Is anyone taking magnesium l threonate with citalopram?
hi, is anyone taking citalopram and magnesium l threonate together? and if yes how is it working for you?
MND Fear and Sertraline
Hi All, New poster here on the forum, nice to meet you all. I'll try and make it as brief as possible. Had OCD for around 14 years, mostly related to health. Had its ups and down but i am at a particularly low point at the moment. It all started when i noticed a dent in my left thumb area. This sent me down the rabbit hole of MND. Started to perceive that arm was weak which led to constant strength testing. The twitches began. After a while my girlfriend basically forced me to the docs because i was spending all day and all night locked away strength testing, checking for atrophy and scouring for twitches. GP went through my history and gave me a neurological weakness test, said he could find no clinical weakness and looked at my thumb dent, concluding that it wasn't atrophy as depending on my thumb position it could appear or disappear and was almost certainly how the muscle looked. He said he had no evidence of any physical issue and therefore further testing was not necessary and would just increase my anxiety. I agreed and i said i'd carry on with my weekly CBT sessions. Although the symptoms never fully disappeared, they lessened and i felt reassured for a couple of days. Fast forward a month and i was back in the same place. The arm feeling weak alarms me but it performed exactly the same as the other arm. Went back and saw a different GP, explained the above again. He did another neurological exam, including extra tests, checked my cranial nerves, did my reflexes, etc. Said the tests were perfect and he can find no evidence of clinical weakness or anything abnormal with the reflexes etc. At this point and never having been on medication in all my 14 years i asked about the medications i could go on and was prescribed 50mg Sertraline to combine with my CBT. I started 4 days ago and have been breaking the pill in half to get 25mg per day at the moment. Looking to up it to the full 50mg after 8-10 days. I still have the weakness feeling but my twitches have somewhat improved. I am getting a slight tremor and an internal shaking feeling and my hand on the left is somewhat clumsy. Also, this weird pins and needles patch on my tongue. This particular worry has been going on for approx 3 months now. Another contributing factor to my issues could be that i hardly eat or drink that much all day, i haven't exercised in about 2 years properly and i used to five times a week and i wake up about 3 times a night in fear that i have this horrendous disease that means i wont be able to see my 1 year old son grow up. Are these possible side effects of the medication that have been experienced by any of you? I really want to trust both the GPs but with health anxiety it is not that easy. Would you be satisfied with their evaluations? Is this MND or anxiety plus all the other contributing factors? Will or does Sertraline work? Keeping it brief didn't work. Apologies. I would love to hear you opinions. Thanks, J.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrssnow-1390470" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry about the bad typing im just trying to get it all out!" ], "date": [ "2022-12-26T13:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/dealing-with-positive-covid-794530?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Dealing with positive Covid
Hi i am suffering with severe anxiety and depression and have just started CBT for health anxiwty after major bouts of anxiety theoughout this year. i tested positive for Covid (for the first time) last wednesday and i feel awful. i am in bed , conpletely messed up Christmas and feel so guilty. my husband tested positivw andew saya before but manages to push theough but i just fo to bed where ive slent a large portionn of this year with my depression. The thing is i feel so breathless and chesty and i am terrified. i get breathless and tight chested anyway with anxiety and this is just making it worse. im trying hard yo remain calm but myhusband just yells me and aays ive ruined Christmas. Am i going to be ok? im 56. Is this all normal with Covid? i tested negative on Saturday which is one positive. thankyou for reading
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david06595-1450707" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it could be from the a fib or panic attacks. only a doctor that knows your history would be able to give an educated guess as to which one would most likely caused the dizziness. \r\nAre you taking any type of a blood thinner medication for the a fib? \r\nfor now, relax your mind as much as possible. Listen to some soothing meditations for anxiety on YouTube. Do that every day. or as much as you can and try not to overthink things. That can create anxiety along with dizziness. \r\nI have had bouts of dizziness many times over the years. always due to high levels of anxiety. I practice my deep breathing for anxiety, and listen to meditations frequently. The more you can relax your mind the better you will feel all around.\r\nlet your doctor know if the dizziness continues on. and review your medication‘s with your doctor.\r\nI hope you feel better soon. You can always private message me if you like" ], "date": [ "2022-12-25T19:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-dizziness-while-lying-in-bed-794507?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Severe Dizziness while lying in bed
Hi All I've been going through anxiety trying to find out what is wrong with me. I have several bouts of severe dizziness in the past 10 years. They all start the same with a severe onset of dizziness out of nowhere ( No Spinning) just dizziness. it lasts about a minute and slowly disapates. I've been to the emergency to see what happened and they find nothing. The last visit the Neurologist said i had a small stoke TIA but all tests were negative. Anyone out there gone through this? I have Afib too so I'm wondering if it is irregular heartbeats or panic attacks? Thank you! David
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/whitney74579-437635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousgirl21-495719" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ken21569-1450661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/whitney74579-437635" ], "content": [ "I have been having the whooshing feelings in my head right as I am falling asleep lately...this was helpful to know. Thanks Whitney!" ], "date": [ "2022-12-25T02:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi sweetie, \r\nI can relate so much to everything you're saying. It's so scary. I'm sorry you have to suffer through this but know you're not alone. I used to get the brain surges right before I fell asleep too, I still get it sonetones. Sometimes I woke up on the middle of the night gasping for air and also felt weird in bed like it was moving but wasn't. I was terrified to sleep too. It's a horrible feeling, sleep should be peaceful but it's scary.i was. Even afraid to sleep in my own bed so I slept in the spare room next to my parents for a few weeks: I don't know how, but somehow I kinda got over it. I think In time you will too. I know lots of doctors say no tv before bed, but I have to watch tv before bed. I watch a lighthearted show before bed and always fall asleep with the tv on for distraction. Maybe try this out? I pick a channel I know nothing bad/scary will come on like Disney channel or Hallmark channel. Oh and in the beginning when I was terrified of sleep I slept with a stuffed animal or a couple. It helped a lot. I'm 22 and all the advice I gave sounds like im 10 🙊. Anyways, hang in there precious. If you need a chat private message me ( I don't know how to private message people on here, hope you do).  Get some rest! " ], "date": [ "2014-12-30T08:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-physical-symptoms-head-whoosh-falling-inside-head-feeling-336608?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george35290-367803" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousgirl21-495719" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousgirl21-495719" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george35290-367803" ], "content": [ "It's awful how do you cope with it? It still hasn't gone away and I am now experiencing like shooting pains in the head. They're only noticeable when I think about them or when I'm having a panic attack. So I know that they're anxiety related but they still make me panic because it creeps me out " ], "date": [ "2015-01-01T06:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes I have had this it feels like your mind is falling down a bottomless pit it's very scary happens to me when I close my eyes to go to sleep " ], "date": [ "2014-12-31T20:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-physical-symptoms-head-whoosh-falling-inside-head-feeling-336608?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan95405-920429" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousgirl21-495719" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have started getting this feeling every time I go to bed or just lay down, I have anxiety problems, I feel as if I'm falling down then going up then back down. Such a scary feeling" ], "date": [ "2016-01-29T02:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-physical-symptoms-head-whoosh-falling-inside-head-feeling-336608?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caz90987-990677" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousgirl21-495719" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katula826-1109260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caz90987-990677" ], "content": [ "<p>I totally relate to both Anonymous Girl&#39;s post and your response here. Your speaking of these strange sensations as symptomatic of a spiritual awakening resonates with me</p><p> Off and on for some time now at night I have been experiencing these strange dizzy-like sensations inside my head and some that start inside and go right up through the top. </p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-03T11:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi anonymousgirl21, i hope you&#39;re ok, i know this posting is a year old. &#160;I first began getting a lot of weird symptoms, similar to how you describe in 2011 (google spiritual awakening as i can tick off everything on there). &#160;around about the time it first began, i was so stressed and going through a lot of change in my life. &#160;Things had to change, for &#160;my own good, I was ignoring this inner knowing and it took my health getting bad to make me stop, give up my toxic job and rethink my lifestyle. &#160;Around this time I was also wondering about deeper things, such as the meaning of life. &#160;I had become very philosophical, started doing yoga and meditation. &#160;I was going through a shift in consciousiness; a spiritual awakening. &#160;Four years later, the head whooshing has been happening for about 6 months, as my awakening is deepening. &#160;That falling feeling inside the head is so freaky, yes for sure. &#160;Try to calm yourself by touching your heart and breathing as you listen to your breath. &#160;Even though I knew I had gone through weird sensations and experiences in 2011, I still got my brain checked out with blood tests, as my short term memory seems to have disappeared right now. &#160;All tests came back clear. &#160;I really feel deeply that a lot of people are also going through a spiritual awakening. &#160;There are changes happening to people &#39;inside&#39; to help cope with life on the outside. &#160;The world is pretty chaotic right &#160;now and this spiritual awakening is a re-alignment back to our planet, to nature. &#160;We are all healing and it&#39;s a blessing to be experiencing this. &#160;Ride the tide. &#160;What helps is looking inside for reasons to be grateful, even if the whooshing is scary. &#160;Also, i recommend you try mindfulness meditation or some breathing meditation and join a yoga class. &#160;These all help to quieten the mind and de-stress. &#160;Be in nature, as much as you can too. &#160;I hope some, if not all of this, helps you or any others experiencing out of the ordinary symptoms.</p><p></p><p>x</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-03T23:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-physical-symptoms-head-whoosh-falling-inside-head-feeling-336608?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline40806-1162168" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousgirl21-495719" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had anxiety for years but it starting being pretty bad around 18 years old I&#39;m now 25 and I&#39;ve tried to developp tools i.e arts, taking walks, talk therapy but sometimes my panic attacks get really bad...all that to say that I understand what you&#39;re going through if i may say.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-18T20:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-physical-symptoms-head-whoosh-falling-inside-head-feeling-336608?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jill19850-986874" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousgirl21-495719" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know this is an old post, but did you ever get an answer as to what this was??" ], "date": [ "2018-08-15T03:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-physical-symptoms-head-whoosh-falling-inside-head-feeling-336608?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ken21569-1450661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymousgirl21-495719" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did you get any help? I am having whooshing feelings in my head when in first stages of falling asleep and I wonder if it is anxiety or stress related." ], "date": [ "2022-12-25T02:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-physical-symptoms-head-whoosh-falling-inside-head-feeling-336608?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety! Physical symptoms - head whoosh falling inside head feeling
Hi everyone. God I feel so annoying always posting on here with my problems. :/  My anxiety is just so bad. I've had a lot of stress these past 2 days, arguments, confrontation, worrying etc. And I just can't cope anymore. My chest is in agony again. Dr told me a few weeks ago it's muscular and due to anxiety. It got better over Xmas when I was enjoying myself but it's back now I'm stressed. I have so many physicsl symptoms it's just ridiculous and I'm kinda used to them although I think I'm having a stroke on a regular basis so I have a panic attack of 10 every single day. Theyre exhausting! What makes it worse is that for some reason I have become very aware recently that im falling asleep... It freaks me out. Like cos I'm so relaxed i panic because I can't move my legs because they're so relaxed but being relaxed or feeling relaxed is foreign to me now.  Also another awful symotom I have got is as soon as I get close to falling asleep I get a weird rush / whoosh / falling feeling inside my head. Nowhere else. It's not the typical falling sensation where it's your whole body. It literally feels so horrible the feeling that my something inside my head is falling. It terrified me so I haven't slept tonight and  terrified to sleep :( Someone please help me x
Deplin L methylfolate
has anyone had success with deplin / l methylfolate with an ssri?
Am I going to be okay? Health anxiety scaring me
I mostly struggle with throat problems, today I ate a cookie that I make sure to chew well before swallowing, but for some reason it feels like a whole piece is stuck in the middle of my throat and it's making me panic right now. My throat also made me swallow it too, not sure if it was because, I was over chewing. I do have an oximeter at home and read my levels which is 99, I try to clear my mind and think positive. My heart rate looks fine as well, I can talk, eat and drink, just the sensation is worrying me. Just started taking meds too, to hopefully get rid of my symptoms one day. Should I go to the ER for this?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I have also been having visual disturbances and have posted but no replies. since you bad a clean mri it sounds like its nothing neurological. i had a ct scan and mri last year and they were both fine. i was worried about a tumor but my doc was ruling out MS. I saw an opthamologist and he dx me with something very minor. Now im having vision issues again and im too scared to go back during the holiday season. i dont want to ruin christmas for my kids and family. i like to try setting a date and seeing if my symptoms are better by then. Easier said than done. I wish you the best!" ], "date": [ "2022-12-19T05:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "content": [ "I try to schedule my appointments out in hopes the symptoms have passed by then as well! January will mark 2 years of the eye symptoms. It's exhausting constantly looking up disorders and symptoms and trying to figure this out all on my own. I broke down last week and booked another neurologist apt for the end of January and may try a neuro ophthalmologist as well. My wife is urging me to accept it's all chronic stress and anxiety and to ignore symptoms but I'm scared if I don't continue to search and figure this out that one day it'll all be too late. Doctors don't seem to listen and/or care and I think most are so programmed to look for the common and obvious problems so I have taken it into my own hands to dig deeper into the rare disorders and have educated myself on what tests I need to rule things out. I have been deep into natural healing but have began to get frustrated and lose trust in that as well. I'll pray that we all get the answers that we're searching for. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-19T15:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "content": [ "i understand! Most of the time i can find at least a few other things it could be, including anxiety. This time i dont see anything else it could be other than a brain tumor. All of the symptoms just line up. Normally i rush to the dr but this time im avoiding it for awhile. I dont want to ruin the holidays for my kids. My vision is getting worse and it is a daily freak out. I had clear scans last year but that doesnt mean something hasn't popped up. Even at my last opthamologist visit he said \"well sometimes we get the diagnoses wrong but this time i think we are on the right track.\" (Optic Nerve drusen). That makes me even more anxious. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-20T01:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Do you ever have a hard time focusing on objects when up close? Example – when I am looking out the kitchen window, the slats on the window are hard for me to focus on if I’m looking into the yard. Then if I focus on the slats it’s hard for me to see the yard." ], "date": [ "2022-12-20T01:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "content": [ "I don't want to send you down a rabbit hole, but ever since I have started living a more holistic lifestyle it has eased my anxiety about certain health problems. I encourage you to watch 2 things and see what you think. 1. Unless on Netflix. Some of the episodes are a little far out there for me personally but give those a try. 2. Heal on Amazon Prime. I am by no means giving medical advice, but these personally took my fears of Cancer and MS away. My current fear is there is something more structural or genetic wrong and am trying to fully believe that even those things can heal as well. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-20T20:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "content": [ "I'll have to try that exact experiment. I had my wife standing at the kitchen window over the weekend because I have noticed if I look at lines close up it appears there are more of them and when I squint it turns back into one. For her she was seeing one line and when she squinted in turned into multiple. I have also started noticing when I look at a light source or something bright and blink or squint it causes the lights to stretch down toward the ground. I'm assuming it's my eyelashes causing it and I just didn't notice until now- 36 years old. I honestly think (HOPE) we are so in tune with everything that we are noticing normal things that our brains normally just look past because they're normal. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-20T20:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "content": [ "that seems to be very much but I am experiencing as well. I’ve read a lot about different types of double vision. It’s the cause of the double vision that has me concerned. I am actually not concerned about MS at all it’s only the cancer and tumor fears. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one that sees things like the window experiment." ], "date": [ "2022-12-20T23:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "content": [ "Watch those shows I recommended in a previous reply. I'm confident those will ease your fears." ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T15:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "sorry you are going through this Jacob. I’ve had chronic anxiety and stress for a very long time along with a very weird visual disturbances. Not constantly but when I am highly stressed. I haven’t had all of yours but I have had some of them. If you had an mri or another test on your brain and you were told it looks great then I wouldn’t worry about the brain. And if the eye doctor couldn’t find anything wrong then there is a good chance your visual issues are coming from stress and anxiety. \r\ntry really hard to relax yourself and your mind every day and see if those visual issues go away. practice deep breathing exercises for anxiety. You can find so many of those on YouTube as well as meditations for complete relaxation, stress and anxiety, etc. give that a try for a while. Try to find a resolution for things that are causing you stress. You could even speak to a counselor who can help you relax and give you some great ideas. Take one day at a time and I do hope everything settles down for you! ❤\r\n\r\n \r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-12-16T21:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/visual-disturbances-crazy-symptoms-794201?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dani1988-1386472" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "1 doctor, 2 ophthalmologists, 1 optometrist, a1 neurologist lots of labs, 2 MRI's a CT scan\r\nif seeing that number of people experts professional with decades of clinical experience doesn't convince you there is nothing scary going on then nothing said in this forum will settle your fears. At some point you need to cut the cord and move on and seek anxiety therapy. \r\n\r\nthe future you fear you may not have. you may have an accident and be gone. Live in the present breath your family in and enjoy all that you have. trust the professionals and leave it all in their hands. \r\n\r\ni spent 2 years fearing MS im not out of the woods but i dont care anymore what will be will be. in the UK its no so easy get access to the number of assurances you have had.\r\n\r\nin your case it could be floaters, anxiety or ideopathic. if mri are clear then thats bulletproof. theres no point going down the rabbit whole of smouldering conditions it will destroy your life. i wish someone shook me and told me stop because i lost eveything while i was busy seeking answers for my helath. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-21T20:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/visual-disturbances-crazy-symptoms-794201?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Visual Disturbances- Crazy Symptoms
First time poster but have read many posts for that last couple of years. I suffer from anxiety and chronic stress as many posters do. My symptoms are listed below as best I can explain them. After Images- Can be from any little thing. Clearish White Transient Lines- This is in dim conditions, could be first thing in the morning leaving for work will it's still dark outside or could be returning from work when dark outside. I see whitish clear lines bouncing off the sidewalk, porch, house, everything! This doesn't happen everyday. It comes and goes. Patterns move and mess with my eyes without having to stare at them for an extended period of time.. Streaks of light when I blink or squint. This is probably my eyelashes causing this but I just recently noticed this. Tiny black dots on walls. I don't think this is floaters. They're tiny and they disappear and reappear in different locations very, very, quickly. Seeing ghost images coming off objects. The best example I can give is if I walk through the kitchen with the lights off and look at the led clock on the oven, the lit clock remains in place but I see a replicate of that clock bouncing off to the side. Another example, we were on a late night flight and I looked at the tiny lights on the back of the seats and there were replicates of them moving from left to right while the ones on the seat remained in place. When i walk through the house and it's dim lit I see a transient line bounce out to the side of walls, door jams, etc. Seeing different colors radiating from colors. A guy at work had on a vibrant yeloowish/green safety vest and i would notice a bluish purple color radiate from the side of it). When I'm on the computer a blue box could radiate a yellowish color to the side of it. When I stand close to a white wall and move my eyes from left to right I see whitish/clearish glitchy looking lines almost mild electricity. I see shimmers in vision, flickers, and flashes. See a pinpoint flash at bottom of eye and it moves around to the side and disappears. This is usually laying in bed with my eyes closed. When turning the lights on or off or a bright light shining in my eyes when driving can cause me to see a white flash that seems to be at the bottom of my eye. I know these symptoms are odd but I've had no luck telling this to doctors, eye doctors, and neurologist so I thought it'd be worth a shot to post it on here to see if anyone has experienced anything similar or has found and answer. The last eye doctor said if there is a problem it is definitely in the brain and not in the eye. The neurologist said I have a great looking brain and if there is a problem it is definitely in the eye and not the brain. I have been to 1 doctor, 2 ophthalmologists, 1 optometrist, and 1 neurologist. I have had lots of labs, 2 MRI's a CT scan and everything has came back clear. I'm very worried because I have a lovely wife and 2 daughters that I provide for and can't get over the fear that I'll be unable to continue doing that if I don't find the root cause of this and fix it before it's too late. Thanks in advance for reading my post. I hope everyone finds the cause and cure for what they're battling. Best of luck! Jake
hey everyone i suffer from anxiety and recently i get a tense feeling around my head which doesnt seem to go away it's like a headache but not. it also makes me feel sick too. any ideas on what to take or do to help ease it?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hakkentosh-1450319" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I can definitely relate to you. And yes I know exactly how it feels. I’ve been dealing with this for a very long time and I am much older than you. I know a lot about anxiety and the physical symptoms it can produce as well as the issues of the mind. \r\nOne thing I wanted you to know is that anxiety absolutely cannot hurt you physically even though it might seem like that. If it could hurt us, I would’ve been gone a long time ago.\r\ni’ve had the brain fog, the \r\nde realization, confusion, any physical symptoms you can think of relating to anxiety, etc.\r\nI looked for constant reassurance but I would always keep looking for it which is exhausting. \r\nalso there are millions of people who have the same sensations and symptoms that you have. It’s all over the world. anxiety is the number one mental health issue and the number one reason why people see a counselor. you are definitely not alone. But it doesn’t kill anybody. The main symptoms even the brain fog etc. is due to a release of adrenaline.\r\nI also find that the more I worry about it the worse it gets. That’s because I was telling my brain through the worry that something is wrong. So the brain responds by ordering up more adrenaline for the fight or flight response. \r\nit’s really important to learn proper breathing for anxiety. You can find that on YouTube. \r\nI would also suggest having regular sessions with a counselor who can help you manage this. Better management makes a person feel so much better. \r\nour thoughts can really do a number on us unless we have more control of them. \r\ntake one day at a time. you will be OK. feel free to private message me anytime!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T01:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/serious-health-anxiety-794350?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Serious Health Anxiety
Hi everyone. So to cut to the chase, I've suffered with GAD and Panic Disorder since I was 15 years old and tend to oberthink everything and anything I could see as a potential threat to my life. The biggest example of this is my own health. I have problems with my sinuses that cause bad Tension Headaches at the same time, and in extreme cases, brain fog. This makes me feel like I can't properly gather my thoughts, but realistically the only things that are affected are my short-term memory, and my attention span. I'm still able to do my job but it genuinely feels like someone has cut my mind off from the rest of my body - I hope that makes sense. I always worry about the worst case scenarios, like anyone with Health Anxiety would, and I find it has that much of an effect that it stops me from wanting to sleep at night in fear that I don't wake up the next morning. Being 27 there's a lot I still want to accomplish and I fear that I'll never get to enjoy retirement. It's all very extreme, and right now my anxiety comes in waves from day to day. My girlfriend is very good at bringing me back down to earth, as are my parents, but I find myself constantly asking people if they've ever experienced the same symptoms, and when they confirm they have, I often start asking myself if they truly know what I'm talking about or just lying so I stop worrying. So how do I deal with this anxiety of mine? It's been 12 years of this suffering and I can't cope with it any longer. I know the odds of me being seriously ill are slimmer than a Russian model, but I always find myself panicking because I've found a new, sharp, short lasting pain in my ankle, or some other stupid, insignificant symptom. Honestly I just want to live my life and stop letting my thoughts run away to the end of the world. Thanks everyone, Merry Christmas
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael95086-1342803" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael95086-1342803" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thankyou so much for your reply, it actually brought a tear to my eye when i read the first line, just to hear from someone who has shared their experience, although I'm so sorry you ever had to go through it aswell. Did you manage to overcome your anxiety and stop the symptoms?\r\nI've also got so many more symptoms i havent listed, and I cry so easily, I feel like I've lost myself. thankyou again for taking the time out to reply, you've made a positive difference to me, i'm ever so grateful ❤" ], "date": [ "2020-11-17T19:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " you’re not going mad. You have anxiety and stress. When I was in my 20s I had a bunch of symptoms, all at once including numbness and tingling, ringing in my ears, shortness of breath, stiff muscles around my neck, squiggly looking things in my vision as well as floaters in my eyes. I thought I had something horrible but all tests were normal. I had more symptoms than those also. Too many to list. \r\n Honestly, anxiety and stress can definitely cause your symptoms as they did mine. Then I realized that I did have a lot of stress in my life and I had to start working on that in order to relieve the symptoms. The symptoms are not dangerous. They are just very bothersome. you’ve been tested thoroughly. When you go to counseling, don’t stop even when you start to feel better. It’s important to have that support. The more you stress out about the symptoms the more you will have them. Just know that you are OK but need some help right now managing this. Take care " ], "date": [ "2020-11-21T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/visual-disturbances-could-it-be-anxiety-749943?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staci88515-1218434" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael95086-1342803" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael95086-1342803" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/staci88515-1218434" ], "content": [ "I'm so sorry you are experiencing this, I can empathise. I have similar symptoms to you vision wise. I totally understand the anxiety and panic. I was like that and going to my docs caused me alot of anguish, however getting clear results back really did ease things for me eventually. I am by no means an expert but it does seem like it could be anxiety thats having a hand in your symptoms. thats certainly what I'm starting to think about myself from alot I've read and been told. I read a really helpful and positive blog from someone online. I think its called over to aila, my visual snow journey, and honestly it really helped me feel better. I've also found tgat running really helps me, I almost don't notice any of my symptoms when I run apart from my neck ache. if you ever need to talk message me, im no pro but ill happily listen. take care " ], "date": [ "2020-11-19T22:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have had anxiety for decades. Recently, I started having panic attacks. My vision is by far my worst symptom. I have flashes, after images, extreme light sensitivity, static, and lately I see stars when I bend down and stand up. I feel like something is terribly wrong with me. It sucks and no matter how many people tell me they have the same issues, it never eases my health anxiety. I want to go to the doctor, but I have such anxiety and panic, I can't go." ], "date": [ "2020-11-19T18:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/visual-disturbances-could-it-be-anxiety-749943?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael95086-1342803" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karen95078-1447590" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "content": [ "just read your post and wanted to say I also suffer from anxiety which causes visual disturbances, aches and pains as well as other symptoms. I can go for months with nothing and feeling 'normal' then suddenly it creeps back for no particular reason. I am currently going through this at the moment and hate it. The worst part is trying to carry on as normal especially at work but its so hard some days and I come home exhausted trying to keep it together. I am currently taking sertraline which hopefully will start helping soon. I hate feeling this way and there is no particular reason why i get like this. As I have been through it before I am just hopeful I will get back to myself soon." ], "date": [ "2022-11-21T19:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacob11119-1370195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/karen95078-1447590" ], "content": [ "You are not alone. I work a very demanding job that requires me to be on point and I have a wife and 2 young daughters that I am responsible for. Most days have been a struggle for the last 3 years. Mine started with facial tingling that lasted for almost a year and then it went to visual disturbances that will hit the 2 year mark in January. I hope you get to the bottom of what's causing you discomfort and rid it from your life for good!" ], "date": [ "2022-12-19T15:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have many of the symptoms you described. They have been going on for over a year now. Have had many tests and the doctors haven't found anything wrong but I'm concerned they've missed something or that whatever I may have just hasn't shown up on tests yet. I do believe it could be caused by chronic stress and anxiety, but I still find it hard to not focus on symptoms and then starts the downward spiral all over again. Has anyone recovered from these symptoms or found answers? I have read many posts across many forums and I have yet to find success stories. It would be meaningful if people would come back and say whether their symptoms disappeared or if they ended up getting a diagnosis. My hope is all these people recover and never think to look back on these frightening symptoms. I hope everyone that reads this post finds a way to break the vicious cycle of their mystery symptoms and begin to thrive once again, rather than everyday being a survival. " ], "date": [ "2022-11-17T13:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/visual-disturbances-could-it-be-anxiety-749943?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Visual disturbances - could it be anxiety
Hi there I'm struggling at the moment...at the start of September I started to get some strange issues with my vision, mainly after images, and bright spots against light backgrounds. I also see kind of a shimmering against walls and it feels like its hard for me to take it all in and concentrate. I had two eye exams which both came back clear, no sign of anything nasty. I've also had problems with tingling in my fingers and my neck aches when I'm in certain positions. a few weeks after I started getting ringing in my ears, which seems worse when I'm sat or laid down. I had routine blood tests which were clear, a ct scan on my brain which was clear and an mri on my back and brain which were clear apart from slight degeneration in two of my vertebrae but they don't think thats an issue. I was asked if I'd been stressed and I certainly have so they thinks its caused by anxiety. I've got therapy sessions starting soon but I wondered if anyone else has had anything similar? it feels like such a physical cause that I'm worried its to do with my neck but I honestly don't know if I've just got myself in a horrible stressed/anxiety loop that I'm exasperating everything. my neck is stiff and seems to pop and grind all the time but I don't know if I'm focusing on it too much. im finding things so difficult atm and get so down, and just wondered if anyone had experienced this. I think maybe I just wanted to get it off my chest too, I feel like I'm going mad. thanks in advance
I'm really worried right now, can anyone reassure me?
I mostly struggle with throat problems, today I ate a cookie that I make sure to chew well before swallowing, but for some reason it feels like a whole piece is stuck on the right side of my throat and it's making me panic right now, I do have an oximeter at home and read my levels that would drop from 95 to 99,but seems like when I try to clear my mind and think positive, my readings go back up to 99 again. I'm not sure if stress plays a role on lowering my levels, but it seems to be fine now. My heart rate looks fine as well, I can talk and drink, just the sensation is worrying me, but I know it's a common symptom of GERD. Just started taking meds too, to hopefully get rid of my symptoms one day. Should I go to the ER for this?
struggling Today
my anxiety is really awful at the minute. it ranges from feeling sick, upset tummy, i wake up with a knot in my stomach everyday. i suffer with really bad health anxiety and each month I literally focus on one part of my obsess about there something wrong. Does anyone get problems with their tongue when they get anxious? since i had covid back in October i have like a burning tongue feeling, i went to the doctors and he said my tongue looked fine but its the weirdest sensation. i am really struggling today. i hate feeling like this
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleydrn-1434574" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, sorry to hear what you are going through. That is exactly how my anxiety and panic attacks started 8 years ago, i was playing darts with my brother and out of nowhere i couldn't breathe( thought i was dying). I went hospital and all test were fine. I am now on meds which i changed 2 weeks ago and i am back at square one really struggling with my health anxiety. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2022-07-22T22:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/did-i-develop-panic-disorder-overnight--788042?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleydrn-1434574" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleydrn-1434574" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "What are you taking for every day anxiety? My PCP gave me PRN Hydroxyzine to hold me over the weekend until I can get in to see her Monday to discuss these issues further.....I'm not a fan of taking medications 🙄" ], "date": [ "2022-07-23T01:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imsoimportant-1440148" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleydrn-1434574" ], "content": [ "i am in my 40s and had anxiety since 27. maybe younger , but i was too busy raising 2 kids, going to school and working a full time job. fast forward , i had my first anxiety attack which was triggered by an argument with my ex . (anxiety attack more than likely have a trigger that you are aware of. a panic attack does not have to have rhyme or reason or any trigger). I took paxil first , for 3 days. made me sick. never took medication again until 40. got on lexapro . it made me sick at first to my stomach but i hung on and was on it for 3-4 months. i felt so good. i came off cold turkey. Lived life , had attacks randomly, high stress but kept on pushing. weeks i would feel spacey , dizzy , tired and light headed . kept pushing . im too busy. working, buying homes, got married, kids grown, lost alot of loved ones , kept pushing. last week i had the worst panic attack of my life!!! at a supermarket food shopping. legs got weak, hyperventilaing, pulse at 130 and passed out. i had taken hydroxzine that morning. (i just got it 2 weeks before ) . it was a bad attack. i was taken by ambulance from the store. i have zero heath issues besides anxiety. i say all of this to say, please get help. dont end up like me. Dont let the anxiety morph into panic disorder which i now have. i havent left my house since. i found a good psychiatrist, (after seeing 4 in a week and wasnt satisfied). she gave me 2 mg valium 2 times a day and zoloft. i swear i feel like a new person. its only been almost 2 weeks. i stopped smoking cigarettes, and though i was never a real drinker, stopped that and coffee as well. for the first time in years I feel like myself. do what you need to do to get well. the medicine works. I am also seeing a therapist and learning CBT. i plan to do accupnucture also. maybe down the line i will ween off the medicine when i learn other coping skills. but for now, the medicine restored my life . 27 to 45 i took 3 months worth of medicine because like you, i dont like medication. please dont let the anxiety take over u " ], "date": [ "2022-09-07T03:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am so sorry you are going through this. I know how scary panic attacks can feel. I’ve had anxiety since childhood and I am most likely way older than you. So I’m definitely a veteran of anxiety and panic. \r\nOne thing I really want you to remember is that these panic attacks are not harmful even though they are really scary. it’s an excess release of adrenaline which will eventually wear off during a panic attack. And yes you can feel many different sensations after a panic attack.\r\nyou are absolutely not going crazy and you’re not going to die! So many people feel that way but it never happens.\r\nyou didn’t suddenly develop panic attacks overnight. There’s always an underlying anxiety that may just be simmering for a very long time or a short time. some people aren’t even aware that they have that underlying anxiety. Then all of a sudden it just lets loose into panic along with all of the sensations.\r\nwhen I was in my late 20s this happened to me and I had every single one of your sensations. Back then nobody was using Internet so I felt like I was the only one in the world with this and I was terrified! All my testing came out normal. \r\nI did have long-term anxiety prior to this but I never had any physical sensations. What happened is that my body just broke down from underlying anxiety and stress. The body can only take so much before it has a breakdown. Anxiety and stress tend to show symptoms in the nervous system so that’s why people get so many different sensations.\r\nplease know that you are going to be OK. You may need some counseling to help manage this. virtual counseling works great for this.\r\nwhen you feel panicky and short of breath, it’s really important to breathe properly to lower the heart rate and relax. YouTube has some great meditations for in the moment panic that will calm you down. just take one day at a time, breathe, relax your mind as much as you can. There’s also great anxiety meditations on there. I still do these and they help a lot. \r\nfeel free to private message me anytime! ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-08-01T14:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/did-i-develop-panic-disorder-overnight--788042?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleydrn-1434574" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’m not taking anything right now. most of the ones for anxiety are not meant for long-term usage anyway. But I would definitely take something for an acute anxiety episode or panic attack just to take the edge off. some doctors will prescribe a low dose of Xanax, valium, . I know people who swear by CBD oil for anxiety but I haven’t tried it myself. \r\nI really try to bring down my anxiety with exercise, breathing exercises, meditation, working on altering how I think about things and staying positive." ], "date": [ "2022-07-24T12:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/did-i-develop-panic-disorder-overnight--788042?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/md_abdul78822-1143675" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashleydrn-1434574" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "All those symptoms which u mention almost 99% I had that during panic attacks ..... ..... In year 2014 I was driving from office to home suddenly without any symptom I get started SOB then dizziness then shaking of body I told to my friend may be I got an heart attack I try to stop the car on bridge but traffic behind me didnt make to stop the car so that way my mind get divert then I continue driving the car that day I get know that it was my first Panic Attack and this is how Panic Attack started then after that with the treatment I am controlling it. It is not gone still I do get panic attacks but I learn the way to control it and still I do take tablet I think it will be thr with us whole life only thing is that we need to know how to control it .... Dont be panic you are not alone just get treated and important is learn how to control it ...... \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-09-18T10:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/did-i-develop-panic-disorder-overnight--788042?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Did I develop panic disorder overnight?
Hello All! I am hoping someone can give me some sort of relief. I am 30 years old and have never been diagnosed with anxiety. A week ago I ended up in the ER resulting from an episode that happened out of nowhere at 3 AM. I felt an impending doom feeling, SOB/air hunger, sweating, chills, vomiting, nausea, shaking, weak, fatigue, tachycardia, HTN. Everything lab wise was normal and they said I had a panic attack. I went home and went to sleep and the next day I woke up with a persistent air hunger feeling....its Day 7 and this feeling of breathlessness has never gone away. In the past week I have acute onset of symptoms that can last as little as 30 min to over an over. I've experienced chest pressure, tachycardia, HTN, rib pain from air hunger, lightheaded/dizzy, hearing loss/white spots vision, impending doom feeling, dry throat/mouth, sweating, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, hoarse voice, dry cough, throat tightness/lump in throat/feeling like throat closing/difficulty swallowing, pressure behind eyes, focal headaches, fatigue, excessive yawning, shaky/weak, orthopnea, loss of balance, and numbness/tingling. Could I seriously have developed panic disorder over night? I feel like something is seriously wrong and even said my goodbyes to my kids and husband. Am I going crazy?! The persistent air hunger 24/7 is so uncomfortable. Someone help!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paula29996-1447347" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan34142-1449959" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "From what I understand anything less than 20 mg daily is nontherapeutic which means it's really not doing any good. That is the lowest dose recommended to see any positive effects. Usually the panic attacks occur first and not as a result of taking fluoxetine. It is supposed to help with the panic attacks but everyone is different. I wish I had answers for you because I suffer with horrible panic attacks & don't wish them on anyone. They feel horrible & I have sympathy for anyone who suffers with them." ], "date": [ "2022-12-16T22:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/overwhelming-panic-attacks-fluoxetine-menopause-794194?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Overwhelming Panic attacks - Fluoxetine - Menopause
I was prescribed Fluoxetine 20mg daily about 7 years ago as I had lost my job and had terrible insomnia which turned to depression - I just couldn't see the point in anything. By the 4th week I really started feeling the benefits. Soon after that, I started reducing the frequency of them until I was down to 1 every 4 days. My GP said she wasn't sure that they would really be doing much at that frequency, but I have since read that they stay in your body for quite a while. So anyway, I had previously had severe anxiety about 3 years prior to that. So, to present day, I had not had any anxiety or panic attacks for 10 years so apart from that short depressive episode (which I consider rational) I was mentally very well. However, 3 weeks ago, I started getting intrusive thoughts about my own existence (I had had these thoughts many years ago and was diagnosed with OCD - Citalopram really helped for that.) So my anxiety and panic started coming back and gradually getting worse. I was still taking Fluoxetine every 4 days so I thought I would start to increase the frequency again to help so I am now on 20mg every other day, as I know how bad the side effects can be in the first few weeks. 2 days ago, I was feeling so much better but then yesterday I started getting overwhelming panic and feeling disconnected from reality. I was out Christmas shopping with my daughter which I had been really looking forward to but just felt so overwhelmed and was scared of going mad (even though I have read this does not happen). My question is, has anyone else on here suffered crippling panic attacks at the beginning of taking Fluoxetine and how long did they last?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes ,this could definitely be early stages of perimenopause . " ], "date": [ "2022-10-26T13:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/44-years-old-missed-period-not-pregnant-792200?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "\r\nthank you, that's what I am thinking also, I do have an appointment with my doctor today. \r\n\r\nyes I am all up to date, I just had a smear done in September " ], "date": [ "2022-10-26T17:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "content": [ "In that case it's more than likely peri. I started with things like that at around 42 and I'm almost 50 and still not completely menopausal, it's draaaaging on ;)\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-10-26T17:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, yes, it could totally be the first signs of perimenopause. I was having that at your age.\r\n\r\nIn any case, are you up to date with your gyneo check ups?" ], "date": [ "2022-10-26T17:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/44-years-old-missed-period-not-pregnant-792200?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
44 years old missed period not pregnant
I am 44 years old and i am 9 days late for my period, I have the period cramps and have had one occasion of very light spotting. I have always been very regular and on time. i did a pregnancy test and it was negative. I am starting to worry something is wrong. I suffer from an anxiety disorder. could this be perimenopause?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/augusth-1444446" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/augusth-1444446" ], "content": [ "no i dont have phobias of being sick, been dealing with head symptoms for over a year now and no dr knows whats truly going on. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-23T11:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there!\r\nI'm not a mental health professional, but I do have some ideas. (Please, don't take this as a diagnosis! If you want a professional diagnosis, please visit your local Physiatrists office)\r\nSo, I want to know, do you have something like Emetophobia, or any other phobia of being sick?\r\nIs there any stress going on in your life?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-10-21T20:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/waking-up-anxious-792069?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "content": [ "ty for your reply. ive been dealing with health issues for over a year that drs not really sure whats wrong, and now many more i wake up like i explained i cant go back to sleep i have to get out of bed." ], "date": [ "2022-10-23T11:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi, yes i have been having this for 2 months. I wake up multiple times during the night but when i wake first thing usually 5-6am and try go back to sleep i get this constant wave of anxiety, i can also feel my heart beating really fast and feel like i'm burning up sometimes too. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-22T18:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/waking-up-anxious-792069?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsey50372-1444696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsey50372-1444696" ], "content": [ "@lindsey50372 i get that too, like internal tremors and my body feels weak and im almost woozy. I hate it because i feel like theres definitely something wrong with me " ], "date": [ "2022-10-24T21:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindsey50372-1444696" ], "content": [ "thats what i hoping to figure out mine is so bad the sick feeling i get all over i have to get out of bed then when i do i have bad pressure ans dizziness its terrible " ], "date": [ "2022-10-24T22:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "@annette93565 yep, me too!! i feel like something aint right with me every single day. The internal tremors, the constant racing heart and skipped beats, the weakness feeling and just generally dont feel right. It's so exhausting " ], "date": [ "2022-10-26T06:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "content": [ "your right its exhausting to say the least , i struggle with head symptoms pressure, dizziness, lightheaded everyday all day long. I'll pray for you." ], "date": [ "2022-10-26T15:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have been feeling this way as well. I've noticed I will wake up feeling nauseous but for the last two nights I've woke up multiple times with my heart racing and feeling anxious. I've tried drinking more water because I thought I may be dehydrated cause also feeling kind of gittery. It's causing me to have a panic attack that I have to talk myself out of. Anyone figure out what their cause was for feeling this way?" ], "date": [ "2022-10-24T10:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/waking-up-anxious-792069?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Waking up anxious
Couple weeks now ive been waking up early with a anxious feeling where i literally feel sick try to lay there to see if it will pass and it doesn't so i have to get up, i dont mean like sick to my stomach just an overall sickness in my body, anyone else sorry kinda hard to explain.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristin20266-1443622" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristin20266-1443622" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "content": [ "Thanks for your reply. Mine is 29.7. That seems very low." ], "date": [ "2022-10-26T13:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Have your Vitamin D levels checked . To be good ,you need o be optimal ranges of 60ng to 100ng . " ], "date": [ "2022-10-25T13:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pulsating-and-shivers-792175?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Head pulsating and shivers
Hello. I have been in menopause for around 3 years. I am on blood pressure medicine and have arthritis in my neck. For about 6 months I have had pulsating feelings in the back of my head off and on. I also have anxiety that just started this year. Never had it before. Am on an antidepressant as well. I feel anxious and depressed. Wake up after 4 hours at night and have head pulsating and feels like brain shivers or tremors. Has anyone else had these symptoms and if so, what did you do? Thanks!
Citalopram help
hi ive been on 30mg of citalopram for years and recently its not as effective as it normally is. anxiety came flooding back and just feeling awful. i went to the doc who upped my dose to 40mg this was 6 days ago. i did have a few mild side effects mainly feeling dizzy and sick. my question is has anyone else gone from 30mg to 40mg and found it helped and how quickly it helped. I have got myself in a right state thinking how can going up by 10mg help me.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david52304-1444146" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david52304-1444146" ], "content": [ "good luck David. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-22T18:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Day 1 \r\n\r\nAs I said I was really conflicted about starting to take sertraline. I am a worrier - I thought that all of the side effects were going to affect me immediately, they didn’t! I was really anxious after taking the pill for that reason, but I calmed myself down, kept myself busy and had a good day all in all. I noticed I had a very dry mouth through most of the day, I was back and too to the loo most of the day I was drinking so much water! \r\n\r\nWill keep updating day by day, hopefully anyone in my position of being worried about sertraline can use me as a case study!! \r\n\r\nDavid " ], "date": [ "2022-10-19T13:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-diary-791929?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vicky60291-1266099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david52304-1444146" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi David ,please request your Dr check your vitamin D level , your symptoms sounds if you are low / deficient " ], "date": [ "2022-10-25T14:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-diary-791929?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertraline Diary
I'm 22 year old man, I had never really suffered from anxiety growing up. Recently, after repeated spouts of dizziness, lightheadedness and feeling like I’m in a dream, this led to panic attacks, leading to issues sleeping, heart palpitations, etc. After visiting the doctor, who checked me over for any more sinister conditions, she prescribed me with 50mg of Sertraline. I was really conflicted in the first few days whether to take it or not, I was starting to feel better after receiving a professional opinion and I had read up on possible side effects. After another couple of bad days, I decided to bite the bullet and start taking Sertraline. I hope this diary can help anyone else who feels conflicted about Sertraline, and give my honest opinions on the first few weeks on Sertraline.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aircraft1989-1444721" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you both need to be on the same page or you will never feel settled in your mind about your finances, a house, etc.\r\nhaving children is an absolutely wonderful experience and it does not end a persons life but it enhances it. But you have to be ready for it and it sounds like the two of you need to have good communication about this. \r\nbeing that I’ve been through all of that and a lot older than you, I can say that it’s important to take steps before you have a family. Some of those would be a stable job, a home, A solid committed relationship with good communication and compromise, etc. \r\nyou should talk together about things like will both of you continue to work? Will one person stay home? How does that fit into the budget?\r\nif you can, I would suggest that both of you speak with a counselor about all of this. It’s good to have somebody to talk to that is not directly involved. \r\nmy son and his wife had a great relationship before they got married but they still went to marriage classes before they got married. He said it was the best thing they ever did. they talked about everything from finances to communication to compromise , children, what’s important to have in place, etc.\r\nif you’re feeling as anxious as it sounds, then I would highly advise a good class like that or a counselor.\r\nyou don’t want to resent her at some point in the future because you didn’t do some things you wanted to do. \r\ntry not to forecast the future about losing the house to her etc. things might just work out if the both of you are on the same page. if not then you have to make a decision. I do hope everything works out for you but she has to be willing to compromise. take care" ], "date": [ "2022-10-24T22:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/seem-to-have-a-specific-phobia-of-having-children--792199?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Seem to have a specific phobia of having children.
Me and my partner have been together for1 year (after 10 years of friendship prior). We live together in a flat. I am 33, she is 32. I knew she wanted children at the beginning, but I was under the impression she would wait until she is 35. I work as a lawyer - on £32k a year - she earns £19k per yer as a trainee lawyer. We've had the discussion recently (which turned into an argument) about children. I feel that I have worked too hard over the past few years of my career, and I only just feel like I've got my footing with a decent salary - and I want to be able to engage (finally) in a few things that I've always wanted to do (ie: learn to fly, and climb mountains). To put it short, I am all for saving up for a deposit for mortgage (which is difficult anyway) and then thinking of having children when we're established with a home and better income. But my, partner has basically of the mindset that I cannot do anything or spend any money on anything until it's all sorted. She even said "can you not wait until you're 40 to do all of this?" - she has also told me that any inheritance I will eventually get from my parents will be spent on the kinds and the house. This has struck me down with intense fear.... It seems that if I have a life and children with this person, then my life and finances will go totally out of my control and I will never be able to pursue anything for myself. In a nut shell, I have found myself becoming even more depressed, worried and anxious. I'm not selfish or a bad person, it's just very important for my mental stability (having already suffered with stress/anxiety quite badly in the past) that I continue to do things that are therapeutic to me. I've always wanted to learn to fly, my partner knew this years before we even got together. I also want to continue to climb mountains. My partner does not see my point about trying to manage both having activities/hobbies and saving for a house. I have become so afraid, that I felt sick to the stomach when I walked past some baby clothes in the shop yesterday. I have started to constantly ruminate over worst case scenarios about my future. I obsess over loosing the house, because she will divorce me and it will be all given to her and the kids - I will basically be tossed to one side and she will get everything she ever wanted whilst I get nothing for it. I'm really struggling with this at the moment, and I'm not sure if it's just me (as I've always been a highly anxious person) or if this having children is really the part of your life where your life ends to provide for another. Please help.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/at19565-1441845" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/at19565-1441845" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "really appreciate you replying. I have anxiety and depression which start couple months ago. been better since i'm on miratazapine, however all these sensations are still bothering me. can i ask how long did u get these sensation? I was better for a couple for days then today i got the cold sensation again as it was raining. \r\nI am talking to therapy and also learning on CBT. it is really a roller coaster ride as i am really disturbed by the weird sensation even though i know these sensation wouldnt kill me. but emotionally i am really upset. as the time goes by the more concern I'm of when these sensation will go away." ], "date": [ "2022-10-21T16:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I completely understand what you are going through. I’ve had anxiety and physical sensations for a long time on and off. I have had the crawling feeling, the cold feeling and many other sensations because of anxiety. we get these sensations because adrenaline is released and that’s what causes most of them. It’s nothing to worry about because it will not harm you.\r\nhave you had anxiety in the past? If so, this could be the reason for the things you are feeling. They are not harmful.\r\nkeep walking because that is very helpful. Some other things you could do would be to listen to relaxing meditations for anxiety on YouTube, learn some breathing techniques for anxiety, keep yourself busy doing other things and try not to overthink this. these won’t cure anxiety \r\nbut they can help you feel better. \r\nDo you have a counselor you can talk to? if not I would suggest that you get one. They can help you manage this better.\r\nsometimes I will splash my face with cold water. this activates the system that relaxes us and lowers the heart rate. \r\nalso if you had not had a physical check up at least once a year, I would suggest that you also get that done.\r\nhang in there! " ], "date": [ "2022-10-18T17:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/on-mirtazapine-45mg-but-still-feel-physical-symptoms-from-anxiety-also-on-therapy-what-should-i-do-791936?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/at19565-1441845" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/at19565-1441845" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "content": [ "ya i think its the same for me , mentally drain we have to fight it" ], "date": [ "2022-10-24T21:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i am having similar sensations, i am 3 weeks on citalopram but was on sertraline for 3 months before and i am having constant physical symptoms which is making my health anxiety go mental. Even when i feel my anxiety isn't high i have these sensations and its now making me depressed and honestly really getting me down. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-24T21:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/on-mirtazapine-45mg-but-still-feel-physical-symptoms-from-anxiety-also-on-therapy-what-should-i-do-791936?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
On Mirtazapine 45mg but still feel physical symptoms from anxiety. also on therapy. what should I do
have been on mirtazapine for about 3 months, for the past 2 months have been feeling weird physical symptom, sometime it felt like cold, sometime it feel like crawling irritating feel at thigh area, sometime cramp hands. its jus make me depress as this have been on going for 2mth. Pyschiatist ask to monitor for another mth before seeing what step to do next. Have been taking walk everyday for 30mins to relax. the physical symptoms still keep happening. not sure what else i can do.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/allison1984-920642" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iggyzi-933426" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iggyzi-933426" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/allison1984-920642" ], "content": [ "thank you so much allison for commenting and supporting, \r\nI thought I was madly insane at the beginning till I discovered this is a real condition ... \r\nI hope one day we could find a way to stop pulling without having to take meds . \r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-04-06T13:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/allison1984-920642" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iggyzi-933426" ], "content": [ "Thats ok iggyzi your defiantly not alone it is a shamful type illness well I get embarrassed and hide my pulling people wouldn't understand i dont think. Its the hardest thing to stop doing no matter what I cant stop its madding. I hope we one day have the power to over Come it " ], "date": [ "2016-04-06T14:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi iggyzi i suffer from what you have i pull my hair on my scalp ive been doing so since 16 im now nearly 32 im suffering i even have hair on my head. Unfortunately I haven't been able to stop doing it i have gone three months without pulling last year but because I started going through a really stressful time I began pulling again. Sorry I cant offer any advice on how to stop just no your not alone. Its so hard to stop and i know what you mean when you say its relaxing when you pull. " ], "date": [ "2016-04-06T13:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trichotillomania-disorder-needs-help-506404?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynne82155-920700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iggyzi-933426" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry to hear about your problems\r\nDont beat yourself about it try and do some research into it and consider therapy\r\nStay Strong you are not alone|;-) Things will get better" ], "date": [ "2016-04-06T15:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trichotillomania-disorder-needs-help-506404?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kowie-933626" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iggyzi-933426" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi iggyzi\r\nVisit http://www.bfrb.org for news regarding treatment and support for trichotillomania and related disorders. Good luck. I know this is a painful thing to live with. x" ], "date": [ "2016-04-07T12:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trichotillomania-disorder-needs-help-506404?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debra52410-1444592" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/iggyzi-933426" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi\r\nI used to have this condition. I changed my exercise routine a couple of year's ago and found that this stops me getting this type of tension. I used to do a few half hour aerobic/gym type sessions in a week which made no difference to my tension. Now my routine is to walk the dog outside two or three times a day for half an hour, and every evening whilst watching TV with my family I do 90 minutes of toning, weight training and stretching exercises. If I have days when I just sit all evening instead of exercising the tension returns.\r\nHope this helps someone!\r\nDebra" ], "date": [ "2022-10-23T09:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trichotillomania-disorder-needs-help-506404?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
trichotillomania disorder - needs help
Hello, I'm 25 years old and since the age of 7, when I started school, I started pulling hair . as a child I didn't have body hair so I pulled my eyelashes and eyebrows. as pubirty hit...and I started becoming hairy on other places I started  pulling with tweezers . my legs, my bikini lines, my armpits . everywhere I could.  up until now, that my entire body is covered with scars , i decided to look up the problem .  it appears to be a condition and luckily for me, I'm not the only one who has it.  they call it "trichotillomania" , and experts believe it's because of trauma, anxiety and stress.  sounds pretty reasonable to me ... because I suffer from stress since I remember myself.  still , the issue remains a mistery and there is no REAL treatment ot medicinal treatment for this kind of problem. because I pull hair on delicate areas , I have an in-grown hair problems and I need to dig with tweezers to pull the hair out, and it injures me and it leaves loads of scars. I can't stop. if I'm not pulling it drives me crazy. I have to pull at least an hour a day , it relaxes me so much ... but I feel ashamed of my body, I wear long pants during summer cause my legs look aweful...  if there is somebody out there who have faced this kind of problem or know someone close to him who suffers from it and has ways to treat this madness... please,  I beg you, let me know, :( 
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/oliver25075-1443193" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi oliver, i did and being honest it was awful. i've now actually switched back to citalopram and having really bad side effects. Still cant tell if they are withdrawals from sertraline or side effects from citalopram. My advice is do what you think, sertraline works wonders for some people and i even know a few people that take it and it helps but unfortunately for me it didn't help. Good luck with what you decide " ], "date": [ "2022-10-22T18:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/switching-from-citalopram-to-sertraline-792071?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Switching from citalopram to sertraline
ive been on 15mg of citalopram for 8 weeks now and I've been having issues with sleep so my doctor suggest I do a straight switch to sertraline. im concerned about what possible issues there might be doing a straight switch has anyone else been through this and what was their experience?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loujay2-28773" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lyn48554-1145474" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lyn48554-1145474" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/loujay2-28773" ], "content": [ "hi ...i was visually diagnosed by my gp cuz i had itching and very dry down their .iv also got a cervical polyp which was found during my smear .i have got a gyny appointment end nov to have it removed ...im also depressed and have now gone back on to prozac which i stupidly came off " ], "date": [ "2022-10-22T16:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Lyn\r\nI too have Lichen Sclerosis. I usually only have flare ups every couple of years however just lately Ive had several flare ups in the last couple of months.\r\n\r\nI also suffer with depression & anxiety and just lately its been terrible - not sure if this is related or not. How did you find out you had L.S?\r\n\r\nxx" ], "date": [ "2022-10-19T11:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-791325?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety
hi .i have HA all my life i am 63 now and just been diagnosed with luchen sclerosis any one on here have the same condition ? 😘
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetlinda-1365291" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey there,\r\n\r\nI used to get this all the time and doctor would say it was acid reflux but the medicines they gave me never helped.\r\nFinally, a dietitian suggested it might be lack of acid and told me to take some betaine, after 2 days I was fine and have been ever since. Maybe it's worth you asking a trained dietitian about this.\r\nGood luck!" ], "date": [ "2022-10-22T13:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/gerd-and-anxiety-symptoms--791908?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
GERD and anxiety symptoms?
I struggle with really bad throat issues and the main symptoms will be tight throat, mostly food feeling stuck on the side and I would panic when I finish eating food that feels like the food is stuck inside my throat, I ate some pizza today and I know I chewed about 20 times before the food randomly went down my esophagus and I swallowed it not even sure if I chewed it well enough since the bread on the back of the pizza is pretty thick. I'm so anxious right now since I'm not even sure if I finished chewing on the pizza. I'm not choking, I can still drink, talk and breathe, but I'm only feeling the sensation that food could be stuck and my health anxiety is making the symptoms worse. Should I be concerned about this? I'm not sure what I should do. It feels like the food is stuck on the right side of my throat. I drank some water that's going down my throat and I didn't cough it or anything, this happened a few times before already.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph76551-1135870" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "some people do that because it activates the parasympathetic system that lowers the heart rate. Some people find temporary relief from panic and anxiety. It slows down the fight or flight response. You can also use ice packs or a cool shower. not A cure but may be a temporary relief from anxiety or panic also called the divers reflex. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-16T17:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hey-everyone-important-question-791764?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/drew95506-1443995" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph76551-1135870" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "never tried but a coldish shower sometimes helps calm my adrenalin and anxiety. or a run does the same. getting your body active (whether its through the shock of cold or shock of exercise) helps so much! " ], "date": [ "2022-10-17T08:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hey-everyone-important-question-791764?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph76551-1135870" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you guys for your responses I have since tried and it's obviously not a cure but does provide what I was looking for and that's relief after doing it I managed to calm down and get some sleep." ], "date": [ "2022-10-20T16:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hey-everyone-important-question-791764?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph76551-1135870" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have not done that but in the past I have put an ice pack on the left side as I was told and it helps. As you say, not a cure but does help" ], "date": [ "2022-10-22T12:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hey-everyone-important-question-791764?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Hey everyone important question
Ok has anyone ever tried the face plunge into cold water to stop a panic attack. I've been looking into ways to try and help me not go full board panic attack. I recently found this technique read in on it a little bit. I'm just wondering if anyone here has tried it and if you have what was you experience with it?
Advice on diazapam
i was forced to cold turkey zopiclone fir insomnia after 12 years use by new GP over 3 years ago. Gave me severe anxiety, intrusive thoughts, ocd type symptoms. Tried SSRI's but didn't help. Literally tried everything, therapy, cbt, counselling, mindfulness , distraction, hobbies but been unrelenting. When by husband had cardiac arrest in 2016 I had packet diazapam that took as and when. In desperation I got gp to finally agree to let me have some only 10 tablets month. Seems withdrawal can last least 3-4 years so hoping will just get me though meltdown days. Wondering is better to just take tiny dose daily or normal dose as and when, As can kn,y have them fir 6 months. i was literally no longer able to cope
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amt386-953404" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "The best thing would be to talk to your doctor or pharmacist.. they have enough experience and knowledge to guide you on this matter. Hope you feel better soon" ], "date": [ "2022-10-21T00:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/zyprexa-olanzapine-withdrawal-792019?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Zyprexa (Olanzapine) withdrawal
Hi, I take Zyprexa (7.5mg), Seroquel (200mg) and Paxil (40mg) for my anxiety and insomnia. I wanted stop Zyprexa as I was concerned about my weight and diabetes. I carefully tapered the medicine and finally stopped it on September 25. Though it has been almost a month since I stopped it, I am still experiencing dizziness, sleep disturbances, and mild to moderate anxiety. I don't know if these are withdrawal symptoms or signs that tell me that I need this medication. What should I do? Should I wait for few more days/weeks to see if these symptoms go away or should I start taking Zyprexa again?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amandanisbet-1285102" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you are going to be OK. Anxiety and Gerd can cause those sensations in your throat. \r\nWhat I really would recommend would be for you to get a counselor or therapist to speak to about this. You need some support and it’s difficult to manage this alone. The therapist could help you in your thought process about this because it’s the fearful thinking that stirs up the anxiety and panic. And the negative thoughts. fearful thinking is not based on fact. It is based only on emotion. Try to remember that.\r\nThe fact is that you got checked out and nothing was found. Also you are breathing well, talking well, eating well, drinking well, your oxygen level was fine. Focus on those facts.\r\nif you are feeling depressed the therapist could help you with that. \r\npractice some long slow deep breathing in the meantime. ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-10-20T00:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/need-some-reassurance-so-depressed-right-now-791990?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amandanisbet-1285102" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amandanisbet-1285102" ], "content": [ "sounds like you have a great plan in place! Just take one day at a time and try not to overthink things. \r\nalso when you accomplish something even a little thing associated with this, acknowledge that and feel proud of yourself. All these little steps will get you to the point of feeling much better and being confident that you are OK!" ], "date": [ "2022-10-20T01:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Thank you for the reassurance and helpful advices I can do to help me reduce my symptoms and who to see for help. I'm taking small steps on how to overcome my anxiety symptoms and GERD. I really want GERD symptoms gone first, as this is what easily triggers me on having panic attacks, from the scary symptoms I deal with mostly everyday. I'm being prescribed as of recent, so making sure to listen to my doctor's advice on taking the medicine everyday, until it finishes from what he recommends on how long to take it and anxiety will be lifestyle changes a long with seeing a therapist for some help. I appreciate you answering my main concerns which brings some sort of relief to know." ], "date": [ "2022-10-20T00:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/need-some-reassurance-so-depressed-right-now-791990?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Need some reassurance, so depressed right now
Yesterday I ate pizza that was pretty thick and I'm really worried on not chewing properly as I feel the sensation of it and I can't stop stressing about it. My throat would feel so tight like someone is trying to suffocate me, even though it never happened yet. This is not the first time happening to me as I experienced this many times before and I would get so anxious because it does feel like food is really there, I can talk, eat and drink and not cough up the drink and food, even though it feels like something is there, I went to the urgent care today that does x-rays, but they never did an x-ray on me, they checked my vital organs and the oximeter says 97 to 99, but my heart rate was on 120 bpm, they asked if I was nervous and I told them yes, I do have anxiety, but my oxygen levels was fine and at the normal range, but they asked me if I wanted to see an ENT to ease my mind, as they used a flashlight and stick to look at the back of my throat, but didn't find anything, the doctor who saw me said stress and acid reflux can give you that sensation like something is there, which can be mistaken as something foreign stuck, but he doesn't think anything is really there, but I did accept on seeing an ENT for a scope so I could stop being anxious. GERD is so frustrating to deal with, I been to the ENT and ER so many times because of it since I'm worried I might choke on death. Should I be concerned if mostly everything seems fine? I've been so stressed out recently and barely have been eating, my family is no support either as they just yell at me and tell me to just live normally which makes my depression worse, I feel so alone on this. They don't seem to understand what I'm going through when dealing with anxiety and GERD at the same time.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/loujay2-28773" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loujay2-28773" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thanks so much for your reply \r\n\r\nI'm in the UK but willing to pay privately think it would be a very long wait through our NHS \r\n\r\nj x" ], "date": [ "2022-10-19T14:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "do you have insurance that will cover a visit to a psychiatrist? \r\nnot sure where you live but in the US You can always call the health insurance company and they can provide you with a list of psychiatrists that take your insurance.\r\nyou can also go online at the website for your health insurance. It should be listed on the back of your insurance card. There you can do a provider search for a psychiatrist in your area. \r\nI like to do a little research and look up several psychiatrists or any other type of doctor. I read the reviews on each of them then I make a decision.\r\nyou’ll never really know until you meet the doctor but you might just have some luck the first time around. . Best of luck!" ], "date": [ "2022-10-19T13:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/psychiatrist-recommendation-791971?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Psychiatrist Recommendation
Hi I have a psychiatrist at the moment who is absolutely hopeless. She get everything wrong from my date of birth on prescriptions to writing to my GP with the wrong information. I am looking for a new psychiatrist who can help me with my medication. My own GP wont help me as she says that as I found a private consultant then I am under her care for my depression & anxiety and she wont have anything to do with my mental care - although she did say (very unhelpfully) that she thought I was on way too many medications. This obviously made me even more anxious. I was finally due a zoom consultation today and she now is off sick. I really dont know where to turn. This is making me feel so much worse! Ive been looking on line to try and find somewhere/someone but its a mine field. Can anyone help or have any helpful advice?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy39119-1288541" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I do know that underlying anxiety and stress can cause palpitations and skipped beats. I’ve had that happen many times and so have many people on this site.\r\nit’s also important to get a physical exam at least once a year so if you haven’t had one recently you might want to start there. let your doctor know what’s going on and see what he or she thinks. \r\nso if you’ve been anxious lately or stressed out, that could be what is causing this to happen. Adrenaline is released when we are anxious and it causes rapid heart rate, skipped beats, and other sensations in the body. All of which are not harmful when due to anxiety. Try some deep breathing exercises and meditations for anxiety found on YouTube to see if that helps a little bit. Feel better soon " ], "date": [ "2022-10-18T21:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/lots-of-palpitations-during-the-day-791942?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Lots of palpitations during the day
i keep getting alot of palpitations during the day cant tell if its missed beats or extra beats. anyone know what could be causing it and how to reduce it
Concerning heart beat rate and other symptoms?
Yesterday I ate pizza that was pretty thick and I'm really worried on not chewing properly as I feel the sensation of it and I can't stop stressing about it. This is not the first time happening to me as I experienced this many times before and I would get so anxious because it does feel like food is really there, I can talk, eat and drink and not cough up the drink and food, even though it feels like something is there, I went to the urgent care today that does x-rays, but they never did an x-ray on me, they checked my vital organs and the oximeter says 97 to 99, but my heart rate was on 111 bpm, they asked if I was nervous and I told them yes, I do have anxiety, but my oxygen levels was fine and at the normal range, but they asked me if I wanted to see an ENT tomorrow to ease my mind, as they used a flashlight and stick to look at the back of my throat, but didn't find anything, the doctor who saw me said stress and acid reflux can give you that sensation like something is there, which can be mistaken as something foreign stuck, but he doesn't think anything is really there, but I did accept on seeing an ENT for a scope so I could stop being anxious. GERD is so frustrating to deal with, I been to the ENT and ER so many times because of it since I'm worried I might choke on death. Should I be concerned if mostly everything seems fine? I'm taking omperazole, but my doctor did mention it will take awhile for the medicine to work.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sway-1004640" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Id revisit the doctor and get a different med" ], "date": [ "2017-11-05T23:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ivy482017-1109418" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey Donna, so sorry you are going through this. One thing about medications is research, research. Google the drug and see if what you are experiencing is normal. I would speak with my doctor and see if there is another drug he/ she can give you that can interact with the current medication so you can get stabilized. I hope you feel better. " ], "date": [ "2017-11-05T23:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ivy482017-1109418" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Medication choices. Antidepressants (SSRIs) such as fluoxetine (for example, Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), and sertraline (Zoloft) are commonly prescribed to treat OCD. ... The medicine venlafaxine can also help symptoms of OCD. The tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine (Anafranil) is sometimes used as well." ], "date": [ "2017-11-05T23:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laroxe-943471" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Donna</p><p>I&#39;m wondering who is treating you. Clomipramine is often used for OCD and is antidepressant, its non sedating and doesn&#39;t help much with other types of anxiety. The trouble is at these doses its unlikely to help with anything, they are not treatment doses. It sounds like things are getting more difficult so you need to get your treatment reviewed. CBT is the therapy of choice for these things and they can usually help with the anxiety quickly, if you want to stick with the drugs you would need a much higher dose, but there are other choices and some also have a sedating effect. I hope this helps.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-06T00:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eva98245-1087561" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Of course ,you meed to talk to doctor amd chamge your meds,:(\r\nI went through so many nedore doumd o e that works for me,\r\nEverybody s different but meds suppose to make u feel better \r\nXo" ], "date": [ "2017-11-08T06:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eva98245-1087561" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Of course ,you meed to talk to doctor amd chamge your meds,:(\r\nI went through so many nedore doumd o e that works for me,\r\nEverybody s different but meds suppose to make u feel better \r\nXo" ], "date": [ "2017-11-08T06:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for all your replies I have tried most ssris and they all just seem to worsen anxiety, the only ones I stuck with were sertraline and escitalopram for a long time before trying clomipramine, the thing is I&#39;m scared to come off clomipramine as it has helped so much with obsessions, but I can&#39;t go on feeling like this, iv tried going up higher but I just can&#39;t tolerate it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-16T08:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laroxe-943471" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Donna</p><p>I can understand how you must feel stuck in something inescapable, I do think you should try exploring therapy options, these are not necessarily an alternative to drugs you can use some ideas just to help with your mood and anxiety. I think I mentioned CBT as the therapy of choice, and offers the best chance of managing the OCD, but some people can find it difficult. Its also possible that dealing with your low mood and/or reducing your anxiety could make life more manageable. I also know that these options can be expensive but there are a lot of different types of resources that you could use for free, but you still have to commit the time and effort. There will also be some local groups that might help, learning Tai Chi might be good to learn ways of relaxing as it also includes mental focus while your doing it. Things like meditation or yoga are also useful and none of these should increase your anxiety to much to start with.</p><p>Its important to keep trying different things, you should find something which helps. If you give up its like saying to yourself nothing will help, which is something you don&#39;t know and is also very unlikely, that&#39;s why people get so low and that makes it even harder to try.</p><p>You can think its a big job and there is lots to do and this is true, but its important to keep at it, every little thing reduces the size of the challenge. When you get tired have a rest but don&#39;t beat yourself up about it, you can only do so much at once.&#160; Best wishes.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-17T00:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachael33257-1444149" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/donna198021-905793" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i too have increased medication and its making me agitated i hate the feeling. im talking to my provider to day to change it. hope your feeling better " ], "date": [ "2022-10-18T13:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/clomipramine-making-me-more-nervous-and-agitated--619820?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Clomipramine making me more nervous and agitated?
<p>Hi I started clomipramine 6 month ago first on 10mg and now on 20mg as I have anxiety and obsessive thoughts, and I feel horrible nervous, agitated, anxious and can&#39;t even go out on my own anymore since I started these, they have helped a bit with the obsessive thoughts but have done nothing for my anxiety. I&#39;m irritated with everything, I feel like I&#39;m turning into a nasty person who can&#39;t be bothered with anyone. And the things I used to enjoy doing I just can&#39;t be bothered anymore. I just cry all the time and feel very bad tempered. I don&#39;t want to go up any higher incase it just gets worse! Does this sound like the wrong medication for me? Sick of being like this now.</p>
Need some help or advice for anxiety / depression? Has anyone used cbd oil?
Hi everyone. pretty new to this forum and looking for help. been anxious and depressed for over 12 months now and desperate for something that will help. been on fluoxetine, mirtazapine, venlafaxine, and now 30mg citalopram. take 40mg propranolol for physical symptoms and occasionally 2mg diazepam when I really can't function. I wake up every morning with crippling fear/anxiety. my leg muscles constantly tense up then relax, like a twitch. I have recently been researching cbd oil and wondered if anyone else had tries it? what success did you have? (If any). Any advice greatly recieved.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/drew95506-1443995" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/drew95506-1443995" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the reassurance, my results when I went to the doctor said I had UTI and I'm just really concerned if my symptoms have turned into a kidney infection and if I might of treated it too late now and I just been stressing out about it the entire time. I know googling symptoms is never a good thing to do, especially since it can give you false information on your symptoms and only doctors can diagnose you and not the internet, but I'm trying to stay positive and listen to my doctor since he knows I have health anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-17T19:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "ok please try to calm down. i know what health anxiety is like and for you this is really real! you have to try reset. believe your drs and understand that anxiety can CAUSE lots of symptoms. ive been there and sounds to me like your symptoms are anxiety related. try to meditate or go for a walk or run. \r\nbelieve your drs and try to keep perspective. i know its hard. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-17T19:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-really-worried-right-now-how-to-calm-down--791850?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I'm really worried right now. How to calm down?
I have talked to my doctor before about my lower back pain symptoms, nausea and frequent urge to urinate and he prescribed me with nitrofurantoin and told me to take the medication for a week and I'm on day 4 of taking the meds and I see no progress yet and I'm having a panic attack looking up my symptoms that indicate a possible kidney infection since I'm having back flank and I can't stop stressing now whether to wait for my medicine to work then to let my doctor know that's not working or to go to the ER. I live with my parents and I told them about my symptoms and they don't seem too worried about it saying to relax since I'm making my symptoms worse by having a panic attack and to stop googling my symptoms online, but I have health anxiety and it's a habit for me to do so when I'm not feeling well. Should I believe my parents and doctor and just give the medicine some time to work?
Bleeding piles
hi i suffer from health anxiety but try to control it. This last week though i had usual bowel movements (every 2 days) and all was fine. However hours after the bowel movement i noticed blood on wiping. this was like 6 hours after. now i do have piles but what's confusing me is why are they bleeding hours after a bowel movement but not during or after. This has bow happened three times. despite using pile cream and suppositories. im worried. could it still be piles?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/haider43332-940567" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "feel heaviness in my left chest i burp and i feel good after burping when i burp and i feel the air will come out from my left chest--really very scary situation---i have on and off indigestion problem but the thing make me crazy is that i feel my heart stop beating and i start panic after that and think most of the time about my condition that why i feel like that most scary part of this situation is that while i am driving i am breathless and i try to take my saliva in inside but i m struggling to do it---i am tired of it " ], "date": [ "2022-10-15T15:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-or-some-heart-issue-791811?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/haider43332-940567" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "anxiety can cause sensations all over the body including a racing heart, skipped heartbeats that feel like the heart is stopping but it is not stopping. The heart automatically beats so you don’t have to worry about it stopping. you have had many check ups and everything was OK. Now you need to learn how to manage the anxiety so you can feel better. \r\nit would help you a lot if you could talk to a counselor about this. That person can give you ideas on how to lower your anxiety so that those sensations don’t come as much. \r\nyou are going to be OK. When we worry about something, the heart speeds up so it feels scary. But it’s important that you breathe properly and relax your mind. You can go on YouTube and find some relaxing meditations for anxiety and also some good breathing exercises.\r\nmany people around the world have the same sensations that you get from anxiety. Those are not harmful. Take one day at a time and get some help for this. Like a counselor. Take care " ], "date": [ "2022-10-15T16:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-or-some-heart-issue-791811?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety or some heart issue
hi every one ist of all sorry my english is not that strong i will explain what i feel-11 years ago i was sitting with my friend suddenly my breathe stop and there is complete dark in front of my eyes i think i was passout--but after seconds every thing go back to normal but it was so scary that i run to the hospital---there the doctor say to me its because of food poision--well at time i was 24 year old now i am 35 i have the same issue that i feel my heart will stop beating and also i feel scared if i hear the journey story of some one who travel in plane--i always have panic attack in planes that look like i have heart attack and i will die--my main problem is that i feel heaviness in my left side chest some time i feel my heart stop beating and i start sweating--its so scary it destory the golden period of my life in which i can enjoy my life---i have mostly attack like my heart stop beating and can't breathe at all so its so scary and i feel air in my left chest after some time i burp mostly effect my personal life as well as i work in company my work is also disturbed because of it--in that 11 years i have done lot of tests and visit alot of doctors---30+ ecgs echo 4 times endoscopy colonscopy stool test blood work up 24 hour holter ecg 5 years ago and i have done heart ct angiography 5 years ago which was clear--recently i feel my heart stop beating so i visit cardiologist in Japan which has all of my medical record he said its not because of heart because i have plenty check ups which show nothing serious i said to the doctor that it was 5 years ago but he is not intersted to do any test for me and he mention that it may not be because of heart--on my request he do a simple ecg for me which was clear---i think i will die its so bad when i have that panic attack mostly i think and i feel so scared specially to travel in plane and if i think may be i have heart problem or other serious issue so i start panic after which i feel i have heart attack symptoms--one more thing i have gall bldder surgery 14 years ago and i have polyp in my gall bladder but biopsy result of the gall bldder was normal no evidence of maligancy seen in biopsy --my doctor mention me that i have acid reflux--i may have acid reflux for which i use lensoprazole medicine which never help me and i have the same syptoms for that i use lexapro 10 mg propnolol 20 mg for 3 months before which helps but not that mich i am very tired of it even i drive a car i feel scared that i may have heart attack while i was driving after thinking like that i mostly feel my heart stop beating which is really very scary what should i do now help me please
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shane23851-1443726" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hate when doctors say it’s all in your head. How do they know? Only you know. I am absolutely sure you are feeling those things because with stress and anxiety, there are many many different sensations it can cause. I’ve had stress and anxiety for many years and I’ve heard people say they have all kinds of symptoms and I’ve experienced them as well. The cold patches, The racing heart, the vibrations, pressure in the head I have had plus many others.\r\nIf you’ve had a physical exam and everything comes out normal then there’s a good chance all of those are related to some kind of stress and anxiety going on in your life. When those sensations are due to anxiety and stress they are not harmful even though they feel weird.\r\nif it’s getting out of hand and you are really struggling, you could also see a neurologist who could definitely tell you if there is or is not something to be concerned about. if you want to try and reduce your anxiety and see if these sensations settle down, you could also speak with a counselor or therapist about how to manage the anxiety.\r\nmaybe there’s something going on in your life that’s causing you a great deal of stress? \r\nI hope you feel better and these sensations settle down for you. Feel free to private message me anytime.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-10-14T12:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cold-wet-feelings-791740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shane23851-1443726" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Shane, \r\n\r\nI often get that feeling of wet patches on my legs, I even wipe them with my hand, thinking I must have dropped some water on them but no, they are completely dry.\r\nI have also had the vibrations, in fact I think I have had every possible symptom that exists.\r\n\r\nI think your doctor is not very good at explaining things, by \"all in your head\" I don't think he/she means you are making it up, but rather that your head/brain/ thoughts/anxiety are creating the symptoms. The symptoms are deffo there.\r\n\r\nI would ask for help with the anxiety. Have you had any therapy? medication?" ], "date": [ "2022-10-15T06:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cold-wet-feelings-791740?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Cold wet feelings
hello ive been having these cold wet patches all over body for about 3 years and like a vibration feeling escpecially in my feet and the feeling of pressure in head and i constantly feel like things are going up my nose and into my eyes its the strangest thing ive ever had it makes my heart pound and feel like wierd moving sensations all over has anyone ever heard of this please its absoloutely ruining my life but my gp says its all in my head and its deffo not
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aquin-939152" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aquin-939152" ], "content": [ "<p>wow, aquin. i am new to this forum and i had no idea that OCD could be the cause of my thinking ruminations, but it indeed was. did you get on a med? &#160;if so, do you mind me asking what it is? &#160;i was put on low dose prozac. it seems to be working, i didn&#39;t know if there was anything else out there that helped instead.....you are right. it is extremely crippling. it messes with your entire quality of life...</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T18:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aquin-939152" ], "content": [ "<p>That&#39;s what my dad thinks I have too. It&#39;s just weird because all my life I&#39;ve had OCD, but it&#39;s never been like this. When I was little it was pretty bad, with non mental compulsions consistently. I think I had mental ones too, but not as much as touching compulsions and what not. Then when I got to high school, it gradually went away for the most part without me noticing. But, I still had it just a little bit. I never even noticed it though until now. I thought I just had social anxiety, but I still had OCD thoughts here and there now that I think about it. They weren&#39;t crippling at all though, they were just annoying and I was always able to shake them off. Now, it&#39;s a whole different story lol. It&#39;s not just thoughts anymore, its also now the obsession of being aware of myself, all the time. Its like its almost automatic now. But I am taking Zoloft, and I think it is helping a little. Hopefully in another week I&#39;ll feel like myself again. Thanks for ur post. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T19:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aquin-939152" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey actually just starting prozac today. Glad to hear it&#39;s helping you a bit. I have xanax as well to take as needed and it really helps to slow down the obsessive thoughts. But I avoid taking it unless im having a really bad day because of its addictive properties. What dose of prozac are you on?</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-10-13T11:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aquin-939152" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Bri, i totally get what you mean. After being diagnosed with OCD i now look back and can see I&#39;ve had OCD tendencies my whole life, to varying degrees but its always been manageable until now. I&#39;ve been going through a rought patch of health these past 10 months which has brought me a lot of anxiety which in turn has caused my OCD to get out of control. Maybe you&#39;ve been under a bit of stress or slowly been changing your thought patterns without noticing which has progressively been worsening your OCD. How long have you been.on zoloft for? Im start prozac today. Looking forward to seeing some mental health improvements <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T20:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aquin-939152" ], "content": [ "i am on 40 mg but i think he is just seeing how i do, then i will be put on 60. my doc says there is a fine line where it works well for you and when you can get too much......   i could tell a difference though in about 10 days. a little relief. " ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T20:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>bri, i upped my prozac today to 60 mg. supposedly it is going to work or i will be worse.......<img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/frown.gif\" alt=\"frown\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-21T20:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Bri,</p><p></p><p>It sounds like you have &quot;pure O&quot; OCD. If you have a Google you&#39;ll be able to find some helpful info. I&#39;d go and see your doc for a referral to a psychologist/psychiatrist for an evaluation to work out the best treatment. You&#39;re not alone! I have the same OCD. Its extremely debilitating. Take care.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T03:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "You must be exhausted,sounds like your brain is in overdrive. You are obsessing about thinking. Try and let the repeat thoughts go. You should talk to someone,especially if you are suicidal. Please take care of yourself. Find someone to listen. Tell your parents. Too much for you to have to deal with alone. Xx" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T05:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tess33005-930839" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tess33005-930839" ], "content": [ "yep, OCD with ruminating thoughts. gets worse with anxiety. I think they are right. at least it was for me....." ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T18:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Bri,</p><p></p><p>There are many people suffering in the same way as you are. It sounds like OCD but if I were you, I&#39;d have a chat with my GP about this.</p><p></p><p>I really hope you get some help soon.</p><p></p><p>Love Tess xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T06:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pjoy-968006" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pjoy-968006" ], "content": [ "Thank you PJoy. All of the above is exellent advise. thank you....\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T17:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pjoy-968006" ], "content": [ "<p>I actually am taking Zoloft at the moment, and I think it is helping a little bit. Hopefully it continues to help, and then maybe I can come off of it overtime. I have tried to keep busy but my extreme self awareness and pure o OCD always get in the way to the point where I can&#39;t do anything at all. But, I will keep trying. Hopefully the medication will make it easier. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T19:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi honey, you really need to talk to someone, There are medications to help with that. I went thru that for a long time - always in your own head. I also went thru the sociial anxiety thing too. When someone would talk to me i would like quiver when they looked me in the eye- almost like they saw inside of me- some times i would wear sunglasses - i was always inside of my head so analytical of self i think and so critical of self and yet not really knowing who self was or is. You have to get involved and that takes you out of your own head the more ME time you have the more you dwell on it. My social issues and all did pass and i am ok. I also found once i had kids a lot of that passed because i was so focused on them. Then they grew up and were out of the house and i was worried it could begin again but all in all i am ok- But def talk to a doctor, get on meds maybe, keep busy and remember everyone single person goes thru some of this stuff, even the ones who look so pulled together you get to know them and find they have some type of issues. good luck! " ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T14:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "content": [ "<p>Yep, pure O OCD is pretty terrible, especially when it involves yourself and your own thoughts, because you feel like since it&#39;s yourself, you&#39;ll never be able to escape them. I also tell myself that too, that they are just thoughts, and it does help. Sometimes more than others. Gotta keep trying though. Thanks so much for your post. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T19:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meredith81598-1030127" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "content": [ "Hi Bri,\r\nI am going through the same thing! How are you doing? Is it better and what did you do to get back to normal?\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2017-03-12T13:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>bri, i relate to this entire post. don&#39;t even know what is a normal feeling or not......... &#160;my doc told me i could have a form of ocd which is obcessing with thoughts only, not acts. he told me to research PURE O. this was me to a T. ruminating thoughts until i would be making up stuff that never hapened. he prescribed me a low dose of prozac and it took a m onth or so, but it has started helping. i also constantly tell myself that &quot; my thoughts are not me, they are separate, they are just my thoughts. after the prozac, these types of exercises were easier for me to do....... &#160;&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T17:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/borderriever-963132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello bri\r\n\r\nIt seems like OCD, Make that appointment with your GP on Monday and He will advise any help you may need.\r\n\r\nWith my condition I forget what has been talked about and i wisp away on a cloud. People feel I am bad mannered I am not it is just me and who I am\r\n\r\nGood Luck, Make that appointment for your GP\r\n\r\nBOB" ], "date": [ "2016-08-19T17:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kita78433-1167491" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Briana, please please respond I am going through this for the past 3 now 4 months. How are things? What helped you?  I keep trying to say myself I am not my thoughts. But then I’m exactly the same place inside my head. I don’t want to be like this forever it’s killing my  whole life. I went to two psychiatrists who said it was anxiety. My whole mind is mush. Please Briana/anyone  give me hope that this can change and how. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-02T14:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sharon79146-1194531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sharon79146-1194531" ], "content": [ "<p>hello all, i have suffered from anxiety and rumination my entire life. but it is worse now. i would suggest that anyone try to find a group DBT group as this gives you very practical advise on what thinking is serving you and what is not. the other thing is that there is an OCD form that is called Pure O. Look it up. there are a few medications for this you might &#160;try. &#160;you need to learn to ground yourself... i would suggest jon kabot zinn&#39;s book on doing a body scan medication. i hate for anyone to go through this. it causes so much anxiety. best to you all..</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-11T03:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sharon79146-1194531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/swinging_sister-967892" ], "content": [ "Thank you" ], "date": [ "2018-07-11T07:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Have you been helped with this condition, i am going through it currently." ], "date": [ "2018-07-10T21:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kita78433-1167491" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/seamus36432-1197505" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kita78433-1167491" ], "content": [ "<p>I am suffering badly at the moment from similar issues, indeed when the problems are consistently there and improvement/hope is lacking, naturally dark thoughts will follow.</p><p></p><p>You are not alone, always remember that, things can change, we must remember that even in the darkest of times.</p><p></p><p>Reach out for help, share your problems and don&#39;t let them win, we are in this together, the improvement/the light may be around the corner even if right now it seems distant.</p><p></p><p>Look after your self, I feel your pain and as I have said I have experienced similar issues and feel very low myself, life can be so tough, but we can still triumph and be happy.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-22T09:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I want to kill myself. I think about this all day. I have ocd. Every interaction I am scared of, nothing feels right anymore, every word I say I think it is awkward and I would have not said it when I was better. Before all this. I want to kill myself I can’t do it anymore. I just can’t. Ocd has ruined my life. I feel like everyone is just talking out their thoughts and this makes it feel like nothing is real. That they are all their own experiences and nothing feels right. No emotion. I am so apart from everything and my family. I think from the moment I open my eyes till I i close them a thing night about how to stop thinking about this s**t. I wish it was just hand washing and germs. Then it wouldn’t be about feelings, thoughts, speaking. I can’t speak. It’s social anxiety with everyone. I just want to die so much I can’t do this. " ], "date": [ "2018-07-16T15:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1187932" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Bri, you’ll get through this, as there a lot of people here that can support and empathize with everything you’re going through.  Did you just start taking Zoloft?  If so, consult your doctor.  Quite often these medications take time (usually 3-6wks) to get into your system and work.  The side effects can vary, and usually “heighten” ones anxiety or OCD while just starting out.  But this will subside.  Talk to your dr to see if he or she can evaluate and maybe give you some recommendations.  Be well and keep in touch with everyone here.  Your not alone. " ], "date": [ "2018-07-22T12:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ahmed03160-1443388" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello everyone this post is pretty old but I am having the same OCD as all of you it started two months ago and it is a living hell, may i ask how are you feeling now and what helped you in the battle?" ], "date": [ "2022-10-10T15:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kimorab-1443739" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bri_46992-966459" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "wow 😲 i thought im the only one feeling this way,we do need help. im really confused and sad also im damn scared i feel like im loosing it or im in a worse condition. im tired,i also over analyse things and also think too much. i think more negatively,i get easily irritated and angry, scared im gonna die soon or sth worse is wrong with me. and also asif im being controlled or im weird and different and also scared to sleep to cause i dont understand the fact im not understanding myself at all." ], "date": [ "2022-10-13T19:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-self-aware-obsessing-ruminating-help--530118?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
EXTREME self aware obsessing/ruminating, help?!
<p>Sorry again, but I honestly don&#39;t know how to get out of this. I just have this constant habit of over analyzing and paying close attention to everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, I do. I even pay attention to how I think and the thoughts I get. It&#39;s horrible, and I honestly don&#39;t know how to escape this. I honestly can&#39;t even think anymore because of this, because I&#39;m always so fixated on my thinking and how it works and all of that. And it&#39;s not just here and there. It&#39;s all. Day. Long. I can&#39;t stop focusing on when I&#39;m thinking, what I&#39;m thinking, and how I&#39;m thinking. For example, if I go downstairs to get something to eat, I&#39;ll ask myself, &quot;was that me wanting to get something to eat? Or was it just my brain telling me to?&quot; That probably doesn&#39;t even make any sense but that&#39;s pretty much the best I can explain it. I&#39;m just overly, overly obsessed with watching myself, my thought process, how it works, etc. Its seriously debilitating. And honestly, I can&#39;t even think of anything else anymore, because I can&#39;t understand how thinking works. Sometimes I can&#39;t even tell when I&#39;m thinking, because I&#39;m so obsessed and overly aware with catching myself thinking about something, and how it works. And sometimes I wonder, &quot;is it me thinking the things I think about? Or is it just my brain reacting to things and processing information?&quot; Or, &quot;how do thoughts happen? What makes someone have a thought? Do they just pop into your head without you noticing, or does the person really want to think about what comes into their mind?&quot; It should make sense, but for some reason I just can&#39;t make sense of it, no matter how much I think about it. It&#39;s really, really bad. It&#39;s like I don&#39;t even remember what it&#39;s like to actually think and be focused on something else, and be totally invested in something other than this crap. I can&#39;t even talk anymore, because whenever I go to talk to someone, I&#39;m overly aware of the very act of me talking and responding. It&#39;s the weirdest thing. I&#39;m also aware that I used to have social anxiety, and whenever I would talk to people, I&#39;d be overly aware of myself. Not in the same way of course, this self awareness is a lot different, but I&#39;d just always be overly self conscious. Now, I can&#39;t understand how that works. Like it just feels like I was never aware of myself being self conscious, if that makes sense lol. I mean I was, like I knew I had social anxiety, but I never actually analyzed it while it was happening, if that even makes sense. And now, whenever anyone talks to me, it&#39;s like I EXPECT myself to be that way. I&#39;ve just been in this funk for so long that I don&#39;t even remember the way I used to act, and how I can even be the way I used to be again. It&#39;s like I haven&#39;t been a properly functioning human being in so long and now my brain is stuck in this completely disoriented mindset. And I can honestly say that I have never, EVER thought like this in my entire life. I&#39;ve been kind of off for the past three months, but this really started about maybe a month ago or so. And it&#39;s not really just thoughts, it&#39;s also the act of just being aware, constantly, all day long. It&#39;s like I don&#39;t know how to BE anymore. I don&#39;t know how I&#39;m going to live on like this, because if I&#39;m constantly overly aware of myself, even my thoughts, then how am I going to effectively communicate with people and be in a relationship and all that if I can&#39;t even function? It really terrifies me that I&#39;ll always be like this and never get better. It just feels like I&#39;m in too deep and that I can&#39;t unthink these things. It makes me want to kill myself a lot because I can&#39;t live on like this. Please help. Any advice would be appreciated. </p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetlinda-1365291" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " trust your doctor. pills start to dissolve especially when in contact with the acid in your esophagus and also stomach acid. \r\n Gerd can also give you that sensation. do some breathing exercises to calm your self down. I’m sure your doctor has other patients that have the same thing going on who he is not worried about either. The more you get concerned and worried, the more your stomach will produce acid making the Gerd feel worse. It’s important to relax your mind. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-13T09:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-and-worried-on-one-of-my-symptoms-791708?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilym1997-1343844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sweetlinda-1365291" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I struggle with the exact same symptoms as you and would always constantly feel like food was caught in my throat, right in the center of my Adam's apple as well. You'll be fine Linda, trust your doctor as Jan says, it's just the sensations, if the liquid is going down and you're not coughing it back up, nothing is there and it mostly got dissolved from your stomach acids already, it may feel like something is there but water does travel to your chest, that's normal where it feels like it's spread out. Don't worry, anxiety is just giving you bad thoughts right now, just make sure you keep taking your pills from what the doctor said to you, hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2022-10-13T16:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-and-worried-on-one-of-my-symptoms-791708?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety and worried on one of my symptoms
I struggle with severe anxiety disorder, GERD and health anxiety, I recently just took a pill today for my acid reflux and it feels like the huge pill is stuck in my throat and I'm really terrified right now, it also feels tight as well and full, it feels stuck in the middle of my esophagus, usually this goes with food as well, that would also feel stuck. but I'm able to swallow water down and feel it in my chest, usually I feel it in my stomach and I talked to my doctor about my concern, but he didn't seem worried at all as he says the pill is mostly down since I can drink liquid and feel it right on my chest and said it's just my GERD giving me the sensations, I can still talk and I'm not choking, but I'm just really hoping it went down and is not stuck. I did drink a lot of water when I took the pill, but just feeling the sensation of it. Should I trust my doctor? My health anxiety is making me want to go to the ER, but usually they don't help out as much.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "if you have a mild UTI, drinking plenty of water should help make it feel better within a couple days or so.\r\nif you still don’t feel well after drinking water and cranberry juice let your doctor know so you can discuss the possible use of medication . " ], "date": [ "2022-10-12T15:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-and-concerned-any-advice-and-suggestions--791643?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety and concerned. Any advice and suggestions?
I'm mostly concerned about my health right now, I'm 25 years old, just recently had blood test done and the nurse told me my results was unremarkable and that I'm healthy, but my urine sample test says I have UTI, they told me some home remedies if I don't want to take any medication to treat it, which is drinking a lot of cranberry juice and water to flush away the infection, still going through UTI and wondering how long does it take to recover from it and get rid of it? I have mild stomach cramps right now and I'm worried if I might die from it, I'm trying to avoid searching on google since it does scare me when they mention something life threatening. I'm really nervous and trying to staying calm. Any advice? Is drinking cranberry juice more effective than drinking water for UTI? I mostly drink water everyday, but probably not enough.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcgirl09-1440967" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ ":(" ], "date": [ "2022-10-11T16:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/antidepressants-in-need-of-reassurance-and-success-stories-791501?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Antidepressants…in need of reassurance and success stories
24M, 68KG, British This year has been tough. Ive never struggled with SSRI's..going on or off as much as I have this year. It has never been a problem. I have been on and off (pretty much off most of the time) Citalopram for about 6 years and have been relatively fine and lived a great life with occasional annoying anxiety and panic attacks that were momentary. Although this year in May I thought I would try Mirtazapine. I regret making that decision so much. I took it for a month and it was awful. I hated it. I tried to come off it and it was awful..eventually did and went back on Citalopram for a month. I felt a bit sick most of the time and had my good days but I decided..like I always did..to come off it and see how I was without. At the time my doctor advised I try Escitalopram (Lexapro) at a lower dose instead. I also regret that. So thats, May: Mirtazapine, June: Citalopram, and 12 days of Escitalopram in July. On Escitalopram I got brain zaps which i had never experienced and weird dizziness. I decided to call it quits. For the two months following that I had awful brain fog and dizziness..barely any anxiety though. It was hopeless as I thought it was withdrawals but they can't last that long apparently. I got an MRI, saw a neurologist before I decided ok maybe I should just go back on Citalopram, the old reliable, and just stick to it. Ive been on it for about 3 weeks now today and feel slightly better but the first few days of taking it was hell. It feels like my brain has changed. I cant lie in. Barely sleep and my brain physically feels 'weird'. Its really hard to explain other than saying I just feel 'messed up'. Its sometimes an unbearable feeling behind the eyes and in my brain. Ive been inconsistent with work and can barely read or concentrate. Things have gotten better but im still struggling quite bad. Woke up this morning with a weird feeling in my head that made me nauseous and sick. Im fighting neurological symptoms now not anxiety and its awful. Does this ever get better? Will my brain adjust and get over this? I think switching from 3 different meds in 3 months has permanently messed me up but apparently that cant happen. Wish I never took any of these drugs as it was only for a bit of anxiety now I feel I cant do anything in life. I start a new job November 8th and want to feel good and able to actually focus. I'm usually quite a socialable person and like to work hard but now my brain makes me feel like the opposite. I feel like if I took a break in June instead of going on escitalopram I probably would’ve recovered but my brain hasn’t felt the same since I got the brain zaps on escitalopram. It’s like I’ve got a constant charge in my brain that’s making me dizzy and unable to focus. I’m willing to see the citalopram through to 4-5 weeks and hope it ‘balances’ things out. Otherwise I don’t know… maybe I should’ve had a longer break than 2 months… Begging for either advice or a success story…at this rate it just feels like I’m going to be like this forever and I want to make the right choices to recovery. Just finished going on a run and deadlifts but felt so dizzy. Appetite is poor too.
Vegan essential tablets and other foods cause me huge death anxiety, what do I do?
This started in lockdown in 2021, around February/ March. In 2020, I became vegetarian for environmental reasons and have had no issues. My dad became a vegetarian with me and during the early months of 2021 he had been convinced that we both had vitamin deficiencies. In order to combat this he ordered these 'Vegan essentials' tablets off of Amazon. Ever since I started taking them I immediately became absolutely frightened of the idea of death. I have never experienced that before. It was awful, I was constantly shaking, crying, I wouldn't eat or sleep and I was so stressed I was constantly on the toilet and felt like there was a string tied around my neck. I out of nowhere also started saying things like "God doesn't love me" and related ideas, even though since being a teenager I have never been super religious. I stopped taking the tablets after a few weeks and I felt better, but I still haven't gotten rid of this fear. I have also seen a therapist but it has not been much help. Recently, I found that sometimes when I eat or drink certain things (I am not completely sure what) this fear comes back. It really bothers me and I feel as if though it affects my daily life as it is all I think about when the fear comes back. My parents just think its 'one of those days' and have suggested drinking more tea to solve the issue, but other than that they believe I am just being a hypochondriac. I am not sure what to do, so I came here looking for advice. This is also my first time using this website so I am still not completely sure how it works. Any responses are appreciated :) (for reference I am a 17 year old female and have not been diagnosed with any severe health problems)
Still searching
Ive posted in past about horrible head symptoms, pressure, lightheaded, dizziness just nothing feels clear always some horrible feeling in my head, still going thru testing and searching for answers not diagnosed with Anxiety but have had a few people suggest it, I have this everyday for 13 months now , scared everyday and just want it to go away, get answers and feel like myself again.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much , i will definitely try the warm compresses. it really scares me because I can't tell if it's going numb or its a spasm. my bottom eyelid is also twitching. I've never felt it in my cheek before. I agree to wait and if it doesn't go away get it checked out. I am really scared of doctors so I try to avoid them. I really do appreciate your advice " ], "date": [ "2022-10-06T13:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes I’ve had that many times. Most of the time it’s caused by a pulsating blood vessel that touches a facial nerve. I usually put a warm compress on it so it relaxes. I do notice it more when I am highly anxious. \r\ndon’t go to the worst case scenario when you have a sensation. 99% of everything we worry about doesn’t happen. \r\nThe rule of thumb is that if a sensation doesn’t go away for a reasonable amount of time, then let your doctor know. take care " ], "date": [ "2022-10-06T13:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-fluttering-in-cheekbone-791470?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "i ended up going to a clinic this morning, i just couldn't take the stress any longer. she had Me do a few exercises and when she was all done she said there was nothing abnormal abnormal and everything looked good and not to be concerned.. I told her that I'm not sure if I'm feeling numbness or a spasm in my cheek and she asked me if I could feel her fingers on both of my cheeks the same and I said yes and she was not concerned about anything she said it's not numbness. and because I'm anxious I emphasizeon the feelings even more. \r\n\r\nI feel ok but not 100% , donyou think I should just move on now and not worry about it?" ], "date": [ "2022-10-08T20:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "you’re welcome. Keep in mind that doctors are just people like us. The only difference is they went to medical school. Really they are working for us and we don’t work for them. So they need to do their job. Think of it that way. i used to be afraid of them also when I was younger but as I got older I saw that they are just regular people. and now I just ask them anything I want and even suggest things that they could be ordering for me. Take care" ], "date": [ "2022-10-07T00:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-fluttering-in-cheekbone-791470?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Not everyone understands this kind of anxiety. I'm so thankful I found this group to help me when I am going through something. Thank you so much. I really do appreciate your words of comfort and encouragement, you have really helped me tremendously 💗" ], "date": [ "2022-10-08T23:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes, go about your life. Anxiety can cause sensations that are not harmful. The more you pay attention to them the more you will have them. I know this from years of experience with anxiety. You went and had it checked out and everything was fine\r\n. people get all kinds of little aches, pains, twinges, etc. and the vast majority are not harmful.\r\nI had a feeling that you would be told there was nothing to worry about. I would also be willing to bet that if you got on with your life, stayed busy and active, that sensation would eventually go away. \r\nI can definitely say that when I do other things especially when I help other people, the focus goes off of myself and onto them. I feel my best when I’m doing that and I don’t have any pesky sensations bothering me. you’re gonna be OK. Think positive and steer away from any negative thoughts. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-08T23:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-fluttering-in-cheekbone-791470?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " you are welcome! And you are right that a lot of people don’t understand what anxiety can do and feel like. It’s a crazy thing to have but we can definitely learn how to manage it better. Practice long slow deep breathing because there’s a Direct connection between that and slowing down and relaxing ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-10-08T23:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/weird-fluttering-in-cheekbone-791470?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Weird fluttering in cheekbone
Im really scared, for the past two days I have been having this weird feeling in my right cheekbone, under eye and temple area. I cant tell if it goes numb, it's like a fluttering feeling and it really scares me. You cant see it. It comes and goes through out the day and lasts a few seconds each time My right eye started twitching after the last episode. I am so scared of brain tumor or stroke. I have a doctor and hospital phobia so I am afraid to get it checked out, but I am so scared I'm having panic attacks and can't stop crying. Has anyone had this feeling before and it was nothing significant?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamo4-1400644" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " what you were going through is very common in people with anxiety. We overthink and analyze and worry etc. The things that helps me out a lot I will share with you. \r\n If I just lay in bed and try to fall asleep it doesn’t work. What works for me is either listening to white noise or listening to a meditation for anxiety. Both you can find on YouTube. I always fall asleep before the meditation is over with. There are some that I like especially well. One is called Its OK. this person has a very soothing voice and just really makes you feel calm so you can sleep. She has other meditations on there as well that are great for anxiety. other meditations talk about over thinking as well. \r\n the Key is to relax your mind as much as you can. \r\n Another thing that helps me sleep is getting some exercise during the day. That releases good hormones that will calm down the mind and make you feel better. I will also send you a private message. Take care " ], "date": [ "2022-10-11T09:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-of-not-sleeping-before-an-exam-stops-me-from-sleeping-how-do-i-calm-my-self--791503?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety Of Not Sleeping Before An Exam Stops Me From Sleeping, How Do I Calm My Self?
Hi, In less then a week, I'm about to enter my Year 12 Final Exam period known as the HSC (it's a very important Australian exam). Now despite being a top student at a top school, I have never experienced more pressure in my life. I have countless family members to impress, most of my teachers think I'm going to top the entire state in the Biology Exam and I need the highest score in order to be able to do medicine, my dream career. With all this pressure, I have found it incredibly difficult to sleep at night. That is, I feel this deep thumping of my heart in my chest whenever I'm about to sleep and ultimately, I just feel uncomfortable whenever I lay down. I think its anxiety? Further, I have started getting intrusive thoughts of myself fearing that I won't be able to fall asleep -this worsens this sleep-stress that I get and I end up staying awake until 4am until I'm to tired to keep my eyes open. ****Does Anyone Know How I Can Remove These Intrusive Thoughts, Relax Myself And Get Better Sleep. Could Anyone Relate To Not Sleeping?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amber242424-1430172" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry you are going through this. Yes they would be able to see the condition of your windpipe.\r\nmany times in people with a very high level of anxiety, It can feel as though there is something wrong in that area. but nothing was found that was concerning.\r\nyou don’t have to be miserable and you can get some help for this. You don’t have to suffer alone. It’s important that you get the proper nutrition and hydration.\r\nyou need some good support right now. Somebody that can help you get through this. I would recommend talking to a counselor. That person can help you look at this a different way. \r\nSometimes we can convince ourselves that what we are thinking is the absolute truth about what is going on. But anxiety can make us believe things that are not true. \r\nThe thoughts can build up and up to the point that we are convinced what we are thinking is true. \r\nthats why you need some support right now. \r\nthere’s lots of help out there ! \r\nmake an appointment with a counselor or therapist. Some churches even offer free counseling.\r\nI would also recommend making an appointment with your doctor for a check up. There are doctors that can also help you find a counselor.\r\nyou can feel So much better! ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-10-08T12:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/trouble-breathing-791537?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Trouble breathing
Hi everyone, im really struggling at the moment i constantly feel like my breathing is restricted which worsens when i eat/drink. i feel like i am suffocating. i havent eaten in over a month and barely drink. A couple of sips each day, i had a laryngoscopy and they said its all normal but would they be able to see if my windpipe is restricted as i feel thats the problem, doctor says its all anxiety but im really contemplating even being here anymore. can someone help
Am i crazy?
does anyone cry or feel sad after watching porn and just think of your ex that you loved too much. Thinking that he's happy rn and with someone else. i just felt like isolating myself even more, to disappear. it's hard to act sometimes that I'm tough but deep inside i am so sensitive. I've always had these thoughts that I'm better off alone, wants to disappear and isolate myself. does anyone feel the same like me?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amandanisbet-1285102" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "if you can eat, drink, breathe and talk you’re fine. It’s the anxiety and the Gerd that is causing you the panic. Slow everything down and relax in a chair. Practice your long slow deep breathing exercises breathing through your nose to the count of four and out through pursed lips (which is like if you were blowing out a candle,) to the count of five. Repeat this several times until you start to feel a little calmer. This will help you slow down your thinking and the anxiety. \r\ngive the medication some time to work. Everything‘s going to be OK! As a matter of fact there is a great relaxing meditation on YouTube called it’s OK. The lady has a very soothing voice. take care" ], "date": [ "2022-10-06T00:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panicking-and-worried-what-should-i-do--791446?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Panicking and worried. What should I do?
I just had some cereal today for breakfast as it's something easy and quick to make and eat as I was getting ready for work, my throat feels tight and it feels like the cereal I ate is caught in the middle of my throat, I can eat and drink just fine, but I'm feeling that sensation there, this happened to me the last time and I was panicking like crazy, I saw my ENT who did a endoscopy and checked my throat and said nothing was there and said it's my GERD and it will cause that sensation, even though nothing is really stuck. But I'm worried if I didn't chew enough since my throat just ended up making me swallow the cereal I was chewing on. I do suffer from health anxiety and I'm dealing with the middle of my throat making me want to choke and it's making me panic more. I just started taking Famotidine my doctor recommended, which he said will take awhile to heal my throat. Should I be worried or I should be fine?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/capuccino-1402757" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "So finally I felt asleep at almost 5:30AM, and wake up around 2PM, still being in the same panic state. \r\nI stay in bed, unable to stand up since my heart rate is like 140, I was dozing off and felt asleep in a loop of ten minutes until 4PM... \r\n\r\nStill don't have any fever but my vision is weird (like blurry) I have a kind of disorientation, and again a feeling of depersonalization and always this thanatophobia and this feeling of risking something really wrong / close death / no tomorrow. The brain fog make me feel I'm loosing my head... \r\nI was not able to eat anything and spent my day on the bed.\r\n\r\nI read a bunch of articles about this spontaneous fear and some of them said it can be due to strong anxiety or strong depression. \r\n\r\nI don't know what to do. I may try to go to emergencies tonight since it is really unlivable....\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-10-03T18:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thanatophobia-covid-and-gad-791356?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/capuccino-1402757" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sounds like you need some support right now. Are you able to make an appointment with a counselor or therapist? do you have any friends or family you can talk to?\r\nit is true that anxiety can cause what you are going through and that is very common. I know that it feels weird and scary but remember when it’s due to anxiety, it will not hurt you.\r\nit’s important to try to relax your mind as much as you can. Go to YouTube if you can and search for meditations for anxiety or panic. Do them a couple times a day to settle down your mind. it’s not a cure but it will make you feel a little better.\r\nbut I would really suggest that you find a counselor that you can talk to. The counselor can teach you how to manage all of this. also do some long slow deep breathing exercises that you can also find on YouTube. Take care\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-10-03T23:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thanatophobia-covid-and-gad-791356?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/capuccino-1402757" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, thank you for your answer. I'm currently in hospital (emergencies) waiting since yesterday 8PM, it is 4PM now in my country, so 20 hours of waiting... I only could sleep three hours on a stretcher, but they put me back in the waiting room after having seen the first doctor, so now I'm on a chair again. I apparently have a blood pressure of 16.7 / 8.6 and a 120 BPM hearth rate, but they said it was not dramatical...\r\n\r\nI talked about the symptom I exposed here, also that I had anxiety troubles in the past, and now I'm waiting to see a psychiatrist, should be available in one or two hours.\r\n\r\nSince I had Covid I'm still afraid that the reason of this is organic and not directly due to anxiety... I hope they will at least make a blood test. I also wonder if the virus itself is the reason of my GAD coming back..." ], "date": [ "2022-10-04T13:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thanatophobia-covid-and-gad-791356?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/capuccino-1402757" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Here we go : finally still positive to Covid on RT-PCR test. Medics free me without any diagnostic but a present severe anxiety (that is true) but I'm still pretty convinced my brain fog + difficulty to sleep comes from the virus itself, and it makes me panic so amplify them.\r\nTonight (it is 2 AM in my country) as soon as I close my eyes I'm in a state between dream and reality. I know I'm dreaming and half-sleeping and can still barely hear sounds like snores or so around me (I'm at my family home), and I wake up from this phase every 10 or 20 minutes in a loop. It is not restful...\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-10-05T00:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thanatophobia-covid-and-gad-791356?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Thanatophobia, Covid and GAD
Hi, I'm in a really bad phase currently... I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) three years ago and spent half of the 2019 year at home (with my family), most of time in bed since I was unable to do anything because of the big GAD brain fog and physical symptoms. I also experimented depersonalization and derealization. I now know I have an anxiety land. During this period I barely remember the worst moments (since I get memory loss from them) but I was often going to urgencies because I felt so bad sometimes I though I was losing my cognitive abilities or was about to die. I had a regiment of tests during this year (many blood tests, neurological tests, cerebral MRI, cardiac exams...) that never show anything wrong... I finally get ride of this GAD after 2-3 months with antidepressants. I remember that I experimented one or two times a really bad feeling of close death, but the last one was far after this (in 2021) for no real reason, just with a feeling of exhaustion. I was thinking I was going to die during the night... Didn't call anyone though. Currently I have Covid since 7 days, confirmed tuesday, probably Ba5, not positive anymore on AT, but still has low symptoms (no fever, good O2 ratio in blood). But this afternoon, I was with my girlfriend on the couch and for no reason, experimented again the exact same feeling of close death, but even stronger. Since it happened, I feel like I was in 2019 again. I don't know if such feeling can be related by a way or another to a subconscious fear of Covid, or Covid itself, but it seems that my GAD came back. I was unable to eat tonight... just skipped the diner, being in a kind of panic attack state since the last 8 hours... It is 5AM now in my country and I'm still unable to sleep, because I can't stop to think about that feeling I had... And I don't know what to do either with this. Does anyone else ever experimented such thing? Is it something common with anxiety? Is it a kind of 6th sense and should I go to the hospital? Too many questions... I don't know if I will be able to get ride of my fear now...
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas312-1316897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ok so I've been feeling this same thing for a while now. I attribute mine to drug use to be honest. I actually find the little almost translucent fibers though. if I look with a black background I can see them. if u look at a towel and see the almost invisible hairs on it that's what they look like. sometimes they are short maybe 1/4 inch long sometimes I find them almost 3 to 4 inches long. it's the weirdest thing. I've tried to talk to people but they blow me off and say it's from years of drug abuse and I'm mental. I'm not gonna lie drugs have took a toll on me but I'm not mental these hairs are real and they don't bother me until I use uppers. its almost like they get p****d and feel them more. I've shown them to some of my friends and they freak out but other than that I've never seen a doctor or done anything about it. hopefully this helps somehow. if you figure anything out please email me. " ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly58901-1348320" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have had this for 2 years . 3 dr. 's 2 trips to ER and an expensive dermatologist. All said I needed to see a psychiatrist. I had thin angel like white hairs as fine as a wrinkle that would stick to my skin . painful to remove. spider web feeling on my skin and even a netting that would cover my hair so I would not be able to wash it out or even comb my hair.itching membrane in my nose, constantly having my eyes aggravated, then one day it was gone. for a year . I did constant vinegar rinses that I believe helped. I was just plagued again recently by this. So I have been afraid to tell anyone for fear of being considered insane. I tried to find a common situation that could cause this . I narrowed it down to mold exposure. And have recently been diagnosed mold toxicity. I am allergic to mold and was exposed . please get checked for mold toxicity! it will kill you if it's not addressed and treated. all the bizarre symptoms are a result of my allergic reaction not typically associated. I hope everyone feels better, the things you and I felt are enough to give you anxiety and make you feel crazy. so if mold could be your reason, it's worth checking into.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T21:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joshuapryce1987-1348499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I do not see how antibiotics can help this particular issue. What people do not realise is that women also have small hairs on their faces, i saw a young women that tried to hide it with makeup but it looked worse then if she havent put makeup on. You could shave but the hairs will stand out more after growing again. Its normal to have hairs on the face whether you are a woman or a man. I think you should speak to a laser surgeon about the issue, but first be sure of what it is. If i am right it will hurt your pocket to fix the problem. " ], "date": [ "2020-12-30T18:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tm--1385196" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "content": [ "is it dopamine?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T13:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazelkitten-1430437" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "content": [ "Were you able to confirm this & if so how? Has this improved for you? Please update, am going crazy from this" ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T23:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Thank you and you are not alone! \r\nUPDATE Though....** I FOUND OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! **\r\n\r\nSo the last doctor I talked to found that the circumstances and symptoms are due to a inconsistency in with the Dopamine effects the brain. There is not even regulation between the firing of the neurons. Sporadic intervals instead of the consistent. \r\n\r\nSo what do we do to regulate our Dopamine levels? I have not found a specialist yet, my doctor is looking for the best specialist to refer me to. Maybe neurology? \r\n\r\nHowever, YouTube offers some excellent information and videos to help with this. It is still pretty new, however, if we keep up the investigations and request solutions, the veil may just be pierced. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T20:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sue1705-966336" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lisa\r\nThis was how my Trigeminal Neuralgia started. Exactly the sensation you describe. i also had slight numbness similar to the kind you have when anaesthetic is wearing off after a visit to the dentist. maybe get this checked out?!" ], "date": [ "2021-07-08T08:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazelkitten-1430437" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm experiencing this same sensation, it's awful and is driving me crazy. I keep brushing my hand over it but there's nothing there and it doesn't help, if anything it makes it worse and my skin will start burning too. I also have anxiety & panic disorder diagnoses as well as TMJ & currently have what I think is probably a sinus infection. I just read Shawn's post about dopamine & it sounds plausible as I quit Suboxone & stopped taking my anti depressants in the last year, both of which I think have an effect on dopamine, and i think this started happening after that. (Also, I have severe fatigue & lethargy so there's some stimulant use, which also affects dopamine I believe) Has anyone found something that can relieve the sensations? It's miserable feeling & I feel like idk how much longer I can endure it." ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T22:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monique__22060-1125438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "content": [ "i see a pattern of tmj, allergies. i think dust mites are evolving. spider mites ...the tmj and tinnitus came heavy when all this started. almost like dust is the culprit and it is mixed with so many species and our bodies are trying to fight it. tinnitus is gone now. but mold and dust I swear. dust makes my jaws lock up. makes me have ear ache and all that. try to sleep with a rain and thunder sounds .people relate sleep disorder etc. with this.. it does help me .I know this message is all over the place Its almost 2am ...and this is what im doing . and im exhausted. good luck " ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i keep getting it to\r\ni got it years ago as well, it literally torments my anxiety and stress even more it causes me not to sleep from the sensation and then i have tinittus in my ears so i feel like bugs are on me from the sound i hear and then the sensations im feeling its hell" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T05:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monique__22060-1125438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was in a Apartment building that had openings into my walls. This is where it all started. They had those things on the top of the building that would send and bring air into the building sending it through the walls (to keep the walls cool) but since I had openings I was getting all the crap from inside the walls ...like a huge fan pushing all.that junk into my house. I started getting sick, my hair.was a huge indicator. i started feeling the hair fibers everywhere. everywhere i have hair even peach fuzz, it seems like the fibers connect to it. I moved , had a break for about 5 months (i threw a whole apartment away , clothes furniture everything!) I havent seen any strings . sometimes i think spider mites spin webs under surface of skin. but they feel like the strings fall on me ...i had pin pricks on shoulders. painful. the more stressed I am the worse it gets. i used to only have it in my house now its at work etc. I been exposed to all kinds of s**t feom those walls not being sealed. I suffer from insomnia...and this makes it worse. my little mustache hairs feel it alot. when i get hair off me its better. shave and wax everything. i was wiping alcohol on me and it works and vinegar. I also think static at times. All my holes get it because of my hair in nose ears etc. not mouth A fan helps!!! it can blow it on you and away from u ...I feel panicked at times. felt comforted with your stories. My elbows have that weird thing where soft touch hurts really bad ..nerve issues ...but it all started with that apt. pricks and sting could be mold spores. I feel like someones experiment. good luck and WAX." ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tm--1385196" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Here is what I would advice based on my research and personal experience: \r\n\r\n1. (Fasting) Blood Sugar Test \r\n2. Nerve damage test" ], "date": [ "2022-10-04T11:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tm--1385196" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I should add that these symptoms usually point to nerve system, that is what most websites online say. But there are many reasons why you could feel this way-it may even be something in your mind. \r\n\r\nThis is why I am advising that you run these tests. But please run other tests and follow what a certified medical practitioner gives you. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-04T11:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline48757-1270245" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nora50574-1308192" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline48757-1270245" ], "content": [ "thanks for your response but unfortunately i don't think its anything you mentioned. I went through menopause at an early age and have long been done with that. I'm 59. I am also living in a fairly new home with no issues at all. Thanks though I appreciate your concern." ], "date": [ "2020-04-21T14:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline48757-1270245" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nora50574-1308192" ], "content": [ "So sorry I haven't been able to help. It sounds like this symptom can have many explanations, which is why it is so hard to get help. I hope that you can find a solution. Best wishes. x" ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T22:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazelkitten-1430437" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline48757-1270245" ], "content": [ "exactly what i am beginning to realize :/ but i cannot find a doctor that'll listen and take me seriously enough to set up any game plan, run tests, and by trial error narrow it down maybe & I can't do it on my own" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T05:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hazelkitten-1430437" ], "content": [ "my doctor thought i was out of my mind " ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I thought I'd respond to as it can be so frustrating not to get an answer. I also have not experienced this sensation for many weeks. It was constant when I had it then it seemed to subside and just affect the corner of one side of my nose. Now it seems to have gone altogether, thankfully. The most likely explanations for me (as I don't suffer from anxiety and don't take any medication that has this side effect) are as follows:\r\na) Mould spores - apparently they cause formication, which is the medical term for this symptom. I discovered mould on the back of a blind. Within a few weeks of removing the blind the symptoms faded then disappeared.\r\nb) Perimenopause - I am 44 so probably not menopausal yet but formication is a reported symptom of the period prior to the menopause, which can last for several years. I have experienced other strange intermittent symptoms, which have also been reported as perimenopause symptoms (such as cold sweats), which make me wonder if this could be my explanation.\r\nI really hope you are able to get relief from this horrible and very real symptom. I am sorry I can't give you a definitive answer but this is what my personal experience and research have thrown up. I hope it is of help.\r\n\r\nBest wishes, Caroline" ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tt203-1291448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "content": [ "Hello shawnrae, first of all you are not loony and I know 1st hand what you are going through, honestly. you are not alone in this. For 4 months straight I thought I was going crazy and every doctor I went to told me I was crazy. at first I only felt it on me and slowly hit surely it progressed and k felt it on my kids, my dog, my hubby, and in the air. sometimes it would get so bad we would have to stay in a hotel bc I could feel it so heavy in the house. so I would get everyone out and bleach the hell out out of my house that I used to work but only for a little while then it would come back. I felt it wrapped around my tongue, in my nose I even felt it coming out of my ears. I swore it was like fungus or yeast or mucus idk what it was but I felt it and for some reason it would turn into hair like fibers always white never a colored fiber. As of March I've been ok I still feel it time to time. it affected me so badly we moved out of our last house bc of it and spent thousands of dollars in hotel and air bnbs as a change in environment used help a bit. It started with my eyes I would pull these strings out of them and then it progressed to a point where my eyes where completely covered in this invisible cobweb feeling that I felt pressed to tightly on my but no one could see. shortly after that i could feel it on my tongue, my nose and all over my body. I use to use apple cider vinegar I would bathe in it everyday head to toe that seemed to work for a while then I started using bleach bc it was the only thing that seemed to work but this thing what ever it was would literally almost like run from the bleach. I would spend 10 to 12 hours a day if not more trying to get it off of me I would use clorox wipes all over my body. it was dangerous the levels i would go to to get this stuff off of me. I can still feel a bit of it in my eyelashes but overall I'm not how I was before, it was unbearable. worst of all bc no one could see it, feel it or smell it no one believed me. My hubby could see the fibers when it would turn into hair/fibers and sorry for the nasty stuff in about to say but you could see hairs in all of our poop and that's how I was able to prove to him something was wrong. Every single one of hads fibers in our poop even the dog. Now that it's gone no fibers in our poop. strange as it sounds what we are dealing with is very real I just think it cant be diagnosed BC no one believes us. I mean sometimes I questioned my own sanity bc what else could it be, I dont do drugs and if I were hallucinating for whatever reason having the same hallucinations everyday for 4 months and the same hallucinations as several others doesn't seem likely. I dont have a solution but just wanted you to know you aren't alone. I did find apple cider vinegar and apple cider vinegar pills would help and it's the safest to use. I use to also take garlic pills and used alot of coconut oil I did this every for about 2 months and it started to die down more and more each day until it went away. Most of all I prayed, and prayed and prayed to God, Jesus got me through this. if it weren't for him I fear this would never have gone away. I know everything I said sounds crazy but what I went through was very real. I hope it eventually goes away for you and never comes back. Just know you are not alone of crazy, I understand very well what you're going through and been through. Not sure if you believe in God but I know he was the only real solution in all of this, for me at least. God bless and take care! Hope you find comfort in knowing you are NOT alone. " ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tt203-1291448" ], "content": [ "thank you for your post!I had this long perfect post that I was replying to for you and then at the very end the darn thing change to a different screen and deleted it all . so I apologize for not getting back to you. I was a little discouraged with this and myself for allowing that to happen.\r\n\r\nbut back to our story so you brought up some really good points and here's a couple that I think really pertain to us and give us hope and encouragement....\r\n\r\nYou are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light. 2 Samuel 22:29\r\n\r\nWe walk by faith not by sight 2nd Corinthians 5:7 NKJV\r\n(which goes well with the fact that the darn things invisible LOL)\r\n\r\nThe spirit of The sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners Isaiah 61:1\r\n\r\nwhen this all started you know I read these little inspirational books called Jesus calling and Jesus today and Jesus always... well in one of the devotions a little while back when this all kind of started ... He wrote something you know (just I don't know the words for words but this is the gist of it) The devotion said something like \"why do you always concern yourself with all this anxiety? trust me I am the Lord come and pray to me without ceasing. what minute or time can you change to add more to your life? trust me.. why all the worry webs?... \r\n\r\nOKAY... talk about a Divine appointment He couldn't be more clear?\r\n\r\nA lot of the posts bring up the facts of anxiety being a huge contribution.\r\n\r\ntoday's devotion in the Jesus calling book said even though there are dark times and tribulations that I am to manifest the future and vision my life without these complications. \r\n\r\nII know that sometimes the Lord will deliver us from evil or our problems and other times he will just lighten the burden. \r\n\r\nGod God be with us all\r\nand so help me God lol \r\ncan I get a witness?\r\n\r\nI also tried apple cider vinegar it helped for a couple days then it spilled all over the car and stunk like you know what.. \r\n\r\nI do like your idea of the apple cider vinegar pills I have not heard of that but it's definitely worth a try. I know when I went to the dermatologist he said to take a bleach bath . but he said don't stay in there too long cuz you know what happens and I said oh yeah well when I got home I was like I don't know what happens. I just didn't want to sound like an idiot.. so what happens is that all of it floats to the top and you need to get out before it ends up all over you so I tried that.. but you know I only tried it one time and obviously you need to stay devoted to this cure or else you know it's obviously not going to work. I sure wouldn't mind keeping in contact with you via text message or messenger. I don't know if you'd like to do that, but I can give you my number. \r\n\r\nit really helps to hear out there that somebody else is going through this and thank you for saying I'm not alone. Neither. Are you?" ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kellie90074-1369945" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "content": [ "I literally thought I was alone! This is damaging to my everyday life and I've tried everything! I know I am not crazy and my fiance see's my daily suffering as well and feels like his hands are tied.Please let me know if u find out any more treatment options or anything i could do at home to help with this. Hope u are hanging in there....this is a very real thing and it's scary mostly from lack of support/believers. I'm so sick of others reacting as if I belong in a psych ward. Most of the time I pretend I'm fine so I can avoid the exhaustion of constant self defense but this has by far damaged me and I pray not for life. Thanks for sharing your story.\r\n\r\nKellie\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T22:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madisontings-1377377" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "content": [ "Yeah, I've met a few animals that seem to perceive it also. Thanks for sharing your story and thanks for mentioning that.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T22:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "content": [ "your not at all i think its a type of allergy and our skin creates a immune reaponse by giving us eczema rashes or psirisus " ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T05:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "YES!!! I have had what you are all talking about for almost 10-years now. It comes about spring. I have the progressive version of this. So after the little hairs on face and in hair, little moles come, now the hairs have become cobweb like substantives coming out of my ears and nose. It has now this year become cobwebs with little balls that come out and stick to my hands, body and I've started to try to crush them because they turn into spirally hairs (fibers) that NOBODY can see BTW.. that run up and down my entire body... These little balls tun into what feels like newborn caterpillars with barbs sometimes... YET still invisible.. I have had one string of this cobweb coming out now for 2 frickin months!!! WTF??? I can not go to the doctor.. try explaining that to any health care professional??? Id sound like a wacko!!! I pretend its all in my head but then to remind me... I can feel it wiggling when I use paper towel rolls after rolls trying to get it to stop. I have tried pulling this out for two months thinking... there has to be and end to this string.. what sounds crazy.. but TRUE is, my dog goes crazy for it and tries biting at it in mid air... STILL invisible???? I know what many of you describe.. but let me tell you... it is just the BEGINNING!!!!! So, I have gone to doctors for antibiotics, tried many topical ointments, prescription shampoos, over the counter Hibiscus (which works the best for temp relief) 3n1 Clean and clear, TGel, Anti fungal, antibiotic creams, Dryer sheets (to get rid of statistic feelings), Bleach baths, alcohol, peroxide, acetone, Lysol, 409, Dial soap, Gone to dermatologist, Primary care, Physicists, the ER, Probotics, Nasal sprays, net-ti potties, ... an arsenal of potential remedy's.. solutions!!! NOTHING HAS EVER WORKED... Just have to wait the 5-6 months until it seems to finally go away... I mean ... crawl back in my life!!! Sorry guys if this seems intense, excessive, crazy, extreme.. but it is not it is progressive... I have went to school to be a Paralegal as well as been a property Manager for 18 years.. I am not a loony!! I guess that is my opinion, joking lol... HOPE I AM Not ALONE!" ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mandy1983-1129546" ], "content": [ "Thank you for sharing. I have had this off and on about every six months for around ten years. every year it gets worse and worse. It's Progressive. But last time I had this about a year ago, I have a similar experience where my hands felt like I had like cobwebs or you know long thick strands that went around it. And when I pulled one of the strands off all of a sudden it was like a live wire. whipping around and stuck to another part my another hand or somewhere. so when I finally caught that live Wire and held it I could feel it throbbing and pulsating and when that touches me somewhere else like my face... t's still does that pulsing on my skin it annoying as you know what... but what happened was it wrapped so much strands around my finger that it was almost like a little cocoon and that thing was inside. I could feel it moving around up and down the stuff it took me about a month-and-a-half to get all of that off and was there every time i tried to take it off.. there's more and more and more and I even put my finger out to window of the car so it would pull it off by the wind. that did help a lot there was a lot of like fibers involved. and you know nobody can see the darn thing...\r\n\r\nso you know... I went to dermatologist I've tried everything. if you look at my post that I posted like 3 post ago, I went through a detail what this thing does at least for me. and every year it gets worse.. sounds like you're right behind me on it so if you want to get back to me maybe we can cross little incidence and see if we can come up with something.\r\n\r\nI definitely went and had all these blood test done and I do not have any cancer or anything like that. sometimes I wish I did so it least they're could be a cure for it instead of this wacko thing. \r\n\r\nso anyway what I have found out or investigated was that this could be morgellons disease. I looked that up and it's really controversial right now. originally the diagnosis came from the 18 hundreds when this doctor Elizabeth said that it was all in your mind.. it was psychosis and it didn't really exist. \r\n\r\nwell nowadays there are many people that are going through this but the Government does want not want to admit it because it can cause Anarchy. I know that back when the government would not release the truth about MRSA because they didn't want Anarchy. then They could not any longer avoid it because there were so many seniors in nursing homes that were having this.\r\n\r\nso hopefully this will come to light too and we can try to find some cures or know exactly what we're really dealing with.\r\n\r\nDon't be discouraged and don't give up but anxiety does Cause the worry Weds to get worse. So try to take time to rest and sleep because as I know that when I wake up, it's not very bad. it is until later in the day that starts getting worse. So I know sleep helps it. one time. I slept after a procedure for almost 6 days and when I woke up it was gone, and I didn't have it for another year. But there isn't a lot of time for me to sleep right now. So I'm working. \r\n\r\nGod so help us!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "So this may be long, but I always like to share what I’m going through in case someone would be experiencing something similar and can relate. \r\nAbout a year and a half ago I started having this feeling in my lower lip, on one spot at first, that felt almost like a tiny electric shock. It didn’t hurt, it was just aggravating. I decided to look it up and down the spiral I went. It came back that numbness/tingling could be from a brain tumor or metastatic cancer from some unknown cancer in your body and that longest anyone has lived was months following this. I began on a long road of anxiety and depression and many medical tests later, came to the conclusion that if I indeed had cancer, nobody was finding it. Nevertheless, with my anxiety, I was convinced that’s what it was. Now a year and a half later, I’m still here and even though the fear of cancer still creeps in from time to time, I’m sure there’s another explanation for what I’m dealing with. \r\nThis feeling has moved around my face and body, but mostly still happens around my right lower lip and chin. It comes and goes, but is never gone for more than a few weeks. I’m still not sure what is causing it, and I may never know and it’s so frustrating. \r\nSo to sum it up, I keep having a feeling almost like someone is flipping me with a rubber band but it’s not painful, just aggravating. It happens anywhere from 10-50 times a day. It’s never a pins and needles type of thing for more than a few seconds and sometimes it will happen in my lower lip or chin when I smile. But again, it never lasts longer than a few seconds at a time. Like I said, this happens in other parts of my body, such as my scalp, my knee, my abdomen, and most recently, the front of my neck. \r\nI know this doesn’t tell anyone exactly what they’re experiencing, but I can sympathize." ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cyndijoy-1316766" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shawnrae-1309014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cyndijoy-1316766" ], "content": [ "No, I have not yet. It's still raging. What I have found is that if I move around a lot or having anxiety, it creates electronic stimulation and i\r\nthey react to this. I have found them and after following them on hairs and even lint\r\nlands is active on your clothes. I had a piece that was like standing out on my blouse and I can see it wiggling and moving so I kind of looked at it and different lights , it looks like a Dust Bunny with like like a black dust bunnies little flanges. that were a whipping around so, I think it's like fiber optics . I have to figure out a way to ground or killed the electricity so that die but I don't know exactly what to do to do that which I'm starting to investigate that now." ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T20:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Have you gotten any better? I'm experiencing these same symptoms and am wondering if you figured out what it was. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T20:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachaellll-1142895" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zee4848-1265167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachaellll-1142895" ], "content": [ "botox can numb this sensation " ], "date": [ "2019-09-03T03:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I do, minus the electric shock sensations. It’s almost like something is on my forehead and I go to brush it away it stops then comes back" ], "date": [ "2018-01-24T02:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lateefah46649-1159311" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I get the tingling feeling on my fave and arms and my scalp also see long thin white hair to" ], "date": [ "2018-03-11T05:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas15955-1235662" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary198052-1264713" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas15955-1235662" ], "content": [ "Hi Thomas, I have used Gabapentin recently and I never thought that that could be what was causing the sensation of hairs on my face, I am also expeirencing the feeling of hair in my mouth and on my tongue while I have these sensations on my face. it is very irritating to have this feeling , I also do suffer from anxiety as well, but reading your post I never thought it could be from the Gabapentin! \r\nThe sensation is mostly on the left side of my face, I do have it all over my face but on the left side more than any where else. I have tried brushing my tongue, using mouth wash more than usual and after so many days of that it did go away but then stays away for so long and comes back, I am no longer on Gabapentin, so I am not sure what is going on. " ], "date": [ "2019-08-31T09:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary198052-1264713" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas15955-1235662" ], "content": [ "Hi Thomas, Sorry I forgot to add this into my first reply, I was also wondering of it had anything to do with being allergic to cats!?!?! I have two short haired cats, they do shed a lot lately and one of them (youngest one) has been sleeping with me by my chest area and wondering if it could just be an allergy with her! Does anyone else with this problem have a cat or are allergic to cats??? " ], "date": [ "2019-08-31T09:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas15955-1235662" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mary198052-1264713" ], "content": [ "\r\nI'm talking about long term use , years , and heavy dose.\r\nI really dont care what others say , I know its the gabapentin. " ], "date": [ "2019-09-03T14:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazelkitten-1430437" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas15955-1235662" ], "content": [ "I'm experiencing this also & I used to take Gabapentin as well. The static thing also sounds plausible too. Wish someone could definitively pinpoint if there is an external cause or if it's more internal like something neurological." ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T22:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazelkitten-1430437" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mary198052-1264713" ], "content": [ "I do have a cat & he sleeps with me the same way but I was raised around animals on a ranch & have never had any allergies to animals or anything else. Can one suddenly develop an allergy like that?" ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T22:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mary198052-1264713" ], "content": [ "yup in my mouth and my throat is itchy and in my nose like just a bunch of little hairs " ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T06:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have these symptoms like ,cobwebs on my face , very irritating.\r\nI believe my symptoms are a result of using Gabapentin.\r\nor from sleeping in a home made pillow which was made from small blocks of foam .( my pilliow) which could create a static electric charge.\r\nI believe its more related to the Gabapentin which is a nerve pain drug and therefore affecting my nerves.\r\nWondering if any others with this cobweb on face feeling is using Gabapentin?\r\nThank you." ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T22:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monaann77-1251511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim92829-436551" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/monaann77-1251511" ], "content": [ "Did you find out anything?" ], "date": [ "2019-08-14T19:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zee4848-1265167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/monaann77-1251511" ], "content": [ "this is from his hayfever/sinus problems he blows his nose to hard and had disrupted a little nerve in his nose thats why his getting that sensation \r\nbotox can numb the feeling " ], "date": [ "2019-09-03T03:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi lisa \r\n\r\ni know this thread is old but my son is getting the same feeling and i think its related to stress and anxiety. he does feel Annoyed by it and says its not sinuses it just feels like theres a hair on his face and he feels an annoying feeling on the bridge of his nose. does anyone have any other information " ], "date": [ "2019-06-26T15:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zee4848-1265167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zee4848-1265167" ], "content": [ "well that settles it botox it is im going insane " ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T06:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "botox can help " ], "date": [ "2019-09-03T03:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pecanrandy-1265344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zee4848-1265167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pecanrandy-1265344" ], "content": [ "how long has this been going on for and think back what happened before this happened before you had this feeling .. \r\n so it might be there because it was there and now you’re just used to it being there .. \r\n " ], "date": [ "2019-09-04T02:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazelkitten-1430437" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pecanrandy-1265344" ], "content": [ "I also smell things that now one else does, like cigarette smoke, & get severe headaches. I'm terrified as I'm thinking it sounds like something neurological because of that" ], "date": [ "2022-06-14T22:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the tingling feeling all over. I can't get an answer for what is going on. I am on all alergy meds you can think of, chiropractic, acupuncture, you name it I've tried it. I get bouts of numbness on my face from time to time and feel my head throbbing to the point it feels like its swaying. also feels like somethings constantly stuck in nose/throat. scalp is numb as well. I think I have anxiety just from everyone thinking I'm nuts when I ask them if they feel spiders or smell things that aren't there. " ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T06:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pecanrandy-1265344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "started about a year ago. I suspected mold in my home but could get no answers. I got allergy shots and mold isnt something I'm alergic to. I moved twice since then and still have the same issue. just keeps getting worse. I've been given migraine meds and no help. I'm 33 but still keep searching for someone to have what I have so i dont go crazy. " ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T05:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alenka84-1194254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dima53462-1271391" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alenka84-1194254" ], "content": [ "Same situation. Although I wasnt the one who had the baby. Soon after we had our kid, the new added stress brought out the same sensations. I googled and googled and only made my anxiety worse and developed agrophobia. Its been some time and ive learned how to deal with anxiety and stress. Most importantly, know that this is all stress related and can be reversed. These feelings will subside eventually. You must find a way to relax and get some stress off you. I had the tingling scalp sensation for over a year. Now I know it was because I fed the fear of the symptom. I still get it some days but ive learned to let it go. " ], "date": [ "2019-10-08T04:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loretta9434-1237533" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alenka84-1194254" ], "content": [ "try breathing into paper bag for minute or two several times a day. Overbreathing can cause tingling and nerve problems. You don't know you're doing it. Do you sigh and yawn a lot? That's a sign.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-06-21T11:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all,\r\nmine has started after I gave birth. I have anxieties and depressions. I might also have fibromyalgia. I head buzzing and head tingling too. Some days nothing but some days it could be all day. I have noticed it does happen when I'm exhausted and have not much sleep or just have had a hard day with the kids. LAck of sleep is such an major factor in lot of health problems especially those with neurological problems. I don't want to go doctors because all they will prescribe is some silly medication that will only make me worse for other health issues. Can some of you update us on your journey to recovery or dealing with it please? ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T05:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline48757-1270245" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I originally noticed a crawling sensation on my scalp for several days after each time we've had the letter about headlice from school. I thought it was just a weird psychological reaction as I never caught anything. Now I seem to be getting the sensation of hairs on my face plus the crawly scalp. Some days are worse than others. I have done some googling and it sounds like this (formication) can also happen to women when they are in the perimenopause, several years before actual menopause. I'm wondering if that could help anyone. It's driving me mad. I don't take that drug that has been mentioned and, although things can be stressful, I don't feel unduly anxious..." ], "date": [ "2019-10-01T21:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tt203-1291448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tt203-1291448" ], "content": [ "apple cider vinegar helps but only for so long i notice if i get a good night sleep and have time to take a quick nap during the day it subsides like 80%" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T06:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Did anyone find any possible solutions? My situation started with a case of allergic conjunctivitis it became quite severe. I constantly keep picking at my eyes as I had mucus strands going vertical and horizontal across my eyes creating barriers to the point of pain. It felt like my eye balls were being squeezed. I finally got relief from that but shortly after. I felt like I had spider webs across my face, actually all over my body, literally from head to toe. of course its invisible however, I do continue to pull white silk like fibers from everywhere. Also, I noticed when I use to mess with my eyes I could feel the mucus strand but in addition I could feel something else something fuzz like or maybe yeast IDK. I went to several doctors and eye specialist and nothing they all think I'm crazy. It got soo bad now I feel it all over my house and esp my bed. I cant even sleep in it anymore, hence now I'm moving but I'm not cured and I dont want to taint the new house too. Another note is that I can feel it coming out of every hole in my body, face, ears, nose and mouth. I been using Apple Cider Vinegar, it helps a bit but still nothing dealing with this since December. All suggestions are welcomed! Please help!" ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline48757-1270245" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazelkitten-1430437" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline48757-1270245" ], "content": [ "I wonder now if there's mold where I live because a year or two back, before this started I think, we had a pipe leaking that left water standing in our bathroom. So many theories sound very plausible because they all fit me in some way (mold, medications, dopamine imbalance, static, neurological conditions, sinus problems) & I wish I could pinpoint which it is but I don't want to go to a doctor because they see anxiety & panic disorder in my medical history & immediately jump on that as the cause without even listening to me or examining me or anything, let alone trying to get them to run tests. I do have anxiety & panic attacks but it's a different feeling when that happens; this is a mid recent development & is pretty constant, even when I'm not feeling particularly anxious " ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline48757-1270245" ], "content": [ "mine was mainly from black mold its usually an allergen and your bodies immune response to it i still get those sensations here and there i dont get it for three years and now\r\nidk why but this spring its back just not as intense it comes and goes but still very exhausting " ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T05:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Just an update but I don't get this as bad now. I saw something suggesting it can be caused by black mould spores. We had some mould build up on a blind and I threw it out. Symptoms improved but I occasionally get the sensation to the side of my nose or on my scalp. Far, far better now though. Check for mould maybe. Good luck. " ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T06:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nora50574-1308192" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "can anyone help or has found anything out ? I've been dealing with this since January have seen three different doctors including a dermatologist two of them they are insisting it is dermatitis. I've had rashes on and off. I itch and feel like things are crawling on me like fallin hair on my face but nothing is there. I have no anxiety except for this and trying to figure it out. It is frustrating. I was treated for scabies I'm still thinking it might be that that it wasn't treated correctly but they insist that it is not scabies. but this is not going away and it is frustrating. one doctor said extreme dry skin one dermatologist said it was rosacea one doctor said dermatitis I'm on an antihistamine and non scented lotion that is not helping. rash comes and goes about every other week almost looks like a skull and it's hot to touch and is itchy but itches continuous even when the rash isn't there" ], "date": [ "2020-04-19T14:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim92829-436551" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nora50574-1308192" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim92829-436551" ], "content": [ "Your response is interesting as i seen a neurologist a couple years back and said i had ocular migraines although i never have headaches. i have been to my primary care physician 4 x since the middle of January. 2 Dermatologist.. They keep saying dermatitis and i know its not that." ], "date": [ "2020-04-21T14:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nora50574-1308192" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "thanks !" ], "date": [ "2020-04-21T14:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim92829-436551" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nora50574-1308192" ], "content": [ "Yes, I also get ocular migraines and have very tight neck and back muscles. " ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T05:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\nI wanted to respond to your post because I know how frustrating and worrisome this is. I had tingling and the feeling of a hair on the right side of my face for months. It was so irritating and I kept trying to swipe my face trying to get the hair off.\r\n\r\nI went to my doctors for a hip issue and then casually mentioned this to him. His immediate response was that I needed a MRI to rule out MS or something else. Of course, that really sent my anxiety sky high. I took the test and all came back just fine. I was sent to a neurologist who examined the MRI, gave me a physical and then ran all kinds of tests including HIV, Syphillis, vitamin deficiencies and other things I couldn't even pronounce. \r\n\r\nBasically, the neurologist thought that these were related to mirgraines (silent migranes) that don't necessarily present itself in the normal way. I was iffy about this diagnosis. But once I relaxed and knew that it wasn't serious, my symptom gradually resolved. It took months, but it did go away.\r\n\r\nI haven't had that sensation in about 6 months. Maybe start with your primary doctor and go from there.\r\n\r\nGood Luck!" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T05:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Its like hairs fell on my face. I have no clue. Yes im a little anxious. " ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T03:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey80465-1431142" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "of course they are anxious it feels like bugs or some type of thing is attacking you that no one can see" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T06:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>&#160;I have had that feeling on my face before as well as on my arm and leg. I brush it off with my hand thinking there&#39;s something on my skin . It&#39;s caused by a tiny nerves under the skin &#160; &#160;I believe mine is caused by my issues with stress and anxiety because when I&#39;m really stressed, I get tingling in my legs And a buzzing like feeling . &#160;So this is a milder version of that. Do you have a lot of anxiety? &#160;I really don&#39;t worry about it it&#39;s just annoying sometimes. You could always follow up with your family doctor to discuss it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T03:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/needhelp_asap-1003661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I get that and it freaks me out. We all know that numbness is a symptom of anxiety. As for the hair feeling I get it too and I always think that something is crawling on me. That&#39;s another symptom of anxiety. Check 100 symptoms of anxiety. You also said you have tmj so that might contributes to it. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T09:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arlene09047-1001355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I got a sinius infection and that happened to me I now have anxiety after having the infection which is very hard but each day gets a little better " ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T11:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen20833-954373" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi there dear friend,</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve had that, Lisa! It&#39;s weird. Like Jan I brush my hands over my face because it feels as though there&#39;s a whole host of tiny hairs crawling all over my skin</p><p></p><p>The things we get!!!</p><p>I am so sad you are still having to deal with the tinnitus and the sinus problems....sigh</p><p>I send hugs</p><p>Helen</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T11:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sillymop-975574" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen20833-954373" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sillymop-975574" ], "content": [ "<p>I just remembered! The feeling was like a cobweb over my face...shudder...<img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T22:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I get this too, Lisa <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /> it&#39;s not nice. It can actually be quite annoying sometimes. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T12:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you jan for your replies. They are very appreciated" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T23:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve even had that feeling in my hair like somethings on my scalp but it turns out to be nothing. It&#39;s really annoying</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T06:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bri77-910731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I get that too! I never realized it could be from my anxiety. Your post helped us both. I now know it&#39;s likely from anxiety and you know you&#39;re not alone. I hope it settles down for you. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-07T23:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/curious06141-1140995" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachaellll-1142895" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/curious06141-1140995" ], "content": [ "I have these same sensations on my face and it’s driving my crazy. I do suffer with anxiety." ], "date": [ "2018-01-23T05:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi lisalisa67, I am keen to know how you are since the last time you posted on these cobweb sensations. In the end, did the problem resolved by itself or what diagnosis was arrived at? I am feeling some of these.  Hope you can post an update if it was anxiety or something else that was the problem for you. Thanks." ], "date": [ "2018-01-17T12:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elisa47418-1143237" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachaellll-1142895" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisa47418-1143237" ], "content": [ "I do, minus the electric shock sensations. It’s almost like something is on my forehead and I go to brush it away it stops then comes back" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T06:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/curious06141-1140995" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisa47418-1143237" ], "content": [ "Have you seen a doctor.? What was the diagnosis.? " ], "date": [ "2018-02-01T10:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eeeks-1182589" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisa47418-1143237" ], "content": [ "I get the electric shock pains briefly along the back side of my neck, sometimes up to my ears. This is in a company to al the face tickles/tingles. It’s quite annoying. I’m just glad to hear I’m  not alone. I do suffer from anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2018-05-25T11:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tm--1385196" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisa47418-1143237" ], "content": [ "Yes. what were you diagnosed with?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T13:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi... I&#39;m having the same problem and it&#39;s 24/7 and I&#39;m going crazy. I cry everyday. do you also have these tingling/hair on face/ mini spasms between your eyes?... like... right above the nose bridge or directly in it?</p><p>Do you also feel like your forehead is contracting or &quot;cramping&quot; but without the pain? Do you also have electric shock pain sensations ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-21T06:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anyone-get-face-tingling-hairs-on-face-feeling-556806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
anyone get face tingling/hairs on face feeling
months back i had feeling on my face like little hairs fell on it. Not specific to one side either.They said sinus and gave me antibiotics. Four rounds last year last one in decemeber. For whatever reason i had a Few sinus infections this past year. So today I feel the weird feeling again. Im wondering if anyone else gets this face weird sensation as I really think I have been on enough antiobiotics already. I also am still dealing with high frequency tinnitus as well from a three week bout with a head cold/flu back in decemeber. I have been healed for two weeks now.I do not feel stuffed up.i do have tmj as well. Trying to figure it out.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/malleelel-1320300" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "negative mind pops are very common with anxiety. dont overreact to them with fear Because they’ll stick around. slow down your mind several times a day. stop what you are doing, sit down or lay down and do some long slow deep breathing. I also listen to a 10 minute meditation for anxiety found on YouTube. doing this helps me to regroup and feel much better. i am also Sending you a private message.❤" ], "date": [ "2022-10-03T16:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoughts-of-depressed-or-boredom--791336?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Thoughts of depressed or boredom!
hello every one,im here again had anxiety attack of being depressed or boredom,i dont know how i feel.i am feel bored or depressed after doing all my house chores.i do a lot of my daily routine but when the thoughts of depressed and bored.pop up in my my mind i feel anxious.im in a panic moment then i had my adrenalin to hurry and out of control.doing things in the house even.it is finished already doing the house chores.what should i do to remove that obssesive thoughts thats come in my mind?.pls help need advice!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gmccoy957-1436517" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike996-987647" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey Mike, I'm sorry that you're dealing with anxiety. I wouldn't wish this feeling on anybody. I'm currently struggling with health anxiety and my thoughts are my own worst enemy. My best advice would be to journal if you haven't tried doing that yet. Also, as weird as this sounds, I talk to myself in the car or in my house and try to just get my thoughts out there. I wouldn't recommend going to deep with the talking out loud because it might make you feel like you're going crazy. But it's helped me a little bit. I hope it gets better for you, for me, and all of the sufferers on here and around the globe. If you need to talk you can message me and I'll be there for you. We got this!" ], "date": [ "2022-08-10T08:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/new-type-of-anxiety-ocd-thinking-making-me-feel-terrible-788986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazel86926-1436557" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike996-987647" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Mike,\r\nIt sound like you are living in a nightmare. I'd honestly consider taking some anti anxiety medication. Who cares if you depend on them. They really work and life it too short to feel like you do. I cant believe i used to feel like I did. It's like i was a different person before Citalopram.\r\nMuch love." ], "date": [ "2022-08-11T11:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/new-type-of-anxiety-ocd-thinking-making-me-feel-terrible-788986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maray720-1437101" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike996-987647" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Mike,\r\n\r\nI'm new to this site but I understand your post. I have been suffering these past 3 weeks with a racing mind and anxiety. I can't seem to sleep more than 2 hours at a time each night. When I do fall asleep and wake up I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin. My doctor also suggested I start medication but I'm not sure if I should. I am trying meditation and it seems to help at times. When I am out with people I don't have any problems. It seems this happens when I am home and especially as night time falls. While I don't have any advise for you, I just wanted to let you know there are others out here that are having the same issues." ], "date": [ "2022-08-13T08:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/new-type-of-anxiety-ocd-thinking-making-me-feel-terrible-788986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bonnie40779-1386742" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike996-987647" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know exactly what you are saying. I lived with recurring obsessive thoughts for twenty years. The first one was that I had cancer and unless it was treated I was going to die. I went to doctor after doctor and even was referred to the cancer clinic. I went to counselling and after three years it seemed to be gone. But just a few months later a new one appeared. I developed a fear of losing control of eating and gaining so much weight I wouldn't be able to do anything. Again, back to counselling and gradually over the three years it went away. Then the big one hit. I developed a fear that I would suddenly change my sexual orientating or I was gay and hiding. It would not go away with any counselling and I eventually ended up in a hospital on suicide watch. These thoughts and feelings would come out of nowhere and at times overwhelmed me. I explained it to my counselor that it was very much like when a person is coming out of a heavy drug and says things that they remember and are embarrassed because they were so ridiculous. I would know that what I was afraid of wasn't real but I had no control over my actions. I would go running to people to talk then feel stupid when it passed. \r\nI finally agreed to medication and a psychiatrist. He explained to me that I had intrusive thoughts and that I did not pick them or make them happen. My brain would take a fact or a conversation and hook unto something. It then was like having a giant billboard flashing that thought constantly in my brain. I took the paxil and was completely symptom free for 26 years. unfortunately it stopped being as effective and I have gone to other meds. I was surprised to see that the exact thought came back after all those years. Now I know they are a symptom of my disease but It is still strong enough to make life hard and not very enjoyable. These drugs only suppress it but do not take it away completely. \r\nTry the drugs. They work for me. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-10-02T11:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/new-type-of-anxiety-ocd-thinking-making-me-feel-terrible-788986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
New type of Anxiety/OCD thinking making me feel terrible
I've struggled with anxiety through my entire life and always tried taking a natural approach at fighting the anxiety through lifestyle changes and exercise. The source of my anxiety has mainly been social and health anxiety which has been excruciating at times and has held me back from living life to the fullest. Now at 26 years old I was starting to get a grip on things and am about to finish my bachelors degree in accounting which was a long time coming and I was finally feeling like things were going in a better direction until recently. I feel like I have been hit hard and can't seem to find my way out of this cycle of thoughts and focus on the present moment. My issue started about a month ago when I started having chest pains and weird sensations upon falling asleep and every time I was about to fall asleep I would be awakened by these feelings. Eventually I went to urgent care where the doctor assured me the feelings are anxiety related so I was hoping it would be temporary. Countless nights of struggling with sleep my cognitive state started to suffer through out the days and I was feeling miserable. Fast forward now about a month...the sleep has been a bit better but I'm struggling with a series of thoughts that I can't seem to escape from. Basically, I'm having reoccurring thoughts which is inhibiting me from being present and focusing on what I need to do. They aren't bad thoughts in particular but they are causing me discomfort. I'm imaging the scenarios in my head of things I'm going to do in the near future and it feels like I'm thinking about it so hard that I'm actually doing that thing when in reality I'm just in my thoughts. I'm also fixating on thinking that what I'm doing currently will be a past memory and I will think of all the things right now as the past which is tripping me out. Then I think that the future events coming will be present and then turn into past memories and I'm not sure why it's giving me anxiety. I also replay events in my head of things I did recently and try to recall all the moments to see if I am recalling them correctly. I feel my cognitive state is sharp but these memories/thoughts have been consuming my days and I feel like I'm not fully there in the present moment but living within these thoughts. Another example would be like taking out the trash...I imagine that it's going to happen soon in the future and then when I finish it then it will be a past memory and I imagine that whole thing and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I feel trapped in these thoughts and I don't know where they came from out of nowhere. I was doing fine a month ago and I didn't have this burden or way of thinking. The urgent care doctor prescribed me Ativan and my primary doctor prescribed me Lexapro. I've never taken medication and it scares me to think that I will have to succumb to them and become dependent. Being stuck in these thoughts has been creating constant anxiety and I want to get out of it and be able to constantly remain focused on the present without worrying about past or future things. If you could give any advice I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gothmik-1442550" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ive been suffering with alot of horrible head issues that no drs can figure out but for about week now i been waking up early aware of my heartbeat then get a sick feeling all over my body when i get up from it i have bad head pressure pain on top of head with dizziness then lasts all day. I hope you get some answers and relief cuz ive been suffering over a year. feel like im knocking on deaths door" ], "date": [ "2022-10-01T14:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-t-sleep-wake-up-a-couple-hours-after-falling-asleep-with-heart-racing-i-don-t-know-what-to-do--791306?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gothmik-1442550" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "well first of all your heart is OK so that’s great. \r\nThe cold tingly feelings etc. are very common with anxiety. \r\ni’ve been through this many times Sounds like you are suffering from intense anxiety and possibly panic. There’s most likely some anxiety going on to cause this. If you’re having problems sleeping, I would suggest some thing that always works for me and that is to Either turn on some white noise or listen to meditations for anxiety or sleep. Those are on YouTube and I always fall asleep before they are done. \r\nfor the racing heart. ...The key to bringing it down is proper breathing for anxiety. proper oxygenation is important. The racing heart is due to the release of adrenaline during anxiety. It’s not harmful but I know it feels uncomfortable.\r\nyou can find many breathing exercises for anxiety on YouTube also.\r\nOne thing that is important to know is that the more you worry, overthink about all of this, the more you all have those sensations. So I would suggest that you calm down your mind through the meditations and breathing exercises and do it a few times a day. \r\nalso, exercise is a great way to relax everything. That’s because it releases a good hormone that makes you feel mentally better. Even if it’s just going for a walk in nature.\r\nThe worst thing you can do is sit around and think about all of this.\r\nif you are really struggling, speaking with a counselor can help because they can give you ideas on how to manage it.\r\nhope this helps a little!" ], "date": [ "2022-10-01T15:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-t-sleep-wake-up-a-couple-hours-after-falling-asleep-with-heart-racing-i-don-t-know-what-to-do--791306?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can't sleep. Wake up a couple hours after falling asleep with heart racing, I don't know what to do.
Hi guys, I'm new here and I have been struggling with health anxiety for a little over fiver years now. There was some improvement but now it's gotten worse again. Recently I've been anxious about my heart and obsessively check it throughout the day. At night when it's time to go to sleep, I wake up maybe an hour or two after falling asleep with an elevated heart rate. Sometimes I get cold tingly feelings in my legs and arms and chest burning. I been to the ER sooo many times over the years and twice this past week. Said heart is fine. BP was elevated which is normal for me with anxiety. I'm at my wits end. I don't know how to deal. I am sleep deprived which you can only imagine makes my anxiety worse. Has anyone ever gone through this? If so, how did you get through it?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin04289-1442372" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " sorry you are going through this. If you are currently not in counseling I would definitely suggest that for you right now. \r\n you need somebody to talk to and somebody to help you manage everything that’s going on. you might want to think about getting a counselor /social worker Who can provide you with the resources that you need to take the first step in feeling better. A lot of communities have free or low cost counseling. take one day at a time and try not to overthink things. Over thinking does absolutely no good and can make you feel worse. Get get out of the past and take it from where you are right now. The past is gone and thinking about it all the time gets you nowhere. Live in the present moment and go forward. Find that support you need. One step at a time. Take care " ], "date": [ "2022-09-30T19:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-covert-anxiety-has-ruined-several-people-s-lives-791243?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
My covert anxiety has ruined several people's lives
I lived with my parents, then just my mum after my dad died well in to my 40s. During that time, I looked at buying a home, but just never managed to it. I did make offers on three, but all got rejected. When my mum died in 2017, I had to leave her home. I toyed with the idea of buying a house, but again, I found some excuse not to. My girlfriend of 4 years invited me to live with her, while I looked for somewhere to buy so that we could marry and move in to 'my' house and start a family. We looked at a few houses, but didn't like any of them. I sent my girlfriend details of nice looking houses, which she agreed looked nice, but I made up some ridiculous excuses not to view them. I could afford them easily, as when I received my inheritance from my mum, I could pay the mortgage off and we would be mortgage free. Then I did receive my inheritance. I was awestruck with what I could suddenly afford. But again, I was so indecisive that I found 'other' things to do instead of viewing properties. I convinced myself that I needed more information to help me decide on the 'right' location, even though I wouldn't get the information for a couple of years. I had this attitude that now I had my finances in place, I could take my time to find somewhere. As time went on, I continued to look at houses online, but they seemed to be getting worse instead of better. I was saving as hard as I could so I couldn't understand why. Then the pandemic came and the housing market went in to a frenzy. I knew I couldn't cope with the anxiety of bidding wars or buying a property I hadn't viewed. I gave up looking. Then my girlfriend dumped me, making me homeless. House prices are about 50% higher than when I first started looking. I'm priced out of the area where I would like to live. It's too late for either my ex-girlfriend or me to have children now. I've had some counselling and therapy and been diagnosed with 'covert anxiety'. This means that my brain 'concocts' irrational beliefs/thoughts and suppresses information to prevent me from getting myself in to anxiety inducing situations. One such situation is buying a property. I know I've always been an overthinker and an overanalyser but I never would have considered myself to have anxiety. My brain has been telling me all sorts of lies to make me procrastinate buying somewhere. Whether it's because the buying process is so daunting, or my perfectionism wants me not to fail by buying the 'wrong' house or in the 'wrong' location. If I had been able to think rationally, I would have easily realised which was the 'right' location, and I saw some amazing houses in that location. Now I'm priced out of the market there, so I'm so frustrated with myself. My therapy has taught me that my 'thinking' brain went 'offline', so wasn't available to me to think rationally. I'm not even sure that I told my girlfriend when I had received my inheritance and I just cannot think why not. When I moved out of mum's, some friends agreed to look after some of my belongings while I sorted myself out. They (and I) expected it to be a few months, but it's now been over 5 years. I'm so embarrassed. I'm now looking at spending 50% more on a house that isn't as nice as one that I could have bought, it's in the wrong area, so my daily commute will be over 3 hours instead of 40 minutes. With the current inflation rate, energy crisis, interest rates, it's an absolute nightmare. I'm not really sure I can afford the house, but rents cost more than I earn. Several times a day, I'm reminded of the dire position that I'm in compared with where I would have been if it wasn't for my anxiety. I've ruined my ex-girlfriend's dream (and mine) of having children, so feel regret and remorseful several times a day. I'm also reminded of the irrational thoughts and beliefs that I had when I was in a great financial position and just cannot understand how my brain was so mixed up to believe such rubbish. My anxiety has ruined several lives and I am hurting so much.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gavin58061-1435742" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " anxiety can cause all kinds of physical sensations. None of which are harmful but they can feel weird and scary. there are millions of people suffering from anxiety and stress. Not everybody will get physical sensations but a lot of people do. They can pop up out of nowhere. \r\n first, everyone should have a complete physical check up at least once a year. \r\n many of the physical sensations of anxiety are caused by a rush of adrenaline.\r\n We may not even be feeling anxious when we suddenly feel our heart racing, or get a fuzzy head etc. but there is an underlying anxiety that we might not be aware of. \r\n when I get palpitations, the one thing that slows them down is proper breathing. It is the key to slowing down the heart rate. You can find short videos or meditations for breathing during anxiety on YouTube. it should also help the fuzzy head feeling. Proper breathing helps to oxygenate the brain and other body organs. \r\n one thing that can make the sensations worse is over thinking, worrying, etc. By doing that you tell your brain that something is wrong and so the brain sends out more adrenaline. \r\n try to completely relax your mind a couple times a day with the breathing, and possibly listening to a meditation for anxiety, also exercise is a great way to relax the mind because it releases good hormones that actually make you feel better mentally and physically. \r\n take One day at a time and if you feel you are really struggling, getting some counseling can be helpful. Take care \r\n " ], "date": [ "2022-09-29T15:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/aniexty-differs-791213?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Aniexty differs
sometimes i get fuzzy head sometimes back pain and then sometimes full blown palpitations uneasiness etc! it can be scary and tiring does anybody else have the same and what do they do to cope?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas30861-1441954" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " i’m sorry that you are going through this and I know how scary it can feel.\r\n First I would say that medication for this takes about six weeks or so to really start to make a difference. Before you think about stopping the medication, speak with your doctor first. \r\n And I hope you are able to get help with the NHS soon. It’s good that you are on the list though. \r\n The first thing to do would be to work at calming down your physical body as well as your mind. \r\n You need to Focus on your breath and how you are breathing. Proper breathing is the key to calming down the mind and feeling more in control. It get you out of the panic state. \r\n1. go on YouTube and search for a meditation for panic and anxiety . Also look for breathing exercises for anxiety and panic. When I was feeling that way I would do these at least a couple times a day. they really help to settle things down at least temporarily. find a couple that you like and use them when you start to feel panic and anxiety. \r\n2. you are going to be OK! Always remember that panic and anxiety are not harmful. They can be scary and weird with all the crazy dark thoughts and racing mind etc. but that’s all due to the rush of adrenaline and the state of anxiety. \r\n3. those thoughts that are on a loop that are negative can be reversed. really take notice of your thoughts. When you get a negative one, acknowledge it and tell yourself that you are just going to release it. Let it go. Don’t punish yourself over it just let it go calmly and replace it with a positive thought. Do this every time because it trains the brain in a positive way. I take a relaxed nonchalant attitude about those thoughts. Remember those thoughts are not a part of you so you can release them. They are not based on fact or reality. they are fleeting and don’t mean anything. \r\n4. take one day at a time. Get some exercise because it releases good hormone in the brain that helps you relax and feel better mentally. \r\n5. while you are waiting for the NHS, do you have any friends or family you could talk to? It really helps to vent feelings during a time like this. Also, while you are waiting, there are many churches that offer free counseling and other places in your community. I would also say stay away from anything with caffeine or sugar if you can. Those tend to increase anxiety. \r\n I will also send you a private message. Hang in there! \r\n " ], "date": [ "2022-09-28T09:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-panic-breakdown-help--791183?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety/Panic Breakdown - Help!
Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum and wondering if someone can help me. I am suffering from a severe bout of anxiety/panic that began about a month ago following a panic attack at the dentist. I experienced this once before, during the year of 2016. After 6-12 months of medication and therapy (through the NHS) I managed to make a full recovery and life since has been great. Sadly, I seem to have relapsed, and this time it appears to be a lot worse. Whereas before it was more 'event' based and I felt okay at home, this time I'm having a constant extreme level anxiety/panic attacks from the moment I awaken until I finally fall asleep. This is accompanied by horrible physical symptoms as well as constant racing, dark intrusive thoughts that just will not settle. My thoughts are on loop all day of 'how am I feeling', 'i'll never get better' etc. I can't eat, work or function normally, in truth - I'm in absolute despair and just don't know where to turn. I'm spiralling into depression. I was prescribed 10mg citalopram from my GP, which i've been taking for 2.5 weeks, and she recently increased to 20mg, which i've been taking for two days. It's all got so much worse over the last two weeks - I don't know if it's the medication or just me. She also gave me some propranolol and a few diazepam so I could get some sleep. I've referred myself to local NHS mental health services but I know the wait can be incredibly long. I don't know if it's just me and the anxiety, or the medication, but my anxiety intensity is doubling day on day and i'm just at my wits end. I'm wondering whether I should stop taking them. I just wondered if anyone had any comforting words of wisdom or resources you could share with me. With my best wishes, Thomas.
My health anxiety is getting worst. What should I do?
I struggle with bad health anxiety, if I get slightly sick I start panicking and worried on what's going on with my health, even though I'm always healthy when I get blood test done, today I decided to use some Eos lip balm sphere that I had, it's probably expired, but it still moistens up my lips very well, but I keep forgetting to not lick my lips when I have lip balm on and I'm getting a small upset stomach, not sure if it's from the lip balm or because I'm hungry, but I'm really worried that I might of poison myself now. I looked up the product and it's supposed to be safe, but I'm still concerned right now. What should I do? I can't stop stressing that I could be in danger now
Y can't I lie group
I am condemed to either lie with self-blame and anxiety or tell the truth. Does anyone know such a trauma-inspired truth-telling relates to known psychologicaql conditions? How will somebody get caught into the feeling that we lose out of lying even asingle time. By the word "lose", I mean getting into danger.
Health Anxiety is taking over my life!
Hi, I am a 19 year old Female. So long story short i started with some leg pains (felt like growing pains at start) and they got a bit annoying so i took some ibuprofen which worked a little bit. Then i noticed a bit of swelling on my calf which looked to be on the muscle but i panicked so called the doctor and they suspected DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) so sent me to A&E. Luckily i did not have DVT but the doctor i spoke to brought anxiety into the conversation which really bugged me because he basically tried saying the pains were in my head even tho i had a physical lump of evidence to show. Called the doctors again and they booked me an ultrasound and that come back clear but i am still sure they are missing something. I started to google things and log my symptoms and every new symptom i got, i googled it and it obviously come up with terminal illnesses and conditions which i am petrified of. The lump does not hurt and it isn't very noticeable now which is what i think, a good sign. But the pains have not stopped. They are mostly in one leg (my left) but radiate from all my limbs. I suspected muscle pain at the start but it now feels like bones and joints. Spoke to another doctor who prescribed me some Vitamin B12 tablets when my blood levels were al fine apparently!! And i refuse to start these tablets as i do not think that is the cause of my pain. I have another telephone doctors appointment at some time today and i am going to demand to get seen to. But moral of the story is no matter what the doctors and health professionals are saying, i do not believe them and it is getting very unhealthy, ruining my social and work life and making me unwell as it is all i think about every single day. I know i have physical symptoms to show for my concerns but i have other aches and pains that i google and all i can think is the dreaded c word... Cancer. In the past 3 months i have diagnosed myself with Leukemia , Osteosarcoma , Appendicitis, Stomach ulcers, Bowel cancer, ovarian cysts and Cancer, Arthiritis, A heart attack... and believe it or not, the list goes on. Unfortunately, some people around me call me a hypochondriac and tell me i am being dramatic but this is something i live with every single day and it never gets better for me. I am worried that even when i get some scans and more tests done, the feeling wont go away. I do not want to be diagnosed anything but i feel like if i get told i am okay, ill only keep worrying. So sorry for the long paragraphs, i need to speak to people who relate. Thank you for your time.
Does anyone else get stomach issues?
For backstory, I have had depression for 6 years. I struggle with every type of anxiety there is including health anxiety. Two weeks ago I went to the emergency room because I had pain in my right side I was convinced was a kidney stone. My urinalysis showed a little blood, but I got blood work done and a CT scan. Those came back showing no signs of anything. After that, I went home and the pain kind of just went away. Last night, I kind of had a stomach pain that was stabbing but it went away. After that, I kind of had a sick stomach, I didn't eat much for dinner. This crummy feeling has stuck with me for a day and I have been dealing with drowsiness. Could all this be anxiety related or do you think this could be real? i dont want to go to the ER again. I have insurance but i cant afford constant trips.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura37595-1391889" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ok so this exact same thing has been happening to me for almost 20 years. That was the symptom that started all my anxiety issues. I was 16 when it first happened and im 35 now and it still happens. Its not every day anymore but it did happen today which led me to find this post. The best way i can explain it is that when i touch my body i can feel it but i just can't sense it there. For the last 20 years i have never come across anyone who had that same exact symptom until now. I searched for years. From my own experience its just anxiety. It has never hurt me it just scares the living f*** outta me. The best way i deal with it is that i just accept it and keep reminding myself that it cant hurt me. I know its such an awful, terrifying feeling and no one understands. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-11T04:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tara02077-1394551" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there. You put exactly what I am feeling into words. I recently had a CT because I thought I had a mini stroke, but the results came back as migraine with aura. I also have a high-stress job and a history of trauma. Have you been able to find any relief? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-26T14:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle09898-1391355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is typical of anxiety, I've had it alot. it's Derealization. Look it up there's lots of videos out there. It's just the brains way of protecting you against stress, you get it when for example if your house burned down and you walk out numb, in shock. It's only meant to last a few minutes, but with anxiety we keep ourselves stuck in it. Once you accept that it's just anxiety and it can't hurt you (that's the tricky bit) it will fade away. It always does." ], "date": [ "2021-10-27T16:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tyler75498-1421419" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This could depersonilization/Derealization. Ive suffered from this for nearly 3 years now due to a bad drug experience. I was sat in my room one night smoking a spliff and out of no where everything started feeling strange. I got up to speak to my mum to try and distract myself but it did not go away. I ended up being on the phone to the hospital for about an hour and 45 minutes. From that day on i started panicking every day, scared that something was severely wrong with me. I got checked out by doctors, then started councelling but no one seemed to understand how i was feeling. I have now taught myself to not worry as much now when feeling like that. Have a look at dp manual on youtube and also consider buying the booklet. Hope you start to feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2022-03-23T21:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anthony42675-1429809" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I partially agree with the person who said that it sounds like depersonalization, i think i have the same symptoms but mostly on one side of my body. I couldent feel it on my left side and it even felt like part of my mind was not there but it did not feel numb and tingly like when there is nerve damage but it seems to me that its what creates the anxiety, also i do believe it is partially psychological as iv been getting better by trusting myself and staying on that thought among other things, also catharsis helps, feeling parts of your body starting with feet or hands and expressing what you feel verbally like a sound or words helped alot. I havent seen a doctor about it because its seemed to me that it was mostly psychological. also it made it worse when i tryed to forcefully feel the parts that i couldn't and sometimes i would feel pain on the opposite side or just another part of my body i wont go into any more details but now im sure it is depersonalization for me." ], "date": [ "2022-06-09T00:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hidden-samurai-1430212" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Are you still having these issues? because i am now today having where it feels like my hands and arm is going numb, my parents just dont care , sadly i cant believe you went to the hospital that many times now they just going to brush it off as anxiety even though it can be something serious , i guess look for a new hospital but be careful when going, iv went many times as well but not constant.. i was also marked for anxiety a few times in the past so it is scary, it would be cool if we can get in touch and talk in private chat or something because i have very high anxiety too and i go though panic attacks here and there, so us talking about our problems with each other may help us calm down, , or for anyone else reading this comment im always open to hearing about problems because i am a talkitive person just as long as you dont mind hearing from me too." ], "date": [ "2022-06-13T00:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josefine71415-1431620" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm having the same symptoms for a year now. Anybody who wants to write with me about this? :(" ], "date": [ "2022-06-25T14:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linn23884-1440744" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi! I am new to this.Last 3 days ago,i was using my phone and suddenly feel like i can't control my hands or legs.It freaked me out and now it still does.Now i've read this discussion and replies.I realized i am not alone and encouraged me a lot.I am 4 years late btw.The cause in my case, my sleeping schedule is pretty messed up.I sleep at 4 am and wake up at 11 am.So basically i miss my breakfast.Also my screen time on phone and laptop is 12 hrs per day.So i will try to fix those first.And after reading replies,what i learnt was try to calm myself down and don't be so panicking.It is totally harmless i hope so since i an still young:) " ], "date": [ "2022-09-12T17:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristian35669-1441996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive had this a few years ago. its called 'depersonalisation'. apart from the breathlessness i currently suffer with, this was the scariest feeling ive ever experienced. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-25T22:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/violet91995-1324618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/violet91995-1324618" ], "content": [ "do anybody have any other weird things going on other than not feeling their body I feel like my human self is gone." ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/t53062-1315961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "content": [ "yes i feel that way as well and its very scary." ], "date": [ "2020-07-29T15:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/t53062-1315961" ], "content": [ "I'm walking in a daze I feel sometimes I'm not even breathing but we got this fight fight exercise to reconnect yourself " ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tanya99239-1339103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "content": [ "yes!!! its most likely depersonalization dw it goes away! watch videos of it online to identify your sympotms, youre going to be okay! just take it day by day! " ], "date": [ "2020-10-22T04:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i have this same feeling right now 4days today" ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tanya99239-1339103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "content": [ "no, could be possible but i would suggest taking a test for covid." ], "date": [ "2020-10-22T04:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "did anybody loose their senses like tastes smell or touch " ], "date": [ "2020-07-30T18:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thing41782-1326937" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thing41782-1326937" ], "content": [ "yes see a doctor to way out any Medical problem first but yest anxiexty going through the same right now contentment everyday" ], "date": [ "2020-08-07T12:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i smoked weed before and one time i totally lost ALL sensation except my heart and it was painfully fast and scary. I vape and recently i have been doing it less. 2 days ago i took a hit and it gave me such an intense nicotine rush that my body became numb and my brain got slow like i was high. it went away but that night my body did it again when i went to bed. when i try to sleep my limbs go numb and i feel like i'm going through/into my bed. my brain is slow and i don't know how to think when this happens. i also cant take a deep breath and my subconscious won't breathe on autopilot and i have to breathe manually when i try to sleep. my brain also isn't signaling that i'm suffocating when i hold my breath which is very scary. anyone help i don't know if it's anxiety from ptsd or even nerve damage. This kind of happened one week ago but not as strong and i just want to know if i should see a doctor." ], "date": [ "2020-08-05T01:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/khulood19049-1338439" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, i hope your feeling much better now.\r\ni think your experiencing an episode of depersonalization,its when you feel that your body dissociated and not real.its quite scary but harmless.please do your own research on dp. goodluck. " ], "date": [ "2020-10-22T04:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicaananda33728-1345004" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have the same symptoms. Sometimes i feel these weird vibrations, like waves almost, all over my back and legs. Nobody has ever given me a straight answer on what is could be, but i have talked to several doctors and done numerous exams and found no answers. my psychiatrist suggested depersonalization because I dissociate a lot already." ], "date": [ "2020-12-04T04:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabikun45808-1364242" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im from Bangladesh \r\nthis is happening to me too\r\nwhen it happened for the first time i thought i was gonna die\r\nthe things around me were getting distorted in size if i tried to focus too much, i cant feel my body except some tingling sensation whenever i come contact with something or even just touch myself, sometimes i cant differentiate what's real and what im making up in my mind which leads to increase in my heart beat. Idk what to do im just so scared. And it stays for so long." ], "date": [ "2021-03-12T12:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisa176dh-1370264" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "keen to hear how things are for you? I have suffered and am still suffering from really similar symptoms. it now feels sometimes that my body is being flipped backwards over my head and I often feel the need to ground myself on the floor.\r\n\r\ndr says anxiety but it still happens even on medication. my body feels numb and I have to tell myself that I AM holding on to things like when pouring the kettle and more recently when driving (holding the steering wheel) and when holding babies is the newest fear. my arms feel like they are disintegrating or dissolving. horrible 😔" ], "date": [ "2021-04-14T18:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/faith36298-1384606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel this verbatim. (though I'm 2 months late) its like if I stop moving, my entire body feels like its melting into the void and I cant feel myself breathing or my heart beating.. It's worse because I cant tell if it's anxiety or an unrelated but harmful health condition which spikes my anxiety even more. :-/ mine only happens at night though. \r\nHave you heard back from a doctor yet and if so is there a way to stop this? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T06:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adrianne54174-1363600" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bnplea-1402627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adrianne54174-1363600" ], "content": [ "After looking around the internet a lot finally you seem closest to what I am experiencing. Specifically what you said about not feeling muscle fatigue when working out. Mine goes as far as not feeling much fatigue or pain when doing cardio. I just ran a mile on the treadmill, and barely felt fazed when I usually feel it quite strongly. Anyway, I am only 3-4 days into these symptoms and would love an update if you have one. We differ in that mine was not triggered by a panic attack. The only big change preceding this is that I started intermittent fasting for about a week before this, eating only twice a day in an 8 hour window, and considerably less than I normally do. So I was thinking that maybe there is some malnutrition going on too and I am going back to eating normally. I haven't gone to a doctor yet but probably will if I reach the 1 week mark with no change. There is almost nothing online about full body numbness or general reduced sensation. I was afraid this could be MS since numbness is a warning sign but from what I have seen it seems to start more localized and also start in the hands, feet, or face, and those happen to be where I still feel sensation the most! Please update me if you see this, I tried to give detail for others who see this and I will give an update if this goes away. The worst part about forums like these is that people comment when they have the symptoms but then never remember to post if/how the issue was resolved!" ], "date": [ "2021-10-19T21:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bnplea-1402627" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Back to report this went away a little over week after it began. Not sure what was really the cause but I just tried to make sure I was eating enough, hydrated, and not stressed and it resolved itself." ], "date": [ "2021-11-01T20:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am having the same exact sensations! I had a horrible panic attack and then a wave came over and I felt numb. when I workout or do squats for example I cant feel muscle fatigue... my muscles feel numb. also I dont feel my heartbeat or pulse very well its like muted . it has been like 3 weeks like this and im very scared. I have had a lot of tests done with neurologists and even mris ans scans in the hospital. are you still having these issues. you are the only person I have come across that shares similar symptoms. I would be grateful if you can respond. I live in the US too! thanks:)" ], "date": [ "2021-07-15T00:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pobutter-1083340" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi. Please try to hang on. Anxiety and panic cause so many weird symptoms. I once had this psssh feeling of tingling in my back near my shoulder blade. It would come all day long like a butst of sensation. It is very unsettling what anxiety can do. If you don’t have any anxiety medicine, you may want to see your doctor and try to get something. It might help. There are other natural options you can try too. Check the web and see what you think will work for you. Posting here is a good start. You are not alone (although I know it feels like you are). I am struggling with anxiety, depression, and more. It helps to keep in touch with others who “get” a and won’t just tell you it’s in your head and write you off. Whatever you are feeling is real to you no matter what the cause. Please feel free to message me privately if you want to talk. I am wishing you healing and peace. \r\nDeb nyc " ], "date": [ "2017-10-01T02:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo21139-1148621" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz52258-1200001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo21139-1148621" ], "content": [ "Did you have an EMG done?" ], "date": [ "2018-08-01T12:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the same problem, i got heavy depression since a child, i went to doctor to check up everything but nothing seems wrong. I dont know what to do !!!" ], "date": [ "2018-02-08T15:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jooo-1204977" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "content": [ "I know. I got it last night it’s so weird. It’s like I’m moving but then I go numb and this vibrating feeling washes over my body and then I move again and then I’m numb and that sensation comes over me.  How long you been having this? " ], "date": [ "2018-08-29T03:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jooo-1204977" ], "content": [ "Im so sorry yes its from a state of mind fatigue menatal and physical\r\nIts harmless you are stressed \r\nAnxiety its harmless u need to rest well and eat well and it will go after two weeks of that :)" ], "date": [ "2018-09-01T09:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa35692-1207420" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "content": [ "Omg mee tooo scary feeling" ], "date": [ "2018-09-13T17:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa35692-1207420" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jooo-1204977" ], "content": [ "Have u seen a doctor,?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-13T17:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jooo-1204977" ], "content": [ "lm completely numb I cant feel pain they told me severe depression and a doctor told me see felt the same why before and she come out of it so that gave me a little hope." ], "date": [ "2020-07-20T12:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tanya99239-1339103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "content": [ "yes i relate to this! it could very likely be an episode of depersonalization, could be induced by stress or anxiety! i reccommend watching videos on youtube to see if it correlates with your symptoms! " ], "date": [ "2020-10-22T04:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla05599-1400354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "content": [ "this is happening to me now! my body feels so light every day ,my limbs specially my arms are numb where i cant feel them i know they are there but i cant feel unless i touch them even my whole body feels numb .. its draining i feel spaced out and when i stand up my body feels light even when i lay down .. did you recover ?" ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Omg did u find out what this is . i get exact thing its worse in the mornings and late at night. I can&#39;t sleep my body feels like it disappears other times just my limbs like they numb but i can feel every sansation they not numb help me help </p><p>I wake up at night with lightness in my body funny burning/tingling in my scalp i feel like im dying please some one wbat is this </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa35692-1207420" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did this ever go away?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-13T17:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lily24178-1245964" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tim81352-1135225" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lily24178-1245964" ], "content": [ "I had the same symptoms. It is all because of stress. When I learned to calm myself down, it all disappeared. I know that it seems weird and maybe you won't believe me. I couldn't believe either. But trust me, this is just how your body reacts to anxiety and stress. Just calm yourself down. Nothing is wrong." ], "date": [ "2019-05-23T08:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lily24178-1245964" ], "content": [ "Its fear and stress . I was experiencing the same what I found is my arms would be weightless floaty and my legs . Once I calmed down I noticed because of winter my under tights were pushed up making me feel that way i pulled them down in your case try see or notice if your nose unlocks and you not noticing it making you feel that way anxiety plays tricks on your mind once you find the trick it will stop I had that whole body numbness not real . I get the movements not real I have to say to my self dont be ridiculous you moved this way your whole life . That seemed to stop it you have to think rational . Trust me its super scary not dangerous \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've been having similar symptoms to those that you explained. I've been more stressed recently and have noticed that my body feels numb and my movements don't feel real. I know this post was over a year ago but I'm wondering what you did and what conclusion you came to." ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Had all the above you have to try see either wat u wearing or what is around you example I had this all the time I would notice if it was my tummy feeling this way I would notice my shirt was not pulled down .\r\nIf my legs check if my pants were on nicely compare it to the other leg that felt normal I had it so bad I had it in my hands guess what I noticed that my phone was in one hand so that hand had weight other was weightless once i figured the tricks out they went away never got them back anxiety is a game on deception I'm a Christian I based this one the verse the devil is a lair and loves to deceive. So he puts fake scares making them real find his deception he will be gone " ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheawecanfly-1267884" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "DUDE , ive had the same thing happening . Everyday i wake up really anxious something is seriously wrong with me because i got diagnosed with vertigo . My anxiety makes me feel like im floating and its scary " ], "date": [ "2019-09-18T20:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne73302-1268015" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi. I feel exactly the same, never seem too feel right. Pins an needles, feel like I can't control my body or speak properly sometimes. Always feel like I'm going to have a stroke, got a tumour etc! Had panic attacks /anxiety for 30yrs now. Horrific to suffer with it, just can't enjoy my life. " ], "date": [ "2019-09-19T15:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chrometate-1278387" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chrometate-1278387" ], "content": [ "you have classic anxiety physical depression and fatigue symptoms if your doc has done all tests. i was like this i had no balance i coudmt walk at times the word fear constantly is too small i was in constant dread and terror just like you . im 90 percent recovered. i too thought stroke ms all kinds but here is it you need to rest this out . sleep take naps if you cant 1 hour rests no tv or books no stimulation just lay down think about the beach trian yourself force it . next eat 3 times a day this is a must full meals . talk about your symptoms u have derealisation the more you learn the less scray . i prayed this out . \r\nalso u need to have big arguments with your thoughts big time when you think stroke fear rationalize these thoughts tell your self no doctor said im okay this sounds crazy so its crazy eventually with much practice you will see the change . like example this is a lie i know my body is here this is rubbish DO NOT ENTERTAIN WRONG THINKING . with me when i felt detached its when my nose unblocked dont ask lol .\r\nHERE IS WORDS THAT SAVED ME \r\n\r\nFEAR is POWERFUL IT CAN OVER RIDE YOUR THINKING AND PRODUCE IRRATIONAL BEHAVIOR. WHEN WE FEAR WAT IS NORMAL FEELINGS TURN TO HORROR FEELINGS . it takes time a long time to get to normal but you can i was way worse than you and im almost there you will have set backs where they come full force but this is the cycle u need to break when they come DO NOT RETURN TO WRONG THINKING . CARRY ON TILL THE CYCLE IS BROKEN \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-06-27T16:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "content": [ "hi I feel the same way I know this was 6 months ago did u have to take medication to it is so scary.I freak my self out everyday" ], "date": [ "2020-06-18T19:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tanya99239-1339103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chrometate-1278387" ], "content": [ "Check out depersonalization/derealization symptoms this sounds alot like it im not a professional but this is exactly what i experience from the numbness to the vision problems hope this helps! :) I reccommend watching liscenced therapists on youtube, reading online is sometimes harder to understand and harder to relate to! " ], "date": [ "2020-10-22T04:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tiffany33965-1346575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chrometate-1278387" ], "content": [ "Chrometate I'm having the exact same experience your comment described. Please look into Lyme disease and getting tested. " ], "date": [ "2020-12-13T19:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " I've been really struggling with an issue similar to this for about 6 months. I started becoming worried that something was seriously wrong with me because I would convince myself that parts were going numb and that I no longer knew how to move them. Now from the time I wake up in the morning until the time I go to sleep it is all I can think about. I don't know what to do, I'm so scared all of them time. I am constantly smiling or twitching in the face looking like a crazy person because I'll convince myself I can no longer make those movements. Walking doesn't feel real. My face feels completely numb and detached from my body all of the time. I've been to my pcp and a neurologist who insist that nothing is seriously wrong with me, and a ct scan backed this up but this doesn't give me any comfort. I've also had vision problems that go along with this but nothing appears to be wrong with my eyes according to the doctor. I am terrified and my life is falling apart because of it, I am constantly living in fear and have convinced myself that I am going to have a stroke or drop dead at any second, so I've stopped taking care of myself completely and have stopped living with any purpose. I can't focus at my job. I almost never shower because the thought of it gives me so much anxiety because it feels different than I remember it feeling. Even the 10 minute walk I take to work now is a daunting and scary adventure. This forum provided me the most hope I have felt since this began so thank you. I really don't know what to do " ], "date": [ "2020-06-27T16:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amysh-1316999" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pix85202-1192499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amysh-1316999" ], "content": [ "Check your sinus my anxiety did this. When you have anxiety it plays mind tricks on you so. If you have a blocked nose and suddenly it un blocks or sinus you feel like that try to be more attentive to your nose that's what happend to me and once I caught the trick it stopped " ], "date": [ "2020-06-27T16:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel as if I'm a floating head, I can't feel my limbs but when I touch something I can feel that. Sometimes I have to wrap up in a blanket to feel like I'm still here. I've had it on and off for 5 years, sometimes it gets really bad, when I first felt it I completely freaked out was off school for 2 weeks and went to ER. I hope it is just anxiety, it must be cause it can come and go and worse when I think about how the sensation feels, its almost as if my fear of the feeling brings it on" ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T11:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi how was you able to come out of this did the doctors prescribed you medication." ], "date": [ "2020-06-18T18:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shabana38962-1318994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "content": [ "does the medication have side affects " ], "date": [ "2020-06-27T16:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm going through the samething they said its anxiety the medication I got not helping I'm waiting on new medication cause this is scary I also feel I coming out my body\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-06-22T18:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shabana38962-1318994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shabana38962-1318994" ], "content": [ "IDK cause I'm completely numb I dont feel pain or anything " ], "date": [ "2020-07-20T00:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/violet91995-1324618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shabana38962-1318994" ], "content": [ "is all of your body numb? is your body very light?" ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T11:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shabana38962-1318994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/violet91995-1324618" ], "content": [ "yes i feel numb and my head is light ive gone to chiropractor and said i have a stiff neck but all my limbs and mucles working find ." ], "date": [ "2020-07-25T15:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shabana38962-1318994" ], "content": [ "very scary praying se get the right meds to help us" ], "date": [ "2020-07-28T20:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tanya99239-1339103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/violet91995-1324618" ], "content": [ "I know mine is! would you have any other idea of what it is? im positive its my dp/dr but i always get anxious it might be something else i have you to be checked out for. :/" ], "date": [ "2020-10-22T04:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla05599-1400354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/violet91995-1324618" ], "content": [ "yesss my\r\nbody feels like This and im so scared ! & feel so alone ! its an everyday thing even when i lay down i feel so light and numb i need help! \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T11:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "im exactly the same my body feel numb cant feel nothing .i loosing weight stomach issues all sorts im spaced out too its scary ive lost hunger i cant eat as much .im going crazy " ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T11:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I also feel like I am not in control of my mind and body. Especially during a panic attack. Is this normal?" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T20:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gerardcb-1034655" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gerardcb-1034655" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve talked to my doctor about it but he doesn&#39;t seem concerned. He sort of brushed me off and just told me to eat more. I&#39;ve had blood work done last month as well as chest xray and ekg. All was normal. But this symptom is new and has appeared after a series of panic attacks. Idk if it&#39;s anxiety because I can&#39;t find anyone who has shared the same symptoms.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T21:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gerardcb-1034655" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "content": [ "<p>You need to drill your doctor if he doesn&#39;t seem concerned.&#160; Or maybe he knows its anxiety so he doesn&#39;t worry about you.&#160; Do you see a therapist?&#160; I feel like an therapist would know more about those symptoms if it really is anxiety.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>If you are in doubt, I recommend to not give up on talking to your doctor because it is their job to help you out.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-30T10:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz52258-1200001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "content": [ "<p>See a different doctor. If he didn&#39;t do a neurological exam -/ he&#39;s a bad doctor..&#160;</p><p></p><p></p><p>I know. I&#39;ve &#160;been through this. I also know what the standard of care is and that wasn&#39;t it.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-01T12:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Have you tried going to the doctor for this issue?  If it is not just anxiety then it will help to figure that out.  But if it is, then hopefully you can work to lessen your anxiety, thus making that symptom go away." ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T20:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz52258-1200001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "There are a million physical things it could be too. Never assume psych first. Always rule out other causes. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-12T17:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa35692-1207420" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "So this went away for you?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-13T17:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa35692-1207420" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/liz52258-1200001" ], "content": [ "Like what because I cant seem to find it being anythi g else than anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-13T17:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shabana38962-1318994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "i been having stomach issues my whole body feels weird .im not my normal self i feel like a different person .i just feel normal " ], "date": [ "2020-10-02T22:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shabana38962-1318994" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "i meant not normal" ], "date": [ "2020-06-20T15:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>&#160;Yes, follow up with your doctor however this sounds like classic depersonalization caused by intense anxiety. &#160; Your brain tries to shut out any stress to protect you. That&#39;s why we get such crazy symptoms including the ones you are having. Your brain tries to numb you from the outside world. This won&#39;t last forever as it will wear off. This is why I am for size that people with anxiety should first start by relaxing their brain. Because this is where the anxiety begins as well as the symptoms. &#160;This won&#39;t last forever as it will wear off. This is why I am for size that people with anxiety should first start by relaxing their brain. Because this is where the anxiety begins as well as the symptoms.&#160;</p><p>&#160;have you heard the expression &quot;the straw that broke the camels back?&quot;. Our bodies especially our nervous system can only take so much stress before it has a breakdown. That is what I think is happening with you. I had that happen in my 20s.&#160;</p><p>&#160;your body is telling you it is on overload with stress so now you need to take charge.&#160;</p><p>&#160;if you can, speak with a counselor who has expertise in this area of anxiety. This is hard to overcome alone. &#160;If you are constantly focusing on your anxiety then your symptoms will get worse. Get some support for this&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-09-12T17:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/harriet67221-1005413" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/harriet67221-1005413" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m in the US and I&#39;ve called 911 more than 10 times and been to the emergency room over 15+ since May. I know they are really tired of me and think I am mad. I called them Sunday and went to the ER because I was having a panic attack I couldn&#39;t calm down from. I also had this same feeling then, however they said it was anxiety because I have a long history of anxiety with this hospital so all they did was run an ekg and blood pressure which showed sinus tachy and elevated bp because of the panic. This is a living hell for me because no one is taking me seriously. I am stressed about being stressed and anxious about all of these symptoms that I can&#39;t control.</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-06-28T14:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "content": [ "mines been happing since april I went to panic attacks please claim cause u dont wont to get worse I force myself to eat and drink and I go to the bathroom alot I'm scared but it have to end soon please pray about it if you believe in god he will get us out of this." ], "date": [ "2020-07-20T01:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/t53062-1315961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rchrbl-980777" ], "content": [ "i feel the same way. i cant feel my body. i feel like im sinking at times. i was standing up today and it felt like i was going to fall. it feels like the doctors arent taking me serious. i feel weak all of them time like im fading away." ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T11:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/t53062-1315961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "content": [ "what symptoms are you experiencimg ?" ], "date": [ "2020-07-20T03:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/t53062-1315961" ], "content": [ "I cant feel my body the clothes on my body. I cant tell if it's hot or could and I dont feel any physical pain" ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T11:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latonya42299-1318808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/t53062-1315961" ], "content": [ "I fell the same way " ], "date": [ "2020-07-20T12:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Can you ring 111 and speak to a paramedic or a dr about this.\r\n\r\nIt sounds scary but possibly due to anxiety but needs checking out asap. Paramedics can come and check you out if you ring 111 or 999.\r\n\r\nTake care" ], "date": [ "2021-10-13T11:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-can-t-feel-my-body--613786?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
HELP! I can't feel my body!
<p>This is the most bizarre symptom yet. I can not feel my body. Like my insides are numb. I can&#39;t feel my heart beat, my arms and legs feel like they aren&#39;t there but they are. When I touch my body I can feel it, but when I am not touching or pinching myself it&#39;s like my body is numb. I feel spaced out as well, like something isn&#39;t right. Last night I think I had a panic attack, I has a few palpitations, but I didn&#39;t feel like I was in control of my breathing or anything, I just laid there scared and numb. I know I&#39;ve been stressed for a long time and been very inactive but this seems so odd and can&#39;t believe this is all just anxiety.</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Glad to hear, congrats! and thank you for sharing. I will deffo try to find an EMDR therapist because you are the 3rd person recently that has mentioned how much it has helped." ], "date": [ "2022-09-25T20:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-i-got-out-of-anxiety-791072?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
How I got out of Anxiety
I had severe anxiety for 30 years and now it has gone. Completely. How did this happen? One: I got treatment for my trauma using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). I know this sounds like a mouthful but it works. I found a therapist who used this method and worked with him for some time. It is very simple and allows you to reprocess trauma which may be recent or from way back in your past. I believe that untreated trauma is a core ingredient in anxiety and , believe me, everybody has some trauma. You don't have to go to war to get it. Any strong or overwhelming experience that your brain is not able to process can result in trauma. The experience does not even have to be that big, it is how it effects you that matters. Two: I did a lot of meditation. particularly loving kindness meditation or shamatha (calming the mind) meditation. When I say I did a lot I don't mean I meditated for hours on end, I mean I meditated for 20 mins every day (and sometimes I forgot). You won't feel any effects for probably a month but it will work. There are plenty of places online where you can get free lessons on how to meditate. A note about meditation, it is not about emptying the mind or even to feel peaceful and happy, it is about just being with yourself as you are and observing whatever arises non judgmentally and with loving kindness. You don't try to 'fix' yourself or 'change' yourself or become a better or happier person, or 'do' anything . You just allow yourself to be with how you are, whether that feels positive, negative or indifferent. This takes practice. You are learning a skill that will eventually calm your mind and bring you peace. When your mind is more peaceful and your trauma is more processed, in my experience, the fear, dread, terror and anxiety will all go away. I wish you all the best in your path to freedom xxx
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stefania53576-1441895" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know how scary these things can be. I went through the same thing with the muscle weakness and thought I had something serious. \r\nI had terrible muscle weakness, muscle twitching, ringing in my ears, floaters in my eyes, and several more. My testing was all normal and all of those sensations were due to long-term anxiety and stress. The muscle twitching is called benign fasciculations. Simply means it’s nothing serious. i’ve had those on and off for for years. \r\nBasically muscle weakness is pretty common when a person has health anxiety. Your doctor told you that the low testosterone can cause the weakness. \r\nOne thing I highly advise is to stop reading up on all these serious conditions. You are putting negative thoughts into your head and when you do that you are telling your brain that something is wrong so then you get all these sensations. and then you worry about the sensations and it’s a vicious cycle! I know this from experience.\r\nlisten to your doctor and if you relax your mind and body on a regular basis those sensations should diminish. not sure what your doctor wants to do about the low testosterone.\r\nlisten to some relaxing meditations for anxiety and do some breathing exercises. Otherwise you will drive yourself crazy for nothing like I have done many times. Take care" ], "date": [ "2022-09-24T12:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-poor-coordination-791062?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety & poor coordination
Hello, I am suffering from health anxiety and I think it's affecting my coordination. I am obsessively thinking about every movement I make and I think it's causing poor coordination. a couple of weeks ago, it was found that I have low testosterone which my doctor think was/is causing my muscle weakness but now I'm freaking out that I have a neurological disorder that I read about and I have started to develop every symptom you can imagine from muscle twitching to diarrhea. anyone else experience something similar? This is all I can think about and it's ruining my life.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rydiamoone-931893" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rydiamoone-931893" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the reply, yeah I think sometimes I hyperventilate and I just don’t know it. The reason I was thinking about the depersonalization was because I’m always thinking about my health anxiety and the symptoms I’m feeling almost 24/7. I think I’m just so focused on that it’s hard for me to concentrate or coordinate properly. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T15:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rydiamoone-931893" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "content": [ "Your are welcome Kade. I know these feelings are debilitating. I too focus on my feelings 24/7 and I look for them. I try to feel them over and over just to see if they are still there if that makes sense. They consume me have taken over my life again. Seems the only relief I get now is when I am asleep and its not a good way to  live if sleep is all I can do to get away from these feelings. Sometimes I think Im on the edge of feeling normal and then boom im right back to the feelings of unreality and weirdness. Some of what I am feeling I cant even describe they are too weird. Sometimes I think to myself that I must be dying because there is no way that this can be living." ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T17:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rydiamoone-931893" ], "content": [ "I feel the exact same way, the only comfort I’ve been getting is mostly sleep, unless I have a dream about my symptoms or I wake up in the middle of the night. I also check to see if my symptoms are still there, and in turn make them feel worse because I’m thinking so much about them. I know it’s obviously anxiety, but it’s like my brain can’t quite make that connection yet." ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T18:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rydiamoone-931893" ], "content": [ "Oh, and I saw on your post that you wanted to talk to someone, do you have a messaging app like Snapchat or anything like that? I’m more than willing to talk with someone that has similar symptoms and anxiety " ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T19:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rydiamoone-931893" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "content": [ "Hi Kade I am so sorry that I have taken so long to respond I only just got your reply. If you still want to chat on happy to but I don't have snap chat. Is there any other places we can chat. Hope to hear from you soon " ], "date": [ "2018-10-12T15:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Kade. I am sorry you are going through this. I get something similar to that. Sometimes it feels like my  hands arent there or like they are not mine and if i try and touch something i wont be able to feel it and sometimes like you i have trouble with coordination including not being able to type or write properly anymore. I was once told the feeling in my  hands was due to hyperventilating and over breathing which i do alot. I am not sure if this is why your  hands feel that way and I also suffer from depersonalisation and derealistion which makes me feel like im not here or in a dream like state 24/7 and its killing me :(" ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T10:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/odd-hand-coordination-from-anxiety-650279?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lois37764-1212003" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes, i have the same thing with my hand. i also suffer from severe anxiety. The symptoms of my hand coordination gets worse as anxiety increases. my mind also feels clouded, in a brain fog. i have read these are severe symptoms of anxiety and anxiety disorders. sorry for your symptoms." ], "date": [ "2018-10-12T14:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/odd-hand-coordination-from-anxiety-650279?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stefania53576-1441895" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i know this is old but I just wanted to say that yes, I have the same thing. I have been dealing with some debilitating anxiety lately and one of the things I have recently developed is a lack of hand coordination or the feeling of poor coordination in my hand and leg. I obsess over every movement." ], "date": [ "2022-09-24T10:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/odd-hand-coordination-from-anxiety-650279?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Odd Hand Coordination from Anxiety
I was wondering if anyone here has had problems with their hand coordination or feeling like their hands don’t do what you want them to do? I have been in a pretty terrible bout of health anxiety over the past month and have been constantly stressed an worried. I should mention it’s my first time dealing with health anxiety on this level. I have panic attacks almost every other night. I think this constant worry has clouded my mind and has made it hard to do things that used to be automatic, like hand movements, swallowing, etc. Now I notice all of it. Just curious to hear anyone else’s similar stores. Maybe I have a bit of depersonalization from having so many thoughts at once I just can’t concentrate? Thank you. 
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Really bad to hear your husband don't understand what you are going trough. It's really supportive to have someone by your side who understands your situation. I'm having all kinds of symptoms and my brain has thought all kind of different illnesses. Last couple of days it's messing with my stomach.. a lot of gas and random pains which just appear from thin air. I am dealing with health anxiety almost 4 months soon. Never google your symptoms, worst thing that you can do. What helped me is anxiety guy youtube page and his videos. I'm also listening his podcast via spotify. He was having same thing for 10 years but he didn't gave up and finally he found his inner peace. It's really inspiring. If you want to have a chat then just feel free to write me. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-09T19:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cancer-worries-are-breaking-my-family-790263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kieran35167-1399987" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry I can't be of any help but just reading through this I'm going through the exactly the same thing as you, \r\n\r\nMy dad passed away 2 years ago of cancer and now I cannot get the thought of me having it out my head, every feeling in my stomach and I'm telling myself it's the worst I dread going to the toilet just in case I see something there which could be the worst, the doctors have done blood test and samples a few months ago that came back clear and that put my mind at rest for a few months and now it's all back, \r\n\r\nSorry I can't give you any answers but hopefully it's helps you a bit that I'm going the same? " ], "date": [ "2022-09-23T17:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cancer-worries-are-breaking-my-family-790263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i’m sorry you are going through this but I can tell you from my own experiences that The mind will create fears that are not based on reality. I know how awful it feels. I thought for the longest time I was going to have MS because my aunt had it. I had horrific symptoms such as numbness and tingling, floaters in my eyes, and ringing in my ears, muscle twitching, weakness, and many more. I was absolutely convinced it was starting to happen! Well nothing happened. My testing was normal. Every single one of those symptoms was a result of stress and anxiety.\r\nso just because you think you’re going to get that disease really means not much at all. It’s just a thought. \r\nI also had your gastric symptoms of the pain that feels like it’s going through your back, weird colored stools, undigested food. I can also tell you that those symptoms were also related to my stress and anxiety. Because of all the anxiety, I developed gastritis which is an inflammation of the stomach lining. That’s what caused those symptoms. Nothing serious. you may be dealing with the same thing. \r\nfor your sake and for your family sake you have to stop going to the worst case scenario because it is very unlikely that is what is going on. you are torturing yourself for no reason. every family has some kind of an illness in it but that doesn’t mean that one specific person is going to get it.\r\nI would highly suggest that you get some counseling for over thinking and anxiety and stress. \r\nalso go on YouTube and look up something called therapy in a nutshell. The therapist name is Emma and she is excellent. She has a series of short videos on anxiety, worry, stress, over thinking, and so on. I think you would benefit from watching this. I watch one or two of her videos a day and they helped me a lot. \r\nI was stressing out my daughter who is an adult but I was telling her everything that I was worried about considering my health and it literally wore her out and one day she just started crying and told me that this is too much for her, she wants me to be happy but this is really stressing her out. From that day and I stopped doing that. I love her so much and I could not put her through that anymore. \r\nyour gastric symptoms sound so much like mind in so much like what anxiety causes. It does not sound anything like cancer. So please think about getting some counseling. You can do it virtually like I do and it works great. It really helps to vent to somebody who is not emotionally involved. But venting to our families constantly is just too much for them. I do hope you start to feel a little more relaxed. there are some great breathing meditations on YouTube for stress and anxiety to calm everything down. take care everything‘s gonna be OK! " ], "date": [ "2022-09-23T21:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cancer-worries-are-breaking-my-family-790263?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Cancer worries are breaking my family
Hi, I've been battling health anxiety for years. About 7 years ago a family member died with pancreatic cancer, over the next 3 years I was convinced I had it too, this lead to severe anxiety and a bunch of horrible symptoms. After blood tests and 2 ultra sounds my doctor told me it was just lactose intolerance, gas, and stress. Fast forward 4 years to 2022, I started having gastric symptoms again. Mostly a dull stomach ache that sometimes goes to the center of my back, of to the left side of my back. My poop had a weird yellow color and even bits of undigested food. This has been going on and off for about 2 months. I finally got an appointment with a gastroenterologist, but they only had an opening in December. The problem now is, whenever I tell my husband I'm worried I have pancreatic cancer, and I break down, he just gets angry.. He can't deal with my health crisis because he thinks iI have nothing at all, although I'm sure I must have something, even if it's not as serious as pc. He says acting like this makes him feel depressed and uncomfortable, and that makes me feel depressed and sad because I dont Want to burned him with these things! I have to pretend all is well even though I'm so stressed and scared because if I don't, I'll upset him.. As if my health anxiety and possible gastric disease wasn't enough, now I have to worry about being a mental burden to my family.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the response and helpful advice, never knew anxiety can do this, but glad to know it's nothing to be concerned about. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-15T22:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes, with anxiety the body goes into fight flight and freeze response which can cause chills, a chilly feeling cold sensations. \r\nwalking around can help by stimulating the bodies blood flow. It might not take it away 100% but it should help at least a little bit. Chills or a chilly feeling can be a sensation of anxiety." ], "date": [ "2022-09-15T22:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anxiety-cause-cold-sensations-through-your-entire-body--790779?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/at19565-1441845" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am also having cold sensation in my feet and thighs mostly in cold places with Aircon. had it for the past 1 month. not idea of how to get rid of it too. Dr just increase my dosage for Mirtazapine to 45mg with no effect" ], "date": [ "2022-09-23T16:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anxiety-cause-cold-sensations-through-your-entire-body--790779?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can anxiety cause cold sensations through your entire body?
I've been dealing with anxiety for 9 years now and I feel like my symptoms got worse over the years, I struggle with mostly health anxiety and severe anxiety disorder. Today I'm feeling cold sensations throughout my body from the inside, when there is no fan or AC running, it should be warm in my room since weather is in the 76s. But I been so stressed out lately and worrying since I had my GERD symptoms that is ruining my lifestyle. My hands feel really cold as well. Is this a common symptom? What can I do to get rid of feeling like this?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dolphinbay-1361109" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dolphinbay-1361109" ], "content": [ "similar to me. I was on it a year and for a few months only took it every other day. I switched back to 50mg every day in January but still been very anxious so my doctor has increased to 100mg " ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T15:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dolphinbay-1361109" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "content": [ "How has it been going for you since taking this medication? I do get frequent attacks. Are you also on xanax which I only take if it " ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T08:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dolphinbay-1361109" ], "content": [ "I'm day 7 of taking 100mg today and definitely improving though its slow going. I'm eating now and sleeping better but i still feel anxious a lot though i would describe it as 'bad' now rather than 'horrendous' like it was. \r\n\r\nI have diazepam for bad times (I'm in the UK and I think that's our equivilent to xanax) its good to have them as a back up. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T09:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nI have been on this medication for quite some time\r\n My anixety attacks has increased alot recently and my dose has been increased to 100mg. I have been on it for 2 weeks only.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T14:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniela999-1361601" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im on day 10 tomorrow i started out at 25 mg for a week when i upped it to 50, i started getting side effects not sure if im just having anxiety about it but im getting a burning feeling inside my chest and throat, tense muscles in neck and head and bad head pressure im hoping these will go away- waiting on doc to call and tell me if he wants me to continue med " ], "date": [ "2021-03-02T08:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniela999-1361601" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im on day 10 tomorrow i started out at 25 mg for a week when i upped it to 50, i started getting side effects not sure if im just having anxiety about it but im getting a burning feeling inside my chest and throat, tense muscles in neck and head and bad head pressure im hoping these will go away- waiting on doc to call and tell me if he wants me to continue med " ], "date": [ "2021-03-02T08:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniela999-1361601" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im on day 10 tomorrow i started out at 25 mg for a week when i upped it to 50, i started getting side effects not sure if im just having anxiety about it but im getting a burning feeling inside my chest and throat, tense muscles in neck and head and bad head pressure im hoping these will go away- waiting on doc to call and tell me if he wants me to continue med " ], "date": [ "2022-09-13T10:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi daniela it sounds like side effects and they'll probably settle down after a week on the higher dose. The first week on a new dose can be hard but side effects usually ease after a short spell as your body adjusts.\r\n\r\nI'm day 8 at 100mg and improving every day. I had got into a real state but i'm much calmer now. Hopefully this is the helpful dose for me. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-02T10:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannon87512-1440756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm on day 5 of taking Sertraline 50mg and I honestly feel so bad. I have a burning feeling in my chest, I'm really restless, no appetite but feel worse if I don't eat? \r\nFeel very weak, nauseous, headache, feel hot and basically every other side effect haha\r\nSadly I have to drive to and from work and when the side effects hit, it is so difficult to drive - start shaking and honestly feel like I'm going to die 😅\r\nMy dad was on Sertraline and he said that's how it made him feel but I am honestly struggling to keep going. I haven't felt this bad since I had Covid. I have struggled with my health since having Covid back in January 2022 and had constant chest and stomach pains but my doctor couldn't find anything physically wrong with me and we discussed whether could be die to anxiety. Hence why I am now on Sertraline. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-13T10:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maddlesj1335-1440823" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi y'all! i've been on sertaline 150mg for about 4 weeks now, starting at 50mg and increasing each week. it's been a lot but also not enough! i was in a really bad spot before, physical pain all over, weeks of nausea and weakness and multiple panic attacks a day. lately i have been less concerned about my physical symptoms, but i haven't stopped experiencing a handful of them plus new ones. i have a lot of neck and throat pain, heaviness in chest and twitching in some of my muscles. this leads me to believe its not originally anxiety and if it is, i need something stronger." ], "date": [ "2022-09-13T10:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nWas prescribed with Sertraline a couple of years ago, just after taking this drug I feel indigestion and dry throat, and it makes me sweat very easily and excessively. Haven't noticed any other side effects which includes unfortunately doing nothing for my brain fog / head pressure / dizziness symptoms - the only drug that had any sort of relief from this was Diazepam, which I believe Doctors do not like to prescribe due to potential addiction.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-09-14T11:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/at19565-1441845" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/claire70942-1359244" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "was initially prescribe with Sertraline, was feeling tingling in body and uncomfortable feelings. Insomia, hot and cold flashes, cold sweat during sleep. went off the drug and swap to miratzapine instead. \r\nwas better with miratzapine at first, recently started to have cold sensation in cold places. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-23T16:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-support-group-756806?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertraline support group
hi everyone, i wondered if anyone wanted to share the journey of going on to/ getting adjusted to sertraline? I thought we could support one another over the next few weeks. I'm on day 6 at 100mg. I was in a really bad place, panic attacks, insomnia, barely eating. Things feel like they are getting better but its not a quick process and not a straight upward line. All welcome, whichever stage you're at.
suffer from Coldness from anxiety. anyhow facing the same?
I have been diagnose with health anxiety and depression. was started on mirtazapine. and recently for a few weeks have been suffering from cold sensation when in cold places and some time warm patch in feet. it doesnt seems to go away. Checks done are all showing nothing. Dr believe its from the anxiety even though i am not feeling anxious. anyone else having coldness issue from anxiety?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marleen85993-1054072" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacy83977-1025339" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lacy l get the tingling sensation on my scalp also on my face at times.When l first experienced l was frightened and that made it worse.As l got used to the symptom l still didn&#39;t like it however l know it is harmless and l don&#39;t fear it.l know it is just another symptom of anxiety.Try not to focus on it and understand the more anxious you are the more the sensation will stay with you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-28T20:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-warm-back-of-head--608612?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacy83977-1025339" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer83466-1194840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Hello Jan. I was reading your blog.... I have been experiencing what the doctors say its Anxiety. Since 2016. I first had a warm hot feeling a little tingel. from my scalp which feel like my brain.. Down my body. I get shakey disconnect memory lost confused.... Just a feeling of unwell. I had all kind of blood test negitive.. I had a ct scan a mri scan both in 2016 in 2017 if brain.. And neck all is negitive. It goes away at times.muscle in should always tightBut always feel like something is wrong with my brain Doc forsure me its Anxiety.. But didnt no anxiety can cause all this. It feel like the more I think bout it it get worse.. Always recently have a warm feeling. Is this a normal. Feeling or symtoms of Anxiety as Im convince its a miss diagnosis " ], "date": [ "2018-07-12T01:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dvdm08-938744" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jennifer83466-1194840" ], "content": [ "I think it is not anxiety, although I have anxiety problems. I think hormones can cause these sensations. I have premature menopause and since then I get so many neurological problems. I also use hormones and it is causing me so many problems. I read a lot of stories from women who also have these neurological problems. Many women who gave birth also report these problems and women who are in menopause. Pins/needles, strange sensations in the head, visual problems.....\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-12-07T19:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>&#160;Anxiety can cause hundreds of different symptoms. When we are anxious our brain sends out adrenaline which can cause many symptoms including the warm sensation and lightheadedness. &#160;Your tests show that everything in your neck and brain is normal. The fact that you wake up feeling anxious tells me that the symptom is from an over anxious brain. &#160;All the energy the brain musters up from anxiety has to go somewhere, so it comes out as symptoms from warm sensations to tingling and numbness, lightheadedness, muscle twitching, weakness… You name it.&#160;</p><p>&#160;all mine started in my 20s and I have had many symptoms of anxiety but one thing to remember is that those symptoms, when related to anxiety, cannot hurt you even though they are scary.&#160;</p><p>&#160;at this point you need to start working on managing the anxiety. The more anxious you become when you get symptoms, the more anxiety that will &#160;create &#160;and the more symptoms you will get. It&#39;s a vicious circle.&#160;</p><p>&#160;so you need to stay as calm as you can so your brain &#160;is calm .</p><p>&#160;listen to some great meditations on YouTube for anxiety or depression or sleep. They have great ones for detachment from overthinking and clearing subconscious negativity. Many to choose from. I do this a couple times a day specially when lying down to sleep . Many of these teach you how to separate negative thinking from yourself.&#160;</p><p>&#160;you will be fine once you get this under control and if you need to, speak with a counselor who can help you determine where the anxiety comes from in the first place and give you some tools to work with. &#128513;&#127800;&#127800;&#127800;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-28T21:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-warm-back-of-head--608612?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/owen23-1076862" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacy83977-1025339" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Oh yeah have that myself usually just comes out of nowhere if it&#39;s not one thing it&#39;s another something will end up replacing it soon enough </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-28T21:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-warm-back-of-head--608612?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaila12140-1067347" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacy83977-1025339" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dvdm08-938744" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kaila12140-1067347" ], "content": [ "I think it is not anxiety, although I have anxiety problems. I think hormones can cause these sensations. I have premature menopause and since then I get so many neurological problems. I also use hormones and it is causing me so many problems. I read a lot of stories from women who also have these neurological problems. Many women who gave birth also report these problems and women who are in menopause. Pins/needles, strange sensations in the head, visual problems.....\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-12-07T19:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had it on and off!! Tingling pins and needles on the back of head and sides as well. My face also goes numb and tingly for a couple seconds at a time &#129335;??? . Apparently it&#39;s anxiety as my dr said any other serious issue it wouldn&#39;t keep coming and going</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-29T01:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-warm-back-of-head--608612?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/teacher778-1305659" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacy83977-1025339" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I googled my symptoms and your post came up. I also have a very warm, almost hot sensation in the back of my head that comes on all of a sudden and is sometimes accompanied by pins and needles feelings in my hands and feet. Ive seen some posts that say its related to anxiety. Not sure about that for me but I am under a lot of stress right now. I'll probably give my doctor a call and see what she says." ], "date": [ "2020-04-05T15:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-warm-back-of-head--608612?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma21947-1308354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacy83977-1025339" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Just recently started having this same side effect so I googled it and your post came up, this thread made me feel better knowing it is a symptom that other people have felt. It had me incredibly worried honestly, thinking it was in my brain. I have been having a lot of side effects from anxiety and the zoloft I started taking for my anxiety so I have been googling everything to make sure. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-20T13:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-warm-back-of-head--608612?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomasboyad-1441783" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacy83977-1025339" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nI have experienced this recently on two separate occasions in the last 5 weeks. I've been extremely anxious this last few months because my dad had a heart attack and I've just been worried about him in general after even the fact he's doing well. I've been extremely stressed and worried about him and it has caused me great anxiety and stress the last few months. I also have had anxiety issues most of my life.\r\n\r\nI went to ER because of a panic attack and they did blood work and it was mostly good. Just a few discrepancies because I wasn't eating or hydrated properly from the stress. I keep thinking this is something deeper but I can't really make any more correlations. I drive myself crazy Googling things and I'm just burnt out. I feel this warm/hot sensation behind my head is caused by anxiety after seeing this thread. I am a 27 year old Male by the way. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-23T00:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-warm-back-of-head--608612?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Tingling warm back of head!
<p>Looking for anyone who has has this strange warm sensation at the back of their head.. feels hot on the inside and it spreads to the sides of my head now and then... also have lightheadedness ... it started in february.. drove myself to ER went away for a few</p><p>Months and now it&#39;s back again.. I wake up feeling anxious and then it starts and lasts pretty much allll day..&#160;</p><p>I have had complete blood work, CT scan of neck and brain. All normal.. anyone out there have these symptoms?&#160;</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "your doctor is absolutely right. I can’t emphasize enough that you practice mindfulness breathing. It is the key to calming everything down! The sensation you get in your throat will settle down., you won’t feel like you are suffocating. \r\nget on YouTube and find the breathing exercises for anxiety.\r\nIf you reduce your anxiety you will notice a big positive change in how you feel. take care" ], "date": [ "2022-09-21T02:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/lump-in-throat-feeling-anxiety-how-to-get-rid-of-this-sensation--790960?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Lump in throat feeling anxiety, how to get rid of this sensation?
I've been dealing with this feeling of a tight throat sensation in the middle of my Adam's apple, where it feels like someone is squeezing it and it would get so tight that I sometimes gag from the pressure, I would freak out and panic instantly, I talked to my doctor about this and he said this is a very common symptom of anxiety and told me to relax and try yoga to calm down, I also suffer from GERD too which causes this sensation as well, feels like I'm suffocating and I would get shortness of breath as well. It feels like I'm slowly dying, but my doctor knows I suffer from severe anxiety disorder and GERD and told me I'll be fine, should I trust him? I'm so anxious and worried about my health, what can I do to reduce my symptoms?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jane93501-1167634" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jane93501-1167634" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for ur response! My doctor is aware of my PAC/PVC's and I had a ECG (twice) and a holter monitor done 2 years ago and they came out fine. I'm just really anxious about this :( It felt like my body had a mind of its own :(\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-09-19T15:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jane93501-1167634" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "And I do suffer from severe anxiety/health anxiety :((" ], "date": [ "2022-09-19T15:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " i’m sorry you had that experience and I’m sure it was scary for you. do you suffer from anxiety at all? \r\n . is your doctor aware of the PACs and PVCs? \r\n I would say just let your doctor be aware that happened . you might want to make an appointment for a check up. It could be a result of underlying anxiety and stress. But you would have more peace of mind if you spoke with your doctor. \r\n i do know that stress and anxiety can do all sorts of weird things. in the meantime, try to relax your mind and body as much as you can. Do some breathing exercises because that’s the key to calming everything down. there’s all kinds of breathing and anxiety meditations on YouTube. I know how scary things like that are and I’m hoping that you are feeling better. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-19T10:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/really-weird-feeling-pls-help--790893?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Really weird feeling...pls help :(
I'm 19 and suffer from PAC's and PVC's. I got them a lot this morning, however I felt fine. Then, I was leaving my apartment and was walking down the hall, but suddenly, I drifted all the way to the other side of the narrow hall ( I wasn't having palipations at the time). I didn't feel lightheaded nor dizzy. It just felt like my body had a mind of it's own and I ended up on the wall on the other side. I instantly panicked and then thought I was going to fall (wasn't lightheaded tho). I went back to my apartment and drank a lottt of water and I was fine. I went on a 30 min walk after and I felt fine. I'm just so nervous bc nothing like that happened before. I'm scared it was connecting to my PVC/PAC's even though they weren't occuring at the time. I have a terrible fear of falling and I got super super nervous after that. I'm just super anxious now and keep replaying it in my head.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie68047-1441407" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kimberly00347-970652" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I have also had this lumpy sensation in my throat and found out that it's called Globus pharyngeus.\r\nApparently it's a very common symptom of anxiety caused when your throat muscles tighten.\r\n\r\nI'm sure that it's nothing to worry about but it's a good idea to get your GP to take a look just in case.\r\n\r\nI found that warm drinks (not too hot or milky) were quite good for relaxing my throat and found that gentle neck and shoulder exercises helped too ( googled exercises to relieve globus symptoms). \r\n\r\nHope it goes away soon" ], "date": [ "2022-09-19T12:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-had-a-feeling-of-a-lump-in-my-throat-789881?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I’ve had a feeling of a lump in my throat
hi new here i have had a lump in my throat or a tight band around my neck . I suffer from bad health anxiety, i also damaged my gum now looks like a sore makes me more paranoid i have cancer.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/suzy32079-1156692" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "if you have had your heart checked out and everything is OK then the most likely cause for these flutters and missed herart beats and shaking is anxiety and stress. \r\nthose are very common sensations with anxiety. I have had those on and off for years . all testing has been normal. \r\nanxiety tends to target the nervous system which would cause the vibrations. And the reason for the skipped beats and flutters is that with anxiety adrenaline is released which can cause those as well as palpitations. When anxiety is the cause it’s not harmful. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.\r\nI have also had the stomach issues. There’s a very strong connection between the brain and the digestive system. So when you have anxiety or stress it can affect your stomach. I developed gastritis due to the anxiety and stress. But you can avoid that by eating the right foods which would be more on the alkaline side. Avoid acid foods and large heavy meals. It’s better to eat 4 to 5 small meals a day rather than three large ones. You can find a list of alkaline foods online but they are mostly vegetables, very lean meat, some fruits, etc. stay away from junk foods, soda pop , Red meats for now and others listed online.\r\nyou may have an underlying anxiety that you’re not aware of so counseling is a good idea. Relax your mind as much as possible. Listen to some soothing meditations for anxiety on YouTube. It’s not a cure but it does help. hope this helps a little message me anytime. Take care" ], "date": [ "2022-09-18T11:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/palpitations-daily-790872?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Palpitations daily
Missed heart beats and feeling inner shaky daily . I'm so frustrated by this issue as I've had heart checks etc and nothing found. I do think there's something not right as I get these flutters in the chest so much, I get stomach issues aswell especially if I eat heavy meals, it's ruining my life as I just can't get an answer for it so don't know how to help it. I visited gp on Thursday who said my heart sounds OK and pulse ok so nothing wrong but this is really bad for me.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/md_abdul78822-1143675" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zoe36076-1441186" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Before panic attack started in 2014 I had this habit of taking long breadths from 2009 to 2012. Usually it caused me because of Anxiety which I had that time but slowly and gradually it decreases with the treatment of anxiety..... Still I get Panic Attacks but I do control it ..... " ], "date": [ "2022-09-18T10:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-feeling-breathless-790816?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and feeling breathless
ive suffered for a few years with anxiety and panic attacks and all the horrible symptoms that come with it but the last few days ive been experiencing the strangest sensation and im not sure wether its anxiety related. Its hard to try and explain it but its like I have a funny feeling in my chest then momentarily lose my breath and have to open my mouth to take a breath as it doesnt feel like breathing through my nose is getting enough air in. the sensation itself lasts for just a second or two but its causing me a lot of anxiety as its making me think there is something wrong. if anyone else experiences this some reassurance would be much apprecieated as its constantly playing on my mind
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/staypositive124-1439648" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staypositive124-1439648" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you very much for your kind words and your help! I will take one day at a time. I have started drinking between 4-6 glasses of water a day and that helps me with my headaches. Thanks for your help." ], "date": [ "2022-09-04T14:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " you’re not dying and life is definitely worth living. You need some support right now for the depression. \r\n i’m really sorry you are going through this and I know exactly how depression And anxiety feels. I also get anxiety popping up out of nowhere. But I’m not going to let it defeat me because there’s too much life to live.\r\n I would say first of all find yourself a counselor because it’s too difficult trying to learn how to manage it on your own. I look forward to my virtual counseling sessions. She gives me ideas that I had not thought of on my own. i’m starting to put into practice what she is suggesting. Taking one day at a time only and not looking into the future which actually doesn’t exist yet. That’s why one day at a time works best. Of course there are better days than others but you have to keep plugging along. But definitely get support! \r\n you I have to be careful of what you are thinking . when we have anxiety and depression, there are thoughts that can come about that are completely false and not based on fact or reality. Be careful that you don’t buy into them. \r\n If finances are an issue for counseling, , there are many places that offer free or very low cost counseling . Some of those would be churches, the city or state programs if you live in the US you can check your particular city, state, community center, etc. \r\n the important thing is to take baby steps which will add up to help you feel whole and find joy in life! for example, tomorrow morning you could get up, get outside and take a short walk taking in the sun, nature, etc. EVEN if you don’t feel like it. Do it anyway. this is something the counselor can help you with. \r\n you said every day is boring for you but it doesn’t have to be. I’ve been through the same thing and I had to push myself every single day. Eventually things start feeling better. \r\n YOU can call 988 24 hours a day seven days a week if you really need to talk to somebody right away. It’s confidential and they can provide resources for you also. This is in the US .\r\n You also may or may not need medication to help you but that’s up to the doctor. hope this helps a little bit!\r\n Be a fighter for yourself! You are stronger than you think. ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T10:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-had-anxiety-for-8-months-790191?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/staypositive124-1439648" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staypositive124-1439648" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "That's alright. I will talk to the doctor tomorrow to help me. I have brought chamomile tea today to help me with my anxiety and depression.\r\n\r\nThanks for your help!" ], "date": [ "2022-09-04T14:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nI'm sorry you are feeling this way, it really does sound as if you might be depressed, I would recommend you go to the doctor as soon as possible to get some help with this. \r\n\r\nThere are medications options that are very helpful. And one thing that you must remember is that even though you might feel you will be like this forever YOU WILL NOT STAY FEELING LIKE THIS FOREVER.\r\n\r\nI have been through a couple of periods like that in my life and the come out of them and gone on to be perfectly happy.\r\n\r\nI hope you get help and feel better soon!" ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T05:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-had-anxiety-for-8-months-790191?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/malleelel-1320300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/staypositive124-1439648" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i feel you!i know how it feels.😪 i struggle sad and lonely when its rainy season.but to be honest w/u i have a complete family i have son and daughter they are my strenth and i love them so much.but ive been struggling this feeling of hopeless.thats the big question in my mind that..why do i feel like this?i didnt think anything to make me sad...i know we need to be strong. thats why prayer is needed.and have faith in it.🙏🙏" ], "date": [ "2022-09-15T17:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-had-anxiety-for-8-months-790191?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I've had anxiety for 8 months
Almost every single day is boring for me. I think about suicide and my anxiety goes up and down. I'm quieter than I was before my anxiety. I take paracetamol every day to help get rid of my headaches from anxiety and there is still a anxiety feeling in my stomach. I'm exhausted almost every single day too and I sometimes have a loss of appetite and I think I may be depressed. I get anxiety over nothing. I have had anxiety since Jan. 2022. I think about death every day and I think I'm dying. Thanks.
Sertraline, please help need positive feedback
Back story: i was on sertraline 50mg for a few years for anxiety and it worked wonderfully. a few months ago i woke up having a bad vertigo spell and me being dumb thought it was my meds so i stopped taking them cold turkey. my anxiety returned with a vengance. i was having multiple panic/anxiety attacks a day thinking i was going to have a dizzy spell again ( turned out it was just from an inner ear infection) .. i contacted my dr and she said to start back on 50mg or sertraline again so i did for the first few weeks ive had bad side affects , cramps heightened anxiety. im doing better than i was before no huge attacks , im on week 5 and i can feel my anxiety creeping back, again mostly over dizziness and just no reason at all just that scared feeling in the pit of my stomache and i feel almost light headed like im going to have a dizzy spell even though i dont. my question is , has anyone every restarted on 50mg sertraline and have to up it to 75mg because it didnt work as well as the first time ? and did 75mg end up working ? im so tired of feeling the way i do ! thanks!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilym1997-1343844" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilym1997-1343844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "content": [ "Yes, I sleep enough during the night and I normally get 7 or 8 hours of sleep, my most biggest issue is anxiety itself, I've been dealing with anxiety for 9 years and it just keeps getting worst for me, it also worsens up my GERD symptoms easily whenever I worry about my health. And sorry you're experiencing the same issue too. The globus sensation I get is so uncomfortable and a pain to deal with, I'm on my 4th day dealing with the tight throat sensation and feeling as if I might choke, but I don't. Trying my best to distract myself so I don't think about the sensations so much, which does help for me so far. And thank you for giving me some reassurance, you're right, anxiety can easily trick you into thinking there could be something wrong with you, when physically you're just fine." ], "date": [ "2022-09-14T15:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "have you been sleeping enough? i was really sleep deprived these past days, and i got the same globus sensation since yesterday and it's driving me nuts. the last time i had it was back in feb during a period of high stress, and it went away on its own. i suspected it might be reflux, but i don't have any of the other symptoms, and i took meds which didn't help. i did notice it getting better when i was relaxing last night, and it was nearly gone this morning after i woke up. i think being hyperaware of it is what makes it worse. doesn't help it's so distracting, maybe you could try catching up on rest and distracting yourself? if the er told you it's nothing to worry about, then it must be your anxiety. what ive learned is that anxiety makes us believe fiction is fact. just because you think something is stuck in your throat, doesn't mean there actually is! " ], "date": [ "2022-09-14T15:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-a-tight-throat--790702?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and a tight throat?
I suffer from both health anxiety and acid reflux, my throat would get so tight that I would actually end up gagging sometimes and it doesn't help that I also have acid reflux too, I'm really worried that I might end up dying one day because of how tight my throat feels and I would go into a panic mode, there is a food I ate from 4 days ago that I'm worried on if I didn't chew properly since I feel the sensation, but when I went to the ER since I was panicking and worried, they told me if I'm still eating and drinking, then there is nothing stuck in my throat since food would be blocking my throat and drink from going all the way down and that I wouldn't be able to talk to them and they would tell me to relax and that I'm fine, they didn't check my throat though, but I still feel the sensation and it's driving me crazy, this is not the first time this happened to me, I had this before when I ate a piece of steak and I felt the same sensations for weeks until it went away, I've been to the ER so many times before and they would do x-rays on me and find nothing and would tell me it's my acid reflux or anxiety. Should I be worried?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your reply, yes its been going on for a year., somedays the symptoms are so bad that I can't stand it. I guess the hard part for me is that believing anxiety can cause such horrible symptoms where you feel like your gonna die. I try to get rid of negative thoughts but I can't when I'm struggling so bad. Could I ask you what head sensations you get? I quit my job and quit driving due to this my life feels like it's over. Just so much doesn't make sense. And yes I've had many tests on my head and ears and nothing major noted. But my symptoms are real." ], "date": [ "2022-09-09T19:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ " yes the symptoms are real but that does not make them some thing that is serious. I can tell you that when I was in my 20s I suddenly got symptoms and sensations and I thought I had a serious condition! They all came on at once and they included dizziness, feeling like I was moving or things were moving around me which they actually weren’t, I had floaters in my vision, overall weakness, shortness of breath at times, muscle twitching, ringing in my ear, I had vertigo a few times, And several more.\r\n The head sensations were as I mentioned dizziness or lightheadedness, other times it could be intense head pressure on one side, I also would feel at times a vibration feeling in my brain. \r\n people can have different symptoms or sensations from other people and it could still all be related to stress and anxiety. anxiety can produce many different sensations \r\n so that was in my 20s and all my testing came back normal. \r\n I am now way older than that and still alive! I am 100% sure every one of those sensations was due to long-term stress and anxiety. \r\n your Life is absolutely not over! You just need some support with this to learn the best way to manage it. Try to get in the habit of thinking positive and finding solutions. It’s not so much the problems that we have, it’s how we manage them that is the most important. \r\n and yes anxiety can definitely cause everything that you’re feeling! Anxiety causes the fight or flight response and when that is activated and adrenaline is released, all kinds of sensations can occur! \r\n feel free to private message me anytime. Take care " ], "date": [ "2022-09-10T13:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your replies you seem to know alot about anxiety and its so nice of you to try and help others, its definitely hell for me everyday, like ive said i have not gotten an anxiety diagnosis, they just keep sending me to different specialists, now im scheduled in November to see a nuero ophthalmologist. I just want some answers and treatment so i can feel nornal and healthy again, i miss not working or driving. Never knew a person could cry and beg for relief so much." ], "date": [ "2022-09-12T00:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I understand how scared you feel because I get the same sensations on and off and have for a long time. \r\ni’ve had many tests also that were all normal. \r\nThey are not missing anything.. if you’ve had many tests then you are OK. if this has been going on for a year then it’s nothing serious. \r\nThe one thing they have difficulty diagnosing even with tests is anxiety and stress. That’s exactly what causes my head sensations. Doctors cannot see how we feel when we have anxiety. if somebody has a broken bone then that is easy to diagnose. But when a person has anxiety it causes many sensations that doctors cannot see. That’s highly likely what you are going through and what millions of other people go through every day.\r\nThink if there’s something going on in your life causing you anxiety or stress. we can have an underlying stress or anxiety that we’re not aware of that is causing sensations. The more you worry about this the more you all have the head sensations. I know this from experience. \r\nThe best thing you can do is relax your mind as much as possible. speak with a counselor because it can be difficult to manage alone. \r\nI do meditations twice a day for anxiety to calm down my mind and body. But I also practice it on my own during the day by how I think. I’m trying to break the habit of negative and worrisome thinking because all of that increases anxiety which increases the head symptoms. whatever we think will magnify whether it’s positive or negative.\r\nget some support for this. I hope you feel better soon" ], "date": [ "2022-09-09T18:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-everyday-790490?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Scared everyday
Ive posted recently about dizziness, swaying and weird feelings in my head been to many doctors and tests but nothing really has showed up, only relief is when i lay down and go to sleep this has all been happening a year now, and everyday gets harder to get thru the day. Im so afraid there missing something serious, its all i think about i just want it to go away.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ingureland-1440600" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ingureland-1440600" ], "content": [ "Thank you very much for sharing this helpful information to me, I will definitely try this whenever I feel my panic attack is about to happen, I'm talking to a therapist for help, still trying to manage my anxiety symptoms first and hope when I do control it better, I can also try getting rid of GERD too, taking small baby steps right now. Really appreciate any sort of advice that can help me." ], "date": [ "2022-09-11T22:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "“Excessive anxiety can be stressful. That's why it's important to take time to decide when you're anxious. One way to quickly self-medicate is to do some deep breathing.”\r\n\r\nHow to Calm the Mind Quickly :\r\nBreathing deeply is one of the most effective ways to reduce anger and anxiety quickly. That's because when you take a deep breath, it sends a message to the brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message throughout your body. That's why your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, which increase when you're stressed, decrease when you take deep breaths.\r\n\r\nOne deep breathing technique that you can try to calm your mind when you are anxious or angry is belly breathing. Here's how to do it:\r\n\r\n* First, take a comfortable sitting or lying position on your back.\r\n* Place one hand on your stomach, just below your ribs and the other on your chest.\r\n* Take a deep breath through your nose, and feel your stomach pushing your hand out. Your chest should not move when you take a breath.\r\n* Exhale through pursed lips as if you are whistling. Feel the hand on your stomach go in and push all the air out.\r\n* Do this breath 3–10 times.\r\nI'm sorry if this doesn't help and I hope your stress goes away quickly and never comes back\r\n\r\nI hope you check with an experienced specialist if your stress gets worse :)" ], "date": [ "2022-09-11T22:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-so-stressed-out-right-now-what-should-i-do--790568?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes, you’re going to be OK. Millions of people have Gerd and are managing it very well. The best thing you can do is lower your anxiety level because that only makes everything worse. You are the one in control! I completely agree with The first person who responded to you. Proper breathing is the key to relaxing the mind and the body! This has been known for thousands of years. You should practice this several times a day. Exactly how that person described it. it will send a message to your brain that everything is OK.\r\nThe over thinking is creating unnecessary anxiety on you. The breathing exercise is the opposite of over thinking.\r\nwhen you feel your thinking is going to the negative, stop it in its tracks!\r\nSo in order to feel better there are certain things that you need to do.\r\n1. change your mental attitude from fear to taking steps and feeling better. from negative to positive\r\n2. practice the breathing technique several times a day\r\n3. stay hydrated and eat healthy meals\r\n4. do things that make you happy and smiling. This has a huge effect on positivity in the brain and relaxation in the body. \r\n5. all of these things will calm down the sensations in your throat \r\n6. trust in what the doctors are telling you and follow their instructions. Be a fighter for yourself! And things will start changing for the better ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-09-11T22:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-so-stressed-out-right-now-what-should-i-do--790568?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you very much Jan for sharing some helpful tips, I will keep this in mind when I feel anxious or negative about something, reading this is keeping me at ease and much calmer to know that I will be okay and not to panic, since it's just my anxiety tricking me into thinking that food is caught in my throat. I'm getting help on how to control my anxiety symptoms better, but it's just small baby steps right now, but I'm just glad I'm finally getting some help so I can live my life better without any fears or negativity. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-11T22:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "another recommendation I would have is to get some counseling. This would help you manage everything much better. When you actually have a conversation with somebody such as a counselor, it’s sticks with you longer and you’re also able to vent verbally how you are feeling. You could even do virtual counseling which works great also. Think about that. Because you need support right now. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-11T22:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-so-stressed-out-right-now-what-should-i-do--790568?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I'm so stressed out right now, what should I do?
I've been recently diagnosed with GERD by my ENT doctor who prescribed me medicine to take for 2 weeks, just started taking my 1st pill today, I know it will take awhile to heal my esophagus again, but my most major symptom, is feeling like food is caught in my throat and I would panic when I get this sensation since it will happen immediately when I eat and my throat will feel tight, like I might end up choking on death, I'm dealing with this right now and it really feels like food is stuck, but on the side of my throat, even though I can eat and drink just fine. I also have really bad health anxiety as well. I've been to the ER so many times because of this sensation and had x-rays done, they didn't find anything and tell me to relax that I'm okay and if I did have food stuck, I would not be able to talk, drink or eat and tell me my anxiety is making my GERD symptoms worse than it is and even if I feel the sensation, nothing is really there. Should I be okay? I'm so stressed out and hoping the medicine I'm taking will work and get rid of this feeling soon, it's so scary to deal with this.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ingureland-1440600" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/travis2007-1440589" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I think you should try Self-Compassion sir\r\n\r\nGoogle:\r\nSelf-compassion is extending compassion to one's self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering. Kristin Neff has defined self-compassion as being composed of three main elements – self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness\r\n\r\nWhy is self-compassion important?\r\nSelf-compassion yields a number of benefits, including lower levels of anxiety and depression. Self-compassionate people recognize when they are suffering and are kind to themselves at these times, which reduces their anxiety and related depression\r\n\r\nWhy is self-compassion so difficult?\r\nSelf-compassion can be painful\r\n\r\nAnother reason that many people struggle to practice self-compassion, according to Nijjar, is that it can force you to confront memories and events that you might find painful. “Self-compassion is all about how we relate to ourselves and how we relate to others\r\n\r\nHow do I practice self-compassion?\r\n5 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion\r\nStep 1: Practice Forgiveness. Stop punishing yourself for your mistakes.\r\nStep 2: Employ a Growth Mindset. \r\nStep 3: Express Gratitude.\r\nStep 4: Find the Right Level of Generosity.\r\nStep 5: Be Mindful.\r\n\r\n10 top tips\r\n1. Talk kindly to yourself\r\nThink about how you speak to the people you love and care about, and then turn that voice on yourself. Be conscious about your inner voice – let it be a friend to you or one that is kind to you, rather than one that is harsh or belittles you. This can help you pick yourself up if things go wrong and help you cope better.\r\n\r\n2. Practise gratitude\r\nWe often find that people who practise gratitude and notice the things they are thankful for are happier and have a greater sense of wellbeing. You might want to try and think of a few things in the morning or before you got to bed. You could tell someone in your household or write them down. Actively focus on the positives of your day. Reframing situations and looking for the positives can help strengthen your resilience.\r\n\r\n3. Perform acts of kindness to others\r\nBe kind to others. Small gestures have a big impact – whether it’s smiling at someone or letting someone go in front of you in a queue, for example. Doing good for others boosts your own wellbeing and at the same time helps brighten someone else’s day.\r\n\r\n4. Reflect daily\r\nMake time every day to give yourself some space to reflect on what’s going on for you and how you are feeling. A few minutes to sit and think or write in a journal can help you process your thoughts and feelings and cope better.\r\n\r\n5. Self-care\r\nKeeping healthy routines and rituals are an important way to look after yourself. These might be things like having breakfast, carving out some time for yourself in the day, planning what you eat and performing exercise, and doing some things you enjoy.\r\n\r\n6. Be responsible for yourself\r\nIf a stressful or busy day tempts you to treat yourself (with alcohol or junk food for example) – think about whether this is a healthy move to make or not. A treat now and then is fine but recognise not to use it as a crutch, as it can sabotage all the efforts you’ve made to look after yourself. Self-compassion comes with self-respect, not self-sabotage.\r\n\r\n7. Invest in your interests\r\nDo things that really align with your interests and passions. If you have a creative streak, make time for a creative outlet or if you like being outdoors or doing sport – make time for these too. These are the things that can often get pushed off your priority list, but it’s important that you don’t compromise them.\r\n\r\n8. Practise mindfulness\r\nMindfulness is a way of thinking – focusing on the here and now. It encourages you to pay attention to the present moment. This can help reduce thinking too far ahead (and worrying about things that haven’t happened yet), or thinking about the past (and dwelling on things you cannot change). You can mindfully do almost anything – eat a meal, brush your teeth, or choosing to go for a walk mindfully.\r\n\r\n9. Spend time in or around nature\r\nBeing around elements of the natural world can be calming and improve your sense of wellbeing. Consider how you can make time to be with elements of the outdoors and natural world. This could be greenery such as your garden, a walk in the park, and green spaces around you. It could also be water, such as a stroll by a canal, lake, or river, or better still a beach or parts of the coast if these are nearby.\r\n\r\n10. Think of the opportunities\r\nWe’re currently in the middle of a global pandemic, which is understandably a cause of worry and stress. It may help to counter these feelings if you can consider this a unique time of opportunity too. We can reframe our perception of this time as a chance to pause, reflect and reset. Think about the things you didn’t enjoy in your life before, and what you may want to keep or change going forward.\r\n\r\nsorry if it doesn't really work for you and i'm sorry for my informal language sir\r\n\r\nI hope you get better soon :)" ], "date": [ "2022-09-11T12:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stressed-hurting-my-health-790577?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Stressed hurting my health
Hi I had the week from hell last week, my wife passed away 4 years ago i have two young daughters i was mentally strong and the girls are happy, I meet someone and we moved in and merged our families my partner was loving and we were happy I lost my job last week which clearly stressed me out We have gambled on the big house, as we have a big family I need to contribute and i feel i am letting people down Two days later my partner tells me our relationship is in trouble Her youngest is 16, mine is 7 She says she is not sure she can go another 10 years raising my kids I am at an all time low, I cannot function I am in a permanent acute stress i have seen the doctors they gave me beta blockers However they do not seem to touch the sides I need help I unravelling and feel more panic attacks coming
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacy27754-1440477" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Stacy,\r\n\r\nI have been on both these medications for a few years now with no bad side effects.\r\n\r\nI was also very afraid to take them at the beginning as I am terrified if taking meds, but I have had no side effects at all. The first few days I was a bit more tired than usual but that soon wore off and I was back to normal.\r\n\r\nPropanolol has been great for my racing heart, I hope you find it helpful too." ], "date": [ "2022-09-10T17:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/propanolol-and-mirtazapine-790505?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Propanolol and mirtazapine
hi so the last few month w my anxiety had hit rock bottom doctor gave me mirtazapine 15mg an now prop on top of that morning an night so scared to take it with the mirtazapine anyone else been like this already had bad side effects from the prop can anyone share there experience please
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sairam41470-1440352" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's quite normal that you developed anxiety after such a scary experience. Have you had any therapy?" ], "date": [ "2022-09-09T15:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-790451?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and panic
hi all! i have been diagnoised with normal pressure hydrocepalus at age 17 and have 3 shunt revisions in 2 years !now im 27 and dont have any brain probelm from then! but since i had my surgery i developed anxiety but i did know! i had my first pqnic attack when im 21 and from then on im living with this ! tried medications, meditations, cbt ! everything works temporary ! avoidance due to anxiety breathlessness is causing probelm in my life im just living alone! i used to be a toppper when im in college and school! now i dont know what to do with my life! literallly feared of everything!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stella21064-1438073" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxious-hopeful-1439885" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stella21064-1438073" ], "content": [ "It is not a good idea to be on Xanax or Valium long term. Benzodiazepines cause addiction, which will cause withdrawal symptoms a few hours after taking them because you the next dose, very addictive.\r\nThere are other medications out there that are better.\r\nAlso you should NEVER stop cold turkey." ], "date": [ "2022-09-05T14:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxious-hopeful-1439885" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stella21064-1438073" ], "content": [ "My doctor prescribes xanax as well but she said its not the best one to take for instant relief. More for the in and out like you said. So she told me if I'm ever in panic attack mode to try the valium. In response to sasical72, I do not have addiction problems to any of my anxiety medications and only take as needed. But my doc also makes sure to only subscribe 5mg so it an extremely low dose. To be honest I hate having to rely on any medication but I've tried getting off everything and I am unable to function in daily life without it. I appreciate the tips! " ], "date": [ "2022-09-09T03:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxious-hopeful-1439885" ], "content": [ "I'm sorry if I didn't write this correctly as English is not my first language.\r\n\r\nI was not suggesting you are addicted, I am explaining to be careful with this kind of medications as they are very addictive, I have worked in this field, and sometimes even in small dosage, if it is taken for a long period of time, the brain and body rely on it and when the effect of a dose wears off it causes like a \"mini withdrawal\" that causes anxiety symptoms which then means you take another pill for the anxiety and it becomes a catch 22. That's why there are other medications that are better.\r\n\r\nJust my experience that I am sharing. Hope it helps and sorry if you were offended, it was not my intention." ], "date": [ "2022-09-06T18:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stella21064-1438073" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxious-hopeful-1439885" ], "content": [ "Same, I hate needing my meds and I even feel guilty about taking them..\r\nBut I really cannot function normally without them, never could." ], "date": [ "2022-09-09T03:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I do.\r\nMost of my posts are on the Menopause forums here but I can relate to every word you've said.\r\nEven with meds (I'm on Xanax) severe panic disorder since age 12\r\nStill sleep problems, especially during meno, and the meds wear off HARD now. Like bad hangover + creepy-crawlies... jitters, anxiety jumps right back. I wake up after only 2-3 hrs of sleep in utter terror. To make up for this crappy sleep, I put on meditation singing bowls (Youtube) and slowly drift off for maybe 10 mins kinda like a nap but it sure helps. Menopause has brought my anxiety back, and then some. \r\nMay I ask, in your opinion... does Valium wear off a bit more slowly and gently? For sleep, I mean. The next day, whether you've slept well or not, do you get that bounce back anxiety feeling? I've heard it stays in the system longer. Xanax is more in and out. Thanks in advance" ], "date": [ "2022-09-09T03:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/need-some-advice-790291?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Need some advice
I work at a very tenacious company where only the best is expected from you. I normally don’t have issues sleeping but last night I woke up at 1 am and couldn’t go back to sleep until 6 am. I just sat there in my thoughts about work and forcing myself into a panic attack. So I spent like 5 hours working myself through it doing breathing exercises. Ugh why is anxiety a thing. I’ve been dragging all day and have taken like 3 Valium. I have been on anti depressants and anxiety medication since i was diagnosed with childhood trama, ptsd from a car wreck, and generalized anxiety and depression 6 years ago. I've been told "grounding" techniques from my therapist but sometimes its unbearable and difficult to work myself through panic attacks. I've ended up in the ER twice with false alarms thinking I was about to have a stoke (as I also have high blood pressure. Anyone else feel this way? Have any tips to get you through panic attacks?
hi, has anyone had experience of using CBD while taking propranolol and citalopram? can you use them together(asking docs is no good as they say they dont know much about it so couldnt say) does it work? will it make me loopy? thanks
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gills43-1415356" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "if it’s from Covid it might take a little while to go away. Just try and relax. Most everything we worry about is not serious. But the way we think can create fear. \r\ndoctors are there to help us. They are just people like us. you would have a huge sense of relief if you went to the doctor and they told you everything is fine. otherwise you will just be miserable with worry and fear. take care \r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-12-15T17:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-strange-tongue-794156?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and strange tongue
does anyone get a weird feeling in their mouth when they get anxiety. i had covid back in October and since then i get a burning on my tongue and it looks whiter although my husband says its fine this just makes my anxiety even worse and i check and 50 times an hr i have a terrible fear of doctors so wont go and see anyone looking reassurance
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fred_flintstone-16971" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilydoherty24-1449618" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Do you get palpitations and do you experience them when you get up in the morning? " ], "date": [ "2022-12-14T16:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/crippling-anxiety-794059?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilydoherty24-1449618" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know exactly what you’re talking about and I’m going through the same thing. And I’m sorry you are also going through it. it’s a horrible thing and I wish they would find a cure somehow. i’ve had it since the age of five. nothing bad ever happened to me and my family life with my parents and siblings or wonderful. So I know that I was definitely born with this tendency.\r\nwhen something like this affects the quality of your life, sometimes we have to try different things like medication. Of course that’s not a cure but if it helps you feel better and improve your life it might be worth giving it a chance. I am going to do the same thing. I figure if I don’t try some thing I am still going to be miserable every day so I may as well try to get some help. \r\nmornings are the worst for me. anxiety at that time is sky high and that’s because there’s a buildup of cortisol overnight when we are sleeping. \r\ncounseling is also not a cure however it really helps to vent to somebody else who can help.\r\nI hope you find some thing that helps you feel better. is there a chance that you are also depressed. Chronic anxiety can lead to depression and many times anxiety and depression go hand-in-hand . take care and private message me anytime" ], "date": [ "2022-12-15T13:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/crippling-anxiety-794059?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Crippling Anxiety
well for starters its been refreshing reading some of your discussion. i also feel bad to hear there are so many people going through this. ive always had anxiety. i would always think the worse, and then it would go away however. almost 4 weeks ago, is had a panic attack on a plane ride home, in the moment i would shake my legs, knot in my stomach and cry. well after that scenario, I have had constant chest pain and bodyaches and continuous shortness of breath, even if I wasn’t having a panic attack I would take huge gulps of air, holding in my lungs, and then breathe out and get instant relief for about two seconds, and then it would come back. I also have gone to the hospital twice now did a full work up of my blood, EKG, chest, x-ray, metabolic panel, thyroid blood counts, special testing for auto immune diseases nothing. however i am extrmely anemic due to heavy menstrual cycles so now im on a iron supplement which does contribute to shortness lf breath. I’ve gone to a PCP. he also says it anixety. I’ve gone to a rheumatologist. All of my tests have came out fine yet that still doesn’t give me relief and I still have this lump in my throat, chest pain and shortness of breath constantly. I JUST WANT TO BE MYSELF I JUST WANT IT TO GO AWAY FOR GOOD! I just can’t get enough air down my throat sometimes I’ll sit on the phone and talk to my mom and she’ll try and walk me through it but then an hour later just comes back. I have been putting off medication because I was hoping to cope with it other ways and I feel like medication is just a Band-Aid however, I can’t perform my job. I can’t focus on anything but my health and if I am dying or not, I can’t enjoy life. I don’t smile I can’t eat I don’t talk and it’s the complete opposite of the person , I’ve always been in life I really just wanna feel like my normal self especially with the holidays. I feel like I’m driving everyone else around me crazy and I just can’t breathe all the time. Any recommendations, please and thank you.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cattowo-1448427" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cattowo-1448427" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "Thanks for the luck! I was looking at your posts and from my own experience I really think a lot of what you're going through it medication related. I also had a lot of those symptoms (they still come up sometimes as I'm not fully healed yet) after withdrawing from Celexa. A lot of what you're describing is akathisia (sickness in brain, adrenaline rushes etc), I had those too. I really reccomend joining an akathisia support group on Facebook, and also looking at the website survivingantidepressants. It's a huge relief seeing you're not alone, plus you'll see lots of people recover from these things either by eliminating the cause or just with time. I've almost fully recovered from tardive akathisia in a year now. Feel free to message if you need any more info!" ], "date": [ "2022-12-01T09:10+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "what are you symptoms, I have awful head symptoms for over a year now, many tests but no answers from Dr's. much luck to you" ], "date": [ "2022-12-01T04:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-anxious-about-brain-scan-793634?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cattowo-1448427" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i’m sorry you are going through this. Try not to think negative because it might not be what you think it is. I know it’s difficult to think positive but it will really help you while you are waiting. Turn on some positive affirmations or meditations on YouTube. It will help and distract you from the negativity. Our thoughts can get real fearful but that doesn’t mean our thoughts are correct. our thoughts are not based on fact only fear.\r\nwhat symptoms are you having?\r\nplease let us know how you are doing. We are here for you!❤" ], "date": [ "2022-12-01T04:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-anxious-about-brain-scan-793634?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cattowo-1448427" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you both, I definitely need to try more positivity and meditation, thank you jan!\r\nThese are my symptoms, some happened suddenly one day and have gradually gotten worse over 2 years, some are more recent and some come and go:\r\n* muddled speech, mixing words up with similar sounds or meanings or tenses. Saying words in the wrong order, making new words, forgetting what things are called. This happens with my thinking, and when I read and write (writing this properly takes some effort). I talk as if English isn't my native tongue.\r\n* persistent headache on left side\r\n* extreme tiredness and sleepiness that comes and goes, lasts for a few weeks or months at a time. It was worse at first where I was falling asleep in the day.\r\n* sensitivity and bitter taste at the back of my mouth\r\n* possible seizures (I think they're going to look into them after the brain scan)\r\n* seeing black dots all the time\r\n* sudden onset of clinical depression\r\n* waves of extreme dizziness that lasts for hours, I can't even move when it comes on. \r\n* random waves of nausea (although I think this is supposed to be a persistent symptom as far as I know but mine comes and goes)\r\n* slight hearing loss in left ear\r\n* confusion, more difficulty understanding and following things\r\n* pins and needles that lasts days in random parts of my body (usually legs or tongue)\r\n\r\nThat's all I can think of right now but I'm pretty sure there's more. :(" ], "date": [ "2022-12-01T04:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-anxious-about-brain-scan-793634?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cattowo-1448427" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Any updates?" ], "date": [ "2022-12-12T02:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "content": [ "haven’t heard anything" ], "date": [ "2022-12-12T03:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "did everything go OK with the scan?" ], "date": [ "2022-12-05T23:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/very-anxious-about-brain-scan-793634?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Very anxious about brain scan
After 2 years of struggling with some strange symptoms I've finally plucked up the courage to go to a doctor. He seemed concerned and I'm not surprised, apparently all my symptoms describe a tumour in the left side of my brain to the T. He straight away referred me to a brain scan, although I don't know when my appointment is yet. I'm scared and kinda hate myself for waiting so long to see someone. Oh and apparently sleeping next to a WiFi router is a big no, which is what I've been doing for 8 years now, like 3 feet from the left side of my head... So now I'm really thinking I don't have much hope that this *isn't* a tumour.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle316-1106923" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle316-1106923" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you for the reply, much appreciated! back when you used to have the visual changes and flashing would it be persistent for days or on and off? my neurology appointment is today, i am nervous but excited to finally talk to someone." ], "date": [ "2021-11-11T11:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alwaysscared111-1449339" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle316-1106923" ], "content": [ "did you ever get an update? " ], "date": [ "2022-12-12T02:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "sounds just about exactly what I’ve had on and off for many years. i’ve had the flickering and flashing,, blur, sometimes it would look as though I was looking through steam, etc. I would get a little headache afterwards. all due to stress and anxiety. \r\nso that was quite a while back when that was happening and then it stopped for a while\r\nI’ve had my eyes checked out numerous times .\r\nOne thing I will say is that when I got into my mid to late 50s I had a sudden humongous black floater in my left eye. I had my eyes checked out and it’s something that can happen to middle-age people. I know you are way younger so you don’t have to worry at this time. You may already know about this but it has to do with the vitreous fluid in the eyeball that can sometimes pull on the retina. I did have lifting of the retina in several areas after I had a lightning show in my vision! It was an easy fix with the freezing that they do and since then I haven’t had any problem. \r\nI also have had muscle fasciculations for over 30 years but not consistently. Always when I am highly anxious.\r\nbut basically yes, these visual issues can definitely be due to anxiety and stress. I highly doubt you have a brain tumor but if you want peace of mind so that you can relax just go get an MRI . \r\nI had MRI and MRA just to know for sure everything was OK. \r\nyou’re going to be OK. See if there’s anyway you can get some help with anxiety management. That’s how my visual symptoms diminished significantly. Take care of yourself and best wishes for your new job!" ], "date": [ "2021-11-09T22:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/persistent-visual-change-774207?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Persistent visual change
hi everyone, ill try to make this brief, and i an not looking for a medical diagnosis, just wondering if anyone has experienced these symptoms or something similar. for about a month and a half now i have had a visual disturbance in both eyes. through research, i have found that what i am seeing is called a scintillating scotoma. its basically a little ring of flashing lights in my central field of vision (i can still see and function normally, its just very annoying). i can recall that i have seen this in the past but only in certain lighting and it does not persist. however, over the past month and a half it has been constant and has not gone away. i went to the eye doctor when it began and was told that everything in my eyes looks normal. they said that my symptoms are consistent with an occular migraine, but they were unsure why my visual symptoms were lasting so long, as visual disturbances with an occular migraine typically last for a couple minutes to hours. a few weeks later, the problem persisted so i went to the ER. they tested my visual fields and eye muscles and everything looked normal and they did not see a need to . they referred me to a neurologist, my appointment is on thursday. i have been on the lookout for other symptoms as i have been extremely anxious that i may have a brain tumor or something serious that is causing this persistent visual disturbance. i do have daily headaches but this has been going on for many years as i have pretty bad diagnosed TMJ, my headaches have not been severe either. i have been experiencing random muscle twiching all over my body a few times per day but i have been under intense stress and am often dehydrated (i am a new nurse in a large ICU and dont have much time to drink during my shifts). my speech and balance have been normal. i have searched the internet so many times and havent found much at all about what i am experiencing. if anyone could provide any insight it would be greatly appreciated!!!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I suffer from head pressure and brain fog when my anxiety is raised. During a typical work day I will feel normal at the start of day, but during the day i can feel the fog and pressure moving in. It feels like a tightness in the head and is very uncomfortable, almost like dizziness. If it of any help I have had MRI and was surprised to be given the all clear. " ], "date": [ "2022-12-05T09:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pressure-793702?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miguelangel416-1449302" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/miguelangel416-1449302" ], "content": [ "is there a test for that? and what kind of dr did you see?" ], "date": [ "2022-12-09T16:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "have you tried a tmj specialist ? \r\nI had this head pressure as well . With light headedness and dizzness . - all day . which caused a lot of anxiety because ct scan and mri came good . i thought it was a tumor . \r\n\r\nafter a year it turns out i had Temporomandibular joint dysfunction . that joint gave pressure in temples . back of head . dizziness . and mind you it wasnt painful just doscomfort . tmj is hard to diagnose because you can have it without some traditional symptoms . " ], "date": [ "2022-12-09T16:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pressure-793702?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lizzy26012-1342384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lizzy26012-1342384" ], "content": [ "i never had covid shots , mine been going on 15 months now its awful. ty for replying just want answers but cant get anything that helps." ], "date": [ "2022-12-11T10:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, I get these symptoms too, I've had them for 18 months after getting my covid jabs." ], "date": [ "2022-12-10T22:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pressure-793702?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Head pressure
i know ive put this on there before but was hoping for more insight, a gf of mine told me last night that she thinks im making myself sick by going to so many drs and no real answers, but could someone answers me this how can i for over a year experience head pressure and dizziness everyday all day long and it not be something medical. every morning i cry cuz pressure so bad how can it not be medical please any help would be appreciated or same symptoms all pressure on top of head. ty
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james71711-1395257" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hear you!!!\r\nand don't even get me started, my list is endless but the latest is this:\r\nI live in Spain, recently they did a campaign to screen for colon cancer. They sent all over 50's an envelope with the things to do a test that sees if there is blood in your poop, you then had to hand it in at a chemist.\r\nSo yesterday I receive a letter saying that congratulations, there are no traces of blood in your poop (obviously it didn't say it like that lol). \r\nThe thing is I was busy plus I had already done one privately a couple of months before, so I never got round to doing the test. So just how much faith are you supposed to have in these tests??\r\nMy rant over too!" ], "date": [ "2022-12-11T08:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/lack-of-reassurance-from-doctors-793722?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Lack of Reassurance from Doctors
More of a rant really so apologies in advance... So I went to the doctors with chest pains and shortness of breath two years ago, which I believe to be because of my anxiety. I was referred to cardiology and respiratory who sent me for one test after another. The cardiology tests found nothing but frustratingly when I had my final 'review', the doctor just said the result was inconclusive. I suggested that my symptoms were just caused by anxiety and his response was basically "maybe but we dont really know. Just come back if the pains are really bothering you" and they discharged me from their care. I am somewhat confident that I am fine and its all just anxiety but I feel frustrated that I have undergone 2 years worth of tests - thinking that there'd be an answer at the end of it - and the doctor has basically just said "I don't know, good luck". It hasn't given me much reassurance. I also had various breathing tests. One of the tests identified that my lungs are absorbing oxygen at a lower rate than they should be, so the doctor sent me for a CT scan. The doctor then sent me a one-line letter saying the CT scan was fine but without any explanation as to why my lungs arent absorbing oxygen well. I was supposed to have a review with this doctor, waited for 9 months - heard nothing - so chased it up and got told by the secretary "oh you needed to ring up to book the review yourself" (despite the fact that they said initially that they would book me an appointment, so I've sat waiting for 9 months for nothing) and they then said "there are no appointments available though". I then said "well how do I see the doctor", she said she'd ring me back later and never did. So basically I have given up trying to speak to this doctor - despite the fact that I have had an abnormal test result and havent had any explanation for it or chance to ask the doctor about it. I used to think that if you went to the doctors, there'd be some conclusion and if nothing else, they'd provide some reassurance. I now know that this isnt the case. I feel pretty let down and like they've left me on my own to deal with my problems. Rant over.
Scared of Rabies, possible exposure.
I live in the western part of the USA and in a very populated city with zero bats; we see no bats here, and I have never seen one. So a couple of days ago, I parked my car outside a public parking lot, and there were a lot of cars there. I accidentally parked my vehicle very close to the car next to me, and it was very hard to get in and out. I don't remember if I was getting out or getting into my car, but while doing that, I felt a pinprick sensation on my left foot. At first, I thought ok, don't panic; you might have brushed it against something else, like my car door or something else, but I remember I did not touch it on my car door; at least that is what I remember (Maybe I did, or I did not, smh). When I got home hours later, I touched my foot and noticed that a bit of part of my skin was peeled off, and boom, there I was; my mind went straight to rabies; there is only a discoloration in that area, maybe the bite happened close to that area, I don't know, but I don't see any bites, or holes or anything like it, I see some "pinpricks, that I think are pinpricks, maybe they are, maybe they are not (if you have a picture of a pinprick bite or pinpricks, please show me if you can, or if you have a bat bite picture because, on google, there is no good one). Still, I don't know if they are legit pinpricks or if my skin made them because of something else; it does not hurt when I touch or feel it. Still, bat bites cannot be noticeable to the naked eye, which scares me even more, but it does not hurt when I touch it. The spot is still there, but I don't think it has anything to do with it; the location that happened is close to that area, but maybe it is on another part that I did not see. That is what scares me the most about bat bites; you might get bit without noticing where you got bit and can't even see it. So, I thought a bat had come from under the car and bit me, or it was just there. I did not see it, or it bit me, and went straight under the car again; every scenario was in my head. I was wearing socks and shoes, and I thought that it was impossible that, in that small space, he would have bitten me. I looked at my stocking, but of course, I couldn't see anything on it; there were some spots on it, but I don't know what they (maybe blood, hell if I know) were. There are literally no bats in my area, but I think that I am that unlucky one that stumbled upon a bat, did not see him but got bit, and my mind is constantly busy because I am afraid that in 2 months, I won't be here anymore. I know there is a high chance I am overreacting but can anyone tell me that I am stupid to even think about this because I don't want to go back to the doc for literally nothing. I am sorry again for writing here, but I can't help it, I am terrified, and I am convinced that I have it, but at the same time, I think it is almost impossible; at the same time, I think I am that unlucky person who got bit without realizing that it was a bat. So sorry again, and I will understand if you don't reply, but if you do, I highly appreciate it. A next scenario was, A few days ago, I found an insect in my house and killed it because it had been annoying me for the past few days (what was weird about it was the insect did not go to another place, it was circling in the same place for hours, is it normal?). It was not a mosquito, but it was small and looked like a brown insect. When I killed him, I saw its saliva injected into my hand and something coming out from him. Do insects inject saliva in us, or not and do insects carry rabies, or was it normal to see its saliva when getting crushed in my hands and see its saliva on my finger and in my finger? Thanks again. 1. My main question is, do all insects, every insect in the world, let's say in the USA, do insects have or carry it? 2. And is it possible they have it in their saliva, and its saliva that got in my finger actually was the virus or was it just its saliva when I crushed it, and it came out from him? or is it possible that it dipped into another animals saliva and it wasn't its saliva, i just happened to be very unlucky and when i crashed it, the “animals” saliva got in my hand, meaning when i crashed him, it sting me and saliva got in my finger along with it, can it be another animal's saliva or was it the insects? 3. should i worry about the bat situation or not? Thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "content": [ "I have a diary, seems to be sleep loss, sometimes alcohol, stress then a event. My marriage was very abusive so the reactions stems from that tried therapy, tried everything I have two young boys who need a dad, right now simply my digestion firing up after eating is giving me pain it's terrible truly terrible " ], "date": [ "2016-04-13T19:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "content": [ "Do you currently have a counsellor or a therapist or someone who is trained to help?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T04:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "content": [ "No tried that last year plus how do u stop a automated reaction" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T06:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "content": [ "First accept what is going on. Anxiety can be debilitating. If you have no other evident based illness you need to accept this for what it is to begin to conquer or manage it. You can retrain it through repetition. Focus and disipline They do brushing and bio feedback and diet changes for young kids.  Many kids with sensory processing disorders end up with horrible anxiety. They over stimulate fast.They have many centers for children but very few for adults. I have only found bio feedback and found it very useful. When stressed, over stressed muscles spasms and tighten that just one of a ton of symptoms. The ones you focus on and fear will be the ones to cause the most doscomfort. Massage and bio feedback might be very helpful for you. Bio feedback is when they hook you up to machine to teach you proper breathing and how to get your body to a calmer level, evident based its not talk therapy. That would be seperate doctor. Many just dont have the energy to focus on lifestyle changes, or acceptance and run to pills for quick fix. Most find it isnt a quick fix. Some it does work well. They have diets for inflammation, heart smart diets and keep well hydrated. Constantly stressing and spasming your muscles will cause muscle soreness and pinched nerves..how could it not. If you sat down and made a fist and released for an hour your hand would be extremly sore and take a while to heal why do you think your other muscles should be an exception? Think about that. but the symptoms are not the cause, thats the effect. Its real. You can slowly gett all this under manageable control. You just need first to accept it for what it is, if you can find a place to do bio feedback..do it and see if that helps (it cant hurt), find a place to get regular messages and get in a healthy diet and make it your lifestyle. Be patient with everything, life has a lot of stresses.feel better and good luck.\r\n\r\n\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T16:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "Thanks mine is a build up of tension the a anxiety reaction I do accept it but it leaves me with the pulled muscles and nerves, will look at bio" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T19:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "content": [ "what do you mean? \r\n\r\nDo you mean automated like you have no control over it?\r\n\r\nIf so, treatment like CBT can really help" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T19:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "content": [ "Really? Confused as when I looked at cbt I thought it was about controlling the way you think " ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T19:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-915353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "content": [ "but that should help and change the way your body reacts to things, right?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T19:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "do you know what triggers it?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-13T19:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-causing-nerve-pain-507517?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynne82155-920700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lynne82155-920700" ], "content": [ "it just seems, stress tightens the muscles and give a ache a normal person could deal with, add the anxiety and its terrible." ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T14:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynne82155-920700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "content": [ "I know I get tense with anxiety and that causes muscle strain^_" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T15:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lynne82155-920700" ], "content": [ "really ? I havent ever found anyone else who has the same thing ? I have spent years being put though tests causing extra stress...." ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T15:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynne82155-920700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "content": [ "Yes I get it all the time.\r\nBut anxiety is a strange illness I was sure I was ill and then had loads of test done and its all psychosimatic.\r\nIt may be something completly different that is causing you pain\r\n\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T15:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lynne82155-920700" ], "content": [ "ok let me break it down a little:\r\n\r\n1. Lost sleep, stayed up till 12, up at 6\r\n2. Drank alchol\r\n3. Had some stress\r\n4. Had a larger stress event\r\nBANG, my world ended, I can see nothing but black, I am in the midst of it. I cannot see out.  I googled psychosimatic but didnt quite get it" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T15:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynne82155-920700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "content": [ "Ok I dont know what your pain is like so as I said in my last post anxiety can cause muscle strain from being tense\r\nIf your on medication you should be drinking alcohol.\r\nI dont think your world ended coz you are talking to me now.\r\nInsomnia is another anxiety symptom but it is also a depression symptom.\r\nI think you should go back to doc get reviewed and maybe consider therapy CBT is a cheap first step therapy there are better ones out there.\r\nAnxiety also strives from stress and fear\r\nStay strong|;-)" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T15:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Try some therapy it is probably psychosimatic" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T10:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-causing-nerve-pain-507517?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "What is it" ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T19:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Have you tried bio feedback?  And when did the severe anxiety begin in your life? " ], "date": [ "2016-04-14T16:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-causing-nerve-pain-507517?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zerodark-777057" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi! \r\nsorry to hear about this but i have exactly the same thing when something triggers my anxiety really bad. shoulders so tense and it causes really awful pain in shoulder, whole arm and sometimes in my chest also. I suddenly find myself keeping my shoulders so tense when stressful feeling or event appears.\r\ni hope you found help.\r\nbest wishes to fellow warriors" ], "date": [ "2022-12-06T09:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-causing-nerve-pain-507517?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety causing nerve pain
Please note: had every test under the sun from pain killers to MRI. Have suffered for so many years. Paid thousands privately. Ok this is what happens, a build up of stress in my life over a period, a "EVENT", then Bang, Anxiety kicks in. Then my shoulder muscles contract and I get referered pain to my hands/pain accross shoulders and the anxiety keeps going and it gets in a circle. I have tried the CBT route and does help but I am past this now. Clonezapam helps, but makes me doppy, pain killers do nothing, Diazapam maybe takes the edge off at 2mg. Had anti D's, Amitriptlin and pregapentine. Pain lasts for around 3 months then if I am lucky it carms for a few months, I eat well, do all the things I should be, I am 41 and I want my life back. When the anxiety isnt there I have back pain and some referred pain which is managable. Cant go on...
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/borderriever-963132" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/camham1111-1174842" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "If you are grinding your Tongue or biting it, you will get marks on it, if your Tongue is a bright pink you have nothing to worry about.\r\n\r\nPersonally it sounds like a habit, you know you are doing it so that is the first stop to stop doing it. How would you like to be bitten when fit.\r\n\r\nStop biting your Tongue. It has done nothing to deserve that. Lol\r\n\r\nBOB" ], "date": [ "2018-08-26T14:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anxiety-cause-teeth-marks-on-side-of-tongue-scalloped-tongue--675374?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/money7-1171441" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/camham1111-1174842" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/camham1111-1174842" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/money7-1171441" ], "content": [ "OMG! And now I’m obsessing over my tongue. Does it look to red? Is it too pale? I have some cracks on it?! Why does it feel kinda dry? Why does it feel too wet? Why does it have teeth marks when I bite down on the middle? All these questions are killing me! I have been noticing that I push my tongue through the cracks of my teeth a lot and press it against the roof of my mouth. The teeth indentations aren’t so bad especially during the day but after waking up(usually when anxiety kicks in or I’m asleep), I would feel deeper indentations. Throughout the day, I try my best to not grind or clench my teeth. It’s quite difficult tho...." ], "date": [ "2018-08-28T03:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/money7-1171441" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/camham1111-1174842" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Canham, try not to over think it.&#160; I know that&#39;s easier said than done.&#160; But I am telling you, I went through this same horror before medication. I would look at tongues on the internet and compare them to mine, I would always find something different about them and freak myself out. I even convinced myself I had oral cancer.&#160; However, after eight trips to the ENT doctor, I was assured that I was fine.&#160; Are you on medication?&#160; It sounds like you have severe anxiety and would benefit from some type of SSRI.&#160; I&#39;m rooting for you! &lt;3</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-28T13:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/donutzz43-1448727" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/money7-1171441" ], "content": [ "hello i have same problem only my tounge stays on bottom teeth all the time and have left pretty deep teeth marks is there any advice it may be from Anxiety \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-12-04T01:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi! Yes, I have experienced this.  It is a side effect of anxiety.  Mine was just as you described. I would push my tongue to the roof of my mouth and against the inside of my teeth.  It would leave groove marks on my tongue. I worried too, but once I was placed on medication, this stopped.  I wish  you the best!" ], "date": [ "2018-08-27T15:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anxiety-cause-teeth-marks-on-side-of-tongue-scalloped-tongue--675374?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can anxiety cause teeth marks on side of tongue? (Scalloped tongue)
I’m 16 and lately, my anxiety has been hitting hard. And now I’m suddenly worried about my tongue and what health problem they could mean. Well my tongue is a light pink color with teeth marks on the side!? When I think about it, I feel like my teeth keep pressing again my tongue and my tongue feels bigger than normal but yet when I look at it, it doesn’t look very swollen at all! I usually don’t even realize that my teeth are pressing against my tongue but I do notice that when I’m thinking in my head, I tend to grind my tongue against my teeth. Help? Does this mean anything?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hana7895-1186639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cindy13373-1424759" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Cindy, you need to see your doctor to be on the safe side, especially when you stated the bad cough lasted three weeks...Good luck" ], "date": [ "2022-12-03T23:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/spitting-up-blood-793725?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Spitting up blood
just wondering if anyone has had this experience, I really need reassurance. I am worried sick. I had a really bad flu. the cough lasted 3 weeks and it was quite severe. Yesterday morning a few minutes after brushing my teeth I gagged and spat in the sink only to see there was pink blood mixed in my sputum. my mind has been spiraling since. it hasn't happened again but scared it will.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hmm that&#39;s really interesting! If it&#39;s Been happening for years since you were little and your still fine then it really must not be something harmful but that Definitly seems to be a good enough excuse to get an MRI or something.... So if u are concerned all you have to do is switch to a different dr and ask them and kee switching until u find one that will take u seriously and accept your requests </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-29T19:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-weird-things-happen-when-i-close-my-eyes-doctors-won-t-take-me-seriously--526023?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "<p>It doesn&#39;t happen all the time. I don&#39;t play any video games or anything like that. I&#39;ve been trying to see a neurologist but my doctor doesn&#39;t think there&#39;s anything medically wrong. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-29T21:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "content": [ "This is actually a real thing. Closed eye hallucinations. Maybe you will need to google it ..yikes..but so you can print stuff out to educate your ignorant doctor. I Have zero experience with it but it is real." ], "date": [ "2016-07-29T21:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "<p>I did actually research that a little bit ago when I was trying to figure this all out for myself since my doctor won&#39;t help me. CEV does not appear to be what I&#39;m experiencing. I don&#39;t take any hallucinogens and I don&#39;t ever meditate. I also experience this as soon as my head hits the pillow. Not anytime near being almost asleep. I also see actual visual images of things like of people in my life or of anything you can imagine that is an actual object. I also do not hear any noises when it all occurs. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-29T21:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Some kind of hallucinations.. Do you play a lot of video games? Gave you seen a nuerologist..? Eyes are closed its from the brain." ], "date": [ "2016-07-29T21:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-weird-things-happen-when-i-close-my-eyes-doctors-won-t-take-me-seriously--526023?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve got about the same. Sometimes the images change really quickly, like photographs being flicked really fast, at other times they slowly morph into the next one. Over the years the general shapes have evolved into really complex structures, kind off scifi. I also see these horrific mutilated faces, morphing into even more horrific ones. After a while I always dose off and fall asleep. Since I know this, it doesn&#39;t bother me, I just wait till it passes.</p><p>I&#39;ve seen neurologists for other complaints, and don&#39;t recommend seeing one, especially not for something like this. In my experience they are a kind of advanced electricians, and are not interested in complaints out of the ordinary. They only know about brain function realted to the usual complaints, like migraine, Parkinsons, dementia etc. and probably will refer you to a psychiatrist.</p><p>A neuropsychologist probably would be of more use, or a sleep specialist. they can make an EEG and see what happens during your brain while you dose of.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-29T21:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-weird-things-happen-when-i-close-my-eyes-doctors-won-t-take-me-seriously--526023?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tess33005-930839" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>It does sound like CEV to me - don&#39;t forget there are different levels, and the &#39;noise&#39; they refer to is visual noise, not actual sound. You don&#39;t have to have been on hallucinogens for this to occur. Very small children get it, after all, and I&#39;m sure they don&#39;t take LSD. Well, I hope not.</p><p></p><p>I would take this to the Eye Forum - I think people there will &#39;get&#39; this quickly.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-30T14:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-weird-things-happen-when-i-close-my-eyes-doctors-won-t-take-me-seriously--526023?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/username-139728-1320909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This has been happening to me since I was little as well and legit cant find anything on it. Every time it happens its either something that starts as super small then zooms in slowly, or something normal sized that zooms in very quickly, and I freak out every single time." ], "date": [ "2020-07-01T07:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-weird-things-happen-when-i-close-my-eyes-doctors-won-t-take-me-seriously--526023?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vic52676-1342078" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "first of all this website is a b***h to make an account sheesh almost broke my phone out of frustration. secondly, i think what i experienced as a child and recently is very similar if not exactly the same thing you described. this weird thing where when I close my eyes random things get big n small, different shapes. always made me feel \"off\" would be the best way to put it. I have tried to research this but these search engines f*****g suck and only focus on like one word and I get hundreds of articles about a totally different thing. hopefully you still use this thing so we can compare n stuff about whatever this is" ], "date": [ "2020-11-11T11:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-weird-things-happen-when-i-close-my-eyes-doctors-won-t-take-me-seriously--526023?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vero00000-1448672" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carbreykristen-962646" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am experiencing the same issue. Its a challenge to sleep and my eyes hurt so much after a bit. i see shapes like circles squares stars and sometimes random shapes they go from being Huge to super tiny. my eyes sometimes feel like they are spinning when i close them but im not sure if you experience that too " ], "date": [ "2022-12-03T08:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/please-help-weird-things-happen-when-i-close-my-eyes-doctors-won-t-take-me-seriously--526023?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Please help! Weird things happen when I close my eyes. Doctors won't take me seriously.
<p>Ever since I was little sometimes when I would close my eyes at night I would see shapes like circles and squares swooshing around in my head and then would get very big and very small. As if they&#39;re zooming in and out to the point where they were not recognizable. As I got older the images began to shift into literally anything that would zoom in and get big and zoom out and get small. Then the image would quickly change to something else and do the same. Sometimes it would even be multiple things doing the zooming in and out at once. If I would be thinking about something before I go to bed then that image would zoom in and out. Sometimes the images would be very creepy as well so I would try to imagine my family and friends but then it would make their heads zoom in and out. If I would sit up and try to calm myself down and try to close my eyes again the images would pick up right where they left off. I did a little research on my own and the closes thing I could find was the Alice in Wonderlanf Syndrome. But those people experience theirs with their eyes open. Mine is only when my eyes are closed. My doctor does not think that o need to see a neurologist and is refusing to write me a referral. I&#39;m wondering if it could be a possibility that certain people experience AIWS with their eyes closed????</p>
Scared....Coughing up blood
i really need some reassurance, I am really scared and having a panic attack. I'm just getting over a really bad cold. I've had a really bad cough for the last 2 weeks. this morning after brushing my teeth I gagged and spit/threw up this mucous with bright red blood mixed in it. My mind is spiraling and I am so scared it's something dangerous going on.
Gotten my 1st Hot Flash from my back up my spine.
have been on antidepressant for 3 months now. a mixture of mirtazapine and escitalopram. anxiety gotten better but today encounter my first hot flash. last for 10-15 sec. but feels terrible. anyone experience it before?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie31369-1426620" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annie31369-1426620" ], "content": [ "Hi Annie\r\nPlease try and believe it. You do not have heart disease!. I'm assuming you've been looked at by professional doctors and if they say it isn't heart disease, then it isn't. You have anxiety, a very uncomfortable, but certainly not life threatening, disorder. It is not even an illness. It is just your own natural defence mechanism going into overdrive. It can give you all sorts of weird physical symptoms believe me , I've had them all. The other thing that anxiety does is cut off your frontal cortex (the rational thinking part of your brain). This means you can't think clearly about what is happening to you (don't worry, it comes back). Therefore you will be thinking all sorts of irrational stuff. Try, as much as you can, to ignore what your mind is telling you. It is not true. Try, instead to calm yourself down by being kind to yourself. Warm baths, walks in nature, massage, meditation especially helpful. Good luck and blessings xx\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-09-06T07:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Anxiety is probably the most horrible deasese ever and my mind still doesnt accept that i have anxiety i keeop thinking i have this horrible heart deasese like you with numerous A&E visit. Every day is like a long battle .. ive had so many symptoms for 3 years always been told its anxiety but my mind doesnt accept it. BY THE REALLY HAPPY FOR YOU , THANK YOU FOR TELLING US YOUR STORY.. I HOPE ALL OF US FINE SOME RELIEF SOON!!" ], "date": [ "2022-09-06T07:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steve97356-1384398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/steve97356-1384398" ], "content": [ "Your right, Steve. It is not a chemical imbalance in the brain because it is a totally natural process hard-wired in the body. In fact, there is nothing 'wrong' with you. Anxiety is not a disease or illness. It is our body's natural response to high stress. I'm glad to hear that you are better. I know what you mean about coming off the meds. I was very nervous about doing that for quite a while. Don't worry about it, it will happen when the time is right just remember to come off real slowly. All the best x" ], "date": [ "2022-07-31T15:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Thanks so much for returning to this site with encouraging information. \r\nI had anxiety ten years ago and it took a long time to get back to normal. I had the same experience that I would be good for a day or two and then \"bang\" it was back and slowly the good days became longer and longer. No anxiety for ten years. Then, just recently, something triggered it again. Could never figure out what I was fearing. Just panicking that something was wrong. This time was not anywhere near as bad as ten years ago but it still was extremely horrifying. I was put on low dose buspirone by my pcp and it took some time but I think it helped. Felt great for several days and thought I was free again. I weaned myself off the meds and after a few weeks I saw on youtube that a friend had died. I thought about it for a while and it hit e again like a punch in the face. Started taking the buspirone again and I think I'm 99% better. Don't know if its the meds or just going away by itself. Still on them but afraid to stop now. \r\n They just came out with a new study saying that it is NOT a chemical imbalance in the brain. Hopefully, they find out what it really is now. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-29T00:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "How nice of you to come back to encourage other people. It's good to hear success stories as there aren't many on forums.\r\n\r\nI have tried meditation in the past but always get bored and end up giving it up. Your post has encouraged me to give it another try.\r\n\r\nAny tips on what kind of meditation you followed?\r\n\r\nThank you!" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T09:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1376903" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1376903" ], "content": [ "Hi Rubi. I would say that it doesn't matter if your mind wanders in meditation. It's bound to, in fact. What matters more is the process of bringing yourself back to the breath even if you only manage this rarely. Also the essence of meditation is awareness. If you are aware that your mind is wandering then you are meditating and it sounds as if you are aware of this. The aim of meditation is not to stop the thoughts (or the feelings). It is to learn to simply observe them, whether they are comfortable, uncomfortable or neutral. it can sometimes help to just name them. i.e. fear thought, angry thought, sad thought, happy thought, irritation thought etc. The point of the practice is to slowly learn to stay in awareness. The Buddhists give an image of sitting by a stream and watching all the thoughts going by. Sometimes (maybe many times) we get caught by a thought and fall in the stream. This is okay. We simply get out of the stream (without berating ourselves) and start again. It is a practice, like a small child learning to walk. It falls over a lot at first but it doesn't say 'okay I won't bother with walking' it just carries on and eventually it walks. It's inevitable. Best wishes to you xx" ], "date": [ "2022-10-02T07:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "thank you for sharing. i would also like to know how you managed meditation, i have done 80+ days now and dont feel any better. my mind just wanders. i have started talking therapies for health anxiety but its just started" ], "date": [ "2022-10-02T07:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "content": [ "Hi atz. I don't know if you've noticed but anxiety always lives in the future. We can live with the anxiety now, after all, we are all still here aren't we, but our fears in the future are always about something we think we won't be able to cope with. Here's the heads up. It's absolute rubbish! Your fear-mind is talking nonsense to you. Yes, it is. The problem is that intellectually (using your rational frontal cortex) you know it's rubbish but you do not have control of the irrational brain-stem fear-mind (sometimes called the lizard brain because it evolved first). All it is concerned with is survival. And thank god, or we wouldn't be here today, but it is out of your rational control which can feel scary. Don't be scared, it's all okay. Because it's one occupation is to see you safe and well. It will continue to pump out possible fear threat thoughts for a while as it slowly winds down. The best thing you can do is nothing! Yes, absolutely nothing! Ignore these thoughts as much as you can. Don't give them the time of day. They are just insubstantial thought after all. They don't mean anything real. The worst thing you can do is try to 'fix' these thoughts or ruminate on them. Let them happen but leave them alone.\r\nIf you can't leave them alone it doesn't matter anyway. Your nervous system will slowly wind down anyway, it just might take a bit longer. I repeat, you are perfectly okay just as you are. With best wishes xx" ], "date": [ "2022-09-06T07:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "content": [ "i appreciate your response so much. thank you for this much needed reminder 💗" ], "date": [ "2022-08-01T20:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello, thank you so so much for sharing with us your recovery💝 i was diagnosed with chronic stress, panic and gad (though it's mostly geared towards health anxiety) when i was 14. it's been an up and down journey, but because of the pandemic it got triggered again. currently im in recovery for the stomach flu, and im trying so hard to ACCEPT that im better and there's nothing seriously wrong with me. i went to the doctor and he prescribed me some medicines, my course ended today after 3 days, and even though i havent felt sick since then, my mind is still \"what if he didn't see you properly...\" \"what if the medicines were suppressing how you actually feel...\" etc. do you have any advice on how to cope with this? it's like, i dont feel unwell, i just feel afraid that im GOING TO. it's exhausting and frustrating living in fear, despite me KNOWING that of course he's a doctor who studied for decades and knows what he's doing. thank you so much :( " ], "date": [ "2022-09-06T07:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marialina91864-1436069" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marialina91864-1436069" ], "content": [ "Hi Marialina.\r\nI think you may have misunderstood me. Anxiety is not a monster. It feels like a monster. Actually it is on your side. It is not trying to destroy you. It is your resistance to it that is making it worse. We are not trying to beat it. That is not possible. We are trying to make friends with it. To accept and allow it in, with as little resistance as we can possibly do because that is the only way that it will subside. The more you hate it and try to get rid of it, the more anxiety you are producing. To be free requires a deep shift in our perspective and our relationship with fear.\r\nI wish you well in your journey x" ], "date": [ "2022-08-06T21:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "it's so refreshing to read people's success stories. I can't tell you how much I can't wait for the day this is me I suffer with extreme like the worst health anxiety I experience every single anxiety pain every single anxiety thought to say I feel like I don't even no how to live any more is an understatement. I can't even go to the hospitals or the doctors any more I go so much they can't even help me no more the worst part is I no its anxiety and I've accepted it. just some times so overwhelming I let it in I feel like if I let it in it will ease some sort of feelings or thoughts yet it doesn't you're absolutely right it is a monster I feel when I have a good day or a good week the happiness I feel in them times are so good but that monster is always at the back of my head saying don't get to comfortable I will be back and it does it comes back every time with a vengeance I can't look forward to any thing with out always having them bad feelings or thoughts that something bad will happen that I've just stopped doing things I take my children on our first holiday next week and I can't even let my self get excited for that because the monster just takes over I would never of dreamed about speaking out about this on places like this but it feels comforting to no I'm not alone and that people do get better may be putting it out there and saying it out loud it helps me in any way may be one day I can come back like you in the future and say I beat the monster too.. " ], "date": [ "2022-08-04T18:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ejc-938394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thankyou for this reassurance. I have suffered many years with health anxiety. My family are understanding & are constantly talking things through with me but it still comes back each time I have something wrong with my health that dosn't go away after few weeks. I am always certain it's cancer. \r\nYou have inspired me to try meditation, I will give it a go & remember to stay with it even if I feel its not helping initially " ], "date": [ "2022-08-25T10:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stella21064-1438073" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is great advice!! So glad you're doing better and wow, what a brave, new approach to what you call \"the monster\" .. yes that is what it feels like. A monster in my head always looking for ways to scare me.\r\nSo when I'm falling asleep and catch myself dreaming and then instantly wake up terrified I will keep doing it over and over and never sleep again, I should just accept what it's doing.. feel it...and go back to sleep, yes? Eventually I will sleep. It's my panicky reaction to it that keeps it alive. To me, it feels like a scary game of my mind alerting me that I'm falling asleep and it \"isn't safe.\" Awful experience - it makes me truly fear sleep or attempting sleep.\r\nThanks for sharing this info 😀✨\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-08-25T19:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristin20266-1443622" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello. I loved your post. Would you be willing to email privately with me or talk on the phone?\r\nThank you!" ], "date": [ "2022-10-14T16:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "lucky you to be freed from it congratulations, I've been struggling with constant head symptoms, dizziness, lightheaded, pressure, head never feels clear been going on over a year started out as bppv supposedly is what my Dr said but it's changed into this mess, my life is horrible I quit working and driving been thru many tests and doctors no real answers and never diagnosed with anxiety but a friend mentioned maybe it was, can you or anyone else relate the only break I get is when I sleep and spend majority of day crying and wishing it would stop. Any replies would be appreciated " ], "date": [ "2022-12-03T06:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tioung-1447444" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you for sharing. My uncomfortable feelings include sweating, racing heart and most humiliating of all, blushing. When you say \"accept and stay with your fear\", it can only mean one thing to me. I will have to accept the blushing and stay/live with it instead of trying to fight it as I've done for most of the 58 years of my life. Hopefully, the more I stay with my fear, the lesser it will impact on me. Am I right?" ], "date": [ "2022-12-01T08:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/freedom-from-anxiety-788303?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
I have been on this forum many times in the past, distressed like the rest of you about being in this horrible state of anxiety. For me it has lasted over 30 years but now it has gone ! Completely! and I thought I would come back here and tell you how that happened and hopefully give you some hope. I saw many therapists and tried many 'cures' non of which worked. So here in a nutshell is what did work. The first thing I had to realise what what the real problem was. I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder but all that tells you is that you are very scared (which I knew already). When you are in an Anxiety State your mind looks for danger, what is wrong, so first of all I had a lot of trips to A&E thinking I was having a heart attack or a brain tumour etc. When it was clear that I wasn't, I looked for what was wrong in ME. ie. I was going mad etc. I lost all confidence in myself and felt shame that I, a grown up rational adult, couldn't stop this awful feeling. Then I came to the first point of recovery. I wasn't afraid of any of these things , I was actually afraid of the feeling of fear. The shortness of breath, the heart hammering, sweats, not being able to think clearly etc. I'm sure you have your own experiences. The problem was the fear of fear. I just didn't want to feel the very uncomfortable sensations that anxiety produces in the body and that a better description of these sensation was actually nervous arousal. This led to stage two in my recovery. I needed to 1) lower my nervous arousal and 2) learn to not fear the fear so much. This led me to begin meditating daily for 20 mins to calm the mind. This doesn't work instantly but after a few weeks you can start to feel the effect. Then I started to try to **accept** and allow the uncomfortable feelings in my body. There is quite a bit of stuff about this on the internet, especially from buddhist sources. I did this a bit at a time, sometimes successfully, sometimes not, but my intention was to make friends with my fear. I had always thought that it was a monster that was trying to destroy me and thought that I would die. But of course it isn't. It is your own body's defense mechanism, designed to protect you from danger, so it isn't likely that it is going to hurt you, is it? This took practice! and is very counter-intuitive. You naturally want to run away from fear, but this only makes it worse. Stay with it, nothing will happen to you, I can guarantee it. You will. of course, feel uncomfortable but the only way out is through. The more you resist it, the more it persists. I always used to wake up in utter terror waiting for the terror to happen. One day I didn't and for three days it went away. Then it came back for two weeks and I was filled with despair but I still tried to accept and allow it . No resistance as best I could. Then it went away for a week, came back for a week and then it went away and NEVER came back. That was about four years ago. I have suffered no damage from the effects of this experience and in fact am now pretty happy. In case your wondering, I am normally a terrible coward and avoid conflict. I am not a 'strong and resilient' kind of person. I cry pretty easily. So if I can do it, so can you. So, I know this is a bit long but if anything in this is useful to you please use it and I wish you all the very best with your life