[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cattowo-1448427" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Are you taking meds? That's a common symptom of medication withdrawal, it means you've withdrawn or lowered your dose too fast. It's not a dangerous symptom but withdrawing too fast can lead to some serious effects, if I were you I'd talk to your dr about tappering more slowly (if you are withdrawing that is). Good luck!" ], "date": [ "2022-12-01T04:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/brain-zaps-793649?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Brain zaps
Anyone experience these been going on all day like electric shock thru my head and face never felt this before
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/linda70572-1447565" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "OMG I have just seen this message and it is heartbreaking to read.\r\n\r\nCan I just ask, do your sister and her husband lead a \"normal\" life? Because there seems to be a bit of a strange family dynamic going on, as you mention they have never tried to get him help.\r\n\r\nDo you have any contact with him? even if it just on the phone. Have you ever asked him if he would like to go out and if he is afraid?\r\n\r\nIt's not easy to help someone unless they ask for help, but sometimes you need to reach out for them to know this help is available. Could you email him expressing your concern and offering your help? Maybe he is agoraphobic, in which case there are options to very slowly start going into the outside world. I know this because I overcame it.\r\n\r\nI don't know, these are just little suggestions but there are ways to help if he wants it." ], "date": [ "2022-11-30T19:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/social-phobia-nephew-793328?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Social phobia nephew
I hope I can get some helpful advice. My nephew is 35 and has not left the house for about 15 years or more. Lives with his parents (my sister&husband). My sister is 62 and dealt with depression for many years. She has NEVER taken him to a Dr. for diagnosis or treatment. He spends most of time in his room, his own attached bathroom and even has small fridge in his room. He will go into living room with parents for about one to two hours at night. Spends 22 hrs a day in his room on computer. He interacts with nobody but his mom and dad. He has 2 brothers if they visit the house he will let them in his room and talk to them. That's it. Hasn't spoken to anyone else in 15 years, only those 4 family members. Refuses to even take a ride in car with either parent. I use to get so frustrated at my sister because she goes to Drs but never made him go. She allowed him to quit school at 15 about when it all started. I begged her to get him help many years ago, when he was still a teen. Now, I'm telling you, nobody will or can get him out. He is also OCD -I am guessing- as he won't eat food ANYONE has touched. If his parents reach into a bread bag for a piece of bread, he will not eat any from that bag. I am very saddened about him and his condition. Does anyone know any helpful hints to start him moving in the right direction? His parents just accept the situation and say thats just how he is. This young man needs help.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebecca80699-1447785" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "your best bet would be to speak with a pharmacist about this. especially if you are trying to conceive. The pharmacist would know what is the safest thing to do when it comes to medication. Everybody responds differently to medication so what might happen with one person may not happen with you. hope everything gets figured out for you. Take care" ], "date": [ "2022-11-30T13:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/venlafaxine-to-sertraline-cross-taper-793392?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Venlafaxine to sertraline cross taper
Hi there i am 31 and have ocd ! Successfully on venlafaxine for 5 years but it started to poop out and I would like to conceive in the coming year. I was in 225mg venlafaxine and started to reduce under dr supervision to 150mg and then introduce 25mg sertraline for two weeks then up to 50mg ( remaining on 150mg Effexor ) and then see my dr again . I am 2 weeks into 25mg added into tv Effexor and the first week was good. The second has been awful and very heightened anxiety and dissociation. I didn’t expect this as I was already on Effexor I didn’t know I would get start up side effects , do you think this is normal ? has anyone cross tapered on this before ? Anyone to chat to would be great, I live with my husband but he has never taken any medication and I would love to chat
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "Really struggling with these horrible head sensations anyone else?" ], "date": [ "2022-11-23T12:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sick-feeling-in-head-792870?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cattowo-1448427" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've had this too, it's horrible and sometimes felt like my brain had IBS and some weird type of depression. It's a lesser known symptoms of mental akathisia. If you're taking any meds or have recently came off any in the past year or 2 (it can be a delayed withdrawal), have a look at akathisia and maybe talk to your doctor about it. Akathisia has many more symptoms than what most websites or drs will say, so just because you're not pacing around, don't rule it out, it could be a sign you need a med change!" ], "date": [ "2022-11-30T13:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sick-feeling-in-head-792870?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sick feeling in head
not sure how to really explain this but has anyone experienced a sick feeling in there head? not sick to your stomach or anything like that not pressure or anything but a sick feeling. ty for any response
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hana7895-1186639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate87473-1448254" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I hope you are doing well...Lexapro never worked for me, it gave me anxiety most of the time, my doctor prescribed clonazepam and it has been working good for the last three years." ], "date": [ "2022-11-29T00:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/lexapro-for-anxiety-793579?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/at19565-1441845" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate87473-1448254" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Mirtazapine and escitalopram gets my anxiety under control but i'm getting chill in aircon places like crazy. have to wear multiple layer and still feels cold anyone also have issue with cold from anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2022-11-29T10:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/lexapro-for-anxiety-793579?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Lexapro for Anxiety
I've been on 10mg of Lexapro for anxiety since August 15th. It took me a bit to get used to it, had lots of sleep issues and crazy anxiety when I first started taking it, especially in the mornings. I've been doing great on it since my body got used to it, early October, sleep well, no anxious feelings or thoughts. Yesterday I had a doozie of an anxiety attack when I developed a severe migraine. I was able to do a fair job keeping the anxiety at bay with utilizing CBT and deep breathing exercises, actually managed to run 4 miles during the peak of the anxiety attack. Had a rough morning today, some anxious thoughts, warm and cold feelings like I used to get when my anxiety was full blown. I did have a glass of wine on Thanksgiving, half a drink on Friday and have a beer on Saturday (first time in 6 months). I'm concerned that either the Lexapro is no longer working or the slip in anxiety was caused by the alcohol. If it's the latter, I'm fine without it. I'd rather forego alcohol and feel good than what I've experienced. OR, is this the normal process of SSRI's, ups and downs even after almost 3.5 months of being on it? Any insight would be appreciated
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kirsty94116-1448239" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "has this ever happened to you before? are you feeling any better now? \r\nI would say to let your doctor know about what happened. It could be panic but you just want to be sure. If you haven’t had a complete physical check up for a while it would be a good idea to do that. everybody should have a complete physical at least once a year.\r\ndo you normally have anxiety? \r\nI hope you’re feeling better. Take care" ], "date": [ "2022-11-28T23:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/panic-attack-793570?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Panic attack
Hi guys just need a bit of advice really, on Saturday I was lying down watching a film when all of a sudden my chest felt heavy so I sat up and all I could feel was my heart pounding away, and thumping in my throat, I started to lose all feelings in both my arms, and my vision went black on me then my heart beat became really slow and I remember just falling forwards thinking I was going to die!! Luckily for me I was sat on my bed so the fall didn’t affect me at all but I suppose my question is has anyone experienced this? Is it normal? I’m currently feeling like I’ve been thrown down the stairs I’m so exhausted, any advice or thoughts are more than welcome, thank you x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bubbles48814-1419612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/deven72660-1431465" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it sounds like irritable bowel syndrome... please dont get yourself worked up! just make an appointment, breathe, then go from there! think positive thoughts!\r\n\r\n\r\nif you neef domeone to talk to, let me know! " ], "date": [ "2022-11-28T08:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-stomach-pains-are-getting-worse-and-i-feel-like-giving-up--793549?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/deven72660-1431465" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "have you talked to a gastroenterologist doctor? If not that would be a good step to take. . Some people are intolerant of certain foods which can develop even if you’ve never had that before., . such as lactose intolerant, etc. \r\ndon’t give up. be determined to get to the bottom of this so that you can get some relief and feel much better. sometimes it takes switching doctors. Make an appointment with the specialist and go from there. I know it’s difficult but in the end it’ll be worth it. You deserve to feel better. We are here for you.❤" ], "date": [ "2022-11-28T12:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-stomach-pains-are-getting-worse-and-i-feel-like-giving-up--793549?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
My stomach pains are getting worse and I feel like giving up.
I have had depression for years. You name an anxiety symptom, and I have had it. But I have had a new issue crop up that I am just so scared and unsure about. My abdominal pains are localized on my right side mostly, but sometimes I do have constipation, diarrhea, and cramping. I got a CT scan a while back and when the pains wouldn't go away, I got a ultra sound. Nothing has shown up, but the pains are still here. I am so unsure about what to do next. I am thinking MRI, but I don't know if that will help. Is anyone else dealing with this? I feel like I am losing it. I want so badly to go back to normal, but I don't believe there ever will be a normal. I want to give it all up, but I dont want to let down my family. The life that I am living now is not much of one at all. I can't do this much longer. Someone please help.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jane93501-1167634" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jane93501-1167634" ], "content": [ "thank you its weird that this can prolong for so long i mean there has ti be some sort of solution \r\n\r\ngood luck to you" ], "date": [ "2019-06-17T21:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jane93501-1167634" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "content": [ "I know what u mean:( At times, everything with anxiety feels so hopeless and feels like the symptoms will never end....and thank u for ur well wishes!" ], "date": [ "2019-06-17T22:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi George, I've been expierinecing this as well since last year and it sucks:/ It feels like I always have to take a deep breathe and at sometimes feels like Im gonna pass out for not be able to breathe. I really haven't found a way to get over this yet, but I hope you find a way and feel better!:)" ], "date": [ "2019-06-17T20:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/24-7-air-hunger-due-to-panic-attack-704937?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "is there anyone out there that has combated this and got their breathing back to normal thag would lone to share what they did?" ], "date": [ "2019-06-17T22:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/24-7-air-hunger-due-to-panic-attack-704937?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/firebraingirl-1242813" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/firebraingirl-1242813" ], "content": [ "thanks i have heard of the abdominal breathing technique and will practice it daily. i never had a problem with my breathing until my last panic attack episode when i was hyperventilating. i constiently think about my breathing which i believe doesnt really help. its as if i forgot how to breathe at times and i cant really fill my lungs at times it is more severe\r\n\r\nim also currently on klonpin and lexapro but that doesnt seem to do anything for me \r\n\r\ni will be trying out prozac for my ocd tendecies next week" ], "date": [ "2019-06-17T23:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi george, sounds all too familiar. i would always have this feeling in me like i dont have enough oxygen in me and cant take in enough. funnily enough ive read that people with anxiety tend to be shallow breathers and hold their breath a lot, which really resonated with me. while sometimes i cant do much about the anxiety, i learned to become more conscious of my breathing.\r\ngo into youtube and look up diaphragmatic breathing techniques. it is basically deep belly breathing. when us anxious people shallow breathe, we dont use use our full lung capacity, causing all sorts of gas imbalance in the body and not oxygenating it properly, which is actually leading to more anxiety. abdominal breathing didnt naturally come to me at first but i really feel a difference since i made conscious effort to practice it everyday, it helps me calm down upcoming panic attack and if i cant sleep" ], "date": [ "2019-06-17T22:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/24-7-air-hunger-due-to-panic-attack-704937?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/firebraingirl-1242813" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "https://www.verywellmind.com/abdominal-breathing-2584115\r\n\r\na bit more indept article that perhaps explains it better than me. do give it a try, it did help me. good luck!" ], "date": [ "2019-06-17T22:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/24-7-air-hunger-due-to-panic-attack-704937?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "the funny thing is i dont feel anxious when i feel like i cant get a full breath\r\n\r\nis there anyone out there that also cant get a full breath of air that has to constantly yawn to catch their breath after suffering an episode of a panic attack in which you were hyperventilating for over an hour and could t catch your breath and ever since that episode you cant truly fully catch your breath or have to yawn or gasp for air\r\n\r\nwhat have you done to overcome this situation because i dont feel anxious at all and my breathing hasnt normalized" ], "date": [ "2019-06-19T13:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/24-7-air-hunger-due-to-panic-attack-704937?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne51754-1326354" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cantbreath2254-1177504" ], "content": [ "bloody hell how are you now x" ], "date": [ "2020-09-23T08:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i feel this 24/7 for 1.5 years gasping every 30 seconds made worse by food and movement im bed ridden from it and cant eork exercise and struggle to bath" ], "date": [ "2019-06-27T00:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/24-7-air-hunger-due-to-panic-attack-704937?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica5719-1445498" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amandarozew-1448162" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica5719-1445498" ], "content": [ "Hi Jessica! How are you coping with this... I am 19 years old and suffer from GAD... and this breathing thing started about 8 months ago... I can not get it to go away and my doctors keep blaming anxiety.." ], "date": [ "2022-11-28T03:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi! i have this as well. ive had this for 2 years still not sure what causes it. doctors say its anxiety because of all the tests ive had cleared. its hard to live everyday life like this. i get it about every 5 minutes. feel like i need to take deep breathe then when i cant i freak out and start yawning and sighing to try to get it to go through but it doesnt work sometimes so i do it several times before i can get it through and it makes me so light headed and makes my vision weird and also i feel as if nothings real because it gets so bad " ], "date": [ "2022-11-01T10:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/24-7-air-hunger-due-to-panic-attack-704937?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amandarozew-1448162" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/george23939-1249849" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello!! Have you been able to figure out what this is? I am only 19 and have been suffering from this for months. Everyday I feel like I am suffocating myself and do not know what to do. If you have found any solutions in the last three years please let me know.. " ], "date": [ "2022-11-28T03:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/24-7-air-hunger-due-to-panic-attack-704937?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
24/7 air hunger due to panic attack
i have read recently on the forum that people have struggled with symptoms of air hunger that has resulted in years without success. after suffering a panic attack in which i was excessively hyperventilating for a little more than an hour and couldnt catch my breath at all i have had shortness of breath for over 4 weeks i have to constantly yawn and gasp for air to catch my breath and have yet to fully control my breathing i would like to make this thread for those who have overcame a similar issues myself and those are experiencing what are some tips or strategies that you can share for us
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "have you ever mentioned this to your doctor? It’s good to get a complete physical check up at least once a year. There’s a good chance that it’s due to anxiety and stress. But if it continues just talk to your doctor about it. sometimes people have vitamin or mineral deficiencies, etc.\r\nmake sure you are drinking enough water to stay hydrated because dehydration can cause headaches and head pressure. Take care\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-11-27T01:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pressure-793449?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas36661-1396647" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "check your blood pressure when it's bad. Anxiety can cause it to go way up." ], "date": [ "2022-11-28T03:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-pressure-793449?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Head pressure
Does anyone experience head pressure on top of head from anxiety or any other reason I have it everyday then sometimes so bad feels like head could explode. just looking for suggestions ty it gets so bad where I can't stand it. ty for any input. God bless
Unending anxiety
So I'm reading through the forum and the variety of peoples experiences and wanted to ask a question if anyone can relate to my situation. I have complex ptsd and my anxiety is constant. It is just there like breathing or heartbeat, a part of me no matter what I do or where I go, even when I sleep. And this has lasted for 15 years and is ongoing, a chronic uninterrupted ceaseless attack on my solar plexus where I feel pain when anxiety comes up. This of course is degenerating my brain neurons and I believe I am developing dementia in my 34 years of age. I'm honestly pretty bitter and frustrated that in all my life i haven't found anyone that could identify with this. My anxiety isn't conscious, I don't even know what I am afraid of. I don't think about it, its just in the back of my mind like a automatic biochemical process. Some kind of terror happens and overwhelms me and I feel pain in the solar plexus. My life story is pretty unique and I have had a very specific set of circumstances that evoked this phenomenon. Namely I was born disabled with my arms and legs contracted like a fetus and had to endure a 12-year painful exercise program with my parents. It was a routine we did every day which we all thought would be for my ultimate well being and I am now functional with my body. I can walk and run and swim, my arms are bent half way, we couldn't stretch them completely as it was extremely difficult and arduous. Unfortunately, nobody at that time considered the mental disorders that could happen because of those physical therapies that obviously deeply traumatized me. I will never understand how they managed to straighten my legs in one year and took another 12 to do my arms half way. Something is fishy there. The cognitive decline symptoms are affecting mostly my verbal skills for now and it’s getting worse each day. I find it more and more difficult to communicate with people and am generally much less intelligent than I used to be. Regards
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-165223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hanky-381102" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-165223" ], "content": [ "spot on Sarah, exactly what my wife says to me, " ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T14:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-165223" ], "content": [ "You are right Sarah and i often tell myself all the things you just have. Its just so much easier said than done. As i said to Hanky below, i know what the questions do and i know they cause arguments and push people away which would hurt a hell of a lot less than losing my partner, yet it still doesnt stop me or help me gain control. He definitly wouldnt have put up with his previous partners asking all of these questions and i know for a fact i mean a lot more to him than anyone has in the past, but for some reason i still worry abou literally everything. It can even be something like \"has he ever been to a waterpark with them\" or \"did he like her at the begginngin as much as he liked me\"... omg its really stupid, and i know it is. I just cant help it. no matter how hard i try.xxx\r\n " ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T15:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hanky-381102" ], "content": [ "Easier said than done tho eh!! :/ :(" ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T15:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hanky-381102" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "content": [ "wife number 3 im with now, she took me on with 8 children and like you said my previous wives wouldnt of stayed with me either, i have always cheated on my ex's but the one im with now has turned my life around and what i have put her through i cannot belive she is still here :) like you said sounds stupid hmmmmmmmm  keep thinking that way then you will believe it ( easier said than done ) :-/  hubby is there cos he lovvvvvvvvves YOU  just like my wife is." ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T16:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi :) dont worry there are people out there that do have the same problem ... i have questions i would love to ask my husband but im afraid to speak ... i will keep it bottled up to a point where i just randomly start an argument about previous women or even women he works with ... we shouldnt worry about the previous as we are in their future but we cant help it ... you just have to think if they was that good in bed or better looking then you then what the hell is he here for ,,, wouldnt he be with those other women ? ... my husband has had 3 relationships im the 3rd but he has slept with alot of women i myself have had one previous relationship so i kinda worry im not doing stuff right but ... he married me and not those other women :) and thats all you got to think if he wanted them or they was better he wouldnt even be putting up with all the questions he would just go. xx" ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T14:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hanky-381102" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hanky-381102" ], "content": [ "Hi Hanky. The reason im so deperate now is because all the way through our relationship my partner has told me he would stick by me no matter what. But now, his toelrance has decreased and hes said he doesnt know right now if hed be able to stay with me forever if my questions dont dramatically reduce and maybe even stop altogether., I am so scared that i will always be like this and lose everyone i love. So i feel exactly the same, i am pushing him away. :( ... I found CBT worked a little for me. Tought me the ways of dealing with it and holding them back for longer each time, but i didnt and still dont have the control to be able to do it for long. I cant go a day without asking, even though the consequences of asking (pushing him away, causing arguments) are far worse than what i get from asking the questions. Id much rather never ask and keep my partner forever, yet something stops that from happenning." ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T14:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hanky-381102" ], "content": [ "Another thing Hanky..... How do you feel when the question first comes into your head? is it like an overwhelming sicky feeling, kind of making you all hot and bothered until you ask when you feel relief? Have you found any way of helping you hold back from asking? x\r\n " ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T15:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hanky-381102" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "content": [ "its blimmin hard but when i ask questions she always reassueres me but even then it doesnt sink in arrrrrrgh, i kept it bottle up for a day then the questions were worse than ever, of a night i think of things to say especially before she goes to bed and then wow i cannot sleep, but today i thought loads and kept telling them to get lost there true and im trying hard to believe this, be strong niccik :) message me anytime" ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T16:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Niccik,  omg I ask questions to my wife too, I started CBT week or so ago and they tell you about thoughts and how they work etc ( helpful ) all the questions I ask I feel as though I'm pushing her away so your not alone" ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T14:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/boing333-380537" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/boing333-380537" ], "content": [ "Hi.\r\nI arent convinced its OCD either, thats just my way of explaining it i guess. I do relate to alot of the OCD symptoms. But thats the thing, i dont know whats wrong so im unsure of the help i need. \r\n\r\nI have never looked into personality disorders or queried whether it could be that. I definitly will be now. neither have i received DBT although i have heard of it. I will research it :) thankyou.\r\n\r\nAlso, i know for a fact it is not because deep down i want to push them away because I love my partner more than life, i would never leave him and couldnt bare the thought of not being with him. I dont even know what really triggers the questions and the initial thoughts to trigger the questions. they just kind of 'appear' in my mind and wont it rest until i know the answer. I do know however, that sometimes certain things can trigger questions such as something on TV. For example, if a couple on TV are showing each other affection, i will ask my partner if he has been like that in the past with someone. Or if we go out for the day say to a theme park i will need to know if he has done the same with a previous girlfriend. I ask about EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING :( .... It hurts like hell....x" ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T15:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Not entirely convinced you are expericing symptoms of OCD - more related to self-esteem than anything; possibly related to some kind of personality disorder.\r\n\r\nAnalysing it more would say to me, you're creating a self-fulfiling prophecy in the sense that asking him the questions creates distance, not getting answers creates a distance, constant reassurance creates a distance, and you lose your partner through doing it, and maybe deep down that's what you want, but conflict arises and creates anxiety because you DON'T want that either.\r\n\r\nWhy do you do it? Well, CBT will not provide an answer to that. Counselling might in the sense that it could help you unlock the secrets of your life before you started to do this as habit in relationships; it's almost like your shield; your defensive mechanism when confronted with the thought that somebody is getting close to you.\r\n\r\nA lot of the questions you are asking (that you give as examples) reveal a lot about a person and in turn a more curious mind would ask you, \"why do you ask?\" and that creates the situation where you are left explaining why you answer by discussing your flaws, and through doing that you gain some sense of power - it's like, that person can see my vulnerabilities and will take more care of me; a form of empowerment, or manipulation.\r\n\r\nHave you ever researched personality disorders or queried whether or not you have one? Have you ever received DBT (or Dialectical Behavioural Therapy)?" ], "date": [ "2014-08-07T15:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saltlife1117-380194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saltlife1117-380194" ], "content": [ "Hi Satlife1117. Thanks for responding :) ....\r\n\r\nI cannot for the life of me get to the bottom of why i do this. I dont really have any confidence or self esteem issues that i am aware of. I am pretty happy with myself and dont find much to complain about. I have my bad days where i feel a bit crap about myself but then who doesnt. THats why i am so puzzled about how i am. I think if i knew i would feel a lot better and be able to deal with it a lot better too.\r\n\r\nYou are right, he must love me or he definitly wouldnt have put up with me for 2 years. I am never like this until feelings for my parter develop. \r\n\r\nMy childhood was pretty much ok. I did witness my dad being violent with my mum regularly and they divorced when i was 15 but they are best of friends now and that didnt take long. I don't know if wether what happenned with my parents made me this way?!... I would love to get to the bottom of it.\r\n\r\nPushing him away is what i am more scared of, and because im worrying about doing that i seem to be making myself worse as im constantly thinking about not doing it. Vicious circle :/ ...\r\n\r\nWould you recommend counselling? I havent really thought about trying it as i dont feel i have anything that bothers me to talk through, but like i say i would love to get to the bottom of why i'm like this.\r\n\r\nagain thanks for responding and your kind words :)\r\n\r\nxx" ], "date": [ "2014-08-11T08:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Good morning peeps ok mso I have been reading the questions and responses and I would love to put my 2 cents into this conversation.\r\nQuestion? what is it about yourself that you don't Love? And What is it about yourself that you do Love?\r\nReason I ask.. Most women and men have an underlying root to why they ask the questions to their partners when it relates to other partners VS them. We are all curious about how we compare to our partners past relationships mainly because we try early to be the best we can be for the other person. I know I'm a question asker like you but I learned years ago that if that person wants to be with someone else they never deserved you in the first place. We also deal with identity crisis. Most people find thier identity in the person they are with when in truth you have to be ok with you first and then bring your strength to the relationship not the other way around. Obviously this guy adores you and wants to be with you or he wouldn't be BOTTOM LINE :) you sound like an amzing person with so much to offer if you would just believe that in yourself.\r\nI am a life coach and council women all the time who deal with this sweetie and your fine. I will tell you this as some advice BE CAREFUL not to run him off. All those feelings of insecurity will drive him from you. Most men want a strong women who believes in herself. Put the ball abck in your court and show him how self confident you really are and all those worries will vanish in an instance I PROMISE.." ], "date": [ "2014-08-10T13:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/princessx-381800" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/princessx-381800" ], "content": [ "Hi Princessx. Why is life so hard eh??... I am going to try CBT Hypnotherapy. It costs but hopefully will be well worth it. \r\nThe only thing i would say with CBT is that make sure you have a therapist you click with. I found that because we didnt really click and i felt a bit uncomfortable talking with her, i didnt get the most out of the seesions that i could have. I am going to see if i can  get back on the waiting list. I waited 6 years for it the first time though :/... Fingers crossed.\r\n\r\nIts a nightmare isnt it, the questionning. Do you feel how i described when something comes into your head? \r\n\r\nYou say you think you are how you are because of the lack of love and affection when you were a child, im sorry to hear that. I dont have a clue what it is with me because i was always a happy child. The only thing i can think may have affected me was my dad being very agressive towards my mum. I witnessed it a lot. But i cant seem to think why that would make me how i am now. I would love to get to the bottom of it. I think that would make me feel a lot better too. I may seek some councelling as well to see if this helps. \r\n\r\nLet me know how your CBT goes. I have some online work books that my therapist gave me, i can send you a link to them later if you like. they are really useful, although your therapist may give you them too.\r\n\r\nWhat types of questions do you ask if you dont mind me asking?...\r\n\r\nGood luck with CBT. And come talk to me whenever. We can motivate each other and teach each other new ways of thinking :) ... I struggle to find people who relate to me as what i do seems to be quite rare, so im pleased there are people out there who have similar problems.\r\n\r\nxxx" ], "date": [ "2014-08-11T07:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am exactly the same but I think its more to do with self esteem than anything else. I was abandoned by my mum and never received the love I wanted growing up so it made it difficult to believe someone could like or love me.\r\n\r\nI think the best thing to try would be try more CBT as it helps change the way you think. I have my assessment on Tuesday and I'm hoping it will help.\r\n\r\nI drive myself insane with all the questioning. I never care at the start of the relationship its when I start to develop feelings. I figure im just deeply insecure :(\r\n\r\nHe must love you if he's with you and its great that he understands you xx" ], "date": [ "2014-08-11T00:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/saltlife1117-380194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/saltlife1117-380194" ], "content": [ "Thankyou :) i will try that. At the moment what i do it put all my thoughts into an imaginary box. I tie up the box and decorate it too if i need. That tends to take the heat out of the fire. I just want to be normal and this to stop runing and ruling my life. I have lost so many people because of it :(. I will try your way. Thanks again." ], "date": [ "2014-08-11T13:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sorry I didn't respond sooner I'm in the united states so our time zones are different.\r\nUmm seriously with you wittnessing a divorce with your parents at such a young age would have everything to do with this. If you felt at all that the divorce was your fault or that you heard things from either of them in reference to not being good enough, this will embed in your mind and it keeps playing like an old record.\r\nYou very well do feel good about yourself and thats great! But our subconscious\r\nis a POWERFUL thing. You may think your ok and may act ok but your words say your not ok with yourself. I am all about speaking positive words. By speaking them outloud you can't let the mind go into deep thought. Tell yourself OUTLOUD I'm all He needs. You will beging to reprogram your mind by doing so even if it takes saying it to yourself several times a day. Counciling wouldn't be a bad idea but I think if you start doing what I said you will see a change. Hope this helps " ], "date": [ "2014-08-11T12:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/keepgoing-382149" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/keepgoing-382149" ], "content": [ "Thanks for your reply :) i have been trying to engage in mindfullness also, i just dont seem t be strong enough to keep it going and even start most of the time. The thoughts take over everything.. I will definitly try though and i think i will seek couselling. Even if it doesnt help me improve, hopefully i might find out why im like this which i think will be a massive stepping stone for me and motivation...xx" ], "date": [ "2014-08-11T14:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Nicci.  It looks like there's lots of great advice on this page.  I definitely think that some form of councelling or therapy would be good.  It gives you the chance to talk through all your worries with someone who can help and who should have some ideas about what to do to start improving things.  CBT sounds great for you and I don't know if would help but you could also look at Mindfulness.  That teaches you to bring your thoughts back to the moment you're in rather than worrying about the past or future.  It also teaches you how to watch your thoughts drift past without engaging with them. Either way, at least you know that your questionning is an issue and it sounds like you've already done well to find CBT and medication.  Just keep on trying other things until you find what works for you." ], "date": [ "2014-08-11T14:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nick77372-437569" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nick77372-437569" ], "content": [ "Yep its horrible. I came to the conclusion that i have kiw self esteem. Subconsciously though as i have always been confident, outgoing, happy with myself etc. I never thought i may be lacking self esteem but it makes sense as i am always having to compare my self to other to make sure im better or at least just as good in a hell of a lot of aspects. I think subconsciously i feel inferior to others and this is why i have to ask to make sure and reassure myself that my subconscious lack of self esteem is in fact wrong.xxx" ], "date": [ "2014-10-23T15:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Sorry that should say 'low' self esteem...xxx\r\n " ], "date": [ "2014-10-23T15:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have similar to that always asking if she loves meworried all time what she thinks i think she's better off without me jealose till makes me sick even from nothing a lot more I worry where she is has she met or will she no matter how many times she says we OK alls good I worry strange" ], "date": [ "2014-10-23T14:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrs-_brooks-933575" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am glad niccik that I found this website. It helps me understand my past behaviors and teaches me that I am not by myself." ], "date": [ "2016-04-07T05:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elsieh-1006363" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elsieh-1006363" ], "content": [ "Thankyou. I will :)" ], "date": [ "2018-07-03T07:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Niccik try living waters uk. They have a taster day in February 2017. Which I went to in 2016 and found very very helpful and healing so I followed it up with their 2 months/once a week course. It goes deep down and back to your earliest moments of life and before." ], "date": [ "2017-01-01T10:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dtalamas-1010718" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dtalamas-1010718" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Dtalamas.</p><p></p><p>I cant believe how alike we are. I ask all of that too. The experience with me has to be better than in the past or my mind will go into overdrive. Its so strange.. And once i ask one thing, it will lead to more. I too ask the same things in different ways as i&#39;m scared he hasn&#39;t understood properly what i&#39;m asking. I think its so that i know i have a valid answer. Things havent got any better. Have they for you?&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-03T07:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Niccik! I have been recently started to look about this, I have the same problem and every question I have goes from being general to detail. Not only about boyfriends she had but also about how was she acting if she flirted with someone on the past for example: have you ever done this to flirt with a guy!, did you do this in bed like we did. Most of them are related with her having an experience like the one she had or have with me or another experience we might did not have. Also things like with whom you kissed not not being your boyfriend or just for one nights and things like that! And when she replies I asked to swear and 3 times the same question in a different way just to see if she misunderstood. Agree with the group!!! " ], "date": [ "2017-01-14T12:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela83218-1080544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela83218-1080544" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi angela.</p><p></p><p>Nothing has got better in the last 4 years. Worse probably. Im with someone new but the questioning is still there to haunt me. Nothing else has changed. I have had more CBT. Didn&#39;t work. I have been referred to a different mental health team who should be ringing me this week. Hopefully.</p><p>How are things with you?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-03T07:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nina92074-1447988" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela83218-1080544" ], "content": [ "i have exactly the same thing, it is so terrifying . \r\nhow are you now?\r\n did something help for you?\r\n i would love to get in contact" ], "date": [ "2022-11-25T22:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Ok this sounds like me. All lol me that its terrifying. I thought I was literally the only person walking this planet with this problem. I see this was posted years ago. Has it gotten better. I need help and avice as well. It ruins all my relationships" ], "date": [ "2017-09-01T03:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul45946-1140889" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paul45946-1140889" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Paul.</p><p></p><p>Yes :( nothing has changed. I may even be worse than i was 4 years ago. I am with a new partner and my questions have been the same with him. Following exactly the same patterns.. I just don&#39;t know what to do or think anymore..&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-03T07:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello niccik is it still continuing ?" ], "date": [ "2018-01-17T04:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rose30442-1144627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rose30442-1144627" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Rose.</p><p></p><p>Are things still the same for you? Sorry its taken me a while to reply. I forgot i had this post if i&#39;m honest.&#160;</p><p>Things are still the same for me, if not worse. I&#39;m in a new relationship but the obsessive questioning is here to haunt me again..</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-03T07:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Niccik, it was good to see your post, &#160;even I have same kind of questioning habit with my hubby. And also for any silly things if someone talks something I need them to explain me till I understand it fully. &#160;I wonder y this happens, &#160;is it due to hypothyroidism or is it hereditary from genes or does it comes by practice. &#160;As some of them replied to your mail, I too feel hot. And I feel very much disturbed and not interested in other things till I know the answer and after knowing the answer I become calm. Later some or the other issue comes to me for asking questions and it really haunting me. &#160;I tried few medicines but it had side-effects. &#160;Even counselling didn&#39;t help much. &#160;I want to know y does this happen and how to get rid of this and lead and normal happy life. Pls any one help me know the cause.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-28T04:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone. Sorry i have been away for a while.&#160;</p><p>Those asking if things are still the same... Unfortunately yes :( .. Is anyone in the same boat?</p><p>I think i am worse than i was 4 years ago.&#160;</p><p>Iv been referred to 2 mental health teams. One has now discharged me as more CBT didn&#39;t work. I&#39;m due to have a consultation with the other team.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-03T07:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/clarem89-1192783" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nina92074-1447988" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/clarem89-1192783" ], "content": [ "i have exactly the same thing. how are you now?\r\ni have tried a lot of therapy but it doesnt work for me. now i just started antidepressants and i hope it will help a bit.\r\ni would like to know if you still have this problem and what did help for you.\r\nim kinda glad there is someone with the same problem, i thought i was the only one..\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-11-25T22:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Niccik,</p><p>I just want to say I have been struggling with this EXACT same problem for the last 10 years... and have driven away 3 boyfriends and now a fiance because of it. It is awful and I know the pain you&#39;re going through. It&#39;s a relationship killer but it&#39;s like an addiction - where you feel you need to ask these questions about their past girlfriends to get your &quot;fix&quot; and to soothe yourself and your mind. It&#39;s very difficult. The questions pop up randomly or when you are triggered by something you see on tv like you mentioned or in public, or even about mundane activities that they did, needing to know if he had more fun with her doing the same activity he&#39;s doing with you, like you mentioned going to a theme park. The shock of being deserted by my fiance because he couldn&#39;t take my questioning anymore sent me into therapy a few months ago and she says it&#39;s both OCD (obsessed with their past and the questioning is the compulsion to soothe your obsession) and low self-esteem. All I can say at this point to help you and others on this forum is that I&#39;m hoping and praying to get this confusing problem fixed so that I&#39;m not forever alone and driving guys away from me after being with them for at least a year each... I have tried in the past to talk to friends, family, and 2 other therapists about this, to try and resolve the issue, and, as I&#39;m sure you&#39;re also tired of hearing, they all say &quot;but why do you worry about the past? he&#39;s with YOU now&quot;. Not helpful. So I encourage you to see a therapist and if they are not understanding, try again with a different therapist who will work with you to get to the bottom of it because I refuse to believe we cannot get help with this.</p><p>-Clare</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-03T22:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fullon-1228854" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ar333-1274243" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fullon-1228854" ], "content": [ "Hi Fullon, \r\n\r\nI am having the same issue. i thought it was him just being nosey at first, but he has explained he just can not help it, I am so desperate to help him/us but i dont know how. Have you managed anything yet? " ], "date": [ "2019-10-24T09:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello, I'm here because my boyfriend has the exact problem like you, he's questioning all the time, all kind of questions (about previous relationships, things during our relationship that he has doubts, things that aren't important at all like for example which market I visited today). Until last night, I thought he was just curious about everything, but last night I found out that this is actually a huge problem and some kind of OCD. I was always upset when he was questioning me all kind of things few times and I feel like I don't have energy to answer those questions anymore. Now that I know that this is a problem I want to help him and I don't know how. It's even worse now when I read these things, because I see things didn't change for years in your case. Wish you all the best and hope things are going to be better in the next period. " ], "date": [ "2019-01-28T21:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nina92074-1447988" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/niccik-381907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have exactly the same thing. how are you now? \r\n\r\ni have tried a lot of therapy but it doesnt work for me. now i just started antidepressants and i hope it will help a bit. \r\n\r\ni would like to know if you still have this problem and what did help for you.\r\n\r\nim kinda glad there is someone with the same problem, i thought i was the only one.." ], "date": [ "2022-11-25T22:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/obsessive-compulsive-questionning-and-cbt-can-anyone-relate--272251?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
Obsessive Compulsive Questionning - and CBT - Can anyone relate???
I am desperately trying to find people who can relate to my problem. It is so hard and I am beginning to feel I may be alone with this. I have found a few blogs where people are experiencing very similar issues but still very different at the same time. Let me tell you a little about my problem. It is so hard to explain so please bear with me. Basically to cut a long story short before I go into more detail, I ask my partner a million questions a day. The types of questions vary but are often along the same lines and are mostly to do with how he feels about me and how he has felt about people in previous relationships. Most of the time the questions I ask are very personal and I think the majority of other people wouldn’t dare.  I have listed some examples below, some worse and more personal than others. Reading them you may think “my god she’s a nutter, how does she dare ask him these things” but the thing is, I don’t know. I get this overwhelming feeling when a thought/question comes to mind and just NEED to know. I feel hot, sick, sweaty and panicky as soon as I think of the question. I don’t know where they come from or why, all I know is that it takes over my life and ruins all the relationships I have ever had L … -          Were you more affectionate with her -          Is she better in bed than me (I always ask for more detail, but I won’t specify on here) -          Have you ever kissed other people the way you kiss me -          Have you done that before with other people -          Do you still love me -          Were her boobs better than mine (mine are tiny) -          Are mine better out of a bra, if hers are better in the bra (more cleavage) The list goes on and on and on. If you asked me any question now, I will have most likely asked my partner it a million times. The thing is, it’s not just the amount and type of questions I ask, it’s the way I ask them as well. I will have the answer (whether it’s one I wanted or not) yet I will still have to ask again. I will have to gain even more reassurance by asking him to swear on my life and promise with ‘no crosses included’. Yes I know this is ridiculous but I don’t feel satisfied with the answer if I don’t do this, and just worry that he may be lying to me to make me feel better with the answer. I still need this reassurance even now when he gives me it each time, and I have never caught him lying. It takes a lot to get something out of my head, and most of the time a few weeks/months later I will ask the same things again to see if he was telling the truth to begin with or if I have forgotten the answer he has already given me. At the very beginning of our relationship, I would never ask anything, and I wouldn’t really feel the need to. It’s only when I become more comfortable with my partner that the questioning and worry begins and gradually gets worse and worse until there is just no stopping it. There was one time, when for a few weeks I was asking things from the minute we woke up to the minute we went to sleep the same night. Then it would happen the next day etc etc… Even when we left each other to go to work I would be asking via text and staring at my phone until I had the reply. Or I would ask via email or even ring him. There were numerous occasions where I would call him when I got out of bed to ask him the questions that first came to mind that morning (he starts work before me). I would call him at lunch to ask more, and I would call him on the way home from work to ask even more. Then it would carry on until we went to sleep. As you can imagine it caused a lot of arguments between us at this point, and we nearly broke up. Luckily my partner is very understanding and caring and most of the time he is there for me however hard it is to cope with. Just lately though his tolerance has started to decrease and he can’t cope with even little questions as much as he could before. I am so scared and worried that he will leave me if I don’t stop the questioning altogether. I don’t even know why I NEED to know these things as much as I do. if I am asking questions about how much better at a certain thing or how much better I am in a certain way than other people he has been with then I know I am asking because I desperately want to make sure I’m better. I don’t even know why this is important to me, because none of what I ask is important to him. It only ever happens between me and partners; I never feel the need to ask questions with anyone else such as friends or family. I have read blogs where people are explaining their OCD with questions and they tend to ask a lot of questions that don’t have meaning. For example, they would ask why they have watched that TV programme, what happened on it, what time it was on, how long it was on for, what channel it was on etc. And they feel the need to do this just as much as I do with my more meaningful questions. They say they cannot control it, just like I can’t. It kind of feels like there is someone burrowing in my brain coming out at random times forcing me to have intrusive thoughts which I then need to ask a question about. This burrowing person is making me feel sick and sweaty when the thought first pops in, and I feel relief after asking the question. Then it comes back again with something different. I will usually ask approximately 3 questions about the same thing to gain even more clarification. When I say my questions are meaningful, what I mean is that I ask because I believe the answer means something to me, for example if my partner has done something with his previous girlfriend as well as myself, it may mean he had as much fun with her, or was as close to her as me. Stupid eh? And I know it is, yet I still can’t change, no matter what I do. I have attended 9 sessions of high intensity CBT therapy, however it hasn’t helped all that much. I feel I have slightly more control over it than I did a few months ago when the questioning was nonstop, but it’s still daily. It’s still more than once per day too and I can’t remember the last time I went a full day without asking him something. I am also on a 40mg dose of Citalopram (antidepressants) which does work. When I have missed a few I can most definitely tell. My questions become more frequent and I find it a lot harder to control it or cope with the feelings. I have also been thinking about requesting an even higher dose as I have become so desperate to sort myself out. I have even enquired about CBT hypnotherapy. I am willing to try EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. Can anyone at all relate to this? Like I previously stated, I cannot seem to find anyone going through the same problem. If there is anybody out there that feels the same way and is struggling as much as me, please get in touch. We should create a group where we can all help each other through this, and motivate one another to become more stable and secure. I know I could really do with chatting to someone who really understands and doesn’t just think they do. No one I tell seems to really know what I mean. I think it’s one of those things that if you haven’t personally experienced it you don’t fully understand just how hard it is to cope with and how bad it makes you feel. I would love to be able to talk to someone in the same position and help each other as much as possible. Thanks for listening J and I hope to find someone out there soon who can relate ….. Nicci XxX
Sleeping medication
so I have anxiety and depression and I'm not sleeping only 4 hours what sleeping medication is their that dose not cause depression I have read they do that I just want to have a full night sleep.
Day 26 of Sertraline.
First time on any antidepressants but about a month or so ago I had a couple of panic attacks and the anxiety ended up sticking around after, couldnt shift it like i usually could. Doctor put me on 50mg sertraline, first 2-3 weeks were rough with side effects and what i think was increased anxiety, although i had some good days in those first few weeks. From the week 3 mark id say ive felt slight improvements each day and for the last week id go as far as saying i felt good, not 100%, but a hell of a lot better than i had been, but today ive been feeling pretty anxious, feels like a complete backwards step. I have been ill over the last few days think ive ended up with food poisoning as had the usual food poisoning symptoms so could be that thats also had a negative effect on my anxiety but its so frustrating when you think youre over that bridge and then bam here it is. Any words of encouragement or similar stories from people who have experienced similar would be fantastic as i really need some reassurance that everythings going to be okay, its been a hellish month or so, ive went from being so outgoing to hardly leaving the house. thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheryl20077-1012552" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "anyone please ?🙏❤" ], "date": [ "2022-11-14T16:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/switching-from-20mg-escitalpram-to-sertraline-help-please--792864?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cheryl20077-1012552" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "really sorry you are struggling so much. I know what it’s like to switch medication‘s and it’s so frustrating because you just want one of them to work. \r\njust stay on the medication and give it a chance. What works for one person may not work for another person so everybody reacts differently to them. do whats best for you. The medication for some people will reduce the anxiety but not 100%. Others may have better luck. \r\ndo you have a therapist that you can talk to? that would be very helpful. You shouldn’t have to suffer alone. therapist can give you ideas on how to manage the anxiety A little better.\r\nit’s really important to try and relax your mind as much as you can. Have you ever listen to joanne soft whispers on YouTube? She has the most soothing voice and you feel like she is in the same room. I always fall asleep at night listening to her. Very comforting and very soothing!\r\nhang in there. Try not to overthink anything because that makes anxiety worse. I know how you feel I’ve had anxiety for a very long time. Feel free to private message me anytime! ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-11-14T18:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/switching-from-20mg-escitalpram-to-sertraline-help-please--792864?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/geoffrey95378-1447587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cheryl20077-1012552" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "so sorry you're struggling Im on 20 mg of escitalipram for 12 years now .\r\nmy symptoms now are probably similar to yours I have at least 20 symptoms. \r\nI even find it hard to do normal every day chores I even shake when I'm cooking \r\nfeel extremely spaced out .\r\nracing heart feel unwell weak and heavy legs I'm at my whits end .\r\nI can only hope God will help us all the best Geoff.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-11-21T19:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/switching-from-20mg-escitalpram-to-sertraline-help-please--792864?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheryl20077-1012552" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello thank you for reply are you on any medication for your anxiety ? x" ], "date": [ "2022-11-22T10:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/switching-from-20mg-escitalpram-to-sertraline-help-please--792864?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Switching from 20mg escitalpram to sertraline help please 🙏
hello all hope your all okay. I was on citalopram for 11 years before it started to loose its effects so dome me so good over the years now so I tryed 20mg escitalopram been on that for 12 or 13 weeks now and I'm still really struggling 😪 so now I'm switching to sertraline to see if that helps me recover again. has anyone gone from escitalopram to sertraline and felt like themselves again and could get on with their lives being happy and content. I'm praying to God that the sertraline will work for me I've been struggling for a year now 😭 thank you for any answers. I'm really scared I'm going to be like this forever. I have really bad anxiety with depression because of my anxiety 😔
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anne43640-1447642" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there, I doesn't seem like anything serious or ER related. Just monitor yourself for the next few days. If you have trouble swallowing or pain when doing so than maybe a visit to the doctor's my bit worth it. I hope you are feeling better by now, " ], "date": [ "2022-11-22T08:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-m-freaking-out-right-now-is-this-something-serious--793303?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I'm freaking out right now. Is this something serious?
Today I just ate a warm pop tart and I chewed it about 20 times before my throat made me automatically swallow a piece I was eating, I started panicking because I'm worried if it might be dislodged in my throat now since I'm not sure if I chewed it all the way, when I went to spit the rest out of the sink, it was already very liquid the food I chewed on and not sure if that also means I have chewed it really well and my body decided to make me swallow it? I'm freaking out though, since I'm not sure if I should go to the ER or not, I drinked water though shortly and I didn't choke or cough on it. I do have anxiety and GERD. Does my case sound like an emergency?
Escitalopram (Lexarpo) 10mg I don't know what is going on anymore
Hello, I suffered from depression and anxiety two years ago because I thought I was dying of cancer, turned out to be just long Covid. I've lost a lot of weight recently, everyone tells me due to stress, and about 4 weeks ago, I started to have panic attacks, thinking again that I had cancer. I may add the my folks died of this disease, and I'm terryfied of going down the same way. I went to the doctor asked for blood work that did no turn out greatm, but she was not concerned, and she told me it was most likely anxiety, so she got me on Escitalopram 3mg for the first 3 weeks. I had a massive panick attack that landed me in the psiquiatric ward at the hospital, and the psychiatrist on call got me on 10mg of Escitalopram (that was 2 weeks ago) and Tranxilium 5-0-5mg. I don't know if this is normal or not, but I wake up very early in the morning unable to go back to sleep. I'm terryfied of the day ahead. I usually find myself short of breath, teary eyed and irriatble, with digestive issues like heartburn and the sensasion of being hungry all the time but food disgusts me. Is this normal? Am I going nuts? Or, just like my poor mother am I dying of cancer, and no one is taking me seriously? If anyone has any insight onto what might be happening to me I would greatly appreciate it!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morgan78329-1342938" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "so i thought i was having a some crazy health issues the past couple of months... and i think it could be this. i was on zyrpexa for a year and off it a couple months then on it for another year. i was also on celexa. i have also been on ativan since 12. i have been on on 19 medications and have experienced many side effects or all and i had enough. i stopped all cold turkey at the beginning of covid and i also had mono at the beginning of covid which didnt help. i lost 30 pounds, couldnt sleep, still cant, have ibs symptoms, uti and bladdder issues, pains, headaches, appetite loss and ive had so many tests done and im healthy... ive been off the drugs about 8 months... i was having hallucinations which i never had, i was sleeping with the lights on.. i didnt know what was happening and everyone thought i was crazy even though i completely stopped selfharming and ive veen 8 months clean i have stopped abusing other drugs... im having heart palpatations which i never have had and anxiety attacks for no reason.. , also ive been itching, having chills and sweating issues and nothings wrong with me:/ i felt like i was dying and i didnt know why and hearing that people make this out alive makes me feel better. .. i am 8 months off olanzapine, ativan and celexa and damn i feel more clear but the withdrawls are absolutely hell... and tbh im angry at the mental health system right now because i didnt know this. how long will this last?? the doctors say im healthy:(" ], "date": [ "2020-11-18T09:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bronwyn43244-1447375" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am still going through withdrawals 6 months later after stopping cold turkey from 6mg a day. how much longer?" ], "date": [ "2022-11-21T11:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette I&#39;m 16 months off olanzapine. It&#39;s been a tough road and still is but think I&#39;m slowly getting there. I have real problems coping with emotions now. I said to my mum it feels like my brain was numbed for 10 yrs and I forgot how to feel emotionally. I basically cry at everything and feel pain deep inside. I&#39;ve gone from someone who was the life and soul of the party to someone who hardly goes out( I have more pjs then clothes lol) have lost many friends but have my great family. Sometimes I think about going back on them but to tough to withdrawal again. These drugs are awful wish I read small print. Good luck to u ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-04T20:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "Sorry to hear your problems with olanzapine  withdrawal  I have had my medication reduced which I had been on for 11 years  5mg olanzapine   I am now in hospital having a total breakdown  I am suffering from dreadful panic attacks    Since taking this drug I have had a stroke  urine retention ( I have to cathetize ) and loss of mobility ((all down to Olanzapine)   I  have had a few days out of hospital but will be back tomorrow   I feel dreadful but will not come out of hospital until I am sorted and have come off this drug completely I have been reducing my olanzapine since early last Dcember but feel a nervous wreck  Like you I have been in a catch 2 situation  so sorry I cannot be so positive but feel this drug has ruined my life best wishes from Margaret" ], "date": [ "2018-02-04T20:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "Hi Margaret , im new to this forum but hope u can eventually get your life back to some normality. I to have stopped taking Zyprexa from 15mg for 8yrs an over past 5wks dropped down to 5mg then cold turkey past 10days an are going thru terrible headaches an overall unwellness. Hopefully i can get thru next 2-3wks or as long as it takes.. Best wishes an take care. Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-03-29T18:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd</p><p>Best wishes on your attempt to go off olanzapine. It will be difficult at times, I also went cold turkey not to long ago. Its a battle that people around you don&#39;t understand. Like it was explained to me it is like someone that is used to walk with a cane and the cane gets kick from underneath them all of a sudden. Like them you will also &quot;fall&quot; and will need to learn how to walk again. It will take.time for your body to adjust. My boss noticed something was wrong when I quit and asked for a letter from my doctor with the withdrawal symtoms when I told her I stopped the tablets, so they can help me through/understand the difficult times. I sincerely hope you have a good support structure, because it does help a lot. Feel free to chat whenever you want. Marriette</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-31T15:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette thanks for your reply. Today wil b almost 2wks from going Cold Turkey off Zyprexa.. I find by going to shops takes my mind off the terrible Withdrawals an can also speak to shoppers to also distract from any negative thoughts... would like to know if you or anyone has had times during the day when you seem to be on top of things.. im hoping these better times become more frequent. I&#39;ll keep trying to stay positive an hope theres some light at the end of the tunnel. Best wishes Lloyd</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-31T17:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Loyd</p><p>I realized I couldn&#39;t deal with the olanzapibe withdrawals on my own and got friends, family and my boss involved as a support structure. I told them how I truly felt some days and they really help in different ways. They all take time out to go and read up on the drug and the withdrawals in order to understand what I&#39;m in for. For your question, yes, there are days I feel on top of the world but that can change in a hart beat. From general feeling of being unwell, panic attacks and times where I feel I can not function. I haven&#39;t been off olanzapine for long , i tried before but without success and I too hope that these side effects will become less, but my doctor said they might still get worse, because the drug takes a long time to get out of your system and for your body to adapt. Keep strong. Marriette</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-01T10:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for sharing your story Marriette.&#160; Just thought I&#39;d reply here since I empathize with your pain and panic attacks during withdrawal off olanzapine.&#160; I can confidently say the WD gets better with time..&#160;but it is a day by day thing.&#160; The true improvement mark was seen at 3 months off all psych drugs for me.&#160; Lots of water, supplements, exercise, and a healthy diet is what worked for me.&#160; Once you can figure out how to sleep decently again, you will find a lot of your symptoms will improve.</p><p></p><p>My best to you and yours!&#160; Glad to hear you have a good support group getting involved.&#160; I had the hardest time getting my friends to read up on the withdrawals of zyprexa..&#160; it is so hard to understand unless you are or have gone through it.</p><p></p><p>The positive news is this: it can be done, hard as hell sometimes, but it can be done.&#160; I&#39;m living proof!</p><p></p><p>&quot;I will not die, but I will live and will proclaim of what the Lord has done.&quot; Psalm 118:17</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T18:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>I too felt and sometimes feel that zyprexa&#160;and abilify have ruined my life.&#160; But I will say this, after being several months off these drugs, I feel like i am getting some semblance of my normal life back.&#160; I think the key is to get off ALL the psychiatric drugs and decline suggestions to try different medications to help with other symptoms.&#160; I know psychs and doctors will discourage that strongly saying that it&#39;s dangerous, but honestly for me, it feels like it was worth it.&#160; The psych kept trying to push different pills on me, claiming I was showing signs of bipolar or other mental illness issues, but I paid attention to their demeanor and could read pretty quickly she was trying to keep me hooked on these psych medications.&#160; Few months later (more than 3 months), I am glad I made the decision I did.</p><p></p><p>I truly think the meds created mental problems for me.&#160; For example, I started hearing audible voices and getting severe panic attacks, general anxiety disorder symptoms, and suicidial ideation.&#160; Overall, I knew I was getting worse while being on the medication and not better. I lose my drive, my passion for life, my confidence, my personality, my sleep, my sanity, [b]suicidal[/b] ideation, wanting to throw in the towel, wondering if my life was truly ruined forever, and wondering why God would allow me to go through this. One reason I think is to share my story and hopefully help others out there.&#160; Psych medications are very bad imho and do more hard than good overall is my take on it.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>Watch this video when you have some time, it explains much.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the link(s) directing to site(s) unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T18:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>God speed to your recovery Margaret!&#160; Please don&#39;t give up and hang in there.&#160; It does get better with time. Take it day by day.&#160; I know it&#39;s hard, but please don&#39;t give up. It will get better with time.&#160; Hold on!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T19:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "Proud of you Sarah!  I agree that these drugs are awful and should not be prescribed to anyone who wishes to live a normal life.  But the WD does get better so please hang in there.  Have you tried exercising, eating healthy, and finding something that makes you laugh?  Laughing and sleeping will help you recover a lot I think.  I remember feeling emotionless while I was on the drug and withdrawing from them, but slowly I feel I am getting my emotions back.\r\n\r\nMy very best to you and thank you for sharing your story!" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T19:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "Hi Marriette, hope your doing well? ? Im still struggling to deal with the Withdrawals from Zyprexa but i do get afew hrs a day where i can cope alot better an im hoping these better times will continue to improve over time. Apart from the aches an pains headaches i still suffer from terrible insomnia. My Dr wants me to try Melatonin slow release tablets have you any experience with using Melatonin? ? If so does it take long to work etc ?? Take care best wishes Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-05T15:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd</p><p>I am having a terrible day. I just cant get myself to function. I&#39;ve been edgy the entire day, all I wanted to do is curl up in a ball. Being at work was a nightmare. Melatonin does help, I had months supply from a friend. You can not buy it over the counter anymore. I suffer from severe insomnia and anxiety at the moment and I know if I can just take one olanzapine I will get a good nights sleep. I have a lot of external stressors beside the meds at the moment, and I really don&#39;t know how I&#39;m going to cope. I might be pregnant, but I&#39;m to scared to take the test. It means I have to stop all meds going cold turkey on all of them and I&#39;m scared. I havent told anyone yet. Hope you are doing much better and thank you for all your support thus far. Best wishes. Marriette</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-05T19:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kate. Thank you for your encouraging words, it really means a lot. I had a terrible day today, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. With current events , it has become clear to me that I have to stop all meds, even the ones that help with the withdrawals. I hope.that I&#39;m strong enough to see this through. Thank you for all your support. I&#39;ll keep in touch. Blessings Marriette</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-05T19:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Absolutely Marriette.&#160; I&#39;m a survivor and I can confidently say withdrawing from these drugs ranks among the top of hardest things I&#39;ve ever gone through.&#160; And I have been through a lot.</p><p></p><p>Please keep in touch and feel free to message me anytime with any questions or if you ever just need moral support or have any questions.&#160; Be encouraged that it is possible to recover.&#160; Press on!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-05T20:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, im so sorry to hear your going thru such a rough time. Please try an hang in there i no must be hard an tempting to take any tablets but you&#39;ve gone so far to turn back now. If you are pregnant congratulations. Hang in there an im thinking of you an wish you all the very best. Take care Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-05T23:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "Hi Kate, hope your doing well? ? Im coming up to almost 3wks off Zyprexa an only in last 2days i feel like im turning the corner as i do still have aches an pains sum headaches but overall there slightly lesser intense and i can cope alot better for longer periods of time then i had done. Hopefully this is a sign that i might be on the improve ?? Hope your all well ?? Best wishes Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-06T14:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "Hi Marriette, how are you coping today ?? I do hope your able to get some sleep? ? Insomnia is a terrible condition to go thru. Ive been taking Melatonin slow release tablets for past couple nights with out any success yet but my Dr said might take a few nights to work. Im starting to get some periods during the day when im able to cope more better with the aches an pains an headaches hopefully these wil become more frequent. Best wishes and thinking of you whilst your going thru a rough patch. Take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-06T22:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Keep going Lloyd!&#160; I&#39;ve been off all meds for about 4 months now and it&#39;s much better, not perfect, but much better. The first 3 months for me were hard.&#160; Once you can get your sleep back, you will feel much better also.&#160; I highly recommend to stay away from all psych meds if at all possible.&#160;&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-06T23:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kate, thank you for your reply. Jus one other question i forgot to ask you and that is do you or did you ever suffer from having dizzy spells ?? I get them occasionally and jus wonder if it&#39;s part of the Zyprexa Withdrawals? ? Take care. .. Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T04:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "Hi Marriette, sorry to bother you again but was wondering if you have experienced Dizzy Spells ?? I occasionally have dizzy spells and and courious if Zyprexa withdrawals have anything to do with it ?? " ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T10:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd.</p><p>No bother at all. I had experienced dizzy spells but never associated it with zyprexa. I assumed it was because of low blood sugar. But if you think about it the drug does make you insulin resistant, so I think it could contribute to your sugar levels. I&#39;ll ask my doctor and find out more. Hope you are feeling better. Marriette</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T13:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, thank you for your reply to my question bout dizziness. Im still having aches an pains an some headaches but i continue to have times when i can cope alot better. I hope these better times keep increasing as time goes on. Im still taking one Mertazipine tablet at night an i have halved the dose round 5months ago. My Dr wants me to stay on this dose for now. As soon as my withdrawals from Zyprexa have ceased I&#39;ll eliminate Mertazipine as well. Thank you for your help in helping me get thru these Withdrawals from Zyprexa. Best wishes Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T15:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "Hi Marriette, im havn a rough day with lot of aches an pains and ive been having alot of Dizzy spells where im certain its Zyprexa withdrawals ?? an some nasty headaches and stil having terrible insomnia im now into my 3rd wk going off this hideous drug.. have been taking Melatonin for past 4 nights without any effect so far have you taken Melatonin before an if so did it work for you ?? Best wishes to you and take care " ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T11:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd</p><p>Sorry to hear you have a terrible day, just hang in there. Melatonin is a herbal remedy, so don&#39;t expect miracles. It only help you to sleep under &quot;normal&quot; circumstances, calms you down. Since the withdrawal isn&#39;t &quot;normal&quot; I doubt that you will have the full effect, but that is only my opinion. I use tranquilizers and sleeping tablets at night and even then I don&#39;t get a full night sleep. As for your headaches and dizzy spells, when is the last time you had your BP And sugar levels checked? Do you know anyone that can check it for you? If the withdrawal is causing this you remedy it temporarily. You are doing great. Your body needs to time adjust to its normal state after this hideous drug. Best wishes Marriete</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T12:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "Thanks for your reply Marriette, im seeing my Dr in afew days n wil ask her bout my B.P an Sugar levels. I did see some people on this forum have commented on having Dizzy spells so was just curious what your opinion was. Aches an Pains have been strong today but they also come in waves sometimes you cope ok an other times like today has been difficult. I do hope i can get to 3months which seems to be a number others on this forum say if you get to 3months you should b over the worst of things ?? Im only coming up to 3wks so seems like ive gota long way to go yet. Hope things are improving for you ?? Take care and best wishes. .. Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T13:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>When I was withdrawing from zyprexa I sometimes had some serious panic attacks.. not sure if I could call them dizzy spells but I do think it does do something to your blood sugar levels. I did a juice detox and after a day I think my blood sugar dropped significantly.. under normal circumstances it wouldn&#39;t have been as bad i think but with zyprexa I believe my body chemistry had been affected. Hope you are feeling better. hang in there Lloyd. It does get better!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-09T01:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "Hi Kate, many thanks for your reply. I have short periods of time where i can cope alot better but then the aches an pains an headaches take over. Im determined to see it thru an doing my best to try and stay on top of things but hard. I get hope from you an others on this forum to keep going so i thank you for that. Take care an best wishes to you. . Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-09T02:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, how are you fairing with the Withdrawals? ? I thought i was getting on top of things only for the withdrawals mostly aches an pains come back stronger. Still having headaches and terrible insomnia even tho ive been on Melatonin tablets for past 6 nights. I do have some times when i feel like I&#39;m coping with things ok bout there short lived. I do hope things are better for you. Best wishes Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T19:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "Hang in there Lloyd. Take it day by day.. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T00:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Many thanks Kate, it&#39;s a long haul eh. I can&#39;t turn back now gota see it thru somehow. . Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-11T06:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd. Hope you are doing better. I&#39;m having a rough time. I also have times where I can cope, that its getting better, but those are short lived. Its a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. And the downs is getting to me, I so much want some of the old me back. Its effecting all aspects of my life. But I&#39;ll hang in there, hopefully saving a resemblance of life. Blessings and take care</p><p>Marriette</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T07:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, sorry your not feeling so well. Im going thru same as you i jus got back from shops an i cope reasonably well for near couple hrs. But in last 30min im back to square one having terrible headaches an those nasty aches an pains. But my mind is very clear an has been from the day i stop taking Zyprexa which is now 3wks an 3days. So i think going by what people been saying on the forum ive gota get past at least 3months before things might ease off. Melatonin hasn&#39;t quite been working for my insomnia as yet but will stick with it abit longer. Im in it for the long haul as can&#39;t turn back now. I know u&#39;ll make it and so will i we gota just stay as positive as we can. Im thinking of you and hang in there. Best wishes Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-12T08:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "Yes you will make it Lloyd. You are almost there! Keep going.\r\n\r\nDay by day." ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T01:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kate, was just wanting your opinion on a matter i have. Ive been on Oxygen Therapy for past 2mths 24/7 an i can&#39;t help thinking that Zyprexa has something to do with me going on Oxygen. I had an increase with Zyprexa from 10mg to 15mg wafers some 4mths ago i then went back to 10mg a month later then i decided to come off Zyprexa and went from 10mg then 5mg then cold turkey 3 and halve weeks ago. It was during this reduction in Zyprexa that i started having breathing problems. Maybe coincidental but cant help think this drug is causing me my breathing problems. I see my Lung Specialist in another month an will let him know how i feel. These withdrawals aren&#39;t making it any easier. What do you think? ? Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-15T07:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, just wanting to know how you&#39;re doing? ? I hope you&#39;re on the improve. Im having terrible aches an pains an some headaches an insomnia altho i did manage to get bout 3-4hrs sleep last night maybe the Melatonin starting to work. The aches an pains are either terrible or bearable at other times. Im coming up to 4wks off Zyprexa an i jus hope the next 2 months go quickly. As some on this forum say that if you can get to 3mths off Zyprexa your over the worst of it. Hope their right eh. Anyway take care an best wishes for your health. Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-15T14:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "Hi Kate, my Dr told me that when i was taking Zyprexa Wafers they disolve in under a second under my tongue an is taken straight into the blood stream. I think this could why my withdrawals are so hard to shake. As aposed to Zyprexa Tablets which go thru your stomach etc. What do you think? ? Almost 4wks into my Withdrawals and im having hard time but still determined to see it thru. Hope your well best wishes Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-16T09:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, was wondering what you think about this question i have which is my Dr told me that Zyprexa Wafers which i was on disolve in your mouth instantly and goes straight into your blood stream and thats why i could be suffering worst Withdrawals then if i had been taken tablets which have to go thru your stomach etc Would like your opinion about this ?? Exactly 4wks today that i stopped Zyprexa an hopefully I&#39;ll be able to go thru at least another 2months and maybe then Withdrawals might ease off. Take care and best wishes Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-16T13:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, was wondering what you think about this question i have which is my Dr told me that Zyprexa Wafers which i was on disolve in your mouth instantly and goes straight into your blood stream and thats why i could be suffering worst Withdrawals then if i had been taken tablets which have to go thru your stomach etc Would like your opinion about this ?? Exactly 4wks today that i stopped Zyprexa an hopefully I&#39;ll be able to go thru at least another 2months and maybe then Withdrawals might ease off. Take care and best wishes Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-16T13:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Hi Marriette, how are things going with you atm ?? Into my 4th wk of Withdrawals an still having aches an pains an insomnia. My mind is clear and this keeps me going to see it thru. Hope your well. . Take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-19T02:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "Hi Kate, how are you coping now ?? Im into my 4th wk of Withdrawals an still having aches an pains an insomnia. Hope you are well. . Take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-19T03:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd</p><p>Congratulation on your 4 week achievement. I&#39;m still having a hard time, my work doesnt understand why I want to leave these tablets saying that it influence my work, my doctors is also against it. Talking about decreasing the dose and then add other meds to control the side effect, giving me even more medication, but not solving the problem. No one is listening to me. I can not afford to loose my.job. . I have a lot of stressful things happening at the same time and I&#39;m not coping with all the pressure. Everything happening is making me depressed and am I not in a good space at present. I want the old me back and nobody seems to care how I feel about it. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T04:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, im so sorry to hear your all your stress etc you have to deal with atm. Must be extremely hard for you. I know you have it in you to stay the course and u&#39;ll come out on top im sure. Ive been having hard time still dealing with the Withdrawals from Zyprexa but im just starting my 5th wk today from being off this terrible drug. My mind is still very clear since coming off Zyprexa Wafers. This is keeping me going and im certain I&#39;ll beat it in the end. Going out to the shops every day helps keep my Withdrawal Symptoms off my mind. Im nibbling on little bits of nuts/almonds an dry fruit thru out the day this also keeps my mind off my Withdrawals. I also have some yoghurt each day no sugar added. I take a Multivitamin and Complex B, Vitamin D , Magnesium Hi Strength 600mg and im having weekly injections of Vitamin B12 which came back in blood test as very low aswel as Zinc and Manganese. Being low in all those Vitamins was contributing to me being run down and stressed out. Don&#39;t know if you have had a blood test to see if your low in any Vitamins etc but might be worth while checking out ?? I wish you all the very best with your struggle and try an stay positive and hopefully very soon ull turn the corner. Take care and best wishes for the future Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T08:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Loyd</p><p>Thank you for your encouraging words. I&#39;m tired of people telling me I can&#39;t stop this hideous drug. I&#39;ll definitely look into the vitamin deficiency. Im seeing my medical team the end of the month and they have some explaining to do and if they think they are going to add another tablet to the mix, hey have another thing coming. I&#39;ll beat this</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T10:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marriette, hope all goes well when you meet your medical team. Keep me intouch how things go. Im right behind you Marriette you&#39;ll get thru this . Best wishes Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T13:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd. I&#39;ve been dealing with some issues and haven&#39;t been on much. My apologies for the late reply. The wafers I took a few times when. I was at the hospital. Your reduction sounds a lot like mine. People said it was too quick but I desperately wanted off these meds. Month 2 and 3 get pretty hard but I want to encourage you that it does get better with time. Please hold on. Whatever you can do to sleep please try as this will help tremendously I have found. I forced myself to yawn and that helped a little and also experimented with sleep meditation, baby lullabies, sermons, and podcasts when I went to sleep. Nothing was perfect but slowly it did get better. Again, what really helped me with my sleep I think also was the neurogenetic solutions supplements. I tried epsom salt baths, magnesium, fish oil, vitamin b, juice cleanse detox. Your body and brain need time to recover. I know this is hard Lloyd. It was the hardest thing I have been through but it is possible. Do everything you can to help the recovery and withdrawal. Physical exercise helps too. Anything you can manage. My best.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T17:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kate, im 5wks an 2days into Withdrawals from Zyprexa. My aches an pains mostly in my legs are worse now then they were couple wks ago. I have some headaches an insomnia is still poor altho i got 4hrs sleep last night. Been using Melatonin for past 2wks and hopefully it will kick in soon. My mind is still very clear and has been since going off Zyprexa. I go to shops every day for couple hrs this helps keep my mind off my Withdrawals. My Dr said i was deficient in Zinc Manganese and Vitamin D , B12 the latter im having B12 injections wkly. I take Vitamin B complex , D , C , Magnesium 600mg and a Multivitamin . I also hava Probiotic drink every day and some fat free an no added sugar Yohurt. If i can get some more regular sleep I&#39;d be happy. Anyway I&#39;ll try n stay positive and hopefully i can get to another couple months an maybe I&#39;ll be alot better. Many thanks Kate for all your encouragement is much appreciated. Take care an best wishes. Lloyd from Oz </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T18:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/myo04766-1107303" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Lloyd,</p><p></p><p>What I dont understand is why the doctor prescribed to me Olizanpine in the first place? Back in 2007 I had a mental breakdown first episode of psychotic depression where I started seeing people&#39;s faces as zombies although in my mind I perfectly knew it must be because of Vitamin 12 Deficiency. I was sent to menta hospital for 2 weeks after which the doctor put me on Olizanpine for 10 whole years. At first the doctor wanted me to finish my studies and told me to keep on taking zosert setriline and Oliza but later i had a rebound eepisode after stopping medication. Unfortunately after 10 years taking Oliza the side effects built up enormously. Now i changed to a different doctor and he gave me Nexito anti depressants . I finally stopped Olizanpine and i feel it was a mistake to give Oliza for long term to me in the first place as side effects are huge!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-28T01:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/myo04766-1107303" ], "content": [ "Hi Myo , sorry to hear bout your problems with going off Olanzipine. What side effects did you have while coming off Olanzipine ?? Withdrawals etc.. i hope your getting some relief from Nexito ?? Hang in there mate an take care. . Lloyd from Oz " ], "date": [ "2018-04-28T05:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Lloyd and the others coming off olanzapine, I was on O for two years and finally came off last Sep I reduced from 5mg to 2.5mg then nothing. I thought I&#39;d be ok but even that small amount was big in the scheme of things. But 7/8 months later I am glad to be free of that mind killing drug! The recommended way is to stabilise each reduction for 2 or more weeks then reduce again. if you cold turkey from a high amount 2.5 or higher then expect really bad withdrawals. It can be done as I am proud it can and you will have withdrawals no matter how small the amount. I have my story on one of the other pages but I want through anxiety, hot and cold flushes, no appetite, depression, feeling unwell, psychosis, hi and low with small times of feeling well and of course insomnia which is the killer for most. I sleep 7 hours mostly now which is doable. I worked full time while coming off which is hard but everyone knew and now I feel alive. Keep going and don&#39;t go on any other psyche meds it&#39;s a money maker at our expence. God bless! B.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-28T20:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kate, hope your doing well ? ? Im into my 6th wk of Withdrawals an like you said month 2 an 3 were pretty hard well im nearing that and finding it pretty tuff with mostly aches an pains in both legs giving me grief. Also still having insomnia but i think Melatonin is jus starting to give me some sleep 4hrs approx most nights. Also still have some Dizzy spells and some headaches. My mind still clear which is a plus. Continueing to take some Vitamins and dried fruit an nuts to nibble on to take symptoms off my mind. Go to shops every day to get some exercise. Thanky&#242;u for all your support and i wish you the very best of health. Take care Lloyd from Oz </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-02T03:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "Hi.\r\nHow much olanzapine were you on originally ?when you say it was tough do you mean you had anxiety once you reduced the meds ?" ], "date": [ "2018-05-02T08:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Ash , hope your doing well ? Zyprexa for 7-8yrs bout 6yrs or so on 10mg Wafers then last 18mths 15mg and tappered down over 8wk period and are into my 6th wk of Withdrawals. No anxiety jus terrible muscle aches an pains in both my legs some headaches an insomnia for which ive been taking Melatonin slow release tablets for past 4wks and only past few days have i had anywhere between 4-5hrs of sleep which is alot better then none. I did also have Diarrhea and Sweats early on but have subsided now. I didnt know anything bout possible Withdrawals from Zyprexa until i googled bout it when i was into my 2nd wk of Withdrawals. Since going off Zyprexa my mind has been so clear no more foggy head. Im hopefull I&#39;ll be able to see it thru even tho its very hard now. Only other Antidepressant im still taking is Mirtazapine 30mg which i reduced from 60mg 4-5mths ago and intend to come off this once i get thru these Zyprexa Withdrawals. Lloyd from Oz </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-02T13:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "Thanks Lloyd. Hope I am able to withdraw from olanzapine as well without too much hassle." ], "date": [ "2018-05-02T15:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "content": [ "Hi Ash , best of luck with coming down off Zyprexa. Have my fingers crossed for you. Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-05-03T02:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kate, just an update on where im at atm. Im just into my 7th wk of Withdrawals from Zyprexa n still having aches an pains in both my legs i also hav some headaches but not as many as in previous wks. Been on Melatonin for just over 4wks for my Insomnia and in past few days ive had some sleep approx 4-5hrs per night. Sometimes I&#39;ll fall asleep for couple hrs then wake up for 2-3hrs then drift off back to sleep for another 2-3hrs. Its better than no sleep and i only hope things will get better from here on. Im seeing my Pain Specialist tomorrow and for my Back problems will ask him what he thinks bout my aches an pains in my legs and maybe he can suggest or give me something for the pain. Ive been having B12 injections wkly for past 7wks as im very low in B12. It has helped with my fatigue. Ive also been eating dried fruit an almonds thru-out the day to help keep my mind off the Withdrawals. I also take a vitamin B Complex , Vitamin D and a Multivitamin and Vitamin C drink. Anyway that&#39;s where im at Kate and i hope I&#39;ll beat these Withdrawals just like you did. Hope your doing well ?? Take Care an Best Wishes Lloyd from Oz </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-07T01:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kate, im now into my 8th wk of Withdrawals from Zyprexa n still having aches an pains an some headaches an insomnia. But overall i think im getting on top of things as whilst aches an pains in my legs are very uncomfortable i do have times when i can cope alot better. Headaches are less frequent and while i my Insomnia is still an issue the Melatonin gives me anywhere from 4-6hrs sleep. I might get 2hrs sleep then awake for another 2hrs then sleep for another 3-4hrs. Or occasionally I&#39;ll get 4-6hrs straight. Anway If i can get a bit more break from the aches an pains in my legs I&#39;ll be alot better. I still determined to see it thru and im glad im at 8wks/2mth stage. Should be on the main straight soon &#128518; i hope your doing well Kate ?? Take care an best wishes Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-13T19:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone. I am on olanzapine for almost 3 years. The first year I was on 20mg and was reduced to 10mg. My GP warned my I will gain weight , which I didn&#39;t take seriously. All my life I maintained a healthy lifestyle with a steady weight. Within 2 months I gained 20kg+ and gradually stopped all my activities, even walking my dogs became a task. I hardly leave the house, only to go to work and that is because I have to pay bills. </p><p>Reading through these post made me realize that I&#39;m not the only one that suffers from side effects. I tried quitting a few times, but it never lasted long, never thought that a lot of my symptoms was caused by this tablet. The latest is getting in my car to go to work at 1:35 in the morning. I only start work at 7? Somewhere logic kicked in l, left my car in the driveway and went back to bed. The only thing I remember is going to sleep, the clock and waking up the next morning thinking I&#39;ve dreamed it. But when I went to have a look in the garage, my car was parked out side.I wrote it off as benign, me just being lazy, stressed out. </p><p>Now I&#39;m in a catch 22 situation, I&#39;m dammed if I take the tablets and I&#39;m damned if I dont.</p><p>I read that it can take up to 2 years for for your body/metabolism to recover from the damage it has done. Is that true? </p><p>Since I&#39;m going to be in hell either way, like someone said, I might a well choose the way that i get there. </p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-04T18:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheeky87-909239" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristine58413-629528" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cheeky87-909239" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi can I retaper after almost 2 years off of it or will I be in more trouble ? How should I retaper? I need to do something.&#128554;&#128554;&#128554;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-23T14:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristine58413-629528" ], "content": [ "Kristine have you been off zyprexa for 2 years and still suffering from withdrawal?  What are your symptoms?  How long were you on the drug for?  What dose?  Did you stop cold turkey?  \r\n\r\nI really hope you are feeling better.  I have stopped taking olanzapine cold turkey about 2 months ago and the symptoms seem to be getting better.  The insomnia is still rough but getting better with some melatonin and exercise." ], "date": [ "2018-01-31T19:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "your reply has been deleted and i dont know why im off the olazaping now totally. if your off them and need to go back on then dont go back on the original dose, the person who told someone to go for a run and no withdrawels. dont listen to that. the withdrawels are reall trouble. go to the doctor and get help to cut down very slowly and stop eventually." ], "date": [ "2017-01-18T17:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi James I&#39;ve been on olanzapine for 10 yrs and decided to come off it. Omg it&#39;s been awful it&#39;s been 3 months and still not great. Doctors answer is going back on it my reply no chance this drug is seriously bad. Hope u r getting better</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-14T18:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Francis I&#39;m now 9 months olanzapine free has been the toughest time but have finally done it on my own I actually feel normal after 10 yrs. Good luck it&#39;s tough but do able. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-21T14:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah,</p><p>Well done! I have tried cutting down on olanzapine and I became psychotic. My GP recommends I&#160;reduce my diazepam first. He has given me 2mg tablets, so I can reduce it very slowly. 2.5mg off was too much. I am still taking CBDs and they do calm me, however, I presently cannot afford the high dose I would need to cut down on Olanzapine. I will soon. I am back to smoking too as I have extra stress at the mo. Do you have a supportive network of friends and relatives? I don&#39;t, so I have to do it all on my own. It&#39;s tough! What alternatives to olanzapine did you use? I find the CBDs and mindfulness work for me and exercise. I also train my mind to think positive and creative thoughts.</p><p>Stress seems to trigger my symptoms. Good Luck and congratulations!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-03T15:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Frances. Thank u for the reply. I stopped all my meds in Nov 2016 ( olanzapine, proxitine , trifluoperazine) the reason for this is because my youngest boy got diagnosed with remitting relapsing ms. In the 10 yrs I&#39;ve taken these drugs I feel like I&#39;ve been in a coma all I did was sleep. I realised my son needs me so made the drastic measures of stopping all meds against advice from mental health team. Nearly a yr on and I feel ok . I can think now . People have commented how much different I am now( in a good way) believe me it&#39;s the toughest thing I&#39;ve ever done I honestly thought I would die with the withdrawal. My family have been amazing. I sacked mental health team. I do use cbd which has helped loads. You need to be strong but you shouldn&#39;t do it without support. Wish u all the best. Here if u need to chat. Sarah&#128513;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-03T18:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, Sarah Well done and congratulations on coming off psychiatric meds. You are brave. Did you find your family support made the difference in coming off meds? I don&#39;t have a close family nearby and few close friends. Would you be willing to help me come off drugs? The only support I have is the Samaritans and my GP! And my cats lol. I wish I had a family to support me. I am strong, as I have to cope alone. It isn&#39;t easy. Yes, it must have been one of the toughest times of your life. That is brave! I am starting a CBT Certificate course this weekend. I am also moving to a larger house soon. So, it is not a good time to cut meds. I will cut the diazepam in the New Year, as my GP says its causing anxiety and probably doing no good after over 20 years of use. Where you prescribed diazepam?</p><p>I am glad you feel better in yourself. Did you know that CBD can be used for MS too? Hope your son is okay soon. Take care. Francis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-03T19:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Francis. I was not offered anything totally relied on cbd. I have in the last 2 months been prescribed sertraline 50mg that has taken edge off ( depression) I&#39;m now wide awake at 7.30 and fresh as a daisy. But still get crappy days. I couldn&#39;t of done this without my family. The psychosis and depression was bloody awful . I shock , vomitted , slept then couldn&#39;t sleep . Also reached some very dark places. Was honest with mum and she understood. My son uses cbd to. He has a infusion every 4 weeks. Positive thinking helps and lots of deep breathing . Sarah </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-03T19:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah. You have been through a shocking time with your meds. I understand how scared you became as I vomited before an operation caused by olanzapine! I couldn&#39;t sleep at all. Your lack of sleep may have made your psychosis and depression worse. It did with me. CBDs have lifted depression and calmed me. What is the CBD infusion? Does your boy say he feels better? Sure, breathing deeply and positive thinking works too. My friend is helping me to be mindful and live in the present moment of now. It helps. Hope you both sleep well now. Francis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-03T20:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/troy31310-1107781" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "hi francis20252, could you provide some more info on the CBD gel caps you are using pls? Brand, strength, amount, price etc.\r\n\r\nthank you" ], "date": [ "2017-10-28T23:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve been on olanzapine for 6 weeks and coming off 2.5 mg a month. I feel the withdrawal symptoms. Is there anything that can help with the withdrawal ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T13:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/troy31310-1107781" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Troy, Thanks for your reply. I started with Canabidol&#160;Gel=tabs about 3 months ago and found they often calm me and ease paranoia. I began with 10 mg pure CBD gel-tabs, twice per day and gradually increased the dose to 2 x 50 mg per day (100 mg pure CBD per day). I felt calmer and more courageous. They are expensive tabs, although you may get a bulk discount. I pay &#163;39 for 20 gel-tabs, instead of &#163;44. I believe that it is a matter of trial and error. I suggest you start with a small dose of 10 mg pure CBD per day and slowly build it up to a strength and price you can afford. I combine the CBDs with mindfulness and some beer. A lesser evil than the cigs I was on. I am now a week off nicotine. Also, I&#39;ve found 85% pure cocoa chocolate and pints of milk help calm me too. I wish you the best with CBDs and please let me know how you get on with the Gels. Google Canabidol. Good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T17:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, Ash, It is very tough coming off Olanzapine, even slowly like you. What is the full dose you&#39;re on? Try CBDs, especially pure CBD Gel-tabs like Canabidol. They are expensive and are calming. I found they help with paranoia too. Drink pints of milk to calm you. What are your withdrawal symptoms? I am concentrating on reducing Olanzapine from 20 mg to 15 mg per day and Diazepam from 15 mg to 14 mg per day. Best I can offer. Take care and keep in contact. Love to know how you get on. Francis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T18:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annemay-1135853" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "Whats the difference between bei g prescribed diazepam than alprazolam with olanzipine like I was prescribed???" ], "date": [ "2018-01-02T08:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah jus wanted to ask you are u still off Zyprexa an how is your son ?? Hope he&#39;s well.. into my 3rd wk off Zyprexa an at times is horrendous aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia but my mind is stil clear an hopefully as time goes by my withdrawals wil improve. Best wishes an take care Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-02T11:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Ash , jus wondering how you are coping with your coming down off Zyprexa ?? How are your Withdrawal symptoms now ?? Im into my 3rd wk off Zyprexa an having some terrible Withdrawals aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia but i do get short periods during the day where i can cope alot better an im determined to see it thru. Only Antidepressant im still on is Mirtazapine 1 tablet at night. When i get thru these horrible Withdrawals from Zyprexa I&#39;ll come down off my Mirtazapine aswell. Stay strong an best wishes for the future. Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T12:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "Hi Sarah, sorry to bother you again but how long was it for you that aches an pains eased off ??? If i can get a break from the aches an pains i shud b able to cope better with the headaches an insomnia. Melatonin still not working for me atm but will keep going with it. Hope your well best wishes Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-14T14:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "Hi Sarah, now into my 4th wk of Withdrawals an still having aches an pains some headaches an insomnia for which ive been taking Melatonin for jus over a wk but wiv little effect. I still hava very clear mind which ive had since coming off Zyprexa Wafers. I have at times Dizzy Spells and was wondering if these might be due to the Withdrawals. Roll on 3mths and maybe things will ease up for me. Take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-17T12:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi James, You are very courageous coming off Olanzapine. My doctor told me I would die, if I did! However, I am now taking CBD Gel-tabs, and I feel better than ever! I have almost no paranoia, anxiety, depression, hallucinations and fewer delusions. CBD is expensive and it&#39;s only available from Amazon. It is on the NHS in Wales and so far, no where else in the UK. They work for me and now I wish to cut down the Olanzapine very gradually. Does 2.5mg less a day seem a good idea? I&#39;ve already reduced my Manerix for anxiety and phobia. I don&#39;t trust psychiatrists, as they are biased and I&#39;ve had oesphagus damage, HBP, weight gain, low platelets in my blood, Diabetes, Seizures etc, since taking meds. Enough is enough! I am sticking to CBD by cutting out all luxuries and will start a Olanzapine reduction soon. I will have to reduce it very slowly indeed. Good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-21T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deborah91099-378406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/deborah91099-378406" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Deborah, how are you coping with your battle with Zyprexa? ? Im into my 3rd wk going off this hideous drug. . I have headaches and aches an pains and terrible insomnia . Ive been taking Melatonin slow release tablets for past 4nights with out any effect yet. Jus when i think im getn on top of things the withdrawals come back to bite me harder than before. Im determined to see it thru and hopefully I&#39;ll get there. Would like to know how you&#39;re doing? ? Take care an best wishes Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T08:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I also tried to come off of this drug way too fast. I was gaining a lot of weight as I had been on it for 3 years and as a diabetic was having trouble controlling my glucose levels and they kept trying other pills and mostly it was because of taking the olanzapine. When it was first prescribed the pharmacist was concerned as she did not think it was a great drug for a diabetic to be taking but it turned out it worked...a little too well. I ended up having no energy lost my job which was very physical and well the only way that worked for me was using a pill cutter to cut down at the end. I still take a half of a 25 mg pill and I can live with that. It still helps me a bit. I know that if I decide to go down from that I can do it but I am not sure I want to. My weight has balanced out and at this low dose it is not affecting my sugars. Sometimes a low dose is enough to help and I have panic attacks also but I am now working on getting back into the work force slowly. When I was on the high doses no matter what I could not get up in time! Hope you are doing well James!" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T23:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "Hi Francis, how are you coping with your battle with Zyprexa? ? Im still struggling with the Withdrawals from this hideous drug mostly aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia. Also some Dizzy spells do you have any of these symptoms? ? Take care an best wishes for the future Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T00:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, James, I can understand the &quot;Hell&quot; and withdrawal effects you had when coming off OLanzapine. I too tried reducing Olanzapine about 3 or 4 times. I felt drained emotionally, weak, highly nervous and had a throbbing brain.I too lost my mental health at the age of 25, when my partner left me. I was terrified and alone. I can only think of what helped me reduce Olanzapine from 30 mg to 15 mg per day and that is belonging to a social anxiety group, practising mindfulness and counselling for 13 years with a man who I could talk to about anything. As for your nerves (24/7) I feel that too and find drinking 4 pints of milk per day and weight lifting is good for me. I am now reducing Diazepam very slowly (1 mg) per month. Not much help I know. Overcoming our separation from each other and nature through being mindful in the moment of now, and having a friend or helpline buddy helped me. St.John&#39;s Wort is for mild depression and may cause complications with other drugs. If you feel able to write a few words, try writing down your experiences in a diary or write poems. Nothing special. Sorry, not a great help today. Feel tired. Take good care, Francis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-30T13:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheeky87-909239" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cheeky87-909239" ], "content": [ "Hi Cheeky 87 , hope your doing well ?? Are you off Zyprexa? ? If so what Withdrawals are you suffering from? ? Im coming up to 3wks after coming down from 15mg Zyprexa then 2wks later dropped to 10mg then another 2wks 5mg then 2wks later went Cold Turkey an im having alot of aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia but my mind is still strong an im determined to get thru it if i can. I do have some times when i can cope reasonably well an this keeps me going an hopefully these better times will come more frequently. Best wishes an take care. Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T15:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>If your WD is anything like mine, you will have reasonable days and difficult days.&#160; If that&#39;s the case, I think it means the drug is still affecting you and is still in your system.&#160; As mentioned previously, try to get to 3 months of being completely off, drink plenty of water, and do what you can to get some sleep Lloyd.&#160; Prayer, meditation, supplements, not going on computer or phone at least an hour before bed time, read a book, listen to music, whatever you have to do.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>Stay strong Lloyd, you will get through this.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>sincerely and with much love,</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T20:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>try and get some diazepam. thats what i did and have been on them for 3 years now, you have done so very well withdrawing from this. the problem is that the withdrawels are so bad that we go back on them, as you said that you have done this before believe me st johns wort is nothng compared to olanzapine which makes our brains shrink in a short period of time. please dont let anyone judge you or tell you that your taking something else by taking st johns wort. there is absolutely no comparison. i use diazepm and that helped my 24/7 nerves and pains attacks i had when i stopped taking them. within 2 weeks of stopping i felt worse than i had felt before i ever took them. you will get your energy back and get a good nights sleep. one day we will learn to stop worrying what others think of us its what we think of ourself that really matters and you are doing wonderful your so very brave. i know this as i&#39;v been though it, make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and superfoods drink pleny water too. as this helps get it all out of our systems olanzapine effects 17 receptors in our body in our eyes brain and stomachs. i will pray for you i had to pray every day when i was coming of them as i was so depressed i wanted to die and the nerves and fear were horrendous. your neary there dont give up now .god bless you and help you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-02T10:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/keveena11131-1137213" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/keveena11131-1137213" ], "content": [ "<p>How long have you been off olanzapine? I think your one of a few that don&#39;t get many withdrawals. How much sleep do you get? i am 17 weeks off meds now but sleep is still minimal 6-7hours I am usually a 8-9hour sleeper does melatonin work for you?</p><p></p><p>B!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T16:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheeky87-909239" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "content": [ "dont beleive everyone who says that they have been on olanzapine or any anti psychotics. no withdrawels after 6 years on 20mg, do you honestly believe that crap what are they doing here if it was a peice of cake? you dont come on forums unless you have illness and pain, thats the truth. " ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T22:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cheeky87-909239" ], "content": [ "The withdrawal from these drugs have been basically the hardest thing I have ever had to overcome.  You are right when you say it is not a piece of cake!  Hope you are feeling better Cheeky." ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T20:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi. My name is Keveena. I took Zyprexa 20mg for 6 years. I quit cold turkey because I was sick of being on Psychotropic medication. I was told by doctors that I have Bi-polar disorder with psychotic features. Withdrawal has been a piece of cake for me because I eat a mostly plant based diet. I drink at least 5 bottles of Spring water daily. Diet is very crucial when it comes to withdrawal. If your diet is horrible then withdrawal is going to be extremely difficult. The only problem I have had is Insomnia. I just started taking Melatonin but on the first night I had a caffeinated beverage which kept me up all night. My mind did start to relax and wasn&#39;t as stimulated as previous nights. If you want to feel better you have to eat a very clean diet, drink plenty of water and take vitamins. I have read of people who have had horrible withdrawal symptoms even from tapering off of the medication. Not the case with me. Try to eat Wild Caught Salmon, fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut out Red Meat and Pork as well as Poultry. Cut out Wheat products and try Spelt based bread and pasta. Add fresh herbs and do your research on supplements. You may also want to try Nootropics. Cut out dairy as well. If you do you will feel a million times better and your brain will heal itself. Hope this has been helpful information. Do not give up and resort to going back. Patience is everything. Wishing you Optimal Health and Happiness. Keveena</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-06T08:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucinda76793-1157667" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey&#160;Kate,</p><p></p><p>I hope you are doing better.</p><p></p><p>Your situation is very similar to mine... I was on Olanzapine for 3 months (previous to that, was on Seroquel for 5 years), now I have been switched to Abilify. The second I switched, I have very bad insomnia that is only getting worse. It has only been a week but I am barely sleeping at all (I take Zopiclone to get about 3-4 hours sleep, but can&#39;t do this every night)... and I am wondering if all this pain and disruption will be worth it.</p><p></p><p>Has your condition improved even slightly? Thank you xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-06T14:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lucinda76793-1157667" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lucinda, hope your doing well.. Are you trying to come down off Zyprexa? ? If so how are you fairing ?? Im ino my 3rd wk being off Zyprexa which i was taking 15mg Wafers for sum 7yrs.. i cut back to 10mg then 2wks later 5mg the 2wks later Cold Turkey. . Im having lot of aches an pains headaches an insomnia. But in ammongsts all this i have times where i cope reasonably well an this gives me the strength to keep going an stay the course. Hopefully I&#39;ll beat these withdrawals in the end an hopefully you to can do aswell. Best wishes and take care. Lloyd from Down Under in Oz </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-02T16:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lucinda76793-1157667" ], "content": [ "<p>hi Lucinda,</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m sorry for the late reply.&#160; I have not been on here as much as before.&#160; Well, I have good news.&#160; I have been off zyprexa and abilify for a few months and my sleep has improved a lot.&#160; I did take the supplements from neurogenetic solution (antipsychotic package).&#160; I think it helped me a lot, esp the neuro night vitamins.&#160; I&#39;ve read mixed reviews about that company from some but it seems to have been a God send for me and many of my other symptons have improved since I am finally getting decent sleep (4 to 7 hours).</p><p></p><p>It definitely feels good to feel sleepy again.&#160; How are you holding up? I hope you are doing better.</p><p></p><p>I think the big improvement point comes at 3 months off all the psychiatric drugs.&#160; I went cold turkey and it was very hard and I was scared because I read a lot of users say to not stop cold turkey, but I did and I feel almost completely normal again.</p><p></p><p>I wish you the same kind of success.&#160; My recommendation is to get all psychiatric drugs out of your system asap. How you go about getting all of it out of your system is up to you, but I think psychiatrists and many doctors are just about the same as pill pushers and legalized drug dealers if you ask me.</p><p></p><p>I hope you and whoever reads this get well soon.</p><p></p><p>My recommendation: exercise, eat healthy, supplements such as fish oil, magnesium, vitamin b, calcium, iron, and a multi vitamin, take it one day at a time.&#160; Gradual improvements will come with time, but again I saw the real improvements coming after 3 months.</p><p></p><p>Faith, family, friends, and a lot of patience is also what helped me a lot.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>Day by day.&#160; Remember that.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T18:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "Hope you feel better soon Lloyd!  I have successfully come off zyprexa and abilify cold turkey.  For 3 months it was very hard..  better some days, and then nervous and anxious other days.  The sleep was the biggest problem I was having.  I have passed the 3 month mark of being off all psychiatric drugs and I will say I feel much better now.  For sleep, what really helped me a lot was some supplements.\r\n\r\nAfter getting decent sleep again, I feel a lot of my other symptoms have gradually improved as well.\r\n\r\nMy very best to you and yours,\r\n " ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T18:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kate , many thanks for your reply. Im so glad that you beat Zyprexa Withdrawals this gives me plenty of hope that i too can beat this hideous drug.. insomnia is bad for me an my Doctor said today that she&#39;d like me to try some Melatonin slow release tablets. I see some people on this forum have used Melatonin for there insomnia with some success so i might give them ago. As for my aches an pains headaches I&#39;ll keep fighting thru it any hopefully come out on top. You have given me alot of hope that i can do it. Thank you again an best wishes an take care. Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T19:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd!&#160; I&#39;m glad to share my story with you and am glad it helps.&#160; For insomnia, I tried melatonin 10 mg and even up to 20 mg, but it didn&#39;t seem to help much.&#160; What helped me a lot for the insomnia was the supplements from the road back program. I chose the anti psychotic package, even though they say it&#39;s to help taper off, I had already cold turkeyed off a month prior to finding out about that company.&#160; The book and the supplements helped me sleep again so I have to say thanks to them for that.&#160; There are mixed reviews about that company but I can say the supplements (having taken them for about 2 months now) has definitely helped me get my sleep back to a somewhat normal state.</p><p></p><p>They are a bit pricey at about $140 USD for a supply for 2 months.&#160; My question is do I need to keep taking their supplements to stay feeling normal again?&#160; I don&#39;t think i will have to, but I am certainly glad I feel a lot better now and am sleeping again.&#160; Sleep will help your brain heal much faster I have heard so do what you can to get some sleep.&#160; I listen to sermons or talks or soft music to help me fall asleep. The problem I was having was waking up at around 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. no matter how tired I was the night prior.&#160; Now I wake up at around 5 or 6 or 7 a.m. and I actually feel sleepy in the day and towards the night again.</p><p></p><p>what also helped me was doing a juice cleanse detox.&#160; You can find some good recipes on youtube, but you need to try to detox as much of toxins out of your body as possible in my opinion.&#160; So try sticking to healthy foods and if possible do a juice clenase.&#160; Be warned though, as it wasn&#39;t easy for me to do the juice cleanse as my blood sugar level dropped significantly.&#160; I thought I was going to die after!&#160; But it helped.&#160; I know it did.</p><p></p><p>Again, 3 months is a good time mark and when you should be feeling better (but maybe not perfect) being off the drug.&#160;&#160;</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T19:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "Hope is a great thing Lloyd.  Smile and keep going.  You can do it!" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T19:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I was on zyprexa (initially 30 mg, 20 mg at night 10 mg in the day, then self decreased to 10 mg daily) for roughly 2 months until my psych switched me to abilify.&#160; After taking abilify for roughly 3 weeks I cut the pill in half for a few days and decided I didn&#39;t want to become progressively worse so i stopped cold turkey.&#160; I just had a bad feeling that the longer I took these drugs the harder it would be to come off of them or if even that was an option.&#160; The psych kept telling me that I would most likely need to stay on the drugs at least 6 months, but that sounded like her just trying to get me hooked.</p><p></p><p>Anyways, the day I switched from zyprexa to abilify the insomnia started.&#160; I&#39;ve been off of zyprexa for roughly 5 and a half weeks now and off of abilify for 10 days.&#160; The insomnia is still bad, I occasionally get a half nights sleep when I&#39;m extremely exhausted but it&#39;s been hard.&#160; Having been on zyprexa for only 2 months I would think the withdrawal symptoms would be more bearable but it seems like I am still being affected by this wicked drug.</p><p></p><p>Please let me know how you all are faring.&#160; My love and prayers for you all.&#160; Thank you for listening.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-17T22:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/misterjoy-1157518" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/misterjoy-1157518" ], "content": [ "Hi MisterJoy , how are you coping with withdrawals from Zyprexa ?? Im finding it difficult while into my 3rd wk off Zyprexa. . Aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia also have some Dizzy spells do you suffer from any of these? ? Take care an best wishes to you Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-09T09:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Jamesmilly! I’m kinda late to the party. But anyway I’ve been taking Olanzapine for 6 years now and I wish I would have read your story before I started taking it. I gotta say I use to be thin and athletic before Olanzapine as well. I had minimal to no voices in my head, I just had a lot of social aniexty and depression. When I started taking Olanzapine I gained over 100 pounds in one year. And I was 5’9” at 150 pounds. Gaining that much weight that quickly was very unhealthy on my body and my brain. Not only that, Olanzapine gave me high blood pressure and acid reflux. But of course my mother and doctor supported the drug even when I told them about these symptoms. So about two years later I decided to drop the drug completely, cold turkey they would call it. I lost over 100 pounds in 4 months and was at a weight around 160-170 pounds. Losing weight that quick did take an unhealthy toll on my body. But not only that I had no clue about the withdrawal symptoms, which of course I experienced. These symptoms were so terrifying, since I did not understand them I thought I was dying slowly everyday. Back pains, constant vomiting, diarrhea, fevers, headaches, insomnia, lost of appetite, full numbness of the body, limbs and face, involuntary movement, aggression, mood swings, dizziness, blacking out (I even quit drinking alcohol at the time), nose bleeds, dialated pupils, sexual urges and many more. I got to the point of confusion that I thought people were poisoning my food because it happen every time I ate as well. Not only that I suffered from various stages of schizophrenia. Consistent loud voices in head my head. Racing thoughts I couldn’t control. That were completely false but I ended up believing in them, even if I denied them. Some how I managed to alter the voice’s personalities in my head to basically be comedic. So when I ended up having nervous breakdown I would laugh like a psychotic maniac and nobody would know why. And the jokes these voices in my head told me weren’t pleasant either. The jokes were about rape, death, aliens, demonic creatures. Things of pure evil, but I’ll just laughed continuously to cope. I couldn’t come up with a logical reason for this happening, the only thing I could look forward to was that I was healthy physically again. But not mentally. When I was taking the drug Olanzapine I didn’t feel right either. My body was constantly healing its self and in need of protein. I would have to eat large amounts of meat to feel healthy enough to go to sleep. And sleep didn’t go well either. I developed a large snoring problem and loss of breath during sleep. It was so bad I couldn’t breathe through my nose. And I can’t continue this story anymore. But long story I got back on the Olanzapine and now I fatter than I ever been in my life. Every time I lose weight I gain back double the amount. I’m losing memory, my reaction time is lower than usual which is a problem for me cause I use to be a Professional gamer. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-06T05:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/misterjoy-1157518" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey man if your reading this don’t take any antipsychotic, it’s like taking heroine. No matter how strong you are mentally you won’t be able to deal with the health issues while on it or the problems that come from it’s withdrawal. I recommend Zoloft only but that’s even powerful to the point it’s unbearable. And the withdrawal symptoms are bad too. Expect excessive depression, anxiety that’ll turn a war hero into a coward. Consider yourself warned and hopefully you’ll come out of it sane and in tact, seriously. I’m currently a victim to illegal actions perform by my current doctor and mother. I am a grown man, I cannot be admitted to a hospital unless I give my own consent. Even though I know my rights my mother still gets me admitted for no reasons at all. I could be having a stroke and she’ll admit to the hospital, no lie, I’m dead serious it happened before. And while didn’t even give me medical attention. I just prayed I would heal on my own. She even gets cops involved and all she has to do is tell them that I have a mental illness and they won’t believe a word I say. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-06T06:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marriette95141-1147110" ], "content": [ "Hi Marriette, how are u doing now ?? Are you able to keep your head above water with this terrible drug. Im into my 3rd wk off Zyprexa now is stil tough but im still determined to beat these withdrawals in time. Some days i feel like ive turned the corner only for withdrawals to return however i get strength from those suffering from these nasty withdrawals on this Forum an will keep focused to stay on course an get thru other side. I do hope you are coping well and wish you all the best for the future. Take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T18:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi James, sorry to hear you are struggling. If you ever need support or just someone to talk to, that has actually taken olanzapine and understand what you are going through, feel free to chat.</p><p></p><p>Ive been trying to ge off these tablets and it is really hard. I don&#39;t think anyone can relate unless they&#39;ve been there.Olanzapine stuns your metabolism to a halt and makes you insulin resistant in the way you body burn fat cells. All the other symptoms, headaches, sweating, anxiety, nervousness, lack of concentration, etc the list goes on. Since ive been taking these tablets i slowly started doing less things that i like until i finally stopped them all. I really want to do them, eg cycling and gym, but somewhere the connection between wanting to do it and actually doing it is broken, even normal household chores takes effort.&#160; I feel totally disconnected from people. At first i thought it was just me being lazy, until i stumbled across this site. I was healthy and active before i started taking this drug and now i am just a shadow of the person i used to be and honestly i want my old self back, so do some of my close friends and family. So i decided to play open cards with them, told them to have patience with me, because the problem isn&#39;t me, it is the drug and taking it has consequences and withdrawals. Luckily they are very supportive, a friend comes to take me for a cycle, it goes slow, but at least im on the bike, because on my own i cant to it, the other comes and we walk the dogs etc. A supporting structure is important</p><p></p><p>I went cold turkey, the first day or so i was fine, then it started. Anxiety, depression, lack of concentration etc.II told my boss i stopped taking them and that im going to be on a rollercoaster ride for a while and that i don&#39;t know what all to expect and for how long. Hopefully i wont end up loosing my job because of this. They understand, want a letter from my doctor that specifies what symptoms they can expect in order for them to help me when im having a bad day, which is a lot. Some easier than others, some worse. Now i drink one, skip one if i can</p><p></p><p>I spoke to my doctor and told her i want to stop the tablets because of the weight gain. The response wasn&#39;t positive. She explained it like this:&#160; like a person that walks with a cane and suddenly the cane gets kick from under you. You will fall. Even with weaning the tablets. There is nothing they can give you to stop the fall, only more meds to take some pain away of the fall. And like that person with a cane, needs time&#160; to learn to walk again, so does your body needs to learn to adjust without olanzapine and that is going to take some time, how long i dont know. From what i read, it can take up to two years for your body to heal and get your metabolism going again.</p><p></p><p>I think people trying to quit olanzapine must get an award and a sobriety chip like in AA, because it is a difficult and bumpy road ahead</p><p></p><p>Good luck</p><p>Marriette</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-06T06:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/racheld1975-1074384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/racheld1975-1074384" ], "content": [ "Hi Racheld , hope your doing well? ? Was wondering if you could tell me how long Melatonin takes to work? ? Ive been using it for 3 nights without any effect. Im into my 3rd wk of Withdrawals from Zyprexa an still having aches an pains headaches an insomnia. But im also having some times when i can cope reasonably well. Im hoping these better times will continue to improve over time. Take care an best wishes to you. Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T16:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I am not familiar with that medication but have you talked to your medical team about these issues? It would seem that maybe you needed a lower dose to begin with or maybe you needed a lower dose and something else to go with it or perhaps some other type of medication altogether. I have been on pretty much everything you can think of and never had any withdrawl issues, except the return of my anxiety symptoms which I figure is normal if I&#39;m not on the medication to control them. I would talk to your doctors about it and see if there is anything else they can give you to help with your symptoms and ease your transition from this med. You can try st. johns wort and other herbal remedies but check with your doctors about those too in case you have any medical issues they won&#39;t work well with. Melatonin is great for some people, others say it has the opposite effect, I think the best way is to start at the lowest dose possible and work your way up to a comfortable level. My daughter has been taking 10mg of melatonin for years with no problem (it is time released so you don&#39;t get 10mg all at once, the outer layer releases quickly so you can fall asleep quicker and the inner layer releases slowly to help you stay asleep longer). Best of luck to you!!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T15:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi James milly , how are you coping with everything now ?? Are you off Zyprexa ? ? Im into my 4th wk of Withdrawals and still having aches an pains headaches an insomnia an some Dizzy spells. Did you suffer from any of these symptoms ? ? Take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-17T09:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason56396-1173168" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "First off, Im just learning how terrible this drug is, how it works, and how much I despise my psych for putting me on it in the first place. I have bipolar I, and an addict. Been clean 6 months. Wife has had cancer six months, so Im dead serious about my sobriety. Anyway, had a lot of lethargy, loss of interests and motivation, and gained an enormous amount of weight. A friend who is an NP in psychiatric care asked if I was on it (regarding my serious change of lifestyle, not just sobriety, change to paleo diet and hardcore 7-day a week fitness routine), because I had lost NO weight. He said drop it. I did. Losing weight immediately. I feel fine, no major side effects except TERRIBLE insomnia. Because Im an addict, my psych wont give me sleep meds. Says my brain needs to heal. (Like 3 hours of sleep isnt detrimental...duh.) So it looks like my wife will be sharing some benzos to help me deal with it. Whatever it takes. I will never take this drug again, and tell anyone I encounter to avoid at all costs. Horrible. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-18T21:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david35266-1168104" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I also am withdrawing from zyprexa. I been pretty much abused by meds my whole life. I was told I had a problem by my parents. I am finding out that I do not have bipolar. Been medicated since 13 years old on pills I didn&#39;t even need. I first had major chest pains in my chest. So badly I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Until I started myself dosing down. Was on 10 MG a day then I went to 5 MG myself. Then after it was just everyday having this horrible chest pain that was alot of pressure in my chest. I mean it was bad. I thought I was going to die most of the time and having a heart attack. Until my friend told me it was. Then looked up to see if my med zyprexa had any problems with chest pain. Yes it seems that was the cause. I started dose down to a fouth of a 5mg pill. The pain in my chest slowly day by day going down. I told my doctor about it and when I had a doctor for mental meds. I told him I dosed down to a fouth of a 5mg pill. WE had a disccussion and I told him these pills have been hurting me all my life. Then as reading into bipolar manic attacks. Noticed I never had one every from what goes on in them. I started educated myself on what was going on through internet reading. He told me to stop taking the pills. And also didn&#39;t get a follow up appointment cause of the abuse charges. He knew that there was wrong going on. I been off of them for over a month now. When I was geting off my other meds my head pain was very bad. But I coup with it everyday. It went down a good amount over time. Now my doctor told me to take alieve for the pain. Also alot of caffiene. It help some but I notice somewhat a pain in the brain at times. I do not know if my mind will ever be right with that little bit of pain. Only time will tell from the abuse over years of heavy dosing from meds that I didn&#39;t need. I also drink a good amount of green tea help a good amount.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-26T02:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wendy59880-1188111" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi folks &#160;I&#39;ve been on zyprexa for 4 months and lost my appetite about 3 months ago. I&#39;m tapering off 5mg down to 2 and now I&#39;m on half of 2mg. The anxiety is terrible and I&#39;m worried about the loss of appetite. Does anyone else have this problem. I feel worthless and do not want to leave the house. This drug should be outlawed. The dr put me on it for depression. I could at least function before this drug ever came in my life.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-06-14T23:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth111177-1224030" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth111177-1224030" ], "content": [ "did you get negative thoughts when coming off olanzapine ? for me the withdrawal is bringing up things from the past thats giving me guilty feeling.its like my moral compass has changed since i became mentally ill." ], "date": [ "2018-12-23T09:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " I took a series of different bipolar medications for over 20 years olanzapine Was the first one I had to with drawl off of when I decided to use natural herbs to treat my bipolar disorder it turned out that the medication I was taking after doing research not only causes diabetes and obesity and neuropathy but it takes over 20 years off of your life so I have been taking omega 3 choline vitamin b12 and probiotics I’ve been off the meds for almost 2 months don’t go back on them once you stop I didn’t taper down to 2.5 I was taking 10 mg a day and I taper down to 5 mg for two months and then stopped turns out that’s going cold turkey to you should taper down to 2.5 use a cutter i’ve been off the meds for almost 2 months don’t go back on them once you stop I didn’t taper down to 2.5 I was taking 10 mg a day and I taper down to 5 mg for two months and then stopped turns out that’s going cold turkey to you should taper down to 2.5 use a cutter withdrawal pains are horrible if you need some relief get with your doctor have her prescribe you clondine hcl 0.2mg It will help with some of the withdrawal pains but just a release I took them for about a month and then you have to come off of those I take one every other day start looking up natural ways to deal with the anxiety trust me I have an anxiety disorder already and I do take Clonopin for that I have for years probably got 15 that’s the next medication that I’m going to come off it but I’ll give it another year before I come off any more meds take a nice hot bath trust me I understand anxiety because if you have anxiety disorder and you’re taking medication for that and the withdrawals from the Meds Are so bad that it feels like you’re not even taking anxiety meds so my doctor increased my 3 mg a day to 6 mg a day while I was coming off of the Zyprexa I read up on a are so bad that it feels like you’re not even taking anxiety meds so my doctor increased my 3 mg a day to 6 mg a day while I was coming off of the Zyprexa I read up on this medication a lot and I never saw any success stories but I took a month off of work rested drink lotta water keep in contact with police your primary care doctor keep yourself preoccupied talking helped for me sometimes but don’t give up trust me the long-term affects of those medications all of them are horrible and you never feel like yourself I have been off bipolar meds before and I did it alone and I will do it again so don’t give up I’m back at work and I feel better than ever I have some days where I don’t feel good but then it goes away eventually it’ll go away completely good luck " ], "date": [ "2018-12-23T06:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi.\r\ni came off 10mg of olanzapine but i did it very very slowly. took months till i stopped taking it totally but even after thst, next 3 weeks were bad. had headaches, severe anxiety, fekt scared a lot of the times but i didnt give in as i hated how it made me feel. 6 weeks on now and im feeling a lot better.i would not say 100 percent normal like i was before i got ill three years ago but i feel a lot better. i can truly say what helped me is just plain will and meditation. i do the chanting version rather thsn just focus on breathing as when im in the mudst of a very stupid thought causing severe anxiety,only thing that worked for me is chanthing. im nit particularly religious or spiritual but the method works for me. i still do it in tje morning and evening and it helps me a lot." ], "date": [ "2020-06-23T21:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ruth75674-1166539" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've been off it 2.5 for 5 months took it for year and half still tapered down about 6 months and still feel nausea in mornings and no appetite causes heart problems take cbd capsules they help think ill have to get mood stabiliser depakote as sleep OK but can hardly drink alcohol as it makes you sicker feel down terrible this drug should be banned" ], "date": [ "2020-10-11T15:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun13344-1090067" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun13344-1090067" ], "content": [ "Hi Shaun, you are very brave to try and go cold turkey. That can be dangerous if there is psychosis beneath the pills. I have been on olanzapine for 20 years and they help with my psychosis or at least they did. I can understand the fear you felt when you came off all your tabs. Try CBDs if you can afford them, at least 100mg pure CBD per day. They are expensive and some outlets offer bulk discounts. The good news is that GW pharmacy is testing a natural CBD based pill for schizophrenia. We have to be patient as the trials are in their early stages. There is also the possibility of an anti-fear pill in the future too that may help.\r\nI feel trapped too at times with my meds, it must be frustrating for you too. Thanks for all the warm words of encouragement. I wish you success and do try CBDs if you have access to them. I am not braver than you, just sick of the weight gain, spasms and HBP too, like you. Best of luck.  Francis. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-03T15:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shaun13344-1090067" ], "content": [ "Hi Shaun , just wondering how are you going? ? Are you off Zyprexa? ? Im almost 4wks of being off Zyprexa Wafers 15mg. Withdrawals are tuff aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia i do get a couple of hours when i can cope better but not enuff to get on top of things. I wish you all the very best an take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-15T14:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi James I have been on 5mg morning and 5mg at night for about 3 years and I&#39;ve put on 3 stone weight and have high blood pressure so last week my Dr tryed taking me straight of them with no taper just straight cold turkey and I couldn&#39;t handle the withdrawal so I fonend my gp and they have put me bk on my original dose after 6 days I was sweating having panic attacks al day not showering scared to go out the house to be honest I wish I was never put on them but now I feel trapped if you can do it good on you cause ur a braver man than me I wish u all the luck and hope you get through it take care kind regards Shaun.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-03T14:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "content": [ "<p>I was on 7.5 mg at night and 2.5 in the day.im now taking 5 mg at night and still on the day dose. this is what the doctor said to do to come off olanzapine. I&#39;m feeling withdrawal symptoms.im supposed to stay on the dose for a month and then reduce again by 2.5 mg. I&#39;ve been on olanzapine for 6 weeks. It&#39;s very difficult coming off this med.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T14:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "content": [ "Hi Ash, take your time coming off this medication as the withdrawals are horrendous. I am nearly 11 weeks off now and feeling good. I go to the gym 5x a week and eat healthy most days. I wish you well coming off as it can be very difficult. I was on 2.5mgs at night and then halved it, i then stoppef taking it after that dose it was tough try tapering to smallest dose to lessen withdrawals but you may still get some esp. insomnia, anxiety, depression, hot and cold temp, sweats, restlessness, headaches....... Stay strong!" ], "date": [ "2017-11-26T08:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Bridget, hope your doing well coming off Zyprexa.. im in my 2nd wk from going Cold Turkey.. i didn&#39;t get any medical advice on going off this hideous drug an after being on 15mg for 7yrs or so i decided to 7wks ago drop down to 10mg then 2wks later 5mg then 2wks later went Cold Turkey it&#39;s been rough with lot of aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia.. 2wks free an determined to see it thru if i can. Take care an best of luck with coming down of this evil drug. Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-01T22:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Bridget, hope your doing well? ? Are u suffering from any withdrawals still ?? Aches an pains headaches etc ?? Im jus into my 3rd wk of Withdrawals from Zyprexa. I&#39;ve had some reasonable hours thru the days where i can cope alot better but then the aches an pains an headaches take over again. Im hoping in time it&#39;ll all be worth it. Take care Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T13:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have been off Olanzapine for over 6 and a half weeks, its been dreadful but I have come too far to go back now.&#160; I am on no other anti psychotic, anti anxiety, anti depressant only the odd ibuprofen or paracetemol and magnesium for sleep.&#160; I am still waking at 2am or 3am and have good and bad days.&#160; I work full time and go to the gym, this all adds to the intensity of coming off.&#160; But it also helps as well. I have the approval of my doctor but some days I just want it all to stop.&#160; I had depression, [b]suicidal[/b]ity, anxiety lasting 6 weeks.&#160; I finally feel like the anxiety has lifted but now it is just aches and pain from not sleeping long enough. I wish you all luck in coming off this deadly drug - it is not one to mess with.&#160; God bless.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T23:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/myo04766-1107303" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/myo04766-1107303" ], "content": [ "Hello I  have been taking 5mg  of Olanzapine for over 10 years  I have stopped taking the drug for over 3 weeks  I am having stomach cramps and a sense of tingling throughout my body    I am going to fight this as this drug has caused my to have septic shock which almost killed me   I have had a stroke  I am diabetic and I am having to cathertise as I can not pass urine   The stroke has left me physically and mentally disabled  It was only on research several weeks ago that I found this terrible drug has caused my ailments To any one taking olanzapine please keep away from this drug  It should be banned!  Strangely  enough at present my whole body aches and feels very heavy but I am determined to beat it  please do not give up I wish you well  from Margaret" ], "date": [ "2017-10-27T13:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "Hi Margaret, I understand your suffering and you are a very brave and determined lady. Olanzapine is evil and in time there will be less harmful alternatives, like CBD plant-based safer meds. Sorry to hear about your stroke. That sounds a great blow to your well being. Keep up the good fight. Francis." ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T18:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "Hello Francis many thanks for your comments What is really upsetting me is that I have been put on this evil drug for over ten years after a break down and my doctors have never discussed with me to withdraw.  all the ailments that I have got are down to Olanzapine which nearly cost me my life  I researched this drug and was horrified to find all the side affects that I have.   At present I have seen 3 doctors each giving me conflicting advice  I am not taking Olanzapine now  I have been to my pharmacy and explained I have severe withdrawal symptoms  I was told to take two paracetamol 4 times a day for two weeks and if I I am in further pain after  2 weeks to go back to my doctor which I have no faith in  After all it is the doctors that prescribed this drug in the first place  .I know that the doctors are still prescribing this drug!  Are you trying to withdraw as well ? if so please let me know how you are and keep in touch  with very best wishes from Margaret" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T19:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, Margaret you are brave to fight off Olanzapine. Ten years is a long time. I&#39;ve been on it for nearly 20 years. Yers, enough is enough when it threatens your life. My mother died of a stroke. I had a seizure on a mixture of Amisulpride &amp; Olanzapine. What do you take the drugs for? I take Olanzapine for acute paranoia. I am experimenting with CBDs and milk-based products to calm me down. I drink about 4 pints of milk per day and take 2-4 CBD Gel-tabs that seem to have calming effects in large doses. They are slightly laxative! At least they&#39;re a pure plant extract, unlike Olanzapine. I am interested in using painkillers for withdrawal, as I found Co-Dydramol good for anxiety. Also, beta-blockers are good for severe anxiety, especially Propanolol. They do affect your breathing. I am withdrawing from Diazepam slowly - 2 mg less per month. Maybe try having the 2.5 mg of Olanzapine cut to 1.25 mg cut per month or more. Did the painkillers help with withdrawal? The lowest dose of Olanzapine I had daily&#160;was 12.5 mg and I had acute withdrawal effects. I will stay in touch and let you know when it&#39;s a good time for me to start withdrawal from Olanzapine. One at a time first. Family and friend support seems to produce better results when on withdrawal. How about you?</p><p>Kind Regards, Francis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T20:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey guys I&#39;m coming up for a year in Nov free of olanzapine . It has been the toughest thing I have ever done. This drug should be withdrawn.... since coming off it I can think clearer and just sleeping a good 8 hours BUT.... my physical health has got bad( don&#39;t no if it&#39;s to do with damage the awful drug has done I&#39;m waiting to prove it) all I can say it&#39;s the toughest challenge you will ever go through but I&#39;m living proof u can do it. I&#39;m rooting for you guy. Take care sarah</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T21:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "Hi, congratulations! Well done you are an inspiration for me and many others on the slow killer. Did you achieve it alone or with support? Hope your physical health improves soon. I like the idea of being able to think clearer. I feel constantly confused and a bit dizzy. Could be diabetes caused by that vile drug. Take care. Hope your life continues to improve. You deserve it. Francis." ], "date": [ "2017-10-29T21:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "Hi Francis  I have the most severe withdrawal symptoms and have had excrutiating  pains all over my body It is unbearable and I am in severe discomfort  Had to call out the paramedics who arranged me to see my doctor I cannot bear it no longer and I am back on Olanzapine 5mg  I feel extremely un well my whole body is vibrating  How are you coping Francis?  kind regards from Margaret" ], "date": [ "2017-11-01T13:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Margaret, I am sorry to read that you are going through what seems, a living Hell. I can understand severe pains, as I have a gallstone that flared up and it was like a stabbing feeling. Are you taking anything for the pain? Do you feel better that you are back on 5 mg Olanzapine? I am on 15 mg per day. You are very brave to try and reduce Olanzapine. I nearly killed myself yesterday, so I am delaying all med reductions&#160;till my personal circumstances change for the better. I am waiting for a new delivery of CBD-gels. Every time I come off my CBDs I feel worse. Are your vibrations like a shaking sensation? I shook when I was frightened. You must feel horrid and perhaps desperate as to what to do next? Life can be very cruel sometimes, especially if you are sensitive like me. I can&#39;t honestly imagine all the torture that you are going through and I hope you recover soon. Have you good friends and family members to relate to? If not try phoning helplines. I wish you well. Take good care, Francis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-01T14:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "Hello Francis  many thanks for your kind words   the doctor prescribed me medication to take but I am in severe pain  my whole body is contracting  even my toes  It is very frightening  I have a good family and friends for support    I am back on 5mg Olanzapine  but at the moment I do not feel any difference  Why was you out on this medicaion for?  with me I had electric shock treatment for severe depression 11 years ago  It was only when I researched this drug that I decided to come off it not realizing the consequences   I wish you well  Frances  keep in touch warmest wishes from Margaret" ], "date": [ "2017-11-02T20:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Margaret, Thank you for sharing your terrible experience of withdrawals with me, you must be going through a very difficult and extremely painful time. Does it feel that your body is being crushed by a winding sheet? I was warned by my Psych that I would die if I came off Olanzapine abruptly and I am taking 15 mg. Your dose seems very small. Are you taking it for depression? I take Olanzapine for Depression. At least very few folks believe that I&#39;ve been persecuted by the State! Anyway, it seems also that Olanzapine isn&#39;t helping you much. You may need a higher dose or an alternative anti-psychotic. I am happy that you have supportive friends and family. Sadly, I don&#39;t. Mindfulness is a very useful distraction from suffering and pain. It takes practice. Hope to be back on the CBDs soon, they do help me feel calm. Did the ECT help you? Hope your suffering ends soon and you get the right treatment for you. You are the expert on how meds affect you. Warm Regards. Hug. Francis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-03T01:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "Hello Francis many thanks for your kind reply  I  as having a bad time when I had the electric shock treatment   I was having delusions and when my husband visited me at the hospital I did not want to see him  I told him that He had bankrupted us!  The delusions was terrible and I was telling everyone that we was homeless!  I cant beleive what was happening to me when I look back  I was suffering from clinical depression and have been on olanzapine ever since  So sorry to have hear that you  have had terrible upset in the past as it must have been dreadful when you was left of your own to raise a family  please keep in touch   and wish you well  warm regards  from Margaret" ], "date": [ "2017-11-03T16:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Margaret, you&#39;re welcome and thanks for your reply. That must have been frightening for you, thinking that you are homeless and bankrupt. Did your husband understand that you were ill? Have you always been on 5 mg of Olanzapine? I&#39;d 30 mg per day in 2000 and reduced it to 15 mg per day. It seems you have had some psychotic symptoms with your depression. Did you take any other meds? 5 mg of Olanzapine would not help me at all. The lowest I&#39;ve been on is 12.5 mg. I have never had the stress and joy of raising a family. Back on 75 mg of CBD today and able to write this to you.</p><p>It&#39;s either beer or CBD&#39;s. Maybe CBDs are safer and possibly more effective at eradicating anxiety/fear? Where did you buy yours? Wish you all the best for health. Hugs, Francis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-03T19:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "Hello Francis  Thanks for you  reply  It was very difficult for me whilst in hospital a terrible time the delusions was very bad for me I did not want  to have nothing to do with my husband the delusions felt very real   my husband was very upset and even the doctors asked him if we were bankruptI am going back to the doctors tomorrow  the withdrawal symptoms are really upsetting me  I have a tightness around my throat and feel awful  I feel that I cannnot functon properly and have spent most of today in bed  As I have been back on Olanzapine  5mg I feel really drowsy and uncomfortable  Will will send you a further message when I have seen the doctors  tomorrow  Hope you are a little    better  today  thinking of you sending back hugs  from Margaret  xx" ], "date": [ "2017-11-05T22:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Margaret, I will keep this short, as I&#39;m feeling very drowsy. I wish you the best with your doctor and I hope he helps you out of the nightmare of delusions and physical pain you are enduring. When I reduced to 12.5 mg per day and my mind felt drained of any energy - I upped my dose to 15 mg. Perhaps to quell your suffering it may be better to increase your Olanzapine temporarily or try another med. Sometimes, we don&#39;t always get the timing right for withdrawal and maybe the timing could be better for withdrawal from OLanzapine. That tightness around you seems extremely frightening. Does your husband understand you very well? Is there any truth about being bankrupt or moneyless? You seem to be very aware of your delusions, so you probably know what is &quot;real&quot; and what is doubtful. At the end of the day, you are the expert patient with a doctor&#39;s support. Thank you for the hugs and good wishes. Best of results with your doctor&#39;s visit. Hugs, Francis. x</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-05T23:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annemay-1135853" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi my name is Amy. I have been on Olanzipine for about 6 yrs 25mg for past year then my MD abruptly stopped it. It&#39;s been about 3 months but this so called withdrawl which is severe mania upon the anxiety and sleep and severe headaches bodyaches muscle pain are killing me. What can I take or consume to help the pain and mania? I want to stay off it now that it has been this long but omg what do I do??????</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-02T08:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annemay-1135853" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/francis20252-1068635" ], "content": [ "What is CBD??? I have come off of 25mg Olanzipine abrubptly about 3 months ago and its still so aweful for me. Any suggestions or input would help ever so greatly. My apologies my name is Amy and was on Olanzipine for 6 yrs. Please help...." ], "date": [ "2018-01-02T08:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheeky87-909239" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annemay-1135853" ], "content": [ "all i can say is congratulations and stay off them. try and get some diazepam as the withdrawel can be much worse than the reason that you were ever on them. It is a complete nightmare to come of those pills and i dont know how on earth you have managed this long without going back on them as thats what the withdrawel does to so many people it makes them go back on them just to get some relief from the horrors of withdrawel. your doing so very well. i found that diazepam or any kind of benzo helped me. please please keep it up. i will pray for you. have you ever been to mad in america website  its a forum where many people talk about withdrawel from anti psychotic you will soon see that not many people can get of them so please share your story with them as they need hope, all the very best to you my dear. your so lucky to get off those horrible pills for so long. your nealry over it. god bless you." ], "date": [ "2018-01-02T10:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annemay-1135853" ], "content": [ "<p>Well done Amy I&#39;ve been a little over a yr of olanzapine was the biggest thing I&#39;ve ever done. I smoked cannabis which help loads. I feel for u as it&#39;s the most awful withdrawal. Sarah </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-02T11:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "Bad physical health in what way? Have you lost weight? Congratulations to you on your one year abstinence I am 17 weeks off, my sleep is still bad, how long did you wait before you slept 8 hours? \r\nB!" ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T09:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "content": [ "<p>Morning bridget. No weight loss but always been overweight lol. It took about 5 months to get a full nights sleep I suffered terribly with bad headaches and also had a lot of eye pain and neck pain (doc said it withdrawal) I&#39;m suffering with bad uti&#39;s (never had one in my life ) 17 weeks that is amazing hun just don&#39;t give up it&#39;s so tough . Sarah </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T10:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annemay-1135853" ], "content": [ "Your M.D. should not have told you to stop abruptly as this makes withdrawals worse especially on the dose you were in. I took codeine when in pain which helped but you have to take care to not overuse other meds as they are addictive. Educate youself through other withdrawal sites and keep going. Healthy eating and exercise helped me immensely. Good luck. \r\n\r\nB!" ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T16:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "Yes I get headaches too. Body is sensitive to any changes. Sleep is all I want to improve now. Thank you for your response." ], "date": [ "2018-01-12T05:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah , im from Perth Western Australia an have been on Zyprexa for nearly 8yrs an 5wks ago i cut down from 15mg to 10mg then 2wks later dropped to 5mg an for bout 10days havn&#39;t had any an are finding it tough with terrible headaches muscle aches an general unwell feeling. However im determined to see it thru if i can. Been good to see different people opinions bout this very hard to beat drug. Only other Antidepressant im stil taking is Mertazipine 30mg nightly. Havn&#39;t slept for past 36hrs no doubt part of withdrawal symptoms. Hope your coping well an take care. Lloyd</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-29T17:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Lloyd I&#39;m coming up to 17 months free. I did straight cold turkey and boy it was the hardest thing I&#39;ve ever done . 9 months into the withdrawal I went to see my go and I&#39;m now on 100mg sertraline and I feeling great now. The one thing that got me through withdrawal was smoking cannabis. My health has suffered uti&#39;s terrible tummy problems. I honestly think it took a good 14 months to feel right again. Just be bloody strong and talk about how u are feeling. Ur not going mad it&#39;s normal. Wishing u luck . Sarah </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-29T19:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah , thanks for your reply. I forgot to mention did you have any breathing problems or shallow breathing while coming off Zyprexa? ? I notice others have mentioned bout shallow breathing while going thru withdrawals. I jus wonder if Zyprexa has anything to do with my shallow breathing problems. Ive been on Oxygen Therapy 24/7 for past 6wks. Will be interesting to see if my Breathing improves when i beat these withdrawals. Would like yours or anyone else&#39;s opinion on this please? ? Im having bouts where i seem to be getting on top of the withdrawals for short periods of time then back to square one is this normal ?? Take care Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-31T15:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi lloyd. No problems with breathing . I was up and down with the withdrawal the problems I had was emotions I would cry at anything and thing I was going crazy. It seemed to me that poison completely numbed my brain I had no feeling for 10 yrs then BANG . I suffered terrible head aches really bad eye pain ( honestly thought I had a brain tumour) lack of sleep over thinking things , uti&#39;s tummy problems, awful tension in my neck and back. It will pass but don&#39;t expect to be normal for months. Stick it out it&#39;s worth it &#128513;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-31T15:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah, sorry to bother you again but was jus wondering if is any difference from one being on Zyprexa Wafers as apose to Zyprexa Tablets or Liquid Zyprexa? ? Do you think it would be harder to come down off anyone of those 3 types... i was taking Zyprexa Wafers an they would disolve almost instantly under my tongue on the other hand Tablets would have to go thru your stomach etc. Just curious if one is more active then the other. If you or anyone else would know if one is quicker or long longer acting then the other I&#39;d like to know? ? Thanking you Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-02T20:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/myo04766-1107303" ], "content": [ "Hi myo04766 , how are you going? ? Are you off Zyprexa? ? If you are how are you fairing? ? Any withdrawals etc. Im coming up to near 3wks after coming off Zyprexa. Terrible Withdrawals aches an pains headaches an insomnia.. i do also at have times when i cope reasonably ok. Im determined to beat this terrible drug in time. Take care an best wishes Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T15:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "content": [ "<p>Hang in there Lloyd!&#160; It sounds you are going through the worst of the withdrawal right now.&#160; I want to say this, at the times of the lows it can get pretty low and negative even very negative thoughts can haunt you.&#160; It gets better with time slowly, sometimes back and forth, but will get better as the drug and any traces of it are out of your system and your body and brain try to reset itself.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>I will say that 3 months off the drug is a good mark in the journey towards recovery and getting back to a normal semblance of life.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>Please try to exercise, eat healthy, eat supplements (the good ones), try to surround yourself with caring and loving people, try to avoid stress (that was a hard one for me especially because of my stressful job that I had to maintain due to my obligations to my children), and practice as many good habits as you can.</p><p></p><p>For me, my faith and family were key to help me in my recovery.&#160; I am now about 4 months off all psych drugs and I&#160;would recommend getting all of the psych drugs out of your system if you want to improve your chances to a full recovery.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>Prayers, thoughts, and hope this helps you.</p><p></p><p>p.s. for reference I was on zyprexa for about 3 months (from 30 mg, to 10 mg to cold turkey), and abilify for 3 weeks.&#160; The WD was hell on earth for me and I truly believed it had ruined my life permanently.&#160; Now though, being off completely for several months, I feel much better and am glad I didn&#39;t decide to end my life when it got the lowest and stayed low for a while...&#160; the insomnia was the worst part for me since it seemed to cause many of the other panic attacks and anxiety and my brain just could not seem to function normally.</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T19:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kate85501-1141177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah, thank you for sharing your story.&#160; I too came off cold turkey and I have to say anyone who has successfully come off cold turkey understands what you mean when you say &quot;it was the hardest thing I&#39;ve ever done.&quot;&#160; And I have already been through a lot!</p><p></p><p>&quot;If you feel like you&#39;re going through hell, keep going.&quot;</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-04T19:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annemay-1135853" ], "content": [ "Hi Annemay , how are you coping with your battle with Zyprexa? ? Are you still having aches an pains etc Im still struggling with aches an pains headaches an insomnia. Im jus over 3wks off this drug an still determined to see it thru if I can. Best wishes to you and take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-13T22:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sarah, just wondering how your going with everything ?? Im 3wks and 5days into my withdrawals from Zyprexa an still having aches an pains headaches an insomnia. Been taking Melatonin for past wk an not getting as much sleep as would like but hopefully that&#39;ll improve. Sounds like i have at least a couple more months of withdrawals before things improve going by what people say on this forum. Im guna see it thru as can&#39;t turn back now. Hope your well best wishes an take care Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-14T03:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/margaret69208-1080682" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Margaret, would like to know how you&#39;re doing with your battle with Zyprexa Withdrawals? ? Im into 3 an halve weeks off Zyprexa. Im having lot of aches an pains headaches an insomnia. Ive been taking Melatonin for past wk to help sleep but not helping as yet. I also have some Dizzy spells have you any of my symptoms aswell ? ? Best wishes an take care Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-14T14:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14642-1022349" ], "content": [ "Hi Sarah, how are you going now ?? Im into my 4th wk of Withdrawals an still having aches an pains an insomnia but still hava clear mind an hope to see it thru. Hope you as re well. Take care Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-19T04:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Oh my god, Jamesmilly, I have the exact same problems associated with olizanpine use! Initially it helped me sleep but I sleep for at least twelve hours each day. I couldn&#39;t go to work and the medicine makes me feel heavy . I gained a lot of weight due to olizanpine use. My doctor prescribed it to me for ten years and now I am just recently seeing a new doctor and telling him i won&#39;t be using olizanpine anymore. But I am scared I will have issues regarding sleep as olizanpine helped me to sleep at night. &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-27T04:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/psychochief-9210" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cheeky87-909239" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/psychochief-9210" ], "content": [ "there is a massive difference between st johns wort and olanazipine. just look up the side effect and all the problems that olanzapine causes. its like telling someone not to take an aneasthetic for an operation becuase its dangerous. i dont think you have ever been on an antii psycotic drug and suffered the withdrawal. do you work for the pharmacuetical compaies. " ], "date": [ "2018-01-02T10:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget46879-1047135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/psychochief-9210" ], "content": [ "St Johns wort is a natural remedy the other is a lethal anti psychotic cocktail of weight gaining, motivation zapping poison. Which would you prefer ?\r\n\r\nJust saying. " ], "date": [ "2018-01-07T10:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hiya james ^_\r\n\r\nsorry your having a rough time, but on a practical note, in the short term can you pay bills etc on-line until you feel better about being 'out and about';)\r\n\r\nit strikes me you really do need to talk to your doctor about this rather than trying to self medicate with over the counter drugs, you say you don't want to swap for another drug but that's in effect what you would be doing by using st johns wort etc. \r\n\r\nif you dont mind me asking how does your ocd manifest itself and do you still suffer from it, one things for sure is that you are depressed and really do need help from a professional, don't try and 'go it alone' , your not being 'weak' by seeking help, your ill not weak ;)\r\n\r\ncheers\r\n\r\nKen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^_" ], "date": [ "2012-06-01T12:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan00039-102163" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan00039-102163" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Jonathan jus wondering how your going are you off Zyprexa ?? Im doing it tough going into my 3rd wk off Zyprexa but im determined to see it thru an come out the other side ok hopefully. Really hope you&#39;ve been able to get thru the terrible Withdrawals this drug gives you.. Take care an best wishes for the future. Lloyd </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-02T10:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan00039-102163" ], "content": [ "\r\n hi. i was on 10mg for a yr then doc reduced it to 5mg. now im just on 2.5mg. doc says take it for one more month then come off it totally.the horror stories here are scary of people coming off olanzapine." ], "date": [ "2018-12-05T14:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Dear James,\r\n\r\nHope you are now off the Olanzapine. I found Melatonin useful when I had some insomnia when I tried to come off my Olanzapine medication. I was on 2.5mg for years. Being on the smallest dose I erroneously thought I could just stop taking it. Apart from a bit of insomnia everything seemed ok. After over two months being off it I started getting terrible anxiety heart symptoms - thought I was going to have a heart attack all the time outside. It was very scary. When I finally realized what was going on I went back on the Olanzapine. I'm going to try to get off it again, but will be doing it very slowly. I would urge anybody contemplating to come off Olanzapine, to come off it very slowly, no matter what the dose is.\r\n\r\nJon." ], "date": [ "2014-02-19T20:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robina87-45070" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi james how are you managing on your olanzapine withdrawel. i found it really difficult and have had to go back on them. although i now dont take them everyday and i keep to the smallest ammount that handles my symptoms, the reason i wanted off them was because of all the weight i put on, nearly 5 stone and the pains in my body that they caused i was hardly able to walk because of sore feet and knees and legs. it was terrible, i stopped the first time,, as i'v had a few attempts at coming off them but always failed, anyway i stopped them dead the first time and within two weeks i was so ill i had to go back on them i was so suiicidal, then went straight back on them and i felt so much relief. then as i couldnt bear the body and weight gain i came off them again, this time i got a pill cutter i bought from the chemist and cut down to 2.5 a day as i was on a low dose anyway becuase my legs swelled up so bad when i was on 10 mg a day or twice a day, so i stuck to one a day for about a month, then i cut down to half a 2.5 a month but i think i came of them so quickly because i started to get really depressed again and what i do now is take 5mg then 2.5 mg for a few days untill i feel a bit better, then i stop again, so its off on again with me but i dont mind as long as im not on them every day i can cope and even the pain is less, thats why i can cope, i'v got so much going on at the moment and i willl try to come off them totally when i get everything else sorted out, i wish you all the best, keep in touch love to you alll,xx" ], "date": [ "2014-02-20T09:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robina87-45070" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry i was just checking my post and i mentioned cutting down to 2.5 a month i meant to say a day. " ], "date": [ "2014-02-20T09:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/matt72260-955776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ash1234-1107909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt72260-955776" ], "content": [ "hi Matt. i was also taking 10mg a day for a year then doc reduced it to 5 and now im just on 2.5. did you experience any symptoms coming back ? its good you didnt feel withdrawal symptoms.hope i dont when i come off it totally too." ], "date": [ "2018-12-05T14:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pablo91110-1109507" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/matt72260-955776" ], "content": [ "I have just stopped 20mg a day plus 150mg venlafaxine it's tough but I am very strong willed lìke you... I do feel some symptoms such as palpitations in my hands and having boundless energy thus being unable to sleep at all. I can and will beat this drug I've come off worse put it that way " ], "date": [ "2020-12-09T06:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi mate, I was taking 10mg of olanzapine a day for a year and I suddenly decided I didn&#39;t need it anymore. I stopped cold turkey. No major symptoms just a light headache. Its </p><p>Mind over matter. Say I&#39;m stronger than this and beat it. Go for a run, eat healthy and keep busy is the main thing and you&#39;ll sleep like a baby.</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-12-09T06:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hopper0683-958726" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamesmilly-21328" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kristine58413-629528" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hopper0683-958726" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I have a question,I been withdrawing from zyprexa cold turkey from April of 2016,I got deathly ill and didn’t know what was happening to me,I didn’t sleep for months on end,had the most excruciating anxiety i ever had in my life,plus severe [b]suicidal[/b] depression bad balance and coordination and very severe dizziness and tightness in my head ever day since,I did get days where it lifted and was more bearable,I get horrible fear esp when I walk outside,I was cold turkeyed from klonopin to 10 years ago and horribly suffered,I am currently stuck on a small dose of seroquel 37.5 msg,mirtazapine and small dose of tegretol,my question is,should I go back on zyprexa and retaper? If so how should I do it? I did take more zyprexa than what I was supposed to a year and a half ago,this is the worst wd ever had in my life,just as bad as klonopin wd maybe even worse! I need advice on what to do from here,every time I try to taper my other meds,it just gets worse,I feel stuck.&#128546;&#128546;&#128546;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-22T18:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patient-1076321" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristine58413-629528" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi kristine58413</p><p></p><p>We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologies for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.</p><p></p><p>If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.</p><p></p><p>Their contact details are on our patient information leaflet here: <a href=\"/health/dealing-with-suicidal-thoughts\" target=\"_blank\">https://patient.info/health/dealing-with-suicidal-thoughts</a>, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.</p><p></p><p>If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you&#39;re going through and will be able to help.</p><p></p><p>Kindest regards</p><p>Patient</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-23T09:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristine58413-629528" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kristine , how&#39;s things going for you? ? Are you off Zyprexa? ? Im currently off Zyprexa almost 3wks. Still hard symptoms aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia. However i do get few hours a days where i can get reasonable relief from my Withdrawals. I hope each day I&#39;ll continue to improve. Best wishes an take care . Lloyd from Oz </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-05T16:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lloyd_28589-1166299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kristine58413-629528" ], "content": [ "Hi Kristine, how are you going with your Zyprexa withdrawals etc ?? Im just into my 3rd wk off Zyprexa. My withdrawals are aches an pains headaches an terrible insomnia an Dizzy spells. Ive been taking Melatonin slow release tablets for past 4 nights without any effect yet. Im determined to see it thru if I can. Take care an best wishes for the future.. Lloyd " ], "date": [ "2018-04-09T01:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bronwyn43244-1447375" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hopper0683-958726" ], "content": [ "how long did withdrawals last?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-11-19T10:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I recently stopped taking olanzapine. I took a moderate dose for eight years. The withdrawal is awful, but I&#39;ve found help and comfort in my friends. When I&#39;m starving, but struggling to make myself swallow, my friend who knows how to make amazing food cooks for me something calorically dense yet easy to eat. When I&#39;m too dizzy to walk, my friends let me brace myself on their shoulder. When I&#39;m too confused to communicate they sit with me patiently while I try to find words. The symptoms aren&#39;t constant. I have episodes where certain symptoms are worse or better. During the good times I get as much done as I can. The rest of the time I rely on my friends. I know not everyone is as fortunate as I am in this regard. But if you have people in your life who love you, don&#39;t be afraid to tell them how you&#39;re doing and ask for support. I suspect my symptoms should start to fade in a few months. In the mean time, it&#39;s the long steady push. What I&#39;m going through is exceptionally painful. It&#39;s embarrassing. It&#39;s emotionally strenuous. But I&#39;m worth it. I&#39;m worth fighting through this and getting to the other side, and so are you. Don&#39;t be afraid of how long it might take. After the sun sets, the dark and the cold can be overwhelming. There are things in the night that haunt us, and there is no glimmer of change in the dark to signal the coming day. But the sun always rises. Always. My advice to anyone, no matter what they are facing, is to steady on, be forward thinking, and remember that you are worth fighting for.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-15T22:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/how-long-does-olanzapine-withdrawal-last--36250?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
how long does olanzapine withdrawal last?
Does anybody know roughly how long olanzapine withdrawal lasts?. I`ve been on it for three years for ocd like paraniod delutions and a genaral feeling of anxiety. at first it was wonderfull, helped me alot especialy with sleep. the problem was that i probably slept for too long (upwards of 14 hours each night) and did very little exercise. i lost all interest in hobbies that i had previosly enjoyed like gardening, cycling, and being close to nature. sometimes just a walk too the beach used to clear my head and when i was well i`d go to the beach or walk around the village everyday, but i just dont get the same satisfaction out of it anymore and generally stay at home, plus i dont have the confidence to go out because i feel people are wispering about me or taking the piss out of my weight or the way i look. i was an active 25 year old young man who enjoyed the simple things in life. now im 28, depressed everyday with health probems. i tapered the dose down gradually to 2.5mg and on on the 1st of march stoped completely and had six weeks of hell, nausia, insonia, anxiety.... it got to the point where i could`nt take it anymore and gave in and began taking it again but after three weeks of being drowzy all day decided to give it another go and i`ve not had any now for five weeks . im not sleeping well and cant eat very much either. the problem now is im a nevous wreck 24/7, im all sweaty and panicy just leaving the house for grocerys and i have bills to pay and jobs that need doing but just having a shower once a day is pretty much all i can manage. its got to the point now where im templed to take it just to get some good quality sleep for a few days, get my appitete back, and look presentable so i can go into town and sort my bills out but i keep telling myself to be strong and try to see the light at the end of the tunnel. some poeple say it can take upto three months for your body to ajust, if anybody has had a similar experience olanzapine and managed to come off if and recover without swaping it for another drug please reply. would st johns wort or melatonin help for sleep? would apreciate any helpfull veiws or coments. thanks. james millington.
Olanzapine (olexar/zyprexa)
i am on day 184 of withdrawals and on espiride to help. is there a better pill to help and how long do withdrawals last?
Citilipram withdrawal - help
In December 2021 I caught Covid. I then started having panic attacks (never had them in 25 years of my life) (I was petrified of not breathing properly). By September 22 my family couldn't watch my anxiety get worse any longer. The doctor firstly put me on 50mg of sertraline. He promised that if I stuck it out the side effects would ease off. After 5/6 weeks I still had very very bad dizziness , no balance, pretty much had vertigo and my eyes were fuzzy. (horrible experience) as well as bad memory. As the above was interfering with work and my life in general, I then went on 10mg Citilipram. Still experienced the above , not as intense but still ruined my work life as I was just not with it and spaced out. To speed up the process I stupidly agreed we to try 20mg after 4 weeks on 10mg . Annoyingly the first 3 symptoms I said I was experiencing throughout this the doctor and family wouldn't buy that it was the tablets:- 1. Vertigo 2. very bad headaches 3. fuzzy eyes (really bad) 4. Dilerious / spaced out 5. pins and needles in legs/feet 6. dry mouth I have not enjoyed this experience at all. 2 weeks ago after 4 weeks on 20mg. I had had enough I felt like I was drunk from the minute I woke up. I was so delirious at work (I work in a prison so not good) . I decided to go cold turkey (I did read on the 3rd day this is not advised so I took a Citilapram with one day missed) Even missing one day made me so poorly by the afternoon on the 3rd day. withdrawals were intense - 1. Nausea 2. extreme vertigo symptoms (waking me up of a night feeling like i'm tipping) 3. pins and needles throughout body 4. Aching 5. fuzzy eyes .. (struggle to drive at night) the nausea has stopped and the vertigo has eased off nearly completely but the pins and needles and fuzzy eyes are. Panic attacks seem really intense and don't seem to stop. I feel worse on the tablets and now (after stopping them) than I did prior to getting help. A panic attack would last 5 minutes pre meds, on the tablets they last most of the day and I feel like i'm having an asthma attack even though it isn't but the pain in the chest resembles one! My question is - 1. has anyone been through this and experienced the same symptons so I know i'm not going insane? will my eyesight ever go back to normal? 2. I have also noticed that I can't drink alcohol? I tried half a beer in September and felt like i'd had 10 I was that dizzy and had to go home. Tried one last week had the same .. intense vertigo for hours. I have now been off the tablets 2 weeks and had half a glass of beer yesterday. I was spaced out , Got home to lie down and my whole body had pins and needles, a bit dizzy and I was so tired. Is this from being on anxiety medication as it never happened before? has anyone else had the same? I appreciate cold turkey was stupid but I couldn't face the side effects any longer I just want to have a full day at work and have a social life back with my pals for the last bit of my 20's! As a rough time scale all in all Since September 22 I have tried meds. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Achy legs
hi does anybody have leg aches with anxiety especially lower calves my legs feel heavy even when resting i do suffer from bad health anxiety but never had anything wrong with my legs before
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/curefox-1456985" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "talk to a pharmacist about this. They are the ones who know about medication, interactions, and serious outcomes. \r\nYou have the right to question your doctor about medication’s. They prescribe to you. I always question my doctor when I have concerns. And then, if I am not satisfied, I will get the correct answer." ], "date": [ "2023-03-01T11:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-doctor-prescribed-me-escitilopram-10mg-and-buspirone-7-5mg-and-i-m-scared--797266?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
My doctor prescribed me Escitilopram 10mg and Buspirone 7.5mg and I'm scared.
I read that combining these two medications can lead to Serotonin Syndrome. but I'm prescribed to take the Buspirone twice a day, once in the evening and once at night. and I'm prescribed to take Escitilopram just once a day, causing me to have to take the meds together atleast once a day. I am on day 4 of these meds and I have been experiencing some strong side effects- but I didn't know how dangerous it could be until I looked it up. I've been pushing through hoping the side effects would fade over time. But I don't think it's safe after what I just learned! Why the hell would my doctor prescribe me medication that could send me into a convulsive siezure if taken together!? I'm panicking! what do I do!?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ro19729-1456231" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Just remember the issues of your past, and whatever happened do not exist anymore. So by ruminating on them, you are not able to change anything that happened and you are wasting precious time in the present. It’s ruining your life, but it doesn’t have to. It’s NOT what happened that is ruining your life. It’s your thinking about it over and over. That is affecting your life! \r\nYou can let it go It’s important to let it go. \r\nalso, you think something is going to come and ruin your life? \r\nNegative thoughts like that are simply uncomfortable, deceptive messages to the brain that are a result of negative thinking. They are not based on reality.\r\nAre you keeping busy enough? A good way to stop the thoughts is to refocus your attention on something else something that you are very involved in . \r\nwhen we have too much time on our hands we can overthink. Get busy with some thing every single day. Anything is better than sitting around and thinking \r\nHelp somebody else out, it gives you a great feeling. get some exercise, volunteer somewhere there are always people in a worse situation.\r\nI read something once that said, \r\n\"get out of your head and into your life! \" \r\nAlso, something else I learned. Never try to figure out things that went wrong in the past it’s not going to change a thing. When you ruminate about it, it actually makes the thoughts harder to get rid of.\r\nFocus on the positive and move on with your life. Get some help with a counselor if you are really struggling. you are needlessly suffering. You can turn this around." ], "date": [ "2023-02-25T20:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-overload-797204?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety overload
can someone give some advice to stop thinking about the past and the shame that comes with it ? cannot not stop thinking about how something will come up and ruin my life ? i dont know how to handle this and i its ruining my life. For the last three months i have not been able to get these thoughts out of my head, please help !
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph00620-1457005" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so sorry that you are going through this. There are millions and millions of people who can relate to this, including myself.\r\nI’ve had anxiety since childhood, along with all of the sensations that you talk about.\r\nFirst, just know that any of those sensations are not harmful when they are related to anxiety.\r\nI completely understand the overwhelming anxiety, panic, not wanting to go anywhere, etc. and it sounds like you already know that the fight or flight and adrenaline response is what is responsible for all of this. Along with negative thoughts. If you haven’t had a complete physical exam within the last year. That would be a good place to start. after that, I would highly recommend that you get some regular counseling. It really helps to put things in perspective and find ways to manage this. Many therapist will counsel virtually so you don’t even have to leave your house. \r\nIt’s very important to get support for this.\r\n if you are having her levels of anxiety or panic , go to YouTube, and search for meditations for anxiety. You can also search for meditations for panic or over thinking. They help calm you down. I would say do these at least a couple times a day because they actually helped you change the brain in a positive way.\r\n If you can, get some exercise every day, even if it’s just walking. Exercise releases, good hormones in the brain to help you feel better.\r\n I will send you a private message. And do some long, slow, deep breathing and let go of negative thoughts. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-02-28T21:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-every-day-and-when-it-s-over-i-cry-uncontrollably--797138?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety every day and when it’s over I cry uncontrollably.
hi ive been dealing with unimaginable anxiety since i was 19 but its been a lot worse recently at the age of 35 any little thing that happens that makes me feel like im in trouble or dying usually cause an attack and it affects my every day tasks i dont want to leave the house ots one of the few places i can calm down and relax i cant drive anywhere lately as im not comfortable going anywhere for long its so bad when it finally ends i ball my eyes out cause im just so over feeling this is not quality of life this is straight up torture i feel loke my left arm is weak and its a concerned feeling that sparks anxiety, it just seems like every day is new symptoms and i dont know what to do anymore im just so over it my fight or flight goes crazy and i cant control it, can anyone relate?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennie27305-1456356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/helloabc-1456309" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i was on setraline for 2 months and it was awful my anxiety was very bad and no appetite i ended up going off it it was a nightmare for me" ], "date": [ "2023-02-23T19:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-taking-setraline-for-the-first-time-796822?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and taking setraline for the first time
Hi, i tried setraline for the first time last night And when I woke up this morning my anxiety is the worst it’s ever been. My heart was going 100 miles an hour and my palms were sweating. i took some busperone to help calm me down and also went on a run but it was awful and I dont know if I could bare feeling like that again. have other people had really bad physical anxitey symptoms after taking setraline? is it even worth trying it again. i feltnlike i was having a heart attack. thanks.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tlg001-1456802" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yew, anxiety does this, it just blocks people in the strangest ways and like with everything else, the only way to overcome it, is by doing it.\r\n\r\nRepeat to yourself over and over that this is the FREEZE part of anxiety.\r\n\r\nHave you got anyone at work that you feel comfortable sharing this with?" ], "date": [ "2023-02-22T13:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/extreme-anxiety-when-having-to-take-orders-at-restaurant-797045?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Extreme anxiety when having to take orders at restaurant
I work at a fast food place and can work most of the positions just fine. However, when I have to take someone's order over the headset, I get extreme anxiety and cannot do it. I know the person's waiting for me but when i open my mouth, no sound comes out. I want to do it but it's like I physically can't talk for some reason. If I take someone's order face-to-face, I am able to do so with no problem whatsoever. When I first started working several months ago, this was not an issue. However, it happened all of a sudden one day and ever since then I have been unable to take someone's order over a headset. This sensation has started appearing in my life outside of work as well. If I have to approach someone or talk to them first, it's like I physically can't talk even if I want to. Although, if someone initiates a conversation first, I have no problems at all. Does anyone have any idea of what could be happening?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy2785-1456437" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes, I’ve had all of those sensations all due to stress and anxiety. All my testing was normal. Everybody should have a complete physical exam at least once a year so if you haven’t had one in a while that be a good idea. Try to reduce the anxiety as much as you can. exercise, meditation, deep, breathing, stay active to avoid overthinking." ], "date": [ "2023-02-21T15:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-tingling-balance-and-vision-issues-796878?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amy2785-1456437" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello,\r\n\r\nIf this is of any help what you describing is very familiar to me. Head swimming sensation, off balance and pressure which feels like someone has wrapped a belt around your head. These symptoms develop gradually in me when in an environment where I feel under threat (I cannot control this - it just happens). I believe a lot of this is caused by tension, the fuzzy feeling in the head is very hard to describe to others who don't experience the same.\r\n\r\nI was that worried have seen a Neuro and had MRI scan - all came back clear which surprised me as the sensation was so intense - almost knocking me off my feet ! Have since been prescribed with Sertraline (3 years) but this makes little difference to me (other than dehydrating) - I still get the dreaded Brain fog and head tightness - just try and cope with it and take some comfort in knowing is nothing sinister." ], "date": [ "2023-02-22T11:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-tingling-balance-and-vision-issues-796878?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Head tingling, balance and vision issues
Never felt so alone, the symptoms i am experiencing are so scary that i feel like i am going to die, night times are the worse at the minute, so I'm wondering if anyone else experiences any of this! Not long after covid hit us all, I became very off balance, and felt like my head was swimming all the time, like pressure, I couldn't concentrate on anything without me thinking I was moving inside my head, if that makes any sense! Walking felt so strange, so off balance and I did not feel with it at all. My vision became very jumpy, which didn't help with my balance, three months later it seemed to have disappeared 😕. However, it is now back, eyes jumpy, tremors when trying to go to sleep, sometimes when standing, pressure in head, can't concentrate, it's like my body and mind are out of sync and I am trapped! I also get tingling, head, arms, face, legs, muscle twitches! A strange falling sensation in my eyes, hard to explain! It's like adrenaline is trapped in my body and I don't know how to make it stop! I don't feel myself, no hunger because of it, its like a vicious circle! Bloods are all fine. Waiting on ENT 🙄, could be months! Anyone else experience any of this???
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emis_moderator-18625" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emis_moderator-18625" ], "content": [ "Done this before, nothing helps" ], "date": [ "2023-02-21T19:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi anon24548,\r\n\r\nWe note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologise for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.\r\n\r\nIf you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.\r\n\r\nTheir contact details are on our patient information leaflet here: https://patient.info/health/dealing-with-suicidal-thoughts, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.\r\n\r\nIf you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.\r\n\r\nIf you are based outside of the UK.\r\n\r\nThe Samaritans is a UK based charity, but they also have suggestions for how you can access help in other countries.\r\n\r\nPlease have a look at this page https://www.befrienders.org/directory\r\n\r\nPatient\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-21T19:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-want-to-die-763686?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I'm not sure how a story of how someone else's life was also terrible is helpful here?" ], "date": [ "2023-02-21T19:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "ex navy seal david goggins . talk about horrible childhood! zero self esteem, felt like a nothing. couldnt read, write, bullied, and on and on! sprayed roaches for income. \r\nyou gotta listen to him and his story. if anyone had a reason to hate the world it was him. on you tube . " ], "date": [ "2023-02-21T19:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-want-to-die-763686?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/georgina73181-1384933" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "herpes simplex virus still in life the body infection a week or month outbreak. man have a hvs Positive spread to your skin. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T02:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-want-to-die-763686?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anon24548-1379596" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anon50796-1456756" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thats the story of an entirely different person, sure it might be \"motivational\" but it doesnt change anything" ], "date": [ "2023-02-21T19:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "\r\nbecause it shows how he turned his life around which is also what you can do. it’s a story that is real and it’s about fighting for your self and for your future. he didn’t wallow in self-pity . That’s why I \r\ntold you about it. Up to you...." ], "date": [ "2021-08-22T14:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-want-to-die-763686?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I want to die
I am so tired of living this worthless pointless life. I just want to die. Just recently had tests for stomach cancer and was so disappointed to learn that my polyps are benign. I want to kill myself but everyone will blame me if I do. Every day is just a reminder that I'm a failure and will never amount to anything. I've worked my ass off and I've got nothing to show for it. I'm just not good enough, smart enough, and talented enough to make it in this world. i just want my suffering to end. I hate every single day of my life. My mother has rejected me and doesn't give a ahit what happens to me. I have OCD, anxiety and depression. They never go away. Everyday is suffering and torture. I see no point to living at all. I pray every night that I don't wake up the next day. Knowing my luck I'll probably live a super long life. Whatever it takes for the universe to maximize my suffering. Before anyone chimes in about meds and doctors. I do all of that, and nothing helps. I can't wait to die. Kill me now. Life is garbage and so am
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sonyaleah-1190043" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "almost sounds like sinus issues because a lot of people who have that have sharp shooting pains in the face, headaches, head, pressure, etc. has your doctor ever asked you about past sinus issues? " ], "date": [ "2023-02-20T01:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-face-pain-796901?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
anxiety and face pain
Hello everybody just wondering if anybody has anything similar to me, its causing dreadful anxiety i have an awful head pressure and like sharp shooting pains up the left hand side of my face which come and go, making my anxiety in a vicious cycle, i am getting an mri tuesday so hope that will shed some light. Anyone have anything like this in here too?Hoping i am not the only one i do suffer from health anxiety. Thank you for reading .
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ro19729-1456231" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry you are going through this. Many people catastrophize and normally when this happens there is an underlying anxiety. \r\nanxiety can put thoughts into our head that are very, very scary and I know what that feels like. I have catastrophize for many years, and it was mental torture! But in the end, nothing bad ever happened. All those thoughts were not based on fact or reality, but only on one thing which is.FEAR. Fear combined with anxiety can reek havoc on our thoughts and our lives.\r\nI had to work on it one day at a time and not allow the thoughts to grow. We do have control over that! We can control what we think about or not think about it.\r\nNow whenever one of those horrible thoughts enters my mind, I just acknowledge that it is starting and then, I change my thoughts to something else that is pleasant. The more you do that the more your brain will automatically squish those thoughts and not let them grow. You have to be persistent.\r\nAlways remember that those thoughts are.NOT A part of you. They can be released.\r\nthey are NOT based on fact or reality. I wasted so many years with that type of thinking and I cannot get back one day! Please don’t do this to yourself \r\nI’m going to send you a private message.. " ], "date": [ "2023-02-19T19:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/catastrophizing-at-its-worst-796903?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Catastrophizing At its worst
anyone have any coping mechanisms to cope with constant catastrophizing ? constantly feel as if I have done something wrong. Feel like there will be a video or picture of me out somewhere that’s going to ruin my life ? My work , family and relationships. Constantly have thoughts that something bad is really going to happen and how can I stop it ?
Back on sertraline
Hi . I started sertraline for a second time . I'm on this for 3 weeks now and just wondering if anyone had low blood pressure on sertraline 50mg ? My blood pressure is low doesn't metter what I'm doing, eating or drinking. The highest blood pressure was 117/78 but it didn't last long . I just feel lightheaded and tired all the time.
How long is long on Ativan?
i was taking ativan 0.05mg every day for aprrox 2 months. i was on an anti depressant that did nothing so took ativan also. ive weaned off anti depressant and now at 1/4 ativan. how long is long on ativan? was 2 months long? im not feeling so great and wonder if its withdrawal from ativan?
Back on antidepressants due to anxiety and panic attacks
Hi everyone, I have been back on my antidepressants for just over 2 months (escitalopram 20mg) and I feel as if they are not working as well as they did before. I'm on the highest dose but still suffering with severe anxiety and panic attacks. For the past week I've been waking up every morning with bad anxiety (heart racing, constant worries in my head, nausea) and have been prescribed peryziacine* to help but scared to take them. Has anyone else experienced this?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole0003-1344720" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole0003-1344720" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "well the dr did several blood tests so im waiting on results. i may have endometriosis and fibromyagia but next week i will find out results and see what else he wants to do. i try to breathe but its more of when im laying down and feel my heart pounding .. its so uncomfortable i wake up several times at night tossing and turning .. but thank you for advice i will do that.. i like getting on youtube and finding soothing vidoes " ], "date": [ "2023-02-17T22:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "sorry you are going through this. I’m not sure what’s causing all your aches and pains but I do know that severe anxiety can definitely wreak havoc on the body. I’ve been through that myself. For the rapid heartbeat, just being anxious alone, can cause that. I really found certain things helpful in slowing down the heart rate to feel better. Heart rate and anxiety are linked to the breath. Go on YouTube and look up breathing for anxiety. It’s amazing how I was able to slow down my rapid heart rate just through proper breathing exercises. Also listened to some meditations on YouTube for anxiety. There are hundreds of them of course this is not a cure for what you’re going through, but it really helps bring down the anxiety level. I really hope you feel better soon but it’s great that all your medical testing has been normal! Take care " ], "date": [ "2023-02-17T13:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/pounding-heart-palpitations-driving-me-crazy-796805?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Pounding heart/palpitations driving me crazy
ive gone to ER so many times recently due to anxiety but the past week has been the worst. body aches all over my body and pain and stress and anxious and depressed. its a vicious cycle. Bloodwork at ER and EKG and Xray all normal.. did a holter months and months back.:. normal... ER dr says stress can do so much but im having a hard time due to pounding heart... i cant sleep at night cause i can feel it. and i get palpitations but only on my right side of neck and sometimes it knocks the breath out of me .. does anybody else get them in neck... and i panic cause the pounding heart i feel so scared... my dr did all my labwork from cholesterol to checking vitamin deficiency and magnesium and i have a ultrasounds next week to check for endometriosis but he thinks i have fibromyalgia... symptoms i have anxiety,depression, pain in chest, under left breast, underarms, arms and legs, ribs, jaw, headaches, burning eyes, pelvic pain, back pain all over, pins and needle all over, extreme body aches,vision issues, palpitations, pounding heart, feeling i cant breath and i can go on and on... im going crazy and hope to get answers soon cause these symptoms cause me depression.. then stress and back and forth.. im 41 and dr is gonna check my hormones as well but right now until i get results my body hurts all over and its scary.. can stress wreck havoc on your body? can anxiety? im sooooo drained all the time i have no energy... i know awhile back i had low vitamin d .. but my body has never felt so much pain.. my arms and legs are aching as i type.. anybody else feel this way?
Can’t stop swallowing/gulping?
For the past week my throat has been swallowing/gulping involuntarily every five minutes, all day. I have no control over it. I spoke to my doctor about this and she says it's a symptom of anxiety. I've started taking Sertraline so I've been on it for a week now and I've seen absolutely no change, which I know it takes longer to work than a week, but I'm worried this isn't going to stop, I'm extremely fed up at this point it's exhausting. I have suffered with mild anxiety all my life but never experienced anything like this. Has anyone else? I'm only 26 and I'm terrified.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisha90026-1455140" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sounds like you’ve been checked out by many healthcare professionals, and they were not concerned. If you had cancer starting two years ago, you would be very ill by now.\r\nsorry you are so worried about this but remember that our thoughts are very powerful. Fear can produce such negative thoughts that we start to believe they are true. I’ve been through this a zillion times throughout my life and I know how awful it can feel. I always thought something was seriously wrong with my health, but I let my mind to lead me down into fear, anxiety, thinking I was going to die, nothing bad ever happened.\r\nAlso, keep in mind that people get all kinds of aches and pains, and the majority of them are nothing serious. \r\nI’m thinking that if you can get the anxiety to a manageable level, he would feel a lot better. And anxiety is known for creating negative and scary thoughts. \r\nIf you can, speak with a counselor about all of this because it can be very helpful just to vent to somebody else. The counselor can help you manage this . Otherwise, you will end up just getting countless testing done and will most likely tell you they can’t find anything wrong. Feel free to private message me anytime!" ], "date": [ "2023-02-07T19:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-to-death--796281?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisha90026-1455140" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time. Your concerns about your health are understandable, and it's important to address any symptoms that are causing you distress.\r\n\r\nIf you are still feeling worried despite the clear results from your tests and the assessments from medical professionals, it might be a good idea to seek a second opinion from another doctor. They may be able to offer a different perspective or suggest additional tests that could help ease your worries.\r\n\r\nIn the meantime, it's also important to address your mental health and manage any feelings of anxiety or panic that you may be experiencing. Mindfulness, deep breathing, exercise, and therapy can all be effective ways to manage symptoms of anxiety and promote overall wellbeing.\r\n\r\nRemember that seeking help and taking care of your mental health is a sign of strength, not weakness, and it's important to prioritize your health and wellbeing." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T07:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-to-death--796281?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bella78330-1455948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisha90026-1455140" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have them test you for Helicobacter Pylori (H Pylori) \r\n\r\nSymptoms:\r\nDull or burning pain in your stomach (more often a few hours after eating and at night). Your pain may last minutes to hours and may come and go over several days to weeks.\r\nUnplanned weight loss.\r\nBloating.\r\nNausea and vomiting (bloody vomit).\r\nIndigestion (dyspepsia).\r\nBurping.\r\nLoss of appetite.\r\nDark stools (from blood in your stool)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-17T20:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-to-death--796281?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bella78330-1455948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisha90026-1455140" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " H. pylori has been associated with many respiratory disorders, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis, asthma, lung cancer and tuberculosis.\r\n H Pylori can cause blisters in the mouth and and oral thrush too" ], "date": [ "2023-02-17T20:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-to-death--796281?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bella78330-1455948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elisha90026-1455140" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "..." ], "date": [ "2023-02-17T20:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-to-death--796281?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Scared to death!
Just going to apologise in advance for this very long post but I'm petrified I'm dying of undiagnosed cancer. started 2 years ago when I noticed blisters above my uvula, I went to the doctors and they diagnosed me with thrush. these blisters never cleared but I stopped worrying because the doctors wasn't concerned. Just before I gave birth to my son I started worrying about these blisters again so I attended A&E and they also said they didn't see anything concerning and sent me home. Whilst I was giving birth to my son 5 weeks ago I started throwing up blood, the midwife also wasn't concerned so didn't investigate further. Since getting out of hospital I have shown many other symptoms. I started with excruciating pains in my right shoulder blade and back and I'm also coughing up rust coloured stuff that has a funny smell to it. I attended ER last Monday and they did an ECG, a CBC and a chest X-ray but everything came back clear so they sent me home. I then went back Wednesday as I physically feel as if I'm dying and they refused to do any further tests, they told me my bloods would've detected any cancer/abnormalities and sent me to the mental health team which I really don't believe is necessary. the mental health team are telling me that they also agree with the hospital and do reckon I have health anxiety. any advice on what to do next because I really do feel that I'm dying and I'm so scared:(
Anxious thoughts , doomsdaying about everything
hi , hope some people are going through the same. I have had anxiety in the past but it has never been this severe. I have just started a public sector job and it is very stressful in this current climate. Mental health is on the rise and it is very difficult to manage your own. I had health anxiety and i did a course of therapy for that and i felt brand new. recently is feels like my anxiety is about being exposed for something that is effectively not going to happen. I constantly feel like there is a video someone has that will expose me or photos of some sort. i dont know where this has cone from. The sort of exposure Is thoughts from 6 years ago that effectively are not even true and this is effecting my job as i constantly feel i will lose everything.... where has this come from and has anyone else gone through the same ? hypnotherapy booked and hoping this will help ! cheers
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gavin58061-1435742" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gavin58061-1435742" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "i do suffer from stress and get diffrent aniexty symptoms.\r\ndo wear glasses but only to watch tv\r\ni dont really suffer from migraines\r\nthese head symptoms seem to flair up with stress.\r\ndue to phone doctors tommorow.\r\nthank you " ], "date": [ "2023-02-14T21:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "are you under a lot of stress? And have you ever had migraine headaches before \r\nI’m not sure what medication you are taking but is your doctor aware of how you are feeling if not, set up an appointment, so that you can have some peace of mind and relief from this. try to reduce any stress that you may be going through. Also, sometimes people can’t get headaches and head pressure for different reasons such as dehydration, need for glasses, or a change of prescription for the glasses, issues with the neck, such as tense muscles., Etc. that’s why it’s a good idea to go over all of this with your doctor. I hope you feel better soon.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-14T21:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/fuzzy-grip-on-my-head-any-tips-or-medication-i-could-take--796669?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Fuzzy/grip on my head any tips or medication I could take ?
i get this vice like feeling on my head which comes and goes it doesn't affect me working etc but does make it uncomfortable. sometimes I get fuzzy head too. any advice at all as its sometimes quite painfull and frustrating. I do take prophonal im not sure the spelling but it does not seem to help!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cenk-1342988" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sounds like you have a good EKG and blood work. That’s great. Rapid or pounding heartbeat can often be caused by an underlying anxiety that sometimes we aren’t even aware of ourselves. I have had that more times than I can count and I am perfectly healthy. many people get that sensation . often caused by a rush of adrenaline due to anxiety or stress.\r\nanyThing in your life that may be causing you even a little anxiety? you mentioned you’ve had a very stressful few months. That could absolutely cause what you are feeling!\r\nit’s great that you’re using meditation and exercise. Have you ever tried the breathing exercises for anxiety? They really help to calm down the heart rate. There are many of those exercises on YouTube.\r\nanother thing that can cause those sensations is dehydration. Most people are walking around dehydrated and don’t even know it. That can increase the heart rate. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water.\r\ndo as much as you can to calm down your mind. If you’re finding a hard time doing that, speaking with a counselor can really help. It’s helped me tremendously and I do it remotely. Or if you have somebody, you can talk to that you know. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-02-14T18:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-stress-please-help-with-advice-796648?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and Stress please help with advice
Hi All, I have had a very stressful last few months and recently I have been having a noticeable heart beat, not so much like a palpitation where you can't catch your breathe but almost like heart flutters. It was a-lot worse like a pounding heart beat all day but not it is more subtle but still there. I regularly go to the gym and exercise which doesn't seem to effect my heart beat to much but it has been very constant. When laying down it is more noticeable, I have had an ECG which came back as clean and also blood work which was all good to. Has anyone else had this experience? I have been using CBD oil which helps a-lot and also meditation calms my body down. I am not mentally stressed but my heart seems to be, some days it is very noticeable but some days it goes away some what. I get very worried about it at points but then I convince my self it will pass. I have never had this before and really hope it goes away with time and healing.
seem unhappy , writing my thoughts down
I am not happy about My friendships on discord I am not truly happy with my family I am unhappy about my autism I am not really liking my social worker I don't like where I am living and some of the residents I am slightly insecure about my weight I have severe health anxiety and finding myself attending A&E a lot and then being given dirty looks and called ridiculous by one of the doctors for frequently attending the hospital. I am not liking some of the staff members in my supported accommodation I am not liking my Nan I am fed up with the situation with my half brother and his mother Unhealthy relationship with my adoptive mother, unfair treatment , walking on egg shells etc I am not happy that I don't have a job and feel constantly guilty about it Don't seem to be getting on well with many people and other people's atitude towards me has changed or is it me because I am feeling sensitive I try not to call paramedics and when I do I get abused by them sometimes it depends on the crew that arrive at my door telling me and going on about me wasting time I hate some of the people in my home and some of them are getting to much for me. (supported accommodation) I feel like my adoptive family are playing to many games Feel sad and lonely and don't have a partner and not many supportive friends and family. I have a few traits of OCD Don't like my GP /doctors
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/philly89-1165844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albert48271-1169653" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "No - do not be worried! If you did ALL those tests, something would have shown. There is nothing physically wrong with you. That fluttering feeling is very common in those who suffer anxiety issues. Have you talked to a therapist about your anxiety? I highly recommend therapy - it has helped me a lot with mine." ], "date": [ "2018-12-18T19:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-flutters-lasting-longer-688965?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zen--17344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albert48271-1169653" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sophy_47794-1180006" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zen--17344" ], "content": [ "I am on propranolol and anxiety pills.. It's been 8 months now.I'm a bit scaptical.. I want to be normal again. I don't want to depend on Meds 4 the rest of my life😭" ], "date": [ "2018-12-19T15:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zen--17344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sophy_47794-1180006" ], "content": [ "Hi Sophy, \r\nThe alternatives to medicine include talking therapies such as CBT and Counselling maybe this might help you achieve a medication free life ? \r\nP. S. I share your goal of achieving a medication free life and am currently on week 3 for Anxiety counselling where I was told it may lead to another course of CBT (already had 2x courses). \r\nOther options for Anxiety management include Meditation and Mindfulness. Search Play Store for Plum Village app. \r\nPlus if you search you tube for The Anxiety Guy he has some amazing short vids on there. \r\nBest Wishes\r\nPeace 🙏" ], "date": [ "2018-12-19T18:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Albert, \r\nThe heart flutters are called Palpitations which can cause increased anxiety about them which in turn can cause more Palpitations, it is a vicious circle until you feel strong enough to manage the anxiety and break the cycle. \r\nI had / have chronic anxiety and Palpitations, have had chest xray, heart ultra sound, ECG monitor etc and all was well just a slight flutter nothing to worry about. \r\nDocs can prescribe Propranolol to calm the Palpitations down if they get too bothersome. \r\nBest wishes\r\nPeace 🙏" ], "date": [ "2018-12-19T10:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-flutters-lasting-longer-688965?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda32497-1158617" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albert48271-1169653" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/albert48271-1169653" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/linda32497-1158617" ], "content": [ "do your flutters ever come in runs like many in a row? " ], "date": [ "2018-12-27T08:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/denise_77399-1091969" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/linda32497-1158617" ], "content": [ "i was wondering if you still get yr flutters still....i am 63 and ive started to get them had ECG and bloods done it feels like a buzzing and flutter in my heart but when I test my pulse I can't feel tge flutters strange ." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T19:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have had flutters for several days and nights in a row. I have to tell myself that it is anxiety and it can't hurt me. Then I try to busy myself to get my mind off of it. Meditations also helps." ], "date": [ "2018-12-27T05:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-flutters-lasting-longer-688965?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda32497-1158617" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albert48271-1169653" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes. I have had them for several days in a row, day and night.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-07-26T22:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-flutters-lasting-longer-688965?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrfrisky-1253100" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albert48271-1169653" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have them. They are called ectopic heartbeats, which are either PVCs or PACs. Most people have a few a day, and anxiety and caffeine can make them worse. It is possible to have hundreds a day without there being anything seriously wrong physically." ], "date": [ "2019-07-27T08:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-flutters-lasting-longer-688965?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietygal102-1252857" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albert48271-1169653" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda32497-1158617" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxietygal102-1252857" ], "content": [ "You should see a doctor to clear any heart problems. If it is anxiety, it will keep getting worse if you don't get the answers you are looking for. Once your health is cleared, you no longer need to worry. At that point, learn some cognitive behavior therapy to help you get past the anxiety. Good luck!" ], "date": [ "2019-07-28T04:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hello! my palpitations have gotten worse over the course of this week and i can't tell if it's from stress or a heart issue. i feel them now as i'm typing this and i'm terrified. what do yours feel like? mine feel like the top part beats before the bottom and they are occuring more freqeuntly. best of luck! " ], "date": [ "2019-07-28T02:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-flutters-lasting-longer-688965?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda32497-1158617" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/albert48271-1169653" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/linda32497-1158617" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Sorry, I meant this message for anxietygal102." ], "date": [ "2019-07-28T04:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "You should see a doctor to clear any heart problems. If it is anxiety, it will keep getting worse if you don't get the answers you are looking for. Once your health is cleared, you no longer need to worry. At that point, learn some cognitive behavior therapy to help you get past the anxiety. Good luck!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2019-07-28T04:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/heart-flutters-lasting-longer-688965?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Heart Flutters Lasting Longer
HI all, i could really use some advice at the moment. ive been having heart flutters and skipped beats since i was about 14 years old. usually they last only about a second or two and they go away. last night it felt like my heart was fluttering and skipping for about 10 seconds straight. i got so dizzy when this happened. ive been to 3 cardiologist with them doing chest xrays, blood work, EkGS, holter monitors and stuff and they seem to think nothing is wrong. im scared because maybe they missed something because i havent had these long ones before. should i be worried?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tricknik77-1235313" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tricknik77-1235313" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your kindness and reassurance. I'm doing daily yoga stretches and am keeping quiet and as calm as possible, but have also started to go out with friends, just for a cuppa or to see a film, which really does help. I'm at the horrible early stages where it feels like every nerve ending is singing and my whole body feels as though it's internally vibrating, my mind is starting to feel calmer, I am noticing small improvements, just finding the shaky/jittery unable to concentrate on anything for long or sit still part to be just horrible! " ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T10:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "It's understandable that you're feeling anxious and jittery, especially given the recent health scare and the increase in your citalopram dosage. It's important to remember that starting a new medication or increasing the dose can sometimes lead to temporary side effects, and it may take a few weeks for your body to adjust. However, if you're feeling particularly distressed or uncomfortable, it's always a good idea to reach out to your GP for advice. They may be able to adjust your dosage or provide additional support to help you manage these side effects. In the meantime, try to focus on self-care and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or exercise, to help reduce feelings of anxiety and tension." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T10:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-on-citalopram-and-struggling-796533?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karen13791-1121152" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tricknik77-1235313" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tricknik77-1235313" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/karen13791-1121152" ], "content": [ "I'm so sorry you're having a rough ride too. I remember last time it took me 8 weeks to feel more myself again, I'd just forgotten how rough a time it was getting to that point - I'm certainly being reminded of it now. I literally dread waking up because I'm a shaky, jittery mess! I've just made myself take the dog for a walk to a local country park which was lovely as the sun is shining, trying to find joy in small things when all I want to do is curl up on the sofa and hide! \r\nYou're right, we can do this, one hour at a time. Sending best wishes and hugs right back, brighter, calmer days are in reach." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T14:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " I was glad to read your post as its exactly my experience right now, although I'm sorry to hear things are rough for you right now. you are not alone. \r\n\r\ni can totally relate. i am a few days in and on 10mg - finding it really rough. been in bed most of today feeling anxious and exhausted. I remember that the first week or so are difficult from taking it before but i think when you are already feeling wiped out, its difficult to get through this. \r\n\r\nAll we can do is ride this next few days and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Im going through the very same as you right now so sending hugs and best wishes. We've got this!" ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T14:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/back-on-citalopram-and-struggling-796533?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Back on Citalopram and struggling
I've been on Citalopram before and know about the starting side effects, but this time I seem to be experiencing them to such a greater degree, or more than I previously remember. I'm struggling with the morning anxiety, tearfulness and jitteriness for the first couple of hours at least every day, sometimes all day, that and incredibly tense, painful shoulder trap muscles on waking. I've recently had an awful health scare which has turned out to be ok, thankfully, but the psychological effect this has had is the reason I need the Citaolpram, it's triggered massive health anxiety. I started on 5mg and have worked up to 10mg (I tried to just start on 10mg but was too sensitive to the side effects so my GP started me on 5mg, working to 7.5mg and then 10mg) its only been a few weeks I've been back on them, I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that this awful jittery anxiety will go away. I just want the rational and happy person that I can be back.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "content": [ " the lightheadness , i think i may have experienced it .. even now i cant explain it but my head just feels off. thank you for your reply ! i really appreciate it 😁" ], "date": [ "2022-09-21T22:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "content": [ "i meant to write i am now coming off sertraline, im currently taking 50mg. The head sensation is so scary and i cant honestly explain it too" ], "date": [ "2022-09-22T17:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1443881" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "content": [ "I had bad side effects so am coming off it. How are you getting on?" ], "date": [ "2022-10-15T11:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1443881" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "content": [ "Did you stick with it? I'm coming off" ], "date": [ "2022-10-15T11:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melanie1957-47370" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "content": [ "Hi can you explain your side effects please has I've just started it an omg feel so bad with panic and anxiety attacks but I've only took it four times so it's early days " ], "date": [ "2022-10-15T12:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1443881" ], "content": [ "yes i stuck with it . im now on 100mg and feel almost 100 percent again ! i wont ever try to come off it again!" ], "date": [ "2023-02-07T03:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "content": [ "i hope everything worked out for you !" ], "date": [ "2023-02-07T03:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex60654-1455116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james49527-1432381" ], "content": [ "thanks so much for the reply. its the lightheadedness I'm really struggling with. I'm due back in work next week and really worried about how I'm gonna cope. im hoping it will level out soon on 75 and the side effects will ease up, i hardly slept last night and felt all tense and agitated. " ], "date": [ "2023-02-07T08:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\ni went from 50-75-100 and honestly had really bad side effects each time. really weird lightheaded feeling, rapid heart, heart flutters and more. The lightheaded feeling is so bizarre as its not your normal dizzy feeling. I am not reducing and coming off them. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-21T22:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-upping-from-50-to-75-790985?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melanie1957-47370" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melanie1957-47370" ], "content": [ "so sorry for the late reply i havent been on in a while. i had the worst side affects , i did eventually upp to 100mg and im almost back to myself again thank god ! i havent had a bad anxiety attack im a few months ! just stick to it , it will get better. it might seem like it never will but i promise it does !" ], "date": [ "2023-02-07T03:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've just started on 50mg sertraline on day 4 and omg the side effects are crippling me bad panic attacks bad anxiety 😞 did you feel like this? Please explain how you felt.. Give me some hope its goin to get better.. I take them for a crippling health anxiety " ], "date": [ "2022-10-15T12:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-upping-from-50-to-75-790985?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole48898-1440875" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I can tell you that increasing your dose of Sertraline can have side effects, although it may vary from person to person. Some common side effects include nausea, headache, drowsiness, increased anxiety, and stomach cramps.\r\n\r\nIt's important to talk to your doctor before increasing your dose of Sertraline or any other medication, as they will be able to advise you on the best course of action based on your individual health and medical history. Your doctor will also be able to monitor you for any side effects and adjust the dose if necessary.\r\n\r\nIn general, it's best to start with a low dose and gradually increase it as tolerated. This can help to minimize the risk of side effects. If you experience any side effects when increasing your dose, be sure to contact your doctor right away." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T07:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/sertraline-upping-from-50-to-75-790985?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Sertraline upping from 50 to 75
can anybody tell me their experience upping from 50mg to 75mg ?? did you have bad side affects again ? im just wonder what to expect. when i first started on 50mg i had the worst side affects... hightened anxiety , bad stomache cramps which lead to not being able to sleep , nausea . thanks !
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nursenic-998792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nursenic-998792" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you allot for the advice. I&#39;ve read in many posts here that the key to rising above anxiety is mind over matter but much like you said, its truly easier said then done. Thank you ALLOT for your advice. I truly mean it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-15T12:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jasonhalifax-968364" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "content": [ "\r\n Crack your bathroom door when having a shower or shower with it completely open so the warm steam doesn't overwhelm you. Also pull the shower curtain open a bit so it escapes so you're not surrounded by steam. Helped me a lot." ], "date": [ "2023-02-08T00:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I am actually experiencing something similar with the shower situation. I don&#39;t know if its the enclosure or the steam, but I feel like I can&#39;t breathe when I&#39;m in the shower and I get heart palpitations sometimes. This just happened within the past few weeks, I&#39;ve never had a problem with the shower. My best recommendation is to have company with you, spouse, pet, parent (as I try to drag mine with me when I&#39;m not feeling good), or what&#39;s been working better is to play music or a tv show on your laptop in the background and just focus on singing or listening to the tv show to distract you from getting your thoughts caught up in the shower. Its easier said than done but when you have to shower just dont over think it, just go in like I&#39;m gonna take a shower, sing if you have to, and get out. Don&#39;t be like &quot;oh no last time I didn&#39;t feel good in the shower&quot; because then the panic sets in afterwards. Leave the past in the past. Like I said I am still experiencing this, but this stuff is helping me way more than a few weeks ago. Feel better.</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-15T12:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-hot-shower-caused-me-to-have-a-panic-attack-need-help--550986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sagersla5-935952" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sagersla5-935952" ], "content": [ "you mentioned youtube.... maybe a good comedy youtuber ? . I heard that laughter really helps with anxiety" ], "date": [ "2022-06-15T12:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m so sorry to hear that this has happened to you, the same thing happens to me just about every time I shower. Showering is such a mindless activity and anxiety thrives off of that because it gives it time to take control. It makes you think about all of this crazy stuff and causes you to panic. Also anxiety makes you feel &quot;hot&quot; and clammy naturally so a hot shower plus the &quot;hot&quot; affect from anxiety I feel attributed to that. What helps me is I either turn on YouTube or listen to music, to help distract my mind. I also shower in lukewarm water (as weird as that sounds) and make it as quick as possible. Hope that helps! Anxiety is a beast sometimes ugh </p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-15T12:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-hot-shower-caused-me-to-have-a-panic-attack-need-help--550986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "<p>It truly means allot to me that you took the time to not only care but write such a detailed response. I do have to admit that when I first started having these&#160; random out of the blue wierd thoughts and panic attacks I know something was very wrong. I honestly didn&#39;t wait to go see the doctor and within the first month I found a counselor that specialised in anxiety issues ( after my doctor thought I should seek one out ).</p><p></p><p>The scary part to me is that I&#39;d never had anxiety issues prior to these last few months. I&#39;m willing to truck though this and am willing to listen and learn. Its just hard for me to understand do to the fact that I have the keys and I see the door but I still don&#39;t understand how to get to the door and open it...if that makes any sense.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-03T04:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "content": [ "Knowledge is the pre requisite to all this. Learn the science of a panic attack. The science of anxiety. Very very important to learn that. Learn it all. Exactly what happens anatomically and  physiolodically and emotionally.  The best biology lesson you can ever learn. Once that part is intact and understood it wont be as scary. Then read a couple of books on anxiety. Then get a workbook on anxiety....etc.. all this knowledge is wonderful. Your mind will have a goto as a guide at that point.\r\n\r\nyou are not necessarily opening the door and its all cured and gone. You will be manageing it but after a lot of time, patience and self love it will slowly replace each of the connections you made already ina positive way. Once the mindset is firmly ingrained in you ...the fear is slowly stripped away. Doesnt mean it never pops back up. But then you learn how to deal with it.its a journey. It is a mal funtion at its core in your amyglada in your brain unknown why. But this intertwines in everything somehow. We are complicated beings. But again over time it can and does become manageable most of the time. Sometimes you have to ride it out too.\r\n\r\nEverything has a starting point. Your starting point was a few months ago. \r\n\r\n " ], "date": [ "2021-01-26T21:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "By your name up there  under youll see messages. Its red when you have a message. I sent you some information to hopefully help you" ], "date": [ "2016-12-03T05:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "<p>If I have to &quot;ride this out&quot; I&#39;m truly glad I have people like you and this site / chat board to be with me on this ride. Being here, saying my peace, trying to help others while others are trying to help me has helped allot.....this will make the &quot;ride&quot; allot easier.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-03T05:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "content": [ "Thank you. We are all in this together." ], "date": [ "2016-12-03T05:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Best advice is go and seek a therapist now. Dont wait until it has such a strong grip it ruins your life you are making something called &quot;anxiety rules&quot; you probably have a lot by now and this lists will grow and grow. The shower is now an anxiety rule for you. No hot showers &#129300;&#128561;</p><p></p><p>Panic attacks can be situational and many times random. So be very careful on the connection. You can be happily walking about and boom one comes on. Is it the streets fault..no it isnt. But believe me people will &#160;be like ..oh yes it so i wont walk there anymore..it is the door to agoraphobis dont fall into that cage.</p><p></p><p>the shower triggered it. How about dehydration. Hot water escalates dehydration. Simple drink a tall cup of either water &#160;or gatorade then shower then have another drink if needed.&#160;</p><p></p><p>THere are a ton of books out there on anxiety and ways to cope. Apps galore. And Workbooks on anxiety to help you think correctly. That and therapy can go a long way.</p><p></p><p>it takes a while to manage it. When it first starts its scary and very very confusing. That goes on for months. Some develop health anxiety as they are just in extreme denial or enviornmental taught to down play the potency of what an anxiety disorder is caoable of doing to a person. It does have symptoms from the adrenaline rushes.tHen comes acceptance. Best part it&#39;s the start of healing. Read, read and read some more. Utube has videos too. Pinterest is loaded with help. &#160;Learn all you can. Its a simple search too. Then apply it all. Something will resonate with you. A therapist is very useful because of all its confusion and it will keep you grounded. Some do go for cbt or dbt and meds as well.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Good luck. You are not alone. This disorder takes time to reprogram and manage. It requires patient and change. You never &quot;need&quot; to &quot;fear&quot; anything. Fear is the food for the disorder.&#160;</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-06-15T12:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-hot-shower-caused-me-to-have-a-panic-attack-need-help--550986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackiedigi91-1018987" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes hot water triggers my panic attacks as well as being hot in general! I take semi cold showers now and it really helps if I really want to take a hot shower I do but if I start feeling anxious I turn the water back down to cold. You&#39;re not alone on this subject at all I&#39;ve had anxiety my whole life and just being alone in the shower for too long sometimes throws me into anxiety taking a cool shower has helped me a lot I hope this helps <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T05:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-hot-shower-caused-me-to-have-a-panic-attack-need-help--550986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nothanks45-1080739" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I have had anxiety and agoraphobia for two years now and I get panic attacks all the time but they get really bad in the shower and I figured out when I feel the attack coming on to switch the shower to cold it helps a little to where it isn&#39;t as bad and you can all ways just take baths. It might work for you but everyone is different and I also recommend you seek professional help if your panic attacks are getting out of control.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-26T21:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-hot-shower-caused-me-to-have-a-panic-attack-need-help--550986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kp21872-1353808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "You are not alone in this. I don't THINK, its the heat or steam though. As I've felt these sensations in the past, but more recently, (thanks pandemic) i think it has to do with the getting the shower done thing, if this makes sense. if we're already anxious souls, we have a tendency to want to \"plow through\" to get a task done. We lose self control, and focus on the rapid heart rate, that is perfectly normal when you're doing something invigorating , especially when just getting up from sleep, or just getting up at all. iI thought that I would pop some music on my phone and sing along, to take my mind off. I didn’t do this today thus, I’m writing this. Next time, I will and I will update. I’m so glad that I know that I’m not alone in this. Glad I found this thread. FYI I’ve been suffering with anxiety, really bad, It came on over the last five years with the loss of my mother, five years ago and my father, just this year. I know this is gonna sound weird, but next time you feel an attack coming on, no matter what it is, try to associate it with something that soothes you. For me it’s music. It takes my mind off of a lot of things and if I sing along to it no matter how goofy I might sound, at least my mind is off my internal thoughts at that time. Hope this helps, keep up the good fight!" ], "date": [ "2021-10-09T02:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-hot-shower-caused-me-to-have-a-panic-attack-need-help--550986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john47751-996752" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's great that you're taking proactive steps to manage your anxiety and seeking help. It's common for people with anxiety to have panic attacks triggered by seemingly harmless stimuli, like hot showers in your case. Here are some tips that may help:\r\n\r\nGradually expose yourself to the trigger: If you're afraid of hot showers triggering panic attacks, try gradually increasing the time you spend in a warm shower, starting with just a few minutes at a time.\r\n\r\nUse relaxation techniques: Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can help calm you down during a panic attack.\r\n\r\nConsider seeing a therapist: A mental health professional can help you work through your anxiety and panic attacks and develop coping strategies.\r\n\r\nAvoid caffeine and alcohol: Both caffeine and alcohol can increase anxiety, so it may be helpful to limit or avoid them.\r\n\r\nPractice good self-care: Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet. These can all help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.\r\n\r\nRemember, it takes time and effort to overcome anxiety, but with the right help and support, it is possible. If you continue to experience panic attacks and they are affecting your quality of life, it may be a good idea to speak with a doctor or mental health professional." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T07:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/a-hot-shower-caused-me-to-have-a-panic-attack-need-help--550986?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
A hot shower caused me to have a panic attack ( need help )
<p>I&#39;ve been only dealing with my anxiety for a month now and its been a horrible hell. Some days I&#39;d feel sort of ok and others it would be total hell. The other day I was having one of my &quot;better days&quot; and I went to go take a shower. About 5 minutes after I got nout of the shower I just crashed. I started feeling horrible and I started shaking and I started having a full blown panick attack.</p><p></p><p>I went to the internet and found out that sometimes hot showers can trigger panick attacks in some that atre just learning to deal with their anxiety ( Like me ). Is there anyone here that can offer me some advice on this subject. If you can I would be extremely greatful. I really don&#39;t want to fear going into the shower and having this trigger me for no real reason what so ever.</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kp27-1354213" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kp27-1354213" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your reply. Update: Yesterday I reached out to her and told her she is not alone in this and I want to be there to be able to help her through anything. We spoke the rest of the day and night as friends and it really seemed like we were happy. We were discussing anxiety and what we've both learned and discussed therapy and how I plan to see someone for myself. She said that she enjoys being able to talk to me about those things and We were talking about if we were to try again eventually we will definitely need to talk and understand exactly what we need from each other, and we talked about how we both can't stop thinking about each other and we even were sending some funny pictures and videos to each other. I went to bed in a way better place.\r\n\r\nThe next morning I woke up, texted her good morning and we chatted for a bit and out of the blue once again she said she needed to tell me something and hope I could understand. She said she doesn't think it's right to talk at this moment for her no matter how hard it is for both of us. She also said that even the suggestion from her therapist was that she stop contact to get better because it has been really tough and her anxiety isn't stopping. She ended saying that it's really rough not talking but it doesn't help both of us heal. I responded saying that all I wanted to do was show her my support and show her that I want to do everything in my power to change and understand what you are going through and be able to be there for you so you're not alone in this. I told her that non-stop support could be a good thing, but then said that if she thinks not talking to me at all will help you, then that's all I want for her is to get better. Her final comment was this might take time, a month or even longer and that she hopes we can reconnect in the future and be friends as we spoke about but right now this doesn't feel right to do. She cares about me and that's what's making this really hard.\r\n\r\nThis is absolutely crushing to me and I can't and don't want to be without her, let alone completely cut out of contact. I am going to give her her space no matter how hard it will be, but I'm just so scared that we won't ever be able to reconnect and I will be forgotten. I truly love her more than anything and I never want to lose her. I'm scared that because the relationship caused her anxiety to increase that when she's better and I am better she will be too afraid to reconnect and try again, even though I will be continuously learning about anxiety and how to cope with it. I appreciate your response and at this point I just don't know how to move past this. I can't contact her, I don't want to lose her, and I'm just scared about the future." ], "date": [ "2021-01-29T17:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kp27-1354213" ], "content": [ " how you are feeling is perfectly understandable and normal. you care about her greatly and you don’t want to lose her. of course it’s not going to be easy .that’s \r\n even though you’re not sure what the future holds, allow yourself some time to feel down about this. People have to go through that in the beginning. But don’t let it drag on too long otherwise it won’t do you a bit of good and you don’t want to sink into depression. \r\n gradually, start doing things for yourself to help you feel better. Get a little exercise, confide in family or friends, actually counseling would be a GREAT Idea right now for you! That would be my single best advice!just let it all out to the counselor and he or she can really help you during this time! . \r\n get back to your normal routine and try not to fall into the trap of laying around and thinking. The busier you get, the better you will feel.\r\n Depending on how long this goes on, if she does decide to see you again, you will be healthy and in a good place if you take care of yourself now. \r\n i have to tell you that my daughter had to do this with her boyfriend. She also was experiencing anxiety and was conflicted about the relationship. He’s a great guy, I’m sure just like you. \r\n He graciously backed out and allowed her to have time. He had no choice but to get on with his life. I can’t remember how long they were apart but it wasn’t anything like a year. They finally saw each other again and from then on she was completely sure that he was the one. in fact I was living with her at the time and she was miserable at times because she missed him. Within a year they were engaged, now married and expecting their first child! They are unbelievably happy! . \r\n he has since told me that when he was apart from my daughter, his mother knew how much he loved her and she asked him what he was going to do with his heart? in three words he answered her .......\r\n\" I Will Wait.\" SO you never know what’s going on in her mind. \r\nSo be patient . don’t contact her. Let her contact you when she’s ready. And it’s important for you to take care of yourself! No matter what the outcome is you’re going to be OK! ❤" ], "date": [ "2021-01-29T19:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kp27-1354213" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the quick response on this. Obviously right now I feel helpless as there's nothing I can do for her except give her the time she needs. I have hope in my heart that it will all work out in the end, but only time will tell. I'm a mess and most likely will be for quite some time. I will try and get out this weekend and do something. It's very hard to get motivated right now knowing that I could have done something sooner and we wouldn't be in this situation. I really hope that this has the same ending as your daughter. Thank you for all of your replies." ], "date": [ "2021-01-29T20:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kp27-1354213" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Update, I think I may have made a mistake. I cannot get over what is happening and it's been about a week since I spoke/texted her. I wrote up a 6 page letter spelling everything out; the great times, the moment I fell in love with her, etc. And I also stated that all I can see is a future with her and that I will always be there for her. That I understand we have to work on each other individually, but I will always be there for her and that I love her more than anything in this world. When I got home I thought that maybe I just made things worse.... I don't know what to feel. I know she needs space and that was the last thing I wanted to do that's considered \"contact.\" Did I just ruin any chance of it working out in the end?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-02T19:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " first I would like to commend you on understanding your friends situation enough to allow her the space she needs right now. \r\n its important or not only her, but for you also that she is taking this time to figure herself out and feel peace. \r\n There is a saying that says you can’t give away what you don’t have. So unless she gets help for this, she wouldn’t be able to give you what you need in a relationship because currently she doesn’t have that. \r\n the same is true for you. It’s good for you to learn about anxiety and what she’s going through so that you can give her what she needs eventually.\r\n I think that you are on the right track when you said you might get counseling. You can learn so much about her situation and it may even help you in what you’re going through! \r\n as far as what the future will hold,, nobody really knows. Not you and not her. well that’s just the dice that you roll. However, just the fact that both of you would be getting counseling is something that would benefit each of you no matter what. That way, if anxiety ever comes into play again, you both would know how to manage it. \r\n Hopefully this won’t happen but, even if she decides to move on, it’s something she would choose for herself. On the other hand things may work out perfectly between you two! \r\n You have to be able to know in your heart that either of these could happen and that you would be OK. We can’t force anybody to be with us because then the relationship would not be genuine. One thing I learned in this life is that we have to be very resilient and flexible because change happens all the time! I’m not a big fan of change but I had to get used to it. \r\n hope this helps a little bit. Just take it day by day and see what happens. Don’t look too far into the future because people then tend to come up with their own conclusions as to what will happen. In therapy that is called fortunetelling and it’s basically useless. Hope everything works out! " ], "date": [ "2021-01-28T20:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-girlfriend-is-shutting-me-out-due-to-anxiety-is-there-any-hope--754525?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mary18393-1455321" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kp27-1354213" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did it work out for you guys? going through something very similar." ], "date": [ "2023-02-08T02:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-girlfriend-is-shutting-me-out-due-to-anxiety-is-there-any-hope--754525?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kp27-1354213" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's understandable that you are feeling lost and scared about your relationship with your girlfriend. It's great that you have taken steps to learn about anxiety and its effects, and are considering seeking therapy for your own health. It's important to prioritize your own mental health and well-being in order to be the best possible support for your girlfriend.\r\n\r\nIt's important to remember that relationships take work and patience, and that both parties need to be willing to make changes and work on themselves in order for the relationship to thrive. If your girlfriend wants to work on herself and prioritize her own mental health, it's important to respect that decision.\r\n\r\nHowever, it's also important to communicate your feelings and let her know that you are willing to support her and be there for her. It may not be easy, but keeping the lines of communication open and expressing your feelings can help both of you grow and improve. It's also important to be patient and give her the space and time she needs to work on herself.\r\n\r\nIt's impossible to predict the future and whether your relationship will work out in the end. However, by focusing on your own personal growth and being a supportive friend, you may be able to rekindle your relationship in the future if that is what both of you want. It's also important to be prepared for the possibility that your relationship may not work out, and to take care of yourself no matter what the outcome is." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T07:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-girlfriend-is-shutting-me-out-due-to-anxiety-is-there-any-hope--754525?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
My girlfriend is shutting me out due to anxiety. Is there any hope?
My girlfriend and I were together 5 months. I knew early on that she had anxiety, but I didn’t know the extent of it until it was too late. We would argue over little things and the arguments would blow up into major things and we would both shutdown, continuously increasing her anxiety. At one point she told me to read up on it, but I foolishly did not listen. We’ve both been in failed previous relationships and this one, although with the fights, seemed different. We always said how much we loved each other and planned our future and discussed everything. We had so much fun together and I never wanted it to end. After one fight, her anxiety was extremely high and she said she needs to work on herself without the stress of a relationship, so we became “friends.” We hung out a day later, no drama, having fun as friends and it went great. The next day she texted me saying he can’t do this and needs to cut me out of her life completely while she tries to help herself. It took me until then to do extensive research on anxiety, effects it has and how to try and cope with it. My heart broke knowing that I could have done different things to help ease her pain, but I was too stubborn. I have reached out to her stating that I will always be there for her and want to be able to support her through all of this, while bettering myself. She has mentioned even before “cutting me out” that she wants to be able to start over down the line after she betters herself and maybe, just maybe if we want to try again, that we can be on the same page and have a clean slate. I am continuing learning about anxiety and I may even see a therapist for my own health in hope to be able to be the person she wants me to be and the person I want to be for her. I have been an absolute mess without her as I truly know that she is the one and the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. I’m just so scared that she will get better and not want me in her life at all. Has anyone had a similar situation and did it work out in the end? I never want to give up on her and I want to do anything I can to eventually get her back. Or, am I just wasting my time trying?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/connor51535-1455822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thutmosechen-1455746" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It sounds like you have been experiencing a persistent and unexplained physical symptom for a long time now. It's great that you've taken steps to seek medical advice and have had some tests done to rule out some potential causes. However, if the tests came back normal and the treatments haven't been helpful, it might be a good idea to consider seeking a second opinion from another healthcare provider. They might be able to offer different insights or suggest additional tests to help determine the cause of your symptoms.\r\n\r\nIt's also important to manage your stress levels and take care of your overall well-being. Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga may help you feel better and manage your symptoms.\r\n\r\nKeep in mind that it may take some time to find the right diagnosis and treatment plan, but don't give up. Keep advocating for yourself and seeking help until you find a solution that works for you." ], "date": [ "2023-02-13T07:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-have-an-aweful-but-unexplained-condition-with-my-rib-cage-796526?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I have an aweful but unexplained condition with my rib cage
I have a symptom that so far I haven't been able to find an answer. I am actually not a native English speaker but a few years ago when I started learning I felt a strange sensation of unable to speak out words that require longer or deeper exhalation. I thought it was a matter of practice but years later I still have this physical difficulty, and I realized that this comes from under my left rib cage, it's like something is pressuring the rib cage so that it can't contract during normal exhalation, but inhalation is fine. When I described my symptoms to people some suggests that it might be related to somatic attack, but to me this sensation feels very physical and consistent, every breath I take, day or night, I feel this awefully unexplainable feeling that my left rib cage is trapped, something (underneath it?) prevents it from moving. What could possibly cause this sensation? I don't think it's a problem with my lung and I did chest x-ray and abdominal CT scan and both results came back normal. My gastroenterologist suggested the possibility of gastric mobility issue but the drugs for treating that isn't helping. I can't wrap my head around about what is wrong with my body, I can't find people with similar experience, but what I feel is very strong and it persists, not come and goes. My life quality is drastically lowered by this symptom as I have difficulty with communicating and even reading fast (constantly out of breath, so I read almost one word at a time). Any suggestions on what the next step should be for me?
Anxiety, hypersensitivity to food, smells, sounds.
hi all im happy to have found a forum where I can possibly get some insight into my condition. a few months ago I stopped taking trazadone abruptly because of heart pain, palpatations. I was on it for 5 years by a dr who had me ween off alcohol with it. I had drank every night for 15 years . then last summer i was stressed and started drinking again and stopped taking trazadone. about 2 weeks in after being off the medication I went into cardiac arrhythmia or so the Doctor in the emergency room said. I now believe this was a full blown panic attack. over the last couple months i called ambulance 6 times and in hospital multiple times with no explanation from doctors. I was given various medications over the 2 months until I figured out on my own that i have an anxiety and panic disorder. i tried cbd oil at 1mg once and later that week clonazepam twice at 2.5 mg and it made my symptoms worse after coming down so I stopped taking them. I have been dealing with my condition with apps from the play store and saw a psychiatrist who wants me to do cbt in 6 months as they are very busy. i understand my condition but iam now hypersensitive to foods. sugar makes my head want to spin like its hyper aroused. when i cook i get brain pressure with dizzyness and lightheadedness, ive been eating whole grains and it really does help with the anxiety and panic but i feel exhausted medicated and very tired. I took ONE bite off a banana and I thought I would fall asleep on the spot. a 14 grain bagel makes me feel very tired and sleepy I want to keep eating healthy as it really does boost my seretonin and counteracts my anxiety but I'm so groggy. i dont understand why im so sensitive to foods or cooking them. every time I cook meat I get brain pressure and dizziness sometimes so bad I go lay down. other symptoms.. i cant eat and have a cigarette right after or vice versa I have tovwait a half hour or I get the head pressure and dizziness. i cant smoke a cheap native cigarette ormy brain pressure and dizziness is insane, I can only smoke legit brands. some cleaning Chemicals induce my anxiety and panic attacks to much noise and lights induce brain pressure and dizziness my anxiety at its worse has included confusion, paranoia (happens alot when im thinking about my health) Disassociation, general fear, im Always belching, thats a tell tale sign for me. i get anxiety attacks for no reason. I get my condition and I'm working on it by meditation and eating right with exercise and it's helping but the sensitivity to food scares me. what could this be, im also sensitive to medications, my heart stopped when my doctor prescient me an anti depressant while I was on trazadone years ago. both were very very low doses. im hoping i can find some help and support here and possibly some insight to my hypersensitive to food. p,s when I was on trazadone for 5 years my pupils were the size of a tip of a pen , now not being on any medication they are normal size. can my brain heal?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aimee53107-1455053" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "unfortunately, anxiety can come and go. It can even pop up when you’re not feeling particularly anxious,\r\nkeep exercising, because that releases the good hormones in the brain that calm down your sensations. \r\nthink if there’s anything at all that is bothering you or causing you to feel even a little bit anxious. That can bring on those sensations. None of these sensations related to anxiety are harmful. But I know how annoying they can feel.\r\npractice a healthy lifestyle, and there are many great relaxing meditations on YouTube for anxiety. I listen to these every night and they do make a big difference. Hang in there.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-06T02:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/strange-sensation-in-my-head-anxious-feeling-panicking-not-feeling-stressed-what-can-it-be-796251?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Strange sensation in My head ? Anxious feeling 😕...panicking ...not feeling stressed what can it be
hi ive seen numerous gps consulants of my symptoms, all been put down to anxiety. I have had a full blood test and all is fine.i exercise regular to get this feeling away. it went away for years and unfortunately come back again. I'm a bubbly person happy family and this is really getting me down
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/debib399-1127384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin40684-1195686" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Loud noises make me anxious. So you are not alone. I don&#39;t want the tv or radio on. I like the quiet. I don&#39;t know why that is. Maybe someone on here will tell us why this happens.&#160; Good luck to you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-15T23:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/noise-sensitive-from-anxiety--668381?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gary35655-1022554" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin40684-1195686" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I had a professor once who had a condition to noise. He had to wear ear plugs outside. I read up on his condition, but I can&#39;t remember what it was. His nerves were very sensitive to noise. If it is psychological, then there is an emotional component. It sounds like you are hypervigilant to stimuli around you. There is a term for this. The symptoms for anxiety are many, they involve nervous reactions. I have kids your age and their issues often become my issues, which turn into worry and anxiety. There may be some emotional triggers with certain noises, you may want to explore a bit more with a counselor if there is a connection between noise and your emotional response.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-16T00:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/noise-sensitive-from-anxiety--668381?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1177225" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin40684-1195686" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Noise sensitivity is not uncommon among anxiety sufferers Kevin. It&#39;s more common among men, for some reason. Has something to do with the fight/flight reaction.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-16T01:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/noise-sensitive-from-anxiety--668381?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star1711-1180017" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin40684-1195686" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Kevin\r\n\r\nI too have suffered from extreme noise sensitivity. The house phone at my dad’s house for example would literally make me jump and my heart thump extremely loudly. The supermarket tannoy, being around noisy people and children would all terrify me and I’d have to cover my ears with my hands. The above hardly bothers me now, but loud traffic for example still makes me a bit nervous and jumpy. Even now I still keep my mobile phone on vibrate. I think noise sensitivity as someone has already mentioned, occurs because our nerves have become so sensitive as a response to the stress our body has gone through from anxiety, and in my case also depression. Being on medication has definitely helped me. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2018-07-16T12:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/noise-sensitive-from-anxiety--668381?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul81443-1454985" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin40684-1195686" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi im in my early 30s and recently been diagnosed as been on the spectrum \r\n\r\nnoise sensitivity is probably the hardest issue I have to face. stuff like banging of plates/whistling/coughing/sneezing etc really annoy me and make me nervous. another odd one is loud speakers in which some are very close family really frustrates me. a lot of the time the answer back 'oh I didn't know I was shouting or I don't be knowing I'm dis loud', it's f annoying. sometimes it's bearable if it's 'something I'm interested in or If I had a bit of alcohol. If attention is brought towards it, I'd feel very nervous and frustrated which leads to many issues \r\n\r\nweirdly I' a gig fanatic and would travel a lot to see/hear them. if it was a small venue I'd try wear 'ear plugs' but in bigger venues I seem to get on fine. I've siad to many doctors that 'even with my noise sensitivity I feel why I don't get as anxious at those events about it is because I'm expecting it' \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-05T02:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/noise-sensitive-from-anxiety--668381?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Noise sensitive from anxiety?
Back in January 2018 I started getting these uncontrollable shakes just before bed.  They wouldn’t happen all the time maybe once every 2-3 weeks. In that time I developed a very stiff neck. I seen the doctor and he told me I am stressed and have anxiety. I did have a higher amount of stress from work and a teenage son. I didn’t think I was stressed out but maybe I was. In March my doctor put me on leave for 4 weeks from work. Things got better - not 100% but I was able to return to work. Since I have gone back to work my hearing has gotten very sensitive. Most sensitive to deep noises such as the refrigerator or water cooler. Or even riding in a car. When I drive a car I need to wear at least one ear plug. Any of these types of noises can set me off with tension behind the ears then I start to get these pains all over my head which then leads to accelerated heart rate. I am not on any medication but I do have Larazapam for when these episodes come.  I have had a CT scan done and seen an ENT and all clear there.   Anyone else have noise sensitivity?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gracerose-974099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hey gwyneth,I&#39;ve been diagnosed with Anxiety disorder and panic attacks for going on 17 years now, I do have a good idea what triggered my depression ie...Anxiety and my 1st panic attack felt like I was having a heart attack. The Dr.I was seeing at the time sent me for a stress test ,several different heart x-ray test ,and finally the cup-da-grau(probably spelt that sorry,but I hope it translate,s any who )a Nuclear dye heart .Than went bk to see my regular dr.,oh and I forgot about him giving me a What&#39;s called a Full Cluestreal test,he was shocked as me also when all my tests came bk.exceptionally well.Then my Dr told me that he thought I was suffering from depression, Anxiety, and panic disorder, and believe me I was taken bk.by his answer because my left arm was hurt, my heart was pounding like it may come rt.out any minute, I felt dizzy, I even told 911 (which is the only time I have ever called them to come to our home, in the 24 yr.s we&#39;ve lived here)because we had a county address and 911 system that because I had a newborn baby I was going out in my front yard because if I was having a heart attack I needed them find my baby. I tell you all this because when I had my 1st panic attack the house was calm that day,until my other kids got home from school it was just her an I .Yes our home was going through some stress, but I had gone through way,way,more at other times in our and my life.That just came out of the blue clear sky .I&#39;ve learned now that several members of my birth family including my mother have the same disorders. My dr.put me on a SS Uptake Inhibitor, I had to try about 6 different ones until I found thert.one that helped me, he put me on 3 .1 (blue football,s)zanex a day for my ,once they started for me it daylie, panic attacks. I can&#39;t say I felt like you said that you were feeling. I pray you can find a good dr.that will really listen to what&#39;s going on with you .I know dr.s are expensive, but if you have ins.,or Obama Care,I hope my story helped, even just to know that I am sending healing thoughts you&#39;re way ,I&#39;m going to say a prayer for you to ,I hope and wish you better days ahead, try some canabis,I have a friend who swears by it ,and she&#39;s bipolar. Anyways good luck. ......</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-05T05:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/athol91131-112520" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Athol! Thank you for replying! I&#39;ve stayed away from weed since I developed health anxiety, when I smoked I had muscle spasms that it was gonna stay with me even when I sober up. After I stopped smoking m muscles always feel tensed and I kept thinking I was on the verge of having a seizure, I even thought I was developing Parkinson&#39;s disease but that went away since my anxiety actually became a problem and when I started having thoughts like what if I go crazy. I&#39;m to the point where I identify everything I think of or weird senations that happen to me as weird or a sign that I really am losing my mind. Like I don&#39;t know if it has something to do with hyperawareness that I&#39;m actually over aware of my thoughts that I actually think all of them are weird, like when I have imaginations I start thinking I&#39;m schizophrenic. What bothers me the most is I get moments where for a second I feel weirded out, id have an underlying thought but can&#39;t figure out what it is, or id just feel off like something&#39;s not right, I don&#39;t know I can&#39;t explain it, it&#39;s just weird, it makes me feel like what if I lose plot on reality or I just start dping the most random things , anything you could think of, that would identify me as a schizophrenic, I don&#39;t know if I&#39;m dissociating when that haopens or im depersonalizing, ugh or maybe since I think about it too much it happens more often. I read too much online, it&#39;s to the point that I don&#39;t even know anymore. Maybe I really am going crazy. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-07T20:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi. Can I just give a second opinion on that and say DON&#39;T take any cannabis. It may numb you out for a while but it can increase your anxiety and paranoia. I speak from experience. This is not a moral judgment on cannabis but some people react badly to it and some are okay with it. It&#39;s not worth the risk if you are in an anxiety state, which you obviously are. I used to fear becoming schizophrenic and imagine I was seeing things. It&#39;s just the anxiety, it can do many strange things to you, none of which are harmful. If you are not really seeing things or hearing things that aren&#39;t there and you haven&#39;t been diagnosed, then you aren&#39;t schizophrenic. What&#39;s happening is that your own defence alarm has gone off (anxiety) to protect you, but because it has gone off &#39;by mistake&#39; your brain is now seeking a &#39;threat&#39;. There isn&#39;t any &#160;but it looks for one. It could focus on heart attack, mental illness or anything really. The point is that it feels &#39;there is something awfully wrong with you&#39;. There isn&#39;t. It is the feeling you get with anxiety. That&#39;s all. There is nothing &#39;wrong&#39; with you apart from feeling anxious which you interpret as being something &#39;wrong&#39; with you. It isn&#39;t wrong, it is a natural harmless response to feeling stress etc. and prepares you to deal with it. It might not be very helpful and it does feel horribly uncomfortable and the mind goes wild with it but it will do you no harm. You are okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I speak from a lifetimes experience with this thing. All the best x</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-08-30T00:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil76209-971591" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi,</p><p></p><p>I second that first comment. DO NOT try cannabis.</p><p>It did me no good whatsoever. In fact this is the reason I am ill. But that&#39;s another story.</p><p></p><p>I have depersonalisation and derealization. Feels to me like the world (sight) is unreal. I try to compare what I perceive through sight to how It was before all this nightmare. And it&#39;s always the same.</p><p></p><p>I read up on how stem cells change in the brain with chronic anxiety. Was extremely interesting because it made me realise and change my view that the skunk didn&#39;t damage my brain but it was the extreme anxiety brought on by the skunk use that did change by brain.</p><p></p><p>Knowing the physiology behind the illness seems to help cos it demystifies what you think. You know where you stand.</p><p></p><p>Whether this is reversible is something I do not know but I&#39;m going to pray it does. </p><p></p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-05T05:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chilligans-962999" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi gwyneth 61184! I know you posted this a little whole ago, but I just wanted to tell that I love what you had to say. I&#39;ve been relentlessly searching Google to relieve anxiety, and this is the first time I&#39;ve found someone that word for word describes how I feel. I just wanted to let you know that you aren&#39;t alone, and also say thank you for posting this. It&#39;s all a really scary feeling, and I hope you and I can get relief to it. Best of luck!</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-05T05:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jess07129-1046100" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Gwyneth,</p><p></p><p>You have OCD Anxiety and nothing else.</p><p></p><p>See a Pyschiatrist about some medication for OCD, then begin OCD/ Anxiety treatment.</p><p></p><p>You&#39;ll get better :)</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-05T05:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hema222301-1069686" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chilligans-962999" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hema222301-1069686" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi hema. What SSRIs are on and how long have you been on them? I&#39;m dealing with much of this as well and I am on Paxil (SSRI) and I definitely get what you&#39;re saying. It&#39;s a lot of trial and error but you are on the path to getting better :)</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-25T16:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi , wanted to know if you have any help with ur hyperawareness and depersonalisation . I feel much the same , I am on medications - ssri but after a while they just go to zero effect \r\nAnyone please help \r\n" ], "date": [ "2017-07-25T10:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tess_70606-1162224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Dissociation can occur during extreme moments of stress; it&#39;s essentially shock and will more than likely dissipate once your anxiety diminishes.</p><p></p><p>Being that you&#39;ve created this post 2 years ago, I would assume that you&#39;ve come to realize that it&#39;s not a permanent condition.</p><p></p><p>Although I don&#39;t have first-hand experience with schizophrenia, I have doubt that you are schizophrenic as you were very lucid in describing your circumstance. </p><p></p><p>I hope you are now in a better place with your stress levels.</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-13T06:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c197722394-1295590" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "content": [ "Very recognizable mahsaa... And interesting to hear that the diagnosis was OCD. For me, it started a month and a half ago, all of a sudden (well, the months before I was feeling a bit depressed anyway), I got very \"aware\" about my looks (mainly because I am not pleased with how I look). It all of a sudden struck me that when I was for example in a room with others, my reality was that I saw them, but their realities were that they saw me, as an \"object\" in the room, at the same time. This led to severe anxiety, and kind of an existential crisis, with the same existential questions as you describe above. I have been treated in the past with antidepressants (sipralexa) and they usually work quite fine, but this time it seems more complex. I'm seeing my therapist again (who I met 4 years ago, when I was obsessed with the fact that I could have gotten tinnitus after a concert), and I'm also seeing a psychiatrist. He also mentions OCD-like behaviour, as well as an anxiety disorder. He's quite confident (for now) in the SSRI, but after one month on a 10-mg dose and 2 weeks on a 20-mg dose, I'm not so sure anymore. I'm still getting dizzy when thinking about reality/different view points from different people/etcetera. I know I'm quite sensitive to these things anyway, since I had a DP/DR episode when I was 18-19 years old (so strange to \"forget\" who you are, to feel that your personality is gone; if only back then I knew more about what was happening). I was thinking I was going mad back then as well. Though it is nothing compared to the anxiety/existentialist fears/social fears (I'm a subject, but an object to others) I'm still feeling at the moment. How did the 'acceptance' work for you, and the 'exposure' mahsaa?" ], "date": [ "2020-02-14T15:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c197722394-1295590" ], "content": [ "Hi there! I am sorry to hear that you are going through this thing. We need to accept and be aware that there's nothing wrong with the world but with our mind and what keeps our mind ill are \"thoughts\". First step is to be aware of your thoughts by \"Mindfulness\". If your therapist already hasn't gone through mindfulness, definitely ask him/her to teach you that. When your body is sensitized by prolonged stress it loses its resilience and scary thoughts stick to it and how more we don't want them to come, they come more! Feeling of unreality can come from hyperventilation/ adrenaline (from\r\nanxiety), makes you feel foggy and lightheaded. Then people with hypochondria (like me lol) will assume they got Alzheimer or Schizofrenia or tumor ... (I can keep going lol) and the bewilderment of the situation can totally make you feel like you're going mad because it's unfamiliar and hell scary! for me I always was interested in stuffs like evolution, space, biology, physics ,.... but when I got unreal those questions got bolder ans scarier and because it made me uncomfortable I tried to get rid of them but they came more and more.... until I told myself this is what it is and I can't switch this off at once so just told myself tough it up and accept you gotta live like this for as long as it's gonna be and started to do my routines, workingout, hiking, socialinzing.... even more than before because I was like eh... I have nothing to lose lol I decided I am ok living with feeling of unreality and hyperawareness as part of my being! it took time but eventually made me feel better... it still comes every now and then but as I said if you really accept it you have nothing to lose and the thoughts won't be that scary anymore and they don't come often! basically be friends with your weirdness lol Exposure means deliberately put yourself in whatever you are scared of. if you get anxious about experiencing being with other people in a room that triggers your feeling of unreality, you on purpose go to the places that make you feel like that to train your mind you might get uncomfortable but NOT AFRAID! Stop avoiding situations that triggers you! as they said it's better to be Sane than Safe.... hope this helps dear! i just shared my opinion and experience it might not work for anyone tho, but worth a try :)" ], "date": [ "2021-03-11T04:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c197722394-1295590" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "content": [ "Thanks, so kind to reply. Yes I've read about this kind of 'acceptance' therapy, I'm going to try it... I'm seeing my psychologist again tomorrow, I wonder what he has to say about how we can use that kind of treatment for my particular fears/obsessions. Problem is I think there's also depression involved. So it's OCD/anxiety/depression... :-/ And a bit of depersonalisation thrown in as well, I guess as a consequence of the anxiety. Anyway, I hope it will get better soon." ], "date": [ "2021-01-04T17:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c197722394-1295590" ], "content": [ "I'm sure you will get better! You are very aware of your situation and all these are anxiety playing with the mind... :) Good luck!" ], "date": [ "2020-02-19T04:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c197722394-1295590" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "content": [ "Strange thing happened... Around the beginning of March, I was really improving. I felt as myself again around that time, and things went well up until last week, around the 30th of April. There was this one strange thought about the absurdity of existence and existing as different \"entities\" while having dinner with my family, and the anxiety increased again... Now I feel I'm back to square one... I'm afraid nothing will work anymore now. January/February: very bad, March/April: good, and now again very bad. How is this possible :-( Do you happen to know about these kinds of relapses? I have a good therapist who is very supportive, but I still feel quite alone. I have a great girlfriend and we have two beautiful, fantastic children (twins, 10 years old), and that makes it even harder to cope with all of this because I'm afraid of the effect of my anxiety on them. Could this be \"just\" a flare up, or a real relapse? Just as I thought the SSRI had kicked in, all existentialist crap and anxiety returned :-(" ], "date": [ "2021-03-11T04:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew333-1320840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c197722394-1295590" ], "content": [ "Hi c197722394,\r\n\r\nI just read your post and I am shocked to find someone with the exact same symptoms as me. I totally understand what you mean by feeling like an \"object\" of someone else's reality. I sometimes get this when I am in a meeting in work, for example, I begin to find it incredibly hard to comprehend how everyone at the table has ended up where they are, and exists separately and this feels crushing and impossible. It's not even like i'm particularly existential, however these thoughts are so hard to comprehend that they cause severe anxiety. I also find it incredibly strange how I can, for example, go into a shop and change someone's day by interacting with them. It's so hard to explain but it sounds similar to what you are describing. It's not the actual action, but the very existence of everything that gets to me. I also often think about my own thought processes and wonder why I am making them, and become hyper aware of things which should occur automatically. I wonder if you have found any relief from this? Please let me know if you have anything.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-03-11T04:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/c197722394-1295590" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew333-1320840" ], "content": [ "Hi, I replied but apparently via a PM. Let me know if you want to talk further." ], "date": [ "2021-01-04T17:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola69842-936250" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew333-1320840" ], "content": [ "hi both, are you still on here? are you still struggling? for the past month i have such bad derealisation but i keep getting strange thiughts about everything like everything i look at aeems weird and fake its so hard to descirbe i cant gind anyone that feels the same?" ], "date": [ "2021-03-10T20:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarasmiles757-1363937" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "content": [ "This describes mu thoughts and struggles almost perfectly. thank you ." ], "date": [ "2021-03-11T04:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarasmiles757-1363937" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew333-1320840" ], "content": [ "I feel this ." ], "date": [ "2021-03-11T04:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola69842-936250" ], "content": [ "hi Nicola! it's been more than two years since mine first started and I want you to know how good and happy I am right now. The reason I tell you this is because I want you to know YOU WILL GET BETTER soon too! Embrace the derealization. that's your new normal! go out hiking, jogging, socializing in spite of feeling of derealization. I totally recommend going to a therapy specialized with OCD and Anxiety too! they can help a lot! don't try to figure out why you get this weird feelings and thoughts and find solution for it. just let it be! to be honest there is no solution! good news is time really helps too! once you get on your routine life and let the time pass, things will start to get better and you become more confident to tour coping skills you will become a stronger person too ! let me know if you have more questions :)" ], "date": [ "2021-03-11T16:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/olivia30667-1453828" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mahsaa-1293344" ], "content": [ "Wow your story sounds almost exactly like mine except for three months now ive been experiencing the same that you have. Serious cycles of anxiety and intrusive thoughts and just being very aware of myself and so scared to just live my life because of all of these things. I just dont see a way out at the moment but seeing you say there is gives me hope. Best wishes." ], "date": [ "2023-01-24T21:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/olivia30667-1453828" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/c197722394-1295590" ], "content": [ "Oh my goodness what you said about \"my reality was that I saw them, but their realities were that they saw me\" thats exactly how ive been feeling recently and ive been so scared i thought i was alone in this and i was losing my mind and going crazy. Im so relieved to know im not alone and am not the only one whos ever felt like this " ], "date": [ "2023-01-24T21:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "wow wow wow! this is fascinating how some of us can have exact same thoughts. I went through the same thing. it started about 6 months ago when I was under a lot of stress for long time (later I realized I was sensitized) and for I got hypervenelation a few times and I freaked out about it then that feeling of unreality started and that was the start of me being a crazy cycle of anxiety (non-stop!!) even thought I was trying to accept the unreality feeling and move on but it was like a switch in my mind was on and I couldn't stop it anymore. after 2 weeks I got intrusive thoughts like thinking about my breathing, blinking .... and that existential dread that I was so aware of my own thought process and being a human! sometimes I felt like how other people don't see how weird it is to exist out of nowhere on a planet that nobody knows where are we who are we... long story short I started therapy and realized I have OCD! I've been studying A LOTA about it. I am in a much better place now but what helped me the most was ACCEPTANCE! also a lot of Exposure and CBT :) idk who is reading this desperately thinking she/he is going crazy ... you are not!!! you'll get better and you will become a better person after you will have to go deep inside and know yourself and your thoughts! hang in there :)" ], "date": [ "2023-02-04T04:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/terry70109-1296239" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi there!! since late december i have been struggling with similar stuff. i have ocd and i guess it became hyper aware of my own thinking and then from there i had a fear of if i would lose my inner self voice and forget who i am.. and now for 2 months almost ive been struggling with it. i dont know why i keep having this out of body feeling especially when im out of the house.. its the worst when i have to sit in class or sit in silence cause then im hyperaware of my thinking and my inner existence.. i get this weird sensation in my legs like they go numb or like a tingle in them.. is my mind playing games with me or am i suffering with something like depersonalization etc.. i wish this would just go away but my OCD has latched onto it and i dont know how to beat it. " ], "date": [ "2020-02-18T04:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah1214-1389716" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am feeling this way right now and wanted to know if you have felt any better since posting this?" ], "date": [ "2021-07-28T14:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "\r\nHey there \r\nI have been battling anxiety for years.And the hypocondria and hyperawareness are definitely by biggest issues. I have been feeling weird things such as muscles twitches, tremors, heart palpitations, random pain, it drives me crazy and I will Google about these symptoms for hours on end looking for answers. If course the worst diseases are the one that always catch my eye. I will become aware of my breathing, how I talk, how I walk, suddenly everything seems of as if I can't even walk properly. This is like nightmare fuel and immediately triggers strong panic attacks and anxiety episodes. I've been checked by the doctor, I had low vitamin D but that was it. It just feels unreal that all these scary symptoms are caused by anxiety. I wake up thinking I have something deathly and fall asleep thinking iIwon't t wake up. I don't trust doctors anymore, I just think they have no idea what th ey are doing, I have weird symptoms, how come they say this is not an illness? I'm not even supersticious, but when it comes down to medical anxiety, I'm the absolute worst. If I see someone on the street in a wheelchair, an awareness poster, or even an article on the news about a deadly or life changing disease I'll just panic and think this is a sign that I have that and should get tested. KIdon't know what to do with my life anymore I'm terrified of dying young with ALS or cancer and leaving my husband and baby by themselves (I'm 27). This is slowly driving my husband crazy because he doesn't know what to do and thinks I'm imagining things. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-04T07:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel78624-1391832" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi gwyneth, i never thought id see an experience so close to how i've been feeling. did you ever get an answer to this and why you feel this way?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T17:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joanne85044-1240533" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gwyneth_61184-974068" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "oh my goodness i have been going through this exact fear and symptoms! my mind convinced me that i was going to go crazy at any given moment and i became so hyperaware of my existence. i recently got blood work done and found out i was deficient in vitamin D3 and started taking supplements along with magnesium glycinate for almost a month now and those thoughts have gone down a lot! not sure if there's an exact link to the anxiety and intrusive thoughts but ive heard there is. i still deal with moments where i question \"what if im all hallucinating rn\" or feeling as though i had just woken up and realized im alive. worst feeling ever i used to freak out about it and have panic attacks about it but ive learned to just let it pass. this post was made a long while ago im curious how are you doing now? " ], "date": [ "2023-02-04T04:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-hypochondriasis-existential-ocd-hyperawareness-depersonalization-hell-533894?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety/Hypochondriasis/Existential OCD/Hyperawareness/ Depersonalization Hell
<p>Hi! I&#39;m new to this forum. I&#39;ve been dealing with anxiety issues lately, it&#39;s been about 3 months from and I am not getting better at all. This all started from stress when all of a sudden I had this weird sensation and it led me to thinking I was losing control. The next few days I became really depressed and started depersonalizing, I didn&#39;t know what I was feeling at first but I just felt incredibly weird, not myself, and it came to the point that I started getting foggy and my memory became impaired. Talking was the hardest for me, I felt like any moment I was gonna go crazy. This went on for about a month, the feelings of going crazy never went away. Googling obsessively was one of my biggest problems, still is. I&#39;ve had feelings of unreality, things around me that used to appear normal seem weird to me now. One of my biggest fear was schizophrenia, that I&#39;m gonna start hallucinating sooner or later, that I&#39;m gonna be delusional, but that went away for a bit. My anxiety seem to have gone down since school started, but it was still there. I would still question things around me, when my anxiety elevates, I start performing weird tics from OCD like having to look up or shake my head, weird, I know. Lately I&#39;ve been so frightened by being hyperaware, like who gets scared of their own self/existence? I&#39;m also weirded out by my actions and everything I do. Everything around me seem to look weirder the fact that I&#39;m aware they exist, I&#39;m aware of my own consciousness which is also weird, then I start questioning why us everything the way it is, why we are the way we are, it&#39;s like I&#39;m living in my own head. I&#39;ve also been having these weird sensations where I would just be doing something then I&#39;d feel off/wrong for a second, like a feeling of I should&#39;ve done something, or I have an underlying thought but I can&#39;t figure out what it is or like my perception of things become so weird, I&#39;m just weirded out at that moment, sort of like a &quot;whoa that&#39;s weird&quot; sensation. This sets me to panic because I literally don&#39;t know what&#39;s going on with me, I feel as if I&#39;m losing control of my thoughts and in my prodromal stage of schizophrenia, I know funny. I&#39;ve never hallucinated or have delusions, but I obsess over those symptoms so much that I think I have them. Does anyone have this weird sensation I&#39;ve been having lately? Or at least know what explanation there is for that? I just feel weird, I just went on a schizophrenia forum and this guy talked about how in his prodromal stages, he&#39;d wake up feeling like he shouldve done something or there was something missing, and of course I start thinking what if im the same. I literally feel like I&#39;ll never be able to recover and get worse, I&#39;ve been to a therapist and I have an appointment with her next month, but I don&#39;t think she specializes in depersonalization or OCD, and she thinks I&#39;m fine but I just don&#39;t think I am. ): Help!</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul21053-1043511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/florian08472-1454072" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello Florian have you found any relief from the symptoms at all i suffer with the palpitations daily and the pins and needles type feeling " ], "date": [ "2023-01-27T11:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-795866?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly87303-1454884" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/florian08472-1454072" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, \r\nI've been on prozac and anxiety meds for years and managing well with added stress recently, my anxiety has been out of control my doc prescribed me propanolol to add but I'm nervous to start it curious about side effects. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-04T01:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-panic-attacks-795866?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and Panic attacks
Hello, I have been struggling for the last 4 months with anxiety and I have very weird symptoms , from headache to palpitations and tingling and pins and needles on my head , chest hot flushes followed by palpitations etc etc. My GP gave me 40mg of propranolol and from tomorrow sertraline 50mg as well to be taken with propranolol. Has anyone here had this medication together? And I would really like to know other people with my condition and their symptoms so I can associate. Thank you.
Feel horrible after 20 to 40 mg Prozac increase
I have been on 20 mg of Prozac for six or seven years and started to struggle due to some stress in my life recently. within a few days, I started having uncontrollable anxiety, panic attacks, and feeling so sick and can't sleep. Could it be the increase? Wow, this has been awful. Has anyone experienced this? It helps to know so that I don’t feel so alone. Thank you!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sue77944-1353000" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so sorry Sue that you are feeling that way. I used to also be afraid of riding in an elevator.\r\nthere are several things that really helped me .\r\nThe main thing is to distract your mind on other things so you can relax. Some of the things I did were...\r\n1. first, I would take a nice long, slow, deep breath before getting on.\r\n2. I would do things such as make a mental list of things I have to do that day.\r\n3. using the alphabet, come up with names for girls or boys.\r\n4. Bring a crossword puzzle.\r\n5. countdown from 100 in your head.\r\n6. I would put a rubber band on my wrist and snap it the second I started to worry, it actually worked!\r\nThere’s so many other things you can do, that would help you a lot! The main thing is, you’re keeping your mind focused on something else that requires concentration. The minute you lose that concentration, get back to what you were doing.\r\nBefore you know it, the ride will be over! \r\nonce I did it a couple times, that was the end of my fear. I realized that I needed to challenge myself and not give into fear.\r\nRemember that what we fear is not reality. It’s our mind that creates fear.\r\nmillions and millions of people ride elevators every day and are just fine..\r\nFocus really hard on your mental distraction. \r\nI found that closing, my eyes helped along with the mental distraction.\r\n❤ you can do it!" ], "date": [ "2023-02-04T12:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/claustrophobia-796137?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I am very claustrophobic, to the point where I can't even get into a lift. But I have hurt my knee and have a very important hospital appointment on Monday on the 5th floor. Normally I would climb all five flights (at 77 years old that takes me quite a while!) but I can't do that now so… does anyone out there have any suggestions at all that I could use to get myself into the lift, and once in it, not to get hysterical when the doors close (I can hardly type that I'm so scared!)? Last time I tried getting into a lift, years ago, I just stood outside and cried, and gave up, which was so embarrassing…
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susana88799-1428896" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " i’m really sorry you are going through this. When my kids were growing up I always worried about them too. They were very healthy but I always thought what if something happened to them.\r\n One thing I did not do ( and I hope you’re not doing) is to worry in front of my kids. that can really affect kids in a very negative way. My counselor back then told me that when kids are exposed to a parent being extremely anxious, it can really rub off on them and they can become very anxious . That can affect their whole life. It can affect school, confidence, their health, including physical and mental health. etc. I just wanted to share that with you because of how important it is! \r\n it took me a while to slow down the negative thoughts going through my head, the worries and fears about my kids. Some days were better than others. \r\nI started reading some books on how to feel more joyful and I realize that The fear and anxiety was taking away days from my life! Instead of appreciating my kids and feeling joyful, I was caving into negativity and fear. I wasted many years of my life doing this and it’s definitely NOT Worth it! I can’t get back any of those days. \r\nI finally started turning it around and was instead grateful for having three beautiful kids who were healthy. My mind was creating thoughts that were not based on reality but only based on fear. \r\n\"WHAT IF\" thanking is a complete waste of time! Focus on what you have now. Embrace it! Because I can tell you they grow up really fast and before you know it they are gone! Take in every day to the fullest with your son! enjoy him! Spend time doing things with him. Laugh. Smile. As soon as you get a negative thought in your mind watch it float away and then get right back to enjoying life. Do that every time. \r\nTake ONE Day at a time instead of worrying about the future. The future does not exist. The only thing that exists is the present moment. if you’re having a hard time, get some counseling to help manage this. Do it for your son. Your son wants his mother to be relaxed and happy. He wants to laugh with you. \r\nyOU said that this is hurting your son and your husband. That’s very sad. When he’s older, you don’t want him to have memories of you being fearful all the time. you want him to have beautiful fun memories that make him smile and not cry. \r\nRemember that the vast majority of things we worry about never actually happened. Don’t waste time. \r\nthe One thing that got me to stop all the crazy senseless fear was thinking about my kids. I would do anything in the world for them and I’m sure you are the same. Please get some support for this. your son deserves it. And you deserve it as well. ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-06-02T12:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-with-my-kid-785243?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susana88799-1428896" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I was going to reply but to be honest Jan's reply is so good that there is not much more for me to add.\r\n\r\nI was the same as you because my daughter was born with congenital heart disease and she had major open heart surgery when she was 18 months old, during that time and for years after I lived in absolute terror of something happening to her. I didn't sleep, my heart would pound every time she even coughed, I was on high alert 24/7, I get emotional just writing this because it was tough. \r\n\r\nI would encourage you to get some help as I think it's very hard to get over alone, but it can be done.\r\n\r\nBest of luck!" ], "date": [ "2022-06-02T12:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/health-anxiety-with-my-kid-785243?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Health anxiety with my kid
I would like to share my story here with the hope somebody else can give me good advice or can relate to it. I have severe health anxiety but not with myself, I mean, I'm not worrying about my health but about my son's health. He almost died when he was 2 and he was constantly sick. He is now a healthy 13 year old but instead of calming down the health anxiety is only getting worse, it's limiting my life and hurting my son and husband as well. I worry constantly, and I mean day and night. I can't sleep well as every noise I hear I think my kid got sick, if he goes to the toilet at 3 am my heart starts hammering in my chest as I run to his room to ask him if he's OK. I don't want to travel because I always worry that he will feel sick, or that he will need a toilet and we won't find it, if we eat in a restaurant I always worry that the food will make him sick and similar things. When he goes with school to a camp for several days I live in agony. Every time the phone rings I always think the worse has happened. All kids get sick sometimes and I see other parents and nobody worries as much as I do. Sometimes my son has digestive problems due to nerves (exams, school) and instead of telling myself it's a normal thing, I call his doctor. I always think there is some serious issue nobody is telling me. Last year he had frequent digestive problems and I took him to a specialist, all the tests were negative and we were told he was completely OK but as the issues don't go away (because we humans have sometimes digestive problems) instead of being reasonable and accept all is fine my mind goes wild and wonders, what if the doctors were wrong? What if I am an irresponsible mom for not taking him to another doctor? I'm reading what I wrote and it sounds crazy, I know. I just wish I could stop worrying. I wish I could enjoy going to places like other families, I wish I could relax when we travel, I wish I could sleep without worrying each and every night of the year about health issues that don't exist! My GP prescribed me Mirtazapine but I gained a lot of weight and didn't help me at all, the worries stayed, the only difference was that I was able to sleep. Can this be PTSD? Because of the terrible night in hospital when he almost died? (he had status epilepticus and couldn't wake up).
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa2012-1175650" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa2012-1175650" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you. It went away for 46 hours and came back today because I'm anxious. I am prolonging it with my fears and anxiousness so annoyed at myself. I keep worrying it's never going away and I'm afraid to eat other foods that are outside of the brat diet. It's all i think about and I know that's not helping. Thank you for responding and your help. " ], "date": [ "2023-02-01T12:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "The doctor told you to let it run its course. Now you need to work on reducing the anxiety. Anxiety can definitely make it take longer to recover. anxiety can affect the digestive system so it’s in your best interest to relax in your body and mind. You’re going to be OK it’s just taking a little longer to feel better.\r\ndid they suggest the bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast diet? Also known as the.BRAT diet for diarrhea. those foods do not upset the digestive system. \r\nstay hydrated with water because you are losing a lot of fluids. . take care and just let your doctor know if it continues on . \r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-01T12:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/food-poisoning-two-weeks-ago-and-still-have-diarrhea-anxiety-is-now-playing-up-and-making-things-worse-795988?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa2012-1175650" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello teresa. first of all, im so sorry you're going through that. i COMPLETELY feel your pain because i got food poisoning in july last year, and i felt unwell for so long after that. my stomach had gotten better, everything had gotten better - but my anxiety was giving me terrible bouts of nausea that i still feel whenever i think about it. i too, got it checked from my doctor and he couldn't find anything wrong with me. your best bet is to please try and relax, and affirm yourself that all is well. it's really difficult and rare for healthy adults to get fp/other stomach issues in general and it's only a matter of chance. please try eating bland foods for now that are gentle on your stomach, and take good care. " ], "date": [ "2023-02-01T19:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/food-poisoning-two-weeks-ago-and-still-have-diarrhea-anxiety-is-now-playing-up-and-making-things-worse-795988?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/teresa2012-1175650" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I wanted to mention that turmeric, or turmeric and ginger herbal tea has always helped me when I had stomach issues, such as bloating, diarrhea, etc. it actually helps to fight the bacteria in the stomach and intestines. I like to add a touch of honey to it. Very soothing! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-02-01T20:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/food-poisoning-two-weeks-ago-and-still-have-diarrhea-anxiety-is-now-playing-up-and-making-things-worse-795988?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Food poisoning two weeks ago, and still have diarrhea. Anxiety is now playing up and making things worse
It started two weeks ago, my household got food poisoning (I think it was from chicken). We all had the same symptoms fever, shivers, headache, diarrhea. I have no symptoms anymore apart from diarrhea. It's not as bad as it was but I am now anxious as to why I still have it when others in my household are back to normal. I went to the doctor last week and they said it just has to take it's course and they don't like giving antibiotics and would prefer if I got over it naturally. I have anxiety and worry alot also which doesn't help. How can I get over this? Is there something serious wrong with me?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crispy76-1142973" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello,</p><p></p><p>My experiences which I put down to anxiety ? (if anyone else is experiencing something familiar if they could please confirm):</p><p>- Dizziness - LightHeaded - Head Pressure - Issues with Balance - Feeling &#39;Out of it&#39; (like living in a dream world) - Stiff Back of Neck - Brain Fog</p><p></p><p>I haven&#39;t felt any chest pains or other pain in general. Head pressure seems to build in environments when not happy / comfortable.</p><p></p><p>Hope this helps !</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-05T13:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kg00-1145938" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Heart palpitations, stomach cramps diarrhea, muscle twiches all over, buzzing tingling vibration in feet and legs, trouble breathing, sleep starts, ringing in ears, eye floaters, feeling of unrest. I&#39;m sure I&#39;m missing a couple. I have most of these every day or often and when I&#39;m calm. However I have anxiety most days and panic attacks often usually over symptoms.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T15:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/edwina97301-1059551" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/edwina97301-1059551" ], "content": [ "<p>There&#39;s definitely light at the end of the tunnel but you got to fight for it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T15:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Agree, that&#39;s some list and I&#39;m sure we could all add a few more, &#39;normal people &#39;? I&#39;m sure think anxiety just means we feel a little anxious or stressed, I never imagined I could have so many horrid physical symptoms, . I know the thoughts I have are totally irrational yet the physical symptoms are so real. By far the worst is when I actually wake feeling anxious and my heart is racing, also when my heart races and adrenaline kicks in when I&#39;m out in public, this makes my hands shake and I get so upset thinking people notice. I cope better nowadays and know what to expect when it happens but it&#39;s still horrid, having more good days than bad nowadays, hope everyone who posts here gets some reasurance it can get better. Know when going through bad anxiety it feels never ending.&#128522;??</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-02-04T01:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carl67287-1126811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Those are all my symptoms too good list" ], "date": [ "2018-02-05T20:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paige39743-1142432" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paige39743-1142432" ], "content": [ "Lol is that from your pecs being tight all the time?" ], "date": [ "2018-02-05T23:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paige39743-1142432" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "content": [ "Exactly.  Anxiety causing stress and tension." ], "date": [ "2018-02-05T23:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Gerd, chest pain which includes shooting chest pain, numb legs, feet, arms and legs. &#160;Feeling of heart dropping or skipping a beat. &#160;Blurred vision. &#160;Shortness of breath. &#160;Pain in shoulder blades. &#160; From having anxiety so long I can bounce my pecs like The Rock. &#160;And I&#39;m a 47 year old female.</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T15:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kennedy_61910-1141766" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kennedy_61910-1141766" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes I find if I had chest pain for a long time I could fend off that it&#39;s not something worse but after a while if I get tired and pain sticks around I started to worry and I&#39;d get anxious and start thinking &quot;but what if I&#39;m wrong&quot; then that would escalate into a panic attack. It&#39;s hard to break that but seeing someone else with the same symptoms definitely can help you combat the intrusive thought.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-06T10:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I experience 20 out of 26 of these (if I counted right!) Chest pains and heart palpitations are by far the worse for me and really freak me out sometime. I always like to read about others people&#39;s symptoms. Reminds me I&#39;m not alone :)</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-06T03:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "content": [ "<p>I tried to get all the symptoms but that&#39;s one I had as well.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-06T10:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "content": [ "Yeah it’s awful! First time it happened to me, I was driving to pick my son up at daycare and had a massive anxiety attack with every symptom under the sun! My arms went limp and I could barely turn the steering wheel it was so scary! I pulled over and called 911 and once they came, I felt much calmer already and they checked my vitals which were all fine. Panic attack. It’s awful!" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T02:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah43910-1144421" ], "content": [ "<p>Oh wow, I never had arm weakness so bad as that, but I&#39;m not surprised it could be a symptom after going through all the stuff I had.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T11:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "That terry much sums mine up as well! I also get arm weakness in both arms, like they both feel extremely weak at times." ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T15:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/racheld1975-1074384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/racheld1975-1074384" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah the weightloss for me was because I was afraid to eat because I thought all food was going to be the meal that gave me a heart attack or stroke. I was all over the place with my emotions...I cried a lot and I&#39;m not a guy who cries. My girlfriend has known me for 5 years and she only seen me cry twice until I had anxiety. I would cry 3-4 times a day.</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T15:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I can and have have every symptom on your list except the weight loss even with all the troublesome stomach and digestive symptoms and not being able to eat properly.&#160; I flip flop with diarrhea and constipation though. The ones that bother me the most are the classic heart attack and stroke symptoms because of the seriousness of them if they weren&#39;t anxiety caused. I also have periods of feeling completely numb, not like numb and tingling because I have that too, but numb emotionally.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T15:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "content": [ "<p>I had a lot of acid reflux and my stomach felt full even though I was hungry. I had gas that caused my chest to hurt and digestive issues like diarrhea that caused stomach pain as well. I didn&#39;t get the intrusive thought many have of stomach cancer but I did wonder if I had an ulcer from stress, over time these symptoms went away.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T12:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "content": [ "<p>Yesss I feel the same way I keep thinking ulcer but I&#39;m not vomiting my friend had ulcers and she was throwing up blood my upper stomach hurts so bad and sometimes it&#39;s hard to breathe and I starve myself so much that my poor little tummy is soo confused and just aches all the time&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T13:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "content": [ "Are you on any anti anxiety medication? I found the bad stomach was part of the symptoms from that." ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T14:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "content": [ "<p>Nope I&#39;m actually afraid to take meds</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T15:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I hate taking meds as well...I had no choice this time around cause my life was crashing and burning but I would like to get off what I am on even though it&#39;s a very low dose :).</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T16:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "content": [ "What are u on " ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T16:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "content": [ "25mg of Zoloft." ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T16:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/racheld1975-1074384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeannisha97114-1107556" ], "content": [ "<p>Don&#39;t be afraid to take meds, you might find something that really helps you. I say this because I was you, I didn&#39;t want to take any meds because of the horror stories I&#39;ve heard and the list of side effects just makes my health anxiety explode, so I just don&#39;t read them anymore!!! I have tried A LOT of different medications over the years and I have had some that were awful and others that just didn&#39;t work. You have to speak up, if you try a medication and you feel anything out of the ordinary, ask questions immediately. If you don&#39;t feel like it is doing anything for you ask about changing the dosage or trying something else. And if you ever feel like you are having side effects that are bothersome and the benefit doesn&#39;t outweigh, tell the doctor you aren&#39;t taking it anymore. You have a right to decide what goes into your body and you have a right to tell a doctor NO, you also know how you feel better than anyone else on this planet, so what works for others may not work for you and vice versa. I do NOT take pain medications for instance, I don&#39;t like how they make me feel and they almost never do anything for my pain, so I take the occasional Ibuprofen when it gets really unbearable and call it good. I was diagnosed with anxiety around 1995, my doctor gave me a prescription for xanax and sent me on my way. I was on Xanax for over 10 years and NO I&#39;m still not addicted to it, in case that is one of your fears. I will say I miss it, it is the best &quot;rescue&quot; anxiety medication out there in my opinion but it isn&#39;t often misused, prescribed incorrectly, and of course abused by people who don&#39;t need it in the first place. I say rescue because that is exactly what it is designed to do, you feel like you are about to go into a full blown panic attack, take one and it should work almost instantly to stop the panic attack from happening or escalating. The effects don&#39;t last very long which is why I think people take way more than they should, when instead they need a longer acting or time released medication to keep them even at all times. My favorite combination I&#39;ve been on and when I felt my absolute best, NO E.R. VISITS FOR 2 YEARS!!!, was when I was on clonazepam/klonopin 0.5mg 2 times a day,</p><p>&#160;amitriptyline/elavil&#160;think it was 50mg (all my meds have been pretty much the lowest dosages), at bedtime for widespread pain, possibly fibro, and escitalopram/lexapro 10mg 1x daily for GAD. I had little to no panic attacks and my anxiety was totally manageable for once in my life. I have since lost my insurance and cannot afford out of pocket medical so I am once again in this horrible vicious cycle of anxiety and panic. But I didn&#39;t have any horrible side effects with these medications, the amitriptyline made me sleepy but I took it at bedtime so it wasn&#39;t bothersome. Anyway, sorry for the novel, I just wanted to let you know there are medications out there you could try to help you and you don&#39;t need to be scared, just make sure you let them know your concerns and fears, and speak up if you have questions or want to stop a med or change something that isn&#39;t working. In the end it is always your choice!!! Good Luck!!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T16:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sorry but describe your stomach pain pleasse  lol and I also have lost ALOT of weight so much it scares me now " ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T11:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dav87839-1148026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dav87839-1148026" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I think a lot of it is the stress hormones. The hormone is limited though on what it can do to your body. The fear people have is anything can happen but in fact most often they&#39;ve already felt everything that could of gone wrong. They are just afraid be because the symptoms seem random and come on strongly.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T18:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "What I find amazing is how your body tells you that you are having an anxiety attack. So many bodily changes. " ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T16:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily95365-1145110" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily95365-1145110" ], "content": [ "Absolutely,  most of these symptoms went on for days and months with no rest. You may not feel anxious but your body feels bad because of when you do feel anxious and it carries over I think." ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T20:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Do you ever get these symptoms without feeling anxious??? I get a lot of these even when I am not anxious!" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T19:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m going to bump this as I&#39;ve found it&#39;s been helping people. Feel free to respond with your symptoms and I hope it continues to help to read through.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-12T15:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siim44924-1432366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This thread needs to be bumped, really helpful and i have had almost everything mentioned here." ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T15:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda57019-1451827" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "internal shaking \r\nblurred vision\r\njaw pain or spasms\r\neye nystagmus\r\npressure in head \r\ntingling or burning in arms and legs or face\r\nnumbness \r\npain in arm pits and arms and legs \r\nfeels like i cant breathe properly \r\nnausea \r\nloss of appetite\r\nDiarrhea\r\nI get ALOT of symptoms\r\ni recently just learned it was anxiety ive been having a really bad episode of it for over a month now.\r\nmine seem to come and go which confused the hell out of me. like i can be good for a while then BAM im dying for months then i relax run away from the world and im good it seems . im still confused " ], "date": [ "2023-01-28T22:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul21053-1043511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew78866-1136612" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "my symptoms are as follows \r\nheart palpitations \r\nacid reflux\r\nhead pressure \r\nmy wosrt symptom now is tingly feeling on my head and face which comes and goes has anyone else had this " ], "date": [ "2023-02-01T12:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-symptoms-636160?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety Symptoms
<p>I see a lot of people asking about symptoms so I&#39;ve decided to write down in a discussion all the symptoms I&#39;ve had from anxiety...feel free to add your own in the comment.</p><p></p><p>Dizzy, tingling in legs\arms, shoulder pain, chest pain, stomach pain, muscle tension, diarrhea, indigestion, loss of appetite, loss of weight, intrusive thoughts of impending doom, increased heart rate, sweating, unable to relax, migraines, focal migraines (flashers and floaters), blurred vision, face numbness, stiff neck, clogged ears, lump in throat, coughing, loss of breath randomly, tight jaw, muscle spasms and numbness in hands\feet\legs\arms.</p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa4579-1177897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jaime_lee82322-1157639" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jaime_lee82322-1157639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa4579-1177897" ], "content": [ "Thanks for your reply, I’m actually under the ear nose and nose specialist, I’ve got to have a balance test next Tuesday (which I’m dreading)..I’m sure it’s my sinusis to but they haven’t mentioned anything yet, I don’t get a running nose either but I can’t pop my ears which is odd, constantly feel like my ears are full" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa4579-1177897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jaime_lee82322-1157639" ], "content": [ "<p>It is such a pain with sinuses. I had an allergy test done years ago that said I was allergic to almost every grass and tree that grows around my area. I didn&#39;t think I was that bad lol. My head felt full all the time but also being anxious about those symptoms probably made it worse for me. I had the surgery and I don&#39;t feel all that different. But when I decided to try an allergy medicine (I say decide because allergy meds make me jittery) it really helped dry all the fluid in my ears. I couldn&#39;t even change elevation because my ears would be plugged the whole time. I felt like I couldn&#39;t hear as good either which has finally after a year seem to have gone away. But I only started taking claritin three weeks ago and just toughed through the jittery feeling but it has helped alot. </p>" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jaime_lee82322-1157639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa4579-1177897" ], "content": [ "<p>Thankyou, I’m glad I’m not the only one! Obviously I’m sorry for you going through it &#128584; I started thinking I had alsorts wrong with me! I will get some antihistamines and give them ago before I’m back at the consultants</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skon8518-1466541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melissa4579-1177897" ], "content": [ "did you get to the bottom of it? i hope you guys are all alright. it would suck if something happened to you all. id feel bad for ya and im probably next... ugh" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skon8518-1466541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jaime_lee82322-1157639" ], "content": [ "did you get to the bottom of it?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi jaime,\r\nI had the pressure feeling in my head and had a ct scan done and it showed a complete blockage of my sinus. I did have surgery to open up all my sinuses. I never had a runny nose really either. I did start taking an allergy medication which seemed to take away the pressure in my ears. So it might be worth a visit to an ear nose and throat dr. Hope this helps" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-feeling-in-bridge-of-the-nose-655865?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/genevieve11833-1381731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jaime_lee82322-1157639" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skon8518-1466541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/genevieve11833-1381731" ], "content": [ "how are you doing now?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi jaime i have been suffering with eye ear pressure for close to 2 yrs now and dont know what else to do. have seen ents allergists and dont have the normal sinus issues, allergy meds dont work... been on antibiotics and steriods and nothing helps. i always have pressure behind my eyes and tingling on the bridge of my nose.... feel like its affecting my cognitive ability to concentrate. i get dizzy and nauseous. have you had any success? \r\nthanks" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-feeling-in-bridge-of-the-nose-655865?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patriciakay-1429815" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jaime_lee82322-1157639" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyb126-1457360" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/patriciakay-1429815" ], "content": [ "same with me i am feeling this bridge of my nose tingling right now for the past few days did you ever find the cause and did it go away?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skon8518-1466541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/staceyb126-1457360" ], "content": [ "yeah what did you find out we want to know\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skon8518-1466541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/patriciakay-1429815" ], "content": [ "yeah this. did you find out i got it going on rite now\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have the same thing going on now... that's why I am here, I was searching and this forum popped up. I don't want to go to the doctor if it is nothing of concern. Weird feeling for sure! Did you ever find out what what causing the pressure and numbness? " ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-feeling-in-bridge-of-the-nose-655865?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/skon8518-1466541" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jaime_lee82322-1157639" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im having the same sensation almost like there is something foreign maybe even alive moving and crawling around. and that pressure it kinda can vary with the moving sensation. like maybe ...\r\na worm or worms . ugh\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-18T00:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/numb-feeling-in-bridge-of-the-nose-655865?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Numb feeling in bridge of the nose
This may sound really odd but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced a weird numbness in the bridge of their nose? I don’t have sinus problems (I don’t think) no runny nose or anything like that but it’s also affecting my ears, I get a pressure feeling behind both of my ears all the time but the numbness in my nose comes and goes, it driving me up the wall as it makes me feel dizzy to when it happens 
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rch703183-1108596" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert60392-1092426" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/robert60392-1092426" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rch703183-1108596" ], "content": [ "I agree with the lying down statement also. Seeing a third doctor in a couple of weeks and see what they say. Shall keep you posted!" ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T09:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/robert60392-1092426" ], "content": [ "please let us know how you are now " ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T09:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Robert, sorry you feel this way. I too experience this, however it is more noticeable when I am lying down. I feel as though my left arm and leg are very weak compared to my right side. I do not know why this happens but my doctor has told me it is most likely due to anxiety. I hope this helps put your mind at ease a bit, please let me know if you find any ways to help this" ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T09:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anxiety-give-you-chronic-fatigue-on-one-side-of-the-body--619108?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can Anxiety give you chronic fatigue on one side of the body?
Has anyone experienced, as a symptom of anxiety, chronic fatigue on one side of the body (arm and leg). Tried to exercise this morning and my leg and arm felt like it was about to give way.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Angela,\r\n\r\nFirst of all, so sorry for your loss.\r\n\r\nI don't know which country you are in, but I'm in Spain and it has started to get really hot and that puts me off my food completely. If you are in he UK, I have heard that there is a heatwave, that is one of the simple reasons that can put you off for sure.\r\n\r\nWishing you the best! x\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-15T21:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/loss-of-appetite-and-really-worried-801183?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your reply and for all your good advice which I will be following. I had the results of my blood test today and they were all fine except the thyroid one. I have been taking thyroxine for 25 years at the same dose and the receptionist said to me the doctor would phone me next week, but that it was nothing to worry about. My thyroxine probably needs to be increased. I am thinking that maybe this has some link to the low appetite and probably needs to be increased. \r\nMy husbands death was such a shock as it happened in his sleep and his health had been absolutely fine in fact we had been out for a meal that night. The post-mortem showed sudden cardiac arrest. My Doctor wants to up my anti depressant a little.\r\nThank you again your reply made me feel a lot better. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T07:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "content": [ "I'm so sorry about your husband Angela.\r\n\r\nMy Dad also died of sudden cardiac arrest at age 42 and it really is a shock.\r\n\r\nI'm not saying that death after a long illness is better by any means, but you do sort of prepare for it, but when it is sudden in a healthy person it's just a really a weird, sad and scary feeling, as you state, a complete shock.\r\n\r\nI now take some comfort in the fact that he didn't suffer.\r\n\r\nOne day at a time x\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T07:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your reply. and so sorry about your Dad at such a young age. Losing someone you love is devastating for everyone, but when it is so sudden with no warning, feel like you have been hit from behind and it takes awhile to get your head around it. Like you I take comfort in that he didn’t suffer but it is still so very hard. Thank you again x" ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T12:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I’m so sorry you are going through this. Make sure you are staying hydrated with water. if you are not eating very much.\r\nWith all of this going on, do you have any Friends to talk to or visit or do things with? It’s really important as we get older to have connections with other people. I I noticed that if I don’t connect with others, that I am more prone to depression, and lose interest in things. \r\nYour blood tests are most likely going to be fine. Grief and the depression that can follow can last quite a while and have you ever considered speaking with your doctor about a medication for depression? Just something to think about. But remember to....\r\n1. Take care of yourself. Get in a little walk for some exercise if you can.\r\n2. Connect with others for companionship. There may be an active senior center nearby with some great people and programs.\r\n3. Try to calm down the racing thoughts in your mind by practicing slow, deep breathing. You can find some great calming meditations for anxiety on YouTube.\r\n4. remind yourself that all of your testing so far has been normal.\r\nThe main thing is to take care of yourself in every way including physical health, mental health, spiritual, health, emotional health. If you are really struggling, I would advise speaking with a counselor which could really help and even bring back your appetite! You can even do virtual counseling right at home everything will work out! Take care" ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T12:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/loss-of-appetite-and-really-worried-801183?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angela55814-1066008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Its made me feel so much better and I do appreciate it x" ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T07:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "you’ll probably feel a lot better once your thyroid medication is adjusted. You’re going to be OK! Take one day at a time and make yourself your first priority! ❤" ], "date": [ "2023-06-17T03:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/loss-of-appetite-and-really-worried-801183?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Loss of appetite and really worried
Hi Im a more mature lady in my 70s . I lost my husband 2 yrs ago without warning in his sleep . At the time I was numb and traumatised by what had happened. 6 months after I lost my appetite completely. At the time I had blood tests, ultrasound scans sigmoidoscopy etc and everything came back as normal ( this was last year) and the doctor put it down depression after my husband died. Now 18 months later, I again have lost my appetite completely. I don’t feel hungry I don’t fancy anything to eat. I’ve been to the doctors who seems to think it could be to do with anxiety. I am a worrier but I can’t understand why this should happen again. I had some blood tests taken but have not yet had the results. My mind is going in overdrive and I’m convinced I have something really scary. Has anyone on this forum had appetite loss and can anyone give me any kind of reassurance I am worrying myself sick. Thank you so much
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tracie20455-436010" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tracie20455-436010" ], "content": [ "Thank you Tracie for your kindness, I feel like a different person at the moment I am trying to be logical about it all but my logic has gone out the window:( I have just enquired about therapy at the local counselling centre, I will have to pay but I can not wait for the doctor( or a waiting list I suspect) I need to get some control back! I am glad to hear you are on the right track now and long may it continue:)" ], "date": [ "2014-10-29T15:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lachinaloka-937161" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tracie20455-436010" ], "content": [ "so just a question i have a numbing feeling with a little.tingling on my left side that comes and goes.. is that normal.for people with anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-24T01:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Paula, so sorry you feel unwell, but it does sound the same as alot of us here get, myself included and it is down to anxiety. My doctor was very vague with me for over a year and i got worse and worse until eventually convincing myself i was seriously ill, until eventually i had to see another doctor and he referred me for therapy... I wish i had known some of the things the therapist has taught me before it all got so bad! I am also taking medication now, which i asked my doctor for... I think she was just hoping things would improve for me without the need for therapy or pills, but they were not going to.... They are now! I have also learnt that our hormones can play a big part in our anxiety levels, so all is not lost. If you feel that your GP is not listening to you, go to him or her and tell them what you want, sometimes you have to be a little more pushy ... Hope this helps, private message me if you want more details or dont want to say stuff here xx" ], "date": [ "2014-10-29T13:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heartanx-449744" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Call the NHS 111 number and seek medical advice" ], "date": [ "2014-10-29T13:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trikkerguy-384788" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trikkerguy-384788" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your response, I totally get what you are saying and it makes does sense to me.  Thinking about it I am not sure if reading about anxiety is this best thing, no doubt I will find another 100 symptoms just by reading it! I always assumed anxiety went on only as long as you felt anxious and would stop just like that.  The feeling in my arm and leg I have had for over 24hrs (though better thatn yday now) and I suppose its a vicious circle as I am worrying about it which will prob only prolong it anyway.  Thank you again :)" ], "date": [ "2014-10-29T16:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trikkerguy-384788" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your response, I totally get what you are saying and it makes does sense to me.  Thinking about it I am not sure if reading about anxiety is this best thing, no doubt I will find another 100 symptoms just by reading it! I always assumed anxiety went on only as long as you felt anxious and would stop just like that.  The feeling in my arm and leg I have had for over 24hrs (though better thatn yday now) and I suppose its a vicious circle as I am worrying about it which will prob only prolong it anyway.  Thank you again :)" ], "date": [ "2014-10-29T16:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie05620-945519" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trikkerguy-384788" ], "content": [ "I just want to thank you for writing this. A couple of months ago I started having panic attacks because of some health issues I've been having. From there it snowballed into full blown hypochondria. I have been thinking I have anything and everything. It's like I have all these diseases stored away in my subconscious and now they're manifesting into real symptoms. I've been telling myself that that's all it is, but haven't been able to quite convince myself, cause what do I really know? Until just now, I googled arm/leg numbness/tingling, and luckily this thread is the first thing I clicked on. As soon as I read what you wrote, I could literally feel my chest expand, and I could breath a little more freely. I know it will probably be some work, but at least I now understand what's going on. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-27T02:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelseybelanger-1143195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie05620-945519" ], "content": [ "<p>I know this was years ago, but was curious whether you found out definitively whether the tingling in arms, legs etc was indeed caused by anxiety, or something else? </p><p>I suffer from the exact same type of anxiety, if I have a health issue that I can&#39;t explain, my anxiety turns into full blown panic attack, and I assume I&#39;m dying (funny, but not when you&#39;re inside that type of mind lol) </p><p>Anyways was just curious because I&#39;ve had tingling and slight numbness in legs (mostly left) and armed and hands for a couple weeks on and off. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-23T23:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "There are many books to help with anxiety problems, reading about the physical manifestations, and the causes may help some, but it's up to you to completely accept the fact that you have a habit.\r\nIt sounds simple, but it's difficult to stop these habits, these manifistations that come to life because our minds are bluffing our bodies. If you believe they will come, and so many believe, so they do come.\r\nThey become a part of our lives, as does the daily activities we do, and take for granted. These feelings are so well known, they become part of us, we expect them, so they come at our command.\r\nConditioning can be changed, habits can be controlled, here's the big \"if\" we accept, and recondition either through therapy, or meds, or just accepting we are in the throws of a habitual phenomenon that we gave life to.\r\nI relaize how difficult this can be, I went through some tough times, but now I keep thinking about the scene in the first Frankenstein movie, where doctor Frankenstein yells, \"it's alive, it's alive\", time to short circuit the monster." ], "date": [ "2014-10-29T15:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/calvin777-906109" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I get the same thing. Left arm and left leg numb hollow felling. Usually when I'm also having dizzy weard spells. And then felling very tired. Had a doctor tell me it could be anxiety. That was a couple of years ago now. I didn't lesson to him thought he was just guessing because he had no idea what was wrong with me cause after meany blood tests that came back clear. I got the arm and leg thing right now, after following the dizzy tired spell I had about an hour ago. That's how I got here, I was searching for answers. Sounds like it could be a common thing. \r\n " ], "date": [ "2015-11-08T22:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/calvin777-906109" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anyone know what fibro is?" ], "date": [ "2015-11-08T23:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pearl02616-1043751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lisalisa67-542864" ], "content": [ "Have you had any surgeries in the last year? " ], "date": [ "2017-04-20T03:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Confused by your doctors response. What tests did he run? I want to say its part of a panic attack as so many people including myself have had this and get this but until you have a cardiologist examine you i cant. If you had a cardio exam and you need one otherise..then i would say to go through healing medations and see what you like off the internet. I would say to start some form of exercise and drink lots of water and go on a heart smart diet as they are very well balanced. No soda, no caffiene. Two handful of cashews a day i have rcently ready produce some reaction in your body similiar to prozac, im sure not the same but the article noted similiar. Basil feesh chopped up about one forth a cup releases a chemical that is calming and aids in lowering blood pressure. Maybe pinterest can help you find all that you need for calming down, healing, diets..very useful" ], "date": [ "2015-11-09T00:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marlon2007-954887" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james2017-1033052" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marlon2007-954887" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Marlon</p><p>How did treatment go in the end. After reading through this thread, your post is one that My symptoms seem to be mirroring the most. Wasn&#39;t aware anxiety could cause all these symptoms, from the nimbleness/tingling, dizzy spells, headache/fever etc</p><p>The cleaning of the ears sounds like something I might give a try. Both my ears seem like they&#39;re blocked somehow and I&#39;m not getting full sound. If that makes sense</p><p>I did not know that about chicken. That&#39;s usually my go to meal but will cut back on that and see if that helps</p><p>Did you get an MRI and if so what did the results show?</p><p>Sorry for the irratic message I&#39;ve also been feeling rather confused and my heads been all over the place trying to fathem how to write this. I&#39;m not usually this skittish</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-15T23:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aburigeens-1038693" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marlon2007-954887" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello Marlon.</p><p>I&#39;ve been having the same symptoms for a couple of weeks now, on and off. Left side numbness, tinglyness and fatigue. Also lots of anxiety, fear and negative emotions. I would feel even worse if my father hadn&#39;t gone through the same in his youth. I&#39;m 23 btw. He told me about his experiences when I had my first panic attack while I was on the phone with him. He called it vegetative dystonia. Back in the day during his 20&#39;s, he experienced heavy panic attacks and all the symptoms I&#39;m experiencing right now. Professionals shooed him away after examinations, all tests came back negative. This did not convince him that he was in full health. He actually moved close to a hospital in case the panic attacks came over him again. Anyway, he&#39;s 55 years old now alive and kicking. So the point is if you&#39;re having the same thing as us then you&#39;re just gonna have to tough it out. I find that knowing it&#39;s just your brain messing with you and that no one has died from this condition helps with coping with the panic attacks and the continuous symptoms. Try meditating to be more aware. This will help you to remember that you are not actually having a heart attack. Stressing about the symptoms is not going to help. </p><p>Get back to me with info on how you&#39;re feeling now and if you&#39;ve found remedies. </p>" ], "date": [ "2023-06-16T14:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/latrice27-1051123" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marlon2007-954887" ], "content": [ "<p>Same thing has been happening to me. I&#39;ve had anxiety for the first time when I was 14 it lasted maybe a week then went away. It came back when I was 23 when I was driving in the highway and a 18 wheeler almost hit me. I tired to get back on to get rid of my fear but I would just get back off. My anxiety slowly went away but I still to this day won&#39;t drive on the highway. Now that I&#39;m 27 my left arm to my fingers have been feeling really numb. I wasn&#39;t sure if it&#39;s from carpal tunnel because it comes and goes. But I also just have been having numbness and tingling in my left lower leg to my foot which also comes and goes when I think about it. I honestly think it&#39;s my anxiety taking over because once I calm down it goes away temporarily. I hate this feeling. I have a 2 year old daughter and I try not to let this take over my life or stop me from doing things with her. It sucks because at night I start to think about a lot of things and my anxiety it through the roof. I start to feel cold shakey fatigue. I&#39;ve decided to change my diet and exercise more often. Hopefully it will get better </p>" ], "date": [ "2023-06-16T15:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel37330-1058531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/latrice27-1051123" ], "content": [ "<p>Wow this sounds like me, I have the exact same symptoms and have had them on and off for months now, aches and tingerling/numbness in hand and foot aswel as a sharp achey pain in arm and lower leg all left side, I drive my self mad by sitting on google and freaking myself out thinking there&#39;s something serious wrong and like you not going to be able to bring up my two year old son. I was told I suffer from health anxiety last year I&#39;m now having counselling and have been for 3 months helps a little it&#39;s just so hard cos the pain and symptoms are here, and on google all lead to bad stuff! My counsellor told me something that helps someone who&#39;s suffering depression who can hear voices talking to them, although them voices aren&#39;t real to that person there heared and are, so like us with anxiety the pains and symptoms are there but we&#39;re concentrating and overthinking, googling coming up with conclusion it&#39;s our mind playing games and making thenpains worse. I sometimes sit and remember her saying this but at other times I freak out and google and come up with self diagnosis, it&#39;s alfull I just want all these pains to go and go back to how I was. How r u feeling now? </p>" ], "date": [ "2023-06-16T15:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelsey20458-1058854" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/latrice27-1051123" ], "content": [ "<p> I suffer from severe health anxiety and I also have a three-year-old son lately my arms have felt numb and weak and I also thought it was something to do with carpal tunnel I went to my doctor yesterday and had some blood work done I&#39;m really tired of it ruining my life I feel like I&#39;ve been hit by a bus most days when I wake up and I want to be 100% for my son but because I&#39;m suffering he suffering as well</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-15T14:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelsey20458-1058854" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel37330-1058531" ], "content": [ "<p>I do the same thing so many doctors have told me not to Google symptoms but I do and then it&#39;s like I&#39;m diagnosing myself like I&#39;m the doctor I swear I could be a doctor because of all I know because that Google so many things and I don&#39;t know why I do it because I feel worse every time I do it&#39;s like I&#39;m trying to find reassurance from looking online but it doesn&#39;t help because it always says the worst-case scenario </p>" ], "date": [ "2023-06-16T15:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel37330-1058531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kelsey20458-1058854" ], "content": [ "<p>That sounds like me google makes it worse and comes up with my worse possible fear the c word... I work myself up so much... hope ur results come back normal Hun, I&#39;m sure they will and it&#39;s just anxiety... what did ur doc say? I&#39;m getting sharp pains in my toes now not so much tingerling anymore it&#39;s crazy how it can go from different types of pain...I&#39;m tying my best not to google and to jus remember it&#39;s my anxiety like everyone tells me but finding it difficult.. wahh... that&#39;s the same as me I feel it&#39;s affecting my son too where I&#39;m always worried stressed anxious checking my body </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-15T21:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelseybelanger-1143195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/latrice27-1051123" ], "content": [ "<p>I have your identical symptoms exactly. It&#39;s comforting to me to think that maybe it&#39;s just from anxiety. I kept reading scary alternatives like MS, other auto immune disorders etc.</p><p></p><p>Epsom salt baths for 30 minutes really help me calm down, and the magnesium helps calm down muscles before bed. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-23T23:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey there I a guy of 27 years of age, never had medical problems or allergies that I know. About 2 months ago on a Friday (middle of May &#39;16) it all started with a sensation of numbness on my left arm, but only from the elbow to the tip of my fingers. I wasn&#39;t paying too much attention because I thought it would go away, well 10 munutes later I was sitting down eating dinner and all of the sudden the same section of my left arm was more numb but this time I was also shaking a little and I felt anxiety, a lot. I felt weak and decided to go to the ER, when I got there that feeling went away, I would say a good hour had passed by, the nurse told me if I had pain, there wasn&#39;t. I had to leave the ER because I wasn&#39;t a priority to them and because I was feeeling good.</p><p>The next day Saturday I was feeling a kind of dizziness that would come and go and would end with a feeling of anxiety, this stopped Sunday afternoon. By Monday I had a headache like if I was having fever and then I went to a Baylor medical clinic here in Dallas where they checked my pressure and told me that everything seemed fine, but they thought I had a fluid betweeen my left ear and mouth, they gave me 6 pills, for 6 days, the feeling went away a little, but the anxiety was there a little. for 2 weeks I felt good and then as I was sleeping one night vetigo kicked in and I got worried, the next day I went to another medical clinic and told me that I might have an inner ear infection, this time they prescribed me some steroids pills (that i have heard are really bad for you and can actually do you some harm) and some of the other pills that I took before but stronger, the vertigo did went away since 2 days ago but I now have a mild numbdness with tingling sensation on the left side of my body, mainly the arm, leg and head. Yesterday I went with someone that works with magnetic rocks and told me that he had find out a an infection on my ear but not to worry because this was only for a few days, he told me to not eat Chicken for at least 2 weeks because that contributes to the dizziness and vertigo. He however cleaned my inner ear with a candle and removed a lot of ear wax that looked all brownish, (I don&#39;t know if it&#39;s a Mexican home remedy or a widely used one, but I felt good) Now I&#39;m just worried about the tingling sensation but it seems to be dissapearing. I also went with a chiropractor but I think it didn&#39;t helped a lot. If this continues I am thinking in doing an MRI or something to see If I have a pinched nerve that might be causing all of this. Can you or someone else have more info if you are recovered from this? Thanks in advance.</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-06-16T15:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/regisiris-1058582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel37330-1058531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/regisiris-1058582" ], "content": [ "<p>Ow wow really ( that&#39;s so good to hear not in a bad way but shows me I&#39;m not alone and makes me realise it is all anxiety) how long did u have the tingerling and numb feeling for, im now having cbt and the link seems to be wen I&#39;m not occupied or sitting watching tv in eve early morning wen I wake it seems to be when I&#39;m just chilling, if busy I don&#39;t realise or have the Pain and tingerling... I wish I could see some one but I get worried that they will say it&#39;s summin bad and it freaks me out I&#39;ve had blood tests all came back normal a few months back just a vit d deifincency... really, what other things help? Hope ur okay xx </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-15T08:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelseybelanger-1143195" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/regisiris-1058582" ], "content": [ "<p>Epsom salt baths with lavendar oil or other essential oils (5-10 drops) 2 cups salts. </p><p>I soak for 30 minutes in a fairly hot bath, and I honestly can bring my anxiety from a 8-10, all the way down to a 3-4. </p><p>The magnesium is also very good going directly into your skin that way, and it helps you sleep immensly.</p><p></p><p>I agree, these threads are very reassuring that we aren&#39;t the only ones etc. I too have the tingling numb feeling all down left leg into foot, and in my arms and hands</p><p></p><p>It comes and goes. I read alcohol abuse can cause neuropathy in the nerves, so im gonna cut out alcohol and see if it makes it goes away. I only drank a few glasses of wine 3-4 nights a week, but I can definitely do without if it means feeling less anxiety and tingling lol</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-23T23:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "OMG! You are describing the exact same symptoms I was experiencing, I freaked out so much I went to see a neurologist. I’ve battled anxiety for almost my whole life and still have to deal with things that I don’t know if it’s anxiety or something else. It’s really nerve racking not knowing if it’s something else or just a consequence of anxiety. I cut off all processed sugars from my diet two months ago, and it has helped, it hasn’t cured it but it has helped.\r\n\r\nI am continuously searching doing things here and there to help me cope. I find reading articles online and forums to be very helpful, just being able to relate to other people who are going through the same. " ], "date": [ "2017-06-12T16:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/madwomaninattik-1059574" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel37330-1058531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/madwomaninattik-1059574" ], "content": [ "<p>Wow, ur right google is the worse but yet I always fondness myself googling and working myself up in to a panic.. I have the same all worries feelings etc in my left arm and hand fingers as well as left foot now right it worries me so much that it&#39;s summin bad but after being on forums and haveing dnt I&#39;ve relaised it&#39;s my anxiety... I wish it would just go and I would not have these feelings but guess if they do it will be summin else as that&#39;s my anxiety works it just feels I&#39;ve been having these symptoms for months now b4 these it was a felling of a lump in my throat that went on for months too it&#39;s just so frustrating hope ur okay xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-16T09:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Paula,</p><p></p><p>Welcome ! &#160;I am new to the group as well. &#160;Whenever my left arm goes numb, I immediately think I am having a heart attack, which sometimes actually leads me to the emergency room. &#160;I&#39;ve been to the emergency room three times in the last 7 months for heart attack symptoms, and after 3 chest x rays and a ton of blood work has been done, they all tell me my results are normal. &#160;This is my life. &#160;I&#39;ve been suffering with panic attacks and health anxiety for over 13 years. &#160;When I first started getting panic attacks, I had simple worries , the normal ones, about college and about my sanity. &#160;Now, since I&#39;m older, my axiety about my heath has manifested itself into my panic attacks with symptoms mimicking a heart attack and stroke. &#160;I feel all sorts of weird things. &#160;My left arm gets achy, numb, it begins to feel very heavy. &#160;Sometimes my leg aches and I think it&#39;s a stroke moving up my artery and into my lungs. &#160;I totally get you and understand what you go through. &#160;</p><p></p><p>Advice.. I would say when you start to notice these little things that cause you anxiety, just try to distract yourself and do something else. &#160;Even if it&#39;s coming on here to write about how much anxiety you have. &#160;I&#39;ve always been a worrier, what I worry about has changed though. &#160;</p><p></p><p>I feel like google is our worst enemy on this though. &#160;Don&#39;t google symptoms, ever :)</p><p></p><p>Hope this helps you.!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-16T01:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cmbit-1059001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel37330-1058531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cmbit-1059001" ], "content": [ "<p>No not like pain mines more aches and tingerling but bareable it&#39;s jus my arms and feet and wen I&#39;m occupied it&#39;s not there and wen I have nothing to do watching the laying in be it is, crazy what anxiety does to you &#128553; and no no sweats or losing weight, I&#39;ve gained if anything. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-17T07:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Has anyone also experienced bone-like pains? Specially in extremmities. That appear frpm one spot to another? Intermittent mild aches that come and go, along tingling? \r\nAlso night sweats and the feeling of not gaining weight or probably loosing it even when eating enough????" ], "date": [ "2017-06-16T19:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aaron67915-1069961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/su03878-1156588" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aaron67915-1069961" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m new to this group! and all the test that has been to you are my current pending test... i was in ER 3times and 2 times in Ambulance all doctors have different diagnosis... i had 3 brain CT scan in ER and chest x-ray and blood works and EKG all looks normal. i had brain MRI too and it comes back normal.</p><p>&#160;</p><p>[b]?[/b]i am currently referred to neurologist had done EMG (nerve test) EEG, neck ultrasound, lots of blood work (15 vials) and now waiting for head/neck and spine MRI</p><p></p><p>[b]?[/b]i am also seeing a cardiologist because i&#39;m feeling some discomfort in my chest ( feels like straight line pinch in the middle of the chest) they did Cardio PET scan, stress test, 24hr holter&#39;s test all come back normal.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-03T16:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all. I get pretty much the same symptoms, i have had this ongoing for around 4 months now, numbness in left arm and leg, sometimes face and various spots on the left side of my body. I often think the worst as soon this happens, heart problems? stroke etc? had all types of tests done, bloods, CT, MRI and seen a neurologist, all came back as perfectly fine, however it does keep effecting me on a daily basis. I often start to feel dizzy now when i get these sensations.\r\n\r\nIts nice to hear of other peoples expereinces with the same issues and i have not really thought it may be down to anxiety as its not something i have really thought about or know much about, however maybe it is something i need to look into more moving forwards to control these feelings and not have the worry controlling me" ], "date": [ "2017-07-26T10:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tiffany02986-1085261" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello Everyone</p><p>I&#39;m 34 and have a 7yr old son. I was born without a thyroid and was diagnosed with anxiety about 5years ago. I&#39;ve been suffering the same numbness and pain on my left side as well. I&#39;ve recently discovered that ppl with thyroid issues are more likely to develop anxiety and the fact that I&#39;m a mother who worries constantly about her child makes my anxiety symptoms worse. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-17T18:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike62510-1134646" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anxiety, especially some form of health anxiety is really hard to deal with. I’ve been having the same problems you mentioned, but exclusivelly in my RIGHT arm and leg. But than while very anxious I heard this story about a guy who had a massive heart attack with only symptoms in his left arm. And since the story three weeks have passed and what do you know, all my tingling is now in my LEFT arm and leg. The leg, which is always worse kind of gives anxiety away, as even my sick symptom Googling never found a heart attack with leg pain as the main symptom, but still, as it’s new to that side now I’m worried it’s a stroke. Anxiety, especially health anxiety is really a horrible problem..." ], "date": [ "2017-12-28T21:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kellyjo12-1157183" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paula267-460708" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kellyjo12-1157183" ], "content": [ "just seen this and wondered how you are now? I feel the same! " ], "date": [ "2023-06-16T16:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I am pretty sure I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks for quite some time now but it is starting to interfere with my daily functioning. I have had my heart checked and even though I fail ekg and stress tests multiple times I have had 3 heart cath and all are negative. I go to doctor and they look at me like I am crazy and I am &quot;ribbed&quot; about being a hyperchondriac and people just don&#39;t understand how I have no control over this and I worry that maybe it&#39;s not anxiety /panic attacks and something is wrong. I suffer from migraines too. I have been under a enormous amount of stress/loss for years on a daily basis. Example today I had to travel and I all of the sudden my left arm went numb like I could not lift it and had a hot sensation go through my whole body and was lightheaded faint feeling. Is this anxiety/panic? It lasted about 5 mins then went away. Sometimes it my legs I feel like I can&#39;t move them this occurred recently while shopping no stress it was actually an attempt to relax and not worry about work etc. Is this anxiety? My symptoms don&#39;t match all the anxiety/panic symptoms but thinking it might be. I have done talk therapy and take medication but still this is taking over my life. My symptoms are extreme fatigue, weakness of arm or leg very heavy feelings, sometimes pounding heart, break out in cold sweats, dizzy, lightheaded. I notice no triggers at times it just hits out of the blue. Which leads to crying avoiding people, being afraid to do stuff because afraid this episode will hit right in middle of working, driving my kids, watching a school play, working or in important meeting. This has really gotten to the point that I isolate from my loved ones coworkers friends etc. Is this anxiety/panic? How do I stop letting it ruin my life? I have tried talk therapy medication positive thinking eating better foods etc. Any advice or words of encouragement greatly appreciated! Thanks </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-05T07:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/left-arm-and-leg-numb-and-tingly--299895?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
Left arm and leg numb and tingly.
Hi I am new to this group:)  I hope you are all having a good day:) I am after some reassurance (aren't we all!) For the last 24hrs I have been suffering with numbness in my left arm/hand and leg, aching, tingly and cold hand. I also get a weird semsation of like bubbles popping in my leg (best way I can describe it) -anyone else had this? I suffer with anxiety but it seems to of gone up another level recently, more to do with my health. I went to the doctors about it today and he checked me over, said he was not worried about it being anything serious and that 'some people get it'.  I said what about anxiety and he said that could be a possiblity- and that was it! I came away feeling no more the wiser and frustrated that my anxiety does not seem to be being picked up on as I have mentioned it a couple of times previously. It seems to be one thing after another at the mo and i am really struggling with the way my anxiety is taking over me - I hate it and I do not want to be like this.  Does anyone have any reccomendations of books, Utube, on anxiety?  I need reassurance and lots of it! Thank you in advance :)
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/becs80-1465644" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becs80-1465644" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for your reply, my desire to stop is 100% there, the one thing I'm worrying about is the risk of having a withdrawal seizure (obviously having anxiety) this fear is out the gate, so I just don't know at point I can stop drinking completely ☹️" ], "date": [ "2023-06-09T17:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/becs80-1465644" ], "content": [ "Hello,\r\nThat is why I suggest doing it with help.\r\nThere is a medication that they can give you to ensure a smooth transition with no withdrawal seizure. \r\n\r\nEven your GP should be able to help with this. Which country are you in? In a lot of countries GP's will help or send you to a special team for extra support.\r\n\r\nYou can always find your nearest A.A. (great support) or at a push, if you have nobody else you can also ask at the pharmacy in they can point you in the right direction.\r\n\r\nYour frame of mind is right so please don't miss out on this chance to act on it and improve your life.\r\n\r\nBest x" ], "date": [ "2023-06-09T17:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there Becs,\r\n\r\nI'm sorry to hear you are having such a bad time.\r\n\r\nI have been through everything you are talking about and I want to give you hope in that this will not always be your future. Nothing lasts forever and it can be changed.\r\n\r\nI had my last drink 22 years ago and I have worked in an addiction clinic so I have some knowledge.\r\n\r\nAlthough it is true that it is not a good idea to stop alcohol cold turkey as it can be very dangerous, it is also true that when you decrease the dosage that you are used to you will have withdrawal symptoms and that is probably where your anxiety is coming from together with your life circumstances (end of relationship + move).\r\n\r\nI would very strongly encourage you to get help to give up alcohol with support, it makes all the difference. When you stop you will not believe in all the ways that your life will improve, it's quite incredible! The anxiety will decrease. There is help out there...A.A. is everywhere, if you try one group and you don't like it you can always try another, you will find your people. Or if you can afford it there are great private treatments.\r\n\r\nI strongly encourage you to go ahead with this, I think you are ready for it and you deserve it!!\r\nIf you have any questions feel free to ask.\r\n\r\nWishing you the very best! x" ], "date": [ "2023-06-09T17:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/alcohol-dependent-anxiety-panic-disorder-800832?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alvin10311-1466402" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/becs80-1465644" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alvin10311-1466402" ], "content": [ "Agreed Alvin, that Dr is a godsend" ], "date": [ "2023-06-16T12:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Becs,\r\n\r\nAs others have said going to AA would be your best option. you will get a lot of support and a proven programme to follow. \r\n\r\nFor anxiety also look up Dr Clair weeks on you tube. Hope you find some peace.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-16T12:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/alcohol-dependent-anxiety-panic-disorder-800832?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Alcohol Dependent + Anxiety/Panic Disorder
New here, and shesh where do i start. 3 months ago I suffered a massive panic attack, I'm 42 and my 19yo daughter had to call the ambulance. NEVER experienced anything like this ever before... as you all know, i thought my time had come!!!!. Since that day I have suffered day and night long anxiety symptoms... and I mean, every symptom you have read about.... I can hardly function during the day and don't sleep at night... I've had 95% of them. multiple trips to the ER, multiple tests. all clear. I have been on 50mg of Sertraline for 5 weeks and still wake up every morning hoping to see an improvement, but alas.... bear minimum improvement. Where I struggle to find support is the fact I am also alcohol dependent and trying to cut down and eventually stop drinking. I was an extremely heavy drinker for a good 6 years before the panic attack (i mean EVERY NIGHT 12+ bourbon n coke), I am a moderate drinker now as I was advised not to just STOP drinking altogether but to cut down. On top of all this, my relationship ended and myself and 2 daughters had to move cities and I also had to stop working AND can barely drive. Just wondering if anyone else is also having the same struggle, feels like a vicious never-ending cycle, my country's mental health system absolutely SUCKS! any advise would be greatly appreciated. sorry it's so long.... I'm complicated haha Feeling like this will always be my future :(
Ear rumble
for the past week or two i have been making my ears make a rumbling sound, and i am unable to stop myself from doing it. i take 150mg sertraline daily for depression/anxiety disorder. this is really driving me insane as well as giving me headache.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tom14575-1360751" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom14575-1360751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thanks so much for your reply and advice !! it means so much to know that others have experienced the same and there is a way out of this very real pain. I will try with the mindfullness and meditation " ], "date": [ "2021-02-27T16:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marla57360-731355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I did the same thing like you did in my late 30s. I swear I had an awful dreadful muscular neuro disease. He was so patient with me . My age played a factor for one and my sex. He told me anxiety will upset every nerve in your system and cause tremors and twitches. I still did not believe him because I felt wierd sensations in my legs and arms and feet. He told me early signs of major nasty disease dont present the above symptoms. He made me balance on each leg for 30 seconds, do 10 squats without touchging the ground to get up and hop on each foot for 30 seconds. He said even in early stage muscular neuro diseases most people cant do that, so I try to do those excersizes when i get anxious. THis was probably 15 years ago. Now at 53, I still worry about crazy diseases like this because of my age and my recent symptoms.. I have had a headache on and off for a month, tingling all over and like brain fog or pressure. Sometimes I feel like I am off balance but nothing major. I am still trying to do my exercises to keep calm and have to go see my neruo on March 12. I went and seen him 2 weeks ago and not only did he not even check me out , I asked him about balance and neuro diseases and he told me to balance on my feet again. whichi I did . He said he sees nothing wrong and didnt even toucch me or send me for a scan. So,i am going to pray what you say and what my dr says is accurate, so I can try to get this controlled. The best to all of us and TY for sharing your experinece, " ], "date": [ "2021-03-04T18:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " I am so sorry you are going through this! I know how scary it can be. I have been where you are and I was in my mid-20s when I got all of the strange symptoms such as muscle twitching all over, weakness, floaters in my eyes, numbness and tingling in my arms and legs, weakness , head pressure , Stiff muscles, pain in neck and shoulders and back and a host of other symptoms! My dad took me to a neurologist who told me everything is fine and I need to go take a vacation. My testing was normal. That was a long time ago. There really was no diagnosis except for stress and anxiety \r\n so I did realize that I have had long-term major anxiety and stress and I figured that what happened was it got so bad that it was like the straw that broke the camels back. My body just broke down. Our bodies can only take so much stress. My symptoms continued for several months before they lightened up. didn’t go away completely but they were not as strong and I didn’t have all of the symptoms\r\n . I just wanted to let you know that I am now in my 50s , i’m still here and I am well. I never had any scary disease it was all brought on by stress. I will admit that when I do get stressed out some of the symptoms will come back such as muscle twitching but it doesn’t scare me anymore because I know it’s harmless. \r\n this is probably what’s going on with you also.\r\n No symptoms of anxiety are going to hurt you. and don’t worry about neurological diseases. My neurologist told me that the muscle wasting diseases do not start with a sensory feeling such as twitching. He’s also a top rated neurologist so that made me feel a lot better. The normal twitching is called benign fasciculation’s which is what athletes get a lot with how they use their muscles. remember, stress can cause all of the symptoms that you have and plenty more! It’s a nasty condition to have .\r\n think about what in your life could be causing you stress and anxiety. Family? School? Work? Relationships? Sometimes we have underlying anxiety we are not even aware of. \r\n think about online counseling. It’s always great to talk to somebody who is supportive and can help! I do this once a week. \r\n Also, please don’t Google your symptoms! That’s the worst thing people can do because you can actually develop the symptoms you are reading about. You’re not going to find your specific diagnosis on that site because nothing will pertain to you. All it does is make everything worse. you need to really take care of yourself, listen to some relaxing meditations for anxiety on YouTube, listen to somebody called the anxiety Guy. Do you things that relax your mind. Find things to do to stay busy so you don’t think so much. Do things that make you laugh and smile. Mental attitude is everything! We are here for you and take care. ❤" ], "date": [ "2021-03-04T18:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-apologies-for-the-essay-but-just-looking-for-answers-756700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma93903-1345687" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tom14575-1360751" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom14575-1360751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma93903-1345687" ], "content": [ "\r\nHi Emma ! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I’m so sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I hope you can get through this and be back to your positive self . I have started to take CBD oil (just this week, so too early to tell about the benefits) but this might be worth a look at as an alternative for antidepressants. \r\n I cannot agree more with the difficulty in accepting that this is anxiety. I have moments often in the afternoon in daylight when I’m occupied and my symptoms are in a low phase that I think this is ok I am ok this is probably anxiety. But at any moment when my arms & hands are so heavy weak, trembling and genuinely very painful all day and my throat is like I’m being strangled with heavy nausea thrown in for good measure that my logical brain is refusing to accept anxiety. It’s this circle of symptoms and pain that are so very real I honestly feel that it must be something terrible wrong with me. And the advice of “well you aren’t the right age for this condition or you arent exhibiting the weakness or physiological deficits, bloods are fine” etc etc do nothing to calm me. Because the pain exists !!!!!! The struggle of knowing your body knowing you are not a hypochondriac .. in the past have broken so many bones, had viruses, head trauma, heart murmur all of which I didn’t even blink at. But this is so different this is constant months of physical pain that won’t go and won’t leave my brain alone thinking it’s fatal. That’s what makes the responses on this page 1000 times better than any docs advice. To know that there is people out there like me who have had are having their lives destroyed by the mental torture and very real physical pain but sharing the symptoms and struggles we can get through this together.\r\nI’m seeing another doctor tomorrow I will update " ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T09:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom14575-1360751" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emma93903-1345687" ], "content": [ "\r\n\r\nHi Emma ! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I’m so sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I hope you can get through this and be back to your positive self . I have started to take C-B-D oil (just this week, so too early to tell about the benefits) but this might be worth a look at as an alternative for antidepressants. \r\n I cannot agree more with the difficulty in accepting that this is anxiety. I have moments often in the afternoon in daylight when I’m occupied and my symptoms are in a low phase that I think this is ok I am ok this is probably anxiety. But at any moment when my arms & hands are so heavy weak, trembling and genuinely very painful all day and my throat is like I’m being strangled with heavy nausea thrown in for good measure that my logical brain is refusing to accept anxiety. It’s this circle of symptoms and pain that are so very real I honestly feel that it must be something terrible wrong with me. And the advice of “well you aren’t the right age for this condition or you arent exhibiting the weakness or physiological deficits, bloods are fine” etc etc do nothing to calm me. Because the pain exists !!!!!! The struggle of knowing your body knowing you are not a hypochondriac .. in the past have broken so many bones, had viruses, head trauma, heart murmur all of which I didn’t even blink at. But this is so different this is constant months of physical pain that won’t go and won’t leave my brain alone thinking it’s fatal. That’s what makes the responses on this page so helpful . To know that there is people out there like me who have had are having their lives destroyed by the mental torture and very real physical pain but sharing the symptoms and struggles we can get through this together.\r\nI’m seeing another doctor tomorrow I will update " ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T23:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emma93903-1345687" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tom14575-1360751" ], "content": [ "thanks for that tom its so stressful coming to terms with it all yesterday i thought to myself im not going to let this bet me so i got up and dat in the garden i was so scared i lasted 20 mins and i felt like could not breath like i was being suffocated then spent the rest of the day in my room with anxiety and panic my arms feel heavy and weak so do my legs my skin goes cold to i also have a gi doctor calling me tomorrow about my hernia he is also looking at my ct scan again but i dont think he will see anything different but its hard to think anxiety can make you feel so unwell sending hugs " ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T23:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi tom its a horrible i know ive been suffering since december its got to the point now i dont have a life i sit on my bed all day as im scared to move about as it kicks it all off i also have really bad neck problems its always twitching sometimes really bad but my biggest problem is my stomach i get really bad acid and pain spasms in my tummy that walk me up all night so im now scared to lay down i have been to a&e 3 times and doctors a few times ive had a Camera in the tummy and that revealed that I had a hernia and Gastritis I’ve had loads of blood tests and a CT scan and it’s revealed nothing is actually making me think I’m going crazy I’ll lose my breath severely with it I’ll get heart racing in the mornings if I try and walk I’ve lost over 4 stone in weight it’s just a nightmare and I keep getting told by one doctor that I have anxiety but it’s accepting it when you’re in so much pain that it’s anxiety that’s my biggest problem its all so scary and real Today I tried to move around and ignore it and it all kicked off so I’m back to square one again its so sad living like this I’ve tried antidepressants they just make me have really bad side-effects the doctors have also give me tablets for my stomach which I also have side-effects to my body don’t do well with medication I’ll try gels for my neck hot baths nothing seems to help i hope we get some relief soon " ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T23:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-health-anxiety-apologies-for-the-essay-but-just-looking-for-answers-756700?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Is this health anxiety !!! Apologies for the essay but just looking for answers
i am a 29 year old extremely active and in shape guy who usually shrugs off any injuries, illness or negative thoughts. However i have descended into an extreme downward spiral. It all started three months back with a sense of heaviness in both arms that then became a trembling , jolting and twitching in multiple places. Arms, hands, legs, feet, head and brain zaps. Being in lockdown working from home and living on my own i have spent hours in silence every day becoming more and more occupied with the sensations and to a point where i was googling a diagnosing myself with terrible neurological conditions day and night . I did break down massively one night as i had zero sleep for all these very very real physical pains and symptoms of jolts and trembling was convinced this was something like a degenerative fatal disease or brain issue. I visited a walk in centre where a doctor examined me and outright said your the wrong age , no warning signs ,showing full strength, no muscle wasting and very good neurological function. He told me to worry less get out and restart exercise and sent me for complete bloods to rule everything out. which came back as normal. But the last two month i still cant shake that there is something terrible wrong with me. oddly since I saw the doctor my jolts and twitching has all but gone. Yet not had that long vanished and my extremely heavy arms (forearms, hands) has returned in both forearms this comes and goes sporadically and to varying degrees . This occurs in both arms at exactly the same time from midway up the bicep to fingers but predominantly in my forearms and it makes me feel so down/tired and in pain i just lay on the sofa and try to fight the feelings. I do try to be logical and look to reality that i still have grip strength and dexterity during these episodes but pain is somreal it makes me feel overall nausea and body tired this comes in waves more so in the evening but also occurs during the day . This is going to sound crazy but on top of that I also have waves or episodes of burping often almost empty burps. This is followed by stiff / Tight throat / neck muscles. Often sore to touch like a ball in throat hard to swallow saliva but not difficult to swallow water or food. Waves/ episodes Bloating stomach pain particularly after eating and in the morning . Often bloating around the abdomen All these symptoms come and go constantly I try so hard to ignore them or not google or worry or panic but i cant seem to do it . I feel like i am getting better and then blam the extreme heavy pins and needles in my arms comes back and its like a base ball bat of fear, doom, sickness hitting me over and over again. Sorry for this being so long but just so trapped with months on my own and no one to share or tbh wanting to tell i wondered if anyone has felt this way or has any answers.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maryann0705-987367" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maryann0705-987367" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you for responding can you tell me what you feel? because I'm not sure if how I'm explaining you understand this is not normal what i feel :( " ], "date": [ "2023-06-13T01:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Yes, I know what you’re talking about. I’ve had every sensation you can think of. All of my testings were always normal. Mine started in my late 20s and I am now in my 60s so I have been through a lot. However, all of those scary sensations in the head and elsewhere. We’re all due to long-term stress and anxiety. The body can only take so much before it has a break down, and then you get things like weird head sensations, other people including myself for a long time, can get tingling, eye floaters, muscle, twitches, weakness, lightheadedness, head, pressure, disorientation and on and on. now if any of this was. serious I wouldn’t be here today. \r\nanxiety and stress can really cause some weird sensations. When you feel disoriented that is called \r\nde realization. That’s when the brain tries to protect you from all the anxiety and it’s sort of blocks things out. It’s not harmful and it eventually goes away. Yes, it can return. But the main thing is don’t get really freaked out by this because the more you do, the more these things will occur. I know it’s easier said than done. But the more you can relax your mind and allow. These things to occur in a calm way and a matter of fact way the more they will go away. This is kind of long, but I just wanted to share things with you. It may be a good idea to get some counseling to help you manage all of this. I will send you a private message. Take care. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-13T00:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/body-freeze-head-pressure-disorientated-hard-to-explain--801039?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maryann0705-987367" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maryann0705-987367" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "content": [ "what is bppv? have you had the symptoms i mentioned ?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-13T18:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Not sure if i can help at all but i have constant head symptoms, pressure, dizziness, swaying very weird sensations for almost 2 years all started with episode of bppv, i suffer daily as the only time it stops is when im sleeping, ive been thru numerous tests and Dr's no real answers but no dr ever said it was anxiety, i hope you get it figured out cuz i know what i ho thru is hell. God bless you" ], "date": [ "2023-06-13T18:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/body-freeze-head-pressure-disorientated-hard-to-explain--801039?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Body freeze/Head pressure /Disorientated/ Hard to explain :(
Hello Not sure where to start or which group to post in but I will start here. its hard to explain for a couple years now I get this weird/ scary symptoms or episodes that hard to explain it happens in my head I feel disorientated that i cant move if i try to move i feel very weird i cant explain and i feel like my head is squeezes that i am going to pass out...but i don't , like i cant move my head its like I am stuck in my head when this happens I take half a clonasapam and try to stay calm until it passes and slowly try to walk if i can had this for years and dr say anxiety but this is not normal the way i feel out of know where it hits me and everyone around me i just see mouths moving i did have an mri done in 2017 for hearing my heart beating in my ear loudy and all was normal does anyone know what im talking about or have experienced this ?? Please help solve this
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bookinweasel-1175384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Just came across your post. Yes, we (this community of anxiety prone individuals) definitely can empathize with you. My advice:\r\nGo to a doctor and get a complete physical. This will help to pinpoint any problem you might have AND help alleviate fears of what you most certainly DON'T have. I am the worst at letting my mind race way ahead of me and my anxiety takes over my legs, feet, arms etc. A good game plan of counseling, rest, good nutrition, moderate exercise will definitely help. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T22:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura69719-1379792" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marquette93563-1381897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura69719-1379792" ], "content": [ "my excat feelings like why cant somenody help i been to hospital 4 timea and even switched doctors they act like its sooooo normal " ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T20:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "im currently experiencing the exact same. Almost feels like my arms aren't there especially my left. even my eyes feel funny!! im lying in bed so scared im about to die" ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T20:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn81303-1379924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i feel like this all day legs ans arms like jelly sit tenced all the time always having vertigo so its like a curcle you worry about one thing and thats when i feel weak .. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T18:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sgtgeo-1380292" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Soanxious,\r\n\r\nFirst off I hope you are already feeling better! ive been treated depression/anxiety for 20 years. All of a sudden about 4 weeks ago I started being in a constant state of panic with trouble taking deep breathes and convinced I'm going to die at any minute. Ive been to two different ERs and both found nothing wrong with mu chest x-ray, EKG, or bloodwork. \r\nI woke up this morning with dizziness and my legs feeling like jelly. I did a google search and found your post. \r\nDid you find a solution? My doctor switched me from lexapro 20mg to prozac 40 mg but i know it takes a few weeks. I hope we can all feel normal again!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-05T14:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katharine22716-1380483" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello, just joined here so glad some of you have similar symptoms. I have always had amxiety but lately, since mid April I was going out and feeling very dizzy. My legs then start shaking and I can't focus at all. I had to ask one or two other people going to my local shop to help walk me there and back! I then had it happen again, and had to ask for help walkign home, within ten minutes, things just felt spaced out. Not spinning as such but 'not with it'.\r\nI am fighting it as I cannot afford taxis home all the time being on universal credit. I just panic before I leave the house try to remain calm, walk slowly, and stop if need to but I feel so confused as I can't seem to walk far at all without the nerves in my head causing the dizziness.\r\nI have had home deliveries or I use the shopping trolley for support, in stead of baskets.\r\nIt sucks as I hate moaning to my family but I cry most days as I hate summer anyway, days are long and pointless. I have tried medication for vertigo which only helps a bit. I get b12 iron injections that might help soon but I am really fed up. I enjoy working but this is making me fearful of when I go out and my legs start to shake if I am in a queue or something, it makes me cry out of frustrationgs when I get home. I am on temporary sick but I don't feel unwell just drained. I want to visit my cousin but it is a 2 hour train ride, he knows of my anxiety and dizziness and it really sucks as it can happen when I least want it too. I don't seem to get this in the winter so it could be a weather change if so, I cannot wait for September. Lol. Good luck and hope you all feel better as anxiety can really make one feel isolated and low!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-06T13:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn81303-1379924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i feel the same all day i feel a scared feel like i cant hold things jelly legs like am going to collapse all the time i have these feelings all day long coz i sit constanlty thinking i am dying of some disease .. my balance is bad to .. i have had all test mri ENT APPOINTMENTS BLOODS ALL NORMAL BUT STILL FEEL LIKE DOCTORS ARE MISSING SOMETHINK . " ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T17:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marquette93563-1381897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yesssss mine came out the blue being going on for 2 months meds not working i have attack eveyday feel like im dying " ], "date": [ "2021-06-11T20:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jubemmeva-1382364" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi all, i just found this forum upon doing research to see if anyone has similar symptoms as me. this all started in January of this year. i couldn't breathe well, had terrible heart palpitations. one day i was grocery shopping and had the worst tunnel vision...i was dissociating! i never ever felt this way. it was truly terrifying. i tried to get through it by myself, but one evening it got so bad (shortness of breath and palpitations and also burning in my chest) i had to go to the ER! i thought i was having a heart attack. i'm 30 years old, female, average weight, & never had health issues. now i will say, i had been diagnosed with Sinus Tachycardia in the past, which is a faster than normal heart rate, but it never bothered me much before like it did recently. that night the hospital ran so many tests on me, everything came back normal. so they gave me ativan through the IV and told me to relax. they sent me home with propanolol and told me this was anxiety, but to see an electrophysiologist. so i made an appointment. i just knew this wasn't anxiety. as i waited for my appointment, i started getting more symptoms... dizziness, brain fog, vision problems (terrible sensitivity to light), my legs felt like they weighed a ton, i was tired and weak all the time, my anxiety reached new heights and i also started feeling depressed (i thought i was becoming psychotic). I NEVER had anxiety or depression like this before. so i go to see the electrophysiologist and he does an EKG on me (comes back normal, just fast heartbeat), tells me to get an echocardiogram done, and also wear a heart monitor for about a week. i go back to see him for my results, and he tells me everything is normal. BUT I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF. so before i left, he ends up doing another EKG (he almost didn't)... and there it was. he tells me i have WPW or Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. if you look it up, it was giving me all my symptoms. WPW doesn't always appear on an EKG, which is why the first time i got one done it came back normal. so to get it corrected i had to get a catheter ablation done. & it was successful. at one point during surgery my heart rate went up to 250bpm! scary. the surgery took about 4 hours and i went home the same day. today marks 2 months since my surgery. i will say a lot of symptoms i had, have lessened. i'm not 100% myself yet, but i'm also seeing a neuro and she told me to give it 90 days to feel completely better. i have had vertigo in the past, so i'm getting a balance test done thursday for that. i think the WPW really triggered the anxiety and now i'm trying to cope through it. when i need a mental boost i take 1 L-Theanine 100mg chewable tablet from the Stress Relax brand. i got it from Amazon. the dosage is different for everyone, but 1 in the morning does the trick for me. i don't take it every day, just when these mental feelings are too much to handle. it helps! please see an electrophysiologist to see if its WPW. i'm still getting through the anxiety/depression and vision problems... my heart goes out to all of you. truly, and i hope i helped in some way." ], "date": [ "2021-06-14T16:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shakila75732-1382458" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey guys ive been experiencing anxiety since 2012 after I had my first child.. i didnt have a clue what it was when i first started having panic attacks... it was sooo scary !!!! It was so bad to the point where i was scared to leave the house to go anywhere because i was afraid that i would have one in public and couldnt control it...after so long i learned how to cope with it but now its like its becoming severe again ... everyday im experiencing different things with my body and its so draining... I just want to he normal again so i can be able to take my kids out of town to see alot more than they have and it hurts me to my heart that im so afraid to travel due to condition. I pray for normal all the time cause i really need my life back!!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-19T20:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/haz4664-1383066" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kimmieky777-1382207" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/haz4664-1383066" ], "content": [ "yes mine is my legs from low back down my legs are weak and hurt and i feel like im going crazy idk what to do been to every doctor and they just say from back but back doc says no so idk " ], "date": [ "2021-06-22T21:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi I think I am going through the same thing? I just woke up and felt like my arms dont work. it's like having a back pack on my shoulders full of bricks and weights on my arm. like they have gone dead. my neck feels like it is to weak to hold my head and my throat feels like I am being strangled. Hate this feeling totally losing control of my thoughts. is this similar to you? xx" ], "date": [ "2021-06-18T13:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tiffany38681-1301311" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im getting the same symptoms. I feel so light and weak and tired all the time. I also get the burning in my arms and my feet are ice cold. Ive been in a constant state of anxiety for 4 or 5 days now its horrible!! ive had bad anxiety for the last month but usually all the symptoms subside when the panic attack it over. Im having about 4 panic attacks aday for the last 4 days. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-27T21:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn81303-1379924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes i do and twitching i feel like a cant hold things long am that weak its horrible just anxiety got a grip of me " ], "date": [ "2021-07-05T09:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ingrid09179-1386002" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ingrid09179-1386002" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Also, The Anxiety Guy on youtube has very helpful and intuitive videos explaining why you get certain symptoms and how to deal and reverse them. With Practice of course .\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-05T11:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "As an anxiety sufferer myself, I had a long road to realize just how much anxiety can affect your physical body as well. Weak arms and legs or general weakness is normal with severe anxiety as the overthinking that leads to anxious feelings takes a lot of energy from other places in your body. \r\n\r\nWhat worked for me : My severe anxiety stemmed from a traumatic event that took a while to realize. Once i realized, I started seeing a counselor / therapist and began CBT Therapy which i was skeptical of but helped a ton. I highly recommend getting to the bottom of the problem and figuring out why you are feeling like this in the first place. \r\nKeep a journal on hand and every time you start to feel anxious, trace your steps back and try to find what \"thought or thought patterns \" led to these feelings. This helps to make you aware of how this cycle works and what thoughts trigger your reactions. \r\nHope this helps. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-12T08:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "Hi! I have been having severe anxiety attacts on and off for 2 years. I had a painful breakup and found out my guy was cheating and lying for years. I thought I was having heart attack.. chest pressure, extreme air in stomach and burping , weak, then starting getting neck tightness, along with shoulders. Did the whole google and got more anxious. Have had 2 EKGs and normal . No heart attack . I also had dye shot in arteries 4 years ago and no blockage. I have good BP and normal cholesterol levels. I’m 57 and have always worked out and been thin. My dad had a heart attack at 60.. but lived to 84. The anxiety messes with you bad. My friend who’s only 45 had bad back pains .. excruciating for a few days, finally went in and it was heart attack. Now I’m having back pains .. I know it’s from the tight neck and shoulders with anxiety. But I get all in my head thinking it could be a heart attack. Which fuels the anxiety .. sometimes my jaw feels tingly.. anyone get that? I’ve taken Ativan and it’s great, calms me down , and I feel normal .. which tells me it’s anxiety . But I don’t want to have to rely on it.. I want to be normal again " ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T02:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becks4580-1141897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sheila, I&#39;ve had a tingling jaw and just about tingling everywhere. In the main these sensations I get are linked to tightness in my neck and upper back. I get terrible tension but it&#39;s a bit of a cycle with the anxiety as the sensations make me anxious which leads to more tension and then more symptoms and so on. If you are concerned it may be something else always get it checked out. I&#39;ve seen a neurologist, spinal surgeon and physio due to my neck (I have a slipped disc) and all have said very similar things about managing it and the anxiety related to it. Good posture, gentle exercise and try and relax the shoulders. It&#39;s not always easy but when I do it&#39;s makes a difference. Part of my routine is to use heat packs on my neck and shoulders a few times a week. It&#39;s helps the muscles to relax and stops the build up of tension. I hope you find something that works for you x</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T07:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/becks4580-1141897" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi</p><p>I think I get so in my head, I hate this feeling! My right shoulder is sore and burning feeling .. not sure if I pulled a muscle working out, our it’s just from the anxiety attack and the muscles got so tight. It’s a visicious cycle , I can’t stop thinking I’m</p><p>Having a heart attack! Even tho tests are all good. Thanks for your reply &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T15:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "<p>So typical-we all do that. And after you go get seen for one symptom, another starts. The Cognitive therapy workbook is helping me a lot with that but sometimes yes, the crazy switch turns on and I have to take one of the clonazepams to reset myself. BTW, I&#39;n sure no Dr. but one told me once that &#39;burning&quot; is usually nerve-relate. Maybe you pinched a nerve?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T16:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\nI just saw a Dr and she said it’s bursitious . Muscle strained. My anxiety has kicked in today and I took s half an Ativan.. which always works .. but not so much today. Massages really help relax me and are such a help! What is Cognitive Therapy workbook? " ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T19:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gloria-mike-1172493" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "I.m 37... same same feelings like you . But what i do. Cardiologist said its anxiety. Do u smoke. We can only pray. Every time i feel its going to heart attack . Today is also my chest is tight and heavy. Dont know what i do" ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T13:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gloria-mike-1172493" ], "content": [ "Hi.. I don’t smoke. Your young . You just need to keep telling yourself it’s not a heart attack ! Your heart is healthy.  Have you tried Ativan? It takes away my symptoms and I don’t feel\r\nLike I’ve taken anything ! " ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T15:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becks4580-1141897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gloria-mike-1172493" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Gloria, I&#39;m the same age as you and get the same symptoms. I saw a neurologist and he said its anxiety. My Dr prescribed a low dose of beater blockers which help massively. Day to day when I feel it building I carry out controlled breathing and it really helps me. I&#39;ve been that anxious once I started to see stars and nearly passed out. Our symptoms can be all slightly different and really scary at times. Two minutes time out to control your breathing can massively help. Good luck x</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T19:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi,&#160; The very first time I had an anxiety&#160; I was at my daughter&#39;s house just getting out of the car and all of a sudden when I looked at the trees and the surroundings&#160; it didn&#39;t seem real&#160; I felt lie I was in wizard of oz,&#160; &#160;It didn&#39;t look like the wiard of oz&#160; it just felt like i wasn&#39;t in the same realm.&#160; Has anyone else that that??? It started to happen again one day with my boyfriend we were driving&#160; &#160;but I told myself no go away that it wasn&#39;t going to happen again.&#160; and it did but&#160; still scared me,&#160; My doctor told me&#160; no one ever has died from an anxiety attack so just ride it through.&#160; well that was 2007 and I am still taking meds and now&#160; I feel lie this.&#160; I just got back from grocery store and couldn&#39;t hardly walk in there so weak</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T22:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "content": [ "Hi, \r\nI sometimes do feel really weird. It’s hard to explain, but like something isn’t right , your just feeling off! I def feel weak, sometimes a little dizzy.. and I do what you do.. tell myself it’ll go away.. I find getting distracted and nit focusing on it helps. If I focus on it, it just gets worse. It’s aweful " ], "date": [ "2018-07-29T03:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "Hi Sheila , I try to tell myself it’s nothing and distract myself, but I still feel like I have all these physical conditions which can’t just be anxiety although nothing was ever found...I feel like I’m anxious about tons of little things all day and have way too much stuff going on in my head, but how can I actually tell that it’s anxiety? I feel fine and then I have a physical “thing” and I start to overthink and from there on it gets worse and worse. I’m currently so weak that i feel like it’s hard to even get out of the bed. My legs feel shaky most of the day and dizziness is always there. But how can I determine its anxiety?? Thanks " ], "date": [ "2018-07-29T04:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\nIt’s crazy what physical aches, pains and fatigue come from\r\nAnxiety. I have neck pain, shoulders, back tightness. All from the anxiety. And it’s just like you, as soon as I get any pains, or the acid reflux, I overthink it, feel the anxiety, and it just makes it worse. It’s a vicious cycle. If the Dr checked you out and your healthy, you just keep reminding yourself that, and let it pass. It’s aweful and uncomfortable. We all just wish it would go away. When I can’t get it to stop and I feel it’s getting the best if he I take .5 Ativan. Within 20 minutes I feel better, calm and all\r\nPhysical symptoms go away . That’s more proof that it’s anxiety for me. " ], "date": [ "2018-07-29T05:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sheila,&#160; thank you for your input.&#160; greatly appreciated..&#160; I can&#39;t believe how many people have anxiety.&#160; I have had it all my life&#160; but didn&#39;t know what it was. nervous feeling&#160; when I had to go somewhere like school, dentist&#160; doctor.&#160; &#160;but&#160; when I had that attack 11 years ago then I understood&#160; but&#160; I don&#39;t understand why&#160; i have gone down hill so fast.&#160; last 4 or 5 years I haven&#39;t been able to exercise or walk.&#160; I go to dr on tues and I am hopeing she can explain why I am getting al these different effects. if it is my Zoloft I am going to have to try to get off is very slowly.&#160; I don&#39;t like how i feel and and I have been on 3 deff meds for 11 years.&#160; I know I worry too much&#160; I do all the time.&#160; &#160; thanks&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T01:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "content": [ "What meds have you been on? I take .5 Ativan once in a while when I just can’t deal with the anxiety. It works well for me. No side effects and I don’t feel like I’m on anything !! I just feel normal. Sometimes I can just get busy with something distracting and it’ll make the anxiety attack pass. It’s such a weird and awful feeling. No one knows what it’s like until they’ve been through it. It’s crazy how it takes over you physically. I think A lot of people that have it don’t talk about it .  It’s amazing when I do talk about it, skbeone then tells me how they have been through it too " ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T03:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "content": [ "I was like you, must have had this all my life as i remember being anxious about lots of things from school days but didnt jnow what it was wrong with me.  Even left school young as i hated being there.  The nerves when asked a question, arghh.  Somehow managed through but like you it manifested a few years ago.  Dr has tried me on anti deps including soloft and thry all made me feel worse.  He says i have ‘anxiety’ but it feels like depression too.  He says take diazepam and try to get on with it.  I dont think thry really understand how this is affecting us and changing drugs doesnt work for everyone.  Any helpful info gratefully accepted as i feel im sinking.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T07:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "Thank you Sheila . I know I do tell myself it’s all ok , but I somehow can’t get my mind off what I may be. I will have to mention the medication to my doctor, so far I have been trying natural remedies to relax my mind. ..I hope you all are feeling better and get some help somehow. This is really life altering, I have a small child and am not functioning as I should...." ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T14:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "It really is an aweful way to feel . I’ve thought about counseling , I’ve heard it really helps. I have been listening to Anxiety Coaches podcast.. so helpful.. and it’s free. There are a lot of episodes . Has made me feel better about what I’m going through and ways to relax and get through it! Def give it a try .. hope your Dr visit goes well " ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T15:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "<p>When I get that bad that I really can&#39;t get my mind off of it, it&#39;s like a crazy switch has been flipped on and then I really do need to take the medication. It helps me to take a step back and look at things realistically and calm down. Whatever symptom I&#39;m freaking out about usually calms down or goes away completely.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T16:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "content": [ "That’s exactly what  happens  to me . If it’s bad and I just can’t get out of my head , then I take the Ativan . And it works every time . I’m hoping it will go away for good someday. I worry about my son too much , and that can kick it in too.  Then the physical stuff kicks in ..making the anxiety worse .. which then makes the physical stuff worse . It’s a crazy thing to have to deal with " ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T19:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "<p>It is Sheila, but at least we&#39;re aware of the patterns, and at least the meds can &quot;talk us down&quot;. We&#39;re not abusing them, and I&#39;m just grateful we have them when we need them. I&#39;d like to say I hope this goes away some day, but I&#39;ve had it most of my life and now I&#39;m a senior and sorry to tell you it&#39;s still happening.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T23:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "content": [ "Thank you Patricia , I will discuss with my doctor, I would give anything a try right now just to get my life back....\r\nWell you have to tell yourself, that if all your symptoms go away it just has to be anxiety “and nothing else”. The pills would never take away problems with a real physical cause....I’m glad you found help and will give it a try. \r\nI will see a chiropractor on the weekend, who is specialized in neurology.i will discuss options . \r\nAll the best to all of you suffering hope you’ll get better. " ], "date": [ "2018-08-02T00:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "Hi Sheila , this is how I exactly feel as well. Good to hear though the medication can take your mind away from worrying sick about the issues. It’s hard to get out once you’re stuck in this vicious circle. Especially when you have to care and worry about your son. It just may be simply too much sometimes ...hope you’re better and get some relief! " ], "date": [ "2018-08-02T00:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "content": [ "Cynthia, how did your doctor appointment go? Did you get any answers and help? I feel for you as I’m in the same position. I can’t even do simple exercises , my body feels very weak, tingling etc etc. something g new every day....Hope you’ll feel better soon! " ], "date": [ "2018-08-02T01:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sabrina,&#160; Thanks for asking about my Dr apt.&#160; well&#160; what she said was the white mass I have on my Brain is that awhile back I had a couple small strokes,&#160; and I have arthristis in my lower back.&#160; figured as&#160; much&#160; &#160;I still have to have My ears tested as&#160; they ring and i hear the ocean,&#160; That could be why I get the vertigo.&#160; and then I read that my pills may cause all this too but she said only when you first start taking the pills&#160; I have had all my pills for 11 years.&#160; I did cut down 50 mg of zoloft and I am down to 150 now at night . and last couple days I have felt pretty good.&#160; &#39;but&#160; I didnt eat real good today and I got vertigo again.&#160; I start physical theraphy next wed 8th&#160; I told her will see cause If i excersize&#160; i get worse .&#160; So we will see.&#160; I hope that you can get better.&#160; &#160;Are you on meds&#160; I forgot.&#160; .&#160; and what kind do you take if you are.?&#160; thanks&#160; &#160; &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-02T01:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I believe stress is the worst for your body ...I’ve had night that I couldn’t get out of the bed and couldn’t move. I woke up from a bad dream and had trouble breathing and that I was dying...my arms were so weak I couldn’t even put new bedsheets on and walking was giving me problems . I have this issue that I read too much online and think too much about the worst case scenario, stress at work adds up to it. I feel depressed and only want to be myself again. I have gotten better with a lot of rest, but just a little issue along the way brings me straight back....it helps me a lot to read all the reports here and makes me believe it may just be anxiety. Do you all take any medication against the anxiety? I’m more into eastern than western medicine...." ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T00:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/naviii-1092612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shippy-1031917" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/naviii-1092612" ], "content": [ "My legs are same weak, bit wobbly and feel unstable too!!! Hands shaking as well all I want to do is cry!!!!\r\nCant see an end to it all\r\nxxxx" ], "date": [ "2017-10-12T10:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey there! I&#39;ve been having a sensitivity/weakness problem with calf muscles and now my arms too. My legs get very tired with the smallest amount of activity and if I go for a run I don&#39;t feel my calf muscles, nor if they&#39;re tired or not in that zone and I am a bit unstable. It doesn&#39;t get better with sleep and I walk with some lack of confidence feeling as if I&#39;m walking only thanks to inertia and sometimes it seems hard lifting my feet off the ground. It&#39;s been getting worse every day for a bit less than two months now and I&#39;m really scared cause it&#39;s not been off for a day as I can remember. In the begging my legs felt as if I have been travelling sit for a long time, I had dizziness and lightheadness too.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve had a lot of blood analytics done and a CT scan and everything seems to be fine. And I went to a neurologist today which only did physical exploration and told me it seemed okay but just in case he appointed me an EMG and ENG that I&#39;m gonna do in a few days. </p><p></p><p>Also I feel as if my body is shaking on the inside especially around my back and shoulders upon waking up. </p><p></p><p>Has anyone experienced these symptoms and could give me any help/advice?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-11T15:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew_36108-1107235" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Glad to hear your doing better </p><p>soanxious. I been feeling everything you talked about for the past month. Heavy arms and legs. Pain and numbness in arms and legs. Heart racing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness lightheaded, insomnia , etc.... I&#39;ve had an echocardiogram , 48 hour holter moniter, all kinds of blood work ,chest xray ecg, all came back good. But still not convinced it&#39;s anxiety. But when I read your post I found hope so thank you for sharing what you have been going through. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-19T00:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tina_78570-1128189" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi-I can relate. My arms hurt my legs hurt I can barely walk without getting tired. And my feet are tingly constantly. I think it’s all about the anxiety level. It causes a multitude of things. Do you practice any self care or take medication? " ], "date": [ "2017-12-06T22:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "content": [ "<p>Valerie, I experience the same and feel like losing my mind as I start to be less productive in every aspect of life...I want to be normal again....I will try to see a neurologist soon as well as that&#39;s the only specialist I haven&#39;t seen. &#160;Let us know how it went.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-21T18:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "<p>Sabrina..Hi. Had my first appointment with neurologist about ten days ago. He basically sat and listened carefully to my ramblings and assured me that, as far as he could see, given his experience in the field, I did not have anything like MS (what I was afraid of). He did,however, recommend an electrical nerve test to see if I have any peripheral nerve problems as my doctor was concerned due to my having a &#39;walking on sponge&#39; sensation as well - and I had been taking statins for a long time. My own doctor took me off statins so don&#39;t know what my cholesterol is now. For over a week I was feeling that I may have turned a corner, but just a couple of days ago my symptoms returned in force and my legs just would not move for a while. It scared me all the more simply because I thought I was getting better. However my appointment for nerve test is this Thursday. Have you managed to get a neurologist&#39;s appointment? Good luck. Keep me informed of your progress.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-22T12:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "content": [ "<p>Valerie, thank you for the support, it&#39;s truly helpful as not everyone understands who you can be sick without a definite diagnosis . A month ago I had to go the the ER as my whole body started shaking, dizziness became overwhelming and I was not able to focus any longer. CT scans we&#39;re done - no results (I was also mostly afraid of MS)I saw the neurologist today and my blood work and performed MRI s came all back ok. I also did the electric nerve test without any negative results ...the neurologist stated my dizziness may have come from a previous sinus infection, and did not have an answer in regards to my still weak and tingling arms and legs...I experienced the &quot;walking on sponge&quot; sensation! I recently got a bit better and just over the weekend woke up and was having weak legs again..I sometimes feel like I don&#39;t walk properly.I&#39;m glad nothing bad came out from the tests but still need to start feeling better. What helped me recently was a ginger/turmeric supplement , I felt a real relief from the pain in my body.&#160;</p><p>I hope all goes well with your nerve test and you will feel better soon. Let us know!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-24T00:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello Sabrina.. The nerve test yesterday was a very strange experience but I was treated very well and the neurologist said that all seemed normal. Me normal? He said he does not need to see me again and I wait to hear from my doctor when he receives the results from the hospital. I am relieved of course, but there is clearly something not right as I had another &#39;episode&#39; whilst in a supermarket with my friend later. Only a short episode but I felt such an idiot standing there telling her I could not move. Part of my problem could be back related. according to my physio, but I suspect that it is good old &#39;anxiety&#39; and stress that are adding to the mix. It has been a difficult year or so but I would not wish all this on anyone.</p><p></p><p>I do so sympathize with your predicament, especially as you have a small child. I suffered giddiness etc..etc. on and off when my children were young and I used to get a strange stiffness in my legs from time to time. Suddenly it all disappeared for some years and I seemed to become stronger..So take heart..You WILL recover, I guess the key to permanent recovery is to recognise when we are becoming over stressed and be able to push the off button when circumstances and some people threaten to drain our energy.</p><p></p><p>Have you been given any further of support and advice from your doctor? Sometimes we seem to have to find our own way through the mire. I was interested in the ginger/turmeric supplements&#160; I shall investigate further..Thank you.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>Keep me updated....If it will help you to feel less alone I shall let you know what happens next on my journey. but don&#39;t want to bog you down.</p><p></p><p>Good luck X</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-26T12:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "content": [ "How are you doing Valerie? \r\nI hope you have recovered a little bit! I’m generally feeling much better but every little stressful situation brings symptoms back....I rest whenever I can. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-18T16:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello Sabrina. I am glad to hear you are generally feeling much better.&#160;<i>&#160;I tried to get on the site to reply yesterday but my keyboard was going all funny and missing some characters. Consequently my details were not recognised.</p><p></p><p>Well, I do not know quite what to do at the moment. The doctor had not received the letter from the neurologist and I had to ask the hospital to send another. They confirmed that the nerve tests showed no abnormalities but I had flare ups following the test as I said.&#160; &#160;was beginning to feel somewhat better when I went down with a cold and felt generally weak. Just got over that and I suddenly had another (although brief) moment of panic when my leg seized up again when I was out. My back is not feeling too good but I have goodish days and not so good days.&#160; I have not been back to the doctor as yet. Have been hoping to get over this on my own. May need to make an appointment to try and put my mind at rest but hate the thought of going back to doctor. I had it in mind that he would have let me know if he thought it necessary.&#160; What am I like?&#160;</p><p></p><p>Have not tried the Turmeric/ginger yet.....although have bought some.</p><p>Are you on any medication unrelated medication?</p><p></p><p>I have had issues going on for the last eight months regarding work being done around the house. This has not helped my anxiety, and every muscle and tissue in my body seems to be strained to max and I can never feel relaxed. Am now actually scared to go to the doctor in case my blood pressure is up.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I have Dr [b]Claire Weekes[/b] books and I have started to re-read one of them and she explains how alarming set-backs can be. Not wrong there.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Thank you for getting back to me. It is good that you are managing to get some rest. Hopefully, and I am sure it will the case, you will find that your setbacks are fewer and farther between and that you will feel fully restored.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Bless you. Keep me informed of your progress xx</i></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-20T14:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "content": [ "Hello Valerie, \r\nI can so well relate to the things you say, it’s like a page out of my book...I was at my worst moving to a new house , the stress became overwhelming and I was afraid to loose my job as I was sitting or laying in my car most of the time at my job , since I couldn’t function when the dizziness and weakness became overwhelming...you know the story. I thought sooner than later I will loose the ability to work and that put an extra load of anxiety on me. \r\nCould your problems have to do with your back? Maybe any pinched nerves?? I will definitely look into the book.\r\nI am not on any medication, have a bit of high blood pressure , but no medication yet needed. \r\n\r\nI was recently also sick again with a bad throat infection and my leg and arm weakness came right back...I have now tingling and numbness again. I still can’t believe , that the doctor hasn’t found a physical source for this. Well I should be glad he didn’t and I’m very happy to hear all your tests came back ok!! This will somewhat already make you feel better. \r\n\r\nLet me know how it goes! I keep fingers crossed for some improvement and I’m sure it will come even tough it can take longer !! " ], "date": [ "2021-11-23T22:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Sabrina</p><p></p><p>I pressed the like button. not because I am pleased you have been suffering but because it was good to hear from you. I guess you knew that anyway.</p><p></p><p>I can echo what you say as I can relate to so much of what you experience&#160;</p><p></p><p>I do try to take comfort in the fact that the nerve test seems to have been ok. Still don&#39;t know if the doctor received the report. I tried to make a doctors appointment a day or two ago just for a little assurance and to talk about my BP medication but unless it is urgent the earliest appointment they</p><p>could give me was some time in May so I left it.&#160; I have. however. managed to get a medication review&#160; APP only,, booked May 1st !!</p><p></p><p>I do hope you can control your BP naturally. I do not like taking meds but I have been on my present ones for years. I would love to be able to just come off them</p><p></p><p>Yes tingling and numbness too. I am convinced that prolonged use of computers and mobiles does not help with some of the symptoms. I may have said that before/</p><p></p><p>The other day I was having pains all down my back and my ribs. Don&#39;t know what that was about but a good rub down where I could reach with some Vicks soon dealt with it,.You are probably right about my back. I HAVE been seeing a physio ..he says my muscles are very tight. He didn&#39;t mention trapped nerve though but I shall ask more when I see him again. It&#39;s&#160; expensive as it is difficult to get on NHS. Worth it though. Neck problems can cause dizziness too. But of course, bad posture and tension caused by stress and anxiety can cause all of these things so who knows.</p><p>I have some exercises to do but am afraid of getting stuck doing them Lol..Am sure I should be better if I just got on with it. Oh and must remember to drink more water. Being hydrated can do all sorts to a body.Do you drink enough?</p><p></p><p>Well better try and get some sleep now. Am convinced that what you are experiencing at the moment is just a blip and a temporary setback brought about by your throat infection. You must take comfort in the fact that they all came back clear.. I have only had blood test and the nerve test. I am not sure I could cope with a scan</p><p>..</p><p>Keep me up to date with your progress. Sorry for such a rambling reply</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-23T04:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "content": [ "Hello Valerie! How have you been meanwhile? I didn’t see your response until now and was hoping everything was ok.  Glad you have your appointment in may and review meds as this sometimes have influence on your overall health. I totally agree with you tough to stay away from medication as much as we can. I am the best customer at the vitamin store and trying all kinds of things to get back at least close to normal . \r\nMy pcp also said muscles in the neck have a lot to do with dizziness and tingling in the legs/arms. And stress of course increases the tense muscles . I am sitting in the office all day and think that may not help either. But being active has become more difficult. \r\nI feel like I’m repeating myself, but hey it’s all about letting it all out and feeling better....I have had recently real problems with pain all over my body especially in my calves and arms. Feels like I have been working out for hours when I fact I only walked the dog. The pain was so bad I couldn’t sleep at night , my legs were feeling hot and prickly and I was extremely tired, to the point that I almost had to pull over wanting to take a nap...\r\nI do try to drink enough water. The one time I ended up in the ER they told me I was dehydrated  and since then I am doing my best. \r\nDid you ever have a setback with your legs not moving ? I hope something will make you feel better and if it’s just time. Always remember the doctor didn’t find anything and it’s all stress. Please let me know how you feel and give me a little update. And remember you’re not alone! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-04-06T00:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello Soanxious, I am new to this site and although I would not wish these terrible symptoms on anyone, I was relieved to see that I was not alone in suffering these things. I know this is an old post and I believe you are in a much better place now but can you tell me if, when you were having these weak spells, you ever felt that one of your legs (sometimes both) really did not want to move? I found myself struggling to get out of a supermarket the other day and sometimes I find waling across the kitchen difficult. The intense feeling does not last too long unless I panic (which or course I do) and often I feel reasonably o.k after. Other times I feel weak and shaky most of the day. I am seeing a neurologist next month but would welcome some input from someone who has suffered from similar symptoms  Glad you have overcome this by the way...x" ], "date": [ "2021-11-23T22:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi I&#39;m experiencing the same symptoms , started out with dizziness for 3 months. All kinds of tests performed didn&#39;t bring any results. Now I feel tense and weak muscles in my legs. I feel like it&#39;s getting continuously worse. Every day comes a new symptom. The more I read of what I could possibly have the more symptoms I get. I was diagnosed with severe sinus infection , but don&#39;t think any of this can be possibly related...is there anything natural to help anxiety??? I have a small child and am not functioning anymore as I should.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Thank you&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-21T17:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "content": [ "I have talked to people on here that get the burning feeling in their arms there are some posts about it and yes you are probably right I do have extremely tight neck muscles and I find myself tensing my shoulders and arms alot but it still makes my health anxiety and panic kick in I just have so many symptoms and convince myself somwthing serious is wrong and is taking over my life:(" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T23:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "I feel bad for you,people that dont have anxiety just cant relate,my husband doesnt understand mine or my sons,can get very depressing." ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T23:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Burning feeling in your arms is probably from tight neck muscles from stress.Might want to tell the doctor about it to be sure." ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T21:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "Oh no not at all. It's good to talk to people going through the same things as horrible as it is. I haven't even been able to work I feel so bad:( I do have a little bit of the swaying dizziness feeling mostly if I'm out in a store it seems. My head feels heavy my arms and legs feel weak like I just did a workout and it makes me panic more and i feel like I'm going to collapse. After a little it goes away and then comes back later " ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T23:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abby4795-1046737" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi there I have this same issue like It holds me from living my life ... I&#39;ve cryd so many times in this past month I just want all of it to go away my muscles neck jitters everything is just a terrible thing to have it does help to talk to anyone going through the same issue we all help eachother</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-30T16:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sorry Tracy didn't mean to take over your post but your not alone in the way you feel I feel all that you do and its horrible. I'm going to stay me a post and just put all I feel in detail and if anyone can reassure me its not a heart condition I'd appreciate it " ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have had anxiety for years,i just usually get a fast heart rate,at times stomach issues,sometimes palpitations,im on a med so dont usually get extream symptoms with dizziness etc.Years ago when I would get actual panic attacks i once experianced a mild case of hyperventalation." ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T22:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda1827h-595377" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Tracy, Have you ever heard of Reflexology? or Aromatherapy? Both good for tension. Your health food shop will be helpful.I have rescue remedy, & am also on beta-blockers.( propranalol.) I also find a Jacuzzi is also wonderful to ease tension in me.Good luck, keep thinking positive thoughts. regards Amanda " ], "date": [ "2021-04-12T06:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beestr-939237" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beestr-939237" ], "content": [ "Hi, \r\nI have gone to so many doctors bc I didn't believe that anxiety could make me feel that bad. I literally had a nervous breakdown and i am alot better then I was 8 months ago but still have bad days. 8 months ago I laid in bed tensed everyday didn't eat hardly anything, lost over 15lbs had panic attacks 2 or 3 times a day and was scared for my life that something serious was wrong bc I felt so weak. I went to a neurologist had emg tests and an assessment and he said he wasn't worried at all and that I was so tense which was the reason for my symptoms. After that I started making myself get up and do things little by little. I am still tensemble especially in my neck and my arms and hands get tired holding my cell phone texting and I have really bad posture so that doesn't help. I have been going to physio and t9 a chiropractor and they tape my shoulders back to help with posture. It's all stress and anxiety and when you have panic attacks you tense up and your already really tense and it causes all kinds of symptoms and pains. My drs all told me that the muscles become so tensed around the nerves it can cause alot of problems. Hope this helps. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-13T06:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beestr-939237" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "thanks for your reply. It's been 1.5 months and leg and arm \"weakness\" still there. All my MRI scans came back negative (Full Spine and Brain) and blood tests. I will be doing an EMG/NCS test today. I have been going physio and doing pilates. I just want to feel normal. I just don't believe stress and anxiety can cause all these symptoms for this LONG. Can stress/anxiety cause these symptoms for this long, which is constant every day, from morning to night...?" ], "date": [ "2016-05-04T06:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/treeswing000-977771" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beestr-939237" ], "content": [ "<p>I have weakness in my left leg that comes and goes. Also pressure on one eye after super dry eye. I&#39;ve woken up with tingling arm and leg. All one side. I think this is all anxiety as we recently had our first pregnancy turn into a miscarriage and we are moving back to our hometown after my husbands job fell through. Lots os pressure. I think I&#39;m constantly fatigued or maybe just depressed that I&#39;m feeling this way physically so I&#39;ve been mopey lately. Sinus pressure on one side. Heart beats like crazy. Light headedness. Ugh.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-19T19:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley01293-1007942" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/treeswing000-977771" ], "content": [ "<p>Omg yes!! I&#39;m going thru it right now, was at er twice this week. I&#39;m so scared I&#39;ve got ms or als. I&#39;m so tired and muscles feel exhausted. It&#39;s almost like if you were lifting weights and you set them down, that feeling after words. That&#39;s how my arms and legs feel. I&#39;m so scared. I&#39;m afraid I&#39;m gonna die. I&#39;m</p><p></p><p>Going to see an neurologist Monday and I&#39;m so scared he&#39;s gonna say I have lugherits disease or ms. This hasppnes even when I&#39;m calm. That&#39;s why I&#39;m so scared &#128549;&#128549;&#128549;&#128549;please help.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-10T23:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/holly02163-1195988" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/beestr-939237" ], "content": [ "hi did you have an mri with contrast ?only asking as i too had these symtoms" ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T15:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley01293-1007942" ], "content": [ "hey, how did you get on at the neurologist? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T09:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "and how are you now? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T09:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley01293-1007942" ], "content": [ "how are you feeling now?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-13T07:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Soanxious,\r\nI was searching through the internet and I am having EXACT same symptoms as you. My arms and legs feel tired/weak/exhausted. Feels like as if I did a gym session or been out in town all day/night and legs feel like they want to drop. I am also tense and have been diagnosed with anxiety a year back. It scares me a lot too and i want to feel normal again. Just wondering, how has your symptoms been now? Have you visited any specialists? Did you get a diagnosis?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-13T06:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sylvia82218-1029733" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Soanxious,\r\n\r\nI can relate in everything you sajd. My legs get so tired and arms and feel exhausted!!!! Even if I think I had a decent sleep. Brain fog is bad also. I call it living in my head. Sucks really for lack of a better word. Seeing my doc today. Need to be on something to help me get thru this. Hang in there." ], "date": [ "2017-03-06T19:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel96348-1033013" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel like this quite often.... r u any better?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-15T21:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevericgr-1038700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Post Dramitic Stress Disorder. It&#39;s what I&#39;m having right now. My body is no longer in danger or I&#39;m not thinking of anything and you still get in shock. It causes depression and anxiety. Sends warm shocks to the arms and legs uncomfortable feeling on both sides of the chest and panic attacks. Even after finally managing to sleep you are still weak and somewhat shaky. I&#39;d say go see your doctor get some medication to block off the stress signal or anxiety and go get some counselling.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-02T18:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura41016-1068764" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura41016-1068764" ], "content": [ "Hi, I still get this feeling sometimes. I had it a few days ago when i had bad anxiety. I thought i was going to collapse and didnt think i was going to be able to drive home. Since i have had it for so long i can sometimes just tell myself its anxiety and it will subside its when you give into it which i still do alot that it continues. If its really bad i will take a lorazepam and that helps. Then i telk myself it has to be anxiety bc if it was something serious like a neurological disease, lorazepam wouldnt make it go away. " ], "date": [ "2017-07-21T21:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esprit_5686-1070749" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "<p>I am so happy I found this forum! I suffer from Anxiety and PTSD! Recently I hadn&#39;t taken my meds for about 3 weeks or so due to a pharmacy mixup when I moved out of state and I&#39;d been feeling very weird and not myself. So 3 days ago I started taking my meds again and all of a sudden it&#39;s like my body went crazy. I started getting muscle spasms, itching, tingles, muscle weakness and cramps. I&#39;ve been to the ER 3- 4 times in a week and a half. Each time they tell me I&#39;m fine and all my blood work is good. I&#39;ve had dizzzy spells, headaches, crying spouts, heart palpitations, and I&#39;ve become obsessed with googling symptoms. In the last weak I&#39;ve diagnosed myself with 3 types of cancer, als, mls and diabetes. Every woman in my family has Anxiety. I feel so not myself. My feet sweat, my hands sweat! </p><p></p><p>I just go through a million forums trying to find others who understand me. How could it have gotten this bad and to this point?!?! Even when I tell myself I&#39;m going to have a good day I end up feeling these physical symptoms. I thought maybe I had a thyroid or peripheral neuropathy. Because of the muscle weakness! I&#39;m just driving myself crazy.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-29T02:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shippy-1031917" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esprit_5686-1070749" ], "content": [ "<p>Omg!!! Everything you have written is identical to me!!!!</p><p>Although it doesn&#39;t help but it gives me some peace that others are suffering the same as me too??</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-08T09:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esprit_5686-1070749" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah, when you&#39;re off meds for awhile they cause symptoms. I have had the leg muscle weakness too before.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-18T23:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nThis is how I feel right now. Just wondered how you are now and how you got through this. \r\nLaura" ], "date": [ "2017-07-21T21:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shippy-1031917" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes all the time, Docs said it&#39;s anxiety just this week started my Counselling!!</p><p>I have felt weak, tired, headaches, dizzy!!!!!!</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-08T09:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ol05758-841534" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ol05758-841534" ], "content": [ "<p>Clonazepam(Klonipin) is not as strong as Xanax or sleeping pills and it works fantastic for anxiety. Sometimes you have to take it to break the cycle of panic and it kind of lets you stand back and take a look at what&#39;s really happening. Also, like soanxious said, it can make a symptom go away or get better then you know it&#39;s anxiety and not a disease.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-19T01:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi \r\nSame here. Arms and legs feel weak. Bad sleep anxiety feel so restless.  Are you the same? I tried Xanax and sleeping pills but they all say not to take those? Do you take anything?\r\nI can’t bare it any longer.  " ], "date": [ "2017-10-01T08:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/worried44-1085613" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Like many others on here I&#39;m so glad I found this forum.&#160;</p><p>Ive had really good health throughout my life so far, however my mother passed away 4 years ago then my dad died from cancer 7 months ago, alongside my family we nursed him until the end. Recently I&#39;ve had back and hip pain which I&#39;ve had intermittently for past 7 years which I&#39;ve never really worried about previously. Anyway thinking about my parents made me think that I must have something serious, googling lots of symptoms made me believe I had these conditions and illnesses. Only 4 weeks ago I had the jelly leg feeling as if I&#39;ve done a weights session in the gym, the more I thought about it the longer the feeling would stay, if I was out and about and bumped into someone after chatting it would just disappear, also I had the jelly leg feeling all day, then when I went to the pub with friends later that day &#160;it completely disappeared all night, however once my hangover eased it returned the following afternoon.</p><p>does this sound like what others are going through? I&#39;m hoping I have nothing serious going on inside of me, but I&#39;m thinking I should go and see a doctor to get to the bottom of this as I&#39;ve not had any help or medication for this, I haven&#39;t even discussed this with my wife or any friends. I&#39;m just trying to relax my thoughts but I&#39;m struggling.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-01T20:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fearingfear-1091409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>This forum is so great! Just know if you are reading this that you are not alone! There are MILLIONS of people around the world dealing with the same mental and physical symptoms that you are. You are not crazy because you deal with anxiety. &#160;I know it feels like it most times but believe me...you are not.</p><p></p><p>I have dealt with anxiety for most of my life. I didn’t know what it was for many many years. It would just manifest as what I called the “weird feeling”. I’ve come to learn A LOT about anxiety over the years and I know first hand that it can manifest in many more ways than you ever thought possible. Every single symptom that has been mentioned in the thread can be attributed to anxiety. Here is a list of every symptom I can ever recall having:</p><p>- racing thoughts&#160;</p><p>- “what if” thoughts</p><p>- sweating for no apparent reason&#160;</p><p>- very cloudy thinking: hard to focus all the time</p><p>- seems hard to focus vision even though when I stop to think about it I can actually see just fine</p><p>- very tense muscles most of the day</p><p>- avoiding doing anything social</p><p>- intrusive thoughts about things that I would never actually consider doing</p><p>- sense of impending danger for no apparent reason</p><p>- anxiety attacks: like jolts of fear out of nowhere.</p><p>- sudden extreme fatigue: arms and legs and head get very “heavy” and somewhat tingly. sometimes I’ll just have to stop and sit down. Sometimes I’ll fall asleep for a while.</p><p>- panic attacks (adrenal glands firing for no reason) leading to&#160;hyperventilation and&#160;muscles seizing to the point my entire body could not move. I was convinced I was dying. My entire body was pins and needles. There was no pain but it was VERY uncomfortable. Went to the ER. They told me I was having a panic attack and to breath. I still didn’t believe them but was somehow able to control my breath and slow my breathing. They were right. About 20 minutes later I was just fine.</p><p>- always “checking in” on my body and mind and trying to figure out why I’m feeling any particular sensation</p><p>- the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on...........in a never ending cycle of fear and fearing fear and fearing the fear of fear.....bah!</p><p></p><p>I am still figuring this all out but I’ve gotten A LOT of help from two different sources.</p><p></p><p>1. DARE: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks Fast by [b]Barry McDonagh[/b].</p><p></p><p>This book has totally changed my way of seeing anxiety. I no longer fear anxiety anymore because anxiety and all of its symptoms are uncomfortable but they aren’t dangerous (I’ve had panic attacks so severe I literally thought I was dying and they never actually hurt me in any way)This removes the fear of the fear and eventually removes irrational anxiety.&#160;</p><p></p><p>2. These videos by Dr. Harry Barry explain the same ideas in the book and just help to reinforce all of the ideas. See the YouTube link below. Watch all of his videos over and over and over. This new way of thinking about anxiety works. You realize that anxiety can’t hurt you and end up seeing it for what it is...a lie that can’t harm you. Once this really takes root in your mind anxiety begins to vanish. It won’t happen over night but it will happen if you practice these ideas.</p><p></p><p></p><p>I have to go now but I’ll check in with you guys soon. Goodnight! Good luck! You are not alone! &#160;I love you.</p><p></p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the link(s) directing to site(s) unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.[/b]</p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts</a></p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages</a></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-07T20:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shippy-1031917" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fearingfear-1091409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shippy-1031917" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey friend! I’ve dealt with anxiety for my entire adult life. Please believe when I tell you that the fact you deal with anxiety doesn’t mean you’re crazy. You are not alone. There are literally MILLIONS of people on the planet silently suffering just like you.&#160;</p><p></p><p>This book has changed my entire view on anxiety and fear. I am really a transformed person because of it. It’s called&#160;Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks Fast by [b]Barry McDonagh[/b]. Please check it out. I’m not selling anything here. Just trying to help.</p><p></p><p>I don’t fear the anxiety or panic attacks anymore because I know that they can’t hurt me. The constant fear I live in is losing power day by day. There is a path out and that path is realizing the truth and self compassion...at least for me. Everyone’s journey is different. Just know that there is hope!&#160;</p><p></p><p>I have to go now but I’ll check back in later!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T20:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shippy-1031917" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fearingfear-1091409" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for that will have a look for book, I&#39;m at the point where I will try anything??&#127880;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-09T13:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fearingfear-1091409" ], "content": [ "<p>I have bought the [b]Dare book[/b]mbut i am finding it difficult to read as it seems to revolve a lot around panic attacks which i dont have. I have a cery hifh anxiety when waking which stays with me so much i dont ahieve much in a day. &#160;I can still go out but prefer to stay home. Everything scares me since the beginning of this illness and to wake up feeling likemthat is awful. &#160;Psych has tried numerous anti deps but they make me feel so ill. &#160;He says imhave anxiety, not depression and told me to stop mirtazapine and im now only on diazepam which isnt helping the feelings much.</p><p></p><p>is there any part of the book which would help me with plain anxiety, not panic attacks?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-06T09:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shippy-1031917" ], "content": [ "did you find the book and did it help.?" ], "date": [ "2017-12-06T09:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have had weak legs on and off for months, plus shaky hands, headaches been to Docs who say nothing serious its Anxiety been seeing a Counsellor for a month but not sure if it&#39;s helping or not still have few more sessions to go!!!</p><p>i have no energy, have left my job just feel nothing is easing</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T20:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley01293-1007942" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kallen4577-1008497" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley01293-1007942" ], "content": [ "<p>Ashley, please please please follow up on here after you see your neuro. I&#39;m having the exact same symptoms and am extremely interested in that you find out. Wishing you the best. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-07T20:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james36953-1375200" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley01293-1007942" ], "content": [ "@ashley01293 how did you get on with this?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-10T13:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james36953-1375200" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kallen4577-1008497" ], "content": [ "Hi Kallen, having the exact same now too, how did you get on with this?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-10T13:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Omg yes!! I&#39;m going thru it right now, was at er twice this week. I&#39;m so scared I&#39;ve got ms or als. I&#39;m so tired and muscles feel exhausted. It&#39;s almost like if you were lifting weights and you set them down, that feeling after words. That&#39;s how my arms and legs feel. I&#39;m so scared. I&#39;m afraid I&#39;m gonna die. I&#39;m</p><p>Going to see an neurologist Monday and I&#39;m so scared he&#39;s gonna say I have lugherits disease or ms. This hasppnes even when I&#39;m calm. That&#39;s why I&#39;m so scared &#128549;&#128549;&#128549;&#128549;please help.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-07T15:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kallen4577-1008497" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you so much for following up, 4soanxious. It really does help to see that others have similar experiences. Glad to hear you&#39;re beating it. Wish you all the best. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-09T00:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marilee43089-997141" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "<p>Glad to hear you are doing better Soanxious. &#160;Like others, I share a lot of your symptoms. &#160;I have some strange ones I won&#39;t bore you guys with right now. &#160;The weak legs with warm/cold sensations (I can&#39;t tell if they are warm or cold) is ongoing. &#160; I am an older women, and I have suffered with generalized anxiety since a child. &#160;It gets worse with age, believe me. &#160;Right now my anxiety is at an all time high because of another health issue I&#39;m having. &#160;I get this what I call a &#39;rush&#39; of what feels like electric current running through my body. &#160;It&#39;s short lived and happens mostly when in bed. &#160;It wakes me up. &#160;My legs feel like there is a mild electric current going through them all the time. &#160;I don&#39;t think they are weak; just feel that way.</p><p></p><p>Like a couple others here, the MS/ALS worry sends us into even more anxiety. &#160;I just saw a neurologist and I&#39;m scheduled for an EMG on 2/1/17. &#160;I&#39;m scared to death about that, and it&#39;s fueling more anxiety. &#160;Those of you that have had one, is it bearable? &#160;It can&#39;t rule out MS though. &#160;I guess if the EMG is ok, they proceed to a MRI or heavens forbid a spinal tap. &#160;&lt;sigh&gt;</p><p></p><p>I wish Ashley would give us a report on how she is doing.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-27T15:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel96348-1033013" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks it&#39;s so debilitating</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-15T21:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jazzygal202-1040512" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "<p>hi, idk if you still are active on this website or discussion but I am going through the same exact thing and it is a living hell for me and I&#39;m only 18! I just wanted to chat to you (if that is okay) for closure and to relieve my anxiety and overcome this because it is really ripping me apart. You&#39;re help is really appreciated! thank you</p><p></p><p>-Jay</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-08T18:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chayd8-1104883" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jazzygal202-1040512" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey, I&#39;m 20 and have had extreme panic attacks, anxiety, ocd, fatigue etc for the last 5 years. You&#39;re not alone and a might be useful to get your thyroid checked as apparently that can have a lot to do with anxiety. Contact me if you&#39;d like a friend in the same kind of situation as you</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-19T00:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miranda12824-966726" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chayd8-1104883" ], "content": [ "Hey I definitely need someone to chat with" ], "date": [ "2017-11-09T01:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tosha050715-905472" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/miranda12824-966726" ], "content": [ "I’m going through the same situation, it helps so much knowing others are going through the same thing. I don’t feel as crazy anymore. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2017-12-22T00:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marilee43089-997141" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re right Marilee, mine was manageable most of the time but when the late 50s and then the 60s came-oh boy, it&#39;s way worse without estrogen! I too like CBTherapy, medicare doesn&#39;t pay for a counselor but there are lots of good books, workbooks and videos about Cognitive Behavior Therapy. I like one tip it gave me about trying to wait until my regular routine Dr appt when a symptom shows up rather then to make a special appt. I found this page because of googling leg cramps/weakness and have all of the above on this page. Hope your emg turned out ok Marilee.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-19T01:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrs_susan74280-1158680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marilee43089-997141" ], "content": [ "I no this was along time ago, but how are you getting on, I have the electric shock feelings, also menopausel age 58, are you on any medication now at all, " ], "date": [ "2018-07-29T09:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey guys! I wrote this post over a year ago and have come a long way since then. I know what it&#39;s like to feel this way and this site helped me alot so I hope I can do the same for you. I couldn&#39;t believe anxiety could cause all of these physical symptoms and actually had a nervous breakdown. I went to the dr every week, couldn&#39;t eat sleep, get out of bed or anything, I felt like I was going crazy. What I can tell you is anxiety really can cause all of these symptoms and it does get better. It took me a long time and I had this symptom, and a whole bunch of other ones. When one symptoms would go away I would get a new one and this went on for almost a year. I still get symptoms now but the more I tell myself it&#39;s just anxiety and try to if orenit goes away. Deep breathing really helps, I didn&#39;t think it did until I tried it. I also went for massages and taken warm baths in Epsom salts, as well as CBT. What I realized the more I read and the more I really thought about the symptoms in a better frame of mind and paid attention to my body I realized I was tensing all of the time. And now where in not as tense the symptoms aren&#39;t as bad but if I purposely tense my muscles I will get the same feelings.</p><p>Below w me when I tell you I have had every symptom and I was absolutely convinced I had MS. Still even today it crosses my mind sometimes but not nearly as bad as it was. I read how many people with anxiety thought they had this same disease and how common it was and I gradually and slowly started to feel better. I had weak feelings nunbness tingling burning sensations I had warm and cold sensations. I had them all. I went to a neurologist I went to doctors and every one of them told me it was anxiety and I didnt have MS or anything else I thought I had. When I get stressed now I will get symptoms and even when I don&#39;t feel stressed I still get them but the more I tell myself it&#39;s just anxiety the faster it goes away. I hope this helps. Anxiety is horrible and I&#39;m scared to go through what I went through last year again and I hope I can keep it manageable and never have to again bc it&#39;s the worst feeling in the entire world </p><p></p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-18T13:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lalithsaikumar4-1007692" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousdove-949469" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lalithsaikumar4-1007692" ], "content": [ "Hope you are doping well..I have the same symtoms..how are you managing now" ], "date": [ "2018-03-07T13:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello soanxious. Since more than one month I&#39;m facing lot of problems with my health just similar to u. Is it really anxiety ? Even I had been to many doctors and all are saying that it&#39;s just anxiety. But I&#39;m getting some unusual pains in my toes with horrible fingers tingling, dizziness, tired muscles and many. I keep on thinking about these pains since morning to night. It&#39;s really creating hell and I&#39;m unable to concentrate on anything. I got every test done and all were normal. Please help me out.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-27T03:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rain78425-1355441" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi pl help. suddenly i am strugjling to walk. its like im carrying 2 bags of sugar on each leg. It's been 2 months and the feeling is getting worse. what's wrong with me?? " ], "date": [ "2021-02-03T23:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julia07181-1353997" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, I've had weakness in my arms for a month now. It feels like I've lifted heavy weights or they are bruised. I also get neck pain and twitches all over my body. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-04T07:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget67938-1357353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "are you still having these symptoms today? i feel feeling the same way for almost two months been to the hospital multiple times every time i went i got told i was fine my heart was fine and my blood work came back normal. im getting really scared and concered im weak on my legs and arms every single day its getting tiring " ], "date": [ "2021-02-14T17:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridget67938-1357353" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "are you still having these symptoms today? i feel feeling the same way for almost two months been to the hospital multiple times every time i went i got told i was fine my heart was fine and my blood work came back normal. im getting really scared and concered im weak on my legs and arms every single day its getting tiring " ], "date": [ "2021-03-03T12:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sammi17506-925144" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hiya yes i know how ur feeling my legs and arms are weak ive been struggling since november i started feeling of balance and since then ive lost 3 stone been in hospital twice cant sleep my brain wont switch of . my back burning but cold my eyes keep going blurry im a mess" ], "date": [ "2021-03-03T12:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sally31946-1364417" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you are not alone in this ,battling with anxiety is not easy, especially when your trying to stay focus and you cant do anything , ive been trying to meditate if it can help" ], "date": [ "2021-03-13T12:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phoebe604-207965" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have severe health anxiety. At the moment i have muscle twitching which is freaking me out. Dr google didnt help" ], "date": [ "2021-03-15T19:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phoebe604-207965" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have severe health anxiety. At the moment i have muscle twitching which is freaking me out. Dr google didnt help" ], "date": [ "2021-03-15T19:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julia07181-1353997" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I totally sympathise. I have had a weak left arm for a week now after I discovered a tremor in my hand. The tremor could have been because I was lacking energy at the time but because I've manifested that there has to be something wrong with me, I've had the arm weakness and the tremor hasn't gone away. Deep down I know it's just anxiety, but the battle is to convince our mind and body to relax and not manifest negative thoughts and fear. Best wishes " ], "date": [ "2021-03-30T14:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole94497-1367618" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been dealing with anxiety off and on for years now but the last year or so it has gotten much worse. I can barely drive now because of the dizziness or just the feeling of being off. Just this morning I woke up with leg weakness and slight headache now my body is in fight or flight mode and I don't know if I'm cold or just shaking from the anxiety. How do I work like this? I can't keep calling out, no more sick time or pto." ], "date": [ "2021-03-30T14:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kekeii-1367627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel the same way. i am feeling weak and tingling in legs which makes me so scared. Also when i walk i feel like im going to fall and my head feels so heavy iv been thinking somethings wrong with me " ], "date": [ "2021-03-30T15:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joshbailey-1131601" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yeah ive been having anxiety for 3-4years now, started off from when i turned over in bed and something twinged in my chest and it was so painful i thought it was a heart attack, thats when i started to notice my body more, that was 2017 i think, i also was very ill with flu over christmas 2017 aswell and thought i was dying, ever since then i was never the same, 2018 and 19 were just panic attacks and breaks inbetween, but 2020 and 2021, i feel even worse, i just wake up nauseous and panicky, my anxiety has taken over my life and i cant tell whats anxiety or whats potentially a threatning illness anymore, but recently ive been waking up nauseous as i said, some days i cant even eat, my legs feel weak when im overly stressed, i too get that weird burning in my arms and chest aswell and sometimes legs but mainly chest and arms although i dont get it often, i feel detatched like asif im in prison and everything outside isnt real or is a different dimension its so hard to explain, my frame of time is skewed, like when i wake up in the morning, last night felt like 1 month ago and the days feel so long yet so short its very strange, the day will drag on but at the end the day feels short then i sleep and last night felt like an eternity ago, things a month ago feel like a different lifetime ago, but yet things before my anxiety like school feel like its a few years ago even though i left school in 2013 i find it hard to believe its been 8 years.. i also get more and more tense throughout the day and usually im struggling to breathe at night with a tight throat and chest. i do get heart palpitations but not all the time which is strange, usually if i have a full blown panic attack or ring for an ambulance its 120-140bpm but most of the time when im not full blown panic its at like 60-80bpm which worries me because im like these symptoms are a heart problem because my heart rate isnt increasing with my anxiety. its awful it really is :( if you need to talk feel free to DM me.. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-03T16:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosie21223-1368322" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've been experiencing the same thing in both arms along with numbness and bad chest pains...I've never had anxiety this bad but for the past few weeks it's really getting to me. People are telling me I'm fine and not to worry but I wouldn't be thinking about it if I couldn't feel it and have to keep telling myself I'm being stupid, even my dr doesn't seem to care.... so here I am seeking comfort from others that might have similar symptoms is it common to feel like this most of the day??" ], "date": [ "2021-04-03T21:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean59119-1368378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean59119-1368378" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "well im affraid im giving in and im going to book another drs appointment, im just not convinced its anxiety related. last night I fealt calm and not anxious at all, yet my arms fealt as though they were being squeezed and had a burning feeling, it was soo hard trying to sleep, this morning I feel so scared that its something serious" ], "date": [ "2021-04-08T07:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jackg92-1370006" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sean59119-1368378" ], "content": [ "Hi Sean,\r\n\r\njust been reading your story mate and this is me to a tee right now! just thought i'd see how you got on at the doctors? \r\n\r\ni'm going next week to see a neurologist \r\n\r\nhope all is well \r\n\r\nJack " ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T20:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I too am suffering from this. it started a couple weeks ago. I had been sitting and all of sudden my right foot just went cold and then I had a pain in my leg, went to doctors and they ruled out blood clot but didnt know what was causing it. Then the next day it was my hands and arms that were going cold so rang the drs back and they said if your foot or hands arent turning blue then theres probably nothing to worry about. everyday since, my arms feel like they are being squeezed slightly with a slight burning/ tingling/ pulled muscle feeling. I also get the pain back in my leg which feels like a pulled muscle or dead leg. its soo annoying, I just want to get back to normal but I think ive convinced myself its a circulation issue. I believe this all started after I had heard about potential blood clots from the vaccine (ive not had mine yet) Anxiety sucks" ], "date": [ "2021-04-04T21:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn81303-1379924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes i am going through this now weakness with arms as i tend to sit tenced all day without knowing it so when i relax for a breaf moment rhats when they feel heavy tired and legs to .. i have had this fir the past four weeks am a big mess at the minute i have all kinds of test all normal two mri fine .. but i still feel like doctors have it wrong but i need to get more help with thoughts that i have these illneses that scare me x " ], "date": [ "2021-07-06T11:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn81303-1379924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i do latley my weakness jumps from hands to arms legs i am so anxous to it scares me .. i had mri and bloods all normal " ], "date": [ "2021-07-08T09:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fit82595-1381590" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I think you might be suffering from any internal health problem, or it can be because of stress also. Are you stressed about something?" ], "date": [ "2021-07-08T12:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hank24178-1387602" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/prettimuchh-1425093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hank24178-1387602" ], "content": [ "omg i am to going through the same exact thinf\r\nive been to the emergenxy room 3 times this month\r\nheadache\r\nleg pain\r\nheart palputations\r\nfeeling very light headed and dizzy\r\nwhen i get to the hospital my EKG is mormal my blood work is normal and i dont understand how i can feel like this and have no problems. it is scaring me i am losing sleep and cannot focus on my business" ], "date": [ "2022-04-26T03:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I can really relate to this I feel like I am going to have a heart attack anytime my stress and anxiety has never been so high my arms,hands,teeth,jaw,head,chest just everything hurts.....I have been to the hospital a few times the past few months and blood take blood pressure meds now but usually just sent home....so scared I have been making videos for my kids on my phone scared I won't wake up" ], "date": [ "2021-07-15T00:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joaquin00537-1124270" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/prettimuchh-1425093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joaquin00537-1124270" ], "content": [ "i promise i am going through thr same exact issue right now\r\ni have been to the emegency room 3 times rhis month \r\nnormal EKG normal blood test resilts everything is normal! not knowing what is goong on with me is goving me more stress\r\nmy legs hurt so much and im feeling tingling im also have gastro problems as well\r\ndoes anyone have any recomondations" ], "date": [ "2022-04-26T03:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "For the past week I have been having pains in my neck whenever i move it and also my wrists and hands which feel sharp. I have had many panic attacks the past week and they have gotten worse. Im scared that i have something major like MS or something since i feel like i cant even walk or stand. My whole body feels weak and i get really scared and sad. I have been to the hospital like 7 times in the past two weeks and they say nothing is wrong with me. I also have been to my normal gp and they brush it off as anxiety and dont even recommend me to a neurologist. Right now i feel weak and also pains but i dont know if they are muscular or nerves or veins. I have been scared for the past days and cant stop thinking what it might be." ], "date": [ "2021-07-20T02:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kerii-1397340" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "you are not alone. Everyday i feel super weak on the left side. even my organs feel weak. its so frustrating " ], "date": [ "2021-09-14T22:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dalys77030-1398719" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have been the same way for 8 months and no help. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T19:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/prettimuchh-1425093" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am to feeling the exact same way\r\nive been to the emegency room 3 x this month\r\nEKG looks normal blood work is great and i still feel like im having heart problems\r\ni am very scared and its making me looae my appetite ive lost 10 pou ds and i am scared every single day, does anyone have any recommendations to feel better" ], "date": [ "2022-04-26T03:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paola56442-1135258" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I been having these symptoms too. There been times when im driving and I feel like i need to pull over because im going to faint. Now every time im goimg to drive, i get anxiety. Its so scary and i feel helpless. Im on prozac 10mg, on my 2nd week. I hope they start working soon." ], "date": [ "2017-12-31T00:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cemal07299-1150599" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becks4580-1141897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cemal07299-1150599" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, I&#39;ve been having very similar symptoms. Mine have in the main been put down to anxiety and having a slipped disc in my neck. I saw an Orthopedic specialist last year due to having weird sensations in my lower back and pelvis, an MRI revealed a disc problem. Due to poor posture and working at a desk all day this has impacted on my lower back so I get those weird pains/sensations in my legs. When I get the feelings my anxiety is terrible which makes feelings worse so I get in vicious circle. I&#39;ve seen a neurologist too who believes it&#39;s most likely linked to my cervical disc problem. I totally understand how you feel it takes over your life and I avoid certain things as I&#39;m convinced I&#39;ll keel over. I hope you get to the bottom of it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T06:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cemal07299-1150599" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/becks4580-1141897" ], "content": [ "I hope you feel better too.\r\nI’m so stressed out, I already diagnose my self with MS based on my symptoms \r\nThey are matching on the internet.\r\nI’m like a vegetable from anxiety " ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T12:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becks4580-1141897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cemal07299-1150599" ], "content": [ "<p>The anxiety is so debilitating. I did the exact same so my GP referred me to a neurologist for my peace of mind but only because I had medical insurance as she said she did not have enough concerns to refer via NHS. I got myself so worked up about it that became worse that the sensations. The neurologist said the best thing is always get things checked out and not to put it off and that although the internet is full of useful info, the symptoms we read on the internet are only one part of the puzzle and only a doctor can diagnose taking the whole picture into account. I really hope you get to the bottom of things sooner rather than later and try to stay positive. It is hard but at least you&#39;re now under a professional that knows better than any internet </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-02-16T17:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cemal07299-1150599" ], "content": [ "Don’t try to self diagnose, I had all symptoms of MS matching 100 percent and was sure to have it. The symptoms can come from other problems as well and you not even find out what caused them. It happened to me...let the doctor do tests....I hope you’re well soon" ], "date": [ "2018-03-18T16:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valerie04723-1129979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cemal07299-1150599" ], "content": [ "I know that one only too well.." ], "date": [ "2018-03-20T14:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I’m 52 years old male pretty strong all my life and healthy till now.\r\nI start seen double vision and tingling on my arms week later numbness on my face burning sensation in my mouth.\r\nI’m\r\nVery weak on my thighs  I developed depression with these symptoms.\r\nHospital did head and neck CT Scan and blood work, everything came normal,they suggest optomologist \r\nI went to optomologist everything was fine, next step I went to neurologist, I told him my problems, he ordered me a cervical neck MRI, Wich I get it done last week,results came in but I wouldn’t know till this coming Friday.\r\nI’m so depressed do not know what to do and what’s wrong with me?\r\nI’m so depressed that I can’t function \r\nVery weird feeling" ], "date": [ "2018-02-14T01:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/m18423-1166591" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kade1111-1161943" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kade and everyone,</p><p>I&#39;m going through the same thing right now and it really scares me. I haven&#39;t been diagnosed with anxiety, but I feel as if I could have an acute version (if that&#39;s even a thing). I tell my parents (I&#39;m 18), but no one takes me serious. My body is tense (tingling/burning arms, heavy legs, neck pain) and it kinda feels like I have a pinched nerve or something. I went to the doctor about my leg and got pain meds, but I think the medicine started to cause the side effects I&#39;m feeling because I haven&#39;t felt like this since I started taking the medicine. I&#39;m always on the edge and I feel like I have all of these problems (looking online has been a killer and triggers me). I have another appointment. I&#39;ll keep everyone updated who&#39;s interested.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T15:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/m18423-1166591" ], "content": [ "<p>Looking online messes me up too!! Heart attacks &#160;run in my family and I keep thinking I’m having one. It’s a terrible cycle . Chest pains and burping up air .. and when the anxiety is gone of course so are the symptoms. But when it happens it’s hard to stop the spiral &#128556;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T19:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes, I&#39;ve totally stopped going to webmd, lol but I think patient sites like this are good-they&#39;re reassuring rather than worrying. My husband has had 20 cardiac events and procedures in 20 years so that is a very big deal with me too though he usually tell me no you&#39;re ok. Nut now they are putting on those public service announcements that say well women are different and have heart attacks differently (which he also tel me is bull most of the time) and I DID have two co workers diagnosed with heart attacks that turned out not to be heartn attacks. What an er Drtold me once (when I thought I was having a heart attack is that heart attack pains comes and doesn&#39;t go, When I described what I was having , she said that sounded like anxiety, muscles, digestive issues. Once when I was walking real fast I actually TRIED for the heavy pressure, won&#39;t go away pain and could only get the come and go muscular/digestive pain.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-08T22:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "content": [ "<p>That is me .. it comes and goes! And I tell myself no one has a heart attack every other day for a year! Plus 3 1/2 years ago they shot dye into my heart and did a scan to see if there were any partial blockages.. everything was 100 clear.. so I tell myself they don’t block up that quick . But sometimes the anxiety gives me those symptoms and I can barely fight it. I can go for a few weeks and be ok.. then something triggers it.. and is seems to last for a couple days. Totally sucks .. thanks for all your support and insight &#128513;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-09T03:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "<p>You know what your&#39;re doing right? That is part of Cognitive Behavior Therapy when you replay the logical input in your head &quot;I had the dye, things were clear and they don&#39;t clog up that fast after having the test&quot; &quot;And no one has heart attacks&#160; that often&quot;, to counter the negative &quot;I&#39;m having a heart attack&quot; input. Good for you! Like I said, there are still times when the crazy switch gets flipped and only a clonazepam and someone to talk you down works but you&#39;re making progress?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-09T19:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "content": [ "<p>Your so right! I’ll be good for a couple weeks and then one will hit and it gets aweful . Sometimes its just worrying ill&#160;have an anxiety attack that gets me feeling edgy ! Lol.. I’m looking forward to when I’m over it for good. It’s been a year of up and down with it. How long have you been going through it? Thanks for all your input &#128513;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T02:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m laughing (at myself really) at your &quot;when I&#39;m over it for good&quot; statement because I&#39;ve never been over it for good. I&#39;m in my mid sixties and had my first mondo attack that sent me to a hospital in 1980. Had had a bvaby a year before and have found out through the years and from DR.s that it can be triggered by hormones. During estrogen heavy years-it was something that would only happen now and then as a reaction to an event (and you&#39;re right, being a friend of having another attack can be an event in itself) and after getting off of hormones about ten years ago it moved in permanently. That&#39;s why I have to work on it so much now with the Cognitive Behavior Techniques and it helps. I also realized through my self-stude that I&#39;d had anxiety/phobia/avoidances even as a child. BUT it gets a lot better-we have a setback-then get up and keep going;) Remember. when your going through hell-keep going, lol.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T14:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I’ve recently been having very similar symptoms. Randomly having weak feeling arms/legs, tiredness. Then I started to have a bit of discomfort in my lower back and I then made the horrible decision to self-diagnose with google. That convinced me of so many terrible diseases that I can’t get them out of my mind and it has raised my stress and anxiety levels a lot.\r\n\r\nI went to a doctor a few days ago and told him everything, I had blood and urine tests done and nothing bad came up, just a bit dehydrated. I go back to have more tests done in a few days and check up with the doctor.\r\n\r\nI think my symptoms are due to anxiety because of how much they get worse when I think about them too much, or I develop new ones when I foolishly self-diagnose. But coming here and reading peoples similar symptoms attached to anxiety automatically makes me feel better. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-18T17:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aqua451-1369498" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carrie78527-1369700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aqua451-1369498" ], "content": [ "I love this❤🌷😁\r\n\r\nI am going to take a leaf from you! when I think my heart is going to explode what can I really do about it lol, and if I recite something similar that envokes entitlement here I should feel more grounded. I keep getting worried about taking a stroke that now I've kinda accepted it. I am a healthy 43 year old according to the NHS and it got that bad yesterday I phoned an ambulance, the staff were so kind and helpful. I have only started having panic attacks since my operation two months ago, I was traumatised by a procedure that took place before my actual surgery. I have always been quite a nervous person but never suffered panic attacks they are so REAL. I'm so glad you are owning your situation, thanks again for sharing, very helpful😊🌷" ], "date": [ "2021-04-11T23:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "These are things that have helped me or that I have learned about my anxiety. \r\n\r\nI learned that the cause of my anxiety is going through very very stressful moments in life (like problems or extreme period cramp pain) that my brain doesn't know how to cope with. So my mind sort of detaches itself. I then go through a fraction (not full on) depersonalization/derealization. I start to feel hopeless and I feel like not myself and a general feeling of something not being right. I start asking existential questions like why is this happening to me, will I have this for the rest of my life, why do people suffer like this, how much longer will I be able to withstand this, is there no hope.. etc. When I can't answer my own questions, the anxiety increases and I feel adrenaline rush through my veins which feel like acid, but now I know its just adrenaline. Then after, ever little feeling in my body is seen under a microscope wondering if it could be due to a disease I just haven't been diagnosed with. There were times I almost wished my symptoms were due to a disease just so that I can feel like my brain's imagination wasn't the one that betrayed me and in fact all my anxiety was not felt in vain. Yet that is not true because test come back normal and it all comes back to just being anxiety.\r\n\r\nTo cope with the existential questions, I now tell myself \"I belong\" repeatedly. If depersonalization/derealization means that you feel detached from your body then on the first sig of this I affirm in the most confident way \"I belong to my body, I belong to this earth, I deserve to feel happy and joy I am whole and not divided by parts (brain. body. symptoms), I am whole and complete and most importantly, s**t happens so get over it\" \r\n\r\nNow at the first symptom of anxiety, I quickly say this phrase in my head \"I don't care\". Like I'm telling my anxiety, \"listen, I see you trying to get my attention. You don't want me to forget you. I see you waving your arm saying, Remember me? Don't forget me! We belong together!, but I don't care!\" Then it feels like my anxiety symptoms and adrenaline rush quickly come and then fade..By this time my mind has already moved on to think about something else (I force myself to quickly think of something else, anything, to ignore my symptoms). This strategy welcomes my symptoms to pass through but not stay. I don't fight the symptoms because that means I will have to give them attention and energy. I now just say \"I don't care, move along\"\r\n\r\nI discovered this strategy 2 days ago by reading about depersonalization/derealization which was new to me. I researched this because 4 days ago I had a really bad episode which made me feel hopeless. So I have been trying this new strategy for 2 days and its working for me.\r\n\r\nAlso, if I start getting scared about reliving symptoms I say to myself that even if my symptoms come back they will never feel the same like before because tomorrow will be a new day with different factors that influence how you feel. So even if I do relive anxiety it doesn't mean it will feel like before. So I might as well try guessing the future and stop being scared or wasting energy thinking about what future symptoms will feel like.\r\n\r\nAnother thing I learned is that my Vitamin D levels are in fact low! During the times when my anxiety was the worse my D levels were the lowest.\r\n\r\nI also learned that I am very sensitive to hormonal changes in my body around my menstrual period. So, even when life gets stressful for me I can handle it if it happens between the day after my period up to ovulation. This is because my estrogen levels are the highest and which increase serotonin,and I feel the healthiest because our immune system is the strongest. But after these 15 days, after ovulatiom to the start of my period, estrogen drops dramatically. I feel ill, I have a runny nose, I feel weak, my mood feels like blah. Then when I am about to have my period my anxiety kicks in.\r\n\r\nThen I also discovered that when I take vitamin D supplements my menstrual cramps decrease significantly or are gone completely. I still have fatigue but no cramps.\r\nWith that said, during the times I have not been consistent taking my vitamin D, my period cramps are the worse. \r\n\r\nI have fibroids which should make my periods painful and they do, but not while vitamin D. So, this last time I wasn't consistent taking it and my period cramps were extremely painful. It didn't matter how many pain killers, heating pads,turmic pills I took, I felt so hopeless.\r\n\r\nSo, guess what? My brain couldn't cope and the days that followed I experienced everything I mentioned before. The pain felt so traumatic that later when the pain was gone I could be distracted thinking about something else. Then my mind out of nowhere would remind me if the trauma I had endured the day prior, and I would start crying out of fear. Then the anxiety would kick in. Then the questioning of why me why this would start. Then when I didn't have the answers I felt hopeless, then I would feel fear for feeling hopeless. Then the adrenaline would kick in. Then other new symptoms would arise giving me medical anxiety. Then the extreme fatigue would set. All this!!!!! \r\n\r\nSo now I say, I don't care! Anxiety knocks I answer. I don't care, move on, I give you permission to pass through but you cant stay no more. Go talk to someone who cares!\r\n\r\nDoing this isn't easy because every time I try I feel a bit of fear and doubt like I have no authority to demand such thing. Like who do I think I am that suddenly I grew some balls. My anxiety makes me doubt myself. But then I say to myself that I belong.. I belong... I BELONG! I have a right to advocate for myself. I have a human right to enjoy life like everyone else in this world and s**t happens so get over it!\r\n\r\nOkay so its only been 2 days doing this so wish me luck this keeps working for me!!!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T17:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carrie78527-1369700" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ashwaganda is a good herb for anxiety. my shoulders and arms get very weak and heavy and it makes my panic worse thinking its alot more serious, panic is awful. magnesium supplementation may also help. one day the doctors will hopefully be prescribing these types of treatments. I cant stress enough how daily exercise has helped me and doctors certainly reccomend this." ], "date": [ "2021-04-11T23:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valeria60965-1369847" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel the exact same and it gives me some comfort that I'm not alone. Remember you are not alone either." ], "date": [ "2021-04-12T18:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan30549-1370634" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i lost three of my siblings , two to cancer and one we dont know what she died of. I'm scared all the time , always think i have something terminal and I'm going to die. this has taken over my life my legs feel weak like I'm going to fall . The ER knows me on a first name basis its horrible . I can actually create symptoms of illness , it has become debilitating . There are people who don't get , you feel alone and crazy . " ], "date": [ "2021-04-16T20:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean7777-1370502" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello soanxious, I also have had really bad anxiety for the past 4 months, I have experienced an arrange of strange wired and terrible sensations! \r\n\r\nFrom shooting pains runing down my legs to my toes & from my sholders to my finger tips. Tingling sensations all over my body & the worst, buzzing sort of wave sensation in my brain, awful really really awful! \r\n\r\nI was a confident person before this, now I dread leaving the hosue, never mind talking to anyone. But I have came to accept it & now trying to deal with it, not getting into a massave panic anymore even know it gets really bad, few times I have nearly phoned an ambulance! \r\n\r\nYOU are not alone buddy, what you are feeling is natural, its you're body's way of dealing with stress, or other situations ie things in you're past, losing a loved one, relashonship. Could be a number of things that's triggerd this situation for yourself. \r\n\r\nYou're body is now locked up and in a hyper state of emotions, trying to protect itself from impact. (fight of flight) \r\n\r\nAlso you are more aware of sensations within you're body in this state, sort of scanning for issues, looking for reasson on why this is Happing. \r\n\r\nPlease be reassured, that you are fine! Unless you are in severe pain to the point you cannot physically do anything, then yes. Call a doctor straight away. \r\n\r\nDo some meditation, sounds so silly but it actually works, you need to take the tenson and focus away from them muscles, the more you worry the more they will tense up and the cycle will continue. \r\n\r\nYou are not alone, even know it feels that way you are not! And it will get better, but you need to accept it and work on it! \r\n\r\nWish you well on you're journey, S x" ], "date": [ "2021-04-19T20:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike-nzl-1160323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Are any of you guys dealing with the worst insomnia? i cant sleep for days, shake and high heart rate all night. urghh God I hope anxiety is not a life sentence." ], "date": [ "2021-04-17T20:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike-nzl-1160323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Are any of you guys dealing with the worst insomnia? i cant sleep for days, shake and high heart rate all night. urghh God I hope anxiety is not a life sentence." ], "date": [ "2021-04-17T20:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly86020-1347891" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes I know exactly what your feeling, I wake up with my arms and legs numbness and tingling them my heart starts to race. sometimes I feel like I'm having a heart attack, when it finally goes away I still feel a heaviness over my chest" ], "date": [ "2021-04-17T20:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly86020-1347891" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes I know exactly what your feeling, I wake up with my arms and legs numbness and tingling them my heart starts to race. sometimes I feel like I'm having a heart attack, when it finally goes away I still feel a heaviness over my chest" ], "date": [ "2021-04-17T20:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/serrgei-1370816" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "burning hands I have the same when my stress are over the roof, morning are the worst because stress hormone are more active in the morning" ], "date": [ "2021-04-18T15:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan24643-1372340" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maria82497-1374901" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susan24643-1372340" ], "content": [ "omg!! yesss!!! i got pfizzer 3 weeks ago.i have been getting this \"spells\" where i feel really bad, dizzy, off, like panic attacks and my legs feel like jelly. went to er, had some test done sent me home, still feeling like \" doom\".going to GP on monday. What symthons did you have?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T17:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn81303-1379924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maria82497-1374901" ], "content": [ "funny because all my started after my first jab then started to go then after second jab it cone on me worse the dizziness GAD is out of controll now " ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T18:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Have you or has anyone else on here complaining of the same had their Covid vaccine? I've been feeling this way ever since I had the Oxford AZ on the 12th of February." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T17:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew5060-1370712" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Believe me when I say that I suffer almost constantly with burning pains across back, shoulders & down both arms most of the day at the moment. I have severe anxiety but only pop an occasional diazapam for it and I struggle with SSRIs/SNRIs. I would describe the burning pains as pins & needles on steroids. It's often worse at night when lying down. I know why I'm stressed but won't go into details here." ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T09:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yeah, there is an acute anxiety, My Dr. once described it as &quot;debilitating&quot; anxiety. They upped meds for a few months and it backed down to &quot;garden variety&quot; anxiety , lol. If they gave you an antidepressant, yes is does cause side effects. If nobody else believes you, we do here. And there is a possibility your folks are trying to downplay it thinking that&#39;s what will be best for you b/c they don&#39;t know how they should treat you. Prayers and hugs?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-30T15:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris39129-1157860" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I had similar senssations besides burning in the arms.</p><p></p><p>This may not work for you but it worked brilliantly for me.</p><p></p><p>1.&#160; I saw a naturopath who told me that my nerves were damaged from my past history of drug use and fear-based bhaviour.&#160; She advised I cut caffeine and sugar completely from my diet.&#160; Also to eat four times a day, and take a mineral supplement with magnesium and calcium in equal amount. This would calm my nerves, restore my health, and help with my constant fear.&#160; (It did).&#160; She also advised taking up [b]Vipassana[/b] meditation course and learning to properly meditate.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve done the former but not the latter yet, and let me tell you the difference is awesome, i&#39;m calmer and I sleep better and though the anxiety and fear is still there, I can live my life now if that makes sense.&#160; Can&#39;t wait to see the idfference once I start a meditation course!!</p><p></p><p>2. What are the bad habits you have in your life??&#160; You don&#39;t have to answer.&#160; For instance do you stay awake at night playing computer games or p0rn for hours on end?&#160; This might give you weakness / funny sensations in your arms.</p><p></p><p>3.&#160; How are you sleeping?&#160; a good nights sleep can help restore your energy, feel less anxious.&#160; I started sleeping on the floor recently after reading some good articles about its benefits.&#160; (On a blanket on the carpeted floor).&#160; Again, this is just what works for me.</p><p></p><p>But basically take a good look at the natural things you can control: diet,&#160; sleep, replacing good habits with bad ones.</p><p></p><p>Finally, allow yourself to see this as a chance to improve!!&#160; Yes I know its hard when your stuck in the middle of a f*cking huge dark cloud, but you might look back later and see how this made you grow.&#160; Don&#39;t let it make you become a victim, then you will feel hopless and negative.&#160; Allow it to empower you and do your best to feel positive, with the small steps you take every day to improve.</p><p></p><p>If worse comes to worse you can also manage it with medication and /or natural treatments like St John&#39;s Wort, even melatonin (which will also help you sleep).</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-09T03:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/micaela28677-1169770" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m the same exact way... Its completely normal and nothing to worry about. I&#39;ve found that some days you just have to take a break and relax. I hope you&#39;re able to get some relaxation and feel better!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-09T11:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila222-1169442" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "content": [ "Hi!\r\nI feel when my anxiety is up I get tingly -numb feelings in my arms and legs. They also feel weak. After an episode of anxiety I am extremely tired and feel exahsted. I also get an upset stomach . I will have heartburn and burp a lot . Rolaids really help . I take Ativan when I feel a bad one coming on. .5 does the trick and I calm down, and all my symptoms go away. Sometimes I get very tight in the neck , shoulders and back, so a warm bath or towel relax me. It’s a horrible thing to go through, and it messes with your body, which messes with your head! I would go to the adr and see what they can do to help! " ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T04:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina64314-1132878" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "content": [ "Hello Cynthia , I hope your tests come all out fine. I’ve been going through this problem as well and still experience weak legs and arms and having issues because of it all day long in daily life. Plus is gives me extreme anxiety , which I don’t know anymore if it makes it worse or if there is something really wrong with me...i did Bunch of tests, like mri , electric nerve test, ct scans and ultrasounds - without anything showing ....try to not think about the worst and find ways to relax . I hope you are better soon ! " ], "date": [ "2018-07-28T12:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Soanxious,  I am 69 yrs old  I have had severe Anxiety in 2007 and was put on ss dissability.  My doctor put me on Busbar, Lorasapam, and Zoloft 200 mg at night.  I have been taking that  for 11 years and I have in the last 5 yrs just keep going down hill.  last few months I have had very week legs and my arms.  sick to my stomach and every symptom that comes with MS. except one.  so I have been going to dr and getting test done.  to see what is wrong.  Now  reading hear I am thinking its my Anxiety or the meds I am taking  I also have Vertigo bad  and hate it .  I have ringing in my ears and ocean roaring.  I am really bothered with all this as  I keep getting worse.  Thanks for everyones opinions.  It helps." ], "date": [ "2018-07-27T22:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katemhill-1252527" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/salma96109-1262089" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/katemhill-1252527" ], "content": [ "hi katemhil\r\nhow are you feeling now ?\r\nI have lot of weakness in my legs and arms \r\na room cleaning has become a task for me \r\nwhich was not a problem for me untill 2 months b4.\r\nI have stopped doing exercise \r\nand avoid walking unnecessarily\r\nit makes me feel more tired \r\nmy energy levels take longer n longer to come back\r\nbut they never came back to normal " ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T12:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am very happy to have found this discussion thread. I have been experiencing the same issues the last two weeks. Went to the ER yesterday, CT scans and blood tests. Everything came back normal except maybe a small sinus issue. I have had burning/tingling sensations, extreme fatigue, weak arms and legs, dizziness. All of the above. I have and appt with my doctor tomorrow and am thinking about seeing a neurologist. Anyone have any progress with their symptoms? " ], "date": [ "2020-05-26T12:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Yes, symptoms went away after a couple of months." ], "date": [ "2019-07-02T16:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sara69226-1261326" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexandria92879-1349564" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sara69226-1261326" ], "content": [ "I too get knee pains and leg aches. Its awful!!" ], "date": [ "2021-02-04T01:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey... I see this is an old post, but I wanted to say that I am experiencing the same and I guess it's because of anxiety. My legs and arms feel so weak. Also my knees hurt. I' ve been under health anxiety for almost two months now and it looks like it's getting worse, every day something new, ugh! \r\nHas anyone else experienced this kind of muscle aches? \r\nThanks " ], "date": [ "2021-02-04T01:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becks4580-1141897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi, yes i used to when my anxiety was at its worst. My arms used to be tired and achy from just carrying the washing basket. i used to take beta blockers to help and they worked and also saw a neurologist. he advised my sense of muscle weakness and aches was linked to my anxiety and once id controlled it, symptoms relieved. I've recently had a spell of anxiety and the symptoms came back and slightly worse. sadly its a vicious circle the more anxious you feel, the worse the symptoms, the worse the anxiety. i found mindfullness really helped. good luck " ], "date": [ "2019-08-30T06:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/holly70208-1354373" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi there\r\ni am 26 years old and a single mum! im suffering so bad with my anxiety atm, i can feel a numb tingling pressure feeling in my temple and round my eye my eye feels heavy and strained i get heavyness in my arm and leg, i feel like im having a stroke! im so sick of feeling this way its really getting me down. ?can anybody else refer to this?" ], "date": [ "2021-01-29T11:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/holly70208-1354373" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes i have this\r\nits really horrible\r\ni panic im having a stroke all the time\r\ni get pita pata feelings in my temple to" ], "date": [ "2021-01-29T12:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rain78425-1355441" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi need help and advice.\r\nMy legs have suddenly become very heavy and I struggle to walk. It's like I'm carrying 2 bags of sugar on each leg. plus my feet are always cold. making me very anxious. Any advice to overcome this. Pl help.im going out of my mind " ], "date": [ "2021-02-03T23:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Have u been to docs and getting some help x" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T20:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "content": [ "I have been to the dr alot. I am going to a psychologist but it's not helping and I have been taking sertraline for about 5 weeks now " ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T23:10+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Most days Tracy don't worry u are not alone x" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T20:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/catherineb24-912036" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/catherineb24-912036" ], "content": [ "Of course it is Catherine nd that is the best way around knowing and dealing with it , and yeah what I would give to be the person I was who I still feel like but just ain't x" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T20:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/catherineb24-912036" ], "content": [ "What strange feelings do you experience? This is so horrible I can't cope with it at all:( I think I get every symptom possible. I get muscle twitches and little jerks I guess you call them I get lightheaded like I'm going to faint and feel weak and sweaty chills almost flu like feeling muscle aches and pains muscle tension tingles and little pulling sensations in my hand and fingers do you get these?" ], "date": [ "2015-12-20T00:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deniselola57-1028374" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/catherineb24-912036" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Catherine have you ever had a feeling like your body going to give way I&#39;ve been suffering anxiety and depression 12 months but has got bad recently I can&#39;t believe it&#39;s anxiety</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-06T20:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dbmetsfan-954706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/deniselola57-1028374" ], "content": [ "Hi Denise I too feel like you. It seems like everyday something else is wrong. I have been feeling chest pain then I feel my arm is weak and chest pain goes away. I have convinced myself of every disease out there. I just want to live a normal life again and not wake up in the morning wondering what ailment is gong to eat away at me today. This has been almost 2 years now. Before this nothing ever bothered me. After an incident I had nothing has ever been the same" ], "date": [ "2022-12-24T18:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "I get all that  except pulling in my hands  and i get vertigo, sweats,\r\nsick to my stomach. i have slight headache every day.  so I hope  someone can help with what to do.  thanks" ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T19:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marla57360-731355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cynthia32743-1198987" ], "content": [ "I get the slight headache daily too. And I feel like I am swaying when I walk or a bit dizzy. My neuro told me to try to balance on each foot for about 30seconds and if I can, chances are no brain tumor or major neuro issue. I try to remember that and do it daily. I also get the tinglies in my arms and legs and feet which freaks me out but I got used to it and realized it was anxiety. THis last episode was a headache that felt like sinus and was all face pressure but I felt foggy and a bit off balance but not 100 pct dizzy. I still feel the same and cant get in the dr for tests till Mid March so here I wait wondering what disease I have now. It truly sucks to have health anxiety. I pray for us all. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-24T05:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/clare11315-900433" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marla57360-731355" ], "content": [ "hi, i came across your post and i had been exactly the same the last few week. how are you now? did it turn out to be anxiety symptoms? i would love to hear how you are getting on now " ], "date": [ "2021-06-12T14:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn81303-1379924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marla57360-731355" ], "content": [ "i get these symptoms i am having mri but my doctor said shes not worried about me sje doin it to reasure me and them coz i am of balance alot dizzi am drained weak its horrible anxiety had it since i was a child am 49 now but had a good 15 years of no anxiety until now but i had a lot of stress with my partner drinkin helping him that this is how it come out on me after 2 years of dealing with his drinkin .. i just hope mu scan dont show anythin bad al be worried sick till av had it x i think av got all kinds of things when you have health anxiety you think the worse . " ], "date": [ "2021-06-25T13:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ingrid09179-1386002" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marla57360-731355" ], "content": [ "sounds like you have health anxiety! check out the anxiety guy on YouTube! " ], "date": [ "2021-07-05T11:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel like I'm not myself too I hate been like this I've had anxiety issues for 3 years but intense like this for 5 month I just want to be normal again I've experienced all sorts of strange feelings with my anxiety bit it is just that anxiety X " ], "date": [ "2022-12-24T18:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "How long have u suffered Pamela , are u on any meds x" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T20:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "content": [ "I've had anxiety most of my life but I've been suffering these symptoms for about 5 months but intense since Oct. I've tried many meds none help I've seen a psychiatrist too. I'm still trying to find a med that will help me. I'm so scared its a heart condition and I feel nobody listens to me :-(" ], "date": [ "2021-05-13T11:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "You probably no without me saying this but it is most likely anxiety, no matter how long or what u deal with for so many years it just strikes and feel like u can't cope and symptoms are different x" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T21:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "content": [ "I agree about symptoms being different I've never had them like this before and I mean these are scary. How does one deal with a body that don't function any ideas? Cause deep breathing and mind distraction doesn't take them away" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T21:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "Tricky one , is it maybe because it's still on your mind as I no what u have just said don't always work for me x" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T21:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "content": [ "It may be that its still on my mind its all horrible\r\n" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T21:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "It is that Pamela I'm having a really tough time at the minute, really dizzy feel like I'm gona pass out , pains in me chest n arm x" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T21:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "content": [ "I have that too Derek alot everyday" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T22:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "Being scared can caus alot of symptoms,sounds like you might be scareing yourself into your symptoms." ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T02:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "Do you have the heavy eyes feeling itd hard to explain but it feels like you kind of have to squint especially if your out in like the mall or grocery store? My head feels like going to explode :( like it's swimming. I can't believe anxiety can make me feel like a different person and I really feel like I will never get myself back" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T22:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "content": [ "I was just out at the grocery store and i felt like I was going to faint my palms were sweaty I felt like I couldn't breathe and my arms and legs felt so weak. I wanted to cry. I just want this to stop :(" ], "date": [ "2015-12-19T23:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "My eyes feels dry and burns at times, but sometimes they feel heavy like I'm tired is that what you mean? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-13T11:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "Kind of I guess. And mine burn and are dry too but I notice when I'm in a store where the lights are different I feel almost like I have to squint as if it is sunny" ], "date": [ "2015-12-20T00:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "At times my eyes when looking at things it seems like what I'm looking at will move but it didnt" ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T11:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sylvia82218-1029733" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Pamela,</p><p></p><p>I feel the same. I&#39;m going for a cardiac ultrasound when I get the call but my doctor doesn&#39;t think thwre&#39;s anything wrong with my heart. Last friday I drove myself to emerg as I was having flutters everywhere but mostly in what felt like my stomach but it turns out that my pulse was 158 bps. My heartrate is always been 65-67. I have no highblood pressure, no meds at all except for zantac. They had to do a cardioversion in order to get it back to normal. I was freaking inside. It&#39;s like rebooting a pc they said. They also said that it&#39;s cery common and that they don&#39;t think it&#39;s my heart. Probably anxiety . Suffered from depression/anxiety all my life. You are not alone. Thank you for sharing everyone. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-06T21:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sylvia82218-1029733" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "<p>What about your symptoms makes you scared that it&#39;s ykur heart hon? </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-07T18:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steven84361-976761" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lee12629-903465" ], "content": [ "Can you scare yourself into feeling symptoms? Because I totally believe that is me!!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T02:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lanvyn-933547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/derek1980-902349" ], "content": [ "Hi Pamela!!! Did you get better from your anxiety? How do you feel now! What helped You??? " ], "date": [ "2017-12-06T04:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lanvyn-933547" ], "content": [ "I would like to know that too. I presume i have same as you, fear of everything, especially on waking.  Dont know what to do to help it go away.  Petrified of all sorts as i wake.  Gets a bit better as day goes on.  Have you found anything to help?" ], "date": [ "2017-12-06T09:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah7890-1169254" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "Hi! I know this is 2 years old but wanted to try to reach out. Are you female? Got heavy eyes/squinting symptom very much struck a cord and I have an idea? " ], "date": [ "2018-04-07T13:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/keena0902-1195509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hannah7890-1169254" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Hannah. I am a female, 35 years old and I have suffered from the muscles weakness in my arms and legs for a couple of months now. Here recently I find myself squinting a lot with my eyes and sensitive to light. My symptoms make my anxiety worst! I am on Lamictal as a mood stabilizer and Xanax for my anxiety. I didn&#39;t have these issues before starting my meds. My psychiatrist cut my Lamictal in half. I briefly had a little relief but now it&#39;s just as bad as before. Any ideas?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-14T22:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrs_susan74280-1158680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "Yes I get the swaying eveyday, burning alot of times in legs night, feeling off balanced " ], "date": [ "2021-04-11T15:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "Ann I have the anxiety upon awakening like you., morninh and middle of the night awakening. " ], "date": [ "2018-07-29T14:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "content": [ "Have you found anything to help?" ], "date": [ "2018-07-29T19:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/patricia89592-1141579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "<p>First, being that it&#39;s usually in the middle of the night or early early in the morning. It&#39;s a convenient time to pray. I don&#39;t pray for me because I want to get out of my head so I do it for others. Next, and I get so sick of hearing this but it really does help, I do a cognitive behavior therapy exercise: &quot;Ok, you know this is going to pass soon because it always has before..&quot; etc. And after awhile I&#39;m feeling mor myself. As you posted, it&#39;s right whe&#160; you wake up and it&#39;s pretty distressing-how to stop THAT from happening, I don&#39;t know. I think it has been happening less lately, but it only just happened day before yesterday so it&#39;s fresh in my mind. As for the Cognitive Behavior Therapy, I didn&#39;t go to a Dr because medicare would never pay for that I&#39;m sure. I just ordered a self-directed workbook on [b]<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href=\"http://amazon.com\">amazon.com</a>[/b]. Whenever I have tried to read complete Books on CBT, I end up not finishing them because they just go on and on, you don&#39;t really need that information to ge the gist of how to do it. And it does work pretty well. I still take Klonipin though for bad anxiety attacks and insomina sometimes though. Klonipin also is great when you freak out at a symptom. If it IS just an anxiety syptom, it usually goes away. Unfortunately. it can also cause side effects and when I got the weak and shaky legs thing, that was one of the side effects (possibly). I didn&#39;t have to wonder long though because as soon as I told my PCP about the nerves, legs thing, it went away never to come back (at least so far) as anxiety symptoms tend to do only to be replaced by another at some future time, lol.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-07-30T00:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/makenna03808-1227265" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "content": [ "i know this is an older forum. i am suffering from this too at the moment and i cant figure it out. My one right eye is almost droopy or feels heavy. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-11T15:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lanvyn-933547" ], "content": [ "just wanted to give an update i know this was three years ago but i still suffer daily all day with these things. ive had my heart checked was all good ive seen an audiologist over a month ago seems nothing wrong with my ears causing any of this. what i have noticed is ive been having alot of tension in my neck that i think is causing my issues not anxiety. but it fuels my anxiety its been a very long road of not having my balance and things. im going to a chiropractor Friday hoping they can help me ive also had a dr that never listened to me and blew me off and so i stopped complaining and been suffering in silence. i also think hormonal changes is having some to do with all this and yea my eyes still seems not focused but is its all weird. " ], "date": [ "2019-07-04T00:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fsanchez-1253904" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "hello Pam, reading your story now i think it comes from anxiety too, i've dealing with GAD for 8 years, now i have the same issues you mentioned: neck, eyes and heavy legs especially in the Morning, i am being afraid that it is a cardiovascular problem but it seems its common in anxiety suferers, thanks for taking your time to write your updates, sorry for my English, its not my mother language" ], "date": [ "2021-05-13T15:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sammi17506-925144" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "hiya ive been ill since november lost 4 stone im still not conviced it just anxiety ive got brain fog insomina my head feels like a book i think ive got brain disease or tumour had loads blood test and they came back ok apart from iron but my head feels hot and strange got tinnitis bp and heart beat in my ears im constantly clearing my throat been hospital for chest pains but im conviced it something more doctors font want know " ], "date": [ "2021-03-25T19:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amy26902-1367196" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "im so sorry you're experiencing this ! i found this thread as im not letting myself google my symptoms so am looking for reassurance instead! I’d regularly go to the gp for something or another as my anxiety was really bad at the time and it took me 6 months to finally go to the gp and say I thought I had a brain tumour. The day after this appointment, my dizziness went. I’d lost so much of my time, not doing any uni work, convinced I was dying, and it went like that. Try to have faith. \r\n\r\nI’m currently struggling with very light dizziness, and my hand/leg on one side feel numb/tingly/weak and it’s doing my head in. It’s keeping me up at night but this thread is giving me some hope that it’s nothing sinister and just my anxiety playing up as my brothers mental health is bad which really effects me and I have lots of Uni deadlines. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T12:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bryan10495-1369908" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "OMG.. your describing how I've been feeling to a T. constantly dizzy. I can't even walk straight . dropping sensations constantly. have you received any help on how to help curb these feelings?" ], "date": [ "2021-04-13T01:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rick1999-1370624" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bryan10495-1369908" ], "content": [ "Also been experiencing weirdly similar symptoms for 7 months now. Had almost every test imaginable, including a spinal tap. worst symptoms for me is this intense brain fog/head pressure/sinus popping as well as a painful prickling/weakness on all my limbs all the time. Going to get hormones checked as well as seeing a chiropractor for scoliosis that may be part of the problem. Terrible to feel like this I hope you all feel better soon" ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T03:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/snoweclipse-1372533" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "Hey Pamela I have been experiencing the exact same symtoms as you for the last 8 months. And I am happy to say its gotten A LOT better. I find that good quality sleep, diet, and exercise play a huge roll. I did start taking Lions Mane, and small amounts of CBD oil about 6 months ago. I found that it helped keep my brain from panicking so easily. So those things could have played a roll in helping mine get a lot better too. I just thought i would share because i know the nightmare that it causes. Things will get better." ], "date": [ "2021-04-26T08:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rteame598-1373305" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rick1999-1370624" ], "content": [ "yo i have the same thing too! i dont know if this is anxiety or not. Have you been tested for covid before you expience symptoms ? " ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T03:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessie_may-1367452" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "Yep can totally identify with this and what everyone else is saying re symptoms! Crazy what anxiety can do to your body :( Honestly, good sleep, exercise and eating properly (basically having a solid routine) have really helped me. Good luck everyone, Jess" ], "date": [ "2021-06-26T21:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole0003-1344720" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "i get this too lately my eyes have been dry and burning and i feel the same with my anxiety and now i feel like i need to see my dr .. if its not one symptom its another " ], "date": [ "2021-05-15T16:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suzanne98338-1375714" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "I've had all of the same symptoms as you all but never attributed it to anxiety. Brain fog, headaches/ migraines, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, light sensitivity. Betahsitine has cleared my head and made me feel alive again. Nothing to lose by giving it a try. If it provides even some relief all the better!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-16T12:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suzanne98338-1375714" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela2016-911040" ], "content": [ "I've had all of the same symptoms as you all but never attributed it to anxiety. Brain fog, headaches/ migraines, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, light sensitivity. Betahsitine has cleared my head and made me feel alive again. Nothing to lose by giving it a try. It's not for anxiety but if it provides even some relief on the rest all the better! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T18:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sammi17506-925144" ], "content": [ "hi did you get any further answers? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T18:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have all of that too with the dizziness and feeling like I'm constantly swaying when walking,sitting,standing and I have the dropping sensation too I don't know how to make any of it stop I'm not even having panic attacks " ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T02:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/forevaknown-1373430" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have suffered for many years but wasnt diagnosed with GAD with Panic attacks until 2014 after my first child.That is when the attacks became severe. I had to seek therapy, in conjunction with xanax then switched to klonopin which worked well. My symptoms those days were.. dizziness, lightheadedness, feelings of doom or needing to flee. Nocturnal panic attacks.. muscle weakness... so many. I stayed on for many years. I took myself off oct 2018 and i felt great.. manageable attacks. Then I found out i was pregnant jan of 20..\r\nthe attacks came back with vengeance. Obviously I could not take anything while pregnant. I am now back in therapy on klonopin. I also had a poatpartum heart condition that i recovered from but it is the leading cause of the anxiety. I was doing well for a while and now i keep feeling like my left arm is weak or tires or near my heart. Idk how to even describe it.. its not pain just feel weak? It scares me so much.. The intrusive thoughts send me over the edge." ], "date": [ "2021-04-30T17:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thistlecrag-1374080" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/reislerart-1374179" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thistlecrag-1374080" ], "content": [ "I'm having all those same symptoms (and more, you can see all the symptoms I have in my most recent post). But the body weakness/soreness and brain fog/ trouble thinking are the worst of these with the biggest impact on my day to day life.\r\n\r\nWere/are your symptoms constant/persistent? And did you have all the same symptoms as I currently have?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-07T20:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Sounds like Adrenaline fatigue to me, I've had it. Anxiety and depression can turn you Adrenaline on 24/7, we all know it as living on your nerves. It's incredibly debilitating and mentally tiring. I spent almost 3 months in bed in my late 20s because of this. I couldn't even get up a flight of stairs and I'm not kidding. My arms and legs felt like I'd done a 3 hour gym workout, every minute of every day. I couldn't think properly, my balance was affected, my eye sight and coordination. It was hell and all from anxiety! I didn't feel normal after that for a year, I just felt I was between to realities. Anyway, I can assure you it can feel awful, but it doesn't kill you. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T17:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zara83970-1374863" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex75568-1378494" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zara83970-1374863" ], "content": [ "Thanks this really made my morning !" ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T13:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex75568-1378494" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "my girlfriend tells me to calm down and she thinks i am going crazy , and i tell her \" its really hard to calm down when i am feeling all kinds of weird s**t going on with me \"nobody will Truly understand until they go through it." ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T17:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Firstly, i think this is very brave that we can all speak openly about these cruel feelings that anxiety makes us feel. I have read every single message relating to this subject and think its so important that we share and talk about this stuff. As regards the tired muscle feelings in your legs and arms well at first you think what the hell is going on , then you think will it ever go away, then am i really ill then why me etc . So i experienced this weird feeling and didnt have a clue. it usually started when walking alone, and thus wanting to flee the situation, run as fast as i could to get home. These feelings actually cone down to adrenaline. Anxiety can build up in your body over weeks, months years and then one day boom your body is fuelled up with this extra chemical and it wants to escape but because we have all internalised a thought and have started to listen to every different thought and feeling we keep adding to this chemical. The muscle tension you feel etc will calm down when you are really to calm and let go. Learning to relax, love yourself, be kind to your needs, get plenty of good quality rest, limit any caffine, look at BRETHWRK APP its fab and really really helps, look at TAPPINGSOLUTION APP it also really really helps. concentrating on a hobby to help stop thoughts ruminating really really helps. THESE ARE NOT OVERNIGHT solutions but wow they make such a difference . You are not alone. You will over come this blip and you are safe and healthy and you are not ill and you will not die. You will get over this and move forward . I hope this has helped a little but everyone on this site is very supportive and that alone will also help. its important to talk to folks that understand what you are feeling and the sensations that come with it. x" ], "date": [ "2021-07-19T17:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alina52037-1375673" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi !I totally understand how you feel !Ive been having severe panic anxiety attacks which make s me faint and all wobbly and unstable on my feet !My hall body goes floppy weird headache space out and full of anxiety !I cant even take one step!It feels like my body has no energy or strength at all!It so scary ! I started to take propranolol which have stopped my anxiety attack which is a big help !I still have anxiety and feel faint and wobbly on my feet but the tablet is helping me to get through the day and get on with my daily life routine !I\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T18:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom32820-1361822" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/reislerart-1374179" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tom32820-1361822" ], "content": [ "Yes, I've had all those symptoms and more. I have a lot of brain fog and feel like I can't think properly and have trouble concentrating. My eyes have trouble staying on a target and will constantly try to jerk or move away. My entire body also feels weak and difficult to coordinate. I just saw a Neurologist who said everything looks fine and that it's most likely either some sort of bodily infection/virus, etc. Or some type of mental disorder (GAD, Depression, etc.)" ], "date": [ "2021-05-13T19:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I feel the same thing and also feel like I cant focus and like also if my eyes are shifting away and feel like if i will faint and pass out. Feel also like i cant coordinate my left hand especially. I have had maybe 5 brain ct scans at various hospitals and other chest xrays etc and now i am worried if i can get cancer from all the radiation. Do you also experience this or anyone else. I was taking prozac couldnt last on it ,and was prescribed clonzepam and worried if i have withdrawal symptoms, were using any anxiety meds ?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T19:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/diane73605-1347042" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn81303-1379924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/diane73605-1347042" ], "content": [ "same here it started me getting the odd dizzines wile driving an now its turned into a full blown illness were i constanly feel like jelly i cant grip things i feel scared all the time as if i am going to have a full blown panick but i just fet the adrenalyin rush what makes me weak an balance is bad " ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T17:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "ano this is an old post but suffering myself\r\nhad tightness of ankles weakness in knees all over body tireness eyelid drooping eyelid twitching curled in fingers to palm chest pain & full on body aches emotionally drain no happy hormones & now that weak stop doing daily tasks been like this for months just want to stop feeling so rank could all this be linked o anxiety ?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-15T09:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tyrad-1376537" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I have been having the same issues since November of last year it's been A complete mess I get the dizziness the brain fog the feeling of something going on with my head and face the tingling and weakness in my arms hands and legs the heavy eyes and palpitations and general weakness and fatigue 😩 somebody please help tired of feeling like this I just want to feel normal again " ], "date": [ "2021-05-17T14:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex75568-1378494" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yeah all this really sucks I’ve been going through it for at least a month now after a nerve pain in my scalp which I’ve been to the neurologist in ER twice and everything is coming back fine,I had a really bad panic attack and I started going into depression and anxiety in every day is a new thing my feet feel weird from my shins going down to my feet feel tingly,And I’m always feeling something else weird every day I just wanna go back to normal I also suffer from heart PVCs which is now making it worse with this anxiety.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T12:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tremelo-1377872" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/soanxious-905223" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bookinweasel-1175384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tremelo-1377872" ], "content": [ "Tremelo,\r\n\r\nI cannot believe how similar our minds work. It's as if I wrote your post. I have a terrible fear of MS, ALS, that the Johnson&Johnson vaccine I took in March is causing my prolonged thigh pain, etc. It's good to know that I am not alone in my somewhat irrational thought process!" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T02:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tremelo-1377872" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bookinweasel-1175384" ], "content": [ "I find myself using some variation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to calm myself down when I get frustrated. I remind myself : 'Hey, my facial paralysis went away. My excruciating arm pain is almost entirely gone. My feet still hurt but not nearly as much as they did 2 weeks ago. If it was something truly scary and potentially fatal, those things probably wouldn't be getting better.' I'm still annoyed that my fingers are numb/tingly, but at least I can smile and speak and wink and wave. Patience. Breathing. Patience. Breathing. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T02:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have a history of health related anxiety. When my friend told me about Creutzfeld Jakob disease in the 90s, I would freak out every time I couldn't remember something and was sure my brain was being eaten by prions. When an acquaintance contracted and eventually succumbed to ALS I fretted about every muscle twitch or stumble, sure I was getting it too. \r\n\r\nUsually the anxiety symptoms are things I can handle. I might not sleep well for a few weeks, or have to ride out muscle twitches for a month or so, but recently over the span of just 10 days I went through some actual, verified health stuff. I had a Bell's Palsy in which half of my face was partially paralyzed! *bam!* In the CAT scan to confirm it wasn't a stroke (it wasn't, *woo!*) they saw that I had a pseudo aneurysm in my neck and a mass on one of my salivary glands! *bam!* *bam!* The Bell's Palsy cleared in about a week *woo!* but literally the very next day I had excruciating pain in one of my arms that was diagnosed as a tennis elbow, and if that is indeed what it is I have a newfound respect for tennis players because it hurt like hell. Anyway. *bam!* The vascular surgeon said the pseudo aneurysm is small and likely not an issue so we'll wait and see on that *woo!* and the arm pain is much better now *woo!* but the mass in my neck will require surgery *BAM!!!!*\r\n\r\nSince all this went down I've lost about 15lb, I've been sleeping terribly, and almost every day I have numb-ish fingertips, pain in the bottom of my feet, and tingling in my legs, plus some random assortment of lethargy, trembling hands, lots and lots of muscle twitches, and sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night from what I can best describe as a whole-body shuddering.\r\n\r\nFor a while I was sure I had Guillain Barre Syndrome because that's what I tend to do: assume the worst possible scenario. I had the J&J vaccine in early April and it's a rare side effect, so that had to be it, right? Could all these be caused by something serious like Guillain Barre, or ALS, or MS, or poisoning by space aliens? Yeah. It's statistically possible. But I'm currently heeding my therapist's advice: if you're out in a field and hear hooves stomping off in the distance, it's much more likely to be horses than zebras (er, unless you're in Africa or at a zoo I guess). The metaphor being that while it's possible that I have MS or ALS or Guillain Barre, it's less likely that they're caused by something rare and scary and much more likely that my symptoms are triggered by something that makes more logical sense, like my Celiac disease or, in this case, a ton of stress from the other health related issues that probably caused a lot of anxiety that my body is still dealing with. \r\n\r\nIt's also been helpful to view other posts on this site. They say 'don't Google your symptoms' and generally that's good advice, but I've found if I type in 'forums anxiety' before my symptoms, I'm led to forums like this one. It's been extremely helpful to see other people who catastrophize like I do, and other people who get the same anxiety symptoms. So thank you all for that. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T02:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/scared-help-severe-anxiety-and-arms-and-legs-feel-tired-weak-490064?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" } ]
Scared help!! Severe anxiety and arms and legs feel tired/weak
Does anyone feel weak like tired muscles in the legs and arms with anxiety and have no energy. I also have burning feeling in arms sometimes. I know I'm tense but 8n still panic. I have had severe anxiety for the last 3 months and it's scaring me alot. I juat eant to feel normal again. I feel like I'm not myself at all like I'm just in a daze all the time.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "content": [ "Anxiety plus focusing on it makes it worse " ], "date": [ "2016-03-25T00:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Why does your head feel weird all da t" ], "date": [ "2016-03-25T00:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/allison1984-920642" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor ive got similar symptoms i feel drugged or spacy its hard to explian i also feel disconnected at times and my memory is bad i can be driving and cant remember were im going which makes me panic its anxiety and panic depersonalization or derealization all same thing but when its bad its very hard to believe its just anxiety " ], "date": [ "2016-03-25T03:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elyas999-931223" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elyas999-931223" ], "content": [ "How are you doing these dsys ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T10:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone. Taylor, I first would like to thank you for creating this thread. It seems like a lot of people can relate to your situation; myself included. I am deeply sorry that you are expericing these feelings, and hope that as a year has passed, you have found some relief with your symptoms.\r\n\r\nThat being said, I can understand how you feel. I am currently 22, male, and have extreme brain fog... My mental sharpness and clarity has not been the same for a few months now. I've been so spacey, tired, headaches/migraines. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at age 11, and it has been with me since, although at that age I struggled more with suicidal thoughts than your typical brain fog symptoms like we are expericing now.\r\n\r\nI'll give a more comprehensive list of my symptoms:\r\n- Scatter brained.\r\n- Loss of concentration.\r\n- Horrible memory. Forgetting names, requests, etc, easily.\r\n- Headaches, migraines.\r\n- Anxiety, rapid heart rate.\r\n- Racing thoughts, jumbled thoughts, and random repetitive thoughts.\r\n- Major highs and lows (could possibly be bipolar... I am in the process of getting reevaluted by a psychiatrist)\r\n- Crying spells and suicidal thoughts on my worst days.\r\n\r\nMy cause of this is most likely depression. I've been through a lot in the past year alone (two major family deaths, a messy break up from a 2 y/o relationship) ... It has been such a difficult time.\r\n\r\nI used to be so independent and so driven to do anything I set my mind to. My mind is so weak now, that I can only do my basic necessities throughout the day and then some. I find it harder and harder to do anything else. I work as a freelance artist for a living so my livelihood solely depends on my drive and what I can manage to do.\r\n\r\nI have the motivation to do what I'd like - but I just can't. I have so many dreams and aspirations... It's so frustrating to be held back by this chemical imbalance. I know I shouldn't let it hold me back, but it's gotten so bad that it cannot be helped. I'm hoping that therapy and perhaps some new medication will help me. I'm currently on Topamax, Effexor, and Remeron. I've heard some nasty things about Effexor affecting your memory - so that very well may be one of the components to why I have such bad memory.\r\n\r\nAnyway, sorry for the long message. I doubt it will be thoroughly read, but I figured I'd share my experience somewhere. This seemed like a nice place to do so.\r\n\r\nBe well everyone. I wish you all the very best." ], "date": [ "2016-03-25T04:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ebone-913416" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I find this thread very interesting as I have been suffering for quite a while myself. Ive pretty much had every symptom listed including hairloss, chronic fatigue, and deep muscle constriction/tension. Its probably the worst thing in the world, feeling trapped in your own mind/body. My symptoms, horrid symptoms, appeared three days after a simple surgical procedure under anesthesia. \r\nMy question to everyone would be do you think there is a trauma in your life that triggered this? keep in mind trauma can be something supressed from your conscious for years. Medication related? Or did this appear one day out or the blue? \r\nDoes anyone notice significant hair loss with this and did it ever grow back? \r\nYou can PM me if you want. Id like to do some kind of qualitative study on this based on what possibly caused this. I know many fingers point simply to an anxiety disorder and high stress, which I do not doubt either. I hope everyone is hanging in there, be well. " ], "date": [ "2016-03-25T22:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/admiranda90-931274" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "My story is very similar to yours. Only difference is I started losing my hearing and having severe allergies as well. I'm scared for my future :/ Please tell me you've found answers?" ], "date": [ "2016-03-26T05:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/autumn66400-932438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/autumn66400-932438" ], "content": [ "Hey Autumn,\r\n\r\nFirst ...you're not alone and loved I'm sure. Most of us suffer from something similar. Keep your head up and stay as positive as possible ( I know that's almost impossible ) but negative thoughts will 100% make whats ever causing your symptoms worse. You'll have to study your diet+ work with a doctor + possibly trying medication. As per these forums.. Check lymmes diesese, Vitamin B, Thyroid etc. Good Luck! " ], "date": [ "2016-04-02T21:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/autumn66400-932438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "content": [ "thanks Pajjah im going to need it. hope you the best as well." ], "date": [ "2016-04-02T21:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/autumn66400-932438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "content": [ "thanks Pajjah im going to need, but i wish you the best and good health in the future" ], "date": [ "2016-04-02T22:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/autumn66400-932438" ], "content": [ "How are you ? Would like to know if you are feeling better." ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T03:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey Taylor believe it or not i have been experiencing some of the same symptoms as you except mine has put me to where i stay in my room all day dont eat dont drink and basically sleep all day and all night it never goes away im never the slightest bit happy. and people try to hug and kiss me and make me better just by the flick of the finger but sadlybthey cant. They kinda make it worse i just feel like dying is the only possible solution. a couple of times i hsve even tried. i cant focus i cant cocentrate i cant remember anything literally its like i have no recollection of who i am or what ive been through or even eho i am. i recon im just a crazy person for saying this. Ive tried telling my  om but she doesnt really seem to understand neither does my dad. i have no one who believes that im insane. ive even tried running away but that wont fix my problems. and im constantly in pain all the time but that doesnt seem to matter. ive tried sleeping the pain away but its no use. but if anyones out there listening if anyone can help please reply so i dont think im 100% crazy." ], "date": [ "2016-04-02T21:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it's horrible it's like my brain is slowly deteriorating I hate it so so much especially when I'm alone " ], "date": [ "2016-04-02T22:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deirdre-_03652-312788" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Good morning all you lovely people.....\r\nI too....had exactly the same problems....and i still do...\r\nLike yourselves. I had every test that they could think of..\r\nI was so unbelievably tired....terrible muscular pain..depression.i too found the brain fog the worst., and I still do ( i forget my children's birth date )...\r\nAfter twelve months of tests ect...I was referred to a rheumatology clinic....within five minutes...I was diagnosed with FIBROMIALGIA. ..I was told that it was my body and my mind saying ENOUGH....I do suffer from a massive amount of worry and stress...our three wonderful adult sons..who live with us...all suffer from mental health problems ( very severe ones at that ) we know every psychiatrist in the whole system ....also..two of them also have serious health problems. ...it was nice to have an answer after all the various specialists i have seen....\r\nInterestingly. ...I was in hospital for a week. A couple of months ago...I woke up and I could not move or feel my left hand ..I was admitted and had many tests...it actually turned out to be a trapped nerve....however. ...on the various brain scans...they showed\r\nTWO PREVIOUS BLEEDS IN THE BRAIN....AND ALSO SHRINKINGE. .. I think caused by my ten yrs of alcoholism. ...\r\nNow one of the hardest things I find....is because you look so well ....people do not believe you...\r\nI am in a support group for fibromialgia. ..and any other condition that are unseen...e.g. ..mental health ....DIABETES. ...chronic fatigue syndrome ...and many others........\r\nTaylor I know that I have had a conversation about this with you previously. ..and you did not suffer from this....but please young man....never, ever give up searching for a diagnosis...you deserve one..you have your whole life ahead of you xxx \r\nYou are still in my thoughts and prayers Tyler. ...\r\nKeep strong. ...big warm hugs to you and all the other people suffering here....try to keep strong all....love dee.xxxx " ], "date": [ "2016-04-03T10:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noisy6996-932994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey, here are my symptoms, and what fixed it. Brain fog, memory loss panic attacks.\r\nRemoval of Soy and soy lethicin from my system. its in everything. My meds are even compounded." ], "date": [ "2016-04-04T05:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=13#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/timeetim-1026559" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve been having similar symptoms, but with mild chest discomfort, and TONS of belching. At least i know I&#39;m not alone.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-08T16:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=31#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Brian, thanks for your update.</p><p>Also in my case my depressed feelings are a result of my neurological condition (and the financial and social consequences), not the other way around. Why do you think it is most likely not neurological?</p><p>I&#39;m curious what the AD will do for you. Just the fact you doubt you have clinical depression makes me think you don&#39;t have it since people who suffer from depression have no doubts about it...</p><p>Just wondering; did you consider using medication/supplements which improve cognitive function? Like Modafinil, Vinpocetine, Gingko or alike?</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-10T07:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/janeannio-1025244" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>I can completely identify with your descriptions above about the simplification of language etc.&#160;&#160; Guess our greatest fears these days are of having Alzheimer&#39;s but I can&#39;t believe that we all have it and it such varying ages.&#160; Sometimes I almost think that there has been experiments for decades with the general public and what we eat and breathe etc. to see how we function and if it is somehow a way to &quot;control the masses.&quot; I don&#39;t want to sound like a nut here but anymore, I believe anything is possible and it is best not to be completely naive.....This is just such a widespread problem that I would think any normal thinking person would be a bit suspicious as to why......</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-12T15:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello again everyone!</p><p></p><p>Wow, it&#39;s somewhat disconcerting (and a &quot;reality check&quot<img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/wink.gif\" alt=\"wink\" /> to go back a few months, read one of your older posts, only to realize that, at least to some degree, the symptoms are still there. &#160;Perhaps I can speak for many here: whatever &quot;this&quot; is, it is certainly &quot;unchartered territory&quot; in terms of anything I&#39;ve ever been through in my 46 years of existance. &#160;Unchartered in terms of symptoms and longevity. &#160;I mean, it&#39;s just something I never would have expected; it seems so surreal. I don&#39;t think any of us would have seen something like this coming.</p><p></p><p>For me, I have had some good days, and some not-so-good days since my last repord (around New Years). The anxiety aspect is under control (so it would seem). I am sleeping well. &#160;However, I could still tell something isn&#39;t right. &#160;My vocabulary is more simplified. &#160;I often have to think twice what a word means, or what an obscure object is called. I just don&#39;t seem to have the breadth or depth of working memory as I once did. &#160;Often times I resort to more basic terminology because the more complex terms don&#39;t come to mind right away. &#160;It may not seem like a big deal for someone on the receiving end of a converstation, but it feels like a big deal to me. &#160;I don&#39;t expect people to recognize a problem just because II said &quot;opposite&quot; because I couldn&#39;t remember &quot;antithesis&quot;. Yet, I feel there&#39;s a problem. When I&#39;m really in the throws of this &quot;brain fog&quot;, I hear words and phrases that, while I know the meaning and can understand what folks are saying, I wonder if I would have used similar terminology...I wonder those words would flow out as easily for me without having to think.&#160;</p><p></p><p>At this point, IMO, I feel we&#39;re beyond anxiety and depression. &#160;I don&#39;t want to minimize the ramifications either can have on our cognative abilities. &#160;Then again, if this has been going on for 10 months now (hard to believe), and it&#39;s most likely not neurological, then what else can it be??</p><p></p><p>One day/one week we&#39;re fine, then a little stressful period comes up, and we&#39;re like this for 10 months. &#160;For some of you, multiple years. What the heck? &#160;What was the &quot;light switch&quot; that turned this thing on for good? &#160;</p><p></p><p>Oh, I am also on generic Anaranil (2 weeks now). Not sure I&#39;m impressed at this point, since it seems to be making my brain fog worse. &#160;Let me be clear: if any of these ADs cause brain fog, then there&#39;s no sense in me taking them, since IF I do have depression, it&#39;s becuase of this brain fog, and not the other way around!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-10T06:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=31#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve never heard of this. Yes it would be great if it worked, expensive if it didn&#39;t. And what are the risks?! Definitely get other opinions. I&#39;ll look into it. Sorry your going through this. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-21T01:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for your reply. I haven&#39;t heard of any risks, when they give you a booklet they just tell you what it is and about it. Not what could happen. The doc did said their were some people that had seizures from it but supposedly the ones that had them were either smoking weed or drinking alcohol while doing treatments.. that&#39;s the only thing I&#39;ve heard with that. I&#39;m all for getting another opinions but idk who to even ask lol. But you&#39;re right about that. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-21T02:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maya51673-1035167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "Did you check your tyroid gland?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-22T17:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>What are everyone&#39;s opinions on TMS treatments? My doc said with my symptoms of the &quot;brain fog&quot; dream state, not feeling really in the world are signs of depression but there are different types. Mine he says is from a tramatic experience and my brain went into shock and now won&#39;t come out of it. It stays in a dream state to protect itself but always waits for any little thing to happen... it&#39;s like on guard every second of the day. I feel completely normal other than feeling like I&#39;m in a dream state 24/7. But also I do feel dizzy and sick a lot of times bc I&#39;m tired of it been through this for almost 7 years and I&#39;m just turning 21, this month. The TMS treatments (look it up for better understanding) are supposedly natural, but are waves to the part of the brain they say you need it (they do a evaluation to see how your brain works) to stimulate that part of the brain that wants to shut down. Supposely mine that is trying to shut down is my logical part, which makes you believe you&#39;re really here. And they say the TMS treatments will stimulate that part again. I like the thought of it bc for one it&#39;s natural, more than taking anxiety and depression meds that just make it worse for me, but it&#39;s still very scary bc it&#39;s dealing with the brain, what if it makes it worse?... also it&#39;s very expensive, around 10,000 for the treatments required. Hey if it really works it&#39;s worth it I&#39;m not saying that at all, that would be priceless. But also what if it doesn&#39;t work? Thoughts? Bc I know most don&#39;t know about this, I had no idea they did this. Until I reached out to a health food store for possible natural stuff to take and she referred me to this. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-10T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=31#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kurty-1031745" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/janeannio-1025244" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kurty-1031745" ], "content": [ "<p>I think you have made a very good and important point here. I think there is a blood test available for inflammtion in the body but then the problem is, what do we do about it to change it? It is quite shocking to see how widespread this affliction is and hope it is not something that has been introduced into the public for purposes of &quot;evil&quot;, like Hitler and the flouride before WW2......</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-12T15:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kurty-1031745" ], "content": [ "<p>There is definitely inflammation going on, it&#39;s low grade though, and therefore difficult to test.</p><p>When I was suffering from Ulcerative Colitis I had the same complaints and mentioned them to my specialist several times, but they were happily ignored. I hear the same from people with fibromyalgia and RA. The first even have a special name for it: fibrofog.</p><p>Currently it is Lyme disease which causes my cognitive complaints, it feels quite the same as during my UC times.</p><p>Indeed diet (high quality, pure and allergen free) can help accompanied by moderate exercise, stress management and plenty of rest, also certain supplements like curcuma&#160; can be helpful.</p><p>Does the Humira help with your brainfog Kurty?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-12T18:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>No one here has mentioned inflammation. It appears many studies have found that inflammation can cause symptoms of Depression. These symptoms sound exactly like brain fog. As others have mentioned, brain fog seems to be a type of Depression. The brain fog is caused by cytokines which are triggered from inflammation. I only know this because I suffer from an inflammatory disease and I have terrible brain fog. There are many studies about this online. I read that inflammation in depression is very very common. So you should definitely check this out. Unfortuneately there doesn&#39;t seem to be much you can do about this inflammation. Certain dieting techniques are available. Also they curently have medication like cimzia and humira which block specific cytokines in the body, but these medications are only available to people with autoimmune diseases like me. Please verify this all for yourself. I&#39;m curious to see what everyone thinks about this new information.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-12T06:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=31#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loskillshot-1033015" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/al213-1033322" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/loskillshot-1033015" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for your very kind response. You are a caring soul. I have searched feverishly on the internet through all this as well. I finally typed in a different way and you popped up like God let me find your post when I needed to see something that could connect me.</p><p></p><p>Let me say I am so sorry about your suffering. Also let me ask you a question please, have you ever been given antibiotics called Cipiro or Leviquin or another antibiotic in that class? </p><p></p><p>Oddly e ough I have mental illness too before this started. I am a disabled veteran and have suffered with severe PTSF, anxiety, with some depression and mild form of OCD. Not sure about OCD. They just stuck in file because I can be very organized etc, not the hand washing or door locking stereotypes of that illness.. </p><p> </p><p>I had 2 back surgeries in 2010 for degenerative disc disease that was creating jeopardy for my spinal cord and they fused 3 new discs. The problem actually started a couple of years before when the VA was throwing opioids at everyone so after surgery they&#39;d course increased my dosage to like 90 Mgs a day of Oxicodone and Percocet. Overtime they kept increasing the dosageand it inched up to 165 Mgs a day. I don&#39;t remember much from 2012 to 2015 because I started sleeping more and more until I was barely out of bed for more than a few hours a day. All the time I knew this wasn&#39;t living but I was terrified of what I was convinced would be terrible pain all the time. I had even brought it up to several VA doctors that I was concerned that this type drugs were making me feel odd and not myself but they all wanted me to keep on them and the opioids themselves are evil in the way they make you believe you can&#39;t survive without them.</p><p></p><p>My point in telling you all of that is because I thought if I could get off of the pain pills I would be me again with what I had previously. Finally I had just left the pain doctor&#39;s office with 3 prescriptions and I feel God told me if I filled them I would be dead by that Christmas. That was September of 2015. I tore them up put them in a envelope with a note saying I am done and mailed them to the doctor&#39; office. I then had to take something for withdrawals but to my shock I had pain but I could easily manage it myself.</p><p></p><p>At this time I thought ok, I should start to feel like myself in a few months. As you know I only felt all the symptoms we have discussed and I set out on a unsuccessful quest to find out what was wrong soI could treat it.</p><p></p><p>You know the rest of the story.</p><p>Sorry this was so long but I thought it might help you understand and maybe we could learn something.</p><p></p><p>Let me know about the question I asked and stay strong.</p><p></p><p>God Bless</p><p>Al</p><p></p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-19T16:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/al213-1033322" ], "content": [ "Hi Al how are you ? Mine started after taking antibiotics too ..my brain is totally shut down and suffering from alot of physical symptoms after that and weird sensations in body and brain  ...let me know how you are doing .." ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T21:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>My God.... I have finally found someone having the SAME EXACT THINGS. Everything you described I am a dealing with all day everyday. I went online in hopes to find someone in my shoes and here you are.... I even went through the same situation which was a very strenuous relationship. I don&#39;t know if yours was abusive but mine definitely was ... first of all I want to say I AM SO SO SO VERY SORRY YOU GO THROUGH THIS..... Believe me when I say I knew everything if you were going through because I experience every symptom you mentioned every second of every day. The only thing I have found to help me is to keep telling myself that I am OK that I am strong and then I will continue to be OK. You have to be one strong and amazing person to deal with such torture on a day-to-day basis but. What makes it even worse for me is that I have Tourette&#39;s syndrome On top of that .... I pray that you find some kind of peace through this. I will hope for your reply and I would love to hear from you . I know for a fact that you are one strong soul. Take care and always know that I am suffering with you my dear friend... [b]?[/b][b]?[/b] ?[b]?[/b] </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-15T21:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=31#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/al213-1033322" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Taylor,</p><p>I have the exact same issues for last 2 years. I went to doctors, specialists, blood tests, MRI. And more. According to the physical tests I am fine except for low-T.</p><p></p><p>I have tried supplements, diet, and have racked my brain trying to figure this out.</p><p>I am terrified too!!!</p><p>I feel like my life is over and everyone is getting used to this and think it&#39;s depression. I am going to check out some new treatments for depression. It is hard to understand. I feel like I am in here and can&#39;t get out.</p><p></p><p>If you have found anything please let me know.</p><p>You will be in my prayers.</p><p></p><p>Al S.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-16T21:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=31#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Anyone ever get like a beeping or ringing in the ear?" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T17:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=21#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean190582-961660" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sean190582-961660" ], "content": [ "<p>Iv just started them. They are used a lot for anxiety. I can&#39;t tell u much as I&#39;m only on 25mg at the moment and took 4 </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-28T08:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean190582-961660" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "Please keep me updated im on the same not taken them yet but was told they will kick in almost right away " ], "date": [ "2016-07-28T08:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Has anyone had any experience with progabalin???? Ive just picked mine up but chemist looked at me to say dont take them....." ], "date": [ "2016-07-28T07:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=21#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Tell me about it, being 22 years old sucks. Because no one takes you seriously when you have symptoms that you should be getting as a senior citizen. No one gives you leniency and no one takes you seriously. " ], "date": [ "2016-10-21T00:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I know this is an old post so idk if u will see this but just wanted to let u know I have all the same symptoms and it&#39;s hard to cope when u don&#39;t have support or no one else knows what you are going through but your Definitly not alone here <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-28T16:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=21#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/irene47035-963262" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I too have had only 2 extreme episodes like that. I have CFS..... Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have numerous symptoms. \r\nBut what you described .....I had twice. Doctors have no treatments. I have to be careful and take good care of myself. Some days are bad......some worse. I find if I push myself too far, I suffer the next day and stay in bed. Please be good to yourself.....eat good ect.Hope your having a good day today.\r\nIrene" ], "date": [ "2016-07-31T23:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=21#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mel52125-963710" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi guys. over 12years i suffered! i was eventualy diagnosed by an african trainee gp. its common in african women aparently and its called Lupus sle. ive also got A.P.S which makes ur blood sticky in a way hence feeling sluggish etc. try an asprin a day to see if any different as that thins the blood. all the above then caused furring on celebral artery in brain which the blood flow is restricted so obviously things are gona be slower up there if im making any sense lol good luck guys and dont give up! " ], "date": [ "2016-08-02T10:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=21#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/happy_at_last-963835" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kitten5232-962865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/happy_at_last-963835" ], "content": [ "Honestly I rarely eat dairy products " ], "date": [ "2016-08-03T10:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kitten5232-962865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/happy_at_last-963835" ], "content": [ "How long before you started to feel better?" ], "date": [ "2016-08-06T02:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/happy_at_last-963835" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for the advice! I&#39;m trying a gluten free diet right now and I will definitely try this if my gluten free diet doesn&#39;t work! </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T00:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Please please please try removing milk/ cheese/ butter/ yoghurt any kind of dairy from your life. I woke up one day with exactly the same symptoms as you. I started to feel distorted from the world like I was a bystander in my life. Felt &quot;not with it&quot; and just not right. I couldn&#39;t concentrate on anything, zoned out when people talked to me and just didn&#39;t feel right. It was only when I began to do a food elimination diet for a month &amp; cut dairy out that I began to feel better. Thinking I was all fixed I had the tiniest bit of milk and within 2hrs my symptoms were back and lasted a week. Cutting out dairy is the only way to deal with this. I know it&#39;s overwhelming. I&#39;m the biggest cheese eater in the world but I am getting through it by drinking rude health almond milk. U can try any non dairy milk. And I have completely cut cheese and yoghurt out. I really hope this helps you. If u Google lactose intolerance or casein intolerance (a protein found in milk) </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-02T19:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=21#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bige410-965165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bige410-965165" ], "content": [ "<p>I can completely understand where you&#39;re coming from, you&#39;re not alone. I&#39;m 20 too. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T00:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey I am a 20 year old male with similar symptoms. I went out drinking and got the drunkest I have ever been, I was throwing up and everything (only the second time I had thrown up from drinking) I felt bad for the whole week after.&#160;I was just really tired all the time and has some brain fog. Eventually the tiredness went away and I started going to the gym again but i realized I couldn&#39;t work out very long with out getting nauseous and dizzy to the point where I had to go home. The tiredness came and went for about 3 weeks until I got home from a 1 week vacation last week. The morning after getting home I felt very uncomfortable, anxious, nauseous and tired! That night when I went to bed I had a panic attack because I was wishing I could feel normal again and have had a depressed feeling ever since, I had suicidal thoughts but not to a serious degree. I get very&#160;nauseous and gag a lot and I feel just so over whelmed by all this! I got blood tests because I am a vegetarian and all my levels were normal although the doctor said my blood sugar was low but not low enough to be considered low. I barely go to the gym now let alone leave the house. University starts back up in september and i am freaking out because im afraid I wont do well in my classes because of this. I go for another doctors appointment with a new doctor in 4 days.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-07T04:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=21#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "<p>I am! I&#39;ve had it for months</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-10T00:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had it for about 5 years and I can&#39;t shake it </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-10T00:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Is anyone else annoyed by this condition from having it for so long?" ], "date": [ "2016-08-10T00:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=21#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susanna1122-688130" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Acupuncture (Five Elements) is pinpointing far more what Western medicine doesn't...my digestive system is a mess and am in process of completely overhauling my diet. No improvement yet though..!" ], "date": [ "2015-04-19T15:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mizzcraycray-741675" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vonnegutjunky-742017" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mizzcraycray-741675" ], "content": [ "I searched Google for these symptoms and found this thread- I feel exactly the same!!!!! Been on 20mg of Paxil/seroxat for 10 days now- I feel about 20% better - but that even comes and goes- this is so frustrating!! Also I didn't get the fog until the day after I started the medication- doc said I might get worse before I get better- I also have horrible rining in my ears!!" ], "date": [ "2015-05-23T00:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vinu09319-841897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mizzcraycray-741675" ], "content": [ " Did you do blood work for Vitamin D levels?" ], "date": [ "2015-08-12T02:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel90526-926468" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mizzcraycray-741675" ], "content": [ "Maybe you should go out? Do u get head aches? This sounds crazy but smoke some weed see if it helps...I'm only saying this because I used to feel foggy and have head aches then I started leaving the house as a preteen and smoking pot and it went away. Now it's back...I have kids now can't go out and I can't smoke but if this don't go away by June I'm setting a weekend away and I'm going to get high and see if it helps..." ], "date": [ "2016-02-29T02:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenbate310-1033877" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel90526-926468" ], "content": [ "Did it help " ], "date": [ "2017-03-18T23:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crystal24820-841063" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mizzcraycray-741675" ], "content": [ "me also" ], "date": [ "2019-03-27T03:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi. I feel exactly like this. My story is identical. I noticed that I began feeling very tired for a couple weeks, then one morning I woke up with this awful foggyness in my head and I've been this way for two years. My memory is so bad now I can barely remember things from like an hour ago. I actually feel like I'm going demented, and I'm only 25. I never want to go out anywhere or do things because I'm just in a constant daze." ], "date": [ "2015-05-21T09:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "How r u now? X" ], "date": [ "2015-05-30T01:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katharsis-744040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mattusf-915409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/katharsis-744040" ], "content": [ "Hey, \r\nI've had simalar symptoms to everyone here. I also have had five concussions over the past 3 years from surfing and soccer. I have been experiencing this debilitating brain fog as well. I used to be very active. I would run 5k everyday and then hit the gym after. I also had a fairly healthy diet. It wasn't wasn't till about a month after my last concussion that I started feeling this brain fog. I heard some people describe this feeling as a bad marijuana high. I will be honest and say that I have smoked a few times and the last time I did it I started getting this brain fog and then having an awful anxiety attack. I haven't smoked since and don't plan on ever doing it again. It all lasted an hour or two then I was fine. Then I slowly started getting the brain fog during the day without smoking pot. Now it's a constant thing and It's destroying my once happy, healthy lifestyle. I understand that this can be anxiety but I don't ever feel stressed out. I have a fairly easy life and I don't see what could be causing my anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T13:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/micheal09613-1137177" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mattusf-915409" ], "content": [ "Did you ever figure something out \r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-01-08T03:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am having the exact same symptoms + pretty bad and constant headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness, anxiety and depression and vision problems (acommodative error). However mine were most probably caused by a traumatic brain injury - I suffered a concussion 6 months ago. I was diagnosed with a post-concussion syndrome just today by a neurologist who also ordered me an MRI scan. She said that my concussion was mild to very mild but that sometimes brain reacts more severely to a minor damage than a big one and therefore someone who was knocked out for a while may recover in a week, but someone who wasn't even knocked out can have debilitating consequences for a long time. F*** YOU BRAIN. And I am even younger than you, I am 19, and I also had a pretty good memory before, I graduated in the top 1% of my country. I guess my point is that brain is funny. And brain can do things to you, you would never imagine. And since anxiety and depression happen in the brain, your brain doesn't work properly anymore. Your brain is either too tired to process things at a normal speed (often with anxiety because of constant worrying) or is over-working all the time and is too distracted with worries to process any other information (sometimes you may not even be aware of it). With depression a lack of serotonin or dopamin may be to blame for the brain fog. The worse your anxiety or depression is, the worse your brain fog, etc will be. And depersonalization has many varieties of symptoms; feeling \"stoned\" is one of them. I saw someone posting about fibromyalgia (with the best intent of course) however the worst thing you can do for yourself and your health is to think about diseases such as fibromyalgia, MS.... Yes you might have them, you might also have a brain tumour or metal poisoning or god knows what... IT IS POSSIBLE. But it is also very much possible that these things are caused by depression/anxiety. Especialy if they started with a stressful/ traumatic event or period of life (as was the case with you and me) Example: I was healing well after my cocnussion for a while, but then my anxiety and later on depression kicked in and I started getting worse again. Now I am at the lowest of all low, and I believe it is mainly due to my health anxiety, I don't even think my TBI has much to do with it anymore. I am soo tired of googling symptoms and finding out the causes for my ill-being and yet I can't stop. Fungus poisoning (due to mold in our house) is now the current topic of my concern eventhough I lived with mold in my house my entire life. The more I think about it, the worse the brain fog, memory loss,which in turn makes me more convinced that I do have that terrible thing and that mold is now eating my brain and so on.. It is a neverending cycle. That's why anxiety is so hard to cure. Anyway, hope we find a light at the end of a tunnel, in fact I am sure we will. Maybe you did already. xx" ], "date": [ "2015-06-01T16:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shaunie39511-775771" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sounds to me like anxiety and depression, which I also suffer with myself it's amazing how much these two things can effect your life so much! \r\n\r\n\r\nYou need to stay positive try doing things that make you happy, and uplift your mood I know it's easier said than done but unfortunately only we can make our self's better \r\n\r\nhope your feeling okay, take care " ], "date": [ "2015-07-04T08:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucas123-898135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\n\r\nI have the exact same symptoms as the author of this topic. I can tell that I am intelligent (Mensa member). After getting married I noticed that my mood was becoming worse and worse. Then my mood was stabilised on a constant low level. I have a terrible brain fog. I can feel that my brain works like an engine with some sand inside. It drives me crazy. I can do my intelectual demanding work but it is not the same as before. I do not feel any passion in it. I contacted the psychiatrist and I was diagnosed with depression. I take Cital (citalopram). Right now I am on 10mg dose. After some days of taking that drug I felt normal for a while. However, then everything was back - I mean that brain fog. I wonder if I should increase the dose to 20mg. I am on that drug for about 2 weeks.\r\n\r\nWhat you all think?\r\n\r\nI can do everything to get rid of that terrible brain fog. Please contact me if you want to talk privately." ], "date": [ "2015-09-23T21:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lucas123-898135" ], "content": [ "Did u incase the dose ? I find mine goes for awhile but then returns. I always get a honeymoon period on antidepressants where I feel ok but then fall back. Iv had this 16 months now :(" ], "date": [ "2016-03-20T16:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/quandryite-102261" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "You said that anxiety attackts \"DO\" subside after a couple of years.  That is not the case, perhaps just yours.  But for a different approach to anxiety attacks, and it's socio-political in nature,  I highly recommend an out-of-print book titled, Women Who Marry Houses by Robert Seidenberg and Karen DeCrow, for men as well as women, and whether or not you have agoraphobia.  It's about control." ], "date": [ "2016-05-15T04:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kenzo02531-965716" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "I totally agreed what you wrote. I am used to be an A student in college and worked in a top-notch company. All of a sudden (just a night), I turned to be a dull person and things just got worse day by day. \r\n\r\nI DO hope that all the side-effects could go away one day. Are you researching for the cure? Is there anything I could help or contribute?\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-08-09T03:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael56282-229849" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "Have you ever taken a fluorquinolone?  Cipro, avelox, levaquin.." ], "date": [ "2017-01-29T03:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael56282-229849" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks. I haven&#39;t but I can look into it. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-29T05:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "Hi Findingacure\r\n I am suffering from the same symptoms. I am thinking that we should form a group and contact neuroscientists who might find our group useful for their research to understand this condition more. They might not even know about us and if we make ourselves visible as a group rather than a few individuals, they could learn a lot by studying us and maybe one day help us. It is worth trying it. What do you think?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-08T11:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordanj-1106606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "<p>Erica</p><p></p><p>Astute point regarding this seeming to occurr in higher intelligent people.</p><p></p><p>Putting my name in the list as someone dealing with original poster&#39;s symptoms. </p><p></p><p>On and off symptoms for 2-3 years. Had a few weeks of clarity recently and now back in hell. 35 years old.</p><p></p><p>Clean diet, no alcohol, no sugar or processed foods. Have exercised aerobically and with resistance training for prolonged times to no avail. Drug use limited to caffeine and nicotine...both in excess; looking to pull these out of life this week.</p><p></p><p>Good luck all. I will post if I ever figure anything out.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T00:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ronchierachh-1123015" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "<p>I would join! I&#39;m a 20 year old female with the exact same symptoms. I was a pre-med biology major with a 4.0 and I feel like I&#39;ve lost my mind. I&#39;m always exhausted, in a daze/brain fog, can&#39;t sleep or if I can sleep I wake up in the middle of the night, pressure headaches in the temples, floaters in my vision to light, shortness of breath and lower back pain. All of my symptoms are pretty dull, but it&#39;s the brain fog I cannot escape. I had to drop all of my classes; I honestly feel like I gained a learning disability overnight. I&#39;ve had chest x-rays, sonograms, EKG, HIDA tests, urine analysis&#39;, and all the blood work in the books - all came back normal. I&#39;m desperate at this point. I don&#39;t know how I&#39;m supposed to finish my degree if I feel like this! Adderall can&#39;t even help me.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-09-27T14:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ronchierachh-1123015" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nAs a student set to graduate with her bachelor’s degree in Spring 2019 and with the finish line nearing, it would mean the world to me to share my experiences with another in the same situation. I would love to discuss possible causes and symptoms. Feel free to message me any time; I’m an English major with a 3.8 GPA, and whatever this is is slowly killing me. Hope you’re able to get back to school, love and support from TX" ], "date": [ "2017-11-17T10:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/houston70610-1041643" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ronchierachh-1123015" ], "content": [ "<p>You described it perfectly. I was always a 4.0 student all the way through college, until my senior year when I felt like I suddenly developed some kind of learning disorder out of nowhere. My GPA dropped bigtime, but luckily not enough to fail any classes or keep me from graduating. I&#39;m 25 now and it is still as bad as ever. The exhaustion, sleeplessness, and most oppressively, the brain fog! I constantly feel like I&#39;m kinda drunk, or like I&#39;ve smoked a bunch of weed. I don&#39;t know what causes what, or if some are causes and others are symptoms, or if the symptoms are all just so co-morbid that it is a never-ending cycle (i.e. something keeps me from getting quality sleep, which makes me feel foggy and depressed, which gives me worry and anxiety, which makes my sleep even worse, which makes the fogginess and exhaustion worse, which makes me worry more, and so on...). When the fog is at its worst, someone can be talking to me face to face, one on one, and I am looking at them straight in the face and listening, but cannot keep up with what they are saying. It&#39;s like as soon as they say a word, I&#39;ve forgotten it; I cannot follow a simple conversation, and it is so embarrassing and pretty scary, and it even happens at work (I&#39;m an IT professional and I cannot afford to be &quot;stupid&quot;).</p><p></p><p>Maybe it would be helpful to message each other and discuss lifestyles, histories, and stuff like that to identify possible similarities. I&#39;m so ready to find a solution.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-18T21:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "Dear Erica, I wrote about a year ago as a reply to Taylor. I know two more ladies who suffer from this. One is 50, one is 30 and I am 37. I was thinking that maybe we should start a document eg spreadsheet and list all the symptoms and then send it to all of us to fill it in to see a profile of each patient. Then with this set of data we could contact a Neuroscientist. What do you think? Thank you " ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T14:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/el-baba-1136571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "<p>Great idea. I&#39;ve been silently contemplating the same idea for quite some time now. Personally, my brain fog (accompanied by tinnitus) commenced at the age of 17 after stressing out over an English exam I had the following day. Being naturally curious, I would love to help co-ordinate an answer-seeking effort on this front. If this was to go ahead I would personally prefer communicating through Reddit or Facebook. On that note, there&#39;s already a Reddit group dedicated to identifying the cause and potential remedy / remedies, which can be found here ([b]<a href=\"https://www.reddit.com/r/BrainFog\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">https://www.reddit.com/r/BrainFog</a>[/b]/). If you can PM me and we can try to organise things from there.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-04T10:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/berendje-1133778" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ronchierachh-1123015" ], "content": [ "Did you ever use drugs? Or just before the symptoms apeared?" ], "date": [ "2018-01-04T19:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "I’m in! Let us know " ], "date": [ "2018-01-06T01:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nim10464-1137135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi AWishForHealth!! I&#39;d also like to know. I have the same exact symptoms</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-06T02:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan35741-1159338" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "<p>Its&#39; a combination of your diet, adrenals, blood sugar, hormones&#160;and pineal gland. All this works together to throw your brain chemistry out of whack, a little bit of depression is enough to send it all toppling down because depression affects the whole endocrine system. It is the result of a broken spirit and giving up on life. And autoimmune disease lol. If you&#39;re incredibly&#160;smart&#160;and&#160;decide to give up on life, who is your body to question? It then stops&#160;adjusting for&#160;the foreign intruders in our processed&#160;environment and let them have their way and wreck havoc on your body.&#160;I had the symptoms to where I could barely drive&#160;for years and beaten them to where I feel like a kid again&#160;and everything is exciting and I feel almost superhumanly intelligent.&#160;I am currently&#160;on the&#160;path&#160;to Law School. STEP 1:&#160;Cut out inflammatory foods that irritate your gut lining:&#160;all artificial anything, fried foods,&#160;low quality&#160;meat,&#160;sugar, (fruit or otherwise), all grains, all dairy, soy, caffeine and alcohol. incorporate fiber in your diet. Drink nothing but water.&#160;Go full paleo and MAKE SURE to EAT 2,000 calories a day of real organic food.&#160;STEP 2:&#160;Get fluoride out of your system and use fluoride free toothpaste. You won&#39;t need&#160;the fluoride for tooth health&#160;anymore&#160;with that diet. Use boron supplements to detox. STEP&#160;3: Be active to encourage gut bacteria growth.&#160;Go running once a day and do bodyweight exercises. Do something physically involved, do something that you&#39;ve always been to scared to do, like&#160;go white&#160;water kayaking or rock climbing or skiing&#160;(positive things of course, don&#39;t ever do anything that you might regret). All this will work together to remind your body and mind&#160;that you are alive and it is a precious gift and to WAKE UP lol. STEP 4: Consider volunteering or finding a new or renewed&#160;passion. Whatever you feel strongly about, do it, you are here for a reason.&#160;Reach out to God. Find a higher purpose and live for others. I hope this helps, God bless. I know how you feel.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-11T08:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan35741-1159338" ], "content": [ "How long did it take for things to change and turn around once you implemented these steps? " ], "date": [ "2018-03-12T03:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "Are you still suffering from memory issues ?" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T02:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Taylor, \r\n\r\nSimilar to the others who have responded, I too have suffered from debilitating \"brain fog\" as well as a plethora of other terrifying and life altering symptoms. It has been about 8 years, somewhere between 2006 and 2008, however it all seems to be a blur. What really set the alarms off for me where the intense episodes that I now know where anxiety attacks yet at the time I thought I was dying. This evolved into a sense of complete disconnection from reality and the world around me, yet I appeared normal to those around me. \r\n\r\nThe good news is the anxiety attacks DO subside after a couple of years. The bad news is the brain fog and accompanying symptoms do not. In my research I have found that the anxiety attacks are almost a sort of transition period into this new chronic state of cognitive debility. Additional symptoms I have experienced include: severe fatigue, memory impairment, lack of ability to focus or concentrate, a complete dullness of all sensory input while at the same time being sensitive to certain, smells, sounds, and lights that induce and I'll feeling, stiff neck, muscle weakness, eye floaters, stuffy nose and ears, and an emotional numbness that makes human connections almost impossible. \r\n\r\nDespite all of this though, I am very determined to find a cause and a cure. What strikes me in my years of research is the overwhelming prevalence of this occurring to HIGHLY INTELLIGENT individuals. It seems almost everyone suffering from this mysterious ailment expresses that they were previously \"very sharp\" \"top of the class\" \"exceptionally intellectual\" etc. Out of all symptoms the most devastating one across the board is the diminished mental abilities and clarity. \r\n\r\nPerhaps this may be a significant clue. Please let me know if anyone else agrees with this.\r\n\r\nMy best wishes to all. We will find a cause and a cure!\r\n\r\nErica" ], "date": [ "2021-09-27T14:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "content": [ "Thanks for your reply and contrbution Carolyn. Do you think most acupucturists can perform Fuzen?. How often do you go?. Any other info to help me try and set up the same experience?.\r\n\r\nThanks for your time and wicked positive vibes to everybody in here. Stay positive...I know how scary, lonely and terrible it is." ], "date": [ "2016-08-16T13:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "content": [ "<p>I don&#39;t know if most do.&#160; but you can call and ask.&#160; I was going 2x a week, now i am down to once.&#160; Alcohol does seem to make it worse.&#160; I&#39;m not talkin getting drunk, i talking one beer or glass of wine.&#160; I don&#39;t drink much but I am thinking i need to give it up for a good while.&#160; Something is going on with the liver and kidneys and I want to get back to myself.&#160; how all of you have done this for 2&#160; years or more is amazing.&#160; i think i would of lost myself completely if it was going that long.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Keep trying people.&#160; i wish some of you would go try acupuncture and see if it works and report back.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-29T12:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I hope someone reads this. &#160;I started with these symptoms this past May. &#160;I asked dr and dr and all i get is &quot;its depression&quot; but I knew/know its not. &#160;long story short I started going to an acupunturist. &#160;It is starting to work. &#160;I&#39;ve been going for about 6 weeks now. &#160;I have had days of 98% clarity. &#160;What he practices is&#160;abdominal acupuncture (Fuzhen). &#160;I truly believe that this is all liver/kidney/abdominal area related. &#160;I hope and pray those of you out there truly look an acupuncturist up in your area. &#160;This is a real issue and dr&#39;s either can&#39;t fix it or are throwing pills at it and messing it up more. &#160;GOOD LUCK.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-11T23:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=22#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>I just started the paleo diet to see if it will change anything. Also going to take magnesium because I&#39;ve heard it&#39;s anti inflammatory. I&#39;m 19 and it&#39;s been hell for my teenage years</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T00:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "<p>Wow isn&#39;t it crazy? It&#39;s so hard to explain to others. I&#39;ve NEVER told anybody but my parents! It sucks living like you can&#39;t tell anyone lol. But what&#39;s the paleo diet? I&#39;ll have to look it up. That&#39;s what I&#39;ve been doing! Trying a diet and taking some vitamins to see if it makes any difference! If not, to move to something else! But I did get a hair analysis recently. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T01:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>When it first happened I told my parents right away, but they didn&#39;t believe me. They eventually came around when they noticed I could stay up all night without sleep and noticing my memory issues. I&#39;ve tried explaining it to a few friends but they still don&#39;t entirely understand lol. Also in class I feel like I have to work 10x harder than everyone else. I didn&#39;t get a hair mineral analysis done yet because I have no idea where they do it. They say the paleo diet can lift brain fog</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T01:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "<p>Cool I might have to try that too! And my chiropractor did it but I&#39;d call around to see who did it around you! And yeah I knew my friends wouldn&#39;t understand so I didn&#39;t even try. I feel like they would think I&#39;m crazy lol. And my parents have been really supportive about it, my mom seems more worried though. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T01:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>Damn, are you me? I&#39;m 22 and I go through the exact same symptoms AND I cant tolerate meds, i&#39;ve been through at least 4 anti depressants and I&#39;ve had horrible horrible reactions with all of them.</p><p></p><p>Are you starting to do better at least?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-21T00:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same exact way. I&#39;ve felt this was for 6 years now. It sucks cause you try to find a way out of it lol. I&#39;ve done so many blood tests, MRI, went to a sinus and TMJ specialist, &amp; recently went to a doc that specialized in depression and he gave me meds. Both I reacted very badly to, the first one nearly killed me because I had an reaction to it. So I stopped taking them and scared for my life to try another. It sucks, bad. Cause you feel like it&#39;s never gonna end and wonder if you&#39;ll ever be yourself again. But now I&#39;m trying healthier habits like eating healthier and taking my vitamins because I found out I was low on a few things, and they say if your low on selenium your more likely to have anxiety. So I&#39;m taking vitamins including that and on a gluten free diet at the moment. Just to mark stuff off the list about what may be causing it. After my experience with the depression meds I&#39;m just horrified to try more. The fact it really tries to change your brain... And I end up having all the side effects. Makes me feel worse. I&#39;m very interested about how you&#39;re doing now, it feels great to know there&#39;s people out there that are experiencing the same thing as you are.. I&#39;m 20, so I can relate to your age too. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T00:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=22#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tom23264-967948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hey brother hopefully you recovered well since you posted this. If you don&#39;t mind can you tell me what helped the most, because I feel like im in a 24\\7 brain fog with poor memory. Going to talk with my Dr about seeing a neurololgist.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-22T00:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=22#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tim67087-907138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor\r\ni went to a neurologist to be checked out and they did a brain scan. My scan was normal. They upped the dosage of my medication of Lexapro from 10mg to 20mg. I was on 10mg Lexapro for almost 10 years and it quit working. I think some of my Brain fog and memory loss are do yo the fact I do not take care of myself. I tend to workout and over do it, along with not eating properly. I also tend to binge eat on candy. It throws my system out of wack. My medication dosage change has helped some. I was doing pretty good for about 6 months until about a week ago and now I am experiencing some brain fog and memory loss. I just need to stop working out as hard and eating better. Please feel free to chat with me more if you like. I know it help to talk to others who are going through the same thing. Good luck to you brother." ], "date": [ "2016-08-23T12:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=22#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casey1017-970041" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I know this is old and hopefully you have an answer by now, but I experienced this for 3 years before an ENT finally ran an allergy test on me. The whole time, this life destroying brain fog thing was an allergy to dairy. I also ended up with vertigo the last few months before we found out what it was. I had to stay in bed and could no longer handle busy places. Within two days of eliminating dairy, it completely lifted. So, if you (or anyone here with the same issue) haven&#39;t already, get an allergy test done. An elimination diet of common allergies is also something you can try, but sometimes we can be allergic to weird, unexpected things or the culprit happens to be a pet or mold growing in our houses.&#160;</p><p>During the exploration of what was causing this, I had doctors accuse me of depression and anxiety, and one doctor actually told me they thought I might be delusional. No, I was allergic to milk. That simple!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-23T23:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=22#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sheila1976-971869" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Taylor,</p><p> I go through the same exact thing and have for about the past 7 years. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and they seem to pin everything on that. I hope you find your answers because I haven&#39;t and it sucks living like this.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-29T23:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=22#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/restokley-922799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I think I got the same thing you do. And yea I went through all the neurologist stuff too. I was out in the sun today a lot and when I came home I ate and relaxed but then became depressed...can&#39;t wait till night comes I usually feel better....and I pray a lot at night as well watching Joyce Meyers on you tube.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-31T00:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=22#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/restokley-922799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "But I dont have any pain at all." ], "date": [ "2016-08-31T00:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=22#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "content": [ "Do u have it jen? I really really try so hard but it doesn't go then I get upsett. Its better when I'm out in the air worse when I'm in meetings, at meals etc. I'm thinking of changing my meds " ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T20:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "I have it worst in bright or flourescent lighting. Does that trigger you?" ], "date": [ "2021-09-27T13:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "content": [ "Erm when I think about it I'm better in the dark but iv not noticed it as such. God it mist end soon !" ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T21:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel90526-926468" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "content": [ "Yes mine just started three days ago right before I got my monthly and iv always been um prone to blond moments but this is odd and at night I'm fine..." ], "date": [ "2016-02-29T01:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rowan2525-1343681" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel90526-926468" ], "content": [ "i feel the exact same through the day the feeling is worse and at night it seems to be better im thinking that the senses are more hypo through the day and when it gets dark our senses are slowing down thats how im looking at it but mine only started about 6 weeks ago and its driving me insane tbf but ive just been given sertraline and cbt therapy so hope this helps we are all in the same boat by the sounds of things" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rowan2525-1343681" ], "content": [ "Any progress man? " ], "date": [ "2021-10-21T23:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bb88410-1431105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "content": [ "This is really interesting to me, I have episodes of all of these symptoms that everyone is describing but strangely it doesnt seem to happen when I am at home. Most mornings driving to work this wave comes over me where the pressure (not pain) feeling in my head makes me want to close my eyes and go to sleep. When I am at work this happens at some stage every day, as well as mental confusion, I can barely talk to people I cant get words out properly and constant confusion, concentration issues, my eyes feel so strange and nothing feels real. I have been diagnosed with migraines with aura as I have severe light sensitivity. Also noise sensitivity, different noises together makes me infuriated. I have 2 large computer screens at work and also under fluorescent lighting, it is almost unbearable. I am not convinced its migraines, the neurologist I seen prescipred me amitriptyline daily 10mg, but it hasnt changed much in 8 months " ], "date": [ "2022-06-20T22:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "It won't leave because we hold on to it too much" ], "date": [ "2021-10-21T23:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aspinan-449026" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Sounds like anxiety/depression, has the relationship ended now? \r\nDiscuss possibility of above with GP and take from there, it can only be ruled out or treated? \r\nN " ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T21:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/aspinan-449026" ], "content": [ "Has anyone had this and now recovered from it,? My first time sertraline worked great this time ,7weeks on fluoxetine and still got it :(" ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T21:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/js742-844275" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Kinda like your brain is wrapped in plastic wrap and it's being pulled a little too tight? Yeah, I know what that's like.. This last week, I go to wash and refill the cats water bowl, and forget what I'm doing in the middle of it. Cats go without water until I or someone else notices... I also have a constant low grade fever along with everything you mentioned above. Lately I have trouble with words being mixed up when they come out. I've had all the same tests also.. If you find an answer please let me know, this is slowly killing me..." ], "date": [ "2022-04-06T00:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Im with you in this. Cant remember most of what happened today. Feeling al the symptoms you mentioned. Now as times goes on even more freak out as already had problems with work and family. So far Im only trying to better understand my situation but no memmory improvement. Have you found any clues?" ], "date": [ "2015-11-16T03:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "I have the exact same thing, and it's just getting worse. It gets worse when my core body temperature goes up. It even causes double vision, bright flashes, and now my vision is rapidly changing. The worst by far is the mental impairment. It's affecting my ability to take care of my responsibilities. Doctors haven't been able to help me, have you found out anything else about your condition? I have found that cutting out coffee has helped. I'd appreciate any information/suggestions you have. I've had this for a while now and I'm scared it might be alzheimer's. " ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T02:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "content": [ "Me too, I have no idea how to get better. I also suspect dementia of some sort. How old are you?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T00:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "I turn 38 this month. I've been having problems for a while, but here lately they are getting worse. I'm suposed to go see a neuroligist ,[i]again[/i], but I don't have much hope there. My doctor suggested I see a doctor about depression, but I've never heard of depression affecting vision, or being affected by temperature.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2021-07-10T22:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "content": [ "HI poepoe, I had these symtpoms for 2 years now, and finally discovered that I suffer from 'silent' migraine. I never heard of this before, but after reading all the symtpoms that come with it, I know this is it.\r\nNot having headaches made it a long journey to find out it's migraine, also because I didn't know migraine involves a lot more than just headaches: tingling limbs, diarrhea, fatigue, concentration/memory problems, speaking problems 9slurred pseech) brainfog etc.  Do a google search on silent migraine, you will be amazed how it matches your symtpoms, including susceptibility to temperature changes (and weather/air pressure changes, did you notice that?)" ], "date": [ "2016-03-09T10:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Hi Lindathepinda, Thank you for the suggestion. The more suggestions the better. Maybe I can figure out what this thing is. but I don't think it's a migraine. My first doctor [i]did [/i]think it was migraines, because I do get ocular migraines with aura, but the specialists I saw afterward didn't think so. I don't really think it is either. I have this \"brain fog\" all the time. It never goes away. It does get worse with activity, so it is worse at certain times, but it is always there. The light flashes aren't because of a headache, they occur when I look too far left-right-up-or down. The flashes occur less often here lately, but now my vision has gotten worse. While I don't think that this is migraines, I will try to read up on them more, just in case. Leave no stone unturned. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-10T13:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "content": [ "Hi poepoe, I never have headaches either (hence the 'silent' migraine), but I do have the brainfog, blueish light flashes, aura and blurry vision, amongst many other symtpoms,which all seem to come from the silent migraine.\r\nI also found it hard to believe since I, just like you, have symptoms all the time, but when I started to take Petadolex ( a herbal remedy; I'm not into the junk I got prescribed by the neurologist) for the first time in 2 years my symptoms started to clear up, so there had to been something to it. I'm still not clear of complaints, but feel much better now and am able to function again.\r\nI recommend finding yourself a migraine specialist, most neurologists have limited knowledge on migraine, especially on the silent form.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-03-10T08:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stormiep-932665" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Hey, I noticed this comment was from over a year ago. I am experiencing the same exact thing with  my memory. My memory used to be so good and I could multi task and reatin knowledge easily... Now its as if after a few mintues, the memory of the time as gone. I dont notice time passing nor the days. I cant remmember what I did in the morning and definintly cant remember what I haved done or said the day before. It has been seen August of 2015 I have been feeling this way but only in the past few months has it been extrememly messed up like this. I never feel present it almost feels as if I am just watching everything happen. I cannot truly feel connected to emotions or even reality around me. Everything feels like a giant blurr. I am not sure what else to do about this anymore... Has anything changed for you? Can you help?\r\n " ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T02:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/peter1704-934617" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "That irritation in head...it is not like tension in forehead or around head,sometimes when you think too much get worse?That what I have..." ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T16:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/peter1704-934617" ], "content": [ "Me too, have tou found any relieve at all? Any ideas in how to overcome it?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-13T16:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole46228-941456" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "You... You are my peoples... My weird peoples with cognitive issues but my peoples nonetheless.\r\nYa I am definitely feeling these symptoms. I am 15, honestly not sure if i should share my age but meh brains too fuzzy to care, hence the obsessive online research. You can probably tell from my hesitancy of sharing my age, I have severe anxiety, and I have had a constant and frankly extremely irritating block in my head and... I dunno... a staticky feeling? I cant think straight and I have not been able to concentrate for over two years. Do you know how many math tests I have failed? Quite A lot! I do no drugs, nor alcohol. I eat... Ehhh... relatively healthy, my memory is petrifyingly bad, and I have found a bizzare amount of relief in your resembling troubles I have. No doctors visits due to the fact that I am a kid with parents who are deeply undereacting to my complaints!\r\nSo I guess I'm not actually... Helpful in this situation... more of a... person with a connecting issue... to show your not alone with your issues... I guess...\r\nHow I manage to be awkward even online is beyond me. \r\nAnyway, since this is over a year old I hope you found some kind of resolution to your issue! " ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T02:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zuzupetels-941637" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole46228-941456" ], "content": [ "I'm hopin" ], "date": [ "2016-05-12T19:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bhasski-946886" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nI have been facing this problem for past 6 years. I was academic topper ..and has a very good memory. I had been prescribed almost all ADs , anti psychotics like put the garbage in the tank.. All waste.. I still feel all the memory lost.. All the things i learnt gone.\r\nI even got on a violent streak.\r\nLemme tell you I was doing software development for 2.5 years and had to leave job otherwise it would cause some bad results.\r\n\r\nNow when I started applying I couldn't remember the things to explain tonthe interviewers.. This memory thing messes daily when I have to recollect faces and money matters. All in head is confusion and vague\r\npsychiatrists here don't " ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T00:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexis91465-961567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Hi there Taylor, everything that you are experiencing, sounds exactly what I have been struggling with the past year. The foggy, sleepyiness, inability to sleep/concentrate and really just all cognitive functions. I know you posted this a year ago, so I was just curious if you ever found answers? I had my thyroid checked and bloodwork and likewise have found no answers. \r\nLexi" ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kitten5232-962865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "<p>I have been going through the same thing the past few years now, memory loss, feeling like I&#39;m in a fog, the pressure in my head, everything. I go for an MRI soon not sure if that&#39;s going to show anything. I worry about early onset Alzheimer&#39;s, everything you said is spot-on how I feel, about your memory on how something you did that morning feels like you did it the day before reading your article feels like I&#39;m looking in a mirror if I get any answers I will definitely let you know what I find out</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard71092-961394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bhasski-946886" ], "content": [ "<p>I totally empathise with you. I have had these feelings for au don&#39;t know how long. I just feel utterly confused, whirring temples, I tried to explain that it feels like I have woken up but do not know how to do the things I once knew, nor can I pursue anything new. Horrific</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stoenjes-965496" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "i am 18 years old and i am the same way.  its not a headache but something is pushing on the front of your head.  My memory problems started a year ago with me not forming any memories and slowly have increased untill i am forgettting stuff i used to know.  any help\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-08-08T09:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard71092-961394" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stormiep-932665" ], "content": [ "Has anything improved? I feel the same, it is truly disturbing and I just cannot work, organise, schedule, I feel like I am on a constant go slow" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brenda92507-969533" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Hello, I, m dealing with the excact same.thought I was going crazy and still do.also my body goes rigid andheavy.yes it, s anxiety and only if I had a magic wand to make it disappear.i took think about it too much so it won, t leave because we won, t let it.i sing to myself when it , s bad, just my way of coping, take care" ], "date": [ "2016-09-06T09:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jesse_84327-976649" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "<p>Taylor, I am 24 and share your exact same symptoms! Your story is identical to mine. It&#39;s something that just came on overnight and has never gone alway. Have you discovered anything new since your posting? </p><p></p><p>Thanks</p><p></p><p>Jesse </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-15T22:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe95394-978568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "content": [ "Its anxiety, anxiety can wreck havock on your body and mind. I promise nothing is wrong." ], "date": [ "2022-04-08T01:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john_619-979267" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "I have this Tyler and I am scared. I used opiates and alao have had a head injury. I am only 45 and feel I have Alziemhers. I cant sleep and they put me on benzos and serequel, then trazadone. I hope u get better cause this is bad. I can totally relate. Sometimes I hope the lord takes me cause being the oldest and living at home is tough." ], "date": [ "2016-09-24T19:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/babyt36-976400" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi,I was reading about your symptoms and I have the same memory issue with my anxiety,I guess that&#39;s what its from,I&#39;ve had anxiety for years now and I&#39;ve tried dif meds but I&#39;ve been on celexa for a few years now,it helps some but lately my anxiety has been getting worse,I can&#39;t remember things like I&#39;m losing my mind,I feel very anxious all the time,I dnt wna go anywhere cuz I feel so tense and uncomfortable,I dnt wna b alone at all,I&#39;m always worried that something is going to happen to me,I dnt knw what to do anymore,it has taken over my life and I have 2 young boys to take care of,I&#39;m 37 and I shouldn&#39;t be so afraid to do normal things!</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Taylor </p><p></p><p>I have the exact same thing, and I can pretty much guarantee at this point it&#39;s not anxiety and depression. That&#39;s just a cat hall diagnosis for when you have mental symptoms that no one can explain. If anything, depression is caused by these symptoms not not the other way around. </p><p></p><p>This started for me in 2013. One morning I woke up feeling slightly strange. I popped an aspirin thinking I was getting a headache or something. But 15 minutes later, I had all the symptoms you described. Complete dissociation from reality, total stoned feeing, unable to remember things that happened outside of the current moment, weird pressure feeling in head. I remember callung my mom and telling her my brain felt clogged. </p><p></p><p>Since then it&#39;s gone in waves of better and worse. It varies hour to hour, day to day, week to week. </p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve noticed I started avoiding hanging out with people because I struggle to process conversations and they&#39;re more stressful than they&#39;re worth. My memory is shot. People at work say things like, &quot;what a great day!&quot; and I have to struggle to remember why. Names are impossible. I forget what I&#39;m saying mid sentance. I forget what I&#39;m doing mid action. Time goes by ridiculously quickly because i have no grasp on it. Yet I&#39;m exhausted by 6pm every day. </p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve also developed a chronic neck pain that seems to go hand in hand with the rest of the symptoms. Have you experienced that?</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve seen every type of doctor I can think of. I&#39;ve run all the tests. They&#39;re all clueless. Nothing has changed in the last 3 years. I&#39;m still suffering. </p><p></p><p>I&#39;m convinced this is a problem caused by something new that doctors don&#39;t yet know about. When I googled it years ago there was nothing on the internet about it. Now I&#39;m finding a handful of other people like you. </p><p></p><p>Would love to hear where you&#39;re at. </p>" ], "date": [ "2022-08-01T18:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "<p>Fortunately, it IS anxiety and depression. Mainly anxiety. I used to think it wasn&#39;t and that doctors were just being lazy and decided to slap on an easy diagnosis. However over the years of dealing with this i&#39;ve come to realize it is infact anxiety but a whole new transformation of it, a deep rooted chronic anxiety which doesn&#39;t feel like your typical anxiety. I too have been through every specialist in the book. I&#39;ve gotten MRI&#39;s every blood test known to man and dog and all to no avail. I&#39;ve taken every antidepressant in the book which never help. What DID start helping is CBT and talk therapy, I started to realize WHAT exactly my symptoms are and it&#39;s dissociation for me it was a traumatic experience that I didn&#39;t even realize was traumatic. For others it could be an extreme subconscious stress. School work, existential, anything.&#160;</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-29T02:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "content": [ "Not saying yoir wrong i do agree in some circumstances anxiety and depression are a key diagnosis for peoples health however in these cases with people on here may experience alot more the the mental sides of an illness. I have been down the road with all the tests and consultants to be told that i may just have depression and anxiety but ill refuse these claims from any doctor. \r\nMy symptoms are feeling drunk all the time like my vision is off, ringing in the ears constant brain fog like im living in a dream, easily forgetful and confusion as well as alot more symptoms including muscle spasms cramps fatigue ect.\r\nDoctors assume the mental sides when all tests come back normal and in my case i do get depressed and anxious but not because of the mental illness itself but because my body is extremely tired and dealing with a mystery every day 24/7 anyone would get worried with a problem that doesnt resolve especially when I have had it for 13 years." ], "date": [ "2022-04-15T02:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Yup same here, I have all the exact same symptoms as you. And the only thing that helps it is treating for anxiety and depression. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "content": [ "But is that just treating a part of the problem rather then the root of the problem? \r\nI wont take medication for it but thats my own opinion only because its not going to help out the rest of my symptoms" ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "content": [ "<p>Just chiming in to say I have the same symptoms too --- severe brain fog, bad tinnitus, just overall spaced out feeling like I&#39;m only partially here. Most times I listen to people speak but only retain a small percentage of what they said. It takes tremendous effort to stay engaged in conversations because I tend to feel like I&#39;m in the &quot;twilight zone&quot; most of time. I tired pretty much every day because my sleep isn&#39;t the best either. I dream something terrible every night and usually very dramatic dreams at that. I&#39;ve been to literally 100 doctors over the past several years and the only consistent diagnosis I get is anxiety. Like my system is in a &quot;hyped up&quot; state and just can&#39;t relax. I don&#39;t have an extremely stressful life so I don&#39;t know why I remain this way. It was stressful years ago due to various issues in the family but most of that is over and much better now. Maybe once your system is &quot;tripped up&quot; into anxiety it&#39;s a very long road back to harmony again. I tried klonopin, xanax, various anti-depressants and nothing seemed to make me much better and gave me bad side effects in most cases (some of them being worsened anxiety which made matters worse) so as of now I&#39;m not on any medication.</p><p>Jayocaine - you treat your anxiety with only CBT right? Any medication at all work for you? Not that it would work for others, but just wondering. It totally sucks dealing with this daily and I feel both your pain. You just want to experience life with excitement and energy again. We can&#39;t give up hope though. There HAS to be a cure.</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-06-08T20:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "<p>No medication doesn&#39;t help at all, in fact it makes it worse. I&#39;ve been dealing with this for about 6 years. I&#39;ve done alot of searching and studying. I&#39;ve finally come to realize it&#39;s dissociation. Derealization to be exact.&#160;</p><p></p><p>tell me:</p><p>Does it get worse when you drink coffee?</p><p>Does it kind of almost help when you drink alchohol? But get worse the following week?</p><p>Do you think about it alot?</p><p>Have you ever had a panic attack?</p><p>Do you work? Or do activities? Or are you stagnant at home.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "content": [ "<p>There is no cure per se. BUT good news, you can actually deal with it quite well and live a fullfilled life. I mean look at abe lincon and winston churchill and vincent van gogh they&#39;ve all desbrived experiencing what we do. Anyways what we have are very very sensitive brains due to whatever caused us to be this way. What happened is the wiring in your brain has changed and due to brain elasticity we can overcome it. CBT is extremely extremely important. Medication, doesn&#39;t work for me due to my sensitive brain, even a cup of coffee sends me into a foggy state of nothingness. What we need to do is ground ourselves, it&#39;s going to sound crazy and like a pipe dream but seriously THINKING about it is the worst thing you can do.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Put it this way, since I started coming to these forums and thinking about it, reading about it. It&#39;s gotten ten times worse. When I was roofing it was still there it just didn&#39;t bother me because I was too busy roofing and working hard.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-04-08T01:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>sorry thats not to say I didn&#39;t think about it when I was roofing, i just thought about it less. It was still there, it just wasnt as bad as it is now that i&#39;m sitting on my computer talking about it.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-25T23:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas26987-996544" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "surprised to see people having similar situation like me ~ i also feel its not anxeity or depression " ], "date": [ "2016-11-25T10:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/remygirl-984457" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/js742-844275" ], "content": [ "<p>I have the same exact thing! Low grade fever and all even though its got on my cheeks like I have the flu. No idea what it is but I so struggle with anxiety I&#39;m trying to get help and do anything I can I want this to go away so bad!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-25T23:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/remygirl-984457" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had the same for 11 months. I finally researched physical symptoms of depression and thought I&#39;d try antidepressants. I&#39;ve been on Zoloft for 2 weeks and I&#39;m starting to feel better. I&#39;ve had dizziness, brain fog, memory loss, exhaustion, and feeling like I&#39;m not really living. The Zoloft seems to be helping. Maybe something to consider. </p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ericalk-1002103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "<p>I know EXACTLY what you are going through. The only way I can explain this feeling is being stoned, but uncomfortably stoned. </p><p></p><p>I have a constant pressure in my head, constant humming in my ears, grainy vision, memory is terrible, I can&#39;t remember much of what I did earlier during the day. I feel as if I&#39;m dreaming almost, there is a constant fog that I live in. </p><p></p><p>Some days are worse then others. Sometimes I don&#39;t even want to leave my house because I literally can&#39;t focus on anything. On these bad days Sometimes I&#39;m not even sure if I said something or if I thought it... I get so out of it.</p><p></p><p>This first happened to me when I was 14. One day I was hanging out at school and then boom it was like an all of a sudden thing. Something clicked in my head and I was NEVER the same. I was terrified I prayed for it to go away and tried to just sleep it off but it never left. I&#39;m 23 now and to this day I still feel it. It is permanent. </p><p></p><p>Over these many years I have learnt how to deal with it. I&#39;ve gotten used to it and I know how to deal with it when it gets really bad. I live a completely normal fuctioning life. If you aren&#39;t already at that point you will get there. It may take a lot of time. Took me about 2 maybe 3 years and I&#39;m still not fully used to it. I still wish I felt normal like I used to. But if we have to live with it for the rest of our lives there is no point letting it destroy us. </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-30T13:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ericalk-1002103" ], "content": [ "Did you ever have some periods in between where you have felt back to normal? I get these moements where I suddenly feel not as bad. They come all over sudden but don`t last that long.\r\nFor me this is the fourth time I`m going through this and this time it`s not getting any better but rather worse. Fellong totally irritable, short fused , can`t concentrate. Now this is withme 24/7, well when I sleep I somewhat feel better but the next morning I feel bad again. And then, boom, somehting clicks again and I feel even worse. And that is then my new baseline from which it will again jsut go downhill to a new lower low.\r\nRight now I`m wondering for how much longer I will be able to work, things I used to do at work on a daily bases suddenly become a real task for me, I have to try and recall how i did them before. \r\nMy head feels tense most of the time, eithet t the top or left and right side.\r\nNeck is tense as well and got very often a burning in the back of my head.\r\nIt`s all vry frustrating and all the searching for answers on the internet got me some terrifying answeres." ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "Did you suffer from your symptoms 24/7? I asume they got worse over the time?\r\nIt`s now 3 years for me now and before that I had over a period of 17 years the odd spell of similar symptoms but none of them lasted as long as the current one. And none of them was as bad as this one. Hard to believe that anxiety cn do all this, but maybe it`s just all it is?" ], "date": [ "2016-12-15T12:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m so sorry for your suffering. Having a mysterious illness is truly painful. Most people don&#39;t understand. </p><p>My symptoms are 24/7 but since July they have been worse at night, if I&#39;m tired, or if I&#39;m sick at all. My symptoms started in January of 2016. I&#39;ve been tested for SO many things and they&#39;re all negative. I&#39;ve been taking Zoloft for a month now and I think it&#39;s helped with the dizziness, but it&#39;s causing me some other problems, so I may have to try something else. I definitely believe that stress, anxiety, depression, and diet play a huge role in our health. Have you tried altering your diet? Please forgive me if I ask you a question you&#39;ve already answered; my memory is horrible these days...it&#39;s a part of the mystery sickness. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-16T00:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "Yes it`s terrible having to deal with something and no one can give you any answers in regard to what yo uare dealing with.\r\nI have altered my diet way back in 2008, no carbs, no sugar, lots of veggies etc. I don`t drink alcohol neither do I smoke. But eben though I changed my diet I got these symptoms anyway. But back then they never were as pronounced as they re now nor did they last for as long. Over the last 10 years I had 4 or 5 MRIs of my brain done, all came back just fine. Buthrn there are things you can`t catch with MRIs anyway. Like dementia for example. Something I`m more and more buying into. My concentration is terrible, I get so irritable at work because of all the noise, bright lights, and stress. And the declien I`m experiencing is not like a slope but rather a steep fall from one plateau to another. Withthe new plateau being my new baseline from which it will get even worse after a while. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T16:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "I am so sorry. Have you tried an antidepressant? Have you been tested for autoimmune diseases? " ], "date": [ "2016-12-16T03:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/babyt36-976400" ], "content": [ "Hi, just wandering if your any better or had a diagnosis? Im feeling same for over 2 months now, " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel88747-1003612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brenda92507-969533" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello I&#39;m glad I found this. I have panic anxiety lately and foggy head weird fuzzy feeling put on Ativan as needed cuz I couldn&#39;t sleep. I really don&#39;t want to stay on it though. Going to try amino acid therapy. Trying to do some meditation, only works for so long. <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> any suggestions </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T05:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ericalk-1002103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Rockers,&#160;</p><p></p><p>&#160;&#160; &#160;&#160;In the beginning this feeling would come and go, somedays I&#39;d feel perfectly fine, the next, not so much. This went on for a few months, if I&#39;m remembering correctly. Then one day it never left me and I&#39;ve been like this ever since.&#160;</p><p></p><p>If what you experience is anything like what I have been living with for the past 9 years all I can say is that it does get easier. For me I found myself getting used to it. It&#39;s hard because you always want to feel that &quot;normal&quot; feeling again, which conviently never comes. But once you&#39;ve accepted that it gets better.</p><p>What I had to do was force myself to do my daily tasks. For memory I also started keeping a journal and I write down everything I have done in a day then recap when I need to, it&#39;s quite handy to say the least.</p><p>Other then that just live your life the best you can. Enjoy the things you love to do. Evenutally you&#39;ll find yourself not even noticing it...</p><p></p><p>Good luck <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /> &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T03:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nate70822-1005716" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi dylan, I agree with you. Most doctors follow a protocol of blood work and various generic tests and give up pretty quikly ( especially in the U.S..). For me, I had viral meningitus when i was 30, It was caused my the Epstein Barr virus and completely wiped me out. 11 days in the hospital and the aftermath has been hell. I went into a contant state of numbness, always feeling like I had poor sleep all through the day for 11 years now. This had ruined my ability to concetrate, I do not have the ability to get credentials I need becuase of the non stop mental exuastion, In the U.S. this means I could very well end up in total poverty. One thing people should keep in mind on the forum is known viruses like Epstein Barr are in your body for life and have often been cited as possible causes of &#39;chonic fatigue syndrome&#39; . I&#39;m living proof of this, I&#39;m numb as I write this, just as i always am, from the day the doctor told me I had meningitus from Epstein Barr 11 years ago until this moment, the relationship is clear as day.</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rene_18923-1007841" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Hey Rockers what do you eat and drink on a daily basis and how many times a day?" ], "date": [ "2017-01-08T17:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicolax-1009536" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "<p>I have all you&#39;re symptoms apart from the ringing In ears,my ears have a pressure feeling .</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-10T23:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/confusedjoe-1004832" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jesse_84327-976649" ], "content": [ "Mine came over night as well. Did you find what it was? Really struggling " ], "date": [ "2017-01-23T11:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "hey Stephen, Any sucess in feeling better or clue whats going on?\r\nsounds like I may have the samething but I havent found anything to help." ], "date": [ "2017-01-27T03:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/allycat2468-1018804" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/babyt36-976400" ], "content": [ "<p>I can so relate. Being a mum of small children is a real concern when you feel this way. I&#39;m so worried about how my child will be affected by my impairment. My symptoms are very similar to yours! I hate that this is in my life while I&#39;m responsible for a young child. &#128577;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T03:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "Hi Stephen, \r\nI just came across this discussion. I wrote a reply to the original post. I am suffering from the same symptoms. I am thinking that we should form a group and contact neuroscientists who might find our group useful for their research to understand brain more. I now came to a conclusion that this is my new state of mind and I gave up on hoping that I will ever have the same clarity as I used to have. It is horrible to feel disconnected and stoned all the time but what encourages me is that other people learnt to live with it. If it is more of us together forming a group, doctors and scientists would take us seriously than if we are on our own. What are your thoughts?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-12T04:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m on board to contact a neuroscientist group... I have had this horrible &quot;brain fog/zoned out&quot; problem off and on for about 5 years now. I&#39;m currently in a bad phase of it now and sometimes it worries me especially when I&#39;m driving and have passengers in car. I am so spaced out that I don&#39;t make the safest driving decisions and take chances I shouldn&#39;t. I almost seem to have an &quot;I don&#39;t care --- whatever...&quot; attitude. I just feel like I&#39;m so mentally messed up and unable to focus. I also get very irritable if someone breaks my focus or talks over me. It&#39;s like I&#39;ve lost the ability to handle the interruptions/distractions. I don&#39;t know what&#39;s happened honestly. I have gone through a lot of stress and think my adrenals took a beating so maybe that has something to do with it along with hormonal imbalance possibly. It&#39;s a big mystery to me but I would love to feel mentally &quot;with it&quot; again. It&#39;s been so long... Plus I have such horrible fatigue most days that causes me to just want to lay down and sleep at any given moment. I&#39;m on board for an experimental group to try and help us out...</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-04-15T02:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "Yes count me in. seems like sugar and caffeine make it worse.\r\nGod bless" ], "date": [ "2022-04-15T02:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "content": [ "i know what you mean I feel the same way sometimes when I drive. I wish I knew a cure. I just keep trusting the Lord." ], "date": [ "2022-04-15T02:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "<p>Nice to hear you say you keep trusting the Lord. That&#39;s exactly what has carried me through all these years, and I tell you I&#39;ve had some moments where I honestly thought I&#39;d be seeing Him very soon. I was so exhausted and mentally in such a strange place that I didn&#39;t know if I&#39;d see the next day. I have hit seasons of where I feel better, although not back to myself by a long shot, but I&#39;m thankful for those times. Right now is pretty tough so please keep me in prayer and I&#39;ll do the same for you. God Bless you as well.</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-04-15T02:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "content": [ "<p>i read rcently that we should thank God for triulation since it&#39;s develops patience and patience develops character. Yes I will be praying. He loves us and is with us.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T03:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenbate310-1033877" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "Hey Stephan where u st with it now? U described my symptoms perfectly " ], "date": [ "2017-03-18T23:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason05666-1035757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole46228-941456" ], "content": [ "<p>jaysus christ... me and you are pretty much in the same boat. I&#39;m 15 (gonna be 16 soon) and i suffer from anxiety. My brain fog is bothering me these days coz i have my finals. &#160;Just wanted to say the best of luck to you and your future.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-24T11:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "content": [ "I continue to pray for everyone here that they would receive healing. " ], "date": [ "2017-03-24T12:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/havoc-1039638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "You described my feelings 100% right. Mine started with a panic attacks and the came the blurry feeling, detachment feelings and memory problems. I also sometimes have difficulties to pronounce difficult words and i feel like talking is hard. I had these symptoms for 8 years now. I dont think i will ever recover from this. I used go to the doctors and psychiatrist but i kinda gave up because no-one had any idea what was wrong with me. By the way, i also have problems with my neck and shoulders. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-13T21:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/houston70610-1041643" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "<p>I know its been over a year since this post, but literally every single symptom you&#39;ve described has been my exact situation, slowly exponentiating over the last 2 or 3 years. The depersonalization, the spaceyness, the zombie/fatigue feeling, the memory issues, the sheer lack of time context (did that happen today, or a month ago?), the lack of motivation to do things that you know you love, and how every little responsibility is suddenly a huge undertaking because of the lack of motivation / the fear of failure / the compounding stress caused by your own brain. I know I have untreated depression and anxiety, but I&#39;m curious if treatment will help or has helped anyone here. Did you have any luck?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-12T20:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/houston70610-1041643" ], "content": [ "<p>I can&#39;t speak for anyone else but for me I just keep pushing forward. I try not to think about it, keeping busy and trust God is the best thing that has worked for me. I am trying new things and will post if they work.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-12T21:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m also on board to join a group - I&#39;ve been experiencing the same foggy and weird neurological issues.</p><p></p><p>For anyone who is reading this and looking for reassurance that they are not the only one with embarrassing cognitive problems, this is my experience:&#160;</p><p></p><p>For a little over a year now I have been in an on-again off-again fog.&#160; (With the fog taking over more frequently and intensely in the last few months.)&#160; I get confused easily, am incredibly forgetful, have a hard time finding words or staying focused, I avoid social interactions because I feel like an idiot, get random blurry vision, extreme headaches, constant fatigue, lack of motivation, numbness in my hands and face.&#160; I have a strange sense of time - hours, days even, can go by without even noticing.&#160; When I don&#39;t have a headache my brain and ears feel under pressure.&#160; Too much caffeine and bright lights/sunshine amplify the symptoms.&#160; I definitely still have moments where I feel sharp, awake, and, despite sounding corny, actually alive. But those moments are few and far between at this point.</p><p></p><p>I will be seeing a psychologist/neurologist this week, if anyone is interested in my findings/treatment let me know, I&#39;m happy to share.</p><p></p><p>Also, Thanks to TaylorMason for the original post, and everyone else who is struggling with this.</p>" ], "date": [ "2023-02-05T14:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Celia, thanks for posting. I recognize every bit of what you&#39;re saying and I&#39;m sorry you also have to go through this.&#160; Please keep us updated on your doctors&#39; appointment. I&#39;m curious about their conclusion.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/confusedjoe-1004832" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey. I&#39;m exactly the same 24/7. Let me know what you find. I think we might have neurological Lyme disease.</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-04-15T01:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/confusedjoe-1004832" ], "content": [ "Not sure my post went through. My son if finally rid of most of these awful symptoms and back to school. Months of searching for answers. It was anxiety and depression on top of atypical migraines causing these physical manifestations. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "content": [ "<p>What kind of treatment did your son get Cari? I don&#39;t think I suffer from depression or anxiety but I do from silent migraines. I also got Lyme disease. By now I&#39;m willing to try anything to get a life again though.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T03:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "I would have never guessed those would have been the culprit. Amitrypline for the migraines. Zoloft for depression/anxiety. CBT therapy 2x/week for months. Now 1x/week. Lots of supplements as his\r\nAdrenals/Corrisol/etc were wiped out. And hypnotherapy. We tried a lot in a short period in order to get him back to college/friends " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks Cari for your reply.</p><p>That&#39;s quite a lot of stuff, but it&#39;s great it helped him.</p><p>May I ask which supplements you used for the adrenal exhaustion? I suffer from that also, always have to lay down at 3PM for a couple of hours. Not very practical if one should work all day.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-22T13:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "It was a combination of adrenal(priority one adrenal 250), DHEA, cortisol manager and hydrocortisone " ], "date": [ "2017-04-23T04:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks again Cari. I&#39;m familiar with the compounds you mention, I&#39;ve been taking [b]Ashwagandha[/b], L-theanine and Phosphatidylserine for a few months but I might be adding the Magnolia bark soon since I&#39;ve recently read in multiple sources it could be beneficial (ironically enough I&#39;ve cut down a big Magnolia tree last year and burned it up in my stove).</p><p>I have the adrenal one laying around here for a while now, but didn&#39;t take it yet because I&#39;m a bit wary of the possible side effects, which also prevented me from getting the DHEA and hydrocortisone. I&#39;ve used high doses of cortisone in the past and got awful side effects then.</p><p>Thanks for getting back at me Cari, it&#39;s nice to have something concrete tips to go on while having to live in this mess.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-23T07:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chokolate-1043501" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "<p>Please do update on the symptoms! I am both pleased and saddened to have found this thread. &#160;I&#39;ve been feeling the same way for two months. &#160;The good thing is mine doesn&#39;t seem to be as severe as some of yours - I&#39;m still doing well in uni, etc. but I am absolutely not myself, random waves and spells of dizziness, pain at the back of my head, mental fog, terrible short term memory and also random muscle trembling which (yay) disappeared a few days ago! My sense of time is shot. &#160;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m also totally up for speaking to a neurologist. &#160;The more examples they have, the more interest and studies they can undertake to solve our strange problem.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/js742-844275" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi new to the forum thing just wondering if u ever got any help with ur suffering ? I&#39;ve been suffering the same now for 2 years and it&#39;s getting worse . Brain scans. Heart scans . Blood tests. Doc says nothing wrong with me. I know there is . Someone pls help!</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-30T07:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "content": [ "Lots of tests for my son too. Counseling, lots supplement to balance cortisol, adrenals. Iron etc and a med for depression have allowed him to return to normal activities. " ], "date": [ "2017-04-30T15:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "content": [ "<p>So the doctors found something wrong with your son ? Was it anything in particular maybe I can run it past my doctor see if it&#39;s a possibility I have the same thing . I don&#39;t know what to do. Any more information on what ur son takes to make him feel better would be much appreciated. Thanks </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-30T16:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "content": [ "He is in amitrypline for silent migraines (although I now question that diagnosis) but it did solve the brain fog for 2 years. Now sertraline(Zoloft) for depression and anxiety. Weekly counseling has been a huge benefit. Plus a good naturopath to check hormone levels. He had wiped out his system living in fight/flight mode constantly. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "<p>Is there any pattern to the on-off effect Celia or does it just come back on overnight?</p><p></p><p>I got absolutely wiped out with huge cognitive issues 3.5 years ago (I was only early 20s) and now live every second of every day in a mental fog, some days are incredibly tough. Literally all hit me one day out of the blue like a brain &#39;attack&#39; after feeling it come on gradually for three days prior. My memory is totally gone.</p><p></p><p>It has progressed and other symptoms include fatigue, tingling/pins and needles in feet which has now spread to whole legs and hands, stiff knees, hair loss, floaters in eyes, the list goes on...</p><p></p><p>Doctors don&#39;t know what&#39;s happened and I have had every blood test under the sun, MRI scan (which actually didn&#39;t come back clear but deemed insignificant), lumbar puncture, the lot. I remain undiagnosed. I would do anything to have a feeling of clarity in my head again, but for now, i have no leads.</p><p></p><p>For anyone going through this, keep up the search and I hope you find answers. You will know in your heart whether this is caused by anxiety. In my case, after 3.5 years of searching which I can barely remember, I know it is not.</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "content": [ "Did they test for vitamin B12 and D deficiency? And for Lyme?" ], "date": [ "2017-05-13T22:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Linda,&#160;</p><p></p><p>I had my active B12 checked this time last year and it was almost dead centre of normal, doesn&#39;t necessarily mean i&#39;m absorbing it though so considering a B12 injection to see how I feel.</p><p></p><p>Had Lyme tested privately (I&#39;m UK so testing not so thorough), it came back negative. I think it was an ELISA test but I&#39;d need to ask my doc. Saw my GP recently who is totally out of ideas, he is going to re-run every blood test available which is good. I asked about Lyme and he said he&#39;d expect far more nero symptoms in the weeks after symptom onset if it was lyme. I&#39;m still tempted to run a full lyme-lab with Armin in Germany. I was bitten by something, I don&#39;t know what, in 2013 (all this started in Jan 2014), I didn&#39;t have a bullseye rash but I could see the bite hole in my shin and my whole leg swelled and went purple/blue for at least a week. Related maybe? I don&#39;t know..</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Sorry, Vit D was deficient in very first bloodwork when this all started. Took high-dose Vit D supplements for a month, but no change sadly" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi never20, I asked about the B12 because the so-called normal value is far too low, it should be at least 400. I&#39;ve extensively researched B12 since I had a major deficiency myself when it all started.</p><p>I upped my B12 in 3 weeks from about 150 to 390 by taking 3000mcg sublingual tablets containing the &#39;right&#39; form of B12 (methylcobalamine). I didn&#39;t want Injections since they are too low dosed and the wrong form of B12 (hydroxycobalamine) and are also quite uncomfortable (having to go to the doctors office and getting an intramuscular is no fun:-s). I took methylfolate with them to facilitate utilization. I could notice the effect in a few weeks; less foggy, my shiny and thick hair returned and a little less fatigued.</p><p>I also did my Lymetest in Germany, the GP tests are useless.</p><p>Peculiar that you had the same &#39;bite experience&#39; as me: I also was bitten in 2013 preceding my first complaints in 2014. I had a hole in my leg as well and had it severely swollen and colored for a few days. I saw the insect for a second and googled it and found out it was a Blandfort Fly. One of my neighbors has a huge pond, so it probably came from there. I&#39;ve also been thinking about it being the possible cause for my complaints, but I can&#39;t find any info on chronic complaints as a result of this fly&#39;s bite.</p><p>By the way, not all Lyme infections lead to mainly neuro symptoms initially, it&#39;s especially Borrelia Afzelii which does this, other Borrelia infections mainly lead to joint and muscle pain and feeling feverish initially.</p><p></p><p>Lastly, if you have a vitamin D deficiency: it can take up to several months to get to a normal level (+/- 80), it&#39;s not as quick as B12. I also had a low level, and it took me almost three months to get to a normal level, even though I took a high dose.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T08:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>I think my B12 level was around the 130 mark, so something to consider. Have you found upping your B12 helped with any symptoms at all? I have high dose in my multi-vit and have used high dose B12 methylcobalamine oral spray before but to no benefit. I thought people used the injections because they were high dose?? And also because they take effect more quickly.&#160;</p><p></p><p>My vit D was brought up to 79 a few years ago after being at 25, although it may have dropped off again as there&#39;s little sun in the UK!</p><p></p><p>With your lyme - what were your first symptoms? My understanding was that actually none of the Lyme strains affect the brain first, but in almost all cases it would start as a feverish/pains (I don&#39;t have any pain/fevers) within a few weeks of being bitten and neurological issues being a much later problem. Maybe i&#39;m misinformed. This makes me think it is not lyme, but i&#39;m still considering testing. The only downfall is that financially it&#39;s a huge outlay, i have some money to put towards finding an answer to all this, but if i go for lyme testing and it comes back negative, i&#39;ll kick myself that I could&#39;ve looked elsewhere. Catch 22, really!&#160;</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T11:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "content": [ "<p>A B12 of 130 is way too low. A count of 120 or below is in general perceived as an increased risk for neurological complaints. These values are based on observations in the population, not based on any scientific grounds. For example: in Japan the normal value is 400, probably because people eat a lot of B12 from plant sources.</p><p>The dose you would get through an injection in general is 1000mcg once a week. In my experience with other people it takes ages to get to a satisfying level this way, if at all.</p><p>I doubt if the spray you took was really high dose; most of these sprays are just 500mcg. Also you need to avoid drinking/eating anything for 15 minutes.</p><p>Upping the B12 indeed had its benefits, see my former post. I should add that I also slept a lot better.</p><p></p><p>I also waited (too) long to get tested for Lyme in Germany, for the same reasons as you. In the end I wish I had done it earlier, regardless the outcome. With a positive outcome you can focus on one diagnosis and in case of a negative outcome you can drop at least one cause for your complaints and be relieved it&#39;s at least not this rotten disease.</p><p>&#160;</p><p>My Lyme started with feeling feverish and extremely fatigued, but was accompanied right away with all the neurological stuff.</p><p>The different kinds of Borrelia species are really different animals. I hardly recognize the stories of people with the Burgdorferi kind, they suffer a lot more from body pains and headaches initially (though later on it gets more similar in the neurological sense).</p><p></p><p>And well, the weather and vit. D.... I will supplement it for the rest of my life for sure, unless I will succeed in leaving the Netherlands. This climate is killing me slowly in every way...</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T15:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>Ah, sorry Linda, the brain fog can be a nightmare when reading/remembering what people have said! Great to hear that the b12 helped you - a little less fog and improved hair growth would be very welcome right now! Certainly think I should get back on it. I tried a couple of methods in the past, oral spray 1200mcg (so no, not really high dose) and 500mcg tablets, although i was only on them for a few weeks and gave up - got my B12 tested about 8 months later and it was 125 (not 130, just checked results). That is interesting about Japanese diet and B12, I know they are very rich in iodine as well.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Yes, I do agree about the lyme testing, it&#39;s something I need to do. As you say, it can only be ruled out. I might PM you about that, if you don&#39;t mind.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve often found the Vit D. deficiency interesting and its impact on people&#39;s health. Most people in northern europe should be supplemeting really. Half the UK are likely deficient, although many show no symptoms of it.&#160;</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T21:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "And by the way, thank you for your info Linda! Very kind of you" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T22:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "content": [ "<p>No problem never20, I know all about brain fog...</p><p></p><p>Considering the B12 it&#39;s very well possible you raised it significantly since 1200mcg is quite OK and even 500mcg daily should result in an increase, but if you suffer from malabsorption so you might need to take it indefinitely.</p><p>I take high doses of D and B12 consistently and my blood works have been OK for the last couple of years, so it&#39;s worth it.</p><p></p><p>Feel welcome to PM me if you have any questions.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T22:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "content": [ "<p>My pleasure never20, I&#39;m happy to share my knowledge with anyone who can benefit from it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-15T07:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Thanks, Linda. Have sent you a message. " ], "date": [ "2017-05-15T18:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "content": [ "Hi Cari00,\r\nyour comments have truly been the most helpful in this thread. Like your son, I am also in college, and I am terrified to go back after the summer break because of inability to function. I was wondering more about how he feels now specifically? Has the brain fog gone away? " ], "date": [ "2017-05-21T16:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cometjumper-1061504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/remygirl-984457" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, I couldn&#39;t find what you were replying to but if you mean redness on your nose and cheeks and it&#39;s couples with a fever maybe you should your doctor to check for SLE. I&#39;m not a professional in anyway and am in no way trying to diagnose you. Anyway, no harm in asking your doctor right ?! I hope you&#39;re doing well.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-23T13:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natasha1006-1066222" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "I am having the exact issues that you had when you wrote this. Did you find out what was causing this?" ], "date": [ "2017-07-12T04:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cari00-1014495" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I would just like to thank u for giving me the information on your son&#39;s meds I was put on sertraline after I told my psychiatrist about what u had told me , he put me on maximum dose 200mg and told me if it works then he suspects it is chronic fatigue syndrome as this is how they treat it . I&#39;m 95% back to my old self once again the occasional minor confused moment. It&#39;s all down to u thank u so much .hope ur son is still feeling better. ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scott49786-1055049" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicolax-1009536" ], "content": [ "SAME - a few doctors mentioned i had fluid in middle ear and prescribed nasal sprays... didnt do much" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/scott49786-1055049" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "Agreed. I had a great space of time without fog, and thought my gluten free diet was the key. I had maple syrup on my gluten free waffles, and the surge of sugar spiked my fog..." ], "date": [ "2017-08-07T15:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/riri000-1046378" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "content": [ "<p>I hope u see this :( did your tinnitus go away? I was so stressed and panick attacks and the last symptom to occur was tinnitus :( it&#39;s been a month now :(&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-24T02:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/riri000-1046378" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve read that Melatonin can help Tinnitus</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/exaltednik-1078567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "<p>Wow, actually kind of a relief finding this thread. I thought I was alone. We should all meet up and form the brain fog club. Seriously though, all of this describes what is happening to me perfectly. Having conversations is next to impossible. The vision problems are what are really getting to me. Everything just looks weird. I don&#39;t know how to describe it. Things just look out of focus, or further away than they really are, or like the depth of field on them wrong. Nothing looks real. This all started for me a few months ago out of nowhere. Nothing changed that I know of, it just happened. I have anxiety problems, seems to be a recurring theme in all of these comments</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-02-13T21:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/exaltednik-1078567" ], "content": [ "<p>ExaltedNik mine started a year ago and I am now getting treatment for Lyme Disease, EBV &amp; HPV-6. &#160;It really sucks but I&#39;m hoping to eventually come out the other end of this tunnel. &#160;My vision is weird, very had to describe to people. &#160;I just saw a retina specialist who is going to run more tests, but thinks the Lyme could be affecting my vision, said it is not uncommon</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-25T15:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "<p>Did they run a lymes test? My physiologist thinks mine is lymes too but I have had 3 negative tests, but my symptoms get better when I take a lymes antibiotic. So she is treating with the antidepressants and meds that are used to combat the physiological issues that lymes causes. I hope you get better. I&#39;m going to a lymes specialist very soon and hopefully get some real answers , good luck&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ " 33Cody-\r\n\r\nMake sure you see a Lyme specialist.  Most doctors are uneducated about chronic Lyme or neuro Lyme. A Lyme specialist (LLMD) will most likely utilize specialty labs as false negatives can be very common." ], "date": [ "2017-08-25T16:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi never20!&#160; I am so sorry that I didn&#39;t get back to you... I never got any email updates about people responding to me on here so I didn&#39;t know that there were people who were interested! Seriously so sorry.&#160; If you&#39;re still looking for answers - I&#39;ve been diagnosed with cPTSD.&#160; It explains all of my symptoms perfectly.&#160; I&#39;m currently in treatment with a prognosis of about a 12 month total recovery time - so 8 months to go.&#160; Feeling a lot better and hopeful that I&#39;ll be able to &#39;fix&#39; me for good.&#160; Let me know if you&#39;re still struggling and interested in knowing more... I&#39;m happy to help absolutely anyone who might be going through this thing too.</p><p></p><p>Again, sorry for the delayed response!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-09T04:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brittany90609-1084958" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "<p>Exact same symptoms, the neck pain/ache is so frustrating It feels constantly there but I can&#39;t pinpoint if it&#39;s coming from my shoulders, my neck or the base of my skull, along with the forehead pressure. All becoming worse as the memory and brain fog worsen. I was always in advanced classes, graduated at 16, attend college before 17. I have always read books on a daily basis, all kinds, all the time but for the last few years I can&#39;t retain ANYTHING! I get so frustrated after the first few chapters because I can&#39;t remember whats going on. My perception of time is so off I&#39;m sometimes convinced I&#39;m dreaming. Things this morning feel like yesterday. Instances last week seem like I may have dreamed them. I&#39;m 30 and I feel mentally dead.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2022-04-15T01:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brittany90609-1084958" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Brittany- &#160;I am suggesting that you get tested for Lyme and viruses. &#160;Epstein Barr Virus and other viruses can cause stiff neck and sore muscles as well as brain fog. &#160;When I was tested I came up positive for Lyme, EBV, HPV6, Micoplasma and Parvovirus. &#160;At least I am getting treatment now...these can be invisible diseases...you don&#39;t always know you have them unless you get tested.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousami-1105501" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/confusedjoe-1004832" ], "content": [ "<p>I was about to say...look into Lyme disease!! Get tested through...</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve been in this same fog for years because of Lyme. :( It literally feels like I&#39;m looking at the world through glass or something. It&#39;s the weirdest feeling ever.&#160;</p><p></p><p>[b]I have removed reference to individual private clinics which are not supported by UK doctors[b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-21T01:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anthonyss-1105398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "For anyone who is reading this and looking for reassurance that they are not the only one with embarrassing cognitive problems, this is my experience: sorry i used some of your words thanks saved me 30 min \r\n\r\nFor about 15 years now i have been passing out at lest once a year not sure what issues may are may not be a part of this madness  I have been in an on-again off-again fog anxiety depression and pressure on the top part of my brain that makes it so i cant hear myself think just a ringing sound that can get so loud i get dizz and see white as i passout for about a min has anyone else had a sound in the middle of your head sounding like bacon grease frying body gos limp and i see white till i can only hear my friends asking me whats wrong and i cant move or see for about 40 secs   the fog makes it so i cant see images in my mind when its hitting me i cant think without being able to visualize what am doing its how my mind works (With the fog and pressure like some one gaps my brain and squeezes taking over more and more ive had 3 long periods where the fog and pressure last for mouths on end with little brakes of coherent thought am just now getting back to 65% of a 100% of mind power its almost 2018 this time it started in 2014 dec i can remember about 12 things from 2014 to now 12 and its hard to see it and what i can see is faded as i get older its getting worse i cant lose 3 years again  I get confused easily,finding it hard to keep up with people talking ether it sounds muffled or am still trying to think what the hell the first word that come out there mouth was i mean there are times i cant understand  English born and raised in ohio wtf is going on  am incredibly forgetful, have a hard time finding words or staying focused,hot flashes, I avoid social interactions because I feel like an idiot, get random blurry vision,dizziness , constant , lack of motivation, pressure on the top on my brain front to back one time it was only half of my brain felt like it had had the pressure i think it was my right side if that happens to help some how   I have a strange sense of time - hours, days even, can go by without even noticing.  my brain and ears feel like there poppin .  Too much caffeine and bright lights/sunshine stress stress stress will amplify the symptoms.  I definitely still have moments where I feel sharp, awake, . But those moments are few and far between at this point.  i dont know what it is but i do know for me the fog and pressure feels different when its going to last a week or longer once you know the feeling for me i get 3days to  a week after i feel a strong one  comeing b4 i feel like someone unplugged me o almost for got hope this helps someone i started out passing out for the first time in my life around 16 was just walking got dizzy want down around 20 is the first time the presser started right after that b***h fog brain showed up then the ringing hot flashes ears making sounds spacing out feeling like my body wasnt mine batter way of putting it i was in there but i wasnt the driver it was like someone took the vary basics of who i am put me in the back seat and gave that dope the wheel saw other people with a lot of the same things i went tho but didnt know it was all connected worst s**t i have ever been throw i thought i was possessed body moving and me unable to take control just able to see out my own dame eyes  but thats from start to finish as far as i can remember  i hope it helps sorry i cant spell for s**t " ], "date": [ "2017-10-21T12:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousami-1105501" ], "content": [ "yes, I have all the same symptoms mentioned here.  Getting treated with ABX for Lyme now.  Praying for some resolution." ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "Prayer is the key! " ], "date": [ "2017-10-23T16:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/keandra_96450-1106228" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/babyt36-976400" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same exact way! I wake up in fear everyday &#128553; praying things get better for the both of us especially for the sake of our kids!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-23T17:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "<p>Iv ptsd too and I&#39;m constantly anxious with severe brain fog I&#39;ve been this way with three years now I just don&#39;t know what to do anymore and im taking antidepressant</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-23T20:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>For all that read this I’m praying that you get well. Having these things going on is no fun but there is hope &#128512;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-23T22:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/keandra_96450-1106228" ], "content": [ "I cant keep track on this thread. How olds ur child ? My heads total fog :( im so dizzy and spaced out" ], "date": [ "2017-10-24T07:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousami-1105501" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m happy to hear you&#39;ve figured out the cause! So many people struggling with these symptoms need to be tested for Lyme. It&#39;s becoming more and more common. I treated for a long time, even with a PICC line for a while and unfortunately never got better. Antibiotics started wreaking havoc on my liver so I was pulled off of them. Now I just try to manage my symptoms as they come. Some days are better than others. Hang in there!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T01:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Rachel - I&#39;m so sorry you&#39;re going through this.&#160; Its truly so much harder than people understand (and honestly, people not understanding it makes it even harder!)&#160; But here&#39;s what I&#39;ll tell you - I&#39;m in an entirely different place than I was 8 months ago.&#160; Its been hard, as I refused medication (those never worked for my mom or aunt)...and its been scary (the number of times I almost killed myself over the summer is truly embarrassing).&#160; But I&#39;m happy, most of the time, and I am able to clearly see when I&#39;ve been triggered, have developed really good coping strategies for the weeks after a severe trigger, and am hopeful that this will only take a year of my life, not more.&#160; (8 months in, 4 to go!)</p><p></p><p>Here&#39;s whats worked for me - first, the book &quot;the body keeps the score&quot; by Bessel Van Der Kolk was world changing for me.&#160; He understands cPTSD in ways that very few psychologists do.&#160; This book explained, basically, my entire personality without knowing anything about me.&#160; Ive spent many hours watching video clips of him on Youtube (included a link below!).&#160; Youtube has been such an amazing source of stability for me - when I&#39;m freaking out or confused or sad its so helpful to find other people experiencing this thing.&#160; Makes me feel a lot less crazy.</p><p></p><p>Daily things that haven been very helpful - drinking plenty of water. &#160; Vitamin D, B-complex, and fish oils. Exercise.&#160; Going for a long walk when [b]suicidal[/b] thoughts come around was really helpful.&#160; Stopping for a hot tea afterwards - also nice.</p><p></p><p>BE VERY PATIENT WITH YOURSELF.&#160; (this has been one of the hardest parts-I used to drink and party and play all the time...now, no alcohol in months, healthy isolation, SLOW days...but my brain feels better.&#160;#-) )</p><p></p><p>If you don&#39;t like your therapist, get a new one.</p><p></p><p>Its a weird and difficult journey - life debilitating at times - but I&#39;m really grateful to have found the resources that have saved my life.&#160; Let me know if I can be of any help to you at all - you can get better.&#160; Promise.</p><p></p><p>Good luck!!</p><p></p><p></p><p>Van Der Kolk:</p><p></p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.[/b]</p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages</a></p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the link(s) directing to site(s) unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.[/b]</p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts</a></p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages</a></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-27T19:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imzack-1121114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "<p>I can relate to many of your symptoms;</p><p>Mine are:</p><p></p><p>Fatigue/Excessive Tiredness</p><p>Brainfog/Difficulty Concentrating</p><p>Tinnitus/Ringing in Ears</p><p>THEN,&#160;</p><p>Anxiety hit me hard (all the sudden)</p><p>Negative and Racing thoughts</p><p></p><p>I found that the main culprit is a lack of sertonin.</p><p></p><p>A lack of Serotonin will in turn mean a lack of melatonin(promotes sleep)</p><p></p><p>Once I raised my Serotonin, all my symptoms started to fade away.</p><p></p><p>How did I increase my serotonin levels?&#160; You can do it by either a SSRI, or taking something like L-Tryptophan or 5-HTP.</p><p></p><p>I have tried all...&#160;</p><p></p><p>L-Tryptophan -&gt; 5-HTP -&gt; 5-HT(Serotonin);&#160; All a SSRI does, is inhibits the expulsion of Serotonin, so it stays with you longer.&#160; (Don&#39;t mix though)</p><p></p><p>I was taking a very high does of L-Tryptophan (up to 8 grams a day) and doing this, made me feel much better... but its a pain to take that many pills a day.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>Another thing that seemed to work is doing a low carbohydrate diet (Keto),&#160; after being on keto for about a week you can start feeling better.&#160; And now, I will notice after eating meals with high carbs, that I feel high fatigue</p><p></p><p>I am still trying to figure out why my body is not utilizing the l-tryptophan properly, or going through it too fast...&#160; but I wanted to post my current knowledge, in hopes that others can benefit, and possibly in turn contribute more.</p><p></p><p>I have been exploring the Serotonin/l-tryptophan pathway, and looking at other vitamins/minerals needed to properly turn l-tryptophan into serotonin.&#160; Looks like b-vitamins, especially b6 and b9 are necessary to synthesize serotonin from l-tryptophan.&#160; Exploring Methalyation as well... and [b]MTHFR[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Check for vitamin d defeciency" ], "date": [ "2017-11-23T03:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josh87310-1130486" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "I am on abx now for Lyme. Did they help you???" ], "date": [ "2017-12-13T04:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "<p>Dear Celia,&#160;</p><p>How are you feeling?&#160;</p><p>I am still the same.&#160;</p>:(" ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T13:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1141259" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "Hey awishforhealth. I decided to register after seeing your post about starting a group to get this brain fog s**t figured out. Was wondering if u went along with ur plan and got some people involved. if so id be glad to join in on the efforts. I personally cant remember how long ive been dealing with this same brain fog issue but im determined to find a solution." ], "date": [ "2018-01-18T02:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raj29314-1144133" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imzack-1121114" ], "content": [ "Hi Imzack\r\njust wondering how you are now. I have the same symptoms as you, has you tinnitus gone?" ], "date": [ "2018-03-13T19:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roxanne57418-1173412" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi!&#160; My situation is identical to yours! I was wondering if you&#39;ve found any relief from these symptoms, and if so, what you&#39;ve tried that&#39;s been successful?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-19T19:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roxanne57418-1173412" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imzack-1121114" ], "content": [ "<p>I can relate to many of your symptoms! I took an organic acids test which revealed a high quinolinic over 5-HIAA ratio. Basically, decreased conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine and epinephrine is indicated. I also have the [b]MTHFR[/b] gene and believe methylation is partly responsible. Have you made any discoveries in the last 6 months that have been helpful?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-19T20:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey79647-1181104" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "<p>Your story explains exactly what I&#39;m going through right now. Exactly! Have you going anything new out? I&#39;m on the verge of going on antidepressants because I&#39;m at my end. </p><p>I pray you&#39;ve gotten some relief [b]?[/b][b]?[/b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-19T18:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/roxanne57418-1173412" ], "content": [ "<p>Interesting, I am doing an Organic Acid Test tomorrow and hoping my practitioner will be able to make some recommendations once we get the results.&#160; I also have the [b]MTHFR[/b] gene mutation.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-21T12:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anxiousami-1105501" ], "content": [ "Did you find anything that helps ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T17:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "<p>Did you find anything that helped with your memory ?? Do you feel like your okd &quot;self&quot; ?</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T17:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stacey79647-1181104" ], "content": [ "Stacey are you feeling any better ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crystal24820-841063" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "You can count me in i would love to find out what the heck is wrong with me i too feel like im not here like a zombie i talk like a zombie my words come out all gebrish like im having a stroke or something thats why i dont go out much because i dont want to be embarrassed with the way i talk i feel off balanced when i walk dizzy feeling my legs feel like lead when i walk i forget what people tell me when there talking to me like it goes in one ear and out the other i have very bad health anxiety and ptsd. My mind is always racing non stop i have a hard time sleeping too because of it it wont shut off. Im so tired of living like this been like this since i was little. Im 50 yrs old now and its gotten worser it seems . god bless everyone on here and out there who are going through this its a horrrible life feeling like this all the time. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-10T20:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "Did the antibiotics help with your symptoms ? Memory loss?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-30T18:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stormiep-932665" ], "content": [ "Did you find out what caused your symptoms or anything that helps ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-30T19:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "content": [ "are you under a lot of stress? ive read so much lately about how terrible stress is for your bringing and mental health. They see that stress can cause memory loss and make you lose focus. I feel that it is a vicious cycle because I’m stressed about my symptoms which makes the symptoms get worse. I honestly feel like each change in environment to get my mind off of the symptoms helps me to feel better. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-10T20:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "Hi.hope you are feeling better ..did you find the reason for these symptoms?did you find anything that helps ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-30T21:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/never20-1048146" ], "content": [ "Did you find anything that helps ? " ], "date": [ "2018-10-30T23:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "How are you doing ? Is the medication helping ?" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T01:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren04447-1278259" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "Hi!\r\n\r\nI know this is an old thread, but what treatment did you get for lyme disease and EBV??\r\n\r\nthank you!" ], "date": [ "2020-09-10T05:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrea5385-1338024" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Hello did you get any answers as this is like I wrote this myself it's awful I wake up everyday thinking not another day of this and when i tell my doctor they say if you had a serious illness like cancer etc u be dead now and say have generalised and health anxiety " ], "date": [ "2020-10-14T09:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crystal24820-841063" ], "content": [ "Hi, has brain fog improved? I've been ill for 6 1/2 months scared senseless. fog, memory, zombie feeling I have all of it many tests but not many answers. please if you have any advice, it would be appreciated. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lu98-1341718" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "hi.. is anyone still on this discussion?.. i need help... i am experiencing these same symptoms i have just had a breakdown.. i don't know anyone else experiencing this stuff" ], "date": [ "2020-11-27T22:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lu98-1341718" ], "content": [ "Going through the same, no answers from anyone yet????" ], "date": [ "2020-11-27T22:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/magic1231-1344192" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "content": [ "I'm also experiencing this!! I have a breakdown almost daily over it. So sorry you feel the same way xxx" ], "date": [ "2020-11-27T23:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/magic1231-1344192" ], "content": [ "Thanks for responding, this feels so lonely...I break down everyday as well. They put me on Ativan twice a day, sometimes helps but adds fog to fog when it wears off. Trying TMS now, with a neurologist hopefully it helps. Hoping for the best for all of us..." ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tiffany53991-1346401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "anxiety and depression are symptoms that arise from dealing with the underlying problem but are not cause or root of the problem. get your ANA tested for an autoimmune disorder. they cause inflammation of the brain which in return causes all these symptoms you mentioned ." ], "date": [ "2020-12-12T15:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaitti-1347094" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "From what you have shared, it all seems to be an overload of your senses and the mind. You may not even notice this happening as it could've accumulated over the years or even months. As we sit in a certain mindset, it's not easy to notice how it's affecting us until it all accumulates.\r\nI strongly recommend meditation and minimizing time with your phone/computer/tv/social media to as little of time per day as possible. Also, keep your smartphone away from your pillow. \r\nAt this time, your mind is asking for you to halt all the negative influence it's receiving. You deserve time all to yourself. In the busy schedule, set the time just for you - quiet, alone time without stimulation of your senses." ], "date": [ "2020-12-17T07:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/howdy7-1351214" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole46228-941456" ], "content": [ "It sounds like this is anxiety related. If I had to say it seems like you spend a lot of time in your head and as a result have dissociated. I'm no expert but the first step in this is to sort out your anxiety and silence your thoughts. After you get your anxiety under control I would recommend, practicing awareness and being completely engaged with whats in front of you. Don't be afraid as I think roughly 70% people suffer from this without realizing it as so many people have dissociated as a result of being absorbed by their phones all the time. Be happy that you're aware of this problem! Start taking the first steps in managing this and work towards overcoming this. Never lose hope and keep on fighting. Managing your anxiety is difficult but the longer you wait the harder it will be." ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T19:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dee01197-1352886" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "content": [ "Hi. I have been getting flashes of light in my peripheral vision for around 10 years now. I went to an optician and he told me that as I age the jelly like substance at the back of my eyes becomes more unstable and stretches. That is what I am apparently seeing. It started in my early 40s. It does seem more noticeable when I'm outdoors and more active. A sort of shimmering on the outside edges of my vision. He told me it is harmless. Some days I barely notice it and others I seem to fix upon it. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-24T13:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dee01197-1352886" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Sorry, the previous reply was for another thread. \r\nI do also have problems with feeling very spacey and detached from everything. My memory is terrible too. I blame so much on anxiety and worry I am missing something more sinister going wrong with me. I feel terrible at the moment after the death of my parents and having recently had Covid, I feel shattered. I work for the NHS and am in the process of moving house. Really struggling with daily activities. Feeling dizzy, tired and anxious and having to take a list to the shops for 2 items. Hopefully things will get better soon. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "im with you on all that.. im exact same! need some sort of lift cus feel like my life is a waste cant enjoy it. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-11T14:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mr38694-1334924" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "content": [ "I have the same symptoms as you and went to many,many doctors without getting a diagnosis.\r\nSo far to lessen the Anxiety and to try an minimize the Panic Attacks I try and avoid any situation that may be stressful and drink Chamomile tea.\r\nIt is helping somewhat.\r\nStill get Panic Attacks but less of them and they don't last as long." ], "date": [ "2021-02-18T20:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joe50862-1358858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Hi Dylan, you described it so well, I have the exact same symptoms 24/7 and most of the time it is so strong that I feel like i'm fighting to say conscious, but for me also add to that a sever dizziness and moving sensation 24/7 on top of everything else. I have literarily been to all kinds of dr's and specialists tens and tens of them with all kinds of normal testings. \r\n(they tell you it's some kinda neuro syndroms in the central nervous system and some say it's pppd and some say enxiaty ) and at the end you're left with ten diferrent opinions and you just dont know what it is , and of course you will have \"Enxiaty\" if i'm feeling like this 24/7 and it all happened just suddenly over night and never went away. \r\nbut you're saying you've had it for 13 years now , wow, I dont know what to do anymore if this goes on any longer...13 years wow!!\r\nmy problem is that I refuse taking prescribed antidepressants. The last Dr. I saw prescribed me some natural Vitamins and supplements like 5HTP and L-Tyrosine all together.\r\nhad anyone tried these supplements before, did it help with anyone?\r\n\r\nThanks " ], "date": [ "2021-02-19T21:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john_619-979267" ], "content": [ "Hi, I know it's been over 4 years, but are you better? If so what worked? Not sure covid got me but ever since a viral infection , I haven't been the same." ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth10428-1369937" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Ive had similar issues for the last 4 years. With all the lifestyle changes i have made i should be so healthy. Nonone can tell me whats wrong. \r\n\r\nThe head pressure is one of my 3 major symptoms i describe. I get headaches anf migraines and the pressure is not quite that. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-13T05:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brooke19708-1370852" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "everything ive just read is me to a T! i cant remember a lot - i use to have good memory as well. it feels like im living life but im not really here? It feels like im in a dream and i dont know if conversations ive had or my memories are real because it all seems so foggy! im so tired all the time - like an all consuming exhaustion. i go to bed early and it doesnt matter how much sleep i get, i still wake up feeling like a zombie. i look around and it feels like the world is moving slower. mine started a couple of years ago, after i nearly died from having a baby. its been going on so long that sometimes i feel like i can cope, but other days like today it just affects my mental health so much i want to cry." ], "date": [ "2021-10-20T05:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mikeygee-1371479" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brooke19708-1370852" ], "content": [ "Hey Brooke, I have been dealing with the same issues as you since August of 2019. It is terrible. I just want it to end and most of the time I just cope with it because I can't even remember how I was before it started. Life just doesn't feel real and sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy. I have gotten an MRI and blood work done and everything is normal. Have you done anything that has somewhat made it bearable? Would love to talk to someone that knows exactly what I'm going through. Thanks, Michael" ], "date": [ "2021-10-20T05:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pandaboyrome-1371464" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Yes this is the part that makes me feel sad, because I do not feel like myself. The only time I get relief from this feeling is when I take an Aspirin. I may have brought this feeling back on by getting into my head this morning, about looking up every day Aspirin use and if it's safe/ok. \r\n\r\nI'm no expert but I am assuming the reason why this feeling persists, is because we are overthinking getting our blood pressure up, and it's causing our stress hormones to overreact constantly. I hate the feeling of not being fully aware or like I'm just observing myself from a place other than my own body. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T16:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pandaboyrome-1371464" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mikeygee-1371479" ], "content": [ "I'm so sorry that you have been dealing with this for so long. Aspirin has given me some relief. Are you seeing a therapist? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T16:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ben_-1368219" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/howdy7-1351214" ], "content": [ "ive been having the same problems and although it may be anxiety related, i dont think it's because you are too absorbed with your thoughts because i was super extroverted and had a great life until this happened. i think it is either anxiety or some nutrient deficiency or gut problem. but tell me if u find a cure bc im desperate " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T16:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike-nzl-1160323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mikeygee-1371479" ], "content": [ "Same here, I am in this constant state like everything is fake, and can't comprehend how my life got to this - Had this 3.5 years after waking up and getting panic attack. Been completely screwed up ever since. God when does it end, it's torture!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T15:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/damianocambridg-1376902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "hey! firstly i wanted to say thank you for writing this, this is word for word how i feel! its so hard to explain to someone who hasnt or isnt going through it! for me ive had bouts of \"brain fog\" if you will since i was 12 but usually they last about a week or two at a push a month. However last march it began pretty much the same as yours, although i havent been through a break up. As the months went on it got stronger and stronger to the point i tried to take me life because i couldnt bare it any longer (highly certain youve probably felt like that too.) a year later its out of control, ive lost my job because of it among other things. Over the past year ive been diagnosed with addisons disease and hypothyroidism and put on medication - the meds dont help at all. i wondered have you have any luck with finding out whats up? or improving it?" ], "date": [ "2021-10-20T05:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dasia35184-1377500" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "i have the exact same thing but it comes and goes do you do drugs i know this is a weird question but i started having this after a bad trip on shrooms and a different symptom i have but didnt see is being hot all the time and its not like your head hurts but you feel something in there like just quite not right im really happy and sad you have this because now i know im not the only one but i truly feel for you my memory is quite bad but whats worse is how it affects my vision sometimes i thought i was going crazy but idk " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T15:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dasia35184-1377500" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "also sometimes my senses go numb or the light is too much or its too hot and i need a cold shower (live in canada btw) so it really doesnt get that hot i find it sad how im reading that it got worse for some people and some people attempted and most have no answers because mine isnt that severe right now but i really do know the pain so i understand what helps me is being distracted from my thoughts because they follow me into my dreams and i think its because of stress im only 16, im failing school, i get into fights, ive had severe family trauma before i didnt care after i did the shrooms ig everything i didnt care about feeling came crashing down on me and i became more emotional but the only thing that bothers me is the feeling around/in my head " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T21:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dasia35184-1377500" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mikeygee-1371479" ], "content": [ "i find planning the day ahead works ik that sounds dumb but instead of me thinking why do i feel like this i stay distracted, cold showers help, the more i read other peoples replys i really think its stress or underlying stress you may not know you have especially if you were someone that used to be ok under high stress " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T21:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "How are you doing now? Anre you sure it's cPTSD? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike-nzl-1160323" ], "content": [ "Try the medication Lamotrigine it can evidently cure Derealization so can Zoloft at a high dose. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nickland-1381959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "hi celia, \r\nsorry if you have already replied to a question like this but i was wondering how your visit with the neurologist/psychologist went? ive been dealing with the same issues for a few months now with no explanation for them..." ], "date": [ "2021-06-12T05:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eleanor68973-1383637" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/celia-g-1043277" ], "content": [ "Hi, if you don't mind sharing, i would really like to hear what your findings were. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-21T19:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/damianocambridg-1376902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "hey taylor, i dont know if this is any help but ive recently gone through an mri scan for something unrelated to these symptoms however, theyve found something in my brain called a vascular anomoly, ive done a little research on this and i feel for me and my symptoms which are very similar to yours this is likely to be the culprit! i dont maybe its worth asking for an mri and getting checked out for this?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-24T20:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sara40967-1385188" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ericalk-1002103" ], "content": [ "It's so weird but something almost identical happenned to me. I was 14 years old and something clicked in my head I was watching TV at home. Suddenly, my perception changed and I felt dettached from reality, as if I was trapped in a bubble within my brain. It was terrifying, I would also see grainy specially with low light (at night), and I had strange a perception of space too, as if the floor was tilted to one side. My head felt heavy, foggy and weird. I felt almost dizzy when I slept and in my dreams I was always dizzy. It has NEVER gone away (I am 33) and I have wished so many times I could be the person I was before and just have a fully normal perception. But I also learnt to live with it, and I eventually accepted that I just needed to keep on and try and think about it as little as possible, otherwise it made it even worse and got me into depression. I've lived a normal life and kept it under control for so many years. The problem is something has triggered it to come back even worse than it was after going trough Covid: constant head pressure, buzzing ears, blurry vision, awful feeling of detachment, disturbed sleep. Whatever it is, probably very deep down rooted anxiety, is always there and seems to come back when you are going through a weak moment. Now I need to go through all the work again to overcome this and get used to the new form and new symptoms. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-10-20T05:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stormiep-932665" ], "content": [ " I know its been a while...has anything helped? Im suffering from this for almost 4 years and soon to end it all. Any recommendations " ], "date": [ "2021-07-10T22:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stormiep-932665" ], "content": [ "i I am having the same symptoms for almost I am having the same symptoms for almost 4 years. has anything helped you at all I need help ASAP. everyday Monday through Sunday feels the same context of time challenging. I feel like that. please get back to me thanks" ], "date": [ "2021-10-20T05:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "h hello my symptoms are the same for almost 4 years. short term memory loss confusion disorientation the context of time has left me days feel the same. has anything helped you at all I am at my Roads End. Thanks" ], "date": [ "2021-07-10T23:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lilo21-1387589" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "content": [ "I'm having the same issue. I'm 41 now and my brain fog just gets worse. I feel disconnected or high behind my eyes. I have had anxiety since I was a child with no real cause for it. My bloodwork and labs are 100% Since having my son in 2016 is when it started getting worse. I've been trying to find some kind of work from home job I can do that doesn't require talking to people on the phone. Its been rough for me." ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lilo21-1387589" ], "content": [ "i know its hard but i find with me the more i think about it the worse it gets, this week i find its only coming for short periods of time as ive set daily things to do, go for a walk go to town & so on. i find when im just at home & bored its 100% worse, now i no setting daily tasks is scary & you wont feel like you want to, but i feel a distraction works for me. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-16T06:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie71861-1393144" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "i get this thing with temperature too. for 15+ years i've had this thing where if i get to hot i start to disassociate. i've always gone back to this outside of my body feeling when my head starts to feel \"weird\" or foggy. And lately i've noticed when im hot i get really bad anxiety like i'm scared it will happen again and the anxiety brings on the forgetfulness and fear. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T07:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siana12624-1397346" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/js742-844275" ], "content": [ "Hi, based on your symptoms, it sounds like you could if had Covid " ], "date": [ "2021-09-14T22:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/siana12624-1397346" ], "content": [ "ive had this 10+ so cant be covid! " ], "date": [ "2021-09-20T09:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tj37530-1399273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "I agree with you 100%. I have the exact same symptoms and blame it all on anxiety. I know there is something more going on and they cannot find i. Have you had any luck fixing it?" ], "date": [ "2021-09-27T13:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/winsom-1400355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Hi Taylor. I'm Michael from Sydney. I have all of your symptoms. Do you have incredibly vivid dreams? I'm trying to piece the two together." ], "date": [ "2021-10-20T05:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/winsom-1400355" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephanie71861-1393144" ], "content": [ "I have this too Stephanie. And when it happens during a hot weather I can explode into sweats. I can't stop it because I can't just ignore it. When I notice it starting I would then get very anxious and it's a domino effect that ends with me looking like that Jordan Peele meme but in real life. And the lady behind the counter waiting for me to tap my credit card is left wondering if I stole something out of the shop. I'm innocent I swear. But my my sweaty forehead says otherwise.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-10-04T20:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidevan-1400847" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "content": [ "Was curious if TMS helped? In a similar situation have no idea what to do." ], "date": [ "2021-10-07T16:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michaeldisabled-1401938" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Do you feel like your brain has almost gone numb? Maybe it feels like its only half processing things? Even your sense of touch becoming weird? These are all things im experiencing and I'm still terrified. Even though I've just been told it's just anxiety it feels like something is wrong." ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michaeldisabled-1401938" ], "content": [ "feels so much more than anxiety.. feels like my brain is shutting down. " ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T21:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lili5978-1404852" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/winsom-1400355" ], "content": [ "Hi! this forum describes all my symptoms exactly and I have very vivid dreams! so vivid that sometimes I almost cant tell the difference between a dream and a memory because my short term memory and sense of time is so shot right now. very disturbing feeling to say the least" ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T21:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vonnegutjunky-742017" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/js742-844275" ], "content": [ "my 15 yo has this too - low grade fever and everthing - we cant figure out whats wrong w her " ], "date": [ "2021-11-15T05:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julia66738-1412116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "Hi. I found this forum and finally feel heard. I am SO down to be a part of a group that tries to find a Dr. who will listen to all of us and research all of this. I'm at a point that I don't know what to do anymore. I'm a high school teacher and my entire life, work included of course, is being affected by and unfortunately controlled by these symptoms. It has me feeling so sad bc I miss the old me. the normal me. I'm going soon for an MRI my Dr. ordered and the stupid thing is...I'm afraid of it NOT showing anything, therefore continuing this horrible, answerless journey. " ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julia66738-1412116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "content": [ "Soon to end it all?" ], "date": [ "2022-01-08T03:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siris-1412251" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "content": [ "hey man are you ok because you're not alone." ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T22:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/siris-1412251" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/julia66738-1412116" ], "content": [ "I literally have all these issues and do you wanna talk about it i know it would help me." ], "date": [ "2022-01-12T22:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bray03302-1422893" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "I have had the exact same symptoms as you! have you buy any chance taken finasteride? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-04-06T00:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/a73757-1423154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lili5978-1404852" ], "content": [ "Hi - looks like I've also foggily stumbled in to this little commmunity! Wow, what a relief. You've described everything I have been experiencing but feel I can't even formulate into words to describe it to anyone, including doctors. The dreams/nightmares that seem like a part of my actual day and I have a hard time differentiating has been the hardest for me to articulate. I remember every vivid detail of them. And it feels like when I list all these other symptoms, it's chaulked up to common ailments (anxiety, depression, stress, etc...) but I think we can all agree there's something freakily abnormal about it. Every time I go to my doctors, he sends me for the same boiler plate blood work that he's done a million times, like what does he expect will change? Vit levels are fine (b12, d, ferritin, and so forth). Nothing really off about any of them. I've forced more tests like ultrasounds, allergy testing, mri's, autoimmune blood panel, cortisol testing, insulin resistance tests, and more extensive hormonal blood panel. It's to the point where I'm so afraid by whats going on, and feel so unheard by medical health professionals, so I say nothing and wouldn't know what to ask for next. I'm sorry to hear there are so many individuals struggling on this thread, I wouldn't wish this on anyone and certainly feel for you all. It's caused quite a downward spiral in my life currently (24 myself). Although I'm now seeking out psychotherapy/neurofeedback not because I actually think its psychological, but to say I at least tried in order to rule that out. I've struggled with anxiety/depression as a tot and thought in my earlier 20's (19-21) it was getting better. Have tried going GF, vegan, sugar-free, no caffeine/alcohol - nothing. It's hard to explain, but it feels like my mind is hopeful and wants to do things underneath this actual physical force that's enveloped my body. I can't cognitively perform like a human being, people in my life have asked if I'm doped up on something but I've never taken recreational drugs. On my bad days I can't recall the time of year/year itself, why I am where I am (like where I'm living), I feel like my family are familiar but not connected to them like they're actually my relatives. Fever, debilitating fatigue, blurry eyes, in the twilight zone, like it's not really me left. Can't follow conversations, I'm slow/slurred, can't capture information from my brain. I truly feel this will kill me before I'll ever know. Hope you're all doing okay, I'm here to chat if anyone wants to discuss or ask questions. " ], "date": [ "2022-08-29T14:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/a73757-1423154" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Also wanted to note that I get joint pain/swelling/redness, restless leg syndrome, and other chronic pain complaints (rheumotologist claims nothing could be wrong at my age and my blood work for lupus, RA, and everything was within normal range). I feel my face gets quite flushed sometimes, periods of sweating/heat (hormones are normal). By far weirdest thing has been these dreams, can't possibly describe it to someone who's not had these. " ], "date": [ "2022-04-14T23:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/akb96-1423902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/a73757-1423154" ], "content": [ "I also have had all of the above symptoms plus more for some years. Been trying to get through it but it is really hard. I also started having gut problems so i had an endocsopy done. Turns out i have a bunch of stomach ulcers as well. Anyone else have any gut problems or seen a GI as well for anything. Doc was saying it resembled mild crohns. " ], "date": [ "2022-04-14T23:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/akb96-1423902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/a73757-1423154" ], "content": [ "not everyone will understand this post but I have a strong faith in God and i pray and all that stuff. Theres definitely a spiritual aspect to this illness thats plagueing us. I started to connect the two when i began to have those dreams. Very wicked and almost demonic dreams. one time i was stuck in a dream loop almost like the movie inception where theres a dream within a dream. I went thru that like 5-6 times before actually waking up. Anyways my advice would be to start praying and connecting with God or whatever faith you follow or have. Ive been taking some herbal supplements and they seem to help my body fatigue a little bit but other than that its been pretty constant for the last few years for me and trying to get anyone to understand seems like a lost cause. Glad i found this forum so i know im not alone!! Keep fighting guys i definitely think its anxiety related and can be triggered by negative thoughts, stress, drugs, etc so be sober and vigilant!! Love you guys." ], "date": [ "2022-04-14T23:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/akb96-1423902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ben_-1368219" ], "content": [ "are you bloated all the time? i had to get an endoscopy done and my findings resembled mild crohns disease but the meds they prescribed haven’t helped that much. only really with the bloating but not the General fatigue or muscle and joint pain." ], "date": [ "2022-04-15T00:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paulitone-1428039" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "So guys I developed these symptoms when I was 17 and now I'm 20, is there any chance it could be some sort of early dementia? And is it possible to have symptoms of dementia in my 20s??? I feel the worst right now, I might end it soon. " ], "date": [ "2022-05-23T11:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas41209-1428555" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paulitone-1428039" ], "content": [ "I have symptoms very similar to what you and others on this forum have described, my own symptoms beginning in childhood and progressively worsening as I entered adulthood. What I wanted to say is that myself including others here do understand the struggle that you are going through. A life with these symptoms is hard, and the daily struggle can feel heartbreaking and lonely at times. But however bad the suffering perseverance is worthwhile. There are many avenues to explore, and even when you feel like you've exhausted all your options there are likely others you have not yet considered. You do not know what the future holds and medical research is accelerating at an incredible rate. Remembering this is what keeps me going. So no, please don't \"end it\". You owe it to yourself and others to stay in the game. Take care. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-05-28T08:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason18948-1430760" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "content": [ "These questions stuck out to me - \r\n\"Does it get worse when you drink coffee?\r\nDoes it kind of almost help when you drink alchohol? But get worse the following week?\r\nDo you think about it alot?\"\r\n\r\nThis is spot on for me, and the answer is yes to all. \r\nAnd caffeine is a major trigger on its own, but it's especially overwhelming when I take drink coffee/other caffeine drinks the following several days after alcohol consumption. The during of drinking alcohol is fine (like you mentioned) but the aftermath seems to also be a major trigger. But the odd thing is that it's not all the time, or every time. There doesn't seem to be a rhythm to the episodes, even considering same triggers. Sometimes episodes happen with triggers, and other times they might not, or the severity is much less.\r\n\r\nTo try and explain my situation... \r\nWhat I am going through is similar very (if not exact) in symptoms, but it is not necessarily a 24/7 affliction. To try and best describe, it's always there (or seems to be always there) but at the valleys it's completely manageable or an unnoticeable/normal-feeling at best, whereas the peaks are extremely disruptive and flat out scary, and exactly in line with what I'm reading here. I've just recently (this week) had one of the worst episodes to date - been dealing with this off and on for about 12 years now (I'm 36). The added symptom to this latest round was an actual physical tingling in my brain, in the temporal lobes mainly but also in the prefrontal cortex - not painful, but just tingling. \r\n\r\nI am now actively trying to diagnose and pinpoint any underlying issue. The episodic nature would only lead me to believe that something is triggering it when it peaks - which of course I could be completely wrong, but it seemed to me like a logical start. I'm wondering if a complete detox would help reset the baseline.\r\nJayocaine - can you avoid these symptoms by not drinking either alcohol or coffee altogether? An all out detox will be my next step, because it's something I can control without doctor visits.\r\n\r\nIn parallel I did go to the doctor just today for it. They drew blood to test, and it looks like they want to do a CT which should happen next week. I'll note that I did a blood test (unrelated to this issue) in Feb and everything looked completely normal. So I will say, I am not expecting this upcoming round of blood test results to tell me anything different - meaning I don't expect to pinpoint the issue from those results. I'm sure you all might have already heard this one too but my doctor is interested in looking further into thyroid function as well as vitamin absorption issues.\r\n\r\nJust found this thread and wanted to add to it as I am experiencing the same things. I really hope there's a cure or relief out there." ], "date": [ "2022-11-17T17:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/peter1704-934617" ], "content": [ "That is exactly what i have. Along with vision out of focus, bad memory,.. Please reply back and be a part of this thread." ], "date": [ "2022-06-30T15:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michaeldisabled-1401938" ], "content": [ "Something is wrong i have the same symptoms along with vision out of focus and bad memory. It's been for 15years." ], "date": [ "2022-06-30T15:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "For 15 years my life has been like this.\r\nOne August day i woke up feeling a little sick, pressure in my head, little fever, vision out of focus.\r\n\r\nIt never went away except for the fever.\r\nMy brain feels like it has some shield around it, my head feels heavy. \r\nVision constantly out of focus and bad short term memory.\r\n\r\nBefore i was the healthies man alive. I would drink and do drugs no problem.\r\nNever had a hangover. Now the hangovers are crazy.\r\n\r\n15 years and this is here 24/7.\r\n\r\nI've done all medical researches, nothing.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-06-30T15:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen78323-988155" ], "content": [ "I'm having this for 15 years now. I'm 33.\r\n\r\nOne day i woke up and had these symptoms.\r\nThe main thing is like a shield covering my brain.\r\nHeavy head, fatigue, memory loss, vision out of focus.\r\nDoctors: nothing.\r\n\r\nStay here please, let's find what this is about together." ], "date": [ "2022-07-06T13:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "content": [ "do you suffer with dereslization and depersonalization? feeling something is going to happen? " ], "date": [ "2022-07-06T13:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Yes for both but i don't understand what do you mean with something is going to happen?" ], "date": [ "2022-07-07T09:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "content": [ "feeling so crap, feel like my body is giving up on me. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-11T06:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "A lil bit different i think. Can you explain everything from day 1?" ], "date": [ "2022-07-16T19:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "content": [ "so much to explain, i was perfect up to about 10 years ago, all started with stomach issues and then woke up one morning and felt odd, i feel constantly tired never refreshed when i wake in the mornings, brain fog, headaches(not all the time) doctor is treating me for B12 every 3 months i get injections but feel it isnt enough, some days im normal/ok and others then im weak tired anixity goes thru the roof,boat like feeling when im walking! and just feel out of it, sometimes ive floaters in my eye sight,, ive had mri scan all clear only thing that was noted was my tonsils are larger than normal. i also suffer with IBS " ], "date": [ "2022-07-22T16:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Do you have bad memory? Worse conversation ability? Vision out of focus?" ], "date": [ "2022-08-05T10:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mylo96-1439162" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Ngl, I can relate to the symptoms so much... almost scary to what extent\r\n\r\nExtreme brain-fog, a zombie-like state often coming with a numbing-like headache in my forehead... sometimes just struggling to focus, having short term and prospective memory issues while my \"forehead\" feels numb... as if there's something slightly sqeezing it\r\nWhen it gets bad I find my thoughts quite literally overflowing, looping constantly... thinking of the same thing several times over as if forgetting that I already thought of that. Forgetting what action I took 6 seconds before\r\nMy vocabulary noticeably shrinks. I tend to forget even simple words and pause in the middle of conversations trying to remember\r\n\r\nMy memory is just terrible... although I remember bits and pieces and usually know what memory someone is talking about when they mention it- remembering it without external stimuli is generally hard\r\n\r\nI don't know if that goes for you as well but at least for me this \"state\" does have triggers. It has always worsened during summer, especially when I wasn't required to think. Similarly to when watching dumb movies... As if totally relaxing and turning my brain off for 2h to watch a movie caused access to some sort of brain areas to get restricted. After watching (bad) movies I often found myself unable to focus, with bad, numbing headaches lasting up to 2 damn days after I've watched the movie... I never found it normal though wasn't able to make any sense out of it\r\n\r\nExcercise does seem to help... sometimes... sometimes I feel exactly no effect\r\n\r\nUsually when fully in a zombie state, I feel myself sort of lacking control... as if in auto-pilot mode... where I technically control my body but at the same time the movements feel somewhat weird... mechanical? just not quite as I wanted them to be\r\n\r\nalong that I feel access to my desires being somewhat cut off. I remember my reasons for wanting to do something but no matter how personal nor emotional those reasons were to me, I won't be able to recall nor really FEEL those emotions then. Threatening myself with my deepest fears (abandonment, failure, death, neurodegeneration) has always yielded no result... My previously highly emotional thoughts just fail to get ANY reaction out of me\r\n\r\nI've also noticed myself lacking emotional access to some of my traumatic memories (as if I remember the facts but the emotions linked to them are just not there) and my perceived relationship with my parents changes depending on how brain-dead I am (I usually love them more when zombified :/ )\r\nThough I don't know whether that's the cause or result of a medical condition.\r\n\r\nI've gotten a suggestion of this being OSDD 1b as apparently the lack of control, emotional amnesia and autopilot mode are eerily similar to what people with the disorder experience when co-fronting... though frankly, I'm not convinced.\r\n\r\nI'm only starting to get it checked right now... Might take several months until I get anything done (unfortunately, the medical care in my country isn't that great and I don't have money for private one). Though yeah, I'm just saying hi : P\r\nGlad I found this thread" ], "date": [ "2022-08-29T14:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/terry94251-1439691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kitten5232-962865" ], "content": [ "It's likely anxiety and depression. Also could be unresolved complex ptsd from childhood trauma (this is far, far more common than people think)." ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T00:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/terry94251-1439691" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mylo96-1439162" ], "content": [ "This sounds like complex PTSD from childhood trauma + anxiety/depression." ], "date": [ "2022-09-03T00:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miaaaa22792-1443451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jayocaine-951632" ], "content": [ "i wanted to chime in and say thats not the specific cause. it can be a cause but its definitely not typically. multiple issues can be. I thought mine was due to anxiety but it has to do with my schizophrenia that causes my dissociation. The fact I change my thoughts and emotions. ptsd can also contriube to feeling that way. Just want to state that before everyone automatically thinks its depression or anxiety. it can be a more serious illness. Anxiety is more worrying. you cant feel anxiety if you're zoned out unless you manipulate yourself to which would be a coping strategy " ], "date": [ "2022-10-11T04:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miaaaa22792-1443451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/terry94251-1439691" ], "content": [ "Normal dissociation is but not extreme. Thats apart of my schizophrenia its def not just from anxiety or depression. Nor do normal people dissociate 24/7 or else they wouldn't be able to work and drive. or have friends. when in reality most the world can do those things easily. " ], "date": [ "2022-10-11T04:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miaaaa22792-1443451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mylo96-1439162" ], "content": [ "Id check into schizophrenia. Its not just limted to hallucinations. Or ptsd as a coping strategy. if you have no trauma it could also be an OCD symptom. Like if you think the same thoughts over and over or get depressed that you dont do a certain thing every day. Anxiety can cause you to go into it but its not a part of anxiety its more a coping mechanism kind of how multiple personality disorder is. everyone copes differently. but for my schizo I feel like im changing my brain when I dissociate I feel like im emotionless 24/7 " ], "date": [ "2022-10-11T05:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miaaaa22792-1443451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "kinda strange you mentioned your tonsils are big because mine are too. had to get them removed because they blocked my throat and I experience the same symptoms but mines through schizophrenia " ], "date": [ "2022-10-11T05:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chhaya09071-1447306" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "I am also suffering the same thing i have also started to have difficulty in rembering what happened few days ago but i do remember some details tho and body also feel so tried if i join my together with my fingers interlock my fingers will start to pain it is quite hell\r\n " ], "date": [ "2022-11-18T12:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hunter29990-1368207" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "content": [ "Theres gotta be a cure bro its been over 15 years " ], "date": [ "2023-06-08T20:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natasha79333-1465835" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/therealpoepoe-927649" ], "content": [ "i have been suffering from the same symptoms except I fall asleep, or I guess loose conciousness ? While driving. I say that with a? Because I don’t really know what happens. I just know that I end up somewhere that I have no idea where I am or how I got there and I wake up from it like I was asleep or something I wake up in strange places and have no idea how I got there. I was driving 3 miles with GPS on when I was out of town and ended up coming to in the middle of nowhere with my car in the side of an old building, but not crashed. I was freezing my car was dead meaning I was out for a while, and I was 54 miles away from the destination in my GPS, which was only 3 miles my phone was dead. Everything was dead. My doctor thinks it’s absent seizures, I’m currently seeing a neurologist which, as most of you know, takes a while to know anything they put me on Keppra, but it doesn’t do anything at all. It also doesn’t explain my loss for words or the ability to get the right words out when I’m trying to speak , it’s like my brain is a jumbled mess. My boyfriend is notice me moving my lips as he speaks like I’m trying to repeat him but I’m not saying anything outloud. It kind of freaked him out I thought narcolepsy. But that doesn’t explain the rest of this. This has been going on on and off for years and I’m so tired of feeling like I’m out of my own body almost I can hear the words coming from my mouth and it doesn’t sound like me and it doesn’t make any sense what I say half the time, I just don’t understand why there are any answers. I would love to know if any of you have found something to help or had a diagnosis that was helpful. I have a sleep study another MRI and I saw somebody who I honestly had no idea why I was sent to see him, which was disturbing . Repeatedly asked me if I had a head injury at any time. If you asked me what I did this morning, I wouldn’t remember if you asked me what day it was I wouldn’t know if you ask me what year it is I’d likely tell you the wrong year. I just want to figure out what this is and make it stop. I would love some insight from any of you y’all seem like the only people who would understand." ], "date": [ "2023-06-09T01:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey guys! Thank you so much for replying...means a lot.\r\n\r\nAnxiety and stress are definitely potential culprits. \r\n\r\nIts strange, really. I feel a constant irritation in my head....like pressure almost. Not quite a headache. Does anyone else struggle with the memory portion? I'm not talking a slight impairment. I'm talking...I can't remember what I did two-three days ago let alone a week. I used to be able to recount mon-sun NO PROBLEM! Now, I just feel like my brain sort of gave up on me. If a friend reminds me of a converssation, I am able to recall...but I'll have no context for when it happened whether it was a few days ago or a week plus...\r\n\r\nanyone else have anything else? Other symptoms?" ], "date": [ "2023-06-12T04:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hahehshskieiek-1160723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "content": [ "Erin I just saw your post and want to tell you. I have had this issue for years. I was so concerned that I went to a neurologist because I thought I was getting Alzheimer’s. I was not I tested fine. I went to a sleep clinic and they hooked me up to a sleep apnea machine which made my sleep worse which made all other symptoms worse and all this was thru my Personal care physician.  No one could help. It’s been 16 years. I am now on a GF, DF, organic as possible diet and exercise of yoga and jogging.  Sleep the same time every night if possible. No computer or phone an hour before bed. Only half hour of tv then lights out. All these things together really helped.  I am sleeping better but not perfect but I’m feeling better. It’s slow going but I’m hopping it continues and I will definitely keep the forum up to date with hopefully good progress. ❤️ Keep plugging " ], "date": [ "2018-04-22T22:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there! I am experiencing similar systems. Some days are better than others but today is a bad one which lead me to Googling and I found you. \r\nDid you ever find any explanation or anything that will help? \r\n\r\nThanks so much,\r\nErin " ], "date": [ "2018-04-20T18:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=47#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ceespot-1161087" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi guys, I’m still suffering (2years now) with brain fog symptoms and really poor memory. I’m waiting results from blood tests.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I stumbled upon a 7 part documentary series on YouTube called Broken Brain by Dr.[b]Mark Hyman[/b]. a major study on brain fog symptoms, it gives the why and how to fix it backed up by medical professionals and even patients. It’s the best &#160;advice I’ve come across so far and I recommend you watch it.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I am putting some of the advice into practice and after 2 weeks I am seeing some improvements.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I hope it works for all of you.&#160;</p><p>Cheers</p><p></p><p>Craig&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T07:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=47#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "content": [ "<p>That&#39;s me. Entirely. I really am starting to believe my cortisol is producing backwards. Like it&#39;s low in the morning and high in the evenings. Just sort of waiting on some other medical stuff to be behind me before I pull the expenses for those tests out of pocket as it is best checked via saliva.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T17:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Does anyone experiencing these brain fog, confusion, focus issues feel like it&#39;s worse during the morning/afternoon? By evening time I actually feel quite normal. It&#39;s so odd. As soon as the sun starts going down I feel better.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T15:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=47#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "content": [ "I assume you’ve tested for Lyme?!" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T13:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "<p>I don&#39;t think so. I don&#39;t recall and tick bites. I live in the city. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T14:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "content": [ "I have Lyme as I think many on this site do and there is a big  correlation with brain fog. I can’t remember the classic tick bit but did test positive. I am told that you can get it from many other things like Mosquitoes, cat  scratch and more. Check your other  symptoms " ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T15:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "I have had numerous mosquito bites. The place I live is hella- bad for those, and those little guys just love me. Actually I do recall a couple of tick bite instances several years ago. It looks like testing is hard to get, and unreliable, though." ], "date": [ "2018-04-26T11:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m in Ohio....we have man eating mosquitos here too and they also LOVE me! I actually stay indoor as soon as the sun goes down I. The summer for this reason!&#160;</p><p>I did Google the testing procedure and it sure isn&#39;t very clear cut.&#160;</p><p>I started taking a D and a B12 supplement yesterday and I&#39;m sure hoping that will help!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-26T12:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "content": [ "The tick bites I remember were when I was a kid. I was told it can remain dormant and your immune keeps it in check until some stress or event   occurs  that can’t keep it at bay anymore. Testing can be challenging but there are some markers and with symptoms they are usually accurate. I good Lyme doctor would know. There’s a couple of test you should take and the main one I believe is the western blot. I pray you find answers because as you know life  can be a challenge especially if you don’t have your health.  God is good and He can heal you. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-27T01:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "Did you find anything that helps ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T17:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>You could have written my story. I have spent 5 years trying to find out why this is happening to me. I have up on western medicine for a bit, but found myself trying one last time to get some answers. Now I am waiting for labs and imaging to come back from elevated liver enzymes and an ultrasound if possible fatty liver or liver disease. I&#39;m thinking, maybe this has been my reason all along. I was just tested for various forms of hepatitis. I&#39;ve only ever been tested for Hep B so now I&#39;m crazy anxious because my symptoms mimick... well everything usually. That&#39;s anxiety for you. However, I&#39;m onto something else after I see this liver thing out. I&#39;ve read a LOT about [b]adrenal fatigue[/b]. I&#39;m a zombie all day long despite sleeping all night, yet in the evenings I have a spike of energy as if I am finally waking up. I don&#39;t stay up late, though. Even though I feel as if I could finally get some things accomplished. It seems like you have been through the works in a western medicine standpoint. I would suggest seeing a Naturopathic/Integrative/Alternative Medicine doctor. Unfortunately they aren&#39;t usually covered by insurance. They can do testing to see if your cortisol is doing the opposite as it should through saliva. They can also track it daily, as well as your hormones over the course of a whole month. This is important because one blood draw only shows what is happening in that very moment... not over the course of a day or month. If You have had anxiety or other mood issues for a long period of time (like I have) then it makes very good sense that you could simply be experiencing [b]adrenal fatigue[/b]. Find someone experienced with it in your area. Many doctors don&#39;t even want to hear about that term, but check out the evidence for yourself online. It could be *our* answer for this. My naturopath does not take insurance so I plan to take the tests for my hormones and adrenals after I see what this possible liver thing is. Tests (by saliva because it&#39;s more accurate than through blood). Good luck. I honestly feel you on this one. The chronic fatigue has been my biggest complaint time after time with doctors.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T17:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=47#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imzack-1121114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bearsoup-1173994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imzack-1121114" ], "content": [ "<p>I was thinking about looking into Choline and SAMe based off of some blogs I have found. I&#39;m Homozygous for [b]MTHFR[/b] C677T. I take Methyl-folate, but notice no difference. I still take it anyway. I forgot about this gene mutation til just last night. I had sort of given up on it being a real thing with a real &quot;treatment.&quot;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T14:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/imzack-1121114" ], "content": [ "I agree that it is not user friendly, but I have found some great information on here! I swear I feel a bit better just know there are so many others with similar symptoms! " ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T16:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I don&#39;t like the way this forum is structures, but I think I have found some things that have helped me.</p><p></p><p>I took choline, 24 hours later I was getting increased brain fog.</p><p></p><p>I took SAMe, 24 hours later I was getting excessive thoughts, brain not able to turn off.</p><p></p><p>Conclusion that Choline and SAMe are not good for me.... why?</p><p></p><p>Look up there is a interrelationship in methylation, and I believe a possible build up of homocystine.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Taking Methyl-Folate, P-5-P, and Vit12 to fix these issues.&#160; I have given it a full week at high doeses (5mg of 5-mthf a day).&#160; &#160;</p><p></p><p>I do get some side effects from high doses of Folate, but their much better than the brain fog, and anxiety, and others that I was getting.&#160;&#160;</p><p></p><p>I hope someone might find this, and also find it helpful.&#160; This website is poorly structured in my opinion.</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-24T13:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=47#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natey5452-1375831" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "EVERYTHING described here I feel 24/7. I can also say that I experience the memory loss, and it's not just long term but short term predominantly.\r\nI forget what I even did at work the day before, what I ate the other day, what I did on my days off and so forth and that's just a few days not to mention a week ago or more.\r\nI'm 23 and it feels like I've felt like this ever since I was a young kid, so it's hard to say 'when' this first started but it's been over 10 years.\r\n\r\nDays, weeks, months go by and it just feels worse/same/never any better. Some days I can cope but others are less on the easy side... it feels like I'm just floating/drifting through life. \r\nI was put on anti-depressants for anxiety/depression but later felt they made it worse. I haven't been through many tests myself as I'm so scared to talk about this with anyone. I've never been able to describe this, nor put it into words until I saw this post and threads today. \r\nI'm not sure what to even expect from posting this but it feels like it provides some relief in just saying it.\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-18T09:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=56#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tajay-1376977" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "look up intercranial pressure" ], "date": [ "2021-05-19T17:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=56#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tanner91587-1377003" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tanner91587-1377003" ], "content": [ "hi thanks for sharing your experience \r\ndid you feel fatigue and lack of energy among these symptoms? how long did it take to see the difference after taking the first pill" ], "date": [ "2021-05-20T15:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i saw this post a few weeks ago and I have not been able to stop thinking about it.\r\n\r\nI went through the exact same thing. In november of 2020 I had my first panic attack. I am in quite the strenuous relationship myself and being a senior in highschool doing the IB diploma defintely has not made it any easier. \r\n\r\never since that panic attack, I have not been the same. I would feel completely stoned out of nowhere. I would be at socials completely glazed over. my eyes were glassy and there was nothing i found that did anything about it. I couldnt remember ANYTHING. my ability to think about simple tasks was completely shot and there was nothing i could really appreciate as a result of that. I numbed myself out and had absolutely no emotion to anything. When I drank alcohol, I would only feel worse than I already did. Nicotine buzzes no longer felt like nicotine buzzes, and only spiked my anxiety afterwards. I have spent hours on google trying to figure out what is wrong with me. I have gotten blood tests, taken vitamins, changed my sleep schedule, upped my physical activity, tracked my hydration... everything... i even MEDITATED...but still no result. \r\n\r\n I am a healthy kid and completely functional, headed to university next year and I wanted to figure this out before i left. I finally gave up and went to talk to a specialist and I am now on SSRI's. i am using 20mg of fluoxetine every other day and I cannot express the difference I have felt in the matter of a week. I am finally almost back to where I was before all of this started. I feel grounded again. Depersonalization/derealization was a huge thing that I realized was affecting me. All the feelings of being outside of myself and not being present wherever I was i could attribute to that concept. it may not be exactly what youre feeling, but how you described yourself was exactly how i would describe myself, and i found that derealization is pretty spot on. \r\n \r\n the pressure in the head is very very weird. It feels like there's like a rock in my brain or something like the back of my head is just one big thick cloud. \r\n \r\n If you havent done this yet, I absolutely recommend fluoxetine. I have had 0 side effects so far and i can finally enjoy music. i can finally feel tired. I can be sad about things and i can feel what its like to be happy again. This experience has been hell on earth but I am so thankful that i have finally (hopefully) made it out.\r\n \r\n I really hope this helps :) " ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T09:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=56#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samuel1993-1377004" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samuel1993-1377004" ], "content": [ "Man what you have is something called post-viral fatigue I got a similar thing after contracting the flu approx. 3-months ago complete and utter suffering. All I can recommend is Sertraline an anti-depressent, apparently it helps not too sure about that tho..." ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T09:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I too have these symptoms although they started a couple of months after having covid doctors don't seem to care too much was hoping to find a cure in this forum but I guess that would have been too easy " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T20:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=56#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im starting to wander if its our diet. a friend of mine suffered for the last few years, been on every type off medication for depression & so on and nothing worked; untill finally discovered his gut wasnt able to break down processed foods. which resulted in posion been sent to his brain., which was making him feel depressed and so on. now on a much cleaner diet and feeling much better, \r\nid like to hope this is some of the problems. but feeling douthfull in my case, i just cant seem to get enough sleep, im never going to get that feeling of fresh after a nights sleep, drives me mad. & symptomes seem worse for the last few days. but yet it can lift for a few hours (not completely but enough to function.) and then back again seem to get worse than before, ( dont even no how its possible to feel any worse anymore) " ], "date": [ "2021-05-20T06:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=56#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/isa39442-1377176" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/isa39442-1377176" ], "content": [ "Maybe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-22T20:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "After going through a lot of stress at work, I started developing similar symptoms that lasted a few weeks at a time, but were not too severe.\r\nThen, a year or two after the first episodes, it suddenly became worse. Constant, extreme fogginess and memory degradation. As I walked, it felt like I was not controlling my own body. I would go to get groceries and buy something, only to return home to find out I had already bought the same item earlier that day. I would come back from work and just lie on my couch all day waiting for it to stop. There was no stress in my life at that time nor anything that I could identify as a trigger. I was an otherwise healthy 26 year old.\r\nAs many of you, I visited a doctor who ended up attributing this to anxiety - something I didn't particularly feel identified with. According to him, my symptoms didn't sound severe enough to be a real issue? But to me, it felt like I wasn't myself anymore.\r\nI don't know how, but it subsided after about 2 months. I am not aware I did anything to get better, except label it with the term \"anxiety\".\r\nTwo years later I still have it, but not 24/7. It gets better for a few weeks then worsens again. It gets triggered the most when I go out during the day, and sometimes when I meet people - I think being scared that this will happen actually triggers it. When it happens, I have no idea how to handle it. I have tried sitting down and waiting it out, meditating, hurrying to my destination, exercising, persevering through it, ignoring it. Nothing works, except returning home and resting. I did go to a therapist and although it helped with other issues, it didn't with this.\r\nI wanted to thank you for sharing your symptoms. I feel like I can understand mine better now. And next time I visit a doctor, I think I'll be able to better describe what is happening." ], "date": [ "2021-05-24T15:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=56#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "content": [ "I'm pretty sure you can unless they disabled it." ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T11:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I recently got acquainted with this website so i don't know whether this feature is available or not?have you ever send a private message?if you know how it works please let me know" ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T14:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "content": [ "I recently got acquainted with this website so i don't know whether this feature is available or not?have you ever send a private message?if you know how it works please let me know" ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T14:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "content": [ "It looks disabled for now. sorry." ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T12:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello, how can I send a private message on this site? I really need to contact with one of the users" ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T11:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=56#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mallory82220-1378297" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I only made an account here to respond to your thread because My heart definitely goes out to you. I'm experiencing the same thing right now, word-for-word. So far, the only thing that has helped me in the past was Sativas. Normally I hated smoking (as in I didn't like the feeling and it gave me anxiety when I smoked indicas). However, I did find that sativas gave me the clarity I lacked during my depressive episodes and was my only escape from the brain fog. It gave me the clarity I needed to function honestly. I know you're ideally looking for long-term solutions, however, until then, I recommend trying sativas to give you some relief and some much needed clarity.\r\n\r\nSending you all the positive energy! Stay well :)" ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T00:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=56#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cassy23461-1063894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cassy23461-1063894" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi cassy I&#39;ve had the same thing for 2 yrs now still doing tests. But when I&#39;m feeling at my worse my temper is so short everything irritates me . I was proscribed zopiclone half in the morning and half in evening this worked for about a yr then they stopped working and I was taking far to many and in the end I stopped them I&#39;m currently on 200mg antidepressants and valium still not my self but takes the edge off . Doc said could be chronic fatigue syndrome. Another doc said it could be my brain being starved off oxygen as I have sleep apnea ( stop breathing in my sleep) next on the list is a sleep test as I&#39;ve just had my adnoids out as there were to large . I haven&#39;t a clue what&#39;s wrong with me but I miss being my old self . I&#39;m 38 by the way if u were wondering. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-03T09:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cassy23461-1063894" ], "content": [ "<p>I completely understand! Mine started when I was around 14. &amp; now I&#39;m 21.. I feel like it&#39;s gotten worse as well, probably Bc I&#39;m just tired of it with no answers. But I get very aggravated and mad too without really knowing how mean I&#39;m being. Simply Bc I&#39;m stuck in this fog and not remembering that it&#39;s not THEIR fault. I&#39;m a single mom of a 4 year old and have had to grow up fast and learn a lot. So I also understand about going through tough relationships Bc I&#39;ve been there and still having to figure stuff out every day with my little one. It gets very challenging VERY, when I have to work and take care of my daughter without another role knowing I&#39;m in this fog that won&#39;t break loose. &amp; also I&#39;m going to school couple classes at a time to better myself. But you&#39;re not alone and I&#39;m glad that I found someone that started it as early as me the age of 14-15 and around my age now Bc I&#39;m just as lost as you are. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-03T15:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Taylor, </p><p>I know this is super old but just wondering how things are. If you found anything else out besides what was previously stated. </p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve felt this way since it happened one day at age 15. I&#39;m now 25. It&#39;s just gotten worse especially after a rough relationship. It&#39;s so bad now that I literally can&#39;t feel any good emotions. Happiness, joy, love, excitement nothing. Im numb constantly and I have a temper I never had ever before. That in itself will make a person go crazy. It&#39;s the worst part of it and making everything else way worse. I&#39;m saying this because no one on here has really brought this up so i was wondering if you were experiencing this also. Or if anyone else was. Thank you. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-03T03:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=37#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david53669-1057164" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello Tyler,</p><p></p><p>I am posint on this 3 - year old thread only because you recently commented on it.</p><p>I, too have been suffering from similar thing. It&#39;s been about 2 years and symptoms are getting worse as time passes. Symptoms are:&#160;</p><p></p><p>-Emotional numbness (aka depression)</p><p>-Visual changes (after images, trail vision, visual static)</p><p>-tinnitus</p><p>-headaches/ head pressures</p><p>-anxiety</p><p>-slow thinking&#160;</p><p>-tiredness&#160;</p><p>-brain fog</p><p></p><p>It is very annoying and I&#39;ve been believing my illness to be &quot;Depersonalization/Derealization&quot;. However, as you all may know, doctors do not prescribe to that diagnosis. They all say it&#39;s anxiey/depression. I realize there is really no point of naming this illness. Whether it be depression,depersonalization, anxiety, &#160;therapeutic methods seems to be similar and medication for them are very similar, as well. So, I am giving CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) a try now. If this doesn&#39;t work, I will maybe go with antidepressant/CBT combo. &#160;Have you had any success with either of them? or any other treatment?? Please give me some advice.</p><p></p><p>Before I close this, something worthy? to mention is... that I had done alot of psychedelic drugs in the past (LSD,shrooms, salvia, etc etc) and had some spiritual experiences and have seen ghostly/demonic beings even when I was sober. Really strange thing is that, recently my mother and her sisters went to &#160;see a really well known spiritist to ask some stuff about people around them. Apparantly, the spiritist was telling everything right about their relatives when only their first and last name were given to her. It really surprised my mom when she had mentioned my name, the spiritist started to freak out and started saying I have depression, problem with my vision, headaches, chest aches etc and they were being caused by 2 demons that are in my body?? When my dad heard about this later on ( he did not go because he does not believe in those things). It surprised him as well. BTW, my mother and aunties were inquiring about more than 15 people, and she only reacted so violently about me. Furthermore, my story was not told to any of my aunts prior to this, because my parents thought it to be shameful thing.</p><p></p><p>I wrote the last paragraph because I thought it was interesting how I had &quot;spritual&quot; experiences in the past and had seen some bad entities myself and some spiritist tells my mom that I have demon oppression on my body and im having symptoms because of it.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-03T05:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=37#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicostia67798-1068253" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p> have you looked into multiple sclerosis it sounds a lot of like things I went through when I was younger it may not be but blood work is definitely not going to find it sometimes anymore I can but sometimes it takes a spinal tap. Perhaps one of those audio visual type MS. It measures how fast and slow you can hear and see.</p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the link(s) directing to site(s) unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.[/b]</p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts</a></p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages</a></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-19T21:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=37#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ragnor-1068389" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello,</p><p></p><p>I just registered to comment on this.</p><p></p><p>I have the same symptoms since some years ago, but just intermitently.</p><p></p><p>Usually it happens to me after a night out, but it lasts always about 2 weeks, when it slowly fades away. It feels like some kind of depersonalization. I wouldn&#39;t say it&#39;s cfs, as I don&#39;t suffer any physical pain or suffering.</p><p></p><p>I can see myself interacting more &quot;automatically&quot; with people. Usually they don&#39;t even realise, and I can socialize with them. But as I said, I feel it&#39;s &quot;automatic&quot;, like I&#39;m not thinking what I&#39;m doing or saying and I&#39;m just watching what my body is doing. It&#39;s really complicated to explain.</p><p></p><p>Does somebody from here found a reason for this and a solution?</p><p></p><p>I changed almost all my habits and diet, but it still persist. I see that this can happen even if I&#39;m not drinking, and sometimes I&#39;m not sleeping at all for a while and I&#39;m not experiencing this. After all this time I still couldn&#39;t find the &#39;trigger&#39;.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-20T13:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=37#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/myallegory-1069448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/myallegory-1069448" ], "content": [ "<p>Going on anti depressants isn&#39;t the end of the world. If you have high blood pressure you&#39;d be meds and prolly wouldn&#39;t think twice about taking them, so many times people think of this as it makes you seem weak or something but I honestly think this is like any other ailment. We just won the s**t lottery and have this issue and have to take meds, others have way worse going on. We&#39;re sick, not weak there&#39;s actually a website sick not weak, google that and it&#39;ll come up , if this forum has taught me anything it&#39;s that there is so many people out there dealing with this we have to change the stigma we have about this in our mind, if we just look at it as what it is, a health issue, instead of the typical taboo dark cloud that might help how we feel over all. I immediately thought I mentally broke when I started having these issues and I&#39;m a former athlete who prides myself on being mentally stronger than most so at first it tore me up but the more I read and hear, it&#39;s literally just like I have high blood pressure or something if medicine will help I&#39;ll gladly take it forever if I&#39;m back to my normal self again. Def a well worth trade off for me. To make a long story short, look at it as an ailment and medicine will help simple as that </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-25T03:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This has been a hard year for me, my marriage was falling apart and I realized that the career path I have been on for 11 years now isn’t for me. Like most people I have plenty of responsibilities/priorities like my families wellbeing that prevent me from throwing my hands up and walking away from my current profession. Back to the topic at hand, I began noticing how forgetful I had become earlier this year and I knew it had something to do with my high levels of anxiety. As time moved on the condition progressed and the only way I can explain it is that my brain felt muddled. I couldn’t clearly think about anything nor could I find the drive to pursue something that I enjoyed as if it took much brain power. This feeling is intensified as I get to work. I worry about how long I can conceal this condition, how long until people begin to realize my lack of effort.  I fear that I will have to resort back to anti-depressant medications to thwart off this feeling. " ], "date": [ "2017-07-24T14:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=37#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tangledx-1070232" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tangledx-1070232" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi just an update on my meds that the psychiatrist put me on maybe u can suggest them to your doc they are working and I&#39;ve just had the best week for a very long time actually felt like my old self . Maximum dose of sertraline which is 200mg I also take a very low dose of diazepam 4mg in the morning but not sure if I need these. Sertraline is an antidepressant he thinks I might have chronic fatigue syndrome and this is how they treat it . Need to go back in a few weeks to c how I&#39;m getting on . Hope this helps I no exactly how u feel. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-27T16:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Exactly how&#39;s I&#39;m feeling. Every single day. Literally wake up thinking why do I have to feel this way every damn day, I just want to be able to feel &quot;normal&quot; just once the least! I find that if ive had a stressy day it feels a whole ton worse and I&#39;m usually around my big family so when my siblings children come over the house is unbearable. I prefer quiet rooms. </p><p>I just hope but one day I won&#39;t feel this brain fog, dizzy headache like- out of this worlds feeling. Its been going on for over 2 years and it&#39;s affected my mentality. I can&#39;t think clearly, speech is getting worse, memory is becoming worse by day, can&#39;t express verbally because I end up having that ditziness forgetful moment. Ugh. Sometimes don&#39;t even make sense &#128580;&#128580;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-07-27T09:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=37#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley025-1063627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley025-1063627" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Get diagnosed by a mental health professional. Brain fog, depersonalization, maladaptive daydreaming, all sound similar.&#128077;I still don&#39;t understand the difference especially between brain fog and depersonalization.&#128529; Good Luck everyone!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-07T01:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley025-1063627" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Get diagnosed by a mental health professional. It could be depersonalization, brain fog, maladaptive daydreaming. They are similar. Especially brain fog and depersonalization. Good luck everyone.&#128077;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-07T02:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Could be Anxiety causing it. Depression cause fatigue. Brain fog, depersonalization. &#129300;Yeah check these ones out. &#128077;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-05T14:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=37#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley025-1063627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey David</p><p>Thanks for your comment I agree with you it&#39;s not healthy to be stuck in our head all the time I think it can lead to dementia. I saw someone who had dementia they were always lost in their mind it saddened me to see them like that. :( Anyways Thanks for all the advice.&#128077;</p><p>God bless you too</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-07T00:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley025-1063627" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks Ashley.</p><p>My point was that, in some cases, the symptoms get worse and simple daily tasks become more and more difficult, until the point that you no longer become an independent person. When you&#39;re that bad, you don&#39;t even realize how bad it is. Now that I&#39;m cognitively better, I just feel so impressed and embarrassed (?) that I let my brain turned into that, that I wouldn&#39;t like anyone to experience the same thing. So, to all those people who are suffering this, please, take care. I wish I could really help them.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-12T00:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley025-1063627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "content": [ "<p>I wish I could help people too but I&#39;m in the same place as them. Good thing you are better now.&#128077;Its hard to control our mind so don&#39;t be ashamed.</p><p>Good Luck David&#160;</p><p>Take Care&#128156;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-12T04:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "edit: \r\nDont use turmeric. I think i will get a digestive cancer from it, i took too much.\r\nYou need to be prescribed any antidepressant (like sertraline) or antipsychotic like olanzapine or imipramine (they have been found to help with dementia and memory loss: https://news.cuanschutz.edu/news-stories/researchers-find-two-fda-approved-drugs-that-curb-symptoms-of-alzheimers-disease\r\nThat's all. Good luck" ], "date": [ "2023-05-12T08:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone.</p><p>I&#39;ve been suffering from this now from almost 3 years ago.</p><p>It has not been solved yet (forehead pressure, inability to sleep, poor memory, inability to retain knowledge):</p><p>This is what worked:</p><p>-SLEEP. I dropped from school. I started trying to sleep as i used and as I needed to. In order to sleep, use:</p><p>-MELATONIN. The best thing &#160;to sleep. Currently I&#39;m taking about 15 mg of fast delivery melatonin and 6-8 mg of prolonged liberation melatonin.</p><p>-TURMERIC. If you manage to get 8-9-10-12 hours of sleep, you&#39;re on the good road. Now I can sleep about 7-8. My simptoms are still not solved. Turmeric has helped me regain some of my brain. I cannot focus completely, but I used to not be able to even watch TV. I was not able to read or do anything meaningful. Horrible. I was so dumb that I don&#39;t even cared about my inability to do anything. In fact, I relate to quite a few comments in this thread. So, one of my best findings:</p><p>I discovered that turmeric helps. I was able to &#39;eat&#39; about 48 grams (1.69 ounces) of turmeric per day during some time, but take it slow, as it damages you (for example your stomach), and it can make you sick from anemia (it makes it harder to absorb iron, so take vitamins for that while you eat turmeric). It helped me a lot. When you eat turmeric the pressure on the forehead increases, but your cognitive abilities improve after. It does also improve sleep.</p><p>-EXERCISE. I run about 9 miles a day, and that helps a lot with the symptomps too. Increases the blood that goes to the brain, and it helps you with sleep too.</p><p>-SEEK HELP. You need all possible help. You will need 5-6 years probably to solve this (I don&#39;t really know if it&#39;s solvable, hopefully it is). My mental performance has gotten better in three years, but i cannot do anything else in life aside from focusing every single day in order to make sure that I&#39;ll sleep OK that night and that the next day I&#39;ll be able to get up from bed (which I&#39;m not always able to do).</p><p>-VALERIAN, URTICA DIOCIA (NETTLE) AND PASSIFLORA &#160;INCARNATA (PASSION FLOWER). those help with sleep.</p><p>-FOLIC ACID (I recommend you eating legummes) and B class vitamins.</p><p>-AVOID TOXICS. Parfums usually worsen everything. Try to avoid them.</p><p>-IMPROVE YOUR DIET (vegetables, avoid onion or garlick)</p><p>-DON&#39;T GIVE UP. THIS IS THE SADEST, HARDEST PROBLEM TO DEAL WITH. MY BRAIN HAS IMPROVED, BUT IT SEMMS THAT I NEED MORE AND MORE THINGS TO KEEP IT AS IT IS, AND MAKE IT SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. If I don&#39;t manage to sleep the hours my brain needs, I&#39;ll only go to the previous situation, and that is bad, really bad.</p><p>If we don&#39;t act, I am very worried that we will end up with some kind of dementia. Please, be strong, keep the courage in. I know you deserve it. Convince someone how big the problem is, how big your brain has been damaged, seek help in your parents, tell the doctors that you&#39;re gonna end up on the streets, with an empty space inside your skull. Be dramatic if you need to, this is no joke. We need a lot of help, because this is not easy to reverse, and it won&#39;t do unless you put all your efforts on it.</p><p>After periods of anxiety and stress, brain damages. There are parts that are &#39;easy&#39; (with help of turmeric, exercise, and good sleep) to recover (by easy, i mean three years, for example). But the sleep... That&#39;s f*****g hard. My brain doesn&#39;t know that it should sleep at least 8 hours per day, so I have to make everything possible myself to make that happen. And when it does not happen, you just go run your 9 miles (the next day), eat your turmeric, and pray god that next night you&#39;ll be able to sleep.</p><p>I&#39;m seeking new ways to fall sleep in hope that I will continue to recover from this, hopefully something does work.</p><p>God helps us. Best luck to all of you.</p><p>Blessings.</p><p>PS: Please, if someone manages to solve this problem, I would be very glad to hear how did he/she overcomed it. Specially if there&#39;s something that is effective in making your brain sleep as it should. My need for melatonin, valerian, exercise, and all that has just increased in this years. And I cannot cure myself if my brain doesn&#39;t know that it has to rest in order to recover itself.</p><p>PS2: Sorry for the tone of the post. I just didn&#39;t managed to watch all this people thinking that they&#39;re gonna die, or that they will end up with some kind of dementia. I come across this thoughts too, not too long ago, when I was suffering from anemia besides this problem. It&#39;s a really tough thought, and a very depressing one. So keep strong please. All my love and my support from here. Doctors have little clue about this. We should try to spread awareness.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-06T23:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=37#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kennyatw-1105465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kennyatw-1105465" ], "content": [ "All the stuff you got prescribed is suppressive medication. Nothing wrong with that in itself but it doesn't heal you, especially if it doesn't work at all like in your case.\r\nWhat you need are supportive compounds which help to repair you body as far as possible, prevent further progression of your illnesses and fight the pain without side effects. Look into 5-HTP, vitamin B12 and folate, and start taking the oil made from the famous plant which name I can't mention in here because it will get my post deleted. Also, PEA is very effective in fighting pain associated with RA in about 70% of the cases and doesn't have any side effects.\r\nGood luck, I hope you can find the right compounds in the well hidden corner of medicine." ], "date": [ "2018-10-31T07:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm not sure if I have the right place but here goes nothing. I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet and rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative disc disease. I also have anxiety along with it. For the neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative disc disease all the doctors gave me is gabapentin which does nothing for the nerve pain relief. He also put me on carbomazepine for the anxiety but that doesn't work either. I had been on nortriptyline and that was doing nothing either so I took myself off of that and my primary care physician just gave me buspar to try. So far it hasn't kicked in. I have had lyrica, cymbalta, celexa and effexor and they made things much worse. if anyone has any ideas let me know.\r\nThanks" ], "date": [ "2018-10-10T16:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=49#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kennyatw-1105465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "let me know when you get my last reply because they have to moderate it" ], "date": [ "2018-10-10T16:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=49#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "wonder if anyone felt these symptoms coming after being on antibiotics ?!my life is ruined totally" ], "date": [ "2018-10-12T18:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=49#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I can say that this intense fog really stinks so my heart goes out to everyone here and my prayer for each and everyone of you is that you would heal and be done with this. " ], "date": [ "2018-10-31T04:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=49#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "content": [ "its different for each person. you need to investigate for yourself the underlying problem. For me it’s Lyme and seems to be for several others. I also have Candida and other immune things going on which also could be the problem. One last thing is I suffer for anxiety and stress which also can contribute. Look at these things and be an investigator of your health and try and narrow it down. " ], "date": [ "2018-10-31T19:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "I have seen so much lately about how stress can affect you brain so negatively! They say prolonged stress leads to focus issues and memory problems. I REALLY feel this is alot of my problem! I feel like its cyclical though... i worry about my brain fog, concentration and memory issues which makes my stress level higher and the symptoms get worse." ], "date": [ "2018-10-31T21:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "do you have any memory issues ??are you taking medication for lyme ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-31T23:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "content": [ "yes all kinds of memory and focus problems I've been on many different antibiotics over the years and lots of other lyme treatments " ], "date": [ "2018-11-01T00:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "Did any of those treatments help with the brain issues? I'm in the same boat, I had/have Lyme but am also sensitive to radiation from cell phones, Wifi, DECt phones, cell towers etc. so difficult to say what causes what." ], "date": [ "2018-11-01T10:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "no some things actually made it worse. when you take all these things you get out of balance and I believe that also makes it worse. i have been avoiding alcohol, and sugar - trying to eat clean and exercise that seems to help a little " ], "date": [ "2018-11-01T13:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ ":-( thank you for replying. I feel the same. " ], "date": [ "2018-11-01T23:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi. did anyone find out what the problem was ? anything that helps ? it keeps getting worse,out of control. " ], "date": [ "2018-10-31T15:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=49#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/silja47416-1227433" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I had this 12 years ago, to the extreme, spent a month at the hospital also. in my case, the cause was anxiety. 2 years on zoloft helped. i have also read that lamictal sometimes helps together with an atidepressant." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=49#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/klars2000-1230729" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/selvania-1019282" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/klars2000-1230729" ], "content": [ "I was curious and just felt like I should bring it up.\r\n\r\nA) Yes, eating more vegetables can help.\r\n\r\nB) That being said \"ascension\" is purely holistic, and you should be aware that it has no actual medical backup outside of holistic medicine and putting these symptoms as a \"spiritual issue\" could be dangerous. Yes, many physical things can start with the brain, but please don't brush these off as a holistic issue without proper testing by a medical professional. Many \"clean eaters\" suffer from malnutrition. Eating clean doesn't mean you're getting all your nutrients! Know your macros, get ENOUGH clean protein, even if its not through meat. Unless you KNOW what you are doing with things like keto please eat your carbs, and if you are doing keto and the \"keto flu\" persists, then look into seeing a licensed nutritionist to get help with it or advice as to whether you should stay on it.\r\n\r\nC) A side note about veg, for people with sensitive stomachs you could also look into avoiding nightshade vegetables and the like. While they do not cause issues in most people, they can cause inflammation (as well as brain fog, fatigue, etc.) in people who already have chronic intestinal disorders. I recommend trying to limit them for a bit just to see if it helps.\r\n\r\nD) Through my years of having brain fog I've found other reasons can be: stress (extreme over long periods), other hormone imbalance issues (caused by everything from diet to depression), lack of exercise, being in an area where you don't get enough fresh air.\r\n\r\nE) All this being said, extreme brain fog can be signs on Lyme disease, certain types of poisoning (due to allergies or actual poison or mold), and other brain diseases so if it persists please see a professional! \r\n\r\nI know most of us have gone to professionals only to find little wrong, so why not try these other methods. You got this!" ], "date": [ "2019-02-13T01:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello.\r\n\r\nI am experiencing some really strange things with my head. I have a little insight as to what is going on, but it requires an open mind. I have never had any sort of anxiety that changes my brain chemistry and I take zero prescription drugs. I have only had one episode of brain fog in my life that may have been caused by poor diet and too much sugar. That situation could have been a vitamin deficiency. However, this situation has been described as \"ascension\" symptoms and sickness. If you have been to doctors and had run all the tests and are still confused you might want to research this. As it was explained to me is that this sort of thing is an adjustment or upgrade allowing your body to become a light body. So, if you have not discovered any medical reason for this try to eat more vegetables and cut sugar from your diet as this may help. Anyway, I saw that you were a young person struggling with this and I wanted to reach out to you and present to you something that is a it \"out there\" but a lot of us are experiencing. Good Luck. " ], "date": [ "2019-02-10T07:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=49#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "Wow im da same way but im.scared to take my medicine because of side effects i have major depression and anxiety i might jus give the medicine a try but really scared i might freak out on them i hope thangs work out for all of us im staying positive and praying " ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T22:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "content": [ "<p>I would take the medication as long as it&#39;s not addictive like benzodiazepines. The withdrawal from them sucks. I&#39;m 19 and I&#39;ve pretty much been experimented on throughout high school with different meds like a guinea pig. I was completely fine before this &quot;blank mind&quot; happened. To be honest I&#39;m sure that the blank mind is not caused by depression because I was pretty happy before it, however I&#39;m pretty depressed now BECAUSE of the blank mind. It&#39;s kind of a vicious cycle.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T22:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "Yeah i understand completely im doing okay without the medicine but some days im like someone help lol its like it comes and goes and the symptoms suck im 31 and im a strong guy never feared anything but now i always fear and nervous way more ill give the medicine a try but im really scared im post to take 37.5 mgs a day my psychiatrist said its a low dose but im still scared to take these types of medicine the side effects is more pain ful then wat im going through now" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T23:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes I&#39;m terrified of taking meds! All the side effect.... Thought of suicide and blood clots and stuff! Hell no </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T23:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Yeah " ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T23:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Yea im really scared of dat medicine my psychiatrist gave me ill jus have to suffer for da rest of my life LOL but i have good days and bad days wat do you do for your anxiety " ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T23:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>After taking almost every medication that they could think of, I feel like they haven&#39;t really done anything except make me feel more cloudy or worse. I wish I said no to medication when they first offered it to me but I was just 15 and desperate for help.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-02T00:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "How are you doing now ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T11:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Taylor I&#39;m going through something similar, here&#39;s something I typed a few years ago. </p><p></p><p>July of 2011 I woke up with “Brain Fog” OVERNIGHT</p><p></p><p>Awful Brain Fog that Impacted my sleep and memory. I can best describe it as having a blank mind all the time with horrible memory and no energy, lack of feeling emotions.</p><p></p><p>2012 I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety because of these symptoms.</p><p></p><p>Memory was, and still is, impaired from what it was before July of 2011. Short-term is terrible, long-term is a little better than short-term, but still terrible. I don&#39;t experience headaches as often since it happened.</p><p></p><p>Sometimes get muscle twitches (left eye, legs, sometimes arms)</p><p></p><p>(If I run a hot shower and put the stream exactly in the middle of my head, it slightly feels less “foggy”).</p><p></p><p>Emotions dulled. Can&#39;t feel the full feeling of happiness or love. Over time, I felt anger and sadness more than positive feelings. Imagination is also impaired because I can&#39;t think of visual images well.</p><p></p><p>Sleep is severely impaired.</p><p>Can&#39;t sleep at all without medication, due to racing thoughts, songs, and voices playing in my head that start to happen before I sleep. </p><p></p><p>(Earlier my legs would always be restless).</p><p></p><p> I was prescribed Seroquel because it shuts those thoughts down, which allows me to sleep. Sleep still doesn&#39;t feel as restful as it was, before July of 2011.</p><p></p><p>If I choose to sleep without medication, I won&#39;t fall asleep until it&#39;s past 4:00 AM. I&#39;ll wake up 3 or 4 hours later feeling highly alert.</p><p></p><p>Excessive Sweating</p><p></p><p>Everyday at some point, I sweat excessively through my hands and feet.</p><p></p><p>(I was prescribed Klonopin to help with Anxiety)</p><p></p><p></p><p>Feels like I&#39;ve lost my personality </p><p>loss of internal monologue </p><p>can barely remember what I was like back then in 2011</p><p></p><p>drugs taken over the course of having a blank mind</p><p>prozac</p><p>lexapro</p><p>wellbutrin</p><p>zoloft</p><p>klonopin</p><p>remeron</p><p>trazodone</p><p>risperidone</p><p>seroquel</p><p>effexor </p><p></p><p>Surprisingly weed did lift it once.</p><p></p><p>nothing has changed besides me sleeping at night with medication. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T21:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=19#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simona23659-956776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor,\r\n\r\nDid you figure out treatment options? I have similar simptoms but also tension in the neck. I was told I have silent migraines. Still trying to figure out more" ], "date": [ "2016-07-09T18:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=19#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abby60315-957871" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Omg! I know this is an old post but did you ever get any answers? I&#39;ve been going through the SAME thing for years and it&#39;s getting much worse so fast! Please help </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-12T21:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=19#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello its been a while I hope you found an answer , I have the very similar experience difference is that I have this feeling in my head that makes me not worry so much about dying when  should be worried in some situation s but I am not and that is not good .I too had a very sharp memory I could play chess without the board and I never practiced to do that ..now its gone ..and I forget stuff the same day as well ..match to almost the T what you described ." ], "date": [ "2016-07-12T23:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=19#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "content": [ "there is one physical sigh I forgot to mention ..because my vision was blurring off and on I saw an eye doctor ..she  noticed that one of the small idk veins..or vessels ..either way it was enlarged and said that could be a sign there may be some blockage somewhere ..I hope this helps ..it may be some disconnected thing though." ], "date": [ "2016-07-12T23:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "It was in my right eye ..\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-07-12T23:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "content": [ "My eyesight is also blurry....Some days worse then ever but no day is perfect. " ], "date": [ "2016-07-13T00:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "*others not ever\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-07-13T00:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "content": [ "maybe ask an eye doctor if she could look at the small veins and see if any are enlarged ..if you have it too ..then maybe others do ..this could then be a start to what the problem could be ..idk ..maybe swinging at the air but I have been swinging at it for 5 years now ..one other thing ..I developed something when I sleep I wake up like i was suffocating and feeling like im going to die ..I jump up to run for water ..this started a couple years back ..they dont think its sleep apnea .but its disturbing as can be." ], "date": [ "2016-07-13T00:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "content": [ "<p>I was just tested for sleep apnea and I have that so I have that appt next week too. Where do you live. I&#39;m in NY</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-13T00:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "content": [ "Boston Ma .. Im a bit worried about that ,,because I was told nn yes then no to sleep apnea 2 said nite terrors ..and I was worried that something was like degrading my brain in that part that controls breathing while sleeping ..i know, paranoid but this feeling litterally mind numbing  and odd to have for so long ." ], "date": [ "2016-07-13T00:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "content": [ "Did you do a in home sleep study our did you go to the facility? I know that feeling your describing how you wake up with choking and like your heart has stopped. I have same thing." ], "date": [ "2016-07-13T10:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I went for my first acupuncture treatment yesterday and I actually had a better day today. Next appt is next Monday. " ], "date": [ "2016-07-12T23:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=19#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel the same they say its anxiety and depression and its awful !!!! I feel ur pain. Its depersonalisation! Mind was awful and now I'm on antidepressants its not as bad but its still not livable :( has your doctor said anxiety disorder?" ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T19:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jen31560-506842" ], "content": [ "Anxiety depression caused by pregnancy. I had it after my son 5yrs ago and it feels the same but its lasting longer. I'd say I feel \r\nSpaced out\r\nDream state \r\nIn a bubble \r\nLike I'm not really there - nothing seems real\r\nZombie / foggy \r\nIs this how u feel?? Read about depersonalisation. I know how awful it feels. I darnt drive! X " ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T20:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/collette64-996910" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "HI rachel62244 I know i am a bit late replying buto wondered how you got through this as I am currently going through the same symptoms of you as experienced and am struggling x " ], "date": [ "2016-11-26T20:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thebroman-1013927" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "I used to feal that way as well I thought everyday I woke up like it was a dream , as a result a woke up laid on my couch and watched tv all day because I felt brain dead " ], "date": [ "2017-01-30T01:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron68289-1025051" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "Yes, this is exactly how i feel! Like during the day all i can think in my head is i feel so weird, i dont feel normal! Reading this really makes me feel beetrer tho! Have you found a solution, and if so what meds do you take? " ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T15:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenbate310-1033877" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/thebroman-1013927" ], "content": [ "You say you used to feel that way??? What was your cure? " ], "date": [ "2021-02-13T21:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pink48329-1125623" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron68289-1025051" ], "content": [ "I take zoloft but it does make me super sleepy some days and the brain fog usually goes away within weeks" ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T01:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suzanne98338-1375714" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenbate310-1033877" ], "content": [ "If you don't think it's anxiety or depression betahistine has worked a miracles for me! #found my own solution. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T15:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chloe39608-1453679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/suzanne98338-1375714" ], "content": [ "just googeled this im very interested because i have symptoms of menieres what did it help in your case i have heavy head one ear ringing " ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T15:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Stiry if my life. What have you been diagnosed with?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T15:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gillian81509-461522" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gillian81509-461522" ], "content": [ "Mine just wont go !!!!!" ], "date": [ "2021-03-01T19:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gillian81509-461522" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "I was like that a couple of times after extreme situations and had to absorb myself in something else \r\nI enjoy gardening so I busied myself and looked after hens etc \r\nit helps \r\ntake each day as I forward \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T20:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/suzanne98338-1375714" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "It might be worth while asking your Dr. for a prescription of betahistine. Have a little blurb on here of finding my own solution after seeing so many suffering the same thing. I requested betahistine for vertigo which finally went but it worked immediately on my zombie like state. Unfortunately the fog keeps coming back but with this miracle pill it's gone jus as fast. Read \"found my own solution\" for more details. No one should have to go through this, I was lucky to find something that works since doctors don't seem to know what's going on." ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T19:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/suzanne98338-1375714" ], "content": [ "what were your symptoms?? was it brain fog\r\nDid you have memory loss\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-10T22:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " Sometimes our bodies shut down and shut out horrible stress areas \r\nMaybe it's as simple as that " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T19:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alyshab1971-1045508" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alyshab1971-1045508" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Exacerbate* the problem. Sorry for the autofill typo. " ], "date": [ "2017-04-26T07:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Taylor, I&#39;m very sad to read about the pain you&#39;ve gone through. I can only hope that the time that has passed since your last post has brought you some answers and some relief. I am concerned for a friend of mine who is experiencing similar symptoms and I searching for answers for her. Like you, she has felt lost and alone. I am hoping you could share any new insight you have gained as well as what you are feeling now. I was wondering if you investigated further on the Silent Migraine theory? &#160;Also have you looked into other possible issues which could exasperate the problem, such as a severe Sinus Infection? &#160;Other tests I thought of were Adreanal and Cortisol tests along with Insulin levels, not Glucose alone. These levels can have a huge impact on what you are describing and they are often overlooked during lab testing. I wish you the very best and encourage you to continue on your quest until you find the help you need for total health and wellness!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-26T07:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=33#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynsey0838-1030769" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lynsey0838-1030769" ], "content": [ "No but I will keep you in my prayers " ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T17:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lynsey0838-1030769" ], "content": [ "<p>There is no cure, it&#39;s a normal part of general anxiety, if the anxiety is properly managed, then it will lessen too. There is no pill to stop it</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T17:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Has anyone found a cure yet?? I&#39;m desperate for answers </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-30T18:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=33#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james46696-1046881" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james46696-1046881" ], "content": [ "<p>That&#39;s a horrible feeling isn&#39;t it? I&#39;ve had many of those days the last few years, but in my experience it helps a lot to get moving. When I have one of those days I drag myself away from my PC and go walking, preferably in the countryside. Not too far, just a one hour stroll. It clears up my head and often next day I feel a little better. It isn&#39;t a cure but at least it prevents me from getting worse.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-01T16:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>i feel the same now, ive always been intelligent and praised for it, now i sit all day on the computer. im worried that i may never come back from this, almost like my old personality won&#39;t return, or even worse that ill never get out of this</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-01T06:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=33#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jedibourne-1047294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone, I felt like I should add something to this thread as I&#39;ve also been experiencing slight memory loss, spacey feeling and anxiety over the last few months. I get health anxiety quite bad (even with the smallest of things) and always want myself back to 100% ASAP. I can relate to so many comments on here and whilst I&#39;m still suffering from &#39;brain fog&#39;, i do get good and bad days. I&#39;ve also had sinus issues recently and wondered if they are contributing to my raised anxiety state. I notice when the spaced out feeling is heightened and it does worry me - but I know it&#39;s usually when I need to catch up on sleep or have been a bit anxious lately. I will say that counselling does help, a doctor that you can connect with and some determination to distract yourself/stop worrying can really help. If anyone wants some advice, please get in touch :)</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-02T16:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=33#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "Yes, I saw a professor in Endocrinology who read up questions from a computer screen for half an hour and then decided I had CFS and had to live with it (and next sent a bill of 220,-).\r\nA doctor of internal medicine checked my thyroid hormone levels and told me they are in the normal range. I know though that there is a lot of discussion going on about the so-called normal range. " ], "date": [ "2017-05-04T07:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Damn.\r\nHave you had any other progress at all? \r\n " ], "date": [ "2017-05-07T07:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "<p>Damn indeed.</p><p>But since a week or so I&#39;m making progress! I&#39;m using a herbal mix for Lyme disease and for the first time in months I&#39;m feeling significantly better. I&#39;ve been using other herbs but they didn&#39;t do much, this mix though clears up my head and makes me feel like I want to get things done. I finally got rid of that debilitating pressure, the sawdust getting in the way of my thinking and the sluggish feeling in my body.</p><p>I&#39;ve been working in my garden from dusk till dawn the past few days and still don&#39;t feel that tired. Yay!</p><p>Kinda a scary too, since I fear it won&#39;t last long, but we&#39;ll see. At least feeling like this for about 7 days in a row is exceptional. I&#39;ve had good days before but never more than 2 in a row.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-07T22:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>That&#39;s awesome your doing better. Praise Jesus </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-08T13:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Did anyone here ever see an endocrinologist or get their thyroid checked?" ], "date": [ "2017-05-03T02:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=33#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/confusedjoe-1004832" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/confusedjoe-1004832" ], "content": [ "Did you find anything that makes it better ,?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T13:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I found out I had Lyme. Caused all these symptoms. Had to pay for testing as NHS test is often a false negative. " ], "date": [ "2017-05-07T22:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=33#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen16826-1002040" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor, I was reading your post and have so many of your symptoms. I was wondering if you found anything that helped you get your life back ? " ], "date": [ "2019-03-20T05:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/crystal24820-841063" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/silja47416-1227433" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/crystal24820-841063" ], "content": [ "Hi :)\r\n\r\nthere is medicine available to help. i had all the symptoms and more, but fully recovered!\r\n\r\nI am on zoloft 100 mg, remeron 15 mg, lamictal and rivotril. this combo took the crazyness away and now starting to slowly wean off.\r\n\r\nlamictal and nanotrecal are both used for dp/dr with success" ], "date": [ "2019-03-27T07:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i dont know if i can take it any longer i feel so off like im not here like i cant think i cant talk i just feel really awful like im gonna die any minute i wish i could just end my life so i dont have to keep feeling like this anymore i just want to do things like go places or make friends i have no friends . im am i here still to live like this it feels like god is punishing me. i just feel like yelling just kill me already i hate my life!" ], "date": [ "2019-03-27T03:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lori34474-939566" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i think i am having the same thing.... but does anyone get the tingling in your head and the feeling like you aren't comprehending what is going on for about 10-20 seconds? i believe i am also going through peri-menopause" ], "date": [ "2019-07-11T01:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leksejka-1265206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "content": [ "Hello !\r\n I apologize in advance for my English. I am their Russia.\r\n Two years I can’t understand what’s wrong with me. Visit a lot of doctors and no one can help.\r\n Tell me how you feel now? Did the zoloft help you?\r\n A.\r\n ::::: I also suspect Something autoimmune is about to gather itself, Because the credits are Ner-2." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi all,\r\n\r\ni began following this forum when i first encountered all of these same symptoms myself back in the summer of 2017. for two years, i visited countless doctors and have received multiple diagnoses.\r\n\r\nwell today i was informed that my bloodwork came back positive for lupus. now, i don't think you all have lupus, but i recommend you all get tested for it. i don't experience any of the skin flare ups, so i never thought it could be the culprit. it could explain the head and face pressure, as it causes inflammation. can't believe it took two years to figure it out, but at least i have an answer.\r\n\r\nover the last two years, adderall 15 mg and evekeo 5 mg has worked for me. the depression was a result of not being able to live the active life i was used to living, so instead of treating the depression, we treated the fatigue. it helped. it made me so productive and energetic, i almost felt normal. the depression and anxiety subsided. actual anti-depressants simply made me crazy.\r\n\r\nit's been quite the journey and ive learned a lot about myself and this collective condition/symptoms/management of it all these last two years. i managed to still graduate college a year early and im planning on going back for my masters. if you guys ever need someone to talk to about this, please send me a message. i remember how hopeless i once felt, and i'd like to help.\r\n\r\ni wish you all the best of luck,\r\n\r\nesme454" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrchurch-1270582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrchurch-1270582" ], "content": [ "How did this go man. Did it provide any relief?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone. I understand that everyone here has some kind of brain fog issue or they would not have found this forum. I myself have been suffering from the same issue, I gave it the name \"brain fog\" before I knew that other people used it too.\r\n\r\nBefore you skip over this post let me say that I found something that worked for me, this may sound like a pitch, but it's true. I'm not selling anything and it cheap to try it for yourself...but first, a little history to show that I'm serious that I had this. If you don't care about me, skip to the end.\r\n\r\nI'm a 50 year old white male, no major illnesses, some anxiety (mostly freeway driving based) I'm pretty sure I've been suffering from 'brain fog' for the last 5-7 years. My symptoms were: can't think straight, can't finish sentences without stuttering, can't find the right word to explain things so I would simplify my speech like a child, forgetting names, places, appointments etc. I was having trouble getting a full nights sleep 5 out of 7 days of the week, waking up multiple times (I assumed this was normal for my age) ...and tinnitus, occasional dizziness and mild vertigo.\r\nEvery once in a while I got a reprieve from the symptoms for a day here and there and felt like myself again but couldn't find a common link in sleep/diet/alcohol consumption/activity level. (the fog rolls in/the fog rolls out)\r\n\r\nNext part of the story. My mother had dementia for the last 6 years or so. My step father was trying all the normal medicines plus exercise, diet, whatever, it didn't matter, it never does. When she passed away he gave away all her things to the family, one of the things he gave me was her expensive CBD gummies. I assumed they were a joke like most \"super cure-all's\" you see in the heath isle of whatever hip store you shop at. I ate one here and there because they really did taste good and they were sitting next to the Motrin.\r\n\r\nOne night I had some back pain (shoulder stress from hunching, deskjob) so I hit the motrin and ate a tasty gummy (one of four left). I noticed the next morning that I had slept ALL NIGHT in the same position, my brain candle was fully lit and I was totally functional/conversational all day at work. I wanted to try it again so I did the same thing (ate one before bed, cut out the Motrin) with the same results. I ran out of gummies so I went to local hip grocery store and got some liquid stuff (tastes kinda gamey, but whatever) , put one dropper full in my mouth before bed and have been fog free for the last three weeks.\r\n\r\nSo thats it....as far as I can tell, CBD worked for me. At some point I will run a control test and go a week without it. It's cheap, no side effects and available everywhere.\r\n\r\nI hope, I really do, that this helps someone.\r\n\r\nBest regards-Mr Church\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/whatsgoingon20-1292798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maria53727-1330989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/whatsgoingon20-1292798" ], "content": [ "same:(" ], "date": [ "2020-09-01T13:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "@findingacure \r\nI know it has been a while but I am getting very similar symptoms and want to help find out what it is. Have you made much progress? \r\n\r\nAny one else?" ], "date": [ "2020-01-31T16:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maria53727-1330989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "do you still feel this way ? What did you do to fix it ??\r\nI am going through excatky the same now " ], "date": [ "2020-09-01T13:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/todd25630-1332588" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "taylor, \r\n\r\nidk if youre still dealing with your symptoms, considering this post is 5 yrs old, but i feel your pain. its been 13 yrs for me dealing with alot of the same brain fog symptoms you had. i too was sharp mentally, had a vivid memory all throughout school, as soon as i became a nurse everything changed, without going thru the whole speal, ive had everything done, tested, everything normal. my psychologist told me i had adjustment disorder.... i do have some worry issues and anxiety, im curious as to if yours went away? its debilitating and frustrating" ], "date": [ "2020-09-11T01:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hyperax-1333503" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "For about twoish weeks I've been suffering from the same symptoms. Really, really confusing, on top of it with myself I've lost much of my ability to visually imagine and write creatively, which is horrible for a writer like myself. I hope you find out what happened! Right now I'm feeling very hopeless about getting my ability to write back, I can't imagine it continuing for so long." ], "date": [ "2020-09-16T06:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/willervo-1336852" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sirius_-1364194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/willervo-1336852" ], "content": [ "oh wow, thank you for the comment ! But 11 years... im just in the beginning of this crazy journey . Totally agree with your metaphor that its due to the brain being pushed too hard, stretched too much - like a rubber band. That's what my intuition has been telling me. It feels like a fuse has been blown, and my physical nervous system is unbalanced. \r\n\r\nI guess we just have to live with it somehow. My only comfort is that Ive been smart , and if this means i can only function at 60-80% of what i used to be like, thats not a bad thing. If its as good as it gets... it sucks, but if its my new reality, so be it. The less i stress, the more chance there is of recovery or remission.\r\n\r\nBut goddamn, i miss the way i used to be..." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey Taylor, \r\nSorry read about your troubles. Your story sounds very much like the beginning of mine. I have neither found a solution but I thought I might just give my 2 cents. Maybe you or somebody else will find this useful. Also sorry, this turned out to be a longer text than I intended.\r\n\r\nI used to be quite sharp, have an excellent memory and did very well in school and university. Then 11 years ago I got a burn out during an extremely stressful period in uni. I had way too many courses, which I took too seriously, I was in the process of writing my bachelor's thesis and my spare time was spent partying. Then after the exam of an insanely difficult course I just woke up feeling like I'd been kicked in the head. Brain fog, anxiety, short term memory problems, no concentration, head feeling heavy, the world like observed from under water. It was like my body just gave up. I took a long holiday and drastically cut my work load but it has stayed like that ever since. \r\n\r\nMetaphorically I like to think about it as a fuse being blown up or a spring having been stretched so far that it can no longer recover. Physiologically I think my brain or body as a larger dynamical system went into an another stable state (there is an approachable wikipedia article about these). Being mathematically oriented this made the most sense and my understanding is that it is not very far fetched. There is evidence that the brain and the endocrinological system at least can exhibit such states. The point is that even if you eliminate the original reason for your fatigue, the body may not recover without being taken far enough to ”the other direction.” This means that any restoration efforts should be done with commitment. I really do not believe there is a quick fix, at least in my situation. And even if there was a single solution it would take time before my brain starts functioning properly again.\r\n\r\nI refuse to accept that this is merely a psychological and will keep on looking at different things until I find a solution. At the same time I have learned to accept the situation. This is my life right now but I try not to take it too personally. \r\n\r\nOk, but the things I have tried or am going to look into: \r\n\r\nMedication. Brintellix took me to ~80% of my former cognitive level (from ~25%). It helped in about 2 hours after taking the first pill. I used it for 2.5 years but recently quit (gradually, a few months ago) because I thought that I’d found The cure (gluten, see below). My cognition is back to very low and I’m seriously considering starting the medication again. The side effects are relatively manageable: nausea and reduction in creativity which makes me feel I’m a boring person. But at least I was functional and could work. I have used other anti-depressants but they were of no help. \r\n\r\nPsychotherapy. After extensive psychological tests the psychologist didn’t find a reason for my issues (adhd, prodromal symptoms, psycho-neurological conditions etc. were ruled out) and recommended therapy. I have gone there for about a year and it has basically done nothing to my mind. I feel like we really don’t even have anything to discuss any more. My therapist suspects that my problems don’t have a psychological root cause. \r\n\r\nLabs. Vitamin levels, iron, ferritin, thyroid and other usual suspects have been checked multiple times, nothing wrong ever. I also went to the leading specialist in my country to have my testosterone and related hormone levels checked. They were perfectly fine. \r\n\r\nPosture. I have had a bad posture for two decades. Still in process of fixing it. Went to chiro for a while. No effect on brain fog so far, but I’m still a believer in this. \r\n\r\nChronically stuffy nose. This is the newest thing I’m looking into. So, apparently mouth-breathing can be bad for you and correlates with adhd. My nose has been stuffy for a years and I remember experiencing a decrease in my sense of smell when I was about 18. Never thought much of it until now. Went to a generalist yesterday who laughed at me but did agree I have anatomically narrow airways and a minor polyp. So we’ll see what becomes out of this.\r\n\r\nAcupuncture/dry needling. Haven’t tried but it should be legit for certain things. Mind and body are in connection. I have chronic tension head ache so figured it might help to take care of it. I have also considered botox to paralyze my temporal and masseter muscles but haven’t taken that road yet. \r\n\r\nPhysical exercise. Lifting always gives me a cognitive boost. I got so much into it last year that I’m still recovering from overtraining.. \r\n\r\nCutting screen time. Very difficult for me but helps. \r\n\r\nMeditation. Huge help with anxiety, depression and dealing with the situation. I think this is a no-brainer for everyone regardless of health status or life situation (as long as you are relatively ok). Even if it will not fix the problem, it will help you direct the cognitive resources you have more effectively. There are loads of books and youtube material.\r\n\r\nDiet. Another no-brainer but not as straight-forward as the previous one. Science is constantly learning more about the gut and its role in overall health. There are anecdotes about people recovering from depression and other conditions with specific diets. For instance, Jordan Peterson claims to have fixed his depression with the carnivore diet. However, people have different bodies and react differently to different foods. I felt a major improvement when I quit gluten and though that it was the solution to everything so I quit my medication (gluten wasn’t the solution). There are other sensitivities as well, which may be difficult to detect. I have tried vegetarian diet, low fat, high fat, no red meat, a lot of red meat, intermittent fasting, eating a lot and often, mediterranean, all-organic, milk-free etc. IF and ketogenic did help but are difficult to maintain and I again notice I’m eating more carbs and in the morning. \r\n\r\nSupplements. MCT-oil: gives me a clear boost in concentration. Lion’s Mane mushroom: noticed a huge effect in the beginning but the effects seem to have diminished. Vitamins: B comlex and D, no noticable effect. Fish: no noticable effect. I take these every day. \r\n\r\nDrugs (obviously don’t recommend these). I started smoking weed a year after my burn-out. I definitely helped me to chill a bit and appreciate things in life besides work. After a few years the effects turned against me, just a lot of negativity and felt it was holding me back it life, so I quite. Magic mushrooms: A few trips over the years. Some philosophical and psychological ephiphanies that have stayed with me but no effect on brain fog. LSD: A few proper trips and a some microdosing. In the after glow of trip life is good for about 2 weeks. No effect on brain fog. Microdosing helps with concentration but don’t really want to make a habit out of it. Also didn’t mix well with brintellix. Ayahuasca/dmt: 4 times, scary stuff, took me a bit too deep, no effect on brain fog. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=50#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stuart80007-1093006" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stuart80007-1093006" ], "content": [ "Yes the candida can be the problem but hard to get rid of. Also Lyme can cause these problems. I’m trusting God to give me the answers and heal me. Thanks for sharing. God bless you. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-14T13:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Taylor,</p><p>I&#39;ve suffered with similar symptoms for over 10 years, but sometimes have managed to clear it up pretty well.&#160;</p><p>A few ideas to look into:</p><p>Candida - this is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut - how you feel in your head / the brain fog is an indication of how your gut is - my head literally felt jammed full of cotton wool to the point I could barely think. Cut out sugar and eat clean to clear up and take antifungals</p><p>Liver Congestion - check out [b]Andreas Moritz[/b] book and liver flush group on Facebook - this was the big turnaround for me - a once a month liver flush can have amazing results</p><p>Magnesium deficiency - huge problem apparently and major cause of anxiety and other issues.&#160;</p><p>Research these and I hope they help you.</p><p>Diet is a major part of the recovery - cut out all sugar and possibly wheat &amp; dairy</p><p>Also check out what they call Damp in Traditional Chinese Medicine - similar to candida</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-12T21:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=41#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jovan1984-1093201" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so happy I found this discussion. I have been feeling the exact same way after the birth of my 4th child. I noticed after returning back to work 6 weeks postpartum i felt spaced out! Almost like I was living a dream. I starting to have compulsive thoughts and anxiety attacks. I can deal with the anxiety but the feeling of not being real is scary! My brain feels so foggy at times I just want to go to sleep! It literally feels like someone cut open my head, blew smoke in there and closed it back up! When I am feeling like this I want to be left alone, but its humanly impossible because I am a mother and wife.\r\nHas anyone felt this after giving birth? Does it go away? My doc prescribed meds but I refuse to take them because I am scared of the side effects." ], "date": [ "2017-10-13T13:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=41#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ayushmaan42336-1093244" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi! Taylor. More strength to you from India. My younger brother has been suffering from the exact same symptoms since the last 5 years. It is as if he suddenly stops living,almost 2 times a year for atleast 1 month each time. We&#39;ve visited psychiatrists, therapists, [b]ayurvedic[/b] practitioners but to no avail. All he tells us that he doesn&#39;t remember a thing except that his vision was hazy and his head felt heavy during those horrifying times. I mean I am very worried,it&#39;s destroying my kid brother. If you can give even a little headway into what it is,it will go a long way man. Hope you&#39;re doing fine cause I know what it&#39;s like. Desperately waiting to hear from you. Thank you for posting this thread. </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-13T16:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=41#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Has anyone here ever heard of something called h -pylori? Doing some extensive research into this shows many neuro issues due to [b]adrenal fatigue[/b] and cortisol and other issues caused. The best article I found is on justinhealth. C o m it certainly explains a lot of you research it enough you gut actually affects many many different parts of your body to be honest. I&#39;m going to get tested very soon, although my physciatrist is following a treatment for pandas and it seems to be working even tho I&#39;m an adult and no known case of that in adults has been reported but I just thought I&#39;d send out another possibility&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-14T14:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=41#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny14485-1105404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny14485-1105404" ], "content": [ "Get checked out for Lyme, this can be the case a lot of the time. Also candida yeast over growth can also be the issue or parasites. \r\nI pray you find the answer. \r\nGod bless you! " ], "date": [ "2017-10-20T17:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny14485-1105404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "content": [ "Thank you. I appreciate any advice I can get. God bless. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-20T18:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny14485-1105404" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Jenny I was the same as u and everyone else on here won&#39;t go into detail as u know the symptoms , anyway I&#39;ve been getting msgs from this forum for a while now just to c if anyone could help me and finally they did , I&#39;m not saying it will help u but I tried everything so I&#39;m guessing you will to . A lady on here suggested a high dose of sertraline which is an antidepressant but also treats chronic fatigue syndrome. Anyway told my psychiatrist about this and he put me on a course and slowly up the dose to 200mg long story short I&#39;m pretty much my old self again and it feels amazing . 2 yrs no doctors specialist or anyone new what was wrong with me . If u haven&#39;t already tried these maybe talk to your doctor about them . Hope your back to normal soon </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-20T19:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenny14485-1105404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "content": [ "Thank you. I am honestly open to all suggestions and thankful for you all! " ], "date": [ "2017-10-24T12:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello,</p><p>I &#160;know I am a little late answering this post, but I have to tell you. I am to a &quot;T&quot; in the same exact and I mean exact boat you are or were in. Did you ever find any answers? I&#39;m just going through life and it&#39;s no quality at all. I can&#39;t hang out with friends, I can&#39;t help my sick dad, I can&#39;t take care of my house. The only think I can do is make it to work(barely) and come home to go to bed. I know I have a low iron and vitamin D and I have seen a hematologist and said my symptoms are not from low iron or vitamin d. I feel as though my life is near the end as I have been dealing with chronic fatigue all my life but this is beyond horrible. I have no friends and everyone things I am lazy and that&#39;s not it. As I write this the tears are just rolling down my face bc I feel every word you said. Please contact me and let me know how you are doing and if you found any answers. I would be beyond thankful to know I was not alone.&#160;</p><p>Thanks a bunch!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-20T17:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=41#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wayo-1106579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lou38632-1107134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wayo-1106579" ], "content": [ "Interesting I’ve been going to the doctors for years and have learnt to live with it ; would a chiropractor know what I’m on though my attack’s of this foogy floating spaced out not really here if more frequent ; I’m healthy don’t drink or smoke had tests ive just accepted it however your message with spine has given me some hope thank you " ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T16:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wayo-1106579" ], "content": [ "What tests/diagnoses came about to get you this far along, I’ve had odd back injuries along with these symptoms and would like to look into this " ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T07:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi, for anyone experiencing these symptoms that have exausted all other avenues and would like to try something new- I believe there is a correlation between this condition and the spine, specifically the atlas vertibrea. I stumbled across 2 accounts of people with my syptoms that found a correlation, and I had a few visits to a chiro shortly before discovering this and had huge improvement in my symptoms at that time, so I&#39;m eager to get back and tell them that i believe there is a connection with the atlas vertibrea, and i would also be eager to hear if others hear could investigate and report their findings. One thing is clear from my research- there is a staggering number of people who have this disorder and doctors don&#39;t seem to be aware of it. With how hard it makes our existence, we really need to pool together and figure this out by sharing info and making this issue more widely known until a cure or at least a proper diagnosis can be found. I have more to share, but i purpose we start some sort of reddit group to start a better collaboration, and like i mentioned, anyone that can investigate my findings about the atlas please let me know the results.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-24T21:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=41#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lou38632-1107134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I can see your post I sent a few years old and I just wondered if u ever found out what it is ? I suffer exact same last for days and days ; " ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T16:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=41#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lou38632-1107134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lou38632-1107134" ], "content": [ "<p>Lou - Try to see an LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) when you get tested.&#160; Unfortunately most regular MD&#39;s aren&#39;t well educated on Lyme and the labs they use are only accurate 50% of the time.&#160; You need someone who treats Lyme as their specialty.&#160; Good luck!&#160;&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T16:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Same excat same x total brain fog thanks to this forum I’m going to get tested lymes and Candida and see chiropractor; tried everything else over the years " ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T16:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=41#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron71336-1079372" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>For anyone who is still at a loss to what could be causing these problems, I strongly suggest investigating a possible environmental cause. I had pretty much the exact same symptoms described here, all of which seemed to come out of nowhere. In my reading, I discovered the symptoms of mold exposure were pretty much spot on with what I was feeling. And sure enough, we discovered a mold infestation behind the shower panels in the bathroom connected to my bedroom. And after two days of sleeping elsewhere, I can say I feel pretty much normal again. The pressure in my head has disappeared and my energy levels have been back. Very relieved to discover it was not something more chronic. Please don&#39;t discount this possibility if you are experiencing these symptoms... Best of luck to all of you!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-28T00:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley09153-1015980" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Taylor, I know I am super late and I&#39;m assuming you&#39;ve come out on the other side by now, a much more enlightened and compassionate person, but I just wanted to share with others who may have had d&#233;r&#233;alisation - in particular the amnesia symptom - yes, this is very much a symptom of extreme stress and anxiety. About a year ago, I was exactly the same - I would freak myself out to the point of panic if I couldn&#39;t recall every tiny detail of what I did every hour of every day, time just became more warped and one or two passing days felt like a week, which in turn even furthered the dream-Like perception of the bubble I was in...of this sounds anything. Like what you&#39;re experiencing, know that it does come back! I promise, I didn&#39;t believe it, I thought I was forever lost down the rabbit hole. &#160;the only ONLY thing that finally allowed me to put the pieces back together, was holding onto that faith that things would get better, 100mg of Zoloft and 1mg of clonazepam a day. I would say I have completely recovered at this point - THANK GOD! but it&#39;s kinda like this - once you see something you can&#39;t fully UNsee it - same with anxiety - you will always be aware of it now that you&#39;ve had the experience, but you won&#39;t have the symptoms and fear attached to that awareness - I promise, you&#39;re not losing it, you don&#39;t have premature dementia or psychosis - you&#39;ll be just fine! You just have to stay positive, force yourself to do the things that terrify you and don&#39;t be afraid of getting the help you need for your brain to rebalance. Love you all!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-03T22:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorph-1053248" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>my symtoms are identical to yours. i have come to the conclusion a long time ago that this is DPDR, but that hasn&#39;t been helpful considering how the NHS (UK health services) have never even heard of it. i have been looking into it again lately, and i plan to quit sugar to see whether or not candida is the problem for me. has been chronic for almost 3 years. what i have learnt:</p><p>pranic healing helps my visual dissociation! this is the only thing so far that has worked for me. it sounds very out there but has definitely helped with more visual clarity. i was looking into the neurobiology of DPD and what caught my eye was how decreased limbic system function seems to point towards a lot of my symptoms which i generally describe as DPD symptoms. it&#39;s not visible on MRI or PET because it&#39;s all chemical connections. for example, decreased hippocampal function (which is a part of the brain that is responsible for turning short term memory to long term amongst other things) can cause, you guessed it, poorer memory. i seem to remember that a lot of the parts of the brain that are together in the limbic system are connected? i am no neurologist i&#39;m just a teenager so maybe what i&#39;m saying is not even relevant or useful and i also don&#39;t know how to increase limbic function but maybe this is important? since i have no trauma history or lyme disease or anything like some people report? idk just a thought</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-03T19:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jsutherly-1082650" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jsutherly-1082650" ], "content": [ "<p>Just a thought as I have been neck deep in research on this as well, now just a little background as this may not apply to everyone, I have IBS that&#39;s untreated, looking at symptoms of IBS anxiety, depression as well as foggy feelings are all part of symptoms, how this is possible is because your gut biome and gut flora directly affect your mental state. Probiotics will help as well as changing your diet. You also have neurons in your gut which is one way it&#39;s all connected. Now as I stated, it may not be for everyone, and I&#39;ve havnt put this into practice yet but I&#39;ve literally tried a million other things with no help so I&#39;m ordering my probiotics tmw and making an appt for IBS Monday and hopefully we will see if there is any improvement. I&#39;ve read a ton of information and it all seems to point here as I have exhausted all other health issues that it could be that carry these same symptoms. Just try and map out how your stomach has been feeling over the time period you&#39;ve experienced issues. Maybe you ate something different than usual or got sick at some point or taken a long term antibiotics or anything that could&#39;ve killed the good bacteria in your stomach or anything related to that. Again just another option be sure to check all other health issues first but def look into this as well, or research gut neurons or Ibs symptoms. Anything like this.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-09T02:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi cody, having had IBS (past tense: got rid of the big bad bowel long time ago) I definitely agree with you, the [b]Second Brain[/b] in our gut can have a major effect on or first one.</p><p>If I may give you some tips on treating IBS: look into L-glutamine and butyric acid, they can lower the inflammation and permeability of your damaged gut which leads to less leakage of unwanted compounds in your blood (these compounds can make you feel foggy, feverish and miserable). I learned about this too late but maybe you can benefit from it. Or maybe this is old news to you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-09T10:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Im just into my research now. And came across your story @taylormason</p><p></p><p>About 4 days ago i felt fine. 09/5/17</p><p>What was like a normal NIGHT</p><p>Took my medication for anxiety and muscle relaxer cause i was just in a car accident. The two night&#39;s following i had vivid bad dreams and the last two werent vivid bad. Just weird and the one wasnt bad at all dreaming cheese burgers from burger king.</p><p>Now its Friday and still feel the Same</p><p>Way i did when i woke up on Tuesday mind very foggy .. Zombie like.. Cant think clearly</p><p>Having the exact symptoms. </p><p>Tuesday night i did not take the muscle relaxer the following day i stopped. clitropam ? Cause it says on line can cause vivid dreams. And well. I been off my ativan two cause im out and my primary doctor wont refill she Said until i see a mental heath center.... </p><p>GREAT i just want to feel normal again before i went to sleep Monday night.. Any response is helpful from any one thanks</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-08T14:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/weezie954-1082722" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Listen. U may or may not believe me. But I know exactly wat the problem is! It is a spirit or more than one spirit that&#39;s blocking your mind and brain. It&#39;s happening to me and I understand exactly what&#39;s going on. That&#39;s y your doctors have no explanation for your problem. Spirits know what they are doing and know how to mess people up. But they also know how to help people. I don&#39;t know what you&#39;ve done to have to this happen to u but know why it&#39;s happening to me. But the thing is, idk the answer to help you as i am still going through the same problem and it has been for years that I&#39;ve been going through it. I&#39;ve done everything I could, I prayed, I read the Bible, I called on the Lords name and everything but can&#39;t understand the Bible bcuz the spirits are blocking my mind and brain from understanding and remembering. So we jus need to come together as a people and be there for each other&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-08T19:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/weezie954-1082722" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "The answer is spirits " ], "date": [ "2017-09-08T19:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael17144-1084225" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/king83120-1085623" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael17144-1084225" ], "content": [ "Hi everyone. I have been having this issue for a couple of months. Like you, I have been to the doctor countless of times, countless of test.  I finally found out what has been happening to me and as of today, I still have it but its slowly going away. I am so glad to report that today and this feeling, a  life changing event and now its going away.  I am now the happiest as ever now but a bit more knowledgeable.  So in my situation it is chemicals. My body have been ingesting chemicals unknowing.  I will not tell how this was being done but that what caused it for me. So Make sure you watch what you eat. Make sure you start cooking your own food and your cloths that you wear everyday Try changing your detergent. If you eat at the same restaurant many times, change it and stop eating at those restaurants as well. For me, a chemical was entering my system for only 1 to 2 days a week and through my cloths. Again, this is what happen to me and reading some of the people comments, it is exactly what I have been feeling.  I am no health professional but wanted to let you know how I fixed this problem. It is pretty much no existent when I was having it everyday only when I lay down was it better." ], "date": [ "2017-09-18T22:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I suffer also with light headed, spaced out feelings that can last for a period of time before dissipating.\r\nI believe it is anxiety / depression and the chemical imbalance that ensues.\r\n\r\nI tend to document each day i have symptoms and what preceeded the symptoms on an online calendar. This allows me to realise firstly what may be the trigger and secondly that in the depths of the fog I did eventually get out unaided.\r\n\r\nI think it is important to document as when you are in the moment it feels like you are always there but when you look at your calendar hopefully ypu can see better days inbetween the bad.\r\n\r\nPersonally my triggers are fears of being ill ie swollen glands will trigger.\r\n\r\nAs for lack of memory when your brain is in the foggy state the part of our brain responsible uses masses of energy and is all consumed leaving little resources for the basic fundamental processes.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2017-09-14T03:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tyree99964-1088601" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>GM everyone. I am going through this and ALOT worse! I have the e memory loss, space cadet moments but also pain. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia earlier this year and some other stuff! My depression is severe to the point I don&#39;t get outta bed when I&#39;m off work, I miss functions because I lack the energy, I&#39;m irritated because I can&#39;t get my words out or I lose my whole train of thought and it&#39;s like one of those blank conversation bubbles I just can&#39;t seem to fill with words because I can&#39;t remember any. I&#39;ve locked myself out of my apartment because I forgot my house keys, displaced my wallet, walked around in circles because I started out on a mission then FORGOT! i&#39;m so annoyed I can&#39;t even stand having a partner right now because I&#39;m antisocial and he&#39;ll just make me mad. They have me talk to this behavior specialist at doctor visits but I avoid her because she too perky and I feel like straight crap. I have resorted to writing and now texting things to myself so I&#39;ll remember. I get days mixed up and sometimes miss appointments, find myself constantly asking the same things repeatedly because I forget. I would seek treatment while in the early stages because I had no clue this was there this whole time so now it&#39;s exacerbated by other things. I thank you Taylor for putting into words what I cannot express and making me ware if things I didn&#39;t quite understand because these doctors aren&#39;t telling me ANYTHING. BE BLESSED</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T09:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "<p>Can I ask you what your symptoms were? Was it all these type of symptoms or were experiencing other things other then this weird head stuff? I highly suspect I have lymes, I tested negative using the basic lymes test on multiple occasions but when given 10 day supply of antibiotics for what they thought was a blood infection(turns out my b sample was negative so I didn&#39;t have one) my symptoms almost disappeared completely. Here and then I also experience joint stiffness and overall flu like symptoms as well as this head stuff thanks</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T15:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Cody-&#160; My symptoms include feeling very spacey and dizzy at times along with pressure in the head.&#160; I also have visual issues that include floaters, light sensitivity and perception distortion.&#160; Also, intense lower back stiffness and pain, as well as feeling tired all the time.&#160; Initially I had flu like symptoms that would come and go.&#160; There were periods of time when I would feel better but the issues would recur.&#160; With Lyme, symptoms vary from person to person.&#160; The bacteria sets up colonies in different parts of the body and so the symptoms can be unique to each person.&#160; It took many years of being misdiagnosed and suffering before starting proper treatment.&#160; My LLMD said with &quot;neuro Lyme&quot; the bacteria in the brain causes a type of encephalitis, where the brain gets inflamed and starts to cause all the neuro symptoms.&#160; I probably have had this for many many years before being diagnosed.&#160; I have now been on oral antibiotics for the past 3 months and just started IV antibiotics a week ago and am seeing roughly a 40-50% improvement of my symptoms so far.&#160; Unless you catch it right away and treat it immediately it can&#39;t be eradicated from your body.&#160; You can go into remission, but there is no known cure at the moment, so you treat when the symptoms come back.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T18:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m currently about 14 months in now, every dr I saw said the same things, it&#39;s lymes then I get tested and it&#39;s negative then immediately they say well actually the test was negative so you just have anxiety even tho the symptoms have never gone except when a very specific antibiotic and only for a short time</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T19:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey there just wondered if you&#39;ve ever tried sertraline. 200mg every morning its an antidepressant but they treat chronic fatigue syndrome with it . I was struggling for 2 years with this horrible thing , doctors tested for everything he thought it was in my head so sent me to a shrink . Haven&#39;t felt this &quot;normal&quot; for 2 years . Somebody suggested it 2 me on this site so thought y not give it a go . Best thing I ever did . Hope u sort things out soon .</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T19:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Cody-&#160; That is why you need to see a Lyme specialist.&#160; They are called LLMD&#39;s (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor)&#160; It&#39;s a very specialized field.&#160; Most of the current Lyme tests are not reliable and only accurate about 50% of the time.&#160; LLMD&#39;s will diagnose based on your symptoms, not just on test results, plus they use much more specialized labs.&#160; You can go to to locate a physician or try to google one in your area (not sure where you are located).&#160; Another resource is Facebook, if you have an account you can join a Lyme group and ask members if they can recommend someone.&#160; The downside is most don&#39;t accept insurance, but there are some who do.&#160; I hate to say it but most regular doctors are totally uneducated when it comes to Lyme.&#160; I initially went to an infectious disease doc who said Doxy for 30 days and your cured.&#160; I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.</p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the link(s) directing to site(s) unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.[/b]</p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts</a></p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages</a></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T21:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi ,how&#39;s treatment so far??I hope you feel much better. I&#39;m suffering alot with same symptoms and just can&#39;t shake it off. Take care and God bless. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-18T22:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "Did you find any treatment that helped ?please let us know ." ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T14:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I highly suggest you get tested for Lyme by an LLMD.  I ran around for years before a proper diagnosis" ], "date": [ "2017-09-28T15:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=39#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I am still sticking with these are issues with our kidneys and liver.&#160; our body isn&#39;t filtering properly.&#160; acupuncture has helped me alot.&#160; i have taken it too a new level of keto diet.&#160; i am fighting for me cause the drs just want to throw meds at me.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-05T15:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=29#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adrian53687-1008808" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>There are days I feel like that I&#39;m going to the same things you are the only thing different is I have the ever annoying aches and pains went to the Drs all tests come back good my GP says. Inceradabally healthy are you in any type of therapy CBT or anything like that my therapist say keep your mind busy I read you exercise and that&#39;s a good start I&#39;ve found that giving people advice and support helps with my disconnection sometimes I do things to challenge myself I also do what I can in a day and I don&#39;t overwhelm my self I do what I can and I don&#39;t put myself on time constraints you get a since of satisfaction when you accomplish things on ur time depression will make you feel disconnected hope this helps </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-08T23:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=29#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordanj-1106606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>Brian</p><p></p><p>All brilliantly and clearly communicated; thanks for your insights. I have similar suspicions with regards to stress and anxiety, and similar paranoia regarding vocabulary, context. Can I get an update on how you&#39;ve moved along? Any further insight?</p><p></p><p>Thanks in advance.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-25T23:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>It&#39;s been a while since I&#39;ve responded to this thread, though I continue to peruse the replies daily. I think we&#39;re all looking for the set of symptoms that mostly match our own, while in the meantime taking note of the insight and suggestions offered by those who have been going through at least &quot;some&quot; variation of what the OP has been going through (...which has been for quite a while for some of you). I appreciate everyone keeping this thread going, and for those of you who have taken the time to respond back to me regarding my situation. In a week (Jan 18) I will be starting CBT with a recommended therapist near me. &#160;I cannot wait; I would like to get some answers. &#160;I like others have come to accept the fact that stress and anxiety plays an integral role. &#160;This &quot;latst bout&quot; for me has been going on for 3 solid months now. &#160;I do seem to have more good days than not, but even on a good day, I&#39;m continually self-scanning, and inevitably at some ponit during the day, I will find myself ruminating over something that may seem trivial, yet it reaffirms to me that either I still have issues that need to be dealt with (CBT) or there is indeed something going on cognitively speaking. &#160;I wake up every day testing what I know. &#160;I can have a good day when I&#39;m going along and not thinking about it, then come across some inaminate object (like rigatoni pasta) that I could not recall. &#160;There aren&#39;t many, and they&#39;re pretty minor, but when it happens, that seems to set the anxiety in motion. &#160;Typically not the &quot;panic attack&quot; heightened anxiety that I had initially when this began earlier in 2016, and because of that, perhaps not the degree of &quot;fogginess&quot; that I once dealt with. Nevertheless, it&#39;s like a continuation of a bad dream. &#160;I haven&#39;t forgotten the date, the names of my kids, the way to/from work or the store, nor have I lasped in getting my work done. But this has nevertheless been disruptive, if not at time debilitating. &#160;I&#39;m still looking up 25+ words a day, *mostly* words I already know, just to verify I am not losing my wit. &#160;Like I mentioned, all it takes to set the wheels in motion is to come across something that I could not remember what it was called. &#160;The other day it was a type of pasta, the day before that it was the top of a curtain set (valance). &#160;I get that I am more than likely not going through something more neurologically severe (the D and A words), however even if this is &#39;normal&#39;, I am certainly not dealing with it very well. &#160;I want to wake up and have it behind me, but like I said, something inevitably happens to trigger the next round of rumination in my mind. &#160;The problem with this &quot;vocabulary hoarding&quot; OCD is often times a word will have multiple meanings, which makes it tougher to hoard. Moreover, your initial interpretation of a word, which was okay for me for all these years, gets replaced by what the dictionary tells me what it is. This causes confusion. &#160;Look up 25 or so words a day for 3-6+ months, and it can get really confusing, especially when you hear a &quot;buzz&quot; word pop up in a conversation. &#160;And that&#39;s my problem. &#160;I cannot get through the day w/o hearing someone (even if it&#39;s on TV) say something that will make me wonder, &quot;hmm, do I know that word? &#160;Would I have used in in that context? &#160;Such a vicious cycle. Working rotating shifts doesn&#39;t help, I&#39;m sure, however I have been getting plenty of sleep these days.</p><p></p><p>In terms of supplementation, I have been taking omega 3 fish oil, Mg glycinate, phosphatidlyserine, and 100 mg of 5-htp daily along with a multivitamin. &#160;I *was* taking 5000 IUs of vitamin D, and 1000 mcg of vitamin B12 (sublingual), however I have found that both of these, particularly at that dosage, makes me quite dizzy and (thus) really exacerbates the brain fog/confusion (which makes the whole situation worse). Just yesterday before going into work I decided to add the 1000 mcg of vitamin B12 to my regimen before coming into work. &#160;For the first time in several weeks, my brain fog was at least a 6-7 (out of 10), when lately it had been better.</p><p></p><p>I am seeking more advice. &#160;I realize (again) stress and anxiety are instrumental with this (and in my case, probably OCD as well). &#160;But the fact remains I am just not what I was intellectually this time last year, and that is quite disconcerting. &#160;I would love to believe this is ALL in my head (&quot;making it up&quot<img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/wink.gif\" alt=\"wink\" />, and that it&#39;s all due to anxiety, but the fact of the matter is I can look at a technical paper or a job resume I wrote last year, around this time, and am left wondering how the hell I could do so nowadays. &#160;</p><p></p><p>Thanks again all for the comments. &#160;Happy New Year!</p><p></p><p>-Brian</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-11T08:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=29#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>And, dear moderator, please don&#39;t delete my message, or corey&#39;s. Our messages get deleted regularly without us knowing why.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-13T23:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>How do you know you want to read it if it was deleted? There would be good reason to delete any posts, the mods don&#39;t do it likely. If your own posts are being deleted, then be careful of the content. Another common reason for deletion is a single person creating multiple accounts. If your doing that, then don&#39;t, it&#39;s easy to be found out</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-14T01:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "I read the first part of the post in my mail. It was enough for me to want to read the rest, but it was already deleted." ], "date": [ "2017-01-14T10:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I would like to read the comment of corey 58327, which was deleted yesterday by a moderator. I as a patient don&#39;t care if there was a link in the message or another reason why it was deleted, I want to read it.</p><p>So corey 58327, please post again, and maybe make some adaptations so your message is accepted.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-13T23:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=29#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alanp5188-1010694" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alanp5188-1010694" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi alan, I&#39;m sorry you have to go through all this. I hope the psychiatrist can help in getting some peace of mind, though your own plan sounds great: mediation and taking care of the Self are great ways to find your way back to that restful place.</p><p>Did you consider going to a retreat centre? I did that often in the past, and I can tell you it is very effective in releasing all stress and feelings of needing to do something. It makes you feel like you only have to be and breathe. Very restorative.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-14T16:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alanp5188-1010694" ], "content": [ "Hi alan have you been tested for lyme ? Since antibiotics make you feel better? How are you doing now ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T12:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alanp5188-1010694" ], "content": [ "Hi alan what meds made you feel better ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T21:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alanp5188-1010694" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "content": [ "Hi. Sorry I am just getting to you. It jas been very difficult dealing with this. I am seeing a psychiatrist in the U.S. now. I was initially labled as bipolar but that has been ruled out because no bipolar meds have worked. I am currently taking Strattera 60 miligrams. It is an antidepressant but also works like a stimulant for attention (ADD). This has helped with the fatigue. Sleep deprivation therapy on my own has helped me a lot with thr brain fog when I cannot stand it, but it isnt a permanent fix. Next step is I might try Prozac or something else along with Strattera to see if it helps more with the brain fog." ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T00:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I feel all the same symptoms. I feel pressure in my brain. I feel like a walking zombie. My memorie is terrible. My brain can&#39;t process information. I had to quit my job because it only made me feel more stressed out. These symtoms started about 2 years ago when I was diagnosed with Typhoid and Proteus fever for eating contaminated food. I&#39;ve had this before but it would go away with antibiotics. The doctors say I don&#39;t have anything. That the typhoid and Proteus are gone.</p><p>I think I am suffering feom anxiety and stress. The stress of working while feeling all these terrible symptoms for two years. It was torture. Then several other personal problems happened. Including my girlfriend being diagnosed with cancer. I think my brain just couldn&#39;t take all the stress plus I suffer from insomnia which doesn&#39;t make it better. I am going to visit a Psychiatrist in Mexico in a few hours (live in U.S but no insurance). See what they tell me. I want to go back to work. It has been 5 months since I quit my job. I am 28 yeard old and my parents have to provide for me bc I just couldn&#39;t take it anymore. I am also going to try tu turn to religion and spirituality since that has brought me peace in the past. I think that is what my mind and soul needs. Peace.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-14T10:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=29#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john1121-1012016" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’ve been reading some of your posts and it seems a lot of people are struggling with the same problem I am. I have this constant feeling of pressure generalized throughout my head but mostly concentrated in my forehead between the eyes. Somedays it is worse than others but it is almost always there and noticeable. I also have what I describe as “negative energy” for lack of a better term down my spine. It’s an uneasy feeling around the thoracic spinal area. Usually if the fog is intense in my head it’s not as bad in my spine and vice versa but sometimes (like now and why I searched google and found this forum) it is bad in both. Along with these symptoms I’m currently suffering with chronic fatigue (can sleep 9 hours and still feel tired), lack of stamina and motivation, trouble concentrating, poor memory and other depressive symptoms. I would say I’ve had symptoms of depression and anxiety since childhood but it all didn’t get really bad until almost exactly 4 years ago. I was dealing with extreme anxiety issues on and off for a year after the first extreme case of anxiety. During this time I did not have the feeling of pressure in my brain and spine like I do now but I did have very high anxiety levels and periods of extreme depression. My anxiety has decreased over time and now hardly ever experience extreme anxiety but I still get slightly anxious especially in certain situations.\r\n\r\nMy brain fog symptoms first appeared 1.5 years ago and since then it has been pretty much constant. It all started not too long after a bad mushroom trip. I felt absolutely horrible for a couple of weeks after the trip and also developed this brain fog that I’ve been suffering with. Since then it has been pretty much constant although there was a period of time this past summer where it was hardly noticeable at all. This was during the time I was hiking the Appalachian Trail. I was getting plenty of exercise all day every day, was in an amazing environment that I enjoyed being in (the wilderness) and had a group of hiker friends that I could socialize with every day. There were many days where it was hardly noticeable but I usually could still tell it was there. It was a lot better than it was previously or than it is now however. Towards the end of my hike my symptoms started coming back and I suddenly developed lower back pain (With no apparent cause. Also, still feel it every day 5 months later) and I had to get off the trail before I finished. Since then my depression and brain fog has been steadily getting worse. I have no motivation to do anything and feel really bad a lot of days. My mood still waxes and wanes but it seems like it’s bad more than it is good. I’ve been to the doctor and have had lab work as well as an MRI and everything came back normal. My guess is that these symptoms are a manifestation of depression/anxiety and you would treat them the same way you would treat anxiety/depression. However in my case I’ve tried SSRI’s (had to get off of them because they made me feel horrible), seen therapists, eat healthy and exercise, meditate, etc. and still experience the brain fog. The only time that it has improved since it began was for a couple of months while I was hiking. I’ve read some of the other posts in this thread and haven’t seen a single person mention completely healing their brain fog. This saddens me. If anyone has experienced significant improvement in their symptoms please give me some tips (or point me in the direction of someone else who already has).\r\n\r\nThanks for reading (and if you’re reading this you probably feel bad too. I can relate to your pain. I’m sorry you’re going through this and wish you well)." ], "date": [ "2017-01-18T04:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=29#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex03087-930730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/confusedjoe-1004832" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alex03087-930730" ], "content": [ "I feel exactly the same. I went surfing abroad and it felt like it was a computer screen background instead of real life. Even though I know everything is real it just looks so different than before. " ], "date": [ "2017-01-20T00:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alex03087-930730" ], "content": [ "I feel the same did anything belp you ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T12:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi guys,</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve had this for 1 year and 2 months now, and it&#39;s still gotten no better.</p><p></p><p>I feel DRUNK/ HIGH 24/7. It&#39;s like my eyes are wide open but nothing is going in to my brain. I have 0 concentration or patcience either. I wake up every day feeling like I&#39;ve been drugged whilst sleeping and I&#39;ve woken up on some sort of acid trip.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m just &quot;not in the room&quot; my body is but my mind and brain have vanished ? It&#39;s like I&#39;m an empty shell, I can&#39;t feel any emotions or feel anything like my senses are numb.</p><p></p><p>I honestly am living a life of hell, it&#39;s called Derealization/ Dpersonalizaton, and can stem from underlying anxiety issues. </p><p></p><p>However I&#39;ve been on medication, seen therapists, seen many doctors who are puzzled and say they can&#39;t help me.</p><p></p><p>Does anyone else feel spaced out / drunk / drugged 24/7. It&#39;s like I&#39;ve been in a dream for over a year and I&#39;m in a coma, nothing seems real it&#39;s like I&#39;m imagining everything in my head. </p><p></p><p>If I pulled the car over in a nice spot , it would be the same as looking at a picture on a postcode. I&#39;m just not there it&#39;s like my body is alive but my brain is dead ?! <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-19T19:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=29#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tugggray-977970" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>any other issues, sharp pains in the back of the skull mainly around the left side base of the skull? just cuirous. SPECT scan or fMRI may been more what you need, they are possibly looking for cysts in mris, i have a nurology apointment in nov myself for very simler reasons and my symptoms have been percistant for a VERY long time, since my early teens, i&#39;m now 35.</p><p></p><p>I want to know what&#39;s wrong as much as you all do. i can&#39;t even remeber not having brain fog which for me is normal i was told i&#39;m dyslexic/stupid cos i don&#39;t remeber things well short term. (ADD AUtism) i&#39;m starting to think i&#39;m a victim of something more sinister as are a lot of people here.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-04T07:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nightdash-982346" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nightdash-982346" ], "content": [ "Hi Nightdash, your post would be more helpful if you would add some details on your treatment, for instance how the illness is labeled by your doctor and what kind of treatment you are receiving." ], "date": [ "2016-10-05T06:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>you&#39;re not gonna be healthy as times goes by. Your mentality will break down and your attitude can&#39;t be controlled anymore in the worst case also, your speech gets weirder as times goes by. This abnormal disease have no cure yet as they don&#39;t believe on Oriental doctor.. but sadly only a single digit of oriental doctor knows the truth. I have the same symtoms with you and I&#39;m currently getting cure and steadly getting back. I&#39;m also having a case where a single drawing will get me a fatigue and a physical work will follow a week of fatigue. as for being spacy gets better and my mentality goes stable.. I got this since I was 13 and having it for a long time made me sick and crazy. I&#39;m getting better for about 10% ..</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-05T01:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melw-982523" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/melw-982523" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey, melw;</p><p>Glad to know that you&#39;re feeling better. Out of curiosity, what was the official diagnosis?</p><p>I asked about this brain fog on Quora a couple months ago thinking I had MS. One of the replies specifically mentioned to have my thyroid checked and to request anti-thyroid antibodies.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T04:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi taylor</p><p>[b]?[/b]I know its been a year since you posted but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in on your issue.</p><p></p><p>[b]?[/b]I had and sometimes still have &#160;the same thing going on and it was my thyroid and iron that was doing it.&#160; All my tests for my thyroid came back normal and everything.&#160; I thought I was going to lose my mind but I tried as I might but&#160;all the doctors said everything was normal.&#160; Yeah right.&#160;&#160;But &#160;my doctor who is female knew something was up.&#160;She&#160;knew I wasnt making this up or that I was not crazy as the (I have to say it-sorry guys) that the male doctors thought I was. &#160;She gave me some levothyroxin (which is a thyroid med) and I started coming out of the fog,&#160; But I also found that my iron level (which wont be tested for unless you specifically ask for it to be tested in your blood test) which I did and it came up that I had low iron which is also another factor. I had extreme brain fog, wooziness, lack of focus, I would get lightheaded here and there for a few seconds and need to sit down, I was so exhausted by 1pm that I needed to just lay on the couch or in bed and once I laid down I felt getting up was going to be a chore because laying there in the zone was all I wanted to do.&#160;&#160; My head felt fuzzy/foggy, my eyesight even seemed to get weaker and I finally got reading glasses.&#160;&#160; I started taking my meds daily with the iron and i started feeling so much better.&#160;&#160; Every so often I forget to take my iron for a few days (which is stupid of me) and the tiredness and brain fog comes back. then I start up again and all is good.&#160;&#160;&#160; I hope you found your fix.&#160; Sometimes your body just knows when something isnt right and it takes trial and error to find the fix.&#160; Good luck to you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-05T16:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/husam50255-983147" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "exactly same my symptom i been suuferng fro a years with differnt doctors , i gave up my life is horrible . please let me know if any update happen to you, thanks\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-10-07T15:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley85910-985471" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same way and I&#39;m also 22 years old it started after my last daughter and it&#39;s getting worse.....</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-16T01:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maria08682-989534" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I am also afflicted with exactly what you have said!! I&#39;m wondering, and have you thought that this has anything to do with using your mobile/tablet/laptop too much as I have had this problem after using mine for last 3 years on regular basis? Just a thought?? </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-30T19:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shawn23899-983735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I know this post has been awhile but did you ever figure out what&#39;s causing this? I&#39;m suffering as well.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-01T16:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ines1212-990549" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miguel33252-992819" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ines1212-990549" ], "content": [ "i already replied to this with very similar symptoms as creator of this thread stated but i feel mine is more severe i think i might need to balance the consumption of information ( being on the internet, articles, instagram etc) but i just always feel in auto pilot mode." ], "date": [ "2016-11-11T23:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" />.</p><p></p><p>I have absolutely no idea how open people on here are to this kind of response. I just saw your post, while I was starting to research about this spacing out/Brainfogginess I am dealing with for the past four years now. It doesn&#39;t seem to be as intense as you experienced it, but I had my lows and they got very very close to what you&#39;re describing.</p><p></p><p>Now just to warn anyone who&#39;s allergic to spiritual talk: do not read xD.</p><p></p><p>Sometimes my intuition speaks clearly, and in your case it is telling me: there is an emotional cause to your condition. More precisely, major grief that you haven&#39;t allowed yourself to feel yet... And a voice whispers that this might be a common cause. Also for me.</p><p>This &quot;grief&quot; might be so deep you have never had access to. This &quot;grief&quot; might have been triggered by that break up you mentioned.</p><p></p><p>For me personally, I&#39;ve started journeying into my emotions more and more and as I uncovered emotions and memories, the brainfog and spacingout diminished slowly but gradually. It still IS present. I also know the root cause hasn&#39;t found resolution yet.</p><p></p><p>To give you a better idea of what I am talking about: I realised that I never actually made up my mind whether &quot;I wanted to live or not.&quot; Some part of me was not committed to life and thus it kept escaping reality through those symptoms, making it impossible or very VERY painful for me to be active.</p><p>Then I had in my childhood repeatedly situations where I felt I had no way out.</p><p>Around the age of 12, I for some reason wanted to runaway from home, taste freedom, taste my own individual sense of self, but at the age of 12 living where I lived, knowing what I knew, I felt I had nowhere to go. All there was left is to stay stuck where I did not want to be.</p><p></p><p>The brainfog and pressure in my head, the spacing out, and even how it reflects in my everyday life makes me feel very stuck. Stuck in life. Stuck in something...</p><p></p><p>As I said, I believe there are more emotions and memory for me to uncover, express and free. Also no sense of self, no idea &quot;what I want&quot;, no direction, unable to decide or make plans are things I relate to this.</p><p></p><p>For some reason, this particular feeling only comes up around midday and afternoon. In the morning I sometimes am very clear, and at night usually as well. It just seems to reoccur every day around eleven/noonish until 4-5 pm.</p><p></p><p>I don&#39;t know if this will possibly help anybody. And by all means, I did not read all the comments, and physical issues are just as probable. But I just felt called to write this right here.</p><p></p><p>You might not even see this message, others might, and maybe it&#39;ll inspire the <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" />.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Much Love.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-03T13:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Taylor. I have had the same thing for almost one year now. Debilitating brain fog, extreme fatigue, no memory, and dizziness. I&#39;ve seen every dr I can think of. I had surgery to fix one of my sinuses, I&#39;ve been misdiagnosed with a few things, on and off of meds, and now I&#39;m trying antidepressants. I&#39;ve changed my diet to an extremely healthy diet. No real diagnosis. I have 3 children and I feel like my life is passing me by. I used to be sick active and now o can barely go to the store on my own. The Drs have no idea. They don&#39;t seem to care. I&#39;m really hopeful that the antidepressants will help. Have you found any answers?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-09T21:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miguel33252-992819" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have just about the same exact symptoms, its as if im in pilot mode and it was been like this since junior year in highschool in 2013 i am now 2 years out of highschool and it is still going on ive used drugs and alchol, attepmting to bring life back into me but i feel like my worrying was so strong that even while heavily intoxicated i couldnt enjoy it, my doctor said i have symptoms of bipolar depression, so as of 8 months now i have stopped all drugs. that includes alchohol, weed, pills etc.. but the problem still persist but its a little better i feel that i am slowly easing my way back into normailty im mostly foggy all day but will get maybe 5 minute moments were i will feel like my self and will be in sync mentally and physically in the same place but that would only happen on a good day" ], "date": [ "2016-11-11T23:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joseph95115-993308" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor mason i can tell you what it is but unlikely youll take my word for it so look up DPDR and vertigo i was suffering the same stuff and my ears felt fine except pressure lightly in my head around tge back of my ears. Almost none existant. I went to the er after aguing with my doctores and proved it i requested a ear nose and throat doctor that told me i had a blocked sinic and it was causing me what was called dream child effects the differance between a physical reason for this and a phycalogical is the intensity of the feelings i felt almost nothing at all taste was all but gone pleasure exctra the world looked like it lacked contrast. But i was proscribed a very high amount of antibiotics for about a week and came back to almost normal. I still feel the side effects from having it for so long from time to time like electrical pain in my head but just twinges not that bad and foggy in my right front temporal lobe. Research this ind youll be able to see if it was what i had or if your going crasy. Mine came on simular to yours high stress. And i also have ptsd. Wonder if you might too." ], "date": [ "2016-11-13T23:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah42903-993918" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah42903-993918" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you so much for sharing! I just started Zoloft after suffering for almost one year. I&#39;ve had every test and seen every specialist. I&#39;m hopeful that the Zoloft is the answer. It&#39;s been the toughest time of my life. I have 3 kids and I need to be the mother they deserve. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-16T01:03+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I hate to tell you this, but I have lived with bipolar disorder for over 20 years, and now work in the mental health field, and this is quite exactly my experience of depression. You may need a medication for a while. &#160;Studies show that the most effective treatments are medication COMBINED with therapy and lifestyle changes. &#160;After a time, you can wean off meds; my experience has been that the medications helped to clear the fog so that I could do some serious work, processing things that had created deep stressors. &#160;I also made some very healthy lifestyle changes- which you have already tried without success. &#160;I think at this point, you have little choice but to try therapy and/or meds.</p><p>&#160;&#160;I hate to recommend meds, because I know they can be difficult to accept, especially with all the bad press they get, but is what you are living with any worse than potential side effects? &#160;None that I&#39;ve heard of are worse than that. &#160;Just make sure they don&#39;t give you Effexor. &#160;It&#39;s one fo the most effective ones on the market, but you will NEVER get off of it; it&#39;s like withdrawing from heroine. &#160;Just awful. &#160;And don&#39;t give up if a med isn&#39;t effective immediately. &#160;They typically take 6-8 weeks for full effect, and it can take several tries to find the right med. &#160;</p><p>&#160;&#160;Weirdly, Effexor was the ONLY antidepressant that ever worked properly for me. Weirdly, AND unfortunately, because it&#39;s expensive. &#160;I&#39;ve been able to wean off of most of my meds over the years, as I have done a lot of work creating coping skills, learning to manage emotions, and doing neuropsychological training. &#160;But I still have to maintain a VERY strict routine for stability, involving avoiding ALL substances (alcohol, nicotine, artificial sweeteners, even caffeine), regulating my sleep, exercising regularly, meditating/mindfulness, and being very devoted to my faith, which has been an essential part of maintaining remission.</p><p>&#160; Your journey might not be so difficult. &#160;Bipolar is notoriously difficult to manage. &#160;Perhaps you will find an antidepressant, the fog wil clear up, and all will be well. &#160;I certainly hope this is the case. &#160;But don&#39;t stay in denial so long that you lose half of your youth to this illness. &#160;The stigma against mental illness is so strong, but it doesn&#39;t need to be. &#160;Many successful people suffer from these things at one time or another; just accept it, deal with it, and start working towards healing. It&#39;s very possible in this day and age. &#160;You do NOT have to live like this.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-16T00:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=25#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "Hi Daniel, i think I understand what you mean by the 'shaking' of your head. I think it's possible that you influenced the state of a certain brain region by focussing on it in an intense way. It could have caused a local surge in electrical activity or local release of neurotransmitters.\r\nAnyway; something got disrupted, it's hard to say which part is affected.\r\nIn general it takes a long time for the brain to recover from damage, regardless the cause. What the brain needs to recover is rest, relaxation and the right nutrients.\r\nI would recommend to take some time off, learn a relaxation technique  and see that you eat 'brain food'; lots of fish, fresh vegetables/fruits and supplements (zinc, taurine, acetyl-carnitine, vit. B12 and D, omega-3).\r\nIf you are able to find a neurofeedback-therapist that would be great. He/she can help you in re-tuning your brain.\r\nMost important is rest though, like any other body part your brain can't heal if you continue with putting stress on it.\r\nMy brain also became compromised a while ago, through different causes, and I applied the stategy above for several months (apart from the neurofeedback). By now I've mostly recovered, and am able to continue with my studies (and getting good results). It wasn't easy to let go of everything I was doing and just focus on my health for quite a while, but it was definitely worth it!" ], "date": [ "2015-11-27T08:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Hello lindathepinda, thanks for replying.\r\nActually, over the last few weeks I have been considering a temporary withdrawal from the university. I have not seen a neurologist yet, but I'll try setting up an appointment as soon as I get back on campus.\r\nI do think something got disrupted.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2015-11-28T08:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "Ye doctors love to cover up i hear you ...im suffering too ..did you find anything that helps any answer ??" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have a similar problem. I'm 19 years old.\r\nSeveral months ago (May 2015) I fell into a great state of feeling that life was not worth living. Thus, I injured myself by \"shaking\" my head violently. \r\nIt's tough to explain, but the shaking was internal; I wasn't going back and forth. Instead, I applied pressure to what appeared to be an inner part of the head, similar to how one would apply pressure to control the wiggling of your ears (if you've ever done that...).\r\nSince then, I have felt EXTREMELY fatigued, essentially emotionless, and stupid. I used have a sharp mind, graduated top of my class in high school, won 1st place at a state-level mental mathematics competition, got into some of the best universities in the country, and now my brain is just foggy. Any attempt at thinking beyond superficiality or recalling facts is null. Concentrating to solve a, say, mathematics problem is impossible. My creativity is gone.\r\nI went to a local family medicine doctor, explained my symptoms, and he just said that it was all in my head. Even then, he gave me an MRI referral, so I did it (non-contrast), and it returned negative.\r\nWhat the hell is happening? What part of my brain is damaged? \r\n " ], "date": [ "2015-11-27T06:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wrwhitemoth-909627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wrwhitemoth-909627" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I hope you find the remendy for your memory loss...*" ], "date": [ "2015-11-29T22:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abrie06387-910073" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wrwhitemoth-909627" ], "content": [ "Okay wow mould,i hear about it but never looked it up.Thanks. " ], "date": [ "2015-12-02T10:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello Taylor, sorry to hear your issues even if this is almost a year old... This maybe a little off topic but, today i've accidently miss work at Walmart that was reschedule by me with the manager... This is not like me at all I never done something like that before! But... I had a question for you, do you have any black mold where you live at or where you use to live at, they sometimes cannot be seen the air we breath in. There is dangerious molds that can not just effect health but also effect our brains. I hope the remendy for your memory loss... -W.R." ], "date": [ "2015-11-29T22:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david44806-909952" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tim67087-907138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david44806-909952" ], "content": [ "Hi David \r\ni am having the same issues with memory, it's been going on for me about 3 months now, I have also been depress with Anxiety too. I wish I knew what to do." ], "date": [ "2015-12-01T20:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david44806-909952" ], "content": [ "Hi David, sorry to hear this.I have the same condition. Going for more than a year now. Do you think you may be depressed?\r\nHeadaches? Vision problems?" ], "date": [ "2015-12-01T20:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david44806-909952" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "i remeber having a bit of anxiety at the end of one of my relationships then that anxiety brought on stress, stress brought on the cloud and then the cloud brought on depression. But since it started i wouldnt say im depressed, but defiantly not my old bright larakin self again. I still have issues overthinking and then zoning out about negative things and then not being able to piece construct positive thoughts together. So annoying especially cos im at such a peaking social time in my life." ], "date": [ "2015-12-02T02:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi ive been experiencing the exact same symptoms as you mention, especially the memory loss, not being able to create clear thoughts, and just an overall spaced out stoned feeling. I remeber the day this condition occurred and it just felt like a massive cloud had just come inside my head while i was driving and then couldnt remeber how to get back home. I too had the sharpest of memorys. It really has been horrible these past 18 months. Ive been reading and apparently its got something to do with your brain protecting its self from the stress hormone cortisol, so it shuts down certain parts of the brain to protect itself. I was wondering if you have had any progression with remedying this condition as mines been going for a long time and ive only just hit 20, i havnt seen any medical professionals about this yet. " ], "date": [ "2015-12-01T19:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abrie06387-910073" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Know exactly how ur feeling.I've been like this for last 4 yrs but this year was severe combined with fatigue and low mood(i was usually very active and happy go lucky person),anxiety doesnt help either and being a guy most people doesnt take this seriously they regard this as sleep it of or jog it off. I've tried numerous supplements(still trying) worst part is the mental block/foggy feeling i have.\r\n\r\nIm off to integrated dr. thats also Gp,hoeopath,acupuncture,etc so i will see what happens then. \r\n\r\nLet me know if u find something thta works faster plz.\r\n\r\nAbrie Fourie" ], "date": [ "2015-12-02T10:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david44806-909952" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have found that fasting for a day or so and only pretty much going on an elimination diet of meat and plant has completely reduced my anxiety. Crazy stuff" ], "date": [ "2015-12-03T04:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/merlin64058-910525" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ali555-906287" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/merlin64058-910525" ], "content": [ "look up something called derealization. it seems scary but common" ], "date": [ "2015-12-14T22:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm 25 years old and After a night of drinking, I feel funny to this day. The alcohol affected me by making me believe I'm in a dream and I'm not myself. My vision is weird it's like I capture moments of what I see and when I speak, it's like im not speaking or somewhat like that. I feel all round funny, I look at my own body sometimes and think is this really me? It seems that during the day when the sun is out is when I'm at my worst but when it gets dark and almost bed time, I feel better. It's weird living like this, it's hard for me to process things. It's hard for me to put sentences together and hard to remember things I did throughout the day. I'm also forgetful. My eyes are sensitive to sunlight also. It's like I'm half awake and half asleep. I'm also going through a breakup with a girl whom I have a kid with and she's with someone else now but I don't really care now about who she's with. I'm more worried about myself. It's hard waking up every morning and feeling like this throughout the day, I just want to be normal. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-25T03:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Any of you experiencing periods of remission, even if it is just for a day or a few hours? I have spells where I feel a lot better but never as good as I felt before this all started again 14 month ago. And even more important does any of you feel like your cognitive symptoms are getting worse over time, especially problems with focusing and short term memory." ], "date": [ "2016-03-09T23:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wildsmithkj-905299" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey,\r\n\r\nI have exactly the same problems, had every test under the sun, all clear.\r\n\r\nHow are things for you??" ], "date": [ "2016-03-10T16:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "content": [ "Paj i also get the tremors  ..did you find anything that helps ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T18:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey Taylor,\r\n\r\nOur stories are scary simular. Just wanted to say first off, hang in there....this goes for everybody!. If a couple good friends/family memebers don't know about your issue(fog) make sure you change that fast, you need the support and if you have a starnge feeling of guilt...get rid of it.\r\n\r\nI'm currently 36 but back in college when I was 21, I woke up one day with this fog. Almost feels like a pressure or like somebody put a vaccum against your ear and sucked some air out and then sealed it quickly.\r\n\r\nWhat is does:\r\n\r\nGeneral feeling of uncomfotableness in my head\r\nBrutal Memory..just brutal\r\nInability to concentrate\r\nProcessing speed of information reduced\r\n\r\nAs a side product from clearly not being myself and being scared and stressed about the future, I also became depressed but I feel it's a product of circumstance.\r\n\r\nAfter visiting neoroigists, eye doctors, gereral practicians, MRI blood tests and coming up with nothing....eventually...somehow it went away...at least briefly.\r\n\r\nMy Doctor had me on Paxil as a \" well, why not..nothing else is working kind of thing\". So i originally attributed it going away maybe because of it but after years of trial and error, the Paxil just triples the memory nukage and while it it I can still get the fog.\r\n\r\nI've learned some interesting charactoristics about the fog too:\r\n\r\n#1 Smoking weed can take it from bad to unfathomably bad.\r\n#2 For some reason, it seems like I have a light tremor in my teeth...ever so slight when I put them together I can feel it\r\n\r\nFrom doing lot's of reading on Brain fog and this seemingly can be from a bunch of factors, make sure these things are checked:\r\n\r\nLyme disease\r\nThyroid\r\nB- Vitamins\r\nGluten sensitivity \r\n\r\nI've mainly been grinding for 15 years. I worry about losing my wife/job all the way to being on the streets because of this terrible condition that kno body seems to have any clue about.\r\n\r\nFor me at least I seemingly get breaks from it which is a lot more then some people reading these forums.\r\n\r\nEverybody please continue to share any or all new information so we can help each other.\r\n\r\nIf anybody needs help or has any questions please feel free to message me.\r\n\r\nPaj\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-03-10T17:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/j90086-928931" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor, I'd be curious to find out if you have found any solutions to your condition. \r\n\r\nI have followed some of the stories about towns being evacuated from contamination in the water at their homes. Now follow me for a second, because although it might start sounding overly dramatic, there are many symptoms that people don't realize come from a very basic source of life, water. But, not because it's natural water, but because the water served to our homes is filled with chemicals and in certain cases, have been contaminated with leaks of gases and other dangerous chemicals to our system. These people being evacuated have suffered from major illnesses, so the contamination has been very high.\r\n\r\nBut, in most cities, water is \"filtered and decontaminated\" with 2 of the chemicals we deem as safe, because we see it in toothpaste and swimming pools, which are  fluoride and chlorine. These are the known symptoms correlated to these chemicals: Depression, low energy, fatigue, low concentration, poor memory, foginess reduced sex drive, headaches, tendencies towards excessive weight.\r\n\r\nIn short, I just want to propose, since most have you seem to have tried everything, continue to work hard on an organic, clean diet, and excercise, but also take into serious consideration your water source and any products that contain fluoride and chlorine. I have a strong feeling that will make a big difference. If you can, find water from a natural spring, and use it for every need including showers, because the skin absorbs a lot of what goes on it. Don't use skin products, our body produces everything we need, and if you have to, find natural ones. \r\n\r\nAlso, if you can't find a natural spring, get a serious water filter for your entire home. I would really like to hear if you find this helps, although it might take some time. \r\n\r\nLooking forward to hearing from you." ], "date": [ "2016-03-12T22:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mearal4-929161" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mearal4-929161" ], "content": [ "Nothing feels real ???? O yea iv been saying this for 16months since I hit server anxiety and depression (postnatal) it's like your walking through a dream? Watching life go by but your not really part of it now, u love in the nothing ?" ], "date": [ "2016-03-23T23:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey, i feel the exact same way where i just feel stoned. it usually happens in the mornings when people try talking to me and they get lound i start to feel dizzy and lethargic like nothing is real and it feels weird to move especially my arms and fingers. i also get this faint feeling too. this is honestly feaking me out and i hate it so much and it has pretty much taken over my life and i was wondering if you had any input on it, anything will help. Even if you also dont know whats going on and i have a feeling depression and anxiety might have a role in this but i just want you to know that your not alone and im happy i found this, \r\n\r\nmeara" ], "date": [ "2016-03-14T06:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amyyamy-841074" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Deficiency in B12 causes all of these symptoms, and it can take years before it will show up in a blood test.  \r\n\r\nNeurologists generally suggest taking B12 supplements for a few weeks to see if they help.  " ], "date": [ "2016-03-20T17:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cody42518-930908" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cody42518-930908" ], "content": [ "Is it like your a ghost ? Erm il try explain.... like your not really here, looking from the outside in, dream world, feeling like your in a glass box looking at the world ?" ], "date": [ "2016-03-23T23:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey Taylor I ran a crossed ur post here about 2 half months ago I all the sudden started feeling exactly how u described just wondering if u ever got over it or figured out what was going on" ], "date": [ "2016-03-23T11:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor, I have the same question, since you are not responding, you either got better and happy or dead ;) do you have anything to share about recovery? Thanks for any help" ], "date": [ "2016-03-23T14:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simplysarah-930966" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simplysarah-930966" ], "content": [ "I think all this is classic depression and anxiety. It's all about not been present in the now :( iv had this 16 months " ], "date": [ "2016-03-23T23:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "You have described my symptoms exactly. My symptoms--brain fog, extreme fatigue, memory struggles, and the ever-present zombie-bubble-head sensation--are my reality three or more days a week. It seems to be getting worse. I also experience mouth (tongue and lip) tingling, low grade fevers during sleep, and occasional but persistent edema. (I've been taking hydrochlorothiazide for the edema for years, but now its not working as well...)\r\n\r\nAnother clue, in case anyone finds similarities...I relocated to the Chicago suburbs from the Southeastern US approximately one and a half years ago. (July 2014) After my first full night in the area--eating the food, drinking the water--I woke the next morning with a debilitating fatigue and a physiological-level depression that kept me in the hotel bed the entire next day. I was barely able to leave the room. The next day, I was exhausted but able to get up and out. I didn't connect it to my relocation until a year later when I noticed my symptoms were graduatlly worse over the next year.\r\n\r\nNow, my brain fog / fatigue symptoms are worse and more \"regular\" every other day and for days at a time. \r\n\r\nIs this the my new reality? :(\r\n\r\nThank you so very much for posting this Taylor. You've helped me more than you can know. It helps me just knowing I'm not the only one this is / has happened to. I have an appointment tomorrow to discuss testing. I'm going to bring what I've learned here about silent migranes.\r\n\r\nCiao, S:)" ], "date": [ "2016-03-23T18:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "I completely agree with you Dylan. anxiety and depression don't appear out of the blue air, they are the consequences of something else, they are symptoms as are fatigue and all other complaints.\r\nToo bad you can't have a Lyme test, at least you would be able to rule it out, now you have to keep guessing.\r\n\r\nI have all of the symptoms mentioned in the original post, and recently discovered I suffer from 'silent' migraine (no headaches). Never knew before that it comes with all these diffuse complaints but it matches perfectly. Am going to do a Lyme test anyway, just to rule that out. it's unfortunately possible to have two diseases at the same time." ], "date": [ "2016-03-24T22:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Dylan let me know how you are doing ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "It cant be just anxiety and being deppressed, if you experience neurological symptoms and others then the anxiety and depression will come natural with it and it wouldn't make sense not to feel like sh*t experiencing symptoms with no answers to not cause concern.\r\n\r\nI have had vague everyday symptoms for 10 years and my best advice is to change your diet and cut out sugars and fast foods, also dont smoke or drink alcohol. My symptoms flare up worst a day or so after drinking, i smoke to relieve stress from my symptoms kinda to give me a excuse to feel sh*t unfortunately,\r\n\r\nConstant spaced out feeling \r\nBrain fog\r\nMemory problems\r\nDizziness off balance feeling\r\nFeel generally sick everyday\r\nUn provoked panic attack and anxiety\r\nWeakness \r\nAbdominal problems \r\nVision is like the world is not clear and out of focus\r\nOn and off symptoms of other stuff as well \r\nEar tinnitus and hearing changes\r\n\r\nAll of which is uncomfortable and feels impossible to deal with, i keep active with sport and fitness every week which is some relief,\r\n\r\nI live in Australia and my symptoms have matched alot of lyme disease symptoms but that disease is not recognized here and the government states it doesnt exist here even know theres some significant evidence supporting the case.\r\nAlthough im lucky and dont experience pain at all but i know there is definitely something not right.\r\nLook up all lyme disease symptoms.\r\n\r\nDont get fooled by telling your doctor or gp all your symptoms for them to turn around and say its\r\nAnxiety\r\nDepression \r\nCfs\r\nOr something that is in the common diagnostic handbook for doctors -_-\r\n\r\nIt frustrates me that they just assume its something when its not.\r\nAnyway best advice is to not give up in hope and keep searching and keep trying to find answers, and remember if you lived with it for as long as i have its not a rare disease thats life threatening but its certainly uncomfortable.\r\nAlso find a gp that will actually sit down and listen and try different paths to help. And not just order a trip to a psychologist and hands anti depressons.\r\nDont give up " ], "date": [ "2016-03-23T23:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ben86692-1379014" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ben86692-1379014" ], "content": [ "Look at burnout. It sounds to me like you are just extremely stressed all the time and that you really need and try to make yourself become more intuned with your body again. Go walk in nature more and maybe talk to someone about what you are going through. May inner-peace enter your life again soon!" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T22:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "What you just described has been hunting me for over 6+ years and I don't what to do anymore more. I have seen a neurologist, I cannot think properly and was prescribed several different medications. some i have used and other i just cannot take it anymore. I constantly feel exhausted, low motivation, sleepy and have had migraines for years. There was a time when I would go to ER with stomach problems and literally nothing and I mean nothing showing on CT scans. I recently did a sleep study and I have severe sleep apnea. The doctor said I would go to sleep without knowing in would wake up and have 167 sleep disturbances a night. So I got on CPAP and it has been better with headaches, and feeling rested but a lot of times I still feel down and tired and go to sleep at times still. Sometimes I feel like i can't think properly. I used to be soooooo good at different things and going through this is insane. I feel like I am no longer the same person. Best thing I realized is when I go on vacation I feel soooooo good. the mood thing has also affected me greatly, and sometimes I have sweats just cankot listen to what anyone is talking about and the worst at work having meetings. This really sucks as if I have a demon in me literally that does.not want to go away. I have lost interest in so many things. I have taken some classes to get my thoughts away but I cannot pass the exam. worse thing I at work I have a crazy co workers who is so negative at things and dies not want to do anything. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-30T05:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ekim1952-1379368" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor, in reading your post here are comments you made that jumped right off the page for me:\r\n* a couple of months after an extremely strenuous relationship\r\n* tired all the time\r\n* ever-present fatigue\r\n* wake up each morning completely zombie-mode\r\n* I felt completely stoned.\r\n* I couldn't think right.\r\n* I couldn't concentrate.\r\n* I felt inebriated.\r\n* I felt totally disconnected and spacey.\r\n* I felt as though I had no control over myself.\r\n* almost all new information could not be retained.\r\n* I could no longer recount the activities I took part in. This is possibly the worst of all the symptoms.\r\n* The extreme short term memory.\r\n* I had an MRI, & I had about 20 different blood tests. NOTHING.\r\n\r\nYou may have some Depression and/or Anxiety. But is it a primary or a secondary part of your condition?\r\nHell, who wouldn't get depressed or anxious given what you have experienced so far! Your imaging and tests so far are all *normal.* That's not unusual either for some medical conditions, *like a couple of mine*.\r\n\r\nHere is my theory of what happens to people resulting in medical conditions like we (may) have.\r\n** Please note that this is only my opinion, and should not be taken as professional medical advice:**\r\n\r\nMy theory is that when our defenses are down, due to things like infection, illness, trauma, extreme emotional stress, etc., this allows opportunists (e.g. viruses) to enter the body, take advantage of our compromised immune systems, causing the body to react to this foreign \"invasion\". Viruses, bacteria, fungi and things like other environmental sources can cause similar medical conditions, but viruses can be particularly \"good\" at finding places to hide, or exist in a **latent** state until the next time your body's autoimmune defenses are low again, triggering a **relapse** of your symptoms.\r\n\r\nI recommend you look into \"Post-Viral\" conditions, more specifically ME/CFS. This would be a good place to start: https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/index.html\r\n\r\nPlease be aware that there may be \"scientific and/or professional differences\" in how the UK and US\r\nview, diagnose and treat ME/CFS, or other Post-Viral conditions. Much more focus is being put on ME/CFS in the U.S. at this time, due to it's similarity of symptoms for thousands of patients with \"Long/Long-term COVID-19\".\r\n\r\nI wish you all the best in your search for a diagnosis, treatment and support.\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-06-02T08:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren0227-1379782" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I had a concussion back in December 2020, my doctor had me on thyroid meds and Metformin (blood sugar med) for weight loss…and xanax for occasional anxiety. Healing from my concussion, I had these same “attacks” of mental fog…sometimes it would last a few hours, sometimes days. When I would wake up, it could be better or worse. I was teetering between the normal old me and the new me…it changed my personality. I’d say things I’d never normally say…was more carefree…but never felt “present” in my own body. I felt like perhaps it was the blood sugar meds and the thyroid med because I didn’t actually need them! My blood sugar/thyroid was never an issue. I stopped them cold Turkey, I know I shouldn’t have, but I was so desperate to shake that weird feeling of not being my normal self. I felt no anxiety, not like I used to...no jittery nervous feeling…but I took a Xanax just to see…it helped a little bit…but ultimately I went back into a bad 3 day stretch of brain fog!! I went to the gym every morning of these last 3 days…I decided not to take any meds not even Ibuprofen…or eat…just water for today. Felt off all day…then all of a sudden at 9pm, it was like a light switch. I went back to feeling present, and normal like I always felt. I’m afraid to go to sleep because I want this feeling of the normal me to stay…when I sleep, it’s not guaranteed I’ll wake up feeling the same. This truly has me so distraught and perplexed!!! When I’m having the fog, I know what I’m doing and I’m aware, I can work, but I’m not…me. I truly can’t put it into words. I read prolonged use of Xanax can cause depersonalization…so I’m not gonna touch them for awhile. My neurologist is testing me for b12 deficiency, Lyme disease, and a spinal fluid leak. I don’t know if any of this could help anyone…but I thought maybe if I put my story out there, it could help piece things together possibly? I wish someone could give a clear answer what this is cos I don’t want to live this way. My concussion has changed my life drastically. I should also add that during my healing from my concussion, I was dealing with someone who put me through extreme mental and emotional strain…who definitely triggered my anxiety horribly. I don’t know if the constant state of anxiety just pushed my brain over the edge or what…but I pray someone can get the answer for this mysterious condition. I can definitely live with it, but for me, I’m not living cos it’s not really me. When these attacks happen my personality changes to “blah whatever, who cares”…that’s not me at all!! \r\nit’s so hard to explain to people what you’re thinking and feeling too, you sound bizarre…but it’s such a real thing…I hope my neurologist can help me…so I can possibly help others with any information I get!! 🤞🏻" ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T11:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wade2155-1356301" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been dealing with similar issues as well more of a light headed feeling 24/7. Going on a year and a half now. Doctors cant fig out whats going on as well. Have you found any relief yet?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-05T18:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "content": [ "You are experiencing burnout and anxiety symptoms. Your body is now in a constant state of fight/flight and you need to go and talk to a therapist about this. No one should suffer this. Try and relax and take some time for yourself a couple hours a day. I know the physical symptoms make this feel impossible but it is super important that you give your mind and body the rest and calmness it needs!" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T23:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Does anyone here know the difference between brain fog and depersonalization and brain fog and cognitive impairment?\r\nI feel detached,disconnected and spacey I feel like I live in a bubble like I am drunk all the time it is also very difficult for me to concentrate so reading a book is very annoying to me. I also have fatigue and lack of energy and my vision is very blurred. My memory is poor. It's not like forgetting names and dates. It's like my perception of time has a problem. If anyone knows the main difference between these three feelings, please respond " ], "date": [ "2021-06-07T15:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kojobab-1380895" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "WOW Taylor I swear our stories are are literally identical.\r\n\r\nDoctors were already starting think I'm crazy or some type of hypochondriac the way I was asking for tests.\r\n\r\nHave you found anything helps?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-07T20:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/aubreye16829-1381391" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "any chance its mini seizures? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T13:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica27680-1381428" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jessica27680-1381428" ], "content": [ "Hope your feeling better by now! If not, as Taylor's symptoms are related to high anxiety and severe prolonged stress, so are yours. The solution for these symptoms are getting your mind and body back into a relaxed state. Which means mindfulness exercises, more time in nature and less on your phone. and if the physical symptoms are too overwhelming that you cant even do those things. Go and talk to a psychiatrist and consider taking Sertraline for a while so your body can return go a more relaxed state. Just some advise from a guy going through the same s**t ;)" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T23:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I came across this post and its the first time ive ever experienced anyone get what im experiencing myself. I even thought I wrote this somehow lol! Ive been experiencing this for about two years now. Ive had EVERY blood test you can imagine, and even took a sleep study which they said was \"normal\". honestly, I was p****d when that result came back. I'm desperate at this point for help. Im in therapy and on psych meds. Its not going away. I don't think ill be able to hold a job, or even get my license. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy." ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T16:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/girdhar09498-1381768" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/girdhar09498-1381768" ], "content": [ "Breathe well and relax the body! Great advise :)" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T23:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "\r\nHi,\r\nExactly same issue with me. I was lost completely in terms of memory 2 years back.\r\n\r\nRight now I am almost recovered from the trauma.\r\nFirstly I will give a brief background why it happened .\r\n\r\nI am a graduate now, during my college days I had been pushing myself to the extreme to prepare for an exam. I used to think about the exam a lot.\r\nExam was giving me enormous amount of pressure n it was very hard to handle.\r\n\r\nOn top of stress for exam I was having superiority complex, wherein from my childhood i needed to feel myself superior all the time n in everything i do.\r\n\r\nGradually my feat for superiority became a intense traumatic reality for me. I started feeling threatened n scary even when somewhen talked about me.\r\nI was so afraid about everything that even a knocking sound can wake me up like someone has come to kill me.\r\nI was filled with extreme fear. I could not sleep at night at all.\r\nThe whole night my mind used to work without any moment of calm. I could not sleep properly.\r\n\r\nAll my motor controls were also hit keeping aside my concentration and memory.\r\nI was not able to feel my hands. If i am in the open air, I was not able to feel the air.\r\nAll I could do is to fear with these kind thoughts- what if something happens to me later someday.\r\n\r\nIn terms of memory, I could not arrange things in the order as they happened because when things used to happen i was busy thinking something more fearful.\r\n\r\nI lost my concentration as well, even if I am at party I wasn't really enjoyed I was worried all the time for things that never happened.\r\n\r\nAfter losing my motor controls, my concentration, my memory - I took a break from the exam that I was preparing for last 3 years. \r\nI needed help, I am grateful enough to find a name of a self help book (written in comments on a website i cannot recall)\r\n\r\nThe book name was Power of Now.\r\nI cannot actually tell in words how grateful I am that I found this book. \r\n\r\nMaybe this book will not work for u my frnd. \r\nBut,\r\nI am sure for one thing but what will work is your own breath.\r\nThe solution to this problem is very simple but harder to actually perform it because of lack of confidence and lack of will power.\r\n\r\nYou dont have to spend thousands of dollars when your breath can heal you in free.\r\nJust try it for a year and let me know if it works for you.\r\n\r\n\r\nWhat you have to do is:\r\nRemind urself all the time whenever possible to take a deep breath.\r\nBut remember one thing , you have to inhale slowly n exhale even slower than inhale.\r\nDont try to put pressure on urself or ur breath.\r\nGradually u will find a pace of breath where you will feel relaxed n calm.\r\nOnce u find that right flow of breath, ur work is done. \r\nBe in that pace of breath as long as you can. It will give you so much peace n calmness n stillness that even no anxiety killer med can give.\r\nThis practice will actually show u some results after some months. So be patient n calm.\r\nBreath is the key to this memory problem my frnd.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T23:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anthony70724-1383196" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor, I can relate to your memory concerns. I had a head injury pitching batting practice in high school and a line drive hit me in the head. I got a concussion and needed to be hospitalized to relieve a bleed. For a few weeks after I had trouble recalling information or thinking of the correct words to say when speaking - to put it lightly, it freaked me out! Fast forward some 30 years later I am a college educated, successful dad of two girls. Happily married. Yet for many years after my injury I was plagued by self-doubt about my ability to recall info and \"think on my feet\". I labled myself as \"less than\" and compared myself to others with brutal self-judgment. The message I gave myself was (in various forms) \"your memory is messed up - you are broken\". I developed an insidious hypervigilance to monitor my mental processing...trying to store, remember, etc. information. When I caught myself forgetting something, the inner critic swooped in to validate the \"horrible memory\" narrative. \r\n\r\nDon't do this to yourself! The mind is powerful and overanalyzing can cripple a perfectly normal brain. This is reversible. You are suffering from the anxiety loop - your brain's CPU cycles are getting divided between what is actually occurring through your 5 senses and the inside monitor that keeps watching and validating every \"screw up\". The challenge with anxiety of any kind is that once you fall in to its grasp, it is quite difficult to get back to how you felt before it reared its ugly head. You can't try to remove anxiety or the worry about memory - it just gets stronger. In a way, you must learn to accept these thoughts as part of thinking....and realize you are NOT your thoughts. You are not confused or having memory loss. The real you is watching and realizing the MIND is confused, anxious. So it can't perform like it used to. How can confusion realize it is confused? It cannot - you are able to see the confusion but are then mistakenly identifying with it." ], "date": [ "2021-06-19T05:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breonna65726-1383367" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive discovered it to b a spiritual awakening ya know ive been in a deep fog for a year unable to think clearly cant sleep during the day up all jight and it was because i wasnt accepting the truth ya know because i couldnt accept things for what they are but what it is.incant speak for u but literally a few days ago i devided to look outsife of my self and look at what was really holding me bavk and what i wasnt acknowledging and its the first time ive seen the sun in years okay" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T23:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=57#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Sounds like depressed and anxiety, constant depersonalisation. Meds can ease it " ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "Think I'll begin to get my memory skills back? Any insight with that? without my memory...life seems a whole lot let valuable. What's the point in doing something, if only to forget? Life without memory is treacherous. I desperately want mine back!" ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "less valuable" ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T21:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "After talking with someone who experienced depersonalization/researching the sensation experience described was: it was as if they could see themselves from another point of view. Which is not at all the case for me. I just feel High...like I smoked some marijuana...except...no good feelings. haha" ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "I often get confused i can remember but i have to put the pieces together i wouldn't say its memory loss with me just confusion jumbled up thoughts. my concentration improved with medicationbut i'm definitely not back to normal yet. \r\n\r\nHope u get better soon! " ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Its more your surrounds don't seem real ? Your floating by. I know totally what u mean im honestly the same way. Its anxiety and depresssion stuck in your head and your body protecting you from it although it feels awful. My meds have lessened it for me but its still there 24/7. U need to get some help I can't believe your doctor hasn't said anxiety disorder " ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monique_7214-743346" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "I feel the exact same way. It causes me anxiety and depression and I just want it gone! I don't know what to do. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sackorats-929144" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "It sounds a lot like narcolepsy. I had all of those symptoms and after having multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) done found I have narcolepsy. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrewsarower-958191" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Im in the same boat. Any fixes yet? I just feel stoned all the time. Like my brain is wrapped in setan wrap and too tight. Its been only 10 days, about a week after my uncles funeral." ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T00:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrewsarower-958191" ], "content": [ "<p>Anxiety is what it is, with all its masses of offshoots. Lots of thing to try for anxiety, if it&#39;s short term then just getting on with life works well. Longer term meds or therapy or both.</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "Theres more conditions out there then anxiety that are the problem. Sure im not saying your wrong but some people have problems that drs cant figure out so they just assume its Anxiety. Or the person presents anxiety as a result of there condition." ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T00:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "<p>No, drs don&#39;t do that. If a Dr doesn&#39;t know, then they refer on to someone who may know. What you mean is when someone doesn&#39;t believe a Dr then they make these claims, that&#39;s not the same thing</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "<p>I find it quite ridiculous that your speaking as doctors as a whole, i can garuntee doctors do that and im sure people on here would have experienced short minded &quot;professionals&quot; who no nothing but textbook work because thats what they are taught.</p><p>There are conditions out there that aren&#39;t as recognized like they should be so a suffering patient with neurological symptoms or pain or mental illnesses could be due to a specific cause. Not anxiety! </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T01:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "<p>They completely do that from my personal experiences. The doctor assumes its anxiety when they cant figure it out, or because it appears to be anxiety, so you get referred to a psychiatrist instead of a specialist that can actually figure this condition out. And it&#39;s not anxiety in my case because I&#39;ve already been down the &quot;psychiatric route&quot;, and nothing has been solved. If you&#39;re calling out everyone on this discussion because they don&#39;t believe a doctor&#39;s opinion, you really don&#39;t understand what it&#39;s like. Also your comment proves exactly what most people would say about this condition because they don&#39;t know what else it could be besides good ol&#39; generalized anxiety disorder </p>" ], "date": [ "2020-10-23T12:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Your the one speaking for drs as a whole. ..." ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T05:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "<p>Just because anxiety and depression can&#39;t be solved quickly doesn&#39;t mean the diagnosis is wrong. And just because any one of us don&#39;t believe our diagnosis,that also doesn&#39;t mean it&#39;s wrong. People can spend years coming to terms with their diagnosis, and struggling with making any headway with symptoms. I wasn&#39;t the one making gross generalisations so be careful with your tone. If you disbelieve drs so much, that&#39;s up to you- but why would you continue to return to the same dr? And if more than 1 dr is telling you the same thing, are they all lying? Don&#39;t have a go at me, I&#39;m not bothered if you don&#39;t agree -your call, if your paranoia about drs is leading you to think like this- that&#39;s a shame. As you&#39;ve said you&#39;ve been down the psychiatric route,i presume you&#39;ve tried every form of therapy out there, couple with every form of medication and you&#39;ve continued to do that for months and years while being fully engaged in the process? Because that&#39;s what it takes for all of us. Again - your call but again- be careful of your time when you are replying</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T05:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "You dont know what people have gone through with doctors or what problems they have so what gives you the right to assume your opinion is right?" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T05:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "<p>Your missing the point, read back ,- I wasn&#39;t the one making the generalisations,and I&#39;ve also plainly stated that it doesn&#39;t bother me at all . I have my opinion, I don&#39;t really care about anyone elses. Be sure to read and not make assumptions </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T06:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christophe95394-978568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Everyone experiences depolarization differently, it could be a mixture of severe anxiety causing prolonged stress on your brain tiring it out. Causing brain fog. Witch causes more anxiety witch makes the brain frog worse. Witch makes your anxiety worse.... you get where im going. Your probably too late for personal care you shouls try seeing a psychologist.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T19:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hwinland-989334" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "I have experienced horrific labor and now havery the same symptoms...what helped you feel bettert? I struggle everyday with a baby...so hard. The strange thing is, it all went away for about 3 weeks and I was perfectly fine then it all suddenly came back. I even hyperventilated. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-07T22:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenbate310-1033877" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hwinland-989334" ], "content": [ "Mine started 6 months after having my first baby, hoe u dealing with it now? " ], "date": [ "2017-03-18T23:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jenbate310-1033877" ], "content": [ "How r u now ? My baby is 2 and im still badly" ], "date": [ "2017-10-23T19:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Vitamin d levels can cause all of this or chronic fatigue syndrome" ], "date": [ "2017-11-23T03:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melina21599-1020937" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "How are you doing now? Has it gone away completely ? I’m struggling with same symptoms... is all due to anxiety? " ], "date": [ "2017-12-05T17:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenbate310-1033877" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi there I&#39;m still the same still searching for answers, been trying to change diet to see if it helps , its deverstating&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-03-18T19:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "I understand been going through hell for 8 months..... Trying so many things, now doing TMS... Will post if I see improvement. So far only Ativan gives some relief." ], "date": [ "2020-11-27T22:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "I can relate, this started for me the end of March, Covid madness. I got horrible sinus pressure like never before, was breathless and was stumbling for a week. Pressure in head was constant. With that came zombie life, bad memory that got worse as panic , anxiety and depression grew, things feel and felt far away as they happened long ago. Its insane. I could recall my day in fine detail before this, lime every step of the day!!!! Now I'm a shell of who I was, I lost 30 lbs am skin and bones.Whatever this is its horrible. They forced me on Ativan and going for TMS which is done by a neurologist.. I pray for all of us if anything gets better I promise to post.. Love you guys all my heart breaks for all of you." ], "date": [ "2021-02-07T22:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Dude how long has it been like this for? \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T08:55+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "My Symptoms are ever present. There is not better or worse. There just...IS. \r\n\r\nbrain fog, memory loss, feeling totally spaced out and not awake...24/7" ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T08:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/djimble-954667" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awilliam-953633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/djimble-954667" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi djimble,</p><p></p><p>I have also been experiencing these exact symptoms for a month and am on the verge of being unable to get through each day. I&#39;m desperately trying to find answers.</p><p></p><p>What triggered your symptoms? Are you able to sleep? Can you remember things?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-30T19:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/djimble-954667" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awilliam-953633" ], "content": [ "<p>AWilliam, I&#39;m able to sleep just fine, I just a feel like I go by every day the same, they just fly by, I haven&#39;t felt real emotion. Normal occurrences that would get me excited or extremely happy for example, don&#39;t phase me whatsoever, they are just events now. I don&#39;t truly know what has caused it, but I have had 5 conclusions before this year. </p><p>This fall I got another one in which I hadn&#39;t told anyone about until May, when I saw a neurologist about my worsening symptoms, short term memory loss, mental fogginess all of the time, not being able to concentrate on one thing for very long, he just told me to rest. I visited him a second time 2 weeks after the first appointment and lied about all of the symptoms saying they&#39;d all disappeared, so I could play soccer again (awful idea). The symptoms seemed to level off, so I&#39;m used to them now, but they are still very apparent, a new one though is slurred speech and stuttering. Drinking has most likely affected my brain in a very negative way, as I had been drinking with friends heavily (partying) almost every weekend. The past two months I have realized that emotions and characteristics of myself simply are not there. I don&#39;t feel like myself anymore. I can go out on the weekend with friends and pretend to have fun, but partying and having fun with friends doesn&#39;t really affect me. I would call it depression, but it&#39;s not that simple...with all of the other symptoms, I feel like it&#39;s something else. I just want to go back to my old self. Is there anyone out there that can help me</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-30T20:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awilliam-953633" ], "content": [ "<p>Iv had this since October 2014 so coming on 2 years. It&#39;s anxiety depression with derealisation. Mine come on quickly with a sense of things been unreal and like I was in a dream then the server anxiety started as I was so scared of what was happening to me. I feel/felt out of it, just through a empty motion of nothing, kind of like you looking back on yourself as a picture, it can always feel like your watching life through a glass screen as your distant. It&#39;s a very weird unreal feeling like your in a dream. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-30T22:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "Yea 8t sucks" ], "date": [ "2016-06-30T22:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "content": [ "Any answers ?x" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T12:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Taylomason, I&#39;ve had the exact symptoms your describing for 2 months now with no sign of it going away. Whatever it is, has it gone away yet, and what have you done to stop it. Please, I need help.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-30T19:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=18#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "content": [ "Il try anything !" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T12:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "content": [ "I feel drunk " ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T12:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/netminder1976-944633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "<p>Me too, back when I drank I drank so that I did feel drunk... Now I can&#39;t stand this feeling, just want to feel normal again.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T15:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I met a woman today that I was telling her how I feel and she said she felt like she was drunk for the last 2 years of her life and spent tons of money on trying to get rid of all these same symptoms and she has had acupuncture for the last 4 weeks and she starting to come out of it. I&#39;m calling that dr tomorrow and gonna try it. I&#39;ll update if ya want</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-30T22:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=18#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "That would be me. 2 years in now, had similar shorter episodes starting in 1999. What I@m going through right now is the worst by a long shot.\r\nI sometimes get pressure headaches on top of the skull and on the sides above the eyes. Right now my visoon is real funny again which actually really is a concentration issue, this comes with a wired headache right at the center above the eyes. My memory is bad at times and attention is as well compromised. I have thjis 24/7 for almost 2 years now." ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T01:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes I get pressure so bad all over my head but right now it&#39;s really bad right on top.... And so hard to concentrate or do anything.... Te pressure is the worst and usually last for a couple days then will go away for a little bit and then come back</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T01:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>HI Emily, is it pressure or headache? I&#39;ve got this continuous pressure on the right side of my head, and had a hard time explaining to the neurologist it isn&#39;t headache. He still doesn&#39;t understand the difference, and thinks it&#39;s irrelevant and prescribed migraine meds (which I don&#39;t take).</p><p>These complaints are horrible and there seems to be an epidemy going on. I noticed we all &#39;ve got pressure on the right side of the head the most, and wonder if it could have anything to do with mobile phone use.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T07:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Yes" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T09:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Like as if u were really really stressed that type of pressure if so then yes very much x" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T12:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>It&#39;s like sever pressure not any kind of headache.... And it&#39;s all over </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T14:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/netminder1976-944633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Kinda feels like someone is airing up a balloon in my head. Puts pressure on my ears like they need to release pressure. No headache though." ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T15:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/netminder1976-944633" ], "content": [ "<p>Right it&#39;s not a headache it literally feels like my head is blowing up like a balloon and needs to pop to release the pressure</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T16:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/netminder1976-944633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>I know the feeling. Really not sure what it is but I&#39;m sure it&#39;s anxiety related as I never noticed it until my anxiety fired back up.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T17:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>That&#39;s exactly what I feel, like my brain is too big for my skull and wants to expand through my ears and nose.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T22:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "yes and sinuses but I have no infections of those and I do not have high blood pressure " ], "date": [ "2016-07-12T23:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Does anyone get a lot of pressure in head and forhead?" ], "date": [ "2016-07-01T01:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=18#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kitten5232-962865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kitten5232-962865" ], "content": [ "<p>ADHD/ADD is congenital, so it&#39;s not relevant since the symptoms weren&#39;t present from birth on</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-06T08:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>@lindathepinda</p><p>You&#39;ve been posting on these forums for a while. Have you figured anything new yet?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-07T23:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Daniel, you must be a psychic; I found out yesterday I&#39;ve got Lyme&#39;s disease:-(. I had two tests done two years ago which had a negative result but I knew these tests are inot reliableble. Since my complaints persisted and where tyical Lyme symptoms I paid out of pocket for a better test (the LTT), on my own initiative, and it clearly showed i&#39;ve got an active Borrelia infection.</p><p>I&#39;m trying to figure out right now what I should do. In the Netherlands there in&#39;t much expertise on Lyme&#39;s disease, so I have to find out myself which way to go.</p><p>I feel kind of hopeless right now; I have been walking around with this infection for a few years now, and I fear there is a lot of damage done to my nerve system. Also I know it&#39;s very difficult to get rid of Lyme&#39;s and even if that works out it probably will take a long time.</p><p>Will be testing for co-infections next week, and see my GP. Hopefully he has got a clue how to approach this.</p><p>How are you doing yourself?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-08T05:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Daniel, you must be a psychic; I found out yesterday I&#39;ve got Lyme&#39;s disease:-(. I had two tests done two years ago which had a negative result but I knew these tests are inot reliableble. Since my complaints persisted and where tyical Lyme symptoms I paid out of pocket for a better test (the LTT), on my own initiative, and it clearly showed i&#39;ve got an active Borrelia infection.</p><p>I&#39;m trying to figure out right now what I should do. In the Netherlands there in&#39;t much expertise on Lyme&#39;s disease, so I have to find out myself which way to go.</p><p>I feel kind of hopeless right now; I have been walking around with this infection for a few years now, and I fear there is a lot of damage done to my nerve system. Also I know it&#39;s very difficult to get rid of Lyme&#39;s and even if that works out it probably will take a long time.</p><p>Will be testing for co-infections next week, and see my GP. Hopefully he has got a clue how to approach this.</p><p>How are you doing yourself?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-08T05:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>How does one get the better Lyme&#39;s test?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-08T05:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey lindathepinda, sorry for the late response.</p><p>I returned to school and completed my second semester there, but I&#39;m currently taking a leave of absence.</p><p>I was hospitalized for having a strong likelihood to commit suicide. At the emergency room, the doctor immediately ruled out traumatic injuries, but no diagnosis was made.</p><p>I was not able to see a neurologist during that time, and at the moment I cannot see a neurologist for lack of medical insurance.&#160;</p><p>My symptoms have remained constant. Mental imagery (including the &quot;voice&quot; in my head that reads text) is extremely taxing on my brain, and I cannot read for very long before I become fatigued.</p><p>I spent about two months on antidepressants to no avail.</p><p>---</p><p></p><p>How did your co-infections tests turn out?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-19T05:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Daniel, I&#39;m not to quick myself either; Lyme slows you down tremendously:-s.</p><p>I&#39;m still waiting for the permission of my GP for the co-infections test. He even didn&#39;t know they exist....</p><p></p><p>Was just wondering; did you ever rule out vitamin deficiencies? It might sound odd to you but I know from the field I work in that serious deficiencies can cause symptoms similar to yours, especially B-vitamins. Some people don&#39;t absorb them well, and need supplementation.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T08:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Is it possible to have lyme disease without the pain?\r\nI experiance every other symptom but pain but i have had an experience 8 years ago where my knees and Achilles acjed all the time but now i have no pain?" ], "date": [ "2016-09-21T09:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "The pain waxes and wanes, generally in rhythm covering several weeks. The fact that my complaints consistently increase and decrease over a period of 4 weeks was one of the reasons for me to seriously consider Lyme to be the cause.\r\nSome people have hardly any pain, others, like me unfortunately, have serious muscle and joint pain, mostly in the ankels and elbows and lower back." ], "date": [ "2016-09-22T06:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Hi linda did your meds help at all ? Pls let us know." ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T11:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Has anyone checked to see if they have ADD/ADHD? Just about all these symptoms are part of adult ADD/ADHD" ], "date": [ "2016-09-05T21:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=23#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/craftylady-676950" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Anxiety and depression can cause all of the symptoms you are describing and I&#39;ve suffered from them in my time. &#160;They will go but you may need some medical help to manage them. &#160;It makes you feel terrible but there is light at the end of the tunnel. &#160;Sleep is good for you when suffering from depression. &#160;It helps the brain heal. &#160;Sleep as much as you need to. &#160;You may be given some anti depressants and they will help. &#160;Don&#39;t suffer in silence. &#160;Good Luck</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-08T08:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=23#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian92386-976379" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian92386-976379" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Brian,</p><p></p><p>Could you provide the insight?. I&#39;ve been dealing with mine on and off for 15 years. I&#39;m not much of a weed smoker but truth be told....when I did...it sent me into 5x my symptoms and this heightened state of he&#39;ll brain fog would last around a week.</p><p></p><p>What were you thinking and thanks for your time.</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-15T00:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian92386-976379" ], "content": [ "Really! I tell you something, I have very similar problems for the last 2 years. Before that I had them 5 years ago and before that around 8 years ago. In between I was fine again. I have not smoked weed for over 20 years, didn`t drink alcohol for the last 8 years. Don`t smoke. Now I can say one thing, the more simple carbs I eat and sugar I consume the worse I feel. That is not to suggest that I know what`s wrong with Taylor, who by the way has not responded to any post for a long time." ], "date": [ "2016-09-15T00:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/josh_87789-977772" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian92386-976379" ], "content": [ "<p>Brian you said you are 90% sure you know what is causing it and I&#39;ve been dealing with these symptoms for the past week and it seems that it is just getting worse each day. I do smoke weed but I&#39;ve recently stopped because of these horrible symptoms which are making me feel like I&#39;m not myself anymore. Can you please respond because anything will help at this point. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-19T18:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Taylor, sorry to hear you&#39;re going through this but I&#39;m 90% sure I know what&#39;s going on and why. Seen these symptoms before and brain fog I&#39;m all to familiar with. </p><p>But before I tell you what it can be, I have a question. </p><p>Not that I care or anything, I&#39;m just simply asking, </p><p>Do you smoke weed, and if so how much a week. Your answer is going to help me a lot.</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-15T00:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=23#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ebone-913416" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "Hey,\r\nI deal with the same exact symptoms and I'm certain my trigger was post surgery. How are you feeling now (I see this post is a few months old)?  What was your trigger?  It's always comforting to talk to someone about this. \r\n\r\nEric" ], "date": [ "2015-12-22T02:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simplysarah-930966" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "Erica,\r\nI suspect I was exposed to a black-market \"libido enhancement\" substance. A [u]brem el ano tide[/u] (one word. merge those syllables together. A drug company is working furiously to get it approved and I don't want this post nixed...) initially tagged PT-141. It works on the brain. It's also available in transdermal and inhalant forms. Hard to avoid if someone's determined to dose you.\r\n\r\nImmediately after my \"accidental\" exposure, I've manifested these symptoms weekly for four months now. Can't shake the symptoms. Permanent damage? I don't know. \r\n\r\nThis has changed my life. :(" ], "date": [ "2016-03-24T15:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mayssa80-1038083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simplysarah-930966" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello everyone </p><p></p><p>I think my brainfog was triggered by my thyroidectomy . I was hyperthyroid and then after the surgery i went hypo with a tsh level 40 !!! I wasn&#39;t put on drugs immediately after my thyroidectomy because we needed the results to see if it had any cancer ... but even when my hifmones are leveled my brain fog is here... i have tinnitus, muscle and joint aches , lightheadedness / dizziness, pressure in the head .... all that !!! But the worst is the memory loss and the blurry vision !!! I m afraid i ll go blind someday !!! Had a brain MRI that came out clear ... an EMG , a barium swallow ... i don&#39;t know what to do ???? Now i started to have panick attacks ... </p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-31T15:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/neca3-1074138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mayssa80-1038083" ], "content": [ "i feel the sam exact way " ], "date": [ "2017-08-10T02:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/findingacure-787160" ], "content": [ "Dear Erica, for me it started at the age of 14 after heavy studying for school year end exams. It used to come only once a year usually after intense studying. Around 15 I started to get bullied and stepped into self esteem destruction leading to self hate and depression. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the foggy brain? " ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T14:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mayssa80-1038083" ], "content": [ "Hi Mayssa how are you doing ? Are you feeling any better ? Did your symptoms improve at all ?" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T02:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Additionally I would be very interested to hear if anyone knows what triggered their symptoms or events occurring recently prior to the onset of symptoms or any additional clues or theories you may have. \r\n\r\nThank you.\r\n\r\nErica" ], "date": [ "2015-07-12T01:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil37826-165373" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noisy6996-932994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/phil37826-165373" ], "content": [ "Soy as well, soy lecithin just about kills me, brainfog, short tem mem loss and panic atacks." ], "date": [ "2016-09-20T15:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/imzack-1121114" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/noisy6996-932994" ], "content": [ "Same here! Soy lecithin give me bad brain fog... delayed response though, usually get fog 24 hours after ingesting.\r\n\r\nCurrently doing carnivore diet. have had success with methlyfolate in the past as well." ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T03:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Might be worth looking at your diet. Gluten and dairy intolerance can leave you drained and tired." ], "date": [ "2015-07-12T12:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vinu09319-841897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ " Did you do blood work for Vitamin D levels? I have similar symptoms which gradually increased over time. My Vit D level was at 14. I am on supplements for 3 months, not much improvement but I will check my levels again next week. Still not sure if its due to Vit D." ], "date": [ "2015-08-12T02:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ali555-906287" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "feel the same way, 23 yo female. Think derealization is the culprate but could have to do with brain inflammation. Anything new since this post?" ], "date": [ "2015-11-10T17:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Dylan any answers ?anything that helps ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Hi how are you ?did your symptoms improve over the years ?" ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T02:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "any luck with diagnosing ? \r\n\r\nim a 20 yo male with the simmilar symptoms. have had the onset of symptoms for most of my life, symptoms get worst to the point where i cant function indeffinetly.\r\n-constand brain fog, (poor mental clarity, racing thoughts, memory problems)\r\n-feeling spaced out (like im drunk 24/7)\r\n-vision problems,(floaters, like drunk vision, eyes cant focus properly)\r\n-food intolerences etc\r\n\r\nive had numerous blood work done which only found mild liver abnormilities, ive seen a gastro, now im waiting for a neurologist appointment.\r\ni have not come in any contact as far as i know with tick bites or other infectious diseases.\r\nmy gp is starting to give up because theres not much more he can do and its starting to really effect me." ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sid1234-1360972" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sid1234-1360972" ], "content": [ "what are your symptoms?" ], "date": [ "2021-03-04T23:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Im 23 and reading your story hit me really hard as i relate to every single sentence of your story including the relationship part. i don't understand what this is at one point my life was fine, it only took one day for my life to turn upside down i too had spoke to doctors twice a week and been in and out hospitals and had loads of blood tests done. everyone else seem to think i am fine but my head is constantly in a zombie like state from when wake up and till i fall asleep. I be surprised how i manage to even wake up from sleep. I do hope you find a way out of this because its not something anyone can live with all their life." ], "date": [ "2021-03-04T23:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=53#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jay66989-1172615" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jay66989-1172615" ], "content": [ "hi Jay, it seems a lot of people have moved on, but I'm here and suffering as well. What are your symptoms and how did it start?" ], "date": [ "2021-04-03T18:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi i feel like I am going thru the same, its been a while for me , i feel confused at times, tired dont feel like going out as i need to converse alot if i meet people\r\nBrain fog or what I have no clue what it is?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-04-03T18:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=53#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kshell-1361838" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kshell-1361838" ], "content": [ "Hi, \r\nBeen suffering for 11 months I'm traumatized my life feels like a dream..memory is horrible although I test well, which is odd. How are you doing? what's your story?" ], "date": [ "2021-03-04T23:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have all these symptoms too, I feel like I'm going crazy! I've had a ton of testing done too and they never find anything. I've been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, then the next doctor says NOPE IT'S ADHD. No one knows what to do with me. I'm 35 and this is just slowly killing me. Has any obe " ], "date": [ "2021-03-04T23:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=53#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jodi12995-1362446" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sounds similar to some problems I've been having. The juggle of working full time, 3 kids (one with special needs) and this pandemic caused me to have a major anxiety attack a few weeks ago. It all came to a head. I was holding back tears at work all day, burst into tears the moment I left work, felt super nauseous, strated hyperventilating, and then went into a full attack with a very rapid heartbeat and I almost passed out. I almost called 911 but I knew I was having an anxiety attack, the worst one I've ever had. When I get this way I get extreme IBS, and two weeks later, I'm still having digestive issues. I have noticed I am absent minded and forgetting everything. I'm making ridiculously stupid mistakes at work (I'm an administrative assistant for a MH and CD counseling agency) and today I even got in my head so much on lunch break that I was 20 mins late getting back from lunch because I forgot I was ON my lunch break (I drive home for lunch). I need to find a better pcp (I don't like mine) and get on meds for anxiety, as well as ADD that I've had since I was a child, but the thought of missing work to go to an appointment gives me even MORE anxiety. I have also been extremely tired, though I've always been a tired person. I have been coming home from work, doing bare minimum, and going to bed straight after we put the kids to bed, leaving the house in whatever state its in only to have to take care of it in the morning which causes more stress. I'd like to know if this is depression on top of anxiety or just lingering symptoms from the extreme anxiety I have been having." ], "date": [ "2021-03-05T00:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=53#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cat99873-1363864" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cat99873-1363864" ], "content": [ "Hello Cat99,\r\n\r\nThe story about the acne, your bloating, and your derealisation symptons all sound to me like severe stress symptoms. Most of the people in this thread seem to be dealing with high anxiety/stress related symptoms so i suggest you go see a psychiatrist and he/she should be able to help you. Give your mind and body the rest and relaxation it deserves." ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T22:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "HI!!!! i just turned 30 but first began having these symptoms in my early 20s. i was always a very sharp, quick-witted and creative person. in my 20s i began getting severe cystic acne on my cheeks (of which i never even had a pimple other than puberty acne at 12 years old) along with this, severe gut issues (bloating, persistent acid reflux) and neck aches) brain fog came next, and a complete detachment from \"myself\" my symptoms seem to evolve as the years go by. i was gluten free for 8 years, i was vegan for a year, symptoms didnt go away. now at 30 severe dizziness has begun, worsening brain fog, constant ears ringing, random numbness, worsening neck aches ans stiffness. ill get a RANDOM DAY where im all the sudden myself... clear mind, funny, energized, and it makes me depressed knowing thats how i used to be all the time. i did a 3 day bone broth cleanse a few years ago, WOW first two days were brutal but bu the end of the third day i literallt felt the best id felt in a long time, clear mind, energized, MYSELF, but after about a week all my symptoms came back. I AM CONVINCED this is a bacteria, fungus or parasite issue. i believe in my soul that this is the reason for all of this. has ANYONE gotten ANY relief or figured ANYTHING out on how to kick this? " ], "date": [ "2021-03-27T12:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=53#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sirius_-1364194" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sirius_-1364194" ], "content": [ "hi, i feel you pain, this is inhuman, to suffer like this, mine at gotten worse since lockdown, " ], "date": [ "2021-03-27T12:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike-nzl-1160323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sirius_-1364194" ], "content": [ "im there with ya, is this a lifelong condition for us? I cant even work its so damn debilitating. Every damn day is s**t." ], "date": [ "2021-04-29T19:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sirius_-1364194" ], "content": [ " I know how you feel, 13 months of pure hell. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-06T20:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "OMG this is the first thread Ive found anywhere that describes my symptoms clearly! I'm so glad, and so sad too... if this lasts for years... *gulp*\r\n\r\nThe extreme brain fog, panic attacks (I don't feel anxious or worried so much anymore, but my face gets very prickly), depressive moods (very dark, like falling into a deep well). Fatigue, so it's hard to make it to them gym more than once a week (apparently exercise is essential for brain health). Very hard to focus of concentrate and my memory is shot... especially the short term and working memory. Anxiety causing heart palpitations. And that heavy feeling in my head, like what people describe - hot and heavy, like the brain is inflamed.\r\n\r\nI think its related to deep, chronic stress and anxiety. For me, the stress really started 2.5 years ago, when my ex husband and I separated. 2019 was stressful, I was doing a PhD, living on a miserly stipend, and trying to deal with grief - divorce, and my Dad passed away, we were distant for a long time, but I still loved him. Then, about 18 months after the separation, I dated a guy for a few months, and it didn't go well - nasty break up, lots of anxiety. Bad insomnia, too. 2020 started ok, then the Covid hit and the stress went off the scale... I had really rough 6 months, my research suffered massively. All kinds of stress stuff. I was super emotional, and didn't recognise it.\r\n\r\nThen 4 months ago another major stressor hit, and I had a meltdown. Next two days were horrible, and then it was anxiety central for a month. The doctor tried putting me on escilopram, that escalated my panic attacks. Over the next 3 months I tried several different SSRIs, all with nasty side effects... in the end, the severe anxiety stopped, but this brain fog just won't lift. \r\n\r\nI am now on Valdoxan, it's helping somewhat. The sleep is improving. Vitamins B12, D, magnesium. Meditation really helps, also relaxation and everything / anything that keeps the anxiety down. Sheer willpower. Buddhism. Walks in nature.\r\n\r\nBecause if I let this go, I feel suicidal. If i surrender, it only gets worse. I have to work, maybe start a new job soon (in a couple of months), probably relocate to another city, and my state is so bad I don't even know if I can do it... It's so frustrating. Some days are better and I remember things clearly. Then the cotton wool descends.\r\n\r\nHonestly, if I died from a stroke now, I wouldn't be sorry... if this thing doesn't lift soon, its going to ruin my career and my life. :(\r\n\r\nBut mainly its what my therapist said, \"well, you can't keep on pumping cortisol into the system, something will give.\" It just sucks that this seems to be a very long term condition... " ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T22:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=53#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samuel2021-1364988" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everyone,\r\n\r\n(Skip to the bottom if you just want to see what I recommend, but I wanted to tell my story to show I've been there) \r\n\r\n \r\nI guess I will start off with saying that thanks to this thread I managed to get to 23 which was something I honestly didn't think would happen. \r\n\r\n\r\nMy Brainfog came on around four years ago and at first I brushed it off as the late nights and alcohol since I just started Uni. I had the same spaced-out feeling, poor concentration, short and long-term memory was awful, developed the neck stiffness and borderline Insomnia. \r\n\r\n\r\nNeedless to say, my studies were heavily affected and I slowly started to lose myself. After many blood tests, MRI Brain scan, full body scan, sleep tablets and some physiotherapy (Someone thought my neck my be the issue behind Brainfog). \r\n\r\n\r\nNothing came back and then Lockdown hit and my situation just deteriorated. I remember it was literally a cycle of wake up, brain fog all day then struggle to sleep. I felt like a robot and just wished to go back to normal.\r\n\r\n\r\nThen finally, one day came where I woke up and didn't even recognise myself in the mirror and I was scared. I couldn't talk to anyone because I didn't even understand brainfog. That same night I simply had enough and well I tried to end my own life. I managed to talk myself down from doing it simply because I believed there must be help. \r\n\r\n\r\nFrom that point I kept it all inside and finally decided to talk to my Uni's mental health service. At first it was nice to just vent and set a plan up to at least finish my degree. However, I realised it became more of an annoyance when I kept getting told \"It will get better\". (I get its to make people feel better but anyone can say that and it didn't help me) \r\n\r\n\r\nFinally I finished my course and left Uni and went home to my family to rest. I would say three months went by with my trying to get help from a doctors in my home area. We done the same things I done before and finally got recommend Greenwich Time to Talk. As you could imagine I was very reluctant to try it and long story short it was making believe I had some sort of mental health issue when I knew it was brainfog. Just before Christmas I finished a unit and it said that \"I need to stop thinking about brainfog and my symptoms and just let it go\".\r\n\r\n\r\nThat was my last straw, I finally had enough I was angry that I got something so stupid said to me and then I searched online for days to find anything on brainfog. I finally found this thread and someone said about \"silent migraine\" with this new term I went to my doctor and told him about this page and SM and he straight away recommended \"Amitriptyline 25mg tablets\". \r\n\r\n\r\nWithin two weeks the spaced out feeling of Brainfog went and I felt started to feel alive again. I was given two packs of the 25mg which contained 28 tablets per pack which I took one tablet a night. Now I'm going to speak to my doctor to see what's next but I'm so happy with life. Since the brainfog stopped I've appreciated even the littlest things in life and comeback here to hopefully help you guys. \r\n\r\n\r\nI'm not an expert and I still have a few issues with my head. For example, I notice headaches come and go quite frequently but are manageable and could be to do with SM. I also have the neck stiffness but not as bad as when I was experiencing brainfog. I've noticed my posture is a bit bad but when the brainfig was on it just made the stiffness feel worse. \r\n\r\n\r\nI've got back my confidence to work and overall am always happy. Brainfog caused me to have some dark times and all I can do now is appreciate that I'm here today. \r\n\r\n(Apologies this was very long and I can only hope this can help. I've been there and I understand how dark times can get. I'm not gonna hit you guys with that \"It will get better\". But instead just say playing games and watching anime helped save me even if it sounds silly.)\r\n\r\nAll the best going forward, \r\n\r\nMy best regards \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-04-23T16:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=53#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/infiamit-1364781" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have been googling on same sort of symptoms from 5 years. Now thought to share my 20 cents.\r\nit seems to me like a nasty form of anxiety. For me it started when i became too ambitious. Started putting lot of efforts in achieving my goals. When it started (almost all the symptoms mentioned in this thread) , i started googling. Apart from rest , i became victim of chronic GOOGL-itis :-)\r\n\r\nI am still suffering from multiple symptoms which dominates my days.\r\nmy take is that it happens when change in emotional state (often triggered by some event).\r\n\r\nAnxiety is very harsh. If your doctor are not able to identify cause, most probably anxiety is culprit. \r\n\r\nI have understood that medication makes it even worst as it hides the symptoms without fixing the root cause ( emotions).\r\n\r\nAcceptance is the best approach. It is easier said than done! But nothing else will help!\r\n\r\nBeing brave, finding right social surrounding and managing through it is the best approach. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-03-28T04:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=53#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lolren-1340836" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi everyone. I have the same symptoms, and medicine found no answers so far. For me , sleep helps the most. If i get a good night rest, I'm better the next day, until I do some intensive brain activity and get the brain fog back. I think we should all go to a discord channel and talk more about it, to help each other with advices. I will create one tomorrow if someone want to join. regards" ], "date": [ "2020-11-05T20:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shanny1997-1134460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm having the same symptoms and it's definitely terrifying for me. I just woke up from a vivid dream that felt so real and the scary part was I didn't even know I passed out last night so easily until I woke up like very early in the morning while being so confused on what happened. I'm so afraid to go back to sleep now after what just happened and I feel so dead inside. I can't even concentrate right now and my whole body is sore right now. I don't feel like myself but I do know what I'm experiencing is \"derealization\". I don't feel like I'm in my own body anymore while also feeling half tired as well. I would like some help on someone who has experienced this symptoms or can relate and help me to overcome my anxiety/ depression, I would really appreciate it. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-11-08T11:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lu98-1341718" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lu98-1341718" ], "content": [ "hey how are you doing? are you still experiencing these symptoms ?have you find any relief " ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T21:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hey guys i have just found this forum.. i am currently 22 and since about 3/4 months ago i have been experiencing heavy brain *fog* or cloudiness, it's quite strong, constantly there and enough to have a heavy impact on my daily life.. the brain fog is definitely my most debilitating symptom as it's the only one that is there 24/7 and causing me the most heartache.. i also struggle with increased fatigue (i have always been quite lazy but recently before this thing happened i would be very active lifting weights going on walks almost everyday.. the average energy a normal 22 year old would have) and i have trouble with sleep and other weird symptoms like breathlessness and occasional ringing in the ears and just a general feeling of malaise i've never experienced before.. finding this thread has been a gift for me (only found this an hour ago) i am seriously beginning to feel like i'm crazy as no one else has any idea how i'm feeling, i too have been told by my gp and psychiatrist that this is all most likely anxiety.. i certainly hope so as with meds usually there's rays of hope.. but i doubt it i have had anxiety before and it felt nothing like this... please can someone reply to this so i know this thread is still active? i really need someone to talk to that is feeling the same way i'm feeling... i'm sorry we're going through this" ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T21:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/violetfemme95-1342743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor,\r\n\r\nAdmittedly, I haven't read many comments because my own brain fog makes it difficult to focus, but has anyone on here mentioned anything about SCT (sluggish cognitive tempo?) Or have any medical professionals told you about it during any of your testing? I was diagnosed at 17 with ADD and SCT. Reading your post sounds like my entire life. I feel like a drugged zombie nearly 24/7 no matter how much sleep I get, water I drink, kale I eat, yada yada. I'm 24 now, and it seems like it's gotten worse over time, however I think life just gets harder as we get older and it can worsen preexisting neurological conditions. This year has been especially rough for those of us with said conditions, and it has seriously reduced my capacity to function on the most basic level. \r\n\r\nAnyways, as for advice..try your best to keep making healthy choices but don't put too much pressure on yourself. I will say that I feel slightly more clear-headed when I eat a lower carb & a low sugar diet. Also, sinuses and allergies can make brain fog 10x worse so if you're able to afford it, I would suggest getting allergy testing done or making some changes at home. Using a neti pot helps clear my sinuses which in turn lessens that nagging pressure you described. Pseudophedrine also seems to help quite a bit with both my sinuses AND brain fog, but since it can be abused easily I try not to take it too regularly. Avoid doomscrolling and wasting excessive amounts of time on social media, since too much screen time can cause eye strain and headaches. \r\n\r\nBrain fog can impact every aspect of one's life, which makes it even more frustrating how there hasn't been much research done on it. I'm still trying to figure out how to live with it, but I've also become more vocal about it to those I spend the most amount of time with. Brain fog can make you appear careless, lazy and forgetful, even if it couldn't be farther from the truth. I've brought it to my bosses attention and explained how I might need to have things repeated occasionally and if I seem spacey its not because I don't care. I've told my loved ones that if I forget things they've told me its not because I'm not listening (or trying to listen, anyways). I've gotten on a reddit board for brain fog and found comfort in talking to other people about it. It's cliche but having good support systems and communication is important. \r\n\r\nI hope you're able to find what works best for you and that you start feeling better soon. ❤" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lolren-1340836" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi guys again. Sorry, i didn't get around to make a discord channel to discuss more, but hopefully I will do it soon. like I've said before, I have all the symptoms above. sleeping helps, and mostly I wake up better in the morning but at work where I need to focus it gets worse. some days, I feel really normal and it's great, but the rest of the days it's terrible. mentally, this gets me affected as well, and this scares me. CBD oil maybe helps a bit, but I'm not sure. vegan menu helps a bit. Also, all my tests were negative but, a test showed that my sinuses had some inflammation, and Olynth, a nasal spray helped a bit. nature and calm help, but it doesn't last too much. ( sorry for my spelling mistakes, but my brain fog doesn't help too much here)" ], "date": [ "2020-11-20T09:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katarzyna75505-1327190" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lu98-1341718" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/katarzyna75505-1327190" ], "content": [ "i literally feel the same way, especially when you mention the head wrapped feeling and the feeling of having a fever without a temperature... it literally drives me crazy i have only been experiencing this stuff for a brief time (5 months) compared to some people but it's been enough to make an impact on my life. i don't know if anyone else has this but i'm also experiencing difficulty with sleep, i can only stay asleep if i am exhausted if am simply tired and try and have a nap i will either get jerks upon almost falling asleep that wake me or feel \"brain shakes\" it feels like a literal earthquake but i know it stems from my brain... luckily it only lasts for a few seconds so it's one of the minor symptoms but still enough to cause havoc on my sleeping schedule.. luckily for me the brain shakes don't happen that often but i find it incredible that we all experience very similar symptoms, there must be a connection..." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katarzyna75505-1327190" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lu98-1341718" ], "content": [ "I used to have a lot of difficulties falling to sleep for more than a year now. Like you I had to be exhausted, otherwise could be week where I barely slept, slept half of night or woke up more that 10 times. I wake up very tired, morning is when I feel worst. What helps me is some rain, ocean or just a fan sound I play for all night. It helps my thoughts to hear something else than tinnitus. I sometimes feel my head is vibrating, a lot is going in there. I do have very strong positive reaction when I give up on carbs, but I don't think its healthy to cut fruits and grains in long term, so my pains are back. Well probably letting my brain feel that way is not healthy too... But at this moment I limit carbs, so make it more bearable.\r\n\r\nFound out fasting helps a lot, if I do not eat any meal until around 13:00, I feel this wrapping my brain thing is flacking off, pressure in head disappears and I feel my head is so much clearer. Heaven! \r\n\r\nI do not feel it's that bad when you think about how I feel in a single day, it is a fact that I feel this way almost everyday, it drains me.\r\n\r\nHow it feels physically: constant tinnitus that feels also like vibrations inside my head, difficult to think, concentrate, I do not remember a lot of things (I am don't remember if I said it or other person as example, jeez simple things...), feeling like something is constantly wrapping my head, pressure on head in area where brain is. Waking up exhausted, feeling better as day goes by, feeling best at night in terms of energy level.\r\n\r\nHow my brain feels when symptoms hit me: like a room with closed windows where air is not fresh, is dense, its foggy, its dark (dark grey) and there is a lot of sounds, music and people conversation, very laud. I am sitting in the corner struggling. I feel like my own space has been invaded.\r\n\r\nHow my brain feels after fasting or eating very low carbs: like being in a sunny room with open windows and fresh air. No noises, just me sitting in a room by myself enjoying a peace in my mind.\r\n\r\nTo me its related to food 100%, I only (I repeat, only) feel good when I fast or eat very low carbs (yes, relaxing, resting, easy day at work, not intellectually demanding conversations help, its more like my brain wants to leave it alone, so its good to have happy companion that does not scream at me) but even with this info seems to be hard for doctors to know what's wrong with me, lol though its going to be easy but I was so wrong!\r\n\r\nMaybe only partially symptoms come from carbs. Maybe rest goes down to bad quality of sleep. I do not how accurate sleep tracker on Samsung watch is, but every night I get around 20-40 mins of deep sleep (healthy average adult gets 1 to 2 hours) and 24min - 3 hours of REM (average for healthy adult is 90 minutes during 7-8 hours of sleep). \r\n\r\nBtw I was checking on sugar level 2 hours after meal, bough a meter myself, but all good. So something else!\r\n\r\nMy results from GP came and all are good. I had full blood test for fatigue markers including iron, ferritin, B12 and Vitamin D as well as inflammation markers such as CRP. \r\n\r\nNext thing I am going to do: relax more, easy mode at work, and low GI food. \r\n\r\n‐------------\r\n\r\nHad informal conversation on Teams yesterday with Engineering Director in R&D company (possibly future employer). Really wanted to skip it and say I am ill. My brain was clogged so pretty difficult 1 hour... but I made it. \r\n\r\nReally annoyed with my brain at the moment, I feel I want to chop my head off! Its 03:21am, and I sit on a sofa with mug of tea writing this message, because I cannot sleep. My head is very loud, vibrates. I prey we all feel good and know where our bodies struggle, so we can help them. And I wish we all would meet on different forum, like dedicated to plants, board games or other amazing stuff! 😀" ], "date": [ "2021-01-21T03:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have same symptoms for 1 year now. Constant brain fog, tinnitus, clogged brain, feeling pressure on a head, like my brain is wrapped with something. Also, anxiety, lack of energy, feeling down, mixing up words, difficulty in making up sentences, and focusing on what people say. I also many times feel like I have a fever, but without high temperature ( but feeling like I have one!). So hard to live this way, I feel I gave up with my life after few months of carrying symptoms...\r\n\r\nI am going to GP to get a full blood test on Monday for full blood test for fatigue markers including iron, ferritin, B12 and Vitamin D as well as inflammation markers such as CRP.\r\n\r\nWhat I can tell is that very low carb diet (like keto) helped me get rid of almost all symptoms, apart from tinnitus. One meal with carbs (porridge, buckwheat) and brain fog pressure, lack of energy are back again. Its inseparable connection between symptoms I have and food I eat. I highly encorage to try it. First 2-7 days you might experience keto flu, but then it gets so much better for me, like I have got a new brain ;(... being on keto diet honestly gave me hope I do not have to live this way. Cutting off friends, family meetings, too tired, too messed up, I called myself mentally ill...\r\n\r\nMaybe something to do with glucose, and sugar level in blood? Hyperglycaemia? Or food allergy? \r\n\r\nI now know its not candida overgrowth and food intolerance - had been tested few weeks ago." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lolren-1340836" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi guys. i don't know if the same thing happens with you, but for me, if I have other problem( hurt back, teeth) my symptoms described by everyone are not so pronounced. my brain fog clears a bit and i feel better. does anyone else experiencing this?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-10T22:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tiffany53991-1346401" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tiffany53991-1346401" ], "content": [ "What is ANA test, been like this for 8 months. No help at all. Woke up in fog but felt it coming for weeks.My daughters was sick all of January with what we think was covid. Not too long after my world fell apart everything Taylor describes and then some. Couldn't think, had massive head pain and pressure, was stumbling when walking, heart raced every time I walked a small distance My fatigue for the most part is gone because I eat super healthy, but brain fog and memory is horrific, I'm so super depressed now..I got worse from mess, Lexapro one month, set anxiety to the roof...Lithium made me robotic, and Lamotrigine put me in a black hole. Some days I improve at night for such a small period of time and I had one good brain day a few months ago, everything was clear memory was good that day, but next day nothing fog city.. They tell me so many blood markers are off but they are doing crap to help. I've been taken advantage of by holistic doctors, buying supplements that didn't work etc... Its so sad what people do for money.. Tried so many things, I'm so tired so sad and now forced to take Ativan 1.5mg a day just to function otherwise I'm to depressed to move, eat, talk, walk. Anyone out there get any better?? I did see a story of a 22 year boy who lost his memory really bad, he went to chiropractor, they aligned his neck, put him on diet and he said he was 95% better. dbwc1 on youtube. Praying for someone to save us all...." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "HONESTLY SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAVE LUPUS OR SOME OTHER SORT OF AUTOIMMUNE DISORDER. \r\nmany autoimmune disorders cause inflammation to the brain which triggers these same exact neurological symptoms. So go get your ANA checked to see if it comes back that you have an autoimmune disorder. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amaree55794-1347078" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This lasted a whole year!? Ive been stuck with the same feeling for like a week straight now, this happened before to me sometime in October but I snapped out of it within a week or two.\r\nGradually it goes away more when you dont fix about it, but its hard not to. Just like you I need answers too hoping I can find a solution for this. \r\nPlease offer advice \r\nSincerely, \r\nAmaree" ], "date": [ "2020-12-17T03:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's over 6 years now, how are you?\r\nAny improvement since your last post? It's stinks coming into this with less people to connect with. I hope and pray you are better. It's month 8 for me, worst time of my life......" ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T03:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jerry23123-1350989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "look in to hyper permeable intestine or cervical instability." ], "date": [ "2021-02-23T09:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=51#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chris2022-1413679" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all - I've been watching this thread for a while now and firstly wanted to say a huge thanks to you Taylor and everyone else who's shared on here. It's been such a help to hear from you all.\r\n\r\nI also wanted to share my story, and now that I'm feeling somewhat better (yay!), point to some things that may have helped. The honest truth is I don't know what was causing my issues, and which of the below actions I took for sure helped (if any!). But hopefully this gives some ideas of things to look into.\r\n\r\nMy background:\r\n\r\nFor 3 years now I've been feeling tired, spaced out and with a kind of constant dizzy feeling. Up until last year this had been quite mild, but from August 2021 things became much more noticeable. I started getting headaches - both a fairly constant tension headache at the back of my head, and (for the first time in my life) an intense migraine-type headache with a visual aura which would last a few days at a time, but then fade away for a week or 2. My eyesight felt 'weird' - hard to describe but things just seemed a bit disconnected and jarring. And I was getting a lot of brain fog and difficulty focussing - both on work and everyday tasks. I also found socialising very draining and even a conversation over dinner with friends hard to engage with. This all started to escalate until by December I felt so tired and spaced out I was unable to work and spent most of the month on sick leave. Resting didn't seem to help - if anything I felt worse! The mornings seemed to be the worst - I'd wake up feeing groggy and found it very hard to get out of bed. I noticed my neck felt increasingly sore and stiff too, and felt kind of drunk a lot of the day.\r\n\r\nI've seen my doctor regularly since August and have looked into the following:\r\n\r\n- Blood tests - I've done comprehensive blood tests showing nothing unusual\r\n- Blood pressure - normal\r\n- Covid - as far as I know I've never caught this, and have done fairly regular tests\r\n- CT scan - I did a head CT scan which showed nothing unusual\r\n- Eye tests - I've seen my optician twice for eye tests and he's certain my prescription is ok and eyes are healthy.\r\n- Sleep disorders - I did an overnight sleep study which showed no issues - ruling out things like sleep apnoea and disrupted sleep\r\n- Anxiety/Stress - for sure this could have contributed, but I'm not particularly affected by anxiety and things were relatively calm for me at the end of the year when my symptoms were worst.\r\n- Physiotherapist - checked my neck and thought I had a very tense neck and suggested I do neck stretches\r\n\r\nMy doctor agreed that neck stretches were a good idea, and also prescribed me Amitryptyline for the tension heaache and Sumatriptan for the migraine-style headaches. I had already tried aspirin, paracetomol and ibuprofen with no effect. I took the Amitryptyline for 3 weeks but this had no effect on the tension headache so I stopped it. And I tried the Sumatriptan when a migraine started coming on - but this didn't seem to help either. I was doing the neck stretches every day too but again didn't feel any benefit.\r\n\r\nMy doctor was supportive and really tried to get to the bottom of things, but ultimately she said she there wasn't much more she could do and referred me to a neurologist. Reading other stories on here, I was cautious about how much a neurologist could really help so I tried a few things myself first: \r\n\r\n- Vitamin D - I started taking daily supplements\r\n- Mould - I cleaned (relatively small amounts of) black mould in my bathroom and set up a dehumidifier and HEPA air purifier in the house\r\n- Carbon Monoxide - bought a much more sensitive CO detector, sensitive to 10PPM - this found no issues, but I realised that if I had been getting poisoned by low levels of CO, my old detector wouldn't have been sensitive enough to show this (most alarms only trigger at 50PPM which is above the level that can cause problems over long periods)\r\n- Solvents - I moved anything that could have been releasing solvents in the house out into the garage and into sealed boxes. I found a strong smell coming from a part-used pack of 2 part wood filler containing Styrene which I'd been storing in a cupboard under the stairs, and which ventilates under the floor boards throughout the house. \r\n- Natural gas leak - I bought a gas 'sniffer' and found a low level leak by the gas meter - the gas fitter came round but told me the leak was 'within limits'. It was still noticeable up close though and as with the Styrene, this cupboard ventilates through the house. Natural gas itself isn't poisonous, but can cause hypoxia-type symptoms if it builds up to a high level over time. The gas fitter fixed the leak.\r\n- Checked out my posture in the mirror and now am certain I have fairly pronounced 'forward neck' posture - I started doing daily neck tucks (these hadn't been suggested by the physio), consciously try to improve my posture through the day, and bought a Tempur posture pillow.\r\n- Tried to reduce my stress levels at work, not working over my normal hours, taking breaks and trying not to take on too much.\r\n\r\nSince doing the above over the last 2 weeks I've been feeling noticeably better. I'm waking up feeling genuinely fresh, not getting headaches and not feeling spaced out. So what helped? Maybe there was something environmental affecting me at home? I'd definitely recommend ruling this out and improving ventilation at home - as even low levels of CO, mould, solvents, natural gas etc can have a big impact over time, especially with increased time WFH nowadays. Low level styrene exposure seems to be particularly dangerous and I'm kicking myself for leaving this in the house. I also think my poor posture and neck strain could well have contributed - these do seem linked to the groggy early morning sensation and might explain why all the extra sleep I got in December didn't help. I think the Tempur pillow has helped. And although I don't feel like stress was the root cause of this, I'm certain reducing my stress levels is helping too. Or of course, maybe none of the above is related and it's just by chance I'm now feeling better - who knows??\r\n\r\nI'm now planning to focus on improving my posture and reducing neck strain - with regular physio sessions due to start from next week. If I feel symptoms coming back then my next step will be to see the neurologist, but for now I'm hopeful things are heading in the right direction.\r\n\r\nSorry this has been a bit of a ramble. I know there are many possible causes beyond what I've looked into - I think part of the reason why these kind of symptoms are so hard to fix is that they fall across multiple specialisms and it can be easy to go down a rabbit hole. Good luck to all of you facing similar symptoms and I hope you find a way to feel better soon. \r\n\r\nChris" ], "date": [ "2022-02-24T15:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carlywithac-1416107" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leesaseel-1416370" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carlywithac-1416107" ], "content": [ "I totally relate to your comment \"There are random times where I feel I've woken up' - I know exactly what you mean. " ], "date": [ "2022-04-13T08:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carlywithac-1416107" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leesaseel-1416370" ], "content": [ "It's so annoying! Because it's not like I don't have memories from that \"down time\" or whatever you want to call it, it's just difficult to attach emotions to those memories or they just feel like a dream." ], "date": [ "2022-02-10T02:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am scrolling through this in literal tears because it is exactly what I have been feeling since October, from what it seems. I am 30 and I don't understand what is happening. I haven't felt \"smart\" since Halloween 2021 it seems, to put a marker of when I can remember a definite shift of things. I am extremely forgetful now at work other than more social topics, my memory pretty much goes the past 3 days and that's all, so weekends screw me over. I have extreme fatigue even in the morning and can feel pain like I've walked at a theme park all day in my leg as soon as I get out of bed. The brain fog is the worst, I feel like I can't concentrate at all on conversation, but TV is easier to pay attention to. Not sure how much I'm actually following a story in a show/movie. \r\n\r\nThere are random times where I'll feel I've \"woken up\" and become aware again, even with the memory that I was functioning and technically aware before. It's like I'm remembering a different person when this happens, but at the same time I know I'm not because I do have a couple random memories.\r\n\r\nAs for mentions of the headaches on this thread, it is such a comfort to see other people talking about what I call my \"shrink wrap\"-feeling headaches too. \r\n\r\nI have other neurological issues so I am really really scared about this. I have my annual appointment next week where I will ask about everything I have been feeling. I don't care if I throw my doc for a loop at this point I just want this all to stop and to at least be me again. I want to feel like I'm smart again and to have my sharp (or at least better than others') memory back. I'll take regular depression or normal anxiety as long as I can still feel like myself and not like I'm losing my mind." ], "date": [ "2022-04-13T08:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/i76180-1416108" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meanz11-1406805" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/i76180-1416108" ], "content": [ "hi there ive been feeling like my head is spaced out im on prednisolone 19 mths and almost tapered off .Have you any idea if its this causing it and will it go away ." ], "date": [ "2022-02-24T15:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leftygomez-1439855" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/meanz11-1406805" ], "content": [ "Are you feeling better since stopping the Predisone? I'm taking the same for hashimotos and I'm a mess and just wondering. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-04T17:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to reply because I (Female, 24) suffered from the same symptoms and figured out what was causing the problem. Note: I do not have a diagnosis (only my own suspicions). My symptoms were a sudden-onset situation (like a switch was flicked) one evening when I was in a crowd. I went from totally normal (albeit I had just been through a breakup and am in my masters working 16h days) to confused, dizzy, dissociated with very blurry vision. I totally lost my ability to perceive time, and it felt like I was watching the whole world through water or glass. I was just trying to get through the day every day for about two months, and had CT scans, MRIs, blood work - all showing nothing except a B12 deficiency. I questioned how I would be able to continue living like this and had very dark moments. I had the uncanny feeling that everything around me wasn't real, because it felt so distant, and I wondered how long it would be before I gave in to this belief and lost my grip on reality. I felt like I was just holding on. I was so frustrated because my symptoms were so acute that I felt that they had to be caused by something in my environment, but all my doctors could think of was migraine (I've never had one) or anxiety/depression (I probably had mild anxiety, but am certain I'm not depressed). I was told to try meditation... When all the tests were inconclusive I started seeing a psychologist, but she quickly assured me that there was \"nothing wrong with me\" and dropped me soon thereafter. I developed severe anxiety as a secondary disorder, especially since my symptoms would spontaneously get worse, which led to borderline panic for me. The only time I felt normal was right after I woke up in the morning, but my symptoms would quickly return. I had strange headaches for a while that got worse when the symptoms were worse.\r\n\r\nFast forward, I went on a one-month climbing trip to Argentina, and my symptoms disappeared entirely. I racked my brain trying to figure out what it was, until one morning I did some work on my laptop, and my symptoms returned a few hours later. \r\n\r\nI did some research and I realized that my symptoms lined up with a vestibular disorder (there are many kinds), especially because I have experienced dizziness in the past from crowds, visual overstimulation, and fluorescent lighting. The symptoms would get worse when I looked at complicated visual scenes that required concentration. \r\n\r\nWhat worked for me: minimizing computer time, turning down the brightness to an absolute minimum, getting blue light glasses. I also needed glasses, so I would recommend getting your vision checked as well. There are migraine glasses/screen covers that would probably help too. It turns out that the flickering of screens can cause neurological symptoms, and something this simple worked for me (someone who has no choice but to spend huge amounts of time in front of a screen). I usually notice the symptoms a few hours or up to a day later. \r\n\r\nI really hope this helps some people in this thread - please don't despair - because I remember how I felt when I visited this place. I promise it gets better. -I\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-02-24T15:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jun74760-1416081" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sorry to see what you had experience Hopefully by now all is better. I have been experiencing this lately. Lots of doctors and tests but I believe it is due to my mattress. I realized that my memory foam is sloping at least 1\" and for months my neck and head are trying to adjust the slope that it affects my balance and experiencing some neuro issues. I changed my bed and every day, it's been getting better. I had anxiety and stress issues too due to physical and emotional issues due to to this but once I found out and been getting better, my stress is getting less. \r\n\r\nFeel better. " ], "date": [ "2022-02-24T15:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leesaseel-1416370" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have experienced many of your symptoms - including the fatigue and brain fog. Not sure if this will help but changing my diet made a massive impact . Most of the time my head is clear - but the memory part of it is still pretty sporadic - I have bad days, good days and excellent days occasionally that give me hope that when I figure out the cause my brain will come back. I am still convinced there is an underlying cause to the memory part of it and that it is not dementia of some sort. \r\n\r\nFoods we are intolerant to cause inflammation in the body and my theory is that some of us have a less than stellar blood/brain barrier and that we get a larger load of inflammatory compounds pass through, causing inflammation in our brain, causing memory issues. The only evidence I have to support this is if I do fasts - around 24 hours - my head is clearer and my memory is much better. But clearly I can't give up eating so that is not sustainable. \r\n\r\nAlso - vitamins - FROM FOOD - not the fake vitamins you buy in a bottle at supermarkets and health food stores that are synthesised and slightly different in shape from the vitamin they are mimicking. They may be an exact match chemically but I believe they work slightly differently and are not as effective. \r\n\r\nALSO - and I believe this was a MAJOR FACTOR in my 'brain fog, cloudy thinking, time passing weirdly, floating through life, unable to recall conversations I literally had minutes ago' symptoms is CITRIC ACID. ' It is in many things. I suspect it was a major contributing factor to the brain fog. I even found an medical article online supporting the possibility this was the cause. I can't say for sure as I have cut many things out of my diet.\r\n\r\nMost people when they think citric acid they think oranges and lemons.\r\n\r\nThe citric acid in your food/drinks and used to make vitamin C is NOT the same as citric acid in tomatoes lemons oranges etc. It is synthesized from glucose and aspergillus mould which apart from being disgusting, is in just about everything because it is a wonderful preservative. It is used in soda, coke etc, it is used in pre-made pasta sauces and any frozen dish with tomatoes in it, it is in just about every flavour sauce and nearly everything that comes in a jar. It is additive number 330 but also comes in other forms such as acetic acid - also made by the same process. \r\n\r\nI highly recommend anyone experience these symptoms make a plan for at least four days, and preferably longer, and go citric acid free. It might mean preparing in advance so you have enough food not to give up. If this is the cause, or part of the cause, you should feel a mild difference within 24-48 hours and it will keep improving if you do it longer. \r\n\r\nAnd if you can bare it I highly recommend you go 100% natural while you are doing it ... by this I mean no chemical, preservatives, so nothing pre-made. I would also cut dairy if you can bare it (there are chemicals in various steps of the making of dairy from cleaning agents used to clean the machines to the stuff they make vegetarian rennet out of. \r\n\r\nBasically eat just loads of fruit and vegetables, fresh or frozen - not canned they often have additives. If you eat meat, eat it as fresh as possible. also stick to cold pressed olive oil to avoid antifoaming agents. \r\n\r\nIt is very hard to do but I would be very surprised if someone tried this and did not feel any benefits, and it is worth a few days or a week of your life if you get your life back. I did!! \r\n\r\n\r\nWow - just realised how long this is - when I saw how many other people were posting on this thread I thought if I can say or suggest something that helped even one person, it would be worth it, because I still remember how debilitating it was, and how it affected every aspect of my life from my social life (due to embarrassment) my work life due to not being able to recall details needed etc and so on.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\n\r\nLeesa\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-02-10T02:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mezmerize-1416673" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im pretty sure its from the 5G towers they are putting up everywhere! i live where there arent any and went to visit my sister in Oklahoma City they just launched the 5G everywhere there and i had to leave early. brain fog, memory loss, body aches. They are slowly poisoning us with radiation. \r\nim not a conspiracy theorist or anything i just know how i felt the 6 days i was there. ive bewn home for 3 days now and am just starting to get back to normal. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-02-12T22:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meanz11-1406805" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meanz11-1406805" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "sorry meant prednisolone ." ], "date": [ "2022-02-24T15:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi there i feel like this over 10 mths on prednisone do you have a full ess in your head and buzzing " ], "date": [ "2022-02-24T15:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david84750-1423141" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I feel like in finding this forum, I've found hope that I'm not the only person that's going through this.\r\n\r\nStrangely enough, my case came in 2 separate episodes, and I'm in the middle of the second one now.\r\n\r\nMy symptoms are as follows:\r\n\r\n- trouble concentrating\r\n- trouble conversating and finding things to say (and conversations are well-known as my strong suit)\r\n- poor short-term and long-term memory (if i put a cup down somewhere and walk away, I'll forget where i put it in only a matter of 10-30 seconds\r\n- difficulty retaining information \r\n- difficulty learning new information \r\n- a spacey kind of feeling, like I'm high when i try to look around or turn my head. things feel dream-like\r\n- difficulty being creative (and my career is in the arts)\r\n- insomnia\r\n- intense anxiety and depression seem to have come as a result. anxiety because when these symptoms happening left me flabberghasted and lost and i couldn't function normally. depression came as i had to withdraw from the things i loved because i could no longer do them\r\n\r\nBut do you know what's weird? \r\n\r\nspontaneously one day, as soon as the onset happened, it evaporated. i could think clearly, i could focus, i could learn new information so easily, and arguably better than i ever could, even before these symptoms. i was funnier than i ever was. it was like i was on top of the world. i excelled in my job upon my return, and it was amazing for three months.\r\n\r\nthen it all came creeping back in. after those three months of glory, every single one of my symptoms returned.\r\n\r\nand the first time this happened, it was so strange. i was in the middle of hanging out with friends, and it just suddenly hit me. couldn't keep a train of thought. couldn't explain myself. couldn't focus. \r\n\r\ni don't know what this is. and i don't know how it went away as quick as it grabbed hold of me. doctors say its anxiety, and im at a 30 day wellness retreat for anxiety and depression now. i became more optimistic while here. im getting on new meds, this time wellbutrin. i had only been on lexapro for 5 weeks when i had the miracle of returning to my former self the first time. honestly the sudden transformation from utterly debilitated to healed and brilliant again left my mother thinking i must have been doing dr*gs. \r\n\r\nthis new onset has kept me from being my best me in my relationship. it has kept me from enjoying time with friends because i cant even keep a conversation going. it sucks. even watching tv and tiktoks is a challenge. i know. i know how you feel.\r\n\r\nI'm posting this to say \r\n1) you're not alone\r\n2) you're not crazy \r\n3) i don't know what this is either, and that's okay. we're working on it\r\n4) i've seen some subtle improvements in myself, even in this second episode\r\n\r\nI've started watching my diet, exercising at least 30 mins each day (even if thats just a walk), got on new meds i HOPE will work, and most importantly--i started to be as optimistic as possible. I keep saying to myself that this is going to get better. i saw it happen before, and it can happen again. do i know exactly how? no. i wish i did. i wish i had the answer you want. but i don't. the best i can say is to, as corny as it sounds, be positive. fix the ruminating thoughts, the concern it will never relieve, by replacing them with positive ones. i've been impressed to find that such a small change, which honestly took me months to start doing well, has left me feeling more hopeful and happier each day.\r\n\r\ni have always had some anxiety, but never this debilitating. never. is that what it is? honestly i don't feel like the human brain could be this toxic upon itself. i want to think \"this isn't my fault. something happened and i don't know what.\" \r\n\r\ni've gone for MRI's, blood tests, heart ultrasounds, everything. they say im healthy. \r\n\r\nit's like i have to believe i can fix this with talk therapy, CBT, the supplements i take, meds, exercise, journaling, meditation, positive self-talk. \r\nif it could cure anxiety and depression, i'm doing it. \r\n\r\ni don't want to give up hope. i almost did. i almost let myself let it all go. but i can't. this life can't be for nothing. and neither can yours. all we can do is try. try to get better, try to work through it, try to be positive and treat this like depression and anxiety. i don't see a reason even WHY this happened. i don't. there's no SOURCE of my sudden anxiety and depression. but im still trying to fix things I'm trying. it's all we can do. it's all you can do. work with me.\r\n\r\nJust try. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-06T13:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adityasanghvi-1422250" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Why don’t you talk to a psychiatrist and get yourself diagnosed. It will surely help you go through. I’d also suggest you take some yoga and meditation sessions. " ], "date": [ "2022-04-12T07:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew06137-1423686" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Around December I (M18) was diagnosed with a rare condition called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). It’s hard to explain but I caught mono and my body attacked my nervous system instead of the infection. GBS left me almost paralyzed for months. I spent a month and a half in the hospital, through the holidays. My family visited as much as they could but due to Covid there were restrictions at the hospital. So I spent Christmas paralyzed and alone for most of the day. After the hell I endured in the hospital I was transferred to an in patient rehab facility across the street from the hospital where I met the two most wonderful people, my physical therapists, they saved my life if it weren’t for the kindness they showed I don’t think I would be here today. Towards the end of my stay I started feeling off, getting intense migraines, and feeling mentally off all the time but I didn’t care I wanted to kick gbs’s ass. After another month and a half I was finally aloud to go home. After 2 months of hard work I was able to walk without a walker or cane and i could start driving again. My triumph didn’t last long because once my body healed my mind started to deteriorate. I feel exhausted all the time, my brain is foggy, I feel like I’m just going through the motions of life and not actually living, no matter how hard I try to stay busy when I lay down at the end of the day I just feel like it flew by and I feel like everything I did was useless.\r\n\r\nNow I’m anxious about everything. My hands are weird shades, my knuckles have tiny red dots on them, when i shower my feet and legs go bright red, not the typical shower burn it’s like a rash but my skin is smooth, just red. I go to the doctor and they say it’s nothing to worry about. I saw my neurologist and told her about my mental issues and she thinks I have depersonalization disorder but she told me to see a psychiatrist because it’s not her field. I can’t get a psychiatrist because there’s months wait lists on all of them. \r\n\r\nOne unique thing for me is that I feel terrible all day and every day around 10 pm my symptoms ease and I can function somewhat normally. But I wake up the next morning and it’s back to the s**t show. It’s good to see I’m not alone tho. We got this!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-04-13T08:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=61#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana73030-1131457" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Is there any herb to combat this? I know raw food diet would help but when you feel so debilitated you can not even start the preparation. Prozac helped me in the past but just for few daUs. I got mania for 2 months. The only thing that helps short time is to try forcing your brain into positive state. Fake thinking. I do not hate life I hate the feeling of being not waken up. I got no energy but if you have trust me raw food diet ( juicing) helps. I did it in the past. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-16T17:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=45#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thespectre-1131829" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m 17 and I started to feel this way too. It started this year. Last year, I was fine. Doing good in school and socializing with people. Yes, I consider myself to be a more negative person, but that&#39;s just my thoughts. This year, I can&#39;t concentrate on anything. I wake up like a dead person brought back to life. When I think about somethkng or try to concentrate, I get brain fog. Nothing my teachers say are getting into my head. And its quite annoying. Ive always felt dead on the inside, but I always pretend to be okay with a smile. Is this really caused by depression?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T00:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=45#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "One thing that kind of lifts I.T a TAD for me is when I sit down and play some video games .. i feel like intense video games take full concentration and brain usage , which gets my mind off of anything and everything else. This eases I.T a bit and lifts I.T a LITTLE.." ], "date": [ "2017-12-19T21:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Been experiencing all this for a while now too and as much as I hate pointing I.T to severe anxiety I have to say I.T does seem odd that 99% of people on these forums had previous anxiety. I don’t think it’s made up by anxiety but I do think I.T causes I.T If that makes sense. Anyways Have any of you tried smoking weed or drinking alcohol during this. I’m in college and have multiple times.. and I feel 100000x worse th fog is unbearable I’m basically nonexistent .. had to stop all fun college things now as well" ], "date": [ "2017-12-19T20:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=45#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angel59236-1133295" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angel59236-1133295" ], "content": [ "I feel you. A lot of us here can relate. You can get through it, I know you can. Say some prayers and I’ll be doing the same. God is good. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-23T13:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/angel59236-1133295" ], "content": [ "I feel you. A lot of us here can relate. You can get through it, I know you can. Say some prayers and I’ll be doing the same. God is good. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-23T13:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Help... " ], "date": [ "2017-12-23T07:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=45#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordanj-1106606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Dear Moderator - I am looking to understand why my previous post was deleted - unfortunately there is no feedback and so I can&#39;t practically edit to repost. I believe the content is important. How can I resolve? Thanks in advance.</p><p></p><p>Folks - I have a long-winded post that didn&#39;t get out, but, my recommended treatment is paced-breathing exercises at 5-7 breaths per minute, starting at five minutes per day. My recommendation is to dilligently practice every day and increase duration. There are a wealth of studies that support efficacy of practicing techniques like this, that have a scientific backbone. Cell phone apps exist that can assist this.</p><p></p><p>[b]This technique costs nothing, and requires minimal commitment - and changed my life. My symptoms were very similar to the original poster. I have had a relief of symptoms since beginning this, for several weeks.[/b]</p><p></p><p>Please web search the following for studies, physiological background information, etc:</p><p></p><p>[b]Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback, Polyvagal Theory.</p><p></p><p>Please direct message me for further information as necessary. If you find the practice helps, please give time to confirm for yourself, and post for others.&#160;[/b]</p><p></p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-31T17:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=45#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richelle70278-1137025" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richelle70278-1137025" ], "content": [ "Sounds like you have derealization " ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richelle70278-1137025" ], "content": [ "Derealization, I had this with Lyme Disease." ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "I have derealization....how did you recover from yours ?" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m still recovering but getting better.&#160; Taking antibiotics for Lyme for past 6 months.&#160; It is a terrible disease and can affect your brain.&#160; It&#39;s very difficult to eradicate.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richelle70278-1137025" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "Did you ever have a hard time being able to drive. Or function while feeling like your in a dream 24/7?" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richelle70278-1137025" ], "content": [ "<p>yes, It got really bad this past summer and I couldn&#39;t drive for 2 or 3 months.&#160; I can drive now, but still only do short distances.&#160; The bacteria gets into your brain and causes encephalitis.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richelle70278-1137025" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve had it 12 years non stop....I&#39;ve learnt how to function with it...it still scares me everyday the horrible dream like state. I started sertraline at couple of months ago and I&#39;m just starting to see some improvement with my derealization.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m glad you are seeing improvement.&#160; I&#39;m not saying you have Lyme, but just something you should get tested for to rule it out.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan70750-1046639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi just read ur post after all my tests and the doctor saying nothing was wrong and all the other specialists he decided to send me to a shrink. Anyway he&#39;s diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome and put me on 200mg of sertraline and I&#39;m pretty much back to normal just wondered how much u were on 200mg is the maximum dose in England anyway </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-15T21:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordanj-1106606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richelle70278-1137025" ], "content": [ "hi all. i found all symptoms similar to yours diminished with a paced breathing exercise, 7 days a week, 12+ minutes a day. 5 second inhale, 5 second exhale = 6 breaths per minute. There is a lot of research to suggest this effects these symptoms. Please websearch polyvagal theory or heart rate variability biofeedback for more detailed information. This changed my life. No drugs, no cost, and easy to implement. In one week, you may determine if it works for you. Best of luck. PM me with any questions, please!" ], "date": [ "2018-02-07T23:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jordanj-1106606" ], "content": [ "thanks...will give it a try." ], "date": [ "2018-02-08T23:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "<p>Did you have any memory issues ??distant memories ?? Hope you&#39;re feeling much better. Take care. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-18T22:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "What treatment helped you with it ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T17:12+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hello I am suffering that same thing. My symtomes are the same besides my memori is fine, feels like I am walking through a dream. Mines so ad I don&#39;t feel ok to drive by myself or drive far yet but I am working on it but its hard. I can&#39;t live like this. I need help and all my doc says I have is anxiety. But everything they put me on don&#39;t work. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=45#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie1668-1384875" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie1668-1384875" ], "content": [ "There are plenty like him..Change diet for sure, go for more Paleo, keto, organic grass fed,A2 milk if you drink milk..etc" ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T23:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/natalie1668-1384875" ], "content": [ "hello Natalie,\r\n\r\nI hope your husband is feeling a little better by now.. if not I'd consider to look at burnout syndrom and what severe prolonged stress can do to someone. That he is taking meds is good but maybe he needs to see another psychiatrist. It is definitely a mental issue and he needs to talk about some stuff whether he wants to or not. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T23:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "My husband is having the same issues, he has recently been diagnosed with severe depression, his memory is so bad, the doctors had considered dementia, but his MRI scan and bloods came back normal, he forgets things like how to make a cup of coffee, how to water the garden, wash the car, all simple things. He has been on various anti-depressants and a psychotic medication because they believed him when he said he hears voices, he says yes because he believes that's what they want to hear. \r\nHe's lost his job, due to making too many mistakes, so spends most of his time at home watching television. the anti-depressant he is on now, has (I believe) caused a urine infection so he is on antibiotics for that, and is rambling about nonsense, (which I am told will stop once the infection clears up). He has headaches, feels groggy and is tired all the time. His anxiety has got worse since starting his new medication Vortioxetine which is suppose to help with his concentration, I have yet to see any improvements. I am at my wits end of how to help or next steps and until I found this group I could not find one person with the same symptoms as his. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-07T23:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/diane6868-1201826" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "it sounds like what i was diagnosed with.... fibromyalgia. no fun at all. thought i was losing my mind." ], "date": [ "2021-07-08T20:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rfb1800-1386788" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rfb1800-1386788" ], "content": [ "Go talk to someone please. Your life could be so much better. No one deserves to live like this. You are worth the help you need ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T23:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I thought I was alone. Not that someone else doesn't experience the lapse in memory that I do... but that someone is out there desperately trying to figure out why/how/how to fix it/can it be fixed. I feel like most who are experiencing this issue and other issues, know what is causing it and is already doing something about it. My heart raced when I read your post. I dont even recall what I Googled now, out of desperation to find info or someone else in the same boat. I found this. Your post. \r\n\r\nWhile I'm incredibly sorry that I have literally nothing to offer in the way of why or how to fix it... I had to write. Hard for me to know if it's really the same thing we are experiencing. The only way I know how to try to tell someone about this in my own case.. all that comes to mind is.. Nothing seems real. Seems as though my consciousness has been altered and I'm no longer \"live\". I cannot recall most of my life in fact. I could not tell you what happened in what year (I know what year I graduated, sure.. thats about it). I often get asked how my jobs went today. I most days have to ask them to help me recap what my plans even were for today.. To see if maybe they might know what I did today. I can usually recall with some help or enough time to think about it. But.. literally.. I get home and have no idea where I've just been.. or where I've been for days. I forget almost everyone I have ever known. Forget they exist. Friends, family, etc. The stuff I keep at my house.. that I use daily. If it gets taken off my desk or out of my direct sight, I forget I have it and buy it again, on repeat. OR... and more common.. I forget that the item ever existed and my mind never even thinks about it again. Even if its something I used/did religiously, daily, for years... Thought of it is just gone if I dont see it where it once was. I dont recall what I like to eat. Each time I go to order groceries, with the mindset of ordering all the same stuff that I liked.. I have no idea what I've been loving eating every meal for a week or year... or yearssssss. Sometimes I can retain all my current thoughts about the week on the front of my mind (rare) but then... I sleep.. and my mind gets wiped. I recollect NOTHING that I have had stored on the front of my mind and have been referring to regularly for days (usually work related). When I ask people around me if they know what I am talking about... They so no, not at all. Seems no one else mind gets completely erased when they sleep (sometimes). \r\n\r\nMy situation seems to differ somewhat from yours.. My mind goes completely to s**t if I dont eat every couple of hours. Literally, complete s**t. I cant talk right, I cannot think, I cannot reason, I get super angry very easily... That of a diabetic. I have been tested and tested and put through the ringer for years. All blood tests and p**s tests and fasting (which I will NEVER do again) and they always send me on my way. \r\n\r\nAnxiety has always been there.. didnt' realize how much until my late 20s.. Got super bad. Im 31 now. Last few years, I never left my house. I would go work, come home. That was it. Period. I Saw no one, I went no where. Ordered my groceries online, etc. I felt that this was completely normal and necessary. I just dind't want to see/be around people. My heart skipping/palpitations got worse around 29-30. Started on Beta blockers 6 months ago or so. Monumentally life changing. and I had no idea it was coming. I had started the beta blockers on a Friday. It was the following Wednesday when I realized.. I had gone to town, gone grocery shopping, checked out, came home, put away groceries..... On Monday. 48 hours prior. Memory wasn't the key here... It was that I did something I did NOT normally do and if I DID ever do, I required Xanax, no doubt. I had done this.. like a normal person, without even thinking about it or Xanax. Two whole days! Definitely helped my nerves, considerably. So much, I didn't even realize it! \r\n\r\nThe memory thing, though. It's the worst part of my life and I have a number of undiagnosed things that lower my quality of life. I could go on and on about it. Easily another 10k words. But. Everything you described, I experience EXACTLY and it has definitely escalated as time has gone on. Beyond what you are experiencing, from what I can tell. You said it perfectly. Floating through life, suffering. Hit me hard. I have no idea how to tune back into fully conscious. Like I once was. Almost 32 and I feel as if it's not possible for me. I also... cannot.. for the life of me.. get anyone that I know.. to understand even a fraction of what I am trying to portray to them.. so that those around me know and understand what is happening to me.\r\n\r\nTo be honest, I didn't mean to write this much. Reading your post really struck me. Fingers went to flying right after I registered an account here. Apologies for grammar, punctuation and misspelling. Wrote this in a flash.\r\n\r\nVelociraptoRyan\r\n(never tried adding a Dino to my name, you inspired me)" ], "date": [ "2021-07-30T18:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am suffering with these symptoms short term memory loss and no context of time. Emotionless, dizzy, confused. \r\nHas there been any changes? The NO context of time is overwhelming. Almost 4 years of this.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-07-29T14:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello, Any changes? im dealing with the same symptoms. " ], "date": [ "2021-07-11T19:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "how are things present day for you and the symptoms? i ask because im dealing with the same issues and need something to change after almost 4 years. thanks for your story and hope things are better." ], "date": [ "2021-07-11T20:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ed55555-1386954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "what's your status now any changes? Im struggling with symptoms of the same. Hope things have gotten better after all this time.-ed" ], "date": [ "2021-07-12T02:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renee94405-1387263" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Taylor, \r\nIt's as though I was reading my own words when I read your post. I am experiencing the very same thing and I feel like I'm going crazy. I would love to keep following you and find out what you learn aBout this..If i find out anything I will let you know,\r\nRenee" ], "date": [ "2021-07-13T02:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eazyjet-1387413" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi! After reading all of these messages I have to say I am a tiny bit relieved to know I am not the only one... I have always had a bad memory so to speak, but recently because of stress and anxiety I feel like my memory has worsened. I used to remember actors' names well, but now I might struggle even with the names of actors I like. I guess the more information comes the worse my brain works. I also have a chronic disease not related to memory, which makes it hard to sleep so I have suffered from imsomnia for quite a while. I have always blamed my insomnia, but now for the past few weeks I have suffered from the worst case of brain fog and memory problems ever. I instantly got scared that maybe I have something more serious and haven't realized it sooner. But I have to say that something has peaked my interest after reading about this and it has to do with wheat. I was tested for allergies and it showed a positive response for wheat. I however didn't change my diet. On the days before my symptoms got worse I was eating a lot of toast made of wheat and now I started to think that what if it could be something as simple as that? There was nothing else so unusual about what I had been eating, so now I'm thinking that I at least need to try that. I think maybe you guys should think about your diets as well. My memory has also worsened because I stopped exercising, I'm pretty sure of it. I read somewhere that exercise is food to the brain and without it the brain stops functioning well. This gave me hope that maybe it is not something serious after all." ], "date": [ "2021-07-13T21:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle39179-1387890" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi I know this is was way back and I really hope you have found some answers. This is my story: About 3 years ago i started getting all these same symptoms.. Went from one doctor to the other.. finally one doctor said i have anxiety.. well i was relieved i got some answers and could start treatment.. Long story short the meds made everything 10x worse.. Saw a neurologist that sent me for a eye examination.. as my right eye is very blurry.. please not this is more then two years later.. Went for the eye examination and the doctor orders a MRI scan.. at this point I'm so scared as i have two young kids that need me.. Went for the MRI that came back clear.. next was a lumbar puncture.. And finally I got an answer I have water on the brain thats causing all these issues.. It's been a long road and they still trying to figure out what medication will work best but at least now I know what's wrong... Stay strong everyone and i hope you get your answers.. " ], "date": [ "2022-02-08T04:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew71841-1388649" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi Taylor i have suddenly started feeling the exact same and its really worrying me. Is there a way i could speak to you privately?" ], "date": [ "2021-07-21T14:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adamsl-1379879" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Bro I am terrified for my life. For the last 8 months I feel as if my body is completely dead and i am just about breathing. My symptoms are 24/7 and i am now convinced i have some sort of cancer. I feel extremely weak and tired and not the kinda feeling you have after a long shift it is a different type. I never ever feel refreshed from sleeping. I have zero appetite or thirst, I only eat and drink because i have too. I have brain fog, mental confusion, poor night vision, blocked ears that ring all the time, clogged nose, constipation, i never get the urge to go toilet, erectile dysfunction. i cannot get out of bed no more i am completely exhausted. i am intolerant to sun, alcohol and smoking. I am so weak that i am emotional exhausted, just watching a suspenseful scene from a movie makes me feel like i am going to pass out. I have had enough living like this and i feel my life is finished. \r\n\r\nI have had a head mri with contrast, ct scan with contrast for the chest/abdomen/pelvis, chest xray, nasoendoscopy, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, 2x blood tests, ultrasound of testicles, ultrasound of urinary tract, 3x ecgs, 8x blood pressure, eye test, dental checkup. \r\n\r\nI am going to see an oncologist as i believe i am suffering from some sort of cancer so will be asking for a list of all tests to check for all types of cancer through private insurance as my gp has given up on me. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-07T23:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adamsl-1379879" ], "content": [ "its relief to know someone understands what im going through.. this is not living. its torcher. Do you feel like your brain is slow, like you hear & see what people are saying & showing you but your brain takes longer than it should? i get the exhustion part its cruel, least little thing drains you.. & do you suffer with headaches? i do & its not always same place, like can be between eyes, back of head & so on, & its a dull type of headache, also chest pain that i can feel in my shoulder/doctor says its silent reflux as i had a chest xray-all clear.. i dont feel like its possible to feel any worse but i thought that years ago, & i dont even know a day i feel ok to a day i feel worse.. (if that makes sense) i had same feeling has all the signs of some form of cancer but yet all my bloods & everything are fine, my white bloods cells show up a little high all the time, but seemly thats down to smoking! " ], "date": [ "2021-08-06T17:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adamsl-1379879" ], "content": [ "Have you had your thyroid checked? TSH, T3, T4?? Thyroid could be doing all this too you as I have the exact same symptoms. Can you keep us updated too? As we all share the same symptoms. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T19:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam62342-1390735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Yeah I also cannot stand loud noises and i handle sunlight or heat. I have no appetite no more. i force myself to eat and drink. No urge to go toilet. I feel confused. I have heart burn. I am so exhausted that i can not work. If i stay awake too long i start feeling like i am going to pass out. I have also all signs of cancer and late stage cancer. I am so scared man. I can barely walk. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T19:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam62342-1390735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "content": [ "Hey bro I have thyroid function test which is all normal. What are your symptoms and what tests have you done?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T19:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adam62342-1390735" ], "content": [ "i am same, the exhustion is unbareable, for instance i was asleep last night by 10 slept untill 9 this morning with no disturbances(rarely happens) & i woke up this morning like i had 2 hours sleep, i dragged thru today. & when im up i just feel like i need to lie down. i also get like a drunk feeling or a uncomforable/horrible high feeling.. i have had extenstive blood tests all coming back clear/normal.. im not sure about sunlight with me, i feel i get a slight lift in the sunlight. but loud noises is a big No no, i get a crackling noise in my ears or ringing in loud rooms if people, & , florenent lights make me feel really wierd. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-08T19:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam62342-1390735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "i feel tired but cant fall asleep. I always feel drunk or high but i am so weak that i cannot tolerate smoking or drinking. I just feel so uncomfortable in my own body. I could be laying down and still feel like i am going to pass out. I feel ill 24/7 and it has been going on too late. It must be a physical issue because i cannot even walk anymore. All my bloods come back normal too. Have you done any other tests?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T06:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adam62342-1390735" ], "content": [ "ok we are very similar.. i feel at times like im\r\non a boat.. or the ground is coming up to meet me! dose not matter how much sleep i get i always feel the same, im trying to think back & maybe not linked but it orginally started when i went under local anaesthic to get my bowel checked, but was bareable for years, was only getting all these feelings from time to time & they would pass again, but this year has been unbareable.. they wont lift at all, ive had lots of bloods & mri.. but nothing, i do suffer with low levels of B12 but i get injection for that. & doc says my levels are very good now. i was blaming this for a while but if my levels are back up couldnt be that! i used to wake up with numb hands alot, but that hasnt happened in a while! " ], "date": [ "2021-08-09T06:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adam62342-1390735" ], "content": [ "also do you get eye disturbance? like floaters? i get them daily, & i see stars ( from time to time)" ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T07:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "hey i am suffering just like you and adam. in terms of vision when i wake up i get this static feeling in vision. at night i have poor vision and its hazy during the day. i am so weak/exhausted that just having a laugh hurts ive lost all emotions. i can not handle travelling at all. my body not in sync at all. \r\n\r\nwhat are all your symptoms?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T11:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "what is this.. like its crazy & what ever it is, its not showing up with mri or bloods, \r\nlike everyday is just me trying to drag thru another day. ive so many symptoms its impossible to list every one of them, but the worse is depersonlization, & like you said i feel like my mind & body are not in sync with each other at all. i feel slow/in my own bubble. i no i am suffering with anxicity but its because of the way im feeling. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T12:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "i have no idea what it could be i am so fixated on cancer because not even medication helps and i physically cannot do anything. it has now got to the stage where if it is a cancer i wonder if it has been left too long as i am struggling. \r\n\r\nwhat are your symptoms and which tests have you had done?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T13:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "the only thing is cancer would surly show up in bloods. i dont know what to think anymore my head isnt clear enough to even think.. is your memory really bad? mine is brutal. have you had any tests done?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T13:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "I thought the same but it is not always the case. I have seen many explains where people were happy with negative blood tests but after further testing got diagnosed with cancer. My whole body has given up on me! I honestly try trusting them but I think i am being misdiagnosed. I have brain fog/mental confusion, fever/feeling hot, clammy, weakness throughout body, chronic sinusitis/difficulty breathing, poor night vision, blocked ears and ringing, cannot handle any stress, constipated, no appetite, ED, going up stairs makes me exhausted, chronic fatigue. I do not sweat anymore and body does not produce mucus. Just now heard a dog barking and made my heart race honestly do not know what is going on and feels like death fast approaching. I am bedridden and at home 24/7 as cannot handle car journeys.\r\n\r\nI have had 3x blood tests, head mri with contrast, ct scan chest/abdomen/pelvis with contrast, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, nasoendoscopy, chest xray, ultrasound testicles, ultrasound of urinary tract, 5x ecgs, 8x blood pressure, urine sample, eye test, dental examination.\r\n\r\nI honestly do not know what to do anymore" ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T14:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "i have all above apart from dificulty breathing, is there any stage that you get relief? im not bed bound but days i may aswel be, i also find that slight things (normal things) make my heart race like ive go a massive fright when i shouldnt, its like im so zoned out im unaware of my surroundings, yes i cant figure out why nothing is showing. its terrible but also reasuring known others are going thru the same, this is definatly not living, its torcher. do you mind me asking your age? im 32 it started years ago. ive never been this bad, its the last year ive gotten extremely bad, i used to suffer slighly before for years (mornings were always my worst) but now it seems to be all the time.. i find it very hard to sleep & when i do its broken sleep, will i send you my email? we can chat. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T14:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Yeah it is reassuring that nothing comes up but at the same time i do not think it is normal for us to be feeling like this. I am 26. I think i am bedbound due to my depression which is because of my physical health. Can you drive? Do you go out? Can you still handle alcohol/smoking? yeah sure send it through would be nice to have a chat." ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T15:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "yes because i dont get noifications on this, so be great to speak. yes 100% when you feel like this it would make you depressed but then they put all this down to depression when its not the sole problem. I do drive but cant at present i dont trust myself to drive nor do i feel capaible. i feel my judgment is off & my reactions slow, i stay away from drink at all cost as it makes me 100 times worse. plus the fact i get a drunk feeling most of the time! " ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T16:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Well now that i have had all those tests docs want to blame it on depression which i do not think is fair at all. Can we add each other as friends on this app?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T19:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "wont allow me put up my email..& id really like to chat & keep updated with you. yes its very unfair the reason your feeling depressed is because of way your feeling, & its definatly more than just depression. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T22:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Oh it does not let you share it on here that's annoying. I saw another gp today he said that symptoms match blood cancer which got me worried but he said blood test would of indicated something but still made me uneasy." ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T22:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "it dose feel like you body is slowly been poisioned. have you any other health issues that youe aware off? ive IBS. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-11T05:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "It does feel like 100%. I have IBS, gastritis & 2cm hernia but been told none of these should be causing my symptoms. What is your next steps Jo?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-11T22:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "hardly anything to do with ibs?? im running out of options as what to do next,? beacause they dont no what it is/ nothing showing in bloods in there eyes there isnt a issue. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-11T22:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "It does wind me up when they result everything to blood tests when they do not tell full story. Have you looked into lyme disease, mono, glandfever, epv? There are blood tests for these. I am also looking at getting pet/ct scan head to toe as i am suffering too much and just feel like i am at deaths door. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T09:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "yes im willing to try anything at this stage, i forgot to ask do you suffer with headaches?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-12T06:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "yeah i suffer with headaches but its more like head pain if that makes sense. nothing in the body is working how it should hopefully we get some answers soon. it just got to stage i would do anything to have my health back it just feels like it is too late i hope it isnt. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-12T15:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "okay i have been doing some research and i highly doubt we have cancer. the reason being is when you have this many symptoms it means that cancer has spread and taken over your body. in our situation we have had our whole bodies checked. stage 3 or 4 cancer means it has spread throughout body so something would of showed in our bloods or tests we have done. i believe we may have an autoimmune disorder, lyme disease or something along those lines or we are suffering from long covid" ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T16:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "yes i was thinking that. covid is ruled out for me as ive had this years. my last message to you was deleted, i see. is there any tests for lymes or autoimmune? " ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T16:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "interesting fact: i was just checking the lymes & autoimmune disorder, & with the autoammuine its says swollen glands. which is odd because when i got results from mri were all clear only the doc said there was a note saying my glands were of a abnormal size? but doctor didnt make an issue of this so i never thought anymore of it! " ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T18:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Yeah i actually had the lyme disease test done 2 days ago and got results back today which are negative. it was a blood test called infectious mononucleosis test. When you done your mri was it full body or just a part of you?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T19:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "oh great to have that done.. it was just a mri of the brain. but that was a note that was left on it for the doctor, i think you may be correct in the lines of autoimmune. how are you feeling today?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T19:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "i am okay just do not feel normal if that makes sense. And do not know where but when it gets darker get this drunk feeling but not a normal feeling because i have to stay in because just feel to weird to be out. I wanted to ask do you have lack of bodily sensations? Like do you not feel your stomach turning, erectile dysfunction. like do not feel urge to go toilet? i dont know if i described that properly" ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T20:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "same, its not that you dont want to out but you dont feel well enough too? i suffer with that feeling mostly durning the day, but i do feel lights at night make me feel disorented. yes with the toilet, most of the time i dont realise that i need to go. like i have to remind myself, ive no sex drive at all. what ever this is, we both have exactly the same." ], "date": [ "2021-08-13T20:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "yeah that is it feel really disoriented seeing cars moving just a weird feeling at night do not know what it is. Eye exam all normal. Maybe autoimmune issue 100%. will do a full body mri just to confirm nothing bad within body. Same zero sex drive, just feel like i have poor blood circulation if you get what i mean. i do not get full feeling when i eat and body never lets me know when it is hungry." ], "date": [ "2021-08-14T07:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "yes its like our brain is not reading the signals of the rest of your body. such basic things. thats actually something i ment to do, is get a eye test. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-14T07:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "yeah literally which is quiet scary and worrying. what do you think we could be suffering with? do you feel emotion or adreneline & how long have you been suffering like this? " ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T08:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "yes, i feel emotionless.. i used to be a very caring warm, active person. also used to worry about everything. now its like im so chilled all the time, & its just this s**t feeling im so focused on.. people think im such a relaxed person but its just the fact i dont have the energy.. (dont no if any of that makes sense) \r\ni have had this maybe 8 years, it would come & go. i used to be ok for a few days then have a few bad days.. but its the last year im really suffering. its constant. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T08:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "I hate the feeling of being emotionless and i am very similar it is worrying. Does your body overheat instead of cooling down by sweating? It is like I can't sweat anymore." ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T13:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "i do feel at time that my face burns up.. & ears but doent happen anywhere else in the body! " ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T13:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "yeah same so your body still produces sweat? i think we have a nerve issue im honestly not sure. whats your vision like? " ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T22:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "yes it dose, dont have issue there my vision is odd. i see floaters daily, sensetive to light i wear sunglasses anytime when im outside i find they help " ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T22:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "tunnel vision sometimes " ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T22:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "yeah literally sunglasses help alot. have you had any further testing?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T22:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "i really hate this drunk feeling an feeling so shattered but unable to drift off" ], "date": [ "2021-08-15T22:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "always takes few hours to go to sleep.. what annoys me the most is the wrecked feeling i have when i wake up, like its pointless sleeping because its not helping my body at all.. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-16T06:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "yeah waking up as uf you havent slept or suffering from a hangover. the worst part is we dont even stay late or long. when healthy i used to go bed at 3/4 in morning and be up for 9. i miss my old body so much " ], "date": [ "2021-08-17T06:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "thats exactly it.. & like that i was the same, i used to work late nights before all this, with no issue. and be able to function on 3 hours sleep now i can barely keep my eyes open past 11, (yet when i go to bed takes me hours to sleep) and no matter how much sleep i get im never rested or refreshed. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T22:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "whats your doctor saying?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-17T14:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "content": [ "nothing because all tests are clear, & also its hard to explain all these symptoms. sounds mad. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T06:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "I hate when this happens. What tests have you had? Have you considered having a petct scan? " ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T21:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "content": [ "ive had brain scan. (all clear) are you similiar?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T21:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "yeah i have had a clear mri head scan too. What are all your symptoms? and how long have you been suffering?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T23:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "content": [ "years, but the last year its gone so bad.. its unbareable. what about you? ive so many symptoms its hard to list., constant feel of doom, dont feel like im in my own body- bad memory. & loads more" ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T08:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "omg that is the same as me. Had it for 5 years but last year like i am dying. My symptoms are 24/7 which include difficulty breathing, severe brain fog/mental confusion, blocked and ringing ears, chronic sinusitis, hazy vision, poor night vision, depersonalisation/derealisation, disorientated, feel everything is slow, no urge to use toilet, constipation, feeling drunk if that makes sense, intolerance to sun/alcohol/smoke, erectile dysfunction, chronic fatigue which is so bad cannot put into words, no appetite, numbness, unable to exercise/drive/walk. whole body not in sync like do not feel stomach turning or growl. body not working. I also do not feel emotion at all anymore nothing makes me happy and just feel like will never be the same. I used to smoke and drinnk but so weak cannot handle it. This has been daily for the last year what are all tests you have done?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T09:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "content": [ "yes 100% all of what your saying is exact same, its a drunk/ uncomforable high feeling. my life is ruined, i cant enjoy anything like as you were saying feelings/emotions are just not there. things that should make me happy, dont just because im numb inside.. the mornings kill me, i never wake resfreshed. Like that i dont drive anymore beacuse i dont feel safe to do so, can you remenber the run up to how you started feeling like this? \r\nive had mri all clear & all my bloods are clear, do you suffer with like heavy head feeling. \r\ni get chest pains had xray all clear but dont get shortness of breath. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-20T06:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "No way you suffer from all those symptoms too? I also get sore throat, do not feel full, body overheating instead of sweating. Also does smallest bit of anxiety make you feel super weird like you going to pass out? I could keep going and going. I have had many blood tests, head mri, ct scan chest/abdomen/pelvis, chest xray, ultrasound testicles, ecg, blood pressure, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, nasoendoscopy" ], "date": [ "2021-08-20T16:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "content": [ "yes 100% same. yes & i get stressed and anxious at the least little thing. even the idea of having to go somewhere out of my comfort zone, will make me feel so wierd.. like something bad is going to happen, & nothing has happened me in years. and i console myself with that when i feel that way. yes i over heat alot.. i dont suffer with sore throat but my glands in my throat & bigger than should be (mri confirmed this) had you any results from these tests that could be a cause? i suffer with chest pains, headaches (not even headaches but heavy dead feeling in my head) always tired never feel rested!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-20T16:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "This is honestly really really strange. Yeah i am the same i prefer to stay home i feel like cannot have fun. I sleep so much and when i am trying to fall asleep it takes ages, i dont just dose off if that makes sense. All my tests came back negative apart from gastroscopy which confirmed hernia, ibs and gastritis. I am same never feel rested and smallest things tire me out so much. Do you do anything with your day? I have seen many doctors but all of them say it is anxiety related. I do not even feel the bodily sensations of adrenline or anxiety. what do you think could be wrong with us?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-20T21:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "content": [ "i also have IBS, & the chest pain is seemly acid reflux im on B12 injections also. but thats all.. no other findings, i break out on my hands(like little bubbles & skin peals) seemly stress related.. i dont no. yes i find if im doing any small odd jobs at home ive to sit down after a few mins as i get so worn out. i wont allow myself sleep during the day. i spend all day looking forward to bed & when i go i cant sleep for hours. or its a broken sleep. the feeling of derealiszation is the worst for me! my days are long & empty, cant enjoy anything, im no fun anymore. nothing excites me!" ], "date": [ "2021-08-20T21:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Yeah exactly the same here. Does food give you energy? & i hate derealisation especially when it gets to night time it just seems much worse. Jogging with derealisation is even worse as well. I had an ultrasound today because of my throat but all is normal. I do not even know what to suggest. I would love to feel excited but i am so weak that nothing generates those sensations in me." ], "date": [ "2021-08-22T20:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "content": [ "yes its torcher isnt it? its not living at all.. its something that we have no control over. is yours daily? or do you get a break? i used to but not anymore" ], "date": [ "2021-08-22T20:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "how are you feeling these days!?" ], "date": [ "2021-08-24T22:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Hey Jo been awful. Severe tension headaches, blocked and ringing ears, hardly use the toilet and struggle to pass wind, ED, muscle shrinking, muscle spasms and twitching when falling asleep, stiff neck, weak bones, feel like i am in dream state and cannot feel body, struggling to go into deep sleep. The scariest part is the extreme weakness where cant even pick up the little one anymore. Sorry for the details. Since we last spoke also had a ultrasound of neck which came back normal. I have been scanned head to toe and had many bloods done with no luck. I just feel like i am running out of time and for the way i am feeling i do not understand why nothing has come up. Do not know what to do i might do a full body pet/ct scan and bone scan. \r\n\r\nHow you getting on?" ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T08:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "so sorry to hear that.. not the only one so... been really bad week also.. im beyond tired/weak. im just feeling like my body is shutting down, today has been my worst, i have went to the toilet once today, & not that i felt like i needed to go but because i reminded myself to go. ive really bad back ache.. how is it possible that all our tests coming back normal?? my little one is sick this week & im feeling so bad over it, because i dont have the energy to do much im drained & frustrated over it all.. feel usless & helpless. & like im just here in body not mind.. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-27T18:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/codie88390-1392383" ], "content": [ "how are you feeling lately??\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-09-04T18:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james93479-1381451" ], "content": [ "Hey man could possibly be Auto-immune Encephalitis. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-08T08:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "ive sent you a private message" ], "date": [ "2021-09-27T07:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "ive had full bloods done recently. all clear, had mri all clear, i orginally blamed it on my B12 definancy, but doctor has told me last bloods have showed my B12 is really good (im on injections for it) its all the wierd feelings that i cant cope with. weak, tireness from the moment i wake in mornings/zombie like feeling, derealizion, feeling something bad is going to happen me, headaches, spots in my vision, &\r\ni could go on & on..." ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T01:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=58#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacobgraves-1048914" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey taylor im 23 years old and i can completely relate to what you are going through i saw in a different post you said that you dont struggle with remebering words or phrases and i honestly envy that because with me in my case i struggle to string a sentence together anyways hopefully you still check your messages because i would really like to hear if you figure out a way to help your mental fog i would apreciate it very much if you respond back to my message hope all is well with you" ], "date": [ "2017-05-08T02:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=34#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacobgraves-1048914" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey taylor im 23 years old and i can completely relate to what you are going through i saw in a different post you said that you dont struggle with remebering words or phrases and i honestly envy that because with me in my case i struggle to string a sentence together anyways hopefully you still check your messages because i would really like to hear if you figure out a way to help your mental fog i would apreciate it very much if you respond back to my message hope all is well with you" ], "date": [ "2017-05-08T02:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=34#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/miao1994-1048998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Study and work your brain!! Read more and gain knowledge. Practice imagining and recalling stuff! Eat healthy. Exercise and sleep well. Try to relief stress whenever possible and eat vitamins. These should help.." ], "date": [ "2017-05-08T11:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=34#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello everyone! &#160;It&#39;s been a while since I last replied to what is now known as the &quot;Taylor Mason thread&quot;. &#160;How is Taylor doing, by the way? &#160;Does anyone know? &#160;I hadn&#39;t seen a reply from him in a long while.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Anyway, I&#39;m coming up to the 1 year mark -- when the &quot;brain fog&quot; symptoms began. I can actually remember the date (May 14th). &#160;It&#39;s been one hell of a rollercoaster ride since then; I wish I could say I have more insight than questions, however in having more chunks of &quot;good days&quot; lately, perhaps there&#39;s something there I can glean from.</p><p></p><p>The last time I experienced &quot;debilitating&quot; brain fog, with the anxiety and occasional panic (and insomnia) to go along with it, was in late October. Since then, I have had more good days than bad, however up through early March, I developed an equally crippling OCD that led me to spend hours every day looking up words (some with many definitions), write them down, and store for safekeeping as I continued to have this fear of losing memory and communication skills. &#160;It got better for about 3-4 weeks later in March and early April, then regressed again, only to get better (again) last week. &#160;Outside of &quot;thinking about it&quot;, I have no idea what spurs this on. &#160;All I know is that the brain simply cannot handle the overload I was putting it through. &#160;I took generic anafranil for about 10 days in early March and late April -- couldn&#39;t handle the side effects, so I got off of it. &#160;Both times it was around 10 days; in neither case did I reach theraputic dose.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I am having an appointment with a new Endo in early June. &#160;I still suspect there&#39;s some hormonal aspect to this for me (male, 46); my blood panel didn&#39;t show signs of hypothyroidism last time, though it wasn&#39;t as thorough as it needs to be. Otherwise, I&#39;m just trying to eat right, suppliment with vitamins and Omega 3 fish oil, and try to maintain a solid 7+ hours of sleep a night. &#160;Working rotating shifts makes that difficult for me (especially midnight and early AM shifts).</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-08T15:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=34#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renee37065-906300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Do u have visual issues too like seeing vivid colors n shadows.. ?? I also feel like im in a dream very foggy . Cant concentrate cant remember things.. hard to follow convos or say what im thinking its like im in slow mode.. im scared i panic every day" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T00:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=34#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>Literally every symptom you have listed is identical with I&#39;m dealing with for almost a full year now, my family dr shoved me off put me citalopram which was a nightmare I was on it about 5 months I&#39;d say until I could no longer stand it anymore. I went to a neurologist and had an MRI done which was normal then he said nothing more he could do so I saw a physiologist and she gave like 100 blood tests a Lymes test a test and two other tests to see if I was dealing with an adult version of pandas and no put on hydroxyzine which literally does nothing for me and propanol which I have also seen little benefit from, I have 3 kids a wife a full time job and the only answer I get is it&#39;s anxiety, I&#39;ve been an athlete for all my life and feel like I know </p><p>My body well enough to know that&#39;s not the case sure I have anxiety but I feel like I got it due to the symptoms instead of it causeing the symptoms, I have no suicide feelings or anything like that but with that being said I also feel like this is no way to live my life, I&#39;m sorta of miserable everyday all day because of this and it&#39;s put a giant gap between my and family which I know have had enough of seeing me like this I have no idea what it is and really hope it goes away, side not is when I was an antibiotic for a blood infection which the blood test indicated I had but then the b sample ruled out I was fine. Doxycycline was the antibiotic felt great for three weeks then it all came rushing back which is about when the antibiotic would have cleared my system, very weird. I really hope you find an answer, hopefully we all do thanks for listening to the long rant lol just nice to know I&#39;m not alone with those symptoms </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T01:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Also I&#39;ve put on 15 lbs so far just because I thought if I could put on weight then it wasn&#39;t cancer which may or may not be true, just my mind telling if I could do that it rules out cancer. Weird I know but true, symptoms for me are dreamy world type feeling, some sort of pressure feel dizzy but can still walk straight do regular tasks and yes anxiety feelings like nervousness and scared constant thoughts, sort of feel like i drank a few beers, not drunk not sober type feeling </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T01:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>Have you tried the fisher Wallace device? It&#39;s suppose to be like tmz but much cheaper and safer. You have to keep occupied at all times in ordered to not think about it. I also believe it can go away naturally. God created the body so complex and I believe it has the ability to heal itself. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T05:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi rebekah, TMS is not that new, there has been done research for about 20 years and up to now no permanent side effects have been observed. It&#39;s mainly used for persistent major clinical depression, and I doubt we with our complaints could benefit from it. I think the source of our complaints is physiological, some kind of infection like in my case Lyme disease, and/or the effect of something environmental, like Wifi, cell towers, pollution or whatever.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T05:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>I feel ya, it&#39;s no fun. Just try and keep your mind occupied and press on. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T05:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star3717-1040362" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi ...my son was recently diagnosed with PANS and has been on two antibiotics since the end of April with 99% reduction of symptoms (anxiety, separation anxiety, brain fog, derealizations, extreme fatigue, insomnia, not eating, obsessive thoughts about time and things being real, to the point where he was terrified to do anything and would just sleep, extreme sensitivity to light... he still has some anxiety when it&#39;s time to fall asleep, but a huge improvement from when he was at his worst) ... when you say that your symptoms went away when you were on antibiotics, that&#39;s crucial... certain infections cause mental symptoms and go away when the infection is treated with antibiotics... anxiety and these other symptoms that you describe do not go away with antibiotics unless they are caused by an infection... you need to find a dr that looks further into this and is willing to start you on antibiotics again to see if you get the same result ... do you remember when this started? Can you think back to any illnesses prior (within a few weeks or months before symptoms started)... just because one doctor says you do not have adult PANDAS doesn&#39;t mean they are correct... one thing I have learned is that doctors don&#39;t know everything and we have to be our own (and our childrens) advocates ... My son saw many doctors and was in and out of the hospital ... they all wanted to write him off as crazy ... and by day 5 on his antibiotics he wasn&#39;t crazy anymore ... But antibiotics don&#39;t cure crazy, they cure infections.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T13:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re not alone. Thanks for the reply, it&#39;s good to hear from you! &amp; I understand exactly what you&#39;re saying. I&#39;ve been to an neurologist too and he said my brain was normal and that was it! I have another appt with him tomorrow and Ima see if he has anything else to say lol. And I&#39;ve done multiple blood tests and everything is fine so far, idk what else to test for! And you get tired of getting stuck with the needle everywhere and not finding out anything. And I understand you when you say you get anxiety from the symptoms. I live in this dream world 24/7, already knowing something isn&#39;t right, then when other stuff happens that&#39;s when I start to panic and it just makes it all worse. I understand about the family situation too, it affects everything and I hate it. I feel like I&#39;m watching my child grow up in this dream world and I just want to see her feeling normal! It sucks. I&#39;m 21 and I&#39;ve dealt with this for 7 years now and it&#39;s gotten worse because I&#39;m so tired of it. But I can&#39;t even explain how it feels to talk to someone that REALLY understands Yano? </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T14:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for your reply! I didn&#39;t know how new it was but I was just worried like up in the years, when we get older if the waves from the TMS treatments would effect our brain negatively. Because we already have a big chance of getting Alzheimer&#39;s and other things similar because it&#39;s so common I&#39;ve seen, and I don&#39;t want to add to the chances, if that makes sense. &amp; I agree with you, that&#39;s why I&#39;m so hesitant in doing stuff like that including meds when the doc just guesses by your symptoms. I don&#39;t want anything I don&#39;t NEED. Especially if it&#39;s not natural. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T14:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>I def feel the same way with medication, however I&#39;m so over this whole thing that I&#39;m literally ready to try anything that may help lol it&#39;s rough not sure if my iron was tested as the previous poster had said about I&#39;m gonna go through my records and see tho that&#39;s another thing I started doing, I get a copy of every test done because I&#39;m going to go as many drs as it takes lol</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T21:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star3717-1040362" ], "content": [ "<p>I got bite by a tic a few weeks before this all started, and it&#39;s been a downward spiral ever since , suprisingly my physcologoist is the only dr that has actually tried to find the reason behind this. And yes conviently the antibiotic I was on when I got better was the same antibiotic used to treat infections from things like lymes and such so i have been trying to continue down that path hit drs are very hard to deal with especially when they already have their mind made up about what&#39;s wrong even if their answer is nothing lol</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T21:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I know the feeling wanting to do whatever it takes to just make it go away. My iron is good so far, I&#39;m low on some vitamins but I&#39;m off and on medications recently so I haven&#39;t been able to take them. I haven&#39;t found a doc that has actually cared about helping me, they just try to shove pills down my throat and send me off. And one tested me for cocaine on the low. I&#39;m like really? But one doc has suggested TMS treatments, idk if you&#39;ve ever heard of that but I&#39;ve just been hesitant on doing that. Plus some say it makes it worse, or doesn&#39;t work, and it&#39;s expensive at that. like I said their just guessing on what you need. And I can&#39;t get a second opinion down here because there&#39;s only one doc that does it anywhere around here. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T21:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I know the feeling wanting to do whatever it takes to just make it go away. My iron is good so far, I&#39;m low on some vitamins but I&#39;m off and on medications recently so I haven&#39;t been able to take them. I haven&#39;t found a doc that has actually cared about helping me, they just try to shove pills down my throat and send me off. And one tested me for cocaine on the low. I&#39;m like really? But one doc has suggested TMS treatments, idk if you&#39;ve ever heard of that but I&#39;ve just been hesitant on doing that. Plus some say it makes it worse, or doesn&#39;t work, and it&#39;s expensive at that. like I said their just guessing on what you need. And I can&#39;t get a second opinion down here because there&#39;s only one doc that does it anywhere around here. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T22:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/star3717-1040362" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>I would try to find an autoimmune doctor or an integrative medicine doctor they are not always covered by insurance, but they know much more about this type of stuff like Lyme disease and PANDAS/PANS then most Western medicine doctors do ...the fact that you were bit by a tic and you responded to antibiotics is huge... that means you have an infection causing your symptoms ...look up the article </p><p>Ticked Off: 10 years living with Lyme disease </p><p>on Today...you definitely need a stronger antibiotic and for a much longer period of time</p><p></p><p>[b]Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the link(s) directing to site(s) unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.[/b]</p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts</a></p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages</a></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T22:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>You best get checked for Lyme&#39;s then, though you may be infected and still get a negative outcome since the tests used by GP&#39;s are rubbish.</p><p>If you&#39;re planning to keep using antibiotics don&#39;t just use doxycycline, but combine it with metronidazole or even better: tinidazole.</p><p>Doxycycline on its own just kills the active form of Borrelia, it doesn&#39;t eradicate the hidden form.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T22:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/star3717-1040362" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for the article and to the moderators for allowing me to still see the title even tho the link was removed, that would explain a lot of my symptoms of being tired all the time, joint pain however that part isn&#39;t to sever right now, I do get it on my lower back and elbows and knees and the spacey headed feeling that only goes away in spurts, problem is I&#39;ve seen three or four drs who all ordered the same lymes test that comes back negative and no one goes any further and I honestly can&#39;t afford out of pocket expense anymore(most of my tests haven&#39;t been covered cause the drs all say they aren&#39;t needed) including the very expensive MRI, I&#39;m going to a new dr soon who is very open minded and honestly just wants to help so hopefully that works out</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-25T13:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "Hi cody are you still soing treatment for lyme ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T13:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Does anyone deep down just want to try and let this feeling go away naturally? I only have the dream world feeling 24/7, get dizzy often, pressure in head, sensitivity to light, and because of that get anxiety from it because I know something is not right and wonder when it will ever go away. Other than the feelings above I feel completely normal. And it&#39;s been getting worse because I think about it more and more wondering why. I know they say not to think about it but it&#39;s easier said than done. You&#39;re living in it. My fear is taking more medications making it worse, like the few I&#39;ve taken. (Almost died off one because I had some sort of reaction to it) I&#39;m a single mom, and have responsibilities every day that I can&#39;t just shove to the side Bc of this. So taking meds not only makes it worse but I also have to work having all the side effects which is impossible. No one really had an input on what I said awhile back about TMS treatments, it&#39;s as natural as you&#39;ll get if you want to actually do something about it. But they don&#39;t know LONG term side effects because it&#39;s so new. So I&#39;m just stuck. I worry if doing stuff to my brain, no matter if it&#39;s meds or TMS treatments, will make it worse and I know I can&#39;t handle it any worse than it is now. But then again I worry I&#39;ll spend the rest of my life like this if I don&#39;t take a chance. But both worries weigh equally. I just wish it would lift without actually hindering my brain. You only have one in your lifetime. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-23T01:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=34#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/itsyaboi-1015798" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/itsyaboi-1015798" ], "content": [ "<p>I have felt this same way and have wished my life would end, but I don&#39;t give up hope. For me God keeps me going since I beleive He loves me and has a plan. He hasn&#39;t healed me yet for whatever reason but He does give me hope and stregnth and doesn&#39;t give me anything I can&#39;t handle. You too can deal with this and surely can overcome it and be completely healed if you believe and trust that. I can tell you my life was a mess and had no hope before beleiving in Him but that all changed when I trusted Him. I don&#39;t know if He will heal me and that Ok just knowing He is with me and helps me makes all the dfifference and knowing I will be with Him in Heaven gives me all the more Joy. I can help you if you want with this either way I will be praying for you. God loves you. Sometimes He just wants us to acknowledge Him and our need for Him.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-29T15:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I somehow about a month ago was looking up symptoms I felt related to this, and have been severely depressed since then. I realize that I have been this way for years without knowing what it was. I&#39;m 19 now. I feel worthless. I have no personality and no emotion or drive. I think about killing myself several times a day. I haven&#39;t tried any medication or therapy yet because I don&#39;t have health insurance and financially can&#39;t, but I have a feeling it won&#39;t help. The saddest part is knowing if nothing improves this state im in, I won&#39;t want to live.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-29T08:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steel8259-1005465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>i&#39;m currently dealing with the same thing..I&#39;m real good at over analyzing things and mine stared after my little boy was born but allergy season was tough to at that time.do your self a favor and look at you current pollen count for your area and see if other people are complaining about allergies.but what I have found is as humans we tend to over think things some of us get stuck thinking and thinking and before you know it you start to believe it.try not to make things so complicated just go back to the basics and you will find your problem.for me I believe it&#39;s situational stress/anxiety/a little bit of depression brought on by the anxiety.i started a small mechanic shop and been in 7 months I thought the stress of that was my cause.but I started to analyze when I started to feel different and it was 3 days after my son was born and a lot of other things where going on it&#39;s been almost two months now and with daily self positive talk and at the end of the day I&#39;m still here and my body is still alive it gives me hope and I feel better..I still get the fatigue feeling and sometimes my mornings are a little hard to start but with positive self talk and telling myself that things are going to be fine I feel better..just don&#39;t get stuck in your thought trust me that has a lot to do with it..god bless and I pray that everyone on here gets well sooner than later.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-30T04:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarahpugs130-1017103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>First off I&#39;d like to say I&#39;m sorry that you&#39;re going through this. Secondly I believe that this is some form of depression. I felt like that since fifth grade and I just felt basically dead inside. I used to cry for hours everyday. It got to a point in ninth grade that i started crying during school. No idea why but I would just get this urge to cry and I would either have to hold back or end up crying for hours yet again. This year in tenth grade I met new people and they have helped me so much with it. I used to talk to multiple people about it but I felt so alone and like no one really cared. I was filled with so much self hatred and I had such a low self-esteem and I honestly just wanted to die for the longest time. The people I met changed that. I suggest meeting new people, and if you have a dream or a goal then start working on that without making any excuses. Do the stuff you love but add a twist to it if you&#39;re bored with it or if it didn&#39;t help. I highly suggest writing poetry. Write about your thoughts, your feelings, your desires, your fears, just write it all down. Also if you are not religious already I also suggests giving religion a try and going to God with your problems. If you don&#39;t that is okay I am just giving you suggestions that helped me. I was severely depressed for almost five years and I used that as inspiration for my poetry, and paintings and drawings. Working out also puts me in a better mood ik sounds crazy but once you get used to the pain it&#39;s fun plus beneficial. I&#39;m sorry this is so long. If you are having thoughts of self harm or suicideplease talk to someone about it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-01T15:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelldee-1019627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi, I&#39;ll tell you the short and then the long of my experience (that way people don&#39;t have to read a big long story if it doesn&#39;t relate to them).&#160; And I plan to copy and paste this to many forums if you see it someplace else (forums in regards to sleepiness, brain fog, spacey feelings, not being able to take a full breath etc). I promised myself I would post it to forums if I ever found something that helped me.</p><p></p><p>The short answer is, on a whim, I cut out gluten and it saved my quality of life. I cut it out for none-of-the-above reasons. I&#39;m not a &quot;hippy&quot; whole foods eater...whatever you want to call it, and&#160; I&#39;m not an alternative medicine person (although I&#39;m starting to believe that you do need to think outside the box now at times).&#160; I just randomly wondered if it would help me for a whole other reason. I didn&#39;t research it alot or put much planning into it, I just decdied to give it a try.&#160; I am now a different person.&#160; It took about 4 days for me to feel exremely noticably better. It took a week or two to feel my fogginess and sleepiness go away!!!!...&#160; after years and years of wondering what it is that is causing it....sleeping too much?, sleeping not enough? etc. I even had a neurological sleep study early into this problem which showed &quot;excessive daytime sleepiness&quot; but they didn&#39;t know why. And taking away gluten did it!!!!!, which is not even the reason why I cut it out!!!&#160; Within a few days, I also noticed my shortness of breath went away.&#160; I had that problem as well, where I couldn&#39;t get a full breath in often.&#160; That dissapeared as well.</p><p></p><p>I never got tested for celiac disease or anything like that, and I don&#39;t care to, because I know I can&#39;t it gluten!!!&#160; I never have cheat days because it&#39;s not worth it to me... but one time I accidentally ate it and I felt like I had to sleep and sleep and sleep.&#160; I couldn&#39;t sleep it off because I have young children, but it was a struggle to stay awake.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Finally, it took a few months, but spacey feelings, more fog, balance problems, feeling off, .... it wall lifted.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I can relate to what you wrote.&#160; I&#39;m in my late 30s but I remember this starting in my early 20s.&#160; I swore up and down that I was more tired than other people.&#160; People brushed it off as &quot;everyone is tired...I&#39;m tired too&quot; but I had a nagging pulling need to sleep. I had to think of ways to get a quick ten minutes in and it consumed me.&#160; I slept on lunch breaks too.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Then in my mid-30s I had an episode of some sort that I am still not sure of.... ultimately they called it possible vertigo.&#160; I&#160; felt spacey, couldn&#39;t remember things, extra anxiety (which I do suffer from), off balance, tired of course, and more.&#160; It was a scary time for me. I wasn&#39;t sure what was happening.&#160; I had an MRI done, I saw an ENT, a neurologist, thyroid tested (which I would recomment you ask your Dr about)....everything came back &quot;normal.&quot;&#160; I spent time and money, crying in doctor offices begging for someone to think of something.</p><p></p><p>It wasn&#39;t until I cut out gluten, years later, that this got some relief. I white-knuckled a few years, trying to get through the day with the brain fog, and tiredness and balance issues.</p><p></p><p>I don&#39;t know if you need to talk to a Dr (people with symptoms that I had should certainly ask their doctor in case they want to do MRIs and thyroid testing, inner ear, TMJ can cause things etc. That&#39;s important.&#160; But on many forums people said their tests always came back normal but they don&#39;t feel right.&#160; I&#39;m still not perfect, because I think I have leftover anxiety after going through this for years.&#160; side note: I also got glasses which helped all this too.&#160; Needing glasses and having astigmatism can make you tired and off balance as well.&#160; So, getting glasses has helped me too!</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m not a Dr or nutritionist or gluten expert, but it has helped me more than I can say, to cut it out. Night and day, two different worlds. &#160; I even asked a doctor along my journey, &quot;should I consider food sensitivites?&quot; and she said &quot;no, I wouldn&#39;t go down that route yet&quot; and I wish I hadn&#39;t listened.</p><p></p><p>I now know that what you eat gets processed in the gut which in turn affects the brain more that I ever really gave it credit for totally.&#160; I don&#39;t think people should cut out gluten if they don&#39;t need to. I know it&#39;s considered a trend and a fad but I truly can not eat it.</p><p></p><p>I know it sounds really hard for people to cut it out but I have to say, I went into it really non-chalently and it wasn&#39;t that bad (I know people get angry when they read that comment because it&#39;s not &quot;easy&quot; to many people, but I just mean, it wasn&#39;t as overwhelming as I thought it would be for me).&#160; I just went into that first day thinking I&#39;ll just pick out what I&#39;d normally eat out of the kitchen, and if it said &quot;wheat&quot; I&#39;d choose something else. I didn&#39;t read&#160; about it and stock up with gluten free products. I just went product by product.&#160; You can still eat lots of healthy and unhealthy foods that don&#39;t have gluten.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I don&#39;t know if this is your answer. I hope it helps you or someone somehow. Like I said I told myself I would post to forums if I ever felt better, because it&#39;s a difficult confusing lonely journey to try and figure it all out.&#160; Good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-07T20:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/henk80811-1020598" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/selina94015-1021168" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/henk80811-1020598" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I just wondered is there anything that people can take for this or eat that can help. </p><p>I have all of these symptoms but can&#39;t go back to the doctor&#39;s as the seem to think I&#39;m loosing my mind. They are telling me that the foggy head is anxiety and depression but I don&#39;t believe that it is.</p><p>So I&#39;m looking for self help</p><p>Thanks</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-11T12:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>You all have classical symptoms of hypothyroidism.</p><p>Sometimes it&#39;s not easily detectable in the blood or doctors have little clue how to see beginning hypothyroidism by bloodtest.</p><p>I advise anyone to inform yourselves this disease</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-09T22:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/em63594-1021125" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Fellow fog-heads;</p><p></p><p>It is both comforting, and saddening to read so many of us share this boat. I personally, have been struggling with this for nearly 7 years. Not in its entirety, as it very much ebbs and flows.</p><p></p><p>Most persistent symptoms include;</p><p>Hardcore Fatigue</p><p>Recurrent infections/colds - I seem to pick up every bug out there</p><p>Digestive issues</p><p>Recurrent periods of nightly dreams (that are recalled clearly and sometimes unnerving)</p><p>Visual flashes, haziness, blurring</p><p>Bouts of allergy type reactions</p><p>Headaches galore</p><p>Body aches</p><p>Dreaded brain fog</p><p>Feeling of loss of balance/dizziness</p><p>Random twitching in muscles</p><p>Panic attacks</p><p>And the list goes on.....</p><p></p><p>I have however had moments of complete clarity, where good health seems to find its way back to me and it has only ever been so after a multi pronged approach. I&#39;ve seen every doctor under the sun, multiple ED trips, and tens of thousands of dollars spent.</p><p></p><p>From my experience, the key is identifying a trigger. In my case, I have now come to the acceptance that it is very much health anxiety. As a self confessed &quot;control freak&quot; I always experience a flare up of this &quot;detachment&quot; when I feel ill for some reason or another. If I contract even a simple head cold, I know that it&#39;s out of my control, and that does not sit well with me at all. Stress is another huge factor - again, beyond my influence. </p><p></p><p>What I have found hat helps though is a mix of both integrated and western medicine, and some mental grit. </p><p></p><p>My first port of call is usually the docs, to get. Talked a b12 jab. This usually helps with the energy side of things, and is a bit help in reminding me that I can actually function - albeit not overly effectively.</p><p>Second stop - my upper cervical Chiropractor for a check of my atlas/axis alignment. If you have not already read up on the importance of this, I suggest you do so - it was very much a lightbulb moment for me when I did.</p><p>Thirdly - boost the probiotic intake, and eliminate anything known to make your digestive sluggish. For some this can be gluten (not in my case thankfully) but other starches such as potato are a big culprit for me. You know your body better than anyone else - so use your own discretion.</p><p>Add omega 3 + vitd, calcium and magnesium supplements. No one supplement will help without the use of the others.</p><p>Swap out plain water for water with an electrolyte additive.</p><p>An adjustment to any discrepancies in sleep habits I found can help too. Same time down, and same time up - every day. Avoid napping at all costs.</p><p></p><p>This, mixed with an inner mantra of &quot;I don&#39;t have time to put up with feeling like this&quot; and refusing to accept it as the &quot;new normal&quot; has saved my sanity on multiple occasions. Keeping busy physically, quietens the mind.</p><p></p><p>On most occasions a couple of weeks of taking care of myself before anyone else (near impossible with kids) somehow re-sets the balance and lightens the brain load. This usually rectified things for me until the next stress bomb, or bout if unfortunate luck knocks me back down again.</p><p></p><p>Where all else fails, I opt for a prescribed antidepressant - but NOT an SSRI. My many trails with SSRI&#39;s have shown that the side effects can and often mirror the symptoms I&#39;m tying to rid myself of. I will NOT advocate any particular product, but please know that there are more options out there - they&#39;re not commonly promoted at this time, but the results are impressive. No withdrawal symptoms, can be taken ad-hoc, and little to no side effects.</p><p></p><p>If there&#39;s one thing I&#39;ve learnt from hundreds of doctors, is that I need to tell them what I want and why I want it. My confidence in their ability to identify, sympathize and treat this beast was shot to pieces many years ago.</p><p></p><p>All the best in your hunt for clarity!</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-11T10:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/henk80811-1020598" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I for years had all symptoms evereyone here talks about, extreme brainfog, depression, anxiety, gastroparesis, insomnia, extreme fatigue, too cold, too hot, etcetera etcetera. visited every specialist known to men. got every diagnosis you can think of. than one day i looked at the bloodtest and saw my thyroid numbers where little off. all docters said this could not be the rootcause. i insisted that i could try thyroid medication. all and i mean all of my symptoms vanished. but there is one thing that makes it real difficult and that is if i take little too much or too little of the medication all my symptoms come back with a vengeance. i take the lowest dose there is and cannot tollerate more or less.\r\n\r\nSo stop looking in the wrong directions, its your thyroid, period!!!!" ], "date": [ "2017-02-11T16:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ben60753-1023858" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have this brain fog and many of the symptoms described here, it’s difficult. I self-medicated with drugs and alcohol for a long time. Skip 10 years. I began taking an anti-inflammatory recently with the active ingredient indomethacin. Strangely, it reduced the fog quite a bit, it was almost enough, the positive effects have reduced now. The point is it is cognitive, there are chemical balances in the brain which must be out somehow. I have had this for 15 years. All these psychiatric labels are subjective. The drugs you try, anti-depressants, anxiety medication, whatever….. it doesn’t mean that you have that condition, that condition is a label. The only way to approach it is trial and error, try different drugs and see how they affect the fog. I know that I am worse when I am under allot of stress, when I drink, when I don’t sleep and when I don’t exercise. It doesn’t matter if I do all of those things it is still there. I put systems in place for things that I do, so I can drift through subconsciously and still get things done. I write down my thoughts about a particular situation and read them over to re-enforce what I need to. Important not to surround yourself with people that bring you down, not being able to repond to a**holes quickly causes stress. If you have difficult family members, work out one sentence that to say to them to redirect the conversation.  \r\nI don’t know if that helped anyone, good luck to us all!!   " ], "date": [ "2017-02-19T00:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>““And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.&quot;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-20T14:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/janeannio-1025244" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/callum77015-1025793" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/janeannio-1025244" ], "content": [ "Hey janeannio this might help you. I was in a similar position to you.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nstart keeping a journal this will help you with your memory.\r\n\r\nStart eating right, eat lots of fruit and veg this will help your body and mind feel better.\r\n\r\nStart doing excercice like cycleing or running (but running takes time to get used to) This will help your mind and body but make sure you have 2/3 days off a week.\r\n\r\nIf you do drugs, cut down to 2x a week or even better once a week.\r\n\r\nStart to do creative stuff like making music, drawing or memes this will make you think.\r\n\r\nStop worrying and being paranoid this will only make things worse.\r\n\r\nTry to keep your mind occupied, i would say get a job if you dont have one or be productive.\r\n\r\nIf you do all this i promise your life will get better but it is hard work.\r\n\r\nNo pain no gain." ], "date": [ "2017-02-23T22:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Did you ever get any feedback on this problem? This is EXACTLY how I&#39;m feeling lately but I am much older than you. Have had little episodes like this for years but this one is awful. I am currently without insurance too but with high deductibles, I can&#39;t be going to doctors for a few months yet&#128556;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-22T14:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/callum77015-1025793" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This was me over the last few years. But some things helped me but you have to maintain your self.\r\n\r\nstart keeping a journal this will help you with your memory.\r\n\r\nStart eating right, eat lots of fruit and veg this will help your body and mind feel better.\r\n\r\nStart doing excercice like cycleing or running (but running takes time to get used to) This will help your mind and body but make sure you have 2/3 days off a week.\r\n\r\nIf you do drugs, cut down to 2x a week or even better once a week.\r\n\r\nStart to do creative stuff like making music, drawing or memes this will make you think.\r\n\r\nStop worrying and being paranoid this will only make things worse.\r\n\r\nTry to keep your mind occupied, i would say get a job if you dont have one or be productive.\r\n\r\nIf you do all this i promise your life will get better but it is hard work.\r\n\r\nNo pain no gain.\r\n\r\n " ], "date": [ "2017-02-23T22:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "content": [ "its anxiety, just anxiety - it does all these things and more.  It really will exhaust you looking for a magical or religious answer when there simply isnt one.  All these problems are well know, documented and proven to be from anxiety.  Treating the root anxiety will help, trying to chase the neverending list of symptoms simply will not work.  Its very much up to you of course, but thats just how it is from an evidentual point of view" ], "date": [ "2017-03-10T14:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Dear all, \r\nI have just found this discussion and I am hoping that together we could find a cure or at least understand more about this. \r\nSame – I suffer exactly the same – everything you described\r\nI have an underactive thyroid but with pills it is balanced.\r\nIt feels like I am running on auto-pilot but the real me is not there.\r\n \r\nIt is hard at work because now I can only focus on one thing and I get agitated very easily if someone talks to me while I focus on something. This was never a problem for me. Even people started to comment that I became short fused and it is because I get so easily irritated.\r\n \r\nI don’t remember anything I did in the morning\r\nIt is so scary\r\n \r\nIt affects even my eye sight as I see things around me less sharply\r\nAlso it affects my speech – I say words that I don’t mean to say\r\nMy nose and eyes feel blocked all the time\r\n \r\nI used to suffer from this when I was 19 years old just before Alevels when I studies really long hours but it was only temporary. I used to be one of the top students in our class enjoying learning and it was easy for me to pass exams. Now I would not remember what I learnt a few hours ago.\r\n \r\nBut in the last 5 years it kept creeping into my life on and off\r\n \r\nAnd in the last 7 months nearly every day mostly in the morning and it would clear up by the midday\r\n \r\nBut now it is constant and it never goes away\r\n \r\nI am scared\r\n \r\nI am a type of a person who thinks too much and I have anxiety so maybe the brain is exhausted from overthinking\r\nI even think it could be some sort of inflammation\r\nMeditation and or even triple expresso does not help\r\nI cut out sugar and carbs from my diet but it did not help\r\nI used to suffer from panic attacks but these have stopped but instead I have this constant brain fog\r\n \r\nMaybe we should form a group online dedicated to find an answer. I wish and pray that we can still live a long and healthy life. " ], "date": [ "2017-03-08T10:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=30#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "No one had any opinions on my reply up above?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-20T23:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "No one had any opinions on my reply above? " ], "date": [ "2017-03-21T00:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maya51673-1035167" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello.....my name is Maya...im from Germany</p><p></p><p>All this stuff is happening to me....one year....i thought im going crazy....but after 8 months off beeing in the dark...and treatment with AD...and benzo...( didn&#39;t work at all)...i finally came to right doctor who has checked my tyroid</p><p>And guess what...i have hypothyroidism...a lot of people is misdiagnosed...nobody told me that this could be tyroid issue...i had luck and found it on net that this could be the reason in my case...hope it helps...im still not ok...im on syntroid 6 mounths...my tsh finnaly came in good level...so im waiting myself again...cos now i feel like im half crazy and dead</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-22T16:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trounation-1037537" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/loskillshot-1033015" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trounation-1037537" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m going through the same thing and I feel for you friend. I feel this every day of my life.. it&#39;s torture for sure but don&#39;t give up. When you feel this way connect with the people close to you. Find someone that you are close to and lean on them when you feel this way. I know the feeling buddy... I feel.... disconnected.... Empty... sur-real.... what helps me is staying connected to your close friends or relatives. I don&#39;t know about your religious standing but for me I even talk to my God sometimes in my head. Sometimes even out loud (when I&#39;m alone) whatever is important to YOU. Whether it&#39;s your girlfriend, close friend, parents, etc just stay connected to them. Watching funny videos on YouTube helps. Even video games If your into video games lol. It&#39;s a Horrible torture to go through every day but you CAN channel it. Don&#39;t let the feeling consume you, stay well my friend. You are in my prayers tonight.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-30T01:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/april71592-1041404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trounation-1037537" ], "content": [ "<p>I had the same exact fear about driving but trust me it all works out. Try excercising and taking b vitamins. Most importantly and the hardest thing to do is try not to think about it. Anxiety is a HUGE pain but you can beat this. Best wishes &#128578;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-12T00:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trounation-1037537" ], "content": [ "Hi there sweetheart sounds like depersonalization and derealization " ], "date": [ "2017-04-26T08:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Wow, I&#39;m sure glad I found a group of people with the same problem. I&#39;ve had whatever this is for over 5 years and I&#39;m only 16 years old. Now I don&#39;t know if this is an an active forum, but if it is, have any of you felt, not real, like you&#39;re not alive at the moment? Happens to me way too often at school, and it makes me a little too uncomfortable and scared. I don&#39;t have much of a social life because of these symptoms, and I&#39;m super scared in taking driving lessons next year, knowing that I can&#39;t concentrate or focus even if my life depended on it. I have all of these symptoms you guys are experiencing and I&#39;m just curious if &quot;not feeling real/alive&quot; was one of yours. I seem to get really red and hot when this happens, and get really confused of my whereabouts.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-29T23:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelcie96764-1039720" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sgtdebo305-1039760" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelcie96764-1039720" ], "content": [ "Do you get a numbing feeling from the front of your head to the back ? Like a line of a numbing feeling?" ], "date": [ "2017-04-05T23:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelcie96764-1039720" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sgtdebo305-1039760" ], "content": [ "No not that i remember " ], "date": [ "2017-04-06T02:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/chelcie96764-1039720" ], "content": [ "<p>Am the same and it started in late pregnancy October 2014 (she was born January) They said it&#39;s pnd and anxiety. I&#39;m still lightheaded with a dizzy off balance drunk feeling, concentration is very poor so is my memory :( it&#39;s awful. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-10T19:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey everyone! Honestly i&#39;m quite relieved to have found this discussion bc i dont feel alone. Im a 26 y/o female and i have the same symptoms as y&#39;all! Brain fog, spaced out, random shooting pains in my head lasting for a few seconds, feeling more nervous when I drive bc i feel so zoned out! Its really scary. I feel i cant drive far anymore and my memory had decreased drastically! I used to remember everything! If i can remember right, it must have started after i gave birth 4 years ago. Im not sure what it is and whats causing these symptoms but i want to see a neurologist, eye specialist, anything and anyone who can give me some answers. I also hear ringing in my ears at times too. Every time i let someone know of my symptoms they think im crazy but they just dont know bc it never has happened to them, luckly! </p><p> </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-05T21:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sgtdebo305-1039760" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m sorry for how you are feeling, Know that you are not alone. Exacly what you are going threw is what I&#39;m going threw it&#39;s hard it just started getting worse for me. Idk what to do I can&#39;t live like this day by day I wouldn&#39;t be able to handle it. It has gotten in thr way of work and how I see life. It feels like days keep going by and I&#39;m not there, like I didn&#39;t live that day. When it was just depression and anxiety. I started working out and running. That&#39;s the only thing that I noticed helped with my sleeping. Idk if it will work now but you could give it a try. I have to take zzzquil every night to sleep and sometimes that doesn&#39;t help but most nights it does. I am not taking medication and I&#39;m still trying to figure out what helps with the way my head feels and waking up on zombie mode or the feeling of I just don&#39;t want to get up laying in bed for hours without wanting to get up.just know you are not alone and if you need someone to talk to I&#39;m here. Let me know if you find a solution </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-05T23:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "“Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort.....For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us.” You are not alone we are in this together. You can do it if I can. " ], "date": [ "2017-04-06T04:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/april71592-1041404" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "My brain fog started up again after I quit smoking, go figure. " ], "date": [ "2017-04-12T00:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andus66160-1043150" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I decided to do some research into how I was feeling and what I was experiencing and came upon this site and so many people have described exactly what I am going through. I too have had the blood tests, tried changing my diet, being more physically active, keep myself busy etc. The hardest part is coping at work and not being able to perform at an optimal level. The brain fog, lack of focus and concentration is the worst. When I attend meetings I contribute very little, I&#39;m deviod of ideas and cant think of constructive questions to ask. I never feel sharp or clear headed, every day is the same. A bit of history, nearly 30 years ago in my teens I used to smoke a bit of pot, when the pot first took effect everything would be clear and bright and I would feel great, then a minute leter I would get the brain fog and withdraw. I eventually stopped all together. Later I noticed the prescence of a dull headache at the top and towards the front of my head which has remained ever since, these days the brain fog and inability to focus/concentrate is the worst thing for me. Maybe the pot did some permanent damage, I was young and my brain was still deveoping, wish I could turn back the clock. If there is anything that could help sharpen my brain somewhat I would be over the moon. I too experienced anxiety issues, feeling down, negative which manifested 10 to 15 years later, I even went to a breathing specialist as my breathing was deemed to be contributing to the anxeity, the anxiety has improved over time somewhat but if only I could shake that DAMN BRAIN FOG!!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-18T07:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=32#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/olivia68786-1428715" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey, did you find out what this was or how to fix it? Did it get better?" ], "date": [ "2022-05-30T02:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brittani_shaye-1430955" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey Taylor! I have sadly experienced all these same symptoms for over 3 years now. I finally went to a dr about 6 months ago and he believed mold was the culprit. Took test and low and behold i had extremely high levels in my body of 5 different kinds, from a house we lived in. Most western medicine drs dont even consider mold so it would be best to contact an integrative or functional dr. You can order the test from home and take it without a dr. look up great plains lab and order it. Just a quick urine sample. Ive been on a detoxing protocol for 6 months and have seen many improvements its slow but its there and i celebrate each one no matter how small it may feel. Alot of these symptoms are related to neuroinflammation due to the mold. Continue to eat a healthy diet i HIGHLY recommend removing gluten and dairy from it. And if the test comes back positive feel free to message me or do your own research for a detox protocol best for you if you choose not to see a dr. I am so sorry your feeling this way, its no way to live, but there is hope. \r\n \r\nMuch love, \r\nBrit" ], "date": [ "2022-06-19T20:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raptor_66-1431031" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've had this for a while now. I have an idea of what it might be but it's very complex. Basically the cells in your brain might be inflamed. Inflammatory cytokines maybe to blame. Basically, stress can lead to free radicals in the brain which causes inflammation. This inflammation can cause brain fog. " ], "date": [ "2022-09-04T17:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tilen79432-1432210" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Absolutely what happened to me. The biggest thing noticeable is like my brain is covered by a shield 24/7, my vision is out of focus 24/7, and stress worsens this. But it never goes away anyways. 15years. " ], "date": [ "2022-07-16T18:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/largequestion-1435316" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/largequestion-1435316" ], "content": [ "Ben, you have suffered long enough. Go see a psychiatrist please. This vicious cycle of stress is only solvable by some good therapy and medication. \r\n\r\nMuch love" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T22:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kody83770-1445487" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/largequestion-1435316" ], "content": [ "hey man im literally the excact same from dad having it aswell, to being smart in school, my grandad used to sit me down and tell me how much potential i had saying he recons i was top %10 now family barely looks at me cause they all assume drugs, they definitely helped it along but when i really sit and think ive felt like this pretty much since i can remember like 8 ish onwards, found anything that helps/any cures?\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-11-01T08:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/largequestion-1435316" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kody83770-1445487" ], "content": [ "Hi Kody,\r\nthanks for your reply-\r\nYou're the first person I've heard of who can link this condition to a parent. It's nice to know its not just me.\r\nAs an aside, Ive tried taking Elysium matter and basis pills recently and have found a small amount of improvement with my word recall and language when taking them. They're not cheap though and probably not worth it on balance. \r\nIn general, I'm still going down hill unfortunately. Caffiene makes my symptoms worse these days too.\r\nI hope by some miracle you're doing better.\r\nPeace.\r\nBen" ], "date": [ "2023-05-25T13:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey Taylor and co,\r\n\r\nfirst off- it's comforting to know im not the only one suffering with this shed-load of pain.\r\n\r\nMy sense of detachment from reality came on around the age of 12 and the 'brain fog'/memory problems at 16. I started with an intense fear of dying of an illness at 11 years old and was convinced i was dying. I was too scared to explain the reasons for this to anyone as i feared they would confirm my worst fears so I lived with this crippling fear right through high school. At 16, I got free from the fear of dying when i told my mum and got some blood tests to confirm id just been believing a load of bull for five years. it was at this point tho that the memory and brain problems started. Almost like my brain could finally relax after its five year state of anxiety. Maybe it relaxed too much. \r\n\r\nI'm 36 now, married with three kids and at a point where I can barely function any more in daily life. my cognitive problems have become so pronounced. The usual stuff- short term memory shot to bits, word recall fading fast, can't follow conversations, maths skills fading now. I had to quit my job as a youth worker a few years back as I couldnt cope with constantly forgetting stuff and the stress that came with that. I was smart in school and my teachers said i could have done any job really. It makes me laugh now as i look at people working the most basic jobs and think 'there's not a chance i could do that- I can barely do the house work' \r\n\r\nMy symptoms have been getting steadily worse for the last 20 years. like someone else on the thread mentioned- there will be a sudden decline every few months/years to a new plateu and then I try and find a way to cope at this new lower level of functioning. the brain problems, mainly memory issues, have been 24/7 for 20 years \r\n\r\nIm currently looking into whether neck/spine problems could be the cause- ive heard impingment of nerves/misalignment of spinal column can lead to brain fog and releasing the spinal kink so the speak, can help.\r\n\r\nMy main curiosity is this though : no one as far as i can tell has mentioned whether a family member also suffers with the same condition. Im curious as my dad has exactly the same thing but for him it came on in his 40s. He's the only person Ive ever met who has the same brain fog problem as me so Id just assumed Id inheritted it from him.\r\nDoes anyone else have a parent or relative with the same issue?\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\nBen\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-07-28T13:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/johnathan41152-1435373" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "For those out there wondering what this might be... i got help and found put what it was. For me it was bipolar disorder,essentially an irregularity of emotional chemicals on the brain. It can not be cured, but can be learned to live a happy life with. i was diagnosed at the age of 17 feeling the same way you all are now. I hope this helps. please, see a doctor... or things WILL get worse.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T22:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "To all the people in this thread:\r\n\r\nI have been keeping an eye on this thread for a while now and I wanted to first of all thank you all for sharing your stories. It has brought me great comfort in feeling some sort of connection with others who are going through this. For me it all started about 9 months ago when i was driving home from work and i suddenly got \"struck\" by this feeling in my body/mind. I was frozen. And while I was in this frozen state it felt like something exploded in my brain and i could feel some sort of fluid rushing down from my brain into my body. Luckily for me it was quiet on the road and in between this sensation I managed to pull my car over and let this thing unfold. I think it took about 10 minutes before i felt some sort of control again so i decided to drive home (luckily it was \"only\" a 15 minute drive from my place). Once i got home i immediately called my parents explaining to them what had happened and they gave me the answer that I probably experienced a severe panic attack. Which in hindsight was indeed the case. After this event I felt so exhausted and out of it that I just curled up into a little ball and fell asleep hoping this feeling of pure dread would leave my body. But... it never did. The weeks after the event I experienced the worst days of my life and all I can say now that I am grateful the severity of the symptoms have decreased. I experienced severe derealisation/depersonalisation; when I looked at my arms they i didn't recognize them as my own anymore. At times when I looked at my family members it was almost like I didn't recognized them. It was as like all was disconnected from all my surroundings and everything was just one big blur. The feeling of pressure in my head and on my eyes was so intense that I thought I had a tumor or something growing in my head. I couldn't recall ANYTHING anymore. It got to the point where my memory got so bad I didnt even know what I did two hours ago, sometimes even 5 minutes. Completely clogged and fogged up. Then one morning when I woke up there suddenly was this intense beep in my ears, which hasnt gone away since. I went to see several doctors who told me my symptoms sounded like extreme stress and that I should take some time off work and try and relax. I mean, I could not work in that state anyway. Attention span was zero. I couldnt read, watch a video or even look at a screen for more than 5 minutes before my brain felt like it was going to explode. And the extreme exhaustion every day.. Unbearable at times.. Now I know this is a long rant and I am sorry for letting you read it all but I want you to understand that the symptoms described by others in this thread are EXACTLY what I felt and still feel. Now 9 long and very foggy months later my dp/dr have severely gone down. I can feel a connection with things around me again some more and I my memory is a little better. But its getting better and I would like to share my thoughts and honest opinion on this dreadful thing that has entered our lives. So.. a little background story on me. When I was 19 years old, I was diagnosed with Body Dysmorphia Disorder (BDD). For about a year I could not leave my house because I was in an immense amount of tension and discomfort if I did. I went through therapy for it and was put on the SSRI paroxetine. For 10 years I have taken the medication because unfortunately the BDD never really went away so I had to stay on my meds. Now last year around this time I was working, had a sort of stable life and felt like I could go off my meds. So I did. I went from 20 mg per day for 10 years to 10 for two weeks and then I just quit taking them. Interestingly enough I didnt feel much more anxious or bad when I did. I did experience fairly severe brain zapps for about a week but those eventually went away. But as you can guess. About 10 weeks after I went off them, I had my panic attack in the car and havent felt the same since. But what this shows is that the culprit for this horrendous feeling is indeed anxiety/severe stress. And don't get me wrong. I KNOW it does not feel like it. How many times I have been angry with my doctor when he told me this is not something more than my body being in a constant fight/flight mode and that I need rest and to de-stress. This thing is about acceptance and understanding that your body is given a clear signal that it doesnt feel safe and relaxed anymore for wathever reason. The people in this thread who have been feeling like this for a couple of years now but are refusing to accept the fact that this is indeed anxiety and stress need to accept the fact that they do need therapy and maybe some medication to help their body to feel safe and calm again. We're all stuck in this vicious cycle where our horrible physical symptoms are keeping us in this stressed and anxious state. For the ones that are going through this longer than half a year; please go see a psychiatrist. I know medication is something most of us do not want to consider but if it can help your body get back to its relaxed \"normal\" state and I think we all deserve that!! Once you feel a little more like your old self again you can then perhaps try and find the answers for your problems. We all go through so much in this crazy world and it isn't a shame that it gets all a bit too much at times. This is our body telling us it can't cope with certain things anymore. \r\n\r\nConclusion: These are one hundred percent anxiety/stress related symptoms which can only be tackled by either therapy or some sort of medication. You can take all the supplements you want, can get all the scans in the world, but if your mind and body are in a constant state of stress, these might only make things worse since they make you focus on the symptoms which will lead to more anxiety/stress. So please, step out of this terrible vicious cycle and go get some help. Much love ❤" ], "date": [ "2022-07-31T15:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gracie6-1436213" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "There's so many comments i don't know if anyone has suggested autoimmune disorders. I have so many of the symptoms mentioned here and have been researching on my own to find an answer. There are 80 (i think, lol brain fog) kinds and the longer they go on for untreated the worse they gets and then they start to bring friends along so you might have 2 or more disorders by the time you feel like dying. i pushed for a thyroid ultrasound because i feel the symptoms of Hashimoto's explained quite a lot, but my blood test results were always normal and found out that's it's not uncommon for bloods to be within range (10% ?) and you should get an ultrasound to be sure. I'm still waiting on results after 2 weeks. I also believe Addison's disease would explain 99% of the rest of my symptoms and will work on getting tests for that when i get these results back. i really hope this helps people, I've been diagnosed with so many different things in my life but no one has ever thought why do you have all these things and is something causing it. This recent bout of full body shutdown started with the death of a loved one 2 months ago and very quickly all of my regular symptoms became much much worse and i developed new ones. Currently I have full body weakness and more pain, the worst brain fog, being even more tired but can't rest, struggling to breathe all the time not just nights, worse digestive issues, constant dry and irritated eyes, hives at night, skin thickening and cracking quicker than it already was especially on hands, and the worst anxiety and depressive thoughts I've ever had and this extremely fast and drastic change made me so unbelievably scared of the future and determined to get to the bottom of this. Fingers crossed we all get answers ❤️" ], "date": [ "2022-08-05T09:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julia19184-1439305" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello! I recently discovered this post when (like all of you) was trying to figure out what this is. I am struggling with many of the same problems and need to find an answer. After creating an account and reading through tons of replies to this post I found people talking about forming a group to do a study of some sort or figure out what this possibly could be. However, I was not able to find anyone mentioning any program or person or steps to take, only that people were down to form a group. Now I have not deeply looked into this, nor does it seem like a group thing, but it is a medical group dedicated to diagnosing the undiagnosed with rare disorders. Its called the \"Undiagnosed Disease Network\". You'll have to look more into it if you want to apply. There might even be more programs like this out there. My hope is that someone can find answers and even if its one person it could be a lead for all of us. Anyways, thanks for reading this. I'm tired of going without answers and I'm sure you are too. If regular doctors or even specialists don't know what to do doesn't mean there isn't hope." ], "date": [ "2022-08-30T17:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leftygomez-1439855" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/m03790-1441005" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leftygomez-1439855" ], "content": [ "hi lmk have you had any updates, sufering the same issues and just wont to touch base with a few people on here to beat this fkn thing " ], "date": [ "2023-06-08T23:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi TaylorMason,\r\nIts been over five years since you've been active but I thought I would give it a shot. I'm a freaking mess and I've been trying to figure it out for a long time. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, insane Tinnitus, chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, depression, anxiety... I'm just a total mess. The brain issues are the worst part, worse than the pain. If I could think straight, get stuff done etc. I could handle the pain. Anyway, I was wondering how you made out, are you feeling better, what worked, didn't work etc. \r\nLMK \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-08T23:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/m03790-1441005" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi Taylor,\r\nhow are you mate? not sure if you are still using this account platform but i just wanted to see where you are at in terms of your condition. like many iv been through all the same processes. blood tests, ct scans, mri, visits to neurologists for ms, alzeimers etc etc, eye specialists, ear specialist, ent doctor, balance and dizziness specialists, phycologists. The list goes on. Lots of time lots of money. my life basically sucks. Each year i think il go do more different blood tests to try and find something, each year nothing.\r\nAfter reading this thread and some of the repsonses i think its fair to say anxiety and depression hold the key. i used to have good and bad weeks, some energetic, mentaly clear, switched on driven and focused, others not but i could live with that. \r\nit all literally changed over night where i woke up one morning and it was like i was literally hit by a bus. i had all sorts of symptoms. visual problems, hot flushes, off balance, extreme brain fog and memory loss, no concerntration. things that i used to do easy took me twice as long.\r\nat the same time i was fighting with a life long friend. this sent my flight fight freeze into overdrive as i hate confrontation. i have never been the same. i did see it was mentioned but i beleive we are stuck in the flight fight freeze\r\nmode and that something with our cortisol or adrenal levels (even though blood tests show normal) is not right. let me know what you have found mate but i wont stop trying. iv had this for 5 years now but wont let it win\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-09-14T20:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=62#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james43788-1373418" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jude94311-1281865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james43788-1373418" ], "content": [ "please check your living space for black mold!! it's usually found hidden in air vents/filters! I suffered horrible HORRIBLEEEEE symptoms for four years and doctors said it was anxiety, it turned out I was actually dying from mold poisoning. Sometimes it felt like my brain was on fire. A lot of it stopped after I moved out and then it turned out a ton of families in my complex were having the same exact issue. I'm still recovering but the only symptoms I have left are fogginess (visually) and occasional weakness. All the horrific pain went away. I would have never known had it not been for a family member that visited me and saw it in a vent, then read reviews on yelp and sure enough: people were getting constant pneumonia, migraines, breathing problems, extreme pain and death anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-03T06:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bas56259-1435568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/james43788-1373418" ], "content": [ "lol black mold while this guy explained exactly what is going on with him. Go start to take some sertraline and talk to a psychologist about your issues. Life is tough and severe longterm stress can wreak havoc on ones body. \r\n\r\nGood luck and much love" ], "date": [ "2022-07-30T22:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "hi about 3 years ago my world collapsed after several life changes events my health began to fall apart. I started with headaches and dizziness over the last few years I now have so many symptoms that have changed my life beyond recognition. \r\nfrom running a company and traveling the world I spend my days in isolation doing not much of anything.\r\nI have severe anxiety as I felt constantly that I was about to drop dead. so I battle all the usual anxiety symptoms in addition to extreme dizziness headaches confusion tingling all over my body weakness and extreme fatigue. I have had every medical test know to man and ended up in ER at least 20 times. I have no answers but your problem could be functional. FND or CFS possibly brought on my long term stress and anxiety. do your best to turn it around as in my experience it only gets worse.. good look" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T00:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=55#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jude94311-1281865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I HAD TO reply to this. I think I could be getting close to an answer but I can't figure it out on my own. I'm honestly thinking it's a bacterial infection. I've had the same symptoms for over 6 years and here's what's weird, the only time I can remember feeling normal has been when I've been put on antibiotics (for other unrelated matters, like after a surgery I had). Doxycycline! I literally felt clear-headed the days I was on a doxycycline IV (which they give you after surgery to prevent infection) and the day they stopped it all my symptoms came back! The drunk/high feeling, static-like ear ringing, my vision feeling spacey/fogged up, the poor memory, and looking down at my arms and seeing they just don't feel connected, I feel slow and weak and dazed-like. I was put on antibiotics for something else about two years after that surgery and some of my vision felt like it was clearing up during the days I was on the antibiotics. Now, here's the other interesting part. I encourage everyone here to GO GET A SYPHILIS TEST. This is where it gets interesting. One of my doctors years ago thought to test me for all STD's, no idea why but I'm happy she did. My syphilis RPR test came back reactive 1:1, BUT my FTA-ABS test (which is the confirmatory test) came back negative. I took it about 3 or 4 times and got the same results every time. But doctors said if FTA-ABS is negative, it is a false positive. I took it months later and the RPR one came back negative, but then two years later now it's reactive again. That RPR changing is no good thing. There are a couple of possibilities here. Doctors have ruled out that I have any rheumatological conditions. So that means the only thing left that could cause a false positive is lyme disease. OR they could be wrong about how accurate the FTA-ABS test is. OR there could be some new bacteria that causes the same spirochetes and antibodies detected in that test. SO I think everyone on this forum should go to get syphilis testing. Not necessarily because syphilis could be the cause but because if we all have similar results in the syphilis tests, it could point towards a spirochete/bacterial cause and not a mental cause. This could be either lyme disease, a late and understudied neurosyphilis, or a newer bacterial infection. We could get closer to an answer and it's a super simple test! Please let me know your results! Most clinics do FREE syphilis testing! Hope we can get this figured out, even if it's without the doctors, I've felt at my weakest this week and sometimes I'm not sure I have much more time. oh also! if you have had antibiotic treatment at some point for something, please try to think back if it made your symptoms lessen any even for just some hours! Also, try to think back if you've been bitten by a tick. All of these answers could get us closer. And remember, doctors aren't scientists, most of them don't even remember anything they were taught in school, they're not superhumans and because we're the ones GOING THROUGH THIS SUFFERING, I can promise you over the years we've read up and studied a lot more on our symptoms than it's ever even crossed their minds to. So it's kind of up to us to figure this s**t out unfortunately. I really want to believe we can!!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-20T18:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=55#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/reislerart-1374179" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "content": [ "Just read your post and that flashbang description of the ear ringing is the most accurate way I've heard yet to describe the ear ringing sensation I have sometimes, it literally feels exactly the same with one ear suddenly sounding muffled, instant noticeable ringing, and slowly going back to normal. I'm gonna use that description from now on :P\r\n\r\nAnyways... I too have so many similar issues, intense brain fog (I can't remember things I've done the past couple days and my short term memory is absolutely atrocious where I'd forget what I wanted to say mid-sentence sometimes). Also dizziness, complete body weakness/soreness/pains, weird sensations all over body, vision issues, ear pain/ringing, headaches, insomnia, anxiety about random things and just a constant feeling of dread, tingling in hands/feet, weird burning feeling sometimes, fatigue, joint and muscle pains, frequent urination, loss of appetite and some others too. I had a CT Scan, extensive blood work done, MRI Scan, everything came back normal. Waiting to see a neurologist next week now. One thing I'd put on your list to check would also be Iron Levels. \r\n\r\nThe only condition I can think of at this point is Lyme disease, Severe anxiety, or some random serious neurological disease. It's funny looking at new posts now about people being worried about something like MS, since all the diseases I've been worried about at this point make MS not too bad (ALS, sCJD, ALD, Rapid Dementias, etc.).\r\n\r\nBut do let me know how your tests go!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-07T21:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hunter29990-1368207" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "content": [ "Hi zonked , I work in cardiology and a lot of your symptoms describe POTS disease , which is when your blood pressure drops from sitting to standing and can cause many symptoms including static ear ringing. ive seen this in many patients. ask your doctor for a tilt table test to rule this out. i have been having very strange symptoms such as ear ringing , drunk spaced out feeling , weird vision etccc ... i was diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis auto immune disease ... tried a synthetic hormone and my heartrate went through the roof so i stopped and now am looking for other options. good luck this sh** sucks ... im still not convinced all these symptoms are due to my thyroid. i am 29 yo male in good shape doesnt make sense. maybe anxiety idk ive delt wit this since i was 13 " ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T21:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/reislerart-1374179" ], "content": [ "Yup, will do! Also let me know how yours go. I honestly pray for all of us it isn't something as bad the conditions you've listed as they do not sound ideal at all they actually freak me out haha." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hunter29990-1368207" ], "content": [ "Yeah it doesn't make much sense does it, it just sucks heaps. But let me know also how you go with any future tests etc. Also one thing to try could be CBD-oil (non THC type) I've been reading up on it and it may be able to combat the symptoms we have been battling idk just a thought but I'm planning to try some soonish and see how it goes." ], "date": [ "2021-05-18T09:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/reislerart-1374179" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "content": [ "Just had my appointment with the Neurologist and he said that I definitely don't have ALS nor sCJD. He also said it would be basically unheard of to have dementia at my age and that dementia would show up mainly as cognitive issues and not all over the body like my issues have been. And since the MRI was also clear it rules out basically all worrisome diseases of the brain.\r\n\r\nI think I'll consider seeing a therapist now and see if that will help." ], "date": [ "2021-05-16T01:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1374587" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/reislerart-1374179" ], "content": [ "Hey bro, I have found answers. For me it's Postural orthostatic tachycardia Syndrome, Chronic fatigue/Post-viral fatigue, and Irritable bowels. Since all else has been ruled out for you (I'm not a doctor) but I would see an infectous disease specialist, they can give you more information on CFS which I believe now to be what alot of us are suffering there are alot of Co-occuring conditions with cfs look it up. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-26T07:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all, I'm an other wise fit and healthy 19 year old male and thought I'd share my story since we all seem to share the symptoms of this unknown illness. Before I start I'll say that I am totally deaf in my left since young age and my ears do not self-clean normally so I get them suctioned and cleaned regularly at the hospital. I also have had stuffy clogged sinuses most my life, a misalignment of my Jaw so it clicks when eating sometimes, and lots of flus & sickness's over the past few years prior, ear infections, and some issues with anxiety and depression, stressful life events. I also use to get random tinnitus episodes (similar to the sound of a Call of Duty flashbang) that exact ringing sound for a few seconds and random occasional vertigo episodes when sick or at night in bed, dizzyness and faint feeling when standing up to fast, pressure behind eyes and head. But things have really gotten 100% worse this year. The symptoms things I've mentioned prior seemed to get more frequent from late 2016 early 2017 onward and have increased over the years I remember struggling with concentration and short-term memory around 2017 at it's earliest. And 2018 I experienced a ear-infection and a flu type sickness with strep sore throat that gave me a random episodal rocking sensation for about 3 months. Since then it's been episodic ear infection flu with sore throat that clears with course of anti-bioitcs. Also anxiety, fatigue, concentration and short term memory issues and a slight minor brainfog and alot of the symptoms I mentioned earlier. But on January 18th this year I experienced my first episode of extreme brainfog and worsening memory/ concentration issues and Dr/Dp. I had worked 2 late-afternoon shifts at a restaurant and was staying with my gf, we were drinking and we hadn't been getting much sleep past 2-nights or week prior. Then I came home on the Sunday night then the next morning on January 18th 1am'ish I woke up from a terrible nightmare sweating with racing heart and felt the extreme brainfog and anxiety and short term memory loss feeling my surroundings seeming unreal and things seemed evil, I had a mini anxiety-attack and went into the fetal position crying, and then experienced vertigo and tinnitus. I managed to get back to sleep and had a minor version of brainfog for the next 3 days then it passed and I felt normal for a week few weeks. Fast forward to February I went on holiday and on the car ride down I remember having sore inner-ear almost like ear infection and vertigo and tinnitus episode when my ears popped as we went higher in altitude. This went away but while I was away I had trouble sleeping and went on a big hike and over did myself a bit. After that I had a sort of heat stroke feeling. A few days later I got a really bad sore throat and chest cold and was coughing up yellow flem and had brainfog, fever and chills and was sweating profusely. This sickness continued until I got home and I had another tinnitus and vertigo feeling on the way home. I was home for about a day or two then. Woke up on Saturday 13th of Feb with extreme anxiety, DR/DP, bad headfog and pressure behind the eyes, and in the head, eye floaters in both eyes and visual after images and snow. I also lost 8kg and my hair started thinning over this period. I went straight to the ER and was given anxiety meds and sleeping pills and was given six weeks of CBT which did help but meds did nothing. I had frequent waking and intense nightmares everynight. I've been to the doctors multiple times had my bloods done etc. all came back fine. It's been 2 months since then and I'm still suffering. It has sort of gotten better but worse if that makes any sense?? Like the anxiety over the feeling has decreased and it worries me less now but currently my symptoms are: extreme brainfog feeling like head is wrapped in cotton wool, frequent daily intense nightmares, anxiety and occasional crying episodes with depression, pressure behind eyes and in head, frequent urination, short-term memory issues can't remember days or weeks prior, much anyway about them anyway, confusion, dizzyness and feeling of about to faint when standing up to quick, eye floaters when looking at plain background and grainy vision, things look unreal, occasional tingling in hands and feet and cold feet often, OCD like symptoms too, constant sort of ringing or static in ears, loss of hair, extreme anxiety about everything, and a occasional tinnitus and stabbing pain in side, is worse in mornings but dies down by night, also dizzyness when looking at moving objects sometimes, is also worse when I think about too if I can keep occupied symptoms are easier to deal with, but that's just to name a few. It's hard living with this but I'm gonna stay strong and keep positive. I've been biking 10km every, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, avoiding alcohol, caffeine and tobacco and living a mindful healthy lifestyle. I've also been taking multi-vitamin and omega-3 fish oil daily. So yeah I'm gonna get some more tests done for Lymes, Lupus, CFS and low levels of vitamin B-12, D, and other things mentioned on here to be checked I will also try and get an MRI done for MS but yeah I just want to go though a process of elimination before I try the anti-depressant Sertraline which alot of people claim helps. I'll keep you guys posted on my success and best of luck to you all for finding a cure to this suffering best wishes to you all and stay strong, god bless : ) " ], "date": [ "2021-05-18T09:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=55#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard7321-1375356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jude94311-1281865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/richard7321-1375356" ], "content": [ "get your corn tested!!!! if it's been there the whole time it could be the answer. you could have it tested for syphilis and bacterias. syphilis sometimes shows up in weird lesions, sometimes can resemble a callus" ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T11:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I found this thread while searching for similar symptoms - brain fog, tinnitus, odd feeling of watching myself from outside when I speak - which started for me about the end of 2019. It's comforting to know I'm not alone with this as I try and find a reason and solution. I've had blood test which was all ok other than my usual high cholesterol and don't seems to have other symptoms.\r\nI don't think I have stress. I got married again 2 years ago and we're very happy. And I treat my tinnitus as a sort of travelling companion like when you're in an aeroplane, so sometimes nice to feel as though I'm travelling. I'm also confident there's a solution to this. I just need to find it.\r\nI've been considering possibilities. Lateral thinking! 1. At end of 2019 we travelled a lot and with tight shoes I developed a corn on my toe which was painful. I've had it since then and only just had it treated. Is it possible that the body reacts to pain or injury, or hidden infection? And by fixing the problem it will fix the brain? 2. I've got a cracked front tooth which I'm having removed. Is it possible this is causing the issue I ask myself? Again because of possible hidden infection? 3. I used to exercise a lot and did an Ironman Triathlon in 2018, but have stopped exercising and have put on 10kg + since Covid. Is extra weight causing my problem? \r\nSo, I'm working on these 3 issues and hope to get some improvement over the next few months. Fingers crossed, and I'll keep looking for possible solutions as I'm sure a solution is out there!\r\nGood luck to all of us! :)\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T02:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=55#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jude94311-1281865" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Guys! not sure if this could be the answer. felt horrific the other day (like i was having a stroke) and went to the ER. They ran a CT scan with contrast. the doc said my scan was normal (but i no longer trust docs) so i asked for a copy. I learned my brain ISN'T NORMAL. idk how this has been missed with the amount of times of gone to the hospital and all the scans ive had for these symptoms. but i have a congenital thing called Bilateral Hypoplasia of the Posterior Communicating Artery. All of these symptoms can be caused by this because there isnt enough blood flow to the majority of your brain. Unfortunately this also puts you at risk of stroke at a young age so i encourage all of you to look into this and REQUEST AND READ YOUR SCAN REPORTS! There might be something bigger at play here than the anxiety doctors are brushing it off as. Your entire brain could be wired different which is causing that anxiety etc " ], "date": [ "2021-05-21T09:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=55#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fliggle-1375707" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor\r\n\r\nI hope things get better soon. you are feeling everything that i have felt for the last year, its like youre 100% sure youre ill, all these strange symptoms, physical ones like being dizzy, forgetful no drive! its like youre a completely different person.\r\nim real tired, so ill visit this tomorrow.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-18T09:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=55#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nick55515-1351350" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have the exact same symptoms as you, am a 41 year old male and used to take Finasteride for hair loss.\r\n\r\nHave you (or anybody else on this thread with symptoms) ever taken Finasteride?\r\nIf so, look up Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS)!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-01-13T14:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=52#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/briellewhite-1350450" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi there, i am really sorry you have been going through such rough times.. this reminds me of my past when i had same symptoms... and.. your situation is so relatable.. i went on to see a psychotherapist.. and there i was introduced with a condition called high-functioning depression.. according to doctor's high-functioning depression is an insidious mental illness, which does not affect your functional performance as in you are able to work and complete tasks but you take positivity, motivation, especially lethargy is the hallmark. You are always tired and unwilling to move.. this condition is very hard to diagnose because doctor's are still not be able to make a screening tool.. the diagnosis depends on the detail symptoms of patient and doctor's expertise... you might want to consult a mental health expert too... " ], "date": [ "2021-01-13T15:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=52#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/seagull_29-1333961" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Hi, 31 male. I feel the same way, and think the lockdown and isolation have affected me badly too. I have a history of depression but had been free from it for the last 7 years or so. Last month I just had a bad panic attack out of nowhere, which quickly spiralled into the worst place I have ever been in my life. And because I also have a severe health anxiety (which I was managing until recently), things are only getting worse. My GP put me on Setraline since this is what helped me get back on my feet years ago when it all started. Back then I only had some minor side-effects from Zoloft so I could easily go through the therapy then. But now, after taking the first pill, I had a nightmarish experience so I have stopped taking it. What bothers me is that I have random mind-pops like random words, songs, images and quotes intruding my brain from time to time. Also, waking up sometimes at the middle of the night next to my partner and taking few seconds to understand where am I and who is this person. This is so scary! I feel in a constant brain fog, difficult to concentrate and have a proper conversation. And I am starving myself badly and hardly eat anything at all. I am in a constant feeling that something bad will happen with me, and worst of all is the feeling that I might loose my mind or suffer from Schizophrenia or Dementia. The fear is so overwhelming that I ended up in the A&E last night. They gave me Diazepam which by the way helped me to clear my mind and feel like myself again. For at least few hours, and then it hit me all again the next morning. And I was normal before that, very productive at work and life. Now I just feel like an alien and everything seems strange. I hope this is my brain trying to protect itself but I need my mind back. Don't want to loose it at 31 years! I know these are extremely challenging times and many people are suffering with isolation, so I am open to meet and talk if there is anyone in London who needs this too. I know that talking in groups helps! Don't give up, there is hope!" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/seagull_29-1333961" ], "content": [ "Same here Ativan helps but mornings are ground zero.. Are you any better?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T03:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/seagull_29-1333961" ], "content": [ "Hope you a feeling a bit better, but the scariest part for me is the feeling something is going to happen me, (like all the time) but i try to convince myself im ok, that nothing has happened me in the last few years.. and the feeling ive lost my memory or the feeling im losing my mind, " ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T21:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike-nzl-1160323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "content": [ "Hi ko8610 do you wake up with racing hearts, dizziness etc?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T03:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mike-nzl-1160323" ], "content": [ "Sometimes. I'm a big ugly mess.. my days are blurs, light headaches, everything everyone has tried doesn't work..I'm just very depressed, this brain fog is the worst thing ever.." ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T14:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, 32yr old woman, just wandering if you got any answers since? ive been dealing with this for the last few years, on and off.. but for last few months it wont leave me at all, im extremely fatigue all the time, headaches (maybe more pressure pains in my head) not just in the one place, could be forehead,back of neck, top of head.. sometimes stinging., Brain fog, and sometimes feeling like im not in my body at all. Also as above zombie like mode when i wake in mornings/ never feel refreshed after a sleep, and that sometimes lasts all day.. I find it hard to sometimes have conversations, and as for my memory, its so bad last few months are juts a haze! Its so scared im constantly worried that something bad is going to happen (sense of doom) but i try to reasure myself by thinking ive feeling like this for months, which then sets in panic! Also is anyone else feeling that on a brighter day feel slighly better/ brain not as foggy? But on a dark dull day i suffer really bad haze and brain bog,. My bloods have been done recently all clear, low on vitamin D and i also have a B12 definancy but is under control. im booked for a mri. I do feel some of my problems may be due to anxiety as with lockdown ive been feeling alot worse and isolated. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T14:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=52#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrtractorist-1358017" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrtractorist-1358017" ], "content": [ "I have a lot of those symptoms, low ferritin muscle pain, brain fog, bad memory, zombie like state... how did you get better??" ], "date": [ "2021-03-04T23:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrtractorist-1358017" ], "content": [ "ferritin was 9 is that bad? Doctors don't tell me anything is wrong.. rbc a little low, white blood cells very low.. no one's helping me. I'm dying slowly and no one cares. can't move shoulders anymore, it feels like someone is pulling them from sockets." ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T14:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "please check your B12 levels, folate (b9), and ferritin level \r\nif your ferritin level is low you will have problems with what you're describing \r\n\r\nB12,B9,and iron are responsible for your neurological problems \r\nand brain function is neurological \r\n\r\nyou want your B12 to be at least 550 +\r\nfolate should be under 20\r\nferritin has to be about a 100 otherwise it means Animia\r\n30-50 is a must even though it is considered Animia\r\n\r\ndoes your body hurts? like joint pain, muscle pain? tingling, cold hands and feet? \r\n\r\nplease let me know I've been through a lot of this stuff myself \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T14:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=52#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/williamq1976-1359708" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sounds like syphilis to me and I have the same thing and I'm scared I have to go get checked. I hope that they can reverse it because I can't live like this anymore. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-23T09:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=52#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sid1234-1360972" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im 23 and reading your story hit me really hard as i relate to every single sentence of your story including the relationship part. i don't understand what this is at one point my life was fine, it only took one day for my life to turn upside down i too had spoke to doctors twice a week and been in and out hospitals and had loads of blood tests done. everyone else seem to think i am fine but my head is constantly in a zombie like state from when wake up and till i fall asleep. I be surprised how i manage to even wake up from sleep. I do hope you find a way out of this because its not something anyone can live with all their life." ], "date": [ "2021-02-27T20:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=52#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sid1234-1360972" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im 23 and reading your story hit me really hard as i relate to every single sentence of your story including the relationship part. i don't understand what this is at one point my life was fine, it only took one day for my life to turn upside down i too had spoke to doctors twice a week and been in and out hospitals and had loads of blood tests done. everyone else seem to think i am fine but my head is constantly in a zombie like state from when wake up and till i fall asleep. I be surprised how i manage to even wake up from sleep. I do hope you find a way out of this because its not something anyone can live with all their life." ], "date": [ "2021-02-27T20:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=52#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sid1234-1360972" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im 23 and reading your story hit me really hard as i relate to every single sentence of your story including the relationship part. i don't understand what this is at one point my life was fine, it only took one day for my life to turn upside down i too had spoke to doctors twice a week and been in and out hospitals and had loads of blood tests done. everyone else seem to think i am fine but my head is constantly in a zombie like state from when wake up and till i fall asleep. I be surprised how i manage to even wake up from sleep. I do hope you find a way out of this because its not something anyone can live with all their life." ], "date": [ "2021-04-03T18:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=52#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/houston70610-1041643" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/houston70610-1041643" ], "content": [ "<p>I am also working on getting my [b]amalgam fillings[/b] removed.&#160; Heavy metals can contribute to brain fog and also makes Lyme worse if you have it.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andus66160-1043150" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/houston70610-1041643" ], "content": [ "<p>After a few years of light-headedness, unable to concentrate etc. I went to a doctor who suggested removing my fillings, I had a higher than normal mercury level according to a previous test using a hair sample so I was keen to do it, anyway after removal I didn&#39;t notice too much difference(over time) although I am not as bad as I used to be, but I am getting used to living with it, if that is possible?&#160;</p><p>?I also investigated my breathing and read a great book by [b]Dinah Bradley[/b] titled Hyperventilation Syndrome. Dinah is a respiratory physiotherapist in New Zealand and as I live in the same town I was able to make an appointment to see her. Many symptoms can be attributed to breathing and that was definitely part of my problem. I&#39;m a lot better these days but still suffer from poor concentration and can get confused easily.</p><p>?Removing [b]amalgam fillings[/b] can be expensive as they have to be replaced with something else but I believe it is worth it.</p><p>?All the best</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-16T05:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;d like to post a sort of PSA / poll:</p><p></p><p>For those of you who:</p><p>-Do NOT have Lyme disease (or are unsure)</p><p></p><p>...do you have any metal dental fillings?</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve recently seen studies linking amalgam dental fillings (aka. silver fillings, metal fillings) with brain fog, memory loss, mysterious body aches and pains, digestive issues, etc. due to the fact that these fillings are 50-60% MERCURY (what the actual hell is our FDA thinking.....).&#160;</p><p></p><p>Extended exposure to this mercury can cause low levels of mercury toxicity, which is a very potent neurotoxin and can silently contribute to MANY of the issues we are describing in this forum.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Please reply and us know. I have metal dental fillings and I&#39;ve slowly but surely been getting worse over the years regarding these brain fog symptoms, among the others. This may be a solid lead in helping us get to the bottom of this!</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-05T20:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex078-1140411" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Taylor!</p><p></p><p>I have been having very sinilar symptoms for the past 8 months. Very spacey, dizzy type feeling, really bad short term memory and feeling like I&#39;m in a dream. I started having panic attacks etc and getting extremely anxious.</p><p></p><p>I have been to cardiologist and a neurologist and had scans etc but everything is fine. Blood tests all come back normal as well. </p><p></p><p>After seeing my neurologist, he sent me to a neuropsyciatrist. The neuropsyciatrist was very thorough and is quite confident this is all steming from anxiety and will go away once that is treated.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m trying to get on top of it now and feel confident I will get better. The neuropsyciatrist is confident I will make a full revovery too!</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-15T19:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Also, it is probably a good idea to get tested for Bartonella (AKA Cat Scratch Disease)  if you have ever been scratched by a cat or dog.\r\n\r\n " ], "date": [ "2018-01-15T21:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/t63275-1144983" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/t63275-1144983" ], "content": [ "<p>I do believe you are on yo something! Although most of the time I don&#39;t feel like leaving my house and being social, when I do the brain fog seems to be better. It&#39;s when I&#39;m home thinking and worrying that&#39;s it&#39;s the he worst.</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-23T15:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone. Just wanted to share my experience and share what I feel like can be done to get over this. The way i see it is brain fog is just a very tired mind that has gone into protection mode. We all do so much thinking and give brain fog SO much attention, and what people dont realise is that this is what makes it worse. This is the fuel. Being a sufferer of brain fog myself i know its hard to just try live life without thinking about it. But you have to! Dont fuel it. Live your life normally. Eat healthier. Exercise and most importantly FORGIVE YOURSELF. Dont be annoyed if you don&#39;t feel 100%. The great thing is it is beatable and fixable from anytime in life. So start now. Stop googling symptoms. Stop youtube binging through brain fog videos. Stop talking to people about it. Cut off the fuel it needs.... and start focusing on YOU. Hot baths, massages, yoga, breathing exercises. Distraction techniques! I know it sounds easy, but i know how hard it is. But we have a community here so we all know what youre going through. Good luck peeps</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-29T09:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wayo-1106579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/wayo-1106579" ], "content": [ "What mix did you use? I found out last year that I was vitamin D deficient and supplemented 50,000iu prescribed by my doc once a week for 3 months. Got my levels from 21 to 35. Didn’t supplement after that because I was going outside and all the other jazz. Felt terrible by the end of the year and when we re-tested earlier this year, I was back down to 19! I’m trying to supplement with just a little otc towards the end of the week when my mood would drop again, but I’m feeling tired as ever in my 5th week. Would love to know what you used/did. The brain fog, anxiety, and depression need to go." ], "date": [ "2018-03-13T18:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Just found something new- discovered I had extreme vitamin D-3 deficiency via a bloodtest.&#160; Started a mix of prescription strength + otc&#160; vit D-3 supplementation and a week in I already feel like a different person.&#160; No brain fog, don&#39;t feel like I was run over by a truck in the morning when I wake up, no anxiety or depression since after about day 3, I have energy and motivation instead of feeling lethargic and uninspired.&#160; &#160;</p><p>&#160;&#160;</p><p>I&#39;m not just going to assume all of my symptoms are gone this early on, but I&#39;m definitely feeling all around encouraged.&#160; I&#39;m also encouraged from reading that some of my body pain that I constantly have may go away as time goes on.&#160;&#160;</p><p>&#160;&#160;</p><p>After researching this subject for a while, there&#39;s definitely a lot of things that can cause bad brain fog, but if you haven&#39;t specifically had your Vitamin D3 levels checked then you should.&#160; My doctor had given me blood test before, but I had to specifically ask for this test as well as a couple of others that like lyme, b6 and b12 thinking that at least I was narrowing the field.&#160; So glad to finally find something!</p><p>&#160;&#160;</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-29T17:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike29255-1156421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’ve experienced symptoms very similar to what your describing and have tried all the things you’ve tried and spent years chasing a cure. Let me tell you what worked the best ....Doing everything in your power to get quality sleep.  The sleep studies look for sleep apnea but I don’t think they can really gauge sleep. The only real gauge for sleep are those continual days you wake up feeling refreshed. I’m guessing you don’t wake up feeling absolutely refreshed very often do you? For me, getting quality sleep required major lifestyle changes including stopping all medications, no screens before bed, alloting more than 8 hours of sleep in case some of its wasted, practicing breathing techniques before going to sleep so I can fall asleep without being tense and thinking about other things, if I wake up with my mind racing practice meditating to get back to sleep once again. But it’s most important to know that there will be a point in time where you tried these sleep habits and it didn’t feel like it worked. This is a very challenging part of the process because it discourages you to keep trying to get good sleep. Don’t let it discourage you because there will be days where you will find victory in your efforts to get that sleep. Just like an Olympian disciplines their body for the reward, you must discipline your body for sleep to receive that reward of mental awareness once again. Try it. Let me know how it works out for you. " ], "date": [ "2018-03-12T23:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hahehshskieiek-1160723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor I am responding to you because I wonder how your doing now? I have been having these symptoms as well as muscle cramping and soreness like some others that responded.   It all started when I went through a really bad divorce. The doctors all stuck me with all kinds of mental health issues.  But that was 16 years ago. I still have all these weird symptoms but it’s worse.  I feel like my head is very full and no more can fit, ears ringing, muscle aches, can’t remember peoples names, no concentration, and more. It’s been blamed on sleep deprivation now because I am clearly not depressed. I also am changing my diet and exercising. But now my concentration is interfering with my daily life.  I am now 55 and very worried about Alzheimer’s even though the neurologist ruled that out.  How have you made out and what have you done to help your issues.  I still talk to my doctor but I feel like it’s a dead end road.  Just wondering if you found any relief? Hope to hear:) \r\nSincerely, Dawna " ], "date": [ "2018-03-14T20:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gcut-1134606" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hahehshskieiek-1160723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gcut-1134606" ], "content": [ "Gcut, thank you for your reply.  Your definitely right about the fact that people probably feel better so they never come back to respond.  I have been dealing with this since 1999 . I guess the length of time is what’s bothering me but on the sam not if I were getting Alzheimer’s I think I would know about it by now because it’s been such a long time.  I am probably not as strict as I could be about diet, exercise and going to bed at the same time every night.  It’s really hard as I am so tired. When I’m tired it’s easier to cheat on what I should be doing.  I also have bad allergies and it makes it hard to breath. I was told I have sleep apnea but the machine made me more tired.  I do have anxiety and I take clonazapam to fall asleep.  I worry about taking it as meds like that can cause early onset Alzheimer’s.  I took an exam the other day and got quite a few answers wrong.  all do to reading and concentration. So  that scared me as it was an easy test. I went over it and knew the answers it was stupid mistakes. It’s  def concentration and paying attention which is difficult. You made me feel better though and I will push harder and get it together and on track.  Thank you :) Dawna \r\nPs, I hope that you continue to feel better and as you do you write your progress once in a while and I will do the same. This way people can hear from  people who hopefully have success in beating this. Thanks again and have a great night " ], "date": [ "2018-03-15T23:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I’ve improved my derealisation/depersonalisation.\r\n\r\nI suffer the same symptoms as everyone on here and in fact, so many people on this post have described it in a better way than I ever could.\r\n\r\nThe brain fog, spaceyiness, memory blips, word slurring, looking at my hands in front of me thinking they almost ‘don’t look real’ (if that makes sense). The environment seems far away, I feel robotic, I bump into things and move around differently sometimes, when people talk to me I can hear them perfectly but for some reason I just can’t take on board what their saying straight away. I get a very very very mild headache but more of a pressure/dull feeling in the front of my head. I have floaters in my left eye which appeared suddenly also and various muscle twitches (which have now all gone).\r\n\r\nYour all going to hate me for saying this as I know there’s a lot of denial on it - but disassociation issues such as DR and DP are textbook anxiety symptoms. People who suffer such strange mental and physical feelings simply can’t believe that it’s anxiety that is causing all of this! Who knew it could?! Well it can and it does.\r\n\r\nI though oh no I have MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, severe mental problem, metal poisoning, Candida, Lyme (which is rare here in the U.K. by the way).  Every week there was a new cause but I couldn’t face the reality of the fact I had a panic attack followed by a month and a half of sleep deprivation (3 -5 hours of poor broken sleep every night - that’s a lot of stress on the body!).\r\n\r\nIve noticed there’s a trend emerging in 80% of these comments. The symptoms get described and then what gets mentioned within the post usually follows along the lines of - eg: ‘oh and by the way I suffered anxiety attacks when I was young’ or ‘I had a panic attack’ or ‘I was studying really hard for exams’ or ‘I had a break up’ or ‘I was ill’ or ‘after pregnancy...’ etc etc Anxiety is related and involved in all of these life activities. Even if you don’t know it you can be subconsciously anxious or ‘on edge’.\r\n\r\nAs a lot of you know, when your threatened or anxious the front part of your brain goes ‘on holiday’ as I like to say. It says ‘screw this, I’m having a break’ and it slows down to help ease the threat. DR m/DP can happen during the moment of fight or flight but unfortunately for some people (aka us poor lot) it lingers and leaves the brain in a heightened state of alert. Which makes sense as when I felt like this if someone dropped a pencil I’d jump 2 ft in the air and spin around wide eyed like ‘what the hell was that??!’ So yeah, heightened senses.\r\n\r\nLet me say this...\r\n\r\nIT WILL GO.\r\n\r\nYou have to train the brain.\r\n\r\nYou don’t hear success stories hardly on the internet of these forums because everyones quick to come here to type in their problems and ask for help but then when they feel better they forget all about the posts on the internet and don’t want to revisit them. So we’re left hanging with all these negative posts with no follow up so it seems it’s hopeless.\r\n\r\nAcceptance helps. Carrying on doing what you normally did before. Exercise, meet friends, cinema, dates, holidays whatever nothing bad will happen to you, DR and DP cannot hurt you or cause you brain damage.\r\n\r\nDiet. Eat a clean diet, no gluten, less diary, Vit D, Omega 3, B12, Magnesium Oil (or Glycinate for oral consumption) and lots of pure mineral water. Get enough sleep also, before 10PM if you can for 8 hours and get into a routine even on weekends.\r\n\r\nIt all helps.\r\n\r\nI haven’t defeated it yet (7months deep) but it’s eased off and I do forget it’s there most the time which I’m hoping my brain will relax more.\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T21:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron10583-1161471" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hahehshskieiek-1160723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron10583-1161471" ], "content": [ "Well I am writing a food /exercise /feelings diary to try to figure out what makes me sleep better, feel more energetic and have a clear head.  I am doing paleo diet for a month and increasing exercise.  I will write back if it helps. Hang in there and keep pushing.  For me if I give in to the tiredness, it makes me feel worse.  " ], "date": [ "2018-03-16T23:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cameron10583-1161471" ], "content": [ "The best advice I can give you as someone who has also been 3 yrs deep in this(started out of nowhere) been told anxiety is what it is which I have never bought as a diagnosis but that could be the problem also if they are right however get all your vitamins checked then change your diet and eat vitamins to give you what you need.  Vitamin b and d will def make you feel like this is they are abnormal also get your endocrine system checked out that being even a little out of whack can cause a slew of issues, lastly if all that still doesn’t give you answers and you feel like it can’t be anxiety get your gut checked you may have not enough good bacteria and overall gut health many people do not know but in your stomach there is pathways which litterally affect every bodily function and system you have. That’s why celiacs and crones disease cause so many issues among other things. If all that isn’t an answer start reading on acceptance and meditation and exercises to keep your mind busy because more than likely if all that failed. it is anxiety and that’s something that if you wanna get over it completely can only be done within yourself find your reason why your are on edge and scared then think it through and figure out why and work on that there’s a lot to unpack there but if you google poor stomach health and the causes you will be amazed. I have just finished a year long research into all this and now started making a plan to combat it, there a supplement called total gut health which I ordered and will be starting that on Monday and hopefully it goes good and I can come back and let everyone know" ], "date": [ "2018-03-17T00:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I’m just like you, except it started for no reason three years ago. I’m 16 now and for 3 years I’ve been living as it feels like I’m dreaming 24/7 non stop. The best way to explain it is I feel light headed 24/7 and my father tries to tell me it’s an excuse to stay home and when I stay home he grounds me and it gets me depressed Bc I can’t live like a normal person. Especially when I’m not even allowed to. I want answers Bc no one has gave me any" ], "date": [ "2018-03-16T19:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=46#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/izazi123-977150" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mistafina-969770" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/izazi123-977150" ], "content": [ "<p>You wrote this two months ago and I&#39;m curious how you have been doing. Your testimony is spot on with mine. Id love to chat with you to compare stories.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-09T09:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Well I feel as if I am going through the same thing if not similar. </p><p>This had been going on for quite a while now 2 months more or less. It happened after my Bestfriends quincea[b]&#241;[/b]era. The day after, I woke up and I felt so much fatigue, my parents had called me out because they wanted me to see something and the whole time I felt as if I wasn&#39;t really there. I was just agreeing with everything they were asking me so that I could just go back to bed. I tried to play it off so they wouldnt notice... It was horrible. I slept even more after that . Then like around 6 in the afternoon or around there I got up and I was feeling better. I&#39;ve noticed that around the night I usually feel better. The timing flr this was horrible because my XV was only a week and a half after. In the little gap of days between her xv and mine , it necer went away. I felt so scared and I was literally praying for it to go away. These oast days have been the worst of my life...</p><p>Some symptoms ive been having are the following</p><p>- I can&#39;t think straight </p><p>- I can&#39;t remember things very well</p><p>- I am struggling to feel emotion</p><p>- Lately I have been feeling much fatigue</p><p>- I cant hold or initiate a conversation very well because I feel as if I am not there or I just dont know what or how to say it</p><p>- Sometimes when I speak I know what I am saying but I feel as if its not me saying it.</p><p>- I have all the anxiety symptoms </p><p>And it really just sucks cause I can&#39;t be happy. I can&#39;t enjoy the things I used to love doing. My life has gone down a drain and I feel like I would be better off if I just died instead of suffering.</p><p>This isn&#39;t the first time It happens, it happened back in 2013 , but this time it&#39;s worse. I recall that it happens more during the day and I am fine at night, and it&#39;s usually when I am in places with lots of light or in a store. I get this sudden freling whereI know what I am doing but it&#39;s like everything is going on around me and I get dizzy ...and there is nothingI can do about it. I&#39;ve tried telling my parents and we went to the doctor but they told me it was just stress. This has been going on for two months, I don&#39;t believe it&#39;s stress. And my parents think it&#39;s just in my head. I&#39;ve done a few research of my own which led me here. At first I thought it was anxiety because I always sort of knew I had that problem ...but it was never confirmed. When I went to my doctor she asked me if I have ever been tested , but I haven&#39;t . I&#39;ve realized that this is much more than anxiety. And I am a very paranoid person. I just really eant to know whats wrong. I miss my old life. My friends. My family. The fun. I would really like to know whats going on so I can continue with my life.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-17T16:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=24#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex03087-930730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex03087-930730" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "21 by the way." ], "date": [ "2016-09-20T06:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noisy6996-932994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alex03087-930730" ], "content": [ "Soy is your issue. Soy and soy lecithin gave me the same symptoms. Brain fog, short term memory loss, panic attacks. My entire body was shutting down. I’m gluten and soy free and have a new life. But be warned. Going Soy free is hard. It’s in everything we use for granted. My tipping point was chewable, loads of soy. Put me in the hospital. Doctors did many test. Lots of money later, family looked at me like I was a nut. It’s in your food. Your make-up, mouthwash, toothpaste. Cooking spray when making breakfast. In your shaving cream, in the disposable razor. In all of your drugs. In all of the power drinks, in allot of sodas. In 95% of the grocery stores. The wax that covers your vegetables, in Neosporin, in Band-Aids, in tea. In every form of fast food. It’s in your deodorant. Soy and soy lecithin is in almost everything made for the consumer. Its the cheapest of the cheap to produce. Its in every Bread in the store. In most chips, in all crackers. And no more eating Hersey’s" ], "date": [ "2016-09-20T15:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noisy6996-932994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alex03087-930730" ], "content": [ "If soy is not your issues, it’s in your food and the products you use. I only was able to find out soy was my issue, until I did a food itemization. Start with the basics. Water, slowly add stuff.  vegetables, fruit, then add process stuff. I only figured it out, when I did the same thing. Decided to treat myself to 3 Hersey peanut-butter miniature’s. Hit me like a rock. It had no gluten, threw me off my no gluten binge. Man did that ever change my life. Who new soy could mess you up that bad. Then again it might be some other type of food source messing with you. Try the food diet. Water. Basic of the basic in food groups after trying the water, it took 3 days for soy to leave my system. Air born soy hits me in 8 sec. blood contact 8 sec. and two hours to flush out. Food intake, 30 min to affect me. And 24-72hours before it passes out of my system." ], "date": [ "2016-09-20T15:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noisy6996-932994" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "becarful, some flavor water contains soy." ], "date": [ "2016-09-20T15:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nightdash-982346" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alex03087-930730" ], "content": [ "<p>I got this symtoms for about 6 yrs. This gets worst as times goes by. later on, you&#39;ll feel that you can&#39;t control yourself and feel hopless to handle your brain. This can be fixed by a real oriental doctor but a real oriental doctor are less than ten digit. I&#39;m getting cure for about a year and I got 10% back. I got this symtom when I was 13, being a usless person in the future scares me and not being able to do an activity as I gets more dizzy easily is crazy. &#160;The symptoms gets worst. Mine goes like this: As time goes by first my eyesight will get worst following with hearing loss but while losing some of my eyesight, it got sandy like layer that is hardly to be seen screening my eye. after that I got an extreme fatigue that made me tired and dmg on my body doesn&#39;t heal faster even though I&#39;m young. I got bruise easily as well. you could get bloated body for a long time. being dizzy and having foggy head following that you feel like your not in your body completely for 24/7 is like hell. no one knows how it feels when it get worst. you need to control your health no matter what and don&#39;t lose from it. well for now try to press you stomach area with your finger if it&#39;s painful press about 30 min not too strong a weak one is okey if its too painful. This is just basic pressure but it&#39;s just helps you a bit for now. try to find a real oriental doctor not the pro but real one as they have different technique, that&#39;s like incorrect and correct way. real oriental doctors know the real way. byw my english aren&#39;t that good even studying is like hell for me. after getting cure your speech will get better like before. you won&#39;t feel extremely scared and your depression degree goes to a lower level.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-05T01:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nightdash-982346" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Oops... &quot; Nobody knows how ti feels&quot; not &quot;No one&quot; anyway don&#39;t lose.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-05T01:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nightdash-982346" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>well I believe on God just why I didn&#39;t lose to my mentality and I got my father who goes around studying oriental doctor who cures me. He knows the right way unlike other oriental doctor but he still need experience. the reason why I&#39;m telling you this is that I don&#39;t want anyone to suffer like me for a long years. I don&#39;t think anyone can handle it for a long time but the good thing is that they get scared than before so they don&#39;t kill themself. but you&#39;ll still get dull</p><p></p><p>The organ of the human control everything. And stomach controls mental but not the causes. just why I told you press there for now until you find your real oriental doctor for yourself. it takes time to get cured it get longer based on how long you got it. Even mental disordered can be cured by real oriental doctor if that person was normal before without any surgery done. Oriental doctor technique have been long gone as the king kills them if they don&#39;t work right. they only work for the king and gets killed as well. You see I hate korea or china for not letting any talented person to get born they&#39;ll just get killed, king is absolute and greed will grow. &#160;OH yeah I forgot to tell you you&#39;ll have upper back neck pain and later your lower back pain will get worst. well it could differ since I&#39;m not sure if we&#39;re 100% same since How I eat and How I live differ so some symptoms can be different.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-05T02:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nightdash-982346" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes. you won&#39;t remember what you&#39;ve done the past days. you&#39;ll also feel stupid too later on you&#39;ll get used to it and goes to a journey not caring anything anymore but yourself. your attitude gets weirder and weirder and thinks negetative everything as possible.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-05T02:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nightdash-982346" ], "content": [ "Have you been tested for lyme ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T11:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Guys,</p><p></p><p>Suffering for nearly a year with these symptoms now. They also seem to be worse when I wake up, also when I&#39;m tired at the end of the day like 4/5pm they get really bad like I&#39;ve been drinking. This is every day it happens.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve had so so so many blood tests, water tests etc but not an actual check on my brain as my doctor says it won&#39;t be my brain ?! I also started suffering with back pain on my upper left but if my spine which uve seen numerous rheumatologist sand specialists who can&#39;t find a problem with me. I&#39;ve had an MRi of my back.</p><p></p><p></p><p>The thing is, I don&#39;t know if this is the same for anyone else, I LOOK fine and can ACT fine, even though I FEEL like I&#39;m on my 4th pint of beer.</p><p></p><p>I don&#39;t smoke or drink and never done weed or drugs. </p><p></p><p>In told its related to anxiety called Derealziation which I could accept if it wasent 24/7 constantly and worse when I&#39;m tired. </p><p></p><p>It&#39;s also worse when driving or under strange lighting.</p><p></p><p>I feel disconnected from my body, brain feels wrapped in plastic, I feel mentally drained no matter how much I sleep, confused, I feel the exact same as &quot;Tipsy&quot; when alcohol just starts getting into your system 24/7 (Haven&#39;t drank for a year and a half). </p><p></p><p>But the drunk spaced out feeing makes you feel like your on another planet drugged up, anybody found anything yet ? I feel so ill and brain damaged ! But no one can see how bad I feel as I look &quot;Healhty&quot; on paper and all of my tests also say I&#39;m fine !!! <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-20T06:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=24#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/noisy6996-932994" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Soy is your issue. Soy and soy lethicin give me the same symptoms. Brainfog, short tem memory loss, panic attacks. My entire body was shutting down. Im guten and soy free and have a new life." ], "date": [ "2016-09-20T15:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=24#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nzrecovery-975586" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Is a common feeling with all you guys confusion when it comes to recollection with thought?. What I mean is that you will become disorientated and thought will become jumbled. Like you will feel that anyone who says something to you is allways just saying that based on some predetermined motif or that it does&#39;nt possses any meaning whatsoever. You feel as if none of it has purpose or any particular meaning because there are so many other meanings behind one particular meaning, like interpretation and drive towards particular thought dissapears. That could be co-relatent to feeling spacy, or any of the other &quot;dissiociative&quot; type symptons like brain fog and all that. Like the loop in which you once were so driven in has become lineal.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-27T03:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=24#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lilly1408-980150" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It sounds like you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You seem to check out on most of the symptoms. You should definitly look into it. It could be your answer." ], "date": [ "2016-09-27T15:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=24#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rgs09354-1367709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hello. checking in. this is me. \r\n\r\ni have had this for years. in case it helps anyone . \r\ni have all the same symptoms as you, but do not have high anxiety anymore. i generally do not have much anxiety over symptoms but i rly need to figure out cause as they are interfering w work and grad school. \r\n\r\nin addition to what yall have i also have i also have chronic burning mouth, which developed about 4 years ago amd gradually got worse and worse. this comes and goes with ear pain,, dizziness, worse and weirder t\r\ntinnitus (i always have it) nd full body muscle aches . sometimes jt progresses down to my throat. it is excruciating. i am not in menopause, im only 25.\r\n\r\nvisual snow: started around 7 or 8 years old. had it forever, doesnt bother me but it gets worse during flare ups.\r\nchronic migraines as a child. excessively sleepy. \r\ntinnitus: since childhood\r\near pain: began around 2018, gradually got worse\r\nburning mouth: same\r\nmemory issues: same\r\noccasional brown pee ??: started around 2019 i believe. It's off and on, v strange. Goes along with extreme muscle pain. isnt quite rhabdo pee color, but darker than normal and kinda foamy. \r\nmy eyes are CHRONICALLY changing ever since i was 8. prescription gets worse every year.\r\n\r\n\r\nhypersomnia: diagnosed at 24\r\nanemia: diagnosed at 24; fixed with infusions. it did not fix any of my symptoms except for heart palps and weakness. \r\nreynauds: diagnosed at 25.\r\n**recently went to hematologist. i do not have ANA markers, have had dozens of autoimmune panels run.\r\n\r\nin 2015 i had a concussion after being hit by a car. \r\nin 2018 i had an issue with sudden memory deterioration, have not been the same sense. \r\nin 2020 was in two car accidents, developed neuropathy in my left leg\r\n\r\n\r\ni have history of anxiety and depression but no longer willing to accept this as exlanation. the ear and mouth pain may be worsened by it but im done accepting it as the cause and gaslighting myself. this pain is not normal. i am not even that anxious about it honestly, ive accepted it and pretty damn used to it but im not really cool with spending entire (unpredictable) days in debilitating pain. \r\n\r\ni also do not want to experience another 2018 episode, because my memory never recovred after that and i already act like i have early onset dementia. recently have had worse issues with it which is why im here.\r\n\r\nNext step for me is ENT. these symptoms get worse or better all at once. after that will see neurologist if i still dont have answers, but ill probably need to marry into a country with socialized healthcare to make it happen. \r\n\r\ni take an unholy cocktail of migraine meds, muscle relaxers left over from accidents. it doesnt help usually, but on days when im developing a migraine it does\r\n. \r\nopiods and narcotics do not touch my pain. i have taken them three times since developing this. they will take away other pain (wisdom tooth removal etc) but they do not help the mouth and ear pain. i have taken some strong drugs and have never found anything that can ease an episode of this (except migraine meds if i have concurrent migraine.)\r\nwould be interested to hear if this is your experience too. \r\n\r\nalso if anyone else has the mouth an throat burning, or gray vision/dizziness when you stand up.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rgs09354-1367709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry, this website is horribly optimized for mobile, cant go through to fix typos and autocorrect isnt working on here 🙄" ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T20:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rgs09354-1367709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Also, I have had depersonalization in the past. Worked thru that stuff, emdr, whole 9 yards. \r\n\r\nthis is different. \r\n\r\nedit, UGH why tf cant i type on mobile on this website?!?\r\n\r\nEvery once in a while I get an episode of \"pure\" dissociation and it feels different. i can walk myself out of that in under 10 minutes, i got really good at it years ago. I cannot walk myself out of this brain thing that happens with the pain. No anxiety or panic techniques help it. I tracked this for months and did numerous behavioral interventions on myself (trained in therapy.) somewhere I literally have schedules written out. What happened was all my anxiety went away, like I feel mentally fine, but this physical stuff didn't... \r\n\r\ni even went through stages of grief and accepted this as normal life 🤷‍♀️ until it got worse again, and im not bout to live like a dementia patient. Money for these damn tests is an issue so i appreciate these forums to get some idea of what its not.\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-05T12:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rgs09354-1367709" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I just had to email a professor and ask for an incomplete for a masters level class due to these symptoms + having to have a battery of medical tests. so im kinda pressed about this right now. I swore to myself I wouldnt do that but right now my mental processing is just horrific + the pain isnt helping, its like i lost 20 IQ points back in 2018 and now I woke up and lost 20 more.\r\n\r\nHow is it that there's millions of people with these issues and still no answers? \r\n\r\nalso, does this run in yalls families? my mom has menieres and both mom and aunt deal with miscellaneous ear pain, debilitating sinus pressure, intermittent feeling like sh^t syndrome. \r\n\r\nI've noticed people either understand this 100%, or they REALLY dont get it. can we crowdsource and see if everyone here has similar genes or something " ], "date": [ "2021-04-29T19:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samuel2021-1364988" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "I posted about this a few weeks back, please read my post. I have still not got a diagnoses, but I believe its along the lines of silent migraine. " ], "date": [ "2021-04-25T19:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Alot of people seen to have forgotten about this post. i wandering it anyone has had a diagnoises or have gotten any better with time?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-05T12:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pandaboyrome-1371464" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "As I read through your post, I felt like someone was writing about me. The exact feelings and experiences you described overcame me after an anxiety attack last week Monday, and not until last night do I feel relief. \r\n\r\nI honestly would call what I've been going through as panic attacks at this point, because mine have been ongoing for a few months now, just not as bad as this past week. \r\n\r\nI'm seeing a therapist and we recently began to address the anxiety issues, blurred vision, feeling like I'm not 100% here and the night terrors. At my last session after explaining the fog I am in, with the pressure on my head, as well as the back to back panic attacks she suggested I take 1 aspirin before bed. \r\n\r\nI dismissed the suggestion because I didn't feel it would make a difference. I too went to the ER had blood work done, EKG, X-ray etc., everything is fine. I was prescribed Ativan which didn't help, I've also tried Valarian root, which does help calm but it does not take care of the pressure that also causes my vision to be blurry or the nausea that comes with it. \r\n\r\nLast night I decided to try the Aspirin and sure enough, I am sort of feeling like my old self again. I know it's a blood thinner but it helped me get relief. Maybe you should try and see if it works for you too. \r\n\r\nAlso if you haven't already look into talking to a therapist, it could very well be that you have some anxiety as well." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trisha45306-1372432" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/trisha45306-1372432" ], "content": [ "mine definatly got worse after i got a filling last year.. wander if its possible its got to do with dental work, " ], "date": [ "2021-04-25T19:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/reislerart-1374179" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "Interesting... Now that I think about it, I have a lot of jaw issues (teeth grinding, severe jaw pain at times, headaches, clicking/weird noises on opening jaw) and my symptoms are really bad a short while after having major fillings (with a strong dose of Anesthesia too because I didn't get numb enough last time). \r\n\r\nThis would be the last thing I would have expected to cause my symptoms... Although I also have several more issues than just brain fog (dizziness, ear ringing, fatigue, full body weakness/soreness, muscle twitches, anxiety, and some random sensory issues)" ], "date": [ "2021-08-01T07:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/reislerart-1374179" ], "content": [ "ive had full bloods done recently. all clear, had mri all clear, i orginally blamed it on my B12 definancy, but doctor has told me last bloods have showed my B12 is really good (im on injections for it) its all the wierd feelings that i cant cope with. weak, tireness from the moment i wake in mornings/zombie like feeling, derealizion, feeling something bad is going to happen me, headaches, spots in my vision, &\r\ni could go on & on..." ], "date": [ "2021-08-01T07:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Everyone I may just have an answer for you....\r\n\r\nYes atypical migraines can cause all the symptoms mentioned. I also know stress causes muscles of the head and neck to stiffen which can also cause the same issue. Has anyone ever heard of TMD? This is what I have without the jaw pain and headaches - which started since a dental treatment. since then I've had a spaced out, brain fog feeling and it drove me nuts. I went to a neurologist to get checked out and thankfully scans were OK. Then I went to see a maxillofacial surgeon who did an MRI of my jaw joint and found both my discs were thickened and I had a disc displacement in one jaw - by the way, half the population tends to have a disc displacement in their jaw - but it only really starts to be an issue when the muscles overload the joints and guess what - many many patients with this problem complain of brain fog! \r\n\r\nStress places strain on your head and neck muscles and joints and if there is an alignment issue or overload I assume this can also cause many of the symptoms you experience, for some it may last beyond the stressful period if the misalignment doesn't resolve. \r\n\r\nTo summarise; stress CAN cause atypical migraines (though may occur without stress) or strain on jaw joint and muscles all which cause same symptoms. Mental trauma itself can cause dissociative experiences which are extremely distressing. what is the solution - de stress and give yourself time to heal. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-08-01T07:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ollo_vae-1372530" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hey, ive been going through the same thing for the past year. It is absolutely terrifying. i have a therapist who says that it is depersonalization disorder, but i feel like its my brain despite test results. i hope you find the answer honey." ], "date": [ "2021-04-26T04:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annisten86734-1372537" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annisten86734-1372537" ], "content": [ "hey,did the antidepressants help you with brain fog and detached feeling or those symptoms went away by their own?" ], "date": [ "2021-04-26T17:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annisten86734-1372537" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "content": [ "It did not help with the brain fog nor detached feelings. It did however stable my moods and help with anxiety. Do you know the vision i am speaking about ?" ], "date": [ "2021-04-28T11:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annisten86734-1372537" ], "content": [ "Yes, I have blurry vision as well . Sometimes I can not look at the TV screen and my phone, and my brain fog and detached feeling not only didn't go away, but they got worse.\r\nso how did your other symptoms go away?" ], "date": [ "2021-04-28T11:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annisten86734-1372537" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "content": [ "Well it definitely helped with uplifting my mood and enjoyment towards things. It also helped with overthinking. The crazy thing is ive been to the eye doctor twice and he didnt see anything wrong with my vision but I know that its not normal. Its almost like when you are high off of pot and your vision is wonky. Except thats what I see all the time. Ive also described it as seeing pins and needles type of thing. Or when you are hungover and you feel detached. I dont know what else to do." ], "date": [ "2021-05-03T06:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annisten86734-1372537" ], "content": [ "My vision is very blurry and I went to the ophthalmologist as well and he said that there isn't any problem with my eyes. I think there problem is in processing parts of brain but I do not see anything like needles. What bothers me the most is the inability to concentrate and poor memory like i literally don't remember 2 days ago . Do you have memory problem as well? I could not find anything helpful. Some doctors prescribe me antidepressants, but I do not think it will help the symptoms. I feel like i am drunk all the time. If you find a helpful answer, please let me know." ], "date": [ "2021-04-28T18:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annisten86734-1372537" ], "content": [ "your describing what i feel exactly. its so scary, its so many feelings that its so hard to describe! and do you wake up feeling like this in mornings? because i do, and it either gets worse and eases a bit throughout the day. feel like when you keep yourself busy its not as bad (but this is hard to do when your feeling like this,) think you have to try put it to the back of your mind, feel the more you think or dewel on it, the worse it gets. dose anyone else feel that the weather effects it? i feel on a good sunny day i dont feel AS bad.. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T03:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mike-nzl-1160323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "I think so, that and seasons. summer is bloody awful." ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T06:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annisten86734-1372537" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "content": [ "Yes I have been having memory problems more now. It is scary because i find myself dissosociating a lot. I am getting a referral to a neurologist this week and I am hoping i can get some answers. I have read that it could be a dissasociative disorder or depersonalization but that doesnt sound right to me." ], "date": [ "2021-05-17T10:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I know everyone is commenting how much they relate but I hope you can relate to my situation as well.\r\nI have all of the same symptoms but my biggest worry is my vision. Its a spacey vision almost if i was high but all the time . I thought it was anxiety related as well so i got on an antidepressant. Other symptoms did go away but my eyes have me really concerned. Ive been to multiple doctors and they say something along the lines of i'm crazy.... help" ], "date": [ "2021-05-17T10:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=54#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "content": [ "It must be very hard to take care of yourself and 3 children being so exhausted. Sorry to hear that you didn't get any proper help yet, I know from experience that in itself can make you feel desperate. Good to read though you don't accept just meds, but would like to know the cause.\r\nJust to check: were your vit.B12 (should be =/>350) and D (should be =/>75)checked? Was sleep apnea ruled out? Were your thyroid hormones \"low but within range\"? Did they check your cortisol level? If there is a problem with your sleep: what is it?\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-04-06T21:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "I have had 2 sleep studies. Restless leg is what they tell me. I don't sleep well at night and all I want to do is sleep during the day. I am in the medical profession so yes many tests done. My cortisol levels were elevated but when they did the next step to check for Cushings that was fine so they dismiss it. I have had multiple thyroid studies done ! Seeing yet another Dr and of course they wanted them drawn again so we will see. I work out and love to and had to even give that up because the past month I am that tired. I'm nauseous all the time. I started with vertigo now. And when you see these dr's they look at you like you are insane. But I know my body and I don't feel well and it's not normal to be able to close your eyes and sleep..... Especially because the neurologists have me on stimulants and I sleep right through them. I can take a 5 hr energy and\r\nGo to sleep " ], "date": [ "2016-04-06T21:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "content": [ "Firstly; you are not insane and you have got real and serious health problems, like many of us. Since you work in the medical profession you probably know that doctors don't like 'vague', diffuse and systemic complaints. Also they draw strict lines when it comes to blood values.\r\nIf your cortisol is raised there is definitely something not right. There is quite a big range between normal cortisol and Cushings, and you can feel pretty miserable in between. I'm a health professional myself and am specialized in treating people with burnout (and sleep problems) so am well aware of problems which could arise from chronic elevated cortisol levels. The symptoms you describe match with it: the inability to get deep sleep at night, nausea and vertigo, the extreme fatigue during day time. The root cause could be restless legs syndrome (sleep deprivation causes elevated cortisol levels), it's a bit of a chicken or egg question. If I may ask: which advise did you get on the RLS?\r\n\r\nThough I am not an MD I would like to recommend to you to quit the stimulants; it is just symptom management, and if your adrenals are already overactive it can cause adrenal exhaustion in the end, which is a place you definitely don't want to go.\r\n\r\nAgain, I realy recommend to have a look at your vitamine B12 and D results; the ranges are set way to low. B12 should really be 350 or above to feel well. Often the bottom limit is set to 150 and you get the message everything is fine when it actually isn't. Same goes for vit. D (with 75 as bottom value).\r\nFor some reason deficiencies in these often go hand in hand with elevated cortisol.\r\n\r\nI hope your new doctor takes the effort to really get to the bottom of your complaints, and he is able to see the bigger picture. At least you don't seem the person to give up on this, hang on in there." ], "date": [ "2016-04-07T06:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "I have had all the vitamin levels drawn. I remember the vitamin B12 was pretty high. I was shocked actually. I can't recall the Vit d level. I have been on so many meds for restless leg. I was on Gabapentin and I had tried it 2 x now and I nods all day. It's too much for me. I decreased the dose , I have even spilt the pills down further ,,, I can't take it. I tried Mirapex and I ended up with augmentation which was horrible. I tired the sister of that. I have tried Lyrica. I have tried low dose narcotics ... I can fall asleep within 2 mins. It's crazy but within 1 hour I wake. Now the month of March has been horrible. I could sleep all the time. My\r\nOnly awake period is like evening hours. But I can still sleep. I have all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and that's what the functional med dr said. But I have a lot of\r\nSymptoms of Chronic Lymes. So piece by piece we are testing. Many of these tests are out of pocket though in order the get the correct test done. So it adds up quick. I am switching primaries . That's in the works ." ], "date": [ "2016-04-07T09:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "content": [ "Sounds like you are on the same route as me Boymom, going from one specialist to the next. I also can sleep at any moment, just not at the times I'm supposed to. I don't have RLS or high B12 but for the rest I completely recognize your experiences. I've also ended up at the Lyme hypothesis by now, but as you say: it all has to come out of your pocket, wel same here, am saving up right now for a new type of Lyme test which seems to be very reliable and they also test for co-infections in one run.\r\nI got diagnosed with silent migraine a few monts ago but still am doubting if this is the right daignose. Too many weird symptoms, extreme fatigue all the time. and they never leave, just subside for a few days.\r\nThe only thing which helped me till now is Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN); at least I'm now relieved of joint pains and aching muscles." ], "date": [ "2016-04-08T06:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "content": [ "Did you find any answers ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T18:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "PLEASE let me know when you find the answer.  I have had years of the fatigue and it wasnt until I had my children that I was sent to a neurologist and had sleep studies.  I found none of the meds helped.  I found that the restless legs are worse then ever since I started meds.  I could easily put my car in park at a red light and tell my kids to wake me when it turns red- and yess I can fall asleep.  I have had one neurologist send me to another . I have seen endocrinologist. I have been on anti depressants.  The month have March has by far been debilitating.  I live in a fog!  I can barely get one foot in front of another.  The MD's only want to give me meds but no one can tell me whats going on with me.  Last the neurologist wanted to put me on Methadone to help me sleep at night.  I was like are you joking!  I said put it in my chart right now - that is not an option!!  I have 3 kids and I am so so exhausted!  I am desperate and now have sought out a functional med Dr.  This is no quality and feeling like this makes ya depressed.  This is awful." ], "date": [ "2016-04-06T17:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren06865-933637" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren06865-933637" ], "content": [ "Sadly I never worry about me- its my kids but in the last year I have mot had a choice. Only reason I ever went and had sleep studies because I literally coul dfall asleep at a red light.  I could put my car in park and nod  off and my kids could tell me it was green.  I always think nah it cant happen to me.  I am in my 40's and off and on since my teen years I have suffered with chronic fatigue. I could sleep in class.  Put my head on desk and out.  But the last month has been debilitating. I cross fit , and I had to put that on old for now.  I am too exhausted.  " ], "date": [ "2016-04-07T15:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/myc1-933730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/boymom-933484" ], "content": [ "Hi Boymom,\r\n\r\nHave you been tested for Narcolepsy? My brother-in-law suffers from it and he will fall asleep in the middle of a conversation. Hate to sound like I'm pressuring you but, if you can fall asleep at a red light with your children in the car, what's to stop that happening to you driving on the highway? We are all on your side here, Sweetie so please get this checked out. Promise?\r\n\r\nbest always\r\n\r\nmyc" ], "date": [ "2016-04-20T22:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi i had this when I was pregnant I had it for months I couldn't get out of bed I suffer with health anxiety and a cancer phobia it got so bad that I had the same symptoms as you it was a feeling of being on some sort of drug spaced out weird vision I couldn't walk properly as if I was on a tilt it was the most horrible experience I was back and forth to the doctors and they kept telling me it was the anxiety and depression I felt as if I was dead but was still communicating with people it slowly disapeared and now I have to try so hard to stay calm or I feel myself slipping back into the strange feelings I hope you feel back to normal soon " ], "date": [ "2016-04-07T14:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deafbeauty-934537" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/deafbeauty-934537" ], "content": [ "Do the meds work?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-12T23:33+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " I was having the same exact feelings, episodes, heavy feeling in my head, my brain covered in a fog, can not get motivated, can not set daily plans, anxiety when I would have to talk to anyone outside of my family and finally I took a stand to get help from my doctor. \r\n The week before going to a doctor I couldn't even talk to my kids as I was in a complete no zone of any thoughts. I would do my daily routines of taking dad to VA and kids to school, then come home,and literally pass out as if I haven't slept in days. I knew it was depression, yet I wasn't angry or upset. I was a bit sad and very lethargic.\r\nI would sleep all night and much of the day, yet I felt like I was still tired. It was all \r\nanxiety/depression caused by lack of Serotonin in the brain. The more you get depressed, anxiety or stressed, serotonin decreses in the brain. Then at times your brain will use the serotonin it has and it's a quick boost, but not enough to keep functioning as normal. Sorta like a Diabetic how your blood sugar raises at a spike and you have to take meds to bring it back down and elevate it. In this case though we need an anti-depressant to bring back out serotonin and elevate the brain imbalance. \r\n I was once a CNA and Phlebotomist. I was the kind hearted woman to help those in need of care, love and compassion. I was at the bedside of many who where in a hospice stage until they passed. I was the one to hold a family together during the loss of their family member offering support, love and compassion walking them through this stage. So, I have seen depression among many and That is how I finally realized I needed help myself. I am an Empath who wears my heart on my sleeve. So, I feel everything with my heart before it reaches my brain. \r\n I was given buPROPion HCL XL 150MG. This is for major depression and seasonal depression. It helps restore the brain. Very few side effects unlike other meds. \r\n I wish you all the best of health and life and hope you all find help and get better and back to yourself. \r\n God Bless\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-04-12T10:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alyssa13413-936103" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I thought I was the only one! I totally know how you feel. Did you find anything out?" ], "date": [ "2016-04-20T03:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/benjaminknight-936294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor, same exact story, except its been going on for about 9 years. Hope someone somewhere finds answers, and a cure!!!" ], "date": [ "2016-04-20T20:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/myc1-933730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/selvania-1019282" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/myc1-933730" ], "content": [ "Hey, are you still active on here? I got tested for brain waves a year ago and they were found abnormal but I wasnt able to finish anything with that. If you are still active, PM me!" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T21:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Taylor, \r\n\r\nI want to offer you a somewhat different insight as to your brain fog and various other issues because I had a very similar episode that went unchecked for several years. One day I bumped into a friend I hadn't seen for a long time and he asked how I was feeling (he happened to be a clinical phycologist and the world's number one specialist in biofeedback and neural feedback) so I told him I felt spaced out, foggy, tired and unable to concentrate.\r\n\r\nThat got me a visit to his office in Calgary (Canada) where he explained how the brain works in regard to its various brain wave patterns.\r\n\r\nBare with me as I need to digress. Everything in the Universe vibrates, especially the human brain. We have five basic levels of brain vibration or brain waves. The lowest are called Delta and are present when we are in a very deep sleep. Up one we find Theta which represents a light sleep. In the middle we have Alpha which is a daydream state. Then Beta which is our normal waking state and at the top is Gamma which is when we are very alert and also very anxious. \r\n\r\nHe likened these states to a five-speed gearbox in a car. In a normal brain, all five, lubricated, gears are well used. However, sometimes, maybe due to stress, the car gets stuck in one of those five gears. With hyper-active people, (ADHD) it gets stuck in Gamma but when it gets stuck in Alpha, you experience pretty much the symptoms you described.\r\n\r\nHe ran a bunch of tests and determined I was stuck in Alpha. How did he figure that out? Briefly, he attached electrodes to various parts on my scalp (totally painless) that were hooked to a computer. Then I wore goggles that had tiny lights embedded in them (they were designed so I couldn't see thru them). We know that our brains are affecting by many things, including flashing lights. So the computer measured my brain waves (Alpha) then programmed the mini-lights in the goggles to flash at a sequence that would attact my brain to reach Beta.\r\n\r\nWhat?\r\n\r\nThe best way I can describe it is for you to hold both hands in front of you and make like they are duck beaks. Now slowly open and close your left hand so your thumb and first finger touch every second or so. Now do the same with your right hand but speed it up so your finger and thumb touch twice a second. Now, your slower left hand 'senses' the faster right hand and begins to search for it. When it comes into contact, it begins to mimic the speed of the right hand. So your left hand represents your Alpha brain wave state and your right hand represents the Beta state as programmed by the computer. So the exercise serves to pour a little oil in the old gear box. The process is called ENTRAINMENT and after just two 20 minute sessions, I felt something very strange happen, like I'd been in a dark world when someone turned on the light. There is a definite science behind Entrainment and you might want to check around (look for a phycologist in your area who offers it).\r\n\r\nSorry this was soooo long but hopefully it helps, Taylor and do keep in touch, there are a lot of people besides me rooting for you on this site.\r\n\r\nbest always,\r\n\r\nmyc  \r\n\r\n[b]Emis Moderator comment: I have removed product/company names as we do not allow repeated posting of these in the forums. If users wish to exchange these details please use the Private Message service.[/b]\r\nhttp://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages" ], "date": [ "2016-04-20T22:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=14#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carole76433-165696" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I to am suffering the same. I was diagnosed hypothyroidism started me on 50 mg and now they have put it up to 75mg as my blood count showed my thyroid still wasn't producing enough thyroxine.\r\nHowever even though I am now on a higher dose I'm very depressed it's an effort to get out of bed,tired all the time, brain fog most of the time,anxiety confusion, and so short tempered no patience headache and like you my life is just passing by and it's as if I'm not part of it? I wish I knew what mine is but my doctors are rubbish so I don't go now incase I have to!!!@\r\nHave you thought of asking your doctor for a blood test checking your T3 levels on a thyroid test they don't always check that? What about checking for fibromalgia ??? Or M.E?? Failing that it could be depression? But good luck hope you find out what's wrong?\r\nKind RegardC" ], "date": [ "2015-09-29T12:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susan68267-902929" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sounds like Lyme disease symptoms " ], "date": [ "2015-10-21T18:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/codyf-903848" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm new here, and just wondering if anyone has found some insight? Thanks!!" ], "date": [ "2015-10-27T01:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, Im in the same situation. Extreme headaches, vision problems, cant remember most of what happened in the day and Im only 39. Now anxiety has started and is difficult to get out of the house. Im on amitrytiline now, tried others before but no success. Hope to find answers, I used to have a lot things to do, now I have no idea or the intention to do them because when I start doing something and cant finished got frustrated..." ], "date": [ "2015-11-09T00:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "100 percent with you, I want my life back, Have exactly the same symptoms. Any new updates? Treatment? Feeling better or at least in the path to recovery? Its got to be something to do, I refuse to stop my life now, got a lot of plans for the future but kind of need my memmory to remember them ;)" ], "date": [ "2015-11-09T00:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ali555-906287" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ali555-906287" ], "content": [ "Hi ali555,\r\nDo you consider yourself as been stressed for a long period of time? I just read this: http://www.memorylossonline.com/spring2002/stress.htm\r\nLossing memmory is by itself stressing...\r\nIm looking for a solution myself. Also can not remember anything from a few minutes ago." ], "date": [ "2015-11-09T23:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ali555-906287" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "only part thats unbearable- derealization" ], "date": [ "2015-11-11T19:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tim67087-907138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ali555-906287" ], "content": [ "I know how you feel, my memory is getting worse all the time. I have an appointment with a neurologist in December, I hate waiting so long." ], "date": [ "2015-11-14T21:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello Taylor,\r\nWondering if you still are feeling this way? the memory thing and derealization is something that is relieving to know other people have.\r\nused to remember everything, now cant remember things that happened 5 minutes ago. 23 years old so same age, wonder if it hits around this time." ], "date": [ "2015-11-09T22:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Question, has anybody here had a hair mineral analysis.\r\nMetal toxicity buried deep inside can cause all sorts of problems look at the symptoms.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2015-11-10T20:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sounds like depersonalization I've had it for over ten years and it's horrible :-( " ], "date": [ "2015-11-11T18:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor, how are you? any new updates? Have you started feeling better? " ], "date": [ "2015-11-18T20:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kaeby-907894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Taylor, did you ever find out what was going on? I wanna know the difference between \"brain fog\" and depersonalization." ], "date": [ "2015-11-18T21:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Have you had any blood work done ? \r\nOr any tests at all?" ], "date": [ "2015-11-25T05:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Several times. Never any signs of anything wrong. Same for MRIs. Had 3 over the last 5 years. This is not the first time I had these symptoms. First time I had something similar 16 years ago after an argument with my wife to be. The again 8 years later all over sudden and then another episode in 2013. Each time symptoms got more pronounced. This time is the worst and last the longest. That`s why I get kind of scared. I have to say though, depression runs in my family, my father had depression, my older brother too. I suffer from OCD for at least 20 years and anxiety as well for at least 16 years, health anxiety is the most dominant. " ], "date": [ "2015-11-25T05:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Hi Rockers\r\nThe way Taylor described his state of mind, is exactly what happens to me. I suffer from depression and have anxiety and OCD problems too. Could it be that we overheat our brain because of constant overthinking?" ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T14:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>Rockers did you find anything that helps ?&#128559;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I`m experiencing something similar. Started in December 2014, as if someone flipped a switch. All over sudden I got sensitive to light, especially fluoro light, head pressure that moves around, even though I had this already before the other symtoms started, then I got mini blackouts of my memory where I could not remeber what I was about to do, those moments lasted for less then a second but where noticable. Concentration is gone, find it really hard listening to someone speak to me, loud noise is real bad for me so is stress. My memory lapses became worse over the month making me fear having dementia. Now I got as well neck pain and pain that radiates into my right arm. Sometimes muscles twitching, have insomnia. I`ve been extremely tired for 3 years now by the way. Never felt refreshed after a good night of sleep." ], "date": [ "2015-11-25T02:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shannan21282-1391673" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, I have been going through similar things. I try to get things done like house cleaning or mowing and find myself having to sit down after about 20 minutes. Then I am very stiff and fatigued. I totally lose my motivation. I've been trying to find answers. I only get Fibromylgia, which I know I have. I didn't realize that it is so debilitating though. They only treat symptoms. I don't know if this is helpful but I feel like there is something else they are missing. \r\n\r\nShannan" ], "date": [ "2021-08-10T17:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/farah75-518151" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "aww bless ya hun, feeling this way is a terrible way to live, i also have suffered from generalised anxeity for most of my life, in fact as im typing this im having a level 8 attack. i try to distract but its impossible to stop my brain. for me whenever this washes over me and i lose my grip and my child 15 suffers he has watched me this way for his whole life, and every episode brings in social services and it all becomes about my son and his well being, as i should do agreeable, but this then effects my treatment because its no longer about me but my son. people say think about your son and im like uhh duh he is my child i think of him always, but anxeity doesnt give a s**t it will just consume you, and i get so desperate for relife that i end up self harming to kind of rewire my thoughts not to die not at all i want to live a full healthy happy life i want to do everything other people do. im sorry i dont want to be a debbie downer but im at my wits end and help is no where to be found, its disgusting to leave me without any mental health support for 8 months covid was badly mismanaged by the government l, the suffering goes deep and wide i just wish that vulnerable people where left to deal with it. I am angry at the mental health service and i would like answers. I just wish i had something more posotive for you but im struggling too and cant see any light at end of tunnel. I really hope you find a healthy coping stratergy and you lead a full and happy life ." ], "date": [ "2021-08-16T03:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trey85397-1392682" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trey85397-1392682" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "To add to this and evectivly respond to the memory part, you absolutely will be almost unable to remember anything while your going through a disassociated state. BTW, before you all look that exact word up and find out what disassociative disorder is, it's possible it's just anxiety and not just a disassociated disorder, which you will find borders schizophrenia, yep scared the hell out of me. Until I forced myself to read every publication on the disorder for the past 13 hours, it's certainly possible that some could actually be on the side of being disassociated without the anxiety, but I know what all got you to even reading this, and that's anxiety and being in an almost manic state, having to read every reply, somewhat frantically.......... Again, your not allone and there is your answer, I just hope that not having to spend years finding out the first part, the \"what is this\" then you will be able to spend the time working on healthy ways of relieving the panic. Also, for quick background, no trauma during my childhood, you will find that is brought up alot. especially when your being asked questions to figure out if your specific diagnosis is multiple personality disorder......... yep, it's all tied in....... Now I'm feeling like maybe knowing that may not help anyone. I don't know. I lack the computing power to reason with myself anymore on whether I should have spoke up or not. I just figured someone else had already figured this out and would have responded. I really do hope everyone finds their calm. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-16T03:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Unfortunately I know the cause but don't have a solution for anyone. Everything I have read is all classic severe anxiety. The disassociated feeling, kind of like your looking in and watching yourself carry through time but have no real since of it yourself, the feeling like maybe I just need to sleep or eat or something and this will pass......... Possibly the other parts too, the ringing ears, the numb lips or feeling of your tongue is burned, the cold hands and feet or Possibly whole body is cold, the realization that even right now, your whole body is tense, squeezing the muscles In your legs and arms and most likely everywhere. While this will do nothing to cure this tormented state of being, it may come as some solace that you have an answer at least as i would wager everything that every statement I read, and I read them all, where all directly indicating long bouts with severe anxiety, most likely it never acured that that could cause all this but it absolutely does. I for the past 5 years have been on a heavy prescription of xanax and klonopin, it has eased 99% of all of this but at the cost of turning me into a mental zombie. I never felt myself slipping away, most likely because at the time I was prescribed medication, I would have given up almost anything to have some relief of the crippling feeling of freaking out constantly!!!! Today I am 7 days into stopping my prescription. The exact reason, I can't tell you but hear I am. Back with the flood of anxiety, fear, panic and being disassociated. I pray I can complete my mission of not being held a slave to a substance that will mute who and what I am, but I can't live like this. I have too many responsibilities to lay, locked in my bed and not even being able to talk to someone on the phone. I have also subsequently quit smoking at the same time because of me being to fearful of leaving my house to get more. So whatever hold cigarettes have had on me, for 24 years, was totally overcome by my anxiety of doing anything until the dream of waking up and not immediately being thrown into a constant battle with not fully being overcome with fear, was my reality.............. If not soon I will unfortunately have to go back to muting myself and living to only 10% of my potential......However,,,,,,, that's alot better than being locked, here on my bed for yet another day, with no end in sight being reminded of yet another strange symptom of anxiety and that's all of assuden smelling something horrible in the air with no apparent cause, most likely meaning I am now disgusted with how my house smells.............. why? why? 😶" ], "date": [ "2021-09-28T16:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/js1001-1393213" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "oh my god, i have had this for 5 months and no doctors or anyone can find anything. im 22 years of age also, please if you ever find the cause or what it could possibly be. please write it on here.\r\n\r\ni hope you get better soon as this is the worse thing i have ever experience..." ], "date": [ "2021-08-18T22:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christine6682-1393532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "how are you now. I'm 58 and going thru what you did. I was a?normal healthy women till one day woke up 2019. haven't been the same since. if your better. what did you do or diagnosis with " ], "date": [ "2021-08-20T13:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christine6682-1393532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "how are you now. I'm 58 and going thru what you did. I was a?normal healthy women till one day woke up 2019. haven't been the same since. if your better. what did you do or diagnosis with " ], "date": [ "2021-08-20T13:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jaylee12345-1394123" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i liturally can 100% relate to this!! Every word, it really is an illness in itself \r\nif you find a cure pls pass it myway x" ], "date": [ "2021-08-23T22:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liz04857-1394361" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This sounds like chronic fatigue i do not suffer with this but I know people who do and your symptoms sound very similar. There is allot of information about it on the net. " ], "date": [ "2021-08-25T08:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william06322-1395811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william06322-1395811" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "im also looking into sleep apnea ive been waking up with a dry mouth to the point im spitting up blood from it being so dry. so im going to get checked for that. .. because lately ive been feeling exausted and i xant handle stress anymore. im easily drained by conversations that i lterally need a nap. sucks but knowledge is key. \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-09-04T17:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "most of what your all saying is exactly what i feel to a tee. .the last time i had severe anxiety and stress was in 2013. i was working with someone that played head games and was a gaslighter. than i started researching psycology and i had a revalation. i realized i was not in touch with my sense of self and was basically easily manipulated because im a trusting person. atthat point i was re evaluating my entire life and friendships and i started to think everyone was a sociopath. then i read up on empaths and realized im one. all this while working in construction with people that have no empathy sent me into a nervous breakdown like state. i know some of what was happening to me was my own mind f*****g with me but my intuition was also telling me something. at this point i felt lost and confused. . it was like i learned to much about psychology that i gave myself a nervous breakdown. i took two weeks off from work at that point and quit drinking and just did nothing. wasnt easy to find myself but i started to feel better as time went by. i too had that pressure in my brain. i eventually rwalized that im an empath. we feel everything including other peoples stresses. i think wgats gappening in most cases is a form of burnout. burnout and stress plus anxiety can literally make you feel like you have alzhiemers. yiur brain need to reboot. the pressure goes away with time and you regain focus. happens to mostly inteligent people unfortunately. ignorance is bliss. read up about psychology , empaths, , narcisists, and sense of self your not alone. im struggling really bad at the moment. i lost my mom and my sister has aids and is dying. just because your not in direct contact with your thoughts doesnt mean theee not there in a subconcious way. thanks for reading. go for a quiet walk by yourself and read about sense of self. your all overloaded with to much info and stress. burnout is brutal trust me i know. but there is ways to get back. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T01:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william06322-1395811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i also think tgat your all to smart for your own good. being to smart and self aware can be a nightmare if you dont understand why your feeling a certain way. youll overthink yourself to death untill the point of burnout. im telling you burnout is insane. it needs to be understood by the medical field way more. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-23T01:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william06322-1395811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im actually 42. you have extreme burnout in my opinion. i had the same symptoms in various times of my life. when you have them you feel like your always going to feel that way. sounds like a mix of anxiety, depression, and possible adhd. are you a perfectionist? " ], "date": [ "2021-09-05T13:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/william06322-1395811" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "im actually 42. you have extreme burnout in my opinion. i had the same symptoms in various times of my life. when you have them you feel like your always going to feel that way. sounds like a mix of anxiety, depression, and possible adhd. are you a perfectionist? " ], "date": [ "2021-09-05T13:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeff60841-1396146" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have many problems to the point where I can't feel normal anymore. First like William said I am waking up with dry mouth that is so bad that it sometimes bleeds and feels like it can't be quenched. Often also wake up with heart palpitations and anxiety from nightmares. The nightmares are scary and realistic. All day I can't concentrate on anything and I feel spaced out. I have fatigue all day and feel like sleeping all the time. I don't feel like socializing with people at all anymore and prefer not being around anyone. I am nervous constantly and can't relax. It's hard to exercise because of no energy. Nothing feels fun. I literally don't feel like doing anything. Rarely every few months I will have a day where I feel completely normal so there must be some neurological problem causing this but then the next day I will go back to feeling bad. Things don't feel \"real\" like it's some sort of different reality." ], "date": [ "2021-09-07T04:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=59#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jin47787-1396734" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "maybe look into me/cfs!! aka chronic fatigue syndrome!! it can be caused by stress and anxiety and can explain the severe memory loss!!" ], "date": [ "2021-09-10T17:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn98692-1397737" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "lyme disease" ], "date": [ "2021-09-17T13:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tj37530-1399273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nThis exactly what happened to me. I feel like I am impaired every second of every day. I worked for a great company had a great job and I had an epidural steroid injection and overnight I developed brain fog that the doctors all say is dissociation. I literally lost my job as I cannot comprehend anything. I have daily breakdowns because I cannot get back to feeling how I did. I had a great life and now it is all gone." ], "date": [ "2022-04-08T00:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrea34248-1283411" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrea34248-1283411" ], "content": [ "in same boat here.. day to day is a huge struggle ive a 2 year old, & im trying my best to try to keep going, but a feeling of sheer guilt as im not able to do things i want to do with him out of fear, fear something is going to happen me. so i dont tend to do much with my son on my own.. i had 2 days where i felt some what normal & it was so great.. but now im feeling so much worse, clammy head/drunk uncomfoable high feeling! absoulty drained from the moment i wake (how after a full nights sleep)& so on.. never ending list of pains aches & feelings.. i do feel weather is a factor.. " ], "date": [ "2021-09-30T14:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/andrea34248-1283411" ], "content": [ "My life's a blur, literally, 17 months and counting..its like brain fog, met ADHD, plus depression, extreme sensitivity and heart wrenching pain in my soul...it sucks!!!!! No one cares, doctors suck, paid over 40 grand for s**t....No one and I mean no one cares!!" ], "date": [ "2021-10-05T22:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/k08610-1025743" ], "content": [ "if they dont no what it is they dont want to hear about it.. so unfair! " ], "date": [ "2021-09-30T18:32+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This is my second attempt at trying to post this so, if it's up here twice, sorry. I have been searching for help with this for 3 years now. I have all of the same symptoms as everyone on this thread. Constant dizziness, strange light flashes in vision, memory problems, constant feeling of being stoned and sleepy, cant concentrate on anything, can't think of words, constant pressure in head and ears, high pitched noise in ears, and an overall feeling of just not being in the moment. I can look right at something but still not see it. I am always so anxious bc I'm afraid something is bad wrong with me or I'm afraid others will think I'm drunk or stoned and that's not the case. I hate leaving my house bc of these things. Sometimes I'm scared to drive bc I'm scared I might screw up and hurt someone but, I make myself bc I have responsibilities. All my symptoms started the day after I had a hypertensive crisis and ended up in ICU on a cardiac drip for 3 days back in early 2018. The doctors said it was just a blood pressure spike and that I didn't have a stroke but, I'm not so sure. I have had every test known to man and nothing to explain any of these symptoms has been found. They did find a few things like COPD and coronary artery disease but, nothing to explain the symptoms I'm having. I'm scared to death I have dementia or something and that thought keeps me on edge bc, I'm only 36 and I have 2 kids that depend on me. I just don't want to end up dead and leave my girls alone. I want to be my normal self again. I would also like to mention a few things that I have noticed recently that has been added to the long list of symptoms that comes with whatever this is. I have noticed a strange heaviness to my legs recently, as well as my face staying flushed with what feels like heat coming out of my ears. I just don't know what to do at this point. I'm tired of doctors thinking I'm nuts. This is torture. " ], "date": [ "2022-04-08T00:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "so many people on this, but then nobody replys in months.. i wander if anyone has recovered?" ], "date": [ "2021-10-07T07:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lewiss-1402068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lewiss-1402068" ], "content": [ "i wear sunglasses anytime im outside look mad at times but it dose help,. \r\nmust try that with food cause after eating i feel so unwell.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-10-17T16:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all,\r\ni know i am extremly late to this post but i have suffered with this for ages. I know two things that have helped me so far :\r\n\r\n1. Wearing glasses\r\n2. almost all food triggers the brain fog and spacey feeling so eat at night and smaller amounts . \r\n\r\n\r\ngive it a try " ], "date": [ "2022-02-10T02:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/capuccino-1402757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Goddamn... \r\nI'm just astonished on how many persons just feel those cognitive symptoms. \r\nAs a french guy on french boards about anxiety I was unable to find a similar case. I though I was an unique case or that I had a degenerative disease that was covered by my anxiety disorders.\r\n\r\nTwo years ago I was in a step of anxiety where I had depersonalization, extreme difficulty concentrating or remembering, loss on sense of time, even loss of meaning of some concepts. It was impossible for me to imagine projects for the next days or weeks as if I would never see them.\r\nI was stuck on my bed almost the whole day, with no appetite, unable to do anything, drive, work, watch a whole movie, talking with someone too long... even take a shower was hard since I was dizzy. I had the feeling I would never be able to become normal again.\r\n\r\nI've been put on antidepressers, and around 3 monthes after it was finally gone.\r\n\r\nUnfortunately since one week I immersed myself back in this same situation... So I have started antidepressers again some days ago.\r\nAt this point I had a doubt about my diagnostis again, but I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in this case. \r\n\r\nHope we all be better soon. I beat this state once, so it is possible. Stay courageous!" ], "date": [ "2022-04-08T00:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alex23430-1403099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alex23430-1403099" ], "content": [ "i can relate to all of what you have just said.. because when we explain these things to a doc they automatily say anxiety & depression. but the short of it all is the anxiety is coming because of what we are feeling, need to get to the root of the problem. like wise bloods & mri fine, doctor noted that my tonsils are very large compared to what they should be they noticed this in the mri. & also i get injections for B12, but apart from that they have not found anything else! " ], "date": [ "2022-02-10T02:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Feel like a zombie. I can't focus at all. Nothing feels pleasurable or fun. No libido. Horrible fatigue all day long no matter how much sleep I get. Feel exhausted from even light exercise and get chest pain. Constant anxiety. Brain gets stuck on certain thoughts and get the urge to repeat doing things over and over, like OCD. Have no desire to socialize at all, I just want to be alone and lay down constantly. Feel lazy with no energy. Doctors either don't know what it is or diagnose you with something but the treatments don't work. Even had multiple MRIs over the past few years and they say I'm fine and just worry too much yet they have no clue how bad this feels. I'm almost convinced this is some sort of brain damage or something causing this. I used to be normal then one day have to live with this nightmare for years on end with no solution. Even typing this felt like a chore. " ], "date": [ "2022-04-08T00:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36932-1406225" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "content": [ "hi ive dealt with this on and off for 5 years, what a lot of people dont realise is they need to get all bloods and hormones checked, you need to get the printouts yourself as doctors ranges in this country are terrible, so youll be told everythint is fine and in range when you can be at the very bottom of there so called range and be very ill! ive figuered out recently that my b12, folate, vit d is all really low but doctors kept telling me its fine! if your low in any of these you can experience all of these symptoms and a lot more! theres a lot of groups on fb with thousands of people that have been let down time and time again by our gp's and they are all self treating and a lot of them have healed! pls pls look into your health and see if can help yourself!! like b12 for example, you shouldnt be any less than 500 you really want to be in the high numbers 700/800 mine was at 190 and told was fine! its not true, levels like mine can make you very unwell! ive had most of the symptoms mentioned and still do! but i now have reasons behind it! you need to look at fixing body as a whole, low b12 can cause serious mental health/physical issues" ], "date": [ "2022-02-10T02:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carl36932-1406225" ], "content": [ "yes this makes sense because going back a few years ago i had really low b12, i was on injections weekly, then monthly, and then my doctor retired, and the doc that took over moved me to 3 months as my levels are good according to him. but one every 3 months i think is not helping me, plus when i was pregnant they wouldn allow me to have it at all, and i feel im gone very low but they are telling me differnent also they put me on vitamin D suppilment but only for 2 months, little bottle you take once a week:. " ], "date": [ "2021-11-18T14:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Any updates? is anyone feeling better/worse (not sure if possible)\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-02-10T02:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=60#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie06499-1088592" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>TaylorMason, I started Google search with so many different keywords trying to find anything at all about what seemed to be called &#39;brain fog&#39;. That took me to cognitive disorders and anxiety as a possible cause. I suffer from debilitating anxiety, severe OCD, ADHD, as well as audio processing disorder, to start with. I&#39;ve been trying to figure out why I cannot wake up, after 7 cups of coffee -which only made my hands shake- and my adhd dextroamphetamine, and a lot of B vitamins. Nothing. I just end up falling asleep in my chair and dumping coffee on myself. I tried to see if one of my many bedtime meds was the reason. Nothing. And then there is that kind of spacey feeling like I&#39;m not in the same reality as everyone else and I cannot communicate or interact with anyone. I have absolutely zero memory; I have stopped even trying. I don&#39;t even remember things like where or if my girls are working or in school, or what courses. I don&#39;t work and am on disability, and since I only have any human interaction (literally, absolutely alone and only my dog to ever speak to), other than couple days a month in bank lines etc, I also have no sense of time. Suddenly a week has passed and I have no idea what day it is. When I tried to journal what I did or felt or whatever, if I didn&#39;t write it down immediately figuring I&#39;d do it later, I couldn&#39;t remember if or when or what I had done. I found some people describing some of what I felt. That was helpful by at least giving me the words to articulate what I was experiencing.</p><p>Then I got to your post. It was 3 years ago, so I don&#39;t even know if you&#39;ll ever even see this. But maybe it will let anyone else going thru this too know they are not alone. When I read your post, every single issue was exactly what I experience and perfectly puts it all in words. And not different people different issues. But someone who knows exactly what I am dealing with!</p><p>Anyway, now I have something to perfectly describe what I have been unable to get across. I never even thought of them as all being connected in any way, one &#39;issue&#39; and not separate problems. I hope I can find a remedy, maybe now that I have the perfect description I can start from there. So Taylor Mason, for your post! Validation is a great thing!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-29T05:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=40#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kimberlie63888-1088911" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kimberlie63888-1088911" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>I am not sure anymore if I don&#39;t sleep or that&#39;s all I do.I dont know what day it is sometimes. I have health issues.but sometimes when. I start to fall asleep I get scared that I might not wake up and having the health issues up on anxiety I&#39;m scared to fall asleep sometimes and it feels like when I fall asleep that I&#39;m not breathing right I smoke cigarettes and a drink with a little lately I&#39;ve been drinking smoking more than ever so then that worries me I&#39;m not sure what to do anymore I know I&#39;m having a hard time but I&#39;m having a hard time crawling out of this rabbit hole this is too much I need some advice as well</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-29T09:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kimberlie63888-1088911" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes it can be scary. &#160;Seek help however you can and don&#39;t give up but more importantly ask God for help and trust Him to help you.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-30T00:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>You spoke to my heart....I could not have said it Any better.wow.I have no words..I&#39;m scared of everything!!!!! Just a person walking in room startles me so bad I scream!! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-29T09:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=40#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark05672-1088984" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie06499-1088592" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark05672-1088984" ], "content": [ "<p>UPDATE</p><p>I first posted here when i found this thread 9 months ago. I was looking for answers too, like it seems that so many other people are looking . I still don&#39;t have any solution but I have come across something that might be an answer. Something I can take it to my doctor and he might know about it. At least I&#39;ll have a place to start and won&#39;t get the usual responses about med side effects etc. In the last 9 months, my memory loss has gotten so severe that I don&#39;t even want to try and interact with other people beyond cashiers and bank tellers. I can&#39;t even remember what my daughter&#39;s jobs are, what classes they have etc. I stopped asking because they get annoyed and I won&#39;t remember anyway. </p><p>I started seeing a new psychiatrist in January and he was concerned about the memory loss in particular. I have a lot of other issues I struggle with and I take a lot of meds. Some things could be attributable to the other conditions and/or my meds. Or all. Or something completely unrelated. But the bottom line is I basically can&#39;t function. I&#39;ve come up with my own words for the two types of my days. There are the Real Days. These are the days without Brain Fog, when all I have to deal with are my my usual difficulties. Then there are my Zero Days, or Nothing Days. For me, these days don&#39;t count. For the rest of the world, they do. Time passes whether I participate or not. So if my rent is due on a Zero Day and I don&#39;t pay it, it&#39;s still late. I think one of the hardest parts is the fact that I&#39;ll never know which kind of day I&#39;m going to get. Just to let you know here are some of the other issues we&#39;ve identified so far. I say so far because just like Brain Fog, I start to search for answers and I come across these &#39;ah ha, yes that&#39;s it exactly!&#39; descriptions, i can&#39;t even begin to say how validating it feels when random pieces all fall into place. and looking back, so many things make sence. They are real. And it&#39;s not like looking thru medical diagnosis and think I have brain tumors or cancer either. Quite the opposite. It&#39;s such a relief in a way. I can tell my doctors and not get written off as delusional and the like. </p><p> A perfect example: Face blindness.</p><p>It&#39;s when you cannot recognize faces. I didn&#39;t know why, but I learned to tell people, &quot; I won&#39;t recognize you if I see you again. Don&#39;t take it personally, my brain just isn&#39;t wired that way&quot;. And what often goes along with it is that I Don not have any mental &#39;maps&#39; so I rely on landmarks. In a restaurant or campground etcwhen I go off to the restrooms, if I don&#39;t turn around and see which way I will go back, I&#39;ll get lost. </p><p>One more pieces to the puzzle. maybe someday there will be enough pieces that I can have a life, not this relentless battle just trying to make it thru the day.</p><p>Anyway, in addition so far, adult ADD, severe OCD and GAD, bipolar, Audio Processing Disorder (APD) - throw in some fibromyalgia too.</p><p>Back to Brain Fog. I had a complete workup by a neurologist. CT, brain scan and MRI, EEG and EKG, nerve conductivity tests, complete bloodwork ruling out Lyme disease, lupus, other immune system problems, vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, liver diseases . Other than slightly increases in brain activity due to anxiety/bipolar, everything came back normal. </p><p>I sometimes have nights where I will get up to use bathroom and seem to be half dreaming. Not sleepwaliking because I remember it the next day. I&#39;ll think I&#39;m in another room, or somewhere else, bang into things, and get lost. One night was really bad. I kept falling down and knocking things over, dumped ice cream, just pretty bad. </p><p>I did searched on different words and finally got a hit. Its called Sleep Drunkenness. I also found the name of an actual condition that seems to fit the description of my Brain Fog.</p><p>SLEEP INERTIA</p><p> Normally, when you first wake up, </p><p>You have up to a few minutes of Brain Fog. Sleep Inertia is a condition is where it goes on for much longer after you wake. They say this can it can last for from 15 minutes or up to several hours. My symptoms happen to go on for the entire day. Unfortunately, most of the research so far has been concentrated on finding ways to prevent the problem , not on ways to manage after you wake up. They did studies on of things like seeing if caffeine helped, etc. There really didn&#39;t come up with any thing yet to help. </p><p>But I now have a place to start when I see my doctor and maybe he&#39;ll have some things I can try. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-10T00:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark05672-1088984" ], "content": [ "Hi mark how are you doing ?? Hope your doing much better. Have you been tested for lyme?? I have no idea how you managed all these years I respect you for that ,it scares me because to me it affected my cognitive :-/ just like that from one moment to another ,from being an athlete to a couch potato. " ], "date": [ "2018-09-18T22:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "taylor...are you still around.  I just found this thread and have been browsing thru it.    My condition sounds the same and every attempt at medical care has been futile.   Are you people able to sleep without meds?    I have been like this since 1993.......taken a toll on my life personally" ], "date": [ "2017-09-29T15:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=40#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leninlover68-1090724" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leninlover68-1090724" ], "content": [ "God bless you, Thanks for sharing. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-05T15:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nemecky-1078399" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leninlover68-1090724" ], "content": [ "How was that detected? In other words, what was the sequence that lead to the discovery?" ], "date": [ "2017-10-06T14:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie06499-1088592" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leninlover68-1090724" ], "content": [ "<p>I had sinus polyps removal surgery in 1992. I was getting sinus infections about every 6 weeks. Haven&#39;t had a cold since! Anyway, I still started experiencing the brain fog/dream state. But surgery was 25 years ago...</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T21:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Just wanted to leave my story for anyone who is going through similar symptoms. </p><p></p><p>Its okay to feel scared sad &amp; depressed. This is by far the most terrifying thing I&#39;ve ever experienced and I&#39;m sure you&#39;re feeling a similar way.</p><p></p><p>Some context, I have had these symptoms for about a year now. About three months ago, through various doctors appointments, it was discovered I had a mass in my sphenoid sinus. I found a couple of threads where the OP mentioned that he had a minor polyps in one of his sinuses.</p><p></p><p>Long story short my ENT specialist decided to remove it, citing that he has seen some pattern that masses in sinus can cause the symptoms we&#39;re describing. He was probably about 60% sure there was some causation.</p><p></p><p>A month after the surgery I still feel the symptoms but I think at a lower intensity. He had given me a three months to a year of recovery time so I guess that&#39;s expected. </p><p></p><p>Regardless I&#39;m not satisfied. I&#39;m having neuropsych testing done to hopefully get a better understanding of my symptoms. It&#39;s not scheduled yet but I&#39;ll be updating this thread with any information about my progress.</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T21:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=40#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/titi3647-1091539" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>This is crazy to have learned so many people are suffering from the same thing&#39;s I am. I also was in a stressful relationship. He literally had me feeling like I was going crazy and imagining thing&#39;s. And he would never do the thing&#39;s I was accusing him of doing. Even though everything pointed towards what I had been saying all along. He finally did the unthinkable and had our family literally torn apart. But during this time I noticed memory loss worse than I had ever had. I had depression, &amp; anxiety. Never been diagnosed with it but I know because of the circumstances of the situation. Went on for intierly to long. I started losing focus, in a middle of a sentence I would completely forget what I was saying my mind just went completely blank. I have forgotten almost everything I&#39;ve ever learned. I&#39;m having to teach myself all over again. It&#39;s quite embarrassing. I can&#39;t help my own kid&#39;s with school work and home work. I feel like a failure. I&#39;m always in a fog. At least when I learn something and do something every day consistently I&#39;m fine. If I go on vacation for two weeks and come back I&#39;m lost. Even when I look at something and try to write it or type it I instantly forget what I was doing or trying to write. And I had seen on here some one had said a leaky stomach I wonder if that could be it for me but I also have bad teeth in the back of my mouth and I wonder if that also plays a role. Plus, I also have a thyroid condition. I was off my meds for over ten year&#39;s during that time I have lost 75% of my hair thickness. I know that also plays a major factor at least I would like to think so. Because I have always had slight memory loss since I was in 6th grade. But it&#39;s truly worse than I could ever imagine. I also think it could be Alhzimers or Dementia. But I can&#39;t afford health insurance so I won&#39;t know or be able to find out. I wish everyone the best of luck. If you find anything please continue to share. Glad everyone could be so honest and forthcoming about their problems. It&#39;s a little comforting knowing I&#39;m not the only one that is experiencing these issues. God bless all of us!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-08T09:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=40#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lacie31869-1092802" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacie31869-1092802" ], "content": [ "Make sure you get tested for Lyme Disease with an LLMD specialist...I went to 20 doctors with all the same symptoms for years before I found a Lyme Disease doctor who ran the right tests.  Lyme can cause neuro encephalitis with all the symptoms described.  The bacteria infects the brain." ], "date": [ "2017-10-12T13:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lacie31869-1092802" ], "content": [ "I don’t know if this applies to you or not but I’ve been dealing with the same thing and upon doing some research I found out that tooth infections or sometimes still having your wisdom teeth pushing on your others can make a difference. This is ESPECIALLY the case for the upper wisdoms. Lo and behold, I went to the dentist and 6 teeth are infected and my upper wisdom has a pocket so deep I HAVE to have that wisdom tooth removed. If you read up on how tooth infections and specifically wisdom teeth causing brain fog, you’ll find quite a few things. To get people’s actual experiences, I like to google “wisdom teeth cause brain fog” or whatever the search is and then end it with the word “forum.” I’ll try to find you the link I sent myself of a bunch of people who were going through exactly what we are and were cured by getting their infection or teeth taken care of. This can become a problem because basically the infection in your mout, if left alone long enough, can seep into your bloodstream and make your systems go haywire for no reason. And believe me, I went through a million tests including complete thyroid panels twice and a complete hormone panel, MRI, CT, etc with no avail. My doc said the teeth thing can definitely cause it but that’s not something he can test obviously. He’s not a dentist. He knows ABOUT the mouth and pockets and infection, but cannot perform the things necessary to diagnose all of that. \r\n\r\nI too went to every specialist and was told it was depression or anxiety and finally gave up and believed that was it. And to a point it is true, only something is causing the anxiety because I have literally no triggers. After a few months of therapy, even my therapist said she can’t figure out what would cause me to become depressed or anxious. If for nothing else, therapy has helped me to learn to cope with this magical illness. But definitely look into dental. I’ve been evaluated and am just awaiting getting my teeth cleaned and extracted. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T21:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "<p>Good point and something I had considered as well already but actually never looked into any further. My latest episode, started a couple of month after I visited my dentist to have my [b]amalgam fillings[/b] removed. Of course this was just a standard dentist who would not know about amalgam save removal options. I still have some [b]amalgam fillings[/b] which I might have removed by an amalgam save dentist. Even if it is more expensive.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-12T20:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "Did you find any meds that helped ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T14:10+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Desperately wondering how you are three years on!? I&#39;ve been suffering for over a year and s half with all of these symptoms, my life does not feel real and don&#39;t get me started on my memory, I used to have the best memory! Now I can&#39;t remember if what I did yesterday was a dream it was reality.&#160;</p><p>I just woke up one day with this feeling and it never left, I cannot handle it anymore doctors are no help I e had every test done and nothing do they pinned it down to anxiety or depression but I don&#39;t have anything to be depressed about! Nothing has happened I&#39;m not that type of person i was always happy loved going out with friends I can&#39;t even handle doing that anymore, and hot summer days? Forget it I can&#39;t be outside for more then ten minutes, night time is my favourite part of the day as it&#39;s not as bad.</p><p>I&#39;m pregnant and fearing I wont remember meeting my baby because I can&#39;t remember s**t.</p><p>My concentration is crap!! I always feel tired n have no energy and my eye sight has gone to s**t, it&#39;s been so long I forget what being normal feels like I cry a lot over it, not as much as I used too because to me this is life now &#128542; Needing help !!!!!!! Over not feeling real&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-31T21:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=40#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14014-992603" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah14014-992603" ], "content": [ "<p>Telling someone with a chronical illness they maybe &#39;need more motivation&#39; is probably one of the worst remarks you can make.</p>" ], "date": [ "2020-11-02T16:10+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "in your case i dont think its anxiety , maybe u need motivation? or something great to happen in your life. i know it hurts when you dont feel okay yet u have no answer. i really hope u feel better as soon as possible xx" ], "date": [ "2020-11-02T16:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=26#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mistafina-969770" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Rockers. I would say that out of the entire day I have maybe 3 or 4 hours of 70% my original concentration level. If anything comes through that is challanging or out of step from any robotic reutine Im done for the day. Today, for example, I am trying to play some fallout 4 and I was ok until suddenly I felt a pressure in my head and I found it extremely difficult to play the game. My children were running around being loud but it has never been an issue before. So Id say, to answer your question, it has been ongoing since my Mono DX 5 months ago with occasional openings in the clouds.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I will say though the over all trajectory is positive. I cant tell day to day that im getting better but I can tell looking back I am. I too will have more sound intollerance. I cant tell if its because my kids are kids or if im not sensitive but I found it harder to deal with.</p><p></p><p>I think the best way to describe my concentration problem is before I got sick, I was able to sort of anticipate everything that came at me. If my wife was coming towards me, my brain would prepare for a conversation depending on what was going on at that time (dinner, kids things, etc). If my wife comes to talk to me now it feels so random and I have trouble tracking why or what she is saying. So I have to go over it slowly and sometimes twice.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Be patient. Remember &#39;this too shall pass&#39;.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-21T00:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>Rockers, I have the same thing. </p><p>It&#39;s very hard to focus my mind. I feel like there is a fog or a haze over me all the time. Noise and bright lights make it worse for me too. I have the same issue at night too. I am fall asleep but I wake up during the night. I am tired all day every day. To the point that I have to nap or I won&#39;t make it through the day. I am also dizzy. The more tired I am the more dizzy I am. I recently started an allergy med and Zoloft. I think they are helping. Have you talked to a dr about depression? The physical effects of depression are very real and be present before you notice any mental depression. Hope you find answers soon. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-21T00:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes my docotor thinks it`s depression related, especially since my father was hospitalized with depression and my older brother got it too. But none of them had these sysmptoms as pronounced as I do.</p><p>At times I get sever head pressure that moves around, or a burning on the right side of my head. What I have on my to do list for December and early next year is to have all my [b]Amalgam fillings[/b] removed by an Amalgam safe dentist. Cause what I have noticed is that my symtomps flared up really badley a couple of month after my dentist removed one of my big [b]amalgam fillings[/b].&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-21T00:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mistafina-969770" ], "content": [ "Honestly, there are days when it feels like I`m burning up from the inside.\r\nI know the feeling of not being able to follow a conversation, at first I seemto be fine but very quickly I start to drift out of it and everything ebing said to me makes no sense or better it just does not bother me what`s being said.\r\nI do have as well pressure headaches that move around, mainly on my right side of my head. Sometimes I get  half my face to feel like it`s burning.\r\nI used to have these symptoms the very first time back in `98 and then again in 2000 and then every few years. But inbetween I managed to reset and be myself agaon as if nothing happened. But now it`s with me for 2 years.\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-11-21T00:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>Rockers, have you had an MRI? Could you be having migraines?</p><p>If it&#39;s not constant then maybe it&#39;s migraines. Of course if your symptoms are constant then it isn&#39;t. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-21T00:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "Carmen, over the last 9 years I had 3 or 4 MRIs of my brain. There is notheing that suggests anything is wrong. It`s just really frustrating as I can still remember the days I felt normal." ], "date": [ "2020-11-02T14:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>I am so sorry. I completely understand how you feel. I have 3 child and it&#39;s as if I&#39;m watching them grow up and it&#39;s passing me by. It&#39;s incredibly painful. I&#39;m hopeful that the Zoloft I&#39;m on will help. Have you considered trying antidepressants? I know it&#39;s sounds crazy, but depression can be very physical. It may not be the answer for you (or me) but it&#39;s worth a try. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-21T01:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Just wanted to check with you guys here, when you say you can`t concentrate, that`s a continues situation for you or it happens only when you get stressed? My inability to concentrate lasts normally for most of the day, I might get short periods inbetween where focusing is a bit easier but never as it used to be. And generally this could last then for weeks or month. How would you guys describe your concentration problems to someone who has never experienced somethinbg like this? I for example get really agitated, loud nosie makes it worse, get some wired feeling under the skin, probabaly related to the agitation. Bright lights make it almost intolerable. \r\nFatique- the whole day, or just in the morning? I`m tired the whole day, and I`ve noticed it gets worse once I get inactive.\r\nHave no problems falling asleep but I wake up at least 2-3 times at night, dreaming a lot more now too. " ], "date": [ "2020-11-02T14:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=26#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/panospalos-996674" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>You have anxiety disorder. Get help from a psychiatrist. Medication to keep you calmer and session to talk is what you need. I am taking daily anti-stress medicine and have regular session. For sleeping, I take half a hydroxyzine.</p><p></p><p>I went exactly through the same steps as you did. I will use your words and fill in details to show you how similar of a situation I had.</p><p></p><p>About a year ago, after an extremely stressful breakup, I began noticing that I was tired all the time. &#160;Life just wasn’t as bright and vibrant anymore after a month of noticing this ever-present fatigue, it got a bit stronger. I would wake up each morning completely zombie-mode…and that feeling would remain throughout the entirety of my day, until my head hit my pillow that evening.</p><p>Got my thyroid checked, ferritin levels, all the basics. Sleep study revealed I sleep just fine and all my other blood tests came back negative.</p><p>The fatigue and the weight of the world slowly got worse over the next handful of months, UNTIL I woke up one morning and everything escalated greatly. I felt completely stoned. I couldn’t think right. I couldn’t concentrate. I felt inebriated. I felt totally disconnected and spacey. I felt as though I had no control over myself. I lost drive and motivation. I lost a lot of confidence.&#160; I always had an incredibly sharp memory. It was actually something well known about me to those in my family and friend circles. Yet, on this morning, almost all new information could not be retained. Things that happened earlier in the day, by evening, I felt they happened a day or two before. I could no longer recount the activities I took part in.&#160;</p><p>For months I visited doctors getting tested by specialists. I visited a neurologist, I had an MRI, &amp; I had about 20 different blood tests. NOTHING. My doctor literally said “I have no idea what this could be. &#160;I tried altering my diet entirely to organic and all natural. I tried all I could think of .</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-25T23:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=26#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellejay84-999622" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellejay84-999622" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi ElleJay84, it&#39;s good you point this out to people, since a B12 deficiency is much more common than people think (and doctors say).</p><p></p><p>I have to disagree with you though on supplementation; sublingual tablets are at least as efficient as shots, and the good quality ones contain a form of B12 (methylcobalamin) which is much better utilized by the body than the one in shots (hydroxycobalamin).</p><p>Besides that; shots are rather unpleasant and need a visit to the doctors office.</p><p>Note: it&#39;s important to slowly suck the B12 sublingual tablets away, don&#39;t chew or swallow them, the B12 gets absorbed by the mucosa lining in your mouth.</p><p>I used these tablets (3000mcg) for 6 weeks and went from serum levels of 151 to 402.</p><p>Btw, adding methylfolate increases the restorative effect of B12 supplementation.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-06T09:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellejay84-999622" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Good to know! And I guess sucking on the supplements to ensure they are properly absorbed would make sense, since the B12 oral spray seems to work pretty well. Kinda the same concept....\r\n\r\nThanks for the info!" ], "date": [ "2016-12-06T20:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellejay84-999622" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re welcome ElleJay, and indeed the B12 sprays are good to mention as an alternative for the sub.ling. pills. In my experience they are harder to find though and a bit more expensive. On the other hand they contain less additives which could make them an option for people with certain allergies for fillers, colorings etc.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-06T23:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey,</p><p></p><p>I know it&#39;s been awhile since you posted. Hopefully, if you haven&#39;t sorted this out already, this will help you. Or, at least, this may help others in this forum. </p><p></p><p>Sounds like many of you have a B12 deficiency. </p><p></p><p>A few years ago, I found out I had B12 deficiency anaemia. It sucks. I spent about a year in a fog. I would be driving home from work at night thinking, &quot;Wow, I really should not be on the road right now...&quot;. It was like living in a dream. Sometimes, I would wake up so exhausted that I couldn&#39;t keep my eyes open and would fall back asleep...until 7 p.m.</p><p></p><p>Anyhoo, below are the symptoms of a b12 deficiency:</p><p>extreme tiredness (fatigue)</p><p>lack of energy (lethargy)</p><p>breathlessness</p><p>feeling faint</p><p>headaches</p><p>pale skin</p><p>noticeable heartbeats (palpitations)</p><p>hearing sounds coming from inside the body, rather than from an outside source (tinnitus)</p><p>loss of appetite and weight loss</p><p></p><p>In addition to the symptoms above, if you have b12 deficiency anaemia, you may experience the below symptoms as well:</p><p>a pale yellow tinge to your skin</p><p>a sore and red tongue (glossitis)</p><p>mouth ulcers</p><p>pins and needles (paraesthesia)</p><p>changes in the way that you walk and move around</p><p>disturbed vision</p><p>irritability</p><p>depression</p><p>changes in the way you think, feel and behave</p><p>a decline in your mental abilities, such as memory, understanding and judgement (dementia)</p><p></p><p>Additional symptoms include:</p><p>symptoms related to anaemia</p><p>reduced sense of taste</p><p>diarrhoea</p><p>numbness and tingling in the feet and hands</p><p>muscle weakness</p><p></p><p></p><p>B12 deficiency can be caused by dietary deficiencies (common with vegetarians and vegans), overgrowth of bacteria in the stomach (h.pylori, for example), absence of intrinsic factor (a protein secreted by cells of the stomach lining), certain meds (specifically PPIs), gut inflammation, amount other issues.</p><p></p><p>I think you need a specific blood test to confirm a b12 deficiency. Mine was discovered on accident.</p><p></p><p>If you do have a b12 deficiency, you will need regular shots of b12 (supplements won&#39;t cut it at this point).</p><p></p><p>Good luck!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-06T07:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=26#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ikijohn-940773" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I know I have been gluten intolerant for several years and I take efforts to reduce and cut out gluten from my diet. I get the usual symptoms of bloatedness and swollen abdomen. If I have bread (wheat flour) it affects me significantly within a few hours, stops me sleeping, servere brain fog, heavy depressed feeling in my head, poor memory and concertration, headache. Otherwise, running is my magic cure." ], "date": [ "2016-05-09T11:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/quandryite-102261" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I wonder if a lot isn't due to being on the internet, and using other electronic devices.  My symptoms have become much worse in the last month and in direct proportion to the amount of time I spend on this blasted computer.  It is difficult to stay off the computer, or whatever device you use, but I believe it must be done, and it must be done for at least a week to see what might improve.  To keep electronic use to no more than one hour per day, apart from work, would be better than nothing." ], "date": [ "2016-05-15T04:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rajat94136-942286" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rajat94136-942286" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I m also mobile addictive nw... Coz of confusion... Nd state of zero mind all the time" ], "date": [ "2016-05-15T10:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rajat94136-942286" ], "content": [ "Im the same did you find anything that helps ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T11:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Exactly same is with me...\r\nIt started 2 yrs ago... \r\nBut still m suffering....\r\nFor two years i took treatment from psychiatrist and feel only 50% treated but nw whn i ended those medication my condition is same again...\r\nThis is request to you if u find treatment for this please inform me also...\r\n\r\nEvery point which u described fits on me... \r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-15T10:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/blured45263-942567" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have a similar story though with a long history of malnutrition. But even now that I eat normal again my mental symptoms that started back in summer 2014 didn't improve much. It has gotten much worse leaving me mentally unable to remember and think properly. I too was known for an excellent memory. All gone like my friends and joy for life.\r\nI will continue substituting my deficiencies and also check my blood pressure because the pulse in my throat, eyes, head is so strong and even visible on my belly.\r\nHigh blood pressure is known to damage blood vessels in the brain as well. \r\nI also noticed a need for deep breathing and frequent yawning like I'm not getting enough oxygen although substituting necessary nutrients and getting necessary fats.\r\nNeurological or hormonal imbalances could also be behind it but I can't deal with all this.\r\nIf I didn't see no improvement by the time papers are due I will stop caring altogether.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-16T15:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tiara04596-942710" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I agree with phil37826, all of your symptoms could well be coming from a gluten intolerance. I'm 24 and I have all your same symptoms. I used to suffer with depression and anxiety much more in the past so I know the brain fog from depression and this is slightly different because I'm currently not feeling depressed. A few weeks ago I stopped eating gluten and I actually felt much better, and told myself to not eat it anymore but then I did anyways and the brain fog started to creep back and the memory loss and just feeling like i wasn'the all there, it actually wasn't that bad until today I had a piece of a baguette and I felt HORRIBLE afterwards, I pretty much passed out because I was so tired. Like others have said I exercise and eat relatively healthy and even do yoga everyday which is why I know the brain fog is not due to depression or anxiety or stress anymore. I'm going gluten free for good now because I hate feeling this way. I'm also very intelligent and used to have the best memory and be able to multitask and focus and concentrate and I want that all back, so we shall see. I hope you and everyone else on here find your answer at some point. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-17T04:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amycherri-942737" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello Taylor. I am Amy, 21, mother of one. I am diagnosed with Bipolar with depression , borderline personality disorder, PTSD and once was diagnosed with Manic Depression and experienced depression during my pregnancy. \r\n\r\nI have panic attacks when I remember anything. Dreams especially trigger an attack for me. But just 2 days ago, I woke up and have absolutely no clue what I have done or where I have been for over a week... I have apparently been living a fully functional life during this time period but with no recolection of what I did!!!!! At first it started as small slivers of information and now as I have gotten older the worse ot has become. Not sure what is to blame....... :// have you gotten any answers or theories since you posted this ? " ], "date": [ "2016-05-17T06:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/selvania-1019282" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "Just been looking that up....it seems worth trying to get a diagnosis about." ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T21:29+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Has anyone considered that these symptoms could be due to damage to myelin sheaths?\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-05-19T17:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/g43765-945250" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have you been tested for the gene mutation mthfr? I recommend that you do. Im homozygous 1298. It is crazy what how it affects your system. I just got my results and ive been experiencing everything on this thread. It is very common but not normal. Please google it, it may help!\r\n\r\nIf not, id suspect an enviromental or food intolerance. Consider a naturapath. Its the only route ill go anymore. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T05:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mitch16467-920009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mitch16467-920009" ], "content": [ "I got server anxiety while pregnant and depression. My daughter is now 17 months and I'm still low anxious and exhausted. It's like walking through wet thick sand or been in a dark tunnel trying to find the end. I can't expect that this is my life I can't be like this !!! I see a phyciatrist I'm on my second antidepressant now it's been 15 weeks on it " ], "date": [ "2016-06-06T11:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "If this is your first time EVER experiencing depression, you will have a tough time coping. No doubt about it. When I first got depression at the age 17, it took me nearly 6 months to stop being suicidal. It took me more than a year to accept that I had an illness. Not to discourage you, but it took nearly two years to learn to live with it. Thinking back to it now, I should've sought help sooner. You can really curb the effects depression has on you. Seek help as soon as possible. I let mine fester for 7 years until I developed terrible anxiety. The more you let depression take it's course, the harder it will be to undo habits. All my best wishes to you! Things do get easier. If there's anything depression teaches you, it's PATIENCE. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-26T05:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laura31213-948273" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura31213-948273" ], "content": [ "I agree laura, i have similar symptoms and haven't been diagnosed yet. Would make a whole lot of sense " ], "date": [ "2016-06-06T23:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura31213-948273" ], "content": [ "There are many manifestations of mental health issues,which affect people physically - theres no reason to assume it's Lyme disease. Let's leave diagnosis to drs shall we? Alarming those of a sensitive nature really isn't helpful " ], "date": [ "2016-06-06T23:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "Fair to say however what do you do having such symptoms that result in mental health. From experience drs use the \"mental\" health as a diagnostic tool when they cant figure out whats wrong with the patient? " ], "date": [ "2016-06-06T23:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "I think TaylorMason [i]did[/i] see doctors, plenty of them, to no avail.\r\nAt a certain point you have to do your own research as a patient, some hints of other people can be helpful. A Lyme test isn't that complicated, better have it checked and move on than being unaware of the possibility it could be the cause of your complaints and having your body deteriorate in the meantime." ], "date": [ "2016-06-07T11:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "content": [ "The posted question/thread is me down to a tea it's like been in a messed up dream world and then I first got it after my son I though I was dying, how can depression anxiety do this to you? I had nothing to be depressed about. Then I got it again after my daughter :( so I knew what it was but again it's so hard to believe because it's so awful and strange to feel in this fog. " ], "date": [ "2016-06-07T13:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laura31213-948273" ], "content": [ "Pls let me know what helped you ?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T11:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I think you have Lyme disease. I got a message like this and it saved my life. I don't have the timeto explain and reply to every single person affected. Research Lyme disease and brain fog. I hope it helps and wish you the best" ], "date": [ "2016-06-06T22:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=16#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexryan-916305" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pearl70642-920251" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alexryan-916305" ], "content": [ "What is it that you have " ], "date": [ "2016-02-01T19:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Taylor i have these exact same symptoms and it's amazing that i've finally found at least a few people who have the exact same thing. I know that you've posted this a while back but have things gotten any better? Brain fog is honestly the toughest enemy because it's one you can't see. No doctor can diagnose it and everyone thinks you're suffering from depressionalization, anxiety or chronic fatigue syndrome. I've described my symptoms literally the exact why you have. It is EXACTLY like being high without the good feelings. It's completely 24/7 and gives you almost this innability to think. You start to lose your ego in some senses. Look if anyone can relate to this and have gotten better over time or have found a cure for their brain fog please let me know. It's just great to know i'm not the only one with this. Also, Taylor, don't let people tell you you're depressed. I thought it was depression when my brain fog began to cloud my mind the first year but if your case is like mine, it isn't. Just keep pushing :) Thanks guys" ], "date": [ "2016-01-19T22:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexryan-916305" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm with you" ], "date": [ "2016-01-21T00:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ruben_46612-919421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Have you recovered from this ?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-24T03:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexryan-916305" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've been working towards it everyday but it hasn't left me yet" ], "date": [ "2016-01-27T21:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline70912-921134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor you described my symptoms down to a T!  I'am currently a third year student at university and although I know the importance of this year, I don't seem to be able to find the motivation to do the work let alone care or contemplate what willl happen if I don't. \r\n\r\nHow are things for you now?\r\nPlease tell me you have found the answers!\r\n\r\nIn need of help!\r\n\r\nCaroline \r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-02-01T19:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/autumn_shadow-923346" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hoping you have found some peace of mind, I had a similar stage after my husband(now ex) finally cut ties with me and took my child. Everything went downhill from there, I lost any want to do more then just work and be left alone. It had gotten worse for a while, the job I loved, i lost(because of the ex) and that depressed me more.\r\n\r\nDepression is a nasty thing/idea. To think of depression people who have never undergone any stage of it are just responding, \"you can make it better\" \"its all in your head\". But the truth is its not just a figment of your imagination, its your life. If you believe in Karma you can be caught under the Karma of others. Some people are more likely to tap into that Karma and it can destroy them. People who are more in tuned with the world, with life, find themselves bogged down by it. The over active mind can't run for decades on that kind of stress/adrenaline as seen with my own mother. \r\n\r\nNow I know I've gotten a bit off topic, but I'm just speaking from personal experiences.\r\nAnd I'd have to say, no to the drugs, no to the doctors who want to put you on more. \r\nFind yourself, get balanced and get grounded. Practice different meditation's, and that's not just sitting in the lotus position and humming,\" Ohm\".\r\nIt can be as simple as reading a book, going for a walk or a hike in the woods or mountains(if you live near any). Reducing how much others rely on you, you need time for you. Do research into the chakras, karma(and that doesn't just mean you did something to deserve anything) past life regressions even. Most importantly be open to anything that could help you. \r\nIf your a savant(learned person) of any kind, you need time to relax and recharge. \r\nHoping you find some peace of mind,\r\nAutumn" ], "date": [ "2016-02-12T19:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pamela51740-744628" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Sounds a bit like depersonalization " ], "date": [ "2016-02-17T13:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gretchen64132-924323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did you ever receive any answers? I am experiencing the same symptoms. I currently take anti depressant/anxiety meds, but I feel like they are not fully helping. I do have generalized anxiety, accompanied by brain fog, inability to think clearly, and head pressure with slight lightheartedness and dizziness. It would be comforting to know if you were able to get some relief and how. Thanks!" ], "date": [ "2016-02-17T22:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/timothy16905-926906" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am going through the same thing. I'm in college and am in prenursing and my theory is that I've developed a bad appetite and I'm lacking in essential nutrients. I've found that omega 3's are Essential to brain function. So get some daily vitamins and eat better and I'm sure you will feel much better. Oh and don't forget to sweat at least once a week." ], "date": [ "2016-03-02T06:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sr9999-926953" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey Taylor, I have read your note on your problems and it has been a year, has there been any change since? Have you gotten better, and if so.. Could you share? " ], "date": [ "2016-03-02T11:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hemu-925840" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I really don't know what was the issue why the moderator removed my comment (7 days ago). I'd like to be informed." ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T19:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karenlou1981-927300" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello- I know this post is over a year old so I am hoping you are still connected to this site. My story is the same as yours. Have you found any answers? Praying you get this message and that you have found answers" ], "date": [ "2016-03-04T02:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/letishacook-928333" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor I do just exactly the same thing I have fit this for four years and I so know this is not deppersion I've had blood work MRIs eegs they told me it could be silent migrain there is no way it is I find myself doing something wondering why I'm doing it also I'm dizzy at times pressure in my head no pain all this could last all day it happens every single day of my life I no longer drive not to mention my speech gets slur and I just feel stoned out of my head " ], "date": [ "2016-03-09T18:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/letishacook-928333" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor I do just exactly the same thing I have fit this for four years and I so know this is not deppersion I've had blood work MRIs eegs they told me it could be silent migrain there is no way it is I find myself doing something wondering why I'm doing it also I'm dizzy at times pressure in my head no pain all this could last all day it happens every single day of my life I no longer drive not to mention my speech gets slur and I just feel stoned out of my head " ], "date": [ "2016-03-09T18:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dave39518-949038" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steelyburt-541349" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dave39518-949038" ], "content": [ "I only recently discovered this post and I am thankful that you have offered your experience. I have been living with fatigue, memory loss, perceived learning difficulties, difficulty paying attention etc. I don't have the money to go spending on various tests. I'm not sure where even to start. How did you discover you were low in Vitamin D? Is there a general blood test for various deficiencies? How long did it take you being gluten free to notice an improvement? And I'm curious about how you keep yourself fed. I'm a thin and fit guy who is often hungry. " ], "date": [ "2016-06-13T02:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I know this is an old post, but i thought i would reply.  I had the exact same symptoms and went to many doctors/specialists, had mri's, ct scans, and blood tests.  After 8 years I was finally diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  Additionally, my vitamin D levels were extremely low (8ng/ml).  I had doctors wanting to diagnosed me with depression mainly due to the fatigue), but they were overlooking the most important criteria, a depressed mood.  I did start having panic attacks many years after living with brain fog, memory loss, fatigue, but it was mainly due to my brain fog.  It was hard to interact with others.  On really bad days i could barely comprehend what people were talking about. I was much better after my vitamin D levels leveled out, but i still experience extreme brain fog (sometimes for months) if i eat something with gluten." ], "date": [ "2016-06-09T16:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=17#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am in the dilemma. I'm 45 and afraid I will lose job. I started cholesterol meds and thought it was causing it so I quit taking then but I'm still really bad. I'm gonna have dr test me for Lyme disease. I've had a stress test cause of chest pains and I go for results tomorrow. I've thought about mold in house. Or even lead or mercury poisoning. I'm gonna double check thyroid. Went to a neurologist last week and they don't think that it's anything neurological. Some nights are better than others but every morning starts off really bad. I'm on Lexapro already if anxiety and I really don't think it's that. \r\nIt's hard to even write this. I keep stopping and dreaming about what I want to say but I can't get it out. I just have a feeling of wanting to stare into space and just float away.\r\nI hope someone find something to help. I'll keep you posted" ], "date": [ "2016-06-12T12:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=17#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "I tried to get an EEG for two years now, but the neurologists I went to didn't think it to be relevant... I think it's relevant, especially in combination with an immune system profile. But what I think doesn't seem to relevant either." ], "date": [ "2016-06-13T14:43+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "To everyone currently facing this \"fog\":\r\nWhat do EEG tests reveal?" ], "date": [ "2016-06-12T22:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=17#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "So any of you who suffer similar problems as Taylor has experienced a gradual worseneing of their condition.\r\nOver the last 18 month my daytime tiredness became a lot worse, with it my cognitive functions declined too. At times I do things and then right afterwards I can`t recall what I just did. Bright lights are a big problem too. A year ago I had moments where I had brief spells where I felt fairly normal. They could last for a few minutes, few hours or if I was lucky I had a couple of days where I felt almost normal. Those periods don`t happen at all anylonger. " ], "date": [ "2016-06-18T04:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=17#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tony86202-952857" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tony86202-952857" ], "content": [ "Hey Tony,\r\n\r\nThanks for sharing. The coming and going seems to mimic my symptoms. Question #1 how do you know its s serotonin problem?. #2 out of curiosity, did you do drugs in your past? Ecstasy etc?. #3. Does the intensity chance? # Do you feel like the prozac helps?\r\n\r\nThanks again for sharing.\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-06-23T13:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tony86202-952857" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you Pajjah for replying to my post. Yes, I use to do cocaine about 10 yrs. ago and did it for about 10 yrs. also but I have been experiencing this since my high school years in the late 80&#39;s and early 90&#39;s. That&#39;s when it started. I didn&#39;t start using cocaine till I was 23yrs. Old in 1996. As I mentioned I no longer use drugs but that&#39;s not to say it didn&#39;t had to the problem. Also, the left side of the back of my head hurts sometimes. Right in the dead center of my back of the head on the left side. I have to get my wife to rub it and man does it put me in another world when she rubs it. It&#39;s a pain like a tingle sensation, cold sensation and then she runs it and it&#39;s like I feel it flowing or something. I&#39;ve had it checked and nothing so I don&#39;t know what it could be along with damn fogginess. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-26T23:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tony86202-952857" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re a lucky man to have the option of a back rub down from a wife <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/wink.gif\" alt=\"wink\" />. My marriage couldn&#39;t get through this foggyness and is sadley ending now. Thanks for the feedback. Let me know if you come up with anything and I&#39;ll do the same.</p><p></p><p>Thanks Tony</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-26T23:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Omg!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one in the entire world </p><p>With this problem. I have been experiencing this for years</p><p>And have been trying to fight it so much. Just like you I have changed my diet, I have tried running on the treadmill</p><p>So my brain could produce more serotonin and I even take Prozac because it helps your brain produce serotonin as well and still I am foggy, lost and and can&#39;t retain info. Now this is a phase cause it comes and goes and right now I have it at a very bad time cause I just got a job with usaa and I&#39;m in training and noting sticking to my brain and I&#39;ve been a banker for 10 yrs. it&#39;s like the switch just went off. J hope it comes back on pretty quick but it&#39;s pretty sad doctors don&#39;t have a diagnosis for it. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-23T12:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=17#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carolyn1970-949730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>well i have been tested for lyme, HIV, syphilis, lupus, lead, vit. B &amp; D and other things i can&#39;t think of.&#160; nothing to show.&#160; I am waiting on a sleep apena testing results now.&#160; 7 weeks and counting.&#160; praying for sleep apena right about now.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-23T16:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=17#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awilliam-953633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awilliam-953633" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re not alone. Do you have a family member to live with while some serious diagnosing is done. Hang in there. Negative thinking will snowball everything. I can personally relate. I&#39;m just going through a separation basically because I can&#39;t get my clear head back. Im about to lose my sales Management position too I think. It&#39;s unthinkable for me but better days are ahead. Have you attempted meds?. Trying exercise?.</p><p></p><p>Keep your head up my friend, you&#39;re not alone.</p><p></p><p>Scott</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-26T17:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awilliam-953633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pajjah-928532" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Scott,</p><p></p><p>Unfortunately not, I don&#39;t really have any family and had quite a difficult childhood and early life so sadly there isn&#39;t really anyone I can fall back on, I&#39;m not sure if what I&#39;m experiencing is a combination of long term stress and worry or if there&#39;s something underlying.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m sorry to hear you are experiencing similar symptoms, and hope you are able to get through this too! I feel too spaced out to exersize at the moment, I wish I could!</p><p></p><p>Andrew </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-26T17:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi,</p><p></p><p>My name is Andrew, and I&#39;m really hoping that someone reading this will be able to offer some help, advice or share your stories further, Did you find diagnoses, treatment and did you return to normal?</p><p></p><p>Here is my story, Please get in touch if you think you can help me as I can&#39;t continue for much longer. On Wednesday 25th May, I returned home early from work having been unwell for the previous three weeks with what was initially diagnosed as a Quinsy abscess/severe Tonsillitis, During this time I was extremely unwell and prescribed three different types of Antibiotics, I&#39;m not sure if this initial illness is in some way linked to what I&#39;m going to share, But it gives a full picture of what&#39;s been happening. During this period of time, alongside being extremely physically unwell, I was experiencing overwhelming feelings of stress, anxiety and worry having recently started a new job and being in my probationary period, having to take time off sick which was unpaid and worrying about a number of financial implications and a few on going personal issues.</p><p></p><p>I returned home on Wednesday 25th May and at this point in time my cognitive functioning and thought process was clear. I felt physically exhausted and decided to have a nap at around 6pm, I woke up around 8pm with a very faint pain in my head, and feeling in what I can only describe as a state of shock about my current situation of being unwell, worried about my new job, money, being able to pay the rent if I didn&#39;t pass my probation due to sickness etc. I felt in a state of shock, and suddenly I was unable to think, unable to process thoughts, I closed my eyes to try and get to sleep and suddenly there was nothing? I&#39;ve always had a very sharp mind, clear loud thoughts and a photographic memory but suddenly there was nothing? I immediately panicked and contacted my mother to try and explain what was happening, I suddenly had a blank mind. Like someone had turned the switch to off? I couldn&#39;t visualise anything, couldn&#39;t process thoughts, It&#39;s like I closed my eyes and there was nothing there - If you asked me to imagine a tropical island or an animal I couldn&#39;t. My vision was blurred, I felt spaced out, anything that happened I suddenly couldn&#39;t remember, or something that happened five minutes ago felt/feels like it was months ago, I can&#39;t remember anything visually since this happened. I can remember things factually (Who I am, where I live etc but that&#39;s it), I immediately went to my GP to explain what had happened and the fact I suddenly was unable to sleep, was experiencing memory loss, blurred vision, spaced out and felt extremely distant and depersonalised, I was told it seemed like an after effect of my throat infection and things would improve and was given sleeping tablets, I returned home unsatisfied with the result but positive and hopeful things would return to normal. They didn&#39;t and I returned multiple times to little success, or further prescriptions of sleeping tables etc but I didn&#39;t feel like they were taking it seriously, The GP consulted a Neurologist and I was told there was nothing to worry about. My symptoms continued and in a state of desperate panic I went to A&amp;E to seek further help, I was given a CT Scan which came back negative which was a huge relief and again was told it seemed like a hangover effect from being unwell but again I didn&#39;t feel this was giving me any answers, I returned home and continued to feel exactly the same. After two weeks of not sleeping, I slowly managed to fall asleep naturally again on and off which was a huge relief however since May 25th, I have constant memory loss, I can&#39;t remember anything that happened five minutes ago or I feel like it was months ago, I feel constantly spaced out, dazed, blurred and like I have constant brain fog, I&#39;m exhausted, I can&#39;t process thoughts, Or the thoughts in my head are suddenly non existent - The only way I can describe it. I have a constant light pain around the front of my head, I can&#39;t sleep, I can&#39;t function. I&#39;m on the verge of losing my job and being unable to pay the rent and bills which is causing further stress and worry and I&#39;m on the verge of killing myself because I can&#39;t continue like this.</p><p></p><p>If anyone can help, Please get in touch.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-26T15:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=17#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awilliam-953633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/awilliam-953633" ], "content": [ "<p>I know exactly how tou feel ...i also started losing my mind after being on antibiotics ..pls let me know how you are doing and if you found anything that helps ....&#128559;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T18:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi,</p><p></p><p>My name is Andrew, and I&#39;m really hoping that someone reading this will be able to offer some help, advice or share your stories further, Did you find diagnoses, treatment and did you return to normal?</p><p></p><p>Here is my story, Please get in touch if you think you can help me as I can&#39;t continue for much longer. On Wednesday 25th May, I returned home early from work having been unwell for the previous three weeks with what was initially diagnosed as a Quinsy abscess/severe Tonsillitis, During this time I was extremely unwell and prescribed three different types of Antibiotics, I&#39;m not sure if this initial illness is in some way linked to what I&#39;m going to share, But it gives a full picture of what&#39;s been happening. During this period of time, alongside being extremely physically unwell, I was experiencing overwhelming feelings of stress, anxiety and worry having recently started a new job and being in my probationary period, having to take time off sick which was unpaid and worrying about a number of financial implications and a few on going personal issues.</p><p></p><p>I returned home on Wednesday 25th May and at this point in time my cognitive functioning and thought process was clear. I felt physically exhausted and decided to have a nap at around 6pm, I woke up around 8pm with a very faint pain in my head, and feeling in what I can only describe as a state of shock about my current situation of being unwell, worried about my new job, money, being able to pay the rent if I didn&#39;t pass my probation due to sickness etc. I felt in a state of shock, and suddenly I was unable to think, unable to process thoughts, I closed my eyes to try and get to sleep and suddenly there was nothing? I&#39;ve always had a very sharp mind, clear loud thoughts and a photographic memory but suddenly there was nothing? I immediately panicked and contacted my mother to try and explain what was happening, I suddenly had a blank mind. Like someone had turned the switch to off? I couldn&#39;t visualise anything, couldn&#39;t process thoughts, It&#39;s like I closed my eyes and there was nothing there - If you asked me to imagine a tropical island or an animal I couldn&#39;t. My vision was blurred, I felt spaced out, anything that happened I suddenly couldn&#39;t remember, or something that happened five minutes ago felt/feels like it was months ago, I can&#39;t remember anything visually since this happened. I can remember things factually (Who I am, where I live etc but that&#39;s it), I immediately went to my GP to explain what had happened and the fact I suddenly was unable to sleep, was experiencing memory loss, blurred vision, spaced out and felt extremely distant and depersonalised, I was told it seemed like an after effect of my throat infection and things would improve and was given sleeping tablets, I returned home unsatisfied with the result but positive and hopeful things would return to normal. They didn&#39;t and I returned multiple times to little success, or further prescriptions of sleeping tables etc but I didn&#39;t feel like they were taking it seriously, The GP consulted a Neurologist and I was told there was nothing to worry about. My symptoms continued and in a state of desperate panic I went to A&amp;E to seek further help, I was given a CT Scan which came back negative which was a huge relief and again was told it seemed like a hangover effect from being unwell but again I didn&#39;t feel this was giving me any answers, I returned home and continued to feel exactly the same. After two weeks of not sleeping, I slowly managed to fall asleep naturally again on and off which was a huge relief however since May 25th, I have constant memory loss, I can&#39;t remember anything that happened five minutes ago or I feel like it was months ago, I feel constantly spaced out, dazed, blurred and like I have constant brain fog, I&#39;m exhausted, I can&#39;t process thoughts, Or the thoughts in my head are suddenly non existent - The only way I can describe it. I have a constant light pain around the front of my head, I can&#39;t sleep, I can&#39;t function. I&#39;m on the verge of losing my job and being unable to pay the rent and bills which is causing further stress and worry and I&#39;m on the verge of killing myself because I can&#39;t continue like this.</p><p></p><p>If anyone can help, Please get in touch.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-26T15:43+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=17#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vinu09319-841897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Question to everyone. Did you do blood work for Vitamin D levels?" ], "date": [ "2015-08-12T02:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deirdre-_03652-312788" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "HI young man. I am so, so sorry that you have still not found an answer...yes i was checked for vitamin D levels....\r\nI had two abnormalities.....1) very high vitamin B12 levels...\r\n2) high inflammation markers.....\r\nBoth were inexplicable, but the inflammation levels were another pointer to FIBROMYALGIA.....\r\nIt makes it harder and so frustrating when you you go from test to test with no clear diagnosis...\r\nI was eventually diagnosed by a rheumatologist...( my GP was above excellent. )..but is it wearing feeling awful with no answer....I take it they have ruled out ME.?...\r\nLike you I still find the terrible memory loss the worst aspect.... I even forget close relatives name....don't give up on finding an answer, almost everything it treatable.....I so feel for you...I really, really, really hope that the doctors find a CLAUSE and a SOLUTION....Take VERY good care of yourself, try to keep strong....I send you big, warm hugs....DEIRDRE x" ], "date": [ "2015-08-12T06:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tol8988-895029" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello TaylorMason,\r\nI thank you for explaining what I am going through for last year in words. I would not be able to explain it as good as you did.\r\nI first suspected my thyroid too and went to a specialist. They run a lot of tests to find nothing. I took melatonin supplements to sleep deeper and at the same time everyday with no results. The doctors' reactions were more as if I was lying about these symptoms which demoralized me further.\r\nOn top of everything you explained, I also lost the feeling of thirst and started getting dehydrated all the time (drinking 3-4liters of water every day).\r\nThe reason I got into this situation is similar to yours, long term stress and it makes life so much harder since I am working in a research institute and can only retain information for short periods of time. It is as if learning everything from scratch every second.\r\nIt feels good to know that there are other people experiencing the same symptoms, I hope that we can find solution to this. I am going to try psychiatrists now to see if it is an imbalance in brain chemistry.\r\nI have one question to everyone in this thread, do you have clear (you are really sharp and can remember everything) days once every two weeks or so?" ], "date": [ "2015-09-05T01:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/muir-895620" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Tyler - have your symptoms resolved?  Erica not sure if highly intelligent actually a correlation - it may b e just that the intelligent ones are the ones who take to the internet forums :)\r\n\r\nI have had insane brain fog for 3 years now.   When the fog is particulalry bad I also get a loss of cordination in my left hand and strange feeling in my left foot.\r\n\r\nThings that helped:\r\ntyrosine\r\nWellburin - but seeme to wear off over 2 month period\r\n\r\nThings that make is worse:\r\ncaffeine\r\n\r\nI am experimenting with Modafinil next as an adjuct to Wellbutrin." ], "date": [ "2015-09-08T23:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/juan83791-895954" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm pretty sure that what you have Taylor is Lyme Disease. Literally all of the symptoms you say you have been having, and the fact that doctors can't pin point it is because Lyme is known as the great impostor. \r\n\r\nI was on the exact same boat as you, with all the horrible side effects; and finally out of curiosity I asked my doctor to give me a Western Blot test. This blood test checks for specifc differences in your body's generation of different proteins that when elevated to a specific level, it pin points that your immune system is trying to fight off an invasive bacteria. Depending on which strands it is some will be higher than others and this would let what is known as an LLMD know what infections you have in order to be treated.\r\n\r\nTrust me, even if I'm wrong the Western Blot test can still be helpful for practiced doctors to understand what your immune system is doing.\r\n\r\nAll the best,\r\n\r\nJuan" ], "date": [ "2015-09-10T18:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline23884-896131" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline23884-896131" ], "content": [ "Please message me a cure!! :)" ], "date": [ "2015-09-11T18:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline23884-896131" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Research diet/food and brain connection. \r\n\r\nThe cause is gut health (leaky gut) and hormones, which have a strong link to mental health. Brain fog is when brain is inflamed. \r\n\r\nSolution is an elimination anti-inflammatory diet for 1-2 months, to let your gut and body heal. I saw results after 2 weeks and it was mind blowing. My friend had the same results, but it took him longer to see results. We did the Autoimmune Paleo diet (although I don't have autoimmune), and you can find info and food list on the Internet. \r\n\r\nThis is what I did:\r\nOrganic and pastured/grass fed foods \r\nAre meats and veggies only\r\nCooked all my meals (I know) \r\nLots of probiotics daily\r\nFirst month focused on Anti-fungal foods and supplements (see Kaufman diet), eliminated fruit, and ate low carb and low starch veggies \r\nEliminated caffeine and other stimulants \r\nTook other herbal supplements that I felt fit\r\n\r\nI felt like crap first few weeks, and it's normal to feel worse before you start feeling better. In addition for brain fog, my depression, anxiety and mild psychosis is also resolved, as all were symptoms of an underlying cause. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2015-09-11T20:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kjhsdkjnkjnviek-897070" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Any luck?" ], "date": [ "2015-09-26T18:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrshane-928598" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline23884-896131" ], "content": [ "I've experienced these same symptoms for the past two years now. I'm going to try the autoimmune paleo diet for 60 days like you did but I'm vegetarian so it's gonna be a little difficult for me. would you reccomend any specific meal plan? Also were you able to eventually re-introduce foods without feeling like crap? Or do you pretty much have to stay on this diet to feel 100%" ], "date": [ "2016-03-10T22:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simplysarah-930966" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline23884-896131" ], "content": [ "Hi Caroline,\r\n\r\nI just came across Taylor's blog and your post in it. I see you posted this 6 months ago. Is this still working for you? Your solution sounds the most reasonable for me at this point and the most practicable. \r\n\r\nI've had the thyroid, Vit D, and several other tests listed here. My sense of myself is that it's food and water related.\r\n\r\nI'd love to hear your six-month status. " ], "date": [ "2016-03-23T19:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nuttynads-934087" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline23884-896131" ], "content": [ "Hi caroline\r\nI wud like to know please.\r\n\r\nThanku" ], "date": [ "2016-04-09T21:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline23884-896131" ], "content": [ "Hi Caroline\r\nPlease would you share how you managed to get rid of it? Thank you so much " ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T14:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I dealt with the same thing, brain for and other symptoms, for three years. These three years were a downward swirl and it ruined my life - socially, professionally, etc. Doctors are useless. I found the cure three month ago and for the first time I feel \"normal\" and amazing. I'll be happy to share the cure, if anyone is active on here still. Please let me know. " ], "date": [ "2015-09-11T18:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/peter1704-934617" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "hello...on the same boat..Actually removing smartphones could help people a lot. Mean not be \"on\" all the time.Sometimes when Im reading too much on my smartphone I get that nasty \"anxiety-tension headache,like pressure\".It could do sometimes something with it.But on other side sometime help you to \"play\" with smartphone ,so your mind is concentrate on something else...well every coin have two sides." ], "date": [ "2016-04-13T17:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Dear Linda\r\nThat is the most cheerful thing I have heard in a long time. Shows hope. Thank you for sharing. How are you feeling now? " ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T14:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Taylor, I had exact the same symptoms since early 2014, and did a lot of research on this (long live the invention of tablets: so easy to use when lying in bed...).\r\nMy conclusion is: there are many possible causes for this, like the ones mentionted in several posts here: thyroid problems, Lyme's disease, food intolerances, mold, chronic stress, nutrient deficiencies etc., and I all checked them out. Blood work showed I had vit. D, ferritin and B12 deficieny, solved that: little improvement. Also I had a Candida infection, probably spread out through my compelte body, treated that and kept a diet: got rid of it, but again, little extra improvement.\r\nI took a lot of supplements and herbs, again: they show to add a little to my health, enough to keep taking them at least.\r\nThen I switched focus to behavioral aspects, and found out that taking long cold showers in the morning accompanied by breathing exercies strengthens the immune system (look up the Wim Hof Method) , and yes: i've been improving steadily since I'm doing this (and I sure wake up for at least a few hours!).\r\nFurthermore, I got rid of my smart phone: my brain is grateful for that, I can tell you. It's getting a lot more rest, and I don't seem to miss out on anything (maybe this is the connection with many commenters stating that they were first of their class and so on? Cognitive overload by using social media too intensely? Because we can? Switching from one source to another in a second and processing too much info too quickly?).\r\nBut the real breakthrough I found just a couple of weeks ago. I went to see a craniosacral therapist, who has been working on my whole body system. The first time I walked out there I could cry of sheer happiness, because I finally found someone who could help me; my head had cleared up, I felt some hope again, and actually felt like wanting to do things! The first time this feeling of recovering held on about one and a half day, the next treatment it lasted for almost three days, and by now I feel quite OK most of the week. With OK I mean: being able to concentrate for several hours a day, not having that feeling of pressure and fogginess in my head, having the energy to just start doing things, feeling a lot less grim, making plans for the future and regaining trust in that everything will be allright in the end.\r\nI feel I still need some time to really recover, but I'm on my way!\r\nI would say: give it a try, good luck! Let us know how it goes!" ], "date": [ "2015-09-26T23:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ty-sa-1464319" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Im currently going through the same thing, i know this post is years old but if anyone has any more info now id appreciate it.\r\n\r\nIt started about 5 months ago, i woke up one day and i had no feeling in my body, couldn't even feel pain, and the symptoms that im about to explain, they were more severe on this day than ever, it was one of the most scary days of my life, after a few days it had come down a lot but they were still there, and from there every week they just get worse..\r\n\r\ni sleep up to 16 hours a night and somehow im always tired, i never remember anything, even during a conversation i have to ask people to repeat because my brain just cant hold what they say, I'm constantly questioning whether i, or anything, is real, i zone out, pretty much all the time, it gets so bad sometimes that ill waste hours just staring at nothing, and it just feels like im not the one living my life, im watching myself do things through a window, im not thinking about what i say anymore, it just comes out, and i just do things without thinking like autopilot.. im even hearing voices now and seeing things when i try to sleep at night, its torture, doctors aren't willing to help, all they say is its just my brain coping with stress, but i need to know how to stop it, it's killing me\r\n\r\nsome things ive realised are, the not thinking about what im doing gets worse when im under stress, like in school or in a shop, anywhere where i have to interact with people, on a brighter, more blue day, my symptoms are a lot better, almost like good mood stops it, and the hallucinations only happen when i stay up later than usual \r\n\r\npleeeeaaase if anyone has more information it would save me, this has been going on for months and it only gets worse each week" ], "date": [ "2023-05-20T22:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=64#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fuzzybrain-1465001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Wow this thread took my experience and translated into English. I havent been able to communicate this effectively to my doctor and I think your comments are going to really help me. Here's my story and current path to solving this mystery.\r\n\r\nSo I've been to many doctors and have gotten an MRI, changed my diet, started taking medication etc. My doctor put me on welbutrin and zoloft for my depression and anxiety to see if that relieved the brain fog (it did not). There is a risk of seizure with the medication, but my dose isnt especially high (300mg and 50mg). Cannabis has ALWAYS relieved my symptoms and makes me feel 100% back to normal, so I took an edible last night around 10mg. I double checked for drug interactions and there were none! I have even taken edibles on this medication several times before with no issue but...\r\n\r\nLast night I had something like a seizure (not sure if it was one as i could talk and move my arms and legs, but I was tensing and spasming all over my body in waves) and I started researching them to try and figure out of that's what it was. I fell down a bit of a rabbit hole when I came across encephalitis. \r\n\r\nA lot of the symptoms align with what I experience. I even read a forum post from a girl who was diagnosed with encephalitis after she went in for pain behind her eye and at the base of her skull (I went to the doctor for the same exact reason). People also complain of their head feeling heavy or under pressure, which I have also complained to my doctor about. Was prescribed nose spray, didnt help. It's not that kind of pressure.\r\n\r\nI've been to a neurologist for my eye and migraine pain, and they found that my MRI was normal. But, they tested my eyes and motor functions and found I have significant peripheral and central vestibular dysfunction. Heres where I get a little confused, so I'm just going to write exactly what the report says:\r\n\r\nUnder peripheral: \"...denotes canalithiasis or cupulolithiasis involving the contralateral anterior semicircular canal. This is suggestive of paroxysmal positional vertigo.\"\r\n\r\nUnder central: \"There is evidence of significant central vestibular dysfunction. Defective pursuit denotes a CNS lesion. Bilateral symmetric defective pursuits imply dysfunction of the cerebellum, striate cortex, or brainstem.\"\r\n\r\nNow theres a couple of things interesting about this. For one, I don't have symptoms of vertigo, I rarely get dizzy or stumble, and I know where I am spatially in terms of position. They also didn't find any brain lesions. They did diagnose me with something called military neck, I forget the medical name. Basically, my neck does not curve in a C shape like it's supposed to, it's straight. I have since been treated with physical therapy, but my condition has not improved. \r\n\r\nI went into this test expecting everything to be normal, I had some weird vision issues and that pressure behind my eye but at this point I assumed those were two separate instances and not directly affecting my eyes. My vision issues are more processing issues than performance, I can see fine but sometimes I'll space out and go blurry, or the world around me just doesnt seem quite right. Since my MRI was fine, my neurologist never followed up on this, and I forgot about it until now. Paired with my other findings, I think this could be significant.\r\n\r\n But the real kicker for me is this. I once had 2 vials of blood drawn to test for any abnormalities that could explain my symptoms, and about an hour and a half later i felt this... sudden wash of clarity and presence drape over me. It was so strange, I felt almost myself again. I told my doctor this but she had no explanation, and was even a bit flabbergasted. Then LAST NIGHT AS I'M READING ABOUT ENCEPHALITIS, I LEARN THAT ONE OF THE TREATMENTS FOR IT INCLUDES DRAWING PLASMA TO RID YOUR BODY OF THE ANTIBODIES THAT ATTACK BRAIN CELLS!! \r\n\r\nI am so excited about this and things make a lot of sense if this is indeed what I have. It's nothing as extreme as the girl who wrote Brain on Fire's case, but that sense of things not being right, of extreme anxiety, of feeling stupid when I used to be incredibly gifted, of having a short term memory when I used to be known in my family for remembering everything, that all aligns with autoimmune encephalitis.\r\n\r\nNow I dont know if thats the cause of my symptoms for sure, but I am going to see a new neurologist and get some tests done. I just havent seen encephalitis mentioned in this thread before and thought this was a very real possibility for at least someone here. \r\n\r\n\r\nAnyways, hello everyone! Hopefully people still check in here. I will update when I get the results :)\r\n\r\n\r\nP.S. sorry for weird grammar and sentence structure, my language skills aren't quite all there for obvious reasons.\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-05-31T02:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=64#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fuzzybrain-1465001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I think i replied to the wrong post so double posting this here:\r\n\r\nWow this thread took my experience and translated into English. I havent been able to communicate this effectively to my doctor and I think your comments are going to really help me. Here's my story and current path to solving this mystery.\r\nSo I've been to many doctors and have gotten an MRI, changed my diet, started taking medication etc. My doctor put me on welbutrin and zoloft for my depression and anxiety to see if that relieved the brain fog (it did not). There is a risk of seizure with the medication, but my dose isnt especially high (300mg and 50mg). Cannabis has ALWAYS relieved my symptoms and makes me feel 100% back to normal, so I took an edible last night around 10mg. I double checked for drug interactions and there were none! I have even taken edibles on this medication several times before with no issue but...\r\nLast night I had something like a seizure (not sure if it was one as i could talk and move my arms and legs, but I was tensing and spasming all over my body in waves) and I started researching them to try and figure out of that's what it was. I fell down a bit of a rabbit hole when I came across encephalitis.\r\nA lot of the symptoms align with what I experience. I even read a forum post from a girl who was diagnosed with encephalitis after she went in for pain behind her eye and at the base of her skull (I went to the doctor for the same exact reason). People also complain of their head feeling heavy or under pressure, which I have also complained to my doctor about. Was prescribed nose spray, didnt help. It's not that kind of pressure.\r\nI've been to a neurologist for my eye and migraine pain, and they found that my MRI was normal. But, they tested my eyes and motor functions and found I have significant peripheral and central vestibular dysfunction. Heres where I get a little confused, so I'm just going to write exactly what the report says:\r\nUnder peripheral: \"...denotes canalithiasis or cupulolithiasis involving the contralateral anterior semicircular canal. This is suggestive of paroxysmal positional vertigo.\"\r\nUnder central: \"There is evidence of significant central vestibular dysfunction. Defective pursuit denotes a CNS lesion. Bilateral symmetric defective pursuits imply dysfunction of the cerebellum, striate cortex, or brainstem.\"\r\nNow theres a couple of things interesting about this. For one, I don't have symptoms of vertigo, I rarely get dizzy or stumble, and I know where I am spatially in terms of position. They also didn't find any brain lesions. They did diagnose me with something called military neck, I forget the medical name. Basically, my neck does not curve in a C shape like it's supposed to, it's straight. I have since been treated with physical therapy, but my condition has not improved.\r\nI went into this test expecting everything to be normal, I had some weird vision issues and that pressure behind my eye but at this point I assumed those were two separate instances and not directly affecting my eyes. My vision issues are more processing issues than performance, I can see fine but sometimes I'll space out and go blurry, or the world around me just doesnt seem quite right. Since my MRI was fine, my neurologist never followed up on this, and I forgot about it until now. Paired with my other findings, I think this could be significant.\r\nBut the real kicker for me is this. I once had 2 vials of blood drawn to test for any abnormalities that could explain my symptoms, and about an hour and a half later i felt this... sudden wash of clarity and presence drape over me. It was so strange, I felt almost myself again. I told my doctor this but she had no explanation, and was even a bit flabbergasted. Then LAST NIGHT AS I'M READING ABOUT ENCEPHALITIS, I LEARN THAT ONE OF THE TREATMENTS FOR IT INCLUDES DRAWING PLASMA TO RID YOUR BODY OF THE ANTIBODIES THAT ATTACK BRAIN CELLS!!\r\nI am so excited about this and things make a lot of sense if this is indeed what I have. It's nothing as extreme as the girl who wrote Brain on Fire's case, but that sense of things not being right, of extreme anxiety, of feeling stupid when I used to be incredibly gifted, of having a short term memory when I used to be known in my family for remembering everything, that all aligns with autoimmune encephalitis.\r\nNow I dont know if thats the cause of my symptoms for sure, but I am going to see a new neurologist and get some tests done. I just havent seen encephalitis mentioned in this thread before and thought this was a very real possibility for at least someone here.\r\nAnyways, hello everyone! Hopefully people still check in here. I will update when I get the results 😃\r\nP.S. sorry for weird grammar and sentence structure, my language skills aren't quite all there for obvious reasons." ], "date": [ "2023-05-31T03:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=64#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/travis46598-1465819" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/travis46598-1465819" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I had to miss 3 months of work and then had to return when FMLA ran out. I am worthless at work now and I can barely drive. This needs to end. I am no longer a functional human being." ], "date": [ "2023-06-08T17:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/travis46598-1465819" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I am constantly fatigued and feel dizzy all the time as well. I just get the feeling that once the head feeling is gone, the rest will go away as well. Just the ear popping/cracking and the skin crawling feeling is enough to make someone go insane. I feel like I should be in the hospital hooked up to machines until they figure this out. I am beyond terrified. Either make this go away or put me out of my misery. I always feel like I am going to stop breathing as it is hard to breathe or take a deep breath. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-09T09:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I am not sure what in world has happened to me. My issues started in March 2023. I had caught COVID and had a very stressful life situation going on (wife left me). I was a happy, healthy, 41 year old that was going to the gym everyday. Ever since I have been all messed up. I am convinced I am dying on a daily basis. I would gladly take death over what I am going through. My brain/head constantly feels like it is being crushed/squeezed or is on high alert or something or like it is going to explode. I do not know how to describe it. It is not a headache, it is much more sinister and painful. Same thing for my ears, it is like they are under massive pressure. I do not process things as quickly as I once did. I have lost the ability to sleep due to the head feeling, I am lucky to get an hour or two a night, and it is always dream sleep not deep, I can get more if I take Klonopin, nothing else seems to work. I constantly feel like everything is shaking or I am shaking. I cannot relax to watch tv, play video games, or read any more. I have lost interest in all things I enjoy. I lost the ability to laugh or feel excitement or happiness. The shaky feeling seems to run through my whole body, especially my chest/abdomen. I always feel like I am going to have a seizure or heart attack or lose control over my body fully. I have weird spasms and jerks and twitches. I can barely eat anything as it feels like my stomach is always full and bloated. Even water seems to make it mad. I have tons of gas non-stop for no reason. Digestion does not work normal any more for me, I either go like a week with no bowel movement then struggle to push out even a tiny bit or I am going 3 times a day and having massive rectal pain. It feels like something is squeezing my stomach area same feeling as in my head. I cannot stop urinating, like 25 times a day, no matter how much I drink. I do not feel like I am living in my own body or mind any more. I have strange internal pains in my chest, gastro areas, back. I constantly have a feeling of fear and like I need to run from every situation I am in. I always have the sensation like something is crawling on my back and head. I have blurry vision even with my glasses, and without them my vision is a million times worse than it was. My sinuses are acting very strange, like runny nose when I eat. Always filling up with clear stuff or white stuff all the time. I feel like I am allergic to everything. When I try to sleep at night, it feels like messages either to my brain or from it are getting interrupted by something in the neck area. I have strange spasms and jerks. I have had a brain MRI, EEG, tons of blood work all were clear. I keep getting told it is just anxiety. Like hell it is. I know I am depressed and I have had anxiety before. This is far far worse. I have been given a ton of scary meds that I don't want to take and that really didn't help anything. I have been on Effexor for 5 weeks now and nothing from that. Not sure if that is making me worse. Not sure if all the damn benzos have made my brain/nervous system worse at this point. I am convinced there is something seriously wrong with me and it is being missed. I see a therapist and a psychiatrist as well. No one understands what I am telling them. I fired my primary care for refusing to send me to a Neurologist. I see a new doctor soon. I am not sure how much more of this I can take. I am not sure if COVID did lasting damage to my brain or nervous system, unleashed an autoimmune disease (my ANA was negative though), or reactivated viruses or this is all just anxiety and depression. I just know this isn't living any more. I pray every night to no avail. My family has been there for me but do not believe what I say I am going through. I fear this will kill me soon or make me brain dead." ], "date": [ "2023-06-08T17:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=64#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steve15921-1465989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Wow, this is me also. I’ve had bouts of it in the past but over the last 3 weeks its been constant.\r\nThis time it started out with periods of being spaced out and blurry vision. Then it became waking up with mild tension type headaches that radiated from my neck and occipital region of skull, and spreading to eyes, top of skull, temples and an ear fullness. I also have dreadful TMJ.\r\nNormally, this would seem common for me, especially if I slept wrong on my neck. But the spacey feeling has never ceased. I can’t think, can’t focus on anything. Woke up at 5.50am every morning regardless of taking Endep. Then two nights of no sleep at all. Now ive slept the last two nights again but the minute I wake up its back to space station again.\r\nI get little bouts where I feel almost normal and my vision improves. Headaches have now gone but i still feel the constant brain fog and even derealisation at times.\r\nGoing for CT in 2 days but I’ve passed all my neurological testing (had to fight for a scan).\r\nWas vitamin D deficient over a year ago but it was only mild. I do take D but haven’t had my levels looked at again.\r\nI feel like I’m losing my mind and as a mental health professional, this has been particuarly trying to make sense of.\r\nHas anyone had any joy yet??" ], "date": [ "2023-06-12T03:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=64#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kjcg44718-1200498" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Has anyone had a PET scan? I&#39;m wondering if I should have one done. I see a lot of people have done MRIs. Would that include with contrast? Mine was only done without contrast that&#39;s why I ask. I&#39;m not sure what the difference is between the two and what without contrast shows versus with contrast. I&#39;m having a lot of these same problems too. It&#39;s truly so depressing. My neurologist literally said she doesn&#39;t know what&#39;s causing it and suggested I should just take ginkgo biloba. Only problem is my psych said ginkgo interacts with a lot of psychotropic medications. It&#39;s like I can&#39;t win ughh</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-06T21:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=48#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kjcg44718-1200498" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "Hi! Did you actually see the mold or did you get testing done to detect it? Also, was it black mold?" ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T02:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kjcg44718-1200498" ], "content": [ "<p>I could see darkening near water damaged areas and the roof was leaking during the winter despite my landlord assuring me it had been fixed. In my poorly ventilated bathroom I could see dark under the paint that the landlord used to try to hide it. But for the most part you wouldn&#39;t know there was mold there at first glance. Once my belongings were in the house you didnt smell the mold either, you smelled my candles, etc. I ended up staying with a friend to care for her after surgery for a couple weeks and realized that I felt normal but when I went back home all the same symptoms kicked right back in. Thats when I knew it was my house causing it so I had mold testing done and it tested with &quot;highly elevated levels&quot; of black mold AND aspergillus mold which can kill you as well, its just less known. I moved out last week and I feel so much better!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T03:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kjcg44718-1200498" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "<p>Hmmm I&#39;m wondering if I have mild in my house. We do have water damage inside the house in the ceiling and we&#39;ve had multiple leaks. The only thing is I live in the house with my family and no one else has the symptoms I&#39;m displaying. I do have an attic in my closet and my whole closet has a foul odor. I wonder if that is mold related or something else. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T18:14+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Mold!!!!\r\nI posted here with the symptoms of brain fog, memory loss, fatigue, etc. last year and just two weeks ago I found out that my rental house was full of multiple types of toxic mold. I moved and the symptoms have subsided! I highly recommend that anyone having these symptoms have their home tested for mold ASAP, especially with a history of water damage. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=48#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/t63275-1144983" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/t63275-1144983" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>I write the above with brain fog symptoms for over a year. Diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. Extreme levels where I felt dizzy, not with it, tired, spaced out, feint. I couldn&#39;t drive sometimes. I couldn&#39;t walk or be in crowded areas. I couldn&#39;t escape the thoughts. I forgot things. I panicked alot. Constantly worried about my health. They dominated my life 24/7. So i havent written the above with any naivety to the seriousness of the symptoms of brain fog. The community we have however is amazing... and we can all help eachother :)</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-06T23:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone. We will all have our own methods and techniques to either ease or rid the symptoms of brain fog. Mine took me almost a year to understand and accept. It was all bought on by anxiety. Anxious of how I was feeling was breeding more anxiety. All this anxiety pushes our minds into a protective state.... brain fog. By almost distancing and phasing out reality, the mind is focused on itself. However as an anxious person, I was getting more anxious of this feeling as I didn&#39;t understand it! </p><p></p><p>I have since taken on many lifestyle changes to help reduce. I can happily say my brain fog is at about a 5% level of what it was 1 month ago. I changed my diet. I started eating healthy green vegetables and cutting sugar and processed foods. I started meditating and prana breathing techniques. Controlled breathing to trick your mind into thinking &quot;hey if someone is breathing this slowly... can they really have anxiety??&quot;. Having good night&#39;s sleep. 7-8hours a night. I also started taking multi vitamins during meals and magnesium tablets each night before i slept. </p><p></p><p>The main thing I did was ACCEPT it. I was no longer afraid of it. No more googling. No more searching. No more thinking. Life is too short. The amount of moments I missed or wasn&#39;t fully focused on because I was TOO focused on my mind and brain fog. </p><p></p><p>Brain fog thoughts bad worry fuel more brain fog. </p><p></p><p>Just remember. This is your brains way of trying to protect you from danger (ironically the danger is something you have manufactured in your compulsive thinking). </p><p></p><p>Cut the compulsive destructive thought processes and make positive changes to your life. :-) it worked for me. </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2018-08-06T23:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=48#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heretorelate-1201150" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heretorelate-1201150" ], "content": [ "Jordan, \r\nI can totally relate to everything you’ve said! I’ve been dealing with this for about a year. My anxiety, Brian fog, forgetfulness, sadness, loss of interest etc. symptoms are starting to subside. I’ve always been a worrier but this ramped up last year when my son moved out and off to college. I was so sad, crying all the time and then the brain fog kicked in. I thought I was losing my mind. This year my son tranferred 11 hours from home (last year he was 5 minutes from home) so I of course have been worried that all this fuzziness and brainfog will come rushing back. I’ve tried not to worry and focus on my own sadness but rather focus on the good...the new experience she my son is getting to have, him becoming an independent adult, etc. it is for sure helping. Thanks you for the advice!\r\n\r\nErin " ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T15:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nikole43962-1259773" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heretorelate-1201150" ], "content": [ "Thank you for this response I am now going on 5 years living this way. Mine started from having a panic attack at a funeral. I thought it would go away but it got worse and worse. So do you have any more information on how to go about how to get rid of the causes of the anxiety I'm desperate and I miss my life before this happened. I have a six year old son and I can't even play outside with him for too long without wanting to go back inside and stayin what I think is a safe space but none of it is really. I'm missing his childhood from this and it breaks my heart so very much. If you were able to get out of this I applaud you so much." ], "date": [ "2019-08-01T04:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve recently emerged from a five year struggle with severe anxiety disorder and bouts of depression. &#160;Brain fog was hands down my worst symptom. &#160;I had short-term memory loss, difficulty following conversations, difficulty speaking/getting my words out, couldn&#39;t process information well, whether it be spoken or written, and many others. &#160; It got so bad, I feared even having conversations with people, even my family, wife, and best friends. &#160;I nearly lost my job because I was having such a hard time thinking and communicating. &#160;My marriage and relationships suffered. &#160;I basically became a hermit in my house. &#160;It was the most difficult time of my life.</p><p></p><p>After years of searching though, I found the right help. &#160;I am not an &quot;expert&quot;, but I can tell you what I have learned and how I found healing: &#160;Brain fog can, and is often caused by, an anxiety disorder. &#160;Chronic stress can change the way the brain functions. When we behave anxiously, an area of our brain called the amygdala sends a stress response to the hypothalamus, which then secretes stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to specific areas of our body. &#160;These hormones produce an array of physiological, psychological, and emotional symptoms. &#160;This is commonly known as the &quot;fight or flight&quot; symptom. &#160;Stress hormones can impact the brain. &#160;For example, stress can do the following:</p><p></p><p>Make the &quot;fear center&quot; of your brain - the amygdala&#160;more active and dominant, and suppress the &quot;rationalization area&quot; of your brain - the cortex. &#160;This is why when we are anxious, we are often more alert and aware of danger. &#160;It can become difficult to think clearly and logically. &#160;Also, stress can increase the electrical activity in our brains, which makes it harder to concentrate and can cause &quot;racing thoughts&quot;.&#160;</p><p></p><p>The way I was taught to eliminate brain fog and what worked for me was getting my stress levels down. &#160;Brain fog caused by anxiety disorder is due to chronic stress. &#160;If anxiety has escalated to a disorder, your body can begin experiencing symptoms of stress and sometimes constantly. &#160;When I had my disorder, I rarely ever got a break from the brain fog. &#160;It was constant. &#160;It didn&#39;t help that I was a hypochondriac, and when I was symptomatic I would worry, which caused more stress hormones, which caused more symptoms, which caused more worry, and so on - it became a vicious cycle.</p><p></p><p>The solution to symptom elimination due to chronic anxiety is to reduce stress and frequently relax your body. &#160;When we do this, our parasympathetic nervous system becomes engaged, which produces a &quot;rest or relaxation response&quot;. &#160;You can try this for yourself right now - this is what happens when you take a deep breath and let it out slowly. &#160;I was told to deeply relax my body twice a day for 15-20 minutes each time. &#160;I listened to audio tapes of guided meditations, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxations. &#160;Other ways that help are listening to relaxing music, take a warm (not hot) bath with Epsom salts, get a good night&#39;s sleep, light to moderate exercise, get a massage, walk in nature or in the country, lay by the beach, and many others. &#160;Anything that is relaxing. &#160;I would highly recommend daily quiet times where you unplug and listen to a relaxing audio tape.</p><p></p><p>In time, symptoms will reduce, and eventually go away. &#160;I am the healthiest I&#39;ve been in many many years as of today. &#160;It is such a wonderful feeling!</p><p></p><p>However, if you are struggling with an anxiety disorder, your symptoms (such as brain fog) are just that - symptoms. &#160;They are not the root of the problem. &#160;I discovered that the root of anxiety disorder is learned unhealthy behavior. &#160;When we have adopted unhealthy belief systems, it influences our thinking. &#160;When we think fearfully, our body produces stress hormones. &#160;Too many stress hormones = symptoms of anxiety.</p><p></p><p>I worked with a trained anxiety disorder therapist who was able to help me uncover my unhealthy belief systems. She specialized in anxiety (having overcame one herself) and truly understood it. I learned a lot about myself. &#160;I learned a lot of unhealthy ways of thinking when I was a very young boy. &#160;For example, I had major health sensitivities. &#160;This was due to my brother being diagnosed with stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma at the age of 4. &#160;He was given a 1 in 4 chance to live. &#160;I remember as a little boy being constantly worried about him or someone I loved or myself dying. &#160;Since this unhealthy belief/behavior was established (especially at a young age), it became an automatic way of thinking for me anytime I had any type of health issue pop up. &#160;So when I started to experience brain fog, I would worry about it, which just caused more stress hormones and made the brain fog worse.</p><p></p><p>These behaviors can seem instinctual the more we think about them. &#160;Our brains remember and learn through repetition and reinforcement and can establish things called &quot;neural networks&quot; when we think a certain way for awhile. &#160;The key is to identify your unhealthy beliefs/behaviors and work to change your thinking. &#160;When you begin to think in healthy, rather than unhealthy, ways, you will stop producing constant stress responses, which eliminates the anxiety disorder and all of the symptoms that come with it. &#160;Working with a trained anxiety disorder therapist was instrumental or me as well. &#160;I didn&#39;t even realize how unhealthy my thought life was until I was able to get a trained 3rd party to objectively assess me and point out my thought patterns that just seemed &quot;normal&quot; to me, because I didn&#39;t know any better.</p><p></p><p>I hope this helps someone out there who is struggling! &#160;Believe me - I&#39;ve been there. It was hands down the hardest time of my life!</p><p></p><p>Jordan</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-28T03:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=48#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kjcg44718-1200498" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "Did you have any anxiety before moving in the house or did it begin once moving there?" ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T18:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/erin5880-1125398" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "how do you test for this? I've wondered if this our problem too. " ], "date": [ "2019-08-01T12:40+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Anxiety and Depression are also symptoms of MOLD toxicity. While living in toxic mold I was also diagnosed and treated for anxiety, but while the meds helped, it didnt fix all of the issues. Be aware, houses that look perfectly fine can have water damage and mold. " ], "date": [ "2018-08-07T03:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=48#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/naomi-04-1209019" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>The way we think extremely affects our overall health. We have nerves all over our body that is connected to our brain. But not only that, we have our endocrine system that consists of ductless glands which secrete hormones directly to our circulatory system. It functions almost similar to our brain. One of the hormones it produce is cortisol and it should be in NORMAL LEVEL. If level is too high results to agitation while low level results to fatigue.</p><p></p><p>Doing exercise and eating healthy is a GREAT step for depression.</p><p>I&#39;ve read some studies about the benefits of sun bathing for this.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T12:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=48#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/billy08386-1068095" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/billy08386-1068095" ], "content": [ "<p>Im assuming you didnt have any EXTREME physical symptoms or EXYREME &#160;memory loss..NO THIS IS NOT IN MY HEAD ...my brain is fried with pressure burning sensations and a million pains ...so no its not anxiety or depression ...im glad you made it &#128521;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:49+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Everybody please take this with a grain of salt, but I was finally able to feel like my oldself again - I got rid of my Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. I was online every day and night reading these forum covincing myself something was wrong with me. I spent a few thousand dollars on office visits to find out why I wasnt feeling “normal&quot;. Was it stomach issues? [b]Candida overgrowth[/b]? Mold toxins? Of course, all the tests came back negative saying I was perfectly fine. “But, that is impossible!!&quot; Fortunately, a few things finally helped me break out of those 6 months of hell and nonstop anxiety. The first thing was a call from my Uncle. Hes 70 years old and has lived a very unhealthy life of sugar, cigarettes, and fatty food. What this made me realize that our bodies know exactly what theyre doing - we are proof of billions of years of evolution and our immune systems are extremely complex and resilient. I decided then and there that I am going to stop trying to “control&quot; everything and I&#39;m just going to let my body operate on it&#39;s own because it knows what it&#39;s doing. The 2nd thing that happened was when I was in the public library and the “universe&quot; had me come across a book called “Is it All in Your Head?&quot; Which contained numerous true stories of people who had convinced themselves that they were sick. People who literally convinced themselves that they had Multiple sclerosis and became unable to walk or a lady who had a sanitizer accidentally sprayed in her eyes and she convinced herself that she was blind, when actually her eyes were just fine but she actually convinced herself that she was unable to see..after all the specialist doctor visits and test coming back negative her last doctor visit was to a mental hospital...the Final thing that brought me out of those dark 6 months of stress and “never ending searches for answer&quot; was a trip to see old friends in Austin. I drank a few beers, ate some not-so-healthy food, laughed, smiled, and finally realized that when I “let go&quot; and just let life happen I am happy again. I&#39;m my old self again. The person I used to be. The guy that could take on the world and wasn&#39;t afraid of anything. So my final message is that sometimes if you want to find yourself and be happy again you have to “let go&quot; and just live. Your body knows what it&#39;s doing. If you convince yourself you are sick I gaurantee you will feel sick. If you stave yourself and are afraid of eating x,y &amp;z your body is going to feel weak because it&#39;s not getting the calories it needs to give you energy. Unglue yourself your smartphones because sometimes the answer isn&#39;t going to be found on there...let intuition and instinct take over. You might find yourself smiling again. I LOVE YOU ALL!! and I hope your find your PEACE!</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T23:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=48#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deirdre-_03652-312788" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/deirdre-_03652-312788" ], "content": [ "Hi there!\r\n\r\nThank you so much for your response.\r\n\r\nHmmm...this was considered at one time, but I believe it was ruled out because I don't experience the muscle or joint issues, tingling in hands or feet, and headaches... But I suppose it could STILL very well be this. \r\n\r\nonce you were diagnosed, has treatment helped?" ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T22:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deirdre-_03652-312788" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Hi Taylor, there is no treatment I am afraid, but just knowing it is something real helps a great deal... I truly hope you find an answer to your problem... please take care young man, in my thoughts Deidre xx" ], "date": [ "2014-12-29T23:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Dear Taylor. It sounds highly likely that you may be suffering from anxiety and depression, but the primary cause could well be FIBROMYALGIA...\r\nIt causes every single symptom that your are suffering...\r\nI was diagnosed this year after endless rounds of scans and many other varied investigations.. I found the lack of cognitive function ( fibro fog )\r\nVery difficult to live with also the absolute exhaustion.. it may be well worth your while asking your GP their opinion... it is normally diagnosed after all else is ruled out... it can hit at any age and turns your life upside down... I would certainly look into this young man, and I truly sincerely wish and hope that you find an answer... Make an app as soon as you can.. in my thoughts, Deirdre xx\r\nsim" ], "date": [ "2021-02-07T22:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abella-538466" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/abella-538466" ], "content": [ "Is it normal to recover in patches? I have patches where I'm OK like a hour then sink back. I don't feel depressed about anything though I have a happy life its like its there trying to get me. Week 7 fluoxetine expected better results I think xxxx" ], "date": [ "2014-12-30T09:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shawn23899-983735" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/abella-538466" ], "content": [ "<p>How did the psychiatrist help and what meds did he put you on? I&#39;m suffocating with the same symptoms.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-01T16:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/allycat2468-1018804" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "Yep patches are common." ], "date": [ "2017-02-05T18:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi TaylorMason\r\nThose are all depression symptoms. I know every one of them and the foggy brain with no memory of what you did an hour ago, is the worst bit. I got help and got well again with a lot of medication and supervision. You can be normal again too, but you need help for depression. Different options will be given to you, but dont try to struggle through believing you can control this. It is just illness, and it is something everyone here knows about. Good luck and GET SUPPORT from a professional. My life saver was a psychiatrist and I cant thank him enough for making me well again.\r\nHugs xxx" ], "date": [ "2014-12-30T02:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/abella-538466" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/abella-538466" ], "content": [ "Iv got to see how I am after the baby which is so hard as I wanted to b well by then so I can care for my family. I feel OK ish just spaced out and dulled. After the baby I'd up the dose but if its the meds spacing me out that wouldn't b helpful. Scared of a new med too as its starting again and risking square one. My p.Dr thinking I'll feel normal again in time. My gp is quite good he's very understanding, I believe his wife has anxiety issues. 7 weeks is just sooooo long when iv so much depending on me :( xx" ], "date": [ "2014-12-30T10:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Rachel\r\nI used to feel normal for whole days only to crash back down the next day. So yes you do get better in fits and starts. If you need to try a new medication it will kick in much sooner because you have been taking other meds for 7 weeks. I needed benzodiazapines as well as antidepressants for the first 3 months on anti depressants. Only then did I manage to smooth out my ups and downs. I have also heard that the second bout of depression is often worse than the first. Its like it becomes your weakness and when under too much stress, the depression raises its ugly head again. Just when you thought youd put it behind you. \r\nI would ask what more you can do because this depression is not lifting as much as you,d hoped it would by now. GP s dont understand as well as psychiatrists either. They try but they tend to underestimate how bad you are feeling.\r\nAbout the bad memory... I was a cot case and had to leave notes for myself because my brain was like a sieve. Right onto it now though. Got my memory and my sanity back. I know you can get there too. \r\nPlease get all the help you need and deserve.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2014-12-30T09:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pf7-448178" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vinu09319-841897" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pf7-448178" ], "content": [ " Did you do blood work for Vitamin D levels?" ], "date": [ "2015-08-12T02:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brittany90609-1084958" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pf7-448178" ], "content": [ "<p>Verbatim, so sorry. It&#39;s a nightmare like your life has been hijacked.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-16T17:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brittany90609-1084958" ], "content": [ "Tell me about it" ], "date": [ "2017-11-23T03:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have these same EXACT problems I constantly feel as though im in a dream(more like a nightmare) my head alaways feels so cloudy. I have had multiple blood teats that come back normal and I even saw a neurologist but she said an MRI wasnt necessary as I have no headaches, loss of memory etc. I am currently seeing an endocrinologist who is also baffled she put me on luvox a few weeks back but it has not helped. Most recently I have started to become very itchy, ddehydrated, craving sweets/carbs, the fog has become unbearable and has caused much anxiety, thebsole of my left foot tingles at times, my lower back hurts, my eyes and vision are all messed up and I have sever gas. I dont know how much longer I can live like this getting out of bed and facing the day has become extremely hard." ], "date": [ "2021-09-27T14:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/susanna1122-688130" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel90526-926468" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susanna1122-688130" ], "content": [ "Ugh, this is how I feel! It's crazy tho because at night out of the sun light I'm a lot better! Mine just started three days ago but it's not that big of a suprise because when I was in grade school I had this feeling and head aches every single day until I got older and started hanging out with people a lot maybe being more active or the pot smoking helped but it's went away and today I got a head ache so I feel like it's coming back again and now I have kids and no car so I'm always stuck at home nothing I can do but just suffer until I get a car and im not smoking pot lol ....I can't go to the Dr until I get a car...all I can say for anyone who is going Tru this is just try to be as normal as you can...:/" ], "date": [ "2016-02-29T01:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hazeln-931910" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel90526-926468" ], "content": [ "Have you heard of Irlen syndrome? Symptoms range from trouble concentrating, migraines and a host of emotional, mental behavioral problems caused by bright lights (often flouresent lights, but even sunlight).. causing sensory overload.. look it up. I also used feel better at night practically all of my life but now im sleepy all the time, loss of motivation, energy both physical and mental, or just need to close my eyes and want to shut down (particularly during the day), memory problems, spaciness etc i've lost my personality and no amount of \"positive thinking\" helps.. so i feel you." ], "date": [ "2016-03-29T04:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/quandryite-102261" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel90526-926468" ], "content": [ "No one can watch the kids and there is no bus, taxi, friend that can help so you can see a doctor?  You say at nightwhen out of the sunlight, you feel a lot better.  What  the home, is different then?  Kids asleep?  Someone else there?" ], "date": [ "2016-05-15T03:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deb25734-983243" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/susanna1122-688130" ], "content": [ "How long did it take your brain to function properly after you found you had reactive hypoglycaemia?" ], "date": [ "2016-10-07T23:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Taylor\r\n\r\nJust wondering if you've heard of a condition called Reactive Hypoglycemia or even having your blood sugars checked for Type 2 Diabetes. A craving for carbs or sugary stuff is classic and it's the stuff you steer clear of. I was diagnosed with RH last October and the worst part of it for me is the brain fog and all the symptoms you describe..feeling cloudy, stoned, memory loss (mine's terrible!). But sometimes your blood sugars can be normal but you experience all the symptoms of it. You have my sympathies.." ], "date": [ "2015-04-19T15:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gracie6-1436213" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hunter29990-1368207" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gracie6-1436213" ], "content": [ "yes i have this and every neurologist i see says it is to mild to cause issues and because i do not get headaches that it is benign. what was your outcome " ], "date": [ "2023-06-08T23:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Has anyone heard of Chiari Malformation? I'm trying to get an MRI so someone can actually see the problem and help. My symptoms are so much worse, hopefully this is finally the answer. It would explain 99% of my symptoms. The possibility of surgery that might actually help is really exciting." ], "date": [ "2022-10-04T22:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kody83770-1445487" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "its definitely brain damage related, ive got brain fog, dissacosiation, memory being a mix of cant remember 2 seconds ago to being able to recite s**t ive read akmost a week ago still word for word (i do lil brain excersizes when no ones lookin to sorta note the downfall) being a complete retard most the time, i also get extreme paranoia and delusions to where i start thinking im in the truman show or was cloned for perfect genetics and now everyones gonna kill me cause i destroyed my brain and have become useless. im pretty sure its either extreme depression/anxiety and a mix of rewiring my brain due to stimilant abuse, or just schitzophrenia literally any advice on what else it could be would be appreciated" ], "date": [ "2022-11-01T08:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kody83770-1445487" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "its definitely brain damage related, ive got brain fog, dissacosiation, memory being a mix of cant remember 2 seconds ago to being able to recite s**t ive read akmost a week ago still word for word (i do lil brain excersizes when no ones lookin to sorta note the downfall) being a complete retard most the time, i also get extreme paranoia and delusions to where i start thinking im in the truman show or was cloned for perfect genetics and now everyones gonna kill me cause i destroyed my brain and have become useless. im pretty sure its either extreme depression/anxiety and a mix of rewiring my brain due to stimilant abuse, or just schitzophrenia literally any advice on what else it could be would be appreciated" ], "date": [ "2022-11-01T08:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla54964-1445948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’m 28, and it’s like I have severe dementia, but I am aware of my horrible memory (as dementia patients aren’t). I constantly forget things seconds, minutes, and hours later. Sometimes I will try to focus so intently on what I am doing as not to forget, yet if I’m lucky to remember it, it is purely just because I memorized what I did rather than have any visual memory/recollection of doing it. This started over two years ago. When it started, it only happened with a couple of moments of forgetfulness a day. Some days I didn’t even notice any issues. Over time it has become constant as if I have almost completely lost my short-term memory. I’ve also seen that over the years, I have forgotten so much of my past, from vacations, graduations, how I met my friends and almost all past conversations. I have never suffered any physiological or psychological trauma that I am aware of. I do have idiopathic hypersomnia and took sodium oxybate (prescription GHB) at one point. At first, I was convinced that that medication was responsible for my worsening memory loss; however, I’ve been off of it for seven months, and my memory has only gotten worse. Even with my sleep disorder, I am awake and alert taking Pitolisant, so I cannot blame being sleepy on my memory lapses. I had breast augmentation a couple of years ago and thought maybe that could be a cause, but even after reading stories about people who have suffered from breast implant illness, I don’t see anyone with such significant memory complaints. To note, I started to have a pressure/tingling feeling between my eyebrows and above my nose. It started intermittently and turned to constantly. I thought it was sinus pressure, but I had a negative sinus CT. I tried several migraine medications, and none worked. Gabapentin did eliminate most of this feeling, but when my memory didn’t improve with the pressure relief, I figured there was no point in taking it anymore. I’ve been on antidepressants for the last decade, but I feel like my depression was in remission when this started. I believe my memory problems caused a relapse in depression and anxiety rather than mental health symptoms causing the cognitive effects. I don’t feel dissociated currently, but I did feel that way several years ago. I feel like I’m high/drunk, but only the memory aspects of that. I don’t do drugs. I drink a couple of glasses of wine a week. I currently take 200 mg of Zoloft and propranolol. All of my blood work from neurology has come back normal. I’ve had 1 brain CT, 1 neck MRI, and 3 brain MRIs over the years– normal. Two EEGS– normal. Sleep study- lack of atonia during REM sleep (but common with my sleep disorder). Neuropsychological testing– within normal limits. I will try TMS, but I’m losing hope that I will ever get better. I used to be a high-functioning adult, and my memory impairment has made it impossible for me to go to school or hold a job. I don’t even feel safe at home alone because if I don’t write everything down, I won’t remember like taking my medication, going to the bathroom, or letting my dog outside. I’ve even completely forgotten whole episodes of television and having sex a couple of hours later. How could this possibly be psychological?! It’s tormenting. Sorry for the length of this post." ], "date": [ "2023-01-10T16:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla54964-1445948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I’m sharing the questions that I asked my neurologist with answers in case this information can help anyone else. Honestly, had I not sent my questions as a portal message I would’ve never remembered what I asked or what the answers were. \r\n \r\n1. I read in your note that pseudodementia may be causing my subjective cognitive impairment. After researching the condition, it seems like depression precedes memory problems with this and eventually reaches a plateau. I noticed the memory problems first, with the depression following. My memory has also gotten progressively worse over the last couple of years. Also, during a month that I felt the happiest in a long time (April 2022), my memory problems were the same in intensity, and it seems that pseudodementia is associated with persistent poor mood. Could there be another cause besides this and my sleep disorder contributing to my memory complaints?\r\n\r\n2. It also seems that subjective cognitive impairment affects more short-term/recent memories. Do you know what would explain my significant loss of memories over the past decade? My memories from elementary and middle school are so clear, yet memories from the last decade, like high school, college, and beyond are mostly missing. I noticed this over the previous several years. Even pictures won’t trigger memories. For example, high school graduation, college graduation, vacations in the last few years, concerts, and gatherings with friends. Is there a chance that any of these memories will come back? \r\n\r\n3. Most debilitating to me is forgetting things seconds, minutes, and hours later. I know that my neuropsychological test results were considered normal. Still, it confuses me that it is even possible to be normal because I am not making up these issues that I am experiencing. I forget almost all aspects of my day– entire conversations, taking medication, ADLs, etc. Even sounds like if the phone just rang or if my dog just barked. It truly is a terrifying experience. Is it possible that this has a psychological origin if it is so severe?\r\n\r\n4. It was suggested to do psychotherapy, and I am currently on antidepressants; however, I am afraid that this won’t be enough to remedy what is going on. I’ve taken antidepressants for most of my life, even when my mood was completely stable. Also, when I had a very structured schedule with school, exercise, healthy eating, and socializing, my memory still suffered significantly. Do you think TMS or ECT could help?\r\n\r\n5. Whenever I spend time with my friends, they bring up stories from the past, sometimes from weeks before, and I have zero memory of what they are talking about. I honestly don’t know almost anything that I’ve told some of my closest friends over the years, but they always remember what I have told them. Even a couple of hours later, I won’t remember what we talked about. Is there anything that can explain this? I know when I did the neuro-psych testing, sometimes they asked me something twenty minutes later, so it’s possible that I still remembered; however, if I was asked an hour later, I would likely not have much memory of the task/test and would perform significantly poorer. \r\n\r\n6. Do you think there is a possibility that my breast augmentation could be causing some of these memory effects? They seemed to get worse after that time, but it also was a time that I started Xyrem, so there were confounding factors that could be attributed. Would it be wise to request an MRI of my breasts to ensure there is no rupture of the silicone implants that could be leading to my symptoms?\r\n\r\n7. Lastly, would any other diagnostic testing be of any benefit, such as a PET scan or CSF studies? Or any medications/supplements?\r\n\r\nAnswer: The pattern of cognitive complaints that you describe are all still commonly seen in the setting of depression, and it is likely that your prior use of Xywav/Xyrem interacted with this to exacerbate the cognitive effects. In particular, dementia can be associated with poor concentration and attention, and this can appear as poor memory even when memory tests are strictly normal. The idea being your memory filing system, storage system, and retrieval system can all be working, but if the information is never put into a file in the first place because of attention/concentration issues, then the file can't be retrieved later on. I am still optimistic that mood management especially Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help address this problem. As for possible transmagnetic stimulation etc., that decision would be best left up to your psychiatry team." ], "date": [ "2022-11-05T19:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla54964-1445948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "From the neuropsychologist that I saw:\r\n- Subjective cognitive dysfunction is a person's experience of cognitive dysfunction. A functional cognitive disorder is when someone has cognitive concerns and difficulties that cannot be traced back to brain structure abnormalities/dysfunction.\r\n- I can understand the confusion (and frustration!) of experiencing memory difficulties in everyday life despite performing within expectation on neuropsychological testing. The testing environment does reduce environmental distractions that can otherwise interfere with our attention/memory, which isn't always the case in the real world. It is possible that in your everyday life, the preoccupation of needing to remember can get in the way of actually remembering, as the focus then becomes needing to remember versus the experience. \r\n- Psychotherapy would be an effective tool for managing distress about your memory, as the distress can interfere with memory experiences in everyday life. I do think more intensive psychotherapy such as that provided in a PHP would be of great benefit. \r\n- Our neuropsychological tests unfortunately don't measure memory performance over the span of several hours or days but give us a good indication of one's overall memory abilities.\r\n- I would expect that intensive psychotherapy that addresses the emotional distress about your memory would be of benefit and likely to result in improvement. In addition, staying cognitively stimulated, having structure and consistency in your schedule, and using compensatory strategies discussed in our feedback are likely to result in improvement in your everyday life.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-11-05T20:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kayla54964-1445948" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Questions and answers from my psychiatrist as I feel the same as you:\r\n\r\nQuestion: I wish that I could say that I am happy that my neuropsychological results came back normal, however feeling “normal” is not what I experience on the day-to-day; the results are actually making me even more distressed because I truly do forget things and it varies from seconds, minutes, or hours later. My family sees it, my friends notice it, and I just want my memory to get better but am losing hope that it will ever happen. My memory also has progressively gotten worse over two years. It baffles me that my subjective complaints are so out of line with the objective test results, especially as I feel that my memory complaints preceded any depression. I do have a couple of questions about the results. The main question that I have is do these results guarantee that my memory problem is purely psychological? If not, would it be worthwhile to get a brain PET just to make sure nothing has been missed? Also if this is psychological, would ECT be something to consider again? I did have substantial memory loss during ECT in 2014 and for several months after, however it seemed to eventually get better as I was later able to graduate from college and work fulltime. I was hoping to try TMS first but as the days go by and my memory is horrible to the point that I feel completely dysfunctional. \r\n\r\nA: I have reviewed your neuropsychiatric testing report. The results are not consistent with a neurocognitive disorder (dementia or underlying neurodegenerative process), however, this does not mean that you have to feel \"normal.\" I do believe that your percieved memory deficits are something that you are experiencing and are related to your depression and anxiety. I believe further treatement for these conditions will help how you feel about your memory. A PET scan is not indicated at this time. TMS or ECT may be options in the future depending on your response to medications. I do believe that these memory deficits you are experiencing will respond to treatment for your psychiatric conditions.I hope that this message finds you well and look forward to discussing further at your next appointment. \r\n " ], "date": [ "2022-11-05T20:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola2022-1446506" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i get this ,been diagnosed with depersonalisation and derealization disorders " ], "date": [ "2022-11-10T13:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/max111144-1446780" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did you ever find out what was causing the issue ? it literally sounds like a long covid type of illness " ], "date": [ "2022-11-13T14:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sunstone-1447350" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It's with both scarce relief and dread that I stumble upon this thread. The first because finding more people in the same situation makes it feel like I'm not just some persistent hypochondriac, and the second because it confirms my fears of this being a terribly unlucky and strange medical situation. I've been dealing with this same symptoms for almost 7 years now (just like you, it seems!), and it's been a really tough time. \r\n\r\nThis started when I was 12 years old (*yes, 12*) and I was in a kinda stressful situation. My days were totally normal in terms of health, until one day in class, where I could feel this sort of pressure building up in my forehead, between my eyes and behind them. I didn't panic at the moment because I remember feeling that... bloatness, pressure-like sensation when I was even younger, and I think it was when I was sick from the flu! From then on, it hasn't gone away; not for even one. miserable. day. I'm 19 ( 20 in a month), and I'm numb enough to say without freaking out that it has gotten worse, to the point where my quality of life is awful, specially because I have to go to college and think and I'm unable to perform as I used to.\r\n\r\nFor the past 2 years I haven't been able to concentrate at all. Before that, I still had trouble, but didn't feel like my intelligence was in shambles. Now I just can't remember the things I read and I have a lot of trouble with thinking clearly, let alone writing down my thoughts or reaching conclusions. I'm slow, fatigued, and I feel sleepy all the time, no matter how little or much sleep I get. Lately I've been feeling these hot flashes all over my body, but specially in my legs. Last year I was diagnosed bipolar disorder, but I can't say my mental struggles are all to blame; if anything, I wouldn't be surprised these stem from this physical head problem, since they started a year or so after this began. I've had an MRI done, I've been to an otorhinolaryngologist to see if it was sinus pressure, I've had multiple blood exams, and I had an electrocardiogram last year- but there was nothing evident. \r\n\r\nThe only things I could think about were a tension headache (ruled out since it hasn't gone away at all and I've taken plenty of Tylenol and muscle relaxants to no avail), elevated blood pressure (there is this whooshing sound in my ears along with tinnitus, and shortness of breath when I stand up, where I can feel my heart pounding very hard in my neck, but the intensity of these symptoms varies a lot), high intracranial pressure (though I don't have the neurological symptoms, I guess), and even hormonal changes.\r\n\r\nThe only tell I've found through exams are: I have very mild anemia, some deficit of phosphorus (I think) and a few other minerals, I apparently have a dilated left atrium (which could point out to high blood pressure, but that hasn't ever been mentioned by the doctors, except for one occasion), and a little bony bridge in the back of my head called Ponticulus Posticus, that sometimes could cause the compression of the vertebral artery and suboccipital nerve, and thus causing poor blood circulation to the brain and headaches (which would explain the cognitive deterioration), but I feel so defeated and tired from last appointment that I can't think of how to introduce any of these theories (to which I have done quite a lot of research over the years) to any physician without them giving me the stink eye because: 1) \"I don't know what I'm talking about\" 2) \"I'm too young to be this ill\". (To me, excuses to cover their incompetence and sometimes downright gaslighting).\r\n\r\nThis is long as hell, but I just wanted to share my ideas and tell you you're not alone in your suffering. If anyone has any insight as of what this could be, or what has been useful to prevent getting worse, I would really appreciate it! I'm a desperate uni student.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2022-11-18T23:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/andrew_is-1452316" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "For the last year I've been in constant conflict with control over my mind- just fight goes on for over **2** years. I mean the campaign of hate is real so much drama has happened in the last **3** years I had no choice but to turn towards myself and do a lot of self care. As my mentality disrupted me Maybe feeling despair made me feel depression annoyed the hell out of me everyday I checked on my physical conditions and had some procedures done big positive. I get what you're going through I've chosen the path of spirituality and in-turn of the pursuit of happiness, so I may find myself once again being peaceful in my own mind- sharing my mind space with myself he's become a Shakespearean tragedy. If you're here man and you want to talk message me." ], "date": [ "2023-01-10T15:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gaspergoo-1453522" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have the same proble to an extent. i had a severe concussion when i was a teen and idk if thats related but i got a terrible case of mono 5 years ago with TERRIBLE brainfog for months and now 5 years later right before i graduated college the brainfog came back. i dont do anything such as hanging out with friends or pursuing my hobbies i feel like a shell of my former self and the last three months have been a daze and on top of that i just started my first full time job as a graduate. im even struggling to type this. ive done mri's eeg's, gone to chiropractor, taken every supplement i could find, and nothing is helping. the only thing we know is that i have ebv. i do have ocd and anxiety but i was doing fine mentally when this started. please help " ], "date": [ "2023-01-22T19:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sabrina60832-1463770" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "did it get better for you? my vision is also affected. It's grainy and migraine-like." ], "date": [ "2023-05-14T03:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/penelope43348-1463910" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "this happened to me and went on for over ten years and continues. I went for all sorts of tests too, multiple mris and cognitive tests, blood tests, psychological tests , you name it finally recently a neurologist saw small changes on my mri months apart apparently ive been having tia's which are mini strokes due to microvascular changes in my brain granted im much older than you im 60 and this has been going on for 10 years but it didnt show up on anything my short term memory was shot but then it would come back til the next tia my speech was off too and my balance also i lost my joy in the everyday things I still feel like this but i guess i know why " ], "date": [ "2023-05-16T08:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=63#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie1234-1045582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie1234-1045582" ], "content": [ "On which subject Jamie?" ], "date": [ "2017-05-30T09:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie1234-1045582" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Jamie, I&#39;d like this information. Can you please private message me? Thank you!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-30T16:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie1234-1045582" ], "content": [ "I do wanna know too..." ], "date": [ "2017-08-06T23:31+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Here is a link to a great article on the subject.</p><p></p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed the link(s) directing to site(s) unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.[/b]</p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398316-adding-links-to-posts</a></p><p><a href=\"http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages</a></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-30T07:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=36#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zen--17344" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zen--17344" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you for sharing! That&#39;s a really potent experience to go through. The fact that you&#39;re still plugging and doing your thing is inspiring to me.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T16:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello all,\r\n\r\nHere is my contribution to the thread..\r\n\r\nSix years ago my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I helplessly watched his decline including some incidents that were horrific and impossible for my brain and emotions to process.\r\n\r\nMy dad died three years ago whilst mum and I were sat by his side. I have suffered chronic anxiety for six years. Since dad died I have suffered really bad depersonalization where I have become detached from living a normal life and lost contact with some emotion and reality, it is totally like living in a dream but being awake.\r\n\r\nI suffered with chronic health anxiety and the many physical symptoms that it provided which fed it including palpitations, migraines and pharyngeal spasm had brain scan MRI 6 endoscopys 1 gastroscopy 5 biopsies Heart scan and 24hr monitorr, dozens of blood tests all of which came back clear.\r\n\r\nThe brain fog, lack of being present, feeling detatched, spaceyness and poor memory is crippling, ontop of that I am on diazepam and sertraline and dont sleep well.\r\n\r\nI have started 1-1 with a psycotherapist this week who feels confident she can help me out of this brain fog and help me to improve concentration and memory." ], "date": [ "2017-06-23T16:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=36#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha54778-1062421" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha54778-1062421" ], "content": [ "so sorry to hear that" ], "date": [ "2017-06-28T05:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/samantha54778-1062421" ], "content": [ "You are NOT alone!! AND you do not need to be a slave to this. I know exactly how you feel." ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T16:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I am so glad to know that I am not the only person who has this problem. I have had brain fog for a majority of my life. For years I had no clue what it was as a kid I thought I was just stupid or that I just had some sort of disability. I had a hard time connecting with people because I felt almost high. You have no idea how many people have asked me &quot; Are you high?&quot; and believe me when I actually am, there is barely a difference if any. I used to get so angry in school because&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-27T19:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=36#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/destinyshere-1063059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/destinyshere-1063059" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you so much for sharing.</p><p></p><p>It&#39;s amazing that our diets can be the best medicines!</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m happy you have found a road to healing!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T15:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>So i know this is all 3 years ago, I doubt anyone is even logging in this site no more or sees this but if you are and you do see this I hope things have gotten better for you.</p><p>I wanted to say that I had the same issues, i went to doctors to no avail. I found out the whole time it wa sa mild form of hypothyroidism that wouldn&#39;t show up until one day i fell asleep and didn&#39;t wake up for 3 days. Finally I been on meds since, however the culprit of it all, was GLUTEN. so gluten was causing my major focusing issues, memory problems etc.. I went to doctors for several years until finally someone figured out gluten was a big culprit. Wheats, oats rye malt barely and yeast. I was also allergic to a whole list of other foods that were foods i ate regularly. I changed my diet, to a mostly vegetarian, and vegan some days diet, and stayed gluten free, and it has helped me tremendously. Try looking up the [b]grain brain[/b]. Grains,even if you dont test positive for gluten or wheat allergies, cause inflammation in the brain. and cause a whole sort of mental issues. Google, gluten causes brain problems, gluten causes adhd, gluten causes autism, gluten causes thyroid disease, gluten causes memory loss, or gluten causes dementia, just type those in, and you&#39;ll be shocked. Gluten free has helped me alot. But i still have issues because i still eat too much junk food. WHen i fast i feel fine. Ever notice when we haven&#39;t eaten fora while we feel good? Well its the food! When your body keeps eating the same diet we normally eat, it dont get a chance to recover, when your hungry, or haven&#39;t eaten for an extended period you feel good because your body dont have the toxins in it. So the doctor that saved me was a little old man, endocrinologist who suggested i adopt a mostly organic hippicrates diet that is gluten free. and he said if im vegetarian that i might as well just toss the eggs and dairy. Found out later i was also allergic to dairy and as soon as i cut the dairy (i still have sprinkles of parm cheese for flavoring but) and just ate yogurt plainwith a bit of fructose sugar, (is better hte processed, processed sugar also causes inflammation in the brain, as does alot of food) I felt tons better!! Instead of cofee no i go for morning walks and take deep breaths. If you smoke cigarettes or weed, that&#39;s another trigger! and that is a HUGE one. so get off the cigarettes!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T13:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=36#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Praise God. He is with us along the journey. " ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T17:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Finally! The one and only TaylorMason is still alive! I often wondered if you got lost in the fog, and am happy to read that it is nothing like that and you managed to give it all a wonderful twist.\r\nMeanwhile, as you have noticed, you caused one of the longest threads on the board, and indeed: we all have benefited from this. Thanks TaylorMason:-).\r\nAnd thanks for taking the effort to let us know how you are doing. I wish you a great time as a traveler the next weeks (please record all of it) and, please (!) keep us updated on the rest of your journey!\r\n " ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T22:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jorytsmith-1079169" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello Linda! &#160;I wanted to reply to you as well as the OP.</p><p></p><p>I first noticed these exact symptoms along with others in 2006 or so. &#160; My main two were the brain fog and a rocking back and forth feeling. Others were bothersome but I figured it was all linked to having a few drinks on the weekend. In 2010 the episodes became worse and prompted several doctors visits with the always normal diagnosis.</p><p></p><p>In June of 2016 my potassium fell to dangerous levels and I went down for severe heat exhaustion at work. Went to the ER and was prescribed potassium supplements and returned to my normal day to day. A month later I was driving home from a job in Oklahoma and became severely disoriented and barely made it to the ER. &#160;All blood work was normal and they said I was having a panic attack. This lasted for another three days with me barely able to make it home to Houston. Over the next month and several more doctor visits I was sent to LLMD and was diagnosed with Lyme disease. &#160; I found your bite story very interesting. We do not have the blandfort fly here in the states but have one called a black fly that is similar. I have had several bites from these flies over the years and remember a spot like that on my neck a week before my problem in Oklahoma. &#160; I would love to chat About what treatment you are undergoing.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I apologize for my grammar but like everyone here I am in a really bad fog that I think has to do with the hurricane and low pressure here now in Texas. &#160; Look forward to hearing from y&#39;all and discussing things that have helped!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-27T08:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jorytsmith-1079169" ], "content": [ "There are also some good groups you can join on Facebook for Lyme Disease support" ], "date": [ "2017-08-27T13:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jorytsmith-1079169" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Joryt, I hope you are allright, since you are in Houston?</p><p>Did your Lyme test show if you were infected recently or longer ago? I myself am not sure when exactly I got infected. In hindsight I had weird symptoms already before I was bitten by the fly or ticks (syncope, visual aura, palpitations etc.), but after that things definitely got worse quickly. Maybe I already was infected and had a weakened immune system and this was the stroke in the neck.</p><p>How are you being treated by your LLMD? I&#39;m taking Lymax, a herbal formula, since a few months and it seems like I&#39;m slowly improving, with the emphasis on slowly... I got rid of the &#39;anxiety&#39; and the limp by now, which is encouraging I think, but my recovery isn&#39;t steady, symptoms wax and wane all the time but get gradually less over time.</p><p></p><p>There are no LLMD&#39;s here which I can afford so I have to find my own treatment. According to my GP and the lab he works with co-infections don&#39;t exist and I can&#39;t afford to do private testing, which is frustrating since I don&#39;t know if i should treat any. I will start with an experiment with anti-co-infection herbs soon, and see if it adds anything. Besdies that I&#39;m taking a range of supplements like L-carnitine, B12, folate, biotine, high dose vit C, LDN etc. and I eat very clean and healthily.</p><p></p><p>I hope you did get rid of the anxiety thing, it&#39;s quite a scary experience isn&#39;t it? And expecially if one doesn&#39;t know yet it is something biochemical. I think it is appalling how eager doctors are to call symptoms like these &#39;anxiety&#39;, like that is the end of the road. It is &#39;raised cortisol&#39; or &#39;activated stress system&#39;, which could have a multitude of causes, either physiological or psychological, which they probably find to complicated to investigate.</p><p>Again, I hope you are doing allright and didn&#39;t get flooded. Please let us know how you are doing!</p><p></p><p>PS Being foggy is the standard in here, so don&#39;t worry about that:-)</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-31T06:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jorytsmith-1079169" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey I was just wondering since I have.l very similar experience to you, when they diagnosed you with lymes did you test positive for it? Or did they treat the symptoms as a positive? I had 3 tests all negative but this all started a few weeks after being bitten by a tick, now I have been bitten by many many ticks in the past because I hunt and never had a single symptom but after that specific one this all started but because I tested negative the local drs wouldn&#39;t do anything more. I&#39;ve read and been told by others with lymes that it&#39;s very easy to test negative and still have it. The other thing is when I was treated with antibiotics for the lymes initially(before my test was negative) the symptoms cleared up almost completely but I was only on them for ten days when the test came back they didn&#39;t extend the antibiotics. So about 9 or ten days after I ran out of antibiotics the symptoms came right back.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-31T10:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Cody- &#160;You should find an LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) who can accurately diagnose and test you. &#160;Tests can show false negatives about 50% of the time and many of the labs regular doctors use have tests that are not reliable. &#160;Aside from contracting Lyme when you get bit by a tick there are several other co-infections that can cause these symptoms as well that a regular doctor won&#39;t even test for such as Babesia, Bartonella, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,&#160;anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis...etc</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-31T12:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "<p>Yea I&#39;ll have to, they are giving me the same treatment that they use for pandas at the moment as far as physc meds go and my physc dr basically is convinced givin my history and things its either lymes or a form of adult pandas she said adult pandas isn&#39;t recognized yet because they haven&#39;t had any cases on record that they can prove have it but she recommended a specialist on lymes as well, the problem is finding one close that is literate in lymes around me lol. I found one about 4 hrs away so we&#39;ll see. Thank you&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-31T12:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Cody- &#160;You may want to go to Facebook and join a Lyme group. &#160;You can post where you are located and ask if anyone can recommend a doctor. &#160;Some of the Lyme docs aren&#39;t always listed as LLMD&#39;s</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-31T14:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Hi Linda I saw your post from a couple months back and just wanted to know if you are still improving on the herbals.  I have Lyme too and the brain fog has been crushing." ], "date": [ "2017-10-23T19:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Greetings Fellow BrainFoggers!\r\n\r\nIt’s been more than 3 years since I posted this plea for help.\r\n\r\nIt seems like every single day I get a notification(s) in my email stating a user has posted a comment or sent a private message. Words don’t fully encompass my gratitude foe each and every contribution to this thread. I believe one of the most beautiful aspects is a group of individuals who have been struggling alone have been able to unite under one online roof to come bond. It’s nice not being isolated. Thank you to each of you for sharing your stories and experiences and helping one another cope.\r\n\r\nAnd now, a quick update from yours truly:\r\n\r\nAfter so much time and energy spent chasing and hunting answers with no resolve, I decided I would put all these symptoms on the back burner and attempt to pursue happiness anyway that I could find it. I met a lovely woman who I charmed and wooed and persuaded to date me. She is the sweetest girl I know with a heart of gold and unmatched empathy and understanding. At this time I also took a massive risk and left the comfort of a very secure /easy corporate job to hitch the solar bandwagon. I joined Solacity the largest solar provider in America as a door to door energy consultant AKA: salesman. (Glorifying, eh?)\r\n\r\nYou can imagine the fear in me at the time. With little energy and a lack of mental clarity approaching strangers on their door step to convince them to sign a 20 yr solar contract was a daunting objective. But, I knew a lot of money could be made and I was ready for a change. I aim to never let fear dictate my decisions.\r\n\r\nAfter a year and a half later and tireless obsessive hours, I was promoted to regional sales manager of a 15 man team. It was a blast. We were making a difference, working hard, and having fun. All the while, my symptoms of fatigue chipped away at me little by little. The job was extremely strenuous….the money wasn’t as good as it should have been and the door to door channel just wasn’t sustainable. Elon Musk the CEO of Tesla ( electric car company) purchased SolarCity and recently cut the entire door to door division, and I lost my job. Thank goodness, I was planning to quit the same day I got this news anyhow. (HELLO SEVERANCE!!)\r\n\r\nAfter 2 years of living together, I decided there were a number of factors that pointed at me staying with this amazing woman wasn’t the right thing for my life, so I told her we should take some time a part and pursue our destinies.\r\n\r\nSo the last few months have been a whirlwind. I’m currently serving at a restaurant so I can have a flexible schedule and make decent money. I am backpacking Europe with 3 of my closest friends in a few weeks and I have ambitious to pursue my greatest passion: Acting/Filmmaking.\r\n\r\nI am full of hope as the future unfolds. I will reopen the mysterious case of brain fog soon, but for now…I can’t let anything stop me from becoming who I was always meant to be regardless of suffering. I am wiser now…more empathetic…and I use my energy wisely because it is precious to me. No more wasted words…no more effort spent on meaningless things. It has helped me broaden my perspectives. As much as I’d KILL for a miracle…I can’t say that I’m not also grateful for this illness. It’s forced me to grow in ways I never could have otherwise.\r\n\r\nCheers!\r\n\r\nTaylor" ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T15:57+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=36#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/neca3-1074138" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ashley025-1063627" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/neca3-1074138" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Neca</p><p>I hope you get better&#128077;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-12T04:25+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I feel the same way you feel I just wish there was answers because this is so horrible such a bad feeling memory loss and I hate a friend reminded me of something that I can&#39;t even remember on my own I feel like sometimes I&#39;m older than what I already am bringing fall blame blockage my speech sometimes or just horrible sometimes I say things without thinking or not being able to process it right it&#39;s a scary I&#39;m only 32 years old and to have these symptoms it&#39;s really scary but I think it has something to do with anxiety or depression as well but I don&#39;t want to blame it all on it because it might be something else and now that I&#39;m seeing that this other people out there that is experiencing the same thing I know that I can&#39;t just be that it&#39;s something that the doctors yet don&#39;t know of because I believe I&#39;m still young to be having such symptoms and I&#39;m hoping that one day this problem can be solved but I do know that when I&#39;m more stressed or when is that time of the month for me I get them worse or I can&#39;t just seem to think it even hurts to think</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-10T02:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=38#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "content": [ "<p>You still can reverse it. Get the advice I posted previously. Don&#39;t let your brain deteriorate. Drop out from the university or the job you have if needed. Focus on your sleep, and I recommend you to use eat a teaspoon of turmeric with a teaspoon of black pepper every day. Exercise, melatonin, etc. I am trying Lion&#39;s Mane Mushroom now (turmeric starts to make me feel sick). It helps a lot too, no joke. Wish someone told me this before to me. Take care. A big hug from Spain.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-12T01:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you so much for the advice David. &#160;I just bought a B12 supplement, which I think we all should do (the liquid you hold under your tongue and the swallow, which is the most effective form of absorption), and I am buying the turmeric today. I came across something kind of life-changing, or, at the least, something that provides a little bit more answers. Microglia is the immune system of the brain. They &quot;turn on&quot; and release inflammatory messages after a range of things including head trauma, unregulated blood sugar, inflammation outside of the brain (like an inflamed gut), and poor blood circulation to the brain. Microglia are extremely sensitive. When I decided to stay up for 42 hours, you can imagine that there would have been really poor blood circulation in my brain. So they &quot;turned on&quot;. The thing is, once they are on, they continue to send inflammatory signals for the entire spans of their lives, causing all of our symptoms. Go to your neurologist with this information. Not only will they take you more seriously since you know this/took time to research, but it might incite some new form of treatment they hadn&#39;t thought of before. I just moved to a new city so I am waiting to get a referral from my primary doctor, but I am tired of doctors beating around the bush with me. I hope this time I get the answers we all deserve.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-22T17:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "content": [ "Oh, esme:\r\nForgot to tell you: supplement turmeric with folic acid and iron (at least).\r\nTurmeric and curcumin block the absorption of iron, so it will lead to anaemia if you are not careful (like it happened to me) and it can definetely worse the symptoms.\r\nGreetings" ], "date": [ "2017-08-24T02:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>My symptoms started a little more than three months ago. I had stayed up for 42 hours to write a paper during finals week, and after that I was never the same. I had felt that feeling my head only one time before: I had a really bad experience with an edible, and had way too much. It took two days to recover from and on the last day I noticed the fogginess in my head. I didn&#39;t even notice when it went away the next couple of days and never would have thought I would feel it again. This is my theory: we all for the most part experienced some kind of stress/trauma/anxiety before the fogginess came to be, and I think that the wiring of our specific brains are wired to either 1. protect itself or 2. They become so overwhelmed that they kind of shut down. I put my body through a lot of stress by staying up for almost two straight days and it makes sense that my brain would react this way. Only thing is, my friend endured it all with me and he is fine, as far as I know. :/ (points back to us being predisposed to issues). I haven&#39;t noticed a change since the day it started, and I was diagnosed with depression shortly after. I recently saw a neurologist and was diagnosed with migraines. Migraines have no cure, only measures to be taken to relieve some of the pain. I am now on setraline (Zoloft) for the depression and fatigue, topirame as my daily migraine supplement, and maxalt and cambia, which are &quot;abortives&quot; and are to be used when my &quot;headaches&quot; get too bad. We all know this isn&#39;t a headache. I am just hoping this medicine works for me, considering this &#39;thing&#39; has taken over my life; if it does, I will be sure to let you guys know. If anyone would like to speak in detail about our experiences, I would love to. This thread has made me feel a lot less alone.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-11T02:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=38#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Also, if you haven&#39;t been checked make sure to see a neurologist and have an MRI to rule out tumors and things like that. &#160;Also, it&#39;s a good idea to get tested for Lyme Disease as it can manifest as all these neuro symptoms mentioned.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-12T12:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=38#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kat198686-1077841" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kat198686-1077841" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kat.</p><p>I doubt some doctor can give you an accurate diagnosis. I would say that the best person to assess what is happening is you. I&#39;ve seen some of the messages of this thread (almost all) and the causes of each one&#39;s problem were very different.</p><p>In my case I know it is very related to sleep, maybe for others is something like migraines (I don&#39;t know). People have come up with several thoughts on their own problems.</p><p>I went to a psychiatrist and I explained her my story. She appointed me for a MRI and a sleep test. But &quot;nothing else&quot;. (Althought a sleep test and a MRI is something, I actually doubt it will solve the problem. In fact I was, and I still am, very skeptical that a doctor could solve/help very much with this problem). She probably will refer me to a neurologist or a doctor specialized on sleep (whatever: probably is not gonna make a difference).</p><p>I posted a previous message explaining what has helped me during this three years, I recommend you reading it because it may help you a great deal (valerian, turmeric, exercise, melatonin, passion flower, nettle, &#39;good&#39; sleep, keep out stress, etc.).</p><p>I think I probably should do an update on that, because I have changed my habits a little bit.</p><p>Hope this message helps you a little bit. This can be a tough problem, so be strong.</p><p>Greetings and, please, take care.</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-23T22:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "content": [ "Hi David- \r\n\r\nI am using some of the same supplements as you, but I also use high dose vitamin C which seems to help a bit as well and Vitamin B2 200mg twice a day, if you get headaches." ], "date": [ "2017-08-24T12:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Did you get a diagnosis? My memory frightens the life out of me some days. I struggle to finish a sentance and forget peoples names. I forhot my grandads a couple days ago. I never thought it could somehow be relatedto anxiety " ], "date": [ "2017-08-22T23:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=38#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nemecky-1078399" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nemecky-1078399" ], "content": [ "Have they checked you for EBV (Epstein Barr Virus)?" ], "date": [ "2017-08-25T16:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nemecky-1078399" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "content": [ "<p>Not that I&#39;m aware of. I&#39;ve had blood work done multiple times, but not sure if that&#39;s something that needs to be specifically tested for or not?&#160;</p><p></p><p>I just looked it up, and you&#39;re talking about mono? I don&#39;t think my symptoms really fit the description. Plus, it says you should fee better in a few weeks. I&#39;ve been this way for almost 30 years, and I doubt I could go 30 years with mono and it never be detected?&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-27T22:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ra7777-998465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nemecky-1078399" ], "content": [ "<p>Chronic EBV can last years and years. &#160;Viruses can take a toll on the body and can wreak havoc on the immune system and cause lots of other issues and symptoms like brain fog and feeling lethargic. Most of the time we are exposed to viruses as children and the body&#39;s immune system can keep them in check, but in some people the immune system can&#39;t keep them at bay and they reactivate. &#160;I&#39;m not saying you have EBV or any other viruses like HPV6 or Parvo (like me) but just suggesting it&#39;s something to definitely look into and get tested for if you haven&#39;t already been. &#160;Many doctors don&#39;t normally test for these things.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-28T12:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I can relate to this. I am 40yo, but since I have been a teenager I have had extreme morning brain fog. I never thought much of it, except that I really wasn&#39;t a &quot;morning person&quot; and more of a night owl. I can recall my mom having to start writing notes for me in the morning, because whatever she would tell me in the morning I would have no recollection of later in the day. For example, defrost the chicken when I get home from school. She thought I was just ignoring or disobeying her until she believed me I that I just didn&#39;t recall even having the conversation until she reminded me of it.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I typically don&#39;t start feeling &quot;with it&quot; for 2-3 hours after I wake up. At work I have always had to wait to do anything that was important or required focus and concentration. I used to joke with my boss that I &quot;needed an hour of internet time&quot; when I got to work. Same thing in college, I always took classes that started after 12pm or whatever.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I also have other symptoms which turns out are ADD - lack of focus, concentration, easily distracted, poor organization, etc. Those are present all the time, but for me the most concerning is my 3hrs of disorientation after waking up.&#160;I get good sleep (usually 8hrs) and have a pretty stress-free life...I don&#39;t need to set an alarm, can make my own work schedule, no kids, no pets, no major stress factors.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I was never really hyperactive so as a kid no one ever thought to have me tested for ADHD. I was in gifted program and found school to be pretty easy, so that was another reason why my mom or teachers would have thought anything was wrong with me. But I have been diagnosed with Adult Onset ADD twice, but never took any meds for it. BUT I am just starting Ritalin today, so I hope that might help. Although, I don&#39;t know how that can help my issues I wake up with. &#160;</p><p></p><p>Also, I was constantly tired and was the king of naps. But I have always worked 50+ hrs a week, and everyone I knew was always tired, so I just thought it was normal. But I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism a few yrs ago, and since I started on Levothyroxin that definitely helped.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Lately though, the past couple months I have also been extremely unmotivated, feeling isolationist and not hanging with friends or family, very tired, and just kind of blah in general. Almost like how I was feeling before I started the thyroid meds, but I have had my blood checked and my levels are fine.</p><p></p><p>My Psych Dr. said let&#39;s start with the Ritalin first and see what happens... &quot;one step at a time&quot;. &#160;</p><p></p><p>I know people that wake up, jump out of bed and are hyper alert and fully functioning, and it is the biggest mystery to me.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-24T15:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=38#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "content": [ "hey david it has been 3 years.are you still there?have you find the answer?if so please let us know" ], "date": [ "2021-05-03T14:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidcupoftea-1065376" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brokey22-1372638" ], "content": [ "Hi kavad87935;\r\nI got prescribed olanzapine and quetiapine. I use melatonin too. I went through an event similar to a 'psychotic episode' (I had extreme tiredness sensation that came back and forth and i thought i had cancer because i also had diarrhea, all of that was blame on the turmeric, so they put me at the psychiatric division of the hospital). So they thought I was psychotic, and they prescribed that to me. Curiously, that medication turned out to be very useful, it made me gain weight (side effect), but I can sleep and function relatively well. I still have memory and cognitive problem, but well, I can do some things." ], "date": [ "2021-08-30T22:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>UPDATE:</p><p>Hi, it has been roughly a week since last time I posted, and I changed my habits a little bit, so maybe it could be helpful to someone.</p><p>I developed anaemia from turmeric. So, if you&#39;re using turmeric (being it in low doses, with some black pepper, or (and specially), if you&#39;re using it in high doses), make sure to supplement yourself with iron, B12 and B9 at least.</p><p>Once I stopped using turmeric (because of the anaemia) I tried desesperately to find a substitue for it (the pressure on the forehead, and the sleeping ability got worse), so the next days I used this:</p><p>-Oregan. Increases GDNF (a neurotrophin) in your brain, because it has luteolin.</p><p>-Lion&#39;s Mane Mushroom. The important one. Increases NGF (another neurotrophin) in your brain.</p><p>-Brewer&#39;s Yeast. Contains inosine, which increases BDNF (another neurotrophin, the one that is responsible for turmeric benefits, and the best neurotrophin in my opinion).</p><p>-Honey. It increases BDNF.</p><p>-Apples. They increase BDNF. Important too.</p><p>-Nuts and almonds. They increase BDNF, thanks to fatty acids (they have magnesium too, but that&#39;s another story).</p><p>-Exercise, of course, and all stuff related to sleep, for sure.</p><p>I followed that routine for some days and I got some relief. BUT, but, but:</p><p>Since I didn&#39;t have the anaemia that was making me feel tired, I started to change my exercise routine.</p><p>And I changed it so that, during the next seven days I will not only run 5 or 9 miles, but during that running time I&#39;ll do around 12 sprints or more.</p><p>So it would be like: running some hundreds of meters (decent/high pace), sprinting some meters, running some hundreds of meters, sprinting some meters, etc. (running, sprinting, running, sprinting).</p><p>During those 7 days, I can say that I made some actual progress, and the pressure on the forehead did almost disappeared (I&#39;ve been fighting with that for three years, and although it was way worse at some point, I kinda was expecting it to not last very long nowadays) in those days.</p><p>I&#39;ll keep supplementing for anaemia (important advice for you, specially if you do exercise: if you have anaemia, or if the iron-vitamin B supplementation seems to help you, DON&#39;T STOP taking them, because it will make you feel worse, and also I&#39;m very guilty of that too).</p><p>My hopes are that this kind exercise will help me recover my sleep on the long run (hopefully after 4 months I could see some progress, I&#39;m definetely praying God for that. Leap of faith here, of course).</p><p>And that&#39;s it.</p><p>I hit my foot with a chair, so I had to stop running for three days (I did cycling, but it&#39;s not the same), and symptoms remain pretty much stable with some help, so not totally bad</p><p></p><p>PD: I wanted to ask some of you a favour. If some of this stuff is helping you, please tell me. I&#39;m really interested in knowing if this is actually the right path, if I&#39;m missing something, or if there&#39;s a blind spot that I&#39;m not looking at. I will very glad to hear from some of you that turmeric (or whatever it was) helped you with the forehead pressure, or if it helped you sleep, etc. But also I&#39;ve been researching a lot and I&#39;ve become desesperately anxious about knowing if there&#39;s a solution to the sleep problem.</p><p>I think the main part of the brain that gets damaged after periods of sleep deprivation is the locus coeruleus, which is very related to sleep-wake cycles, so that may be the problem.</p><p>In my research, BDNF and NT-3 (also NT-4 I think) seem&#160;to protect, maybe &#39;regenerate&#39; (we don&#39;t know yet) this part of the brain. Increased levels of AMPc can enhance the effects of BDNF.</p><p>So I&#39;ll probably be trying [b]astaxanthin[/b] (increases NT-3) and [b]Forskolin[/b] (increases AMPc), and I actually already bought them. With BDNF I think I&#39;ll be fine with apples and exercise.</p><p>(I&#39;ve seen also that electropuncture may increase levels of NT-4, but I doubt very much I could get that)</p><p>But this is ALL I KNOW, nothing more, and, as I said, I&#39;m actually desperate for answers.</p><p>So, if you have a similar problem, and you think that some of this is helpful, please say it. I definetely think that some of you have similar problems, so watching if turmeric actually improves sleep, if [b]astaxanthin[/b] does actually help people recover, or if [b]Forskolin[/b] does actually lends you a hand, then that would be priceless information for this thread (and for me too).</p><p>PD2: The reason I think this new exercise routine could be more helpful, it&#39;s because it can increase your levels of IGF-1 (a growth factor), up to 771%. If IGF-1 has some positive effect on the repairing mechanisms of the brain, definetely that&#39;s the type of exercise you should pursue.</p><p>And now, that&#39;s actually all. :&#39;)</p><p>Greetings.</p><p>Please, keep strong.</p><p>A hug from Spain.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-27T00:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=38#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lilly15494-936619" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lilly15494-936619" ], "content": [ "I know all of those feelings. I, too, used to have a great memory and could study easily, but now I can't complete a word finder puzzle without struggling intensely.\r\nI am only 19 years old, by the way." ], "date": [ "2016-05-06T20:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I don't know if this is the smae thing but I seem to have a mild case of these symptoms and I have noticed a slow progression over two years. What I mean is that I had really good memory, to the point where I could memorize whole chapters in books, now I have situations where I am doing homework or someone asks me a question and I know I know what it's asking but when I try to remember I feel as if I hit a wall of fog and it feels like it slowly gets bigger. I also feel disconected from everything, but it comes and goes in days, or weeks, or even hours sometimes. I also want to know if it is common to get irritated with small things. Also I am worried becuase I can stare at a blanc wall and feel a almost numb throbbing pain but I can think nothing. I am aware of everhting but I feel a thousand thouts but I am so uninterested in thinking or doing anyhtng to the point where I think nothing. Sorry I am very worried because the descriptions are very familiar to me and I want to know if this is just me or that I am not becmoig slowly crazy, " ], "date": [ "2016-04-21T23:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/myc1-933730" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Taylor, Having re-read your post, I'm wondering if you suffered a concussion at some point in your life? Symptoms sound very similar and a bad concussion leaves scar tissue on the brain. Right now, concussion is a huge part of the NHL and the NFL with so many hockey and football players suffering the effects of concussion 20 and 30 years later.\r\n\r\nmyc" ], "date": [ "2016-04-22T00:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jmcg2014-207757" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "feeling spaced out is super common with anxiety.  the more you focus on it the worse it gets.  impossible not to focus on it though i know" ], "date": [ "2016-04-22T10:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacester42-939984" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacester42-939984" ], "content": [ "For how long did you take the medications (in total)?\r\nI have the same issue, think a traumatic brain injury made me sluggish and foggy, and was told to take Celexa for six months." ], "date": [ "2016-05-06T20:48+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacester42-939984" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "My doctor had me on 10mg of cipralex per day for a month, i felt no different, so he uped the dosage to 20mg for the next month, and it actually made it noticably worse somehow.\r\n\r\nThats excactly what I'm thinking but my doctor doesnt believe that." ], "date": [ "2016-05-09T16:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacester42-939984" ], "content": [ "Interesting. It makes sense that you did not feel anything for the first month, since antidepressant effects don't kick in until after a month of daily doses.\r\nI don't know why you felt worse after that, though. Perhaps the dose should have been kept at 10 mg instead of 20 mg. \r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-05-11T04:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacester42-939984" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "what made it worse possibly could have been me putting to much focus into it" ], "date": [ "2016-05-11T14:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jacester42-939984" ], "content": [ "Could it be ptsd?" ], "date": [ "2016-06-06T11:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jacester42-939984" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "<p>I don&#39;t think so, i have some symptoms of ptsd like memory loss, not sleeping right, lack of emotion, etc. But I&#39;m definitely not having any nightmares, flashbacks or self destructive behaviour, and my traumatic event is long past and it rarely enters my mind. sorry for the really really late reply :P&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-06-27T11:50+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Everything you've decribed are exactly the same symptons I'm having. I've been like this for the past 3 years, but I'm fairly certain that what caused it was the car accident I was in. For the first year I was really worried about it. I went to my doctor and he told me I had anxiety and depression, which I knew I didn't have, but I did what he said and took the meds he gave me for 2 months. Didn't notice any change, so he uped the dosage and that made it worse, so I eased off and stopped taking them. \r\nI recently went back to my doctor about it because my memory is getting much worst. I redescribed how i was feeling and now he thinks I have ADHD(which I'm almost certain I've always had). \r\nSo in the year or more since this was posted has anybody found out anything more about this???" ], "date": [ "2016-05-05T14:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alexryan-916305" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "content": [ "Hey I completely know exactly what you mean word for word. I know it feels like you're the only one but it gets better. Keep your head and don't let anyone tell you it's depression or anxiety. Keep your ego and who you are. We will find a solution to it:) If you know anything about it please message me and let me know. I feel the exact way for a year or two now I can't even remember at all\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-12T22:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amycherri-942737" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "content": [ "I know exactly how you feel you brought tears to my eyes and no one understands it" ], "date": [ "2016-05-17T06:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "content": [ "I feel u hun. For me it's post natal depression " ], "date": [ "2016-06-06T11:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi sarah i feel the same .did you find anything that helps pls let me know &#128559;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T11:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "content": [ "Im feeling the same way .did you find any answers or anything that helps?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-31T00:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "content": [ "Sarah i am exactly the same .please let me know how you are doing and if you found anything that helps.. empty mind absolutely no memories" ], "date": [ "2018-12-04T20:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lorph-1053248" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "content": [ "hey, have you had any long term stress or trauma? i follow this thread for the same symptoms and have had fatigue, fog, dissociation for years. forgetting can be down to repression. don't want to scare you if it's not true for you but it can be the physical response to long term stress! get a blood test just in case because these symptoms can also be linked to lyme. best of luck to you))" ], "date": [ "2018-12-04T21:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sarah7663-940660" ], "content": [ "Sarah ,how are you ?please message me, im feeling the dame way.." ], "date": [ "2019-03-26T11:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey, my name is Sarah Hamad.\r\nWhat I feel is something I really hope no one ever feels. It is horrible. I feel like I can't remember a single thing that happens, it's almost like I have absolutely no memory at all (not short or long term) all gone. Even while writing this, I can't even remember what I have written in the lines before, and my brain is too shut down to fully express how I feel. It is debilitating. Waking up is the scariest thing, because the day demands of normal everyday tasks that I feel I am truly unable to do, yet I suffer through them everyday. My life is so nice, and the saddest part is that I can't enjoy it. This feeling I have is worse than the worst of torture. " ], "date": [ "2016-05-08T20:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=15#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mimibrenda-1004801" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mimibrenda-1004801" ], "content": [ "It’s tough but hang in there and don’t give up. There’s hope. You are in my prayers. " ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T23:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Taylor,</p><p>Oh my gosh, what a wonderful descriptive!! You just described multitudes of us on here! I am so sorry you are going through this. I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder. I have been this way for over 2 years. No medicine has worked very well. My psychiatrist is trying a new med so here&#39;s hoping. I see a psychiatrist and do group therapy. It helps. I too want the old me back. I feel your pain. Hang in there.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T16:25+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=42#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/houston70610-1041643" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "To everyone on this thread (there are so many of us suffering from these horrible symptoms):\r\n\r\nI’ve been following this thread for about 2 years now. My symptoms were identical to OPs and have been gradually getting worse for 4 or 5 years (I’m 25 now). I had all but lost hope for myself to pull out of this foggy, no-memory, depressed, lethargic, miserable existence.\r\n\r\nI’ve been on depression medication, anxiety medication, had MRIs and brain scans, the whole 9 yards. All with no luck and no answers in sight.\r\n\r\nRecently I had a couple revelations (thanks, Acid):\r\n1) I noticed how I had a strange...sort of head pressure I guess. It wasn’t pain, it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was just there, and I felt like I could pinpoint the spot within my head that it was most prominent: near the top of my head, and on the left side.  It was most prevalent when my memory and focus were at their worst, they seemed to correlate. However, the revalation that recently clicked with me was that my TEETH felt...just, tight. No pain or anything, my teeth were just a little tight feeling, and probably had been for a long time (happening gradually to the point that I never noticed it). Turns out I’ve had 4 impacted wisdom teeth for the last 5 years or so. I had them removed a week ago and holy hell do I feel better...and this time last month I didn’t even know my teeth were a problem! However, I’m not cured yet, but my symptoms have surely eased a little. \r\n\r\n2) This one may be more applicable to all of you than some wisdom teeth. Apparently I’ve been living with undiagnosed adult-onset ADHD and I had no idea. I was a straight A student with no effort all the way up until about my junior year of college, when I first felt the fogginess coming in, and my mental acuity slipping away. Slowly I just couldn’t learn new skills as easily as I always could, couldn’t study, couldn’t focus, sometimes would be listening to someone talking to me and not be able to comprehend what they were saying, was severely losing my working memory and short term memory, felt like I was going crazy or getting dementia! I began to obsess over these symptoms for years! It has been destroying me to say the least. My recent revalation here was that it seems like all of this has roots in my inability to focus. If I can’t focus, of course I won’t feel present, of course I’ll feel foggy. If I can’t focus, of course I won’t be able to remember things because I’m basically not committing things to memory. It clicked with me that this sounds a lot like ADHD. I began to research adult onset ADHD and dammit the symptoms lined up nearly perfectly. I then began to read testimonials on Reddit (great resource, by the way) of other adults who had adult onset ADHD and began treatment, and was met with great results like:\r\n-I have my life back.\r\n-I’m excited about basic challenges at work or with learning new skills for the first time in a long time, rather than being afraid of basic challenges/responsibilities.\r\n-I can remember what I was doing 5 minutes ago, which was previously a struggle.\r\n-My internal monologue is no longer distracting and I don’t live in my head anymore, but I can live in the present instead. (This one really rang with me, my thoughts are so distracting from what’s going on right in front of me sometimes!)\r\n\r\nToday I was prescribed adderall, in conjunction with an anxiety medication (basically to help me “reset” my thinking/overthinking). I’m excited for the outcome and I will report back how the treatment goes.\r\n\r\n Feel free to message me if you have questions or whatever else; none of us should have to go through this nightmare alone." ], "date": [ "2017-10-26T23:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=42#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jos2017-1120250" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jos2017-1120250" ], "content": [ "How are you now" ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T06:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Taylor,</p><p></p><p>My name is John and I am so sorry for what you have gone through. I have had all of the same symptoms as you have had and have just now gotten a diagnosis this year. I was originally misdiagnosed with &#39;depression&quot; and &quot;ADD&quot;. The only symptoms I have that you left out were &quot;sleep paralysis&quot; and &quot;hallucinations&quot;.</p><p></p><p>I have narcolepsy type 2, which was diagnosed from a sleep study called an MSLT. I had been to an endocrinologist, neurologist, rheumatologist, cardiologist, and several doctors without any luck. When I finally went to a sleep doctor, I described to him what TIRED meant (not just sleepy, but sleep that doesn&#39;t refresh, sleeping 5-6 hours at a time during the day), and right away he told me that he had an idea of what the issue could be.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I hope this helps, again there are good and knowledgable sleep doctors and there are bad ones. Narcolepsy is said to affect 1 in 2,000 in the Unites States and that almost 50% of Narcoleptics have not been diagnosed correctly. It is also normal to onset in adolescence and the symptoms develop overtime.</p><p>If you have any questions, PLEASE message me.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-07T03:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=42#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/juilet_48953-1123528" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m 24, I have suffered from depression and anxiety. It sounds like depression. I never had the foggy feeling. I do with anxiety however. But yeah when I was depressed, i felt the same way. Also with anxiety I have had problems with short term memory. I think the only thing that helped was talking to counsellor, and journaling. Trying my best to take my mind off of it. But then again I am currently dealing with anxiety so I&#39;m looking at through that lens. Hope it helped. Something I tell myself a lot to calm myself is &quot;this to shall pass&quot; &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-18T23:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=42#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Rebekah2222, thanks a lot for posting this, I think I will give this a try next year when I have new insurance. I also experienced long term stress due to my work conditions and I think it might be part of my health problems. I&#39;m not into the pill business and am always interested in other approaches which get to the core of the issue.</p><p>Please keep us updated on how you are doing!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-19T09:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "I’ve had severely high functioning anxiety, to an extreme most people probably think is impossible, thinking a mile a minute to the point where I can’t even do anything. I would really like to try a “brain mapping” because all Other tests have failed to see the issue, and I just don’t feel they are looking deep enough into the brains function.. I feel instead they are focusing on pictures, looking for tumors and other visible things (which clearly aren’t the cause).. the worst part about all this is the lack of understanding, from myself, the medical field, and those around me, and “brain mapping” as u described it sounds like it atleast attempts to dig deeper" ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T07:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I’ve started neurofeedback and pmf therapy for my “brain fog/dreamworld” I got a brain mapping done and my results were said to be just as bad as someone having head trauma. The doc said when you stress or have anxiety for so long eventually your brain mapping will be like mine. One part of your brain draws from the other trying to protect itself and it messes it all up, actually making it worse. But the neurofeedback is self training, they hook you up on wires and it tracks your brain waves while you simply watch a movie of your pick, whenever your brain overreactes or gets off of the movie the movie flickers and the sound goes low. Training your brain on how it should be. The PMF therapy is a pulsed magnetic therapy and it’s basically like a hat but it’s not, and it restores cellular energy. Each training is 30 min. It’s the most “natural” thing out there for anxiety, depression, whatever they think “this” is. No major risks. They do it on seizure patients and pregnant women. I’m done with pills that made it way worse and spending money on other things that my results say are “fine”. I’ve had a couple light days but not a full relief of the brainfog, and my job is making it way worse right now so it’s been real bad lately. They say most feel a difference around 20 treatments and I’m on 13 now, total of 40 treatments. I’ve also had some tingling in the chest lately, which has nothing to do with the training, thinking it’s stress. Anybody have that with the brainfog? I just don’t like it. Seems like I’m getting more and more effects from “this” that I haven’t experienced in the 7 years I’ve had this. But just an update! Maybe look into those treatments I’m hoping this helps me!" ], "date": [ "2017-11-19T03:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=42#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I recognize what we are all dealing with as something that my mother has dealt with chronically for at least 20 years but never tried to have treated. After 20 years of this she has severe brain damage and is almost non-functional. \r\n\r\nWhat other things has anyone found that has helped?\r\n\r\nI notice that it feels better when I am out with my horses as they reduce stress and allow me to focus on something that makes me truly happy. I have also noticed that it clears up a bit when I am on vacation and start to relax but not too long after I fully relax the anxiety comes roaring in and the brain fog starts back up. \r\n\r\nThis may indicate the brain fog is actually an internal defense against anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T04:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "I’ve always had a weird thought/feeling that the brain fog was to counteract anxiety, because my anxiety used to be nearly crippling... and now that I have this Brian fog, it’s basically completely gone... but along with the anxiety went my cognitive function, it was a pretty s****y trade off.. I’ve had plenty of tests done and of course no findings.. it’s sad and scary we know so little. Keep me posted if u find out more " ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T07:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "I’ve always had a weird thought/feeling that the brain fog was to counteract anxiety, because my anxiety used to be nearly crippling... and now that I have this Brian fog, it’s basically completely gone... but along with the anxiety went my cognitive function, it was a pretty bad trade off.. I’ve had plenty of tests done and of course no findings.. it’s sad and scary we know so little. Keep me posted if you learn more or have advice " ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T07:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/wayo-1106579" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "<p>Anyone reading this forum should look into something called an Atlas Subluxation.&#160; This may not be the culprit for everyones issues on this forum, but it may be for some of you as I believe it&#39;s what I suffer from.&#160;&#160;</p><p>&#160;&#160;</p><p>My symptoms- I had several years of varying degrees of intense anxiety, I&#39;ve had really bad intercostal neuralgia as well, anxiety eventually cleared up but then I started to have random and severe episodes of vertigo, eventually that went away and then anxiety returned, then it became more severe brain fog, feeling like my brain is wrapped in saran wrap, and just can&#39;t think clearly and feel really weird.&#160; Some times I wake that way and it doesn&#39;t go away the whole day, and sometimes I wake and feel normal, but can literally do something like stand up or move a certain way and it will then be there the rest of the day.&#160; I&#39;ve also had 2-3 times that I have made a movement and literally goes away and it feels almost like when you wake up with a dead arm and the blood and feeling flows back, but I haven&#39;t been able to replicate that or find any commonalities when it has happened.&#160; I&#39;ve had mild to medium anxiety only occasionally with this latest stage of brain fog with only a few times of bad anxiety.</p><p>&#160;&#160;</p><p>I only recently ound out what I that this is likely a atlas subluxation, but interestingly enough in support, the 2 distinct periods of time when my symptoms made incredible progress for long periods of time were in very close proximity to chiropractic visits.&#160;&#160;</p><p>&#160;&#160;</p><p>I&#39;ve been dealing with this for around 12-13 years, and had my symptoms go away for about 3 years, shortly after things had got so bad that I had trouble envisioning having much to look forward to in life, as it was torture and a struggle just to get through a single day.&#160;&#160;</p><p>&#160;&#160;</p><p>Since my issues have returned (for about a year now) after the long hiatus, I stopped believing that I was just simply going crazy for no reason, and stopped believing that there was no normal life for me, and have made great progress in understanding what has been destroying my life, and now I&#39;m just biding my time until I can afford and locate proper treatment.&#160;&#160;</p><p>&#160;&#160;</p><p>I would be overjoyed if even one other person is able to get on the right track to properly diagnosing their issues by anything I have provided here, and if it&#39;s something else please don&#39;t give up and find out what the problem is and get better and hopefully you can help others that have your same issues that aren&#39;t able to turn to anyone to find answers.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T07:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/houston70610-1041643" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "<p>I think you nailed it. My situation involved years of unchecked stress and anxiety, combined with major life situation changes, and some pretty toxic relationships. I also was always very intelligent, and still am when I&#39;m having a &quot;good&quot; brain fog day. I feel like over the years, I have gone from worrying about everyday stresses and things, and generally caring about the outcome of situations, to a point where my stresses and anxieties were overwhelming, and then finally over time, to a point of anhedonia and apathy. In the (increasingly rare) moments where I am preoccupied and actually enjoying something, the anhedonia and apathy, and partially the fog, seem to lift a little bit. I believe this is very much so tied to a self-preservation defense mechanism where your brain stops caring in order to stop hurting. :\\</p><p></p><p>My sister and I grew up in very poor conditions, through both neglect and abuse, which has probably taken its toll and manifested into anxiety disorder as an adult. We both have anxiety, brain fog, and have developed short term memory issues throughout adulthood. My current girlfriend had some borderline manipulative parents, and while not abusive, they still took their toll on her. She has some of these same symptoms as well, although not severe enough to be crippling, as it seems like it is for so many of us on this forum.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T19:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly70998-1124515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "<p>I recently went through the worst case of this for a solid year ! I rarely left my house because I couldn&#39;t think . I&#39;m now one month on Zoloft , I&#39;m a whole new person ! I have my life back l</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-22T10:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly70998-1124515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/elizabeth1984-1124158" ], "content": [ "<p>I recently went through the worst case of this for a solid year ! I rarely left my house because I couldn&#39;t think . I&#39;m now one month on Zoloft , I&#39;m a whole new person ! I have my life back l</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-22T10:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I think we are on to something getting this group of people together with the same symptoms and struggles. I wonder which other things we have in common? It seems that high intelligence is one of the heavy common denominators here.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I have the same symptoms as everyone else, and they had a sudden onset while remodeling my house myself to sell it while running my own business and being a single mom. It is quite safe to say that stress and anxiety were deeply involved. I also experienced emotional trauma around this time as well that triggered emotional trauma from a past abusive marriage. I have always had high functioning anxiety and could tell when I was battling situational depression but it seems like during a period of extremely high stress and pressure combined with emotional pain triggered the brain fog / lack of motivation / memory loss, etc.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Throwing another layer out there: At the point where it started I had been single for the majority of 4 years and severely lacking physical contact, sex, cuddling and love and any feeling of being &quot;protected&quot; which is a biological need. During a short period of dating someone that I was comfortable with and trusted I noticed that my productivity/motivation returned and my memory cleared up.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I am wondering if serotonin/dopamine deprivation combined with high stress is causing our brains to go into some sort of protective mode that is a defense mechanism. This maybe causes detachment on purpose as a sort of self preservation emergency protocol, similar to some types of PTSD.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T04:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=42#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jy900-1124109" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jy900-1124109" ], "content": [ "<p>I have done a ton of research on this very topic, and diet in general is huge step forward read unconventional medicine by chris [b]kresser[/b] or listen to him speak on YouTube or JRE podcast and it truly makes a ton of sense I just ordered total gut health from onnit and I’m just starting to change my diet to a much better one also I’m going to get cheacked for celiacs disease and a gluten alergy but one important thing to note is even tho most drs will say if you don’t have celiacs then you don’t have a gluten alergy and that is totally false have both tested anyway, hope this helps I’m two years in so far with these symptoms and am ready to move on and finally feel as tho there might be a shot finally&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-22T12:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I know this post is a few years old now, but if anyone is still here, I hope I can help. My history and symptoms were basically the same as everyone else. Used to have a sharp, focused mind, great memory etc.&#160; Around my junior year of high school, I experienced a load of stress from school, family, relationships and it was like my life was sucked away from me. I developed strange symptoms including:</p><p></p><p>lack of mental clarity(brain fog)</p><p>severe anxiety, social akwardness always on edge</p><p>terrible complexion(acne, eczema, dark circles under eyes)</p><p>digestive issues(cramping, bloating, constipation/diarrhea)</p><p>dull sense of depression, apathy</p><p>insomnia, pounding heart at nighttime</p><p>addictive personality</p><p></p><p>fast forward a few years and I think I&#39;ve finally found a solution. After some additional research, I discovered that many of my symptoms were characteristic of digestive disorders such as [b]leaky gut[/b], dysbiosis, and candida (yeast) overgrowth.&#160; Basically, our gut is home to trillions of bacteria which allow us to digest our food and stay healthy.&#160; After periods of chronic stress, exposure to antibiotics and/or toxins which are everywhere in our modern environment, and a poor diet, the bacterial balance of our gut can become disrupted. Over time, the good bacteria (probiotics) which are essential to our health are killed off and replaced with high levels of bad bacteria, yeast, parasites, and mold which wreak havoc on the gut, resulting in food allergies/sensitivities, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and a cascade of seemingly unrelated problems.&#160; Even more interestingly, the digestive system is actually home to a large portion of the neurotransmitters which are fundamental to our mental clarity and emotions.&#160; When the gut is damaged, the entire body is thrown out of wack in a way which most doctors don&#39;t know how to identify.&#160; They run tests on the brain and can&#39;t find anything because they&#39;re looking in the wrong place.</p><p></p><p>Anyway, I&#39;ve now started focusing on healing my gut through&#160; a Biblical-based diet and lifestyle and the results have been incredible.&#160; My energy is gradually returning, my brain fog is dissipating, and i fell an overall sense of well-being. My digestive complaints are starting to ease up and I&#39;m able to tolerate certain things which I never could before (dairy, nuts).&#160; For the first time in years, I finally feel like I&#39;m healing. While I&#39;m not yet back to my old self, I have a renewed sense of hope and I know that I&#39;m going to get through this eventually.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I know what its like to feel helpless with these debilitating symptoms, especially when no one seems to understand and they tell you its &quot;all in your head&quot;, but I&#39;m here to tell you that you don&#39;t have to live like this forever. The first step would be to google [b]leaky gut[/b]. There&#39;s plenty of information out there for you to figure out if your issues are gut related, which I&#39;m willing to bet they are (at least in some part).&#160; The next step would be to clean up your diet and at the very least eliminate all processed and refined foods as well as any potential food allergies/sensitivities which can cause delayed reactions. Do some research and start supplementing with a high quality probiotic, preferably SBO&#39;s (Soil Based Organisms) which are essentially beneficial organisms naturally present in whole, raw foods that were a major part of our ancestors&#39; diets up until recent times with the emergence of processed and genetically modified ingredients.&#160; My last suggestion would be to find ways to relax and get rid of stress, whether its through yoga, meditation, prayer or whatever works best for you.&#160; Personally, I feel that my relationship with God has been the most important aspect of my recovery, and I truly believe that its through His grace that I am finally healing. Once you do this, you are likely to see some real results.&#160; Hope this helps!</p><p></p><p>Peace to all,</p><p>JY900</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T05:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=43#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kelly70998-1124515" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/phil93752-1124068" ], "content": [ "<p>I recently went through this for a solid year ! Every test you could think if came back normal , until they check my serotonin levels ! One month on Zoloft I&#39;m a whole new person&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-22T10:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Did you ever figure things out I’m in your shoes now?" ], "date": [ "2017-11-21T06:35+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=43#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mimiueez-1124504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey Taylor! \r\nHave you been diagnose yet? Maybe you should return to your doctor or any other doctor to have a blood test on TSH, T4 and thyroxine. It seems that you have symptoms of hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed with that and we have the same symptoms. It was hard to focus inclass or absorb. Theres one time i forgot where is my house located at... It took me 1-3 minutes to recall. Yes we felt like our brain is empty. \r\n\r\nI slept for 22 hours due to fatigue.\r\n\r\nBut i am not cure for 3 years now. I was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Its the opposite.\r\n\r\nHave a research about the symptoms for hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. Ask your doctor for TSH, T4 OR T3 BLOOD TEST. GOODLUCK!" ], "date": [ "2017-11-22T09:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=43#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adriana87652-1086728" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dawn19609-484717" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/adriana87652-1086728" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello adriana87652. Can I ask what thyroid tests you had done and what they found out was wrong? You said one of yours was off? I don&#39;t know if you can say the medication they gave you or not but I would love to know. I think I&#39;m in the same situation so please let me know. I have the brain fog real bad at times and also very dry skin. Thank you so much for any guidance.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-29T22:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi taylror, i feel you described my symptoms i dont kno where u live but i went to a doctor in tj .im treating myself there and found a great doctor...i read that you already went to a doctor for your thyroid..?.well i found out my thuroid was intoxicated and my brain felt like i was in adream a fog.its a horrible feeling i also lost alot of weight and my skin look soo dry ..and my facial look turned to someone i didnt recognized...if i were you i would get a 2nd or 3rd test on thyroid..i guess theres 3 diffrent elemens that make a healthy thyroid ..one of mine was off now im taking medicine also i had 2 types of anemia...i would try difrent doctors im mexico the doctors are really good and they find the root of the problem in th u.s a lot of doctors wont examine you all the way..or \r\n" ], "date": [ "2017-11-29T22:29+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=43#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you everyone for all the great information. There’s so many people suffering from similar things which my heart aches for you, I wish there was one answer but it seems like the fog is caused from different issues. I’m trusting Jesus to lead me and everyone to a path of healing. Was anyone experienced their right shin super itchy? If we all gather the same information or symptoms maybe we can all narrow down the cause for each one of us. God bless everyone. " ], "date": [ "2017-11-30T13:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=43#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Rockers\r\n\r\nYes, my concentration and focus are bad. My vision worse and now I have tinnitus. Doctors have no answers. I feel your pain" ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T01:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "content": [ "But you got the feeling that it`s worsening over time or would you say it has not worsened since the onset?" ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T02:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>It has worsened for me, that&#39;s for sure</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T02:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "content": [ "So how are you dealing with it all? I`m pretty much in a constant state of panic. What worries me to is that Taylor has not replied to his own post in a very long time. But then I`m more worries about myself, googling it all the time. The worst I could come up with so far is Dementia With Lewy Bodies." ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T02:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve read about that. I really don&#39;t have a solid way of dealing with it. My MRI is clean. My theory is inflammation in the nerves. I take tumeric and other natural anti-inflammatories. My docs tell me I have CFS. I can&#39;t read for a long time either . I try to get rest but suffer from insomnia too. I think sleep would help me but that has escaped me. I am waiting for my thyroid results to come back. I do have vitamin defeciencies too so that could be a factor as well</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T02:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Taylor has given an update a few months ago, you’ll just have to find the comment out of all of ours lol. But I wish he would comment more like us. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T02:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "How are you doing ??i hope you are feeling better .i know exactly what you mean by doomed its such a scary experience ...did you find out anything that helps ?pls let us know..thank you " ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T16:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I`m experiencing the same or similar issues as Taylor for the last 3 years. And I can say it`s steadily getting worse since then. I get these mini blackouts where I could not recall what I wanted to do next, at first they lasted just for a second but now they ar a lot more pronounced, it might take me up to a minute to remember what I was about to do next, sometimes I don`t remember at all. My ability  to concentrate getting steadily worse, especially in an loud environment. Add bright lights and other hectic things to the mix and I`m doomed. I feel more and more withdrawn from people, conversations are at times difficult to follow. The last 3 days I would compare to being mentally tortured, no other way to describe it. I feels so easily agitated it`s incredible. I have problems at times finding the right words when speaking to someone and make plenty mistakes when writing emails. But the concentration problems I would rate as most worrying as they are getting worse and worse.\r\n\r\nAnyone else here feeling their symptoms are getting increasingly worse of month and years?  Anyone else here having in between all their issues some random times that are trouble free or feel like you are getting some relief for a short time? In my case I have those days but then afterwards it`s all even worse and I have a new baseline which represents the new normal for me which of course is worse then the old baseline.\r\nLife is really difficult like this not to say exhausting and there seems to be no real hope that it might become any better." ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T00:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=43#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>I’m in the same boat. I try to explain to my fianc&#233; who works outdoors all day that I’m equally as tired coming home from my desk job. Much of the time I have to rewrite things because they sound so awful. The best way I can explain it is it feels like I am drunk with a cold ALL the time. Everything feels weird. I can’t explain it, it just feels weird. I’m exhausted, everything is achy, I can’t remember much (thank God my fianc&#233; has an amazing memory). It’s more annoying than anything. Something someone said the other day struck me as I couldn’t find the words for it but it was basically: “it is as if I am looking at the world through a cheese cloth.” Anyone else experience this feeling? It’s like everything isn’t blurry but it’s not exactly clear. My spatial sense is all out of wack. I bump/run into things all the time because I have a hard time judging the distance. Everything is also not as bright and clear light wise. Like when you’re drunk. I’ve tried all sorts of elimination diets and while they sort of help, nothing happens to where I feel like it could be the culprit. I’m going to look back into chiropractic work because it helped me feel better in my body, albeit not much mentally. For me, there aren’t days of relief, more like moments. It may make others feel hopeless but I like to believe that it’s that small part of me that reminds me that I’m still there and everything is gonna be okay. &#160;Something to look into, though, if you haven’t already is a sinus infection. Sounds simple and stupid but hear me out.</p><p>I’ve had waaaaaaaay too many tests to count. I’ve been dealing with this for 4.5 years and if there is a test, I’ve probably had it; including a &#160;full hormone panel, thyroid TWICE, and ultrasounds of my ovaries. I mean, my doc tried everything he could think of. He even managed to convince my insurance to pay for an MRI after they denied me initially. But the sinus thing is the only thing we haven’t looked into yet, but here’s why I have a hunch this could be it, if not part of it.</p><p>Last year I was a mess medically. I was constantly in and out of the ER with chest pains (not anxiety related), pain in my ovaries, and this weird cough. My body also would not digest my food if there was any meat in it. It would literally just sit in my stomach all day. I went to the ER because I felt just awful and I was given an antibiotic for something (probably the cough), and from the end of the year up until the middle of January, I felt great. It was like nothing ever happened. I was on the Dean’s list, I was doing great in the following semester, drinking coffee (I couldn’t anymore because I became super sensitive to caffeine), and I was REALLY happy. No brain fog. Nothing was wrong. It was like it was all a dream or something. Then mid-January rolled around and it came back with a vengeance. That’s when all the intensive testing started. I believe that the antibiotic I took helped a possible sinus infection and that’s why I felt great.&#160;</p><p>Here’s another reason why I have a hunch it is sinus related. I grabbed a neti pot because my nose feels constantly inflamed inside. I have no allergies whatsoever, but I always feel like I have a dry stuffy nose. No mucus. I used the neti pot for the first time ever last night and I had a lot of nose blowing afterward (nothing color wise), and today I wasn’t dizzy. Still had brain fog but I wasn’t dizzy. Or nauseous which is typically caused by the dizziness. And for a few minutes, everything looked “normal.” &#160;I’m back to the bleh feeling again, but I think I might be on to something. Just look up some info on sinus infection, sinusitis, or the like and see what you find symptom wise to see if it fits what you’re going through.</p><p></p><p>Sorry for the incredibly long post, but if I can help us all solve this problem, it would be amazing. We are all gonna get our lives back, we just gotta keep trying!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T02:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "Thank you for the post. Definitely something to look into. God bless and heal you. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T06:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "<p>That’s crazy that we both took a sinus (bacteria) med and it relieved the brain fog. I’m 21 &amp; I’ve dealt with this brain fog for 7 years, and I took Bactrium and another med back to back for bronchitis one time and that’s the only free day I’ve had out of feeling like I’m in a dream. I finally found out what I took that long ago and it didn’t releave me this time sadly. But it’s just odd because what was it that gave us that relief! Doesn’t make sense. &amp; I’ve been to 3 sinus docs and 2 of them said I was fine and one said I needed surgery. So 2 ruled out 1 so I didn’t proceed. &amp; I don’t feel congested, I never have a runny nose or any other sign I just thought maybe something wasn’t flowing through and making me feel like way. I also get dizzy, sensitive to lights, and my head/eyes feels tight sometimes throughout the day. It’s just odd, WHY that med did that and teased me. But that caught my eye when you said the same about a sinus med. I don’t have energy either, some days I have good days where the fog is light but it never goes away.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-06T01:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>I understand where you feel like it’s getting worse over time instead of better. I think we’re just tired of it and starts doubting because we’re not getting any answers. I think it’s because we have to go out every day like everything is okay when it’s not .. it gets very overwhelming. &amp; I think being in stressful situations no matter what it is (life) makes the feeling worse because your brain is working even harder. &amp; basically you get mad and frustrated at yourself because you can’t catch a break. That’s how I feel.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-06T01:15+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I`m experiencing the same or similar issues as Taylor for the last 3 years. And I can say it`s steadily getting worse since then. I get these mini blackouts where I could not recall what I wanted to do next, at first they lasted just for a second but now they ar a lot more pronounced, it might take me up to a minute to remember what I was about to do next, sometimes I don`t remember at all. My ability  to concentrate getting steadily worse, especially in an loud environment. Add bright lights and other hectic things to the mix and I`m doomed. I feel more and more withdrawn from people, conversations are at times difficult to follow. The last 3 days I would compare to being mentally tortured, no other way to describe it. I feels so easily agitated it`s incredible. I have problems at times finding the right words when speaking to someone and make plenty mistakes when writing emails. But the concentration problems I would rate as most worrying as they are getting worse and worse.\r\n\r\nAnyone else here feeling their symptoms are getting increasingly worse of month and years?  Anyone else here having in between all their issues some random times that are trouble free or feel like you are getting some relief for a short time? In my case I have those days but then afterwards it`s all even worse and I have a new baseline which represents the new normal for me which of course is worse then the old baseline.\r\nLife is really difficult like this not to say exhausting and there seems to be no real hope that it might become any better." ], "date": [ "2017-12-02T00:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=44#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bennett75974-1128402" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Additionally, i found a forum that also applies to the problems I have in addition to what I have seen on this forum.</p><p></p><p>[b]https://www.[b]healthboards[/b].com/boards/brain-tumors/848238-spaced-out-high-drunk-feeling-please-help[b].html</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-05T22:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=44#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridgetjax-1129061" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy04366-1054053" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bridgetjax-1129061" ], "content": [ "<p>Well, I&#39;m definitely negative for Lyme. Elisa, Western blot, and lumbar puncture all negative. </p><p></p><p>[b]Moderator comment: I have removed reference to individual private clinics which are not supported by UK doctors[b]</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-08T01:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/bridgetjax-1129061" ], "content": [ "Did the meds help you with your symptoms ? Dp/dr?pls let us know what helped thank you " ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T17:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Yes! Lyme and coinfections! Lyme tests are usually inaccurate. Those of us with Lyme are fighting the CDC and infectious disease to get guidelines and testing changed. If you&#39;re unable to get doxy, there are herbal protocols you can start with (cowden, Buhner etc... no, I&#39;m not affiliated with any of these). My symptoms started like this... severe derealization, then stress from a car accident made me much worse (symptoms you can&#39;t imagine). That&#39;s the thing with Lyme.... it can do just about anything to someones body and drs can&#39;t figure it out. Things like tinnitus, anxiety, heart issues and everything I skimmed through here yelled &quot;Lyme&quot; to me. Look up a list of symptoms. It&#39;s called the great imitator! MS, ALS, IBS, chronic fatigue, auto immune issues and so on. I got Lyme, bartonella and babesia in 2011 then Rocky Mountain spotted fever and ehrlichia in 2015. Find an LLMD (Lyme literate dr) near you since primary drs and others don&#39;t know how to test or treat. Get on Facebook and join one of the thousands of Lyme groups. You&#39;ll learn a ton!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-08T01:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=44#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bridgetjax-1129061" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Oh and you dont need to live in a certain area or have the bulls eye rash or even see a tick on you. I&#39;m in NC, didn&#39;t see a tick or have the bulls eye either time. Lyme is worldwide. Think about it. They can attach to birds and other animals, not to mention people on flights. I&#39;ve been researching this for 6 years now and know a thing or two.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-08T01:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=44#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moleman-1129396" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael30415-1014990" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moleman-1129396" ], "content": [ "Thank you for sharing. Don’t give up hope. God can heal. I pray you get better. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-09T14:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moleman-1129396" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I&#39;m suffering with the same exact symptoms (plus a few more )have you found anything that helps ,this has changed my life completely. God bless </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-09-18T22:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/moleman-1129396" ], "content": [ "Hi moleman have you found anything that helps ??" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T17:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have suffered from these same symptoms on and off for 3-4 years now, at least I think it&#39;s been that long, it&#39;s hard to tell because of my severe memory problems. Before all this started I was an extremely bright individual who excelled at everything and now I struggle to write even a basic blog reply. The symptoms are all similar to what has been stated previously: Brain Fog, Memory Loss, Depersonalization, &#160;etc etc but what makes matters worse is that I myself am a health care professional and while I know that these symptoms are anxiety related and would diagnose a Pt as such I can not seem to pull myself out of it. I was on an executive leadership track but because of my suffering ny career has all by stagnated. I&#39;m at odds with how I should proceed. All tests have been performed personally multiple times and I am clear for everything I could possibly think of. I even tested for mold induced illnesses with no avail, this makes me believe it is certainly anxiety but trying to overcome it has proved to be a larger task than I had previously thought. I will update if I find something that works but for now my advice is destressing and engaging in anti- anxiety behavior such as meditation, &#160;excercise, &#160;or brain stimulating hobbies like chess.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-12-09T08:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=44#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana73030-1131457" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all. I feel like this since I was a child. Blood tests ok. Brain scan ok. Thinking about neck scan. Was on Prozac but get mania on it. Try it it" ], "date": [ "2017-12-16T17:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=44#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mayssa80-1038083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello again </p><p>I wrote about my symptoms a couple of months ago... i soon discovered that i have iron anemia so i started iron infusions and after three weeks i started to feel better... more energetic, more outgoing... iron was causing my anxiety symptoms... i can&#39;t say that my brain fog symptoms disappeared completely but it certainly got better !!! Plz check your iron levels if you still haven&#39;t...</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-12T00:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=35#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola82201-1053604" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicola82201-1053604" ], "content": [ "<p>No I haven&#39;t been tested for that. Might have to look into that! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T23:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi have you been tested for fibromyalgia just I suffered with all the same symptoms for years all yesterday coming back fine eventually I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia the trigger is stress hun ask to be tested as it&#39;s very hard to diagnose x</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-24T23:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=35#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "This post is pretty freaking significant. \r\nMy brain fog symptoms started *after* I injured myself in a way similar to how you described. I tilted my head backward and hit the back part of my neck against a wall.\r\n\r\nWhat were your MRI results like? The one I had about a month and a half later turned out negative. \r\nI also had some X-ray work done, but nothing out of the ordinary showed up." ], "date": [ "2017-05-29T22:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "<p>I haven&#39;t gotten an MRI yet. My doctor is working as we speak to get my insurance to okay it (not holding my breath). Who did your X-rays? I read about a patient who had a subluxation but it was waved off by her doctor as nothing. Her chiro was the one that assured her that this was causing her problems. Chiropractors specialize in bones (amongst other things) essentially, so they do a better job of finding things like a subluxation. Even bringing this information to my highly intelligent doctor didn&#39;t really seem to strike anything in him and he&#39;s typically very adamant about finding something that could essentially help me.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-30T01:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "<p>Wow! That&#39;s crazy! I related to this post as well when exercising which they tell you to do, I&#39;ll feel more spaced out and dizzy! And also when I laugh, I don&#39;t even have to throw my head black, if it&#39;s a good laugh I get sooo light headed! I&#39;ll def have to do more research thanks! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-30T20:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m almost convinced my doctor is spot on with thinking its lack of oxygen to the brain or inflammation. Everything going on points to it</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-30T21:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "<p>I think I have brain inflammation as well. It&#39;s the same kind of feeling you get when you&#39;re extremely tired right? Except it doesn&#39;t go away. It creeped in after I had stayed awake for 42 hours writing a research paper for a college class. A week later it was full blown. I had anxiety and depression before but it definitely made it worse. Does anyone else feel better for a few seconds when you apply pressure to your forehead? Does anyone know how to decrease brain inflammation? I had blood tests done, is that something that will show up on the tests? Thanks to anyone who answers. I also noticed a correlation, mostly everyone had endured some kind of stress before their symptoms became evident. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-31T02:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "content": [ "<p>My doctor has done extensive blood work and when I told him I was having the brain fog and whatnot, he actually ordered me an MRI and referred me to a rheumatologist. And yes, I feel like I&#39;m really tired all the time. Like I wanna go to bed.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-31T19:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/esme454-1052706" ], "content": [ "<p>Brain inflammation isn&#39;t visible in the blood when there isn&#39;t a bacteria or virus involved (at least not with the conventional test via a GP). If you google on &#39;brain inflammation&#39; and &#39;natural remedies&#39; you will find lots of information on foods, supplements and herbs which can help in reducing brain inflammation.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-31T19:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "<p>That&#39;s interesting. In most (if not all) brain fog cases, the MRIs return negative, i.e. there is nothing wrong with the &quot;hardware&quot; of your brain.</p><p>To answer your earlier question, I did my X-rays at a hospital after a referral by my neurologist.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-31T22:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/daniel02718-909224" ], "content": [ "Definitely check out a chiropractor! They should be of more assistance than a neurologist." ], "date": [ "2017-06-01T01:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "<p>Yep I&#39;m def going to get checked out for this, mine started a little while after an head and neck injury aswell, my MRI results were fine my blood tests were fine, they keep saying it&#39;s GAD, my psychologist is the one who tested my lymes cause I was bitten by a tic a few weeks prior to the symptoms starting also did some blood test for adult pandas all negative, this literally explains all my symptoms so I thank you for this information and will really be thanking you if this turns out to be what it is but for the first time in over a year I have some hope that I can make it go away def gonna be a life changer, my biggest issue now is not getting my hopes up but I have consistently said my anxiety is cause by my symptoms and not causing my symptoms and for the first time I may be able to prove it </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-01T02:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/33cody-984088" ], "content": [ "<p>Today was my first adjustment by a Maximized Living chiropractor and WOW. So much information. In the past I&#39;ve asked other chiros whether or not my spinal issues were causing my symptoms and I&#39;d get a &quot;I mean, maybe&quot; and when you&#39;re paying for the visits, you kinda want more answers. A typical day for me is waking up, feeling kind of groggy, eating almost immediately because I can&#39;t tell when I&#39;m hungry until my body reaches the point of FEED ME NOW, and dragging myself through the day for no reason really because I&#39;m not working right now from all the issues. I also have a sort of baseline anxiety and all over pain that lingers always. After my first adjustment, I could move my shoulders around pain free (my neck and shoulders are ALWAYS killing me; it feels like the day after a workout), I could bend and reach things without pain in my neck, I could, and this may sound weird to most people, hear things better around me IMMEDIATELY after he places my c1 in the right spot. I usually hear things in the same room as if they were outside or on tv or something. Everything sounded like it was in the same room. I hadn&#39;t eaten because I didn&#39;t have time but usually like I said I can&#39;t feel the hunger building anymore. On the ride home, my stomach started growling which was a refreshing sensation for once. I also got sleepy like I wanted a light nap. With my anxious feelings, I couldn&#39;t nap if I wanted to and if I did, it wouldn&#39;t end great. I got home, made a nice breakfast, and went to bed without a problem. I usually have to coax myself to sleep on top of everything else. I can&#39;t just lay down and go to sleep. My father woke me up a little over 2 hours later when my mother in law arrived at my house and I realized I slept without interruption for the first time in YEARS. Even at night I&#39;m waking up almost every hour on the hour. The chiropractor told me I&#39;d feel a difference tomorrow, but today is going really well. My x-ray discussion is tomorrow (whoopee!) where he will explain my issues. Yesterday when I went initially to do my consultation, he had told me to wait 5 minutes and he&#39;d look over some X-rays I had done earlier this year. 30 seconds later he came back in and said &quot;I don&#39;t need to see anything more&quot; and proceeded to ask me if my chiro told me I had scoliosis to which I said no but I knew that (from childhood, although my chiros never mentioned it to me during my current course of treatment). This guy explained all of my spine issues (and there are quite a few) and has more to tell tomorrow! I&#39;m nervous but excited and hopeful as he said my body is reacting well to the adjustments and I&#39;m still fairly young, but too young to be living with these issues at 26.</p><p></p><p>Sorry for the long post but as a long time skeptic of anything ever helping me, I&#39;m now a hopeful believer that we can fix this fast!</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-09T21:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for the update Breezy, it sounds very promising! I&#39;m curious if the effect will last, and if you can get rid of all your complaints, I hope so!</p><p>Please keep posting!</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-02T21:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/breezycurls09-1054873" ], "content": [ "It means a lot that you have taken the time to share you tale. Thank you!\r\n\r\nI have gained some new insights I will explore. Thank you so much!" ], "date": [ "2017-06-29T16:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jason74042-1146291" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "content": [ "Hey man, how you getting on 9 months Down the track? Very similar story to mine!!!\r\n\r\nHope you are doing well bro\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-03-24T03:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>This post is gonna be long, but stick with me as this could essentially help you figure out what&#39;s wrong with you.</p><p></p><p>Tomorrow will be exactly 4 years since these symptoms have started for me. When it first happened, it was so bad I was constantly in and out of the emergency room because I didn&#39;t know what panic attacks and brain fog were. I just assumed I was dying. I eventually got to a point where my doctors were just telling me it was generalized anxiety. I&#39;m not trying to take away from what they&#39;re saying, but it wasn&#39;t anxiety and then the symptoms, it was the symptoms that brought about the panic attacks. </p><p></p><p>3.5 years and 5 doctors later, I finally found someone who gives a damn. My doctor has run every test you can imagine. I literally at this point don&#39;t even know what he can check anymore. The worst of it was a vitamin D deficiency and a slight b12 deficiency. The vitamin D deficiency has already been treated but because of the terrible brain fog, the vitamin b12 just makes my body feel like it&#39;s going haywire at even the smallest doses. </p><p></p><p>I keep fighting because I know that something is wrong with me outside of a mental illness. In my struggle for answers, I have tried just about everything that doesn&#39;t require medication. Exercise, changing my diet, sleeping more (pfft that&#39;s a joke), and meditation. And not the breathe and relax kind of yoga. Guided deep Reiki meditation. They&#39;re great for the anxiety but don&#39;t do anything for the brain fog. So I kept searching.</p><p></p><p>I started seeing a chiropractor because of the constant neck and shoulder pain over the years that I was told was caused by being in a constant state of anxiety. My chiropractor is actually really good at what she does and recommends that everyone get an x-ray before she starts adjusting them to see what the problem is (this is not to boost sales or whatnot, she literally charges $40 for the X-rays). So this was actually my second go around at this particular place. She is a longtime family friend of my aunt and when I was younger had terrible back pain (developed early). My mom took me to see her because she wanted to prevent anything bad happening later on. Currently, my x-rays are the same as they were over 13 years ago. I had an atlas (c1) subluxation and axis (c2) subluxation which is essentially your bone slipping out of it&#39;s correct position. The curve in my neck is almost non-existent as it was 13 years ago as well but I didn&#39;t pay it much mind. I figured it just caused the neck and back pain. </p><p></p><p>Fast forward to about a week ago, I go to my doctor telling him essentially &quot;thank you for all your help but I&#39;m still feeling pretty crappy&quot;. He asked what was up and I gave him a written list of symptoms (my memory is shot so if I had to recall it from memory I probably couldn&#39;t). A few of the things that alarmed him was that exercising made my brain fog worse (I felt more spaced out and detached right after instead of feeling good like I&#39;m supposed to) and something else that I can&#39;t remember right now. He said it sounded like I wasn&#39;t getting enough oxygen to my brain. To anyone else that probably would be alarming but to someone that has had 0 answers in 4 years, it was FANTASTIC news. I took this news and did more research.</p><p></p><p>I found out from my doctor that inflammation in other parts of your body can cause inflammation in your brain. I have rheumatoid arthritis and have had it since the age of 11. Yeah, sad. But I though it was weird that it would effect me over 11 years later after my RA diagnosis and to this extent. I&#39;m 26 now for good measure. RA diagnosis was at 11, anxiety/brain fog started at 22, and I was diagnosed with the subluxations at 13. </p><p></p><p>I went back to my chiropractor after that appointment and she gave me some literature on how the a1 subluxation can effect your body. Google &quot;atlas subluxation symptoms&quot; or something of the like and holy moly you&#39;re gonna be shocked as to what can happen to your body when this bone is moved. It basically pinches the nerve and cuts off the single to the nerves from there down (it&#39;s literally the first bone in your vertebrae) and your body tries to keep functioning but doesn&#39;t get the correct signals so it kind of goes haywire and does whatever. This also causes your fight or flight system to go crazy (panic attacks out of nowhere for me). The lack of oxygen to the brain can also cause... DING DING DING! Brain fog! </p><p></p><p>So I did a little test. I went to the chiropractor for 4 days straight and was going to go so for two weeks (they&#39;re closed on the weekends and I took a day to rest since I also get massages before hand and too many can make me sore). I started feeling better. My headaches and head pressure were lessened, I could do homework assignments (and college work requires SO much reading), and I was able to go out with friends (something that was really difficult to do because of the detached feeling.) This week I haven&#39;t gone yet and it&#39;s been 4 days since I&#39;ve been and I feel like crap again. Not as bad as when it initially started but back to the baseline crappy feeling. Brain fog is just making me feel bleh, head pressure is back, and I am pushing forward.</p><p></p><p>Like many of you, it started out of nowhere for me. THIS I can remember like it just happened. It was THAT terrifying.</p><p>I was sitting in a computer chair in my living room with my fianc&#233; and our close friend. They made a joke and I started laughing and tossed my head back (it was really funny) and when I brought my head back up, my heart started racing. I thought I got light headed and tried to shake the feeling but it wouldn&#39;t go away. I walked around the block a couple times thinking there was some excess energy (it felt like I had too much coffee except I had stopped drinking coffee then since it made me sleepy). Nothing helped. It kept getting worse and I thought I was dying so I was rushed to urgent care where the doctor pretty much hinted that I had done some drugs but didn&#39;t want to admit it because my mom was there. I was an adult at that point and am actually very open with my mother but he said &quot;yeah, everyone says that&quot;, and I realized he wasn&#39;t going to help me. He sent me home with an antihistamine and Zoloft. When I brought the antihistamine to my doctor, he was so shocked at the dosage for it that he ran out of the room to make sure there wasn&#39;t a mistake and literally came back saying &quot;he was trying to drug you.&quot; Not very reassuring and I stopped trusting doctors after that, refusing any and all medication. I even told a pushy doctor once that &quot;if you give me medication, I&#39;m going to sell it!&quot; That ended that. </p><p></p><p>So here I am now. Lots of money for testing later and somewhat of an answer. It wouldn&#39;t hurt to see a chiropractor. I&#39;ve heard stories of people who got that bone reset and after almost a decade of exactly what we&#39;re experiencing (years of testing that tells us nothing, weird symptoms, and anti depressants that do diddly squat), had IMMEDIATE relief with all of the symptoms lifting right after. The experiences vary though. Worth looking into and you won&#39;t waste your time with all of these doctors and unanswered questions. With my subluxation being there as long as it has, it can take upwards of a year to correct. I have opted to do it the slow and steady way since some people who have had the bone reset by a specialist sometimes get worse. Like I said, the experiences vary. I feel like with my mini experiment I have made some progress and will continue to go as long as I can. Please feel free to ask any questions that you have!</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-07-09T20:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=35#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen124876-910571" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen124876-910571" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Mold really affects the brain, you lose interest in everything and your working memory shuts down " ], "date": [ "2015-12-05T06:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "TAYLOR my man, listen to me. I know what you have. You have MOLD somewhere in your house.youve been breathing it for antime and your immune system just let go. Look up aspergiliosis mold. Those are the exact symptomes. I cant beleive everybody is telling you that you are depressed. \r\n\r\nDo you live in a humid or water dammaged home ?\r\n\r\n You have to do a keto diet. Send me an email if you want. Sunshinefrost at msn " ], "date": [ "2015-12-05T05:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david5495-910841" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david5495-910841" ], "content": [ "Hi david did your condition get better after treating with antibiotics for lyme ?? Please let us know . Thank yoy " ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T10:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/david5495-910841" ], "content": [ "Did the iv help?? How are you feeling ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've read your symptoms and situation, and it seems very simular to my own experience during stage two lyme desease.  I can't say that you have lyme but based on  the sudden onset, the symptoms, the persistance of those symptoms and the fact that you have ruled out so many other possible causes I would say it is likely that you have some sort of brain/neurological infection.\r\nWith persistance symptoms of congnitive difficulties like poor memory and poor concentration, onset of severe and cronic psychological conditions like anxiety and depression, cronic sleeping problems, cronic daytime fatigue, body aches like fibromialgia, and other unexplained cronic health conditions - all starting with a period of flu like symptoms - then it is most likely some variation of lyme or simular tick(vector) born bacterial infection.  It's hard to diagnose lyme in stage two and stage three (cronic lyme) because traditional lab tests and diagnostic protocols do not work effectively after the initial period of flu like symptoms. \r\nMost lyme illiterate doctors will give up on finding the source of the problem and try treating symptoms with medications for sleep, anxiety, and depression.  Unfortunatly, all anti-depression meds acutally make the condition worse.  The only medication I found to provide short term releif was high strenth amphetamines, perscribed for fatigue symptoms, that supprisingly resolved many of the other symptoms temporarilly. I had to go through 6 months of IV antibiotic infussions to effectivly treat the condition. " ], "date": [ "2015-12-06T22:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jasonf0789-912247" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ali555-906287" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jasonf0789-912247" ], "content": [ "what youre suffering is depersonalization. It is imperative you try meds with the right help from a professional. The problem is chemical. theres hope and sometimes talking to someone isnt enough sometimes we have to do what feels foreign to see results. Cant hurt to try as long as there is supervision" ], "date": [ "2015-12-14T22:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi\r\n\r\nI would love to know if anyone has experienced a full healing in this just to give hope to the rest of us.  I have had similar symptoms myself for the past 7 years( i am 26 now) and still cant make heads or tails of them.  I feel like I have seen every specialist known to man and now Im at the place of thinking this may be depression.  However, taking medication seems daunting because from what Ive heard and read on these posts, it seems like meds do not really cure people completely.  I may be making a false generalization, so if someone can say otherwise that would be great. When dealing with obscure health ailments such as chronic fatigue/brain fog that many people do not even believe are real it is important to support one another and give testimony when healing takes place.  It will give hope to the rest of us. " ], "date": [ "2015-12-14T21:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/john7321-914727" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucas123-898135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john7321-914727" ], "content": [ "Yes, you are correct." ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T22:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/john7321-914727" ], "content": [ "This is such a irresponsible blanket statement. While this might be true for some people there a certainly others that don`t have an iodine deficiency. And for what it`s worth, over supplementing with iodine can do more harm then good, especially if taken for too long at a higher dose." ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T00:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "All of you are deficient in iodine. Google it." ], "date": [ "2015-12-31T03:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "Mine is not getting any better. Im only trying to eat healthy, no drugs now. Will se a Dr. this week. Anybody experienced any improvements?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T21:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "im seeing some improvement on sertraline" ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T21:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lucas123-898135" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "Try Kelp supplement which is rich in iodine. Should do the trick. " ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T22:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "How long are you suffering already. Is it sometimes getting any better? I have moments where I`m almost back to normal, they might last a day or a week sometimes less then a day. How is your memory, are you in a stressful environment? " ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T01:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "some moments i feel ok when i think im getting better it comes back :(" ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T01:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Less than two years, memory is almost cero, thats my main concern. I reduced any type of stress to the minimum. Exersice, not on any suplements, have to try those. Going to try Kelp and see what happens. Not sleeping very well, I need to find a solution for that too..." ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T01:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "Did improved any specific symptoms or overall? Im going to need a second chance with meds..." ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T01:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "You got any sensitivity to light, especially fluorescent lights? I had all the above mentioned symptoms several times over the last 16 years. Each time it got worse then the previous episode. The very first time Inhad something like this was in 1998. Then again in 2000, then 2007, 2010 ,2013 and now from December 2014 to the present day. Which does worry me though. Symptoms are much more pronounced then before. I don`t have any sleep problems but I feel very tired when waking up the next morning." ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T01:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "when im relaxed it improves a little" ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T01:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Yes, had that sens to light too, now not sure if improved or just got used to it. What about between those times, did you get complete remision of the symptoms?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T16:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "Well that part of my problem. Very dificult to relax when not remembering. I try it all the time, but the idea of not remembering makes me feel unconfortable. " ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T17:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casiodss-906116" ], "content": [ "Yes I had indeed complete remison. I had 4 years for example with no symptoms apart form getting tired easily. I still remember the first time I really noticed something  not being right. I started getting easily sinus infections, followed by stomach probelms. Then I noticed one day while at work that I had vision problems on the right eye. Somehow there was a white spot in my field of vision. This got worse as I was on my way home riding my bike. That spot really disturbed my vision on my right side badly. Well of course this all cleare up fairly quickly, no one thought of it as anything important. And from thenb on I regulalry got wired stuff poping up. Now I get mainly on my right side of the body joint aches. First in my right shoulder which lasets a few weeks, then in my right knee, gone after a few days and now in my right elbow which makes it hard to pick up itmes, the pain is that strong. I make plenty of mistakes when writing an email. My short temr memory, and by that I mena my imidiate short temr memory like things I was just thinking about are sometimes gone and it takes me a few seconds to retrieve that info. That in return puts me in a state of panic which then makes things even worse." ], "date": [ "2021-05-25T03:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "yeah same for me i start panicking ;( hopefully the zoloft helps" ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T00:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "My guess would be that the Zoloft might help but it will not help with your main symptoms." ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T00:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "what do u mean?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T00:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "Well I assume the Zoloft will help with your panic attacks but if all the other symptoms like brain fog etc are not related to anxiety or panick attacks I don`t think there will be much imporvment. I managed to get my panic attacks under control without medication as I really don`t want to fall into the trap of getting even worse anxiety when I stop taking things like Zoloft. I spoke to many people who had their anxiety/panoc attacjs come back  alot worse after they discontinued the pills." ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T00:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "yeah i stopped taking citolopram thinking i was okay and bam depression anxiety hit hard. i can remember things its just feeling spacey brain fog im dealing with that sucks " ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T00:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "It's bad at the moment, lots of pressure in the head, dizzy, swollen eyes, fatigued, can't think coherently. Had to cancel school and work today, which costs me a lot of money since I'm a freelancer, and I paid for a practice day at school.\r\nWent to a neurologist few weeks ago and he told me it's 'silent migrain' I'm suffering from. He could well be right (don't trust him entirely, he's always in a hurry and takes very little time for a consultation, hardly asks any questions and doesn't listen to my answer). the symptoms match though. It's completely new to me, but from what I've read till now it's spot on. It's not headaches, but all that comes with migraine, which is quite a lot to my suprise.\r\nSome people in here might suffer from the same, it often takes a long time to be diagnosed because there are no headaches, so most doctors and even neurologists overlook the possibility." ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T08:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "aww i hope u feel better 💜\r\nwhat are the symptoms?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T08:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "Brainfog, waking up groggy, not being able to concentrate/think properly, fatigue, tingling limbs, nausea, twitching muscles, head pressure, dizziness, hypersensitivity to light/noise, blurred vision etc. Kind of vague complaints, I imagine there are a lot of people misdiagnosed with anxiety, since these complaints can make one feel quite anxious eventually." ], "date": [ "2021-05-24T20:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tyler34805-917777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "I feel the same way" ], "date": [ "2016-01-15T09:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "wow u descrobed me perfectly i also have weak limbs at the moment too :/" ], "date": [ "2016-01-15T16:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "Horrible ...you ?!" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T10:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Any meds that help ??" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo96364-999979" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "are you any better? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-24T20:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "how are u guys all doing with your brain fog?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-25T03:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>It didn&#39;t help in my case. I was in MMA and went to the gym. I was in a better mood overall, but it didn&#39;t do anything to clear up my brain fog.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-22T02:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "I was too fatigued to exercise. At times I would feel better if I was outside, but exercise was out of the question. " ], "date": [ "2016-12-22T03:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Going for a walk definitely helps in my case. Not too long, for half an hour or so, but I try to do it every day. It also improves my sleep quality." ], "date": [ "2016-12-22T07:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I`m wondering oif any of you guys had any luck doing excercise during your periods of brain fog/ mental decline. Maybe it might help?\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-12-22T02:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=28#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim31778-1003061" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim31778-1003061" ], "content": [ "<p>Have you tried antidepressants, anti anxiety, therapy, lifestyle changes, or diet changes? </p><p>I&#39;ve been suffering from this since January 2016. I feel like we m starting to feel alive again from changing lots of things in my life. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-23T01:06+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim31778-1003061" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you carmen...I am on prozac but feel more anxiety. I&#39;ve been told that cutting out sugar and changing to a gluten free diet is helpful but I can&#39;t even seem to function at the moment. I&#39;m glad you&#39;ve found successes. I pray the same for me.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-23T01:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have this horrible condition too. I am constantly spacey, feeling mentally off and unwell. Everything looks unreal and cloudy. It creates within me a fear of everything due to the unreality. I never had anything like this until this year; has been a nightmare....depersonalization/derealization." ], "date": [ "2016-12-23T00:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=28#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "content": [ "<p>Oh my goodness. That&#39;s awful! I&#39;m so sorry! Have you ever been tested for mono (Epstein Barr Virus)? </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-04T21:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>Got tested end of September/ early October! It showed that I have had it but that I didn&#39;t have it at that time! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-05T15:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>I think I have had it a few times so that would make sense but wouldn&#39;t the flare ups show up as positive on the blood test!? When I had the blood test in sept/oct I had been suffering for 3 weeks and docs had given me antibiotics to start with then and out of hours gp said EBV and to get tested by my gp but my gp wouldn&#39;t because they were convinced it was just a virus or that I needed to take more antibiotics! Then finally they did the blood test and all they said was that I have had it in the past but didn&#39;t currently have it. I have been advised to get all my blood test results so I can do my own research as the gp will say everything&#39;s fine even when it isn&#39;t! e.g. The last time I had my FBC my ferritin was 17 &quot;normal range&quot; is 14 to 150 or something like that so gp said it was fine however my dietician said that&#39;s still really low! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-05T21:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "content": [ "<p>Very sensible to get your blood panel results, and other ones. I already have been doing this for 20 years and have built up my own medical record this way.</p><p>The ranges which are used in blood tests are fairly random: they are based on samples of the population, not on any scientific theory. Most GP&#39;s aren&#39;t aware of this.</p><p>You&#39;re lucky to have a sensible dietitian. Maybe you should consider gettting a sensible GP also. He seems to be the guessing kind, which isn&#39;t the one you need since you have some complex health issues.</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T07:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>I honestly didn&#39;t even know you were allowed to get the results to any of your tests yourself. I thought only health professionals were allowed the results until someone recently told me on a Facebook coeliac group that they have been getting printouts of their test results for years! </p><p></p><p>While my GP is a nice person as my gp I don&#39;t think he takes me seriously at all... I went to him telling him I thought I had depression for 4 years then I moved to another part of the country, told them for about 3 years then got diagnosed after I had my daughter as they thought I had post natal depression but then looked at my file and saw I&#39;d been suffering like this since I was about 12/13 but to this day my gp won&#39;t entertain the idea that I have depression! </p><p>He tends to just guess what tests to do as well, every few months I go to the gp because my extreme exhaustion is getting on top of me and he does a blood test every time! It was just luck that he eventually tested for coeliac. And even though he put me on iron tablets 10 years ago and has prescribed them to me for most of those 10 years he still thinks my ferritin was fine at 17, yet I was on 644mg of ferrous fumarate a day at the time! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T17:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "content": [ "<p>The most common sign of celiac disease in adults is iron-deficiency anemia that is unresponsive to iron therapy.&#160;</p><p>I&#39;d recommend to find yourself an up to date GP and immediately ask for a blood test for B12, since B12 also isn&#39;t absorbed well in celiac disease and a deficiency can cause extreme fatigue, among other complaints.</p><p>I think you need a doctor who likes to get at the bottom of things, not an automated blood panel and prescription generator.</p><p>If a doctor repeatedly does the same blood panel, he repeatedly will get the same (lack of) results.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T21:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "By they way; just nod when your GP tells your B12 is fine, ask for a print of your test results and when B12 is below 400 drive to the supplement store to get yourself some sublingual tablets;-) Look for methylcobalamin, it is the best form of B12 to supplement with. If your new GP wants to give you B12 shots; refuse them. They are nasty, unpractical and are so low dosed that it will take weeks if not months to get at the right level." ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T21:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you so much for the suggestions! I&#39;m seeing my gp next week and I&#39;ll ask for a blood test and my results. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T21:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re welcome carmen. while you&#39;re at it you might as well want to ask for a vit.D test. A deficiency is much more common than people think, especially in the more Northern regions of the Earth, and it also can cause brainfog, memory problems etc.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-06T23:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>I have been on a gluten free diet for just over a year now and I haven&#39;t felt any better in that time. My only gastro issue with my coeliacs is bloating but not sure if that is just something that happens to me anyway. I know how you feel, I really wish I had the energy to do more with my little girl! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-07T22:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;ve seen every gp in the surgery I&#39;m in and when I was 14 I changed to the other surgery in my town and saw some doctors there, they were a bit better and seemed to take me more seriously so I have been thinking about maybe going back there! The best doctors I&#39;ve had have been out of hours gp&#39;s if I could get one of those to be my gp I&#39;m sure I&#39;d see some improvement or at least more answers! An out of hours gp told me to get tested for mono and my gps kept refusing to test me as they didn&#39;t think it was that! I saw an out of hours gp when I was going through a really rough patch with my depression and he was so helpful, he even emailed my gp about what he thought would be a good option for me though my gp completely disregarded this and simply told me to just go to the local safe haven if I felt really low! I honestly feel like the quest for a great gp is more difficult than trying to find the right person to marry! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-07T22:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrscglanville-1007465" ], "content": [ "<p>It&#39;s indeed quite a quest to find the right GP, I had 5 different ones in the past 10 years and my current one is perfect. He&#39;s smart, acts like a sparring partner and doesn&#39;t mind to say he hasn&#39;t got a clue what is going on and to look up on the spot if my own suggestion could be valid.</p><p>So searching and switching was absolutely worth it!</p><p>You definitely need a good GP when you have this kind of ambiguous complaints.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-12T20:28+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I don&#39;t have any answers for you but I am in the same boat. I&#39;ve suffered with depression for roughly 12 years (it started when I was about 10 years old), I got diagnosed with anxiety when I was 14 yrs old, I&#39;ve been on antidepressants for the last 3 years and they didn&#39;t help any of these symptoms but made my general mood better. The last 4 months have been brutal!! My brain fog has gotten so much worse, my memory has gotten worse (short and long term), time just completely passes me by to the point I am so glad I&#39;ve taken thousands upon thousands of pictures and videos of my little girl as I can&#39;t remember any of it at all!!! My other health problems that have been diagnosed are as follows; coeliac disease, iron deficiency anemia, Gilbert&#39;s syndrome, a duplex kidney, migraines, chronic back pain, I also have terrible menstrual cycles (to the point when I was 12 I was so close to having a blood transfusion and my gp wanted to put me on the pill to regulate it a bit but my mum went mental and refused!) I&#39;ve been on daily medications since I was 14 years old and sleeping tablets on and off, migraine tablets on and off, and 2 medications for my menstrual cycles! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-04T19:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=28#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deirdre-_03652-312788" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/deirdre-_03652-312788" ], "content": [ "Hi deirdre have you ever been tested for lyme?" ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T11:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi to all on here....</p><p>I am so sad to read all of your stories....I can totally understand ..I have exactly the same symptoms...I forget how to use the telephone, and the television....like all of you, I had the terrible exhaustion, severe aches and pains....and the worst part, like everyone else...complete loss of joy in anything and everything....I have an adorable little grandson, and I feel almost nothing...it makes me feel so alone....which I am not, I live with my hubby and three adult sons ( who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia )</p><p>I also have a daughter....hence the grandson....</p><p>I am so upset not to feel love, excitement or enjoyment....</p><p>Anyway...the whole point...after years of this and doctors visits..I was referred to a rheumatologist ***** I was diagnosed with</p><p>FIBROMIALGIA******* as I was already on antidepressants, it was raised to the highest dose....I take a few different things...</p><p>SERTRALINE...TRAMADOL...PREGABALIN....HRT.....SIMVASTATIN....CO-CODOMOL AND A COUPLE MORE ....</p><p>I feel a little better having a diagnosis...also we have a support group, we all meet once a month....</p><p>I really still find the lack of any kind of happiness the worst part...I look to the future with a terrible sense of dread !!!</p><p>I do so, so, so hope that you all find an answer, I feel for you all so much...let&#39;s hope and pray that they find an answer....and treatment for ..EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US...</p><p>I wish you all happiness, good health...and true peace of mind...take good care of yourselves....warm, and sincere hugs...and nd nd more hugs to you all, xxxxxx</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-12T23:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=20#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I`m living in Japan and have very much the same problems as you guys. Now I went to a quit a few different massage practitioners over the last couple of years. And each of them said that the probelm I have is related to the stomach. They can feel how hard certain massage pressure points are. The ones on my feet that relate to the stomach were and still are very tender and hard." ], "date": [ "2016-07-13T00:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=20#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>Cloudy, memory is like 25% there. Kind of like thinking through a barrier. Also can&#39;t sleep because my head feels like it&#39;s frying when I try. Quetiapine fixes that for me</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T02:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "What type of head symptoms? \r\nLike headaches or psychiatric lol\r\nI get random racing thoughts about the strangest suff especially more if im tired\r\nMy brain feels wrapped in plastic \r\nI have visual snow and floaters \r\nEaraches and ringing in ears \r\nMemory problems etc " ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T02:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Those random Racing thoughts before I sleep are what makes my head fry lol. My eyes are weaker too. Sensitive to light and my reaction time is slower. " ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T02:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Does anyone have any other head symptoms that they wouldn&#39;t mind sharing ? I feel like when we hear other people&#39;s symptoms it kinda makes us feel better like ok I know I&#39;m not the only one <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T02:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=20#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "You should get a hair mineral analysis done. It could be heavy metal toxicity" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T02:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Could be a silent migraine but who knows really,\r\nIve considered everything possible to get some relief but a hair mineral analysis might give some answers too so thats what im planning on doing next " ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "Is that something dangerous?" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Silent migraines are harmless im pretty sure google silent migraine symptoms and see if you fit that criteria, you might have a few symptoms but not all\r\n\r\nI personally reckon i suffer from lyme disease or neurological lyme but its not recognized in Australia " ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "No i mean the heavy metal toxicity " ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>Well if theres too much of a metal in your body then it can be dangerous, copper toxicity can cause all sorts of problems and build ups can occur from food or old water systems and birth control medications.</p><p>Or mercury can cause problems too and thats generally from teeth fillings and other sources like fish.</p><p></p><p>All metals can cause a huge ammount of symptoms but a test too see what your high in and then a diet to get control over it might help and its worth taking a look at. </p><p>People are sceptical on wether the tests are accurate or not but its really how you feel after treatment you&#39;ll know </p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "<p>Hmm I&#39;ll have to look into it.... I&#39;ve gotten a lot of blood work done and I had a ct scan on my head 2 months ago dr said it was all good </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>Until my other reply gets moderated *sigh*, I&#39;ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Do you have any problems sleeping? Untreated sleep apnea can cause brain fog due to lack of oxygen to the brain. Good news is that it is reversible. If you have a deviated septum or large tonsils they are most likely the problem. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "Ive had all tests done too and have seen neurologists and hqve had numerous blood work, but i know theres definitely something wrong but i wont let people tell me otherwise.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "I understand the like buzzing in the head almost like very fast vibrations  and the pressure in my head ..thats like all day long and sinuses like up behind the eyes at times pressure  .now the others these next symptoms . I have heart palpations ..weakness in my legs and tingly hands ..mostly on waking up abruptly ..but when that happens I am sure I am going to die ..however after spending so long with it I assume I should be dead already ..yet ..I will still think it hahaha ..maybe insanity is mixed in there for good measure! lol I like this site because there are symptoms I totally forget about ..hmm..probably cuz my memory is crap too ..argh .. but it is good to get the entire list and bring it with me for the poor unsuspecting DR thats going to weed through it all ..which reminds me ..does anyone have like a tingly almost wants to go numb on your tongue ..this is new within like 5 or 6 months ..ago.." ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "<p>I had a sleep study done when I was like 12 but I don&#39;t know what the results were I don&#39;t believe I have that.... I do sleep horrible tho cause I have a two year old that still wakes up in the middle of the night ???????? and even when he does sleep through the night or I don&#39;t have him for the night my body is still so used to it so I wake up anyway ?????? I&#39;l aways tired and I&#39;ve always had add and can&#39;t concentrate and get the brain fog/derealazation it&#39;s so weird it&#39;s like sometimes I&#39;m not even there like everything is going on around me but I&#39;m just not with it. And then the pressure in my head mostly on top and in forhead </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "content": [ "Sounds like maybe chronic sinusitis? It causes those symptoms" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ldibart-957894" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I get pressure in the sinus too like in my for head.... And tingly hands and weak legs are like a BIG sign of anxiety I get it so bad! I can&#39;t drive sometimes! Last week I was driving back home with my family (9 hour car ride) it was my turn to drive.... Wasn&#39;t even driving 20 mins and my heart skipped a beat (flutters) then I started getting chocked up in my chest and throat and then sweaty tingly hands super weak legs like jello and then started crying had to pull over for my husband to drive lol but right away when I&#39;m starting to have like a lot of anxiety or a full blown attack I get the Palps and tingly weak hands and legs </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "<p>I really think you should get another one done. I&#39;ve noticed that if I get around 7 hours of sleep the brain fog is less. If its more or less than that it&#39;s worse. It&#39;s tricky getting the perfect time</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/renitence-954959" ], "content": [ "<p>Yeah I&#39;ll look into it and ask the dr </p><p>Regardless with a 2 year old I&#39;m not getting much more sleep lol</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T03:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rebekah2222-967406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emilylawless-938900" ], "content": [ "I feel the same way as you, it really sucks. I have a 3 year old so I can understand the sleep part too lol. " ], "date": [ "2016-08-15T00:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Yes meaning physical symptoms. I get chest pains heart Palps weak legs and tingly hands.... Tingly/ sizzling feeling in head... Pressure in head... And I feel like I&#39;m starting to get not exactly ring inning in the ears but something like it</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-14T02:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=20#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mattusf-915409" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Now that I saw this feed I have a little more peace of mind. I share many of these symptoms and I'm going to see a therapist in a few weeks. " ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T21:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I keep disasociating badly. It's like I'm in a dream world and check out of reality I'm like a ghost. My feeling shut down too" ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T17:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "yeah me too i freak out so bad i get panic attacks :(" ], "date": [ "2016-01-05T17:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "how do u deal? like get by? it sucks so bad and do u get headaches too?" ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T21:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "content": [ "I think it's slowly happening less and less but the worry of it is always there. What does your dr say ? How long u had it?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-15T11:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel62244-507208" ], "content": [ "thats good my dr said its normal since im depressed over losing my mom :/ " ], "date": [ "2016-01-15T16:21+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I keep disasociating badly. It's like I'm in a dream world and check out of reality I'm like a ghost. My feeling shut down too like I'm a ghost" ], "date": [ "2021-06-03T21:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-911059" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "well considering i got it from being depressed over missing my mom and gets worse with anxiety and my dr saying its normal to feel this way when u go through something traumatic . not trying to add more stress to my mind thinking its dementia is that what u have?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T00:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/awishforhealth-1030348" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "Hi Rockers I thought about this and just the thought sends shivers up my spine. " ], "date": [ "2017-12-18T14:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I`m kind of wondering, none of you has have thought that this could be something more serious. Like an early onset dementia or MS?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T00:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tyler34805-917777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tyler34805-917777" ], "content": [ "Tyler did the meds help ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "That's the best explained symptoms of what I've had forever since I was in a relationship and it went south and gave me depression and anxiety out of the blue. Even when I went to my doctor to explain what was going on with me it felt like when she told me depression that it couldn't be depression I'm not sad I'm going crazy in my brain my memory's out of whack \r\n, my body feels different, I'm starting to forget who I am, I was unstable, and out of control, and I don't socialize like I used to I could talk and talk all day and make people laugh and now its just like I'm quiet and can't think at all like you said just going through the motions suffering that's how it feels. But you know what the doctor was right with the diagnosis, I still wonder if it could be something else but I took antidepressants and it actually gave me the biggest boost I felt so damn good for like a year and a bit now I feel like I need anti depressants again like my brain just needs that extra boost again to get rid of the fog and give me my energy and happiness back. What's weird is I used to have ADHD and now its more like ADD and I have dementia, people tell me all the time things that we've done together in the past and anything well most things I've done since I've had this going on feels like a dream if I try to remember or I just can't remember its just all a blur. But if anyone has figured out the memory part of this bull can someone please msg asap because I'd really like to get this done with in my life its basically the only thing that bugs me I feel like if I could remember how I used to I would be so happy! So I can remember everything again but I'm going to go to my doctors today and get some anxiety and anti depressants and see if I can get my memory figured out thank you for reading and please message if you know anything I don't. " ], "date": [ "2016-01-15T08:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/georgia61805-912350" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello. My daughter had anxiety with depression and panic attacks. She is on anti-dpressants (she's tried most of them and finally found the right combo). More importantly she goes to cognitive theraphy sessions with a licensed therapist which was the key to her being able to serve a year with Americorps after she graduated from college and move to Germany last January. She would never have been able to do either without the AD's and the therapy.\r\n\r\nJust saw that your post is over a year old so I hope you got some help!" ], "date": [ "2016-01-15T11:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rex26137-918105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rex26137-918105" ], "content": [ "Hi rex how are you doing these days ? Pls let us know " ], "date": [ "2018-09-26T10:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ana85762-1202193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rex26137-918105" ], "content": [ "How are you feeling ?" ], "date": [ "2018-10-03T17:52+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm 39 and have had the same symptoms for 2 years \r\nThe only difference is I was sent from work for a random drug testing that found leukemia \r\nThey've taken care of that and I've had a million tests to no avail if I push my self or excerpt myself it gets worse and lasts for days where I can't get out of bed (sometimes to go to the rest room) \r\nIt's not just depression or anxiety \r\nI haven't found anything to help and there still working on a diagnosis of fibromyalgia \r\nI'll keep you updated and hope you do the same " ], "date": [ "2016-01-17T08:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lauren67909-986500" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Taylor my name is Lauren I read your story and it helped me alot to understand how I feel because I have been feeling this was for avout a year now and no can help ,i was wondering if you had gotten any answers from doctors yet if you have can you please let me know." ], "date": [ "2016-12-06T16:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=27#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "content": [ "Hi I feel kinda da same way as you but mine comes and goes like right now I have a headache and sometimes feel lightheaded and dizzy what are your symptoms? " ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T16:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "content": [ "<p>Sean, I know exactly how you feel. Have you tried an antidepressant or anti anxiety Med? It is helping me a bit. It may not be the cure all for everything but it may help. Have you considered your diet? Eliminating gluten, sugar, dairy etc. I did and it didn&#39;t help, but many people have a gluten allergy and eliminating it makes a huge difference. I hope you find healing. I hope we all do. God bless. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T16:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sergio53100-923818" ], "content": [ "<p>I also have periodic headaches and almost constant feeling of lightheadedness, sometimes to the point where I feel I&#39;m going to throw up.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T19:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>Not yet. I&#39;m currently in the process of getting insurance under my dad&#39;s policy so I can see a GP and go from there. I&#39;m pretty sure it is just anxiety and depressed from the anxiety. I have considered my diet. It may be a combination of diet, exercise and increased stress. Recently I did something to my shoulder which took me out of my rigorous exercise routine. Thanks for your response.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T19:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "I appreciate the kind words Carmen and same to you." ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T22:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hey guys,</p><p>&#160;&#160; &#160;I know this discussion has been inactive for over a year now, but I was hoping I could get some feedback as to whether or not anyone figured out a solution to their symptoms? I feel very similar and am really anxious all the time, especially in social settings because it feels like I don&#39;t have any control over the situation and it&#39;s clear that my thinking is impaired. Also I feel incapable of acheiving any of the goals I set for myself prior to feeling this way. I know everyone&#39;s different and therefore there are different approaches to this, but I was kinda hoping someone found some improvements for my sake and theirs. Let me know. Thanks!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T15:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=27#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jana89782-976350" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>You mentioned multiple blood tests, did they included testing for food allergies, your thyroid, adrenal functions? Cortisol levels? One factor could inflammation in the brain. Food changes and vitamin, mineral changes could help. Things such as taking adaptogens or something like holy basil lowers cortisol, omega 3 lowers inflammation, and B complex turns food into fuel. Taking meds such as antidepressants, sleep aid, blood pressure meds can increase inflammation and impair hormone function. Ginseng has been studied and believed to be incredibly beneficial so if you haven&#39;t tried it look into it. American and Korean only if you want more info I am no expert but I&#39;ve read a little about it and tell you what I&#39;ve learned. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T17:28+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=27#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "So your vision is like looking into a flash light then having that after image of distortion ? I feel the exact same and its crazy, feels like ive been out drinking all night and have that constant hazy vision" ], "date": [ "2016-12-15T00:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>Yea I&#39;m in college and having a real tough time with focusing on school work. Started off the semester great, memory was sharp and comprehension was too. Then suddenly I noticed I wasn&#39;t really comprehending what a professor was saying, and not like I just didn&#39;t understand the material. It was like my brain just stopped working and I was in a dream just watching things happen. Since then it&#39;s gotten far worse. Can&#39;t even talk to people most of the time because I&#39;m so anxious. Try not to worry too much about it; it just make things worse if your mind is consumed by trying to figure out what&#39;s wrong. Hnag in there</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-15T01:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dylan12268-839818" ], "content": [ "I`m not so much having the after image but just constantly feeling like I`ve been looking into bright light. It`s crazy when I go into places with lots of fluorescent lights, like a supermarket or my own work place. Loud noise makes it all worse." ], "date": [ "2016-12-15T02:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "content": [ "How is it going for you once you can try to relax, like at home watching TV for example. Is that any better for you? Sometimes I`m Ok and other times I can`t really focus on what`s happening at TV.  Genrally I feel almost 24/7 in a state of hightened anxiety. Saying that I have not trouble at all falling asleep, but still I wake up feeling like I had not even an hour of sleep." ], "date": [ "2016-12-15T03:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean09003-1001867" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>Yea it&#39;s pretty much the same for me. Maybe we have some anxiety disorder but I really think, at least in part, that we&#39;re conscious of our anxiety and so it just makes us more anxious; like alright what&#39;s causing this? why am I different? does this mean I&#39;m crazy? how am I going to get over this especially if I&#39;m terrified of even talking to anyone (at least in my case). With TV my anxiety decreases, but I barely comprehend what&#39;s going on in a simple plot. As far as sleep goes, I have the exact same thing going on.sleep 9 hours. wake up: what do i do now? and when i finally get up i feel so drained.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-15T03:45+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Now my symptoms just took a turn for the worse. Not that they ever getting better anyway , apart from the occasional relieve were I feel sort of Ok for a day or two maybe even a week but generally the trend is rather downwards. Anyway, concentrating is getting harder, I find it harder to deal with environmental streeser such as loud noise or bright lights. Especially loud noise makes me feel irritable and nervous. The unablility to concentrate is what makes it all really bad for me. The whole day I feel like I`ve looked into some very bright flash light.\r\nAnywone else having worsening concentration problems?" ], "date": [ "2016-12-14T23:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=27#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/taylormason-539775" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>I&#39;m so sorry you&#39;re going through this. I can relate to the memory loss and the spacey feeling. I have trouble remembering words, names, dates, appointments, etc. </p><p>it&#39;s overwhelming at times. Have you been tested for autoimmune diseases?</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-17T23:13+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>Carmen, thank you for your reply! I did get a whole bloodwork panel done for the allergist -- everything came back clean as far as the autoimmune issues. &#160;In addition, the other blood tests were also not alarming to my Endo either. T4 was 8.4, T3 Uptake was 33, Free T4 2.7, and TSH 1.87. &#160;All within the &quot;normal&quot; range, although I&#39;ve been hearing that more comprehensive testing may be necessary to accurately diagnose hypothyroidism. &#160;One thing I do know is that my free T is low (275); it&#39;s normal for a male in his mid 40s to see this drop, but it shouldn&#39;t be below 300. &#160;So, there&#39;s testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but my endo isn&#39;t totally enthralled with that idea right now since it would disrupt my natural T production. &#160;We&#39;ll see how that proceeds.</p><p></p><p>All I know is that when I&#39;m in my &quot;worst&quot; state of mind, I feel like I cannot remember the simple things. &#160;This is what escalates the anxiety even further (fear!), which can cause me to look up 50-100 definitions just to ensure I know what they are. &#160;What is scary is at times I feel like I&#39;m having to re-learn words and objects -- i.e. I don&#39;t feel like I truy knew them, or even if I did, I am thinking of them differently now. &#160;The awful part about this &quot;word hoarding&quot; is that there can be multiple definitions for certain vocabulary words, which we intuitively know, but when you try to hoard it all, it can become overwhelming. &#160;</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ll give you a recent example. &#160;At the store today, I saw a gift item for sale: &quot;The essential Star Wars Collection&quot;. &#160;Now, was &quot;essential&quot; in this case meant to say &quot;basic&quot; or &quot;fundamental&quot;, or &quot;vital, necessary, important, etc.&quot;? I honestly had to think about that. &#160;I find it&#39;s this kind of ruminating that is driving me crazy. &#160;Self-doubt begins to creep in. &#160;Often times a word will pop out in a conversation (said by another person), or I&#39;ll hear it on TV/radio, or read it, and I&#39;ll have to think over what it means exactly, and if I would have been &quot;smart&quot; enough to use that word if I were doing the talking. &#160;Fear of forgetting. &#160;</p><p></p><p>Lately, I&#39;ve been sleeping well at night. &#160;I spend the whole day &quot;getting better&quot;, i.e. starting out in a low, depressed, sometimes anxiuos state, and feeling a bit better cognitively speaking before bedtime. &#160;But then the morning hits...which is when I&#39;ll start ruminating again. &#160;</p><p></p><p>Right now I am on no anxiety or AD meds. &#160;I am taking more magnesium these days, on a Vit B complex, and have started taking holy basil. &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-17T23:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Brian, I also have got the &#39;Taylor Mason&#39; symptoms since 2014.</p><p>In my experience the confusion and brain fog comes first, which next (logically) causes fear; a feeling of loss of control and abilities.</p><p></p><p>I more or less accepted the fact that from a skilled speaker I went to being someone whith a limitted vocabulary, stutters and can&#39;t find the right word at the right time. Worrying about it makes it worse, the more relaxed I am the more fluent I speak.</p><p>Also I recently started using phosphatidylserine which really improved my sleep from the first day on, and also gives me a relaxed feeling through the day. This has imrpoved my cognitive function.</p><p>From january on I will also start using nootropics, first vinpocetin and If that doesn&#39;t suffice i will try some others.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-18T05:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "Thank you Linda for that response. This is all so very helpful, encouraging, and therapeutic!\r\n\r\nI will give phosphatidylserine a try, since it seems to help with you and others." ], "date": [ "2016-12-18T14:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>Brian, that&#39;s such a hard and frustrating way to live. Trying an antidepressant or anti anxiety may definitely help. The holy basil is a great start. Have you looked into [b]Ashwagandha[/b]? It&#39;s one of the best adaptogens. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-18T19:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Carmen, thanks again for the reply! &#160;I have tried 2 SSRI&#39;s over the past 6 months to no avail (Effexor in June, Lexapro more recently in October). I lasted 4 days on both of them before having to quit -- I believe the phrase &quot;crawling out of my skin&quot; applies. &#160;I mean, wow, the anxiety was heightened to another level.</p><p></p><p>I also tried Wellbutrin for about a month -- meh -- I didn&#39;t like the way it was making me &quot;spacey&quot;.</p><p></p><p>I have not tried [b]Ashwagandha[/b] yet...does it work? &#160;How about L-Theanine? &#160;The problem is, I don&#39;t want to take &quot;too many&quot; supplements, because I run the risk of feeling even more &quot;out of it&quot; like I did today. I&#39;m also wondering if 5-HTP is appropriate for us &quot;anxious&quot; folks. &#160;I&#39;m not sure; I&#39;ve only been on it for less than a week, and the jury is still out on it&#39;s efficacy for me (again, I think it may be contributing to the &quot;spaciness&quot; ).</p><p></p><p>This is just a totally weird sensation folks. &#160;Conversations can come and go and it&#39;ll take me a while to &quot;catch up&quot; on what people are saying. &#160;I also notice that I cannot play on words as much as I used to (i.e. speak more figuratively or metaphorically) -- I&#39;m either literal/explicit or quiet. This is not fun. &#160;My wife thinks this is all &quot;in my head&quot; -- believe me, I didn&#39;t want this to happen. <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-19T20:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "Same here, my wife and the doctors thonk it`s all in my head.\r\nToday I was close to a full breakdown. The loud nosie at work and the hectic nature of my job totally pushed me over the edge or very close to it. Half my face started to burn and my abiltiy to conentrate was as good as gone which makes it really hard at work. My legs did feel like gelee too and my dizzyness is abnormal too. Noramally I enjoy listening to the radio while doing my job but in end I can`t comprehend what they are talkig about anyway. Now I feel slightly better , now that my work is over and I can sit down or do some things that do not require me being on full alert. " ], "date": [ "2016-12-20T10:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Brian, I&#39;m glad i could be of help. I wanted to add this: phosphatidylserine is already great stuff, but phosphorylated serine is even better. It is slighty different but has much more effect. It was produced by Interplexus till end of 2015 and then they changed the formula to great dissapointment of many users (including me), but yesterday they let me know it will be back in a few weeks, so you might want to look out for that. It is called Seriphos.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-20T15:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you (again) Linda!</p><p></p><p>One common theme that is resonating with me: what we&#39;re going through is so unique that we probably thought no one else could have a clue what we were experiencing before reading these testimonials.</p><p></p><p>I will look into Seriphos as well. In the meantime, I need advice regarding my supplement &quot;stack&quot;. Currently I&#39;m taking</p><p></p><p>Mg Glycinate (am and pm)</p><p>phosphatidylserine (pm)</p><p>Holy basil (am and pm)</p><p>[b]Ashwagandha[/b] (am and pm)</p><p>5-HTP (am)</p><p>Omega 3 (am)</p><p></p><p>One thing I&#39;ve noticed since starting the 5-HTP: I am a space cadet for a while (into the early afternoon), really struggling to keep up with conversations, especially the technical variety. However, by later in the day, I am much more clear headed and my mood is actually fantastic. I&#39;m wondering if it&#39;s the 5-HTP that&#39;s causing the fuzziness, and if I should discontinue. Certainly my anxiety is down, even when going through the fog (which is an improvement over the past several months).</p><p></p><p>Thoughts???</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-20T16:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mistafina-969770" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "content": [ "<p>You&#39;re not crazy. Everything you just wrote is exactly me 6 months ago. I would listen to the BBC and they were talking about Brexit and I freaked out as tho the world was ending. I&#39;m in the US! Music didn&#39;t even make sense to me. Don&#39;t let anyone tell you it&#39;s in your head. I&#39;m hardcore in my life and this stuff stopped me in my tracks. Drink and eat well sleep and rest (rest is def different then sleep). Be patient and talk here for understanding.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T02:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rockers-710866" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mistafina-969770" ], "content": [ "Brexit would have pushed me over the edge too. But unfortunately I`m now already suffering 2 years and there is no end in sight. There are a very few days were i feel better but those are followed by days with a new lower low.\r\nI live in Japan after moving here fro, London in 2005 and I have to confess I`m fairly fed up being here which might contribute to me feeling terrible.\r\nAs for help I would try Jasmin aroma oil, inhale it with a steam inhaler from Wick. It does help calming things down.\r\nI used gto have the same symptoms already in 1998, 2000, 2007, 2012 and then 2014. Back then it was a pain in the back but now it`s just bang out of order. Japans mental health service is as well not really exisiting." ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T02:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>Brian, I tried L-Theanine and it made me feel more foggy or spacey. I didn&#39;t like it. I know what you mean about too many supplements. I was taking 13, 3 times Per day. It was too much. It&#39;s hard to know what to take and what&#39;s going to be too much. It&#39;s all trial and error, which takes time, which means being sick longer. It&#39;s exhausting!!!! Maybe just an anti anxiety med would be a better fit for you than an antidepressant. My bfs dad tried antidepressants and they made him feel worse then he got on an anti anxiety and now he feels great. Just a thought. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T04:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Brain, you&#39;re welcome again. Apparently our complaints aren&#39;t that unique after all, considering the huge amount of comments on Taylors&#39; post. What I find peculiar in this is that it seems to be an epidemy, but I don&#39;t see messages about it in any other media.</p><p></p><p>I have taken 5-HTP for a while but it gave me an unpleasant &#39;tired but wired&#39; feeling, so I quit. This was last year though, when I was in a very bad shape, so I have been contemplating to start with it again. I used to take it at about 8PM, which made me sleepy (odd enough, since normally serotonin promotes wakefulness) and it made me wake up in this &#39;tired but wired&#39; state. Not fuzzy at all. So you might want to try to take it later at day, and see what it does. It&#39;s possible you sleep through the fuzzy part and wake up with a clear head.</p><p>Please let us know how it goes.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T11:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "content": [ "Hi Carmen,\r\n\r\nAnti-anxiety med as in a benzo, or SSRI specifically targeted for anxiety?\r\n\r\nI have taken low doses of Xanax in the past. While I think it helps with anxiety, it certainly does not alleviate the brain fog.." ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T12:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lindathepinda-864521" ], "content": [ "<p>Hello again Linda!</p><p></p><p>Thank you again for the response. Beginning yesterday, I&#39;ve decided to take a low (50mg) does of 5-HTP before bedtime. I think it&#39;ll work better, though this may be a tough week to tell since I am working a string of early day shifts (6 am to 3 pm).</p><p></p><p>Oh yeah, I did forget to mention that I.work rotating shifts -- days, evenings, and midnight shifts (the mids are from 9 pm to 6 am). That doesn&#39;t help someone in my position, does it? Sigh, I&#39;m trying to maintain a positive, even humorous attitude during all of this!</p><p></p><p>Thus far this morning, I am feeling quite fuzzy. Not sure how much is related to the 5-HTP or the other supplements. As I sit hear at work, I hear my colleagues talk fluently with the catch phrases that i would immediately pick up, yet these days struggle to comprehend at that moment. Even with things I &quot;know&quot;, I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me, I.e. &quot;do you really know what that means?&quot; It seems like just about everything comes into question, which would explain why I tend to be more literal and less figurative with speech these days. </p><p></p><p>It&#39;s difficult to ascertain what could truly be &quot;memory loss&quot;, as in permanent, vs. either short-term/temporary cognitive impairment caused by anxiety and stress on the system. Then to add to that, the mind begins ruminating which causes doubts of what you already know. I just want to be able to recall something as quickly as I once did without having to bat an eye. (Oh look, I used an idiom! All cannot be lost <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p><p></p><p>I have not yet gone to a neurologist, as I speculate the problem isn&#39;t neurological (though in it&#39;s worst state, this &quot;brain fog&quot; certainly feels like it!)</p><p></p><p>Thanks again for your help all...Keep the comments coming. I am curious to hear how you all are doing to get through this. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T13:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel88747-1003612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Brian. I also suffer with anxiety and fuzzy brain. I&#39;m going to try amino acid therapy probably. For me though it makes me not sleep at night. My subconscious keeps reminding me to be awake. I am currently taking Ativan as needed but do not want to continue long term. Do you suggest anything</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T14:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel88747-1003612" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Rachel!</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m afraid at this point I have more questions than I do solutions, so I will defer to others regarding what to take at night. I was tempted in getting a script for trazadone, since the label supposedly has a dual purpose for insomnia as well as anxiety. However, I haven&#39;t done so yet given the mixed reviews. </p><p></p><p>Sorry I cannot be of more help. I certainly would like to hear from others in similar situations that have actually found something that works on alleviating (if not eradicating) the brain fog. I promise you and all on this thread, if I ever get that &quot;eureka&quot; moment and find out any type of tangible remedy, I will let you all know!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T15:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel88747-1003612" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "Thanks brian" ], "date": [ "2016-12-21T15:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/carmen44474-992260" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian21114-1002206" ], "content": [ "<p>My dr put me on an SSRI targeted for anxiety and depression. But after 5 weeks it was giving me insomnia. I&#39;m off of it now and my dr has prescribed me something else but my insurance hasn&#39;t approved it yet. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-31T18:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>TaylorMason (and others)...thank you for this terrific thread. &#160;Keep us posted on how you are doing. &#160;I too am suffering from similar symptoms (for the past 6 months). There was about a 2 month break over the summer, but now the brain fog and heightened anxiety have reappeared. Like many of you, I wonder if it&#39;s the brain fog and &quot;spaciness&quot; that precipitated the anxiety, not the other way around. &#160;I was pretty stressed going in, so I&#39;m sure that&#39;s a factor. &#160;I also have low testosterone, which for a 46 year old male, factors to some extent as well.&#160;</p><p></p><p>My question for the group: one of the annoying aspects of this &quot;fog&quot;, which no doubt contributes to increased anxiety, is the OCD like behavior I have developed in looking up word definitions to ensure I am using them correctly (...and that I haven&#39;t forgotten them). It all started by having a moment of mental lapse when I couldn&#39;t exactly say was it was I was looking at. &#160;When this happens, fear and anxiety follows, and I start thinking (believing) I am losing my intelligence. &#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-12-17T23:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/debilitating-symptoms-brain-fog-extreme-memory-loss-spacey-24-7--336553?order=oldest&page=27#topic-replies" } ]
Debilitating symptoms. Brain fog...extreme memory loss...spacey 24/7!
The last year of my life has been a brutal one. At the age of 22, I am in the lowest of lows and I desperately need some help! Here’s my tale: About a year ago, a couple months after an extremely strenuous relationship, I began noticing that I was tired all the time…and all around, I wasn’t really satisfied. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed my friends, and activities…but life just wasn’t as bright and vibrant anymore after a month of noticing this ever-present fatigue, it got a bit stronger. I would wake up each morning completely zombie-mode…and that feeling would remain throughout the entirety of my day, until my head hit my pillow that evening. Initially, I suspected some form of sleeping disorder. I set up a sleep study, got my thyroid checked, ferritin levels, all the basics. Sleep study revealed I sleep just fine and all my other blood tests came back negative. The fatigue and the weight of the world slowly got worse over the next handful of months, UNTIL I woke up one morning and everything escalated greatly. I felt completely stoned. I couldn’t think right. I couldn’t concentrate. I felt inebriated. I felt totally disconnected and spacey. I felt as though I had no control over myself. I lost drive and motivation. I lost a lot of confidence.  I always had an incredibly sharp memory. It was actually something well known about me to those in my family and friend circles. Yet, on this morning, almost all new information could not be retained. Things that happened earlier in the day, by evening, I felt they happened a day or two before. I could no longer recount the activities I took part in. This is possibly the worst of all the symptoms. The extreme short term memory. I have no context for time and I sort of feel like I’m just floating through life suffering. For months I visited doctors getting tested by specialists. I visited a neurologist, infectious disease, I had an MRI, & I had about 20 different blood tests. NOTHING. My doctor literally said “I have no idea what this could be. I am beside myself” TOTES reassuring! I tried altering my diet entirely to organic and all natural. I continued my workouts and ran 15 miles a week. I tried sleeping even earlier. I tried all I could think of . I have scoured the message boards and found a few people suffering from the same, but without answers. I’m not sure if depression is the culprit, but depression sure has found its nasty venom-coated fangs into my veins. Tired, depressed, failed memory, no drive, scared…it’s no way to live. I want my life back. PLEASE OFFER INSIGHT! I will be so grateful J Sincerely, Taylorsaurus Rex
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ron05709-909451" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Catastrophic thinking, is very common with severe, anxiety and stress. And it is an absolute waste of time! It is only scenarios created in your head that are not based on fact. You are causing yourself misery for nothing. Sounds like you need some support with this and I would highly advise you speak with a counselor who can help you manage it. You don’t need to go downhill there’s a lot of help out there. \r\nYou are too young to throw your life away. Take care of yourself." ], "date": [ "2023-06-19T15:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mental-health-taking-a-decline-801002?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Mental health taking a decline
My mental health has been fine until around December last year and I have never been able to not look into the past and fear for my future career and scared about anything coming up from my past. I have a constant worry I have done something bad in my past and I am only 24 years of age. It’s got so bad I am no longer motivated to do anything. I’ve stopped the gym , I’m drinking a lot more than normal, I’ve turned to vaping about two bars a day and it’s really effecting me. I have a constant worry scrolling through thousands of articles on the news scared Incase one day I’ll be on there for made up scenarios in my head. I have not done anything, however my mind it saying otherwise. Has anyone had this catastrophic thinking ? And has it ever stopped ? Have you done anything to help with it ?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole31681-1465902" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole31681-1465902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you so much Jan, i have messaged you x" ], "date": [ "2023-06-11T12:01+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "this is a little long, but I wanted to share some things with you. \r\nsorry you are so frightened about this. But I want to reassure you about the twitching and other sensations you were getting. When I was in my late 20s I had the same thing happened to me. I thought I had some horrible neurological disease. Prior to this I suffered with anxiety since childhood, and it just snowballed. After a while, the body can only take so much stress and anxiety before it has a breakdown. That’s what happened to me. I had ringing in my ears, mild weakness, tingling, floaters in my eyes, and yes, muscle twitching all over. \r\nThe muscle twitching is called benign fasciculation’s. Which means they are harmless. Athletes get them all the time with how they use their muscles. People with high anxiety get them also. all of my testing was always normal. I went to a neurologist due to the twitching, and he wasn’t concerned at all. He said, neuromuscular diseases are not sensory conditions. In other words, you don’t feel twitching or things like that. \r\nFast forward, if all those things were serious, I wouldn’t be in my 60s as I am today! \r\nI’ve learned a lot along the way and one of the things is that when we focus on something we’re worried about, it will intensify. That’s because you’re telling your brain that something is wrong so the brain reacts and sends out adrenaline.\r\nwhat you need to do is really take care of yourself. The level of anxiety needs to come down. Focus on doing good things for yourself. Such as lowering stress, eating, healthy, getting some exercise, meditation, for anxiety, which is on YouTube, maybe even getting some counseling to learn how to manage this. Feel free to private message me anytime. Everything’s gonna be OK but you really have to work on positive thoughts. I will private message you. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-06-11T08:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/twitching-help-800944?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole31681-1465902" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole31681-1465902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "content": [ "hello lovely, so sorry to hear you're going through this as well. I know its so hard but if we ratizonlize things it just goes to show anxiety does do these things to our bodies and that besides the endo we are healthy. I still feel very worried in the back of my mind but notice when i call the twitching subsides. I take kalms often & use rescue remedy to spray on tongue, i think these help a little if you dont already do,x" ], "date": [ "2023-06-12T05:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nicole31681-1465902" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "when i calm down twitching subsides* it is most noticeable when im in bed with nothing else to focus on besides body sensations. The mind is so powerful and as Jan said when your telling your body somethings wrong it sends adrenaline to that part of the body- hence the twitch occurs. We will get through this anxiety x" ], "date": [ "2023-06-11T11:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I literally could have written this even down to the endometriosis. I have been waiting for my second surgery for 18 months which I finally had about 4 weeks ago, my anxiety building up to this had been through the roof especially as it was cancelled a couple of months ago due to me getting covid, which I believe I have a hard time getting over anyway with the fatigue etc...\r\n\r\nMy recovery from the lap has been the easy part although I think my anxiety leading up to it may be all coming out now as I have never felt so bad the last few weeks... nervous, dizzy, tinnitus, weak limbs, insomnia, weird dreams, a buzzing feeling in my body and just recently muscle twitching. It's absolutely killing me inside. I've had blood work, a CT on my head & neck which were ok, I have some narrowing of a neck bone which they don't seem too concerned about. I'm just waiting for a neurology appointment as I'm so scared they've missed something. \r\nThe reply on here is reassuring though so thank you Jan, I'm currently signed off work and am so desperate to get back to normal. My family are suffering because of my state of mind and it's just horrible x" ], "date": [ "2023-06-12T05:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/twitching-help-800944?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Twitching, HELP
hello, i am a 26 year old woman who has recently been suffering with horrific health anxiety. About 6 weeks ago i began to feel tingling sensations in my body, also waking up with pins and needles very frequently, i know this is quite common due to certain sleeping positions however it happened a lot more than i have ever noticed before. Alongside this fingers on my left hand often felt numb. This subsided and i felt ok up until 2 weeks ago however inbetween this period had a horrible viral chest infection followed my sinusitis. 2 weeks ago I noticed my right thigh randomly began twitching repeatedly after doing some squats with a resistant band, this lasted for about 30 minutes, i at first thought maybe this was from exercise however i have been training legs consistently for months / a few years on and off prior and never noticed this before. it then reoccurred the following morning making me extremely anxious after googling muscle twitches. A couple days after this, i noticed a mild but constant buzzing / tingling feeling in my right knee which has been present for 2 weeks now. I feel random pulsating feelings in various body parts and my thigh has twitched a couple times the last few days again. What has sent me into a state is that tonight, i have now visibly witnessed my right calf twitch when laying in bed. I ache all over which is not unusual for me due to my endo however now even the palms of my hands hurt which i notice when work myself up. I started to look at my tongue yesterday and believed it was twitching when stuck out & made an emergency appt &went to the doctors in an absolute panic yesterday who said it would unlikely be anything serious and booked me in for blood tests to check for any deficiencies. She also briefly checked my reflexes and said i was strong and said my tongue movements looked fine. However i have felt no reassurance and i feel so paranoid as I eat everything and cant see myself being deficient in any vitamins. I believe i have always suffered with RLS ( restless leg syndrome) as i get bubbling feeling in my legs at night often however the twitching has completely taken me by surprise and sent me into a frenzy. I feel like they subside when i calm down but i struggle to relax for long. I haven't exercised or lifted weights in 2 weeks as i am petrified of making it worse. Every second of the day i am thinking about this and have terrified myself even more by googling. My concern is that a-lot of the symptoms are in my right leg specifically. just to add i am also awaiting surgery for endometriosis and have felt extremely anxious for months and in general i am quite an anxious person and experience heart paliptations every now and then however these new symptoms have made my health anxiety spiral out of control. I signed up for CBT therapy today however i think it will take a while to start. Please can anyone let me know if they have experienced anything similar or advice that can make me rationalize this feeling, i can't function feeling this way. Thank you :'( x
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you so much, I've only just seen this... I had also private messaged you before seeing this after seeing your response to another lady. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-11T10:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "This is a little long, but I am a veteran of stress and anxiety and I’ve had every symptom and sensation related to that. I also burnt myself out, I’m so sorry you are going through that. I know exactly what you are talking about. When I was in my 20s, I suddenly had vibrating sensation in my head, arms and legs. Also floaters in eyes, tinnitus in left ear, sometimes lightheaded, and in the beginning, I had the tingling sensation in my arms and legs. All my testing also came out normal. All of my sensations were due to stress and anxiety I had for quite a while. It sounds just like what you are going through right now.\r\nSince you had the testing and it’s OK, it’s important to work on slowing down your mind, and relaxing it as much as you can! I know you have children at home and it’s probably difficult to do that. But if you could find a way to. Do some relaxing breathing and try to catch a meditation on YouTube for anxiety. There are some short ones like 10 minutes long that perhaps you could do at some point. you have got to stop and do something for yourself because when you are healthy, that’s great for your children also. I had to learn that myself.\r\nwhen I take care of myself, that way, the sensations diminished or went away. \r\nRemember that any symptoms or sensations created by anxiety and stress will not harm you. But I know how terrible they feel.\r\nI’m way older than you in my 50s. And even now, if I don’t take care of myself, and get stressed out, I will get some of those sensations, although not as strong as they were in the past. Basically now I just ignore them and listen to a soothing meditation.\r\nI had to learn to put myself first for everybody’s sake. \r\nThe more you get upset about it the more you all have those sensations. I’ve experienced that many times.\r\nso the main thing I learned over these years is to take care of myself! I had to let things go, sometimes like when the kids made a mess. It’s not worth ruining your health over. let it go! It’s just going to happen again. The next day is what I found out. Trying to keep everything perfect or get everything done can really take a toll on our health as a mother! Slow everything down. Everything will work out and everybody will be OK no matter what. Also, consider getting some counseling you could even do it virtually. One day at a time and don’t sweat the small stuff! Take care. Private message me anytime. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-11T10:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-left-side-buzzing-sensations-scared--800545?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety left side buzzing sensations, scared!
Going out of my mind with worry, so I've had anxiety on and off for years but this time it's scaring me. Had quite a stressful few months, pressure at work, moved house etc... I'm a Mum of 4 and naturally constantly worried about them, making sure they have everything etc. What started off as me thinking I was suffering a burnout, totally overwhelmed with 'life' and responsibilities has now lead to crippling health anxiety. Every morning I wake with tingling down my left side, arm and leg, sometimes face. This seems to have started after a huge aura migraine which wiped me out for a few days. Now I cannot shake it off, I wake in the morning panicking how I can get through each day, knowing the tingling and numbness almost makes me question if I can walk properly? I also have tinnitus and a full left ear pressure. I'm currently off work after having surgery for Endometriosis but that seems the least of my worries. This anxiety is crippling, the sensations on my left side are petrifying me. Had a recent clear CT head scan and all blood work ok. How can I get over this? I need my life back. I have a tense lower left back & neck which doesn't help, scans on these haven't shown anything serious. So scared feeling like this every day.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin5723-1041523" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes Kevin, all of your sensations can very likely be caused by anxiety and stress. When I was in my late 20s, I had horrible sensations where I thought I had an awful disease. I had ringing in the ears, floaters in my eyes, lightheadedness, mild weakness, negative thoughts all the time with worry and fear, and several other sensations. \r\nAnxiety tends to put negative thoughts in the mind and we have to be aware of that. \r\nyou need to keep reminding yourself that your testing is normal. Fear is not based on reality it’s only based on emotion. I went through so many years of thinking I had something bad, but nothing bad ever happened except the anxiety continued, and the negative thoughts. \r\nJust know that everything you are going through is most likely anxiety and stress related. You need to make yourself a priority and let go of the negative. Scary thoughts because they only make the sensations worse. \r\nI am way older than you and I am still here! Feel free to private message me anytime. Take care of yourself maybe get some counseling for the anxiety." ], "date": [ "2023-06-10T12:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/can-anxiety-cause-dizziness-tinnitus-and-ear-popping--800941?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Can anxiety cause dizziness, tinnitus and ear popping?
Hello everyone. For the past 4 months I’ve had what I can only describe as dizziness. Most of the time my head feels spaced out and as if I’m looking through glass or something. Although I can see things just fine. It’s as if I can’t focus right. Or maybe everything is trying to focus all at once and it’s information overload. My ears also feel under pressure and full with occasional tinnitus and popping. Along with these symptoms I also feel off balanced and unsteady from time to time. Then there are the occasional moments where things start to spin. But this only happens for a second. But afterwards the aforementioned issues are intensified. Then at least once or twice a week I’ll have a headache which makes everything worse. These problems make it very hard to travel as it seems I now have motion sickness as well. I’ve been to my primary care doctor for this. They did some blood work and everything was clear. So they sent me to a ENT specialist. The ENT checked me out and said everything was good. But they referred me to a neurologist. Now at the neurologist they sent me for a MRI of my brain where everything came back clear as well. I’ve also been to multiple eye doctors as well. My vision is good. Basically all the doctors I’ve seen have said everything is fine and it’s just anxiety. With that said I do have generalized anxiety disorder which I’ve been dealing with for 8 years now. I had been on medication in the past for this but haven’t been on anything now for almost 3 years. Except for the occasional lorazepam that I’ll take if things become overwhelming. I’ve had multiple times throughout the years where I’ve thought I had heart problems and kidney/ gallbladder issues. All which turned out to just be my anxiety making me over think ordinary aches and pains. Although this time it just doesn’t feel like anxiety. I keep trying to tell myself that it is. But it’s hard to convince myself when I feel so bad. So with all of this said. Has anyone experienced anything like this before with anxiety? Are these symptoms even possible with anxiety? Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/recoveryroad-1465809" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hear ya. Anxiety can be very debilitating to our social lives. And, it can have a negative impact on family and friends. The very people we care most about. \r\n\r\nI try to compartmentalize it as best as I can (sometimes not very well) and get involved in as much social things as I can. All you can do is your best. And, try not to over think it. if you don't feel up to something, you don't feel up to it.\r\n\r\n:)\r\n\r\nRR" ], "date": [ "2023-06-08T21:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-jumps-800843?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety Jumps
Hello. I have been suffering from anxiety for about 6 months now (after 4 years of nothing) My anxiety related to health and constantly feeling like I am going to catch a life threatening illness like cancer. I seem to have got to grips with myself and expelled these thoughts through my own doing however my anxiety has now jumped over to new obsessions about myself changing as a whole, I don't understand why this has happened as I was fine last week. But now I find myself avoiding doing normal things because of how I feel, I think it could be a case of my brain just trying to protect me against the constant stress but I fear that it will affect my family with the way i am acting. Has anyone else experienced this? and if so how did you expell these unwanted worries? Thank you!
Never ending tingly hands and discomfort feel on chest?
Hi everyone, I'm new here btw. I am 20 years old Male. i have panic disorder since 2020. i took ssri between 2021 - 2022 called fluoxetine. it did actually work. (sorry for my limited language skills) then I quit the fluoxetine in 2022 september. i still don t take it. because i was feeling good and i was taking it once in 2 days or 3 days. then my panic attacks started occur twice in a month wh8ch is enough for me. (i was struggling everyday for hours...) but nowadays i m feeling very though. it happens frequently. even now... my both hands, especially pinky sides very tingling. for about 6 hours constantly and weird discomforting feel in my chest, because of that i m always shortened breath. i m breathing deeply and noisy. but here is the interesting thing: my heart rate always normal ( 80 - 90) bpm. And i m thinking now maybe i have severe anxiety disorder. i wish! what if I have MS or something i don t. i really anxious about it. i check my health yearly and it gets pretty well. i m healthy but i can t believe that these symptoms are psychologic. please someone share your thoughts who related with this situation. should i Continue my drugs or should i see a doctor.???
Hi, does this sound 'normal' for IBS? A week ago i had about 8 loose stools one day and the next couple of days i had about 3 a day urgent after eating. i took some immodium after three days which stopped me. now i havent been for 3/4 days but im gurgling. i took some mebeverine for a few days that id been prescribed once before. i have severe health/GAD and have had a year of one 'illness' after another and periods of being bedridden with it. i was actually improving and having a really good few days when this happened. i have always had 'dodgy' tummies and often have lots of loose stools but for some reason i have completely freaked out about this. maybe because it happened when i was feeling really well? my eldest daughter recently moved out and my husband is stressed to the eyeballs with work and just calls me crazy and ridiculous and my other daughter has her own life. i cant work at the moment because of my anxiety and im just sat inside my own head all day. anyway sorry thats not what im here for i just wanted to know if that sounded like ibs!
I started feeling like crap last week and went to the ER and was given zpak for an ear infection. Here i am, back at the ER monday morning because i havent got any sleep in the past few days, anxious, depressed feelings, muscles are weak and tingly, waking up every 20-30 minutes with a pain in my stomach or a jolt in my head. My ativan calms me down a little but doesnt help me sleep nor does melatonin. im not sure what to do at this point. the wife is furious with me because im begging her to stay home with me. anyone else have these issues?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hammer6969-1457928" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1465214" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1465214" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hammer6969-1457928" ], "content": [ "I thought I was a unique case, but I'm coming across others all from N W London NHS area. \r\nDifferent Hospital to me, the rest are from Central Middlesex Hospital, with the same thing, offered 3 nights in a bed, they refused but were ignored and kept against their will.\r\nThey lost their local GP/Doctors and Pharmacy differently in as much as these people ran away after the first or second nights once it became obvious there was no medical intervention coming, just filling an empty bed. But in Central Middlesex the local GP/Doctors and Pharmacy and Mental Health etc are all within the Hospital boundary, so running away meant running away from it all.\r\nIn my case I had the bottle to leave before the night beds scenario.\r\nMy Brother had the same at Central Middlesex, but saw it as 3 night without paying for bed & breakfast so took advantage of it. He had none of the promised medical work either." ], "date": [ "2023-06-05T10:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "well buddy, i think there is some psych reasons they were keeping you. you sound paranoid and scattered. Hope you're feeling better now. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-04T17:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cannot-get-gp-or-pharmacy-to-deal-with-me-i-look-and-feel-like-i-m-dying-now--800651?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/guest-1465214" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [], "content": [ "I thought I was a unique case, but I'm coming across others all from N W London NHS area.\r\n\r\nDifferent Hospital to me, the rest are from Central Middlesex Hospital, with the same thing, offered 3 nights in a bed, they refused but were ignored and kept against their will.\r\n\r\nThey lost their local GP/Doctors and Pharmacy differently in as much as these people ran away after the first or second nights once it became obvious there was no medical intervention coming, just filling an empty bed. But in Central Middlesex the local GP/Doctors and Pharmacy and Mental Health etc are all within the Hospital boundary, so running away meant running away from it all.\r\n\r\nIn my case I had the bottle to leave before the night beds scenario.\r\n\r\nMy Brother had the same at Central Middlesex, but saw it as 3 night without paying for bed & breakfast so took advantage of it. He had none of the promised medical work either." ], "date": [ "2023-06-05T10:07+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cannot-get-gp-or-pharmacy-to-deal-with-me-i-look-and-feel-like-i-m-dying-now--800651?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Cannot get GP or Pharmacy to deal with me. I look and feel like I'm dying now.
This is my experience of the NHS (UK) for just this year, leaving me looking and feeling like I’m dying. But what happened inside that Hospital still leaved me in shock when thinking about it. At end of last year I was out still going out every day in the open. But things changed on 30 March 2023. Here I was in the local Hospital purely for an X-Ray and nothing else because A young GP had panicked at me having breathing difficulties, and recommended the X-Ray. I wasn’t panicked I was recently shown by other GPs and the Pharmacy that this was caused as a side of the beta blockers I was on (Bisoprolol, replaced by Digoxin pills that are working fine). In the hospital, however before the X-Ray could happen, I am called away by an A&E doctor who started asking things about how many pillows I need etc (alarm bells rang as this this meant they had empty beds to fill, while trying to look overworked, and I was needed to fill one, something I didn’t want to do). Next thing 4 or 5 of his collegues confront me to say they want me to be an in-patient for 3 days/nights, this I refused on the spot, all my medical work (ECG scans and blood tests etc) were brought up-to-date three days earlier. I made it clear that I refuse all medical work on me as it is fully up to date. To my shock, my refusal to have any treatment was ignored and I’m now placed on a Trolley and for the next 5-6 hours. Now I'm wheeled around cubicle to cubicle and put through repeated but unmonitored ECG scans (nobody even took note of them), and a couple of Blood tests all clearly to keep me in there until it is too late to leave. Unfortunately for this A&E crew, the previous two weeks were full of several ECG scans through the proper channels (including regular, one 24-hour ECG that you wear home and even a Full-on Echo scan) plus keeping the blood tests up-to-date, so they had no reason to repeat them. Remember there was no appointment to be there etc or outstanding medical work remaining on me, and at this point A&E still did not have my NHS Number or medical history, just a complete stranger in a 63 year old body who’d just given his name the admin desk. By 19:30 one ECG scan had been running for over 90 minutes unmonitored when I said that is enough and demanded to be let home (the first unwanted scan was nearly 6 hours earlier). It now looks like they desperately needed to fill an empty bed, as they needed to look overworked, and empty beds don't help that, and I looked like I might comply. Now the problem is, since I tried to complain via the correct channels (PALS in the Hospital, even via GP and pharmacy) I’m now given short swift in both GP and Pharmacy, not being seen properly anymore. I believe I caught something in that Hospital but no one will discuss it seriously anymore, in case they incriminate their colleagues in the Hospital. If I can catch something, who will catch it from me? Mum certainly caught something from me. All from being wheeled against my will and under protest from cubicle to cubicle over 6 hours. So I now have Lung/breathing issues, always blocked nasal passages, but far worse my stomach had ballooned making walking unassisted very difficult, no reason for it, the rest of me looks like it is shrinking as a 63 yr old would do, but stomach is painful, plus having problems eating with an occasional swollen throat occasionally. None of these symptoms existed before 20 March. So now very weak with no Doctors or Pharmacy wanting to listen, where do I turn? I had moved back home to look after mum, but now mum (90 years old) watches me so ill and weak she takes care of me more. too with the issues above and am truly scare of just being left to die as am now out of the loop for medical intervention. Where do I go if locally I'm no longer getting anywhere for new medical issues? Having experienced our NHS staff so far in 2023, I believe I could never trust them anymore.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stvns78-1352464" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stvns78-1352464" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thanks for the reply. All the neurologist told me was the standard; eat healthy, exercise, lose weight, etc. along with taking the baby aspirin. I get yearly physicals along with blood work and I have never had high LDL as far as I can remember. I did have high triglycerides for a short time a long time ago.\r\n\r\nI do have a family history of stroke but that doesn't seem to come around until late 70's-80's.\r\n\r\nI have an appointment to talk with the doc but cant get in for a couple of weeks and this has been grinding on my mind, worried sick I am going to stroke out before retirement." ], "date": [ "2021-02-04T21:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stvns78-1352464" ], "content": [ " you are young enough to truly make a difference. Don’t think about 20 years from now, think about the here and now and what you can do to reverse this. All the what if questions are basically useless, doesn’t help and just create more anxiety. Nobody knows the future because it doesn’t exist now. The only thing that is here is today. \r\n Look if this as an opportunity instead of an obstacle. when you see an opportunity you can make good decisions such as taking care of your health. Once you make that decision, you can let go and live your life. Your plan is in place at that time. Then when you get rechecked, you may just find that the situation has improved. One step at a time! 65 is a long way off and you can make so many great improvements before then! stay positive. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-04T23:58+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ " sorry you are worried about this. About half the population have cholesterol deposits in their arteries by the age of 40. it’s just that most people are not aware. It’s better that you are aware so you can take steps to slow or to stop this Your family history heredity plays a role in that. Did your doctor recommend you take a Statin medication? \r\n several of your questions would be best answered by a doctor. I think it would be a good idea for you to visit a cardiovascular doctor to discuss all of this with., And get your questions answered. take all of your test results with you or print them off. \r\n You are definitely on the right track with taking the daily aspirin, blood pressure medication, eating healthy and getting exercise. living a healthy lifestyle has the potential of slowing or possibly even halting the plaque buildup. . \r\n I also have mild plaque buildup in my left carotid artery and I just have a carotid ultrasound done every year to check it. \r\n You would feel a lot better if you got your questions answered. but you definitely have time to do something about this because it’s just mild at this point. Take care and everything will work out! " ], "date": [ "2021-02-04T21:39+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severely-anxious-about-mild-atherosclerosis-754968?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hammer6969-1457928" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stvns78-1352464" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "not sure if you're still on here but yes calcium in your 40's is not great. it usually shows up later in life because it's only generated after the plague has been sitting there for a long time. it doesn't mean you're destine to have a heart attack but rather increases to risk of having one. these calcified plaques cannot be removed unfortunately but you can do some life style changes to slow down the disease process. good luck pal" ], "date": [ "2023-06-04T17:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severely-anxious-about-mild-atherosclerosis-754968?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Severely Anxious about Mild Atherosclerosis
I have been a suffer of GAD most of my 42 years. I also suffer from ocular migraines occasionally. Last year I had a few episodes so I decided to see a neurologist. They did a Brain MRI and CT's of my head and neck with and with out contrast, showing all the arteries. The report came back that I had two pineal gland cysts which do not concern me much. I had very minor low lying tonsils, 5mm below the foramen magnum, which concerns me some. But the worst was the CT report saying that I had "Mild calcified atherosclerosis of the cavernous right internal carotid artery". This is what has me freaking out. I didn't think about these questions until later so I didn't get a chance to ask the neurologist yet. 1. Is having mild calcified atherosclerosis normal for a lower 40 year old man? 2. If it is not normal is it possible to live heart attack and stroke free until life expectancy and beyond? 3. With diet, exercise, BP control, etc, can this be completely halted? 4. I have read conflicting information about the ability to reverse plaque from arteries without surgery, what is the truth? 5. Is it possible that it was a mistake by the person who wrote the report? CTs seem to be very grainy and seems possible to me that a misc blip could be mistaken for plaque. Of course I cannot assume this. 6. Anyone else have low lying tonsils that have not moved? He thinks it might be congenital. 7. Anyone else have pineal cysts that have never gotten bigger? He also thinks this is congenital. 8. Is it possible to make it to 85? I am hoping for people to reassure me that it is not uncommon to have some mild plaque for a man in their 40's. I went through a period of about 7 years in my 30's when I was obese. I was a rail before this time and am now at a relatively healthy weight. It seems quite possible this occurred during this time. I am on BP meds and 81mg aspirin, and exercising as much as possible. Thanks!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/meli4319-1465312" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meli4319-1465312" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "thank you for your message! it reassures me not to be alone, anxiety and fear are really the worst things.. I will try to do breathing exercises, I would really like to do physical exercise but I don't know where to start , to walk ? I'm trying to find a psychiatrist but it's not really easy" ], "date": [ "2023-06-03T10:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I’m sorry this is frightening you. What you are going through is very, very common! I also have anxiety. as well as millions and millions of people around the world. One of the most common sensations is the racing heart. I’m glad that your testing was normal. A racing heart does not necessarily mean that something is wrong with your heart. With anxiety, adrenaline is sent out, which increases the heart rate. that is completely normal. \r\nI am way way older than you, and I learned a lot of things along the way. One of those things is when you live in fear that this is going to happen again, you are actually going to cause it to happen again. That’s because you are telling your brain that you are scared, and that something is wrong. So the brain sends out adrenaline to prepare you for fight or flight response.\r\nIt is perfectly fine to exercise. I exercise when I have several anxiety sensations, including a racing heart! after I am done it actually calms the heart down. \r\nyou are going to be OK! \r\nWhat I would suggest, for you would be to get on YouTube and practice some of the breathing exercises for anxiety, which can actually slow the heart down! The breath is the key to slowing the heart down. And relaxing. \r\nThere are also some great meditations for anxiety on there.\r\nsomehow you need to not panic when your heart goes fast. That will keep it going fast. \r\nLiving in fear is not the way to live. I have been there and it’s miserable! \r\nactually, you really have nothing to fear because you are OK. What needs to happen is anxiety management. Do you have a counselor? That would be a great thing to do. I hope you feel better soon. private message me anytime.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-06-03T03:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cardiophobia-800688?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/meli4319-1465312" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/meli4319-1465312" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "I'm going to try, otherwise I think I really need to see a psychiatrist, because it seems I have ptsd too so it's better to heal and treat my traumas. huhh i just hope i feel better once and for all" ], "date": [ "2023-06-03T20:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Start with going for a walk. It doesn’t have to be vigorous. Everybody’s heart rate increases during any kind of exercise. But that’s OK. That’s what it supposed to do. Just always remind yourself that you’re test was normal. You could see a psychiatrist but that’s basically for medication. What I do is speak with a therapist virtually once every couple of weeks or so. It really helps to vent to somebody who can help manage anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2023-06-03T11:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/cardiophobia-800688?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
hey everyone I am a girl and I am 19 years old. To put you in context, I've had anxiety since I was 16. I was diagnosed with ocd, generalized anxiety disorder and recently depression. Since September I have some kind of palpitations, it's not frequent (maybe once or twice a month), especially during the night. Sometimes I wake up with heart palpitations. It's not too fast, maybe 110 bpm, usually it calms down in a few minutes. but it's still scary. A month ago I had a violent anxiety attack, which sent me to the emergency. That night I was very, very scared. They gave me an EKG and told me everything was normal. But that my mental health was worrying, in fact I rarely go out of my house, I haven't played sports for 2 years I think. And now I'm scared, I check my pulse all the time, I avoid things that can make my heart race. I'm afraid to go for a walk outside, yet it's normal to have a fast heartbeat when you walk. In short, I live in fear. I start panicking if my heart starting go fast, so that makes me even more anxious. it's a vicious circle. However I do not drink, do not smoke, but I maybe have a problem with my thyroid (hypothyroidism).I don't know what to do, have other people gone through this? Do you have any advice? please i need answer
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danielle93445-1075294" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "do you also suffer from anxiety? Many people with anxiety have what is called derealization. that’s when their surroundings or body parts or sometimes even people may look odd or unfamiliar to them. That’s the brains way of trying to protect a person from too much stress. It kind of blocks things out. It’s very common with anxiety, stress, panic disorder, etc. it’s not harmful but I know how weird and scary it can be.\r\nBest thing you can do is try to relax your mind as much as you can. Also, if you do have anxiety, look for ways to help manage it even counseling if you need to. The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, and sometimes it has hiccups, and our way of thinking can get confusing at times. Think of all the wiring in the brain and it’s not a surprise when wired are crossed and these things happen. If it keeps happening over and over, just let your doctor be aware. take care and relax a lot." ], "date": [ "2023-06-02T01:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hands-feeling-not-mine-800660?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Does anyone here experience that their limbs are not theirs? I sometimes look at my hand and just feel weird it feels that it isnt mine, but when I touched it I can feel it
Valdoxan (Agomelatine)
i have been on Agomelatine on & off for 4 weeks now. initially it was making me too tired so i asked gp to try something else, well that was the biggest mistake i made. ssr's sent me spiralling downhill due to its side effects. went straight back on 25mg Agomelatine, still very tired the next day but now also on 12.5mg seroquel for additional sleep help. the combo of both has caused me to be a walking zombie but if i want to sleep i have to take the good with the bad. i had to give up work as i cant function. i am now on 50mg Ago to hopefully give it a good kick to start working, im hoping the tiredness from the Ago will subside. Has anyone experienced the tiredness from this med?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/duncan43250-1022526" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Louise, &#160;I live in South Africa and I have been diagnosed with major depression with anxiety to. &#160;I have several panic attacks that came out of the blue. &#160;I tried many different anti-depressants. &#160;They all made my situation worse. &#160;I have been taking Valdoxan for a year now and although I don&#39;t hink it is 100% effective I at least have my life back together. &#160;I have to take the maximum 50mg dosage a half dosage doesn&#39;t work. &#160;I do not feel drowsy during the day. &#160;The only issue I have is my medical aid won&#39;t pay for it as it is expensive. &#160;It also has no side effects for me. &#160;No weight gain etc. &#160;It is working for me. &#160;I hope you try it and see. &#160;I wish you all the best.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-15T08:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen92640-1022001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi louise\r\nI have been on valdoxan for over six months now i take it at night with mirtazepan. Both help for sleep together and my gf says im better for taking them. So please ask your gp for some. Theres no side effects either which is very good" ], "date": [ "2017-02-15T09:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "Its available in Ireland as thats where I live" ], "date": [ "2017-03-07T11:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I too would like to take this medicine but not sure if its available in uk as theres very little about it anywhere.  My psychiatrist has never used it but i know it is used at the priory and wonder if anyone has any comments about its effectiveness" ], "date": [ "2017-03-02T16:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen92640-1022001" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/stephen92640-1022001" ], "content": [ "Hi, ive been on several anti deps, all gave awful side effects, ended up on mirtazapine which seemed to be better but can only tolerate low dose.  Wondering if my gp (uk) will give valdoxan a try to see if depression will lift.  Did you find it helped to lift yours" ], "date": [ "2017-03-09T09:41+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi yrs i been on it now 7 months what would you like to know about it?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-03T14:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sean18980-1029041" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sean18980-1029041" ], "content": [ "hi, considering valdoxan, how are you finding it after first week over?  I have anxiety with depression" ], "date": [ "2017-03-09T09:44+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have just started taking valdoxan and after 5 days I have a slight headache, dry mouth, sleeping ok but feel dazed when I get up in the morning and the anxiety has become worse .Is this normal ? Does it go away ?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-04T21:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did you ever take it - i have same dilemma and need avice" ], "date": [ "2017-03-18T12:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kyle87728-1050090" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marley0-992631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kyle87728-1050090" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kyle</p><p></p><p>I have been taking Valdoxan for several months. &#160;I am sorry it is not helping you, but increasing your alcohol intake won&#39;t help. &#160;It interacts badly. &#160;Alcohol is essentially a CNS (central nervous system) depressant and will fight the Valdoxan.</p><p></p><p>You might think the alcohol helps you sleep, but it is counter intutiative and does not provide good quality sustained sleep - so people take more thinking it will help sleep more, and the sleep is more disrupted.</p><p></p><p>I do not know what sleeping pills you are taking, but most of them don&#39;t mix well with alcohol either. &#160;You might like to talk to doc to see if they are ok with Valdoxan, and check your dosing. &#160;Some sleeping pills help (as does Valdoxan) and then the body naturally takes over. &#160;Others take over once you are asleep to maintain the sleep state. &#160;Check with doc.</p><p></p><p>I take Valdoxan just before I go to bed and do some relaxation techniques, letting the Valdoxan do it&#39;s thing. &#160;Because I am sleeping better, my mood has improved, less anxiety, and depression still dips, but it is nowhere near as bad.</p><p></p><p>Valdoxan was not an overnight &#39;fix.&#39; &#160;It took a while and a few dosage changes to get what I feel is the best does and timing. &#160;I found if I did not take it and go to bed, the &#39;sleep mechanism&#39; of Valdoxan was ineffective and left me yawning all day.</p><p></p><p>Hope this helped</p><p>Marley</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-12T16:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kyle87728-1050090" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/marley0-992631" ], "content": [ "thanks marley good advice my doc has moved me onto 10mg escitalopram after 2 weeks mood is better i still take 30mg murelax oxazepam sleeping pills trying to cut down on the beers but thats hard work as i feel so much better after a few beers in the evening .anyone else a bit like this i finnally spoke to my brother sister and my 2 best friends bouts whats going on and it  help alot to talk about it ." ], "date": [ "2017-05-28T03:00+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "just completed 8 weeks on valdoxan \r\nno change to moods ie deppresion and anxiety\r\ncannot sleep so im on sleeping pills \r\nnoticed my alcholl intake is increasing, to try and marks all of what is going on .\r\nbut will push on for another 2 months see what happens\r\nanyone else like this ." ], "date": [ "2017-05-12T07:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beverly68827-1054220" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>What were your awful side effects on venlafaxine? Mine were yawning all the time and a metalic taste in my mouth. &#160;I was only on it for about two weeks. Then I noticed brain zaps at night. If you tell you doctor you have brain zaps, they just look at you funny. Unless you&#39;ve had them or your doctor has had them, no one understand what they feel like.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-27T16:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julie12059-1056893" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I was prescribed Valdoxam about 2 months ago and started on one tablet just before bed time - from the first tablet I finally started sleeping soundly until around 5am,however anxiety would then creep in very quickly.&#160; I haven&#39;t really had any side affects at all, so I am counting my blessings.&#160; The great thing about Valdoxam is that&#160;I don&#39;t suffer from the &quot;groggy&quot; feeling in your head in the morning as you do when you take sleepling pills.&#160; &#160;I am desperately trying to function as I am self employed and it&#39;s even more stressful due to income problems.&#160; Doctor has doubled my dose three days ago - absolutely sleep very soundly and the anxiety in the mornings seems to have subsided since doubling the does.&#160; I have been lucky and not really had any side affects, maybe a little nauseous.&#160; Have actually noticed a decrease in weight (every so slightly).&#160; I was also prescrimbed Venlafaxine SR two weeks ago - I only took one tablet and it was nothing but poison and I had a severe reaction and after reading reviews decided this was not the answer for me.&#160; I wasn&#39;t able to get back in to see my Doctor until this week as he was away.&#160; I have also had all blood work as I am going to also look at HRT as my diagnosis is Anxiety/Stress driven Depression and I feel this is also a contributing factor to my current mental state.&#160; I have had some very dark days even on the Valdoxan, however I am feeling positive that a higher dose, coupled with HRT and continued visits to my Pyschologist will have me in a better place.&#160; Afterall,&#160;this has&#160;taken nearly&#160;2 years to end up in this dark hole and I know it will take a while to climb out ... each day is one step at a time and some days I slip back a few steps.&#160; Having a small, supportive network is essential as well as the right medication to survive and get through this.&#160; Unfortunatley, the trial and error of finding a drug that works for you adds to our problems as we all want to just feel &quot;normal&quot; and sometimes the side affects of this poison is worse than the actual problem itself, however DON&#39;T GIVE UP ...</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-08T01:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/janet55018-1065187" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dear Louise. I have been on Valsoxen for 3 weeks,good for anxiety and sleep pattern became regular, no serious side effects at all. Unfortunately it did not help my depression and I got rapid mood swings. Back to Doctor next week." ], "date": [ "2017-07-08T05:33+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=11#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/drew01521-931766" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sofaloafer-972155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/drew01521-931766" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi</p><p></p><p>Hopefully your doctor will have informed you that you have to be completely off the Luvox before you can start Valdoxan.</p><p></p><p>Luvox is contraindicated with Valdoxan as both are metabolised though the liver. So much so there&#39;s a warning in the instructions.</p><p></p><p>It is a complete pain in the bum coming off Luvox but the Valdoxan is my only option at the moment. Been bipolar 1 since my teens but not diagnoses properly until 2009. I&#39;ve been out on every AD you can think of including tricyclics. I am on lithium, seroquel and lamotrigine which keep my mood stable, but I seem to be a patient that needs a pick from either way or I don&#39;t remain in the middle.</p><p></p><p>So here&#39;s hoping it works for you - and me - and don&#39;t forget those blood tests.</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-31T06:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "My doctor told me about this the other day and our sounds promising. Currently on endep 50mg, and whilst it's OK for depression it does very little for anxiety. I've recently Feb waking up in the night with a panic attack and confused - no idea why.\r\n\r\nI've been on Luvox before (2 years ago) and also something (SSRI too) else when I was much younger I can't remember the name of. Luvox was great, especially the anxiety, but caused sexual side effects (not impotence) which are bareable but not ideal.\r\n\r\nSo I'm thinking of changing to Valdoxan soon, potentially as the anxiety is starting to get frustrating.\r\n\r\nI've also just been prescribed lexapro (10mg) but reading that there can be an interaction with endep, although the risk is small I'm not that keen.\r\n\r\nAny thoughts?" ], "date": [ "2016-03-28T11:40+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rich2016-933636" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rich2016-933636" ], "content": [ "Your doc prescribed 12.5mg? I wanted to try a lower dose but my GP and Psych said 12.5mg was like taking nothing (they were right, plus it's difficult to break those 25mg exactly in half!) the pharmacist suggested 25mg every second night instead." ], "date": [ "2016-04-08T00:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Anyone tried starting on 12.5mg of Agomelatine/Valdoxan? I sometimes find that lower doses can work. I'm starting next week." ], "date": [ "2016-04-07T13:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/birdybee-935658" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/birdybee-935658" ], "content": [ "Valdoxan is not available in the US. The rights to market Valdoxan in the US were sold by Servier to Novartis in 2006 but the development phase was halted in 2011 when clinical trials suggested weak efficacy and an increase in the risk of liver damage.\r\n\r\nI tried Valdoxan fir two months for anxiety and panic attacks. It did nothing. But my doctor stated it has worked wonders for others. " ], "date": [ "2016-04-18T11:12+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/birdybee-935658" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "content": [ "Hi thank you for clarifying, I don't think I'm going to start on Valdoxan if its not available in the US. I'm also kind of tired of trying different meds, I think I'll just settle for the mild to moderate benefit I get on cymbalta. Its hard work always trying out new ones. I hope you found something else that worked for you after the Valdoxan." ], "date": [ "2016-04-18T21:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello! My doctor has just given me two sample packs of Valdoxan 25mg (I'm in Australia) but I am going to live in the US (California) for six months later this year and I'm worried to start something that I might not be able to access. Apparently my doc could only give me three months worth to take away with me. Does anyone know if you can access Valdoxan in the US? Thank you!!!" ], "date": [ "2016-04-18T10:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/schaffles-943807" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sofaloafer-972155" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/schaffles-943807" ], "content": [ "<p>Push your doctor for those blood tests - mine did 3 weeks in, then at six weeks, then at 3 months, and now three monthly. A liver is an important thing <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-31T06:23+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi!\r\n\r\nI've been taking Valdoxan for about a year now. I'm 17 in the UK + was in hospital when I was started on it... My consultant for a recommendation from a professor at a local university because it was apparently effective for drug resistant MDD. I've also got BPD. So I've been taking it 50mg with quetiapine 300mg daily and haven't experienced side effects. Furthermore I stopped it quite suddenly a couple of months ago (stupidly, but I had an impulsive moment) and experienced no withdrawal symptoms, although I wouldn't recommend doing that ever!! I've not noticed much causal effect with it in treating my depression, although since starting it a year ago when I was at rock bottom, I am a lot better now. I started it 8 months into my admission in hospital, and 4 months later I was discharged home. Since then I've only required hospital admission once... And when I stopped taking it, I ended up taking an overdose. So I think indirectly and objectively it probably has helped... And I've noticed since taking it my mood is generally consistent, which in some ways isn't good but I think it's better than being up and down all the time (for the sake of those around me at least!) \r\n\r\nMy worry is the liver thing: I got blood tests when I started taking it a year ago and all was fine. Now I'm starting to take it again, but my psychiatrist hasn't asked me to get any blood tests... Is this because I responded to it well a year ago, or should I ask to get my bloods tested? Considering I was in hospital a week ago after my overdose (which affects the liver)... Dunno what to do.\r\n\r\nAnyway, good luck on this medication, and have hope. It's a weird one to be on because no one has ever heard of it hahahah so it's quite nice knowing that I'm not the only one taking it!\r\n\r\nJo" ], "date": [ "2016-05-20T22:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/penny8787-945027" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina_79292-956391" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/penny8787-945027" ], "content": [ "Yes and it was on the second week of taking it my left side they said it was possible cyst and than discovered it was kidney infection . But I came off the drug and the pain as gone however I did not link the two together . Till you said it . " ], "date": [ "2016-07-07T12:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david36045-966323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/penny8787-945027" ], "content": [ "Hi Penny,\r\n\r\nThat is so weird, I was on this site looking for causes of my stomach pain, and saw this, I have exactly the same symptoms.\r\n\r\nI have had all tests done showing nothing wrong, and this only started again when I went back on Valdoxin!!\r\n\r\nMaybe a coincidence but worth looking into, having said that, the Valdoxin does help me a lot for the main problem." ], "date": [ "2016-08-11T08:10+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, I am 34, female, living in Australia and diagnosed with anxiety. Started Valdoxan just a couple of days ago and I am taking 25mg per night. I felt a bit nauseous the first couple of days, but I am feeling better now, but my problem is the pain on the sides of my belly, which I am not sure if it's because of the pills. \r\nTwo days ago the pain was terrible at work and they called an ambulance and send me to the hospital. The pain was like spasm or cramp feeling in my stomach. In the hospital they asked me to do an ultrasound and sent me back home. Today I've done the ultrasound and everything in my uterres and ovaries look clean and good, no cysts, no shell from a bursted cyst, and no sign of anything abnormal.\r\nThe pain is still there, but it doesn't bother me so much anymore. Now its just a needle sharp feeling pain on the side of my belly.\r\nAnyone experienced such a thing before here?\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-05-25T13:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christina_79292-956391" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Louis I&#39;m on 225mg of Effexor xl and 25 mg of valdoxin . I have been on this dose for nearly 4 years . However o don&#39;t sleep right I&#39;m always tired but I also take other meds as well . I suffer sever depression and GAD . I have a son I can&#39;t even look after alone as I can&#39;t find the energy for him however I was moved up to 50mg of valdoxin I felt OK after a couple of days but by week 2 I had horrible tremors extreme anxiety and so depressed I couldn&#39;t do a thing . My gp took me off it now I&#39;m wondering should i kick the other 25mgs . I honestly think I had similar effects before but had such bad post natal I couldn&#39;t see it . I&#39;m on lots of other bits for iron thyroid and mood and sleepers . I have to say in all my time I never felt mad or crazy but I&#39;m honestly feeling like I&#39;ve lost faith in all medication . </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-07-07T11:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ronel_36159-965989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ronel_36159-965989" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Ronal so is your anxiety gone but your depression gotten worse?? That&#39;s exactly what happened to me so I saw a completely new Dr and he said he doesn&#39;t like Valdoxan AT ALL and never prescribes it... some Drs most likely have the pharmaceutical companies giving free samples of a particular medication to promote it and give you 3 months free as what happened with my very first Dr...... Keep experimenting. I&#39;m on Zoloft now and wake up every day more happy than I&#39;ve ever been in my WHOLE LIFE.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-10T07:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ronel_36159-965989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi there kylie </p><p>I&#39;ve taken double lastnight eeck feeling very tired with the Zoloft is the any nasty symptoms as I&#39;m peeping for Comp wondering if it will make me gain weight </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-11T05:18+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi there I&#39;m on it for about 3 months now no side effects only thing is I&#39;m now worst depressed as I was be4 can&#39;t seem to handle daily life stuff going back to the dr and change to another medication also this medication isn&#39;t really cheap $5 a day first 2 months great but now I can cry watching the Olympic&#39;s hope it helped </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-10T06:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ros23918-915830" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Lou\r\nI stopped because of the cost (was taking two a day) and I wasn't feeling too bad. I don't think it affected my libido but I was also taking fluoxetine which definitely affects that so it's hard to say.\r\nbut I relapsed and i'm now taking one Valdoxan a day but it's early days this time round.\r\nhow long have you been taking it?\r\nRos" ], "date": [ "2016-01-08T10:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ricsbride-918134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Did you have much trouble getting off Cymbalta, did you do it while transistioning to Valdoxan?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-17T12:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "content": [ "Hi Morris welcome to the forum.\r\nIs the anxiety mostly the issue or depression too?? I had very mild and manageable depression - but lots of panic attacks and severe anxiety. The psychiatrist prescribed valdoxan which was AMAZING for the anxiety but made me depressed and drowsy and unmotivated - I took 25 mg for 1.5 years on and off. \r\nNow have seen a different psychiatrist who doesn't at all like valdoxan and has prescribed Epilim for severe anxiety instead.\r\nThe NO withdrawals and being able to stop valdoxan cold turkey was the only thing I really liked about it, but the pharmacist where I go here in Australia said the feedback from most people has been extremely positive. " ], "date": [ "2016-02-10T13:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "Hi Kylie\r\n\r\nI suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks - never depression. \r\n\r\nDr Menon is the head of psychiatric medicine at the Melbourne Clinic and he was part of the initial trials of Valdoxan overseas and then the trials here in 2014 but he wouldn't recommend it until he started to see the results in patients. \r\n\r\nI have woken up this morning feeling good. Normally I wake up with a sense of dread and fear. And I was feeling absolutely shocking after withdrawing off Lexapro - I was on that SSRI for 11 years, and even tapering over 4 months, the thoughts and sensations were, to be honest, truly frightening. I never had suicidal thoughts. Yesterday I went to my GP for the Valdoxan and I had a massive panic attack in the car. I took Valdoxan last night at approximately 9pm and by 10:30pm I was looking around literally saying to myself \"where have all those horrible sensations gone\"? I am still getting the brain zaps etc but the anxiety and negative thoughts have dissapated.\r\n\r\nI was never diagnosed with depression. I suffer from Generalised Anxiety with panic attacks (Claustrophobic and Agoraphobic).\r\n\r\nRegards\r\nMorris" ], "date": [ "2016-02-10T18:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "content": [ "Yes! Thats another good point about valdoxan, actually. It works instsantly. My Psychiatrist said it would be at least six weeks..I also felt within only 2-3 days the anxiety and the negetive + fearful thoughts instantly disapeared.\r\n\r\nWell hopefully it works for you.. SSRIs are horrible... Its interesting to hear about your experience with lexapro as I tried paroxitine and lexapro and lasted only four days on each - had a TERRIBLE reaction to both - the doctor said the symtoms were like mild seratonin syndrome.\r\n\r\nInterested to hear how valdoxan goes long term for u as its only after 2-3 months on it that it starts making me really really depressed. The first few weeks is usually GREAT. \r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-02-11T01:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "Hi Kylie\r\n\r\nFor anxiety, did you take Valdoxan at night or in the morning? What dosage were you on for your anxiety?\r\n\r\nThanks \r\nMorris " ], "date": [ "2016-02-11T01:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "content": [ "25mg always at night just before bed at about 9.30 -10pm. It made me really really drowsy and would be in the deepest sleep of my life within half an hour - always for about 8 hours. If I took it too early at say 7.30pm I would be asleep by 8pm and wide awake by 4 or 5am.\r\n\r\nCan't imagine taking it in the morning!! Wouldn't be able to function.\r\n\r\nI am very small 50kg so usually have strong reactions to medication. Perhaps different people need 50mg to have effect." ], "date": [ "2016-02-11T03:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "Thanks Kylie. I spoke with Dr Menon at the Melbourne Clinic. He did say never take Valdoxan in the morning. He's never referred a patient to take 50mg. He also stated you may notice some change immediately however full benefit withon 10-14 days." ], "date": [ "2016-02-11T05:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "content": [ "ahh ok, its interesting that the psychiatrists seem to say different things but if your Dr took part in the trials he must know best!\r\n\r\nA very important point that I should've mentioned - the new psychiatrist last week sugguested Bipolar II (im still in denial about this) to explain why the valdoxan always stops working for me after a cpl months and causes severe depression, this apparently shouldnt happen for people with anxiety alone\r\n\r\nGoodluck!!!" ], "date": [ "2016-02-12T01:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "Thanks Kylie. It's definitely helped with the Lexapro withdrawl symptoms but I'm only on day 2 so it will be interesting to see what happens in the next 2 weeks.\r\n\r\nI'll keep you posted!" ], "date": [ "2016-02-12T04:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda16743-925504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "content": [ "I've hi started on valdoxon to I was also on lexapro bad stuff I'm 25mg and it's only been a week but I feel great ppl say ur not supposed to get it here wa but after many trial medication that didn't work he put me on this I didn't pay for it he just gave me 3 boxes " ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T04:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ree7878-938109" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "content": [ "I'm on 20mg of Lexapro for MDD and severe anxiety. It's been okay but I'm interested in trying this one. \r\nI have tried prozac, zoloft, effexor, pristique over the last 10+yrs and now on Lexapro... getting tired of still feeling very ordinary, weight gain 15kgs 😑 and still get anxiety. . \r\nI didn't have any side effects much if anything changing from Pristique to Lexapro... Can't hurt to try another one? " ], "date": [ "2016-04-27T14:09+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ree7878-938109" ], "content": [ "How are you now, its a while since your post. I am like tou, tried all meds, still got anxiety and other symptoms. Did you try valdoxan?" ], "date": [ "2017-06-07T09:11+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi there\r\n\r\nI have suffered severe Generalised Anxiety with panic attacks for 16 years. Original GP put ne on Xanax. Then put me on Lexapro and Diazepam. The weight gain from Lexapro was hideous. But that was nothing compared to the withdrawal off Lexapro. I only finished tapering off it 4 days ago. complete hell - for the first time in my life I felt suicidal. My anxiety and panic attacks were worse than I've ever experienced. As Xanax is a Schedule 8 drug here in Australia my psychiatrist told me about Valdoxan. He was part of the worldwide clinical trials as well as the ones in Australia. He stated it produced amazing results.\r\n\r\nUp until 2 hours ago I was a mess. Took my first valdoxan 25mg tablet. The side effects of the Lexapro have subsided by 90%. NEVER take Lexapro - it will destroy you. \r\n\r\nFor those of you on Valdoxan - my GP informed me to take 25mg to 50mg before bed. Butbyhe pharmacy said only 25mg...confusing...interested in hearing what ithers take fir anxiety. \r\n\r\nJust joined this forum. Finally a forum where people are caring and non-judgemental! " ], "date": [ "2016-02-10T12:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/barry2210-982611" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/morris1974-922888" ], "content": [ "I have been on Valdoxan for 3 weeks now, still have brain fog and anxiety. My doctor wants me stay on it for a couple of more weeks for it to settle down. I do get headaches with it not severe but seem to be there all the time" ], "date": [ "2016-10-12T06:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I must admit that I'm in 2 minds about Valdoxan. I've been on it for 15 days now and not sure if it's doing anything for my anxiety. I still need to take Xanax and Valium. I did forget to take it one night and took it in the morning. Was that a mistake. Had the worst headache in my life - like a migraine. I forgot to take it Thursday night and my anxiety levels weren't that much different during the day but at night hit me like a tornado. So I will persevere with it and let you know how I go. \r\n\r\nIt was a lifesaver for the Lexapro withdrawl and finally my weight and beginning to get back to normal. Im 179cm and before Lexapro was 71kgs...ballooned to 83kgs on Lexapro - and nothing helped - I'm a vegan so I eat clean and go to the gym 3 days a week - did nothing. As soon as I stopped the Lexapro after tapering off it I lost 4 kgs in one week. Now I'm down to 72kgs." ], "date": [ "2016-02-26T20:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/davidsf-906989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Never heard of it either. User Mr. <Google>\"'" ], "date": [ "2015-11-13T18:02+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "Hi Kylie..your story is EXACTLY the same as mine..Ptsd/Anxiety/depression..diagnosed by physicist 8 years ago...my Anxiety can turn into Panic attacks..end up in emergency with BP 205/105.\r\n\r\nWas on Dulexotine for 7 years...gained 10kilos...never liked the way it took all my 'real emotions' away...\r\nI am.also taking Valdoxin 25mg at night..no side effects...\r\n\r\nMy ongoing but i feel positive story.. 6 weeks ago my specialist suggested new drug Brintellix (no weight gain identified) many other side effects....long story..decided to try..stsrted on 5mg for nearly 3 weeks..still suffering from huge anxiety and my BP went up a little....so decided to increase to 10mg...witjon 2 days...constipated. ..still huge anxiety..ended up in emergency BP 295/110..panic attract. ..so we stopped that and now i am taking 50 mg of valdoxin....with dsily meduation am and pm i am feeling the BEST in 9 years. I just hope it gets better as i NEVER want to return to Duloxatine. ..did not suit my makeup.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-01-26T04:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ricsbride-918134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "content": [ "How did you get off Duloxetine?  I tried to halve from 60mcg to 30mcg but the withdrawals were too bad and am back on 60" ], "date": [ "2016-01-26T04:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "content": [ "That's good to hear 50mg is working for you Fran. Other than easing your anxiety does the Valdoxan improve your mood?\r\n\r\nI stopped taking my nightly dose of 25mg last week to could handle the anxiety and panic attacks med free - because I know for a a FACT Valdoxan makes me depressed and lazy and teary. Within 2 days I was feeling vibrantly happy and optimistic and like my normal self again - but with anxiety OUT OF CONTROL :( \r\n\r\nSo I'm back on 25mg again and feeling anxiety free but super depressed and zombie like...\r\n\r\nScared to go back to the psychiatrist because I know he'll prescribe something else and I'm super scared to take anything that can't be stopped abruptly like Valdoxan can. I don't know anything else that can?" ], "date": [ "2016-01-26T05:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "My mood is good with 50mg of Valdoxin😊..i was VERY SURPRISED...i DO NOT WANT to go back taking Dueloxintin in the morning....if 50grm valdoxin can manage my depression AND anxiety I will be one happy lafy......to do this i have decided as advised by my physicist to mediate. ....so i am now mediating twice a day (a must for me) ...and my mind is quiet and calm....was not always on Dueloxintin and i hated the extra 10lilos😡 I also have to make sure i EAT 3 Good HEALTHY meals a day. Otherwise my blood sugar dros..i start to fe r l weird..bp goes up...and u know the rest of the story.\r\n\r\nEverybody is different..maybe if u go back to your physicist and maybe reassessed...it is a long road..dont gove up...." ], "date": [ "2016-01-26T08:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ricsbride-918134" ], "content": [ "Under guidance with my physicist..worst 3 weeks of my life....withdrawls ugly...under supervision also with my GP..they suggested and i followed their advice...stopped Dueloxintin. .was on 30grms am...stopped on the Wednesday early December starting. .then changed medication to 5grms of new drug Brintrllix for 3 weeks....then under GP supervision and advice took 10grms of Brintellix rach morning.\r\n\r\nHOWEVER WITHIN 5 DAYS I WAS BLOVKRD UP AND ANXIETY OUT OF CONTROL 😉..GP ADVICE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. \r\nTHEN ADViSED to tske 50grms of Valdoxin at night...i also for first 2 fays took about 3 Valium each dsy to settle my Anxiety. Only meeded to do this for 3 days....this was 2 weeks ago....\r\nOnly take valdoxan 59grms at night now and it is the BEST i have felt in 9 YEARS. \r\nBUT WE ARE ALL VERY DIFFERENT. AND WHAT WORKS FOR ONE MAY NOT WORK FOR ANOTHER.\r\nI am very blessed to have found excellent doctors who all TALK to each other and DO look out for me. \r\nSo " ], "date": [ "2016-01-26T09:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ricsbride-918134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "content": [ "Thank you, I think I am stuck on it for life, i became bitchy and with a enw job that wasn't good. Also bad diarrhoea which still hasn't settled as well as the brain zaps " ], "date": [ "2016-01-26T09:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "content": [ "Thanks for the tips...Yep everyone is so different...my dad is happy on SSRI and mum functions best on aropax...when it's in the family and everyone else is on meds it's even more confusing what the right thing to do is...meds or no meds...but yep meditation and healthy eating can work more wonders than the drugs... sometimes feel like taking drugs is just masking and postponing learning how to heal and cure your own anxiety..." ], "date": [ "2016-01-27T13:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ronel_36159-965989" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi I&#39;m on 25mg feeling angry and just cry over nothing should I try 50mg </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-10T06:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm on Valdoxan for the second time now...the first six months I HATED it - this time round it's saved my life! \r\nAfter horrible side effects at the start (sleeping all day and all night, tears, anger, increased depression, feeling like a walking zombie...) i insisted to my doctor I wanted to be med free - which was ok for the first two months... But eventually lead to relapse... and lots of alcohol to ease the anxiety - a bottle or two of wine every day.\r\n\r\nWaking up one day and deciding I needed to go back on the Valdoxan has changed my experience the second time round - I believe ONLY b/c I went back on it by my own choice. Now I'm seeing how amazing it is, and not minding the side effects. Sure it makes me feel like a walking zombie (and yes, a loss of libido) - but coffee and exercise help with that! Sometimes it makes me feel empty and lacking emotion - but this is more stable than manic highs and depressive lows. It TOTALLY reduces anxiety so reduces need to eat and drink alcohol - I've lost weight. I'm back at work after two years off and feeling almost 'normal' again." ], "date": [ "2022-07-20T05:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin76200-907336" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhino2015-911626" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin76200-907336" ], "content": [ "Hi Kevin, on apo escitalopram and despite feeling great in most areas this is killing libido and orgasm (sorry for such frankness) I too am keen to try Agomelatine or Valodoxan and shortly to visit GP to ask about them.\r\nAlso in Australia:)" ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T03:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhino2015-911626" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kevin76200-907336" ], "content": [ "Hi Kevin - have just discovered Agomelatine - Valodoxan are one in the same medication - good luck" ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T03:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi Louise, I live in Australia & have just been prescribed Valdoxan 25mg by my GP. I have been on Cybalta for the past few years. I suffer from major deprssive disorder & severe anxiety & panic attacks. I have been on most anti depressents with varying results. I was just wondering if you were still having positive results on this medication and if you have had any major side effects. Also I found that Cymbalta had bad side effects with my Libido etc & if it's not to personal how have you found the Valdoxan in this area." ], "date": [ "2015-11-16T01:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ros23918-915830" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhino2015-911626" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ros23918-915830" ], "content": [ "Can I ask why you stopped Ros? Did it affect your libido? Sorry if too personal.\r\nKindly \r\nLoui:)" ], "date": [ "2016-01-07T00:05+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi I was prescribed Valdoxan in Spain, stupidly stopped after eight months of it working pretty well but have just started again.  I have tried so many antidepressants but this was the only one with no dreadful side effects (hope it will be the same this time).  " ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T11:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I really hope you can find some strength Louise. Meditation.. Valarian Root to sleep.. read lots of books - 'Feeling Good' David D Burns. Dont know in the UK but here in Australia there is Lifeline - free support line to call if you need to talk. Ive also lost a relationship, a career, and many many friendships since being sick - the support from Lifeline, my GP, my psychologist, and people I met in Hospital and CBT group has been a blessing, and sometimes I am greatful for getting sick for these experiences.\r\n\r\nWhy is it you want to try the Valdoxan so much? My doctor and pharmacist have told me lots of people are having great results - but i am skeptical. I guess in an emergency its great for stablising Anxiety and sleep. But only if you dont mind walking around like a zombie all day - may as well be dosed up on Valium or Ativan." ], "date": [ "2015-04-05T00:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pauline50255-698460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Louise.\r\nI have been on Venlafaxine for about a year and am up to 300 a day. It has been the only antidepressant to help me.\r\nI was on it it when I was 16 but had really bad experiences at that time- nausea, sweating, heart rate and fainting. \r\nIf you are younger than I do not think venlafaxine is a good choice.\r\n\r\nI recently started last week on Valdoxan (25) as I am tapering off quetiapine (at 50 currently down from 400 over 2 yrs).\r\nI have found it a wonder drug- almost instant positives with my sleep, also reduced my restless leg syndrome, increase in libido at night time (venlafaxine has really disrupted libido), further has reduced my anxiety and depression to a good manageable level.\r\n\r\nI have noticed a few things-\r\n- little to no appetite until late afternoon\r\n- need more sleep (aat least 9hrs, wake me up any earlier and I am out of it)\r\n- increased energy to the point of irritation\r\n- setting future doc appointment for liver enzyme tests (for 2-3 week time periods)\r\nNOTE: my partner used valdoxan for a month but had to stop as his liver enzymes were out of control.\r\n\r\n- one of my diagnoses is bipolar type 2 and have noticed that at times my thoughts speed up during the day and/or wander similar to my manic thought patterns\r\n\r\nI have to wait another 3 weeks before seeing psychiatrist again in which time I will monitor the above side effects.\r\n\r\nMy partner has definitely noticed a positive difference in my demeanor.\r\n\r\nI am quite happy with the results so far but am a bit peeved at the high cost of the med.\r\n\r\nAnother positive has been the reduction in my need to use valium during the day which I am thankful for\r\n\r\nAs a summary: I would definitely give it a go as it seems to have worked for me. On venlafaxine- if you are young (<21) I do not think it is beneficial.\r\nAlso keep a not on your manic warning signs (iif bipolar).\r\n\r\nAlso last point: get your liver checked prior to starting and every 2-3 weeks after starting. I would say that this point needs to be stressed by professional prior to prescribing.\r\nalso because it is processed by the liver you will need to reduce alcohol or even quit drinking altogether. \r\n\r\nI hope this helps and wouldn't mind hearing from you about an update!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2015-04-26T23:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/pauline50255-698460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pauline50255-698460" ], "content": [ "Hi Pauline thankyou for getting back to me 😊\r\n When I asked my doctor about valdoxan he had never heard of it I told all the good points I read beforehand I wanted to go knowing what I was talking about he said he would try and help me get it then the next time I went he prescribed me mirtazipine which I will try because it sounds like it could help me and the added bonus of a sleep aid too .\r\nMy chemist said the doctors would only prescribe valdoxan if you have tried every other medication and you have good liver function .\r\nWell I'm going to try it the venlafaxine had made me ill for over two years and killed my sex drive too 😖 along with still having severe depression and anxiety I am 38 by the way 💐" ], "date": [ "2023-05-31T08:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhino2015-911626" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/pauline50255-698460" ], "content": [ "Hi Pauline - your info is deep and most informative - thank you for sharing. Have just started Apo escitalopram and although feeling great in most areas - libido vanished and cant live this way. Not fair to me or my patient and loving husband. \r\nGoing to ask about valdoxan and see what my GP has to say.\r\nIn my recent research also read of a drug called Agomelatine and wonder if anyone knows of this or has tried this medication?\r\nAlso in Australia.\r\nKindly,\r\nLoui" ], "date": [ "2016-01-04T03:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I just saw your last update:\r\nI live in Australia so Valdoxan seems to be readily prescribed.\r\n\r\nI have built up a good relationship with my current psych over the last 3yrs shopping around for 10yrs. he has come to acknowledge that I am an intelligent woman and that prescription of new drugs is a two way street- if I don't like it or am unsure I tell him and ask him for a different course of action.\r\n\r\nI cannot stress this enough- although depression is debilitating and you are constantly looking for help, with a doctor you need to speak up even if it means they might frown and argue - you are number one and they should be catering a solution that you are happy with.\r\nI liken my first experiences with the \"guinea pig\" scenario. I was so lost and in need of an intervention that I believe I was subject to med experimentation by my then doctors (for example my prescribed venlafaxine at the time was not to be used people under the age of 18).\r\n\r\nI ended up ceasing the relationship with about 5 doctors because of their approach. And spent 4 years battling on my own with stinits in hospitals along the way.\r\n\r\nIn the end I was fed up and began with a psychologist (ive been with for 4yrs now) who I used as a stepping stone to get with a well known and highly regarded psychiatrist. \r\nMy psychologist helped me work out a plan of attack and has stood by me since, even liaising with doc when I suffered from seasonal depression periods.\r\n\r\nMy main point is: this is about you, you are the centre of the universe when it comes to your mental health treatment. If your doc ain't listening, ask them for a referral to another doc, if he/she kicks up a fuss tell them straight out \"you are not listening or helping me\".\r\n\r\nIn terms of the valdoxan state your case- it has seemingly no side effects, its quick acting and its not addictive. There are reportedly no withdrawal effects (from my research) so why can you not give it a try? if you are currently still seeing valdoxan as your best option then stress it.\r\n\r\nI reiterate this is about you and mental health issues are a serious disability that call for some serious plans of action.\r\n\r\nThere are 4 reasons I can see for your doc not prescribing it to you:\r\n1. You have a liver problem and/or a serious drinking problem\r\n2. You are or have been diagnosed with bipolar (vvaldoxan may cause onset of a manic episode)\r\n3. You are under 18 (vvaldoxan has not been tested on people under 18).\r\n\r\nAnd finally (tthe one I hate):\r\nYour doc is unable to get a commission or is not party to benefits from prescribing valdoxan. \r\nMy own doc recieves commissions on prescribing valdoxan to patients, that irked me but from the positives I have had so far I have come to accept it.\r\n\r\n\r\n[b]Emis Moderator comment: I have removed a link as it was to a site unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.[/b]\r\nhttp://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages" ], "date": [ "2023-05-31T08:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kim88402-776670" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fran69534-919817" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim88402-776670" ], "content": [ "Kim..my story is much the same as yours..i am very happy with valdoxan. .evrn though it is pricy.....no price for Prace of mind." ], "date": [ "2016-01-26T10:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda16743-925504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim88402-776670" ], "content": [ "I got givin my first 3 boxes from my gp he said trial it then come back I'm just curious ppl say it's real expensive would it still be on concession as a few of my meds are pricey that's y I use concession can't work or centerlink said they will take it then I won't be able to afford my medications" ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T04:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda16743-925504" ], "content": [ "Around $75 per month for 25mg (in Western Australia)\r\n\r\nNo health care card discount unfortunately \r\n\r\nBut there's a private health insurance rebate up to around $35" ], "date": [ "2016-02-26T12:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/barry2210-982611" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim88402-776670" ], "content": [ "Hi Kim\r\nDid you have any increase in symptoms when first taking Valdoxan. I have now been taking it for 2 weeks now and finding no results as yet. How long did it take for you to notice an improvement in you symptoms" ], "date": [ "2016-10-05T21:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel89480-1006723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim88402-776670" ], "content": [ "Would love to chat with your further in the same boat" ], "date": [ "2017-01-02T17:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel89480-1006723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim88402-776670" ], "content": [ "Hello Kim\r\n\r\nI think I messaged you yesterday but not sure that it came though. I am in the same boat as you and would really like your advice please. Do you take any medication for your ADHD as well." ], "date": [ "2017-01-03T02:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kyle87728-1050090" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/barry2210-982611" ], "content": [ "i read your post here from 7 months ago ,are still on valdoxan and hows it going ,ive just completed 8 weeks nothing happening at all other than have lost the ability to sleep ." ], "date": [ "2017-05-12T07:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/trish72087-1465117" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kim88402-776670" ], "content": [ "thankyou for sharing, how long did it take for you to feel 'better' was it the full 6 months?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-31T08:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all, I've got some great feedback on valdoxan. I'm 23 from Australia and have been taking it for about 6 months now for severe anxiety and mild depression and it has worked amazingly for me. Was previously on a bunch of SSRI's (Lexapro, Paxil, Zoloft) but they all left me foggy and the sexual side effects were a killer. Now onto valdoxan and although it's not covered by the PBS and is quite expensive, its worth it. My thoughts are much more positive and and I'm generally much happier with day to day stuff. It even helps with my ADHD which is godsend for university study. I sleep like a BABY every night if I take it before bed. It's easy to start valdoxan and there's NO side effects and libido is great. It's becoming more common here in Aus and I've heard other good feedback from my chemist and doctor so it seems to be really promising over SSRI's. Overall I'm soo glad I persisted and pushed through to find the right drug for me. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-31T08:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise87825-897855" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise87825-897855" ], "content": [ "I am not sure if my dr will prescribe agomelatine but i would like to see if it will help my anxiety and depression as thr ssris have all given me awful side effects, my main problem with these meds is the gastric disturbance.\r\n\r\ndid you come off it after very long and if so why did you discontinue" ], "date": [ "2017-03-24T10:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi louise. I live in the UK and was prescribed agomelatine. It was prescribed by a psychiatrist who I saw privately although I received it through the nhs. He wrote to my gp clearly explaining his reasons why I should be prescribed it. \r\nI didn't have any unpleasant side effects with it. What I would say though is I took venlafaxine when I was very ill and despite it's side effects it really did lift my depression. I don't think agomelatine had quite the same strength -if that's the right word- but using it as I was improving seemed to work well. I didn't have any difficulties withdrawing from it either." ], "date": [ "2015-09-22T12:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise87825-897855" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Hi there, I think its about £35-40 per month depending on dose. Gp's cant prescribe it in primary care unless its had  the go ahead from a psychiatrist in secondary care. Because of its price they have to try the cheaper drugs first. I dont know if you see a psychiatrist but if you don't please do because they can prescribe this. Keep going-youll get there x" ], "date": [ "2015-10-03T14:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise87825-897855" ], "content": [ "Hello thank you for reply so it's what I thought I will keep trying but I don't think my doctor will send me to a psychiatrist even though I have seen them in the past I will keep trying though 😁" ], "date": [ "2015-10-03T20:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi thanks for your reply I am now coming of mirtazipine it's not helping at so another waste of 6 months of my life not being able to enjoy it so I been back to doctors and yet another antidepressant this time duloxetine he says he can not prescribe me valdoxan and didn't have a clue about the drug 😔 so glad too here another success story I wonder if the drug is very expensive and that's why they won't prescribe it just got to hope this one will work I'm now suffering the horrors of withdrawal from mirtazipine all the best to you 💐" ], "date": [ "2015-09-22T15:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "Hi did you try other antidepressants first ? Is it good for anxiety and depression ? I really want to try this my doctor never heard of it and has put me on duloxetine which I haven't started yet 😔 " ], "date": [ "2015-09-29T17:05+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Hi this is the first one I was put on, \r\nI think it's done wonders for me in regards to depression , the anxiety however takes a while to reduce as \r\nIt tends to lessen over time on valdoxan . My biggest piece of advice is don't drink alcohol and you'll notice it working more effectively , perhaps you could do to a different doc and ask for it , just say you know someone on it and you know it has barely any side effects " ], "date": [ "2015-09-29T23:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "Hi thanks for your reply I think your right I need to see another doctor I was told by a pharmacist that they would not give it to me unless I have tried most other antidepressants...Well I have .\r\nThe fact there's hardly any side effects is a massive bonus I'm going to book another appointment 😁" ], "date": [ "2015-09-30T07:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luroda-906964" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "Hi, I was just wondering if you had any weight gain or weight loss.  Also loss of libido. That's any response would be most helpful \r\nMandie" ], "date": [ "2015-11-13T14:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda16743-925504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "I've just started on it and feeling good tad embarrassing but is it supposed to muck up menstural cycle?" ], "date": [ "2016-02-24T04:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian67943-947410" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "Hello dear Joker, calling from London.  Was on 25mg now doctor upped to 50mg, how long before you felf benefit please? Brian" ], "date": [ "2016-06-03T14:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sherene28-967846" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi th3Joker</p><p>Hope you are well.</p><p>I just got prescribed Valdoxan (for my depression, anxiety and sleepless nite ,etc ) &#160;and my Doc said take one in the morning but the pamphlet said to take on in the evening. Which instructions do I follow? Did you take yours in the morning or evening ?&#160;</p><p>Thanks <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p><p>sherene</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-16T11:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "Can you not drink alcohol at all on it? I go out one night every weekend...." ], "date": [ "2016-11-10T16:42+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "Im on valdoxan and i would stay away from alcohol. I once had a about 4 drinks on valdoxan and lets just say it didnt feel good. Its one of medications to aviod alcohol. " ], "date": [ "2016-11-10T21:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel89480-1006723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "Love to hear your experience " ], "date": [ "2017-01-02T17:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel89480-1006723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/th3joker-899008" ], "content": [ "Hello \r\n\r\nWould love to hear your experience." ], "date": [ "2017-01-03T02:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel89480-1006723" ], "content": [ "I started it on 11/11/16 and other than tiredness, I am getting on ok. My mood has definetly improved" ], "date": [ "2017-01-03T12:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "Hi, we have had previous discussions.  I am just wondering how you are finding the agomelatine now?\r\n\r\ni am of a mind to ask for it as my anxiety is no better.  It is more like agitation with no motivation.\r\n\r\nif you know of any other websites I will look more details up." ], "date": [ "2017-03-12T11:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "Yes I am finding it ok, hard to give a definet answer as in the midst of starting this, I came off an SSRI and reduced Lyrica so alot of stuff going on with me at present" ], "date": [ "2017-03-13T10:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/brian67943-947410" ], "content": [ "Hi just noticed you are on valdoxan upping dose.  Can you tell me was it a success?  I am at wits end as others have made me quite ill." ], "date": [ "2017-03-18T12:53+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi guys and girls , I've been on Valdoxan \r\nFor close too 3 years , and going well . \r\nIf you have any questions or worries \r\nLet me know , I can only explain my experience of course . \r\n\r\nSorry just not sure what to write as I've never been on a site like this before and \r\n It feels weird to talk about myself , but if \r\nNeed any questions answered holla at me " ], "date": [ "2015-09-29T10:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steviev-987748" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/steviev-987748" ], "content": [ "100mg of fluoxitine i can understand how you feel i used to only be on 20mg that was enough 12 years ago. Write youve been on valdoxan im guessing a week. It does take two weeks or in my case 3 weeks until i noticed a change in things. im also on some heavy medications for a lot of different reasons i would say but i dont want to come across a certain way.Everyone has there Diagnosis it took 4 years to assess me to get it my diagnosis. Anyway i thought valdoxan would not work with the cocktail of meds im on. Lets just say i was wrong. Give it another week or two to feel the benefit. I hope it helps you like its helping me. Let us all no how your getting on if you feel better." ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T14:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone! 23, F, Australia.</p><p></p><p>Tonight will be my first time taking valdoxan! - i found this forum after the doctor gave me some sample boxes to try. I have been off medication (previously 100mg fluoxtine that made me a zombie, and prior to that lexapro and Zoloft) after some bad experiences I&#39;m giving this a try because I really need the help. Im hoping for good things </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-24T09:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Right where can i start. Im currently on venlafaxine and valdoxan. I too would love to come off venlafaxine ive tryed coming off it but i cant breathe at night without venlafaxine. Now when i started valdoxan i was very drowsy in the morning and i felt natrualy tiered. It takes two to three weeks for the medicine to start having a real possitive effect. I cant give you any advise on coming off venlafaxine as im not a health professional. I understand your frustration with venlafaxine as it does have a effect on sex drive. Back to valdoxan you may have to be referred to a mental health specialist or psychiatrist to prescribe the medication. Your interests can come back in activities on valdoxan.im sorry if i have written a lot. You need to have a blood test before starting the medication to make sure everthing is A ok to start treatment. I used to be on melatonin and mirtazapine a while ago for chronic sleep deprivation i found for me it had a possitive effect. I slept better and had a intrest in life again.valdoxan has i think a simular effect on the brain which works on the melatonin receptors. For me you i can stay on venlafaxine and valdoxan with pretty much the same benefits. Im on a lot more meds that i wont go into. To be honest with you louise37661 i didnt think the valdoxan would have much effect because of all the meds im taking but it did. I have weight problems i used to be a keen cyclist i would cycle up to 39 miles a day but i wasnt on any medication for mental health. Once i started taking medication sadly i gave up cycling and put on loads of weight. I was not on valdoxan at the time when i put on loads of weight on.when talking about which i believe is quite a new medication like valdoxan not many people to my knowledge in the uk are on it. i have spoke to my Gps and they have a excellent understanding of valdaxan. When i last was seen by my psychiatrist he was very happy with me however im still struggling with day to day life because of my condition which i dont wish to tell the world what i suffer. I have written alot and i no with personal experience you may need to read this a couple of times. When taking valdoxan i would not drink any alchol i had 4 cans of beer which effected me very badly. For a start i felt like had no control in what i was doing. I have never felt like that after such a small emount of alchol i felt like someone put something in my drink. Well it scared the hell out of me i would never drink alchol again after that. Also stimulants like red bull and drinks like that can have a effect on valdaxan. When taking this medication i see you had a understanding of the liver emzimes. Now i drink redbull and it can be quite addictive on valdoxan. I saw on one website that drinking redbull to excess 3 litres can make you liver enlarge so with precaution i advise to not drink to excess because of the liver emzimes. Now im sure ive written quite enough. The answer to you original question is yes for me it works well. I would seek help with venlafaxine coming off it. Ive never felt ill taking venlafaxine but it has incressed my blood pressure. I hope i have written enough and you have a better understanding of it. Ive never written a detailed discussion before so pardon me if there is any information ive missed or haven&#39;t spoke about. Goodluck with your future and i hope you feel better soon.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T05:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "content": [ "Hi simon good luck with medication changes . Im on effexor and valdoxan some times im alive but sometimes i still have trouble getting out of bed. Sorry to hear your diabetic. Ive heard two possitive things i can tell you about diabetes. First the insulin factor book could be worth a read i read it and lost all the weight .i will message you a few times simply my phone keeps crashing" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T08:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Unfortunately the key too the book of the insulin factor is that you do need to work out and i no what it feels like when things are not right exercise is the thing you want to do. I wish you good luck the book helped me.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T09:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "My phone keeps crashing i just cannot tell eveone my story. Nevermind valdoxan is the future you can finally establish what is going on . Ive been on it for 4 months. Just dont drink on it. Plus you can become sensitive to energy drinks. Its a natrual feeling you get on valdoxan even being on some heavy duty meds. I hope this helps anyone who wants to try valdoxan " ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T11:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Leigh, thanks for the tips. I got type 2 diabetes (non insulin dependent) from years of prednisolone use for asthma. They provided me with an excellent dietician here in hospital.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m not really a drinker, although I &#39;ve been trying really hard to drink more red wine to seem sophisticated and it goes well with songwritng. Plus after years of being on antidepressants I&#39;m used to being able to have 2 drinks, feel happy, sober up and drive home well under the limit. I don&#39;t touch energy drinks becaus ehtey have soooooo much sugar and i also don&#39;t like the dizziness that comes with em.&#160;</p><p>I&#39;m really glad to hear valdoxan is working for you and please keep us updated on everything! xxx Simon</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T13:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "content": [ "Thank you simon i never really used to drink energy drinks until i started valdoxan i would love to put my complete story up but my phone keeps crashing and i loose everthing ive written after 5 to ten minutes i think theres a glitch somewhere. I hope your liver results start to come down so you can start valdoxan. In my opinion it is one of the only meds out there you actually makes me feel human again. Im sort of connecting with myself again.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T14:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Sorry simon for the short messages this morning i read your piece on meds effexor and i had to write something i would just get going writting an in depth discussion and yep you got it my phone kept crashing . I hope your diabetes stabilisers and your blood test for your liver comes down. I wish i could give some more advise. Obviously im not a health professional and can only give opinion as little advise i no. Good luck for the future simon. If anything changes keep us posted. " ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T14:26+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi leigh, don&#39;t stress about the phone thing. I&#39;ll PM you my email and you can save the whole story before it crashes <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T14:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leigh21505-989633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "content": [ "Thank you. " ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T15:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marley0-992631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Simon</p><p></p><p>You think Effexor is hard to come off, I recommend you don&#39;t go near Duloxetine. I have never had it so bad and I have come off many pharmaceuticals and alternatives but nothing like Duloxetine. </p><p></p><p>I am glad you had a good experience with Ramsay Health Care for I can not say the same.</p><p></p><p>The Dr Psychiatrist I consult with suggested Valdoxan (Agomelatine) but at AU$60/month it had better be brilliant and easy to cease. Although many posts are not praisworthy of Valdoxan, I am desperate so will try anything.</p><p></p><p>Marley0</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-11-11T06:42+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi again everyone,</p><p>So I&#39;ve been on Brintellix (Vortioxitone) for 4 days now after coming off Effexor (venlafaxine) and my brain hasn&#39;t caught fire like the last time I tried to come off it. I&#39;ve been doing it in hospital under the care of my new psychiatrist at Adelaide Clinic. I want to go onto Valdoxan to kick the nasty depression/insominia cycle I&#39;ve been stuck in but my liver enzymes were too high and Valdoxan can possibly be toxic to the liver. Even with a BMI of 27 I&#39;m still too heavy and have fatty liver which is causing those readings.</p><p></p><p>I can&#39;t stress this enough, if you feel like you&#39;re trapped on a medication, ESPECIALLY that poison Effexor which is known as the hardest medication to come off, please speak to a psychiatrist. I got rid of my former psychiatrist for his apathetic atttitude.&#160;It will probably take you months in Australia to get in to see one, and possibly even longer for one that bulk bills, but it&#39;s so worth it. With all due respect to GPs, they are not psychiatrists. I also recommend private health cover if you can afford it because a two-week stay to change meds is made SO much easier if you are in a safe, friendly and caring environment.&#160;</p><p>I have so much confidence now at being able to move on with my life and be able to break the &quot;too depressed and tired to exercise&quot;&gt;&quot;weight is too high, diabetes getting worse, need to work out&quot;&gt;&quot;too depressed and tired cbf&quot; cycle.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m hoping by the end of the year I&#39;ll be able to go on valdoxan, and I wish everyone the best that is on it. <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T05:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/naynay8-990721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I will be starting on this medication tomorrow night... Wish me luck... x" ], "date": [ "2016-11-04T02:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am meant to be starting this drug soon.. looking for pros and cons.. hows everyone getting on now??" ], "date": [ "2016-11-10T17:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=8#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "content": [ "I was the same caroline. Im now on escipitripilam and mirtazapine x good sleep and anxiety just now and then " ], "date": [ "2017-09-03T11:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "<p>Thankyou for your reply I thought I might have been the only one &#128521; I have been off it 4 days now and my anxiety has reduced so much ... In fact I&#39;m sitting here this morning with much more hope that I can conquer this horrid thing &#128524;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-03T22:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "content": [ "<p>My dr said it was really good as he said mirtazapine caused weight gain and i was having vivid dreams but honestly i took one tablet and woke at 6 am with panic attacks so changed back straight away. Im such a mard arse i cant bare the attacks &#160;&#128561;&#128561;&#128561;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T00:45+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "<p>Oh god I&#39;m the same I can&#39;t stand them they make me nervous for 24 hours &#128555; I&#39;m 52 kgs so wouldn&#39;t mind weight gain but panic attacks are terrible on it&#160;</p><p>My friend gave me a diazepam after I woke at 3am Friday morning and still by 11 am I had that heavy chest panic feel ...instant relief and I fact I still. Haven&#39;t had an attack in 3 days I feel kind of normal again ... I&#39;ve made an appointment for this Friday to perhaps get some diazepam for if and when I have another attack&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T09:18+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "content": [ "<p>caroline, the effects of valdoxin as with any new drug take min 4 weeks to kick in, so the state ur feeling is prob because u have no drug &#39;so to speak&#39; in ur system at the moment. if u have stopped taking it u need to start again to feel effects. your dr should advise. what did ur dr say out of interest? I&#39;m in oz too. I stopped taking it cause I was feeling better! bad choice. back on it now . goodluck</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T09:29+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "content": [ "<p>&#39;your friend gave u&#39; nooo talk to ur dr.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T09:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "content": [ "<p>I had been on it for a &#160;little over 4 weeks and the effects in the last two weeks were terrible to the point of waking up at 3 am with a panic attack something I had never done before as I have always been a sound sleeper ... And daily panic attacks again something I had not experienced in the past &#128555; So I&#39;m pretty sure this drug is not agreeing with me and to re start it is not an option &#128524;</p><p>I understand that taking a diazepam without prescription is not a fantastic or advisable option but I did and have made a Drs app for Friday to talk about the possibility of getting some as the result was so wonderful for me ... First time I have felt &quot; normal &quot; for quite a few months &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T10:33+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "content": [ "I think four weeks is plenty time to try caroline. \r\nSee what your doc says but mine saw the state i was in after 24 hrs and suggested i go back on what i was already taking. I do have 2mg diazepam tablets for back up but to be honest i try not to use them unless im really bad x everyone is different xx" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T11:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/caroline_33600-1080639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "<p>Thankyou so much for your reply ... It is interesting we are all so different .. Hoping it all turns out well for all of us take care &#128522;&#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-04T23:36+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi guys I&#39;ve been taking valdoxin for over 4 weeks now ( I&#39;m in Australia) for anxiety and PTSD&#160;</p><p>If I thought I had anxiety before starting this drug then I can say I now have it 10 times as bad after taking for 4 weeks &#128546;</p><p>I&#39;m not taking anymore it is hideous&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-09-01T12:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julie12059-1056893" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/julie12059-1056893" ], "content": [ "Having had no success on other anti deps i wonder if you can tell me if you are in uk as it seems hard to get where i am." ], "date": [ "2018-06-09T11:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julie12059-1056893" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "Hi Ann, I am in Australia. In saying that Valdoxan has helped, I went back up to 50mg as I went down hill again - I commenced seeing a Pyschiatrist in February 2018 who also prescribed Pristique - which is an antidrepressent, I am on 50mg of Pristique per day and also 25mg of Logem.  You may need a combination of medication to level you out.  Good luck and hope you find something that helps - having a good Psychiatrist helps too, they are very knowledgeable about the kind of drugs that work together that a GP does not have that expertise.  Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2018-06-10T01:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi there to all - just an update - I have dropped my Valdoxan down from 50mg&#160;to 25mg per day and I take it just before I go to bed as I do have slight nauseous in the morning until around 11am.&#160; Sleeping well most nights.&#160; I also believe that my HRT has also helped my anxiety and depression. I am taking Femoston Conti (HRT).&#160; Feel pretty good most days.&#160; Have had&#160;a few dark days &quot;here and there&quot; but managed to shake it off before it got me in downward spiral to hell.&#160;Many of the drugs prescribed for anxiety/depression and other illnesses&#160;have long term or harmful side effects including liver damage, hence why you have to be tested regularly to ensure you are OK.&#160; For me, Valdoxan has saved my life.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-15T02:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monikab87-1229078" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I m taking valdoxan 25 for two weeks already, for anxiety associated with depression. Although it has not improved my sleep, i can notice a huge relief from my anxiety and depression symptoms. I can function normal again. Don t know if it s the entire result of valdoxan but if it continues like that, it s a life saver. My choice for this med is because it has milder side effects than the typical ssri, and i can cut it off without the withdrawal mess, like a had with taking xanax only two months, half a pill of 0,25 a day and still feeling awful from it. From valdoxan, i have had only slight diarheea and nausea in the first days of use, nothing too hard to handle. " ], "date": [ "2019-01-30T07:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=12#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rachel89480-1006723" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hey </p><p></p><p>I&#39;d really love your advice, I also suffer from ADHD and I&#39;m at the cross roads with the SSRis, for some reason your post inspired me to contact you.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-02T16:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/freya0805-1009323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/freya0805-1009323" ], "content": [ "Good to hear a positive report. I have been on a coctail of drugs so have withdrew from an ssri and am just taking the Valdoxan and Lyrica but havent noticed any change yet, hopefully soon. fingers crossed" ], "date": [ "2017-01-10T10:59+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Louise, Valdoxan (agomelatine) has been amazing for me. &#160;After a disasterous 5 years in a fog on Venlafaxine (resulting in a 30 kg weight gain amongst the many, many undesirable side effects), I began Valdoxan (under a new psychiatrist) which I took for 2 years. &#160;eLFTs were always clear and I don&#39;t drink alcohol. &#160; Valdoxan has been thoroughly effective for MDD and Anxiety, with no side effects and I lost all the weight I gained on the Venlafaxine (plus some more). &#160;I ceased the Valdoxan with no side effects other than a mild headache for a few days (barely noticeable). &#160;I am in Australia and if you shop around you can find Valdoxan at a competitive price - the lowest I found is $59 per month (S E Qld). &#160;Valdoxan (and my new psychiatrist) were a godsend! &#160;Good luck !</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-10T10:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mark60927-1009633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark60927-1009633" ], "content": [ "I also get bad anxiety when I sleep, its dreadful.. could wake up gasping for breath during the night or with palpitations or my body jumping, its awful. Im only taking 25mg Voldoxan at present and havent noticed any change either yet.\r\n\r\nI also have tried every ssri on the market literally and again I found they wore off over time, more recently I was on 20mg Lexapro which worked years ago perfectly but not this time and I lost all interest in sex the past year too.\r\n\r\nI am starting Phychotherapy tomorrow as I feel this is something that might help as has been recommended by heaps of people." ], "date": [ "2017-01-11T10:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "How is your valdoxan going. I have now been prescribed it after stopping sertraline as it gave me such bad side effects.  I am scared tomstart it as ive had such awful side effects with others.  There seem to be a few of you on these and i would love some feedback." ], "date": [ "2017-03-05T09:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "I am on it now since November, have also tried others like Setraline with horrendous side effects. I have not noticed my anxiety or depression any worse or better on the Valdoxan but I have also withdrew have other drugs which would have added to this. But side effects are non existant, I felt extremely tired for first week or two but that wore off" ], "date": [ "2017-03-07T10:34+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "Sorry its vortione they are trying makes younsickly. Want to try valdoxan domyounthinkmitsmworth a go?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-10T11:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "Yes its worth a try" ], "date": [ "2017-03-10T11:49+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marley0-992631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mark60927-1009633" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Mark</p><p>I don&#39;t know how you are doing now, but remember a separation is stressful and the most healthiest/stable people generally crash. &#160;What you are experiencing could be within the relms of &#39;expected norms. &#160;Have you tried counselling, writing or drawing? &#160;Expressing those emotions positively - punching a pillow? &#160;It might not be your &#39;thing&#39; but finding something might help. &#160;All the medication in the world won&#39;t help if you don&#39;t find a way to externalise what you are feeling.</p><p></p><p>Marley</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-12T16:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>G&#39;day there,</p><p></p><p>I have been on Valdoxan 50 mg for 6 weeks now. Also on Seroquil 50 mg as well at present. In the past I have been on Lexapro, Effexor and Cymbalta. The reason I am now on Valdoxan is due to bad anxiety whilst trying to sleep, which was been non-existent for many weeks, due to business stress and A separated marriage.</p><p></p><p>I find that I am very teary, lack motivation, and still struggling to get to sleep and stay asleep.</p><p></p><p>Did not like taking SSRIs in the past as they did wear off affect over time and also sexually they had terrible side effects.</p><p></p><p>I am keen to hear other people&#39;s feedback about Valdoxan and also other options including non-medical which may be out there.</p><p></p><p> </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-11T06:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tina08827-1013033" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tina08827-1013033" ], "content": [ "<p>Glad to hear. Are you taking the Valdoxan with Effexor and seraquil? </p><p>I&#39;m taking mine at the moment with lyrica and xanax. </p><p></p><p>Off the lexapro since December </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-22T01:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/tina08827-1013033" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "Yes i am taking 150mg effexor, 50mg ceriquel and 25mg valdoxan.\r\nI havnt tried the combination your on but this combination works for me" ], "date": [ "2017-01-22T06:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tina08827-1013033" ], "content": [ "<p>Tried Effexor before but it didn&#39;t agree with me. Have heard of seraquil but never tried it </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-23T14:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/beverly68827-1054220" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "My doctor mentioned Seroquil, but I came home and looked it up. I read it is an anti-psycotic medicine, so it may be good for other things, but I would be scared to take it. " ], "date": [ "2017-05-27T16:17+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi louise </p><p>I have suffered from depression and biploar dissorder for many many years.</p><p>I started taking effoxor and seriquil </p><p>This did improve my behaviour and mental state alot but it was not perfect untill i added valdoxan to the mix</p><p>Since being on valdoxan (6months now)</p><p>I am not getting depressed low or angry for no given reason.</p><p>Valdoxan has been my saviour against the war against myself mentally and has releaved pressure off my family.</p><p>I would suggest seeing a phyciatrist ypu conmect with so they can fully determine you&#39;re needs medically.</p><p>Good luck.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-21T08:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=9#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhino2015-911626" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "content": [ "Hi Jenn, I am in WA too and prices of medications are quite high - however if $2 a day makes you happier and can function well then well worth spending the $. I did not end up taking Valdoxan - just the HRT which was like a wonder drug, but due to heavy bleeding have stopped it till we work out what is going on. Was on Effexor some years back whilst studying - made me eat so much and yes groggy and a bit numb feelings wise. Went cold turkey, eat better and exercise more and happy to say much improved (except meno symptoms) but .... that is another story. Some excellent posts and people to help on 'Patient' but just remember most of us are not medical experts just experts with our own bodies - so always get professional advice (and 2nd opinions where possible) - WA Country Health and Womens Health Care House (Highgate) offer brilliant over the phone advice if you are really stuck and wanting a friendly health expert to listen/talk to. Phew.....\r\nGood luck,\r\nLoui x" ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T02:01+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rhino2015-911626" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Higate - Northbridge:)" ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T02:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/rhino2015-911626" ], "content": [ "Thanks Rhino.  Am at the stage where Im fed up with the medication, my doctor and everything else.  Im a single mum and I find it soooo hard to get off the couch.  I used to be a hard worker and very house proud but now I just cant be bothered, and I dont care.  I have a part time job (15hrs pw) and I even struggle with that.  I feel quite pathetic.  I saw a new doctor yesterday and he just kept talking over the top of me and was answering his phone during consult.  But, in saying all that I am determined to find the right meds for me so everyones opinions/comments help.  Ive been battling with this for 6 yrs now, continuously swapping meds and doses but I guess its just what has to be done hey :)" ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T03:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ricsbride-918134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "content": [ "Hi Jenn - I am in Wa as well.  You wont be able to get off cymbalta without going onto another SSRI to brdige - it is a nightmare to withdraw from.  I have just gone back to Zoloft from Cymbalta, and I feel much better.  Also taking Valdoxan but it isn't enough on its own. " ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T03:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ricsbride-918134" ], "content": [ "Yeh thats what I am worried about.  Do you suffer from anxiety as well or just depression like me?" ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T04:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ricsbride-918134" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "content": [ "a bit of everything, anxiety/paranoia and feelings of hopelessness" ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T04:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda16743-925504" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "content": [ "My doc hasn't ordered any blood tests either I'm gonna ask him next visit as I've known him for years I'm in bunbury also" ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T09:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne3690-938326" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "content": [ "Hi Jennx\r\nYour post was a couple of months ago now so I'm just wondering if you're all going well on the Valdoxan?\r\nI've been taking 25mg Valdoxan for nearly a month whilst slowly weaning off Effexor 75mg...then down to 37.5mg and now 4 days Effexor free.\r\nOmg! I feel like I'm in hell! My psychiatrist told me the withdrawal symptoms would be bad but this is far worse than I ever imagined. Brain zaps, nausea, life in slow motion and tears... I'm a sobbing blubbering mess! But he assures me another 72 hours and all will be well. The valium helps take the edge off and the Valdoxan is certainly great for sleep!\r\nI look foward to the Valdoxan being my hero but after reading some of the posts, my 'withdrawal' symptoms sounds like others side effects.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-04-28T08:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joey92939-939694" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne3690-938326" ], "content": [ "Hi Leanne3690,\r\nI was on 225g Effexor (major depression and anxiety) and came off it in a week to start valdoxan. The weeks that followed were awful from the withdrawal symptoms which were exactly as you discribed. I also developed vertigo and could hardly get off the couc without wanting to vomit. Once the vertigo stopped, I have never felt better and I'm coping really well even with planning a wedding and buying a house.\r\n\r\nI hope your withdrawal symptoms subside really soon. Effexor is one of the hardest of the SSRI's to come off but I found it 100% worth it due to getting my life back on valdoxan." ], "date": [ "2016-05-04T06:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne3690-938326" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/joey92939-939694" ], "content": [ "Joey thank you so much for your feedback!\r\n\r\nEach day is a little better than the last and when i hear others are doing so well i know I'll get there too! The Effexor withdrawal nightmare must surely be coming to the end and since I'm not depressed at all i know the Valdoxan are working.\r\n\r\nGood luck with your wedding xx Stay healthy and happy!" ], "date": [ "2016-05-04T06:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/leanne3690-938326" ], "content": [ "Hi,its a while since your post, can you tell me if the valdoxan has helped your anxiety and depression as i am thinking about asking for a change to it" ], "date": [ "2017-03-10T11:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/duncan43250-1022526" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Ann, &#160;I have been taking the maximum dosage of Valdoxan for over a year now and I have no anxiety or depression. &#160;On half dosage it didn&#39;t work with me. &#160;I have no other side effects either so I am very happy.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-03-13T06:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/duncan43250-1022526" ], "content": [ "Thanks so much for your information. I am not sure if valdoxan is the right one for me but am willing to try as i cannot cope with apresent regime of mirtazapine with diazepam.   Does valdoxan give you a good sleep?   I get such. Ausea on other anti deps i wondered if this one might be better" ], "date": [ "2017-03-13T08:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "Hi ann, i was on escipralopan for years then when i was still anxious and down my doctor said take mirtazapine also . It was great at first but the ladt few months ive been having terrible nightmares and waking up anxious and down ! The doc said prob mirtazapine to blame so he suggested valdoxan for the evening and escipralopan in morning . I really hope this helps xxx" ], "date": [ "2017-04-15T05:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "Hi, thanks for reply.  My dr has said he is not keen to let me have valdoxan as there are reports of it harming liver.  I am not pleased as all,these meds do not help that anyway.   I am finding it increasingly difficult to get up while on mirtazapine also down and nightmares.  May i ask if you are in uk? I wonder if it is my health board who wont prescribe it.   At least i have your information to put in front of him now. Thanks." ], "date": [ "2017-04-15T08:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "Hi Ann, im in Perth Australia. The doc said just need liver check so having blood test. Today is first day of taking it so i will keep you updated. He did tell me it was more expensive than other tablets. But if they work i dont care ❤️❤️❤️" ], "date": [ "2017-04-15T12:11+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "Yes, lucky you managed to get them.  My dr is still resisting my request and my depresssion is getting worse so i do need help.  His suggestion of augmenting with antipsychotic is possibly a cheaper option and hes using the liver issue as an excuse.  All i know is i feel as though im sinking and he needs to help me.  Do keep me posted.  Some people say they feel depressed taking it, that would certainly be a concern for me." ], "date": [ "2017-04-15T15:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/duncan43250-1022526" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Ann, &#160;I am in South Africa. I asked my doctor above the liver issue. &#160;He says this only applies to alchoholics or people who drink a lot. &#160;Unfortunately a lot of people who have depression drink alcohol to cope. &#160;I have been on the max dose of Valdoxane for nearly 2 years now and my liver is fine. &#160;I only drink an ocassional glass of wine. &#160;If your doctor is reluctant then get a second oppinion. &#160;Don&#39;t wait. &#160;Valdoxane is the only thing that works for me and there are no side effects.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-18T06:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/duncan43250-1022526" ], "content": [ "Thank you very much for your information, i wii bring it up again at my next review.  I think its to do with cost in uk really, just they dont tell us that.  I dont drink so it should be no problem. " ], "date": [ "2017-04-18T08:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/duncan43250-1022526" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "It costs me ZAR700 a month which is about 35 pounds a month." ], "date": [ "2017-04-18T08:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "Hi ann\r\nI took tablet for one night but had panic attacks all following day and couldnt sleep properly so im back on escipilapram in morning and mirtazapine in evening x" ], "date": [ "2017-04-21T03:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "Thats interesting.  I will bear it in mind as insomnia is such an awful thing.  I am presently trying out a new anticoagulant and it is giving me insomnia - even after taking the mirtazapine.  I think its for the bin.   Every time i try to change over to a med i get side effects. To tell you the truth, im fed up with it all." ], "date": [ "2017-04-21T07:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "<p>I know its such a pain and im such a wimp i m too scared to put up with side effects when changing tablets &#128555;&#128555;&#128555;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-04-22T02:56+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone </p><p>I&#39;ve enjoyed reading this forum and would love to share my experience and journey with you all. </p><p>Oct 2016 I had a traumatic event in my life and I had just given birth to my baby as well. I suffered from acute anxiety and because it was post natal I was in a bad bad way. My whole life id always been so positive and happy and outgoing. At times I was &quot;anxious&quot; but just general anxiety, not clinical. I had MANY trips to emergency, several doctors appointments, I couldn&#39;t get out of my head. I felt suicidal, the lot. I started sertraline and had a major reaction so discontinued straight away. After a few weeks my anxiety was no better just worse so I was put on 30mg mirtazapine and still after a few weeks was just not coping with my life. They increased to 45mg mirtazapine and over months I leveled out. I had no libido, gained 8.5kg, but for the most part I really had no anxiety! But then I decided to come off it because I thought I felt good. A month ago I took my last ever mirtazapine (I tapered) and I experienced awful withdrawal symptoms. I was so so unwell. Then I picked up for a few days and then BAM, got my periods and anxiety has got worse since. I haven&#39;t slept a full night in a month, I wake at 3-4am with racing thoughts etc. I went back to my doctor and psychologist and they both recommended medication and they came up with valdoxam! I took my first one last night and I&#39;m excited to see how it goes. It&#39;s so easy for us to focus on the bad things but it is SO worth the money if it helps my anxiety because it&#39;s robbing my quality of life right now. </p><p>Please share your positive stories with valdoxam for encouragement for me :) </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-11T23:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/marley0-992631" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Laurensull</p><p></p><p>Like you, I tried several medications before Valdoxan. &#160;This is not to encourage anybody to change their existing medication or take Valdoxan without careful consideration and consultation with their doctor.</p><p></p><p>I have been taking Valdoxan for several months and for me it has been &#39;the best thing since sliced bread.&#39; &#160;I take 1 at night which helps with sleep, but doesn&#39;t give me the &#39;I took sedatives last night&#39; feeling in the morning.</p><p>It has settled night panics and after having poor quality sleep, what I now get is so much better.</p><p></p><p>After the first few days, I have had no yucky or unbearable sideaffects.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m glad you find it is SO worth the money. &#160;I totally agree.</p><p></p><p>Marley</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-12T16:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "Hi, wondering how you are getting on after your bad experience with valdoxan?  I am like you, still trying tomchange the mirazapine at night as i am having awful nightmares and broken sleep on it.  I just dont know what they can try next.  My problem is imhave to take warfarin which means certain anti deps are not possible for me, especially ssris.  I just need something to get me going again and so far nothing has.  Any houghts frommyou would be helpful" ], "date": [ "2017-05-13T08:50+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi im sorry not much help as i stopped taking valdoxan after one night. I was having quite a few anxiety attacks following day so chickened out of persevering &#128555;&#128555; went back to mirtazapine and putting up with weird nightmares on and off !! Hard work this anxiety crap</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T01:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks for replying </p><p>I&#39;ve done 3 nights on valdoxan now </p><p>Waking up still at 4am with really hot hands, spewed the second morning. Have felt yuck in the tummy all day and not sure what to do. I know mirtazapine works I just don&#39;t want the weight gain but if Valdoxan doesn&#39;t work out I will definitely be going back on mirt. I need peace. I&#39;m struggling :( yes it&#39;s hard work I&#39;m feeling you..</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-14T08:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes i put weight on also but then i went to weigh[b]twat[/b]chers and lost 16kg ...... but managed to put 13kg back on pretty quickly grrrr hope you start feeling better soon xxx</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-15T00:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "<p>Today was a good day. I&#39;m still waking at 5am ish but my hands don&#39;t get hot anymore. I do have a hungover feeling though. Anxiety is already lifting. I feel positive and excited. I use Isagenix but generally won&#39;t cleanse when I&#39;m on medications, personal choice. I&#39;ve lost about 5kg since coming off mirt! </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-16T09:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [], "author_to": [], "content": [], "date": [] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "content": [ "<p>Thats fab !!! Maybe i should try valdoxan when im feeling good and not on a weekend where i wasnt feeling too good &#128512;&#128512;</p><p>Im glad youre feeling so much better x</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-16T12:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "<p>Today was incredible. My first &quot;back to normal&quot; day and I&#39;ve only been taking Valdoxan for 5 nights!! First few days were pretty yuck I have to admit. But I made a commitment to try them for at least 2 weeks and if I was still terrible I&#39;d see my dr again. The best part is that weight gain is an uncommon side effect!! Woo!! And no weaning required when I decide to come off (not for 1.5yrs at this stage!) I&#39;m so thrilled</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-05-17T10:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/danic-1055819" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "content": [ "<p>HI laurensull, thanks for staring your story and wondering how Valdoxan is going for you now? I&#39;m also weaning off Mirtazapine because of weight gain, my anxiety also sky-rocketed postnatally and I especially couldn&#39;t sleep at night. Mirtazapine has been great aside from the weight gain aspect, can&#39;t seem to curb my appetite on it and have put on a stone in only a few months. I am quite petite so it has been a lot on me, getting me down in the process. I was glad to hear things got better after 5 days for you transitioning from Mirtazapine to Valdoxan, how are you doing now, did you persist? </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-06-02T02:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "content": [ "I had appt with dr yesterday where she told me that she had never pesibed this drug.   I told her it was doing well for some but she insists its not on her list of possibilities, spoke to psychiatrist who said he wasnt happy as it affects liver in research.   How n this be that you can all get it?" ], "date": [ "2017-06-02T12:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/danic-1055819" ], "content": [ "Have you any further information on valdoxan?  Are you in uk? I am having didficulty when asking to try this as GP never used it before. I am trying to put together some information I can take to her regarding people on it. Your help would be appreciated." ], "date": [ "2017-06-07T08:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hotlip111-384328" ], "content": [ "how are you doing? I am still on mirtaz and putting up with the weird dreams and appetite.   Have you tried valdoxan again yet? The mirtaz is just not helping me as i am feeling anxious all the time. Tried to increase as per dr but felt worse.  Nausea still a problem in am. Just dont know what to do to feel better. I have to use diazepam for the anxiety, not enjoying using that either." ], "date": [ "2017-06-07T09:00+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julie12059-1056893" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jennx-926945" ], "content": [ "Hi - you can claim back from HBF the difference if you have private health care.  I am from Perth.  I too was a little concerned as my doctor didnt order any blood test to check liver - Venlafaxine or Enlafax was just pure poison for me - I only took 1 tablet (75mg) and it was dreadful.  My Dr has just doubled my dose of Valdoxan to 50mg a day - have done this for two nights now and my anxiety is not too bad ... I am also going to start on HRT so hoping this will level me out totally.  Good luck and keep looking forward." ], "date": [ "2017-06-08T02:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/amanda231523-1121366" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/duncan43250-1022526" ], "content": [ "Hi there, can I ask what the max dose is that you are on please? " ], "date": [ "2017-11-11T05:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/duncan43250-1022526" ], "content": [ "Saw psych again and asked and he said this drug is not permitted in uk for prescription so unless i can find another dr who has a differing opinion then i am stuck.\r\n\r\nhope you are still doing well on it.  I am no better, if anything, worse as they have decided to take me off mirtazapine.\r\n\r\none day i can be really down, the next really agitated, then anxious.  Its an awful trial to get through the days." ], "date": [ "2017-11-11T08:46+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rainingat33-1161165" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/laurensull-1050013" ], "content": [ "Hey its been a while, but im so nervous about medication, but am in a bad way. Im from the us but have some coming. How did it turn out?" ], "date": [ "2018-03-15T23:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone.  Am new to this forum so 'Hellooooo'.  Ive just been prescribed Valdoxan and thought Id do abit of reading up on it and stumbled across this forum.  Have noticed that most of you have been prescribed because of anxiety and minor depression.  Am just curious as my condition is 'severe depression', with no anxiety.  Is anyone else in the same boat?  I was on Efexor (150mg) (which I think is venlafaxine and felt like a zombie so doc switched me to Cymbalta (30mg) which was great for my energy/care factor but I ended up 'psyching out' so had to move up to 60mg.  Ive been on this dose for a month and have gone back to my zombie state.  My doc suggested valdoxan but is keeping me on cymbalta until I decide if I want/can afford to stay on it ($66 per script here in Bunbury West Aus).  He didnt order any blood tests first though which Im concerned about after reading this forum.  Do I have an incompetent doctor?  What is everyones opinions?" ], "date": [ "2016-03-03T01:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/david36045-966323" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Louise / (Kylie)\r\n\r\nI am from UK but been in Australia for 14 years now.\r\n\r\nLuckily my GP is a family ffriend, so when the Depression / Anxiety hit I had someon with time and patience to try and find the right solution ( we tried many).\r\n\r\nValdoxin (despite not being fully approved here) was by far the best, although I have read it may not be effective for a long term solution.\r\n\r\nIt helped me sleep like a baby at night, levelled my moods out and also did not adversely reduce my libido, (sad as that sounds it is a very big negative for a guy a lready depresswed when that happens!).\r\n\r\nAt one time I had Aropax added to address the anxiety, but had too many side effects, so at the moment (nearly a year on) I have simmply had a low dose of Lovan added and this is working well, despite the Lovan initially making me sick the very first time I tried it several tears ago.\r\n\r\nHope this helps in some way, as I know I was in despair at times trying to get advice and the right balance, as already mentioned, as much as I have to forece myself, Meditation and Excercise (find something enjoyable) helps a lot. Many good mediitation things you can download from You Tube.\r\n\r\nDave" ], "date": [ "2016-08-11T08:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/adam46192-969438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone. I have started taking Valdoxan on the recommendation of my GP. I have previously been taking Cymbalta. I found Cymbalta to work within only a few days/ 1 week but did make me feel a little &#39;fuzzy&#39; and definately affected my sex drive and sensitivity. No such side effects with Valdoxan. I took it for 1 month recently and found I did not start feeling any better until the 3rd or 4th week. I stopped at the end of the 1st month&#39;s prescription to see how I would feel. I started to relapse after only a week or two so have started taking it again and am 1 week in this time around. If anything, I feel it has not started working yet, possibly making me a little worse but this is consistant with the first course so am sticking it out hoping to feel better by week 3 &amp; 4. Hope this is of help to anyone experiencing similar or considering this treatment. Best of luck to all xo</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-22T01:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/grace55901-972460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grace55901-972460" ], "content": [ "Hi Grace, Guess we are all different right in how we react to meds....but I was the same as you, no depression but severe anxiety attacks.\r\n\r\nThe best combo for me to reduce panic attacks has been sodium valproate PLUS ssri. I have about one attack a month now.\r\n\r\nOn Valdoxan alone I still had attacks about once a week (compared to daily - med free) so still had to take Valium and lorazepam during stressful times. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2016-09-01T11:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/grace55901-972460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "<p>Thanks Kylie <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /> What are you taking now?? I&#39;m taking Valium more than normal. I&#39;m still on sodium valproate but I don&#39;t like the thought of how toxic it is to the body long term <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> </p><p>My panic is SO weird. I even get it just talking to people now. I feel very alone in all this. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-01T11:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grace55901-972460" ], "content": [ "<p>Ur definately not alone.. my panic used to be that bad too.</p><p></p><p>Now am taking valproate plus ssri.</p><p></p><p>Valproate is toxic long term?? I only knew it&#39;s bad for women of child bearing age...I would stop taking it but it just helps so much with mood swings.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-01T12:24+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/grace55901-972460" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "<p>Valproate yes It&#39;s amazing for moods - however for me after 8 years on it, I just want to know exactly what I would be like without it. How long were you on Valdoxan and what SSRI do you take? I feel like nothing helps my panic. It&#39;s so bad that even when I&#39;m laughing now, I can fully break into a full on panic. People don&#39;t notice it - but I feel it takes over my whole body and the after effect is horrible. <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> Valdoxan is the only thing I&#39;ve had with no side effects. Every SSRI I tired, I was bed ridden the effects were so severe. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-01T13:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/grace55901-972460" ], "content": [ "<p>How long where u bedridden? I was too for the first days whenever I tried any ssri cpl years ago without being on valproate, thought I was going crazy, it was torture, so never lasted. That&#39;s when I settled on valdoxan. For about a year I took it. It helped with anxiety but made me depressed and moody.</p><p></p><p>The ssri is Zoloft. The first days where still torture but stuck it out and after 2 weeks started feeling great. But really I think the reduction of the panic attacks and anxiety is 50% Zoloft and 50% because before I started taking it for 3 months had an amazing psychologist learning techniques to manage the anxiety.</p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-03T02:46+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I have been taking Valdoxan for 4 weeks. I have been on sodium valporate for 8 years, so am taking Valdoxan for a way to ease off of S/V. My problem has not been with cronic depression - my problem has been HORRIBLE panic attacks. I have noticed a significant increase in my moon on Valdoxan. Its a slow process, does not happen over night... I just found myself thinking &quot;I like my life, happiness is here&quot; - but the panic attacks are so bad. Not worse, just no different.&#160;</p><p>THE PROS of Valdoxan for me, zero side effects as I am so sentive and have VERY bad side effects to all SSRI and any other drugs. This drug is the best!! Yes, yes stomach problems in the first 2 weeks - have LOTS of Inner Health Plus, it helps! And being more tired than normal - but i think its getting better. It does help with a sense of calm.</p><p>CONS - I still have panic attacks. Really bad ones <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /> where I shake, cannot breath or function, and they come on so sudden I have no control.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Does anyone know - how long it takes before Valdoxan starts to help Panic attacks??</p><p>Would love to hear form you!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-01T10:45+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa06907-975469" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ros23918-915830" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa06907-975469" ], "content": [ "Hi Vanessa\r\ni also live abroad (with my partner) but being away from the family makes things extra hard\r\ni have been on Valdoxan 25mg at night and also Fluoextine 20mg in the morning for about a year.  For the first time in AGES I am feeling a lot better (I was diagnosed with GAD and severe depression)\r\nAmongst other things before Valdoxan I tried Pristiq which I found AWFUL and Mirtazipine which just made me like a zombie.\r\nDo contact me if you want any more advice.\r\nRoz xx\r\n " ], "date": [ "2016-09-12T10:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa06907-975469" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ros23918-915830" ], "content": [ "<p>Roz thank you so much for responding. It means a lot right now. I&#39;m only on day 3 of valdoxan and hoping it will make me feel ok again. So good to hear you are doing well.</p><p></p><p>Being away is so hard. Also have GAD with resulting depression.</p><p></p><p>Feeling less lonely just by others understanding. Thank you <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-12T10:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ros23918-915830" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa06907-975469" ], "content": [ "Where are you living Vanessa? X" ], "date": [ "2016-09-14T04:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa06907-975469" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ros23918-915830" ], "content": [ "<p>Singapore! How about you? Can I ask you how long it took for you to notice valdoxan working? I know we are all different. I&#39;m on day 4.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-14T07:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie78433-981831" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/vanessa06907-975469" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Vanessa,</p><p>I&#39;m sorry for what your experiencing, medication and getting the right combination can be so frustrating and overwhelming.</p><p>I&#39;m 34, diagnosed with clinical depression + bpd about 10 years ago. I have been on the same meds and so many more I can&#39;t even remember them all. Going off to have babies and back on meds again and them not working as they did. But generally speaking, as I&#39;m on bare minimum atm for severe depression I&#39;m taking 200mg Zoloft and 25mg valdoxan but just increased to 50mg. It has made a huge difference for me depression wise. I had small side effects for a week or so when starting valdoxan but my experience has been positive and believe it&#39;s saved my sanity so to Speak. </p><p>I wish you well X </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-03T11:20+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone. New to posting and feeling very low. Suffered anxiety and depression most my life, on seroxat since 27, now 40. Decided didn&#39;t need meds anymore last year and went to a psychiatrist to do proper taper. Fine for couple of months, then bam bad relapse. Havent been ok since. Tried combination of pristiq and mertazapine. Thought I was getting better but now back feeling very depressed, especially in morning. Usually really sociable but don&#39;t want to see anyone. No motivation, crying. Now psychiatrist is trying valdoxan, 25 mg . </p><p></p><p>Just wondering how you&#39;re all getting on. I know everyone is different but looking for some hope. Living abroad and feeling very lonely. 3 small kids who need their mummy and husband who needs his wife back.</p><p></p><p>X</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-12T00:58+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie78433-981831" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Simon,</p><p>I&#39;m so sorry your suffering this way, thank you for sharing your story. </p><p>I have been taking valdoxan 25mg and just increased to 5g and can say it has made a huge difference re depression. Combined with Zoloft 200mg daily I feel in a much better place. </p><p>Iv also taken cymbalta and found it to be one of the worst experiences in my life coming off of, I read somewhere not long after going off (maybe 6 years ago) the fda were investigating it due due such adverse side effects coming off, it&#39;s been compared to heroin withdrawals...</p><p>Iv also taken seroquel and was around 400mg daily but found weight gain and misuse a problem, I took it for a couple of years. Also been on respiradone, Thorazine and haloperidol at present, very small dosage. </p><p>I find it&#39;s taken years to get the right combination for me and with bpd as a diagnosis I survive well on lamictal + Zoloft + valdoxan for severe clinical depression and mood stabilisation.</p><p>It took me a week Maybe with valdoxan to settle in but it seemed to work Quickly and small Side effects didn&#39;t last. Iv spoken with my psychiatrist about side effects such as liver issues etc and I think that if you are concerned, have regular bloods done. Mine have been fine so far and I have found the med to be quite a sanity saver for me. </p><p>It&#39;s always going to be hard because people react differently, and I read forums like this and freaked out about taking it before I decided to and I&#39;m feeling ok. </p><p>I hope I have been of some help, if not just sharing my experience on valdoxan.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-03T11:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie78433-981831" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>Sorry increased to 50mg not 5 &#128522;&#128077;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-03T11:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie78433-981831" ], "content": [ "<p>Hey Kylie, thanks for sharing your situation with me too <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" />&#160;</p><p>Unfortunately I failed the blood test (liver function a bit elevated, diabetes) so I have to wait for the Valdoxan. Always good to hear a psychiatrist say &quot;I can&#39;t give you this medication in good conscience XD ).</p><p></p><p>In the meantime he&#39;s given me Lumin to use as a sedative which is slightly less zombifying than Seroquel and doesn&#39;t have those awful side effects that make you all twitchy (phenergan has the same effect).</p><p></p><p>Hopefully we can work something out to bring the liver function back to a level where it&#39;s safe(r) to take Valdoxan. I believe I&#39;ll have to have regular blood tests when I&#39;m on it anyway <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-03T11:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie78433-981831" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "content": [ "<p>Oh that&#39;s a bugger! Well hopefully that works. Yeah seroquel is a total zombie drug. I told my new psychiatrist I don&#39;t ever want it again. I just wanted to sleep all day and night...not very productive. </p><p>Keep us updated on how you go.</p><p>All the best &#128522;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-03T12:22+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie78433-981831" ], "content": [ "<p>Yes! How many problems would be solved with a decent night&#39;s sleep?!</p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-03T13:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/simon04717-976582" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "<p>RE Lumin (Mianserin): I put on about 7kgs in a couple of weeks because it makes you sort of half sleepy but not enough to stop you absolutely pigging out at night. I&#39;ve had the dose reduced now and i feel less heavy, bloated and have lost about 3kgs.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-10-31T14:54+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi everyone,</p><p>Just started seeing a new psychiatrist who has suggested I research Valdoxan and Brintellix. Thank you for all your stories!</p><p>I&#39;m a 36 y.o. male in South Australia who has had depression for 22 yrs, medication for 18. Tried Zoloft, Cipramil, Avanza, Effexor, Lexapro and Cymbalta. My main issues are Major Depression and I&#39;ve never been able to keep a regular sleeping routine which has ruined my life, making it very hard to keep regular study or work. I also get anxiety but I&#39;ve never been diagnosed with a disorder.</p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve also been trying to get off Effexor (Venlafaxine) without much luck. I&#39;ve been on it for over 10 years apart from the few months I transitioned to Lexapro (Escitoloparam) and put on 10kg whilst developing a fear of leaving the house. Went onto Cymbalta after that and remember being very angry and anxious all the time so I returned to Effexor.&#160;</p><p></p><p>My last attempt to get off the stuff ended pretty badly. I scaled it down under instructions from my psychiatrist from 150 down to 37.5mg over 4 weeks, and finally to zero. I&#39;d always known there were side effects for dose/medication changes but they usually just manifested as slight vertigo or motion-sickness feeling, a bit of cloudiness etc, but this was awful. After 4 days of no meds I was hysterical because it felt like my brain was on fire. Ever held steel wool over a hot flame? I felt like that was going on inside my head. Doctor was conveniently unavailable at the time so a nurse friend advised me to try opening the capsule and taking one of the 3 pills inside a 37.5mg dose. It worked, but I gradually ended up going back onto 150.&#160;</p><p></p><p>I hate Effexor. I sweat profusely at night and wake up soaking wet and dehydrated. I have low libido and low motivation. I feel nauseous when I try to exercise slightly beyond my comfort level. I feel like I&#39;m only on the stuff because I can&#39;t get off it and there&#39;s no better alternative.&#160;</p><p></p><p>Hearing everyone&#39;s testimonies has given me a bit of optimism though, and maybe with Brintellix in tandem with Valdoxan I can transition a lot cleaner this time. I&#39;m frankly terrified to go through that again <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\" /></p>" ], "date": [ "2016-09-15T17:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/waltermcdonald-382056" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I never heard of it, I had to Google it. I am also interested to hear about it." ], "date": [ "2015-01-30T16:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/totallytiffy1-354720" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi. Not available in us. Severe liver toxicity, not advised here. I will see what others post to learn more. It sounded interesting. Good luck.😊 " ], "date": [ "2015-01-31T01:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/totallytiffy1-354720" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Sorry. Yes its available in UK only. Not us in states. I did find an article about it but ill try looking for you more." ], "date": [ "2015-01-31T13:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/totallytiffy1-354720" ], "content": [ "Ah thank you need all the info I can get before I ask my gp though think will have to change as he doesn't listen to a word I say 👍😉 " ], "date": [ "2015-01-31T16:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/totallytiffy1-354720" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Hi. The reviews I read were excellent re depression. Patients happy. Melatonin helps the sleep pattern. But just please check liver regularly. Our FDA won't approve. Unless it can be gotten from Canada. " ], "date": [ "2015-01-31T16:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/totallytiffy1-354720" ], "content": [ "Really sounds good I suffer bad sleep problems too if I am allowed to have I will keep having liver tests I have to now on venlafaxine ! I am surprised it's not approved in us as what I've read in most of the test patients there wasn't a problem thanks for getting back to me going to see my gp next week 😁" ], "date": [ "2015-01-31T17:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/totallytiffy1-354720" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Sure. I was on what your currently taking and it turned my life around, never had liver testing but blood work was always good. That's what these people on the new drug say, they'll continue liver testing as the positives in depression outweighs risk, plus melatonin to sleep is great as I'm a light sleeper and no sleep means you run risk of anxiety and depression. If its available in Canada I could get there as I did when cymbalta wasn't here yet. Dr faxes script. If fetzima would fail, which I've only been on over a week, good so far. Good luck to stay positive and stick your ground with the new drug. Were all different and it may work better and you don't know till you try.😊 " ], "date": [ "2015-01-31T17:27+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/totallytiffy1-354720" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "It's available in Canada, and works wonders for those with major depression. Wow." ], "date": [ "2015-01-31T17:30+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I want to know if it's available in uk I know you have to have regular liver tests but you have to on venlafaxine ! Valdoxan has very few side effects and does not effect sex either so I have read I can't seem to find anyone who is on it 😏 thanks for your replys guys oh and it doesn't make you put on weight 😁" ], "date": [ "2015-01-31T10:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "Hi Kylie thank you and I'm glad your feeling better off it .\r\nI went to the doctors and he refused to give it to me it's seem not many people in the UK are on it instead he has pescribed Mirtazipine 15mg to start while dropping down from150mg of venlafaxine to 75mg that was 3 weeks ago I have not even started I am absolutely petrified of starting my relationship is a complete mess I don't know how I'm gonna cope with everything going on feel so depressed and my anxiety is off the scale and now I can't sleep x" ], "date": [ "2015-04-04T13:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/frankie37-915888" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "content": [ "Hi louise l was on busparone and was prescribed Mitrazipine 4 weeks ago l have had to call my doctor twice one of the times being today because my panic symptoms seem to have got worse.....yes l was getting a great sleep with them but my mouth is so dry it is sore and my tounge is burnt ....my own doc had to prescribe me gel for my mouth and told me to stop taking them right away....she has given me diazepam till l see therapist on tuesday.....my doc is going to call her to tell her to rethinnk all my meds.....its supposed to be a great drug if it works for you...but unfortunately it didnt for me....so dont be put of by my experience as l said its supposed to be really good if it works for you and it does give you a great sleep which l really needed x" ], "date": [ "2016-01-06T16:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo57386-617721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "Hi Kylie out of interest what are you taking now? I've been on Valdoxan for 2 years now and apart from it having no affect on my dreadful sleep its the best I've found yet except the cost of course. Just like to keep my eye on different things to make sure it is still the best option. I cant take anything eding in ine like mitrazapine or I cant move and function even on quarter a night. Hope you ate feeling well and any feedback would be appreciated. Jo x" ], "date": [ "2016-05-07T04:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jo57386-617721" ], "content": [ "HI Jo, what Im taking now isnt really relevant anymore to this forum as was FINALLY diagnosed correctly with Bipolar II. Am taking Sodium Valproate (mood stabilier) and plus experimenting with Seroquel and other anti depressants. Still have some panic attacks but absolutely no depression and am functioning almost normally. \r\nThe biggest lesson I learnt though which is still relevant to this forum is that if a drug doesnt feel right or isnt working as it should, or if you can FEEL that you are taking something DONT TAKE IT. I have ZERO side effects on Sodium Valproate. \r\nNever again will I stay on something for 1.5 years, knowing that its completely messing me up, just like Valdoxan did,\r\nSo if you want to find a cheaper one or better one keep experiementing if you have to....x" ], "date": [ "2016-05-07T05:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jo57386-617721" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "That's really good advice. We know our bodies and what's normal or not more so than doctors. Stay well x" ], "date": [ "2016-05-07T07:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jojo1032-967724" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kylie19482-675154" ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Kylie,</p><p>Please forgive me if I&#39;m interrupting your conversation here, I was reading through the posts looking for info on Valdoxan and read that you&#39;d finally been diagnosed correctly with Bipolar 2 - seems we&#39;ve had a similar experience, although my diagnosis &#160;was 9 years ago.&#160;</p><p></p><p>All I really wanted to contribute was the name of a drug I finally settled on after a rocky road with Seroquel and various anti-depressants, it&#39;s called Lamotrigine. &#160;It&#39;s an unconventional treatment, given that its actually an anti-convulsant, but it is widely and successfully used here in Australia for BP2. &#160;</p><p></p><p>Not sure if it&#39;s available in your neck of the woods, but I thought it worth mentioning. &#160;Wishing you all the very best on your journey xx</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-16T01:07+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "HI- Its been a while now since your post so maybe a little late- but Im curious to hear if you started taking it? I hope its working out for you.\r\nI stopped taking Valdoxan last week after five months. I have read many online forums about experiences and I must say before sharing my experience that it seems depending on the person - side effects can be VERY different.\r\nI suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks and mild depression. Sure, the Valdoxan immediately helped me to have the GREATEST sleep of my life - got rid the anxiety completely - and I could drink coffee again without turning into a shaking mess!! But it also got rid of my motivation, enthusiasm, passion for life, desire to socialise - if left me severly depressed - because i was so heavily sedated all day (on the lowest dose 25mg) \r\nFeel sooo happy since i stopped taking it - like my old self is back again - and determined to deal with the anxiety with CBT and no meds." ], "date": [ "2015-04-04T01:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "content": [ "Is Valerian the natural herd or do you mean Valdoxan?? Confused!!" ], "date": [ "2017-01-31T11:35+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "Gosh bloody auto-correct (or correctly auto-incorrect) . Should say Valdoxan! Ps haha herd... Oh dear..same for u??\r\n" ], "date": [ "2017-02-01T10:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "content": [ "me too 25mg Valdoxan at night but havent noticed any great changes since.. are you taking anything else with the Valdoxan" ], "date": [ "2017-02-02T11:10+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "<p>hi there,</p><p></p><p>?i&#39;m also taking 200mg of pristiq (trying to wean off). i&#39;m going down to 100mg and the 25mg valdoxan. my dr thinks i could drop the pristiq hopefully. And you?</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-02T11:58+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "content": [ "Yeah I was on 20mg reduced to 10mg Lexapro with it and 200mg Lyrica which has now been reduced to 100mg. I think starting this med and reducing the other two has messed with my brain big time.\r\n\r\nFeel so depressed, its awful" ], "date": [ "2017-02-02T12:16+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Louise,</p><p></p><p>I&#39;m in Sydney with the best GP ever. She had put me on Valerian for anxiety. </p><p>She ordered liver function tests before starting. All good so another test once a bit in I think it was 6 weeks. </p><p>I trust her 100%, she explained the liver risks but seem only valid if liver impaired to start</p><p> Goodluck </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-01-31T11:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maritza_64249-907417" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maritza_64249-907417" ], "content": [ "What MG of Valdoxan are you on" ], "date": [ "2017-02-02T12:17+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ann55375-1001799" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/maritza_64249-907417" ], "content": [ "i am finishing mirtazapine as its done nothing cor my anxiety and depression, just helped sleep\r\n\r\ni am keen to ask psych about valdoxan, what is your opinion of it?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-10T11:27+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi Louise</p><p>I&#39;m taking valdoxan and it&#39;s really nice , I was on mirtazapine and with this med I&#39;ve lost a lot of weight and it&#39;s really nice also helps you to sleep and the next day you don&#39;t feel like drowsy.</p><p></p><p>I hope it helps you.</p><p></p><p>Good luck</p><p>Lot of love.&#128591;&#127999;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-02T11:46+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrsadhi1-1018333" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/louise37661-593448" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrsadhi1-1018333" ], "content": [ "Sorry, Im confused but was it the Valdoxan that caused the weight gain and everything all within 5 days" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T15:47+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrsadhi1-1018333" ], "content": [ "<p>Did you stop your original medication completely and start Valdoxan in one hit? Did your GP recommend that? </p><p>I&#39;m on pristine and Valdoxan together and my GP said take both then we will try reducing pristine dose.</p><p></p><p>Seems too quick to have all these side effect to credit Valdoxan for them! </p><p></p><p>As we can see people are on all sorts of other meds and they all affect people in different ways. What works for one may not work for another.</p><p></p><p></p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mafalda2120-1016582" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "Oops auto-correct PRISTIQ not pristine " ], "date": [ "2017-02-06T19:21+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mrsadhi1-1018333" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "content": [ "The valdoxan did not cause weight gain this was from a previous experience with anti depressants, however considering the loss of enjoyment I had for everything especially my own health and fitness due to the fact I stopped exercising which I love so much, I could see it potentially having that effect. I do not suffer from depression, and found within those few days, my mood totally dropped and I was emotional and feeling hopeless and suicidal. After I stopped it my mood totally lifted. This may not be the same for everybody, but for me it actually made me depressed when my main issue is only anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2017-03-03T11:23+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ellebi-7776" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mrsadhi1-1018333" ], "content": [ "Did you find you lost enjoyment from the Valdoxan?\r\n\r\nWhat meds are you on now?" ], "date": [ "2017-03-07T12:26+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I struggle with anxiety it is prevalent throughout my whole family, my biological father is diagnosed bipolar in denial. I have struggled with ptsd from a past abusive relationship and am in recovery. I recently went through some extreme anxiety situations and had difficulty coping, my throat was tight constantly and I struggled emotionally. Previously my doctor prescribed oxazepam, but when I went for a repeat script I was given sample packs of valdoxan. I have previously taken anti depressants which didn&#39;t work, I found it curbed the anxiety but am not generally depressed. I gained 20kg, slept all day then became depressed through lack of motivation, I have stopped taking this tablet after 5 days, within 3 days I felt no emotion or motivation, I stopped my gym activities which I love. I had sleep problems, i slept well up until two am but woke up worrying about everything and anything. By day four I felt suicidal which is not normal for me at all, I had no joy for life, and becoming paranoid in my relationship with my husband. Day five I had horrendous night terrors, screaming and crying in my sleep. I have no intention of taking this medication any longer as I feel it will do more harm than good and has too many serious side effects. I strongly recommend other solutions if you have anxiety to deal with it as this medication created a depression that was not even there.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-02-04T10:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/who-is-taking-valdoxan-please-359095?order=oldest&page=10#topic-replies" } ]
who is taking valdoxan ??? please
I'm taking venlafaxine feel very ill on it I suffer Gad and deppresion I would like to try valdoxan will my gp change it ? I have awful side effects on venlafaxine had enough please any information on valdoxan would be massively appreciated thank you
Burning and Tingling
I have posted on here recently before and I am besides myself with worry now. Jan kindly reassured me last time about certain twitches and pains I have been having but now I am convinced I have MS or another progressive Nuerological illness. I now have a tingling sensation on the tip of my nose and my ear lobe is burning and feels tingly aswell, I also have tingling across my left side on my face and my eye is still twitching terribly. I've started getting migraines a lot more often and strange flashed and black spots that dart around my eye. My right arm feels numb however I have put that down a trapped nerve as moving my arm backwards hurts. I have a CT scan booked however I never wanted a CT scan, my bloods came back clear. I just wanted a referral to Nuerology who I've never spoken to and wanted to see. I'm honestly besides myself and had a first panic attack today for about 7 years. I just feel like all these symptoms can't just be anxiety but I don't know. they're certainly not in my head as I've had them for about a month and half now. please help me understand :(
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lost_and_wander-1137633" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "this is a little long, but I am a veteran of stress and anxiety and all of the sensations and fears that go along with it. I’ve learned some things along the way. \r\nI’m really sorry you’re going through this. I know exactly what it feels like. I am in my 50s and I remember when I was in my late 20s I suddenly had several scary sensations such as muscle weakness, ringing in my ear, floaters in my eyes, a vibration, feeling in my head, arms and legs. I thought I had some horrible disease. But every test was normal. Ended up being. Watt I call a physical breakdown from the stress and anxiety since childhood. \r\nEven in my adult years, I would worry worry worry about the future. What if? What if? What if something happens to my children? or I don’t have enough money? just everything! \r\nAll of that was a complete waste of time. They say that worry is like a rocking chair. It keeps you busy, but gets you absolutely nowhere.\r\nIt’s really really important. I learned to live in the present moment. The past and future do not exist. The past is just memories. What we can do is make plans, of course, but to constantly focus about the future is futile. \r\nand that is most likely the cause of your stomach issues. I developed severe gastritis from worrying and job, stress, verbal abuse in marriage. it was awful and went on for quite a while. and I also had job dissatisfaction and I ended up getting divorced. So I pretty much had the same things going on as you. had to take a leave of absence for my stress and anxiety and gastritis.\r\nif I could say one thing, it would be to take care of your health! \r\nNo job is worth losing your health over. I ended up leaving my job. \r\nSomehow things work out. It might not be exactly as you expected it to be, but it will work out. \r\nTake one day at a time. \r\nThere are some great meditations on YouTube for anxiety, over thinking, etc. It’s really important to relax your mind as much as possible. \r\nI am worried for over 20 some years and nothing bad ever happened. I can’t get back any of those days. \r\nTry to stay in the counseling, even if you start to feel a little better. It always helps to have somebody to vent to and get some help. I do virtual counseling and it works great. Feel free to private message me anytime. ive been Through it all. \r\ntake care of you! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T19:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/what-to-do-when-you-feel-overwhelmed--800542?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lost_and_wander-1137633" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "also, I started exercising, which releases good hormones in the brain to make you feel more relaxed. Stayed away from caffeine and junk food also. " ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T19:50+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/what-to-do-when-you-feel-overwhelmed--800542?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
What to do when you feel overwhelmed?
It's been a strange year. After a stressful (if not sometimes wonderful) 2022, I vowed an adventurous and stress-free 2023. Instead I've lost myself. I've been having gut issues which has sent my anxiety spiralling, and caused bouts of depression to hang heavy upon me. I'm seeking intermittent physical and mental help for this. Yet lately? Alongside relationship issues, financial uncertainty, and job dissatisfaction, I feel I'm losing myself. I'm like a bound of energy. I am passionate about what (and whom) I love. I try to remain positive in the face of adversity. Try to brush aside my worries and fear. At the moment? I can't. I'm feeling overwhelmed. I worry endlessly about the future. I lament about the present - mostly because of my gut issues, I confess. My Wife asks what's up. I can't keep saying the same thing over-and-over. That I'm having another bad day. Any advice or thoughts on how to help cope? Thank you
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gareth89785-1279345" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/gareth89785-1279345" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "hi thanks for the reply, i have been struggling with Stress/ anxiety for years now. I do need to start watch what im eating, exercise more and try and learn new techniques to combat it. Reading your reply has put me at ease so thanks again really appreciate it. I just need to learn how to relax a lot more amd not worry as much! My job can be quite stressful and do tend to not turn myself off!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-27T09:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gareth89785-1279345" ], "content": [ "If there’s one thing, I can tell you from all of my past experience, it’s take care of yourself!! \r\nTake care of yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I learned that I had to make it my first priority. If we don’t have our health, we don’t have anything.\r\nGet some exercise, routinely, practice anxiety, reducing techniques, get on YouTube and look for some meditations specifically for anxiety. you can also get some virtual counseling if you like. To help manage it.\r\nAlso, notice how you breathe when you are working on overload. Is it shallow breathing? That’s when you need to stop and start taking long slow deep breaths, to calm down.\r\nAlways remember that we have to put ourselves first. That’s not being selfish. \r\nThere is no job that is worth losing our health over. I did the same thing you are doing which is not turning it off and burning myself out. I had to take a leave of absence. After that, I realized that I needed to come first. Even over my job. Worry was my biggest enemy and it can literally make you sick. Then I finally learned that no matter what happens even if I lost my job, something will work out. It’s just not worth it to get sick over worry and stress. Take care of yourself! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-27T13:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "actually, it can definitely be related to anxiety! I am what you call a veteran of anxiety. I had it starting in childhood and I am now in my 50s. I’ve learned a lot along the way. When I was in my 20s, I suddenly came down with all kinds of‘ sensations that were so scary I thought I had a horrible disease. My arms and legs were weak. And I had a vibration, feeling in my brain, arms, legs., Floaters in my eyes, felt like somebody was sitting on my chest. It was hard to take in air., Ringing in my ear and yes, even when I went to pick up something I felt exactly what you feel ! \r\nlong story short, all of my testing was normal.\r\nIt came down to me, actually figuring out that the long term, anxiety and stress I had for 26 years, took such a toll on my body that my body had a breakdown. It’s like the straw that broke the camels back.\r\nso with you having anxiety, I’m not actually not surprised that is happening. Anxiety takes a toll on the body. I can definitely cause weakness. Anxiety tends to target the nervous system. Which intern, can target the muscles, and make them feel weak. Or even just shaky. But no sensations of anxiety or harmful. I’ve had them on and off for all these years. Mostly only one I was really anxious. So I am still here. Rest your body and avoid caffeine, sugar and junk foods. Stay hydrated. I do hope you feel better soon. Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T10:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shaky-muscles-800462?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/nofruit2245-1464438" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/gareth89785-1279345" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi, interested in the following comment, \"even my breathing if I have a deep breath sometimes my breathing seems broken?\"\r\n\r\nInterested in exactly what you mean by broken? As i may be experiencing something similar myself. Sometimes deep breathing could be jittery/jumpy\r\n\r\nBut yes, at the core, shaking can be tired/fatigued/tense muscles which can be created through long term anxiety issues" ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T09:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/shaky-muscles-800462?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Shaky Muscles
Hi, I have recently been getting Shaky/ jittery muscles. This all started probably a month ago. My muscles in my arm shake when either lift things not all the time but sometimes but they don't have to be heavy things. My neck seems to also shake when I turn my head to a certain point and if I'm lying down and sit up my stomach muscles will start to tremble too. The way I can describe shaking it's like if you're holding a plank position and the muscles start to get tired and you start to shake. Also when I bend down my muscles feel jittery and even my breathing if I have a deep breath sometimes my breathing seems broken? Them yeaterday to too it off i was using my deodrant and when i pressed the top of it my hand that i was usuing was shaking a lot but today it hasnt happend so i have no clue whats goong on! In a previous post I've put about twitching muscles which has subsided a bit but still get the odd random muscle twitch. I have quite bad anxiety at the best of times but surely this can't be down to anxiety??? Sorry for going on about it!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alana1990-1464373" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/alana1990-1464373" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "hi thank you for your reply. \r\n\r\nthis has re assured me a bit more. yes the anxiety is scaring me. i just keep questioning do i want to get married? i feel different to when i got engaged 2 years ago. like suddenly all scared and questioning is this the right time right person? but i keep thinking if i had doubts they would of popped up before now? i am having therapy at the moment and ive even been signed off work its that bad. its hard because my anxiety keeps flipping from one to the other and its frightening me. because i feel this way i feel withdrawn from everyone and everything. do you know anyone who has experienced this?" ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T06:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alana1990-1464373" ], "content": [ "sorry, this is long, but I think I should’ve been a counselor ha ha so your doubts are mainly you questioning if you really want to get married? It’s not anything about your fiancé ? \r\nhave your feelings changed about him? \r\nglad you are getting some counseling . \r\nSo I’m way older than you and I do know Several people who have gone through this. I can tell you that they are all still happily married. This is common.\r\nif I could tell single people, one thing about marriage, it would be to marry your best friend!! I wouldn’t have it any other way.\r\nwould he be gone if you didn’t get married? Or would you stay together?\r\nThen you ask yourself if I didn’t get married what would I be doing? Would it be fulfilling? \r\nHope I’m not confusing you, but I think the main thing is to go with your heart. \r\nno matter what decision you make, it will work out. You may have to make adjustments here or there, but something is going to work out for you. When I ruminate about decisions, my daughter always says. \"OK what’s the worst that can happen?\" and she’s right. Even if we make the wrong decision, we can still adjust things to work for us.\r\nDon’t let anxiety and fear control you. I know what that feels like. Just go over your options. Give it a little time and then make a decision. Nothing is worse than ruminating in your head over and over. It’s miserable. \r\nThat’s something you can explore with the counselor . \r\nremember, you’re going to be OK.! No matter what decision you make." ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T12:51+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "It’s normal to have wedding anxiety. It’s a big change in your life. A lot of people go through this. \r\nYou have been together for five years which is some thing. I wish that more people would do before they got married. You’ve been together long enough to know if you want to be with this person. for the rest of your life. and it sounds like you do.\r\nIf you can say that he is your best friend, you can trust him, that he has your back in any situation, that he respects you, and that you can’t imagine, being without him, there’s good communication, you have the makings of a great marriage! \r\nIt’s very normal to have the wedding jitters. But everything is going to work out. Sounds like you have a great relationship.\r\nalso, the fact that he is very supportive of you right now is awesome! He sounds like a great guy.\r\nis there a specific reason you are questioning the wedding? Or is it just the anxiety questioning it? remember that anxiety can put scary and negative thoughts into our head that are not really based on fact or reality.\r\nfind ways to calm down your mind. Listen to some meditations for anxiety on YouTube. You may just be over thinking everything because it’s a big step. \r\nYou can even speak with a counselor I think that would help you a lot! You could even do virtual counseling. A counselor could put all this in perspective for you \r\nI have a feeling everything is going to work out great for you. It’s hard to find a guy these days with all of those qualities. No marriage is 100% perfect. it takes good communication and compromise. \r\nI wish you all the best! Congratulations❤\r\n\r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T02:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wedding-nerves-anxiety-800308?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alana1990-1464373" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Imagine it like a roller coaster, you're always nervous and even when you sit on the carriage you're anxiety is through the roof! but then the adrenaline kicks in and before you know it you're back in the station wanting to go round again and when you look back the nerves were normal but the ride was amazing 😁 " ], "date": [ "2023-05-22T17:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wedding-nerves-anxiety-800308?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lost_and_wander-1137633" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/alana1990-1464373" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hey, \r\n\r\nI went through the same thing last year - in July, actually. \r\n\r\nMy Wife and I both suffer from anxiety at various degrees. Building up to it was non-stop anxiety inducing! A concoction of worry, and frustration, mixed with self-doubt. \r\n\r\nI think for many people though, especially those more prone to be anxious, it's a very normal reaction.\r\n\r\nI can't offer any advice. Just to say that it will pass. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't focus, I couldn't get excited. \r\n\r\nYou know what though? Through the nerves, my Wedding Day was one of the best days of my life - if not the best day. Did we have unexpected problems? Of course! It changed nothing though. \r\n\r\nIt will be worth it. Your anxiety will eventually pass. You'll be glad you had such a special day.\r\n\r\nI hope it will go well. In fact, I know it will. \r\n\r\nBest wishes " ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T07:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/wedding-nerves-anxiety-800308?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Wedding nerves-anxiety
hi just looking for some advice. i am due to marry my H2B In august this year and the wedding anxiety has started to kick in. we have been together for 5 years nearly and never had any relationship problems. now all of a sudden ive got wedding anxiety/nerves which are crippling me at the moment not being able to sleep and always on edge. i suffer with anxiety anyway and i am on medication. i am very happy in my relationship but now my anxiety has kicked in i keep asking questioning myself about our upcoming marriage is this normal? has anyone experienced anxiety like this. it is making me feel uneasy. H2B Is very supportive. how can i deal with this anxiety?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/chelsealouise33-965583" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Since having anxiety I have had head ache achy numbness all on my left side. It seems all left sided and I think it&#39;s to do with anxiety.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-09T13:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/richard89308-134330" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "your descriptions almost sounded like you were having a stroke but as you have recovered it must have been a bad high that you took." ], "date": [ "2016-08-09T17:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jenni101183-924547" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Good afternoon , since having anxiety , I have pressure in my head off and on , headaches in different parts of my head , and tightness in my neck and shoulders and a lot of tension " ], "date": [ "2016-08-09T17:22+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cia42277-952470" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cia42277-952470" ], "content": [ "<p>Thank you <img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/smile.gif\" alt=\"smile\" /> I&#39;m unable to take meds because I&#39;m breastfeeding but I am looking down the natural route. </p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-09T19:07+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cia42277-952470" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "content": [ "<p>Have you checked on line for the foods that help hypothyroid? I am headed to the store tomorrow to stock up. It&#39;s a delicious list.<img src=\"http://s8.patient.media/forums/emoticons/wink.gif\" alt=\"wink\" /></p><p></p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-09T19:22+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Are you kidding, dear Heather? We ALL have these symptoms...and more. This is an anxiety forum, and we are all dealing with this. It sounds to me that your doctors do actually know what they are talking about!!!&#160; I am amazed that you have not been put on an anti anxiety med by now.</p><p></p><p>If you will scroll down other discussions here on anxiety, you will see your story over and over again...including not believing the doctors. It will help you tremendously to read other&#39;s posts.</p><p></p><p>My doctor spotted anxiety right away...I believe and trust this man, so when he put me on meds, I agreed. Within days I saw a difference. I became calm enough to stumble on this forum which has helped me so very much.</p><p></p><p>I also was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which is another kettle of fish....but am dealing with it. In this case, the meds will take two more weeks to really get me level again...but I can handle two more weeks.</p><p></p><p>You will get other responses here from lovely, compassionate people who will help you help yourself....but please do scroll other discussions, it will help. Hugs to you Heather.</p>" ], "date": [ "2016-08-09T17:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katie03050-1091374" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Yes!! I have had the exact same thing - tingling all down my left hand side for over a year now, but worst in my hand and foot. Started around the same time as me developing pretty bad anxiety and depression. Took me a long time to get doctors to do anything about it as they just said it was due to the anxiety.</p><p></p><p>However, I&#39;ve recently had a load of blood tests which showed I&#39;m vitamin B12 deficient, which apparently could explain it so I&#39;m now on supplements. I&#39;m also booked for an MRI scan (presumably also to rule out MS).</p><p></p><p>I&#39;d recommend anyone to get their B12 levels checked if experiencing similar things - B12 deficiency can mimic some of the symptoms of MS, and can also be the underlying cause of anxiety/depression.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-10-07T17:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/fiona66001-1093405" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Dear Heather. Such an old post but wonder how you are doing now ? " ], "date": [ "2017-10-14T08:18+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/julie04722-1122909" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>I am in the same situation right now. I went to my Dr and he said it&#39;s anxiety. I have suffered from anxiety since I was 12. But I was always able to control it and it would go away. But after having my second baby the anxiety got bad, tinggling, twitching, tension on my throat and jaw. He checked my thyroid, b12, and all that can be causing the tingling and twitching and came back clear. I noticed if you focus on the pain or tingling it will keep going more. So I suggest to just keep your mind occupied with chores,etc. Go shopping, go out distract your self. Anxiety makes you feel and thibk you have something more serious, then what it actually is. </p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-16T17:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/virgocrescent17-1123072" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hello, I know exactly how you feel. Anxiety can cause many different symptoms. If you&#39;ve had an MRI and have seen several doctors, then you are okay. I personally have been struggling with anxiety for the past month and a half and I have been worried about whether or not I&#39;m dying. I have visited an urgent care doctor, an E.R physician, a primary care doctor, a neurologist, and a chiropractor. All of these doctors I have visited have all told me the same thing which is &quot;You&#39;re okay&quot; and &quot;You&#39;re not dying&quot;. It&#39;s been hard for me to fully comprehend that these symptoms really do stem from anxiety. I&#39;ve had may different symptoms and these symptoms aren&#39;t constant. I&#39;m very young by the way. I&#39;m currently in my last year of high-school and I have recently started a job. When I&#39;m at my job, for the most part, I feel perfectly fine. When I hang out with my friends, family, or my boyfriend, for the most part, I feel okay. However, I have physical symptoms that aren&#39;t necessarily painful, but they really do bother me. Honestly, your symptoms can be caused from a number of things, things that aren&#39;t serious though. Doctors are very intelligent people and they go through tons of schooling to work in the medical field as the position they are in. You are perfectly okay and you have MRI results to prove it. I would suggest seeking therapy, as therapy can help a-lot. Try to distract yourself from these feelings of anxiety. Trust me, I know what you&#39;re going through. Sometimes it can be hard to believe your doctors when they tell you that nothing is wrong with you. Because you feel the physical symptoms to prove something could be wrong with you. Just be assured that you&#39;re okay. You just have to be strong and tell yourself that nothing is wrong. I hope this reply was some help to you and I hope you start to feel better soon.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-11-17T05:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/s02955-1139880" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi</p><p>I hope I can help you though I am not a good English speaker;</p><p>first time I had tingling sensation on my left side of face, it didn&#39;t go away until I boiled water and let the water vapours rich my face ofcourse from a distance(using a kettel)</p><p>however I got the same tingling sensation a week after, but this time not only in my face but in my hand and leg as well. even I was feeling it sometime in right side of my body. and it is right when I was thinking of it it was worse.</p><p>the day after I remembered that last week&#160; the water vapours let the tingling sensation go. so agained I tried it and it worked out.</p><p>So everytime I was getting this pins on my face and legs..I was doing the same but I was feeling lightheadedness afterwards.&#160;</p><p>Anyhow I decided to visit emergency, I thought it might be a clot;</p><p>In the hospital they told me it is not any emergent case, they send me to an Internal specialist,</p><p>thanks God he started by checking my ears!</p><p>he told me it is all due to your earwax!</p><p>you have to visit ENT!</p><p>The ENT specialist gave me a drop and washed my ears two days after!</p><p>All those tingling sensations which I was thinking is due to MS or a blood clot is gone after the ear wax was removed.</p><p>I am thankful to GOD that I didnt visit a neuro specialist at that time!</p><p>&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-01-14T05:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raechfff-1167728" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/martha22206-1167869" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/raechfff-1167728" ], "content": [ "I have exactly the same symptoms as you do. They driving me crazy." ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T15:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/raechfff-1167728" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/martha22206-1167869" ], "content": [ "Have you gone to the neurologist or something??? Because sometimes i feel that there’s something wrong with my nerves. I have started going to an acupuncturist. " ], "date": [ "2018-04-10T16:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello heather2905. How you’ve been? I’m experiencing the same symptoms and my doctor told me the same thing, anxiety, however the symptoms gets worse every single day and the back of my neck also hurts amd a little chest pain too. Anyway, the doctor told me to see a psychologist, I haven’t gone yet but I will as soon as I get the appointment. I currently am going to an acupuncturist and it does help. \r\nAre you taking any medication for your anxiety? Did it help? I’m also afraid of this symptoms and I get a little paranoid whenever I feel this symptoms. \r\nI hope you feel better. \r\n\r\n" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T02:27+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/racheld1975-1074384" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dan1elle-1384998" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/racheld1975-1074384" ], "content": [ "could I ask what meds you were taking please? " ], "date": [ "2023-05-29T07:02+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Yes!!! I am constantly checking the mirror thinking that I am &quot;stroking out&quot;!!! My Mom had a stroke almost 2 years ago and I take care of her and I am scared of ending up like her. I have had these symptoms for years and have always had this fear but after my Mom had her stroke my health anxiety kicked into high gear about it. I went to the ER recently because I was having numbness and tingling in my lips and around my mouth, my tongue felt like it was swelling and I felt like I couldn&#39;t swallow and I was basically going to choke on my own tongue. I have woken up with blurred vision in one eye a few random times as well as getting that feeling that my face is drooping or tight and I feel like I&#39;m drooling. I also feel like I&#39;m talking funny and forget what I&#39;m trying to say. I have had several CT scans on my head and they were all normal, no signs of stroke. They just keep telling me it is all from anxiety. I also have a ton of other symptoms, mainly the classic heart attack symptoms and digestive issues, pretty much everything you will find listed under anxiety and panic attacks. I am currently having issues with my left upper thigh/groin area. I feel like I have a blood clot or like someone is twisting the veins inside my leg and that goes along with pain in the &quot;veins&quot; in the side of my neck, All of which I have been to the emergency room for more than once just to be told it is probably anxiety. I have a questionable thyroid, hypo, but have never been to a specialist and the regular doctors never investigated more than to do the normal testing which would come back abnormal and then send me for a repeat which would come back normal so they would say I was ok. I don&#39;t have insurance anymore and cannot afford to see a doctor out of pocket so I haven&#39;t been seen by a doctor outside of the emergency room is like 2 or 3 years now,which means no meds, no therapy, no further investigation. I will say that when I was under the care of my last doctor and on a combination of medication and in counseling I felt the best I&#39;d ever felt. She was a doctor that made me feel like she actually cared, she listened and started running every test on the planet to try and figure out if there was anything else medical causing the anxiety symptoms. I found out I MIGHT have pernicious anemia, I was getting iron infusions and b12 injections but the last thing she did when I lost my insurance was order more testing, she wasn&#39;t sure if that was exactly the right diagnosis or not. She was sending me to a specialist for the thyroid, never got there either. She ruled out a lot of things, and was treating me for a few things too. She had me on one medication that was used for fibro/wide spread pain as well as sleep issues along with my anxiety medications. I really felt like a semi functional human. My best advice is to get treatment for the anxiety and your thyroid issues, at the very least you might get some relief from the symptoms that are coming from those things. Best of luck!!!</p>" ], "date": [ "2018-04-03T15:23+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/katy18510-1180193" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>Hi Heather, It took many years and many doctors but i had many of the same symptoms and it turned out it was from Lyme Disease. It&#39;s something to check out. It didn&#39;t show up in the regular test they needed to do a western blot test. Now I have fibromyalgia, anxiety and more but the stroke like migraines have stopped after 8 months of antibiotics. It has similar symptoms to MS and I never had a rash or even knew I was bit by a tick. </p>" ], "date": [ "2018-05-16T03:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jordan76951-1180597" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/heather2905-721286" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi Heather- I’ve recently been having every single symptom you just listed. I have been having bad neck and back issues for a few months. And started noticing the top of my left arm was numb but not enough to bother me. I then smoked weed (legally) and it was a horrible experience. My entire left side went numb. My face all the way down to my toes. I seriously thought i was having a stroke it was the scariest thing. I thought i would sleep it off and i didn’t. Since then i have had on and off numbness only on my left side! It’s like a wave will come over me and everything goes numb. I also have blurred vision and constant brain fog. Super tired and just not myself. This has now been going on for a month. I have had MRIs of the brain and spine and an  EMG which both came back completely normal.. and have consistently been seeing a chiropractor which i seem to find a little relief from for pain in my neck and back. But I’m still feeling the neurological symptoms. I have also started a gluten free diet to see if that will help anything.. It has been miserable and i feel like such a mystery. Did you ever find out what was going on with you? I’m desperate to get to the bottom of this! Thanks in advance :) " ], "date": [ "2018-05-17T14:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/these-symptoms-ruining-my-life-tingling-left-side-of-body--528148?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" } ]
These symptoms ruining my life! Tingling left side of body.
<p>Hi everyone, </p><p></p><p>Apologies for the length of this ramble, I&#39;m just feeling very confused alone and fearful. I would like to know if anyone gets these symptoms and how they got diagnosed? Because all Dr&#39;s say it&#39;s stress/anxiety related. </p><p></p><p>four years ago I took a legal high and had a terrible experience on it. A couple weeks later I had a full blown migraine with aura (intense pins &amp; needles down one side of my body with numbness - no weakness or anything). So basically since then, I&#39;ve been getting weird left sided symptoms like buzzing, tingling, tiredness, creepy-crawly feelings, feeling like my mouth on the left side is drooping and drooling - but then when I look in the mirror its not. And it feels like I have slight loss of sensation, very slight. I get this on the left side of my face, neck, left hand and sole of my left foot. I get brain fog, depersonalisation, really bad anxiety and this all makes me quite low. I get periods where I feel very tired and nauseas too. These symptoms come and go, sometimes when they come they last for months, sometimes days. They can wax and wane throughout the day and are usually worse if I have no sleep and in the mornings and evenings (afternoons are usually okay). They can get worse when I&#39;m really stressed and anxious, and worse when I focus on them too. Sometimes they go during the day and I&#39;m only left with a slight buzzing in the left foot. </p><p></p><p>I&#39;ve had an MRI and saw a nuerologist to rule out MS (I&#39;m a MAJOR hypochondriac and am TERRIFIED of MS - so part of me thinks my symptoms are psychosomatic or fuctional neurological symptoms that are mirroring MS, as I&#39;m sure they appeared and worsened when I focused on them.) please don&#39;t mention MS - unless it&#39;s to reassure me that I DON&#39;T have it haha. &gt;.&lt;</p><p></p><p>I have hypothyroidism too. I&#39;ve seen around 7 different Dr&#39;s and they ALL say it&#39;s stress related. </p><p></p><p>But I&#39;ve been looking a lot on CFS forums and I&#39;ve seen a lot of people talking about sensory tingling sensations and some people even mentioning them being one sided. </p><p></p><p>So basically I would like to know if anyone else experiences these symptoms? If you have heard of these being Anxiety related please let me know! I have a Dr&#39;s appointment next week so I&#39;d like to mention this to him!</p><p></p><p>Huge thankyou to anyone who replies! </p>
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brody54586-1462639" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "All the time Jan, I find I have mind pops about the purpose of existence or a random thought about something I did 10 years ago that I regret. \r\nCompletely random but harmless! I usually forget I thought about it a day later! Maybe anxiety mixed with an active mind can cause these thoughts? similarly to how health anxiety can make you think you are dying for something as simple as a sore forehead! Us anxious folk have very intelligent brains surprisingly and sometimes we just can't stop thinking no matter what it is! " ], "date": [ "2023-05-27T20:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/mind-pops-800471?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Does anybody with anxiety ever get a random mind pop? It’s where I’ll just be doing something and all of a sudden a thought pops in my mind but it almost doesn’t make sense . and it only lasts a few seconds or so. It’s hard to explain. It’s not anything I was thinking about. Just wondering if anybody else experienced this ?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annette93565-1437511" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "yes, what we focus on in our thoughts will magnify. So if you’re constantly thinking about the sensations, you’re having, you are telling your brain that something is wrong, even though nothing may be wrong at all. and the sensations will increase.\r\nIf we think about positive things then positive thoughts will increase. \r\nyou have to be consistent every time you get a scary thought, acknowledge it, but then let it go. Picture at floating off in the sky. Do it every single time. And then think about something happy, or get busy with something. \r\nI find that when I have too much time on my hands, the negative thoughts come pouring in my head. I also find that when I do something for somebody else I’m so involved with that that I don’t have any negative thoughts.\r\nDon’t let negative thoughts just hang around and take root. \r\nAlso, did you let your doctor know that you are having those sensations? It’s always good to follow up with your doctor. i’ve had sensations like that on and off when I am anxious for many years. Hope you feel better soon." ], "date": [ "2023-05-25T22:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/thoughts-800444?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Ive posted on this site a few times about my constant head symptoms, pain , pressure, swaying, dizziness, to see if anyone else can relate, my question is does anyone think that my constant thoughts of the symptoms making it appear , i dont how to not think about it when its always there almost 2 years. Ty for listening and God bless all
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tina170-1464666" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so sorry you are going through this. I know how bad anxiety can get because I’ve had it all my life. I am older than you and I had three children who are doing just fine. They are grown adults. \r\nare there any new mother groups that you know of? My daughter found some on Facebook I believe in her area and they are a great support for new mothers. It’s great to talk things out with other people who can help.\r\nAlso, I think it would help a lot if you got some counseling. You could even do it virtually if it’s hard to leave your house. Support is what you need right now.\r\nYour baby is going to be OK. Yes they can feel or sense when the mother is anxious but it’s good to be aware of that so that you can. Find ways to calm yourself down when you’re with the baby. This is why getting some support would be great. \r\nAlways remember that practicing controlled breathing is key to obtaining a sense of calm especially with the baby. start searching for breathing exercises on YouTube and anxiety meditations. \r\nand enjoy your baby! Think of what you are grateful for every single day. The baby stage goes fast, so don’t miss out on any precious moments! Take one day at a time. One moment at a time. Breathe! \r\nEverything is going to be OK. I always remember when I felt somewhat anxious, I would hold my baby and sing lullabies. That was actually also calm me down. And babies love that closeness with mom! \r\nIt’s more important what you do now than you being anxious during pregnancy. Take care of yourself.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-05-26T12:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-anxiety-during-pregnancy-800431?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sasical72-1279105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/tina170-1464666" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Tina,\r\n\r\nThe fact that you are concerned about how your anxiety will affect your baby just shows that you are a caring and concerned Mum, so your baby will be fine.\r\n\r\nAnxiety is horrible and hormones and lack of sleep and just general worry about the baby and sometimes lack of help can all make it worse. \r\n\r\nIt's important to speak to your doctor, maybe try another different medication, I did terribly on all the ones I had tried until they put me on mirt, sometimes it's quite a lot s trial and error until you find the right one, but once you do it is so helpful.\r\n\r\nAnd just be sure to take any kind of help you can get, both for practical things (like hekp with the baby so you can take naps) and for things like therapy.\r\n\r\nI hope you will feel a little better soon! x" ], "date": [ "2023-05-26T20:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/severe-anxiety-during-pregnancy-800431?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Severe anxiety during pregnancy
Hi everyone, I suffered from severe panic disorder during pregnancy and wondered if any mommas been through same here? Unfortunately my pregnancy been horrible and I couldn't enjoy a bit it was like having a very long panic attack for many months non stop. It was hard for me to function properly or even to eat, I would be sweating, shaking or puke from how panicky and anxious I was 24/7. It was very hard for me and postpartum isn't helping either I also suffer from pure ocd and I managed to convinced myself I messed up my baby from the constant anxiety since doctors told me same. Grateful if Any mommas been through extreme constant anxiety during pregnancy and baby is ok willing to share with me please? I feel i cant bare this panic anymore and I tried so many medications already. Please help me!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soumya61683-1464738" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sk8241121-1464725" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I hope you get recoverd@@@@ \r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-05-26T06:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-a-lot-to-have-on-your-plate-my-anxiety-is-very-bad-right-now-800451?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/soumya61683-1464738" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sk8241121-1464725" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "U.S is a good place to stay btw" ], "date": [ "2023-05-26T06:38+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/is-this-a-lot-to-have-on-your-plate-my-anxiety-is-very-bad-right-now-800451?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Is this a lot to have on your plate? My anxiety is very bad right now
to keep it short - i am currently going through a divorce which i did not see coming... this is what triggered my severe anxiety/anxiety attacks about 2 years ago. We are not on good terms due to him cheating and draining our bank account and drugs etc. i am currently going through immigration in the US.. which is stressful to begin with but adding in a divorce makes it feel a lot more overwehlming... i moved across the country to get away from everything but am now in a situation living in an apartment with cockroaches (my biggest phobia of life) and also an awful room mate that is doing everything they can to not let me move out of this apartment (threats about the lease, attacking my character, saying shes never speaking to me again and we are no longer friends) all because im trying to save my mental health by leaving this apartment due to my phobia... the building has offered us a FREE out and she is refusing and saying im ruining her life.... did i mention shes also my manager at work? i just want to be in a clean safe space but my home and my job neather feel that way... i havent used my kitchen in a month and me and my cats just stay in my room all the time... i feel like im living another nightmare. walking on eggshells all the time. i haven't been eating or anything really just not feeling like myself. Also have been sick with a very bad cough for a week now... i just want to get out of this place and move to a whole new city. tough not having your family in the same country and feeling pretty alone. long rant but anyone going through anything like this or anyone with tips on helping anxiety through any of this would be amazing xo
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/roy47530-354952" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sorry you’re having that pain. Have you let your doctor know about this? That would be the first best step to take if you haven’t done so already.\r\nit could be caused by a variety of things. But it’s best to get it checked out. \r\nIn the meantime, try to stay away from caffeine, junk foods, and sugar, which is inflammatory in nature.\r\navoid acidic foods, especially before bedtime. And keep hydrated.\r\nare you able to eat without any issues?\r\nlet us know how you are doing! \r\nTake care" ], "date": [ "2023-05-24T15:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-stomach-pain--800403?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/roy47530-354952" ], "author_to": [], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/roy47530-354952" ], "content": [ " have you had any testing done of the abdominal area? Just wondering if the doctors had ordered anything.\tkeep in touch with the doctor . if it continues, you can request that the doctor orders a test if not done so already. I would think that they would have done possibly a CT scan or MRI or similar. hope this gets figured out soon. So you don’t have to have that off and on pain. we are here for you!" ], "date": [ "2023-05-25T20:37+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Many thanks for your reply.\r\n\r\nHave tried the GP a couple of time and they seem to think that it is IBS, but the medication does not seem to help.\r\nIt does come and goes, I can have 3/4 days with the pain followed by a few days without, then back it comes again, it's like a tightness across the whole of the stomach area." ], "date": [ "2023-05-25T16:16+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anxiety-and-stomach-pain--800403?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Anxiety and stomach pain.
For the past couple of months I have been waking at about 4am with stomach pain and been unable to get back to sleep, just laying awake makes me anxious. From mid morning onwards all is well. I do have a history of being anxious and way back in my 30's [now 82] suffered with 7 years of depression but nothing since. Any ideas or suggestions how I can overcome this. Thank you.
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/courtney07308-1464645" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "sounds like you are having some panic mixed in with the anxiety. Causing you to feel like you can’t breathe.\r\nSomething that could really help you is learning how to breathe properly when you have anxiety. The breath is the key to calming everything down. \r\nGet on YouTube and search for breathing for anxiety or something similar. Practice it a couple times a day at least. When we don’t breathe properly, we’re not getting fully oxygenated. This increases \r\nanxiety and panic. \r\nalso, you might think about getting some counseling for the anxiety and how you’re feeling now. It could be very beneficial! Take care." ], "date": [ "2023-05-25T03:17+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-i-don-t-know-who-i-am-anymore-800420?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Help I don’t know who I am anymore
I have suffered from anxiety for majority of my life. However last week I started to feel like I couldn't breath and became obsessed over a wheeze on my chest. Went too see multiple doctors getting conflicting advice. None which i believed then i was told it was suffering from survivor anxiety. Constantly feeling like i need to gasp for a breath, yawning helps and it feels like an addiction i cant stop. It then makes me feel like Im choking Im off my food, starved myself for days as it makes me wretch and makes me worse and then makes me feel more breathless. Nothing makes it better and when im out its even Worse. I have trouble coming to terms with it as there was no trigger that i am aware of that started it off. My partner of 14 years left me to for the first time ever as we are side by side always apart from work. People are telling me that this was my trigger? I feel like my anxiety is unmanageable now he's back? non lf this makes sense. Feel like ive lost myself and font know how i am anymore. HELP?
Is this possible?
Hi a few weeks ago i started having anxiety for no reason (never had this before). It wasn't even like something stressful was happening or I was thinking about something it was pure physical (shaking, faster heartbeat and just a feeling of fear when inhaling). Now this is where I want to say ive been wearing really tight sports bra's because I was always insecure about my chest. I started doing this when I was 13 (I'm now 19). The last year ive gained quite a few pound but ive been wearing the same bras like I always have. When i stopped wearing them a few days my anxiety kind of faded away. Now 4/5 days ago i started wearing them again but now i don't have anxiety but just kind of trouble breathing (it comes and goes) and just been having sore breasts, pain in the middle of my chest under my breasts also (ribs). Yesterday when I started having trouble breathing again I suddenly felt literal discomfort of the bra I was wearing which I rarely had. I took it off and you could literally see the WHOLE outline of my bra because it was so red, it was so bad. Now i'm going to try to not wear those bra's, I haven't worn it today but still had a bit of trouble breathing and pain on the ribs, centre of chest etc.. I will update if it ever goes away but I just want to ask did anyone ever experience anxiety/chest pain/trouble breathing because of the wrong bra?
Alright ! Anxiety , brain swooshing falling and seeing whack lights and shapes and stuff
alright for the past couple years I’ve been having what I was explaining to my fiancé is these weird lights and faces and pictures and shapes when I’m trying to go to sleep I never knew what this was. I just dealt with it and figured maybe it was lights from the TV or whatever but also I have a feeling that my head or my brain is like falling like swishing down when I’m trying to go to bed I finally just figured out what it was, I’m not gonna lie. I definitely suffer from insomnia and anxiety so this is definitely what is from. But has anybody else experienced this? im posting a screen shot of what i found![image](https://patient.azureedge.net/forums/images/upload-sm/1451827-638106858045237210.jpg)![image](https://patient.azureedge.net/forums/images/upload-sm/1451827-638106858232018782.jpg)
Symptoms changing.. is it anxiety or something else?
I'm 24 and I've been dealing with sudden extreme anxiety for about 2-3 months now and have struggled with so many different symptoms, which has caused awful health anxiety. My worst symptom has been my chest pain. I've had chest x-rays, EKGs, and stress test and everything looks normal. I have been seeing a therapist and working on trusting that this pain is just anxiety and will go away if I truly believe that. Yesterday, I noticed myself really working through my chest pain and not giving it as much attention and it seemed to really go away. But last night I started to suddenly get this pain in my right shoulder, neck, jaw, and head. I've also felt a cold sensation in my right side head since last night. Could this just be my anxiety symptoms changing to something new? Has anyone ever experienced these feelings?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael76448-1454206" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michael76448-1454206" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "Thank you for your kind response, \r\nI had my complete physical exam like echo, ecg, echo, blood tests, thyroid profile etc, all tests were clear but I had not done head related exam. Because that time this problem was not occur. \r\nBut now head gets burn after every 2 or 3 days, so I am worried. " ], "date": [ "2023-01-28T22:14+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michael76448-1454206" ], "content": [ "\r\nif you are that worried about it, you can always make an appointment with a neurologist who will listen to your concern. They have a lot of experience with patients who have all kinds of sensations in the head. \r\nThe doctor would be able to tell you if it’s anything to be concerned about. \r\nThe doctor will do testing if he or she feels it is necessary. \r\nI have been through all of that, and they never found anything wrong. If they don’t find anything wrong with you, then it’s time to start working on reducing the anxiety which may be the cause of this. Take care. " ], "date": [ "2023-01-29T14:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "anxiety can definitely cause a head or brain burning sensation . some people get a flushed feeling in their face also. That’s because anxiety activates the stress response in the body, and we can get all kinds of sensations. any sensations related to anxiety are not harmful. \r\nHowever, if you haven’t had a complete physical exam in a while, that is something that is important to do at least once a year. you can mention this sensation to your doctor. \r\nbesides that., Try to find ways to calm down the anxiety. practice long slow deep breathing because that counteracts the stress response. Do things that make you smile and laugh. Get some exercise. Etc.. there are some great meditations on YouTube for anxiety that really help a lot! I hope you feel better.." ], "date": [ "2023-01-28T22:09+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/head-burning-sensation-due-to-anxiety-how-to-treat-it-properly--795914?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Head Burning Sensation Due To Anxiety. How To Treat It Properly?
Hi! I am 28 years old with 1 daughter, sometimes after every two to three days, I have head burning feeling like my head is on fire and it lasts up to 1 hour and then goes away, I am worried that it is due to Anxiety or any other serious problem, I also have anxiety problem from past 1 year, someone have head burning feeling due to Anxiety then please let me know.. Thanks in advance
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/anisa786-981668" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so sorry you’re having this anxiety. But I think. the Ca 125 is part of a protocol that they do on everybody when they find a cyst. it’s a general screening just like when somebody has a polyp in the intestine, they always test it to see if it’s benign or not. It’s basically that they don’t know so they do the tests.. they automatically test moles removed from somebody’s skin . There’s so many situations where this is done automatically. Plus remember, the doctors always want to cover themselves so they do these tests. say a doctor did not test a polyp in the intestine for cancer, and it was actually cancer, then the doctor and the hospital could be sued.\r\nSome doctors go overboard with testing, so doing a blood test for you and a follow up ultrasound is not too much. its standard.\r\ntry to keep yourself busy so you don’t overthink things. Remember our thoughts can sometimes be our worst enemy. Any negative thoughts you can let go of and they are not reality. They are just based on fear. Remember that! I do hope you can relax a little bit. take care❤\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-01-28T13:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/hemorrhagic-cyst-on-ovary-795871?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Hemorrhagic cyst on ovary
im 42 and recently went for an ultrasound scan that showed a hemorraghic cyst on the ovary. well thats what the sonographer thinks it is she wrote it with a question mark in front of it. anyway the descrption of the cyst says its cystic and solid components. the sonographer recommemded another ultrasound in 6-8weeks and also referral to gynaecology team as part of protocol. now my gp suggested advice from the gyne team and they suggested an appointment will be sent, but meanwhile have a blood test done ca125 and a repeat ultrasound in 4 months. i suffer from severe and i mean severe cancer anxiety. why on earth have they requested the ca125! has anyone been through the same issue or any reassuring suggestions please
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paul21053-1043511" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/paul21053-1043511" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "content": [ "doctor thinks im suffering with anxiety and i do over think loads of things and get very nervous sometimes. this tingling only lasts seconds sometimes i just take a deep breath and its gone " ], "date": [ "2023-01-26T15:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/paul21053-1043511" ], "content": [ "yes they can come and go. They are really no big deal. The more you pay attention to them the more you will notice them. Just like I get the tingling. I also get floaters in my eyes. At first they scared me, but now I basically ignore them and I don’t even notice them anymore unless I want to. The brain can tune things out. It’s amazing! \r\noverthinking things can definitely bring on physical sensations. Not harmful so that’s the main thing! Try to do things that relax your mind. The deep breathing is great. YouTube has some great meditations for anxiety that I listen to and I always fall asleep before they are over because they’re so soothing and relaxing. a couple people on there that are awesome are Lauren Ostrowski. I like one of hers called it’s OK. The other one has a really soothing beautiful voice. Look for soft whispers by Joanne. So calming and peaceful is her voice! I always fall asleep. She has several videos." ], "date": [ "2023-01-28T03:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "yes, it’s very common with anxiety. You may have an underlying anxiety that you’re not even aware of, but your body is reacting to it. I’ve had that on the face and scalp hundreds of times even when not feeling anxious. It’s not harmful. Think if anything in your past or present, has caused you even a little bit of uneasiness, over thinking, etc. Now I basically ignore it and it goes away. " ], "date": [ "2023-01-26T15:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/tingling-in-scalp-and-face-795849?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Tingling in scalp and face
hello for a couple of months now ive had daily scalp tingles and face tingles its not constant its just on and off now and again. Doctor is saying its prt of anxiety but i dont feel anxious at all. anyone else have this
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cari4321-1454090" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "welcome to the site! I am so sorry you are feeling that way. I know how horrible anxiety can feel. i’ve had it my entire life.\r\nI would say, definitely try to find another primary care doctor. I usually read reviews online before I choose one. they don’t help that much with anxiety.\r\nas far as the therapy, the therapist can give you suggestions on what to do to relax the anxiety. They won’t be able to help you take it away 100% but they can help you find ways to manage it better so you feel a little better. You can also switch therapists if you don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere. I like therapy because it helps me to vent how I’m feeling and when I’m done I feel a little better.\r\nunfortunately, there’s no magic pill for anxiety. You have to try different things. I find that exercise helps me to relax a lot and reduces the anxiety. I am going to send you a private message. Take one day at a time!" ], "date": [ "2023-01-27T04:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/i-ve-had-horrible-anxiety-and-i-don-t-know-how-to-cope-with-it-what-should-i-do--795874?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
I've had horrible anxiety and I don't know how to cope with it, what should I do?
Hi, I'm new here. I have had such bad anxiety and it started a few years ago. My old GP prescribed 5 mg Buspar and I started 9 months ago and it doesn't help, I was told I could try 10 mg of it and I did and it still didn't help. After about 3 months of taking 10 mg of the Buspar I decided to stop taking it since it wasn't helping. I am currently in therapy and I honestly don't feel like it is going anywhere either, I am able to open up easily but I still haven't gotten anywhere with my therapist. I have tried to find ways to cope with my anxiety, I have tried Dimond art, Journaling, cleaning, and I don't feel like they're helping as much as they used too. My GP has also recently retired and I guess I'm scared to find a new one that will understand me they way that mine used too. if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to tell me!
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shane67360-1365708" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have a strange variation on the falling asleep tremors issue - mine only happens if I try have a snooze during the afternoon or early evening! I very rarely get it when I go to bed at night. I'm a bit of a night owl, and my usual routine is to get up at midday and go to bed around 3-4am. There are various reasons for this that aren't important here, but because of health issues, I do often feel the need for a short nap in the late afternoon or early evening, so I go to lie down on the bed. And it's then when I get the tremors - mostly they are internal, but occasionally they are external. But not at nighttime normally. It first started a few months after new meds about a year ago, but then it disappeared again after a couple of months, only to return about three weeks ago. I don't have any other symptoms related to it. \r\n\r\nThe one thing that did strike me today is that for the last three hours or so before I go to bed at night, I stick to decaf tea. But during the day, I don't. And I'm wondering if, for some reason, that is the issue. I'm going to try decaf in the hour or two before I have a snooze in the coming days to see if it makes a difference. \r\n\r\nOn the plus side, I haven't seen any posts on this subject here saying that it led to some horrific illness - so that's something, I guess!" ], "date": [ "2021-03-20T00:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kathrynf-1366872" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i have the feeling of all over body vibrations when i fall asleep or wake up. at first i thought my heart was pounding so hard it was shaking my body, but then realized my heart was beating much more slowly. my vision will also go black with each pulse. i feel like if someone was watching me that i would like i was having a seizure. i discovered what causes it is taking vitamin d supplements. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-26T06:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lisagogo-1367519" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "It is happening to me too, at first I felt it when I was waking up, but then I had a neuropathy, I was diagnosed POTS, prescribed propanolol and at night I wake and my stomach hurts then I feel the internal tremor, pins and needles in my hands, my left foot, needles in my tounge, and arm and leg jerks. I also have hormone imbalances, I have PCOS, a pituitary microadenoma and hypertension. I thought it might be related to the vagus nerve." ], "date": [ "2021-03-30T03:30+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cemae63808-1370085" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've been getting these night tremors too and my blood work ekg etc has also been normal..im on celexa and have been the past month but still getting tremors sometimes..its so nerve-wracking " ], "date": [ "2021-04-13T19:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rob66553-1343731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "So, surprise, I experience this as well, and I've been feeling some form of it for about 3.5 years now. It really, really sucks. Started late summer of 2018. I had been going through marriage upheaval -- my wife had an affair which I had discovered a good year or so before, which would be reason enough (we've since divorced) -- but then another stressor was heaped onto that; my older brother, who I adored, got cancer. Started as a thing where, when I would wake from a nap (and naps only), I would have this shaking sensation. It then developed into into a vibration throughout the left side of the body, as I would fall asleep. My brother died that following year, which caused even more upheaval (gastro-intestinal, \"pins and needles\", etc); it's horrible the way that stress and anxiety can physically manifest. Seemed to settle down a bit going into late 2019 as I entered a new relationship with someone I am still with and love, then it came back during COVID -- was it the stress of COVID? Who knows? I now get random muscle fasciculation (spasms, in the legs, arm, shoulder). I hate this. I've done a ton of acupuncture, some massage, yoga, meditation. My life has more or less sorted out and yet this lingers. BP and blood work are/were normal when last checked; my GP has chalked it up to stress -- I think it's their catch-all response to just about everything, really, so I've come to the conclusion that I've got to confront this alone. I sure wish it would just go away; I even journal about it, and tell these vibrations to leave!" ], "date": [ "2021-04-20T00:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rishav66784-1371418" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Same here whenever i try to fell asleep my both legs start to vibrate and slowly my body was too tingling.Sometimes i had pains too. Please Check Your Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Especially Vitamin B12.I was having since 15 days.Now its Slowly Improving.Vitamin B12 may take 3-4 months to get normal.I had vitamin b12 less than 150.I am taking medications as suggested by my neurologist.Even Do test of Vitamin D. These 2 tests are necessary.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T03:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen55555-1374887" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi sorry,i posted my reply to the wrong person. im new here and haven't got to grips with it yet.\r\nbasically it coukd be i frasound ( < 30Hz ) entering your ears and vibrating your nervous system. try using tightly fitted wax earplugs.\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T15:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie59042-1360889" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "How long did it take for them to go away with Exercise ,meditation anyone try any all natural stuff ? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T13:32+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/n00778-1379554" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have experienced this off and on for years... It happened last night, and I finally decided to look into it. Hate that others have to experience it, but glad to know we are not alone! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-01T23:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/james00571-1380674" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hello. I have these same shakes from head to toe every single time I take a nap in the middle of the day. Just like you said it happens when I start to doze off and then is there when I wake too along with an elevated heart rate. They are just constant shakes like every muscle in my body even little muscles around my head and to be honest I was never annoyed by them and oddly kind of soothed by them. The constant stimulation actually helps me zone out go to sleep. This has been happening for probably 2 or 3 years now, and I never thought anything of it. I've had several bouts of much more violent tremors sustained for hours while on psychedelics, so maybe after that I just have an easier time with them. I figured I'd look it up to see what it's called and now I'm here." ], "date": [ "2021-06-07T04:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan55221-1381036" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am scared. I recently had a best friend get diagnosed with ALS . I am a bit of a hypochondriac and am always analyzing my body. I am in good shape and work out regularly. With my friends diagnosis came high anxiety for me. I am experiencing a small muscle twitch in my tricep. This went on for a couple weeks off and on. Fortunately it has almost stopped completely, although my forearm is now doing it off and on with the opposite limb, I work out daily and run alot. I do worry about this disease and it is killing me mentally. At night I am sleeping really bad with internal vibrations. I sleep with my arm under my pillow and almost feel like I can hear the vibration if that makes any sense. I also am feeling this in my legs at times. WHAT CAN I DO? \r\n\r\nAny of you experience the twitching? The vibrations/tremors are at night mainly.\r\n\r\nI am worried my wife is going to lose her mind as I wake up now regularly at 4 am and roll back and forth in bed. Started melatonin last night and still woke at 4. I al getting an EMG soon and had an MRI that was normal PLEASE OFFER ME SOME ADVICE. Anyone else have any muscle twitching at all? Mine isnt all day and i do believe anxiety is a main culprit. Thanks to you all for posting on this page for support. Lack of sleep is dibilitating. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-08T11:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/liliana777-1381294" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Ive started to get weird internal tremors last night and as i started to fall asleep tonight, my body started vibrating. I did the stupidest thing and googled\r\n I'm so scared! " ], "date": [ "2021-06-09T06:48+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mamamia333-1382009" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/thomas09539-1246417" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mamamia333-1382009" ], "content": [ "What was the verdict? Has this resolved itself?" ], "date": [ "2021-07-28T08:47+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've been experiencing something pretty similar. I'm sure that our bodies have different variations of this, but can be the same thing. It has yet to be answered by a physician, so as soon as I have an answer I'll let you all know. But please don't wait on me. What if it's somewhat life-threatening? Sorry, this is not what we anxious people want to hear. Hang in there... \r\n\r\nSo, I was in a bad car wreck, the car was totalled, and I suffered a head injury. One of the symptoms of concussions can be anxiety. Ever since this accident, I started having these bodily wakeup calls in the middle of the night. \r\n\r\nMy chest feels like it's vibrating, somewhat like electrical signals and it feels like it spreads out somewhat into my arms, legs, and even my head. I'll wake up with my heart beating very fast, I'll feel a bit dizzy, then as soon as I get up, the tremors start to disappear, dizziness is gone, and my heart rate will come back down. It's not an outwardly noticeable thing. Like if someone were to see me during one of these episodes, they wouldn't be able to tell anything was wrong. It also doesn't happen every single night. Melatonin has helped. The tremors are internal and subtle. It's definitely scary and bizarre. You think you have control of your mind to a certain degree, but the truth is that we actually don't. \r\n\r\nI'm going to get myself checked out. I promise to let you all know what the doctors think. I'm thinking that it's anxiety, but knowing that you're not alone can make the world of difference, I know. In the meantime, take care and be good to yourselves" ], "date": [ "2021-06-12T12:53+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/casper50-1382703" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather92560-1382729" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/casper50-1382703" ], "content": [ "I also get the teeth chattering together when I align them, as well as the tremors.\r\n\r\nMaybe there are some hints for you in my case: I have autonomic dysfunction. I have EoE. I have cervical instability, mild to moderate stenosis and disc bulges. I have TMJ. I am having more and more difficulty walking. I suspect autoimmune condition that affects connective tissue. I have blood markers for inflammation. I have MECFS. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-16T14:06+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi. I have been having the same issues as you since last October. I haver done many tests, including an MRI which came back ok and have done a sleep study. I have an appointment next week with the sleep study specialist to discuss the results. The sleep technician said he saw something in my sleep pattern and said the sleep specialist should be able to provide solutions. I am nervous of the results as I don't want to take medications. I am looking towards a holistic approach like you. Could you tell me if changing your food habits ended these tremors...My teeth also shake when I align them together and this happens during day or night time. I also followed a vitamin regime with a gut specialist and it has not help with the sleep vibrations. This is horrible to deal with. I did try melatonin but it did not help and was wondering if a lower dose of melatonin would work. Maybe it is too strong." ], "date": [ "2021-06-16T11:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=6#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian7-1352002" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm a 43 year old male and i too suffered with this buzzing in my chest that slowly came on and really didn't bother me much at the beginning but quickly got worst and didn't allow me to sleep. The answer for me was a beta blocker called Atenolol. it's a very low dose high blood pressure med my Dr. prescribed me when I explained my problem to him. It's a 25 mg tablet and it helped me immediately. Same day result and I finally slept like my old self. Hope this helps 🙏" ], "date": [ "2021-01-22T15:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ray1717-1353209" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cr8mnd-1360996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ray1717-1353209" ], "content": [ "Hi Ray! Thanks for sharing. I'm experiencing the same thing as well. I found out that the sudden wake just before falling asleep it's called hypnagogic jerk. I'm not sure if this is your case too, but if you suddenly have a spasm while falling asleep this might be it. There's nothing much we can do about it, I've had it for many years but sometimes it goes away. When I'm more stressed or sleep deprived it comes back.\r\n\r\nWhat made me join this platform is that recently I've also started experiencing slight tremors in my legs and arms, it feels like someone is softly shaking the bed and sometime I have the impression that I'm gonna fall out. It's so weird! I'm sure in our case it's only due to stress and anxiety and I'm searching for new ways to relax, maybe even start a meditation course or something. I gave up drinking coffee because it makes everything so much worse. My tremors and anxiety during the night got worse because of coffee and I couldn't fall asleep until 4, 5 in the morning even though I only had a small coffee before 12pm. I'm now drinking herbal teas and I take Valerian supplement for sleeping and easing the anxious feelings which come with these weird sensations at night but so far it's not working perfectly. In my case it's the opposite regarding working out. When I exercise harder or do my workout later in the afternoon the sensations are worse. Probably this has to do with the muscles recovery. \r\n\r\nHow's it going for you, have you seen any improvement over the past 4 weeks? " ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T22:34+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Wow, reading this was pretty spot on. Im a 33yr old male. Healthy as you can imagine workout/eat well enough. In the past week or so just as I was about to fall asleep boom i would wake up and my foot or my legs would be shaking (trembling) i thought i was imagining it at first or my legs were just falling asleep.. As soon as I move my position it goes away almost immediately. I am glad to see other people are going through the same thing and having the same experiences. I truly do think it is an anxiety/stress issue. I just wanted to comment so other people knew you were not alone. I took this week off of working out and I also had some major things going on in my mind subconsciously. I started a 400mg dose magnesium as well this week. I am going to try the herbal tea, breathing, and other things. Also what is weird is that I normally workout 4-5 times a week this is the first week i have not worked out in months maybe thats playing a part of having too much energy. I do know one thing i have major health anxiety and its been worse since October of 2020 with all of the Covid stuff going on and not being able to go out do things and see people so I will work on focusing on myself first. Feel free to comment or ask me any questions or shoot me a message if you need to talk :). This too shall pass!" ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T22:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bunny25704-1354509" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi for the last couple months ive Experienced \"internal head tremor\" feeling (imagine moving your head side to side ever so tiny, feels like this but my head/eyes arnt moving) idk what this is but this forum popped up as ive tried googling what this is before and this somewhat sounds the same i do get these at night when i start to fall asleep and then wake sometimes .. i have seen anxiety related post come close to these \"brain tremors\" i feel and i do have bad anxiety so maybe thats what it is. \r\njust nice to know im not alone as i havnt come by any forums with people who experience this." ], "date": [ "2021-01-30T04:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/weather-1355967" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cr8mnd-1360996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/weather-1355967" ], "content": [ "It also happens to me. I've had it for many years and yes it stops for some months and then it comes back. As far as I know it's hypnagogic jerk. There's nothing much we can do about it except to keep the stress level, anxiety and sleep schedule under control. In my case, coffee, stress and sleep depravation make them worse. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T22:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I've kind of been having something like this on and off for the last year. Sometimes it's a full on sleep start, but it also manifests in less pronounced movements. As I drift off, my wrist or hips might turn, and though the motion is slight, in that dreamy state it feels more sudden and stirs me, followed by a kind of sense of dread. Sometimes it's a shudder, like something running up my spine or along my neck or ribs, which will jolt me awake, or my hand will flutter or finger will start to tap. \r\n\r\nThey come and go in bouts, and I *think* it correlates with stress and fixation. This last time started with an innocent jerk of my leg and I thought \"oh no not again.\" By doing so I think I made it happen more and more because I was worrying it WOULD happen every time I laid my head down. It got really scary when I was starting to kick awake from them, or feel them shortly after waking up. \r\n\r\nAnyone else experience them quite like this? It's a bit different than the typical full body drop sensation, so I don't know if it's just hypnic jerks or what. In any case, they go away for months at a time once I get over them. Just seems like the trick is to ignore them and get some sleep, but I always enter a bad loop of worry, leading to sleep deprivation, which of course makes it worse. " ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T22:36+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kevinirish-1356576" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm 48. Started internal tremors upon awakening as well as at times while entering sleep. Sometimes kicking me out of entering sleep. Awakening tremors occur everyday everytime i sleep (night / nap). These Sleep-wake cycle issues having been occurring since March 2020. Started very fine now overt and persustent until i force full wakefullness and mental clarity. Some suboccipital headache on awakening. Difficult to achieve wakefullness with sometimes a sense of restricted eye movements. Chest trembling at times on awakening like a fight or flight response.Began around the time of other new symptoms including random frequent muscle twitching, occ muscle tightness (calves / chest wall), aching of the extensor muscles of the arms, very early muscle use fatigue including right back muscle aching with standing for 30m-1hr, humming paresthesias in legs at times, fluctuating shadowing double vision with additional night driving light intolerance, some mild balance issues, weak and uncomfortable knees on climbing stairs with inability to jump or run, some other tendon mild discomfort at times, progressive constipation with some intermittent dysphagia now with urinary incomplete void upon awakening. gave gone to the 3 major medical centers with no answer. Workup for MS, ALS, MSA, Parkinsons, etc all negative. Been told Functional Neurologic Disorder, a bucket for the unknown. Do not feel anxious and still occurs when having good happy calm days with my Family. Clearly physiologic tremors having something to do with Sleep transition phases and associated neurotransmitter changes. Took an SSRI fir 20yrs and weaned off slowly minimum 2 months before first visual symptom of right eye mild ache and sense if decreased power (No other way to describe it). Gave had intermittent palpitations. Wondering if related to damage from long term SSRI vs ? Flouriquinolone associated toxicity, vs immune mediated from unknown source (Virus, flu vaccine, vs unmasked autoimmune disease), vs unknown. Makes one afraid and resistant to sleep. Intermittent lowering of intensity with klonopin and propranolol. Despise having to take these meds. Just wont go away. Adamant it has nothing to do with anxiety for me with a pure pathophysiologic cause yet unidentifiable. Pray the brain will adapt and overcome eventually. Fully understand the psychological toll this takes on all of us with these undiagnosed, unknown, and unrelenting symptoms. Wishing resolution to everyone posting. There has to be an answer, or some Academic center with the interest to study this very specific phenomenon." ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T22:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive been having the same thing. the first time it happened was a couple of years ago but it was just a slight vibration feeling. the past couple of months its been much more frequent and much worse. almost every night as soon as i doze off, i wake up with this whole body vibration feeling. it started mostly in my head and i could feel it in my mouth, but on a couple of occasions recently, its been a very hard vibration feeling in my whole body. it only happens when i first doze off. its terrifying me now and i dread going to sleep as it continues to get worse. i went to the ER and blood work came back fine and i have an appointment with my PC next week. the hospital said theyd probably refer me to a neurologist. i asked her it it could be MS and she said i am in the right age group where it could be that, but i dont have any other symptoms. Im a 29 year old female. she also said shes never heard of this, even though im finding pages like this one with many others experiencing the same thing. the worry and not knowing is torture. anyone find anything out?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-12T17:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive been having the same thing. the first time it happened was a couple of years ago but it was just a slight vibration feeling. the past couple of months its been much more frequent and much worse. almost every night as soon as i doze off, i wake up with this whole body vibration feeling. it started mostly in my head and i could feel it in my mouth, but on a couple of occasions recently, its been a very hard vibration feeling in my whole body. it only happens when i first doze off. its terrifying me now and i dread going to sleep as it continues to get worse. i went to the ER and blood work came back fine and i have an appointment with my PC next week. the hospital said theyd probably refer me to a neurologist. i asked her it it could be MS and she said i am in the right age group where it could be that, but i dont have any other symptoms. Im a 29 year old female. she also said shes never heard of this, even though im finding pages like this one with many others experiencing the same thing. the worry and not knowing is torture. anyone find anything out?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-12T17:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "ive been having the same thing. the first time it happened was a couple of years ago but it was just a slight vibration feeling. the past couple of months its been much more frequent and much worse. almost every night as soon as i doze off, i wake up with this whole body vibration feeling. it started mostly in my head and i could feel it in my mouth, but on a couple of occasions recently, its been a very hard vibration feeling in my whole body. it only happens when i first doze off. its terrifying me now and i dread going to sleep as it continues to get worse. i went to the ER and blood work came back fine and i have an appointment with my PC next week. the hospital said theyd probably refer me to a neurologist. i asked her it it could be MS and she said i am in the right age group where it could be that, but i dont have any other symptoms. Im a 29 year old female. she also said shes never heard of this, even though im finding pages like this one with many others experiencing the same thing. the worry and not knowing is torture. anyone find anything out?" ], "date": [ "2021-02-12T17:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angelika74917-1357739" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "content": [ "hi i used to have internal tremors about 2 years ago when i was very anxious about my health. What helped me was listening to chill music and falling asleep with it as well as listen to calm app or something similar. Also when i closed my eyes and felt i was about to have internal tremor i would shake my body and they would go away. I was fine for 2 years but recently i have been having them on/off from time to time usually after watching something intense/stressful. \r\n\r\nIt is very unlikely that you have MS as there is much more symptoms to it then just internal tremors. \r\n\r\nHope you get better soon. The less you think about it, the better it will get:)" ], "date": [ "2021-02-15T23:39+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynden17300-1358083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "content": [ "Im going throught the exact same thing. Right before bed my face begins to tremor uncontrollably. I know i have extremely high anxiety but it doesnt make sense that the tremors would only occur at night because i am constantly anxious. Theorfore im going to see a doctor and will provide an update . Please you do the same if you get anything back." ], "date": [ "2021-02-17T02:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/moni19485-1362531" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "content": [ "i feel the same. i have been dealing with for 8 month but now just waiting to see my neoroligist. my gp said its anxiety i dont think it is. im 31. what did you doctor say. if anyone has healed from please let us know my tremors are all over body, when i sleep its always viberation in my bed. when i wake up my heart beats fast my body viberates for 30 secs. I'm scared its parkinsons or ms, hope not i just wanted to go away. i hope we all get better. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-05T11:04+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone. im really struggling with this. Internal tremors/whole body vibrations every time I doze off. they are getting worse and much more often. the last two weeks its been almost every night and much more dramatic. last night when i dozed of I woke up with my whole body vibrating and this time my skin was prickly/tingly feeling. i went to the ER and they did the standard blood work which all came back fine. I see my PCP Thursday and pray they take me seriously. I fear going to sleep now, and Im scared to death its MS or something seriously wrong with my brain. Has anyone gotten any answers? Anything? " ], "date": [ "2021-02-15T18:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lynden17300-1358083" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This cannot be normal. We are all experiencing this weird trembling feeling? I will describe mines. As soon as i am about to fall asleep my face feels pressurized and all of a sudden from my nose down to my jaw begins trembling Uncontrollably. I am only 21 years old i have no health problems and this is extremely odd and i am very skeptical. I am not here to be a conspiracy theorist but someone please get to the bottom of this. Please reply with updates .Thanks." ], "date": [ "2021-02-17T01:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=4#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jessie98115-1350563" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy1979-965180" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jessie98115-1350563" ], "content": [ "I have the exact same thing happen. Had a bunch of tests, bloodwork, etc. Spent thousands of dollars. Its just anxiety. crazy right? Thought I would share. Maybe it would help you. I got a totally clean bill of health. Basically you have to ignore them to make them go away. That or drink some wine lol. But just know that they aren't dangerous. Just knowing that helped me a ton. So I don't worry about them anymore. Still annoying when it happens, but at least its not a health issue and it cant hurt me. That gives it less power. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T00:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/maria36645-1352657" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jessie98115-1350563" ], "content": [ "Since Covid hit back in March, I moved back to my country with my family. But I came back about 10 days ago to Canada, and now I'm living alone. My first week, was perfect. But now, I've had 3 days where I haven't slept. The first, I woke up in the middle of the night, and experienced sleep paralysis. Next day, the same thing happened but I also experienced bruxism (I involuntarily chatter my teeth, makes my jaw hurt, etc.). Now, I'm experiencing the cycle of dreading the night, and not wanting to go to sleep because I'm afraid. 3rd night (last night). I tried falling asleep starting around 11:30pm and it took me till 3:00am to finally get some sleep. I spent those 4 hours, waking up and moving, I sensations that my bed was trembling, that I was trembling, and every-time that I was about to fall asleep, I would start shaking or trembling and would wake up. Difficulty breathing too. I kept trying to talk myself to sleep and I was praying to God all the time. I'm getting a bit desperate now, which doesn't help the cause. All it does is make me anxious about nighttime during the day, and then at night make me anxious about falling asleep. I haven't been to a doctor, but obviously anxiety plays a big role. Living alone alone for the first time, my last semester of college, I have many things to do, but I also have to think about my future, getting a job, if I want to stay in Canada or go back home. A lot on my plate and that stress is reflecting on my sleep paraoina/paralysis/ anxiety. AHHH I want it to be done :( i feel so alone. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-20T15:16+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/christian7-1352002" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jessie98115-1350563" ], "content": [ "I understand. I was dealing with the same exact thing. Get yourself some Atenolol. it's a very low dose Beta blocker your Dr can prescribe you. speak to your Dr today you'll be sleeping like a baby tonight. Good Luck 👍🏼" ], "date": [ "2021-05-26T02:53+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur40879-1367856" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/christian7-1352002" ], "content": [ "i take a beta blocker for my afib, i dont exactly recommend everyone just take one and youll be good, my tremors started after i started taking my beta blocker " ], "date": [ "2022-03-19T16:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan55221-1381036" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur40879-1367856" ], "content": [ "I also take a beta blocker for blood pressure. My doctor increased me from 5 mg to 10 mg in February and March was about the time I began feeling these internal vibrations at night. A good friend of mine was recently diagnosed with ALS and it has been a long couple years which has definitely increased my anxiety. Over the past month I have had a couple areas including the tricep and forearm that have began to twitch once in a while. It may not do it for days at a time and seems to occur more if I am anxious or stressed. My sleep is definitely being affected by these feelings. I sleep with my arm under my pillow and almost feel like I can hear the vibrations through the pillow. I’m not even sure if this makes sense to anyone but it is driving me and my wife crazy. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-24T21:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan55221-1381036" ], "content": [ "I live in constant panic I have ALS.. Did you get tested when you started having tremors? I started having tremors about 6 months ago, muscle twitching and pain in random places, as if someone was hitting me with a tiny hammer everywhere. While in bed, I felt as if there was a phone inside or my chest, vibrating everywhere, one time I woke up and could \"see\" thinks trembling. I improved, but then in June I started having the same crisis, as of this week, I started feeling pain on my sciatic nerve. It's like it comes and goes... I have an appointment next week and I don't even know what to say to the doctor. I'm a 27 year old female, and although I do think it could be anxiety, I'm worried it may be something more serious. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-26T22:43+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan55221-1381036" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "content": [ "I am in the same boat. I got the EMG 3 months after initial twitches began. I find myself looking down at my calves and almost willing it to happen. I don't know if that even makes sense. I am really losing it over this issue. I am very active and athletic and this is affecting my entire being. Will keep you in my prayers. Please update me when you can." ], "date": [ "2021-06-26T22:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan55221-1381036" ], "content": [ "Hi Jonathan,\r\nI've decided to wait until I had feedback from m doctor before I reply to you. She ran a couple of exams, blood work showed I was lacking iron and vitamin D, so I will have to take supplements. Apart from that, everything seems normal... It feels strange to blame everything on anxiety, but my doctor told that my anxiety levels are so high, it's enough to completely throw my body off balance. \r\nShe suggested seeing an osteopath, she suspects I may have contracted muscles and pinched nerves due to stress and that, along with anxiety, can cause the tremors and weird sensations. \r\nI was also prescribed herbal anti anxiety medication, I want to try and manage it with \"soft\" medication before I start taking anything addictive. She also suggested walking as a way to relax my body and improve my mental health. I will be doing this treatment for a few months, hopefully I will improve. I hope this helps, and that you will feel better! I know it's scary but don't give up, you are not alone" ], "date": [ "2021-07-08T21:25+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan55221-1381036" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "content": [ "thanks so much for the update \r\n\r\nim thinking we are both in the same boat with the anxiety. \r\n\r\nI do have a significant update though. And may I suggest to you that you go get your blood tested for this as well. There is a great forum that is on this website and I found some relief in reading it once I got my bloodwork results. I have whats called reactivated EBV, which is Epstein bar syndrome. Basically when you have mono as a kid it can come back out with a vengeance and cause a multitude of issues.\r\nI also had covid in december but not sure if thats what woke this horrible virus.\r\n\r\nmy levels were extremely high and indicated that I currently have active mono. I’m telling you and swear you should definitely get this looked at. I am really hoping that it will improve in the next few months with rest and proper nutrition. I am a diehard runner and hate to give that up, but I think I am going to switch to walking to ease my stress and give my body a break. If you would ever like to chat privately let me know. Good luck and God bless. If you decide to go get this test done please update me when you can" ], "date": [ "2021-07-08T21:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sofi4563-1384217" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jonathan55221-1381036" ], "content": [ "That's really interesting, I have to re-do the blood tests in 4 months, I will ask my doctor of we can test that. Thank you for the update! You know what surprised me? I also had covid in January! I'm wondering if these symptoms are somehow covid related, I only started having these weird symptoms about a month after I caught it. Apparently covid can even affect the way your nerves communicate, but not a lot is known about it" ], "date": [ "2021-07-10T13:28+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emmanewmanhsx-1420947" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur40879-1367856" ], "content": [ "I have just started getting these tremors the last 3 nights and have actually just experienced my first one during the day after being prescribed beta blockers for anxiety around 3 weeks ago. i am feeling really confused as they are meant to help with tremors. " ], "date": [ "2022-03-19T16:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I'm so glad I found this forum as I feel like my doctor thinks I'm crazy describing this. I have these tremors or vibrations as I'm falling asleep. its been going on for 4 months now. just as I'm falling asleep or transitioning to sleep I wake up vibrating or whatever and not so much my heart racing but my blood pumping a million miles an hour. I'm definitely having anxiety about a lot of things right now but to be honest when it started I wasn't at all. I had been dieting and lost weight and was feeling pretty happy with myself. Work was good overall things were good considering covid. but they've only progressively gotten worse. Its every night now and the tremors only make the thought of going to bed terrible. Some nights I get to sleep on my second attempt but most nights I nod off around 10 only to immediately have this happen and then I'm up until 3am. get 2 hours of sleep then up for work. its at the point my boss has noticed my exhaustion and I'm worried that could have consequences. I guess I'll talk to my dr and show her these comments see what she thinks. I'm exhausted to a point I never thought I could be. ugh" ], "date": [ "2022-03-19T16:04+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dmrk-1351715" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Thank you to all the individuals on this forum for helping me as well to not only not feel so alone, but also not think the worst and drive myself crazy. I had been taking a nasal spray Azelastine and I want to say that is what triggered it initially but its been 2 weeks off of it and they're still there but not nearly as bad. I just moved from HI to NY and in HI I had really bad sinus infections and right before I left, with the stress of moving, I had a really bad infection and it caused labyrinthitis and that in and of itself can cause anxiety and the floating feeling too. I have hated this completely because of course I already suffer from being a borderline hypochondriac and instantly believe it is the worse of the worse. I had a brain and neck MRI for my left ear and it was fine so the doc said it will all take some time....=(" ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T00:47+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/blue53085-1352777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mmrose-1361905" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/blue53085-1352777" ], "content": [ "Hi Blue,\r\nYes to the mold! I think we are all spending so much time inside and mycotoxins are tiny and odorless. I suspected mold in our house a couple years ago and our landlords did test and remediate but I think you can only do so much. We are trying to save and get out of this house, but it's taking a while and everything has gotten crazy expensive where I live. Anyway i do think it is part of the problem at least and I'm testing myself for mycotoxins..." ], "date": [ "2021-03-03T09:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i started experiencing this exact symptom around a time when i began to experience many other symptoms that lead to other diagnosis of which anxiety was also a symptom. i have reason to believe that while this may very well be an extremely odd symptom of anxiety since no practitioner will have any other explanation, i believe its environmental with regard to mould. \r\none clue in your case may be that you were physically in a different and non mouldy environment on vacation. mould sensitivity and exposure can cause inflamation, nuerotoxin and all sorts of other nasty issues including other sensitivities ie. chemical sensitivities (bedsheets/detergents) and of course.... anxiety due to the inflamation and effects ok the CNS. you could try sleeping at a friend/family's house or hotel and see if there is any change. if you do have a mould sensitivity, this combined with certain chemical exposures or foods could easily worsen symptoms. This is a theory based on my own research and experience. Be your own labrat and see what effects, changes to your physical environment have on this symptom. in addition, you can test for mould in your house if you suspect this could be an issue. the other interesting thing that just came to my attention while looking through these replies - seems most people, not all, began to experience symptoms during covid. relax, i dont think it had anything to do with the virus, and while it may very well have to do with anxiety induced by the situation.. i'm wondering if the increased time at home, spent in a potentially mouldy environment has increased some peoples sensitivity or plasma levels of mycotoxins and is therefore only effecting people now after years in the same environments. \r\nanyone reading this, try this and let us know.. its a horrible sensation i feel for everyone in this thread. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-21T04:51+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=3#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle08715-1292568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mitouback-699680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle08715-1292568" ], "content": [ "My doctor told me too that it is anxiety, but I have been anxious before, ( when I was diagnosed with high grade cancer), but I didn't feel these tremors then. I have been anxious many many times in my life, but never ever had these weird night time 'dropping off to sleep vibrations'----ever .....Bizarre..Let me know how you get on. I am 71 years old. I am well apart from these vibrations..." ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T08:36+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle08715-1292568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mitouback-699680" ], "content": [ "Yes i had these tremors for two months and they do go away if you stop worrying about them. It does not happen immediately and is a very gradual process in my experience. You have to believe they are nothing and they do disappear eventually I promise. Mine happened after I just turned 40 in December. I didnt even think I was anxious. Just overworked/stressed/have little kids and my anxiety that this was something that was going to kill me was through the roof as it worsened I am fit, healthy, etc. I am also a veterinarian that wants to know how or why this was happening It just boggled my mind that anxiety alone could cause it esp since it was happening mostly at night. They tried to give me anti-anxiety drugs to get over them but i refuse to take themI did have to take xanax during the worst times to get sleep bc sleep deprivation made them worse. I now take melatonin to help me and its worked! Also no doctors or neurologists (i saw three) knew what they were so this page was very helpful for me to give me hope. I want to help others with them bc whenever you search things only the worst things pop up. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-31T20:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy1979-965180" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle08715-1292568" ], "content": [ "Thank you so much for leaving this reply. Im having the exact same issues everyone else here is having. Im a healthy 40 yr old male, Ive had bloodwork done and ekg, and xray etc. Nothing wrong. Only can be anxiety. Its amazing what anxiety can do. Hopefully it will pass soon. Its been several weeks. At first i thought i was going to have a seizure. It was that scary waking up to it, and having it happen as soon as i would fall asleep. I take gabapentin now for sleep, but im going to get off it soon i think and try melatonin or wine lol " ], "date": [ "2021-01-17T04:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle08715-1292568" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/jeremy1979-965180" ], "content": [ "you can get through it. I did and it has been a year. If i even slightly feel it coming on I take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds and then they subside. Such a weird thing and anxiety comes in many forms ❤" ], "date": [ "2021-01-17T15:08+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kln-36-1354690" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle08715-1292568" ], "content": [ "Hi Michelle,\r\n\r\nMy experience is similar to yours. Mine started about a year ago and disappeared last month, now they have returned but are worse that before. \r\nI thought it was restless legs syndrome at first but the tremors are now all over and almost feels like there is an earth tremor and my bed in vibrating. \r\nI've also been experiencing body tingles, balance problems and fatigue. These were happening a few months ago but seem to have disappeared but still suffering from fatigue at times. I have 3 young kids so i know what fatigue is but this is on a different level. Dr has also put it down to anxiety which I've been unmedicated for, I've been able to control it with diet and exercise. He has given me a referral to have a brain MRI to rule out MS. \r\nI'm considering seeing a different Dr to get a second opinion. It's affecting my sleep and mood which in turn is making my anxiety worse. \r\n\r\nI'm curious if you have experienced any other neurological symptoms like myself?\r\n\r\nmany thanks." ], "date": [ "2021-05-20T05:44+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kln-36-1354690" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "I've also had all bloods done which came back normal. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-31T02:15+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kln-36-1354690" ], "content": [ "these internal tremors/whole body vibrations have gotten so much worse for me these last couple of weeks, and last night my skin was prickly or tingly feeling? Along with the vibration. I had blood work done at the ER and everything was fine and i have an appointment with my PCP in a couple of days, have you gotten any diagnosis? Im honestly scared to death and fear going to sleep. Im terrified i have MS or something seriously wrong with my brain. have you gotten any answers? has anyone??" ], "date": [ "2021-02-15T17:57+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/sammi17506-925144" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/emily98874-1357058" ], "content": [ "hiya ive been suffering for 4 months now but the last month got worse ive had the ambulance 3 times been hospital 2 heart rate up blood pressure up . i cant sleep cant switch of got brain fog back cold tingling tinnitus and off balance when i try to sleep i nod of 5/10 mins and something waking me then i have the palpatations and tingling it horrible i keep thinking ive got tumour or something my anxiety is high they put me on propanlol and rhat block my sinus then Anetnolol but that made me dizzy im so at a loose end with no sleep got zopiclone it work for first few days last night it didnt im primensaual aswell i really im not going get through this my face numb aswell can any help " ], "date": [ "2021-02-16T09:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heatherbear1987-1365885" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kln-36-1354690" ], "content": [ "hey there,\r\nI'm having your same exact symptoms. Have you gotten anywhere with a diagnosis or treatment? I'm currently is the midst of tests with my neurologist. \r\n\r\nI hope you're getting some relief. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-21T00:30+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur40879-1367856" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle08715-1292568" ], "content": [ "this page has been very helpful i agree" ], "date": [ "2021-03-31T20:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/iggy26931-1377069" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kln-36-1354690" ], "content": [ "Hi KLN-36,\r\nI'm sorry you have to go through these symptoms! I have had these tremors for about a year now and started noticing problems with my balance, tingling, and lightheadedness about 5 months ago. I tried many thongs so far, herbal teas, drops to aide with sleep. I take melatonin now, which has been hit or miss for me. It seems to work sometimes though. HE Magnesium Complex also helped relax and maintain nerve function." ], "date": [ "2021-05-20T05:54+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/michelle97551-1378524" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kln-36-1354690" ], "content": [ "hello! \r\nyes, I've been experiencing very similar issues. it started with me waking up because it felt as though my bed was shaking or there was an earthquake. I experienced these episodes 3 times over 2 1/2 weeks. the second time I experienced it, I opened my eyes as I was waking up and they were uncontrollably moving back and forth. since these episodes and in between the episodes I feel tremors almost every time I wake up in the night and morning. I've had one appointment with my neurologist and he mentioned it being a type of seizure. I'm waiting to get an eeg and am going to press for a brain mri as well. I also have POTS and EDS, although I suspect it's unrelated. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-27T15:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Im having these exact same symptoms. Its progressed as my anxiety about what is going on gets worseIs everyone still ok ? My bloodwork and MRI were normal but still having these darn tremors that wake me up at night. Is it just anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2021-05-20T05:44+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kooksgirl-1307802" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ja01450-1307674" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kooksgirl-1307802" ], "content": [ "I have the exact same experiences. Mine seems to be worse on days of heavy phone usage or lots of electronics use. Still have no idea what causes it! scary as hell\r\n" ], "date": [ "2020-04-18T07:52+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valancy4-1345326" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kooksgirl-1307802" ], "content": [ "omg!! i face the exact same thing, ive been googling for awhile but all that comes up is hypnonic jerks, which i know this isnt it. i too feel like suddenly my bed is shaking even tho im not moving, and i feel like smtimes im moving too although im not. but once i sit up it goes away. so even though i dont know why this happens, its comforting to know someone else knows what im going through! 😭\r\n\r\n(also is ur nickname related to bts by any chance?)" ], "date": [ "2021-01-17T04:04+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/annie57980-1345334" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valancy4-1345326" ], "content": [ "I am up with it now! I haven't slept in 3 nights! " ], "date": [ "2020-12-20T04:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kostis33437-1346263" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/valancy4-1345326" ], "content": [ "hey ive sctually had the same thing happen to me for the past 2 days lol. If i switch sides(cause i generally sleep on my left side) it goes away after a while. When did yours start? " ], "date": [ "2020-12-20T04:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valancy4-1345326" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kostis33437-1346263" ], "content": [ "honestly, mine's been happening for a while but it wasn't that pronounced cuz id just write it off as my bed shaking or smthing, but recently ive been sleeping on my left side cuz of smthing unrelated (always would sleep on my rt), and theyve gotten worse ever since then now that i think abt it, so now that you bring that up, i wonder if thats the case? 🧐" ], "date": [ "2020-12-20T04:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/valancy4-1345326" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/annie57980-1345334" ], "content": [ "im so sorry to hear that 😭 i hope uve been able to sleep some since then :(" ], "date": [ "2020-12-20T04:20+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/biana-1348105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kooksgirl-1307802" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nYes, I have been experiencing the same thing. As I try to rest and fall asleep I wake up either with a jolt or as if im moving floating away. Its so Bizarre! " ], "date": [ "2020-12-24T05:19+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melanie62077-1351953" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/kooksgirl-1307802" ], "content": [ "Could be the vibrations that herald an out of body experience. Google OBE vibrations. Also William Buhlman books are good, such as 'Adventures Beyond the Body'" ], "date": [ "2021-01-16T23:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi, I've read your article and been searching on the internet about my symptom but I couldn't find anything about. Every time I try to fall asleep, I feel as if my bed was slowly moving like a light earthquake even though I'm laying very still.\r\nI don't know if I'm the only one who has experienced this but would like to know if anyone else has this symptom too. This has been happening almost every night." ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T01:11+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=1#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shavanese93-1307967" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ja01450-1307674" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/shavanese93-1307967" ], "content": [ "i have heard the same thing, anxiety is the cause. If it was only anxiety, then why would the tremors / vibrations only occur when laying in bed and start up right as you drift off to sleep?\r\nIf it was anxiety cause or effect then wouldn't the tremors / vibrations occur all the time during the day while feeling anxious?" ], "date": [ "2020-04-18T07:55+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/melanie62077-1351953" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ja01450-1307674" ], "content": [ "Could be the vibrations that herald an out of body experience. Google OBE vibrations. Also William Buhlman books are good, such as 'Adventures Beyond the Body'" ], "date": [ "2021-01-16T23:35+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "I have been having tremor almost every night my whole body would vibrate soon as I try to fall asleep, and a weird pain in my arms for a few minutes then it go away, this only happen at night when I try to fall asleep, am so worried can someone tell me why am feeling this way, I worried alot, and sometime feeling like my heart pulping so fast I think am having a heart attack, sometime it feel like something hold my head squeezing it together, please tell me why am having this tremor feelings every night . my Dr told me I have anxiety but do you think its just anxiety?" ], "date": [ "2020-04-18T06:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/zoelife-1311150" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/angelina60536-1220844" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zoelife-1311150" ], "content": [ "just came across your comment! I have bad anxiety, and I get the same thing! I'll be dosing off to sleep, and then I get this rush & trembling that wakes me...happens throughout my sleep! Drives me crazy! Seems like I can't turn my brain off either! ugh..." ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T01:03+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur40879-1367856" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zoelife-1311150" ], "content": [ "I never thought of that theory before, my theory before this page i found was that just as i fall asleep, my brain sends a panic jolt (due to anxiety over my heart) and since im taking a beta blocker that makes my heart and lungs immune to my bodies adrenaline i figured since my heart was calm and my breathing was calm but my body is as you say, on a vibrating idle i figured my muscles were responding to the fight or flight while my medication prevented the rest of me from doing so. this tremor has ruined my sleep these last few nights, tonight i will try again but with some melatonin to aid me. i really like your theory though.. and since yall are having the same issue my theory is no good anymore assuming yall are not taking Bets blockers." ], "date": [ "2021-03-31T20:40+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cr8mnd-1360996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/zoelife-1311150" ], "content": [ "Interesting theory! Thank you for sharing. I've been following this thread for a while as I'm struggling with this as well. What I found out, like many of the people around here, is that is based on anxiety. And in this context your theory might make sense as we release stress hormones and other things because of anxiety. I've tried so many natural things and tried to improve my lifestyle but I was at a point where I couldn't sleep, I was very tired and everything got worse even the tremors. So I've started to take a very low dose of anxiolitic (a kind of benzodiazepine prescribed by the psychiatrist) that also helps with insomnia caused by anxiety. First nights didn't work but after a week I started to fall asleep without tremors and palpitations. After 1 more week I increased the dose to the one prescribed (first week must start gradually and also come off it gradually because it could cause addiction) and everything went back to normal, I could finally sleep well. I'm planning to take it only for a month as these kind of pills are very dangerous but when nothing else works I must take it because sleep problems and related stress could kill me. We must treat the root cause (which could very well be anxiety even though we don't have anxious thoughts, anxiety is a fear without object and it doesn't always come with thoughts, our mind blocks them but then the anxiety manifests itself in the body). I'm sure that if we address this all the hormones and heart rhythm will come back to normal. \r\n\r\nHope everyone will find their way!" ], "date": [ "2021-04-04T19:19+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello everyone,\r\nI have been experiencing wake/sleep internal vibration for approximately five years. I periodically search the Internet to see if anyone has discovered a physiological cause for this phenomenon. Several years ago I experienced a health crises that led my allopathic physician to test me for RA and lupus. Thankfully, I was introduced to a chiropractic physician who introduced me to the “food as medicine” lifestyle and forever changed my life. Through diet and lifestyle changes I avoided those nasty diagnoses, and the subsequent pharmaceuticals. \r\n\r\nMy passion for natural healing inspired me to leave my career as a bank manager and return to school to study holistic nutrition. Based on my education and my personal experience with internal vibration I have formed a theory. It seems to me that the trigger is hormones. I hypothesize this because I only experience the internal vibration when I wake up suddenly or if I doze off when reading/watching TV. I do not experience the vibration when waking up after a normal nights sleep. It feels like my body first receives a release of melatonin causing sleep then suddenly a rush of cortisol or another hormone involved in waking up. As a result of these two opposite hormones in a short time span I experience what feels like a car with a rough idle inside my core. Again, I disclose this is only a theory I am just as disturbed and preoccupied with the “why” as all of you. I am sure there is a simple solution once we discover the “what”.\r\n\r\nI have included a link for anyone interested in learning more about (Circadian Rhythms and Hormonal Homeostasis: Pathophysiological Implications). I would appreciate feedback if anyone cares to read the article and explore this avenue of potential causation. \r\n\r\nThank you, sorry for the long post. 😊\r\n\r\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5372003/\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-04-04T19:19+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/decantrix-1340099" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Mine have continued for over 3 years, though I have other involuntary muscular movements all of the time. symptoms have grown over time--frequency and strength--and have made it a bit easier to talk about. Though I dont have much faith in my GP or neurologist helping and have undergone a battery of tests, I am hoping the cervical MRI tonight will reveal at least part of the source. My brain MRI (no contrast, though) rebealed nothing, yet I know these are nerve problems, & most definitely not anxiety. particularly because the symptoms I have and that many of you describe bear no resemblance to anxiety tremors, which I have experienced. \r\n\r\nin my years of scouring manuals, research papers, disease resources and forums, this is a condition rarely discussed in this way. when it is, people have had similar experiences with doctors and others. \r\n\r\nbut here are a few options Ive learned need exploring, as at least a component of the problem: 1) MS. Symptoms vary widely but at least 37% of people diagnosed with MS experience these internal vibrations. MS can be difficult to diagnose because some symptoms mirror other disorders, and at least 2 lesions--visible on brain or spinal MRIs--must be present for a diagnosis. my MRIs, so far, show nothing, but that doesnt mean its not going on, just that lesions arent showing up yet. \r\n2) Pinched nerve/nerves--either primary, close to the spine, and/or peripheral nerves. when the neuron firing in the brain cant reach the intended target in the body, this can be a byproduct. \r\n3) Another movement disorder that causes blockage in the brain signals. one of my other symptoms is deep muscle movements that only recently have become more visible, but they began at about the same time. Theres a longer list of these.\r\n4) Focal or complex partial seizures. These can vary slightly between individually, but theyre defined by conciousness and usually the ability to still move and iften completely unaware theyre taking place. Some people with larger, unconcioys seizures sometimes experience these as the 'auras' we have all heard about, but many people experience only these. Episodes with vibrating, buzzing, burning sensation, muscle contractions, localized tremor--even nearly unnoticable, spaciness, feeling of being out of it/daydreaming, sudden fatigue (mine is more prevalent now than episodic as my incidents have become more frequent), & sometimes there will be strong emotions of fear, joy or crying. i have experienced a surrealness--spiritual, out-of-body, supernatural. Also, my tremors are becoming more pronounced so my foot gets pulled to the side. \r\n\r\nAs you may have noticed, I'm leaning towards seizure activity, personally, but wouldnt rule out pinched nerve issues or early MS for my complete set of problems. Literally for over a year, I thought my bed was shaking or pushing up on its own, mainly because they were more subtle. Thankfully, thats changed and I know better whats happening, though the sense I am on a boat all of the time coupled with episodes if check-out and strong, grinding and traveling vibrations are frightening and very disruptive. Lets hope for answers for everyone soon. I simply wanted to validate those of you who know this is not anxiety and who are left feeling craxy by doctors, friends or family. youre not. And though some of the possible causes sound scary, the more likely ones really are not. I have definitely kept a symptom and episode journal and have found it so helpful in getting my own head around whats happening. This has made it clearer for doctors, even though just gradually. keep asking and pressing doctors for answers if yours continues or worsens. i see a therapist and otherwise am in the best place Ive ever been in my life. Anxiety simply isnt even in the top 10 possibilities. Let us know what you discover and thanks for starting this conversation. " ], "date": [ "2020-10-27T17:41+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rob66553-1343731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I, too, have had these tremors. Started around summer of 2018 and, ironically, not long after I learned my older brother had been diagnosed with cancer. A whole host of things hit me -- internal shaking/tremors, \"brain zaps\" (yes, these are a real thing, Google it), acid reflux, hiatal hernia which made me feel like I was having a heart attack -- so it was like the Sizzler buffet. The tremors were troubling, though, for sure; initially I thought there was a minor earthquake (I live in N. California) but after a couple of these I figured it out. After my brother passed about 6 months later I continued to experience this. It wasn't until beginning of this year, and Covid, that some things came back for a visit. I'm absolutely convinced it's all stress-related. I try to do a lot of self-talk/relaxation techniques which do help, plus use melatonin, etc. Mind over matter. Live a healthy lifestyle, try not to take life too seriously and take things in stride. Nothing is as dire as it seems (for the most part). Just keep things in a healthy perspective. Good luck." ], "date": [ "2021-02-07T13:42+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/slpless-1345908" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ " Hi there, I too have been dealing with these same exact symptoms. I have been dealing with bad GI issues at night like heartburn, etc. but I just don’t think they’re related. \r\n It's absolutely disrupting my life, and the only way I can fall asleep and stay asleep is with Xanax, and i hate the thought of being dependent on it.\r\nHas anyone been able to find out the actual cause, or found a non-medicated solution?" ], "date": [ "2020-12-09T17:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/steveboundy-1345993" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/brian19359-1346789" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/steveboundy-1345993" ], "content": [ "Hi SteveBoundy\r\n\r\nSame boat here. Last few months I've had exactly the same. Mostly soon as I try to sleep but I've also had a few at other times like during sleep waking me and in the morning but mainly its the dropping off to sleep that triggers it. I wouldn't say I particularly have any anxiety in general though. Again I've had some periods were they disappear too. Apart from them not bothering me as much if I've had a good drink of alcohol I don't have any tips as yet but am too looking for some. I will keep an eye on this post for any answers and share anything else I find out or any things that work for me. I'm 50 but dont think it is age related having read other posts. Just good to know others are experiencing the same thing as it wasn't anything I was aware of before and a bit of a surprise when it started. I will see my GP if nothing changes later. Thanks for posting anyway." ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T00:56+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi all!\r\n\r\nIn the last several months I have also began to experience these internal tremors when attempting to fall asleep. They only occur when I'm attempting to sleep at night and never during the day at all. I have general anxiety and I most definitely believe these tremors are to do with it too. Im only 25 years old so experiencing these at my age did concern me to begin with. Some weeks they occur every night and I'm lucky if I manage to sleep before 4/5am! Fortunately some weeks they barely occur at all and I sleep relatively fine. Just wondering if anyone had any good tips on how to reduce them or help deal with them at all? The lack of sleep does effect me during the day sometimes and id like to at least try some different options!" ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T00:56+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/monty1951-1348007" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi all. I'm 69 yrs old and have gone through this feeling of trembling while trying to fall asleep numerous times over the past 10 years or so. For me, almost positive it is anxiety. During the day I will find myself taking deep breaths. That is the start of my road done anxiety lane. I don't want to say it's nothing but for me, it always turns out to be nothing serious like MS or other diseases. My suggestion is to treat it as an anxiety disorder first. Look for subtle changes in your thinking or low level long term stresses that catch up to you. My adult daughter swears by CBD tinctures as sleep aid. That stopped here teeth grinding. I'm going to try it and post if it helps. I'm not advocating CBD use as I will exhaust all the normal stress relief first. Blessing\r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T00:55+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joshuapryce1987-1348499" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I used to have this problem with severe stress. Ask the doctor for advice. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T00:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/eiznekcam-1349829" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been having these tremor/shakiness feelings since March. I think it stemmed from high stress levels of having to work from home remotely immediately due to covid. My job is incredibly demanding and I am essentially \"on\" all day. I'm currently still working from home and having a hard time separating the boundaries between work and home. I only feel the tremors at night time upon falling asleep or will wake up from a jerk and feel the sensation. It's definitely an unsettling feeling. I had a home sleep study done, so hopefully I'll get some answers, but from reading other responses here, it certainly sounds like anxiety. " ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T00:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=2#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/joy73897-1358663" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "Hi there, i just had this happen to me for possibly the second time but maybe more. I’m really not feeling well but wanted to ask before I forget - has anyone looked into vagus nerve issues? Many have mentioned palpitations and racing heart. In my past experience when I’ve had an issue with an under active vague nerve I’ve had sudden bp problems usually low but a racing heart and restless feeling. Best of luck to everyone here I will try to remember this episode and research." ], "date": [ "2021-02-19T06:37+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/kris19198-1360543" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have been experiencing these for years but they became almost nightly in the last few months. it feels like my blood is boiling in my body and i can feel it in my chest and torso and it radiates out to my neck/head/limbs. heart rate is fine-ish.. as good as it can be for being so freaked out. sometimes i need to actually sit up and walk around to shake it off. always when trying to sleep/wake up. i cant even nap anymore and i was a HUGE napper. I have also started having extreme migrating joint pain. \r\n\r\ni think this is def anxiety related as i have been under EXTREME stress for a steady 4 years Due to an abusive relationship which made me a single mother whos fighting three family court battles trying to protect that child. between the existential threat, past medical trauma (major DVT) and financial issues - I KNOW i should be medicated - but i cant bring myself to get on meds. \r\n\r\nim seeing a rheumatologist soon, but i really do think its stress/anxiety that just gets worse when you keep acquiring sleep debt bc of this in the forst place. vicious cycle." ], "date": [ "2021-02-26T01:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dispensermas-1360801" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rob66553-1343731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/dispensermas-1360801" ], "content": [ "Let me ask you this: how do you feel when you're happy? When you have those moments of joy? I'll bet you either a) don't notice or feel it or b) don't think about it at all. So it must be stress, right? By the way I'm experiencing some similar symptoms. It could also be the stress of the fact that you are still feeling things, the symptoms themselves are stressing you out. I hope you -- and all of us -- can find a way to cope." ], "date": [ "2021-04-20T00:09+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi I am Dispenser from Malaysia. Finally I can find a group of people who knew what exactly I am facing for the last few months.\r\n\r\nMy problem at the beginning stage (one year ago):\r\n1. Being waken up during the midnight (2 AM to 3 AM) with some wired feeling prior to following description:\r\n* Trembling over my whole body, but the most noticeable on hands, feet and trunk.\r\n* Feeling of nearly death (very terrible).\r\n* Feel no strength on my jaw (cant even close, need to give some strength will it just close)\r\n* Others: Dizzy, short of breath, sweating, high heart beat. \r\n2. Visiting the doctor, checking literally everything related to tremor:\r\n* Not hyperthyroid, sugar level normal, level function normal, kidney function normal, ECG normal\r\n* Suspected something to do with nerve system, check MRI on brain, no shadowing, everything is fine. \r\n* The conclusion from the neurologist doctor, \"YOU ARE STRESS\"! \r\n\r\nMy problem at the following stage (6 months ago):\r\n1. Find difficult to sleep, and will be a waken up by the tremble effect before the sleep, but most of the time is in the morning time, just before I woke up.\r\n2. Whenever I get awaken during the midnight, will have some negative thought that I may have some serious sickness like cancer last stage, tumour or something like that. Fear to death.\r\n3. Hand and leg will tremble on and off during the day, especially at a nervous situation. (Public speaking, exam and so on...)\r\n4. Hardly take a nap, the heart beat will spike crazily and short of breath. After the nap, the effect will disappear. \r\n5. While doing my daily task, everything is fine, but whenever I lay down on a bed, I start to feel my heart beat is really strong, even to an extent is drive my body to shake, and it is very noticeable. \r\n\r\nMy problem at the current stage (for now):\r\n1. I do nothing, just live normally, and avoid some unnecessary task.\r\n2. Try to always do something to get rip from thinking of this problem.\r\n3. Try to manage my time wisely so that I do not do thing in rush.\r\n4. Read all your comment so that I know that I am not alone, and that really comforting.\r\n5. Pray to God to have peace of mind." ], "date": [ "2021-02-27T04:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/cr8mnd-1360996" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/dispensermas-1360801" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/cr8mnd-1360996" ], "content": [ "Glad to hear that. Exactly the same with me." ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T01:39+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hello everyone and thank you for sharing your experiences! It's appalling how many people face this kind of problem and I'm sure there are many more people out there who go through this. \r\n\r\nI've been also struggling with these tremors just before falling asleep for the last several months. I also sometimes have what is called hypnagogic jerks or hypnic jerks just when I'm about to fall asleep and this has happened to me before, many years ago but it comes and goes. So, for the past months I've been struggling to get rid of these tremors and weird sensations in my body at night which also make me more anxious and don't let me sleep well. I researched a lot and I found out there are many factors that must be taken into consideration. \r\n\r\nFirst of all, it is true that anxiety plays a major role in this, I'm not particularly anxious and I do not take any medication, nor do I have panic attacks or anxious thoughts, but deep below the surface, in my subconscious mind I might have worries related to the current world situation and due to the lockdown and everything. My grandmother passed away last year because of the virus and so I think my anxiety raised and it's probably what causes these tremors at night. I also went through finals recently and I had a chaotic schedule and nights without sleep which I believe exacerbated these tremors. Lack of sleep makes everything worse including anxiety. At the same time, when we have these tremors we worry even more and this goes on as a vicious cycle. \r\n\r\nHowever, in my own research about this I came across many mentions about body nerves and I also do get some tingling, pins and needles and random numbness in different parts of my body. This probably has to do with the fact that in the past I was medically diagnosed with a few pinched nerves in my spine because of my mild scoliosis and possibly they got worse, since I also gained weight and I've spent more time indoors and inactive. \r\n\r\nI also sometimes feel weakness and slight dizziness together with the tremors and I thought that this is because probably the blood sugar drops during the night. When I feel like this I drink a water soluble supplement which contains glucose, sodium, potassium and vitamin C and it makes me feel better. \r\n\r\nTldr: the bottom line is that everyone is different and you must tune into your own body and see what things from your lifestyle might be the cause and try to change them and see what works for you. There might be many factors at play, whether it's diet and lifestyle, blood pressure and heart rate issues, blood sugar issues, pinched nerves, hypnagogic jerks or psychosomatic issues. Above all, we must find ways to relax, empty the mind and get the full hours of sleep that we need, and if we wake up because of the body sensations we must create a strategy to make our mind go back to sleep quickly because enough sleep makes a huge difference. \r\n\r\nKeep searching for what works in your case and never give up! \r\n" ], "date": [ "2021-02-28T22:01+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mmrose-1361905" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rob66553-1343731" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mmrose-1361905" ], "content": [ "MMRose, I've experienced some of these things too (the buzzing feeling, tinnitus) plus shaking etc. I also get a pulsing sound in my left ear which makes me absolutely MAD and have to sleep with a fan. The worst thing is that, at one point last year, this all seemed to be fading away -- I could go for days, weeks, without the pulsing, etc -- and then it came back. Makes you kind of bonkers. Hang in there. Would like to hear if anyone has conquered this!" ], "date": [ "2021-04-20T00:13+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hi everyone, i found this group last night and it really helped me get through the night. I've been having this for about two weeks and have hardly slept. I wrote last night but it was deleted by the moderator for some reason. Basically I said that I’m having similar symptoms to someone else, I cannot remember who, but I have dizziness and tinnitus throughout the day and buzzing in one of my legs, that has been there for about four months. At night I have the shaking and I have been sleeping 2 to 4 hours a night the last two weeks. The trembling starts in my chest and moves outward to my limbs Ive checked my heartrate during these times and its about 120 and I've also checked my blood pressure and its been sometimes high, sometimes not. I have had an MRI of my head and neck, and a nerve conduction test, they were all normal, but done before the trembling when i was just having buzzing in my leg. During the day I have been pretty OK, not very anxious, until today I think the bottom is falling out, and I am exhausted. Diagnoses that I am looking into: Pheochromocytoma, Addisons, Narcolepsy... Would love to hear what other people are thinking. Stay strong in these hard times!!" ], "date": [ "2021-03-04T05:24+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymously100-1362912" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I am so glad to finally see that this is not only happening to me. I thought i was fixing to have a heart attack. This just started like about 2 months ago from today. I would get sleepy and then all of a sudden my body starts trembling. It seem as if it was my heart palpitating really fast or something.. when i finally go to sleep i would wake up sweating from head to toe. I do have anxiety and i do take xanax and its the only way to get a decent night worth of sleep. It seems like i have a buzzing cellphone in my chest when i wake up and my chest is tight which lead me to believe i have a bad heart! when i went to the doctor they said my heart rate is up and my blood pressure is high. i really do believe it has something to do with this covid-19. I do have a neck injury that i received in a car accident which I broke my neck and had to have surgery. I've had seizures in the past and I am a weed smoker and I just stopped and it seems as this issue came on after stopping. I stop smoking because it was interfering with my (gerd/ibs) .. i Think using weed was helping so i order some hemp flower to try it and see if it gets better.. im not sure whats going on but to see so many people having this exact issue around this same time period tells me that its something going on. this needs to be researched in the medical field. it wakes me up early in the morning and my chest be so tight like im about to have a heart attack. sometimes im afraid to go to sleep! its interfering with my life and my mood i find myself tired and fatigue often because of this.. i finally came to the conclusion that this may be a condition called GENERALIZED ANXIETY. which causes stomach issues like ibs it causes tremors, sweating, panic attacks and basically everything that everyone has been describing in this forum.. i did get relief from going for a run early in the morning and getting my heart rate up. its seriously something happening and not just with me. if anyone find out anything please let me know because i am having just about the same issues as everyone is describing in this forum.. i will be sure to let me doctor read this and maybe they'll get this thing figured out! good luck to you all as we are all having the same issue and we're in the same boat!" ], "date": [ "2021-03-07T08:34+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymously100-1362912" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/anonymously100-1362912" ], "author_to": [], "content": [ "ALSO THESE ARE COFFEE / CAFFEINE & CANNABIS WITHDRAW SYMPTOMS... HOPES THIS HELPS" ], "date": [ "2023-01-27T01:08+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "IMPORTANT!!! TO EVERYONE HAVING THIS ISSUE... I TOO HAD THE SAME THING HAPPENING TO ME AND I THINK I HAVE FOUND THE ISSUE AND SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM. IF YOU TAKE XANAX, HAVE IBS/GERD ANY MENTAL OR DEPRESSION ISSUE WE TEND TO LOSE VITAMIN B6. SO THE SYMPTOMS THAT YOU ARE EXPERIENCING IS VITAMIN B6 DEFICIENCY. TURST ME GO AND BUY VITAMIN B6 ONLY AND START TAKING IT ON A DAILY BASIS AND CONTINUE TAKING IT. AND THANK ME LATER! I WAS HAVING THE SAME ISSUE I WOULD GET SLEEPY AND LAY DOWN AND MY CHEST WOULD GET TIGHT AND I WOULD START TREMBLING ON THE INSIDE OF MY STOMACH / CHEST AND I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK. MY HEART WAS ALSO BE FLUTTERING EXTREMELY FAST AND I THOUGHT I WOULD NOT WAKE UP . I WAS AFRAID TO GO TO SLEEP I WOULD ALSO HAVE TO TAKE XANAX TO GET A GOOD NIGHT REST. WHEN I WOULD WAKE UP MY CHEST WOULD BE TIGHT. MY STOMACH MUSCLES WOULD ALSO BE TIGHT AND I WOULD HAVE INDIGESTION REALLY BAD AND MY ANXIETY WOULD BE THROUGH THE ROOF. OFTEN I WOULD BE WAKEN UP VERY EARLY WITH A RACING HEART AND TIGHTENING OF THE CHEST AS IF A HEART ATTACK WAS COMING ON. I DID MY RESEARCH AND FOUND OUT THAT THESE ARE ALL SYMPTOMS OF VITAMIN B 6 DEFICIENCY. SO I HOPES THIS HELPS YOU ALL. REMEMBER TO START TAKING IT AND DON'T STOP!" ], "date": [ "2021-04-21T03:08+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/becca1993-1363661" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I AM SO happy I found this forum. The exact same thing happens to me.. its not all the time but when it happens its so scary. I end up dozing off and all of a sudden my head or the inside of my head feels like its shaking and my heart starts palpitating so hard i have to wake myself up and sit up in bed and then it goes away. Having this happen spikes my anxiety so much. im just glad im not the only one that this happens to." ], "date": [ "2021-03-10T06:21+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/rosenbau28-1363777" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "This is why the internet is so important. I have been having these same symptoms, whole body vibrations right before falling asleep and sometimes when waking. Also a lot more instances of limbs falling asleep in the middle of the night. I'm sure they're due to anxiety, just from the way the world is right now, but just knowing that there are a lot of people out there experiencing the same thing makes me less anxious. Hope we all find some relief in the days and months ahead." ], "date": [ "2021-03-10T14:49+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jeanneen37724-1364476" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "its the governments 5g " ], "date": [ "2021-03-13T21:06+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/hannahsoul-1365370" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jamie59042-1360889" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/hannahsoul-1365370" ], "content": [ "has it helped you ? " ], "date": [ "2021-05-12T13:38+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "Hey everyone I’ve been experiencing the same sensations too as I drift off to sleep it becomes so bad I try to not think about it but then I jolt out of sleep. I went to the doctor they did find a bladder infection but when I described the vibrating they looked at me like I was on something, then asked if I was stressed and ruled it to be because of the pandemic. However I’m very confused as to why it’s happening to all of us and as we go to bed. I do have GAD ( generalized anxiety disorder ) since I was 13, I’m now 23 and have never experienced this before. \r\n\r\nIt could perhaps be something happening at an energetic level with the collective consciousness but that’s definitely esoteric, who knows. Or 5G. Just trying to think outside the box. I’m hoping we find answers soon. \r\n\r\nI’m going to try meditating more, turning off the wifi router at night, no caffeine/stimulants, less tv/technology, and try CBD oil with magnesium. " ], "date": [ "2021-05-14T21:15+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=5#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/heather92560-1382729" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "why would you link this to anxiety? I get these, and it's so obvious to me they are organic in nature. I am having a hard time getting help, diagnostics or treatment because doctors always lazily say, it's anxiety. Sure, they cause some anxiety, as would having a broken foot! I think it's something to do with nerve inflammation or CNS disruption, but we'll probably never know, because doctors just say, \"anxiety, bye.\" (like they do with many invisible symptoms.)" ], "date": [ "2021-06-16T14:00+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/audrey0828-1382901" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "by any chance, when you experiencing the tremors, do you happen to see phosphenes? " ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T13:03+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/shorfan-1382902" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I'm experiencing something similar right now. Although it might not be every single night, they are pretty frequent. I've recently suffered panic attacks and am dealing with anxiety. Ever since this started I would have nights where I dose off and soon wake up with anxiety in my chest, heart beating fast and have these tremors where I shake and feel like I'm vibrating. I've gotten a bit more used to this. Every time this happens I try to focus on my breathing, slow it down and literally focus just on my breath. How the breathing feels, how my chest and stomach moves and focusing on the inhalation and exhalation. This has helped me, even though I can wake up plenty of times, I've gotten more used to it and can fall asleep after a few times." ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T13:13+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ally19675-1383894" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I have this too, and I noticed it didn't happen when I slept away from home one night this week. I wonder if it has to do with toxins in my mattress. I bought a new mattress in January and this started happening in February. " ], "date": [ "2021-06-23T05:26+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/karen46844-1381221" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi ive got health anxiety also with all the same symptoms as you but I keep thinking its lung cancer I've been feeling so worried about it and been to my gp and hospital 4 times about it they keep telling me its anxiety" ], "date": [ "2021-06-25T00:14+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/bree43903-1401027" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "i am a 38 yr old generally healthy woman. since the laat week of August i have been suffering from crippling insomnia caused by Tremors. at first, i wasnt sure what was keeping me up, i thought it was a fast pulse in my throat and felt very hyper alert even though i was exhausted my brain would not slow down/shut off. sounds like anxiety right? but i have never suffered from anxiety in my life. i have however always been a light sleeper and thats definitely not helping me here. fast forward to mid september i caught (vaccinated breakthrough) covid thats when what was happening to me at night became very noticeable as a tremor. it became apparent inner vibrating sometimes very strong mostly in my head upper neck but lately radiating throughout me. this feels like one of those hand held back massagers going off inside me. the worse the tremors get the less i sleep the less i sleep the more anxiety i get about not being able to sleep. every otc sleep aid has failed me. nothing works. i just lay awake vibrating and feeling severe anxiety about it. it got so bad im feeling the vibrating during the day as well but mostly when i sit. i dont notice it when im up moving around being active. i finally saw a dr who took me seriously and got a referral to a neurologist my appt is set for Oct 19. this dr prescribed me a beta blocker which somewhat helps but doesnt fully get rid of the tremor just lessens the intensity. i told her as annoying as the tremor is, its the loss of sleep associated with it that is really affecting me. last night, i forgot to take the beta blocker so the tremor was quite severe and i had a weird feeling i never had before of my feet being ice cold. i took a Unisom sleep gel that did nothing for me whatsoever. after breaking down and crying at 1:30 am because i am so exhausted and cant sleep, i returned to the dr this morning and told her i cant deal with not sleeping anymore. she gave me a prescription for Lunesta but told me its very addictive and i can only take it once a week. so maybe i can now sleep at least one night a week. if it works. i just hope the neuro can figure out whats going on because i feel like i cant go on like this anymore. " ], "date": [ "2021-10-08T20:31+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/london007007-1408088" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "hi , I'm London .\r\nI just came across all of your posts and couldn't believe i was reading so much of what I'm experiencing ; my symptoms actually started in my brain and were very intermittent , so for a long time i feared it was perhaps a seizure . i have had seizures in the past, years ago, so i pretty much knew this wasn't the same but it was infrequent and i had other health issues and let it slide. at the beginning of 2021 I started feeling these weird vibrations in my heels and fingers but my neurosurgeon acted like he had never heard of such ( incompetent like so many others I have experiences) . THEN, , upon falling asleep at night the internal tremors would wake me just as i would drift off at night and were so awful from entire body to my brain, that it felt as if i had to get up and stand and walk otherwise my brain and chest would implode ! its terrifying ! THEN , in October , for 2 straight weeks it never stopped , 24/7 , and was painful as well . i couldn't lay flat or close my eyes for two weeks so my neurologist admitted me into hospital for mris of brain , cervical spine, and lower spine . i had a stroke a year prior which i knew about already and i felt it was due to a spinal surgery that went very wrong just a month earlier in 2019. i was already told this couldn't be the cause of tremors . HOWEVER, my cervical spine has problems STILL and a lesion was found on mri , but was told this probably wasn't the cause! sooo frustrating and upsetting ! i begged my other doctors to do tests while i was in the hospital for a week bc i had problems while there for mris , but every darn doctor just said they would wait to see how neurology tests went first! i knew it was possible it was not neurological , and the suffering im enduring and the doctors witnessed me endure was just cruel on their part . i will say that i waa put on xanax to calm my body down , but my neurologist has prescribed it bc until we know what is causing this the xanax seems to minimize the internal tremors , but doesn't stop them. i do not think that this is relatwd to stress , but i do know that stress definitely makes it worse and can help to pay some role in it. STRESS AND ANXIETY PLAY A ROLE IN ALL PHYSICAL AILMENTS AND MAKE THEM WORSE. I also have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis and stress plays a major role in both . i am waiting to see endocrinologist about thyroid bcTSH levels r high , and other doctors until i have answers. perhaps some of you on here do have anxiety related internal tremors , and if u no longer have them i am so happy for u . for me though, as i sit here in bes, every time i try to physically lay flat on the bed the tremors become so intense i can't stay flat . SO, the fact my body internally vibrates worse just from a position , it is not anxiety ... its pressure , painful at times in areas and physically impossible to lay flat. anyone out there feeling the same id love to hear from u:)" ], "date": [ "2021-12-03T07:54+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/avidreader-1442556" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "I've been getting these, too! I recently went through a bad anxiety flare which seems to have brought them on. I first noticed them during the extreme fear I was feeling during high anxiety and they were internal vibrations inside my body in chest (?) Then if I was walking in the mall or a store, I became overwhelmed and it felt like the ground was shaking under my feet. Even if I sat down it felt like the ground shaking but I guess it was my body vibrating. \r\nNow, I think I am past the flare and constant fight or flight mode I was in but upon falling asleep and mainly waking up, I feel my body vibrating. After a few minutes of getting out of bed and going into the bathroom or downstairs, they are gone. \r\nAt first it concerned me greatly, but now I'm not worried and just accept it as something my body or nervous system is working through. I am trusting my body and allowing it to do what it needs to and maybe they'll go away at some point. My doctors don't seem concerned in the slightest and are attributing it to anxiety and nervous system. \r\n\r\nSo many of us have internal vibrations from what I read online. I'm sure we're fine. " ], "date": [ "2022-11-09T04:10+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=7#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/luis714-1065855" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luis714-1065855" ], "content": [ "Thank-you for your response! I will try the counting sheep thing. It still seems odd to me that its anxiety, considering I was even more anxious when I was on vacation! I already cut out caffeine and have limited my sugar intake (I have a sweet tooth) and avoid meds unless absolutely necessary. " ], "date": [ "2017-08-16T01:31+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/helen55555-1374887" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luis714-1065855" ], "content": [ "hi,\r\ni've been getting internal vibrations from low frequency noise and infrasound. you cant hear it outside because it is masked by atmospherics. inside only a few people can hear it but it enters through your ears and vibrates your nervous system.\r\ntry using wax earplugs and see if that stops it." ], "date": [ "2021-05-08T15:51+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/deborah91099-378406" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/luis714-1065855" ], "content": [ "I also have this not just when I am going to sleep but when I wake up it is strange for me that if I wake up say 2 hours after I go to sleep I do not have them but if it is morning I do. I know for me it is anxiety and the reason I have it in the morning is I am anxious for the day. A change in surroundings probably broke the cycle of it for you even if it was anxiety. I feel a lot of pressure about things I always have but in the morning it is at its worst. I don't like to go to sleep at night because if I sleep through the night it will be morning and that is my worst time for these spells. Just thinking it sounds exactly like the physical thing that happens to me." ], "date": [ "2021-06-17T13:48+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>I had these tremors before. Exactly as you described, they would happen any time i would try to fall asleep. Several nights it got so bad where i could not get any sleep. As soon as i closed my eyes, i would wake up with a tremor/spasm and my heart would be palpitating really fast. The fact that you were just on vacation and you didnt experience such symptoms should tell you something. Its most likely environmental caused by anxiety. I had it checked out with my dr and he told me just that, its anxiety. I stayed away from caffeine and sugars. I drink herbal teas, meditate and do Yoga. I haven&#39;t had them in months. Stay calm and relaxed, if they do happen just accep them and dont panic, try to calm down and go right back to sleep. Believe it or not what helped me to eventually lose focus on the tremors was counting sheep. Id never made it to 100 before falling asleep.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-01-18T01:12+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/italia06-984656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/italia06-984656" ], "content": [ "<p>For a while it was more in my legs too! It&#39;s been months though and turned into an all over thing. I feel it a lot in the back of my head/neck, as well as my legs and arms.&#160;</p><p>Thank-you for responding. It&#39;s comforting hearing others talk about similar problems.&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2021-03-09T00:59+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mitouback-699680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "content": [ "It started with my chest area. Then it is now moving to fingers, legs , lips and back of head..WTF is it?? Are the vibrations the nerves shaking or small muscles shaking??" ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T08:38+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/biana-1348105" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "content": [ "Hi,\r\nyou are def not alone in this. I started getting anxiety during covid times. I went to a Chiro/acupunture which made my head and neck pains worse. I also have the electric shocks throughout the body and jolts when I lay to rest. I have chronic pains throughout the body as well. I just hope this goes away! " ], "date": [ "2020-12-24T04:57+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "i had these terribly for a two week period when my anxiety was elevated, especially in my legs.  it feels like when your cell phone is in your pocket and you have it on vibrate and someone calls.  the tremors or vibration would ONLY happen when attempting to go to sleep or falling asleep.  they eventually went away as i improved my stress levels.  i also had a bout of waking up to uncontrollabe chest spasms.  but with the separate bout of leg vibrations...only would happen while dozing off to sleep." ], "date": [ "2021-03-09T00:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/italia06-984656" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "<p>yeah it was pretty terrible when i was experiencing them but then again my health anxiety was super high.&#160; it would only come on as i was falling asleep or dozing off.&#160; i&#39;ll say this...my physical symptoms have been pretty terrible the last couple of years...anxiety is a difficult thing to deal with.</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-16T07:05+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/lilygee-1075874" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/ariillustrates-1037907" ], "comments": [ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mitouback-699680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lilygee-1075874" ], "content": [ "I started having these tremors back in Feb 2020. It is now April. I woke up at 4 AM and was trembling all over..Since then, it happens all the time as I am dropping off to sleep. I can stop them for a while if I lie on my right side. I went to A and E once as the trembles were so bad that the back of my head was trembling. They checked my heart (ECG) and my lungs ( X-ray) and my blood. All was fine. My hormone TSH was a tiny bit high and my calcium a little hight too, but nothing to be concerned about, said the doctor. They said I had sub-clinical HYPO THYROIDISM, but it was yet not urgent to medicate for. I am having a blood test again in 3 weeks time, May 2020. I cannot understand why the internal tremors come at night and I have them for a bit as I wake up. Never day time if I lounge on sofa watching the TV or read a book. My blood pressure is on the high side too. I am at a loss. Can someone tell me if your tremors have gone away now? I know this FORUM have posts from 2018, so maybe you all have left it by now? Thank you." ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T08:32+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/mitouback-699680" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/lilygee-1075874" ], "content": [ "Hi\r\nAre you OK now? I have just started these bizarre night time tremors. It has gotten so bad I worry going to bed..\r\nMitouback" ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T08:37+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jak39724-1045018" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mitouback-699680" ], "content": [ "Hey there I'm sorry you're going through this too.. I've been having these since around January nearly every night I may get the odd night where it dont happen but this is always of a night when I try dropping off it will happen when my body vibrates and my chest is shaking really fast and it also makes me feel drained weak and weird I just can't explain this feeling as such but I know it's down to anxiety but every night I always worry this will happen again so sleeping is so hard for myself. " ], "date": [ "2020-04-14T10:02+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/donna77606-1346008" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mitouback-699680" ], "content": [ "I am going through the exact same thing. My sleep tremor started in Feb this year, only once a while but in july it started to get worse. i would wake up in the middle of the night and feel the vibration on my arms and body. i went to doc and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The tremor continue to get worse and i would literally wakes up a few tome per night and i am so scared to go to bed. Last blood test they said I am now subclinical hypo but could not tell me if those night tremors relates to the thyroid issues. Ive seen neuro he just said i dont have stroke/MS/ brain tumor but he cant explain my symptom. They then send me to see phycologist and was told i had anxiety and a bit of depression due to the entire world situation (covid). they gave me antidepressant so i can sleep better and will go from there. I feel so hopeless as no actual diagnose or cure" ], "date": [ "2020-12-10T11:41+00:00" ] }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/arthur40879-1367856" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/mitouback-699680" ], "content": [ "So fun fact and ill try and keep yall updated but, i am 34 and am really healthy, not overwieght, and i dont use any vices like drugs or alchohol and i dont take any meds. I do though have horrible anxiety that i manage through healthy practices like breathing exercises and meditation etc... Recently i went to the ER for atrial fibrilation and RvR, i have never had a health problem in my life, but this got me shook, my inner zen is trashed and healthy mental balance back at the first step like im learning how to manage my anxiety all over again. im now on blood thinners and a beta blocker and you bet your grandmas pie the beta blockers make me feel all kinds of weird and this has my anxiety even more active. Just like yall anytime i try to go to sleep just before i pass into the void i snap back with full body gentle tremors from my upper chest down to my feet it is painless but certainly makes me want to freak out and panic because it is unusual and uncomfortable. Oh also while i was in the ER, my TSH came back high and they said that i am someone who is sub clinical hypo thyroidism and it will eventually need to be treated, just not yet. I really am thinking that this tremor may just be from subconcious anxiety because i had this before last year and when life improved it went away and now that my internal zen is trashed due to my new heart issue, my old sleep destroyer tremors are now back. " ], "date": [ "2021-03-31T20:24+00:00" ] } ], "content": [ "<p>Hi! I&#39;m currently experiencing these tremors. It got to the point where my teeth were chattering ?? It was so horrible! I&#39;m now afraid to sleep and have to talk myself into feeling fine. I repeat words and phrases and basically give myself a pep talk to relax enough to attempt to sleep. I tremor right before bed for a little bit, then wake up in the middle of the night and again tremor a little bit. It&#39;s like I&#39;m cold although I&#39;m not. Usually hugging a pillow helps (body pillows Are the best) and I just wait for it to pass. Sometimes they don&#39;t and I have to get up, walk around a little, turn a fan on, it&#39;s a whole exhausting routine. Not sure how I&#39;m managing to sleep anymore. I hope your tremors stop soon. I too think its environmental and may be work/home related. Just think of your vacation when the tremors begin. Finding a happy place in your mind is very important. Best of luck!&#160;</p>" ], "date": [ "2017-08-16T10:52+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/falling-asleep-tremors-606191?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Falling Asleep Tremors
<p>Hi guys!&#160;</p><p></p><p>So for quite a while now, I&#39;ve been experiencing what I think are tremors falling asleep. &#160;I have posted about them before but they&#39;re causing me some bad anxiety again tonight. Usually what happens is I&#39;m drowsy and as I&#39;m dosing, my body starts shaking. And whenever I wake up my body is shaking/vibrating for a few minutes.&#160;</p><p>The part that is bothering me is that I just came back from a three week vacation. While on vacation, I didn&#39;t experience these tremors at all, which was weird to me because I was experiencing them almost every night before. Now that I&#39;m back home, my tremors are back as well.&#160;</p><p>My endo told me last month that she thinks it might be good related, and asked me to keep a log of what I&#39;m eating for dinner and to try and pinpoint triggers. Something I noticed is that I eat a lot more carb heavy foods at home. I read online about someone with a gluten allergy experiencing this and it&#39;s been making me wonder if it could be causing the tremors. My dinners on vacation generally had very little to no gluten and I was fine. I love my bread and pasta though and had those the last two nights being back, and also tremors with them.&#160;</p><p>I also wondered if it could be environmental. Although, I&#39;m not sure how it could be. Maybe I&#39;m overthinking things.</p><p>Anyways, I&#39;m sorry for the long post. I was just really anxious and wanting to talk to someone about it. I also want to hear if anyone has similar experiences or problems with sleeping.&#160;</p>
Anxiety over taking me
Hi, Since getting ill with covid in December I have felt unwell and not been able to get out of the house. I feel something is wrong with me because I feel ill everyday but nothing is wrong with me. Apart from high blood pressure but that's from the stress. Finding hard to get out of the house now, it's like I'm stuck in another circle or panicking about my health for no reason. Anyone else like this?
[ { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/jan34534-998356" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/779613-1452934" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "over thinking can cause us to believe something is wrong when it’s not. your neck , stomach and shoulder most likely have nothing to do with your mouth and gums. \r\nyour stomach could be upset for many different reasons one could be anxiety or what you eat, etc. drink some nice warm, herbal tea to settle your stomach.\r\nstiffness in the neck and shoulder is extremely common. People get that all the time. Sometimes is from the way you sit or lifting things, etc. put a warm pack on there so that it relaxes a little bit. run warm water on it in the shower.\r\nAnd if your doctor looked in your mouth and said it looks OK then it most likely is. Why don’t you give it some time and try to relax your mind and see how everything is at that time. and try not to overthink things. Just because we think it doesn’t make it true. Just let your doctor know if anything feels worse. But I bet you’ll be OK!\r\n" ], "date": [ "2023-01-24T17:20+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stress-symptoms-or-it-s-serious-795734?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" }, { "author_from": [ "/forums/profiles/atz0000-1409791" ], "author_to": [ "/forums/profiles/779613-1452934" ], "comments": [], "content": [ "back in aug-sept after a terrible bout of viral gastro in july, i swear my stomach was unsettled ALL THE TIME. but here's the kicker – nothing was wrong with me :) i was in and out of the doctor's, a billion tests and he was really just left scratching his head bc he couldn't find anything wrong. i got diagnosed with chronic stress and panic AGAIN (i was first diagnosed when i was 13 lol) so i decided to take matters into my own hands. i started working out everyday to stimulate my appetite, and also i ate my meals at the same time so i would get hungry at the same time. i started seeing a counselor as well, and spoke to my doctor and another doctor friend about my stomach anxiety. as jan said, the biggest problem is that if we focus on a symptom, it seems worse than it actually is. you just need to make peace with the fact that you're human and these ups and downs are bound to happen from time to time. the difference is other people just ignore it. maybe you could try practicing mindfulness? that helped me stop focusing on my stomach a lot, and i hope it can help you❤️ Good luck. " ], "date": [ "2023-01-25T18:59+00:00" ], "url": "https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stress-symptoms-or-it-s-serious-795734?order=oldest&page=0#topic-replies" } ]
Stress symptoms or it’s serious
for the oast 2 weeks, I've been overthinking and recently I noticed that back of tongue is white coated and i feel a tingling sensation in my gum and teeth, my neck left side is a bit stiff so as my shoulder. Also my stomach is unsettled all i can is drink water. I went to see a gp and she said everything in your mouth is normal but I know how I was before and what I am feeling now. could you guys assist