[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/j50669-1473099" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "im so with you i feel sick everyday all day long i wake up feeling like im dying and go to bed same way only relief i get is when im sleeping. Can i ask what kind of symptoms you have." ], "date": [ "2023-09-30T03:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Ah yes, I totally get you! that is the nasty beast that is anxiety.\r\n\r\nI feel awful every day and every day I feel like I will die. I have been to the ER by ambulance and by myself several times.\r\n\r\nIt's funny because family and friends (and even doctors) say I should only go when I really feel it's something serious, but there lies the difficult part, when you feel like you are going to die it always feels serious, if not I would not waste my time and the doctor's time, I don't enjoy going to the hospital.\r\n\r\nBut if I don't go, I think, maybe this time it really is something urgent and by ignoring it I'm literally risking my life.\r\n\r\nAaaaargh!!!\r\n\r\nSo what I do now is give it a little more time. When I start feeling really really bad, instead of heading to the hospital I call a friend or family member for a talk, they try to talk me down from it. If after that I continue to feel bad I might allow myself to go to the doc. But most times I feel better after about 20-30mins.\r\n\r\nJust keep reminding yourself that you have been tested and everything was fine and if you can, find someone you can call to talk to for a few mins when it happens. I wish you the best!\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-30T03:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-804124?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/j50669-1473099" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Also, when you start to feel poorly, and can’t find anybody to talk to, listen to panic attack, talk down. You can find many of these on YouTube. They really help a lot and they will calm you down. \r\nfind one ahead of time that you like so that you you are all already in case you start feeling bad again. That way you can just turn it on right away.\r\ntake care" ], "date": [ "2023-09-09T15:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-804124?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/j50669-1473099" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've felt like this a few times. But i've felt so ill that i've not been able to get to the A&E\r\nBy then i'm ok again.\r\nI think you just have to try and ride it out. Tell yourself you will just get told its anxiety.\r\nIts unlikely to be something else until old age.\r\nDoesn't stop it being any less frightening when it happens though." ], "date": [ "2023-09-10T18:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-804124?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dennis24746-1474071" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/j50669-1473099" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for years and have tried various treatments without much success. However, Normotim has been a game changer for me. Within a few weeks of taking the supplement, I noticed a significant decrease in my depressive symptoms. I felt more motivated, optimistic, and able to handle stressful situations with ease. My concentration improved, and I was able to process information at a much faster speed. I highly recommend Normotim to anyone battling depression and stress" ], "date": [ "2023-09-27T18:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-804124?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rahil49991-1474578" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/j50669-1473099" ], "comments": [], "content": [], "date": [ "2023-10-07T11:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-804124?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety symptoms
I've had anxiety symptoms that have mimicked heart attack symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath, left arm tightness) for a long time. Three times I have gone to the emergency room to be checked by the cardiac unit and three times the heart tests came back negative and diagnosed as anxiety. I don't dispute my previous diagnoses because obviously I'm alive and relatively physically well. Also knowing the nature of my symptoms I don't want to go to the ER every time I have them because that would be overkill. The problem is I always have the thought in the back of my mind that one day I'm going to ignore a symptom because it feels the same as the ones I always have, and it's going to end up being a real heart attack. It also doesn't help that at this stage my doctor doesn't believe I need to be medicated because my condition isn't "debilitating" enough. Is there a really effective way to know the difference?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel02253-962381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi i know exactly what you are going through ive seen a private cardiologist and now 2 nhs cardiologists and had at least 10 ecgs, an echo test, blood tests and 2 chest xrays ive also had a 7 day monitor aswel. All my results so far have all been normal my episodes start by feeling really hot and my heart races and jumps all over my chest feels tight but most of that is me being tense. You have to trust in the what you are being told my gp is also a cardiology specialist and he says hes not worried they must have certain signs/ symptoms that cause concern but mine are not flagging anything up. I spend some part of most days worrying about it and i hate being alone its very hard to focus on anything else when it happens but distraction is the best thing i can advice. I tried hypnotherapy which i would definitely recommend also. Its horrible and something I wouldn&#39;t wish on anybody but you are not alone and its your mind trying to trick you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T16:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eduardo66456-966509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve been going through the same thing since about June. It&#39;s been horrible a really rough ride. I&#39;ve been improving each month . Keeping busy and talking to people is one of the best things and GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP trust that&#39;s the most important thing. I still get bouts of anxiety but more depression moments but I see improvement . If you need any advice or anything you can message me or if you just want to talk. I know talking helps</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T03:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietykillinme-1003457" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hey hope you are doing well.</p><p></p><p>Chest pain can be a worrying symptom especially when you have other things going on with it and it is hard to ignore. I&#39;ve had heart problems and been worked up countless times as well for different things. Basically, though, the EKG that they do in the ER would show any heart abnormalities or a heart attack specifically. If it&#39;s been good which it obvious has been then I wouldn&#39;t worry. Best way to avoid palps are good eating habits, staying hydrated, and staying well rested. Palps aren&#39;t abnormal everyone gets them and it&#39;s uncomfortable but not life threatening. If you&#39;re having a heart attack there won&#39;t be any wondering about it, you&#39;ll know and at your age as long as you don&#39;t have any chronic illnesses that would directly effect your heart, I wouldn&#39;t worry about it. Anyone could work themselves up into thinking they&#39;re having a heart attack myself included. Other things that can mimicked heart attacks though is acid reflux. Maybe keep some mylanta on hand for the times that you have chest pain and when you get it take some and see if it helps. If it doesn&#39;t then maybe this is all related to that. If it doesn&#39;t that doesn&#39;t mean it&#39;s you&#39;re heart, it&#39;s still probably anxiety. Next time it happens force yourself to sit there and take a slow deep breath in through your nose out through your mouth. When your lungs are full of air hold it for a second or two and slowly let it out. Repeat this for two minutes and see if it helps. Block out the thoughts of chest pain and focus solely on your breathing. After a couple minutes see how you feel and go from there. No one will ever tell you not to take action when you have chest pain, of course, but the odds of it being something serious such as a heart attack are beyond slim. I take care of people in the hospital every day and I&#39;m amazed at how some of my sickest patients have strong hearts even with their illnese. The body is an amazing thing and one thing that I&#39;ve found in my years of nursing is that it&#39;s pretty hard to die. Your body will do incredible things to keep you alive no matter how sick you are. There are people still alive to this day that probably shouldn&#39;t be because the human body is relentless. </p><p></p><p>Take care. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T21:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/unlucky63610-959832" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vitonyc-1042640" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/unlucky63610-959832" ], "content": [ "Hey I know this post is old, but I wanted to talk to you about your heart stopping due to reflux? Please get back to me thank you so much!!" ], "date": [ "2017-07-21T22:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi caitlin&#39;</p><p></p><p>I m 30 now and since from 4 years i am facing the same problem when it start ist its horrible i csnn ot take breathe....i still remember my breathe stop and i feel completely dark in front of my eyes i think i was pass out with in half hour i go to hospital discuss with a doc they tell me its bcoz of stomach after that day i feel horrible i go how many times to emergency room that i have heart attack they monitor my blood pressure and heart beats docs laugh at me that i am pschyco....well i go pvt clinic and do ecg that was normal but i feel terrible i have fear even i travel by car and in plane i always feel that my heart stop beating and i have heart attack i burp alot...till now i visit more then 30 docs...test till now i do is((( ecg 16 in which 15 is normal in one ecg doc see my heart beat is slow for 2 seconds thats why he do 24 hours holter ecg to monitor my heart beats result was clear my cardiologist say some time my heart beat is slow but i am not alone moslty people face that so no need to worry result is 99%...2 heart echos,tyroid test,3 times complete body blood tests clear last one 2 months ago...3 ultra sounds, 2 stool test,urine test,chest x ray 4 time,cbc blood test,typhoid test,endoscopy,colonscopy)))) nothing wrong accept little bit high cholestrol ... I burp alot with burps my heart is fluttering before i face skipped heart beat now its fine some time i feel but no to much panic.......i feel scared to travel by plane by bullet train some time by traveling in car....i think abiut non sense things what if this will happened i will die what if there is blast in company machine and can u believe once there is wire smell in company like burning i think is it the smell of my heart can u believe how cheap thinking this is.....my gp say i have anxiety and acid reflux it sucks i m tired of burping and when i eat spicy food i have panic attack i jumo from my bed and i burp alot and think i have heart attack my heart stop beating...now i m taking propnolol 10 mg 3 times a day and lexapro 10 mg once at night and also take one tabket for my acid problem believe me i still feel scared and have burping all day....just be patient and dont think to much i didnot think to much now i face problem now to but little bit fine then before</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-22T11:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>&#160; I am sorry to read how upset you are. I know it can be scary and I have gone through it and still do occasionally. But I have better control over it now. You can also have control over this. &#160; Millions of other people also have the same symptoms due to anxiety. All your test came back clear. Your heart is fine. When they say women are often misdiagnosed for heart problems, they mean women normally in their 50s and higher . Your heart is fine. &#160;You are getting palpitations because when you get anxious, you&#39;re heart sends out adrenaline which causes the palpitations.&#160;</p><p>&#160;but remember, any symptoms that are related to the anxiety CANNOT hurt you! They can be scary but that is all. So please relax about that.&#160;</p><p>&#160;all anxiety starts in the brain. So the key here is to calm down the brain so it does not become over anxious and send out more adrenaline.&#160;</p><p>&#160;what I found &#160;that really calms down my mind and body is listening to audio meditations on YouTube for anxiety, stress, sleeping, depression. &#160;Just search for &quot;guided meditation for anxiety&quot; or whatever else you want to listen to. &#160;</p><p>&#160;They are excellent and also teach you how to separate negative thoughts from yourself that cause anxiety. &#160; There are many to choose from. I do them a couple times a day and they have helped me manage my anxiety.&#160;</p><p>&#160;One thing that&#39;s really important to learn is the proper breathing technique when you have anxiety or the heart palpitations.</p><p>Search YouTube for &quot;Mindfulness breathing guided meditation 10 minutes&quot;. &#160;Listen carefully and do this whenever you start to get any symptoms or shortness of breath.&#160;</p><p>&#160;another thing that really helped me was speaking &#160;with a counselor. This is sometimes hard to overcome on our own and it really helps to vent to someone in person who can help.&#160;</p><p>&#160;if you can, pick up a book called Mindfulness. &#160;It&#39;s excellent, and it teaches you all of this and also teaches you how to regain your peace of mind to live a happy life. It is a white cover a book with a ball of tangled string on the cover.&#160;</p><p>Worst thing you can do is sit around and think about all of this. Try to stay active and do things you enjoy. Anything that calms down your mind is great.</p><p>&#160;take a walk in nature, listen to calming &#160;music, etc.&#160;</p><p>&#160;try not to take life too seriously and be good to yourself!&#160;</p><p>&#160;you can do this. &#160; Fight for yourself and be relentless.&#160;</p><p>&#160;we are here for you! &#128513;??</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-22T04:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mindoverryan-1148108" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>This is incredible, I’ve been dealing with different traits of anxiety and depression (not so much depression) that all started in a restaurant having a discussion with my fianc&#233; at the time. (A wave “light hit me” and I had the sensation I was going to faint while swallowing a bite of steak ( haven’t had steak in years) It has taken about 5-6 years of my life and has cost me my career among other things and I still fight to this day. I have been to the er multiple times for the same things multiple people have described, this is the first time I’ve found others that are dealing with &#160;exsactly the same things within reason. My anxiety has mutated over the years and takes form physically in different ways, it seams stuck on the palps, stomach problems dizzy dreamy disconnected feelings I’ve even had so much adrenaline go through my body my muscles locked up in my arms and took hours to come down. I am addicted to nicotine and that Is a huge snow ball cause and effect of feelings and triggers (my main focus at the moment). Talking used to be a trigger until I was sure about it being anxiety and that I wasn’t dieing, I will continue to fight this and I will win! Stay strong everyone!!</p><p></p><p>Love to all</p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;Ryan</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T04:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/conbob94-1385589" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "First of all, just wanted to say i hope you're all doing well. i have this exact same problem and it started from getting a new job (called it imposter syndrome) and now my anxiety has manifested itself into \"im having a heart attack\" every time i have a panic attack. ive called ambulances before when its the exact same symptoms, im also burping alot which lead me to believe its acid reflux/GERD syndrome/heart burn and have been really struggling with it. i wondered if (even though i know this thread is old) anyone has found a winning formula for dealing with it eg some form of medicine to block those types of messages, or a therapy or even just a method to stem panic attacks. my dad has heart failure (from a virus non-hereditary) and i believe even though common sense tells me otherwise, that i am going to die of a heart attack whenever i have a panic attack. any help/guidance would be appreciated, i was relieved when i read others were going through the same thing. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-02T12:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie80548-1314343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank the gods im not alone. i was starting to think I was crazy. exact same symptoms. the palpitations got so bad they put me on Lopressor for my heart rate. 15mg 2x daily. i have the sweating nausea vomiting chest pain shoulder pain. its worth mentioning that i also have a ventricular septal defect and my cardiologist has had me wear a 48 hour holter monitor (which showed nothing because why would it ever happen while im being monitored?) ive been going to the er for years every few months convinced I'm having a heart attack. nothing ever showed. finally went in with palpitations and belching and shortness of breath and chest pain and arm pain. there was a new nurse on duty who actually took me seriously for a change. she set me up with an ekg and they caught it! pvc's and bigeminy. (premature ventricular contractions very close together) and my magnesium was tanked. they gave me Lopressor and magnesium right there and sent me to my cardiologist. the Lopressor and magnesium combo seems to be helping. my palpations have settled down a bit gone down from 3-8+ hours a day of nonstop some days it would last all day and id fall asleep with them and wake up the same way to a few minutes every few days. hopefully we all improve 🐱 " ], "date": [ "2021-07-26T01:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laibaa-1437571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hope you are okay now. I'm a 22 year old and I'm facing the exact same thing. I've visted 4 doctors and none of them took it seriously. So I searched for the possibility that my mind is creating symptoms of an heart attack. I found a mental illness named 'hypochondria'. In this, you develop the symptoms of a disease or health condition in your mind and you even start to feel it even though it's not there.\r\nThere is no cure for hypochondria except that you can stop thinking about it so deeply. " ], "date": [ "2022-08-17T09:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa89525-1469478" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "completely new here and I need someone to talk to, I've been suffering with chest pains for nearly 2 weeks now some are very sharp quick shooting ones and then some is dull I get them in my arms neck and back and I've convinced myself I'm having a heart attack I've been to ER 4 times now had loads of test done and my heart is fine but I can't get it out of my head that I'm having a heart attack I'm absolutely petrified I've driven myself I'm a home with the fear I don't even look like myself because I am so so scared " ], "date": [ "2023-07-22T14:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa89525-1469478" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Also do pain relieve see. to help anyone because they dont do much for me" ], "date": [ "2023-07-22T14:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon02116-1473810" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caitlin99105-1001806" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I understood everything you felt. my case is a bit different. I found out I have mitral valve prolapse. since the day of finding that out my anxiety was partnered up with what's called Cardiophobia. Which is defined as an anxiety disorder of persons characterized by repeated complaints of chest pain, heart palpitations, and other somatic sensations accompanied by fears of having a heart attack and of dying. It feels so real physically yet mental I know I've been there before and it wasn't. Everytime I just about win the fight the same thought crosses my mind \"what if this time it's real and I actually die\"! Then it starts back up again. I didn't sleep but maybe an hour last night and now I have to work. Tired beyond words because I couldn't control my anxiety so I'm also mad at myself. been done with it for almost 10 years haven't found a solution would love to hear if anyone else has." ], "date": [ "2023-09-22T11:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constantly-convinced-i-m-having-a-heart-attack-and-it-s-ruining-my-life-552950?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Constantly convinced I'm having a heart attack and it's ruining my life
<p>So a little background info: I&#39;m 19 about to be 20 in a few days, completely healthy, no history of any sort of heart disease in my family, no heart attacks, nothing. I was diagnosed with OCD as a child, anorexia at 14 and anxiety about 8 months ago. Since my anxiety diagnosis I have been to the ER 11 times (I&#39;m actually in the ER as I type this) convinced I&#39;m having a heart attack. The symptoms differ but lately the most prevalent one is a crushing feeling in chest that&#39;s impossible to ignore. It comes out of nowhere and can last for hours or even days hence why I tend to think it&#39;s a heart attack because anxiety isn&#39;t supposed to last that long. I also can feel dizzy, dreamlike and nauseous and occasionally get a weird feeling in my left shoulder. I also get heart palpitations. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I KNOW these are heart attack symptoms so my anxiety produces them. I have been to multiple cardiologists and even an ER that specializes in chest pain. Every single test has come back clear. But I&#39;ve read articles online about how women are often sent home while having a heart attack because the doctors think it&#39;s anxiety. I also think &quot;well I was fine last time but what if this time I&#39;m not?&quot;. In the back of my mind I know it&#39;s anxiety but it&#39;s so hard to convince myself that anxiety could make me feel like this. It&#39;s really starting to get to me and it would be reassuring just to hear that anyone else is dealing with something similar or has any ideas.. determined to beat this! </p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anono123-1473685" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anono123-1473685" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for the reply - reassuring to know that I am not the only person in the world suffering this. The eyesight switching off - I know exactly what you mean. Very scary.\r\n\r\nI recently had an apportionment at the opticians and they said I had perfect eyesight and all the tests showed nothing wrong my retina or optic nerve and no signs of diabetes etc.\r\n\r\nThe issue is clearly in my head, though I am tempted to have a chat with my GP just in case.\r\n\r\nI am currently writing this at work and am dreading having the 20 minute drive home. I am pretty sure that some of my colleagues think something is up as I just cannot have a proper conversation with them - everything seems fuzzy and I cannot concentrate properly.\r\n\r\nI am contemplating just getting the bus to work (which I can do) but I am not sure whether that will just make the fear worse - at least it would give me a bit of a break." ], "date": [ "2023-09-21T04:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, I've experienced similar to what you are describing. The journey into work is not so much of a problem, it's only during the day of being in the office environment and around the people that the head pressure and brain fog moves in. On the drive home it can be very uncomfortable, more than a couple of times I have 'zoned out' (hard to describe - but my sense of reality is somewhat distorted) and when I zone back in am not totally sure where I am on the route to home - kind of like deja vu or something. Fortunately, my journey is only 15-20 minutes, anything of significance and I would feel un-safe - sorry I do not have a solution but assure that you are not alone.\r\n\r\nHave also experienced this in busy environments, I used to enjoy going to football matches but now experience this 'unreal' sensation which makes me worried that my eyesight is suddenly just going to switch off, I also get vertigo and dizziness in these situations.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-21T04:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sudden-fear-of-driving-depersonalisation-804330?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sudden fear of driving - depersonalisation
Hi there. I would be really grateful for some advice. I have been driving for almost 25 years and have always enjoyed it. However, for some explained reason, about two weeks ago, I had to do a particularly long journey with my family and I just had to keep stopping. I just didn't feel right. When I finally go to my destination, I was really freaked out and I spent the next few days in a sort of dazed feeling - i.e. it was almost like I was dreaming and nothing was real (something I have read is called derealisation). The drive home was even worse as I could not shake this dreamy feeling and spent the whole journey just wishing that I were home but managed to get home somehow. I was fine for a bit but then had to go on holiday and had a 50 minute drive to the airport and started to go into this dreamy state again. I spent the whole holiday worrying about having to drive back and indeed really struggled on the way home (it was pouring with rain and very early in the morning when I did). Basically, I have suddenly developed a fear of driving. I need to commute to work but the fear of having to do so is making me constantly unhappy - as soon as I am home, each evening, the thought of the next day's commute is always ticking away in the background. The thing that worries me is that I seem to always seem to be in this constant state of derealisation, now. It is affecting my work, as I just cannot seem to concentrate. The feeling of driving, when it is not real, is truly horrible - it seems like my vision is somehow going. Any advice on what to do would be very much appreciated.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/akirar-1472780" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Please I'm begging.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-04T03:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/awareness-of-thoughts-getting-worse-everyday--804044?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/akirar-1472780" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/akirar-1472780" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hello there, thanks for reading my troubles. Yes, i did talk with my parents about this since i never had this problem I do remember having troubles with my white noises or other stuff that were about my body. But it was never this bad. I thought about them but i could sleep at night or focus on other things and things got better but since this came is killing me. \r\nWorst part is that they don't support me.\r\nI went to a psychiatrist and they described some medicine and they don't want to give me the medicine." ], "date": [ "2023-09-04T05:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am so sorry you are going through this. Have you talked to your parents about this? If you can talk to them it would be a good idea so they can get you some support.\r\nyou could feel a lot better with help. You could learn how to manage this.\r\nsometimes, when people have anxiety, they get these racing thoughts. Have a talk with your parents. Take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better soon!" ], "date": [ "2023-09-04T04:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/awareness-of-thoughts-getting-worse-everyday--804044?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/akirar-1472780" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/akirar-1472780" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "content": [ "Thank you very much for reading this and for the guidance. I seriously am going crazier and now every second of the day is about my thinking and about my awareness of me thinking and so on. Once again i can't sleep, and it's 3 am for me. Sorry i couldn't reply sooner because i was crying and tried to sleep yesterday and couldn't. I don't think i can get trough this and I'm so scared that i can't sleep ever again or be normal again. I took some Zoloft today and some melatonin for kids but it doesn't do anything only making me sleepier and my mind won't stop working. i swear i don't know what to do." ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T01:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through this. It's important to seek immediate help from a mental health professional or a counselor who can provide you with guidance and support. They can help you manage these intrusive thoughts and feelings. Remember, you don't have to go through this alone, and there is help available to get you back on track. Reach out to someone you trust or a mental health hotline for immediate assistance. Your well-being is important, and there are people who want to help you through this." ], "date": [ "2023-09-05T19:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/awareness-of-thoughts-getting-worse-everyday--804044?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/akirar-1472780" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/akirar-1472780" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "content": [ "I did seek professional help, i just hate the fact that i have to fight to be my normal self again. I envy the fact that people don't have this problem, i just want to be normal again. Why do i have to struggle so much.." ], "date": [ "2023-09-20T11:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Do not worry man !! Seek professional help to address your anxiety and insomnia. Practice relaxation techniques and maintain a consistent sleep routine to improve sleep quality. You will be normal again !!" ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T12:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/awareness-of-thoughts-getting-worse-everyday--804044?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
AWARENESS OF THOUGHTS, getting worse everyday.
I'm sorry for writing this here but i seriously can't do this any longer. I'm constantly aware of my thinking and can't focus on anything but my thinking and what thoughts do i have or will i have.For the past few weeks (3-4),i can't focus on anything but my thoughts even now i am struggling to write this. For me it's currently 4 am and i can't sleep because of it. I hate the fact that i am thinking and keep being aware of it. When I'm on my automatic mode of thoughts which is when I'm not thinking about this problem i keep thinking of something about this problem which results in me being aware once again. I'm analysing everything about my thoughts how i think, why i think , if i am myself or not, remembering some stuff like "you also think when you write something or talk to someone" which honestly that wasn't a problem until this week and made me think of this even more or made my awareness more knowledgeable. I keep memorising my thoughts before my awareness or even after, is automatically and i can't stop it. I don't know what to do sleep was my only option of peace and i can't even have that. My brain is seriously going crazy and it keeps going crazier and crazier. I also envy the fact that other people are going along with their lives, focusing on their tasks while I'm over here going crazy and crazier. I need to start high school in a few days and I'm scared i can't be normal again since i can't focus on talking with someone else or even focusing alone.I just want my problem to be fixed and be a normal person again, is this too much for me to ask? I don't want to do something bad like dying since i have parents and they are already stressed with their stuff not only that but I'm afraid even if i do die I'm still going to have this problem. Have a great night for whoever is reading this, i don't think i listed everything since I'm forgetting quite a lot of stuff with this problem.
Tmj jaw disorder
can anyone help with i get nerve pain in face it effects my ears i get dizziness am waiting to see specilist been waiting so long now
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/domino34315-1473524" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, I went through a very long period of widespread pain in practically all my body, I was sure I had fibromyalgia or something worse. And then, in the same way it came, it also disappeared. But anxiety being the b***h it is, I now have new different symptoms." ], "date": [ "2023-09-18T18:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/chronic-pain-804284?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Chronic pain
I have been having what feels like Charlie horses in my calves thighs and buttocks. Also my biceps and neck and shoulders. Has anybody else experience prolonged body aches from severe anxiety?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lackofsleep-1473354" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lackofsleep-1473354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "content": [ "its strange ive suffered with anxiety for many years. im in a good place with it atm i dont feel anxious at all compared to how i used to feel. \r\n\r\neven when i nod off on the sofa it kicks in and i get this wierd rush with pins an needles and chest pain.\r\n\r\nits really annouing and staring to affect my day as in running on emty from the lack of sleep." ], "date": [ "2023-09-14T10:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "My heart feels like it starts beating harder and flutters more when i lay down.\r\nIt causes rushes that last a second or two sometimes.\r\nIf i get up it eases off. At first my chest would tighten and twice i was going to hospital in a panic but i didn't. I'm getting used to it now.\r\nI'm having anxiety from mild to moderate for most of the day atm but yeah it's worse when I'm in bed.\r\nThere's some medical explanation I'm sure why laying down makes it worse but it sounds like anxiety to me." ], "date": [ "2023-09-14T07:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-adrenaline-rushes-804218?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Weird Adrenaline rushes
some times as im abaout to fall asleep i get wierd rushes and really chest pain. then when i sit up it goes away so i think hmm ok ill try go back to sleep for it only to happen again. Along side that i get thumping head aches and wierd squeaking in my years that i can only assume is from the blood flow to the head. its really frustrating. i suffer with costocondritus at the moment but im not sure its linked to that. i feel like im about to have a heart attack and then when i sit up i feel fine again. any ideas as im starting to loose my mind over it. thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "content": [ "I requested a referral to a Neurologist, even if its just for piece of mind.If they don't find anything ill give an opthomologist a try. Thanks!" ], "date": [ "2019-09-12T17:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi,I would visit an opthomologist for the vision symptoms. I also have very bad anxiety. maybe a med would help." ], "date": [ "2019-09-11T02:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shaky-vision-and-tremors-symptoms-of-anxiety--713400?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/italia06-984656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/italia06-984656" ], "content": [ "Thanks for taking the time to reply. It's crazy how much we share in common. I also spend a lot of time behind desks and have back/neck pain and issues due to bad posture. Little sleep, and the visual symptoms you described are exactly the same. Your post is incredibly reassuring that its nothing serious and you got better.\r\n\r\nMy doctor said if I don't get better in 30 says she will send me to a Neurologist because the visual issues puzzle her. I got 15 days left. I would like some peace of mind as well but hopefully I feel better by then. \r\n\r\nHave you seen a chiropractor? My sisters a massage therapist said a spine/body realignment is what I Need to correct my neck issues and poor posture. I think that might have to do with large amounts of stress and possible nerve issues/healing." ], "date": [ "2019-09-12T17:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/italia06-984656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "content": [ "i have yet to see a chiropractor; i'm one of those, but really should. you mention peace of mind and i certainly hope so. but, what would your train of thought be if you're cleared after neurological checks? if i'm not mistaken, i've read articles of GAD and BFS sufferers that do have EMG irregularities in some cases. GAD is a very complex illness unfortunately with low (full) recovery rates. many GAD sufferers will tell you they've suffered much of their life, if not all of it.\r\n\r\ngood news is you're taking the right steps in seeing your doctor and asking for referrals. personally, looking back on all of it in my case...i decided if it is neurological i'd rather not know. i figured if it was worst case scenario, but would have maybe have another 3-4yrs of function, then i'd rather not know until i got to the point of not functioning. \r\n\r\ni still have concerns to this day. i have odd muscle aches and pains. i have muscle twitching. i also have a lot of daily anxiety. i work too hard...when things get done they have to be done right or perfectly. all byproducts of GAD/Anxiety. there are times i feel i can't relax or take a deep breath. because of all of this, along with a little introspection, i realize that to be fair or to have a real accurate assessment of my health i need to tackle these issues first. \r\n\r\nif i had a consistent serene mindset and still had odd physical symptoms then i would and should be concerned. but, i feel until i tackle the anxiety issues and so on...some of these odd symptoms are apparently par for the course. it's a daily grind, but fortunately i do have interests that keep me entertained or distracted.\r\n\r\nanyway, good luck. keep us posted on your progress and try to incorporate changes to your lifestyle that are obviously glaring with regard to sleep, diet and physical wellness." ], "date": [ "2019-09-13T21:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/italia06-984656" ], "content": [ "Thanks again for taking the time to reply, If i were cleared after tests I would be able to believe that all this is just stress, fatigue, and anxiety and focus on that. Right now I might finally feel calm and even sort of happy for a moment. Then I notice the visual disturbances or tremors and a massive wave of anxiety and thoughts of having a severe Neurological disease take control and I feel dread and fear all day. I'm about to finish college and take steps to starting a career but the stress and fear is all I can focus on. So when I say piece of mind I mean knowing this is just another anxiety attack that will eventually go away with time, and I'm not dying lol. I suffer from Tinitus and I eventually learned to live with it once I found out it wasn't a brain tumor, just hearing loss. I'll give an update once I get tested by a neurologist." ], "date": [ "2021-04-06T19:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes...i developed this in late 2015 and still experience symptoms to this day. likewise i felt it was neurological. i suffer from GAD as well. when i'm reading something up close my vision shakes or twitches...what i see that is. like a quick vibration. i've also had muscle twitching all over since 2015. i did experience a severe bout of what felt like internal vibrations, mostly in the legs which made it difficult to sleep at night. likewise, i've suffered from segmented sleep for years leading up to 2015 full blown symptoms. i've had every physical symptom you could possibly think of due to GAD. \r\n\r\nlikewise, i'd have tiny flashes in my vision, ears ringing suddenly then it goes away. i'm still the same weight as 2015 and had no loss in strength. but at times i feel very odd and numb. legs will feel weak and rubbery some days. other days it feels like i'm clumsy. \r\n\r\ni've had poor posture and sit too much at a computer desk. my spine is twisted constantly as i'll slouch and lean back looking at the computer screen. i've done this for years. likewise, lack of sleep and underlying theme among all. \r\n\r\nbut the worries you describe above, i've been there. at some point, you just don't have the energy to care anymore when it comes to worrying about symptoms. this is when real progress is made. i was just too mentally drained to worry anymore and it came about naturally, I didn't force the mental fatigue from worrying all the time. \r\n\r\ni've ran every test in the book and my reflexes are fine. my doctor has been keen on all of my symptoms and is a good doctor who listens to my concerns. he also explained that i need to make an effort as well. furthermore, he went on about my effort to make lifestyle changes like eating better, not sitting at a desk as often, exercising even if it's just walking, etc... he explained if i were doing all the above and still had issues, lost bodily function in some way or lost a lot of weight or had sudden weakness, then he'd send me to a neurologist, which incidentally is protocol anyway.\r\n\r\nif your doctors have cleared you, at least have some confidence in them as they know much more than many give them credit for. they've endured the long-term education and have likely practiced for some time. follow their advice and try to eliminate as much worry as possible. you can do it, many of us have. myself, i've made a lot of progress and some of the most worrisome symptoms I used to dwell on no longer exist. anyway, good luck." ], "date": [ "2021-04-06T19:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shaky-vision-and-tremors-symptoms-of-anxiety--713400?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosie75477-1361930" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rosie75477-1361930" ], "content": [ "Hey Rosie, I actually got an email telling me you replied, it feels like I wrote this ages ago I forgot I even started this thread lol I might not be very active after this post though. The quick answer is:\r\n\r\nI was diagnosed with Ocular Migraines, Essential Tremor, and of course Anxiety. In the end I'm healthy as these are benign conditions.\r\n\r\nLong answer: After seeing multiple GP doctors, basic eye doctors, and a neurologist. I had lots of tests including EEG, EKG's and a CT scan (No MRI) they concluded I have Ocular migraines which cause the vision issues, and the tremors, heart, insomnia and stuff was due to heavy anxiety, mainly being so stressed thinking I had a serious health issue. The brutal anxiety has passed however I still suffer from anxiety as a disorder sometimes but its minor, the scary tremors went away and I pretty much feel normal again. Although the visual problems drastically improved they don't really fully go away. I take a small dose of a Beta Blocker to lower my heart rate and prevent migraines and it also calms you down a little bit but my heart is still healthy. That's the only medicine I take.\r\n\r\nI did a lot of research into Visual Snow Syndrome and that explained a lot of the visual symptoms that my doctors were confused by such as the shimmering/flickering vision. Check it out as it's actually very common and also not a threat to your health. Hopefully you find some peace of mind but definitely meet with a doctor to get reassurance from a professional! Stay safe." ], "date": [ "2021-04-07T02:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosie75477-1361930" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "content": [ "Gabriel, thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me!\r\n\r\nI've also seen an opthomologist and had an OCT scan of the eyes. All perfectly normal. Nothing concerning. She did actually suggest ocular migraines at the time but i didn't think they fit. \r\nI'm describing my symptoms as a weird reaction to light and lines/patterns. \r\n\r\nMy GP is of the opinion that I'm suffering from ocular migraines and anxiety. I do find my symptoms are worse when I'm anxious but then experiencing symptoms heightens my anxiety anyway which I'm sure you're familiar with! \r\n\r\nI'm not currently on any medication for anxiety/depression but won't rule it out. I've also been researching visual snow and Irlen's syndrome (also totally benign and associated with migraines). Both conditions seem to fit with what I've been experiencing. I like to think if it as a mis-processing within the brain which produces visual distortions. If I wear sunglasses I barely get the symptoms so I'm pretty sure its light sensitivity related.\r\n\r\nOnce again, thank you so much for replying to me! I really appreciate it!" ], "date": [ "2021-04-07T09:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Gabriel, I could've written what you've described. I'm aware that this is likely a zombie thread and I'm aware you haven't been active for a while but this has really hit home for me and I've found it quite reassuring. You're the first person who has described what I'm experiencing to a 't'. \r\n\r\nIf you somehow are notified that I've commented on this thread, I would be most obliged if you could reply and let me know how you're getting on. whether your symptoms have lessened or gone or stayed the same and if your anxiety is under control now. \r\n\r\nMany thanks." ], "date": [ "2021-04-06T19:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shaky-vision-and-tremors-symptoms-of-anxiety--713400?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda05406-996348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda05406-996348" ], "content": [ "I actually got an email notification about your comment. My last response still summarizes where I'm at. Things improved or I got used to them to the point It no longer bothers me as much. I stopped seeing doctors about it once my main doctor went over the specialist's tests and told me there's nothing we can do about it and its benign (ocular migraines/disturbances).\r\n\r\nCheck out Visual Snow Syndrome if you're not already familiar with it. It might explain alot of your symptoms, you can easily tell if you have it and maybe your doctors are educated in it. \r\n\r\nUnfortunately my optometrist was the only one who knew what that was so my main doctors didn't really pursue further testing. Its a harmless condition though so I'm ok with that. The \"heat wave\" type vision you're experiencing might just be the static like dots from VS. Ultimately things got better, and I don't even think about it or notice it very much day to day. But sometimes during extreme stress or \"migraines\" I'll get increased symptoms and notice the shaky vision but never as bad as the first time it happened. I hope you feel better! Have your doctor's rule out anything serious, but at least you know there's people out here with similar symptoms who ended up being ok :)" ], "date": [ "2023-09-12T01:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi\r\n\r\ni think ill be 2 years too late with this post but its worth a try\r\n\r\nIm getting the same symptoms and its so scary, i spent 7 hours in A+E and all checks seems normal but i had a 5 hour long panic attack while there\r\n\r\nim hoping its stress but i dont feel stressed and im sleeping fine. just my vibrating eyesight is driving me mad (like looking at heat waves)\r\n\r\nhow are you all now? im on week 6 now and no improvement, i am getting to that stage now where if it is serious im past caring now, i just want to be normal again " ], "date": [ "2023-09-11T14:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shaky-vision-and-tremors-symptoms-of-anxiety--713400?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda05406-996348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel47493-1266503" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda05406-996348" ], "content": [ "Yup! I had the same exact symptoms and more. I had insomnia for months due to the fear and anxiety, physical tremors that felt like i was sitting on a vibrating chair, I could feel and hear my heartbeat in my head, I saw the veins in my eyes a couple times (they look like black tree branches) and then got tons of muscle buzzing and twitching. Almost all of those can be symptoms of anxiety and I didnt even know. \r\n\r\nIn the end they went away, and my CT scan was perfect! I hope that helps you relax on your trip a little. Try wearing sunglasses outside they helped me when it was at its worst. Sorry about your partner's reaction, hope you can still have fun!" ], "date": [ "2023-09-13T17:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "thankyou so much for replying to me \r\n\r\nyou have made me feel much better\r\n\r\ni have only had blood test and optician look at me and they said i was fine\r\n\r\ni can go back to the gp who will send for an MRI or CT scan but the problem i have is i go on holiday to Spain on Friday for 2 weeks so i will have to try and calm down on holiday and see if it helps, the fact ill be in another country is anxiety enough incase something happens though\r\n\r\nit really is scary, im 37 and ive never had it before, if i sit still and quietly i can almost feel the blood moving around my head and my eyes flicker slightly to my pulse\r\n\r\nive tried every off the shelf remedy and every exercise for vestibular problems from you tube - nothing \r\n\r\nits driving me mad to the point my partner is getting annoyed me talking about it all the time\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-13T14:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shaky-vision-and-tremors-symptoms-of-anxiety--713400?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Shaky vision and tremors symptoms of Anxiety?
Hello, I have generalized anxiety disorder and the last year I haven't been sleeping well. 3-5 hours tops per night. A few weeks ago I got a Migraine which triggered severe Insomnia, eyelid twitching and some visual issues that ended up being dry eyes, but I rushed to get my eyes checked and the optometrist said my eyes are perfectly healthy and the twitch is fatigue. However I then developed a "flickering" in my vision kind of like a steady strobe light, which then turned into "vibrating" or "shaking" mostly in my peripheral vision. Especially notice vertical lines like doorways and hallways look like they're moving left to right rapidly. I then developed internal tremors, like I'm shaking from the inside but not visible to others. I saw my GP and she said it's all sleep deprivation, and anxiety and she doesn't think its Neurological, gave me some vitamins/relaxation exercises. I managed to get a bit of sleep and the eyelid twitch went away, the shaky vision got better but not resolved, and the tremors almost stopped for a few days. But my eyes were still flickering and shaking although doing better. Then I started noticing flickers and flashes and sometimes objects "twitch" which triggered my anxiety all over again, can't sleep, tremors are back. Has anyone experienced these issues with anxiety? They've been constant, the shaky vision hasn't stopped for 4 weeks I'm terrified its Nurological.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shayrose-1192547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sam77651-1209550" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey dont take them my niggas pop pills and they are now zombies just try n fight dont take them cause once you get addicted to it its hard for u to quit i use to think that ima mad nigga but no dont drag yourself towards something that u cnt handle you are young sam for me meds is not a great idea " ], "date": [ "2018-11-16T22:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-take-diazepam-and-paroxetine-together--685863?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt57085-1059514" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sam77651-1209550" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sam77651-1209550" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt57085-1059514" ], "content": [ "thanks Matt! do you take paroxetine?" ], "date": [ "2018-11-17T15:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt57085-1059514" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sam77651-1209550" ], "content": [ "I don't anymore, but did from 2006 until 2016. Are you just starting, Sam?" ], "date": [ "2018-11-17T17:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sam77651-1209550" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt57085-1059514" ], "content": [ "yeah started yesterday......I'm not taking it again! side effects are horrible!" ], "date": [ "2018-11-17T17:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt57085-1059514" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sam77651-1209550" ], "content": [ "Good👍 I'm glad you've said that. I remember the side effects when i started paroxetine. It does work well for anxiety but it's also very, very hard to withdraw from. It took me nearly 18 months to get off it, so ask your Dr for something else.\r\n\r\nAre you in the UK? If so you've done well to get a Dr to prescribe diazepam. What dose and how many did you get?" ], "date": [ "2018-11-17T17:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sam77651-1209550" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt57085-1059514" ], "content": [ "yeah I'm from the UK. doctors have given me loads of diazepam! only 2mg but I get prescriptions of 24 at a time no problems.\r\n2mg at a time is enough for me though, I think I've got a really low tolerance to medication." ], "date": [ "2018-11-17T18:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes, you can take them together👍" ], "date": [ "2018-11-17T15:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-take-diazepam-and-paroxetine-together--685863?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samijhoxha-1473280" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sam77651-1209550" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been using diazepam 2mg for 9 months, sometimes 4mg, but I am afraid to take it together with paroxetine." ], "date": [ "2023-09-12T18:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-i-take-diazepam-and-paroxetine-together--685863?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can I take diazepam and paroxetine together?
I've been prescribed diazepam and paroxetine....had diazepam loads but can I take it with the paroxetine
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lizzie_18070-1129102" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It sounds like some sort of stress response issue.\r\nI've been having tingling skin due to anxiety.\r\nPretty sure it's a common thing and nothing to worry about.\r\nI've heard of it before , the water drops thing.\r\nHave you been having any stress or anxiety recently.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-12T14:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cold-drops-on-skin-sensations-804186?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Cold drops on skin sensations
Hi all, For the last two weeks I have experienced what feels like cold water drops on my skin. It only lasts a second and comes and goes on my legs, arms and feet. It is quick and painless but Im just wondering what it could be. Has anyone experienced this? I have an appointment with my doctor but thats not for a few days. Any help would be appreciated. Im a 36 year old female.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/borderriever-963132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "We have a large Shower Cubicle, it is a bit over a double size and is generally wider than the standard size. When I go on holiday we generally stay in self catering and a single size cubicle can make me feel claustraphobic. \r\nI am disabled and need to be able to get handrails and a seat in  The shower is actually in part of what was a passageway, so it is quite wide. It consists of shower head  with six different sprays and also six further sprays, three on each side. That seems to help me manage taking showers. and been comfortable with it. We also have a Hydro Bath with a lift to get me in and out with air and water spar with chromo Lighting with all the handrails  for me to be able to move around. You could change the shower and change it with a good sized bath that would help your problems\r\nPs\r\n\r\nWhat you could do is look into extending the shower unit if you have a bath in the bathroom, they do conversions bath to shower. We did a full conversion when the cottage was adapted and we purchased the gear ourselves and a plumber installed the new shower and bath unit\r\n\r\nBOB" ], "date": [ "2021-10-09T02:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/smalltowngirl17-1075775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Panic attacks can happen anywhere at anytime. People sometimes have their first one while driving when they have always drove. I had my first one at home where I had lived for years. It just happens. Just my opinion but the key is to know it’s a panic attack. As uncomfortable as it is it won’t hurt you and exposure is the best for it. Keep taking a shower in that shower until you don’t fear it happening. Once the fear goes away so will the panic &#128521; good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-27T19:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mariano-947946" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I had to get a handrail put into our shower,and a seat IF I stood up i would get dizzy...then I would panic...somedays I am ok. other days, I cant shower. My GP says its the hot water on my head, and lots of people feel dizzy with this...and taking a lukewarm shower might help...xx" ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T00:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carina2828-1293746" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "content": [ "This is exactly how i feel, did it get better for you?!\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-02-05T21:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/a265-1295673" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carina2828-1293746" ], "content": [ "yes I feel this exact same way. I worry something is going to happen to me and I won't be able to get help. When I get in the shower I feel off balance and dizzy and my arms and legs feel weak and I worry that something else is going on and I quickly get out. How do you deal with it?\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-02-15T00:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/njw164-1372717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "content": [ "Right there with you. This is horrible. I haven't gotten a shower in a few days and I HAVE to get one right now but I am dreading it. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-27T02:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>OMG once I developed panic disorder and health anxiety, I have major anxiety and panic attacks taking a shower or even thinking about taking a shower. I live in an apartment and my bathroom has no windows so that doesn&#39;t help at all. I chronically start breathing shallow and I get tense and light headed. I also start thinking about how high my blood pressure might be and have to hurry up and get out. Before all of this, I would love showers, spending maybe 30 minutes in there listening to music. Now I dread it. Sadly I sometimes go days without showering. I fear I might have a heart attack or stroke and not be able to get help.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T01:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/magmag1116-1196438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there \r\n\r\nFrom my personal experience and what my psychaitrist has taught me, we basically programmed the incidence of my panic attacks. That’s a vicious cycle. Going to shower is the cue that makes you panic because you experienced pamic attack when going to a shower. You need to retract your brain about that. Have you seen a cognitive behavior therapist? CBT really helps " ], "date": [ "2023-02-15T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/okayykattt-1363300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've been going through this recently, and now I've even got a little scared to shower, i come out quicker. but i don't know what to do. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-08T17:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vharmon23-1366817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "My anxiety has always been moderate-normal. \r\nI never really realized I had anxiety but I was diagnosed with it at a young age.\r\nOne day when I did something dumb, I smoked weed and got really anxious to the point that I was having a severe panic attack and thought I was having a heart attack from how bad my chest hurt.\r\nI was in the shower at the time because that's how I always calmed down a really bad high.\r\nI only ever used it for sleeping reasons.\r\nAfter that I was okay for a while and then a month later I had another panic attack randomly.\r\nI didn't know what it was at the time but it freaked me out.\r\nEvery time I got in the shower I would have a panic attack.\r\nI stopped taking showers all together and began taking baths.\r\nI bathed for months upon months and let me tell you that was not easy either, it still scared the heck out of me.\r\nI had panic attacks in the bath too but you have to push through them.\r\nThen from there I got a shower chair, I used it like once but it freaked me out still.\r\nI started slowly but I surely got there.\r\nI use the chair off and on now whenever I get a little scared but I'm able to take full showers on my own now.\r\nThe point is to take it slow, the shower was one of my weaknesses but I've overcome it.\r\nIt did take months so please don't expect fast results.\r\nJust know that you can do this and it will eventually get better.\r\nThe shower chair was also recommended by my therapist and please don't think of it as a crutch.\r\nIt's there to help you feel more relaxed.\r\nI also leave the door open when I shower and don't take too hot of showers because it will raise your heartbeat and that will freak you out even more.\r\nTaking luke warm showers is better for you and your skin anyways.\r\nI also leave the curtain a smidge open for better ventilation.\r\nI try to do everything in my power to keep myself comfortable.\r\nI hope these things work for you!!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-12-03T00:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emmziebee123-1387357" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jimmylol33-1401046" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emmziebee123-1387357" ], "content": [ "hello people , i fight this shower anxiety some months now , what i realized? \r\n\r\n1)Dont take a shower while you are tired , tiredness multiplies the problem(imo)\r\n2)Put music inside not to loud or better a conversation between ppl in youtube just to feel company .\r\n3)Open a window to feel the fresh air from outside , i noticed that when i feel goosebumps the anxiety goes away..(wtf)\r\n4)Try to talk with someone while you shower , via phone or else.\r\n5)Try not to overthink it , believe that you wont die or else and try to man up to finish it (every next time will be better and longer)\r\n6)Prefer cold or lukewarm water .\r\n7)Think about actual problems and the solutions without torchering ur mind a lot.\r\n8)Wasnt about to write this , but , when i im touching myself (sorry for this comment), the anxiety disappears completely ..so try to be a bit with an erotic mood/thoughts\r\n9)Exercise or walk 20-30 mins every 1-2 days , its really helping.\r\n10)Ask for help from a psychiatrist , (mine gave me a 3 month prescription with buspirone 20mg a day ." ], "date": [ "2021-10-09T11:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mawoodhouse-1450021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emmziebee123-1387357" ], "content": [ "I know exactly how you feel! isn't it horrible? such a scary feeling. The worst part is that now you think about it every time you are about to shower or bath, so you already know that heart is gonna start racing as soon as you get in there and it makes you not want to take the shower. Sometimes it isn't as bad but some days it is real bad. i would suggest talking to your doctor about a low dose of a beta blocker that you can take as needed, Propranolol is a good one that people take for anxiety, i find this helps." ], "date": [ "2022-12-17T00:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi there\r\ngoogle brought me here to this thread out of sheer desperation really to try and make sense of what I am going through, I had an out of the blue full on horrific panic attack in the shower 2 weeks ago and now i cannot get passed this I am so upset over it as showering has always been a pleasure I suffer with general anxiety disorder and I keep trying to get in and enjoy a nice relaxing shower(its an over bath one) but I find myself getting out as the terror kicks in every time :,(" ], "date": [ "2021-10-09T11:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jjm23-1448656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, \r\n\r\nI have read your review and most of the replies. \r\n\r\nI am sorry you're going through this, and it seems and appears distressing in fact I must say that this feeling struck me like lightning I would get panic attacks and since I have autism spectrum disorder I have started to notice that I used to be the most cleanest guy ever with good hygiene never had a problem with getting into the shower but for me this is a dreaded , depressing viscous cycle which is on my mind all the time. I start getting self-conscious around people worrying that they think I smell like s**t and stink and it makes me feel so much worse. I have felt this way for a long time but only noticed that my self conscious negative thoughts and feelings got worse as the months come on. \r\n\r\nI get into the shower and sometimes get these negative thoughts in my head that wont go away honestly this is so depressing and people don't understand anxiety and autism so they assume that we are all making excuses. It's not that we dont want to shower cause sometimes I will stand in the shower (stand up shower with no seat) but will stand there like an idiot for 5 minuites sometimes and then force myself to shower and makes me feel worse and then i panic even as being an alcoholic I worry that I might pass out which never does and the GP doctors and what not have said that this is just anxiety and intrusive thoughts which is what my family have said. \r\nWhen I get into the shower I get angry about things and get visual images in my mind that cause me distress that when I am half way in there I step out and wrap myself with a blue towel and sit on the corner of my bed nearly about to break down and cry at times this has caused me to feel suicidal as well I am not saying I will do it but I feel like this is a never ending viscious cycle that wont go away which is causing me a great deal of stress. \r\nI am hoping that I can hopefully overcome this as at the moment I am feeling and smelling like bannanas and a pigsty. It's such a shame because I have always been the most cleanest person ever and this is now happening I dont understand. \r\nsad thoughts happen to me when I am in the shower and I get really bad negative thoughts to like sometimes hear voices from people in my mind who have upset me and caused me distress. I get irritable?" ], "date": [ "2022-12-04T13:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/granastasia59-1450865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anxiety about getting into the shower is very normal. \r\n\r\nI am a 63 year old woman suffering from PTSD for the last 30 years. \r\n\r\nThe shower is the most vulnerable place to be. You are naked and closing your eyes. \r\n\r\nI never had a problem with showering prior. " ], "date": [ "2023-02-14T03:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jjm23-1448656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "What I might say sounds like rubbish, \r\n\r\nbut when you force yourself to get in there it actually does work , I started showering again and looking after myself I am in love with it now and I feel so good when I exit the shower and go and sit on my laptop i feel fresh and also I know that I have battled the anxiety and I can feel reassured that I can do it again. \r\n\r\nHowever before it was very hard and i am not disputing the fact that people get this but for me I challenged it and just got in there and nothing bad happened as I thought that I would randomly pass out in there but never did so I was worrying for nothing and working myself up. Anxiety is a b***h and it can ruin lives, family, friendships, relationships if it not controlled.\r\ngood luck and I hope that things do work out for you and your be fine . " ], "date": [ "2023-02-14T03:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose1980-1458027" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rose1980-1458027" ], "content": [ "Oh my God Rose, I really feel for you. Reading your post, I cannot begin to imagine the utter fear you must have gone through. \r\nI'm so glad you are out of that terrible situation and it's so understandable that trauma has caused fear.\r\n\r\nI wish you all the best x" ], "date": [ "2023-03-10T08:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes! I have terrible anxiety over getting in the shower. It is because i can't hear over the water running. i was in an abusive relationship that took me two and a half years to safely get out of. i had finally told someone what was going on, and i slowly started acting more distant with him over a 6 months period. The day before i left my ex-fiance attacked me in a particularly brutal manner. i planned on calling into work in the morning, so that i could get my stuff out. i think he suspected, because he got up, and called in to work, and got back into bed. he then began berating me. i told him, i hadn't gotten much sleep, and asked if i could have a little peace before i had to get up for work. \"You want peace! You want peace\" he said right before he started choking me. He had choked me before, but this time he wasn't stopping. i thought this is it, this is how i die... and suddenly he stopped, pushed me of the bed, and told me to go take a shower and go to work. as i stood in the shower, i was absolutely terrified. all i could hear was the water pounding down on my body and the shower floor. the water sounded deafening to me. i was scared he was in the bathroom on the other side of the curtain... waiting for me to open it. i wanted to peak out and see if he was there, but thought what if he is, and gets mad that i was checking to see if he was there... it was the longest shower of my life. when i got out of the shower... there was a large kitchen knife sitting on the sink... i walked into our room to dress, and he was laying in bed... his arms folded behind his head... he was smirking. i left. i went to work, and never returned to the town home that i owned. he lived rent free in my home for a year. i paid the mortgage and all of the bills, because i was too frightened to ask him to leave. i eventually was forced to filed for bankruptcy, because i could not afford to continue to pay two households. the bank foreclosed on my home. he left, and moved on. i am still alive... but the trauma has effected me in many ways, including a horrible fear of being inside a shower. " ], "date": [ "2023-03-17T16:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soulsearching-1459187" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/theyayav-1192560" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I love showers, I spend an hour or two in there when I catch a little time for myself, then I get out dry off, dry the bathroom walls and floors, and carry on with my day feeling fresh and rejuvinated. but now an then instead of my.lovely shower, I end up sitting here in a towel, trail of water from the shower to here on my bed. didnt even finish the simple tasks of hygene, cause suddenly I felt spooked, so I turned off the water, hopped out an barely managed to grab the towel on my way out of the bathroom aka I got tf outa there lol. I too would love to know why this happens to me. its been that way for years, suddenly feel spooked, then I gtfo of the water, it happens in pools too. so awkward lol help." ], "date": [ "2023-03-17T16:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shower-anxiety--670650?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Shower Anxiety?!?!?
<p>Ok, first off i don&#39;t hate showers, its just the fact of being in their. For a couple of months now, I have started realizing that i get anxiety and sometimes even panic attacks when im going to shower. My heart will start racing and i get dizzy. I am not sure why but every time im going to shower and while, i start panicking and all of these symptoms roll in. I had a very bad panic attack while in their and i started feeling like I couldn&#39;t breathe. Im thinking its because its a tight space but then again, this didn&#39;t happen before.. anyone else????</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gareth89785-1279345" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gareth89785-1279345" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hi, thanks for the reply, really helps. Like most people who have health anxiety I tend to go on to google a lot and scares the hell out of me and need to learn to stop doing it. Can't really put my finger on what has started my anxiety this time I have always been a over thinker and a worrier. But I will give you tube ago for breathing techniques. I use to be quite active which I need to start doing again. Thanks for the reply again and thanks for the offer of a message. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-03-30T18:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I can tell you that I’ve had muscle twitching on and off for decades. They are called benign fasciculation‘s. they are harmless. They often occur when somebody has high levels of stress or anxiety. if I do get them, which is rare now, I just ignore them and they go away. It usually occurs when I am feeling anxious. As long as you get a good physical exam at least once a year that’s the important thing. That’s true for anybody.\r\ni’ve had pins and needles, I, twitching, lightheadedness, dizziness. All my testing has always been normal so that’s when I knew it was all related to stress and anxiety. So I have to keep my anxiety levels down, but I’m a lot better than I used to be. I know how to manage it a little better these days. \r\nis there anything in your life causing you stress or anxiety think about that and if you’re having a hard time with it, speak with a counselor who can really help. You can even do it virtually.\r\nWhen you feel yourself getting anxious or lightheaded, stop, sit, or lay down and do some slow, deep breathing. In through your nose out through your mouth as though you’re blowing out a candle. Do this several times. There’s lots of great ideas on YouTube!\r\nLike your physical check ups have been fine, \r\nthe more you pay attention to the sensations the more you will have them. The more you worry about them the more you will have them. Focus your attention on being healthy, less anxiety, getting some exercise and eating healthy. Keeping yourself busy.\r\nYou have classic sensations of anxiety. private message me anytime! feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-03-30T18:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-798046?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health Anxiety
Hi just wondering if anyone has a similar experience like me. Ive have had bad health anxiety for around five years now and it cones and goes i waves. But last week ive had really bad random muscle twitches all over body. For about a day my left thigh was twitching on and off really bad you could see it through my clothes. Now that has stopped but for a few days now my left tricep has started twitching again you can see it twitching through my clothes it lasts seconds but is so annoying plus when i clench my fist i can feel slight pins and needles in one of my fingers. Today the twitching stopped so I thought all is good but then out of no where I went light headed for few seconds and of course got stressed about it. Now my arm has started twitching again! Sometimes I think im relaxed and not worrying about things and still get these twitches. I had a both eyes twitch few months ago went to the doctors for bloods and everything was fine with that so really don't want to go back there for more bloods if i don't have too. I did have a stressful few months leading up to my eye twitches die to moving house which i put it down to that, but these twitches around my body has inly started and I don't think I was stressed or anxious leading up to it started. Sorry for the long discussion! Thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "\r\nshortness of breath is one of the the most common sensations of anxiety. It’s important to learn the proper way of breathing when you have this. So many people breathe very shallow and don’t get a full breath in. \r\nI learned through great breathing exercises I found on YouTube. They are specific for anxiety. all you have to do is listen to them and practice. You can just search for breathing exercises for anxiety or mindfulness breathing exercises, etc. there are hundreds of them as well as some great meditations for anxiety to calm down. Belly breathing is emphasized. Hope you feel better soon!" ], "date": [ "2021-09-04T11:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-feel-like-i-am-breathing-through-a-straw-770194?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "content": [ "Mine has been going on non-stop for 4 months as well, but some weeks its better than others. When i was younger i had panic attacks and about 7 months ago they started to come back. (had a very very stressful job). Then one night i woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air and ever since then I have dealt with this crap. Convinced my self that i had something wrong with me (heart disease, lung cancer, or something) went to the doctor and they drew blood, did 2 EKGS, pulmonary function test, and Chest Xray and everything came back looking great. My doctor told me its all just stress and started me on ProZac, i just started last monday and it takes 4-5 weeks for it to work so that it self has not helped me yet. Before putting me on ProZac he gave me something to take as needed for anxiety but it didnt help my breathing at all. Finally the other day I was reading an article and i finally just told my self that I have health anxiety and i have convinced my self for 4 months that something is wrong with me so its gonna take some time to get over this and for my breathing to get back to normal. Now im just trying to not even think of it, was getting to where it was the first thing i thought of when i woke up and the last thing i thought of when i fell asleep but just doing my best not to even think about it. From what ive been reading alot of people who have dealt with this and get put on anti-anxiety meds start doing better after 5 weeks once your brain chemistry gets back to where it needs to be." ], "date": [ "2021-09-20T12:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "content": [ "Yea, I know what you mean. I also think about my breathing from the time I wake up to fall asleep. Before this happened, I never even thought about my breathing once. In addition to not getting a deep breath, do you also require a lot of effort to inhale? I have that, where I feel like I have to use so much effort to inhale. Are you able to exercise at all? That's my biggest thing. I used to love exercising. Now, even after a short walk, I feel like I'm struggling to catch my breath. Hope the Prozac works for you - please keep us posted!" ], "date": [ "2021-09-07T22:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dip58448-1376343" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "content": [ "Yea, I know what you mean. I also think about my breathing from the time I wake up to fall asleep. Before this happened, I never even thought about my breathing once. In addition to not getting a deep breath, do you also require a lot of effort to inhale? I have that, where I feel like I have to use so much effort to inhale. Are you able to exercise at all? That's my biggest thing. I used to love exercising. Now, even after a short walk, I feel like I'm struggling to catch my breath. Hope the Prozac works for you - please keep us posted!" ], "date": [ "2021-09-07T22:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel like this all the time for the last 4 months. Some days are less intense, some more, but it's there to some extent all day (except when I sleep, or am very into my work). It takes a LOT of effort to inhale, especially to get a deep breath, and sometimes even with effort, the deep breath doesn't work. I also get short of breath VERY easily, from just doing dishes or light cleaning. I can't exercise anymore and before this, I was quite fit and loved exercising. Even when I am short of breath, feels like the air gets stuck on my throat and doesn't go into my lungs. I was told to try inhalers and acid reflux meds for a week to see if they made a difference. It made a difference for a day, then went back to the usual. I think it's anxiety. It's a little confusing, because I have no major stress in my life at all. How are you feeling now? How did this start, and what have you tried? Do you have stress in your life?" ], "date": [ "2021-09-20T12:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-feel-like-i-am-breathing-through-a-straw-770194?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kassidy40951-1459161" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zachary40647-1395742" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, I know this post is old but I just wanted to come back and ask if you ever did get better..? I am a college student and have struggled with anxiety my whole life but never to this extent. Its been about two months now, one day i just woke up unable to breathe and have not been the same since. Drs say im healthy yet anxiety meds do not work. It gets so bad sometimes i think i am going to pass out. Nobody I know has experienced something like this and nobody seems to understand or comprehend what I am saying when i try talking about it. If you have gotten better what have you done to do so? If anything? I hope this message finds you well and you can get back to me soon." ], "date": [ "2023-03-17T10:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-feel-like-i-am-breathing-through-a-straw-770194?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I feel like i am breathing through a straw
Does anybody feel like they are breathing through a straw? Like you can't get a full satisfying breathe into your lungs? i have been have had chest xray, pulmonary function test, blood work, EKG, and everything has came back good and my doctor says im healthy as an ox. Been dealing with anxiety for a couple of months and have recently started this week on some anxiety medication. The breathing problem comes and goes and seems to happen once every 2 weeks and will stay for a couple of days. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do?? Cant stand this, and just ready to get back to normal! (Hoping the medication helps out as well)
Anxiety symptoms
hi... i have had this tightness on my chest or like a weight for three weeks and it will not go away no matter what. also...like I can breathe but I feel like i cant breathe properly...im not rapidly breathing or anything i just feel like im not breathing properly/normally. also dizziness and uneasy on my feet and a bit of loss of balance. in the last week ive also had muscle and joints aches and tingly pins and needles in my toes feet hands arms and legs. sometimes they hurt and sometimes its weak and sometimes its pins and needles/prickly tingly vibrating feelings. the thing is...i had no anxiety really before this and now these symptoms are scarying me so much and i have health anxiety ANYWAY... ive had loads of ecgs blood tests and an echo cardiagram and chest xray and nothing has shown. drs are telling me its anxiety but i just cant understand it...its constant which is then in turn making me more anxious. i keep wqnting to go and get another test or more drs to find out the cause as I really cant believe its anxiety...its making my life and my families life a misery as i cant accept it "just anxiety"
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "when milk gets filled into milk jugs at the factory, they many times overfill them. So some of the milk gets around the top under the cap and around sometimes the outside. The milk dries into flakes so you may get some inside the jug when you open the. You’re going to be OK. I see this all the time. Not harmful." ], "date": [ "2023-03-15T23:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/worried-that-i-might-get-sick-now-798022?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Worried that I might get sick now
I suffer with really bad health anxiety and today I just drank some milk that had flaky crust on it and I'm really worried if it's dangerous to swallow them? It's brand new milk I just opened up and I have until two weeks to drink it before it expires, I made strawberry milk and notice the white flakes inside my cup, one of my parents say it's safe and it's not anything bad, but I'm still worried since I never drank milk that had crust inside my drink or cereal bowl. Should I be worried about this or should I be safe?
Anxiety medication switch
first time ive been on here ive had low level anxiety for many years and settled on 20mg citalopram whuch i tolerated well i had an increase anxiety in the new year so docs increased to 30mg which gave me terrifying thoughts they then tried Sertraline 50 mg which did not agree with me and made me jittery for 2 weeks im now back on 20mg citalopram for 4 days and my anxiety has been through the roof/ manic and wired - totally unbearable theyve said it will settle in 2 weeks again but it has been scary and horrendous anyone else had this with an SSRI switch?
Can't relax due to symptoms in chest.
I'm currently on Bisoprolol 2.5mg, Flecainide x2 daily, Amlodipine 5mg daily. For awhile I've been unable to sleep or relax due to palpitations in chest, left arm, tight feeling in throat, everything that could come under the umbrella of anxiety. Few months back had two injections on the left arm for covid booster and one for flu, had covid for 9 days. Going to try either sertraline or Trazodone to help with sleep etc. Anyone else have advice or a similar story?
Fluxetine day 9, and my jaw feels stiff but I’m overthinking it as well so it’s like a constant feel
looking to see if this happened to anyone else
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ro19729-1456231" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nYes, it's most definitely a big factor. People who drink as a way of coping with anxiety end up with an alcohol problem and much worse anxiety, I speak from experience. When you are anxious, you have a drink (or 2 or 3) and the anxiety vanishes but then the next day the anxiety is hell, so you drink again to stop it and again and again. \r\nI went through hell and was not able to stop on my own, I had to ask for help. I have been sober for 20 years now and although I still have anxiety, it's never overwhelmingly out of control like it used to be.\r\nI would encourage you to get help, you can have the life you for sure deserve.\r\nLet me know if you have any questions. All the best!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-14T19:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/alcohol-and-anxiety-797874?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Alcohol and anxiety
hi there can anyone give me advice on stopping alcohol and its effects on the brain? i have severe anxiety and i drink heavily. is this a major factor of my anxiety ? thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nesty-1260867" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nesty-1260867" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "Hi Sasical72 \r\n\r\nMany thanks for your reply. \r\nYes, Cipro is truly horrible. I don't look at the web re cipro, it scarred me half to death last year, though I have made good progress, since last year I restarted work, the original medical condition I was issued Cipro for, has improved and overall much better than I was, though still some things remain. \r\n\r\nI could probably do with a bit more exercise, but I have noticed that my anxiety gets heightened a lot more easier now than pre Cipro. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-03-12T13:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Nesty,\r\n\r\nCipro is a truly horrible drug! I thought it was no longer prescribed.\r\n\r\nI had a terrible reaction to Levofloxacin (same family) some years ago.\r\n\r\nMy number one advice would be: don't go searching the net for info about it, that will cause more anxiety, add fuel to the fire, when what you need now is your nervous system to be as relaxed as possible.\r\n\r\nJust give your body the best tools to heal itself: take care of your diet, sleep enough and light exercise and little by little you will get better.\r\n\r\nAll the best x" ], "date": [ "2023-03-12T13:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-caused-by-ciprofloxin--797533?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety caused by Ciprofloxin?
Hi All Apologises if this is not the correct section for GAD. In 2022 I was placed on Ciprofloxin (antibiotic) for another medical issue, (I stopped this in June), I had a horrendous time on it via reacton, off work 2 months couldn’t sleep at all, bad thoughts etc. The GP placed me on Sertraline 50mg, which stabilised things, got better than I was, now I sleep like baby, probably too much. Over the last 6 months I have raised GAD anxiety, it’s comes and goes, but never had it like this ever, sometimes afraid to leave the house, going to the supermarket etc, at work I manage to hold it together (lucky my job not over stressful), so I am thankful I am better than I was last year. It’s like there is something just randomly taking over. However my GP, is looking at taking me off Setraline next month, as don’t want me on it long term. Is it possible the Ciprofloxin could of altered something in my brain channels and this accounts for the high anxiety? Thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pauline00568-1192872" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eunice04218-1201120" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Don&#39;t worry its perfectly normal.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-11T17:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-have-this--673133?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/borderriever-963132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eunice04218-1201120" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eunice04218-1201120" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/borderriever-963132" ], "content": [ "alright thank you!" ], "date": [ "2018-08-12T20:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes if you press hard enough, consider the route of the arteries route to neck and brain\r\n\r\nBOB" ], "date": [ "2018-08-11T19:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-have-this--673133?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pauline00568-1192872" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eunice04218-1201120" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eunice04218-1201120" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pauline00568-1192872" ], "content": [ "I see, thank you!!" ], "date": [ "2018-08-12T20:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Its normal Eunice don&#39;t worry. Its more noticeable in some people than in others but still normal.xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-11T23:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-have-this--673133?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pratiksha61536-1458486" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eunice04218-1201120" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Do you still have it ? is it anxiety derived ? " ], "date": [ "2023-03-10T14:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-have-this--673133?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anyone have this???
<p>Is it normal to be able to feel a pulse in the suprasternal notch (the &quot;hollow&quot; between the collarbones)? I can clearly feel a pulse there and I can see a small area pulsating when I look in the mirror. Should I be concerned? Sort of worried</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sloak-1424851" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sloak-1424851" ], "content": [ "Even your time frame is similar to mine, after around 15 mins my weird feeling also goes away" ], "date": [ "2022-04-24T17:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello. I have had this exact same thing you are describing for the last 10 years. It is scarry when it happens and it wipes you out energetically after. I have had SO many tests done from blood, to CT brain scans to drinking that God awful barium and them scanning my stomach ND intestines. They checked for thyroid, no inner ear problems so it is not meningitis. It is not a blood clot nor stroke nor heart problems. Every time they test, they find nothing. They have reduced it down to and just lump me into the \"anxiety\" category but I KNOW it is not anxiety. If you knew me and my lifestyle you could see that.\r\nIt cones and goes. sometimes it occurs more often than others & there are some periods where I will not have an episode for months.\r\nBut when they do happen ot is exactly S you have described. A sort of \"rush\", dizziness, head feels weird.... Then go to relieve yourself with a bowl movement, then about 15min. later the \"weird feeling\" goes away. Need to lay down & rest due to no energy after that point. Then a couple hours later back up & around like normal. These is life debilitating and I know it has to do with the digestive tract somehow but Dr.'s can find nothing. I have found that regulating my diet has helped a bit. I shure would love to know what this is and how to make it stop..!" ], "date": [ "2022-04-24T17:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rubidium41260-1424863" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I can relate to this and I still have no answers. I experience dizziness and it then subsides after I have a poop. I once asked a health care professional who said there's no correlation. I don't know if there is a blockage somewhere but I am worried about this. Does anyone have answers?" ], "date": [ "2023-03-10T11:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bizzylizzy85-988858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "this has been happening for a few years. the EXACT SAME THING. no one seems to understand how scary and frustrating it is to go through it. have you heard anything or found a solution?" ], "date": [ "2023-03-10T11:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris46838-1457288" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am happy to have found this thread and see people who are experiencing something similar to me. I have been having symptoms for about 8 months now. I sometimes feel like I'm going to pass out, but the symptoms seem to subside after a bowel movement. I go days with abnormal bowel movements, mainly diarrhea. I have also experienced dizziness and lightheadedness, but less vertigo and more of a floating feeling, as i have seen someone else describe it in this thread. I was treated for vestibular migraines (silent migraines). The migraine medicine seems to have helped the dizziness, but i still get the weakness and faint feeling, often accompanied by irregular bowel movements. Has anyone received a diagnosis for similar symptoms? My doctor doesn't seem to take me seriously or thinks I am just anxious. I didn't have anxiety until these symptoms showed up. Thanks for the support and info I've already read on here! " ], "date": [ "2023-03-10T11:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma75299-1458459" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all,\r\nI have been having dizzy episodes since April last year, they are the scariest thing. The first time it happened I had just eaten gone upstairs and sat on the bed and all of a sudden the dizziness was so intense, my ears were ringing a little I call my SO and he called a medical professional, they said go to the hospital. Then in the middle of my panic and really thinking I was going to faint (or worse) I thought, I think I need to poop, after I pooped I felt okay for about half hour then I started feeling faint and dizzy again and again after a while needed to poop. This went on literally all night. I have had bloods done which show nothing. I feel so scared when it happens. I had a couple of months with no symptoms but this week its been back 10 fold. It has been happening every day and I feel sick, nauseous, dizzy and absolutely no energy. I am so glad I found this forum, I thought it was just me and that I was alone. I will post if I get any answers and will continue to read to see if anyone else has some helpful advice. Thank you for listening!!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-10T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela1999-1013019" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela1999-1013019" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello, those drinks are bad, they made me sick too, it&#39;s one of the ingredients in them, look at the ingredients, it&#39;s called celiane or something I forgot how to spell it, the nutritionists at UCLA told me about it, she said drink ensure juice boxes instead.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T16:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi. I just discovered this thread because I was doing a search on the same topic. I, literally, just had the same thing happen to me and it has happened several times before. I was feeling fine, although my appetite has been weird off and on, but, I drank one of those equate chocolate nutritional shakes (kinda like chocolate milk). Right after that, I started feeling really nauseous. I ended up having to go to the bathroom(#2) and was feeling even more nauseous during that. After I was done, I took a motion sickness pill to help with the nausea and did some laps back and forth in the hall to relieve some anxiety. I&#39;ve had this happen many times before. I am on meds for anxiety and I have a horrible fear of vomiting (emetophobia) so it&#39;s an awful feeling because the nausea causes anxiety and then the anxiety causes more nausea as well as getting really hot, sweats, racing hurt, etc. Just trying to figure out why that drink made me feel sick and why having to go to the bathroom causes anxiety and nausea sometimes. I can drink that shake other times and feel fine. Also, sometimes I can think about eating certain foods and it makes me feel nauseous...like eggs for example. Weird&#128533;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-21T06:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamiedematt-1024566" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamiedematt-1024566" ], "content": [ "<p>My GI doctor and Neurologist say it&#39;s nerve related... I recently have it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T16:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi.  Can you tell me if you ever had this issue diagnosed?  I am having similar issues and my doctors have found nothing.  I am just curious.\r\n\r\nThank you" ], "date": [ "2017-02-20T21:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bigdog-1028094" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Firstly thanks to everyone for their posts. It really is quite soothing to hear that so many people have virtually same thing as me. </p><p></p><p>FYI: I used to get severe panic attacks. I mean &quot;call the ambulance I&#39;m friggin dying&quot;. This happened to me after I put my self through hell. I say put myself because I think had a taken a different approach I would have been a lot better able to take on the issues at the time. The weirdest thing at first was accepting that the issues were not physical but only mental. That alone was a massive hurdle. Once I accepted that - I started training again and got myself into pristine physical condition. I was an animal - I ran 5kms every morning. Whether it was raining or not. Freezing or not (too crazy for some). Within 6 months I had lost my 20kgs of flab and 3 months after that I have a very defined 6 pack. I don&#39;t know if the anguish and pushing and effort that I put in is what made the anxiety go away - or if it was simply the fact that I was doing something positive for myself - but it went away. I went from feeling like I couldn&#39;t breathe and having heartbattacks to feeling like I was 18 and on top do the world. This was at 32 yo. </p><p></p><p>I&#39;m now 35, landed a high pressure job, got engaged, bought a house, got married, had a few nagging issues and got a moderate case of vitiligo as a result which all caused me to put the weight on again and get the feelings people are describing above: random litttle episodes throughout the day, dizzy (usually before toilet but not always) feeling weak. </p><p></p><p>Trust me people - it&#39;s just deeper issues that have been left untreated. These make your body give you signs that stuff needs to change. It almost always is for the better. </p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve started now again - 4 weeks in actually - to eat right and move around a lot more. Being outside (sun) and exercise gives you a lot of good chemicals and let&#39;s your body do a lot of the good things it might not get to do with its current lifestyle. Everything from going to the toilet properly to breathing comfortably. Sometimes even pushing through what you think is too hard - lets you build up trust with your body again. </p><p></p><p>Keep working at it people - I&#39;m beginning my journey again- see you on the other side!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-02T00:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi, yes I have been experiencing nausea and dizziness before bowel movements. My GI doctor says it&#39;s nerve related, our nerves in the brain and bowels go hand n hand. Plus I have a GI condition. Do you still experience this?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T16:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sirsandman-1125498" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes. This happens to me all the time, add since I was 18. I would have got flash then straight to sweat as I lay on the floor. It comes in waves. And usually ends in movement. As I&#39;ve gotten older I am finding triggers. I&#39;ve had everything done with no big findings but ibs and lactose intolerant</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T11:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa46158-1131443" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nina35294-1210425" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa46158-1131443" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Melissa</p><p>Have your dr check for thyroid antibodies, I believe it is called Tpo and TSI , its blood work to check for autoimmune immune thyroid disease. &#160;These diseases can cause rapid weight loss if its Graves disease or Hyperthyroidism.</p><p></p><p>Also make sure to take Magnesium, food based supplement is better it helps with breathing and anxiety too.</p><p>Buy yourself a good Raw , Whole Food multimineral/ multivitamin as our body goes out of whack if we don’t supply our body with them properly.</p><p>Check your Vitamin D level too as this is usually low in many of us, &#160;you can try buying some at [b]Vitamin Shoppe[/b] or Fruitful yield. &#160;</p><p></p><p>Hope this helps, Blessings and stay positive &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-04T19:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I don’t know what’s going on to me I need help because I was doing this one job for 5 months I just had quit because I got sick on the job I was losing a lot a weight fast always weak it does not go away then when I have to go to the bath room I’m  dizzy my head hurts my  stomach hurts hard to breathe that’s what I feel like when I got to go to the bathroom then all Thur the day I lay down cause I’m so weak if I try to do a lot I will pass out and when I go to the doctors they check my blood and they say they don’t know what’s wrong with me and I have to always try hard to breathe my name is Melissa I’m 20 years old I don’t know what’s going on but I’m scared because passing out blacking out and seeing weird things while it happening " ], "date": [ "2017-12-16T15:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mason24070-1176355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suvadip-742968" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mason24070-1176355" ], "content": [ "<p>If you don&#39;t have anything related to acidity or gastroenteritis, go to doctor asap.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-30T15:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have been getting dizzy spells for the last 3 hours...then i went to use the bathroom and it was gone for about 12 mins...btu now its back" ], "date": [ "2018-04-30T12:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chanut-1248538" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "As a 75 year old male it is alarming to find no one seems to know what the answer is. Nothing is wore or more humiliating than falling down in a toilet just to get the cold floor next to your face and finding you have defecated into your clothes. Worse still someone has to help clean you up. I used to go to parties and would be an ice breaker but now I hide away; I was young then. A recent visit to a local hospital telling doctors what would happen asking to be put in a toilet so that the waste could be washed away; no one listen (to what I was telling them) and when the event happened again I was called disgusting and a dirty old man. Doctors and nurses seem to walk around with make up on and doctors prance around with a knowing every thing but fail to understand no one knows it all. But what I do know is in my case my neck was not broken in a car accident but stretched almost straight. This stopped the flow of blood to the brain and caused a vertigo effect. Dropping to the floor vomiting relieved the pressure; may have been the ride to hospital in the back of a ambulance type the smaller ones. Every one was bounced over every pothole in the road. However when you cannot vomit because you have dry reached for over 4 hours the only other place that can relive the pressure I dont have to paint the picture. 100 mg of asprin helped taken daily releave that, works for me most times. In conclusion real nurses are angels, real doctors are great people all the rest riff raf in-between and should look elsewhere. " ], "date": [ "2019-06-08T09:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie07081-1249490" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamiedematt-1024566" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie07081-1249490" ], "content": [ "I also have chronic neck pain and issues. I wonder if my nerves are acting up as well. Dr's are no help anymore. They seem to just treat symptoms and never try to figure out the cause. It's a shame" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamiedematt-1024566" ], "content": [ "Have you have an MRI of you cervical spine? If not see a spine dr.. I just went through this, I have arthritis, bulging discs in the neck/cervical spine, but no nerve impingement. So I saw a vascular surgeon on the recommendation of my spine dr., he said I could have arteries that may be pinched. Well, I saw that dr, this week and I had a carotid artery ultrasound and all is good, so I'm back to square one. Im going to see my neurologist next week," ], "date": [ "2020-08-21T16:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've had these issues right before and since neck surgery but none if the doctors I've seen really have any answers. It seems like when there is a nerve being triggered in my colon or something. I'll\r\njust be doing my daily routine and it comes on suddenly. Occasionally the world starts spinning and I have to carefully get to the restroom to throw up. Very frustrating!" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/etoile-belle-940386" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luisito420-940729" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/etoile-belle-940386" ], "content": [ "Yes me too i get realy cold and scared but i loose all my streight and my legs get all shake i feel like passing out" ], "date": [ "2016-05-09T05:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Omg i thought i'm the only one who experiencing the same symptoms! it sucks so bad, i thought im having a panic attack or highblood I'll get so dizzy,cold hand and cold feet then i need to rush in the toilet, after i empty ,i started to feel normal again...and this only happened at late afternoon" ], "date": [ "2016-05-07T10:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luisito420-940729" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "wow just the way i feel please update your stats if possible i just started to feel this way landed in the er and done a bunch of test but found nothing so far im going to fall in to depression if i dont fix or find out whats wrong whit me " ], "date": [ "2016-05-09T05:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaff80-949025" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I definitely feel nauseous before a bowel movement. It's awful because my anxiety is connected to emetophobia so usually triggers a panic attack! :(" ], "date": [ "2016-06-09T15:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suvadip-742968" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi!\r\nPlease check your Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D level. \r\nI am being diagnosed for these deficiencies and having all these symptoms we all are discussing here.\r\nTake care." ], "date": [ "2016-07-15T03:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rima1223-959601" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rima1223-959601" ], "content": [ "Yes the vagus nerve in the brain, the gut and brain go hand n hand.. I have the same issue." ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T16:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I also get lightheaded before a bowl movement almost every time and it&#39;s awful. I also get shaky and anxious and dizziness. Seen a GI doc a few years ago and he said could be from my Vagus nerve. Not much I can do about that but I do know I can&#39;t libe like this!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-19T07:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debora95867-964896" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/debora95867-964896" ], "content": [ "<p>It&#39;s the Vagus nerve in the brain...</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-02T16:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I really thought I was the only person they goes threw this.. Shewww ,lol but I get dizzy sometimes my heart papatates but not to much..\r\n I feel like I want to pass out and even get weak. Then a lit while after I have a moment I feel so much better.. But this is causing me to have panic attacks with I do suffer from once in a while... Does anyone know what this is are what causes it \r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-08-06T03:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/makis24533-955366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/makis24533-955366" ], "content": [ "Both of the Rx are not good after long term use." ], "date": [ "2017-08-21T16:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there, \r\n\r\nI suffered from faintness, cold sweat and occasionally nausea followed by bowel movement, for 5 years now, while the last couple of years the situation got so worse that my social life was affected. \r\nMany visits to all kinds of doctors, many tests, no finds. Most of the times I was advised to visit a neurologist. \r\nWell, I had a breakthrough and I want to share it with you. \r\nThree weeks ago I visited another gastrointestinal doctor who prescribed:\r\n\r\n1)one tablet pantoprazole 40mg every morning 30 minutes before eating, taken for 2 weeks\r\n\r\n2)one tablet diazepam+clidinium bromide (2mg+2.5mg) morning and one tablet night, 30 minutes before eating. \r\n\r\nThe change was immediate! During these 20 days, I have found myself again. My energy is back. No fainting spells followed by bowel movements. \r\nI know it maybe too soon to tell, but my problem was so frequent and I was feeling soooooo bad, that the change is overwhelming! \r\n\r\nHope this may help. \r\n\r\nAll the best\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-09-04T18:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bozbon-977298" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Carl36762</p><p></p><p>I have just came acroos your post after I have started searching for answers myself as I to have this problem and have had it now for a few years. In my case it seem to have started after I got very ill a few years ago and the Doctors diagnosed me with CFS and a possible Autoimmune disease. I have slowly gotten better over the last 3 years, but I to still have a few ongoing issues and this problem is one of them sometimes it even feels like i&#39;m going to pass out. But the same as you after I go I start to feel better..As this is an old post just wondering if you have found any answers..</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-18T05:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "When pushing you lower your blood pressure. Do you have blood pressure issues at all? Low or high. It is actually a way to lower it and lower palpatations oddly." ], "date": [ "2016-11-17T03:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian72244-998433" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>If you are still suffering with any symptoms and the doctor as done all the checks. Like everything you are describing is exactly what I went through and after a long time I then was diagnosed with a sort of anxiety and panic attacks witch are very bad of left untreated but it&#39;s very treatable </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-01T22:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/spook81-1002087" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I know your pain.</p><p>I have suffered with panic and anxiety for a few years now and have been on some meds with some cbt for it and it has pretty much killed random panic attacks dead which is great.</p><p>However now that the constant attacks are over I have noticed that I still get random panic feeling pre certain type of bowel movement, also pre vomiting often for no reason.</p><p>I have no problem believing that my anxiety has a root cause and has been at least been sort of dealt with.</p><p>I am 35 years old and one of the tests my doctor did was hormonal anxiety in your 30&#39;s can be a sign that you are peri menopausal it can be triggers just by being a bit older and a drop in your hormones.</p><p>My hormones came back normal but they said that because they had nothing to compare it with they could have dropped still within normal range but less for me if you see what I mean.</p><p>For me right now I am starting to wonder if it is a chicken or the egg type thing.</p><p>Do I get panic and then bad tummy or do I have a bad tummy then anxiety.</p><p>So many studies are showing the brain and the bowels are linked more than we knew, so much so they are starting to call the intestines the second brain.</p><p>My mum suffered from ibs for years and years and I have always struggled since teenage years with issues, all my tests for thyroid, diabetes etc have come back clear for years.</p><p>So this long rambling post is basically me saying I have no idea but I think the gut and brain are so linked that an imbalance in one causes the other to mess up.</p><p>Also I am epileptic and on long term meds for it so...wtf knows <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-15T09:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline67281-593150" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yeah, I've been feeling this way for like two weeks, it was horrible. I told a friend who's about to become a doctor, and she told me she thought those are the symptoms of a panic attack or just anxiety, a lot of anxiety. She told me I was probably repressing pain of some sort. Her theory was that I felt better after I pooped because the nervous system is divided in two: parasympathic and sympathic. One of the two regulates emotions and the other one the general working of the organs. And when you poop the nervous system in control of the intestine and other organs starts working, but when you are not eating or pooping, the other nervous system takes control and your emotions are in control of you. She told me to let go whatever was worrying me. And she was right. \r\nNormally whenever something afflicts me I cry and talk to people about it. But this time I was on holidays when I received really bad news about a subject in college. So I pretended everything was fine and that was when the symptoms started. Yesterday I cried all morning about it and told my father (which was the really big issue, because he pushes me really hard and I was so afraid of disappointing him) and I instantly felt better. Today I feel amazing and the dizziness has evaporated. I just thought I'd tell this to you guys, maybe it helps you to know it might be psychological. In my case it would have never occurred to me it was psychological and not physiological." ], "date": [ "2015-01-30T15:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephx-445956" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have this too I thought I was the only one ! I love this forum so much because everybody has the same symtoms it's extremely crazy especially when you dernt speak up about things like this to find other people have it too I also get weak fuzzy legs x" ], "date": [ "2022-03-09T21:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/punkis94-697773" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheikb24-994257" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/punkis94-697773" ], "content": [ "Did the cortisol work for you?" ], "date": [ "2016-11-17T03:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This is great, I am so happy for this forum! I also felt very alone with this issue! :)\r\n\r\nI had this very similar symptoms also: I feel very dizzy and fainting and when that happens my heart beat is a bit slower (felt like low blood pressure) and when it passes it goes faster (felt like high BP), I got very scared the first times this happened, I knew it couldn´t be a pregnancy related thing (never been through pregnancy), so all other options were negative and ver frightening because all I could think of first was a heart related issue.\r\n\r\nThen I start reading, also because the doctors I saw didn´t really knew what was going on. This was on and off since last Oct., there were months when I didn´t fell it at all and others when it was very hard: Never daily but maybe up to 5 fainting like spells and rapid beating in an afternoon (the worse one on Nov 9, my birthday :S ). I decided then to see a cardiologist; he says my heart is OK, and it´s being a vbictim of something else. He wanted to rule out a GI thing first and gave mi Omeoprazol and Metoprolol. Metoprolo has worked for my heart, now I do fell very dizzy but my heart is rather normal like (but I have gain weight and I can barely concentrate)\r\n\r\nAnd that´s another thing, I feel tired all the time, sleepy and when I wake up I feel still very tired or with a slight headache that stays the whole day, I have recently find out that is not actually normal, but had that since I can remember is just that I feel now its worse, i really don´t feel like resting at all, and of course is very frustrating. I take iron and vitamis supplements, I´m not actually sure they work.\r\n\r\nThen I went to an endocrinologist and turns out the only thing out of place is that I have very low cortisol level and that can cause dizziness, but I surf the internet very often and I can seem to find a relation between the fainting like and the sudden urge to pee or poop; for me is with both but and it is not every time, I mean, I there are entire days when I can go to the bathroom very normally an in schedule, but then during the late afternoon or midd morning I would have this heavy dizziness; and the worse is: it waked me up at night!!! I was never the kind of person who would wake up in the middle of the night (at least consiously) at all, and now I wake up sometimes with the urge to pee, then pee and then lay down and I start feeling that heavy dizzyness again (I imagine it happen a first time when I was sleeping and then I only feel this secuels)\r\n\r\nI have been on cortisol only two days and really look forward any improvement... I don´t know what to do, if you have any ideas, suggestions or contribution I would gladly appreciate it (I will definetly try what the girl´s Dr. frien advice her to do, we all have stress and sometimes it just goes over the top) Thanks in advance for any kind of info. Hope we all feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2015-04-23T05:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suvadip-742968" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephx-445956" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/suvadip-742968" ], "content": [ "Suvadip I get all of the above you mentioned I have only just come to the conclusion it's anxiety and acidity mixed im on no medication for either but been battling both very severe for a year now I have just been sicky from acid right now it's amazing that this post came up when I was on here looking for the same thing the feeling in throat is definitely a reflux thing which anxiety then makes it worse x" ], "date": [ "2015-05-27T15:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kay01410-934134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/suvadip-742968" ], "content": [ "I'm having those symptoms now, did you find out the cause?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-10T04:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am having the same problems as you people and it has been 5 months now. \r\nAlso I've been getting spells of dizziness with verry little headache. Sometimes I have too much burping and feels shakey. Sometimes I feel a lump in my throat because of excessive burping.  Also I felt the ringing ear effect and slight pressure feeling in the head.\r\nThough I am not taking any proper medicine but I am too worried about my health. \r\n\r\nDont really know what to do ... Is this all anxiety problem?\r\nIt it acidity problem?\r\n\r\nHave you got any solution?\r\n\r\n​Please do reply." ], "date": [ "2015-05-27T14:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa03041-744763" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas91495-907166" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa03041-744763" ], "content": [ "Vitaminn D .lots of water and a regular digestion helped me feel my self again." ], "date": [ "2015-11-14T21:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sam30949-1000472" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa03041-744763" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello Teresa,</p><p>Reading your post here, made me feel much better.... Thank you, for sharing with us here! I too, have (no Gall bladder) and feel amazing most days. I have to add that I have been doing the Paleo lifestyle now for over a year.... and feeling more than AMAZING everyday. I do believe these moments are indeed related to major stress and nothing more. I will share with you my experience yesterday. I&#39;ve had a lot of &quot;family&quot; stress lately and not able to escape its feeling over me, its really hard when its someone you love. Anyway - yesterday I was out shopping for Christmas &amp; I was feeling great, but I needed to potty and I found a bathroom quick! Before I got there, I started feeling dizzy &amp; faint, weak &amp; very HoT a super flush of heat over took me. I stripped off my clothes and sat down in only my bra. I was sweaty, weak and then, right after I got cold and felt normal. I finished my moment, got dressed, wash my hands put back on my gloves &amp; left the store. When I got to my car, I sat there in shock?? I had to strip my clothes off??? I&#39;d never gotten that Hot before?? I had some Water in the car and within a few mintues I felt like myself again. It was the strangest potty moment I&#39;d ever had &amp; I was very weird at the time. Like I said, I&#39;ve been doing the Paleo lifestyle &amp; normally feel amazing all the time. I do believe it was the added stress &amp; the fact I hadn&#39;t gone to the bathroom in a couple of days. Maybe it was pushing on the nerves like the Dr. friend said in the post above. I hope this helps you Teresa, you are not alone &amp; it seems I am not either. Sam</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-02-05T14:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan91113-1009900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa03041-744763" ], "content": [ "<p>If you can&#39;t go to the doctord for something try saint johns wort. It acts like an antidepressant but make sure you can take it if you are on other pills. and chamomile teas calms the stomach down.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-11T21:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jesse30068-1269030" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa03041-744763" ], "content": [ "Hi, I also suffer from these same symptoms and yes, anxiety and panic attacks can be a tremendous burden on those who have them and those who are in their every day lives. I have been having them for years now. My SO is getting about as tired of hearing about it as I am experiencing them.. They affect me at all times of the day, at work, at home, while driving.. I'm still searching for answers and am very happy in a selfish way to see so mainly others with the same concerns and issues. you know what they say, \"misery loves company!\" All joking aside, I hope you have found a cure for your ailments or at least a way to cope with them. \r\nI have found that meditation has helped me learn to clear my mind easier when it all becomes too overwhelming. Stretching also helps to relieve stress in my neck and shoulders when the anxiety starts to build, causing me to yawn which also releases stress. I wish you well and hope you feel better!😊" ], "date": [ "2019-09-25T19:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie07081-1249490" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jesse30068-1269030" ], "content": [ "I just saw a neurologist in Omaha and was surprised to find out that these symptoms describe a condition called Vestibular Migraines, which many times aren't accompanied by the headache. He put me on a beta blocker and already having way less episodes. PLEASE look it up, it could be your problems too." ], "date": [ "2019-09-26T23:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa03041-744763" ], "content": [ "Hi there\r\nI had to check to see if maybe I had written the post, I have the same exact symptoms. I know this post is ancient but if you are still around can you tell me how you're doing these days? did you ever find a solution?" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T10:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa03041-744763" ], "content": [ "I have the exact same symptoms. Did you ever find out anything that helps with this? thanks x" ], "date": [ "2021-02-05T14:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I sometimes too have many of the symptoms mentioned here. Just got past an episode a while ago. Started suddenly feeling dizzy, strange pain in the middle of the upper part of my stomach just below my breast into my back (I have no gall bladder), vision started fading, sweating and nauseous. I usually feel quite hungry before this happens so I try to eat thinking my blood sugar is getting too low then the need to go to the bathroom hits. Start feeling better 10-15 mins later.\r\n\r\nI also have bouts of terrible anxiety quite often and am prone to panic attacks occasionally. This is all very scary and makes me terribly worried. I haven't seen a doctor as of yet since I have no insurance right now but the stress from these episodes only makes the anxiety even worse. There's never any warning and have been lucky this has happened at work yet because I feel so weak and bad when this happens I could never stay at work. Is anxiety truly that powerful that it can cause such debilitating symptoms? It's starting to affect every aspect of my life and it's getting depressing." ], "date": [ "2021-02-05T14:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sukiyaki-745042" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa03041-744763" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sukiyaki-745042" ], "content": [ "Yes I've experienced that feeling of alnost fainting as well. When I get overly stressed at work and start feeling like this it usually indicates I'm close to having a panic attack. The panic attacks for me seem to be triggered by excessive heat (I am a hostess in a restaurant) and getting really upset or angry. The only saving grace is to go stand in the walk in freezer and breathe deeply and evenly. Within just 2-3 mins my symptoms will start to subside.\r\nIt's so strange but it works for me. Even though I don't feel great at least I can carry on through my shift. Stupid as it sounds I've actually stuck my head in the freezer at home, although I'd never admit to that in a court of law! Goes to show how far we'll go to get relief regardless of the ridiculousness. \r\n\r\nWishing you much luck!\r\nTeresa" ], "date": [ "2015-06-05T05:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the same dilemma as yours, just this morning i had this bout of dizziness, as in nearly fainting spell. ive experience this twice already\r\n " ], "date": [ "2015-06-05T04:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daisy32012-746352" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/antonia26907-1359646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daisy32012-746352" ], "content": [ "have you gotten any results" ], "date": [ "2021-02-23T00:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello i have been having similar symptoms for 5 months. I know anxiety plays a big factor but anxiety can be caused by many things in the body not just stress. For example hyperthyroidism can cause anxiety as well as other symptons. I have gotten checked for everything blood work. xrays on my stomach, had my gallbladder removed, and now im waiting to see an endocrinologist to see if it can be anything like thyroid problems because i tested positive for hyperthyroidism once but then it came normal the second time there is also lots of auto immune diseases like crohns disease that can cause these things. Make sure you have gotten checked for EVERYTHING that can cause these symptons. Our health is very important im going on 5 months almost 6 ttyingtrying to figure out whats going on with me. And my symptoms started with anxiety, GI issues, dizziness to near fainting, cramping and diarrhea, extremely bloated, burping, chest pain, upper back pain. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-23T00:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bensley1-776745" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello all,\r\nI have read many of your posts, and I really sympathize with you all. Of course it is best to get all concerns checked by your provider, but it sounds to me like many of the symptoms you are experiencing are anxiety realted or anxiety induced. Anxiety is a wicked thing! It comes in many forms- some physical, and some mental. One exacerbates the other- it is like a dreadful cycle. If you can get to the bottom of your anxieties- no shame in therapy- and solve whatever is worrying you, I bet many (if not all) of your physical symptoms will subside. Be gentle on yourself- treat yourself like a growing flower. Breathe deeply- make a conscious effort to lie down and listen to your breathing. Acknowledge your feelings- they are real- then let them go. Best of luck to all. Wendy.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2021-02-23T00:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/spotham-840070" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi carl,\r\n\r\ni too have similar problem, i was diagnosied with IBS in 2006 since then i have been having digestion problem. My expired last month and since then i have started facing this problem. can any one advice how to get rid of this.\r\n\r\nthanks in advance" ], "date": [ "2015-07-31T16:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fresia97-899470" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everyone,\r\ni came onto the web looking for answers too. Thank you for sharing on here as it has helped me. I too have suffered these symptoms on and off for years, had test, etc done all good. It does get frustrating as it stops me in my tracks. But i read what bensley1 wrote and agree, have been meaning to do some deep breathing amd meditation. A good massage the other day helped to release some of the feelings that were stuck inside me. I will be following this post now, so will check in from time to time. I will try and put my progress updates on here for you, and it has given me hope as i hope it does to you too. That we can find a way to manage and conquer! Lol. Good luck everyone. F" ], "date": [ "2015-10-01T22:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maureen2015-697819" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kay01410-934134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maureen2015-697819" ], "content": [ "Yep, this is my current issue, have found any reasons yet?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-10T04:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rima1223-959601" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maureen2015-697819" ], "content": [ "<p>I have been to a GI Specialist for this problem. I have similar symptoms as u do. I start to feel lightheaded 1st and it feels like my blood pressure drops too then within 5 mind or so I have to go #2. Sometimes I get shaky to but not always. I usually feel better about 30 mins after I go to the bathroom. My GI Dr said it&#39;s most likely due to the Vagas nerve. Its more of an annoyance than it is dangerous cuz in some of the more sever cases ppl pass out and hit their head b4 a bowel movemovement or while pushing. I don&#39;t get dizzy every time I go but it happens often enough and I dread it. My General Dr&#39;s explanation is that when your body is getting ready to have a bowel movement all the blood rushes to your stomach and away from your head which causes the dizziness. Both Dr&#39;s make sense and said if it gets bad enough to tolerate they can implant a pacemaker. I&#39;m not there yet and hope I never will be but I have to say it is comforting to know that I&#39;m not suffering alone!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-06T07:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I also feel dizzy, sometimes nauseous and my ears tingle before a bowel movement. It starts by my feeling light headed and about 10 minutes later I realise I need to go to the loo. My head also feels hot.\r\n\r\nI do suffer with ulcerative colitis but have been in remission for a few years. The light headedness started about five weeks ago. It is not anxiety or panic attacks - my life has been very humdrum for the last few weeks, no excitement or bad news etc\r\n\r\nHas anyone who has been to their doctor received a diagnosis or treatment?" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T11:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/snakebyte1-913702" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " Like many others posting in response, I have had this condition for as long as I can remember. It seems to be quite common. We also lose electrolytes in the evacuation process, so its good to have something like Gatorade on hand to help recover faster. I had panic attacks for years, irritable bowel from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, etc. Yes... our bowels and emotions seem to have a strong relationship. But, as unsettling as it feels, as long as you aren't passing out, there probably isn't much to worry about." ], "date": [ "2015-12-24T02:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karen62957-918447" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kay01410-934134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/karen62957-918447" ], "content": [ "Yep, me as well...." ], "date": [ "2016-06-11T16:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I often feel dizzy and slightly nauseous around 2-4 a.m.  After I defecate several hours later I feel fine.  I also have a condition called sighing respirations in which I feel like I cannot fill my lungs completely when taking a deep breath.  If I focus on my breathing I get scared that I will not be able to get enough oxygen." ], "date": [ "2016-01-19T05:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/apollo47522-937744" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lroses-949493" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/apollo47522-937744" ], "content": [ "I'm not a doctor, but I've been suffering with almost the same set of physical circumstances for years. If you look up Defecation Syncope, Vasovagal Syncope, and Pre-Syncope, you'll probably find that many of the symptoms are the same as most of what you're all experiencing. For some reason that I can't find the exact mechanism behind online, both having and having to HAVE a bowel movement triggers a vasovagal response in some people. Go us!\r\n\r\nMultiple times a month, I experience pre-syncope (meaning \"you're probably about to faint\") with light-headedness, dizziness, palpitations, very rapid heart beat, full-body cold sweating (drenching, even), feeling unusually warm, emotionally feeling as though something is very wrong, increased salivation, and sometimes nausea and tunnel vision before a bowel movement. It tends to happen more often when I'm about an hour and a half into sleep, and I wake up and descend into a panic and a bowel that needs to be emptied within a matter of minutes. \r\n\r\nTwo things help relieve the symptoms. The first, which many of you have noted, is by passing the bowel movement. The second, which I came by through an obscure post one night, is by putting both legs and arms up into the air for at least five minutes. Usually I know when to stop because I can feel my heart rate and beat mostly return to normal, the sweating stops, the anxiety symptoms abate, the dizziness is mostly gone. \r\n\r\nPutting your arms and legs up usually helps because it flushes blood from your extremities back into your core. Thus, more blood is available to be pumped back into your brain. The temporary loss of blood supply to the head is what causes these yucky symptoms.\r\n\r\nI may look pretty stupid while laying on the ground with my arms and legs up, but the relief I feel when my heart gradually stops pummeling in my chest and I can get up and pass my BM without being dizzy and risk passing out is worth it.\r\n\r\nTbh I haven't yet come across \"a cure\" for defecation syncope and pre-syncope, but hopefully the maneuver I described above can help at least a few people out.\r\n\r\nTake care!" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T11:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kay01410-934134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lroses-949493" ], "content": [ "Wow, this is so me!! I will try it next time, thanks for info!" ], "date": [ "2016-06-11T16:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle96301-994323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lroses-949493" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for sharing! I just had this same issue 20 minutes ago. I will try your suggestion &amp; read more into defecation syncope. Im glad to see im not the only one suffering with this. It does suck i was woken up by this. Now to have to force myself back to sleep. </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-17T09:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wallisar-1042217" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lroses-949493" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for this! I suffer from vasovagal syncope related fainting spells\\ seizures and anxiety. I&#39;ve fainted from drying my hair, drinking diet soda, drinking ice tea, hitting my funny bone, and most lately from a kidney stone. Recently, I have started to experience dizziness, nausea, shaking, accompanied by anxiety before bowel movements. I&#39;ve never associated these feelings with my vasovagal syncope experiences before! I&#39;m still somewhat at a loss of what to do about it all but I think I need to work on improving my diet and include probiotics and digestive enzymes. Well see if starting to try to cure my gut helps. Thank you!</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T11:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/apollo47522-937744" ], "content": [ "I know this is an old post but I have 100% exactly the same symptoms as you, even the same problems at work. Did you ever find the cause or solution? I desperately need help. Thanks x" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T11:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wallisar-1042217" ], "content": [ "Same here? any suggestions? Thnks x" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T11:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/apollo47522-937744" ], "content": [ "apollo I have the EXACT same symptoms as you, even the timing...10 minutes before, during and 30 mins after. Did you get any further with your investigations? thanks x" ], "date": [ "2021-02-06T07:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lroses-949493" ], "content": [ "thank you for that information, I have the same symptoms as you, I have even been given bisoprolol for my heart as the palpitations were getting so bad I had to go to a&e loads of times. any more news on all this? much appreciated x" ], "date": [ "2021-02-06T07:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/apollo47522-937744" ], "content": [ "Hello, I have the same symptoms word for word. Did you ever find out what your problem is? Thanks" ], "date": [ "2022-01-15T19:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have had the same symptoms highlighted here for almost 3 years, although this year has been the worst of all. I decided to google since of all the doctors I have consulted, none has so far been able to put a finger on what's going on. I must say its a relief to discover upon googling, that am not the only one undergoing the same, at some point I had thought I was all alone in this unexplainable suffering.\r\n\r\nI get all dizzy, nauseous, palpitate, hyperventilate some 10minutes prior, during and almost 30minutes after a BM. Done numerous blood tests of which all came out showing am ok. The worst bit is that you yourself know that you are not ok. It has really affected me at my workplace because at times it comes when am on duty and the alarming frequency of it has now put me on eggshells with my bosses. Am now actually looking at having my services \"no longer required on medical grounds\".\r\n\r\nI plan to do an OGD/Colonoscopy in a few days time just to check whether that may shed some light on this mystery.\r\n\r\nI hope we can all get a solution to this suffering.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-02-23T00:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chanut-1248538" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was told to take 100 mg Asprin daily and this would enable the blood flow to the brain and stop the vertigo incidents. It has worked but if I lay off the Asprin then it can along with any virus cold etc it can produce what happened the other day. It is a terrible feeling because almost no one talks about it but over the past few days relating what happened to me everyone knew about Vertigo. " ], "date": [ "2019-06-14T00:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe65896-1252658" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe65896-1252658" ], "content": [ "Hello, exactly the same here, I have also narrowed it down to when poop is moving through colon but no idea what to do about it, it's certainly extremely limiting as I sometimes can poop up to 6 times a day :(" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Wow. I have had this problem for a few months now. Same thing. I have narrowed it down to when poop is moving through my colon, it causes me to be very dizzy and suddenly very anxious. Like I'm about to have a panic attack. I go to the bathroom almost immediately after and BOOM it all goes away. Until tomorrow when it happens all over again! I was diagnosed with IBS and recently found out I had an alpha Gal allergy. I suspect it has something to do with my colon just being very pressure sensitive. My doc has run every test under the sun and said I'm fine." ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anthony18854-1267767" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am a 43 year old male and I have been getting the same symptoms for the last few weeks. \r\nTingling especially in my leg and buttocks before a bowel movement. \r\nI have a compressed nerve at C5/C6 which creates havoc so maybe this is related\r\nEither way an awful feeling especially when the Anxiety dragon rears it's ugly head. \r\nHope you manage to get this sorted. " ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "YES! I do, its because if stimulating the VAGUS NERVE and causing Vagal Syncope. You probably already know this since your post id 5 years old. i simply hate the feeling. " ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, I get dizzy and nauseated before a bowel movement, it is scary. None if my doctors including my neurologists have answered this." ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, i have this just about everyday, and no doctors can give me an answer, im guessing its Vasovagal." ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gmhendley-1334249" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gmhendley-1334249" ], "content": [ "Hello, and did he suggest what can be done about it? Thanks x" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the exact same issue. The doctors were not able to give me a good reason for it but when I visited a naturopath they said that when my feces gets to a point in my colon where there is some sort of poison or bacteria, that is when I feel faint. so when it comes out I start to feel better. I don't know if that's true but it makes sense" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gmhendley-1334249" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I I have the exact same issue. my doctor had no idea of what was going on but a naturopath told me that when my feces reached a certain part of my colon apparently there is some poison or bacteria in one area and as soon as it passes that area, that's when I feel better. I will go through months of that and then all of a sudden it stops" ], "date": [ "2020-10-26T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/antonia26907-1359646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello i have been having dizziness and nausea feeling it would happen mostly at night... i feel like i'm about to pass out and l'm scared.... i get a neck pain also... this feeling would last a few minutes or sometime hours.... i have been to the ER so many times: blood work, xrays ct scan ekg and they cant find anything wrong " ], "date": [ "2021-02-22T23:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trajce54169-1398811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trajce54169-1398811" ], "content": [ "Hi there, \r\nThose are the symptoms I get just before a bowel movement. It's ho-rri-ble!!" ], "date": [ "2021-09-30T15:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trajce54169-1398811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "how often you get them?1 year ago was one or twice per month but now I get them everyday.I make test about pancreas and everything is perfect. heart test,neurological teat,ent,gi test everything perfect. But when I got episodes I need to eat a lot and when I have defecation I'm better.I can't live like these anymore.I visited 10 doc no answer.They assure me that I have panic disorder.Drugs about panic disorder doesn't help me.I think we all here have some unknown diasese.I was praying that helycobacter is the reason for this but now I'm 10 day on therapy and 0% improvment.During episode I perfrom blood.test with thyroid,cortisol,insulin, glucose, electrolytes.Everthing perfect but I was shaking like vibrator." ], "date": [ "2021-10-01T13:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trajce54169-1398811" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "can you send me dm please???" ], "date": [ "2022-01-15T19:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trajce54169-1398811" ], "content": [ "I have also seen loads of doctors and no answers. I have had panic disorder and this is totally different. \r\nI also used to have it occasionally but now every day.\r\nLast week I went to an osteopath that is working on my bowels and vagus nerve and I have noticed a little bit of improvement. And I've started having acupuncture. \r\nI will report back with any news I have, please do the same." ], "date": [ "2022-01-15T19:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trajce54169-1398811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "I also have health anxiety.But I know is not related.I'm taking xanax. I'm concerned that xanax is making this symptoms.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-01-15T19:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Help Help Help!!! I'm desperate.I got sudden weakness in hand and leg,than some butterfly sensation in abdomen, dizziness, shakiness,face pressure and headache,hot flashes,cold sweat on hand and leg.After 30 min I drink cola and eat everything I found near me,I got urgent poo.After 10 min I'm all fixed.I check everything,brain mri,eeg,holter, neurologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.\r\nThey first think its reactive hypoglycemia but glucose result when I got attack are good.never in hypo range insulin level are good.Than they think I have panick attack and they put me on xanax and zoloft for 3 months and no improvement.Yesterday I was again in ER and they watch me like alien.From all exams that I have I fond only Helicobacter Pylori.Now I'm treating but still no improvment.Right now in the moment I have episodes and I'm shaking.Please any advice.I'm 30 male physically active non drinker non smoker.♥️" ], "date": [ "2022-01-15T19:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel77235-378610" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "\r\nIt is very common to have all of this with anxiety. Anxiety effects the GI tract quite a bit and can mess it all up. It is great your doc is checking for other things as well just to rule them out. But dont stess it to bad because anxirty does cause alot of these symptoms as well. You also need to remeber that are adrenal glands are in this area as well so if you are under stress it could deffinatly erratate the GI.\r\nalso 90% of seratonin is held in the GI tract so if its all out of wack it can cause seveere GI upset. from constant nausea,gas,cramps,IBS, constpation, Diahreea, vomiting and dizziness" ], "date": [ "2022-06-22T17:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel77235-378610" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phishyesther-899475" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel77235-378610" ], "content": [ "Thank you for this" ], "date": [ "2015-10-02T01:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "\r\nI am sending you a link to something that I have found very interesting\r\nhttp://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/the-gut-brain-connection" ], "date": [ "2014-07-18T20:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason38408-956149" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa362-39945" ], "content": [ "Lisa,\r\n\r\nhave oyu ever had a cat scan done on your brain? i used to get dizzy before getting up. i have hydracephalus fluid on the brain its something your born with from a infection in the womb. some cases arent that bad where others result in death before the age of 2 i was 16 wen they caught mine." ], "date": [ "2016-07-06T16:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Carl,\r\n\r\nI have been experiencing dizzy spells recently though not related to emptying my bowels.  I seemed to be getting dizzy if i turned my head a certain way or if I got up too quickly.  It really frightened me and i thought that I was going to have a stroke or something.  I just wanted to reassure you that from what i have learned since it began happening to me dizziiness is rarely a serious symptom.  It can be caused by so many things, the main ones being anxiety, low blood pressure and inner ear problems.  My dizziness seems to have passed for now and i'm sure yours will too once you are reassured that it is a minor symptom,\r\n\r\ntake care,\r\n\r\nLisa\r\n " ], "date": [ "2014-07-18T23:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda35712-1011270" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello. I have all the symptoms you do and I hv a non threatening disease called M&#233;ni[b]&#232;[/b]re&#39;s disease. </p><p>it begins with feeling a little dizzy which in turn causes nausea. For me it would escalate ti a full blown vertigo attack. The only way to stop the onset of this is to take mecalazine pills.</p><p>Tinnitus is one symptom of meneires which I had ringing and hear loss in my left ear for 5 years. It suddenly stopped and I regained my hearing. </p><p>For me the cause is motion or too much salt. So knowing that I can control it somewhat.</p><p>Good luck it&#39;s annoying but not deadly. They did a cat scan to rule out any brain tumor at first. They also did allergy tests of which I had none.</p><p>Truly I don&#39;t think they know of one single cause it&#39;s different for everyone.</p><p>Good luck</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-16T01:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel_43572-994125" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/linda35712-1011270" ], "content": [ "i also have Meniere's and it no fun at all it causes so many issues hard to belive the ear can cause so much!! i know its not something that will kill you and thank god for that but it sure seems like you dying sometimes.." ], "date": [ "2019-10-06T22:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi\r\n\r\nI do get dizzy at random times throughout the day. Not just with bowel movement, and feels as though I'm going to faint but i only seem to feel nauseous and dizzy together when I need the loo.\r\nI do get a bit of tinnitus from time to time, but mostly only get the ringing ear and slight pressure feeling.\r\n\r\nI will wait to see what the blood results say before I jump to any sinister self diagnosis" ], "date": [ "2022-06-22T17:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richardhealth-427005" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richardhealth-427005" ], "content": [ "This now seems to have passed. I no longer get dizzy but have had bloods done and was all clear.\r\n\r\nI do get the feeling sometimes that I am not breathing \"in sync\" if that makes sense, or as though I'm not taking in enough oxygen when breathing. \r\nIt's a strange sensation but I think I know what you mean when you say about lack of oxygen." ], "date": [ "2022-06-22T17:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nibje-920095" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richardhealth-427005" ], "content": [ "I have that too\r\nMy head hurts like hell\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-01-27T11:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/corporalcuddles-948715" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "content": [ "Carl, Have you ever snorted cocaine or used other hard drugs ? The \"breathing in sync\" issue and \"enough oxygen when breathing.\" could be linked to snorting cocaine. \r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-06-08T14:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debora95867-964896" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richardhealth-427005" ], "content": [ "Richard you are not alone I feel the same way and it trigers me to have panic attacks .I hate this it is the worse and I have no idea what this is are what causes it...but I will definitely keep you in my prayers for complete healing ..." ], "date": [ "2021-06-04T04:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have been experiencing spells of dizziness and nausea before bowel movements over the last six years. 10 to15 mins after the bowel movement the dizziness and nausea subsides. I feel very weak also during the period before bowel movements.\r\n\r\ni feel the same way whenever i take B Complex or Multibionta tablets. Thus, I don't take these again at all. I also feel lack of oxygen to my brain.\r\nI have done a host of blood work which came back negative." ], "date": [ "2022-07-16T21:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aliciapenney-496118" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36762-41569" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/binkley1991-541389" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aliciapenney-496118" ], "content": [ "I am having the exact same problems as you. \r\nI feel this sudden dizzy spell come across me and I feel like I'm going to drop to the floor.\r\nMy X-ray, labs, urine came back that I was as healthy as a horse.\r\n\r\nHave you found anything with yours? I initially thought it could be my thyroid.. But they ruled that out with blood work. \r\n\r\nI am scared and I hate not feeling myself..\r\nThis dizzy spell affects my entire life.. \r\nPlease help if you've found anything out! \r\nFeel free to email me! \r\n\r\n\r\n[b]Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service .[/b]\r\nhttp://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages" ], "date": [ "2015-01-07T03:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan91113-1009900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/binkley1991-541389" ], "content": [ "<p>I went for a whole year with dizzy spells where the room would spin. i finally found a specialist and he cured me they were silent migraines. I couldn&#39;t feel any headache but that&#39;s what it was. I was cured after one week of taking migraine pills. May not be your problem but worth checking it out</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-11T21:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda35712-1011270" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/binkley1991-541389" ], "content": [ "Sounds like meneires disease. Look it up. " ], "date": [ "2017-01-16T01:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crystal43705-1151578" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan91113-1009900" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Susan.&#160; I have been experiencing the feeling of rocking on a boat for a little over a year now.&#160; The ENT ran a videonystagmogram (?), hearing tests and an MRI.&#160; All came back negative.&#160; He said he believes I have vestibular migraine.&#160; All the symptoms of a migraine without the headache.&#160; What type of specialist did you see?&#160; What kind of medication did they prescribe?&#160; Were your symptoms constant or would they come and go?&#160; Mine have been constant since last January and I&#39;m really tired of it.&#160; I feel off all the time.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-03-09T21:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda17497-1077431" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan91113-1009900" ], "content": [ "What is the name if the migraine pill? I'm suffering from the same symptoms, my neurologist suggested that I might have silent migraines. Thank you." ], "date": [ "2020-08-21T16:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anne97067-1347429" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/binkley1991-541389" ], "content": [ "Hi did you ever got this resolve cause I've been feeling exact same way as u and my blood tests are all negative..." ], "date": [ "2022-03-09T21:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mazy11984-1419831" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aliciapenney-496118" ], "content": [ "HI,\r\n\r\nI am new here..I have even searching online for months and today just came across this blog.\r\n\r\nI have been suffering for the past 3 months also with exactly the same thing.\r\n\r\nDizziness, tiredness during the day..then I suddenly get palpitations for no reason and I go into panic mode as I don't like the feeling...then I instantly need to use the toilet...where I can literally nearly faint as I use it, then once I've been the feeling gets abit lighter..but I end up going toilet another 3 or 4 times after that and I feel awful. they say it's the vagus nerve that's triggered.\r\n\r\nI have done blood work, stool samples etc...I suffer with vertigo but this dizziness isn't the same..its mote of like a floating, motion moving around in my head and it triggers panic attacks all the time...I have about 3 a day and I'm exhausted by the end of it and then come night time, I am super tired but wide away and suffering with anxiety which keeps me up.\r\n\r\nim so glad I found others who have the same thing and I am not alone as it is pretty scary and has slightly left me with PTSD for using the toilet each time I feel movement as I am petrified I will pass out for good one day." ], "date": [ "2022-03-09T21:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello, I've also been having a similar experience to all of yours. I originally thought it was the stomach flu/gastritis...but it's been going on now for three weeks. First off, I'm a 34 year old female with no prior serious health issues.\r\n It started out as diarrea for two days and then in the evenings I began to get extremely nauseous (no vomitting--strange). Laying down seemed to make it more intense (being in the fresh air/walking made it less intesnse). I became severely dehydrated and couldn't eat at all.\r\nSo currently I'm having dizzy spells occassionally throughout the day (which seems to start or get worse during the late afternoon or evening). I also seem to have nausea/dizziness after a bowel movement. My bowels are sluggish and I'm slightly constipated currently because I had taken in very little food over the last few weeks. I feel a lot of anxiety as late afternoon comes on (as this is when it starts to get dark and also this is the time when the severe nausea started coming on three weeks ago). I've also got some minor stress in my life regarding some family members and my financial situation. I'm not sure if the anxiety contributes to the nausea or the nausea is contributing to the anxiety or both. For the past two-three days I have been improving...able to eat and getting my strength back and my stool is now solid. However I still feel dizzy occassionally and feel anxiety/slightly nauseous later in the day. My sleeping is off however. I usually sleep 8 hours a night (10:30pm-7am), occassionally wake up but have no trouble falling back to sleep but now I am falling asleep around 9-10pm and I wake at 4-6am and I am unable to fall back to sleep.\r\nI've had full bloodwork (waiting on results), x ray, urine test but nothing has shown up. I'm currently starting betahistine to rule out Vertigo.\r\nI do have low blood pressure on a regular basis, am underweight (generally), do not excercize currently and I was severely dehyrated and have eaten very little over the past three weeks...so perhaps it will take a period of time to recover from the effects of dehydration, starvation?\r\nAlso, during my illness (in the first week) one of my daughters (4 years old) was up one night and vomitted several times but was fine the next day...no diarrea. My other daughter (10 months) was fussy, spit up frequently in the eveings and cried inconsolably in the evenings during this time as well. I'm wondering if I did, indeed, have gastritis...however I've never had it this severe before. I've never had a stomach bug for any longer than 12-48 hours in my life." ], "date": [ "2022-03-09T21:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizzy-before-bowel-movement-270324?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
dizzy before bowel movement
Hi All I know this probably isnt the right place but may be related to anxiety. For about 3 months I've been getting spells of dizziness and nausea. Not always before bowel movement but very often. After I have emptied my bowels the dizziness and nausea seems to subside after 10 mins or so. I was thinking IBS but I can tolorate all kinds of food. I went to my gp today for the dizziness (along with a few other symptoms) and I'm being checked out for autoimmune disease. Slightly different topic but bloods will be taken on Monday.  What I want to know is, does anyone else have the dizzy/nauseous issue before bowel movement? It's very unnerving when it happens and I've had no answers so far Thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne58498-1130216" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne58498-1130216" ], "content": [ "<p>I am not sure bc i can feel the palpitations everytime but it doesnt bothers me so much as compared to at night... im seeing the cardiologist soon... hope my heart is healthy despite the irregular heartbeat tt i have &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T14:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Do you think the palpitations are due to feeling anxious??? Do you take any meds for anxiety" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T08:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/isaac54352-1450649" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "i am also a little worried. recently my cardiologist pick up on the ECG that i have RBBB. i have no syptoms. can i still do my normal walking of 3 kilometers 3 times a week?\r\n\r\nmy cardiologist did say i must not worry about it" ], "date": [ "2022-12-24T17:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>&#160;My dad had a right bundle branch block and it never caused him any problems. He lived with it for many years, probably 50 years. &#160;He passed away not from that but from natural causes in his late 80s. &#160;He was a runner, and very active. &#160;Just get your doctors ok like he did for things like that.&#160;</p><p>&#160;You will be just fine &#128513;&#128077;??</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T15:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " The palpitations can be due from anxiety. Do things that relax yourself. Listen to meditations for anxiety on YouTube.  they totally calm down my mind and body and symptoms.  Don’t think about negative things because the palpitations will get worse.\r\nListen to a short meditation on breathing that will help you get control over anxiety.\r\nits called “Mindfulness breathing Guided meditation 10 minutes “ on you tube. \r\n there are many meditations on YouTube for anxiety, breathing,  panic etc. \r\n you will start to feel your heart rate slowing down a little and you’ll feel so much better! Do these often. " ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lnj94-1151862" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/judith41111-1202256" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lnj94-1151862" ], "content": [ "Hi, just saw your reply and wanted to ask how you were doing?!! I know the feeling because I have 3 kids and they are really young!!! And I am still waiting to get the echocardiogram done to see what it really is that causing the abnormal EKG. Hope everything is just fine with you.... " ], "date": [ "2018-08-13T13:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lnj94-1151862" ], "content": [ "hi its been a year now. 11 months symptoms free. but still dont really know what exactly happened to me :D but long as im good. i hope all of yall are doing great!! <3" ], "date": [ "2018-12-20T13:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liberty50546-1458241" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lnj94-1151862" ], "content": [ "hello! im 19 and just got diagnosed as well did everything turn out ok? i have 2 kids too" ], "date": [ "2023-03-08T15:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Amirah,</p><p></p><p>I too have been diagnosed with RBBB. Just today in fact. I have had palpitations for the last 3 days. Went to urgent care this morning and after having an ekg was told I had RBBB. I am being referred to a cardiologist. I have severe anxiety and hypochondria so this is totally freaking me out! I have been crying off and on all day. I&#39;m scared that there might be something seriously wrong with my heart. I have 3 children and am scared to death that something might happen to me and that they will be devastated. I&#39;m hoping that everything turned out ok for you and that you&#39;re doing well. Please give an update and let us know what you found out from your cardiologist. </p><p>Thanks!</p><p></p><p>Lori</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-17T23:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>BBB is pretty common. my dad had it for decades with no problems at all.</p><p>When trying to sleep, it really helps me to listen to meditations on you tube for anxiety, or sleep, etc. &#160;</p><p>A great one that will relax you and calm down your heart rate is called Mindfulness breathing Guided meditation 10 minutes. &#160; &#160;It helps you gain control and focus. It will take your mind off of your heart so you can relax and sleep.&#160;</p><p>&#160;there are many meditations to choose from and I usually fall asleep when listening because they’re so relaxing.&#160;</p><p>&#160;they also have nature sounds like the ocean, rain, forest etc. plus very relaxing sleep music. Check them out! When you relax your mind, symptoms will relax or go. You’re going to be fine! &#128513;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-18T03:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mattc2146-1048818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cemarain1983-1182829" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattc2146-1048818" ], "content": [ "<p>Doctor told me I have Rbbb and I was at the dentist getting wisdom tooth out and fixing. Cavities , I was having. Rbbb symptoms and I got anxiety attack and felt like I couldn&#39;t swallow properly due to anesthesia and that what made me worried too much and got so anxious. My legs were shaking and I ended up in ER with anxiety pills and doctor recommended Me to see a cardiologist. Now I&#39;m scared to go to a dentist. I feel left chest pain, sensation all day it doesn&#39;t go away. I&#39;m 34, I have neck pain all day due to car accident and I don&#39;t sleep well and now this. Ayuda por favor.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-26T13:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/judith41111-1202256" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cemarain1983-1182829" ], "content": [ "<p>Do a follow up with a cardiologist, and I know first hand that anxiety makes things 1000 times worse!!! I too was at the dentist&#39;s office for an extraction and freaked out but before the procedure!!! I rescheduled but I dont know of I can do it!! What kind of anesthetic did the dentist use? </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-13T13:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattc2146-1048818" ], "content": [ "thanks for the reply!! yeah i really hope its just anxiety. but rest assure i had 11 months symptoms free, but yesterday i felt the palp again tried not to panic. anyways sorry for e late reply i kindda forgot i actually posted this story in the forum 😅" ], "date": [ "2018-12-20T13:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1132782" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/judith41111-1202256" ], "content": [ "my dentist gave me a pill half an hour before to relax me before giving me anything else." ], "date": [ "2019-12-18T12:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rody32144-1177807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattc2146-1048818" ], "content": [ "I also have incomplete rbbb and a hiatial hernia which can also cause pvc's or skipped beats. I am worried about them every day - all day. Sometime take klonapin for anxiety. Sometimes helps and sometimes does not. Am constantly afraid of the skipped beats. Any advise would be helpful. Thank you\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-02-20T16:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Listen dear. I get constant palpitations at times too and I had an EKG done a while back that said Right Bundle Branch Block. I wanted to get to the bottom of this and figure out what that meant and what caused it. The cardiologist notified me that its actually really common for the machines to spew out Right Bundle Branch Block and that the cause of it is actually normal. When the machines spew out the Right Bundle Branch Block the cardiologist or doctors look at the QRS number on the EKG and if that is 120 and below then they are not concerned at all. I believe you constantly thinking about your heart palpitations is causing more anxiety for you which is causing more stress and that is releasing more cortisol into your body which is overacting your hormones which triggers your flight or fight response and that will cause your palpitations. Remember this.. MAJORITY OF THE TIME PALPITATIONS ARE NOT SERIOUS UNLESS ACCOMPANIED WITH FAINTING, NAUSEA, DIZZINESS, LIGHTHEADEDNESS, OR IF YOUR HEART RATE AT REST JUMPS TO LETS SAY 160-200 BEATS PER MINUTE. Those circumstances due warrant a trip to a doctor but I am a firm believer that your anxiety is triggering your palpitations and you constantly thinking about them and worrying about them which is causing you to be more aware of your heart beat. " ], "date": [ "2018-02-18T14:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cemarain1983-1182829" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I have the same problem and chest pain discomfort all day. I clean houses for living and I feel my heart racing fast as I walk upstairs. I was also at dentist office yesterday and during anesthesia I had to stop procedure. I had am anxiety attack plus my regular symptoms. I ended up in ER with anxiety pill, and they told me I needed to see a cardiologist. I been physically active all my life and now I can&#39;t even climb upstairs and feel the need to grasp for air. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-26T13:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/judith41111-1202256" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/judith41111-1202256" ], "content": [ "yes i do occassionally suffer from anxiety and hypochondria. could be the case for me.." ], "date": [ "2018-12-20T13:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/judith41111-1202256" ], "content": [ "yes i do occassionally suffer from anxiety and hypochondria. could be the case for me.." ], "date": [ "2018-12-20T13:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Do you suffer from Anxiety? That could be another reason why you have those symptoms. Look into it. I&#39;m getting an echocardiogram done because I suffered an Anxiety episode at work, my blood pressure was so high they called an ambulance they took me to the ER and got an abnormal EKG. The Dr. Wants to make sure everything is ok and I dont have clogged arteries but he suspects it&#39;s a bundle branch blockage. I do get palpitations when I&#39;m anxious!!!! I do breathing exercises and meditation before bed time. Hope this helps.... update us on how you&#39;ve been....</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-13T13:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/flower300-1195181" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "let doctors act. It also seems to me that if the tests are ok, maybe they are also symptoms of neurosis?" ], "date": [ "2018-08-13T17:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa47442-1260855" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sandie52839-1266726" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa47442-1260855" ], "content": [ "Hi Lisa how are you? Are you young too? I am only 28 and have been told I have RBBB. Good luck with your tonsilecotmy :) I had mine removed a few years ago. " ], "date": [ "2019-09-12T09:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I had an ECG yesterday at a pre op assessment .. i am having my tonsils out ... anyone its been put on pause due to the ECG saying i too have RBBB. My own GP wasnt too concerned but ive been panicking im going to drop dead anytime soon??!! \r\n\r\nHow is everyone getting on? " ], "date": [ "2019-08-07T16:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sandie52839-1266726" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/judith41111-1202256" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sandie52839-1266726" ], "content": [ "Hi, \r\n Welcome. I am 40 yrs old, and not as young as you but I was diagnosed rbbb as well. I know anxiety was a major part of it! I have gotten better with a Keto diet I started. That was almost a year ago! I am doing much better and all I can advise you is do your research! The body needs to be alkalized, stop eating sugar because it kills, stop eating carbs. Like I said, do your research!!! Research KETO diet, watch the diet pill a documentary on Netflix!!! and you will open your eyes to heart decease and what causes it!!! And the one thing that helped me with the flutters was taking potassium and magnesium. Remember if the body is not alkalized the current that runs through the heart will not work! We are like batteries!! So like I said, do your research!! You are so young and I hope you get better." ], "date": [ "2020-02-21T13:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha93161-1324902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sandie52839-1266726" ], "content": [ "hi sandie I'm only 28 and the same please tell me how u are doing and what has happened" ], "date": [ "2020-07-24T09:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone, \r\n\r\nI am so happy to have found this group. Having recebtly had an ECG and being told that I have RBBB and that it generally occurs in elderly people and it's nothing to worry about. Well I am worried. I am only 28. I have been having really bad heart flutters which i think is caused by anxiety. I am off for an echo and a holter monitor on Tuesday. How is everyone doing? Is there other young people in the group too? " ], "date": [ "2020-02-21T13:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mikal51475-1299708" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was diagnosed with ICRBBB just today, I'm feeling very sad, I lost my appetite and can't eat and feeling breathlessness. Doctor gave me medication and said it's nothing serious. But still, I'm worried as I can't do anything.\r\n\r\nHow did you cope with this?" ], "date": [ "2020-03-07T18:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brehan07773-1301518" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i was just diagnosed with this too! i have been having panic attacks about it. i had palpitations in the past. " ], "date": [ "2020-03-17T02:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mariallyyy-1308890" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, I was also diagnosed with Rbbb and I have palpitations. Sometimes it feels like they are skipping a beat and sometimes (rarely) it feels a bit fast. I have anxiety so I'm not sure how I can cope with this. is everyone okay? does rbbb causes heart complications in a future or not?" ], "date": [ "2020-04-24T22:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha93161-1324902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "for as long as I can remember I have suffered with severe anxiety I was working out in the gym when I stood up I got dizzy both days and then when I was getting out of bed the following morning had ecg which showed right bundle branch block my doctors are not concerned but I've been referred before a cardiologist please if there is anyone here that can reassure me that they have it and it's not caused them any problems I don't know if I am imagining sInce then but I feel pain that's probably not there I'm waking up with night sweats with worry and afraid I won't wake up when I close my eyes I can't deal with anxiety anynore I'm only 28 I eat perfect and I don't smoke I'm still getting dizzy when I stand up its just after happening there now" ], "date": [ "2020-07-24T08:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " The palpitations can be due to anxiety. Practice some mindfulness meditation you can find on YouTube for anxiety. I listen to these every night when laying down to sleep and I rarely make it to the end because I am fast asleep. If I lay there without anything I will think too much and not be able to sleep . One thing that will definitely lower the heart rate are breathing exercises that you can also find on YouTube. or mindfulness breathing. It slows the heart rate down. My dad had left bundle branch block for decades and it never harmed him in anyway. In fact, he was a runner and very active. When he passed away in his 80s, it had absolutely nothing to do with his heart. I just wanted to reassure you about that. ❤" ], "date": [ "2020-07-24T12:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sara50779-1356547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda80818-1356732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sara50779-1356547" ], "content": [ "Hi Sara,\r\nSame here with me. D-dimer was abnormal was sent to ER for CT Scan & Echo, both NEG. I am 20 days into post Covid so today cardiologist said it is a thing with cardiac covid but because this is all new still, they're still researching. I have a holter monitor on for the day, but I believe its been anxiety related also. Why today I've felt no palpitations. idk. Hope you're ok & was wondering if you had covid too?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-10T21:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I know this original post is from a while ago, but how are you doing?\r\nI'm 31 years old and about 6 months ago, I was having some shortness of breath and heart palpitations and started to really freak out so I decided to go to the ER to see if I had a heart problem. They did an EKG and said I have RBBB then followed up with a few tests (d dimer test to see if I had a blood clot, which I did not have..and then an ultrasound of the heart which checked out normal). My blood oxygen levels and blood pressure were also normal. The ER referred me to a Cardiologist who did another ultrasound and then an MRI of the heart. He said the structure of the heart looked fine, but to this day they haven't really been able to tell me why I was having some shortness of breath and palpitations. My Cardiologist basically said I have nothing to worry about bc the structure of my heart looks fine, but here I am still worried that something is wrong and they just missed it. Any thoughts?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-09T21:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rody32144-1177807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also have rbbb diagnosed about 3 years ago. However, I have had the skipped beats for more than 15 years - some days not bad and others all day. Go figure. I have a rx for klonopin anti-anxiety med and it does seem to calm me down a little. Also afraid on getting dependent on klonopin. I think my fear is that I'm going to die from these even though the doctor says that the pvc's are not serious. They seem serious to me. I'm so happy that I found this forum bacause and friends and kids are getting sick of hearing my story. Hope you feel better. Keep in touch." ], "date": [ "2021-02-20T16:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rathomir-1359054" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rody32144-1177807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rathomir-1359054" ], "content": [ "Hi, \r\nHow did you get your anxiety under control? I can't seem to accomplish that. Seems that I have a health anxiety that I can't overcome. Thank you\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-02-23T20:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim21217-1398767" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rody32144-1177807" ], "content": [ "Hello Rody,\r\n\r\nI also have health anxiety and it is very hard to deal with on a daily basis. it has gotten 1 million times worse since having kids. Someone dear to me told me something that really put it into perspective for me, 'noone wants to die, worrying about dying stops you from living' . that one statement has changed a lot about my anxiety because what is life if you’re spending every day worrying about when you’re gonna die, you know? we’re worried about these palpitations and an astroid could just wipe out Earth tomorrow. \r\nHaving heart palpitations or RBBB can lead you to a horrible panic attack because you just feel impending doom and you can’t press a button and get the palpitations to stop but there are some things that you can do to calm yourself. Splash cold water on your face, sensory, sensory sensory... Drink something cold, put your head in the freezer, step outside. \r\nif you have Relentless anxiety, you may need to be put on meds but look at the side effects of the meds and be sure to tell your psychiatrist about the palpitations so they prescribe you something that doesnt have horrible side effects. \r\nSee a cardiologist and see what measures you can take and|or if anything needs to be done about it but I have seen two and when this is presented and healthy individual they seem to have no concern for it. \r\n\r\nI hope you feel better. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-24T04:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Amira. Did you get a diagnosis that RBB is causing the palpitations? I has palpitations for a few weeks and was diagnosed with RBB but it had nothing to do with it. It was down to anxiety. once i got my anxiety under control they completely went away.\r\n\r\nRBB is very common and almost always innocuous. Millions of people have it and will never know. Im sure you've been told its LBB that they care about." ], "date": [ "2021-12-10T09:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rody32144-1177807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was diagnosed with rbbb but had palpitations before that diagnosis. Had them checked several times and they call them pvc's. I sometimes have them for a week straight all day every day. I wish I could give you some answers but I don't have any at the present time. I am told that they are not serious but that doesn't comfort me when I am having them. I also have anxiety and I know that that will contribute to the pvcs. I have been prescribed the anti-anxiety med klonopin and it does help by taking the anxiety away. Hope you feel better. I fully understand." ], "date": [ "2021-02-20T23:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rody32144-1177807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Has anyone heard about taking magnesium for pvc's? Some say it helps but I haven't tried it." ], "date": [ "2021-02-23T20:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim21217-1398767" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, \r\nIs anyone still on this thread?\r\nI have had RBBB for maybe six years... it’s so weird because sometimes it’s on the ECG and sometimes the leads dont pick it up... I found out about it during an ER trip when I was maybe 18, 6 years ago. \r\nIt is no doubt that anxiety can for sure make it worse. I saw two separate cardiologists for this, the first cardiologist put me on this bulky heart\r\n\r\nmonitor that had tons of wires that I had to wear for a week, he also gave me a cardiac ultrasound. nothing much ended up really coming from the appointment he gave me like one prescription of beta blockers and sent me on my way.\r\n\r\nThis past year, I was having problems with the fluttering again and saw a different cardiologist... he was much more interested in relieving my anxiety. He sent me for cardiac MRI, gave me patches to wear that would monitor my heart for a week (they sent him a report without having to wear some bulky machine) he did a heart ultrasound and stress test.\r\nhe made me feel very comfortable and told me that RBBB can be very common he said it is seen in really healthy individuals and it could be something that you were born with and just don’t ever know about it.... \r\nI asked him if I would need surgery or possibly a pacemaker and he told me 'No' that he wants me to come in yearly to get check-ups but he told me sometimes it can take decades to progress into some thing more worrisome... (knock on wood) \r\nhe did tell me that I should get my anxiety under control because anxiety can contribute to heart palpitations which is not good... it’s also very hard to find an anxiety med that does not interfere with the rhythm of your heart because a lot of them cause fast heart rate. This may make your anxiety worse. \r\nI also saw another comment on the thread that RBBB can basically be misdiagnosed due to a small difference in the electricity, I was told this by my cardiologist as well, sometimes the electricity will be a tad bit off and the machine will automatically note a RBBB though sometimes it is not always the case.\r\nOverall the second cardiologist had no real concerns after doing all of my test and he basically told me that you can live a fulfilling life, he told me to stay fit, exercise daily, dont do drugs!!! " ], "date": [ "2021-09-24T04:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim21217-1398767" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also have RBBB and get palpitations at night I don’t know if I’m getting them during the day and just don’t focus on it and it’s more presentable at night because I’m laying down with nothing to do but it is very uncomfortable and it’s hard not to take it to a panic attack because you can literally feel it beating like it’s jumping on a trampoline.... \r\nI have seen two cardiologists and they just haven’t Seemed too concerned about it and said that it’s common and one in 100 people have it. \r\n\r\nPalpitations have to run their course there’s nothing you can do to just stop it in its tracks but get your mind off of it just try to do something calming like maybe a coloring book or meditation dip your hands in Coldwater put your face in Cold water... don’t entertain negative thoughts because it can lead to a panic attack and will make it 1 million times worse. \r\n\r\nplease let me know if you see this message if you have gone to the doctor and what they told you... \r\n\r\n Best Wishes\r\n " ], "date": [ "2021-09-24T04:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee93392-1408919" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Me to, i am having palpitations... I did not have may echo yet due to financial deficit.\r\n\r\nBut i thanked this forum it encourages me alot." ], "date": [ "2021-12-12T09:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris72874-1411248" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Just went to the hospital yesterday cause ive been having pain in my heart and turns out i too have Incomplete RBBB. im 23 and very healthy but i cant tell you how much it helped me finding this form and everyone being in the same boat. i have bad anxiety and i havent slept in days because im honestly so scared that this is gonna kill me. the doctor said to me that its nothing to worry about at all and isnt harmful. i did test positive for covid and he said that explains why my heart and chest have been hurting. i had blood work and xrays done and everything is normal. it makes me feel better everyone here is hearing the same thing its not a big deal but i just cant get over how scared i am about this and dont know what to do, just worried about it and cant stop thinking im gonna did no matter how much the doctor reassures me im okay im assuming thats where my anxiety comes in. If anyone has any updates please let me know this really did make me feel alot better." ], "date": [ "2022-01-01T09:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ajmac978978910-1440384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amirah0809-1131846" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I do not care if this thread is 10 years old. Finding this thread was a tremendous relief and brought tears to my eyes. I was a Cardiac Care Nurse, and I know that this is not going to kill me, but damn if it doesn't feel that way. \r\nI too, am begging for something to help me sleep. The best I can accomplish is a compromise when I lay there with my eyes closed to rest my body at least and I think I may drift off occasionally. \r\nThe precipitating event was EXTREME workplace stress, which is behind me now, but this anxiety sticks and makes me feel hot flashes, so I connected I instantly to putting my head in the freezer. lol Last night, I got better rest because I slept with a cold, damp towel and did a meditation to let go of my fears and be present in each breath. It helped, but then I had bradycardia all day. \r\nBut I want to thank you all who have posted here for giving me some relief in sharing how you suffer with this discomfort. It was beginning to go to my head. I would like to get back on Lexapro, but I need to hear from my cardiologist.\r\nThanks again, and bless you all." ], "date": [ "2022-09-08T23:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/right-bundle-branch-block-palpitation-heart-629936?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
Right bundle branch block palpitation heart
<p>Hi for 3 weeks ive had palpitations. Scared so went to the drs to check. Took ecg and came back with right bundle branch block. Heard its not serious tho but danh the palpitations or heart fluttering bothers me so much at night its so hard for me fo fall asleep. Saw online forum abt RBBB but none post abt their symptoms abt palpitations. Im scared. I hope theres something that can done for the palpitations. I need sleep :&#39;( anyone like me? Let me know</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nd11235-1458160" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nd11235-1458160" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I haven't had anything that I am aware of that would cause the anxiety and panic. and I feel very alone in these symptoms as my PCP just keeps telling me to go to the ER. I guess it could be anxiety regarding something I am not fully aware of. How did you determine it was anxiety? I just would like to eliminate serious issues and I don't know if I need to go through all of the blood testing again." ], "date": [ "2023-03-07T21:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "do you have a history of anxiety very often that is the culprit when people have strange sensations and all the testing comes out normal. It can cause chest pain, as well as hundreds of different sensations.\r\nin your past, have you had anything happen that could cause anxiety and panic? Sometimes we have an underlying anxiety that we’re not even aware of.\r\nYou’re definitely not alone! Millions of people suffer from the same sensations and their testing is also normal. I’ve had a lot of sensations myself, and they came out of nowhere. After so many years of dealing with that, I just figured it was related to my long-term anxiety and stress, which it was.\r\nIt’s good that you got checked out. Seems like everything’s OK so really try to think about what may be causing this such as anxiety or stress.\r\ntry to relax your mind as much as possible. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-03-07T20:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-or-heart-problems-797630?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nd11235-1458160" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "talk to your OB about hormonal issues possibly playing a role in this.\r\nI knew mine was anxiety related, because for years before I developed the sensations, I had internalized anxiety. It just all came out into the open pretty suddenly with these sensations. I thought I had a terrible disease, but all my testing was normal. The body can only take so much stress before it breaks down like that. So, that’s how I knew. \r\nI really hope that you’re able to find out a reason for this. but it’s good that your testing has been OK. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-03-08T14:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-or-heart-problems-797630?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety or Heart Problems
I have some symptoms going on and I just wanted to see if I was alone or if anyone has any idea as to what is going on with me. So, about 3 years ago, I woke from a dead sleep and I was dizzy and out of it and chest pain. I was nauseous and going to the bathroom a lot. My husband took me to the ER. Everything checked out fine and they sent me home but they symptoms didn't stop. I would go through phases where my legs would hurt, my chest, I would be faint and nauseous. I went to my PCP and he ran some tests but came up with nothing. I went to a cardiologist, everything was normal. I went to a neurologist and had an MRI, everything was fine. No one could give me answers. I felt like I was being passed around by my PCP from specialist to specialist with no answers. So, when the symptoms stopped, I stopped pushing. well, about 8 months later I got pregnant. everything was fine. no problems. Well, yesterday I was at my mom's to pick my son up from her house (he's almost 2 now) and I started with the chest pains. I felt out of it and dizzy and couldn't catch my breath and nauseous. Once I got home, I went to lay down and eventually the symptoms subsided. One thing to note is that I was on my period when I had both of these episodes (not sure if this is related). I messaged my same PCP last night to let him know I had another episode.. his suggestion was ER. I let him know this morning that I didn't go to the ER and that could this be hormonal since my period is the only thing that is consistent in these 2 episodes. he said call OBGYN. So, he really isn't helping and I plan to call. I just want to see if ANYONE has an idea of what this could be or anyone in the same boat??
Vomiting from anxiety? Is that a thing?
Hi everyone, I am suffering from anxiety to the point where I have diarrhoea and vomiting in the middle of the night after a bad experience. I can usually feel this starting - I get the feeling like I have been dipped in icy water and my hairs stand on end, and then my heart rate is fast when I try and sleep. I am constantly going to the toilet at night, and then the nausea and vomiting/diarrhoea begins, and doesn't stop until the end of the night. Is that normal for an anxiety attack? What is this? A panic attack maybe? What is strange is that it happens almost at the same time, between 12am-2am and lasts until 4am until sunrise. Suffered with this for years now, but the triggers for this have been more frequent lately. Anything from an argument with my partner, to packing for a holiday, after socialising with work friends, too much caffeine and being generally ill. Anyone else have this? I am wondering if someone has found a way to make this better and to stop the nausea? Any responses would be appreciated as I am at the end of my tether. Thank you!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ciprian16987-1457723" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been through what you’re going through. And what I learned is that our mind, and our thoughts can be our worst enemy. All the fearful and negative thoughts are not based on reality. They are only based on one emotion, and that is fear.\r\nYou are actually causing your own symptoms by the fear you have in your mind. your brain will believe what you are worried about and so that’s why you get all of those sensations. You have to put different messages into your brain that are positive.\r\nI had all the testing, thinking I had MS, ALS, and all kinds of other things. All of my testing was normal so that’s when I decided I had to stop the negative thoughts and stop looking things up!\r\nAlso, the muscle twitching you get is perfectly normal when you have anxiety and stress. I’ve had it on and off for over 20 years! I think I would be gone by now if it was something serious. My neurologist told me that ALS is not a sensory disease. In other words you’re not going to feel anything unusual such as the twitching, etc. The muscle twitching that is normal is called Benign fasciculations. \r\nso basically, you are really torturing yourself for no reason. which is what I did. \r\nIf you are having a problem, controlling all of this, I would highly suggest you speak with a counselor who can help you manage it. It’s too difficult to do alone.\r\nI will also private message you." ], "date": [ "2023-03-03T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/new-guy-here-sharing-my-debilitating-anxiety-story-797441?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma83352-1457797" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ciprian16987-1457723" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's like I wrote this myself. Anxiety is tough, but talking about it is the first step in overcoming it. In my opinion at least. Thanks for sharing your story." ], "date": [ "2023-03-03T23:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/new-guy-here-sharing-my-debilitating-anxiety-story-797441?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ciprian16987-1457723" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is my same story word for word" ], "date": [ "2023-03-06T13:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/new-guy-here-sharing-my-debilitating-anxiety-story-797441?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
New guy here...sharing my debilitating anxiety story
Hello. So im new on this forum and i would like to share my physical symptoms witch to this day are lurking with me....i have had a'n episode with panic attacks when i was younger that easily went away however 2 years ago for no apparent reason i had a huge panic attack when i was at a friend...i came home and i remember that night when i tried to go to sleep i had a feeling of terror in my gut and i would blow awake...Then it all turned so bad...i started googling symptoms and i came across pancreatic cancers and stuff and i started having stomach pains and problems with bowel movements....i fell so deep into this worry that my body just gave up....i could not fall asleep for a week straight i would wake up gasping for air whenever i would keep my eyes closed for more than 10 seconds....i was convinced i am going to die to the point i found myself crying in the waiting room at my gp waiting for him to give me the bad news....surprise my bloodwork and everything was clean....still the stress in my body kept going....i kept googling and i somehow stumbled across Als Ms cognitive problems and stuff ....let me tell you that after a few days i started having severe muscle twitching and stiff muscles all over my body..myoclonic jerks at night ...blurred vision ...everything under the sun....here i am 2 years later and while the jerks and stuff went away my muscles are twitching daily like crazy and nothing seem to help...while i feel like im not worrying that much about it i still find myself googling about als storries atleast once a day....so this is how anxiety f****d my life and i think i also developed some sort of Ocd about this stuff because i keep googling s**t about everything under the sun and i cannot stop doing it ...every little thing thats happening 2 me is something that i instantly google and read everyhing there is about it. Still im trying to stay positive and live my life even tho i feel i am severely depressed and i can't seem to bond with anyone and connect with people because honestly even when im around people sometimes i find myself looking point blank in the air dived in my own thoughts....i hope i will be able to overcome this eventually.:) i would like to hear your toughts about this
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire2601-1456497" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "would just like to add that i compare myself and our relationship to others and that seems to just take over " ], "date": [ "2023-02-19T15:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-relationship-anxiety-796905?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james71711-1395257" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire2601-1456497" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire2601-1456497" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james71711-1395257" ], "content": [ "thanks so so much James!\r\n\r\nthis bit you said:\r\n\r\nIf you woke up tomorrow feeling great, I suspect you might feel more positive about your partner and your situation. Be careful not to let anxiety/depression cloud your judgement. If your 'rational' brain is telling you that you have got what you need to be happy, that's probably your truth.\r\n\r\nis absolutely true. when i am on top form. it doesn't matter anymore. i think this wave has consumed me and i have fixated onto an issue that doesn't have truth in it. im off to see a mental health doctor on friday to see what they say about the tablets ect. My office is in the US and im UK so a bit stuck on that front. i have started up some exersize classes and that helps too.\r\n\r\nthanks for responding! try and take your advice too as it very good! " ], "date": [ "2023-03-01T15:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Claire\r\n\r\nA lot of what you said resonated with me - I've been through 'moving away' within the last few years, I've spent a lot of time in the house with my partner working from home and I've asked myself questions about whether my partner is really right for me. Uncanny really.\r\n\r\nAll I'd say is that personally, I tend to invent or exaggerate problems when I am not well mentally. If you woke up tomorrow feeling great, I suspect you might feel more positive about your partner and your situation. Be careful not to let anxiety/depression cloud your judgement. If your 'rational' brain is telling you that you have got what you need to be happy, that's probably your truth.\r\n\r\nI don't know you and don't know what changes are feasible for you but personally I started going into the office more and the change of scenery day-to-day helped me, and made me actually look forward to seeing my partner when I got home as opposed to feeling grumpy and irritated seeing her around the house all day every day (sounds bad but thats how it felt).\r\n\r\nIt sounds like you are perhaps a bit isolated as well and you'd benefit from doing something to see friends/family more. Or even meet some new people where you now live. That helped me.\r\n\r\nI can't comment on whether your partner is right for you but I think its normal for you to feel irritable or whatever towards your partner given your combination of circumstances - being isolated away from other friends/family and living on top of each other... Anxiety and depression lie to you and are very good at convincing you that you have big fundamental problems in your life when you actually don't.\r\n\r\nThe increase in sertraline is likely to be playing a small part too I guess... it might take some time to settle. I'd suggest first trying to make some changes to avoid isolation from friends/too much time in the house with partner and generally give it some time" ], "date": [ "2023-02-23T13:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-relationship-anxiety-796905?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire2601-1456497" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "please realize that no matter who you’re in a relationship with, you are always going to find some thing that bugs you a little bit. Nobody is perfect. It’s really hard to find somebody that you really get along with and for the most part enjoy spending time with. don’t compare your relationship with others. You never know what’s going on in somebody else’s relationship. It might seem like it’s perfect but it’s not. No relationship is perfect. It’s a waste of time to compare yourself with others. Just find joy in your own life and in your relationship. Maybe you could spend time joining something to get out a little bit. I go to a exercise class twice a week, play pickle ball, and have a ladies coffee group. There’s nothing wrong with you having your own activities. \r\nI also tend to overthink things, but I can tell you our thoughts can be our worst enemy. Think positive, be grateful, and enjoy your life. " ], "date": [ "2023-03-05T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-relationship-anxiety-796905?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire2601-1456497" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "thanks Jan\r\n\r\nyes you are so right!\r\n\r\nthank you!" ], "date": [ "2023-03-05T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-relationship-anxiety-796905?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertraline / Relationship anxiety
Hi everyone. I have been on Sertraline since 2016. I went on them as I found myself anxsting and upset a lot of the time for no good reason. since then i have constantly taken them and probably should have weened myself off them. over the last year and half we decided to put out flat on the market and move further down south to be closer to parents and family. Any way, to help with the financials of moving me and my other half did side jobs like working in retail and warehouse stuff. towards the end, when we were moving and stopped doing these side jobs, i started feeling really deflated about life and this relationship anxiety crept in. 'do i love him', 'what is love'. over time i started focusing on mannerism about how he held himself and say certains words. As i write this i feel ridiculous saying it. we have now moved into our house and i have struggled adapting to the new (old area i used to live as a teen, now in 30's) as i miss friends and local places. the relationship anxiety got awful and would get into full panic mode. i went to the doctor and increased my sertraline to 100mg about 6 weeks ago, this has massively helped and stopped the intrusive thoughts, but the last week i seemed to have taken a turn backwards and assessing my partners mannerisms again. He is THE most kind and caring person, he would do anything for me and us as a team. He has drive and enjoys cooking! which i hate, so works well! I think maybe I take things for granted a bit and maybe the excitement of a new relationship isn't there. I also can't bare the fact that I am ever so slightly bigger than him and it bothers me with my weight. No one else would even realise or have a seconds thought it! I don't want to leave him because I do love our life, I just can't get past certain mannerism, the poor man has listened to me about what my issues are with him and he just thinks its something that will fade but he saying he not going to change and ultimately its something i need to figure out. This is true. I can only do for myself. I suppose what I'm asking is that I am 6 weeks in to a Sertraline increase, will these thoughts fade away. I do really enjoy time by myself and crave it at times, because we both wfh and spend most of the day in the same house, i think maybe this could be playing a part too. if you've got this far.... thanks for reading and any advice would be helpful x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/asilnotrom-1457852" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "what makes you feel that everyone would be better off if you weren’t here? Can you explain a little more of what’s going on? " ], "date": [ "2023-03-05T01:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-797504?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
hi i'm new just cant take anymore feels like everyone would be better if i wasnt here
Mirtazapine increasing from 15 mg to 30 mg
Hi to everyone! I am new patient with anxiety + depression disorder. I started 7 weeks ago with mirtazapine 15 mg because of general anxiety disorder combined with depression (because of heavy disease of my father). Initialy , in very first days I felt very sleepy and my apetite got a little bit better. And, after 7 weeks of taking 15 mg of mirtazapine, I felt a little better, but it seemed to me that there was still room for improvement. The depressed mood has decreased a lot, but there is still a lot of anxiety. So, in agreement with the family doctor, I increased the dose to 30 mg. So far I have only taken 2 pills of 30 mg each evening (two evenings) I can say that right now I feel little bit worse than two days ago (anxiety increased, lack of energy, will). Should I give the increased dose another day to kick in or should I immediately go down to the initial dose?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ciprian16987-1457723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robin03233-1457704" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi..." ], "date": [ "2023-03-03T08:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-physical-symptom-797431?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety physical symptom
Hi guys
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom61328-1413093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mick64007-1457373" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi mick, im with you and understand as these things are scary, like when i go back on medication, i hate taking those things. so ill try and help but ill share what ive been advised too because im feeling abit how you are now and im still in the process as im waiting for a dr appointment. so basically ive got severe anxiety etc but last week had the first panic attack on my own which very scary and tiring. so basically ive been told by the therapy sessions i go to that taking escitalopram is best for anxiety and panic attacks so obviosly ill talk to my dr first but i thought if share because i was on citalopram before and didnt really do much for me but now i know i can very easily go in a panic state and think of intrusive thoughts etc , hopefully it helps treat that. just thought id share a little of my story and ive realised we're in this together and i hope ive helped you in some way but if its something you feel would help more like i do then id suggest talk to your dr and see what he/she thinks" ], "date": [ "2023-03-13T13:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/fleuxotine-20mg-looking-to-increase-ride-it-out-797295?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Fleuxotine 20mg. Looking to increase/ Ride it out
Hi, I've been on 20mg Fleuxotine dose for 18 months for anxiety/ panic symptoms. Have been feeing great the last 12 months however had a trigger last week which sent me into a full blown attack, currently feeling quite severe anxiety/ panic attack hangover now on day 5 not feeling any better. My Dr has advised to increase to 40mg but im scared and dont want to risk the severe side effects associated with upping the dose. He also advised there is a chance that i may 'ride' this attack out and there is a chance that i may regulate again on the 20mg. Has anyone else had success 'riding' the wave without increasing??
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/3695-1403003" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/searose-1457451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I haven't found a therapist who can help me. It's frustrating. Do you know some therapy techniques?" ], "date": [ "2023-02-28T18:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "oh yes, millions of people have agoraphobia. Is there anything in your past that has caused you a great deal of anxiety before you realized you had this going on?\r\nThe treatment of choice for agoraphobia is CBT which stands for cognitive behavioral therapy and also exposure Therapy is used. So your best bet would be to find a counselor who is experienced in CBT. (most counselors are ). \r\nCBT is also used for generalized anxiety disorders and it’s been very helpful for me. if you prefer to stay home and get counseling, you can find a counselor who does virtual counseling. That’s what I do and it works great! \r\nthese things are very difficult to try to self treat. An experienced therapist would know how to treat the condition so you can feel a lot better." ], "date": [ "2023-02-26T21:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/agoraphobia-797216?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
i have suffered with anxiety/panic attacks for a couple of years now. i am a lot better now than i used to be however my whole life has changed, i hate to be anywhere if i feel like i cant get out/leave, for example stuck in a traffic jam, on a bus, the thought of going on a plane now terrifies me because i cant get off if i have a panic attack. i used to be so care free now i dont drink if i go out because i drive so that i know i have an escape if i need to leave. its only recently i have heard about agoraphobia and when i have looked it up, it is exactly how i feel and it all makes so much sense. i just wondered if anyone else has this or has been through this?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/barbara88529-987838" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I can walk in my house if I can touch something--even a wall, a piece of furniture. &#160;I can&#39;t walk down the hallway to the front door, and it has been years since I walked to my car. &#160;I am using a walker. &#160;I really hate it, especially when people who have already inquired ask again why I am using a walker. &#160;Oh well, better than falling. &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T19:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/idris69087-1136541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This just happened to me i felt so bad , i had to sit down and crawl  i was afraid to stand up ! as a big guy you have no idea how embarrassing it was , thank you ( i know 3 years late) i had no idea what this was, and how to describe it." ], "date": [ "2018-01-04T08:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/agro1967-956387" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "exactly the same feeling and symptoms as you. to make matters or should I say my symptoms worse I lost my father a few days a go and I am totally shattered,  " ], "date": [ "2018-01-04T15:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicolaev-1145055" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m glad I discovered you but at the same time I&#39;m sorry you suffer. The same symptoms I have, here in Romania. For a few years I&#39;m very afraid to cross the street, even to the traffic lights. I would not even dare to dream that I can cross the street somewhere else. There are times when no car is seen at the ends of the street but I am still afraid to revert. For about a month I have been increasingly afraid to go into open spaces. I feel that the trunk is taking it forward, but my legs stay fixed and I fall to either side or back. I also found a stratagem:). When I park at supermaket I do it so as to be as close as possible to the trolleys. When I have the trolley in my hands I feel really good. But if you take it from me I will stay there till someone have mercy and take me to my car :).&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-29T14:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c0nn0r_h3w1tt-1194542" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I am only 13 and have done anxiety since was about 7 and get the exact same feelings when I am in open space and I feel it really hard to do things like p.e where you have to stand in the middle of a field and there is nothing nearby to hold onto. I have told my dad and he says I&#39;m just making up excuses so I don&#39;t have to do p.e</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-10T22:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/peg52-1199623" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel the exact same way. My legs go stiff as boards and I cannot take another step without feeling that I&#39;m going to die. Overwhelming feelings of doom. I also get these brain jerks where I suddenly have to grab something. By that point I&#39;m sweating profusely and terrified. If I can hold onto a walker or a shopping cart I feel grounded. It&#39;s getting worse every day.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T14:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eileen55092-1205129" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eileen55092-1205129" ], "content": [ "<p>I ran across Andikay&#39;s response: &#160;posted aprox 2 years ago. &#160; It looks hopeful.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T15:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I can identify with so much shared here. Some days are worse than others and I haven’t known whether to attribute symptoms to vertigo or anxiety or both. At worst I have felt marooned and utterly panicked shopping in a mall in my hometown when needing to cross a 10 foot gap between shops without being able to “wall walk”. I literally was rooted to the spot for some minutes feeling as if I may end up in an ambulance. I  finally made myself dart sideways to a bench (couldn’t have walked at a normal pace) and waited for my husband (we had gone to different shops) to find me, feigning I had been watching some street entertainers.\r\nTerminal 5 at Heathrow was recently a complete challenge and I felt it impossible to turn right to cross the hall  to the ladies toilets. I ended up changing levels rather than attempting to walk “free”. I remain in denial and haven’t sought medical advice or shared with family. This has worsened over the past 5 years and some days I just opt out of going out anywhere. Standing still in a queue is impossible without breaking into a cold sweat and trembling. This prevents me from attending anything that might necessitate lining up. I do feel the benefit of physical support - in supermarkets a shopping trolley is ideal and I am considering carrying a walking length umbrella to see if it helps me feel less worried about getting marooned. The fear starts well before known situations and is made even worse by the unexpected/unknown Writing this has helped and I wish everyone here relief from their challenges." ], "date": [ "2018-08-29T22:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hate open spaces too and have to have a trolley in supermarkets. I hate airports etc , the artificial bright lights dont help and certain flooring makes me worse, like tiles, it has been like this for me since secondary school, i am now 55!" ], "date": [ "2019-03-25T13:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "OOPs. Ok I did BAUD twice with a therapist.$150 a session.Each one better than when I began session. At the second BAUD I thought I was cured! But NO. \r\nSeveral weeks later it came back.So, either I need to buy a machine and give myself treatments or it is just another bandaid and false hope. \r\nI think you should try the BAUD at least your experience will be longer lasting.I remember feeling so elated thinking the unbalance had been cured and I was normal again, not so.\r\nBest to YOU.\r\nI think Im going to try hypnosis before giving up entirely. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-07-15T19:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\nMy latest potential healing that I am exploring is called **\"BAUD\"** therapy. I found a therapist in the Tampa area that has the machine that is suppose to reverse the symptoms in one session. The therapy was seen on TV,Dr. Phil, and the device is approved by FDA, who had a relatively young person on his show who experienced an earlier trauma and later (years later) her legs kinda gave out on her as she became more and more symptomatic of agoraphobia. She was eventually using a wheelchair, unlike many of us that use a shopping cart or cane as a crutch to the disabling events. Any one can look the therapy up on the Internet, invented by a doctor and patented for use by a therapist. \r\n\r\nPS I tried the EMDR x10 which my insurance company paid for but I think it is the fault of the therapist who was trained but inexperienced. Didn't work for me!" ], "date": [ "2019-03-25T13:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Try \"BAUD\". See my latest response. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-03-25T13:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Wow I can't believe its been 4 years since my original post and so many replies. I am very much still suffering with all these symptoms. Sometimes I go long periods and barely notice the open space fear but put me in a shopping centre I would panic so I haven't yet done this alone. Currently struggling with dizziness. Waiting for CT and MRI results. How is everyone doing? Any positive outcomes? Any findings to what causes this? " ], "date": [ "2019-05-21T21:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/warrenendino28-1254175" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/peg52-1199623" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/warrenendino28-1254175" ], "content": [ "Hi! It is such a scary feeling. I started using a product from Elavacity called smart coffee and xanthomax and it's really helping. Still terrible episodes, but not nearly as bad." ], "date": [ "2019-07-14T22:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/warrenendino28-1254175" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/peg52-1199623" ], "content": [ "Thank you will check on it too" ], "date": [ "2019-07-15T00:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Is this still active? I feel the same but don't know what is that called? really weird feeling dont want to be alone or even if I am with someone walking in open spaces it makes me feel really panicked" ], "date": [ "2019-07-11T23:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cat23190-1023734" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I have been fighting off a full panic attack for 6 days now and one of my freak out feelings is that detachments in open spaces. Does it almost feel fake? Well yeah that&#39;s happening to me</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-21T19:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beverly44937-1023173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel fine sitting and laying down. It&#39;s only when I walk are stand I feel dizzy. I too feel better pushing a shopping cart. I have terrible panic attacks. I wish I just felt normal again. I hate being in open spaces too</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-21T20:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robertjohnson-1027095" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m glad that I&#39;ve found someone who is having the same problem. It&#39;s always hard to explain to others how it feels like. </p><p>I&#39;ve been having this problem, exactly the same as what the previous posts describe: &quot;...feeling detached, numb in open spaces..especially with shiny flooring with reflections of lights..&quot;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve seen an eye doctor, as I thought it could be the problem my eyes as I&#39;m very sensitive to bright lighting. Doctor said I&#39;m ok.</p><p>Changed my glasses, but it never helps. However, sunglasses do help at times!</p><p>I went to an ENT specialist and I was told to perform a MRI scan of my brain. The scanning results and blood tests were all normal.</p><p>I thought l was having vestibular disorder, but he said my hearing was pretty good.</p><p>I was told by a specialist, who&#39;s a close friend of mine to perform an EEG with a Neurologist. The ENT specialist recommended the same test, too. </p><p>They told me that I might have Petit Mal seizure.</p><p>I told them that I was only having this in indoor open spaces like malls. And I&#39;m much better outdoors.</p><p>They then told me that it might be the frequency of certain (artificial)lighting that triggers Petit Mal.</p><p>However, I don&#39;t think that&#39;s the root cause as Petit Mal can happen anytime, anywhere.</p><p></p><p>Although I&#39;m still looking for the exact cause, here are some of my observations:</p><p></p><p>#Feel better after/while...</p><p>1. Having enough sleep</p><p>2. Staying away from digital gadgets(smartphones, laptops..) for at least a few hours</p><p>3. Wearing sport shoes that fit, with orthotic insoles inserted</p><p>4. Swimming</p><p>5. Walking in the woods/jungle</p><p>6. Having enough food</p><p></p><p>#It usually comes when there&#39;s...</p><p>1. Crowd</p><p>2. Squares</p><p>3. Reflecting tiles</p><p>4. Bright lighting</p><p>5. Warm lighting, sometimes...</p><p>6. MALLS!</p><p></p><p>Comfort, or maybe the solution?</p><p>I tend to tell myself...</p><p></p><p>1[b]?[/b]. If something&#39;s wrong with you, physically, try walking in the dark. Look, nothing happens! No &quot;detachment&quot; or giddiness, nothing!</p><p>2[b]?[/b]. If you&#39;re having a physical problem, why is it only happening when you&#39;re in a mall or places with bright lighting. I&#39;m sure the physical problems doesn&#39;t discriminate!</p><p>3[b]?[/b]. I&#39;ve been through tests, scans and check ups, everything looks good and fine, even near perfect. There are people out there who have serious physical impediments and yet they can still live a life they wanted. Why can&#39;t I?</p><p></p><p>After all, we might only be having Agoraphobia. </p><p>However, do perform any necessary medical checkup(s) before concluding.</p><p></p><p>Let&#39;s keep everyone updated.</p><p></p><p>Cheers!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-27T15:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pesty_wadoo-1047212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same thing. I can&#39;t post right now.. I have an exercise class but I am glad I found this site and want to read up more on everyone&#39;s postings. I am in Tenneessee and I feel like I am in jail and isolated from going anywhere....</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T10:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Just wanted to update you all and let you know that I still suffer with these symptoms. I have good and bad days. Some days I feel so detached and unbalanced and I panic and feel weak and sweating from the fear of an open space. Anyone else managed to find any improvement or solution for this? There is a thought process to it all for me because before I even enter an open space I am already thinking about it." ], "date": [ "2017-03-09T10:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beverly44937-1023173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beverly44937-1023173" ], "content": [ "hi there I read moo88 message and yours . I have this problem and am taking propranolol at the moment but they dont help me, did the zxanax realy help you" ], "date": [ "2019-03-24T11:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same way. My doctor gave me a prescription for zanax and for the past 2 weeks I don&#39;t feel strange or detached anymore. I feel anxiety a bit when I go to the grocery store but for the most part I finally am beginning to feel normal </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-12T01:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eiffel-1035798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eiffel-1035798" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Recently I have been having near panic attacks when using any transportation....for no reason. I don&#39;t feel fearful but suddenly it comes on. I&#39;m not on any medications, or had any changes that should make me anxious. I just have a feeling like I want to get to my destination NOW and/or just go to sleep. Both of these problems came in at the same time. I have no reasons for either. It hasn&#39;t gotten to the point that I need medication to control it, but xanax seems like the only solution healthcare providers offer. Interestingly smaller, less busy roads don&#39;t bother me.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-25T23:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jcclar1-957996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eiffel-1035798" ], "content": [ "<p>Iv been put on lexapro it&#39;s helped a lot but the first two weeks on it were hell</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-26T05:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eiffel-1035798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jcclar1-957996" ], "content": [ "Thank you, I will look into Lexapro." ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T18:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jcclar1-957996" ], "content": [ "what is lexaoro" ], "date": [ "2019-03-24T11:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have this issue as well I&#39;m wondering if any of you have vision problems? This seems to have coincided with my vision getting worse. I have a fear of vertigo even though I havent experienced it since childhood, but at the time I didn&#39;t know what it was and I afraid I would be struck by it at any time. Any time I feel the least bit off balance or dizzy I have the fear it will happen. Usually I remain calm and take a breath and I am ok. However this weird feeling in open spaces is becoming a problem. My feeling is that my vision and fear might be leading to my particular anxiety.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-24T15:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamiesk-1039254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve suffered with anxiety since I was 14...I&#39;m now 43, it&#39;s kind of manifested into different anxieties over time, I&#39;ve had good and very bad years...I&#39;m struggling a lot at the moment, the wide open spaces thing is a big issue for me...travelling is also a big issue as most of the time it involves big open spaces...I&#39;m going with the wife (she&#39;s driving)to Cornwall (from Bournemouth ) next week and all I can think of is the 4 hours of anxieties I&#39;m going to suffer...it really does wear you down</p><p></p><p>i really do try to fight it as well, I&#39;ve bought a few self help books and they do work for a bit, in fact I keep one on me at all times now (in my man bag lol) it does help have that safety blanket, I also gave to have a drink and something sugary on me...I find all this helps a lot but I know how ridiculous it is</p><p></p><p>ive never taken Medication as I&#39;d panic about that...of course I&#39;m very aware that it&#39;s all psychological...one of my self help books states that you should try and look around you and get yourself grounded and in reality again...that really does help, you can genuinely feel yourself comeback...any this support thread is very good, great to kno w you are not alone because in your own head you feel crazy :)</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-04T09:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pesty_wadoo-1047212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is me in a nutshell..." ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T15:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pesty_wadoo-1047212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is me in a nutshell..." ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T15:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debi62095-461959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes i get open space panic, BUT what you must do is not to avoid these as they wont go away, gradual desensitise with coping strategy techniques, ie go out but at first with someone then gradually on your own.  Its really putting thoughts into rational perspectives - lots of advice and books on line or Gp couunsellor etc." ], "date": [ "2021-06-13T22:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thats agoraphobia" ], "date": [ "2015-06-06T04:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/milliet-745539" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "If the fear diminishes when you are physically supported, holding on to a trolley or someone else, then this could be an inner-ear thing - such as\r\n labyrinthitis - so get that checked out with your GP.\r\n\r\nDon't attribute to anxiety what could be physical conditions. I got told for 12-18 months that my symptoms were just anxiety. I had a bowel cancer. Not saying this is something on your card, but there is a real danger in thinking everything is anxiety-related.\r\n\r\nI can getting over the agoraphobia now that I know that the physical issue was which was undermining my confidence in myself." ], "date": [ "2015-06-07T08:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yorktown-754481" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joshua22449-1153294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/yorktown-754481" ], "content": [ "<p>Hiya york town i get this feeling but i am avle to control it by pushing myself forward .. I feel fine for the first hour im awake but after that it&#39;s constantly this when i need to go to shops ect .. Just wondering if your mother got any help that really did help her .. I have good and bad days .. I went on holiday last year and didn&#39;t have a single bad day in about 2 weeks .. Just to let you know [b]?[/b] also i rarely get this sensation in the summer (only when the nights get darker) very strange .. may the in with depression .. </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-21T20:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi\r\nyou have explained EXACTLY how my mom felt every time she went out. She was diagnosed with agoraphobia and was house bound for many many years. When I was a bit older she was able to go out only if she was pushing a shopping cart or holding on to someone as you explained. I've never heard anyone else with these symptoms except you and her. She would have to take Xanax to go out as well. I urge you to seek help for this. I mainly answered because I'm sympathetic and understand. I'm sorry you have to endure this. Hugs to you! " ], "date": [ "2015-06-12T03:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "content": [ "ck weth... Good morning my name is Dominic I've been going through this since I was 11 years old and now I'm 46 and deal with this every day since that day it started on an open soccer field. This has to do with the anxiety and it is also called DE realization. When the body feels it cannot handle certain situations what it does is it makes things seem less real could be a way to cope with the reality at hand which could be anxiety at that moment..unfortunately. The minds way of helping us deal is doing the exact opposite of what its trying to help us with it's totally scary. has anyone heard of fainting goats? when startled they fall. as humans one of the main things we are afraid of is indeed falling or fainting. right before we faint leading us to ultimately fall we get the sweaty plams , fast heartbeat, feeling off balance and out of body(dream like experience. so it makes total sense to avoid avoid avoid. it's so scary.....but when i force myself to cross that field or go to that open mall and live to tell about it I become more confident. and I becomes easier...its hard to get over it. I'm always using a walking stick when I can. walk close to walls. I also need an escape route and have to have my car in site in case I have get back to it to take refuge from the agoraphobic derealazation anxiety panic situation..but distraction does wonders... I want a life without this..love to all...." ], "date": [ "2019-10-15T14:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "content": [ "you mentioned the wall thing! This is exactly what i do! if i go yo the little corner shop i walk next to tje parked cars and walls, its wierd though because i only feel like this when i walk on concrete as im absolutely fine on grass! i could be in a big massive open field and ot sweat, Shake or panic, but if im on concrete like a road or pavement in a large open space and no one is next to me then im petrified" ], "date": [ "2020-02-03T12:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi! I'm a new user to this site and am the mother of an 11year boy who suffers from this. He finds it really hard to describe how he feels in open spaces and says its not exactly dizziness. What you described as feeling detached and numb and needing to hold on to things is the closest we've come to finding somebody else who experiences the same as him. We've started seeing a therapist who thinks most of his problem is anxiety and has given him relaxing sounds to listen to and various copring strategies such as carrying something heavy, wearing a hoodie, chewing gum, self comfortingwith arm hugs and hand massages. He says these things help a tiny bit but don't solve the problem. I'm not 100% convinced that there isn't something physical wrong although the doctor a couple of years ago couldn't find anything. I might revisit the GP just in case it it an inner ear problem such as labyrinthitis. It would be great just to be able to give him medication to stop this but from other comments it sounds as though it takes a lot of time just to find ways of coping. " ], "date": [ "2015-08-31T20:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "I really feel for you. It must be awful feeling unwell all the time and having to be with somebody every time you go out. I hope the VRT helps you - let the group know if it does. It must be very frustrating that nothing medical has been found - I'm sure it's not al in your mind. When did these felings start? Was there anything that triggered them such as something scary happening to you when you were in an open space?" ], "date": [ "2015-09-01T09:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "content": [ "It just came on for no reason. It did all start once I had my daughter all of the problems with feeling unwell, dizzy, spaced out, not being able to walk in open spaces etc. Part of me does wonder if it was all hormones and anxiety because how can I be really healthy and no problems at all to experiencing all this from having a child but then all tests and check ups come back normal. Every doctor and consultant I have seen indicate anxiety or say to relax more and find ways to keep occupied. I did however have this problem as a child I suddenly became scared of the playground at school being so open and I went to a physciatrist( sorry about spelling) and after that I remember being back to normal and no issues with it all those years up until after the birth. " ], "date": [ "2015-09-01T10:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "That's really interesting that it started when you were at school. My son said it started with him when he was about 5 and he felt dizzy in the assembly hall. Two years ago it got really bad but the GP thought it was coordination problems and gave him eye, head and coordination exercises to do but when I saw him this sports day I could see that these hadn't helped at all and he wouldn't join in and walk on the field.\r\n\r\nI really think having a baby is all to do with your problems returning - having a baby makes most mothers anxious at the best of times and all the hormonal chages don't help. Also, how ridiculous for anyone to tell you to relax! You would relax if you could and you can't relax just because somebody orders you to.\r\n\r\nIt's interesting that seeing a psychiatrist helped you when you were a child - I think that will be the next step with my son. We're seeing a therapist at the moment but after 4 weeks it hasn't helped loads and is very expensive, so I think after a few more weeks we will go to the GP and ask to be referred to a child psychiatrist. I'll let you know how my son gets on.\r\n\r\nHave you thought about going to see a psychiatrist again? Please don't worry about your spelling - it's been great to find someone who can explain how they feel and my son can relate to. I'll keep in touch about anything that my son does that helps him - he does say that listening to the relaxation tapes the therapist has given him helps a tiny bit as does wearing a hoodie, carrying something heavy and chewing gum when he's in open spaces. It certainly doesn't completely sove the problem. Have you tried any of those things?" ], "date": [ "2015-09-01T10:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "content": [ "Hi how is your son getting on?x" ], "date": [ "2016-01-14T14:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "Hi! I've only just seen your message. He went through a really bad patch a few months ago where he hated being in shopping centres or shops with high ceilings like Sports Direct and he really struggled with PE lessons anywhere on a field. His PE teacher has been great and really supportive and my son seems to be gradually getting a bit better in the last few weeks. If he becomes familiar with somewhere he doesn't like it seems to help and we've been taking him to open fields to see how he gets on and each time he can get further and further into the centre of the field. I'm trying not to get too excited in case it gets worse again, and I'm trying to be aware that it could get worse maybe when he's a lot older. We went down the NHS route but he could tell that the person we saw didn't really know what to advise but in a way this was good as I think it pushed him to try as hard as he coul to get better by himself. How are you doing?" ], "date": [ "2016-06-01T15:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello, Moo88, &#160;I just found this web site while searching in web browser. &#160;I read your text and couldn&#39;t believe how similar our symptoms are and ongoing. &#160; My symptoms started nearly 6 years ago and came on suddenly. &#160;Naturally, I had any physical reason ruled out by neurologist, radiologist, physical therapist, and attending physicians at a major U.S.teaching hospital as well as experts on &quot;dizzy&quot; @ Mayo Clinics in USA. &#160; The only thing they could come up with after thousands of dollars in tests is that it is psychosomatic response to an old traumatic memory, like PTSS. &#160;It is all in your head? &#160; B/C there is no physical reason for the symptoms. &#160;</p><p>The therapy of choice is EMDR and of course a trial of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety prescriptions. &#160; I opted out on the prescription and am trying the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for treating an un-conscience &#160;trauma. Of course nearly anyone can look back at childhood and find something that may have had a negative impact emotionally, right?&#160;</p><p>&#160; &#160;So, &#160;the verdict is still out. &#160; I am&#160;not&#160;cured (after recent weekly visits to a qualified health care counselor) &#160;nor wonder if anyone really knows how to cure this mysterious syndrome&#160;shared by everyone posting on this site. &#160;It just seems so strange, doesn&#39;t it, very mysterious at the least. &#160; Shouldn&#39;t someone have found &#160; a cure by now, something that really works! &#160;&#160;</p><p>Meditation, nutritional supplements, hypnosis? &#160;Anything?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T14:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "content": [ "hi, i realy hope your son gets over all this xxx" ], "date": [ "2020-02-03T12:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I still have this problem although its not a problem because I never go out alone really but I do go out but when I do go to a shopping centre I walk near to the person I'm with incase I loose my balance or I hold on to them. I still feel unwell a lot and yeh you could say anxious its like I'm obsessed by my health now days. I have seen a physio ie VRT which is vestibular retraining therapy and he thinks my symptoms sound like migraine associated vertigo because I get frequent headaches but even regular dizziness. I always feel off in myself but to everyone they say I'm looking well and all health checks come back normal. Maybe it is possible for our minds to play tricks. I am not scared to go out alone its more of a case of feeling scared incase I feel unwell or feel dizzy or anxious while I am out alone x" ], "date": [ "2015-08-31T22:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maddison2016-966029" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hyacynth-1024652" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maddison2016-966029" ], "content": [ "No one I consult seems able to help.\r\n\r\nWith me it may be Complex PTSD.\r\n\r\nI saw a psychiatrist for a year. He just praised me for getting through \r\n difficulties so well and said that the vertigo would disappear.\r\n\r\nHe said it was repressed anger.\r\n\r\nI still think it ay be middle ear. \r\n\r\nWhen I have time I will follow this up again." ], "date": [ "2017-03-04T11:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maddison2016-966029" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hyacynth-1024652" ], "content": [ "<p>That would be great,I&#39;m struggling massively with my symptoms. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-11T21:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi\r\nI am wondering as anyone had a diagnosis?\r\n\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-08-25T19:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael85277-985435" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "glad im not the only one always makes me feel useless as i have 2 young children so im fine normally when taking them out but also feel funny when im near any tall buildings or in an open town centre has anybody had any help from your gp or anywhere else as ive tried therapy before with therapy for you but that didnt really help" ], "date": [ "2016-10-15T22:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie41360-987344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I have been this way since I was 5. I hate it!!!! I&#39;m 26 and still trying to get over this. I work at the airport to help me get over it but it&#39;s not working as much as I need it to. I also took anxiety medicine but that did not work. It&#39;s hard to pursue your dreams because you feel trapped. I&#39;m going to try klonopin and see if that helps. Does anyone else have any valid suggestions?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-22T19:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes Moo I have had this for forty odd years the bright lights doesbt help and the flooring mekes it worse! I dont know why but tiled flooring sends my brain into overdrive x" ], "date": [ "2016-10-23T18:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andikay-1001200" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andikay-1001200" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks, Andikay. I am definitely going to look into this. My son still doesn&#39;t really like being in open spaces or places with high ceilings and my instinct tells me that this is more than just anxiety. I will let you know how we get on.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-12T14:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andikay-1001200" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ckweth-864807" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re welcome, and now good luck! Another thing you could look into is sensory processing disorder. There can be many causes for these types of symptoms. Don&#39;t get me wrong, sometimes it can be an anxiety disorder, but many times there is an unknown underlying cause. I shared about dysautonomia because there is still limited awareness of it, yet it&#39;s estimated to affect 70 million people worldwide, and 1/100 teenagers will get POTS. Unfortunately these people often get told it&#39;s anxiety, or all in their head and that they&#39;re hypochondriacs. Often chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, IBS, etc comes as part of it, or coexisting with it too</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-13T01:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andikay-1001200" ], "content": [ "What is the cure?   How do we get better if we in fact have Dysautonomia?  Where do we start, does one need  a referral to a cardiologist or are there steps we can do on our own? \r\n\r\nThanks for you intellect and input." ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T15:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone. I saw this forum and joined just to reply to this post! While I can&#39;t diagnose any of you, I would suggest you look into dysautonomia. Dysautonomia is an umbrella term covering disorders affecting the autonomic nervous system (basically affecting every automatic function in your body). The most common type is POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). It is very commonly misdiagnosed as anxiety, as blood tests and scans are usually normal! It causes a raised heart rate (tachycardia) when upright and causes many symptoms such as dizziness, digestion issues, temperature regulation problems, fainting, chronic pain, visual disturbances, sensory overload, sleeping difficulties, tremor, shakiness, abnormal drops or raises in blood pressure, migraines, headaches, fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, etc (and many more). not everyone will experience all of those symptoms. Most doctors don&#39;t know what this is!!!! It can go undiagnosed for many many years in some cases. I know of people who didn&#39;t get a diagnosis for 20 years! It is usually diagnosed by a cardiologist, but you would have to find one who is specialised in dysautonomia, as some cardiologists don&#39;t even know what it is. Please see [b]<a href=\"http://www.dysautonomiainternational.org\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.dysautonomiainternational.org</a>[/b] for more info. They have information on all of the specific types of dysautonomia, what the symptoms are, how to get diagnosed, etc. and they have a list of dysautonomia-knowledgeable specialists around the world, according to area. I hope this helps some of you to find answers, so that you don&#39;t have to feel like you&#39;re going crazy anymore!!! P.s. Shops are the worst symptom triggers, with the light, noise and heat, it triggers off symptoms badly, and people feel much worse. I have a type of dysautonomia called hyperadrenergic POTS</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-12T03:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nik07-914864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I used to experience that too.. but i realised that once i get used to the place , the detached feeling goes away also.. like i need to go to that place a few times and get used to the surroundings and then i feel better." ], "date": [ "2016-12-12T17:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lulubeck-1014202" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m so happy to have discovered this chat. It&#39;s so good to hear from others but unfortunately, it seems there is no solution <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" />. It started for me after i had my second son 5 years ago, but it wasn&#39;t this bad. Lately, it has become worse. Ive had a brain CT scan, an MRI, blood tests, seen a neourologist and also seen an Ear doctor. Everything is normal. Based on these chats, it seems that this is anxiety. I will follow up with my doctor and maybe she can refer me to a psychiatrist.</p><p>I&#39;m okay walking on carpet and on concrete (if it is not wet)... curious if anyone feels the same.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-24T20:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everyone...just an update. I still get these symptoms sometimes its managable though. I was told by ENT that it is a balance problem so I do balance exercises daily. Still no major improvement since starting them 4 months ago but i guess it can take a long time and also may never go but i can only hope. The balance therapist basically said to keep as active as possible and to do exercises which require you to use your eyes a lot like passing a ball etc... she said most of her patients with the same symptoms say the same thing ie its worse in supermarkets, shopping centres and open spaces. She said theres no guarantee that this will go but I had this as a child briefly and it did eventually go. She recommended i see a therapist as she thinks although there is a problem there that it is increased by my anxiety and constantly worrying and thinking about it. Also i have been tested for POTS by having a tilt table test and it came back normal along with various other cardiology tests such as an echo, event recorder monitor, bp monitor etc..." ], "date": [ "2017-01-31T13:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beverly44937-1023173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel dizzy only when I walk around and am around, sitting and laying down I am fine. I also feel dizzy at the grocery store, or around a large crowd. This has been happening for about 6 months. Lately almost every day. Please give me some feed back. Thank you" ], "date": [ "2017-02-16T23:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beverly44937-1023173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "content": [ "<p>I just don&#39;t understand why I feel fine sitting and laying down. It&#39;s only when I walk around. I to have anxiety and I&#39;m sure that contributes to the situation of being scared and not wanting to be around a lot of people. I can&#39;t describe it. I have a doctor appointment next week. Do you feel dizzy all the time? I go a day and feel fine or even hours. Maybe 5 hours of the day are just unbearable. Thank you so much for talking to me. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-21T17:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nathan76553-1045424" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Amanda. It&#39;s interesting you bring up the point about gaming and computers, etc. I&#39;ve always been the same way and I can&#39;t help it wonder if this contributes to it. I usually notice if I&#39;ve been staring at a screen all day, especially gaming, it makes my symptoms worse. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-25T22:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I know that this discussion was posted a year ago, but I have to say I am having the same problem. I have felt weird in open spaces since my freshman year in college which was like 2010. That was when I used to drive myself to school. The first time I felt it was when I was heading to my car after a night class. It was the only car in the parking lot and it was in the middle, which was just great. I was terrified. I started feeling lightheaded and felt like I wanted to fall. I wanted to call my mom, but I forgot I left my phone in the car. I tried to look to see if somebody else was around, but I was afraid to move. So I decided to try to walk to the car, horrified as I was, trying not to think about it, crying. I finally managed to get to the car, releived. The next day I had my mom drive me to the doctor. I tried to tell them what happened and they thought it had something to do with my vision. So I went to get my eyes checked and I got a pair of new glasses later that year. Still didn&#39;t help. Trying to get some excerise and taking the trash out is like a chore now trying to cope with this thing. Now its like I have to be with someone in order to get across my own parking lot. I have never had a fear of open spaces, but now it just keeps growing. </p><p></p><p></p><p>I think I should also mention that I love playing video games, playing on the computer, and watching movies. I also suffer from anxiety too. I don&#39;t know if any of these things might be playing a factor in this so called dizzyness/ lightheadedness feeling, but I kind of wish that it would go away. I feel like Im afraid to step outside now, so Im spending a lot of my time in my room and I hate that<img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-21T02:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julie57374-917358" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/julie57374-917358" ], "content": [ "Hi Julie I can relate to what you said I also get those same thoughts ie If I walk out of a shop I will think I need to get to the next shop but Its means going in to open space and I will start to feel uneasy and I will clench my body up and rush to get there just to avoid what ever my mind is trying to make me think will happen. I have not had this feeling much lately but I have not been tested in real open spaces like shopping centres. I still feel dizzy every day and having problems with my ears so I am confused now weather its ear, anxiety or heart related because of the different symptoms I keep experiencing.x" ], "date": [ "2016-01-14T14:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/julie57374-917358" ], "content": [ "<p>Dear Julie , I just found this web site while searching in web browser. &#160;I read your text and couldn&#39;t believe how similar our symptoms are and ongoing. &#160; My symptoms started nearly 6 years ago and came on suddenly. &#160;Naturally, I had any physical reason ruled out by neurologist, radiologist, physical therapist, and attending physicians at a major U.S.teaching hospital as well as experts on &quot;dizzy&quot; @ Mayo Clinics in USA. &#160; The only thing they could come up with after thousands of dollars in tests is that it is psychosomatic response to an old traumatic memory, like PTSS. &#160;It is all in your head? &#160; B/C there is no physical reason for the symptoms. &#160;</p><p>The therapy of choice is EMDR and of course a trial of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety prescriptions. &#160; I opted out on the prescription and am trying the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for treating an un-conscience &#160;trauma. Of course nearly anyone can look back at childhood and find something that may have had a negative impact emotionally, right?&#160;</p><p>&#160; &#160;So, &#160;the verdict is still out. &#160; I am&#160;not&#160;cured (after recent weekly visits to a qualified health care counselor) &#160;nor wonder if anyone really knows how to cure this mysterious syndrome&#160;shared by everyone posting on this site. &#160;It just seems so strange, doesn&#39;t it, very mysterious at the least. &#160; Shouldn&#39;t someone have found &#160; a cure by now, something that really works! &#160;&#160;</p><p>Meditation, nutritional supplements, hypnosis? &#160;Anything?</p><p></p><p>PS Shopping use to be fun, now it can be terrifying. &#160;These symptoms have limited my lifestyle choices and can be a verdict in isolation in an aging in place society.&#160;</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T15:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there\r\nim happy to have found this discussion. Yes I feel that way too in open spaces. It comes and goes. It has been happening for a few months now. I will be in a line up where when it's my turn I have to cross an open area to the cashier. I start panicking as to how I'm going to do it, I manage by deliberately trying to distract myself with other thoughts. And at work I walk close to walls, if I have to cross an open area I count. I used to teach Parkinson's patients to count when they got stuck while walking, it helps. \r\nShopping malls are becoming a problem too. I find myself going out of my way so I don't have to cross that open space. \r\nMy fear is that this condition is getting worse. \r\nI spoke to my gp who has referred me to a psychiatrist. I see him Monday and will let you know what he says. \r\nI read all the other comments, they are helpful, will get my ears checked too I think " ], "date": [ "2016-01-13T05:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "content": [ "Hi do you feel dizzy all the time? Did you ever get any diagnosis from a doctor? Do you think yours could be ear related?x" ], "date": [ "2016-01-14T14:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "Yes i feel dizzy too, i never really thought about whether it could be the ears, i always felt it was a deep seated phobia that i have and i would love to be cured and to find out what triggered it. I feel if it was my ears then i would feel it all the time, like at home, it is the open space that sets my anxiety off x" ], "date": [ "2016-01-14T15:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "You are describing exactly how i feel!! I have had this since i was about eleven, i am now 51! Yes if i hold on to something i am better but i cannot walk unaided into an open space. My body goes into panic and artifical lighting and certain tiled floors make it worse. Wearing sunglasses seems to help but i cant do that in a supermarket! Yes i feel dizzy and then the panic starts and at worst hyperventilating!! " ], "date": [ "2016-01-14T11:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathie37110-913891" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel exactly the same way!  I notice this post was a year old.  How are you doing now?\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-05-25T17:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathie37110-913891" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kathie37110-913891" ], "content": [ "I hate open spaces, yes shiny floors, i feel dizzy in any open space, always need a shopping trolley in supermarkets, hate bright lights too. I always feel the need to walk on the edge of any open space " ], "date": [ "2016-06-05T05:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Would love to see is anyone has had success getting a handle on this.  My problem started when I had vertigo.  Super shiny floors and open surfaces and any water (i.e., rain on the road) are my biggest issues.  I know because of my balance I do much better with a shopping cart.  I even thought about getting one of those carts that fold up and you can put in your car, not a walker, more like a basket with a long handle, just to give me a sense of stability." ], "date": [ "2016-06-01T16:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joe131364-786561" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I Have panic an anxiety attack because of traumat events. I do take mediocation for both. I use Klonipikn and Paroxitine and when I feel nervious I use Melatonin, maybe 50 mgs during the day as needed and 100 mgs at night.\r\nIt is actually used for time changes. I used to fly out every other week for many years, and the melatonin does work on time changes." ], "date": [ "2016-06-05T06:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elena4442-953582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maddison2016-966029" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elena4442-953582" ], "content": [ "Elena have you had a diagnosis?\r\nI am very much the same as you." ], "date": [ "2016-08-25T19:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maddison2016-966029" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elena4442-953582" ], "content": [ "How are you doing Elena?" ], "date": [ "2016-08-25T20:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello. Refereshing to know other people have similar problems. I am going to try tapping next time I am abvout to cross the street- with my walker!. I have an ear problem that at 74 years old has no solution. I walk along walls, not where it is dark, abnd avoidc open spaces. So I use the walker all the time outside= or hold onto someone&#39;s arrm. &#160;The problem is that I get panicky and stop. when crossing the street or open spacwes sometimes. With the walke. Just happened when I voted. I had criossed the street to get to the &#160;voting center OK but returning, I took 2 steps &#160;into the street and stgopped, Tried again. Panicky and felt like throwing up. Do not get dizzy ort fall over. Just freeze. I have worked through it sometimes by focusing on a sign or letter or something. &#160;Today, I found a policeman whose arm I held- along with my walker. This problem developed after i had a hip replacement and used a walker when I recovered. Putg away tghe walker and this imblance problem developed (5 years ago.) But this new panicky started about 1 year ago. Ear doctor diagnosed the inner ear problem and suggested exercizes to help cope with balance. But nothing about the panicky. Looking forward to hear from you. Have to think abiout &quot;detached feeling&quot; &#160;I like crowded places as being around people males it easer for me!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-26T10:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jcclar1-957996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/62short-1058076" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jcclar1-957996" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi! Yours sounds similar to mine. I will freeze up in open spaces if I cant at least touch my finger tips on someting. Im fine in my own house (I wasnt at 1st) and have gotten much better in other peoples homes. I work in retail behind the counter, which im fine behind, but need a cart to get to other places in the store. I move pretty fast with the cart! I had a problem in my spine that I had surgery for 13 yrs ago but walked with a occassional limp right before and ever since. I have had falls since my foot doesnt always lift completely but I didnt have any problems walking until a fall I had about a 1 1/2 yrs ago. My brain will say&quot; Lets go!&quot; and my legs lock up. My husband says that when I fall my body stiffins and I fall like a tree. Sometimes I do feel like it is balance though, especially when I stand still for a long period of time. Everybody thinks they have the right advise to solve my problem. I would love to walk anywhere without assistance again.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-10T18:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Well I thought I was the only one in the world who felt like this lol. I have had it for around 16 years. Feels like a strange spaced out disconnect mind from body when I step out into an open space that makes me want to freeze. Has at times affected my working life and made me give away any sports that involved open spaces like on ovals when I was younger. I have found shiny flat hard surfaces to be worse, long grass ares not so bad. Pushing something like a trolley takes the feeling away." ], "date": [ "2016-07-13T09:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "My acupuncturist thinks the dizziness is due to taking a high blood pressure medicine that is commonly prescribed, Atenolol.Is anyone else on this medication? \r\nI am trying to find links,as to the cause of these symptoms that so many people like myself suffer from, since all the specialist from Neurology to Audiology don't have the solutions. \r\n\r\nOr has anyone tried hypnosis? " ], "date": [ "2019-11-01T13:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debbie1982-1286232" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello there,\r\n\r\nhope you're well. Oh my god..., This is actually me as well! I haven't been to the doctors about this yet. Have you had any help since writing this?\r\nDebbie x" ], "date": [ "2020-01-25T18:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Try the BAUD. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-01-29T16:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/118simon118-1293475" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "get disorientated and feel feel at dis ease within myself and like I'm out of control of how I'm going to react and that gets me into a panic and cant focus and feel vulnerable and that IMPENDING CALAMITY starts and I need to get away " ], "date": [ "2020-02-04T15:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "prefer staying AWAY from open fields. ***correction from above ***" ], "date": [ "2020-02-04T17:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "content": [ "iv had balance tests done and they said it was all ok and my balance is ok but im going to ask for another one to be done as i want a second opinion" ], "date": [ "2020-02-06T09:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "content": [ "Dear nbw70, \r\nI too have had balance testing at Mayo Clinic. They also determined it wasn't caused by vestibular issue as suggested by above eastcoastn87579. (So it wasn't the brain, ear, foot connection). They are not linking anxiety with the triggering messages sent to the amygdala b/c of vestibular neuritis, but instead with a past \"subconscious trauma\" that sets a pattern of flight or flight. When other issues are sensed it defaults to \"the flight or flight\" and is forever in a loop. Agreed, the fear response will cause one to find refuge near walls as learned/DNA by primal responses.I think both camps are right, but we need to find a solution irregardless of \"how\" others who do not suffer from this hypothesize. This disorder is disruptive to anyone who suffers, lifestyles are altered to field potential everyday triggers. If you have a solution to \"cure\" please let us in on your secret irregardless of the underling cause. " ], "date": [ "2020-02-18T19:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "content": [ "i dont mean to sound thick! but i dont understand what you wrote/meant! could you reitterate it in lame mans terms please. i actualy walked accross a larfe open space yesterday evening and not near a wall! i was so pleased, i think its because i was thinking of other things" ], "date": [ "2020-02-07T08:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "content": [ "Dear nbw70,\r\nMy point was, there are two different camps. One being, our issues with balance are seen by professionals as an \"ear\" issue or the other is a \"brain\" issue, whether that is psychological or physiological remains the huge dilemma . \r\nIf they test your (ears) hearing via audiology they can perform advanced testing in a special laboratories that test the origin of imbalance. (It is essentially placing someone in a darkened testing room, on a moving platform as they monitor your movements via electrodes that send information to a computer). Whalla. \r\nThe open space is a primal response to \"flight or fight\". If you are thinking of other things (distraction) you may not have the same syndrome that many of us feel we have and attempt to alleviate the level of anxiety sensed when crossing into an open space by placing a visual in our path.I say we in a general way, from this blog it appears I am not alone. " ], "date": [ "2020-02-07T18:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "ok. so its obvious we all have almost the same feelings when I comes to open spaces. I have done so much research and what I found is it could be related to inner ear. Vestibular neuritis is something we have or had at one time. Signals travel from the labyrinth to the brain via the vestibulo-cochlear nerve (the eighth cranial nerve), which has two branches. One branch (the cochlear nerve) transmits messages from the hearing organ, while the other (the vestibular nerve) transmits messages from the balance organs.\r\n\r\nThe brain integrates balance signals sent through the vestibular nerve from the right ear and the left ear. When one side is infected, it sends faulty signals. The brain thus receives mismatched information. also the reason why walking near a wall or object could be the result of fight or flight response. prey animals ALWAYS prefer the open field because they would be seen...so staying near the tree line or in this case a wall or staying close to the entrance of a a door or being close to your car is indeed a safe escape or a place to take cover when we feel we are in danger. the inner ear could be sending mixed signals to the amygdala which is a part of our brain which triggers fear and anxiety and panic.." ], "date": [ "2020-02-18T19:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bpark2481-1294713" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bpark2481-1294713" ], "content": [ "hi bpark. interesting how the connection of vestibular system effects so much. I read up Visual vertigo and it sounds pretty on par with a lot of my symptoms. where is this doctor from who gave you this diagnosis? " ], "date": [ "2020-02-11T04:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eileen55092-1205129" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bpark2481-1294713" ], "content": [ "This sounds a really promising explanation given the random nature of when and where problems occur. \r\nI can go for weeks without problems but the anxiety/dread builds again in the aftermath of an \"episode\". Feet and eyes out of synch - not a good scenario. Good luck and please post your progress . \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-02-11T11:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bpark2481-1294713" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "content": [ "I live in Seattle and thankfully found her in the area. Search for a \"visual therapist\" in your city - I'm sure you'll be able to find one. I'll update this thread once I start treatment. It could be a long process to reestablishing my visual steadiness (+ controlling my anxiety) but I'm hopeful!" ], "date": [ "2020-02-11T15:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bpark2481-1294713" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eileen55092-1205129" ], "content": [ "Totally in the same boat as you. I have underlying anxiety, but after an episode of light-headedness, dizziness or unsteadiness, the anxiety would build up even more after that. \r\n\r\nI could never figure out if it was my anxiety that caused the unsteadiness/dizziness or if it was the situation I was in or what I was looking at that caused the dizziness. I thought I was either crazy or making it up, but I'm glad to have an actual diagnosis for it and can work towards correcting it. People often think we (the anxious folks) make things up b/c of our anxiety, but sometimes it's something that's actually causing our anxiety to go overboard. And feeling off-balance will definitely provoke anxiety. But I do know getting my general anxiety under control is really important in visual therapy progress. I'll post my progress in time - I know it'll take awhile for the vestibular system to strengthen." ], "date": [ "2020-02-11T15:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bpark2481-1294713" ], "content": [ "thankyou, i will phone my doctor to see if i can get a referal to ENT as im a prisoner in my own home. I see little kids out my window walking in the wind and think how come the wind isnt knocking them down, if im out walking and iv no one with me i feel like im going to topple over, yet im absolutely fine walking on grass, it just seems to be on concrete surfaces that i feel unsteady" ], "date": [ "2020-02-18T19:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "content": [ "Dear nbw70,\r\nMy nephew is has a Biomedical Engineering degree and also a Physical Therapy, P.H.D. He says there is a ton of cutting edge research being done in his field on this very subject. Why? Because the ENT people don't have it figured out, if it is not your \"ear\" then they say it is in your \"brain\" and have no referral base to fix that. Yes, my nephew says it is probably vestibular and \"eye\" retraining is one way to reduce the flood of information (retrain) the brain is not digesting properly (signals) and the miss match produces the imbalance feelings. The other is the BAUD device that the FDA approved and has worked with 100s of people. I am hopeful one or both will help many of us who suffer from this syndrom. \r\nThe walking on grass is similar for me, it is theorized our eye /brain connection is more focused/localized whereas the cement is one big slab/infinity. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-02-12T16:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lulubeck-1014202" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "content": [ "i'm the same, when i see people running or walking under the rain, i think \"how come they're not falling?\" :) i'm also fine on grass and sand. for me, its shiny surfaces like tile, including certain concrete and wet surfaces. i used to be a dancer!! I don't know what happened. It's also getting worse. so glad i found this group." ], "date": [ "2020-02-18T19:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lulubeck-1014202" ], "content": [ "yes! im very wary on hard shiny surfaces too, yet im fine on the grass and the sand, its like if i fall i know i wont hurt myself! its almost like a comfort blanket. hard shiny surfaces in shopping centres are not good for me, i have to hold onto people if and when im walking on these type of surfaces, please keep intouch and let me know how your doing x" ], "date": [ "2020-02-20T09:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I had this for many years. Eventually I learned how to manage my symptoms and develop strategies when I'm out, however I refused to assume it was just \"anxiety.\" I did a lot of research and I saw ENTs, neurologists, and my opthamologists. After a lot of bad doctors, I finally found some that took it seriously. The ENT checked my ear and ruled out inner-ear issues as my ears looked great. He also said my condition is called \"Visual Vertigo\" and it has to do with my vestibular system. My opthamologist also said it's likely an issue with my vestibular system. It's a matter of retraining the eye and how it tracks things in our view. Our vestibular system basically becomes weak (for whatever reason), so the tracking of our eye, the feeling beneath our feet (motion) as no longer speaking together, so there's a dizziness or a sense of panic when those areas in our system are not communicating correctly.\r\n\r\nMy next step is to see my opthamologist who is also a visual therapist, and start strengthening my vestibular system with eye and head exercises. You might want to look into this as well. My best of luck to you all!" ], "date": [ "2020-02-18T19:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Retained Moro Reflex in Adults..Primitive Reflex as a sign of Brain imbalance.?" ], "date": [ "2020-02-12T17:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily66200-1468424" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "content": [ "i have actually never met any1 who understands the issues i have. so as much as it is unfortunate for u, its very nice to talk to u guys. x" ], "date": [ "2023-07-09T22:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily66200-1468424" ], "content": [ "where are you from? im in ni usa " ], "date": [ "2023-07-11T02:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes. my first awful experience was on a grassy field and when I cross an open field of grass I get terrified. as a matter of fact I was watching a movie where two men were walking through a open grassy field for Miles and just watching it made me uncomfortable. The beach is the worst. I can't possibly imagine doing that. I'm not a drinker AT ALL but would need to have one or two to get out near the water. Seems like when I have a bad experience its traumatic and do not want to ever visit where I had my last bad experience but that's agoraphobia. I make it a point to continue to \"push back\" and visit the places no matter how uncomfortable. \r\nThe visual you are talking about makes sense. I think it is eye,vestibular,brain connection. all 3 Sensiomoter?.I always have a problem at a book store / clothes on a wall, and at the music store buying cassettes and Cd's back in the day made me so off. certain lighting triggers derealazation experience... When I'm standing or even sitting I feel like a newborn baby being startled. \"The Morrow Reflex..Maybe the group can Look up Adults with Sensiomotor disorders and tell me what you think.I'm so happy and Fortunate to have been able to listen,read all your comments here and be able to Express myself as well...This is sometimes debilitating. and the mere fact we have the opportunity to talk to others about this is a miracle. I often Think of all the people before the internet,before modern medicine and the acceptance of these types of issues. They must of felt so lonely and Isolated...Alone in there mind.." ], "date": [ "2023-07-09T22:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth77211-642961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth77211-642961" ], "content": [ "i would like to connect with you via zoom or something. its amazing how we have the same exact issues " ], "date": [ "2023-07-11T02:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Just found this thread and cant believe there are other people who feel like this .\r\nI have been like this on and off since I was in my twenties and Im now 57 \r\nThe severity of my condition has varied over the years and it hasnt always been as bad but I seem to be suffering a lot at the moment ,maybe due to the pandemic .When my children were young I found it easy as I had a pushchair to push or always a hand to hold . I am happy in a store when I have a trolley to push.\r\nI dread going to big shopping centres and I have to walk round the edges so I am within reach of something to grab if I collapse ,the same on footpaths although as others have said I can happily walk on grass or sand .\r\nDoes anyone know of any other forums or groups with support please .\r\n\r\nI sometimes think I am crazy and tell myself to get a grip !" ], "date": [ "2021-06-26T12:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roula0108-1425284" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did you get any answers? Ive been experiencing the same thing. It started a couple months ago. " ], "date": [ "2022-04-27T18:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kjar-1460729" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I cannot walk alone or with canes or with a walker in wide open spaces like a parking lot or wide open spaces without close walls or shelves on either side; however, if i have a grocery cart , I'm ok. When walking in a parking lot to get into a building I must have someone on my right side. I use 2 canes because i have 2 bad knees. This feeling keeps getting worse and worse. Is there any cure?" ], "date": [ "2023-04-04T15:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily66200-1468424" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily66200-1468424" ], "content": [ "how have you been latley? " ], "date": [ "2023-07-11T02:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i can completely relate... also as some1 else has said if I'm pushing a pram or trolley I feel abit better, but yeah I can't chill out at the beach as soon as I see the see plus horizon meet, 😪 or in a open field... I ust to get slightly dazed walking through the hospital the parts with high ceilings, I can't walk next to tall buildings... London is a night mear... the list gose on.... I kinda feel like gravity isn't there if I'm not holding on to something. it's awful and I've spent alot of time avoiding things because of this.... x" ], "date": [ "2023-07-11T02:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im hoping we could have a zoom call. there has to be a common denominator wich could lead us to\r\nthe answer " ], "date": [ "2023-07-11T02:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackie21827-1471282" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I to have some of the same issues when i am crossing roads i get anxious and when im in supermarkets but fine if i hold onto someone or push a trolley " ], "date": [ "2023-08-13T09:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pesty_wadoo-1047212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eiffel-1035798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pesty_wadoo-1047212" ], "content": [ "<p>I think it&#39;s my eyes too and that I can&#39;t focus. I assume that triggers the fight or flight system in our brain but logically we don&#39;t find any reason to be frightened? That&#39;s my latest theory anyway. I get this in cars as well as supermarkets/malls.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T18:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pesty_wadoo-1047212" ], "content": [ "hi there, its strange you mention shiny floor surfaces, Iv suffered too like alot of you, when or if I walk in a supermarket the shiny floor kinda freaks me out and in shipping crntres I have to walk by the walks holding onto a trolley, im just wandering if there is any specific treatment or help to make my fesr go away because im scared i will become a recluse" ], "date": [ "2019-03-24T11:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lulubeck-1014202" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "content": [ "hi, i've been following this post for a while and unfortunately, it doesn't seem like anyone has found a solution. The good thing is we found each other, as most of us had thought we were the only ones... " ], "date": [ "2019-03-25T02:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I finally have time and i read all the responses. I can relate to the walking near walls...shiny floor..wide open parking lots...no barriers...Can I add driving downhill on a steep grade and most freeway driving especially if it is a WIDE freeway?This is the first place I found that actually makes me feel like I&#39;m not crazy. I&#39;m 57 and been dealing with this since 8...I went to neuro-opthamologist and he found my eyes do not focus together. He also wanted me to have an MRI for MS and it was clean. The neurologist told me I have a classic case of agoraphobia. If I have a shopping cart I&#39;m fine...or walking my dog. When I take exercise I stand in the back NEXT to a wall. I can&#39;t stand in the middle of a room....i have to have barriers. Just got back from a cruise and the worst part was walking off the pier to the island with open water on both sides. THAT to me is frightening. Escalators are horrible. I just really feel all alone here.We retired from Michigan which is flat...to Tennessee and it has gotten so much worse with all the wide open atmosphere. Sometimes I feel like I am in jail.....</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T15:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda88765-1062919" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roslyn78288-1022778" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/linda88765-1062919" ], "content": [ "I have started taking a vitamin B complex and found this has helped a lot. Worth a try." ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T21:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have those exact same symptoms. If anyone has a cure or even knows what it is for sure please let me know. It has gotten so bad that I rely on my kids too much to help me around places. I feel like everybody except my kids get frustrated with e when I need their help" ], "date": [ "2017-06-28T22:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roslyn78288-1022778" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sandra53186-1065811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/roslyn78288-1022778" ], "content": [ "I will try anything thanks x" ], "date": [ "2017-07-10T17:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have started taking a vitamin B complex and found this has helped a lot. Worth a try." ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T21:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sandra53186-1065811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sandra53186-1065811" ], "content": [ "hi, its strange you mention concrete or tiled floors as i feel the same yet on grass or an open field i am absolutely fine, as soon as i see the concrete or the shiny tiles i feel wierd, and i have to wslk next to something or someone, i cant wslk in a big open space on my own on concrete" ], "date": [ "2020-02-03T12:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi i have had this for some years now and find it so frustrating that it take over my mind and body, I feel i allow it too much sometimes. Open spaces especially tiled or concrete are a nightmare, going food shoppng or clothes shopping is always a gamble to how im gonna feel, even motorway driving and dual carrageways seem such a vast open space now, my biggest problem is work, i work in a gp surgery and have a long corridor and then the open space at reception, high vaulted ceiling and open glass walls, it makes me wobble. luckily i have a door i can get into to save me entering this space but sometimes i have to enter it, i must look drunk or highly flustered and then i have to prep myselfto walk back down the corridor to my room. I think i need to work from home, but that doesnt do u any favours does it, anyway thanks for putting this up as I really felt it was me and was contemplating tablets etc but really wanna overcome this, maybe i should run through the open spaces when no patients are around lol, then i cant fall over. all the best i know u posted this a while ago but alot off people ..normal people have this and i dont feel such a weirdo now. x" ], "date": [ "2017-07-10T17:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer40117-1079294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi I am thankful I found this post. I have had some sort of anxiety my whole life, but this &quot;thing&quot; I have been dealing with when I go out in public is pretty new to me. Mainly happens in large places. I am okay at home and smaller grocery stores etc...but as soon as I walk up to a large place it triggers. Might sound strange, but I get this weird sensation in my head, then I feel like my legs lock up and have a hard time walking. I need to walk near walls or bars or anything I feel I can hold onto in case I fall. Thankfully I am usually with my husband, but if I lose sight of him if he wanders off to look at something I panic. I feel like people think I am drunk because of how I am walking. It eventually does go away but in the middle of it you feel like hell. I know some of these posts are a few years old, but it gives me comfort knowing I am not alone, and you are not alone either.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-27T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/agro1967-956387" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same feelings as you do Moo88. The same feelings return everytime I have to go somewhere that for &#39;&#39;me&#39;&#39; is scary e.g. along a a main long and wide street, being in a multistorey car park, or an enormous department store or even worse at a bus or train station, or on a bus. being in a lift. and most of all flying. the list is quite common for most people but for me all the listed places for me are an enormous threat for my life and health. the sad thin hat all these things create a limit that forbids me to enjoy life and makes constantly refuse beautiful events like going for a simple day out with friends or family, or going on holiday. life is not easy i reassures me that I am not alone. I ask myself why do I have to feel dizzy, unsure and unsafe, have wobbly legs, racing heart, feel sweaty and have difficulty in breathing and blurred sight ... it is just so crazy and unjust.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-27T22:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/agro1967-956387" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "content": [ "I go exactly the same negative feelings as you do. my life seems to be either doing something with someone, or holding on to some object and everything has to be well studied  beforehand. I feel like a small child lost in the middle of nowhere,  on top of the panic and fear in itself the feeling of impotence and failure with and within myself make me feel worse. " ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T10:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/agro1967-956387" ], "content": [ "<p>Dear Agro</p><p></p><p>So sorry you feel like it too, I know exactly how you feel. It does help to know that I&#39;m not going mad and the only person like this. I do feel isolated feeling like this as people I know dont feel like I do! I even have to look at something on telly which looks &#39;open&#39; and I feel anxious! X</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T15:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/barbara88529-987838" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel exactly as you&#39;ve described. &#160;I seem to have had increasing symptoms for about 5 years, and now I use a walker to be sure I don&#39;t fall. &#160;It is frustrating that people who have seen me using a walker keep asking why I am using a walker. &#160;My response is &quot;because I am tired of falling.&quot; &#160;I saw a vestibular therapist for a while, but that was not greatly helpful. &#160;If I can hold onto a cart in the grocery store, even lightly hold my husband&#39;s arm, touch a wall, it helps. &#160;I can no longer walk to my car or to the mailbox with nothing to hold onto. &#160;This has changed my life, and I would so like to &quot;get over this.&quot; &#160;I had one fall resulting in a hip fracture and replacement and one destroying my shoulder. &#160;There have been numerous falls. &#160;I am soooo sympathetic with those of you suffering from this disorder. &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T19:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/barbara88529-987838" ], "content": [ "Dear Barabara\r\n\r\nSo sorry you are suffering too and have had falls and fractures. Yes it does control my life and I often think how wonderful it would be to go anywhere and not worry or panic! " ], "date": [ "2017-09-05T07:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lulubeck-1014202" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/agro1967-956387" ], "content": [ "<p>i posted here before. I&#39;ve tried everything. I&#39;ve had brain scans, MRIs, all kinds of blood tests, physical therapy and now i&#39;m seeing a psychiatrist. So far, no change. It started 6 years ago but it was only when i wore high heels. Now it has gotten worse no matter what i wear. Even though no one has posted a solution, it&#39;s so helpful to have this support because i feel like i&#39;m going crazy and no one else seems to understand what i&#39;m going through. I&#39;m curious though if all of us here are women and what age group? Also, mine started right after i had my second child (i was 40). just wondering if there&#39;s a pattern here with all of us.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-18T17:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lulubeck-1014202" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Beady, I just found this web site while searching in web browser. &#160;I read your text and couldn&#39;t believe how similar our symptoms are and ongoing. &#160; My symptoms started nearly 6 years ago and came on suddenly. &#160;Naturally, I had any physical reason ruled out by neurologist, radiologist, physical therapist, and attending physicians at a major U.S.teaching hospital as well as experts on &quot;dizzy&quot; @ Mayo Clinics in USA. &#160; The only thing they could come up with after thousands of dollars in tests is that it is psychosomatic response to an old traumatic memory, like PTSS. &#160;It is all in your head? &#160; B/C there is no physical reason for the symptoms. &#160;</p><p>The therapy of choice is EMDR and of course a trial of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety prescriptions. &#160; I opted out on the prescription and am trying the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for treating an un-conscience &#160;trauma. Of course nearly anyone can look back at childhood and find something that may have had a negative impact emotionally, right?&#160;</p><p>&#160; &#160;So, &#160;the verdict is still out. &#160; I am&#160;not&#160;cured (after recent weekly visits to a qualified health care counselor) &#160;nor wonder if anyone really knows how to cure this mysterious syndrome&#160;shared by everyone posting on this site. &#160;It just seems so strange, doesn&#39;t it, very mysterious at the least. &#160; Shouldn&#39;t someone have found &#160; a cure by now, something that really works! &#160;&#160;</p><p>Meditation, nutritional supplements, hypnosis? &#160;Anything?</p><p></p><p>Yes, I see what you are saying, &#160;a pattern. &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T15:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I can totally relate to this, I think that I have always had a sort of agoraphobia but in menopause itbseems worse. I don&#39;t like open areas, OK with small shops but big supermarkets and open spaces I cant deal with. There&#39;s something about the artificial lights and tiled floors just makes me want to panic. Like one of the other ladies, I too cling to my husband when I feel the panic. In open areas I have to walk to the side and not bang in the middle. I feel like I have to have some sort of &#39;anchor&#39; like a trolley in the supermarket to hold on to. The fear I feel is so real , I avoid places and I feel it does restrict my life. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-29T13:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe63944-1246093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe63944-1246093" ], "content": [ "I do get phases! It happened a few days ago and I was out in the parking lot with my sister talking to a family friend and I just got this feeling on unbalancedness like I was going to fall back or something. We were talking about my dad being in the hospital after an accident and having cancer. He's home now and is doing okay" ], "date": [ "2019-07-14T22:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/peg52-1199623" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe63944-1246093" ], "content": [ "Hi! Omg our symptoms are the same! I had to start parking underground at work as I couldn't walk from the outdoor parking lot. I did get a prescription for a Walker that I havent filled yet, but I think it will help. Read my response on the last comment. I'm loving the smart coffee.\r\nAnd I think it is all anxiety. Totally sucks!" ], "date": [ "2019-07-14T22:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe63944-1246093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "content": [ "Mabey it pops up during times of high stress. Glad your dad's okay. " ], "date": [ "2019-07-14T23:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe63944-1246093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/peg52-1199623" ], "content": [ "Yeah it does seem like an anxiety thing. Makes life hard when you're scared to walk in certain types of places! Ah I never heard of that. I'll have to try it. " ], "date": [ "2019-07-14T23:10+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I just read your post and every single thing you said is the same as me. The detachment and feeling like I'm not in control, unbalanced but fine if holding on to something. And it only happens in wide open spaces like you said places like supermarkets ect. In fact they recently changed my bus stop and the new one is an area where I have to walk through this super wide plaza to get to it. I hated it because I had to walk through knowing I can't hold onto anything. I even ended up making excuses and making up reasons for not being able to get the bus and tried to get lifts instead. I think we both definitely have the same thing. However I've never recieved a clear diagnosis for it. It's been speculated I have visual vertigo but not sure if that's true since the diagnosis for that is usually based on the description of your symptoms rather than actual tests. So mabey it is an anxiety thing. Do you get phases with yours when some times it's worse and sometimes it's not so bad? As that happens to me. Anyway I hope you get to the bottom of it soon. " ], "date": [ "2019-07-14T21:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vf1985-1234280" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i always get this feeling especially if we are in a shopping centre. i have to stay close to my fiance and ill tell him if im feeling panicky.\r\ni always feel people are looking at me or something its horrible." ], "date": [ "2019-07-15T03:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eileen55092-1205129" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eileen55092-1205129" ], "content": [ "Dear Eileen,\r\nI did try BAUD. It took two sessions but after the second I was walking around without the symptoms. Then two weeks after finding myself in a stressful situation/crisis (life altering health issue) I have been **worse off** ever since. Months later I am now trying acupuncture. That or buy a BAUD for long term use, which I may do if this acupuncture fails to cure me of my dizziness while ambulating or for that matter even while standing. \r\n\r\nLet me know how the BAUD works for you. It is not easy finding a therapist that has the machine (ie) Iowa didn't have one but as a snow bird found one in Tampa Florida area. " ], "date": [ "2019-10-28T13:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi again everyone \r\nSo it seems to be a combination of factors which probably makes a diagnosis difficult to pinpoint.\r\nI am looking into BAUD therapy and will report back if anything positive happens. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-07-15T09:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nenads-1249349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nenads-1249349" ], "content": [ "Dear nenads\r\n\r\nI have this problem too, since secondary school! I hate open spaces and i cant stand still in an open space, i feel very uncomfortable and panic! Airport's and supermarkets i avoid if i can! I feel i have to walk near the edge and hold on to something, its an awful phobia x" ], "date": [ "2019-10-28T12:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "content": [ "I just wish we could come together and help eachother. also slightly comforting knowing we arent in this alone.. pinkcatfairy. maybe one day soon we can somehow move on from this ❤" ], "date": [ "2019-10-28T13:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nenads-1249349" ], "content": [ "Dear Moo88,\r\nDo you use a cane as a no-pun, crutch?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-10-28T13:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "content": [ "I like a walking stick" ], "date": [ "2019-10-28T14:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "content": [ "I actually use a walking stick too, but sometimes that doesn't even help. It helps when I walk in a small parking lot like where I live, but not big parking lots" ], "date": [ "2019-10-31T18:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eastcoastn87579-1132136" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "content": [ "yes. I need my car in sight too. or the entrance to my home. I only go so far like I'm calculating distance and the time it would take to get back inside for saftey" ], "date": [ "2019-11-01T14:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the exact sameproblem! I have to walk near a wall, or railing. I don't know about you, if I think people are watching me, (They're not). I start walking funny! My legs lock up! I have problems, standing in an open space, talking to someone. I avoid people! Do you know of a non-medication supplement, that can help?" ], "date": [ "2019-10-25T06:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephx-445956" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wendl-35292" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephx-445956" ], "content": [ "Me too,but because I have no one to go with I  hardly go out any longer." ], "date": [ "2015-01-13T00:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natasha5-745484" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wendl-35292" ], "content": [ "Me aswell, i avoid shopping centres completely now. My 2nd panic attack happened in one and havent had the courage to go back to one yet. Im new to anxiety and have only been suffering for a short peroid of time but in that time i have found so many places i cant go! I feel dizzy and feel like crying! Its actually a really weird sensastion but i feel like everything is amplified, and then my brain cant cope with it and i feel like im going mad! " ], "date": [ "2015-06-07T00:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie41360-987344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephx-445956" ], "content": [ "<p>I just think people like us need to get together. Create a support group and help eachother. I feel like other people don&#39;t understand. They look at you like, nothing is wrong with you, I hate that!</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T17:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i dont get the detached feeling but i get so dizzy when i walk into a shop to buy clothes ect i just can not concentrate i cant go shopping alone and if the person walks off it kind of feels like it would if you was watching a film and the camera zoomed in and is all wobbly i know it sounds mental .\r\nbut it happens i hate going in really crowded places i cant even eat in a restraunt if its packed because i feel so dizzy and ill " ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T17:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, I do:)" ], "date": [ "2015-01-13T00:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/337amys-542151" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sameer74357-461709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/337amys-542151" ], "content": [ "Hi amys, i think agrophobia is like when you feel afraid to go out or you feel like something would happen if you go out because my brother had it anyway , in my case I don't get scared to go out but as i go out I after sometime i start to feel weird " ], "date": [ "2015-01-13T01:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Moo88,\r\nI have a height phobia and wide open space phobia. The wide open space phobia is called agorophobia. I experience the same body sensations for both heights and wide open spaces." ], "date": [ "2015-01-13T00:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sameer74357-461709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yeaaaah i exactly feel the same even last night when i went to the mall as i was walking i was feeling numb , confused i was wondering why this happen to me only when i go out to malls or open areas bcoz when i am at home I don't feel that way anxiety is horrible thing" ], "date": [ "2015-01-13T01:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arya287-540883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/arya287-540883" ], "content": [ "hi, ill try this and prey it helps me" ], "date": [ "2020-01-29T14:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "What you've described is Argraphobia. Whenever I go out I always feel detached, sick, heart races and unbalanced too, its a horrible feeling isn't it? \r\n\r\nThe only advice I can give you is whenever you feel like this, is to close your eyes for a second (don't worry what other people think) and breathe slowly and try and think of something or someone that makes you happy or listen too music, its hard but it usually works for me.\r\n\r\nHope that helps :) x\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2015-01-13T01:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beady-541116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rubie1981-745246" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beady-541116" ], "content": [ "Yes i get exactly the same feel dizzy an like I'm going to fall over its really werid. But fine with pram trolley people etc\r\n\r\nHave you found anything to help u through this yet?\r\n\r\nThanks" ], "date": [ "2015-06-05T21:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beady-541116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rubie1981-745246" ], "content": [ "That is weird coz I am the same I even bought a rug sack recently that has a wheel attachment so if I feel unsteady I can wheel it as I am fine pushing or pulling something I have also taken an umbrella with me a long one that I can use like a walking stick!  Just got an iPod that may help if I try to distract myself but not found anything that helps I just have to stop myself and say breathe as I tend to hold my breathe but that is easier said then done.  Until I joined this forum thought I was the only one with these dizzy spells " ], "date": [ "2015-06-06T15:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beady-541116" ], "content": [ "I do that too with an umberella!! I suffer too with the open space thing, sometimes i feel really scared at the thought of crossing an open area! " ], "date": [ "2016-01-14T11:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roslyn78288-1022778" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beady-541116" ], "content": [ "I thought it was just me I have exactly what you discribe and would love to know to cure it." ], "date": [ "2017-02-15T22:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/62short-1058076" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/roslyn78288-1022778" ], "content": [ "If you find a cure please let me know. I have had doctors suggest physical therapy but I figure they would just get me comfortable with walking in their surroundings. I want to walk up my street on the sidewalk. I dont want to use a walker if no one is there to hold my hand. I work in retail so I just use a grocery cart there.Im tired of people asking me how Im feeling. I was never feeling bad! I just tell people Im crazy." ], "date": [ "2017-06-19T14:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beady-541116" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Beady, I just found this web site while searching in web browser. &#160;I read your text and couldn&#39;t believe how similar our symptoms are and ongoing. &#160; My symptoms started nearly 6 years ago and came on suddenly. &#160;Naturally, I had any physical reason ruled out by neurologist, radiologist, physical therapist, and attending physicians at a major U.S.teaching hospital as well as experts on &quot;dizzy&quot; @ Mayo Clinics in USA. &#160; The only thing they could come up with after thousands of dollars in tests is that it is psychosomatic response to an old traumatic memory, like PTSS. &#160;It is all in your head? &#160; B/C there is no physical reason for the symptoms. &#160;</p><p>The therapy of choice is EMDR and of course a trial of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety prescriptions. &#160; I opted out on the prescription and am trying the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for treating an un-conscience &#160;trauma. Of course nearly anyone can look back at childhood and find something that may have had a negative impact emotionally, right?</p><p>&#160; &#160;So, &#160;the verdict is still out. &#160; I am[b] not[/b] cured (after recent weekly visits to a qualified health care counselor) &#160;n[b]or wonder if anyone really knows how to cure this mysterious syndrome[/b] shared by everyone posting on this site. &#160;It just seems so strange, doesn&#39;t it, very mysterious at the least. &#160; Shouldn&#39;t someone have found &#160; a cure by now, something that really works! &#160;&#160;</p><p>Meditation, nutritional supplements, hypnosis? &#160;Anything?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T14:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/62short-1058076" ], "content": [ "<p>&#160;I just found this web site while searching in web browser. &#160;I read your text and couldn&#39;t believe how similar our symptoms are and ongoing. &#160; My symptoms started nearly 6 years ago and came on suddenly. &#160;Naturally, I had any physical reason ruled out by neurologist, radiologist, physical therapist, and attending physicians at a major U.S.teaching hospital as well as experts on &quot;dizzy&quot; @ Mayo Clinics in USA. &#160; The only thing they could come up with after thousands of dollars in tests is that it is psychosomatic response to an old traumatic memory, like PTSS. &#160;It is all in your head? &#160; B/C there is no physical reason for the symptoms. &#160;</p><p>The therapy of choice is EMDR and of course a trial of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety prescriptions. &#160; I opted out on the prescription and am trying the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for treating an un-conscience &#160;trauma. Of course nearly anyone can look back at childhood and find something that may have had a negative impact emotionally, right?&#160;</p><p>&#160; &#160;So, &#160;the verdict is still out. &#160; I am&#160;not&#160;cured (after recent weekly visits to a qualified health care counselor) &#160;nor wonder if anyone really knows how to cure this mysterious syndrome&#160;shared by everyone posting on this site. &#160;It just seems so strange, doesn&#39;t it, very mysterious at the least. &#160; Shouldn&#39;t someone have found &#160; a cure by now, something that really works! &#160;&#160;</p><p>Meditation, nutritional supplements, hypnosis? &#160;Anything?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T14:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Beady, I just found this web site while searching in web browser. &#160;I read your text and couldn&#39;t believe how similar our symptoms are and ongoing. &#160; My symptoms started nearly 6 years ago and came on suddenly. &#160;Naturally, I had any physical reason ruled out by neurologist, radiologist, physical therapist, and attending physicians at a major U.S.teaching hospital as well as experts on &quot;dizzy&quot; @ Mayo Clinics in USA. &#160; The only thing they could come up with after thousands of dollars in tests is that it is psychosomatic response to an old traumatic memory, like PTSS. &#160;It is all in your head? &#160; B/C there is no physical reason for the symptoms. &#160;</p><p>The therapy of choice is EMDR and of course a trial of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety prescriptions. &#160; I opted out on the prescription and am trying the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for treating an un-conscience &#160;trauma. Of course nearly anyone can look back at childhood and find something that may have had a negative impact emotionally, right?&#160;</p><p>&#160; &#160;So, &#160;the verdict is still out. &#160; I am&#160;not&#160;cured (after recent weekly visits to a qualified health care counselor) &#160;nor wonder if anyone really knows how to cure this mysterious syndrome&#160;shared by everyone posting on this site. &#160;It just seems so strange, doesn&#39;t it, very mysterious at the least. &#160; Shouldn&#39;t someone have found &#160; a cure by now, something that really works! &#160;&#160;</p><p>Meditation, nutritional supplements, hypnosis? &#160;Anything?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T14:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/peg52-1199623" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/62short-1058076" ], "content": [ "<p>I am starting [b]CBD oil[/b] next week. The one without THC. I&#39;m at my wits end. </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T15:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rubie1981-745246" ], "content": [ "Omg I have the same problem! But I also use a walking stick to help me cross the road but sometimes it doesn't help and I instantly start panicing. I'm 28 years old now and I'm still feeling this way. I still live with her and I have to have her take me to work each day and it's like I feel bad cause I just want to try to do it myself, but I just get scared to cross the road by myself. Unless if there is a whole bunch of people crossing the road with me, I would be okay, but then that would have to be during our busy hours and I don't really work a whole lot of days like that. I just wish that it would end! I feel like I'm cheating myself too and it's making it worse." ], "date": [ "2020-02-03T07:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda51463-1024679" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "*I'm still living with my mom* Is what I wanted to put. I don't know how I missed that" ], "date": [ "2020-02-03T07:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "content": [ "with me it all started about 24 Years ago when i became afraid to go out when it was windy ( ibwas fine going out alone when it wasnt windy) but then around 1 and a half years ago i just seemed to have become scared to go outside alone, im ok alone if im walking next to something like a car or a wall and for some reason im absolutely fine on grassbut if its a large open space with nothing next to me then im petrified and feel as though ill fall over, its embarresing as people look at me and think im either drunk or on drugs or crazy. its affected my life a great deal, i cant work and hsve to get a taxi to the local supermarket, iv had a course of CBT but it didnt help and iv had two sessions of hypnotherapy at £140 per two hour session and that didnt help either iv got cbt oil and its not working, i cant afford top treatment so pleeeease help me anyone" ], "date": [ "2020-02-03T12:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "content": [ "Dear nbw70,\r\nI am using this device called, BAUD.I tried it last year with a therapist (in Florida) and it worked after only 2 sessions @ the therapist rate $150. It uses sound waves to re-set a brain pattern that is causing fear to trigger symptom & control your life. Long story short, then I had a relapse 2 weeks post treatment when I had to go thru a health care trauma (a real life threating fear) which I think is what re-triggered symptoms. But after a year passed and trying yet another approach, accupuncture and NLP etc. but only getting worse on my feet (all the same you described) I decided purchased my own BAUD, for self administered home treatments. So now I no longer have to pay a \"therapist rate\" to get treatments.THis is a machine cleared by FDA and have helped 100's of people with similiar problems like ours. \r\nYou can look up the BAUD and all the details if you google it. TMI? \r\nI am feeling some relief and hope everyday that passes \"I may soon say, I used to have ....\" \r\nSIncerely, Madonna\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-02-03T16:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nbw70-1220444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/madonn95250-1210097" ], "content": [ "hi, is the Baud easy to use at home and would it be best for me to have a session before purchasing one myself, Xx" ], "date": [ "2020-02-03T18:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis52869-1382226" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pinkcatfairy-14876" ], "content": [ "HI EVERYBODY. I JUST DISCOVERED YOUR FORUM. I AM 72 AND HAVE A FEAR OF OPEN SPACES SINCE I WAS 39. I HAD SOME GOOD YEARS SO I HAVENT BEEN SICK ALL THE TIME. I GET FRIGHTENED OF WALKING IN SPACE BUT I CAN WALK ON GRASS BETTER. ANY WAY MY COPING TECHNIQUES ARE TO CARRY A FOLD UP WALKING STICK AND A BACKPACK. I FEELHAVE TO GRIP SOMETHING PASSING PEOPLE I AM AFRAID OF TOPPLING OVER. I TAKE MEDS. BUT TO BE HONEST I DONT THINK DOCTORS KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THIS.OVER THE YEARS I HAVE TRIED VARIOUS TABLETS, ALSO RELAXATION TAPES. SOME TYPES OF FOOD, HYNOSIS FAITH HEALERS, ALSO USING A WALK MAN. I WAS TOLD BY MORE THAN ONE DOCTOR I WOULD NEVER BE CURED.\r\nNEVERTHELESS I GO OUT EVERY DAY AND I HAVE BEEN ON HOLIDAYS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. \r\nL HAVE A NEW WOMAN IN MY LIFE AND SHE IS VERY UNDERSTANDING . SHE HOLDS MY HAND WHEN WE GO OUT IN PUBLIC. BUT I ALSO GO OUT ON MY OWN EVERY DAY. I CANT DRIVE BUT WHEN I TRAVEL ON A BUS OR TRAIN I FEEL SAFE AND NOT STRESSED" ], "date": [ "2021-06-13T21:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hiya I feel exactly the same and always think I am the only one who feels dizzy.  I hate open spaces in case I get stranded really dizzy and fall over making a fool of myself.  When shopping I always stay close to walls or railings etc and have to really push myself to cross an open space and sometimes try to grab onto things but then I worry that I look stupid or even worse drunk!  I am fine pushing a trolley as well and also weirdly walking on grass or sand is fine too.  I know that when I am uncomfortable or crossing that open space I do hold my breath it is trying to remember to breathe but that is very hard.  And my worse thing is crossing roads hate it get really panicky and dizzy then worry about getting run over......I will not cross at zebra or pedestrian crossings hate people waiting and watching me cross that sets of panic so I try and wait for it to be really quiet with no traffic that I can see......this can make crossing the road take a very long time!" ], "date": [ "2015-01-13T13:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-anyone-feel-weird-in-open-spaces--338550?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Does anyone feel weird in open spaces?
So ive been complaining about this for so long but with little support or answers to what it is i just get told its all anxiety. Anyway when im in any open spaces mainly in supermarkets or shopping centres and even in my house, i feel panicked in open spaces like i feel detached from my body and numb and loss of control so i feel on edge because i feel like i need to hold on to something. The strange thing is if im pushin a trolley, or the pram or holding on to someone i feel fine. I just feel like i cant feel my body when im walking unaided in open spaces. Does anyone get this? I cant remember the last time ive went to town on my own because of this feeling, its almost a feeling of unbalance like i feel like i could fall x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donovan33249-1471223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\nYou would probably be better asking your doctor but I would say that as long as you don't pay too much attention to it, you should be back to sleeping within time, the key really is not to worry about it too much because that will perpetuate it.\r\n\r\nIn any case, I would strongly advise to see your doctor. If you were prescribed medication I'm assuming it was for some issue which has not going to have resolved.\r\n\r\nBest of luck!" ], "date": [ "2023-08-12T16:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/post-sertraline-overdose-insomnia-questions-please-help-803350?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Post Sertraline overdose insomnia questions, please help
I recently accidentally overdosed on Sertraline. Long story short I was trying Sertraline for the very first time, and although I was prescribed 25 mg to start, I took this dosing: - Aug 3rd: 100 mg - Aug 4th: 100 mg, - Aug 5th: 100 mg. Each dose about 24 hours apart, for a total of 300 mg ingested over 72 hours. I am male, late thirties, 180 lbs. On August 6 I had very strong symptoms and only then did I realize I was overdosing. I called poison control and they told me I had taken a non-toxic dose. I decided to completely discontinue taking the Sertraline immediately. My last dose of Sertraline was on Aug 5th. I did not do any tapering. All of the symptoms I had from the Sertraline overdose have subsided, except for this horrible insomnia that has taken over my life. During the first two days following my overdose (August 6 to 8) I could still sleep ok-ish. But from August 9th to today I have been having the worst insomnia I have ever had. It's pure torture. I barely sleep each night and its absolutely awful. Here is how much I slept (trying to sleep at 9-10pm, getting out of bed 8am) Aug 9: 20 mins Aug 10: ~1.5 hour Aug 11: ~1.5 hours Is it possible that this dosing has permanently altered my brain architecture? So that whatever mechanisms I need to fall asleep don't work anymore? Is this possible? Is there any chance this insomnia resolves on its own the farther I get away from the date of my last dose? What should I do to fix this insomnia? Wait it out? Get medication? (Melatonin 3mg does nothing). Should I have tapered off from the Sertraline? Please help, I am really suffering.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "I get tensions headaches occasionally too. Feels like pressure/pain in my temples, my eye sockets, or in the lower back of my head -_-" ], "date": [ "2018-12-21T16:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nThankfully I had not experienced a sharp painful type headache to date - just daily miserable tension headaches - it feels like I am constantly wearing a hat that is too small for my head :(" ], "date": [ "2018-12-21T13:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mikayla1226-951051" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mikayla1226-951051" ], "content": [ "I get tensions headaches occasionally also -_- so uncomfortable!" ], "date": [ "2018-12-21T16:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes, ever since I started experiencing anxiety and got on Prozac, I have had plenty of \"brain zaps\" Or sharp pains in my head that last a second. All the time. :/ But I also have every other headache as well, migraines, tensions headaches, etc." ], "date": [ "2018-12-21T16:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina69014-1086725" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christina69014-1086725" ], "content": [ "so strange! And it doesn't seem worth taking tylenol etc bc they are so short and sporadic." ], "date": [ "2018-12-28T15:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina69014-1086725" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "content": [ "yes!!! exactly!" ], "date": [ "2018-12-28T18:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes!! thats exactly where I get mine!! I just try and breathe through them and remind myself, that they only last for a few seconds and gone and not harmful." ], "date": [ "2018-12-21T17:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla02692-982921" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla02692-982921" ], "content": [ "Since I woke up a couple hours ago I keep getting little sharp zaps on the left side of my head, behind my ear. They last like a split second but are pretty painful. Feels almost like a ssharp muscle cramping or spazzing." ], "date": [ "2018-12-28T15:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Can you explain your ice pick headache?" ], "date": [ "2018-12-23T17:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maya40271-1193883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maya40271-1193883" ], "content": [ "That's exactly what I was fearing too haha. Mostly I know it's just anxiety but that small part of me fears what if it's a tumor or something -_-" ], "date": [ "2019-01-02T13:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i used to have them and i had a fear of having a brain tumor because of them :( all the sudden they have gone away which is amazing. trust me they will go away and you will be fine :)" ], "date": [ "2018-12-28T21:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maya40271-1193883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i used to have them and i had a fear of having a brain tumor because of them :( all the sudden they have gone away which is amazing. trust me they will go away and you will be fine :)" ], "date": [ "2018-12-28T21:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/damon25145-1470049" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melancholic56-1470758" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/damon25145-1470049" ], "content": [ "are they always occuring in the same spot, above ear? " ], "date": [ "2023-08-06T21:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have had these since October 2022. I recently was referred to a neurologist. They did an MRI all is fine. I was told that doctors do not know what causes ice pick head pain. I am going to look into alternative therapies. Does anyone here have an success stories of how to get rid of ice pick headaches?" ], "date": [ "2023-07-28T22:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melancholic56-1470758" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did they ever go away permanently? mine are on my right side, above my ear. feels almost as if a lightning has struck me for a millisecond. i am so scared but I could never get myself to get an MRI, as I'm too scared that it's gonna be bad news:/ ms and brain tumor scared are the worst." ], "date": [ "2023-08-06T21:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mstudent-1470449" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "what meds are you on" ], "date": [ "2023-08-11T18:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anybody-get-ice-pick-headaches--689207?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Anybody get "ice pick" headaches?
I think I'm experiencing an ice pick headache. I had it once before years ago, and it seems like it's back again. * Since I woke up a couple hours ago I keep getting little sharp zaps on the left side of my head, behind my ear. They last like a split second but are pretty painful. Feels almost like a ssharp muscle cramping or spazzing. * Does anyone know what causes this and why we get them? Anybody else deal w this?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michela21-1470865" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michela21-1470865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you jan. \r\nI did stop taking care of her problems since i felt not appreciated even when i stopped what i was doing to sort her things out. \r\nHe is adamant it is not anxiety, so I am struggling even more.\r\nI have not put poison out, but all the traps are not working and this is the reason of my frustration and constant worry. \r\nI am trying ways of taking my head out of it, but there is no way, I keep going back thinking where i should put the trap next or what i should be cleaning.\r\ni see no end to any of this situations and is getting worse and worse for me.. i realise many people have worse problems and try to remind myself, but unfortunately our minds are very strong!" ], "date": [ "2023-08-08T06:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "you are taking on a lot by yourself. there are times where we have to slow down and take care of ourselves. \r\nat this time you dont need to be managing your partners mothers issues. sounds like your partner has anxiety which is a lot on you. \r\nthe mouse can be caught and it will be a done deal. by the way, a trap is more humane than poison, which is extremely painful ! \r\neverything will be managed, but you have to set limits on how much you take on. I know what it feels like to take too much on it. It’s horrible. I’ve done it for the good part of my life. And somebody said to me that if I don’t take care of myself, I won’t be good for anybody that I love. Please take care of yourself!" ], "date": [ "2023-08-08T03:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-crisis-803185?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety crisis
hello everyone, I feel I need to speak with someone who understands me. i suffer of health anxiety and with the help of therapy I was able to "manage". unfortunately, in the last couple of months i went through many hard situations ( consider i live here with my daughter and partner but without my family). for a year now my partner has been ill with dizziness, palpitation, shortness of breath, tension in a temple etc.. and so I had to take charge of basically everything in the house/daughter and also I was dealing with his mum's problems. now.. we discovered a mouse in the house, which triggered my anxiety for two reasons: diseases and poison. i think this is a hard situation for a person with health anxiety. i spend hours cleaning with bleach and checking for anything, i cannot enjoy life, I went cinema and could only think of the freaking mouse.. i am losing sleep and i am now in a very bad state (been up for 3 hours crying). i called a helpline but the lady was very dismissive. i feel trapped and with a lot of burden on me. i guess i just needed to talk to someone thank you.
I feel extremely spaced out drunk/drugged feeling 24/7 PLEASE HELP ME !
Hello everyone ! I am a 24 year old female I find it extremely debilitating to live my life for a year now I have been feeling extremely spaced out I feel like I am drunk/drugged daily 24/7 when i do drink alcohol even moderately the feeling doubles almost unbearably , my concentration while reading has declined significantly also I can no longer work normally or even clean my home whilst in this state ,I can't take this anymore or comprehend what is happening to me I had a blood test and eye test both april and june this year and all my results came back clear and healthy. I have been to the gp on three occasions and I am told it is anxiety and possible vertigo although I am not dizzy at all as well as going to a&e twice and the hospital once with no direct diagnosis or relief . PLEASE HELP ME I AM AT THE END OF THE LINE
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dpl1985-1470608" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dpl1985-1470608" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "content": [ "Hi Arthur,\r\n\r\nThank you for your reply it is very helpful, and sorry to hear about what you have been through - its brutal isint it.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-08-06T13:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dpl1985-1470608" ], "content": [ "Don´t be sorry for me, it happened but I managed to feel better in the end! Still struggling a bit with anxiety, but I can live and do things I like again. Progress has to be made but progress has been made!\r\n\r\nSo I am trying to give you a bit of hope that some very annoying things can happen but go away!\r\n\r\nGood luck with your health issues, hope you'll feel better soon" ], "date": [ "2023-08-06T13:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello!\r\n\r\nit´s great you have seen professionnals about your symptoms already.\r\n\r\nI am sorry but I really can´t help about that left side pressure thing you have, and I won´t risk giving you false informations.\r\n\r\nHowever, being an low level anxiety person my whole life (23 yo) and experiencing very serious panic attacks and stuff this year, I can assure you 100% that physical pain is possible. \r\n\r\nThe brain really commands weird things. I've gone through trans-like periods, panic attacks (heart \"dropping\", getting faster), near to faint for weeks, chest pain, sweating heavily, going from cold to hot, difficulty breathing/pressure on the middle of the chest, muscle twitch and stiffness, internal and external trembling/tremors, heavy headaches, neck pain and trembling, heart \"skipping\" beats, inability to sleep because I heard my heart beat heavily every night, a fear of dying at any second, feeling myself move forward and backwards along my blood flow/heartbeat, restlessness, extreme fatigue, inability to do any task cause my brain felt overwhelmed, brain fog, some kind of depression (not diagnosed but I had every symptom of depression). I have been tested (blood x2 times, ECG, GP listening to my heart and checking my health multiple times), and that GP had long discussions with me on why and how the brain commands these things to protect itself from the danger it feels.\r\n\r\nSo I wouldn´t be suprised if your symptoms were either due to anxiety or side effects of your citalopram, but again, ut an opinion and not a fact.\r\n\r\nSorry that I can´t help more than that, but if making an exhaustive list of the stress related symptoms I had can help you it's a start." ], "date": [ "2023-08-06T13:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-physical-symptoms-803041?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health Anxiety Physical Symptoms
Hi all, I am not sure I have anywhere else to turn so was hoping for some help from here. I have always suffered from what I would call low level health anxiety. In as much as I was always worried about my health, but it would not really impact my day to day life apart from a difficult period when I was 18 and had a bladder infection. However this soon passed until recently (now 37) where around April time I started having chest pains, so I went to the Doctors. Some tests were done which revealed an abnormal blood result (elevated platelets), did all the classic bad things such as Dr Google and Social Media, and since then everything has spiralled out of control. Ive had the blood results again with the exact same result and they dont want to test them again for 3 months. In the meantime due to the physical and mental symptoms I've been experiencing Ive been put on 20mg citalopram which im on day 21 , and have started step 3 CBT last week. Ive been trying everything such as meditation, breathing and exercise and although mentally I think im better - I can get out of bed etc. However there is one physical symptom which is like a dull ache/pressure in my left side/armpit that gets worse when stressed but just wont go away when calmer. Ive been to see the GP, both mine and a private one and they think its the anxiety causing it, and dont think its worth scanning me. But I just cant wrap my head around it especially when it feels so constant. Im not really even sure what my question is, but any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joe96188-1468685" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "if I may ask, why age 65? \r\nas we get older, it’s really important to accept the aging process. Everybody goes through this. \r\nSo I am 68. what I do is live in the present moment. I don’t think about the past or the future but the now. For example, when I am at one of my adult kids homes, and I am there with my grandchildren, I am so grateful for all of them, and I make the most out of each second . \r\nI even did that when I was younger, and while my kids were growing up, I embraced each precious moment, and I have the best memories! That is living in the present moment, and it brings so much joy to me!\r\nanother thing that brings me happiness is doing things for others. I volunteer my time helping those who need all types of help such as picking up groceries, helping children become better readers, driving someone to the doctors, etc. Those things bring me such purpose, and fulfillment! \r\nBasically, as we age, we need to feel like we have a sense of purpose. just because we are in our 60s doesnt mean that we are useless and everything is over with. Not at all! \r\nI go buy some rules I made up for myself.\r\n1. Have an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for everything that you have in your life.\r\n2. help others . when you do that you are also helping yourself by creating a sense of purpose\r\n3. Get out there and get some exercise! Even if it’s just walking. Exercise releases serotonin in the brain which creates a calm relaxed feeling.\r\n4. getting some socialization. Whether it’s family or friends or taking a new class. Very important. Laughter is actually healing!\r\n5. my ex mother-in-law is 93 years old and still going strong! She’s completely independent and I can tell you that she always had a positive attitude and kept active! I hope this helps a little bit at least\r\n65 really isn’t that old. I figure I can either be enjoying my life or sitting around and feeling down about my age. I choose the former! Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-08-06T00:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/flushed-face-causes-803087?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Flushed face causes
I get a warm face with no redness, body temp is normal but I am for some reason really stressing out about turning 65
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pete55308-1296904" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pete55308-1296904" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your reply - I will try all of those. It's a bit of a mystery as to why I feel the anxiety at all - but I wonder if it's a bit of a vicious cycle as bad tummy ache / loose bowels makes me worry about my health. I will try the meditation, exercise etc. and hopefully that will work. I might also be suffering from withdrawal from the sertraline too so hopefully that will ease as time goes on. \r\n\r\nAny other tips from others appreciated - but I really am thankful to Jan for the reply!" ], "date": [ "2023-07-28T18:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pete55308-1296904" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\nwondered how you are feeling now I have exactly the same thing. I do suffer from health anxiety which has got much worse since my husband died in his sleep two years ago. I wake up feeling really anxious and sweaty and also loose bowels for most of the morning. I’ve also lost my appetite and feel pretty rotten. I have been to the doctors and my blood test were fine and they seem to just put it down to anxiety and depression but im depressed because i feel like this. Ive everything relaxing thing going . I didnt realise anxiety could make me feel like this. Hope you are doing ok. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-08-02T10:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pete55308-1296904" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "content": [ "Hi Angela\r\n\r\nI completely sympathise. I lost my wife 6 years ago to cancer (she was diagnosed at just 26 and we went through 6 years of very tough times) and even though I'm happy in my job, family, friends and girlfriend, I think all of those experiences have also left me with a health anxiety (a vicious cycle when anxiety gives you physical symptoms). I didn't get on with Sertraline so have been off that for 10 days, so my anxiety may be partly caused by the withdrawal, but essentially I still feel pretty rotten.\r\n\r\nMy plan is to continue to get out of bed quicker, get more exercise and eat a healthy breakfast to try to 'burn off' the cortisol awakening response. I also take the odd propranalol tablet when my heart is racing. By the evening I often feel better, especially when busier.\r\n\r\nBy the way, just because it didn't work for me, I know anti depressants do help lots of others. \r\n\r\nGood luck!" ], "date": [ "2023-08-03T01:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pete55308-1296904" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your reply. Its the appetite thing that worries me the most. I find myself with it on my mind constantly. In my mind its because of me having something awful but the Drs think not. I have to force myself to eat and dont fancy anything or get hungry. \r\nMy Dr doubled my Mirtazapine tablet which supposedly helps with appetite but it hasnt helped. Similar thing happened six months after my husband died, but not for this long. I am going to the doctor again next week as it’s the appetite that is depressing me the most. Thank you again for your reply and hope you feel better soon . " ], "date": [ "2023-08-03T10:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "anxiety is definitely an unwelcomed intruder! One of the reasons people feel more anxious in the morning is because the stress hormone cortisol builds up overnight as we sleep.\r\nThe main thing that I do that is the most effective way of relieving, the anxiety is definitely exercise! When I get back from doing that, it takes about an hour or so to kick in and then I feel so relaxed and calm!\r\nif I do wake up with anxiety, I put on a soothing meditation for anxiety. \r\nanother thing that helps is when you get out of bed with anxiety jump around a little bit move your arms up and down rapidly. In other words, move the body! That helps because it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system, which causes anxiety. \r\nanother way to activate the parasympathetic system is to splash your face with cold water, or even take a cool shower. \r\nI also stay away from caffeine and sugar, junk foods. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-08-24T01:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-when-waking-up-802688?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety when waking up
Suffering with anxiety (edgy, restless, rapid breathing, tummy ache) when I wake up each morning. No obvious thing that I feel worried about. Does seem to get better by the evening. Any tips on how to cope with it - aside from medication (tried Sertraline and made it worse plus stomqch issues)? Thanks
Agoraphobia & Relationships
Hi everyone, I hope someone can give me some advice. I live with my fiance, we have a little dog and live in a beautiful setting in Scotland. Since moving, I found my anxiety and panic to be a lot worse and this has lead to me becoming agoraphobic. I see a psychologist (although I feel we may be nearing the end of our sessions as she feels there is not much else she can teach me) but I still struggle getting out. I drive, and when out on my own I can manage down to the local village to do some basic tasks like post letters, do the recycling etc, however whenever I try to break through the boundaries and go furhter my body simply says "nope" and panic takes over. I have been with my fiance for over 3 years now, and in this time we have been out in the car together a couple of times in the past, but we obviously want to be out and about doing things now, attending events, checking out wedding venues etc. but i struggle being any more than 5 minutes from home. I do relaxation, therapy, breathing techniques etc, I try to exercise, i take minimal caffiene and I am on some medication but I just feel very stuck. This obviously, and understandably, had lead to feelings of worry that my other half will get fed up of me and my condition (he is incredibly understanding and great with me!) but my brain tells me otherwise! Help! (fingers crossed) Would love to chat to others with this condition to compare and contrast x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hi Jan, im not feeling much better today to be honest, having a real tough time of late. " ], "date": [ "2023-07-30T16:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes, it’s normal! I’ve been through that many times myself. The muscle twitching is due to the panic, attack and anxiety. \r\nI know how awful panic attacks are. But remember, they are not going to hurt you. Muscle twitching is extremely common.. My neurologist told me that if it happens in MND it would be in the later stages of it. And you would definitely know that if you had it. So try to relax about this. I know that when I get muscle twitches the more, I think about them the more they would keep going. That’s because anxiety and panic. Get them going.\r\nMuscle twitching is not an initial symptom of MS. \r\nYou had a panic attack. Find a way to calm down your mind. Could be exercise, meditations for anxiety, long, slow, deep breathing. I hope you feel better today." ], "date": [ "2023-07-30T15:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/worst-panic-attack-ever--802829?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "i feel constantly shakey, and my legs are constantly twitching and i feel nauseous. " ], "date": [ "2023-07-31T07:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "what’s happening?" ], "date": [ "2023-07-30T21:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/worst-panic-attack-ever--802829?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Worst Panic Attack Ever!
Im going through a real bad episode of health anxiety and worrying i have MND or MS due to muscle twitching and aching. I had the worse panic attack ive ever had during the night last night, my whole body was trembling and i just feel totally wiped out today and still feel shakey. Is this normal?
Missed my Sertraline today
hi! Unfortunately i forgot to take my sertraline this morning (150mg) and i have been feeling awful today. Felt tired, feeling like i was gonna faint the whole day, and fearing of dying, in addition to some tremors in hands and back of the neck/head. I really don´t know what i should think about that, it´s only one dose missing but can it affect my body so much after a few hours? Also I am doing a few things wrong with my sleep (going to sleep like 2 to 4 am...), and a lot of things are bringing anxiety rn (accepted to university like 1000 km from my home and having my own appartment for the first time with a loan, you know the deal i believe). So idk should i be worried to have a very low week overall and an awful day today with my dose missing?
Remedies for ice pick head pain and stabbing pain head pain
I have had these over my left eye/forehead, every few minutes, and daily, since October 2022. It's now almost August 2023. I recently was referred to a neurologist. They did an MRI and all is fine. I was also told that doctors do not know what causes ice pick and stabbing head pain. I do have prescribed medication that can make it go away temporarily, but not permanently. So I am going to look into alternative therapies. Does anyone here have any success stories of how to get rid of ice pick/stabbing head pain?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imogen07819-1216671" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imogen07819-1216671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you so much for replying to me, hearing someone else have the same symptoms defiantly helps! \r\n\r\ni went for a thorough eye test today and paid extra for them to do a 3D scan at my eye as i told them my concerns and that i was worried and it came back fine, \r\ni didnt know that a eye test can pick up brain tumours etc! \r\ni still have the pressure feeling but im not worrying about it as much now so hopefully it will start to settle down, fingers crossed!! " ], "date": [ "2023-07-27T17:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Head pressure is extremely common, especially when someone has anxiety or stress in their life. I can’t count how many times I’ve had that in my life. You can get it from muscle tension in the neck, tired eyes, or sometimes people need a new prescription for their glasses. \r\nthere are many non-serious reasons for pressure in the head. The more you keep worrying about it the more you will have it. I know that from experience.\r\nA nice head massage would most likely take it away, but I know not everybody can do that. \r\njust make sure you get a yearly physical check up which is something everybody should do anyway. If it continues or gets worse, you can always revisit your doctor. But in the meantime, practice some ways to reduce stress and anxiety in your life. or address things that are causing you stress. get some exercise and drink plenty of water! Dehydration can also cause pressure in the head.\r\nhave a good day" ], "date": [ "2023-07-27T11:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pressure-anyone-else-802693?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imogen07819-1216671" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imogen07819-1216671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "do you get it when you dont even feel anxious though?\r\n\r\n& how do you ease it?" ], "date": [ "2023-07-28T18:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imogen07819-1216671" ], "content": [ "Yes, I get it even when I'm not anxious (not that I'm ever not anxious at the moment though lol) I do some shoulder stretches that the physio told me to do and that helps. You can probably find some on youtube that will help. Good luck! x" ], "date": [ "2023-07-28T18:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I get this too, in my case it most certainly is anxiety." ], "date": [ "2023-07-28T18:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pressure-anyone-else-802693?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imogen07819-1216671" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ive been dealing with pressure, dizziness and weird scary feelings in my head 2 years now and no answers from drs when i have the pressure its on top of my head and so bad at times feel my head will explode, i hope it gets better for you, i know how you feel im scared everyday that its all something serious and will never get better. God bless" ], "date": [ "2023-07-27T21:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pressure-anyone-else-802693?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
so ive been having constant head pressure on the left side of my head for 3/4 days now! its not pain its more like a heavy feeling on that side and im so scared its something serious .... i went to the doctors yesterday and they said it sounds like tension / muscular but i cant stop thinking its more serious , - anyone else have this ? 8i feel like am going crazy with these thoughts i keep having
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "A lot of people with anxiety do this. I’ve done it myself but have since stopped. It’s a complete waste of time and you make your self worry for nothing. Everybody has aches and pains etc. at some point in their lives. That’s just a part of being human. And 99.9% of it is harmless.\r\nOne of the worst things you can do is constantly google because what you read does not pertain to your individual situation. They don’t list the most common non-serious reasons for symptoms. \r\nif you continue to do this you’re just going to have a miserable life and you can’t get back one of those days! I wasted many years doing that and nothing was ever wrong. Please don’t do that to yourself. Just get a yearly check up at your family doctor and when that is fine then go and live your life because life is short. Take in every single day and enjoy it. Think about what you’re grateful for. Enjoy your family. Experience the beauty of nature, and so on.\r\nRemember that the negative and scary thoughts in your mind or not based on reality or fact. They are only based on fear. And they are just thoughts. They have no power and you can let them go. Listen to some great meditations on YouTube for anxiety and over thinking. Take care" ], "date": [ "2023-07-23T04:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rehanna45921-1452039" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes! i do this near enough everyday! you're not alone lovely, it is so draining and really upsets me sometimes as when im in the moment i truly believe what im thinking. its scary. im still learning and struggling myself to find ways to cope and stop this but just remember that the doctors know signs to look out for and i find that once ive stopped panicking about it most the pain/aches go away when my anxiety does that also can he quite reassuring :) x" ], "date": [ "2023-01-13T03:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa59927-1452629" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, i am like this too! i also have ocd and this tends to go hand in hand with health anxiety. It's so hard when it rears its ugly head. Nobody really understands as it's irrational. I know it's irrational but I'm powerless to stop it. Thankfully it's not always present but when it is it's like being in hell" ], "date": [ "2023-01-13T09:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i experience health anxiety, too – and while i have learned to cope with it, it is the worst. the first thing you must do is PLEASE stop googling, and also visiting your doctor for every little thing. you might not realise it, but that's making your anxiety worse. a lot of my anxiety is actually fuelled by all the googling i did, remembering the reddit posts i read, etc. it took a lot of self-assurance and affirmation to get over them, though i still struggle sometimes. if the doctor says you're ok the first time, you're ok. take care." ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T13:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma47045-1459204" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carol70419-1461155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma47045-1459204" ], "content": [ "hello ,sorry you are going through this horridness ,thats all im thinking of 24/7 cancer then im questioning myself that if it was anything ,the pain would be constant ,it makes you feel worse reading stuff ,but we do it to try to get a posative answer ,which we hope will calm us down sending hugs❤" ], "date": [ "2023-04-10T12:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i do this near enough daily, i think ive diagnosed my self of nearly every cancer there is to be honest and its absolutely horrible, it actually seems to make the symptoms worse. \r\n\r\nHappy to chat about symptoms etc if it makes u feel better." ], "date": [ "2023-03-17T21:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carol70419-1461155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello i understand how you are feeling ,i have this to ,im getting a very painful rumbling tummy ,which is worse in the evening ,constanly looking on line ,and reading some fright ing stuff .im scared to go to see my doctor so my mind is constantly overthinking ,i just want to feel normal .hope you are feeling okay today\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-10T12:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carol19439-1179931" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda61305-1467166" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carol19439-1179931" ], "content": [ "Carol, that is where I am right now. I spend most of every day's free time googling what might be causing my symptoms and what is wrong with me. I can't break it because I feel awful!" ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T16:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Oh how I feel for you. I had at least 7 cancers, 1 brain tumour and 2 heart attacks. It's the nature of the beast that makes us feel for certain that we are going to die. All the time, every minute of every day, that beast feeds our anxieties. All that time we are so anxious it stops us from living in the NOW. This is how I managed my beast. I got a check up at the surgery. Nothing bad from tests came up. I was still convinced I had something terrible, even syphilis. That's how bad it was for me. I was certain that I was going to die. All that time and energy I spent in fear. What a waste of my time, I hope you agree. I had 30 years of those feelings that dominated my life. Well, I'm now 72 and still alive and kicking. I can't be bothered with my beast, it still tries to take charge but I got the better of it when I decided to ignore it. I wanted to live NOW not when it tells me I have cancer or a brain tumour. I've never had any of those terrible illnesses. I was more likely to worry myself to death. All those wasted years, don't do this to yourself. It's not worth it.\r\nLogic goes out of the window when this kind of anxiety gets to us, we believe the beast. \r\nLive for the moment and let the future take care of itself. It's said that when you take a bus you buy the ticket then. You don't spend your time thinking about it before hand. When your time comes to take the bus, you will get the ticket that makes the journey worry free.\r\nIf you ever develop cancer, you'll deal with it, just like the bus ticket, you'll be given the strength to face that journey. \r\nYou owe yourself a wonderful life, trust me and let that beast go.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-04-10T18:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thanks for all your replies - i managed to get out of the cycle but now im back in it with a whole set of new symptoms and a new 'cancer'.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-07-17T18:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also have terrible health anxiety which has got much worse since losing my husband in his sleep 2 yrs ago. The oast 2 months I have lost my appetite completely. The Dr has tried to reassure me that its to do with grief depression and anxiety but im convinced I have some awful cancer even though my blood tests were all normal. I can't stop googling and wake up every morning in an anxious sweat. I just cant believe that anxiety can cause thus awful appetite loss. Always at the back of my mind is \"What if\" Its a living nightmare" ], "date": [ "2023-07-27T19:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-every-symptom-i-get-i-think-its-cancer-does-anyone-else-do-this--795170?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health Anxiety - Every symptom i get, i think its cancer. Does anyone else do this?
Every time I get any sort of symptom, I immediately think its cancer. Its draining, constantly googling, in / out of the doctors Does anyone else do this?
Should I try and ask the doctor for more Diazepam or stop it?
I (18M) was on Fluoxetine for about a week but had some really bad side effects from it including insomnia and very elevated levels of anxiety so I contacted my GP who prescribed Diazepam and told me to stop the Fluoxetine. I've been taking Diazepam for ten days now and feel much less anxious and I've been sleeping much better, but I only have enough Diazepam to last until tomorrow, whereas my next appointment with (a different) GP isn't until next Tuesday. So basically I'm wondering if I should be OK without it until the appointment since there shouldn't be any more Fluoxetine in my system so I shouldn't experience any side effects again after stopping the Diazepam right? I could try to contact the GP clinic and get more to last until the appointment but realistically I don't think I'll be able to get the prescription processed by tomorrow anyway since it says it takes 48 hours to get sent to the pharmacy. Any advice? I'm feeling fine right now but obviously it's hard to tell if that could change once I stop the Diazepam.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cc1701-1435931" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there,\r\n\r\nWow, those sound like really frightening experiences.\r\n\r\nI can't say wether they are panic attacks or not but what I can say is that when I used to drink some of my worse panic attacks ever (going to the hospital) were the day after drinking, seriously scary panic attacks, in fact that is one of the reasons I never drink now.\r\n\r\nDo you feel ok the rest of the time?\r\n\r\nMaybe you could go to your GP for a chat and to get a thorough blood work done, to check on your sodium/potassium/ magnesium etc" ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T09:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attack-or-low-potassium--788618?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sam88811-1469894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cc1701-1435931" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nI know this is an old post - but i was just wondering if you ended up getting any answers about what caused these episodes/how to treat it? \r\n\r\nive had multiple almost identical episodes happening fairly frequently over the last 12 months and the only thing that has shown up is low potassium. But all the usual causes of low potassium have been ruled out. \r\n\r\nThank you for sharing - I havent come across many people who have had these types of symptoms. " ], "date": [ "2023-07-27T05:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attack-or-low-potassium--788618?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Panic Attack or Low Potassium?
Hello, I am a 21 year old female and I have been experiencing some crazy weird things this summer. Side note: I have struggled with generalized anxiety disorder my whole life. Medications either did not work or made me suicidal/ worse anxiety. Anyways, about 2 months ago after a night of drinking with some friends, I was walking in a forest preserve with some friends. After a while, I started to feel some tingling in my finger tips. I thought maybe I touched something I was allergic to so we jumped back in the car to head home to get some Benadryl. While in the car, the tingling spread around my face and all throughout my legs. Not even 2 minutes later I was on the ground yelling "IM HAVING A HEART ATTACK GET ME TO A HOSPITAL" because of the intense squeezing I felt in my chest and abdomen (I would rate it as a 9/10 on the intensity scale). Shortly after dropping to the ground, my arms and hands curled inward and became paralyzed, I could no longer talk because of how tight my facial muscles became, and my eyes were twitching uncontrollably. I got hit with "waves" of this about three times. Once I got to the hospital, I was told I was in SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) with a heart rate in the 170s and was given 3 doses of adenosine (that did not work), 2 doses of metoprolol (which worked!), and one dose of ativan because I was panicking so severely. I was diagnosed with a panic attack and sent on my merry way. Flash forward two months. After another night of drinking with my friends, the next day around 1 in the afternoon I am driving home with my friend when I start to feel the familiar tingling sensation. I pull over so I can try to calm down and make sure I control my breathing. I did not feel comfortable driving so I had my friend drive the rest of the way home. The entire car ride my hands were tingling and eventually almost felt numb. We pull into my friends driveway, I get out of the car, and BAM I am hit with the chest tightness and uncontrollable contractions yet again. I can't talk, I can't walk, nothing. I was rushed to the hospital again where they did NOTHING and I sat with a heart rate jumping between 125-158 for nearly 3 hours before my heart rate went back down to its normal (which is usually between 65-80 bpm). On the first occassion, my potassium was 3.3. The second occassion, my potassium was 3.0. I eat pretty healthy and incorporate a lot of nuts, avocados, and things that are high in potassium! Has anyone else experienced something like this? The only two links I have so far are I was drinking the night before and that my potassium and magnesium are low. Side note: I am not drinking excessively to the point of throwing up or anything like that, just a few drinks. I dont feel as if these are panic attacks, but if they are, how do I stop them!?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/catherine68192-1233933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy94366-1198488" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy94366-1198488" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/catherine68192-1233933" ], "content": [ "thank you for your response i know it's not life threatening but when you go through it no matter how many times ppl say it's ok your mind tells you different i just want my head to feel normal e'thing else on my body feels ok just my head pressure and tingly also waves of something is going to happen " ], "date": [ "2019-03-05T17:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i took two 10mg propranolol todayand myhead head feels so foggy cant think straight. i have anxiety and it manifests itself in many physical symptoms as well as psychological ones. you do feel like your gonna die, but it sounds just like anxiety youve got. so sorry for you, its not nice, but not life threatening. " ], "date": [ "2019-03-05T16:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-head-feeling-dont-feel-normal-695769?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tania27-1213325" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy94366-1198488" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i get the exact same brain/head sensations its so scary " ], "date": [ "2019-03-05T19:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-head-feeling-dont-feel-normal-695769?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caz19600-1066907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy94366-1198488" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Tingling sensations in the head or other parts of the body, head fog, feelings of pressure, tightness and random pains are all very normal for anxiety. The blurriness is probably an escalation from the panic. I've had many a time i too thought it was a stroke or some serious brain condition. It wasn't and isn't anything sinister honestly." ], "date": [ "2022-05-29T01:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-head-feeling-dont-feel-normal-695769?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy94366-1198488" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy94366-1198488" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "hi star thank you for replying as i mentioned above it's just the head thing i'm fine when i get up in morning but as day goes on it's the head symptoms it's e'day now dont know if its the propranolol or just me, not experiencing other proplems much just neck hurts to i can hear ir grinding and when i talk to ppl i feel that i gonna pass out my head feels tingly really scared i'm sleeping ok eating fine even though my appite is far from what it was ifeel that when i go to docs there fed up of seeing me tried antidepressants to no avail i keep thinking i'm not going to be here for xmas my mind keeps telling me there is something wrong with me" ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T07:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/betty97-906231" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy94366-1198488" ], "content": [ "I too get head pressure, I have a neck problem and can hear it grinding, I get headaches due to my neck and probably the pressure in my head is also partly down to my neck, but the head pressure is definitely anxiety as well because mine is worse when I focus on it and if I'm stressing out over something, me and my 31 yr old son were laughing about this last night because he said that when he's stressing he gets pressure in his head and his vision goes s bit dark, I said that I'm thd same. I have had this for years on and off and it's not killed me off yet haha :)" ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T08:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/betty97-906231" ], "content": [ "Hi Annette,\r\n\r\n\"he gets pressure in his head and his vision goes s bit dark\". This describes pretty much what I experience too. It isn't painful but more like a squeezing sensation in the head which makes me feel slightly off-balance - when walking it feels somewhat like being on a bouncy castle (if this makes any sense). I also suffer from brain fog and what I think are describes as brain zaps whilst sat at my work desk I may have a feeling of sudden dropping (like being in a lift which suddenly drops) - very weird.\r\n\r\nAm due to attend a social sporting event this weekend which I guess the average person would really be looking forward to - however due to the above issues I am skeptical about how much I am going to 'enjoy' myself. Sometimes I look around and wonder if anyone else experiences the same and think maybe am losing the plot or something is physically wrong despite being cleared by an MRI.\r\n\r\nBeing very sensitive and switched on to other people's energies and to the environment can be a bit of a curse sometimes :(\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T12:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/betty97-906231" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "Yes Crispy I get the balance thing as well, a feeling of being pulled slightly to one side, I had an ear problem not long back and this made the balance thing worse, improved now, so back to slight off balance. I sometimes get a weird brain zap thing but more of a sudden dizzy thing that passes within seconds, had this for years. Have palpitations as well but only when I focus on it. \r\nI look forward to social occasions but at the same time worry about them, but once there I'm fine. \r\nSometimes when I'm in conversation with someone I start to get anxious and get the dark vision, totally irrational of course, but then a lot of anxiety is totally irrational haha . Basically over the years I have learnt to ignore it as much as I can and won't take any medication for it, but that's just me wanting to keep control, my son takes medication but that's his choice and absolutely fine. I think the main thing is that we realise that symptoms are worse when we focus on them or are feeling under pressure/stress and in that way we are kind of in control if you get what I mean.\r\nI too am sensitive to other peoples feelings and worry about saying the wrong things, my family laugh and tell me I'm being silly and not to dwell on things said and move on, the moving on is hard to do sometimes, but I try haha" ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T15:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/betty97-906231" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "RE The brain zap thing, just realised that I get what you mean and yes I get them but realise that it is because I am concentrating too hard or are clenching my teeth etc... can you relate to that ?" ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T15:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/betty97-906231" ], "content": [ "Hi Annette,\r\n\r\nThank you for your response :)\r\nYou mentioned about feeling anxious at time with conversations - I can relate to that. If somebody is talking to me at length or just including too much info I can barely tolerate it and start to feel dizzy. I think this is down to partly to being an introvert and partly to anxiety. If I have to communicate with certain people I will just send them an email or text to avoid their constant talking. Some people I just avoid altogether - it seems easier this way :)\r\n\r\nOne of my colleagues talks a lot, is loud on the phone and is just in general noisy (constant pen clicking / foot tapping etc) this is the sort of thing which rises my stress levels and drives me nuts...\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T15:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/betty97-906231" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "Hi Crispy\r\nI can relate completely!! I like to think that I can carry a conversation with most people, I can even strike up a conversation with a complete stranger in a shop if we're both looking at the same items, my problem is that I like socialise but only for an hour or so and then I want to go home, I enjoy my own company, none of this applies to my own close family, they are my children and I welcome them at any time.\r\nI think the conversation going on for too long thing that you're describing is an anxiousness about wanting to get away from being trapped in it and I find I get anxious when certain people keep asking me questions without waiting for an answer and just move onto the next question, I end up tongue tied haha\r\nI also prefer texting to avoid long conversations, I'm ok with my family because our phone calls are generally short and to the point or we just tell each other to clear off because we're busy :) \r\n\r\nI used to think myself unsociable until age and wisdom told me I was wrong, it's just that I don't feel compelled to have endless friends (in fact I've pushed friends away because I can't be bothered with all the worry and stress of it all) I like to socialise but not for hours on end, I love going out and about with my grown up children but then look forward to getting back to my own company. \r\nI think you just need to come to terms with the fact that you're always going to come up against situations that are going to set off your anxiety but also be aware that that's normal for you and let the anxiety wash over you and basically ignore it and just live with it, the more you focus on it the worse it will be, and so what if you get some unpleasant feelings, they always pass and you're not ill, it's just in your make up, so don't change and remember when given an invite, it's an invite not a summons, you can always say no!! I never put anyone under pressure and have learnt not to let anyone do it to me!! \r\nThis long winded reply has probably made you anxious haha :)" ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T16:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/catherine68192-1233933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/betty97-906231" ], "content": [ "HI annette. i am the same. i have a few really good friends who understand me and know that i have my limits of socialising. love to see them, but hour and a half max usually. then i find my head getting tight and i feel the need to get away and be by myself. good to have friends who understand. . " ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T16:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/betty97-906231" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/catherine68192-1233933" ], "content": [ "Hi Catherine\r\nI used to think that I was just unsociable and not normal, but now I see that it is perfectly ok to want to get away and also in my family when we have get togethers we all agree that a couple of hours is enough. \r\nI love having a coffee and a chat but after an hour I want to move on and do something else. I get anxiety if I feel trapped, if I go to the cinema I always have to sit next to the aisle and I hate motorways because I feel trapped on them and also lifts, but I do go on motorways and go in lifts just because I don't want the anxiety to rule me. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-03-06T19:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simon53430-1423534" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "the sudden dropping happen when waking from an aftenoon nap?" ], "date": [ "2022-04-12T04:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marilyn93345-133502" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "i am suffering with anxiety and i dont know how to ease it ,I came off ppi medication after 4 weeks but my doctor never said anything about coming off slowly he just told me to stop now thats started this anxiety from withdrawal i am 5 weeks off them but the anxiety is driving me mad ,Have you any tips please " ], "date": [ "2023-02-25T16:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imogen07819-1216671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star586-1106792" ], "content": [ "hey can we talk " ], "date": [ "2023-07-26T22:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello lovely\r\ni have suffered from anxiety for a long time now so i no every symptom there is. if theres anythn i can do to help just let me no xxx" ], "date": [ "2023-02-25T16:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-head-feeling-dont-feel-normal-695769?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly69208-1455777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy94366-1198488" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi wendy .. your post is pretty old now so i am hoping you see this. i came across this forum and then your message \r\ni was on propranolol only for 3/4 weeks then came off 4 days ago as i cant handle the side effect.. the weird head you talk about is exactly what is happening to me .. i am hoping this goes away as its not nice everyday " ], "date": [ "2023-02-18T13:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-head-feeling-dont-feel-normal-695769?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
tingling /head feeling dont feel normal
hi anyone posted on here before but just need reassurance,had anxiety for several months now can't take antidepressants so on propranolol 10mg 3x daily and diazapam as and when needed to which hav'nt taken any up to yet my problem is my weired head feelings especially if i go anywhere it feels tingly my vision goes a bit blurry and then i start panicking more which seems to escilate had 2 ecg's 4weeks ago which was normal blood taken september 18 which was fine i was put on librium in sept 18 and came off them 4 weeks ago only on 10mg a day but scared the librium has affected my brain as i'm constantly like this e'day some days worse than others seems to come in waves but doctor don't seem concerned, but i am as wasn't like this before doc reckons it's my anxiety please anyone is this normal think i have a brain tumour or brain cancer or i'm just gonna die i've not lost weight eating normal but it's just my head can anyone relate to this problem i'm going out my head with worry
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stefan34509-1469550" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stefan34509-1469550" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you very much Jan for your answer.\r\n\r\nyes you are right, it is actually possible to experience symptoms from diseases you are afraid of. How were you able to deal with your MS anxiety in the past, and particularly, what happened with those symptoms?\r\n\r\nAfter finishing the antibiotics I was measuring my weight again: It was at 82 kg (80,3 kg was 10 days before). This was a pleasant surprise. \r\nBut: The pain symptoms in the lymph node region of my neck/throat did not get better, it´s nearly same as one week ago, when the pus was detected. Now the follow-up check showed no pus anymore, but still no symptom relieve. Instead, this chronic body-wide itch gets more annoying. \r\n\r\nThe doctor yesterday said its my flower allergy, but I do not have any running nose or itchy eyes, which I always had when allergies were striking me.\r\n\r\nI feel so insecure and do not know what to do. My mind and gut feeling tells me that something serious is wrong with my body. Plus it tortures me, that many cancer diagnosis were preceded by multiple doctor visits, where the patients were told not to worry, its all from stress, etc.\r\n\r\nAt the same time I know, that I have generally an anxiety problem. This gives me a hard time to differentiate if those symptoms originate from my mind or if they have an organic cause. Should I just let go, but risk that I miss an early diagnosis of something serious?\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-07-25T14:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sorry you are going through this. However, if you had lymphoma, it would have shown up in the blood count that you had done.\r\nKeep in mind, that anxiety and stress can make us believe things that are not true. we can actually convince ourselves that something is terribly wrong when it’s not. When I was in my 20s, I had all sorts of sensations and symptoms, and I convinced myself that I had MS. I thought for sure I had it but I did not. \r\nI’ve been through that many times. \r\nOur thoughts are very powerful whether they are positive or negative. I know that I have to work on my negative thoughts otherwise I start believing everything that I think.\r\nThe swollen lymph nodes are most likely due to the bacterial infection you had with the pus. \r\nThe doctors would have let you known if they were concerned about anything. They have enough experience to be able to detect illnesses.\r\nWhen we blow things up in our mind, what happens is that fear takes over and we are not able to think logically or factually. And the facts are that the doctors did not see anything concerning and your blood test was excellent.\r\npeople’s weight can fluctuate a little up and down. That’s normal.\r\nWe cannot diagnose ourselves.\r\nyou can always get a second opinion from another doctor, but it will most likely be the same as the doctor you have already seen. Up to you." ], "date": [ "2023-07-23T17:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-and-convinced-of-lymphoma-weight-loss-body-itch-swollen-nodes-and-pain-802555?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Scared and convinced of lymphoma - Weight loss, body itch, swollen nodes and pain
Hello all, sorry in advance for the long text. I am 33 years old and am currently in a situation that seems hopeless to me: I strongly suspect that cancer is growing inside me. Unfortunately, my symptoms were, until recently, completely attributed to stress, or my psyche, so that no further diagnostics were ordered. I must admit that I already had psychological problems in the past and was also treated for them. In addition, 3 years ago (2020, first wave of corona) after a strange infection (I suspect corona) with short fever, burning lungs, strange symptoms appeared. These took a toll on me for more than 1 year and led to many doctor visits showing up in my file. In 2021, a rather large lymph node (>1.5 cm) on the neck was noticed, which was clarified with contrast MRI and found to be benign. Since 2022, those post infectious symptoms have faded out, healthwise I was quite well until March 2023. At the end of March 2023, I suddenly had burning, dull pain on the sides of my neck and a feeling of tension in these places. The pain had nothing to do with classic internal neck pain, but felt like it was coming from soft tissues in the neck such as lymph nodes. Sometime in early-mid April this pain went away, at least I don't remember any symptoms worth mentioning. However, I was asked 1-2 times if I had lost weight, which surprised me since I actually ate quite a bit at that time. Unfortunately, I hardly controlled my weight during that time, but normally I was around 86-87 kg (at 1.83 m height). Now since the end of June (26.06 was more or less the beginning) I suddenly felt really bad physically. I had strong heartburn, chest pain, slight aches in my limbs and a feeling of sickness. And again this pain in the neck as at the end of March, accompanied by frequent neck, jaw and headaches. In addition, a body-wide itching sensation occurred (some days scratching feels relieving, some days it does not). Furthermore, I now noticed a really objective weight loss on the scales: On 24.06 still 82.6 kg, last on 15.07 only 80.3 kg. And that, although I take a lot of calories to me. I was therefore at 2 general practitioners, and 1 on-call doctor, who all said I should not worry, and it all comes from stress. The only thing that was done was a large blood count, which according to the doctor showed really great values and no deviations. No sign of a (reactivated) infection in the blood. One doctor said that I was letting myself down too much and that I should do sports despite my complaints. Since last week the complaints at the neck became then really worse. It felt as if the left neck, the neck, the left shoulder were somehow inflamed. The pains got worse towards the evening. I saw a throat doctor, which found possible pus from a bacterial infection, quite deep in the throat and prescribed me antibiotics. She also found enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, one was 1.5 cm. Now I am 6 days after the treatment and still no big improvement. In contrast, the body wide itch gets more persistent and stronger in intensity, plus the pain is now constantly there. I have a lot of appetite and eat a lot, but seems I still continue to lose. I have big anxiety to check my weight now. I am really convinced to have lymphoma, or even worse some other kind of cancer with lower treatability. Tomorrow I have an appointment with another throat doctor, but it was mainly for checking the pus in the throat. I do not know how to convince him to check me for cancer. I am very unconfident and struggle to stand up for me. But this weight loss is really crazy, and usually I always struggled to lose weight, even with diet. No i do not diet, do not sport and lose around 1 kg per week. How would be your opinion on this situation, are the docs so far right and its just related to mental problems? I dont know what to do. Its so hard to pretend that everything is fine and to live the normal everyday life ;-( Thanks in advance, Best, Stefan
Panic disorder and depression
i was on paroxetine for 17 years, worked fine .felt good . outgoing and happy. then last year they just didnt give the same kick. started feeling light headed again . n anxiety started again. . so fast forward to June this year .. doctor prescribed me fluoxetine but had to carry on taking paroxetine at 20mg for a week then switch to fluoxetine 20mg .. first week on fluoxetine I felt sick and anxious. 2nd week I couldn't eat . 3rd week I had enough so spoke to my doctor and upped my dose to 40mg fluoxetine. 3 weeks on the 40mg now . so in all 6 weeks and I'm struggling to switch of at night . wen I do fall asleep I wake up 4 am then fall back to sleep till 7 or 8 then my head just won't let me go back to sleep . been like this since starting on the 20mg..this is my 7th week and I just want it to get better . I get in the car to drive anywhere and panic sets in like I am going to pass out I go light headed . I really dnt knw Wether to go back on paroxetine at least I could eat and sleep .. this is just to much..
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma74461-1262058" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for replying Emma. The way you describe it is exactly how I feel. I find myself almost clenching my toes trying to anchor myself to the ground and I feel like I'm on the verge of falling over/collapsing at times. I cam also really relate to the feeling of faintness. I've had CBT in the past and it seems to help in the short term but I just feel so burned out and overwhelmed at the moment. This is not how I want to live my life. Like you I've also struggled with daily headaches which I think come from tension in my shoulders and my neck. It's a daily struggle isn't it. You tell people that you're anxious and they just don't get it, one friend said to me \"it's only anxiety, I don't know why you are upset and worried. Just have a warm bath\"! Statements like that aren't helpful. I hope you continue to win with your anxiety battle. Thank you again. Lisa x" ], "date": [ "2023-04-28T10:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey. yes i can totally relate. it was the first physical symptom i experienced when my GAD started. i felt like i had to root my feet to the floor. i was petrified that something was wrong and that something terrible was going to happen in public like fainting. it got so bad i would then feel extremely faint and my hearing would go all funny as if it sounded like i was talking with my hands over my ears. happened every time i was in an open space in a shop or in a queue at the checkout. i also started manifesting this intense fainting feeling. \r\n\r\nit got so bad i did go to the drs she knew straight away it was anxiety and that i wasnt ill. theyre very kind and so use to this. i got better reading alot of self help. my belief now is when i get a physical symptom to almost treat anxiety as a relief \"phew its just anxiety nothing bad will ever happen\". it took a few months but when i learnt to sit through the feeling and actually believe it was just anxiety it stopped. i get it occasionally now but as long as i can channel that feeling of calm and say its just anxiety i can sit through that intense feeling without worry for just a minute or so and it goes. \r\n\r\nyou can do this! im so sorry about your mum and home situation. i understand. i lost my mum suddenly when i was 20 and its the cause of my health anxiety. im currently getting headaches every day which is my new annoying anxiety fad! but i will get over this one too. its such a debilitating illness but you've survived every hard day so far havent you x" ], "date": [ "2023-04-28T06:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizziness-and-unsteadiness-can-anyone-help--799609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "content": [ "This is exactly how I'm feeling. I have convinced myself that something is seriously wrong, my son keeps telling me I'm just too anxious but I just don't see how anxiety can be causing all this. I'm so depressed." ], "date": [ "2023-05-04T14:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "me too, I recently so unsteady and had to lean on something hard I feel i will fall off my back" ], "date": [ "2023-05-03T14:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizziness-and-unsteadiness-can-anyone-help--799609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "content": [ "I'm exactly the sam" ], "date": [ "2023-05-05T14:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "even though I think Im completely calm, when I feel a symptom, my calmness would completely shattered" ], "date": [ "2023-05-04T16:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizziness-and-unsteadiness-can-anyone-help--799609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gyh41172-1462690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’ve been told i have GAD and I’ve been suffering with this weird feeling of being off balance since my mum passed in December. \r\n\r\nIts like motion sickness, I’m ok in bed at night but when i wake up i feel off balance and like I’m walking on sponge all day. It gets much worse after travelling in a vehicle. \r\n\r\nIm also having frequent headaches particularly over just my right eye, feelings of weakness in my arms and legs, tiredness yet problems staying asleep, and these symptoms seem to be worse when it’s a warm day for some reason. \r\n\r\nSeverity varies with some days worse than others. This is now month 7 of this and it’s horrible. All bloods and head scan were normal, my GP says it’s stress and anxiety from a hectic daily life . I’ve started seeinga counsellor who is going to do CBT. " ], "date": [ "2023-07-24T13:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dizziness-and-unsteadiness-can-anyone-help--799609?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Dizziness and unsteadiness. Can anyone help?
Ive been dealing with unsteadiness for about 8 years on and off but its worse now and almost constant. Im scared to be out of the house, I'm scared to be around other people because i feel so woozy. I have severe health anxiety and I'm dealing with the loss of my Mum and my home. I'm too scared to see the dr. If anyone can relate I'd appreciate that. I feel so isolated and lonely.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "what do you mean? please help me understand. " ], "date": [ "2016-11-05T00:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>If you only &quot;think&quot; you&#39;ll never smoke it again,you obviously haven&#39;t learned the lesson. You can&#39;t ask for help while at the same time playing Russian roulette with your mental health. It&#39;s very much up to you</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-09-16T12:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sara0969-990465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi there,</p><p></p><p>What you are going through does sound very much like anxiety. My brother is going through similar (as have I in the past but I never smoked weed). The thing about smoking weed for prolonged periods of time is that it causes anxiety, and even depression. It plays havoc with mental health. Simply google weed and anxiety to read some of the studies and findings. So first, cut it out, don&#39;t smoke it again. This won&#39;t make your anxiety disappear but it&#39;s a start to getting better.</p><p></p><p>The symptoms you described are very much panic attack/ anxiety related symptoms. The chest pain, the throat stuff. Try to accept your anxiety and treat it as such. Once you accept it you will stop focusing on every other illness you think it might be. It&#39;s worth going to your doctor and discussing your options.</p><p></p><p>I know how awful it is to live with anxiety and health anxiety. Hope you get relief soon.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-05T10:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sky87417-990423" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I stopped smoking weed after my family put me in a foster home at 17 because they decided they didn&#39;t want to take care of me, when I got out and smoked I had bad panic attacks. Stop smoking lol</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-05T20:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jona001-991405" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Riven...\r\nWell its all related to panic attack and anxiety...I did not belive it in the beginning same as u but by time there was not other explanation...cause all my check up were just fine...I visited more then 6 doct...I had this throat problem for more then 2 months...like something was stuck inside...and after some time I felt my eyes burning and itchy as well...so manyyy symptoms if I count I would not finish...and without a short treatment I could not deal with it just with meditation and going out to keep busy my mind...by time I got worse...thats why in my opinion u better check up with a good doctor...and u might use for 10 days clonazepam..it really helps u but its just for short term use...if it doesnt go within these 10 days i better check for a longer treatment. ..as per my case I had to take prozac for 4 months...\r\nHope u will be ok soon.." ], "date": [ "2016-11-07T20:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian38974-1307379" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Riven, sounds alot like CHS. CHS is actually a poorly diagnosed symdrome usually caused by overusing Marijuana. Acid reflux like GERD may happend to you and constipation. Do you sometimes feel sharp pain in your chest? I understood this because I went exactly through the same symptoms as you did. I was very confused too. I kept searching on the internet to see what it was and was actually believing in some symptoms. I noticed this often happends when I smoked weed and gets better usually the day. You can use pepcids to help with stomach reflux which is a abdominal feeling at the top of ur abdomen. And then you lose your appetite usually after when you eat something." ], "date": [ "2020-04-15T09:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa94899-1455477" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, i dont know if you will see this as it has been six years but i thought i would try my luck. \r\neverything you wrote is exactly how i feel right now. i wanted to know how you are doing now. it might help me." ], "date": [ "2023-09-09T10:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jemma45213-1353756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i experienced exactly this 2 years ago after suffering with panic attacks for the first time, i developed that feeling of something stuck in my throat, it scared the s**t out of me, i barely ate for weeks, i done the same as you and went to the hospital and they took an xray and saud there was nothing there, i now understand it to be globus sensation and its due to muscle tension because your so tense snd anxious, my heart goes out to you it was a very devastating time for me as im sure it is for you, i promise you though it will bring you no harm and youll eventually wake up without it one day, i found drinking water helped remind me there was nothing there, it will go away in its own time, i suffered with reflux aswell there is a possible link between the two, try taking some omeprazole plenty of water and work on therapies to help you relax, if you can release the tension in your body it will ease, mine comes and goes now when im atressed but it doesnt scare me anymore because i know its harmless, i hope you this starts to ease for you soon x" ], "date": [ "2023-02-12T17:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time. It sounds like you're experiencing a lot of physical and psychological symptoms that are causing you a lot of distress. It's important to remember that you're not alone, and that many people experience similar symptoms after smoking marijuana or after experiencing panic attacks.\r\n\r\nIt may be helpful for you to consult with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or a therapist, who can help you work through these symptoms and develop strategies to manage your anxiety. They can also help you determine if there are any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to your symptoms.\r\n\r\nIn the meantime, it may be helpful to practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to help reduce your anxiety. It may also be helpful to engage in physical activity, like going for a walk or doing yoga, to help improve your overall physical and mental well-being.\r\n\r\nPlease don't hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. There are many resources available, including hotlines and support groups, that can provide you with additional support and guidance." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T09:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beth84012-1473108" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riven-990949" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beth84012-1473108" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I just noticed this was posted six years ago but i feel so much better after writing all of that. wow. " ], "date": [ "2023-09-09T10:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey man... i just wanna start out by saying that i relate to your experience and that im sorry that this is happening to you. I recently quit taking edibles and i've been experiencing something similar to you. I hope that just knowing you're not going through the motions alone is relieving. Right before i decided to quit i discovered a lump in my breast. Im only 21 i have no family history no symptoms and my recent scans came back clean but i cant help but worry about the chances of cancer. I went to an urgent care a few days ago for an enlarged tonsil worried that the cancer i dont have has spread. The doctor basically told me i was crazy and sent me home. Weed is a very underestimated drug and this is not your fault. You should be applauded for quitting and feel healthier for it. Thats what i tell myself anyways. I found that just talking about what im worried about helps me feel better. Just take your thoughts and say them outloud. Thats what i do to try and clear my head. This is my 3rd sleepless night and im just hoping that i was able to help you a little. Just remember that the only way to go is up from here and stay strong. Keep the people you love close. Dont feel scared or embarased to discuss your feelings no matter how strange they may seem. I believe the term for what we are experincing is called hypocondria research it a little that helped me alot too. We will get through this it will get easier. " ], "date": [ "2023-09-09T10:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-been-having-extreme-anxiety-and-hypochondria-24-7-what-can-i-do-to-stop-it--545761?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I've been having EXTREME anxiety and hypochondria 24/7, what can i do to stop it?
<p>Hello, i&#39;m really in need of help. i&#39;m an 18 year old male who has never had any health problems besides a few syncopes. after smoking weed a month ago (i have done it many times prior) i have been having extreme anxiety, and i mean extreme. after smoking i thought i had something stuck in my throat or windpipe, so i went to the emergency room and they said it was a panic attack. i never had one prior to that. after leaving the hospital i still felt anxious, and i still do today. the next 5 days after that i was in and out of the hospital with different symptoms each time, once with chest pain, another with throat pain, once where i thought i couldnt breathe. each time they said it was a panic attack. but i didn&#39;t believe it. how could i suddenly be getting panic attacks and how can they feel so real? i&#39;ve also been getting acid reflux which ive never had before. a lot of times i feel like i get something stuck in my throat and it drives me crazy and i get panic attacks every time. i have physical symptoms 24/7 even when i think i&#39;m not anxious. right now my throat feels tight and like i have something in it. but in reality, i swallowed a dry piece of cereal and it probably just scratched my esophagus. a week ago i started having an itchy, sticky feeling in one eye, went to the dr said it was allergic conjunctivitis, its still there and i&#39;ve been thinking it has something to do with this lump on my eye that&#39;s been there for years. my mind is always racing and i constantly check my pulse. when im eating i fear that ill accidently inhale my food so i haven&#39;t been eating much. this is extremely ridiculous i know. i&#39;ve never been like this before. it usually gets worse at night and i usually fall asleep at like 6 or 7 am from all the stress. my throat is hurting right now and im getting nervous. this seems like and endless cycle and i regret smoking that weed and i don&#39;t think i&#39;ll ever smoke again. any help would be GREATLY appreciated!&#160;</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "what counselor do you use iv never used one am still waiting on doctors mine have just left me when i ask , ye so dont like going places because of dizziness but i do i like to be with someone i dont like being on my own xx" ], "date": [ "2023-09-08T16:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "There are many people who don’t want to leave the house due to anxiety being really bad. it’s an awful feeling. But then there are people who don’t want to be alone when they have anxiety. I actually have to get out . I guess it affects people differently. \r\nHave you ever considered speaking with a counselor? You can do that right at home online and it works great. i’ve been doing that for a while now. do you have any friends or family? You can talk to about this? getting support for this is important. I hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-08-30T11:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-that-bad-last-3-weeks-i-haven-t-wanted-to-leave-house--803943?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yep all the time my symptoms are constant so scared everyday " ], "date": [ "2023-08-30T14:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-that-bad-last-3-weeks-i-haven-t-wanted-to-leave-house--803943?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charles19599-1472585" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i used to have anxiety so bad it didnt matter that i was in the house or outside. I found peace in Jesus. please pray and ask God for help. The anxiety may not be taken from you immediately, but keep praying. Listen to this promise from Jesus in John chapter 14:\r\n\r\n\"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.\"" ], "date": [ "2023-09-08T16:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-that-bad-last-3-weeks-i-haven-t-wanted-to-leave-house--803943?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john85307-1473088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, many people experience anxiety to varying degrees that can make them reluctant or even afraid to leave their house. This condition is commonly referred to as agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear or anxiety about being in situations or places where it might be difficult to escape or get help if a panic attack or other anxiety symptoms occur." ], "date": [ "2023-09-08T16:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-that-bad-last-3-weeks-i-haven-t-wanted-to-leave-house--803943?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yep everyday" ], "date": [ "2023-09-08T21:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-that-bad-last-3-weeks-i-haven-t-wanted-to-leave-house--803943?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety that bad last 3 weeks I haven’t wanted to leave house :-(
does anyone else have anxiey that bad they dont want to leave house
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rl1120-1472736" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry you are so worried, but it does sound as though you are over thinking all of this. You were thinking about what if scenarios. \r\neverything that they are doing is very routine. The smear is routine., The blood test is routine. they have to do all those things to cover themselves. Sometimes tests are not even needed but they will do them anyway. Just get everything done including the smear and get it over with. That way you don’t have to keep thinking about it. when everything comes back normal, you can relax about it all.\r\nPeople with anxiety tend to overthink and think negative. Just be aware of that so that when you do it, you can stop yourself. Most of the things we worry about, never actually happen.\r\nThe biggest driver of worry is pure emotion which is fear. And fear is not based on fact. So relax your mind as best you can. and realize that you are over thinking this. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T12:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/type-1-diabetic-with-health-anxiety-worried-about-cancer-804071?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rl1120-1472736" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's reassuring that your UTI has cleared up, and your GP found no signs of bleeding. However, I understand your health anxiety has been overwhelming. It's essential to recognize that diabetes primarily focuses on managing blood sugar levels and doesn't serve as an indicator for cancer detection. Routine blood tests are generally not intended to diagnose specific types of cancer like cervical or vulva cancer. The upcoming smear test you mentioned is an essential screening tool for cervical cancer, designed to detect precancerous changes and facilitate early intervention if needed. " ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T12:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/type-1-diabetic-with-health-anxiety-worried-about-cancer-804071?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john85307-1473088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rl1120-1472736" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's common for individuals with Type 1 diabetes to experience health anxiety, including concerns about cancer. If you're facing this, consider consulting a healthcare provider for guidance and support in managing both your diabetes and anxiety. They can offer personalized advice and help you address your worries effectively." ], "date": [ "2023-09-08T17:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/type-1-diabetic-with-health-anxiety-worried-about-cancer-804071?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Type 1 Diabetic with health anxiety worried about cancer
Hello all. I posted the other day about being worried about how UTI might actually be cancer due to my health anxiety. I went to see a GP and they said infection had cleared up and no sign of bleeding. But when I shared my worries about cancer she said that I'd be invited for my first smear test soon and that would look at that which has made me worry again. I've had anxiety about health and stuff in the past but this one has really got on top of me. I can't think about anything else and I wonder if that is making me think I have certain symptoms more than i actually do? I'm type 1 diabetic and someone said to me years ago that having this is one of my biggest indicators about something like cancer as if I did have it, my blood sugar levels would be all over the place. I don't know if she was just trying to make me feel better or what, but is this true? Like would having diabetes give me a better chance of spotting if something was wrong? I also got blood tests done for my diabetes checkup the other day. I can't remember exactly what each was for but they took about four tubes. Not heard anything back yet, but if something was wrong would they show some indicators? That is for something like cervical/vulva cancer? So sorry for the ramble... I'm just so worried.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darren84-1177646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darren84-1177646" ], "content": [ "Thank you for reply! \r\nYes, so far I have done all kind of blood tests and blood tests for hormones, and CT scan ... everything came normal! Now I'm waiting for EEG results...I'm very nervous...\r\n\r\nAnyway, I also experience something like adrenalin rush, stomach tingling, light spots in my vision, disordered vision, derealisation, depersonalisation and I have also weird feeling like I have experience some situation before (they feel very familiar to me) but I can't remember if I really did or not! It makes me very scared because I'm scared that I can have epilepsy...\r\nNow I'm afraid that I can get deja sent! I'm thinking about it so hard and now I feel like I have it all the time...I'm in panic mode again...\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-10-11T09:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darren84-1177646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "content": [ "i get exactly the same symptoms as you. the adrenaline waves make it scary. i had all the tests to which came back normal. i have had this for years. " ], "date": [ "2018-10-11T09:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darren84-1177646" ], "content": [ "Ohh, that's so bad...and what tests have you had?? What doctors said to you?? And what is your opinion on this symptoms?? Is your anxiety sill severe?? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-10-11T09:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darren84-1177646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "content": [ "i had blood tests, c.t scans everything they can do on your brain. it all showed up no signs of epilepsy or anything sinister. my health anxiety and general anxiety ive learned how to manage but it used to be so severe i couldnt funtion physically or mentally. if your scans have turned out normal then you dont have epilepsy. the doctor told me its more or less anxiety based. to be honest i dont what causes the de ja vu but i learned to accept it over the years. nothing else i can do because mine hasnt gone away. i just see it as if it was something bad i be dead long ago." ], "date": [ "2018-10-11T09:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darren84-1177646" ], "content": [ "Oh I see...and have you had EEG scan also, right?? It came normal, didn't it??\r\nMoreover, Are you satisfied with your doctor's conclusion??\r\n\r\nBTW how often do you have Deja vu??" ], "date": [ "2018-10-11T10:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yeah i have had this for years. i to have health anxiety. \r\nhave you had any tests.?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-11T09:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deja-vu-and-anxiety-681670?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sha40625-1404986" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harley--1426410" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sha40625-1404986" ], "content": [ "just replying yo say that i do yoo experience deja vu a lot during the day, i dont sleep well most of the time though and ive read that lack of sleep can cause deja vu, what i do when it gets bad i just lay down and basically meditate until my heart rate goes down and i calm down a bit. if youre always scared and feel fearful you should see a doctor for help, medication can help heaps. ive read lots on what can cause deja vu like anxiety, lack of sleep, stress but also temporal lobe seizures, ive heard slip discs in your back/neck can also cause it, its very strange.\r\nand just like you i also think something is wrong with me and that i too am dying but you said youve had this for three years and youre still here so i dont believe youre dying(: but you definitely should talk to a doctor or neurologist, i hope youre doing better since this was 6 months ago" ], "date": [ "2022-06-04T10:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "\r\nhello guys! Are you still there? i know your post was 3 yrs ago but im still hoping that one of you will reply my message. I hate this having hypochondria and daily deja vu huhuhuhuhuhu really for almost 3 yrs of this suffering i still cant focus to my life and fear always in my system..I just need some tips to stop this do i really need to take medicine and to have a therapy? Always scared to all the small pains sensation aches ive notice and feel to my body in just a small aches i felt that makes me think in advance illness that might be i have.. HOW TO STOP THIS DAILY DE JA VU???? EVERY HAPPENINGS TO MY LIFE FELT I BEEN DOING IT BEFORE AND MAKES ME THINK THAT MAYBE IM DYING? plss need some help always scared to all the things im doing and feel" ], "date": [ "2022-06-04T10:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deja-vu-and-anxiety-681670?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vapedroidzs-1473014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i get exactly the same symptoms as you. the adrenaline waves make it scary. i had all the tests to which came back normal. " ], "date": [ "2023-09-07T10:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deja-vu-and-anxiety-681670?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/juffy28325-1207631" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "can i ask someone what is an adrenaline rush? what does that feel like? ty" ], "date": [ "2023-09-07T18:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/deja-vu-and-anxiety-681670?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
deja vu and anxiety
Hello! Is Deja Vu normal for anxiety?? I have heard that it is connected with epilepsy and now I'm extreme scared! last days I have experienced 2-3 deja vu that lasted few seconds...but i'm very worried that I get it again and I can stop thinking about it and I feel like I have deja vu all the time now...is it because I think about it too much?? I very scared!! I have horrible heakth anxiety and mild panic attacks, phobia and trauma
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ian02457-1473031" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "According to my knowledge, sertraline should not be taken with other antidepressants, phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek), and alcohol. It also interacts with blood thinners and medications that can affect heart rhythm.\r\n\r\nIf your friend is taking any of these medications, they should talk to their doctor about the potential risks and benefits of taking them together.\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-07T15:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/medication-for-depression-anxiety-804098?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Medication for depression/ Anxiety
Hi, Looking for a bit of advice on medication - A friend of mine have been given 3 drugs to take at the same time. Lorazepam 1mg, Perphenazine 4mg and Sertraline (Sisalon) 50mg. Does anyone have any thoughts on this ? Thanks in advance
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I thought i was on top of things.\r\nI went for a long walk one day and that evening my body just felt like my battery was drained.\r\nBeen like it for days now.\r\nThe beta blockers which did help don't do a thing now.\r\nI'm constantly on edge with this horrible feeling of being exhausted and struggle to even go to the shops im so lethargic.\r\n\r\nThanks for the reply. I'm taking it easy and hoping i can sleep my way back to normal.\r\nMy mental health doesn't feel too bad. It's more physical than mental.\r\nThe dr did give me a leaflet and i think I'll give them a call.\r\nBut its a very new feeling this. Anxiety I've been able to cope with but this is quite tough " ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T16:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "content": [ "have you had a complete physical check up recently? Always good to have one at least once a year. I go and have blood work done, and a general physical." ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T17:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "yeah i had bloods done a few months ago \r\nHaving another on Friday.\r\nTiredness makes my anxiety worse. Mostly mine comes on in the evening.\r\nSo now I'm stuck in a bit of a loop.\r\nI had anxiety, felt drained, anxiety kicks in worse because I'm so tired, feel more drained.\r\nI don't seem to be able to get out of it even though I'm off work and trying not to be stressed.\r\nFelt so tired now for days." ], "date": [ "2023-09-07T08:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "anxiety and stress can cause muscle fatigue. When you think about it, anxiety takes a huge toll on the body draining of energy. There was a time where, due to anxiety for quite a while, I couldn’t even get up off the couch. My legs and arms felt weak and I had overall lethargy. going upstairs was almost impossible. Otherwise, I am very healthy.\r\nI had to make it a point to take care of myself mentally and physically. So I got a counselor who I see virtually, and it really helps. I also started exercising, even if it’s just walking \r\nexercise releases, endorphins in the brain, which help you feel calmer and more positive.\r\nI had to stop over thinking, because whatever you think about whether it’s positive or negative, it will magnify and affect mental and physical health.\r\nAnother component of this is healthy eating. Try to stay away from caffeine and sugar. They both make anxiety worse.\r\nKeep busy so that you don’t overthink.\r\nif there’s something going on in your life, that’s increasing the anxiety, it’s good to talk to others about it, people you can trust or a counselor. Hope this helps a little bit." ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T15:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extremely-fatigued-804081?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Extremely fatigued
Been having a lot of anxiety for a few months. But recently I've become extremely fatigued. No amount of sleep or taking it easy helps me recover. I was getting on top of the anxiety and hadn't had a bad attack for about 10 days. Now I'm feeling anxious because I'm so tired 24/7. My anxiety is always worse in the evening when I'm tired and now I'm always tired it's hard to keep it at bay. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you recover from it.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joshuabrownie-1472984" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sounds like it could be derealization which is common with stress and anxiety. not sure how much anxiety you’ve had . if any. \r\nif you are concerned, and it doesn’t go away, It would be a good idea to share all of this with your doctor or a neurologist who understands the brain very well.\r\n, I would suggest that you stay away from alcohol and cannabis until you talk to the doctor. get a good physical check up.\r\nyou can also talk to a pharmacist about the L glutamine.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T23:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-depersonalization-triggered-by-l-glutamine--804087?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety/depersonalization triggered by L-Glutamine?
30M. 170 cm mixed/latino. Suffered from hepatitis A around 4 years ago, and weeks before this episode happened, had a slight increase in acne in my back and face (not huge pimples, but small ones). Just adding extra context on what was happening to me health-wise before this happened. When healthy, I also consumed considerate amounts of alcohol (often beer), let's say, 3 weekends per month. I would really appreciate your insights since I’m feeling a bit lonely on this. My family is with me but so far they think this is a HB pressure issue (more context below). So, the episode started three weeks ago, around 1 hour after taking l-glutamine. Had taken it for two (one month on, one month off, then one month on again until I felt like this) months (1g per training day, didn’t take over the weekends). On Aug 18 I think made the mistake of taking it in the afternoon after work before going to the gym, since people say to take it in the mornings. I say this was a mistake because I read it can mess with your head if you are already stressed/excited, and I for sure was stressed that week when I was doing two people’s jobs. I am kind of like a state in which I know what’s happening is real but it just feels “off”. Depth perception is weird, sometimes it feels like I’m hangover, and then it’s a cycle of anxiety because I keep thinking about how I feel. Is this what derealization feels like? I can maintain a conversation and had, I think, three (NOT consecutive) good nights when I could LOL at some videos, and that led me to think I was going to wake up fine. I didn’t. I’m off work right now, since I thought I was going to improve over the days (not weeks/months!). I don’t want to get back to work like this. I want to feel myself again! I had never experienced something like this, but I can say that I always, always had bad trips when trying cannabis, so my brain might just be really not tolerant to messy substances. When I was feeling terribly off that day, I just thought it was hb pressure (hereditary from both my parents), it was up to 150/90. Paid a visit to a cardiologist and told me to take losartan potassium (from which I read some people get anxiety side effects, woohoo). It came down to 130s/80s and although I don’t feel as awful, this “off” feeling does not go away, or it's going away at a REALLY low rate. I will have an echocardiogram done tomorrow and they’ll put me a heart monitor for 24 hours. However, I’m not sure hb pressure/heart disease is the cause of all these mental symptoms. My questions: Are there any similar experiences? What medical specialists can help with this? Neurologist, psychiatrist? Someone who knows how supplements affect the brain? Can that happen with such a dose (1g per gym day, not on the weekends)? Could it be hb pressure that makes my brain release stress/anxiety hormones and have me in this state?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lea51119-1472839" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes, I can definitely relate to what you said. I’ve had anxiety for a very long time, and I’ve had every sensation you can think of. One thing to keep in mind is that whatever you think in your mind, whether it’s negative or positive, it will expand! So, when you are googling this, you are telling your brain that you have something terrible. The brain responds and the nervous system will cause all of those sensations to happen. I’ve done this many times over and over and finally learned. so those three hours you spent googling\r\ncan most likely have a negative affect, and make it longer to recover and feel better. Googling does no good and what you find most likely will not pertain to you. So for me, it was a waste of time.\r\nso instead of doing that, do things that are more positive. Any type of exercise even if it’s just walking, will help you feel better. Stay away from caffeine and sugar. Which aggravate anxiety. \r\ntake care of your health. Stay hydrated and eat good foods.\r\nThere are lots of great meditations on YouTube for anxiety to relax your mind.\r\nMany medication’s for anxiety take 4 to 6 weeks to really see an affect. Sometimes it’s sooner. So you have to give it some time.\r\nThe headaches, the muscle aches, brain, fog, muscle, twitches, tingling, etc. all very common with stress and anxiety. I’ve had all of them and plenty more. It’s not so much that the sensations are a problem, the problem is unmanaged stress, and anxiety that causes the sensations. Sometimes talking with a counselor can really help and show you how to manage it better. You can even do that virtually which is what I do.\r\nI hope this helps a little bit. Feel free to private message me anytime. Just remember that the sensations you get are not harmful. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-09-04T20:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-physical-anxiety-symptoms-please-help-804056?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lea51119-1472839" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "First let me say im sorry your suffering its horrible I've been suffering 2 years straight everyday with horrible head symptoms the only time I get a break is when im sleeping I have no diagnosis so really been horrible im scared everyday of having something horrible happening to me. I wish you best of luck in finding healing." ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T17:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/constant-physical-anxiety-symptoms-please-help-804056?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Constant physical anxiety symptoms - please help
Hi, I'm 33 and female and have health anxiety. I have had constant physical symptoms since about March/April time which includes: - a tremor/shakey feeling in my back/chest area and arms hard to explain but can feel like a throbbing sensation - weak shakey muscles, like when you plank and your body shakes, I get that when I excersice like I've got no strength - ringing in ears - insomnia I've also had symptoms that come and go maybe a couple of times a week not daily: - headaches - muscle twitches - fatigue and brain fog - joint pain and muscle aches and pains - tingling feeling in legs - itchy legs (happened three times over the last few months but I end up itching until I'm bruised) My doctor prescribed me propranolol for the physical symptoms of anxiety and said they would work within an hour. I took them for 5 days but didn't a difference so stopped taking them. I've had general blood tests and for vitamin deficiencies, arthritis blood test, 24 hour heart monitor - all normal. For the past 5 months I have googled and researched my symptoms non stop, spending hours each day on the internet and convincing myself I have a debilitating or incurable illness. Does anyone have a similar experience with constant physical symptoms and how they got rid of them? How do you manage health anxiety? (I'm guessing no googling, easier said than done, I'm already three hours deep today, its exhausting!) Does anyone have any advice regarding beta-blockers and should I have stuck with them longer? Or would an SSRI be a better route? Any help or support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rl1120-1472736" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rl1120-1472736" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you!! i haven't used the cream since yesterday, but noticed more pink not long ago. is this still normal at the end of an infection? \r\n\r\ngoing to make an appointment with the GP tomorrow just in case. " ], "date": [ "2023-09-03T18:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "the bacteria infection causes inflammation to the lining of your urinary tract, this can cause a small number of red blood cells to go into your urine. you can see a pink streak when wiping. It’s something that happens a lot during or after a urinary track infection. \r\nFollow up with your doctor to make sure the infection has cleared up.\r\nTry to relax about it! Take care " ], "date": [ "2023-09-03T01:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/worried-about-cancer-804013?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Worried about cancer
Hello everyone. so this is really embarrassing and i hope you don't mind me sharing. I'm type 1 diabetic meaning i am prone to UTI's unfortunately. i had one about a week and a half ago which has taken longer to clear up than normal. i was also given Canesten cream to help with discomfort. However, this morning i noticed pale pink residue when wiping and I know that can be a sign of cervical cancer. My health anxiety means i always go to the worst case scenario and I'm now totally paranoid that something is wrong. any advice would be greatly appreciated!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan72387-1472765" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i’m so sorry you are going through this. It really does sound like panic attacks. You don’t have to necessarily feel anxious to have one. One thing to remember is that they are not harmful even though they feel very scary. \r\nKeep trying to find some therapy with a counselor. Don’t give up on that sometimes people. And they might have a wait list. sometimes you can do it virtually right at home.\r\nin the meantime, when you feel one coming on, it’s really important to breathe properly to settle everything down. proper breathing is the key. Sometime when you are feeling, OK, go to YouTube and search for breathing during panic, attack or like that. It will really slow down the heart rate and help you feel better. There are also some excellent meditations for anxiety for calming down the mind.\r\nTry to take one day at a time. Stay away from caffeine, sugar, and junk food and also alcohol. These things will worsen any anxiety.\r\nIt’s good to get in some form of exercise because that will settle down the mind and body. At least to some degree. Even if it’s just walking. I do hope you start to feel better soon. feel free to private message me." ], "date": [ "2023-09-06T18:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-disorder-sorry-in-advance-for-a-long-post-804028?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Panic disorder - Sorry in advance for a long post
So at the end of June this year I was at work on my break when all of a sudden just randomly I felt 'weird' I got one of the girls to check my bp, blood sugar, heart rate and all was fine. I ended up going to A&E because the last time I'd felt this way was 2022 while I was pregnant and it turned out I had blood clots on my lungs. Anyway, an ecg was done — normal, bloods done — normal. The Dr asked if I was anxious about anything and I'd said no because I really wasn't. I was sent home with a referral for a 5 day ecg, which I'm still waiting on. I did have a 24 hour one but still waiting for the results. Since this first episode I've had about 7 more the worst being a couple of weeks ago. It was so bad I got my partner to call an ambulance because I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack. After 30 minutes I was back to normal just a bit achy and tired. I ended up cancelling the ambulance. A colleague mentioned panic attacks to me so I did some research and it does sound like I have this. I mentioned it to my gp who just phoned back saying to set myself up with talking therapies which has a massive waiting list. The only problem I'm having now is these episodes are stopping me from leaving the house and is really starting to affect my work as I'll either not go due to a panic attack or go in but have to leave because I've had one. I'm constantly thinking there's something wrong with me. First it was to do with my heart, especially as I keep having palpitations. Now I'll get a pain, more recently by my ribs, which instantly made me think oh I've got cancer! I just want any recommendations people have that have worked because I'm so fed up of not being able to leave my house. I'm not usually a crier but I'm crying all the time because I'm just so fed up with it all. Especially as I've had nothing happen that has triggered panic attacks. Thank you for listening and if you've managed to read the whole thing thank you for your patience!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas10505-1472761" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm really sorry to hear about the difficulties you're facing with sleep and anxiety. You're not alone in experiencing these challenges; many people go through similar struggles. Anxiety can indeed make it hard to fall asleep and maintain restful sleep, leading to the kind of sleep pattern you described.\r\n\r\nAnxiety can cause racing thoughts, worry, and physical symptoms like a racing heart, which can interfere with falling asleep and staying asleep. It's important to address both your anxiety and sleep issues for your overall well-being.\r\n\r\n* You should practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation before bedtime to calm your mind and body.\r\n* Create a consistent bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to sleep. Avoid screens and stimulating activities close to bedtime.\r\n* Reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohol intake, especially in the evening, as they can interfere with sleep.\r\n* Regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality, but avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime." ], "date": [ "2023-09-03T07:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anxiety-make-it-difficult-for-you-to-stay-asleep--804026?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can anxiety make it difficult for you to stay asleep?
For the past 6 days now, I only been getting 4-6 hours of sleep a night and I'm really worried on slowly destroying my health from lack of sleep, I fall asleep, but I can't stay asleep for long, I will wake up 3 hours later and go right back to sleep and then wake up either another few hours later again and I feel like me going through recent personal issues in life has me really stressed out and I also find myself having panic attacks sometimes when I overthink about my health too much and my heart will start racing instantly and I start to get sweaty hands and can't breathe correctly. Is it common for anxiety to make it hard for you to fall asleep? I used to get 7-8 hours mostly everyday, but I just think my anxiety is getting worst and I been struggling with anxiety for 10 years or maybe more and never really had any professional help yet from it. Does anyone go through difficulty sleeping from anxiety?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ron05709-909451" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there,\r\n\r\nSomething that helped me was to think: if a friend told me these things, what would I say to him/her? I'm sure you would say, don't worry, that's in the past, we have all done things we regret, etc, etc.\r\nFor some reason we are always harder and less forgiving to ourselves than towards others.\r\n\r\nI'm double your age, when I was in my 20's I couldn't forgive myself either, but with time you realise that nobody is perfect and EVERYBODY (really EVERYBODY) makes mistakes and have things they regret, that's just part of being human.\r\n\r\nBe kind to yourself, we all deserve it. Wishing you the best!" ], "date": [ "2023-09-02T21:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help--803973?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Help ! :(
Hello ! I was a late bloomer and only started to developing towards my late teens and 20’s. Now 24 and I cannot forgive myself for things I did when I was younger around 14/19. It drains me daily and it’s effected my mental health very badly. It wasn’t anything that hurt anyone. I feel so guilty. Things I did my family, not all still cast things up to me and this was done when I was younger. Can anyone reccomend anything?
if you have been through this I need help
I have had problems with anxiety since I was 11 years old, I managed to realize them only when I was 13 years old and I started having panic attacks, they were very rare and not severe but I was always afraid to go to different places and felt dizzy when I went there for no particular reason..at 13 I had my first episode of severe dizziness, including when I was lying in bed like a vertigo..then I discovered that I needed glasses and I started wearing glasses, since I was little I have a very big fear tests and I didn't want to go anymore because every time I went for tests I fainted.. time passed and I still felt bad when I went to some places and I was always anxious and scared, especially of heights because it is my biggest fear great, at the mall I also had a huge fear and then things became serious when I was 16 years old, I had problems with my family and with a very toxic ex-boyfriend, but I don't know if that was what triggered this condition... I developed agoraphobia and I was locked in the house for several months, I was afraid that I would always pass out and I didn't want to do anything, I had constant panic attacks and I had a lot of strange moods... finally I left the house after I I talked to a psychologist but things were never the same.. I started to be able to go only in some comfort zones, I could no longer go very far from home, I only went where I felt safe.. since then I developed and the so-called visual snow and tinnitus in the ears 24/7, I started to have constant dizziness and a general feeling of nausea and sickness.. since then 2 years have passed and I tried to live my life as I could but things came worse now..I had a very important exam and then I started having a kind of vertigo again but I tried to put it on the basis of fear and this vertigo became very severe..for 2 months I have been stuck in bed and if I turn my head a little, I'm terribly dizzy and I have a continuous state of fainting.. I went to the emergency room several times and it was recommended that I go to a psychiatrist, my symptoms are so many and strange that I wonder if I have something more serious. .I will list the symptoms and I am curious if anyone has experienced this before: very strong pressure in the head and in the ears, feeling of dizziness/vertigo/hearing too loud with the ears or too slowly, tinnitus, blocked ears, visual snow, a whitish fog on the eyes and I can barely see, palpitations, constant feeling of fainting, headache between the eyes (sometimes), the dizziness is the worst and the fact that I see everything blurry, sometimes I also get migraines with aura and I feel nauseous especially in the morning.. the state of fainting is again persistent 24/7.. the state of weakness and all this makes me unable to get out of bed and not be able to live my life, has anyone else experienced this? I mention that I have never taken pills for anxiety and I don't even know if it could be something serious.. they recommended an MRI but I'm very afraid and I can't stay there... I don't know what to do anymore, what do you think? have you had similar symptoms?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel11964-1472671" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel11964-1472671" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you so much jan 💕💕" ], "date": [ "2023-09-02T07:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "please please relax. abnormal cells on the cervix are very common. I had those years ago and nothing ever came of it. I had a colposcopy also.\r\nhad hpv . What usually happens is eventually the HPV goes away on its own. that’s what happened to me! just keep getting your yearly Pap tests. \r\nI have known many women who had abnormal cells, got the colposcopy, and everything was fine.\r\neven in the rare instance, somebody has cancer there, it’s highly curable!\r\nbut I have a feeling you’re just going to be fine. The vast majority of women don’t have issues after this. Relax your mind, listen to some soothing meditations . Don’t overthink any of this. Take care!❤" ], "date": [ "2023-09-02T00:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/the-big-c-word-absolutely-terrifed-803989?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
The big C word. Absolutely terrifed
hi guys havent been here in a while. hope Ur all ok and doing good. i recently found out that i am pregnant still very early. On the 8th of august i had a cervical smear. those results have come back that i am HPV positive and also that they have found abnormal cells. i have to have a colposcopy but im worried sick not becaus of the procedure but im worried they will find cancer. This was my first ever smear test and i already have 2 kids my oldest is 9. im worried of how long those cells have been there. im in tears today as u can imagine im a total mess. my oldest 9 and my yougest just turned 2. i have so many thoughts running through my head 😪😪😪 any advice or reassurance. i need someone to talk to. i have doctors appointment wedesday xx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wulza30-1151568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I am same horrible feelings I&#39;ll everyday all day </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-29T14:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard63509-1176358" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’ve been having nausea for 3 months, no other symptoms apart from loose and sticky stools everyone and again, the nausea would come and go at the beginning, now it’s constant. Been to my GP about 6 or 7 times, seen 3 different Drs there, had bloods done, urine, stool checked all fine. Had a panic attack one night where I thought I was dying, some days feel lightheaded and generally unwell. My appetite is fine, weight fine, but going downhill, I’m having ultrasound in 3 weeks, but the Drs says it not cancer. More like anxiety/stress. I don’t believe what they say. I’m positive it’s cancer." ], "date": [ "2018-04-30T13:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xwear-1180908" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im suffering from anxietty....too much dizines everyday all day my heart kips racing that puts me to panic...." ], "date": [ "2018-05-18T20:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/itaintmono-1170428" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cosminss-1191078" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/itaintmono-1170428" ], "content": [ "Hey , how are you ? I hope you are ok..." ], "date": [ "2018-06-26T22:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve been suffering with some kind of &quot;bug&quot; for the past 7 weeks.</p><p></p><p>It isn&#39;t the flu because that test came back negative, it isn&#39;t mono/gf either, and it certainly isn&#39;t strep.&#160;</p><p></p><p>My blood work also shows no abnormalities, but I still feel like poop! Almost convinced I&#39;ve got the C word because I&#39;m getting night sweats (minor ones) on most nights, feel weak, fatigued, even walking like I&#39;m drunk at times too. Can feel lymph nodes as well.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-18T22:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cosminss-1191078" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "content": [ "Hey rhianna , glad to see that you are ok...\r\ni have the exact simptoms like you ....sometimes i cry all day...i am sure that i am going to die...it’s a nightmare...panic atacks.. the pain...on my back...my ribs...under my ribs...chest... i cant stand anymore...sometimes i feel my body shutting down...literally...i cant sleep...i drink a lot of whiskey...is insane...\r\ni am Cosmin from Romania , by the way...37 years." ], "date": [ "2018-06-26T22:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello everybody. As you can see..... IM BACK!!! Every year I swear I write into google ‘I am convinced I’m dying’ and low and behold...... MY POST POPS UP!!! So it’s been about a year and a half/2 years and a little update. So I MANAGED to get through a pregnancy without having a breakdown &#128514; baring in mind I was convinced I was going to die the whole bloody time through child birth... but I survived child birth haha and now my little boy is 4 months old and he is so precious but unfortunately my anxiety has come back with a vengeance. I have been a big drinker the past 7 years (gave it up easily when I found out I was pregnant) but before that however used alcohol to cope with anxiety... anyone else? I used to drink nightly. Now I have a little one to look after I AM CONVINCED I’m suffering from alcoholic liver disease! :( and that I won’t live to see my baby grow up. Doesn’t help that I am seriously exhausted and I mean... EXHAUSTED... and that’s not even because I have a baby because lucky for me he sleeps through the night!!!!! With my sleep issues I’m so glad he’s a good boy at night Cos I think I woulda had a mental break down by now as one of my other fears which I’ve had my whole life is worrying I won’t sleep!! So I’m fortunate there!!! My question is now... how are you all? If you want a chat I do have a Facebook account if anyone’s interested!! I also want to ask... any other people depended on alcohol to get them through tough times? And anyone else feel so exhausted they feel like they are going to collapse at any second like ALL OVER BODY drowsiness which is debilitating? I also have a pain near my liver! Tbh I don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore. The best time I ever felt was when I was pregnant. I just want this all to go away now because I want to enjoy my little bouncing bubba! Xxx</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-13T14:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wulza30-1151568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cosminss-1191078" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wulza30-1151568" ], "content": [ "it will be cool to have a FB group chat just for us..." ], "date": [ "2018-06-26T22:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "What u Facebook name we can talk about it a work with people with aniexty " ], "date": [ "2018-06-14T23:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/danylc-1189752" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi guys I’ve just found this and it has reassured me a bit. I suffer from health anxiety I google stuff day in day out I’m 27 got 4 kids married 2 about a month 2 months ago I convinced my self I have a brain tumour worrying everyday now I’ve had overwhelming feeling of fear go down my back and feel really uncomfortable I had to stretch or feel like ripping my hair out scared I’m going to die I’m always looking for resurance like now I feel a lot better after I found this site it don’t last though I’m sure I’ll have another frozen fear tomorrow I just can’t get my head around it I have shooting pains in my head back of my head tingling headaches i just a mess I want to be normal again I’d do anything I’ve got to the point where I think wen my gonna die &#128542;&#128532;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-21T13:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christal60908-1198000" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I really bad anxiety and panic attacks and have had it for years now but in the last year or so it&#39;s gotten worse i feel like my breathing isn&#39;t normal all the time i have all kinds of diffrent symptoms I&#39;ve been to the er more than i know and they have every test on and they send me home with anxiety I&#39;ve seen a dr and therapist n the past and was meds but i didn&#39;t want to depend on it for the rest of my life but it help me alot i just don&#39;t to be on meds but I&#39;m also convinced that there is something wrong with me besides anxiety i just want to feel normal again i live every day feeling this way i want it to leave my body...</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-24T06:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bee2636-1304185" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, i just came across this thread. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and panic disorder when i was 11, it controlled my life for 2 years, i didn't go to school, i couldn't do anything. My therapist put me on sertraline and i was on that for around 8/9 years. i came off the medication over a year ago as i was having really bad heart palpitations and really bad night sweats, plus i didn't want to rely on medication, i know that its not good to be on anti- depressants for too long. i am 21 and i have always been anxious about my health (the only health issue that i know i have is scoliosis). i was on the birth control injection and i was getting really bad side affects (my breasts were super sore). i then stopped the injection ans from then on i have convinved myself that i have every type of cancer, heart disease, you name it i think i've had it. the past few months it got really bad, it is taking over my life! i had to go to hospital recently to get a very small procedure done and because i was taken through A&E, i had to stay in over night until they could do the procedure (which only took 5 mins and i was awake for) ever since then i have been so scared of ending back up in hospital, i keep thinking maybe the procedure has gone wrong or maybe they put the IV in me wrong and now it's given me heart failure. i can't sleep at night, i convince myself everyday i am dying. whilst at the hospital they did a full blood test and everything came back normal but within 10 hours of being out of hospital im convinced that something isn't right with my heart. i have suffered from anxiety for many years so i know my breathing is the first thing to always go. i can't even put in to words how terrible i feel, the anxiety is crippling and its causing me to get all sorts of symptoms, that i am convinced are real. i feel so angry with myself that ive let it get this bad, i am on the waiting list for therapy but i just want to know that i am not alone. i google symptoms and then 5 minutes later i've got them. i am constantly focusing on my breathing and heart rate. its driving me crazy!! Please tell me i'm not the only one " ], "date": [ "2020-03-29T04:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan327-1350470" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there \r\n\r\nSo sorry to hear that you have been feeling so unwell. I want to reassure you that as a fellow anxiety sufferer all these symptoms that you are describing sound exactly like how my anxiety manifests when I am having a really bad time. I know its difficult to reassure yourself when you do feel like this but if you have been checked out properly by a doctor try and take some reassurance from that....which I know is not easy. The brain is clever and will try and trick you at every opportunity. What you are feeling are REAL symptoms but it is because you r body is coursing with adrenaline and is in flight or fight mode. Take it easy and be kind to yourself. This is not an easy thing to be going through and well done for coming on her to talk to us." ], "date": [ "2021-01-28T15:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly0325-1355624" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Had a pain in my groin and lower belly for a week and getting worse, i am convinced its something bad , but think it might be my anxiety xx" ], "date": [ "2021-02-04T19:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebecca78185-1356243" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Usually you will find when people reply they will 'project'!! as in what ever experiences they have had they assume you are having the same! (forgive me if I am wrong i have not read a lot of the replies) but here is what I think ... don't let anyone invalidate your feelings or experiences. you know what you are feeling better than anyone. doctors are great but they don't know everything, sometimes it takes a long time.e to diagnose you with something and until then you will probably be told you are anxious! which you may be but wether that is the cause of your symptoms?? no one knows! also if it is anxiety that is not always totally in your head, anxiety its self can bring on a multitude of different conditions 'real conditions!' it also causes different hormones to be secreted into your system which can cause real ' not imaginary effects. my advice would truly be this .... you probably have anxiety, I mean constantly trying to figure out whats wrong in its self will give you anxiety. I would 'if it were me ' first get an app where I can log down my symptoms. you may start to see patterns around what you eat, time of day, time of month how stressed you are that day ... just log it all down. the you have that for you and or the doctor. I would then totally clean up my lifestyle, there are so many studies done between things like cancer being cured and health fitness and nutrition . oh I'm a personal l trainer / gp referral and also deal with nutrition lol so I read studies. maybe take up yoga to calm your body and mind. I find what helps is really trying to live in the now, and appreciate things that I have in my life ... I know it sounds like I am hugging a tree right now but these things have been proven to work. oh I also watch or listen to at least 30 minutes of something really funny every day. was reading about this patient that laughed her cancer away. once your anxiety levels are down and you have logged all your symptoms . if you are still experiencing problems then you will be able to tell your doctor ' I am no longer anxious but still have symptoms! hope this helps xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-02-08T12:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jjbeans-988597" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hey girl. Just saw your post from not too long ago. We have a lot in common. Do you want to chat? I&#39;m going through the exact same thing right now. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-27T05:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tracy0876-989455" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi,</p><p>I&#39;m new to this site. I also think I have cancer...specifically Leukemia. Nobody understands that I have physical symptoms. Joint aches, tired, weakness. I had blood tests in July for a physical. I&#39;m going back to the Dr. this week. I also get bruising on my skin. Nobody believes my symptoms they think it&#39;s all in my head. I do suffer from very bad anxiety. I just feel something is not right. I&#39;m extremely exhausted. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-30T12:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hypochondriac-992372" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Oh no! The classic cancer phobia, haha I&#39;ve suffered with this to an insane extent, I was convinced I was dieing of lung cancer after smoking cigarettes for 4 years (I&#39;m 20 now) I even would lay in bed all day and had all my loved ones come over to my house to say there goodbyes lol! But it is amazing how sure you can be that you have some form of cancer, I also thought I had blood cancer for a long time haha at the time I was very scared but now that my new obsession is my heart it&#39;s almost funny </p><p>I think you&#39;re letting the anxiety is getting the best of you and you&#39;re body is very tense even if you feel it&#39;s not</p><p>Go for a long hike on your day off and don&#39;t google everything while you are walking just enjoy the world</p><p>Maybe find a back massage? That could help with the tense back muscles pushing into your torso, and I found out the hard way without insurance is tha you&#39;re always gonna think there&#39;s another test that is gonna find something but the truth of the matter is.. It&#39;s more than likely not gonna find anything</p><p>Especially with your symptoms there classic panic and anxiety symptoms </p><p>I don&#39;t think you should get on medication but let it pass even if it takes months </p><p>You&#39;re too tense! </p><p>Again sorry to hear about you&#39;re suffering as I would not wish anxiety or panic on anybody but it always gets better! Eventually </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-10T20:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/clarise58028-993422" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Rhianna I feel the same I am waking up in hot sweats weakness numbness in my right arm and leg so many symptoms also pain I. My pelvis and feels like it&#39;s in all of my abdomen now get a sore throat coming and going really bad head aches I suffer from really bad anxiety sick of googling these symptoms Nd them telling me I have every cancer or some nerve problem and then going to the doctor and</p><p>Them making me feel like the anxiety is putting it in my head I know myself something isn&#39;t right I&#39;ve also had twitches in my eye I feel like this has come on all off a sudden and the pain in my abdomen really hurts when I cough I feel like my body is shutting down I&#39;m convinced I&#39;m</p><p>Going</p><p>To die surely anxiety cannot cause all of</p><p>This !!!!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-14T08:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hamby39255-1004383" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I know this is old but I was looking for something and found this. I just want anyone looking for help to know that anxiety can affect every part of your body. Physically and mentally, it can be debilitating. That is why it is a disability. It isn&#39;t because someone wants to whine and cry. Please, everyone, find a doctor that knows this and isn&#39;t afraid to &quot;scare the girl with anxiety&quot; by taking a blood test. It took me 15 years to find a doctor to make me feel better about how terrible I felt. Just by acknowledging that I felt that bad made a difference before he explained how the nervous system is out of balance (hence symptoms extreme and all over the place and why it&#39;s SO important to eat right and feed it). So you really do feel that bad. You do. But there is just nothing that wrong with you to the point of concern. A good doctor with acknowledge that you have an anxiety/depressive disorder without blaming everything that you are on it. A good doctor will also run any extra tests if you still feel anxiety because its your body and your mind and your pocket when necessary. Mine did. and he did find minor things that contributed to my constant fatigue that we&#39;re easily treated with the right vitamins. There is nothing wrong, in any way, to say you deal with a lot of anxiety and you need to see something that you&#39;ll understand. Such as a blood test or referral to ease the anxiety that&#39;s causing so much physical pain rather than listening to sounds you cannot hear and touching organs you aren&#39;t the one feeling. You need one PCP that will take care of you, including helping and assisting in the managing of your anxiety (that I wish I could tell you how to stop) that you&#39;ll more than likely have to discover how to manage in order stop it&#39;s disruptions - or lessen them - to live your life happily. I&#39;m sorry you&#39;ve been so sick with anxiety. I&#39;m sure after a year though you&#39;re making strides. </p><p></p><p>**If you have anxiety, please find a support group. It&#39;s a lot for someone who doesn&#39;t have anxiety/depression to understand in the depths you need them to. And frankly, I&#39;ve learned it&#39;s a lot to expect from someone who hasn&#39;t suffered to understand. It&#39;s like trying to get someone to understand how air hurts you. You can&#39;t and it&#39;s no ones fault. But there are people all over that want to help you that do understand.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-24T12:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jt1967vw-1010296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel crappy all the time too..or most of the time.i also suffer from severe anxiety,and I feel no one else understands..I vomit all the time when stress comes in..it sucks..I hope your feeling better " ], "date": [ "2017-01-13T01:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paints-931182" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hiya rhianna I know exactly what you&#39;re going through as I&#39;m the same I&#39;ve been getting stomach pains to which I thinks cancer ,lately I&#39;ve been getting dizzy spells with feeling nausea and chronic headaches all my bloods have come back fine I do suffer with anxiety to which my GP says is the problem here but I still think doctors get it wrong sometimes I can&#39;t get this out of my he&#39;d everyday I think I&#39;m gonna die it&#39;s destroying me as it is you it&#39;s easy for people to say get over it but it&#39;s hard so all I can say is keep your chin up and we&#39;ll both beat this, so keep in touch and hope you keep positive thoughts and feel better all the best mark.. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-25T21:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fredperry89-1030195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Struggled with anxiety symptons for years though varied from manageable to severely affecting my day to day life.</p><p>Everyday life wake up Ito about how do I get through today then, constant fear of dying , if it&#39;s not my heart its cancer, or I&#39;m going to have a stroke. I feel so Ill, hard to describe but my body feels weak, my head feels heavy, I have ridiculously fast heart especially when somewere out of my comfort zone like the doctors. </p><p>I feel so selfish I&#39;ve got a little boy who I should be cherishing being a baby he&#39;s nearly 2 in April it effects not just my life but his &amp; puts a massive strain on my relationship, not wanting to go out, holidays etc. </p><p>I&#39;ve had numerous ecgs &amp; having further tests e d of this month, but I dread actually going for them can feel the strain on my heart just the thought of visiting doctors/hospital &amp; even if I get the all clear there&#39;s a 1000 other things il diagnose myself with. I&#39;ve been referred for CBT &amp; been given beta blockers which I managed somehow to come off so reluctant to go on them again.</p><p>I never speak about this to family/friends but find it much easier to speak to strangers (couselling in the past) </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-07T22:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla92800-1029091" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Omg!! We are both alike!!!! Everyone is getting so tired of hearing me complain. And that all I do is go to doctors for stuff. They don&#39;t get how sick I feel!! And I don&#39;t know why but I keep thinking it&#39;s cancer and I don&#39;t know why. But we got this girly! We can fight this! Much love and hope!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-18T20:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kamran069327-1051829" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also feel like m going to die soon, but according to my point of view, we really have to face the death and i think our brain wants answer to this question." ], "date": [ "2017-05-18T13:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle51052-1052939" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello, I am compeled to reply to your post. I&#39;ve suffered from panic disorder/anxiety my entire life. Even when I was a child and didn&#39;t know what it was, I had it. I can tell you with absolute certainty, that anxiety can cause physical illness symptons! I&#39;ve had my hearing to go out for short periods of time! I&#39;ve had body aches and even a few weird vision issues. However, when I go to doctors convinced I&#39;m going blind, they tell me that nothing is wrong with my eyes. Same thing is true when my heart starts pounding and I&#39;m conviced I&#39;m having a heart attack and doctors tell me that my heart is completely healthy! I&#39;ve broken out in rashes when having a panic attack. Once my entire body broke out with tiny bumps and I thought I had a skin disease. Turns out I was going through a stressful period at a job I hated, and when I quit that job, the rash disappeared immediately! I&#39;ve been hospitalized twice for anxiety. The thing is this....Listen very carefully....When you have anxiety, you have a chemical imbalance in your brain! THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT! All the info I&#39;ve read about this condition points to this conclusion and suggest that it&#39;s in your genes. There isn&#39;t much you can do to reverse it. But, there&#39;s a lot you can do to MANAGE IT! While at my psychiarist office, I&#39;m told to stay active, excercise, don&#39;t drink a lot of coffee or smoke. Coffee and nicotine raises anxiety levels. I&#39;m also told to stop looking for illnesses! Now, I know this is hard because people who have anxiety are always looking to be sick. We can&#39;t help it. But, if you change your daily habits, you will see a big difference. Find something you love to do and do it often. I find that gardening helps me a lot. I spend hours in my backyard planting flowers and all the rest. That way, I don&#39;t have time to thing about being sick. I also keep a clean house, so I&#39;m always cleaning something. I also clean up around my neighborhood if start to feel anxiety creeping in. Staying active will change things. The worst thing you can do is to isolate yourself or start spending a lot of time indoors and especially in bed. DON&#39;T DO THAT. IT WILL ONLY MAKE THINGS MUCH WORSE! Get up and do something you enjoy! Also, when you do find yourself at the doctor&#39;s office, try and take someone with you for support. I understand that it&#39;s very difficult for people with anxiety to go to the doctor. So, take a friend or a relative with a sensitive nature with you. Also, only talk and deal with people who make you feel better. Surround yourself with positive energy. Remember, anxiety can and will cause physical illness symptons and understand that you ARE NOT ALONE!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-22T12:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dave84609-1052949" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Rhianna,</p><p></p><p>first thing, if this has been going on for months, get on some anti depressants to see if it helps.</p><p></p><p>if it doesn&#39;t, you have to demand the tests you want doctors because doctors these days are very quick to put everything down to anxiety if there&#39;s no immediate cause.</p><p></p><p>if you can manage to go in the doctors more calmly, but you still seem ill, and tell them the symptoms, they&#39;ll be more likely to listen. Trouble is they can&#39;t differentiate between which symptoms are anxiety and which arent.</p><p></p><p>think about the tests you want. I was diasgnosed with anxiety for months because i appeared so worried, but i demanded a gastroscopy and I had an ulcer and h pylori gastritis.</p><p></p><p>its unlikely you got anything life threatening, but you may have something underlying that they are missing because you are are worked up.</p><p></p><p>hope this helps you. :)</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-22T14:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maria98688-1059612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m very late to the party lol but I have the same anxiety&#39;s. A few weeks ago I was convinced I had breast cancer, I swore I felt lumps and was going to die. Now after reading everything about cancer on Dr Google I&#39;m terrified I have melanoma. All my moles are suspicious to me. There&#39;s one on my back that has me freaking out. My husband always tells me I&#39;m just paranoid and I need to calm down cause I&#39;m literally scared of and over think everything...I mean literally everything. </p><p>I take my kids to the dr I&#39;m convinced the dr thinks I&#39;m a horrible mother and going to call cps on me. </p><p>Any little pain I have I&#39;m convinced I&#39;m dying. Then Dr Google also said anxiety and stress can actually make you sick and have an illness so now I&#39;m scared of being scared. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-16T05:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/khadija7-1060541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Same here.. I&#39;m really sorry you&#39;re going thru this</p><p></p><p>It&#39;s happening to me and I&#39;m hating myself for it. Tge paranoia is killing me. </p><p></p><p> 2 months ago I started having a really sore neck, headaches that would come and go...and what I think was a few episodes of quick blurry vision ( I&#39;m a graphic designer and I sit too many hours in front of the PC my eyes always get sore from looking too much at the screen so that might have been it). I didn&#39;t think much about it then, but I wasn&#39;t getting better. During the first week of having a stiff neck I resorted to our friend GOOGLE, I was convinced I had meningitis and was dying. Doctors laughed at me and I was sent home. But the pains persisted. It&#39;s been a month and a half. About a week ago I woke up again with a very stiff neck. I placed my hand on my neck and noticed a lump on it. I immediately went to the E.R, on my way there I had noticed another small lump behind my neck. The doctor said It was common for lymphs to grow - I told him about my pains he said it was probably an infection, That I needn&#39;t worry. On the way home, I kept touching the area and found yet another lump! This time on my head, right at the bottom of where the hairline starts. It almost feels like a bone. I have an appointment in 2 days with yet another doctor. I&#39;ve been going mad for the past week. </p><p></p><p>Monday, I was convinced I had lymphoma. Tuesday, I was sure it was a brain tumor. Wednesday, I got nauseous and was unable to sleep and google suggested I had Stomach C. I think the nausea was from all the overthinking. </p><p>Thursday I felt some pain behind my back, i kept thinking that had already spread to my organs. </p><p>Friday I kept feeling this faint pain on my left breast and breast C popped up. Seeing as we have in our family. </p><p> Friday, I remembered I had a skin wart on my back 3 weeks ago that had turned black so it had to be melanoma. </p><p></p><p>The lymph nodes are driving me crazy. I can&#39;t keep living like this. I&#39;m 28. I don&#39;t drink or smoke. I have a bit of a stressful career but that&#39;s about it. I can&#39;t help feel like I&#39;m dying. And I&#39;m scared of being told I have it. Chemo and radiation freak me out because I&#39;ve heard of how painful it can be. </p><p></p><p>I&#39;m seeing the doctor again in 2 days and that&#39;s freaking me out. I want to live a normal life where I&#39;m not constantly paranoid about these symptoms. I don&#39;t know what&#39;s gottten into me. I used to be so happy and active. And now I have trouble sleeping and anxiety and panic attacks. </p><p></p><p>I will not google anymore. That just makes my symptoms worse. I feel a little better knowing I&#39;m not alone in this. </p><p> </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-20T02:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackk202-1067840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have a very similar problem. I feel like have a tumor in my head for the past few months. My head feels foggy and i get this irritating annoying feeling in my head. I desperately want to get an mri to make sure. I have panic attacks because of this strange feeling. I dont know what to do i feel not right." ], "date": [ "2017-07-18T09:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mjay87-934914" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brinny-959412" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mjay87-934914" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey there, I get all the same symptoms! Im 32yo female and have suffered anxiety disorder (health anxiety) for about 20years. </p><p></p><p>However, I have found some wonderful treatments and also know quite a lot of things that you need to cut out of your diet to help recovery. </p><p></p><p>I believe we can all recover. I am relapsing at the moment (after a rough break up and moving interstate), but I&#39;m getting myself back on track. </p><p></p><p>Feel free to PM me if you would like, I can give you some tips and pointers ??</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-18T16:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mjay87-934914" ], "content": [ "Are you still on this forum? If so... reply and we will chat xx" ], "date": [ "2016-10-10T15:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mjay87-934914" ], "content": [ "Are you still on this forum? If so... reply and we will chat xx" ], "date": [ "2016-10-10T15:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gary67459-998386" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Rihanna I&#39;ve just joined as I&#39;m going through similar experience and wondered if we could talk about it</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-01T19:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gary67459-998386" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah sure. <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /> what&#39;s your symptoms then? I have had a bad day. </p><p></p><p>Can you believe that I wrote in all my symptoms I have now and it came up with a post that I started reading and I was like &#39;wow this person sounds so like me&#39; and guess what? It was this post and it was me who bloody wrote it haha but over a year ago. Things don&#39;t change. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-01T22:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gary67459-998386" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi &#128513; I have been to the dr at least. 3 times this week. Currently I have a lump in my throat where I think it&#39;s automatically a tumour but I&#39;ve been told it&#39;s either anxiety or acid reflux. I&#39;m on setraline and have lost my appetite and get stomach ache. I&#39;ve been in them about a week. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-03T18:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I joined this site just to reply to this discussion. I am a 28 year old male and like all of you here i also have very bad anxiety, and get pretty much all the symptoms everyone else gets, such as pain in chest, sharp head pains, pain down both sides of body, dizzyness (feeling like i am going to faint, especially in supermarkets or shopping malls where there are lots of people) ringing in ears, floaters in eyes, palpatations, etc.\r\n\r\nI have been taking anti-depressants for about 10 years now, i am currently on mertazapine. I feel the medication is not working at all. I may as well not be taking it. I do think that all my symptoms are due to anxiety, and i am sure if i were to see a doctor about these issues he would confirm this, but i do have occassions where i doubt this and start panicking thinking i have major health issues, and i find myself constantly worrying about having a heart attack or brain aneurysm. It's a terrible feeling, and i really do feel for everyone on here worried about themselves, i most certainly feel your pain!\r\n\r\nMy question to you all is, has there been anything at all that you have previously tried with success or that you are currently doing/using that is taking away these anxiety issues? I am willing to try absolutely anything to help myself, as like everyone here, i am well and truly sick of feeling this way and it is ruining my quality of life. I am 28 years old, turning 29 very soon and missing out on my prime years in life due to my massive anxiety issues and i desperately need to find a way to stop my anxiety, and to be able to live my life like i deserve to without having these stupid anxiety issues holding me back. I appreciate any feedback, and if you wish to private message me you are most welcome to.\r\n\r\nMjay" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T07:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rakesh_kumar-958683" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "plz tell some tips...for little little diseases I think its cancer and I m suffering from this from 4 years" ], "date": [ "2016-08-05T05:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simlor85-379808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k42988-1048606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simlor85-379808" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello all. I just registered for this exact thread. It has helped me for the time being. I know it won&#39;t last I&#39;ve convinced myself I was fine a few times but it never lasts. Its like I always think I&#39;m dying. I have lived that last moment of life that everyone thinks they&#39;ll have before they die several times over again...and it&#39;s never any easier. </p><p></p><p>I basically joined to share my story in hopes it can help someone... And hopefully I can reflect on it and bring back some of the peace I&#39;m feeling at the moment, after reading y&#39;alls stories.</p><p></p><p>Ok for staryera, I am a 29 year old male with no apparent major health problems. I have always suffered from social anxiety and a general fear of death but have always managed to cope with it. No meds or major episodes until the past year. </p><p></p><p>So one night I was playing on the computer... It had been a no better or worse day for my sociall daily stress, when out of no where I got a sharp pain in my upper left arm, my vision got blurry, I began having head rushes, tingles in my hands and feet, felt dissociated, my chest was hurting, and I began shaking badly. Very short of breath and light headed. I went outside and couldn&#39;t even walk, I fell down several times in the yard. </p><p></p><p>I thought it was a heart attack, or stroke or aneurism, although panic attack crossed my mind. I looked up panic attacks. It said they very rarely last more than an hour. So in an hour and 20 minutes I thought I would surely die.</p><p></p><p>I had my wife rush me to the e.r. I felt like I would never make it in time. I did make it. they checked my blood pressure. It was nearly 200/125ish. They hooked me to an ekg and I had not had a heart attack. Then they told me to wait.</p><p></p><p>Within another hour I calmed down quite a bit although I still felt bad. I was still seated in the waiting room so I assured myself it was a rare longer than 1 hour panic attack and left. </p><p></p><p>I was terrified to go to sleep that night. I felt like I would never wake up. I finally fell asleep. I did wake up. However I was short of breath all day, thought I would pass out all day, had a sharp pain down my left arm all day, had high blood pressure all day. Thought I was dying all day. </p><p></p><p>Once again at bed time I went into panic. Thought I was dying. Terrified of falling asleep. Thinking it was my laat day on earth. With my family. Nothing I could do about it. I was certain. Once again I woke up the next morning. </p><p></p><p>This went on for a week. I couldn&#39;t breath... I finally broke down and wemt to the doctor again. But this time a regular doctor. My bp was high. The doctor looked me over. Decided to draw blood. Then told me I needed to relax and asked me why I worry so much. Said I had anxiety. (I knew this much but certain I&#39;m dying also)</p><p></p><p>So several bad days went by. Chest pains every night. Scared to sleep. Thought I would pass out all day everyday. Then I was at workand got a phone call from the doctors office... My boodwork came back. There actually was a problem. They said I had hyperthyroidism. Crazy I thought..so i looked it up... It causes anxiety, panic attacks etc. It explained alot. Then the anxiety explained the rest. I had instant relief. I felt like a new person. A breakthrough. </p><p></p><p>Few days later my shoulder began to hurt. Then it started to move into my chestand shooting pains then my hands began to tingle... I looked into it and decided it was reference pains I had a bad organ likely a heart problem. Blood pressure shoota up again. Full fledged panic at bed time scared to sleep again. Woke up the next day again. </p><p></p><p>Anyhow since then I&#39;ve had many break throughs where I felt better for short periods of time... However I always relapse into thinking i will die in my sleep. I&#39;m so scared of dying now. More than ever. Today is my latest breakthrough. It wont last long. </p><p></p><p>Im due for a follow up appointment for bp pills and more trying to figureout if I&#39;m dying... And i guess to learn more about hyper thyroidism. I can only wonder what the next symptom will be that sends my mind and body into chaos. I am here to tell you anxiety is a bad thing. I hope I can overcome this some day however I feel hopeless.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-06T22:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sunnycms-1051378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k42988-1048606" ], "content": [ "<p>Didn&#39;t your doc treat your hyperthyrodism? I hope he/she did! Let me know if you are being treated and if the treatments helped.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-06T16:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Ri I do feel bad for you but I must be honest it&#39;s good to know there are other people like me around. Maybe we are mad, maybe not. I&#39;m pretty sure I have cancer even though it hasn&#39;t been picked up yet. I can feel it spreading organ to organ over time. I don&#39;t know what advice to give you though. Why don&#39;t you look into astral projection. Leave your body for while. You may even realize you are not your body, or your thoughts. And if we are dying, still, what a privilege. We got to live! What were the odds :-)</p><p>Good luck Ri. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-18T11:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jimmyme-982741" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi guys thanks for all your stories. I&#39;ve been convinced I&#39;ve been dying of cancer of many types over the last three years and it&#39;s almost ruined my life. But I do know the doctors make their assessments based on all their knowledge and experience and don&#39;t just &quot;make it up&quot;. Trust your doc. Seek a second opinion of you must, but remember &quot;it&#39;s better to die in your feet than live on your knees&quot;. I wish you peace, love those around you and be thankful for the precious time you have with them no matter how long or short that time may be. Take care</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-06T07:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anxiety attacks are NOT a pre cursor to cancer. The ocd needs to be addressed. The pains and fears are real but its driven from your thoughts and oatterns not ailments. This is a hard journey. " ], "date": [ "2016-10-10T16:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wiz1974-985682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atun72458-1061367" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wiz1974-985682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi There,</p><p>i really can understand how is your feeling :( i have the same experience.it was started 2 yr ago when my best friend died after 1 year diagnose breast cancer, saw her dying is like a nightmare for me. after that my mind full of worry that i will ended the same way, after that my life never be the same again...everytime i have pain i always think it is seriously ill..i don&#39;t what to do...i always became a strong person until last 2 year. so you are not alone ...we r here to get our life back :)</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-22T22:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I can understand every word everyone has put on here? Mine started 5 yrs ago after my brother died of pancreatic cancer in October of 2011? Seeing him suffer for only 8 months start to finish and losing 12 stone in weight and passing away aged 40,leaving 2 children aged 5 and 8 I&#39;ve never been the same since? Then a year later on November 5th 2012 my father passed away of kidney failure, with all worries of illness filling my brain daily, I ended up in December 2012 going to the doctors with a permanent lump in my throat to have a camera put into my nostril and into my throat to reveal silent reflux? I just broke down and cried as it was what my brother had 4yrs before he got cancer, so as I reflux in my mind, I might as well say I&#39;ve got pancreatic cancer , I&#39;ve had camera into my stomach, revealing nothing all clear, councilling a CT scan on my throat as I was convinced I had throat cancer again all clear.... I since then think any pain is serious and worry worry worry, I go to hospital sit there for 4-5 hrs to see a doctor just to get reassurance, then I&#39;m fine for a couple of days and start to feel low again. </p><p></p><p>In June this year 2016 have found out my mum has got terminal cancer of the lung and spine, I just have not had any time to pick myself up before something else kicks me down. I am so low my body aches I have a pain in my lower stomach which the hospital by just a blood pressure test and a feel of my stomach say there&#39;s nothing wrong, 2 doctors have said this, they said it&#39;s stress, it&#39;s a burning aching that sometimes makes me feel sick but I think nobody wants to know as they probably have looked at my previous visits and feel I&#39;m a idiot so they tell me what I want to hear to get rid of me &#128546; I feel so sorry for my wife and kids I feel so low that I can&#39;t live my life without worrying about cancer cancer cancer! I feel that depression and anxiety is running my life but maybe I am ill but nobody wants to know......i feel so alone and scared as the minute I open my eyes the first thing on my mind is my health, it&#39;s so depressing &#128532; </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-19T15:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maggie24999-592768" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yeh a do every day heart starts to race get sore head a constant think am going g to die all the time to " ], "date": [ "2015-02-15T22:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "do you honestly feel like so sick your actually nearly about to but never do?! I feel like I can't take this anymore, I'm physically and mentally tired I feel like I'm going to have a breakdown. All I want to do is lay in my bed and not come away from it. It's ruining relationships too :( xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-01-27T20:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "content": [ "Yes that's how I feel at the moment I feel like I vomit but I never do and its worse when I'm standing up and walking around especially like today I feel really dizzy so started taking serc today hopefully it will settle it. I've just been to the supermarket and felt terrible I seriously felt so dizzy I thought I could pass out or be sick. I feel the same as you I wish I could lay in bed all day but having a child forces me out of bed daily but I feel like I'm struggling to get through the days, this is not living at the moment just existing. I hate this so much. How old are you? Do you take any meds?x" ], "date": [ "2021-01-27T20:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tima69-596934" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "Hello Moo88\r\nSo glad I found you all. Everything everyone has mentioned here I've experience. The constant ringing in the ear, the dizziness, lightheadedness, omg I have cancer I'm gonna die, heart palpitations, feeling like every night I go to sleep will be my last day. Feeling like I'm seeing life through someone else's eyes. Everyday is a challenge. Thankfully I am now able to block the panic attacks before they get out of hand. I KEEP TELLING MYSELF IT'S NOT REAL, IT'S NOT REAL AND IT EVENTUALLY GOES AWAY LOKE MAGIC. MY ADVISE TO YOU IS FORCE YOURSELF TO GET OUT TO TAKE LONG WALKS. WALK AS FAST AS YOU CAN. IT REALLU WORKS. THE MORE YOU STAY IN DOORS THE WORST IT WILL GET. There was time I couldn't even be around a group of people or take the subway because I'd feel like I'll get a heart attack and the train will get stuck in the middle of nowhere and I'll die on the train. Going to the pharmacy or supermarket was hell. I'd feel like everything g is spinning around and I'm gonna fall but never do. THE FACT THAT START BELIEVING THAT NONE OF THIS WAS REAL HELPED A GREAT DEAL. I KEEP TELLING MYSELF..WHAT ARE YOU DOING? IT'S NOT REAL, DON'T LET RUIN YOUR LIFE. THAT HELP AGAINST THE SCARY MOMMENTS. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-05T00:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi rhianna I understand totally what your going through because I'm going through the same. Currently I feel so ill I imagine the worst and this has been going on for 13 months now that I've felt ill daily. At the moment I'm suffering with dizziness, feeling very lightheaded( I get convinced I'm about to collapse but never do), nausea and feeling spaced out and my head and body just doesn't feel right, I feel detached from my body its a horrible feeling because I don't feel real. I'm also getting a lot of palpitations at the moment. I've had those checks like yourself and my gp said all is fine but still there's no explanation for why I feel so terrible. Sorry I don't have any advice but I know just knowing someone else is going through the same symptoms can make you think maybe it really is just anxiety. x" ], "date": [ "2021-04-05T00:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole101681-42011" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole101681-42011" ], "content": [ "im just soo scared :( I feel like I'm not here like something doesn't feel right. I'm just convinced every day is my last day and I'm getting so fed up of it im starting to not even care anymore! This is the scariest most awful feeling in the world! Every single sensation that happens in your body you feel, everything feels abnormal and foreign! Are oils meant to help then?! Xxx" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T10:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole101681-42011" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "content": [ "I also get ringing in my ears & it's annoying.. But I'm not sure yet.. I heard oils do work so I bought some.. I bought lavender (for my anxiety & depression) & peppermint (for my IBS) I just got it today along with a diffuser.. I'm going to try it & I will let yall know.. You should get lavender & try it.. Along with excercise.. I mean even just walking.. I know it's hard I hardly wanna do anything cause I have no energy but I have to make myself because I have my kids.. I'm 33 & the past 2 years has been horrible because of my anxiety.. I don't wanna turn to the meds because the meds will never cure me they just help cover it up along with side effects.. So I'm going to try at home excercising videos & going outside to walk along with the oils,. I hope it helps me " ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T20:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joey3080-1011121" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole101681-42011" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;ve literally described me, how has it been since?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-15T16:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm the same way! My anxiety has taken over my life.. I used to have mild anxiety & i started having digestive problems & they seem to b getting worse & I keep thinking I have colon cancer.. Was suppose to get a colonoscopy & didn't & now I don't have insurance.. But I honestly think it's stress and anxiety ., I get floaters in my eyes.. Tingling in my whole body .. Pain under my ribs & all over & I also got diagnosed with pleurisy.. I mean I always think bad & start to google.. I feel like everyone thinks I'm a hypochondriac but I'm not.. It's my anxiety & stress level,. But I can tell you this.. With anxiety your mind can play a lot of tricks.. I was having sharp pains in my head so they sent me to get a ct scan & after they told me it was normal the pains went away.. It was crazy but it's not like the pains weren't really there.. I'm currently looking for health insurance to see a dr but I also bought oils (lavender for depression/anxiety) & peppermint for my IBS.. Hoping it works but it's something you should try .. You can either digest with water or run over area of skin.. Hope u feel better but this website has really helped me to understand more about symptoms you can get from all this.. " ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T00:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tima69-596934" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tima69-596934" ], "content": [ "yeah i get this awful feeling of room where I feel like I KNOW this is it and I'm about to die!!! I always think to myself... If you really were dying would you even have the time to worry anout dying? I'm sure the pain etc would take over the scary thoughts! Can you private message on here? Cxx" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T10:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tima69-596934" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "content": [ "Hi Rihanna45855\r\nClick on the message icon can you can send private messages.\r\nMuch love xoxo" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T19:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rakesh_kumar-958683" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tima69-596934" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for sharing dear....I have same problem from 4 years...whenever I have pain in left arm I think I have heart attack and minor symptom I think I have cancer and I am also afraid to go to doctor...I don&#39;t know what to do and my life is going worse by these thoughts......</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-05T05:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thet1028-1073104" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tima69-596934" ], "content": [ "Hi tima69 how are u its been a long time since u wrote here as i read the years below.. Im am totally scared about how i feel everday i dont want to talk about it to anyone and thinking of bullying me that im out of my mind, i hope i can hear from you, anxiety attacks kills me everyday im afraid of everthing even small pain on my back i feel im gonna die and its bone cancer, i feel always dizzy even im not, i feel having heart attack even im not coz i went to doctor several times but the findings is normal huhuhhhh.." ], "date": [ "2017-08-06T16:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am soooo glad I found this site. I can now openly share my experiences and learn from others without ppl looking at me like a psycho. \r\nRHIANNA45855\r\nI'VE BEEN HAVING THE SAME FEELINGS. I FEEL LIKE I AM DYING OF CANCER EVER SINCE I FOUND OUT MY COUSIN WHO PASSED AWAY 4 MONTHS AGO DIED OF LUNG CANCER. I KEEP HAVING PAIN IN MY ARMS AND BELIVE I'M GONNA GET A HEART ATTACK. I GET DIZZY AND FEEL LIKE I'M GONNA DROP DEAD AND START TO EXPERIENCE PANIC ATTACKS. WHEN I EAT I FEEL LIKE I'M GONNA CHOKE AND DIE. I FEEL LIKE I'M LIVING SOMEONE ELSE LIFE JUST THROUGH THE PERSON'S EYES. MY ADVISE TO YOU...KEEP CONVINCING YOURSELF THAT EVERYTHING YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISNOT REAL. IT WORKS WONDERS. IT WAS HARD AT FIRST BUT I MANAGED TO BLOCK THE PANIC ATTACKS BEFORE THEY GET WORST. \r\nYOU ARE NOT ALONE MY DEAR. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTION ANYTIME AS WE'RE HERE TO BE EACH OTHER'S SUPPORT SYSTEM. \r\nMUCH LOVE..xoxo" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T02:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lea1207-594400" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "if shooting pains and tingling sensation , you may need MRI of neck to check cervical spines" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T03:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esther_777-597005" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole101681-42011" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esther_777-597005" ], "content": [ "Yes it's normal! I mean you should always check with your dr but if everything's normal yes those are symptoms.. I learned the hard way lol.. I got pins & needle feeling along with numbness in my head, lip, fingertips, I mean everywhere along with a lot of other symptoms.. I was getting sharp pains in my head so they sent me for a CT scan.. Normal & after that my stress level dropped & those pains disappeared.. It's all about getting the reassurance .. It's very hard & at times I feel like this is a part of my life now & I hate it.. I have to tell myself when I feel an attacks coming on that it's happened before & I'm fine! But it's still scary .. At times I just wanna go to ER for them to tell me I'm ok.. So yes it is normal " ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T05:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha34933-963294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esther_777-597005" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi i know you posted over a year ago but i just wanted to reply in case you still use site but I get really bad tingling in my hands which then leads me to believe theres not enough oxygen to them. It&#39;s a vicious circle isnt it!! i cant shift it myself i have 3 kids and feel so sorry for them I&#39;m useless to them as a mother. hope you get better soon xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-01T01:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Does anyone get tingly on hands and feet along with all the other anxiety symptoms? I went to the emergency room because I thought I was literally dyeing. They checked everything and said its just anxiety. They gave me medicine at the hospital and the tingly and numbness and sharp pain in my heart went away. But why wont these attacks just go away? I want to be me again. The meds is the only thing that makes me feel normal now. :'(" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T03:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iain68035-597155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is exactly how my anxiety started it's really hard to put it to the back of your mind and put feeling that way down to anxiety when you convince yourself that you have some sort of illness you just have to tell yourself each time you have a pain or a twinge or whatever your symptoms are that it's fine it's my anxiety and keep yourself busy eat well drink lots of water learn to relax an try not to google symptoms and I know it's easier said than done belive me I still struggle but I found looking up symptoms gave me some new ones I was reading about" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T17:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark2510-776225" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Rihanna \r\n\r\nWell after reading your post I'm somewhat releaved But still scared .\r\n\r\nI have been to my local GP and explained that I wasn't feeling to good he carried out the normal checks and a physical examination and said everything is in good order .\r\n\r\nMy symptoms are somewhat identical to what you've described I'm really worried on how to control the anxiety as I don't really wanna take any medication . \r\nIt's been going on for 4weeks now and it seems to be getting worse .\r\n\r\nWould you suggest going back to see The doctor or alternatively is there a specialist but you can see to get diagnosed ? \r\n\r\nAny information would be greatly appreciated \r\n\r\nCheers .\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2015-07-01T13:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moo88-538520" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m not doing great tbh, feeling so ill <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> don&#39;t believe it&#39;s anxiety anymore. How are you lovely? ,,xxx</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-10T16:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Rihanna its been months since we last spoke I just wondered how your doing now? If I am honest I am still in the same place suffering daily feeling unwell all the time x" ], "date": [ "2015-11-07T02:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan47011-906339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan47011-906339" ], "content": [ "<p>How are you? Do you feel any better? I&#39;ve got downhill again and convinced I have stomach cancer <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> feel so unwell xxxxx</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-10T15:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This is basically the exact same as me!!!\r\n\r\nI have constant stomach pain, bloating, gas, tingling sensation, headaches and chest pains and all I can think of is that I've got stomach cancer and I can't get it out of my head!!\r\n\r\nMy doc keeps telling me it's anxiety.... after blood tests all fine and ct of abdomen all fine.\r\n\r\nFeel so lost and like I can't cope anymore :(\r\n\r\nI really understand how you feel" ], "date": [ "2015-11-10T05:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carl14709-907126" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi rhianna45855\r\n\r\nI have been having thoughts of being terminally ill for years you name it I have had it . It has made me a wreck at times as I feel imbassesed to talk about it with anybody even my wife as when I tried I was told I was stupid to think like that . I have been to the doctors lots of times and they have never found anything wrong with me . I must say reading all of your replies to this subject has eased my sense of fear a little . I am currently convinced I have a brain tumour as I have constant head aches although I have just found out I need glasses and the other symptoms are of stress headaches I can not get the though out of my head. It's horrible and has cursed my live for years I hate it but con not seem to find a way out of it . Even writing this has made me feel a little better knowing I am not on my own with this . " ], "date": [ "2015-11-14T16:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark_vs-anxiety-907553" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex16783-945948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark_vs-anxiety-907553" ], "content": [ "Hello mark I have just read your post and I was just wondering did your doctor send you for more tests because I had exactly the same problems your having and i did have some anxiety and that's what my doctors related it to but a couple years later I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma and it wasn't the anxiety causing all my problems it was the cancer because I never really has physical symptoms from my anxiety but my doctor said that's what they were and I just wish the doctors took me more seriously but it probably is just anxiety because I know loads of people have these problems with anxiety but if you feel concerned keep going to doctor because I made a mistake and didn't keep chasing him for a couple of years anyway good luck with everything " ], "date": [ "2016-05-28T20:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark_vs-anxiety-907553" ], "content": [ "<p>Mark, - are. You still on this forum? </p><p></p><p>I have had that EXACT pain under my left ribs constantly for well over a year. </p><p></p><p>What was the outcome? </p><p>I&#39;m CONVINCED I have cancer I really am xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-10T15:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarahw1990-1072917" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alex16783-945948" ], "content": [ "Hi alex,\r\nWas ur lymphoma slow growing then? And hows ur prognosis? I have had a swollen lymph node for 4 months now, aching in my body, fatigued and occational sweating. Due to have another ultrasound of my neck tomorrow as im convinced the node has gotten bigger..also aches occationally. All blood tests have come back clear though. Im pushing for further tests to hopefully rule it out for certain. The ent consultant believes my anxiety has manifested it. I know what i can feel but the anxiety certainly doesnt help. " ], "date": [ "2017-09-24T21:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi rhianna, you have described exactly what I'm currently experiencing right now, with the exception of tingles and shooting pain in my head. I have history of cancer in my family, so yeah it's always on the back of my mind, but on the plus side of that my grandparents lived well into their 80's. It's a little hard to explain, but I have a queezy feeling in my stomach, a dull aching pain on my left side under the ribs, my solar plexus is sore, lightheaded, slight headache, dry sore throat and no energy at all. And this isn't the first time either, sometimes with the same feelings, sometimes not, but either case I feel...not right. I went to my doc about three years ago, and he did the same checks you recieved, and gave me a prescription for anxiety and depression. Sometimes in my case, these feelings are brought on by something that I do physically, I dont work out, and the exercise I do get is walking all over at my work, shoveling snow, mowing etc. so the last couple of times this has happened, I was able to retrace my steps, I remembered that a few days ago I lifted a heavy garbage can into a larger dumpster, using my back and upper body, chest and arms (lifting incorrectly) so this brought on my pain in the side and back and im guessing my solar plexus area, but even knowing this, I still immediatley attributed it to having some sort of cancer, then the panic creeps in, then all of the other feelings start to happen, it really messes with my head and has, in the past, lasted for a couple weeks. I'm sorry this is happening to you, all I can say is stay positive, stay active, surround yourself with friends, (that love and care about you.) if you allow yourself to be alone all the time, you will dwell on these feelings and just make it worse. I know because that's what I do. We'll get through it.  " ], "date": [ "2015-11-17T18:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/almac14-912737" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/almac14-912737" ], "content": [ "<p>Are you okay? - are things any better for you? Sorry I haven&#39;t been on this forum in a longgggg time x</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-10T15:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "OMG....Reading all of your post has me sitting here like i'm not the only one. I've currently been abroad for about 4 months. First time ever being abroad and i'm here alone by myself. A couple months back I had really bad stomach ache which I found myself on the stool having diarhea sweating cramps and so on. I mean it's happened to me before in my past so I didnt really think nothing of it until I start noticing and feeling like my stomach did not recover. I went into a doctor's office and he prescribed me some\r\nMedicine but It didn't work. My stomach just makes a ton of noises and I be having gas alot. So I went in and got a blood test and Urine test. Had some things high some things low but the doc said it was nothing tomworry about. The urine test happened to be fine but he did notice a higher than usual number of WBc in my urine but he said if I didnt have any bladder pain I was fine. Well the first thing I did was go to google and looked up what this could mean and man o man I seen so. Many things and I start self diagnosing myself. I've never been diagnosed with anxiety or depression and to be honest I didn't really beleive it was an actual disorder than people go through. No offense. But now im starting ti question if I have anxiety or depression or both. I mean since coming abroad the last month and a half has just felt off and i worry so much and google things and that does not help any more. Like many of you guys I think every ache pain lump has to besomething. It is really taking a toll on my everyday life my eating habits, social\r\nLife, ai even feel as if its affecting the way I breathe. Like I be so worried it could be something serious and I start freaking out and panicing. But then I think can the Mind really make you feel Ill??? Thats what I don't know. Just from a standard blood and a couple urine test plus a couple checkups the doctors have said I was ok. But I don't feel ok. I'm no where near a doctor and know nothing about what they do but i just feel weird and I have to diagnosed myself with every cancer there is and its honestly making turn crazy. I think im having symptoms of everything there is. I dont wanna do anythjng but lay in bed and think about this allday everyday. I do play pro sprts and i feel like this has thrown me off completely of my game. I've even felt as if i were having panic attacks during a game. Like im just so scared to see a doctor and take all type of test. I feel like im going crazy just thinking about it day jn day out. It has me in a depressed mood daily. Everybidy tells me it's nothing and that if i was truly Ill I wouldnt even be able to participate in sporting activities but my mind is telling me something different. I just wanna feel normal and get out of this slump or whatever ot may be. I had to reply to this post tho\r\nBecause Insee so many people talking about and experiencing what I have been experiecing this last month and a half. " ], "date": [ "2015-12-17T15:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1041226" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Honestly.. everything you&#39;ve just said up there.. is what I&#39;ve had since January.. I got a burning like feeling in my left arm.. convinced myself I was having a heart attack!! The next day at work.. I had the biggest panic and started with pains in my chest and now.. they are everywhere in my body!</p><p>The vision I had real bad at first but that&#39;s eased off!</p><p>I still can&#39;t believe that anxiety can cause such thing, but I have the thoughts of &#39;what if&#39; and &#39;I&#39;m convinced I have cancer&#39; </p><p>We need to control our minds! </p><p>Try relaxing, breathing, hot baths, and easier said than done because I&#39;m terrible, but try to not think and give the pains your attention! </p><p>Hope you feel better soon! Let&#39;s get this under our control &#128170;&#127995;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-18T10:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/georgia10407-1070021" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole_14725-1026858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/georgia10407-1070021" ], "content": [ "<p>Omg it&#39;s so crazy listening to you and everyone on here it&#39;s my life I cry all the time and no one understands I&#39;m even scared to take the meds they give me for anxiety I am in a living nightmare I&#39;m scared to death and idk what to do&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T23:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jt1967vw-1010296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole_14725-1026858" ], "content": [ " Nicole, I have gone through it all in last 20 years..I was in ER 3 weeks ago cause I thought I was gonna die..nothing wrong..I am off Xanax now because I may have found something that finally works!!! A great friend of mine suggested essential oils..I got to say it is working..there are different blends for various ailments.." ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T23:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole_14725-1026858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jt1967vw-1010296" ], "content": [ "Is it something u take orally ?" ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T00:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jt1967vw-1010296" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole_14725-1026858" ], "content": [ "No, you just inhale it through your nose.." ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T07:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joey3080-1011121" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole_14725-1026858" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Nikki, I doubt essential oils will help to much, cuz then we&#39;ll just end up googling the side effects of inhaling pineapple cinnamon extract or something.... The best way I&#39;ve found in 20 years is accepting the fact I&#39;m going to freak out about every little thing, and that&#39;s okay.... Then you just try and attack your mind with little things throughout the day to break the focus on dying. Like yesterday I felt a lump on my thigh, and boom, right to the phone to see what I had. Yesterday I learned about sarcoma.... Lol. So I said Joe, if its sarcoma it&#39;ll get worse and you can go to the doc... But you don&#39;t need to go today, instead lets chill with the phone and make it a taco Thursday and watch like some harry potter... Now its 6am I woke up and the bump is gone, so unfortunately I have to go back to work. Most of the time I deal with stuff like that now, and say if the bump was there in a week then I save my good anxiety for that and hit the docs.</p><p>Take baby steps to alleviate your mind.</p><p>Take your bp, I doubt its bad, take your temp, its prolly normal. Try and workout at home everyday to wake up with a healthy soreness it not only helps physically but more mentally</p><p>If you start to freak out, try and think of something you want for yourself, even if its as simple as like a half gallon of ice cream and go get it, if its really bad I try and say to myself, I am going to die, I&#39;m freaking out, then I try and focus on a story or someone I know that&#39;s passed and say to myself how much would they have given to trade olaces with me right now. The answer for someone already diagnosed or passed would always be the same. Everything. So try and relax a little bit &#128521;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T10:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole_14725-1026858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joey3080-1011121" ], "content": [ "<p>Thx for the reply I&#39;m just lost everyday is worse and worse I can&#39;t even go to work anymore I live in constant fear and pain</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T12:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>i know exactly how you feel rhianna i feel like it allthe time and im only 15!</p><p>i have been to the doctors and the reason they would only check your puls and ur stomah is because they see hundreds of thousands of ill people and they know excatly what the symptomsare and what to look out for to know if a person is ill. i thought that the doctor was wrong and that i was [b]dying[/b] of an ilness that they cant see but i thougt about it. im so healthy physicaly not mentely but i have really good moments which proves your not il because if you were ill you would never have good moments and like everyone we have are really bad moments and all my family get fed u because they just think im a hypercondriact but really they dont understand the wasy anxiety makes you feel. when i feel illi always think im [b]dying[/b] but really im not! i thnk a headace is cancer but a headace is a sympom over over 5000 thnigs including anxiety so that will calm my nerves down. if you need to talk i can give you my number xxx</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-26T15:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mariegodly-1070615" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I know how you feel. They need to do more, their doctors. It could be diabete and when you loose weight it is hard to get rid of. And can [b]kill[/b] ya. You need an expert. Don&#39;t go to no original doctor. Right now I am in alot of pain. I don&#39;t like the food people put out there, cause sugar [b]kill[/b]s. I lost lots of weight. I used to be obsese but food [b]kill[/b]s. Because food [b]kill[/b]s it caused me to start loosing weight by forcing me to throw up and now from 280 i am 235. Hopefully I will get to 140. I hate the way people make food so cancerous. I can feel the pain in my chest, my heart suffering and my body aching all the time. But I know God is real so.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-28T15:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xieri66729-1071497" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Omg i feel just like you right now. Yesterday at evening i started to feel nauseous, o freakes out inmediately and rushed to the bathroom, on the way i noticed i was dizzy too, felt like i could faint anytime, and right now i have stomachache even though i already eat and i don&#39;t know i&#39;m just syper scared because i googled my symptoms and i think that was thw worst idea now i&#39;m soo scared because it could be stomach cancer?? I&#39;m so scared to visot the doctor, what if he tells me i&#39;m actually dying? I can&#39;t stop crying of fear! I&#39;m so anxious and hypochondriac, also i&#39;m very healthy and i have a healthy life as well. I&#39;m sure this is just my mind tricking me but i can&#39;t stop myself from feeling so scared about this. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-31T22:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harry54012-1107966" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Iv had most of the symptoms uv been describing I know how u feel but I can assure u it’s all anxiety it can do so much to the body it amazing " ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T18:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cat39953-1122350" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I came across this thread because my mother has been going to the same doctor for years and always asks him to check for cancer, he tells her not to worry and tells her she needs antidepressants and send her home with pills, I&#39;m here to tell you she was rushed to the hospital literally 2 days after seeing the doctor with sepsis, pneumonia, and once they opened her up they found cancer, they did a cat scan and she is in 4th stage cancer that has spread throughout her body, I believe if you know there is something wrong do not let the doctor tell you any different get the tests you need to be certain, most cancers are curable these days if caught in the early stages, if you do not like what your doctor is saying, find another one that takes you seriously. I think everyone should be screened for cancer during check ups , my mother is going to die and this could have been prevented if her doctor listened.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-14T19:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary630-1129681" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Not sure if anyone is still on this site, but I&#39;m sure Rhianna will check back!&#160; But I just wanted to say that you should DEMAND a test if you want it to ease your mind!&#160; &#160;First of all 2 years ago my arm kept getting a deep ache in it and of course I thought, BONE CANCER!!&#160; I was consumed by that worry until I finally went to the walk in clinic here and told them about it.&#160; They just asked some questions looked at my arm and said, &quot;it&#39;s not cancer&quot;&#160; Well I wasn&#39;t happy with that and I told them I wanted x-rays!&#160; (that only means more MONEY for them so they will generally agree!)&#160; They complied of course, took x-rays of my arm, wrist, shoulder and neck and then said, &quot;You have very good bones!&#160; No cancer&quot;&#160; I was happy with that.&#160; That evening the pain was gone and that was that...&#160; Another time I had pressure pains in my stomach every day for 13 months, I thought I had cancer, a tumor what have you, so I finally got up the courage to go to a gastroenterologist and I did get an endoscopy - when I was told, &quot;You stomach lining is very healthy, your esophagus is healthy and pink, nothing is wrong&quot; those pains went away THAT day and never came back.&#160; A lot of that is pure worry and you are concentrating on it, bringing the physical symptoms on yourself.&#160; &#160;Of course that will help now, but down the road you&#39;ll get some other symptom, start concentrating on it and do the same thing to yourself&#160; (I KNOW, I&#39;ve &quot;been there&quot; for 40 years!)&#160; However I have now learned to live with it.&#160; If something happens suddenly and stays the same I know it can&#39;t be anything.&#160; And that is generally how it works.&#160; And the only site I will go on now is Mayo Clinic.&#160; That&#39;s it.&#160; I used to go on every site there was until I found something - I already thought I had Pilomotor Seizure Disorder because I was getting chills on my head (21 people in the WORLD have it, I was convinced I was number 22!) I didn&#39;t go to a doctor about it because I KNEW it was stupid and I felt stupid...&#160; yet I had the underlying worry that&#39;s what I had!&#160; &#160;It&#39;s hard Rhianna, but you will get through this.</p><p>I recently lost my husband and I had been getting those pains under both sides of my ribs like you were talking about! (were they shooting pains?)&#160; My mom convinced me it was stress and anxiety, that has since stopped so she was right.&#160; Do you have anyone to talk to?&#160; It&#39;s hard when anyone you talk to will laugh at you or tell you you are crazy.&#160; You need someone who understands!&#160; If you have no family member who will listen, maybe a therapist? Just someone who will listen, not judge and that will UNDERSTAND.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-10T14:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katie62131-1158453" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I’m Katie and I’m going through the same thing I had my child in 2010 then that’s when my anxiety began it’s seem to of settled a bit with Meds but now I’m back to square one but a million times worse I have a nurse now that helps me but I feel like I’m on the verge of a break down every minute of every day I feel anxious and scared I’m scared all the time just feel like I’m never Guna get better I can’t emagine life with out liven like this I go to the doctors twice a week I’m convinced that I’m going to dye I’m always at doctors asking for tests and that just to see if I can feel better I’m starting therapy soon soo hopefully it will help I hope it does coz nothing else is so I do understand what you are going through " ], "date": [ "2018-03-08T18:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole_14725-1026858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Omg yes for me it has been 4 months they tell me the same thing anxiety that&#39;s all the know how to say I am in constant pain and distress there are days when I can&#39;t walk can&#39;t think or function this whatever it is has ruined my life&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T23:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebecca78185-1356243" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Usually you will find when people reply they will 'project'!! as in what ever experiences they have had they assume you are having the same! (forgive me if I am wrong i have not read a lot of the replies) but here is what I think ... don't let anyone invalidate your feelings or experiences. you know what you are feeling better than anyone. doctors are great but they don't know everything, sometimes it takes a long time.e to diagnose you with something and until then you will probably be told you are anxious! which you may be but wether that is the cause of your symptoms?? no one knows! also if it is anxiety that is not always totally in your head, anxiety its self can bring on a multitude of different conditions 'real conditions!' it also causes different hormones to be secreted into your system which can cause real ' not imaginary effects. my advice would truly be this .... you probably have anxiety, I mean constantly trying to figure out whats wrong in its self will give you anxiety. I would 'if it were me ' first get an app where I can log down my symptoms. you may start to see patterns around what you eat, time of day, time of month how stressed you are that day ... just log it all down. the you have that for you and or the doctor. I would then totally clean up my lifestyle, there are so many studies done between things like cancer being cured and health fitness and nutrition . oh I'm a personal l trainer / gp referral and also deal with nutrition lol so I read studies. maybe take up yoga to calm your body and mind. I find what helps is really trying to live in the now, and appreciate things that I have in my life ... I know it sounds like I am hugging a tree right now but these things have been proven to work. oh I also watch or listen to at least 30 minutes of something really funny every day. was reading about this patient that laughed her cancer away. once your anxiety levels are down and you have logged all your symptoms . if you are still experiencing problems then you will be able to tell your doctor ' I am no longer anxious but still have symptoms! hope this helps xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-02-08T12:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kasey83352-1361732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am having some of the same things. I have really bad chest pains and alot of trouble breathing and I throw up constantly. my dr. thinks I'm fine but I'm sick more days then I'm not. Both of my parents died of cancer mom brain tumors dad lung cancer. the Dr's missed both of there diagnosis and by the time they found it my mom lived 6 months my dad lived 3 weeks. I'm scared to death they are not looking at this seriously which creates my anxiety. I'm currently looking into at home cancer test kits. maybe it's something you should consider as well. I hope things get better for you. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-02T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ken70219-1362723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey there, I'm currently experiencing the same thing. Around 4 nights ago a felt a weird pain in my left side, I got out of bed in a panic and instantly made myself believe it's lung cancer. I quit smoking the next day it's been 6 days I haven't smoked still have a stabbing pain once ever 10 min or so.. then my pain seems to be shifted to my back on left side. I'm so scared I'm in tears." ], "date": [ "2021-03-07T00:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brianna90512-1364035" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have also been been having symptoms that keep changing. At first, I had chest pains, shortness of breath, chills, dizziness. i went to the ER, they ran blood work, chest xray, and an EKG. nothing. now i constantly feel like post nasal drip, still feel like i am not breathing normal, shoulder pain, lack of appetite, and headache. my father died from ALS, & i am CONVINCED that is what i have. I went to one doctor, & she didn't had good bedside manner or anything. She told me it was anxiety, put me on zoloft and it made me feel bad. when i told her i was having certain side effects from it she said \"idk why youre having those symptoms\" & never replied back. I just want to feel normal again. i have another appointment made, & am hoping he listens to me. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-11T13:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/durz23-1368243" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I cant express how grateful I am for finding this thread. I've been struggling for 4 years with all of these symptoms, plus extremely specific tooth pain, which two dentists said didn't make sense after taking xrays and cleanings. I've had an mri and mra of my brain done a year ago, x rays of my back, shoulder, knee, and hip, CT of sinuses, I have a mammogram coming up on Monday because I swear I feel a lump. I asked my obgyn to do a breast exam and he checked my underarms and said they felt fine. also have a CT of my head and neck on Tuesday because I feel like food isn't going down and I feel like someone is squeezing my throat. also when I swallow it feels like my esophagus is like catching on something, but goes away when I tilt my head. all of my issues are on my left side. my bloodwork is perfect, every time. I have a fantastic primary care, whom I love, and reassures me that it's anxiety and orders tests for me every time I go in. sometimes I feel like he's enabling me though. I take buspirone and Xanax. the Xanax helps a lot in times of panic, but doesn't take away the physical symptoms altogether. the buspirone makes me feel calm and less stressed, but I still have all of these physical problems. I've told my friends and family that after these next 2 scans I'm not going to any more doctors other than a chiropractor, but I just know I'll end up at an endocrinologist or a gi specialist. I've seen 3 ENTs, 2 neurologists, 3 obgyns, 2 primary care drs, and 3 counselors in the last 4 years. I do have gerd, and I do wonder if it's caused damage to my esophagus. I've had it for 20 years and only recently started on protonix, which hasn't helped me at all. my primary care dr wants me to do a sleep study, and I probably should. this anxiety has affected my quality of life so badly I'm afraid I'll never get over it. I'm strongly considering a psychiatric approach to it. I can't keep doing this. I'm so glad there are more people like me, and I'm so sorry you're going through this too." ], "date": [ "2021-04-03T06:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/johnny16880-1354726" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey guys I have been experiencing most of these symptoms for years. This is the first time ive heard someone mention the smoky vision. I thought that was just my imagination. I am suffering with extreme breathlessness after an anxiety attack 10 months ago. But it is hard to believe it was anxiety. I have had multiple tests done. I too feel like Im dying everyday, " ], "date": [ "2021-04-03T07:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kris05520-1282577" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it's my first time posting here but I've been dealing with health anxiety for many years. Right now I'm dealing with this dull pain on the left side of my temple, teeth/gum numbness on the upper left side, jaw is clicking when I open and close my mouth. I have a dull headache that comes and goes for few minutes it's almost everyday mostly on left side on top of my head, and on left temple. I could also feel pressure on my left eye and eye floaters, neck, face and scalp pain. I can't stop researching about brain C, brain tumor or aneurysm. The weird thing is, I don't feel it when I sleep and I feel fine when I wake up in the morning. But then I started thinking about it and the symptoms would come back again and it will get worse on night I've been feeling this for few months now and it's making me anxious, sad and stressful all the time. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-05T01:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1372475" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Well you know I woke up one night in 2012 and my heart felt like someone was standing on a garden hose - so I drove myself to the emergency - they found nothing - so I left and then I went to my primary care doctor and he gave me a nuclear stress test and then sent me a letter saying everything was fine and they could conclude that my heart was fine . But low and behold being the panic disordered fellow that I am - I concluded a different conclusion and asked to see a cardiologist - and I brought my family history and my fears and that doctor agreed with me that they needed to go in with camera and take a look see - and that is how it came to be that three weeks later I was having a heart attack on the table as they ran the camera around - the quote from the doctor was I should already be dead - 98 percent blockage in LAD artery and 97 blockage in RCA artery. - Five stents later --- the original primary care doctor never even said he was sorry for almost killing me - and the person in charge of all the doctors couldn't do anything because hospitals need doctors to keep billing patients. So first and foremost never tell anyone to trust their doctor - because doctors are not all that - they are not brilliant and one size does not fit all. Okay now about the dying everyday thing - I guess this is true - we have to die a little bit each day - but in regards to the subject matter here - I went to the dentist three weeks ago and they said you have a nodule on your lymph node - then my new primary care doctor agreed and sent me out into the community for a cat scan - which said ya I got some stuff on my lymph but its not lymph node but its not cancer - and they they did some ultra sounds and I got 50 to 69 percent blockage of cortoroid artery in neck -- which is not unusual for people with crappy hearts and arteries = the neck arteries just take longer to gather plaque than the heart arteries - so this killed my grand father and my aunt and mother - and that is just how that goes - they all died in seconds - like standing up and then dead before they hit the floor from massive stroke - should I complain about that ? -- no - but this feeling like death each day is not much fun is it - its lonely to die slowly - and when you have panic disorder its even more lonely because like so many have mentioned about their kids - you get scared thinking they will be left without you -- I have a dog - if I die without a support system like I don't have - he will starve to death -- I called all over town looking for someone to offer a support system like calling to make sure your alive at least once a week and there is nothing like that --- I am thinking of putting my money into a place that does just that for the sake of pets - old people getting a call - once a week for like a welfare check - for the sake of their pets lives --- I am thinking it could run after start up by way of donations from those that sign up for it - okay - but that don't help the dying daily stuff - the bad stomach the bad heart and all I can say is eat right - learn to eat right - I lost 100 lbs after my heart attack - and you become an expert supplements - and the only med I am on is clonazapam - its rather amazing but one shrink I had didn't even read my charts and she made the decision to stop my psych meds - and I got by for three years until I showed up in the emergency room twice the second time because I was a day away from killing myself - and they always make you laugh - where did they go to school - first question - do you have a gun --- well no but I don't hate myself - that sound like a terrible way to go - we all know the robin williams way is the most peaceful -but when your going from panic attack to panic attack you get drained and you want out even if you don't want to die - your pretty much feeling like your already dead and all you really want is some quality to life - that is pretty much a normal desire - just to have a life where you smile and feel good for days at a time - and we live but where is the quality -- what do we find with society - not much help - so here we are the wounded and beaten trying to help others like ourselves - but by the grace of all things of universal good essence we find enough help just by way of knowing we are not alone - that we keep going - can you sing like a monk doing those gregorian chants -- it really helps if you can do that it stimulates the vagus or vargus nerve - and also your diet - really - keep healthy as much as you can - even when your stinking in a clinical depression - keep trying to do at least one task a day - try to enjoy things out the window and along your walks - and try not to over talk when someone shows you some kindness and actually listens to you -- now with this stuff going on with me now - stuff growing on my lymph nodes - and a the blockage - the doctor writes a letter and says - see you next year - lol - gee heres the reality - I am 65 - and if I die its because I am old enough that I am expected to die - and it don't matter if I say hey wait a minute I still have things to do -- but the truth is no -- I am pretty much done - I did it all - I did the best I could - what matters another 5 - 10 years - I go to the grave yards and sit and meditate with my dog - and some of those people there died young - and some of them made it past 100 but they all share a common theme - they are there . so I think buddha said die before you die --- in other words contemplate your death -- I use to say to people I sure hope I am not having a panic attack when I die -- but heres the thing = I had a near death experience and I was terrified but once you die it zips away gone - and so was all memory of this life and words and thoughts and conditions and I remember feeling as I was coming back - I felt a 1000 times better in that state than I ever had in this life - including sex -- which would be a 7 on the scale I am talking about = so there is that. be your own advocate - read up on your conditions - snowflakes - the medical system is made of human people who make mistakes = who go by the book - and they have a zillion things going on making their 165000 and more a year - learn to live with kindness and compassion for all the lost souls who never suffer but would stand on your shoulders if a flood came - forgive them - and remember you have the soulmate you seek right inside you. so writing this helped me stop feeling sick - like I do everyday - and you know the way the world is now - it don't seem fair does it that everyone is so messed up and here you are trying to just peacefully get on with it - accepting things that you suffer with - and then on top of that - all of this mess all around us -- somehow it makes us sicker -- especially if your an empath like most of us are - and I don't know that I will get back to this forum - but you are not alone - there is a big crowd of us and I would think that is a pretty big gob of love and compassion for mankind - so the universe can't be unhappy about that. oh ya when I did the near death thing when I came back and was laying back in the body I felt like nothing hurt and I thought well gee maybe god took everything away - and then I moved my leg --- and guess what -- nope - I was still in body of a thousand pains -- oh well for a micro second I wasn't --- so that is a comfort I can share with all of you. I love you all that suffer and wish there was no one reading this or writing this. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-26T08:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenntyson-1378848" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel this way too. I'm too scared to go to the hospital to be checked out. I think this all started when I was about 10yrs old. My dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. He beat it but they always said it would come back eventually. About 22yrs later it did. Then the most unexpected phone call came I found out my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. What they went through was awful. I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea that there was a disease out there that could take you out, when you've done nothing wrong. Now in my adult life I'm riddled with anxiety. I'm convinced that I have lung cancer. About 6 months ago it felt like something was stuck in my throat. It either went away or I just got used to it but now I have chest pains usually only at night and I'm constantly clearing my throat. (at night) I've done that because of anxiety in the past. I just can't tell the difference between regular pains and something horrible. I worry about my 15yr old son not having anyone if something happens to me. I don't want him to know what's going on. Now I'm here pouring my heart out. Please someone tell me that I'm not alone. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-29T04:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ecalltex77-1378958" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi! I'm on a 10 yr journey. I was originally diagnosed with Hashimoto's, epilepsy and Sjogren's and Celiac with RF factor. \r\n\r\nI was told for years and years that I shouldn't be in as much pain as I'm in. 😳\r\n\r\nfast forward to 8 mos ago. I felt like I couldn't keep going. was exercising less and less because I couldn't. so fatigued and in pain. Mind you... over the years I was also diagnosed with chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, somatic disorder and anxiety.\r\n\r\nIt took a lot of advocating for myself. I started requesting scans. and mri of my spine showed spondylolisthesis, multilevel spondylosis, facet arthropathy, cervical instability and radiculopathy. But still they said that wasn't enough. however... once the pain was minimized from my spine (still there, but less), I could feel like my body was lacking oxygen. My PCP didn't believe me so I self referred to a cardiologist. Many test were performed. All were minimally failed. A heart angiography finally uncovered a 2 cm myocardial bridge of the LAD. I was also also hospitalized during this time and they discovered hyperinflated lungs. My pcp didn't believe me, so my cardiologist referred me to the Pulmonologist. I was just diagnosed with moderate persistent asthma, bronchiectasis, abnormal lung findings and common immunodeficiency disease. \r\n\r\nother diagnoses have been... Megaloblastic anemia, undifferentiated convective tissue disease, sacroillitis, adenomyosis, fibroids, complex ovarian cyst, osteopenia throughoutmy body.\r\n\r\nthey think the anemia is from pernicious anemia, which is the guts inability to absorb nutrients. the GI doc want's to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy. But we have to wait till my heart and lungs are ok. same for the hysterectomy. \r\n\r\nI have blurry vision (like I'm underwater), spasms, tremors, extreme fatigue, cough, dripping nose but no allergies, stomach pain with cramping, chest pressure, feeling of fullness, joint pain, tinnitus, shortness of breath, severe constipation and neuropathy. \r\n\r\nI know there's more... it's just exhausting. \r\n\r\nmake sure they run your igg with all 4 subclasses. Igm, Iga, Ige. Review all your old labs and piece the bloodwork together. my MCV is always high and I don't drink. that's how the anemia was discovered. however I am not responding to the b12 shots. \r\n\r\nI feel like I am dying. I do have a lot going on in my chest... but my body is breaking down and I feel like it's cancer. \r\n\r\nthis is all I have energy for now and I hope this helped. \r\n\r\n🙏🙏🙏\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-29T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/celine88397-1414149" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel exactly the same\r\nmy god its unbearable I feel I've checked out \r\ntink my life is done " ], "date": [ "2022-01-22T22:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam09880-1416973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm feeling the exact same way. A few days ago felt a pain on one side of throat when swallowing. Shortly after the other side was affected. My anxiety starting increasing thinking of throat cancer since I have GERD. Now, I feel as if I have swollen lymph nodes and random intermittent sharp pains all over my body. I contacted my PCP who didn't seem concerned and said if the symptoms persist to schedule an appointment. I also contacted my GI doctor who suggested seeing an ENT doctor. My concern is scheduling these appointments that historically take several weeks to months to get in. If its the \"C word\", I feel like time is not on your side. And I do have a family history of it (Grandfather). I do have anxiety so I'm sure this is just fueling the fire. It is slightly comforting others feel the same way. " ], "date": [ "2022-02-15T07:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/krystal35234-1445055" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am living in fear too. So, 3 mths ago I started with sinus symptoms which turned out to be related to a tooth that has a crack in it. An xray confirmed that the root was very close to the sinus so need to see a specialist. I have an appointment for Nov. Long story short, i get tingles in the cheek and head on the same side as the bad tooth! The tingles in the cheek have subsided but the head tingles are there a lot. Last night I woke up sweating and the tingles were the worst ever! I have convinced myself that I have a brain tumor and that this amount of tingling cannot possibly be from a bad tooth. I am terrified! " ], "date": [ "2022-10-27T15:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lydia00619-1472703" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi. i know its been many years since this thread was active but i just want to share a little of my story so that in the rare case that someone sees it we can find solidarity and understanding.\r\nim a 19 year female who started having throat problems at age 15. it started with the nagging feeling that there was something stuck in my throat that i couldnt cough up. what started as a very subtle annoying problem has now become all consuming and is tearing my young life apart. you see ive been so worried that its throat cancer because it never really goes away, i can hear the air whistling around it in my throat when i take a deep enough breath, and my nose is partly blocked. but i survived this far with no other ill effects. or have I? Last November was tbe worst, i started feeling physically sick as well as having throat problems. then i got temporarily better. up until a few weeks ago i started getting massive panic attacks with the main symptom being i felt sick unto death. naturally i believed that these werent panic attacks, they were cancer kiiling me. and now its crazy cause my throat problems are dissapearing, they really are, but i still have spells of feeling sick unto death. my anxiety is almost unbearable but ive been prescribed several anti anxiety meds. what i really want is an x ray because i cant get rid of this unbearable thought that i must die of what i think has been untreayed cancer all this time." ], "date": [ "2023-09-01T22:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lena2015-562672" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lena2015-562672" ], "content": [ "I just don't believe they have done enough tests to determine whether what I feel is anxiety or something more, I just don't believe it. I'm on anti depressants and my dose has been upped for the last 11 days but I feel worse than ever 😿xxx" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T10:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monii-983635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "content": [ "<p>I know this is over a year ago but have you found out what&#39;s the cause of your symptoms. Did it turn out to be really anxiety? I&#39;m so scared because I havent been feeling right and doctors tell me it&#39;s anxiety</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-28T00:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "rhianna - i really feel for you that you feel so terribly and don't feel like you can trust the doctors' opinions. i believe you that you feel terribly, but i also think that your doctors are probably also right. are you on any meds to help you calm down? is it possible to do a therapy? your anxiety is really taking away your own quality of life. i wonder why you feel that you cannot trust the doctors when they check you? i also have health anxiety but am able to believe my doctors. it helps to be able to let go of the fear - but the first step is a leap of faith. if you can manage that first step of trusting their training and experience, then maybe you can focus on feeling better. i hope you find relief soon. " ], "date": [ "2015-02-15T20:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rstep04-495803" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rstep04-495803" ], "content": [ "yeah that's what worries me because my anti depressants stopped working and they upped them but now I'm worried they ain't going to work, I've been on them now for 11 days:( hope you feel better soon xx" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T10:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I felt like it since May last year and it's getting no better ive tried alsorts of different antidepressants and nothing's working I feel ill every single day blurred vision weak legs tingling it's horrid but I had the same thing 2 years ago it got better but it's taking forever" ], "date": [ "2015-02-15T21:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise1974-302410" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhianna45855-595567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise1974-302410" ], "content": [ "ive been taking meds for fours years and its like they have stopped working, they upped my dose 11 days ago but I feel awful. How long did it take you to get out of feeling like that?!? Xxx" ], "date": [ "2015-02-16T10:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scottincal-677248" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise1974-302410" ], "content": [ "Hi. I created an account just to reply to your post. I'm currently experiencing the same anxiety you experienced 17 years ago; I'm convinced I have lymphoma. I felt discomfort under my left arm for a few weeks and was sure I could feel a lump. I finally went to the doctor and she claimed she couldn't \"feel anything\". I had an ultrasound and they did find a swollen node. That was two weeks ago and I've been in mental purgatory. I'm having a CT scan and mammogram (I'm male) tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm convinced that my body is mostly malignant tumors at this point. I notice every pain, lump, itch, stomach pain, sore muscle, stiff joint; it's all cancer-caused. I just can't imagine that I DON'T have terminal cancer. I do have OCD and have voluntarily hospitalizated myself once because I was obsessing so bad about something non - medical that I was convinced I had done that turned out not to have occurred. It's no comfort knowing that I have anxiety and I can't believe that \"it's all in my head\" despite my mental health history. " ], "date": [ "2015-04-15T02:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chase89325-687419" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise1974-302410" ], "content": [ "Hey Louise I'm glad your ok. I've been going through the exact same thing that you described. I feel a lump(not imaginary) fatigue, depressed, anxious every day and especially at night. Was wondering if the lump wasn't cancer then what was it? I'm scared to even go see a doc or tell anyone and need some advice. Any help is appreciated.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2015-04-15T19:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/diana83226-906281" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/scottincal-677248" ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nCan I pm you? I have a lot to share, because I have a lot in common with you...Do you have an email address I can send you an email?\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\nDiana" ], "date": [ "2015-11-09T21:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/whitney3780-630607" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise1974-302410" ], "content": [ "Reading your comment is a breath of fresh air. I worry about having a heart attack all of the time. Every symptom I have leads me to believe it's my heart. Tonight as I sat on the couch, the upper middle part of my back (between my shoulder blades) started hurting almost like a muscle spasm. Suddenly and out of no where. Then it started hurting in the middle of my chest. So of course my mind starts racing, I begin to panic, and my mind plays through scenarios of my husband and daughter rushing me to the ER, etc. It has been about 30 mins and im feeling more relaxed now. My back is still uncomfortable but it's bearable. A lot of times during these panic episodes I feel the need to have a bowel movement. Does anyone else ever have this? I'm so tired of anxiety. I take Prozac daily and Ativan as needed. It helps a lot" ], "date": [ "2015-11-10T03:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sade26-912724" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise1974-302410" ], "content": [ "hi louise i read your reply to rhianna and you seem to have had anxiety for a long time? is so horrible !! ive had it for 8 years and so many different symptoms lost count but i thought i was doing ok and dealing with it. untill the last few months when i had a flickering in my eyes as if the light bulbs would turn on an off very quickly an some blurred vision i was so worried about a brain tumor. then i started getting weird feeling in my head. pressure , pain in head , headaches tingling in foot twitching in one eye and just weird vision oh an off balance .. have you ever experienced this??" ], "date": [ "2015-12-21T23:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rubi67080-922244" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/whitney3780-630607" ], "content": [ "Hello whitney,\r\n\r\nI am on the same situation. I struggle everyday with anxiety. I also have been having some physical symptoms that are making my anxiety get worse. For about two months now I have been having burning pain in my upper abdomen and I also suffer from what I think is GERD. I have a 5 month old baby and after her birth my GERD became worse to the point that now I can not easily swollow liquids and I feel a lump in my throat. I keep burping and since 2013 I am dizzy everyday all day long. I have had tons if tests done and at one point I was convinced that I had some sort of heart disease so I saw a cardiologist and everything was normal. Now I sm convinced that I have throat cancer, or some sort of gastrointestitanal cancer. The only abnormal blood test that I have had was that my liver enzymes where elevated. I immediately thought I had liver cancer also. I am so tired of struggling through this every day. I live eveyday checking myself to see if everything is ok with my pulse, I check to see if I still feel my body parts. But I still have no answer as to why I am having this abdominal pain and dysphagia.I cry so much because I cant inagine leaving my little girl alone. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-27T19:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia562010-923335" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rubi67080-922244" ], "content": [ "Dear Rubi\r\nI never really had real anxiety disorder till I had my son in 2010...I guess it would probably be considered post partum depression. Anyways, I always thought my baby was gonna die from SIDS or some horrible disease I was always taking him to the doctor they knew me there very well...probably thought I was a freak! I eventually calmed down but then I started thinking I was gonna die!!! In my mind I've had every form of cancer....currently in my mind I have throat cancer I can barely swallow my neck muscles are tight and ache and have weird twingy feelings in my throat and feel like my lymphnodes are huge...5 months ago I was so freaked out by it I finally went to a ent and he shoved a camera down my nose to my throat and all he saw was a self induced muscle spasm from stress and anxiety plus some acid because I've always had reflux. I feel you girl I'm in the sane boat as you its a mental hell... No one knows till they've experienced it" ], "date": [ "2016-02-12T17:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rubi67080-922244" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia562010-923335" ], "content": [ "Hello and thank you for your reply. My whole anxiety problems began in 2012 when one day I took medicine for period cramps and I had a panic attack after that. My parents called an ambulance because they thought I had had a reaction to the pills. In 2014 my anxiety was a bit better but I still had ocassional episodes of panic and anxiety but I managed to get through them on my own. At the end of 2014 I got pregnant and amazingly throughout my pregnancy my anxiety got better and almost completely dissapeared. But after I gave birth I had several infections and my heart always races when I get sick. It goes up to 120 at rest. Since then I went back to having anxiety and sometimes I get so depressed and I think Im going to die and my baby will be without a mother. The problems with swollowing began in november 2015 when I had a cold I was coughing alot and decided to drink water. Since my nose was stuffy and i have tons of phlegm in my throat I almost choked on water. Since then i seem to not be able to pass water and liquids. I burp alot and also like you suffer from reflux everyday. I take ranitidine and does not help. I just cant take all this anymore. I am down to my bones. I look like a skeleton and i cant gain weight. People tell me its cause of my anxiety that I am thin. I am conviced that I have something terrible going on. " ], "date": [ "2016-02-12T20:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nadia562010-923335" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rubi67080-922244" ], "content": [ "Have you gone to see a psych?" ], "date": [ "2016-02-12T21:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monii-983635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/scottincal-677248" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello,</p><p>I know you wrote this over a year ago but currently I am convinced that I&#39;m dying from the C word. I&#39;m losing so much weight, no appetite, diarrhea, fatigued, I feel lumps that I&#39;ve check at the doctor and nothing concerning to them. Now my whole body is itching but I have no rash. I&#39;ve had panic attacks last month which left me in the ER. I get chills and I&#39;m always so so weak. My left leg is aching and the list goes on and on and on.... doctors tell me it&#39;s all anxiety and told me to get on medication. Are you on medication? I&#39;m also reaching out to you to see how are you doing now? Do you feel better? </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-28T00:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise41740-947197" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/monii-983635" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi moni</p><p>I&#39;m experiencing the exact same feelings &#128546;</p><p>Mine started last December whilst I was on holiday in Rome.</p><p>I had little shooting pains across my heart &amp; since then my life as been a downward spiral. </p><p>Iv had every illness known to man, motor neurones, brain tumour, ovarian cancer! The list goes on!</p><p>But since Jan my pelvis has been agony, along with my right hip!</p><p>Iv had ct scan and full blood tests in May and all returned normal!</p><p>But now I&#39;m in so much pain with it and am actually convinced I&#39;m not gunna be here by Xmas!</p><p>I&#39;m not on any meds and don&#39;t want to be. I just want to feel normal and be back to myself again</p><p>I&#39;m currently suffering with &#39;what Iv diagnosed myself with &#39; gerd</p><p>As soon as I&#39;m out of bed the burping starts, as soon as I eat/drink I&#39;m burping and farting!</p><p>Would really like to speak to someone who&#39;s going through the same &#128546;&#128546;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-10T13:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim59492-365954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/monii-983635" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi</p><p>I know exactly how you feel. I&#39;m a 54 yr old woman. I&#39;ve lost the best part of my life through having cancer phobia. I&#39;ve had almost everything checked, scanned and X rayed. But every twinge,ache and pain is cancer of where it&#39;s situated. I got a good bit better over the last couple of years. But I just lost my Dad and pet in same month and my phobia is back through the roof. This time my GP has put me on Prozac. She said I&#39;m going into depression and wants to try to stop it before it gets worse. I&#39;m going into hospital tomorrow for an op on my uterus. I have a polyp and an area they arnt sure about that they want to take a closer look at. So Ofcourse straight away, I&#39;ve convinced myself it&#39;s cancer. This anxiety is debilitating, I&#39;m so so tired of feeling worried. I want it all to end to get some peace in my life. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-10T23:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angelica40898-997255" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise41740-947197" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same exact way...I think Im sick and its crazy..you guys have made me cry because someone has finally explained how I&#39;ve been feeling for an entire year down to the T.... I need to go get meds from my doctor!</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-07-02T07:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gary67459-998386" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise41740-947197" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve been through this for the last couple of years I suppose since I had my first child and my mother died of cancer ind even bet last year so it&#39;s got so much worse. I worry every time I feel a twitch in my body. My dr had said it&#39;s anxiety and acid reflux. Currently I have a lump in my throats and I thought I had cancer but my dr days it will pass. I&#39;m currently on setraline but it&#39;s good to talk to others ( first time for me)</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-01T19:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe84048-1019798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/monii-983635" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone, I know this might be old but I&#39;m really looking for some advice/reassurance. I&#39;m a 19 year girl, I&#39;m 5&#39;9 and a average weight/build. I&#39;ve been feeling the exact same as all of ye the past few weeks. I am fully convinced I have type 2 diabetes and can&#39;t shake it. I feel like I&#39;m going insane, it&#39;s the only thing I think about 24/7 and can&#39;t stop myself from crying constantly. The only symptom I have is tingly/cold hands and feet but I&#39;ve googling every night and feel like I keep finding new symptoms I have! I don&#39;t eat chocolate, sweets but I did drink a lot of fizzy drinks before and I feel like that&#39;s why I have it. I can&#39;t stop myself from looking up how many people have died, had limbs amputated etc. Everyone is telling me I have anxiety and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to finally put my mind at ease. Even though I kind of understand that I don&#39;t have diabetes I can&#39;t stop myself from going insane &#128553; </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T23:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leonie2511-1021710" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe84048-1019798" ], "content": [ "Hi im going thrpugh this exact same thing at the moment, message me x" ], "date": [ "2017-02-13T00:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiouslady13-923775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/whitney3780-630607" ], "content": [ "<p>I realize it&#39;s been 2+ years since your comment was posted. I have the exact same mind set as you whenever I feel anything &quot;abnormal&quot; with my body. I&#39;ve gone to the emergency room plenty of times to know that my heart is ok but still I am &quot;positive&quot; I&#39;m about to have a heart attack. </p><p> Are you ok? Was it your heart? How did you cope with this? Therapy helps me, meds do not help. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-16T07:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thet1028-1073104" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rubi67080-922244" ], "content": [ "Hi.... Hope u read my message... I feel the same feeling u have in this comment box.. Are u still suffering from this??? Hope to hear from you... Thank you ." ], "date": [ "2017-08-06T16:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julia65304-1149414" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiouslady13-923775" ], "content": [ "Hi how are...i was reading your message and was wondering hpw are you getting along...im so afraid im dying of some undiagnosed cancer. I am a mother of 3 children and i worry about leaving them behind...i think of cancer every day and i am constantly checking my body. Did you het your heart checked how was everything" ], "date": [ "2021-01-27T19:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/domonique_28106-1172949" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/julia65304-1149414" ], "content": [ "Hi I feel the same way I have water like feelings in my body and upper back pain by the shoulder blade my under arms ache and both my arms hurt I’m so scared I have cancer I don’t know what to do! I had blood work done X-rays cat scans I just don’t no I’m waiting to get a mri I’m just so scared!" ], "date": [ "2018-04-18T05:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole_14725-1026858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/domonique_28106-1172949" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I know the feeling I can&#39;t sleep and sit up every night the doctors don&#39;t care they just make up things all they say is anxiety so</p><p>Funny I believed them and today went to a psychiatrist who then told me this is a physical problem and I had no psych problems at all ..... in the meantime I started doing a lot of reading and stumbled across and article on candida i demanded my pcp test me for it he was reluctant but I wouldn&#39;t leave so he did today at 6pm tonight he calls me and tells me I tested positive for it and gave me a 21 day medicine for it ..... I&#39;m not confident this is the source of my probs but will repost after treatment ...... hang in there plz it&#39;s the worst I&#39;ve lost my job and half my life over the past 6 months&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-18T06:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/terrance72263-1175920" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/whitney3780-630607" ], "content": [ "<p>I have sleep apnea and I have trouble adjusting to the mask and lately I&#39;ve felt winded and tingling in my hands and feet and my anxiety is through the roof I don&#39;t wanna go anywhere because I&#39;m scared I&#39;ll have breathing issues and die and It also makes me have to use the toilet often</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-28T18:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosie68300-1349545" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rubi67080-922244" ], "content": [ "i know this is so old but reading this is as if you are in my head explaining how i feel right now!! " ], "date": [ "2021-01-27T19:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anasui4474-1369260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/whitney3780-630607" ], "content": [ "Hello Whitney,\r\nI made an account just so I can reply to this, I hope this helps! \r\nI've been dealing with both Generalized Anxiety disorder and some form of Panic disorder for about 5 years now, and I've noticed that during or after every 'attack' I end up urgently needing to use the restroom. I now use this as a bit of a confirmation of what the episode was. My theory is that the fight-or-flight chemicals released by the brain (adrenaline and such) during a panic or anxiety attack causes the bowels to get moving at a much quicker pace, resulting in diarrhea. Probably a survival technique to allow us to run away from an attacker/predator(since after a bowel movement, we are lighter and it's easier on our bodies to run!). Well, no matter what the purpose is for it, it never fails to indicate a panic attack. In other words, you are *not* going to die, this is completely normal." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T19:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica37797-1432367" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rubi67080-922244" ], "content": [ "Hi Rubi, \r\ni realise it has been a ling time since you posted, but i feel that i am going through a very similar situation to you now, and i feel completely helpless. The dysphagia is driving me to tears, and i have two little children that i cant stop worrying about. Hopeful tour experience might give me some answers or a way yo get on top of things. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-02T07:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Rhianna honestly it really is anxiety.  Many years ago I was convinced I had a cancer of the lymph nodes, convinced isn't a strong enough word, I KNEW I had cancer in  my mind.  I had the lumps, I felt so weak and ill. That was 17 years ago and hey I'm still here.  Many visits to the doctor who were all talking crap (my opinion at the time).  I just could not accept that it was anxiety.  Let me tell you that YES anxiety really can cause all these physical symtoms.  I still struggle now with it from time to time and I could literally write a book on all the symptoms I have felt at one time or another.  Until you truly accept that this is anxiety it will never get any better for you.  Once you accept you are the type of person who struggles with this issue it will get better.  Perhaps you will need meds to help, I certainly do and there is no shame in it.  " ], "date": [ "2022-07-02T07:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/convinced-i-m-dying-of-cancer-i-just-don-t-feel-right--361423?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Convinced I'm dying of cancer. I just don't feel right.
So it all started just over 3 weeks ago I had a shooting pain in my head followed by my whole body going weak and numb-like, I panicked!!! After that I haven't been right. I've had shooting pains all over my body, tingles mainly in the left hand, dizziness, smoky vision, flutters under the skin, scared that my limbs were ganna stop working so iv constantly been checking them, I now have pain on both sides of my abdomen under my ribs and I constantly and I mean constantly feel soooo sick! I've been to 4 diffo docs all of which say it's my anxiety! They've only checked my blood pressure and pulse felt my tummy etc how can they be so sure?  Pic honestly feel sooo I'll im not getting out of bed I can't eat ... I think I'm on the verge of having a breakdown! Everyone around me has had enough but they don't understand how sick I feel! :(  anyone ever very honestly felt like they were physically ill all day everyday from anxiety? Someone please reply !!! 
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/merryl-7506" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I been taking Lansoprazole for years (I think they are the same as omeprazole) they can cause a lot of side effects. Have you read the leaflet that comes with the medication, it should say on there if they cause panic attacks. Or look online for a list of side effects. " ], "date": [ "2014-02-13T20:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz54943-46983" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Diane\r\n\r\nSo sorry your daughter is suffering like this.\r\n\r\nI think some people can react very badly to certain drugs. I took sertraline (which is an SSRI anti-depressant) and within 24 hours of taking the first one I had my first ever panic attack. It was horrible. There followed several huge waves of anxiety over the next 3 days - and then, just spent the next 3 weeks in a state of very heightened anxiety - something I hadn't experienced since having PND 10 years ago.\r\n\r\nWithin 4 days of stopping taking them, I was back to normal." ], "date": [ "2014-02-13T21:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/oldtyke-16467" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I suspect that acid reflex problems has something to do with panic attacks also. If her reflex is severe,\r\nI suggest you ask for more investigations to check if she has a Hiatus Hernia.\r\nIt could just part of her growing up, many teenagers do get severe anxiety issues.\r\nAlso I do suspect that these class of drugs may be responsible for Panic attacks or a combination of it.\r\n If Panic attacks are bad she can get help to over come them, but please do this quickly because \r\npanic attacks can lead to severe depression also.\r\nThat is not good in young people." ], "date": [ "2014-02-14T08:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joan152-40277" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Diane,\r\n\r\nMy Husband has taken them for years also a friend but no side effects,but everybody is different so you should tell the GP." ], "date": [ "2014-02-14T10:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bellaseb-102016" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Diane\r\n\r\nI've been taking Omeprazole for about six months now. Originally I was prescribed them due to one of the side effects of taking sertraline (50 mg a day for anxiety), and now having been prescribed sertraline for the second time, I'm back to 20mg Omeprazole a day again (having dropped to 10mg as and when needed).\r\n\r\nI'm not sure if there is a link between Omeprazole and anxiety attacks, but my anxiety is sometimes through the roof, to the point that I also need to take up to 80mg propranolol a day in addition. I hadn't considered that Omeprazole might have something to do with it, but perhaps I will speak to my doctor.\r\n\r\nI hope your daughter is ok and has got to the bottom of her anxiety/panic attacks, and thank you for highlighting this." ], "date": [ "2014-02-18T18:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trex-20922" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "There are a lot of side-effects mentioned in the leaflet inside the box, see if it corresponds to it. \r\n\r\nI have taken omeprazole before but havent suffered any side-effects (i also find it is better than lansoprazole). Anyway they are both medicinal drugs but I just want to point out for the reason of long-term possible effects I started taking Peppermint tea and it gets rid of any gastro problems whether it is bloating, gas, acid or reflux. Whenever any of these things happen to me I drink a cup of peppermint tea (without milk) and im so relieved, now i always keep a box at home.\r\n\r\nThe best thing is,...no side-effects." ], "date": [ "2014-02-18T21:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa33471-164764" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Diane. I was just wandering whether your daughter found out if omeprezole was causing anxiety or was it the reflux? I am so up and down with it at the moment and dnt know which it could be?" ], "date": [ "2015-03-16T08:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan19050-1036863" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jill60967-1044760" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan19050-1036863" ], "content": [ "<p>hi i too was on 40mg of omeprazole for a few years!! just recently i started having panic attacks and anxiety! i&#39;ve never been anxious in my life! i also had heart palpitations! i have had loads of tests at the hospital on my heart and blood tests! cut a long story short, i have very low Vitamin D and B12 in turn these can cause anxiety! taking the omeprazole for all these years have depleted all my vitamins!! i stopped taking these horrid tablets 6 weeks ago and feel much better!i just hope they dont take too long to get out of my system!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-12T23:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ciaran80712-1061354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan19050-1036863" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Ryan </p><p></p><p>I never had anxiety before in my life until last year it was very bad was taking panic attacks. It got really bad it was causing sleepin problems I could never get to the bottom of it. We to the doctors I even went to counselling. I was taking omprazole and never thought anything of it. I&#39;ve went over a full year without telling stressed and yesterday was the first time in a long time I took an omprazole and boom felt really stressed and got wile bad anxiety just seenin the forum now mad me realise that it must be the omprazole.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-22T22:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi! </p><p></p><p>I know this thread is old... but about a year ago I was prescribed 40 Mg of omeprazole. Shortly after starting it my heartburn was gone BUT I started having panic attacks. At first I thought it was stress at work and life and whatever but did some research and found a lot of other people having the same issues. The drug plays with the chemicals in your brain to stop producing stomach acid. So I&#39;m convinced that is why they started. I stop the meds and went back to tums. It&#39;s been a while now and anxiety has gotten much better!</p><p></p><p>Hope this helps!</p><p>Ryan </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-28T00:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason21014-1411623" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes i believe they do about two year ago i was put on them yes started to work but then i started to wake up with nervousness stomach only having 2 hours sleep. then all day was light headed crying all the time and on top if that i had seizure i stop them two years all ok then before xmas i had some more but different one first day was ok then over three days had two seizures crying could not sleep and nervousness in stomach again and blood pressure was over 221/136. they kept me in hospital for three days i am off it but still at the monument. just burping all the time now so do not know what to do. i hope she get better soon" ], "date": [ "2022-01-05T09:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nikkinakken-1405403" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I think so. I was taking another Proton Pump Inhibitor with bad racing heart and shaking :( " ], "date": [ "2022-01-05T09:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nikkinakken-1405403" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I asked my Psychatrist today about these PPI - and he said it is a rare side effect but it can, and it does increase heartbeat. i have also had a bad experience with it." ], "date": [ "2022-01-06T15:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann39212-1410966" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "just letting anyone out there know who takes omeprazole or lansoprazole they need to keep an eye on vitamin B12 levels, intrinsic factor depletion is one of the main causes of this deficiency brought on by long term use of proton pump inhibitor drugs such as the above mentioned. Ann " ], "date": [ "2023-09-11T16:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah3105-1412654" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi just wanted to share my story. Around July/August I was prescribed Omeprazole 15 mg i think, due to some indigestion symptoms. I wasn't sure why I was experiencing these symptoms. I wasn't sure if it was because I was stressed as I had been isolating and had deadlines for university or my diet. I found that having the indigestion symptoms made me a bit anxious and I would just pace a lot at home. So I started the ppi and they definitely helped my heartburn however 2 weeks after starting them me and my boyfriend went to the beach and this is honestly one of my favourite days out to do and as we were approaching the beach in the car I had my first ever panic attack. It was horrible. I felt really nauseous (I normally fear being sick for some reason so this was scary in itself), tingling in my hand, my thoughts were racing, I couldn't sit still. I was completely restless. It was a horrible feeling. When we got to the beach I told my boyfriend I didn't feel comfortable getting out the car so we drove back home. I was gutted. Ever since this experience I have developed anxiety, nervous about going out in fear it will happen again, nervous about being left alone even if I'm at home, nervous about getting in the car. Everything has become so much more of a struggle like things I would've done so easily before. To this day I'm still on a ppi but now Lansoprazole 15mg but I still have no clue why the panic attack happened and not knowing has just made me excessively worry. I've recently been prescribed Sertraline 50mg and working my way up by starting on 25mg. I told my local GP about my suspicions about the ppi triggering that panic attack/anxiety and they said it wasn't a common side effect so they thought it was maybe because I had anxiety before and just didn't notice and potentially that all my indigestion symptoms could've been due to developing anxiety. Which did kind of make sense to me but honestly who knows. I haven't had the exact same panic attack feeling since but on Christmas day I felt slightly similar so this scared me hence why I'm starting an anti-depressant. Sorry this is so lengthy but I personally think these forums are so helpful and they're really good at making people feel less alone so if I've helped someone feel less alone I'll be happy :) " ], "date": [ "2023-01-09T09:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah3105-1412654" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I really hope your daughter is feeling a lot better now. Thank you for sharing your experience also <3" ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T12:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel82153-1472637" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane88030-91598" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Never had anxiety or panic attacks in my life till i started ppi s i tried finding one that was easier on me . My acid reflux is kinda dangerous so i have to keep taking some type of acid blockers .\r\nI wish i could get this under control . I just completed 14 days of omeprazole . so now im giving myself a break . The last two weeks have been horrible . I feel like im going to faint all the time . I will check back in a couple of days " ], "date": [ "2023-09-01T00:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/does-omeprazole-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks--83530?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Does omeprazole cause anxiety and panic attacks?
My daughter who is 15 was prescribed omeprazole for acid reflex about 2 weeks ago and now sheis having panic attacks and severe anxiety..Is anyone else having these side affects from this medication??
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "content": [ "no am getting bloods next month think thats how they check thyroid is that correct can thyroid issues cause dizziness ? " ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T14:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "content": [ "Yeah i found out after a blood test \r\nI was stressed and got ibs symptoms and then anxiety started .\r\nSo they did a blood test and came back as hyperthyroidism.\r\nI felt dizzy and anxious all day some days.\r\nOccasionally i got a really bad attack. Can't get your breath, feel like passing out, really nervous etc.\r\nIt's only now after a few months ive started to feel myself but the anxiety is there in the background.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T14:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "content": [ "what is hyperthyroidism is this the cause of dizziness " ], "date": [ "2023-08-29T23:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/woody71-1470665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "content": [ "Hyperthyroidism means my thyroid is overactive and it makes me feel dizzy, shaky, anxious and have panic attacks.\r\nOfc you can have those symptoms without the condition but it's always good to check.\r\nI thought i was just suffering from stress." ], "date": [ "2023-08-30T17:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I get this most days.\r\nIt comes on worse when I'm tired. \r\nIf i am going to a shopping mall or something i start getting anxious the closer i get.\r\nAnxiety absolutely drains me.\r\nHave you had your thyroid checked. I had this a month before i found out i had thyroid problems and now it's more frequent. \r\nI have to ride it out by watching tv or YouTube.\r\nI've always suffered from anxiety in some form though.\r\nIt's not easy to deal with but it's usually caused by stress or something like thyroid trouble." ], "date": [ "2023-08-24T19:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-day-too-say--803817?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It sounds like you had a sudden episode of dizziness and difficulty breathing when you were out. These symptoms could be related to various factors, such as anxiety, dehydration, low blood sugar, or even inner ear issues. Since I'm not a medical professional, it's important to consult a doctor to discuss your experience and get proper guidance. If these symptoms persist or worsen, seeking medical attention is recommended." ], "date": [ "2023-08-24T19:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-day-too-say--803817?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "follow up with your doctor just to have everything checked out. When that comes out OK, then you know it’s anxiety and panic. \r\nAnxiety and panic can randomly show up without warning. There’s no rhyme or reason. But somewhere there is underlying anxiety that you may not be feeling at the moment, but it’s there. And it will occasionally come out as panic., Along with other sensations.\r\nIt’s good to learn ways to deal with it from a counselor . also, learn how to breathe during these events. It really does make a difference. You can find some of those on YouTube. Feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-08-24T21:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-day-too-say--803817?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren2823-1471394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly23338-1458675" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi kelly thats happend to me loads and its put me off going shops its horrible whats worse is i not paniking when it happens so feel like gunna die when it happens its so horrible here if you need to talk try taking ice packs out amazon sell them and always bring bottle of water to with ye " ], "date": [ "2023-08-25T14:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/bad-day-too-say--803817?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Bad day too say:-(
Hi everyone, I went out today and I walked into the shop and I went dizzy and felt like I was gonna stop breathing and pass out but I kept going and the feeling passed but I kept getting waves of something bads gonna happen my head didn't feel right at all, and now I have got home I feel mentally tired and exhausted I don't know why I'm feeling this way I wasn't anxious and panicking it just came over me.....its worrying me :-(
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anthony51986-1066823" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i’ve never heard of auto phobia, but I know what it’s like to be alone, and I don’t like it. it’s not so much a fear for me as it is loneliness. \r\nAre you alone a lot? What is the specific fear? are you afraid something is going to happen? remember that our minds tend to go to the negative when we are alone. But fear is not reality. It’s just an emotion. I always try to keep busy with some thing rather than sit alone for long periods. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-08-29T08:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/autophobia-fear-of-being-alone-803924?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayassresearch-1470014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anthony51986-1066823" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "To deal with autophobia (fear of being alone):\r\n\r\nAcknowledge Feelings: Recognize your fear as valid.\r\n\r\nChallenge Thoughts: Reframe negative thinking.\r\n\r\nGradual Exposure: Face solitude gradually.\r\n\r\nSeek Support: Build a network, consider therapy." ], "date": [ "2023-08-29T13:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/autophobia-fear-of-being-alone-803924?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
autophobia fear of being alone
hi the fear of being alone , autophobia think that what is called , how do i deal with it .
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joe_04369-941957" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joe_04369-941957" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you Joe. I&#39;ve never had these problems till anxiety. I was trying to find natural ways to relieve aniexty to see if that helps my stomach problems. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Anxiety causes all kinds of health issues, bad stomach issues are on the long list. If it gets worse seeing a DR is the right choice, anxiety can get worse if you don&#39;t control it. Good luck&#160; &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T04:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-issues-from-stress-and-anxiety-536752?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "content": [ "Thank you Gwyneth. I know I need to be checked out but I was just trying to figure out if the anxiety had caused the problems " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T04:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Amy!</p><p></p><p>Stomach aches can root from a lot of things so it&#39;s best to get checked. But if the results come out fine, the it&#39;s more than likely from anxiety because anxiety can cause a lot of physical sensations that are bothersome. But hopefully it&#39;s nothing serious!</p><p></p><p>Best of luck to you! </p><p></p><p>Gwen</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T04:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-issues-from-stress-and-anxiety-536752?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/toshia_26860-973769" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/toshia_26860-973769" ], "content": [ "Thank you toshia. Have you been able to get your anxiety under control. I never really had stomach problems till anxiety " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T04:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/toshia_26860-973769" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "content": [ "You are welcome. And yea I went to my doc a few months ago and talking with her helped a lot and she put me on Celexa and Xanax as needed the meds help a lot too!" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Yep anxiety effects your digestive system. One of the main effects of stress and anxiety. I&#39;m diagnosed with IBS it all came from anxiety. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T04:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-issues-from-stress-and-anxiety-536752?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harleybabe54-967040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harleybabe54-967040" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Gut not guy !! Grrrrrr spell checker!" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/harleybabe54-967040" ], "content": [ "Thank you. I have been thinking it could be IBS. " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harleybabe54-967040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "content": [ "Most likely is ! But get checked. These days they have a lot of stuff for IBS . Even over the counter stuff Anxietyis the culprit that gets it going!! " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/harleybabe54-967040" ], "content": [ "Thank you. Seems like new symptoms keep happening" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Yes it can be. Have you gotten a check up, that would be the first thing I would do. It can be IBS irritable bowel syndrome . It&#39;s a disorder not a disease. Stress can bring it on. I suffered from anxiety disorder, panic attacks, agouraphobia and IBS . Sometimes with my stomach I would have to lay down with a heating pad or hot water bottle. Also constipation or diarrhea . Bloat etc. Check it out with your Dr. Our colons have spasms to move stuff. But our guy is very sensitive and we can feel it!! Ouch!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-issues-from-stress-and-anxiety-536752?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/neogenx-938565" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/neogenx-938565" ], "content": [ "Thank you meofenx. I have anxiety and stress every day. The stomach problems make it worse. I gave been dealing with this for 11 years now on and off. This has been the worse for me " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T06:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Dear Amy,\r\nI want to assure you that it for 99% is just a symptom of anxiety. Anyway, to be checked by GP is necessary. I want to tell you that my story began almost a year ago with the same issue - stomach problems, pain especially in the mornings. As the time went by I started to have problems with sleeping, eating and it was start of the pure hell. Therefore, please, get checked by your GP, try to relax and especially remember - there is no real problem with you, it is just in your head and it will pass! Sorry if my english is not perfect, I am not native english speaker.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T05:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-issues-from-stress-and-anxiety-536752?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan69457-952591" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan69457-952591" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you Susan. I have been on an IBS mediation years ago but it didn&#39;t help me at all. Was told by my doctor then to try to do yoga to help the stress and anxiety which was causing the IBS </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T07:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan69457-952591" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes yoga is meant to be great, I&#39;d like to but don&#39;t have any nimble bodied friends to go with lol!!! I&#39;m 53 so have older friends with health issues so don&#39;t feel like going on my own ha ha!! Never mind, take care x</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T07:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan69457-952591" ], "content": [ "Thank you Susan. I just try yoga at home. It seems to help me some and recently started doing deep breathing exercises. They seem to be helping so far. I have to many kids to go to a yoga class. " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T08:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan69457-952591" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes might get a dvd and do it at home, never thought of that! <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T08:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan69457-952591" ], "content": [ "<p>Great. &#128512; You can also find videos for yoga on YouTube and some apps on your phone. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T08:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan69457-952591" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks will take a look &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T08:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan69457-952591" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re welcome &#128512;. Take care. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T08:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Amy, </p><p>I think you&#39;ve had great replies so far but confirming what everyone else is saying but is like 99% sure it&#39;s ibs that&#39;s causing your tummy problems if you do suffer with anxiety (still worth checking with gp though) but mine is definately linked with my anxiety but since I&#39;ve been on escitalopram it has settled!!! The antidepressant is good for anxiety too! I&#39;m not 100% but am getting there and much more like myself! If you haven&#39;t already go and have a chat with your GP! Take care, Sue</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T06:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-issues-from-stress-and-anxiety-536752?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gracec1995-978300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gracec1995-978300" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much Gracec. I know that I have horrible anxiety and stress. I am a stay at home mom to 7 kids and usually have them on my own except for weekends when my husband is home. " ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T11:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gracec1995-978300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "content": [ "<p>I promise you things will get better.</p><p> There were times when I thought I&#39;d never see the other end. </p><p>It&#39;s hard for people to understand as you can&#39;t see the illness it&#39;s not visible. </p><p></p><p>Do things to relax yourself. </p><p></p><p>Have hot baths with relaxing music, try chamomile tea, fresh air. </p><p>LOTS of water. </p><p></p><p>Best wishes </p><p>Grace </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T11:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gracec1995-978300" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you Grace. I know that some people don&#39;t understand it. I have had people tell me just to make it stop but you can&#39;t just make anxiety and stress stop </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T11:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Amy! I feel your pain! </p><p>Being stressed and having anxious feelings are awful.</p><p>I suffer with anxiety disorder and this has resulted in me having IBS... Crazy, I know. </p><p>This could be the case for yourself it&#39;s your body going through the &#39;fight and flight&#39; phase so it wants to get rid of things which may be what&#39;s causing your stomach issues. </p><p>Go to the doctors Anyways as you may have an intolerance to something. </p><p></p><p>Best wishes. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T11:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-issues-from-stress-and-anxiety-536752?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/finley-24855" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy86549-971053" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Lately i have been waking up with nervous stomach, feel down with it and cant get motivation.\r\nAny advice appreciated " ], "date": [ "2023-08-18T08:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-issues-from-stress-and-anxiety-536752?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Stomach issues from stress and anxiety
<p>I&#39;m always having stomach problems everyday. Just wondering if being extremely stressed and anxious could be what is causing it. </p>
Swallowing anxiety
I've been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid It just started with mild anxiety. When i started on the Carbimazole and propranalol this became more frequent. Now i feel anxious 24/7. Sometimes I can cope but a few times a day i have to take myself away from everyone. It's a constant nervousness. I expect it in a way because of the thyroid but I'm on meds and would expect to be feeling less anxious than i do. I think what started as a symptom of the thyroid trouble has developed into a mental issue. I have constant chest fluttering. It kind of feels weak. like my heart isn't right. But my pulse is fine. The worst thing though is the constant swallowing. its definitely anxiety because it eases when I'm not feeling as bad and gets worse with stress. I can eat fine and in fact when i do I forget about it. I can find info on swallowing and a heavy chest feeling but not any experiences of people having it 24/7 for weeks. Wondered if anyone else had experienced long term swallowing anxiety?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cg123-1472294" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes ive been on both those medications im at 160 propranolol and was 225 for Venlafaxine sorry to say neither have helped me at all I was just recently taking off Venlafaxine at my request cuz felt like made me feel worse." ], "date": [ "2023-08-27T18:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/venlafaxine-803846?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Hi, I am really struggling with anxiety. I suffered roughly ten years ago, tried lots of different medications and venlafaxine and propranolol worked amazing for me, I didn’t have any trouble. Last week I tested positive for covid, I was really ill and it seems to have brought out my anxiety to the point it feels like my medication is not working. I have been back to the doctors and they’ve upped both of my medications - 300mg ven and 120mg of propranolol. My anxiety is still through the roof. Has anyone been on this medication? Does anyone have any advice? Or something that works for them? I feel like I’m losing my mind
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel62083-1472335" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "those are all very common sensations of anxiety, panic, etc. the main thing you have to do is calm down your mind, so that these sensations subside or go away. The more you worry about it the more you will have them.\r\nBelieve me I’ve been through this starting in my late 20s, and at first I was terrified. I had every sensation you can think of. But then when all my testing was normal, I realized there was underlying anxiety and stress causing all of this. \r\nYour testing is also normal. I had to start focusing on calming everything down. \r\nYes, your main concern of the leg pain, dizziness, and throat issue are also very common with anxiety. Sometimes we don’t think we are anxious but it’s there somewhere.\r\nStart practicing relaxation. You can find a lot of that on YouTube. There are great meditations for anxiety. Don’t be concerned if it all doesn’t go away right away. Some of these sensations can linger for quite a while off and on. I had to get to the point of just accepting it and do what I can to relax. also, I had to deal with life issues that were causing this.\r\nremember that whatever we focus on will expand whether it’s positive or negative. \r\nIf it becomes too difficult for you, you can talk to a counselor for some help managing it. You can do it virtually and it works great. \r\ntake one day at a time. One moment at a time. Take care of your health and try to stay away from caffeine private message me anytime." ], "date": [ "2023-08-26T14:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-last-9-10-weeks-803881?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety: Last 9-10 weeks
Morning all, I'll start with a little context! I had been perfectly healthy both mentally and physically up until this point. But, on June 18th I had quite bad chest pains and i freaked out, called an ambulance thinking I was having a heart attack. Cut a long story short, the ambulance didn't arrive and since then, in varying severities I have had the below symptoms and my mental health has spiralled due to worrying about these symptoms: * Dizziness * Numbness/tingling (this has now gone) * Headaches * Thigh ache/several aches and pains around body * Stomach issues * Blurry vision * Tight throat muscles/feeling like I have a lump in my throat * Muscle twitching * Jelly legs * TMJ (jaw pain from grinding teeth in sleep) * 2 panic attacks * Sensitivity to light/loud noises I have been to the GP probably 10 times, I've had an; chest x-ray, blood test (FBC), ECG, thyroid blood test, physical examination, brain MRI and urinalysis. All normal/healthy. I've been told all of these symptoms are likely anxiety, however my main concern is my leg pain/dizziness/throat. Is there anyone who can comment on these symptoms and reassure me? I feel like they have been gradually getting better, but its ever present!
Narrow angels worried sick
eye doctor told me i have narrow angles and high eye pressure. I have to see a specialist now to see if I should have an iridotomy. I'm scared out of my mind. I haven't been to the eye doctor in 9 years because of my anxiety. they did a full examination of my eyes today and I had a visual field test and also scans of my optic nerve, all normal and unchanged. I'm so scared if a tumor is causing this and worried if they do other tests at the specialist they will find one. I suffer from very bad anxiety and my eye Dr told me not to worry, this is just preventative. but I'm sick with worry. any one else gone through something similar?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hi Jan, thanks for the response I am currently in the process of getting help with the anxiety." ], "date": [ "2023-07-23T16:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "muscle twitching with anxiety is very common. I’ve had health anxiety for over 30 years starting in my 20s. And muscle twitching was there right at the start. They are harmless. They are called benign fasciculation’s when related to anxiety. people can get them all the time like athletes. The way they use their muscles can cause them. But anxiety is the number one reason. I even get them on very rare occasions now and I just ignore them and they go away. The more you worry about it the more you will have them. \r\nThe main thing right now is working on reducing the anxiety so that you feel better. Hope this helps. " ], "date": [ "2023-07-23T11:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-muscle-twitching-802550?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stefan34509-1469550" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryangilly08-1086047" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stefan34509-1469550" ], "content": [ "Hi Stefan, thanks for the reply. \r\ndid the twitching eventually go away? \r\nits so frustrating feels like my muscles are so tense. " ], "date": [ "2023-07-23T16:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Ryan,\r\n\r\nyes I also experienced long episodes of that twitching since 2020. I also know further people, who experienced this. It just came out of nowhere, and for me it was some months very intense. Like fingers were moving by themselves.\r\n\r\nFor none of us this twitching was serious, its super, super likely that this is a benign conditon just like jan wrote." ], "date": [ "2023-07-23T12:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-muscle-twitching-802550?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety - Muscle twitching
Does anyone with health anxiety ever experience muscle twitching and aching? its been happening about a week and a half now, mainly in my legs after a bad period of health anxiety. I worry every time i get something, I have been to the doctors who conducted a nerve examination with my legs and doesn't have any concerns and suggested its just my anxiety but i've never experienced this with my anxiety before and now cant stop worrying about it.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dominiqueh2509-1469009" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dominiqueh2509-1469009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you so much for replying to me. I've NEVER come onto a forum before as I'm always hiding my anxiety and how severe it is. \r\n\r\nI have seen a few psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors and it does help, once I hit a dip again I feel like giving up. I don't go see anyone, I stay away from friends, I even stop driving. " ], "date": [ "2023-07-17T17:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "skipped heartbeats, and problem with breathing are very common as you probably know with anxiety.\r\nlook for some breathing meditations on YouTube and practice them whenever you can. Proper breathing is the key to relaxing everything including the heart beats. Have you ever had counseling for this? A counselor can help you manage it. I know what a battle it can be, since I have had this issue since childhood.\r\nfeel free to message me anytime.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-07-17T21:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/skipped-heart-beats-802311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dominiqueh2509-1469009" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "To answer your question about if anyone has ever felt like that, I would say that pretty much all of us who have anxiety feel like this.\r\n\r\nI also go through phases when it's better and others when it's worse, plus symptoms always seem to change, so that when you get used to them, along comes another set of symptoms to frighten you again, such is the nature of this beast 😤\r\n\r\nI hope you will soon be in a \"feeling better phase\" x" ], "date": [ "2023-07-17T21:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/skipped-heart-beats-802311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dominiqueh2509-1469009" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "oh, no, don’t ever give up! You don’t have to hide the anxiety. It’s extremely common as millions and millions of people all over the world have this. The sensations you get with anxiety are.NOT Harmful, even though they feel weird and scary. It’s basically the release of adrenaline that causes them. \r\neverybody on this site can relate to you for sure. You can get lots of ideas on how to relieve the anxiety at least for a good while. \r\nOne thing that really helps me is when I exercise. That is something that is known to calm down the anxiety a lot. stay away from caffeine, sugar, junk foods. Those will aggravate anxiety.\r\nwe are here for you. Private message me anytime!" ], "date": [ "2023-07-17T22:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/skipped-heart-beats-802311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dominiqueh2509-1469009" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "@sasical72 yes! its like you're in my thoughts. everything I feel like I've have one set of symptoms under control, I get a WHOLE new set. \r\nI also feel like I try and try and I'm never where I would like to be with anxiety. \r\nthank you so much for responding. \r\nyour message has made my heart feel eased. 💓 " ], "date": [ "2023-07-22T20:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/skipped-heart-beats-802311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dominiqueh2509-1469009" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "@jan34534 I've been pushing all week. I started to get bad and I can feel myself in a more \"controlled\" space right now, but still avoiding alot of things TBH. I know I am, I make excuses not to meet up with my friends. \r\n\r\nstarted to make daily habits. 🤞🏼 hoping for the best. \r\n\r\nim sending all the love x" ], "date": [ "2023-07-20T15:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/skipped-heart-beats-802311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa215-42056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dominiqueh2509-1469009" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello\r\n\r\nWhat you describe sound so similar to how I'm feeling. I constantly think that I have a serious disease, I focus on every single sensation within my body. I understand how extra/missed heartbeats make you feel because I feel them too. I had abdominal surgery a year ago and I'm hyper aware of how my stomach feels all the time, I exhausted myself with the constant worry of it all. I don't think I can offer much in way of help to make you feel better, I just don't want you to feel alone. x" ], "date": [ "2023-07-22T20:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/skipped-heart-beats-802311?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Skipped heart beats
hi guys. Lately I've been really struggling mentally again. I've had panic disorder since childhood, but I was only put on meds around 2008. (Which has changed many times-I feel like nothing works besides my actually calming tablet) I'm 30, every few months/years I take a dip, and this time I've been really struggling with skipped beats, also having a rough time with my breathing and my stomach is so tight. 😩 has anyone ever felt like this? all my love to you all.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pskphoto-1469260" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "anxiety can definitely feel horrible. the more you think about it the worse your stomach is going to feel. I worried so much that I ended up with gastritis which is very painful. I don’t have it anymore because I changed how I was thinking. Did you have it checked out by a doctor? if you’ve had it for a while, it would be a good idea to do that. Just to make sure everything‘s OK. for now stay away from caffeine, sugar, junk food, soda pop which can make the stomach feel worse. \r\ntake care of yourself" ], "date": [ "2023-07-19T20:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-tummy-pain-and-can-t-eat-from-being-so-anxious-802414?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dominiqueh2509-1469009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pskphoto-1469260" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hiiiii! When I was first diagnosed i really struggled to leave the house. I would make my parents leave full shopping carts because I would panic in the middle of the shopping centre's. \r\n\r\nI was at the DR weekly. I know it's easy for me to say but try to not allow yourself to get \"Stuck\" at home. You can do this. 🙏🏻" ], "date": [ "2023-07-20T15:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-tummy-pain-and-can-t-eat-from-being-so-anxious-802414?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Severe tummy pain and can’t eat from being so anxious
I know that anxiety can cause these symptoms but how bad can it get? Does anyone suffer badly enough that its stopping them leave the house even? I feel so sick that its making me think the worst thoughts of sinister illness and this is making me more anxious and more sick in tummy. Is this a common thing? It is now a vicious cycle of tummy pain and anxiety spiralling out of control! Please does anyone else get this?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karol57111-1454933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james11700-1456554" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/karol57111-1454933" ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n I am so glad to find this forum just few mins back. I have no idea what this forum is about, however this thread relates to my issues and I am relieved to find the correct google search. I though the heart vibrations were murmurs, and was searching for that. Now I see the correct word is buzzing. \r\n \r\n Back in Nov, my Job role was reduced and this caused tremendous trauma , giving me sleepless nights for two weeks. Meditation could only help so much, but I kept at it and after 2-3 weeks, the pain kinda subsided but was still there in background. Late in Dec, I got Covid where I loss sense of smell/taste for couple of days. Probably Moderna vaccines ensure the symptoms were not much serious.\r\n \r\n A month after Covid, I started getting chest pains initiialy on LHS and then on right also , some times felt like sharp needles. My cardiologist inspected the ECG and ruled out any heart issues , dismissing it as Anxiety and prescribed Propranol to be taken on need basis. Apart from occasional chest pains, I feel the buzzes caused me more anxiety also. \r\nWOndering if this is covid related. \r\n \r\n \r\n " ], "date": [ "2023-02-20T05:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "same happens to me lately - lot going on in my life - buzzing feels like cell phone vibration - sometimes lasts an hour or so - yesterday was a few hours - getting the feeling might be anxiety related - last cardio check (ekg, ultrasound, stress test) April 2022 everything normal! what's happened to you over the past 5 years since first posting" ], "date": [ "2023-02-05T14:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jules55-1462828" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, i had those very same symptoms up until recently. A buzzing like a bee in my chest, it lasted for a few seconds, stopped then started over and over again. More noticeable when resting. my doctor mistakenly initially though it was a heart murmur but I've had an echocardiogram which didn't show any problems. (i had this symptom for weeks) I'm now waiting to see a respiratory specialist. in the meantime, the buzzing/vibrations have stopped altogether! i had Covid at xmas which knocked me for six and i always seem to have problems with colds going straight to my chest but other than that I'm still in the dark as to what it was. At least its gone now which indicates it wasn't serious and im getting better, hope this helps. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-01T07:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen75864-1468489" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am late to this thread but am reassured that so many people have this - my 5 day ongoing episode of \"buzzing\" in my left chest started immediately after a long session on an indoor rowing machine.\r\n\r\nHave had palpitations (VEs) before and it is nothing like that. It doesn't stop me sleeping - seems I should be glad about that." ], "date": [ "2023-07-10T21:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gary180-1469086" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive had this for about 3 months , been to hospital as freaked me out , i was also getting heart palpitations, ECG and bloods taken also x-ray of chest all came back clear said anxiety, gave me proponalol tablets to take , still get the vibrations in chest very odd!" ], "date": [ "2023-07-18T01:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noamw-1147201" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I suggest you speak to a doctor about this. It doesn&#39;t sound dangerous at all, but just to make sure, speak with a professional. Good luck and take care. x</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-01T17:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marvinmartian-1141667" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah00702-1367883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marvinmartian-1141667" ], "content": [ "this happens me all the time when I lie down when I inhale deeply or when I wake up, I thought I was a heart attack, then I got a chest xray and an echo done and ecg.and heart monitor all turned out OK, then my arms went numb thy sent me.to neurologist they said its anxiety but the vibration in chest won't go away its so odd " ], "date": [ "2021-08-25T14:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tenesha1002-1394404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah00702-1367883" ], "content": [ "I have every symptom that you have plus a headache when I wake up every morning" ], "date": [ "2021-08-25T14:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saketh1411-1450821" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tenesha1002-1394404" ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\nI too have same problem with headache. Any solution for this? Is it cured? \r\nplease tell. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-27T05:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Does it happen as you breathe?&#160; I had this as a child and the doctors never could figure it out.&#160; About once a year I still get it.&#160; For myself, it always did it just for a split second&#160;on an inhale.&#160; Sometimes a few inhales in a row as a kid.&#160; Always very hard to catch as an adult because it never would do it when I was expecting&#160;it.&#160; Anyways started when I was 5 and I am now in my mid 40&#39;s.&#160; I think it may have something to do with phlegm build up or perhaps a narrow passage in my lung.&#160; It is always in the same spot and feels like bubbles.&#160; Had soooo&#160;many tests over the years nothing was ever found.&#160; See a doctor about it. if they can&#39;t find anything don&#39;t worry about it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-05-04T15:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary66283-1161587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Laura,&#160;</p><p>I&#39;ve been feeling that for about a week now.&#160; I&#39;m freaking out!&#160; I&#39;m tempted to go to the ER.&#160; Did you find anything out about those feelings?</p><p>Please let me know!!!!</p><p>Mary</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-17T02:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicoletta69-1162962" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph35175-1240285" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicoletta69-1162962" ], "content": [ "its called tremors which is caused by anxiety " ], "date": [ "2022-02-03T14:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saketh1411-1450821" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicoletta69-1162962" ], "content": [ "Same feeling. \r\nAny solution? please reply. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-27T05:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " I am experiencing this vibrating buzzing feeling constantly in my left breast. Should I be concerned? Is there any way of making it stop? Please share any information. Thank you." ], "date": [ "2018-04-06T13:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/greysnout-1171885" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Laura. I have the same buzzing on left of chest,.not in my chest but sort of, In my breast, pec, muscle. I&#39;m a 64 yr old man, fairly fit and active. No pain or other problems. Had this for about 6 months and ,recently, it&#39;s happening several times each hour. Doc has no ideas. Had ecg, blood tests, heart monitor for 24 hrs, and I&#39;m absolutely fit. Seems like hundreds of people get this but no good diagnosis. I think it might be a spinal glitch which sets up vibration in an intercostal muscle but what do I know!!! It is worrying though and I&#39;d like stop it happening.</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-14T21:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/evyrn-1216138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i think that it is indeed generated from the spine. I have been experiencing this ever since i had a cervical injection last week . I have the same type of buzzing down one of my legs after lumbar fusions. " ], "date": [ "2018-10-31T14:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/grainne54-1228144" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have exact same thing .hate it " ], "date": [ "2019-01-24T21:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia84479-1299723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kay56664-1308835" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia84479-1299723" ], "content": [ "I've just started with this tonight, did you find out what it was? " ], "date": [ "2020-04-22T23:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charled39766-1375208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia84479-1299723" ], "content": [ "same thing all of a sudden have that buzzing feeling that comes and goes i had a rib injury about 4 weeks ago and so think it has to do with intercoastal and spine i can go most of day with nothing them all of a sudden i suffer from health anxiety so always driving me nuts like something wrong with heart ive had ekg, echocardiogram, stress echo w contrast etc all fairly normal very annoying though wiah all the best " ], "date": [ "2021-12-24T17:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dart2016-1390863" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia84479-1299723" ], "content": [ "I have this too and it's been going on for about a month. Did you ever find out what it was? Freaking out!" ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T16:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "omg! I just started feeling this same buzzing under my left breast 3 days ago. no pain tho just buzzing and it lasts about 3 to 5 seconds and it stops does it again and stops. it keeps doing this off and on most of the day but it sometimes wont do it for hours then all of a sudden their it is. what is it? yes! I'm starting to freak out. but it wont do it while I'm sleeping. weird and so scary." ], "date": [ "2020-03-07T18:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/canuck72-1341167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tranquil19-1351936" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/canuck72-1341167" ], "content": [ "Hi Canuky72...\r\nI've just joined today and noticed your post.\r\n\r\nYou mentioned about \"vibration or shaky feeling that begins in my back, in the area around my heart and sort of travels down to my legs. \" \r\n\r\nDid you get to the bottom of this as I seem to suffering from the same thing and having numerous tests but not finding a solution or diagnosis..." ], "date": [ "2022-05-04T15:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello from Canada.\r\nThis popped up in a Google search a few days ago and it caught my attention because I had the same thing, many years ago, and I've never known why. In my case it happened mostly while I was at work. I never told my doctor because I knew he would never believe me. I wasn't sure I believed it myself, it was just too weird, and I am surprised to see that other people have experienced the same thing.\r\n\r\nMy best, unqualified guess is that it has something to do with the electrical system in the heart. I have something similar happening right now, a vibration or shaky feeling that begins in my back, in the area around my heart and sort of travels down to my legs. I do have some heart problems, but I can't tell if it's related. It seems to occur on it's own, separate from the palpitations and arrhythmias. \r\n\r\nAnyway, my advice to anyone else who reads this would be don't take any chances. Do not assume that it is nothing to worry about just because you don't have chest pain. There are a lot of heart conditions that don't cause pain or any other severe symptoms. Most of them are harmless, some of them are not. So if you think it might be your heart, get it checked. " ], "date": [ "2022-05-04T15:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/my4boys-1351871" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is happening to me also. Sometimes it wakes me up. I've been trying to \"catch\" it happening with my Apple watch, but my doctor says everything looks normal. It feels like a vibrating cell phone in my chest. it will happen on and off for a few seconds for a day or so. I had a heart monitor for 30 days and it not happen one time. I think my doctor thinks I'm crazy. I don't know how it could be stress if it happens sometimes while I am sleeping. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-16T12:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian7-1352002" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am a male 43 years of age. I also have these chest vibrations. It affects me the most at bedtime and they happen right when I'm just about to fall asleep. It doesn't allow me to sleep and I'm worried now of what this could be. I never had any issues with sleeping. People keep saying anxiety but honestly, if it wasn't for this vibration I would be sleeping like a baby. The anxiety comes from the fact that it doesn't allow me to sleep. I've tried melatonin, magnesium, magnesium calm drinks. and nothing seems to work. Someone please help. I haven't slept well and I feel like no one has an answer to what this could be. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-17T08:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shelia78473-1359292" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am a 67 y/o female i have noticed this in the past. It has started again this week. I keep thinking it is my cell phone. Today it is very frequent " ], "date": [ "2021-02-21T22:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gabriel0905-1366469" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am a 42 yr old male i have the same feeling of vibration on my left chest it freaks me out i have been dealing with anxiety diorder for over a year now and stopped taking anxiety medication for like 1 month and 2 weeks thats when i started felling this vibrating on my chest i stopped taking them cause of really bad side effects and honestly don't know if all of this is tide up to it i just want to feel normal again if any one could shed some light to this matter will greatly be appreciated " ], "date": [ "2021-03-24T03:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valeria77213-1369889" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I've got the same issue, is started 1 year ago after the first lockdown. \r\nI had blood test and ECG and it was all fine, still I've got this vibration. I feel it under my breast, on the left side no pain but just strange 🤔\r\nMy gp said its anxiety but believe me if I tried everything, yoga, meditation, bed time teas, it happens during the day tought not in the night time. And also if I'm busy doing something it doesn't happen... \r\nStrange. \r\nIf you have any answers I think you could help lots of people, I'm a bit more relaxed to see that there's other people with this issue. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-13T07:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sam67854-1373749" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/freedom44-1378973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sam67854-1373749" ], "content": [ "I have the same feeling and I figured out how to describe it , put your index finger and thumb together ,rub your index finger down your thumb with a bit of pressure and lightly you should get that feeling you feel . I didn't go to the doctor yet but that's what I'm going to get him to do to understand what I mean , hope this helps everyone" ], "date": [ "2021-05-29T23:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am 43-year-old woman. This 'phantom phone vibration' has been happening in my right chest for the past two weeks (so opposite my heart). I don't even know how to describe it to my doctor aside from that and would love to know what it is. happens for a few seconds at a time throughout the day but can stop for hours at a time " ], "date": [ "2021-05-02T22:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/yoshie8577-1374924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/avash-1414440" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/yoshie8577-1374924" ], "content": [ "Hi did u manage to get any diagnosis? Does this vibration feel electric at times.? I have this for a yr" ], "date": [ "2022-01-26T11:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have had internal pulsing vibrations many times. It switches locations. Sometimes it's in my chest, my stomach, my arms and now it's around my pelvis on the left side only. It's like a ringing telephone. It vibrates for 1 sec, stops for 6 sec, vibrates for 1 sec, stops for 6 sec; over and over all day long. It happened a lot when I would wake up in the morning but now it is happening all day. I have no idea what it is. It has to be an indication of SOMETHING! Planning to see a functional doctor someday soon." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T20:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/freedom44-1378973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have the same feeling" ], "date": [ "2021-05-29T23:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jihan182-1379930" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel something very similar. It's like a vibration/bubbling sensation near the heart. It comes and goes. I started feeling it again after a couple of months. I went to a cardiologist about a year ago and everything was ok. He did say that it may be anxiety. It drives me nuts!!! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T18:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karen62509-1384695" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm 65. I just started having this vibration several days ago. Last night while I was trying to fall asleep, it lasted at least a minute. I didn't think to try and catch it on my iWatch but I will next time. I do have an ascending aortic aneurysm and I thought it might be due to that. My annual CT scan in May revealed that it had grown slightly over the past year but it's not large enough to surgically correct.\r\n\r\nI'm not on any new medications so I've ruled that out. It's the strangest sensation and it's under the breastbone but about 2 inches to the left. It feels like my iPhone buzzing but not as strong. In my case, it's not within the breast. If my doctor is concerned, I'll chime back in on here and let you know what she says." ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T21:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne0878-1386225" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne0878-1386225" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "forgot to say 69 year old female" ], "date": [ "2021-07-06T14:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carol56843-1413878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne0878-1386225" ], "content": [ "I had this about 3 1/2 years ago. I went to a cardiologist and had every test. He said there was nothing wrong that they could find. He did say that i don't have afib but my heart speeds up and self-corrects? the interesting thing is that the tests took a couple of weeks to complete. During that time I stopped drinking my usual 2 cups of coffee with splenda as had been my habit for a decade or more. I switched to tea with sugar and the vibrations stopped. I thought it must be either the caffeine or the splenda or maybe it was a digestive issue. Unfortunately, the buzzing started again a few days ago so it isnt coffee or splenda thats causing it." ], "date": [ "2022-01-20T19:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/avash-1414440" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carol56843-1413878" ], "content": [ "Hi I have this internal vibrations buzzing in my whole body from last yr Jan during covid and it never stopped. Sometimes I get and electrical flow current. " ], "date": [ "2022-01-26T11:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/avash-1414440" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne0878-1386225" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\n\r\nDid u also get an electric feeling? " ], "date": [ "2022-01-27T14:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've had this for a couple of weeks now. only during the day (that I'm aware of), multiple times a day, right side of chest, just a couple of seconds. Drives me crazy. But I also had this several years ago and one day it just quit on its own . So I'm deciding not to worry." ], "date": [ "2022-01-20T19:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara55461-1388841" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This just started two days ago. It feels like my phone vibrating in my pocket, except that it is deep within my chest, just above my left breast." ], "date": [ "2022-11-15T06:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelli54990-1391291" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/avash-1414440" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelli54990-1391291" ], "content": [ "Hi u could be right on the jab... I had covid Jan last yr and got this vibration issue till now. No one can find out the cause. " ], "date": [ "2022-01-26T11:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheri80326-1169185" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelli54990-1391291" ], "content": [ "This sounds like me. Same thing, after 2nd jab.. Has it gotten better for you?" ], "date": [ "2022-05-04T14:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheri80326-1169185" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/avash-1414440" ], "content": [ "Same here. I have been to one of the best lung/heart hospitals in the US for the past year with symptoms. The best I can figure out is that it is a Long Haul Covid symptom. They are trying me on some meds like Gabapentin and possibly Cymbalta as both are supposed to be helping with calming nerves down. We'll see. Hope you are feeling much better!" ], "date": [ "2022-05-04T14:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Came across this discussion while searching \"heart vibrating like cell phone\". Glad to know I'm not the only one. It happens mostly when I'm laying down to go to bed at night. I'm 41 , female, and have rheumatoid arthritis. I saw a cardiologist and had all the tests including wearing a heart monitor for a week. Zero. Nothing. That's what they found. That's good right? Still scary. Also, just wanted to add, this started after the second jab for me. May or May not be relative. " ], "date": [ "2022-05-04T14:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose90234-1131914" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheri80326-1169185" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rose90234-1131914" ], "content": [ "I feel you! I have the same exact symptoms! How are you doing now? Anything help? It's a horrible feeling. When you tell doctors this symptom, they think your crazy! I hope you are better.." ], "date": [ "2022-05-04T14:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've been experiencing the same thing for about 5 weeks. It's worse when I am trying to sleep and is on the left side as well. I will fall asleep and it will wake me up within half an hour and this continues on for a few hours and then finally subsides a bit so I can usually sleep a bit more through the night. Definitely worse after drinking alcohol, and I don't seem to notice it if I am really tired. Had an ECG - normal, blood tests normal, waiting for a holter in September. I am 30 and just so over it. I have anxiety but I really don't think it's anxiety since it's in a localized spot. I am sorry that we are going through this all - I hope someone will have some answers. I did read that GERD could maybe cause it - I tried taking an ant-acid before bed last night and it didn't help :(. I also can barely sleep and am at my wits end. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-11T23:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deekdavis-1424861" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes mine just started about a week ago. I washing dishes, I thought something was crawling under my shirt. I waited a few minutes and it did it again. Then nothing, for 5 hrs or so, then it started again just sitting in my recliner. I wasn't even reclined." ], "date": [ "2022-09-06T02:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deekdavis-1424861" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I keep writing the reply but it will not send ." ], "date": [ "2022-04-23T20:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheri80326-1169185" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did you ever figure this out? I have constant 'buzzing' (along with shortness of breath and palpitations on my left side all the way down my leg especially when I lay down. It wakes me up several times a night and It drives me crazy! Doctors think it may be a residual symptom of long haul Covid but I am not so sure.. Anyone else out there with this symptom? Looks like this feed was from 4 years ago.. \r\nThanks and best of luck to all of you out there suffering from anxiety/panic. It is the worst !" ], "date": [ "2022-05-04T14:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edward61352-1440026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "> I have the same feeling of like buzzing in my right side chest . I have a couple extra leads that were left in , I have a new bvpd, not painful but it is an odd out of place feeling. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-06T02:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karen90664-1123185" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes! I have this right now. It's been going on for a few weeks. It's exactly as you have described it, except that it happens intermittently throughout the day, not just when I am falling asleep. I know your post was from 4 years ago but I'm hoping that you got a resolution? I'd really like to know what this is. I hope you're okay?" ], "date": [ "2022-11-15T06:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robyn37418-1447708" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel41310-1452686" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robyn37418-1447708" ], "content": [ "This started for me a couple of months ago too. It comes and goes and I mostly feel it after i have eaten or when going to bed. Did you ever go to the doctors about it ?" ], "date": [ "2023-01-13T21:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Ive just started having the same thing. Had it for a short time during the day and then when i went to bed. Decided to google it and found this. Glad to know others are having it without any ill effects. " ], "date": [ "2022-11-22T22:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karol57111-1454933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura27886-1086987" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "message deleted by " ], "date": [ "2023-02-05T14:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-buzzing-feeling-left-side-of-my-chest-under-breast--634823?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
Weird buzzing feeling left side of my chest under breast.
Hey guys, For the last couple of months I have been experiencing a weird symptom.  When I lay down sometimes I get this weird vibrating feeling on the left side of my chest it’s in the are under my breast. It last one second there’s no pain but it does wake me up from my sleep, I get scared about it because I don’t know if it’s my heart but it doesn’t feel like a palpitation it’s more like a buzzing feeling. Also it only happens as I’m falling asleep. Does anyone have this, 
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your answer, it's easing my mind a bit!\r\n\r\nCould fatigue be caused by all that stress and also contributing to those reactions?\r\n\r\nAnd about that rush of adrenaline you're talking about, is it possible that it happens even if I don't actively think about something negative or stressing ? (like when I do things relaxing, I don't feel something stressful but my body acts like I am in a mild or very stressful situation...)\r\n\r\nSorry to bother with those questions, but I kinda need to understand what happens... Thank you again really! :)" ], "date": [ "2023-07-14T19:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "sounds like you have a lot of anxiety going on. The weird feeling in the brain can definitely be due to that. I’ve had that many many times in my life. Sometimes there’s a rush of adrenaline even when you have a scary thought. Or think about being far from your family. the nervous system is very sensitive to anxiety, including in the brain. \r\nAs long as you’ve been checked out by your doctor, and everything is OK, then it’s important to relax your mind as much as you can. You might even think about speaking with a counselor who can help you manage this. You can even do it virtually which works great. \r\nWhenever we tell our brain that somethings wrong or we are worried about something it reacts to that. You can get all sorts of sensations. Not harmful, but I know how weird they feel. Everything can feel like it’s accelerating due to the adrenaline that is released during anxiety.\r\nGet on YouTube and practice some deep breathing. Proper breathing is the key to relaxing everything. Everything is going to work out. Take one day at a time and if you can get some support for this. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-07-14T18:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-feeling-in-my-brain-802186?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for that very detailed answer!!\r\n\r\nI'm sorry such things happened to you, but it´s \"relaxing\" to know it can be that bad just for anxiety we don´t know where it comes from...\r\nI had very hard times too with muscle tightness, restlessness and days I couldnt get out of my bed or interact a lot with other people cause of terrible fatigue and headaches... it´s mostly gone now, but at the beginning of my treatment it was very tough.\r\n\r\nI'll acknowledge that it is \"just\" anxiety an try not to let it grow on me, and that i won´t die or have any neurological disorder of some kind.\r\n\r\nThank you a lot for taking so much time answer and giving details like you did, I truly appreciate the commitment you put through your answers 🙏\r\n\r\nBy the way, how are you with anxiety by now? Are you able to live an almost normal life with friends/family/work etc? I do have a very supportive family and a few close friends, but it´s hard managing social relations with such problems...\r\n\r\nI know I said it a lot already, but thank you again! It really helps me to acknowledge your experience" ], "date": [ "2023-07-14T22:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes! you can have physical anxiety sensations, and not even feel anxious. I can’t count how many times that has happened to me.\r\nI could be just relaxing in a chair and suddenly I will feel one of those anxiety sensations. But now I don’t get upset about it. I simply acknowledge that it’s there maybe do a little slow, deep breathing and get on with what I was doing. It’s important that you acknowledge that you have anxiety but at the same time, you don’t have to let it take you over. The less I freaked out about it the better I was feeling. It’s all in what you tell your brain. \r\nFatigue is very common with stress and anxiety. If you think about it, stress and anxiety, take such a huge toll on the body! Especially the muscles, and nervous system. I have had days in the past where I could barely get up off the couch. I really thought something was horribly wrong with me. But all of my testing was normal. I know 100% for sure that it was all caused by stress and anxiety. And that was probably 25 years ago. \r\nIt’s like the straw that broke the camels back. The body can only take so much stress before it has a breakdown and it usually directs that fatigue to the nervous system. then we get weird sensations. I think I could write a book on this lol. \r\ndoctors even scientists, have a hard time treating anxiety. All they can really do is prescribe medication and suggest counseling at this point. Maybe in the future, there will be some magic bullet!\r\nI may have mentioned this in the last message, but try to stay away from caffeine and junk foods, especially sugar! Sugar is an inflammatory product which can make anxiety worse. Sometimes it’s pretty hard to avoid, but just always. Have it in the back of your mind.\r\nI hope this helps a little bit. Feel free to private message me anytime! Just take one day at a time and work on relaxing your mind. Have a nice day." ], "date": [ "2023-07-14T22:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-feeling-in-my-brain-802186?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there, i experience head symptoms all day long, real dizzy at times, pains in head, weird scary feelings in my head as well , I've been fighting this for 2 years everyday been thru numerous tests and no real diagnosis, no doctor has ever mentioned anxiety so at least you go an answer it's all so scary and feel like have no life anymore. I'll pray for you and hope you start feeling better soon. God bless" ], "date": [ "2023-07-17T20:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-feeling-in-my-brain-802186?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Weird feeling in my brain
Hi everyone! I am a 23 years old guy, who had to be put on Sertraline because of anxiety (Generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks and fear of dying brutally). So, I am exactly at the 4 week mark at 150 mg of Sertraline. I am better than I was a few weeks back, but not that well either. My concern is that I have random times when I have a really strange feeling at the front of my brain. It's not a headache cause it is not painful, but it's more like the sensation of an overstimulation or an overcharge of the neurons in my frontal lobe. As I said it's not painful at all, I am not close to faint or anything, it just happens. I know it's weird to read, because it is also weird to describe. To put it in other words, imagine a car where you would smash the pedal to hit the maximum RPM : you know it's too much, or at least the limit, and you know your engine could die any moment. It feels exactly like that, like everything is accelerating inside. I had tests a few months ago where my thyroid, kydneys, heart, liver and cholesterol were all fine. I'm not obese in the slightest, don't drink alcohol except at birthdays or Christmas, never smokes or take any drug or else. I was never believed to be epileptic or having ADHD, even if my attention span is not the greatest, but that's not the point. Also I feel a bit unbothered by things lately, not depression but it goes in that way. I also learned that I was taken in an university 800 km from my family and friends, and I'll have to leave alone for the first time in my life, which brings a lot of anxiety, and I also have a bad sleep schedule (mostly on me, I should go to sleep earlier, otherwise I don't have much trouble to fall asleep). Sorry for the long descriptions and all, but I really don't know how to describe what I feel with the right words, it's very frustrating. That feeling in my brain also affects my face a little bit, like when we eat something sour (best example would be lemon), does that make sense? If anyone knows what it is, experienced it or just wants to help, I'll be more than happy to listen to you! Thanks for reading all that lines :)
derealization and solipsism syndrome after head injury trying to get rid of it ASAP
Just a quick note, Ive been having ocd for a very long time, with it worsening in the last 1 and and a half years Ive had 2 minor-mild head injuries in the same spot (temporal lobe or parietal love I believe) in a single day a few weeks ago. A few hours later, I was dizzy and lightheaded, and went on the computer and happened to find a video about solipsism, I watched it, and the video stayed on my subconcious, and I started to believe in solipsism after that, causing anxiety and depression. A few days later, I still had the belief and the lightheadedness. Just now ive realized that this feeling was actually a constant derealization, which was preety dangerous combined with the solipsism syndrome. Right now I kind of got over the solipsism part, but I still have the derealization and confucion, and the solipsism returns when I wake up and temporarily the dizziness is gone. I just want to know, how long is this going to last? Is there any way to cure it? should I seek profecional medical attention? I dont want to be a solipsist, nor do I want to keep having derealization.
Nocturnal Dyspnea
Is there anyone here experiencing waking up in the middle of sleep gasping for air and it goes to a panic attack?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly83085-1468479" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly83085-1468479" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "Hi, thank you for replying.\r\n\r\nIts a terrible thing to go through!\r\n\r\nI hope you have over come it now, and can enjoy your holidays?\r\n\r\nI went away last month, and once again Anxiety and OCD ruined it for me. \r\nI so look forward to going abroad, but this always seems to spoil it and i can't wait to get home.\r\nI even check the flights to make sure there are ones back to the UK each day!\r\n\r\nIts the adrenaline feeling i get when trying to fall asleep when i'm away, it comes out of nowhere when i try to fall asleep.\r\nThen after a sleepless night, the panic and OCD is so much worse and i convince myself that i will go mad or drop dead and never see home again.\r\n\r\nI understand how silly this may sound to some, but i just can't get away from it.\r\n\r\nTake care x \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-07-16T22:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nYes, I have 100% had this is the past, it's because of moving away from our \"safety\".\r\n\r\nI also check where all the hospitals, medical centers and chemists are.\r\n\r\nI go through phases when this is worse and others when it's better.\r\n\r\nWhat I do to stop it, is repeat to myself, if something is going to happen to me it can be here or at home, so I might as well live life.\r\n\r\nI do have to repeat this like a mantra though haha.\r\n\r\nAre you on holiday at the moment?" ], "date": [ "2023-07-16T22:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-anxiety-ocd-on-holidays-802083?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Extreme Anxiety & OCD on holidays
Hi all, I’ve suffered with OCD & Anxiety since I was a young child. I get so excited when I book a holiday to a different country and spend weeks looking forward to going, however, once I get there my OCD & Anxiety takes over horrendously and I end up having an awful time and just want to get home :-( I have symptoms like: Scared I’ll have a heart attack and die. Scared I’ll lose my mind and be put into a secure hospital or get arrested by the police. Scared I’ll act on my harm OCD thoughts. Scared I’ll never see my family again. Barely able to eat as I feel sick and so anxious. Every time I try and fall asleep on holiday, I get a rush of what feels like Adrenaline which is terrifying, and stops me sleeping all night. (Absolutely no sleep, not even a minute) Which then makes my Anxiety & OCD worse the next day. It goes from my stomach into my chest, like the feeling you have if your anxious about taken a driving test, or going on a scary roller coaster. I don’t seem to have this if I go away in my own country, just if I go abroad. I’m not scared of flying, so I know that’s not it. It just feels like my mind goes into overdrive when ever I go to a different country, like it’s got something to be fearful of. I even make sure I know where the local ED/ER is and the emergency numbers, just in case. I still go away every year, but each time I go the symptoms seem worse. It must sound pathetic as most people have some freedom from their OCD & Anxiety when they go on holiday, but mine is so much worse. Does anyone else experience similar? Thank you x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lockerby-655040" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "my tinnitus came on suddenly after quite a while of anxiety and stress. I’ve had it for a long time on and off, but really after a while. The brain sort of tunes it out. I don’t notice it when I am going about my day. Really only when things are quiet so what I do is I use white noise when I’m trying to fall asleep. I turn it up medium loud and it really helps. even if I didn’t have tinnitus, I would still use it because it’s so soothing and helps me to fall asleep. \r\nSometimes I’ll turn on a meditation for anxiety which also blocks out the tinnitus. The meditation and white noise works great for me.\r\nThere was never any problem with my ears that was found. So I just go about my life and do the best that I can. There are millions of people with tinnitus. A lot of them don’t have any issues with their ears. Hope you’re able to. Find a way to relax!" ], "date": [ "2023-07-11T21:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-tinnitus-802114?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I have been dealing with anxiety for a good while, tinnitus came in randomly when a doctor told me I had labyrinthitis (not sure if I did or not). Lately it's been pretty bad though.. Started with getting sick and taking zpak, then it lead to insomnia, anxiety, little bit of depression, and now my tinnitus is back at it again. I am currently taking trazodone for sleep, and ativan for anxiety, I was given lexapro but got scared when the tinnitus came back and thought it might have been causing it. So now it's just ativan and trazodone which helps but I wish I could sleep on my own. I am currently scheduled with a psychiatrist and hoping I can get into CBT therapy and get off medications all together, because it's not something I want for myself. I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips or success stories. Thank you all!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kilk87-1466370" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kilk87-1466370" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hello Jan, thank you so much for your message and I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced this awful condition yourself. I'm reassured both by the reaffirmation that this is anxiety and also by your ability to recover. It's incredible and perhaps naive of me to doubt how anxiety can affect you physically. I'm so grateful for your reply and any help and words of advice are gratefully received. This is all started a relatively short time ago and I suppose I need to accept that this could take a while to overcome. I think I definitely need to recognise and accept that the symptoms are anxiety related and as life limiting as they may be, they aren't harmful. Glad you mentioned the pins and needles too - I forgot those buggers!\r\n\r\nI have been prescribed Trazadone by my GP. I had tried some other medication, but I didn't respond well to the side-effects. I've booked CBT and I'll continue to meditate and eat as healthily as I can. I'm struggling with the inactivity as I really enjoyed exercising in the gym. I've replaced this with a walk around the park as this is all I can manage. \r\n\r\nI became extremely stressed due to a range of factors impacting on personal and family life. It seems that I was using the gym as an escape and an opportunity to take my mind of everything. Unfortunately, I also think that became unhealthy too because I began pushing my body to the limit. I feel like I've had a physical and mental burn out which may take a while to recover from. Thank you so much for your reply and wish you well with your own anxiety issues. :-)" ], "date": [ "2023-06-15T19:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i’m so sorry that you are going through this. I know how scary it can feel!\r\nI would like to share with you what I have gone through in hopes that it will bring you some reassurance.\r\nI am in my 60s. But when I was in my late 20s, I suddenly developed all kinds of neurological sensations that terrified me! I thought for sure I had a neurological disease. I had eye floaters, weakness, numbness and tingling in my arms and legs, brain, fog and vibrations in the brain and arms and legs , muscle twitches all over even on my eyelids!, lightheadedness, and I’m sure others. My dad took me to a neurologist who did some testing and said everything was normal. I couldn’t believe it. he told me to go take a vacation. Then I started thinking that ever since childhood I had anxiety in school really bad, and I never talked, any place other than home I had severe anxiety internally, and I never really told anybody about it. Well, over the years, it just kept snowballing in different forms as far as the anxiety goes and then when I was in my late 20s my body just had a breakdown especially the nervous system. That’s when I got all those sensations. I’m 100% sure that’s what happened because if it was anything sinister I wouldn’t be in my 60s today. The body can only take so much stress just like the straw that broke the camels back. It will break down, but it also can be reversed. \r\ntoday I don’t get all of those symptoms anymore. However, when I have any anxiety and negative thinking, I might get a twitch here or there or feel a little tired or get a little brain fog, however, I feel way better than I did.\r\nI had to learn to let things go! And stop over thinking.\r\nI decided to really start taking care of myself! I am exercising regularly, I have an online virtual counseling, which helps a lot, I’m trying to eat healthy and stay hydrated. I also listen to meditations for anxiety that calm everything down. I also increased my socialization because that’s very important as we get older. Because I found that the less I take care of myself, the more I will feel. Awful. This is long but I just wanted to share it with you so that you know that something can be done about it and that any sensations you get from stress and anxiety are not harmful.\r\nHave you had any other test done? Besides bloodwork? Please feel free to private message me anytime. I will also send you a private message. Take one day at a time and when you feel weak, just give your body a rest, you don’t have to do things like exercise right away. Just try to calm your mind down first. Take care. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-23T15:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-debilitating-physiological-symptoms-help--801166?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kilk87-1466370" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you are off to a great start! Just take one day at a time, and if you do get sensations, it’s best to calmly acknowledge them and not pay much attention to them at all. I found that when I focused on them and worried they would get worse. In fact, one of my counselors said you can even matter-of-factly laugh at them and say I know you’re there, but I’ve got other things to do. Something like that. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-15T18:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-debilitating-physiological-symptoms-help--801166?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kilk87-1466370" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you for your reply, Jan. I've private messaged you, but would also like to thank you here for the time you have taken to read my long messages and for all your help and advice. I really hope I can get a grip on the anxiety soon and begin to live a normal life again! I'll stay in touch with my progress. :-) " ], "date": [ "2023-06-15T21:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-debilitating-physiological-symptoms-help--801166?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kilk87-1466370" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey and sorry to hear that you are experiencing this symptoms, I am not an expert but I am here to say you are not alone and I am also going through many physical symptoms due to anxiety. some also similar like yours health concerns and some were like my loved ones s health etc, sometimes it can change form or direction I can find myself worrying about random thing that I thought i no longer care.\r\nI am almost 40 yold and I have been having health worries all my life I am just sharing this to let you know you are not alone: I diagnosed myself with countless illness before :) someday I believe I get ovary cancer, some day covid, if I have a random pain under my arms I believe my lenf glands swollen due to an disease, I even thought at times if i had rabies or tetanus :) so far all those self diagnoses were wrong. I realized in my own journey that these thoughts are coming to nice people, if you are extremely careful, empathetic and most likely this is why you are experiencing this... and best part: you can heal yourself because in your case you did not have anxiety before, and even i healed my health concerning part of my anxiety and it was there since I was a child!\r\n\r\nI have an anxious personality I can not change that but I learnt how to deal with the worries:\r\n\r\none day I was sitting and worrying thoughts were upon me I said OK just come make me extra worried and maybe this can finally come to and end. I let all the thoughts come, i did not even move my finger to avoid them, i didnt try to distract myself i saw there and watched. Be the observer of your own thoughts they come and go but you are the permanent resident !:) everytime you feel like they are coming just tell your mind \"thanks for suggesting\" this method stopped me trying to fight with my thoughts and it helped a lot to be in good terms with my mind, its job is to suggest us worst case scenarios at times to protect us but we are IN Control and we can decide when to take action. \r\n\r\ntry to slightly move your body, take baby steps and give yourself a high five! I know these may sound so positive and unreal but they work! if you don't like meditation and cant handle the process just try to imagine first thing in the morning and last thing before sleep that this is just a phase and you will go back to your default state soon! you will start working out again and picture yourself in your best shape in happiest moments!\r\n\r\nYou are worth healing! PS: I am not a native speaker so sorry in advance if My English is hard to understand, I just wanted to reach out and hope you are already doing better! :-)" ], "date": [ "2023-06-23T15:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-debilitating-physiological-symptoms-help--801166?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kilk87-1466370" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi What44837, thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to my thread. It means a lot and I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner. I'm sorry to hear that you have also experienced this awful condition, but your positive attitude and approach to recovery is reassuring and inspiring. My life changed beyond recognition about 8 weeks ago, but I am slowly attempting a recovery. It's a very slow and frustrating process, but you have to start somewhere. I thought I was improving, but was unfortunately diagnosed with Shingles two weeks ago, which set me back considerably. Many of the original symptoms have subsided, but I'm still quite weak and the tremors are persisting, which feeds into my anxiety and spiral of doom and despair. I had a GP appointment today and they've increased my medication and also prescribed Propranolol for the tremor. The view remains that the tremor is a symptom of severe anxiety. Makes sense since my time is completely consumed with anxiety. I've tried meditation and really find that an effective way to manage my thoughts and bring a certain level of calmness. (even if it is almost immediately followed by intrusive thoughts. I'll drop in now and again to update the thread on my progress and how others are managing with their own journey to normality. Thanks again for messaging and your english is perfect. Take care. :-) " ], "date": [ "2023-07-07T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-debilitating-physiological-symptoms-help--801166?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa12664-1383227" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kilk87-1466370" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kilk87-1466370" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa12664-1383227" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your response, Lisa12644. It's interesting that you should mention LongCovid. It has occurred to me many times throughout the last few months, but I didn't actually test positive for Covid at the time when I crashed and began experiencing all the symptoms. Although two work colleagues tested positive at the same time, so its been in the back of my mind. Did you experience a tremor? The two main symptoms I seem to struggle most with are fatigue and tremors. (very fine tremor) I also have a weird head nodding thing with my pulse, which isn't really noticeable to anyone but myself. I'm interested in the Fibromyalgia though? How is this diagnosed and does this cause tremors, muscle weakness and fatigue? Thank you so much for your reply and advice - best of luck with your diagnosis. :-)" ], "date": [ "2023-07-10T16:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This sounds like all the symptoms I've been struggling with in the last few years after having long covid. Any chance youre dealing with this as well? I did tons of medical tests which all came back normal and eventually wound up with a fibromyalgia diagnosis. Regardless, you cant go wrong with doing some core things: getting enough sleep, drinking a lot of water, eat healthy and limit sugar, daily exercise (nothing over the top, even a walk is good), and stress management. I hope you start to feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-07-08T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-debilitating-physiological-symptoms-help--801166?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety - debilitating physiological symptoms (HELP!)
I'm a 50 year old male with previously good physical and mental health. I've recently (six weeks ago) been diagnosed with a Severe Health Anxiety Disorder following a long period of stress. This condition has literally hit my like a ton of bricks and has transformed my life beyond recognition. I am/was a physically active person who trained at the gym every day. I am struggling to acknowledge and accept that anxiety can cause such life changing symptoms. I am currently experiencing overwhelming fatigue and muscle weakness that makes the smallest of daily tasks extremely difficult. (typing for instance is far more time consuming due to the exhaustion.) Oher symptoms include: dizziness, muscle twitches, tremor/shakiness, heart palpitations, memory loss and difficulty sleeping. Understandably, my initial concern was that I had developed a degenerative neurological condition and despite reassurance from my Doctors that my symptoms were indeed anxiety related. I have had multiple blood tests, which have all returned normal, so I am currently being treated for anxiety. On reflection I can see how the prolonged period of stress and excessive exercise preceding my "breakdown" contributed to my condition; however, still struggle to accept that the symptoms are related to anxiety! My whole life is consumed with worry about my symptoms and would be grateful if anyone can relate or have previously experienced a similar situation. I've become increasingly desperate in my attempt to overcome this condition, including: a vast array of supplements, psychotherapy and meditation. Any help or advice would be gratefully received. Thank you. :-)
Vaping and alcohol and anxiety
has anyone had any bad side effects on drinking and vaping ? and does it increase anxiety. started vaping in december and my anxiety has spiraled out of control !!! the catastrophising is insane !
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes i have. my anxiety caused gastritis. it started with a dull pain on the left side under my rib then it radiated through to my back. very uncomfortable. Along with that, I had intestinal cramping with loose stools. Sometimes I get that and other times I don’t.mine was so bad that I saw a specialist who then performed and endoscopy to check out my stomach. I was worried that I had an ulcer but I did not. It was gastritis. \r\n so I was prescribed omeprazole for a 14 day treatment. It worked somewhat but not completely. I then had to change my diet and stay away from acidic foods such as junk food, pop, cheese, and all other acidic foods that you can find online. I mainly had to eat vegetables, most fruits, bananas are especially good, and once again you can find alkaline foods online. \r\n eventually I felt better. However, it will come back if I get extremely anxious or stressed out and then I just put myself on another two weeks of omeprazole treatment. But it’s a good idea to check in with your doctor to make sure that’s OK. \r\n yours could be a different issue so make sure you talk to your doctor. Hope you feel better " ], "date": [ "2019-11-12T10:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-gastritis-719160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jane16153-1232421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello there last year i had a burning feeling in my throat and middle of my chest for a while so went to doctors. I had to have an endoscopy and they diagnosed gastritis and a hernia. I had to take prescribed tablets called Omeprazole for about 6 months" ], "date": [ "2019-11-12T15:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-gastritis-719160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean45913-1277266" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, all the time. It resulted in me getting an endoscopy. Mine is always a pain under my left rib which gives me anxiety that it's my pancreas. It's usually accompanied by a lot of belching, air swallowing, and reflux. Prilosec helps a little bit, but it's not a 100% cure.\r\n\r\nI don't know if it's caused entirely by anxiety, but I don't think anxiety makes it any better. Hope you feel better soon.\r\n\r\nAs a more natural remedy, you can try taking a peppermint pill. It was suggested to me by others but has never worked. Maybe it would work for you." ], "date": [ "2019-11-12T18:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-gastritis-719160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marilyn98768-281768" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieran48408-1468280" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marilyn98768-281768" ], "content": [ "I know how you feel Marilyn, its a vicious circle.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-07-07T18:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i was diagnosed with gastritis over 25 yrs ago which was boughtn by an extremely stressful and unhappy time , i still suffer from it now and have been taking omeprazole ever since , and it always gets worse when i am anxious which is most of the time , " ], "date": [ "2019-11-12T19:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-gastritis-719160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieran48408-1468280" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have suffered with a Hiatus Hernia for decades.\r\nI have the usual medication and endoscopies every 3 years.\r\n\r\nThe flare ups of heartburn and pain trigger massive anxiety which feed the condition.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-07-07T17:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-gastritis-719160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and gastritis
Hi all ! Have any of you gotten gastritis along with your anxiety ? If so ,what are your symptoms and how are you treating it ? Thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah56767-1468028" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah56767-1468028" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "its the most frustrating thing having a symptom but no one being able to tell you why , perhaps neurology thanks for taking the time to reply i have another GP and i will ask them for neurology referal " ], "date": [ "2023-07-05T21:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "that’s very puzzling. If every doctor is unable to find anything, it’s unlikely that it’s anything serious. So you are still having pain? \r\nReally after an ENT doctor, there’s really no other doctor to see as far as I know. Is anything relieving the pain? Wonder if it could be some type of nerve pain that the doctors can’t see Hope you’re able to find out what’s going on. keep us posted." ], "date": [ "2023-07-05T02:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/brain-vs-reality-801887?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Brain vs reality
Hi all- so lately since last sept 2022 i have been struggling with a pain on the bottom of my nose on the inside this pain is pretty constant, its only on one side and it sometimes can affect my front teeth mixture of a pressure pain and nerve pain, originally i had a simple spot in my nose which cleared up following some antibiotic cream this pain came and went and i continued on with the cream and it seemed to help with the pain even when the spot was gone for a long time, back to the GP they cant see anything at all, but gave me beconaise it does work but pain comes straight back ENT said they cant see anything and said to just take amitriptalyne (sorry for spelling) im at such a loss, dentist cant find a problem, neither can GP i am going back for my sixth appt about this and i dont know who to see after ENT! anyone else had similar. i have in the past struggled with health anxiety years ago but could my brain really be making up these sypmtoms?? and how to tell
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fit82595-1381590" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "No, you shouldn’t be doing anything, there is much more in life that can give you happiness. Remember, whatever you are going through today is not the end of the world, it is only making you stronger. Please don’t take any step because of which your loved ones will regret." ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T11:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ct31986-1382385" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nJust to let you know that you're not the only one experiencing the way how you feel, were a lot. I'm with you, all i wanted rightnow is to end my life to end this nonstop pain. However i can't do that, cause i know that this pain is not permanent its just there now and as the time goes by it will be lessen every single day just have faith and be grateful to be alive each day. always look on the brighter side, focus on the positive things. I know its really hard but we need to give a fight! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T18:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jaydnali-1382626" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jaydnali-1382626" ], "content": [ "i'm sorry for what you're going through, you don't deserve that at all. i don't understand your feelings or what you've gone through, but all i know is that you deserve happiness and healing. i believe there is a way that doesn't result in death and still results in happiness. while i don't know what that is exactly, i know that it exists. it's different for other people i think. try and talk to someone about all of this. i know that that's all that anyone keeps on saying, but it does help. talking to the right people helps. and you will find those people. and i believe that you'll find your way in this life as well. i hope for your safety and happiness and well-being. please stay strong and keep on going. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "this is literally how ive felt most of my life, terrified of continuing on like this since its so pointless, but too afraid of actually acting on my urges, im afraid of death, but i cant take life anymore either, and im losing my mind- what do we do? i wanna die so badly but im so terrified " ], "date": [ "2021-07-04T02:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara44276-1383294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tara44276-1383294" ], "content": [ "i hope you're still here and continuing to fight. it might feel like this for now, but it will never stay for good. there will be better days. i hope and pray and wish for your safety and happiness and freedom from the life you are stuck in, and hope that one day you can choose to live the life that you want. i believe that that day will come and i hope that you are there to see it. please stay strong and keep on going. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the same feeling I can't take this feeling this emptiness, it's not about I want to die I don't want to live the life I have and I don't have any other choice to change it. it is been years I'm struggling and no result and I'm tired of fighting so I want rest.Sorry I can't make you feel better or say something to change your mind I can say I understand you\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-06-20T12:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris260384-1383299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chris260384-1383299" ], "content": [ "i hope you're feeling better now. no one deserves to go through this pain at all. im rooting for you in this battle and i believe that you will win. stay strong!" ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T22:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm very sorry if I'm writing this in the wrong place. I'm new here and came across Dannie's post and it's pretty much word for word how I'm feeling also... I will scroll through the comments and see what was said, hope you're feeling better now Dannie, it's such a s**t position to be in!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-19T21:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jon07827-1383755" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jon07827-1383755" ], "content": [ "i hope that you find a way through too. you deserve happiness and healing and i hope you find it in this life. i really do. maybe you were not speaking to the right person? why not try a hobby out? you might end up loving it. i don't understand what you're going through, but just know that there are better days that will arrive. i wish you all the best. stay strong and keep on going. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T22:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi I get it totally your words are exactly what I am thinking right now.\r\nI have no desire to get more counselling I just have had enough. \r\nI realised last year how difficult is is to end it all and now feel trapped on earth.\r\nonly wish its as simple as turning of a switch\r\nI obviously do not know why you feel how you do but I totally get it and hope you can find a way through.\r\nI wish you all the best." ], "date": [ "2021-06-22T12:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bulldogplata-1383809" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bulldogplata-1383809" ], "content": [ "what you're going through is not your fault at all and you don't deserve any of it. you deserve happiness and love and healing and lots of joy with your family. try and talk to your partner about it or a professional who can help. talking about it can be really helpful and figure out why you feel this way and how to get out of the cycle. i wish you the best. stay strong. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T22:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey not sure how its going honestly im in the same boat i find myself so unhappy sometimes and i wish everyday for the courage to end it all i think about ways and scenerios of it happening but im too coward to do it and it makes me sad cause i have two lovely kids and a women who loves me but i still cant take the everyday of life idk what it is but im just so tired of it its been like this since i was a teen so i get how you feel but we gotta keep keepin on and fight for the ones who love us. be safe and good luck in life" ], "date": [ "2021-06-22T17:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1385104" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i hope youre ok" ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T09:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina62265-1386109" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jack97367-1386753" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christina62265-1386109" ], "content": [ "Hi Christina, The way you are feeling is not your fault. Think of how your daughter would feel if you were gone and think of how much she loves you. She needs you. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T02:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley23274-1388263" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christina62265-1386109" ], "content": [ "Hello Christina62265 I am Ash, how are you at the moment?\r\n You may not have family support, your husband may be a piece of whatever, but, you are not.\r\n You have given the world your beautiful daughter, your 'said' reason to live, but how would she feel if, as soon as she goes off, that you are here no more?\r\n You will probably not see this, but i'll tell you about myself, so you know i'm not just waffling.\r\n I am a 49 yr old male, i got trapped in a relationship with a younger lady, she pretended to be normal, but when she moved in, she became too possessive, demanding and controlling.\r\n I wasn't allowed any friends, i have none left, I don't speak to most of my family, but I had my cats, but four and a half years ago, I lost the last of my little angels, and ever since, i have been praying for some disease or illness to swallow me up, because i don't think i have the courage to end it all quickly.\r\n If i can help someone before i go, then this waste of life, water and breath would have counted. Ash 07923065285\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T02:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I want to give you words of advice and help you but I'm in the exact situation. I want to be done with everything and everyone but idk how. I don't want to be here at all anymore. I just want the easiest fastest way out. I'm 37 years old and my husband has ruined my life. I used to be smart. independent. social. fun. happy. not now....my own children don't even care if I'm here or not. My 18 year old daughter is the only reason I still breathe...but she goes off to college next month and then I really have nothing here. I just know I can't stand this situation I have pit myself in and I'm so disgusted with myself. My parents are the only ones who ever cared about me and they are gone now. No siblings. No friends, well not real ones. No Aunts and Uncles or cousins. Nothing. I've never felt more alone than I do now. I just want out! " ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T02:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kay3152-965906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kay3152-965906" ], "content": [ "i don't understand what you are going through right now but i wish all the best and goodness for you. i don't know if anything i say will be helpful, but just know that you're in my thoughts and that i see you and i care. i hope you're still here. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-14T19:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Dannie. I know this is a little late but I wanted to tell you that I understand. People that try and tell you to cheer up, youre too pretty to be sad, and go seek therapy just dont get it. It is not that simple. not to mention the fact that being &quot;pretty&quot; has nothing to do with serious mental illness. I honestly think this is not an educated invironment for someone who is seirous about how they feel, like yourself. I understand because I have, and currently feel the same way. I suffer from sever major depression disorder and its certainly no way to live on a daily basis. It is not about a choice, its not about just talking to someone and feeling better, it is not about circumstance. this is our lives DAILY. to the second. There IS NO FEELING BETTER for some of us. What I will say, is that if you have never saught treatment, you should. a vast majority of people who suffer from our disorders are completely treatable with THE RIGHT medication. you will never truly know if you have a treatment resistant disorder without actually consulting a professional. after that point, there are very compassionate places in Sweden and Belguim that understand a lifetime of untreatable dispair and stress is unbearable.</p><p>Please consider all of your options before making a decision, and whichever decision you choose, I understand.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-09T21:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bellalondon-1108191" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bellalondon-1108191" ], "content": [ "you're not weak. and none of it is your fault. i hope you're staying strong, no matter how hard it is. i hope that people will listen and see you and help. i see you and i care. i hope for your healing and happiness. keep on going. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-14T20:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Please tell me you’re okay? I know what you mean I’m screaming for help but I know I’m too weak as p**s to do anything so I’ll just seek attention instead. Just let me know you’re okay xxx" ], "date": [ "2017-10-30T13:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bellalondon-1108191" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bellalondon-1108191" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "*they.  Sorrry. Very emotional x" ], "date": [ "2017-10-30T13:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "If no one else makes you feel\r\nLike you care. I do. So much xxx " ], "date": [ "2017-10-30T13:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james62646-1141684" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wayne1962-910044" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james62646-1141684" ], "content": [ "Hi James - are you receiving medical help for how you feel?" ], "date": [ "2018-01-22T04:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james62646-1141684" ], "content": [ "i hope you're still here James. there's still happiness for you to experience out there, even if it doesn't seem so right now. i'm not sure if any of this is helpful, but just know you're not alone and that i support you. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-14T20:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>It&#39;s the same for me</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-19T08:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin09517-1167817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steve1176-1173337" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin09517-1167817" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, I&#39;m happy you feel better. The fact i dont have the guts to end it doesnt make me feel any better but till now it has kept me alive, you are right. I have been trying to be healthy again for years but now ive lost all hope of making it. Ive resigned myself to feeling bad all the time, sometimes bad, sometimes worse. Whenever i try to get help, i realise that those who care enough to try, need me to be well, and those who don&#39;t but say they do, take the p**s of me. Medical help is not an option as I don&#39;t want pills, and psychologists bleed you dry, which in turn will increase my problems. I decided I will try to help others so as to find purpose again but ive been postponing it for very long now.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-19T13:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin09517-1167817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/steve1176-1173337" ], "content": [ "I have resigned myself to feeling bad all the time too, but surprisingly, sometimes I don’t feel so terribly bad.  Today I am kind of glad I didn’t have a gun when I wrote my comment on this page a while back.  Know that you are helping others, because reading your comment has helped me reflect as well.  Perhaps I can help others as too.  What could possibly be a truer altruism than to be in such a miserable state and still want to help others.  You have taught me a good lesson.  Thank you." ], "date": [ "2018-04-19T19:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin09517-1167817" ], "content": [ "both of you are really good souls and i'm sorry that you have to go through this pain. i hope you're both still here. i'm rooting for both of you. there's still happiness waiting for you guys and i hope you both experience it. best wishes." ], "date": [ "2021-10-14T20:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin09517-1167817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "content": [ "i am still here. i have not thought about these posts in a long time until i got a notification to night. thank you very much for seeing my soul...\r\nyou are a kind soul as well. i am doing much better. this life has so much meaning for all of us. sometimes it is very hard to see, but it is there and it is astounding!" ], "date": [ "2021-10-15T03:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin09517-1167817" ], "content": [ "i'm really glad to hear that! i hope that you've experienced a lot of goodness and i continue to hope for more goodness for you. have a wonderful day :) " ], "date": [ "2021-10-16T01:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I know yours is an old post and I don’t know if you will read the comments again or if you are even alive; &#160;I feel exactly the same way now. &#160;I am very very depressed and feel super bad about myself but I am to much of a whimp to actually complete an attempt. I don’t have a gun and don’t have the social skills or gumption to get one. &#160;That is my tool of choice for [b]suicide[/b]. &#160;But Dannie, &#160;perhaps somehow we are being protected from ourselves, somehow we are lucky, somehow we are not supposed to die of [b]suicide[/b], at least not right now. &#160;I am starting to feel a little better now or I wouldn’t have responded to this post. &#160;I hope you are still alive.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T09:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/singularity00-1192290" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin09517-1167817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/singularity00-1192290" ], "content": [ "I responded to this post a few months ago and should have a few weeks ago when I was trying to get a gun to kill my self.  It may be bull, but I think I know what you may need.  I just don’t know how to say it.  You can kill yourself and your pain will be gone.  It’s not a matter of how to do it I found out, it’s if that is really what you want to do.  For me I am waiting right now.  It is up to you what you do, as it is with me.  I am for real and I may not answer to this string in a few weeks because I could be dead, but for now I choose to live.  You do what you want, but I suggest trying to live just one more day at least.  " ], "date": [ "2018-07-02T03:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steve1176-1173337" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/singularity00-1192290" ], "content": [ "I do not have the magic wand you are looking for. Fear of pain, my pain before dying and of botching it up and ending up a million times worse, is why I am still alive. I shall never find the courage to kill myself.   In the past weeks I made a huge realisation - I do not want to die, I want my life to end. I know it sound stupid but it is not. I want to my life to be good, I want a life where I can do and be what i want. I am constantly failing. My life cannot be fixed. I am not trying to any longer. If I find a solution I shall post it here hoping it helps." ], "date": [ "2018-07-02T07:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/steve1176-1173337" ], "content": [ "i really hope that all of you are still here. none of you deserve any of this at all. i don't know what i'm able to do but all i know is that i hope you all are still here. fighting and going on. i hope you all find happiness and healing in this life. please still be here. i wish you all the best and goodness. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-14T20:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Okay, don&#39;t give me lectures or anything but just tell me the solution. I&#39;m so afraid of the pain, I pick up the knife or anything but I start sweating and panicky, just tell me how to get it done! </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-01T23:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/henshaun-1373991" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I did a Google search based on how I am feeling and this came up, basically 'I want to commit suicide but afraid of pain'... I get u, deep down i dont want to do it but because of my anxiety n the emotional an mental turmoil I go through on a daily basis I feel I just can't go on. I'm jus seekin out methods that are not so painful, I've been thinkin of ways I could do it. I'm afraid of drowning, i dnt want to cut myself. Sigh.. I kno am not helping here.. Im jus sayin I get u. I'm not on meds, can't afford a therapist although I dnt think a therapist would help because I kno wat they will tell me but I jus can't stop my anxiety n depression " ], "date": [ "2021-05-04T08:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/whatsthepoint81-1376324" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know how you feel. I feel the same way. However, I'm not scared of death... I'm scared of pain or the pain of a failed attempt. If I could guarantee that shooting myself would kill me, or taking a bottle of pills would, or jumping off a building would, I would be gone by now. \r\n\r\nYou know one thing I really hate... when I research ways and results of different methods, the help lines come up. I'm so tired of it. It isn't helping it just makes me want to do it more. Throwing that phone number in my face just proves to me that I'm screwed up and EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE would be better off without me.\r\n\r\nHow pathetic is it that the thought that I might survive is keeping me from doing it and making the world a better place?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-16T13:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/randy41812-1376983" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I had panic attacks and clinical depression for 4 months ,I thought it would never end , but I found drugs from the doc that helped , learned self-hypnosis , learned meditation. learned something I call brain vacations , creating a brain vacation is easy, imagine lying on a beach, its better if you can add the smells of sun tan lotion , the sounds of waves. make it as real as possible in your mind. them just relax. If the beach ain't your thing , create a mind vacation using your favorite memories, of your favorite places. close your eyes ,and go there in your mind. It works for me maybe it will work for you." ], "date": [ "2021-05-20T23:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1991-1378943" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raymond2222-1377404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1991-1378943" ], "content": [ "i hope u can recover i feel the same way" ], "date": [ "2021-05-30T22:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1991-1378943" ], "content": [ "you don't deserve any of this at all and it's not your fault. you deserve to wake up without the pain. i don't understand but i hope and wish for your safety and healing and happiness. i hope you find someone to reach out to and talk to about all of this. they're out there somewhere. and your happiness is somewhere out there too. i really hope you get to experience it and that you're still here. stay strong. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T22:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey Dannie. \r\n\r\nIm having the hardest day of my life. nothing happened that would cause me to have a \"bad day\". just waking up was enough. i try to sleep as much as possible so i dont have to be awake for dealing with this pain of being alive and alone in it. today, i looked up on google, \"im too afraid to kill myself but i want to die, what do i do\" and after a couple links, your post showed up.\r\n\r\nim very tired of being alive and i think im only a couple years younger than you. \r\n\r\ncan we try to be there for each other? virtually? so we're not so alone? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-30T10:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/goreality-1379138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/goreality-1379138" ], "content": [ "you deserve to live without that pain and suffering. you don't deserve it at all and it's not your fault. try and talk to your family about it or someone you trust or a professional. you deserve to heal and to recover and i believe that you can. there's happiness and hope still left to be felt by you and you deserve to experience it. i hope you're still here. keep on fighting. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T22:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "suicide is always on my mind, but i can't do it because i can't let my family to deal with it so i choose to suffer everyday, just to keep others at peace. I wish i could just let go but i know i wount." ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T11:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caseoverthinker-1379271" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven35871-1379406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caseoverthinker-1379271" ], "content": [ "what about someone else....like me?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T09:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/steven35871-1379406" ], "content": [ "stay strong guys and keep on going. i hope that you'll be able to find people to talk to about all of this. try and talk to someone you trust or a professional. you guys deserve healing and happiness and i really hope you both find it because you deserve it. stay strong and keep fighting. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T22:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I totally get where youre coming from. Anxiety is so crippling, and having death anxiety makes your anxiety worse. you then think if i ended it all now i wouldnt have the anxiety. But taking your life isnt the right way forward.\r\n\r\nAnxiety is an emotion we all feel, its normal. but when it becomes a disorder is very overpowering. Keep going and get all the help you can! Im here if you wanna talk x" ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T14:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beestr-939237" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Are you on meds? Have you visited a psychiatrist?\r\nDo you know the root cause to your panic attacks?\r\nIf you keep thinking like that and manifesting those thoughts in your head, it'll just get worse and worse. You need something to distract you and do something.\r\nOut of curiosity, do you have a partner? many friends? close family?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T04:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysite123-934825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xonos83-1382221" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysite123-934825" ], "content": [ "I'm sorry but I had to respond to this comment. Not everyone has positive people in their lives to rely on, and with someone who has say, borderline personality disorder like myself, going out to meet new people isn't really an option. The only way you could understand that is by experiencing it. Furthermore, suicide isn't about others...it's about the individual. Using the excuse that you would hurt others by committing suicide simply guilts the suffering person into continuing to suffer. If other members cannot understand the reasons why someone would commit suicide (and they won't, because they are not that person), that is unfortunate, but should not be a preventing factor for the sufferer. Everyone only truly has ownership over their own bodies, and therefore have complete and total say over how that body ends up. Losing a loved one is harsh, but then again, reality is harsh. Everyone has the nature given choice of where they go in life, and if ending extreme suffering is the ultimate goal, is it really all that bad? Have you ever been suicidal yourself? Have you ever had the displeasure of sinking that low? It's surreal...like a waking nightmare. \"Staying positive\" and \"hanging in there\" are just ignorant words that disregard the sufferer, and in practice, are WAY more difficult to execute. I have attempted suicide three times in my life, almost succeeded the last time. I am pretty familiar with soaking in that darkness for most of my life, I've had more experience controlling it than I ever wanted to. Things are never that simple...you have to try and really put yourself in the person's shoes." ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T06:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/audrey30102-1384482" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/xonos83-1382221" ], "content": [ "I hope you are doing better . I dont know if you have tried meds but they really do help. it can be a long road to find the one that works best for you but it's worth it prayers for your healing. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-26T17:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/xonos83-1382221" ], "content": [ "no one deserves to go through what you and countless others have gone through. i cannot understand what you have felt, but i just want you to know that you are not alone and that i'm rooting for you. you deserve a lot of happiness and love and i hope you find it in life. i hope you're still here." ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "My best friend took his life this way. Youd pass your pain into everyone who loves you, which isn't fair. You're letting your diagnosis win, instead of trying to fix it. Give yourself some time. When you look at one coming, just tell yourself \"screw it, you're not ruining my day\" sounds silly but sometimes it works. Surround yourself with happy people. People who care and understand. Getting yourself into a slump won't help anything. Maybe see a therapist or check yourself into the hospital sooner than later. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T06:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lizzie67-935528" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xonos83-1382221" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lizzie67-935528" ], "content": [ "The options you suggested often don't work....people are more frequently judged than helped, which actually makes things worse. Unless you have money to spend, people often don't care. I know this from personal experience.\r\n\r\nAvoiding family grievance is no reason for someone to continue suffering. The family members should be more understanding and supportive...which may be part of the reason for suicidal thoughts to begin with. \r\n\r\nThe average person is not as generous and caring as you might think...even within places considered sanctuary. Reality is brutal, but it's still reality." ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T08:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Please don't do it.\r\n\r\nMy brother did it eleven years ago and my family's lives are in tatters because of it.\r\n\r\nYou will find a way through - can you ring Samaritans or a mental health team?\r\n\r\nHas your doctor given you any medication?\r\n\r\nIf you feel so awful - please go to A&E and they will have someone for you to talk to.\r\n\r\nx" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T04:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lattifa7777-907132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/damien33552-1380668" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lattifa7777-907132" ], "content": [ "am in the same boat as danni... do millions really find there way out or do they learn to live like the rest and learn to ignore all the evil in the world, learn to ignore all the famine and cruelty, learn to be materialistic and only do something if they get something in return. for me depression is just the soul screaming out to us begging us to stop accepting the world as it is" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T05:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tracy51593-1381542" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/damien33552-1380668" ], "content": [ "Damien you sound like a lovely guy, who could make a a great contribution to the world. you could volunteer overseas helping people, or help the homeless or refugee's where you are, or work on environmental projects at home or abroad.\r\nYou sound like you might need meds to take the edge off the overwhelming feelings you have about the world, and that would help give you the capacity to find a way to contribute to the issues you are concerned about. the world needs people like you. please read my longer comment, on the main comment stream. \r\ntake care my friend x" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T04:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/damien33552-1380668" ], "content": [ "i really hope you're still here. this world is cruel and terrifying and i hate it. but i think that awareness is the first step towards change. i think, no matter how small, there still is hope for this world. there are millions who are contributing to making this world a better place, and i want you to know that you are a part of that contribution and change. the very fact that you acknowledge this world is cruel and the very fact that you exist is proof. the fact that you exist is proof why this world isn't totally cruel and that there is still hope. please stay strong and keep going. we can do this. lets keep on going and make this world better. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "dannie, you don't want to kill yourself, listen , why nit try a little longer, if yiu keep fighting and trying you might get there ( and you will get there) giving up lasts forever hun , no going back. \r\nI know how you feel I've been there my self, and I'm ok now , it's the illness talking , do NOT let it beat you its time to fight for your life do what ever it takes and tell your self you will do it, you have to dig deep deep down and talk to god ask him to show you the light. slowly that fog will lift a little I promise , walk in nature and see and talk to people , walk , lay in the sun, swim, this journey is about finding your self sweet heart , and millions of us go through this and come out stronger than ever.\r\nit's not all going to change tonight or tomorrow, but small steps at a time and you WILL see an improvement. \r\nare you on meds?\r\nhow long and what dose if you are?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T05:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackdm-942317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I find the fact that people are saying you're too pretty to kill yourself very strange and slightly demeaning, although I'm certain they were meant with the best of intentions.\r\nplease don't hurt yourself. Listen to Lattifah7777, her advice is very very good. Anxiety and depression can be so cruel. I was in a coma after trying to kill myself last year. I'm glad now, that didn't die. My brother killed himself ten years ago, it devastates families.\r\nYou are young, you can beat this thing and have a meaningful, happy life. You need help. Ask for help, take the help offered and follow lattifah7777s advice.\r\nKeep a hold on hope, don't give up on this life too soon." ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T04:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Don't do it. There are people who love you and care about you.\r\n\r\nIt is not worth it.\r\n\r\nDo you have a therapist or a counsellor or someone who is trained to help?\r\n\r\nWhat options have you tried?\r\n\r\nwhat haven't you tried?" ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T17:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "can you please see a therapist?" ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T20:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "content": [ "Have you read what exerstential death phobia is?\r\nIf so then how do you expect a therapist to help me?\r\nTell me it's not going to happen? Lessen my fear of my existence coming to an end? Tell me I'm overreacting?\r\nBecause in all honesty I see absolutely no reason on this planet how anyone could help me not to fear my own death.\r\nI'm not religious, believe me I wish I were so I could let my fears go.\r\nSo death, for me, is the end, nothing after that so PLEASE tell what I can do?" ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T20:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "There are therapies that can attempt to change the way your process your thoughts. They can potentially FIX your phobia. Why not try it?" ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T20:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "content": [ "I know therapies help some people, I really do, I've been on this site for almost 3 years now when I started my med's, I know they can change your way of thinking and help develop techniques to help you cope but I really do struggle to see how someone can help me over something not a single living living creature on this earth can stop or avoid.\r\nI know it''s going to happen some day and it really does terrify me to my soul.\r\nI hope you don't think I'm being ungrateful for the advice or that I'm not taking it on board, I really am, but I've turned into a pessimist over the years of continuous panic attacks and I really was an optimist all the time!\r\nI guess if I struggle to see how someone is going to help me for myself then I tend to have trouble holding any faith in it which puts me off asking for help.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T20:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackdm-942317" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "Hi Dannie, \r\n\r\nI understand what existential death phobia is. I was absolutely consumed with it at one time. There was a terror vibration that ran through every single moment of my life. It was soul destroying, it was genuine torment.\r\n\r\nI stumbled on something that helped me. It changed my life. I still suffer with a heightened sense of anxiety and I suffer with depression.\r\nThe thing that helped me is something quite strange but I've subsequently discovered that it was used in the 50s and 60s to treat existential death phobia and it still is in places like America and some European nations. I don't want to mention it here because it is somewhat controversial. But it works! It's worked for hundreds of people over the years. If you are interested I can send you a private message." ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T20:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "I just dont understand why you would contemplate suicide when you haven't considered or tried every option.\r\n\r\nDo you get where I'm coming from?" ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T20:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "I never meant to be demeaning I was just trying to boost your morale a bit.  Sorry if that was too much." ], "date": [ "2022-04-14T18:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lattifa7777-907132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "hi dannie\r\ni now you said your not religious. \r\na lot of people are not and that is fine for them and me.\r\nI'm not going to preach my religion and beliefs to you, but the question that all depressed people have , is actualy the biggest question that science and no one can answer with proof, and that is , What is the point in living? why is all this here if at the end we are all going to die anyway? .why can no one make me better?\r\nthese answers you will.find in the Bible the quran and the Torra , the world is her and it was made for a reason and it will end for.a reason , we are.here for a reason and all the answers to those questions all come to god and I feel you need to accept god as your creator of you and your destiny , he can do anything he wants , and can make yiu strong and we'll, as he just wants to hear from you.\r\nI'm sorry this is a very religious advice, but what else can you try if you feel suicidal! !\r\npray dannie look for.the truth talk.to god ask him to show you the light and make you well, ask him day and night, and look.for.the right religion that works for you, it's all the same anyway in regards to one God. obviously I belive only one is the correct.wayband the way you will.gwy a response.\r\nthe mind is so so poweeful , we can do anything.\r\nGod bless you hun and plz plz try, never give up EVER no matter what you feel, it's dam hard I know.but make sure.you give this a good shot and let us know how you get on.\r\n\r\nlove lattifaxx" ], "date": [ "2021-05-06T16:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysite123-934825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "Have you checked if your meds cause suicidal thoughts? \r\n\r\nI doubt your friends or family would think you're crazy if you expressed your feelings to them. I'm sure they would take this extremely serious and try to help. If it helps any, all of my friends think I'm totally insane because I'm always making them check my heartrate and compare mine to theirs.. I have no shame! Lol" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T11:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietysite123-934825" ], "content": [ "Hi Delaina, yes my meds do have that as a side effect but it's been 3 years now, surly Im not going to get side effects this far down the line??" ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T11:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jackdm-942317" ], "content": [ "Hi Jack, if you could private message me and tell me how you did it I'd be very great full. \r\nI didn't know people had ever gotten over it before.\r\nThat brings me a little hope" ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T11:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily48953-945990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "Dannie I also suffer from phobia of dead it consumes you and takes you to a point where sometimes you want to take your own life because the fear has tooken over your very being and your mind its hard to live with this phobia everyday is a fight I'm with you on this one \r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-29T03:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily48953-945990" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Sorry for typos new cell phone still getting use to the keys " ], "date": [ "2016-05-29T03:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/temple73-938497" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "jp1992 I hope all is well it's been 3 years and you do not respond to messages I've sent quite a few. please let me know you are alright. please ... God Bless" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T11:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/improvrob-1371680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/temple73-938497" ], "content": [ "did she?" ], "date": [ "2021-04-22T04:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raymond2222-1377404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "i hope u can over come your situation your not alone i also have been wanting to take my own life because i cant recover from situations i endured i cant go to my family because they played a part in my down fall" ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T00:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hollowvibes-1379382" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "Call me sometime. 254-396-7296 I'm from Texas. Please. I don't know you. I'm a stranger. But I don't want you gone. I'm here for you if you want. Text if its easier." ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T06:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "hey Dannie, i hope you're still here. your feelings and experiences are valid and you don't deserve what you are going through. i can't understand what you are going through, but i just want you to know that you are not alone and that im rooting for you. i hope it brings even a small comfort and i hope for your happiness in this world because you truly deserve it. there will be better days." ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily48953-945990" ], "content": [ "please stay strong! i don't understand what you are going through but your feelings and experiences are valid and hope that you may overcome them. keep on going. im rooting for you!" ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/raymond2222-1377404" ], "content": [ "i hope you're still in this world Raymond. you don't deserve to go through that at all and im sorry about your family. you don't deserve any of it. what you do deserve is happiness and love and healing, and i hope and wish that you find it in this life. i know you will. you're not alone and i support you. keep on going. maybe consider going to a professional for some advice? they can help. you'll find your people, people who love and care for you. they're out there waiting for you. stay strong!" ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "As much as I appreciate all the responses, even the demeaning ones saying I'm too pretty to do it ??????\r\nCan I just ask what being pretty, in some people's opinion, has to do with emotions and depression? Like I'm just going to look atyself and realise I'm 'too pretty' to care?\r\nI know you meant well but really?\r\n\r\nCan I just say that I didn't write this do responses however, I wrote it because I had to vent how I was feeling because I'm too scared to tell anyone I know this is how I feel. They would think I was crazy or something or just attention seeking.\r\n\r\nIn my heart I know I can't cope with all this, it gets so bad my brain has to switch off to cope sometimes. I hit such low points, like today, where it's all too unbearable and it feels like the world is just closing in on me and I need to escape.\r\n\r\nFor those who asked I am on med's, venlafaxine 150mg and propranolol 80mg.\r\nThey help to stop my panic attacks and some anxiety but the depression is getting worse.\r\n\r\nI don't see a therapist, I have exerstential death phobia, if you don't know what it is then please read up.\r\n\r\nI know I have people who love me and I love them back but that doesn't make a difference to how I'm feeling.\r\nI don't want to hurt them but I can't cope. " ], "date": [ "2022-04-14T18:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelics-618493" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelics-618493" ], "content": [ "It is Kelics, I gave myself a panic attack just thinking about it, and then I got mad at myself because I can't even end things the way I want to." ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T11:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelics-618493" ], "content": [ "i agree that none of them are weak. they were all strong, all the way through to the end, and i sincerely hope that they're all at peace. they have to be. i believe so. i hope that you both are still here. i believe that you can find peace here in this world and life. im rooting for you guys. keep going." ], "date": [ "2021-10-14T20:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "People say those who commit suicide are weak. I think its the opposite. Think you need to be dam brave and strong to do it knowing your current body will not see another day. Thats some scary stuff. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T22:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "Thank you Lisa, I really will start looking into holistic medicine, I'm really sick of med's reliance all the time to feel......nothing, they don't make me happy at all they just numb everything until just a shell of a person is looking back at me in the mirror. \r\nThanks for suggesting it x" ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T10:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pattypie-944387" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "Hi Danny\r\nThere is a group called Recovery International. You can google it. It will hive you tools on how to change your thinking. Dr Lowe was the founder. There are local support groups as well as online chat rooms. I live in the United States but I'm pretty sure they are available elsewhere \r\n\r\nGive it a try! It saved my life!" ], "date": [ "2016-05-30T14:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Have you asked if your meds can be causing you this issue? Secondly whatever your fear is with death are you are aware there is an entire world out there Who doesnt even use traditional western medicines or theraoy. Its true. Holistic, alternative, complimentary, spiritual (not religion) based routes. Theres so much out there to help you. Tradional ways havent worked so far. After finding out if the meds side effects are adding to your thoughts of giving up on yourself seek out another route one will explain life in a very different way to you. Not corny its real. Its holistic/alternative healing and it comes with an abundance if information and knowledge about the world and a different one than you are used too. It would take way too long to exolain this on here  its basically a whole view and you being a part of a bigger picture. A soul housed by a body. An energy viewpoint. A more meta ohysical explanatiin and connection with the world. Way to hard to explain here.so bottom line is lets just say traditional western meds and ways and theraoy havent satisfied you. So what. Theres others go seek it out. Google too spiritual motivational speakers see what comes uo and learn. Learn a different way to exist. Maybe you will find a lot of peace there. You do have to check meds first and if you can find an holistic or alternative doctor in your area go to them. Let them figure out whats going on, they will approach all this from a different, refreshing perspective. I dont know if you are in the state of mind to consider what i wrote or even care but theres more then one route to happiness. what it seems here, and for all of us is the fear of suffering and tole it has taken BUT it is temporary if you can find a route to peace of mind. Its just a way bigger world then what is in front of you. Somehow all the symotoms have defined you and it should not be that way. Depression needs to be treated properly as well as anxiety. There are so many different ways to do this. Im not a doctor but i would want my oatient to call me and let me know if they felt life wasnt worth living. Period. They can change your meds too. Seriously think about holistic/alternative therapy route. They can guide you. Have yiu ever windered what you would be like without the deoression? Manageing the anxiety attacks? Try a different therapy route." ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T23:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wayne1962-910044" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wayne1962-910044" ], "content": [ "Hi wayne, thank you for your response, I do worry about going to see the doctor because the last one tried to keep me on Citalopram even though it was making my panic attacks hit the roof.\r\nIn the same respect I'm also scared to change or come off of my med''s because of the panic attacks. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.\r\nI don't want to worry my family and friends because they have their own life issues to deal with, my mum's always abroad and my dad has his new girlfriend, my brother and sisters have their own lives and families I wouldn't want to unburden myself on them with this. My boyfriend just doesn't seem to get it, no matter how much I explain about my phobia, my anxiety or my depression he doesn't understand and we end up arguing a lot over it so I just try not to talk about it anymore.\r\n\r\nI might have a look into holistic medicine like Lisa suggested. I've never tried or even thought about it in all honesty and I don't like to think I'd have to be on med''s for the rest of my life, that's depressing enough on its own.\r\nI really do just wish this wasn't happening to me, why can't I be as oblivious as everyone else on this planet and get on with my life, it really does control my entire being, I can't go anywhere that I don't know or face anxiety if I do, can't have a drink because even 1 affects my anxiety, I'm not a strong independent individual anymore, my disorders dictate how I can live my life and it's absolutely soul destroying.\r\n\r\nAnd I'd like to say thanks to everyone suggesting religion but I'm really NOT religious, like at all, so please stop reciting psalms because they don't intereste at all or make any sense to my issues.\r\nSome man in the sky isn't going to just take it all away, and it makes me angry you think that is even possible\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T10:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lattifa7777-907132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "no need to get angry dannie, I was only trying to help you think of things in a different way.\r\neveryone is trying to be kind to you. and eveyone is sharing their coping mechanism that help.\r\nwhy be so abrupt about it?\r\nanyway I wish you well I really do.\r\ntake care.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T11:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wayne1962-910044" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "Thanks for responding Dannie. I wish there was more we could do for you. I must admit your particular illness is one I am not familiar with.\r\n\r\nYour comment about religion is spot on. There is not a single disease it has cured." ], "date": [ "2016-05-30T05:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Dannie - sorry to read of your despair. You have done the right thing by reaching out to others and I hope the sum of the answers you recieve will contain some hope and solutions for you.\r\n\r\nYou mention you are on Venlafaxine @ 150mg. I was on that med for approx 2 years, had a terrible time with it. It has been withdrawn in some quarters because it was found to exacerbate suicidal tendancies. Talk to your doctor about alternative treatments. If your doctor is dismissive or glosses over your difficulties, get another doctor.\r\n\r\nIt is a lonely experience to be depressed and anxious and many people will do nothing to deal with the problem because of the stigma attached to illnesses that cannot be quantified to Joe Blow - i.e: there is no wound, bandage or plaster to point to as you say \"it hurts here.\"\r\n\r\nI notice some contributors here have suggested religion. No amount of indoctrination of any description will alleviate what is essentially a biological issue - whether an imbalance of chemicals (like seratonin and dopamine) or a structural issue with the brain. Be easy on yourself. You are ill and should not expect yourself to just \"snap out of it\" (dismiss anyone who says that to you. They do not live with your illness.) \r\n\r\nYet others here have urged you to think of those who are left if you enact your suicide. It can be difficult to comprehend the pain of others when one is in agony herself. I wonder if you have communicated your pain to those who love you and that you feel suicide is the only cure. If not, could I suggest you do so? Perhaps a letter to them from your pained self could open the dialogue. It is true that those left are indeed shattered. They can wander through life blaming themselves for your act, endlessly wondering what they could have done or said differently. I can tear families and even communities apart.\r\n\r\nPlease let us all know how you are progressing. You can always come here to share and we will answer you. You are not alone, Dannie. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T06:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liandre13-945652" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liandre13-945652" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Wow I just read through all the other posts. I have to get used to this forum. I understand how you feel about all the religious posts. I am an atheist. There have been times where just the choice of being able to kill myself was a comfort to me it makes me feel less trapped.\r\n Some people would say that's a negative coping skill and they would be right but when you have no coping skills at all that's better than nothing and if you're still alive thats pretty cool too" ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T17:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lattifa7777-907132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/liandre13-945652" ], "content": [ "that was a coping skill of mine too, I totaly get that, cos it seems the only way out .\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T17:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/liandre13-945652" ], "content": [ "I'm really not trying to be rude or abrupt that's just my views so I'm sorry if I caused offence.\r\nEspecially with my death anxiety don't even have that option anymore which is really sh*t.\r\nI've pretty much run out of coping skills at this point, so as you can see I'm not coping well.\r\n\r\nIt just annoys me when people say look to God etc etc .... because it's as easy as someone telling you to do it.\r\nI've tried going to church, read the Bible, opened myself up completely and I got a big fat nothing in return. \r\nI just can't do it no matter how hard I try or how much I let go." ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T22:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lattifa7777-907132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "maybe not the Bible itself . but reading different religions their views on depression why we are here ect.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-28T18:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "content": [ "I hope you find your peace with holistec/alternative. Its where i go for solace.it makes a lot of sense to me. Im not against religion at all it would have just made more sense if their was one and not a ton of different ones and all different rules and threats. thats why i like the spiritual alternative route. Theres only one. No negatives either. One and it all connects. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-30T14:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/liandre13-945652" ], "content": [ "i hope you're still here and staying strong. it must be really difficult and i can't say that i understand but you are not alone and you deserve happiness and healing. i wish and hope that for you, lots of happiness and joy because that's what you deserve. best of wishes." ], "date": [ "2021-10-14T20:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I empathize completely. I have tried to kill myself more ways than I can count and always up in a hospital. You see how successful I have been. It sucks because now I cant even drive a car or leave my house any distance. I used to travel everywhere. Hitchhiking, driving across country, riding around on my motorcycle (gone now). Now I sit and crochet and pet my 4 cats and watch tv. Thats my entertainment most days. I just joined this group and yeah I cant even kill myself. I need a therapist haha!" ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T16:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tommy79497-1388811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tommy79497-1388811" ], "content": [ "i hope you're okay and still here. stay strong and keep fighting. you deserve happiness and love, and i wish that you will find it in this life and world. keep on going. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hope ur ok. suicidal thoughts are hard hard to fight the impulse,my time is getting lesser. god bless" ], "date": [ "2021-07-22T16:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian15045-1389173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christian15045-1389173" ], "content": [ "i hope you keep sticking around for better days, because there will be better days. stay strong. there's still hope and happiness to be found in this world and in this life. i hope for your safety and well-being. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel exactly the same way. I'm a 47 year old male in the UK. My long term relationship fell apart, I have no career, no kids, no home... I can't see the point in living any more. I drink and smoke heavily, hoping to get cirrhosis or cancer, but I think of hanging myself daily. I'm too much of a coward to go through with it, but maybe that's a blessing. I've decided to stick around a bit longer to watch the new series of Succession and Curb Your Enthusiasm, as stupid as that sounds. I hope you can find some reason to stick around a bit longer too, and maybe by the time that thing comes around you'll feel differently. \r\n\r\nI really wish you all the best, and hope you can find some happiness in life. Best of luck. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-25T00:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shancy42942-1389969" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shancy42942-1389969" ], "content": [ "you didn't deserve that at all. please stay strong. you've still got a lot of happiness and love and joy waiting in store for you. i really hope and pray and wish that you get to experience all of it, because you deserve it and you deserve goodness. keep on going, no matter how hard it may be. there's still humanity left and there are people willing to support and help. i support you and i hope you're still here." ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i feel u ... ive attempted 7 times nothing to be proud of now im scaredto cuz i might fail again an wake up sick again. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-30T05:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aaron03010-1390917" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive always had thoughts of not living, i wouldnt of put it down too depression it was more about how death was gonna come to me and unless it was dying in my sleep, the thought of how i was gonna really die played on my mind since i was young, i wanted to choose how i died, and yes hanging would of been my choice, but last year my girlfriend who ive been with for 14 years and have a child with change all that for me.\r\nAfter a massive argument between us the last words i heard from upstairs was her saying \"she going\" ,, and like an idiot i reply \"then go \"\r\nmy son screams i walk upstairs and find her hanging from the loft hatch , she had taken the ladders up into the loft and jumped and im telling you now that image will stay in mind for ever. \r\nnow i managed to cut her down and the police said i saved her but to this day i still think it was a sign for me not too take my own life because the shock to the system after seeing someone you love hang is life changing, for me aleast i dont want to even think how it would of felt if she had died.\r\nl know life can be s**t, u only have to turn on the tv to feel depressed, and i know it feels like no one listens you have hit them with a sledge hammer to get their full attention . \r\n.....always remember that if you cant find any good people in the world then just be one yourself \r\ntake care dannie19\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-04T19:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/derrick13856-1390972" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Girl, i know you're going through a rough patch at the moment and probably have been for a while. I may not understand what you may being going through, no one does, but i know one thing for certain i that you will get through this. Do not hurt yourself please, i know you dont know me and might be irritated that im saying this but you matter. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-05T03:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/charles76395-1393788" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/charles76395-1393788" ], "content": [ "you don't deserve to go through this pain and torture at all either. you don't deserve any of it. what you deserve is love and happiness and peace of mind. i really wish and hope that you find it in this life, i believe that you can. i really hope you're still here. try and reach out to someone, someone you trust or a professional to talk to about everything. there will be better days and you deserve to experience those good days. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I know the feeling. I don't want want to be here anymore. I sat for an hour on my bed with my .45 loaded and chambered, pressed it to my head many times and cowered. What does it mean? why cant I just do it. Does it mean somewhere deep down I don't what to? probably not Does it mean I will never do it? Talk about adding a new layer of hell on top of all the pain we go through. Only option I see now is to stay so fked up on weed until I die. I hate to know there are others who know this pain. I am so sorry you know this.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-21T21:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/b75717-1394147" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/b75717-1394147" ], "content": [ "this. this is your sign from god. i came here, through a series of events, to tell you that this is a sign that you deserve love and happiness and to live and to breathe easy and to be at peace in mind. when it gets tough to hear anything else apart from those thoughts, i really hope you remember this message. this is the sign from god. through a series of events, i came here to tell you exactly this, all in the plan of god. please stay strong. i hope you're still here. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-29T21:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i doubt ill sound very positive. I pray to God every day hoping for something i want to happen. Sounds silly but i also suffer with ptsd , depression and a family death i havent dealt with. I was just released from a treatment facility for one suicide attempt. i just want a solid sign that God does hear me. When ive really crashed its tough for me to hear anything except my desire to die. I'll say take it a day at a time and do your best to get through it. I dont plan on failing in my next attempt." ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T08:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malwina71458-1394209" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/malwina71458-1394209" ], "content": [ "this world is a bad place, but you are one of the people that make it better, more good. please stay strong. it feels difficult right now but it won't always be difficult. try to hold on to that thought and try to believe everything will be okay, and continue to try your best. i hope for your happiness and safety and love, because you deserve it so much. i hope you're still here." ], "date": [ "2021-09-29T21:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I came here because i wanted to find people that struggle like me. I think i want to die because im tired of being me, im person full o anxieties and i struggle alot with social life, its really hard for me and keeping myself fed and working or studying makes me feel reallly not well. I know that i wont kill myself cause i dont like pain and im afraid of it, also i dont want to be known for my family and other people as someone who commited suicide (its funny cause i understand people that tried to or take their lifes and i would never said bad things about them cause i know mental health problems are really serious and sad even, its just thinking about me being found dead is embarassing for me). I think its a part of me being ashamed of everything im doing. Im really jealous of people that are genuinely happy with their lifes, im bored and tired and i rarely feel happines. I cant afford to see some doctor immedieatly, and trying to go to the free one will take some time. Tbh i dont think there is even help for me, the world is a bad place and its getting worse everyday. I think i just want to die in a sleep. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T11:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz04857-1394361" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Please stay strong i know it is tough but things will improve. Please seek help talk to someone, anyone you have shared on here but now you need to share in person. You need support to get through this and talking with someone will help. There is more to life you will find things to live for you just need to hang in there and take small steps. There is no coming back from suicide no second chances please choose life. x " ], "date": [ "2021-08-25T08:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sluggle-1399455" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sluggle-1399455" ], "content": [ "Please keep going. Think about your children and always have them in mind when you have those thoughts. They're still kids and they still don't understand, but they love you and they want to know you better. Fight for them and fight for your family. But you have to fight for you first. Please stay strong and keep on going. You're a good person, you're a good parent and you deserve goodness. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-29T20:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm 39 with anxiety, depression and other crap. \r\n\r\nThey took my children away from me. It's been over 430 days now. \r\n\r\nNow they want to terminate my parental rights permanently. \r\n\r\nEvery time I see my children they hate me more. They don't understand why they can't come home. \r\n\r\nI want to die. I'm poor, stupid, ugly and worthless. I cannot help anyone and now they won't even let me have my children. I wasn't like this before. \r\n\r\nNow I have nothing to live for and no money to bother. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-28T15:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/belle1989-1399468" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Killing yourself isn't the answer. Please seek help now" ], "date": [ "2021-09-28T16:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hope you're still in this world Dannie. I really genuinely do. It's difficult I know, and it seems like nothing will ever get better but no matter how false it sounds, it really will get better. start out small, it doesn't have to be major first. try and think about the sun. i don't know but it's something that i like to think about. just how the sun rises every morning and how its bright and then think about some good things around you, like flowers or the light bulb shining light or the sound of the wind or the rain and just try and focus on that. i promise it will get better. it really really will. i will always hope for your safety and happiness and peace in this world. i really hope you're still here. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-29T20:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie18546-1400141" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dannie I hope you are bearing up okay. I won't pretend to know what you are going through as everyone's demons are different. I can only talk from my experience.\r\nI've been in this position quite a few times myself where the depression and anxiety consumes me and many a time I have contemplated ending things or simply just not wanting to be here. I've probably been a sh*tebag but in a way I'm glad. I dont wish to not be here, but when I feel s**t, I just want that feeling to go away. It's ending that feeling, not my actual life.\r\nAll I know is, if you speak to ur gp, counsellor and reach out to friends (as cheesy as it sounds), that dark feeling goes away eventually. you don't ever see a future when you are in that dark hole because we think negative when in that mindset and self destruct., But in months time u realise uv went days without feeling crap and cant remember when you last had a dark dark cloud and never thought you would see that day. Then you feel glad u never acted on things. I know I am. \r\nall is I'm saying is hang In there. If ultimately you do not want to be here, give it a few months. you've nothing to lose by waiting. You might just be okay and conquer those demons. Feelings really are temporary. but suicide isn't. \r\ntake care" ], "date": [ "2021-10-04T08:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom7585-904173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dannie1989, please don't kill yourself, I have been there after a relationship breakup and my thoughts were all down to failure, not for the person who left me but for letting her family and my family down. I had my shotgun taken away and all that kept me going were my animals as they depended on me and I would be letting them down. \r\nI am going through the same now as I have serious ED issues and fear I will loose my male partner because of it, the gun is my solution but then I think of him and what I would put him through for my quick fix and then the animals and what would happen to them.\r\nIt is a struggle, I can fully recognise your thoughts but just think of those who depend on you and how they would cope in your abscence and that will hopefully help you overcome your thoughts. Stay safe." ], "date": [ "2021-10-04T00:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/catherine43554-1401466" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "have you any family? have u spoken to gp. I too suffer from panic attacks and crippling insomnia also." ], "date": [ "2021-10-12T05:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/user96383-1467952" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've been thinking hard about it since I was 13 or 14, now I'm 20. I made a deal with myself that I would tough it out and allow things to get better. It feels like everything's deteriorating. I let myself fall in love, and I fell hard for this girl. She left me after 10 months like I was nothing and it's like it made no difference to her. This was 3 weeks ago. The worst part is that I never got a real reason, and I also lost what was like a second family to me just like that. My only friends outside of my house that I would talk to on a regular basis were her relatives. Might be the end of the line, I know I may be a coward because it seems so trivial, but I'm just tired. I've been battling this s**t every single day for the better half of my young life. The funny part is that the only reason I haven't eaten a bullet yet, and literally the only one, is that I don't want to put my siblings and parents through that. The thought of one of my brothers or my baby sister finding me stops me every time. My parents also had their share of hardships in life and doing that would absolutely crush them. I'm honestly sick of always thinking about other people, but I can't shut it off either. I'm still here, but not for me. I often find myself wishing I didn't have such a great family. At least then I couldn't talk myself out of pulling the trigger. I simply don't see a future for myself and I don't want to fight anymore. I've already prayed for God to take me hundreds of times but He doesn't seem to want me. And if He has a better use for me here, I don't see it." ], "date": [ "2023-07-04T03:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ninja_ali-1379465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/desperation-1315055" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ninja_ali-1379465" ], "content": [ "Hey I'm 41, first panick attack at 16, first depression episode at 18..\r\nBeen on many antidepressants (Cipramil, Aurorix, Zoloft) also Lithium .. Lexapro worked finally for me when I was 29 at 20mg a day. along with Sotalol beta blocker.\r\nIn 2014 I was fed up with the Lexapro, I felt like I was too high most of the time and felt I have become somewhat stupid in dealing with people, felt like a laughing stock to even my closest friends! I started tampering down to 15mg daily in the hope of completely stopping, that's when anxiety spiked and I was getting panic attacks more regularly, always thinking about my heart and having palpitations and trouble breathing.\r\n\r\nAfter 4 months the panic attacks subsided a little, I could bare them more now. But was too afraid of cutting down to 10mg of Lexapro, so I stayed on 15mg until the end of 2016.\r\nBeginning of 2017 is when I had a major panic attack and called an ambulance and went to ER as I did many times before in the past. The panic attacks were more frequent now, very scary and with them arrived the almost forgotten feeling I had, depression, it came and hit me hard and stopped me from feeling alive!! I attempted to get beck to 20mg Lexapro but that made me feel physically sick and panicky. I decided to cut it to 10mg, then 5 mg.\r\nWent to the ER more times, always dismissed as anxiety.\r\nA doctor prescribed me a Benzodiazepine called Temazepam, felt much better on it but after waking up the fatigue and low mood were unbearable.\r\nI also was afraid of becoming addicted to a \"benzo\"..\r\nA psychiatric from a community centre insisted I go back to 10mg Lexapro, I did and it started to work a little better on my depression, also after research I took Vitamin D3 daily and was surprised at how it gave me some energy and lifted my mood substantially....\r\n\r\nLong story short here I am now in 2021 after tampering with Lexapro and down to 5mg a day, went to zero for 4 days and got really terrible withdrawals, I'm stuck at 5mg with bouts of depression and continuous and relentless anxiety in which I take a Valium once a week.\r\nI'm fighting the last battle against Lexapro now in the hope of getting free from it after 12 years of dependency. It has been a daily struggle for 2 months now being on only 5mg..\r\nTried to start Faverine and felt ill, tried Mirtazepine and no luck, my body rejected them from one dose, all I got are terrible side effects that kept me busy for 24 hrs. \r\nI don't know what's next for me!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T17:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david85230-1381262" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/desperation-1315055" ], "content": [ "hey brother\r\n\r\nhang in there. i was addicted to klonopin for 11 years and have been going strong and sober for two years now. there is a light at the end for you. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-04T02:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ninja_ali-1379465" ], "content": [ "please keep on going. it's hard and it's painful and you don't deserve any of it at all. i really hope and pray and wish for both you and desperation's safety and healing and happiness. both of you can win this battle. there is still happiness and hope out there for both of you and you deserve to experience it. i hope you're all still here. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T22:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel the same way.\r\nI've been depressed since 14 (31now).\r\n\r\nEverything I've tried to help myself, always makes things worse or ends in failure.\r\n\r\nEveryday I feel like I want to die but I'm too scared to do anything.\r\nI desire death than life.\r\n\r\nI've been alone since my childhood.\r\nNo friends, No social life...nothing.\r\n\r\nEven the things I enjoyed before, are really boring to me. I really hate it here.\r\n\r\nThe reason I replied is because when I saw your post, I felt the same way.\r\n\r\nI don't know if anything will get better\r\nI don't know why I keeping going....\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-04T02:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/damien33552-1380668" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/damien33552-1380668" ], "content": [ "i really hope that you find happiness and healing as well, because you deserve it and you deserve so much good. what you're going through is not your fault and you are not selfish, no matter what other people say. i hope that you can reach out to the right people and talk to them about everything. those people exist out there and your happiness exists out there too. i hope you get to experience it and i hope you're still here. i know that this world is cruel. i hate this world so much. but you're one of many, more than you think, that makes this world still good. and we need you. this world needs you. you're a good soul and you deserve everything that's good. please keep going on and stay strong! there are better days and there are good people. all of it is waiting for you. best of wishes." ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T22:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Danniel19 i am sorry to hear you are in distress, I too suffer from debilitating depression and anxiety. I found myself spending years looking for an answer as to why i feel the way i do but recently i have cone to realise i have no triggers other than the world around me. Maybe i an wrong or maybe i am right but my theory is the reason many of us are depressed and suicidal is because its our souls screaming at us from the inside. i have come to the conclusion that depressed people are normal and its the rest of the world that are messed up in the head, they all have the ability to ignore all the bad in the world and take the attitude of its not there problem. I am not religious but i have studied many of them. for me i am now at the point where i feel as though i must kill myself soon just to save my soul from all the corruption and greed we see on a daily basis. Like you i am also scared of the day i go ahead with it as i know i will be going to the place that humanity has explored more than any other yet at the same time humanity still doesnt know what death holds so i think fear is a natural response to the predicament we all find ourselves in. For me when i try to talk to friends or family about it i get told its selfish... personally i see it as selfish on there side as when ever i get told what i plan to do is selfish i feel guilty as i dont want friends or family to be upset. the reason i find it selfish of them is because they will never know how painful it is on a day to day basis having to live in this world that feels completely foreign to me and is so far away from how the world should be that it really is painful to watch. Just know you are not alone and there is many people like you in this world and you are not alone! i hope you find what you are looking for in life and i pray for you that you find a few moments of happiness " ], "date": [ "2021-06-07T09:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/waza83-957019" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Dannie1989,\r\nFirstly please do not attempt to kill yourself. If you are feeling so low call the Samaritans or go to A&E. Please make an appointment with your GP and get some treatment. No matter how bad the days get there will be better ones i promise. I am not saying your thoughts with disappear forever because i believe when you suffer with your own torments this is something we actually learn to live with and each day/one step at a time things will get easier. I find talking on here helps because there is always someone that will answer/reply.\r\n\r\nI hope you get the help you need (reach out) take care\r\n\r\nWaza83" ], "date": [ "2021-06-07T08:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david85230-1381262" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hope that you know that you are loved and that while life on this planet can be unbearable, being a change to that darkness could change everything for you. i found that in life when i have no purpose i want to kill myself but when i have purpose it is bearable. i hope you find yoir purpose " ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T10:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tracy51593-1381542" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi Dannie and anyone feeling this way, I'm really begging you not to follow through on your feelings. i do know how you feel and feel like it a bit myself at the moment, which is why I'm on this page.\r\n\r\nbut please please, even if you're angry or sad or feel that your family and friends don't care, please tell them how you're feeling, tell them you feel suicidal. Give them a chance to help or make amends or hopefully reassure you that the negative thoughts you have are either not true or not as bad as you think.\r\n\r\nI lost my nephew to suicide almost 7 years ago now but it still causes me such pain. I wish he had reached out and told people how he was feeling and I hope we could have helped. Instead of flying back home to help him, i was helpless and had to fly back home for his funeral. \r\n\r\nI hadn't seen him the last time I went home ( i tried but he was working) and its left me with awful guilt that i might have been able to help, if we had met and he had shared his sadness, anger, shame, whatever he was feeling i would have loved to have known and just hugged him let him know that he is so flippin loved and do whatever was needed to help him. i would have flown home to help if i could.\r\nmy point is please if theres something i can do, even now if its not for my nephew, if i can help you, and anyone reading this to not give up, that will mean i at least did something to help someone, even if it not my nephew.\r\n\r\nhonestly try medication, try counselling, try mediation, exercise, ...and definitely do not leave this world without telling your family and friends you are suicidal! it might sound drastic, but please let them know and give them an opportunity to help you... even if ye don't get on or you think there's nothing that they can do to help.....give them a chance to help.... PLEASE I AM BEGGING ALL OF YOU READING THIS THAT FEEL SUICIDAL TO SHARE YOUR FEELINGS. Please give people a chance to help, even if you don't think they care. If you don't have family and friends share with your gp, walk into A and E, post it multiple times on FB and give people at least a week to see it.... there's nothing to be embarrassed about if you plan on leaving the planet , but let people know so they can help.\r\n\r\ni have struggled a lot with these feelings so i know how people feel.but I've also lost someone i love dearly to suicide, please don't leave a hole in people's hearts.... please give people a chance to help you. you are not worthless, you have a right to your place on the planet, you have intrinsic value, i am reaching out here because i genuinely care that you, a person i have not met, does not hurt themselves. I'm sending whatever you need, hugs , love , support, a message to say you matter and keep fighting. I love you xxx" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T09:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heretoday39-1381567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "life is falling apart here too. Did you figure it out? I hope you are well and managing ok. I wish I could help, but I don't know what to do myself :/ if u figure it out please share, could save a life" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T06:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/clair11942-1190947" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I Beg you to get help, ring up ANYONE, \r\nFirst stop is AnE hospital if your in the UK \r\n\r\nThey will get the crisis team straight away to access you and better still help you to sort out what's going on, \r\n\r\nI wish there was something I could do to help you, \r\n\r\nPLEASE DONT DO ANYTHING, think of the people you leave behind, \r\n\r\nYou may think your life has no meaning and trust me we all feel like that at times, \r\n\r\nI'm like you fed up of feeling down but I'm determined not to let it get the better of me, \r\n\r\nFIGHT BACK xx" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T07:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nick45282-1382138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i'm 48. ive known since i was 18 that i should never have been born. between then and now has been nothing but torture and humiliation. I've now come to a complete standstill. There's nothing i want to do. Nothing interests me. i have no goals. I just want this f*****g horrendous life to end" ], "date": [ "2021-06-19T21:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cr792-1382198" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cr792-1382198" ], "content": [ "i hope you're still here. you don't deserve this pain at all and i'm sorry that you're going through it. i don't understand but i just hope you know that people care and people want to help and support you. i care and i support you. i wish for your safety and peace of mind and happiness. what you're going through is not your fault. i'm rooting for you and i believe that you can win this battle. i know you can. i wish you all the goodness in the world. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "as I was typing on Google how to kill myself I came across this thread, and I can deff relate to how you feel, I live in a prison of my own mind for years, depressed, anxiety attacks, I can't even go out sometimes cause I lack confidence and insecurities, feel super lonely, I'm writing this in my room as I'm trying to figure out how to end the pain, but I just wanna say to you Dannie you are not alone, I know you feel you are and your life is just going downhill, maybe try to talk to someone like a professional, I know this is not what you wanna hear but it's truth like I said you are not alone in this battle." ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T08:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xonos83-1382221" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "The best advice I can give you is, screw em all! Don't let them beat you. Fight the darkness with life, and cherish the fact that you are defying everything that wants to cause you harm. You are completely right to feel how you feel, and yes, people ARE that crappy! But see, you're better than that. So insult them by sticking around, and wear that with pride. :) Screw them, you're better and you know it! Show them you're not afraid, show them you'll bite back. You will be shocked at how people respond, which is literally by cowering in fear. You'll soon liberate yourself, soldier! Just keep fighting! You can do it, just put your mind to it! I mean come on, you've made it this far and you're still here! You are stronger than you think, you've endured more than you realize!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T13:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1386213" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jack97367-1386753" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1386213" ], "content": [ "You seem pretty down man, would you like to talk." ], "date": [ "2021-07-09T15:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey @Dannie1989, I'm Aaron. I'm a little older than you, and have found myself in a similar place. For me it's like I have somehow accidentally stayed on this Earth longer than I was supposed too. I've found the mental health system woefully inadequate to address the needs of someone in my situation. If you need accountability let me know. Or if you just need someone to hold your hand while we both jump, let me know. I'm not supposed to be here anyway. All I know is that alone isn't the way to face any of it. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-16T03:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jack97367-1386753" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Dannie, \r\nHave you tried talking to someone you can really trust about how you feel. Even if you feel like there isn't, there always is at least someone or even a pet that would be really sad and broken if you were to kill yourself. Think of how great an achievement it will be if you can get yourself through this and get yourself happy. Focus on that. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-09T15:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jack97367-1386753" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Dannie, \r\nHave you tried talking to someone you can really trust about how you feel. Even if you feel like there isn't, there always is at least someone or even a pet that would be really sad and broken if you were to kill yourself. Think of how great an achievement it will be if you can get yourself through this and get yourself happy. Focus on that. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-09T15:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tractorgirl81-1387399" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tractorgirl81-1387399" ], "content": [ "i support and am rooting for you wherever you are. stay strong. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i completely understand where you are coming from you are not alone with these feelings" ], "date": [ "2021-07-13T20:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fit82595-1381590" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "You shouldn't be ending your life like this, there is so much in life to do, if you are dealing with anxiety, it is better to consult with a therapist." ], "date": [ "2021-07-16T08:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley23274-1388263" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Dannie1989, how are you doing these days?\r\n I dint know when you sent your message, i hope you are still here, i know what you are going through, many people do, but, sometimes you get to a point where you feel no-one understands. i really hope you're ok, i would love to help, before I feel ended! " ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T02:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley23274-1388263" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kajal88543-1388294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley23274-1388263" ], "content": [ "I need some financial help😭😭.I cannot afford food for myself.I don't want end my life\r\n." ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T08:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley23274-1388263" ], "content": [ "no one deserves to go through that at all. you don't deserve that. i don't understand what you're going through but i really hope and pray and wish for your safety and healing and happiness which is what you do deserve. i really hope that you're still here. try and talk to someone about all of this. you deserve so much happiness and i hope you will find it in this life. i believe you can. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "sometimes, some people just cannot seem to understand your despair, but, i have been at my own end-game for over four years, since i lost the last of my cats, and i have been trying to end it ever since.\r\n Now, I am left with eating child's portions of food, I am sort of starving myself, so like playing the lo game, as i am too cowardly to end it quickly.\r\n maybe someone needs my help first?" ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T02:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kajal88543-1388294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kajal88543-1388294" ], "content": [ "that sounds terrible and you don't deserve that at all. i really hope for your safety and well-being and happiness. please please don't end your life. please stay strong and keep on going. one way you could gather some money is by creating a go fund me page. you can link it here or through social media and spread your story. i believe that people would be willing to help and that there is still humanity left. i really hope and pray and wish that you find what you need and that you are able to get the necessities you need and deserve. please stay strong. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Well, we are very poor and getting two meals of a day is hard for me.I asked for financial help to many friends and relatives but no one cares😟.I know no one will come to help me so ending my life is best decision.Now I understand that money is everything 🥺🥺😓😓 .If someone can help then pls help...😢😢.I don't want to die." ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T09:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tshepiso29101-1388781" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tshepiso29101-1388781" ], "content": [ "please stay strong and keep on going. know that you're not alone and that there will be better days. there always will be, so please stick around for them. i really hope you're still here. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T21:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm so tired of being here too. My brain refuses to work right. I've been wanting to go for a while now too. But like you, I'm afraid of the final piece \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-22T10:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emis_moderator-18625" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nIf you are having suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.\r\n\r\nTheir contact details are on our patient information leaflet here: https://patient.info/health/dealing-with-suicidal-thoughts, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.\r\n\r\nIf you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.\r\n\r\nIf you are based outside of the UK.\r\n\r\nThe Samaritans is a UK based charity, but they also have suggestions for how you can access help in other countries.\r\n\r\nPlease have a look at this page https://www.befrienders.org/directory\r\n\r\nPatient\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T08:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dannie1989-133252" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven35871-1379406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "content": [ "what does looks have ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!! Danniel1989 i know how you feel....im in the same boat\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T21:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/steven35871-1379406" ], "content": [ "I agree, what an absolutely ignorant reply. Obviously I'm on this page because I'm thinking about killing myself. And its responses like the one about, why would a beautiful girl want to kill themselves, that just further cement my desire to leave this planet. As if looks, opportunity, or any other external thing had anything to do with internal suffering. I'm tired of living every day with my suffering, and failure and worthlessness. I'm human garbage and can't wait until I'm dead." ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T21:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raymond2222-1377404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "i hope u can get through it im haviing a hard time as well" ], "date": [ "2022-12-17T16:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tracy51593-1381542" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "you are not garbage, please share your suicidal feelings with family, friends and/ or A and E and your gp. take care my lovely, i wish the best for you xx" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T08:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tracy51593-1381542" ], "content": [ "Thank you, although i am pretty certain I am garbage. I've been talking to doctors and therapists for years. I'm just not cut out for life. I'm a failure, completely and totally. I'm hoping to end my suffering some time in the next few days. I'm ready for it to all be over. I pray every night that I don't wake up tomorrow. I've told all the friends and family I can. They ate convinced I won't do it. They just give me the old \"Everything is gonna be fine\". But it isn't fine, hasnt been fine, and shows no signs of becoming fine. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T22:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I want to smile when I die because I'll finally be experiencing an end to my pain. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T22:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/celine85653-1382932" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "Hello, i hope you are still here. \r\nNoone is cut out for life really. Life is unfair most of the time, but thats how it is. I am 100% sure you are not garbage and also not a failure. The saying \"Everythings gonna be fine\" and the \"everything happens for a reason\" speech sucks ass i knowww. But i started to believe everything does happen for a reason. and i really wanna feel the feeling of happiness again before i die. i got hope it will be better some time. it has to be. The concept of life actually sounds so cool. Please hang in there, i pray that there are better days coming for you, i really do. Life is not fair and its always the good souls that suffer in this life time. And i know this probably wont face you cause who do i think i am and i dont know anything about your life but im so so sure you have people around you that truly care for you!! Hang in there until you see signs of it becoming better " ], "date": [ "2021-10-18T03:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/galaxydoomer-1384290" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "content": [ "Your retarted for saying that" ], "date": [ "2021-10-18T03:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie56658-1384717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "agreed its a silly reply but i feel as if it was maybe a reassurance or a compliment just to make the girl feel good about herself and maybe rethink what she may be planning to do. I think it is unfair to attack this advice without knowing the reasoning behind it, If I was feeling suicidal i feel like the idea of someone who doesnt know me paying me compliments online would make me feel quite good about myself" ], "date": [ "2021-09-24T06:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola1234567-1386175" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "i have read through a fair few comments because im feeling a little down and i dont know how to hamdle it, however i feel like your being a bit unfair and pin pointing on the message for no reason. you cant say that someone elses comment makes you further want to do anything because they may not have meant to hurt anyone and we are all on this group for a reason, god forbid something did happen and its making them feel like they had a part in it. its just not fair! " ], "date": [ "2021-10-18T03:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan11838-1387833" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "i feel you i see how people treat me, i'm not worthy to be in this place. i cannot wait to go " ], "date": [ "2021-10-18T03:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian15045-1389173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "You're not garbage. I really hope you're still around. There are people out there that value you and would be devastated of you went. I feel my life is a total f**k up and I think of suicide on a minute by minute basis. I'm trying to hold back, hoping circumstances or my mood changes. I don't want to contribute to the misery of others, which is probably the main reason (apart from my cowardice) that I don't go through with my suicidal thoughts. I went through this before, didn't act on my impulses, and had some good years afterwards. I'm hoping the same thing might happen now. Please just delay, delay, delay, and maybe your mindset will be different. \r\n\r\nI wish you all the best. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-18T03:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katya38500-1389246" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "same here...therapists, psychiatrists and meds yet still failing........“God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant. He could fix my life in five minutes if He wanted to, but He'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.”\r\nJIM CARREY - Bruce Nolan" ], "date": [ "2021-10-18T03:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katya38500-1389246" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "same here...therapists, psychiatrists and meds yet still failing........“God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant. He could fix my life in five minutes if He wanted to, but He'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.”\r\nJIM CARREY - Bruce Nolan" ], "date": [ "2021-07-25T17:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k43087-1390161" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "i get where you are coming from and have been there since january but something in the last few weeks made me realize i cant be that mean to myself anymore (like you calling yourself garbage) but i also feel like a failure for not being able to not make myself wake up. vicious cycle. totally sick of hearing things are going to be ok as well and future talk erks me" ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T21:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamila_67067-1029599" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k43087-1390161" ], "content": [ "Hey everyone, just randomly typing in Google are thoughts about how you will kill yourself normal . obviously it ain't but I wanna just know if other people think this way aswell so I feel normal lol.\r\nI can understand everyone here that feels life just, life it's self makes you wanna die THEN adding on friends, family, relationships that just turns it up a notch. \r\n\r\nAnyone know what I should do, I've been trying to distract myself but some moments I just day dream and plan exactly how I can die, I plan what if this happens or this happens and I don't die. Then I get freaked out and come out my day dream it's been happening for the past couple weeks now.\r\n\r\nlove, \r\nJ\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-22T11:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/b75717-1394147" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "Im sure the guy meant well. Chill" ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T01:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1398398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "content": [ "yea of course because someones beauty has EVERYTHING to do with a womans feelings.... thanks so helpful " ], "date": [ "2021-09-22T02:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hali13-1399446" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "I can feel you cause I'm living it right now , just empty feeling willing to die praying all night not to wake up in the morning , the word it's going to be fine I just hate it I can't stand hear it beacause nothing is , my life is a failure and I would like to put an end to it soon " ], "date": [ "2021-09-28T13:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "i really really hope and pray and wish that you are still in this world. please, no matter what, try your best to hold on and keep going. so many people care about you, myself included, though you don't even know me at all. but it's true, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, its true. a world without you sounds and would feel extremely dull and thinking about it, though i don't know you, is heartbreaking. please keep going. you deserve lots of happiness and love and you will find it. you will. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-29T20:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lily60834-1400505" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "content": [ "i made an account purely to tell you how much of a **** you are, Richard" ], "date": [ "2023-02-21T19:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hali13-1399446" ], "content": [ "please please please don't. the world isn't going to be fine, not with your loss. please stay strong and keep on going. you matter in this world and please trust me when i say this because it is true. from a person across the globe, i really hope that you're still in this world and i wish you lots of happiness and love because you deserve it." ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T16:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamila_67067-1029599" ], "content": [ "i understand with thoughts like those sometimes that just pop up and are concerning and disturbing. i think what helped me with some of those thoughts were doing something that i loved like drawing or reading or taking walks to get fresh air. thinking about the good things in life too helps. and talking about it with someone can definitely help too. i hope you're okay and staying strong. i wish you the best and lots of happiness." ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T16:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k43087-1390161" ], "content": [ "Keep going and fighting. I'm rooting for you and support you." ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "content": [ "i really hope you're still here on this world. i cannot understand what you are going through but i just want to say that i'm rooting for you and i support you and that i wish for your happiness and love and that you will find it in this life and in this world. please keep on going. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ryan11838-1387833" ], "content": [ "i really hope you're still here. i want to say, and believe me when i say that this is from the heart, that you ARE worthy to be in this earth. you are a human being and you deserve to live and you deserve happiness and love. wherever you are, i hope for your safety and happiness. please keep on going. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/katya38500-1389246" ], "content": [ "keep going and staying strong! i hope for your safety and health and happiness. i'm rooting for you." ], "date": [ "2021-10-11T17:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daena15942-1399691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christian15045-1389173" ], "content": [ "i wish for many more good years for you. i hope you're still here and staying strong. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-14T20:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elle10874-1410729" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamila_67067-1029599" ], "content": [ "omg...i feel the same way. i'm so afraid of not dying. the pain doesn't even matter anymore. i just want to go. like now. today. i planned something today but I'm not impulsive so i researched on it...turns out the chances of it killing you immediately are very low. liver failure is very high" ], "date": [ "2021-12-27T17:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elle10874-1410729" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/b75717-1394147" ], "content": [ "some people need to be educated" ], "date": [ "2021-12-27T17:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "why would a beautiful girl like you want to kill yourself? there is much more to life. you just have to go out there and find it." ], "date": [ "2023-02-21T19:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/too-scared-to-kill-myself-how-pathetic-514896?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Too scared to kill myself, how pathetic
That's it. I've had about all I can take from this miserable thing we call life. I'm sick of being depressed and having panic attacks. I want to hang myself, don't ask me why that's my chosen method but it is but I have a death phobia so I'm too scared to do it and gave myself a panic attack instead. That's irony in its finest form. It's just not worth it anymore, nothing is. My life's falling apart and I have absolutely zero will left to carry on this fight. I'm done.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sometimes I think doctors don’t know what else to do for the anxiety and depression other than prescribe medication.\r\nwhen you think about it medical science really has not made strides in this area for a very long time if ever. I don’t really think they know what else to do yet. when you can actually see the problem, there’s an easy fix such as somebody having a broken arm, they know exactly what to do. But when it comes to the mind, it’s a lot more difficult to treat. There’s definitely no cure, so they suggest medication, counseling, meditation, breathing exercises, etc. all of which are good, but not enough for most people to manage their condition. Some people have had good luck doing those things and others still struggle. Hopefully in the future sometime they will be able to help people a lot more.\r\nI would love to read about your healing process!" ], "date": [ "2023-06-30T00:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-ever-thought-your-medicines-are-bs--801712?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I had to check the username to make sure I hadn't written this post myself in my sleep haha!\r\n\r\nI have had anxiety most of my life, my father died of a heart attack in front of me when I was 10, he was a \"super healthy\" 42 year old.\r\n\r\nSince then I developed all sorts of anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia...doctors started giving meds at age 15, that lead to benzodiazepine dependancy and I also used to numb the sadness and anxiety with alcohol.\r\nBeen sober for 20 years now. \r\n\r\nAnyway, I totally get what you are saying. Even though I believe that sometimes we do need medication, I also feel that there are other options and that we are, as a whole, completely overmedicated. I also very strongly believe that pharmaceutical companies don't want healthy people as there is no money to be made there. So it's in their best interest for the population to be as unhealthy as possible.\r\n\r\nSo basically, I concur with you! " ], "date": [ "2023-06-30T12:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-ever-thought-your-medicines-are-bs--801712?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "content": [ "That is some great advice you have written there and it's admirable the work you put in to feeling better. It is definitely the way to go!\r\nI really love what you say about using discipline instead of waiting for motivation, because we could spend an entire lifetime waiting for motivation to come.\r\nI'm glad to hear that your strategy had also helped your Mum and brother.\r\nI enjoyed your post and I wish you the very best!" ], "date": [ "2023-07-25T13:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "@jan34534 @sasical72 Thank you for your messages and sharing your opinions. I completely agree that we do need medication at times, but I started to feel the opposite, especially when it comes to anxiety, at least for myself.\r\n\r\nBy the way, @sasical72, it is such a coincidence that we had to experience the same horrible ordeal. I feel for you! Even though mine happened at age 34, it was still so hard to deal with. I can't imagine how difficult it was for you at age 10. May they rest in peace.\r\n\r\nSo, I will share a bit about what has been helping me during my anxiety journey. Once again, I am not writing this to push my routine or make people quit their medication, but I hope it can help someone else who needs to read this.\r\n\r\nFirst of all, I gave myself a day to simply sit and write about everything I felt anxious about. I started from early fears, from when I was scared of random things as a kid or had random fears. Then, I began to write about how I behave when anxiety hits me. I realized that when it happens, I start walking in the house, but I can't walk straight (more like bending). I feel like calling people and talking with them, spending hours on the phone or writing to friends, trying to talk and distract myself. It's an endless circle. So, as I was thinking and writing down all the anxiety moments and fears, I realized that I learned to be like that years ago. That gave me the idea that if I can learn something, if I don't practice it, I might as well unlearn it. It's the same as me sucking at playing the piano after many years of slacking off.\r\n\r\nWhile I was writing about my symptoms and anxiety moments, I also tried to identify the root causes. I looked at when this happened before and started having morning meditations, taking myself back to those moments just to silently observe. I realized that my mind is just trying to prepare me for the worst-case scenario, and since I made a habit of obsessive thoughts about the past and anxious thoughts about the future, I was missing the present moment. During my meditations, I always hold my own hand, soothing myself and trying to calm my mind, telling myself that we are going to be okay. After all, my anxiety diary was live proof that I had been through it many times and only ruined my years by clinging to \"bad\" memories or events.\r\n\r\nAfter that, I started to push myself, even at times forcing myself to think about the worst moments. When I saw a grave, I looked at it more, even visited graveyards to face the reality. We will all die, and I tried to think that every moment is another chance. This led me to wake up early and push myself to improve. There is a Japanese saying: the key to happiness and longevity is to have a busy mind and a busy body. I also thought that this can help my hormones by seeing the sun every morning and walking without allowing negative thoughts to appear.\r\n\r\nI was also reading countless books, both spiritual and psychological. They also led me to think that the past is past and the future is dependent on today. I cried a lot and had anxiety attacks because my mind was surprised, thinking something was wrong during this period. I was normally always fighting with my thoughts, trying to shoo them away, always discriminating against my thoughts, my pieces, and ultimately myself.\r\n\r\nBasically, there were many more routines. I started taking ice-cold showers and began lifting weights. I even started to beautify myself at home, even if I wasn't going to go out. I would give myself a high five in the mirror everyday, started to go to bed at the same time and woke up at the same time.One last thing, I stopped waiting for motivation to come. I am just moving with discipline. I don't care if I have motivation or not. I am a dutiful person to myself, and I go do my walk and everything I should do while being an observer to my own thoughts. They will come and go, but they will never be my focus anymore.\r\n\r\nAlso, remember that when you go to therapy, it is not the therapy itself that heals you. It is the certain amount of regular soothing suggestions you receive from the therapist. The same applies to friends. If a friend keeps giving you a hand and suggestions, after some time, you realize you should stop worrying. Think of it as cutting a tree. To cut a tree, you need to hit the same spot with an axe many, many times, and as a result, success comes. The same goes for the mind and psychology. You can also help suggest to yourself, soothing yourself, and your subconscious won't notice if it is from someone else or from you. It will just take the comfort and start healing.\r\n\r\nSorry if my thoughts are too awkward for you, but for me, they work 100%, and I had to share some ideas. My mom and brother were both on antidepressants after our loss, and I also told them the same, and now they are both happier and not using any medication. Find a life purpose, remember we are here to be happy and experience life to the fullest.\r\n\r\nAll the best to all of you. :)\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-07-25T13:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-ever-thought-your-medicines-are-bs--801712?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Have you ever thought your medicines are BS :|
Hey guys, here I want to open a discussion as I want to help each and every one of you, even if I know this thread might be wrong for some. Sorry in advance for my language; I am not a native speaker. Have you ever realized why you keep getting more medicines? 5mg, then 10, 15... 50... 150 mgs, and still getting more symptoms and panic attacks, and many more symptoms? When you quit, it is even worse, and it causes you to restart the beloved medicine. Some of you get prescribed instantly right after seeing the psychiatrists, and the vicious circle continues. I am not here to tell anyone to quit the medicines, but just think for a second: why? I am an extremely anxious person all my life and have also had some anxiety attacks here and there. I saw my beloved father have a heart attack and die in front of me, so believe my word; I know what anxiety is. Not a conspiracy theorist, but I do believe pharmaceutical companies and some psychotherapists are not telling us the truth. In reality, it is just in our heads because they put many names to psychological conditions and teach people to dissociate their feelings: like good feelings and bad feelings. Your focus creates your reality. The more they put our focus on negative thoughts, the more negative conditions we keep creating. If we have a fire and keep blowing it, how can we expect the fire to be extinguished? I have so many things to say, but I don't want to go into details before I see others' opinions. If some people want, I will tell my whole healing process here (I still have anxiety due to IBS at times, but it is completely under control). I have become an observer, just watching my thoughts, along with more daily routines. If anyone is interested, I am open to discussion. All the best.
Health anxiety right now
I just tried a milkshake from a restaurant that I had no idea made custom toppings of your choosing as it was something my friend gave me to try and said it was a peanut butter milkshake, not knowing it had pieces of peanuts in it and chocolate chip pieces as well that's making me anxious as I swallowed some already without chewing and I'm freaking out right now that those pieces might be stuck in my throat or make me choke, even though I don't really feel anything stuck inside or choking yet, my throat just feels tight right now from me having a panic attack and I do suffer from acid reflux too so I can't stop worrying now. Usually the milkshakes I had don't come with any pieces, as I always go for vanilla or strawberry milkshakes with nothing in it. Will I be okay or should I go to the ER to get an x-ray done? I can talk still and breathe.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda61305-1467166" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda61305-1467166" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "content": [ "I am 24/7 thinking over and over amanda how does your stomach feel now and a second later how does it feel now etc. It is crippling.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-27T16:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello Amanda, I feel your pain and concerns but I believe whatever we put our attention on we are growing it, since now you made yourself believe that this is some sort of cancer your mind and full focus on your stomach and trying to check if it is fine...i think stomach cancer and bowel cancer has some serious symptoms not just an hunger sensation, ofc I understand how you feel but try to direct your focus on something else I believe the concerns will fade away, hope you will feel better soon! :) " ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T21:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-and-gi-with-heart-scared-sick-and-cannot-stop-ruminating-801536?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda61305-1467166" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda61305-1467166" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I mean I overall feel fine, but I am continually thinking every second of every day how my stomach feels. I would never call the sensations/ache severe. It is usually a 1-2 out of 10, and sometimes I dont know it is there or I can only feel it if I tap hard on the center of my epigastric region. Like right now I am googling cancer rates, but I am not old so I am still on the lower risk end. The stress of life certainly adds to it. thank you" ], "date": [ "2023-06-27T16:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "If you had stomach or pancreatic cancer or anything similar, you would not be able to eat. It would be too painful. Also your blood tests would be off.\r\nAnxiety, stress, over thinking, can wreak havoc on a body. I have had lifelong stress and anxiety, and I ended up getting severe gastritis on and off for several years. It was horrible and I know it was all because I allowed stress to take me over. Your symptoms could easily be due to the same thing and you ruminating about it now can definitely make it worse! The body can only take so much. \r\nI was convinced the gastritis ruined my stomach. I ended up getting an endoscopy and the doctor said my stomach is perfectly fine. After that, I completely relaxed and I haven’t had gastritis in three years. That just shows you the power of the mind. When we think negative, we are going to get negative results. And vice versa. If you want to be 100% sure that your stomach is OK you could ask for an endoscopy. For the intestines you would get a colonoscopy. For the pancreas would be a CT scan but it doesn’t sound like you have cancer because like I said, it would be way too painful to even eat. \r\nPlus, you said you’ve had G.I. issues your whole life. This might just be a flareup. Take care of yourself. That is the most important thing. Stay away from acidic foods and eat more alkaline foods. Those are easier on your stomach. Our thoughts are so powerful, so it’s important to be positive. Take care. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T23:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-and-gi-with-heart-scared-sick-and-cannot-stop-ruminating-801536?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda61305-1467166" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "The ruminating is just going to make it worse. There is a very strong connection between the brain and the stomach. That’s why you hear about people who have a lot of stress develop ulcers. It’s really important to stop looking everything up and ruminating. That’s how I got sick myself. All you can do is get things checked out and if everything is ok then do things to keep yourself, healthy like exercise, eating, healthy, socializing,. The worst thing you can do is sit around and think about it and read things online. And try to figure everything out. I did that, and it absolutely worsens everything. " ], "date": [ "2023-07-03T02:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stomach-and-gi-with-heart-scared-sick-and-cannot-stop-ruminating-801536?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Stomach and GI with heart, scared sick and cannot stop ruminating
Anyone who would chime in would be appreciated. I get this dull ache that comes for a couple weeks then disappears for a long time. It has been ongoing for a long time. I have had lifelong GI issues with not pathology. Like random nausea, a random bout of loose stools. Last week I went to the ED with some heart palpitations and this strong hunger sensation in my stomach. They did a chest X-ray nothing, EKG nothing, Blood Work was all perfect. I am shaking nervous to the point I am writing this. I am under extreme stress in general, work, family, finances. I do not smoke drink or eat poorly and I'm a healthy weight. The discomfort doesn't stop me from functioning. My appetite and bowels are normal. As a test I ate a 20 piece nugget (junkfood) the other day to see if I had any issues an I didn't but my stomach still has this discomfort. I am freaking out that it is stomach cancer or pancreatic cancer, bowel cancer or some ulcer about to perforate. It is not severe in nature, but I cannot stop thinking about it because my head is not ruminating 24/7 on how I feel. I literally and thinking about my stomach every waking moment. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, i have to say fortunately have not experienced any problems with weakness or pain but head pressure - without any doubt !! Head feels very foggy and tight and like it is pulsating, this also comes with strange head type rushes which have nearly pushed me off my feet. Had all the tests - nothing found - so I guess is down to anxiety / tension ? Nightmare, I cannot be rid of it !" ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T03:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-had-headache-head-pressure-weak-arms-and-legs-with-anxiety--764282?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "thanks for responding. Yes the head rashes are so weird. It happened to me yesterday while I was in a store. I had to just stop and do my breathing so that I could function. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T11:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-had-headache-head-pressure-weak-arms-and-legs-with-anxiety--764282?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jemma45213-1353756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jemma45213-1353756" ], "content": [ " yes Gemma, it’s an awful feeling. i’ve had this on and off for over 30 years. The only thing that helps a little bit is when I do meditations that include breathing exercises. they are sort of a hypnosis meditation where you are so relaxed it almost feels like you’re floating. \r\n another thing I started doing is completely changing my diet.no sugars especially. Sugar is an inflammatory and it aggravates anxiety. Hope you feel better soon take care " ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T18:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes i experience this all day everyday \r\nweakness and cramps in my arms hands and legs, my hands nearly feel rigid and uncomfortable at times, random shooting sensations in my fingers and extreme dizziness like i could collapse, i get this rising pressure feeling in my head and i feel it all over in my head, my ears, my eyes behind my nose, it csn be so extreme at times! its awful i just got loads of blood tests done today but everyone thinks its stress i dont know how to fix it" ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T07:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-had-headache-head-pressure-weak-arms-and-legs-with-anxiety--764282?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/diane73605-1347042" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi jan do u kno how i get my recent post up i've posted but i cant seem to find it seems like the message box where you used to find out where you posted that has disappeared since i was last on so im hoping some1 can help me find my post " ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T18:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-had-headache-head-pressure-weak-arms-and-legs-with-anxiety--764282?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gale_a84426-943558" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gale_a84426-943558" ], "content": [ "hi gale How are you doing?. I thought I lost you on here." ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T12:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "HI GALE! \r\n how have you been doing? I was wondering did you get the Covid vaccine because I thought you mentioned before that you did. If so, did it have any effect on your anxiety symptoms? Because I know a lot of people get neurological issues with the vaccine and I don’t want to make the ones I already have any worse. That’s my hesitancy. Anyway, I do hope you’re doing well . ❤" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T14:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Jan i replied to you on another post.....did mot see this one. But yes to all of your symptoms." ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T12:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-had-headache-head-pressure-weak-arms-and-legs-with-anxiety--764282?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/desperation-1315055" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/desperation-1315055" ], "content": [ "yes that happens to me also. I’m sorry you are going through this because I know exactly how it feels. I’ve had this on and off for over 30 years. I can’t take any caffeine at all because everything just gets worse. don’t know what we’ve done to deserve this. It’s not something that goes away after a week or a month and for some people for years. Just take one day at a time I think is the only thing we can do. ❤" ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T06:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Feels like there's a big rock lodged in my head causing unstable head feelings along with dizziness and confusion! Normal MRI findings.\r\nA cup of coffee will make these symptoms appear and anxiety resurfaces, my blood pressure would rise to 150/90." ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T06:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-had-headache-head-pressure-weak-arms-and-legs-with-anxiety--764282?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle09898-1391355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is exactly what I've been going through this past week. It comes over like a wave, the back of my head starts buzzing, pressure all in my head and face and it's like all my arm muscles and leg muscles turn to stone. I've had terrible internal vibrations in my body and head too. I think it's anxiety. I have been frightened to death by it. Today I've been letting it be there and staying calm and it's still there but not as bad.. its probably the adrenaline firing off I think. In the evening all of my body aches like I've run a marathon 🥴" ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T07:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-had-headache-head-pressure-weak-arms-and-legs-with-anxiety--764282?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/priscilla15321-1467137" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "does anyone know what this is? I feel like its more than my anxiety. I have bad bad hypochondria but ive never had these symptoms. i have tingling head pressure in one spot and muscles in my arms and legs are extremely weak. im also 30 weeks pregnant abd very depressed because i cant do a scan till i give birth. ive even left work because of how depressed its making me" ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T07:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/have-you-had-headache-head-pressure-weak-arms-and-legs-with-anxiety--764282?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Crazy anxiety suddenly comes on. Also with that comes weakness in arms and legs, headache, head pressure . Tell me I’m not the only one! ❤
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chimz2023-1467320" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "everyone responds differently to medication. Some people have no side effects and others have increased anxiety and sometimes panic. many of these medication’s initially cause a rise in anxiety. It can take up to 6 to 8 weeks for the full effect of the medication. to kick in. you may start to gradually feel better, but it’s difficult to tell. \r\nBut if you are really struggling, I would advise you to speak with your doctor. Maybe your doctor can make some adjustments. hope it all works out for you. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-29T15:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-on-citroplam-day-12-801696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur87286-1466721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chimz2023-1467320" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi!\r\n\r\nI really hope you will be getting better in no time!\r\n\r\nFirst, know that I am not taking the same medication but actually on 150 mg Sertraline (which is an SSRI too).\r\n\r\nSide effects might not be the same for both, but I had really exhausting side effects, especially for the first 3 to 4 weeks after starting it or even when upping the dose (25 to 50, then 100 and then 150). It including tremors, muscle twitching, restlesness, fatigue and so on, and I was feeling WAYY more anxious the first few weeks. A doctor then told me it was normal, because Sertraline increases the risk of panics attacks and anxiety (even depression) for weeks after starting / upping the dose. \r\n\r\nSo it might not sound relevant to your problem, but since Sertraline and Citolopram are both SSRI I believe there is common factors when taking them?\r\n\r\nHopefully someone will have a better answer for you, but if it can help relax a bit I would be glad! " ], "date": [ "2023-06-29T15:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-on-citroplam-day-12-801696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chimz2023-1467320" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey, i want to tell u something idk if it makes sense but im also super anxious person and all my life found something to be anxious. I realize being more anxious is causing even more its a vicious circle, I know this is hard but have you tried to let the thoughts pass by, I have been reading a lot researching and finally came to a conclusion that the more i let the thoughts pass by and the more I let them chill around the more i relax, there is a science behind it where some medicine industry tries to hid from us. anyway it might sound hard at first but worths trying, in the morning when you wake up in panic just tell yourself: hang on a second why are we panicking? you are just overwhelmed with the past experiences of current problems but just connect to your mind, ask what worse can it be? just let the thoughts pass by, i swear this will help you a lot! if it worked on me it can work on anyone, my anxiety was on skytocket(these days only due to ibs attacks it get triggered ) but you will be fine we have to let the thoughts go, you have to work on yourself, showing affection to yourself, hope it makes sense YOU wILL BE fINE :)" ], "date": [ "2023-06-29T21:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attacks-on-citroplam-day-12-801696?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Panic attacks on citroplam day 12
so my doctors put me on 10mg citroplam, im now on day 12 and the past couple of days i have been waking up to horrendous panic attacks, sweating, severe anxiety, really bad stomach ache which seems to be lasting right up until about 12-1pm, I'm really struggling, everything is making me so anxious.. I went into work yesterday but I was a mess I managed to stay throughout my shift but I work in retail so I have no but to work with the public so this has caused me more anxiety.. I was suppose to work today but a kind work colleague of mine has taken my shift and work has let me use holiday so I don't lose the money.. I'm suppose to be at work tomorrow.. please can someone tell me this is normal and will get better.. thanks for reading and listening
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cosmichorizon-1252798" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, those floaters are very common when people are undergoing stress. They’re not harmful. I had them beginning in my late 20s and they continued off and on . Mine were due to long-term stress and anxiety. My eye check ups were perfectly normal. after a while, I didn’t even notice them anymore because the brain has a way of tuning them out.\r\njust get your regular eye exams and let the doctor know if anything changes. But I’m thinking that once you can. manage The anxiety, perhaps they will diminish or go away. we went through this with our mother and just make sure that you are taking care of yourself because a lot of caregivers forget to do that. That way you can be stronger for your mother. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-07-01T18:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/seeing-floater-type-shapes-briefly-801757?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Seeing floater-type shapes briefly
I'm getting these visual anomalies that look like a string of floaters that fade away after only 1 second, 2 seconds tops. And they seem to only occur when I'm feeling very stressed. My mother is suffering from advanced vascular dementia and this is precipitating this stress. Anyone else experienced anything similar related to stress or otherwise?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becs80-1465644" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/krissym84-1390063" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/krissym84-1390063" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/becs80-1465644" ], "content": [ "Thanks for your reply! Glad I'm not alone (Not glad but glad I'm not super weird and crazy) . It's the weirdest symptom I think I've had. I used to get all the other symptoms of Anxiety/Panic disorder but this was a new one after I started the Paxil. I also found one other person on Reddit that experienced the same thing recently as well. It's one symptom I could gladly do without! I hope you are doing well and take care 😊 " ], "date": [ "2023-06-27T12:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "So its not just me! I know you posted this a while ago but I'm new here, massive panic attack 3 months ago, have had severe anxiety/panic disorder ever since, have had every symptom under the sun and several trips to the ER. Been on Sertraline 50mg for 5 weeks, still waking hoping and waiting for it to kick in :( but for the first time yesterday this exact thing happened to me and I absolutely freaked out, never happened before... must be 1 of my new symptoms. very horrible feeling.\r\n\r\nall the best to you and thanks for sharing" ], "date": [ "2023-06-06T21:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-panic-attack-symptoms-heat-all-over-body-weird-tongue-feeling--799296?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Weird Panic Attack Symptoms (Heat all over body, Weird tongue feeling)
I have been on Paxil for a little over 2 years. It works well, I don't really have complaints. But, when I do have a panic attack, I have such weird symptoms. My heart rate goes up (Normal for anxiety/panic) but I also get this weird heat through out my whole body and my tongue feels weird. The heat is unbelievable. It almost feels like a burning in various parts of my body (even private regions). I had an episode this morning (they don't happen very often I think the last one was over 8 months ago) but I had bent over to pick something up, saw stars (probably because I'm congested) and just spiraled. So I'm just wondering if anyone else experiences this. It wasn't something I had before starting Paxil but since starting, has probably happened about 5x. Thank you for listening.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah59659-1467208" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah59659-1467208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "content": [ "Thank you. I don't have any physical symptoms today other than my stomach is in knots. My anxious part of my brain is still saying \"what if I have been poisoned and it's slowly affecting my digestive system?\" but that's not true and it's instead my anxiety making my stomach feel like that right?? I was with a friend last night and noticed that while I was talking to him I felt mostly fine but then occasionally throughout the night my stomach would churn and I'd worry again. Then I woke up in the night with my stomach in knots and now am worrying again. I did some breathing exercises to ease it and get back to sleep but this morning my stomach is in knots again and the anxiety has resumed :(" ], "date": [ "2023-06-27T07:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah59659-1467208" ], "content": [ "i understand that I am experiencing anxiety in different ways but more it less i understand your feeling, our focus creates our reality if you focus on poisoning your subcobcious will create similar effects as if you are poisoned, and it is so normal to feel knots in your stomach because digestive system stomach and bowels are the main organs that directly gets effected by anxiety and stress ☺ dw you are 100% fine people who have analgam teeth fillers are getting them slowly poisoned due to mercury, there is no such thing as slow poisoning when it comes to eat/lick /swallow someethibg poisonous plus those substances are not prepared to be able to poison people, or so many ppl would accidentoy die! you are completeley fine ☺" ], "date": [ "2023-06-27T10:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello Hannah, I think for you to be poisoned you need to drink the whole bottle, you will just be fine, sometimes when i use sunscreen i feel the taste in my mouth it is not a pleasant taste but we don't get poisoned from such I assure you! hope you are feeling better ❤" ], "date": [ "2023-06-26T12:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-ingested-gym-spray--801561?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah59659-1467208" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah59659-1467208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you. Do you think on those occasions you ever accidentally wiped your hand on your mouth?\r\n\r\nI don't have any physical symptoms today other than my stomach is in knots. My anxious part of my brain is still saying \"what if I have been poisoned and it's slowly affecting my digestive system?\" but that's not true and it's instead my anxiety making my stomach feel like that right?? I was with a friend last night and noticed that while I was talking to him I felt mostly fine but then occasionally throughout the night my stomach would churn and I'd worry again. Then I woke up in the night with my stomach in knots and now am worrying again. I did some breathing exercises to ease it and get back to sleep but this morning my stomach is in knots again and the anxiety has resumed :(" ], "date": [ "2023-06-27T07:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "you are fine. You didn’t spray it into your mouth. I can’t tell you how many times I got that spray on my hand and I am perfectly healthy. I’ve been working out for over 20 years. There are all kinds of products that we accidentally get on our skin and we simply wash it off. There’s no way to avoid it during the course of our life time. I’ve had sprays of all kinds, get on my skin, like furniture, spray, cleaning spray, bug spray, etc. If I worried about all of those and others, I would be going crazy. Sometimes we smell a product and think we are tasting it. \r\nas long as you’re not drinking it you’re fine. There are things that we actually do eat that are way worse than the cleaning spray you got on your skin. One of them is sugar, which is very bad for our health. So relax everything is OK! " ], "date": [ "2023-06-26T12:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-ingested-gym-spray--801561?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Panic - ingested gym spray?
Hi, I went to the gym this morning and accidentally sprayed a bit of the gym cleaning spray on the back of my left hand. I didn't really think anything of it until a little while later when I was doing some other weights and suddenly felt a funny taste in my mouth. I'm now in a massive panic that I've ingested the gym cleaning product and that I'm being poisoned. Please can someone help alleviate my concerns? I'm feeling physically ok apart from very anxious. I feel like I can still taste the funny taste in my mouth despite brushing my teeth and having something to eat. please help :(
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "hmm the\r\nname of the antibiotic was Kefeksin in my country, I startes taking ut and in the evening it gave me this crazy panic feeling and during that time I was eating :( this whole thing feels like an equation with many unknowns and few weeks ago I had my second doom feeling when i was eating and today had the third one, btw I was gonna private message you but could not , I am also female and im 40" ], "date": [ "2023-06-24T21:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/what44837-1466948" ], "content": [ "Ah ok, not the same one as me. Yes, for some reason I can't receive DM's, I have tried changing this in settings but no luck" ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T08:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nAs a replied in the other post I do get this occasionally and I actually did have a bad period with that a few years ago but that seems to have improved quite a lot now.\r\n\r\nJust out of curiosity, which antibiotic did you take? I ask because I had a truly terrible experience with an antibiotic some years ago and most of my bowel issues did start after that.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-24T20:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-panic-attack-symptoms-during-and-after-food-801496?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety/Panic attack symptoms during and after food
Hello everyone, I realized this started almost half a year ago..I was eating and suddenly felt that intense "doom" feeling as if something so bad gonna happen, I started to have panic attack and cried and talked on the phone for hours with people I know then, that week was horrible...anyway somehow I moved on and thought it was due to an antibiotic I used, few weeks ago I saw down to eat with a friend and same feeling appeared I felt horrible and acted like everything is normal but an immense doom is coming feeling was taking over and I instantly lost my apetite even :( I kinda managed the symptoms better for the second time but these days I realize I feel extra bad at times while eating or before bowel movements :( I am suspecting that I have IBS and Gerd but It is so difficult to handle these moments as they feel so real and i dont know if any of you having similar problems while eating :(
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xmaryx-742877" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/xmaryx-742877" ], "content": [ "I considered this last year when I had chest pain and I bought antacids (not pepto) I tried them once and I was fine but couldn’t tell if there was a difference and I haven’t tried them since. I’ll give it a go a second time though.\r\nI do notice my stomach is really noisy after I eat even something small and I have A LOT of mucus buildup in my throat and have had that for months so reflux is always in the back of my mind.\r\nBut would it make specific rib bones tender to touch though? It’s not hurting from the bones pushing on anything it the bone specifically hurts and only in small different spots." ], "date": [ "2018-02-15T23:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mohammedadam-1335157" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/xmaryx-742877" ], "content": [ "The Anxiety go down not like before but I fell hot coming out from my body one hour after I eat and muscle tens near my center spinal code, acid use to trigger my ulcers and some time I have anger easily.\r\n\r\nBut I can now \r\nSleep\r\nExercise\r\nMeet few friend s\r\nBath\r\nWhatch TV\r\nGo online\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-09-28T17:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Do you feel a burning in your stomach and are having burping sometimes? Sounds like gastritis (irritated stomach) and/or acid reflux. It can get quite painful and move around to your side and even your back. I&#39;m healing mine now, but I also got anxious about it thinking it was my heart, gall bladder, etc. which only made it worse. Here&#39;s something I came up with that might help you find out quickly. Get some Peptol Bismol tablets (or liquid) and take a dose. If the pain disappears like&#160; magic within a half hour or so, it&#39;s a good indicator that it&#39;s just acid. Pepto temporarily coats the stomach blocking the acid from irritating it. It only lasts about an hour or two, but at least then you can tell it&#39;s just acid and not something else. I&#39;ve been taking Nexium for a week and after 4 days the pain finally went away. If the Pepto doesn&#39;t work, it might just be soreness from coughing. (Acid reflux will cause coughing and throat clearing, too).&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-15T22:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/xmaryx-742877" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/xmaryx-742877" ], "content": [ "Oh that answered my question haha sorry. Thanks for the input I’ll try taking them again and see what happens. I have pain even before I eat/drink in the morning so I’m not sure but fingers crossed." ], "date": [ "2018-02-15T23:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I should also mention I get the tender rib pain when I get gastritis. I also thought it was costochondritis or a bruised rib. It was worse when I sat. No pain in the morning until I started drinking coffee." ], "date": [ "2018-02-15T22:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "content": [ "I’ve had an irrational fear of appendicitis like my entire life haha I’m pretty it’s where my health anxiety comes from.  I always check to see if it hurts to press down on the area when my right abdomen hurts which probably will just irritate my appendix in the long run.\r\nI do attribute most things to anxiety anymore mostly to get past them since I know any doctors I see will do the same anyway but I can’t imagine how my ribs would be tender from anxiety. Unless it’s costo which I’ve seen can be from anxiety I just don’t understand. I did do heavy lifting about 2-3 days before I got this pain so I’ve been wondering if it’s correlated but idk...it just feels like all these symptoms are one mystery after another. I also had one of my mini panic attacks the day before I noticed it and also had insanely bad nausea but I don’t think the nausea was from anxiety i had Burger King the night before and then woke up feeeling awful and bloated with indigestion and I think it triggered my anxiety attack. It’s crazy." ], "date": [ "2018-02-16T01:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "content": [ "<p>Yea I think your fine you just need to relax mentally and tell yourself your ok.. but idk my stomach just seem so wierd.. I do the same thing as you though lol press on I&#39;m lower right side.. but my stomach hurt that I don&#39;t want to eat and I&#39;m really nausea it just don&#39;t seem normal.. and it brings me shortness of breath sometimes. So idk just thinking about gave me semi panicking right now I just want to get better .. but I think your rib pain is nothing&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-16T12:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>As far as I know I don&#39;t have gastritis I have a appointment Monday to get my stomach checked because I almost have appendicitis type pains now.. but I always got rib pains frequently and I also had that feeling like u said mucus in your chest uhhh that was so annoying but thank goodness that went away.. the rib pain still comes and goes I just choose to ignore it because I been to the dr and they keep sending me home sayin it&#39;s anxiety so now I just ignore everything unless I&#39;m severely in pain.. my stomach kind of stops me from eating some days so I need to see a dr for that.. but I think the rib pain might just be anxiety&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-16T00:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/spiral135-1201116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brad14787-1334442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/spiral135-1201116" ], "content": [ "Hi, any answer to your symptoms? i am hoping that someone in this forum has found a resolution and will clue me in. i have had the same exact symptoms" ], "date": [ "2020-09-23T03:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren34626-1467179" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/spiral135-1201116" ], "content": [ "hey i know its long after the post but did you ever find out?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T20:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Did you ever get to the bottom of this? Your story sounds verbatim like mine. Hope you are feeling better. " ], "date": [ "2020-09-23T03:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/navneet37075-1205825" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brad14787-1334442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/navneet37075-1205825" ], "content": [ "Hi, Navneet. Did you get answers ? i have has this Same issue and want to know if anyone has an answer " ], "date": [ "2020-09-23T03:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey Stacy did you ever get to the bottom of this? I feel the same way, would like to know what you found out." ], "date": [ "2018-09-03T08:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/evelyn32813-1297797" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brad14787-1334442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/evelyn32813-1297797" ], "content": [ "Hi, Evelyn. Did you get any answers. i have been experiencing the same exact symptoms and hoping someone has found an answer" ], "date": [ "2020-09-23T03:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i have never responded to any forum like thtis until i came across yours iam beside myself that our symptoms are exact! i have had everything under the sun tested i do have anxiety and i feel anxiety makes it worse but that cant be the reason nehind our rib pain this all began for me nov 14 its now feb 25th:( ive had mri of my spine, ultra sound of my entire stomach( thinking maybe its gallbladder related or pancreas) all blood work everything came back good all i do is lay in bed when i work i have to come home because my ribs hurt so bad. i now see the physical therapist she really thinks its a rib dysfunction . another doc is saying maybe a chronic costochondritis . i feel its never going to get better all i did was rake my yard and the next day i had terrible cramps in my ribs. i hope you find out whats causing tour pain" ], "date": [ "2020-02-26T02:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brad14787-1334442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren34626-1467179" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brad14787-1334442" ], "content": [ "hi brad, did you ever get any clarity on the issue? I'm struggling right now and bloods, x-ray, chest etc all sound fine?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-25T20:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I’m the Same as the last three people who are so anxious to hear if you got answers to your symptoms... you have described exactly what I’ve been experiencing with rib pain. Did any of you recent commenters get any resolution? " ], "date": [ "2020-09-23T03:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/randall28657-1297771" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brad14787-1334442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/randall28657-1297771" ], "content": [ "Thanks for replying to this thread. I will share what I find out from Doctors etc as well. after 6 visits or so to different doctors, including blood draws, they have no conclusive answers for me. " ], "date": [ "2020-09-28T13:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/randall28657-1297771" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brad14787-1334442" ], "content": [ "im right there with you my friend. i was prescribed citalopram back in January and seems like everything has been a roller coaster since then. I wish I could get something definitive found but nothing to speak of yet" ], "date": [ "2020-09-28T16:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I dont know if anyone has found answers to the rib pain, but I figured I would tell my story as I see a lot of commonality here. \r\nI think we cab all agree that 2020 sucks horribly. \r\nbut early in the year I began having all sorts of weird symptoms and feeling as though I was seriously ill.\r\nit has always involved a lot of abdominal/digestive issues. \r\nthis lead to a multitude of x rays, several blood draws, an abdominal ultrasound, upper and lower gi endoscopy and a hida scan to check my bile tract.....all of which with no conclusive findings so far.\r\nI feel as if im exhausted most of the time and physically weak like I dont have the energy to do the things I used to do on a daily basis. \r\nfor about the last month or so I have the discomfort in my right ribs like the original poster described. its never excruciating, but just constantly uncomfortable. \r\nim going to start taking a probiotic regularly and see if it helps my digestive issues and maybe the rest will follow if it does. \r\nI should also add that my lower gi endoscopy was just on Friday and I haven't got full results yet. they only said that they hadn't found anything requiring immediate attention. they did take some biopsy material and samples to culture for bacterial infection, but I dont imagine i will hear anything about the results for a bit. \r\nI will gladly let everyone know if I get any answers from the testing and hope you will all do the same" ], "date": [ "2020-09-28T12:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire12259-436027" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Stacey\r\nHave you heard of rib pain anxiety syndrome? You could have that xx" ], "date": [ "2020-11-01T18:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daesayuki-1387755" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ive experienced the same thing and on top of that back pain, as well as a bit of asthma/tightness of the chest.\r\n\r\nFrom my psychologist and remedial massage therapist, they've said it's most likely a symptom of high anxiety.\r\n\r\nWhen you're under a lot of stress or experience a lot of anxiety, you tend to take shorter breathes out of habit. Also in combination with low moods, means less physical activity and so poor posture. I tend to get absorbed in work or use my laptop/phone more, so this explanation was applicable to me. Anyways, this lead to slouching alongside consistent shorter breathes, encourages rounded shoulders, upper body to sort of slightly hunch forwards curling in on itself and our ribs to lower. There's more pressure on mid section of our body, over time this causes pain in that same area. \r\n\r\nFixing this is a matter of solving anxiety as the cause of the issue. But that's easier said than done. \r\n\r\nMental health is a long time journey but in the meantime, these are some things that helped me asap.\r\n1. Do something that relaxes you or take a break\r\n2. Take deep breathes, while sitting or standing straight. Focus on breathing into your chest, roll back your shoulder and then relax each part of your body." ], "date": [ "2021-07-15T20:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean1215-1395439" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey54711-1029840" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everyone, i've been going through the same thing/symptoms. i do Crossfit and believe this has been bought on by over exertion. To the point where i ended up in A and E convinced i was having a heart attack. \r\nmy breathing has suffered and caused anxiety. I was convinced it was either coschindritis or somthing very serious.\r\nive been trying to sleep on the uneffected side. but tonight was so bad i rolled onto the left side and something released! i cabt exsplain my relief but i can almost feel its teethering on popping back out. \r\njust relieved its fixable as ive been going out of my mind with anxiety. \r\ni hope this helps everyone " ], "date": [ "2021-09-01T23:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/rib-pain-really-anxious-638367?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Rib Pain really anxious
I dealt with bad anxiety last year where I had really bad chest pains and would google every symptom and my doctors told me anxiety and left it at that. These symptoms all disappeared during the summer when I was distracted with traveling and was really happy but then I came back and all my terrible thoughts came back. So the past couple of months I’ve dealt with a lot. The first and worst of which is i now can no longer go out to lunch/dinner with my family or I have a mini panic attack (I get severly nauseaous and hot and feel like I’ll faint or throw up) and I think it’s because it’s an inescapable place and I hide most of my anxiety from my family because they make my anxiety way worse when they worry so my body panics when I can’t hide from them knowing they’ll notice something is wrong. I’m in college so I don’t have to deal with this a lot as I don’t live at home but sometimes they visit and I have to fake having my period or something to avoid these situations. Now the past month or so I’ve had multiple things. First I thought I had a chest cold because I’ve had a non productive cough and felt like there was mucus in my chest. I went to the doctor who listened to my lungs and everything and determined if it was anything it was a mild cold but there wasn’t anything in my lungs. The funny thing about that is my coughing stopped almost entirely immediately after the appointment. But now I’ve had rib pain. It first started one night when I rolled over and felt a twinge of pain when my arm hit my one rib bone (on the right side). I started pressing that bone and realized it was tender to touch. the pain started radiating to my entire side but then I fell asleep. When I woke up the pain was gone until I started touching that same bone and felt exactly where it was tender to touch. Then the pain again radiated my entire side. I was obsessively touching it wondering if I could feel a tumor or lump there. Sometimes I convinced myself I felt something but then I couldn’t feel it again. The bone that hurt is my very bottom rib or the second one from the bottom. I realized the rib feels kinda like it’s sitting on top of the rib Above it? I decided it might be displaced ribs because the same rib on my left side doesn’t feel like that but a couple of days later my left side started hurting too. Certain ribs on both sides are now tender to touch. On my left side the bone that hurts is further up, closer to my chest but still completely on my side. Like it’s the sides of my body that hurt when these pains radiate. Everywhere I search says costochondritis but none of the pain is near the center rib bone and it’s mostly on the bottom. I’m getting it checked out in a few days but I’m wary. I’m scared it’s bone cancer or something terrible but also the doctor Will attribute it to anxiety most likely. I’m tired of always being scared.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah47101-1310866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, i know its been a while but i am going through the same as you at the moment, i have an MRI next week to see if its anything to do with that. \r\n\r\ni feel zoned out i am dizzy and i feel like i will pass out at any point. do you get headaches? today i have a headache all over my head...\r\n\r\nso you get a weird dropping sensation in your body? \r\n\r\ni dont know what to do anymore this is so scary! x" ], "date": [ "2020-11-27T22:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy31027-1330273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/magic1231-1344192" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy31027-1330273" ], "content": [ "I'm currently going through the exact same thing... I feel so miserable. Hows your sleep? mines been awful, started taking a nytol for the past two nights. I get head jolts everytime instant to drift off. I seem to feel worse in the morning, totally out of it... weird mind to body sensation, a sort of vibration throughout my body. SO much head pressure.. hard to explain.\r\nI'm so sorry you're suffering too and others, I feel your pain. I've been in tears today xxx" ], "date": [ "2020-11-27T22:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wayne59157-1348229" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/magic1231-1344192" ], "content": [ "good afternoon and merry Christmas to.you.\r\nI have been suffering with many similar symptoms for about 6 weeks now and I am also concerned by them.\r\nmy symptoms started with pain around the eyes and my vision seemed to be getting worse to a point where everything seemed blurry all the time unless it was close reading. \r\nalongside this in was struggling a little with my balance and feeling very spaced out and not with it most of the time. I feel very nausea most days, have head pressure and some days feel dizzy and a little disorientated. I also feel chills and sometimes sweating, notice I have a rapid heartbeat and feel tired. most days my stomach seems to churn most of the day particularly at night. \r\nI.went for an eye test about 4 weeks ago and was.diagnosed with myopia (short sightedness) and have now had glasses for 3 weeks nearly. this has helped with my vision but all of he other symptoms remain. in addition I have noticed that I have started to get body jerks mainly in bed for the least week or 2. I have quite bad health anxiety as I am normally a fit healthy 39 year old male that has always been very active and kept very fit several times per week. in the last 6 weeks since feeling like this I haven't done any exercise other than the standard walking to work etc.\r\nI have so many symptoms I do t know what to make of them. have you found any relief yet? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-12-25T12:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy31027-1330273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/magic1231-1344192" ], "content": [ "When I first began having these symptoms I also could not sleep and I also experienced head jolts! I was put on ADCO Zolpidem for insomnia and they would help with me falling asleep but then I would still wake up during the night with the head jolts and head pressure. The head pressure is definitely hard to explain, its more of an uncomfortable feeling and kind of feels like my head is caving in on itself? Fortunately I no longer struggle with sleep but every morning I still wake up with dread knowing that it's another day of being symptomatic and having no explanation for it... Please keep me updated with how you are feeling. I'm sure we can make it through this somehow xx" ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T07:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica37569-1391512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy31027-1330273" ], "content": [ "did it ever go away?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T22:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, have you ever found relief for these symptoms? I'm a 22 year old female and I have been going through the same thing for 6 months now and really starting to worry that the rest of my life is going to be this way. I am constantly spaced out and have a constant pressure in my head and eyes, and I have a faint ringing in my ears. At times I also find my body goes numb and I get dizzy. The worst symptom for me though is the spaced out feeling or \"brain fog,\" no matter what I do it never goes away and because of this I am always extremely anxious. Over the last 6 months I've had blood tests, (my b12 was low but I'm on supplements now and still feel the same) a MRI, sports massages and taken antibiotics for possible sinus infection but nothing helped. Out of desperation I even tried taking anti-depressants even though I knew I wasn't depressed. I am also frustrated that doctors keep assuming the problem is psychological, even the neurologist sent me off with tabs for stress which I've never felt I've needed to use. I then saw a homeopath who made a guess about me having problems with my Adrenal glands, but the tinctures he gave me for this didn't help either. I am now wondering if it may be a vestibular problem? But I'm just so tired of having tests done and never finding anything wrong. I feel so hopeless and as though my life will never be the same again. If anyone could give me some advice or words of encouragement it would be much appreciated. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-11T05:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " I'm usually always healthy physically, but I struggle with mental health.. I'm 23 years old that has been dealing with anxiety for a good 8 years now and I always feel spaced out 24/7 along with shortness of breath. For the past three weeks now I been dealing with stomach pains and discomfort in my bellybutton area that is causing me concern. I notice every time I eat now I get full rather very easily and I feel like my chest is tight. I'm always physically worried about my health and this has been a loop for me constantly. I want to see my doctor again, but I feel like I will waste my doctor's time like last time when he diagnosed me when I kept complaining about my throat problem and it was a nasal drip that was irritating my throat. He kept telling me I stress out too much and I should change my lifestyle more, but it's hard to. I just work full time and go home. It's the same routine, I barely go out now due to the virus so I only go out when I really have to. I'm not sure how to tell my mind that everything will be okay. I never had any help with my anxiety disorder and I feel like my symptoms got even more worst.. I also feel detached a lot too. It's like a cycle that never ends." ], "date": [ "2020-11-28T12:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joshuapryce1987-1348499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It is normal to experience health problems when having children. The most common thing is weight gain, we both know that. The mental state can also be affected by having children. It will get better over time, it could be a hormonal thing. Its natural for women to experience these things. Just remain focused and keep jogging on, and over time things will get back to normal for you. Not enough sleep can also affect mental health." ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T17:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joshuapryce1987-1348499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It is normal to experience health problems when having children. The most common thing is weight gain, we both know that. The mental state can also be affected by having children. It will get better over time, it could be a hormonal thing. Its natural for women to experience these things. Just remain focused and keep jogging on, and over time things will get back to normal for you. Not enough sleep can also affect mental health." ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T17:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth79895-1375596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey guys, i think im going through the same thing. my eyes are blurry, im not myself, it feels like im not even here, im constantly thinking im dying. has anyone gotten better yet? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T10:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1379448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T11:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica37569-1391512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did you figure out what was wrong and did you fix it because i've been feeling like this for the past month. please respond" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T22:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylor12624-1391520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This literally feels like I couldve typed that out. About one month after I had my son, every single day I would (and still) feel \"out of it\" and spaced out. I don't know what to do and I feel like something is really wrong with me or I'm going insane. I feel like I can't do anything and it's making me so depressed that I feel this way every day all day. Did you ever find something that helped you???" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T22:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rob26350-1393052" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey I so so know where your coming from.i feel that exact same way now for the last 4-5 months now.mine started after I got a bad cold and it didn't away for like 2 and a half weeks and 2 rounds of antibiotics.when I got sick it was 3 years ago and ever since then I had this same problem but the last 4-5 months now it's been like ever other day now.i went to the doctors only to be told it's dehydration or my fibromyalgia that I have.i own a business so I talk to a lot of people from all over and all walks of life and I hate to say it but we are not alone feeling like this.i know lots of people who either have it or know someone who does and they got the same weird diagnosis of dehydration.doesn't make any sense to me though.iv been drinking tons of water lately for. the last week and no difference what so ever!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T00:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stef51310-1400121" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " I first went through this about 5-6 months ago, and again now. What everyone has been describing here is spot on. Just a chronic spacey, dizzy, lightheaded feeling sprinkled with some depersonalization/derealization. I'm constantly exhausted as well even after sleeping for 8+ hours \r\n \r\n I first noticed something was off when I begun having weird auditory sensations. Like a muffled/underwater/hearing loss sound accompanied by ringing that lasted several seconds. This is something i'd experience occasionally (once in a blue moon), but it started to happen more frequently the week prior to the above symptoms. I would also experience lightheaded sensations randomly a few times a day as well as some inner ear pain.\r\n \r\nThen one day an hour after waking up, all of the symptoms being described in this thread were present. \r\n\r\nI gave it a week hoping things would improve but no such luck. I decided to go to the doctor in case it was inner-ear related. No infection. Gave it another week, no improvement. Went to another doctor, was told it was likely anxiety related. I powered through and did my best to live my life normally even though i mostly felt like crap. \r\n\r\nThen one day I woke up and felt fine. \r\n\r\nI wish i could pinpoint exactly when this was but i cant. The only thing i can say for sure is that my symptoms lasted for about 2 or 3 months. \r\n\r\nFast forward to last week. I'm lying in bed trying to fall asleep and i get the muffled/underwater/ringing noise. I had forgotten that my last episode began with this so i didnt think anything of it. A few days later and all of the symptoms have reappeared. \r\n\r\nI want to cry because I thought this was over with. Just a day before I got the auditory sensation, I closed the tabs on my computer from when i was first researching this and thought \"i'm so glad that went away.\" I guess i jinxed it lol. \r\n\r\nI'm going to start taking vitamin D to see if that helps. It started to get nice outside at the same time my symptoms went away before, so i'm really hoping there's a correlation there. \r\n\r\nI also might see an ENT specialist to see if perhaps theres something going on in my ear canal as i've been noticing some pretty intense ear pain recently. \r\n\r\nLove and light to everybody here. We'll get through this :)\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-10-02T20:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iris_bc-1215898" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iris_bc-1215898" ], "content": [ "hello. this reply helped me! i started experiecning this feeling around the start of February. Later on i had a blood test and found out i had low vitamin d. so i took the medicines for that and finished it. however i didnt feel a difference and i was still experiencing this feeling. around 2 months ago now, i went back to the doctors (my parents thought whatever was happeneing to me had gone away after the vitamin d but it didnt) and this was for a patch of hair loss on my head.i had started to lose abit of hair ar the top a few months before february. we had been to doctors who all said to wait and see how it grows but then we went back again that time for a special appointment. with a special doctor. i was told i had an iron defiency so i took medicine for that. only finished taking the medicine a month ago. i do feel a bit less spaced out nowadays but its still rlly bad. im always tired too. \r\nalso can i just point out that the way this feels is exactly like something i found called DPD or DEPERSONALISATION DISORDER. its caused by trauma or severe stress which is not my case.just wanted to say its the wxact same fewling " ], "date": [ "2018-11-03T08:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there, how are you? :) \r\nI hope you're doing better. Have you solved your mystery?\r\nI read your post and it sounds like you might have an iron deficiency.\r\nHave you lost hair recently? Is your skin pale? Do you have bags under eyes, and/or a bleuish tint? Anaemia can make you feel dizzy and tired, as you are lacking the oxygen, it also hard to focus. Without oxygen, we are just too tired to do anything. Iron is also needed in the conversion of serotonin, the happy hormone, so we can also feel depressed.. As you just gave birth, you might have lost a lot of blood, childbirth can make you anaemic. As you lost blood, your pressure can get low, make your heart pump faster to balance the blood loss.\r\nPlease get a blood test done and ask for iron studies! \r\nLet me know how you go." ], "date": [ "2018-10-30T12:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darren01096-1237173" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darren01096-1237173" ], "content": [ "ive been experiencing this since last year february start. you can read my reply above from ages ago where i described my condition. i took iron and vit d supplements too but did not help whatsoever. i have never been depressed or been through any trauma (this could cause dp or dpd). It is still going on and im learning to put up eith it. it happens on a daily basis but i dont fully notice it. some days, things like thinking about it or zoning out or lighting being too dim or too dark triggers it. and it gets really bad. space floaters in my eye teigger it as well where i might start focusing on the floaters and worrying and then i zone out. when i zone out badly, i cant do anything and i must go home from school and just sit in my room with nobody around me. it takes 1-2 days for the severe surreal feeling to go nack to my light one. I found something called BRAIN FOG and im thinking i may have that. i was quite stressed about exams when this started up and i do lack lots of focus nowadays. but the feeling described in brain fog doesnt fully match my feeling. im still figuring it out but at least these help me remember im not alone :)" ], "date": [ "2019-04-22T10:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lozzer14-1245794" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darren01096-1237173" ], "content": [ "Hi Darren,\r\n\r\nI feel exactly the same and have been for 1 year now. Had blood tests, MRI scans, eye exams all came back normal. I am suffering with anxiety/depression and am on sertraline but dont think this is helping me at all. I wake up every day tired, spaced out & dizzy haven't felt myself for all this time, have you tried anything else as yet? I might try some Vit D pills soon. Hope it clears up soon, all the best." ], "date": [ "2019-05-22T07:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i got told i have low vitamin d iv been taking supplements for about a year no no improvement !! iv had all the blood tests done everything ! iv been on 4 different anti depresents ! its been about 4 years iv felt like this ! if anything i feel like im getting worse ! i get really bad eye floaters spaced out feel as if im not there surreal feeling nothing gets rid of it ! im doin less n less each day ! iv missed out on so much ! " ], "date": [ "2019-03-29T09:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james82280-1300929" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "content": [ "Hey, here2help.\r\n\r\niv'e just sat down and read all the comments in this thread for\r\nthe past hour and geeze can i relate myself to these symptoms!!\r\n\r\nOn Wednesday just gone, (11th March) i started to feel spaced out and weird at work and my vision went all blurry and i had to stop work and have not felt the same since.\r\n\r\nI just don't feel motivated at all and everything around me when my eyes are open feels spacey and weird! I cannot really explain it and its actually scaring me.\r\n\r\ni went to the doctors yesterday and he said i had to keep myself hydrated and to start eating more healthy, as to be fair i do not drink enough water daily nor do i ever eat fruit and veg.\r\n\r\nMaybe this is my body's way of telling me to start looking after myself more?!\r\n\r\nI want to try nip this is the bud now and get on top of it, as i do not really want to have this feeling for years on end. \r\n\r\nAre you able to e-mail me and help me through this please.\r\n\r\nKind regards \r\nJames " ], "date": [ "2020-03-13T19:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey there, check my previous posts to see my experience. \r\n\r\nMy belief is that a lot of the time these sensations have emotional causes. Repressed emotions can create the feeling of a numb, foggy state. \r\n\r\nFeel free to message me via email to discuss how I healed, it takes time, commitment and is the beginning of self love and acceptance. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\n\r\nMike \r\n\r\n**Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.**" ], "date": [ "2020-03-13T18:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lozzer14-1245794" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "content": [ "Hi there, im really struggling with exactly the same symptoms for over a year now, have you managed to find anything that works for you any help is much appreciated, feel like im trapped! Thanks." ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T11:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lozzer14-1245794" ], "content": [ "Hey,\r\n\r\nI may be able to help. I sent you a private message. \r\n\r\nMike " ], "date": [ "2019-09-24T15:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi\r\nJust looking through these messages and can associate with a lot of the symptoms describe here. Just about every day (particularly at work) I can sense a building pressure / fuzziness / fog slowly building in my head. For example this morning when waking up felt ok (ish) but now at late morning at my desk I feel head pressure / slight dizziness and fuzzy (if this makes any sense) in the head. I also experience what I can only describe as head rushes (like being in a lift which suddenly drops) and my eyesight feels strange - like looking at the world through curtains. When feeling like this I find any social interaction very difficult to deal with, if somebody is talking to me at any length it will almost feel unbearable.\r\n\r\nI thought there must be something physically wrong with me so went to see Doctors / Nuerologist and eventually an MRI scan on the head which I was very suprsied that all came back clear. I was prescribed with Amitriptyline and now Nortriptyline to help me cope with the tension style headaches but unfortunately this doesn't really seemed to have helped much as I still feel very odd at times and don;t want to rely on drugs for the rest of my life.\r\n\r\nLike earlier posters, I would just like to feel like a normal human being again - can anyone confirm that this is definitely anxiety / stress / tension causing these problems ? It's driving me mad :(\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T11:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/austin84948-1253206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/austin84948-1253206" ], "content": [ "I Sent you a PM . \r\n\r\nWarmly, \r\n\r\nMike " ], "date": [ "2019-09-16T17:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "this is exactly how ive been feeling and i can barely sleep at night and feel like i have to take deep breaths but i cant, i feel like im just going crazy , i know this is forever ago but if someone would reply it would be amazing " ], "date": [ "2019-07-06T15:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelsey51163-1268977" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello\r\n\r\nI couldn't find a better place to share my experience as so much of what everyone is saying applies to how I am feeling. \r\n\r\nI am having the worst time with the symptoms described here.... Head feels heavy, spaced out, numbness, and other feelings that are almost too difficult to describe. I am having major issues with my anxiety too but I think it's because my head feels this way... I feel crazy and it works me up. I am also extremely irritable. \r\n\r\nI've had these issues in the past and was put on an SNRI for years. It helped with my anxiety and at times my head felt better.. But I feel like it's been a long time since I felt really clear headed.. \r\n\r\nA couple of months ago I decided to wean off my meds under my doctor's care and now I've been completely off of them for 3 weeks! I got through all of the withdrawal (terrible) and perhaps this is the remaining bit of it but it I have a feeling it's not as I have dealt with this in the past. \r\n\r\nThe majority of this post is just to get it in writing and possibly a discussion as sometimes that even helps. I just know there has to be a way out of this! I have a good life, good friends, family. I play sports and spend time outdoors often. There just has to be a way to feel good and normal! I am going to seriously look into this vitimin D deficiency. I also am kind of a stress bag.. So some earlier comments could also be true that this is stress triggered. I have a lot going on right now at work and my personal life and I also am coming off one of the harder SNRIs to get off of. So I am sure all of that does not help.\r\n\r\nHopefully with some Vitimins, sleep, self care I can get through this. It is unbearable right now. My days are spent just thinking and being anxious over how crazy my head feels. The last thing I want to do is go back on my meds because I truly believe they were just masking a different problem. \r\n\r\nThanks for listening! Happy to talk to anyone!" ], "date": [ "2019-09-25T13:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robyn56984-1270203" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, i know this was a while ago now, but out of desperation to find answer i have came across this, this is exactly how i have been feeling for the past 6 weeks now, i have been prescribed the exact same medication as yourself propanolol due to my heart beating too fast and now im on sertraline, i really want to feel like myself again, what you have described is how my head has felt and does not seem to be improving, i have had blood tests and my CRP is slightly raised, meaning i may have anything from a cold to a small infection, i am replying to you today to ask you if you ever found out what was causing your symptoms, if they improved and if i any way you could help me.\r\n\r\nmany thanks" ], "date": [ "2019-10-01T16:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/henry83393-1283284" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nasteha85-1288659" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/henry83393-1283284" ], "content": [ "What makes you think people are on drugs or drinking excessively? your comment was so useless, I can't stand people like yourself, commenting just cause. If you can't add anything useful and out of the box, then just shut up, please. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-01T06:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nasteha85-1288659" ], "content": [ "i think maybe he was just saying live a healthier lifestyle, cut out all the extra which i kind of agree with, diet has a lot to do how you feel, how you feel mentally in particular. if im being honest its also the hardest thing for me to change. If your body feels good its less prone to have the nagging feeling somewhere that for me personally always says in my brain that whatever physical feeling im having has to be cancer or something fatal cause thats where my anxiety and things shows. i dont think he was trying to be negative or judgmental, just making a suggestion. healthy body = healthy mind in a lot of ways, well for me healthy body in combo with effexor = healthier mind lol" ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T14:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nasteha85-1288659" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "Oh no, I don't think he was trying to be negative or judgemental. I was frustrated by the comment because it's not that simple, if grabbing a plate of veggies, high quality protein, and drinking 8 glasses of water was the answer, or even a significant part of the answer to the debilitating problems people are dealing with. Then people will not be dealing with the physical and mental difficulties that they are dealing with because it'll be simple to get rid of just by eating well. I agree with his recommendations as well, however, I can assure you that many people have already looked at their nutritional intake and made changes in an attempt to feel better. I just found the comment insensitive, the person who started this post is obviously suffering and I'm sure have tried many different things, including a healthy diet and lifestyle, in hopes of getting better. So if you want to offer some advise to someone suffering, I personally think one should think outside of the box, or just not say anything. When people are suffering they don't want to hear the obvious, when they take to the internet for help, what they are seeking is something they have not already heard and don't know about. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-01T21:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nasteha85-1288659" ], "content": [ "I noticed you have a lot of posts on vit D things and was wondering if you have ever heard of dr rhonda patrick, Shes like a vit D warrior fanatic lol, if you havnt heard of her shes a great one to look into, on this post in particular tho i followed this post because ive been dealing with these exact things for almost 4 years with anxiety over death because these types of symptoms for some reason not sure why, but my point of view any suggestion that someone even slightly familiar with these symptoms is the appreciated because you never know what even a small one can do, thats all i was trying to say." ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T04:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nasteha85-1288659" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "Humans intrinsically know to access what they are and aren't putting in their mouths when they start to have physical and mental health issues. As I said, it's insensitive to say eat fruits and drink water when a person is suffering, if you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you. As far as your question concerning vitamin D deficiency, I turned to the internet when I started suffering and someone who was thinking outside of the box contacted me and said \"it sounds like you have a vitamin D deficiency\" I never heard of vitamin D deficiency until that person contacted me. I went and got the blood work done and my doctor called me 2 days later and said \" you are severely vitamin D deficient, I just put in your prescription, you can pick it up in an hour\". As I said in my last message, I completely agree with the recommendations the individual suggested, however, again, there are some things you should not say to someone suffering. I'm not 100% better, however, I feel 80% better then how I was feeling before my diagnosis. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T04:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny50818-1207847" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nasteha85-1288659" ], "content": [ "Hi there\r\nSince I found this discussion thread ages ago, I've found 2 things that have helped me - I think a lot of my spaced out/ dizziness feelings were due to a combination of sinus problems and anxiety. I now take anxiety medication and try to practice mindfulness when I can, but the biggest help has been keeping ears and sinuses as clear as possible - saline nasal sprays/ hayfever nasal spray/ ear drops/ nasal washes - whatever it takes. It's made so much difference. I got my Vit D levels up to where they should be and it made no discernible difference to how I felt. The last thing is lots of good sleep and following sensible sleep hygiene rules.\r\nIt might be different solutions for different people. Cheers." ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T04:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/henry83393-1283284" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nasteha85-1288659" ], "content": [ "You completely missed my point and need to stop spreading your anger and frustrations in this thread. I've been and am still in the same situation as other people here and I was just trying to emphasize the importance of staying healthy and taking care of yourself and trying to send positivity to everyone who's going through the same thing. Absolutely no need to attack me for it. If my comment wasn't useful for you, just move on and like ones that are useful to you. We are all just trying to help here. You don't know my story and I don't know yours so don't assume I have bad intentions or 'judge' people. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T14:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nasteha85-1288659" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/henry83393-1283284" ], "content": [ "\"spreading your anger and frustrations\" Sir, please build a bridge and get over yourself. I completely understood and agreed with your point and it was completely careless and insensitive to say to someone suffering with such intense symptoms. Yes, we are all trying to help by giving advice. My advice to you is to give a little bit more thought into the advice you are giving. Take care. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T18:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've had the same symptoms everyone here is describing. I had a burn-out and then a long period of insomnia and from there on I constantly felt out of it, weird and detached (even though the doctors all said they couldn't find anything). I do think that not focusing on it will eventually alleviate the symptoms, however, I've had this for months and months and months and I know how weird and scary it feels. I advise everyone here to listen to the symptoms, let them be, tell yourself that it is truly okay to feel this way and that it's okay to be scared. Also; go into therapy, stop all self-destructive behavior (drugs, too much screen time, alcohol, too much caffeine, addictions, etc.), start taking long walks, start taking magnesium and vitamin D. Be kind to yourself from now on and know that all feelings are okay, they may seem scary but they are truly okay and deserve to be heard and accepted by you. 'Okay body, I see you, I feel you, I embrace myself exactly as I am now, I AM my body and there has never been anything wrong with me.' It will come, it will be, it will pass. Focus on what makes you happy, what truly motivates you in life (and forget about this feeling for some time). You are NOT alone. You WILL be okay. Go and live your life and don't forget to have fun. <3 Bless you all." ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T04:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arlene09047-1001355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I getting foggy head but it does get better I&#39;m on same meds it helps the heart racing go downand the clamy hands and feet it does make u a bit tired it suspose to make u more relaxed </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T22:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mitchell33623-1065714" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zen--17344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mitchell33623-1065714" ], "content": [ "Hi Mitchell google derealization, I have had same symptoms for 3 + years..." ], "date": [ "2017-07-10T19:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi there im having the exact same problem its been going on for the last 3 months it started with sleeping problems and now i feel weak on my legs all the time constantly tired and feeling spaced out im on anti depressents but this feeling feels like it isnt gonna leave any time soon and its stopping me from leaving the house really stressing me out never felt like this before.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2017-07-10T08:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi. I know this was ages ago, but Did anyone else get their Vitamin D levels checked and how did you get on? I am feeling the exact same and think I might ask for this." ], "date": [ "2018-01-12T16:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tina_78570-1128189" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Chanice\r\nI feel the same way , brain fog , tired , spaced and I’m constantly dizzy. I don’t know what else to do either. Been on Prozac 7 weeks hoping it will eventually go away but it hasn’t happened yet. " ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T10:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "content": [ "Please get your vitamin D levels checked. I felt similar and recently been diagnosed with low vitamin D. I can’t comment on if the tablets are making me feel better yet but please get these checked x" ], "date": [ "2018-02-20T12:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "content": [ "Hi! I had a blood test today and results came! Turns out my vitamin D levels are less than half of the normality! Very low! Thank you for letting me know! Also, I recently looked at something called depersonalisation. All my feelings match the symptoms but I haven’t been stressed with anything! Only a bit of stress over tests and school. I have now got my manager at school who is going to help me dig deeper and see where they can help me find what is stressing me. " ], "date": [ "2018-02-22T20:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "content": [ "I get this too! I get it at such random times and I have no idea why. I’m glad your vitamin D levels have been checked, maybe this has something to do with it.  Thankyou for letting me know! X" ], "date": [ "2018-02-23T10:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "content": [ "Did the vitamin D work? " ], "date": [ "2018-02-27T02:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "content": [ "I think it is but it’s still early days cos apparently it takes a good few weeks for it to get into your system x" ], "date": [ "2018-02-27T10:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "content": [ "Do you take any other vitamins with the vitamin D? " ], "date": [ "2018-03-07T15:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Do you still have this feeling? " ], "date": [ "2018-05-12T18:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello. My daughter would like to write: hi. After a year, has it gone? I am 12 years old and 2 weeks ago on the Friday before Monday, I started feeling very spaced out at school. I could not concentrate on anything anymore and I started getting really scared that there was something very wrong with me. This feeling continued up until 2-3 weeks later now. I still keep feeling very spaced out, like I’m not here and I can’t focus on anything. I’m also not motivated to do anything like eat, bother with homework (I normally do every bit of homework to the highest standard), go outside at lunch and break time or even go say hi and talk to my friends. Every time I remember I have this feeling, I start getting really anxious and scared that this will never go away and I will never wake up feeling normal. I get so scared that I just cry for ages :(. It’s very annoying. I have been to the doctor 2 times but they all do the same thing like “Are there any problems at home” no. “Do you get depression or anxiety” no. “Passing urine well?” yes. They also did a urine test which came clear so it can’t be a viral infection. I see lots of people putting things about vitamin d? We haven’t had that checked yet. I also read that symptoms of vitamin d and I am sure that i match it! I have had a lot of hair loss and baldness in one area and I always feel spaced out and tired and I also don’t eat vitamin d foods a lot like fish or eggs or mushrooms or milk. I hardly eat those. It is just getting too hard for me and I start dreading school in the morning because I don’t want to feel like that and be at school at the same time. It’s also my birthday today and I don’t want this feeling to spoil my day but it is just making me feel so anxious and upset. I WANT there to be something wrong like sick [b]?[/b][b]?[/b] or headaches. Just so I know that I’m not going mentally ill :(</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-20T07:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tka10652-1153379" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tka10652-1153379" ], "content": [ "Take vitamin d. Get on with your life as normal. Also, search depersonalisation or  lethargic." ], "date": [ "2018-03-01T21:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sepribo-1178856" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m optimistic about your suggestion. I&#39;d give it a try. Thanks </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-10T20:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sepribo-1178856" ], "content": [ "I had all of these symptoms and after finding out I was low on Vitamin D I started taking the supplement. I started feeling back to normal after about a month of being consistent with it. I was back to feeling my normal self for about 6 months then started to have these same symptoms. Turns out you need to take magnesium with Vitamin D. If you don’t, your Magnesium levels drop and give you the exact same symptoms as Vitamin D. Make sure you take them together!" ], "date": [ "2018-05-12T19:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris81875-1008801" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "I had the same experience with a low vitamin d level. After a few weeks I started feeling quite a bit better.  " ], "date": [ "2018-05-12T19:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tka10652-1153379" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello all,&#160;</p><p></p><p>I had this feeling arise out of nowhere about 4 years ago. I saw this experience as an imbalance in the body/mind that tries to self correct itself through asking for our attention. in other words it could be a state of old trauma appearing to be dealt with, one thing i now know for sure is that it IS an emotional issue or imbalance.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I have many resources i can direct you too if this message resonates. For me this experience didn&#39;t start to lift until i started to allow it (which i know can seem impossible) but that is the first step. Learning to meditate, eating plenty of fresh fruits, no smoking, alcohol or drugs!, exercise, sunlight, good friends are all things I would recommend you take into consideration&#160; [smile] &#160;</p><p></p><p>This WILL pass, usually when one stops focusing on it, whatever you resist will PERSIST. this is a natural law&#160; [smile] &#160;</p><p></p><p>If you have any questions, i am here to offer my assistance/help as much as possible, because i remember how scared and lost i was!&#160;</p><p></p><p>hugs&#160;</p><p></p><p>Mike</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T07:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joeywas-1181900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "content": [ "Hey mike \r\n\r\nI totally agree\r\nI’m sure this has to be emotional imbalance of some kind \r\n\r\nI’ve been to numerous doctors and have had numerous texts and everything comes back normal\r\n\r\nI’ve been told I have anxiety but never took medication for it \r\n\r\nLately I’ve been getting really dizzy and light headdd randomly just happens throughout the day and feel really high as if I sinned a joint \r\n\r\nIt’s affecting my job and whole social life \r\n\r\nAnd Im even having nervous tics where my teeth would hit  randomly throughout the day \r\nIt’s really bothering me \r\n\r\nI always tried the natural route but not sure what to do \r\n\r\nDo you have any tips ? How can I get past this?\r\n\r\nThank you " ], "date": [ "2018-05-22T23:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joeywas-1181900" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey mate,&#160;</p><p></p><p>Feel free to send me an email at , that would be more practical for me, as i don&#39;t check this website everyday.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Thats cool that you have the intuition/desire to respond to this naturally (although im not saying meds can&#39;t be helpful) its just that for me I didn&#39;t feel called to take them!&#160;</p><p></p><p>Something that you can do straight away is start to see that when you put more attention on it it tends to amplify. But the truth is that you probably won&#39;t see results overnight. Your body/mind is speaking to you.. its saying something like &quot;Listen to me, be quiet, rest&quot; its trying to get your attention after years of neglect (these years of neglect are not a mistake).. we are just not taught to feel and acknowledge our feelings.&#160;</p><p></p><p>The good news is that 4 years ago there was no talk of meditation/yoga/self understanding on these forums.. these days there is A LOT.. which is a good sign. There is a book called &quot;the power of now&quot; by [b]Eckhart Tolle[/b] which seemed woowoo to me until i got into the book and resonated with much of what was written. Theres also a guy called [b]Gabor Mate[/b] who wrote a book called &quot;when the body says no&quot; he has videos on youtube.</p><p></p><p>Your mindset is going to be very important in your unfolding and evolving through this.. you choose whether this is:&#160;</p><p></p><p>A. &#160;Bad, and to be resisted and avoided at all costs..</p><p></p><p>Or&#160;</p><p></p><p>B. That this experience is intelligent and is arising as a sign that you have neglected a part of yourself that wants attention.&#160;</p><p></p><p>as i said, if you wanna have a chat send me an email and we can arrange a little chat.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Be kind with yourself, brother, everything is going to be alright. :)&#160;</p><p></p><p>Mike</p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-23T13:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1187564" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "content": [ "<p>Can you refer me to these resources? It&#39;s been YEARS for me. I&#39;ve taken vitamin D. Feel out of it all the time. Don&#39;t drink or smoke or partake in drugs. I eat pretty well. I have felt joy maybe 5 times in the past 5 years. I feel like a zombie walking around. Empty amd out of it. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-13T02:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1187564" ], "content": [ "Yes please. Everything you said v97732 is EXACTLY me. I haven’t been stressed over anything! I’m so young only 12! This is always there and it never goes away but sometimes it gets stronger when I sort of start daydreaming or drift away from the world or something. I’ve taken vital d too but it hasn’t helped even tho my vitamin d is fine now. Someone plz help me " ], "date": [ "2018-06-13T06:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "content": [ "Can you direct me to some type of help because I am feeling like this and it’s not a good feeling. Always space zoned out tired and dizzy" ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T11:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello Darian, </p><p></p><p>I went to the doctor several times and he told me that I had depression and that I needed to be around friends and family. I thought that I was dying and it just made the feeling worst. The feeling went away about 2 months ago and it hasn&#39;t come back. I really think that it&#39;s stress related and lack of sleep. </p><p>I would advice you to go to your doctor and get blood work done and go from there. Explain to him or her how you feel. If you have close friends, hang out with them. Do not keep it to yourself because it will get worst. Keep yourself busy. Try that for at least a month and see if it works for you. </p><p>If you need someone to talk to just message me here and I will reply. Or I can give you my personal email. </p><p>Just remember that you are not alone, a lot of us have gone or are going through what you are going. It&#39;s a temporary thing. </p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-03T21:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "content": [ "Hey Eric thank you for your kinds words.. so you have experienced what I’m going through? Feeling detached from reality ,feeling zoned out and a sense of dizziness. Sometimes I feel really tired even though I have slept all day. I’m just really scared because I’ve been to the ER and they done blood work and said I’m fine. This time I’m going to go to a PCP and see if I can deeper result. In the meantime how did you deal with this until you was able to officially snap out of it? This is affecting my performance at work and my social life because I don’t feel up to par. " ], "date": [ "2018-08-03T21:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "content": [ "I can relate!!!" ], "date": [ "2018-08-03T23:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "content": [ "Hi Eric\r\nThx for that \r\nI’m only 12 and before this started, I was happy and not stressing. Only a little bit over school and friends. Is it possible to be stressing a lot and not know about it? But after this started, I was so scared but I soon Got used to it. I went for a blood test and I had low vitamin d so I took medicine for a whole month abd my vitamin d was back again. However, this feeling never went away. I even saw a school therapist after that and she’s really helped me with my problems with friendship and I’m not stressing over anything. I think i might overthink sometimes like if my fiend reads my message but doesn’t reply, I will start wondering what I did and what happened and panicking. I wouldn’t class this as proper overthinking to the level of anxiety and depression as its nowhere near that bad. But the feeling is still always there. I’ve had it since beginning of February now. My family think it has gone away and I’m better after taking the vitamin d just because I don’t talk about it anymore or speak of it or start panicking when it happen. Idk what is going on with me, and if anything, this feeling has GIVEN ME more problems. I never was depressed or anxious before " ], "date": [ "2018-08-03T23:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello Marjan.</p><p></p><p> Lim really sorry that you are feeling the way you are. I feel like it&#39;s very important to talk to your parents about it. I think that if you keep it to yourself it will never go away. Keep yourself busy, pick a sport and give it your all. Be good at it and your confidence will increase and this feeling will start going away. Don&#39;t sit there by yourself and think about it. Most importantly let your parents know. Hope hope you feel better. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-04T00:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "content": [ "<p>I totally understand what you are going through. I felt lethargic all day no matter how good I slept. It&#39;s a horrible feeling and it feels like you don&#39;t have a soul. I just didn&#39;t want to be around people or talk to anyone. I continued working out and eating healthy and one day I woke up feeling better and then a couple of days later I was fine. I really don&#39;t understand why this happens, but I&#39;m almost 100% that last time I had it, it was triggered by stress. Like I said, if you need someone to talk to, I&#39;m here. Nobody will understand what you are going through, unless they are going through the same thing or have gone through it. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-04T00:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "content": [ "Having this conversation right now is making me more calm and understanding to this all. Did exercising make you feel better? And every night I go to sleep I am hoping to wake up and feel normal again At this point I’ll do anything to feel alive. So this feeling is triggered by stresss or anxiety ?" ], "date": [ "2018-08-04T00:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "content": [ "I believe that what triggered it for me was the lack of sleep and stress building up. I love going to the gym and it made me feel better, but I got to a point were I felt very dizzy and no matter how loud I played my music at the gym I used to ask myself over and over why I felt the way I did. I guy told me that when he feels that way, he gets a hotel room by the beach and spends the day there by himself away from everything. Others have told me to eat more vegetables. Maybe changing your diet might help you. I wish I knew what exactly made it go away. " ], "date": [ "2018-08-04T03:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "content": [ "<p>Ok thank you</p><p>I’m not into sports &#128514;&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-04T08:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "content": [ "Good afternoon Eric, \r\n\r\nI’m feeling a little down because I’m still feeling the same way. Everyday I wake praying that u feel Normal when I open my eyes and I don’t. I’m not able to go to the doctor until the end of the month because that’s when my insurance kicks in. Until then is there anything or suggestions you have to ease my mind until I can be seen. " ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T19:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "content": [ "<p>I don&#39;t know what&#39;s your financial situation or if you have a wife and kids or a girlfriend. If you do, spend time with them. Or maybe take a small vacation by yourself away from work and reality. Take multivitamins, eat plenty of vegetables, take care of your body. Run at the beach. Just keep yourself busy. Being around my son and his half sister made me feel better when I was down. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T20:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for that great advice. I will try and be around my family more so that I can get my mind off this. Today was a bad day today I had an episode to where I felt like I couldn&#39;t do anything because the zoned/space out feeling was really bad. How long did it take for you to feel normal for the feeling to go away and what did you do? I am trying my best but its getting worse and cannot go to the doctor until the end of month. its like I don&#39;t know how to relax , Just want to feel so normal again im begging for it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-06-02T11:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/darian01723-1200661" ], "content": [ "<p>Good morning Darian.</p><p>So the feeling came back and I really think that is stress and lack of sleep related. I feel really tired like if I&#39;ve been up for 2 nights. I feel weird interacting with people, like if I want to just isolate myself from others. It&#39;s so weird because I was completely fine 2 days ago. I sit there and take deep breaths and feel down. I hope you are doing well. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-23T10:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lozzer14-1245794" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "content": [ "Hi Mike,\r\n\r\nI have all the same feelings, i'm totally spaced out every day & feel like i'm falling to one side. I cant concentrate or have a conversation and I have floaters in my eyes all the time, I also have weakness down left side of my body and absolutely no energy each day no matter how many hours I sleep. Did your heart rate ever suddenly beat faster for not much at all like walking up stairs?\r\n\r\nAny help would be so much appreciated as ive been like this for over 1.5 years now with no signs of getting better.\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\n\r\nChris.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-09-16T12:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah77871-1276092" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lozzer14-1245794" ], "content": [ "Hi! \r\n\r\nI literally have the same things. But with light sensitivity and floaters. The black wisps and the transparent floaters too. For me I stopped all anti-depressants and went the holistic route. There has been a lot of improvement! Also, a plethora of supplements and herbs that are all nautral. Try finding what you are lacking in, in terms of minerals. Also if you have stomach problems, this could be an indicator of where your symptoms are stemming from as our stomach is our immune system and controls our mental state as well! This was true for me.. But anywho, I currently am undergoing anxiety, brain fog, depersonalization, depression, leaky gut, inflammation, floaters, light sensitivity, eczema, head tensions, and head pains. \r\n\r\n**Moderator comment: I have edited this post due to its medically unsubstantiated claims. We do not support these types of claims and we recommend seeking advice from a health professional**" ], "date": [ "2019-11-05T05:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/life_is_sweet-538597" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tka10652-1153379" ], "content": [ "Did you ever figure out what was/is wrong with you? Has anything helped? \r\n\r\nIn the last couple of weeks I started feeling INTENSE spaciness (not brain fog), head pressure, a \"buzzing\" sensation in my head, awful headaches, bad tinnitus and migraines. I can't think of anything that would have triggered these odd sensations. " ], "date": [ "2019-12-14T02:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sab12380-1376648" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tka10652-1153379" ], "content": [ "this is the same exact thing Iam dealing with for 8+ years now. have you had any answers?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-18T01:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello folks. I have been feeling the same for the past 3 years.. It all started one fine day when i woke up with a lot of presseure on my head. I thought it was lack of sleep or just a regular headache. 3 days after i was on the way to drop my son to daycare and all of a sudden i had a complete black out. From that moment i have been feeling this weired spaced out, dizzy and off balanced feeling. On some days i am just fine but most days are nothing but a struggle. I am low on vitamin d, iron and i have hypo thyroid and insulin resistent. I also take medicine for anxiety. I have been to so many doctors but not one has been able to figure of what causes it. They all say its you anxiety. Has anyone here found a solution to this problem. My only wish to be normal again. I cant even drive now. " ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T07:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark64884-1174548" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark64884-1174548" ], "content": [ "<p>hey brother,&#160;</p><p></p><p>I feel your pain and to some extent i have been there..&#160;heres a little bit about me..&#160;</p><p></p><p>&#39;I had this feeling arise out of nowhere about 4 years ago. I saw this experience as an imbalance in the body/mind that tries to self correct itself through asking for our attention. in other words it could be a state of old trauma appearing to be dealt with, one thing i now know for sure is that it IS an emotional issue or imbalance.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I have many resources i can direct you too if this message resonates. For me this experience didn&#39;t start to lift until i started to allow it (which i know can seem impossible) but that is the first step. Learning to meditate, eating plenty of fresh fruits, no smoking, alcohol or drugs!, exercise, sunlight, good friends are all things I would recommend you take into consideration&#39;&#160;</p><p></p><p>This WILL pass, usually when one stops focusing on it, whatever you resist will PERSIST. this is a natural law&#160; [smile] &#160;</p><p></p><p>If you have any questions, i am here to offer my assistance/help as much as possible, because i remember how scared and lost i was!&#160;</p><p></p><p>hugs&#160;</p><p></p><p>Mike</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-14T21:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>This sounds like me. I&#39;m 26 and I have been suffering mental depression since i was 16. To be honest I ignored it for a long time because I had no dignity. I feel spaced out all the time and my confidence is at the lowest it can be. I feel a constant pressure on my head like a blood clot. It sometimes goes away but because I think about it all the time it just gets worse and I don&#39;t feel like I&#39;m even there at all and I can&#39;t process simple thoughts that a f*****g child can do and it sickens me. Sorry for the swearing. Because of how I am ihavwno friends and have no proper relationship with anyone in my family but they are all selfish f**ks and don&#39;t give a s**t about anyone but themselves. I just want to feel normal and be ble to be myself in public but when I&#39;m in public my my anxiety goes crazy and I don&#39;t no how to act because of my depersonalisation and my mind switches off an all I&#39;m thinking about is how I&#39;m behaving and that people are looking at me. I over think things in my head and I think it&#39;s interfering with my true intelligence and I forget how to actually properly think and I feel I&#39;m going so insane that I can no longer put up with the pain I&#39;m feeling. I don&#39;t feel human anymore and I&#39;ve forgotten how to properly interact with people and because of that I never go out and s**t myself away from people. And I just keep getting worse because when I&#39;m alone all I think abut is how pathetic I am and how pathetic my life is and how much I&#39;ve f****d my life up. I hate the idea of people looking down at me but because of my depersonalisation I cannot be myself around people therefore I act like I hate everyone and don&#39;t really speak to anyone. People are too f*****g small minded to understand how I&#39;m feeling and too happy dappy. I want to be normal and happy again but I feel as tho I&#39;m never going to change. I cry most days when I think about how my life is. And how I feel and how other people think of me. What I hate about this world is that it&#39;s so judgemental. I feel as tho I could be very intelligent if got my head out of my ass. But I have no confidence and because of my health issues I feel like a total retard and I do silly things in public and it&#39;s so embarrassing. My depression has gotten so worse I&#39;ve started to oversleep because I have no reason focus get out of bed. Honestly I just want to die but I&#39;m too much of a coward to do anything. What sickens me the most is that no1 gives a s**t. If ivory a professional they won&#39;t be able to give me solid advice. I feel hopeless. I literally can&#39;t go out because of my anxiety. People just stare at me like I&#39;m a weirdo. Even when I get drunk I&#39;m still not able to be myself. Basically I need serious help. Im in hell&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T00:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zonna92032-1173596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "that!. Is my life" ], "date": [ "2018-04-25T18:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle99733-1175345" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi, folks.</p><p>Although vitamin D does help, exercise caution and ensure that you are also getting enough K2 - D assists in calcium absorption, and calcium helps with anxiety.&#160; However, K2&#160;is the traffic cop that directs&#160;calcium to your bones and teeth, and keeps it from being deposited into your soft tissues.&#160; there are various studies published on the internet.</p><p>More importantly, magnesium deficiency is a cause of most anxiety issues.&#160; Please look into this.&#160; Because of agriculture, magnesium is depleted in our soil, and therefore, we are not getting enough of it in our diet.&#160; It&#39;s a very critical element that we are all missing to various degrees.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-27T18:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imachiavelli-1179474" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sepribo-1178856" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imachiavelli-1179474" ], "content": [ "<p>I don&#39;t think you should expect the Vit D suppliment to work that fast. I&#39;ve been on it for about a month now. I&#39;d say I&#39;ve had some improvements but still observing</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-11T16:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lozzer14-1245794" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imachiavelli-1179474" ], "content": [ "Hi there, did you get anywhere with resolving your issues?? I am having the same problems for over a year now and am really struggling, any help appreciated. Thanks." ], "date": [ "2019-09-24T13:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi,</p><p></p><p>It has been few months for me. At the beginning it started with strong heart pulse. But later it turned into my head. Tunnel vision, Dizzines, irritation, problem concentrating and so on.</p><p></p><p>I am also becoming a bit anxient because of that. I am taking Vitamin D and Magnesium. Hope it helps... If not, next week I&#39;m seeing docs. Will follow this thread please let us know if any of you found a way to solve this problem.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-13T15:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/here2help-1179806" ], "content": [ "<p>Good morning Mike.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve had this problem on and off for 3 years. I noticed that this time around it started when the weather changed. It&#39;s cloudy and rainy all day. So I feel drowsy throughout the day. I have no energy to go out and do anything, I&#39;m home watching videos on my phone all day. I workout daily and I drink plenty of water. I work for the fire service and my sleeping pattern is all over the place. I also think that what might have triggered this is that I&#39;m trying to start a company and it seems to be impossible and it has been very stressful. I&#39;ve been reading comments about people taking vitamin D for this issue. It won&#39;t hurt to try it. I&#39;m just pushing through this and hope it goes away soon. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-27T12:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello all,&#160;</p><p></p><p>I had this feeling arise out of nowhere about 4 years ago. I saw this experience as an imbalance in the body/mind that tries to self correct itself through asking for our attention. in other words it could be a state of old trauma appearing to be dealt with, one thing i now know for sure is that it IS an emotional issue or imbalance.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I have many resources i can direct you too if this message resonates. For me this experience didn&#39;t start to lift until i started to allow it (which i know can seem impossible) but that is the first step. Learning to meditate, eating plenty of fresh fruits, no smoking, alcohol or drugs!, exercise, sunlight, good friends are all things I would recommend you take into consideration :)&#160;</p><p></p><p>This WILL pass, usually when one stops focusing on it, whatever you resist will PERSIST. this is a natural law :)&#160;</p><p></p><p>If you have any questions, i am here to offer my assistance/help as much as possible, because i remember how scared and lost i was!&#160;</p><p></p><p>hugs&#160;</p><p></p><p>Mike</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-14T21:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/goldeneye77-1179814" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m experiencing similar symptoms for a while but today bad foggy head and eyes sore. I just don&#39;t have my usual energy lately. i just had partial nail removal on Friday monor surgery as it was constantly ingrown most people would say it&#39;s because I&#39;m obese. I also have lymphedema that I&#39;m to wear compression socks daily for rest of my life&#128557;in past got cellutis attacks any suggestions? i&#39;m not great drinking water or exercising </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-14T22:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loulou85001-1185779" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/goldeneye77-1179814" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/loulou85001-1185779" ], "content": [ "Thanks for your suggestion will check it out. Hopefully supplements will give more energy ⚡ \r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-06-06T23:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "A lot of the stuff written in the OP and subsequent posts sounds like deficiencies and electrolyte imbalances to me. I’d look into magnesium/potassium/sodium relationships and see if you perhaps could do with supplementing. " ], "date": [ "2018-06-06T13:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eric24121-1183026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello everyone. </p><p>So, I was dealing with the same feeling for over a month. I had no desire of being around anyone or have a conversation with anybody. I&#39;m 35, I&#39;m athletic, I workout 5 days a week, and I work for a fire department. I went to the doctor several times and he prescribed me a generic brand of xanax for anxiety. I did not take the pills, I continued doing what I normally do. What i did was buy multivitamins. What I also noticed was that my blood pressure was running somewhat low and I was drinking beat juice twice a day. Beet juice is know to lower blood pressure because it dilates your vessels. I stopped drinking it and the feeling started to go away. Maybe it has to do with something you are eating or stress that&#39;s building up in your body. I do have a very stressful job and I sleep 4 to 5 hours a night and when I work I sleep from 2 to 4 hours. It&#39;s the worst feeling to feel like your body doesn&#39;t have a soul. I wish you guys luck and hope you guys find a solution to the way you feel. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-07T02:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/flower300-1195181" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "your well-being may also be related to the fact that you do not sleep well at night. a tired organism has no energy to concentrate or cause other emotions. man becomes apathetic. if propranolol does not help you, do additional research related to the level of vitamins in your body. Maybe this vitamin D or B deficiency works for you" ], "date": [ "2018-08-23T12:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny50818-1207847" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bailey74774-1213280" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny50818-1207847" ], "content": [ "I know this post was from months ago but it makes me feel better that im not alone, besides the Vitamin D and Magnesium resolution are there any other self care remedies you guys have found? (yoga, meditation?) I recently started feeling these symptoms and need all the advice please! " ], "date": [ "2018-10-18T05:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi folks - thank you for this forum and for sharing your symptoms. I&#39;ve struggled with fogginess, grogginess, anxiety, etc for years - well pretty well all my life and I&#39;ve now accepted that I&#39;ll probably be on low dose anxiety medicine for ever (I&#39;m 51 and high functioning Aspergers). While I hate the feeling, I&#39;m coming to some sort of acceptance and just keep trying to do the right things: eat well, take some exercise each day and follow a decent sleep routine. If I&#39;m not carefull, I get obsessed about getting enough sleep and then I sleep even less! Be kind to yourself as well - I&#39;m inclined to push myself to my limits all the time and it&#39;s not helpful. I was also v low on Vit D but I suspect that&#39;s a symptom of anxiety rather than the other way around - and my test was after taking a supplement for several months. I&#39;ve since doubled the dose but not noticed any particular improvement. Haven&#39;t tried magnesium with it though. Hang in there - just talking and knowing others are out there feeling the same helps. I&#39;m sure that gentle relaxation/ meditation/ mindfulness are also helpful - I&#39;m just not too good at following my own advice. Also, try not to get too obsessive about your symptoms and think about other positive things. I sure haven&#39;t got the answers but these are things that help me a bit! Cheers.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-16T23:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steve15921-1465989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Wow, this is me also. I’ve had bouts of it in the past but over the last 3 weeks its been constant. \r\n\r\nThis time it started out with periods of being spaced out and blurry vision. Then it became waking up with mild tension type headaches that radiated from my neck and occipital region of skull, and spreading to eyes, top of skull, temples and an ear fullness. I also have dreadful TMJ. \r\n\r\nNormally, this would seem common for me, especially if I slept wrong on my neck. But the spacey feeling has never ceased. I can’t think, can’t focus on anything. Woke up at 5.50am every morning regardless of taking Endep. Then two nights of no sleep at all. Now ive slept the last two nights again but the minute wake up its back to space station again. \r\n\r\nI get little bouts where feel almost normal and my vision improves. Headaches have now gone but i still feel the constant brain fog and even derealisation at times. \r\n\r\nGoing for CT in 2 days but I’ve passed all my neurological testing (had to fight for a scan). \r\n\r\nWas vitamin D deficient over a year ago but it was only mild. I do take D but haven’t had my levels looked at again. \r\n\r\nI feel like I’m losing my mind and as a mental health professional, this has been particuarly trying to make sense of. \r\n\r\nSeems this thread is a bit dated but thought id try my luck. Has anyone had any joy yet?? " ], "date": [ "2023-06-12T03:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sam41314-1467099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, \r\n\r\nThought i'd comment as i've felt the same lately.\r\n\r\nAll started when i was diagnosed with diabetes and put on Meformin. was ok at first then it really started upsetting me, mum and dad are both type 2 and kept reassuring me etc. then had the doc phone me up one evening on a sunday at 9PM which was a worry and she wanted me to go for a CT scan, i asked if it was anything to worry about and she said no. so then i looked online and convinced myself i had pancreatic cancer which in my head brought the diabetes on, thought i was going to die in a few month's and was very scared. ended up with my mum getting me a doctors appointment to get me back on antidepressants, i've been on them previously as I'm never generally overly happy but never stayed on them for more than a month. while at the docs i pretty much broke down told her i thought i was dying and she told me she was only getting me to have the scan to check for inflammation etc and im far too young to get pancreatic cancer and i'd be in a lot of pain. so back on the anti depressants i went. finally got the all clear after a week or so but i started feeling really strange and spaced out and not myself. she put it down to the side effects of the sertraline. but it's just been ongoing now, pressure behind the eyes, feeling spaced out/drunk and just not myself i function perfectly fine but it's like im not the one doing anything. neck feel's quite tight also i find the bright light seem's to slightly effect me also. get quite lightheaded/dizzy when i get up sometimes almost like im going to pass out. i've stopped the antidepressants in the hope all this goes away but it's been a week and a half and it's still there. really hoping it goes soon as it feel's like i can't enjoy anything as im not myself " ], "date": [ "2023-06-24T20:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>It&#39;s horrible I just feel like I&#39;m living detached from everything else and my head is just out of it and spaced out I&#39;d give anything to feel myself. Let me know how you get on <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T19:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "content": [ "<p>My first appt went ok, she was more concerned with pupils than I was hoping she was but she did say the Celexa(citalopram) could be the cause of this burnt sucks having on eye not totally focused all the time which honestly could be causeing my weird head feeling I&#39;m getting sent to an eye specialist and they will call me tmw to let me know when that is, hopefully I&#39;ll have more news when that appt comes but i also have a physciatrist appt on Friday but for now I have to come off my Celexa so this will be fun lol</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T22:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve been experiencing the same weird head feeling also for about 5 months and been on citalopram(Celexa) for over 3 months almost 4 I think and have seem very minimum success I mean the anxiety part has been better but that particular symptom hasn&#39;t changed I have an appt today cause two days ago I saw one pupil being bigger than the other which obviously caused total panic and I see my physciatrist Friday to hopefully get sorted out. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "<p>Isn&#39;t it awful! Ok thank you I found this really helpful like I&#39;ve had so many answers from people mostly being about depersonalisation or like eyesight problems and I&#39;m Definitely going to get my vit D levels checked. I have had a normal blood test to check everything and it was fine I&#39;m not too sure if they checked my vitamin D I just hate feeling like this it&#39;s dreadful and It&#39;s really starting to interfere with my every day life </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-20T00:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "content": [ "<p>I know it was interferring with my life too. I couldnt take it anymore, I couldnt sleep at night because when I closed my eyes I would see things and my mind would start going CRAZY! One day I didnt even want to lift my arm to grab my fork to eat. Other days I felt like I was watching myself like I was there but I wasnt really there. My vision was blurry and I always felt like my head was full of pressure. I had burning/tingling sensations in my body. Sometimes my hands started to cramp up. I thought for sure I was dying. This is why after I found the answer to all of my problems, I had to come on here and tell someone about it. When tests come back &quot;normal&quot; doctors love to tell people its just anxiety, calm down, youll be fine, or take this anti-depression pill. I am so thankful I didnt go that route. It will get better, I promise!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-24T07:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "<p>The thing that worries me the most is my heart it constantly is beating rapidly I don&#39;t know if it&#39;s because of the anxiety and the way I&#39;m feeling or if something is wrong with my heart I&#39;m such a worrier my anxiety always gets the better of me. to be honest I guess I&#39;m going to have to push myself to go and get some tests done even though I&#39;m scared fingers crossed it&#39;s something minor that can be treated </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-20T00:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "content": [ "<p>I would have the worst chest pains! My heart felt like it was beating so fast..thats what brought me to the ER. After ekg&#39;s and chest x rays were normal I knew there had to be something more then just anxiety. Dont get me wrong, Im still someone that worries constantly, BUT I no longer have the physical pain or detachment from reality. It doesnt hurt to take Vitamin D and see if it will help you at all if you&#39;re not quite up for taking a trip to the doctor. But maybe try and get yourself to give a doctor a call to make an appointment, worse thing that can happen is they find something wrong and you can work on fixing it! Best thing is you&#39;re fine or its just something minor like a&#160;deficiency. Try and take it easy.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-03-26T22:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m going to do that! Thank you ever so much I really appreciate it you&#39;ve really helped me out. Just nice to know I&#39;m not the only one going through this! </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-03-26T22:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tina_78570-1128189" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "Tde,\r\nSame thing with me to! What kind of vitamin D do you take??" ], "date": [ "2018-01-12T19:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tina_78570-1128189" ], "content": [ "Hi tina,\r\n\r\nIs your vitamin D low as well? What symptoms did/do you get?" ], "date": [ "2018-01-13T00:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tina_78570-1128189" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "content": [ "Hi Annie. I was getting stressed with work and school and life...I got very stomach sick then cold sick then stomach sick again. When that happens to me I know my anxiety is taking s turn for the worse I was losing energy by the min once I decided to take time off work, soon i could barely take a few steps without stoping for the day . So then I decided to go back on meds . Doctor finally took my blood Panal 2 weeks ago and emailed me the next day saying i was low in vitamin d. I quickly ran out and got the gummy kinds from sprouts. (I got gummies cuz my body is sensitive and I’m always nauseous. ) but I don’t think they worked so my friend got me some vitamin d from her doctors office and I’m gonna try it but I haven’t eaten very much so I’m scared to take vitamins till I eat more. " ], "date": [ "2018-01-13T01:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tina_78570-1128189" ], "content": [ "I know what you mean I worry about taking vitamins as well. I’ve jush had my Vitamin D checked but I took multivitamins a few days before now I’m worried nothing will show up cos I had vitamin D lol. Hoping it went out my system by then so they can find the cause of why I’m feeling the way I am. Thankyou for telling me how you felt, I feel the same things such horrible feelings :( I hope you feel better v soon x" ], "date": [ "2018-01-13T08:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tina_78570-1128189" ], "content": [ "Has the vitamin D work for you? " ], "date": [ "2018-02-27T02:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "content": [ "Hi. Yes it has. I think overtime you get used to the feeling and as you accept it and stop getting stressed about it, it starts to lift. And then the vitamin D also helps with all this. So you should probably get a blood test. The vitamin D tablets have definitely helped. But first you need to stop getting depressed about the feeling? " ], "date": [ "2021-03-26T22:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "content": [ "This feeling just happened out of no where and i don’t know what to do. I’m so stressed out because of it. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-01T20:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "content": [ "Hi lauryn \r\nplease don’t worry! I was stressed out so much too and I still have it now but I don’t notice it anymore and the stress has gone. First, you need to stop panicking and tell yourself that anything that harms your body means there is a problem in your physical body and system OR that there is a problem in your phsycological area. Get a blood test and ask them to look at your vitamin d levels. Meanwhile, reflect Deeply on absolutely ANYTHING that could have been stressing you out or making you depressed before this feeling. Even the most mild thing can cause this feeling. You probably feel alone but you are NOT!!! Just make sure you get on with your daily life, stay hydrated, keep excersising and don’t stop working. If you stay stressed about this feeling, it will keep getting worse and never go away. Bye!" ], "date": [ "2021-03-26T22:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "content": [ "Did you have muscle spasms and weakness?  " ], "date": [ "2018-03-01T22:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "content": [ "Hmmm, no muscle spasms but yes there was weakness and I wasn’t motivated to do anything" ], "date": [ "2018-03-02T08:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie77547-1105833" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "content": [ "I get muscle spasms x" ], "date": [ "2018-03-02T09:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "Did you take any other vitamins with the vitamin D? " ], "date": [ "2018-03-07T15:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "After how long did you start to feel better? Help. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-09T15:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "content": [ "Hi. I’m really sorry but unfortunately I haven’t felt better yet. The vitamin d isn’t really helping. It is just making me less tired but this spaced out feeling hasn’t gone yet :(\r\nhowever, the longer it lasts, the more I get used to it and most times I don’t even notice that it is there. Also, looking at patient sites and seeing comments about it lasting a long time in ppl doesn’t make it better. It will only make you more anxious and stressed out. Good luck :)" ], "date": [ "2018-03-09T18:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zonna92032-1173596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "content": [ "We will all get through this" ], "date": [ "2022-06-24T07:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zonna92032-1173596" ], "content": [ "Thank you and yes we will. Don’t give in to this and let you anxiety or irritation take over." ], "date": [ "2022-06-24T07:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "content": [ "<p>I have blurred vision and spaced out. My vitamin d was low , I&#39;ve been on supplements for a year now and no improvement in those symptoms unfortunately</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-27T02:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "content": [ "Same with me. I took the vitamin d tablets for a while and no improvement " ], "date": [ "2018-04-27T06:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauryn_57932-1155081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marjan46622-1152732" ], "content": [ "Did the feeling ever go away for you? It’s been 2 months and I’m still going thru it. " ], "date": [ "2018-05-12T18:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joeywas-1181900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\n\r\nDid you ever figure out a solution? I’ve been having this issue for past few months and it’s a affecting my job android whole social life  \r\n\r\n\r\nThank you " ], "date": [ "2018-05-22T23:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joeywas-1181900" ], "content": [ "Get your blood tested for all hormones. I gotta get my testerone checked when I looked up the symptoms of it it matched mine perfectly, I’m getting my thyroid hormones and a full vitamin test " ], "date": [ "2018-05-22T23:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/toby55303-1343694" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chanice04612-1003238" ], "content": [ "hi, i've noticed this post is around three years old. in the original post i have word for word the same symptoms, can i please get an update as to if you have any success in feeling better? thank you " ], "date": [ "2020-11-30T10:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/destynee29641-1352273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "i was told i have major depression even ptsd and dissociation even got put on sertaline but nothing has helped its been 4 months! \r\nand all my tests came back fine even with my heart def going to ask about my vitamin d levels ( im 18) " ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T18:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sab12380-1376648" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/toby55303-1343694" ], "content": [ "I have been struggling with the same thing for so many years and still have no answers. Have either one of you had any success? I try and find answers almost every day? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-18T01:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brad84685-1376178" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1003278" ], "content": [ "hi, i have been taking vitamin d for about two weeks now, any other recommendations?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T09:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/p4ul-1427835" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "content": [ "I used to scour these forums for a solution to feeling space out. Trying suggestions like vitamin deficiencies, low potassium, magnesium & coconut oil etc. But none of these helped.\r\n\r\nIt would always come on after breakfast for me. After something as simple as a bowl of cornflakes. About 20 minutes later.. Bang - my vision would start to go a bit blurry, this pressure would build behind my eyes making it feel like my brain was starting to freeze and my concentration went right out the window. Just walking along felt like I was floating.\r\n\r\nIt took me years to figure out (in my case anyway) it’s all down to sugars.\r\n\r\nNow I’ve had all the tests done at the docs. Diabetes & blood tests. They came back normal except for my potassium was a bit low and so were my fatty acids. But changing these didn’t help, and I tried for months.\r\n\r\nOne thing I did notice which is a little strange. When making a diet change or a bit of a life change, the symptoms may not be so bad for the next few days, which makes you feel like you’ve found the solution, but sure enough eventually I’d end up spaced out again feeling like I was drunk (which is only good if you want a cheap night out!)\r\n\r\nWhen I say sugars I don’t just mean things high in sugar like candy & granulated sugar, but foods that convert quickly to sugar and foods medium to high in sugar, even ones that say they’re low in sugar but are on the high end of low.\r\n\r\nI don’t eat bread in any shape or form, no sliced, burger buns, not a crumb. Also, no pasta. The more natural I keep my diet the better. These foods convert to sugar quickly so you may as well just eat a tablespoon of syrup (which is a bad idea!)\r\n\r\nFor breakfast now I buy sugar free cornflakes. I get them online from Doves Farm. They are a bit pricey and may not be as tasty and crispy as “normal” cornflakes, but that’s because my tastebuds were being saturated with needless sugars before. \r\n\r\nI’ll add a tablespoon of protein powder to my cornflakes just because I find it gives a little more sustenance. But not protein with added sugar. I use protein which has been extracted from brown rice. It does taste like death at first, but you get used to it. Not too much milk on breakfast, just enough to get it down you.\r\n\r\nI cook up a bolognese or chilli which lasts a few days and have this for lunch and dinner. It’s made using mince turkey to keep the fat down, onions, peppers etc, stock and tinned tomatoes. No off-the-shelf sauces as these have too many sugars. I usually microwave a Ben’s rice (formerly Uncle Ben’s before the “woke” virus) either one made from whole grain rice or long grain, but not basmati rice. Basmati seems to let some of the spaced outedness back in. Try to find a rice under 2.5g of sugar, anything over that is borderline for me.\r\n\r\nSometimes in the evening for a snack I’ll make a little porridge and stir in some peanut butter with no added sugar. Stops me eating biscuits & cakes.\r\n\r\nAnd that’s it! Making sure to eat regularly was also key for me, so no longer than 3 hour gaps between meals. The bolognese works well cause you can make it in batches and take some to work & microwave some rice. And no naughty snack throughout the day. I actually lost a lot of weight eating like this too.\r\n\r\nI realise this has gotten a little long, so I’ll end there but feel free to ask any questions. I hope this helps someone else too." ], "date": [ "2022-05-22T16:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea07083-1427895" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/p4ul-1427835" ], "content": [ "hi,\r\n\r\nI've really started looking into gut health more as i feel my poor diet is impacting my mental health. i have severe health anxiety and feel exactly like people describe, the fuzziness, head pressure, nausea, literally feeling like im trapped and dying.\r\ni deffinately feel as though food is related and causing these symptoms. exactly as you describe, worse after eating.\r\nblood test and doctors calls all result in the same response, though i am on folate and vitamin d supplements now which currently arn't doing anything.\r\ni feel like im two steps away from someone locking me up and im on a downward spiral i cant get off.\r\nive come here to seek reassurance, which i know isnt the answer but the moments of relief i get are better then nothing. \r\nany advice you give, any conversation, i would be so greatful. " ], "date": [ "2022-05-21T21:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/p4ul-1427835" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsea07083-1427895" ], "content": [ "Hi Chelsea,\r\n\r\nI did used to feel as if I was going mad almost as if I’d taken a drug I shouldn’t have and my mind was going out of control. But since changing my diet I feel a lot more with-it. Before I’d feel vacant and even friends would comment that I didn’t seem all there.\r\n\r\nI am a thinker. I over analyse and over worry. So when I felt spaced-out I’d worry more and I think it would make things worse. Sometimes just 20 minutes alone with my eyes shut would calm me down. The important thing to remember is you’re not going loopy.\r\n\r\nMy docs did tell me I had slightly low blood pressure and advised a bit more salt in my diet, which may have been part of the spaced-out feeling. But as I mentioned in my last post sugar was the key (however i do add a bit more salt to my food now)\r\n\r\nI did used to have a poor diet. I worked nights so my body clock was out of whack and I’d eat fast food. Also with your body clock being all over the place it can change how your body processes and uses sugars.\r\n\r\nI’m no doctor though but how it was explained to me is that when you ingest too many sugars in one sitting your liver kicks in and mops the sugar up, making your blood sugar low and ultimately depriving your brain of fuel.\r\n\r\nSo the aim is to give your body a steady supply of sugars to avoid the liver getting all crazy on you. Fast food went out the window as sauces are high sugar and bread converts quickly to sugar. Also fruit has natural sugars, but this is still sugar and ultimately had to go.\r\n\r\nIt took a few days after changing my diet to notice a difference, but that’s because my body had been on a rollercoaster ride for so long. I guess you could say it was my turkey bolognese that made me sane! lol\r\n\r\nI put lots of veggies in it, it’s low in fat so I have no problems eating it regularly, low in sugar as I just put chopped tomatoes & stock in for sauce, and natural rice as opposed to pasta.\r\n\r\nOn a side note I also experienced a lot of ectopic heartbeats before changing my diet. Controlling what I eat has made these very rare now. I think because the spaced out feeling has stopped I’m a lot more relaxed now too.\r\n\r\nMy posts keep turning into essays, I do apologise :)" ], "date": [ "2022-05-22T15:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Please get your Vitamin D levels checked. I went through every single feeling you described. I went to the hospital and everything came back fine. I then followed up with my PCP and he checked my Vitamin D levels (which the hospital didnt) and they were extremely low. Vitamin D has plays a huge role in our mental health. I&#39;ve been taking supplements for a month now and have MAJOR improvements. I no longer feel like I am dying, or detached from reality. My doctor said it could take 3-6 months to feel back to normal but it helps me so much to know that I am not crazy and those feeling i felt were actual due to a deficiany! You can even look up vitamin d and anxiety and see how many people it has helped. Best of luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-24T07:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/feeling-spaced-out-and-constantly-tired-dizziness-and-irritation-553852?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Feeling spaced out and constantly tired dizziness and irritation
<p>I&#39;ve been feeling like this for the past 4/5 months now and I&#39;m starting to loose hope I&#39;m so worried that something is seriously wrong with me. It&#39;s hard</p><p>To describe how I&#39;m feeling as a lot of people don&#39;t understand. It&#39;s like I can&#39;t focus on anything my mind is just constantly spaced out it&#39;s like a high/drunk sort of feeling which makes me feel dizzy and abit nauseous. I&#39;m suffering with really bad tiredness with it I just want to sleep all the time I&#39;m not interested in anything or motivated I just feel trapped in this little glass bubble wanting someone to smash it I want to wake up one day and feel normal. I&#39;m also suffering from waking in the night from hot and cold sweats my blood pressure is fine but my pulse is abit too fast which I have been put on propanalol. I just can&#39;t focus and this feeling of being out of it is affecting my every day life and I would do anything for this to go. I&#39;m so scared to go for scans and tests incase I have a really bad under lying health issue but everyone keeps telling me that it is related to mental health and that I will get better. I give birth to my LO 10 months ago now and I was told that birth can trigger many mental health issues and I&#39;ve recently started taking sertraline 50mg for my depression and anxiety... someone please help me I feel like I&#39;m never going to be myself again I just need this fog to clear and I just want to be able to wake up and live normally without struggling.</p>