cannot remember having any side effects worth noting whilst I was adjusting to them. fast forward a few years during a Covid lockdown, I was feeling great and ready to slowly come off the Sertraline, this went really well with absolutely zero side effects! Fast forward a bit more and a few things in my life became very difficult to deal with and I slipped back into feeling low and depressed. This time around I was suffering with constantly feeling nauseous and on edge. I tried many of the over the counter herbal remedies to help keep it at bay, but I got much worse over Christmas 2022 and suffered the worst anxiety attack I've ever had! Needless to say, I contacted the GP and explained the whole scenario. I still had remaining Sertraline so it was agreed to start them again. Wow! it certainly caught me by surprise... on the first day of taking 50mg I had an ambulance called out to me by 12am that evening, the side effect were, extremely high anxiety, tingling/burning skin, nausea. no appetite, waking up only minutes after dropping off to sleep with racing thoughts and a massive feeling of panic etc... I was given Diazapam to help take the edge off, but they didn't seem to work. the dosage of Sertraline was reduced to 25mg and I put up with the horrible side effects for about 7 days and then upped to 50mg. I was off work during this time as there was no way I could function at work during these symptoms. The side effects started to ease of after about 3 week and I start to have the odd day here and there where I felt OK (about 75%), I then started to get a few days in a row that were OK and a few that were rubbish! These happier day bouts have happened twice. I have now been on Sertraline for 8 weeks and a few days ago I started feeling a bit low again and I thought nothing of it, I'm back at work now, and 2 days ago the side effects began to come back, the sleep issue I was having hasn't ever really gone completely, but I have been able to manage it a bit with 5mg of Amitryptaline each evening. Last night I was back to square one! Irritable, really anxious, waking up after only several minute of sleep with a racing heart rate of 100bpm+ etc... This doesn't seem normal to me and I feel so hopeless and scared. Has anyone else gone through this roller coaster ride of highs and lows, and can you share if these get better with time? I totally appreciate any replies I get about this. I hope that I'm able to feel reassured that it will pass. Thank you so much and so sorry for the extremely long post.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nf07249-1451416" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello!\r\n\r\nNot sure if you're still having this issue but I can confirm i have the same. it's debilitating and I'm constantly thinking about it, even now my back feels like it's shivering but it's not cold! judging by the other comments on here it seems to be a very common issue. I really think it might be stress related! I can't imagine stress would do you any good! i have the following issues:\r\n-Muscle Spams in my arm, leg and thigh.\r\n-A trembling feeling on and off\r\n-eye discomfort and sight oddities \r\n-A full body vibration\r\n-Pain my left side of my head like a burning \r\n\r\nI haven't had a neurological exam but I will be pushing for one. though I recon the result will be null like everyone else's! it seems it comes hand in hand with anxiety! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T22:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/periferal-neuropathy-or-parkinson-s--794812?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nf07249-1451416" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "pains, aches, , twitches, vibrating, floaters in my eyes, weakness, numbness and tingling, constant, muscle twitches, . I’ve had them all! Starting in my late 20s. I had testing done and every single test came back normal. I can completely relate to you, although I am way older than you. You may go and have testing done and everything may come back perfectly normal. Please don’t be surprised if it does.\r\nEvery single one of my sensations was due to long-term anxiety, especially health, anxiety, and stress. I have learned a lot over the years and you have to remember that the body can only take so much stress before it has a break down. That’s exactly what happened to me and why I had all those sensations. anxiety and stress tend to target the nervous system and create those sensations. Any symptom or sensation due to anxiety and stress is not harmful, but it can be very scary. I spent way too many days, weeks, months in years, worrying about all of what I was feeling. I thought I had some terrible neurological condition. I am perfectly healthy although I can definitely tell you that when I do get anxiety, some of those sensations will pop up. But now I ignore them and they fade away because I know what they are caused by. I will get muscle twitches and some of the other ones. The muscle twitches are called benign fasciculations, and they are harmless.\r\nSorry, this is long, but I really wanted to share my experience with you and tell you that there’s a high probability that your symptoms are related to anxiety. doctors really don’t know that much about how to illuminate anxiety and the sensations that come with it. They need to do more research studies.\r\nwhat I really had to do, was focus on decreasing the anxiety because it wasn’t the sensations that were the problem, it was the anxiety that created the sensations. Counseling could help You also learn how to manage this. It’s very important to learn how to relax your mind because then the sensations will decrease. Every day I listen to meditations on YouTube for anxiety. Feel free to private message me anytime. I can give you other resources also. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-19T02:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/periferal-neuropathy-or-parkinson-s--794812?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Periferal neuropathy or Parkinson’s?
Hi, I'm a 30 year old female and up until now have always been very healthy and none of my previous self inflicted health scares have ever been accurate (brain tumour, ms, heart inflammation from the vaccine to name a few). But I have been experiencing the worst three months of my life. It started with some health anxiety around some midback pain I was having. I freaked out I had a tumour. My doctor thought this was ridiculous but sent me for an X-ray. As I left the X-ray scan, I remembered that a year before I had had an X-ray with contrast (due to thinking I had heart inflammation or a clot from the vaccine which I did not). I had an allergic reaction to the contrast (just a whole body rash and a very hot, swollen face). I immediately freaked out that having another X-ray would do damage to my body. The next day I woke up with shooting pains, muscle aches and twitches. Over the past three months these symptoms have been getting worse and I?ve also been getting lots of tingling. I?m talking constant muscle twitches everywhere, especially calves and feet, constant tingling and vibrating sensations in feet. It has moved into my hands and arms as well. I feel it constantly even when working out. I have had neurological exams, two brain mris, cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine mri, which only showed a minor disc bulge in lumbar spine. Now I feel like my hands are constantly shaking and I feel like my whole body is constantly vibrating and shaking too. I?ve been to the ER three times, seen countless doctors and have a referal for a neurologist in two weeks. I?m going insane with worry. It?s all I think about and I have been able to enjoy anything. Not Christmas, turning 30, nothing. I have a history of health anxiety but I?ve never in my life had such strong, constant and long lasting symptoms. I really want an emg as I?m worried I could have periferal neuropathy from the X-ray. Is it possible that this is just a really intense case of anxiety or is there really a neurological problem? No doctor seems to think so but this symptoms are full on. Please offer some advice or share your own experiences. Thank you.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleigh8695-1462016" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Lovely.\r\n\r\nDefinitely a trauma response and it's natural with anxiety to connect dots that were never there in the first place.\r\nMy advice would be to talk to your SO about this so they can understand how you feel.\r\nI would also say despite your previous experience, it sounds like you have a form of separation anxiety which is normal. \r\nMy partner is quite stone faced when it comes to anxiety and she has told me if there was anything wrong she would tell me so I'm sure your SO is the same! Just enjoy your partners company and try and change your thoughts as you may find yourself withdrawing from them without knowing you're doing it.\r\nstay strong! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T16:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/relationship-anxiety-799603?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleigh8695-1462016" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry you were going through this. I have felt like that in the past. But then, as I got a little older, I learned some things that were important for my well-being.\r\nI learned that I needed to stop being so dependent on someone that I would worry so much about the relationship. \r\nI learned that the person in the relationship with you needs to undoubtedly be your best friend first and foremost! Even before romance. Because if they are truly your best friend, you won’t have any doubts about your relationship. They will always put you first like a best friend would do. That said, when you have your best friend, you won’t have any doubts, even if they forget to say love you . you will feel so secure in that relationship that those things won’t matter.\r\nDon’t ever feel like you have to chase somebody to get them to want to be with you. In that case, it’s definitely the wrong connection. Those kinds of relationships you’re always feel insecure in. And it’s not worth it. you want someone that’s going to have your back. \r\nI’d rather be alone than not be with my best friend. Best wishes to you!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T21:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/relationship-anxiety-799603?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Relationship Anxiety
hi everyone, I guess I'm creating this discussion to help myself not feel alone, and hopefully, others can relate to mine/others experiences. does anyone struggle in relationships with uncontrollable anxiety? my partner and I have had our ups and down, yes. But it doesn't matter, I have always had this anxiety of being cheated on or them leaving me for one reason or another and it consumes me. Change in texts, they don't say "love you" when ending the call one time....I'm there panicking something is wrong. I've later found this is a trauma response from my past experiences in relationships and from my parents splitting up. I'm trying to work on it but the physical sensations and my brain doesn't shut off as I almost obsess over it. Does anyone else experience the same sort of thing or anything to share for others maybe? thanks 😊
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stan47220-1463812" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stan47220-1463812" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "content": [ "What examinations did you do? I think in my case it is connected with the muscles of the back. Because it is the muscles that hurt, if they are pressed, I feel how this pain diverges further, to the right side" ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T13:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello.\r\nI have had feelings like this. It sounds like IBS to me. I know it's really simple but IBS is unforgiving and can cause horrid pain all across your front and lower back. \r\nIf all your tests came back fine then it's most likely fine. Anxiety can heighten these feelings by a considerable amount. it could also be a pulled abdomen. This can hurt for years! My left side hurts a lot, but I beleive it's due to the food I eat! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-17T22:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-symptoms-800067?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and symptoms
Hi there! I’m chronically worried about discomfort in my right side ... in 2017 I clearly remember how I started to “press” in my right hypochondrium, I ran around all kinds of ultrasounds, doctors, and so on ... they didn’t find anything, they just said to improve nutrition. Already at that time I was worried about anxiety, hypochondria, panic attacks and all possible events ... there were fears of a stroke, a heart attack and a full range of symptoms. In December 2019, I was scheduled to move to another country, and literally 2 weeks before the plane, I started getting backaches/discomfort in the area of appendicitis. I went to the ambulance, they examined me and found nothing. This added obsessive thoughts and fears. The move took place, everything went smoothly, I don’t remember what would bother me in “that place” in the first month or two. Then, in the summer of 2020, I found out that my friend had an intestinal rupture and was operated on ... I noticed that on the same day I again began to feel discomfort and aching pain in the appendicitis area. I went to the hospital, they examined again, they did not find anything. They prescribed "duspatalin" and said that neuralgia or something like that is generally possible. Moving on... in October 2021, I again had a keen desire to find out what was bothering me in that place... I began to undergo an insurance examination. I passed tests, went through a lot of doctors - a surgeon, a urologist, a gastroenterologist, a neurologist. Didn't find much of anything. Only the neurologist indicated that this was referred pain from the T12 vertebra. I also went to see my friend, who works as a surgeon, he palpated me, looked at the ultrasound - again - zero information. Now, since July 2022, my entire right side has been bothering me on a regular basis. The symptoms have expanded. There was stiffness in the lower back, it hurts when tilting to the left (when the muscles on the right side of the body are stretched), discomfort in the area of appendicitis, waist, lower back on the right side. It gets a little easier when I crunch my lower back or stretch. Against the background of all this, there is a strong anxiety and an aggravation of everything that is possible. Handed over recently the analysis of a blood, US of an abdominal cavity. Everything is in order, only slightly elevated monocytes. In the summer there was not a strong herpes zoster on the right side of the back, he was treated with Valaciclovir. What worries me in the right side - I do not know. This worries me a lot and I'm a little confused. Please support morally and tell me what to do
Hello. I was wondering if anyone else suffers from TMJ. I recently posted about some spasms and Jan kindly reassured me. however recently the pain around my ear up the side of my head has become almost unbearable. it feels like there is someone in my head kicking my temples over and over and the pain is spreading down my neck so it feels stiff. I'm not concerned about it because I beleive TMJ can do this. but I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this? thanks!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " I’ve been through that and it’s an awful feeling. For me it was scary and negative and I just didn’t want to be alone. I had a mild panic attack and had to go to a store just so I wasn’t going to be alone. I ended up getting some counseling, but it took quite a while for me to start feeling a little secure. Never felt secure 100% and still don’t. \r\n\ti was analyzing why I am this way. I don’t know anybody else like this. I’m thinking that I don’t feel secure within myself. I look to family members for my security, but they have their own lives. I knew I had to get my own life, my own interests, and have a sense of purpose. Currently working on all that. But I’m sorry you’re going through that. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-16T22:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/uncomfortable-feeling-800126?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey lovely, this is classic separation anxiety. it's a really hard type of anxiety to come over, mediation can really help with calming you down. Or finding a social game to play to take your mind off it x " ], "date": [ "2023-05-17T12:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/uncomfortable-feeling-800126?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Uncomfortable Feeling
Do you ever feel a race of negative or anxious thought or panic attacks whenever someone you are comfortable with leaves for a long time or far away? I'm sick of this, I want to overcome this but symptoms always came after if I try to
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ron05709-909451" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so sorry. this is a little long, but I wanted to share with you things that I have learned. \r\nI know exactly what you’re talking about because I have always been afraid. Something bad would happen even when I was a child. And yet I had a wonderful childhood! Always scared something would happen to a loved one especially my parents. or my kids , Afraid I would get some disease. and on and on. \r\nbut I can tell you that nothing horrible has ever happened, and I am a way older than you! \r\nBut I learned some things along the way.\r\nOne of those things is that when we think of the worst case scenario, we are allowing fear to take us over. Fearful thoughts are not based on reality, they are based on emotion.\r\nalso, we need to live in the present moment and not in the past, or in the future because they don’t exist. The present is the only thing that actually exists . and that’s where we find joy.\r\nRemember that we control our own life. If you don’t want to ever get in trouble, then you have control over that. that’s all in the past. You are not 20 anymore. You can make the right choices. Nobody can take that away from you! \r\nit’s time to start thinking\r\nin a positive way, and be grateful for what you have! you love your job. You love your life. You love your partner. you love them so much that you’re afraid you’re going to lose them. right?? So then the fear sets in. I did that myself for a long time. but what happened is that I wasted those days with worry and fear. I can never get those days back. I could’ve spent those days feeling joy for what I had.\r\nyou don’t have to lose those things.\r\nevery day I wake up, I write in a journal the things that I am grateful for. \r\nbe happy in the present moment, and stop thinking about the past and future.\r\nlet me tell you, life goes by very fast and you’re not gonna want to regret wasting days on worry. \r\nWorry doesn’t add a single day to your life, nor does it bring you joy. So get rid of it. \r\nEvery time a negative thought begins to enter my mind. I acknowledge it and then I let it go. The more you do that the more your mind will automatically get rid of the negative thought. The more you hang onto the negative thoughts the deeper they will set in your mind. This is actually a scientific fact. \r\nI am in my 60s and I am cherishing my life, family, the beauty of nature, each and every day. It’s a beautiful gift. You’re going to be OK. The word fear stands for false evidence, appearing real. Rise above that!❤" ], "date": [ "2023-05-13T20:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thinking-the-worst-case-scenario-will-happen-to-me-all-the-time-800038?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Thinking the worst case scenario will happen to me all the time
can anyone give me some reasurance? for weeks i have been getting worse and worse with thinking something really bad is going to happen in my life. i have been to theropy etc and gone through hypnosis etc but constantly feel something bad is going to happen. we have all been young once and I even get scared that something will come up from when i was 20 years old (Now 24) and cant stop to stress myself i will get in trouble some how. i cant afford to get in trouble but years have gone by and still cannot stop to think something bad will really happen. has anyone had any coping mechanisms ? i love my life , my job , my partner and would hate for it to come crashing down.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you, i will try, its a long road but may be some light at the end of the tunnel talking to other people, take care. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-28T09:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "it’s very common for people with anxiety to believe test results are wrong. The odds of that happening are extremely slim. \r\nI have felt like that also but no longer do that because I know I did that because I thought they missed something . not true. \r\nI have known for quite some time now that all of my symptoms were due to anxiety and stress. I have had dizziness, vertigo, headaches, severe weakness, gastritis which was horrible, vibration feeling in my head arms and legs, muscle twitching floaters in my eyes, ringing in my ears plus several more. Believe it or not they couldn’t find one thing wrong. That was when I was 26 years old. I thought for sure I had MS. I am now in my 60s and doing well. If I get anxious I might feel a little thing here or there but I ignore it now. \r\nanxiety can cause hundreds of different symptoms.\r\nstart working on reducing your anxiety level and you will notice a difference in your symptoms. If you need to, get some counseling for support. Don’t focus on the symptoms, focus on being more positive and staying busy and enjoying your life. Whatever we focus on will grow and grow that includes negative or positive thoughts. Don’t focus on symptoms or other peoples symptoms. It’s not going to be helpful. Focus on reducing your stress a positive way. Take care " ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T11:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Hi Lorraine, thankyou for your reply, i suppose most of my life, but was heightened ten fold when my Sister died christmas 2020. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-28T09:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "hi millie, i am so sorry to hear you lost your sister. how are you doing now? i hope chritnas day was manageable. here if you need to talk x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-28T10:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Thank you, im still not great had all these problems before she passed, now just so bad, anxiety is terrible, depression awful, just hate feeling like this no energy numb all over just want to feel normal again. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T20:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "hello how are you today? do you take any meds for the anxiety? it does get better, im slowly seeing a light at the end, i do have to keepreminding myself how far ive fome becquse i was in such a bad way. here for you x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-29T15:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Hi Lorraine, thank you for replying, and being so kind, i take citalopram, and olanzapine, not sure why none of them work, not been great today, lots of anxiety, and indigestion then feeling like im going to die, that my heart will stop, dizziness, totally drained mentally and physically fed up, i fight on but end up a wreck by the end of the day. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-29T22:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "hi millie, thats okay. these forums are really great to speak with people who underdtand. i also take citalopram i was on olazapine but it got changed to quetiapine, what doses are you on and how long for? im nearly at 15 weeks and what a rolercoaster its been. yhings do get better i promise you will recover. be kind to yourself especially on the bad days. just little things to cheer you up, for me i like a bath with some lavender oil dropped into it and a hot water bottle, a walk on the beach, something nice and comfy like a fluffy blanket. it doesnt have to be big things just small, baby steps. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-29T22:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Hi Lorraine im on 60mg citalopram, about a year now and 40mg olanzapine, also about a year, doctor has just put me on 40mg of propranolol as well today, im convinced my heart will give up even though had an ecg 4 weeks ago, convinced i have cancer, so my doctor said today that he will give me 24hr heart monitor and blood tests to put my mind at ease, i just feel that im wasting the nhs resources but maybe this is a good thing to have, maybe will ease the anxiety a little. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T17:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lois95799-1073055" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "wow 60 of citalopram???in the usa 60 is dangerous.take care" ], "date": [ "2021-12-31T11:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi millie, just wanted to let you know that youre not alone in the suffering you are currently edexperiencing. but things do get better. it takes a lot of time and lots of ups and downs. how long have you been experiencing anxiety? x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T20:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kirsty44765-1411104" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kirsty44765-1411104" ], "content": [ "Hi Kirsty im 55 have suffered with depression as long as i can remember, but this anxiety and the feelings of dread are something else, i panic when im on my own, i try to think positive, but some days i just think its the end, what if this happens what if that happens, just worry worry worry, its just so exhausting, a constant fight that you feel you may never win, headaches, dizziness, off balance dry mouth, shaking, feeling sick its endless, but everyone i have spoken to has these symptoms, i have had so many tests all come back negative then i feel guilty that i have wasted every ones time, guess we are all in this together and one way or another we struggle through it, if you need to chat im always here, maybe we can all help one another, i wish you well and hope that a new year will all bring us some light at the end of the tunnel. x" ], "date": [ "2021-12-31T10:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rayvinragas-1411442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kirsty44765-1411104" ], "content": [ "glad im not the only person who struggles with going into work bc of anxiety. i feel so helpless and like a loser and like no one at work will understand how badly my anxiety affects me and my work performance. then i get anxiety about calling into work so its a vicious cycle " ], "date": [ "2022-01-03T03:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieron27576-1461163" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "content": [ "hi how are you doing now" ], "date": [ "2023-05-15T18:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi ive suffered anxiety for a while now and in the past few years its got really bad. i struggle going into work daily just with anxiety about going in . i struggle with weekends away if im away from my family and kids. Ive started having panic attacks and not sure how to control them yet . Millie you are not alone and please chat on here with how you are doing. we wont feel like this forever although it seems that way just now.What age are you?( if you dont mind me asking) im 32 and its at its worst just now\r\nI have feelings of complete dread most days and no confidence at all xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T20:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine42830-1411375" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi Millie, for me i was diagnosed about few weeks back by a GP. I was skeptical as i didnt know how it could lead to what was called Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD). It started with like nausea, weakness all over my body, dry at the end of tongue ,numbness and pins and needles. it was a bad attack that went away quickly but became a common occurence over the past one month plus. some days i feel ok though i feel my body is not mine somewhat as i dont seem to have the enthusiasm to go out much anymore . i have very similar symptoms to yours including tension at the jaw which is daily. and not sure if u or any of the ladies here have this feeling of 'blood draining from your body' feeling . thats the worst feeling ever . its like everytime it happens i feel like i am going to die. i have been to 3 GPs and both said its anxeity and 1 wanted to put me on a long term medication on anti-depressants. i am thinking if anxiety does this to your body on a daily basis ? i am quite frightened and feel helpless and unsure if its something else and so i just did another blood test as my last blood test was 8 months back and didntvshow up with anything. would appreciate if anyone can share if anxiety does this on an almost daily basis and how do any of you try to manage or cope with it? somehow i feel like i can never get back to feeling normal again .\r\n\r\nElaine" ], "date": [ "2022-01-03T10:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kiri64646-1414787" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/millie12345-1366167" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you are not alone!! i am also having terrible anxiety for the past week it just came out of no where!! i feel like a failure and i hate that my family have to see me like this. im going to see my GP to see if its not because of menopause as im 47 and my periods are nearly non existent. keep fighting hour by hour day by day - we are all in this together! " ], "date": [ "2022-01-28T08:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-is-off-the-scale-776994?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety is off the scale
I would love to know how anxiety affects you all, i have dizziness, headaches and head pains, jaw hurts in fact every part of my body hurts, i feel sick off balance, have reflux, indigestion, feel weak feel shaky, dry mouth, feel like something bad will happen, had lots of tests all negative, im convinced the results are wrong, its never ending, and mentally and physically exhausting. x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousee-906722" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "![image](https://patient.azureedge.net/forums/images/upload-sm/906722-638196090690543091.jpg) :( " ], "date": [ "2023-05-15T08:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-figure-out-what-this-is-800045?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousee-906722" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousee-906722" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "im trying to not google and not freak out :( i dont tan often that was my third time going in years but i am still peeling (when i went i was peeling because i burned bad) im going on vacation to the beach and i didnt want to burn or be miserable so i was trying to tan a few times before i went :( i was thinking the meds but ive been taking them and nothing has happened until now.. since i posted this it did start to itch but its not an annoying itch it was a small itch . i itched it once then realized what i was doing and immediately stopped ! i tried posting the pic but it didnt go through:( " ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T01:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I don’t see the rash picture. However, I do know that amoxicillin can cause a rash. Don’t Google because you’ll just scare yourself for nothing. They always give worst-case scenario of everything one in most cases it’s not worst case scenario. People get rashes all the time the vast majority are harmless and go away on their own. \r\nbeing a registered nurse, I can tell you that tanning on a regular basis is dangerous. Don’t know how often you go, but I wanted to share that with you. I would worry more about that.\r\njust let your doctor know if the rash doesn’t go away on its own. Most likely the antibiotic. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-13T22:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-me-figure-out-what-this-is-800045?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
please help me figure out what this is
i’m having terrible anxiety about this rash .. i looked it up and it’s saying its a leukemia rash and i haven’t calmed down since.. does anyone know what it could be? i’m having no pain , no itchy , no burning.. i do not have bed bugs or fleas. i havent been around plants, i havent done nothing new. i was taking amoxicillin for 2 weeks (with a week break in between) bc i MIGHT have an infection in my tooth. my face isnt swollen and i do not have an abcess but i had jaw/ear pain after a cavity filling so my dentist gave me the meds. other than that, i did go tanning. those are the only 2 things i can think of. im 26 and i’m not allergic to anything that i know of. i went to bed and woke up with it about 3 or 4 days ago.. theres a pic in the comments . its on the top of my thigh
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe39608-1453679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sounds like the anxiety is causing the negative scary fearful thoughts. Pressure in the ear, Hearing sounds, ringing in the ear is extremely common, especially in people who have anxiety. I’ve had ringing in my left ear for over 30 years on and off. That’s not a sign of a brain tumor. it could be as simple as you have fluid buildup in the ear or if the doctor doesn’t find anything it can be caused by stress that’s what mine was caused by.\r\nThe fact that you convinced yourself, it’s a brain tumor does not mean that is correct. That’s just your fear and emotions talking. Fear is not based on reality. Only thoughts and emotions. Are brain tumors produce way different symptoms than that. So many people have inner ear issues or stress.\r\nI would suggest that you stop looking for bad health conditions. This will increase the anxiety and cause other sensations that will scare you, even though there’s nothing wrong.\r\nLive your life and find joy in every day. I learned I had to get out of my head and into my life if I were to enjoy it. You need to do that also. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-07-26T22:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-one-ear-tinnitus-head-pressure-800059?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Please help one ear tinnitus head pressure
ive battled with health anxiety and G.A.D for years and now its back it started when i found a lump it turned out to be a hemmaroid which im having surgery for on tuesday then i started checking my body found a lump in vulva checks out as nothing now i have a sound in my right ear and a weird pressure feeling dr looked says its nothing i dont know if i can get through this again my head is heavy im all tense when i bend down i hear my pulse i have a feeling its because of surgery im feeling like this but now ive convinced ive got a brain tumor because its only one ear and ive popped it so cant be a blocked ear help
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma47045-1459204" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Exact same symptoms. exact same outcome. Never anything! one day a tumour next week it'll be a nerve illness, week after it'll be heart problems. it's really really hard to be dying of every illness all the time isn't it lol! we can only stand and laugh about it because sometimes us anxious folk are very silly when we look at it from a different perspective! " ], "date": [ "2023-04-28T10:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-798101?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/magicalmary21-1462560" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma47045-1459204" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "**A life coach can help individuals experiencing health anxiety in a number of ways:**\r\n\r\n**Develop Coping Strategies:** A life coach can help individuals develop coping strategies to manage their health anxiety. They can help the individual identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their anxiety, and work with them to develop positive coping mechanisms.\r\n\r\n**Set Realistic Goals:** A life coach can help individuals set realistic goals for their health and wellbeing. They can help the individual identify specific actions they can take to improve their health and work with them to develop a plan to achieve those goals.\r\n\r\n**Support and Accountability:** A life coach can provide emotional support and hold individuals accountable for taking action towards their health goals. They can help the individual stay motivated and committed to their health goals even when facing challenges.\r\n\r\n**Mind-Body Connection:** A life coach can also help individuals recognize the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. By becoming more aware of this connection, individuals can learn to manage their health anxiety symptoms more effectively.\r\n\r\nOverall, a life coach can provide guidance, support, and practical tools to help individuals manage their health anxiety and improve their overall wellbeing. They can help individuals gain confidence in their ability to manage their anxiety and take control of their health." ], "date": [ "2023-05-12T11:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-798101?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health Anxiety
Hi, ive been battling health anxiety for over 2 years now it was bad after i had my second child, it seemed to calm down a bit but now after my 3rd child I think it has come back. im saying I think because this symptoms are a bit different before and I always think there's something sinister going on, i try to tell my self i have had FBC just november past sure if there was something wrong they would have seen in the blood test. so has anybody experienced sudden tingling from head to toe along with dizziness (I've had that once) that want away within a couple of minutes followed by a sweat and then random cold patches on ur body. I have had a few panic attacks after this head to toe numbness incident. The random cold patches I still get, also headache usually one sided left or right, dizzy spells, constant pain inbetween shoulders and neck sometimes like a burning sensation, pain down middle of chest don't know if it's my sternum or a nerve its hard to place exact spot. pain in arms and legs but at different times. random numb or tingly patches on arms. I think I have diagnosed my self of nearly every cancer there is, as I alway google stuff and it comes up, I have just googled the spine pain between my shoulders and now its went to myeloma I now feel sick at the thought and thinking I have it as the symptoms they say I have a good few. if anyone has had any of this symptoms i would greatly appreciate a reply known im not alone in this.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dan20338-1463494" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan20338-1463494" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hi Jan\r\n\r\nThanks for your reply. I'm just worried as I'm experiencing minor cramping in my right hand and foot as well as the twitching. Have you experienced similar symptoms?\r\n\r\nI'm trying to refrain from seeing a doctor but I'm so convinced this is it 😩" ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T18:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "sorry you are scared. however, i have had muscle twitching all over on and off for over 30 years! ive had tightness, and many other s. \r\nall due to long term anxiety and stress.\r\nwhen you worry they’re going to increase. \r\nMy muscle twitching is called benign fasciculation’s. That means they are harmless. my neurologist told me that is not a sign of the beginning of any MND. if it was, I wouldn’t be here. \r\n It’s really important that you calm yourself down . I know how it feels to lose control of your thoughts, and then fear just takes over. \r\n if you want to ease your mind, go get checked out. But once you are told that everything is normal, don’t get in the habit of jumping from doctor to doctor. That’s the time you have to really work on managing the anxiety. Get a counselor to help you with that.\r\n The fact that you have had health anxiety in the past is very telling. In my experience, anxiety can come and go. Along with the sensations. I really think you’re going to be fine but you need help managing the anxiety and stress. And fearful thoughts. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T01:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mnd-als-intense-fear-799955?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
MND/ ALS intense fear
Hi all I have been a sufferer of health anxiety on and off for around 6 years. I've convinced myself I've had many different diseases but for the past couple of years, my health anxiety was almost non-existent. However, fast forward to now and for the past week or so I am absolutely convinced I've got MND. My right foot is almost constantly twitching, sometimes twitching in my right calf and I'm experiencing minor cramping sensations in my right foot. I also feel like my right leg is tighter and a bit weaker than my left. I've had a fear of MND before, but I'm convinced this time I've got it. Can anyone relate to these symptoms? I'm going out of my mind!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Not sure if im alot older then you as i am 55, but i dont know where to turn anymore with this ive pretty much told myself its never gonna get fixed and its probably terminal, my will to fight get weaker, everyday is the same scary symptoms and struggles the head symptoms dont stop unless i sleep then the symptoms wake me up in the morning its been pure hell." ], "date": [ "2023-04-05T14:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I completely understand what that feels like. I’m sure I’m way older than you and I’ve had anxiety sensations. on and off for a very long time.\r\nBut I do know that the more I’m upset about it the longer they stay and linger. \r\nafter having testing, which all turned out to be normal, then I knew for sure all of these sensations were due to long-term anxiety and stress. After that, I stopped reacting to them. I just let them be, and even though they would still pop up every now and then it was nothing like before. \r\nso remember that when your testing comes out normal, it would be a good idea to maybe get some counseling to find out what’s causing the anxiety. Then you can work on that and the counselor can help you manage all of this. \r\nhave you ever tried to relax your mind with meditations for anxiety? Also, what really helped me a lot was getting regular exercise even if it’s just walking. \r\nanxiety can produce hundreds of different sensations, all of which are not harmful. Feel better soon!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-19T15:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "Ty for your reply, could i ask you if yours is everyday? And what does a head adrenalin rush feel like? My head never feels normal always something going on in there. " ], "date": [ "2023-03-31T17:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "Hi, if I can describe right but it feels somewhat like if you were in an elevator that suddenly drops (a 'whoooossh') in the head. When am relaxed / happy these symptoms vanish. Head feels tight and neck often stiff, a lot of this is down to tension I believe.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-03T15:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nIf it's of any help I experience very similar to yourself, head pressure / brain fog / adrenaline rushes in the head - having had an MRI head scan was given the all clear. My symptoms tend to build when around people I don't like (which unfortunately seems to be quite a lot) and then eases off when I relax, it's like a fog which slowly builds in the head and then clears as I start to feel happier.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-03-30T10:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "You're welcome - have you had an MRI scan ? I had a head scan and was surprised / relieved that it came back clear. Can't wait for the Easter break, 4 days with no head pressure or brain fog - even if I haven't got much planned it can't come quickly enough !" ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T08:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "yes i had 2 Mri and a ct scan of head only thing found was mild cerebellar tonsillar ectopia but they don't think that's what's causing symptoms, at least yours goes away when not stressed mine is constantly unless I'm sleeping, it's very scary and I feel like there missing something and it's gonna kill be, I never have a good day." ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T14:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Ty for replying . Yea i cant get them symptoms to stop some days its real bad and scary when you dont know whats wrong. Like i said been to few drs and tests but no real diagnosis waiting now to go for another test to make sure i dont have a spinal leak. Thanks again." ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T00:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola89657-1405335" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "this is me i been doctors 4 times googling brain trunor etc been 8 day headaches random pains here there everywhere in my head i really want them stop " ], "date": [ "2023-04-07T20:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im sorry hope you find answers your looking for ive been suffering everyday for a year and 1/2 to the point of going crazy just want these symptoms to stop and feel good again. been to quite few Dr's and tests no real answers now going for test end of month to see if I have a spinal fluid leak that could be causing it. I cry everyday only relief is when I sleep. God bless you\r\n " ], "date": [ "2023-04-12T18:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "can anyone else relate to head symptoms, last couple days bad pressure on top and back of my head like someone pushing on it. ty" ], "date": [ "2023-04-18T17:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I can absolutely relate. I've had a pressure in my head for a few days now after having a very nasty virus.\r\nI have had thrombin and my eye lid has started twitching.\r\nI have scoured the Web and found the tales of death which seem to be around every corner and leech off every symptom and I reached motor neurones disease of all things.\r\nNow I thought... let's look logically here... I work on a computer, i use a phone, I use a switch and watch 2 Tvs a day... Hmmm... Am I wearing my blue filter prescribed glasses? nope... oh look the sympons of eye strain are the exact symptoms I am having! what do I do next? Buy some eye mist and wear my glasses! give it 2 weeks and I'm sure it'll have passed. Then I get a rumbling feeling in my body when I lie down... MND!!! nope, probably just my heart going into over drive pumping the blood at 100mph round my body due to the panic! sometimes things really are simple but it's okay to be scared. Just ground yourself sometimes and think... what could be causing it really.. and you'll find your answers are lot more sensible and then the anxiety meter will fade! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-28T09:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "well went for cisterngram test no spinal fluid leak but still no real answers and same head symptoms constantly " ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T15:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/symptoms-don-t-stop-798609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Symptoms don't stop
ive posted before but been awhile, these symptoms are not stopping been 18 months, I'm constantly dizzy, lightheaded or pressure, weird feelings in my head sometimes feels like something moving in my head, my only relief is sleeping, yes I've had testing and waiting for further testing but I feel I'm losing my mind can't get no relief spend alot of my day scared and crying and begging for it to go away. Anyone have anything they can't relate to this or advice. Thank you and God bless.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/denise31188-1463581" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denise31188-1463581" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hi Jan\r\nThank you for replying yes I have told the doctor and i am hoping the side effect will ease at some point, i don't have much of an appetite at the moment but am making sure i eat something little and often, after reading the comments on here I feel i should try to keep going as it seems it can take a while before you start to feel better on this medication, i am also in the process of getting some counseling , thank you for your advice " ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T12:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "does your doctor know you’re having these awful side effects? \r\nunfortunately, anxiety is difficult to treat. I’ve had it since childhood. they can try different medication‘s, CBT, meditations, etc. All we can really do is try different things. I have gotten to the point where I just accept it and try to live any lower stress mental state. Anxiety can pop up at any time so we need to be constantly practicing Relaxing our mind. I know it doesn’t always work so getting some counseling on a regular basis is very helpful. take one day at a time., Stay in touch with your doctor about what’s going on, get some exercise,, eat healthy. Stay away from caffeine and junk foods. I wish I had better answers for you. That would be really helpful. I do hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-05-11T11:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-so-bad-on-sertraline-799978?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Feeling so bad on sertraline
Hi i suffered anxiety and panic attacks over 20 years ago and was put on citralopam, i remember feeling much worse for a few weeks but got through it and have been on the whole good , about 2 months ago i started getting bad anxiety again , the doctor prescribed me sertraline i was on 50 mg for 6 weeks then it was increased to 100 mg, i am on day 17 of 100mg and i am feeling awful, i wake up with severe anxiety burning through my body , i have burning in my stomach and pelvic area, headaches and upset stomach, I am really struggling to even get out of bed some days and have not been out for over a week, i take 2mg of diazapam to take edge off it but am finding it so hard , will i ever feel better
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "I had asthma when I was younger came back when they put me on propanalol but iv been taking my inhalers as and when I shud" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T18:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Do you suffer with asthma?" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T18:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your reply I have a hospital appointment later I'm going to speak to them about it they think maybe my tablets have set my asthma off so thank you for your comment hopefully get to bottom of it" ], "date": [ "2015-02-18T18:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "content": [ "Please let me know how you go on Iain.\r\nBest wishes\r\nRod" ], "date": [ "2015-02-18T22:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "Hi rod \r\nThanks for your advice turns out I'd taken a reaction to tablets was setting off my asthma so iv stopped them for now so hopefully feel better over next couple days \r\nThanks again \r\nIain" ], "date": [ "2015-02-19T00:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "content": [ "I'm very pleased that you have sorted this problem out Iain.\r\nIt only goes to show that there is always an explanation as to why our systems occasionally give us problems.\r\nNow you you can get on with enjoying your life.\r\nI wish you well Iain.\r\nAll the best\r\nRod" ], "date": [ "2015-02-19T04:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "Thank you rod same to you" ], "date": [ "2015-02-19T09:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john84483-721392" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/archemedes-596145" ], "content": [ "Just wanted to say thanks to Rod for the precise diagnosis and insight. i am from Canada and this diagnosis just gave me some clarity on a similar problem. Although I have no asthma... I do have allergic reactions and have been taking antihistamine medications. there were no pollen outbreak today so that might explain it. But I am not sure now if this might have more to do with indigestion or heart burn. Thanks" ], "date": [ "2015-05-12T06:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Iain, bronchial itching can be caused by an ashthematic condition, and I would therefore suggest that you should get in to see your GP about this as soon as possible.\r\nIt does not in itself denote anything serious, but it may well be an allergic reaction that needs to be isolated and treated." ], "date": [ "2015-02-18T17:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gwen1953-595821" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This can be a broncial problem.  Have you had bronchitis or bronchial pneumonia at any time if so that could be the cause.  You may need medication or even an inhaler. Go to your doctor and see what he suggests." ], "date": [ "2015-02-20T15:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raj34525401-978435" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have the same itchy heart sensation throughout the day. I have no asthma history. Can somebody please suggest if they have experienced this and guide me on how to get rid of this. Thanks" ], "date": [ "2016-10-02T14:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sara98792-1127379" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jazzrock17-1181025" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sara98792-1127379" ], "content": [ "Am facing a similar issue have any updates on your condition?" ], "date": [ "2018-05-19T09:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I get a sharp pain in my heart accompanied with a deep itch in the same area, it&#39;s worse after I sneeze, but lasts all day and worsens when stressed. Been going on for about a month now. I went to the doctor yesterday and got and EKG, blood tested for blood clots, heart echo, and chest x rays. All seem okay. I haven&#39;t had asthma or any type of bronchitis or pneumonia and am in general good health (27 years old). I&#39;m discussing the issue again with my doctor in a few days to see what the problem is and fill you all in. Please let me know if anyone has had similar issues and what the source was thank you!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T02:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jazzrock17-1181025" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Am facing a similar situations have any updates on your condition?" ], "date": [ "2018-05-19T09:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah70453-1182371" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also have this feeling deep in my life is/ chest like ltchy and my back is starting to ache! I have asthma and have suffered alot with phnuminia before. I only sneezed and had a couple coughs today. Starting to not feel well at all :-(. I will try my inhaler and see if that makes a difference. I am a medical courier and I go in and out of the hospital etc. So I am always in contact with illness uggg not good\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-05-24T15:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aniipao-1352976" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/powerdrift-1364209" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aniipao-1352976" ], "content": [ "I get the internal \"itchy\" sensation ,and a mild ache, right in the centre chest (slightly left), a day or two after intense cardio exercise. \r\nIt is driving me crazy.\r\nI have had all the basic heart related tests, they have all come back normal. I have no history of asthma.\r\nI wish I knew what it was.\r\nOne sports specialist said they thinking it is breathing mechanics related." ], "date": [ "2021-03-12T09:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay33205-1420165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aniipao-1352976" ], "content": [ "i have the same issue what ever happened ,! :( it is driving me crazy " ], "date": [ "2022-03-12T19:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm currently experiencing that! I discarded the possibility of having covid-19 by getting tested. Then today I went to the doctor and they did a physical on me and found me to be normal and good but ordered an x ray of my lungs & chest area. The c rays came out looking normal & good. I seem like a crazy person, but something inside my chest itches all day & night! I don't know what's wrong with me yet!" ], "date": [ "2022-03-12T19:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay33205-1420165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am getting tbis it doesnt go away what is it???" ], "date": [ "2022-03-12T19:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jain04198-1448733" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello all,\r\n\r\nCame across that I have same feeling itchy on front heart line,under left armpit and left back upar. & sometime light pain in chest in a day.\r\nMy i did xray, ecg, cbc blood test normal as per reports. (ecg looks borderline because of pulpitation i think) but dr. normal ecg.\r\nI am on high blood pressure medicine since 1 month now. Before i was not taking medicine because I think 140/90 normal.\r\nI started medicine since a month now (concor 5) as I was feeling acidic and gasy so i think because of high bp. & dr. earlier told if you need start it anytime. \r\n\r\nnow for this itchy heart i took alergy tablet, used move cream, gasy acidity tablet for few days but still same condition yet.\r\n\r\nI do not know what to do?\r\nI doubt it because of blood pressure medicine, & I tried to stop 3 days only & did not see any major difference . & started back as dr. told you can continue.\r\n\r\nI am thinking I should stop bp medicine for at least 7 days to see any difference.\r\n\r\nno idea what it could be?\r\nI am 40 age.\r\n\r\nthanks\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-12-04T03:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deep-itch-inside-chest-feels-like-heart-is-itchy-361575?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Deep itch inside chest feels like heart is itchy
Any help please it feels like my heart is itchy it never stops as soon as I wake up in morning untill I fall asleep I have had cardiac blood tests and ECG and everything was fine has anyone else had this constant itchy feeling it's really getting to me
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you Jan as always you are a Ray of pure sunshine in a dark cave. I beleive you are right, it just spooked me is all, all the MS, MND, TA, just brings me down. I had a serious head injury when I was very young and have always wondered if I would get any symptoms from this. \r\nI will continue with the mediation as that helped prior. I also have CBD and St Jon's Wort to try so maybe they will help. I just want to avoid prescription medication. \r\nThank you for sharing your experiences, that really really helps! its crazy what the brain can make you feel! being bullied by your own mind is a weird sensation! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-08T13:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "content": [ "thank you. \r\nyes! our worst enemy can be our own thoughts. They often lie to us, and so it’s important to recognize that. There’s even a book called the battlefield of the mind. Many people are going through this.\r\nI also thought I had MS many years ago. I learned over the years to acknowledge the scary thought, and then intentionally let it go! The more you do that the less they will keep popping up. You’re gonna be OK. ❤" ], "date": [ "2023-05-08T15:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "these sensations you are getting are common when someone’s been through a traumatic event. remember that your doctor said you don’t have any red flags. \r\nI have had eye twitching on and off for many years due to anxiety and the sensation in the temple for the same reason. Fuzzy vision, floaters in the eyes, etc. can also be related to stress and anxiety. I’ve had them all.\r\nThe memory issue is also closely related to anxiety and stress. It will improve once you are able to manage the anxiety. \r\nReally try to calm down your mind and see if it helps. go for walks, do things that relax yourself. The worst thing you can do is sit around and think. \r\nI listen to relaxing meditations for anxiety on YouTube, along with deep breathing exercises on a daily basis. When your mind is calm down, that sends a signal to your brain that nothing is wrong and many times the symptoms and sensations will calm down also. \r\nOf course, everybody should have a yearly physical examination. If these sensations continue or get worse, let your doctor know that. if needed, the doctor can order what test he or she thinks is applicable. \r\nAnd please stay off of looking up your sensations online. They will only increase the anxiety and then the sensations will continue. In most cases, whatever you read online will not pertain to your individual situation.\r\nbut in my experience, all of those sensations in my case were due to stress and anxiety. because all of my testing always came back normal.\r\nalso, if you need some support for the traumatic experience you had, speaking with a counselor is a great way to learn how to manage all of this. It feels great to vent to somebody else who can help. I wish you the best!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-08T12:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/some-slight-concerns-anyone-had-the-same--799892?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Some Slight Concerns. Anyone had the same?
Hello Everyone. 2 weeks ago I was quite Ill with tonsillitis. Accompanied with chronic health anxiety which I have had for around 4 months now, since a tragic event in my life, which re triggered it for the first time in 4 years. During the Illness I started to get a horrible spasm in my eyelid, which is triggered by either touching it or squinting. I called the Dr's for a second opinion and they said I have no warning signs or any of the "Red Flags". I decided to leave it 2 weeks and see if it cleared up as the Dr's said it probably would. I'm now on day 15 and it's getting worse. I put it down to stress and now I'm thinking it's not that. I've also got a horrible spasm feeling in my left temple as well which feels like I have a wood pecker hammering at the area, this only lasts a few seconds and sometimes disappears for the rest of the day. Ive still got really bad anxiety and I'm trying to keep it under wraps but I'm struggling with this. I've read a few things online which worry me but I'm trying to ignore it. I've started getting fuzzy vision and also feel like my memory is a bit worse off but this may be psysco-schematic because of my anxiety... I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this, did it clear up? how long did it last? how did you get rid of it? Thank you ❤️
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Oh my too many typos hope you get the point" ], "date": [ "2016-09-05T22:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "i began walking amidst feeling like absolute crap. I was sick had issues going on and bp was a mess. I walked. I walked thru all of it and guess what. It made me feel so good somewhere around week three. So i speak from doing not from the air. How incredibly illogical your anxiety has become to tell you not to move. That would only play out well if you were a tree." ], "date": [ "2016-09-05T22:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for the reply. When I first went to see my doctor about my heart (I told him something just didn&#39;t feel right), he referred me to a cardiology. They did blood test and had me wear a 24 hour halter monitor that showed ectopic beats but nothing out of the ordinary. After that they decided they didn&#39;t want to investigate further. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-05T22:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "content": [ "<p>Ok go into motion now. Ignore what you &quot;feel&quot; as a danger. Walk, walk, and walk some more. Get a juicer so you can make very healthy drinks and move out of your own way. Dont feed into this so much. The pains there ok keep walking. The pains there again..walk. Walk your way theu all of it.mwalking never killed anyone. Stagnant, poor diet and full on worry all the time will cause you more illness. Right? Your not a tree you have to move.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-06T00:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tess33005-930839" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi there,</p><p></p><p>Good news that there&#39;s nothing wrong with your heart.</p><p></p><p>Now you can start at the gym without worrying that you&#39;ll have a&#160; heart attack.</p><p></p><p>enjoy!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-06T04:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tess33005-930839" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah my anxiety doesn&#39;t work like that. Honestly, the doctors could give me all the tests in the world and I&#39;d still be convinced there was a problem. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-06T07:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josee21255-1063870" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "content": [ "<p>I know exactly how you feel I&#39;m 35 and weigh 250 pounds in terrified to work out I have panic attacks all the time I Check my pulse all the time also it&#39;s so scary but I&#39;m working on cutting down my food and just walking watching what I eat someday I&#39;m to scared to even go put of my house to walk so I do it in circles in the living room just try and work around your anxiety do things like change of diet or less food simple things that won&#39;t trigger anxiety start off very simple one thing at at time for as long as needed to see that&#39;s ok then add another it&#39;s longer but for me the only way </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-03T00:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>First things first.. Have you recieved a cardio exam? Full exam with a stress test. Id say that needs to be cleared. Then logically you know your heart is good. At that point start slow you are probably out of shape. Drnk a lot of water and walk and walk. You can walk outside or get a treadmill and walk inside. Its movement you want. &#160;Walk 45 minutes a day at whatever speed you want. It will lower your blood oressure, circulate everything nicely and isnt taxing. Abiut a minth or two of just enjoying the walking at yiur own oace you can walk a but faster maybe invest in a stationary bike and ride the bike for a half an hiur day. You can do all this is a gym as well they have treadmills and bikes. Thats all you need to so until you are completely comfortable. Put in some nature sounds while you walk or bike its good fot the soul and calming. Or low key happy music. Indont know why people think they join a gym and need to become the incredible hulk, you dont you want movement. Slow and steady wins the race &#129303; I woukd also very stringly recommend ourchasing juicer. Best thing i ever biught and im not skme gym freak at all. I walk and bike but everyday i drink a healthy homemade juice of my choice. The nutrients absirb way faster this way. Tins of recioies for every ailment online. Good luck. No excuses.. It will absilutely helo you feel better.</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-02-20T21:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gyda-377921" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harrison03092-1463318" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gyda-377921" ], "content": [ "Hi mate, i cannot begin to express how posotive this sounds to me as i am going through the exact same thing " ], "date": [ "2023-05-08T10:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I know exactly how you feel mate!!&#160;</p><p></p><p>Im 24 and had bad chest pains, shortness of breath etc, so i thought something was wrong with my heart even though my ecg was normal. This made me scared to excercise, but whenever I did, i got chest pain and shortness of breath, like literally every time, if i ran a little or played football, i&#39;d get chest pains.. I couldnt walk to the shop without chest pain. I diagnosed myself with angina, MVP.. everything.. 100% had something wrong with my heart.</p><p></p><p>One day I played football, and I started running and got a really bad chest pain and struggled to get my breath back, so i thought enoughs enough, i want more tests. Went through all the tests, ecg, stress ecg, 72 hour ecg, echocardiogram, stress perfusion cardiac MRI... all normal.. doctor said your hearts fine.</p><p></p><p>Once i learnt to accept that, the symptoms went away.. honestly it took 2 weeks or so for me to accept it but since then I havent had any chest pain while excercising.</p><p></p><p>Your mind is VERY strong, if you convince yourself enough that somethings wrong then chances are you&#39;ll start getting the symptoms. Beleive me i know its hard to accept it but once you know its just anxiety you&#39;ll get better.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Good luck!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-11-06T09:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/km071281-1065037" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Its good to hear someone else has these symptoms/fears and that it can be overcome. I&#39;ve been recently getting chest pain on my left side, and it&#39;s been scaring me so bad. I had an ekg done months ago and they did it twice in my GP&#39;s office to confirm my heart was fine when I told them my health anxiety had been centered around the heart recently. </p><p></p><p>I know the mind is so very strong, and I know I have to just let go, and breathe, and take back my life. Thanks for the encouragement that it can be done.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-02-01T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bambicflores-1071001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m the same way except my anxiety is feeling dizzy and light headed I want to work out so bad but I&#39;m scared I might pass out, I went to the er 6times they say nothing&#39;s wrong but I&#39;m convinced there is because I&#39;m always dizzy and off balance , I do walk sometimes but I want to run but I&#39;m scared so just try walking at first see how that goes</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-04-01T21:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven47549-1058705" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had the same fears, and still struggle. &#160;I second the advice of having some cardiac tests done so you can go into the workouts with the knowledge you&#39;re good (if you haven&#39;t already).</p><p></p><p>Think about this: &#160;regular exercise, along with a good diet, is one of the best ways to ensure heart health and prevent cardiac issues. &#160;So if you&#39;re worried about your heart, one of the best preventative measures you can take is to exercise. &#160;</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-30T03:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel this exact&#160;same way! I&#39;m absolutely terrified to work out now :( I was at the Y the other day, did 2 miles on treadmill, felt ok... when I got off, I jumped on the elliptical... was on a couple mins, looked down &amp; saw &#160;my heartbeat was 184! I jumped off terrified! My Dr has tried to put me on Zoloft for a couple years, but I just keep thinking I can beat this... I&#39;ve tried the natural, homeopathic stuff also... some does actually work.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T21:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "content": [ "I’m begging to think that the diagnosis of anxiety is correct but our body’s telling us of something else. I had panic and anxiety most of my life. Just recently after Irma in September 2017 there about it just got extremely worse. \r\n\r\nJust yesterday I gave working out a try again heart rate was slightly higher than normal when I started but I was truely worried. As I calmed down it went back to the normal range for the exercise I was performing so I started feeling amazing.  I thought maybe I got this. Then that night I woke up to get some water. Felt a thump in my chest and got real sweaty. Heart rate rose from 70-ish to 144 in a matter of minutes while I was just sitting. I got terrified called 911 and went to the ER and again got the diagnosis of a panic attack. They did more heart tests (which I’ve had several) and all that was normal. I got a visit with a psychiatrist on Monday maybe they can alter my meds to calm the panic. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T22:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "content": [ "<p>Oh goodness, I know all too well the ER trips... They know me on a first name basis! It’s an awful feeling &#128546;&#160;</p><p>I went to a therapist a couple years ago that deals in Anxiety/Panic disorders... She helped me &amp; I feel like I was finally overcoming some of it, but for whatever reason it has come back full force. She once said to me, No one has ever died from a panic attack, it will pass. So... I try to tell myself this when I feel it coming on. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t.&#160;</p><p>I just can’t stop thinking about health issues... Someone mentioned to me about A-fib... now I’m thoroughly convinced that’s what I have... it’s just a vicious cycle&#128546;</p><p>I hope your visit Monday went well... please share with me what meds you take &amp; side effects?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T09:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1164128" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "content": [ "In a way it’s good to know I’m not alone and other feeel the same symptoms and been given the same diagnosis.  It’s terrible and I would not wish this on anyone even my worst enemy. \r\n\r\nDr visit went well. He’s taking a light medication route with CBT and the normal exercise and diet stufff. He wants to change my meds to Prosac 10mg, Buspar 5mg both daily and Xanax as needed. I haven’t started yet since Walmart had an issue giving prosac when I’m already taking Celexa. The two do have severe interactions if taken together. I guess they didn’t figure out that I’m stopping Celexa. So a call to the doctor should clear that up hopefully. \r\n\r\nGood chatting with you, I hope you are doing well. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T10:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christine41272-1158478" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacquelyn710-1166696" ], "content": [ "I had to check the name on this to see if wrote it because I did the exact same thing . I’m using a program I found online to try and beat my health anxiety , slow going . \r\nIt’s with an Irish therapist called “ learn my therapist ie “ " ], "date": [ "2018-07-31T00:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the exact same issue. I was overweight back in 2015, then lost a ton of weight through eating well and exercise running 5-6 miles a day. Then in late 2017 something happened. I had a fear that my heart was failing. Had several tests all indicate that my heart is fine but I can’t shake the feeling something is wrong. Since that time, I have been off and on to the gym. I’d go for a while until the sytmtoms happen again, go get more tests and the result that everything is ok, then back to the gym. That was until March 2018 when I had symptoms again, two ekgs and three doctor visits later still being told all is ok but now I am absolutely terrified to get my heart rate up. If I do work out I watch the heart rate monitor very closely. It’s very annoying to me. The doctors all think it’s anxiety and have put me on meds for anxiety but I still don’t fully accept it. So I know how you feel." ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T20:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathleen28063-1169341" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I LOVE you All! I thought I was the ONLY person to think these things!!!!! Thank you GOD for letting me find others!!!! I&#39;ve been suffering from these thoughts for 26 yrs....long yrs. I&#39;m 49. Countless ER , doctors, testing and I can&#39;t get it through my head!!!! This all started growing up with my dad who suffered with an extremely rare medical condition that aged him physiologically, so I developed a phobia of heart and health issues. Everything you&#39;re all saying is things I thought or think. It leaves you not only isolated, ashamed, embarrassed but it steals your happiness and quality of life. I smoke so that is definitely making it worse for me. The depression from it is daunting. I was overweight my whole life but, now a small person thanks to my primary who asked me to take off 1-3 lbs per month. He promised me not only could I lose the weight but keep it off and he was right! I started in 2012 after a spinal injury and it took me until 2017 to take it off and keep it off. You can do it CLR!!! I can give you simple things and you will succeed! I did it with diet alone because of my injury. First is, you can&#39;t lose weight for vanity and remember nothing ever tastes as good as the first bite which leads you to portion control and healthier eating without giving up the things you love! You can only weigh yourself once a month also. I know you can do it as long as you&#39;re patient. Best part you learn to love yourself along the way. I signed up for a gym recently and panicked too! My friends suggestion; go slow. Walking in the door and take your time feeling comfortable until you can get on the treadmill and or bike. Throw a small towel over the screen so you&#39;re not looking at your HR, listen to relaxation music or music that makes you happy. If you can only go 10 mins it&#39;s a start.....all you need is 30 mins a day, 5 times a week. I&#39;m trying this myself!!!! My gym has massage beds and chairs so that&#39;s a bonus for relaxing.....if anyone is up for it we could start a little support group for the gym, suggestions, recipes, quitting smoking etc on one of the apps out there so when we&#39;re scared we can text each other....KIK or something like that with our user names from here!? Perhaps we could just keep the discussion here as well. Anyway, I hope this helps not only you but others. I am just so grateful to have found this discussion and know I&#39;m not alone!!!! You all really personally gave me hope today!!!!</p><p>Hugs!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T19:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/seth36662-1172145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Wow you sound just like me! The only difference is, is that I’m super fit and have been excersising very well until I developed anxiety about my heart. I’ve taken blood tests, ekgs, and even an echo cardio gram all saying that my heart is fine. I’m always checking my pulse and worrying about my heart stopping for some reason! I hate it and it’s making me depressed! I can’t seem to go to the gym without leaving in with an anxiety attack not even finished with my workout. I get really lightheaded and dizzy, have chest pains, ringing in the ears, head aches, feeling natious and faint. It’s horrible, and so weird how the mind can do this. You aren’t alone, stay strong bro!" ], "date": [ "2018-04-15T18:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c51984-1444258" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clr1166-910679" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c51984-1444258" ], "content": [ "I started to listen The Anxiety Guy from Youtube and Spotify. He really knows about health anxiety (suffered 10 yrs) and helps me with my fear of death. I am 32 yrs old male. I lost a lot of weight, stopped drinking, started to walk. Some stairs still give me racing and pounding heart but it's all inside my head because underlying anxiety is still there. I still have a lot of work to do with myself but we can make it. Hope you will get better soon." ], "date": [ "2022-10-23T05:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c51984-1444258" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the advice, I will check that YouTube channel out.\r\n\r\nThat sounds similar to me.\r\nI stopped drinking, stopped smoking and starting eating a lot healthier and lost weight.\r\nA lot of my friends thought I was doing very well living a healthy lifestyle.\r\nI never tell them that I actually feel worse now than I did back then.\r\nThanks for the kind words. I hope we both manage to work through this" ], "date": [ "2022-10-24T22:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c51984-1444258" ], "content": [ "My friends told me the same, that I look great. But as we know that people who never suffered from health anxiety don't know what we are going trough. It's up and down at the moment, mind still fears many things and these awful thoughts that I am going to die or something awful will happen are still there.. Funny part is that when I feel really good and happy then anxiety reminds me that it's still there and how I dare to feel happy. If you watched some Anxiety Guy videos then you know it's our over worrying inner child, that wants to keep us safe and everything new (also feeling too good) is scary.\r\nVery good to speak with people who knows what's going on. Have a great day and soon we are out of this!" ], "date": [ "2023-01-02T14:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I know this is a bit of an old post, but if any of the posters here are still active, how are you getting on now?\r\n\r\nI'm 31 years old, male.\r\nA few years ago (before covid) I had an incident happen to me at work which I think was a panic attack.\r\n\r\nI was just sitting at my desk reading emails when I suddenly felt this strange feeling all over my body. It was dreadful.\r\nI can't remember the feeling exactly, but it was an odd feeling over my whole body. I went to get some air and then really started freaking out as my heart felt like it was beating weirdly. My colleague ended up calling an ambulance as I thought I was having a heart attack. By the time they got there, I was feeling a bit better and when they checked my pulse and blood pressure, they said I was ok.\r\nI went to the doctors after and had an ECG, multiple blood tests, 7 day heart monitor and an ultra sound type thing where they can see the heart (echocardiogram maybe?).\r\nThe doctors told me everything came back fine and that I was fit and healthy (I worked out with weights around 4 times a week and went jogging 1 - 2 times a week)\r\n\r\nOver the years, I managed to convince myself it was just anxiety and things were getting better, but a few months ago, I was in a queue in a restaurant on holiday and I passed out and collapsed on the floor.\r\nI had been drinking the night before and was hungover. Plus I hadn't had breakfast and hadn't drank much in the morning (I passed out around midday)\r\nThe doctors did blood tests and ECG which were fine and just blamed it on the alcohol and the lack of food/drink, but it has set my anxiety levels right back to 3 years ago.\r\nI now am not doing any workouts or jogging as I'm so worried something is wrong with my heart even though all signs seem to point to it being normal.\r\nI'm just finding it really difficult trying to figure out how I can keep this up.\r\n\r\nSorry for the wall of text" ], "date": [ "2023-01-02T14:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-has-me-scared-to-exercise--533591?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety has me scared to exercise!!
<p>I&#39;m hoping someone can help me. I&#39;m not sure how exactly, maybe by giving me tips to get over this irrational fear. </p><p></p><p>My health anxiety has been rather bad lately, mainly focusing around the idea that my heart is failing, I&#39;m going to have a heart attack, or I have a pulmonary embolism. Because of this, I begin panicking any time my pulse speeds up and I take my pulse/feel my heartbeat continuously throughout the day. </p><p></p><p>This has gradually gotten worse, and I&#39;m now scared to do anything that will raise my pulse. I feel winded and breathless after climbing a flight of stairs, and have to rest for a while because my heart will be racing (part because of the movement itself, part because of panic). I now try my best to avoid all unnecessary exercise because of the fear I&#39;ll have a heart attack or such. </p><p></p><p>Anyways, I&#39;m overweight and have been rather unhappy for a while. I&#39;ve finally plucked up the courage to take out a gym membership and will be going for the first time tomorrow. Here&#39;s the problem - because of what I&#39;ve mentioned above, I&#39;m terrified of actually stepping onto any of the machines. I&#39;m terrified in case I become extremely breathless, in case I have a heart attack, or even in case I make a fool of myself by working myself up and inducing a panic attack. </p><p></p><p>How can I get over this? I know I NEED to do this, but I can&#39;t get my head round actually doing it. </p><p></p><p>Oh, and to top it off I have asthma (although I&#39;ve never actually had an asthma attack) and I&#39;m scared in case I have one while working out. I&#39;m stuck in a vicious cycle! I&#39;m depressed because of my appearance so I want to work out, but I&#39;m scared to work out in case something bad happens, so I become even more unfit and even more depressed. </p><p></p><p>Sorry for the long rant, I just really need some help right now. :&#39;(</p><p></p><p></p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "*needs " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T17:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>I to have been on medication varying from citalapram, fluoxetine and sertraline and I felt a tad better but came off meds in November as didn&#39;t want my life to revolve around taking drugs for me to function and wanted to beat it on my own. It&#39;s the constant feeling of been breathless and fearing the worst. I wake up everyday and all that&#39;s on my mind is breathing and think oh god am I going to have a heart attack. The strain been put on my heart can&#39;t be a good thing forcing it. I have tried everything I&#39;ve had the one on one lessons I&#39;ve bought hundreds n hundreds of pounds worth of DVDs and books to help me I&#39;ve been to get hypnotised kind of thing and nothing has helped. It&#39;s like I&#39;ve forgotten how to breathe like a normal human being and I need to reset it somehow and people say try but I try every day. I love going out and doing stuff but sometimes even before I go out if think oh no my breathing is going to happen. Also I get muscle spasms all over my body is that something you get. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T18:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I think this breathing thing is something me and you are in the same boat over.</p><p></p><p></p><p>It&#39;s a horrible thing to live with everyday isn&#39;t it like unsay I don&#39;t know what normal breathing is anymore me I took it all for granted and yes i also get muscle spasms.</p><p></p><p></p><p>You mentioned medication there and that you came off it if you said it makes you feel a bit better maybe you need the meds to get that little bit of extra relief but heyy people are different some people need them some others don&#39;t. I have started setraline today 50mg and I&#39;m on mitrazpine and propanolol.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>I also fear the worse to whereas my breathless is concerned it&#39;s just so terrifying isn&#39;t it i even feel out of breath talking sometimes and I go jogging aswell which terrifies me even more but I force my self to to do it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>My tablets they only prescribed me 10mg I get the feeling when I go doctors they look and think oh it&#39;s him again so just take the easy option and say it&#39;s anxiety to get me out there quick. I don&#39;t dare to Any physical activity at all as scared what the consequences might be </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>Did the breathing affect your day to day Life like cause you to avoid certain things and situations due to the shortness of breath I am feeling it 24/7 it affects my sleeping for some reason I wake up every 2 hours I don&#39;t know if it&#39;s depression and my anxiety or if it&#39;s a serious lung condition it&#39;s a feeling like if I breathe through my nose it&#39;s not enough so I gasp or try my best to yawn to expand my lungs it&#39;s very scary </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-05T02:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe43307-1274509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "Get a spinal x-ray, or MRI of your back! You may have Ankolosing Spondylitis!\r\n I have had CHVS for over 24 years, complete with heart palpitations, IBS type symptoms, and a strange reaction to cold, whereby if I got chilled, it turned into a Parkensons like tremor....Also, a misdiagnosed testicular lump metastasized into \r\nmy gut, and caused so much pain as to make the ER think I had a ruptured appendix....(I also had weird back and hip problems for years.) I knew something was wrong with the nervous system, but no doctor would listen...Until I was idle for an extended period of time...Then almost every joint hurt! It hurt to take those CHVS deep breaths in too, because even my ribs and shoulders hurt!) Finally, a rheumatologist ordered a back x-ray, and there it was, bone spurs projecting up from each vertebrae...FYI, there is a strong link between CHVS and A.S. When I googled, \"Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome and Ankolosing Spondylitis\", I found--\"Breathing problems, (not necessarily respiratory problems), and abdominal problems, (pain, nausea, pressure), can predate the diagnosis of A.S. by several years. DO NOT ACCEPT THESE CHRONIC BREATHING ISSUES AS ANXIETY! THIS IS A DOCTOR COP-OUT!! " ], "date": [ "2019-10-25T21:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Friend you are describing me exactly here in this post, ever since I had had my panic attacks last April I have had this chronic breathing problem before these attacks my breathing was on auto pilot I wouldn&#39;t even think about it were as now I feel as if though it is on manuel and I concentrate on my breathing all the time.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Like you say to also o have had X-ray of chest which was good 3 ECG tests which were all good I&#39;ve had my oxygen checked at the doctors is that what you ment in your post about your oxygen levels where they put the thing on your finger? I to feel short of breath all the time to.</p><p></p><p></p><p>With me the only way I can describe it it&#39;s as if I can feel a tugging in the centre of my chest as if there is a Empty part of my lungs that bees filling every 5 mins so I also take a big deep yawn.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve tried breathing exercises which help a little and I&#39;m receiving CBT therapy for anxiety and panic and also in medication for anxiety and panic.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Does it make you feel there is something physical wrong with you? because it does with me I just can&#39;t grasp how anxiety can do this to a person without there been a physical cause if you get me.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>How did all this start for you?</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>You are not alone in all this&#128578;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T17:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>Appreciate the comment. As its a constant it&#39;s so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just wish could wake up one day and do simple things and live life like I did many years ago even chilling out on sofa with my wife i feel short of breath so gasp n yawn until I get one until minutes later it all starts over and over again. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T18:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "<p>Bless you... I wish you could too.... I had similar a couple of years ago and did not realise it was anxiety..Until my doctor did tests.</p><p>Thankfully it didnt last long .. but i was desperate so i did every bit of relaxation and meditation and anything i could lay my hands on that would destress and declutt&#233;r my mind and help my body relax.</p><p>There is some good info on dealing with it on the net... the site that you can listen to music and watch videos !! If you type in methods to stop anxious breathing ... it comes up with all the info for self help.. If it helps get your life back its worth a try &#128522;</p><p>good luck&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T18:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m willing to try everything and feel like I have tried everything from books DVDs relaxation music, massage hypnotherapy I&#39;ve tied it all. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "<p>Have you asked your Doctor if there is medication that could help. even if its short term to help break the cycle.&#128578;</p><p>Like you say you want to get your life back... and your stuck in this cycle so if meds can do that see what they say xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>I have been on citalapram fluoxetine and sertraline and they only helped the tiniest of bits diazepam didn&#39;t really do nothing either I am constantly checking my pulse and stuff and the muscle spasms are a worry Aswell </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "I dont know much about those meds , as i am in the UK.\r\nIs there any research you can do about different meds? and suggest them to your GP .. I have heard a few people mention lexapro or something like that.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>I am also in the uk I live in Nottingham. I feel they just try and get me out the surgery as quick as possible and just say it&#39;s anxiety to try and shut me up. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "content": [ "I did a self referal with a leaflet i picked up at the surgery called talking therapies... I did it on line and thought i would have to wait ages.. 4 days later they rang me .. I have had   5 sessions so far and it really helps. ..\r\nGive it a whirl ... it taught me how to react when the physical symptoms were affecting me and they got me from checking my HR on my watch from 10 times plus a day to 1 x weekly lol... \r\nThey have the same in nottingham as i remember reading it under Trent PCT.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "Thanks for the help. " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>It is one of the physical symptoms of Anxiety Matt...</p><p>Everybodyvhas different experiences with anxiety... some have the same.... There are 100&#39;s of symptoms that come from anxiety and can present themselves at any time.</p><p>So you really need to get to the root of the anxiety.</p><p>Maybe ask your GP what support is available in your area for anxiety .. Thats a good place to start.</p><p>Also there are lots of self help things to help ease the underlying stress/anxiety that is causing you this problem</p><p>Mindfullness is good but it doesnt work overnight.. It has to be done daily.</p><p>Also CBT is good as it helps change the thought pattern when you are experiencing the breathing issues.</p><p>I hope you get the support/help you need.</p><p>Good luck you can but try it and if it works for you BONUS xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T18:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/borderriever-963132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Matt\r\n\r\nTo stop Hypoventilation breath into a paper bag, or brown paper bag, you can also use a grease paper bag. DO NOT USE A POLYTHENE BAG\r\n\r\nPut the bag over nose and mouth and breath into the bag, this recycles the used air and stops the hypoventilation. When you are ok breath normal without the bag\r\n\r\nBOB" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shiva1985-1077254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did you ever get relief, ive been suffereing with the exact same thing you have for the past 18 months. I monitor my breathing and Its like my breathing is not automatic. I yawn a lot and I have done ecgs and blood tests that come back normal. I feel so stressed by the situation I am constantly worried about this breathing problem. ive forgotten what is like to be normal" ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T01:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shiva1985-1077254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi good day, i am interested to know if you ever found a solution to your problem, as i have been having the same problem for the past 2 years. I am constantly out of breath during the day 24/7" ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T17:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Been to the Mayo Clinic rodchester campus. Emergency department 7 times. 3 specialists where I live. Anxiety is an ugly b***h. And I understand where you are coming from and finally found someone who knew what we were going through. The top medication for resetting this&#160;[b]<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"http://www.oatext.com/The-beneficial-effects-of-oral-amitriptyline-in-anxiety-induced-hyperventilation-syndrome-a-case-series.php\">http://www.oatext.com/The-beneficial-effects-of-oral-amitriptyline-in-anxiety-induced-hyperventilation-syndrome-a-case-series.php</a>[/b]. That is what I found and what they put me on currently. Hoping you are already better.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T15:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "content": [ "<p>The only thing that worked was amitriptyline within one month I was 90% better they recommended a benzo &#160;to me as well let me assure you when you stop it it’s going to make you feel unbelievably worse. That was what the emergency room originally gave me it was Ativan and Valium and I stopped them cold turkey it’s horrific. The reason I recommended amitriptyline is after spending 50k and having every test done for heart lung brain. The Mayo Clinic the leading authority for every hospital in the world said... and I quote yeah that won’t work but this will... lo and behold they showed me the study and within a month voila. To others searching here’s the info&#160;[b]<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href=\"http://www.oatext.com/The-beneficial-effects-of-oral-amitriptyline-in-anxiety-induced-hyperventilation-syndrome-a-case-series.php\">http://www.oatext.com/The-beneficial-effects-of-oral-amitriptyline-in-anxiety-induced-hyperventilation-syndrome-a-case-series.php</a>[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-14T14:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark21119-1184961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\n\r\nI have exactly the same problem for last month. I was on amitripiline for a year for migraines but only 10mg but now have this I have spoken to doctor and it’s upped to 25mg. Only been on it for 6 days so hoping it sorts this problem out. What dose are you on and has it sorted everything out for you now? You said you was 90% better? Mark" ], "date": [ "2018-06-26T23:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark21119-1184961" ], "content": [ "Hey brother so sorry to be so long in responding and yes after a couple months I tapered to 30mg in dosage and it started to fade now I’m tapering off the amitriptyline 2.5 mg every month till I’m off the doc said I can go even slower if I want. I promise it gets so much better!" ], "date": [ "2018-09-30T06:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/albilva-1235140" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "Hello. My name is Alberes. I'm from Brazil. I saw your report on the forum and identified myself immediately. Are you still using Amitriptyline? How have the results been? I was excited to start the treatment soon and get rid of the notorious symptoms. Awaiting return. Big hug." ], "date": [ "2019-03-14T17:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Bump this post - I’ve been suffering from this for years! I’ve had 4 EKGs, 3 chest X-rays, a CT scan of my lungs, and recently had an echo done. Now I’m getting a pulmonary function test done. My O2 stats are 98-98% yet I feel dizzy and lightheaded and my chest muscles are tight and sore and have been for years! It almost feels like I’ve been exercising my pecs nonstop.\r\n\r\nOnly thing that seems to help is a low dose Ativan. Anyone have any suggestions?" ], "date": [ "2020-07-28T23:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "I used to lay in my bed telling my father my girlfriend I’m dying. That’s it I’m just dying I felt as if every breath was gonna be my last it felt as if I was choking to death the only peace I felt was sleeping because it meant Maybe I wouldn’t wake up to this nightmare. It gets better with the amitriptyline it took almost 3-4 months but it slowly slowly fades back away. You’ll catch yourself feeling better and better the amitriptyline is hard to get used to for the first 4-6 weeks but if you can struggle through their is lights on the other side. And yes I had the same crazy thoughts but it does go away mine occurred on October 13th 2017 and it’s finally fading now after 8 hospital visits 20 different meds and supplements a trip to the pulmonary and critical care department at the Mayo Clinic. It gets better It’s slow and it f*****g sucks so unbelievably bad but it does go away. Talk to your doctor about the amitriptyline show him the article please." ], "date": [ "2018-09-30T06:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "The other thing was it always felt no matter how much I was breathing I could never get a deep breath." ], "date": [ "2018-09-30T06:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "will lexapro not work this? been on it weeks and no relief." ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T01:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "content": [ "didn't work for me did both lexparo and zoloft wasn't till amitriptyline till i experienced relief its both an anti cholinergic - anti muscarinic which relaxes the lungs and muscle. my Dr is now checking me for Babesia and Mycoplasma and started me on Azithromycin per Dr hahn's asthma relief plan. Experiencing a ton of relief after starting this protocol. I had no idea that both mycoplasma and Babesia can cause life changing air hunger they litterally eat the oxygen inside your red blood cells" ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T04:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "how did they suspect mycoplasma and babesia?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T07:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "content": [ "as the symptoms only got better. but would not resolve completely. both those illnesses are the most likely cause of air hunger " ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T15:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "interesting. seems like your doctors think outside the box, lucky! i do have a naturopath who gave me colloidal silver, ive seen online this kills these bacteria too. i will try and ask my doctor about testing for them though. idk if cardio doc will believe it though. what doctor ran this test for you to look for them?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-23T15:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark21119-1184961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "hi is this whats been agreed then that has caused your air hungar . how do you test for this " ], "date": [ "2018-10-24T15:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark21119-1184961" ], "content": [ "a pcr and igg/igm test for all of the above as well as a western blot and elisa test to rule out lyme disease babesia is the hardest to test for out of the groups. but if you type in babesia....or mycoplasma and air hunger on google the results are actually saddening a lot of people have this and have spent years wasted instead of treating the root cause." ], "date": [ "2018-10-24T17:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20587-1209114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "were you positive for any of these tests ever or did they assume you have it even though the titers arent raised or positive? ive heard they can be negative even though you have it. also how long will you be on antibiotic?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-24T21:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alma30132-1314760" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "Hi, \r\n\r\nIm having the same exact symtoms. please can someone who was succesful with this medication help me. \r\n\r\nplease, at this point i feel like there is no help for me." ], "date": [ "2020-05-24T15:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tord74295-1463261" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin11-1170390" ], "content": [ "how did it go?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-07T11:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey man I&#39;m not sure if I&#39;ve got the exact same condition as you but what u r describing is spot on with what I&#39;m feeling. I&#39;ve been short of breath all year it has stopped me dead in my tracks it is every day and every second of everyday I&#39;ve been to the ER probably ten times this year. And specialist I&#39;ve had EKGs blood test x-rays CT scans urine test pulmonary function test Spirometry test I&#39;ve been to a ENT had s scope down my throat and I&#39;ve seen a allergist as well I cannot find out what is causing the problem. I&#39;ve wrote death letters to my family because I&#39;m just convinced I&#39;m gonna die soon it&#39;s been going on a year now I cannot exercise anymore I cannot function period I used to have alot of anxiety and panic attacks before this started but now it&#39;s became constant I&#39;ve been tested for lung problems blood clots u name it I am I&#39;m fear for my life </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-30T03:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/albilva-1235140" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe43307-1274509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albilva-1235140" ], "content": [ "I have tried Amitriptylene 25mg combined with fluoxetine 20mg, and it worked great. Problem is, kiss all passion good-bye, never mind your sex-drive! Will try Pregablin next...Just got a diagnosis of Ankolosis Spondylitis, which I believe was the root problem all along these last 24 plus years...See what I replied to Luke 08690!! God bless!" ], "date": [ "2019-10-25T21:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "\r\nHello guys. Has anyone else been successful with Amitriptyline in the treatment of Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome?" ], "date": [ "2019-03-14T20:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "has anyone found a solution to this issue? after having my last panic attack in which i was severely hyperventilating i have yet to fully catch my breath. what worries me is that people have gone years with this issue and no one seems to find a solution\r\n\r\nthis has been going on for almost a month for me and i dont know what else to do i dont hyperventilate i just have difficulty having a satifisying breath,\r\n\r\nsometimes i have to yawn sometimes i have to take a gasp for air\r\n\r\nbut is there anyone out there that had successfully went back to a regular breathing pattern whether with the help of medicine, natural products, yoga, meditation or whatever\r\n\r\ni cannot take this issue for years" ], "date": [ "2019-06-18T11:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe43307-1274509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Check out, and please pass along what I sent to Luke 08690...Ankolosing Spondylitis...It may be that, or something else that is causing interference with your central nervous system...Trust me, I know! Dont EVER!!AND I MEAN EVER!!Allow a doctor to make you feel like an anxiety case in regards to a chronic disorder such as this!! God bless, and let us know what happened in your journey!" ], "date": [ "2019-10-25T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adonay54523-1370292" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adonay54523-1370292" ], "content": [ "Adonay,\r\nI too have been like this for 15 months. Do you feel out of breath? like you feel when you do after walking up a hill or is it that you feel like you just cant get a full breath in? \r\nI also get horrible sensations on my body. What sensations do you get?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T22:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "I feel both types of breathlessness. Like I walked up a hill sometimes. Other times, struggling to get a full breath, feeling like the air is not reaching the bottoms of my lungs." ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T23:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "How long have you had this? Did you have any good leads on how to stop it the feeling of overbreathing (walking up a hill). \r\n\r\nwhen all of this started my symptoms were much worse, where i was on a sofa or in bed panting hard to breath. You could see by just looking at me that I was hyperventilating by how my chest and stomach was heavily moving. \r\nAnd I had many more symptoms than just that...lump feeling in the throat, burning sore throat, burning nostrils and pain in my ear, rapid heartbeat, feeling like I was breathing through a straw and if my throat was going to close up on me, a weird raspy feeling when I exhale, spasm in my throat, a inner feeling of doom, headaches and dizzy feeling. \r\nWith daily meditation/relaxation exercise, forcing myself to walk at least 30 minutes a day, forcing myself to get up to my job, and now the amitripyline (anti-depressant) that taken away throat symptoms and shaking/inner doom feeling, I'm still left with trying to find out how to stop the overbreathing feeling. \r\nIm seeing a functional doctor who is having me do biofeedback breathing exercises twice a day for the next 6 weeks before I follow up with him again. \r\nI started the amitripyline after my doctor recommended it. Its an old school antidepressant. I saw other people using it and said their symptoms very slowly after 6months went away. Look up on google: anxiety induced hyperventilation syndrome mayo clinic case study. Youll see patients on this antidepressant who said it cured them. Im on 20 mg now and in a week will move up to 30mg. I started with 10 mg.\r\nI know all this happened from trauma that happened in my life because before a couple months before the trauma happened I was completely fine and a very happy person. Its amazing anxiety can cause the mind to make ones body have these crazy symptoms. My doctor said he had a patient who was temporarily blind from anxiety. There was nothing organically wrong with the person but his mind gave him the symptom of feeling he could not see. So, anxiety has done this to is. Please keep me posted if you find anything that cures your breathing and Ill keep you posted as well. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T19:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "I've had it for a month. I had it about 12 years ago, and at that time it lasted for a few years. But I knew less back then, and feel better equipped to deal with it this time.\r\n\r\nThere are good days and bad days. Like you, I try to force myself to do normal things, and try not to let my breathing to stop me too much. What helps me a lot is yoga. When I move with yoga, my breathing feels better. The other thing is to try soft, slow breathing. Usually, I am doing very effortful, deep breaths. But with hyperventilation, we are already breathing too much.\r\n\r\nI haven't figured it out yet, and I have some random bad days. But you sound like you are doing all the right things. I'm sure you will start to feel better very soon.\r\n\r\nWhat biofeedback breathing exercises are you doing?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T21:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "HI,\r\n\r\nI have been going through this for 3 months now and it's horrible. But the worst is that recently, I've been feeling lightheaded and feeling of faint. My pain moves around my body. Sometimes my chest then my feet then my head....\r\n\r\nAny updates and advise? " ], "date": [ "2021-04-18T00:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is exactly how I feel! Came out of nowhere. Thinking of each breath, struggling to get that deep breath for some relief, and panicking if that doesn't happen. And experiencing breathlessness ALL DAY!\r\n\r\nQuestion for all here: was you breathing fast? I counted, and I do 10 breaths per minute, which is actually on slow side. So how can I be hyperventilating? Do you have to breathe fast, or can you hyperventilate while still having normal breaths per min?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T23:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gen671-1441671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt93825-1019156" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello friend. Broke my heart to read your post as I 100% relate and have the EXACT same thing. I too have self diagnosed with chronic hyperventilation syndrome and it certainly sounds like that’s what you’re dealing with as well. I’m 28 female and have had this breathing problem for at least 10 years maybe more. For the longest time I didn’t know what it was and it got to a point where it was so bad one night I made my dad drive me to the hospital as I thought I was gunna die because I could not catch a good breath no matter what I did. I went to emerg and they told me nothing was going on and that it was in my head. Well needless to say I didn’t like that answer but went home and sat with it. That same night I started doing some research online, this was about 8 or so years ago. I came across a post a girl had made on Yahoo talking about a breathing problem she was having and it was identical symptomS to what you and I are dealing with. When she mentioned the yawning and never being able to get a satisfying breath I was like WOW THATS ME!! I had never read of anyone else having this problem before. These days, it seems it’s being talked about more and more. In her post she also said that her mom had the same problem and she felt as though she subconsciously picked it up from her mom because they lived together and we’re always around eachother. This also completely resonated with me as my mom has had this issue for a long long time as well and I wouldn’t be surprised if I subconsciously took it on from her. Watching her constantly taking those extra big breaths, it became habit. I believe she took it on from stress. And I’m sure this is how it starts for most people. And mine certainly is amped up when I’m stressed. back when I read that girls post explaining her situation she also explained how she was able to start helping herself. And it was indeed all about breathing techniques. Now this next part might be hard to hear but let me tell you, it has helped me deal with this condition immensely. We THINK we need more air and bigger and better breaths. But we don’t. We take these big huge breaths or yawn a million times to get that satisfying breath but all of this is actually working against us and making it worse. It was described to me like this- imagine there are these little bungee cords on the side of your ribs just above your hips. When we take these extra big gasping breaths we are actually tightening those bungee cords making it harder to get more air. So, in order to help, the trick is to really slow down your breathing and take calm breaths as much through your nose as possible. Now at first, this will feel nearly impossible and it will feel like your making things worse but after forcing yourself to do it for a bit, and I mean really forcing yourself, you will feel some relief. Also, lying on your back is not good try lying on your side. Again, it will feel extremely difficult to do this calmer slower breathing but just remember you’re not gunna die. Your body will not allow you to just stop breathing. Mind over matter. Also, try to belly breathe. This is also challenging but so helpful. When you take in air your belly should fill and rise, and when you exhale your belly should fall. Once I really started focusing on this kind of breathing whenever I’d have a really bad breathing episode it started getting easier and easier to manage. I still have the issue but it’s manageable and I never feel like I’m about to die or pass out. I can do everything i want as far as physical activity and it doesn’t get in the way. I pray with all my heart the same can come for you. Please reach out if you have any more questions. Wishing you the best " ], "date": [ "2022-09-22T09:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-hyperventilation-syndrome-563500?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
Chronic Hyperventilation syndrome
<p>Hi, I&#39;m a 29 year old male and for about 8 or 9 years now I&#39;ve had what the doctors have told me is &quot;anxiety&quot; but myself doesn&#39;t feel anxious and have come across chronic hyperventilation syndrome. I feel as if this is what I have. Over the years I&#39;ve had 3 ecg test a asthma test and a oxygen level test and all come back normal also had ambulances to the the house as felt was having heart attack an would die. My day consists of waking up and everysinle breathe I take I think about I just cannot forget about it. I constantly feel short of breath get chest pains. But most off all I yawn hundreds if not thousands of times a day just to get a breath and one yawn to get breathe can last 15 p 20 seconds then feel dizzy as stopped all oxygen getting to my brain. Best why I describe it to my family is my breathing is like a car that is running out of petrol and needs more to carry on. My breath feels like my body is empty so I need more and I have to yawn to get this breath. I fear it&#39;s life threatening and it&#39;s so scary. I used to play football 4 times a week now I don&#39;t do nothing no excersises at all as I will run n think damn what about my breathing then would start to yawn n the cycle continues. It&#39;s not just certain times its every second of every day I have to yawn to get a satisfying breath and I just want to live normal. Can anyone help or tell me what they think could be or anything. Sorry it&#39;s such a long message just so fed up of feeling this way all day every day and my only rest bite is when I&#39;m asleep. Hope to hear some replies. </p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/piet35735-1229766" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nAs a recovered alcoholic I have to tell you it has nothing to do with being strong, the only way out is with help and once you get that help and stop drinking , everything else falls into place and you become stronger. It cannot happen the other way around.\r\n\r\nI do wish you enough strength to take that very first step which is to find some help." ], "date": [ "2023-05-05T15:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mental-illness-799825?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/piet35735-1229766" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i agree with sasical. an experienced professional counselor, can be a great benefit to you! You really need support right now, and it’s next to impossible to figure it all out yourself. For the sake of your children, and also yourself, please reach out and get that support. It would definitely make a huge difference in the lives of your children as well as yourself. the \r\ncounselor can give you resources also. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-06T13:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mental-illness-799825?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Mental Illness
Hi All I am in a toxic relationship and my past relationship is also very toxic, yet i did have a set of twins with the fist one. I now need to drink in order to express my concern to there mother or she just dominates me. What are my kids chances as im like this? Anything I can do to be a stronger person?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I'm really sorry that you are going through this. Are you on any medication for GAD, as these can have an impact on blood pressure, heart rate etc... Anxiety can be linked to all sorts of physical symptoms, but it's best to go and get the dizziness checked out by your GP. It does sound like you could be suffering from some health anxiety related issues, however, you should pay the GP a visit to confirm that everything is OK. \r\n\r\nI wish you the very best, and remember to be kind to yourself..." ], "date": [ "2023-05-04T10:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-799782?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Does anyone here experienced these kinds of symptoms, Im so anxious I want to live longer but these symptoms kept hanging me in a dark room - slow heart rate after laughing so hard - yawning excessively these symptoms doesnt show when Im working out but when I dont do something or stuck in home in several days I feel these heaviness in my body, dizziness when standing. - I also get unsteadiness when bending down or just looking down, I cant go outside no more brcause of this cause I feel like falling off or lose my balance (im thinking this is bppv cause of health anxiety) - digestive problems (constantly diarrhea and checking color of stool yellow) - I dont know if the symptoms are real or just caused by my anxious mind, - can I be anxious even when I think Im not - Im suffering from GAD for 6 years. - For 2 years Im okay - and now Im so back with severe setbacks and new symptoms although other symptoms maybe gone but new one appears - Does everyone feel the heart slow or fast and doctor say fine? Cause i havent been in a cardiologist and because of that im scared thinking I sort of having a heart issues if you would say you experienced that and doctor said its okay, is it possible for me that this is just caused by anxiety and not other way around? - cause ive searched and it said vasovagal syncope which can lead to serious heart problems and Im so scared. Godbless to answers!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your kind words, it means such a lot " ], "date": [ "2023-03-31T22:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello Lisa,\r\n\r\nI'm truly sorry to hear about your Mum's passing, I understand how you feel. And on top of that you are also losing your home, I do feel for you and it really is normal that you are getting physical symptoms.\r\n\r\nGrief, anxiety, depression...they all cause physical symptoms. I once read something that stuck with me: the body speaks what the mouth doesn't.\r\n\r\nIt's important that you have someone to share your grief with. If you don't have family or friends that you can speak to, then maybe a grief group, counsellor, priest...there is help out there. You can also come on here but I really feel that in person is much more helpful, an energy is created that helps pick you up.\r\n\r\nBe as kind to yourself as you would be to someone you love who is in your situation. I'm sending you strength 💚" ], "date": [ "2023-03-31T20:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-health-anxiety-worried-about-my-heart-798700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you Jan. I had a hysterectomy in July so I had lots of tests including an ecg and blood tests. I will listen to the lady on youtube that you recommend. Thank you for your kindness " ], "date": [ "2023-04-01T04:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i’m really sorry about the loss of your mother. I’ve been through that with both my parents and I know how terrible it feels. They were wonderful.\r\ni’m not surprised you are getting these sensations. especially the fact that you have no one to talk to about it. That means it’s bottled up inside of you, and most likely expressing itself in these symptoms.\r\nit’s really important to talk to somebody who will listen and who can help. I also advise you speak with a counselor. You can even do that virtually if that works for you. They can help you and give you resources. But I have had many of the same sensations that you have. I’ve had them numerous times, and all my testing came out normal. That’s when I knew it was all related to stress, anxiety, and depression. if you haven’t had a good physical check up recently, that’s something that you could think about. \r\nThere are also several great meditations on YouTube for anxiety, depression, etc. that are very comforting. I especially like.Joanne asmr. She has the most soothing and comforting voice ever and many people complement her. She has some for anxiety, some just to make you feel at ease and comforted, etc.\r\njust try to take one day at a time. Do some slow long, deep, breathing exercises, because that will help to ease the sensations. Feel free to private message me anytime! " ], "date": [ "2023-04-01T04:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-health-anxiety-worried-about-my-heart-798700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james71711-1395257" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james71711-1395257" ], "content": [ "Thank you James, I think you are probably right. Things just feel so hard at the moment. I appreciate you taking the time to reply " ], "date": [ "2023-04-11T16:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Do go to the doctors just to be sure but I'd bet good money that your symptoms are anxiety/depression related and there is probably nothing wrong with your heart at all. When the pains come on, its hard to convince yourself of that but depression really does lie to you and mess with your head.\r\n\r\nI'm sorry to hear of your loss, I think it's no surprise whatsoever that you are experiencing this and I'd say you are reacting in a very normal way. You just have to work through the grief and depression in your own time/way. Focus on that and the pains/health anxiety will fall away." ], "date": [ "2023-04-07T17:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-health-anxiety-worried-about-my-heart-798700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carol19439-1179931" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carol19439-1179931" ], "content": [ "Hello Nikki. Thank you so much for your reply. I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember. As a child there was a lot of death on my family starting with my father when I was just 10. My Mum was always a very anxious and depressed person when we were growing up and I think that as a child I felt the world was a very dangerous place and everything was so fragile because that's how she saw things. I looked after my Mum for over 30 years and on the day that she passed I just didn't get to the hospital in time and the guilt of that haunts me everyday. The day before she passed we knew time was running out but I was just so tired that I needed to go home to sleep and I will regret not staying with her until the day I die. I'm so grateful to you and all the people who have replied on this forum, you truly are wonderful people xx" ], "date": [ "2023-04-11T16:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carol19439-1179931" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "content": [ "Lisa, I was much the same as you. My mother was always anxious about money. We were really poor and my dad would go to the pub and spend any spare money. I stopped eating when I was 5, I think it was in my tiny mind that it was too expensive for me to eat. This has stayed with me for all my life.\r\nI'm also like you in another way. When my dad was dying I took care of him and my mother. The day he died I was there. He didn't know I was there, he was too ill to know. Years later I was there for my mother. I was at her bedside when she died, my sister and daughter were sailing around the Greek islands and couldn't get a flight home in time to be with her. They also felt guilty but I assured them that at the time mum died she didn't know that I was there as she was too busy dying. I hope this doesn't upset you but it's the truth. \r\nMy best friend missed the death of her husband who died just 10 minutes before my husband could drive her 45 miles to the hospital. She also felt guilt. The thing is Lisa, no one can beat themselves up whether they were at the death or not. Your mother was busy dying when you were getting the most important sleep that you needed. \r\nDo you really think that your mum would have wanted you to be sleep deprived and hurting like you are? She was your mum and you loved each other. Imagine if she could talk to you now, what would she say? I know what she would say, she would say \"It's ok Lisa. we all die and you have no need to feel guilty that you weren't able to be with me. I totally understand that you needed to rest. I didn't know you weren't there at that moment when I died.I just know that you were there for me while I was living and I'm so grateful for the love you had for me\"\r\nLisa, stop beating yourself up, you loved your mum and dad, they knew that. That's what matters. You parents would feel terrible at the thought of you suffering so much about something that was outside of your control. Your mum wants you to be happy and well. That's the truth. Don't you owe it to them to be happy? \r\nI'm thinking of something my friend did when she missed her husband's death. She said out loud \"John I wanted to be with you but I couldn't but I'll live the rest of m life still loving you\" \r\nLisa, it worked, all the guilt left my friend. The brain believes what it hears out loud. \r\nMaybe you could try to say something like my friend did. I believe it works.\r\nNow I'm going to tell you something morbidly funny. When my grandfather died it was snowing and icy, the undertaker took him to the chapel at rest but on the way there, the hearse slid on the ice and he was ejected out of the vehicle!! We didn't know this until we were told after his funeral. Again it was thick with snow at the cemetery. Years later grandma died and was buried with him. It was a lovely warm day. The grave diggers realised that in the snow my grandfather had been buried with his head facing south instead of north, or the wrong way anyway. So granny was buried the right way round, so they were in the 69 position. As her coffin was lowered, we could see shoulders of mourners going up and down until the first shreek of laughter was stifled. Then me and my family got the giggles. We bet it was the first time they had been in the 69 position and grandad would have been very happy.\r\nWe don't think granny would have approved.\r\nDon't forget you mum's spirit lives on. Her spirit is at rest, it's now time that you should let go of the guilt so her spirit can rest more comfortably.\r\nwith love an hope\r\nNikki\r\n{{ gentle hugs }}\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-11T18:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carol19439-1179931" ], "content": [ "Thank you so very much for your unbelievably kind words. I know Mum wouldn't want me to be hurting like this. Thank you for the uplifting story about your Grandmother and Grandfather, finding humour is a gift that you can treasure and the thought that they would have shared a chuckle with you all is priceless ❤️.\r\n\r\nI hope my Mums beautiful spirit is at peace and that I can find some of my own.\r\n\r\nThank you again xxx" ], "date": [ "2023-04-12T17:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello Lisa,\r\nI'm sorry you are going through a really horrible time. Anxiety is such a monster that once woken up seems to gain strength. \r\nI always refer to my anxiety as a monster, it's the way I can handle it. My monster has gone now. I'm 72 and had suffered with chronic anxiety since I was 21. I had a life of medication, I paid for a private clinicl psychologist, had hypnosis, everything and nothing worked. \r\nPlease don't lose heart from reading about my ailments. I'm just putting you in the picture of how things were for me, so that maybe I can be the person who has so much knowledge about anxiety (I have no medical background) I can help you because I've probably been there done that. \r\nI was a Samaritan, so I have great listening skills.\r\nLosing your Mum must be traumatic, some people deal with it better than others. I was with my mum when she died, my sister was sailing round a Greek island. I felt terrible and my sister took it all in her stride. I'd love to get to know you and how you are coping with your 'monster' Were you anxious as a child?\r\nHave you any idea what happened to start your anxiety? My sister was a psychological nurse, she taught me to lessen my anxiety to some extent. \r\nPlease don't let your life be full of 'monsters' there really is hope. I'm sure everyone here will agree with me. We just have to find out how to trigger your hope. \r\nYou will come out of this Lisa. If I can, you can.\r\n{{ gentle hugs }}\r\nNikki" ], "date": [ "2023-04-10T13:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-health-anxiety-worried-about-my-heart-798700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael15889-1461728" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael15889-1461728" ], "content": [ "Hello Michael\r\n\r\nI'm still really struggling if I'm honest. The chest feelings and feeling faint aren't as bad as they were but I'm just so anxious and down. I am finding myself doing things that I know aren't helping like listening to the music that was played at Mums funeral. It's absolutely breaking my heart. I know my son means we'll, he's always been such a supportive young man but I feel like I'm pushing him away. I don't want to be his burden so I'm isolating myself. Sometimes I think it would be better if I wasn't here. I'm in a constant state of panic most of the time and it's exhausting. My health anxiety is so bad at the moment, I've convinced myself that I have everything from anaemia to bowel cancer. I just can't go on like this. I genuinely appreciate your reply, it means a lot. Thank you x" ], "date": [ "2023-04-17T13:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi Lisa, i am so sorry for your loss. im sure your son means well. how are you now? Any improvements." ], "date": [ "2023-04-16T21:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-health-anxiety-worried-about-my-heart-798700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyd89-1462735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "\r\n \r\nAnxiety\r\nstaceyd89\r\nstaceyd89\r\n2 minutes ago\r\nHey saw your post in the group & thought I would message you hope that's ok. I'm literally going through the exact same thing as you right now as when I started getting anxiety bad about 6 weeks ago I got palpitations & then just over 2 weeks ago it resulted in me having a really bad panic attack which I ended up going to A&E over as I was so terrified. The hospital were amazing checking me over everything was fine & I've just had a 24 hour ECG done which I'm waiting on the results of. My GP has prescribed me a sertraline tablet to take in the morning which is an anti depressant & a 40mg propranolol to take an hour before I go to bed in the evening to calm me down so I can sleep. I have also been seeing a hypnotherapist which has helped too & they've given me links to some relaxation recordings they've created. If you want me to send you them to try I can do no problems. I've also just ordered some anxiety books as well to try which I have the downloadable version I can send you as well. Let me know & I'm here to talk if you want. I'm going through this at the age of 33 by the way" ], "date": [ "2023-04-29T21:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-health-anxiety-worried-about-my-heart-798700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melanie80537-1463023" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Lisa, i have been like this for 5 years now !! not been out of the house or garden either except for necessary things like covid jabs, opticians etc. Even then - i have to take valium to go to such places. i am pretty confident that it all started when i began into the menopause.\r\ni know exactly what you are experiencing hun, you are my carbon copy !! i have kept quiet all this time, but over the last few months the palpatations became horrific, and feelings of passing out. i saw a cardiologist and was given the all clear - but he did say that i should now take beta blockers for the anxiety and panic attacks. only down side is they can cause psorisis to get much worse so i will just have to take them and hope for the best, as my psorisis is pretty angry right now !!\r\nyou can chat with me anytime you want hun - i am here for you. I am 55 year old lady from suffolk, england. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-03T17:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-health-anxiety-worried-about-my-heart-798700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Severe health anxiety, worried about my heart
Hello I suffer with a bad health anxiety which is recently much much worse. I lost my Mum in December and I'm about to lose the home I grew up in and have lived in for 40 years. I'm struggling with grief, depression and severe anxiety. I keep feeling jolts in my chest which make me feel quite faint for a few seconds. I've convinced myself that I'm going to have a heart attack and die. I can't stop crying and my life is worthless. My son keeps telling me I'm just stressed and I think I'm getting on his nerves. I have no one else to talk to and I feel so alone. If anyone who is kind enough to read this could reach out I would be so grateful. Thank you.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "How are you doing now? Are you OK? If you are breathing, then nothing is stuck in your throat.\r\nThe best thing you can do are long, slow, breathing exercises. Get on YouTube and search for breathing for anxiety and panic. That’s the sure way to lower your heart rate and feel better. you are going to be OK!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-03T08:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/racing-heart-can-t-stop-panicking-right-now-799773?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Racing heart, can't stop panicking right now
Should I be really worried right now? I suffer from really bad health anxiety and also acid reflux where it feels like food is stuck in my throat, even though there is nothing really stuck. Today I ate a breakfast sandwich and I'm worried if I didn't chew well enough, I usually count how many times I chew, but I lost count, my throat was close to making me swallow automatically which I decided to swallow anyways, but I'm worried if it wasn't enough and I'm checking my oximeter out of fear, oxygen level is normal, but my heart is racing like crazy and says 125 when I checked. I could swallow and talk, but I'm not sure if that is enough proof that nothing is stuck. I feel like rushing to the ER out of fear, but they probably will say I'm mostly fine since I don't show any sign of anything life threatening. Will I be okay? I mostly overchew. But I can't stop panicking now, I don't want to choke or have anything stuck in my throat.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa95664-1462883" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I understand, but the more you worry about this the more you’re going to have those sensations. Those don’t really sound like symptoms of MS. I’ve had those same sensations on and off for quite a while, and I do not have MS. What I have is unmanaged, anxiety and stress. Anxiety tends to target the nervous system but any symptoms related to anxiety are not harmful.\r\npractice relaxing your mind as much as you can. Get on YouTube and listen to some great meditations for anxiety. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-02T23:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/daily-burning-sensation-on-foot-can-anyone-relate--799734?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Daily Burning sensation on foot. Can anyone relate?
For the past week I've noticed a burning sensation on foot and now part of my right leg. I have bad health anxiety and had a MRI last year for facial numbness, which came back normal and some of those sensations subsided. I am scared I have MS but my doctor thinks its just anxiety. I know someone who got diagnosed with MS through spinal tap because her MRI wasn't really abnormal. So now my normal MRI isn't making me feel good right now. Has anyone else experienced this sensation daily?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hanakovac-1462855" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "not to worry. those spots that you see can definitely be caused by anxiety.and stress and worry about them can increase the amount that you see. I have had those spots on and off for many many years. I am 100% convinced that mine or due to long-term anxiety and stress. \r\nThey’re not harmful. After a while, I ignored them and didn’t notice them anymore. only if i looked at the sky . Even if they were there, the brain tunes them out after a while. So please try to relax. Relax your mind. \r\nThe doctor said that there was no concern. The main thing you want to do is reduce your anxiety. get yearly eye exam like everybody should do anyway. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-04T15:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/are-these-vision-symptoms-just-anxiety--799721?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Are these Vision symptoms just anxiety?
Hi, I am 16 year old girl and have had anxiety and ocd for about 4 years. About a year ago i started obsessing about my vision again ( in past i obsessed over „double vision" or like this ghosted vision) and this time i started noticing a lot of spots and dots firstly i also saw visual snow, but i do not really notice it anymore and also saw BFEP. I went to an eye doctor and she said everything looked good.This constant obsession over it lasted for a few months and then i had a new ocd theme and still sometimes saw the dots, but not as much. Two weeks ago i again started noticing these visual symptoms especialy the BFEP (which is these white moving dots which you see on blue surfaces like sky) exept i see thousands of them but not only on the sky but on anything that is bright ( even the rode or my hands when it is sunny) and it has been driving me crazy. Does anyone else experience this and could it be just from anxiety?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/curefox-1456985" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/curefox-1456985" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "You have no idea how much reading this has calmed me. I am so grateful that you took the time out of your day to type this out and comfort me. I too experience buzzing- primarily in my legs and this scares me into a panic along with so many other physical sensations that make me feel like breaking out into a full seizure of some sort is imminent. \r\n\r\nIt didn't help that my doctor was just like: \"Yup. That can happen, so get your s**t together.\" It just put me into another panic attack that only spiraled even more because I had to somehow find a way to subdue that panic at the RISK of what I feared coming true. VICIOUS.\r\n\r\nI want to believe that my brain is stronger than this, but my worries quell the courage I'm meant to have inside of me.\r\n\r\nI feel like a coward." ], "date": [ "2023-02-23T22:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nath44488-1462697" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Every single symptom you have said i have, i struggle with health anxiety and its a horrible thing to live with. \r\nmy floaters are really bad did they start to pass once you stopped feeling as anxious?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-29T10:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am so sorry that you are going through this, and I know how scary it is. But I want to tell you that the vast majority of people with anxiety and stress, including myself, will never develop seizure disorder. There are millions and millions of people with anxiety and stress. \r\nTo tell you that I’ve had anxiety and stress since the age of five or six. It snowballed over the years and then when I was in my late 20s, I suddenly developed all kinds of sensations all over my body, including muscle, twitching, numbness and tingling, floaters in my eyes, weakness, buzzing in my arms, legs and brain. I thought I had some horrible disease. My dad took me to a top neurologist, and all my testing came back normal. He said stress and anxiety can cause all of these sensations, but none of the sensations are harmful. through the years, they would come and go especially when I was very anxious . \r\nI can also tell you that I am in my 60s now and I have never had a seizure in my life. I have stress and anxiety that I have learned to control much better now through counseling, meditation, exercise, etc..\r\nWhat you need to do is take the focus off of what you are worried about and put your focus on your physical and mental health! The more you worry about things like seizures the more you are going to get sensations that scare you, depression, increased, anxiety, etc. It’s time to take care of you!\r\nI wasted so many years with worry that I cannot get a single day back. Don’t do that to yourself. And stop googling because what you are reading does not pertain to your individual situation. It’s a waste of time and it will only make you feel worse.\r\nIt’s a fact that what we think about the most will grow in our mind whether it’s positive or negative. Thinking negative will do you absolutely no good and it can hurt you. So focus on feeling better! I will private message you and feel free to message me anytime! I’ve been through this for such a long time, and I finally started feeling better through changing my thoughts and taking care of my physical self! Positive positive positive. One day at a time. Take care. ❤" ], "date": [ "2023-02-23T22:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-fear-that-my-anxiety-and-stress-and-depression-will-somehow-develop-into-a-seizure-disorder--797125?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa95664-1462883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/curefox-1456985" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "You will never get epilepsy from anxiety. I have epilepsy and bad health anxiety. You are either born with epilepsy or get it from a head injury. \r\n\r\nThere is Non-Epileptic Seizures from stress but its not actually epilepsy or a real seizure, instead they are caused by psychological factors. \r\n\r\nDon't worry, your anxiety and stress can't cause you to develop epilepsy." ], "date": [ "2023-05-01T23:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-fear-that-my-anxiety-and-stress-and-depression-will-somehow-develop-into-a-seizure-disorder--797125?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I fear that my anxiety and stress and depression will somehow develop into a seizure disorder.
Hi, I'm 26 years old. I've been perfectly healthy my entire life. I would like to note that I have NEVER had a seizure. but as of recently my anxiety and stress have been turning into involuntary body tremors and shaking and panicked surges in my head even when I'm believed to be relaxed. So I ended up doing the one thing advised against. I looked up my symptoms on the internet. Big mistake, because I learned that you CAN in fact develop epilepsy from stress and anxiety. Non epileptic seizures as well, which worry me less but about as much as real seizures would. I ended up taking my concerns to my doctor, who was very robotic and careless and in fact confirmed that this was true without offering any comforting words to the fact whatsoever. Hearing these words from my doctor has sent me into an even more anxious state, strengthening my fear of this happening. I want to know the chances... I am searching for some comforting words. Any comforting words at all- because now I'm stressing and being anxious over stressing and being anxious and it has become a VICIOUS cycle that is leading to insanity. Please help. The thought that I could lose control of my body just because of my anxiety and stress TERRIFIES ME!!! My epileptic friend described her seizures as a sudden feeling of terror and dejavu before she wants to SCREAM but her jaw locks up and she can't and passes out. HOW TERRIFYING IS THAT!? I DON'T WANT TO SCARE MYSELF INTO THIS CONDITION!!! I want to point out that I am in therapy, albeit very slow moving and barely helpful, and I am on medication for depression, anxiety and sleeplessness. I'm trying exercising and eating right and I'm losing hope over this f*****g fear of mine.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael26279-1462469" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Michael,\r\n\r\nI get this too, it's so odd and unsettling. \r\n\r\nHave you had any medical check-ups recently?\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-26T12:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/face-and-mouth-numbness--799578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alaynah72959-1462607" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael26279-1462469" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've experienced the same thing and it's made me question if something else is wrong as well. That's normally my first sign of a panic attack coming on." ], "date": [ "2023-04-27T18:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/face-and-mouth-numbness--799578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tek737373-1459756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael26279-1462469" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, when I am having an anxiety attack I get the same feelings like tingling skin on my shoulders, arms and back, but when its really bad I get it on my face too. You should go and see your GP, just to rule stuff out." ], "date": [ "2023-04-29T07:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/face-and-mouth-numbness--799578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa95664-1462883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael26279-1462469" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Likely anxiety. I've had the same sensation and facial numbness. When I was given Adivan at the ER the feeling disappeared. I was also having pins and needles feeling all over my body and thought I was having a stroke.\r\n\r\nNow I've been having a burning sensation on my right foot and areas of my leg. I am freaking out I have MS even though my MRI was normal last year. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-01T23:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/face-and-mouth-numbness--799578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Face and mouth numbness.
I have suffered from anxiety and depression for many, many, many years. Basically all my life. Recently I will have moments out of the blue where I feel like my face is numb and my mouth and I feel like I can't move my mouth for a second. I panic and really start to freak out but try to breathe through it and distract myself and it goes away. Is this likely just anxiety? I get so scared I'm having a stroke or something. I've had numbness from anxiety before but it's usually just my arms.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anthony10903-910852" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anthony10903-910852" ], "content": [ "Thanks. I don't smoke it regularly, this was the first time in years. I just got drunk and then smoked, kinda stupid." ], "date": [ "2015-12-16T06:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I dont mean to pry but I dont know if weed smoking is a habit or one time thing .So I will just tell you that alot of people trying weed who already have anxiety do not have good experience on weed whjen they try it.It seems to take a few weeks at least for extra anxiety to slow down.I smokd marijuana for many years then it suddenly had this panic affect.It used to calm me .There was never any going back and all I did was take more panic attacks.But yet so hooked on pot I kept trying.So finally I let go but mostly just drank more and pills.If you believe pot has taken this turn on you please do not continue to try.I have been clean now for 6 yrs.What you are describing sounds very familiar so I reccomend to not smoke weed.Take care." ], "date": [ "2015-12-15T21:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-weird-as-if-everything-s-familiar--489591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/foxthefox-1062977" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/allison1984-920642" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/foxthefox-1062977" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi foxthefox </p><p>I get this feeling to but it&#39;s very strong like im stuck in a past memory is this what you get to </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T10:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica16415-1107933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/allison1984-920642" ], "content": [ "Are you still experiencing this???" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T15:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica16415-1107933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/foxthefox-1062977" ], "content": [ "Are you still experiencing this???" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T15:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yomah80125-1450379" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/foxthefox-1062977" ], "content": [ "hey. do you still have the deja vu like feeling?" ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T07:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I dont know if you&#39;re going to get this, but im feeling the same thing. And have the exact same story where i smoked to much weed. Have you ever gotten over this deja vu familair feeling?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T04:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-weird-as-if-everything-s-familiar--489591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica16415-1107933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey!! Are you still experiencing this??" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T15:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-weird-as-if-everything-s-familiar--489591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/t95003-1139723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/allison1984-920642" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/t95003-1139723" ], "content": [ "Hi \r\nDo you feel like a strong sense of the past us present ? " ], "date": [ "2018-01-15T12:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/t95003-1139723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/allison1984-920642" ], "content": [ "<p>I be having the feeling as if i already seen something that has already happened or know what&#39;s about to happen next. Similar to deja- vu but not quite. But i know I&#39;ve never experienced none of those things before so it&#39;s weird&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-15T17:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yomah80125-1450379" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/t95003-1139723" ], "content": [ "hey sorry, do you still experience this?" ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T07:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hakeim2408-1474522" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/yomah80125-1450379" ], "content": [ "please tell me you overcame this and how in fact, this happened to me once and i overcame it by traveling to puerto rico and went the whole trip (2 weeks) without smoking i overcame it so well that i forgot this was happening so like an idiot i smoked again and its back been 5 days now" ], "date": [ "2023-10-06T03:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am having the same exact feeling now, can anyone help?" ], "date": [ "2018-01-15T05:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-weird-as-if-everything-s-familiar--489591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannago-1146682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am.." ], "date": [ "2018-02-03T05:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-weird-as-if-everything-s-familiar--489591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie31691-1154203" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica16415-1107933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie31691-1154203" ], "content": [ "If it comes in attacks that only last a short amount of time like seconds to minutes and you have other symptoms that accompany it, it could be something like temporal lobe epilepsy. Look it up and maybe speak with your doc about it. Could be it and getting treatment for it could reduce these attacks!(: hang in there" ], "date": [ "2018-02-25T00:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I suffer with the same thing where it feels like dejavu at times before I&#39;ve collapsed and no Dr really gives any fix to this I&#39;ve suffered with this about 5 years now and the amount of times I&#39;ve had to call in sick due to feeling iffy because I&#39;m scared I&#39;m going to collapse at work</p><p>I just want to be normal again and I duno how</p><p>Has anyone got tips on reducing/removing these attacks I&#39;d appreciate any feedback back</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-24T16:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-weird-as-if-everything-s-familiar--489591?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yomah80125-1450379" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey please im also experiencing this. do you still have it?" ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T07:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-weird-as-if-everything-s-familiar--489591?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/causha96920-1475659" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive been dealing with this too, at first I was having issues remembering and stressed and it's like my brain flipped a switch and I get visuals of what I think is going to happen and sometimes my brain is creepy accurate. I'm also an infjt. I had this happen as a kid, it's like it's focusing on patterns, body language, and history then paints a picture. I could ruin Wednesday the show I watched a couple minutes of the first and last episode and by the time it showed the window I started having visuals. the blonde girl who is Wednesday friend is a bad guy and she turns into the creature as well as a friend she has with beanie. the Dr. lady did it and framed gomez by creating situation where that guy was attacking and fell in front of principle lady and died. and I got most of that just from seeing the web window in beginning of movie. I've also predicted someone going to jail, my sister being strangled, a wreck, someone almost dying from od inseen them nodding and didn't even know they were on heroin, all sorts things. it's also easier to see through ppl. I don't even think the same. also Washington d.c. isn't in Washington anymore and I've noticed it since they talked about cern last year so now I have to ask myself is the whole world crazy or did I re write my memories. my whole life that famous landmark has always been there and It's on the complete opposite side and yes I am aware of the 2nd one in Virginia. I lived in ne and there is an underground tunnel from president to capital of my state...it's all weird now everything else is seemingly the same except some stories and videos I watched the people telling the stories switched the gender and person that was originally part of story. example a. Jim Carrey prayed for a bike video, it was a man in the first and he even did the accent with more pizazz because it was an Irish man not a woman..now it's a woman. my credibility has lowered like if I told someone there was a killer outside my door they'd think I'm crazy even if there was, I had an above average iq, learned my instrument in a week memorized my 1st song that Friday and played it to teacher. what happened to my brain? idk starting to think crazy people might be onto something. also weed and alcohol never mix for me either bleh but smoking is great with coffee " ], "date": [ "2023-10-28T12:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-weird-as-if-everything-s-familiar--489591?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Feeling weird, as if everything's familiar.
I don't know if this is because I'm focusing on it, it's really hard to explain. I've always had an anxiety disorder, but was fine without medication for 6 years up until about 5 weeks ago when I had a massive freak out after smoking weed. I've managed to control the anxiety attacks, but still get a lot of the stress symptoms. I think I've been suffering derealization too. However, one weird symptom is I keep getting is kinda feeling like everything is familiar, or things are constantly reminding me of past events. Kinda like deja vu, but not as strong as to think "I've experienced this before", more of just a feeling of familiarity. Also I keep getting random memories popping into my head, totally insignificant to anything I'm doing at the time. I'm thinking this is a stress/anxiety/OCD symptom, like I'm just focusing on it more and more so it's happening more. Ugh it's just so annoying, makes you feel like you're in a dream. Anyone else experienced something like this?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "content": [ "Thanks for replying. The swallowing is triggered by the sensation of touching or thinking about specific fuzzy things. Some fuzzy things I love and don't bother me ever like our sherpa blanket. Its not scary and I'm not repulsed by fuzzy things at all. It just sort of happens and the sensation is just uncomfortable. Its a good suggestion to keep touching these things to desensitize. There are some things I already touch every day that trigger me only sometimes and I would have hoped they would have already done the trick. Maybe I just need to just live with it. " ], "date": [ "2019-12-04T23:10+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sounds almost like haphephobia . . Being touched or touching something . although in different situation people have phobias they live wuth daily , whether spiders , snakes , riding in a vehicle , etc it can cause the same reaction . It can be by something unpleasant from younger days that holds in the back of your mind ,that is triggered when touching , seeing , smelling ,hearing . One treatment for this is to put a small piece of material in you hone somewhere , everytime you pass it gently touch it and move on to what you were going to do . You will notice it gets easier to do ,and it dont bother you as much . Do this until you can touch it without any reactions . " ], "date": [ "2019-12-04T21:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mamabearkc-1074095" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have anxiety, phobias, and ocd and i didnt get these exact symptoms as you but similar things. i would say your best way to get over this is to allow your body to have all these feeling while you are touching something until your anxiety symptoms dissipate. i would google some techniques to be sure you are doing it properly. the first step would be to recognize these symptoms as inly anxiety and not actually harmful to you in any way. then you have to \"float\" through them until you start to come back down from the feelings. your brain will learn that there is no danger. it will be extremely uncomfortable and scary but you can do it. then all fear should be done away with. " ], "date": [ "2019-12-04T22:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amz87-1267934" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amz87-1267934" ], "content": [ "Well if you find an answer before I do please let me know! " ], "date": [ "2019-12-05T11:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "content": [ "Robert the answer is your own phobia , the only cure for you is not over the counter or prescribed unfortunately .. You can do things to help yourself to get over your phobia .. First place a small piece of fuzzy fabric around your home . It must be small so you can see you are bigger than it . Touch that fabric time to time in the passing ,, as each week passes touch it a little longer each time . Second keep telling yourself its like petting a kitten or puppy , give them names . Third dont ever think you are strange or anything like that as more people have these such phobias as you thunk . Whether its spiders , mice , riding in vehicles , heights , etc . These are no different . " ], "date": [ "2019-12-05T11:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "omg my husband it the same except its all the time for him he cant touch wool, cotton balls or velvet it makes him gag and his skin crawl. Even the baby blankets that we have that are fuzzy he cant touch. " ], "date": [ "2019-12-05T04:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sebrina08974-1371937" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sebrina08974-1371937" ], "content": [ "No I haven't. Not other than what other people posted about it as suggestions. I've learned to live with it for most of my life. It's probably just some deep seeded thing happening in my brain. I'll forever detest the touch velvet and many other similar feeling items I guess lol. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-23T18:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt31548-1386339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sebrina08974-1371937" ], "content": [ "no way 4 of us randomly googled the same symptoms and it's some childhood phobia lol has to be an allergy or something " ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T05:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexandria16-1452798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sebrina08974-1371937" ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\nI just want to say, I agree with Sabrina. I dont believe it's a phobia either. My mom and I also have this issue although it doesn't seem to be nearly as often as you. For us it's extremely random but it somethimes happens when we touch really soft things or when our fingertips are really dry, mostly in the winter though like you mentioned Robert. I feel it's not a phobia though because it's not like we're scared of it or like we're even thinking about it when it happens it just happens and the way we describe it is like it stifles us and we immediately let go of whatever it is or we wet our fingers lol.\r\n\r\nLike the both of you, we've never met anyone with the same issues or anyone that even knows of anyone with the same issues. Usually people just look at us like we're nuts when it happens. lol \r\n\r\nIf either of you happen to find a name for it though, please share because this forum is the only one I've found so far with someone asking about the same thing we've been wondering about forever. \r\n\r\nHave a great day though, and I hope it gets easier for you to deal with." ], "date": [ "2023-01-15T06:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi robert, i know its an old post, iv been looking everywhere to try and find someone else talking about the same thing. i know exactly what you mean.. i dont think its a phobia, did you ever find out what it was? " ], "date": [ "2021-04-23T08:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicki1988-1373962" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i get this too and it is very annoying. I also don't see it as a phobia. it sometimes happens at the most inconvenient times for example, when i was giving a member of my team a one to one performance review!! it is extremely off-putting. i have to wet my hands and drink some water for the swallow reflex and dryness to go away. it is usually fuzzy materials that triggers this reaction too. i've had it for as long as i can remember and im now 32... \r\n\r\ni would love to find out why that particular reaction happens and if you have any other techniques that you use to get rid of it when it happens to you? i have not spoken to anyone outwith my friends and family about this and we generally laugh about it as nobody else i know experiences this so it seems bizarre, however it is becoming more frequent to the point it is now becoming a bigger problem for me. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-03T23:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joakim42948-1375351" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joakim42948-1375351" ], "content": [ "Sometimes it not an allergy , but a memory , maybe something happened to you ,that at the time you touched something similar. that feeling comes back , but not the total memory. Say I broke my leg and the smell of strawberries was in the air. Everytime after that when I smell strawberries , I feel weird. you have an association to the feeling of something , to a memory that maybe wasn't so great so it makes you feel strange." ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T13:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi guys, i get this thing also with different types of fabric. I remember very vividly the first time it happened to me when i was maybe 6-7 and i was with my parents in an carpet store. \r\nI am now 30 and i wonder about this all the time. \r\nMy only theory that i have had is that i though i might be allergic to some things and that my body is trying to prevent it from breathing in something. I know that this is not it and that it's pretty illogical, but that is the only thing that i have thought of. It is however pretty annoying and i want answers. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-11T06:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "content": [ "I really don't understand after explaining it time and again that there is no anxiety involved at all but everyone continues to talk about anxiety from it. All that happens is I touch the item and I involuntarily swallow and the sensation of touching it is off putting. I have zero anxiety. It's like someone likes orange juice but not cranberry but also gets a physical reaction while tasting the flavor. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T10:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "content": [ "Your swallow response is anxiety, your feeling in your throat is anxiety. that is anxiety. Sorry I don't think you understand what anxiety is. You have developed a phobia to touching fuzzy things. your reaction the involuntary swallow and other response is a fight or flight response to something that frightens you. you fear for some reason touching fuzzy things. Anxiety doesn't have to be your heart racing , My guess you avoid touching fuzzy things unless you have to." ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T13:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "content": [ "Well I'm not a doctor in this area or studied up on mental conditions and I'd assume you aren't as well, but I don't attest this to anxiety. I feel it's like when someone hits your knee with a medical hammer and your leg flinches. It's a physical/mental reaction to stimuli. Like my previous example or if one was to not want to touch a cactus. You wouldn't be anxious, you just don't want to feel the pain from being pricked. " ], "date": [ "2023-01-15T06:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt31548-1386339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "content": [ "whatever it is, it's physical, not anxiety. I literally googled this trying to understand what it is. It led me here where you described it exactly. it's a physical response to certain materials, usually softer fuzzy ones. The muscle or whatever in your throat clenches, like you're about to swallow, but stays like that and you can't breathe. It feels dry almost, having wet hands helps or rinsing them after. \r\n\r\ni wish i knew what it was too man but i hope you read this so you know you're not crazy, i try to describe this and people have never heard of it and say it's probably in your head. it's not. The odds that you, I, and other people I've read having the exact same thing? it's some undiagnosed condition or allergy. " ], "date": [ "2023-01-15T06:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I used to get panic attacks from picking up kittens and feeling there heart going fast. It's weird how certain things set it off. We seem to all have our triggers that for some reason set off anxiety. yours is fuzzy things , mine is kittens with racing hearts, some one else can be spiders, heights , snakes, and almost anything. I know someone who panics when they see a clown. Sometimes there is no reason to what sets off an attack." ], "date": [ "2023-01-15T06:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt31548-1386339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "content": [ "i found this because i googled the exact symptoms he posted. it's physical, not mental. its a reaction to certain stimuli, not anxiety. i have it too. it's exactly as he described and likely an undiagnosed condition or allergy\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T00:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke44497-1411002" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt31548-1386339" ], "content": [ "i come across this in exactly the same way. im currently sat on a couch with a blanket on me stuggling to swallow. it sounds crazy but areas on the body that are 'sweaty' help it go away for me like arm pits or [and i know how daft this sounds] cupping my testicals " ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T00:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bry35465-1414093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "content": [ "i understand how you could categorize this as an anxiety response, but having felt this, and also having felt anxiety--they are not the same. \r\nthis is a physical response to particular things (as listed in OPs explanation as well as others who deal with the same). at no point do i feel uncomfortable or agitated, my heart rate is not quickened, im not bothered mentally by the ideas of these fabrics or humidity levels, they do not trigger an odd feeling- they trigger a physical response. like watching someone yawn triggers a physical response in you. like being too warm can make you sweat- my body reacts to being dry with gagging/swallowing. \r\nthe discomfort comes from the annoyance that it causes. the broken sentences and overall pointlessness of swallowing because your skin feels dry....the discomfort is not anxiety." ], "date": [ "2022-01-22T12:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I ran a Anxiety Message board for years , So I have studied up on it , and talked online with 1000's of people with anxiety and depression . As to professionals not many regular doctors are professionals as to panic attacks or anxiety. Its not something they learn about at medical school and if they do it's really limited. A panic attack is a flight or fight response in a persons body , you get an increase in adrenaline , your heart races , your body basically gets ready to deal with problem but in the case of anxiety there is no problem, its a false alarm. I been dealing with anxiety for like 50 years , I think I learned a little over that time. But whatever believe me or not." ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T00:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dave68912-1400372" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have this exact problem, I get a swallow reflex that i cant stop when touching soft things or think about touching soft things. I can also get it if i relate a certain smell to a soft material if that makes sense? For instance freshly washed linen or laundry, some carpets. I completely agree that it isn't anxiety driven, my partner who is a medical student seems to think its some sort of sensory processing disorder or something called tactile defensiveness, I don't know if that's any help ? " ], "date": [ "2021-12-30T00:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I should have probably added to my original post that this also happens with certain fragrances, mainly if they are strong. However I was driving with my wife the other day and she had the lightest scent on that I did not even realize there was an odor. I was choking up periodically and unconsciously while talking to her as we drove. It was only then after she noticed I was doing it that we made the connection. We opened the window to get fresh air flowing and it stopped until we raised the window again and it started back up. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T12:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bobbie01499-1400791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is interesting and it sounds neurological to me; have you ever spoken with a neurologist? If it really bothers you that's what I would do. I don't know that they'd actually be able to do much more than propose an explanation for what might be occurring but then at least you might have an idea and maybe there would be some way they could help. There are parts of your brain that process touch sensation and parts that control swallowing reflex. Neurotransmitters send messages from one part of your brain to other parts of your brain. My guess would be that somehow touching something fuzzy is causing a little neurotransmitter misfire sending a communication to the part of your brain that is causing the involuntary swallowing. I know that anxiety can manifest in all sorts of ways but you and the others who've indicated they have this problem all sound pretty certain you have no sense of anxiety around fuzzy textured fabric and as an anxiety sufferer I cant imagine having anxiety and not realizing it. Id be very curious to know if it was neurological, especially since there are others describing the same exact manifestation. I'm no neuroscientist and i don't know enough about the neural pathways to speak intelligently on the subject but there may be an obvious reason fuzzy would equal swallowing to a neurologist." ], "date": [ "2021-10-07T10:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/calebnothing-1402272" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I don't know if you have found the answer to your question, but it seems that it may be tactile sensitivity. I have the same things as explained, you can do more research into it but I think what you are feeling is that" ], "date": [ "2021-10-18T03:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymoose123-1412207" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im diagnosed with ADHD and Autism, get the exact same reflex with mostly the same stimuli. cant stand 'fuzzy' materials, sand, pool or sea water, chalk, certain smells and dirt, they all trigger the same reaction. I grew up not knowing i had ADHD or Autism and was taught very young to just tough it out. Im now 28, diagnosed and only now realising that i cant control these reactions even if i wanted to because they are related to neurological disorders. It also helps im 1 month off being a registered Psychologist and slightly more knowledgable about these types of things now. It may very well be the same for you. I'd honestly recommend getting a referal to see a Psychologist, go with an open mind and see what happens. Worst thing they can say is its nothing." ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T23:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bry35465-1414093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have had this exact thing since i was a small child.\r\nthis is not anxiety, this is a physical response to my skin being dry, or my lips being dry, or the air around me being dry. velvet, micro fibre,suede, all trigger it for me as well. \r\nsometimes ive had to wet socks and wear them to bed to even fall asleep. i have found that touching cold or hot smooth things (coffee in a mug/metal chair frame) can help or even clasping my hands together (sometimes the skin to skin contact helps) if wetting my hands isnt available, and can stop me from succumbing to the reflex for a short time. it has helped immensely when im trying to hold a staff meeting or speak publicly. \r\nthere is just no way that we all have these same symptoms and responses to certain stimuli, with out it being something! there has to be an answer! this doesnt stem from some childhood trauma, it is not a phobia, it is not anxiety, this is an almost uncontrollable reaction to outside circumstances. this is a physical reflex. but wtf is it!? why? " ], "date": [ "2022-01-22T12:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire67826-1426539" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i made an account on this website just for this!! i feel the same way and have no idea why. the sensation of touching dry, soft or smooth things or having dry-feeling hands makes my throat feel all tight and i always swallow in an attempt to get rid of the feeling. as you said, it doesn't feel like anxiety, but like a really annoying reflex. i'm glad i found someone who feels the same way about this, and hopefully we'll find out what it is someday." ], "date": [ "2022-05-10T05:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karp-1430613" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know this is 2 years old but I've had this exact thing my whole life and as a kid I always assumed it was a known quirk of some people. Turns out the only time I might of heard someone talk about it is in reference to having that intense cringe when touching cotton balls, hearing felt markers draw on wood, or some descriptions of sensory processing disorder It always feels kinda like a jolt of lightning to me even just thinking of the texture of velvet. I really wish I had an explanation for this." ], "date": [ "2022-06-16T07:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/solomayo-1428818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm genuinely so glad I'm not the only one that experiences this, it's annoying trying to explain it and people just looking at you as if you're lying 😅" ], "date": [ "2022-06-17T09:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/keith81800-1432028" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I get an automatic closing of my sinuses and throat, like how your throat closes when gargling water, when I touch certain fabrics. Turtle necks, fleece, \"warm\" side of a pillow, and especially the feel of socks after wearing them while sleeping. Musty smelling sheets can also do it just from the smell. The reflex only lasts about a second. No clue what it is.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-06-28T23:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen04946-1444456" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've recently started getting the gag reflex when I touch certain soft materials like velvet, which has led me to this discussion.\r\n\r\nPrevious to that I used to the get the gag reflex when touching any kind of fine powder, however I'm 99% sure I know why that happens. 20 odd years ago one of my first jobs was working in a factory that made Pita Bread, it was an awful job made worse by the fact I was an agency worker, the agency would ring and tell you to work, often with just an hour or 2 notice. One day I had been out on the drink with some friends, got fairly drunk and arrived home around 1am to a voicemail asking me to be in for 4am on a 12 hour shift. They had me working in the ovens, which is very hot and there is a lot of flour in the air from the bakery. It was probably the worst 12 hours of my life, dehydrated from the alcohol, in a hot environment with flour lining my mouth and airways, I pretty much spent the entire 12 hours gagging.\r\n\r\nEver since then fine powder like flour, icing sugar, or talc immediately make me gag when I come into contact with it.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-10-21T13:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tashajoy-1444634" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i get this too! ive had it every since I was little and I do not agree with the phobia or anxiety suggestions. this is a physical reaction I get when I touch velvet or velvet-like fuzzy items. I and an involuntary swallow-gag reflex thing and I feel like I can't breathe until I stop touching it. it's like I get overwhelmed by the sensory input from the fuzziness. my son has SPD (sensory processing disorder) and I think I must have a version of that too! it's the only explanation that makes sense." ], "date": [ "2022-10-23T19:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/colleenr--1446655" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also get this way... I guess we may never know the reason. I have a feeling it could have to do with sensitivity some how. It happens to be a lot when I wake up the most. Within my hands and feet is a sensation that causes me to swallow when I touch anything soft. Personally does not matter how soft, usually it is fine when I walk on the hard flooring but not my rug.\r\nIt is not always happening, and sometimes it can happen if I just think about it a little bit.\r\nIt is hard to say but at least we are not alone in this!\r\nPersonally the reason why I explained it being linked to sensitivity is because I also have sensitivity to other things besides touch. For instance, I sometimes am sensitive to hearing. It can get really sensitive when I am in a very quiet atmosphere and then when someone talks their voice causes irritation to me for some reason. I also get sensitive with sight, even though I see well, often I begin to see double when I start getting tired and my vision will blur when I get up from sitting down quickly or something. Though I am sure all of these may not be instinctively related, but maybe we have an issue within our brains causes our senses to be more broad. Hard to say." ], "date": [ "2022-11-12T03:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley50850-1452054" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have this exact same thing! I've never really been able to explain it but my mom has told me my dad did it too. Now I've realized my oldest daughter does it as well. I've never known of anyone else who this happens to and i remember being so confused when i realized not everyone has this reaction " ], "date": [ "2023-01-08T15:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/virajjuniyal-1452899" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi robert, i know its an old post, iv been looking everywhere to try and find someone else talking about the same thing. i know exactly what you mean.. i" ], "date": [ "2023-01-16T10:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nathan96434-1453802" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I believe I have a very similar situation. Whenever I touch fabrics like cotton, wool, nylon, fleece, etc. It triggers my gag reflex and my mouth/throat instantly feels dry. Specifically micro-fiber towels, I've found that those tend to trigger it most often. However, it really only happens when my hands are very dry. It's also pretty on and off. I can go months without having it, then all of a sudden its multiple times a week, or even daily. I've seen numerous people in this thread say its just anxiety or a phobia. Its not. For me, it feels more like an allergic reaction. I'm not scared of it. I'm not anxious about it. The sensation of the fabric itself makes me gag. I've found various people online who have similar reactions, but also different possibilities as to what causes it. I've seen it be called \"Tactile Defensiveness\" or \"Tactile sensitivity\". I've seen people say it could be dental. If you've had any dental work done, or TMJ (which I do have) or any other teeth/jaw related things. However, I'm not sure if this is the cause for me. I've also seen people say it could be related to autism, or \"high functioning autism\" where they seem like average \"normal\" people. They can provide for themselves and others and seem fine, etc. And most times aren't aware they have autism until much later in their adult life. I've never been tested for autism, and I'm no expert on the subject, but I'm aware that the autism spectrum is quite vast. I'm not saying that either of us have autism, but its just something I found and thought I should mention it.\r\n\r\nI haven't found a solution, yet. Nor one single cause. Perhaps it could just be an allergy. I'm not sure. I personally found that moisturizing my hands helps tremendously. However, you did say you hate the feel of lotion. So unfortunately I'm not sure how to help there. This is all I was able to find at the moment. But don't worry, you're not crazy! " ], "date": [ "2023-01-24T18:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/doomslayer-1475643" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert79693-1280786" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have this exact same problem. I just started working at a grocery store and EVERY SINGLE DAY I just cannot talk to the customers or say anything because touching cardboard boxes and plastic bags makes my hands sooooooo dry. i even drink soooo much water and even have to pour water out on the table next to me at my register to put my hands in every few seconds and it is so bad that I have only worked there for like 3 months and have to quit now. I also remember when i was like 15, I bought a bunch of fidget toys and one of them was this twisty thing called a Tangle and it was the soft version where the pieces had velvet material on them and every time i touched it or held it, I just could not breath and this also happens every time I wake up in the morning, like every day I wake up and I am really thirsty. my brother also has this problem but i don't know if its that bad. also I have a pool table and anytime i touch the soft part, this happens to me. I'm going to buy a humidifier and see if this helps. also lotion feels like it makes this problem worse\r\n\r\nedit: Also this happens if i am in front of a fan or if I put my head out the window in the car when the wind is blowing at me" ], "date": [ "2023-10-27T21:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/when-i-touch-fuzzy-things-i-get-a-swallow-reflex-and-can-t-talk-or-breathe-correctly-721147?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
When I touch fuzzy things I get a swallow reflex and can't talk or breathe correctly
This happens on a semi-regular basis. When I touch certain "fuzzy" things like velvet or fleece I just start swallowing involuntarily. It's hard to talk since it looks like I'm having breathing issues to a 3rd party and I probably look like a crazy person. Even if I am thinking about possibly touching these things I can be triggered. I can try and withstand the urge but it is almost impossible to stop it completely. It seems to happen when I am "dry" like with dry skin or when their is low humidity like in the winter. I absolutely hate the feel of lotion on my hands or chapstick on my lips or that might be a helpful fix. I almost feel the lotion brings the same urge to me. Some days it's worse and some days I have no problem with it at all. It seems to happen in the colder weather more, probably because I am in contact with more fabrics of this nature. I have never heard of anyone with this same condition. I get really frustrated with it when it happens at work and I have to talk to people all day. I'd like ot at least know why it happens or what it's called. A solution to this condition would be even better.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your kind words of wisdom " ], "date": [ "2023-10-25T16:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "absolutely. Anxiety and stress takes a huge toll on the body. it can make you feel weak, among other things.\r\ni’ve had it all. \r\nIs there anybody you can talk to you about what’s causing the anxiety? I talk to a counselor virtually once every couple weeks and it really helps a lot to vent to somebody else who can help.\r\nTry to take care of yourself as best you can. What I found really helps me is any type of exercise. Even just walking. Exercise is known to calm down the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for anxiety. \r\nMake sure you’re drinking lots of water and eating healthy. It’s important to avoid caffeine and sugars, which are inflammatory and increase anxiety.\r\nTake some time out to relax your mind. Listen to soothing meditations for anxiety on YouTube. I do this a couple times a day.\r\nthere could be a little bit of depression going on also. \r\nAnxiety and depression often go hand-in-hand. I hope you’re able to talk to somebody about this. Sounds like you could use some support.don’t try to manage it all on your own. it’s too much. Hope you feel better soon.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-10-25T11:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-making-me-feel-dreadful-804851?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "I feel so rubbish, I have this overwhelming sense of sadness and dread. How are you?" ], "date": [ "2023-10-26T10:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "content": [ "i have the same feelings, are you taking anything to help? " ], "date": [ "2023-10-27T14:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "I'm not on any medication, I've tried so many anti depressants in the past but have found the side effects seem to affect me very badly, I'mat my wits end. I was driving home from work yesterday and I just wanted to crash the car and end it all. " ], "date": [ "2023-10-29T07:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "content": [ "oh lisa this will pass i promise, the fact youre going to work is amazing i am currently off work due to anxiety, always here if you want to message x" ], "date": [ "2023-10-29T08:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Thank you Lorraine, that means a lot. Anxiety makes you feel so alone doesn't it. I feel very isolated and I worry about my health alot, health anxiety is my primary issue but I also have GAD and panic disorder. I think losing Mum has made this so much worse. Always here if you want to talk as well xx" ], "date": [ "2023-10-30T08:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i do, and because i have no appetite i feel really weak too. \r\n\r\nhow are you today? " ], "date": [ "2023-10-25T17:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-making-me-feel-dreadful-804851?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety making me feel dreadful
Does anyone else feel physically really unwell when they get episodes of high anxiety? I feel dreadful lately. Very low mood, shaky, tearful, no energy, muscle tension, sore aching muscles, headaches and a general feeling of sadness. I'm struggling day to day.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maegan98766-1475570" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have anxiety and have been told i have tmj i got refferd to physio and its helped lots it came when i had lots going on in my life and i still have it but it definatly does get better over time " ], "date": [ "2023-10-26T11:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anxiety-give-you-tmj--804864?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can anxiety give you TMJ?
I just experienced this 3 days ago where my jaw feels very locked and I could feel it sometimes crackle when I stretch my mouth open wide, I'm really scared on that I might break my jaw one day, I went to see my doctor about this problem today and he told me it's mostly stress and anxiety causing my muscles to become tense as of late and he recommended me to try some jaw excercises at home for about two to three weeks and see if I feel any improvement. Does anyone else suffer with TMJ from anxiety or stress as well, is it also a common symptom of anxiety? And does anyone know some good jaw excercises on YouTube, I should check out for some relief? I'm still worried about breaking my jaw.. but my doctor told me I shouldn't worry.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/costa1-1399806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there\r\n\r\nYou seem to have the same problem as me.I keep trying to take a deep breath and the majority of the time I can't and I get really anxious and panic.Do you experience this?" ], "date": [ "2021-09-30T15:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jakek1-1400118" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've also went to the doctor for the same issue and my results came back fine. I totally understand where you're coming from. You're not alone! I think it stems from us noticing ourselves breathing and then we become preoccupied and have to focus on our breathing. If you are at wits end, you could ask your doctor for .25mg Xanax (only use when you can't calm your anxiety down). Also, I've found that putting Vicks VapoRub under your nose takes your mind off of your breathing because it gives you a small burning sensation (not painful (like menthol)) and directs your mind towards the smell of it. Also, try researching belly breathing, as it puts you in control of your breathing and tends to calm you down.\r\n\r\nHope this helps!\r\nJake" ], "date": [ "2021-10-02T18:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dre93-1405392" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I had septoplasty and rhinoplasty surgery back in March. Late April I had my first panic attack because of swelling in my nose from the surgery as well as my allergic reaction to pollen. After that initial panic attack i was in a frozen state for weeks where i had shortness of breath because i could not breathe through my nose properly, not to mention poor posture. I was always in a state of disorientation/ lightheadedness/ shortness of breath and felt like i was stuck in fight or flight. Its been 7 months now and although my nose us better healed and i can breathe through it better i still get frequent attacks since i discovered i have TMJ/TMd related jaw problems which may be restricting my airway. Not to mention a tight diaphragm whenever I stand or walk leading to consistent back pain. Multiple doctors told me its Anxiety and I have no doubt anxiety plays a part but because the symptoms arise when im not anxious makes me believe there is another cause. Tried chiropractors, gastroenterologist, CT scans, blood work, therapy, physical therapy and have gotten little improvement. If this continues I may ask to take something to alleviate the shortness of breath because it has greatly impacted my social life. Any attempt at certain physical activity seems to leave me with shortness of breath. Something i never experienced to this extent in my 28 years of life. But I am not giving up." ], "date": [ "2021-11-11T16:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrea58777-1409770" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I am 57yrs of age, I know what each and every one of you are going through, I awoke suddenly one morning with SOB and have had it now for 7 mths. Went to all the specialists, Cardiologist, 4 x GP's, Gastroenterologist, Respiratory Physicians all said \"Stress\", didn't believe them so googled till the cows came home, this didn't help me mentally, I was constantly self diagnosing myself, convinced I was seriously ill and that if I got the Covid I was surely going to die. \r\n\r\nI was diagnosed with acid reflux & allergic rhinitis on top of my SOB, which made it so hard to breath, GP put me on PPI for acid reflux and a steroid nasal spray which helped tremendously with finally being able to breath through my nose, however I also suffered with Dysfunction breathing, which was so distressing for me, GP said not to think about it, but when you cant breath normally, how on earth do you not think about it. I feel like for the past 7mths I have been to hell and back with my dysfunctional breathing it caused me so much distress, GP's couldn't seem to offer much, only to put me on antidepressant (escitalopram). Was also suffering with stomach pains (all stress related) so bought a soft football and used it to roll on thus relaxing the stomach muscles, which I feel has helped, but the main thing that has really helped with my stomach stress (fight or flight symptoms) or air hunger which it is sometimes referred to, has been to cut out all caffeine, no coffee/tea (only herbal tea) I drink Rooibos only. Also went on a bland diet, still on a bland diet, but this has been mainly because I have acid reflux. \r\n\r\nIt has now been 7mths and I do feel there has been a big improvement in my symptoms, (no more flight fight responses) or air hunger in my stomach, which I put down to cutting out the caffeine, my SOB has improved since being on the antidepressants. \r\n\r\nStill feel like there is a lump in the back of my throat, constantly clearing my throat, which causes my throat to get quite sore. However on a whole, I am on the mend. With regards to my dysfunction breathing \"I feel that this helped me - but I may be wrong\" sounds stupid, but as soon as my mind turned to my dysfunctional breathing I would imagine myself taking it in my hands and kicking it as far as I could - LOL!! Stupid but thing is - it seems to have worked!!\r\n\r\nI sincerely hope that my story helps in some way, as I know it is so very distressing, but definitely try to cut out the caffeine - caffeine can worsen anxiety. Drink herbal tea - no coffee. Just give it a try!! Go on a antidepressant, get some Mega B Complex, some Magnesium to relax muscles, Melatonin for helping with sleep, I also take antihistamines just in case its related to allergies \"cant hurt\", I take a steroid nasal spray for rhinitis and PPI for acid reflux. \r\n\r\nGood luck Guys!! \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-03-06T16:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "content": [ "I know what you are going through! Mine started after a random panic attack as well, for no reason, as I have no stress in my life. Since then, I've been hyperaware of my breathing. I randomly feel short of breath. And I use soooo much effort to inhale. Feels like my throat is tight, and I'm trying to pull air past this tightness. And it's been like this everyday, for 9 months. Do you get these symptoms too?" ], "date": [ "2021-12-21T02:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "hey, im not sure if i responded to this but yes that's exactly how i feel... some days are better than others but it's been difficult. i went to a trusted pulmonologist in jan, who checked my chest and told me there's no way i can have asthma. and he explained to me how asthma works, and it doesn't manifest in the way i think it does. whenever i feel anxious, i try to remind myself of his words, even if it doesn't help sometimes HAHAHAH. i hope you've been better after all this time :) " ], "date": [ "2022-06-10T20:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello everyone. I was reading through this thread, so I made an account to say that I feel the same way. I have been dealing with chronic stress, anxiety and panic attacks since I was 13 years old, but it's been an on/off road since then and I actually recovered. I had a relapse back in 2018, then another relapse when COVID started, but never experienced any breathing issues until August this year. \r\n\r\nI went to an internal medicine doctor who did a complete check-up, found nothing wrong with me. I know it's mainly rooted in health anxiety, since my university was part-online, part-on-campus this semester after nearly 1.5 years, and it was really difficult for me to adjust. Health anxiety is something I've always struggled with. I live in a country where we still follow SOPs and I am double-vaccinated, my entire family is, but I still can't help but feel like I can't breathe. It started when I had a panic attack in August itself, I woke up in the middle of the night and it felt like my throat was closing and couldn't get any air in. I have been hyperaware of my breathing since then. I'm paranoid about COVID all the time.\r\n\r\nSome days are better than others but it's ruining my life. I'm almost 23, but I feel too debilitated to leave the home out of fear I might feel smothered. I was thinking of getting therapy at university for my health anxiety, but I feel too embarrassed to admit I'm conscious about my breathing 24/7. I'm too scared to go to the pulmonologist to get a lung function test done, just thinking about it makes me anxious. Especially since the hospital is so far, and we don't have insurance anymore. No one has to reply to this, it just feels good to get it off my chest. " ], "date": [ "2021-12-17T13:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I get this too! This sensation of being short of breath, and not getting enough air, when I'm just sitting doing nothing. I feel like I'm suffocating, and my head feels heavy.\r\n\r\nI have a few more breathing issues. My breathing feels heavy, like I need to use a lot of effort to inhale. It feels like my throat is tight, and the air gets stuck there, instead of reaching my lungs. I also have trouble getting a deep breath in. My ribs feel so tight, like they can't expand enough.\r\n\r\nI don't feel anxious at all though. Just have these symptoms. Doctors can't find anything wrong, and told me I have to live like this, which I don't think I can do.\r\n\r\nAnybody out there feel throat tightness, and lot of effort to inhale past that tightness? Please help!" ], "date": [ "2022-03-12T20:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/artemis12-1419286" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey Everyone, \r\nThankyou for starting this thread and just found it googling my issues and others experiences ! my story is below that I posted in the Anxiety section but unfortunately no one responded! You are all brave and amazing as this is terrifying x\r\n\r\nI already suffer from anxiety, depression etc but ever since I had a massive freak out , I am really struggling and looking for simular same experience, advice if possible ! I was sat here one evening after surgery and all of a sudden it felt like my throat was closing up and then a lump appeared, i freaked out and since then i have also been suffering with shortness of breath, takes all i have sometimes to regulate my breathing and not to lose my breath, can feel i am about to be smothered, it also happens if trying to sleep, like taking a double breath or a sigh i cant quite sigh, it keeps happening and i cant sleep or lay down not even a little bit ! This has been happening on and off for 4 weeks now! I have noticed that even small emotional upsets results in my breathing changing and for hours it can be difficult to breath and my concentration is then on regulating my breathing, I also get very tight in the diaphrahm (sp) sternum area which is uncomfortable ! this is really affecting me and my life now to the point its a daily battle where even eating is a trail in itself as I become breathless, and I'm frightened I will die ! I am seeking help and support but it's so far away ! Thankyou for any responses.\r\n\r\n0 likes, 0 replies\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-03-06T12:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matburns7808399-1420320" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have this issue with breathing and it seems generally worse in the evening at the time going to bed although some days it sticks around all day too. it actually makes me so extra stressed I start eating anything, like peanuts or bread or something. Not really a good idea granted. \r\n\r\nlast two months it's got a bit worse in that I have experienced constant issues with acid reflux I believe. My throat is constantly pulsing if that's the right way to describe it. I've also noticed a weird taste in my mouth which probably is the acid now in my mouth. Only thing that seems to alleviate that is chewing gum. \r\n\r\nI'm trying to get fitter again, using my exercise bike and also out on the road on my bike a couple of times a week for say 20 or 30 miles and the breathing issues do manifest. it's worse on the exercise bike (indoors). I seem to have a like stabbing pain in my chest if I try to push myself too much and it's kind of annoying because it's as if I feel capable of pushing myself only that my chest won't dare let me with pain. Not sure if I should just stop for a while until maybe it goes away like a miracle. " ], "date": [ "2022-03-14T07:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kilee11777-1420634" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I dont know if youll see this considering it was 6 years ago but im going through the same thing right now I've been to urgent care and the dr and no matter what I feel like I can't breathe right... I even got a chest x-ray and it was clear I wake up in the morning and the first thing on my mind is breathing.. It's just nice to know I'm not alone because this feeling is the worst. " ], "date": [ "2022-03-16T19:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim58944-1426486" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "so I totally get this have any of you got some relief? a month ago I chest felt weird we waited then went the er the next day. guess it was more than a month now right around my 30th bday. well I was told it was Costochondritis, I still wasn't convinced but it wasn't bothering me as bad then. few days later still didn't feel well went to a different er thinking something was missed was told by this er drs use that thing above as a cop out.. ekg fine chest xrays fine even ultrasound on stomach. everything came back good anxiety off and on feeling like I couldn't get a full breathe but then last week starting unbearable anxiety that just won't quit like can't get out of my head with the breathing and chest pain issue. I used to as a teen once in awhile regulate my breathing but this is different it is from sun up to sundown can't get it to stop.... was given two meds one is lexepro. the other is lorazapam and that made me super groggy. felt tad better but not for forever. I haven't been eating a ton and have lost like 10 to 12 lbs.\r\n\r\n\r\nwhat have drs prescribed for you? any advice appreciated I want to go back to normal\r\n\r\nI talked to my Dr and she explained sometimes a switch flips and no one knows why \r\n\r\nI have a counselor and she told Me to do the belly breathing but that is hard for me cause then I'm thinking about breathing again.\r\n\r\n\r\npanic attacks I can do cause they don't last that long normally but this this is an all day thing......" ], "date": [ "2022-05-09T18:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hall1417-1427136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, I'm not sure if anybody anyone is still up to date with this post but reading all of your comments I feel so identified. I am 27 years old and I started having anxiety around the time i was 20 after having my first child THEN it came down... fast forward to when I turned 27 OH MY! I started feeling disoriented, I have difficulty concentrating, driving or doing a lot of things. Also I feel like I have to keep taking in deep breaths every so often. I get so scared because I also have gone to the ER my PCP and done blood work and any other work yall can imagine and all I get told is that its all in my head. so i started therapy because I dont want medication but at times I just wanna say screw it and request them but now I am 6mo pregnant and Is getting worse. I pray we all get the help we need to overcome this disorder!" ], "date": [ "2022-06-22T06:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah61267-1433008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah61267-1433008" ], "content": [ "Hi Sarah,\r\nI think a lot of people here do not reply anymore, some do. Sometimes you wonder if they found some cure for it and don't feel the need to post anymore. \r\nI totally understand how you are feeling. I have it most days and I think it can get worse if you do not keep distracted or busy and keep thinking about it. It is addressed as anxiety by my doctors whom I have seen a number of times. It is a cycle; anxiety leads to abnormal breathing patterns which then can cause your brain to turn into fight or flight mode and then cause more anxiety and this vicious cycle restarts. I personally think the more it happens we tend to develop behaviour and keep doing it, but it's not good behaviour because we are always triggering this fight or flight mode.\r\nA few things that I found useful for myself:\r\n1. 4-7-8 breathing technique (slow breathing - makes you and your brain calm)\r\n2. Tummo breathing techniques\r\n3. Drinking water - lots of it - icey water is better.\r\n4. Exercise - high intensity\r\n5. A couple of alcoholic drinks ( as weird as it sounds but it is a sedative and makes your brain forget about it)\r\n\r\nReach out to me if you want to talk, because talking to someone who has similar problems actually really helps.\r\n\r\nStay safe." ], "date": [ "2022-07-08T10:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello i know this was posted a while ago now but i am having all these issues at the moment. ive had blood tests, normal except low vit D and oxygen sats chest checked etc i just feel like i cant get enough air in. weirdly if i go for long walks the symptoms almost go or if im distracted but when im lying in bed or relaxing it can be terrible " ], "date": [ "2022-07-07T19:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am going through the same thing right now and its very tough, im 19 years old and had to leave college in the middle of the semester because of it, i have always had anxiety growing up but never like this, i wake up feeling like i cant breathe till i go to sleep, i played 3 sports a year went to college for football, hung out with friends everyday was super active loved doing anything and now i want to do nothing, i have had ekgs,blood tests,lung tests all of it and everything had came back fine rhe docs said but i dont feel fine at all its been 2months of feeling like this everyday and it is making me feel crazy ." ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T17:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louiseann09-1380327" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes am going through same thing ! Its scary and awful especially when they dont find anything wrong with you! I had lots of tests done still not better its been over 1 month now! i cry everyday for it to stop! Am so depressed because of it! its a awful problem and feeling! and its not my axniety doing it all! praying it goes away soon so i can rest ! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T15:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/omar5881-1380688" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swapnil68100-1384151" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/omar5881-1380688" ], "content": [ "what goals have you set?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-24T14:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i suffer from depression and general anxiety disorder for 2 years , i found that setting some clear goals helps me control these pathologies but as soon as i failed at attaining these goals due to out of my hand circumstances my depression and anxiety came back rushing for the past three days i am having constant heart palpations and difficulty breathing its been very challenging for me as my finals are next week and after the recent changes i cant cope with studying " ], "date": [ "2021-06-07T06:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackeau-1380929" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mai71267-1382349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jackeau-1380929" ], "content": [ "hope you feel better! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T15:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "ive had shortness of breath since probably october of last year. my recent breathing test came back normal as well as chest xrays. im not sure if its a heart problem but ive experienced extremely bad anxiety and ive had bad depression in the past. Its super worrying. i cant believe anxiety could make my life this miserable though. some nights i literally feel like im suffocating and every second im focused on my breath and just cant get a good breath all night. i hate it" ], "date": [ "2021-06-16T16:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swapnil68100-1384151" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "same here \r\nwhat remedies are you following?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-06-24T14:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Does this feel like just shortness of breath (like after exercise)? Or are you struggling and using a lot of effort to inhale? I am using a lot of effort for each inhale, and my throat is tight." ], "date": [ "2021-06-24T14:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mai71267-1382349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "same here! virtual hugs for you! been to the e.r countless of times, including taken in by the ambulance but all the xray, blood test turns out normal. still waiting for my appointment to see a doctor for my anxiety. \r\nthere are times i feel so breathless, i thought i am going to have a heart attack right there. \r\nhugs to all who is battling with anxiety and panic attack." ], "date": [ "2021-08-26T22:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renee26-1382481" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's good to know I'm not alone with how I've been feeling the past few years. Has anyone felt that their shortness of breath and other symptoms could be related to heart issues? It's something that's been on my mind recently.. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-15T08:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nanamunchkin-1347448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nanamunchkin-1347448" ], "content": [ "I get the \"on fire\" feeling on my skin... my face, hands, arms, legs" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T15:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi sorry everyone is going through this , but im glad i found a board that understands anxiety, i also have the air hunger, its insane, i had it years ago it want away and came back this year again, my doctor gave me lexapro but im scared to take it, but has anyone ever had their arms go numb and your chest, then my upper back feels like its on fire, its so scary" ], "date": [ "2021-08-26T22:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mervin00479-1384035" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi guys im scared im having trouble breathing, same thing all my lab results are normal and im scared i might not be able to hold on :( sorry i might not be in the right forum" ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T22:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swapnil68100-1384151" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan8793-1362766" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/swapnil68100-1384151" ], "content": [ "its stress 100%" ], "date": [ "2021-06-24T21:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Even I have been facing it since 2013, I am a 25 year old male who is about to marry. All my tests such as CT Scan,X Rays,Blood reports were normal. Finally the psychiatrist prescribed me to take paroxetine which eventually I stopped taking after 1 month due to fear of side effects. I have shortness of breath,tightness in throat and stiff neck every time.Symptoms disappear when I lie down.And I am not living a good quality of life.I cant life weights.But I am afraid of taking antidepressants due to their side effects.I am confused about telling this thing to my partner.What if she leaves me.I am tensed.Can someone suggest me some natural remedies for this issue I dont want to take medicine at this stage I may take it once I become a father.Please help its depressing." ], "date": [ "2021-06-24T14:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary41788-1394142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Omg I have the same thing 24/7 for 5 days. E.r admitted me overnight cause they thought I had a heart problem. Turns out negative and aall other tests negative. They gave me klnopin does not work and breathing exercises do not work.\r\nHow r u. Do u have any advice" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan1993-1394280" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been on and off with anxiety for 3 or 4 years now, but I never really have panic attacks I just seem to suffer with breathing difficulties a lot. at least once a day and it lasts a few hours sometimes. It affects work as its worse when I'm driving, I am constantly snappy with my kids my partner and my family members I've had councilling which never helped I was taking meds for around a year which never helped its just a repetitive cycle of nothing working. Supposingly it will dissappear one day and if they are correct I hope that day is not to far in the future because it takes control of my life and its something I've learnt to live with now but it's still terribly scary" ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T19:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alry-1394337" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey yall \r\ni am going through the same thing. i have had bad anxiety my whole life. i have had acid reflux because of it and also suffered from\r\nnervous tics. i have struggled with one tic in particular my whole life; sometimes i feel like i cannot stop swallowing. does this happen to any of you? i just started having sob after i had covid. i have also felt like someone was choking me/hard to swallow and had chest pains. i also am having trouble sleeping; any little sound makes me jump and sometimes it feels like my heart is sinking in my chest. i am young and healthy but I had a scare when i had covid and went to the ER. anyways since then i have been so afraid that my breathing isnt normal. i have gone to the doctor twice in the past week and my oxygen levels were perfect and heart was fine. all of my covid symptoms are gone and i can take deep breaths. i was diagnosed with panic disorder and given lorazapam for my panic attacks. i have also been on lexipro for a little over a year but i stopped taking it when i was sick. i am seeing a professional next week, so hopefully that will help!! i am trying to remember how powerful anxiety is and that it does cause real physical symptoms. it is also important to note that while these symptoms are scary they are not actually life threatening. it is really hard though with the pandemic going on. best wishes to you all! we got this!! " ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa64248-1394483" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn68698-1395317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa64248-1394483" ], "content": [ "I understand i feel the same way i have convinced myself i have lung or heart disease which makes me my anxious my shortness of breath just comes out of the blue i can be fine im having it as we speak i dont know what else to do the dr thinks itd all in my head" ], "date": [ "2021-09-01T02:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn68698-1395317" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Do you feel lightheaded from the trying to get a breath or stomach feels bloated i suffer from Gerd myself" ], "date": [ "2021-09-01T02:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I. feel the same way!! I googled anxiety and feeling short of breath and this popped up.... I feel like your story is almost identical to mine. I'm a mom of 5 (16,11,5,3&2) and so stressed out. ive been off meds for depression and anxiety for over a year but my anxiety has returned and is the worst its ever been! I'm exhaustes 24/7 due to anxiety and recently started getting sob at times. its usually when I'm paying too much attention to my breathing. I freak myself out and Google these symptoms and then that makes it so much worse. ive convinced myself I have Congestive heart failure for some sad reason and I'm so scared! I feel like im losing my mind! I go to my reg doctor tomorrow but I'm not sure what to tell her. \r\nanyway thank you for posting now I dont feel so alone in this" ], "date": [ "2021-08-30T20:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mskittykitty-1394610" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's really encouraging to hear that someone else is going through the exact same thing as me. This shortness of breath is soo scary and no one seems to understand! My therapist says that usually shortness of breath only last for 30mins with anxiety but I know what i feel. With me its off and on, sometimes when im thinking about it and other times when Im not. It last for days! Ive been to the ER 2x for it. The first time I really thought i had covid, they kept me over night ran all types of test, ekg, xray and sent to a Pulmonologist too, Nothing! Second time, ok for sure I have Covid and my lungs have to be failing, thinking i may have to go on a ventilator.. nope! no covid and was given a small does of anti anxiety med and the shortness breath didnt stop until I drove all the way home 1hr, walked in my front door,then it was over. As i am writing this, I have the shortness of breath but again, its been about 1 week now, off and on. I keep googling \"difference between shortness of breath due to covid vs Anxiety\" My therapist wants me to take deep breaths when it happens but it only works for a few seconds after then back to the shortness of breath! Thank you for sharing your story! " ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley27940-1394611" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mskittykitty-1394610" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley27940-1394611" ], "content": [ "Yes! We are right there with you! This shortness of breath is a horrible feeling. I feel really bad when my family gets all agitated thinking something is really wrong with me (because that's what it feels like) then I come home only to tell them its anxiety! Ugh! " ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am thanking God that i found this form, ugh. i was just in ER yesterday because of Acid reflux and feeling like i couldnt take a deep breath, i suffer from GAD it runs my life, they did EKG and that came back fine and said it wasnt my heart, it was just GERD which i know i probably gave myself with the worrying, i have 4 kids and i am deathly afraid of germs and covid , i just recently had my fourth child and i feel so guilty with how many times i have left him to go to ER to get tested cause anxiety absolutely hate it! i never experienced the trouble breathing before but my 02 is fine . I want so badly to beat this , i never use to be this way :( . so im glad to know others are experiencing this. I have been to ER once a month now for the last 7 years for this 2 ambulance rides as well. makes me feel like a failure as a parent. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cpcats-1394826" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have poorly controlled anxiety and have trouble breathing 24/7. Every doctor tells me I'm fine and to take antidepressants, but I haven't found one that doesn't make things worse. It's literal torment every day. Only Klonopin makes it bearable, but can't use that everyday bc its extremely addictive and will cause rebound anxiety. \r\nOddly, laying on my stomach helps sometimes." ], "date": [ "2021-08-28T15:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/didier25159-1395116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is VERY similar to what i have been experiencing for over a year now. At first i thought that it would be just for a few days and then it would \"eventually go away\" but it didn't and i'm still stuck with this. \r\n\r\nIt just makes life ten times harder whenever i'm going through it \r\nSince i barely ever talk to anyone in real life and the people i'm close to always tend to ignore me.\r\nI've been trying to talk to other people about this but not a lot of people can relate to this shortness of breath thing.\r\n\r\nI've been dealing with this on my own for so long now that I've gotten used to it. I know it's bad to get used to the feeling of not being able to breathe properly because obviously in an ideal world i'd like to be able to breathe normally and function like a normal human being again.\r\n\r\nI remember the first time i've ever experienced it, i felt this sharp pain in my stomach. Just randomly out of nowhere and then that was when it all began. I remember i was eating pizza and then after that i felt really bloated which is quite strange and then that was when the bloating started. Maybe it could be a nutrition thing or how you eat. I sometimes get so paranoid about it especially back then when i was first experiencing it.\r\n\r\nSome nights i barely get any sleep. Ever since the pandemic i've felt like my whole life have turned upside down with anxiety and the inability to breathe. \r\n\r\nTalking about it really helps a lot. So i'm extremely thankful that forums such as these exist. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/didier25159-1395116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Things went downhill for me when i had my first ever panic attack which happened last year and that was one of THE most terrifying nights of my life. Ever since that day things have been different for me in terms of how i was always feeling on edge but then i remember getting a caffeine withdrawal and i believe that it triggered my anxiety level even more because i remember at the time i couldn't even sleep for 4 day straight. It was BAD. I've tried my best to try to remain calm but sometimes i don't know how to and a lot of the time i just feel like i'm going out of control and what makes things even worse is how i barely even have anyone to talk to about this because i remember last year i was craving for human interaction in the hope that maybe i would feel a lot better, it did kind of help me but then i went back to feeling really lonely and depressed. I've literally never had that feeling before, the fact that i couldn't breathe was such a new experience for me and when it happened to me i immediately freaked out, i remember i would try to vent to my family but of course they didn't really get me and they would say things such as \"stop overreacting\" or \"stop complaining\" and my dad would always tell me to just \"go outside and get some fresh air\" while i know that it would have been helpful for me, i was also going through a really tough time mentally, it felt like this anxiety was paralyzing me in the bed, i felt stuck and when you tell people those things, they don't really get it, they just look at you like you're crazy which sucks. But i've been trying to really rely on myself on these times of crisis. A part of me really wants to get better because that's what i really need but then another part of me just wants to give up since i have been feeling like this for a long time now, for over a year. Perhaps meds might help me, who knows? \r\n\r\nSorry if this is too long, just really needed to vent right now :')" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn68698-1395317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes i get that feeling i have it now plus my stomach bothers me too" ], "date": [ "2021-09-01T02:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nitroglory-1030405" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven42825-1397925" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nitroglory-1030405" ], "content": [ "i promise you, that i try slow breathing techniques multiple times a day, every simgle day. and yoga, and you friggin name it. and it does not work. i still do the slow breathing constantly to keep from panicking, but it does not go away. it just helps me not freak out and make it worse faster" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Your adrenaline is through the roof . Let the meds work .\r\nThe breathlessness is the self preservation kicking in. That's how we run from danger's . It serves our selves to keep us alive ,only problem is it doesn't know when to shut off. I promise you if you'll just concentrate day to day on slow breathing techniques it does help.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-09-01T11:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina18417-1107172" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi \r\nI to suffer with anxiety ,I,ve been having a few over the past few weeks due to circumstances,but yep the past 2 days I,ve had constant shortness of breath its scaring me as I,m afraid its something awful ,I really want it to go now " ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T17:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kent85744-1132361" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hey G. mommy: I didn&#39;t think anyone else had this problem.&#160; I have asthma and thought that was all it was.&#160; Just got off of meds amoxicillin and prednisone&#160;and the shortness of breath is back again!&#160; Its been 10 years for me ...I understand.&#160; As you said, its sort of off and on depending on what&#160;you are focused on.&#160;If you focus on it, its 10 times worse!!&#160; If you feel weak and tired cause you can&#39;t&#160;sleep too good...it&#39;s worse!!&#160; Being overweight or&#160;having sleep apnea or a out of whack&#160;RBC count can all be factors.&#160; If someone figures this out soon, I&#39;ll let you know.&#160; Kent</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bronzedoll-1133716" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I am actually going through similar and I may have found my answer. I&#39;m 27 years old and have had anxiety and depression for years. For the last few months I have been experiencing this trouble breathing and figured it out today. I was prescribed a med for my anxiety and also to help me sleep. What my aprn didn&#39;t tell me was that it can cause trouble breathing. It is a med that is supposed to relax you and affects the central nervous system in order to do so. So though rare, it can cause some respiratory depression. I started this med a few month ago and never had this breathing issue so severe where I feel like my throat is closing. It doesn&#39;t happen all the time but when it does happen, its scary and usually when Im relaxed like watching TV or laying down. Now I have suffered panic attacks before but this is different. This is more troublesome and I know my body. My aprn won&#39;t like it but I will be seeing her soon and telling her to decrease this med and eventually, Im going to have to be taken off it. The time frame I took the medicine matches up with the time frame of my shortness of breath spells. Im not sure what&#39;s causing everyone else&#39;s shortness of breath, but maybe see if it indeed is the medications and definitely talk talk talk to your medical professionals. I had to look for a while to find one that decently seemed to really care about my health enough to listen to me. I hope we all get relief soon. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-25T03:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephaniemw32-1172913" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi I have had the same problem for the past 5 days now. I went to the ER they did an xray of my arm and a CT with contrast scan on both my arm and lungs along with urine sample,blood work and a EKG and everything was said to come back normal the only thing they found was that I had an old fracture in my left wrist lol But the shortness of breath is still bothering me.They even checked to make sure I didn&#39;t have any blood clots.I did however take some one on here&#39;s advice and submerged my face in freezing cold water, and it has actually helped along with putting calming wave sounds on my phone from YouTube I hope this helps yo Anxiety suck. Goodluck!!</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-18T02:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymoususer-1191944" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "<p>This happens to me too, try not thinking about your breathing so much you&#39;ll be just fine you breathe everyday without it being the #1 thing on your mind you&#39;re making yourself think you need more air than you do which is possiblely raising your heart rate which could lead to multiple symptoms</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-30T11:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymoususer-1191944" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "<p>Also you can relax yourself by laying down on something preferably comfortable and clearing your mind of all thoughts for around 15+ minutes I&#39;m sure everyone has 15 minutes to spare and it helps it makes you feel quite amazing from personal experience</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-30T11:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1372475" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "shooting pains could be from all the air swallowed and trapped in your stomach - sounds too simple but read stuff about relieving trapped air - one is to lay on your back and bring legs up and bend at knee and wrap arms around legs - if your able too - okay so one time I was really fed up with not being able to breathe and I decided to die by not breathing so I held my breath - and I was unable to kill myself by holding my breath - I tried several times and things got dark and blurry as I neared the place where I was going to pass out -- but everytime I started breathing again and then I noticed I was breathing normal. so it was some sort of reboot - the system taking over and doing what it was suppose to do because I was busy thinking about not breathing and forgot to think about breathing. and so the natural order of biology took over. the trapped air deal shooting pains - could be gall bladder but your saying you move around and the pain moves around - air move around and its packed in there so it hits nerve endings - in different places - so you can massage under your ribs push up with circular motions - you could try hot water bottles - could just use a plastic water bottle filled with hot water from sink --- if you notice some belching or anal gas - its a good sign your swallowing air when your in panic mode. take care Valentina" ], "date": [ "2021-04-29T08:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevinandhope-1373449" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "try to relax! how are you doing today?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-01T07:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello, hope you are feeling a little better!</p><p>Ahhh people, i cant anymore. I am having a feeling of not being able to breathe for 5 days now non stop. I am tired, i am sleepy all the time, i yawn 60 times a day trying to catch my breath. And to make it worse, i have no relaxing meds, since i am in a different country until Monday.&#160;</p><p>I get scared it is smtg with my lungs, but i have made a lung check up few months ago, and it was all perfect - xrays, spriometry, heart all okay. I also went to er multiple times. I dont know how to relax myself anymore. I dont know how to help myself breathe better.&#128546;Every time i breathe i feel like its not enough, and when i do breathe in deep enough, i have shooting pains in my ribs and lungs.. which is changing positions.. and which makes me really scared.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T04:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymoususer-1191944" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I had depression but I made it worse than I can physically handle being only 15. Here&#39;s my story, I stole weed from a family member smoked it and got extremely high after around four hits I was obviously scared because I&#39;ve been smoking daily since my later months of being 14 and never tripped like this so obviously I over thought every possible scenario an while being high still I came to the conclusion my weed had to have been laced so u started googling multiple things and symptoms to see if I really did smoke laced weed, I ended up coming onto a website about Castor bean which is an extremely poisonous seed that is laced in multiple drugs and it look dead on like the seed the was in my weed I was unsure if I packed a seed in when I was smoking so I was severely scared (panick attack at its finest) obviously I couldn&#39;t tell anybody because I&#39;m not allowed to smoke and I stole it from a member I live with (karma&#128514;) but anyways I was having all the symptoms that you were supposed to if you smoked or ate the bean which it said if inhaled or digested you would have no more than a week to live after a week you were fine so I smoked at 1am on Sunday and started experiencing the trip or panick attack around 2:30 which is when the seed was supposed to take effect an hour to 3 days after exposure to the bean so as you can tell me being only 15 I was scared for my life and waiting to see if I would live or die for an entire week!! The main reasons I was convinced it was laced is because the weed seed and castor been seed looked identical and after I wasn&#39;t high anymore I was still tripping because of the server panick attack so I went the whole week without sleeping being able to eat tripping all day and feeling like absolute sh*t everyday the got closer to the end of the week I was more and more scared thinking death could take me at any moment for however much longer I had until I was fine so I brought severe stress depression and anxiety to myself (this was no more than a month ago so the symptoms aren&#39;t faded too much) now I barely have any motivation everything I do I overthink death is on my mind like I have a tattoo of the word across my eyeballs and all together everything I do I see death in. Before I seen a beautiful future and life for my self and now I see nothing but depression and anxiety my life&#39;s gone completely down hill from that thanks for reading my story this is the first time I&#39;ve opened up to anyone or anything about it. (Oh and I meant to add while I was having the panick attack for the whole week I had extreme shortness of breath heart racing like Nass cars ALL day stomach, abdominal were in pain and on top of that I had diarrhea (which was a symptom of the poisonous seed) so if you think you have had it bad look back onto my story not knowing if my life was over or not being so young minded</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-30T10:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aisha0401-1198722" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/syed87746-988695" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aisha0401-1198722" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello aisha. Anxiety is one of the worst thing you can have. Do you know anxiety itself means &#39;fear&#39; so why to fear? &#39;Escitaploram&#39; 10 mg. This is what i took for 7 mnths. So you too try it i am sure it ll work. And alhamdulillah i am fine..i suffered for a year. So many bad symptoms.. Just try exercising and can take medz. And exercise. Get religious help, you can. Go close to God. And be fine.. And my advice to all my dear ones who are suffering this.. Escitaploram 10mg. All the best</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-27T01:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Im 18 and had really severe constant breathing difficulties for the past month, it gets so bad whilst I&#39;m eating that i can&#39;t finish a meal anymore and tend to not eat much anymore. my heart has been checked and given the all clear many times, my doctor prescribed 10mg celexa but ive been too scared to try it, can someone whose tried it tell me if it works for panic attacks and breathing difficulties</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-26T21:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yvette_1014-1199173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I’ve been experiencing sob since May put of the blue. It’s really scary I feel like I can’t get a hold of my breathing. I almost feel helpless. I’ve gone to the emergency room several times. I’ve had x-rays bloodwork CT scans all negative.  Negative as far as looking for a specific diagnosis related to shortness of breath. I try listening to calming anxiety type music. I do suffer from asthma but only one induced by flu, so just having the sob is scaring the crap outta me. I’m taking my nebulizer with albuterol it helps, or  I don’t know if it’s in my mind that it’s helping.  I’m taking Xanax as a last resort I do not like taking it daily. I do not want to rely on medication. I want to find the root cause of my diagnosis. I hate when the emergency room physicians say you have anxiety or you’re stressed. It’s the most common thing for them to say to get you out the door. Rather than doing some testing they can potentially Be able to show her a bigger problem that can be treated. That’s what scares me. Praying and hoping, that there isn’t an underlying had an issue going on. Praying that everyone is OK on this discussion board. I am new here so thanks for listening. " ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T19:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kent85744-1132361" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kent85744-1132361" ], "content": [ "Hi Kent\r\n\r\nThanks for your reply. everything you mentioned I can relate to, which in one respect is good, as it confirms any doubts of what it is. My anxiety has been brought on pretty much only with worry about Coronavirus. That's when it started, making it worse initially thinking it could be that. Then the looking up everything because the doctors couldn't see you to give an exact diagnosis as you say made it worse. My breathing issues lasted about a month and has got better over the last few weeks, until today. \r\n\r\nI have my daughter over for the first time in 11 weeks. Trouble is I have been living an over the top regime where if I drop something on the floor I wash it, if I drop clothes on the floor I put them in the laundry. Now with her it is impossible to do that, she is playing with toys on the floor and touching her face. Her Mum tells me it is fine, she's been doing that at her home for the last 11 weeks, and I am being over the top, but firstly I still have that underlying worry that it may not be ok, and secondly I am having to let my over the top precautions slide. This has obviously brought on a build up of excess anxiety over the last 2 days, which has hit me today. I try to tell myself I am being over the top and everything will be fine, but underlying worrying thoughts are still there beneath it all. \r\n\r\nRegards\r\nGareth\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-06-01T20:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Holy smokes..no...you are not the only one going thru it. Its really dibilitating. The more attention you pay to it, the worse the shortness of breath gets. You somehow have to \"redirect\" your thinking after of course you have had a physical with the doctor and all is well there. Excess weight doesn't help either! If I sit in a chair because I have a fat stomach, its much worse. If I take my inhaler too much because I'm thinking its asthma, that can make me more anxious. \r\n\r\nRedirecting your thoughts or in other words, getting your mind and body into an activity you love to do will help a lot. The hard part is that you would rather try and figure out whats happening and that again makes the tsunami even bigger. I'm speaking from 20 years of going thru it. You have to learn strategies! Blessings, Kent" ], "date": [ "2020-05-28T20:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma92862-1038612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I think about my breathing at the moment. I&#39;m not sure if you are still going through it (I hope not) it&#39;s really awful. My chest is affected and its debilitating.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-02T10:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tami05449-1044270" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Gmommy, my name is Tami and I am 50 years of age. I started having panic attacks when I was 31 yrs old. Mine also affected me by feeling like I couldn&#39;t breath. Anytime I get a cold, sinuses etc.... I start getting anxious and I have panic attacks! So no you are not the only one! I also have done this while watching tv, working, driving and about any thing you can mention. I hate it because I ask myself if I&#39;m having a panic attack or is something really wrong? Counseling with a doctor wh specializes in anxiety helps. I wish you the very best!</p><p>Sincerely, Tami</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-21T20:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nikki683-1031594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p> This is an old discussion but I&#39;ve noticed people have commented more recently. I too have extreme shortness of breath. I&#39;ve had anxiety all my life with panic attacks. But this is a new symptom for me it started after I had my son five almost 6 months ago. I&#39;ve had an EKG a 24 hour heart monitor and a chest x-ray and All come back fine. Yeah I still have a hard time believing it. Convinced I have a blood clot from my C-section or something like a heart issue. It just feels so real I can&#39;t catch my breath all the time. The doctor gave me an inhaler so we&#39;ll see how that works but she said it may take a few weeks. I do have a slight wheeze also I am ex smoker. Anyway it is very debilitating I totally underStand! I just feel like sometimes were told the thing Zaidi when we have a history of anxiety and it may not be. I did get blood test done also and it isn&#39;t my thyroid and I&#39;m not anemic. Maybe Gerd? I do have stomach issues. Here I go making excuses for it again but it just feels so real</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amir42087-1048881" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Consciously thinking about your breathing leads to panic and anxiety. Distract your mind by watching Television or something so that breathing goes to auto-pilot. Best option is to sprint 100 metres or so which will convice your mind that everything is ok with your body &amp; breathing so nothing to panic about really!</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T21:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ku95329-1059832" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosemary48300-1024427" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ku95329-1059832" ], "content": [ "<p>What acid reflux tablets do you take. A lot of them from GP&#39;S lower your b12.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-18T08:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Cure: Same thing was happened with me. Doctor Do Endoscopy and found &quot;Acid Reflux&quot;</p><p></p><p>When I daily take pills of acid reflux (PPI Inhiblitor medicine) then short breath does not occure.</p><p></p><p>I was to much frustrated that what happened with me but now I take Acid reflux pills + Anxiety and depression pills.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-17T00:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayana_55307-1059857" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello, I&#39;m a 13 year old girl, and I seen your comment and had to reply! The same thing just started happening to me 3 days ago!!! I&#39;m really scared and I haven&#39;t been to the doctor yet but i might go tomorrow. I&#39;ve been feeling really weird lately, I&#39;ve been getting lightheaded, dizzy, and I&#39;ve been using the bathroom more than I usually should a day! Like every hour or 30 minutes I have to go to the bathroom! I also have been having shortness of breath, and it comes and goes. Right now as I&#39;m typing this, it&#39;s not happening right now! But it just happened a few minutes ago. I can&#39;t breath that good and it almost feels like I&#39;m dying:( I wanted to go to the hospital but then it goes away and I&#39;m like no I&#39;m not going because it goes away. I hope this goes away soon. But like ur doctor said it might be just because I&#39;m thinking about it so much and it feels worse then it is, but I&#39;ve tried to get my mind off of it and I just can&#39;t. I don&#39;t have any problems with anxiety so I don&#39;t think it&#39;s an anxiety disorder or attack. If someone finds out what this is PLEASE TELL ME!! I&#39;m really really really scared and I want to know if anyone knows what this is before I go to the doctor, but I&#39;ll probably go anyway just to make sure, so please if u know tell me!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-17T02:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/seniada85746-1080161" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello, G.mommy I&#39;m going through this now 11 times to emergency room this year . &#160;I have to hear myself breathe. Doctors were treating me for asthma which i developed at 56 yrs. &#160;Also now have Gerd and anxiety and bad allergies which gives &#160;shortness of breath also . Are you still having these problems Gmommy?</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosemary48300-1024427" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, shortness of breath can be caused by b12 defficency and anemia. Get blood tests carried out." ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T21:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashton22634-1085335" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes I totally understand what you are talking about shortn" ], "date": [ "2017-09-18T01:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashton22634-1085335" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes I totally understand what you are talking about shortness of breath even when a panic attack isn&#39;t present ... However panic attacks are brought on by consistently of thoughts surrounding why things seem so obvious and things that are more serious seem to invade our mind with things we have seen on tv the health conditions that seem so apparent while a panic attack is happening but it&#39;s only an adrenaline release into our system signalling a false reaction to fear because while we feel like we are in danger on the edge of a cliff about to fall release of adrenaline is natural but a sudden release of adrenaline for no reason causes a negative affect I&#39;m sorry you go through this I do to every day its not fun I hope yours gets lessened every day small doses of Lorazepam not continuous use every day but when ever anxiety is present </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-18T01:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmed05-1088100" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am new to this forum and  i am kinda glad to that iam not the only one sufgerin this. I have been suffering from anxiety disorder, panic attacks, depression OCD for a year now. I am 90 % over with this as i am not having attacks and deppression anymore but it still shows up some time. I also get shortness of breath but i realized that it is bcoz of stomach problems , gastritis , heat or whatever it is but really effects breath sometimes. Just try to lay on your belly you will find the difference or take some food or drinks you ll be fine. " ], "date": [ "2017-09-26T19:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jitterbugbabe-1088265" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina18417-1107172" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jitterbugbabe-1088265" ], "content": [ "<p>I have it days now I have had awful stress and anxiety attacks over the past few weeks ,but I feel if it was something serious I wouldn&#39;t be still sitting here right?</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T21:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kent85744-1132361" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christina18417-1107172" ], "content": [ "<p>That&#39;s right.&#160; Curb the anxiety and things slowly melt away.&#160; Sometimes I &quot;redirect&quot; my thoughts somewhere else...working on a project etc...</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T21:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I constantly feel short of breath. Like I am struggling to breathe. I have been to the ER And doctor and even got a cat scan to see my lungs. Every doctor told me the same thing that I&#39;m healthy and it was my anxiety making me feel tighteness in my chest and shortness of breath. For this symptom of anxiety I try to do yoga,breathing excersises I find on yoga YouTube channels and cardio workouts. Hope you find some relief! Xoxo</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T21:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loyd00700-1445348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/loyd00700-1445348" ], "content": [ "Hey, I hear you. First of all dont freak out, I have had this for nearly 3 years and it goes on and off. Doctors ruled out everything. It seems a lot of people have had a similar event. You have a major panic attack and something set your brain off to check on your breathing all the time now and you are on a vicious cycle of thinking about breathing when you dont need to and it is done automatically by your body. To be honest the worst thing your girlfriend can do is freak out because it then makes you more concerned and this what this thing lives of. It is sad to see no-one wants to talk to you about it but actually talking to someone about your symptoms really helps. I been on this path for a long time, I have not taken any drugs because the doctor told me not to and for someone as healthy as me I should stay away as it will bring on its own troubles (didnt get into much detail of what that is). What helped me when I had major episodes of this is to mediate , breathing exercises. Also look up Buteyko breathing , that helps. One thing I tell you I read these things for 3 years now , and these SSRI people been taking isnt helping and they keep increasing their doses more and more. I am no expert but try everything natural first and drugs as the last resort.\r\nI hope this helps, keep your head up , there are brighter days ahead." ], "date": [ "2022-11-05T03:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loyd00700-1445348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "content": [ "thank you for the reply ive been doing the buteyko breathing, mindfulness stuff, meditation, anything and everything i can find for hours on end and it never lets up its such a strange combination of cant take a deep breath ever, constantly feeling like im suffocating, and breathing through my nasal passage feels like breathing through a pillow even though yheres no mucus or pressure i have found something strange twice that made a difference for only a few hours i took an ativan so i could go to the dentist and they gave me a shot or carbicaine to numb me, which is a vaso constrictor like afrin and my nose cleared up and i felt mostly like myself for a few hours until it wore off i did something similar last weekend taking an ativan and using afrin spray and i felt pretty decent for about 5/6 hours this whole thing is crazy the side effects from the zoloft are beyond intolerable so now im switching to something else ill keep doing the breathing, im going to start talking to a therapist/do iop/cbt and see what happens with the medication hopefully something helps because as alot of you know this is completely debilitating a psychiatrist told me to try to live my life as best as i can in the meantime which seems impossible " ], "date": [ "2022-11-05T03:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/loyd00700-1445348" ], "content": [ "I hear you. I have tried myself a lot of sprays etc a few years back. Although seems like a temporary relief but then you realise that its not the solution. You also need to realise that one of your nasal passages seems blocked than the other but this is normal what your body does and it switches over every quarter or so of the day. The medicine your dentist gave you is possibly related to make your sensations numb and might do a few other things so that you do not feel pain. I am not sure if you drink but when I have this constant episodes, if i sit down and have a few beers I do not feel it because the alcohol makes you relaxed and surpress your brain activity.\r\nI had a small episode yesterday of feeling breathlessness, after not having it for sometime. It gets you all worried and stressed and you keep trying to take this deep breath. But try and force yourself not to, you will realise that nothing will happen, just your brain keep telling you to take it but you are not actually suffocating. From studying this thing, if you keep taking deep breaths its just going to keep going and asking for it. \r\nAnother thing that helps and I am not sure if you do, try running and high intensity running if you can. After a run you will realise that you dont feel this thing for next few hours and you feel amazing." ], "date": [ "2022-11-06T08:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "There are so many people with these symptoms, its crazy. i had a surgery for a pinched nerve about 2 months ago and immediately after i started having crazy tingling in my hands 2 days later while sitting in the couch my heart rate jumped up to 120 plus and i became short of breath every since i have been unable to take a deep breath, ive been to the er and every doctor imaginable and they all say im fine ive been taking ativan but it only helps to make me drowsy enough to sleep 3/4 hours and i wake up from that everyday to what i assume are massive panic attacks, rolling waves of pons and needles, heart racing, feeling of doom and they go on for hours i started taking zoloft about 2/3 weeks ago and so far not helping its just a constant feeling of tightness in my throat and a sense that i am never able to get enough air it gets even worse with exertion which is insane because ive always been an athlete this nightmare has completely ruined my life, my fiance has been having meltdowns almost every day and i dont have many people to talk to because noone wants to hear about it anymore . ive dropped out of grad school and im losing my job if i dont return soon. this is so agonizing and unbearable it goes on 24/7 without ever having one second of peace. Im literally not capable of doing this any longer. Any addition info or anything would be greatly appreciated " ], "date": [ "2022-11-05T03:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chandan58509-1445107" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey,\r\nThanx for asking for question. you are talking about started back on my meds almost 3 weeks ago....I can just be sitting there on my bed and start getting shortness of breath,even if I'm not having an anxiety attack....ive been to the er so many times because of my panicking....I've had xrays,ekg's........." ], "date": [ "2022-10-31T09:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacobl327-1386809" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all,\r\n\r\nRevisiting this post as my breathing problems have been ramping up again.\r\n\r\nI posted last year, describing the exact same problem many other people have experienced: a constant feeling of breathlessness, accompanied by consistent yawning and sighing, which rarely relieves the breathlessness. For many people, this started at the beginning of covid.\r\n\r\nI wanted to post some things that worked for me in the past year to help with this condition, in the off chance it may help someone else.\r\n\r\nAfter many therapy sessions, the source of my breathlessness (dyspnea) was identified as stress and anxiety. The main things that contributed toward my stress and anxiety were: my university work, and poor relationships at home with my family. I've been living in circumstances where my boundaries are not respected which stresses me out, and I've been conditioned to internalize a lot of this stress. I came to this realization after travelling for university research, where my breathing problems disappeared entirely, and returned as soon as I arrived home. \r\n\r\nSome key strategies that helped me relieve my stress, and in turn my breathing: \r\n- Venting to my therapist/friends\r\n- Regular walks outdoors in a relaxing environment \r\n- Regular exercise at the gym\r\n- Setting boundaries with my family members / friends / relationships, calling out disrespect, learning to be assertive (this is the hardest strategy, which has been an ongoing and turbulent journey with a lot of pushback from my family members who are entrenched in old behaviours and mannerisms that are disrespectful to me. This includes name-calling, gaslighting, invalidating my feelings, being overly critical for small mistakes, refusing to acknowledge toxic behaviour, taking their stress and anger out on me, comparing me with traumatic people in my life)\r\n\r\nOne key thing I look forward to is moving out of home, into an environment free from these stressful influences from family members who refuse to change their ways and respect me. I've graduated university and secured a full time job, so it's only a matter of time. \r\n\r\nI suppose, if I have one key takeaway from this post, is to consider the possibility of stress/anxiety causing your breathlessness. Do your symptoms alleviate in an environment away from certain people/places/events? Are you being treated with respect, or achieving a healthy work/life balance? Therapy can be incredibly helpful. I hope this post can help shed light on breathing problems and alleviate symptoms for some people may be experiencing. Please share your experience if it is similar to mine. I'm still experiencing constant ups and downs with my stress and breathlessness, but these strategies help me reground myself and improve my breathing." ], "date": [ "2022-12-20T12:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily6251-1451431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im 16 years old and ive been struggling with anxiety since i was little, ive had something like this happen to me a while back with my head i would have really bad headaches everyday and i was convinced i had some sort of medical condition, but i had many CAT scans and i was fine the doctors said it was my anxiety and it was just in my head. but now for a couple of weeks ive been having such a hard time to breath to the point where my back is hurting and starting today my chest has been hurting, i dont know if its anxiety, and i have looked it up and google isnt helping which is giving me so much anxiety saying i have a heart condition, or cancer or a life threatning disease, im not sure if i should see a doctor or not because it could he anxiety and seeing people on here that are saying its anxiety makes me think it is anxiety, but im still having chest and back pain and i am having shortness of breath and idk how to fix it." ], "date": [ "2023-01-03T05:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sim83634-1467294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "if you have been to GP's and emergency department and have been ruled out that ur breathing is within normal ranges, than this issue were you feel short of breath 24/7 all the time than its 100% anxiety related and rest assure you will get better over time , you wont improve overnight but it takes weeks to control ur level of stress. my issue happened in 2021 and it was totally stress related it was my second time that this feeling of suffocation happened 24/7 everyday non stop. second time around i know better how to handled the situation but still a scary situation.\r\nthings i did to improve and make the suffofication feeling go away is to:\r\n1.switch off the news and stop reading news article\r\n2.take anti anixiety meds eg lexopro as per doctor\r\n3.breathing exercises everyday and a few times a day eg google them i like progressive muscle relaxation that helps heaps and other different breathing exercises\r\n4. get enough sleep\r\n5. eat healthy\r\n6. switch off mobile and have alone time and watch full length movies with no disruptions improves mindfulness \r\n7. talk to someone but needs to be positive no negativity \r\n8. spend time with pets\r\n9. open windows when sleeping \r\n10. spend time in sun and get fresh air\r\n\r\nthe above has helped me get thru this i was on lexopro for a year now and everything have improved i no longer feel shortness of breath or have that suffocation feeling and have even weened off lexapro for a month or two now \r\n\r\nit takes a few weeks for lexapro to work its magic and you need to be patient and live life with a lot of positivity during the year you may have feelings of suffocation but it will go away in a day or two\r\n\r\ngood luck people i tried commiting suicide because of this when i first had the issue over tens year ago with better management second time round you will get thru it and get better and move on with life,\r\ni dont like leaving comments but i hope this helps people get thru the worst time of their lives\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-27T10:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey all, is any of you having this specific symptoms with the breathing: \r\n\r\n-triggers after food cones with mainly bloated feeling\r\n- triggers when lift something happy\r\n- or randomly there any time\r\n\r\nthanks!" ], "date": [ "2023-06-27T19:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kamran83020-1370428" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I just came here to share my story and give you hope. I visited this forum 2 years ago with severe shortness of breath all the time. 5 years ago i got panic attacks, panic attacks stopped after 2 years but shortness of breath was there all the time. I visited every doctor, every forum and could not find answer. I suffered alot, it was like hell. How can you have shortness of breath 24/7 for 3 years? Yeah i heard anxiety can cause it, but i never believed it. I never believed that anxiety can cause such horrible physical and real symptom. But guys, i finally found relief, and now i dont have shortness of breath anymore. Now i believe that anxiety can cause every physical symtpoms and it can cause real and geninune shortness of breath. \r\n\r\nI found relief after leaving my country, my comfort zone, i lived with my cousin in another country. Everything was new, new people, new city, new life. This new life made my mind busy all the time so i slowly forgot about my shortness of breath. I was getting less and less symptoms. And after one very busy day i realised that i didnt have any symptoms at all that day. So i slowly started to believe that my problem is mental not physical. Believing is the key. Well within 3 months i completely got rid off this annoying symptoms forever. I shared it to give you hope, if someone comes to this forum accidentally like i did 2 years ago, let them read my story and be happy. \r\nYES ANXIETY CAN CAUSE SHORTNESS OF BREATH 24/7. \r\nGood luck guys" ], "date": [ "2023-10-25T19:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah19962-461911" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yep all the time! I go through bad spells where I feel like I'm short of breath for days at a time. It's horrible! I do think it's because I become conscious of my breathing and then after a week Or so I find something else to focus on. But it does always come back." ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T17:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xxaimxx-895694" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/xxaimxx-895694" ], "content": [ "Hello,thanks for ur response back,I am on anti depressants (celexa)...I was on it for 4 years,then came off of them in may,but had to get back on them about 3 weeks ago because my anxiety/depression came back worse...I got off of them cause I felt so much better and thought I could do it on my own,but apparently not!!that med.helped me get my life back in those 4 years!!I started getting like this when my 4 year old now,was 1 mnth.at the time and I found out he had a heart disease,so he had open heart surgery,but the doctors at Texas children's hospital repaired the problem and he's as healthy as can be !!but ever since then I've had anxiety,always rushing me and my kids to the er thinking sumthing is wrong...anxiety has taken over my life,and I plan to get it back....I'm not gonna lie,the first few weeks on the med.is not fun because of the side affects....but if ur a strong person,u will get through it & also have a support system there for u while going through this!!!!I never wanted to take med.for this but everybody convinced me that I need it....& it helped!!sumtimes u just a lil help....good luck on the decision u make to overcome this anxiety!!keep me informed...u are not alone!!!\r\n CHRISTINA G." ], "date": [ "2020-11-28T23:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi!! Yes your doctor is right if you consentrate on a certain symptom it will feel worse than it is! I keep feeling the same it's hard to just get on with it I just sit and cry because I am sick of feeling like this I just want to feel better! My doc asked me if I thought of anti depressants but I'm unsure are you on anti depressants? I think I may need to resort to them I'm not getting anywhere xx" ], "date": [ "2020-11-28T23:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "...And maybe you have reflux which would textbook that when you go from lying down to uoright it would tighten and get shortness of breathe. Be carefuk about anxiety disorders because everyone around you write off even the obvious.  Oanic disorders are very debillating and being profiled is cruel. Sometimes there honestly is a ohysical reason." ], "date": [ "2021-05-25T22:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marilyn98768-281768" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marilyn98768-281768" ], "content": [ "Everyone forgets to also see an opthamologist. Dizzy can be from ears, sinus, bp, eyes and hormones." ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T18:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Mine is dizziness I wake in the morning and the first thing I think is am I giddy ,I know that is the wrong thing to do but how can you help it when it just comes into your mind . I am dizzy most of the day getting worse if I have to stand or go out .not on any medication as my Dr wants to do more tests have had blood test that came back ok and am now waiting for a 24 heart monitor to be fitted. I am sure it is anxiety but cannot control it at all " ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T17:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren98581-742411" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren98581-742411" ], "content": [ "Thanks for responding!!it's hard to concentrate on anything else when u have anxiety....I do the cold water,& I've been told that going jogging will help with the breathing too....I'm going for a jog in a while!!& I'm constantly doing the breathing teqniques all day everyday!!I just want to feel better for my kids & my husband!!!" ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren98581-742411" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "content": [ "Good keep them up! Running is great for anxiety. Any kind of workout is. What has helped me more then anything in a short amount of time is yoga. Just 30 minutes of yoga a couple times a week is glorious. " ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T18:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tasha45746-1149505" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren98581-742411" ], "content": [ "Hi there do u still experience this? " ], "date": [ "2018-02-11T02:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darrel29071-1156547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tasha45746-1149505" ], "content": [ "I’m currently going through this and can’t control it. I have suffered from panic attacks for around 15 years and I’m on meds to try to help. Doctor has just increased my dose but the panic is still getting worse. Even when Im not having a panic attack my breathing is bad even when I fill my lungs with air it doesn’t feel like I’ve taken a breath. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-03T12:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darrel29071-1156547" ], "content": [ "How is your breathing now, any better? I have shortness of breath because of my anxiety and I just started Prozac." ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T03:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose42359-1170973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "Hi. I’m new to this board and ofcoursebecause  i’m having shortness of breath which can only be explained by anxiety because my health checked out OK. I was given Xanax yesterday and it helps little bit but not for long and wondering what helps other people . It’s driving me insane and making me miserable. Had it only 2 before if my life and never lasted this long (a week) . I’m trying to find a good psychiatrist but really hate ssri’s . Bad enough I’m on Lexapro to sleep ( yep- all stemming from anxiety) although I don’t Jane panick attack’s per se or feel anxious but sure as hell have sob! " ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T03:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rose42359-1170973" ], "content": [ "<p>For me, my doctor told me that the shortness of breath will go away once my ssri kicks in. I&#39;m not living my life like this, I can&#39;t handle feeling breathlessness all the time so I&#39;m okay with taking something. I&#39;m actually on day 4 of Prozac. I do get anxious though and I can even get breathlessness without feeling anxious, the doctor&#39;s have all confirmed it&#39;s from anxiety.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T16:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darrel29071-1156547" ], "content": [ "How is your breathing since having your dose increased?" ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T17:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tasha45746-1149505" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darrel29071-1156547" ], "content": [ "I’m sorry yes I have experienced this many times for the last 10 years it sucks idk what to do \r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T17:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gina48957-1227837" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rose42359-1170973" ], "content": [ "Hi, im new to this. I was just checking symptoms and came across this. I had a heart attack 2yrs ago and had stents.\r\nAbout 6 months ago i started getting pain in my chest that was a but tight and heavy. This pain was at the top of my left breast on the curve going under the breast. I than also started getting out of breath.\r\nTrips to A&E were taken. ECGs were normal and bloods.\r\nI had an angiogram yesterday which has shown nothing untoward. My last stent was fine and dont need a new one.\r\nThing is, ive been in pain again today and shortness of breath. Cardiologist has it may be something i have to live with.....live with what......? Am i dying?, Is this normal? What do i do now?\r\nI have these symptoms every day, at least 2- 5 a day when im watching tv, in bed, walking. Im ok when im asleep. \r\nCan anyone give me any clues please 😑😑" ], "date": [ "2019-01-22T19:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxioustwenties-1379944" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darrel29071-1156547" ], "content": [ "I've had really bad anxiety for 4 years now, often feeling like I can't breathe and convinced that I will be dead within the next 10 mins. I don't know if it's anything like this for you, but I really need to ask someone; how do you convince yourself that it is worth carrying on? I hope you've never reached this point, but if anyone else feels such intense fear all the time (and like this is slowly but surely driving them insane) and devaluation in their right to life and health, please let me know." ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T20:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chim72943-1386290" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "content": [ "Im 23 and im wondering will i always be like this... Some days are hardest and some hours of some days are better, some seconds its like am not me at all and am happy then those seconds are gone so quick and am swimming in my own mind again. It feels so real and so physical for something the doctors said its only in ur head ur very healthy physically. Im on antidepressant (depramil) its been 3 weeks since my first ever but very severe panic attack and i honestly feel like the pills are not doing me any difference except that I sleepa bit more than before the attack now its the reminder that i shud keep breathing that makes me cope... I wonder for how long " ], "date": [ "2021-07-06T21:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes having anxiety will make you have short/shallow quick breaths! It is completely normal and I suffer from this is well. I will share a little trick with you...going through many methods of coping has brought to this. Submerge your face is freezing cold water and it will help stop the panic attack! The area this triggers in your brain overrides the area of the brain that give you anxiety/panic. Make sure to take deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Think of something that brings you peace. Whether that be a person, place, or object. I hope some of these work for you! If you have any questions feel free to message me. " ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/misssy2-896716" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/misssy2-896716" ], "content": [ "I already told my psychiatrist about my symptoms and she told me that it's not the med.its just me thinking about it too much,which I do....I took this med for 4 years and it helped me tremendously!!!so,I'm thinking it is just anxiety if the doctors say im completely healthy!!!!" ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T18:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "content": [ "Did your breathing get any better?" ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T17:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "It could be the new medication AND it could be an anxiety attack....Anxiety attacks do not always have the same symptoms.\r\n\r\nSometimes I just start sweating....without panic.  Sometimes with panic...sometimes with fast heart beat...sometimes not.\r\n\r\nI would definetly brush this by the person who prescribed you the new med." ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T18:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/misssy2-896716" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/misssy2-896716" ], "content": [ "Yes,I have atarax when needed!!" ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T18:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi..do you have anxiety medication?\r\nThat helps me alot too." ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T18:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debi62095-461959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i think anxiety is the problem with your breathlessness and racing hearts.  I havethe same abd havent had an episode for weeks and weeks, i think maybe when a worry sets in or your able to relax after beingn busy perhaps wen you have time to think you subconsiciously get symptoms.  try relax and exercise and tryig to always keep positive and do nice things.  best luck\r\n " ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T18:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa60986-797789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Omg me too I concentrate on my breathing n it makes it worse but I notice wen I try n occupy my mind I forget about the way I'm breathing even if it is for a minute or 2 just remember it won't harm you if your healthy you've bin told your healthy so just keep saying it too your self wen you feel like your not x it will pass " ], "date": [ "2015-09-21T19:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sydnie75209-995208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/syed87746-988695" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sydnie75209-995208" ], "content": [ "Yes its anxiety. When i hold a mike to speak in school, i panic cause i just have to speak infront of my classmates. And i hope you get well. I pray for you. I understand you.." ], "date": [ "2016-12-17T19:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m not sure if you&#39;ll see this. But I have a condition called pectus excavatum, otherwise sunken chest. It gave me little to no problems through my years. I&#39;ll experience very mild pains that were easy to deal with and treatable with iboprofen. Until one day I was in a shooting incident that scared me to death because I almost lost my life I started experiencing breathing problems. I blame my condition until today. I realize I might be stressed. School believe doesn&#39;t help and I think about breathing which makes it worst. Being a healthy child ever since the shooting I&#39;ve been in the hospital for four months back and forth for anxiety attacks that I thought were related to my chest condition. I had an incident with a guy that was causing me to panic because he was trying to come in my room but I locked it. He left thank god but I took the time to look on the Internet to see if anxiety cause breathing problems. I realized I have symptoms for it and then I read your story and almost cried. I believe I found my answer and I can fix my life and bring it back on track.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-20T15:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/syed87746-988695" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello G. I am 16. I have the same problem. Take long breath, inhale slowly from your mouth and let the breath go in your stomach. Then exhale again very slowly from your mouth. It will work.</p><p>Best regards. &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-17T19:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicky09761-447959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Same problem, It is absolutely horrible dealing with it, can make you feel very alone. Have you got your wisdom teeth checked out lately? As I did, and dentist and doctor have said this is what is setting my anxiety off the scale, I have double impacted wisdom teeth, waiting on double root canal surgery :\\. I didn&#39;t know they could affect your lungs, anxiety, bones, brain literally everything. Healthy diet helps also, over or under active thyroid problems can also mimic anxiety, deep yoga breathing and letting the anxiety take over me while saying to myself &quot;it is not going to hurt me, anxiety is a lyer&quot; helps hope this helps <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-18T17:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marimbamstr-1018820" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1021941" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marimbamstr-1018820" ], "content": [ "<p>Yea I also get shortness ofbreath it&#39;s scary I pray we all get better from This anxiety</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-13T16:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi my name is Kevin. You arent alone! I was just online searching for people who suffer from the same issues i have. I am im good health, non smoker, and it great shape but i get shortness of breath from anxiety all the time. I often worry that i may have worse health problems that im not aware of. I live im southern IL. I am a professional musician and a tile guy. I have a very active life and it often interferes. I have always been an intense person. Maybe my lifes intensity is catching up with me. If you ever need someone to talk to im here. Just text me 618 529 2184" ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rainbow-jenn95-1031935" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosemary48300-1024427" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rainbow-jenn95-1031935" ], "content": [ "Just to let you all know some anti psychotic and antidepressants can cause low vitamin b12 which causes shortness OF breath and weakness. If you feel weak and out of breath get your B12 checked ASAP XX" ], "date": [ "2017-03-18T10:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Wow...it&#39;s amazing what google can do Lol. I was actually trying to figure out the same thing when I found this page. I&#39;m really sorry to hear that you struggle with that. I struggle with Schizophrenia myself, and I know how hard having extreme anxiety and depression can be. Actually, you&#39;re not the only one going through this. I deal with shortness of breath on a day to day basis, even when I&#39;m not having an anxiety induced or Schizophrenic induced attack. It usually happens for no apparent reason. Sometimes I&#39;ll just get up and start to feel extremely short of breath to the point where I want oxyegen. I have ashtma, so I know and am used to ashtma attacks, as well as knowing exactly what the symptoms are and they&#39;re like; as I&#39;ve had it ever since I was 7 (I&#39;m 21 now). This is NOTHING like an ashtma attack. I think the fact that my inhaler as well as ashtma medication doesn&#39;t work for this proves that point very well. As well as the normal and healthy thing; I went to the doctors to get tested for the exact same thing and have had an ambulence come over before. They &#39;couldn&#39;t find anything wrong&#39; with me either. Unfortunately, being a Schizophrenic means people don&#39;t take you seriously, and they think you&#39;re just having &#39;delusions&#39;. Welp. That&#39;s basically what happened. Every time I tried explaining it, they just say it was &#39;in my head&#39; or &#39;I was focusing on it too much&#39;, which I know isn&#39;t true due to the fact that I do disconect from reality a lot, and I even try distracting myself from what I go through every day inside my head by doing things to get my mind off of everything. So, I don&#39;t /think/ that&#39;s the point here. As well as meds, I was told it may have been that, but none of my mood stabelizers nor anti psychotics have that affect nor have /ever/ caused me shortness of breath this severely. So unfortunately, I have no idea why this is happening to you or so many other people, it seems, but I hope and pray that we&#39;ll find an answer one day, whether its reflux or something completely undiscovered. I have a question though. Does it happen at random, or only when you&#39;re doing a certain event of whatever the sort? Maybe if we figured out what we all had in common regarding this shortness of breath, it might help us to solve the problem. I hope you&#39;re doing better though, and have figured out ways of coping and working through this. <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-12T18:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karen64118-1385163" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/karen64118-1385163" ], "content": [ "hi karen i was wondering how you were doing? and if any medications have helped you?" ], "date": [ "2021-07-17T21:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have dealt with anxiety my whole life. Mostly social anxiety that I always could manage. a few years ago I started to notice my anxiety was getting worse and was not manageable without medication. I started out on a low dose of Lexapro which helped but overtime I started noticing it was not helping anymore, like it needed to be bumped up. My doctor up'd my dosage and I started having really bad side effects. I decided to try and manage it without medications again and did great for a while but it came back. I tried different things besides medication to see if they would help but they didn't. My doctor wanted me to try the low dose again but I had another reaction, which is weird because I could handle it before. We tried different medications but every time I would have a bad reaction. I was extremely stressed at work and started falling ill. I've been to the hospital 3 times in the last month and a half because I feel like im dying. I have been physically sick since may 12 of this year because of my anxiety. I was in denial at first because I thought there is no way anxiety could make me this sick and I thought my doctors didn't care, i really thought something was wrong with me. At first I was having stomach problems so now I have to go see a gastro specialist but now it is turning into breathing problems on top of stomach issues. i have had so many tests done and they all come back normal. my breathing problems started a few weeks ago, when I would wake up in the morning, I felt like I can't breathe. it would go away after a few minutes but now it lasts almost all day even if I am not anxious which really worried me. I went to the hospital for the 3rd time because I couldn't breathe and was freaking myself out. I wasn't sleeping, I was so afraid I would stop breathing in my sleep, but the doctor at the er did a chest xray, ecg and a scan of my lungs which all came back normal. I was a vaper for many years so I seriously thought it had something to do with that. I second guessed my doctors a lot and thought they were just telling me this to make me not panic, but I now know that's not the case. I also recently started counseling but did not like the person I was seeing so now Im on a wait list until august. Recently I had a genetic test done to see what medications I can take without having a reaction, there was only two on the list and I will start taking my new prescription tomorrow. I know I will have side effects so I am really anxious about it but they want me to give it a few weeks to level out. I am nervous for these next fews week because I am tired of not feeling good. I just want my life back. my anxiety has kept me from doing so many things, I had to leave my job because of it and can't work right now which is making me more stressed but Im still physically sick so I can't. I never thought anxiety could affect someone this bad. it's so hard and I just want to feel better. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T08:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/graeme18272-1385475" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah02924-1468051" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/graeme18272-1385475" ], "content": [ "hi know this was a while ago but did your breathing ever resolve and if so how long did it take? " ], "date": [ "2023-07-08T14:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there\r\n\r\nSorry to hear of your struggles. I am in a similar situation although my breathing issues are new in the last week. A week ago I suffered my first panic attack and was hyperventilating. Since then I am so conscious of my breathing its affecting nearly every day whether anxious or not. I have spoken to my doctor twice this week but told its all anxiety related. Its so scary and I just hope it eases as its so exhausting.\r\n\r\nAny advice or happy to chat" ], "date": [ "2021-07-01T19:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina05933-1386132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was diagnosed with anxiety when i was about 15/16 years old. i'm now 43 and a couple of weeks ago i noticed my heart felt like it was racing, but i wasn't doing anything strenuous. i ended up going to the ER, all tests came back normal. went to see my cardiologist who put me on 25mg of metoprolol once a day to lower the heart rate. i have still been feeling super off since i first noticed my racing heart. i went back to the ER today and once again, all my tests came back normal. i have no appetite, i will break down and cry at times because i don't want to feel like this anymore and i feel tightness and shortness of breath almost constantly. i can only assume it's my anxiety and possibly depression. i have clonazepam for my anxiety but now i'm afraid to take it since i now take the metoprolol and i'm worried my blood pressure will be even lower than it normally is. i'm always having worrisome thoughts and questions of what if? i think tomorrow i will call a psychologist and go see her. hopefully she can help bring my life back to normal" ], "date": [ "2021-08-14T11:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nkal680-1386329" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Absolutely can relate. I am 29 years old and have suffered from chronic anxiety and panic disorder for 10 years. The shortness of breath or air hunger, i feel constantly for weeks. It sometimes goes away when im busy and at work, however when i start to think about my breathing it can happen. I have had blood work, chest x ray and many other tests, all clear and only to be told its in my mind. 3 days ago i felt like i couldn't breathe, i kept trying to get a 'good breath', my hands went tingling and i started having a major attack, i thought i was going to die. I got in my car and drove myself to the nearest hospital. Evidently, i was fine and was given valium to calm down. This keeps happening to me, i have visited the ER so many times over the last 10 years with the above situation. \r\nI have started lexapro two weeks ago which actually made my panic attacks worse in the first week - my doctor said it was me overthinking taking a tablet. I am in my second week and have not gone to the ER, however as i write this, i struggle to get a good breath at times. I have been given Kalma ( xanax) for panic attacks and have a few valium left as well. I too believe something is wrong with me and it can't just be anxiety. However, i am praying the lexapro works this is my 10th day on 10mg and no major relief. If anyone has tried lexapro for this issue please let me know if this helped or not. \r\nI wish we didn't have to go through this and that there was a miracle cure, i just want to be normal. Sending love and good health to all." ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T03:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise47572-1386613" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm 34 Yr old female and I've suffered aniexty and depression since my early teens. stems from childhood trauma I also suffer complex ptsd social aniexty and health aniexty. I've been on prozac (fluoxitine) on and off most of my life. I've recently 4 days ago had to go back on them. I'm suffering terrible panic attacks completely out of no where I get this over whelming feeling I cannot breathe its like a hot mist of fear consumes my body and I find I cannot take a full breath or get enough air. then I feel like my throat is closing or getting tighter I cough alot whilst this happens also. same as most other people on here I've had blood test ecgs x rays stress test 48 hour halter moniter a heart scan. mri on my head and neck. so much and all comes back fine. its crazy and it's taken over my once very popular life I stay in im not sociable anymore I've lost my confidence. its effected my personality and I'm not as bubbly as I used to be. also it's causing problems with my partner. I find she is over it and my aniexty and doesn't really support me much anymore as every day is a different thing I worry about I can understand how tedious that can be over the years. but im really hoping to get s grip on it now im hoping these tablets will help me control the panic attacks again as I'm really struggling. I also have a weird symtom of aniexty. where by I cannot swallow not all the time but occasionally I'll choke on food as I try to swallow it I just loose the ability to swallow and the more I panic and think about it ther more the action of swelling dosnt happen its crazy that aniexty can cause all these physical effects. Reading all the comments really does help though. it helps to know your not alone and that other people suffer this too because it is scary and it is debilitating but most of all its lonely. People get fed up of it after a while mind u I get fed up of my self but its not a choice it just happens ⁸" ], "date": [ "2021-07-10T12:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im dealing with the same thing. im 25 years old and i feel like im going to stop breathing at any moment. i have been To the emergency room multiple times. I have had multiple chest x rays, blood work and an ekg and everything was normal. The first visit they diagnosed me with dyspnea, the second time they told me I was having a panic attack and the third time they told me my airways were inflamed and that I was having an asthma attack. I have been dealing bwith this for now 3 months. The shortness of breath is constant from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I have been prescribed Ativan and told I needed to relax. I have tried EVERYTHING. I have gone to Disney and universal, went to the beach, Went to a small concert anything that would make me happy and I can’t shake the feeling at all. Sometimes I wake up from my heart beating so fast cause I feel like I’m not breathing correctly in my sleep. I cried reading all of these replies because I don’t feel alone anymore and I’m hoping this opens a new chapter for healing for all of us. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-26T22:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "i feel the exact same way! nothing helps to shake this off! and I've also had it for 3 months as well. Are you going through stress? I don't have any stress. I do everything possible, from meditation, yoga, to watching movies, hanging out with friends - nothing shakes it off! I'm so frustrated! How are you feeling nowdays?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T01:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "so its gotten a little better. my breathing still feels labored non stop from the moment i wake up until im going to bed i just cant shake it for anything but its not bad like it was a few weeks ago when i was literally gasping for air multiple times through out the day and had to sleep sitting up. since then what ive done is spend ALOT of time outdoors, eating alot cleaner and praying! meditation didnt work for me because my thoughts are too intrusive :( i dont deal with stress really but i have depression and anxiety and the side affects end up stressing me out! so its literally a never ending cycle. i have the constant feeling of a lump in my throat it sucks. i hate taking medication but im going to start prozac in a week because ativan isnt cutting it. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T01:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "So glad to hear it's getting a little better! I know exactly what you mean about not having stress, but being stressed and frustrated with the symptoms, which causes more symptoms! Hopefully the Prozac works. I have not been on any meds, and really scared to, but am starting to think about it. Keep us posted if the Prozac helps! Hoping for the best for you!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T17:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "thank you so much for your kind response ! i will keep you updated with how it goes once i start it. i have always been against prescription medicine but i have reached such a desperate place to reclaim my life and be happy again im willing to try anything. if you do ever consider taking anything i think ativan is a good start. it didnt cure it but it made life easier to manage and thats how i finally made it outdoors which helped the most! i know how hard this is im praying for you and everyone going through it! " ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T20:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley27940-1394611" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "girl i wish we could hang out haha! I would love to pray with you too! the breathlessness just started for me my anxiety is at its all time high , just had a baby 3 months ago and i feel so terrible as a parent . Also makes me feel guilty as a believer :( like what am i doing wrong God? but i know he would never give us more then we can handle so we keep working at it. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-26T22:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah02924-1468051" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "did this ever resolve for you? " ], "date": [ "2023-07-08T14:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "im dealing with the same thing. im 25 years old and i feel like im going to stop breathing at any moment. i have been To the emergency room multiple times. I have had multiple chest x rays, blood work and an ekg and everything was normal. The first visit they diagnosed me with dyspnea, the second time they told me I was having a panic attack and the third time they told me my airways were inflamed and that I was having an asthma attack. I have been dealing bwith this for now 3 months. The shortness of breath is constant from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I have been prescribed Ativan and told I needed to relax. I have tried EVERYTHING. I have gone to Disney and universal, went to the beach, Went to a small concert anything that would make me happy and I can’t shake the feeling at all. Sometimes I wake up from my heart beating so fast cause I feel like I’m not breathing correctly in my sleep. I cried reading all of these replies because I don’t feel alone anymore and I’m hoping this opens a new chapter for healing for all of us. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T01:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nitroglory-1030405" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Your adrenaline is through the roof . Let the meds work .\r\nThe breathlessness is the self preservation kicking in. That's how we run from danger's . It serves our selves to keep us alive ,only problem is it doesn't know when to shut off. I promise you if you'll just concentrate day to day on slow breathing techniques it does help.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-09-01T11:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aaron312-1395734" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "In May 2021 I began having a constrictive feeling when breathing. My body feels like it needs a deep breath but it is hard to come by. This issue would come and go with no pattern, however, if I was engaged in an activity (i.e., work meeting or long walk) it usually abated. I visited the doctor in mid-May and after x-rays/EKG doctor said it was stress and anxiety. Was prescribed inhaler which had done nothing (except make me feel light-headed). The last few months it was minor, but since August 2021 it has come on almost daily. I thought of returning to the doctor but being told to \"exercise more\" and \"take it easy\" isn't really going to help (I exercise plenty and have a pretty happy life). I appreciate this thread as if I do return to the doctor I feel like I can better describe my symptoms and hopefully find an answer." ], "date": [ "2021-09-04T00:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven42825-1397925" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "yesi experience the labored breathing. it feels difficult to inhale and exhale now days. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Just wondering, does anyone have laboured breathing too? Like it takes a LOT of effort to really force and take an inhale? A lot of people talked about shortness of breath, which I have too, but I also have very high effort required for inhaling. Like my airways are all narrowed, and I have to use lot of energy to breathe past it, to get a deep breath. Sometimes the effort and deep breath works, other times it doesn't (which is scary!). Like some of you, I feel like I don't have much stress in my life, and before this happened, I was a happy, care free person. Now I can barely leave the house. It's been like this for 4 months, and nothing is helping. Just looking to talk to someone for support. Really hope everyone here starts feeling much better soon!" ], "date": [ "2021-09-06T21:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eemork09-1396798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "content": [ "I was wondering that also! I thought I read somewhere that some people have been experiencing high amounts of anxiety post covid. I had covid in November and I've had more panic attacks since then than I have in the last 10 years " ], "date": [ "2022-03-06T22:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/costa1-1399806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "content": [ "Hi there\r\nI had covid in July and I can't take deep breaths.Were you in hospital with covid?I'm not sure if this is anxiety or long covid?" ], "date": [ "2021-09-30T15:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/costa1-1399806" ], "content": [ "wasnt in the hospital and had very mild Covid symptoms " ], "date": [ "2021-10-02T03:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/artemis12-1419286" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eemork09-1396798" ], "content": [ "I had Covid mid to late January and since then my anxiety and stress levels have been worse than ever x" ], "date": [ "2022-03-06T23:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i have been dealing with this exact issue and it sucks! Out of curiosity if you are dealing with this have you had COVID? My doctor seems to think that my anxiety has came back because I had covid last october and it has did some damage to my brain chemistry. " ], "date": [ "2022-03-06T22:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha44940-1396406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi! Yes, I am 30 and I am experiencing shortness of breath, just trying so hard to take a deep breath and yawn when I am with people. Definitely no meds for me. No anxiety attacks, though I have been through a bit of trauma in the last 5 years from deaths to natural disasters. Not sure what it is, I am a massage therapist and I do do regular massages to keep chest and back loose. \r\n\r\nI am traveling South America with my husband on motorcycle, so maybe there is stress there. I am sure there is..." ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T18:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eemork09-1396798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey! I was literally searching through posts to find one like yours. I'm almost 31. I've had diagnosed panic disorder for many years now but these last few months have been so awful and debilitating. I have health anxiety. and I am constantly afraid of having a heart attack. despite many ekgs, xrays, labs.. \r\n\r\nmy symptoms when i was younger used to be fast heart rate, numbness, hyperventilating...but now it's jaw pain, arm pain, heartburn, uncontrollable feel... and then the worst ones chest tightness and shortness of breath. the shortness of breath is what prompted me to even reach out for a group to talk to as I'm experiencing it right now. so you are not alone. I'm sorry you are going through this. I don't wish it on anyone. I'm currently on 4 medications to try and find some peace and that alone makes me anxious thinking about being on so much medication! it sure does feel like there is no end to this horrible condition.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven42825-1397925" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have been wxperiencing this for almost 2 years now. so many people have thought i was crazy. i dread going to doctors at this point because ive seen so many and im tired of everything always coming back normal. and worse, paperwork from every doctor and medicine, etc always says to go to the er if i experience what im feeling and it worsens or whatever, but the erhas not helped me once, and im pretty sure ive been well over a dozen times. its only gotten worse for me. i can barely function day to day. i cant rest or relax. breathing excersizes make it worse. sitting and laying down dont help. ive literally sspent days days on end ina row, refus regularly feeling likei can’t catch my breath. i can’t keep this up. i just want to feel normal again. i had an endoscopy done yesterday. I’m following this thread and im terribly sorry for you and anyone wise experiencing this. is like being Waterboarded 24/7" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/srputt64-1398560" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eemork09-1396798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/srputt64-1398560" ], "content": [ "I feel exactly how you do. all of my tests come back normal and im starting to feel self conscious about bringing it up to my doctor now. It's always just anxiety, but I'm convinced something has to be wrong. I don't understand why I'm so short of breath or why my chest gets so tight. I miss working out, but I'm afraid to. I'm honestly going to ask my doctor for a stress test. I've had anxiety for a decade now but I've had more attacks in the past 6 months than I have in the past 6 years. I'm not sure if covid exacerbated it or what's going on but it's just so awful." ], "date": [ "2021-10-01T07:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I think I have this same thing. I've been short of breath every single day for months. Ive been to the ER and now the lung doctor and everything has come back normal. Ive had a chest xray, multiple blood tests, a ct scan (which was hell for my anxiety), and a breathing test. ALL NORMAL. It has got to the point where I want them to find something seriously wrong with me, so I can get treatment and be okay. I have never been seen for my anxiety and at this point I know I really need to be, but I'm convinced I have some lung or heart disease because how do I feel all this pressure on my chest and shortness of breath every single day. I need help with my anxiety, but I don't even know where to start." ], "date": [ "2021-09-22T23:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina05933-1386132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Does anyone else experience constant racing heart as well? My heart pretty much races almost all day every day from the minute i wake up. Cardiologist says all is ok. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-28T23:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marycaitlinnn-1433995" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Can someone tell me more about their breathing issues? Like do yall just have trouble breathing all throughout the day or are there moments throughout the day where you'll feel okay but then you'll think about something or hear a certain song and out of nowhere you have to gasp for air? Not exactly like a panic attack though. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-18T01:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleydrn-1434574" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleydrn-1434574" ], "content": [ "Hi Ashley,\r\n First of all, don't be silly about saying goodbye to your kids and husband. The doctor said you are fine and they must have checked all your vitals. It is funny that you mentioned about the first panic attack followed by the continuous onset of a feeling of breathlessness, this episode happened to me 2 years ago and after that I have been feeling this type of breathlessness feeling. \r\nYes it's been that long, but don't be scared, its all about how you manage it. I am not a Doctor of any kind but I have seen a few and a lot have said it's anxiety and some now have diagnosed that its a behavioural pattern that I adapted. But I have resulted in doing my own research on how to manage or cure it. I am currently seeing Respiratory Physio doing a few exercises with her but its early stages and will have to see the results - she is teaching me Buteyko techniques - google it if you want to know more.\r\n\r\nI think you first need to rule out to make sure its actually not a breathing problem and do some breathing exercises for relaxation and stress such as the 4-7-8 technique. If it is making you feel better during the moment then i believe your breathing is fine. You should also get a oxi-meter and see how much oxygen is in your blood, if ts 95% then you are getting enough oxygen. The oxi-meter actually should put you at ease to let you know that you are not suffocating, which you think you are when you have a panic attack or the onset of breathlessness. \r\n\r\nSome of the symptoms you said above I have experienced before. A lot of them is due to you over-breathing. You are taking to much oxygen which causes symptoms such as light-headedness, tingling in the arms and legs, and dry mouth and throat. You start to panic when you get these symptoms and anxiety sets in what happens with anxiety is you breathe more and it creates this vicious cycle.\r\n\r\nA few steps you can follow, (but as I said I am not a doctor, just the same person like you who has been doing a lot of research myself. And make sure you first check it is actually not your lungs that are the issue which you can from the breathing exercise and the oximeter and from your doctor:\r\n1. Close your mouth and breath through your nose. Mouth breathing the big one that causes over breathing.\r\n2. Breath slowly with a normal pace. Even when you have that feeling you are running out of air. Just try to ignore it and breath through the nose. Do not let it win and make you take a big gulp of air. If you have a oxi-meter you will see that you oxygen level do not change even when you are feeling hunger for air.\r\n3. Keep yourself busy. A lot of the time it is all happening in your head. You possibily have created this behaviour thinking about your breathing daily possibly every 5 minutes. \r\n4. Keep active, try and keep your heart rate up i.e. 20min or 30min high intensity training like running a day.\r\n5. Drink lots of water/stay hydrated\r\n6. Do some breathing techniques to relax, there are plenty online.\r\n7. Try and keep out of stressful situations when you are feeling this sensation of breathlessness.\r\n\r\n\r\nI hope this helps. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-22T09:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello All! I am hoping someone can give me some sort of relief. I am 30 years old and have never been diagnosed with anxiety. A week ago I ended up in the ER resulting from an episode that happened out of nowhere at 3 AM. I felt an impending doom feeling, SOB/air hunger, sweating, chills, vomiting, nausea, shaking, weak, fatigue, tachycardia, HTN. Everything lab wise was normal and they said I had a panic attack. I went home and went to sleep and the next day I woke up with a persistent air hunger feeling....its Day 7 and this feeling of breathlessness has never gone away. In the past week I have acute onset of symptoms that can last as little as 30 min to over an over. I've experienced chest pressure, tachycardia, HTN, rib pain from air hunger, lightheaded/dizzy, hearing loss/white spots vision, impending doom feeling, dry throat/mouth, sweating, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, hoarse voice, dry cough, throat tightness/lump in throat/feeling like throat closing/difficulty swallowing, pressure behind eyes, focal headaches, fatigue, excessive yawning, shaky/weak, orthopnea, loss of balance, and numbness/tingling. Could I seriously have developed panic disorder over night? I feel like something is seriously wrong and even said my goodbyes to my kids and husband. Am I going crazy?! The persistent air hunger 24/7 is so uncomfortable. Someone help!" ], "date": [ "2022-07-22T02:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am also going through this, i am 16 days into my meds and i am short of breath every day and getting palpitations. I have had ecg, chest xray and bloods all clear but my head always tells me otherwise. I really struggle with health anxiety and constantly google symptoms too also i go to the doctors and a&e every other day to seek reassurance. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-22T16:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monica25949-1428752" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive been having a hard time breathing for a while i had mono in feb and i still havent felt like myself my biggest issue was breathing. and it did get better for a bit but now i feel like i still cant breathe sometimes idk if its from that or major stress n and health anxiety/depression for me its been going on since feb it sucks" ], "date": [ "2022-08-02T17:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/md_abdul78822-1143675" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Its almost 6 yrs your post hows your anxiety related issue now ? Is it same or you get treated ? Please reply " ], "date": [ "2022-09-18T10:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordan1717-1441910" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jordan1717-1441910" ], "content": [ "Seems like all doctors do these days is just prescribe anti-depression medicines left right and centre, which is very sad to see. It should be the last resort. I have had SOB (shortness of breath feeling) for almost 3 years maybe, some days are good some are bad. There are a lot of people in this basket and had these for a long time and not much of a cure. You will go down a rabbit hole trying to find answers. The best thing to do and what I do is just train your brain to ignore it. But i know its really hard to do, because all you do is just sit there and think about it. Also try and exercise regularly, eat well and get out and have fresh air as much as you can. It does help. I tend to see that bad thoughts, stress and over working can make this thing worse." ], "date": [ "2022-09-25T12:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello there. i had surgery about 2 weeks ago. and bam, my aniexty just started. i started not being able to breath. constantly have to take a deep breath every few minutes. i went to the hospital because i thought i had a blood clot, luckily all my test came back fine. but then it just made realize that this is all aniexty related. ive always struggled with aniexty. but i have never had this breathing issue. its actually scary, it convinced me that im dying. i have lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks because i just cant brinf myself to eat. i went to the doctor and they gave me effaxor, which i have yet to take because im scared its going to make my aniexty worse. im just wondering when this will go away and i will feel okay again, because this is driving me nuts. im also not sleeping. i do not wish this upon anyone. pls let me know if anyone has advice" ], "date": [ "2022-09-24T14:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristian35669-1441996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, im 28 and from the UK. for the past month i too have been suffering with breathlessness. it has been constant for a month with a few days being okay. i am on 50mg sertraline which dont appear to be working for me, so i need to speak with my doctor about upping my dose. the breathlessness only seems to bother me at night when my mind is most active. it seems to only kick off when i think and worry about it. i havent seen a doctor about it yet but i feel as if i know its anxiety causing it. i know this thread is quite old, so hopefully you sorted the issue. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-25T22:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordan1717-1441910" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loyd00700-1445348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jordan1717-1441910" ], "content": [ "how are you doing now, any better?" ], "date": [ "2022-11-05T03:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello. i had surgery a couple weeks ago and right after my aniexty started. i have had this shortness of breath 24/7 for about 2 weeks and im completly exhausted. i went to the hospital thinking i was having a blood clot but all my test came clear. i still am shortness of breath and constantly feel like i have to take a deep breath to feel okay. this is creating more aniexty. does anything make this better? my doctor gave me klonopin to ease the aniexty but it does not stop the shortness of breath. im at a loss of what to do. i feel like im going to go crazy. i also can not eat, i havent eaten much the past couple weeks because im not just hungry at all. if anyone can help please let me know! " ], "date": [ "2022-11-05T03:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph23110-1443420" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph23110-1443420" ], "content": [ "Hi Joseph,\r\n\r\nSorry to hear you are suffering from this also. I have had this issue for close to 3 years now. \r\nHave you looked up symptoms of OCD, to me some of the symptoms relate to this issue. We are so obsessed with checking our breathing that it gets to a point that we are thinking about it all the time and hence these anxiety of something is wrong starts. SSRIs do help OCD issues also but heard it can take like a few months. As long as you have had yourself checked up and doctor has said nothing is wrong then you should keep telling yourself that nothing is wrong." ], "date": [ "2022-10-11T09:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph23110-1443420" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "content": [ "I'm feeling so much better after taking anti depressants for a month! I've been off them for 2 weeks and my breathing is still normal! At times it does get bad especially when I'm around toxic family members but overall I can breathe and focus and live!! " ], "date": [ "2022-11-14T21:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have been struggling with this since August 19th. I had to go the ER twice over this and they were very sure that it was anxiety related and told me to get counselling. Unfortunately the symptom is still there and I found counselling to not be helpful for my breathing at all. I however bit the bullet and started an SSRI (fluoxetine) since last week and today is my 10th day on it. Hopefully I get better as Michelle on this forum said she got better after 5 weeks. I will keep y'all updated. I'm finding it so debilitating to the point I had to cut some uni subjects out this semester and my sleep has been terrible!\r\nIts like I'm breathing but I can't feel it :(" ], "date": [ "2022-10-10T21:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmedzao-1443593" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Don't worry dear I have been through this and I know how it feels when you get the feeling of suffocation... when I was in that phase in my life, I tried meditation and believe it really works if you combined it with improving your sleep schedule and take some [nutrition products](https://zao.care/). But you have to be extremely disciplined about your schedule.. \r\nAnyways here are some meditations you can try for anxiety.\r\n\r\n* Guided meditation. Sometimes called guided imagery or visualization, with this method of meditation you form mental images of places or situations you find relaxing.\r\n\r\n* Mantra meditation. In this type of meditation, you silently repeat a calming word, thought or phrase to prevent distracting thoughts.\r\n\r\n* Mindfulness meditation. This type of meditation is based on being mindful, or having an increased awareness and acceptance of living in the present moment.\r\n\r\n* Tai chi. This is a form of gentle Chinese martial arts training. In tai chi (TIE-CHEE), you perform a self-paced series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner while practicing deep breathing.\r\n\r\n* Transcendental meditation. Transcendental meditation is a simple, natural technique. In this form of meditation, you silently repeat a personally assigned mantra, such as a word, sound or phrase, in a specific way.\r\nThis form of meditation may allow your body to settle into a state of profound rest and relaxation and your mind to achieve a state of inner peace, without needing to use concentration or effort.\r\n\r\n* Yoga. You perform a series of postures and controlled breathing exercises to promote a more flexible body and a calm mind. As you move through poses that require balance and concentration, you're encouraged to focus less on your busy day and more on the moment.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nHope this helps Take care!!" ], "date": [ "2022-10-12T13:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousdavid-1387766" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousdavid-1387766" ], "content": [ "I’m currently dealing with the same thing. I’ve dealt with shortness of breathe the past few years it would come and go an few days at a time but linger when my anxiety was at its worst. I got into a car accident this year which made my anxiety horrible because I knew I would be in and out of the doctors for months dealing with the case ( I dislike going to the doctors very much) it gave me the worst anxiety. I have had extreme shortness of breath ever since, it’s been almost 4 months and I haven’t been able to shake it for a second. I am currently taking Ativan because my blood work, chest x rays and ekg said that my heart and lungs were perfectly fine even though they both feel like they are hardly working. I try to avoid thinking about how depressed I am because it seems to make the shortness of breath flare up very intensely to the point I feel like I have a weight on my chest and I’m going to pass out. I can’t believe all of this has happened because of anxiety, some days it’s truly feels so hard to believe. I’m hopeful for everyone dealing with this that one day we find a medication that works best. And I hope you get better soon with your new medications coming. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T22:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm now 34 years old and I’ve been battling severe anxiety and panic disorder since I was 19 years old. I also have depression. I’ve been on many different medications to help over the years. I didn’t start taking medication until around 6-7 years ago. One day I started getting short of breath for no reason why watching tv and then it continued to get worse and worse. After a few days i opted to go to the emergency room because I was worried about the shortness of breath so much. My mother went with me and I drove. On the way to the hospital, I had what was my first horrible panic attack. Everywhere from my waist up, started tingling and went numb. Even my stomach. I couldn’t breath… I pulled over and my mom called 911, by the time the emt’s came I was unable to speak and my hands were stuck in a claw shape. I couldn’t move my fingers. My mother thought I was having a stroke, I thought I was dying…. At the hospital they gave me some medicine that help Alleviate the anxiety and attack… I found out what that medication was and had my primary prescribe it for me. It was, Ativan. I was on Ativan for a year… it worked great. However my doctor took me off of it because she didn’t want me to be dependent on it. That sucked…. I’ve been other meds since then, Prozac, Viibryd, merazipam (or something like that), buspirone, vistaril… just a ton of stuff. Im currently on 3 of those now and they do not work at all. I can’t drive anymore. I have terrible attacks. It all starts with shortness of breath. It’s awful. Even being in a car now makes me short of breath and I start panicking. I have a full time job… and a wife (who at the moment went back home to be with family and friends… we are having a trial separation and that doesn’t help either). A few days ago I had a terrible panic attack driving home… an ambulance came and checked me out, all okay vitals. My parents came and picked me up and drove me home… that night I went online and found a new mental doctor that does online visits. They told me the medicine regime I’m on is out dated and they don’t really work well together…. So I’m starting new stuff as soon as they come in the mail. I’ll be on Lexapro and propanol and ween off my mertazapin, vistaril, and buspirone. I haven’t had a quality day since I can remember. But the shortness of breath has been the worse every single day. This is no quality of life. And my heart goes out to anyone else that has to deal with this. I wish I could go back on the benzodiazepines… that was the only thing that helped truly. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T22:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackie65274-1388769" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Helloo dear,yes we have thesame situation.it's not easy to overcome this..but i know we can.it's all in your mind...this is not real.just think about that we have our family who loves us.support us." ], "date": [ "2021-07-24T23:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/neena06587-1389172" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it seems like an email written by me. all u wrote there isn't anything new for me. i feel what u feel. you are not alone. it is you and millions more, including me. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-24T23:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tommy80780-1389230" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tommy80780-1389230" ], "content": [ "this is interesting. I had breathing symptoms when I was younger, but they were gone for 10 years. But it's back now! And what brought it back was the COVID vaccine (so I didnt get COVID, but the vaccine, but the immune response is similar).\r\n\r\nIt's VERY frustrating and I have not found a way to deal with it. How about you? How are you feeling now?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T22:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "omg I cannot believe I've found this forum! I was suffering with these symptoms a few years back and they use to last for a week or more at a time. I remember going to ER for them to do tests on my I had blood, xray! other tests for it all to be clear and told I suffer from anxiety. I also suffer with other anxiety symptoms where I get blurred Vision and I feel like I'm in a dream sometimes? my surroundings don't feel real. Also get numbness on my body. all of these symptoms are so frightening but nothing like the not being able to breath symptom! the only way I can describe it is.. I feel there's a band going around my chest and I can't get a satisfied breath! I remember last time I had it I was going insane with it. After a while it just subsided when I got a new job and was occupied. This horrible feeling has returned this last week. I had a week's annual leave and then I started getting dizzy uneasy and all the horrible symptoms from anxiety. i then got covid which is now negative but since I've had this horrible breathing issue again? literally can't get a deep satisfied breath like I feel like I'm suffocating. I'm thinking is this covid doing this? am I ignoring a massive health issue here? but deep down I know I've had this years ago and I Still get the classic anxiety symptoms. But it's got my brain going there's something wrong with you. I hate this feeling! it's lasted for over a week now and I'm back to work tomorrow and I'm so worried thinking I won't be able to breath 😞" ], "date": [ "2021-07-25T14:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheryl83358-1389584" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi G.mommy , i am going through the exact same thing. ive had anxiety for around 14 years mostly fairly controlled. ive developed panic dosorder/attacks out of nowhere in the last month or two. i was on citalipram which has recently been changed to sertraline. im struggling to get used to the change and my anxiety is at an all time high! im the same as you suffering from breathlessness for what i feel is no reason!its making me miserabke and upset. i panic and feel horrible. do you do anything to help with your breathing? im trying but feel nothing helping. you are not alone!" ], "date": [ "2021-07-27T19:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/okpersonatalie-1389642" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it is currently 1:33 am and I am scouring the internet looking for answers or guidance. I am a 22 year old female who struggles tremendously with anxiety, depression, and panic disorder. The last few months I was having panic disorders 2+ times a day everyday. I am currently taking time off from work to go to therapy twice a week to try and find solutions to help me work through my panic attacks. All of my panic is centered around the thought that I am going to 1. Stop breathing and drop dead and no one will be able to save me or 2. I am going to have some freak medical situation happen to me (aneurysm, blood clot, etc.) and die. Its been 2 weeks since ive been off of work and therapy is helping a lot. I have been accomplishing goals i have set for myself trying to work through places, situations, and scenarios I fear. the panic attacks led to agorraphobia where I will want to avoid places or things I had a panic attack at or doing in fear of it happening again. Tonight i was in bed and for no reason at all my chest felt like a weight was on it and i freaked out assuming i was dying. Like many of you I focus too much on my breathing. I hyperfocus on my breath and getting enough oxygen and i use a pulse ox all the time to check myself to prove im okay - if i cant get a \"good\" full breath i will spend a lot of time trying to get one until it happens. does anyone have any tips for working through the breathing focus? I am on medication (buspar and wellbutrin) and just want to feel better. i was not like this early 2020 pre covid. :( " ], "date": [ "2021-07-29T21:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mo30175-1389865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello i am glad i found this thread.. i am having extreme shortness of breath.. like my breathing just feels weird and not comfortable.. i cant get that last comforting gasp of air which makes you relax unless i yawn .. i have had this for over 15 days now i am very worried.. i went to a doctor who checked my chest and said all is normal i also did a blood test which he did not order, it also appeared normal.. the doctor said i might have anxiety and went through a difficult situation recently which i did but im confused to how it could last this long. i also had severe headaches which got better now... i am looking on google at possible causes of shortness of breath and they all seem very serious nightmares which makes me worry more about my health. Do i need to do a chest xray ??? would the doctor have spotted something wrong in my chest while checking ? yesterday while inhaling i felt a slight wheeze sound which seems to be gone today.. but when researching causes of this wheez sound again they look very serious... i donno what to do.. only time i can breathe without fear is when i workout at the gym.. other times i need to yawn to be able to take that last comforting gasp of air.. i need to be in yawning mode to be able to breath comfortable.. sounds strange but i feel scared to actually breath like im expecting to feel pain or something bad which isnt the case, what is going on please help me out guys im so nervous could this be heart failure or anything else i am only 34 and regular gym goer. healthy diet. how do i know this is anxiety and not anything else.. on google shortness of breath seems to be a symptom of very serious issues" ], "date": [ "2021-07-29T13:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/livmull-1389993" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "as much as it sucks to hear everyone is suffering I’m also glad to know that I’m not alone in this. The past couple of days I’ve been having trouble breathing and it came out of nowhere. it’s really only when I think about breathing that I’m having trouble. Reading everyones messages took my mind off it and made me feel better knowing that I am okay. I was really considering going to the ER but after reading this I think I’m going to do some meditation and breathing exercises to help me. I hope everything works out well for you! " ], "date": [ "2021-07-30T10:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley69535-1390192" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have the same thing going on with me now, it made me think i was dying and left me in fear. im afraid to take my medicine cause im thinking it will do something bad to me...**" ], "date": [ "2021-07-31T18:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousdave2-1390419" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven42825-1397925" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousdave2-1390419" ], "content": [ "i may be interested in talking about it. mine is more severe than it jas ever been. im living in constant torture ag this point. hasnt even helped to believe ill be ok in a long time because it doesnt make the discomfort go away. and its so sad how many others feel the same way but ive never found a single solution. its some scifi movie crap" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello again everyone. I commented a few weeks ago on a different account (I can't remember the log in info and got locked out for an hour). \r\n\r\nAgain, I just want to expresses how fortunate we all are for finding each other. It's comforting to know others are dealing with this as well. \r\n\r\nAlthough I’m sorry you all have to deal with this as well. I started my new meds last Monday. It’s been one week. I am now taking a generic version of Lexapro and also I’m taking propranolol too. Immediately on Monday after taking the new meds, I felt better and was able to drive home from work without having a full blown panic attack. I did have to stop once. Then Tuesday got better and Wednesday was good as well. Peopronoal works pretty fast to help physically symptoms of anxiety according to my new mental health worker. However, Thursday… at work I got a little short of breath, then nauseous, threw up a few times, shaky, pain in my arms and chest (I got that a lot with my anxiety) and I had to lie down at work for an hour. I felt a little better, made it home; and then it happened again at night. Friday I stayed like from work and it happened once or twice more. Saturday I was okay. No issues… today, I started getting short of breath tonight for no reason. I couldn’t make it stop for a while. I did all I could think of. After a warm shower I laid down and came back to this thread and read the new comments. I feel a little better now. Thank you everyone. \r\nHowever now I’m saddened, I though the new medications was working wonders, however the last few days has been bad. It’s now 4am and I have work in 5 hours and I can’t stay home again. I’m at a loss. \r\n\r\nAll of this is happening while I’m in the middle of a separation from my wife, now three weeks long… and she isn’t coming back either. So now my marriage is over and I’m still battling that too… being all alone at home is hard. Especially for my anxiety and panic disorder… It feeds my anxiety. Anyway… Again I am glad I found this thread. If anyone wants to talk together, let me know… I’ve never personally talked with someone else who was dealing with this type of severity shortness of breath from anxiety. No one understands what it’s like that I know. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paulina06760-1391122" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, i have been struggling with the shortness of breath for the past two weeks. i have been diagnosed with anxiety a few months ago and i feel like it is taking over my life. \r\n\r\nAt first i was obsessed with anything to do with my heart and now this has switched onto my lungs and my breathing. Just like yourself i feel short of breath from when i wake up until i go back to sleep. i feel like i am going crazy and cant function like a normal human being. How long did it take for your meds to start working ? i have just been prescribed citalopram but my health anxiety is making me paranoid about taking it :(" ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T00:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nirmansahil-1391214" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have had anxiety for almost all my life.I am 34 now.I used to get panic attacks but its been a while now.Ive been having lot of stress lately.But last month was on a different level all together.\r\n15th of last month i was at my vets clinic when i suddenly had a one sided headache and couldn't breath.After 10 mins had another attack with partial blackout and slurred speech, pale lips and couldnt breathe or swollow.Then another more intense attack after 10 mins.\r\n\r\nPeople around me thought i am having a stroke.Rushed to the ER.They did all the investigation and while in ER I had 4 more attacks.My pulse went to 30 during the attack.They did MRI, halter test for hearth, EGG of Brain and all was ok.And eventually i was told that it was a silent anxiety attack.\r\n\r\nI have never had such an attack.Too be honest I wasnt even convinced when they told.I had a mild attack 20 mins before and thats how I landed on this site.\r\n\r\nA little stress and a little shortness or breath or even when i am wearing a mask, I get dizzy and breathless.\r\n\r\nI dont know what kind of an anxity attack is this." ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T15:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/janet82470-698692" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I HAVE THE SAME ISSUES WITH SOB . I am on anxiety meds have been for 20 yrs different ones will work for several years and then i get switched to one that does better. my anxiety kickrd in full force when covid came. I have contamination ocd when makes me feel i have to clean everything before bringing it into house. we dont eat out like we did before covid . my like had changed so much because of all the info about how deadly covid is and what we have to not touch and do to stay safe . i wear a mask at work and gloves when i go out of my offce which isnt much.Does anyone feel like they have a lump in throat when the swallow? " ], "date": [ "2020-11-28T23:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevinandhope-1373449" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It started on april 16 when I couldn't get asleep from shortness of breath so I decided to keep awake all night, next day ate a cannabis edible which helped me at the moment but suddenly started having a panic attack (weakness, vertigo, dizziness, intense but non rational fear, and suffocation) just after it finished I started feeling hyperventilation (rapid bpm, weakness, actual extreme fear, lack of oxygen, ...) so all was normal to me because I knew those were side effects from the substance, however the next day I started to feel the exact same episodes without consuming which freaked me out a lot.. I was like that for 5 days including shortness of breath throughout all the day and at nights (which doesn't allow a proper rest) and the attacks came every evening or when it's hot for about 1hr.. went to the dr. and they said my heart is alright (which was hard to believe) but they detected me lung atelectasis (from covid post viral syndrome), low glucose (for unknown reasons), high bilirubin, low cholesterol (which is weird) and also diagnosed me \"Anxiety disorder\" (which is something hard to believe due to I haven't felt something like this before). After that, I still feel suffocated (shortness of breath, alertness mood) but hyperventilation attacks haven't came on (thank god) however I start to feel mild panic attacks at some points of the day (which is still tiring and worrying)\r\n\r\nWhatever it is, I just want to know how long this nightmare is going to take and I wish the best for me, my family and everybody in this page.\r\n\r\n\r\nadditional: what I did to cease hyperventilation a little bit: pray, try to relax, breathing exercises, run for 10 mins and walk until feeling better, shower, eating garlic celery and orange, cough, massage myself, do a couple of squats\r\n\r\nwhat I did to cease panic attack a little bit: (this one is easier than hyperventilation because the sensation is more mental than physical but still hard): try to relax, drink water, think positive, breathing exercises, run and or walk\r\n\r\nif somebody have questions or opinions please let me know! I hope we all can get better soon! 🙏" ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ship_of_theseus-1365661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there\r\n\r\nAnxiety makes our mind hyper sensitive to bodily functions such as breathing, heart beats, etc. At the same time, it causes shallow breaths which results in rapid breathing. \r\n\r\nAs all of your tests have come fine, there is nothing to worry. It is anxiety which is creating a sense of false alarm/panic/anxiety.\r\n\r\nI too get anxious about my breathing patterns. But then, I take some deep breaths and negate the panic with an auto suggestion that it is just another bout of anxiety. \r\n\r\nStay strong \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T12:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thistlecrag-1374080" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, G.mommy. Everything you have described is spot on. My anxiety manifests itself through my breathing in many different ways. Feeling smothered. shortness of breath. inability to take deep breaths. you name it, I've had those sensations and that's what they are, sensations, although that is not a real comfort as it feels so debilitating. The one thing I have learned to do is to breath using my stomach as you should naturally, instead of breathing from the top of your chest, which is unnatural and can cause you to over breath, thus disrupting the chemical balance of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide, which then causes anxious people to become more anxious and the vicious cycle begins. I know it's hard to accept, but it's your brain doing this because it is on high alert for any remote change in your breathing pattern and like me you are probably immediately alarmed by any change and when that happens, so act accordingly with anxiety and fear, resulting in the micro management of your breathing. it's a never ending vicious circle. The only way to break it is to stop allowing the brain to dictate a fight flight response, when these sensations happen, difficult I know, but you have to reprogram your brain that you are not in danger and refuse to feed it the anxiety it thinks it needs to survive. Anxiety cannot exist without the negative thought to fuel it. It takes courage and practice, but trust me it does work and can reduce your anxiety hugely. Hope that helps from someone who has suffered this for 10 years. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T12:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael9836-1374319" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello G Mommy ,\r\n\r\nI totally understand what you are going through. I've experienced several episodes that landed me to ER and after many tests they tell me all is normal. Its now 5 days im experiencing shortness of breath and my throat seems to tighten and my family doc said its cause of anxiety. For me this is all new. I've started with this anxiety since the start of this pandemic. At times I'm good at times it hits me hard. You're not alone , hang in there and stay safe." ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T15:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shae777-1374474" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ledorm-1378329" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shae777-1374474" ], "content": [ "wow its funny you say that, i have the EXACT same symptoms. dry cough, left side numbness, headache, lightheadedness, and especially the shortness of breath. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T17:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shae777-1374474" ], "content": [ "I am a 19 year old male having the same exact thing going on that you just explained. It is not fun at all and very scary all day and night, its torture" ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T17:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello I am 24 yr old female, I dnt drink or smoke. Im 5'5 145lbs.\r\n\r\nAlmost 2 months ago, I had a pain occur where the best I can describe it as if someone took a balloon and slowly squeezed all the air out. It happened again 10 days later. Both while sitting and both sudden and gone withing a fewseconds. Since that incident, i have had persistent discomforts and pain in the chest since this. Seemingly amplified at night. The pains and discomforts are now accompanied sometimes by headaches and/or pain and/or burning sensation in my limbs.\r\nLast night when trying to sleep the sensations were heart palpitations, light headed, and feeling weak in the chest, tightness in left arm, and sometimes a pinching pain in chest.\r\n\r\nI also have a dry cough from a tickling sensation in throat all day everyday now.\r\n\r\nMy EKG, blood work, and chest xray were all normal but yet everyday and almostALL day no matter what I'm doing i am constantly having shortness of breath that feels like my heart is just about to shut down." ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T17:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevinandhope-1373449" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "content": [ "Sorry to hear your case. I would recommend you to go the natural way while you are pregnant. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T01:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, I've been experiencing the same shortness of breath that comes and goes. But every episode lasts about a month. I went to the ER a year ago and I was told my lungs were healthy and it was only anxiety. It happened again in November and its happening now again. The worst part is I am 9 weeks pregnant. And suffering this shortness of breath and insomnia. Doctor put me on Lorazepam but I am scared of hurting my baby. Has anyone taken this med when pregnant? Or experienced anxiety attacks when pregnant. And how did you overcome it? Im desperate, tired, and scared of feeling this way. Or that it might get worse as my pregnancy progresses. Help please!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T01:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I've been experiencing the same shortness of breath that comes and goes. But every episode lasts about a month. I went to the ER a year ago and I was told my lungs were healthy and it was only anxiety. It happened again in November and its happening now again. The worst part is I am 9 weeks pregnant. And suffering this shortness of breath and insomnia. Doctor put me on Lorazepam but I am scared of hurting my baby. Has anyone taken this med when pregnant? Or experienced anxiety attacks when pregnant. And how did you overcome it? Im desperate, tired, and scared of feeling this way. Or that it might get worse as my pregnancy progresses. Help please!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-07T16:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bluelotus-1374930" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i feel the exact same way right now as i type this and its bloody awful. i was actually googling if anyone else feels short of breath and this convo came up! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T15:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ghanauk-1378274" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes my dear I have been having shortness of breath for the past 6 months now and the doctors says there is nothing wrong with me but I still have shortness of breath " ], "date": [ "2021-05-26T13:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ledorm-1378329" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have also been having quite a severe time with anxiety and shortness of breath.It feels horrible. You always have the urge to breathe in (air hunger) and it feels like each breath you take does not contribute to feeding your air hunger which just makes me even more anxious. Many blood tests, ECGs and X-rays later and after being told nothing is wrong it still persists. Seems to be an anxiety thing. Have been suffering for the most of 11 months. it is persistent rather than happening in short episodes which is the scary part. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-20T03:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it doesn't take a full blown attack to cause shortness of breath , a build up of everyday stress can do it." ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T03:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan8793-1362766" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan8793-1362766" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "i forgot to mention that the reason you are having shortness of breath (anxiety attacks) even when you are relaxing is because you are stressed so your body mind wont let you relax. anxiety and depression will always hit the hardest during times of relaxation as your body and nervous system are in a 'stressed state' and wont let you relax as its trying to protect you as it thinks you are in danger and you are not meant to relax if you are potentially in danger which is how it interprets stress as. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-17T21:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan8793-1362766" ], "content": [ "Ryan, did your shortness of breath go away? \r\nDid you shortness of breath come and go or was it 24/7 shortness of breath? Do you take antidepressants for this? Of so, what and does it help?\r\n\r\nIm going on 1.5 years of constant shortness of breath and tight lump in throat, heavy chest, and tight stomach from how I breath. . One dr tells me my parasympathetic nervous system is on constant flight or flight and another tells me its a mix of things: stress, reflux, and hypersensitive esophagus. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T22:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "STRESS!! this is 100% stress. its not even debateable as im literally recovering from the same thing. stress causes anxiety and is the root cause of 99% of mental health issues. the problem with stress is that is it builds up and doesnt go away until you start making changes to eradicate it trust me. your shortness of breath are anxiety attacks which is resulting in lingering anxiety. the issue you have is that reversing stress is not a quick fix, it can take months which is what people dont realise. meditation, nutrition, exercise,, rest and relaxation and sleep should be your priority every single day but you cant get good sleep unless you do the first 4.. the sooner you start showing your body and mind you live in a stress free world is only when the depression and anxiety will go. " ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T22:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaykayy-1384270" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have had the same thing and still do it started off with the breathing then my chest pounding i started feeling like i was going to faint and having a heart attack i went to er and was fine and healthy then it got to the point where i could not go in the car with anyone or go anywhere its like you have to breath slow and concentrate i have had alot of xrays and ekgs as well and blood taken still nothing i just wish i could go back to breathing like nothing but instead everyday all day its like im suffocating i dont want to be put on anxiety pills for months it started when i was 22 im now 23 it gets very tiring " ], "date": [ "2021-06-25T15:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yv-dav88-1384366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/yv-dav88-1384366" ], "content": [ "I completely relate. I was a very active, healthy 35 yr old. My husband and I was just going to start trying for a baby. And then randomly one day, just at home, I started getting lots of trouble breathing, shaking , and feeling like something bad will happen. The panicky stuff has gone away, but the breathing problem is still there. I actually had this same problem when I was in my late-teens/early twenties. No one could help back then. I was told it was anxiety. But the good news is, it slowly went away on its own, although it took a few years (in between there were some good days and some bad days). It's definitely so frustrating when it's there, but being frustrated makes it worse. For now, I've had to stop cardio exercises. Instead I do yoga, go on walks, do some pilates and resistance bands. And I try to keep going on with life (with some modifications for my slightly fragile state). I am also trying therapy, although they just keep telling me to do relaxing exercises, which I already do. I don't have answers for you, but know that I (and lots of others on here) understand, and that it will get better." ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T19:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "when you had it as a teen / in your twenties, was your shortness of breath constant or was it more like panic attacks?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T22:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "It was both. Constant, and some times with panic. But it slowly went away on its own after a few years. Those few years, it started to become less constant, and eventually was gone. Although 10 years later it is back now." ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T13:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "I have alot of questions, I hope you dont mind!\r\nwhen you were going through this breathing problem, would you say it was really bad or subtle? And was it always there, regardless if you were just sitting? Did your chest and stomach feel heavy, like someone was always sitting on it? Any chamce you had other symptoms as well, like a tight throat?\r\nDid you do anything to help it go away..,special diet, exercise, breathing exercises, antidepressants? Did you feel you had to take a deep breath every couple minutes to get enough air? How long before it started to fade bc Ive been 15 months so far in this constant situation. I did every test snd doctors cant find anything. It all started after tremendous stress. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-11T14:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "So happy to come across this thread. I am going through hell and need answers. I went from being a super active mom to 6yo twins to pretty much disabled within a week.\r\nIt all started in the car once, i felt a heavy pressure in my chest but just thought it was just gas..then my heart started racing and started getting cheat pain so drove straight to ER thinking i was having a heart attack. Ecg, heart related bloodwork, and a chest xray showed everything normal. I was sent home saying it was stress when really I have no new added stressors.\r\n3 days later, I got the same pressure/tightness, racing heart, could NOT breathe/speak unless I was hunched over. Shooting pains in my side, left arm and jaw. Back to ER, this time they did a heart ultrasound and repeated the ecg and bloodwork. Again, everything normal! Sent home with Ativan and pills to treat reflux as they suspect thats where the pressure is coming from.\r\nI have been suffering everyday since with the same symptoms, for some reason it seems to be worst in the car so now I avoid driving anywhere. Literally will feel like someone is sucking the air from me and I still have very brief sharp pains in my left arm/jaw and chest.\r\nI am getting a stress test and Holter monitor done to rule out heart issues for good. But how do I stay sane in the meantime. I feel like it may be brain related? I can't believe my life has changed seemingly overnight.\r\n\r\nsidenote- Ativan makes me about 90% better but doc said not to take everyday. I feel like Im about to drop dead! This is horrible" ], "date": [ "2021-06-25T18:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hthomas2199-1382781" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes! The same thing is happening to me now. After a really bad anxiety attack that had my heart rate at over 150 my resting heart rate and breathing has never gone back to normal. I don't know what's going on with me either. I recently went to the doctor about it and they said I was fine and it was nothing to worry about. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T02:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tweetybird0519-1359085" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tweetybird0519-1359085" ], "content": [ "yes!!! totally relate. I wrote a response above to yvdav88. Really hoping it gets better for all of us!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T19:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes!!!! I constantly feel like I am suffocating and it scares me too so therefore I can'tget my mind off of it and I feel it constantly! I also have tension in my neck, shoulders, and behind eyes from this fear! I too have been checked so many times, EKG, chest xray, labs and they are normal. Mine all started with a migraine phobia that began in 2011 and ever since until now in 2021 I have became worse and have panic disorder and depression. I cannot get this feeling out of my mind and it is all that I feel. I sleep fine so that is the only time I get relief. It really feels like something is medically wrong! I think that what we are doing is manual breathing, instead of automatic breathing. I do not know how to relax at all and can't automatically breathe. I would strongly suggest having your hormones checked by an Endocrinologist and have your Digestive system check by a Gastroenterologist though. I have appts for both coming up soon. So, NO, you are definitely not the only one going through this, and it sucks so bad! I know even know what feeling or breathing normal would be like now. Keeping you in my prayers! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T17:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/no14368-1384698" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello im 20 yrs old this year and im also suffering from shortness of breath for about a month now. I went to the hospital to get myself checked and my blood test, X-ray and ekg all came out normal. So i thought this would be all on anxiety, yes there are times where i experienced it while being anxious but that happens very little. I realised that it also happens frequently when i'm jus sitting, lying down on my bed and sometimes walking so i really dont know what to do now is there any advice u could give me and can this \"condition\" be fully eliminated ? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T22:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie23195-1340697" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I started with health anxiety in august when I went to the dr with chest pain and a pharmacist rushed me to hosp saying I was having a heart attack then a week later my stepdad passed unexpectedly from a heart attack so I started getting panic attacks. I to suffer air hunger which h lasts about a week to 2 weeks or thr feeling I've been winded and someone is sucking the breath from me I've had 2 chest xray a chest scan 4 lots full blood counts done n all normal I'm having the air hunger now but makes me bloated and burping alot anyone else get like this" ], "date": [ "2021-06-28T18:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/d25208-1384960" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/d25208-1384960" ], "content": [ "i relate to this so much! My breathing problems also started when I was 16. It went away for many years after that, but is back again. Now i get the same thoughts of, what if my breathing muscles get too tired and I stop breathing. It's a constant effort all day to breathe. It is the only anxiety symptom I have, and I don't really feel all that anxious otherwise. I have started therapy, to learn how to shift my attention away from my breathing. I also do light exercise, to prove to myself I have more air than I think (because otherwise I would not be able to exercise). The more positive associations you make with your breathing, the better it gets. Nothing lasts forever, so soon I hope this feeling will pass for you too." ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T12:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i cannot explain how much this is relatable to me! i have always been an extremley anxious person. i was 16, It all started when i felt off one day, and it felt like i couldnt breathe and i panicked. That was the first time ive ever felt this. Shortly before i started feeling this my grandpa passed away, which is the first person ive ever lost, but i didnt think it effected me that much so i did not believe this was just from losing someone/anxiety. This shortness if breath lingered for a few days while i was begging my mom to take me to the doctor. I really felt there was something wrong and i needed help. everyone in my household tells me im fine and there nothing wrong and i for sure am breathing. I would be glued to the \r\noximeter and stethiscope because they might be wrong.When i went to the doctor i had another panic attack there, thats when i started to \"understand\" it. I got blood work , chest xray and ct, went to a pulmonoligist, and they say its anxiety, after i went the shortness of breath went away for a few weeks, and i didnt have a panic attack in months ,now im starting to feel short of breath but without the panic attacks. It really feels like i cant breathe and whenever i feel it i tell myself, this time is different, its not like the last time, what if this time is the time i actually stop breathing, its a viscous cycle and i dont know how to get that feeling to go away, or at least beleive its mental because what if one day its not just anxiety. But something that helped me is talking to yourself and saying \"if you can talk then you can breathe\", because if your talking then it means your breathing." ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T05:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila10167-843048" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila10167-843048" ], "content": [ "Thank you for ur respond...this sux so bad,I cry every me I get like that and I tell my husband that the doctors probably just tell me that to shut me up....but I know they r professionals and that I should just listen to them,but when u have anxiety,u don't really believe anything the doctors tell u!!& to make it worse I always Google symptoms which makes my anxiety worse (not a good idea to do that)!!I was on this med.for 4 years and it helped me get my life back,got off in may,then had to start back on it about 3 weeks ago because my anxiety and depression got worse,I tried to do it on my own but just couldnt!!!it's harder for me because I have 4 kids (8,7,6,&4)...so with stress too,I had to start taking it again....I always told myself I would never take med.for my anxiety,but I had to,because it got to the point to where I thought I could not take it anymore!!!!so if u feel like it's getting too much,non stop...u should consider taking sumthing to get ur life back to normal....I know it sux thinking about taking sumthing...but trust me it helps!!!the side affects suck so bad at first,but as they fade away it gets better....good luck to u & keep me updated on how u r feeling!!\r\n CHRISTINA G." ], "date": [ "2021-12-19T08:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela69702-1299867" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "content": [ "I am 41 and a mother of 4 kids. 8,7, and twins that are 4yrs old. i feel your pain .anxiety I suffered so bad since 19 yrs old. i just started having anxiety,panic again and it interferes with my marriage and raising my kids. I'm on meds. Xanax helps and know that Anxiety / panic is a disorder and some of us cant help but feel like this . otherr people can't relate unless they themselves suffer from it . God bless you Mommy. this is a Cross for us to Bring us Closer to Jesus and Mary . lots of Hugs . p.s. with the Coronavirus it has full blown my anxiety through the roof .how about u ? " ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T14:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mery51205-1308281" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela69702-1299867" ], "content": [ "hi I'm from dominican republic, i am 50 years old and i've suffered from generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks since I was 20 years old. its been a long road with ups and downs, was in therapy for three years along with alprazolam (xanax) , that helped 100%. but it wad time to let it go. to make this a short story , the worst symptom for me is having shortness of breath, gosh I feel like I am drowning or having a severe asthma attack, which I don't suffer. with this coronavirus fear and quarantine my fears have come back in full speed and had to take the decision of taking xanax again cause I am suffering severe shortness of breath. am doing some breathing exercises but once you have it out of your hands you need some medications. as my psychiatrist would say : give yourself some quality of life, stop suffering when you have meds to help you. I suffer these attacks once or twice a year, without seeing it coming. go to your doctor, especially a psychiatrist, they will help you." ], "date": [ "2020-04-20T03:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mery51205-1308281" ], "content": [ "7 weeks ago I started getting shortness of breath similar to getting slight asthma but lasting for hours at a time. I was very concerned thinking it was something else, especially in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. \r\n\r\n2 weeks later I saw a doctor at an emergency clinic who checked my chest and said it was fine. He suggested it was anxiety. I have never suffered from mental health issues before so found this hard to believe. I was aware stress could cause short-term panic attacks involving a rapid heartbeat and hyperventilation, but didn't think it could cause on-going breathing issues lasting hours and days at a time, and this has gone on for 7 weeks on and off now. Also as far as I was aware my breathing difficulties came before I had started worrying and not the other way around. So I kept looking for other things it could be. \r\n\r\nThe only tell tale sign my breathing issues could be anxiety was that they often got better when I spoke to a doctor or someone over the phone put me at ease or my mind was on something else. \r\n\r\nHowever I still thought for weeks it was a chest infection and last week my symptoms seemed to get worse. I even did a coronavirus self test last week. It has come back negative, but my first thought was I had not done the test properly. \r\n\r\nI managed to see a doctor a few days ago who again checked my chest, said it was fine, and that my main problem is definitely anxiety, all my worrying and paranoia show that. I get all of the other symptoms like headaches, tiredness and loss of appetite and I have been put on anti-depressants. \r\n\r\nCan anxiety cause the on-going breathing difficulties for hours at a time for weeks on end? Any advice? Thanks in advance." ], "date": [ "2021-08-27T18:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "YES IT DEFINITELY CAN!!!! I also had shortness of breath with anxiety, when I went to the doctor's office it let up and I didn't feel short of breath as much. It was horrible, I really suffered for almost 3 months thinking I wasn't getting enough air, I never want to go through that again! I went to the e.r. 3 times because of it, the doctors all said anxiety and it would go away eventually. My primary put me on prozac and high blood pressure medication. I wrote in a journal everyday how I felt, after about 5 weeks on prozac I started writing that I was able to breathe better and it got better and better after that. I had the journal so I could see my progress to give me hope, anxiety will make you feel like you are dying. If you are already taking antidepressants you are on your way to breathing better, I know it's hard but just try to be patient, it will happen, it just takes time to balance the \"imbalance\" in your brain. Best of luck to you!" ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T22:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "Hi Michelle. \r\nMany thanks for your reply. I have only been taking the Sertraline (anti-depressant) for a week so it may not start working for another week or so I'm told. A few weeks ago my breathing issues were more constant, now they are much more occasional, definitely brought on by worry. The anxiety is still there. I am worrying and over-thinking everything , all to do with Coronavirus. I'm also trying some of the CBT techniques as well such as breathing exercises. I try and rebuke any worry I get as a negative thought and counteract it with a realistic statement. Thanks again." ], "date": [ "2020-05-24T19:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "hi do you have anywhere we could talk im like this at the moment would love to hear your story as im going out my mind thanks " ], "date": [ "2020-09-22T11:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tamsin49323-1372841" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "Hi, Yes it can!! i was shocked to realise that my year long struggles with breathing have been anxiety!!\r\nive had anxiety for many years , but it had never presented like this.\r\ni feel like i am suffocating and need to take a deep breath ,but cant !!! vicious circle.\r\ni have had chest xrays and bloods, also a dr told me id had the coronavirus ( back when testing was not available, like others on here , i am not 💯 convinced its anxiety ( because of anxiety 😳).and also because it happened overnight , but on the other hand i have experienced some trauma over the last few years .\r\nalso, like others , i have had some relief after been reassured by a doctor .\r\ni have days where i can breath a bit better and days where it is worse .\r\ni can be resting, relaxed and still happens .\r\ni believe that i will eventually get better , as will you !!! you are not alone , i know how it feels .\r\nbest wishes and lots of love ❤️" ], "date": [ "2021-11-12T21:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom_89-1367448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tamsin49323-1372841" ], "content": [ "Hey tamsin49323 (and everyone!)\r\nJust found this thread and wanted to say how much everything you said has struck a chord with me! So similar to my experience, had lots of tests done and everything came back fine, I had no idea my breathing problems were anxiety. \r\nLike you, I defo have good days and bad days, but it's so much better than it was last year. I really found that the 4-7-8 breathing exercise and some similar techniques worked. \r\nGood luck to everyone going through the same thing, all the best. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-29T16:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shruti123-1373416" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "Hi DJFabreeze, I need not to add even 1% detail after reading what you faced. It's exactly the same problem which I am facing right now from last 10 days. My husband says you are overthinking about your breathing issues, you are alright. But i know I am not okay, feeling so distracted and disturbed when I have to take deep breathes even when I am sitting and working in front of laptop. Did you do any exercises, how is your issue now? Please share your further details. " ], "date": [ "2021-11-12T22:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/johnny07379-1374462" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "im also exproecing shottness of breath, how long did it take you to see the full benfits of prozac? im on lexapro but nothing yet...." ], "date": [ "2021-05-06T12:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica373737-1377248" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "content": [ "im sorry to hear your struggling with this, i also have been struggling with this for a while and its so very hard to deal with! im here for u if need to talk. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T19:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert5656-1378146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila10167-843048" ], "content": [ "i am suffering from the same issue. i just got back from a two day hospital stay and everything was normal but i still feel off. if anyone wants to talk.. feel free to reach out " ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T19:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaylee67588-1378631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "this is happening to me too it sucks its not hard to breathe its just umcomfortable feeling that i cant stand. did it ever wake you up at night? or or wouldn't let you fall asleep? for me its been about a week like this and i feel like i am gonna go insane.. i want to go to the doctors but i have told my parents and they keep telling me its my anxiety and i feel like i'm going crazy\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-09-27T19:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "I am 19 years old and am going through that samw exact thing, i cant let my mind rest off the fact that i feel like i cant breathe frkm the time i wake up till i go to bed, started on april 1st almost has been 2months since i could live my life normal, had to leave college because of it. Dont really look forward to anything anymore because i am so caught up in thinking about how my chest feels have had high blood pressure since ,ekgs done weekly chest xrays lung tests and nothing can seem to put my mind to ease all i really want is to live life normal again,seeing other peoples reviews shows im not the only one going through it as well." ], "date": [ "2022-07-19T22:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy40374-1379358" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "Yes, I’m starting to believe this to be the case. I’ve struggled with flares of shortness of breath that can last six to eight weeks since I was 19 years old. Walking up the stairs takes every ounce of my energy. Although I do have sjogrens and Raynauds. All lung function tests are normal. I’ve always had some depression and anxiety and wonder if stress induces anxiety that is not fully recognized by me." ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T01:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "So I assume your doctors all said it was anxiety? If so they should put you on something for anxiety and high blood pressure. My breathlessness didn't start going away until 5 weeks on prozac, but it did go away! You need to be on something immediately so you'll get relief. I have compassion for anyone going through this, I know how much I suffered, it was hell! The reason you have shortness of breath is actually not shortness of breath at all, it actually just \"feels\" like you're hungry for air. See, your body tenses up when you're having anxiety so that means every muscle in your body does that, INCLUDING YOUR AIRWAY. That is where that feeling comes from, your airway is tensing up so it feels like you're not getting enough air. It's tricking you into thinking you can't breathe good. It's weird, back when I was having this issue I'd only feel that way when I was panicking over it, it's like my worry heightened my anxiety and then the anxiety heightened my muscle tension~then I'd feel breathless. It was like a rollercoaster I couldn't get off of until I was on prozac, it saved me, I had quality of life again. Best of luck!" ], "date": [ "2022-06-06T18:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "content": [ "I'm so sorry, I am just seeing this. How are you doing now?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T05:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "thank you for this reply, its just very scary and hard to enjoy anything, i hate medicine so much i took larazopan for a couple days but stopped because i just hate medicine i just dont really know what to do, i think about my breathing literally from the time i get up till i go to sleep" ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T06:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "It's anxiety that's making you think of it. Anxiety feeds off your worst fears and until the anxiety eases up it unfortunately won't stop. I have a son a few years older than you and I would tell him this: trust me when I say you have got to get on an an anti anxiety medication. Lorazapam is good for instant relief but you need something long term and take the Lorazapam until your other med kicks in. That's what I did, I had to take Xanax a few times daily until I didn't need to anymore because my prozac helped. I know you said you hate medicine but if it gives you a chance to give you your life back maybe you could try it? Look at it this way, you have nothing to lose, only a better life to gain. Excuse my French but I was living a complete hellish nightmare and I know what you're going through and I'm giving you my very best advice. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-19T16:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "thank you very much for the advise its obviously not good that you and other went through the same thing but it gives a bit more comfort knowing other people are going through it to, i always have had anxiety about health issues, just worrying about the smallest things but i have always kept it to myself and really never told my parents or anything and april first i suddenly just got hit with feeling breathless and ever since then (when i say it hasnt left my mind for more then a minute) im serious i think about it all day long and when I took the larazopan it didnt do anything so i looked at it like im never going to feel the same way i did before all of this , it just honestly has changed my life completly, the other day i went to the movies with some friends and my heart started pounding i felt like i couldnt breathe i was a itch away from getting up and walking out of the theatre it just really does suck." ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T19:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "What you have is anxiety/panic attacks. Are your parents willing to help you if you tell them about this? If you can talk to them or a trusted adult it would benefit you, taking that first step is really difficult but...after that it becomes easier. I really hope you seek help with a doctor so you can get relief, I promise you it will happen but you gotta take that first step. You can do this, you are stronger than you know! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T21:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "I have talked to my grandmother about it but ive just literally convinced myself that its not anxiety and im pretty much suffocating slowly day by day,sounds dumb but i used to smoke weed everyday to get my mind off of my anxiety in general kinda just self midicated but after that one day my lungs felt like they couldnt get anything in them so i havent smoked or done anything in 2 months which is for the better but i feel like i wont have any air at all if i were to smoke(which im not going to) after the lung exams and everything i would of thought i would be re assured and fjne but it changed nothing after everything came back fine." ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T07:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxioustwenties-1379944" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kaylee67588-1378631" ], "content": [ "Yes! Waking up at night feeling like you can't breathe is terrifying, and it can make falling asleep scary. Recently, I have been finding it hard to breathe *as* I fall asleep, like my lungs need my full attention to remember what they're supposed to be doing. Like many on here, I am not convinced that my symptoms, namely the feeling that it is difficult to breathe, and occasionally swallow, is all down to anxiety, but I guess the fact that the sensations move around (although are consistently focused on my throat) would indicate that this is anxiety. The similarity between symptoms of anxiety and other aliments which can cause the same bodily sensations has led to severe health anxiety. My anxiety began 4 years ago, triggered by an illness which I and many others had which really did make it feel like your throat was constricting and it was difficult to breathe. Ever since, the anxiety has visited me at least once a year, stealing months at a time, most days spent feeling that I am about to die, going crazy and that I just can't bear this. I am consistently terrified that I am having an allergic reaction and my diet suffers as a result. To cap it all, I actually did have an allergic reaction to something almost three months ago, and the left side of my face is STILL swollen. I had no idea it could take so long to go down and the doctors to me seem rather blasé and unsure of what to do with me other than to just send me home with antihistamines. So my worst nightmare with a bow on top. But I am still here and trying to remember that even in an emergency, there's no point trying to cross a bridge before you get to it (i.e. don't worry until it happens - easier said than done!). If anyone else has ever had their fears confirmed **with** a mix of health anxiety, and/or is knocked down by anxiety for months at a time, afraid of social situations, food, etc, please reach out!" ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k-trenton-1381137" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "Dude you have no idea what a relief it is to see this post and know that someone out there in the world is going through the exact same thing!! The stuff you said here is EXACTLY what Im feeling... hell my shortness of breath stopped and Im feeling relaxed now after reading that. For me its also from when I wake up until I sleep. I studied religion and I pray but it only helps temporarily... then it comes back... the shortness of breath is the worst.\r\n\r\nIts like... you take a deep breath, wanting that \"sigh of relief\" feeling... but you dont get it.... and instead it feels weirdly like you couldn't breathe all the way, even though you did... and then you gotta fight that idea that you didnt breathe enough cuz you fear hyperventilating. Do you get that? \r\n\r\nIm gonna call the clinic today and ask for Zoloft.... I took it before and it worked like a miracle. Ive been putting it off hoping this would go away on its own, but it isnt." ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T12:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tamsin49323-1372841" ], "content": [ "Can you tell me more about your breathimg symptoms? Is it more that you feel out of breath easily throughout the day (like how you feel just after walking up a hill) when you do simple things like go brush your teeth or simply folding laundry or do you feel air hunger (where you cant get a full deep breath)? \r\nI have been dealing with this everyday for 15 months and no break. It all started after a trauma and I started getting panic attacks. Now I think the hyperventilating caused me to \"reset\" my breathing so im overbreathing all the time and easily out of breath. I cam even notice it when Im asleep and wake up this way. \r\nAre we supposed to just try and ignore ot so it will just go away on its own? Are we supposed to go to a breathing coach to learn how to slow down our breathing? I know a part of it is being hyperaware of our breathing but then the other part is feeling like when Im busy and ignoring it, I easily am out of breath.\r\nDo you always feel a tight uneasiness in you chest and stomach? Im taking amnitrypoline now and thays helped alot with my feeling of doom and my constant cryinging but the shortness of breath makes my life feel miserable. Im so frighnened to be like this forever. Ive gone to every soecialist and did blood tests and ct scans but nothing came up. Ive been told I have chronic hyperventilation syndrome but nobody knows how to stop it. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-08T17:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackeau3-1381195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "hey!!! this exact thing is happening to me. i have insanely bad anxiety and ive had the breathing issues exactly like you for about 8-9 months and i cant agree more. it is absolutely miserable. especially the parts of the day when you cant get a breathe at all for hours and you just cant help but become hyper aware every second. im very happy to hear it isnt just me and i really dont think theres anything seriously wrong with us i just think we have insanely bad anxiety. it is mainly subconscious for me. text me 3019566965 and we can talk more because i hate this website" ], "date": [ "2021-06-08T19:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "Michelle,\r\nDid you feel like you were always out of breath, just like one feels after walking up a hill (short of breath)or did you feel like you couldn't get a deep breath (air hunger)? \r\nWas it all day? even if you were just sitting still? or did it come and go? Thats whats the most frightening to me is that I never have even a minute of feeling normal. my chest and stomach always feels so tense and uneasy and im always feeling out of breath. \r\nwhat dosage of prozac are you on? I am trying sn antidepressant called amitriptyline. im on 20 mg now. on 10 mg it took away the globus (tightness) in my throat. it also took away my feel of doom, for most of it at least, but the shortness of breath is constant. my family says not to think about it but how foes one not think about feeling out of breath? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-08T22:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah17128-1381236" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "content": [ "Do you mind if I ask you what medication it is that works for you? \r\nI have been suffering with this same thing going on 3 weeks now & I am going crazy.. I have had this ever year for about 10-12 years now but its never lasted for this long ;(" ], "date": [ "2021-06-08T22:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose42359-1170973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "yes it sure can! body thinks its in fight or flight mode so either your breathing does change or chest feel tight I’ve been struggling with that for over three years I knew it was anxiety but my doctors still had me run through all the test which of course was normal I tried psychotherapy I’ve tried natural doctors . im about to finallly ask for some medication as im so tired of it " ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T02:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose42359-1170973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "good wxplanation on the shortness of breath just feeling that way. thus why when we try to take a deep breath - or yawn to get the oxygen we think we need it often doesnt work - " ], "date": [ "2021-06-22T01:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen62032-1383309" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "im 19 and also going through the same thing! In the middle of a therapy session almost 8 weeks ago i got what i thought was a panic attack (shortness of breath, fast heart rate, lump in throat, etc) but after a few hours and it was still there i got freaked out. ive had a lung function test, blood, cat scan, x ray, etc etc and nothing. super scary yet nothing on results besides dehyrdation. no relief yet and it is 24/7 and i had to quit my job. i have a history of anixety and panic disorder and overall health anxiety. know that youre not alone!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-19T23:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k-trenton-1381137" ], "content": [ "just seeing this now man, im on Zoloft as well, 6 days in just waiting until i reach about 6 weeks praying it does something, its such a horrible thing to go through i would have never thought i would be in a situation like this, it has crippled me mentaly and just made my life suck the last almost 3months now, your not the only one brother i pray we heal and can get back to are daily lives and enjoy this life we were given!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-21T00:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/no14368-1384698" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica373737-1377248" ], "content": [ "hello currently 20 this year and experiencing shortness of breath idk if its my lungs or heart as all test that was done was revealed normal so i thought its due to anxiety but at random times i feel like i still cant get enough air be it walking,sitting or laying down so idk if its gotta do with anxiety or smth else...." ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T03:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eeshrew-1385285" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k-trenton-1381137" ], "content": [ " I'm 15 years old and this just started two days ago. I went to urgent care twice because I was panicking because it felt like all my breaths were shallow and I wasn't breathing all the way in. I've had what the doctor said to probably be panic attacks multiple times throughout the past two days. In general I also feel like I haven't been able to take a good breath since the first time it happened. I felt better once I got to the urgent care and they told me it seemed like anxiety and panic attacks and to go to get some blood work and a cardiologist which I had already made an appointment for. Your description of not breathing all the way and then fearing hyperventilating is exactly what is happening to me. Also as I'm falling asleep I feel as if my body stopped breathing and I have to consciously take a breath. It happened last night but I eventually fell asleep, thankfully. I'm going to go to my family doctor but waiting without knowing for sure what is going on is scary. So far it hasn't happened today but i still feel generally out of breath and more tired then usual. I got hydroxyzine tablets from the doctor to take whenever I get a panic attack as well. Last thing, I've felt tired and out of it a lot. I think it is because a panic attack is your bodies fight or flight mode kicking in, but all that makes you crash after. Generally not feeling good and being self conscious of my breathing." ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T21:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chim72943-1386290" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "Hi how are you now 4 weeks later... I am 23 and i only got diagnosed with psychological anxiety disorder about 3 weeks ago. I ended up in the er and on oxygen support on the 8th of last month after i had a major panic attack... Iv been on anti depressants since but i honestly feel like its been forever. I jjst wanna be ok again but i sometimes wonder. Was i ever ok or i was just a time bomb. Its good to know am not alone but its sad to know the scary symptoms and the so uncool life am living now is being bg experienced by someone else. Knowing how lifeless it can leave me i wudnt wish it for anyone else 😢😢" ], "date": [ "2021-08-28T15:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacobl327-1386809" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "I've been experiencing the same problem on and off for the past year and a half. At it's worst, I cannot take fulfilling breathes, constantly feeling like I'm lacking oxygen, forcing me to take deep breathes and yawn, which rarely satisfies the urge of breathlessness. Initially I was diagnosed with asthma, as I had asthma as a kid, and given a Symbiocort preventer - a lung steroid - which worked for a while. Unfortunately it's losing its effectiveness. I've recently started seeing a psychotherapist and I feel they don't understand that it isn't an active panic attack, where my breathing resolves after I calm down - it's a 24/7 breathlessness from the minute I wake to the minute I fall asleep. It gets worse when I'm stressed, particularly during uni semester, and it gets better when I'm socialising or distracting myself through games. I'm not sure if it's stress or anxiety induced; probably a mix of both. My psychotherapist has recommended improving my wellbeing through better sleep routines and exercise, but I now find myself unable to get a good night's sleep due to some form of restless sleep, probably induced from anxiety/stress. I'd like to start on anti-depressants meds, especially when semester starts up as I know it'll get worse when it does. I hope this message helps someone in some way - it's comforting to know I'm not alone in this. :) " ], "date": [ "2021-07-09T21:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "michelle are you still on prozac by any chance? or still dealing witht he shortness of breath? im currently taking ativan but its no help and i moght need to move onto anti depressant pills. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-17T01:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ronald1023-1388108" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxioustwenties-1379944" ], "content": [ "I am having this exact situation. I had it once before a few years ago and it randomly resurfaced. I feel like I have to concentrate on my breath and it prevents me from sleeping. Lorazepam actually helped me pass out through it but I'm honestly still afraid. Knowing I'm not alone makes me feel significantly better but I dread every single evening. I actually do stop breathing if I don't focus on it. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-17T20:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ronald1023-1388108" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila10167-843048" ], "content": [ "I had an instance recently where I woke up with a racing heart and now I feel like I can't breath when I try to sleep. I just wanted to reach out and say you aren't alone. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-17T20:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Hi, sorry I'm just seeing this. Yes, definitely air hunger. I'm on 40mg prozac and I haven't had that feeling since the prozac kicked in..it was all anxiety related, absolutely horrible!!" ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T05:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "Hi, yes I still am. I'm afraid not to be to be honest. I don't experience it since I started taking prozac and that was a few years ago! I highly recommend you start an antidepressant, it changed my life and took away the anxiety that was causing my air hunger feeling." ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T05:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "thank you so much for your response. do you have to take it daily? and have you had any side affects from taking it long term? " ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T21:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "Yes daily and honestly I feel no side effects at all." ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T22:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "thank you so much, sorry last question! if you go a few days without taking it or miss a day do you notice a difference in your mood or breathing?" ], "date": [ "2021-07-20T04:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah77222-1389023" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kaylee67588-1378631" ], "content": [ "I'm currently experiencing this. I have a hard time falling asleep and when I start to my heart rate picks up and so does the breathing scares. I'm not glad this is happening to anyone, but I'm glad I'm not alone." ], "date": [ "2021-07-23T21:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah77222-1389023" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ronald1023-1388108" ], "content": [ "I've had the same thing. I'm sorry you go through this, but I'm glad I'm not alone." ], "date": [ "2021-07-23T21:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah77222-1389023" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxioustwenties-1379944" ], "content": [ "hi, I would really like to talk outside this platform. because this is me almost to a T. can we talk?" ], "date": [ "2021-07-23T21:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah77222-1389023" ], "content": [ "hi sarah, i wrote another response but i dont think you can see it. im going through the same thing and ive been looking to speak with someone outaide of this platform. i think that could help the both of us, if you want my number lmk" ], "date": [ "2021-07-24T22:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah77222-1389023" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "I would like that because I need people to talk to, that understand, when this stuff is happening. :(" ], "date": [ "2021-07-25T04:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie54459-1389247" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacobl327-1386809" ], "content": [ "This is exactly me been suffering with this since March 2020. Do have some let up but its weekly then goes for a few weeks and then back again lasting all day and its hard for me to believe Im not dying ☹ I have also had two seizures now which they think are stress related! its hard for people to understand how distressing it all is. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-26T10:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie54459-1389247" ], "content": [ "hi guys\r\nim suffering severe breathlessness too. its getting me down so so much. \r\ni dont feel like its anxiety as i have had anxiety many times over the yrs and tend to know my patterns. i dont have any other anxiety symptoms at all. \r\n\r\nwhat tests have u guys had? \r\niv had a chest xray\r\nchest ct\r\nbloods\r\nexercise test \r\nim wondering should i be pushing for something else xxx\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-04T12:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gochoosy-1390981" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "I have been air hungry for 5 years. I was originally told it was anxiety..because all my tests come back normal.. ( oh so many tests!) Now I have been dx with postural tachycardia syndrome... Which many Drs think is some unknown neuro or autoimmune issue. I hope this isn't what you have, but a lot of what people are experiencing here sounds similar to my issues. My breathing gives me pressure / heaviness / aching in ribs and upper stomach. \r\nSome days are worse than others. If I ever find something that helps, I will try to let people know. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-05T05:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "Michelle,\r\n\r\nWe spoke before, a couple months back, and I hope you dont mind my asking a few questions. How long did you have your shortness of breath for? Did it come and go or was it constant 24/7?\r\n\r\nI have constant shortness of breath and a lump in the throat feeling called globus, as well as a heavy feeling on my chest. The doctors tested everything and cant find anything, so they say anxiety (maybe non-acid reflux or other things they arent sure of mixed in). Basically, they are not sure. I tried am antidepressant called amitryptiline up to 25 mg and it took my lump feeling away for two weeks and it came right back. Nothing has helped the constant shortness of breath. Im now going to try an antidepressant called Lexapro. \r\nIve been with this breathing problem for 1.5 years. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-05T23:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "im having the same exact problem i asked michelle what she did as well and she said she went on prozac which is what i just got prescribed but i have yet to pick up my prescription and start it because im so anxious. \r\n\r\ni have been dealing with this for about 5 months now, it was horrible so bad i had a chest x ray, blood work and an ekg and all came back normal. 3 different doctors told me it was anxiety. i deal with anxiety and depression so i wasnt surprised i was just in disbelief that it could cause such intense symptoms. but what we need to try understanding is our bodies our in fight or flight mode from the anxiety which causes stress and then it all reacts. it seems to be like a never ending vicious cycle. im no longer gasping for air everyday but i do have the non stop feeling of a lump in my throat! i can also feel it in my stomach at times. it doesnt go away i have it from the moment i wake up until the moment i go to sleep. ive tried to accept that this is my life now but it increases my depression. ive tried yoga and meditation and that had helped some, being outdoors had helped alot also but i will be starting the prozac in about a week if i havent felt any better and let you know how that goes. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-05T23:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "So are you saying your shortness of breath completely went away and you are now left with just the lump in throat feeling?\r\n\r\nWas your shortness of breath constant, or did it come and go? \r\n\r\nWhen this all started April 2020, the shortness of breath was soooo horrible, I could barely finish a sentence. Now, I can talk normal but there is always a very uncomfortable shortness of breath. My lump can either feel barely there one second and really bad the next. But the lump in the throat sensation is nothing compared to the breathing problem. \r\nWhat frightens me most is that doctors cant say for sure. They \"think\" my parasympathetic is dominating but cant say for sure if there is or isn't anything else causing the breathing problem. Also, its scary that it doesnt stop even for a split second. \r\nPLEASE keep me informed if the prozac takes it away or if something else works. \r\n\r\nAnother question about the lump in throat. Do you ever get strange sensations other then the lump or tightness? Such as if your throat is closing in on you? Sometimes like you are breathing through a straw? Have you ever got a bad sore throat. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T04:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "im still dealing with shortness of breath its just nowhere near as intense as it was in the first few months. it was constant and still is constant, since ive had it there hasnt been a moment where i have breathed normal but it had gotten alot less intense lately. this past month has really helped because ive spent so much time out doors trying to really clear my head because the more i thought about it the worse it got. but im still dealing with it. my breathing feels labored non stop along with the lump in my throat. and yes i have felt this. my throat felt like it completely closed in on me i went to the emergency room and was again told it was anxiety and they prescribed me ativan. i think it helped take my mind off the over thinking which also contributed to my breathing getting better but like i said it is still labored so i will be starting prozac in about a week. i will get back to you and let you know how it goes. \r\n\r\nmy symptoms are\r\nshortness of breath which lead to a diagnoses of dyspnea because of how extreme it is and can get\r\nmy chest gets so tight it feels like theres a lock on it or a weight on it\r\nmy vision gets very blurry \r\nlight headed - dizziness - loss of balance\r\nnausea \r\n\r\n\r\nand also yes, it has caused a dry throat because which i think is from opening my mouth so much and forcing myself to yawn 100+ times a day trying to catch my breath, and if you have shortness of breathe do you have a dry cough? that can contribute to a sore dry throat. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T07:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "when this nightmare started 1.5 years ago, I first had a dry cough for two months, which then turned into globus (lump in throat), and then two weeks later the shortness of breath. I get the dizziness and headaches on and off. And I always have a heavy chest all the way down to my stomach. \r\nI agree that being outdoors and keeping busy helps some, bur the overbreathing is always there...not for a single day has it been better. \r\nThe antidepressant I first tried did take away my globus for a couple weeks, but it then came right back. \r\nQuestion, with your breathing, does it feel more like you are out of breath the way one is after climbing a tall hill? Or, is it more like your lungs wont allow you to get a good breath in? Mine is the first.\r\nSounds like you and I have very similar symptoms. Mine all started after a couple months of dealing with a traumatic event. Its made my qualify of like miserable. " ], "date": [ "2021-11-12T22:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "im so sorry to hear that. mine started 5 days after a car accident. i havent been the same since. the way it feels for me is a mixture of both but mainly the second one. it feels like my lungs arent working properly and they wont allow me to take a deep breath in. alot of people have anxiety over medication so since youre willing to take medication maybe you should try speaking to someone. do you deal with deression at all? and did you have any anxiety prior to this traumatic event? \r\n\r\ni also have the heavy chest that extends down to my stomach. i started focusing on my stomach so much since the doctor already told me that my lungs were fine that i gave myself stomach pain. its so crazy what our brains can do to us when we overthink. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T15:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "so are your doctors saying this constant out of breath is from something internal die to the accident? Or is it from the \"flight and fight\" response in your nerves system? \r\nI saw a Ted Talk where a women after a car accident was in constant flight and flight for years and meds did not help her. All the symptoms went away after she herself did daily breathing exercises and meditation that shut off the overdrive of the sympathetic nerves system, so you may want to look her up on Ted Talk. Her name is Bal Pawa. She also wrote a book called \"The Mind Body Cure\". \r\n. You may have said this already but how long have you been dealing with the constant out of breath and globus sensation? Also, you said your breathing has gotten much better- is it almost completely back to normal? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T16:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "it is not back to normal but it has improved alot. my breathing feels labored, i can tell im breathing on my own but at the same time i feel like im working for it and the more i think about it the worse it gets. the lump in my throat feeling is constant. sometimes its very intense (when im anxious) and sometimes it just there but tolerable (when im \"happy\" or distracted) however it no way to live evenif its tolerable its still taking over my life. my breathing was So bad at one point I couldn't even lay down I had to sit up against a wall just to be able to breathe I had to use an inhaler which honestly didn't help I had to take multiple Ativan's a day which isn't safe either but after spending time outdoors and excepting the fact that it's anxiety is what helped her get a lot better. I wish i could meditate but the intrusive thoughts i have are just too loud in my head but yoga does help. since i struggle with health anxiety i overthink everything i consume so i started fasting until around 12:00 pm from dinner time the day before i start the day with water and then by 12:00 i will eat fresh organic fruit (i aim for alkaline fruit only) and then at some point mid day or before sunset i go to the park with a blanket and a book and just lay for about 2 hours. this has helped so much. i still deal with many symptoms but its no where near as bad ad the days i was convinced i was going to drop dead at any moment. \r\n\r\n\r\ni truly hope and believe that it is nothing internal and thats its just flight or fight response from my nervous system! the accident itself wasnt even bad at all. it was the stress and anxiety of having to deal with the lawyers and insurance and chiropractor and doctors and therapy that overwhelmed me and gave me a small anxiety attack and nothing has been the same since. i hope my advice can be of help to you. the food we consume and getting vitamin d from the sun played a huge part in me getting better. i will look at that ted talk!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T20:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "I am sooo convinced that out of all the people Ive conversed with in this forum, you amd I have exactly the same thing and are at the same point with our breathing and lump in throat. Mine just has to be anxiety driven bc 3 months before it all happened I was the happiest I had ever been. I just returned from a two month stay with my family in Italy, visiting family and touring all over. I return home to a job I love, teaching. Then everything all of a sudden quickly hit me. I was misdiagnosed with needing a horrible surgery after having pains that were causing stress but was nothing horrible like this crazy doctor told me. That made me feel so upset for two months until I could get a second opinion bc covid started and it was impossible to see a doctor. All of a sudden I got globus, causing major anxiety overload and two weeks I was hyperventilating. At that time my breathing and globus was sooo bad that I could barely finish a sentence, I couldnt even walk two blocks, I thought I was dying evrn though all the tests were coming back normal. At that time I had many more symptoms: so dizzy, ear pain, pain in my nose, my muscles in my head and body killed, heart beating rapid, killing throat pain. I was even mislead thinking it was severe acid reflux so I did nexium twice a day and ate very low acid food to the point that I lost over 20 pounds in a month. My breathing has gotten alot better since then but its still very umcomfortable all the time, never a moment of peace. Id take the lump in my throat constant any day over the breathing. Im always taking one big inhale every so often to try to feel normal and not the hesviness in my chest. My doctor says it can be a mix of things wrapped up in the anxiety, but there was nothing at all wrong before being told I needed that terrible surgery. My doctor says it seems like this gave me PTSD. I cant believe its not anything but anxiety driven if every test came back fine. I keep starting to worry maybe its some nerve condition or am autoimmune disease (I am hypothyroid). Its just so awful. My doctor is going to start me now on Lexapro. Im starting it next week. Ill let you know how it goes. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T21:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Im so sorry that such an amazing time in your life lead to you feeling this way. I was happy as well the happiest I had been in years. The crazy thing is that same day of the accident I looked at my fiancé and said “wow my back hasn’t hurt in 6 weeks now and I honestly feel so good” 1 hour later we go into the accident. My back has been so bad since starting one week after the accident which was when my anxiety went crazy bad. with multiple scans and chiropractor visits there is “nothing wrong” with it so I’m thinking the pain is just from the damage I’ve done to my nervous system with all the stress. \r\n\r\nThat must have been terrifying. This is why I value multiple opinions so much because of how easily people are misdiagnosed it’s insane! This forum has stopped me many times from running back to the ER. \r\n\r\nBut yes I feel like are symptoms are extremely relatable especially with where we stand now. I do the same exact thing I will be breathing “normal” and every now and then get the urge to try and fill my lungs as if I haven’t been breathing correctly. \r\n\r\n\r\nWhat parts of your body hurt? \r\n\r\nAnd when your breathing or anxiety was at its worse did you ever get blurred vision? That’s what I’ve been dealing with lately. \r\n\r\n\r\nI dealt with the nose and ear pain also I pop my ears all day and now I can’t stop it just became a habit to release pain but the pain has gone away because I drink a lot of green tea and mullein leaf tea. You should try!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T23:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "Right now the most disturbing symptom is the breathing, which then caises alot of heaviness in my chest and tightness in my stomach. Then the globus is the second worst. Parts of my body that hurt is on and off my ears bc I will sometimes become so sensitive to everyday noises (such as scooping ice into a cup). I also on and off get surface burning sensation on my skin (arms, face, legs). My face has even developed a mild case of red acne on my cheeks. When I get more anxious, my face now heats up easily and my cheeks get red and breaks out. Another crazy thing is I easily jump put of fright from everyday noises. I watched a movie with my family that had a little thriller to it, and my heart just started beating fast, I was shaking, and my breathing became super fast. Clearly my nervous system is going nuts. \r\nIll l" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T02:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "sorry, I wasnt finished with my reply.\r\nI'll look up the mullein tea. I dont drink green tea or anything with caffine bc I feel caffine will highten anxiety. \r\nRight now my functional doctor has me doing the biofeedback breathing exercise twice daily, humming or gargling twice a day to stimulate the vagus nerve.\r\n\r\nAs for eyesight, the anxiety does not impact my vision (though Ive always had terrible vision). With that said, anxiety for sure causes vision problem. My general doctor said he had a patient where anxiety made him temporarily blind." ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T15:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "I noticed one of your replies is waiting to be monitored however I don’t know if that was a reply to me. I think I forgot to Mention this earlier but I have been dealing with this for four months now. I pretty much have pain all over my body and it makes me very weak but a lot of the pain I’m experiencing now I’ve had for a few years now they’ve just gotten a lot more intense since this has happened. I am easily frightened as well and very sensitive to certain noises almost anything makes my heart race very easily. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T03:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "hi guys mine is everyday but not all day. when its bad i check with a pulse oxometer and my oxygen is still 97/98 however i feel really breathless. \r\n\r\ncan any1 recommend any tests i should be asking for? \r\ni have had the following\r\nbloods\r\necg\r\nct chest \r\nexercise test\r\n\r\nthankyou xxx\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T12:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "did this come out of nowhere? or have you been dealing with any stress or anxiety? had any sort of anxiety attack? " ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T14:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "iv had it since i had my baby who is now 1. iv had anxiety in the past but i dont have it atm. i dont have any other symptoms just feeling really out of breath xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T15:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "it is truly insane what anxiety can do to the body thats why its so important to not ignore it and just fight it as much as you can before you get trapped in these never ending cycles so stat optimistic! and i cant have caffeine either so i get decaf green tea! " ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T18:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "maybe taking care of your baby has caused you some stress. to me when this happened my anxiety attack was very small hardly anything noticeable i just could tell i was stressed and anxious all at once and thats what triggered it. how about depression?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T18:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "its not impossible but coming from somebody who has suffered from anxiety alot in the past it just doesnt feel like that this time. i dont thnk its depression as i dont feel down at all. what tests did u hve xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T20:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "I’ve had a ct scan, ekg, blood test and multiple chest x rays. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T23:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "please keep me posted if you ever find something that makes your breathing start to feel better. \r\nI started the Lexapro two days ago so Ill see how that goes." ], "date": [ "2021-08-12T21:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "will do! im really happy to hear you started lexapro today. have you had any side affects? its been a few days since we spoke how have you been? my breathing has been so bad today and i have to pack two full size suitcases by saturday and take a cross country flight i have absolutley no clue how im going to do it and its all ive been thinking about thats probably why my breathing is so bad right now :( im starting my prozac monday " ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T00:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "No side effects that I can tell. I take it in the morning bc its known to cause some insomnia for people who take it at night. The first two days I felt high energy but now feel fine on it so far. I'm curious what dosage of prozac Michelle was on that help her with her breathing so much after 5 weeks. Are you seeing a psychiatrist and/or therapist?\r\n\r\nI felt stressed just like you are about a trip I had to take about a month ago. It ended up being a really good thing for me because I was busy talking to family, went on a day boat cruise, out to eat and a drink or two. I always felt the breathing and the globus there but my stress level bc of the symptoms were low since I got out of my house and my normal routine. This trip will be good for you as well, you'll see!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T14:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trent89726-1392395" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "did the medication works did it fix the breathing issue ?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-14T00:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trent89726-1392395" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "did the zoloft take away the shortness breath" ], "date": [ "2021-08-14T01:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "How long did you have the air hunger problem before you went on prozac and it took it away? What was the lowest dosage you started on, and how did you work your way up to 40 mg? \r\n\r\nDid you have any other symptoms... such as a constant heavy feeling on your chest or tightness in the throat? \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-14T12:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "i believe at some point michelle told me shes either on 20mg or 40 mg of prozac. ive spoke to a fee other people who have started prozac as well and they said they took it in the morning because it can cause insomnia as well and that after a couple months they were back to breathing normal. one person only took it for 6 months and stopped and said she felt food as new again. i lost my job and insurance in the pandemic so now in paying out of pocket and all i can afford now is a online councelor i speak to once a month who can Fill the prescription for me. did you take a flight by any chance for your trip? im leaving for the airport in a few hours and im so nervous but im trying to stay calm. im visiting my parents and sisters so im sure this will be good for me im just worried about flying like this for the first time since its started :( im happy to hesr your trip went food and put you at ease for a while. it sucks that its only temporary.. ive gone out a few times even went to disney world my favorite place and still i could feel it it was just easier to ignore. thank you for your reply!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T05:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "When I went on my trip I too felt it and my globus all the time, it just wasnt my #1 main focus every second of the day like it is at home since I was out doing things and trying to get my mind off it a bit. Im sorry you lodt your job. Same thing happened to my husband during the pandemic. He has a temporary job but the added strain contributed to my starting to have globus and shortness of breath for 15 months now. Why dont you start the prozac once you are at your family vacation and not wait till you return? \r\nNo, I haven't gone on an airplane. But you will put the air conditioning above you pointed to your face and close your eyes and focus on your relaxed breathimg. Think about positive happy moments with your family and things you want to do together when you arrive. You can also bring a headset and go on youtube to find meditation to do. Once you arrive to your family you will feel so good that you didnt let this stop you. Im nerves about going back to teaching little kids with a mask on all day. Having to be in daily meetings at 8am before I teach and wearing a mask. But I know I can do this and I will bc this situation will not stop me from moving forward. Yesterday I went to the mall shopping with my daughter for some Back to School clothes wearing a mask and at first I was like \"this is going to suck\". I then slowly calmed myself down and just focused on her and our time together. Though the breathing was always there, the anxiety symptoms were much better bc I kept myself positive and calm. Be positive, take your time to get to your terminal, and relax. You can do this! " ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T13:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Question: the few people you spoke to who said their breathing went back to normal after a couple of months, do you know what max dosage they were on that took the feeling away? It would be good to compare their dosage to that of michelle so that as you work your way up the prozac dosage, you get a sense of what helped other people stop their symptoms. How is your globus? I have mine everyday but Id take that any day over the breathing " ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T13:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moira43918-1073113" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "ive had anxiety since i was in my term. the difficulty breathing had been the worst part ever. i feel like i cant take a deep breathe and feel light headed etc. Im now 50 and had this for years.Every day is a struggle" ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T23:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun53417-1394409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "ive had this for month mow constantly cant breathe constantly exhalinfg more than inhaling for somwreasom and ive been to er they said chest xray was fine oxygen was fine etc but i an stull having trouble breathing its scaring me i wheeze when i exhale, possibly somethinn wrong with ym throat or windpipe??" ], "date": [ "2021-08-25T14:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trent89726-1392395" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moira43918-1073113" ], "content": [ "do you take medication ? and does the medication take away this breathing issue ?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-25T22:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jaaack1-1394716" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "hi their, i have just started suffering with shortness off breath for the last 2 weeks mines can be loads off seperate attacks like 5-6 a day once a day or none (onit happened twcie) its like i cant get enough air in through my nose and have to mouth breath when i do my chest feels all tight like yourself i dont suffer when doing something like working where i am focusing they mainly come when im at home or driving, dose my attacks sound like yours? my doctors suggest anti histemens, iron tablets, blue inhailer and gaviscone which has not helped at all.\r\n\r\nthanks jack" ], "date": [ "2021-08-27T18:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "Samantha, \r\nHow did your trip go and how has it been going for you on prozac? I'm hoping it's helping with globus and the breathing. what reasons did your doctor give to you for having globus?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-28T00:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/millie51204-1395214" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "hi michelle i am suffering same as you and have been put on sertaline today. its like my mind cant stop thinking about being out of breathe . does it get better as i feel so down :(" ], "date": [ "2021-08-31T12:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aleisha71138-1385814" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela69702-1299867" ], "content": [ "hey my name is aleisha .\r\nim 28 years old with 4 children very stressful as well mine all under the age of 9 I've suffered anxiety and depression for 9 years .. I've had breathing problems in the past been to the hospital in er with ecg scan blood test in the past they said I was fine then got worse over time to the point I had to take medication and it worked wonders. now the last 3 years I havent been on medication and now my anxiety is getting worst over time agian now back to sqare one again going to hospitals thinking everything is wrong with me I do suffer from genralized anxiety disorder im suffering from shortness of breath and chest pains feel tight at the moment and I can't do things cause im to busy worrying all time on how I feel so exhausting and I feel sorry for my kids cause of me and my anxiety it is so horrible im scared to take my meds agian cause of side affects as well but I'm going to see doctors and sort out the issues step buy step and get back on the road to recovery again fingers cross \r\nand also with this cronavirus thats going on is freaking me out even more im on edge all time especially if I go out for essential always on high alert." ], "date": [ "2021-09-04T12:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa28357-1395995" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacobl327-1386809" ], "content": [ "i feel the exact same way! i also have been dignosed with asthma but i think its anxiety and simbacort worked for a minute but now im back to the same feelings. i recently stopped smoking weed but im thinking of starting again because it made my anxiety feel better" ], "date": [ "2021-09-06T06:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roslyn95x-1397614" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "hi are you still like this if you have over come this can you please explain how im in the exact same boat as you i started with chest pain with a viral infection but my heart was constantly fast everytime i gott up my heart would race fast i have lost over a stone in weight the thing thats bothering me now is breathless i have had a heart monitor for 24 hours still awaiting results ive been off work for ten weeks now its affecting my quality of life i have been rushed to hostpital 7 times had 7 diffent diagnoses now my gp is saying maybe anxiety but it is killing me staying in i want to go out i want to go to work but i cant even make it up the stairs with out getting breathless feels so tight to breath in im awaiting cheat ct scan also and ive recently had a colonoscopy as i was bleeding from my bottom i get this heavy feeling in my chest when doing anything at all! im 26 normally very active i dont feel anxious about anything and have been like this ten weeks now my hands and feet go really cold ive had half vision loss with my whole left side going numb i have tried 4 differnt anxiety medication and i had bad reactions in the night made my heart race so much i also keep bringing sick up but not being sick so fed up x" ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T22:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paige89919-1397918" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "content": [ "what medication are you on for it i have been expriancing very bad shortness of breath went to er had to call an ambulance another time they tried saying its all in your head your levels are fone" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T02:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/belle18--1398507" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/no14368-1384698" ], "content": [ "that is the same situation that i'm experiencing right now. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T03:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abi96685-1398701" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "hi, mine is V similar to yours. how are you feeling now?" ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T17:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abi96685-1398701" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eeshrew-1385285" ], "content": [ "hi have you managed to get any relief? i have the same including the night time issue. i literally feel as though my body forgets to take a breath when im falling asleep sometimes. how are you now?" ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T18:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola75516-1405494" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila10167-843048" ], "content": [ "i feel your stress i have been suffering from severe anxiety since the loss of my mum last year , i have that awful feeling that i cannot breath, like cannot get a satisfied breath and i carry in doing it which then starts off a massive panic attack as i feel i will never get one, i have now been put on citalopram 10mg and am on day 15 but i feel like im going out my mind, just reaching out for help/advice really! have been to A&E twice and that is just not me at all , after bloods ecg xray all was ok! " ], "date": [ "2021-11-12T08:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire01086-1405573" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Just reading all these makes me realise I'm not mad and not alone. \r\nI've always suffered with anxiety, but not to the degree I am right now.\r\nI get a sudden onset of breathlessness like never experienced before, accompanied by my heart pounding out of my chest. Sometimes I struggle to her to the end of a sentence, and feel like I've climbed a hill. \r\nMy previous anxiety attacks over the years have always been pins and needles, heart racing, but never the severe breathlessness.\r\nI have just recovered from breast cancer and been put on a new medication, so maybe this is all a contributing factor.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-11-12T22:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angie88555-1405963" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie54459-1389247" ], "content": [ "Hi Natalie ! \r\n\r\nReading this thread in the middle of the night because I woke up feeling like i had no air and couldn't get a breath.\r\n\r\nmy symptoms also started March 2020 and i have never dealt with anxiety before. I was always the very cool and collected person good in crisis. Since March 2020, i have been struggling to breathe properly, i'm constantly yawning and exhausted from it all. In March and April 2020, I went to the ER 3 times and was turned around because my oxygen levels were fine. my family doctor saw me once and told me it is anxiety. I am still not believing it to be anxiety causing my shortness of breath but more the outcome of feeling out of breath (is it ever stressful to feel like you can't breathe!!!) . I cant remember what it's like to just breathe normally and i am upset i took breathing for granted when it was still an automatic thing \r\n\r\nI just wanted to tell you you're not alone. I listen to worship music when I'm absolutely panicking and try to read my bible more to remember God is with me through it all. Do you have any thing that eases your mind a little?" ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T05:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola75516-1405494" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah77222-1389023" ], "content": [ "Hi sarah how are you feeling now? i have had this for years on and off always seems to come back with a vengeance when something traumatic happens, this time around its really bad panic attacks for the last month every day as i focus so much om my breathing, always trying to take a deep breath to get that satisfied feeling then when it dont happen panic sets in and full blown panic attack, you thinknyou are losing your mind and all i can describe it to people is like i am fighting to stay alive everyday, dramatic i know but that is how it feels, its exhausting here to tak if you need to xx nikki" ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nathan29183-1371212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola75516-1405494" ], "content": [ "hi nicola, have you tried meditation and mindfulness i found that these helped me a lot to cope and even used them of a night time to get me to sleep when i couldn't. i was also on propranolol which does just calm you a bit but not tackle the problem" ], "date": [ "2021-11-25T08:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amber062499-1409321" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "How are you now? " ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amber062499-1409321" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola75516-1405494" ], "content": [ "How are you doing now? " ], "date": [ "2021-12-13T21:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/serena87525-1412714" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kaylee67588-1378631" ], "content": [ "hello Kaylee. im right there with you. Mine started with s stuffed up nose during christmas . I ABSOLUTELY hate having anythung that affects my beeathung. i have had this anxuety for YEARS. im 56 now and i thought my anxiety days were for most part gone. I have had 2 bad episodesin the last 10 years. I realize now there has ALWAYS been a trigger- bith times it was not being able to breathe . I cant sleep at nite bc i have so much abxiety . I cant seem to get air into my lungs so i cannot fall asleep. When you dont sleep - your abxiety is 10 fold . Im trying hard not to take my zanax. Im so stubborn . I have gotten 8 hours of sleep the last 3 nites. " ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T22:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/serena87525-1412714" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "hello Michelle. SAME here. I was wondering why you didnt take some zanax or something for quick relief till your AD kicked in. 5 weeks is too long to wait . How miserable could that have been. \r\n\r\nSerena " ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T22:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/serena87525-1412714" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/roslyn95x-1397614" ], "content": [ "Hello Roslyn. Im so sorry you are having to deal with all this. How are you doing now ? Are you taking any meds ? \r\n\r\nSerena " ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T22:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/borshon20-1421624" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle05636-1170595" ], "content": [ "Hey! Hope you're doing fine! I had been in that same problem about one and a half year. Gone through a lot of treatments and all failed because doctors simply couldn't find out my real problem. And finally one year back my doctor understand the problem and provide me antidepressants. It works well and by the grace of Allah now I am fine. I don't have the shortness of breathing any more. Now I want to stop taking my antidepressants drug. Did you stop your antidepressants yet? If yes then will you share your experience and answer some of my questions regarding this? How should I do that? Is there any chances of that problem coming back? Can meditation help me on that withdrawal of medicine?" ], "date": [ "2022-03-25T19:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/borshon20-1421624" ], "content": [ "Hey all, \r\n\r\nIt is crazy to read soo many stories of people who have similar symptoms to me. I have had it for 2 years now. I used to get the issue of not getting a satisfying breath but now somehow taught myself to hold it in. However, it doesn't stop there you still get this sensation to try to get a deeper breath which then plays on your mind and forces you to sigh. It drives me crazy as I am a healthy-ish adult who works out 5 times a week.\r\n Weird thing I noticed and if anyone else can relate please yell out. When I am having a few drinks of alcohol, I can not feel this sensation at all. Which is great however I can't be drinking all my life (lol!). \r\nIt's really a battle and I have told my partner a few times but can't be telling her all the time and scaring her. I see a lot of people are getting on the meds, what are the side effects? I am no expert but every time I heard previously someone getting on the meds they have been in a really dark place.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-06-06T19:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "content": [ "ive had this issue now for going on 14 months. i was in denial for a long time that it was anxiety i had blood work, xrays and ekgs and they couldnt find anything. i went on ativan for about two months and it didnt really help and my depression got worse so i started therapy and was prescribed prozac. i saw many people stating that it made them feel numb so i decided to never start the medication. im sad to admit that the only thing that made the shortness of breath go away was drinking so thats what i did. ive cut back now because i know that will only do more harm than good. whats been helping me a little more now is taking ashwaghanda, meditation and spending time outdoors. " ], "date": [ "2022-06-22T06:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "Thank you for writing back and sharing your story. I fee for you. I have had it for a long time also, maybe 2 years now. Some days are okay some days are bad. Right now I have some tension in my throat telling me to take a deep breath but I am trying to fight it and it then causes tension in my head until I take a deep breath. Then it's gone once I do and it restarts again. \r\nLike you I had done ECG, Xrays x 2 , blood work x 2, Echo scan on my heart. All said was normal. I finally asked to seriously refer me to a Respiratory doctor, which they finally did and I went last week. The doctor checked all the previous tests and has said that it sounds like a behavioural issue, I might have trained my body to breathe like this and he was pointing out that it might be because I lift weights (as I do 5 times a week). He also has said it could be all in your head and I just need to not think about it. I mentioned to him about the anti-anxiety pills, he told me its not a good path to go for a young and healthy guy and I should try and get over it naturally.\r\n\r\nIt's funny you mentioned the alcohol and how it takes the edge away as it does for me. I have also started meditation every day - it helps but for a short period. \r\nOne other thing I do is breath holds, there is a few videos on youtube which are made for divers to teach to hold their breath, it can be used as an anti-stress technique, and after the workout you well at ease, you should try it. Also when holding the breath you notice that you can hold it for some time (well at least I can), then why am i making myself take big breaths? Does my body actually need extra oxygen when I can hold my breath for 45 seconds or more?\r\n\r\nI have sent you a message if you need to chat, it would be good to connect with people who are going through the same thing and try and fight this together. " ], "date": [ "2022-06-22T09:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/giannalikesrain-1431668" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "i feel the exact same .... is it better now? if so what helped?" ], "date": [ "2022-06-26T02:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brandilynn-1432349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxioustwenties-1379944" ], "content": [ "You literally just described my life at the moment. My husband and I have been going through IVF and after I stopped all hormones they had me on, my anxiety hit the roof. My Dr has blamed it on the hormone fluctuation and sudden stop in meds at the end of the cycle. However, I've suffered from anxiety since I was 16 years old when I had my first panic attack. I'm 35 now. I literally feel short of breath or breathless at least 75% of every day. I can be doing nothing and it hits me like a ton of bricks. It feels like somebody has their hand around my neck all day long. I've lost my appetite over it because when you feel that way, it's hard to eat. I feel like food gets stuck in my throat when I swallow too so now I'm freaking about that every time I eat. I've lost weight from it too. I don't enjoy going out, going to dinner, doing anything basically because it's always with me. It really is miserable. I started therapy a few weeks ago & I've recently started Lexapro (5 days ago) so I know I'm on the right track but waiting on the symptoms to subside feels like an eternity away. I keep thinking I have COPD or ashtma. He'll, I've even thought it was a hiatal hernia or GERD. I'm always googling my symptoms and fearing the worst.. then I feel worse. It's a vicious cycle but you're not alone is what I'm trying to say. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-02T01:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brandilynn-1432349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "content": [ "I'm 35 and I've been on anxiety meds a few times throughout my life. I've struggled with anxiety since I was 16. Honestly, the meds are the only thing that has EVER helped me return to normal. Lexapro is a very well tolerated medicine that has worked well for me in the past. I just stared it again 5 days ago. It does take about 4 weeks or longer to start getting things back to normal but that's nothing compared to feeling like this forever if you do nothing. Start up side effects aren't fun but they subside in 1-2 weeks so it's worth it. Lexapro makes me so tired. I take it at night before bed and feel hung over for hours the next morning. Other than that, I don't have many other bothersome side effects. Sometimes I feel lightheaded/dizzy but it's hit & miss. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-02T01:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brandilynn-1432349" ], "content": [ "So when you take Lexapro, does it fix these feelings fully? Or do they come back from time to time but less?\r\n\r\nThe doctor has advised me to not pursue the anxiety meds as he said I am healthy and fit and should not go down that root as it has its own negative impacts. Did not fully go into the negative aspects. I can still fully function, exercise and do my job. Just always have that feeling that you should take a deep breath and it automatically sends the fight or flight mode into my brain is really getting to me. But my oxygen levels are always normal above 95% all the time, so I do not really need to take these deep breathes. I have also been doing breath-hold exercises and can hold my breath for 2 minutes, which I am not sure is possible for a person who has the need to take big gulps of air every minute. Which means it might be all in my head. \r\nA person recommended Ashwagandha, which is a natural ingredient for stress and anxiety, and she has said it has helped her. I am trying it out now, it's only been 2 days so cannot comment on it. But a lot of reviews on Amazon have said that it actually works for them.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-07-02T10:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "Hi Samantha,\r\n\r\nWhat does of ashwaghanda are you taking? I have just bought some and interested to know.\r\n\r\nThanks." ], "date": [ "2022-07-02T14:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean62992-1434286" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "your not alone ive been dealing with almost the same problem im laying in bed right now and it just feels like i need to take deep breaths and im not getting enough oxygen when i breath normally and having rib pain as well but ever doctor tells me im ok its so stressful and just want to feel normal again been a while. but things will get better! keep your head up " ], "date": [ "2022-07-19T15:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beccaisla-1142743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tamsin49323-1372841" ], "content": [ "this is exactly how i have been feeling. it feels like when i try to take a deep breathe, my lung gets stuck midway and i cant inhale deeply. like i am suffocated 24 hours a day. theres only breif moments i feel like i can breath. Ive had ECG, Xray, blood tests, Spiromtry tests, and everything comes back normal. ive seen like 5 doctors and nurses and they all keep coming up with anxiety. ive had anxiety my entire life and never struggled with breathing! the breathing problems started about 5 days into having covid so my mind thinks the worst despite what doctors are saying. its been 4 months now its taken over my life. \r\nits awful! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-08-01T18:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denis78343-1426575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beccaisla-1142743" ], "content": [ "It is awful. There are a lot of people with these symptoms. A lot of them actually started when covid first started or during. Which is weird and myself and a few started to wonder if there is any connection. I have had it for 18months now maybe longer. Doctors to be honest have been really useless and they wouldnt even look at it seriously and just brush it off as anxiety or some say I forgot how to breath normally (which i am pretty sure is not the case). I tend not to say much here because this site likes to delete messages that are acutally trying to help people. Have a google search or youtube Sighing Dyspnea , PVMF , Vocal cord disorder, Pseduo dyspnea. There are a lot of article that can relate. But you might go into a rabbit hole and just get stuck not knowing what it is, because there is a lot of things that can cause this feeling of shortness of breath or suffocation. Reach out if you want. Wish you all the best with finding a cure." ], "date": [ "2022-08-01T20:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shyquetah05619-1439709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "hello i have this same problem i am sitting here at the ER realizing what the problem is thanks to God ! im sp happy i found this page i thought i was alone !!! " ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T07:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shyquetah05619-1439709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "content": [ "how are you feeling? looking at all you have said is like looking in a mirror at myself! " ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T07:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shyquetah05619-1439709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "i am having these same symptoms please give me your numbr " ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T07:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosanne35475-1440732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha2312-1387571" ], "content": [ "Hi try alprazolam 0.5mg im on it it help but be sure to ask ur doctor it give instant relief hope u get well soon" ], "date": [ "2022-09-12T15:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cloe57642-1447580" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djfabreeze-1314747" ], "content": [ "Hi, I know I am 2 years late, but I am a student of 21 years old experiencing exactly the same thing ... I am always feeling like I can't breathe and it is affecting my life so badly... I know it is certainly coming from anxiety. I am on sertraline since 2 weeks now and I would like to know if your breathing problem is gone thanks to Sertraline ? I need hope ... Thanks a lot" ], "date": [ "2022-11-21T17:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/habibi1234-1434335" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tamsin49323-1372841" ], "content": [ "hi can i contact u same issue i am favung" ], "date": [ "2022-12-12T13:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " You're not the only one going through this. I too have been to the ER several doctors bloodwork, EKG, x-rays that have all come back normal. Just last night I had the episode of my heart racing for no reason as soon as I got up from a little nap and my head started to spin I had to calm myself down and sit down on my bed to relax. I am not on any meds I choose not to be. My head spinning has gotten so bad where I actually just made an appointment with a neurologist to see what he has to say. I also get shortness of breath and feel like I can't breathe at times. The last time I had an anxiety attack was two years ago but it was never this bad. This time around it's been much worse and I'm going on eight days now. I also get shortness of breath and feel like I can't breathe at times. The last time I had an anxiety attack was two years ago but it was never this bad. This time around it's been much worse and I'm going on eight days now " ], "date": [ "2022-09-27T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c-far-1391237" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1391513" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c-far-1391237" ], "content": [ "The heart attack feeling hits home for me too. When my heart starts racing, my panic gets worse, and it's a negative spiral into shortness of breath, tightness in chest, feeling faint and that my heart is going to stop because it's getting so overworked. I think my heart can't take this day in and day out for such a long period of time, which makes the situation worse ultimately and increases the severity of the symptoms and amount of the attacks. Then certain situations and places start to trigger it more and it becomes a vicious cycle of panic. What has helped for me is trying my very best to accept the fact that death is a part of life and everyone goes through death at some point when it's their time. I've been medically checked out, so I will keep doing everything I know to do to live the best life I can. This might not help everyone, but it kind of helps me with the heart anxiety issue to a degree. I keep striving for the goal to 100% get over this fear....I'm still working toward it and celebrate any progress I do make." ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T23:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am having the same issue. just went to the hospital day before yesterday. I have anxiety and PTSD. I have panic attacks but this felt like a heart attack. I'm still having shortness of breath and get dizzy and lightheaded when walking now. I can't even clean without getting winded. I feel so bad because my 3yr old expects me to play with her and I have no energy. you are not alone. I have started my meditation again. I feel like I'm going crazy and I'm crying so much more. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T18:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel_35350-1157001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "me too and I'm really struggling. I get other symptoms with it aswell like i feel my body going tingly like my hands and my mouth feels dry and i feel like i can't even talk I've had ecgs and xrays too and all clear xo" ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T16:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crystal27104-1391423" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have all these symptoms also. Sometimes my face feels like it's tingling. This shortness of breath is the worst. Got an appointment to see a dr soon. hopefully get some relief with meds. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T06:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1391513" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "..." ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T01:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vladlen85063-1391602" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vladlen85063-1391602" ], "content": [ "hey have you had any update? does your breathing ever get bad enough that you have to stand up or can't be laying down. or even feel like you need the ER\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven42825-1397925" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "content": [ "yep" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey!\r\nI'm just a little older than you, I'm 34 \r\nI also faced [anxiety](https://patient.info/mental-health/anxiety) and [depression](https://patient.info/mental-health/depression-leaflet) that lasted for 5 years.\r\nSymptoms followed me everywhere: at home and during working hours.\r\nWhen I started doing small physical activities at home, I was faced with shortness of breath. But this was not strange.\r\nBut now I can just sit or lie down watching TV and start to choke.\r\nDoctors also cannot tell me what the problem is, because I am healthy in all respects.\r\nI was recommended to try yoga. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bellab5177-1392873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loubnarha-1393157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bellab5177-1392873" ], "content": [ "Instead of medication Try to control it with breathing techniques, and it shall pass, just while having that anxiety attack know that it's going to pass and you will be fine, because it happened before and you were fine after it. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T16:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "im so happy I found this discussion. I have been dealing with this for so many years. I’ve experienced what all of you are describing. Going to the hospital thinking there’s something wrong because i can’t breathe..... it was after many doctor visits that I finally acepted that it was anxiety. it comes and goes but in the last week the breathing issue has started again. I just reached out to my doctor today to ask if she can help me with medication for it. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T16:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bellab5177-1392873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im so happy I found this discussion. I have been dealing with this for so many years. I’ve experienced what all of you are describing. Going to the hospital thinking there’s something wrong because i can’t breathe..... it was after many doctor visits that I finally acepted that it was anxiety. it comes and goes but in the last week the breathing issue has started again. I just reached out to my doctor today to ask if she can help me with medication for it. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-17T04:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt130288-1392951" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi everyone. this will be a long message so hope you dont mind. im a 33 year old male and since the age of 21 my life has never been the same. the root cause of my problems was my nan passing away yhe doctors said. so i used to live life to the max look forward to everything. i was fit played played 3 90 mins games of football a week and could run 5/6 mile woth relative ease. so my life since then. i have this horrible feeling of not been able to get a breath, i have to force a yawn and hold it till i get a satisfactory breath. this is every breath of eveey second of every day. it is hell. even when im sitting watching tv i am yawning and gasping for air and its like its habitual now. i do no excercise as im scared i might have a heart attack i cant so stuff with my kids i want. i have had 2 ECG tests blood tests and lung capacity test and all normal. albeit five years ago they were but my mind wont think that i think since those five years i might habe developed something else. i feel my pulse dailly if ive got belly ache i think its stomach cancer. if i got weak legs i think its muscle dystrophy. i have been on and off medication for 12 years, sertraline, citalapram, fluoxetine and its still there although have drank most weekends on this medication but that makes me feel better till thr next day where my breathing will be ten times worse. i genuinely wake up and think here we go again and i hate it its so draining. i describe my lungs to be like a car running out of petrol amd I'm gasping amd yawning for something satisfactory to fill my tank up. please any help or medications or methods to help me please. sorry for such a long winded message, i just want to get better and be my old self all them years ago. thanks. " ], "date": [ "2022-02-05T19:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loubnarha-1393157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey! you are not alone, I've been suffering from this for years, sometimes it doesn't need any trigger, because sometimes we suppress our emotions, and they surface one day without us knowing causing an intense response, that's why you should keep tracking your mental health, consider mediation, or relaxation techniques daily, Journaling can help empty your chest from all worries and thoughts, and talk to someone, a friend or partner about your fears and all what might trigger your anxiety.\r\nyou are not alone, I am dealing with shortness of breath for 24 hours now, and I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. you are safe, just remember when it happens that you are safe and it shall pass like all the previous times. \r\nmuch love \r\nstay strong \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T16:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie99266-1393574" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/g-mommy-896906" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie99266-1393574" ], "content": [ "I have this exact same thing. Short of breath no matter what I do. It's actually worst when I am trying to relax. And just like you, I have no other symptom of anxiety - my heart rate and blood pressure etc. are all perfectly fine. I have some mild asthma, but 90% of my symptoms are apparently related to anxiety. I would take meds like xanax if I wasn't trying to get pregnant. This is because the symptoms are so frustrating and affecting me so much. I can't exercise, or even do household chores, without gasping for air. It is one of the worst things. Other than that, I try to keep myself busy. I tell myself I am healthy, and this is just my mind fixating and making something feel like a problem when it's not. If you do try xanax, let us know how it goes. Wishing you all the best - trust me, I know how much this sucks!" ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i recently started doing this myself. ive been to ER 6 times since saturday morning. all my labs, EKG, CT shows i am healthy my lungs are clear, heart is healthy but i am constly having shortness of breathe. no matter what i am doing driving, siting watching tv, laying down relaxing ( what it seems to feel like im doing) always short, through nose or mouth. bedtime i close my eyes wake up grasping for air, do it all night long, even during naps. dr keep telling its my anxity but i dont have other symptons, fast heart rate, numbsness feeling like im gonna pass out. can anxity cause this constant shortness of breathe without other symptons? i was given xanax 0.25 but 1mg dr told me to break them down but im scared so i havent taken any yet. i feel like i am going crazy! i cant even work at this point, bearly sleep, or eat. i see counslor monday 23rd. \r\n\r\nif anyone has taken 0.25 what did it make you feel like? im worried its gonna realax my breathing to much that im not gonna be able to breathe at all. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-19T04:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-even-when-im-not-having-an-anxiety-attack--479053?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" } ]
Shortness of breath even when im not having an anxiety attack!
Hello I'm a 32 year old female,I have been having anxiety and some depression for about four years now!!so I understand everything that everybody on here is going through!!!!I started back on my meds almost 3 weeks ago....I can just be sitting there on my bed and start getting shortness of breath,even if I'm not having an anxiety attack....ive been to the er so many times because of my panicking....I've had xrays,ekg's,and lots of blood work done,& the doctors tell me that I'm healthy....my psychiatrist told me that I think about the breathing too much and that Its just in my head,but it scares me!!!does anybody else have that same problem???I have read other stories with the same issues!!!I just want to know that I'm not the only one going through this!!!!!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wheelwrightpl-1347505" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetzytay-1348315" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wheelwrightpl-1347505" ], "content": [ "Feel free to message me on facebook if you want someone to talk to. It's Tay September." ], "date": [ "2020-12-26T07:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am stuck in \"manual breathing\" mode for the past 6 months, but I have no anxiety if we go by the standard medical definition which is \"A feeling of apprehension and fear, characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and feelings of stress.\" My \"anxiety\" is purely physical, despite all doctors trying to browbeat me into believing I have psychiatric problems. Currently I believe there are no medical diseases, conditions or disorders which describe exactly what's happening to me. And trust me I did tons of research. Despite this I am still hopeful it will get resolved one day, and wish the same to everyone who is affected in a similar way. " ], "date": [ "2020-12-20T01:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetzytay-1348315" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma93903-1345687" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetzytay-1348315" ], "content": [ "hi sweetzytay \r\nim also having a crap time like yourself some days are a bit better then i wake up in the night with sinus pressure and feeling like i cant catch my breath i also get very out of breath just doing simple things . i suffer with gerd and that can make me breathless but its all the time. i first starting having anxiety and panic attacks when i was 22 now 35 i had cbt and it helped i was feeling a bit down about 4 weeks ago as my gerd was really bad and i was stuck in bed and i turned to my doctor which i regret now he put me on prozac and i took them for 6 days on the 7th day i woke up had a massive panic attack had tingling in mouth had a horrid sensation going though me like i was being squeezed i ended up in a and e. they run a ecg and took my blood pressure and sent me home the next 2 weeks were horrible all kinds and problems depressed ocd anxiety panic attacks hated being in my own head sweating hot flushes the list goes on i was so scared i truly thought i was going to die i still do sometime i was doing so well before they gave me them tablets now im a mess and think im going to die its trying to get in my head that its my anxiety my mind starts to wonder then im convinced its something bad im so on edge ive tried downloading apps to relax youtube breathing exercises hot baths burning oils its nothing helps much i also now cant sleep wake up all night its really getting me down. im trying everything as i have 5 children and they need me i seem to hide in my bedroom most of the time its the only place i feel kind of safe. hope your having a better day today " ], "date": [ "2020-12-28T11:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, I'm 22 years old and I have been going through something very similar. I have a history of anxiety but it was never this bad. I would get panic attacks and would feel out of breath during the attack but then my breathing would go back to normal after. But now I have been feeling short of breath every day all day from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed. The feeling is like I am suffocating. I have the need to take a deep breath or yawn about every 2-3 minutes. Some days are better than others but they are bad for the most part. I have been to the ER and got an x-ray and blood work done and the doctor didn't find anything wrong with me. It's been going on for 5 months now almost nonstop. My family think I'm either crazy or making it up. They don't believe my symptoms. They think this is something that is just in my head. I mean it probably is because doctors don't know what's wrong with me but it definitely FEELS real. I would just like someone to talk to who understands me because they are going through the same thing. Feel free to message me on facebook. It's Tay September. Thank you for reading :)" ], "date": [ "2021-04-26T04:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joshuapryce1987-1348499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Relaxation methods are needed. Relaxation methods take on various forms, such as music, meditation or counting or going out for a jog etc. I talk to God when i am in a panic." ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T17:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey are you still feeling this way?? It is so scary!! " ], "date": [ "2021-03-06T22:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "hey dear have you had the breathing test done and have you ever been a smoker? i had it done and im 28... they said im one point off normal and if not asthma then copd... i have BAD anxiety but this came on out of nowhere!! I woke up with it christmas day... just so scary! i went to ER and my EKG was normal, chest xray, O2 was 99... copd at 28??? oh i pray not! i am however on a beta blocker and im reading those can constrict breathing and cause breathlessness are you on one by any chance too??? i hope this gets better for ALL of us! I wouldnt wish this on anyone! " ], "date": [ "2021-03-07T15:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "content": [ "hey lovely thank you so much for your reply.\r\ni have never been a smoker and bit on beta blockers. \r\ni feell like i am coughing up mucus (sorry tmi) di im wondering if a chest infection but id assume that would be picked up on a chest xray? \r\nmy dr gave me an inhaler and told me to try it for 2 wks then call bk and he could refer me to a respiratory clinic so i think they would maybe do breathing tests im not too sure. This is similar, altho i suffer anxiety this feels different xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-03-07T20:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "i understand the (this feels different). And it is def NOT covid! I am certainly wanting it to be \"just anxiety\" as this is scary!! Im on google too much and I am terrified. Google has you dying in seconds you know?? If this IS just anxiety I know we will one day be past this! I am terrified of COPD! But the beta blocker can also cause this so im just wondering... \r\n\r\nNot TMI.. I have a toddler lol nothing anymore is TMI... usually yes a chest infection shows on xray. My xray was clear as well... but my breathing test was one off of normal. I too was given inhaler and I retest on the 24th.. if it improves then they will say asthma.. if not they will label it as copd and this scares me!! Im a mom!! I am only 28!! My nerves are pushing my family over, but im terrified who wouldnt be? \r\n\r\nIs yours constant? Seeing a therapist or lung specialist will be best and to get it ALL out of the way for an ease of mind and answers. I just know I wouldnt wish this on ANYONE! When did this all start for you? How long and how often? " ], "date": [ "2021-03-08T00:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "content": [ "iv had it about 6 weeks and no 100% not covid, \r\nthe amount of mucus i have is making me start to think it could be a chest infection. i wish there was an antibiotic that didnt cause so many symptoms. \r\n\r\nim the same i google so much and its the worst thing to do. \r\ni basically have the mucus all day every day and the breathlessness and the chest pain is on and off xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-03-08T12:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "It makes me wonder if it is Bronchitis or something setting in, but usually this stuff shows on xray that is why Im stumped.. or they didnt see enough to be concerned but a little and didn't mention it. You never know. I would see your primary and ask for something.. at least until you see the lung specialist! " ], "date": [ "2021-03-08T13:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "content": [ "i know i just dont wana take an antibiotic if i dont need 1 because they make me feel absolutley horrendous xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-03-08T16:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "Antibiotics are HORRENDOUS for our gut health too so I do NOT blame you. If you do get one, please make sure you take a good quality probiotic after it! Please keep me posted on what happens okay? " ], "date": [ "2021-03-10T16:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "content": [ "i will do lovely thanku. i am going to try and see a respiratory specialist. have you been any better xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-03-10T21:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "i am coming off this metoprolol and do feel better or getting there but coming off this is not easy! Beta blockers can cause shortness of breath so we are seeing if its that! " ], "date": [ "2021-03-13T14:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "content": [ "good luck lovely xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-03-13T20:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "How are you any more news? " ], "date": [ "2021-04-22T16:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/parkerjames345-1375967" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "content": [ "Hey Tara\r\ntell me your symptoms\r\nI don't think you have copd" ], "date": [ "2021-05-14T18:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi everyone\r\nim currently suffering from this too. all day everyday. \r\niv had anxiety for a long time but as far as i was aware it was totally at bay and under control now until about the last 6 wks when iv started to feel like i cant breath.\r\ni woke up 1 morning with severe chest pain to the point i almost went the hospital then when i went to the gp my heat rate was high and my oxygen low so she sent me to a&e i had blood work a chest xray and an ecg all were normal and they sent me home. since then i have the constant breathlessness. unsure what to do from here really xx" ], "date": [ "2021-03-07T10:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Any idea ? any one got out of this issue ? \r\ni am struggling for the past 3 months ... \r\nInitially it started heavy , there after its like i am always able to sense i have shortness of breath \r\n\r\ncan some one help in this how to over come ? \r\nI tried to restrict myself to this forum instead of googling all over as we all are in the same page. \r\n\r\nits better if we get the remedy for this . its not allowing me to concentrate on my regular work , watching tv etc . \r\n- diversion of mind \r\n- not bothering to that feeling \r\n- being happy all the time and mingling with people \r\n\r\nhow do we do this when breathing sensation is there ...." ], "date": [ "2020-05-22T05:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole89934-1308473" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "have you guys found any solutions? i have been on lexapro and haven't noticed a difference yet and i don't know what it could be. doctors are telling me it could be anxiety also. i do have a question for you guys. do you sometimes have chest pain for a little with it? also, do you feel that on some days it is worse than others? thank you in advance. " ], "date": [ "2020-05-23T03:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Exactly i have the same thing. its kind of not allowing me to sleep \r\n\r\nany one got any cure ? what to do ? i am also searching searching \r\nthis looks like its not a problem so there wont be any answers \r\n\r\nits up to the individual to not to think and relax like cool manner \r\nbut i have this always. \r\n\r\nany break through ? \r\n\r\nfor me all started due to covid news. I never expected our mind will grasp this much negative \r\n\r\nsorry to write more . any ideas how to get out of it ? " ], "date": [ "2020-05-23T09:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tori13596-1314754" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tori13596-1314754" ], "content": [ "Are you able to sleep ? i am not able to sleep at all either day time or night time even though i like to sleep. \r\n\r\nHow to control this ? " ], "date": [ "2020-05-24T02:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tori13596-1314754" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "content": [ "hi saran sleep is not great... i doze off more or less... so last night i went to bed around midnight and woke up at 3 and then again at 7, I guess thats better than nothing.... are you taking any anti anxiety meds? i know zoloft effects your sleep in the beginning and thats where i am right now... im on day 7 today... " ], "date": [ "2020-05-24T13:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tori13596-1314754" ], "content": [ "oh .. i think you are bit better than me. i am almost 2 months \r\nfirst month we went and took all the xray ecg etc . All are ok . \r\nthis month with back to my family homeopathy doctor. but he says its in my hand only. \r\ni dont take any tablets \r\n10 PM to 3 AM sleep ; after 3 PM no sleep \r\nor \r\nno sleep till 12AM , then sleep till 3 AM. after that no sleep \r\nMainly during this time i woke up and i dont know what i am doing \r\nmind is in fear and keep checking i want to sleep , whether morning came ? \r\n\r\nloosing confidence , not able to concentrate on work . shortness of breath sensation always there. \r\n\r\nDont know . doctor says there is no problem in my body . but this anxiety is causing all these. they say it will reduce slowly .\r\n\r\nHow are you coping with this ? managing tricks any ? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-05-25T06:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tori13596-1314754" ], "content": [ "hi im suffering also have you got any better x" ], "date": [ "2020-08-22T18:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "content": [ "Ive had this 24/7 shortness of breath and air hunger for 15 months now after a bunch of stressful situations caused a few horribe psnic attacks and now its never gone away. Ive been doing belly breathing exercises and meditation. After reading that amitriptyline helped someone by the name of Austin11 and others on this patient portal recover, as well as reading a case study from the Mayo Clinic that this med. cured hyperventilation syndrome, Ive started this medication. I started on 10 mg and my shaking and feeling of doom went away, as well as a tight throat. my chest tightness is getting a little better. I read that the person who had success with it was on 30 mg for 6 months before very slowly getting off of it. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T17:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "HI everyone... i have had anxiety off an on since i was 10...i am 35 now. i was on zoloft for about 2 years and it helped so much, i started feeling so good and got off of it... i have been fine for almost 2 years with maybe a little anxious feelings here and there from time to time.... last week something triggered me and i had a full on anxiety attack...now i have been short of breath 24/7, its awful. As soon as i wake up in the morning my first thought is \"can i breath\" and if i try to take a deep breath unsuccesfully , i immediatly have a racing heart and my whole body gets a hot sensation. i called my doctor and she put me back on zoloft, but zoloft takes a good two weeks to start working and after googling it shows that zoloft can actually make your symptoms worse in the first few weeks..... im on day 6 now of zoloft and i cant say i have been feeling any better yet... the best i felt in the last 6 days is actually right now after reading that im not the only one with this awful feeling of chest tightness, and shortness of breath, I was wondering if this all has something to do with the pandemic (covid19)..... i didnt feel like the pandemic was bothering me but I guess deep down maybe it is. my doctor also gave me .25 xanax... i started panicking even more after taking one because in the past taking one would completely calm me down.... with this going on one is not cutting it. I too have zero appetite, i force myself to eat something because i know i have to. the side effects of zoloft are also decreased appetite. hope everyone in this group feels better. I sure hope i will soon. " ], "date": [ "2020-05-23T20:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tori13596-1314754" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tori13596-1314754" ], "content": [ "hi im suffering also hiw are you feeling with it now x" ], "date": [ "2020-08-22T18:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "HI everyone... i have had anxiety off an on since i was 10...i am 35 now. i was on zoloft for about 2 years and it helped so much, i started feeling so good and got off of it... i have been fine for almost 2 years with maybe a little anxious feelings here and there from time to time.... last week something triggered me and i had a full on anxiety attack...now i have been short of breath 24/7, its awful. As soon as i wake up in the morning my first thought is \"can i breath\" and if i try to take a deep breath unsuccesfully , i immediatly have a racing heart and my whole body gets a hot sensation. i called my doctor and she put me back on zoloft, but zoloft takes a good two weeks to start working and after googling it shows that zoloft can actually make your symptoms worse in the first few weeks..... im on day 6 now of zoloft and i cant say i have been feeling any better yet... the best i felt in the last 6 days is actually right now after reading that im not the only one with this awful feeling of chest tightness, and shortness of breath, I was wondering if this all has something to do with the pandemic (covid19)..... i didnt feel like the pandemic was bothering me but I guess deep down maybe it is. my doctor also gave me .25 xanax... i started panicking even more after taking one because in the past taking one would completely calm me down.... with this going on one is not cutting it. I too have zero appetite, i force myself to eat something because i know i have to. the side effects of zoloft are also decreased appetite. hope everyone in this group feels better. I sure hope i will soon. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-25T23:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks a lot. Hope your will power is more . my doctor says its in my hand only .\r\nTill now i see solution is within our hand not with doctors or any medicines .\r\n\r\n- Not to think \r\n- Even if it thinks just divert \r\n- Instead of avoiding negative thoughts address and tell its wrong \r\n- exercise more. sweat more \r\n- pray well \r\n- eat well\r\n - mediate \r\n - increase positive thoughts \r\n\r\nBut its really tricky as mind will keep thinking lot. I am trying all these , but not sure when i get my break though. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T08:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "hi !!\r\n\r\nyes please help me, i am on antidepressents and my iron is normal and clear what is 5 htp? " ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T09:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "Since you are on antidepressant you don't need 5htp.\r\nYou need to change the antidepressant since is not working for you.\r\nWhat antidepressant you are taking?" ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T10:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/grace1616-1316127" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "hi, what antidepressant worked for you? " ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T00:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "hey mitch im taking venaflaxine sandoz!\r\n\r\nanything else ??" ], "date": [ "2020-06-08T11:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "hi Emma, maybe you mean Venlafaxine :)\r\nIt depends on your symptoms.\r\nHow are you feeling now?\r\nFor how long you are taking the pills?\r\nIn what dose?" ], "date": [ "2020-06-09T11:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "been taking these for about 4 months\r\n\r\nnot as bad as it used to be but its still there its so uncomfortable " ], "date": [ "2020-06-14T23:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "Since it's better you are not taking the right dose. Also it will be great if you take also magnesium with vitamin B12 it will help a lot. Also check your blood iron levels." ], "date": [ "2020-06-15T11:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "Hi! what antidepressant did you take? Is your shortness of breath gone?\r\nIm currently on amitriptyline. I started 10 mg two weeks ago and jist moved up two nights ago to 20 mg. Because of my nervous system having gone on overdrive, my iron and vitamin d are really low so im now on iron and vitamin d suppliments. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T18:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Hi :)\r\nI am on venlafaxine, but this does not mean that you should be as well.... First of all, having low iron and vitamine D, is one of the main reasons for your shortness of breath. Note, that it is very hard to bring your iron levels to normal.... it could take months, so first bring your iron levels and vitamine D to normal and then decide on the antidepressant. Also two weeks is a short period for the low dose to be felt. Now when your dose is higher, see for your self, how you will feel after a week or so. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-04T09:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "Thank you for responding to me! It seems like people have two different breathing issues. They either have \"air hunger\", which is the feeling they cant get a full deep breath or they have \"shortness of breath\" where they feel like they are over breathing and out of breath like one feels when they walk up the hill. What did you experience? Air Hunger or Shortness of Breath?\r\nI mostly feel out of breath from what I think is over breathing. Ive tried reduced breathing exercises where I hold my breath to try and slow my breathing but it did nothing. Im now doing biofeedback exercises with belly breathing breathing and that hasnt helped either. Do you suggest just trying to ignore it? Im now on 20 mg of Amitriptyline for 2 weeks and still no change in my breathing. The only positive change was my tightness in my throat (globus) went away. Im taking iron, vitamin D3 still to bring up those two levels that was low for me. I also added vitamin c with flavanoids. \r\nIf im overbreathing do you think biofeedback exercises where I breath in deep and breath out deep for 20 minutes twice a day will help or do you think it will make it worse? I doctor gave me these exercises saying shortness of breath is from shallow breathing, but I thought I was overbreathing if Im out of breath. Thank you for your help!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T13:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "So, first of all, you have to try to ignore this feeling, since it's giving false signals to your brain and you are over breathing.\r\nThe excersises are very good thing since they teach you how to breath properly and change the pattern.\r\nMy advice is to give the excersises and the medicine 2 weeks and if you see that there is no change, then you can contact me and I will give you some additional suggestions...... Try to keep yourself concentrated in a game or movie and see if the shortness of breath goes away." ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T03:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "Mich_1987- May I ask how long did you suffer from shortness of breath?\r\n\r\nDid you feel it all day regardless if you wete sitting or was it only when you moved around?\r\n\r\nWas it a feeling like you get when you just walked up a long flight of steps, when you ate out of breath? Or was it more like you couldnt get a deep breath in?\r\n\r\nDid you do breathing exercises, and if so what and how often?\r\n\r\nDid the shortness of breath come back ever again? \r\n\r\nThanks for giving me information on how exactly it was for you. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T11:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "I've suffered 3 years, and it was constant, no matter if I am sitting or moving around.\r\nThe only time that I was not getting short of breath was if I am sleeping or concentrated in a game..... I know the feeling and it is horrible..... For me the feeling was that I am under water and my breath is running out.... Also I was not able to get a deep breath.... It was like I have a barrier in my lungs..... About the breathing exercises, I got them from one yoga class and the goal of this breathing exercises is to change your breathing pattern, because I suspect that you are over breathing like me..... thinking that you are not getting enough air, but this are false signals from your brain. The shortness of breath is coming from time to time for a minute or so when I am anxious to remind me that I have to change :) I feel your pain and I know how unlogical and horrible this is..... Be sure that you/we will find a way to cure this......" ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T07:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "I know for sure I am overbreathing and for that reason I dont feel that Im not getting enough air. Instead I feel like I am getting too much air because I feel every breath in is too deep and its starting in my stomach and all the way up to my chest. The way one breaths extra heavy when they are walking up a hill but since Im not, I feel out of breath all day. It feels like everyone on this forum feels like they cant get a deep breath in their lungs except me. I hope this dont mean I have some weird breathing pattern thats not curable like the way you cured yourself.\r\n\r\nCan you tell me what your yoga teacher taught you to do, and how often you did it each day to end the overbreathing? \r\n\r\nAlso, when you werent doing the yoga exercises did you intentionally not try to overbreath the rest of the day, or did you just allow your body to breath the way it wants to and you just tried to ignore it best you can?\r\n\r\nI apologize for all the questions. I just feel like nobody in my family or my doctors understand how debilitating this is. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T23:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "READ CAREFULLY!!!\r\n\r\nNo one seems to look his personal messages and all the comments.\r\n\r\nI have found the solution so please read!!!\r\n\r\nFirst thing you have to try is an anti acid pills for a week- e.g. omeprazole and if the shortness of breath goes away it means that you have acid reflux.\r\n\r\nSecond thing is that you go and give a blood sample and you have to be sure that you iron is in normal quantity. If it's low that can cause shortness of breath.\r\n\r\nThird thing is ANXIETY!!!\r\nThat's the most probable cause of your problems. It took me years to find the right antidepressant to cure this!\r\nBefore you try an antidepressant try for two weeks to take magnesium with vitamin b6 in it and a suplement called 5-htp. If this does not help you will have to take an antidepressant to cure this. If the solutions above does not help contact me with personal message and I will try to help you.\r\n\r\nIMPORTANT!!!\r\nDon't take antidepressants before consulting with a doctor!" ], "date": [ "2020-12-20T01:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "yes i would like to join. i have some serious issues" ], "date": [ "2019-01-21T16:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia71548-1174376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "yes i would like to join i have the same issues " ], "date": [ "2019-01-21T17:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyj127-1229307" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "I would be interested as well. I've been over controlling my breathing since I can remember. It was better for a while and has gotten worse again over the past few months. I get these episodes where I feel like I have to sigh, every few minutes. Then I do the worst thing, which is I start tracking it, look at the time and how many minutes between sighs. I know its anxiety, it's such a vicious cycle. The more I focus on it the worse it gets. I see a therapist, take Klonopin. Just had another check up. EKG and bloods were all fine. Lungs sounded clear. It seems to get so easily set off. I started breathing meditation again, as the therapist told me its the main thing that will actually help. I am 49, and have had anxiety/panic disorder since childhood. I sympathize with all of you so much. I hope we can all get relief soon. " ], "date": [ "2019-01-31T17:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "I'd also like to join the FB group!\r\nI got this feeling three weeks and two days ago, been to the emergency room four times... Everything looks normal and they say it's anxiety causing this. \r\nI've had anxiety before, but not like this where I'm constantly gasping for air, having dull pain and a burning/scratching sensation in the middel of my chest..\r\nI'm starting to go insane, can't stand it anymore... I just want it to go away!!!" ], "date": [ "2019-09-18T09:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dub9er-1300047" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "can someone let me know what the fb group is? i would love help! please and thank you!" ], "date": [ "2020-03-09T18:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anita23823-1311731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dub9er-1300047" ], "content": [ "Could someone let me know what the FB group is too? I've had this issue for 2 weeks and its driving me insane and I really want to know if anyone has gotten better and if so, how...?" ], "date": [ "2020-05-08T01:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Would anyone be interested in joining a private group on fb? I've had anxiety issues for 20 years...different symptoms comes and goes. My breathing has been good for a few weeks. its be nice to talk to other ppl. about this." ], "date": [ "2019-01-21T16:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steve0127-1227697" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "your not alone " ], "date": [ "2019-01-21T17:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amber_58780-1086993" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyj127-1229307" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amber_58780-1086993" ], "content": [ "Have you tried any CBD? I've been using it after doing some research and I have a reputable place that sells it near me. It has shown to really help overall anxiety. May be worth a try. Good luck to you. It's an awful symptom to struggle with...." ], "date": [ "2019-02-04T16:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Im suffering with this also. If anyone has any advice on what medicines (ideally herbal) can relieve this I would be extremely grateful and if anyone is able to message me if they suffer too we can talk. I dont know what to do anymore" ], "date": [ "2019-01-26T02:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43026-1202898" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi everyone \r\nreading all this gives me some relief as im not the only one suffering out there \r\nidk what caused my breathlessness but doctors think its anxiety related \r\nall started on a good sunday morning \r\nwoke up had breakfast and decided to go on a uphill mountain walk with my husband \r\nive walked this before and boy it was a deadly walk like literally felt like i was gonna lose my breath and die \r\nanyway long story short on the way to this walk i was telling my husband how hard it was and how i was so breathless and soon not long after i started to get so breathless i didnt and couldnt go on this walk and this all began before taking the walk\r\nwent to emergency had chest x ray blood work and an ecg done \r\nresults came back all good which was a relief \r\nbut days passed and my feelings worsened \r\nwent back to emergency and was told again its anxiety and how i remembered that dreadful walk so i became anxious about it and felt that way which is so hard to believe\r\nanyway doc said to get a spirometry done which i have tomorrow to do and hoping everything is alright \r\ni also get breathless doing simple things that dont require energy and even talking and eating seem so exhausting and im so scared ): " ], "date": [ "2019-09-10T14:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edward04573-1266875" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am so totally afraid every night. Oh Lord why cant I just have a good nights sleep\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-09-13T08:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43026-1202898" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "apparently after my spirometry test doctor said that i have asthma but i keep having attacks every now and then idk why " ], "date": [ "2019-09-14T12:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sannynka-1287009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Luke. I am so happy I found this forum and people with similar problem like I have. I hope you all are better now ! I am suffering from breathing problem over 3 months and doctors seem very annoyed by me asking for help all the time. One day I woke up, felt weird on my chest and was yawning all day. Then I got some panic attack and since then my breathing is very shallow, sometimes it wakes me up at night cause i feel like i cant get a deep breath. I am so tired of it. I want my life back :( Did you find a way to cure it? I would appreciate any help. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-01-06T09:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sannynka-1287009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "content": [ "Hellofriend22 I sent you a message" ], "date": [ "2020-01-29T11:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello, i have the same issue with shortness of breath , did you ever get any answers? can you message me if you did? hope youre well" ], "date": [ "2020-01-29T10:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia71548-1174376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Luke I know this post is from a while ago but I just wondered if your feeling any better? As I have the same problem all day breathing is hard to take deep breaths but the doctors say it’s just panic and anxiety and all my tests are normal. I just wondered if it got better for you? " ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T11:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melonfruit-1175511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello. I am not really sure if this will work with others but when I feel the shortness of breath, I try to sing or just try humming. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-27T10:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1176378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Mate listen&#160;</p><p>Get the f**k off that bulls**t mirtazapime asap. That stuff does nothin but make u sleep that’s it! It’s poison! Get on cymbalta 60 mgs and take espiride for a few weeks until u can cope without it. It’s not easy but it can be done</p><p>Get exercise</p><p>Get your lungs working and breathing</p><p>Walk up hills&#160;</p><p>Walk up stairs</p><p>Do this a lot</p><p>It helps</p><p>Start swimming</p><p>Yoga</p><p>Fix your diet</p><p>I got anxious just reading your post</p><p>I suffer as well and also going through a rough time at the moment with my breathing and anxiety. I’ve been ok for 2 years. Anxiety free. But just recently I took a cannabis pill and had a vicious panic attack that lasted for so long until I had to take Ativan that f****d up my muscles in my chest. My breathing has been so hard lately. I know what U going through. People don’t understand what we go through. People haven’t a clue and think you’re crazy except the ones that suffer from it like ourselves and others of course. It’s no joke! I have asthma as well which makes things an absolute nightmare but u have to have faith! Never f**kin give up on life! Just breathe. Life is beautiful</p><p></p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have edited this post due to the swearing. These are open forums so as per the T&amp;Cs please do not use offensive language in posts otherwise they may be deleted.[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-10-17T23:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1176378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1176378" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I used to take Ativan when I had to which was often during the first few months. My chest was so sore and tight that I could hardly walk! Ativan helps but it’s only short term relief. The next day I back to square 1. Ativan makes u think you are ok and then you messed up again and the anxiety starts again and the shortness of breath starts again. It’s a vicious cycle! You just have to find the right medication but that’s not all that will heal you. You have to heal yourself! ITs a massive mental thing! It’s all in the mind! You are your biggest enemy and so am I gonna myself! That’s what I’ve realised! Life’s hard! You just have to keep moving forward! Stop your negative thoughts! \r\nMaybe u have asthma as well. Go get that checked out caus the right asthma medication can also help and turn your life around for the better " ], "date": [ "2018-04-30T14:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Mate listen \r\nGet the off that rubbish mirtazapime asap. That stuff does nothin but make u sleep that’s it! It’s poison! Get on cymbalta 60 mgs and take espiride for a few weeks until u can cope without it. It’s not easy but it can be done\r\nGet exercise\r\nGet your lungs working and breathing\r\nWalk up hills \r\nWalk up stairs\r\nDo this a lot\r\nIt helps\r\nStart swimming\r\nYoga\r\nFix your diet\r\nI got anxious just reading your post\r\nI suffer as well and also going through a rough time at the moment with my breathing and anxiety. I’ve been ok for 2 years. Anxiety free. But just recently I took a cannabis pill and had a vicious panic attack that lasted for so long until I had to take Ativan that f****d up my muscles in my chest. My breathing has been so hard lately. I know what U going through. People don’t understand what we go through. People haven’t a clue and think you’re crazy except the ones that suffer from it like ourselves and others of course. It’s no joke! I have asthma as well which makes things an absolute nightmare but u have to have faith! Never give up on life! Just breathe. Life is beautiful\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-04-30T14:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary89842-1177144" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hope you are doing better Luke.. hey everyone. I too am</p><p>Suffering from shortness of breath and a weird feeling in chest. It&#39;s been about two weeks now but it&#39;s not the first time this has happened. I&#39;ve had minor shortness of breath before,actually last May was the first time I went to the ER for it, weird.. I wonder on and off if it&#39;s the spring weather change but idk. It&#39;s terrible this time around. I can&#39;t focus on anything else. I have no interest in doing anything either because it&#39;s always around and bothering me. I clean and feel okay but then there it is afterwards..it&#39;s that way with most activities. Sets off my anxiety and I get so near to panic ms running to the ER. Was there about 5months ago,had ekgs,oxygen was fine,stress test.. all my vitals were normal after my anxiety attack. I went that time because of a weird feeling in chest that is so hard to explain,not pain, just a slight burny, off feeling that is there&#39;s more days than not. Anyway, two nights ago I felt I couldn&#39;t breath but was also so anxious I knew I was gonna panic. As soon as I wanted to go to the hospital,I took an emergency Ativan I had saved.. it calmed me down and breathing was okay but I fell asleep so fast,not sure what exactly it did. So yesterday I woke and the breathing issue started pretty quick and I tried to distract myself. Finally did a stomach breathing video I found on YouTube and then I felt almost 100 percent better! I was so happy almost all night. Ate a big meal and got cozy and then my chest which didn&#39;t seem to bother me at all during the short breath episodes seemed to return! Almost like they don&#39;t happen at the same time. So weird. Woke up today ok except minor chest feeling.. only way I can describe it is its as if you rub your hand across your chest, almost like you are giving it rug burn,how it would feel after that I guess. If that makes any sense at all. So I got all worked up again because of that feeling and am now again struggling to breath normal. What a battle. Oh,41 year old female md have had anxiety (gad) since 2007,on and off. Take no meds right now.. was doing alright till two deaths in April and then lost all interest in everything,felt depressed and now total anxiety and these symptoms. Sorry to babble,it&#39;s just so hard when you feel you can&#39;t breath. I keep feeling myself hold my breath as I&#39;m writing this. I also get very bloated stomach when I shallow breathe after awhile. Just so tense and I wouldn&#39;t wish this upon anyone. Time to do stomach breathing. Good luck all.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-03T20:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/johnathon79159-1179610" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Luke,</p><p>I found this thread re-assuring and helpful and (however selfish as it may seem, feeling better to read i am not alone) so if i can do the same by sharing, then great.</p><p>It has been 3 months now since I woke up one day in March just before my 30th birthday (under more than usual stress, nothing Ive not been able to manage in the past) and felt like i couldn&#39;t take a satisfying breath as you describe. it was literally overnight, normal one day, in pain and suffering the next.</p><p>ill list my symptoms here:</p><p>-Unsatisfied breath on inhalation</p><p>-Shortness of breath</p><p>-No change post exercise</p><p>-Weird feelings like zaps of electricity running through my body before trying to get to sleep</p><p>-Sudden tachycardia, sometimes just sitting at my desk at work(very low stress job) or lying down in bed.</p><p>-The unsatisfied inhalation has gone, but its been replaced by this dull pain across my chest/lungs/heart area.</p><p>-last night I had this weird arm/hand numbness before going to sleep. It scares me to describe this but it feels like just before i am going to sleep that my body is shutting down, but not in a good way, in a like im going to die way, losing sensation in my body etc..</p><p></p><p>I have never experienced any of the above symptoms ever before in my life. Im young, healthy, never been on meds to treat anything more than antibiotics for a cough/cold/viral infection.</p><p></p><p>Like you i cant just accept it is stress/anxiety/panic. I have pain, physical pain in my chest/lungs/heart. Although i do accept the mind is a powerful thing.</p><p></p><p>i have had chest x-rays, ECG&#39;s, full blood tests, Lung Function Tests, helicobacter test and all come back fine. I am seeing a cardiologist on Friday but must wait much longer for a pulmonary specialist (date tbc).</p><p></p><p>Ive been treated with GERD medication = no change</p><p>Ive been treated with anxiety medication (antenex) = no change</p><p></p><p>i will report back once i get more results. I just want this feeling to go away and will try/do anything to treat it. I pray that we all here rid ourselves of whatever it making us feel like this.</p><p></p><p>God bless</p><p></p><p>john</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-14T04:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fitzbaro-1182226" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary89842-1177144" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fitzbaro-1182226" ], "content": [ "<p>Let me know now how it works for you. I just got a bottle yesterday and am excited but of course worried at the same time. Lol spent hours googling it yesterday and saw nothing bad about it at all and am still hesitating..not because I think it&#39;ll harm me but because I know I can make myself feel things by thinking negatively. If that makes sense.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-25T15:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p> you have described the exact symptoms I have, and they are terrifying. There is something called [b]CBD oil[/b] &amp; it can be gotten with or without a percentage of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. I have recently heard that the tincture drops of CBD, with a small percentage of THC, placed under the tongue can be helpful in relieving anxiety. I myself am not interested in the psychoactive nature of THC, and thus I am going to get the smallest percentage of the ingredient necessary to activate the CBD. I, too, am at my wit&#39;s end and am eager to try this CBD business, the info of which I have on solid authority.</p><p> I wish us both good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-24T00:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fitzbaro-1182226" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p> you have described the exact symptoms I have, and they are terrifying. There is something called [b]CBD oil[/b] &amp; it can be gotten with or without a percentage of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. I have recently heard that the tincture drops of CBD, with a small percentage of THC, placed under the tongue can be helpful in relieving anxiety. I myself am not interested in the psychoactive nature of THC, and thus I am going to get the smallest percentage of the ingredient necessary to activate the CBD. I, too, am at my wit&#39;s end and am eager to try this CBD business, the info of which I have on solid authority.</p><p> I wish us both good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-24T00:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/air_hungry-1184912" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wesley78520-1160463" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/air_hungry-1184912" ], "content": [ "Hey man I feel your pain, same boat if you want to talk shoot me an email at \r\n\r\n\r\n[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.[/b]" ], "date": [ "2018-06-19T01:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey man, i have been dealing with shortness of breath for almost 2 years now, had 2 chest x-rays, 1 ct-scan, spirometry tests, ecogram, and ekgs.... all of my tests have come back, “normal”. I am 21 years old, and have been extremely concerned with this feeling... i literally cant get it off of my mind. i constantly need to take in deep breaths that feel like they are not satisfying my need of oxygen. i have always had anxiety in a sense that i would blush 24/7, that turned into me blushing and have pit stains, which has now turned into my shortness of breath.... it all started one night when i woke up feeling like i was suffocating. take in mind this was about a year and a half when the suffocation feeling started. At first i thought it was because i smoked hash oils, and was lifting a lot of weight with a bad diet... i was over weight and smoked a ton... so i assumed it was physical. my doctors say everything is normal and its anxiety... which im starting to come to terms with. If my tests are comming back normal, despite my poor lifestyle in the past. Im thinking it might be my body and mind attatching to new extremes. went from constant blushing, to constant blushing and sweating, to constant shortness of breath. \r\n\r\nIf anyone could give me some advice or would be able to discuss my situation that would be mostly appreciated!\r\n\r\ncould you respond with your status since your original post? like if your still having shortness of breath and if not what you did to fix it?" ], "date": [ "2018-06-18T23:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/holly02163-1195988" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi ur explaining exactly how i feel n its awful i know are you still suffering with this ?" ], "date": [ "2018-07-16T19:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason26337-1197504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jason26337-1197504" ], "content": [ "<p>The not being able to breathe is the worst...I&#39;ve been to the drs. so many times for that. Recently I get out of breath just walking around...and like you said with a little time it goes away. But it seems to have been hanging around a little longer than usual. it sucks!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-25T03:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had anxiety off and on for many years and it got worse after my first panic attack back in 2012. I was so terrified of my attack that I went to the ER as so many others have before me for the same thing! I had the shortness of breath and feeling constantly on edge, waiting for the next panic attack ?[b]?[/b]. I also had weird and scary obsessive thoughts and felt I was going crazy!! I was referred to a psychologist and was put on citalopram, an ssri inhibitor. After a while, all of my symptoms disappeared. I stopped taking meds after a few years and now Fast forward to July of 2018 and here I am again. I had another panic attack a few weeks ago and my anxiety symptoms are back again, especially the classic having to take a deep breath issue... Ugh it&#39;s such a downer! I don&#39;t notice it too much when my mind is occupied, but when I try to relax at home, especially in bed, it gets worse. I&#39;m back on meds, this time Prozac, and it&#39;s improving very slowly. I&#39;ve just learned to accept the fact that I&#39;m a little crazy and things will get better with time &#128513;&#128513;&#128513;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-22T08:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wesley78520-1160463" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have this too any help please or someone to talk to that has this ? Message me please " ], "date": [ "2018-03-14T04:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke52257-1164578" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bex1994-1164825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke52257-1164578" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Luke,</p><p></p><p>I’m Rebecca and I’m 23 and I’m feeling the exact same way at the minute, you aren’t alone. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder when I was 17 and this was caused by me also being diagnosed with a heart condition that causes my heart to beat faster than normal due to me having an extra electrical pathway. Understandably this was very scary for me when I was 17 and they attempted to correct this twice which wasn’t successful. I went through an extremely bad bout of anxiety for around 5 months which eventually subsided due to medication and me deciding that I can’t let this control my life anymore. Almost 2 weeks ago now I was at the dentist and this seemed to have triggered off my anxiety again :( &#160;I went to A&amp;E and they did ECGs &amp; bloods and found nothing. I went to A&amp;E again on Thursday as my heart was racing and with my past I thought I had better get it checked out. Again, they did an ECG and multiple blood tests and the only thing they found was that my phosphate level was low. I was kept in overnight and put on a 12 hour drip, bloods were then repeated and I was sent home as nothing else was an issue and they have put it down to anxiety. I have been referred back to cardiology as a precaution but I know that they won’t find anything and this is all in my head. It’s the worst feeling in the world. </p><p></p><p>I’m off work at the minute, the hospital prescribed me with propranolol to be taken once a day and I have been taking 50mg of Sertraline for almost 6 years now and this seems to have done the trick. However, I am seeing my GP tomorrow as I feel this needs to be looked at to determine why my anxiety has come back so severely. Can I just ask have you lost your appetite? I’m barely able to eat at the minute cause I’m so focused on my breathing, it’s the worst. The only time I feel like I get complete peace is when I am sleeping. So please know you are not alone. In the past I was referred to a mental health agency and they are good people to talk to. I don’t want to have to do that again but at the minute I feel like I may have to. I hope you are doing okay and please keep me updated as to how you are feeling. So glad I found a forum of people who are feeling the same way as I at the minute.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-25T20:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke52257-1164578" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bex1994-1164825" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello, i hope you&#39;re feeling okay!</p><p>I have started to eat a lot less lately, just because im so focused on how im feeling day to day, but at the moment its just really hard to sleep. So much racing through my head all the time.</p><p></p><p>It is really nice to have found somewhere to talk about this kind of thing:) i hope everyone can feel a bit better and help them to relax by talking to people and finding out they are not alone, as i thought i was. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T06:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel exactly the same, ive had chest X-rays, multiple blood tests ect. They tell me im fine but im so constantly terrified that its really hard to breathe. I cant stop thinking about it, as soon as i wake up it starts all over again. Im on medication just recently and have appointment with a therapist. Im just too scared to go. I dont know how to deal with this anymore." ], "date": [ "2018-03-25T03:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shanelle81646-1166208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everyone I feel the exact same way I had a huge panic attack 3 months ago because I felt like I couldn’t breathe since then life’s been extremely difficult I \r\nGo days feeling like I can’t take a deep breath in I have good days and bad but mostly bad I go to sleep short of breath and wake up short of breath it’s worse after eating I have had the ambulance come twice and been to the hospital had 3 ecgs blood work chest X-ray lung function test all normal I get get muscle aches including chest pains I’m waiting to get an endoscopy cause my dr thinks it could be GERD as I have lots of belching and severe sore throat and lots of Red spots on my uvula witch can be caused by severe acid reflux burning my throat anyone else have these symptoms along with there shortness of breath or maybe any other symptoms u would like to share would be nice to get to the bottom of this could be anxiety related but can b very scary " ], "date": [ "2018-03-29T11:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/troy14605-1169640" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roniii29-1359339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/troy14605-1169640" ], "content": [ "does the xanax still help? has it helped the breathing or does it just help calm your nerves?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-22T04:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "It is so reassuring to have found this discussion thread. It’s like I’m seeing my own story over and over from people sharing the same problems.  I had a heart attack last July at age 54 and they put in two stents.  Said no significant damage and heart was functioning fine.  Put on typical meds, but beta blocker was knocking me out and causing all sorts of fatigue and breathing issues.  Went in two weeks later and had another angiogram and they said  everything was fine with my heart.  So they took me off the beta.  I went through cardiac rehab and was committed to daily exercise and significant diet changes.   Lost 30+ pounds and cholesterol numbers dropped significantly.   My problem has been the breathing and anxiety issues.  Periodically, I had episodes where I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath.  I would feel a twinge anywhere near the left side of my chest or back and almost immediately feel my breath start to go. Went to ER in October, December, January and recently here in April.  Every time is the same, all tests and blood work comes back normal.  They even did another angiogram in January which showed everything clear.   While these were periodic episodes, had several others where I had to talk myself down from going to ER because of short breath.  I believe I do have acid reflux and take Protonix for that and when this causes some breathing issues, my anxiety kicks in and amplifies everything.  Have tried meditation, subliminal messages at night, muscle relaxation, etc. The last two weeks have been especially bad.  I have developed insomnia and don’t get much sleep at night, but it is broken up into sections.  I am constantly checking my oxygen levels and heart rate.    I can have my Oxygen at 98% and pulse at 62 and still feel short of breath.   The weirdest thing is that when I exercise at the gym walking on the treadmill, I feel good. It’s almost like my shortness of breath gets worse after the workout is over and I’m on my way home.   Just can’t seem to catch my breath.  I am on Xanax which seems to help, but I don’t want to depend on that.  I tried lexapro which made me extremely nauseous after only one dose, and then celexa which caused tremendous burning throughout my chest and arms so I quit that as well.  I am at my wits end.   The past two weeks have been the same constant short breath issues.  And at times seems as though I can’t get excited like to tell a good joke or just have a normal conversation because it is too exhausting and makes me feel short of breath.  Anything that has worked for anyone is appreciated, but again, it is comforting just to know I am not alone.  " ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T18:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex71604-1153807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello guys,</p><p>I hope ya&#39;ll going good! I was going through same situation a month ago..and thought i was the only one going through such a situation till i found yall.I was having GERD and</p><p>later i became almost allright after 2 weeks but i had shortness of breath.</p><p>I started going to college with this problem and found difficulty for 2 days... then i became normal, totally forgot about my problem. I unterstood that was all our mind&#39;s game. Just tricking us and leading us to think about our doom .</p><p>But now.. again i feel its back to me.. im sure i can withstand it because i&#39;ve gone through it! Make our mind stay away from unwanted thoughts that our mind brings.</p><p>I know its too long...</p><p>Hope this would help you.</p><p>&#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T15:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1176378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "ITs anxiety girl. Get on a good antidepressant! I take cymbalta and for the first few months i took espiride as well. It works! I tried mirtazapine but that didn’t help. Cymbalta does the job I’m serious! I understand this problem! People think it’s a joke but not us sufferers! Take some Ativan if you really feel bad and you think you’re gonna have a panic attack! It helps but it’s addictive and u have to learn to cope without it\r\nGet exercise\r\nGet your lungs working \r\nWalk up plenty stairs\r\nWalk uphill\r\nWalking does nothing but walking uphill and stairs is the way forward I’m telling u\r\nStart yoga and swimming \r\nFix your life\r\nYoure not alone \r\nI’ve been through this for the last few years and also going through a rough time at the moment after having a panic attack from cannabis which I haven’t lysine in 2,5 years. What a stupid mistake \r\nNever give up " ], "date": [ "2018-04-30T14:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello...i am also having problems with breathing. For the last few days its 24/7. I just cant get air all the way in, my chest feels tight, my lungs hurt... is this anxiety?</p><p>I did spirometry, xray of chest and heart, ekg, dr listened to my lungs.. i did it few months ago and it was all normal .. please help me, im scared &#128546;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-22T15:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edward04573-1266875" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "i had the same dizziness when doc put me on predizone but stopped it now no dizziness" ], "date": [ "2019-09-14T05:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Plus, i am constantly dizzy and lightheaded.. like i am not in a reality &#128546;&#128546;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-22T15:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yonnbbf4e-1174295" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/yonnbbf4e-1174295" ], "content": [ "I have gerd for some time now... but i never had this symptom with it.\r\nIt is really scary. Do you think my lung tests from few months ago are still valid?\r\nAnd it is not related to eating.. but i noticed i cough really much lately, i am a big smoker (and am 26yo). \r\nAnd i worry it is maybe cancer and that i will suffacate. \r\nPlus, i noticed i blink my eyes a lot, like i am obsessed with it... " ], "date": [ "2018-04-26T16:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1176378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "QUit those cigarettes girl! Throw them away right now! I know it’s hard to do and but it’s an addiction but trust me it’s doing you no good whatsoever. You wasting money by buying that stuff all the time. Give it up listen! Life goes on without it. It can be done. It’s not benefiting you in any way and probably just makes you more anxious! Fix your life! " ], "date": [ "2018-04-30T14:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jerry2014-460801" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/yonnbbf4e-1174295" ], "content": [ "Hi which medication helped you the name of it? are you still doing good i have been going thru this for 5 years and have found that it is worst after eating and everything i put in my mouth makes all my symptoms worse including medication also all this started with acid reflux and a month after i started the pills for it anyways waiting to hear back thanks" ], "date": [ "2019-03-22T15:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Monitor if the breathing is worse shortly after eating. Or try going half a day without eating and see if your breathing is alleviated at all. I started having a hard time taking a deep breath in. My body would force me to yawn all the time because I wasn&#39;t getting enough air in me. It was really scary. It felt like my lungs were closing and I couldn&#39;t get a good breath in. I started to notice it was always worse after eating! I had read that acid can get into the lungs and cause swelling and breathing difficulties. GERD/LPR can also be so severe to cause this type of problem. I was put on an antidepressant that strengthened the lower esophageal sphincter and helped empty the stomach contents quicker. No more problem! GERD causes anxiety and anxiety causes GERD, it&#39;s a vicious cycle!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T04:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tracey91090-1362052" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive been dealing with anxiety my entire life i know exactky how you feel i constantly over think and expect the worst i get shortness of breath to the point where i feel like im gonna pass out i keep an inhaler handy which helps i just got over covid that triggered my anxiety im still dealing with covid symptoms which are the same as anxiety . its very scary come out of nowhere i get woken up i had to give up my job because of them my son who is 27 suffers from them and now my daughter whos 12 . domt let them control your life like did " ], "date": [ "2021-03-27T06:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike61889-1368090" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I had a stress meltdown a few months ago the pandemic and everything related was rough. I spent days 2 weeks going crazy, googling things because i was afraid a family member was going to die from cancer. It was for an absurd reason. They are fine.\r\n\r\nshortly after I had shortness of breath hit me one morning . It was horrendous. I went to er twice. They found nothing wrong and nurses accused me of blowing it out of proportion and having mental problems. The doc was much nicer. Had xray, pft, blood tests for liver. All normal. Got better shortly after the pft result. This lasted about 2 wks.\r\n\r\nThen I was fine for a month. Came back one evening, when I was worrying about stuff again. This time it has been 6 wks. Short of breath all day. Air hunger, yawing, I'm used to it now so I don't often panic about it. Only time I feel good is when I sleep. Had another pft, ekgs, treadmill test. All normal. Had 4 wks of chronic muscle twitching, tingling, itchy skin. Saw neurologist amd had emg. Normal.\r\n\r\nI can exercise. I can run for miles. No big increase in sob, but still there. Not a limiting factor. Perhaps feel slightly better post. This makes me sound insane to doctors.It is almost embarrassing to say exercise might help a little.\r\n\r\nI have gerd. meds have not taken sob away at all. I am lost. My pulm tells me I need to buy into the fact that i am fine. I just cannot accept it. I keep turning to google to cross the next bad thing off the list. ILD, heart failure, COPD, pulmonary hypertension, ALS. you name it, I've tried to eliminate it. \r\n\r\nI am convinced I have something. My chest feels stiff when i breath. I have had some better days. Good weather helps a little. xanax helped a little when i had it. Lying down makes me feel better. I sleep like a baby with some help from Trazodone. i started some anxiety meds but ive noticed no benefit.\r\n\r\nI dont know what is wrong with me, but i have soured relationship with my pcp over it and im worried my pulm is going to give up on me as well.. They want me to accept it as anxiety. I have never had sob in my life. i dont feel right or like it is anxiety. im pretty lost right now. i see a psychologist. i dont feel it helps at all. \r\n\r\ni hate that nobody ever returns to tell us what worked for them. i hope they turned out well. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-04-02T03:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louay92-1372529" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel like you are writing whats happening to me! i have been feeling short if breath for the past 8 months... \r\n\r\nI feel like I have had all the tests done in the world.. all fine. Except they found out I have a whole in my heart which the cardiologist denies has anything to do with my shortness of breath. \r\n\r\nI'm also at a low stress/anxiety point in my life. Dont know whats really causing this but its exhausting! " ], "date": [ "2021-04-26T04:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert5656-1378146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have the same issue, if you want to talk. sometimes that helps " ], "date": [ "2021-05-25T21:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron63240-1379145" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "*19 year old not 10 lol" ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T01:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey man im a 10 year old going through the same exact thing right now, im on 2months straight of feeling like i cant breathe from the time i wake up till i go to sleep" ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T01:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Mike,\r\nI went to every doctor possible. Ive had so many tests as well. My general doctor and functional medicine doctor both said anxiety and stress caused my parasympathetic nervous system (flight and flight) to be dominate over my sympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). My blood tests due to my nervous system being out of control made my iron levels and vitamin d low so I am not on suppliments for that. It all first started with globus (a lump feeling in the throat) and then I had a few panic attacks that made me start to hyperventilate. Now 24/7 Im out of breath. I started anti-depressants just a few weeks ago. I hate medication but I was always crying from freling so upset about my body feeling so upcomfortable and always feeling like Ive just climbed up a tall hill, even when Im sitting. I also get a burning sensation on my arms and legs, a heavy feeling in my chest, a raspy feeling in my chest when I exhale. Im so scared bc its been over a year like this all the time. \r\n\r\nHow long did your symptoms last? Was it all the time or would it come and go? Other than difficulty with breathing, did you have any other symptoms? Did you feel like you were always out of breath like you just walked up a hill or did you feel air hunger like you couldnt get a deep breath in? Did you take medication? Go on a special diet or take supplements? Or did you literally do nothing? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T09:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie23195-1340697" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've had this on n off for.months and it freaks me out trying to get that satisfying breath in every few mins and when I csnt it panics me and makes me keep doing it until I get that decent breath. just started on citalopram yest hoping this helps as I suffer panic attacks and health anxiety . I've had chest xrays a chest scan ecg loads of blood taken all normal" ], "date": [ "2021-07-01T23:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sonia09983-1386492" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have the same problem all the time breathing problem for about 5 years everyday. its not go away just sometimes. but don't give up i done my x-ray today and also i think i have a asthma but my gp told me that's is not possible. i hate my life no one understand me . i have no one who can talk with me about it" ], "date": [ "2021-07-08T01:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "Have the doctors told you what it could be? Did you do testing for gerd or silent reflux? \r\nHas is ever temporarly gone away or is it constant?\r\n\r\nIm doing biofeedback exercises and that helps some so far. I did all testing as well and mu doctors feel my sympathetic nervous system is dominating my parasympathetic, which I know all this started from extreme anxiety after a terrible event. This means there is nothing organically wrong. But boy does anxiety symptoms feel so so horrible. I read a book about anxiety recommended by someone on this site that recovered hos breathing after a number of years. He said people cam get stuck for years breathing like that bc they fear their symptoms and their adrenilin goes up and they then continue in this cycle. I find the best thing for me is to move on with my day and accept that the breathing symptoms suck but I know what they are from and they will go away with time. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-28T15:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi guys\r\nits still really awful tbh. iv had numerous tests namely\r\necgs\r\nexercise test\r\nchest ct scan\r\n\r\nall these tests are clear but the breathlessness is getting worse. \r\ncan any1 recommend any next steps for me please xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-07-22T21:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi luke\r\nno my review was over the phone an i had ny little girl so there was so much i forgot to ask.\r\n\r\niv suffered health anxiety in the past so i am not neive enough to thing it 100% isnt that however usually my anxiety follows a pattern and i have other symptoms and this has gone on now for a yr and in myself im absolutely fine. \r\n\r\nhopefully it is anxiety and will just pass i suppose it would make sense to be suffering breathing anxiety given the pandemic etc. \r\n\r\nwhat tests did u have xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-08-02T17:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kamran83020-1370428" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I just came here to share my story and give you hope. I visited this forum 2 years ago with severe shortness of breath all the time. 5 years ago i got panic attacks, panic attacks stopped after 2 years but shortness of breath was there all the time. I visited every doctor, every forum and could not find answer. I suffered alot, it was like hell. How can you have shortness of breath 24/7 for 3 years? Yeah i heard anxiety can cause it, but i never believed it. I never believed that anxiety can cause such horrible physical and real symptom. But guys, i finally found relief, and now i dont have shortness of breath anymore. Now i believe that anxiety can cause every physical symtpoms and it can cause real and geninune shortness of breath. \r\n\r\nI found relief after leaving my country, my comfort zone, i lived with my cousin in another country. Everything was new, new people, new city, new life. This new life made my mind busy all the time so i slowly forgot about my shortness of breath. I was getting less and less symptoms. And after one very busy day i realised that i didnt have any symptoms at all that day. So i slowly started to believe that my problem is mental not physical. Believing is the key. Well within 3 months i completely got rid off this annoying symptoms forever. I shared it to give you hope, if someone comes to this forum accidentally like i did 2 years ago, let them read my story and be happy. \r\nYES ANXIETY CAN CAUSE SHORTNESS OF BREATH 24/7. \r\nGood luck guys" ], "date": [ "2023-10-25T19:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/billiejo86504-996337" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/billiejo86504-996337" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I feel for you I also have these Heart flutters all day everyday along with shortness of breath I think my mind has linked the both together And thought &quot;yeah you have a serious heart problem&quot; and it just won&#39;t let it go if it all this started after my panic attacks I woke up with all these crazy Symtoms the day after 2 big attacks I though something was serious wrong.</p><p></p><p></p><p>You sound like you have accepted your anxiety and that anxiety is causing your Symtoms whereas I feel I can&#39;t do that I feel it&#39;s impossible for anxiety to do this to me without there been something else causing the shortness of breath and the the flutters and all the rest of it I also feel like i have a big knot stuck in the middle of my chest that I&#39;m breathing around and it&#39;s so uncomfortable at times.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T20:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/billiejo86504-996337" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p> It&#39;s all to do with but just keep working at accepting it and it will ease off a lot</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T20:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/billiejo86504-996337" ], "content": [ "Thanks for your kind words! " ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T22:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Luke I can sympathize with you about 10 years ago I was diagnosed with tachycardia and heart palpitations it hit me all of a sudden and anxiety was so bad but I guess when your hearts on 140 it&#39;ll do that and I have shortness of breath what&#39;s that comes with tachycardia but now my palpitations came back and so did my anxiety shortness of breath feel like I can&#39;t breathe all day then I decided I was going to take control it took a while trying to control my breathing all over the place I still get days but definitely not as bad I just had to convince myself but still go while cuz I was like this for 2 months that the palpitations and shortness of breath was not going to hurt me I feel a lot better I decided I wasn&#39;t going to let anxiety make me live with it but I was going to make it is it live with me I do have to go see a heart doctor that deals with the electrical part of the heart but I&#39;m still here so obviously none of this is going to hurt me a good times where I feel short of breath and feel like I can&#39;t breathe what hours is off in the afternoon and sometimes not until evening but the phone was still there last couple days it&#39;s been pretty good to feeling as it really been there like it&#39;s fading just keep working at it try to keep your mind busy even though you were still think about your breathing but eventually you don&#39;t think about it as much and when you&#39;re trying to sleep just keep trying to clear your head of any thoughts and I&#39;ll focus on your breathing just keep redirecting yourself and takes time but you can do it hope you feel better</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T03:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shiva1985-1077254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Do you still get the shortness of breath as a result of anxiety?. Ive had it for the nearly 2 years now. Its sometimes with you everyday all the time." ], "date": [ "2017-12-14T12:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mls1977-1137123" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa143-1146157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mls1977-1137123" ], "content": [ "<p>I have the same thing I&#39;m terrified! Does it feel like ur breathing pattern is off too? </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-01T19:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you do much for sharing. I&#39;ve been feeling exactly the same symptoms as you since March last year (10 months). I&#39;ve just woken up with it again and it is driving me mad. I&#39;ve visited the doctor several times and he ensures me that it&#39;s nothing life threatening and blood tests are normal. The next step is to try beta blockers but I&#39;m not keen if this is &#39;in my head&#39;.</p><p>The only thing I can think of is exercising more but I&#39;m actually terrified to go out for long walks with my dogs because of my breathing feeling like this. I&#39;ve tried several times and found myself choosing busy paths just so someone will be there to help me if I need it. It&#39;s crazy but becoming a real issue. I&#39;m just wondering if there is light at the end of the tunnel. How are you now?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-06T01:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa143-1146157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mls1977-1137123" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa143-1146157" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m getting better every day after going to the Doctor for anti anxiety medication.&#160; My husband left me three weeks ago.&#160; I think subconsciously I must&#39;ve known things were far from okay and my body has been trying to tell me to sort things out.&#160; Apart from a broken heart, I know I&#39;m going to be okay. All the symptoms you describe sound like my anxiety symptoms.&#160; I hope you all feel better soon.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T17:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel the same way 24-7. How r u now, is it better? " ], "date": [ "2018-02-01T19:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa143-1146157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m going through the same thing exactly. I&#39;m terrified it&#39;s been almost a month and like I said some days better than others. I have trouble eating holding a conversation and some days I just cry because I want to breath normal </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T01:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa143-1146157" ], "content": [ "<p>So glad someone else is feeling the same way. I hate it when people say just relax. I am relaxed and I don&#39;t feel anxious...its just this damn breathing. it&#39;s just scary that it&#39;s lasted this long...</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T20:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa143-1146157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "Yes exactly its been 3 weeks" ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T23:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex71604-1153807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa143-1146157" ], "content": [ "<p>Omg... i thought that i was the only person with this problem. It started a 10 days ago and sadly this occurs in me 24[b]&#215;[/b]7. I know this is really annoing and painful... i had a panic attack one night and i think that was the biggest anxiety i ever had! And i doubt this shortness of breath is the result of that anxiety . I watch pastor BENNY HINN&#39;S preachings and that gives a relief.. i pray to GOD, read BIBLE, and im sure he&#39;ll heal me :)</p><p>Good luck guys</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-23T08:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bethany89-1120804" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "<p>The past few days I&#39;ve felt like I can&#39;t breathe properly. I&#39;m now worried something is wrong with my lungs! I keep thinking back to when I spray painted indoors a year ago and hoping I didn&#39;t damage my lungs... I&#39;m only 28. Knowing other people have had this for an extended period of time makes me feel a little bit better. Hopefully once my citalopram kicks in, this won&#39;t happen anymore...</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-23T12:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sandeep73755-1144385" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bethany89-1120804" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes it&#39;s me with too I am prescribed paroxetine cr 12.5 Mg.its started me with panic attack and I got sensitive to everything my heart my breath my health but worst is breathlessness I am noticing always here and there its had ruined my good life.more I try to forget more I get conscious I can&#39;t sleep also can&#39;t find way.god help me plz.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-25T17:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa143-1146157" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Melissa,</p><p>Just checking to see how you are doing? I am on and off, some days are worse and now I&#39;m experiencing constant tightness in my throat or I&#39;ll feel out of breath just going to the mailbox. I feel like haven&#39;t Felt &quot;normal&quot; in a long time. It&#39;s hard to even enjoy some alcoholic drinks. It makes my breathing worse. Some times I swear I&#39;m dying :(</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-17T02:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "Feel identical to you" ], "date": [ "2018-07-17T05:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/prabh1-1197745" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "Same problem with me . Tight chest and breath problem . " ], "date": [ "2018-07-23T08:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/prabh1-1197745" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "I have this problem any treatment? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-07-23T08:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "hi im suffering from this now would like to know how your getting on x" ], "date": [ "2020-09-20T13:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "content": [ "HI leanne \r\n\r\nI havent been on in awhile. I still have some breathing issues. I feel like I have better control of it now. I am trying not to let it effect me but sometimes its overbearing. I have joined a group on fb. This guy has a private help group and i am starting to see changes. They really understand and help guide you to recovery. Hope all is well with you!" ], "date": [ "2020-12-27T20:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kenzie91371-1382201" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsay1179-1150586" ], "content": [ "Hi! Search up Breathing pattern disorder and read on it!:)) And do the excercises" ], "date": [ "2021-06-13T18:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>If anyone has any suggestions please! So i am 38 and i have had anxiety most of my life in some form. Whether it was not being able to drive, going out to eat, panic attacks ...you name it. Anyway since i was a teenager i had a couple bouts where i couldn&#39;t breathe.&#160; it would last a couple days and thats it. I have gone to the emergency room and urgent care for this a handful of times and have had blood tests done. They always say that i am healthy and that it&#39;s anxiety. And i guess with my history it makes sense. Well the whole breathing thing has gotten worse over the past 5 years. I get a tight chest and throat as well. I usually get it now at least once a year and it lasts a few weeks and then is gone out of nowhere. But It started up again&#160; december and now here we are in February and i still have it. Some days are better than others. Its really making life miserable..thank god i work from home. I have trouble eating, working out and I cant even have a glass of wine...that makes it worse. This is the longest i ever had it and i really cant take it much longer. Sometimes i just sit and cry. Im not sure what else to do. I just want to get back to my normal life. Normal anxiety i can handle but this breathing thing is horrifying. If anyone has any tips (yes ive tried the breathing exercises) please let me know. Or even if you have anxiety, I would love to talk and know im not crazy and alone. Thanks!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T00:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sandra01720-776069" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>And I know how it feels to be trapped in my body. It&#39;s a horrible feeling. I find being busy helps. Keep me from focusing on my breathing so much. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-04T17:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie17569-1000057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie17569-1000057" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Debbie thanks for your reply&#128578;</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>It&#39;s awful isn&#39;t it with me it&#39;s so strong 24/7 I&#39;m constantly focused on my breathing I feel where as before all this it was on auto pilot where as now I feel as though breathing is more of a chore rather than the body&#39;s automatic response to just get on with it and breathe if you understand me I feel like I will never get relief from this I fear I am going to be stuck with it forever.</p><p></p><p></p><p>I have started exercising to recently to try and conquer my anxiety which scares me a lot because of this breathing thing going on I can&#39;t win&#128546;</p><p></p><p></p><p>Yeah you mentioned mindfullness there in already doing this I do 3 ten mins sit ins a day morning afternoon and before I go to bed to try and slow my breathing because it&#39;s all over the place.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-04T20:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie17569-1000057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Luke.</p><p>one thing I was told to try was always breath through you nose, just normal short breaths and when you feel like you need to take a deep breath try and resist as much as possible. &#160;When I tried it, it was damn hard as I just wanted to fill my lungs up. I managed a few times and the feeling went away. I just forget to do it and before I know it, I&#39;ve gone for that big breath in!!! X</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T15:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie17569-1000057" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I&#39;ve been told that also but like you say there I find it really really hard not to take a big deep breath to try and fill my lungs up and when I don&#39;t donut my breath will catch it self it&#39;s so annoying my breathing is all over I don&#39;t know what normal breathing is anymore me?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T17:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie17569-1000057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>So somehow we have to retrain the brain. I&#39;ve been googling all sorts to try and sort this but you get too much mixed information and with me, it goes in one ear and out of the other!!! Googling is not good!!!</p><p>i need to have a good swear but not sure it&#39;s appropriate on here!! &#160;If anyone ever comes up with a sure fire way of dealing with this, they are going to be a billionaire!!! X</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T19:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie17569-1000057" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Debbie,</p><p>Its best to watch a video or guided breathing relaxation ... Then you dont have to worry about knowing what to donas it guides you through.</p><p>Type in mindful meditation and breathing on the net... The site that you can watch video&#39;s on &#128521;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T19:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie17569-1000057" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes we certainly don&#39;t have been told that countless times of my therapist but how do you retrain your brain on How to breath properly it&#39;s a tricky one isn&#39;t it, She also tells me I have to retrain my brain to try and tell it in not in constant danger all the Time hense all the panic but I don&#39;t know I just can&#39;t get my head around it and yes I need a good swear to sometimes lol! </p><p>Head around all this it bewilders me how anxiety can do all this </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T19:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Yeah your also right about googling I also try and not to do that either because it just heightens my anxiety but it&#39;s hard not to with all these Symtoms I have araaaghhh I hate it I do! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T19:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily83053-1303708" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie17569-1000057" ], "content": [ "currently in the same situation .\r\nfeel as though i cant take a full deep breath or a full yawn . doctor says its my anxiety. super frustrated. and when i finally do get a deep breath i calm down a little but then just obsess about my next deep breath" ], "date": [ "2020-03-28T02:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Luke</p><p></p><p>Im with you on this one, it&#39;s really really horrible. It just seems to start out of nowhere. I have had anxiety from a health scare since November and am on citalopram and diazepam as and when needed. &#160;Even when I don&#39;t feel anxious, which is towards the end of the day, I still get shortness of breath! Pees me right off and makes me more worried which in turn feeds the anxiety. Vicous circle! I&#39;ve had all the tests and there is nothing wrong with me but can&#39;t get the anxiety to go away. &#160;</p><p>It feels to me like I have to take a deep breath but can&#39;t always get the air in. I guess that&#39;s what you&#39;re feeling too? Somehow we need to stop our anxiety. It&#39;s all in our heads and completely ridiculous but try telling our heads that! &#160;</p><p>Im going to try positive affirmations and mindfullness. No idea if I will be able to concentrate enough on it, especially when angsty but it&#39;s worth a go. &#160;I might also increase my citalopram, can&#39;t get any worse I guess.</p><p>youre not alone here, lots of people get the shortness of breath and chest pain. I often think if that would go away, I&#39;d be fine!!! X</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-04T17:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise35319-919581" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise35319-919581" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Louise thanks for your reply how do you cope with your shortness of breath it&#39;s really scary with me like I feel out of breath at times just when in talking and about setraline i have a appointment with my doctor</p><p>Tomorrow I&#39;m asking him to put me on them in on mitrazpine now and propanolol I want to swap the mitrazpine for setraline is it any good I&#39;ve heard mixed reviews about it? x</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T22:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Wow I&#39;m going through the same tonight pain in middle of chest and breathlessness everyday there&#39;s a new pain I&#39;m taking settraline but feel they are not working anymore hope u feel better soon x</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T20:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Emily </p><p></p><p></p><p>Thanks for your reply wow sounds like you have been through it when your where little like I feel for you.</p><p></p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve always had anxiety but these panic attacks I had last year have just blew me out of the water they have nocked me sideways the day after I had them I woke up with all these crazy Symtoms going on literally thought I was dying I just can&#39;t grasp it how anxiety can do all this to a person bewilders me.</p><p></p><p></p><p>My shortness of breath is everyday which is so annoying to live with but I&#39;ve had chest X-rays and ecgs and they say everything is fine so must be anxiety I suppose.</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T23:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>I know, right? I hate that you are going through this. It is absolutely crazy how anxiety can just hit you out of the blue and stay for as long as it wants to. I&#39;m in the same boat as you with all the tests saying everything is fine, and still offering no reassurance. I went to the cardiologist in September and also went to the hospital because of a panic attack that I thought was a heart attack. They did ecg, Ct scan of my heart with contrast dye, everything! Still did not call my nerves. Health anxiety has got to be one of the worst versions anxiety has to offer lol I just keep telling myself that if there were something wrong with my heart, they would&#39;ve seen it on all the scans. And for something to come up in as short of a period as five months is highly unlikely. But even telling myself that over and over again doesn&#39;t help half the time lol </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T23:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel for you to, I didn&#39;t know anxiety could present</p><p>Itself like this like all physical makes me think there is a physical illness or something up with me I&#39;m writing this to you now and my heart is pounding.</p><p></p><p></p><p>I havnt been to a cardiologist I&#39;ve just went up the hospital with a ECG note of my GP and got 3 done there and a chest X-ray or is it the same thing as a cardiologist Ohhh and I&#39;m waiting for a letter for a 24 hour ECG to.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Yeah health anxiety is one of the most horrible forms of anxiety I&#39;ll agree with you there I developed it after these panic attacks.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>I often try and tell myself that to that if there was something wrong it would of got worse or something or like you say the tests would of picked it up but then my mind playes the &quot;what ifs&quot; and &quot;but&quot; tricks on me.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Araaaghhh it&#39;s so annoying lol!</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T00:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>The same thing happens to me lol it&#39;s like as soon as I rationalize with myself my mind freaks out again and starts coming up with other reasons to think I&#39;ve got something horribly wrong!</p><p></p><p>The good thing is you did actually get everything checked out! That should always be the first step. Because you never know if it is something more than anxiety. And maybe once you receive your letter for the 24 hr ecg that might help ease your mind a little. </p><p></p><p>Oh and this might sound weird, but I&#39;ve noticed that drinking something really cold helps me with feeling short of breath. I&#39;m not sure what about it makes me feel a little better, but it does! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T00:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah same here as soon as I have been thinking about something that i have really bad and so Symtom matching with Google that&#39;s wrong with me and then I&#39;ll stop thinking about it then my mind will Instantly think about something else to focus on that&#39;s really bad and start googling again I know i shouldn&#39;t Google but I can&#39;t help it with all these crazy Symtoms anyway I havnt done it in a while it just adds fuel to the fire.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>I hope it eases my mind a bit have you had a 24 hour one and if you have how long did it take for the letter to come through just it&#39;s been 2 weeks this week since my GP referred me for me.</p><p></p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve never really noticed that if I drink something cold lol I normal go through a strong packet of halls mints a day the black ones to make me breath abit better as mad as that sound like.</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T00:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes, that is exactly why I don&#39;t google my symptoms anymore either. I see one symptom that is similar to something I have and start planning my funeral then and there lol </p><p></p><p>I have never had a 24 hr ECG, but I would assume the results should be in any day now. 2 weeks is an awful long time to wait! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T01:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I believe it&#39;s no good googling Symtoms well at least it isn&#39;t for me anyway just maximises my anxiety and my Symtoms.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Thanks for your advice&#128578;</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T20:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shiva1985-1077254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily35507-981585" ], "content": [ "<p>Did you ever get relief for the shortness of breath? I&#39;ve been suffering with mines for years now. Please state if you got relief. Thank you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T18:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shiva1985-1077254" ], "content": [ "Is it in and off or constant" ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T09:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/prabh1-1197745" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "Same problem with me I Google out symptoms and it increases my anxiety and depression " ], "date": [ "2018-07-23T08:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kenzie91371-1382201" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "Hi luke!I have struggled with signing dyspnea for almost four months now causing me to have complete episodes of not being able to breath 24/7 and youre not alone with this. Ive came across bpd(breathing pattern disorder) that is caused by anxiety and stress. Theirs so many exercises you can do to help get your breathing on point in about 3-5 weeks:) Just search up Breathing pattern disorder excercises." ], "date": [ "2021-06-13T18:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Luke!</p><p></p><p>I, too, have been suffering from the awful shortness of breath for a few weeks now, so I can definitely relate. I&#39;ve had anxiety for a few years and over the summer it progressed into health anxiety. First I convinced myself I had a brain tumor, now it&#39;s my heart. I&#39;ve had echos once a year since I was 2 weeks old (I actually had heart surgery as a baby to correct a defect with my aorta). And even having those echos and tests every single year still never reassures me. My shortness of breath lately feels like a pulling/pressure right in the middle of my chest along with a burning sensation that runs through my chest and up my neck. It is terrifying and uncomfortable. I know it&#39;s awful right now, but it does get better! My brain tumor fear lasted for about 6 months and slowly it just started to go away. Sadly it&#39;s been replaced now by heart fears lol </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T23:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole89934-1308473" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole89934-1308473" ], "content": [ "wow its crazy so many people are in the same boat.\r\n\r\nmine has gradually gotten at better, at first i was so scsred of it and was so angry about it.\r\n\r\nive had to mentally re-train my brain and tell myself its only a feeling.\r\n\r\nits not fully gone but defiantly not as bad as it used to be " ], "date": [ "2020-10-23T21:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sannynka-1287009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "hi Emma. Same for me. First two months was a nightmare, then it started to get better. it has been 7 months now. Some days are better some worse, but I am happy that its not as bad as it was before. I am not using any pills, just vitamins. And I really really hope it will go away completely." ], "date": [ "2020-04-21T06:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sannynka-1287009" ], "content": [ "what vitamins are you on? i think it comes down to not paying attention to it, breathing is automatic. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-21T09:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sannynka-1287009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "I am taking magnesium and omega 3. And I exercise almost every day. I dont pay attentiom to my breathing. It just happens any time, even wakes me up at night. I dont think I am paying attention to breathing when sleeping. So I dont know" ], "date": [ "2020-04-21T15:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "Great . How are you doing that ? this gives me some confident . " ], "date": [ "2020-05-22T06:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "have any of you guys found solutions for this? i am experiencing the same thing as most of you guys have stated and its been going on for months now. it started shortly after i came down to a new state to be with my extended family and it has not gotten better since then. im not sure what it is or what to do. " ], "date": [ "2020-10-23T21:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "content": [ "hey! its been almost 2 yrs ive suffered . I have been to so many hospitals / specialists and clinics and nothing!!! I also woke up in the middle of the night like you . I am a bit better with the breathing issue but you cant let this beat you , now it has accumulated to more things wrong like palpitations,headaches, stomach issues ! so beat this before you go crazy . have you been checked out for anything ? " ], "date": [ "2020-04-23T04:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "content": [ "i went to the ER and ran some blood samples, ekg, chest x rays etc and nothing. only my potassium was low. it got a little better after taking potassium but i notice it gets worse when i move my arms to much. ..im afraid it can be a heart problem. dr says its only anxiety but how can anxiety last so long and I'm not just thinking about it. it just happened one night and now it wont go away. did your breathing problem go away completely ? or do you notice certain tasks or body movements make it worse?" ], "date": [ "2020-04-24T05:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "what was your diagnosis? I'm so worried. I've been experiencing the same problem. constant shortness of breath, especially i notice it gets worse when standing or doing my daily activities. I've had it for almost 2 weeks now. woke up one morning from a nightmare trying to breath and since then I'm still experiencing it. help please!" ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T04:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelvinzaw-1038300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "content": [ "when is your breathing issue started? I have this too. I started practising breathing exercises, it seem a bit better." ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T09:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelvinzaw-1038300" ], "content": [ "It started August 26th 2019. \r\nI've tried breathing exercises but they do nothing for me... :(\r\nI've also tried a few supplements, but to no avail." ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T11:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "content": [ "this is 1000% how i felt when it first came, i had a racey heart also.\r\n\r\nit has got slowly better over time, but i still have moment where i cant get a full breathe in. it seams this is so common\r\n\r\nbut honeslty i feel its because we are so fixated on this issue !" ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T12:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "a good thing ive learnt is to mentally shut it out " ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T12:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "content": [ "i feel the same way. yawning is hard sometimes especially when standing up or doing my daily activities. i notice i feel better when laying down. i feel worse standing up. do you also have the same problem? does it get any better in certain positions or is it the same for you? have you checked your potassium levels. i had them low. started eating more potassium rich foods and felt a little better. though it hasnt gone away completely" ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T12:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelvinzaw-1038300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "content": [ "I donno anxiety or what, when i lying down on my back it get worse, when i move around its better. Lungs tricky i guess. But when i check xray spo2 infection nothing was found. Its has been since way before covid and gradually worse and worse. (especially when i stay home lying back and playing game, how to say, i got this uneasy feeling, tinging all over body, shortness of breath and tightness." ], "date": [ "2020-04-24T08:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "content": [ "Yes its just like that for me as well... laying down just chilling make it easier to get deep satisfying breaths more often.\r\nI really hate this, just want it to go away. I'm actually starting to really believe I have a super rare disease that the doctors don't know anything about... :(\r\n\r\nI haven't checked my potassium levels." ], "date": [ "2020-04-26T00:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelvinzaw-1038300" ], "content": [ "I have the uneasy feeling and tingling as well, its really annoying! \r\nHave you found anything that helps?" ], "date": [ "2020-04-28T08:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelvinzaw-1038300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattan-1267792" ], "content": [ "Same here, I've got tinging as well, on chest? cold sensation with breathlessness." ], "date": [ "2020-04-28T13:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee36192-1225285" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelvinzaw-1038300" ], "content": [ "I think the issue is, is that we're all focusing on it too much and it just because muscle memory for us to gasp for the breath. I find if I move into a different position every few minutes it's easier, but still not great. Mines been on and off for years. Good weeks and bad weeks. I think this covid stuff hasn't helped any of us either cause there's so much uncertainty over it all. \r\n\r\nStay strong people! " ], "date": [ "2020-10-17T23:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scooby2times-1338541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelvinzaw-1038300" ], "content": [ "I'm no doctor or psychologist but I know mine is made worse by my anxiety made better with activity and comes back when I'm lounging. Extremely frustrating to say the least the constant desire to take a deep breathe and at times not being able to since my blood is already over oxygenated and I physically don't need more oxygen holding my breathe helps or exhaling through 1 nostril while plugging the other helps to slow done my breathing so I don't hyperventilate which is what we all try and do when we cant take a deep breathe then you try another and another and another which causes tingling, lightheadedness / dizziness not to mention gulping more air then usual casing GI track problems. It comes and goes and like all of us I wish it would just go these mask don't help at all in fact make it worse. Keep you heads up people and take 1 breathe at a time. " ], "date": [ "2020-10-18T16:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've had this since August 26th last year... it all started right after I had worked out at the gym.\r\nBeen to the doctors many times and they've done a spirometry test, ECG twice, listened to my lungs, chest x-ray, CRP blood test, checked my oxygen saturation and so on. \r\nAll tests are normal... and they say it's anxiety causing it. The thing is that i don't even feel anxious, at least not mentally. \r\nI've hand anxiety and panic attacks before, so I know how it feels. I don't get panic attacks anymore. \r\n\r\nAre you guys also experiencing weird sensations in your chest/heart? like fluttering/palpitations?\r\nI'm having a constant discomfort around the heart area of my chest and a feeling like I need those big deep breaths all the time, plus i don't always get satisfying yawns either.\r\nI really just want this to end!!!" ], "date": [ "2020-10-17T23:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "content": [ "You need a good psy and some meds and you will be fine in no time!\r\nStay strong and at first try to share your feeling with a good friend that can understand and listen.\r\nTrust me there is nothing wrong with you! If all your test are fine, it's in your head.\r\nDon't be afraid of meds because they will help you to get your old life back!" ], "date": [ "2020-06-09T12:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "What meds dod you take that stopped the shortness of breath to get your life back?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T18:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello all , so frustrating !! feel the exsact same some days are harder than others all tho my gagging for air is easing off i still constantly feel shakey and a bit spaced out and like this wired butterfly feeling in my hart its driving me insane i keep thinking theres something wrong with my hart like its beating to fast then to slow always panicks me im on anti depressents . recently changed and my mind is always setting me off thinking my harts gonna stop or something so scary ! as soon as im asleep it dosnt bother me tho but i have trubble makimg myself sleep ive had anxiouty for maybe 3 months nevee had it before ! and sometimes i have this wired feeling in the bottom off my throught like something is in there !! i have bean in hopsital last week over it has my hart rate was to hight but when down after a while and eveeything was normal my sugar bloods .. HELP " ], "date": [ "2020-06-08T09:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/greengumdrop-1317211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i get shortness of breath too sometimes when im anxious" ], "date": [ "2020-06-12T07:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anita23823-1311731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anita23823-1311731" ], "content": [ "hey, have you found relief yet by chance? ive been the same too" ], "date": [ "2020-10-09T10:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anita23823-1311731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "content": [ "Hi! Yes I did, I got on antidepressants, it must've been anxiety (I found it very hard to believe) And I also take iron supplements for slightly low ferritin" ], "date": [ "2020-10-09T16:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi guys, I posted here about two months ago and to be honest, although I'm not as bad as I was when it first started, my symptoms have not gone away entirely and it's still very hard for me. Has anyone found any relief? I was diagnosed with GERD but idk if that's really the cause. All my doctors are now saying it's anxiety, but my therapy sessions haven't been helping much..." ], "date": [ "2020-07-11T00:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma888-1335807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma888-1335807" ], "content": [ "has it helped? hope youre doing better, this breathing issue is really stressfull and draining " ], "date": [ "2020-10-09T10:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roniii29-1359339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma888-1335807" ], "content": [ "I've also had it for awhile. ove a year and a half. I have had every test possible. still going to doctors and getting 2nd opinions because I just don't believe it can be nothing. if it were nothing I wouldn't be going to the doctor. how are you?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-22T05:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I too feel like this all the time, I've had it around 15 months, been back and forth to the doctors, hospital accident and emergency when it was particularly bad, I'm waiting for physio to teach me how to breathe properly, not sure that's the answer, I have also started taking cbd to see if that helps, its still early days with that " ], "date": [ "2020-10-02T13:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "has anyone found any answers and does it get bad enough that you feel you have to visit the ER? " ], "date": [ "2020-10-13T12:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "has anyone found any answers and does it get bad enough that you feel you have to visit the ER? " ], "date": [ "2020-10-13T12:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/megan234-1339927" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "so... \r\n\r\ni'm a young person with anxiety (31)... i have had anxiety for about 8 years now. NOT fun. \r\n\r\ni DO get shortness of breath which is crazy because i work out normally and am physically fit. i HAVE had my heart checked but it was after a surgery, my body was really out of whack... i started getting some shortness of breath and i actually think mine is real because i have been allergic to SOMETHING. not sure what. they are currently ordering some allergy tests for me and i've been taking zyrtec.. i did OK on the spirometry test for the most part they said but it wasn't perfect... never had asthma before and not sure that i have it right now. just some irritation. \r\nThe reality is it could just be some irritation or GERD.. it could also just be in your head... all i can say is that YOU CAN MAKE SYMPTOMS IN YOUR HEAD!!!! PLEASE TAKE IT FROM ME.... i am very direct, straight forward, and honest... I would NOT lie.. not a medical professional but if the dr is telling you that you are OK... just TRUST that... sometimes what helps me is to think of all the times i thought i was dying or had an issue and how it all turned out fine. i hold onto that and it helps me a lot to know that \"this won't last forever\"\r\n\r\nbreathing is EVERYTHING to a person with anxiety so it isn't unusual that we would FEAR losing that ability. just breathe... " ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T19:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/argyllsox-1332823" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/argyllsox-1332823" ], "content": [ "the medication helped you then? with the breathing?" ], "date": [ "2020-11-15T15:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi I am on Mirtazipine 30 mg and slow release Propranonol 80mg for Anxiety, for 4 weeks now, the Propranonol helps with the fast heartbeat etc, plus Bp was high so this lowers it also.\r\nNot sure if the Mirtazipine is going to benefit me, but need to be on it longer to see.\r\nThe breathing problem is Anxiety, I was experiencing this too, the Prop helps with this, slows the heartbeat down etc.\r\nNot a pleasant condition Anxiety, it has so many different ways it can affect you." ], "date": [ "2020-11-04T16:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "content": [ "Mike,\r\nDid you have this constant shortness of breath problem as well? Did yours completely heal by not doing any breathing exercises and ignoring it?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T14:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Breathhelp. Yes in my case it did clear up completely by accepting it, although I have had it occasionally recur. By the way in my original reply to Luke I was assuming that anxiety was the cause. I still think it is worth getting checked out by a doctor first because I presume there can be other causes. It is hard to believe this can be caused by anxiety but in my case I am sure it was." ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T18:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "content": [ "Mike, can you describe more what your symptoms were like with shortness of breath? Did it feel like you were overbreathing ever second, like you do when you walk up a hill and you are waiting for your breath to get back to normal. Or is it that you breath in and cant get a full breath?\r\nMine is the first feeling, like Im overbreathing and always out of breath from it.\r\n\r\nAlso, how long did you have this breathing issue before it cleared up? \r\n\r\nSo you just ignored it and didnt take antidepressants? Did you notice doing anything else that may have helped it- like exercise, diet, travel to relax? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T22:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "One more thing... you mentioned I should first get checked by a doctor. Ive gone to every doctor and much more that one can think of and nothing organically wrong. I'm told anxiety has caused chronic hyperventilation syndrome .\r\n\r\nOn top of doing nothing and it completely went away, did you do any regular breathing exercise? mines been going on 15 months so im so scared since its so long " ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T22:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI have had several problems associated with anxiety in the past. Feeling that I can't breath is one of the symptoms I have experienced. Mainly it was feeling I can't get a full breath but other things as well.\r\nIf you have been physically checked then anxiety will be the cause of your problem. Anxiety can cause a great range of symptoms, as you see on this site, but in the end they all come down to the same thing which is a fear/adrenaline/fear vicious circle. Once you get stuck in this quicksand all the things you naturally try to do to stop it actually make it worse. \r\nMike" ], "date": [ "2021-07-11T13:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "content": [ "Mike,\r\nMy fear is that everyone on this forum seems to feel like they can't get a deep breath, as if their chest is tight from muscle tension. Meanwhile, I feel like out always out of breath from overbreathing. Like as if the hyperventilating I did after a few panic attacks 15 months ago let me with a new breath rate and now Im out of breath just sitting and even worse from moving around.\r\nHave you heard of anyone who had these symptoms? I feel like its just me. Do you think just ignoring it even though Im out of breath will \"reset\" it even though it doesn't sound exactly what you had? " ], "date": [ "2021-07-11T13:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Mike and THANK YOU for coming back to this site even after you have recovered to give us advice. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T17:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "content": [ "Thanks Mike, just ordered the book. And I completely get and agree what you are saying because I can feel the symptoms of being frightened... burning/tingling all over, my face overhearing and getting really red when I get extra panicked about this overbreathing. I know for sure after spending thousands of dollars on tests and doctors that nothing organic happened to me. Its crazy that I was a totally normally functioning person. I have the best career. Im an elementary teacher. But covid and having to teach kids virtually how to read only added to my level of stress. Thank you for advising me not to get hung up that my symptoms aren't the same as others. I look forward to reading the book! I am so happy you are cured of this breathing problem and you are sharing your victory with those suffering so we too can conquer it. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-12T00:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "content": [ "Hi Mike! I hope to still find you here in this discussion group. Thank you for sharing this book. I have to say that I started to feel a little better two weeks ago after reading it and after hearing that you've gone through constant shortness of breath and completely recovered. I was catching myself more relaxed and having long periods of time involved with everyday living, and briefly forgetting about how I was breathing. When I'd notice it, I would acknowledge it, and then move on to what I was doing. Unfortunately, this week my breathing seems to have gotten worse instead of gotten better, which is frustrating.\r\n\r\nOn top of my shortness of breath issue due to what I think is over breathing, I tend to get these other strange symptoms that come (stay for a while) and then fade, but then return again. I get symptoms such as : my upper throat where it's just past my tongue that feels like its closing on me, I get the left side of my throat and chest feeling heavy, I get a burning sensation in my arms, face and legs, my cheeks will get warm and I'll have warm and red cheeks with small bumps. With my shortness of breath being the worst symptom, the second worse is this feeling of inner doom because Ive been living like this for so long. I think that's what clouds up being able to recognize the little progress I have slowly been making. And the smallest amount of stress makes all the symptoms reappear. \r\n\r\nMike, I have a few questions I hope you can give me your input:\r\n\r\nWould you experience any of these strange symptoms? It's sometimes hard to believe it can all come from anxiety. Sometimes I worry that it's some neurological issue but my doctor tells me there isn't anything organically causing these symptoms. \r\n\r\nDid you find yourself having times where your breathing got better but then the next time it felt like two steps backwards? \r\n\r\nMay I ask, after following the advice from the book (Facing, Accepting, Floating, Letting Time Pass), how long before you really felt \"cured\"? \r\n\r\nI look forward to hearing from you! Thanks Mike!\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-01T08:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI'm glad you got the book. \r\nThe fourth thing in the book is \"letting time pass\". That means don't keep thinking \"how long is it going to be before I get rid of it\". As soon as you start worrying about how long it is taking, you are adding anxiety again. The message in that book, although simple, is actually VERY subtle. I spent a lot of time re- reading it and thinking about it before I fully got the message. Accepting the symptoms means that you stop caring whether they are there or not. It doesn't mean as soon as you accept them they will disappear. If you are waiting for them to disappear you haven't really accepted them. The amazing thing is, if you do accept them being there and are not waiting for them to go they will actually disappear. Even when they have disappeared they will come back again but, when they do, you need to think \"oh its only that again, I don't care\". When you really get this properly, the problem will fade. I had loads of worrying symptoms; not just breathing problems. I still get them sometimes. You really have to realize that it IS caused by anxiety. Anxiety is worry. It is fear. It's all the same thing. Don't think it will just disappear and never come back. Get to the point where you don't care whether it comes back or not. Realise that your mind is playing tricks on you and you have to keep reinforcing your understanding. You shouldn't be TRYING to stop it or resist it. It is the absence of trying. ie \"I couldn't care less\" that you need. Remember this thing hasn't killed you and it never will. It wont do you any harm either. You are doing this to yourself albeit unintentionally. Keep working on getting yourself to really accept the situation and not fear it. Don't fear it coming back and don't worry if it changes to something else. When you fully accept that it is all a trick of your mind you will be on the road to overcoming it. To answer your last question \"how long before you are really cured\". The answer is when you don't care whether the problem is there or not, you are really cured.\r\nMike" ], "date": [ "2021-07-01T11:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "content": [ "Hi Mike!\r\nIve been seeing a functional medicine doctor throughout this bc not only have I been dealing with all the symptoms I told you about, but I also have my iron levels drop really low (for which he's monitoring my medication to balance it). Ive been hypothyroid all my life and my thyroid became out of wack as well. My doctor feels this is all due to my sympathetic nervous system (flight and fight) dominating my parasympathetic (rest and digest). So, he's been having me do breathing exercises twice a day for 20 minutes called biofeedback, where I follow a flower on a screen that opens and closes and I breath along with that image. Im also on a very low dosage of an antidepressant bc the symptoms made me shake and feel so much fear and depression. The antidepressant definitely calmed me down (though I hate the idea of being on medication). I plan to be on it for just a couple months longer and then slowly get off of it.\r\n\r\nDo you think that I should stop doing the biofeedback breathing exercise? Perhaps by doing it twice a day and looking at my rating goes against what the book says about not focusing my attention on the breathing so much?\r\n\r\nAlso, as you were focusing on what the book says by moving on and accepting all the symptoms, did you do anything else? Like visit with a therapist or follow up with a doctor? Breathing exercises or meditation? Or did you do absolutely nothing related to your symptoms and just move on?\r\n\r\nIn your opinion, do you think my upper throat closing and the burning sensation all over my arms and legs are all due to anxiety, just like my breathing? Its so crazy anxiety would do that.\r\n\r\nMike, I will reread the book again bc I agree that I haven't yet let go of the fear. Its always the fear of \"Oh my gosh, Ive been out of breath all the time for 15 months now and its never stopped for even a little while!\" Then I talked to my neighbor who had it for 10 years and never recovered, which totally freaked me out. I think I know what's hindering me the most. I had a back operation 10 years ago that left me with neuropathy in my left foot and leg bc the doctor damaged my nerve. Having to live with the symptoms in my foot knowing the nerve damage cant be repaired, made me so fearful now that my breathing may never recover just like my foot didn't. But I know deep down inside nothing is organically wrong with my breathing since it all came on all of a sudden after major stress and anxiety due to a medical misdiagnosis and then the pandemic started...and my doctors cant find anything organically wrong. \r\n\r\nThank you again for following up with me! Your support and reminders that Ill pull though through this once I accept and am ok with the symptoms makes me feel like Ive found what I really need to do. What you wrote to me makes complete sense. Its just like when years ago I got tinnitus and it got louder and louder when I focused on it. After a few months I accepted it and it slowly faded away. It will come back, but nowhere near how bad as it did the first time it happened. I'll acknowledge it's there and then it will just go away again. \r\nI feel like I still have some accepting to do before it goes away. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-02T07:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nThe tinnitus issue is a good example of this. I have also got tinnitus by the way. It really freaked me out when it started. I thought it was the end. Eventually, like you, I had to accept it and it doesn't bother me now except if I get tired or run down.\r\n\r\nI can understand that the botched operation may have started this. \r\n\r\nI can't see anything against breathing exercises or anything that helps relaxation. I'm sure meditation helps in that respect for some people but if you feel it is not working for you then drop it. The thing you have got to get away from is thinking \"is this working? is it getting better? is it getting worse? That just adds to the anxiety.\r\n\r\nYou should definitely consult a doctor if you think there is something physically wrong, but if they tell you there isn't, you have to believe them . Regarding the throat closing and burning etc I think it is very likely to be caused by anxiety but I would definitely ask a doctor first, although I think you have done that.\r\n\r\nThe reason people get stuck in the anxiety spiral for years is that they never fully understand what is causing it. If you keep trying to fight it or ignore it or distract yourself, it doesn't stop if you still actually fear it. \r\n\r\nRemember that you are not trying to kid yourself or fool your own mind. You can't do that in any case. The fact that these symptoms don't need to be feared is the truth. When your mind accepts that, you are on the road to getting better. \r\n\r\nIt is very important to remember that you don't have to like the symptoms of anxiety. Feelings of heart racing, stomach churning, breathlessness, throat closing, and all the rest are not pleasant. However because you don't like them doesn't mean you have to fear them. That is the crucial point. Don't pretend you like the symptoms but realize that they are just caused by adrenaline. When you finally realize that you can survive them, your fear will get less and less and the problem itself will fade. You will stop worrying that it might come back because you know that, having survived it before, it doesn't matter if it does. \r\n\r\nMike\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-02T11:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "content": [ "Hi Mike! By chance, did you have throat symptoms as one of your anxiety symptoms. Meaning tightness in you throat, a feeling when you inhale it sometimes feels like you are breathing through a straw? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-09T17:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "\r\nThis problem you are suffering from is caused by muscle tension in your chest. The muscle tension is the result of fear. Fear causes the tension, and tension causes the fear. It is a vicious circle. Do not TRY to do ANYTHING to get rid of it. The very act of trying adds to the anxiety and tension. You have got to accept that this is an unpleasant feeling that will remain for a while, but also accept the fact that it will NOT do you any harm. You don't have to like the feeling, you just need to stop being scared of it. That is what you would do if you had, say, a painful knee. When you are less scared of it, it will fade away. Easier said than done I know but you can do it. A lot of people have had this issue." ], "date": [ "2021-03-08T18:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/reach-1293960" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike24933-1201954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/reach-1293960" ], "content": [ "Hi Luke, I don't know why my reply has been deleted. See what I have said to Breathhelp on this thread. I think the same thing would help you.\r\nMike" ], "date": [ "2021-07-11T11:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have been going through everything you just listed for about 2 years now. Its like there isn't anything wrong with me but you're scared something is going to happen every time you don't catch your breath. This is not a way someone should live. Its truly brutal. To this day I haven't found anything that works to help. Im kinda just living with it at this point. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-25T22:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gab23860-1309906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i also have shortness of breath everyday. i wake up with it and i go to sleep feeling it. I also never really hungry and i have some stomach issues" ], "date": [ "2020-04-28T19:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "oh my I feel relief in the fact I'm reading so many people are feeling sand going throw the same as I am and that I'm not alone or crazy! I've never suffered with anxiouty really maybe a fue panic attacks but always bean able to control them I've always suffered with more depression . I'm not sure if it's due to the lock down everyday worried and stress off every thing that's going on right now. but I've exspiresensed every thing your going throw !! May not help every body but i find laying on my side or front for a few minutes a day when its to bad helps in a way I have good and bad days !! my gp is starting me with treatment has I've had this going on for 3 months now and I have 3 childreen to run around after and it feels next to impossible as i feel I can't evan do my daily tasks without struggling for air ! it may seem it's never gonna end but it will and u just have to keep your mind busy and positive! your not alone .\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-05-02T01:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosa83553-1310598" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rosa83553-1310598" ], "content": [ "it is very scary because it just comes out off no were u just wake up 1 day and all off a sudden this wired onation just takes over yout lofe that your gonna die or there's something wrong with your hart or lungs! then u stop doing your daily stuff and it completely shuts down your hole life WELL THAT'S IF U LET IT .. JIST REMEMBER IT'S NOT REAL DOMT THINK ABOUT IT I FIND FIGHTING STUFF DOWN HELPS AND LAYING ON MY FRONT OR SIDE S A FEW RIMES A DAY HELps also but the best possible thing u can Do if fight it off by getting up with a positive mind and trying todo your day as if it's gone and it will help slowly .. ❤\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-05-02T08:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rosa83553-1310598" ], "content": [ "hi im also the same how are you now have you managed to over come it x" ], "date": [ "2020-08-08T20:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosa83553-1310598" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "content": [ "no it never went away some days its worse then others i dont even remember how normal breathing is .... but i havent tried no medications like others have so dont loose hope" ], "date": [ "2020-09-22T11:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "FINALLY SOMEONE WHO IS GOING THROUGH THE SAME THING AS ME ITS SOO SCARY :.( THEY TOLD ME ITS ANXIETY IM LIKE I DIDNT KNOW ANXIETY CAN DO THIS MUCH TO SOMEONE ITS LITERALLY 24 HOURS IT NEVER GOES AWAY I HAVE TO CATCH MY BREATH AS WELL I WORK AT CIRCLE K SO I TALK ALL DAY SO ITS HARD I JUST WANT TO FEEL NORMAL AGAIN ... I BEEN LIKE THIS SINCE MY BIRTHDAY MARCH 29TH ... IT HURTS MY WHOLE CHEST AND WHEN YOU START THINKING ABOUT IT YOUR ANXIETY STARTS UP WORSE... " ], "date": [ "2020-09-22T11:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I no it's scary !! the first few weeks or month off it was the worst for me has nothing bad has happened to me . I think it's all down to this stupid covid because I was forever thinking i had it or symptoms ans was gonna die and leave my 3 childreen behind sounds crazy I no yeah lol. But honestly the best thing u can do is get up and try to your best to carry on with daily life styles as laying there is just letting it take over more stop worrying and thinking about it as much as u can tell yourself it's just your anxiouty and that if it was a worse health conditions then something bad would have happened bye now . we're are own biggest triggers !! Just busy your mind away . mine has gotten a little more easy as I now have started to belive it is the anxiouty . I hope eveeyone can feel better soon ! " ], "date": [ "2020-05-02T07:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi All, \r\n\r\n I just recently got developed shortness of breath with all normal . \r\n from APR 05 . After all the tests XRAY , ECG , BLOOD TESTS , COVID ( NEGATIVE ) all doctors says its anxiety .\r\n No clue yet. \r\n Feeling pain in chest bone all over \r\n consulted cardiologist , pulmonologist , gastrentrologist , general medicine finally homeopathy ( back to my family doctor ) . \r\n All says its anxiety only. we need to do yoga , breathing exercise and normal exercise and change the mind \r\n we may thing its wrong but thats what is available to do now. \r\n \r\n it may be anxiety or due to food allergy . nothing to worry. yes its tough but u need to believe doctors. \r\n my learnings \r\n - getting sleep is tough . but i use to sleep against the emotion . i get sleep finally \r\n - always thinking about it and keep seeing multiple doctors to get the reply you are ok fine \r\n right now not to worry much on this . we need to do our regular work by throwing this issue or not to discuss with family \r\n - not doing regular work - now i am doing my regular work even my mind says see other doctor or any . i just believe my homeopathy doctor and keep going with his medicine \r\n " ], "date": [ "2020-05-02T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi All, \r\n\r\n I just recently got developed shortness of breath with all normal . \r\n from APR 05 . After all the tests XRAY , ECG , BLOOD TESTS , COVID ( NEGATIVE ) all doctors says its anxiety .\r\n No clue yet. \r\n Feeling pain in chest bone all over \r\n consulted cardiologist , pulmonologist , gastrentrologist , general medicine finally homeopathy ( back to my family doctor ) . \r\n All says its anxiety only. we need to do yoga , breathing exercise and normal exercise and change the mind \r\n we may thing its wrong but thats what is available to do now. \r\n \r\n it may be anxiety or due to food allergy . nothing to worry. yes its tough but u need to believe doctors. \r\n my learnings \r\n - getting sleep is tough . but i use to sleep against the emotion . i get sleep finally \r\n - always thinking about it and keep seeing multiple doctors to get the reply you are ok fine \r\n right now not to worry much on this . we need to do our regular work by throwing this issue or not to discuss with family \r\n - not doing regular work - now i am doing my regular work even my mind says see other doctor or any . i just believe my homeopathy doctor and keep going with his medicine \r\n " ], "date": [ "2020-05-02T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "content": [ "does anyone have any luck ?? why are so many suffering and no answers" ], "date": [ "2020-05-05T03:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "no lucky :( today for me has bean horribal worst day for sure ! i have bean doing so well untill today im so fedup off it . tired off the battels i have done eveeything chaged my eating what i dri k i have stipped smoking tried the breathing excisises but nope and ive had this now for over 2 months . wish it wohld just leave me alone now its to harf with 3 childreen to run around after and feelimg like you cant breath and faint and like u have a butterfly feelijg in your chest so scary " ], "date": [ "2020-05-05T12:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "content": [ "hi are you any better this is me now " ], "date": [ "2020-08-22T18:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi All, \r\n\r\n I just recently got developed shortness of breath with all normal . \r\n from APR 05 . After all the tests XRAY , ECG , BLOOD TESTS , COVID ( NEGATIVE ) all doctors says its anxiety .\r\n No clue yet. \r\n Feeling pain in chest bone all over \r\n consulted cardiologist , pulmonologist , gastrentrologist , general medicine finally homeopathy ( back to my family doctor ) . \r\n All says its anxiety only. we need to do yoga , breathing exercise and normal exercise and change the mind \r\n we may thing its wrong but thats what is available to do now. \r\n \r\n it may be anxiety or due to food allergy . nothing to worry. yes its tough but u need to believe doctors. \r\n my learnings \r\n - getting sleep is tough . but i use to sleep against the emotion . i get sleep finally \r\n - always thinking about it and keep seeing multiple doctors to get the reply you are ok fine \r\n right now not to worry much on this . we need to do our regular work by throwing this issue or not to discuss with family \r\n - not doing regular work - now i am doing my regular work even my mind says see other doctor or any . i just believe my homeopathy doctor and keep going with his medicine \r\n " ], "date": [ "2020-05-02T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tdddy21560-1311303" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tdddy21560-1311303" ], "content": [ "Hi All, \r\n\r\nI am still in this problem from almost when covid stress started. \r\nits unnecessary stress went inside our body unknowingly . \r\nIssue : \r\nshortness of breath all the time + chest bone pain + unable to sleep even though we feel we want to sleep + all reports are normal \r\n\r\nAll are pointing towards anxiety only. we need to have hope on us and mediation. Unable to lay down and sleep . if we have feeling that we always have shortness of breath or abdomen is moving by taking max air . \r\n\r\nHere is the solution. but i am still under testing : \r\nStory : \r\nThere was an animal in a village. all the people tried lot and unable to kill that . \r\nsuddenly one small boy went to see that animal and tried to attack. \r\nthat animal was huge and long. \r\n\r\nThe moment the small boy approaches that animal , it started reducing in shape. As he move more and more that animal keep shrinking. Do you know what is that animal ? Hope you got it what is that ? \r\n\r\nSo solution is in our hand. Try to fight or think of fighting instead of listening to it. \r\nif it says dont sit , u sit \r\nif it says dont bath , take bath \r\nif it says dont sleep , dont care you listen some good songs without thinking. trying this approach now. let us see the benefits. \r\nDo yoga daily morning and evening \r\nbreathing exerciese morning and evening \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-05-06T05:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tdddy21560-1311303" ], "content": [ "Any one got any luck ? Really tough as its not kind of any disease to have tablet . \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-05-14T09:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This literally happened to me about a month ago.before the constant shortness of breath I had a panic attack around 2 months ago and went the docs. They did the lot, ecg, xray blood test and everything was perfect to them so gave me a benzodiazapine and i was fine until a month ago i experienced frequent panic attacks daily until one day i woke up and now it feels as though the sensation of breathing has just gone like its such an effort to breathe and my muscles get so tired from trying to force it, ive tried to distract myself but its still there " ], "date": [ "2020-05-05T17:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shauna_04240-988065" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I know this is old post how are you now </p><p>I am going through this it&#39;s so scary any advice </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-27T14:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james67815-383107" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi people I&#39;m Jay I&#39;m 39 suffer from health anxiety after my dad died 5 years ago from lung cancer. I&#39;m going through a bad patch now of trouble breathing no infection ecg OK bloods OK. I feel chesty all time been given 3 inhalers all don&#39;t work. It&#39;s worse when upright . I get back pain left side upper just under shoulder blade. Comes and goes. Feel constantly tierd. No appetite . Lost wight not shore how much but two notches on belt. Constantly worried about breathing and pain. Thinking of going AE soon as co codamol not helping. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-28T19:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "content": [ "<p>I direct messaged you suffering too it&#39;s horrifying it makes u think you are dying and you have a terrible disease which the doctors are not finding it is literally the worst feeling imaginable </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-02T04:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "I replied to your private message. I agree with you , it’s only been days for me and it’s so exhausting " ], "date": [ "2018-10-02T04:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/billiejo86504-996337" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "content": [ "I know what ur going through i have heart palpitations all day everyday my med stopped working after ten years other meds make me worse they dont know what it is anyway the last 2 years anxiety was real bad until i got off my couch and started living again i decided to make it live with me not the other way around i still have my moments like today but it will ease up at somepoint today i do have good days i feel better not completely gone but doable where i feel like myself i just kept busy and when i relax i just deal with it it does get better just know that when i sleep i just make my mind go blank its hard but it can be done then ur breathing wont bother u hope this helps u and brings u some comfort im here if u need to talk also i never had anxiety either until the heart palpitations" ], "date": [ "2018-10-02T13:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "content": [ "hi did you ever find a way out of it or get any answers lv x" ], "date": [ "2020-08-08T20:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey I’m reading all the comments , and for the last 10 days I have been suffering from all this nonstop . Been to the emergency room twice and the drs several time. They can’t find anything wrong. I think about every breath and can’t sleep. I never had a anxiety problem before but the drs said it could be that. It’s so terrible most days I’m bawling my eyes out hoping for relief. I can’t imagine someone living this way.  Just curious has anyone got help yet " ], "date": [ "2018-10-02T04:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wesley78520-1160463" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wesley78520-1160463" ], "content": [ "Wesley mine started early in the morning , I woke up running to my door gasping for air and scratching at my neck. Didn’t wait long before I went to the Emergency room " ], "date": [ "2018-10-04T07:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adf072889-1194712" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "content": [ "<p>I, too, have been experiencing this for over a month. Got sick after a tooth extraction and since then, I have not been the same. Can&#39;t get a full breath, constant chest pain/pressure, and it feels like my neck is tight. It literally destroyed my life overnight. I&#39;ve been to the ER dozens of times, been to my doctor, pulmonologist, and other specialists. All my tests come back normal and my doctor&#39;s say it&#39;s anxiety. I can&#39;t grasp how anxiety can do this! Has anyone found a solution? Anything at all? I&#39;m losing my mind! I am a widowed mother of a little boy and I can&#39;t function like this. I just started an antianxiety medication and I&#39;m praying it makes this stop! Please! I&#39;ve tried everything. Meditation. Journaling. Breathing exercises. Someone has to have been able to overcome this. It literally feels like I&#39;m dying and I&#39;m praying for relief. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-06T14:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adf072889-1194712" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes it&#39;s Terrifying very scary causes panic attacks make u think your dying and any day will be your last </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-07T05:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adf072889-1194712" ], "content": [ "Same exact thing with me. Everyday I hate waking up. I can’t even enjoy the simple things like going to dinner or even watching tv. I don’t know what to do. I literally get on my hands and knees and pray for this to go away. I wish someone had a answer. I also find it hard to believe this is anxiety. As for what you said about pain , I as well had really bad neck pain the last few weeks " ], "date": [ "2018-10-07T18:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roniii29-1359339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wesley78520-1160463" ], "content": [ "I was actually doing breathing yoga in my basement and felt a tightness in my throat that got worse throughout the day. I ended up in the er that night and it's been a hard life ever since." ], "date": [ "2021-02-22T05:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m just curious if everyone can answer this one question, how did this breathing problem come about for you?</p><p></p><p></p><p>For me I went on a hike had what I thought was a heat stroke but wonder now if was also panick attack , super heavy shallow breathing. Overcame that and a week later woke up in the morning hard to breath and never left me since! So everyone reply here how did yours start? Maybe there&#39;s a pattern please share&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-04T02:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieren42689-1227653" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kieren42689-1227653" ], "content": [ "hey ok we must talk about this . i still have the same issue . do u have fb ? i have lots to talk about this " ], "date": [ "2019-01-21T16:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieren42689-1227653" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "content": [ "HI MY NAME IS KIEREN EYRE I HAVE STILL SAME PROBLEM MESSGE ME WHAT IS YOUR NAME \r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-02-04T13:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura36760-1210021" ], "content": [ "hi laura doyou still have this problem i would love to chat x" ], "date": [ "2020-08-08T20:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roniii29-1359339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "content": [ "do you still have it?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-22T05:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I HAVE BEEN SHORT OF BREATH FOR OVER 3 WEEKS NOW AND I CANT GO SLEEP I GET SHORT OF BREATH EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY IV SEEN MY DOCTER HE SAID ALL TESTS FINE ECG AND BLOOD TESTS AND I GO REALLY DIZZY I REALLY NEED TO GET BETTER AND FEEL AS THO I AM NOT GOIN TO GET BETTER ANY HELPPP ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????" ], "date": [ "2019-01-21T11:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "he hasn't updated in a while, do you have this breathing issue too? its horrible honestly " ], "date": [ "2020-03-09T12:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sannynka-1287009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "hi. how long its been for you? " ], "date": [ "2020-03-09T13:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sannynka-1287009" ], "content": [ "6 nonths! i am trying hypnotherapy for it tonight\r\n\r\ncane on randomly after a panic attack ! is anyone better ??" ], "date": [ "2020-03-09T20:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hellofriend22-1015448" ], "content": [ "how are you going? i feel so alons " ], "date": [ "2020-03-22T06:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gracemull2003-1315118" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "content": [ "hi, how did the hypnotherapy go? Did it get rid of it? " ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T07:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "have you found any answers ??" ], "date": [ "2020-03-09T10:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/devin00163-1301459" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/devin00163-1301459" ], "content": [ "hey luke! \r\n\r\nim so sorry! im 22 and same boat, so awful when ir all comes back normal. you feeel crazy and so alone.\r\n\r\nfor me, i started off like you it was so bad i coulsnt get out of bed. i am finding it not as bad now as ive learned to let it not control me, as its started to settle. i think our bodys are in constant fight mode due to the shock. hang in there " ], "date": [ "2020-03-16T22:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/devin00163-1301459" ], "content": [ "hi did you get better? I'm feeling the same way. i started this past Easter Sunday. woke up with shortness of breath and it hasn't gone away. I'm desperate but i notice it gets better when i go to sleep or lay down. gets worse when standing or moving around. my family says its anxiety but i cant control it. I'm desperate. Doctors told me the same thing. all my tests are normal. so what is my problem....help please" ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T04:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello, my name is Devin. I am 16 and entering the prime of my life. I play 4 sports and like being around people. 6 days ago i noticed some slight discomfort and shortness of breath while breathing in but i brushed it off. late the next day i was sitting in the car with a friend when i started feeling like i was suffocating. I walked around outside and i tried to remain calm for having heard about panic attacks. i attempted to fix the problem for about an hour in multiple different ways before i decided it was an emergeny. on the hour drive to the hostital my body went numb and i thought i was going to die. when i got to the hospital they checked all my vitals and heart and some other s**t and it all came back 100% fine. still unable to breathe i was forced to go home and cried myself to sleep while gasping for air. the next day i went to a better hosptital for additonal tests that also came back fine. forced to go home again i had a severe panic attack and went straight the emergency room of my local hospital without even going home. sent home again i cried myself to sleep gasping for a second time. in the past week ive lost nearly 20 pounds and havent left my room. my life has been completely taken from me. my fingers are going numb as i type this because the breathing never stops. i feel like i cant last another second when it has only been a week. i dont want to live anymore. nothing is worse than this. i expected to find a relief and or a solution online because my brain just cant rap around it but it seems there is no recovery from this. if anyone has the answer please let me know because i cannot last much longer. also does anyone know if luke took his life? praying he didnt but i dont see why else he may have stopped responding. this has distraut my entire family and i just feel like a burden. i hope you all feel better though i fear it may not be possible. thank you." ], "date": [ "2020-03-16T19:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/billiejo86504-996337" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi luke and to all others that have joined the conversation let me say im sorry for how everyone is feeling i been where ur at twice mine just wasent anxiety first round 10 years ago i had tachycardia could not breath eat lost wait was put on medicine everything went back to normal this time round 3 years ago started getting same symptoms had med mg raised med change didnt work damn hospital did all test normal of course said it was anxiety even though they knew of my issues before so i went to a heart dr that deals with the electrical part of the heart my regular heart dr told me to see one he did a cath at that point i was fighting it i got off the couch and started living life anyway had cath done turns out it was svt the ekg the hospital did didnt show it so i had ablation done still taking meds still needed it to bring heart rate down it was still 90.after surgery which not normal for me dr didnt know why he said svt was gone anyway this time anxiety did go away its better but still there i came to accept its part of my life i dont let it win i have fun do my everyday things thats what made it better continue to live i call it my new normal. if anyone needs more help or has questions im here hope everyone feels better" ], "date": [ "2020-03-25T03:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma85053-1299948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "what medicine ???" ], "date": [ "2020-04-17T15:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Dear All, \r\nMy name is Dimitar and I am from Bulgaria.\r\nI am very sad to hear your stories but I have the solution.\r\nI had a battle with constant shortness of breath 24/7 for almost 5 years.\r\nGoing to all the doctors and doing all the tests possible.\r\nThe only thing they found was acid reflux and I took medications which didn't help with my breathlessness.\r\nIt seems that the shortness of breath is caused by the brain, not getting the right signals when you breath.\r\nThen I found a psychiatrist who gave me hope. We tried a few different medicines till we found the right one for me. I just took it and on the next day my 24/7 5 years shortness of breath was gone for good! If you want to live a normal life again, please visit a doctor and get back of living your life.\r\nI know it's very hard for you since my mind was always on the shortness of breath and I was not able to do anything.\r\nThis medications that I've mentioned are not dangerous and you will use them for a year, then you will stop them and your life will be as it was before the shortness of breath.\r\nThis medications does not make you a zombie or the bullsh*ts they are mentioning in the web.\r\nThey are making the person who were you before.\r\nStay STRONG and get your life in you hands!!!" ], "date": [ "2020-04-17T11:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/csilla1987-1308414" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "Mitch, I have the same issue, already tried many antidepressant, but non of them helped me totally. Can you pls share what's the one that works for you? " ], "date": [ "2020-04-20T19:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Antidepressant." ], "date": [ "2020-04-18T16:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/csilla1987-1308414" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole89934-1308473" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/csilla1987-1308414" ], "content": [ "you have been dealing with shortness of breath for years now? i have it and ive been dealing with it for months now and i dont know what to do to solve it. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-21T02:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Luke, how are you? Have you found the solution already? I'm in the same shoes for years now :(\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-04-20T19:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Gill just seen your reply there,</p><p></p><p></p><p>Is it common to have a breathing issue all the time 24/7 with anxiety though? Just I feel as if though my breathing is on manual like</p><p>It&#39;s a pure struggle with it like a chore almost where as before all this panic and anxiety it was on auto pilot I woudnt even think about breathing.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T22:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>I didn&#39;t meen to send that there I sent it to early by mistake lol</p><p></p><p>Yeah I have looked loads things up about anxiety on the net although I try to most of he times as it just makes me 100% worse I always stumble across stories and of people been stuck like this for years I don&#39;t think I could handle that long I&#39;m on the brink now with it&#128078;</p><p></p><p></p><p>Yeah you mention meditation in your post its mindfullness im</p><p>Doing in doing 3 20 mins a day sometimes I just do the one when I get up and one before bet I sometimes miss one I really shouldn&#39;t but hey I suppose it helps a bit but even when I&#39;m doing it in thinking about my breathing and my breath will still catch on its own while in doing it it&#39;s a nightmare this breathing thing I took my breathing for granted as mad as that sounds.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Thanks for your kind words and advice&#128578;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T22:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>Your welcome &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-12T12:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abrasive-897912" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "Plenty of parsley add it to all your meals this absolutely would help your breathing go and use it." ], "date": [ "2020-12-11T21:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Luke</p><p>Breathing issues are common with anxiety and panic attacks.</p><p>Rest assured if you have all the tests it isnt your heart.</p><p>I have had it and it can be very scary but i try to breathe through my nose as it isnt as gasping.</p><p>Also if you think about it when your asleep you continue breathing in a relaxed way.</p><p>Mindful meditation is good to help breathing as it calms your mind and body.</p><p>Try doing some re[b]asea[/b]rch from medical universities on anxiety. readily available on the net.</p><p>It helps knowing how the body works with your mind causing these physical symptoms.</p><p>I dont leave anything to chance and i start and end my day with 10 mins mindful meditation and body scan.</p><p>I do progresive muscle relaxtions and listen to positive affirmations.</p><p>All together 30 mins max and you dont have to get out of bed ..&#160;</p><p>I thought i didnt have time to fit this kind of stuff in , but i dont set off to work without it doing them.</p><p>I also added an app on my phone incase it happened at work.&#160;</p><p>Good luck and dont give up be strong there is life after panic and anxiety xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-04T16:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sandra01720-776069" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sandra01720-776069" ], "content": [ "<p>I have a real battle with it to I ant get my head round it I just can&#39;t grasp the fact that anxiety can do this to a person without there been a physical illness causing the shortness of breath if you catch my drift.</p><p></p><p></p><p>I also have a inhaler to use for it to sulbutomol or something which it doesn&#39;t really help to be fair.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Arghhh it&#39;s so annoying I wish it would just go away I was normal this time last year and I took it all for granted I did.</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-04T20:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "<p>Are u still experiencing the shortness if breath Luke it&#39;s became my number 1 anxiety symptom and it&#39;s debilitating it&#39;s is ruining my life I fear I have copd or something life threatening I&#39;m on 26 and a non smoker and not overweight it&#39;s scary man I feel it 24/7 like u I feel it has to be copd went to the ER over it chest and lung x-ray was good no signs of copd going to my doctor on Wednesday to get a pulmonary function test to make sure it&#39;s not copd the breathing is always in my mind short of breath short of breath it&#39;s all I think I can&#39;t get a break it sucks it&#39;s a smothering sensation 24/7</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2020-12-16T17:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "Hi, i am sorry you are experiencing this.\r\nI have been having this for 2 months without stopping.\r\nAnd i was diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux, silent one, i have almost no symptoms) and i started my antiacid medication 2 days ago and feel so mich better. No shortness of breath anymore.\r\nJust wanted to put it out there so maybe people would check for it.\r\nGerd can completly mimmick the asthma symptoms. \r\nPlus, anxiety can be absolutely the same. I had it from gerd, but i also get it from anxiety. And combination of the two is a horror." ], "date": [ "2018-05-15T09:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna_03044-1185638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "I’ve been getting this too. I know it’s my anxiety because well I’ve been dealing with anxiety for 2 years now on and off and it seems like my symptoms change all the time and now it’s this whole breathing thing. It’s annoying because it feels like your chest is tight and the bottom of my throat feels tight too I hope it goes away I just went back on and ssri and I really hope that helps I feel like I obsess over it all day " ], "date": [ "2018-06-06T01:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna_03044-1185638" ], "content": [ "<p>I literally feel like I can&#39;t breathe and the way I feel is so severe I feel like it could take my life any moment I&#39;m so afraid of dying from this and leaving my family and my animals and my life behind I&#39;ve begged and pleased for answers I&#39;m givin none the feeling is Terrifying.. I&#39;m afraid any minute will be my last I&#39;ve afraid I&#39;ll go unconscious and I won&#39;t return or I&#39;m afraid I live to far from help the way I feel just seems like the way a dying person would feel if I could describe how I felt it would be I feel like a dying person would feel</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-12T01:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna_03044-1185638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "Have you been checked out by a doctor ? If you have it’s probably anxietyine was so bad it would make me wanna throw up because my chest felt tight I went on Prozac and that feeling went away tho I still have other anxiety issues at the moment atleast that feeling went away it was horrible " ], "date": [ "2018-07-12T14:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna_03044-1185638" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I&#39;ve been to the doctors family doctor ER and specialist but I feel it&#39;s making a turn for the worst it sucks to be 26 and convinced death is right around the corner</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-12T17:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna_03044-1185638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "I’m also 26 I know exactly how you feel " ], "date": [ "2018-07-12T18:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jake81368-1195094" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "Hey Brently I was wondering if you ever found any answers? I am also a fit non smoking 20something and the shortness of breath is driving me mad. I have 2 kids and a wife and I can’t find any energy to give them after fighting all day at work for breaths. I’ve been to the ER a couple times and they can find nothing. Some days I think it’s anxiety and some days I think there is no way this is anxiety. Was just curious if it ever got better or if you found anything out? " ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T02:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jake81368-1195094" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "Never mind didn’t read far enough down the thread. . . " ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T02:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jake81368-1195094" ], "content": [ "<p>Found no answers it&#39;s very severe I&#39;m to the point now where I&#39;m afraid to do anything because I&#39;m convinced the shortness of breath is from something bad I barely do anything I I don&#39;t move around much I live like a terminally ill cancer patient and I hate it I&#39;ve tried to find answers and nothing I&#39;m just convinced I&#39;m a dead man walking or laying in my case I need to develop hope but it&#39;s hard because the shortness of breath feels scary as hell.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T05:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jake81368-1195094" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Have you gone to get tests done or anything yet?" ], "date": [ "2018-08-15T20:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fitzbaro-1182226" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna_03044-1185638" ], "content": [ "<p> If you live in a state where it&#39;s legal, get yourself some CBD tincture drops with 1% THC to activate the drops. 10 to 12 drops under the tongue at night about 20 minutes before you go to bed - it works for me, thank God. Good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-16T01:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaxja49058-1201993" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello valentina what kind of medications did you take that helped you with shortness of breath? I am having the same problem and i am drinking Actavis Omeprazole but it&#39;s not helping me and I am 23 days with constant shortness of breath and burping :(</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-01T16:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee36192-1225285" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna_03044-1185638" ], "content": [ "Hi Jenna, I've been experiencing this for a good 3 years now. I'm under a local hospital for a heart issue when I was a child. during the time I've had Shortness of breath I've had CT scans, blood taken, ECGS, Heart scans the full shabang and have never really found an issue. Does the sensation appear worse when you feel anxious? Like mine will get harder to breath say in a car, on a bus? I did read an article on this last week . drop me a reply if you fancy a read :) " ], "date": [ "2019-01-02T22:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelvinzaw-1038300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kaxja49058-1201993" ], "content": [ "You and me are look like same symptoms. I am 26 days already Rabeprazole and Pantoprazole helping me in GI symptoms but not shortness of breath." ], "date": [ "2020-04-19T12:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann05726-1276233" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "Hi, I have terrible breathing problems - shortness if breath etc and tightness in chest - feeling like can't get a breath at all, deeps sighs all the time. It's terrible - can't get a decent yawn either. Can I ask what antacid medication you are on? I think this could be what's wrong with me. Do have bad indigestion as well. Would appreciate your advice\r\n Thanks\r\n Ann" ], "date": [ "2020-11-15T15:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie49412-1337664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann05726-1276233" ], "content": [ "hi ann if you think you have acid reflux you are better off speaking to your doctor. I have it myself. I have been and had camera down to check throat and one to check my stomach I also have a hiatus hernia and inflammation of the stomach. it's worth getting it checked properly. I am on medication for mine and I still suffer with short of breath on one side it's horrible and scares me all the time. I have also just had a 24 hour heart monitor done to check for heart problems but still waiting on results and I also deal with mental health half the time I dont feel anxious but still struggle to breath. subconsciously I think we are making ourselves anxious all the time and that's the problem. hope you manage to get sorted " ], "date": [ "2020-10-12T07:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie49412-1337664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann05726-1276233" ], "content": [ "yes no problem at all I am on lanzoprazole 30mg and also have to take gaviscon after food it's a nightmare think my medication has stopped working now though think I need to speak to the doctors again been on them for about 2 years now. worth checking anyways lovely xxxx" ], "date": [ "2020-12-11T13:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james69142-1349828" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "hey,\r\n\r\nI have exactly the same\r\nI had a few stressful moments around 4months ago and had a panic attack but was unaware what it was at first but after the panic attack.\r\nI now struggle with catching my breath 24/7 and breathing is laboured it's so horrible.\r\nsometimes I struggle to get a calm breath and have to keep trying and so difficult to catch it sometimes.\r\nI went to the hospital (ER) had blood test, pulse oximeter, chest xray , ECG and checked my chest , lungs with stethoscope. it all came back perfect and said it is aniexty but for few hours after I was fine knowing it's in my head but then the next day its back 24/7 and gets me thinking and i spend my life googling symtoms which then makes me worse as think I have of these life threatening dieseses and then get really short of breath.\r\nI got prescribed sertraline as a aniexty tablet but stoped because they made me feel so dizzy and foggy .\r\nI feel like I just need reassurance all the time but surely if the dr done all them checks there cant be anything wrong with me" ], "date": [ "2021-01-05T21:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james69142-1349828" ], "content": [ "first thing is stop googleing that will make everything worse and sertraline didnt help me i had to try a different one im now on prozac " ], "date": [ "2021-01-15T22:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elaina37806-1369480" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "Hello, I read your message and it sounds like my story. I constantly have chest pressure and I swear I have copd but I've been to every doctor and they can't diagnose me with anything. Did you do your pulmonary function test?" ], "date": [ "2021-04-10T16:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara77076-1356378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elaina37806-1369480" ], "content": [ "I had mine tested and it was one point below normal.. but then she started me on inhaler and I went 10 point above my last test and it was labeled as normal.. I am not sure what is going on.. .still scared it could be COPD..." ], "date": [ "2021-04-22T16:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/parkerjames345-1375967" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "\r\nHi\r\nit started last year in may I extremely panicked that it is covid\r\nBut it wasn't after that it lasted for 3 months \r\nThis year again it started in March when I woke up I was out of breathe\r\nI fear it may be emphysema or copd or asthma but all tests are normal and I don't smoke\r\ni have done all tests x ray ekg all normal \r\ndoc says it's anxiety \r\nI don't what it is" ], "date": [ "2021-05-14T09:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mariah47793-1376306" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/parkerjames345-1375967" ], "content": [ "hi parker jam \r\njust joined this forum \r\nmy symptoms are same it is an awful experience we are going through \r\nI find that I breathe better when distracted but when trying to sleep it becomes a focus and not within my a bility to stop " ], "date": [ "2021-05-16T11:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/parkerjames345-1375967" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mariah47793-1376306" ], "content": [ "Hi mariah sorry to hear you are going through same\r\nI have same symptoms and it goes during sleep or distraction\r\ncan we talk \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-24T16:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "content": [ "Luke,\r\nIve been dealing with shortness of breath for 15 months now. It all started after a few panic attacks from alot anxiety, and then all of a sudden I started over breathing 24/7 and it never went away. when it first started, I was majority constantly struggling to get a breath in. I could barely finish a sentence and my stomsch and chest and throat (globus) were all so tight. I would just lay on the sofa panting for breath. I then slowly did reduced breathing exercises over a few months and very slowly i got to the point that i could finish my sentences. I knew i had to calm myself down by telling myself that I was fine all my life and doctors have checked me and there isnt anything wrong with my heart or lungs. Overbreathing has become my new normal and I need to know find how to overcome this. Yes, anxiety caused this Luke. My doctor told me he had a patient who temporarily thought she was blind from anxiety and a patient who was temporarily paralized from the head down due to it. Its a vicious cycle. Our body knows how to breath and we need to find our way back to our natural breath but thos overbreathing is a habit thats become difficult to get out of. Im now trying a medication called Amnitryptoline because others have commented that though it takes time, it really helps them. So far, in just the two weeks Ive been on 10 mg, it has helped calm me down much more. Thats important bc if your sympathetic nervous system is contantly dominating, your nervous system will be on constant overdrive. I have been so freeked out about my overbreathing that I had pounding heart, my ears were over sensitive to everyday sounds, I'd feel like I was breathing through a straw, and I felt major depression. Another thing that really improved so far is my globus (tightness feeling like something stuck in your throat), even the tightness in my chest started to feel a little better. I just started on 20 mg last night and will do that for two weeks before I try to move up to 30mg. I understand it can give you some inital side effects as you get used to it. The first fews days i felt super physically exhaused and a bit of dry mouth. I know I dont have Gerd or Silent Reflux bc i did a major non acidi diet for months and PPI medicine twice a day but there is was no change. So this tells me it is a new breathing pattern that has made my CO2 levels to be off and in turn gives the shortness of breath and air hunger feelimg. \r\nYou got to tell yourself everyday this will pass." ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T00:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kenzie91371-1382201" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "Hi! are you doing any better? If not ive been struggling with Signing dyspnea for almost four months and its been a struggle. Ive came across bpd(breathing pattern disorder) That is caused by anxiety and stress but is harmless! If you go on youtube or google(or you fan talk to your docter about it) they can tell you so any exercises on how to get your breathing back on track within 3-4 weeks. I struggle with anxiety and panic disorder and i always have shortness of breath and ive been to the docter any times for x-rays blood work and ekgs All coming back perfectly normal.Even the docters would listen to my lungs to make sure im getting enough air when i am! But im starting breathing exercises to help with my breathing patterns. I hope this helps:))" ], "date": [ "2021-06-13T18:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kenzie91371-1382201" ], "content": [ "kenzie, what breathing exercises exactly are you doing?\r\n\r\ncan you describe your shortness of breath for me? Do you feel short of breath all the time like youve just walked up a steap hill? I also find myself signing. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-28T14:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roslyn95x-1397614" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "hi did you over come this breathing if so how? im going through the same ruining my life im\r\nundergoing alot of tests aswel though heart rate has been 180 190 been rushed to hostpital but scared to take medictaion the side affect are awful from the ones i took " ], "date": [ "2021-09-16T16:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samson87391-1421864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valentina72419-1158789" ], "content": [ "what Antacid did you use?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-03-28T08:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samson87391-1421864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breathhelp-1378296" ], "content": [ "Hi! I've had shortness of breath and headaches for 2 years+ and anxiety for about a year. It's almost like I'm forgetting to breathe and then needing to catch a breathe that's stuck in my chest. \r\n\r\nWhat started of as acid reflux, indigestion and diarrhoea 2 years ago after binge drinking turned out to be what will shape my future. My entire life is on pause.\r\nGood thing I'm a very observant person. What triggered my shortness of breath was 2 years ago when I had a panic attack while i had indigestion so I was unable to breathe properly from my stomach/chest region. \r\n\r\nEver since I've been like this. Shortness of breath and headaches and anxiety 24/7. Acid reflux once in a month when I don't stick to my diet. Gassy all the time. Recent constipations for 6 months now. \r\n\r\nThe only relief I get sometimes is when I drink water to burp or yawn. The relief lasts for only 30 seconds.\r\nInhalers don't help. Antacids don't help. Breathing techniques don't help. \r\n\r\nI'm fit and I'm 25 years old. I can't go swimming anymore. I can't be with my friends. I can't concentrate. I can't even look people in the eyes. I'm shaky all the time. SOMEBODY HELP ME. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-03-28T09:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have a real battle with shortness of breath. Sometimes in bed I get focused on it and feel I can&#39;t empty my lungs properly. I do have reactive airways and use inhalers but they aren&#39;t helping much at all which makes me worry its something more sinister. My doctor can&#39;t hear wheezing and wonders if I&#39;m just not exercising enough.</p><p> He wanted to think my cough and shortness of breath are from a cold but they&#39;re not. When I carry laundry upstairs I&#39;m winded and umcomfortable. I&#39;ve also had pressure in my chest. </p>" ], "date": [ "2020-12-16T17:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "content": [ "Thats positive for us to learn from you. \r\nkindly help us on the same. \r\n- i am not able to sleep as i feel the breathness or diahram movement or inhaling more air kind of sensation \r\n- I am trying not to think about this but still i like to learn from you how to do that \r\n- Now unnecessarily fear is getting developed as i am not getting sleep. \r\nsuch chain reactions to be stopped to get the healing. \r\n\r\nI am sorry to ask. i dont know how many are having this issue and the solution on this. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-05-06T09:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christi0220-1308689" ], "content": [ "Hi \r\n\r\nits been 3 months i am having this problem. it become worst like sleeping is tough \r\nsince this sensation is there \"shortness of breath \" i am unable to sleep or concentrate on regular work. \r\n\r\nhow are you able to manage ? kindly update the thread plz . how to distract and avoid thinking about it \r\n\r\nsince its lock down period i am working from home. and most of the time i need to think about it. " ], "date": [ "2020-05-22T06:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "thank God im doing much better. it went away on its own.....what i did:\r\n1. take potassium supplements. my potassium levels were low and i read it affects your muscles and may give your lungs a hard time working properly.\r\n2. dont think about it to much. try to distract yourself with something positive. the mind is very powerful and can trick us if we dint fight it. \r\n3. vaporization with eucalyptus. \r\n4. and mainly praying. God will heal you. you just have to trust him and believe youll get over this. trust me i was terrified and depressed just like yall....oh and stop watching the covid19 news...theyre meant to cause panic!!!" ], "date": [ "2020-05-05T22:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marie_05-1351892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/charliette34697-1310573" ], "content": [ "Hi. i was wondering how you have made out? I just started taking Wellbutrin and I think I am going to get weaned off already. its not bad but i think I am having physical symptoms from it and I don't like that. I had a panic attack back in December and it seems like ever since then my anxiety has gotten worse. I get shortness of breath as well. it comes ans goes. It seems that when I am laying down it is a little better or when I so a big burp it clears up. I also have acid reflux so I am not sure if that is what it is or not. I just wish it would all go away. It's very frustrating and annoying having anxiety. I was doing so well. My last panic attack was in 2014. I hope this passes really quickly. Do you do any kind of breathing exercises, yoga or meditation? I do breathing exercises sometimes when I start feeling anxious. Maybe I should incorporate it into my daily routine. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-16T15:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello eveyone hope you all find relife very soon ! i feel the exsact same zconstantly feeling suffecated and as i have to gasp for air eveey few minutes but it dosnt help and its contant. my gp has started me on medication as its bean going on a while now and its called (Citalopram) the problem is i was starting to acsspet it and deal with it the best i could but this medication as set me back to the day i started having the issuse i feel as though i have no control again. please has anyone had this medication before and dose it work after a while ?? today is my 3rd day off it 😔" ], "date": [ "2020-05-23T11:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anita23823-1311731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everybody, I'm having the same symptoms as everyone else is describing here and it's making my daily life so difficult! It started suddenly two weeks ago while I was unloading the dishwasher and hasn't stopped ever since. The only relief I get is sleep, but it comes back immediately upon waking. My GP said it was anxiety, but at the time of my doctor's visit I also had a lump in my throat and chest heaviness so I went to a gastroenterologist who put me on omeprazole, which helped the chest heaviness and lump sensation go away. However, the breathing difficulty persists. I'll spend a minute breathing normally but my body insists that I take a deep breath and I can never \"finish\" that breath, like when you finish a yawn. This is so frustrating as I just want to breathe normally but my body won't stop forcing me to attempt deep breaths. The odd thing is, it hasn't affected my ability to play the clarinet, which I'm very grateful for, but it has really made all other parts of my life incredibly difficult and even eating is difficult. I've been reading many forums and I wonder if it could be a hiatial hernia causing pressure on my diaphragm but I have yet to be tested. I will be getting bloodwork and an H. pylori breath test done soon. I check my oxygen levels with a finger monitor in my home and its always 98-99%. Idk why this is happening and I just want it to end." ], "date": [ "2020-05-08T02:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anita23823-1311731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everybody! My shortness of breath is slowly going away and I wanted to share what seemed to have been causing mine so if anyone else is having the same issue they can check in and possibly feel better! I started taking omeprazole and after about 5 days I started having less and less shortness of breath and it seems to have been originally caused by acid reflux and esophagitis. The damage caused to the esophagus sometimes causes the nerves around there to send signals to the brain that our brain interprets as having to take constant deep breaths, so after starting the medication it needs time to heal before the shortness of breath can go away completely. This seems to be the case with me, especially since the day before I got symptoms I ate a very fatty and dairy-heavy meal that likely led to increased acid production and subsequent esophagitis. If anyone suspects this may be the case, get an appointment with a gastroenterologist! Best wishes to everyone going through this : ) " ], "date": [ "2020-05-22T08:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "content": [ "Dear Saran, \r\n\r\nif \"professor\" anita above your comment was kind enough to share that I helped her and guide her to the problem you would contact me. Thankfully I read the forum from time to time. Please contact me with personal message and I will try to help." ], "date": [ "2020-05-21T15:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anita23823-1311731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "Hi Dimitar, I don't see the need for sarcasm... I actually personal messaged Saran many weeks ago and she didn't get back to me. I simply shared my experiences because I wanted the people who come to this message board to know that what the reason for my issue was, in case theirs is similar. I messaged many people from this board in desperation, including but not limited to you, so I didn't think to share the name of every individual who responded to my messages. The thing that helped my issue was the omeprazole, which an actual doctor told me to take, so I am not trying to be a \"professor\" I am simply sharing my experience. I'm sorry if that upset you. I still get notifications for this forum as well." ], "date": [ "2020-05-21T18:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mich_1987-1307825" ], "content": [ "Actually its cyclic deadlock condition what we say in engineering. \r\nAfter seeing all the posts and doctors , i found only way is to \r\n- not to worry about it ( but how ? as the breathing sensation is always there ) \r\n- not getting sleep ( then how our brain will get enough rest and ready for next day ? ? ) \r\n- - since COVID lock down , the situation is still worst to mingle and talk to people. \r\n\r\nkindly suggest something which can help many people here ....\r\nAt least we should be able to do our normal day to day work activities , talking , food , sleep , work etc. \r\n\r\nif we keep thinking about this we cant even enjoy nice music , film or love some one . it will be great if some help here. " ], "date": [ "2020-05-22T04:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi All, \r\n\r\nis there any help who got succeeded coming out of S/B , sleepless nights due to anxiety ? ? ? \r\nActually its been 3 months still i feel the same in addition to that sleep is not coming \r\n1. Always feeling i have shortness of breath ...\r\n2. chest pain i mean bones not inside the chest - not to worry \r\n3. Night sleep \r\n - Yawning more . but when i try to sleep it goes away. Actually i dont have any worries .\r\n - even if i start sleep some days exactly after 2 hours i woke up. my mind keep thinking lot or want to be busy in walking etc \r\n - even if i start sleeping at 10 PM , exactly around 4 AM i woke up and no sleep after that \r\n All the doctors says nothing to worry it will go away in time. \r\n they confirmed its not due to acid / not related to any lungs /heart etc . almost 5 doctors all told its just anxiety . they asked me not to worry about it. But how come when we feel the shortness of breath ? or not getting sleep ?\r\n \r\n Any one has luck ?who came out of this problem ? \r\n Give your suggestions please. " ], "date": [ "2020-05-21T08:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dayana00477-1314367" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "when I was left without work, I was advised to start earning on [free spins no deposit mobile casino](https://https://freespins-nodeposit.club/). This option helped me out of financial difficulties and start living differently." ], "date": [ "2020-05-21T09:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee36192-1225285" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luke08690-989056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lee36192-1225285" ], "content": [ "Actually if this shortness of breath is kind of short time its ok . but i feel its always there which is not allowing me to \r\n- sleep ( day time not at all ) ; night time some how ok but not sound sleep \r\n- shortness of breath - always having \r\n\r\nits something not allowing me to concentrate on my software coding work / testing work . It will be great to get some help on this . " ], "date": [ "2020-05-22T05:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee36192-1225285" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "content": [ "Sorry for the late reply! Yeah I am the same. Like it can go from being extremely irritating and present to very mild. I once read an article on it and it can literally change from day to day. This was an anxiety article. \r\n\r\nI get chest pain with it. Lumps in throat and all sorts. One thing I did find that help that I stopped for some reason was anxiety sleep hypnosis on youtube. I found of that kind of gave me instructions to sleep, there are so many on there. Just put your earphones in at night, get comfortable and listen in. I had it really bad one night and this relaxed me and I fall sleep within 5 or 10 mins listening.\r\n\r\nTake care. " ], "date": [ "2020-05-25T14:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/parkerjames345-1375967" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saran73323-1310690" ], "content": [ "Hey \r\nSaran I'm having same prblm\r\nI think I can help you \r\ntalk to me personally" ], "date": [ "2021-05-14T16:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I think I've suffered with this for the last 5 or 6 years on and off. I've recently been feeling a lot better the last 2 months. My girlfriend found out she had Coronavirus so instantly my anxiety shifted towards her and making sure she was well and safe. It's only the last few days my breathing has become an issue again. Anxiety is 100% to blame for this. Anxiety doesn't go away, it just shifts to another part of your body giving you new symptoms! " ], "date": [ "2020-05-21T17:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shortness-of-breath-terrified-all-the-time--563103?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" } ]
Shortness of breath terrified all the time!!
<p></p><p>What does everybody&#39;s shortness of breath feel like? I even feel really really out of breath even when I talk which worries the c**p out of me!</p><p></p><p></p><p>I wake up with it and go to sleep with it every night, I feel I have got to catch my breath every few minutes just to make sure I can get air into my lungs I have this like pulling sensation in the middle of my chest that makes me want to catch it every few minutes which dosnt go away at all which drives me barmy! Also feels like I have something lodged right in the middle of my chest that I&#39;m breathing around awful feeling.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>This all started after I had 2 full blown panic attacks 10 months ago and I woke up with all these crazy Symtoms the day after I had them is this normal?</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Im on medication mitrazpine and propanolol which I&#39;m thinking of changing the mitrazpine because I was on this while I had these attacks they put me on propanolol the day after I had these attacks 3 a day 40mg and I&#39;m having CBT therapy.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>My therapist says I should stop trying to catch my breath all the time as I&#39;m feeding my anxiety but even when I try and stop doing it it will catch itself so I can&#39;t win which makes me think there is something wrong with my breathing!</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>I have tried breathing exercises which don&#39;t help. I have had a X-ray which was all good and 3 ECGs which were good and chest lisend to and oxygen levels tested to everytime I&#39;m are the doctors which is always good, I just just can&#39;t take this no more!</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>I feel I&#39;m on the brink here I can&#39;t live like this another day&#128546; Is this ever going to go away? or am I going to feel like this forever I feel trapped in my own body.</p><p></p><p></p><p>I posted this about ten minutes ago but I think it has been deleted for some reason nevermind.</p>
so my anxiety reared its ugly head 3 weeks ago when i reduced my citalopram too fast. i felt like i was in crisis couldnt eat sleep think straight, Dr prescribed me pregabalin to calm me down, ive taken it for 5 days and its really helped. now after reading so many horror stories i want to come off if, does anyone have any experience of this medication? do i reduce it for a few days then stop? i know my anxiety will pop back up but id rather face it than be more anxious of the medication thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eris48635-1475437" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "do you have any other sensations such as headache? Dizziness? \r\nif so, have it checked out by your doctor. If not, and if you’re still concerned, let your doctor know.\r\nthat way you don’t have to think about it all the time and wonder. I have had that sensation, but it was coming from my neck clicking, but it felt like it was in my head." ], "date": [ "2023-10-25T08:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/felt-heard-a-pop-in-my-brain-what-should-i-do--804828?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Felt/heard a pop in my brain what should i do?
is anybody here felt or heard a loud pop in head when trying to fall asleep. i know it sounds crazy but it happens to me on friday but im still scared until now.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "hi sorry youre going through with thise symptoms. it really is draining. if the dr hasnt found as anything and youre not feeling worse after two years you can pretty much guarantee nothings wrong and its anxiety lead. it is SO frustrating. i use to suffer terribly with quick dizzy spells. when i manage to convince myself not to be scared of a certain anxiety symptom it will manifest into something new i am scared of. im sure dr is right and I do have \"just anxiety\" because ive had constant symptoms yet nothing has materialised in 10 years. \r\n\r\nthe headaches are draining me right now im on day 14 and my anxiety is still constantly telling me im seriously ill. 8 month waiting list for a scan apparently " ], "date": [ "2023-10-20T13:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nIf it is of any reassurance, I suffer similar symptoms and was so concerned that I went for a head MRI scan. The scan came back clear and it was diagnosed as anxiety, I couldn't believe it either - like yourself at one point the room was literally spinning (like when you are drunk) however I had not touched a drop of alcohol. " ], "date": [ "2023-10-20T14:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "content": [ "Thank you for replying its a horrible scary thing to deal with i wish you all best ." ], "date": [ "2023-10-20T16:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "i had 2 mri of brain and ct scan of head and of course other testing the only thing the noted was mild cerebellar tonsillar ectopia but after speaking with neurosurgeon he didn't think my symptoms were coming from that" ], "date": [ "2023-10-20T16:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Can i ask how do you know your symptoms are anxiety? Ive struggled 2 years straight everyday with horrible head symptoms, dizziness, pressure, brain zaps, swaying and just weird horrible feelings in my head, no dr can figure it out and it all started from waking up in middle of night with room spinning horribly, you seem to be sure of your symptoms which is good for you but I can say I feel your pain and any advice you could give me I would be grateful and God bless " ], "date": [ "2023-10-15T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-headache-relief-804673?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "ty for your reply could you explain what adrenaline rush thru your head feels like, I glad you are still able to work I quit my job sadly there's no way I can work like this. prayers to you" ], "date": [ "2023-10-20T16:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "Hi, I would describe it similar as to what you might experience when in a car that suddenly drops (or maybe a lift ?) like a 'whoosh' in the head. I wish I could readily quit my job however need £££ to survive...." ], "date": [ "2023-10-23T09:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "i tried sertraline when i was first diagnosed with anxiety in 2014 where i constantly felt like i was going to faint and something awful was about to happen (now understand these were panic attacks) i didnt get past two weeks on it because it made my anxiety too intense. im a bit nervous to try it again and try and get past those first few weeks.\r\n\r\ni totally get what you mean about the brain fog lifting after work. i just cant relax in the day when i can feel the tension in my head. i even get it when i feel like I'm not stressed at all. but the second i acknowledge the headache i can feel the anxiety and i panic more if i thought i felt fine.\r\n\r\nmy headache seems to be a day off then back again know which is an improvement. ive had nausea a few times which is a new one. only when i notice it. i dont really feel sick. i am so fed up of constantly fearing illness and having physical symptoms. its so draining." ], "date": [ "2023-10-24T19:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nI suffer daily tension headaches like yourself, pressure in the head and brain fog with occasional adrenaline rush through the head. Was prescribed with Sertraline, however also like yourself I feel that the medication does nothing for me (other than make me sweat excessively) - it does nothing for the head pressure. \r\n\r\nAs I come home from work, the brain fog slowly lifts and I start to feel 'normal' again - at weekends I have no real trouble like this at all. Apologies if this does not really help, I found exercise the best relief from the headaches - as how to relieve them during the day I sadly have no clue......" ], "date": [ "2023-10-20T14:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-headache-relief-804673?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/online74182-1469125" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "comments": [], "content": [], "date": [ "2023-10-21T09:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-headache-relief-804673?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety headache relief
i was diagnosed with GAD nearly 10 years ago. ive managed to stop the panic attacks as now i no all my physical symptoms are anxiety. i get physical symptoms for around 6 weeks constantly. its absolutely draining. this last year its been constant. i had 6 weeks of heartburn everyday. then i had a headache constantly for 6 weeks. the headache finally went. its been about 4months and its back again!! i no its anxiety but my brain flips between what if it is serious and mainly i no its anxiety but i cant cope with this for 6 weeks! im not anxious about anything other than my headache. its there from when i wake up until i go to bed. tension headache, pressure or like a band around my head. its moves to different areas. if im busy i dont notice it as much. medicine does absolutely nothing , which is usually a sign for me its anxiety as with a proper headache they will go after i take just two paracetamol. im on day 6 now so looks like im in for another long run. im so use to feeling like this now feeling anxious is just me feeling "normal". im just feeling lonely with it as none of my friends or family get this. does anyone else? any tips? i do find heat pads help. im not sure why 6 weeks seems to be the mark where my anxiety gives up! anyone no a way to end it sooner? does anyone else get constant tension headaches for weeks everyday? feeling sad :-( (and forever anxious)
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/needhelp_asap-1003661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/needhelp_asap-1003661" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for the link. I&#39;ve never seen that listed as a possible anxiety symptom before. It&#39;s definitely one of the stranger ones I&#39;ve experienced!</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-23T14:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/needhelp_asap-1003661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "content": [ "<p>yeah anxiety can be really tricky! No problem! <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-23T16:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I haven&#39;t had this one (yet at least) but I know it&#39;s a symptom of anxiety. I&#39;ll message you a link and you&#39;ll see!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-23T07:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ntoti1-1012958" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes. I have 1 of three things. </p><p>1) my throat feels like it&#39;s closing</p><p>2)my tongue feels like it&#39;s swelling up</p><p>3) my uvula (or whatever that dangly thing in the back of my throats is) feels like it&#39;s swelling</p><p></p><p>Just last night I had number 3. Felt extremely big and like it was blocking my throat. I had to drink water which made it worse, so I ate some chips which also made it worse (but this was like 3am and that was the only food near me lol) so finally I did the thing I do everytime I have any of those feelings. </p><p></p><p>I took a picture (well more like 20 to actually get a good angle lol) of my throat. Just to make sure everything was normal size. And it was. Still felt uncomfortable, but at least I knew it was okay. </p><p>Usually if I am up and about, I will go to a mirror and shine my phone flashlight I. My mouth and make sure my throats is open, my uvula is normal size and my tongue is a normal size. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-23T17:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalia_00656-992247" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hay I suffer panic and anixty disorder too it really ruff sent me the massage of the symptoms please " ], "date": [ "2017-01-23T18:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jivon8977-1092273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi there I bit my tongue a few days ago and have been having minimal pain on that side and woke up with it hurting. I went in to the bathroom to look at it and the under part of my tongue is swollen there and every time I swallow there is tension and it&#39;s hard to swallow directly under my jaw in my neck where the soreness is in my tongue. It&#39;s also important to note that I have had a very bad cold but am at the tail end of it. I am very aware of my body due to my health related anxiety so know that my tongue looks very different underneath. I also felt it and it feels like thick and swollen. I have tried heat, salt water, tea, gum, ice, etc and it&#39;s freaking me out:( Have you or anyone on this forum experienced anything like this before? I am so scared</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-10T12:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marcie50181-1382233" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, i know this post was written 4 years ago but i am really struggling with that exact feeling right now and driving myself up the walls with this feeling that there is something wrong with me, however after seeing your message its helped me so much in realising that im not just alone and to calm down all this anxiety inside. so thank you " ], "date": [ "2021-06-13T22:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelvioletta-1383438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know this was posted a long time ago, and I certainly hope you are better by now ;)...... I just wanted to mention that I suffer terribly with a similar issue, to the point it is sometimes absolutely debilitating and seems to have an awful, roller-coaster effect on my anxiety/OCD/physical pain. Just knowing someone else had an issue similar to mine is oddly comforting, though I certainly hope your story had a happy outcome! I think my pain/obsessing and being anxious about the pain is tied to hormones and anxiety brought on by hormonal changes. My first episode of bizarre \"tongue anxiety\" started in the last trimester of my pregnancy with my son, and this second one started after menopause & thyroid cancer... I don't know if anyone else has had this, but some days it's so bad I'm sure I am salivating more than usual, as a reaction to whatever nerves are being irritated in my mouth. It is awful, managing this issue; sorry for ranting about it. Be well everyone - rachelvioletta " ], "date": [ "2021-06-20T20:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anamariazg36853-1390903" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi there!! do you still have this issue ?? it s happening to me as well. thank you" ], "date": [ "2021-08-04T16:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raina42298-1390990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I get a similar feeling of my throat being tight constantly, and just a couple minutes ago I had a short panic attack where it felt like my tongue was swelling up. It's the middle of the night so it was hard to tell if it actually was or not, which just added to my panic.\r\nAnyway, I didn't know what to do, so I turned to Google and ended up here. \r\nIt's reassuring that I'm not the only person to experience this and honestly I think knowing that is what stopped my panic attack just now.\r\nThank you to OP for posting about it and to everyone who commented :)" ], "date": [ "2021-08-05T08:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey36242-1475382" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robertsee02-1013632" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am currently strugglinng with this did yiu ever get an answer? " ], "date": [ "2023-10-22T20:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-of-swollen-tongue-anxiety-symptom--560457?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Feeling of swollen tongue anxiety symptom?
<p>Has anyone ever experienced this as a symptom of anxiety? I&#39;ve been dealing with anxiety/panic disorder for about two years now. It was really bad at first with almost daily panic attacks, sometimes coming in waves for hours at a time. It then evolved into what I guess would be health anxiety, where every feeling in my body started to signify that something was horribly/fatally wrong with me. I&#39;ve made a lot of progress with this up until a couple of months ago when all of a sudden my tongue felt swollen and sore. Didn&#39;t really think anything of it at first, but it never went away. 24 hours a day for two months now it&#39;s been bothering me. It&#39;s very frustrating because it feels like it&#39;s swelling and possibly going to obstruct the airway and it wreaks havoc on my anxiety. My PCP saw nothing wrong, neither did the ENT. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this as an anxiety symptom, and how the hell to get past it?</p><p></p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel11964-1472671" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel11964-1472671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank u jan i have heart palpitations today but trying to ignore it xo" ], "date": [ "2023-10-21T13:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes, the ECG would have shown something if it was there. Just follow up with your doctor if you have any questions or if it happens again. \r\ntry not to overthink it because anxiety can also cause chest pain among other sensations. relax your mind as much as you can. Listen to some soothing meditations on YouTube. ❤" ], "date": [ "2023-10-19T17:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chest-pain-804756?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/online74182-1469125" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel11964-1472671" ], "comments": [], "content": [], "date": [ "2023-10-21T09:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chest-pain-804756?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Chest pain
hi everyone. im about 12 weeks pregnant. today i had rightside chest pain. kind of nesr middle too. had this a few weeks ago aswell and had an ecg n the ecg was Normal. im very worried thst it might b bad. would the ecg have shown anything bad. im terrified of cardiac arrest or something like that .thanks guys
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taz25-1451262" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miha60467-1454482" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taz25-1451262" ], "content": [ "Hello. Hope you are all doing well.\r\nTaz25 any updates?\r\nMy symptoms started exactly in 2 January. First I felt a pressure on the lower jaw both sides, and after 2 days turn into pain in the chin. All lasted a few days and stopped until 3 days ago. The first day it hurt and now its most a needle sensation. One day is on the left, one on the right... Sometimes I have stabbing pain in the head, sometimes constrictive....all kind of sensations.\r\nSearching on google about this was probably a big mistake. Now I cant stop crying....I dont want to worry my family so I keep it to myself hoping it will go away....but nooo....still there, driving me nuts. I have an appointment next week to a neurologist and I am worried that he will note take me serious, Wish you all the best! Stay healthy!" ], "date": [ "2023-01-31T12:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tamara82360-1475246" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/miha60467-1454482" ], "content": [ "hi, i have the same issue as you, what it was? i'm so scared" ], "date": [ "2023-10-19T15:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all, \r\n\r\nFirst off, happy new year! Feels silly saying that right before getting into a rather depressing topic, but such is life haha.\r\n\r\nI'm a 25 year old guy from the US. I've been working out 3 times a week for the past 3 years, and sit at a PC for the rest of the time. Don't know much as to how healthy I have been in the past 7 years, as I had no insurance since moving to a new state and never made a stable enough income to afford it. What I know for sure is that I have ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and high likelihood of mild Autism. These things may be influencing my experience and how I perceive these conditions. \r\n\r\nI first read this thread months ago when my symptoms first appeared, and while I considered sharing my symptoms here, I hoped that it would subside on its own and was also recommended by my therapist not to engage in symptom talk on an online forum like this. Additionally, due to recent ear and jaw pain leading to me seeing a dentist, getting a jaw CT scan, and finding missing cartilage on the right side (most likely TMJ Disorder, though was not officially diagnosed), I had assumed that solving this issue would also take care of the pain and numbness I was experiencing in that area. However, things got worse from there. This is where I find that my story differs from many of the people on here, and perhaps my concerns will seem a bit more related to the horrible \"Numb Chin Syndrome\" that I've read so much about than most of you. Hopefully, it's not that, and even if it is, perhaps its from non-malignant causes. Regardless, here's what I'm experiencing: \r\n\r\nRecurring numbness in my chin, which lasts for hours or even days at a time. The feeling can best be described as a dull burning or stinging as well as a partial loss of sensation in the chin and surrounding cheek area on my left side, that was partially relieved when shaving my beard, and a pain felt when pressing on the mental nerve areas of my chin. Sometimes I cant tell if i have feeling there or not.\r\nPain in my chest that was initially experienced on the left side, but now feels like its from both, and comes and goes. Worsening pains throughout my body and limbs, including shooting nerve pains in my fingers and toes. Brain fog and confusion, difficulty expressing myself and feeling like I am not as sharp as I used to be. Constant clicking of my joints, especially when in one position for a prolonged time, and general stiffness and muscle knots throughout my body. Pains in very specific points on my limbs that feel like they are coming from the bone, including on my right shin, left calf, and forearms\r\nWorsening eyesight, with things appearing blurry and difficulty focusing.\r\n\r\nI have now seen several doctors and healthcare professionals about these issues, but so far no one has been able to give me a clear diagnosis. The first doctor I saw was an ENT, who found no ear infection but suggested that my jaw problems may be the cause of some of my symptoms. I then saw a dentist, who discovered that I was missing cartilage on the right side of my jaw due to teeth grinding and clenching at night. I was given a custom night guard to try and address this issue. Next, I had sudden chest pain, which went away for a week and then recurred, and went to an urgent care center. Despite multiple tests including an EKG, x-ray, and blood work, they were unable to find any heart issues. After that, I saw a nurse practitioner who gave me some vitamins and put me on a gluten-free diet. She suggested gluten intolerance, or even mold toxicity could be the culprit for my issues, though at the time, it was before any limb pain started. Shortly after though, I got sick with a virus (possibly Covid), and suddenly the pain symptoms in my limbs appeared and seemed to rapidly progress, with the shooting pains, etc. Finally, I saw a primary care doctor who told me that he could not detect any nerve issues and suggested that I see multiple specialists for each of my health problems. He believed that my symptoms were mostly due to anxiety, even typing \"likely psychosomatic\" instead of putting down the stuff I was telling him. We did more blood test which came back mostly normal except for a risk of developing diabetes.\r\n\r\nAs you may have guessed, my health anxiety got much worse during all of this, and I googled every imaginable symptom, read every case report, and unfortunately have gotten to the point where I can't see a way that this ISN'T NCS. My symptoms seem to match with late stage malignancy, and it's extremely scary to think about. Granted, its been about 2 months since the symptom first appeared, but in that time, many things have gotten worse for me.\r\n\r\nAbout my insurance: I applied a month ago with my parents help, and finally the insurance kicked in today, Jan 1st. A lot of waiting was done during that time due to my parents fear that finding something bad without having insurance would lead to the insurance companies not accepting me. I wish I had gotten the process of finding out what this is started a lot sooner, but it is what it is now.\r\n\r\nTo whoever is reading this, I know it's a lot to take in, and I doubt any of you have gone through exactly the same experience, so I'm not expecting reassurance that I'll be ok (despite that being what everyone close to me tells me). The pessimist in me tells me that I may be the first on this forum who has actually experienced this syndrome for real, though again, I truly hope that's not the case. I guess I do take comfort in knowing that there are others who have felt similar pains, and the SCM thing people were talking about in this thread also has given me hope, since I know I have myofascial pain everywhere, and definitely have forward head tilt (which could have caused that). \r\n\r\nAnyway, sorry for the lengthy post. I will try to keep you guys updated as I see more specialists to try and figure out what's causing all of this." ], "date": [ "2023-01-01T11:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gigi70020-1454789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gigi70020-1454789" ], "content": [ "Hello!\r\n\r\nFirst off, know you're not alone in this at all. I first developed this during some really bad health anxiety in May 2021 following my COVID vaccines. It stuck around for a couple months, but once I started Lexapro in June 2021, I noticed this started to fade away by July-ish.\r\n\r\nFlash forward to January 2023 and sure enough, my anxiety (really my health anxiety) has picked up once again the past 3-4 weeks and guess what, the numb chin has now returned as well! Started with some back pain that hung around for a few days then some gut troubles (very normal reaction for me when I'm anxious, but like I'm sure so many of can relate, it just HAS TO BE SOMETHING ELSE, RIGHT?). Clean CT scan of my stomach, bloodwork that's pretty much normal as anything, and three ER visits later thanks to my anxious mind and doctor's have told me it's my anxiety manifesting as physical symptoms.\r\n\r\nI have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow to hopefully switch my medication as I feel Lexapro isn't working nearly as well any more.\r\n\r\nWhile I'm still incredibly anxious and not happy this numbness has also now returned, I'm telling myself that this and most of the other symptoms I've been having are almost the exact same as what I was going through in 2021 and guess what? I'm still here! \r\n\r\nI'll probably never get all the medical answers I want, but there's also probably not a whole lot in the way of answers when our minds are the true culprit in this.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-10T02:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gigi70020-1454789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "content": [ "thank you so much for tour response. health anxiety really is the worst. i read now into every single thing on my body and connect it to this numb chin. i had am ultrasound of my abdomen done which came clear but maybe a ct or mri wont hurt.\r\n\r\nSo your symptoms were completely gone for almost two years? well for sure its nothing deadly. this is what i have been trying to tell myself also but my thoughts get the best of me." ], "date": [ "2023-02-10T02:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gigi70020-1454789" ], "content": [ "Pretty much non-existent for almost two years, yep! In that time, I maybe had two, very short-lived episodes of a numb chin for a day or two, but guess what? Each time I was under a lot of stress with work. Ever since this started to come back a few days ago, I've noticed that sure enough, when I'm at my most anxious, there comes the numbness and tingling. I just started a new anxiety medication today and while that will take a few weeks to take full effect, I'm confident that will help just as it did before. Health anxiety is a vicious cycle! My gut still isn't right, but I've been told my 4-5 doctors now that nothing is seriously wrong and this should pass as my anxiety cools down. " ], "date": [ "2023-02-10T16:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all,\r\n\r\ni have been following this thread since summer of 2021 as this is when after my second covid shot, i developed paresthesias in my lower face and chin. i googled and came across ncs and basically lost my mind. i had a brain mri done that came back clear. the sensations lasted six months and went away and then came back 6 months ago again. i did another brain mri, saw a neurologist, did a mamogram, saw an oral surgeon and nobody can find anything. everyone keeps saying its benign and it is anxiety but i just cant believe it. nowhere online does it say that NCS is caused by anxiety. please i need some reassurance that other people have this and they are fine. i really dont know what to do anymore. my doctor is getting frustrated and my neurologist wont see me. i even paid ro see a neurologist in the US( im canadian) who also says it sounds benign. i cant bring myself to believe that. anxiety doesn't last for 6 months and gives these strange symptoms. i can even activate the sensation myself by moving my face a certain way. please help. it is ruining my life." ], "date": [ "2023-02-10T02:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this difficult experience. Numbness in the chin can indeed be a sign of several conditions, including Numb Chin Syndrome, which is associated with cancer in some cases, as well as diabetes and anxiety.\r\n\r\nIt's understandable that you are feeling scared and alone, but it's important to seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. An MRI scan may be recommended to help diagnose the issue.\r\n\r\nIt's important to remember that early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve your chances of recovery, and that there is always hope. Additionally, it's important to take care of your mental health and reach out for support from loved ones, friends, or a mental health professional if you are feeling overwhelmed.\r\n\r\nPlease don't hesitate to seek medical attention, and I hope that you are able to find the help and support you need during this difficult time." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T07:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joshuapryce1987-1348499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I agree with your wife, you are overthinking things way too much, its a humans bad habit, i myself have done it. Sometimes i am right and most of the time i am wrong. Even cancer is treatable well unless its terminal. The point is give the scan early and put your mind at ease. If the worst comes to play then at least you will be prepared and will be able to nip it in the bud. " ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T17:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everyone, been a while since I posted, for some reason I haven't been receiving notifications?!\r\nI ended up pushing for a further consultation with the neurologist, and tbf we had a 2 hour video call where we went though all of the symptoms I had experienced.\r\nSo my right side of my chin went numb in march last year and within a couple of weeks I started getting intermittent numbness in my right arm and leg. I was getting headaches and flashes in my vision.\r\nAfter a few months my left side of my chin went numb too. And it's been like that ever since, except for the headaches and flashes, they eventually stopped. \r\nMy whole chin feels numb and tingly, its constant and today I'm still getting the intermittent numbness in my arm and leg too.\r\nThe neurologist concluded I could be suffering from Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). This is despite him admitting my symptoms don't completely fit!\r\nHe also thinks the intermittent numbness in my arm and leg, along with the headaches and flashes are just migraines.\r\nI don't believe this because the symptoms are intermittent independently from each other plus the headaches and flashes stopped months ago but I'm still getting the numbness in my arm and leg.\r\nAnyway, a few days ago I got that burning sensation in my face, the same one where every time I got it my chin numbness got worse. But now both my cheeks as well as my chin is numb 🙈😂 So I'm thinking I should phone my GP to ask if this is part of the forced diagnosis of FND.\r\nAh well, that's me to date. Nice to see familiar names and sorry to see new ones! I hope you are all doing better and definitely stay away from Dr Google 😱\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-01-06T19:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/2021chars-1355294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/2021chars-1355294" ], "content": [ "Hi 2021chars, I have similar symptoms to yours. As well as the numb chin I also experienced numbness/ tingling and hot and cold sensations in my arms and legs as well as nerve pain in my arms and hands. Over the year I now mostly just get intermittent numbness in my right leg/ foot, sometimes my arms, but I do still get the nerve pain.\r\nI now have one neurologist tell me it's all in my head and a stroke specialist tell me its linked to an old stroke I had nearly 10 years ago and after a meeting where my previous scans were looked at again has arranged more blood tests and another MRI. So I'm a bit confused as to what to think now.\r\nit's been nearly a year since my chin went numb. It's been a constant numb and my lower face and nose has also now got reduced sensation. But I know it's nothing serious, if it was something bad would've happened by now and it hasn't which is a good thing. Have you had your tests yet? I hope they all go ok.\r\n\r\nFiona" ], "date": [ "2021-07-11T07:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/2021chars-1355294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Thankyou Fiona for getting back to me, I really appreciate it! My anxiety had been going crazy and I look on here most days for a reply. I really feel for you to be going through this for so long but gives me hope I will be okay, especially if the only thing I find is im going to die in less than 6 months?? I have 2 young children and only in my twenties and cant believe how ill I have felt. Im such an outgoing person and this problem has really got me down. Im the same as you but mine hasnt really passed my knees or elbows so like gloves and socks. The burning nerve pain can be so intense and the pins and needles are off and on at the minute. Im on amitriptyline for the pain, but can still feel the pain 😭 I had a Urgent MRI a few days ago and it was so scary I wasnt expecting to feel so claustrophobic, I really feel for you having to do that again ☹️ I really hope you get some answers. I hope to get some results soon.. My FBC bloods were okay but b12 was borderline when I googled that can cause nerve pain. Ive also had other bloods the neurologists requested but havent heard anything so im guessing they are fine? I really wonder what this chin thing is?? Its just so frustrating what we see on Google relating to Numb Chin. I feel so lucky to have found this link. I really hope everyone is okay and doing well xx" ], "date": [ "2021-04-08T06:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/2021chars-1355294" ], "content": [ "Hi 2021chars, I know!! the MRI's are awful! I really didn't expect to find myself in such a tiny space! Definitely not looking forward to the next one. I have no idea what was discussed for them to want to repeat the scan. I think it could be to focus on the part of my brain where the old stroke was to check everything is ok.\r\nI have 2 little toddlers too and went through all the panic and anxiety as well. Unfortunately mine started right at the beginning of the first lock down so I ended up waiting months for my urgent neurology referral. By then I realised if it was serious I probably would've felt ill and I wasn't really, just the annoying numbness, tingling and nerve pain.\r\nHave you told your dentist? I phoned mine when it first happened and they arranged same day despite lock down for me to have x-rays and exploration to rule out dental causes.\r\nI know it's hard but try not to worry too much. It's great you've had the MRI and blood tests, especially finding out your B12 was borderline because that can cause all sorts of strange symptoms. Are you in the UK? I was told 2 weeks for MRI results but you can always phone your GP sooner to see if they received a copy before you which was how I got my results. Hopefully it's all clear or better yet, finds something simple that is easy to fix! xx" ], "date": [ "2021-02-15T19:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone, just came across this thread. As I googled numb chin and not much came up apart from cancers and ms etc. \r\nI recently started to not feel great I have pins and needles numbness pain in my feet legs arms and hands.. I am currently waiting for mri lumper puncture bloods and a nerve conductor test. My recent FBC blood test came back normal and I have other bloods today.. I have for the last 3 days experienced complete numbness in my chin and lower lip that doesnt leave. Has anyone experienced numbness elsewhere on the body similar to mine? \r\nThanks 😊" ], "date": [ "2021-07-11T07:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hball-1367182" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey there! I recently have been dealing with what everybody here has been fretting about, numb chin. Mine started with a burning, tingling and numbness in the back of my head and eventually I began to feel the tingling on the left side of my face, lower lip and chin. For the past couple of weeks I have been seeing a chiropractor and it has reduced my tingling in the back of my head. it still comes and goes but not like it did in the beginning. Now, I am left with the chin sensation which is more of a tingling than a numbness and it comes and goes as well. Google obviously f'd me up and led me here. I'm glad that I found this because it has brought me some peace of mind. I am optimistic about the situation and I think you should all be as well. With that being said I will be speaking with my Dr. to see what we can do to rule out anything bad. I promise to keep everybody updated. The more we all share the more insight we will all have on our situations. Appreciate y'all." ], "date": [ "2021-03-28T06:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hball-1367182" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hey Mandy19! Thank you so much for replying to my message. It is strange that seeing others in the same situation brings us comfort but I am very thankful for it. I have an MRI scheduled for the 17th for my head and neck. We'll see what happens! I had a CT scan and a full back MRI done about a year ago for a car accident that I was in and they didn't find anything so I don't imagine that they will find anything new. As long as it is not life threatening I am okay with it. I think I will ask for blood work as well just to cover all of my bases. Honestly it could be from your tooth. I work in dentistry and that is a very real possibility..especially with the mental nerve right there. So your numbness went away for a while? Mine comes and goes so I am hoping that is a good sign. Thanks again:)" ], "date": [ "2021-04-08T06:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Hball! I'm terribly sorry you've found yourself here but I'm glad you found us to alleviate some of your fears.This whole numb chin and lip thing is terrifying and feels lonely when you consult Dr Google. So welcome to this forum where it will bring you some peace of mind for a little bit. It’s brought me comfort many times, as well as others. I get this thing on and off and it still scares the crap out of me every time it happens, just like the first time it happened. The reason I’m here visiting today is because it came back today on the opposite side for me for the first time in a couple of months. Nobody to this day can tell me what is causing it but I know it more than likely isn’t cancer bc I’m still here after 2 years (I think it’s been 2 years. I’ve lost count! Lol)! I have a broken tooth on the left bottom side of my mouth so maybe that has something to do with it. Not sure. But I do know how scary this all is and the unknown is terrible. Hang in there and keep coming back here when you start feeling anxious about it. It has taken my anxiety level way down several times just reading everyone else’s experience. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-01T00:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey guys! Hope everyone who posted on this thread is doing well. I don't know if anyone would still reply to this but I'm glad I found a support group for those suffering from this. Just posting here to vent I guess since I've been a mess since I googled \"numb chin\" thinking the results would be benign/not serious. Oh boy was I wrong on that one!\r\n\r\nI felt mine this week on the right side. The feeling is kind of like anaesthesia wearing off. The numbness is kind of mild? And intermittent. Like if I don't pay much attention to it or if I'm distracted, I don't notice/feel it at all. Also whenever I force a smile on the right side it sort of twitches? I kind of spiraled after knowing about NCS and I've been having panic attacks whenever I remember it. \r\n\r\nI have health anxiety since last year so I've been keeping a record of all my \"symptoms\" (I know I sound nuts please don't judge) I found out that I first recorded having numbness since October 2020. That's when I had a toothache on my right lower wisdom tooth. I also have a small, moveable, rubbery lymph node on that side of the face because of the toothache. I didn't think much of the lymph node bec it has all the signs of being normal. Now that I googled NCS I don't even know anymore bec websites also mentioned lymphoma? \r\n\r\nI don't know if the toothache is related to that or this is just anxiety or something severe? But if it is severe shouldn't I have more symptoms since it's been happening for 7 months ? I don't know I just really need to vent because I feel like crying right now and I know my parents would just dismiss this so I don't have anyone to talk to about my worries.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-20T13:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "content": [ "Hey Dave! I'm so relieved someone is still here on this thread. My numb chin returned today and I checked here if someone replied after me because I got anxious again. \r\n\r\nLike you, I also have TMJ disorder. I could also feel the numbness on my bottom lip/chin. Also not numb to the point where my lips are drooping. Just feels kinda heavy?? \r\n\r\nI keep checking my breasts for lumps and if my lymph nodes got bigger but so far everything seems normal. I'm just so anxious because everything Google says spells doom and gloom.\r\n\r\nHoping for the best! Hope you keep us updated!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T09:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "content": [ "Totally understand that \"heavy feeling\" in the lip. It's just an awkward feeling. Mine is really concentrated right there in the corner of my mouth. I've noticed too that when I bite down, it increases that \"heavy\" feeling. I keep finding myself taking a thumbtack and q-tip to my right lip. Sometimes I feel less, so times I feel more, but like you mentioned, never TRUE numbness.\r\n\r\nThe anxiety is the worse. I keep telling myself I do have these other symptoms going on, people here on this forum and elsewhere have had this and are doing fine, TMJ may have something to do with this, etc., but if you're anything like me (and I'm sure you are - we're here on this forum together, right?) your brain takes you back to those first Google results that pop-up and it makes you fear the worst.\r\n\r\nI was able to snag an earlier doctor appointment for tomorrow, so hope to start to get down to answers here quick and take some control back!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T18:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "content": [ "Hey! Thanks for replying Dave! I just woke up and the moment I opened my eyes I remembered I'm going through this thing. Sure enough, the numbness started again on the right lower lip/chin with a vengeance and I had a full blown panic attack lasting minutes because of this.\r\n\r\nAs soon as the panic attack subsided the the \"numbness\" kinda subsided too. I tried pushing it with needle like you and I could feel the prick? I also put peppermint oil on my lower lip and still I could feel it? But the heavy feeling is still sort of there. So I don't what that even means, if this is anxiety or what.\r\n\r\nI forgot to ask you if yours comes and goes too? I posted here last week and the numbness faded and went away. It happened again yesterday though when I bit down on an almond. \r\n\r\nUgh! What you said about always thinking about the Google top result and all those ominous words and seeking a doctor's help immediately blah blah. I keep telling myself that this is probably nothing but as soon as I feel it I would spiral back again. \r\nAnd the authors of these articles talk about it as if this isn't rare at all whatsoever. They put it on top of the article as if this can't be caused by a number of benign things.\r\n\r\nI'll be praying for your results! Hope you find answers!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "content": [ "Little update!\r\n\r\nHad my doctor's appointment yesterday and went through my concerns with him (dating back to when my TMJ first started four years ago and around that time, tingling and numbness in my hands and feet). When I got to more recent times and talking about how my left cheek has been tingling and now this numb bottom right lip/chin, he didn't express hardly any concern at all. He thinks this is all just a stress and anxiety response. I told him the numbness is very much real, and he didn't doubt that, but he did say my anxiety may just be making the symptoms worse. \r\n\r\nAll that being said, he has me on Lexapro and off work this next week to just relax a bit. If by the end of next week the numbness is still there, he asked I follow back up to explore some options." ], "date": [ "2021-05-29T14:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "content": [ "Hey David! Glad your check up was all good. My numbness came back today for a short while. I tried not to focus much on it and it subsided. It really does make me think that anxiety makes it much worse than it is.\r\n\r\nI've also seen someone on this thread having neck pain accompanied with the numbness. It was like a light bulb moment because I've been having neck pain on my SCM muscle too. I've been clenching my jaw too much these days because of anxiety so that must have added to the symptoms.\r\n\r\nI try to calm myself these days by not hyper fixating on this. Are you still experiencing the numbness?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T04:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nSorry to hear the sensation came back!\r\n\r\nStill dealing with the numbness unfortunately. I will say, however, that I really don't feel it in my chin any more. It's now just sitting in the corner of my right lower lip. As with before, not NUMB NUMB, but reduced sensation. Like if I lick that corner of my mouth, I don't feel nearly as much as the other corner. However, if I poke at it with something sharp, I can feel that alright.\r\n\r\nIn addition to my jaw popping and related TMJ issues, I have noticed some on and off pain in one of my bottom molars on the right side the past couple weeks, so I actually set a dental appointment for tomorrow to get that looked at. I've seen others say that they felt their experience was dental related, so the anxious person in me hopes that's the case. Whenever I bite down on that side, it makes my lip sensation come out even more, so who knows?\r\n\r\nI'll be curious to see what the dentist thinks and I'll be sure to run through my symptoms with him. Either way, plan to follow-up with my doctor and let him know the numbness is still there per his directions if it doesn't get better in next couple days.\r\n\r\nThis whole experience has been so draining - I wouldn't wish it on anyone!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T21:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "content": [ "It's weird that you say that because mine lately has been happening more when i bite down on the right side. It's so scary, even though the sensation itself has been happening on and off foe over 2 years now. You would think I would be used to it by now and not panic every time it happens. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-06T13:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hey there!\r\n\r\nI'm now two months into this thing and can say that 99% of the time, I only notice this numb lip/chin when I eat and even then, it's much better all around now (call it like 30% numbness?). For sake of comparison, a few weeks back, I couldn't even feel that side of mouth when I wiped it with a napkin - scared me silly! Not the case anymore. When I clench my jaw, it does trigger it a bit in the lower bottom right corner of my lip. My dentist had no explanation other than TMJ could be causing it as its known to cause strange symptoms. \r\n\r\nSoon after, I got my primary care doctor to order me a brain MRI after much nagging and I ultimately cancelled it. Yes, still have some symptoms, but I figure if this was anything that dire, those symptoms wouldn't be getting better, right? I kept a neurology appointment I have for next week for added peace of mind, but I'm sleeping much better now and I have a feeling I'll be told this is just stress, some TMJ issue, or a combo of the two and I'm fine with that!\r\n\r\nTotally understand how the panic kicks in once a \"flare up\" occurs. After all, Dr. Google shows nothing but doom and gloom! But hey, you're still here, I'm still here, and so is everybody in this forum. Looking forward to my appt. next week and putting this in the past!" ], "date": [ "2021-07-09T00:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "content": [ "Hey David! Thought to check here again after a flare up yesterday.\r\n\r\nI know what you mean with the panic attack that comes with the flare up. It sucks so bad. I learned to ignore the numbness this past few weeks and I seemed to be getting better. But yesterday my anxiety was at an all time high and the flare up started again. I guess the numbness seemed to be anxiety related. I just keep reminding myself that I have no other symptoms and that this has been going on for weeks and I'm still fine.\r\n\r\nGlad to hear you are doing good! Hope my anxiety flare goes away soon so that the numbness could go away too. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-09T01:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "hi mandy! I know the topic is numb chin but since this has been happening to you for 2 years now may I ask if there was any incident where the numbness is not on your chin area but your cheeks? My right cheek has been tingling on and off and sometimes feel numb. Like the chin numbness transferred to my cheek. And I don't which scares me more if I'm being honest." ], "date": [ "2021-07-12T06:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "content": [ "Hi Jelly1994. I'm sorry, I'm just now seeing this. I do feel like my right side has a little less feeling than the left but I can't tell if it's in my head or really is the case. I do feel random crawling sensations all over my body at times though. The only time it freaks me out is when it happens around my lips or chin, as it does happen there more frequently." ], "date": [ "2021-11-30T21:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I guess I'll join the anxious party here!\r\n\r\nHad some new, strange symptoms lately and I guess I’m just looking for anyone who can relate. \r\n\r\nI’ve had TMJ for 4 years now. The pain isn’t constant and it’s definitely triggered by both overworking my jaw (the pleasures of being a recruiter and talking to people all day) and stress. It’s been a particularly stressful past couple months and as such, I have noticed in increase in TMJ flare-ups during that time.\r\n\r\nAbout 3 weeks ago, I woke up to my entire left cheek tingling and slightly numb. Now, in the these past 4 years I’ve had the occasional numb and tingling fingers, but this was something new altogether.\r\n\r\nWent to urgent care and they wrote it off as nothing more than a stress response and to follow-up should it not go away. A week passes and during that time, the left side of my face isn’t tingling nearly as much (I more or less get “buzzes” in a few spots during the day), but I did start to develop some numbness initially around the right corner of my lips. I started to then have a really bad flare up in my right jaw and now the numbness is mostly concentrated in the bottom right lip and some of the chin area. Of course, off to Google I go and I read these horrible stories of Numb Chin Syndrome, panicked, and went to the ER last week. Not much they could do there except blood work which showed a slightly elevated white blood cell count (11.9k) but everything else normal.\r\n\r\nI have a follow-up with my Doc next week and still I have continued tingling and slight numbness on my left cheek and (I wouldn’t say full blown numbness, just like 30% less feeling?) on the right bottom lip/chin. Could this really all be stemming from TMJ? I’ve read plenty on numb hands as a result, but facial numbness doesn’t seem to be as documented." ], "date": [ "2021-05-26T17:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "content": [ "I appreciate your reply! I wondered before if I wasn't having the onset of bell's palsy but it's been going on for over a year so I don't think that would be it. But I will look it up and see what it says. " ], "date": [ "2019-11-27T23:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "content": [ "Hi! don't have have to have facial drooping for it to be considered Bells Palsy?" ], "date": [ "2019-12-02T21:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi , im sorry your feeling bad . Did you know a numb chin can also be Bells Palsy . That is a temporary nerve condition ,its not a serious condition . You can get it anywhere on your face . Rubbing your face several times a day can ( but not always ) helps . If you google , google it , dont let your anxiety diagnose for you , you will be ok !!" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T15:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year... my new years wish is for all our chins, lips, mouths etc to go back to normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T15:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey, nothing new to report here, just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas, and just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you all. Hope your all having a great time with your families!" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T15:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alicia48781-1296226" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alicia48781-1296226" ], "content": [ "Glad we can help! I think everyone in this thread has made the mistake of looking up Dr. Google. I know i sure did. Trust your doctors. And if you are still nervous, tell them what you have read if you haven't already. That way they will know what is causing your anxiety and can work with that. If you need any other support, we are here for you! I am 100% convinced numb chin ISN'T the death sentence that Dr. Google makes it out to be." ], "date": [ "2020-02-18T04:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alicia48781-1296226" ], "content": [ "I hope your numb spot has resolved! Mine went away for over a month and came back today in a total different spot. It usually happens on the right side of my bottom lip, but this evening while eating dinner, I felt like something was stuck on my chin, about halfway between my lip and tip of my chin. It mainly happens when I smile. I hate it because even after a year and a half of this coming and going I still freak out every time. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T00:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i just wanted to say this whole thread has brought me a lot of comfort. i have a small section on the right side of my chin for 3 days now and i made the foolish mistake of googling it and i have been an absolute wreck. i have been to two different doctors since Saturday and they believed i had pinched a nerve." ], "date": [ "2020-02-18T04:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alicia48781-1296226" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "content": [ "mine ended up going away about 2 weeks ago and has been fine since. i had it for 6 weeks. it can be so many little things, so hang in there and be optimistic :)" ], "date": [ "2020-04-16T17:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alicia48781-1296226" ], "content": [ "Oh gosh. Did you get any scans done, or just try to tell yourself that it was nothing and it eventually went away? I am hoping it is a pinched nerve and nothing else. Also, being in isolation isn't helping...currently being in my thoughts, day in and out. " ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T15:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "content": [ "Hi, \r\n\r\nI would always listen to your primary care doctor first. Dr. Google is the worst doctor if you ask me. Sounds like you have a lot going on medically. And your doctors right, it very well could just be anxiety and stress due to the virus going around. I just passed 2 years of having the tingling in my chi and it still comes and goes. So it is by no means a death sentence for all. Hang in there, keep in touch with your PCP, and just know that we are all here for you in this forum. :)" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T15:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Thanks, I really appreciate it and am thankful I found this thread. I am going to try to see how it goes, and if I need to, then I can pursue it more. If anyone else has any advice, or how they are doing, let me know!" ], "date": [ "2020-04-16T23:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "content": [ "Hi, Ashlee! I found and still do find comfort in this thread, thanks to Nate! I haven't had this as long as Nate has. I'm going on 18 months and it still comes and goes. Since being on Vitamin D weekly, and a multi-vitamin with iron daily, I haven't dealt with the feeling near as much. So if you haven't had any blood work done lately, maybe go to your family doctor and have them order some labs to check your vitamin levels. \r\nThat's not to say that I don't still have it. Last night it started again on my chin and only happens when I smile. It's all so weird and has no rhyme or reason. I still get completely nervous anytime it happens, even after a year and a half. \r\nSo I don't know if any of what I've said helps, but I do hope this all resolves for you soon! Hang in there! We're all still around if you need us!" ], "date": [ "2020-04-23T23:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi, can I join?\r\nI've had constant numbness / tingling on my right side of my chin, going from my bottom lip down to under my chin. I phoned the Dr after having it for 1 and a half weeks (on Google's recommendation). Unfortunately due to what's going on my Dr isn't seeing patients so was told to phone back in 3 weeks if I still have it and hopefully things will have settled enough that they will be doing blood tests again. So 3 weeks is up and I'm going to phone tomorrow.\r\nI think I've been having seizures when I'm asleep too which is new. I was aware something was about to happen despite being asleep then will bite my tongue as my jaw clamps shut but I cant unclench. I've also had months of flashes in my vision. I recently had 2 pregnancies back to back and they started on and off around the end of the 1st. I've told my Dr in the past about those but they barely even got acknowledged." ], "date": [ "2020-04-26T10:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Hi Fiona! Yes you can join as sad as it makes me to have to see someone else dealing with all of this. Is your numbness and tingling only on one side or both? Given the fact that your jaw is clenching shut, it doesn't sound like what I've read on numb chin syndrome. The flashes in your vision is something I'm not familiar with other than with high blood pressure at times. I would call back to your doctor tomorrow and explain everything to them. Ask to speak with a nurse because after working as a medical assistant in a doctor's office for years, I know firsthand that the receptionist doesn't always take things as serious as they should because they don't really know much about medical stuff. Let us know what you find out. We all pop back on here periodically. Me, moreso lately because I've been dealing with all of this again a lot more here in the last week or so. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-26T19:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy, thanks. I'm so sorry you're going through this again. It is worrying, even more so just now I think because it's really difficult to get a Dr to see you. I'm hoping they'll invite me down for a blood test when I phone tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.\r\nMy numbness is on the right side. I read everyone's posts and saw that for many the numbness / tingling came and went. Mine has been constant so far, was yours like that then went away for a while?\r\nSorry, I didn't explain properly about the jaw clenching. The clenching only happened while i was having a (suspected) seizure at night. I told my GP about them and he confirmed it sounds like I'm having seizures but then he changed the subject. I thought he would've offered to have it investigated but nope.\r\nThe flashes in my vision could be my blood pressure. I have Familialhypercholesterolemia and as a result essential hypertension but I am on blood pressure tablets. (I'm 38) Thanks for the heads up about speaking with a nurse. I'm going to phone when the surgery opens in the morning, I'll update on whether I get my blood tests or told to wait some more. I'm so glad I found this chat group, it's helped to read other's experiences and also to be able to share my own experience." ], "date": [ "2020-04-29T23:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Forgot to add, I have also had smears showing minor changes since 2016 and was unable to have a checkup for the last 2 years due to pregnancy and birth complications. Those tests have all been cancelled too until further notice. I did have gestational diabetes but tests done 5 months ago showed I don't have ongoing diabetes. Sorry, I'm trying to go through different things going on which it could possibly be linked to. My poor partner is beside himself!!" ], "date": [ "2020-04-29T23:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Sorry to hear your going through all of this Fiona, and what a hard time to be going through it as well with the virus. All I can really tell you is what I tell everyone. Don't rely on Dr. Google for information, press your doctors for answers if your not satisfied with what they tell you. Nobody has more invested your life than you and your family. You are always welcome here! :)" ], "date": [ "2020-04-29T23:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Thanks Nate. I know, the timing isn't the best! I'm sorry to hear yours goes away then comes back. That must be awful. I phoned the GP this morning and spoke to a different Dr than last time. This Dr seemed genuinely concerned, unlike the last one, and after answering some questions wants me to go down to the surgery tomorrow at 9am for blood tests.\r\nWhat do the blood tests look for? What can they uncover? The Dr mentioned vitamin B12 deficiency and diabetes test but that was all." ], "date": [ "2020-04-29T23:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all, new here, and came across your posts as I became Dr Google and had myself convinced that I had metastatic cancer due to my lower right chin and jaw feeling tingly/numb. I do have a history of melanoma, 8 years out, and I immediately spiraled into worst case scenario. Funny thing is, I also have a healthcare background in oncology, so even my logical brain couldn't reign the panic in (Im not experiecing any symptoms and I just had general labs ran in Dec).I just got a prescription for a medication that is supposed to help with anxiety, so I am praying that this is nothing more. I will say when i dont pay attention to it, it seems to go away/not be as bad. Also, I went to the chiro to see if that would help, and it seems like when I do, it makes it worse. I do have TMJ and am super tight on my right side, so I dont know if that is all causing this annoying feeling that is making me spiral. I am thankful to have found this and know Im not alone and that it isnt a death sentence. My PCP definitely thinks it is anxiety related due to all that is currently going on in the world. She said to give it a week, and then we can go from there." ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T15:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Hi Kristen,\r\n\r\nYeah, my shoulder is still in the same shape. I'm going to physical therapy for it twice a week. The bad thing about frozen shoulder is it can take awhile to thaw. But you have to keep stretching it out to make go faster, so I keep doing it. I hope for the best with your MRI.\r\n\r\nAnyways, I can't say I have an incredible urge to floss. I just do it once in the morning, once before bed and anytime I get something stuck between my teeth. Other than that, no strong urge to do it. Interesting that you are. Maybe check with your dentist? I honestly don't know what else to tell you there.\r\n\r\nAnyways, my \"numb\" spot, is more like a tingly spot anymore. Anyways, I'm 1 year, 5 months into this now, so I'm assuming it has to do with my diabetes, which still isn't fun, but way better than the alternative. I'm considering talking to my doctor about it and see if they have any sort of prescription that help with it.\r\n\r\nI hope everything else is going good for you. I'm glad you checked in. Time kinda flies sometimes, so its good to hear from someone I can relate too with the chin stuff. Let us know how the MRI turns out. I'm sure it will be nothing to terrible. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-08-28T13:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Hi. \r\n\r\nI have numb chin as well since April and reading your posts have made me feel better. I've had multiple MRI's and a Ct scan of the mandible and everything looks fine. I've taken Amitriptyline for the last 3 months to try and limit the feeling so i can move on from the constant anxiety that the feeling brings. It's helping since i don't dwell on it as much. \r\nJust wanted to say thank you for posting and taking the time to keep updating the post. Hope everyone is doing well and feeling better. \r\npaula " ], "date": [ "2019-09-26T21:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "content": [ "Hi Paula, I'm glad you found us, and so glad all your tests came out well!\r\nThis group has been so reassuring to me so I'm happy to hear it helped you too!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-09-27T00:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "content": [ "Hi Paula,\r\n\r\nI'm very glad you're feeling better.\r\n\r\nI'v had this sensation for a year now and have found no remedy for it. My dentist suggested that I take Amytriptyline but it didn't help... at all.\r\n\r\nMay I ask you to describe further your sensation please? \r\n\r\nThanks :)\r\nChris" ], "date": [ "2019-09-27T16:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "content": [ "I'm glad you found us Paula. If you've had it since April, and you're still feeling ok, and your MRI's and CT's have come back ok, thats most likely a very good sign. But believe me, I know how much anxiety it can cause. Stay in touch. We are all here for each other!" ], "date": [ "2019-09-28T19:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "content": [ "Hi Chris, \r\nDid you get a reply from me ? \r\nI typed one all out and sent it but i don't know to where.. lol \r\npaula " ], "date": [ "2019-09-29T02:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "content": [ "No didn't receive it ... 😅" ], "date": [ "2019-09-29T07:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/manda099-1272592" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "I have a lot of similarities Kristen! Ive been having dental related issues for months now, dentist gave me deep cleanings and then sent me for an oral surgeon. Its been a out 2 months since this chin feeling, its just tiny dime sized spots that get this odd numb feeling. My dentist said it was not dental related and according to my xrays my gums and mouth look incredibly healthy. My oral surgeon also said it wouldnt be caused by my wisdom tooth which doesnt make me feel great, he also said my xrays are fine. But, ive always had this feeling of being more aware of my gums and teeth on the right side. The gums feel off and sore just like my teeth which makes me constantly floss, however the feeling remains. Its all really so scary in how its unexplained." ], "date": [ "2019-10-15T01:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "How's everybody doing?\r\n\r\nNate, how's your shoulder? My shoulder issues have continued and I'm headed for an MRI next week. I'm guessing it will come back unremarkable and they'll say frozen shoulder.\r\n\r\nA random question about symptoms associated with this dreaded numb chin - do you ever have the urge to floss? My teeth and gums on the affected side will just feel... more there. Like I'm more aware of them for some reason. That probably makes no sense. And I get this urge to floss. Like when you have something big stuck between your teeth, and it doesn't hurt but you're aware of it and it's annoying. Anyone else?\r\n\r\nMy numb spot was gone last week, but my teeth felt more like described above, and I couldn't decide if this was an improvement or a worsening. lol. But now my little weird spot is back again of course. And because I'm a glutton for punishment, I googled. Why do I do that??? All the same terrible stuff popped up and I gave myself a good sized anxiety attack, naturally. But my tricks from therapy helped and I thought it was a good time to check in with my fellow chin warriors. :)\r\n\r\nHoping everyone is doing well!" ], "date": [ "2019-08-28T00:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara1975-1272540" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara1975-1272540" ], "content": [ "Hi Tara , \r\n\r\nI've also had pain in my neck and \r\ntongue but not the numbness, that still is only in my chin. My numb runs directly below the right side of my lower lip to my jaw line. the pain in my neck has reduced over the last 6 months to just occasionally. I started out seeing my doctor, dentist and then ENT. I did the same with the goggling and actually felt the numbness get worse but I totally understand the need to do it. Start with the basics and go from there. \r\nHope you feel better soon. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-10-14T18:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara1975-1272540" ], "content": [ "Hi Tara,\r\nyes, I had/have pain in my neck too. when I'm not in anxiety mode about it, I firmly believe it's connected to disfunction in my SCM muscle in my neck. that whole aide from my shoulder to my chest and up my neck is always tight and painful, and when I get it loosened up, my symptoms sometimes subside.\r\n\r\nThat said, I think it's worth a doc visit! But for your sanity, I share my theory. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-10-14T19:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara1975-1272540" ], "content": [ "Hi Tara\r\n\r\nI have too been suffering from numb chin / lower jaw for the past year. Been to several specialists including a dentist who specializes on TMJ disorder and a neurologist. Even did an MRI to rule out a brain tumor.\r\n\r\nLately I have been to a psychiatrist (the neurologist suggested I visit him) and was informed that my pain / numbness sensation could he psychosomatic. He prescribed me amitriptyline (25mg morning / evening) and have been feeling better since!\r\n\r\nI suggest you visit a dentist and a neurologist to rule out the bad stuff (especially if you're feeling the numbness on just one side of the jaw / chin) and then visit a psychiatrist.\r\n\r\nHope you'll find a remedy soon!\r\n\r\nChris from Malta :)" ], "date": [ "2019-10-14T22:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "content": [ "Hi Chris\r\n\r\nGlad the Amitriptyline has started working for you. \r\nI also was told to see a psychiatrist to help with stress and anxiety since numbness can be a way of our bodies handling both situations. " ], "date": [ "2019-10-14T23:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all\r\nim new here . i know this post is old but im having the same issue with my chin, jaw area. it started almost a week ago. i have health anxiety also. my jaw, chin, under my chin and down the front of my neck feels numb and even sore too when i touch it. has anyone else experianced the sore feeling down the front of your neck when you touch it? its freaking me out. i did the google thing too and know i shouldnt. everything says cancer. really scared here. \r\n\r\n-Tara" ], "date": [ "2019-10-14T17:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jess95427-1277851" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "i have not slept in days wrote my will out sent goodbye letters to my family so scared for tingling lips and numbness in chin have a brain mri this week but confused because someone told me regular brain mri wont show jaw " ], "date": [ "2019-11-16T22:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jess95427-1277851" ], "content": [ "Hi Jess, \r\n\r\nMri of the brain doesn't show the Mandible but it does help show the trigeminal nerves which is where Drs. believe the problem of numb chin lies. Thats why they seem to always start there. When mine came back clear i started the conversation with my Dr about moving forward with Ct Scan of my jaw. have you had any xrays done at the dentist ? \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-11-17T03:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jess95427-1277851" ], "content": [ "it doesn't show the jaw, but like Bapam said, it's best to start there. I had a CT done but I still question it bc even though it was a soft tissue neck CT that showed the mandible I worry that it wouldn't show if there was a tumor there. The CT report even said, mandible is unremarkable, but I still can't let it go bc health anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2019-11-17T04:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "I had two brain MRIs both clear a CT of my mandible that specifically said mandible and mental forman are clear. i also had a panoramic x-ray of my whole mouth. However, I still feel like they are just not seeing it. I have totally lost my mind over this. I know how you feel Jess and I am here if you need to talk." ], "date": [ "2019-11-17T05:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jess95427-1277851" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "content": [ "I had x-rays done at the Dentist they did a scan and they said they didn’t see anything and they referred me to oral surgery. it makes me sick to my stomach i worry so much about it like there missing something . " ], "date": [ "2019-11-17T05:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jess95427-1277851" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "content": [ "did you just have a normal brain mri when they gave you one it was not special orders to focus on the jaw only ?" ], "date": [ "2019-11-17T05:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "content": [ "Bapam, did your docs ever say what could be causing it?" ], "date": [ "2019-11-17T14:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "Not Bapam, but here's all the theories presented to me, once my doc was convinced it wasn't cancer.\r\n\r\nPrimary Care Manager thought it was a nerve entrapment from a tight muscle because it changes. she said a tumor wouldn't go back and forth with feeling better the way mine has over the last 18 months. I tend to agree with this because I can see a pattern with tension headaches caused by the same. And perhaps that's how it ties in with anxiety - stress caused muscled tension.\r\n\r\nThe neurologist said it could be dental in nature even though the timeline doesn't add up - like maybe the filling with botched novocaine six months prior caused a numbness I didn't notice until it started to heal and feel odd. He also suggested a viral attack and now it's healing but damaged. and he suggested anxiety as a possibility as well.\r\n\r\nThe dentist said it could be from having my wisdom teeth out decades ago. Seems highly highly unlikely. But that maybe a nerve is starting to spontaneously regenerate.\r\n\r\nThe oral surgeon also thought muscle tension.\r\n\r\nMy massage therapist agreed with muscle tension specifically to the SCM muscle. \r\n\r\nMy orthopedic doctor for my neck and shoulder also agreed with muscle tension. He said I have upper crossed syndrome which is basically really rounded shoulders affecting the curve of my neck, which causes muscle tension all the way up behind the ears and into the temples - which I believe is where the trigeminal nerve exits the skull and becomes a facial nerve, right?\r\n\r\nTo date I've had a brain MRI that included the full length of the trigeminal nerve, a panoramic dental xray, and a neck MRI, and nothing has shown anything scary. " ], "date": [ "2019-11-17T15:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Thats reasurring to here so many other things could be the cause. when you say it comes and goes doe it go away completly and come back or is it just less intense? " ], "date": [ "2019-11-17T17:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jess95427-1277851" ], "content": [ "yes just a normal brain mri. I never looked at the req the Dr gave me and i was very confused as well when i found out it was brain only. " ], "date": [ "2019-11-18T05:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bapam-1122169" ], "content": [ "Ugh! My anxiety is in high gear today. I have this weird crawling feeling in the corner of my lower lip. It's driving me crazy and making me worry to no end.\r\nI just had a CT scan of my abdomen and it came back showing a cyst on my kidney which is totally normal, and a cyst on my spleen, which is not. I of course googled and one of the causes is lymphoma and leukemia. So down the rabbit hole I went. Now I'm convinced I have lymphoma and it's spread to my mandible and I'm back to square one. I do have an enlarged lymph node in my neck but it isn't that big and it's been there for years. The biggest thing os I'm feeling pain in my groin around where the lymph node is there, and around where the supraclavicular node is into my shoulder and neck. I'm terrified and of course with the holiday coming up, my doctors are out. I'm so scared right now that I'm in tears and don't know what to do. Anyone else get the weird crawling feeling? Mine comes and goes but today it's been more frequent than normal. Could this just be my anxiety? Someone please respond. I'm going crazy with worry. " ], "date": [ "2019-11-27T14:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Interesting that there seems to be a common theme of neck issues in here. I've been experiencing them as well. I have a doctors appointment on Thursday to get it looked at (as well to get my yearly flu shot). I'm hoping its nothing big, but you know anxiety... :(" ], "date": [ "2019-10-14T22:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lovemy2bbs-1234696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lovemy2bbs-1234696" ], "content": [ "mandy - saying prayers for good results from your MRI!\r\n\r\nLovemy2 - I love that your making punny puns! it's so good to stay light hearted. :) \r\n\r\nI'm at the 1 year mark since I noticed my weird chin feelings. And it disappeared for about a week, and I was ecstatic. Then it came back and I was p****d. But it was accompanied by a tension headache and major tenderness in the tiny muscles around my ear and jaw. which further solidifies my belief that it's tmj / tight muscle related. that doesn't stop me from spiraling at times, but I snap out of it easier now!\r\n\r\nI hope every day that we all get relief from this and live long, healthy, happy lives with this as just a memory that reminds us to appreciate each day. " ], "date": [ "2019-05-06T21:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Thank you, Kristen. I too, still have my moments of freaking out, even today after the negative MRI. I keep getting these little tingly feelings under the right side of my bottom lip about 10 times a day and it scares the crap out of me. I don't know when I'll forget about all of this but I hope its soon. My doctor started me on wellbutrin for my anxiety and I started taking it on friday. I'm praying it starts helping me. Prayers for every one of us going through this thing, that it goes away and stays away. " ], "date": [ "2019-05-08T03:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone- My update is that the numb area in my chin that send me into a total spiral of fearing I was dying, resolved after 2 weeks of h#ll. \r\nHOWEVER, a few weeks later it popped up in another area on the opposite side of my chin! A small dime size buzz feeling. It was \"unnerving\" (pun intended) but I know thats not how NCS presents. In fact, none of these times has it actually been numb, just odd sensations. So that sensation stayed for a bit (3 -4 days) and now I just get odd facial sensations typically around my chin. It will feel like a hair or cobbwebb and yet, nothing is there. I have bad health anxiety and the more I pay attention the worse it is. I do clench my teeth at night but unsure about grinding. My doctor is not overly concerned. And as part of my health anxiety therapy I am not supposed to be posting online! Opps!. Couldn't help but help people and try to relate! " ], "date": [ "2019-05-06T16:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "I'll be praying for you, Nate! Hoping everything turns out good. Let us know how it goes. \r\nI'm still freaked out over this chin thing although it's happening more with my lip now than my chin. I keep getting a zapping feeling in my right lower lip when I smile and sometimes when I talk. It doesn't hurt, just kind of weird. It's not there all the time either. I almost lose it every time because of the whole cancer thing. I've researched a lot on TMJ and a lot of people say they have numbness and tingling with it, and I do think I have TMJ but I'm still not convinced that's what is causing it. I'm scared that it's some undiscovered cancer. That the whole lip thing has started because there's a tumor pressing on my nerve . I spend my day hoping that it starts happening in some other part of my face so that I won't be so worried. Today I thought I felt it in the other side of my lip and as silly as it sounds, I was excited for a minute. The one time is all it happened so no such luck. You would think after a clear MRI that I would feel better but that was short lived because they did a soft tissue face and neck and I'm afraid it didn't show everything they needed to see. It does say the mandible is unremarkable but would that have shown cancer? I don't know. I just keep\r\nsecond guessing everything. Just needed to vent. I do hope everyone else is doing well. Keep us posted Nate! \r\n-Mandy" ], "date": [ "2019-05-14T23:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "I feel for you Nate, and will keep you in my prayers. Every test makes me nervous now, but on the flip side, normal results make me that much more confident that I'm ok, and just part of a tiny group of people with facial nerve issues that are benign. \r\n\r\nI feel like we must be nearing the age when our bodies start to become less reliable and scarier. Us with our chins, my best friend recently had a cancer scare with a fast growing growth in her neck, my brother in law had a cancer scare in his lungs that turned out to be scar tissue, and my sister just this week had a suspicious mammogram result that turned out to be a cyst on further testing. Is this our new middle age normal? I sure hope not. The stress is not healthy!\r\n\r\nI'm about to move from Hawaii to Virginia with some travels in between, and I'm nervous about starting with a new doctor. I hope I find someone patient and kind.\r\n\r\nKeep us posted Nate, and we'll keep you in our prayers!" ], "date": [ "2019-05-15T00:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "So... I'm stressing out a bit. All the drugs, cortisone shots and physical therapy have had very minimal results on my shoulder... Its time for an MRI on Wednesday. And while I know shoulder problems for people my age are common, you never know what you might find with an MRI. I'm praying its just the common ordinary stuff that happen to middle aged men. If you're the praying type, I could use some prayers. Thanks!!! :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-13T18:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "And the MRI results are back in... And the officially word is I'm just a middle aged guy with an shoulder that is really inflammed in various spots, but nothing more thankfully!!! They are going to refer me on to an orthopedic doctor to get a plan set up to get back to normal. \r\n\r\nThank you again for the prayers! Things are looking on the up for me again! :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-17T18:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Nate! Excellent news old man!!! ;)\r\nI'm so happy for you and I hope this good news brings you a renewed sense of peace!\r\nI'm doing a happy dance for you!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-05-17T23:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "That's great news, Nate! Looks like maybe an anti-inflammatory, physical therapy, or a steroid injection may be in your near future! I'll take that any day over surgery! I worked as a medical assistant at an orthopedic surgeon's office for years and we dealt with shoulder issues all the time. Praying for a quick fix for you! :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-18T21:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Thanks Kristen! It does help bring the anxiety down! I hope the dance was awesome!!! :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-20T14:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Thanks Mandy, Guess we'll see what the orthopedic doc says. I hope they get in touch with me today for an appointment. Time to get this thing fixed! I've been dealing with it since last fall and its just slowly gotten worse and worse.\r\n\r\nYou gals are the greatest! Just wanted you and Kristen to know that. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-20T14:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Aww! Thanks, Nate! You guys are pretty great too! I feel like we have a little numb chin club. lol! Keep us posted on how the ortho visit goes. " ], "date": [ "2019-05-21T01:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Yep I definitely will. Next Wednesday is my appointment." ], "date": [ "2019-05-22T14:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Ok, so the Ortho doctors result are in, and I am officially diagnosed as having frozen shoulder. I got the cortisone shot and some stretching exercises to do twice a day. Apparently what I have is pretty common in diabetics, which is just great (big time sarcasm there). So he pretty much told me that this kind of thing can last weeks or months or even possibly a year or two in extreme cases, but they do get better. So... time to do the stretches and pray mine is only in the weeks! Anyways, that is one less thing to panic about, and that is a huge plus in itself. Just gotta tough it out until my shoulder gets it act together. lol Thanks for all the good thoughts. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-30T19:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "I've heard that about frozen shoulder and T1D Nate! bummer, but also glad that you got an easy answer!\r\n\r\nI'm still working on my left shoulder, but with PT, it has improved a lot since I first mentioned it. I really hope yours does too!\r\n\r\nI got a good mammogram report, an \"everything looks good\" from my well woman visit, and a good A1C/liver/kidney/chilesterol lab report, so I'm enjoying all that peace of mind for a while. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-30T21:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "I'm so glad everything came back OK for you! It's always good to hear great news like that. \r\n\r\nAnyways, I think the cortisone shot is already helping a bit. I still don't have great function in my shoulder, but it feels a bit looser than the other day when I went in. So that's good. \r\n\r\nAnyways, happy Friday, hope you have a great weekend! :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-31T13:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Thank you Kristen and Mandy. Today is the day... I probably won't hear back on any results until Thursday or Friday though, as that was the case the last time I had an MRI. Feel like I'm becoming a MRI veteran at this point. lol Anyways, I'll let you all know when I find out. I'm prepared for whatever they throw at me. Weird how a cancer scare can make a potentially torn rotator cuff seem minor. Hopefully by the weekend I'll be a bit more confident that I'm ok like you said Kristen! :) Interesting you asked if this is the new middle age... Seems like it may be. But on the plus side, with the web, nobody has to go through their problems alone anymore either! :)\r\n\r\nAnyways, hang in there Mandy... I still believe the TMJ is the cause of your problem. I know that doesn't really help the nervousness of a tingling lip, but I just have a feeling. Have you looked into getting a mouth guard for sleeping? There are a few dentists out there who are specialist in TMJ. If you haven't already, you may want to look into that. \r\n\r\nWelp, I suppose I'll let you know what happens so, thanks for the support! I really appreciate it!\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-05-15T12:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "content": [ "Hey Lucy,\r\n\r\nFirst of all, welcome! I understand the totally freaking out part. Believe me, I went through it too. 2 pieces of advice I'm going to give you right away. 1. Stay away from Dr. Google. Literally almost anything you put in for a symptom on Google will give you a cancer result of some sort. Unfortunately I made this mistake too. 2. Try not to freak out. Remember, you are going through pregnancy, so that probably has something to do with it. However, if you still worried, go see you're doctor and let him/her know. They'll get you going down whatever path you need to go down. If you do go to your doctor, remember, you are your own best advocate. Push for answers if you have too. But as of right now, and I know this is hard, try not to freak out and get super stressed out about it. It won't help you or your baby. And that is the last thing you need. Not sure if you are a believer in god or not, but I'll say a pray for you and your baby. It can't hurt. :)\r\n\r\nAs a personal note, I've made it to the 10 month mark, and am still doing fine. I hope everyone else in this thread are still doing ok as well. Drop in and say hello if you have the time!" ], "date": [ "2019-02-01T14:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I know this is an old post but I'm totally freaking out.....3 days ago i woke up and noticed the right side of my chin was numb after the usual google have gone into complete panic mode!!!! No other symptoms and its not completely numb feels like it does when youve had an injection at the dentist and its starting to wear off. no diabetes, no previous dental work....absolutely terrifying! am also 6 weeks pregnant oh and 37......any advice hep would be great as there doesnt seem to be many people that have had this around. \r\nmany thanks x" ], "date": [ "2019-02-01T12:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "content": [ "Hi Lucy!\r\nI'm also still here.\r\nMine is just like yours. I call it a numb spot but it started with that novocaine wearing off feeling and became more of a numbness over a few months.\r\nIt's been 9 months for me, and with every month that passes and no new symptoms developing, I feel less worry, but in the beginning I was in complete panic mode! \r\n\r\nMine has started to come and go, and just recently it stayed away for about a week and then when it came back, I was so upset, but as I've mentioned above, therapy for anxiety has been helping me so much.\r\n\r\nI'm seeing a sports med doc and a Pt for an unrelated shoulder issue, and have found that I've developed scoliosis in my neck, from tight muscles. Doc thinks it's a nerve issue coming from there. I'm really beginning to believe he's right, because after a good stretch of the suboccipital and SCM muscles, the feeling practically goes away, and every time I get a tension headache, it comes back strong. Having something other than cancer to focus on helps my stress levels so much! Give it a shot, after all, stretching can't hurt! (But don't get discouraged if it doesn't help - nerves are slow healers so any fresh irritation won't just disappear right away!)\r\n\r\nThis thread and our shared experience has given me a lot of peace too. It's so reassuring to see other people who are doing fine. I hope it helps you, too. \r\n\r\nCongratulations on the pregnancy! I'm so sorry this is adding stress to it. Come back and keep us posted!" ], "date": [ "2019-02-01T17:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "aww Kristen thank you so much for your reply it really does mean such alot to me that you guys have taken your time to offer your support to a stranger in full panic mode :). I honestly didnt expect it so thank you all for offering me some comfort. its interesting what you say about the muscles as ive always struggled with neck and back pain possibly down to my terrible posture. I've started taking iron tablets and vitamin b just on the off chance but maybe the chiropractor might be helpful too. \r\nI've seen the gp who is referring me for an MRI if its still the same in 2 weeks time. But I will certainly keep you all posted with how I get on. \r\nThanks again and take care x" ], "date": [ "2019-02-01T18:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Interesting Kristen that you are having an shoulder issue. I am too. I've never wrote it on here because I figured it had nothing to do with the issue of chin numbness. But my doctor so far has contributed it to shoulder tendonitis. I've been on medication for about 3 weeks now to see if it clears it up. If not, it will probably be MRI time for to see if my rotator cuff is torn or something. Fun times... lol \r\n\r\nOn another note, glad to see you around again, and still doing well. We are a tough bunch around here! :)" ], "date": [ "2019-02-01T20:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "aww Nate thank you so much for replying to me its a lonely place in panic and despite searching the internet for people that have suffered something similar and survived (theres hardly any around.....another panic). I am so glad you are still doing well, yes any prayers are only a good thing and thank you again for taking your time to reply to me its appreciated more than you'll ever know. :) " ], "date": [ "2019-02-01T14:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I just wanted to add this image too, that another physical therapist shared. The red spots are possible trigger points from a tight SCM muscle. Look at the chin!\r\n\r\nAnd Nate - the TMJ, ear aches at night, weird headaches - all can be symptoms/aggravations of a tight SCM and/or scalene muscles. I get the earaches too, and have TMJ. I find so much peace in all these coincidences!\r\n\r\n![image](https://patient.azureedge.net/forums/images/upload-sm/1220134-636846385746634064.jpg)" ], "date": [ "2019-02-01T17:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "content": [ "Hi Chris,\r\nI'm always sad to hear someone else is going through this stress, and yet relieved to hear there's another of us with clear scans and no terrible prognosis!\r\n\r\nYou've read our stories so no need for me to repeat here!\r\n\r\nI'm a headspace fan too. This darn chin is giving me lots of good habits in a weird way. :)\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-02-08T06:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "content": [ "H Chris\r\n\r\nSorry to hear you are going through this anxiety provoking numbness, unfortunately I cant add too much as im still unsure what caused mine however after a week mine seems slightly less numb. Anyway sorry I dont have any answers however I just didnt want to read and run. \r\n\r\nTake care and fingers crossed you see some improvement soon. \r\nLucy" ], "date": [ "2019-02-08T16:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all,\r\n\r\nBeen through your msgs and all I can say is that I feel your pain / frustration as I too am suffering from TMJ, chin numbness.\r\n\r\nIt all start back in June 2018, had bad muscle pain in my jaw and was told that I have TMJ from bad teeth grinding during my sleep. Been to several doctors and specialists until finally I saw a dentist who specializes in TMJ. Prescribed me anti inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants and made me a mouth guard - all seemed good for around 3 weeks.\r\n\r\nIn October I started feeling numbness and a tingling sensation in my lower jaw / teeth / lips and chin. My lower lips feel swollen too - its a very strange sensation, like being stung by a bee or given anesthetic by a dentist. It persists to date! Done an MRI - all clear, was told that most probably its due to anxiety... a big help... I exercise a lot, run, swim and been also doing some meditation through Headspace... numbness still there.\r\n\r\nWould greatly appreciate feedback from anyone who has a similar history to mine and whether he or she found a solution to this chin / lower jaw / lips numbness / tingling....\r\n\r\nThanks :)\r\n\r\nAll the best!!\r\n\r\nChris" ], "date": [ "2019-02-07T21:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian81207-1230317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Hi Kristen\r\n\r\nHope you're feeling somewhat better :)\r\n\r\nI have been through what you're going through and you shouldn't have any fears. The Numb Chin Syndrome is very rare and if you have no other symptoms (such as loss of vision , seizures, dizziness, nausea etc) you do not have to worry about this. If however you truly wish to put your mind at rest I suggest you do an MRI. I did one and all was clear.\r\n\r\nI have been to several specialists including a neurologist and a dentist who specializes on TMJ and spent over a thousand euros on visits, mouth gaurds, pills etc. They ultimately all suggested that this numb chin could be due to stress, anxiety and similar things. I have been through daily stress at work and a period of serious stress due to a breakup but other than that I'm quite an easy going and very active guys (do lots of sports). Having said this, I still have this damn numb chin which has been bothering me since October, at times feeling my lower jaw, chin etc super numb and swollen.\r\n\r\nHowever lately I'm feeling somewhat better. Made some changes during my daily lifestyle which might have attributed to this:\r\n- stopped wearing mouth guards at night\r\n- eliminated coffee and alcohol intake completely during week days (do not overdo it during weekends)\r\n- meditate for 15 mins everyday (using Headspace)\r\n- a nice warm bath right after work / gym everyday\r\n- Gym 3 times a week\r\n- Tennis once a week\r\n\r\nHope the above helps and that you're relieved from this numbness asap!\r\n\r\nTake care\r\nChris" ], "date": [ "2019-02-22T11:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "How's everbody doing?\r\nI'm swamped in anxiety and fear again, and trying my best to keep my wits about me.\r\nI made the mistake of googling again, in a vain effort to prove to myself that I don't actually have NCS, but rather just some tight muscle induced nerve issue. It failed miserably of course, because the internet is evil! \r\nWorking on meditating, and have my regular follow up with my doc scheduled next week anyway, so hoping I can get some reassurance as well. \r\nI hope all of you are doing better mentally than I am, and that we're all thriving physically! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-02-21T21:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lovemy2bbs-1234696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lovemy2bbs-1234696" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI understand how frightening it is....I was beside myself with worry on google. Mine just came on for no reason however after 2-3 weeks its completely disapeared. It could well be trauma from being hit there, hopefully give it a few weeks as it can take a while for nerves to repair themselves. \r\nSorry I cant be more help but didnt want to read and run because I know how frightening it is to go through. \r\nTake care x" ], "date": [ "2019-03-11T19:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lovemy2bbs-1234696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "content": [ "thank for your reply lucy! did you ever get any testing or anything? was your doctor worried? Im paralyized with fear but im just as scared of medical testing . " ], "date": [ "2019-03-11T23:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucy10563-1229401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lovemy2bbs-1234696" ], "content": [ "you're welcome....no i went to the doctor and he said it was a bit odd (which of course freaked me out more) however said to give it 2 weeks and if no better he would send me for an MRI. Im glad in hind sight because i think going for an MRI would have been an ordeal in its self. I suppose I thought 2 weeks wouldnt make a huge difference anyway and thank god it just went away. \r\nobviously that was just my experience so I cant give you medical advice but just sharing what happened to me. \r\nanyway I feel for you I remember how scary it was at the time so felt I had to reply like some kind people did for me at the time. \r\ngood luck and let us know how you get on. \r\ntake care\r\nLucy " ], "date": [ "2019-03-12T07:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have this as well and I'm terrified. \r\nMy son hit my face a week ago and the buzzing sesntation started a day after so my doctor things its an irritated nerve. Google has me terrified. " ], "date": [ "2019-03-11T18:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy, \r\n\r\nLike you, I take comfort in the fact that it comes and goes. I was recently at my primary care for a labs follow up, unrelated to the chin issue, and I mentioned that it comes and goes now, and she said NCS caused by tumors would definitely not come and go. \r\n\r\nI'm 11 months in, and at one point it went away for more than a week. I haven't had any other tell tale signs of cancer - no weight loss, no night sweats, no fevers, no fatigue as long as I keep my anxiety under control. I just keep focusing on that and hoping for the best! I hope you can do the same!\r\n\r\nI'd love to hear from Nate - you be about to hit the one year mark, right? Hope you're doing well! And everyone else too!" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T06:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "That makes me feel better to know your primary care confirmed that NCS would not come and go. I haven't had any signs of cancer either. I do run a low grade fever a lot but my rheumatologist says thats from my lupus. No weight loss and no night sweats. I'm so ready to be done with this feeling bc every time I feel it, it freaks me out. \r\nPraying this feeling goes away soon for all\r\nof us!" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T18:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "You have lupus? When I first asked my doc about my chin she said NCS could be caused by cancer, MS, or lupus. Your rheumatologist doesn't think it could be connected?" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T18:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Sorry its taken me so long to reply back. I do have lupus but the rheumatologist says that wouldn't cause it. I don't even know what to think. They also tested me for MS but the brain MRI came back clear. I went to the neuro they sent me to. He wanted me to do a nerve conduction study but I just haven't went back. I know I need to, but even with insurance, these doctor bills are getting expensive!" ], "date": [ "2019-04-11T02:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey guys! I'm still suffering with the numb chin/lip thing so I thought I would check in and see if anyone else had added anything bc I haven't been on here in a while. I hate that you all are having to go through this bc it's made me crazy. I'll go days and not have the feeling and then I'll have this little jolt/almost shocking feeling that comes on at random times. So annoying! I've been experiencing the weird feelings for about 5 months now. It's not constant which is the only thing that makes me feel better but I can't find anything saying numb chin is a constant feeling or if it comes and goes. I do have an impacted wisdom tooth so I'm questioning whether or not that may have something to do with it. I also have some weird numb feelings come and go on the opposite side next to my shoulder blade which I thought could somehow be connected. I don't know. I'm just grasping at straws bc I'm sick of being afraid that it's from cancer. I went to the neurologist and he said it's unlikely that it's MS or anything like that bc my brain MRI came back normal. So, I've probably not been of any help to anyone but I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still here with the rest of you. Hoping this all goes away for everyone soon! Praying for everyone! \r\nMandy" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T01:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Everyone,\r\n\r\nI'm still around, and yes I'm about to hit the 1 year mark! My fear of Cancer has pretty much all but gone away (I still have some days, but they are few and far between). I figure if I were to have it, I'd either be in horrible shape or gone by now. The only problem I'm having currently a right shoulder that is in tough shape. I'm going to start physical therapy on it the 3rd of April. My PCP seems to think its just shoulder tendonitis. I'm beginning it think its a complete tear because I have very limited movement in it without pain. That being said, while its a concern, its probably pretty common for a 42 year old guy, so I'm not sweating it too much. \r\n\r\nI'm so glad to see everyone is still around on here!!! When I first started with the numb chin, I couldn't find anyone online that posted about it for more than a couple of months. So I'm really glad that this is a place that people with our issue can come and be aware its not a death sentence for everyone. I feel like we all have a connection, and even though I haven't posted in a while, I still think about this thread a lot.\r\n\r\nOn 1 last personal note, My oldest son is just starting up his baseball season in a couple of weeks! I feel so lucky to watch him play the sport he loves the most again. Make sure to spend time with your loved ones. They are what truly matter. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T20:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy, I'm so sorry to hear you are having a hard time! I've had that pin prick sensation on a spot on my front neck, and it also freaked me out. Mentioned it to my doc and my endo since it's near my thyroid, and both were not concerned. It went away after a while - hopefully yours does too.\r\n\r\nMy lips get prickly/tingly sensations often, since way before the chin thing, and I've always chalked it up to a cold sore starting or my body fighting one off. \r\n\r\nI really hope it's nothing major for you as well! I can feel your panic so I wish I had a better answer for you. Best I can think of is that in all the morbid reports of terrible things, I never came across what you're describing. Are you still going to the neuro for the nerve testing? Hopefully he can ease your mind!\r\n\r\nAlso, I just realized I never responded to Nate - so glad to see you are doing so well friend! " ], "date": [ "2019-04-15T18:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Hey Kristen! Thanks for responding. It's still happening 5 hours later. I took a nap hoping to wake up to it being gone, but no such luck! I'm so tired of all of this. I just want to enjoy life without worrying about it. I'll go weeks without it and then, BAM! Back again. This time I feel as panicky as the first time I had it. It's starting to feel like its going in a line down to my chin but it could be in my head bc I'm so scared right now. The bad part is, I'm in florida on vacation and can't even enjoy watching my girls play without constantly wondering if I have NCS. I hate this! I never went for the nerve study but I'm gonna call them when I get back home to get it scheduled. " ], "date": [ "2019-04-15T18:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Just wanted to update everyone. The pin prick sensation finally went away in the one spot below my lip but I still have it other places in the lip and chin a couple times a day. I'm still scared but not as much as the other day when it first started happening. I can't tell if I have decreased feeling or if it's just my anxiety making me feel like theres a slight difference in feeling. I just want to go back to the good ol days when I didn't constantly wonder about the feeling in my chin. " ], "date": [ "2019-04-19T22:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin44214-1242652" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy19! \r\n\r\nHow are you feeling now? I have been having similar little tingly, zap, itchy type feelings in one general spot on my chin. It feels almost exactly like a cold sore feels when its starting. I also have a ton of neck muscle and TMJ issues and my SCM and jaw are super tender on the left side right now.. But I just cant convince myself that its being causes by something thats not fatal. I'm watching my kids sleep and shaking uncontrollably totally freaked out that I've got little time left to live. I have horrible health anxiety which is only making matters worse. Please let me know how you are doing and if you've found any answers or relief.\r\n\r\nThank you!!" ], "date": [ "2019-05-03T02:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/erin44214-1242652" ], "content": [ "Hi Erin,\r\n\r\nHope all is going well for you. I've been where you are right now. I know it's a horrible feeling. My advice to you if you choose to accept it is this... 1. See your doctor. Tell them your concerns and your complete TMJ history. TMJ is known to mess with the trigeminal nerve, which controls most all sensations in your face. If you are still concerned after whatever advice your doctor gives, ask for an MRI. I know they are expensive, but the cost is much easier than living in nonstop fear. And whatever comes of it, at least you'll know, which is better than fearing the unknown.\r\n2. Do NOT go to Dr. Google. Literally any symptom you thrown in Google will give you the worst case scenario. It is not to be trusted as good medical advice. If you've already done this, try to forget what you have read. I know this may be hard to do, but its for the best.\r\n3. Spend time doing stuff you love to do. I've noticed that when I do things I enjoy, I often times forget about my chin problem. Spend time with your family. Life has so much to offer to spend it worrying about \"potential\" medical problems. Live your life. :)\r\n\r\nAlso, I want to think you for posting. I got the notification in my mailbox this morning when I woke up, and it reminded me to come in here and celebrate as I'm at 1 year 1 month, since Dr. Google scared the crap out of me! I hope everyone else is still doing great. I still have shoulder issues. I've been going to physical therapy, but I am feeling its time for an MRI to make sure I don't have any injuries in my shoulder that physical therapy won't help. But I'm not worried much about that right now. My son has a baseball game tomorrow and I'm going to watch him on a beautiful 75 degree day tomorrow. This is the best life. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-03T15:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy,\r\n\r\nI'm glad to hear your problem has resolved itself somewhat. Did you ever go to your doctor about this? Just curious... Worrying about what may happen is not a fun to live. Hopefully you'll get to a point where you can go on without the worry. \r\n\r\nI'll always be around from time to time to help out with whatever advice I can give when i can. In this topic, nobody is fighting this alone as far as I'm concerned. We are all in this together!" ], "date": [ "2019-05-03T16:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Hey Nate and Erin! I'm still dealing with the whole chin issue. I woke up on Thursday morning with a tingly feeling in my gums on the same side which freaked me out but I had a doctor's appointment that same morning anyway. She ordered an MRI of my jaw and I'm here waiting to get it now. I'm a nervous wreck but I have so many people praying for me so I'm not as nervous as I would normally be. As I was sitting in church last night, I went to scratch my face and found a swollen lymph node in front of my ear. I go at 1 to see my PA for that. It's been a roller coaster of a ride with this chin thing and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! I'll let you guys know what I find out and in the meantime I'll be praying for you all!" ], "date": [ "2019-05-06T15:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "I'll be praying for you, and I hope nothing much comes of the MRI. Its funny, I was in church on Sunday morning, and the sermon was about anxiety. His message was deep on so many levels. The one level that concerns us though is our health, and his message was that god will be with you on your journey. God never leaves your side. So... while you are waiting for your MRI, remember that. I'll be waiting to hear your news in the meantime. " ], "date": [ "2019-05-06T17:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Praise the Lord, the mandible MRI was unremarkable, no sign of cancer! I still can’t get it through my head but I’m thanking God for a good report. You are so right, Nate. God never leaves our side and I’m so thankful for that. To anybody reading this, just know there are things that it can be other than cancer. I’m proof of it. And something I’ve learned, this is the only good site I’ve found with searching google. Anything else regarding numb chin syndrome pointed to cancer and was terrifying. Stay off of google, and like Nate, I’ll still be around for moral support. You guys have helped me through this whole thing more than anything and I thank you all for that. It’s made me feel like I wasn’t alone. " ], "date": [ "2019-05-07T00:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "YAY!!! That is such excellent news!!! I'm so happy for you Mandy, and also for everyone who finds this glimmer of hope when they are spiraling in Dr. Google. " ], "date": [ "2019-05-07T01:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey everybody! I'm back! I'm in a fit of panic again today because I woke up with a spot right under my bottom lip about the size of a pin that feels like a pin prick every 15-20 seconds and it's driving me crazy and sending me into panic mode. So needless to say, I'm completely freaking out right now. Anyone ever have this feeling? Mine usually does this every few days or so and it's never happened this frequently. It will usually do it for a second at a time and only about 4 times a day. It's been happening for about an hour now. Full blown panic mode right now! HELP!! " ], "date": [ "2019-04-15T14:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacqueline09409-1314707" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacqueline09409-1314707" ], "content": [ "Hey welcome. Just an update I've had bloods back and they're all clear, upped my vitamins especially b and have been free of tingly chin for two weeks. Also morning neck stretches and evening if I remember. I'll be back for comments and let u all know if it returns xx" ], "date": [ "2020-05-23T14:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "content": [ "I found a lump just above my left breast near the armpit today while checking myself in the shower. It's about the size of a marble, feels hard and doesn't move and there isn't one in the same place on the other side. My partner was able to feel the lump too.\r\nI'm feeling quite scared now :( It's been 2 months since the right side of my chin went numb and nearly 2 weeks since it spread over my whole chin. I hate going to my GP but if I still feel it tomorrow I'm going to have to phone them.\r\n\r\nHi Jacqueline, yeah Dr Google if frightening isn't it haha!! Goodluck with your appointment on Thursday, hopefully it goes well and your Dr has enough awareness to know to fully investigate it for you. Keep us posted with how you get on.\r\n\r\nThats great news! I bet you are so relieved!! Has your Dr referred you to neurology to be checked out? Hopefully that's it gone for good :))" ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T19:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Sorry, the last part was for you Kay :)" ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T19:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I mean Ka.... I need coffee lol" ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T19:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "i'll keep you in my prayers Fiona! hopefully your body is just fighting off a virus or something. big hugs and positive thoughts!" ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T20:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Just wanted to thank you all for this thread, i started having tingling in my lower left chin a few days ago (it comes and goes) and thought nothing of it until I did a surface google search...oh man was that a bad idea! This is literally the only positive discussion I've seen online regarding this phenomenon (positive meaning some have had it a while now with no cancer progression/malignancy). Anyway I see my GP on Thursday but thank you for sharing your stories and tests you've gotten it gives my things to advocate for for myself. I do have TMJ as well as have many other symptoms consistent with either MS, Lupus, and/or vasculitis so I am hoping it is just another piece of that puzzle (or better just benign)" ], "date": [ "2020-12-10T09:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abbie52983-1315671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/abbie52983-1315671" ], "content": [ "Thanks Kristen. Hi Abbie, i think we all know how you feel right now. I'm over 2 months now, started with the right side of my chin tingling, then went more numb, then spread to my whole chin. Now I've found a lump on my breast.\r\nI also have a few swollen lymph nodes on my neck and head and ears. I have been mostly grounded, looking at it being something simple, but with all this I find myself bursting into tears because it doesn't look good at all.\r\nHas your dentist ruled out a dental cause? is the hospital appointment for the dental hospital?\r\nI'm hoping my neurologist will see me this month. An urgent referral was made 2 or 3 weeks ago but with corona everything is put off.\r\nThe good thing you can take from this thread is that no one has been diagnosed with anything really bad and some have had the numbness and tingling for over 2 years. Hopefully the hospital get to the bottom of yours quickly.\r\nHave you informed your GP? They will want to do blood tests to rule out other things, worth giving them a phone." ], "date": [ "2020-06-01T18:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/abbie52983-1315671" ], "content": [ "Hi Abbie! I’m so sorry you’re here worrying but just know you aren’t alone. I’m glad you found some comfort in this thread because I think all of us that came here needed it. The internet is terrifying when it come to NCS so it’s nice that there’s a place that you can go to that doesn’t just have a bunch of gloom and doom. It’s been over a year and a half for me with this numb lip and chin thing. I still have days that I get completely tore up. You can go back and see that in my posts. But the point is, it isn’t what the horrible articles we’ve all read says it is all the time. Some of us have never gotten answers. We may never. But the fact that we’re still here talking about it makes it a lot less scary for us. \r\nI’m praying for you and everyone else on this post. It always makes me sad to see anyone come here afraid like we all were at one time or another. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-12T02:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Hi Fiona! I too found a lump right where you're describing but i had one smaller on the opposite side. I saw a breast on oncologist and she sent me for an ultrasound but they couldn't find the spot on the ultrasound. Very frustrating. Anyways, my mind always comes back to that when I have this tingling feeling. Like they're totally missing something and I really do have BC. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-06T13:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Also, I wanted to add that I have a swollen lymph node in my neck, and one on the same side in front of my ear. There's a sore spot right under my jawbone from time to time too. I have no idea if that's just coincidence or something to do with the numb chin thing. Just wanted to add these things in case anyone else has experienced the same." ], "date": [ "2020-06-06T13:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy, sorry for the late reply. Have you been getting any more bother from the lump on your breast?\r\nI had my ultrasound. Luckily it showed the lumps were just fatty lumps... just like me haha!\r\nI finally spoke to a neurologist. Because of corona it was just a telephone consultation. He thinks my arm and leg numbness, headaches and flashes in my vision are migraines. He does not think they are related to the numb chin and was very interested to hear it had spread to the whole chin. He thinks something is pressing on my trigeminal nerve. I also told him about the lumps on the back of my neck which he thinks are swollen lymph nodes. Obviously he can't know for sure because he can't examine me. I have an MRI booked for Monday afternoon so hopefully it sheds a light on what is going on. How long roughly do the results take? I'm hoping it isn't weeks!\r\nI get the jaw pain too! It's an achy pain, like I have toothache but I know I don't. I have also been getting stabbing pains in and around my ears and jaw joints, often followed by a dull ache. I hope I get to speak to the neurologist again as the phone call was so short I never got to ask about all these things.\r\nI hope you are all keeping well.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-06-27T19:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey guys! I'm so glad I've found this thread! I'm very new to all this numb chin and lip. I had horrid toothache over the last 7 weeks or so which git worse and worse and due to the virus, i couldn't get seen. i finally got referred to emergency dentist 2weeks ago to get the tooth out as i was in absolute agony, with my tooth, jaw, spreading up to my ear and head, honestly the worst. i didn't have the numb chin and lip until the day before i was due to see the dentist to have my tooth out. I was just sat down and i got this tingle in my lip and it felt like I was getting a cold sore but i felt it spreading over my lower left lip and chin in a matter of 20 mins. Dentist said it will come back once the tooth is out. Had my tooth outs and had lots of relief from my toothache but i still had the numb chin/lip. Dentist wanted to see my in two weeks Which was yesterday. She was concerned as i and has now referred me to the hospital. She said it not my teeth causing the problem. I came home and Googled 😳 Of course i have exactly the right symptoms for NCS. I am a complete wreck and i am convinced i now have cancer. I have three young children and i keep crying thinking I'm not going to be around to see them grow up. I really cant shake this feeling. This thread is the only thing i found that's giving me a bit of comfort. I also suffer with health anxiety but i had never heard of this condition until recently so it not in my head, I've had it for two weeks and its constant. i just thought it was nerve damage due to my tooth. I really don't know what to do with myself and i have to was for my referral to co e through. I have no idea what's ahead but I'm definitely in a real bad way. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! Sorry this is so long and probably doesn't make sense, I'm just writing this in a major panic. I hope you are all keeping well. xx" ], "date": [ "2020-06-12T02:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Does anyone else ever have pain in their collarbone? I get it quite often and wonder if it's something to do with all of this or something totally different. I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, but that normally just hurts in my fingers and sometimes my toes. I also have a mixed connective tissue disease but have been told that the whole numb chin thing wouldn't go along with that. I also still have the puffy gum that comes and goes on one the bottom teeth on the same side, so who knows. There are so many things it could be but my mind always seems to go to the big C because of what I read when this first started happening. I wish I could go back and un-read it! " ], "date": [ "2020-06-06T13:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james78430-1310915" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james78430-1310915" ], "content": [ "Hi James! I'm sorry you're here but goad you found us. Yes, I'm pretty sure we've all read the same articles. They're the worst. But people here are living proof that those articles are wrong. \r\nMy numbness seems to come and go and also feels worse the more I think about it. Like today, I was going about my day not thinking about it too much and then I ran my hand over my lip/chin and the down the spiral I went. I have little zapping and buzzing feelings on my lip, chin, and face at times too. This is all really puzzling to anyone I mention it to. Sometimes I'll go for a couple of days without thinking about it. At one point I went a few weeks without it. It was great! But it always comes back. I'm not sure if it's due to health anxiety or if it's really as bad as I think it is. \r\nHang in there. Go to your dentist and see what he thinks it might be. It could have something to do with your loose filling. Keep us posted! " ], "date": [ "2020-06-12T15:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james78430-1310915" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy, thanks for taking time out of your day to reply to me.\r\nI made an appointment with my Dr today and explained my concerns. He did a few neurological tests and checked my jaw for operation but ultimately, he thinks the reason for the numb feeling is my tooth. An infection would press down on the mental nerve causing irritation. He said that if the problem still persists after the course of antibiotics, then the dentist will have a good idea and able to tell me more. He also said that my anxiety is not helping things. He said its very, very unlikely to be cancer. He seemed shocked that i even suggested it. \r\nIt's weird because if i don't think about the numbness, it goes away too. I too have little sharp pains in my lips that come and go and in my cheek. I've also noticed since leaving the doctors that i have pain at the top of my jaw on the left side and a headache.\r\nArrrgh!! i just hate it all!! Anxiety is the worst!! " ], "date": [ "2020-06-12T19:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abbie52983-1315671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james78430-1310915" ], "content": [ "Hi james and thanks Fiona and Mandy for my last reply. Im 4 weeks in now with my numb/chin. I have been fast tracked to javr a MRI scan on my head and neck next week also and have had bloods taken. I am absolutely terrified by why they will find and im convinced I'm dying. I too James thought it was related to my toothache that i had for weeks and weeks ending in having my tooth out.m but the numbess is still there. They said it nothing to do with my tooth now and thats why i am being sent for all these tests. it's literally Mani me feel sick 24/7 and i can't take my mind off of it. Mine feels like pins and needles in the lower left chin and lip and the corner of my mouth is the worst. its not completely numb, i can still feel it, it feels swollen but it isnt. I have also been getting minor headache on the sane side and every now and then i get a sharp stabbing pain shoot over my head on the same side.\r\n\r\nFiona and Mandy? how you getting on since finding a lump? you mention about having jaw pain and a pain in the collarbone..i do get this and my glands under my armpit feel swollen. i suffer bad with health anxiety bit this is real. I keep hoping it's my anxiety tricking me but it really isn't, its there! just yesterday i have noticed a on the side of my left baby finger has a numb/tingling feeling too. i am just driving myself mad with worry. There is so much more i could write but my mind has gone blank now Sorry about my long post, i just dont know what to to with myself. im so glad i found this group though. xx" ], "date": [ "2020-06-13T02:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/colesy-1346022" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james78430-1310915" ], "content": [ "Hi James/Everyone\r\n\r\nI'm pretty much in the same position as you.\r\n\r\nToothache on and off for a few months no other health concerns. It was last weekend I had really bad toothache and late Saturday evening my lip went numb and so did my lower jaw and chin on the left side. Managed to see a dentist on Monday who 'thinks' it's an infection as nothing on the x-ray shows an obvious sign for the numbness. There's no clear sign of an abscess nor obvious tooth decay though it's been painful to bite down on.\r\n\r\nDentist prescribed amoxycillin for five days to clear the infection. Chin and lip still the same.\r\n\r\nOf course, I googled numb chin and lower lip and have been worried sick since then. i seem to tick every box of a worse case scenario without even trying.\r\n\r\nI'm not a worrier about health (not in a stereotypical macho way!) but this has NCS has genuinely knocked me for six and for 72 hours my mental stress has reached breaking point. I'm 43 years old though the worry has added another 15.\r\n\r\nI'm seeing my dentist again today and I'll be referencing NCS and case studies, not because I know more but because I'd like to be informed and get them thinking about it.\r\n\r\nI found this forum this morning and it's the only positive thing I've found on NCS symptoms so far.\r\n\r\nI'll update later after my dentist visit\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-12-10T08:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/colesy-1346022" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Just a an update...\r\n\r\nJust got back from the dentist and explained that whilst possibly irrational to her, I've been worried sick after reading about Numb Chin Syndrome. In fairness she listened to all my concerns but in her \"30 years dental experience\" she's 99.9% certain it's to do with the toothache.\r\n\r\nI mentioned MRI's, whilst apologising that I'm not a 72hr Phd doctor, and she stated that she'd need to remove what she believe was the cause of the problem - either a root canal or extraction which is scheduled for the 21st. Then I could be referred if the problem persists. In her own words my numbness is down to the tooth and I can still feel sharp sensations on the affected area.\r\n\r\nShe highlighted what she believed to be the infection and why there was nothing else to suggest anything sinister. I responded that NCS is often missed as the x-ray isn't enough. He did take this on board but asked me to trust her experience and medical judgement.\r\n\r\nI'm still worried, more down to the wait but I'll let everyone know how I get on." ], "date": [ "2020-12-10T16:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello Everyone,\r\n\r\nSo ive googled numb chin because thats what i have at the moment. From reading the replies on this thread, i assume that you read the same as me, man goes in hospital with numb chin, dies 5 weeks later.\r\nUnfortunately because of Dr. Google, im now fraught with worry. I suffer from health anxiety for which i take medication but this latest googling has sent me into overdrive.\r\nIve had sinusitis for the past month or so which has also caused glue ear. I had some pain in my jaw which i associated the sinus problem with but 3 days ago i started to notice that my chin had a numb feeling. \r\nIve got a filling that has come loose so i assumed that was what was causing the pain in my jaw but as i said i googled numb chin, now im convinced i have an aggressive form of cancer. \r\nI have some antibiotics if the tooth thing is an abscess.\r\nWhat were some of your symptoms? Could you feel your chin when you poked it or was there no feeling at all? Did you feel unwell? I feel ok in myself, other than a runny nose and the glue ear. \r\nMy numbness seems to come and go and the more i think about it, the more numb it seems to be.\r\nSorry for the long message, just wanted to let people know the history.\r\nThanks for reading. James." ], "date": [ "2020-06-11T18:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mel63502-1378981" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mel63502-1378981" ], "content": [ "Hi Mel! I guess you can find relief in the fact that your MRI and CT came back clear. That this isn't something sinister. I've spoken to a lot of people who experience numb chin and panicked on what they saw on google. A lot of them have tooth issues and TMJ. I actually have both. (I have an untreated wisdom tooth that needs to be removed and is on the same side of the numb chin.) I also clench my jaw a lot due to anxiety.\r\n\r\nI also learned that NCS is much more common from people who has experienced cancer before.\r\n\r\nThere's a number of benign reason why we are experiencing this but I guess the authors of those NCS articles saw an opportunity to drive up clicks from us with anxiety." ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T05:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "not sure if i am doing this reply thing correctly but... here i am, seeking advice and comfort. 4 days ago (tuesday) i started feeling this weird tingly numb feeling under my chin. it then radiated up to my entire chin and bottom lip. its like when the dental anasthetic is wearing off... and I suffer from terrivle health anxiety since giving birth 1.5 years ago. so naturally i googled and of course NCS came up. I have now been struggling with anxiety all week. its affecting me daily. i am trying to figure out what is causing this... funny enough on the second day of feeling this i actually had a Neck CT for some lymph nodes that hadnt gone down. i saw my ENT the next day for this chin thing and she said she felt nothing and that my CT was clear other than a 4mm fatty mass on the left side (which i can feel since Nov) and that its most likely just a lipoma. \r\n\r\ni have had 2 brain MRIS and a spinal one in the last 3 months due to other issues (leg issues/hormone issues) and those were clear... but i had those BEFORE this all started.\r\n\r\nIve also had tons of bloodwork because i have convinced myself of many diseases before this. including thyroid and lupus and other autoimmune issues. even all kinds of allergies and all have come back clear other than Vitamin D difficiency. Part of me just thinks its anxiety since it all started around the time i had to get a CT. or it has to do with new meds i started last week for anxiety/depression.. but no where can i find this side effect affecting other people with these meds..\r\n\r\nthe only other thing i can think of is on Monday night my toddler bit my face really hard right under my bottom lip on the left side... he held it for a while too. it left a bruise and coincidentally the next day this started... so is it just an irritated nerve?\r\n\r\nim losing my mind over this. sometimes the tingling spreads up my entire left cheek ordown my neck. Since everything is clear my ENT is advicing me to go to the dentist. i had a filling 2 weeks ago that actually had my nerve pulp exposed which almost required root canal... not sure if that has any correlation or the fact that i have TMJ.. \r\n\r\neven with all of this.. im terrified ofthe worst. this thread has brought me some hope. so thanj you " ], "date": [ "2021-05-30T01:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "content": [ "Hey David! Just popping by back here to see if you've found answers. One person on another thread recommended me to just ignore it and see if it goes away. It did for 2 weeks. I haven't experienced any numbness in a while but last night I accidentally hit my lower front gum on the right side with a toothbrush and now the numbness is back. Once again concentrated on my lower right lip. I feel like my lip feels droopy but I look in the mirror and it's fine. I'm getting tired of the stress this is causing me." ], "date": [ "2021-06-20T06:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david01277-1378143" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "content": [ "Hey there!\r\n\r\nStill no answers I'm afraid. My job has really slowed down the past couple weeks and I've had some good family time as well that kept my mind largely off this issue. I will say that during this time, while it never completely went away, I will say I felt like I gained a lot of feeling back. Naturally, work is picking back up again and so is my stress, so therefore, the numbness is more apparent too. Starting to feel like this is all in my head and/or a stress response - just wish the alternatives weren't so sinister (thanks Dr. Google!)\r\n\r\nWhile my doctor continued to suggest I hold out for my neurology appointment in a few weeks, I pressed them to get a brain MRI ordered before then, so I have that this Sunday. Honestly not too worried about that (had my neck done years ago), but waiting for the results will certainly be a nail biter for me.\r\n\r\nI think you should take comfort in the fact that your symptoms come and go and especially with them coming on only when you're hyper-aware of them. At this point, all I can do is try to ignore it and I feel so much better all around. Easier said than done, but the way I look at it, I should only worry about this when my doctor and specialists give me a reason to worry - so far, that hasn't been the case at all." ], "date": [ "2021-06-21T22:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Bit annoyed and need a place to vent...\r\n\r\nPreviously posted that I developed sudden left cheek tingling/numbness about four weeks ago and then additionally, a numb right corner lip/chin three weeks ago. In that time, I've been to the ER and they only had blood work done (mostly normal - slightly elevated WBC), followed-up with my PCP who believes it's related to a combo of stress/anxiety and perhaps TMJ, and even my dentist who just recommended a nightguard and didn't see any need for root canals or infections.\r\n\r\nWhen I saw my PCP a week ago, he told me to follow-up in a week if my symptoms had not improved. While the tingling on the left side of my face is now intermittent and my chin doesn't feel as numb, I cannot shake this numb feeling in the bottom right corner of my lip. As mentioned before, not full sensation loss, but certainly reduced to the touch. It's no bigger than the end of my pointer finger, but it's driving me mad! My PCP is not ordering any further tests and only advised to wait to see Neurology in 5 weeks or go to the ER (again) to see if I can get a quicker neurology consultation that way (good ol' USA). \r\n\r\nI truly wish I could just get a scan done or something to put my mind at ease. The thought of waiting till my neuro appointment, then more waiting after that is very frustrating." ], "date": [ "2021-06-04T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose47420-1380481" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello everyone, not sure if anyone is still here but I am so glad to find this forum. I found the dime sized numb spot on my chin yesterday as I passed my hand through my chin. Maybe I had it before but had not notice it because it feels normal if I do not touch it. I would not say it is a tingling feeling is more like numb on that specific area, like it would be after they use anesthesia for a dental procedure. Of course I googled it and immediately freaked out and now I'm in this dark place thinking I'm going to leave my two year old motherless (I suffer from anxiety and it was been worse lately). I went to sleep last night thinking it would be gone this morning but it is still there. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-06T13:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jelly1994-1319982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey guys! I don't know where else to vent. My anxiety has been at an all time high because my numbness has been terrible this past few days. I've been very depressed and I could not focus on my work. The tingling/numbness has gone up to my right cheek. And then it would go back to the chin and then I'd be scared of the *c word* again. I'm super exhausted with overthinking. I'm trying to ignore it but my anxiety won't let me. \r\n\r\nAlso would like to add that my facial nerve at the mandible sometimes hurt and is sometimes swollen. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. If anyone here with TMD has experience with it? I don't know what to do. I don't want to pay out of pocket for an MRI I could barely afford. I feel like crying. I feel like this is the worst flare of numbness I've had. I feel like all my nerves are fcked up. It just feels like I cannot get used to every flare up and I panic all the time." ], "date": [ "2021-07-13T15:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/del1992-1394973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have this too! its freaking me out loads! mine started a couple months ago i would squeeze/pinch my chin as hard as i could and it wouldbt hurt till after a few seconds ive googled it and everywhere says its aggressive cancer and that paitients die within months im so scared!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-29T18:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amber91228-1402327" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all,\r\n\r\nI just wanted to extend a HUGE thanks to you all for this thread. Like pretty much everyone else here, I made the mistake of Googling 'Numb chin' and then immediately thought that my life was over. \r\nI went to a local doctor (who was the only one who had an available appointment), who dismissed me as \"just anxious\".\r\nIn all likelihood he was probably right and it's probably nothing to be concerned about (so glad everyone here seems to be doing relatively ok), but I have made an appointment with my regular GP for later in the week, so that I can at least get a fair hearing. \r\nThanks so much for the relief you have all provided, and I hope you are all safe and well." ], "date": [ "2021-10-31T23:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey guys! Having an all too familiar moment here. I swear I’m never gonna get rid of this stupid lip and chin thing! This weekend it’s been on both sides of my bottom lip and the whole right side of my face up to my cheek. It’s even started at the base of my tongue and the bottom and top gums on my right side. It’s even been on the very tip of my nose the last couple of days on and off. The feeling of pins and needles and the feeling of something crawling on me. It’s so weird and terrifies me every time it happens, especially in my lip or chin. My bottom right side of my lip also feels like it has less feeling than the left side. It could be anxiety but I don’t really think so. Logic tells me that it’s not cancer but it’s always in the back of my mind making me relive the first time I read about you know what! I can’t even bring myself to type it out because it strikes fear in me like nothing else. I do have a swollen gum on the bottom right side but it’s not bothering me other than being a tiny bit sore. Just wanted to check in on everyone and let you guys know that every time anything happens with the whole chin thing I think about all of us and how miserable it’s made us and it makes me sad and gives me hope that it’s nothing serious. I’m going on 3 years now so I figure if it was it probably would have already taken me out. Anyways, I hope you all are doing well and ready for the upcoming holidays. " ], "date": [ "2021-12-06T16:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brandi7812-1410758" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "So glad i found this! This numbness has been driving me insane! Started in Feb after a surgery, was on and off and no big deal. Had numbness on the entire left side of my body after Covid shot 2. Lasted 2 days, still continued on my face on and off. Then came October. I had a really bad migraine for 5 days and the numbness in my face hasn't left since! It has moved into my chin as well. I had a head CT that came back clear except for some spots that they aren't sure if they are from chronic migraine or stroke. I was supposed to have an MRI on my brain today that is being delayed because their system was down all day. My anxiety is through the roof waiting to find out what is happening! I've been miserable with waiting. I'm so happy to see that so many others are in my boat and that it can not be a death sentence!!" ], "date": [ "2021-12-27T22:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/megan90469-1425778" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "finally, I have found a thread. Sometimes it feels like a small portion of my right lip and sometimes chin have something on it. Like blood is flowing through it. It's terrifying to see what's on Google. It doesn't feel numb but it just feels weird. Good thing is that I do have a scar there from an injury a decade ago (dog bit my face). There's no scar marks on my chin though, just by my lip. Also, I get small \"tingle feelings\" in other parts of my body so.... points away from cancer I guess? Gosh I'd much rather have MS. It's so terrifying though." ], "date": [ "2022-05-02T21:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john75238-1439784" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john75238-1439784" ], "content": [ "Hi John,\r\n\r\nI don’t know about everybody else but I’m doing fine here. I would definitely consider going to your PCP or dentist to see what they tell you. I would definitely trust that over Dr. google any day. I hope you find the peace from your anxiety as soon as possible. My condition at this point has pretty much cleared up completely. So unless i make a new post or my wife does for me, assume I'm doing fine. Love you all!" ], "date": [ "2022-09-04T12:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john75238-1439784" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Thanks for the swift response, Nate! Wasn't sure if anyone was still active on here. Glad to hear your symptoms subsided..... I haven't felt any tingling for about 24 hours now since I managed to calm myself down. My lower jaw is sore though without the sensation I described yesterday so I definitely will go see the Dr's for a diagnosis. Been noticing my teeth clench alot recently, especially more now with the pinched nerve pain so I can't rule that out either. But you're right, self diagnosis is the worst thing to do right now, especially on a weekend! I appreciate the update on your situation and hope everybody else is also still doing well that posted in here previously! " ], "date": [ "2022-09-04T23:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello Nate and everyone else on this thread, wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing? I read all 13 pages of this thread and let me tell you what a temporary sigh of relief it is that I found this read... and I say temporary because my health anxiety is through the roof right now! I've been a hypochondriac all my life and my family & friends do understand but no one can relate and it feels so lonely to go through these episodes without someone that can actually personally relate themselves! Like everyone else in here, I woke up today with a tingly sensation in my lower left chin area- it has been on and off for the entire day it seems and I keep touching it aggressively to see if its ACTUALLY tingling/numb or its all in my brain. Like someone else mentioned, it feels like a temporary rush of blood in the spot that im feeling this sensation but also both my cheeks have been tingly as well and NOT just my chin. In addition to all of that, my mouth/jaw feels a bit sore but that could be probably because ive been moving it around, opening my mouth wide and closing it etc. I can remember this chin thing happen to me one time not sure how long ago but I TOTALLY ignored it, and ive been having overall face tingling (mostly cheek area) for my entire life on and off ever since i can remember so im not as concerned with the cheek symptoms as i am with my chin symptoms because OF COURSE i just had to stumble across Numbing Chin Syndrome.... shocking I know right? THE ONLY saving grace for my crippling anxiety is that I pinched a nerve really badly in my upper trap/neck area yesterday at the gym while doing a bench press so im trying to convince myself that this is the cause but im getting conflicting on all the different articles I read on whether this can actually cause the chin tingling.... the pain in my neck was EXCRUCIATING when i was asleep and its gotten a lot better after taking some pain meds. I was doing fine with telling myself that was the reason until i remembered that i also had an inflamed/swollen salivary gland underneath my tongue that my dentist didnt seem too concerned with when they looked at it last week, especially since there was no pain with it! The swelling subsided a few days later but its eating at me that this may have something to do with it.... otherwise I am relatively healthy for a guy in his early 20's and i make sure of that with how many times i visit the doctor.... My PCP did blood testing for my preliminary visit with him back at the end of June and everyone came out perfect and he also examined my neck for Thyroid issues I guess? And didnt raise any concern. \r\n\r\nI plan on going to my PCP and dentist this coming week again (its the weekend so they arent open to call which absolutely sucks for me right now) but im wondering how everyone else is doing and their latest statuses if anyone is still active on this thread!!! I could certainly use some reassurance as this is all so knew to me. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-04T00:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abbie52983-1315671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi james and thanks Fiona and Mandy for my last reply. Im 4 weeks in now with my numb/chin. I have been fast tracked to javr a MRI scan on my head and neck next week also and have had bloods taken. I am absolutely terrified by why they will find and im convinced I'm dying. I too James thought it was related to my toothache that i had for weeks and weeks ending in having my tooth out.m but the numbess is still there. They said it nothing to do with my tooth now and thats why i am being sent for all these tests. it's literally Mani me feel sick 24/7 and i can't take my mind off of it. Mine feels like pins and needles in the lower left chin and lip and the corner of my mouth is the worst. its not completely numb, i can still feel it, it feels swollen but it isnt. I have also been getting minor headache on the sane side and every now and then i get a sharp stabbing pain shoot over my head on the same side. \r\nFiona and Mandy? how you getting on since finding a lump? you mention about having jaw pain and a pain in the collarbone..i do get this and my glands under my armpit feel swollen. i suffer bad with health anxiety bit this is real. I keep hoping it's my anxiety tricking me but it really isn't, its there! just yesterday i have noticed a on the side of my left baby finger has a numb/tingling feeling too. i am just driving myself mad with worry. There is so much more i could write but my mind has gone blank now Sorry about my long post, i just dont know what to to with myself. im so glad i found this group though. xx" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james78430-1310915" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abbie52983-1315671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james78430-1310915" ], "content": [ "Thanks James for your reply. I'm glad you have had some good test results but shame about the high blood pressure. Hope they can keep that under control. What a relief it must be to not have numb chin at this time. \r\n\r\nI have had MRI on head and neck but still waiting for my result. I am very nervous! I would like to hope mine was down to anxiety but mine came out of no where while I had tooth ache. It was the dentist that referred me to a fast track cancer specialist, I didn't even know this was a thing until then so it was them that was worried before I was. I have some funny feelings my left armpit, same side as chin. It feels like my glands are swollen but I can't feel it when I touch them but I can just feel something isn't right all the time. It's really hard to explain. \r\n\r\nGood advice from your wife. Yes that does make sense that we only hear the rare cases. But just the general NCS is so scary to look at even without reading the stories. I'm trying not to look at Google at them moment, it's not my friend. I really hope all this goes away soon, it's taking over everything. I will not think about for a short while and then it comes back and hits me hard. \r\nLet's hope for good news soon. \r\nAbbie" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Everyone,\r\n\r\nJust thought I'd give an update. \r\n\r\nAfter seeing the doctor last friday, i wasn't entirely convinced by his diagnosis. On Saturday, (with my anxiety racing) i took myself to A&E. \r\n\r\nI told the reception my issues and was sent to triage.\r\n\r\nMy blood pressure was 177/117, i was properly panicked. I had my bloods taken and an ECG. The Doctor checked me over thoroughly for lumps and bunps etc. The doctor came back after a while and said all my bloods were fine and that the numbness in my chin was basically down to anxiety. It was a huge relief and the doctor said that if it was due to cancer or one that had metastasised, then it would have shown in my bloodwork and i'd be unwell. I was asked to record my blood pressure results for a few days and discuss with my GP. \r\n\r\nUnfortunately, my anxiety didn't stop because of my blood pressure readings and i felt restless until yesterday until i had a consultation with my doctor. I am changing my medication and i am now being prescribed a beta blocker to combat my high blood pressure.\r\n\r\nI've not had a numb chin since the weekend. I do get a fleeting tingle but its not there unless i really think about it. \r\n\r\nAbbie - Hopefully you've had a positive result from your MRI. I would seriously discuss anxiety medication with your doctor and try something new. My wife (who is a psychologist) kind of put things in to perspective for me. All the rare things that we read about on the internet that send our anxiety sky high are only written about because they are so rare. You don't hear about all cases because there is no point in publishing them, only the interesting ones.\r\n\r\nPlease try and stay positive. \r\n\r\nJames." ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carla97985-968154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carla97985-968154" ], "content": [ "Yeah Anxiety seems to be a common them with numbness and tingling anywhere in face, but especially the chin for some reason. And of everyone (including me) gets freaked out when they go to google looking up information about it. My advice, unless you have cancer in the past, I wouldn't go into freak out mode immediately. See your PCP and see what they think. They will know your individual case better than Google ever will. Hope this helps! :)" ], "date": [ "2020-12-19T13:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Nate,\r\n\r\nI'm really sorry you're feeling this way. Anxiety has given me the weirdst and most specific symptoms ever , so I would guess this feeling is probably because of anxiety too! I know that is so hard to believe though. \r\n\r\nHope you feel better soon\r\n\r\nCarla " ], "date": [ "2020-12-19T13:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abbie52983-1315671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all. Quick update on my MRI scan. After nervously waiting all week and being a complete wreck, I have had a Norma result 😁 Yayy!!! I am so relieved. And to not only that, I have started to get some feeling back in my chin. The left side of my bottom lip is still numb and also the corner of my mouth too. This has made me feel even better. I really hope is goes away completely and I really hope it's not NCS. Obviously I'm still a little anxious about what it could be but even with the dentist saying it was nothing to do with my tooth problem, I'm starting to think it really could be, I don't know. \r\nI'm not out of the woods yet, I have my recall smear on Tuesday. I had pre cancerous cells removed last year, and I have still been having a bit of trouble in that area. Also, I am waiting on a reply back from my doctor about my moles that needed checking. I really just need it all to be OK and I can start trying to move forward and stop worrying so much. Hope you all are doing well. \r\nAbbie" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura66857-1322843" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "So glad to find other people who are experiencing the same thing. About a month ago one side of my chin went very numb, it felt like pins and needles. i thought maybe i had a tooth issue so i went to see my dentist later that week. He took a bunch of xrays and said everything looked fine. He seemed a bit concerned and told me to come back in a month. \r\n\r\ni assumed it would go away but it hasn't. Its a constant numbness. Its been a month and the only thing thats changed is the pins and needle sensation has stopped. \r\n\r\ni mentioned it to my doctor and he said that its probably mental or a pinched nerve. i just started taking lexapro before this happened so i had asked him if that could cause it but he said no. I started taking lexapro due to PPD/PPA and i really dont feel like this is caused by anxiety. \r\n\r\ni go back to see my dentist this Friday but Im nervous. My husband got diagnosed with lymphoma last year at 35 years old and so Im so scared something could happen to me. its frustrating feeling something so real but could possibly be caused by anxiety? So frustrating. " ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/krissy76247-1322974" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello! I'm new here and so thankful I found this chat!\r\nI also have developed a tingly/numb sensation in the right part of my chin that comes and goes. it seems to come more when I'm eating. Has anyone else experienced that?\r\nI too went to Dr. Google and completely scared myself. Reading these responses has been a breath of fresh air!\r\nI have suffered with health anxiety for 13 years now and was recently diagnosed with post partumn depression following the birth of my son in April. This of course only increased my health anxiety. I began zoloft to help with the depression and lessen the anxiety back in June.\r\nI also get tingling in other parts of my body as well (calf, knee, fingers, roof of my mouth) but this has been happening for years and always goes away. However, this is the first time with the chin. Has anyone else experienced this?\r\nThanks again for keeping the chat going and I hope everyone is remaining healthy!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lou17506-1208751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi everyone hope you are well" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lou17506-1208751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lou17506-1208751" ], "content": [ "Hi everyone, I'm so sorry for the late reply. I finally spoke to a neurologist. It was a 10 minute telephone appointment due to Covid restrictions. He said my headaches, right sided numbness and flashes in my vision were just migraines and not related to the numb chin. \r\nI explained the numb chin was constant, progressively got more numb then spread to the whole chin. He then said he thinks something is pressing on the trigeminal nerve. I also told him I had lumps on the back of my neck. He said he will include them in the MRI.\r\n\r\n4 weeks after the MRI i heard nothing, so I phoned my GP. They said they had received a letter 2 weeks previous??!!! saying 'no further action'. And advised to contact my neurologist's secretary. So I did.\r\n\r\nI was told nothing was found to be pressing on my trigeminal nerve. And that 'no further action was required'. I am so angry. So they have stopped investigating what the problem is!!\r\n\r\nThe biggest shock?....... The MRI showed where I had a stroke back in 2011. This was a shock!! \r\n\r\nOne night in 2011, after work, kids at their dad's, just as I was getting ready for bed i noticed my left arm was completely numb. I stood in-front of the mirror then realized my face was numb on the left side too. While on the phone with 999 (911 in America), my left leg went numb too. I was rushed to hospital, but a CT scan the next day suggested it was a @neurological blip'. That was what I was told.\r\n\r\nI questioned that later in 2018, when referred to neurology for pregnancy migraines and was told it was a hemiplegic migraine. I argued this and pointed out the flaws in symptoms. I knew deep down I had a stroke!!!\r\n\r\nFrom that aspect, I feel vindicated. My short term memory is terrible and i sometimes have difficulty with speech which I have managed to disguise. With the new findings my DR is now believing my bad memory issues and has referred me to a specialist who deals with memory loss. (I constantly forget my kids names and recently forgot my partner's name... as well as instigated the same conversation 5 times in a 30 minute period). Just to give context to how bad my memory is!!.\r\n\r\nRight now I feel like I could cry. Because of f***ing covid I wont speak to a neurologist (they have discharged me). I cant ask why I have had a 4 month long migraine when i am not prone to migraines, i'll never get to ask about the stroke they told me was in my head for 10 years and i'll never get advice about future strokes and current damage.\r\n\r\nI still have lumps on the back of my neck. It was meant to be included in my MRI (discussed with the neurologist in the 10 min phone call). This never happened!! So no idea what the lumps are. I hate the NHS and I hope they sell it off and it goes private, then I can get health insurance and finally get actual care / treatment. \r\n\r\nI have a long list of issues : i think only 1 specialist has been good. I suffer chronic plantar fasciitis and shortened calf muscles and I broke my foot. Bloody guy who fits the boot forced my foot tearing the tendon off the heel bone!!! There are worse but no point dwelling LOL. \r\n\r\nAww I hope those who still have their numb chin are feeling ok. Mine has been constant, progressively getting more numb then the numbness spreading to the left side. And I don't have cancer and my neurologist isn't bothered.\r\n\r\nI think I am most resentful that I discovered I have a condition (NCS) with strong associations of cancer and premature death and been left with nothing but time to determine whether my case was serious rather than actual tests because specialists were not seeing patients.\r\n\r\nMy chin went numb in March. I have had 4 months of hell. Especially considering I have a 1 and 2 year old. So many times I played in my mind the videos of goodbye I would have to make them, so many cuddles and tears, and fright. I'm sorry, i feel i'm ranting a bit. I'm thinking of you all." ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "wow! I am so sorry for the rant above 🙈🙈🙈 It had been an emotional day. I discovered from my GP that the neurologist also forgot to include the lumps on the back of my neck so they haven't been investigated. The mental nerve also wasn't checked, only my brain. For those of you who had MRI's done for this was it only your brain that was scanned? I'm not sure whether to bring it up with my GP. I hope you are all well. Sorry again for the rant 😬🙈🙈🙈" ], "date": [ "2020-07-29T19:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi has anyone apart of the nump chin get like a twich in the chin as well? thanks" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/missedi-1344434" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/missedi-1344434" ], "content": [ "Hi and welcome Sarah,\r\n\r\nI’m glad you found this thread, as the amount of stuff that will scare you silly on the internet about numb chin syndrome is too much. 1st thing I tell everyone who post on here, is see your doctor. Your doctor knows your health better than Dr. Google. Remember this, those articles on Google that have a bad ending are made to get views. You will never see an article of someone with numb chin that turns out to be nothing, because 1, it won't get views and 2, it won't feed the authors ego. Now that all that is out of the way, obviously I don't know your specific situation, but we are here for support. Hope this helps!\r\n\r\nNathan" ], "date": [ "2020-11-30T16:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/missedi-1344434" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Hi again....\r\nChristmas has come and gone and I am still experiencing a variety of 'sensations' in my chin and mouth.\r\nI did see my doctor and he feels it is stress and anxiety which I would have to say I am under quite a bit.\r\nLots going on...youngest son was burned in an accident..he is fine now but it was rough.\r\nMy step dad was diagnosed with Melanoma and had to be taken to the hospital Christmas night. My mother is pitiful and is needing me much more now.\r\nNormal worries of a mother with five sons...daughter in laws and 5 grandchildren living in a messy pandemic with media induced fear everywhere.\r\nI sleep fine.. but when I wake and start my day, it starts crazy sensations that vary.\r\nIt may be slightly numb on my lips...burning on tip of tongue....burning chin or sort of prickly...and sensitive lower front teeth...not pain...just sensitive.\r\nI am just wondering how long is too long to wait until I go back and talk with my doctor again. I just really need this to go away...it involves the nerves..so it wears on my nerves!😬 Most everybody that has inquired or shared, does not follow up with a doom report...I just know this has never hit me before. Is there anything that helps these sensations? Has anyone gotten relief by trying something? It would almost. e better if it was just outright pain!\r\nI apologize for being needy....it's just hard to talk about this with anyone because they look at you like you have three eyes and are one step away from crazy!\r\nThanks for reading,\r\nSarah" ], "date": [ "2021-01-05T20:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rigzi-1347212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/missedi-1344434" ], "content": [ "Hi Missedi, i was touched reading this, please stay calm because that's what I am trying to do, I know it's hard, but please try, i know you are trying, i am too, but we need to try harder! I think I have anxiety disorders, especially a panic one, but i calm myself slowly, I get headaches, neck pain, chest pain, i feel breathless sometimes and the only thing i think about is that, that I don't want to name. I guess i need to check my psychiatrist first, because i am really anxious, a lot! So please, let's just stay relaxed, thats the only thing i can say unfortunately. May God help us and everyone🤲🏻🍀 AMEN!" ], "date": [ "2021-01-06T19:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna49950-1348062" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/missedi-1344434" ], "content": [ "Hi Sarah, sorry to hear about everything your going through. How you just explained your sensations is exactly like mine the tip of the tongue feels like theres heat/prickly feeling my lower gums are sore not so much my teeth. mine has been getting less and less so im sure its anxiety related i suffer with anxiety. hope yours goes off soon. Take care" ], "date": [ "2021-01-06T19:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, not sure I am doing this correctly. I have read a ton of everyone's encouraging notes.\r\nI am experiencing numbing lips, burning sensation or prickly feeling on my chin and left side of face. Mostly on chin and bottom lip. Occasionally my bottom teeth feel slightly sensitive. \r\nI have neck problems and wondered if it could be a pinched nerve. I also have occasional problems with acid reflux.\r\nDecided to look on Google and see what it might be.....oh my....not encouraging at all.\r\nThis happened about 6 months ago and went away. Now it is back and I went to this forum in hopes of finding some people who might just share this crazy problem.\r\nThanks to everyone for sharing. I firmly believe it is important to be able to share with people who understand and can show empathy for one another. It can be frustrating when your symptoms are so bizarre.\r\nNot seen my doctor yet...hope this goes away again. \r\nThanks again for sharing. I plan to stay in touch.\r\nSarah G." ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T14:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "good to hear from again Mandy, and very glad things are going good as can be for you with your health! So yes please pop in here from time to time!!! Its always good to hear from you. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-10-16T03:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Hi everyone!\r\n\r\nI too am suffering with numb chin/bottom lip and I am absolutely TERRIFIED!!!! it all started with a weird burning on my tongue and then kinda moved to my lip/chin and teeth. i am going in 10 weeks of this and i have been a total emotional mess. I cry all day over the thought of leaving my children motherless. i have been to my GP and had tons of blood work taken and everything came back normal, i had a chest CT, Mammogram/ultra sound, a mri of my brain and one of my cranial nerves, i also has a x-ray of my mandable and a CT with contrast of my mandable/ mental forman ALL came back normal but I just cant shake the feeling that they are missing something. this has completely taken over my life. I did have the tooth in front of my wisdom tooth pulled out in march but the numbness didn't start until august so it cant be that. rrading everyones stories had helped but i am just so so scared." ], "date": [ "2019-10-17T23:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "Ang, I wish I could come give you a big hug because I remember how awful and inescapable that fear felt. \r\n\r\nIt sounds like you have a supportive doc, so that's great that you were able to get such thorough testing, and all with good results!\r\n\r\nIt took time and therapy for me to crawl out of that fearful hole. I hope you can get there too. We're here for you!\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-10-18T01:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "Hi Ang,\r\n\r\nFirst of all, welcome to the group. Believe me when i say, we have all been where you are right now. Now the good news... Your doctors are medical professionals, they have done the test, and have come back clean. Now i'm going to hit you with a big piece of advice that i wish someone would have told me back at the beginning of my journey... Don't trust Dr. Google. At all. \r\n\r\nNow, what i would ask you to do is spend time with your family and try as hard as you can to get over your depression. I know easier than done, but depression is brutal on your health. \r\n\r\nHey, one last thing. You got this. Our group is proof that what you are feeling is not a death sentence! Live life! :)\r\n\r\nI'll pray for you in the meantime. Keep in touch. " ], "date": [ "2019-10-18T03:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Thank you Kristen and Nate!!\r\n\r\nThis is by far the most terrifying experience of my life. I really feel like my time left is so limited I can hardly function. whenever I go back to look online to prove to myself i am ok i just dig my hole a little deeper. I also have been to my endocrin and Ent both who have never even heard of NCS. my ENT put me on a steroid but it is not helping. in all your searches have you found that with NCS there is always a tumor or that it can always be found on a CT? i am just so scared they are missing something. I really feel like a crazy lady. any prayers advice or guidance are SO greatly appreciated!!" ], "date": [ "2019-10-18T13:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "@Ang476 I am praying for you. I too know the feelings you're having and for me it was debilitating. Still is for me some days. The other day I ended up in the ER due to a pain under my rib that I had convinced myself was liver cancer. That whole day my lip had that tingly feeling on and off, so it just added to my fear. They did a CT of my abdomen and bloodwork to test my liver function which all came back normal, but the CT was without contrast so then I had myself convinced that because they did it without contrast that it missed something. I hate how I always feel, like you, that my days are limited. And always feeling like the doctors are missing something. It's not living. I'm not enjoying my kids like I should because I constantly worry that I'm gonna leave them behind and it's more than I can bear to think about. I will definitely be keeping you in my prayers. Please pray for me too. " ], "date": [ "2019-10-26T21:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Oh @Mandy1983 this is the worst thing i have ever been through.. it is so debilitating. The thought of leaving my kids is just unbearable. The thought of it paralyses me with fear. Any little lump, bump, or twinge of pain I feel is automatically cancer in my mind all because of this weird feeling on the right side of my mouth. it has totally taken over my life... I hate second guessing everything and feeling like every doctor is missing something. Thank you for your response. it helps so much to hear from someone else going through this also. I am praying for you... i pray that we can both find some peace and healing!" ], "date": [ "2019-10-27T04:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "Hey Ang! Just checking in with you. I have been having the weird crawling feeling in the corner of my mouth and bottom lip, like one little tingly spot, since Sunday but it's only when I bite my lip. (I have this habit of chewing my lip, and I'm pretty sure it's anxiety related.) The other times it's happened when I would smile and it would come and go. \r\nDo you have the tingling feeling, just the numb spot, or what exactly do you have? I know people have different sensations. Mine is only slightly numb feeling, and I have intermittent tingling feelings in my lower lip closer to the corner of my mouth. I've also recently been experiencing my tongue twitching, (weird, right?!) and last night my lower lip twitched a couple of times only on the right side. This whole thing is just weird. I do have the tingly feeling on other spots of my body at times, like in my left knee, the back of my head, and on my nose, but not as frequently as the lip. \r\nAnyways, I won't ramble anymore. I just wanted to check in with you. Sometimes it helps me to share what I'm feeling to see if someone else has any of the same issues. I'm praying yours has resolved by now." ], "date": [ "2019-10-29T13:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy!!\r\n\r\nI am going on my 11th week with this.. it is an absolute nightmare and I cant get the fear of cancer out of my head. I am just terrified! Mine is on the bottom of my lip to the corner of my mouth as well. I also have a spot on the tip of my tongue that almost feels as if I drank really hot coffee and gave it a little burn. I also feel it in my bottom teeth on that side. Its not really numb because I do have total feeling in all the spots. Its more of a weird tingly/ burning sensation. It has made me crazy. i just want it to go away so bad! " ], "date": [ "2019-10-29T16:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "I'm with you on wanting to go away. It's the weirdest thing I've ever experienced and it terrifies me. Mine is only there when I move my mouth a certain way. It hasn't went to my teeth and gums, but at times I feel like my jaw and side of my face is a little numb but it happens more in my lower lip and corner of my mouth than anywhere. I wish mine would move to my whole right side of my face, as weird as that sounds. I wouldn't be so worried then. " ], "date": [ "2019-10-29T19:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Yes lol I know exactly what you mean! at least if it moves to the whole side of the face I wouldn't have to worry about NCS anymore lol. Mine is weird cause sometimes I feel it really bad and other times I only feel it if I move or touch my lip/mouth. The bottom of my lip is the most effected. I almost feel like when I touch that one spot it effects all the others. I cant really explain it. Sometime I feel like my jaw and side of face is numb too. It is so weird and nerve wrecking (pun intended lol).\r\n\r\nI took my two girls to get their Halloween costumes today and I cried when we left the store because I am so scared I wont be here to celebrate with them next year. This is just all too scary for me.\r\n\r\nIll keep sending up those prayers for you. hopefully they will get answered soon." ], "date": [ "2019-10-30T00:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "Aww! Thank you for the prayers! I need them! I really feel so terrible for you because I know the fear of not knowing if you’ll be around for your kids or not. I’m afraid every holiday will be my last all because of this stupid chin and lip thing! I’ve prayed for you and will continue to. I’m sure you’re fine because you’ve had all of the tests and they’ve all come back good. If it were something sinister you would know it, so take comfort in that. I have terrible health anxiety so I know that’s easier said than done. Do you have a family doctor that could possibly prescribe you a mild anxiety medication? My family doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin, the lowest dose, and I can tell a difference. I used to cry every day and couldn’t even function. I still worry but nothing like I used to. You’re gonna get through this.\r\nJust some things that have helped me deal with this whole thing, like I stated above, I take Wellbutrin, and I went to a christian therapist for a while. I also do devotions that are focused on worry and anxiety and they’ve really helped me at times when I didn’t think I had any hope. You can look them up on Pinterest. There’s some really good ones. Again, I’m praying for you. Just know that you’re not alone. We’re here for you. You can always message me if you need to. " ], "date": [ "2019-10-30T00:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey guys!! Haven't been on in a while but I got an e-mail saying people had commented on the post so I wanted to hop on here and let everyone know that over a year later I'm\r\nstill here. Nothing new to share but I still have occasional numbness and tingling from time to time. It still to this day kinda freaks me out but I try to just put it out of my mind. I do have neck pain and I have facial pain on the same side at times. I don't think it's trigeminal neuralgia bc the pain isn't debilitating. I also have stinging pain towards the front of my neck. I have lupus so it could be something to do with that but my rheumatologist says it's not. Not sure but at this point I'm pretty sure it isn't life threatening. Just wanting to offer some hope to everyone dealing with the same thing bc I know how scary it can be. I'll try to check back in case anyone has any questions I may be able to answer. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-10-15T22:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Oh Mandy, I'm so sorry for these worries and so much fear!\r\nI do believe that anxiety is probably making your crawly feelings worse. 100%\r\nAs for the rest, I think if what they saw seemed urgent, they'd be calling you in right away, holiday or not. \r\nAnd last, lymphoma infected nodes don't typically hurt right? \r\nI wish I could offer you more help and solace. Big hugs." ], "date": [ "2019-11-27T16:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Thank you, Kristen! I'm actually friends with one of the radiologists and he said kidney cysts are really common and spleen cysts are pretty common but I don't know if he's just saying that to make me feel a little better or if it's true. I do think anxiety is playing a big part in the crawling feeling bc I've actually had it in other places today, but just more in my lip. I cant believe over a year later we're all still dealing with this. I feel less alone when one of you comments. I know that's probably silly but nobody understands. Thank you for responding. I have calmed down a little bit but still find myself crying randomly which doesn't help things. " ], "date": [ "2019-11-27T17:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "I'm so glad to hear you're feel better. Does the Holiday stress you? Even though I love it, it stresses me and then everything starts to seem worse and my anxiety really cranks up.\r\n\r\nI feel the same way about this group though. It makes all the difference when I'm spiraling to be reminded I'm not alone, and that we're all still here. Some days, that reminder is the best help for my fear!\r\n " ], "date": [ "2019-11-27T21:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "I'm not too stressed. The thing stressing me the most is the whole lymphoma worry. I don't understand why this feeling keeps coming back. I've cried for the last two days and I just want my life back to normal. I want to enjoy my girls and not always have some cancer fear in the back of my mind. I'm the lowest I've been since this whole thing started and I can't seem to get myself out of this because it's always something. Every little ache and pain I worry that it's something to do with this. \r\nI'm sorry, I just can't talk to anyone about this so this is my outlet. Thank you so much for sticking around and listening to me." ], "date": [ "2019-11-27T21:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Sorry i'm just now seeing your post. I see others have replied to you already, so I hope their posts have given you some comfort. I think we all still have days like what you experienced today... I know I sure do, and I'm almost 2 years into this thing. So please realize you are not alone. Anxiety and depression will do weird things to your body, so please try to find some way to take your mind off it. I don't know what your hobbies are, but whatever you enjoy i'd suggest doing it. \r\n\r\nFinally trust your doctors and NOT Dr. Google! Remember this, nobody is posting wedsites where someone got a numb chin for no reason, because that website won't get clicks, and the researchers wouldn't have put any information making them look smart. There is almost a motive in what is posted. \r\n\r\nFinally, as always, I'll be praying for you. :)" ], "date": [ "2019-11-28T00:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "This forum moderator wont let you post other sources of websites " ], "date": [ "2019-11-28T02:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Thank you, Nate! Prayers are the very thing I need right now. I feel like this numb chin thing is moving from the corner of my mouth and sometimes I even feel like I'm feeling it in my top lip too. Mine is more of a tingly feeling like almost when your hand falls asleep but it isn't constant and weirdly enough I don't feel it if I touch it. It's so weird. I'm trying to stay away from google bc that's what got me into this whole mess in the first place. \r\nThank you for responding and especially for the prayers. " ], "date": [ "2019-11-28T04:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Ugh! My anxiety is in high gear today. I have this weird crawling feeling in the corner of my lower lip. It's driving me crazy and making me worry to no end.\r\nI just had a CT scan of my abdomen and it came back showing a cyst on my kidney which is totally normal, and a cyst on my spleen, which is not. I of course googled and one of the causes is lymphoma and leukemia. So down the rabbit hole I went. Now I'm convinced I have lymphoma and it's spread to my mandible and I'm back to square one. I do have an enlarged lymph node in my neck but it isn't that big and it's been there for years. The biggest thing is I'm feeling pain in my groin around where the lymph node is there, and around where the supraclavicular node is into my shoulder and neck. I'm terrified and of course with the holiday coming up, my doctors are out. I'm so scared right now that I'm in tears and don't know what to do. Anyone else get the weird crawling feeling? Mine comes and goes but today it's been more frequent than normal. Could this just be my anxiety? Someone please respond. I'm going crazy with worry.\r\nI posted this but it went somewhere else bc i can't find it now." ], "date": [ "2019-11-27T15:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "content": [ "Hi ka! I'm so sorry you find yourself here, but glad you found us so you don't feel so alone. Mine has moved around too, and like you, every time it does I get excited. Haha! The last few days it's been on both sides of my bottom lip and even a few times on the top. But the majority of the time it's the right side. I've also had random pains in the front of my chin that I'm sure is related and that scares me even more. \r\nI'm praying for you! Hang in there!" ], "date": [ "2020-04-29T18:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "I feel like when I take one of the short term anxiety meds I've been prescribed it almost disappears (they're benzos so I'm only allowed a weeks worth) but not completely and I cannot put this down to anxiety with the other neurological symptom of visual disturbances. There isn't much they can do in the UK in terms of mri etc due to the pandemic. My doctor said of course they cannot rule out Ms or anything sinister but she doesn't feel it is she just feels its a little strange. Awesome to hear from your doctor haha. Praying for you also and everyone else here! I can tell we have all been to hell and back due to the devil of Google!! " ], "date": [ "2020-04-29T23:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "content": [ "Hi Ka, sorry to hear you're going through this aswell. I'm generally laid back and have tried to focus on the lesser things this could be, but today I told my mum and burst into tears. I've had my numb chin for 5 weeks now. First Dr I spoke to wasn't concerned either and told me to phone back in 3 weeks if I still had it. So I phoned back a couple of days ago and spoke to a different Dr. After asking me about the numbness, where it is, how much of my chin is affected and if it comes and goes or constant etc she started asking me questions related to cancer symptoms and invited me down for a blood test.\r\nI asked the nurse what I was being tested for and she said everything. Kidneys, Liver, Spleen??, full blood count, platelets, bone profile, inflammatory profile, b12 deficiency, diabetes, thyroid and a few others I cant remember the name of. I get my results either tomorrow or friday and I'm now terrified it's bad news! \r\nI also have visual disturbances since giving birth last year and have high BP. I mentioned it to the Dr but everything is so difficult with no face to face appointments. Goodluck with your test results. \r\nI feel for all of you who have been dealing with this nightmare for ages, especially when it goes away and comes back again! " ], "date": [ "2020-04-29T23:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "I'm praying for you too! I'm so sorry that you're going through this, but it's really good that they're taking you serious. My doctor's probably all think I'm nuts. Does your chin stay numb or come and go? Mine comes and goes but it doesn't stay gone long. The longest I've went without it has been about three weeks. After going through this a whole year and a half, I'm still terrified every time it happens." ], "date": [ "2020-04-29T23:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi everyone! To the new people, welcome, but I'm so sorry you have a reason to be here!\r\nOn Friday, I hit 2 years with this darn chin thing! Mandy, yours and mine sound so similar - moving (yay!), random pains (boo), and disappearing for short times.\r\n\r\nJust last week I started a Lexapro for my anxiety. The pandemic plus my husband being deployed and feeling like I couldn't see a doc if I needed one and this sudden homeschool business were just too much for me. I know I shouldn't be able to tell a difference but I swear I feel less on edge already, and my chin feeling disappeared again today! \r\n\r\nEveryone is in my prayers for health and for peace of mind! " ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T12:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "It is sooooo strange that we both see visuals and now this, I searched the Internet for someone in the same boat after the visuals and only this chin has brought us together! When I told my mum she laughed, it does sound ridiculous to be fair as it seems quite trivial until you Google it. So I feel I have support here. I do have bad health anxiety so my family don't take me very seriously anymore. \r\nI asked my doctor was she testing me for inflammation and she said \"well, no...\" I don't understand why, maybe when I go on Tuesday I can push for more than a vitamin test. They always come back fine although once the white blood cells were low but they returned to normal. \r\nPlease let me know how your blood tests go and if they're fine what the next steps are. \r\nI'm crossing all the fingers and toes and praying for you. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T12:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Oh wow 2 years that gives me hope!!" ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T07:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Aww Kristen! I'm so sorry that you're going through all you are. I can sympathize with you over the homeschooling thing. I wasn't cut out to be a teacher and mine is only in kindergarten. Lol! \r\nYes, I always get so excited when mine moves around but it never leaves that one certain spot, just starts happening in others. It's so weird. The chin pain terrifies me but everything I've read on NCS is that there's hardly ever any pain. I've just recently started getting a pain under my chin on the right side also. But it's only happened two or three times. Do you ever get twitching in your lip? Mine has done that a few times lately too. And if i put pressure on my chin it trembles. It's all so weird. I hate it! Anyone else experience any of this with their chins?\r\nI'm on wellbutrin for my anxiety and just started a higher dose on Monday. I'm praying that does the trick because I'm exhausted having to worry about this all the time. Even when it's gone I still have it in the back of my mind. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T12:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "content": [ "I have health anxiety too and am in the same boat when it comes to your family not taking you serious. Any time I mention the chin they get this look on their face like, here we go again. It's frustrating to say the least. But I get it because if I weren't going through it, then I may think the same thing they do. \r\nMine has been going on for a year and a half. That gives me some comfort, but I just want an answer. \r\nI will say, I was deficient in Vitamin D and anemic, and after taking a multi with iron and Vitamin D once a week it did get a little better for a few weeks, but then it came back so I'm not sure that was the cause for it to be gone for a while.\r\nI hope you get some answers because I don't think any of us have so far. Praying for you all! " ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T12:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy, my numbness has been constant and in the same place. It covers the whole right side of my chin from my bottom lip, right down under to the top of my neck. My gums on that side are numb too, I couldn't help myself but check!! Does it mean something different if it is constant? Has yours always came and went? Or did you go through a period of it being constant too, especially in the beginning? I'm just wondering if mine will eventually start to come and go too.\r\n\r\nHi Ka, Did you suffer pre-eclampsia or other bp related issues during you pregnancy? I had 2 pregnancies back to back, both times hospitalised and induced early for uncontrollable high bp and pre-eclampsia. The flashes in my vision started at the end of my 1st pregnancy and carried on and off since. Eye hospital said it was just the jelly separating and tugging the retina and nothing to worry about. I also started having seizures at night. I only know I was having seizures because I was biting my tongue!! Not pleasant hahaha\r\nYou should definitely push for more tests, I was told the inflammation test was a really good one as it can highlight a wide range of issues.\r\n\r\nI had a missed call from my GP this morning, talk about panic!! GP's never phone for good news!!! Turns out my test results were ok, but they wanted to repeat my fasting bloods (for diabetes) as the readings were high. I appologised and admitted I was drinking diet coke until 3am (up studying) and didn't realise it affected the results. So that is very good news! No idea what happens next, nhs aren't doing any ct or mri scans just now.\r\n\r\nI hope your results are ok too!" ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T13:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "My bp issues were quite strange, the usual creeping up towards labour then in labour getting quite high and being rushed for a c section. However once baby was born it took almost a year for my blood pressure to normalise. My visuals started and when I checked my bp it was the highest its been at 160/116 so they were put down to that. However they are still on going. I have always been terribly worried about them however I think this chin thing is frightening me more. As I've only had it a week or so I'm hoping it disappears and will be a distant memory but judging by this forum I don't think that's the case. \r\nI will be pushing for further blood tests, my doctor said she will come in and do a basic neurological test on me on Tuesday after the bloods, I'm sure that will only consist of shinning a light in my eye. Have been to all the specialist eye doctors who say my eyes are perfect. \r\nHaving health anxiety is a curse, just when you think things can't get any worse they do. Thank god your bloods are all okay, I have heard this can be caused by diabetes, obviously we wouldn't want that either. If we weren't on lockdown I wouldn't honestly spend my savings on a family holiday for 2 weeks and live my best life aha" ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T18:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Would*" ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T13:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "That is wonderful news about your labs coming back good! Now that you mention it, I do have some visual stuff but it is mainly floater type things. It's happened so much the past few years that I just forgot all about it. I'm on a medication for my lupus and rheumatoid arthritis that is known to cause vision loss, it's rare but I have to go to the eye doctor every couple of years to make sure I don't have any vision changes. It got so bad at one point that I quit taking it. But my rheumatologist was adamant that's not what caused it and encouraged me to stay on it. \r\nAs far as the numbness and tingling, the tingling comes and goes. I feel like there is a slight numbness in my right side but I'm not sure if it really is or if it's just my anxiety talking. \r\nAlso, I didn't have pre-eclampsia with my two babies, but with my first one, the day before I had her I just had a routine midwife visit and because my blood pressure was high they admitted me and induced me. I was induced with both of my girls. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T13:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "I hate that we all have googled this dumb symptom and NCS has caused us so much anxiety. When I first posted a couple of weeks ago, I had spiraled into the darkest place. What helped was that the tingling seemed to move, and then I knew logically that it couldn't be cancer. My background is in radiation therapy (treating cancer patients), and I am trying to cement my experience and schooling into my brain and know that cancer doesn't come and its symptoms don't move. Also, logically, if this symptom was cancer, I believe we would be having other major symptoms. We have to remember it is RARE for this to be an initial symptom, and that if it is already affecting our nerves in our faces, we would most likely also be experiencing other symptoms. I am saying all of this as a pep talk to myself, and you all too, because I am still struggling with not letting anxiety win. My symptoms weren't around last week, but this week they are back and on the opposite side of my chin. It is HARD to not go to the darkest place, and of course, the more you think about it I swear it makes it worse. I know that if I am busy doing something I will catch myself and notice I don't feel it, but as soon as I let my brain go there, it comes back. I just want it to go away completely. I did have lab work done, and it all came back normal, so I should feel better. I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with this anxiety in hopes that once I do, this will all go away. I am thinking of all of you and am thankful for this group only because I know we aren't alone. I wish we weren't going through this, but are thankful we are in this together. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-30T18:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "content": [ "Ugh! Today has been awful. Actually last night into today has been awful. It started last night when I kept having that stupid random tingling underneath my right bottom lip. It came and went until I finally went to bed because I couldn't take it anymore. So this morning, I woke up and went about my day, and didn't feel it for the first hour, but then while I'm just sitting and taking a break from laundry, my lip starts having just a weird feeling. Almost like you're just more aware of it being there. So I immediately get anxious, and then comes the tingling. Like you kind of have to concentrate to know if it's really there or not. So I thought I would put some lip gloss on just in case it's just feeling different because maybe it's dry (Grasping at straws here). It's definitely a slight tingle that is pretty much constant, just worse at some times than others. I can kinda feel it in my left lower lip but I'm not even sure at this point. I do have a lower tooth on the same side that the gum feels puffy around, but I don't know that it could be causing this. I'm just about to have a total melt-down. I'm so sick of this stuff. I would love to be a normal person who just worries about what I'm gonna eat for lunch, or what I'm going to wear. You know, silly, every day stuff . Instead, I'm here worrying that I'm eaten up with cancer because of this stupid lip and chin stuff!" ], "date": [ "2020-05-03T11:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Sorry to hear your having a bad day Mandy. Can I offer a piece of advice for when I have bad days? Try to find something to do physically and see if that makes it go away. I play my oldest son in basketball alot when my chin starts its tingling. It works for me most of the time because I stop thinking about it completely. It may or may not work for you, but it may be worth a try. Anyways, I hope you get rid of that awful feeling! " ], "date": [ "2020-05-04T03:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Thank you, Nate! Today has been so much better! we had drive-in service at church and then went for a drive and for ice cream. It took my mind off of everything for a little bit and it was such a relief. I also haven't hardly felt anything today as far as the lip and chin goes. \r\nIt was really weird last night. As I put my girls to bed, I started having tingling under the left side of my lip, and it usually happens on the right. It lasted for an hour before I finally fell asleep. \r\nI woke up this morning and thank the Lord it was gone! It's all so weird. Once covid is over I'm gonna ask for a referral to a neurologist." ], "date": [ "2020-05-04T22:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hey i don't have much to add except I had a full day yesterday without it.. With a hangover which I thought would obviously make it worse due to anxiety! I also don't feel it for the first hour of the day, it's like I've forgotten about it for a while then when I remember I become hyper aware of my chin. My bloods are tomorrow but my child has developed a slight cough ill need to find out if I can still come in as she did say if anyone had any covid like symptoms to please stay at home! Children cough randomly though and it isn't consistent. Ahh. \r\nI have been taking vit b with niacin, I am not sure if it's placebo but it has been reducing significantly since. I've also been massaging the area in hope of it being a trapped nerve. " ], "date": [ "2020-05-05T23:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ka76550-1310083" ], "content": [ "I'm ordering some Vitamin B complex. Do you think that would do the same thing?" ], "date": [ "2020-05-07T04:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi, sorry I've been quiet, I've been reading all your posts but with 2 small babies I've struggled with time to reply.\r\n\r\nI have read a few where you say your numb chin comes and goes. Is that a good thing? My numb chin has stayed constant for over 6 weeks, covers all my right side of my chin from my top lip to under my chin down to the top of my neck. Did you all have it constant before it started coming and going?\r\n\r\nI swear my boobs are sore from checking them!! I don't even know what normal is meant to feel like haha all I feel is lumps. There are 2 lumps which feel more sticky-out than the others and a little harder but I have no idea what I am meant to be looking for!\r\n\r\nI had my 2nd diabetes fasting blood test done yesterday. My cousin works for the practice so it was her who took my blood. She also has a son with type 1 diabetes and I asked her if diabetes causes a numb chin and she says she has never came across it. \r\n\r\nSo now I'm worried again.\r\n\r\nIs there a cancer that can't be detected by bloods?\r\n\r\nI still have minor changes detected from smear tests since 2015 which haven't been checked for 2 years because of my 2 pregnancies. Could it be this?\r\n\r\nThis is starting to worry me now because no one is getting referred for scans. Is there other less serious things this can be?\r\n\r\nI'm wishing you all well x" ], "date": [ "2020-05-09T12:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Hi Fiona! Yes, contrary to what you find on Google, there are other things this can be besides cancer. It could be from a cavity or a crack in your tooth, from lupus or some other mixed connective tissue disease, MS, fibromyalgia, or diabetes, to name some of them. \r\nI know all too well how worrisome this all is, but me, Kristen, and Nate have all had this for a while. I think they're both about to hit the 2 year mark if they already haven't, and I'm at a year and a half. I still worry almost every day about it. But the fact that your doctors are taking you seriously is great! \r\nPlease let us know what you find out. I'm praying for you! " ], "date": [ "2020-05-09T12:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleeboof-1307664" ], "content": [ "Hi Ashlee! I'm so glad your labs came back good. Also, that's good that your feeling is switching sides. Mine does that too but is still mostly on the right side. I sit and pray for it to move at times because every time it happens on my right side, I freak myself out. Mine isn't constant but some days it happens more often than not. It's so aggravating. I hate it for all of us. \r\nI'm praying you're feeling better!" ], "date": [ "2020-05-09T12:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Hey Fiona!!\r\n\r\nMine is like yours and has been constant it does not come and go and I have had it for the last 9 months! I have had so so many tests done from blood work to tumor marker tests to MRI's, mammograms and CT scans (I even convinced my doc to give me an MRI of my breasts after the mammogram came back clear). Everything has come back perfect but I am still a complete nervous wreck that some type of cancer that is causing this. Right now my fear is oral cancer : ( This whole situation has lead me down a really dark road. I have cried, felt major panic and even made tapes for my children so they wont forget me. Its been really really rough. the only solice I have is that it has not gotten worse and I don't have any other alarming symptoms which I think I would have had by now.\r\n\r\nI have learned that google is a really bad place and I do my best to stay away. I just want you to know you are not alone and I am here if you ever need to talk. \r\n\r\nAng" ], "date": [ "2020-05-13T02:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy and Ang, thanks for replying, sorry it took so long for an update. \r\nOn Friday my diabetes test came back negative, but I suspected that anyway. I still have the tingling numbness all over my right chin and lip, nothing has changed there unfortunately.\r\nOn Friday night I was having episodes where my right hand suddenly felt freezing cold and would go numb. it happened again on Saturday and on Sunday it happened to my whole right hand and arm up to my shoulder for the whole night.\r\nSo I phoned my GP this morning and they are referring me to the neurologist and want me to go for a face to face appointment so she can examine me properly. Hopefully this leads to all the necessary scans. It was the same DR who took it seriously last time which is great!!\r\nI also phoned my dentist who was really concerned and felt I needed an urgent X-ray so she phoned the dental hospital to ask for advice since contact with patients is not allowed.\r\nHospital phoned me back, and said the senior dental surgeon wanted to see me straight away for an examination and full X-ray so went straight up.\r\nThey gave me the all clear, it isn't anything dental that's causing it. They suspect neurological. So at least I can let the Dr know when I go for my appointment tomorrow morning. My fingers are crossed they get to the bottom of this. I hope you are all well, it's great to hear some of the dreaded numbness has been going away." ], "date": [ "2020-05-13T02:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Hey Fiona!!\r\n\r\nJust checking in on you. How did you appointment go?" ], "date": [ "2020-05-14T18:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "Hi Ang, thanks for thinking of me. All day Monday my right hand and arm continued to have intermittent numbness, then in the evening my right foot and leg went numb too. It only happened once for about 10 minutes.\r\nThen I woke the next morning and the right side of my chin was even more numb than before which was quite scary.\r\nThe Dr was great. I told her about everything plus the all clear from anything dental. She examined my motor function, I'm assuming for signs of a trapped nerve somewhere. Then we went over other symptoms I have experienced lately besides the numbness, we discussed the new seizures I believe I had been having at night, the little headaches I seem to have all the time etc. She also went over my blood tests and explained that although it's good everything came back negative, it doesn't really rule anything out because they are only surface tests, like possible indicators, and that more in-depth tests need to be done to actually rule anything out (I asked if my negative blood tests rule out all the cancer possibilities).\r\nShe said it appears to be a problem with my central nervous system and she made an urgent referral to neurology where she explained they will want to do more testing and scans (brilliant!!)\r\nShe advised I keep my phone close, charged and volume up because they will phone me shortly....... that was Tuesday, we are nearly into Friday. Got to love the NHS hahaha!\r\nI was apprehensive with it all before, but I feel quite scared now. She said the neurologists will want to test me for the 'bad stuff'. The numbness in my right arm and leg is happening more often now, I'm assuming that isn't good??\r\nThats everything that has happened over the last few days. I really hope I get that phone call tomorrow, the wait is awful.\r\nHow are you? Is your numbness still the same? Have you spoken to your dentist about your fears? Mine was great, she seemed to appreciate immediately how concerning the numb chin symptom can be and pushed for a full oral examination to rule all dental causes out." ], "date": [ "2020-05-18T21:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Does anyone know if the numbness spreading to the whole chin is good or bad? I can't find any information about it online.\r\nI phoned my GP yesterday to let them know I had been feeling dizzy and the numbness to my right arm and leg was almost constant now. This was before the numbness spread to the left side. Unfortunately I spoke to a different Dr who said I have been referred to neurology and should just keep a symptom diary for them. So I really don't want to phone them again." ], "date": [ "2020-05-16T16:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona71381-1309409" ], "content": [ "Hi Finona!\r\n\r\nI did go my my dentist in the beginning who did a full x-ray and didn't find anything which is awesome. It just scares me that I have no explanation for this weird sensation and I have had so many tests. From everything I have read there has to be a reason. (I wish I never read anything)\r\n\r\nI don't have any experience with the numbness spreading. Mine is always on the right side. I don't even know if i am using the right word when I say numb. I have complete feeling (pin prick, hot and cold etc) it just feels different then the left side. It is so weird and stressful!!!!!!!\r\n\r\nDid you get to go for any scans yet or see the neurologist? I hope you get some answers soon waiting is the worst!\r\n\r\nIf you need to talk i'm here!\r\n\r\nWishing you the best,\r\nAng" ], "date": [ "2020-05-18T21:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ang476-1273211" ], "content": [ "Hi guys! I too had a couple of dental exams, one of them being at an oral surgeon's office. He said there was nothing that would explain the numbness. The tingling for me comes and goes. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. For a few days I didn't have any tingling episodes and I had the best days not thinking about it. I still haven't had it too much in the last couple of days but I have what feels like burning/tingling in my gum on and off. I do have what looks to be a crack in one of my back teeth and also a puffy gum around that same tooth. I had pain in the right ear yesterday and today too. I'm not really sure if that could be causing it or not but I don't think it's just coincidence. Maybe it's wishful thinking? I don't know, but I do know that I hate it for anyone going through this. I wish I could turn back time and never went to google this stupid chin and lip!" ], "date": [ "2020-05-19T04:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi guys new here. Not sure I'm even posting correctly. So I had like a pins and needles feeling in my chin right side for a week and eventually did the worst imaginable and googled it. Oh course I am in complete melt down. My doctor is giving me blood tests for but deficiency etc and doesn't seem too concerned. Mine comes and goes throughout the day. My worry is I've had visual disturbances for a year put down to migraines after having high blood pressure during and after pregnancy. I want to thank everyone for their reassurance on this thread. I'm still Convinced something is wrong. I'm 28 with a 2 year old and I just cry when I look at her. Ms is in my family, strangly I would rather that diagnosis than all the other things I have read online. I hope you are all well and that we survive this not so funny chin! Mine has also moved a couple of times and it has made me hopeful haha what is going on??? I'm currently shaking with fear but if I don't laugh I will certainly cry again!! \r\n. " ], "date": [ "2020-05-23T13:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caz19600-1066907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caz19600-1066907" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your advice caz.  Perhaps it is better to just see whats up with the doctors..." ], "date": [ "2018-07-11T17:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caz19600-1066907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re welcome. I wish I could take the worry away for you but ultimately I think you&#39;ll feel better talking to your doctor. I went to the doctor for a rash/lump on my breast/side. Thought the worse case scenarios of course in my head but it turned out to be shingles. I find it&#39;s always better just to get it looked at. Good luck! </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-11T18:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Sorry you&#39;re suffering Nate. Health anxieties are the worse as the more you worry about them or read up on stuff, the worse the symptoms get. </p><p></p><p>As you&#39;ve already said, there&#39;s a number of things non terminal this could be, and anxiety probably could be the cause given it&#39;s ability to manifest and create symptoms, especially if it&#39;s gotten worse after you researched articles.</p><p></p><p>I would talk to a Dr to be honest, they can start least discuss this with you and either suggest what they think it could be or give you peace of mind in confirming it&#39;s anxiety related. </p><p></p><p>Let&#39;s look at your worse case scenario and please bare in mind this is all hyperthetical and not a prediction of things to come....you test positive for cancer. Either you find out, and progress with possibility of treatment and chance of surviving (not all cancer means instant death. If caught early, it can be treated), you find out and can live your remaining time without hospital treatment, at least enjoying what&#39;s left to the full or you worry yourself without a diagnosis to the extent that the life you&#39;re living is just a miserable torture up to the &quot;disease&quot; killing you.</p><p></p><p>Or the more realistic scenario... it&#39;s your anxiety or diabetes. You get this diagnosis from the Dr, know exactly then how to treat it and can continue on without all that stress and worry on your shoulders.</p><p></p><p>I really would recommend seeing your Dr and telling them all of this. Show them your post and fears. It will only lead you to an even darker place otherwise x</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-11T17:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>So update...1st of all, I&#39;m still here kicking, so that&#39;s a plus.&#160; I went to my doctor about my chin issues, he said its most likely due to diabetes...&#160; He didn&#39;t seem all that concerned.&#160; The chin still to this day bothers me... I just try to ignore it as best I can.&#160; In the meantime I&#39;m just living it day by day.&#160; I got on some Trazadone which helped with the depression thankfully.&#160; I went and saw my favorite sports team this summer(the most beautiful stadium in the world in my own personal opinion), went to see the ocean(which I hadn&#39;t been to since I was 12 years old or so, and went to the black hills did some rock climbing.&#160; All the things I really wanted to do in case things went south on me.&#160; Got myself into plenty of debt, but it was all so worth it.</p><p></p><p>Anyways, I have good days and bad days.&#160; I don&#39;t believe I have cancer though, because I&#39;m not in any huge pain.&#160; I do have TMJ though.&#160; I have a dentist making a mouth guard for me that I&#39;m picking up this week.&#160; He told me some of my pain is probably coming from that, but couldn&#39;t say all of it was.&#160; In any event, it&#39;s a place to start.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I guess mainly I just wanted to post this because almost everywhere I read on the internet about people having numb chin, then you never hear from them again... I wanted to make sure everyone knew I&#39;m still fighting this... Whatever it is I&#39;m fighting.&#160; Oh, and while most things I&#39;ve read on the internet points to doom for numb chin, I&#39;ve researched this thing, and to my surprise, basically its a 50/50 chance you&#39;ll survive it(there are many other causes to numb chin that isn&#39;t metastatic cancer), which gives me hope.&#160; And as long as I have that, I&#39;m good and will keep after life!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-09T12:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Hi Kristen,\r\n\r\nGlad to see another numb chin survivor! I'm still here kicking. I'm about the same amount of time in as you are with this problem (I first started noticing it about the beginning of April). Back story about mine... I literally found out about numb chin syndrome the evening of my 8 year old's school concert program. I was a complete mess while he doing his thing in the program. My whole family could tell something was wrong with me, but how could I tell them that I just read about Numb Chin Syndrome and could possibly die, especially when I felt fine!\r\n\r\nAnyways, things may or may not be getting real for me this week. I have a doctors appointment for a tiny lump on the side of my neck. So small that it's not even noticeable on neck, but definitely much larger than the other side of my neck. Its been there for a month or so now that I'm aware of. Hopefully its nothing, but it (or something else I'm not aware of) is causing a small amount of pain when I turn my head. Anyways, hopefully its no big deal. I still feel fine other than that, although the numbness is still there.\r\n\r\nWell, for now, take care, and I will too, and hopefully someone else out there looking for a survivor on the internet will find this thread and see that it isn't complete doom if you have a numb chin." ], "date": [ "2018-11-26T18:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Nate,\r\nI'm a fellow one numb spot on the chin sufferer/survivor! :)\r\nI noticed it first in late April or early May, and figured it would be a lecture at the doctor for having my worst A1C ever leading to some kind of neuropathy. \r\nBut my doc scared me beyond belief with talk about cancer and MS.\r\nI went home and googled and spiraled mentally big time.\r\nI went back to the doc, went for an MRI and a mammogram which found nothing, to the neurologist, the dentist, and an oral and maxiofacial surgeon. Nobody could explain it.\r\nI panicked so hard about leaving my son motherless. I made photo books, we took vacations, and spent like there was no tomorrow because I was terrified there really was no tomorrow.\r\nBut here I am, almost 7 months later, and the spot has slightly shrunk I think, and the sensation comes and goes now, with less intensity if that makes sense. I still struggle with anxiety, and have started seeing a therapist to help me with the fear. \r\n\r\nHere's to many more tomorrows with our tricky chins! " ], "date": [ "2018-11-26T11:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "positive vibes that it's nothing to worry about!\r\nI think I'm hyper aware now of every little thing. I went to the doc in August for a shoulder lump, and she said it felt like a cyst, nothing to worry over, and to try to relax - easier said than done!\r\nI hope it's the same for you!" ], "date": [ "2018-11-26T21:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Oh my gosh! I too, suffer with an on and off numb chin. It's on my right side and after a little zap feeling kept happening under my bottom lip, I stupidly googled. (always my first mistake that makes me spiral out of control with any health issue)! I had a breast cancer scare a little over a year ago and just recently had convinced myself I don't have it, and then the chin thing started. Anyway, when I googled, it said it was due to metastatic breast cancer and that's when I learned about NCS! I was so scared that the next day I went to urgent care and they sent me to the ER to rule out a stroke. I had a CT of my head which came back clear (it just showed the brain, I was told). The ER doctor told me to see my family doctor the next day and she sent me for an MRI of my brain to rule out MS. That too came back clear but she is sending me to a neuro doc to get to the bottom of all of this. I've lost sleep, cried, and feel like I'm going crazy because I just keep dwelling on it! Hoping you all get resolve soon. I wouldn't wish this worry on my worst enemy! " ], "date": [ "2018-12-30T01:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Hi Kristen! What was your MRI of? Mine was of the head. I thought that a head CT would show the whole head and face but when I asked the tech she said it was just of the brain. \r\n\r\nI thought having the CT and MRI would clear things up and alleviate my worries, but neither scan showed the mandible/jaw so I can't rule out cancer in my head. The only consolation I can give myself is the fact that I don't have complete numbness, just a spot about the size of a dime maybe. " ], "date": [ "2018-12-30T04:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "The MRI was of my brain and brain stem, and she said they followed the trigeminal nerve all the way to the mental branch that ends in the chin and found nothing.\r\n\r\nThe MRI was labeled brain and brain stem on the order, but she said they also focused on the nerve branch per her instructions.\r\n\r\nIf it gives you any consolation, the neurologist said that a virus could have attacked the nerve, and it would never show up on any of those scans. After their initial freak out, all the docs I have seen have said at this point, there's no reason to worry. always easier said than done, but I try to focus on that!" ], "date": [ "2018-12-30T07:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "That's good. It sounds like you have a great doctor who is very thorough. The fact that they focused on the mental nerve is very reassuring that it is nothing sinister.\r\n\r\nI know my MRI was of the brain because they were checking for MS lesions so I don't know that they would have even looked for anything else. I just can't wait to see a neurologist to ask for additional tests. I'm so tired of worrying about it. I feel like I can't even enjoy my life anymore. " ], "date": [ "2018-12-30T14:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Hi Kristen, Things are about the same for me. I'm going into my 10th month since I first noticed my numb spot. Funny how I count the months like its some sort of achievement. :) \r\n\r\nI went to the doctor about the lump on my neck, she didn't seem to concerned about it though, she said it could be any number of things unrelated to cancer. She put me on antibiotics for a week, and said to just keep an eye on it and try not to worry about it to much unless it gets worse. And while it hasn't gotten worse, its still definitely there. I have another appointment on the 9th with my main GP doctor (who wasn't available the first time I went in), so I want to see what he thinks about it. \r\n\r\nOn another note, when I first read about NCS, I thought my time was severally limited. I thought I would never be able to see my son play basketball this fall, or celebrate another holiday season. I have appreciated this season more than anyone could ever realize. I hope you have done the same. :) Happy New Years! We've made it this far!!!" ], "date": [ "2018-12-31T16:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "So glad to hear that Nate! And yes, I totally relate to experiencing the joy of the season, and all the experiences I was so terrified to miss.\r\n\r\nI can't remember if I mentioned it before, but I started seeing a therapist to help me with the anxiety and depression the fear was causing, and it's been a huge help.\r\n\r\nMandy, I'm not sure how far into this journey you are, but I definitely understand that feeling of not being able to enjoy life for all the worry and fear. It took me months and lots of reassurances to get past that, and the help of the therapist. And there are moments when I slip back into despair, but it's easier to climb out of them now. \r\n\r\nHere's to 2019! May our chins go back to normal, and our fears subside! I feel an affinity for you guys due to our shared experience, and truly wish the best for you in the coming year. :)" ], "date": [ "2018-12-31T19:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristen69526-1220134" ], "content": [ "Happy New Year to you all!! \r\n\r\nMy chin goes from feeling okay for almost a whole day and then it goes back to tingling and feeling like i can't feel normal sensations. It's definitely nerve racking. I'm actually going ti counseling for my anxiety so I'm hoping and praying that helps me a little. I worry that my anxiety could magnify what I'm feeling. \r\n\r\nI too, hope that out chins feel normal real\r\nsoon. I hate that you both have this but it's a relief to know I'm not the only one who suffers with it. " ], "date": [ "2019-01-05T06:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Mandy! I'm sorry to hear you're going through this worry, too.\r\n\r\nThe neuro couldn't explain it for me, since the MRI showed nothing remarkable, thankfully. I hope yours is similarly unremarkable, though I think we all understand the quest for answers.\r\n\r\nI went to a sports med doc this week for an unrelated issue, and he thought it might me a cervical spine issue, and not the trigeminal/mental nerve of the face. Like arthritis or someother reason for nerve impingement. Fingers crossed it proves to be as simple as that! He said tension headaches could manifest from that area too, and I get those all the time.\r\n\r\nNate, how are you doing? what came of the lump in the neck? I have been thinkinh positive thoughts for you!\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T12:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/smitchell-1345269" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/smitchell-1345269" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "hey everyone i got my blood test back everything came back as normal except high cholesterol. Now i need to wait for my doctor appointment on tuesday i still feel the numb chin but it seems less frequent i am hoping its all in my head " ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hball-1367182" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/smitchell-1345269" ], "content": [ "Hey man,\r\n\r\nI am in the same boat and I am sorry you are stressing out. You just have to remember that there is only the here and now. Some of the worst things that have happened to me never actually happened. Don't get lost in your head. Let the doctors do their thing and be patient. I also poke my lips and experience the tingling feeling...kinda like how your lips feel after eating hot wings. I'm 27 and freaking out as well but my own advice helps me calm down. Be strong. Any updates on any of your lab results?\r\n\r\nThanks for sharing your story." ], "date": [ "2021-04-08T06:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/smitchell-1345269" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hball-1367182" ], "content": [ "Hey ya i agree with you. we should not be goggling anything it always comes up as a bad result. For me i still feel it sometimes it could be for only a few minutes a day i there as has been days i didnt feel it all day. I never had my mri but I did get an ultra sound on my neck for an enlarged lymph node he found that came back fine. i figured i am coming up to 5 months at this point if it was serious i would expect other symptoms which i dont have so at this point it might disappear one day or something i might just need to get used to.\r\n\r\nthanks for reply be strong out mind can do crazy stuff" ], "date": [ "2021-04-12T23:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i am so glad i found this forum i have gone crazy for the last 2 weeks. i should have never googled numb chin syndrome. Now i have in my head i have advanced stage 4 cancer at 38 years old and might not see my kids grow up.\r\nIt all started around a month ago i started getting throbbing headaches that come and go behind the left eye and temple area. i also had pressure feeling on my left side near the cheeks. This all started when i stopped the keto diet and started taking some multivitamins. But i don't know why but my mind went to brain cancer. I stopped the multivitamins and headache started to get better probably has nothing to do with it but it helped. But at the same time my chin started to feel numb on and off and not in one location sometimes the left side of chin sometimes the right and my bottom lip would feel a bit like a burning feeling. So i googled numb chin and the world ended. The more i think about it i know i probably dont have it because its not really a numbness maybe more of a tingle that comes and goes. When i feel it i even tried to poke myself to see if its numb and it isnt. I called my family doctor and had a phone consultation he told me he doesnt think its numb chin syndrom but he sent me for a complete blood test which i had today and gave me an appointment in 2 weeks. I am losing my mind having to wait that long. Anyways glad i found this post and thanks for letting me vent" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T20:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura66857-1322843" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura66857-1322843" ], "content": [ "I'm glad to hear it cleared up!!! Its always good to hear numb chin going away. Hope you don't have any problems with it in the future, but we are always here if you do. :)" ], "date": [ "2021-04-08T06:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/smitchell-1345269" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura66857-1322843" ], "content": [ "thanks for the update i am new to this experience. i am just curious did chin symtoms seem to get more and more intermittent.\r\n\r\ni visited my doctor yesterday but after a complete check he thinks i should wait another month before getting an mri and ct scan. He believe its my anxiety doing it because its not numb at all just tingling, very good blood work and pressure and since its very intermittent. While its still happening every day i could go hours without feeling a tingle. \r\n\r\nSo just curious did you start feeling it less and less or just woke up one day and it was gone\r\n\r\nthanks " ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T01:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i wanted to jump back on here and give an update. My numb chin resolved on its own after about two months. i truly think it had something to do with the new antidepressant i was taking. It started shortly after i began taking it and that was the only thing that had changed. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-08T06:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rigzi-1347212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rigzi-1347212" ], "content": [ "Hi Rigzi! \r\n\r\nWelcome to the forum. First thing i'm going to ask you to do is relax. Anxiety can play tricks on you. Like I tell everyone that comes on here, Dr. Google does not know you, and you would be well advised not to go to it for any medical advise. My personal opinion after Reading your post would be to give it a few days and see if it goes away and if not then go see your general practice doctor, as they will know if any further tests would be needed. Feel free to stop by anytime!\r\n\r\nTake care and hope to see you around here!\r\n\r\nNathan" ], "date": [ "2020-12-18T23:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rigzi-1347212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for replying, I came here many times, saw that no one is responding to my message, that was sad. Yeah I am actually dealing with a lot of stress, it all happened 2 weeks ago. I am working in Call Center from 1PM-9PM home office, I didnt even sit on a chair, i sat on idk how its called in english... but anyway, yeah it's lower than a chair, but the PC was still too low, and I am a bit tall, and had the worst posture for more than 1 month. After that, my neck started hurting, and got some headaches, I was always anxious, and started searching in Google, the first thing was a tumor, and started being more anxious than before, I was dealing with headache for more than 1 week. After that, I started feeling a little dizzy, was so scared, I just thought it might be something serious, and didnt sleep well at night, my dizziness is still here, its a really light dizziness i dont even notice it, nothing else, sometimes nausea, but that must be because of over-stressing. And yeah yesterday that s*** happened, and thought why not searching about it, guess what... got even more anxious, I still can feel a little bit of numbness (not really much), my teeth gum burns a little (maybe bcz I've put some sea salt with warm water on my mouth and held it for 5min🤦🏻‍♂️). I can feel my chin it just doesnt feel the same as it did before. Thats why im scared a lot. I asked a lot of friends they said it is ok if this happens, you just injured the teeth gum with the tooth brush. I really hope so. Again thank you soooo much for replying, it just gave me strength, I will be praying for all of us every single day/night" ], "date": [ "2020-12-20T12:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone, I hope you all are just doing fine, no health problems and stuff... I just wanted to share my story. My name is Rigzi, i am 18 years old, I don't know what I have, I just know that I am feeling a numbness in my chin, not a rough one, a small one near me teeth. How this happened, I brushed my teeth an hour ago, hard, i didnt brush my teeth for I guess 1 week (yeah I know, please don't judge), after that, I drank a tea, after that I ate some sour fruit, like pommegranates and mandarins, and apples (multivitamin fruits), after that, I guess 30 min or less passed, and I felt this numbness, a really small one. after that i checked in internet (like we all do), and the main thing that could cause it was cancer, I got anxious, a lot, I am dealing with anxiety for a long time, so i got stressed a lot, started crying, 3 hours passed and my numbness is still there, I think its lowered a bit, but i dont know, so, I just thought I would ask, what do you all think? I don't know how am I gonna sleep tonight, i am filled with anxiety. I am praying for all of you and everyone that is dealing with this, please, pray for me too!🍀" ], "date": [ "2020-12-20T12:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna49950-1348062" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna49950-1348062" ], "content": [ "Hi Jenna,\r\n\r\nSorry I'm just now seeing hour post, but welcome to the forum. Sounds like your on the right track by getting in your touch with your doctor. Hope everything turns out ok. Take care and feel free to stop in anytime. :)\r\n\r\nNathan" ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T16:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna49950-1348062" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "hi Nathan, thank you i keep re reading everything on here, everything on the internet is so scary it has me terrified :( " ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T20:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna49950-1348062" ], "content": [ "It's understandable to be scared. But just remember Dr Google does not know your own case. Your own physician should be able to let you know if you got a problem or not. Try not to drive yourself nuts with it in the meantime. I know from experience that's easier said than done, but it is for the best. Anxiety about it will only make it worse. Be strong. Live in the moment. :)" ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T20:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenna49950-1348062" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nate73255-1194676" ], "content": [ "thank you i should be getting a phone call back tomorrow hopefully, the feeling wasnt there all day then suddenly appeared again im hoping that is a good sign that it comes and goes. :)" ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T21:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi all how is everyone? i started having a strange feeling in my chin today and of course i stupidly dr googled it and scared myself now, i have filled out a online form to get a call from he dr." ], "date": [ "2020-12-29T18:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-chin-syndrome-667669?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" } ]
Numb Chin Syndrome
<p>So I have a small spot on the tip of my chin that is numb, like feeling like how it would feel if a dentist gave you anesthesia.&#160; Just numb.&#160; I thought maybe a shaved to close and cut it making it numb.&#160; Then after taking it for maybe a month or so, I decided to see what could be done about it.&#160; I instead found out about Numb Chin Syndrome.&#160; Everything I read is this is fatal within months due to cancer.&#160; Although I have read it can also be cause by diabetes neuropathy (I&#39;m a type 1 diabetic for about 35 years now, so I&#39;m praying to god that&#39;s what causing it, although I don&#39;t really have much other neuropathy in my body, so that kinda seems like a stretch), and I&#39;ve also read anxiety can cause it (And of course I&#39;ve had anxiety most of my life).&#160; Anyways, to the point, suddenly I&#39;m starting to get TMJ symptoms, earaches when sleeping, dull headaches that last a few seconds and then go away... Should I go to the doctor and see about getting an MRI scan, knowing if it comes back positive for cancer of any kind, I&#39;m probably going to die soon and have most of my remaining time spent in a hospital instead of out in the world living, as well as leaving behind my wife (who does think this all in my head) and 10 &amp; 8 year old kids, which the thought of is pushing me towards depression.&#160; I&#39;m at a complete loss for what to do here and scared and feel so lonely.&#160; Thank you in advance for anyone who has any advice...&#160;</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/audrey32002-1226531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "A lot of times when you have sensations like this it is nerve damage or a compressed nerve. It could be due to anxiety but it could also be something neurological like ms. I've had these issues for 4 years now and I now realize that a lot of it is neurological things that are going on in my body. The hot and the cold sensations are all neurological. Also, If you have hot sensations in your left chest that COULD have something to do with your heart. It is not something to ignore. I have had issues with the hot sensation in my chest and come to find out they were giving me to much heart medicine and it was causing my heart to beat too slowly. Also, I have had bilateral pulmonary embolisms and that can cause heat sensations because of reduced blood flow. I have been to the place where I was hypersensitive to my body and that can make things worse, so I would just let your doctor know you are concerned and that you would like to get these things looked at to give you piece of mind. I would write down your symptoms, and ask if they would look into it. I have dysautonomia, POTS, autoimmune disorder, and other health issues. So, getting checked out wouldn't be a bad thing. " ], "date": [ "2019-01-13T05:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katie111888-843122" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i get this on both sides of my face. sometimes tho mine feel warm to touch. my ears also burn and my right shoulder, top of arm and back! i also get a feeling on my back like tiny needles are pricking me really fast all over...thats usually only if im up and about doing stuff. " ], "date": [ "2019-01-13T10:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/doug09797-1235996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes on top of right kidney area.\r\nFeels like i have a heating pad on it.\r\nLasts 10 seconds or so 4-5 times a day.\r\nJust started a couple weeks ago.\r\nWill ask a neuro guy first" ], "date": [ "2019-03-20T22:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy56019-1287419" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ive had this sensation for years, until recently alway in my centre of my shoulder blades \r\nIt never overly concerned me as there was no pain associated with it Recently the warm area has spread to my leg area.Have been looking for answers as well , just because it seems odd \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-01-08T02:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thewoodenstick-1328637" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello! Don't worry, as someone that also suffers from anxiety I wanted to tell you that it also happens to me sometimes and it's nothing to be worried about. I think it's because you are more sensitive to the sensations in your body when you have anxiety.\r\nAnxiety can make you experience a lot of things that vary from person to person.\r\nIf you have other symptoms like shortness of breath, pains in the chest (it can happen even when not having a panic attack), pain in the back and arms, chills and cold hands, high blood pressure, fatigue or feeling tired it might be because of anxiety. \r\nI though I would tell you just in case you were feeling anxious for any of these too. If you feel any of these symptoms you should check the doctor anyway but if they tell you not to worry then try not to. \r\nMaybe you should try drinking chamomile or some other calming drink made of herbs (not normal tea bc it has a substance that is like caffeine that might worsen the situation). You can also meditating, there are some tutorials online and I found out that music also helps me when I'm feeling anxious so maybe you can try it too to see if it can make you feel a little better. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-08-15T20:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raunak08-1328415" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes I have felt those warm sensations too but in my case it is transfer of heat sensation through my nerves For Ex- If I touch hot water from hand I sometimes feel hot in certain part of leg too. I feel it is just interconnection of neurons." ], "date": [ "2021-04-11T12:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rohan16902-1386242" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also get this hot or warm spots on random spots on different parts of body, very recent was few minutes back.\r\nIn my case I get hot as well as wet or cool sensation. I get these sensations when I think of it or expect it. I often get those Hot sensations when I touch something hot from my hand and consciously I am expecting to get the hot sensation.\r\nResearchers are searching on this phenomenon of thermal sensations on body, neurological, psychological physiological reasons a recent research paper is published on this topic,if you want u can search for Neurophysiology of Skin Thermal Sensations." ], "date": [ "2021-07-23T13:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/calee-1475191" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello. Its been a few weeks since I noticed the random hot spots. I get them on every part of my body but mostly on my hands and arms. I have Degenitive Spinal Stenosis and its getting worse. I'm wondering if possible thats related to that?? I have an upcoming Doctor appointment.....thats one my questions I have for her. " ], "date": [ "2023-10-18T17:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george31293-1120949" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cinderhellaaa-1121099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george31293-1120949" ], "content": [ "Same!!" ], "date": [ "2017-11-10T03:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am getting it on inside of right thigh. Feels like spilled some hit liquid then gone in few seconds. Scary. Also have legs being stiff and achy. " ], "date": [ "2017-11-09T16:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cinderhellaaa-1121099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cinderhellaaa-1121099" ], "content": [ "Same here.... massage the area. This would helps and look up some accupressure points for anxiety . " ], "date": [ "2017-11-10T10:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Just read through this whole thread, holy s**t, it’s happening to me too. Where you were having the sensations! Side of knee, inner shin. It’s weird spots of warm that feel like someone pressed a warm mug of something against you. It’s not externally warm though when touched, just internally. Anyone have this happen too?? Im so freaked out now..." ], "date": [ "2017-11-10T03:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma09927-1123474" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Assuming you’re reading this you’re probably worried about your health and anxiety. I’ve had incredibly bad anxiety lately and panic attacks, I’ve gotten cold spots, warm spots and sometimes my legs will fall asleep. The first thing you need to do is not panic an realize there’s a reason for what’s happening, the worst thing you can do is panic. The main reason this is happening is because you’re anxious or possibly dehydrated. Don’t panic, drink some water and know that you’re gonna be fine because I’ve stressed about this for a long time &#160;and I’ve found the best thing to do is distract yourself, watch a YouTube video, call a friend, make some food [b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b] If it really bothers you all too much schedule an app with your doctor, but I can guarantee nothing bad is happening</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-18T18:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I feel warm sensations on my body, the only thing that bothers me is when I feel that my throat is closing on me ;(" ], "date": [ "2017-11-20T18:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kdot1st-1130228" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I have a spot on the back of my hand in the soft area between thumb &amp; forefinger that occasionally feels like someone holding a lit cigarette to my skin. Happens 2 or 3 times a week.</p><p>Also a spot, about the size of a lemon, on the skin in the crease where leg turns into torso. That one feels like I have my cell phone charging in my pocket.</p><p>I have no anxiety when this happens. I do have obstructive sleep apnea. I went through early menopause 15 years ago. Also, overweight &amp; high blood pressure. I haven&#39;t mentioned it to my doctor. I don&#39;t want to bother her in case it&#39;s nothing. It&#39;s a bit annoying but only last about 30 seconds each time. Just thought I&#39;d check here to see if anybody knew the reason. Looks like it&#39;s still an annoying mystery.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-12T10:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine20455-1126959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laney24601-1140586" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine20455-1126959" ], "content": [ "Seeing this whole thread was created two years ago but some of y’all are still commenting and wondering I thought I would share my views... I have had anxiety since I was 11(more like birth but that’s when I realized what was happening to my body) and now I am 24. I get these hot sensations sometimes and this is what I try to tell myself of what it really could be.... if it’s hot spots out of no where then it could be something else but if you get them when your even the slightest anxious or thinking about worrisome things or just feeling overall uncomfortable then it very well could be just the anxiety itself... our body temperatures are set to how our bodies are. Mine is actually lower than most around 97.4.. now when we get anxious or have panic attacks our levels rise our cortisol and other hormones are being released in order to defend whatever is about to attack. We heat up to protect. It feels almost like a fever but it’s not. At least this is what I feel and actually just felt hence how I found this thread.. my back was getting really warm especially against my blanket yet I had the fan on me and my window slightly open(tis winter) so I was getting cold and the warmth and those mixing being different levels of temperature makes for the body to feel very odd... distract that anxiety !!!!! I’m here to fight it with you all! " ], "date": [ "2018-01-16T09:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have had this heat sensation on my thighs, stomach&#160; and sometimes back. Doctors knows nothing. It happens mostly in the evening. I have gotten to the point that I pay it no attention. I&#160; also suffer from anxiety for the past 5 or 6 years.&#160;<em>&#160;had surgery on rotator cuff in september and did not have any for three months. Now it is back. Guess I was too busy concentrating on recovery.</em></p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-16T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/man95923-1147078" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone am a guy age 21 of aga am having this same feeling sometimes on my face sometimes chest sometimes sometimes thigh at first it started as a flash sensation but now it just feel it&#39;s dere but a little distraction sometimes help reduce effects.. Am not too good at typing in English but I will try and explain in details my situation and see if anyone feels same way. It all started when I had gonorrhea started went first for an hiv test at first because I was scared but was tested negative I treated my gonorrhea and chlamydia after a week or two I notice some swollen on my jaw was painful it later move down to my throat position was scared maybe my prostate infection was still there so I went back for a test I did VDRL, URINALYSIS, URETHRA SWAB and URINE all test was negative expect so I bought some pain relief drugs after sometime I had dry mouth I was </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-04T14:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/man95923-1147078" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone am a guy age 21 of aga am having this same feeling sometimes on my face sometimes chest sometimes sometimes thigh at first it started as a flash sensation but now it just feel it&#39;s dere but a little distraction sometimes help reduce effects.. Am not too good at typing in English but I will try and explain in details my situation and see if anyone feels same way. It all started when I had gonorrhea started went first for an hiv test at first because I was scared but was tested negative I treated my gonorrhea and chlamydia after a week or two I notice some swollen on my jaw was painful it later move down to my throat position was scared maybe my prostate infection was still there so I went back for a test I did VDRL, URINALYSIS, URETHRA SWAB and URINE all test was negative expect the URETHRA SWAB test which proves moderate growth of S AUREUS was given CIPROFLOXIN as medication for 7days morning and evening hours bt was just 10 in a pack Was not enough for 7days so I bought another 10 I bought some pain relief drugs for the swollen jaw after sometime I had dry mouth I was uncomfortable but it lasted for few days was still on my infection drug when I notice some light green-yellowish sperm mind u I didn&#39;t have unprotected sex after my gonorrhea infection I finished my medication and few days later I stop seeing the green stuff my sperm is okay but feel some little pain sometimes in my testicle and later I can feel some flash beat under my shoulder blade like a fast plus lasted for just a sec comes nd goes feel I specifically when am alone and now this hot flash sensation and I see some two to three red dot just on my arms only it clears after some days and another a raise from different spot am really really scared anyone here experience these because seriously it&#39;s just freaking me out and I need some medical advice sorry for the long story just wanted to make everything clear THANKS. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-04T14:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maryhardy2006-1149807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m having exact same issue! Wow, that&#39;s wild. Put my symptoms in Google box and this link came up.</p><p>Unless I missed it, no one has mentioned diabetes? With my family history, that&#39;s a symptom. But considering my feet and hands aren&#39;t doing this, just the body parts you mentioned, I&#39;m baffled. I&#39;d be more apt to get my blood sugar levels checked, can&#39;t hurt!</p><p>*Hope this helps*..</p><p>(I&#39;m thinking he&#39;s going his answer, after 2yrs, but maybe someone can help me out)? TIA.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-12T00:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jon44729-1155473" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jon44729-1155473" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Heat, not heart. Geez" ], "date": [ "2018-02-28T02:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/terrance101-1274022" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jon44729-1155473" ], "content": [ "yea I think it anxiety it's been a year for me anxiety came when I quit smoking cigarettes " ], "date": [ "2019-10-23T03:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;d like to thank everyone for sharing. I thought for sure my body is riddled with cancer or something. I have been having these heart sensations on and off for years and thought it was causing anxiety. Now I see it&#39;s the other way around.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-28T02:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leeann1019-1071539" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leeann1019-1071539" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for your heads up leeann1019. Hopefully it won&#39;t be heart related. </p><p></p><p>My doctor still feels that it is </p><p>nothing, and I&#39;m with you in the factthat the mind plays awful games </p><p>with your sensability! I firmly believe that things are happening for a reason, and I certainly don&#39;t want to get further down the track of my life to find out that something I&#39;ve had for years could have been cured if the right Doctor was approached about it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-01T02:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leeann1019-1071539" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "content": [ "<p>I completely agree. I feel the same. Recently after having my 2nd son a month ago I randomly had high blood pressure</p><p> Never before in my life have I had it. So i panicked and convinced myself I was going to have a stroke or heart attack. The more I panicked the higher my blood pressure went until I focused on something else. Unfortunately for me that somethibg else was my heart rate. Now everytime I stand up I know it&#39;s going to be high and it is.. 110-130... I actually called an ambulance today for the first time ever during a panic attack because I convinced myself it wasn&#39;t a panic attack. Anxiety is honestly awful. Distraction helps if you&#39;re able to distract yourself.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-01T02:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leeann1019-1071539" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Update: I went to the cardiologist. He did another ekg which was normal . He believes its anxiety related. Also, when I finally calmed down about my heart rate it came down and so the warm spots I feel are gone. I think if you stop focusing on it, it&#39;ll go away. Good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-03T17:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leeann1019-1071539" ], "content": [ "<p>Your situation sounds so much like mine.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I have been on blood pressure meds now for the past 8 years. I never have had blood pressure issues up until then. I had put it down to my worries over my parents failing health. As of February this year, they both have past, but I still feel myself worrying over other things.</p><p></p><p>Now, I&#39;m not the best person to talk about fitness and eating healthy, my weight has risen an extra 20kg, I don&#39;t exercise as much as I used to and I definitely don&#39;t drink as much water a day that I should, and on top of these facts I now suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Speaking with the sleep specialist, I asked if carrying the extra weight is causing my breathing issues, and he said that he had a lot of patients who suffer from OSA that were more underweight &#160;and painfully thin than being overweight. </p><p></p><p>I feel I get puffed a lot more doing just normal everyday things, like standing at the sink drying dishes! Other times I could be sitting on the lounge thinking about loosing weight, drinking more water, etc, and then having the feeling that I can&#39;t get a full breath of air into my lungs!!</p><p></p><p>But I feel that it must be a type of anxiety that I&#39;ve been feeling to cause this to happen. My Dr has just put me on Ventolin and Flixitide as he felt I was developing Adult Asthma. I told him that I&#39;m not convinced of that at all considering that none of my family have suffered from Asthma (my wife does, so I know all about the issues they have to deal with), yet after doing a Spirometry test with the nurse, taking a couple of puffs of Ventolin and then doing the test again, the result was a 52% increase in lung capacity!! I&#39;m just wondering now if it&#39;s the anxiety causing my lungs and muscles around them to clamp up that&#39;s causing the shortness of breath, and then my mind calming me down through the thought of taking something for it and everything unclamping. And the thought of having to take these puffer meds doesn&#39;t make me feel any easier either!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-03T20:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leeann1019-1071539" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi did you find out what it was? &#160;I&#39;m feeling heat sevsation in my back and my arms, and sometimes in my neck. It&#39;s scaring me. And the sensation is annoying .</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-06T22:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leeann1019-1071539" ], "content": [ "Hi what did your doctor said about it?" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T21:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "content": [ "Hi did you feel those heat sensations in different parts of your body? What did the doctor say about it?" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T21:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leeann1019-1071539" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "content": [ "<p>My doctor wasn&#39;t sure but I think it has to do with stress. The muscles in my back where I kept getting the warm sensation were really tight so I got a massage and eventually stopped focusing on it and it went away. It happens when I&#39;m stressed so I think it has to do with muscles and stress.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-13T03:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/terrance101-1274022" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "content": [ "it's the anxiety I have the same problems wow " ], "date": [ "2019-10-23T04:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello, I&#39;ve been experiencing the same thing. It&#39;s been happening for about a month now. I have major anxiety issues especially lately. My warm sensation is usually in my upper middle back, neck or under my ribs on the front. I mentioned it to my doctor but she didn&#39;t seem too concerned. It comes and goes but it&#39;s everyday that I feel it. Anxiety has it&#39;s way of making the smallest things feel like the worst things possible. I&#39;ve been dealing with anxiety issues for over 10 years. I go to a cardiologist Wednesday so I&#39;ll let you know if it&#39;s heart related (which I doubt).</p><p>Hope this helps!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-01T02:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley025-1063627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I do too mine are called hot flashes. Anxiety causes them." ], "date": [ "2017-08-04T11:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi did you find out what are those heat sensation?" ], "date": [ "2017-10-06T22:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carla_69143-1068307" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carla_69143-1068307" ], "content": [ "Did you go to the doctor and what he has to say? I experienced those hot sensation.... my doctor said it’s all the nerves. Any meds? " ], "date": [ "2017-10-12T12:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I get the heat under my skin like I spilled something worm but last for a few min the gone .... strange.... One thing it does is function as sort of a radiator for the body, in the sense that blood vessels in the skin&#39;s surface become enlarged to release heat when the core of the body gets too warm. This engorgement of the blood vessels in the skin can cause flushing (a red appearance) and may make the skin feel hot.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-12T03:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tbeisy-1092776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tbeisy-1092776" ], "content": [ "Did you go to the doctor about this? What did the doctor say? " ], "date": [ "2017-10-12T12:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I get this all the time!" ], "date": [ "2017-10-12T04:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "content": [ "Yes that is exactly it. But it's not the whole arm or leg it's just spots or patches on them in different places different times, is that how yours is? I don't know what it is and nobody knows what I'm talking about. My dr hasn't heard of it and it really is scaring me:(" ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T23:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "Yup only in spot no all.over, and if you goggle it , anxiety will come up trust me I've done it" ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T23:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "content": [ "I made the mistake of googling it and sent myself in a full blown panic attack. It came uo with ms and couldn't even breath convinced I had it. I hate this so much when will it end:(" ], "date": [ "2016-02-25T00:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "I know I feel the same when will it end !! Hopefully one day very soon for us all !! " ], "date": [ "2016-02-25T00:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jack03026-1413173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "content": [ "wow exact same do you smoke? i can only think its related " ], "date": [ "2022-01-16T10:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes I get the warm sensation in my head , my arms and legs too but if you touch the area its not warn it's like under the skin very weird feeling " ], "date": [ "2021-02-10T17:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-995278" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nowunip-1041898" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-995278" ], "content": [ "<p>Thought I&#39;d reply to yours since no one has after 5 months, but I get hot spots too and have had them on and off for years and have been fine.&#160; These past few weeks I&#39;ve been getting them more frequently and one spot in particular on the outside&#160;right calf, I get these hot spots the most, and I wonder if it&#39;s because I tend to sit cross-legged and that spot is frequently on the other knee.&#160; Do you guys have similar or unusual usage of the spot where you get the hot feeling?</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T11:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, I see that this post was 9 months ago, I was curious as to how these symptoms are now for you as I&#39;m also experiencing something similar! </p>" ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T11:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sandy06043-1013791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pekesmom-1034245" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sandy06043-1013791" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had one small spot on my upper right back that has felt very hot to slightly warm on and off for several years. I never thought much of it, but googling and now reading these postings, I&#39;m going to ask my doctor about it. I&#39;ve always figured it was a nerve, but maybe it&#39;s a skin issue?&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-20T04:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nowunip-1041898" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pekesmom-1034245" ], "content": [ "<p>Any news?&#160;&#160;</p><p>Also I&#39;ll repeat what I mentioned in another post:&#160; I get hot spots too and have had them on and off for years and have been fine so far.&#160; These past few weeks I&#39;ve been getting them more frequently and one spot in particular on the outside&#160;right calf, I get these hot spots the most, and I wonder if it&#39;s because I tend to sit cross-legged and that spot is frequently on the other knee.&#160; Do you guys have similar or unusual usage of the spot where you get the hot feeling?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-13T17:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pekesmom-1034245" ], "content": [ "Hi what did your doctor say about it?" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T21:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leospo710-1195117" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pekesmom-1034245" ], "content": [ "<p>You ever find out what it could be? This warm feeling started in my chest about one year ago and now I&#39;m noticing this warm sensation in my right foot, left arm (sometimes both) at the same time. And once in my head. It&#39;s also possible that it could be two completely different symptoms but getting a better </p><p> idea couldn&#39;t hurt.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T04:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am having a warm sensation that comes and goes on my upper left back.\r\nsounds similar to yours.\r\nwhat did you ever learn?" ], "date": [ "2017-01-23T17:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rene_58741-1020180" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rene_58741-1020180" ], "content": [ "Hi did the doctor gave you anything to take?" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T21:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m 54 and this just started a little over a week for me, first it was my left temple, I remember touching the spot and it was not hot to the touch, then I got it in my eyelid!!! Usually my left temple but I now get it on upper back, shoulder, arm. </p><p>Thought maybe it was a menopause symptom; hot spots instead of hot flashes. Had anxiety and panic attacks since I was 21. I am so done with symptoms. If any of you are young just take a look at me, married 33 years ~ 3 grown kids ( I&#39;m still alive!) not making light of symptoms get them checked, unfortunately ya gotta get old to look back and see fear of symptoms can mess up your life [b]?[/b][b]?[/b] Now when an attack hits, instead of running to the sofa, I turn on rock n roll and dance like a wild child. It helps, but no way would I have done this in my 20&#39;s 30&#39;s and early 40&#39;s.</p><p>Hope this helps someone out there. Xoxo .</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-08T23:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmella36657-1016186" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas67373-1025214" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmella36657-1016186" ], "content": [ "<p>Carmella, I&#39;m experiencing warm sensations throughout my body(back, arms, feet &amp; legs). I also suffer from anxiety. But I never have had this symptom before. Are you still experiencing these symptoms or have they gone away?</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T11:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas67373-1025214" ], "content": [ "Hi Are you still experiencing that? " ], "date": [ "2017-10-06T22:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas67373-1025214" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi guys what did the doctor say? I&#39;m experiencing warm sensations everywhere&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T21:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah35524-1139755" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmella36657-1016186" ], "content": [ "Sounds like a response to hot flashes which In A Way Resembles Panic Attacks With The Rapid Heartbeat, Anxiety and Hot Feeling Upper Body. After Its Subsiding The Arms And Chest Get Cold Feeling. This Is From Personal Experience. Im 54 But Started Menopause At 48." ], "date": [ "2018-01-13T21:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael1998-1161083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmella36657-1016186" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Carmella&#160;</p><p>I know it was along time ago but do you still get the warm sensations in your body I&#39;m very scared it&#39;s been happening to me for a while what did your doctor say mine hasn&#39;t said a lot thanks rach&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-16T19:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pine62506-1162146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael1998-1161083" ], "content": [ "Rachael, look up targeted individuals, electronic harassments, gang stalking. \r\n\r\nIm sorry this is happening to you. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-19T16:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leospo710-1195117" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael1998-1161083" ], "content": [ "<p>Is this still happening to you? I noticed this warm feeling a year ago in my chest now I&#39;m starting to notice it in my arms and right foot. Not sure if it&#39;s all the same but the feeling is rather unsettling. Oh and I&#39;m a 23 yr old male and recently discovered I have a condition called heart palpitations. And also Anxiety that I just started taking medication for today. My doctor didn&#39;t even bother to do any testing when I talked with her about all this. So Im hoping maybe someone on this chat might have some information?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T04:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/terrance101-1274022" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leospo710-1195117" ], "content": [ "I'm having the same problem my Dr never put me on meds I had heart test and ekgs heart monitors also everything came back normal smh " ], "date": [ "2019-10-23T03:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi i get the same symptom as that when i have anxiety attacks my arms feel hot but on the inside like you said. Have you spoke to your doctor about it they would be able to help you and check in more detail about what it is. from carmella" ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T11:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nowunip-1041898" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "content": [ "<p>Any news?</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m posting this to several with additions each time,&#160;but:&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>I get hot spots too and have had them on and off for years and have been fine so far.&#160; I&#39;m a little worried these past few weeks since&#160;I&#39;ve been getting them more frequently and one spot in particular on the outside&#160;right calf I get the most, and I wonder if it&#39;s because I tend to sit cross-legged and that spot is frequently on the other knee.&#160; Do you guys have similar or unusual usage of the spot where you get the hot feeling?&#160; Also anxiety seems to be a common theme and I also am under a lot of stress lately and am as empathetic as others have described themselves above.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-13T17:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nowunip-1041898" ], "content": [ "<p>NowanIP,</p><p></p><p>No news as yet, am currently away interstate, but have intentions of seeing a docor when I return. </p><p></p><p>I am still having the warm spot episodes as well, and the anxiety issue appears to be a common thread. But I have only notice this over the past few months, and have been having anxiety issues far longer than that, so I&#39;m not as confident as some here in this thread that it is the major reason this issue has presented itself. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-14T01:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "content": [ "Have you find out what was that heat sensation?" ], "date": [ "2017-10-06T22:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "content": [ "Svig044, no, no solid diagnosis at all. I think the Doctor thinks I’m weird or something! \r\n\r\nI suffer from high blood pressure, sleep apnea, onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Prostititis and IBS. I only mention this for the reason that others may also be suffering these same illnesses, and may be on the same meds I’m currently on. I have already been screened by the head Professor in Charge of Pharmacy at the local University for any possible reactions I might have with the following medications, with the results that she felt they were not the cause of any skin irritations. The meds are;\r\n\r\nSalazopyrin, Methotrexate, Prednisolone, Arthrexin, DuoDart, Micardis, Ostelin and Folic Acid. I also take Cenovis, a men’s multivitamin well.\r\n\r\nMaybe there are parallels in what we are being prescribed by our doctors that are causing the hot spots." ], "date": [ "2017-10-07T14:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/svig044-1091157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi what did your doctor said? I&#39;m feeling this heat sensation everywhere my body&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T21:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathy15807-1137361" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/flarts001-1038527" ], "content": [ "<p>I get the warm patches. Mostly on my right shoulder blade. I don&#39;t take any medications. I just started having this happening. Usually it&#39;s at night time. About an hour before going to bed. I also notice it happening before falling asleep too. I figured it was part of Menopause since it just started happening. I have been in full blown Menopause for 5 years now.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-06T19:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone</p><p></p><p>I am feeling the same sensation as well, and in the most weirdest place. I feel it on my left buttcheek, like a warm sensation like I had sat on a hot water bottle for a couple of seconds. My wife quizzed me if the sensation was after I had placed my hand in warm water and then felt the sensation where I do, thinking it may be a weird &quot;wiring&quot; issue of my Nervous System. I feel a little silly to have mentioned it to her, but after my Uncle passed away with Bowel Cancer, I don&#39;t take any chances with these symptoms when they pop up. </p><p></p><p>I have had a cancer screen recently done, but in the absence of the Dr calling me in to talk about the results, I&#39;m hopeful that Bowel Cancer isn&#39;t in the diagnosis!!</p><p></p><p>I am seeing a Doctor during the week, and will ask him about it. I think I will get the reaction from him that I&#39;m probably crazy or something, but am concerned enough to at least ask.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-02T02:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/misticreek-1160845" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/misticreek-1160845" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Just to update for anyone curious. My eeg and MRIs ands TON of blood work came out clean leading neurologistto believe likely anxiety. After about 2 months it went away for me. It will randomly happen every now and then, but like once every 3 weeks or so, which makes me think the anxiety assumption might be right.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-07-15T01:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine20455-1126959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/misticreek-1160845" ], "content": [ "Yeah mine is anxiety also. I stopped taking klonopin 6 months ago and it is worse now, but now that I know what it is hopefully it will go away soon. I noticed while I was on klonopin the first 3 years it went away but it came back in year 4 and I know it was because my body was intolerance withdrawal then." ], "date": [ "2018-07-15T12:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/terrance101-1274022" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine20455-1126959" ], "content": [ "try meditation really helps " ], "date": [ "2019-10-23T03:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I am having this same issue! I have experienced it maybe 2-3 times on my lower back but typically it happens in my left arm, either&#160; in my shoulder or my left hand. A few days it was also accompanied by tingling down my arm and in my face. My PCP made me go to the ER....who then referred me to a neurologist. Neurologist ordered a 3 day EEG and some MRIs. I get all of the results back in 2 weeks and can update.</p><p></p><p>As an aside, I have been suffering from Postpartum Anxiety so I&#39;m hopeful that is the cause and there is nothing real.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-15T03:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael1998-1161083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/misticreek-1160845" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael1998-1161083" ], "content": [ "I hope it had faded for you. Your fear is anxiety (I’m a fellow sufferer). The panic, not being able to sleep, nausea and warming sensations were all anxiety symptoms for me. Find outlets for yourself; exercise, journaling, better diet, etc. and it will get better." ], "date": [ "2018-07-15T02:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone I&#39;m feeling really scared keep having warm sensations on my body started with my foot now it&#39;s random feel so scared &#128563; thinking the worst etc panicking can&#39;t sleep feeling sick it&#39;s not warm to touch just I know my bony doesn&#39;t feel right&#160;</p><p>Anyone else feeling like me&#160;</p><p>Doctors said she thinks I&#39;m anxious but I don&#39;t feel like that I&#39;ve had blood test today only because I was moaning so much you know your body and mines not right I did hypo ventilate in the doctors and cry I&#39;m scared&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-15T19:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pine62506-1162146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I found this post after googling because I’ve been dealing with this past 6years and still searching for answers. \r\nSo from what I found out, this is “electronic harassment” done by no one knows who.. I’m not saying everyones going thru this, but everyones symptoms I just read is exactly same as mine so I dont know.... I’m looking for a way to cure this myself. And as I’m typing I’m feeling it all over my body.\r\n\r\nTry doing a search on youtube and google, see if it sounds like anything you guys are experiencing. \r\n\r\n " ], "date": [ "2018-03-18T18:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathrine50854-1164707" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nowunip-1041898" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kathrine50854-1164707" ], "content": [ "Yeah, if you go back through older posts, I think the common thread here is stress/anxiety related.  I had posted sometime last year, and since then things have calmed down for me and I have not had this temporary burning sensation since.  Best of luck to you guys and de-stress as much as you can!" ], "date": [ "2018-06-02T22:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p><i>Hello you,&#160;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m a girl 23 years old - And I have the same burning sensation in a patch on my left arm. The pattern is a wave-like sensation. It appears for seconds like an internal rush of heat, and then it is gone for minutes, then it comes back. I&#39;ve had the feeling for days now, it comes and goes.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m wondering how it can turn back to exactly the same spot? I have severe health anxiety. Do you think this can be caused by &quot;just&quot; anxiety?&#160;</p><p></p><p>Kind regards to all of you out there!</i></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-25T13:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jill60434-1189901" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I have had this same thing for few months. I am 63 I&#39;m embarrassed to tell my phycian , she will laugh I have so much wrong. I also know if they don&#39;t know what it it&#39;s an xiety or strees I&#39;m interested to know what Drs say to u girls and guys.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-22T03:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leospo710-1195117" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/misticreek-1160845" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leospo710-1195117" ], "content": [ "Reducing anxiety was how I got mine to go away. Try exercising, better diet, massage, vitamins, etc." ], "date": [ "2018-07-15T02:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello is anyone still experiencing this sensation? Has anyone got a diagnostic from their doctor or have any idea how to treat this so it will go away? It&#39;s a very uncomfortable feel when you&#39;re just sitting down and both arms start feeling warm. Sometimes the feeling, feels like warm water just sitting inside my arm. And sometimes it feels like a sun burn even though I&#39;m not sunburned. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T04:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine20455-1126959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leospo710-1195117" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine20455-1126959" ], "content": [ "Asking me? I just started taking Zoloft since yesterday." ], "date": [ "2018-07-14T01:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Any anxiety medications or anything in that category?" ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T11:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/razztaz-1199218" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>So last week was the first time I felt this warm sensation on a spot of my arm. The only difference for me is that it started to swell up. Not a lot but i could literally watch it swell. It is still swollen, however it isn&#39;t warm anymore. I have also felt the same sensation a couple ther times on the opposite arm but a different spot, also just above my hips on one side. These other spots did not swell, but the original spot is still swollen. This is all in a 8 day time frame. Anyone else experience any swelling?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-29T01:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "content": [ "I get cold patches too but I have been getting warm sensations on just patches of my legs mostly like the side of my knee or part of my shin, top or bottom of foot and it only lasts a few seconds and goes away. Its not warm to touch just internal. Is this what you get too? " ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T20:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "yup..mine is usually on my upper body..like back and chest..it like under the skin..doesnt make a difference if you touch it" ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T20:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "content": [ "Is it just a spot on upper body like a spot on your arm chest or back and doesn't only last a few seconds or minutes go away and come back? It's really scaring me:( I notice EVERY sensation and sends me into a panic one thing after another. " ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T20:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "dont worry me too..i guess we just got hyper sensitive super in tuned to every sensations of our body..its normal with anxiety sufferers..yup random spots and patches..sometimes it feels like electic shock too for me.." ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T20:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "content": [ "I don't understand how anxiety can cause all these sensations. Have you ever read symptoms and then got them a few days later? I didn't really believe that was possible but it has happened to me. I just want all these sensations to stop and have my life back:(" ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T20:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "Me too i can read about a anxiety symptom or someone can telle about a illness or symptoms then I just take it on and start physically feeling the symptoms, ugh annoying, anxiety sucks 😩😩😩" ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T23:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mackeeezy-982984" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "content": [ "I feel you man I also suffer from anxiety this calmed me down lol" ], "date": [ "2016-10-07T01:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mackeeezy-982984" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "I do more outside activities it helps me out" ], "date": [ "2016-10-07T01:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dodi81716-1137582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "content": [ "What you describe sounds to me like psycho somatic" ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T11:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah35524-1139755" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dodi81716-1137582" ], "content": [ "<p>Quite honestly I believe You ONLY joined in order to make fun,to laugh at people with genuine health concerns. The hot and cold patches for me,are caused by documented fibromyalgia. It&#39;s not a joke, it&#39;s nothing to laugh at. In fact it&#39;s a terrible thing to deal with. </p><p></p><p>So to anyone that has those hot and cold patches that comes and no matter the temperature where you are when they occur it&#39;s likely to be fibromyalgia.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-02-10T17:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole82924-1150873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah35524-1139755" ], "content": [ "You answered my question Sarah. I to was looking for answers. My doctor never told me that this is a symptom of my fibromyalgia. " ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T21:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alyssa12929-1356697" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah35524-1139755" ], "content": [ "I'm so happy i came across this.Thought i was going insane thinking of the worst case scenarios for the burning/warm or cold sensations. It also happens at the side of my knees, legs, feet, arms. I will definitely be discussing this with my doc the next time because I've checked off majority of the other symptoms as well. \r\nthank you soo much " ], "date": [ "2021-02-10T17:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raunak08-1328415" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "content": [ "I also get this hot or warm spots on different parts of body, very recent it was just few minutes back.\r\n\r\nIn my case I get hot as well as wet or cool sensation. I get these sensations when I think of it or expect it. I often get those Hot sensations when I touch something hot from my hand and consciously I am expecting to get the hot sensation.\r\n\r\nResearchers are searching on this phenomenon of thermal sensations on body, neurological, psychological and physiological reasons a recent research paper is published on this topic,if you want u can search for Neurophysiology of Skin Thermal Sensations." ], "date": [ "2021-07-23T13:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen0927-1435698" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "content": [ "I am also suffering from this for 7 months. I have burning sensations randomly on my back, upper arms, and abdomen. I have seen a nuero, endocrinologist, vascularist, and hematologist and no one has an answer for me. I have been prescribed gabapentin but it does seem to be helping. The only relief is to hold ice packs on the effected area. I have also wondered if this could be an anxiety issue however I do not really suffer from extreme anxiety.\r\n\r\nHas anyone found any more information about his syndrome??\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-08-10T12:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yup its quite common..for me its more cold patches..randomly..sometimes i get it on my chest,my back..and my hands and feet can easily chilly too.." ], "date": [ "2021-02-10T17:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/random-spots-of-warm-sensations-on-parts-of-body--499648?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Random spots of warm sensations on parts of body???
Has anyone ever experienced warm sensations on a part of their legs or arms or anywhere else??? It's not warm to touch but an internal warm sensations that feels like you put a warm cup of coffee against a patch of skin for a sec amd then it goes away. Its not painful at all just annoying and it is really sending my health anxiety off
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for replying, I've felt so dreadfully alone. This life terrifies me, i feel so unable to cope. I looked after my Mum until her passing in December and I know feel like I'm waiting to die too. I lived with her my whole life and the adjustment is so hard. I have guilt that I could have done more for her and feel I have let her down. I honestly feel so hopeless, I've tried medications in the past but haven't found them helpful. I just want to feel normal and happy and not be so afraid. Grief changes us in ways that are unimaginable and I'm trying to find myself amongst the pieces of the broken life I know seem to have and I just don't think I'm there anymore." ], "date": [ "2023-10-15T16:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "content": [ "Hello.\r\nNo wonder you are struggling, you have been through so much. Please remember that nothing lasts forever, even though when we are in a dark place it may seem like we will be stuck like that forever, it isn't true. \r\nHave a look at untangle grief on IG, there you can connect and share with people who are going through grief and helps to feel less alone and isolate.\r\nSending you a big healing hug 💚" ], "date": [ "2023-10-16T17:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your reply. I will look at what you suggest, thank you and I will hold on to that virtual hug 💜" ], "date": [ "2023-10-16T23:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey, i couldnt read this and not reply. i lost my mum to her thinking her family would be better off without her and i can 100% tell you it has done nothing but ruin me. you are 1million percent worth it to your family and to yourself. I dont even know you and want to give you a big hug! please speak to someone. life can be so so so hard sometimes and you can and will feel better if you reach out. Ive struggled with the exact same anxiety issues as you and things can get better, you'd be amazed how much it helps if you start some therapy or meds. just have a chat to your GP. " ], "date": [ "2023-10-15T10:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/really-struggling-804702?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Really Struggling
Hello. I'm finding myself spiralling into a health anxiety crisis again. Things have been tough over the last 18 months. I've had major surgery, lost my Mum and lost my home. I've just moved into a new place but am finding it isolating and scary. I'm super aware of my body and every sensation and am panicking and worried that I have cancer or that I might have a heart attack or stroke. I'm googling symptoms and illnesses because I'm having some digestive issues and I keep feeling off balance and tired, my heart races and I cry all the time. I had 2 days away with my daughter and felt so happy and different but then started to worry because I was happy and didn't feel like I deserved to be and then the familiar heavy sadness returned. I just seem to stumble my way through each day feeling dreadful and hopeless. So many awful things have happened that I'm scared to feel any optimism and scared to feel happy in case it all goes wrong again. I'm starting to feel that my family would be better off without me. Thank you if you've read this. x
Brain zaps
Does anyone experience brain zaps, i know they can happen when stopping some medications but i haven't stop any. Thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/malleelel-1320300" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you are overthinking this. Let the thoughts come in a relaxed manner. Don’t try to fight them off. Let them come and let them go. \r\nThe more you stress about it the more thoughts will pop in your mind. \r\nyour thoughts cannot hurt you. Do some long, slow deep breathing and relax your mind as much as you can. \r\neveryone has random thoughts. Our mind is constantly thinking. That’s perfectly normal. I get thoughts all the time even when I’m not trying to.\r\nEverything will be OK. You are OK." ], "date": [ "2023-10-15T16:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/afraid-of-thoughts-804666?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Afraid of thoughts
hi hello i need help anyone here,experience of afraid of thought even you are busy in your house chores you are still in a deep thoughts example conversation with friend,happy thoughts or memories thats flashing back thougts.although it is normal to think.but why i feel anxious for the way i am thingking,i am now in a state of shutting down my self i dont want to think anymore i dont want to talk to anyone family friends son and daughter..pls help me need help how to ever coming this. thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/faye12876-1474925" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/faye12876-1474925" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "can you remember how long the anxiety heightens for? \r\ni really hope it subsides for us both very soon xx sending hugs xx" ], "date": [ "2023-10-14T10:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/faye12876-1474925" ], "content": [ "hello \r\n\r\nthe first couple of weeks will cause heightened anxiety but it will get better, have they given you anything to take along side the citalopram until it starts to work? " ], "date": [ "2023-10-14T10:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/faye12876-1474925" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "they havent and getting an appointment is challenging. \r\ni wonder it the walk in centre can prescribe something? \r\nhave you been given anything? xx" ], "date": [ "2023-10-14T10:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/faye12876-1474925" ], "content": [ "i take propranolol which is a beta blocker its helps with the physical symptoms such as sweating etc, i have no appetite at all do you? break your day down into small moments even ten minutes at a time xx" ], "date": [ "2023-10-14T11:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/faye12876-1474925" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "content": [ "Absolutely no appetite at all either. in fact my jeans are almost hanging off me which isn't good. i feel like this afternoon has been better, but cant shift this anxiety feeling and nervous feeling in my belly. i know ill no doubt have a panic attack later. how have you been today?? xx" ], "date": [ "2023-10-14T15:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorraine90511-1398879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/faye12876-1474925" ], "content": [ "me neither, ive bought some cuppa soups just to try somthing and have eaten some polo mints for the nausea. \r\n\r\nthis morning felt difficult i kept getting the woosh of panic feeling in my tummy and get it in my arms too along with a hot feeling, it makes me almost want to cry but i was at my sons football game. \r\n\r\nfeel weak and shakey at the minute, have you managed a walk or anything today? xx" ], "date": [ "2023-10-14T15:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi Faye\r\n\r\ni am going through the same thing at the minute after reducing my citalopram then going back on it. \r\n\r\ni have the anxiety, panic, nausea no appetite and just feel off. \r\n\r\nim here if you want to talk" ], "date": [ "2023-10-14T10:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/week-1-day-4-heightened-anxiety-804691?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Week 1 (day 4) heightened anxiety
Hi I started citalopram (on day 4). this is the 2nd time I've been on SSRI's, and I'm sure i cant remember my anxiety heightening this much. Today being completely unbearable and i feel like a panic attack lasted 4 hours this morning. im on 20mg for panic attacks driven by intrusive thoughts. will this subside? When did you all start to feel more human? ive completely lost my appetite and feel so sick and tired. i just want to me back to my happy self.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gethin67137-1023159" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anxiety has a way of popping in when you least expect it. I have that, and so do millions of other people. I try to relax about it and except it and manage at the best I can. I exercise which really helps a lot, eat healthy, listen to meditations for anxiety, keep busy. \r\nDon’t let anxiety win. This is your life and you have a right. To enjoy it and feel better. Have you ever considered speaking with a counselor to learn ways to manage it? When you have those thoughts, always be aware that it’s the anxiety talking. Anxiety has a way of putting negative thoughts into our head. Those thoughts are not based on fact or reality. Always remember that. I’ve had anxiety pretty severely since I was in my 20s. I’m now in my 60s. I refuse to ever give up. I had to toughen up and be determined. Life is too beautiful. I would have missed so much and I am glad that I am here. \r\nBe a fighter for yourself! Get some support. You are worth it!" ], "date": [ "2023-09-21T09:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-came-back-when-i-thought-i-was-getting-better-804310?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gethin67137-1023159" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nI'm sorry about your Dad, that is just terrible. I understand about your fear. \r\n\r\nI have on and off throughout my life had periods of not wanting to die but being afraid of losing control and doing something. For example: I would be sitting on the balcony and have to run inside because I would get this overwhelming feeling that I might (without wanting to) jump off. It was terrifying.\r\n\r\nMy best friend, who is a therapist, told me that these thoughts are very normal, especially in people with high anxiety, just that people don't really talk about them. And to not be afraid as it is (yet another) manisfestation of anxiety.\r\n\r\nSince I have personally met 3 people with anxiety who have these kind of thoughts. \r\n\r\n\r\nI hope that you will feel better very soon!" ], "date": [ "2023-09-30T03:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-came-back-when-i-thought-i-was-getting-better-804310?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gethin67137-1023159" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes i understand how you feel. my mum didnt commit suicide but she drank herself to death and we found her deceased in the bathroom. i live in constant fear of doing what she did and constant fear of leaving my children like she did to me. i think when you experience sudden death it creates a real fear that life really can be short. every symptom i get from anxiety takes me right back to believing im going to suddenly die like she did. i think it's a trauma response and \"normal\". we have to remember that that fear is actually a good thing weirdly enough because we care too much to do it but living with the thoughts is hard. ive tried all sorts but CBT with a good therapist helped the most over time. i understand my feelings now but i still struggle with anxiety causing physical symptoms. sorry not much use but wanted to say youre not alone!" ], "date": [ "2023-10-13T08:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-came-back-when-i-thought-i-was-getting-better-804310?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety came back when I thought I was getting better
Hi all Hope you're all not to bad put there ! I have had anxiety all my life on and off for one reason or another My dad committed suicide in 2015 and it took me and good 3 years to come out of that. Ever since then I have had blips once or twice a year. All the usual symptoms. I'm also very afraid I will do the same as him. Does anyone out there have a similar thing ? I dont want to die, but my anxiety keeps saying your going to do it etc Had a blip recently lasted 6 weeks and just had 2 weeks of feeling ok then last night boom it was back.
Burning fingers in left hand and numbness
I just woke up to my two fingers which is my 2nd to last finger and pinky being very numb and burning sensation which is very new to me and I'm very worried that this could be something serious, I know googling is not a good idea, but I just searched out of curosity, since I have really bad health anxiety and freak out when I get a new symptom I never experienced before. I'm normally always healthy, I would just mostly get almost every year seasonal allergies or a cold, that's about it, but this one is new and I heard it could be an anxiety symptom as this is common, which I never experienced this until now and I know I have been stressed out a lot as of recently, but I heard it can also be carpal tunnel, but my anxiety makes me think it could be something really serious like a stroke for example. I might make a schedule with my doctor, if it doesn't go away on it's own in a few days to be safe, but as of now, does this seem like something I need to be really worried about and head to the ER?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim49523-1474717" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "anxiety tends to target the nervous system that’s why people feel vibrations, tingling, etc. you have a lot going on right now and I’m not surprised you’re having that sensation. I just always say that everybody should have a complete physical check up at least once a year. Try to relax your mind as much as you can. I’m sure it’s difficult right now, but see if you can listen to some soothing meditations found on YouTube for anxiety. Take some time out for yourself to settle your mind down. I’ve had anxiety, my whole life, and I’ve had all of those sensations. Vibration, tingling, even numbness, vibration in head, arms and legs. Many more. None of these sensations are harmful. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-10-10T17:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/vibrating-in-right-breast-804629?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Vibrating in right breast
I started with this sympton on Fri night and woke up in a state of panic. Very mild vibrating feeling in right breast. I cannot feel any lumps or bumps and just wondered if any of you guys who have previously posted have any suggestions or if any of you are still struggling with this. I do have a considerable amount of stress in my life due to finding out my husband is quite poorly with a terminal condition. Thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caz19600-1066907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caz19600-1066907" ], "content": [ "no its there all the time with out me trying to look its just in my vision and so are my lips " ], "date": [ "2019-04-19T23:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caz19600-1066907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "content": [ "Yeah i guess when u think about it, it is. But the brain is designed to tune it out and even if you're not purposely looking, you are thinking about it. Do something that takes full concentration like puzzles or drawing and seek help from counselling if it still troubles you. You could also get your eyesight checked \r\nif you're worried but sounds to me like your vision is fine you just need to manage the anxiety." ], "date": [ "2019-04-20T20:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I mean i don't have the smallest nose but I'm pretty sure that's most people's view if they're consciously focusing on it. Try some distraction techniques to draw away your focus. " ], "date": [ "2019-04-19T14:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/neelie44567-1231306" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/neelie44567-1231306" ], "content": [ "no its there all the time with out me trying to look its just in my vision and so are my lips " ], "date": [ "2019-04-19T23:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hypercat-20468" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "content": [ "Hi I have never though about the before but you are right. It is absolutely normal though and nothing to worry about. Try and stop focusing on this as you will drive yourself crazy. There is nothing wrong with you! x" ], "date": [ "2019-04-20T19:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "All of us have our noses in our line of vision. Our brains just tune it out. Use some breathing techniques to distract and calm yourself down. Isn't anxiety a Bi**h?" ], "date": [ "2019-04-19T16:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/grounded-1220631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "When you have anxiety, you tend to get hyper focused on things, I do this all the time. Whether its your nose, your heartbeat, a pain, a twinge, etc. Its the anxiety doing this, thats all. Once you calm down it will go away, I know I've been through it all. " ], "date": [ "2019-04-21T03:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's just like everything else that is health anxiety related. Once you notice something, you start focusing on it like crazy. For example, I'm terrified of something called numb chin syndrome. It all started with a little bit of tingling in my lower lip on one side. I made the mistake of googling what could be causing it and it all went downhill from there. I started to constantly check my chin to see if it was numb and started to feel like I had less feeling in that side than I did the other side. The obsession comes and goes and I'll go for a month or so without worrying only to start spiraling again. Do something to distract yourself from it. It won't happen overnight but soon you'll quit noticing it so much. " ], "date": [ "2019-04-22T18:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hareem79487-1376818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/virat58975-1474665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hareem79487-1376818" ], "content": [ "is your issue sorted out?" ], "date": [ "2023-10-09T17:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i also have this same problem it starts from two weeks this is so hell irritating have your issue sort our or not?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-18T21:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sakshi49412-1439700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm also seeing my nose in vision I'm anxious please reply if you're okay how you manage to get rid of it ..... \r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T04:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amber50515-1458208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lauryn,\r\n\r\nSeeing your nose can be related to anxiety, but it is important note to note that this is not always the case. Yes, we can see our nose when we think about it but seeing you eye 24/7 is not normal and you should see a health care professional . One reason you may be able to see your eye is something called Bulging eyes (exophthalmos). This is where your eyes bulge due to an overactive thyroid gland which impacts your field of vision and possibly causes you to see your nose. \r\nsome other reasons you may be experiencing this include eye disorders such as strabismus (crossed eyes), amblyopia (lazy eye), or cataracts and Certain medications and neurological issues. \r\nI know this because I have been suffering this this issue for 15 months, I have had two CT scans, an MRI, several eye tests and blood tests, none of which have discovered the cause. \r\n\r\nIf you have fixed this issue I would love to hear about it!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-08T08:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/virat58975-1474665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "does your problem sorted out? plz reply me ,i have this problem for past few days" ], "date": [ "2023-10-09T09:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/virat58975-1474665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did you sorted out this issue?" ], "date": [ "2023-10-09T10:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/nose-in-vision-699791?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Nose in vision
i keep seeing my nose in my vision 24/7 and its giving me bad anxiety has anyone have this and fixed it?! pls help
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/blondish-1474322" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also get breathing issues with my anxiety" ], "date": [ "2023-10-09T16:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-causing-breathing-difficulties-804498?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety causing breathing difficulties
Hi I am new to the group and I am wondering if anyone else suffers with issues like mine. My anxiety causes me to being unable to breath and something as simple as just going to the loo is a huge deal and I hyperventilate and find it hard to breath. I've been suffering for months now and can not find any help or support. I would be really grateful for any support or advice offered. Kind Regards Jase
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kuzza03987-1061418" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\nI also get this to a degree. It doesn't stop me from certain things, but at work I feel like the office might smell bad because of me and if a workmate comes close to me I also freeze and don't speak in case my breath smells.\r\n\r\nThese symptoms are a manifestation of anxiety, so my suggestion would be to get an online therapist if you don't want yo go to one in person. I'm sure this could help.\r\n\r\nGood luck!" ], "date": [ "2023-10-07T10:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cannot-be-around-people-socially-anxious-all-the-time-think-i-smell-and-get-hot-and-flustered--804495?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Cannot be around people, socially anxious all the time, think I smell and get hot and flustered.
Ive had this issue for a very long time. Many many years since 2008.. but it has evolved and gotten worse as my mental state weakens. It was from the first time when I noticed people murmuring or rubbing their faces and noses around me or whenever I would pass. This is known as olfactory reference syndrome.. constantly believing I emit a foul odour and to stop the reactions or harming others because of my issue I now have stopped going to shops and generally being close to people at all. It has evolved to the point that even though I know that I am clean and that my clothes are washed and clean.. if a person comes near to me, I freeze and try not to move in case from my movement a smell will emit. On top of that.. every time someone inhales heavily or exhales through their nose or touches or even such as rubs or twitches their nose or face, I automatically assume its from me. I then become overly hot to the point of like a person who has high fever which is abnormal in normal conditions so then I know others can sense my heat and odour from my body which then in turn notches up my anxiety and panic so I have to leave the area and be alone. My body temp bow is constantly high and my mind constantly overrun. Even when I apply perfume, I notice things. It would be fine if I didn't react with my body getting hotter but that makes it worse. I believe the condition I have is one of the most rarest.. I just don't want to hurt others because of my smell and heat emanation off my body. I rarely try to get near close to people. Covid time when everyone had to wear masks was a great time for me as I could walk around knowing people would not be able to smell me through their masks but even then I was wary. I need genuine help, I don't think I could even sit next to a doctor because of this. It has gotten to this point. Never want to be in a queue.. never want someone to come stand or sit next to me. Never want to move myself when someone is close. Life before was normal.. I was outgoing, holidays and friends but since then, I am making excuses for everything. Please someone help or if there is anyone out there that is suffering similar to me it would be great to speak. Thanks.
Heart palpitations and pregnancy
hi guys im about 11 weeks pregnant. last week i started experiencing heart palpitations or the feeling of the heart going to stop. i went to the doctor. there and then he did an ecg and did another test with my ankle to check my heart. there was no abnormalities found. This can be common is pregnancy right ? my bloodbpressure and o2 levels were all good aswell around 99 or 98. again i do suffer with health anxiety and sometimes my mind just starts to spiral about things. thanks all
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel11964-1472671" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel11964-1472671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank u so much jan. Ur a star. i love ur advice and u always put my mind ease ❤️" ], "date": [ "2023-10-03T19:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "colposcopy is a very common procedure. I also had moderate abnormal cells. Everything was OK. And that was about 15 years ago. If you are concerned about the baby, you can always ask the doctor if there’s any risk. as I have said before, cervical cancer is highly curable. But chances are you don’t have it. you’re not going to die. You’re going to be OK. Once all this is over with you can relax. Just take one day at a time. Don’t let your anxious mind lead you into negativity. Those negative thoughts are based on emotion and not on reality or fact. Keep reminding yourself of that. Fear can make you believe things that are not true. Keep yourself busy and stay positive. Everything will work out." ], "date": [ "2023-09-22T14:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/worried-again-804352?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Worried again
hi guys i recently posted here about having a cervical smear that came back as hpv positive and moderate abnormal cells. im having a colposcopy on the 26th of october. The thing is im pregnant and il be about 14 weeks that week. im so scared that it will hurt my baby and cause a miscarriage. and also thoughts are racing again about Cancer and having children and dying. sorry guys. need someone to talk to again to ease my mind on this xx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michela21-1470865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "content": [ "hi Lisa,\r\ni am really sorry for what you are going through. my partner has the same exact symptoms, in addition he had a period in which he felt out of breath. he is not an anxious person, and must say all of this started after he got covid nearly a year ago. I believe working from home and always being in the home alone has worsened his condition as now he is scared of going out (he won't admit it but every time we go out he is in a very hurry to get back - or if we are out with his friends he is quiet and you can tell he is not alright). I just wanted to know if there is anything that helped any of you? this is having a very bad tool on both of us, and me being diagnosed with sever anxiety, has put me really down. " ], "date": [ "2023-08-08T01:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "content": [ "Thank you for replying im so sorry you suffer too, its horrible mine is daily all day long, ive been too many drs and tests but no real answers, mine all started 2 years ago when i woke in middle of night with horrible dizziness, the other symptoms came later but it now has consumed my whole life, have terrible fears of dying and never feeling normal again. I am to the point of not knowing how to get thru the days anymore. " ], "date": [ "2023-08-08T11:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michela21-1470865" ], "content": [ "Hi Michela\r\n\r\nI totally understand when you say how when your husband is outside that he just wants to get home! This happens to me all the time, it's common in anxiety sufferers to constantly look to escape situations that make us anxious. Unfortunately by listening to our brains and leaving situations that we feel stressed in just reinforces the suggestion that those situations are dangerous when they aren't. I try to get myself outside alot and when the anxiety peaks and I start to feel dizzy and faint, I just keep walking. I have a little chat to myself and basically say to my brain \"if you're going to make me pass out then just bloody do it!\". Almost like I'm calling its bluff! It's hard though and it's exhausting to suffer from mental illness and it's exhausting for others to be around us sometimes. I struggle daily with severe health anxiety and I convince myself that I am dying, or ill every day and in reality there isn't much in the way of help out there. I've had several rounds of talking therapy and it's just feels like the therapists are just reading a self help book to me. I can do that myself, what I and the rest of us who struggle need is understanding of where this comes from, because I think without that understanding we will always be fighting what we can't see. I wish you both well xx" ], "date": [ "2023-08-13T08:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "content": [ "I so feel this everyday i think my head symptoms are something serious and that im gonna die, i struggling everyday all day long just praying for it all to stop, ive been thru so many drs, tests, medications and no answers no help its horrible living this way, no dr has even mentioned my symptoms are anxiety so i dont even know where to turn anymore, I hope and pray everyday that God will heal me, hod bless you as well." ], "date": [ "2023-08-13T16:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "Annette its just so horrible isn't it. Dizziness is awful and it's scary and unfortunately its a very common symptom of anxiety. When we are anxious our breathing changes, this can cause lightheadedness and dizziness and also being very aware of a particular symptom creates a worsening of that symptom, it really is a vicious circle. Try and take some comfort from the normal test results you have had and maybe try and be more aware of your breathing, thats what I'm trying to do. Trying to deal with anxiety is so hard and it's difficult to be positive sometimes but we can do this! Sending hugs xx" ], "date": [ "2023-08-16T00:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/teddyschneidy-1471487" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "same here ion even know how to handle it like the pressure in my head makes me feel like moving across the streets like a mad lady . its so horrible to think i cant even handle too much of stress " ], "date": [ "2023-08-16T00:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teddyschneidy-1471487" ], "content": [ "yes it is horrible its been 2 years of it everyday for me , i wish i had the answers on how to make it all stop." ], "date": [ "2023-08-16T11:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Annette. I'm not able to give much in the way of answers as to why you feel the way you do but I can say that I have exactly the same symptoms as you almost daily. Mine started around 2 and a half years ago with feelings of dizziness, ringing in my ears, panic, palpitations, lightheadedness etc. I can really relate to the feelings of anxiety when you wake, I feel like that too and at times, I'm afraid to get out of bed. I feel unbalanced when I'm walking, I get panicky when I'm driving, that has gotten so bad that I can only do very short journeys in my car. I convince myself that I'm going to pass out a lot! I've suffered with anxiety most of my adult life but it's been worse over the last couple of years. I had to have a hysterectomy last year because of suspected cancer (it wasn't that thankfully) and since my surgery my anxiety has been much worse. As I said, I'm not sure I can help I just wanted you to know that you aren't alone. x" ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T00:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/really-struggling-803165?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mstudent-1470449" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "distraction is step 1. Get outside and excersize. youll be shocked how well this works" ], "date": [ "2023-08-11T18:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/really-struggling-803165?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cg123-1472294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "Hi, I am really struggling too. I have been on Venlafaxine for the best part of ten years because I suffered with severe anxiety and agoraphobia. Last week I had covid and my anxiety had completely gone through the roof. I can’t go out of the house, I don’t get ready, I can’t eat - it’s really unbearable. It’s been happening for a full week now, my doctor has put up both of my medications but these feelings are too hard to cope with. Are you on any medication?" ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T12:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cg123-1472294" ], "content": [ "Good morning i know what you mean its horrible been 2 years for me and symptoms in my head dont stop, reason why its more then anxiety, and yes they have tried me on a few meds, I was on Venlafaxine and now am coming off it since did nothing for me and times thought felt worse, I also take clonazepam twice a day, but truthfully nothing has helped, I know somewhere some dr is missing something. God bless" ], "date": [ "2023-08-26T14:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "could anyone please explain how anxiety symptoms can be so severe and constantly there, these main reasons i believe its something more then anxiety. Ty" ], "date": [ "2023-08-22T15:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/really-struggling-803165?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "well seems as though things are getting worse my head is horrible and its constantly all i focus on are these symptoms i sit here on the couch and suffer everyday no matter what i do i cant get it to stop, im to the point of hating waking up in morning cuz i know its just gonna be a day of suffering and fear.:(" ], "date": [ "2023-09-07T13:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/really-struggling-803165?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "content": [ "Ty for your reply i have my head and wars thoughly tested still no answers, this has been 2 years and my will to go on faeds every day, its horrible living this way." ], "date": [ "2023-09-07T15:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "The symptoms you're describing could be caused by a number of different things, including anxiety, depression, vestibular disorders, or a more serious condition.\r\n\r\nIn the meantime, there are some things you can do to help manage your symptoms:\r\n\r\n* Get regular exercise. Exercise can help to improve your mood and reduce anxiety.\r\n* Get enough sleep. When you're well-rested, you're better able to cope with stress.\r\n* Eat a healthy diet. Eating a balanced diet will give you the nutrients you need to stay healthy.\r\n* Avoid caffeine and alcohol. These substances can worsen anxiety and dizziness.\r\n* Practice relaxation techniques. There are many different relaxation techniques that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Some popular techniques include deep breathing, meditation, and yoga." ], "date": [ "2023-09-07T15:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/really-struggling-803165?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I really could you some help, im struggling everyday all day long with head symptoms doesn't stop, im scared all the time, just want to feel better again, how do you keeping going? ty" ], "date": [ "2023-10-03T18:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Could someone explain to me how the head symptoms or any symptoms be there constantly unless im asleep thats one thing i cant figure why symptoms never go away ty" ], "date": [ "2023-09-19T16:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/really-struggling-803165?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Really struggling
Hello ive posted on her before about my head symptoms that ive been experiencing 2 years now and no answers problem is now that I'm pretty sure I'm getting worse, now I'm waking up in morning feeling very anxious and scared I have to get right out of bed can lay there at all then all day I suffer my head feeling very dizzy lightheaded then I get sick feeling thru whole body, skies on all day, I wish someone had answers to all this . prayers to all who suffer as
Cant get this out of my mind
Around a year and half ago I met my fiancees friend and his wife, I went on a home visit. This friend cheated on his wife, anyway fiancee and friend went out somewhere. Then the wife tried me and said that you probably heard that my husband cheated on me and I just spilled out said yes i know everything. After we left, they argued, the topic flared up again, and my fiancee had an argument with his friend about why you told your girlfriend my secret, and she cause drama and now they're not talking because of me. He threatened my fiancee and said everyone would pay for it. And also punched him. Fortunately, since then we haven't had any drama. We are going to have wedding next year and im sure he will find this out as we have mutual friends. He just came out of prison for something else for tax fraud(not exactly sure). So thats making me more worried. He didnt bother us since then but i am keep thinking when he sees we are happy and getting married he may want to hurt me to get revenge on my fiancee. He has family so im not sure if he will do it himself but rather he will hire someone to shoot me in my wedding day to take revenge from my fiancee. I don't know what to do, I can't get rid of this fear. Do you think it's a delusion or is there a high probability that this will happen?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dj05017-1474318" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I can’t sleep through the night unless I am listening to white noise or meditations. It’s great that you are seeking out therapists. They are very helpful. It’s great to have somebody to vent to who can help. I keep doing mine virtually which works out great.\r\nalways remember that when we have anxiety our mind tends to go to the negative. If you are aware of that, you will also know that those negative things we think about, and all those fears rarely happen. They are not based on reality or fact, but only based on emotion which is fear. I know these things are hard to turn around but it’s possible. \r\nDo you get any exercise? That is the one thing that helps me tremendously. That’s because exercise activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the one that calms you down. The sympathetic nervous system is the one that causes anxiety and panic attacks.\r\ni’ve had anxiety all my life and one thing I know is that when you try to fight it off, it can get worse. I just got to the point where I just accept it but I also try to take care of myself physically and mentally and eat healthy. I try to have a nonchalant attitude about it.\r\nGo to YouTube, where you can find so many great relaxing meditations. Maybe you are already doing that, but are usually fall asleep to them. During a panic attack proper breathing is the most important thing you can do to slow everything down. \r\ntake one day at a time. I tend to overthink things also but when I am aware of that, I get busy doing something else. I do hope everything gets better for you." ], "date": [ "2023-10-02T21:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/crippling-health-anxiety-need-to-vent-804497?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Crippling Health Anxiety, need to vent
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with anxiety a few years ago and largely had things under control until a few months ago. Prior to then I would have the odd worry about a pain in my arm and confusing it for angina, things like that. Then recently, I got a bad virus (glandular fever) which took several months to clear. Basically the whole time I couldn't stop worrying that I had something seriously wrong with me, and kept asking myself questions like "why is this happening to me" and "when will this ever go away?" Thankfully that cleared up, but pretty much straight away I got a sinus infection which has included pressure on my brows for the last 4 weeks. Of course, I was worried about the worst again, but I was always able to manage these feelings to an extent until a few days ago when I started to get muscle twitches just as I was about to fall asleep. I did the worst thing possible and Googled the symptoms, and lo and behold, Google brought back a result of Fatal Insomnia, a disease so rare that 5 people worldwide get diagnosed every year. However, this freaked me out massively as I could relate to 5 or 6 of the symptoms that were returned. Of course, when I'm thinking rationally, I can recognise that those exact symptoms are also physical and mental symptoms of anxiety! But I do really struggle to keep myself calm now. It's at a point where I feel like I'm entering a vicious circle where I'm afraid to go to sleep as I'll inevitably get one of those twitches, and start getting anxious about everything all over again. Of note, I've recently started taking my Citalopram again within the last 2 weeks which may be exacerbating my worries. However, my problem is now this . I can't think rationally most of the time. I spoke to my doctor today who did his best to calm me down, and said that it's quite likely I have OCD. I'm constantly thinking negative thoughts, worrying about small things, thinking irrationally, and have silly coping mechanisms which don't actually make things better, they make things worse. I'm at a point now where I'm having difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep. I feel like I'm putting a lot of pressure on my wife too by being so worried all the time. I had a panic attack yesterday thinking about it all and we had to leave the cinema early. I was wondering if anybody out there has had similar experiences with health anxiety and might have some advice? I've introduced regular meditation and mindfulness to my day, and I've reached out to a few therapists and am seeing a couple this week to see how we get on. Thanks for reading
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dee05492-1022435" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dee05492-1022435" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gill21655-1004618" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you so much! It&#39;s like once I start, I can&#39;t stop. Lol. It just takes over.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-16T22:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Dee</p><p>Please please do not google.</p><p>It drives you driving crazy.... Thats what i did with a stomach issue last septemeber and i googled it.... It kicked off health anxiety...&#160;</p><p>Even though my doctor found out the problem .. it was too late the pains and googling had played games with my mind. and bam.... Sev&#233;re anxiety.... Thankfully after 3 months of sheer hard work and det&#233;mination to get my life back i was 95% &#160;better . I had CBT and started mindful meditation.</p><p></p><p>But i will never ever google a health issue again..... Google didnt spend years at medical school. But your Doctor did.</p><p></p><p>Check out mindfullness .. it could help you xx</p><p>Good luck&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-16T18:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/abdominal-pain-my-anxiety-is-through-the-roof--565607?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aries7083-1026150" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dee05492-1022435" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Dee,&#160;</p><p></p><p>I have the same issues. It&#39;s been going on for a couple of years now. I am 33. I have had blood test, urine test, a CT, an ultrasound, a upper gi series with contrast. Everything was normal. H Pylori test - 2 blood and 1 breath were all negative. The symptoms mimic that of an ulcer. I get this dull (not extreme) achiness that really acts up with my stomach is empty. Like a cramping I guess. I do NOT have any nausea or traditional heartburn symptoms. It&#39;s just in my stomach - 2-3 inches above my bellybutton right in the center. Worse in the morning or when I&#39;m hungry. Also worse when I&#39;m thinking about it. Don&#39;t even notice it when I&#39;m distracted or doing something else.</p><p>The doctor perscribed the same exact things. Prilosec caused stomach pain but nexium has helped. They perscribed me carafate too which really helps. I&#39;ve run out of options and I really starting to believe it&#39;s anxiety. Anxiety has caused me so many other symptoms in the past, so why wouldn&#39;t it cause this? Especially since there is such a connection between the brain and the gut. I was ready to go to a GI doc but have had less issues since telling my mind to accept that I am fine and it&#39;s anxiety.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Did you go to a GI yet? Let us know what happened.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-03T20:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/abdominal-pain-my-anxiety-is-through-the-roof--565607?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dieselram2500-1028746" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dee05492-1022435" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same.. it&#39;s been 5 days since I could really eat anything.. bloated.. abdominal pain so forth and so on.. so far all the doctors say I&#39;m fine.. I also googled my symptoms.. and that&#39;s always a bad idea.. even my doctor told me to stop googling.. my doctors gave me a booster med for my anxiety meds.. can&#39;t say it&#39;s helping a whole lot.. but I&#39;m coming to terms with its my anxiety makes everything 10 times worse...</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-03T21:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/abdominal-pain-my-anxiety-is-through-the-roof--565607?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathy96783-1473774" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dee05492-1022435" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonk1980-1473885" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kathy96783-1473774" ], "content": [ "Hi Kathy, I seem to have similar symptoms to you. Mine is basically a dull burning sensation, seems to be more acute if I am hungry, regular indigestion remedies can be hit or miss dealing with it. It also seems to flare up when my anxiety spikes which is a lot at the moment.\r\n\r\nI had the poop tests and blood tests, all normal. It most likely is related to the anxiety, I, like, a lot of folk, can't help but think it is something worse and this seems to be what anxiety does to you. CBT has been helpful in me doing that less. \r\n\r\nWhat does point me to it being anxiety is that it did seem to start when I started having big spikes in my anxiety back in March this year. I am due to have an ultrasound in a couple of weeks as I had a flair up which coincided with my most recent anxiety spikes and the PPIs I got put on did not help. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-10-02T07:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi \r\ni see this was quite a while ago but my symptoms seem the same \r\nive had a dull ache in my stomach 3 weeks might be longer now been to docs had blood tests and even a poo test all normal \r\ni have got few things gojng on i guess and im self employed \r\ni do suffer from health anxiety bad ive been like it since my mum died 11 years ago but never had this dull ache ..my dad died in June so no idea if all linked i Google everything but dee my symptoms seem to be alot the same \r\nI do get gassy and windy lol but do find worse when hungry \r\nhow are you now ? \r\nthis is driving me mad 😠 " ], "date": [ "2023-09-21T13:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/abdominal-pain-my-anxiety-is-through-the-roof--565607?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Abdominal pain. My anxiety is through the roof.
<p>I have been having abdominal discomfort off and on for a couple of years. Two years ago I went and had a liver function test and it was perfect and I just went about my business. I must add, I have anxiety and always think something is wrong as soon as I feel a pain. The doctor said it was anxiety. I&#39;m 32 years old btw.</p><p></p><p>I decided to go again and now and all my blood, urine was perfect. The h. pylori test was negative. Xray showed stool in colon. Took miralax for a week and the Xray was better but it was still there along with gas.</p><p></p><p>He gave me opramazole and it caused burning. Now I&#39;m on carafate and I haven&#39;t felt the discomfort as much.</p><p></p><p>And it&#39;s not a pain. It&#39;s just a dull feeling that lasts seconds to minutes and goes away. I&#39;m seeing a gi doctor Friday and am so scared it&#39;s something really bad! Especially since it&#39;s gone on so long.</p><p></p><p>I have Google everything and it scares me more and more to where I start thinking I have stomach or throat cancer, Pancreas cancer to a heart attack. All of this stuff runs through my mind and I can&#39;t quit. It&#39;s affecting my life, my job, and my family.</p><p></p><p>Anyone have anything familiar?</p><p></p><p>I also have to clear my throat a lot after eating or even drinking water. But that may be totally unrelated.</p><p></p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bflare78-46619" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " I am very sorry for your loss. Anxiety can cause hundreds of different symptoms., Including having the cold sensations. Fullness in the ears, throbbing in the head are very common with anxiety as well as mucus in the throat. None of your symptoms sound like brain tumor or anything serious. It truly sounds like anxiety . you are going through a grieving process that is affecting you deeply. i’m not surprised you are having these symptoms. \r\n i strongly recommend that you stay off of Google looking for reasons for your symptoms. You are going to get scared for no reason. You can take just about any symptom and it will go along with many many conditions that are not serious. Google seems to focus on the worst conditions. None of that is going to pertain to your individual situation. \r\n Another reason I think you are experiencing anxiety is because you said you forget about the symptom when you don’t focus on it. that commonly happens with anxiety. \r\n if you are having a really hard time with the grieving process and anxiety, I would suggest that you speak with a counselor who can help you manage all of this. It really helps to talk it out with somebody who can help. I do hope that you feel better soon. \r\n You are going to be OK! ❤\r\n \r\n " ], "date": [ "2023-10-02T00:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cold-sensation-on-forehead-could-this-be-anxiety--758564?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dakota10471-1366591" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bflare78-46619" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bflare78-46619" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dakota10471-1366591" ], "content": [ "@dakota10471 I tend to sweat in bed even when it is cold. I was having palpitations last week but they appear to have disappeared now & now my focus has moved to this strange head sensation. I have spoken to my doctor this morning & he thinks it could be either inflammation around my sinuses or a little health anxiety. However, I feel reasured for a while then the thought that he might have missed something starts going around my mind! " ], "date": [ "2021-03-25T10:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I usually get all over chills, have cold sweats, or just all of a sudden feel like Im freezing when I was fine when I have panic attacks. Its really common for me. Even if I have a minor panic attack. That could be it. You might be having just a mini panic attack. I personally don't think you should worry. If you feel completely overwhelmed with it though talk to your primary care doctor. But I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. " ], "date": [ "2023-10-02T00:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cold-sensation-on-forehead-could-this-be-anxiety--758564?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bflare78-46619" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "@jan34534 thank you for your kind words. Yeah you made a good point regarding the greiving process. I was running on auto pilot when my Dad was ill trying to take care of the things for him as well as my 13 year old son who I took full time custody of over a year ago. It's not been an easy time to say the least however, there are people worse off then me. I didnt realise I had health anxiety until it started affecting my every day life. I have this habit of needing reasurance & I feel a need to look for symtoms because if I dont find any & I feel ok then my mind says I am jinxing myself. Really wish I didnt think this way. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-25T10:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cold-sensation-on-forehead-could-this-be-anxiety--758564?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah03526-1366734" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bflare78-46619" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anxiety can cause you have sensations, tingling in different parts of your body. I notice I tend to get tingling in my arms when I am anxious. It may be worth going to your doctor and asking them to assess you for anxiety. There is a anxiety tool that they use so it is more objective way of knowing.\r\nI am sorry for your loss. Grieving can bring up a lot of emotions it would be worth you seeing a psychologist who can help you find ways to manage anxiety. Grief counselling may also help. I wish you well. Stay strong you can get through this. " ], "date": [ "2023-10-02T00:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cold-sensation-on-forehead-could-this-be-anxiety--758564?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/isabelle12090-1429254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bflare78-46619" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon86003-1474274" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/isabelle12090-1429254" ], "content": [ "heya i know this post was a long time ago but ive also been experiencing these symptoms for over 2years ive had no answers from health care professionals ive been to numerous a&e departments waited hours amd had no answers...\r\ni do suffer anxiety but since having children i thought id beaten it but these symptoms are stopping me from being a good parent i cannot function right. i was wondering if either of you ever got an answer or got better?" ], "date": [ "2023-10-01T20:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, I am so sorry for your loss, I came across this post because I was looking for the same thing online, I have this very weird cold feeling / numbess at the top of my forehead, and its the same, if I dont think about it, I forget and its not there, but if I do its there, it also feel some tingling (numbness) at the tip of my nose whenever I think about it. The reason Im writting, even tho you posted this a while ago, is that, not only the symptoms are very similar, but Im also going through the same thing, Im loosing my father to a lung cancer that spread to his head and, well, its not everyday you come across someone being in the same situation. I wanted to know, did the symptoms fade, was it just anxiety ?\r\n\r\nThank you for letting me know and have a great day :)" ], "date": [ "2022-06-04T01:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cold-sensation-on-forehead-could-this-be-anxiety--758564?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Cold sensation on forehead. Could this be anxiety?
i have had a difficult couple of years & just lost my Dad to Lung & brain cancer. I had to watch him suffer for 3 months & it made my anxiety shoot through the roof. For the last few months I have had a build up of mucus in the back of my throat, an occasional fullness in my ears & throbbing in my head when I bent over. I was told that it was probably Sinus issues. of cause didnt believe my doctor & started assuming i had a brain tumor or something especially given my Dad was dieing from Brain cancer although the primary cancer was in his lung. The mucus problem appears to be settling down with the help of nasal rinsing however I now have this strange sensation in my forehead like a cold feeling on the skin. I don't think my skin feels cold to touch. All I have been doing is Googling this & of cause it comes up with aneurysms, tumors, MS etc etc & this just makes me notice the sensation more! However, I have also noticed that anxiety can cause strange physical sensations & I am wondering whether this is what I am experiencing. If I don't concentrate on the sensation I forget about it but then I remember I have forgot about it & look for it. Its mentally exhausting & I absolutely hate worrying, it stops me functioning properly.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/skyblue321-926817" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it takes a while for any new business to get going, Where you feel really comfortable. Give it some time. Ride the waves with it and know that in the beginning it’s OK to feel a little anxious. As long as it doesn’t take over. Realize that everybody makes mistakes. Everybody! I don’t care what business it is. I’ve seen doctors make mistakes, etc. it’s \r\nThose little errors are just a part of any business and everybody does it. Keep reminding yourself of that. Don’t let the little things throw you off completely and don’t overthink this.\r\nGive your business some time and you may just find that eventually it’ll just roll along and you’ll be able to take the ups and downs. Much easier. Every business has ups and downs.\r\ngood luck with your business!" ], "date": [ "2023-10-01T18:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/horrible-anxiety-and-depression-starting-an-online-business-804491?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Horrible anxiety and depression starting an online business
I decided to sell online last Autumn, first on Etsy then on Ebay, at start I thought I would enjoy it, I watch a lot of YouTube videos for advice, and they make it sound so easy, but I been finding it hard to deal with anxiety, I get more anxiety selling online than I do working offline, it was more of wanting to do something different from the offline work I do, but even though I get anxious I get curious to try more, I did take a break once, but it didn't really help.. Currently I use the dropshipping method where a wholesale supplier ships for me and a print on demand company works with me for Etsy. Everytime I make a sale, I get really anxious, it feels silly I guess, but I can't help it, no matter what I do, I can't calm down. Anxiety and feeling really down, the orders do get shipped in time, once I know that the anxiety levels go down and also since its manually, I always have to ensure I'm not out of stock and other stuff, I haven't had any bad reviews yet, I always test them first and I don't sell anything that would hurt anyone or their property, although electricals etc. are safe and tested, I follow the rules by those companies and keep record for accounting. There were times where a courier would fail to send orders, or send it late to a customer which would then give me anxiety especially when I get a message, these usually happen around Christmas, none of them were angry. Even message about a product would start to give me anxiety when I receive one, even though it's just a question, I do answer carefully. I have done a lot of mistakes this month, like entering the address wrong and forgetting to record my sales for accounting. A part of me just wants to give up and not bother but another part still wants to carry on, I get feelings of feeling unmotivated at times, sometimes I wonder why bother.
Tingling in left side of face and the rest of body
Hi, I would like to know if your condition is similar to mine, as it is somewhat complex.I had a stiff neck in March of this year, which is not unusual. However, after the stiff neck was treated, I developed numbness in my left side of my body, including my left arm and leg, my left side of my face, and my left side of my body. The symptoms were particularly bad in March, April, and May; I felt queasy when I yawned, I had a dead arm when I woke up, and I was unable to drive because I was experiencing numbness in my feet. I also still have tingling and numbness but now it is in my left leg, not just the left side, though it comes and goes. The left side of my face has been constantly numb since March, and I mean all the time, I get migraines for a few days each week, and my pinky and ring fingers are numb when I wake up from sleep. PS: My brain, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine MRIs are clear, and my upper and lower limb EEGs are clear. My blood tests, which include those for B12, thyroid, CBC, diabetes, CRP, ANA, zinc, copper, and D3, are also normal, also, since the symptoms began, I experienced no pain or weakness in my arms or feet, just little tingling feeling, no pain at all. I saw several doctors, each of whom gave me a different diagnosis. One said it was anxiety and that I should take antidepressant medicine, another suggested that I take neurobion, and the third was unsure. I would appreciate any assistance.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonk1980-1473885" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonk1980-1473885" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "content": [ "Thanks for the response. It is reassuring to know I am not only one with this experience of anxiety, I am glad you are getting a handle on it too , are you taking anything else or just the propranolol? \r\n\r\nYeah overstimulated is how I feel I think. I don't really have any racing thoughts or stressors that I am consciously aware of (That is not to say there isn't, the subconscious mind can also be a trigger from what I have read), it all seems to start with this horrible giddy feeling. I then start to get upset and scared by the feeling and I guess that starts me off questioning what it is then the inevitable \"going to die\" thoughts happen. And all through this my heart rate is barely going past 52 bpm (I have a low heart resting heart rate, i have been assured it is not Bradycardia on multiple occasion).\r\n\r\nThis morning the dread feeling woke me at 5:30 and was pretty intense. Was unable to get back to sleep this time so will likely feel like crap as the day goes on. What does point to this all being anxiety is now that I am writing this, the feeling has eased somewhat, it does seem to ease if I can distract myself/get focussed on something else. \r\n\r\nI do find though that it can sometimes just creep in when I am focussed on something else so not a totally foolproof tatic. \r\n\r\nI am walking everyday for at least an hour and previously that seemed to really dampen the feeling/get rid of it for the day, but at the moment it is just taking the edge off. \r\n\r\nApols for turning my reply into war and peace!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-25T06:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonk1980-1473885" ], "content": [ "I didn't think it was anxiety because i wasn't anxious at the time.\r\nBut i had a really bad day at work and had an argument with a customer. I was really angry about it for a couple of days. Then the week after I had a health scare that lasted a few weeks.\r\nBut about a week after i thought all was good the anxiety attacks started. \r\nI did feel worse when i woke up. It eased off during the day but some days i just felt off all day long. Especially on the hot days.\r\nAt night the feeling of fear crept back.\r\nMy heart was slipping beats and i was quite worried.\r\nI could sit watching tv and feel ok but then from nowhere i was really nervous.\r\nBut the doctor said it was anxiety. So i just kept at the propranalol and tried to shrug it off and about two weeks later it more or less stopped. I didn't take anything else. I almost did but i wanted to ride it out without taking anything stronger but i almost did ask the doctor for some different meds.\r\nI'm still anxious about it returning and my heart still feels a bit weird at times. \r\nI think these things just take time even when there's no reason to be anxious anymore.\r\nIts opened my eyes because I've never felt anything like it ever.\r\nJust thought no way can stress do this to you.\r\nBut seems it can." ], "date": [ "2023-09-25T17:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonk1980-1473885" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "content": [ "Yeah I really would not wish this feeling on my worst enemy. I have had panic attacks and the odd acute Anxiety attack in the past but nothing like this. Hardest part for me is accepting it as anxiety, my brain almost wants it to be something else. I would prefer to be able to get through this as drug free as possible I think but depends how intense it gets. My experience on Mirtazapine was not good and Sertraline seems to have a whole host of \"fun\" side effects. \r\n\r\nI have a pill cutter so trying a lower dose of propranolol today. Trying 10mg like you. So far it as not mucked me up so fingers crossed. " ], "date": [ "2023-09-25T18:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonk1980-1473885" ], "content": [ "I think I'm about 15 days without any real bad panic/nervous feeling. It did last a while.\r\nFrom late June until about two weeks ago. It seemed to get more frequent and more intense for a while. Then it seemed to last for long periods until it started to happen less frequently.\r\nI think I was pretty similar to how you've been so hopefully it will just go away. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't just anxiety like mine was \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-27T17:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonk1980-1473885" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "content": [ "i really hope it is, I got myself into a bit of a state on Wednesday as the 4am cortisol waking anxiety that keeps waking me up is intense at the moment. I basically convinced myself I had an adrenal tumour. At the time such thoughts seemed extremely rational but now while I am having a period of respite it's like the memories of a different person. \r\n\r\nThe GP did arrange a blood test for me though which I had this morning, I have no doubt it will be normal. I probably do need to consider proper meds I think. \r\n\r\nI may see if I can try Citalopram tho as if I do struggle with it at least I have a few friends who have been on it and some who are still on it to talk to should I need support." ], "date": [ "2023-09-29T17:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "it sounds very similar to what i had \r\nI found propranalol made it worse at first but eventually i found it helped. But i reduced my dose from 40mg tablets to 10mg three times a day \r\nI felt over stimulated at times and that feeling of dread and being very anxious.\r\nThe feeling of palpitations but heart rate was normal \r\nI'm about ten days now without those feelings. Before that it was every day for weeks and for the majority of the day.\r\nI'm sure it was anxiety like the Dr told me even though at the time i didn't feel i was particularly stressed.\r\nI still feel a bit anxious but less and less so as the days go on.\r\nI'm pretty sure it is anxiety related " ], "date": [ "2023-09-24T20:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-anxiety--804373?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Is this Anxiety?
Hi all, new here but have been reading posts for a few months. I am having persistent anxiety, basically everyday, I am woken up at around 4/5am with a excited/dread feeling in my chest area. I don’t have a raised/racing heart rate, it is just that feeling something horrid is going to occur or that I am dying. It started in March this year, at that point I had been on Mirtazapine for 4 months for depression and insomnia. Until March I had seemed to be on the mend the boom this intense feeling of dread/giddy excitement. Basically all day, everyday. The Mirtazapine also seemed to have stopped working and also no longer helped with sleep so the does was upped but basically did not help the anxiety. I started to become convinced I had cancer. I have since learnt this is quite a common thing to think, but there was no way you could convince me otherwise. I was presenting with some persistent abnormal pooing so had a bunch of tests and checks, all normal. Even had a colonoscopy, normal. I came off the Mirtazapine as it was agreed is was no longer helpful to stay on it and eventually I started feeling a lot better and the dread/anxiety reduced, it did not go away and I still was waking around 5am with it but exercise seemed to keep stuff in check. I am also attending CBT once a week which is helping. Then around August bank holiday weekend the dread feeling suddenly seemed to spike again, so since then it has ratcheted up in intensity but this time I actually do not feel particularly of low mood and I definitely do not have racing thoughts. This dread feeling is just there. Again, I don’t have a raised heartbeat or sweats, some times it feels like my heart is pounding but checking my watch my heart rate remains normal. I do get feelings of nausea but I don’t vomit and also mild burning/knawing in stomach, almost like being hungry but not, if that makes sense. i can be difficult to sift stuff out as I do feel tired all the time, i put this down to the sleep debt from not being able to sleep past 5am most nights. i also seem to be unable to nap anymore even if I feel wrecked. Exercise and breathing/grounding techniques now just seem to take the edge off rather than getting rid of the sensation and where as it used to go away by 5pm it can now persist into the evening. I am still working as it does help keep my mind focused on other stuff but that feeling does creep in now. Again it seems to be just the feeling of anxiety/dread. This has lead to me convincing myself I am dying again. Doctor’s seem certain just Anxiety but what concerns me is how I never had anything like this before and it powered through the Mirtazapine when I was on it. Docs are suggesting Sertraline but I am hesitant. I don’t want to go through more hell for it not to work. I have also tried Propanolol but this just seemed to make the feeling of Doom worse. Do I have an anxiety disorder or should I be asking for more tests? I am bloody frightened.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sb24-1460247" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sb24-1460247" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "thankyou! \r\n\r\nYeah, thats the bit thats really hard to just accept, its as if I've phone the Dr's about a sore leg and they've stuck a cast on it without an X-ray first!\r\n\r\nI have yeah, his tests came back with no indication of epilepsy, they were thought to be stress related, but still got diagnosed with epilepsy anyway?" ], "date": [ "2023-03-31T19:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\nSorry to hear, how scary for you!\r\n\r\nNothing similar sorry, but just wanted to say you should really push for tests, just saying it's epilepsy and putting on meds is really not good enough.\r\n\r\nHave you asked your uncle about his exact symptoms? do they coincide with yours?\r\n\r\nKeep pushing and good luck!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-30T20:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/syncope-sleep-syncope-seizure--798611?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Syncope, sleep syncope, seizure?
> hello all, I was just looking to see if anyone else has experienced something similar to myself: Around 7 years ago, I received an MRI and EEG to test for temporal lobe epilepsy, after suffering from bouts of DeJavu,, during which i felt a rush of heat, sweating, tunnel vision and generally a bit "funny" for around 30 seconds or so then i would snap out of it. The tests came back reading as normal, and the whole thing was swept under the carpet, so to speak. I wasn't diagnosed with anything and life continued as normal. I only ever really suffered from this when I was stressed out. Fast forward 7 years, a couple days after Christmas '22, my girlfriend woke up around 6:30am, to find me stuck down the side of the bed, in a tiny gap between the bed and the wall. I had completely blue lips, was not breathing and had no colour at all. She quickly pulled the bed off the wall, i fell to the floor, took a big gasp of air and i came around about 10 or so minutes later. An ambulance was called, but the operator did not feel one was needed. The following week i suffered very bad chest pains, we figured I had just hurt myself from getting stuck. The weeks following I found myself becoming very tired from fairly non-strenuous tasks, such as walking the dog. In late January, my girlfriend woke again around 6:30am to me having what looked like a seizure. Again i was blue-lipped, no colour, struggling to breathe but this time shaking. I came around about 10-15 minutes after this and was able to answer fairly simple questions. During the "seizure" I appeared to be struggling to breathe, was bringing up phlegm and looked completely grey and blue-lipped. i should mention that during this time I was fairly stressed as I had recently bought myself my dream vehicle which I had saved up for a long time for and I'm the kind of guy that stressed himself out for the fear of doing "the wrong thing". It was also just after Christmas which is always touch and go in my line of work as customers tend to hold back any money they have left over after Christmas. which obviously would have made me stressed too. The following day I called my local Dr surgery to explain what had happened, the Dr i spoke to arranged for me to have my blood tested. All 3 tests results had came back as reading "normal". She had also arranged for me to have a meeting with the Neurologist at my local hospital. Every night since the "seizure" in January, I have slept with a pulse-ox on my finger. for around 6 weeks after the seizure, I would regularly drop to around mid to high 80% Blood o2 levels during my sleep. An alarm would sound, I'd wake up, and after a few deep breathes my o2 would rise to a normal level. I also mentioned this to the Dr but not much attention was paid to this. The result of the video call with the Neurologist was: I have been diagnosed with epilepsy having suffered from one seizure, he did not feel he needed to carry out any test or scans and I have been put on epilepsy medication for the rest of my life aswell as being told to stop driving for atleast a year. As you can imagine, this has not sat well with me, mainly due to the lack of tests. I am actually recieving an MRI this week after I insisted. I've been doing my own research and today after searching "hypoxic seizures" on youtube, I came across a video of a German experiment in which they tested a load of fit young people, carried out a test in which they were made to faint by crouching down and breathing heavily then standing up quickly which made them faint. They then watched what happened and recorded the results. A high percentage of them suffered from what looked like a seizure after being unconscious due to a lack of oxygen for just a few seconds. This whole test was related to the condition Syncope. After some more googling and searching, I came across Sleep Syncope, which can be brought on by low blood pressure and/or high stress, and all the symptoms sound like what I experienced. My uncle has also experienced sleep seizures, has received all the MRI and EEG scans, which all came back as normal and his were put down to stress related seizures. My question is, has anyone else experienced something similar, or have you been diagnosed with syncope and what were your symptoms? Thanks in advance, SB.
Whats it like to be on drugs?
i am homeless and inevitably live in a building full of drug users and it stinks. prior to this I've had no real exposure to drug users. I have found them to be very inconsiderate of other people, careless and unpredictable. Parties all through the night every night of the week, even starting during the day sometimes. fights, banging on doors, shouting, and being aggressive. I recently had someone break in because they wanted a lighter. I had someone follow me because I had bought some bits out the corner shop? i obviously cant wear or show anything nice (bought before being homeless obviously) without being a target either. my anxiety is through the roof and I'm suffering from frequent stress induced migraines. Drugs are illegal for a reason and people who do them shouldn't be in with the general public
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alex40817-1460167" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I would highly recommend that you speak with your doctor, optometrist or a pharmacist about this. They would have the most up-to-date information on that and the most knowledge." ], "date": [ "2023-03-28T22:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-it-ok-to-start-taking-citalopram-if-i-m-at-risk-of-getting-glaucoma--798578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Is it ok to start taking Citalopram if I’m at risk of getting glaucoma?
hi all, i've been prescribed Citalopram 20mg for my anxiety but noticed that in the leaflet that one shouldn't take this medication if one suffers from glaucoma. i don't suffer from glaucoma but i'm at increased risk of catching it someday as glaucoma runs in my family. is anyone else in the same boat? If so, what the did the medical experts recommend you do? Thanks Alex
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I get these symptoms too. In fact just now, that is why I was on here looking. Sometimes I just have to go and lie down because if not it feels as if I will fall" ], "date": [ "2023-03-26T17:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-weird-sensations-are-making-my-anxiety-worse-798475?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
These weird sensations are making my anxiety worse
Hi everyone, I have posted on here before but these weird sensations on the left side of my face arm,leg and foot is worrying me. when I get it it fear I'm having a stroke its not numb I have feeling but the sensation is week like I will drop something or my leg going to give way when I walk and then my anxiety starts my feet go cold and sweaty its really worrying me does anyone else get it?...I have no numbness or tinkleing just a week floppy sensation...I had bloods taken both hospital and doctors every thing came bk fine. the doctor keeps telling me its anxiety im too young to have a stroke but I cant help worrying its more than that
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/justin06549-1166751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hey , Bob . I know all too well about emergency room visits , I&#39;ve been to 3 of them the last 2 weeks . My doctor switched my meds and I thought I was gonna lose my mind , getting dizzy , felt like I was looking death in the face ! It&#39;s been a year since my last panic attack until recently. I&#39;ve tried everything and the only thing that worked for me is Zoloft . Don&#39;t pay attention to the negative reviews on Zoloft, it&#39;s the best thing that ever happened to me . Get on it and don&#39;t get off like I did . Big mistake . </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-31T01:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pat51449-1168811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pat51449-1168811" ], "content": [ "Hi Pat, I’m glad to hear your stroke didn’t have any lasting effects. How did you find out it was a stroke? My dizziness came on suddenly while having lunch. I went to an emergency care center and was told to go home and rest. Followed up with my primary care and got an MRI...all clear but still no idea what’s causing it, even 6 years later. Do you take Xanax in the morning or evening? " ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T02:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/salim81627-1176448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi rob, </p><p>It&#39;s almost as if you describing what happened to me. I&#39;ve had the dizziness for years as well. How often do you have yours and any other symptoms? </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T10:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/salim81627-1176448" ], "content": [ "The problem I have is that my dizziness/lightheaded feelings are pretty constant. I notice them more while standing and engaging in conversation. I’m going to see if I take caffeine out for a couple of weeks to see if that helps. I know having anything more than 2 beers will have me feeling off (even more than more normal off) the next day. " ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T13:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/salim81627-1176448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "content": [ "<p>Exactly, They don&#39;t really go away but they just sort of decrease in effect then suddenly shoot up especially if nothing&#39;s distracting your mind or some random physical symptom comes into effect. I find being in the dark helpful. We&#39;ll be alright mate. Skip the caffeine and beer.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T19:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have been getting this for months sometimes it got to be very intense like I was going to faint. I started taking half of Xanax &amp; that seems to help. I know the dizziness is terrible. Today was the first day I didn&#39;t get dizzy what a relief. Hope it stays like that. I had a stroke 2 months ago so I know why Iam getting anxities. Thank God I survived with no symptoms I was very lucky. Hope this helps</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T00:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/justin06549-1166751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "content": [ "You’ve got to see a psychiatrist. Tell him or her your symptoms and they will definitely guide you and give you a diagnosis, and medication if needed . Nothing to play around with . I highly recommend seeing a psychiatrist and getting meds . It’s not forever . " ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T05:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I see that your post is a year or so old, I&#39;m new here and was just reading through these. I have TERRIBLE anxiety and I am wondering if you&#39;ve found anything yet to help?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-18T17:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/salim81627-1176448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/salim81627-1176448" ], "content": [ "I remember when I had my first anxiety attack.  I thought I was losing my mind.  It took 3 trips to the ER and a EKG due to my heart racing.  \r\nSalim have you spoken with your doctor?  \r\n To me, like you, the depersonalization is the worst feeling in the world.  I spoke with my doctor and was put on 10mg of Paxil.  After a few weeks I started to feel better.  My only side effect was it made me  drowsy." ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T20:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/salim81627-1176448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi,</p><p>Doctors don&#39;t think of my symptoms to have severe underlying problem. I keep fighting with my thoughts to also believe them, panick attacks won&#39;t let me. I&#39;m trying to fight it natually, and know it has sort of a phase to recover kind of like overcoming first heartbreak</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-05T01:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/justin06549-1166751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "Good recommendation! Medication works . My doc was messing with my meds recently , try this try that game . Zoloft is by far the best I’ve tried . \r\nHospital visits are the norm for people with anxiety and panic . Embrace it . Get on meds and know that YOU ARE ANXIETY. Talk s**t to it , pump yourself up , it wants you to feed into it . Meds will help tremendously. Know that that you’re not alone ! Millions of people struggle with this . God sees your troubles . Wish you the best ! " ], "date": [ "2018-05-05T01:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Bob, and all reading this </p><p>I can very much relate to comments in this thread. It is very difficult for me to put the disorders happening to me in words, they almost feel unreal but here goes: I have been feeling out of touch with my environment for over 10 years a condition I have come to know as depersonalization-- but that is not the problem as I&#39;ve come to live with it. What&#39;s bothering me to the point that I literally cannot think straight is I suddenly feel my entire body get weak especially in the knees, the feeling is accompanied by lightheadedness, and extreme depersonalization, feeling of pressure in my head and gaseous in my stomach which makes me burp, slightly blurry vision and constant testicle movement . My suspicion is anxiety but the symptoms feel too vital for just anxiety especially that I&#39;m not stressed or have a sense of fear beyond what I usually feel before this symptoms started recurring. Anyone relate to my symptoms?</p><p>I wish people could not abandon their posts after sharing their challenges. It&#39;s quite relieving to update each other. I feel all we have is ourselves since all tests negative </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T10:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "content": [ " Been the same here, not feeling any worse not feeling any improvements. I tried Niagen as a recommendation from a friend but this had zero effect on me. " ], "date": [ "2018-10-11T13:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "content": [ "Hope things have gotten better for you and for all of us that suffer from this condition" ], "date": [ "2019-06-28T07:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Been a while since I seen any new comments on this thread. How is everyone doing?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-10T20:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mypie-1064680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for sharing, I&#39;ve been experencing the exact same thing. I&#39;m tired of always being dizzy.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-06T06:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan71214-1051814" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi,</p><p></p><p>I am 39 male and totally healthy. But for the past 2 years i have had problems with unsteadiness and feeling light headed. Like you i had numerous tests which didn&#39;t find anything so anxiety looks like the only logical explanation.</p><p>I really hate this feeling as it freaks me out if i go for a run so much that i dread doing cardio now in case something happens. i think minduflness is meant to help but other than that i don&#39;t know of any other remedies.</p><p></p><p>good luck</p><p></p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-06T10:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ron09245-1078327" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>hi, i suffer from the same simptoms for the last 5.5 months. i&#39;m suspecting anxiety as the primary suspect, although i haven&#39;t ruled out c.f.s/me</p><p>have you found some miracle cure for this brain fog? gow have you reduced it?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-24T10:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom27220-596854" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sk83-1106701" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tom27220-596854" ], "content": [ "Hiya can I ask what PMR exercises are please. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T08:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sk83-1106701" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "No worries I’ve found it " ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T08:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Your anxiety is the reason why you&#39;re feeling lightheaded - I would encourage you to do PMR exercises at least twice a day for 2 week and then once a day for another 4 weeks - you need to reduce your anxiety as being discharged via your cognitive/perception pathway - you have to get your brain to learn to manage your anxiety developing into the freeze response which is where it&#39;s going currently (fight / fight and freeze) - PMR exercises can help you to rebalance what sounds like dysautonomia (PMR&#39;s activate your sympathetic ANS system - currently your parasympathetic ANS dominant and why you&#39;re lightheaded) - do not do autogenic exercises such as mindfulness / breathing as this is counterproductive and will only exacerbate your freeze response</p><p></p><p>Persevere and you may well be pleasantly surprised&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-30T08:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john87310-1080909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mcmcgraw-1164764" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john87310-1080909" ], "content": [ "The lexapro did help it go away though? I’m on day 11 of lexapro and all of my anxiety symptoms have lessened it feels like, with lightheadedness still being a daily thing and my least favorite. I am hoping the lexapro will get rid of this completely and reading your post made me feel better about it." ], "date": [ "2018-03-26T15:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john87310-1080909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mcmcgraw-1164764" ], "content": [ "<p>Sorry I didn&#39;t reply earlier. Yes lexapro was a miracle for me. Anxiety went from being ALL I THOUGHT ABOUT to something on the level of brushing your teeth -- one of the many tiny nuisances of being human. More good news -- it was easy to go off of about 3 years later. It kind of takes away the &quot;cloud&quot; and you can build healthy habits (sleeping regularly, exercise), have fun (drinking, traveling), and do some extra credit (meditation classes, the headspace app). A few years of this and you may want to stop. And if you don&#39;t, you can keep going for years and years on it. For me, one week I started skipping days with the pill, and a few weeks later, I just stopped. Nobody told me to, it wasn&#39;t a &quot;big decision&quot;, it was just like when you stop wearing a certain sweater.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T21:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john87310-1080909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mcmcgraw-1164764" ], "content": [ "<p>Sorry I didn&#39;t reply earlier. Yes lexapro was a miracle for me. Anxiety went from being ALL I THOUGHT ABOUT to something on the level of brushing your teeth -- one of the many tiny nuisances of being human. More good news -- it was easy to go off of about 3 years later. It kind of takes away the &quot;cloud&quot; and you can build healthy habits (sleeping regularly, exercise), have fun (drinking, traveling), and do some extra credit (meditation classes, the headspace app). A few years of this and you may want to stop. And if you don&#39;t, you can keep going for years and years on it. For me, one week I started skipping days with the pill, and a few weeks later, I just stopped. Nobody told me to, it wasn&#39;t a &quot;big decision&quot;, it was just like when you stop wearing a certain sweater.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T21:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael123054-1149606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john87310-1080909" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks John,</p><p></p><p>I tried Lexapro and it did seem to help.&#160; After about a month I went on a trip and FORGOT my meds like an idiot.&#160; but I didn&#39;t notice any change.&#160; So then, I&#39;m thinking, this is great.&#160; But about a month later (about a week ago) the symptoms came back.&#160; I&#39;d wake up without a good night&#39;s sleep, I&#39;d actually feel the rush of some hormonal change occur and the effect would run up and down the headtrip rollercoaster throughout the day.&#160;&#160;</p><p>I&#39;m SO glad you posted this today.&#160; I&#39;m going to start taking them again tonight, I have about a dozen left, and we&#39;ll see.&#160; Maybe it is the answer.</p><p></p><p>Thanks again</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T23:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alison88042-744664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john87310-1080909" ], "content": [ "I agree, medication was the best thing for me. No regrets. " ], "date": [ "2018-05-05T11:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Wow you guys described it perfectly. I had this years ago, along with a diagnosis of gad, and it eventually became a quality of life issue so I bit the bullet and went on 2 years of lexapro 10mg, and then 2 years at 5mg. About 4 months in, one day I realied I hadn&#39;t felt lightheaded in a while, and it was true. Totally gone for years. Hurray!</p><p></p><p>I decided 6 months ago to stop taking lexapro completely, and lo and behold, the goddamn lightheadedness is back. Waking up everything is fine, but then it creeps back in. When it&#39;s at its worst later in the day, I find myself yawning a lot too. Funny, I can manage the anxious thoughts these days now that I&#39;m no longer afraid of them, esp with things i learned from meditation classes or breathing, but this daily physical discomfort is a total bummer.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-02T14:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I got over an anxiety attack where I felt bad for over a month.&#160; No more racing thoughts or sleepless nights but I still feel light headed. &#160;I&#39;ve been keeping a journal and it&#39;s been 16 days since I felt better. &#160;I&#39;ve been taking amino acids and magnesium for about 3 weeks. &#160;If I could get rid of this spacey/ dizzy feeling I would be fine. &#160;I did read somewhere, &quot;it took time for you to feel bad, it&#39;s going to take time for you to feel good again.&quot; &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-11T22:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sk83-1106701" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sk83-1106701" ], "content": [ "SK, i had almost the same symptoms you describe.  When I was first diagnosed with anxiety it took several trips to the doctor and ER.   I felt better when I had test done but then felt terrible again a few days later. \r\n\r\n Keep going back until YOU feel better.  It took a doctor carefully reviewing my charts to tell me for sure it was anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T11:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sk83-1106701" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "Thankyou, it’s awful. I never knew anxiety could make you feel so physically unwell especially with chest pains. I can’t even be a proper mum to my 4 children. The hospital doctors are fed up of seeing me but I just doubt them with what they are saying. After seeing them I too feel better but like yourself it is short lived. I just want the chest pain to stop. X" ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T12:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sk83-1106701" ], "content": [ "It’s amazing what your mind does.   \r\n\r\nOne thing that helped me was the support of my family.   I still needed to be a husband and father.  I would stay busy with them and praying.  Being Catholic I would pray and meditate on the rosary.  \r\n\r\nIf all it is is anxiety, you’ll feel terrible but it won’t hurt you. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T13:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alison88042-744664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sk83-1106701" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve just read this thread and it&#39;s been incredibly reassuring. I&#39;ve had anxiety for about 4 years (all started out of the blue) and had the whole list of symptoms and so many tests. Had lots for the &#39;dizzies&#39; and was just told it was &#39;silent migraine&#39;? I get this feeling still, on and off. And it mainly develops later as the day goes on (I&#39;m usually fine in the morning). I often get pressure at the front of my head and then the visual disturbances. Today though I got in the car after work and felt really faint like my blood pressure had just dropped suddenly, thenhad the light headed feelings. I wasn&#39;t the slightest bit anxious or stressed before this happened so all out of the blue! Anxiety sucks. &#128549;We&#39;re all still looking for that magical cure.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T16:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shelbicus101-1108140" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sk83-1106701" ], "content": [ "<p>Look up SVT. Saying that you&#39;re chest hurts is a common symptom of this. You should immediately go to the doctor when you feel like this again. This has to do with your heart and you need that thing working!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-30T10:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi All, I’m new to this forum and so far it’s made me feel better knowing I’m not alone.\r\nHow do the doctors know it’s definitely anxiety?\r\nI’ve been having pains/ sensations in my chest and I can’t differentiate if it’s my heart or my muscles or lungs or indigestion but I’m totally sure it’s my heart. This then causes me to panic thinking I’m going to die. I’ve had ecg and Holter monitor but the doctor said my heart is ok. Everyday I wake up feeling lightheaded and like I’m going to feint. Then it eases and if I’m kept busy I can continue with my day as long as I’m with someone I trust. Then as soon as I think about it and start checking my body for symptoms it comes back. I’ve been prescribed propranolol and after taking 1 I experienced chest pain and sweating so I didn’t take another. I then tried sertraline (the doctor gave me 50mg but I broke them in half and half again) I took this for 2 days trying to be positive then when I woke up on the 3rd day b4 taking the next dose my eyes were very weird, I could hardly see. I called the pharmacy and was told this was a side effect and to stop taking them. I’m now waiting for CBT. \r\nIs this anxiety really??\r\nSorry for long post." ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T08:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’ve been on 10 mg of Paxil for about 10 years.  It’s worked great for me. I never felt strange or weird.  It took about 4 weeks before it kicked in. I still have anxiety attacks but very small ones that would last maybe a day or 2.  2017 was a bad year so I think I know what caused the last anxiety attack but it was terrible.  I felt like crap for about 4 months.  " ], "date": [ "2017-12-27T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iamwonderer-1146830" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Bob, \r\n\r\nJust wondering what is the diagnosis of your symptoms? I am having the same symptoms for 6 weeks now. \r\n\r\nThank you." ], "date": [ "2018-02-03T17:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily95365-1145110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gwen52418-1147737" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily95365-1145110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Emily, I am sorry you are going thru what I am currently experiencing right now. I went to the ER had chest xray, chest ct scan and ekg, several blood tests etc.&#160; All test were negative and I am happy about that but I still feel really bad.&#160; I feel lightheaded and very anxious and this has been going on off and on for 3 weeks.&#160; I went to my primary care doctor today 2-5-18 and he gave me a prescription for an anti-depressant.&#160; I have not taken it yet.&#160; This feeling frightens me even though I know it is anxiety and that I am not dying or loosing my mind.&#160; They don&#39;t know what is causing this.&#160; Good luck to you.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-06T08:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Holy cow. Its incredible that others deal with this too. My anxiety is so bad which causes me to constantly feel lightheaded and dizziness. It&#39;s ruining my life!! I don&#39;t know how to deal with it:(</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-04T03:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael123054-1149606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael123054-1149606" ], "content": [ "Hey Michael, do you feel any better? I’m curious if the Lexapro has helped or if you decided to go without. Let us know of any updates or progress you may have had." ], "date": [ "2018-02-19T02:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael123054-1149606" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Micheal! I was an avid coffee drinker. Caffeine can actually make anxiety worse. If you drink as much as I used to, try decreasing your intake. Also be careful with the meds and alcohol. Just some things I&#39;ve learned along the way &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T15:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael123054-1149606" ], "content": [ "Hi Michael, how did the Magnesium work for you? " ], "date": [ "2023-03-21T05:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Lucky I found this discussion.&#160; I&#39;ve been experiencing all these same symptoms for over a year now.&#160; It seems to be getting progressively worse.&#160; Did all the heart tests with no abnormal findings. I had a false positive result on a sonogram, which prompted an angiogram, but no blockage was found, Thank God..&#160; My doctor prescribed Lexapro and have just (3 days) started it.&#160; I drink coffee and dink wine about every day and am pretty active with light exercise.&#160; I wake up after about five hours sleep most nights and sense what feels like an anxiety attack and get lightheaded if I get out of bed. I found this chat just now during such an episode. After a few hours of normal activity, the symptoms disappear but lately they&#39;re starting to return later in the day.&#160; I take magnesium and a few other supplements like multi&#39;s, but I haven&#39;t noticed any significant benifits. I swear it feels like it&#39;s begins with something physiological and THEN the anxiety occurs, but I could be wrong.&#160; I&#39;ll stick with the meds for a few weeks and see if they help.&#160; This is no fun.&#160;</p><p>We all have to find a way back to normal.&#160; Thank you all for participating.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-11T13:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/izmebay-1152266" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Any update? Feeling better? Feeling the sams? " ], "date": [ "2018-02-19T01:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Omg I’m so with you! I am seeing a cardiologist in the morning but I have a lot of lightheadedness that worsens after working out which makes me not want to work out! It’s been going on since July of 2017 as well and I’ve have 2 EKGs, 3 chest X-rays, numerous blood tests all normal. I haven’t had a CT scan and I’m see the cardiologist tomorrow to make sure there is nothing else contributing to this. It’s awful." ], "date": [ "2018-02-19T03:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron10583-1161471" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron10583-1161471" ], "content": [ "<p>Aww, my son&#39;s name is Cameron, and he&#39;s 15 so I like you already lol. A lot of what you&#39;re going through is hormones because they&#39;re running wild in that teenage body of yours! Have you considered joining sports? Also, how is your diet? What to enjoy doing/spending your time on? Being a teenager is hard! I&#39;ve been there! I would encourage you to take anything out of your life that doesn&#39;t make you a better person. Surround yourself with friends who make you laugh and enjoy your company. Also, take note of your diet. You guys need to put lots of good food in your bodies. You can have your doc check your levels to see if you&#39;re deficient in any vitamins or minerals as well. Turns out for me, my D level was way down. Hang in there sweetie. You are going to be ok. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T15:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Lol I noticed I asked about your diet twice! But it is important &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T15:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the exact same thing except its been 24/7 for the past 3 years of my life and I’m only 16!! I want to experience life the way normal people do but I can’t at this point, can anyone help me??" ], "date": [ "2018-03-16T20:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/justin06549-1166751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "content": [ "<p>Love this reply ! I wish I could hang out with all of you so we could all support each other lol . We&#39;re all fine ! Even though our brains tell us different . I wish I could hear all of you guys . I woukdnt wish those feelings on anyone . God be with all of you </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-31T01:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/justin06549-1166751" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks Justin! I&#39;m so glad I found these posts! It makes me feel better to know I&#39;m not alone!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T14:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "content": [ "<p>I have been taking magnesium for about two months now. Seemed to help quite a bit at first, but now, back to the same old constant anxiety, panic attacks, doctor visits.... I&#39;ve been dealing with this for so many years. It breaks my heart that I am so miserable. I took medication for 12 years that controlled it fairly well. But have been off of it for a year this month. And this past year has been Awful. :( I have tried probably every single thing that has ever been tried. Nothing seems to work for the long run. Although reading that I&#39;m not alone is somewhat comforting. :/</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-18T18:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "content": [ "First I have to ask, if you felt better on meds why did you stop?  I’m on a very small dose of Paxil, 10mg, and I feel great.  I stopped for a year but when I started feeling bad again, I saw my doctor a went back on. \r\nMaybe it’s time to see your doctor and get back on your medicine.  " ], "date": [ "2018-04-18T23:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Kara, did you stop the meds all at once or slowly transition off of them? I would bet either way that your body is going to need time to adjust. Have you spoken to your doctor about how you&#39;re feeling? Also, this might sound silly, but I have called those 24 hr help hotlines to talk to people who are caring and who have prayed with me. Anything for relief right Lol! I use an app called DARE that I really like. There&#39;s a breathing excessive that helps if I feel like I&#39;m hyperventilating. There is also recordings that talk you through panic attacks. I love them! I have been to every doctor imaginable lol to figure out if something else was wrong. They probably thought I was a hypochondriac Lol! However, every test comes back normal, and they keep telling me it&#39;s anxiety. Distressing, but not dangerous. Knowing that I&#39;m not dying actually helps me deal with it. When doctors have ruled everything else out it can actually be a huge relief. Last year was rough for me. I believe the anxiety that I&#39;ve been dealing with is actually a delayed reaction to that. My dad is a psychologist, and I&#39;m a psych major. Ive counseled people for years. You would think I have mastered being calm by now, but I&#39;m still working on myself. I have to say that I am so much better now than what I used to be thank God! I know you feel like it&#39;s impossible to get through it but even as bad as it is, you CAN do this. You are still here, you are still alive. You&#39;ve made it. You WILL make it &#128522; I&#39;m here anytime you need to talk! </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-19T02:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "<p>I was taken off the meds. My doctor retired and my new doctor, as well as the psychiatrist she referred me to are both very much against benzos as they are highly addictive and what not. Which I understand to a degree. Obviously I was &quot;addicted&quot; to them. I&#39;d been on them 12 years. But since I never abused them and they worked, I&#39;m still confused as to why they won&#39;t prescribe them. I was taken off of my medicine very slowly, over the course of 4 months. </p><p>They tried several other things to substitute, but everything had side effects and/or just didn&#39;t really do much. </p><p>I have days that are okay. Tolerable. But overall, I would say I have anxiety to some degree, either slight, or full on panic, at least 85% of the time. </p><p>I see a new doctor next week. I&#39;m really hoping she will help. Although her office made it very clear when I scheduled that they do not prescribe any controlled substances. So I&#39;m again afraid it will be a bunch of messing around with different medications, which also gives me anxiety! :(</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-20T16:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "content": [ "Just remember anxiety sucks, but it will not hurt you.  " ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T02:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m so sorry. I definitely understand what you&#39;re saying. Have you had all your hormone levels checked/throid/blood work? Sometimes it&#39;s actually physical stuff in our bodies that can cause us to be off balance. If all those are normal, and they&#39;ve ruled out everything else, then I hope your therapist can help you get to the root of the anxiety and triggers. Learning to work through the fear and panic takes time, but once you have the tools, they really help. Take each day slowly. Today has enough to deal with on its own. Don&#39;t let your mind go somewhere that hasn&#39;t even happened yet. Once you get to the doctor, make your concerns known. You are the patient and they are they for you. Find a doctor who you feel like helps you. Try to find things that make you happy. Do your deep breathing and go for walks. Get fresh air, and surround yourself with positive people. Those are the things you can control. Let go of what is beyond your control.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T16:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "Thank you ❤ talking to people who seem to understand really does help." ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T16:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "content": [ "<p>? thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I have had all of my levels checked in the past and everything checked out fine. But it&#39;s been about 3-4 years and I should probably have that done again. </p><p>The hardest part by far is constantly over thinking things. Not necessarily &quot;life&quot; things but physical things, health concerns. It&#39;s constant. I wish it weren&#39;t such a battle. </p><p>How are you doing though? Are things going well?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T16:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kara61577-1173110" ], "content": [ "<p>I myself have been going through a lot of testing to see if there&#39;s anything else going on that could be causing this anxiety. I have a lot of chest pain and pressure, but my cardiologist said my heart is perfect. You know how it is, you have a panic attack once and it feels like you&#39;re dying! I can say that I am doing a lot better than what I was. I used to not sleep at night. It was so horrible, but thank God the worst is over. I&#39;m getting better every day, training my mind and surround myself with as much positive as possible. I have had to learn to let go of trying to control everyone and everything because it was not helping me. I&#39;ve had to change in order to heal my mind. It&#39;s been so hard, but not impossible, and I&#39;m doing it. I have such a wonderful family who has carried me through my worst days and a strong faith in God that pulled me through my worst nights. I wouldn&#39;t wish this on anyone. It&#39;s nice to have people around who understand exactly what you&#39;re going through.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T01:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "content": [ "Hi Sparkles. What type of Magnesium did you take/or still take, and what dosage? Thanks!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-21T05:10+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I had to laugh when I read your post because I went through the same thing! I think I went to the ER over 6 times, had every test imaginable, saw every specialist and was prescribed every pill known to man! I too was told I was fine. I don&#39;t know what&#39;s been causing the anxiety, but about a month ago I was not functional. My heart raced, my blood pressure sky rocketed and I constantly felt like I was going to pass out or die (hence all the ER visits). Thank God that I am so much better now. I can sleep at night and don&#39;t have that horrible pain in my chest from my heart racing. I changed my entire lifestyle to heal myself. I prefer natural remedies. I only watch shows that are lighthearted and listen to healing music. I had to train my mind to focus on positive things and let go of being in control of everything and everyone. It&#39;s a process, I&#39;m sure you know how hard it is. Magnesium is great to help calm your body. I would highly suggest it to anyone. Fresh air and a lot of light help as well. Surround yourself with people who are supportive and make a choice not to engage in anything that steals your peace of mind. I do a lot of praying when I start to feel anxious, and focusing on love and peace help my mind to be at ease. I know it&#39;s a battle, but speaking from experience, you can win.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-24T22:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/megan9685-1106943" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/megan9685-1106943" ], "content": [ "Megan it does seem to help me.  I take magnesium along with the Paxil.  I use Magnesium Glycinate.  " ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T01:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/megan9685-1106943" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "I went and got magnesium 500mg. I only took one half. But now I’m extremely tired. I have slept for so long. Does this go away? " ], "date": [ "2017-10-27T17:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/megan9685-1106943" ], "content": [ " If you haven’t already, go see your doctor and speak with them.  They may recommend something else.  \r\n\r\nMagnesium is going to relax you.  I took it about 1-2 hours before bed cause I wasn’t sleeping.  It helped me get at least 5 hours of sleep.  I started feeling better after a week or so.\r\n\r\nIt helped me but it may affect others differently.\r\n\r\nIf you notice you make more trips to the restroom like I did,  cut back to every other day.  It gave me diarrhea.  " ], "date": [ "2017-10-27T19:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have suffered from this for 8 years now. Does the magnesium really help I’ve read a lot of different discussions on it but want to know from someone who has anxiety. And what type of magnesium? I am at my whits end of this feeling lightheaded all the time. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T00:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jd78092-1127424" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jd78092-1127424" ], "content": [ "I started feeling normal several weeks ago.  I take doctor proscribed Paxil 10mg, 200 mg magnesium, a multivitamin, and B-6.  I’ve also been walking everyday at least a mile to get some air.  I don’t drink as much caffeine either.  \r\n\r\nI’ve been on Paxil for several years but the other supplements seen to help ME more.  Good luck. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T13:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "What helped please let me know" ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T06:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "content": [ "My last anxiety attack left me drained. It took a few months to feel better.  Thankfully I was able to talk to my wife and saw a therapist a few times.  I didn’t drink during my attack and now that I’m feeling better I only have a couple of beers at the most.  " ], "date": [ "2017-12-15T12:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt5181-1133905" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "content": [ "<p>My symptoms exactly. Glad I have found this discussion. &#160;My doctor has prescribed me all the same meds. &#160;Cymbalta for the anxiety and a benzo to help with the side effects of the anxiety medication. &#160; I just can’t get myself to take these meds. At this point I’d rather have the anxiety than be on those meds. I have found some relief with [b]CBD oil[/b]. &#160;I was only taking small doses but did find it helped a little. So far this has been the only thing I’ve gotten any relief from. &#160;The dizziness or lightheaded feeling has not gone away. &#160;Has anyone had any luck taking a med like cymbalta etc and getting rid of the dizziness ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-26T02:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "content": [ "37 year old male here. About 6 years ago I had experienced vertigo and haven’t felt normal since. I had a MRI, stress test, asked for the works on the blood test, ENT work up as well as vestibular rehab. After all that fun I’m really no better. I too was told it was anxiety and was given lexipro to try; after 4 days I broke out in a panic with what felt like sweating and heart palpitations. That was the end of that for me, first and last time for those types of meds.\r\n\r\nI still continue to get palpitations which tend to cause lightheaded-ness but the cardiologist says I’m all good. What I found in a way to help limit palpitations is to stop coffee altogether, drink teas sparingly as well as alcohol. Using a spray magnesium to rub on my feet at night tends to help with relaxing and heart fluttering. Still not sure on being lightheaded, I’m convinced it’s more cardiovascular related. Good luck and please let me know if you find any relief. " ], "date": [ "2018-01-08T04:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alison88042-744664" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "content": [ "Similar story here Robert. Constant dizziness/lightheadedness and palps/skipped beats. I did persevere with the meds and the side effects disappeared after a few weeks. I had about a year of feeling good. 9 months after coming off meds it’s all back again. " ], "date": [ "2018-01-09T21:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt5181-1133905" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Matt,</p><p></p><p>Do you take the [b]CBD oil[/b] daily? I was given a sample of it once but never tried it</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-22T09:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Robert, how frequently do you get the lightheaded-ness? Mine seems to happen literally every other day, like a schedule. Some days more severe than others. I&#39;ve found that strength training (lifting weights) on days that I&#39;m lightheaded makes it go away which leads me to believe also that it has to be cardio related even though I passed all the tests at my cardiologist. I really need to look into this Magnesium also</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-22T09:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alison88042-744664" ], "content": [ "Alison I hope you find some relief without having to resort to the constant meds!" ], "date": [ "2018-01-22T09:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert62861-1137840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "content": [ "<p>Lifting weights does seem to help me as well. I do feel the lightheaded-ness just about daily but maybe once or twice a month I get caught up in some task and forget about it. Of course this is usually on the weekend doing a task by myself.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Ive heard about [b]CBD oil[/b] but the only thing I found around here is some at a vape store. I don’t smoke so I probably don’t want to start...haha.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-23T02:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetsunshine-1166717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m glad I found this!! It gives me hope I will soon feel good. I&#39;ve had a major anxiety/panic attack almost 2 months ago and I keep putting in my head is just now the after math of a severe attack. Ever since I&#39;m just in a fog lightheaded spell blurred vision state. Nausea has gotten better my anxiety over all is good I feel now like my aftermath symptoms is what brings my anxiety back. If only this lightheaded spell went away I will be perfectly fine. How many months did it take for you to feel better? And what else did you do to help relief symptoms? I refuse to take medication as I believe I&#39;m capable of overcoming it naturally. Thanks!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T21:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetsunshine-1166717" ], "content": [ "This last time it took 5-6 months to feel completely normal.  What really helped was going for walks during breaks or lunch.  I also started taking magnum daily.  " ], "date": [ "2018-03-31T01:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetsunshine-1166717" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi there! I&#39;m like you, I really don&#39;t want any meds! I&#39;m trying to fight this naturally. Although, I absolutely understand why people take medication, I&#39;ve used it before, but my personal preference is to not. There are apps for anxiety that I just found. DARE is the one I&#39;m really liking now. There&#39;s breathing activities for when you&#39;re going through panic attacks and step by step vocal instructions to take you through the anxiety to get you relief. I thought it was very helpful.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T15:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetsunshine-1166717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for answering! :) I&#39;m 3 months now like this I&#39;ve noticed improvement slowly I guess a good thing is not getting worse even if slowly is improving! Not really in the dream like state i mean still sort of in it, I guess what I have been experiencing all this time is derealization. I still have that out of it feeling in my body/head my vision isn&#39;t as bad anymore. Is just an out of it weird feeling now on my head have also been experiencing headaches. I hope all this goes away soon.</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-02-19T03:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetsunshine-1166717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sparkles7-1164515" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello Sparkles :) I am so scared of side effects I rather not to even try, I have 2 little ones so naturally is the way to go for me. That [b]DARE book[/b] helped me sooooo much and the app too. I&#39;ve been dealing with derealization for the last 3 months getting better but still feeling that out of it feeling with the lightheaded, vision has improved but still feel some pressure on my eyes and head now dealing with headaches and the lightheartedness. I am now reading this book is so good really recommend is called &quot;Rewire Your Anxious Brain&quot;&#160; it pretty much gives you all the information docs will not provide us for anxiety how it really is caused and the best thing how to fix it :)&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-04T16:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie79355-1213476" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alison88042-744664" ], "content": [ "Hi there.i have the exact same symptoms as you. Just wondered what anti depressants you took to stop the symptoms and how you are now?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-18T20:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie79355-1213476" ], "content": [ "My doctor prescribed me 10mg of paxil. She got it right the first time. It took about 3 weeks for me to start feeling better." ], "date": [ "2018-10-18T22:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt5181-1133905" ], "content": [ "What's up Matt, how are you feeling now 5 years later?" ], "date": [ "2023-03-21T05:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m so glad I found this discussion/thread. I&#39;ve had the same light-headed/foggy/disoriented feeling for about 3.5 years now and I&#39;ve felt like maybe I was the only one experiencing this. Mine started after an anxiety attack I had when driving and my life hasn&#39;t been quite the same since. I too have had an MRI, multiple CT scans, a heart stress test/EKG, an EEG, multiple blood tests and everything has come back normal. My doctor has prescribed me a bunch of anti-anxiety meds .... the SSRI&#39;s like Zoloft and Celexa as well as Benzos like Xanax and Ativan. Have I taken them all? Absolutely not, only the xanax and that&#39;s only in an extreme panic attack. I&#39;ve noticed certain things used to trigger my anxiety...like alcohol. I&#39;ve also noticed when the lightheaded spells occur that alcohol can numb it (which obviously isn&#39;t a healthy thing). My question to any of you on this thread is when you get these spells, do they happen for you daily without cause or just when something triggers it? I seem to get the feeling about 3-4 days a week. And how do you get through your day to day job, work, family, social interaction when you&#39;re feeling that way? I personally have found it hard to focus on work, be around a lot of people, or even drive when experiencing the lightheaded spells. Sometimes all I can do is lay down and wait for it to pass. Might have to try Magnesium, B vitamins, etc. that everyone is talking about</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-02-19T03:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was lurking. I hope everyone is feeling much better." ], "date": [ "2019-02-20T01:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, it's been a while since anyone has commented on this thread. How is everyone doing with their Light Headedness and anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2019-06-28T07:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jsm33-1253138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jsm33-1253138" ], "content": [ "If you know for sure its anxiety, stay busy. I stay active, walks at lunch, reading, i take the stairs at work. It's going to take a while until you feel better." ], "date": [ "2019-07-05T20:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jsm33-1253138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "content": [ "I do , I run 3 to 4 days a week and workout . but is there every morning and sometimes with a bit of chest pain ,and that the part that scares me the most..thank you for the advise \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-07-05T21:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello:\r\n\r\nI am experiencing the same symptoms, waking up lightheaded everyday and with anxiety, like electricity going thru my body specially my legs and chest and doesn't go away. I went to the doctor (Cardiologist ) did an Electrocardiogram , stress test and eco , everything came negative, the only thing was a bit of high BP and triglycerides. they gave me 2.5MG of Vasotec and 80MG of Tricor. everything seems to be fine blood pressure 105/79 but the anxiety just doesn't go away . any suggestions , Thanks" ], "date": [ "2019-07-05T20:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael123054-1149606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I agree with the comment about staying busy. If I am heavily involved in some project I tend to not notice any anxiety while I'm engaged. When I wake up at 4 a.m. it's another story. \r\nI also must admit, when I stay away from coffee and alcohol, my anxiety is much more under control. Hang in there. My sister suffered from the same condition and she claims that being aware of it and accepting it helped her deal with it." ], "date": [ "2019-07-05T23:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jsm33-1253138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "thank you so much for the advise .. " ], "date": [ "2019-07-06T00:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, how is everyone doing? It's been 5-6 years since we talked on this thread. Anyone still experience Lightheadedness or Heavyheadedness?" ], "date": [ "2023-03-21T04:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/starboy-1375799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "whenever i have anxiety I feel lightheaded and it makes me worry. What works for me is to stop focusing on it and go out for a walk with a friend or phone a friend." ], "date": [ "2023-03-23T09:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gab2023-1459945" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi just want to ask. Have you tried CBT? It was very helpful for me. " ], "date": [ "2023-03-26T15:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/donna92581-999297" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello &#128515; My name is Donna . I have &#160;anxiety / panic attacks for long time .&#160;</p><p>Then I know that awful feeling . Every day you could feel something different . Just remember - you are not dying . It&#39;s only in your head .&#160;</p><p>Beside supplements you taking , try meditation , yoga .&#160;</p><p>I hope you are feeling better soon ! Take care &#127774;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-18T01:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imanony-966466" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imanony-966466" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes, I may be feeling dizzy and light headed as soon as I wake up. I also may feel this way even if I&#39;m not anxious at all! If I&#39;m at work, just typing up a report, I might have this feeling. From the research I&#39;ve done, I&#39;ve found out that Magnesium is used in may important chemical reactions in the body and brain. My MD and therapists both agree that this is most likely a chemical inbalance in the bran. And that it isn&#39;t necessarely purely psychological. Try taking the supplments I mentioned. They helped me out.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T02:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shelbicus101-1108140" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imanony-966466" ], "content": [ "<p> If you&#39;re getting lightheaded just by waking up and you say your heart rate accelerates, well it&#39;s most likely not anxiety since there is really nothing to trigger any anxiety since you&#39;re just waking up. You could have a heart condition called Supraventricular tachycardia also known as (SVT) this is when your heart rate is abnormal. If you still feel lightheaded after a few days I suggest going to your pediatrician and tell he/she what&#39;s going on</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-30T09:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay20172018-1130844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "content": [ "Hi Bob, back on here after several years. What type of Magnesium did/do you take and what doseage? I did a lot of reseaerch on different types of Magnesium today. Curious what has worked for you. Thanks!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-21T05:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have exact same feeling.. whole day light headedness and dizziness.. the issue with me is that i dont know what is causing my anxiety.. as soon as i wake up in the morning, the next second my heart start racing and my anxiety starts even though my brain is completely blank and have no thoughs whatsoever... then within few min lightheadedness starts and that last till i go to bed and the associated anxiety also continues... do u have similar thing going on?? do u get anxiety as soon as u wake up without any thoughs or reason? do anyone experience that??" ], "date": [ "2023-05-06T14:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for your time Lisa. I&#39;ll take your advise and try meditation. Cheers! <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T02:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Honestly accept all this now and be your friend to yourself. Its not a battle actually. Its loving yourself. You are doing all wonderful things add in loving yourself and believing and feeling well too. You must focus on what you do want. Not any ailments, not what you dont want. And learn to meditate and do mindful excersises theres many apps for that and utube. \r\n\r\nMy experience is this comes and goes. It has gone for years at a time. It seems to pop back up with illness, high stress stuff. I have ailments so i think my situation is different but the it all plays the same." ], "date": [ "2016-12-18T03:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taywilson1-1002839" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taywilson1-1002839" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for your time Tay. I keep hearing from many others that meditation is key. I&#39;ll take your advise. Thank you for your time. Cheers! <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T02:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello I&#39;ve had those same symptoms and I&#39;ve called ambulances and felt like I was having a heart attack and was convinced something was physically wrong with me. Some things I&#39;ve learned is that caffeine always makes my symptoms worse and when I eat better I feel better also on YouTube you can search &quot;5 minute guided meditation&quot; these help me relax and feel calm and concentrate on my breathing and not on my symptoms. I still have a long way to go and a lot to overcome but that helps me </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-18T04:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deleted-999095" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/deleted-999095" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for your time Carole. From the therapy sessions, my therapists concluded that my panic attacks are due to guilt themes within my brain. There are some things I&#39;ve done that cause me to feel like i shoud die! I&#39;ve experimented with drugs, nothing too serious. Apparently this caused me to think I was going to die, since I grew up in a very religious family. All doctors and tests have reassured me that I will not be dying because I smoked pot a few times or tried cocaine. The lingering anxiety I don&#39;t know why is there, since I&#39;ve stopped doing drugs completely. Thank you for the suggestion on the book. I&#39;ll be checking that out. Thanks for your time! Cheers!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T02:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Sounds as if you have lingering anxiety, have you looked into your life to see if there is something still not right, why did you have the first panic attack, there must have been a reason why you had one, is that reason still there.&#160; Go to Smiths and get a note book, sit quietly and put down your thoughts as to why you had panics and try to analyse what caused them.&#160; Anxiety causes so many symptoms in every part of the body.&#160; Read Ruby Wax&#39;s book Sane New World, its very funny and very helpful</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-18T10:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ace444-1004121" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connie08861-954392" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ace444-1004121" ], "content": [ "after not sleeping good everynight, i literally wake up gaging with nervousness and have to calm myself but I feel like throwing up each morning so sick to my stomach.  dizzy and lightheaded all day feels like my blood is poisoned.  trying so hard to get thru each day.  negative thoughts running over and over in my head all day. it is a hard pattern to break. " ], "date": [ "2017-01-20T16:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret82456-1177535" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/connie08861-954392" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Connie , I totally sympathize with you , the mind is so powerful and can make us feel so unwell . Going through same thing at the moment , mind won&#39;t stop thinking negative thoughts , such a miserable feeling . I pray that you will feel a whole lot better soon . Sometimes just talking to someone who has or is suffering the same thing helps . Take care . God bless .</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-05T13:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Your story sounds like mine. I&#39;ve been suffering since July 4th, with similar symptoms. I too, had most of the same tests done as you. All came back normal. &#128513;</p><p>I&#39;ve just recently started feeling better. I was literally waking up every morning feeling light headed and nauseous. I didn&#39;t want to get out of bed. I would wake up every morning thinking to myself am I going to feel sick today. </p><p></p><p>What I did was I would literally force myself to get out of bed and do normal activities. I realized the more I focused on feeling like this, the more I would feel sick. I started seeing an improvement instantly when I would try to do my normal day to day stuff. Trust me, it was hard to make myself do my normal day to day activities. </p><p>Our minds are so strong that we literally can create all these issues and symptoms for ourself. Best advice I can give you is accept that it is just anxiety causing this and try hard to get your mind off of it. Just remember this isn&#39;t a permanent thing and it will go away. You will learn to manage it and soon your life will be back to normal! &#128512;</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-23T07:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebecca9111-1060476" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bob29887-987596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carol48459-1138106" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebecca9111-1060476" ], "content": [ "Yes I feel lightheaded now and my head feels like there is something wrong Inside my head an I feel that something is going to happen to me it is a horrible feeling I keep saying to myself it is anxiety I have been like this now for about an hour\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-01-14T15:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tywrap-1083512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carol48459-1138106" ], "content": [ "You may want to go to the doctor just to be sure it’s nothing serious.  \r\n\r\nI remember my first anxiety attack.  I thought I was going to pass out or just freak out.  " ], "date": [ "2018-01-14T19:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I feel lightheaded just now even when I&#39;m layed down scary is just rang 111 it&#39;s my heart one day then my head I feel like I&#39;m dieing every day docs say it&#39;s anxiety but I don&#39;t think it is don&#39;t feel like it at all I&#39;m waiting for the worst to happen does any one feel like me or do I just feel like this I don&#39;t no what to do </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-24T11:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-light-headed-feeling-anxiety-553578?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Constant light-headed feeling. Anxiety
<p>Hello everyone</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve been dealing with a light-headed feeling since I first got a panic attack in July 7th. Ever since then I&#39;ve had a few panic attacks. I&#39;ve been checked for everything! Brain MRI and MRA, Brain CT Scan, Multiple EKGs during ER visits, a 27/7 holter monitor (EKG), A stress test together with an ecochardiogram (heart ultrasound), multiple blood tests. EVERYTHING IS NEGATIVE.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Panic attacks and migranes have subsided <img src="http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif" alt="smile" />. The only symptom that is still present is the light-headed feeling 24/7. It has gotten a lot better, but I&#39;m not back to normal yet (it has been five months). I&#39;ve been taking 5-HTP, Magnesium, and B-12/B-6 Vitatmines (as I&#39;ve done some research and found it that these supplements help). I&#39;ve also beeing doing therapy and I just started working out two weeks ago (sometimes I feel worse after working out)</p><p></p><p>Is there anything else I should be doing to beat this terrible feeling? Can you share your experience with me? what makes it better?&#160;</p><p></p><p>Thank you for your time and support&#160;</p>
Fluoxetine 60mg for ocd
Hi, so long story short I have ocd and have just increased my dosage of fluoxetine to 60 mg. Previous to this i have been on 40mg for approx 4 years- ive had one doctor say 60mg should only be used for 6/8 weeks then dropped back to 40mg, and a seperate doctor say that 60mg is perfectly safe and to stay on it. Is anyone else out there on 60mg?? i seem to be improving and tolerating the higher dose well so not sure what to do. thanks x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leadfrost-1266712" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes. I know that dread all to well friend. And no, you're not gonna die. You made it yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that.\r\n\r\nTry and focus on your life and try to be chill. I know I hate it when people tell me all I have to do is calm down, like it's that easy. But just remember, you made it. And you're gonna do it again tomorrow." ], "date": [ "2021-02-08T15:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Heard *" ], "date": [ "2019-12-01T20:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/georgie84824-1356289" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "content": [ "So do I! I hope her anxiety went away!" ], "date": [ "2021-02-08T15:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This was posted 4 years ago , i pray josy is doing lots better now ! Has anyone hear" ], "date": [ "2021-02-08T15:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bbdanielle-1294968" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sooooo glad to hear im not alone. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-23T03:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emi58325-1350286" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/georgie84824-1356289" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emi58325-1350286" ], "content": [ "Im struggling with this over the past few days, I saw a video which triggered my anxiety. it was a Video of someone who died and all of the comments were saying she knew she was gonna die. For some reason that triggered me into thinking im going to die soon. I suffer with bad anxiety and most websites are suggesting that its just that and after reading some replies on here it makes me feel better that other people get this too. Just checking in to see if you are still struggingling with this problem and if it has gone away? Hope you are ok!" ], "date": [ "2021-02-08T15:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i feel exactly like this everyday, ive recently lost 2 people who were considered close to me or a friend/family member, and anxiety has been through the roof lately. i jus keep thinking that im going to die even tho im pretty sure im healthy, this thought jus cannot get out of my head, and i always search up what it means, most the time it says its anxiety and some other websites sometimes suggest sixth sense which gives me worse anxiety, if anyone on here has tried pills, or therapy, or anything that helps them ease this thought as it comes and goes, i would really appreciate any recommendations as its really affecting me at only 16:( here if anyone needs a chat." ], "date": [ "2021-09-21T19:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/georgie84824-1356289" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey, Just checking in to see if youre doing okay ans if your anxiety has gone away? Hopefully it has!" ], "date": [ "2021-02-08T15:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/juan24064-1366284" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i dont know why but lately i seem to feel like im going to die.. i have health issues and for 13 years i thought i could handle my ailment.. however lately i have this feeling of dying soon.. and it scares me so much i began hyperventilating.. im so afraid and feel so alone. but the medical system has failed me over and over.. im either angry all the time or so depressed i cant function.. worst of all it seems death is around me my cousin passed away a week ago and my aunt past away 10 days ago, maybe thats why im so on edge.. but then i remember how tired i am of all of the daily bull s**t.. so maybe its for the best. maybe all i need is a permanent nap!" ], "date": [ "2021-03-23T08:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lily777-1374736" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i felt exactly like that yesterday. i usually have full control of my mind and thoughts but yesterday i kept feeling like i was gonna just drop dead. i was having a full on panic attack and eventually dissociated which i've never done before. it was an outer body experience almost. i was numb and waiting for something bad to happen. i get these random thoughts that im gonna die soon or someone around me is. i also just recently got off my anxiety medication, which seems like it made things worse. just know you are not alone, i feel better knowing im not the only one. i do hope this passes for you and everyone else. its an awful feeling. love and blessings to you all. it will get better " ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T19:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lilowl-1375094" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm so sorry you feel that way. I feel that way myself. and yes, stress exacerbates it. vicious circle and all. what do you do for your anxiety? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-09T23:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan77132-1379380" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Josy0405, I go through litterally the exact same thing during these times. My brain has been convinced lately that i'm going to die soon. My heart feels abnormal and I have difficulty breathing, it happens due to stress. -Ryan" ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T05:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/drea2021-1384892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello i googled my feeling & i saw this group, so i decided to . see how evryone else is feeling , i deal with fibromyaliga , depression & anxiety ... i need help. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-28T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/drea2021-1384892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello i googled my feeling & i saw this group, so i decided to . see how evryone else is feeling , i deal with fibromyaliga , depression & anxiety ... i need help. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-28T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne13617-1385086" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've been feeling exactly the same way and thought maybe I'm just going insane. so i just had to Google up why am I feeling like this? ( I know Google) 😂 but hey it brought me here so 🙂 for the last year memories good and bad have been coming into my head and now I'm thinking is it that my mind has been preparing me, just to show me I've had the best and worst days but now it's coming to an end? I was thinking you do hear of people knowing their going to die and then they do. I remember years ago my mother was cooking and I was sat at the dinner table and all of a sudden I wanted to tell her to turn around and tell her I love her as I felt death was near. 6 months later she suddenly died Xmas day. I also got the same feeling with my nan who a year later died Xmas day. my father on my mothers birthday. also my animals. now I have that feeling again and I feel it's going to be me. sorry I don't mean to come on all depressive. I have people dependent on me at home. my sister and kids. one who's brain damage with multiple health issues. I've never shared my thoughts I'm not good at talking to people as I hardly socialize. I'm grateful I have a roof over my head and feed my family I know I'm in a position most people aren't ( i know full well growing up ) I have noticed sometimes I hold my breath without even realising and my anxiety doesn't help with my breathing. I hope your anxiety gets better and hopefully it's just all in our head and we can somehow tackle it. take care x" ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T19:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy41749-1152285" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I know  how u feel. I hate it so much I have a mole and I convince myself is melanoma. I get so paranoid thinking it looks different even my gf tells me nothing has change it’s still the same I think I’m gonna die. My head likes to tells me it’s probably to late and it’s spread all over my body and I hate it I can’t even sleep I just want it to stop" ], "date": [ "2018-02-19T02:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josh13475-1154965" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon48514-1191876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josh13475-1154965" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey josh I have the same feelings. Everything you mentioned. . . I have even distanced myself from my daughter atm because I&#39;m so anxious. It&#39;s horrible it really is so unfair. :( I want yo be myself again so much so I can be there for m daughter. Im worried I have some tumor or brain lesion or unruptured anurisim. I had a ct scan done and they said I was fine. But I am still worried and can&#39;t put my trust in the scan. I&#39;m dying to get an mri. Convinced something will happen to me any day now and the NHS are being so slow and laxadaisy about getting me checked out... I get that to them I&#39;ve had a ct all is well. I should be chill. But they ain&#39;t getting these shooting pains and headaches :( </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-26T11:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shora44536-1041962" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josh13475-1154965" ], "content": [ "No you do not have brain tumor I went threw this already an I thought of same thing all the headaches, pain whatever u can name I been doctors n they told me everything was normal I’m completely fine... all he told me was it’s all n your head u got to control it or will control u " ], "date": [ "2018-08-23T05:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi guys my name josh I’m 22 I’ve been suffering with anxiety for about 2 year now I think it started when I was with raking in a meatball health hospital dealing with violence day in day out, since then my anxiety has been terrible not necessarily attacks but constant thinking I have things wrong with me especially since becoming a dad to twins, I constantly think that I have a brain tumour my neck aches, headaches, shooting pains in my head vertigo feeling like my personality is changing like I don’t speak much at home or work I find every opportunity to get away from people, it’s so hard and I really could do with some advice, thankyou guys hope your all well ?[b]?[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-26T19:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monalecia52088-1159316" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dustin89873-995063" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/monalecia52088-1159316" ], "content": [ "I haven’t been on here for awhile but your comment brought me back. I’m so happy you call upon the name of Jesus. I want you to know I have went through terrible anxiety and panic attacks. Surrendering my life to Jesus healed me and I no longer have these issues. If you would like I could be someone to help you through but it will not be of my own accord Jesus Christ gets all the Glory. Let me know and I can find a way to stay in touch. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-16T12:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>You are not alone.. Just last night I was laying down to sleep and all of a sudden the feeling came over me, the feeling of death. I felt if I had close my eyes I would have die. I texted my mom telling her I need her, she called and the first sentence came out of my mouth is Mom I don&#39;t want to die. I just knew I was going to. I called on the name of Jesus and calling his name help alot. But my thoughts is stilling me I am going to die soon.</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-06-01T06:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathryn_40649-1160439" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I get like this all the time. I have 2 girls 3 and 6 months. I&#39;m on sertraline because I have postnatal depression. It is the scariest feeling ever. I tend to think fresh air helps abut and a sleep. &#160;I have to nap during the day sometimes but it&#39;s so hard when you have kids they come first. Hope you&#39;ll be ok soon your not alone honey xxx</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-14T02:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tiesha_99569-1126499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey there and thanks for your reply. It comes on every so often but I tell you its a real feeling. People can tell you its not true but you feel it too strong. I pray and take and anxiety pill. Hope this helps" ], "date": [ "2018-03-14T05:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dustin89873-995063" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have gone through terrible times of anxiety and panic attacks. I would wake up in the middle of the night having anxiety. My life was upside down and nothing seemed to help. I can honestly say I am completely healed from it. Jesus Christ was my healer. I surrendered my life to him and he freely healed me. I don’t want any of you to suffer anymore. If he clothes and feeds the birds of the air how much more important are you that he will take care of you. God loves you and is ready for you to give your life to him. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-16T12:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aliwheat-1163817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/doesitrlymatter-1074752" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aliwheat-1163817" ], "content": [ "Hey buddy, I literally just made this account so I can tell you that I was goin through the exact same symptoms u have atm. And nothing helped until i saw an internist and she put me on an anxiety medications (Cipralex 10mg) first two weeks of takig the meds my symptoms only kept gettin worse to the point where i didnt think id be able to stick it out, but i did, i had to. And thank god i did because around week 3 side effect subsided n week 6 i started feeling amazing, happy and completely careless. Death is not on my mind as much anymore. I just feel normal. Consider meds if ur anxiety is affecting you this badly. Good luck." ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T02:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zainab37536-1163545" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aliwheat-1163817" ], "content": [ "i go through that exactlyyy" ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T05:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This is so scary I just went through every comment I go back and forth every day shots of the time I have this gut feeling like I do when things don’t go well but then it goes away and I’m sure I’m fine but it always comes back. I’ve made an exact day for my death and it’s not even like I’m scared I’ve already had hundreds of panic attacks where i have felt like I’m dying it’s the fact that I’m 18 and I want to do more. I think about how kids die all the time and it’s a thing that happens and I could be one of those people but I don’t want To. I don’t want to be just a memory of a friend I want a family so bad I want to make music. It’s making me so angry sometimes I just scream out loud. I keep asking god or sprits or something to help me and nothings helping I can’t even believe in myself. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-01T06:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zainab37536-1163545" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "heyyy josy0405, i feel like that everyday too, ur not the only one, we just need to be positive which i know is hard when you have anxiety" ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T05:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/manish72778-1181564" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Freind if you have a gas problem then it must that thing that making us feel like this" ], "date": [ "2018-05-21T17:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ceevee-1182576" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jstjude-1048685" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ceevee-1182576" ], "content": [ "Wi ave felt like that. I would have these awful episodes where I’d feel like I was dying. My I watch caught the fact that my heart was dropping to 39 at random times. It was awful. I now know I felt like I was dying because I slowly was. (Well we all are but you know what I mean) My doctor kept insisting on a sleep study. After being dx with sleep apnea and getting on a BiPap machine all my issues went away. It was so dramatic now I’ll never sleep with out it. I had no idea that sleep apnea could cause so many neurological issues. I had heart issues, numbness, exhaustion, heart errithmias, electrolyte imbalances, etc...  I would highly suggest requesting a sleep study from your primary care doctor. What do you have to lose huh?  Best of luck to you. " ], "date": [ "2018-05-25T15:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jaracuaro-1192836" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ceevee-1182576" ], "content": [ "do you still have it? I’ve only started having this paranoia and anxiety about a month ago and it sparks this fear inside of me convincing me that I’ll die soon. I’m only 17 and I hate this feeling." ], "date": [ "2018-07-26T07:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shora44536-1041962" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jaracuaro-1192836" ], "content": [ "I’m feeling the same way but anxiety can’t kill " ], "date": [ "2018-08-23T05:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello, I feel this as well though it’s major paranoia and anxiety constantly think I’m gonna die specifically in a murder, I’m on bupropion xl 150 but it makes it worse it helps my depression but amplifies my anxiety\r\nIt’s hard to sleep which is why I’m up right now ." ], "date": [ "2018-05-25T10:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela52564-951028" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/poopsie1991-970103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela52564-951028" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you[b]?[/b] You just gave me so much hope[b]?[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-24T05:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi I felt completely overwhelmed reading your story!!! This used to be me!!! I found that period of my life absolutely horrendous!!! I was succumbed to those feelings for 2 and a half years, every day!! Didn't sleep, hardly are, constantly doped up!!! I was no use nor ornament!!! I was convinced I was going to die and everything was a possibility, getting in a car, it was going to crash, going in a lift, it was going to fall, going down stairs!! I was going to fall down them!! Even my medication could choke me!!! Of course my throat was going to shut over!! Wow!!! I then was shown how to challenge these thoughts! Why would the car crash?? Why would the lift fall?? Why would I fall down the stairs!! It stopped the fear in its tracks!! That irrational fear and those intrusive thoughts are still in my head even now, but I don't get upset by them anymore!! I control my life not the random thoughts in my head!!! Hope this helps!!! Xxx" ], "date": [ "2016-06-16T20:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/slaystress-952765" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Are you still alive " ], "date": [ "2016-06-23T03:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sally10963-957102" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>hi there</p><p>I just read this...it&#39;s actually how I&#39;ve been feeling for the last 2months now... it&#39;s a terrible feeling </p><p></p><p>I wanted to ask you if you had gotten better from it or is it still the same?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-10T02:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jazzy99-967709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey. I feel like this every night. I actually lay down every night thinking I am going to die. I get afraid to sleep because of the tightness in my chest and thinking I am going to stop breathing. Every little sensation makes me feel like something is wrong. The list of physical symptoms that occur with anxiety is immense. I get a stiff pain in my neck that feels like someone is pinching me in the back of the neck. I am also a mother so, I think having children we fear dying more. The more you think about it the worse it gets." ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T23:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven_80258-969246" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Steve here I&#39;m 31 years old and I&#39;m suffering a lot from anxiety and panic attacksI sometimes can&#39;t sleep with itI always have a feeling of a lump in my throat and sometimes find it hard to swallow other times it&#39;s hard to catch my breath. It&#39;s really getting me down as I suffer everyday from it. I fear swallowing my tongue and my throat closing up. My mouth would also get very dry or start filling up with saliva which I find difficult to swallow or have to spit it out which is very embarrassing. I&#39;m on anti depressants and I tried hypnosis and counselling. I also get pains and aches all over my bodyPLEASE HELP ME </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-21T11:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/poopsie1991-970103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Omg i can&#39;t tell you just how happy i am to come across this[b]?[/b] </p><p>Starting just about 3 days ago i started to legitimately PANIC about the fact that im going to die! It&#39;s not like i haven&#39;t known that my whole life (25 years) but it&#39;s like it just occurred to me that I&#39;M GOING TO DIE! I&#39;m terrified that I&#39;ll never have the opportunity to marry the love of my life,or start a family. Being worried that any second could be my last. Being 100% honest i just took my dog out to pee and every car that drove by had a man with a gun ready to take me down .. im convinced my life is about to end abroubtly and tragically... then to top it off i keep straining my brain to understand the Galaxy and the fact we are so small flying around space around a fiery ball. </p><p>I want to love to my old age but know if i continue to do this to myself it will land me in an early grave... </p><p>Anyways I&#39;m so happy to know I&#39;m not alone,i legitimately thought this panic was my bodys way of telling me I&#39;m gonna die soon......</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-24T05:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose24832-973649" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Is anyone still writing on this post" ], "date": [ "2016-09-05T20:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stormyiceangel-974880" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katie111888-843122" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stormyiceangel-974880" ], "content": [ "<p>I get regular palpitations due to anxiety and it&#39;s horrible, very scary! I can relate to your post a lot. I suffer with health anxiety I worry about everything health wise, if I cough I think i have cancer or a headache I have a tumor. Heart related illnesses scare me the most. I dwell on things way too much. I&#39;ll read a post about someone dying and I&#39;ll sit and think about it for hours maybe even days and it sends me unit a panic. It&#39;s gotten worse since giving birth. Anxiety causes me to have shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, arm pain the lot. It really is awful </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-14T19:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana94717-978240" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stormyiceangel-974880" ], "content": [ "Hi stormyiceangel. I read ur post from over a week ago and it reminded so much of my goddaughter. She went through the exact thing u described at the same age when she was away at college. She is 23 now and in much better shape thanks some professional help from various support sources. She is not cured per se, but she now has the knowledge and tools to cope. She knows how to recognize the signs of an onset of anxiety and how to cope. That is really the key...coping! Arming yourself with all of the tools that will help you get through the day positively. Maybe some meds, in combination with counseling or therapy as well as meditation, extercise, healthy hobbies, a support group. All those things or a combo can help you cope. She had to move back home and seek the help she very much needed. Please seek help. My goddaughter is doing so much better, i would like that for you too. " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bhelokazi-1056749" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ana94717-978240" ], "content": [ "I know how u feel, an advert on life policies to any talk of death just sets it off. " ], "date": [ "2017-06-06T07:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I understand 100% how you feel. I&#39;m 20 and every single day I feel like I&#39;ll have a heart attack or stroke or something else and just die. I&#39;ve been to the ER multiple times and everything came back fine. I&#39;m so scared of dying. Sometimes I get this weird feeling all over my body, I jump up, begin shaking and my heart beats super fast. Sometimes I even imagine myself having a heart attack in my dorm room awake/asleep and falling out of bed gasping for air. I have no clue what to do. I&#39;m scared always. My heart beats funny, my breathing is off, I&#39;m always shaking, my head spins upon standing and idk what to do.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-09T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katie111888-843122" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>This post I could have wrote myself! I have suffered with anxiety since around the age of 7-8. I&#39;m 28 now married with a beautiful 2 year old...I&#39;m happy but I do suffer with anxiety quite bad. It&#39;s lots of things with me like anything can set it off. I&#39;ve only recently started thinking about death and dying it&#39;s become such a huge fear since having my son. I&#39;m so scared I&#39;ll have to leave them. I worry about it almost every day but then it goes into a panic attack and my husband has to calm me down. I hate feeling like this. I worry so much about illness..especially heart related stuff!! I just need people to talk to really. Kayleigh </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-14T17:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aaron55863-977057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i feel like this way to much first panic attack 1 and half year ago have the breathing under conteol now but fears and feeling like my brain will end !? so weird but thats how aometimes feel like impending doom sometimes ill have some random reason thought up other times i dont know what but i swear im in my final minutes so ahit to deal with the feeling is traumatic so im starting to thibk im getting ptsd from my made up traumatic experiences , ps bitter sweet to hear someone else feels the same im not happy for anyone dealing with it but dont feel like im the only one either " ], "date": [ "2016-09-17T10:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cajun_ricky-924118" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>You guys are great! I&#39;ve been a part of this forum for a while and every time I ready someones post, it just reasures me that we all have so much in common.</p><p>I recently found and watched &quot;The Anxiety Guy&quot; on YouTube. He gives great information that Dr.s don&#39;t. Dr.s want to always prescribe you meds, it&#39;s their job to do so. I highly recommend watching this guy. He&#39;s calming, funny, and relatable! Hope it helps.</p><p>Just look up &quot;The Anxiety Guy&quot; on YouTube.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-17T10:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma81973-995512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes! I&#39;ve had health anxiety for three months now. At the start I was convinced I&#39;m going to die today every single day. I was scared to be on my own. Especially as I&#39;m a single parent with a 3 year old living far away from my family and no one to help me. I was convinced I was going to die of a heart attack. After countless tests on my heart and general blood tests my hearts in really good health. Now I&#39;m convinced I&#39;m going to die of cancer and obsessed with another part of my body. So feeling your pain with this. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-30T19:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angelica626-1023120" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel like that everyday too <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/rolleyes.gif\" alt=\"rolleyes\" /> it&#39;s scary and lately I&#39;ve been having stomach problems along with abnormal heart beat <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/rolleyes.gif\" alt=\"rolleyes\" />. I went to the ER but they told me maybe it&#39;s the gastritis that is causing it. I honestly just want to feel normal again physically &amp; mentally. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-16T20:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mikeydee-1023170" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi guys / gals.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m Mike, 28 year old male. I&#39;ve suffered anxiety for the past year or so. Started off as social / public speaking and has generally spiralled worse and worse I&#39;ve started with fears and phobias about anything and everything. Things got so bad I left my job but I was lucky enough to set up my own business and go self employed with the help of my mum and friends. I am a type 1 diabetic and so was my dad. I lost him to cancer in 2014 he was just aged 58. It broke my heart and I&#39;ve not been the same since. I get a lot of the same physical and mental thoughts in which you all get. I&#39;ve had 3 very scary panic attacks since my first in October 2016. But the important thing to remember is we are all still here. Survived every single one and perfectly capable of communicating and writing sentences on here with one another discussing emotion and feelings. We are stronger than we think. If there&#39;s one thing I tell myself it&#39;s that ok no matter how bad I feel with these symptoms and emotions just do something that makes you happy or makes you laugh, if we do die, which we probably won&#39;t, at least we will be happy and smiling. For me it&#39;s my business. I do car valeting and detailing and I love it, I&#39;m so passionate about it, for those brief moments it&#39;s my stress and symptom relief. Take care everyone remember you&#39;re STRONGER than you think. </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-15T16:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam33935-1025096" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel like that all the time when I go out feels like I&#39;m going to die, I&#39;m the night I feel like I&#39;m going to die I&#39;m convinced I&#39;m going to die everyday feels like my last day I don&#39;t no what to do aswel, I can&#39;t sleep at night it&#39;s horrible I feel like I&#39;m going to leave the world absolutely horrible</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-22T02:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edgar06632-1029198" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello everyone my name Edgar I have anxiety too. I also fell this way like I am going to die I can&#39;t die I have a family my chest hurts my breathing is not normal my throat feels like I have a knife there I try to relax doesn&#39;t work I have had anxiety for 5 months how long does it take I just want to be normal </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-05T08:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ron351-165019" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Gee I&#39;m sorry to say I feel that way pretty often. As soon as I do I try to give myself a lecture about how I need to decide if I want to live or not. This I will say and I fully believe it, I will surely die if I want to.</p><p></p><p>Why do you think in a marriage if one person passes away so will the other if they had that special kind of love lasting many years. Even animals like birds behaive in the same manner. I had the pleasure of owning two Cockateils that had that special love and sure as I&#39;m writting after one passed away the other just lasted four weeks.</p><p></p><p>So I&#39;ll bottom line you right now, if you&#39;re tired of life you will die. Find a new reason for living, buy a pet, go to church groups for support (subject doesn&#39;t matter) and so on. Choose life and it will be yours!</p><p>Ron351</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-05T23:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shora44536-1041962" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I had got diagnosed with axiety in January an I was scared because I never felt this way before o I haven&#39;t mentioned I&#39;m 22 so yea I really scared.. I have 3 kids that I&#39;m want to live for an all I can think is will I still live to see them grow... But make a long story short I made appointment to see my doctor an I was just asking him a bunch of questions about axiety to the point when he was like just calm down you going to be ok...I&#39;m like u sure because my mind is racing, I can&#39;t sleep, my head hurts, my body feel funny, sometime u may twitch, in you feel like u will pass out, light headed, it just have u feel like why am I feeling like this.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-13T21:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shora44536-1041962" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Josy just remember if no one ever told you but axiety can not kill you it just a mind thing...u will be alright" ], "date": [ "2017-04-13T21:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/livelife-1021858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/livelife-1021858" ], "content": [ "<p>I do the same thing. I can&#39;t imagine my life past 35. I have always had this feeling that I was going to have a short life and that I would only live until I was 35. It&#39;s really scary because I am very in tune with my intuition and I am hardly ever wrong about the weird premonitions I have. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-27T13:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/livelife-1021858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "content": [ "<p>See I feel the exact same but that scares me because I want to be wrong because I want to live but I just can&#39;t imagine living past 25 and ever having children, The children one I&#39;ve thought for years I can&#39;t picture being a mom and I started trying to concieve 3 months ago and nothings happened I&#39;m totally scared</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-27T13:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/livelife-1021858" ], "content": [ "<p>Getting pregnant can be difficult if you are stressed about something like this. My worry and anxiety got worse after I had my girls because now I&#39;m even more scared that I won&#39;t be there for them or I won&#39;t be able to watch them grow up. You sound like you&#39;re on the same spectrum as me... just about 10 years younger. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-27T14:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/livelife-1021858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "content": [ "<p>I know that if I&#39;m ever lucky enough to have kids I&#39;ll have constant anxiety about their health and safety!!! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-27T15:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aliwheat-1163817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "content": [ "ME TOO I’ve  always us felt like I couldn’t imagine my twenties. I’m 18 right now and I can’t picture past April and have a very bad feeling. I am a very intuitive person but I also have crippling anxiety. It feels and though theres a dark presence over me at all times and I’m pretty sure its a manifestation of my anxiety trying to kill me. Sometimes I’m fine sometimes I’m positive that people are looking at me funny because they know I’m going to fiend soon. I’ve had anxiety my entire life and every time I kneeboarding a person was a psychic I was feeling that they we’re  looking at me in a bad way like they felt sorry for me. It’s so upsetting " ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T00:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>No way I get this to, but it&#39;s weird I can never picture my future and that makes me think that I am going to die before the age I can&#39;t picture anymore&#160;</p><p>I use this all the time it started one day when I was going ice skating and on the way I just couldn&#39;t imagine myself ice skating it was weird I just couldn&#39;t imagine it, only to get to the ice rink and find out it was closed and since then I have this thing where if I can&#39;t imagine it its not going to happen, so when I started not being able to imagine myself being past 22 I&#39;ve convinced myself it&#39;s because I&#39;m going to die,&#160;</p><p>Maybe it is an anxiety thing after all</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-27T13:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jstjude-1048685" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Josey. I see this was two years ago. Do you still feel this way? I feel this way all the time lately. It&#39;s scaring the hell out of me. I don&#39;t know what&#39;s wrong with me. I have a young daughter who is plagued with me dying too. I don&#39;t tell her I feel this way. I&#39;m wondering if I&#39;m feeling her empathically and visa Vera ya know. It&#39;s just scary. I was hoping you could answer back and tell me if you still feel this way. Thanks. (((Hugs))) </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-07T06:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda1827h-595377" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda1827h-595377" ], "content": [ "Those all sound like great ideas but what if you are very low income?\r\nI can't afford reflexologist or aromatherapist.\r\nI've looked around, even called city hall, city services to find free yoga, free classes, etc everything you pay or Is sliding scale -even with SS I can't afford what I've been quoted. The YMCA was the cheapest but with travel costs (it being clear across the city) & the low monthly I honestly can't afford it. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-13T00:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello Josey!! I see I have alraedy written to you. Ok Anxiety is an illness, but please listen to me. You have a Husband & two young children. Ok you need to please call in a Reflexologist & or  get an aromatherapist to come & give your who;le body a massage. Then please once a day take time for JOSEY ! No one else aprt from JOSEY. Get your self to your local health food shop and get soem Kalms, rescue remedy. They also do various bach flowers remidies that you just put a few drop into any drink.I am on a Beta-blocker to calm me down ( propranalol) (160 a day) 80 each dose. Then I listen to cds of relaxation music when I cant sleep. Amazon have a brilliant anxiety workbook. please get your self a copy. Go for a walk each day. First and foremost you have a Family. Please get a piece of paper and write down all your negative thoughts then burn it.!! When you get up tomorrow. Say today to yourself Josey your going to have a positive day !! Only positive thoughts are allowedd in this house. Its difficult but there are ways. Do you have a really have a good close Friend with whom you can talk too?Please join a yoga class.Go swimming. or go & have a relaxing Jacuzzi Regards Amanda" ], "date": [ "2023-04-19T16:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thats interesting you said that about dying. I feel like i am myself at times and not from anxiety, although thinking about that causes anxiety. I have very obvious symptoms, visual not in my head ones and doctors just note it and say they dont know? Strange. So i do fully get that statement as im sure every single person who has severe anxiety has felt the same way. The worst is when you come across some stupid info graph with warning aigns and you have them and the doctor checks you and says you are ok..i have xanthelesma around my eyelids but docs ig dont read any articles on it because they ignore it or say its genetics.  We arent in control of when we die, so i surrendered that fear.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-01-13T15:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meckam-914166" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Youre not alone.. I feel the same almost every single day.. When i feel something wrong with my body.. And i will say... \"This is it\".. And i Cant stand." ], "date": [ "2016-01-13T15:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jared1998-923993" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "josy0405 I don't know how long ago you had posted this ... But I just wanted to say I'm in the exact same boat as you and everyone else I'm 17 and over time its seemed to been getting worse lately I haven't seen anyone about it cause your post and everyone else's matches mine pretty closely I've read so many about anxiety and it also runs in my family but I have heart pains not heart attack like but like still make me worry cause I'm young and never heard of it before I can get very light headed where I can't think and get very close to having panic attacks at random times feel like I'm going to faint or die a lot and I haven't found a cure but doing something that makes you happy to take your mind off of it seems to help a lot like for instance me I play my Xbox and seems to make me feel somewhat better but keep your head up everyone reading this where all in it together and over time it can be conquered ! And controlled \r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-02-16T10:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cajun_ricky-924118" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cajun_ricky-924118" ], "content": [ "hey cajun ricky,\r\n\r\nim going exactly like what your going through and i was precribed xanan too but i didnt take it as im worried about the side effects and im a stay at home mum so i cant afford to be drowsy and sleepy from the meds cause its usually just me and my son at home for the most parts..i know how it feels like when you just wanna take your kids out and rnjoy the day but then you feels like sh*** and prefer to stay at home..but if i were you and will not try meds cause something tells me that anti depressants they sort of suppress your symptoms and but once your body is running out of it the symptoms will get more intense..just my 2 cents..but if it helps you then go for it..just want to say you're definitely not alone and im 23 so it sucks to keep thinking of just thoughts..but now im sort of getting a hang of it since it has been almosy 8 months for me.." ], "date": [ "2016-02-17T13:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cajun_ricky-924118" ], "content": [ "Awww that has to be the worse about all of this.....telling the kids I can't do something or when they see how ill I am. I feel like a sh*t parent. \r\nI feel 4 u Cajun Ricky really do. Are not alone. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-13T00:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Guys.\r\n    First time poster, long time scared of dropping dead.\r\nI almost can't go a whole day without feeling my heart will just stop beating. I'm scared I won't get to see my kids grow up into adults. Almost everytime I go for a drive, I usually start feeling the symptoms come on strong, like I'll suddely have a stroke while driving...it's very scary! I was prescribed xanax, and although it helps calm me down after about 30mins, I'm left with a sluggish day, that;s after I wake up from a nap from the xanax. It's as if the only thing I want to do when an attack comes on is lay down so I can sleep it off. It's almost like that's my only way of dealing with this, is to go to sleep. I ceetainly hate it when these \"attacks\" come early in the morning, because my whole day is most of the time shot to sh*t.\r\nIt's nothing short of a disturbing, scary nucense!\r\nI cannot count the times when I've had to tell my kids I cnnot do something becuse I don't feel right. I feel so sluggish and slow when an attach happens. I really feel this has taken over my life, and won't let me live normaly.\r\nI live for the days that are panic/anxiety free...I hate this!" ], "date": [ "2016-02-16T23:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/2bapolarbear-926471" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dearest Josh and any others,\r\nI am going to come at this from another point of view. I have had seizures since i was nine years old(1969) and survived a head injury. They were never grandmal until i was 21, then again were sporadic...in 2007, they showed up full force, increasing in intensity and multiples, my heart started fluttering, at one point i was taken to the hosptial and i drifted...as i walked, which seemed like a forest, i began to see my family, one by one, my father walked first, and then my brother. I was i over joyed, ran and jumped into his arms, he just held me for the longest time, my whole family was there. I was told by my father that i couldnt stay, and i started screamig.I didnt want to leave. I was told when i awakened after the resuscitation, I was reaching out and crying. January 2015 they came on back to back, severe euphoria and vertigo, i was partially awake and felt like i was being shocked during the seizures and i just screamed in pain, and was transported...the seizures weren't stopping despite efforts...then i drifted out thru what felt like water...i wasn't afraid...then the shocks started...i woke up tied down and on the ICU floor where i used to work. I suffered Cardiac and respiratory arrest, afterwards so much was gone, then in December, there were18 back to back, my heart shut down and i struggled to gasp for air, my eyes were wide...then i floated out again...this time it wasn like being in a warm blanket and i was not afraid...again i was resuscitated. I have the sensation that i will not survive the next...i need to get things in order...i am not scared at all...i need to make sure everything is taken care of. I am like my grandma who sensed these things. I make sure i tell everyone how much i love them." ], "date": [ "2016-02-29T02:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adrian_74233-946789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/diana03609-971629" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adrian_74233-946789" ], "content": [ "<p>Your post sums me up in a nutshell, except I&#39;m 28 and a female. But all of your feelings are exactly the same as mine. Your post helped tonight.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-29T04:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa56293-978528" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adrian_74233-946789" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Adrian, I can definitely relate to what you&#39;re going through. My anxiety makes me feel like I&#39;m dying and no matter how I try to convince myself that I&#39;m not I just can&#39;t shake that feeling. I just hope that for everyone who is going through these awful times will get better.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-22T04:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/irene05439-1122888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adrian_74233-946789" ], "content": [ "<p>&quot;If you&#39;re scared of dying, you&#39;re not dying&quot; - this is the most helpful thing I&#39;ve seen so far on the subject. I don&#39;t care if it&#39;s true or not; it&#39;s reassuring anyway. I&#39;d always thought I would like to die in my sleep, but I&#39;m still afraid of doing so anyway. It makes no sense. I know that when I do die, it really won&#39;t matter, because I won&#39;t be there to experience it. I try to remember that, though it&#39;s hard to. I&#39;ve never really had a fear of the dark, but lately, when the anxiety is really bad, I sleep with a night light on. I think it helps not to be in total darkness.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-17T18:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello I am a 30 yr old male and have been living with this since March of 2013. I was going through a really rough time in my life and dealing with alcoholism. I went on a road trip and was drinking heavily and was already overwhelmed. That's when it hit me, in my way back home. It was quite disorienting and I felt I wouldn't achieve anything in my life, my dreams didn't matter and anything I had done in my past was worthless. I couldn't shake this feeling and the rest of the trip hone was our hell. We drove from Palm Springs back to Northern California. A lot of the drive was desert with no services along the route. I would see a sign saying \"no services for 100 miles\" and I'd want to cry. I was convinced I'd die in the desert.\r\nAfter that I felt I was going crazy, or going to die. Let me preface by saying I was pushing myself really hard in school and in a horrible relationship, battling alcoholism, so I was having bouts of feeling panicky before this. But this feeling of dread and impending doom was new.\r\nI couldn't really function once I got home and was scared to leave my house, to drive anywhere, to be alone, and always in constant fear of dying. I pushed myself to go to school, have friends and try to move past this. I tried an ssri celexa, and felt so weird, I could feel a shot of something up my spine, and then I felt high. Then convinced I was dying! So stopped the celexa.\r\nI went through to tortering agoraphobia for months, then saw an expert in anxiety for cbt for a few months. He got me over the hump. I did finally start meds in October of 2014. I've been on celexa since then and it did help with the anxiety. It made me gain 15-20 and lose my sexual sensitivity. I'm tapering off for those reasons. \r\nThe anxiety has come back more since I've went to 5 mg and I have some insomnia, which I'm convinced is going to make me die. But somehow I keep waking up! I have a fear of falling asleep and not waking up. You know that feeling before you fall asleep? When you get kind of all tingly and you can't feel yourself anymore, well that freaks me out. Also upon waking I feel the same and start my day out anxious. I think it was a fear of the dark when I was younger, then I started staying up later and later. Then my grandma died suddenly of a heart attack in her sleep. All of these things make me nervous about sleeping. \r\nAs long as I'm getting enough sleep, eating regularly, socializing and being functional I am fine. If I'm tired and hungry my anxiety is terrible. I took yoga at my college and it helped immensely. I find if I'm grateful about things and doing things I like doing the anxiety melts away. If I'm stuck in my head with my own thoughts and tired it's not good!\r\nI still Google a lot, trying to find out what's wrong and how to fix it. I found this message bored and it's comforting I'm not alone in feeling like I'm just going to drop dead. What does dying feel like anyway, who am I to say what I'm feeling is dying? Ask yourself that. Apparently when you die you're not scared, your brain realeses dmt and you're not scared. So if your scared of dying, you're not dying! Also it would just be done right? Like you die, and then you're dead, it's over. I tell myself that a lot. Why spend so much of my life worrying about something that would just happen so quick and be over. \r\nI'll get anxiety like that in the shower sometime and I'll tell God \"Ok, if this is it take me now\" and I always get out of the shower. Afterwards I'll feel fine.\r\nSince this group is active recently it would be nice to be in contact with people going through the same issues. \r\n\r\nBest,\r\n\r\nAdrian " ], "date": [ "2016-06-01T10:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vsoderstrom8-947396" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "You are definitely not the only person who feels this way. I have generalized anxiety disorder and before I took medication for it, there were times where I thought really bad things (injury/near death) could happen to me. Not just could but most likely would. I know it is super stressful because it's the only thing you can think of. Ever since I have been on the medicaiton my doctor has prescribed me, I'm a changed person. Things don't bug me as much (the little things especially), I am not paranoid about things like I used to be, and overall, I'm a much happier person. There's no excessive worrying, and I'm not as stressed out. I would talk to your doctor if possible to see what can be done. The medicine is worth it if it works with your body! Hope this helps. :)" ], "date": [ "2016-06-03T14:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beenthere-931970" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm scared to die everyday. This has built up this painful heaviness in my chest that never goes away. I don't know what will happen when I die and therefore have no control over it. I feel like vomiting when these thoughts come to me. Then my stomach gets messed up from the worry. Sometimes I can't sleep because of the fear. I take something to knock me out or turn on white noise while my husband holds me. I don't want to live like this. " ], "date": [ "2016-06-03T17:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skipfem-775861" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I get like that. Heart races, feel depersonalised, chest pains, feel like my throat is going to close up and that I am going to faint and or die.  It's horrible.  I know it's (probably) not going to happen but the symptoms are so physical it's hard to ignore.  Only thing I can suggest is to try distraction techniques but sometimes easier said than done I know.  Good that you're talking about it though and know you're not alone x" ], "date": [ "2015-07-10T15:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angie85-786689" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marierie-1135600" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angie85-786689" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Angie, I&#39;d like to know how everything is with you now. I&#39;d like to know how you&#39;re feeling because I feel the same way.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-03T00:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon48514-1191876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marierie-1135600" ], "content": [ "<p>Me too I&#39;ve a 3 year old and im so convinced somethings going to happen me (my worry is a brain anurysim, because I&#39;ve horrible headaches). All of yhe worry over this had made me distance myself from her as I feel she can sense something is about yo happen me too... but she can probably just see my heads else where and im worried I hate how all this is affecting me ahead i really get upset at the fact that it might be making her worried. I ahendlso panic that of is died she would forever be depressed. I wanna be here for her. I had ahendlso ct scan that they said was perfectly normal and I mean it&#39;s kind of reassuring but not really because I&#39;m still having these horrible headaches and dizzy spells that get so intense then drop. Kind of like labour contractions in my head. I feel like when the contraction is at its worst that&#39;s when I&#39;m going to die &#128547;&#128547;&#128547;&#128547; </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-24T19:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lita2020-1308809" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angie85-786689" ], "content": [ "Same here, as a young kid I always had a fear of dying. My first panic attack was at 13 this is the worst thing I've come across it's so scary!!!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T19:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel like this all the time! I think it's because I'm scared of dying that I feel it will happen suddenly to me and I won't get to see my girls grow up! Some days I only think about once others it's on my mind all day. You are not the only one but I have no idea on how to stop it! " ], "date": [ "2015-07-10T17:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "I actually only registered for an account because of your post Moo88. \r\n Incredible, it was as though I wrote it myself. \r\nI have been to numerous doctors, lost count on ER visits. My CBC counts are normal, clear chest X-ray, good EKG... No Dr has been able to tell me what's wrong or why this is happening. \r\nI've been dealing with the same symptoms you listed weak, light headed, dizziness, full body pain, chest pain, back and shoulder pain and stiffness, terrible pain to touch around the base of my head/neck for 1.5 years now I've been living like this and it's only getting worse. \r\n4 months ago my left leg started swelling up to twice its size, it hasn't returned to normal size yet. Leg ultrasound was clear .... still no answers. It hurts like hell. \r\nThen last month this constant feeling that I'm dying started. \r\nI try to sleep but the feeling of dying becomes so overwhelming I start vomiting. \r\nI find myself feeling like I'm dying a lot throughout the day, everyday now.\r\n \r\nAs you stated, even on my tolerable days I still don't feel right. I can't find any other way to phrase this feeling, I just don't feel right.... Normal. I feel off. \r\nI've dropped 15 pounds in the last 9 days. i can hardly eat but when I manage too I just vomit it right back up. \r\nA few months ago I started getting this feeling like something is in my throat, like you have to keep swallowing but nothing is actually my throat. It's weird. \r\nMOO88 have you found any answers??? \r\nI can't live like this much longer.\r\n It's terrible! I want to feel like myself again. I'm a single mom of 2 girls we need eachother. I hate what this is doing to us. I want my life back! \r\nPlease can anyone help??? Please !!" ], "date": [ "2016-05-10T06:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "I feel the same way too it's a horrible scary feeling like any second you'll just drop ofc it never happens :( and what's helped me so far on this hell of a journey is after every Attack my brain realized ok see u haven't died nothing bad happened so the anxiety gets a little more easier to deal with it's still scary distraction hard I know :(" ], "date": [ "2016-05-10T08:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieanna07-941594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "Dear, Moo88\r\n\r\nI feel exactly the same as you do and it almost its me alive, im afraid to live, its like anxiety rules my life and the symptoms are so physical its almost impossible to ignore. And its fairly new, If anyone would like to talk to me about their anxiety so i can have more insight feel free to reply" ], "date": [ "2016-05-12T16:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieanna07-941594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "You probably started out with the scary anxiety symptoms everyone does, but the brain is a powerful thing, how you react to anxiety makes it better or worse. If you have a full blown out panic then it will spiral out of control, you're taking a toll on your muscles, your stomach, your brain, and especially your heart. Your heart can give out from too much stress, and based off your symptoms you're stressing, very hard so something that was minor might make your fears come true and it'll be be your own doing. So what you need to do is something that sounds dumb, but it will help, i promise, push through as hard as you can, when you feel youre getting all spinned up, talk to yourself tell yourself \"I WILL be alright\" remind yourself youre doing it for your kids, tell yourself \"I have decided NOT to die\" . Luke i said before, the brain is a powerful thing so you should use it to take back control of your life." ], "date": [ "2016-05-12T16:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kieanna07-941594" ], "content": [ "Mine all started after 3 months of intense stress with family issues I had a TIA in Dec 14'. Since the TIA my anxiety has been out of control and getting worse. \r\nI hear what you're saying about stress and anxiety causing worse physical problems. \r\n6 mos ago I started sleeping with 12hr 528Hz sleeping sounds, subliminal sleep hypnosis, " ], "date": [ "2016-05-13T00:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Binaural beats for PTSD and a few other sleep aid sounds. I do meditation... But nothing seems to really be helping. When I feel the aniexty heighten I do tell myself I'm fine, I try to distract myself but like I said it doesn't really seem to be helping. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-13T00:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara28189-950560" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "Have you taken cipro or a fluroquinolone antibiotic recently? The adverse reactions to that family of antibiotics is similar to what you're describing, I'm going through it myself. I hope you have better days." ], "date": [ "2016-06-15T13:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maureen_65564-896562" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "<p>RachelBo </p><p>I know this is an old post but I was wondering how you&#39;re getting along these days???</p><p>I&#39;m doing this exact same thing and am curious if you ever found a solution! </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-03T00:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila50461-980508" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "<p>I so can relate left work today because of these horrible feelings. If only we could tell our minds we are ok. Our thoughts take over and we can&#39;t control after that then the body systoms start reeling in. My prayers thoughts are with u.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-14T20:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah89463-997960" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I&#39;m new on here, but U knw wat I&#39;ve been battling these same feelings for 8yrs. I&#39;m so tired of always feeling like I&#39;m dying. It scares me so bad. I cry I can&#39;t drive myself anywhere anymore. Pills aren&#39;t working. I understand where u&#39;r coming from. I pray all the time that Jesus help me nd take these feelings away. It helps but the fear is still there. There&#39;s help there&#39;s a light at the end of the tunnel. There is sunshine after the storm we just hv to hv Faith! I will pray for U </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T07:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/molly98646-1000706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "Try taking magnesium supplements. Your symptoms sound like a magnesium deficiency. Try 400mg magnesium glycinate and see whether you feel better. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T02:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jaye04479-1007981" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "<p>My anxiety started 2 yrs ago. I woke up one day and was having all the symptoms of a heart attack, I made a trip to the ER and like you all my tests were normal and I was sent home. I was really frustrated because I really felt something was wrong. </p><p>About a month later I was having pain in my leg and was pretty certain I had a blood clot in my leg (I have factor 5 which is unusually thick blood, I have had 3 blood clots in this leg) but again they did an ultrasound and found nothing. I was angry when I left the ER this time, I remember thinking &quot;is this my life now? Is this ever going to go away? How do I deal with this plus try to &#39;act&#39; normal around my 3 daughters and my fiance when I really believe in my mind that I&#39;m dying!&#39;</p><p>Well after several visits to my primary Dr and breaking down in tears because the meds that were given to me (Lorazepam) which help you deal with an anxiety attack can actually cause your anxiety to happen more often, I told her I don&#39;t want pills I want to know how to fix this so I can feel normal again!</p><p>She told me that going to a therapist may be what was needed because sometimes it&#39;s things that we bottle up and possibly forget over time have resurfaced and this is the way our bodies react, it&#39;s your fight or flight kicking in. For me it was a car accident that occurred 2 years before my anxiety happened, but it was like PTSD. So I started seeing a therapist who helped me, she did the EMDR treatment, which I thought was really strange at first but it actually did help as well as learning some breathing techniques. She told me that most people take shallow breaths and when you feel the anxiety to take deeper breathes and try to relax your body but to really focus on your breathing. </p><p>I hope this helps, I know what worked for me may not work for you but I needed direction because I felt extremely lost and had lost hope, you&#39;re not alone! Best of luck, Jaye</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T07:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/freddy76641-1010999" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "Are you feeling any better? I feel their same and I want to find a solution " ], "date": [ "2017-01-16T09:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie39155-1035301" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "<p>I have these exact same symptoms. No problems from what Dr. says but I keep feeling like there is something wrong with me. I feel these exact ways and all. Even the leg issue. This Is a serious life wrecking thing to deal with. Stress does damage the body though. So even that stresses me out when I start stressing! I am tired of living like this. My whole life is in fear.if you need anyone to talk to I&#39;d be more than happy to give you my email. I know I would appreciate someone who knows exactly how I feel to assure me that I&#39;m ok.... I need help.</p><p> </p>" ], "date": [ "2020-06-01T17:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie39155-1035301" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kieanna07-941594" ], "content": [ "I would be interested in talking with you. These issues are ruining my life" ], "date": [ "2017-03-23T00:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ron351-165019" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie39155-1035301" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Jaimie39155:</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160; Sometimes I think that there couldn&#39;t be another human being who has the feelings you speak of, except for me of course. With me it&#39;s been going on for ten years and I&#39;ve actually developed a fear of doctors and hospitals. That may be a different problem but natually very related.</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160; I recently had abdominal hernia surgery with a very large piece of mesh about 9&quot; x 12&quot; in size. I was sent home from the hospital only three hours later. By the time I arrived home most of the OR pain drugs had worn off and I was really hurting. Half an hour passed and I had the urge to urinate. My wife helped me up (5&#39;2&quot; 120 LBS.) and I managed to get to the toliet. It seems when the surgery was perform I was catherized and ripped up internally pretty serverely. I&#39;m 71 years old but when the urine flowed it burned and caused me to have more pain than I could imagine existed in all my years.&#160;</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160; Well here it is two months later and I still feel this must be my last day on earth. The doctors think I&#39;m fine even with severe stenosis in my obtuse marginal artery. I have the freedom to go anywhere for treatment but I&#39;m afraid to let another doctor touch me. So you&#39;re not alone.</p><p>Best Luck</p><p>Ron351</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-23T20:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ireland93358-1037896" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi! I&#39;m going thru the exact same thing at this moment which is probably why I&#39;m on this forum. I even feel better after reading that you&#39;re going thru it too, not to wish it on anyone. But that&#39;s what helps tell me its anxiety. I&#39;m scared to death that I have cancer or something and I&#39;m going to die. When I am standing today I feel like I NEED to find a place to sit ASAP. My bed is the only place I relax. I&#39;m not tired. Just weak and scared. I feel like my vision is bad but it&#39;s really not I just over think it all. And my heart is at 100 all day. It sucks. But what makes me almost sure I have anxiety is that some days I wake up feeling good and start the day and then I can go go go all day no problem at all!!! I need help for this fast. I keep making my boyfriend stay home from work and my dad wouldn&#39;t understand. My mom recently passed away. I&#39;m only 19 but it helps to see someone else experiences the same thing and isn&#39;t dying!</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-10T18:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam33935-1025096" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ireland93358-1037896" ], "content": [ "<p>I always go through this thing I&#39;m feeling like that my time has come I&#39;m going to die now I have dreams about it aswel I feel like that my auntie and my grabdad are in the room here I can&#39;t see them but it feels like that, they are dead I&#39;m scared badly I can&#39;t believe I&#39;m still alive I think I&#39;m going to die my death is coming it&#39;s in it&#39;s way </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T12:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam33935-1025096" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>It feels really real I don&#39;t no what to do I feel like that my grandad is here is this a hint for me to die I think I&#39;m deluding</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-30T23:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ireland93358-1037896" ], "content": [ "<p>This is me! This is me all day every day. I&#39;ve been afraid of death for as long as I can remember. Even as a little girl I would cry about the fact that I would die one day. It&#39;s always been bad but after I had my twins 21 months ago, it has become unbearable. I freak out and my body goes limp and I&#39;m frozen. I&#39;m terrified that I am going to die and leave my little girls behind and they will have to grow up without a mommy. They need me and I don&#39;t ever want to leave them behind. Even more than that, I am terrified that one day I am going to be dead. I am terrified that one day I will not be alive and I won&#39;t even know it, because I&#39;m dead. I am terrified of being dead. I have really been struggling with my faith lately and that makes it so much worse. I feel so alone. This is ruining my life. </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T12:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nikki683-1031594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "content": [ "<p>I can totally relate! I have [b]extreme health[/b] aniexty and always have. My father passed when I was 4 so I have always neen scared of death and petrified to die..always. It&#39;s all gotten so much worse since I had my son 5 months ago. I feel like I&#39;m having heart issues, or a blood clot, or a million different things. I&#39;m constantly short of breath, chest pain, random headaches that come and go, dizziness, heart palpitations and just have the feeling I&#39;m going to pass out and die from whatever it is that is causing these daily symptoms. I see a therapist once a week and have recently worn a 24 hour heart monitor which came back I had palps but apparently that&#39;s normal. I&#39;m not convinced cause those don&#39;t show anything except the beat of the heart. I am also so tired of living with this fear and feeling these physical symptoms. I want to enjoy life and not always be worried and on edge. I&#39;m scared to leave my son behind. I can totally relate and have no advice except you arnt alone. Wonder Why it&#39;s so much worse after having a child? The physical symptoms came out where. And have not stopped since. I have always had this my whole life but not like this. I&#39;m ready to turn to meds. I feel like the stress I put on my heart from aniexty is just as bad for me. </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T12:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nikki683-1031594" ], "content": [ "<p>I have every one of those symptoms. Literally every single one, especially the shortness of breath which is sometimes all day every day. It&#39;s like a can&#39;t fully expand my lungs. I found a way to get a breath but taking in short quick breaths until I have to gasp and then I can get full breath. I tried taking Ativan but the next day I feel super depressed. I think we are and frail for leaving our babies behind because we love them so much and we don&#39;t want to hurt them by not being there for them. One thing is certain, these symptoms are caused by anxiety. The thought that I will die one day is ruining the days that I am alive. I wish I believed in ghosts, or something. I mean damn, I&#39;d settle for witches or demons at this point. Anything to show me that there is something after death besides nonexistence. I&#39;ve prayed and prayed for this to go away but it won&#39;t. It&#39;s not as bad when I completely cut out caffeine. But I have twin toddlers, work full time, and I&#39;m in school full time for my Doctorate. I literally NEED caffeine to live! Sometimes I will get this strange and sudden shock like feeling through my body. After it happens I feel super weak and floppy, like I can&#39;t hold my head up or anything. Does that ever happen to you? </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T12:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nikki683-1031594" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "content": [ "<p>Sorry been busy with the baby! Yes the shock thing does happen to me! Like an electric jolt that leaves me so fearful and tired. And also as you said the shortness of breath is also my worst symptom! I have always had aniexty as I said but since having my son I have all these new symptoms like the shortness of breath. My therapist says once you concentrate on your breathing it gets worse. I still get it tho and like you it&#39;s all day sometimes. Other days it comes and goes every few hours. I get to the point I feel like I can&#39;t catch it and I&#39;m going to faint. I guess we have to remember we are good mothers and that like you said it&#39;s only aniexty. I cut out caffeine all together but can understand why you haven&#39;t! You are a busy mama! It&#39;s nice to know I&#39;m not alone I feel like you are literally going thru the same thing. It&#39;s hard to convince myself in the mitts of it that it&#39;s aniexty and not something else. But I&#39;m still here so I guess it must be (then my sick brain says but it could be slowly getting worse and the &quot;big one&quot; is just around the corner!) pathetic I know. Good luck to you and just know your an amazing mom and working hard! Hopefully someday we can look back and know we did our best and be glad our aniexty is gone or managed. I always have wondered of an afterlife also? Haha like you said any sign would be ok at this point! Good luck to you </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T12:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarita_11315-1041471" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie39155-1035301" ], "content": [ "<p>I know exactly how you feel, but what calms me down is praying and thanking God everyday for another day of life. Also don&#39;t let fear take control over your life..it&#39;s all about attitude you can tell yourself everyday that you&#39;re going to be okay and with time your brain will start to get used to the idea so that fear will be pushed out of the way. I hope that you find peace within and you live a happy life. God bless! </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nikki683-1031594" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks girl! I&#39;ve been trying extra hard lately to not let it control me. But then we have Business with Trump and Syria ANNNNND I live in Washington DC so I&#39;m freaking out about keeping my kids alive if something were to happen. But if it wasn&#39;t that it would be the super volcano that&#39;s overdue for eruption by like 600 years or something. Then I think about how, compared to the 4.5 billion years the Earth has been here, 600 years in nothing and our lifespan is just a fleck in existance. Then I start freaking out about that&#128544; It&#39;s always something and it&#39;s scary and frustrating. A couple years ago i saw a video of a little girl, she was maybe 3 or 4, and she was crying about her little brother growing up. Then she started crying about not wanting to die. I remember feeling that exact way when I was her age and I hurt so bad for her just knowing what she is going through. I think we need to keep in mind how much our Littles need us and try to be brave and strong for them. I have only known one other person with thanataphobia in my life. You are the only other person that I have heard of experiencing the shock wave thing. Our bodies are crazy. This is all just our brain do this to us. I&#39;ve heard people say that we could do incredible things if we used our whole brain. You mean I&#39;m only using part of it and this is what I get?!&#128514;&#128514;&#128514; I don&#39;t want to use even another tiny piece of it&#128514;&#128514;&#128514;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T12:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phylnimo-1043658" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren703-1040369" ], "content": [ "<p>Same feeling...it&#39;s worse when my faith is shakey &#128546;&#128546;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T12:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gachi254-1045776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah89463-997960" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah,&#160;</p><p></p><p>I just registered on here so as to reply to you. I&#39;m a believer too, Christ is Lord. I believe He will deliver me from this depressing feeling. It&#39;s been a few months now since the layoff, and i can&#39;t quite shake this feeling off. I&#39;m having having though, God is God still. Was with Job when he lost everything u know. All his children died too. What&#39;s a little depression girl, God is able isin&#39;t He? Amen. Amen. You&#39;re able Jesus.Bless your Holy name.</p><p></p><p>- Edwin.</p><p>Los Angeles, CA.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paris94793-1056629" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "<p>Funny you say this becashe I did the exact same thing. It wasn&#39;t until I read @Moo88 that I decided to make an account just to thank you. It&#39;s not even the fact of you actually having a remedy to help me it&#39;s the fact that you understand. I&#39;ve read all the comments prior and it&#39;s safe to say I was in agreeance with them but it&#39;s something about Moo88&#39;s comment that just stood out to me. I just want to actually say hat appreciate you all because I was hit with it pretty early; I&#39;m only 18 and I can say that I do see a slight improvement from when I first starting having them but it still doesn&#39;t change the fact that it&#39;s still there. A lot of people don&#39;t understand and they treat the illness as something so minuet but it&#39;s only because they don&#39;t understand what the sickness actually does to us physical. I&#39;m that moment it&#39;s very hard to understand nothing is wrong when that&#39;s exactly what you feel. Sometimes people think I&#39;m being inconsiderate and unappreciative when they show &quot;concern&quot; or &quot;support but that&#39;s not even the case the fact of the matter is my brain isn&#39;t even a mental state to proces what is even being said so I&#39;m sorry if you feel I&#39;m being obnoxious I&#39;m just fighting myself. It does suck to &quot;not feel normal&quot; you take the Sinologist things for granted like having a clear mind once until anxiety actually affects you. I never really understood what living life was and enjoying myself until I was diagnosed but even with my miserable thoughts I felt it was too late that now is not the time to try and enjoy lkme because you can&#39;t. But as others have spoken somedays are ecstatic and some are just overwhelming with negativity. But if I can just feel free and the most on the good days then it gives me hope that it&#39;s not too late. As long as I continue tobe blessed from the most high God with breathe in my body even after experiencing an episode I know there&#39;s hope just as there is hope for all of you. </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paris94793-1056629" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Sorry for all of the typos I&#39;m writing from my iPhone and the screen is cracked really bad </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason7713-1061159" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "I read your post and it describes EXACTLY what I am feeling. How are you feeling today?" ], "date": [ "2017-06-22T06:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela33631-1045650" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "<p>Rachel the throat issue is globular hysteria. I suffer from anxiety to the point I feel like I can&#39;t breath .</p><p>I was sent for a nasal scope to check my throat as I felt on swallowing there was a ping pong ball there..</p><p>Anyway camera up the nose and down the throat and all clear.</p><p>The consultant told me anxiety tricks the mind into believing there&#39;s a lump as that&#39;s what you believe it is.</p><p>After all clear appointment I&#39;ve never felt it again. However I&#39;ve moved onto other things being wrong. Health anxiety is a nightmare</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-08T11:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erica99481-1066654" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "Reading this made me tear up I feel JUST LIKE YOU Never well enough always so drained and tired I feel like this monster called anxiety has turned me into a schizophrenic! May God be with us! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/doesitrlymatter-1074752" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nikki683-1031594" ], "content": [ "Simply reading this makes me tear up. I was just about to go to the ER but whats the point you know. Btw whats that shock, it happens to me when i sleep.. i wakeup feeling extremly anxious like its time. Im out of words i just wanted to see if anyone has found a way.. any meds anything? I dont care even if the meds ruin me as long as i dont feel like dying every 15 mins im happy.." ], "date": [ "2017-08-12T02:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy76663-1083413" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "I feel the exact same way. . . . i fear of not being here for my two girls they r my life and i ldnt imagine not being here and being able to take care of them i try to sit with good thoughts but it dosent help at times i feel like a faliure of a mom because i just dont feel myself and i cant get the energy to get up and do what i use to i sit at night and cryl because im scared i feel like im alone most the time i want things to go back to normal but i dont know how to make it that way." ], "date": [ "2017-09-11T18:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sadgirl29020-1093310" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarita_11315-1041471" ], "content": [ "Sarita  thank you for your faith.  I am only 30 and I have a weak heart.  I have PTSD and chest pains all the time. I think my heart is broken forever because of my life... pray for me pls-" ], "date": [ "2017-10-13T21:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarita_11315-1041471" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sadgirl29020-1093310" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m so sorry to hear you&#39;re going through this honey, I will be praying for you. Think on the good things that&#39;s going on in your life and try to occupy your mind thinking about the happy moments of your life. God is there with you every step of the way let him guide your ways, surrender to him he will not forsake you I promise. Free your mind from all the negativity, I know that&#39;s easier said than done but with practice and patience you can train your brain to focus on the positivity rather than the negative. Spend time with the people you love live each day being thankful. Stay blessed my beautiful friend you&#39;re not alone you&#39;ll be just fine my dear ????</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-14T04:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aliwheat-1163817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adam33935-1025096" ], "content": [ "I feel exactly like you, like the world keeps giving me signs, like I am meant to die in a month. I’ve convinced myself so hard I can’t have a day without having panic. It started when a few months ago when I had this feeling if I didn’t break up with my boyfriend i was going to die so I broke up with him but the feeling stayed. Then it manifested into specifically April was the month. Then I woke up one day and my legs were super sore. Then I developed a red round rash on my legs and my left leg was numb. I was convinced I had a blood clot. I went to the er and they did an ultrasound and said I was fine. From then on (2 months ago) I have been to the hospital 5 or 6 times. I was even admitted to the psych ward after going to the hospital because I was POSITIVE I was having a heart attack and about to die. The feeling won’t go away. I have numb limbs, severe chest pain, headaches, shortness of breath, joint and nerve pain. I can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without almost passing out and I’m only 18. They have told me everything is fine all of my blood work is completely normal I had a stress test and so many ekgs and my hearts fine. I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr virus (basically mono and it stays in touch forever 90% of the population has it without symptoms) but I’m still convinced something will happen. Every night I invision the world ending or me hitting a deer or me having an aneurism. I can’t shake the feeling that my dogs are looking at me because they know I’m dying. I’m f*****g scared. This is the worst. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-01T17:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lita2020-1308809" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "content": [ "Hi Rachel I know this post is old but this is exactly what I'm dealing with word from word besides the vomiting. I even developed a fear of swallowing liker today I thought I had throat cancer because I've been having heartburn and indigestion from GERDS! I have 2 sons a single mom also and I cant have this keeping happening, I've ran out of my home because something I have out of my body! " ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T19:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanilla14125-1067546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lita2020-1308809" ], "content": [ "dear Lita2020 i´ve been there 5 years ago..u have to be sure that all u´re going through are mind games..it seems that u r too stressed..first step u have to see a psychiatrist to prescribe u an antianxiety medicine..in my case i took cipralex..second..i want u to be sure that everything will be fine with time .. we all have gerd that's why we all experienced many symptoms that are similar to heart conditions..throat cancer..but all that are ILLUSIONS! u r fine just breathe and try to give it time..plz don't google any symptoms..and be sure that u're going through health anxiety.." ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bree19151-1349214" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aliwheat-1163817" ], "content": [ "i have epsteins barr too and for the last two weeks ive been achey and today i ahd horrible anxiety and just constantly in my head thinking somethings wrong somethings wrong and im gonna die i want to go to the ER but i dont want them to tell me its just anxiety. im so sorry youre going through this how are you feeling these days???" ], "date": [ "2021-01-01T11:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris95497-1382790" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aliwheat-1163817" ], "content": [ "my dog stares at me too , and i am completely convinced she knows I'm dying.what is wrong with us. I'm freaking out. i hope you are doing better now. my problems just started six months ago. God bless you young lady" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This post is a mirror image of myself. I feel exactly the same and I think leaving my 3 year old daughter behind and not watching her grow up. I feel ill daily I had a good day yesterday where although anxiety was still there I felt calmer and smiled more because I didn't feel terrible like usual . But today I feel back to normal I cried to myself briefly earlier because I felt so ill ie tired to the stage of drowsiness, weak all over, nausea and light headed and I honestly thought like everyday this is it something is going to happen to me. I ended up having a nap and feel calmer but I still don't feel right. I never do. Its been 18 months now that I have had these symptoms to this extent where it affects me daily and never well. I am so fed up of it and not having no support the doctor just says you have had all the tests and can't do anymore its anxiety. I miss those care free times when just leaving your home you had no obstacles to face, no feeling of feeling scared and unwell on the verge of a panic attack. You are not alone I just wish I could say something that may help but I'm still in the same loop as you :-( " ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T07:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda1827h-595377" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Josey,Have you had reflexology or aromatherapy? Both good for stress. I have had anxiety for many years.It comes and goes. I am just over 4months post hip op! I am also a carer for my disabled hubby. So not easy for me.swimming and dog walking are good as well.regards Amanda" ], "date": [ "2015-07-10T19:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenn3030-744837" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenn3030-744837" ], "content": [ "I know what you mean the symptoms is so similar I'm worried about my heart all the time..my most disturbing symptoms is chest discomforts..like tightness and soreness right in the middle" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Feel like this everyday.. I convince myself that today is going to be the day every day.. I am working on understanding that I have health anxiety but the symptoms of a heart attack and anxiety are so similar that I always thing that I'm going to convince myself it is anxiety and that will be the time that it is a heart atttack.. you for sure are not alone..." ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrs-wife24531-700529" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachelbo-940986" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrs-wife24531-700529" ], "content": [ "You are not alone. I can't stand this either... It's awful & Draining" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "You're not alone. I can't stand this" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "You are not alone at all. Its debiliating to live with an anxiety disorder. Its a like a thousand little deaths. See if you can learn mindful breathing and anxiety for dummies cbt book explains how the mind plays tricks. All of us are negtive thinkers and self talk terrible things consistently. My friend and always have a laugh that if we could reverse this we would be the happiest people alive." ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryfishbach-914361" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sadgirl29020-1093310" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryfishbach-914361" ], "content": [ "I write letters to people I miss. They are always super loud in the event that I don’t wake up." ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "every night i feel like i will die in my sleep, im glad im not alone \r\n " ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T03:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rahb01-901018" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yup I go through that everyday..but it's been 6 mths and I survived. .so I guess I'm Okey just anxiety messing up my life..I'm 23..how old are you?how's the symptoms lately?Imy sure you'll be fine .." ], "date": [ "2015-12-29T09:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensmith-917384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joe34440-971632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensmith-917384" ], "content": [ "Hey how are you feeling now anybetter if so what did you do to get better i also been feeling the same way as you lately ive seen the doctors but say its just anxiety which i dont think its anxiety either because i dont get symptoms i just have this horrible feeling all the time like my times up its very overwhelming" ], "date": [ "2016-10-19T17:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dmott12985-981641" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joe34440-971632" ], "content": [ "If you get any suggestions please share them, I have the same feeling daily, it overwhelms me to the point that I very rarely even leave my home." ], "date": [ "2016-10-19T17:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam33935-1025096" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensmith-917384" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same aswel it&#39;s like my time is up god is calling me the angel is on the way to get me I&#39;m going to die and Leica my family it&#39;s nasty</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-30T23:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy76663-1083413" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensmith-917384" ], "content": [ "Your post really got to me. . . i have been feeling exact same way i have a 4 year old and 5 month old and i have an amazing man in my life and i dont like imaging something bad happining to me and them be without me" ], "date": [ "2017-09-11T18:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon48514-1191876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensmith-917384" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Lauren I am the same. I feel I&#39;m going to have a brain anurisim. But have been feeling like im going to go any day now for about 25 days. It all started 4 weeks anylltarredgo anylltarredgo tarred my 3 year old daughter took a seziure. I have convinced myself I gave myself an anurisim. I feel every day this is it and it scares me so bad I cry all the time. Like you I don&#39;t have any heart palps or racing heart, no chest pains or pains anywhere really besides my head. I have horrible horrible headaches all day every day since the seziure. It&#39;s horrible and I justt want to feel normal again &#128546;&#128546;&#128546; </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-24T20:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have started feel this way about a week ago! It's horrible and I know for me it can't be anxiety, I don't get chest pains or anything I just feel like my time is about to be up and Gods about to call me home. I do get very very upset because I don't want to leave my 4 year old or my 9 month old behind. They are both very attached to me and I am also still nursing my younger son. I also don't want to leave my husband. I love my babies and my husband so much and I don't want to leave them. That's the part that gets to me the worst and I'll cry and cry about that. It also has started going threw my head about my funeral and it's starting to really scare me. I'm not ready to go yet. I want to be here growing old with my husband and watching our babies grow up.... I can't shake this feeling though and I just don't know what to do about it " ], "date": [ "2016-01-13T09:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/je851-1070434" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Im feeling this way too, it all started when I had my first big panic attack after trying a [b]marijuana[/b] brownie, the week afterwards was hell, my symptoms worsened I went to the ER, after tests they found nothing. This week I got more blood work done and have an appointment next week, a dr told me it could be a thyroid issue. Some days are ok, others are unbearable. I&#39;m being such a burden on my boyfriend and family and I&#39;m tired of feeling this way, I&#39;ve always been an anxious person but not this bad </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-28T00:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rocketturtles-1070597" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>The feeling of [b]dying[/b] is one of the most terrifying things people experiencing anxiety get. Try to calm yourself down and remember that it&#39;s your brain (or should I say subconscious and/or unconscious mind) playing tricks on you. Remember this feeling will pass and although it is hard, I know, convince yourself that the dread you are feeling is unfounded and you&#39;re going to be okay.&#160;</p><p></p><p>The brain is a mysterious thing. Science still hasn&#39;t uncovered much of it&#39;s mysteries. In good days, do whatever you can to strenghten your mentality. The bad days will come when your anxiety will spike and you&#39;ll need it to battle with your anxiety.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Anxiety was the last thing I expected to latch on to me. I was never anxious, never worried too much about anything, I though I was always able, and would be able to keep my cool...until anxiety bit me in the butt. I&#39;ve probbaly gone to the hospital more times in the last year than I had my whole life.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I would like to believe I am getting better. I think I&#39;m getting better...I&#39;m getting better...Actually how we think and see our situation in our mind is a big factor in getting better or staying within this terrible state. There will be good and bad days, but you can fight the bad days. Accept you have anxiety and that your mind is your single worst enemy and best friend in all this. Realize that you can control your conscious mind, and altough you can&#39;t control your anxiety directly, as it can surprise you out of the blue without any apparent reason (because your subconscious and/or unconscious mind is a troll somtimes) you can work to strengthen your mentality, do productive things, distract yourself/keep busy and eventually start becomming stronger than your anxiety. It is a long process to recovery but you can get better everyday. One day you&#39;ll be able to crush it completely, and this period in your life will seem to have just been a bad dream.&#160;</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-15T16:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhys00598-1071741" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>im 17 and have these, it has ruined my life and most likely yours if your on here, i have been to the ER more times than i think ive had a hot meal by now,im on medication called prozamel for anxiety and depression but im not depressed, we are all in the same boat with this thing called ANXIETY and PANIC ATTACKS/DISORDER. everyones one the same page i can assure you, ive gone through it for maybe 3 months now due to my lifestyle as i was growing up, i try to go out and exersice but this stops me, for those of you reading this i have found sure fire ways to cope with it if your interested, out of trying tons of things i have found that : 1 go to a chiropractor( this really does help you wont believe the relife you get after, you feel like kissing the person ::2 try your best to eat foods with iron in it like &lt; beans ( on toast maybe like i do with an eggs for breakfast it makes you just FEEL good, like the feeling of having a smirk or grin on your face) celery,(as a snack or to binge eat) peas, red meats (optional) fish (also optional) fried fruit like banana crisps,beetroot crisps etc just not potato crisps cause itll bloat you. next :::3 Go swimming! its the perfect muscle stretcher // therapy for your upper body TRUST ME its blissfull, dont worry about others looking at you THEY COULDNT CARE LESS THEYRE JUST AS ANXIOUS AS YOU AND I , IM 21 STONE AT &quot;17&quot; IF I DONT CARE YOU SHOULDNT. its not confidence in yourself you need its just the will to want to be better, if you sit and dwell on the past and the sleepless nights youve had you will get nowhere, you and i may be tired exausted,completely fatigued and wanting to just pass away to get rid of the feeling......, BUT , think of this. :::::: IF YOU HAD A BUTTON THAT KILLED WOULD KILL YOU IN A WAY YOU DIDNT KNOW, WOULD YOU PRESS IT?:::::::::::&#160;&#160;&#160; really do think about this question, dwell on it, you feel like a pile of s**t now but as soon as you start to die you would absolutly s**t your pants and beg to live. &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; i wouldnt press the button, i want to live, and that button is anxiety, it can drive you to want to kill yourself but when it comes down to it it can make you want to live. this life is glorious, i want to see more of it, and i know you do too, you just have to look past this sack of s**t of panic attacks and reassure yourself that you are completely fine and are going to do things to better yourself, dont eat takeaways, chinese, burgers, chips, fish and chips cause it still has fat coverd batter on it, your body will just kick you for it. stay HEALTHY, AND DONT GIVE INTO PRESSING THE BUTTON, visit a forest, go to the beach, meet a lovely lady and fall in love (or man ;)&#160; ) this life is great and your body knows it it just becomes lazy cause everything we need in this world is on our doorstep, you can get food sent to your house, there are flying drones with camers on it , satelitles in space that give us the ability to be able to scour the internet, predict weather, buy virtual reality goggles that put you in a game, hoveroards, water jetpacks, fuel free electric cars, etc etc theres so much to live for, WE ARE IN THE FUTURE, WHY DWELL IN THE PAST ?.</p><p></p><p>im here everyday and would love to hear your storys and tales about what you all go through not just josy0405</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Rhys.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-02T17:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia62273-1072646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun44329-1060939" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia62273-1072646" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Nadia hope this reassures you your symptoms does sound like anxiety attacks. Mine&#39;s started 8 years ago with a panic attack now my symptoms are chest pains back pains some like tingles in my face but not on one side on both sides together. And feel like when I&#39;m walking I can just collapse. I also get sharp stabbing pains in my head but these symptoms vary from person to person but my advice would definitely go and get checked out by a doctor just to confirm it is anxiety</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-04T17:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia62273-1072646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun44329-1060939" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m at the doctors every week haha, the only thing that has come out on blood tests is slight thyroid problems but he doesn&#39;t seem to think it&#39;s serious I&#39;m at my wits end I&#39;m 28 with 2 children I can&#39;t enjoy life I just feel like I&#39;m dying &#128546; I wouldn&#39;t wish this feeling on my worst nightmare I just can&#39;t function! I&#39;m convinced I have a brain tumour of some sort ATM haha last week it was a clot on my lung which I ended up in a&amp;e ahhhh it&#39;s such a struggle&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-04T17:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi all I no this is an old post but I&#39;m hopeful someone is still about, I 1st started with panic attacks about 10 years ago since then every single day has bin a battle I feel like I&#39;m actually dying I feel so unwell it&#39;s scary, for the last month it seems to have gotten worse and the symptoms have got very real I can barely leave my house &#128546; I&#39;m waking and feel so heavy and heavy headed that I&#39;m going to drop Iv for weird burning head I can&#39;t breath pain throughout my whole body how can anxiety cause this I don&#39;t understand it I just want to feel normal for my children&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-04T17:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ginababe-1074365" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia62273-1072646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ginababe-1074365" ], "content": [ "<p>Your definitely not alone I feel awful &#129314;&#129314; so poorly I can&#39;t believe anxiety can make us feel so ill! &#128553; X here if u need to talk Iv bin going threw it for 10 years x</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-10T21:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve been having this feeling for over a month now &amp; it is stealing my Joy. But... after reading all ur comments, I feel much better &amp; positive, to know that I&#39;m not alone in this. Thank you!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-10T20:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thet1028-1073104" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Huhuhuhhhhh same thinking of me... I hate the feeling that ur living in fear." ], "date": [ "2017-08-12T02:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ruffoss33-1073552" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Im so glad i am not the only one. My name is ruff 25yo. Ive been suffering with GERD and health anxiety. I do take meds for gerd but i dont wanna do the same with my anxiety. Everytime i feel pain anywhere in my body i go into panic attack so severe that ive been rushed into er for several times already. But for the past two days its different. Yesterday and today, when i woke up, my body feels so weak, my mind goes blank and i feel like something is off and i thought &quot;well yea today might be the day&quot; and the most disturbing part is that i no longer feel the fear of dying. But i do feel dizzy and nauseuos tho. I was walking to work today thinking i will be having cardiac arrest/stroke/heart attack but nothing came. It feels like i just gave up on my life. I do talk to my friends about my anxiety and they do comfort me but it seems that it doesnt help. I no longer know what to do.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-16T12:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bootybooty-1076603" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I know I feel the right exact same way I haven&#39;t felt like this since a year ago I guess it comes and go&#39;s but idk what could cause me to feel like this again I just feel like I&#39;m not breathing right I feel like my heart is slowing down it&#39;s weird I just want it to stop any advice?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-18T13:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaylathetruegod-1077275" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanilla14125-1067546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kaylathetruegod-1077275" ], "content": [ "<p>Lightheaded and dizziness are the main symptoms of anxiety..if it ruins your life and you can&#39;t get over it u can take cipralex 1/2 pill every day for 3 months&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T10:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>My realtive just died and I keep thinking I&#39;m next and I get really lightheaded and really scared like my whole body gets really cold and I just need help is this anxiety or it&#39;s real</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T03:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mohirathore-1079988" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m in the same condition. I don&#39;t know why but i cant help to feel like i have a serious disease and about to die soon. What to do to get out of this anxiety disorder?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-30T04:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/outofbreath-1087200" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel this way today. I have a lot on my plate w work kids and outside activities. I know something has to give. I&#39;m getting ready to go to a party w my kids and I feel like I&#39;m on the verge of tears and like something bad is going to happen. I have this feeling most of the time. Though on the outside I appear normal and seem very functioning. &#160;I&#39;m an overachiever and seem to hold it all together but inside I&#39;m running from danger constantly. I fear I will leave my kids soon. Something will happen (sickness) and I won&#39;t see my kids grow up. I feel like it&#39;s fact. I can&#39;t share the feeling. I&#39;m tired of feeling nervous, overwhelmed, sick, sad, scared.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-23T18:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cal84-1185401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I am going through the same right now. It only started 2 Months ago. I had everything checked and all my test (heart &amp; lungs) are normal. My BP is normal except for my sugar (apparently i have type 2 diabetes) and Cholesterol (it&#39;s in borderline), my doctors told me they&#39;ll fix me physically first before endorsing to psychiatrist. I am more at ease now after the check up. I just need to fix my sugar level. Although i still have episodes sometimes, i am able to manage it by doing something else like cleaning or reading a books. Reading books helps me better than watching TV. I was able to find out some of my triggers as well (like bad odor, it&#39;s funny but it&#39;s true). I am still finding and working on other triggers coz i have a lot. I also ask my husband for support and asked him to read about anxiety, he&#39;s like my breathing coach now. I also told my friends (TIP: you need a friend that will validate what ever you are going through because some of your friends will shut you off or make a joke about it, you&#39;ll just feel worse after). I informed my boss about my situation and they are supportive and gave advise and tips. Don&#39;t keep this to your self. It will be a lot easier to manage once you have support.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Also tell your self whenever you&#39;re having one &quot;this is not how it ends&quot;.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-05T11:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/demi31502-1185450" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edgar06632-1029198" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/demi31502-1185450" ], "content": [ "It’s going to be ok u are not alone I used to have anxiety the way I got over it  .  doing 1 thing exercise I like to run so it helps. 2 was learning how to breathe from your nose then release from your mouth and the most important thing learn that you can’t control everything and as soon as you feel in control but it takes time and if this works for you I want you too help someone else with these simple things and you tell that person to pass it on and pass it on. " ], "date": [ "2018-06-05T18:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have started suffering from this the past few week and it&#39;s taking over my life I don&#39;t no what to do </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-05T13:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon48514-1191876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shora44536-1041962" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon48514-1191876" ], "content": [ "I feeling anxious right know I’m twisting n turning can’t stop swallowing that the only way if I breathing normal. I haven’t felt like this an a long time now it’s starting to come back now." ], "date": [ "2018-08-23T05:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon48514-1191876" ], "content": [ "<p>Uuuggg Shannon 48514,think you have it worse than me, woke up with a black eye, don&#39;t know if I&#39;m living in my dreams or what, they say this Prozac, is supposed to make dreams more vivid,? Going to see neurologist next Friday, about the tingling numbness in my left hand, carpal tunnel ?,don&#39;t know, my main problem is waking up feeling, upper body nausea, night time head seems to clear, today cutting the front yard on the riding lawnmower, almost went into a panic anxiety, episode, noise of the lawnmower, haha, but I hung on an, just breathed deep and kept cutting, I&#39;m lucky in someways I&#39;m by myself most of the time, the spd, skitiod personality disorder, with hypercondrical features, I do better by myself, but your in a family unit, 1000,more stress, anxiety, Prozac, has it negative side, but I don&#39;t dwell on my heart and tachycardia, anymore, I am less emotional now, maybe it can help you, sit down with a psychiatrist, and spill, your beans see if they can help, I&#39;ll tell the Lord to give me all your ailments, and make you strong and complete again ,OK </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-24T03:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon48514-1191876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you so much erniedie how very kind of you :) but I genuinely don&#39;t wish this hell on anyone, nit even my worst nightmare. Hope your doing okay... I am really trying and eventually, hopefully, I will get there. It&#39;s just a total mess. Since I last commented. I&#39;m now split up with my daughters dad and im trying to do the single parenting thing. School has started and it&#39;s all new to me so that&#39;s all but of added stress. But hey isn&#39;t life just STRESS haha ohh how I wish that someday this all comes to an end and I find happiness somewhere. I&#39;m living down a dark rabbit hole atm and im lost. Just praying I find my light soon. I&#39;m on duloxetine and they are quite a low dose so need to get to the doctor and maybe increase them. &#128527; wishing you all the best &#128149;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-02T22:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon48514-1191876" ], "content": [ "<p>OK Shannon 48514,you have family, future of America, I never got married, children, almost in the army in Germany, this morning woke up, usual mind fog, wasn&#39;t for lack of sleep, it was 4:30pm,uuuuggg,ate some of moms left overs, with pequin peppers I picked, grow wild in the back yard, sometimes just chewing on those, puts things back in perspective, very hot, but good, labor day tmrw, brothers going to barbeque, I have boing boing with me in my room, buddy my dog, his nickname, focus on your child, don&#39;t know what doluxetine is, will look it up, don&#39;t know what the VA, will find on that numbness on my hand test, but me with my hypercrondrical,pychosis,started looking under, multiple sclerosis, on internet, don&#39;t know what&#39;s your next step Shannon, maybe y&#39;all just needed couple days apart, I&#39;m sure he loves his child, and you, reach out to kinfolks, go to a labor day barbeque, give you a cyber hug hug, nighty night sleep tight &#127747; &#128564; ? </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-03T02:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have had disszyness , nausea, all kinds of shooting pains, tension headache. Cluster headache, brain zaps. Migranes, unfocused eyes... all since 13/6/18 i also have a bump on tye back of my head that has felt tender for 4 yeara now.... I&#39;ve been to a&amp;e 4 times with these... the doctors at least once a week since.. a&amp;e done a ct scan an all came back ok. The doctor refered me to the nurologist 15 days ago (10/7) with a red flag, haven&#39;t heard a thing back yet... I range them there now and they said the nurologist hasn&#39;t even had a chance to look at my letter yet. These migranes and funny feelings in my head are getting worse... I have been in bed for 3 days without going down stairs once because I feel so unwell and scared that something is about to happen to me. It&#39;s like no where I go no one is taking me seriously. I can&#39;t manage the rest of the week like this. Every day from the minute I wake I&#39;m anxious and my head aces are there. If not a headache, the bump at the back of my head is tender . . No one is helpful. Doctors just say there&#39;s nothing more we can do it&#39;s out of our hands... nurologist nurse on the phone says nothing she can do, go back to my doctor until then.. but it&#39;s pointless going to doctor as he already said it&#39;s out of his hands niw. Painkillers don&#39;t help. Amitriptyline dosent help. I&#39;ve had 3 massages and none of them help . &#128547;&#128547;&#128547; what more do I need to go through before I get looked at. ? Seziure? Die?? I&#39;m sick of it I&#39;ve had a lot of stress lately too ( 3 year old daughter took a seziure, I have moved house 5 weeks ago... and I don&#39;t really like the area. The naighbour across from me murdered someone 20 years ago over the Irish troubles... a fight happend in the house a few doors down with bottles smashing. Fell out with my friend who I normally see regularly. But would rather stay away from her anyway she thinks she&#39;s always right it sickens me lol I&#39;ve been back and forth from the hospital in the past four weeks and while I&#39;ve been feeling like this I found dating and ops on my boyfriend of 9 years phone. He lives here with me and is my daughters dad... I&#39;very kinda forgiven him but feel so so depressed... its just been stress afrer stress after stress. :( it is all too much to handle</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-25T14:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shora44536-1041962" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "content": [ "That’s howI’m feeling right but it’s not try not to think the worst because we are ready going threw a mind thing an that can make the situation worsen...I just try to think of something positive an keep moving on. So positive is the key .i know it may not seem easy but it will get better one day." ], "date": [ "2018-08-23T05:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah know exactly what you mean jose0405,im on Prozac, after my inferior infarction, in 2010,it has helped me, I don&#39;t dwell on my heart issue, but some day feel anxiety in my upper body, doc. Says bloodpressure OK, no pain, just have that feeling someday, heart going to quit, Uuuggg yuk [b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b][b]?[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T21:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Maybe just a fact of getting old, doctors don&#39;t want to tell us, genetic mutations stop at 55,-----then bam, got started, inferior infarction, tachycardia, aneurysms, 5mm,nodule in my lung, enlarged seen, kidney failure, plus the big anxiety, depression, as the icing on the cake, reality, like a tonn of bricks, we&#39;re not immortal, rich, poor, we&#39;re going down the hole, ------now that&#39;s what I wished my doctor tells us, but she just don&#39;t get it, she&#39;s 25,years old hahahihi &#128514; </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T21:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I know, jose0405,sometimes I meditate, to your favorite god, or religion, then watch for UFO&#39;s, with my doggie buddy, one day he&#39;s going to speak to me I know it, makes these noses, almost like words, yeah jose0405,when in deep meditation, sometimes I go into sleep, my favorite time, in the dream world, most of the time hate waking up from, dream world, just wait for verification, of the other world, then everything will be OK for me, until then plunking along day by day, Uuuggg yuk &#128519;&#128519;&#128519;&#129313;&#129303;&#129303;&#129319;&#129301;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T22:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Sounds rugged, josy0405,like the days 4 yrs, ago when the tachycardia, was wreeking havoc, on me, everytime after a episode, heart felt tender, like someone pulled it out of my chest and bounced it like a basketball &#127936;, Uuuggg yuk, the atenolol helped, but once in a while bam, out of nowhere, it would start pounding, could feel it all the way to my feet, but I was a lard butt, 260 lbs, went down to 200,because I was horrified to eat, 30 minutes after eating is when the tachycardia would start, after I lost weight, the atenolol was to much, event monitor, said heart rate at 37 beats one night, cardiologist called told me to discontinue atenolol, with the Prozac, it&#39;s be OK I guess, still have dizzy spells once in a while and coo, coo, dreams, all I can say is keep looking for midway solution friend friend, your not alone </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-25T04:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Uuuggg yuk, today had that feeling, they say more people have heart attacks on Monday&#39;s, that&#39;s the day I had my inferior infarction, Mon, 2010,hurry up Lord, take me home, put me out of my misery, maybe not yet, has one last mission for me, no today had one of my migraine, with aura, during the night, inherited from my dads side, touch of epilepsy, dad started getting seizures later in life, probably what I have to look forward to, yuk, just had a dizzy spell, laying on the porch, with my dog buddy, don&#39;t know if that&#39;s from the two aneurysms in my brain, or the auto accident I had in May, was knocked out for 5 minutes, Uuuggg, yeah jose0405,maybe psychiatrist can, help you with some medications,or therapy, that can calm your depression /anxiety, I&#39;m giving you a cyber, hug, feel the power warm, OK, ttfn</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-27T23:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zonia33391-1210920" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erniedie777-1199194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zonia33391-1210920" ], "content": [ "<p>OK zonia33391,thanks for listening, sometimes that&#39;s all that&#39;s needed, didn&#39;t sleep to well, last night in my vanity buddy and the mosquitoes but got a good 2 he nap on the porch ,wind blowing pretty good, no mosquitoes &#128514;&#128514;&#128514;dreamt of dad, to guys were hasling him, weird vivid Prozac dream, going to baycity fuel up ?, get a snack, go back to buddy later, but feeling positive today, no, depression, anxiety, again thanks for concern, friend friend &#128107;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-08T17:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Does it stop? Is everything fine now, I’m going through this and I want to know what happens" ], "date": [ "2021-01-07T18:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim49865-1388449" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jazmyne70497-1405966" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim49865-1388449" ], "content": [ "i feel the same and i sometimes feel really dizzy" ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T07:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "does anyone else wake up everyday and just have this feeling they're going to die soon? its so annoying and i cant shake the thought. everyday is the same im always tired and have no energy to do the things i used to. i also feel like im not real or like im viewing myself from a different perspective. i hate looking at my reflection cause i dont recognize myself. like i was fine in april then may rolls around and i'm just a completely different person and i hate it. i cant drive or ride in a car any more without feeling like i cant breath. " ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T07:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sophie14444-1389128" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel like this too, I constantly think I'm going to die. I always feel dizzy and have chest pains. I have panic attacks daily. Its got so bad to the point I'm scared to leave the house in cause something happens to me whilst I'm out. Its mentally and physically draining " ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T07:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tish57998-1390554" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, iv have the same thing it all started the end of last year I started to have panic attacks in the night out of nowhere. Didn't no what they were I just thought I was dying, a couple months later I had a really bad panic attack and ended up in hospital, that panic attack really knocked me sick. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat which made me lose a stone in a week I truly thought I was going crazy and that I was going to die but I kept telling myself I have to get better for my daughter which pushed me to sort myself out. the doctor prescribed me Sertraline which I started to take and I started to feel a bit better so I went back to work but after about a month and a half I started to have really bad side effects which was causing me to have panic attacks again so I weened myself off them. I haven't been on any medication for about 3 months and my anxiety is up and down some days I feel fine and other days I truly feel its my last day on earth. I don't want to be reliant on medication so im trying meditation and take care of my body abit more, it's been hard and some days I sit and cry and say why me? but I have come to find out I am not alone which gives me hope in a sense. meditation has helped me alot and I think you should try it, i suffer from mainly the physical symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath which is really scary but meditation has help me but it takes loads of practice and time. I really hope you've found some comfort in knowing your not alone and there is ways of dealing with it, you just have to find out what's best for you x" ], "date": [ "2021-08-02T22:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaci144-1398355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i feel this exact same way. doesnt usually include the intense physical feelings of anxiety its pretty much all in my head and now that im 30 im convinced ill die in the next few weeks its miserable" ], "date": [ "2021-09-21T19:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esh619-1399191" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "omg same here this happening for like 2 weeks now. I'm really scared " ], "date": [ "2021-09-27T00:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/capuccino-1402757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Exactly same here!\r\nI think it is something linked to a kind of state of depersonalization. Our brain can't imagine the future in our current state since it is in a kind of \"safe mode\" to protect itself from anxiety, so we think we won't reach the few next days and that we are going to die.\r\nThis feeling was even worst for me some days ago, every night I had the feeling it was the last so even if I know it is in my head I was afraid to sleep. \r\nFortunately the feeling seems to shrink day by day, even if it is still here for ** currently.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T07:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jazmyne70497-1405966" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "No i feel this way everyday, and i look up my symptoms and i start to get really scared. My mind starts racing, and I just think about going to the hospital. It causes alot of sleeping issues, and i just want to cry. It affects my everyday life." ], "date": [ "2021-11-16T07:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/halle90737-1091945" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katie111888-843122" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/halle90737-1091945" ], "content": [ "<p>Anxiety is awful! I have episodes almost every day. I&#39;ve suffered since I was young but since having my son 3 years ago it&#39;s gotten worse. Some days I can be okay and don&#39;t suffer at all then something little sets me all and I&#39;m back there again. I&#39;ve often had that feeling of doom...like something is going to happen to me. I have major health anxiety, mainly paranoid about my heart. Always thinking I have something wrong with it and it sends me into panics. I hate living with it. i have one palpitation and that&#39;s it. I know how you feel, it is dreadful. The feeling of pending doom is horrid&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-09T16:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/halle90737-1091945" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/katie111888-843122" ], "content": [ "<p>It&#39;s terrible I little thought could ruin my day and I feel like it&#39;s my heart but it&#39;s not and imagine you with a child and I a child suffering through this I just want this to be over I have this fear of when I go to sleep and never waking up I just want everything to go back before I had this condition&#160;</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-10T21:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>You are not alone I&#39;ve been feeling this way for a month or two now I stared getting panic attacks and feel like I&#39;m going to die I don&#39;t recognize myself sometimes and it scares me I wake up everyday scared I&#39;m tired of living this way I just want things to go back to normal when I didn&#39;t feel this way&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-09T12:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sadgirl29020-1093310" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>My life is just so tragic- i would be ready to go, but I can’t leave my nine year old behind &#128148;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-13T21:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/the-berry-1093414" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>This is my main &quot;anxiety&quot; symptom. A feeling that I will die soon, to the point that it feels like a premonition. I&#39;d like to live longer, so I hope I&#39;m wrong! I can get this symptom without any other anxiety symptoms. When I get other symptoms, such as racing heart, shakiness, vomiting, they seem to be caused by this one main symptom rather than alongside it. I guess we both just have to wait and see if we live!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-14T17:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william62795-1109127" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m having the same problem I&#39;m 42yrs old and I&#39;m constantly feeling like I&#39;m going to die it&#39;s really reflected my life I don&#39;t even want to leave my house I lost a very well paid job over this and I can&#39;t take it anymore my Pcp took me off all my physic meds because of stomach problems I&#39;m only on blood pressure medication which is why I think I&#39;m dien my bp is always high and it scares me someone please help me get over this</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-02T22:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosiebud6-1122981" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I was just getting my life to how I wanted suffered with constant worry since I was 14 but it has got real bad past 2 weeks and I am now 47 years been diagnosed with gad and going through menopause. I feel like giving up but I have a grandaughter and love her to bits I am also a jealous person and Wang to be like everyone else. I have a caring and wonderful husband I have to boys a 26 and 18 year old. I have been bad with my nerves since they was young. I have been having cbt and had test done like bloods mri scan and kidney checked but all come back normal. I just can&#39;t control worry and don&#39;t sleep please help any one.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-16T20:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe59963-1124561" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am feeling this right now and Mum wants me to go to school tomorrow " ], "date": [ "2017-11-22T14:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kel28-1124935" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Life is sucks man i feel the same everyday. Life f****d me hard . Ihave a cyst on my neck and a cyst on my right face in the head everytime my head is aching i know there are something wrong with me but ican&#39;t go to hospital cause of financial problem and no one cares about me any way f**k this lifeeee</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-23T18:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tiesha_99569-1126499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/frank_00944-1065198" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tiesha_99569-1126499" ], "content": [ "Believe me once you find the rite combination of meds. Your going to feel like a different person. Praying never worked for me so I stopped believing. It took me awhile but I feel great .Good luck. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-09T04:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "So, I clicked on this discussion as I sat in the E.R waiting to be seen for the pain in my shoulder. This in turn led me back to a week or so ago to an anxiety attack I had. At the time I wasn’t sure what was happening. I felt the whole day that I would somehow die that night. It was a real believable  fear. It was overwhelming to say the least. I was scared to go to sleep and when I did I was happy that I woke up. Then I felt that maybe it was for the day or a time to come. After referring to google I came across anxiety and quickly realized that’s more than likely what I was experiencing. The Dr just prescribed me hydroxyzine. I’m a FIRM believer in prayer but would like to try this just to see if it helps. Thanks " ], "date": [ "2017-11-29T05:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/violetta8-1126939" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanilla14125-1067546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/violetta8-1126939" ], "content": [ "Hi violetta..tell me what is the gap between ur dinner and ur bedtime??less than 3 hours?" ], "date": [ "2017-11-30T15:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexgo-1129291" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/violetta8-1126939" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Violetta, I feel the EXACT same way it&#39;s.. scary? Worrisome? Alaraming? I can&#39;t put my finger on how it feels. I was comfortable at first but I back out the last seconds every time. I&#39;m too attached to everybody and everything and I&#39;m not sure what will happen to me but I feel like I have the choice and God keeps asking me. I keep up with Astrology and all that and they say there is a big shift in the dimension that we live in, that we are living in 4d and people are moving to higher 5d. A new world/heaven on Earth. I&#39;m not sure if that has to do with us or what. Feel free to contact me because I feel so lost and I&#39;m glad that somebody seems to feel the same way</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-08T21:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Im experiencing it 2 days ago.I just woke up in middle of night, feeling uncomfortable, like your heart suddenly beating slower, you feel light headed as your breath gonna stop and like your spirit gonna leave you anytime. I keep thinking this is the end of me. Through sobbing tears, I try to write my last words to my love one in case it really the end of me. After that, I feel better but can&#39;t shake off the feelings my time is near. I end up taking holidays to relax my mind and meeting my loved ones. This is 1st time Im experiencing this. I believe this is another kind of panic attack. Before I had experienced full blown panic attack 2 time,to the point Im shouting and shaking. Experience depression for quite number of years. But I think currently Im already getting better. Only anxiety that comes and go. I have trouble sleeping nowadays due to bad nightmares, it makes me feel scared to fall asleep.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-30T14:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheny-1127725" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>hi.in August 2017 i suffered a sever a panic attack. i almost lost control over my body. it was my first ever attack. i had no idea about anxiety, depression or panic attacks. so it was like frightening n i was confirmed that m going to die. again aftr three months i gt second panic attacks. but it wasn&#39;t as horrible as earlier one. but these days m so scared all the time. i feel i won&#39;t live. i m lost hope in everything. somtimes i feel pressure in my heart. m rapid heartbeat. m so scared. plzzzz if anyone know how to deal with such problems. help me</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-03T14:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joe34440-971632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/manolo-977883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joe34440-971632" ], "content": [ "<p>Its difficult to accept that it &#160;is anxiety or stress. The brain is so powerful that we believe it has to be something else. I have been going through this for over 20 years. I just tell myself that I&#39;m not going to die soon. Another day comes and go and I&#39;m still here. You will get through this. This forum helps. Good luck</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-02T02:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey ive been having these wired unwell sensations faint feeling kinda like as if im dying its scary and everytime it happens i feel like its gonna be the end of me ive been to my doctor wich ran all kinds of test from blood test to imaging scans and could find nothing wrong so just ended up saying its anxiety/stress wich i dont feel anxious at all but i dont feel like my normal self most of the time its been 2 months i been feeling like this its hars too believe its anxiety and i worry alot it could be some other illness im just fed up of feeling like this i dont know if they are panic attacks wich i doubt they they because most people say they feel more like palpatitations and shortness of breath wich i dont im wodering if anyof you feel the same " ], "date": [ "2016-09-29T03:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rowe90027-981513" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa88514-995274" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rowe90027-981513" ], "content": [ "<p>You are not alone. I&#39;ve been living with anxiety for over 10 years. It started when I found out I had cancer. I survived it and thought life would continue and it did continue with anxiety and feeling everyday that I&#39;m going to die. Some days are great, some days are bad. Waiting on labs, test, etc is really bad. I understand what you are feeling. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-20T20:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I was just typing the words &quot;I feel like I&#39;m going to die&quot; when I chance by your forum. And it&#39;s such a relief for me that I am not alone with this one. My father died of COPD at the age of 64 and my mom died of internal bleeding in her digestive tract at the age of 62. And I used to say, I have a lifespan of 63 (getting the average of my folks&#39;s age when they died). May of last year, I was diagnosed of hypertension and I had been taking maintenance since then. However, this fear of me dying anytime soon started around December of last year, and unfortunately I still feel the same way. I busied myself dieting and doing some everyday exercise. I also have to convince myself (almost everyday) that none of my family died of heart attack (at least most of them passed away pass retiring age). My dad&#39;s older sister just celebrated her 90th birthday and my mom&#39;s sister too is age 88. I wish everyday, to reach those age. But everyday, I feel I will die anytime of heart attack. This is stressing me hard. By the way, I am only 40.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-02T09:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dmott12985-981641" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa88514-995274" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dmott12985-981641" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m thinking I took that and I had the heart palpitations for 3 days. What is the real name of that medication so I can check to be sure. Since I took that, it&#39;s made me scared to take another for my anxiety. &#128553;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-20T20:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m going thru the exact same thing after taking Cipro.. It&#39;s been 3 days and I&#39;m still anxious !! How long after you</p><p>Stop taking it did you feel better ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-02T19:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josh1988-986020" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Like others have said you are definitely not alone. I suffer from severe Anxiety, Stress, PTSD and Depression. I have for years but only got really bad after my son passed away. I&#39;ve been to more doctors and ER&#39;s than I can count and the test always come back clean. I don&#39;t fear death itself I only have a fear of having heart attack (Weird I know) but it has affected my life really bad. I&#39;m a 28 year old single father to a princess. I stay very active. Heart disease does not run in my family, my EKG&#39;s and X-rays always come back fine. I just don&#39;t understand it, one moment I will be laying on the couch watching tv relaxed the next I start having a really bad panic attack. One thing that seems to help a little bit is writing about it. At first I would just pick up a pin and paper and write some stuff down but it has turned into a book in progress. I&#39;m no doctor or a famous writer but I hope my book will help others like us. Another thing that helps is having someone to talk to that goes through the same thing. I would be willing to give my email to any of you if you ever just want someone to talk to. I know how terrible this disease is, I would not wish it on anyone. Good luck to you Josy0405. I truly hope things get better and that goes for the rest of you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-17T23:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joe34440-971632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose24832-973649" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joe34440-971632" ], "content": [ "I can not tell what is real or panic nomore.. my panic attacks have went from heart beating fast sweating fainting feeling to no feeling at all.. everything feels like it is shutting down.. so many blood tests every specialist possible and nothing comes up.. I hate living like this.." ], "date": [ "2016-10-21T22:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "You are not the only one after my anxiety i also always have this horrible feeling that im dying or going to die its not like a panic attack because it feels diferent and it worries me that something is wrong with my health its scary evrytime it happens it feels like its the end of me and i havent felt normal eversince i dont know if any of you understand this feeling i keep wondering if its just anxiety or a illness please feel free to leave advice" ], "date": [ "2016-10-21T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila50461-980508" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I get like this so many times right out of no where can be lying in bed , working, with the family and all of a sudden get this sudden over bearing feeling of sudden death. It take control right then and there. I then have this urge to run for help. It&#39;s scary and I wish I could overcome it. I feel for you cause it&#39;s like we can&#39;t be normal because of the fear of anxiety and what it does to us mental/physical. I wish you luck and hope you get better.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-22T19:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mikaela50769-990883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hey Josy, I see where this was written about a year ago..I just wanted to check with you and see if you have any encouraging words. I feel like I&#39;ve mostly gotten my anxiety under control but I&#39;ve been super sick this week and when I&#39;m sick or around my period my anxiety shoots through the roof and all I keep thinking is that I&#39;m going to die soon. I hate this haunting feeling and I&#39;m hoping you could give me some advice thanks.. <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/rolleyes.gif\" alt=\"rolleyes\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-04T17:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/syed87746-988695" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>My bro..you re not only the one here..i am also suffering the same... &#128546;&#128546;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-14T11:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/syed87746-988695" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hope all my anxiety sufferer brothers and sisters get well soon.." ], "date": [ "2016-11-14T11:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dustin89873-995063" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>You can&#39;t believe everything you read. I have felt the same way but guess what I&#39;m ok and you&#39;re ok. Stop overthinking and do things that make you happy. Slow down and concentrate on being happy. You and I have to understand we can&#39;t control every aspect of our lives and we only need to worry about what we can control. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-20T20:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brayanna50151-995399" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel the exact same way. After having my first panic attack about a year ago, i am afraid of dying in my sleep or dying suddenly. I have weight loss surgery coming up &amp; i have to do an in depth medical evaluation. Labs, bariatric xray, ekg...and im terrified that they will find something wrong with me. Even though i have no symptoms. Ugh. Hate this. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-21T07:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carlos73408-1052339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "How are you doing today with that feeling? " ], "date": [ "2017-05-20T07:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shelly76574-1053967" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m glad to know I&#39;m not the only one whose been feeling like this. I started to feel like this around December 2016 and it seems like since my grandmother passed away this January, it&#39;s gotten worse! During the day seems to be tolerable but at night anxiety kicks in, can&#39;t sleep and all these thoughts rush into my head like &quot;wonder I don&#39;t wake up&quot; etc I&#39;ve been to the ER probably at least 10 times since February-March thinking something is wrong. Even had blood work down and they said everything was good with my organs, several ekgs all came back good. I feel like I&#39;m not even attached to my body, it&#39;s weird. I randomly googled &quot;feeling like I&#39;m not attached to my body&quot; then I seen this site. I am hoping talking about this with other people who know what I am feeling will help me. I&#39;ve always suffered anxiety my whole like but seems like it&#39;s been a lot worse last few months. :( I hope you started feeling better. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-26T05:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maddie91818-1055229" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello......lately I&#39;ve been having a lot of anxiety and yesterday I had a extreme panic attack and had to go to the hospital......but for the past weeks I&#39;ve been certain I&#39;m also going to die everyday I&#39;m convinced that I am.....any answers why?? </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-31T01:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paris94793-1056629" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I didn&#39;t look to see how old the post was but a llf of the comments were helpful. One last thing I just wanted to say is that even it were our time to leave this earth we should want leave as peaceful as possible. Not stressed and depressed and whatever other feelings and thoughts you have-that&#39;s one thing I always go tk explain to myself. One thing about it though is that anxiety or panic attacks is one heck of a condition. As long as we know that no matter what we are not freaks and we are not crazy. We just deal with our issues in a different way. We don&#39;t choose to react that way but that&#39;s just how our Brian has programmed itself to be. Most times now when I have my anxiety is when I&#39;m sleepy and I&#39;m fighting my sleep. The thing I hate the most is experiencing one while sleeping becashe I&#39;m suddenly woken up and then it&#39;s almost impossible for me to calm down and go back to sleep....even if I feel like I&#39;ve calmed down and my eyes are so low and I no longer have the strength to grab a hold on anything k still refuse to code my eyes and fall asleep because I want to be sure that I&#39;m safe. If I close my eyes my heart literally is heavy and I feel like I&#39;m going to die instantly but eventually after watching a ton of anxiety videos and reading on it I allow my body to drift off and sleep. But the bad part about that I&#39;m not relieved of the bevauae then I wake up feel horrible. For me there&#39;s really nothing I can do at that moment other than lay there and wait for my brain to allow my body to fall asleep. I refuse to be on medication but sometimes I question myself like should I just do it? It&#39;s almost like a &quot;anything to feel normal again&quot; thing. I try to talk myself out of the situation most of the times. Just typing this I was calming myself down from a panic attack but falling asleep is very challenging at this moment. I pray the best for every last one of us</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-05T13:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun44329-1060939" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad80-1060931" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun44329-1060939" ], "content": [ "Hi, i share the same way how u feel. Im lucky that my wife is always giving me support. Makes me go out of the house and fight the fear. Even manage to go to crowded places and even take a crowded place. Sometimes i really feel im a let down to her. And to makes things worse, due to this panic disorder, i lost my job but still she is the one who always make me stay positive and sometimes i cant help being stress up cos im jobless now and financially unstable. Really feel i have let her down." ], "date": [ "2017-06-22T01:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun44329-1060939" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad80-1060931" ], "content": [ "<p>hi , I feel exactly the same way like I&#39;m letting my wife down and my family. I feel so useless. I explained my situation to them. They are pretty good and pretty understanding</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-22T07:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun44329-1060939" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad80-1060931" ], "content": [ "<p>hi , by the way I lost my job 8 years ago suffering with my first panic attack couldn&#39;t face going to work made me feel physically sick. Then they started disappearing, but then come back again for no real reason now I&#39;m suffering with major anxiety as I said before, very rarely leave the house can&#39;t focus on driving I spend quite a lot of my time doing the cleaning in my house only to keep my mind active and not thinking that I am dying all the time</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-22T07:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/frank_00944-1065198" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun44329-1060939" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I&#39;ve been dealing with anxiety and depression since my teens I&#39;m now 60, the only thing that helped me to cope was to find the rite combination of meds. I still feel some anxiety and depression at times but I can deal with it, and I&#39;m able to function at work.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-08T07:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>hi , I&#39;m new to this website, I know what you are going through about 8 years ago I had a bad panic attack. Ever since then, they are now getting more regular virtually every day. I feel like I am dying, I&#39;m very confused. I feel very weak and also when I&#39;m walking I feel I could just collapse honestly I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I find it very hard to focus on the TV or the Internet, so I know where you are coming from. At the moment my wife is in hospital. I haven&#39;t even been to visit her. I&#39;m too afraid to go out and drive the car. Luckily my wife is very understanding and we have great family members, but to be honest with you I feel such a let down to my wife.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-21T13:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabina18905-1062588" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I too feel the same why I didn&#39;t know I feel I am going to today and every day the same plz some one help I am very much afraid of it can&#39;t sleep properly</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-27T19:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanilla14125-1067546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi plz i need to know if u feel any better..cuz i&#39;m in the same dilemma</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-17T13:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kris35-1009441" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhys00598-1071741" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kris35-1009441" ], "content": [ "yeah i dont this josy is on here anymore, may have forgotten the password to the account or has found a cure lol , i am on magnesium powder with added calcuim and zinc, tastes like lemons yumm but it does help i assure you keeps you more awake and alert, try eating more foods that contain iron cause many MANY people are iron defficent, i know i was , it really helps to stay more alert during light hours and helps with sleep" ], "date": [ "2017-08-02T17:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhys00598-1071741" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kris35-1009441" ], "content": [ "think of the anxiety and overcoming it like its someone youve murderd, he/she is gone but it just sticks with you. YOU yourself have to over come it YOU are the cure, no tablet/ therapist is a complete cure, im 17 and have gone through so much to discover this, nearly taking my own life if im brutally honest, just remember theres always someone to speak to and if you want im always here day or night and am willing to help, in fact i want to help anyone with it so please if you see this please message me :) we can overcome it together we are all on the same cruise, might aswell have a cupper tea together ;)" ], "date": [ "2017-08-02T17:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/veronica1410-1071982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhys00598-1071741" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I&#39;ve been reading ur post can I talk with you x </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-10T09:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edgar06632-1029198" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/veronica1410-1071982" ], "content": [ "Sure " ], "date": [ "2018-07-10T10:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/veronica1410-1071982" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/edgar06632-1029198" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m so tense I can&#39;t relax I&#39;m always fidgeting I slouch on sofa I have heart issues it pounds often even when not thinking bout it I always here thud thud in ears i have this sensation where I&#39;m dizzy but I&#39;m not often intense feeling of heart stopping I don&#39;t leave my house when I walk bout top of tumny and can&#39;t breathe x </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-10T17:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Josy are you not here anymore? I&#39;m feeling like most of the posters on this thread and really want to hear stories of anyone overcoming anxiety. I thought it might be my hormones and got some oestrogel the other day. Too soon to know maybe but I keep trying to find a solution. I&#39;m going to get magnesium supplements. I was worried I wasn&#39;t getting enough oxygen in my blood but the doc did a test and that&#39;s fine too. I keep researching and researching trying to find an answer. Anyone know of anyone who has overcome severe anxiety?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-26T20:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Thanks it makes me feel good that i am not the only one.... the feeling get sooo overwhelming that my body reacts to it and i began to feel weak and then really believe that my death is near. I hate this feeling so much. I get so scared because i have a 3 year old son and a family and i do not want to leave them suffering... these episodes do come and go throughout the day...some days are good and some are bad. Which makes me believe there is a hope into overcoming this feeling.." ], "date": [ "2015-07-10T14:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luis1414-982735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "When do they stop ive been having a panic attack all day literally this has been goin on since i was about 23 i feel like i always gotta run to the hospital i loose so many great jobs they just hit me like a train i can b doin absolutely nuthin then all of a sudden here it comes wat do i do any suggestions " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T01:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shahn1303-992393" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "content": [ "Joey have u overcome this feeling if dread " ], "date": [ "2016-11-17T20:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brim47227-1054577" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Its such a horrible feeling. I have found no way to deal with these feelings. I wake up in the morning and i feel relaxed and fine. But throught the day its gets bad to the point i think im dying. My heartbeat feels irregular. My chest and back hurt constantly. At points i feel dizzy and weak to the point of passing out. Have you found any medicine or technique that solved these feelings? I just want tk feel like myself again." ], "date": [ "2017-05-28T18:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad80-1060931" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brim47227-1054577" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, i feel exactly how you feel.... i wake up in the morning just fine and fresh then later on will start the bad feelings as well as thoughts of me going to die.. chest hurts front and back. A couple of times it got so bad that i had to be sent to the A&amp;E as i have stents in my artery. All this anxiety started a few months after my angioplasty. And everytime i was sent to A&amp;E for the attacks, ECG and Blod Pressure was all good and as im just done stenting about a year, doctors brush it off as panic attacks and there nothing wrong with my heart. But it feels so bad that daily life is affected. Sometimes even my stomach start to have gas buildups and it really feels bad. I like u is still looking for ways to overcome this&#128532;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-21T12:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maureen_65564-896562" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad80-1060931" ], "content": [ "<p>Do you get physical pain and insomnia with this?</p><p>I feel this way too and can&#39;t shut my mind off!</p><p>How are you managing? </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-25T22:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad80-1060931" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maureen_65564-896562" ], "content": [ "Hi.... i do get physical pain like aching and sharp pain in the upper chest and lower left especially near my stomach and also my back near the lower shoulder blades and have spoken to my pyschiatrist about it and base on all my blood test, ecg and blood pressure, all the pain were related to anxiety and panic attack. The pain will start to come especially when I start to feel worried, scared and stress. And to make the pain worse, I will also lose my appetite as eating makes me worry about my health since i have blockages before in my artery ( which have already done angioplasty and doctors say im much healthier now) and hunger also makes the pain worse due to the gas buildups. So now i just fight that anxiety by eating to avoid the gas buildup. I dont eat till im full but just enough to avoid and gastric and at the same time i when the negative thoughts comes into my mind I will let it come but I will start to talk to my wife or kids or do something which can distract it. And also my doctors have told me during my last panic attack that my test were all good and my heart is at its best now so I also use that to convince myself that im all fine now. Its been about a few days now doing that and i feel much better." ], "date": [ "2017-06-26T03:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mariegodly-1070615" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "content": [ "I know how you feel. Mine isnt anxiety. I cant eat very many food types without throwing up and feeling a major dead confusion in head. My hands and feets aways hurt. My arms hurt. I lost lots of weight. I use to weight alot such as 280 but now am 230 pounds. My bodie is changing. I swear i feel like when i look in the mirror my body is green on some parts. And i have very bad sevire pain. So mine is not anxiety mine is health problems. Also my blood pressure is aways too high." ], "date": [ "2017-08-14T08:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina2323-1070601" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brim47227-1054577" ], "content": [ "<p>So Inhad all these same thing. I would go to the ER and they would say anxiety. We&#39;ll insaw a Cardiologist and got a 30 monitor and they found PVCs and SVTs and those can make you feel that way. It is hard to diagnose unless you have a monitor to catch them. They are benign but my anxiety level has gone down knowing what they are.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-20T15:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nick02765-1084632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mariegodly-1070615" ], "content": [ "<p>I used to have anxiety that would cause my heart rate to go up to 200 bpm sitting still and bp of like 160/110, and I&#39;m an 18 year old in great shape, and I would get tonnes of skipped beats, which drove me nuts, so they put me on beta blockers (propranolol) and it has worked nearly perfectly for my anxiety as it takes away the majority of my physical anxiety symptoms. My life is somewhat liveable now even though I&#39;m still battling with my psych to overcome the negative way of thinking that fuels anxiety. Talk to your doctor about beta blockers and see if they are applicable for your case&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-15T13:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/justin62452-1094485" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luis1414-982735" ], "content": [ "<p>I hope everyone sees this reply, buy the book DARE by [b]Barry Mcdonagh[/b]. It will make panic attacks and anxiety disappear almost completely.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T01:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/buri74115-1127065" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Hii louise same problem with me can u plz help me" ], "date": [ "2017-11-30T22:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joel59680-1133949" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Hi louise" ], "date": [ "2017-12-26T07:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joel59680-1133949" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Hi louise" ], "date": [ "2017-12-26T07:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nick02765-1084632" ], "content": [ "U TAKE THEM DAILY Or just when u have a attack" ], "date": [ "2018-01-12T06:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zainab37536-1163545" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad80-1060931" ], "content": [ "alhamdullilah" ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T11:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jana59433-1266375" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maureen_65564-896562" ], "content": [ "yesterday i was really stressed and once i got into bed, i got the feeling that i was going to die and although i had been very tired i couldn't sleep at all. i got repeated shivers down my spine and stomach pain. i have anxiety but i wasn't diagnosed by a doctor, i guess i self diagnosed myself. i'm freaking out and my mood is all over the place and i really wanna know if anyone on this thread is still alive lol because im convinced that once i get this feeling then im doomed. i cant eat or do basically anything because i keep thinking about it. someone help please" ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T23:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karly09492-1266688" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jana59433-1266375" ], "content": [ "hey jana, im in the same hole. my anxiety started getting severe in june. ive been into the emergency room and doctors office so many times in the past couple of months. all this time i have had a sense of doom everyday. i think to myself about tomorrow and then my anxiety starts. it says \"what if i don't make it till tomorrow. then my heart starts to race. i get panicked and nervous. then i get major cheat pains and try not to google my symptoms because it will say i have some type of cancer or that im dying. ive beenput on anxiety and depression medications since then. they've helped. but i still have thoughts. i just have to pray and tell myself that i am and will be okay. so i totally understand what you're going through. i hope that everything gets better for you! " ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T23:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saw29722-1280276" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jana59433-1266375" ], "content": [ "i have exactly the same feeling soon as i go to bed i get this s**t feeling ,that in going to die..to a point i feel my heart about to stop and sharp noise in my ears " ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T23:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris95497-1382790" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saw29722-1280276" ], "content": [ "me too. this is hell. im sorry you're going through this. i really hope you feel better" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T02:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aleahmay99443-1387929" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jana59433-1266375" ], "content": [ "i have been feeling the same and its driving me crazy, its really affecting my day to day life... its scarring me going to work and all sorts im sat here typing this with chest ache in the middle. im literally so fed up of it. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-16T18:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica06704-1387985" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "content": [ "Did your anxiety get worse after children? I have death anxiety as well but its 10x magnified since becoming a parent. If youre not on medicine its time for a medical intervention sonyou can enjoy your life and not have these disturbing thoughts rule your life." ], "date": [ "2021-11-17T13:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather94847-1396443" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luis1414-982735" ], "content": [ "I'm going through the same thing. Have you gotten any better?" ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T01:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather94847-1396443" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jana59433-1266375" ], "content": [ "I'm here!! Going through the same❤. It helps to know we're not alone. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T01:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morson28-1401609" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "you still here ? " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T01:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morson28-1401609" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brim47227-1054577" ], "content": [ "exactly me " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T01:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morson28-1401609" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather94847-1396443" ], "content": [ "would love to talk more to you " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T01:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chrisdadon-1401631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmad80-1060931" ], "content": [ "if you dont mind me asking how old are you cause im 26 and overweight and im scared sometimes that I may have a heart attack at a young age.. but im losing weight!" ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T07:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shaina1988-1459904" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/karly09492-1266688" ], "content": [ "hi, i can totally understand what your going threw! every day i wake up thinking i feel ok, i might be good today! then i start thinking about it, and my heart starts beating fast! it's always beating fast now! i think i have a heart condition so I'll go to hospital and they say I'm fine! so then ill go home and hours later I'm having the same feelings! so i think we'll maybe i have cancer! i do hurt all over all the time! my arms legs stomach chest! i got bit by a tick today! now I've read all the diseases u can get from the tick i got bit by,! and of course I'm having the symptoms of it! i just Kno every day that this is my last day! and today's my birthday! lol and i have felt like I'm dying all day today! i can't ever enjoy myself!! i hope you're doing better by the way! i just wanted to let everyone know they are not alone!! " ], "date": [ "2023-03-26T02:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi try not to worry it your anxiety about two years ago I stopped my medication just like that not thinking it was helping me I didn't cut down was done abruptly.\r\nWell after about a week I convinced I was going to die my heart didn't beat right my breathing wasn't right shooting pains in my head I thought I had a tumour I was in a right state but all my tests were normal my anxiety was through the roof and guess what I am still here and doing better and you will be fine too just remember you are not alone and your going to be ok 🌹" ], "date": [ "2021-11-17T13:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexgo-1129291" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, wanted to check up and see how you are doing and if this is still occurring. I hope you are well. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-08T21:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhys00598-1071741" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexgo-1129291" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhys00598-1071741" ], "content": [ "<p>Lol ok but isn&#39;t the point in this site to help others? If you don&#39;t agree then that&#39;s fine for you, why be here. I found comfort in just knowing I wasn&#39;t the only one feeling this way, and that already helped. If she doesn&#39;t respond that&#39;s fine. There&#39;s are others communicating here with each other for the same problem. Don&#39;t be a hater. We are here to encourage each other..</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-09T05:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Noone listens on here, josy does NOT reply to anyone anymore, I had been going though SO much total s**t a few months back and took refuge in this site, BUT NOONE LISTENS, noone can help you, you are actually like a pussy, grab life by the balls and get through it like everyone else, you have to stop crying about it and actually do something with yourself, noone on the planet can get rid of panic attacks for you only you can, im f*****g 18 and was 17 when I was going through this, AND NOONE CAN DO ANYTHING! Its all UP TO YOU, if you die noone can do s**t, if you live noone can do s**t, NOONE CAN DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!, grow a pair of balls and go to the gym, exercise the heart, do anything, but just stop being a b***h and relying on others for help because this will NOT get you anywhere, so take this real advice and DO. NOT. RELY. ON. OTHERS, THEY CANNOT DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL!!!!. Have confidence in this ONE life we ALL have. Cause if you dont you&#39;ll just waste away with every little pitter patter your heart has/that you freak out about, just grow up a little, grow a pair, and try enjoy life you pathetic ****.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-09T01:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deriella-1130377" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Omg.... I&#39;m so shocked to say the least I&#39;ve been suffering the same as you explained and only now I know someone else is going through the same as me the daily struggle is horrible I would give anything to stop the feeling. I hope u get better soon x </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-12T20:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/echelon77330-1131639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I been feeling this way since I was about 23 years old the days don&#39;t pass any more without me I wondering what&#39;s go in to happen to me I know it&#39;s something horrible like losing body parts or being killed slowly my mind tells me I&#39;m being delivered to my mom&#39;s door with just my head or toes and my bones fed to the crocs on top of being sliced to pieces and I&#39;ll never get to watch the kids in my life grow up including my own I hate my feelings ive thought it so long I&#39;m just anticipating the day basically wanting it to come so I don&#39;t got to think like a non human being my panic sets in during the days a long with the nights now I truly hate the way my head works there is no good thoughts running through it just plain destruction of ones body and remains you would think it would have changed by now but it&#39;s only gotten stronger with the years I need a life someone who cares about my delusions and understands there real to me and helps me through it instead of calling me crazy I keep it bottled inside so I don&#39;t get looked at like a nutso it bothers me I think all the people around me knows when I&#39;m gonna die but I&#39;m worth money so no one will tell I&#39;m JUST A CONFUSED person......</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-17T09:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erik85420-1132283" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>yes so here i am all from the Netherlands i couldn&#39;t find any good information about this subject in my country</p><p></p><p>forgive me if i make typo&#39;s</p><p></p><p>but i have this feeling also i have panic attacks and weird deja vu feelings that come in my head and it feels that im going to die at that moment the feeling is very real and scares me and it takes alot of energy.. and after a moment you can think straight again that it was just some weird moment. u had</p><p></p><p>i also thought i was the only one and i started to think different things but i guess its just those damn panic attacks im having these issues for over 1 year now and i had it in the past it got better but cause of stress it came back.... so you are not alone even not in holland :) i hope it gets better with all you people that have issues</p><p></p><p>and im glad we&#39;re not alone</p><p>feel free to comment and share any advice how to deal with these weird feelings and thoughts.</p><p></p><p>thanks</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-19T16:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacques72493-1131605" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel the exact same way Josy , cause the phisical symtoms are so terifying and my mind tells me this about 20 timea a day and i keep thinking something bad is wrong , Do you experience any phisical symtoms " ], "date": [ "2017-12-28T12:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/someonenewhere-1134607" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello.\r\nBecause of my anxiety,I felt like I was going to die and unfortunately from a young age.I was maybe ten when it started and it felt bad,but I realized it was just a false feeling.That is what anxiety does and that doesn’t mean you’re going to die.Many peole felt like you do,including me,and we didn’t die!I’m sure you will get better soon." ], "date": [ "2017-12-28T18:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jose13378-1143277" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jose13378-1143277" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Can you please help me out i feel the same way" ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T17:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi dont worry your not alone ive been feeling the same way about 2 months ago i was so afraid at first i still am not as bad since people help me out if u want to talk about more of this let me know i can tell you my story \r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-02-03T06:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/timothy02074-1148091" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yep. Same. Sometimes I get so sick of feeling like that I say &quot;Screw it! Bring on death&quot;!! Let&#39;s get it over with! ..THEN with this attitude , things return to normal.</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T03:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noamw-1147201" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>You cannot die from anxiety or panic attacks. That&#39;s all you need to know. I know the feeling, it feels like your world is going to end but it&#39;s not. Anxiety is a vicious liar. Good luck dear and take care. x</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T05:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dave0000-1149165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello can somebody help me I can be doing everyday things then when I get on public transport it gets red hot and all of a sudden my mouth dries out I get hot and feel like I cant catch that gulp of breath and I feel embaressed because people stare cause I feel im going to collapse why d I feel like this I try to say to myself before getting on bus im ok then soon as I step on t get that feeling how do I cope with this." ], "date": [ "2018-02-10T04:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dave0000-1149165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>also when im sitting I feel like I cannot breath I get that constant lump in my throat and it feels like my throat bunged up constantly my other problem is even when it is a cold rainy day why am I burning up and I am sweating please can someone help me what is wrong with me? I have been to doctors and feel im not getting right answers please help im in a bubble I am also feel closed in in my own home I don&#39;t feel comfortable im jumpy when the door goes or when my phone ring I wont answer it why do I feel this way?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-10T04:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dave0000-1149165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/josy0405-786705" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry I put my messages in your box by mistake" ], "date": [ "2018-02-10T04:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feel-like-im-going-to-die-soon--450085?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" } ]
feel like im going to die soon?
Has anyone felt this way? Its like after i started suffering from anxiety and going through panic attacks, my brain has convinced me that i am dying soon. Like yesterday i was conviced i was going to die today. Please tell me i am not the o ly one that feels this. I also read that people feel like theyre going to die and then they died suddenly. This has me soooooo stressed out!! Help!!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chantelle38195-1152072" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I found this so helpful as I also suffer with the same intrusive thoughts.\r\nthank you" ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sorry you are going through this and I know the anxiety that it can cause. I’ve been through that also.\r\nThose thoughts about dying are very common, especially in people who already have anxiety. Anxiety tends to put negative and scary. Thoughts into our mind. \r\nEverybody thinks about aging and it’s just some thing that we have to accept. It’s part of our journey here.\r\nThe main thing is, we cannot allow that to ruin our days because then we are not enjoying our life now in the present.\r\nI used to worry so much that I never enjoyed my daily life. So I decided enough is enough. I’m going to enjoy every day and be grateful for everything in my life. I started noticing things that I am grateful for such as the beauty of nature, my family, laughter, joy,. Those are the things we should focus on because I learned that once I stopped enjoying my daily life I could never get any of those days back! \r\nWhy waste our days with fear and anxiety ? when it does absolutely no good.\r\nsome things that have helped me are...\r\n1. Getting regular exercise. This really is great because it releases good hormones in the brain that calm you down.\r\n2. every day I would think of things that I am truly grateful for. It’s amazing how many things you can come up with. Even little things like having a roof over my head, etc. did you\r\n3. Letting go of thoughts that are negative or scary and replacing them with happy joyful thoughts and grateful thoughts.\r\n4. when I help other people who are less fortunate than myself, it gives me such a great feeling, and also a feeling of purpose in my life! Volunteering is awesome.\r\n5. we can either age do feeling anxious and fearful and waste the life we have or we can age with joy, purpose, happiness, and really enjoy our life. \r\n6. I will send you a private message." ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/on-meds-for-my-anxiety-but-recently-i-can-t-get-death-off-my-mind-will-this-pass--797545?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\nthank you for replying.\r\nits a relief to know that someone has experienced something similar as i find it all too easy to fall into the hole that im the only person like this.\r\nive had similar thoughts before but about 12 years ago. so ive been trying to tell myself ive got through it before but i just keep gocusing in the fact that another 12 years of my life has gone since then!\r\ni dont know if its because ive entered a new decade or if its just my anxiety as it peaked at the end of last year. \r\ni hope like you that my thoughts on this start to leave my mind as it seems to have just taken over recently. \r\nThank you again for taking the time to get in touch.\r\ni really appreciate that.\r\nTake care\r\n\r\njon" ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there,\r\n\r\nI had a really bad period with that when I turned 30, I was always thinking what is the point? I also had the thing about looking at people and thinking we will all not be here...I would say it was bad anxiety mixed with a bit of an existential crises. Even though it's a really horrible feeling, if you don't try to fight it and you accept that this is just a period you're going through, it will eventually pass.\r\n\r\nI just turned 50 recently and I'm getting these thoughts a little again but I don't take much notice of them and they don't interfere with my life too much.\r\n\r\nDon't worry, this will pass, you will not be stuck with these thoughts forever.\r\n\r\nWishing you the best x" ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/on-meds-for-my-anxiety-but-recently-i-can-t-get-death-off-my-mind-will-this-pass--797545?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "content": [ "hi kelly\r\nsorry to hear that you experience something similar as i know how exhausting and scary it can be at times. its happened to me before on and off and once for a few weeks when my anxiety hit a big high when i was 28. its just lingering in my thoughts right now and has been for a couple of weeks. im already taking meds for my anxiety so just feel like its a massive step backwards. especially as it seems no matter how hard i try, these thoughts still remain very present in my mind. \r\ni just hope that it passes soon so i can feel like i can get through a day without it consuming my thoughts.\r\ni hope it becomes easier for you too." ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "content": [ "You most certainly are not alone, you would be surprised at just how many people have them, just that not many talk about them.\r\n\r\nI know because my two best friends are psychologists/therapist and they tell me loads of people have these thoughts.\r\n\r\nThe less you fight them the sooner they will go away. Easier said that done, I know. \r\n\r\nRather than thinking: if I don't think about it, it will go, If I don't think about it it will go...\r\n\r\nIt's better when the thought come to say to yourself: ok, I'm going through a period where I'm having these thoughts, but nothing lasts forever, not the bad things, not the good things, nothing.\r\n\r\nI hope I'm not sounding preachy, I'm just sharing what has worked for me in the hope that it can help you.\r\n\r\nBest x" ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "oh not at all.\r\nthats why i posted on here to see if anyone with similar experiences could give any insight into what may help.\r\nit does feel tough though. i keep having a fleeting second or two when it feels im getting out of this lull but the smallest thing sends me right back again. i guess its just perseverance.\r\nhopefully i can get back to not having this constantly clouding my mind as im sure you know how exhausting it can get.\r\nthanks again for getting back to me though. it does help just knowing someone gets where youre coming from." ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "HI Jon,\r\n\r\nI have been going through this since I was young I've had anxiety and panic attacks most of my life too im now 43 and its still always on my mind I have days when it goes away and then It will come back and hit me again and it stays with me for days and my anxiety is through the roof i cant cope with it...I look around at other people thinking they ain't bothered they are getting on with life and I cant get it out my head but I'm sure everyone does think about it at some points but because I have anxiety mines a lot worse i think about things deep and work myself up i still have to find a way to stop this.... I cant talk about it to people I don't know if I'm embarrassed to spk or them thinking I'm mad... I had councilling for my anxiety and couldn't tell the councillor about it i don't know why!..I just been hoping it will just go away as time goes on but I've been like this for years I do regret now not speaking to them because they may have helped me I would suggest talking to a Councillor or maybe your doctor who can put you in touch with someone if this has only recently started you can get help and get it sorted." ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/on-meds-for-my-anxiety-but-recently-i-can-t-get-death-off-my-mind-will-this-pass--797545?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fred_flintstone-16971" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel exactly as you have typed in your message. " ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T21:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/on-meds-for-my-anxiety-but-recently-i-can-t-get-death-off-my-mind-will-this-pass--797545?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tina66425-1137721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tina66425-1137721" ], "content": [ "hi Tina\r\nthank you for reaching out and replying. i always check notifications and it is always nice to see when people take the time!\r\nive never thought about it in an OCD way at all. but im going to have a look into this as its literally been circling in my head pretty much all day everyday for getting on a month now. \r\nim sure you know how exhausting things like that can be! \r\nthank you again though - and i hope that youre doing well\r\n\r\njon" ], "date": [ "2023-03-25T17:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tina66425-1137721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonjonlebonbon-1451647" ], "content": [ "Im glad you saw my message! it really is exhausting isnt it, it seems that death is a pretty common fear theme with ocd as well. Ive found that a combination of fluoxetine and cbt therapy had been helpful, the intrusive thoughts are still there but its easier to deal with them logically rather than irrationally. I really hope you get some relief soon. Take care \r\n\r\nTina " ], "date": [ "2023-03-26T18:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Jon, i know this post was two weeks ago but I'm hoping you see this message. Have you ever researched ocd? obviously I'm not a doctor but this sounds similar to what I was/am going through although the 'theme' is different. This might be worth looking into especially the intrusive thoughts that come with ocd, its constantly on your mind with a lot of 'what if' thoughts. I hope this helps and I hope you feel well soon. Tina " ], "date": [ "2023-03-26T18:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/on-meds-for-my-anxiety-but-recently-i-can-t-get-death-off-my-mind-will-this-pass--797545?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
On meds for my anxiety but recently I can’t get death off my mind. Will this pass?
Always had periods of anxiety but it peaked at the end of last year and now ive been on mirtazapine for just over 2 months. the last couple of weeks, thoughts of my own mortality have been really playing on my mind. sometimes it really hits and causes a bit of a panic attack but most of the time it just sits there. things like ageing and looking around at other people and just thinking that me and everyone else isnt going to be here one day. it just seems to be constantly on my mind and its starting to make me feel more low than i was. has anyone experienced this? will it just pass or should i try doing something about it and if so, does anyone have any suggestions? thanks everyone jon
Increasing citalopram dose
I have been taking citalopram since July. I had to start in increment of five milligrams because my side effects were so bad. Once I increase to 25mg. Towards the end of November, i started feeling better less and less anxiety. And then, last but not least, the morning anxiety was gone. Fast forward until now March. I woke up with horrible morning anxiety three days in a row it's lasting all day. All my symptoms are back. I spoke to my doctor and increased to 30 mg. This morning and I don't know if I'm having side effects . I've been on it for so long, is that possible. And how after being on the medication 8 months and feeling great with no warning signs. how is this back?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hi yes ive had anxiety and panic attacks for 15 years now and as ive got older i have had all different symptoms..i have started listening to meditation videos and got a few apps on my phone like calm etc and they are good for at night when I'm going to bed but it's when I'm at work I get the numbness in face and arm and that triggers off the anxiety as I'm scared I'm having a stroke or something bad is happening..it passes after a while but it is scary I'm definatly looking in to councilling again as I felt the last one didn't help me but its just finding one as u have to wait for one to be available which could take months." ], "date": [ "2023-03-13T05:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Do you have a history of anxiety, ?anxiety can cause many different sensations in the body, which are harmless. I know how scary they can seem. Many people do get a numb sensation, tingling, weakness, and many others. I’ve had all of those and they were due to stress and anxiety.\r\nthey started diminishing when I really practiced calming down my mind and body. I listen to calming meditations for anxiety relief. Found on YouTube. Sounds like your testing was all normal so that’s great. Also, if you need to talk to someone, find a counselor who specializes in anxiety. It can really help to vent to somebody else. You can even do it virtually. I hope you start to feel better soon. " ], "date": [ "2023-03-12T23:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-else-get-these-symptoms-797879?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james67815-383107" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes im going through this at min cheeks have weird feeling to them like numbness . " ], "date": [ "2023-03-23T22:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-else-get-these-symptoms-797879?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Does anyone else get these symptoms
Hi all, Does anyone else get a numbness sensation in the face and eye on one side when your feeling anxious sometime my arm and leg also feel weak but that's when I start worrying about my face also an ache or chest pains in middle of chest and back throughout the day?.. I have had ECG 's and a full blood count which all came bk fine but I'm still concerned that these symptoms might be something else and not have been picked up in my tests?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris89338-1069553" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah27051-1459223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anxiety shows itself in many physical symptoms" ], "date": [ "2023-03-21T20:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-pls-help--798115?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety PLS HELP!!
US F 23. I have had weird symptoms for now 20 days and i am scared its rabies. no rabid animal bit me that i know of. been exposed to an outdoor cat (vaccinated) and was exposed to a bat 7 years ago and got PEP. past 3 weeks, i have had body aches, headache, muscle fatigue and weakness, pins and needles, no appetite and my throat has been sore. now i just hiccuped drinking coke. severe anxiety. doctor said it may be psychosomatic. no fever, not hydrophobic, no hallucinating, no agitation, no delirium, no neurological symptoms, etc. i am scared. am i good? this has been AWFUL.[](https://)
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jen12345678-1150837" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lionman2727-967521" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you're not crazy. I'm not sure what pvc is, but I'm guessing some kind of palpitations? Anyway, what are the doctors telling you? are you on any medication? have you been to a specialist?\r\nI'm so sorry to hear you are going through all of this. making major changes like your job, etc, could throw things out of whack in my opinion. sounds like a sit at a desk job is not necessarily something you enjoy. \r\nmaybe that's causing anxiety and upsetting you. however, I definitely don't think working a job breathing in fumes is good at all! that's most likely why your coughing. I would get checked out by a specialist. if they say you're fine, I would really consider changing your diet. even though that may be really hard to do, it also might be worth it if you feel better. try something like the keto diet. I follow a Dr online named Dr berg. best of luck, you will be ok, just one day at a time:)" ], "date": [ "2019-05-04T14:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-losing-it-again-700997?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cherie50183-930255" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lionman2727-967521" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am praying for you and for your healing" ], "date": [ "2019-05-04T21:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-losing-it-again-700997?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hammer6969-1457928" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lionman2727-967521" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dude, i know the hell you're living. PVCs runs have completely ruined my life. i feel like I'm out of my body watching the world go by. When i get bad runs, i shut down and pray they'll end. You're not alone. Keep strong" ], "date": [ "2023-03-20T14:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-losing-it-again-700997?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I'm losing it again
Okay, so i recently started working as an ironworker for the last 6 months. It was a big leap into unfamiliar territory, but at an apprentice level, the pay was pretty good and I needed a decent income while me and my wife finished up college. Well during the long time working in this field, i noticed something. I began to change as a person. I noticed my PVC started to clear up, im guessing because I was active all day working instead of like my last job sitting at a desk, making collection calls. I did, however start to eat poorly again, as the job didn't allow much time for lunch, causing me to pack chips, cheap sandwiches, and gas station snacks. Also, this meant that dinner was often in a take out bag because I simply didnt have time to cook and neither did my wife. I was so busy working I didnt even notice that a lot of my symptoms and health issues ive been complaining about started to clear up. No more panicky nights, I was sleeping like a baby (from exhaustion). My only concern with my health is a cough I developed of the evening. It came around a couple of months ago and doesnt bother me until around 8-9 at night, regardless of if im lying down or not. I figured it was from the welding fumes I have been breathing, along with burning steel and acetylene from a torch. But recently me and my wife had a discussion and she wants me to take a lesser pay job so I can be home more. To make that sacrifice, she has to pick up work as well, which she agreed to do. So here I am in between jobs, my new job starts next week, my old job stopped last week. The week that i have been off, I still have that lingering cough of the night. But my PVC started to act up again, having them daily now and Im having trouble sleeping. The weird feelings, almost like an out of body experience. Waking up in the middle of the night feeling "off" and almost like im a little crazy. Its strange that all of this is happening in the small amount of time im not working. I havent been worried or stressed out. My college is online and has been simple lately, so no triggers there. The job switch is actually a relief, so its not the issue. Doctors have never been able to tell me an answer after years of discussing with them the same issues among many others. So is this it? Do i need to accept the fact that my body is off in some way that is unexplainable or at least almost impossible to diagnose with modern medicine (or overlooked)? Because im losing hope. Im losing hope that one day I will feel normal again. maybe im nist crazy
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kirsty19622-1000253" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "from what I understand the vast majority of uterine polyps are benign. You have a lot of symptoms of anxiety, which you are probably going through now.\r\nKeep in mind that when we have anxiety, the mind tends to go to the negative thoughts. Those thoughts are not based on reality, but only on fear. \r\nstart calming your mind down. And be persistent. if you can a couple of times a day, relax and listen to relaxing calming meditations for overthinking, anxiety, etc..\r\nI will send you a private message." ], "date": [ "2023-03-18T21:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-of-cancer-due-to-endometrial-polyp-798136?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Scared of cancer due to endometrial polyp
Where do I start.... I'm 33, 34 in a few months and since I had the covid vaccine my periods have been up and down. They disappeared and then returned and became lighter, but when I get stressed they either disappear or just last for a long time. Last January I went through a ton of stress and my period lasted 18 days. This January I again went through a ton of stress as I nearly lost my mum and I've been bleeding/spotting since. I had a transabdominal ultrasound done, not transvaginal and they found what they believe to be an endometrial polyp. I've now been put on a 2 week pathway to check for endometrial cancer. I haven't stopped crying since. I have severe health anxiety and to say I'm terrified is an understatement. My GP said that this is just precautionary and most polyps are benign, I went and saw a specialist gynecologist and she said in her opinion she would not be alarmed at all and with everything in consideration she personally wouldn't have done a 2 week pathway but said my GP probably done it thinking she was being helpful. The gynecologist really tried assuring me that with my age and such the chances were very low of something sinister. I feel so scared. I really hoped my hormones would come back a bit unbalanced and that would be the issue but the GP and the gynecologist have said they look fine. I've posted all my symptoms below I just need to hear some stories of comfort or reassurance right now please. Fsh urine test positive 2nd positive test on the 11th 3rd fsh test positive on the 16th Periods have been off since covid vaccine Missed period December 2021 18 day period in Feb 2022 after huge amount of stress Missed period July 2022 2 periods in August 3 weeks apart Missed period September Short and light period October January 2023 really long period after huge amount of stress Dryer down there over the past 8 months Less water discharge but sometimes Taking longer to get stimulated for sex Angry Emotional Metallic taste in mouth Cravings for sugar, salt and carbs Occasional night sweats Insomnia without amitriptyline Sharp pain in feet Pins and needles in hands and feet Fine facial hair Tender breasts occasionally, not just around time of period Dry skin Itchy ears Sudden spikes of feeling really hot where I have to take my temperature but temp is fine. Taste and smell sensitive
Anxiety and medication
hi all. im new to this site although ive been reading the forums for a while. so heres my journey. i was on citalopram for about 12 years for GAD. i get that plus somatic OCD where i feel like im going to stop breathing. i felt 'normal' for years so just after xmas i made the decision to go it alone and stop taking the cit. fast forward to the end of june and i had a horrific attack and was in a constant state of anxiety afterwards to the point i truly believed there was something seriously wrong with my heart or i had cancer etc. i saw the gp who told me to start taking my cit (20mg) again and had a range of blood tests which all came back normal apart from a folate and vit d deficiency. now 12 weeks on i feel better some days, still have no appetite really and ive lost over 2 stone. ive also noticed my toes seem to 'tap' a lot when im sitting and altho the anxiety is better the ocd and intrusive thoughts seem to take over. when i first took cit all those years ago i felt better in a matter of weeks so im just after reassurance from people who have been through similar.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you i worry and over think constantly my two boys are autistic and rely on me as a saftey net think that increases my worry i need to change my mind set " ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T14:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "oh yes. Dizziness is very common in people who have anxiety. One way to help get rid of. It is a proper breathing for anxiety. You can find many of those on YouTube. They are very calming and help relax you plus they increase oxygenation to the brain which helps get rid of the lightheadedness. It’s important to calm down your mind as much as you can. That’s why I listen to different meditations for anxiety. \r\nThe more you worry about things, the more these sensations occur. \r\ntry not to overthink things. \r\nyou’re going to be OK. " ], "date": [ "2023-08-19T00:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-dizziness-803609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/finley-24855" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/finley-24855" ], "content": [ "ye i am the same am not wanting to drive ad an scared of dizziness or when am out scared of it happening as its not nice iv bought cbd am going to have to try that " ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T14:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/finley-24855" ], "content": [ "am lacking motivation to and i think what os dizzinsss is something bad its horrible i feel ye pain let use know how cbd goes " ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T14:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi lately i have been feelng stressed which makes me feel dizzy and nervous tension in my stomach also bad headaches.\r\nAny advice would be appreciated.\r\nAlso lacking motoivation" ], "date": [ "2023-08-20T06:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-dizziness-803609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety dizziness
does anyone get dizziness of anxiety
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly06009-1470946" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "theres no rhyme or reason but anxiety sensations can occur out of nowhere. you may feel fine, then wham, it hits. \r\ni found it best to accept it rather than fight it. of course keep doing things to feel better but dont let anxiety make you more stressed. \r\nI'm not surprised that all your tests are fine . very common with anxiety. \r\ntheres no magic pill for this. its something we have to try to manage as best we can . maybe support like counseling. ? \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-08-09T09:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-through-the-roof--803212?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly06009-1470946" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi. I have been trough the same sensations and many more for a year now. " ], "date": [ "2023-08-09T12:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-through-the-roof--803212?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mstudent-1470449" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly06009-1470946" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "propranolol doesnt do anything for anxiety but they perscribe it like its a cure" ], "date": [ "2023-08-11T18:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-through-the-roof--803212?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chimz2023-1467320" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly06009-1470946" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, im sorry to hear how youve been feeling, i have suffered with anxiety since I was a child I just didn't know what it was back then.. my anixety was manageable until a couple months back I went to the doctors about it they put me on citroplam which made me 10x worse, I also have been prescribed propranolol 40mg, they really do help they stop the physical symptoms and stop the panic attacks, I would suggest giving them a try you might be surprised they help you, I've just been prescribed to take 2 lots of 40mg a day just that extra to see if gets rid of that horrible stomach turning feeling, your not alone and I find talking to your loved ones does help, hope things improve for you!" ], "date": [ "2023-08-15T07:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-through-the-roof--803212?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cg123-1472294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly06009-1470946" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i feel the exact same as this, i wake up and the anxiety just hits from nowhere. i am on medication but i was ill with covid and it seems to have completely messed up my medication and im back to when i originally started with anxiety more than 10 years ago. absolutely awful i dont know how i can cope with it" ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T12:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-through-the-roof--803212?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly06009-1470946" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've had it for about two months and it's only about two days ago that i suddenly felt right again. \r\nIve been having an enormous amount of stress for about 3 months.\r\nBut not had a serious palpitations/breathing panic for a week and it was Wednesday the last time i had to leave a public place due to feeling dizzy and anxious.\r\nNot counting my chickens because i still feel slightly anxious today but I'm feeling closer to normal.\r\nIt may be coincidence but I've stopped taking propranalol \r\nI felt like it was making my anxiety more intense." ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T13:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-through-the-roof--803212?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety through the roof!
Hi all, the last few weeks my anxiety has been through the roof...ive been backwards and forwards to hospitals and doctors and ive been given propanolol 40mg to take as and when I need it but I've tried not to take them. I've just been signed off work for 2 weeks because it's now affecting my work, I'm a driver and I'm panicking whilst driving, as soon as I get in the cab I start figiting to the point I get in to a panic and I had to leave half way through my shift I felt awful. So since being signed off work for 2 weeks last Friday, I have been trying to change my lifestyle insted of going on pills. I have started taking vitiman D because I've heard it helps anxiety, started to diet and exercise, and have been taking sleeping pills to sleep....I dont know weather I'm expected too much too soon but I don't feel any better...when I stop exercising I feel good for a bit then when I'm sat down it comes bk...im having a full night's sleep but still tired...Im even feeling nervous to go out now and would rather just stay indoors...I dont even want to see anyone... I do push myself to go out ( which ive never had to do before) and once I'm out I'm OK but I'm no longer enjoying things I used to love doing...I just cant be bothered... I wake up in the morning and for a bit I'm OK then it all starts, butterflies all over body, weird sensations in head feelings of dread and that something bad gonna happen and sinking feeling in stomach. fellings im not getting enough oxygen...but the thing is there is no reason for all this to be happening...im not panicking I don't even have a fast heart rate when this is happening I'm just getting these weird feelings for no reason and I'm doing everything right to try and overcome it.... Is anyone else going through the same thing or has been the same way?..because I'm really starting to think is this anxiety or is there something else wrong?...ive had all my bloods taking last year both at hospital and gp and all came back fine apart from high iron count...I had ecg in hospital and the docs again that was fine...i just cant understand it.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cg123-1472294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael01846-1470884" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i feel like this - whole body is tense, jaw clenched - it's unbearable" ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T12:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/the-physical-side-of-anxiety-803639?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
The physical side of anxiety
Ive been suffering with anxiety for many years but just latley i feel like alot of the time my mind is in a good place but i just feel anxious! Its so hard to explain to people but hoping there are others that might help me feel at ease knowing im not alone. Basically i feel the sensation all over my body, my mouth and jaw. My arms and chest feel unusual, not pain just unsettled. Its so so hard to describe and i know it sounds silly but my body just feels anxious!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackstraw-1472224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello " ], "date": [ "2023-08-24T14:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-medication-advice-803774?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gemma94458-1397175" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi \r\nI took Citalopram for years and always took it first thing on a morning. It might take a few weeks for it to work fully. Propanalol has a much quicker effect and will help with heart palpitations and rapid breathing. I believe you can take that at any point when you feel these symptoms.\r\nHope it helps! " ], "date": [ "2023-08-24T22:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-medication-advice-803774?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mihaildorian-1472073" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n I think you must take your meds as your MD said. Anyway you can start with 10 mg propranolol at bed time. Propranolol is ok for anxiety for some individuals. What are your symtoms ? Best regards" ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T00:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-medication-advice-803774?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety medication advice
So I'm going back to work Saturday after 3 weeks off. I feel I need to go back as the anxiety is not going to go away being at home everyday and ill end up not wanting to go back at all if I leave it too long. I have been given 40 mg propanolol and citralopram 30mg which I have not started taking together yet I just want some advice from people that are on this medication do they work well together?...when is the best time to take them to see the benifits of it? I want to go back to work feeling relaxed with hardly any anxiety symptoms thats gonna affect me whilst driving?..I know I won't get rid of it completely but if I'm going to try some medication to help I want some good ones...or do you recommend trying something else?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alina20314-1472062" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alina20314-1472062" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "besides that, for a month I've only been sitting in bed because I'm very dizzy (I have very strong vertigo) and when I stand for a few seconds I feel like I'm actually going everywhere... I'm afraid to get out of bed because I feel like fainting and having these dizzy spells and in bed I feel like I'm dying, I have them 24/7..it may be that I no longer have balance and feel so bad from anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2023-08-23T21:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alina20314-1472062" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "and thank you very much! I'm extremely scared" ], "date": [ "2023-08-23T21:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "there are people who have acute stress reactions and have visual disturbances such as what you have. They don’t go blind. It tends to resolve once the stress level is brought down. \r\nThe blurred vision could be caused by the stress. I have had that foggy vision myself with zigzag lines. And it looked like I was looking through steam. All from my stress, level and anxiety! it all eventually was resolved and no harm done.\r\nIs there a way you can get some temporary counseling so that the counselor can help you manage the stress? The more worked up you get the more you will have have these issues. \r\nI know you are frightened, but you can decrease your stress level. \r\nGet on YouTube and look for some meditations for anxiety. Go somewhere quiet, lay down and listen to them. \r\nPractice long slow deep breathing several times a day. You need to quiet your mind a little. I know it may be difficult at first but keep practicing it. \r\nI really do hope you begin to feel a better, and that your vision clears up. \r\nrelax your mind and your body! Take care\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-08-24T09:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/blurred-vision-803752?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
blurred vision
good evening! since the age of 11 I have had problems with anxiety but I didn't know that I had it, I had problems with conscious panic attacks from the age of 13 and then I also had my first vertigo which lasted for a week, then at 16 I developed agoraphobia due to panic attacks and I was locked in the house for about 4 months, I went out with a friend with difficulty and after that a visual snow developed on my eyes (for those in the know) I saw static everywhere very strongly, in the dark I was practically blind and I forgot to specify that I also get migraines with aura since I was 13 years old. I always saw very bad, only lines and lights and floaters but I tried to live my life, I started to have vertigo, for a month or it depends (I noticed that it appeared especially during the periods when I was very stressed but it lasted 24/7) in June I had a exam and then I had a huge stress, the symptoms I have had for 2 years are: ringing in the ears, sensitive to light, pressure in the head, dizziness and vertigo and of course panic attacks with all the possible symptoms, for a month I was stuck in the house because one day I went out and started to feel very dizzy strong, I tried to ignore it as usual but the dizziness was too strong, since then I only stay at home and only in bed and look at the phone, I want to specify that I always spent a lot of time on the phone and I suspect that it affects me even worse eyes.. I went to the emergency room twice so far with these conditions and what drives me crazy is the BLURRED VISION that I have now, since I went to the emergency room, my mother says that I was probably very scared then because he took blood and I was dying of fear of doctors and everything, that day I told my mother to call an ambulance because I couldn't see anymore only in the fog and after I got to the hospital I didn't really notice, there they gave me a prazolex and they sent me home with a diagnosis of acute stress reaction and vertigo syndrome, I'm going crazy because of my eyes and I'm afraid to go to the ophthalmologist because he'll put me in drops and I'll see worse, wherever I look it's very blurry and I'm afraid that I'm going blind..I'm still thinking that I don't have MS or stroke even though 3 neurologists saw me and said that I can't see anything abnormal, I'm extremely afraid that I can't see almost anything anymore, I see this fog and I don't understand exactly how let me explain..especially in letters when I look but also in the distance so it's everywhere..do you think I'll ever see the same thing again? has anyone else experienced this? I can't watch TV or look around anymore. .I'm still using the phone even though I can hardly see anything..do you think it could be a problem? will I ever see again? I'M ONLY 18 AND I FEEL LIKE I'M GOING CRAZY..THANK YOU!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christina_22008-593869" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "absolutely yes. tinnitus is a common symptom of anxiety and stress.\r\nMine started in my late 20s along with several other symptoms of anxiety and stress. It’s in one ear and has never completely gone away. Although the longer I have it the less I notice it. The brain tends to tune it out after a while. The only time I really hear it is when everything is quiet like in the evening. When I sleep, I use white noise. But if the TV is on, I don’t hear it. I just learn to live with it. there is no actual cure for it. at least not yet. Maybe one day there will be. \r\nHowever, there are times when the sound is much lower than other times. hope yours goes away. Maybe it’s temporary. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-08-23T22:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tinnitus-and-anxiety-803748?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Tinnitus and anxiety
hi does anybody suffer with tinnitus through anxiety?im a very health anxious person and sufferd a low hum/rumble sound in my left ear for about 3 years now my gp and ent have said no cure for it and my hearing is perfect but i do suffer from tension headaches because of my stress and anxiety so i was wondering if tinnitus a symptom thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul20990-1352360" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nI know that I am a little late to the party, but it is nice to hear of people with the same problems that I am having, and have been having for a few years now. I have suffered from anxiety disorder for almost my entire life. I am 43 now, and started when I was 12. There have been a couple years here and there where it wasn't so bad, or just did not affect me at all, but over the last few years it has affected my blood pressure as well. Just today while I was at work I checked it and it had shot up to 168/98. All of this was because I stressed out. My GP has me on a very low dose Beta blocker, but I find myself terrified of taking it because I am afraid that with my luck, I will be that 0.02% who has a severe allergic reaction to it, and my throat will close up. That is probably just my anxiety talking though. I am so sorry that you all are going through this too, I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. I wish you all a speedy recovery, and all the best. \r\n\r\nThanks,\r\nPaul " ], "date": [ "2023-08-21T21:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alison0512-1353081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so terrified of my BP and the thought of it being taken sends my anxiety through the roof.i stupidly took my bp at home and it was high 170/100 and now I have got myself so anxious I am crying and shaking unable to think of anything else.i am on Ramapril 2.5mg and not due a review only took it out of curiosity but the minute the cuff starts to inflate I just panic and the reading goes higher.\r\nif you know a way to calm down I can when I am relaxed which takes a while get it at around 135/85 so I think that's more \" normal \" for me.any advice welcome but its nice to know I am not on my own in my fear and health anxiety." ], "date": [ "2021-06-22T22:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/catapam-1353095" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Mark,\r\n\r\nI am so glad that I found your post\r\nI am also 57\r\nI had a BP measurement yesterday in doctor office and I went to 163/100 than I did not believe and requested another one and this time went to 183/103\r\nUnfortunately during the doctor talking with my wife about Corona and the vaccine and other things that change my mood.\r\nIn 2019 my blood pressure was on average 123/79 but in 2020 143/90 and all this was negative impact of Corona\r\nNow coming home I wanted to check my BP again. My hear bounding, my pulse went to 100 from normal 72-73 and again 174/101\r\nI went on FB in order to find some comfort but there one guy told me a story about my heart exploding because of systolic and never rest because of diastolic more than 90 so my anxiety went up quite fast.\r\n\r\nNow the problem is no longer medical because BP pills will help lowering BP but anxiety, the trigger, will stay there.\r\nSo yes I will read all the advices and I will try to find a way to get rid of anxiety in order not to get depressed. \r\nI already get depression because fear of disease some years ago and I know how bad can be.\r\nWhat I need is to change my mood. \r\nI will also not take BP for a while.\r\nHere is a trade, will be always people saying \r\n- run to the doctor\r\n- you will become very ill or you are at risk of dying\r\nThose people do not have bad intention for people that do not have anxiety disorders, but for us is like throwing a bomb\r\n\r\nAll the best\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-21T04:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saj73821-1353622" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Mark, I'm 34. On Wednesday I was rushed to the hospital thinking I was getting an heart attack.\r\n\r\nMy blood pressure was above 200+ my heart started beating like crazy,I felt dizzy, the taste in my mouth changed, I had pin and needle feeling in my brain & also burred vision.\r\n\r\nI have been given Amlodipine to relax my heart & to he honest. I don't feel any different. I feels like I automatically stopped breathing.\r\n\r\nI know it's anxiety which is increasing my BP, its been 3 weeks since Ive changed my diet & my salt intake is less then 4g per day, however my BP is still around 160-180.\r\n\r\nI pray you get well, I know for me it's more psychological. I am working on breathing exercises and walking which really helps me." ], "date": [ "2021-01-25T23:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris16418-1348863" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "actually today I was in the drs office and my blood pressure went up to 161/110 at one point. I have had prostatitis issues and I'm scared the dr will find a terminal disease. Are you on any meds?" ], "date": [ "2021-01-26T02:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie24561-1044683" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I definitely have seen a change in what used to be quite normal BP change as my anxiety went up. At random times my BP will spike especially at Dr appointments. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T02:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ivyke83-1383206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have very bad anxiety AND high BP. Been on bisoprolol since November but feel like I haven't gotten better - if anything, I sometimes feel worse than I did prior to taking the med. My readings are 110-130/70-80 when I'm totally calm but they can spike and I often get readings that are around 140-145/90-95 (even though I'm on medication now). My BP readings were much worse before the doc put me on biso - 180/200-100 when I was super anxious. I guess I should be happy because biso seems to be working BUT I still feel the same physically - I am dizzy, light headed, get leg weakness and pain, back/neck pain... I've developed agoraphobia because of all these symptoms! I, too, am not sure whether it's my anxiety or the medication causing all this." ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T05:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine75058-909405" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elaine75058-909405" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Elaine yes my bp can be all over the place too. Although I think now I have become a bit obsessed with it which is making it worse. I admit I sometimes check it 20 times a day which is stupid. Of course it fluctuates naturally and I think my over checking makes it worse as I get anxious thinking about! My GP lets me bring my numbers in from home I get awful white coat syndrome. </p><p>I&#39;m on a twin dose one tablet medication I don&#39;t know if we are allowed to give brand names. </p><p>My side effects are abdominal pain/ back pain dizziness and Ibs type symptoms and a general feeling of being unwell. These vary in intensity. I just don&#39;t know if it is from the medication or my anxiety intensifying them. This has been ongoing for 5 years I believe all this came from a stressful job I had for twenty years which led to a breakdown in my health. </p><p>My GP says to stick with them as they keep my bp down. In the back of my mine I feel like they are harming me if that makes sense? </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-22T23:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarahnc-1162079" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "content": [ "<p>Mark I have the exact same issues as you do. I completely panic when I even take my BP at home. I&#39;m been on BP meds since I was in my early 20&#39;s and I&#39;m now 40. When I have these high episodes my BP is usually around 185/110. I normally take another half of a BP pill and a half of a Clonazepam. Usually within 20 to 30 minutes it drops to about 145/90&#39;s. This makes my body really weak afterwards and takes a lot out of me. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-18T15:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarahnc-1162079" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah,</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve had similar blood pressure spikes and like yourself took an extra bp pill, and like yourself within 20-30 minutes my bp dropped toward normal. The question I asked myself was it really pill that dropped my bp so fast, or was it just the way these spikes worked -- or even was it the placebo effect. I speculated that it might not be the pill, so the last time it happened, I did nothing, just sat down and chilled out. Sure enough 20-30 minutes my bp was back down to normal. Something you may want to think about.</p><p></p><p>Jim</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-18T19:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paulette71256-1168032" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah,</p><p></p><p>I have been dealing with high blood pressure, and anxiety. When I go to the doctor my BP spikes. She has increased my meds twice. Now I am so afraid it&#39;s going to be high when taking it at home I panic. This is a terrible feeling. I was happy when I found this site, because my family just does not understand.</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T22:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paulette71256-1168032" ], "content": [ "I think the more you take your bp at home, the more relaxed you will become. You might start taking it every hour or so just to get used to it. A good doctor should be supportive of home monitoring in cases of white coat syndrome. If your doctor is not, time to look for another one. You want to be on the correct dose of bp medicine, not on a dose based on an elevated reading due to anxiety.\r\n\r\nJim" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T00:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paulette71256-1168032" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "content": [ "Jim,\r\n\r\nThank you for your response, I agree with you. I am going to try your suggestion, because I know that I am worrying about the readings way too much. \r\n\r\n\r\nPaulette" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T14:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anuuuuu-1172756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarahnc-1162079" ], "content": [ "Hy sarah \r\nIm anmol from india\r\nIm having high bp from a month \r\nIm 24\r\nAll my tests are good\r\nBut still im having high bp\r\nCan u advice me something" ], "date": [ "2018-04-17T14:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark98379-1178129" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarahnc-1162079" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah,</p><p></p><p>I have the same issues with anxiety and bp. I have a bp machine at home now, but I too get very stressed when I use it. I wouldn&#39;t wish this on anyone, but it is nice to know I&#39;m not alone. Thanks for helping me get some perspective.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Mark</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-07T23:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dbmetsfan-954706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarahnc-1162079" ], "content": [ "i know this is an old post but i need to get this out. Was at doctor in May BP 156/80. She wasnt happy but let it ride. went to her PA in June and BP was the same. went yesterday to doctor and BP was 146/90. Now she wants to put me on enlarpril BP medication and i am so not a medicine person. long story short since yesterday i have been stressing about taking it and my anxiety is in overdrive and my heart pounding that i can feel it all over. i am thinking i am going to have a stroke or heart attack but am more afraid of taking the medication. i was fine all these months knowing my pressure was high but one mention of medication and i am a wreck" ], "date": [ "2020-11-30T19:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi mark im 58 have been suffering with anxiety and hbp for nearly 2 years now.i suffered from long term stress which lead to my hbp. im on bp medication now with horrid side effects mostly on and off dizziness and an off balance feeling.i dont know if my anyiety lead to hbp or the other way round. im going thru a bad patch these last 2 months and my bp has been up and down .may i ask what side effects do u have from the bp medication?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-18T22:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Christina I think your BP is fine and any rise in your case is definitely anxiety. Mine however raises to scary levels I&#39;ve seen 190/98 at home! When anxious. It goes back to normal levels very quickly though. I hate anxiety and what it can do to us. I get the dizness lightheadness and feeling like you are going to faint. This had led me to the ER numerous times with dozens of tests with normal results. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T00:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "content": [ "<p>The reason why i worry is because... My mom has hypertension.. Her blood pressure without meds could be 150/116 &#128552; She takes blood pressure meds and shes fine. She even had to go for a stress test because i was stressing her out all summer due to my health anxiety . It came back normal but im still scared for her and myself! Because since she has it im more at risk of having hypertension <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T02:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I think you are fine. Anxiety does horrible things to us. I have had this for over 5 years now and in the beginning I thought it was all over for me I felt so bad. I went to the ER several times like a frightened child sat there the whole day getting tests done and everything is fine. I went as recent as 2 months ago wasted a whole day putting myself through awful stress sending my BP through the roof. </p><p>I guess what I&#39;m trying to say is I&#39;m not dead yet and it&#39;s been five years of tests and worry for nothing. </p><p>Unfortunately for me and your mum BP does rise as we get older. It&#39;s the only thing that freaks me out. I hope you have a nice GP who is understanding of anxiety problems mine is great. I hope you feel better&#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T03:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks Mark. High blood pressure actually isnt my MAIN concern.. Although it did seem pretty high those days. My main concern is actually long qt syndrome. And yes my GP usually are very good. But sometimes i feel like they rush ... I&#39;ve been going to the same doctor ever since i was literally a baby. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T03:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "content": [ "Hi \r\nCristina I had to look up long qt syndrome it sounds pretty scary have you been diagnosed with that?" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T04:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "content": [ "<p>No, over the summer ive had five ecgs and they all came back normal. I never had a holter monitor before which is what a lot of these people do. But no one in my family has ever died from a sudden cardiac arrest, no one in my family had episodes of syncope without warning, we dont have any history of cardaic arrythmias in our family. Like atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, atrial flutter, etc etc. I never fainted during excersise, never had any seizures.. Only cardiac arrythmia i have is premature ventricular contractions. I have no family history of ANY heart problems whatsoever. My mom had a stress test recently and it came out fine. My dad never had any issues with his heart, niether did my mom. My mom passed out once but she had early warning signs and she didnt eat breakfast that day. Long qt syndrome fainting often occurs without warning. My grandma is currently 74, and never ever had problems with her heart or fainted from what ive known. </p><p></p><p></p><p>Its just very scary tho because this genetic mutation is often asymptomatic and sometimes the first symptom is DEATH. Which scared me so much!!! Long qt syndrome could even be present in normally structured hearts!! Which scares me even more. This disorder can lead to torsades de pointes and ventricular fibrillation. Which are both deadly! Ive read stories where people would have normal ecgs but then later on they drop dead and then it turns out they DO have LQTS. I cant go see an EP. Its not an option for me. My parents already told me no more doctors and i dont want to give them hard time. This is also a reason why i come on here. Because i feel like i have no one else to talk to and everyone seems to be getting annoyed by this whole thing <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> i just dont want to drop dead unexpectedly! Thats my main fear.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T04:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Cristina I think you are fine. Lots of illnesses are like that when things get missed or they happen we can&#39;t explain it. You are young enjoy your life we get old quick. I&#39;m angry at the last five years I&#39;ve wasted being anxious. I&#39;m trying to accept my symptoms and just live with them. They come and go several times a day. I know I can think about pains and they suddenly appear. When my panic is at its worse I take half an Ativan and 20 mins later they almost dissapear. I guess it shows to me it is anxiety. </p><p>I&#39;m glad I found this forum in that people all over the world are having similar problems with anxiety and you are not alone. Take care&#128516;</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-11-30T19:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/typkrft-1177676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysufferer-978111" ], "content": [ "<p>LQTS is rare, it is identifiable by ECG, and you can get genetic testing to see if you have it. I have a lot of health related anxiety, but if LQTS is what you worry about, please don&#39;t. If you&#39;re really concerned by a defibrillator, a Kardia, a printer, a pair of calipers, and a book on the basics of ECGs. No one in your family has any history of cardiac problems, consider yourself lucky, it makes it even less likely that you would. Some medications can prolong the QRS complex, but still very rare. We are talking about less than a percent. So imagine yourself in a room will 100 people, it is so unlikely that 0 of the 100 people are likely to have it.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-05T23:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Severe anxiety can cause high blood pressure. Whenever i get a panic attack my blood pressure sky rockets. I one time had a blood pressure of 119/90 <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> i looked it up and it said prehypertension or hypertension stage 1 and i freaked out. When i went to the doctor i had a bp of 133/89. I looked it up and said prehypertension. I guess it was because i was nervous at the time. But yes i have blood pressure issues with my anxiety and im only 17! But i dont have high blood pressure all the time from what i know. I get a lot of things.. Pvcs, high blood pressure, burning chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, feeling faint.. Etc etc. </p>" ], "date": [ "2020-11-30T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/g-90572-948199" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>The less blood pressure medicine you take the less the side effects so if you can lower your blood pressure and take less medicine you&#39;ll be better off. Try a low salt diet and plant based Mediterranean diet</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T00:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ginger31734-967634" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathy02276-1383850" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ginger31734-967634" ], "content": [ "what BP med are you taking?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T01:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have very much increased Bp with my anxiety . When I&#39;m at the doctors office it goes up immediately and the doc always has to recheck it before I leave. When I&#39;m not anxious or at home it stays 120-130s / 70-80.... I am on a Bp med as well to &quot;level it out&quot; Ughhh I was quite obsessed with my Bp for a while which didn&#39;t help my anxiety at all! </p><p>I&#39;m not familiar with side effects of Bp meds &#128563;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T00:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lisa I do use that . it&#39;s great isn&#39;t it. I use an app on my phone I try and use it every day it really helps. When I&#39;m out and I feel my anxiety rising I do the breathing even on a bus or riding my motorcycle. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T04:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william35519-1201273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "There’s a breathing phone app as well that I use with bp spikes and it works pretty good." ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T17:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Learn mindful breathing. The best thing id taught myself ever. I learned it off utube  myself. Must of found a great tutorial because i really followed it as the guy taught it, practiced it without questioning it  worked. It worked and I was thrilled, i use  it a lot now,  who knew it could be so simple." ], "date": [ "2023-08-21T21:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howll-911828" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi yeah I definitely get crazy Bp readings in a medical setting. My dr knows this and let&#39;s me bring my readings from home. Apparently it&#39;s very common. Unfortunately I can still get nervous taking my readings at home as I&#39;m always wondering what my reading will be. If I&#39;m nice and relaxed I always getting around 130/74 if I&#39;m stressed I easily get readings of 150 or above. I&#39;m restricting my readings now to twice a day once in morning and once at night. Just reading peoples stories reveals how horrible dealing with anxiety is. None of my friends or family has it and they can&#39;t possibly understand how it affects us. </p><p>My main worry with it is definitely what it does to my bp. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T23:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve been a bit concerned about this. I had a sinus infection and went to the doctors, I mentioned I was feeling a bit dizzy with it which can normally happen with ENT problems. She decided to check my BP just in case and I freaked out, I was already anxious as I have severe medical phobia. She checked it and it was 160/90, she mentioned about coming back to check it. I then told her about my anxiety and how I&#39;ve had numerous tests that have come back fine. She seemed happy with that and off I went. Since then it&#39;s been playing in my mind constantly. There is something called White Coat Syndrome, basically the anxiety surrounding a doctors visit caused your BP to jump. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-23T09:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angiepablo620-1074467" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes! My symptoms are identical to yours. I am familiar with the physical pain of anxiety and during a panic attack my blood pressure gets terrifyingly high. One time 170/110. Most people don&#39;t realize what true panic attacks really are. &#160;I too have been through recent periods of low anxiety and was doing regular cardio at the time too and bp was normal then. I am sadly back to scary bp and headaches. &#160;I hope you have gotten yours under control. I will be seeing my doc asap next week as I just had a scary reading tonight. &#160;I will also be starting regular cardio as I know this is crucial too. I&#39;m only 38 and these symptoms started a few years ago.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-11T02:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jitterbugbabe-1088265" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I am 26 and went to the ER last week for a panic attack so bad I wasn&#39;t even sure it was a panic attack. (It was lol) I forget what my blood pressure was but the ER doctor was extremely concerned and &#160;I had to make an appointment with my doctor to follow up on it. Was still extremely high when I went today to the doctor who recommended high blood pressure medication but I&#39;m not sure what I want to do.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-27T07:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiety_hurts-1076072" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I have 3 open heart surgerys and have high blood pressure an mine gets high like that man just chill out close your eyes think your happy place breath trough your nose and out your mouth I&#39;m only 16 years old I have severe anxiety, panic disorder and my heart beats fast all the time just try what I said good luck you will be fine!! &#128591;&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-27T08:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pearl94188-1008397" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes me 2" ], "date": [ "2017-12-11T14:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael_97464-1149263" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>&#160;Absolutely I&#39;m a US Marine after coming back from Desert Storm I was heavy artillery and 50, Cal machine gunner my life and health &#160;has been a living hell. &#160;I get anxious and &#160;anxiety and panic attacks my blood pressure freaks out &#160;hope you&#39;re doing better I wish I was</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-08-21T21:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/barbara48444-1153248" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lana23785-1165723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/barbara48444-1153248" ], "content": [ "Hi Barbara, I had body vibrations and full body twitching from extreme anxiety a few years ago.. it lasted quite a while and many tests later found to be stress and anxiety. I had lost a good friend and then this all started so it was actually related Try n manage it cuz It can do awful things to us if we let it!" ], "date": [ "2018-03-28T03:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/barbara48444-1153248" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lana23785-1165723" ], "content": [ "Thank you for sharing this. Have started doing tai chi every morning and sometimes at night too, really seems to be helping." ], "date": [ "2018-03-28T04:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william35519-1201273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/barbara48444-1153248" ], "content": [ "Dr. told me once it’s a stress enzyme or chemical released in your body during anxiety /panic attacks" ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T17:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mihaildorian-1472073" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/william35519-1201273" ], "content": [ "It's name..cortisol " ], "date": [ "2023-08-23T02:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "During these episodes, does anyone else ever feel like a whole lot of their body is vibrating. Sometimes also seen as a slight shaking of the hands, but most often nothing showing on the outside, just felt on the inside." ], "date": [ "2020-11-30T19:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lana23785-1165723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "content": [ "That’s classic white coat syndrome BP always goes up at the dr office for high anxiety ppl.. my best advice is to buy a blood pressure machine at your local pharmacy and try to  take your pressure a few times a day for a few days/ u may not meet need a medication adjustment at all- my mom who is on 25 mg metoprolol tested 160/90 when she was in the doctors office a few days ago so I checked it same night with her blood pressure monitor when she was nice and calm and it was 130/80..point in case don’t up your dose unless u really need to." ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T05:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lana23785-1165723" ], "content": [ "Hi Lana \r\n\r\nI told him my bp was lower at home and he just said you cant trust home monitors they are not accurate . I have been on the higher dose for a week now and it is giving me headaches. Going back to docs next week to tell him i want to go back to the lower dose." ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T08:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "content": [ "<p>Lisa,</p><p></p><p>Maybe time to look for another doctor. Meanwhile, you can bring in your home bp monitor and test it against the one at the doctor&#39;s office. That said, unless you have a defective unit, or aren&#39;t using it properly, studies suggest they are not only accurate but more accurate in terms of ruling out white coat syndrome as well as giving you multiple data points throughout the day for a more accurate bp diagnosis. Most good docs get this, yours apparently doesn&#39;t.</p><p></p><p>Jim</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T13:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "content": [ "Hi Jim\r\n\r\nYes I definitely need a new doctor . I will take my home device tomorrow when i go but just sitting in the waiting room is going to make my bp go through the roof. Im thinking of seeing a hypnotist about this doctors white coat syndrome. I dont want to be on pills because anxiety is causing the high blood pressure." ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T01:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "content": [ "<p>It doesn&#39;t matter if your home device measures high in the doctor&#39;s office. The purpose of bringing it to the doctor&#39;s office is to show him that your home monitor is accurate. If one measures high in the doctor&#39;s office, they both should measure high. As mentioned before, your bp meds should be adjusted to what your bp is during a normal day at home. A good doctor understands this. I also have higher bp at the doctor&#39;s office but he trusts me when I tell him that it&#39;s normal at home and that is what my bp meds are adjusted to.</p><p></p><p>Jim</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T18:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "content": [ "<p>I went to the docs yesterday and saw a different doctor she has asked me to keep a three week diary of readings, at least she listened to me when i said it was white coat syndrome and i dont have to take the diuretic pills anymore &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T15:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jimjames-462820" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "content": [ "<p>That&#39;s really good news, Lisa. Sometimes you just have to find the right doctor.</p><p></p><p>Jim</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T16:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathy02276-1383850" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa52481-1166355" ], "content": [ "let me know if you do this and how it worked. or psychologist?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T01:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi mark i suffer from anxiety blood pressure too. I went to the blood pressure pod at ths doctors today where you can test yourself in a private room. It was 210, the receptionist called the doctor and he tested my bp which was then 190. I told him its anxiety, i get the same sat in the dentist waiting room, they never believe you when you say its anxiety. Now he has increased my medication and given me imlapadine. Looking at the reviews online i dont want to take that sounds like you will end up bloated :(" ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T01:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeff7777-1170906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Same thing going on here.&#160; Except my BP meds, that weren&#39;t at all necessary, gave me Reynauld&#39;s as a result.&#160; I should have been more stout that is was anxiety.&#160; However, my best piece of advice is&#160;to buy an automated wrist BP cuff.&#160; It definitely lessened the &quot;White Coat&quot; anxiety feeling at home and actually dropped my BP more than the meds did.&#160; I even take it with me to the Doctors now since I used to spike up to 200+ over 100+ during every visit resulting in about 10 EKG&#39;s. There&#39;s just something about that regular cuff...Good luck all.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T01:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maryloun818-1186749" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/typkrft-1177676" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maryloun818-1186749" ], "content": [ "<p>If the MD put you on Beta Blockers this is completely normal, especially if it&#39;s on of the &quot;old school&quot; beta blockers. There are beta receptor sites all over the body and older beta blockers block are do not discriminate. Newer beta blockers target the heart&#39;s beta receptors so it is not as dramatic. It is thought that older Beta Blockers are better for anxiety because they target the whole body not just the heart. It&#39;s also important to remember that BB for the treatment of anxiety is off label. Some people respond very well, some people say their anxiety gets worse. I&#39;ve actually had some success with newer beta blockers used PRN. I would ask your doctor to lower the dose and see if that is still therapeutically acceptable. It is totally fine to take something like xanax on beta blockers as well, but you&#39;ll find people have a lot of &quot;thoughts,&quot; some for some against, on things like xanax. Lastly, it might be worth trying something like Olive Leaf Extract for mild to moderate hypertension.&#160;<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href=\"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18729245\">https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18729245</a> Is a study in twins, because they are genetically similar, that showed that high doeses of Olive Leaf Extract lowered Systolic 13 points or more and Diastolic 5 points or more, which means it&#39;s about as effective as many BP medications. It is thought that OLE modulates calcium channels, so I wouldn&#39;t try it until the doctor okays it and the BB&#39;s are out of your system. I&#39;ve tried BBs and Calcium channel blockers specifically for High HP and found that OLE works well enough and I have absolutely no side effects.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-09-09T18:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi.. I started having panick attacks about a year ago. Every now and then I get one when something triggers it. Last Saturday I had a pretty big scare, I feel like so internalized it... Mon, Tues and Weds. I had a horrible headache and my BP went up. My MD put me on BP meds and since then, I have felt extremely fatigued no matter how much I sleep, I get drained within a few hours. Anxiety is still present as well even was pale today. Has anybody else experienced this? " ], "date": [ "2021-09-09T18:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william35519-1201273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Mark when your BP gets that high yes it’s a crisis but for someone who doesn’t have panic or anxiety disorders. If your able to get your BP down I would say 10 minutes from its peak then your ok. My wife and I agreed to the 10 minute mark. " ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T16:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/merianthe-969887" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I have high bp and in the past two years have had very high spikes putting me in danger of stroke. I&#39;ve been on meds for decades! Nothing really works for me. New doc has added lowest dose of Clonidine, makes as weak as kitten. I think problem is more to do with anxiety than physical problem but nobody wants o hear that. Maybe I should try a shrink instead of a GP</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-29T18:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bunny1215-1321620" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark45877-977544" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "OMG !! this is my issue now. I'm 48 soon to be 49 and I never had high blood pressure issues, it just started like that and now I have palpitation with it. My cardiologist is monitoring it. He has me on Metoprolol 50mg and amlodipine 2.5. He also told me its my anxiety thats causing my blood pressure to read high, all other test is fine. This is worrying me so much. My anxiety comes on just like that. Please any advise would help me! Thanks" ], "date": [ "2020-11-30T17:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-high-blood-pressure-537169?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and high blood pressure
<p>Hi I was wondering how may people have high blood pressure with anxiety. When I&#39;m relaxed my bp is normally 130/78. If I&#39;m anxious it can easily go up to 180/90 it&#39;s pretty scary! If I can relax it takes about 2 mins to go back to around 140/80. </p><p>With my anxiety this worries me the most I&#39;m on BP medication which keeps it check most of the time with some awful side effects. </p><p>I&#39;ve had all the tests done over the years which have all been good. My GP assures me my anxiety does this to me and it&#39;s nothing to worry about. Unfortunately when all this started 5 years ago I googled high BP and over 180 is an hypertensive crisis and you should immediately go to the hospital. </p><p>When I had my first panic attack 5 years ago which started this madness my BP was 230/110/150 it was the worst day of my life. </p><p>Over the years my anxiety has sometimes just vanished and at one stage went for about 8 months. Lately it has come back. I can handle everything about it the pain/ palpitations dizziness feeling awful. Buts it the high blood pressure that worries me. I had a complete medical as recent as 3 weeks ago which was fine for my age 57. </p><p>Do other people have Blood pressure issues with their anxiety? </p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/king23460-1123476" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did you check cholesterol\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T18:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-had-a-clear-ct-scan-why-can-i-stop-worrying--685845?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "content": [ "Idk my head just feels heavy. I really don't feel anything wrong with my ears. " ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T22:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietyman-1087656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "content": [ "can u explain your head pressure i get them too. mines more like my brain is like its being constricted " ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T22:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietyman-1087656" ], "content": [ "well its like my head just feels heavy really. Like my brain is being squeezed! " ], "date": [ "2018-11-17T00:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "what do you mean by head pressure i get that sometime but mines was messing with my ears like they felt full or like i was under water or something " ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T19:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-had-a-clear-ct-scan-why-can-i-stop-worrying--685845?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "I am sorry you go through this too. I just feel so spaced out...like I'm on drugs or something but im not..." ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T22:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Chelsea,\r\n\r\nNot that this helps, but you sound exactly like me :(. Head pressure (not painful, very difficult to describe - like a fog building in the head ?) off balance, dizzy and adrenaline rushes through the head - have had the all clear from an MRI scan but still think there must be something wrong. Is it down to my workplace with sitting behind a monitor a lot of the day or the bright lighting ? Have also experienced these problems outside with vertigo for no apparent reason - is this stress / anxiety causing the problem ? Wish I knew the answer....:(\r\n\r\nI have had problems in life with losing close family members am generally unhappy at work and cannot stand some of the people there who I am surrounded by - maybe this has more of an effect on me than I thought possible ?\r\n\r\nThis problem is really horrible, sympathies - hopefully we can find a solution \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T20:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-had-a-clear-ct-scan-why-can-i-stop-worrying--685845?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "content": [ "Not seeing anyone yet! i have an appt with a psychiatrist in December so maybe I can start to get help" ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T21:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "* Hi Chelsea,\r\n* You can't move on and stop worrying bc you have health anxiety. That's exactly what the def of health anxiety is, having **irrational** worries and fears about your health. So it sounds like your hitting the nail on the head with that haha.\r\n* I too went through a very similar situation and symptoms. I had an MRI done and unlike u, once my results came back normal, I was able to calm down luckily and the symptoms left. BUT my health anxiety has not lessened, only that particular one lol. Instead of the tumor fear now I've switched to heart issues and lymphoma fear. So you just seem to be stuck on the one particular symptom, where I've branched out haha. Either way both of us are still suffering health anxiety =(\r\n* I see a therapist for mine and it does help me a lot. She does a lot of rationalizing with me and my health fears, and it does help me in not getting so worked up/nervous. Have you tried seeing someone for urs?" ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T21:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-had-a-clear-ct-scan-why-can-i-stop-worrying--685845?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniela79680-1471960" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, please make an update on your health condition, did u find out what it was?" ], "date": [ "2023-08-21T19:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-had-a-clear-ct-scan-why-can-i-stop-worrying--685845?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea31880-1204672" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it's normal to be concerned about your health, but excessive worrying can lead to increased anxiety. If your symptoms persist or worsen, or if you're feeling overwhelmed, it's important to consult a medical professional." ], "date": [ "2023-08-22T14:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-had-a-clear-ct-scan-why-can-i-stop-worrying--685845?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I had a clear CT scan...why can I stop worrying?
Hey guys. Ive been dizzy with head pressure and off balanced for years now...recently my anxiety has been playing up bad and my doc ordered a ct scan back in October...it came back perfectly clear! My symptoms are the same and I cant stop thinking about a tumor...like what if they missed it!? Idk I just feel so spaced out...how can I accept that its not a tumor?? and could they have missed it though? help!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes i’ve had this same thing for a long time. There’s unfortunately no magic bullet to cure this. It’s a one day at a time thing at least for me.\r\nanxiety can rear its ugly head whenever it wants to. We just have to find ways to manage it better.\r\nBelieve me, I know how frustrating it is. I know that feeling of just not feeling right.\r\nHave you ever considered speaking with a counselor for some extra help? I do that once a week virtually and it just helps to vent to somebody else. She gives me suggestions on what I can do. It helps me to keep a positive outlook.\r\nI am really sorry you are going through this and we are joined by millions and millions of other people who suffer with this.\r\ntry to take one day at a time and not overthink things. Keep yourself busy. Be kind to yourself. Practice meditation for anxiety., On YouTube. mostly take care of yourself! private message me anytime I’ve been through it for a long time." ], "date": [ "2023-08-20T14:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-no-better--803672?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael01846-1470884" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi @kelly23338 sorry to bear you're struggling lately. I agree with @jan34534 that talking to a counselor or therapist really does help. I have a meeting every 2 weeks and its helped me alot. Ive learnt ways of coping with certain situations better and alot of what we talk about is like @jan34534 said.......being kind to yourself. " ], "date": [ "2023-08-21T12:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-no-better--803672?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " I suffer from anxiety but mine is partly because of my thyroid.\r\nBut it's sometimes hard to tell because now i have anxiety that isn't caused by it after months of stress.\r\nAnd i have panic attacks so I'm always on edge waiting for the next one.\r\nSometimes i feel anxious all day long. Get butterfly feeling in my chest and a tight throat.\r\nI feel like propranalol makes me more anxious. I'm currently 3 days staying off it.\r\nLooking for something else i can take atm to help.\r\nAll you can do is try and stay active and distracted. Watch comedies.\r\nWhen you accept it's just anxiety then it's easier. But can still be scary.\r\nDon't worry about work. I've been off a while and have no plan to go back until I'm in a better mental state.\r\nAvoid stress as best you can.\r\nI have to avoid online games that i used to enjoy ( really stressful:) , Films with too intense scenes, and driving if i can help it.\r\nMaybe ask for some other tablets is an option?" ], "date": [ "2023-08-21T21:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-no-better--803672?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's great that you've been trying to change your lifestyle and take care of yourself. Exercise, sleep, and a healthy diet are all important for managing anxiety. However, it's also important to be patient and give yourself time to heal. Anxiety can take a long time to go away, even with treatment.\r\n\r\nIf you're not feeling better after 3 weeks, it's important to talk to your doctor again. They may want to adjust your treatment or refer you to a therapist. There are many effective treatments for anxiety, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes." ], "date": [ "2023-08-22T14:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-no-better--803672?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety no better :-(
I am now on my 3rd week slsigned off work with anxiety, during this time I've tried to change my lifestyle and started to exercise in the hope I will feel better and won't need medication im also taking vitamins and getting sleep but I'm not feeling any better im constantly tired got weird head sensations my body feels like I'm full of butterflies with feelings of dread I just don't feel right at all...ive had to take a propanolol today to try calm myself down...Im worried I won't be able to return to work next week if this carrys on...ive been to the doctors too many times there's nothing they can do im stuck with this and it's really effecting my life I don't do half the things I enjoy doing because of it...I never get to the point of a panic attack its constant anxiety in waves. Is anyone going through the same thing that can advise me?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lenab-1470084" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i’m sorry you are so worried. But I can tell you that I’ve had health anxiety for over 30 years complete with muscle twitches, trouble with speaking sometimes, the feeling of something stuck in your throat can definitely be due to the anxiety that’s going on. People get that all the time.\r\nI want to tell you that muscle twitches are extremely common with anxiety. If they were anything serious, I wouldn’t be here by now. \r\nathletes get them all the time with how they use their muscles. They are called benign fasciculation’s. That means they are harmless muscle twitches. The more I thought about them the more I would get them. Now it’s extremely rare if I get one, but if I do, I simply ignore it and they go away. my neurologist told me that ALS is not a sensory disease. In other words, you’re not going to feel muscle twitches, or any other sensations. those only come in the later stage of the illness . I hope this helps you! Listen to some meditations on YouTube for relaxation and breathing. Going to be OK! Private message me anytime." ], "date": [ "2023-07-29T19:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-about-als-802797?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mstudent-1470449" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lenab-1470084" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Lol you dont have ALS, its incredibly rare and usually isnt noticed before serious symptoms occur." ], "date": [ "2023-08-11T18:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-about-als-802797?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/i9252-1451635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lenab-1470084" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry to hear you're going through all of this - I've been in a similar situation so many times over! My advice would be to discuss your feelings with your doctor again but in the context that they may be related to anxiety, particularly health anxiety, so you can look at improving your mental health and worry about having a physical illness." ], "date": [ "2023-08-19T16:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-about-als-802797?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety about ALS
Hey everyone, I'm fairly new here, mainly to put my worries at rest if possible. So my name is Lena. I'm 29 years old and I'm from Belgium. Now, a couple of years ago I started experiencing issues with my health. Clueless as I was, I decided to google my symptoms. Big mistake, I know. So anyway, that's how my health anxiety started. I was 22 back then. The fears ranged from cancers (due to weird stabbing headaches that would start at random times) and ALS (thanks to some muscle twitches that persisted for quite some time). Especially the latter was always on my mind. Now, I'm not sure what I did back then, but at some point I stopped worrying about it and I felt considerably better. A couple of weeks ago, however, the worries started again. I went straight to the doctor and had my blood checked (to rule out cancer at first). Everything seemed normal. However, that didn't really ease my worry for ALS. Sure enough, the muscle twitching started again, which I know can be a sign of anxiety. But just to be sure, you know? Last week, I started getting the feeling of something being stuck in my throat. Not necessarily the globus feeling of a mass, but more like my saliva or liquid slowly dripping in my throat and I had no way to clear it. That really spiked the anxiety, because I never really had that before. It has persisted for a couple of days now. It's just that feeling. I'm not really experiencing any issues swallowing as of yet. Anyway, so today I suddenly have issues speaking. It feels like I need to put more effort into pronouncing words, another symptom of ALS so it seems. And honestly, that worries me. I just hope that there's anyone on here who can put me at ease a bit. Has someone else with health anxiety experienced this, or is it as alarming as I think it is? Should I ask my doctor for more tests? I'm extremely scared that my fears for ALS will indeed be confirmed. Thank you for reading this. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Harmful agitated
Hi, Currently I am on depression relapse episode. I am very agitated at certain point I feel calm ONLY when I have harmful/sharp object in my hand. I tend to reach to that item when I am agitated. Why?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ro77360-1166753" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes, there are many great breathing exercises for anxiety. Proper breathing is actually the key to lowering the heart rate and feeling more at ease. Always use the breathing exercise to help with anxiety. Do it a couple times a day if you can! " ], "date": [ "2023-08-17T19:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-here-try-breathing-exercizes-to-lower-your-anxiety-level--803548?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anyone here try breathing exercizes to lower your anxiety level?
I am doing the biofeedback device "Heart Math'"and 'am experimenting with different breathing patterns. Thanks.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matthew09064-1471210" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "The best thing to do would be talk to your doctor about this. I know that sometimes it can take up to eight weeks to start to feel better, usually less though. but if you’re really having a rough time discuss it with your doctor. also, tell him or her about that aches and pains you are having and heightened anxiety.\r\nThe thing is if you start a new SSRI medication you’ll have to wait it out again. sorry you are going through this. I am going through the same thing right now trying to find the right medication." ], "date": [ "2023-08-16T09:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/treating-anxiety-with-sertraline-advice-needed-803460?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Treating anxiety with Sertraline - advice needed
So i've been taking sertraline for about 5 now. I suffer from general anxiety throughout the day combined with panic attacks/periods of heightened anxiety. Currently i'm taking 25mg daily, I knew to expect feeling rough for the first couple of weeks but I'm still having quite bad anxiety combined with a lot of aches and pains across my upper body/all over (have other people experienced this?) It's tough to know what's the anxiety and what's the sertraline and basically whether I should be sticking this out or trying something else.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john39057-1471060" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "\r\nWhile I would say you are probably ok now, because a few days have already passed and you are alive and kickin', I really would refrain from doing it again because it really is taking an unnecessary risk, plus it's terrible for the nervous system, so for people with anxiety it's a total no no." ], "date": [ "2023-08-11T07:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-anxiety-from-doing-cocaine--803276?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john39057-1471060" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anxiety and recreational drugs aren't good combinations. Trying to deal with an anxious mind is hard enough when you dont use these kind of drugs, I can imagine that they would create real distress in instances when you do take drugs. If you are worried then an honest conversation with your Dr is probably advisable just to put your mind at rest. Cocaine will create more problems than it will ever solve and you have to ask yourself is it really worth ruining your health. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-08-14T08:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-anxiety-from-doing-cocaine--803276?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Heart anxiety from doing cocaine?
I have done cocaine on 5 separate occasions, 3 of which were all night with drinking as well about 4 years ago, all 3 were on separate occasions. I haven't touched it in 2 years but did a very small amount on Friday and keep thinking I've damaged my heart from the other occasions too, I'm only 30, am I being a hypercondriac or should I be very worried? my anxiety has been really bad all week and can't stop thinking about it, will never touch it again that's for sure.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris2020-1315200" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did you ever figure out what this is? Did it go away? " ], "date": [ "2021-04-03T08:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/greengumdrop-1317211" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "The exact same thing happens to me, i get episodes of it when my anxiety comes back " ], "date": [ "2021-04-14T02:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul244601-1380001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I describe my strange sensation as having an old tube type TV (very old, 300 lbs console TV old) and the plug is loose in the outlet. Every time the plug gets bumped by the cat walking behind the TV the TV almost cuts off for a split second. The picture almost goes out, but as the cat keeps walking by the plug it reconnects and the picture and sound flash back on. The fade out then back on has lasted only a split second so the picture comes back on and everything is fine. For that split second I feel like death is upon me, but then i feel absolutely fine, until it happens again. Sometimes it happens multiple times in a very short time frame. Other time it doesn't happen for weeks or longer. Recently its been happening a lot. I should acknowledge that I'm under a lot of personal stress. My wife has Alzheimer's, selling our home of 40 plus years, living in a new place, not enough sleep, (like everyone else is going through).\r\nAnyone have any ideas?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-04T04:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheilaxoxo-1387598" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "omg im feeling the exact same way but didnt know how to discribe it..its scary" ], "date": [ "2021-07-14T23:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/goofed-1444811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I want to pick this thread back up. I've been experiencing the same thing as you guys when going to sleep. A light switch just goes off for a split second and I'm gone. I come back in a panic because it felt like I was fading away. For me it's not because I don't get enough sleep, but my sleep schedule is off. like if I go to bed later than usual then it's more likely to happen. even when I come out of it I panic because I'm sometimes in a state of either depersonalization or derealization, because i come out either not knowing who I am or where I am or what anything is. it's also more common to happen if I sleep on my left side instead of my right. In fact it's guaranteed to happen if I sleep on my left side or my back. it can still happen if I sleep on my right but it's not guaranteed. I also think nicotine might have something to do with it? seems to be more common if I smoke later in the evening. it's possible that it's stress related considering that nicotine can increase anxiety but idk. it's just so weird. the best things I do to avoid it are go to bed earlier, don't smoke too late, don't sleep on my left side. " ], "date": [ "2023-09-29T16:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo74530-1472188" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes been experiencing this for several weeks now and it is happening several times a day, im now getting concerned about it. " ], "date": [ "2023-08-24T06:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sharla1695-1474182" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Jumping in here and set up an account just so I can check back. I see all the posts are old from 10 months to 7 years, but there is NOTHING online to explain this. Like most of you, I get occasional heart palpitations, which aren't that crazy, but THIS is like dying for a split second. Like....that feeling of the power shutting off for just the span of a blink. All sound and everything is gone. Then the switch flips back and the big power surge hits me and I'm panicking. It's mostly at night, but it has happened in the full light and activity of day. It is the scariest freakiest thing, and while I hate that you all are feeling this too, it's comforting to know I'm not crazy and this is real. Nothing online explains this. Not really. They talk about brain zaps coming off meds, but that's not my situation. Has anyone been diagnosed? I don't even know how to describe this to a doctor. \"Hey, Doc, I need new spark plugs, mine are shorting out?\"" ], "date": [ "2023-09-29T16:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "understanding that actually helps❤" ], "date": [ "2016-02-03T22:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "sounds very much like depersonalisaon, very common with anxiety in general. its very disturbing i know. try to just let it pass, it wont do you any harm, its just anxiety presenting itself in a different way.  dealing with your anxiety in general will help it" ], "date": [ "2016-02-03T13:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/usofanxiety-921701" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/usofanxiety-921701" ], "content": [ "Yes! Perfect description haha\r\n\r\nThat is exactly what happens to me when I'm falling asleep \r\n\r\nBut do you have it during the day too? I do now :(" ], "date": [ "2016-02-04T10:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/usofanxiety-921701" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "content": [ " I have had it happen in the day time too. It seems like episides that lasted for a week at a time. I think the last time I felt it was a 3 or 4 wks ago. I also noticed it seems like it was happening when my sleep pattern was off and there were nights I couldn't fall asleep maybe it could be linked?? Like anxiety + lack of sleep, fatigue, or your sleep pattern being off causing it? \r\nJust like you I thought what should I tell my doc this sounds bizarre I don't want to be sent 2 the nut house!!" ], "date": [ "2016-02-04T10:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john72764-1299775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/usofanxiety-921701" ], "content": [ "this is exactly what it feels like . i can almost hear a computer shutting down in my head . there is a buzzing sensation that comes with it , and it feels like the moment before you fall asleep. im curious if anyone here has vertigo .. the experience is similar and i think theyre linked . " ], "date": [ "2020-03-08T05:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes this sounds like something I experience. I feel like I'm fading away or body is shutting down (similiar to how a computer shuts down and reboots) then I get a sort of buzz in my brain like an alarm and I'm back . This has happened to me when I'm awake and sometines falling asleep, it seems like the exact moment I fall asleep I feel like I'm leaving my body then my brain buzzes and Im back and wake up." ], "date": [ "2021-09-07T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/r-27-1051394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Has anyone stumbled across what this actually is? This describes me to a T...I&#39;ve had this going on for years and a few months ago out of no where I had what appeared to be a seizure for the first time, deja vu feeling prior and shortly after had another episode. I went to the ER and had a 3rd episode and flatlined for 14 seconds. They almost put in a pacemaker, but neurologist said it seemed liked possible epilepsy. I&#39;ve had over 30 tests run in the hospital and they can&#39;t figure out if my heart stopped and it looked like a seizure because of the lack of blood flow, or if a seizure causes me to flatline. I&#39;m 30, super healthy, never done any drugs, rarely drink. The doctors have me on keppra currently tly, but from time to time I have these intense moments that you guys have described perfectly. I used to get those brief feelings of lapses in consciousness but since my &quot;seizures&quot; they&#39;ve been a little more intense. Just wondering if anyone has figured it out because I tried telling g the neurologist today about these brief moment ts but he&#39;s unsure and they can be hard to describe.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-17T02:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gernaveus-1156811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adriana41074-1167952" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gernaveus-1156811" ], "content": [ "<p>It happens to me too, and it makes me anxious after. I worry that it will happen again. I&#39;m an interpreter and it has happened a few times while I was interpreting during a very important meeting. It leaves me feeling very anxious and depressed as I don&#39;t know when it&#39;s going to happen next. But as you say I think it tends to happen more when I didn&#39;t get a good night&#39;s sleep. It&#39;s scary! As if my brain starts to shut down or fall asleep or something like that,and I have to shake my head to send that sensation away. It started happening only recently.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T17:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roxypockets-1353321" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gernaveus-1156811" ], "content": [ "It could maybe be a response to your body being in stress? like the lack of sleep creates stress and then whatever else may be going on too? idk " ], "date": [ "2021-01-24T08:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>This is the closest thing I&#39;ve ever found to describe what happens to me. It&#39;s like a light switch flips off - like I&#39;m passed out while awake. It&#39;s so scary. I don&#39;t see it as depersonalization or anxiety. It&#39;s like a disconnect but it&#39;s so hard to describe I avoid telling anyone and I have no idea how to describe to a doctor without getting stamped with crazy. </p><p></p><p>It got so bad one day I went to ER - my bp was high as well as my heart rate. I can always feel when it ends and even the nurse could tell -- it must have been physically obvious when it stopped. I was not stressed out and I&#39;m familiar with anxiety.... and even tho it may sound like anxiety, I&#39;m 99% sure it&#39;s not that. I do know now that it happens when I&#39;ve gotten little sleep.</p><p></p><p>I can&#39;t think of anything that I&#39;ve ever experienced that&#39;s been more scary. I used to take Vyvanse and since I stopped that and switched to Adderall it&#39;s improved or has happened less often. I can&#39;t find a connection there tho. </p><p></p><p>I found a little bit of info on sleep attacks and narcolepsy but that doesn&#39;t sound as extreme as this feels. I don&#39;t get the shock like others described but I have felt that a few times when I&#39;ve had sleep issues. </p><p></p><p>I can always feel when the episode &quot;ends&quot; - sometimes it can last for hours on end. Again, I don&#39;t believe it&#39;s anxiety or panic attacks because it&#39;s never connected with anxiety but always when I&#39;m tired or didn&#39;t sleep much. </p><p></p><p>I know this thread is old but if anyone figures out anything, it would be so appreciated.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-04T07:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackeno47653-1173872" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello Jay my girlfriend has a similar feeling and she don&#39;t know what to say to her doctor either I was wondering since this post has the symptoms continued and if there&#39;s any way we can compare info to try to get some help for both of u </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-21T11:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan_89757-1006023" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Do you have anxiety" ], "date": [ "2018-04-29T17:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pigletsmomma-818634" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Look up “brain zaps”.  They can be related to  certain medications and can also be related to no longer taking a medication.  You just have to always remember and say”I am ok!”  And “there is that silly brain zap again and make fun of it”.  That gives you back control over it.  Let me know if thos helps you.  It did me." ], "date": [ "2018-04-30T07:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/midori2018-1171295" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/west07-1227316" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/midori2018-1171295" ], "content": [ "read my post below about narcolepsy. " ], "date": [ "2019-01-18T13:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Did anyone ever find out what this is?\r\n\r\nI have the same sensation.   It started a month and a bit ago after an allergic reacrion to medication. This sensation put me in the hospital twice. The only thing they say was low heart voltage but they didn’t run MRI. Just routine bloodwork and ECG.\r\n\r\nWhen I happens I’m awake, not dizzy not blacking out and my eyes aren’t heavy. It feels like that moment when you are on the  precipice of sleep and you sort of “shut down” and then you drop into sleep. Only I’m awake. It feels like im shutting down and stops for a few seconds,feels terrifying, and then there is a major surge. It feels like I’ve slipped into unconsciousness but it is not passing out or falling asleep. It’s like something is scrambled. Like it running the “drop of to sleep” program at the wrong time.  Once when I checked my BP 1 minute after my blood pressure was through the roof at 156/74. That was “the surge”. Usually my blood pressure is very low.  \r\n\r\nFriends have said maybes it’s mini seizures or narcolepsy.  \r\n\r\nanyone ever get a diagnosis? " ], "date": [ "2021-04-14T02:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/west07-1227316" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is so crazy. you described it to a tee of what i feel. and yes it does always seem to happen when my sleep has been off. i have several medical problems including hashimotos, lupus, myasthenia gravis, and over the last couple years my neuro has been trying to figure out why i have lesions on my brain mri,, he suspects MS. i will say this, it is funny you mention narcolepsy years ago i did a sleep study and was borderline narcolesy. i was suppose to follow up yearly but just didnt. i couple days ago i had one of these attacks again, my neuro got me in right away. he sent me straight over for another mri and he did a eeg to check for seizures. during the eeg the guy asked me to try to go to sleep. i laid there eyes closed, heard him come in and out of the room, and clicking on his mouse. he came in later and told me i was all done. i told him sorry i could fall asleep. he looked at me funny and says \"no, you were asleep in and out the whole time. in fact you fell asleep about 4 mins after the test started and went straight into rem sleep. im going to have to talk to the doc about this because this.is very abnormal. i told him there is no way i remember everything, he said i must have been dreaming because he didnt go in and out of the room...... narcolepsy cause you to go into rem sleep super fast night that so maybe it is connected. also mine last on average 3 days straight. i also get very off balance, my head feels as if it is vibrating internally, and i also get some slurred speech, and my gait feels off. .... i think you should be check for narcolepsy as well. " ], "date": [ "2019-01-18T13:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian70487-1247812" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "any answer? been having this and its freaky" ], "date": [ "2019-06-03T19:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/romal-1208129" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Is it something like electric shock like sensation where you will feel cramp or pain but by the time you feel it its gone ? Like everything happens within a fraction of seconds ? I get something like this and I guess its sort of dizziness.. May be you can check your blood pressure and sugar levels if you have any devices with you." ], "date": [ "2019-06-03T20:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alorenzoni-1264529" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/herdin-1356884" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alorenzoni-1264529" ], "content": [ "EXACTLY! same. well described. would you say you get some kind of \"cheat rush\" too? not really a cheat rush, but maybe from it happening? you described it good. thats how i feel too. randomly, but i have been sleepwalking lately and not getting a full nights rest.. im freaking out now that ive read about ppl ending up in hospitals and having Seizures..." ], "date": [ "2021-02-11T17:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I made an account just to respond to this because what other people are saying in the comments is so crazy to me, I really wanted to find out what this was also. What everyone here is describing happens to me often. On days when I have not had much sleep for sure, but I haven't been paying enough attention to say that it only happens on those days.\r\nThe best way I can describe it, and I think someone else said this too, but it feels like a light switch VERY quickly being flicked off then back on.\r\nFor a split second, my limbs feel heavy, my brain has static, and while my vision doesn't go black, I'm not seeing anything, if that makes sense. For my eyes, its like when you stare at a place too long and it starts to disappear. You know, the reason our eyes make small constant adjustments? But if they don't its like we stop seeing but its not *blackness*, its just *nothing*. It is so frustrating to try and describe. \r\nI feel like if it lasted more than a second I would fall. But it is always just a second. Some of them feel, I guess, *bigger*? More intense.\r\nIf anyone who sees this knows what this is, please let me know. It is reassuring at least to know I'm not the only one." ], "date": [ "2021-02-11T17:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tracy06125-1276862" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sometimes this can occur when the C-1 vertebrea is out. A General chiropractor cannot adjust it with the specificity it requires to alleviate pressure on the nerves. Seeing an orthospinologist was the answer for me. Worth checking out." ], "date": [ "2019-11-13T14:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maxgokue-1280656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/al12-1287639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maxgokue-1280656" ], "content": [ "Hi there, this sounds like it might be something called Sleep Paralysis. I have had it my whole life and it feels like waking up but you can't move your body at all, you can see your real surroundings but can't move or talk. For me the stress of that feeling means I often have a fast heart beat after \"waking up\" from it. It is completely harmless! And doesn't scare me much anymore because I know what it is." ], "date": [ "2021-02-11T23:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "well i have a weirder issue, now a days when trying to sleep, i can feel my brain turning off, but suddenly i wake up with my heartbeat skyrocketing and try to breath fast, it is happening frequently, its extremely annoying, the first time it happened i was in my sleep and could feel awake during sleeping, it was scary as hell. it so hard to describe and googling such long issue seem impossible but i m lucky i found this site. are there any professional here who knows about this problem. i cant go for doctors in this country, they arent professionals. i hope i get an answer. if someone could just give its name i would be more than happy." ], "date": [ "2019-12-03T20:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maxgokue-1280656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "and i just created an account just for this reply lol." ], "date": [ "2019-12-03T20:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emmjay225-1280675" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hopefully someone has a name for it my doc wouldn't do an MRI as all of my other tests came back normal. I passed out randomly at the beginning of the year and have been experiencing the \"reset\" symptoms since then. My doc thought it to be migraines but I know for sure it's not that " ], "date": [ "2019-12-03T21:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maxgokue-1280656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "so this is not yet discovered by doctors or scientist yet we feel it, googling didnt help a bit as it is a feeling indescribable, ugh its annoying it happened again 2 times yesterday after i wrote the reply during night. someone help us." ], "date": [ "2021-04-14T02:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maxgokue-1280656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it happens when i know i have it, before sleeping sometime when i have forgotten then it wont happen, i think it has relation with brain." ], "date": [ "2019-12-04T08:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emmjay225-1280675" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "how often does this happen to you all? " ], "date": [ "2019-12-04T18:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tristan19-1326998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/krystle21108-1354469" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tristan19-1326998" ], "content": [ "hi, any updates? did the proprolonol help? any ideas what was causing it or still there? im also struggling with this, it's really horrible 😔" ], "date": [ "2021-01-29T23:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I just wanted to reach out and explain to everyone I have these symptoms also. my blood pressure fluctuates between high and low especially moving from sitting to standing. but for the most part my blood pressure is normal. I get this brain zap feeling but I believe its when I dont get the right amount of sleep. it's weird, when I find myself alone or just driving I feel not in my body. like i am on the outside looking in. I quit drinking 83 days ago, I dont smoke or do drugs. my neurologist and cardiologist think its migraine and anxiety relate, so does my PCP. i have had so many tests done everything comes back normal. the only other symptoms I get with this is heart palpitations and dizziness. but the scariest part is feeling like I'm just fading away and dying. its the weirdest feeling and so hard to explain to people and doctors what youre doing through. I avoid going out and doing things because of it. I dont have energy to want to do anything. my doctor just put me on propranolol to see if this helps. i hope it does. i wish everyone well and hope you figure out what is wrong because this isn't fun. I have been dealing with this for about a year now." ], "date": [ "2020-08-05T12:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/krystle21108-1354469" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris2020-1315200" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/krystle21108-1354469" ], "content": [ "Hi did you figure out what it was? I'm struggling with it too big time 😔" ], "date": [ "2021-04-13T06:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Have there been any updates with anyone on this? I also get this feeling, it is the worst 😔" ], "date": [ "2021-03-06T04:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/herdin-1356884" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris2020-1315200" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/herdin-1356884" ], "content": [ "Did you find out what this is? I've been dealing with it for a year now.... It freaks me out still \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-04-02T07:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Ive been on google for like 45 min now trying to describe what im feeling. i googled \"i feel like my vision twitches for a quick second\" but all that came up was epalepsy.. and i got freaked out and thought id continue my search bc i was like ok, theres bo way. im 28.. grew up active. well anyway, now i searched \"i feel like im falling for a quick second\" . and i clicked on your \"link\". when i say falling, the best way i can describe it is if you were Riding in a car and not paying attention and the car suddenly went through a drop. And your stomach almost i wanna say lifts up. well yeah that kind of feeling. i get that feeling in my stomach, and almost like a head rush at the same time. and my vision like glitches. idk, its soo hard to describe. but as i was reading your description... i was like yea, thats it. i think thats it. im not gonna lie, ive been abusing opiates lately gere the last few months. im actually getting off of them, im in the proccess now. but yea im worried what it could be. my fiance has been bery supportive. shes nothing close to a drug user. shes a straight edge girl, whos in school for pharmacudical sales (guys please exuse ny spelling on some of these words) and shes such a sweet heart, shes been supportive and if it wasnt for her, i highly dount id be getting off of them. anyway. i have been pretty depressed at times in the time of my drug use. ive also just felt like im dying for some reason, like i wouldnt be high. something just tells me im not healthy. well she woukd say its my anixiety. but i grew up pretty rough, like i wouldnt really conider myself sensitive to most things. so im thinking i dont panic, i dont have anixiety. but idk. if anyone reading can help, please let me know something. shoukd i be worried? have tou found anything out since your post? thanks for reading. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-11T17:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick27029-1361195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "These posts describe something i have experienced many many times but struggled to put into words. i kept saying, i felt as if i was blinking out! My entire being!\r\nits a weird feeling!\r\nI am not anxious or nervous, I am quite calm and at ease. \r\ni have experienced trauma in my body, 4 major back surgeries, several procedures and injections, shoulder rebuilt, skin cancer removed, appendectomy, bleeding ulcers (insaids) repaired.... all this within a 4 year period!\r\nI pastored for 25 years and was a General Contractor for 30+ years. For the most part i was very healthy up and until all the above! \r\nHardest part - not being able to work and do things as before.....\r\ni experienced the blinking out before all this but seems like its happening more often now. \r\nsounds selfish and crazy but its good to know im not alone in this!" ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T22:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordan57891-1361232" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordan57891-1361232" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "its like my brain is rebooting throughout the day instead of when i go to sleep , and when i finally feel rebooted, im so exhausted at all the thinking its made me do .and its easy to fall asleep because im mentally exhausted. but when i wake up i have to do it all over again " ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T04:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/neji91352-1367892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jordan57891-1361232" ], "content": [ "plz seek medical attention. I know u might be scared but plz do what what's best for you" ], "date": [ "2021-04-01T01:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "this is the most scariest thing ive ever had to deal with. , around two weeks ago from today feb 28, i took mushrooms and had a bad trip where i felt as if i lost my mind and went insane. i was feeling a little off for a few days but i had taken psilocybin before and know youll feel weird for a couple days .after around a week , i still didnt feel like myself , it felt like i was in the backseat of my mind , an out of body experience , and it started feeling like i was tripping again . i began getting really bad anxiety and started sleeping in my moms room. after a few days of the restless nights and confusion , i still didnt feel like myself. the past 4-5 days it started getting really bad. i wanted to ride it out and wait till it was over but in desperation , i didnt want to feel like i was tripping all day and not feel like my self, so i took my vyvance medication to see if it would focus my mind . and it did, but theres a downside., id wake up the moment i closed my eyes and it feels like i got no sleep at all . the moment i wake up its instant heart racing anxiety, and it feels like im tripping, this was going on the whole 2 weeks. so these past 4-5 days taking my medicine calms me down and brings me back to reality . but the thing is im STILL not me. I feel like I’m present,but it’s like I’m a young kid or someone who doesn’t know any better ;mindset wise. I’m easily influenced by emotions, but I already start figuring things out fast , after a few hours of doing everyday things like being around my friends or doing any simple tasks. This is what I do; I do them as if I’ve never done it before ,and I instantly realize, wait a second I usually do this the most efficient and close to perfect way,and As I do things throughout the day ,who I am and everything I’ve come to live by from past experiences starts coming back to me, I have morals , I have dreams , I have goals , and I feel like I don’t need to question myself anymore. After my first trip on lsd , I started changing my life for the better and did things the most efficient way , and that’s what I’m used to now, I let my experience help me think about things with a new and most effective perspective and mindset on life. so at this point at the end of the day when I come back to all my conclusions and live based off my experiences,I’m comfortable being alone and who I am, I’m just chillin so to say. Nothing bothers me and nothing could take my mind off what I love or take control of my mind period. But when I go to sleep , and wake up, I reset this whole cycle And have to do it all over again. This is killing me inside . I don’t want to have to do this everyday , im only 17 im so confused on what could be happening to me , please if you have any answers , reply." ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T03:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/blast76891-1362732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I created an account just to reply. You described exactly what happens to me, about 3 times. I think something is in the air...." ], "date": [ "2021-03-06T04:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deanne1-1169672" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have exactly the same thing ..its happening so much more regular now like every day at least 3 times a day n lasts about an hour or more..its really scaring me so its setting the stress and anxiety off more ..I'm trying hard to relax bit nothing seems to help I have a constant buzzing f in my ears I dont think its tinnitus it kind of vibrates my ears and my whole body ..something really strange is happening to me:/ " ], "date": [ "2021-03-15T19:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dehaan-1366414" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/neji91352-1367892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dehaan-1366414" ], "content": [ "I would have been so scared" ], "date": [ "2021-04-01T00:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I had an experience this morning, for the first time ever, and trying to search for anything similar led me here. I am wondering if it sounds familiar to what others here are experiencing. It happened while I was still asleep, but was definitely not a dream, instead it interrupted my dream and sleep.\r\n\r\nEverything I'm going to describe here happened very quickly, in a matter of a second or two, at least that's how it felt to me. Hard to know for sure since I was asleep at the time it started.\r\n\r\nI was dreaming, but suddenly it was like the lights got switched off. My dream just stopped, everything turned completely black. I was immediately aware that I had been dreaming, and was no longer.\r\n\r\nThen it felt as though my body switched off, in the same way a light does. Difficult to describe, other than to say it was as if my body just ceased existing.\r\n\r\nImmediately after that, there was a short buzzing sound and then the same thing happened to my consciousness. Click, gone. It was as if I ceased to exists, entirely, for just a split second. Of course, not existing, I have no idea how long it really lasted, but it felt immediate to me that I was \"switched back on\".\r\n\r\nThe best word I can use to describe this sensation is a reboot. Like the universe just turned off for a second, then turned back on.\r\n\r\nWhen the universe turned back on, my eyes opened, I was fully awake, my heart was racing faster than I have ever felt, and I could feel adrenaline pumping through my system, but my mind was completely calm.\r\n\r\nIt wasn't scary at all to me, but that's a personal thing. Still very bizarre. If it happens again I'll post about it." ], "date": [ "2021-03-23T20:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/neji91352-1367892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bryan253-1367932" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/neji91352-1367892" ], "content": [ "Yes, I was able to do this when I was younger. I would stare into a mirror and repeat I cannot believe I'm not Bryan and within a few minutes its almost like you're no longer inside if your body. WTF I thought i was the only one. You described it perfectly Id become the reflection in the mirror. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-01T07:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I also sometimes get the sensation, but it was constant in my middle school years. I would practice this sensation in front of the mirror (how I did that was I would look at myself and I would look at my reflection and pretend I was my reflection and I had never seen me before, I would try and convince my brain that I had never seen this body before and put my mind away from my body while staring into my reflection's eyes).\r\n\r\nI don’t remember why I dropped this practice. Here is an explanation of what it feels like for me (it feels like my brain is floating, a faint buzzing sensation in my head, it feels like my soul embodiment is wavering back-and-forth more like side-to-side, I don’t know but my body feels fuzzy in this moment)." ], "date": [ "2021-04-01T07:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bryan253-1367932" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay69488-918440" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "So thankful I have found this thread. I too have these strange sensations where I feel my entire existence has just been rebooted. It feels like a strange in and out of consciousness sensation that last a fraction of a second. I feel like I am shutting down and then a quick surge brings it back online. I could never explain until reading what others have experienced. I tried explaining it to my doctor 20 years ago with no luck so I don't talk about it to anyone. My wife would be so p****d but now I feel like I can explain it better. Maybe stress I do have a high stress career choice. I am not the best at getting adequate rest which I am sure does not help. But I'll post more when and if I can get answers. Be blessed all!!!" ], "date": [ "2021-04-01T07:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-strange-sensation--496311?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
Very strange sensation?
So iv had this new symptom for a while now It's hard to explain but it feels like for 1-2 seconds I zone out/black out/go unconscious/die/out of body experience/shock in chest and head It's kind of like I forget I'm alive for a second and come back or like I'm drifting in and out of consciousness and I feel a little shock I don't actually pass out or see black or anything like that though Does anyone understand? Or have this? I don't even know what to say to my doctor it sounds strange
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/martin81881-608099" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "You've been on sertraline for four weeks and had a relapse, so your doctor increased your dosage to 200mg. It's essential to continue working closely with your healthcare provider, be patient as medication adjustments can take time, consider therapy alongside medication, and prioritize self-care and lifestyle factors. Keep open communication with your doctor, and seek immediate help if you feel overwhelmed or in crisis. Recovery from a relapse can be challenging, but with the right support and treatment, you can move forward." ], "date": [ "2023-09-28T14:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-stuck-in-my-world-of-anxiety-804431?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/martin81881-608099" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive been on sertraline for a few years but was reducing my dose over time with the doctor ,unfortunately i relapsed so he put me on 150mg for 3 weeks then 200 mg which ive been on for 4 weeks but my anxiety is through the roof " ], "date": [ "2023-09-28T15:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/so-stuck-in-my-world-of-anxiety-804431?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
So stuck in my world of anxiety
ive been on sertraline for 4 weeks now ,i was on it already as i was ill 4 years ago but i was slowly weaning myself off it (with doctors help) i went down to 100 mg and was trying to go to 50mg but i had a relapse and it all came back so i ended up in a crisis home for 2 weeks and now im back on 200mg but still feeling like crap.im hoping that it will improve soon so i can move forward