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Skywork-13B-Math: Skywork-13B-Math model has undergone specialized training to enhance its mathematical abilities. In the 13B-scale model, the Skywork-13B-Math model ranked first in the GSM8K evaluation, and it also performed exceptionally well on the MATH dataset and CMATH, placing it among the top-level 13B models.


Skywork-13B-Math-8bits is a quantizated model of Skywork-13B-Math, to support deployment and inference on consumer-grade GPUs.


If you are interested in more training and evaluation details, please refer to our technical report, Skymath paper and SkyworkMM paper.



Skywork-13B-Math has further enhanced mathematical capabilities compared to the Base model. We conducted evaluations on mainstream mathematical related benchmarks, GSM8K, MATH, and CMATH. The results show that in the 13B scale model, our model ranked 1st in the GSM8K and CMATH benchmarks, and is also at the forefront in the MATH benchmark.

LLaMA-1-13B-Base 17.80 3.90 -
LLaMA-2-13B-Base 28.70 3.90 -
Baichuan-13B-Base 26.76 4.84 51.33
Baichuan-2-13B-Base 52.77 10.08 -
WizardMath-13B 63.90 14.00 50.83
GAIRMATH-Abel-13B 66.41 17.34 -
MetaMath-13B 72.30 22.40 -
Skywork-13B-Math (ours) 72.33 16.98 77.27



We have open-sourced the model parameters, configuration files, tokenizer, and more on Huggingface and Modelscope.


  • Python 3.8及以上版本
  • Pytorch 2.0及以上版本
  • CUDA建议使用11.4以上版本。


  • Python 3.8 and above
  • Pytorch 2.0 and above
  • CUDA 11.4 and above are recommended.

Skywork-13B-Base model, Skywork-13B-Chat model, and Skywork-13B-Math model run the following script for Python dependency installation:

pip install -r requirements.txt 


Math 模型推理(Math Model Inferecen)

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
import torch

tokenizer_path = ""
checkpoint_path = ""

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
    tokenizer_path, use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=True, padding_side='left')

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
    checkpoint_path, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True).eval()
tokenizer.add_tokens(["[USER]", "[BOT]", "[SEP]"])

def special_encode(input, tokenizer):
    raw_str = "[USER]%s[SEP][BOT]" % input.strip().replace("\r", "")
    eos_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id
    bos_id = tokenizer.bos_token_id
    sep_id = tokenizer.encode("[SEP]")[-1]
    res_id = [eos_id, bos_id]
    arr = raw_str.split("[SEP]")
    for elem_idx in range(len(arr)):
        elem = arr[elem_idx]
        elem_id = tokenizer.encode(elem)[1:]
        res_id += elem_id
        if elem_idx < len(arr) - 1:

    return res_id

def extract_res(response):
    if "[BOT]" in response:
        response = response.split("[BOT]")[1]
    if "<s>" in response:
        response = response.split("<s>")[-1]
    if "</s>" in response:
        response = response.split("</s>")[0]
    if "[SEP]" in response:
        response = response.split("[SEP]")[0]
    return response

if __name__ == '__main__':
    text = "小王要将150千克含药量20%的农药稀释成含药量5%的药水.需要加水多少千克?"
    text_token_ids = torch.tensor(special_encode(
        text, tokenizer)).to(model.device).reshape(1, -1)
    response = model.generate(text_token_ids, do_sample=False, max_length=512)
    response_text = tokenizer.decode(response.cpu()[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
    response_text = extract_res(response_text)
    首先,我们需要计算出150千克含药量20%的农药中含有多少千克的药。\n\n150千克 * 20% = 30千克\n\n然后,我们需要计算出要得到含药量5%的药水,需要多少千克的药水。\n\n30千克 / 5% = 600千克\n\n最后,我们需要计算出需要加多少千克的水。\n\n600千克 - 150千克 = 450千克\n\n所以答案是,小王需要加450千克的水。
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
import torch

tokenizer_path = ""
checkpoint_path = ""

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
    tokenizer_path, use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=True, padding_side='left')

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
    checkpoint_path, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True).eval()
tokenizer.add_tokens(["[USER]", "[BOT]", "[SEP]"])

def special_encode(input, tokenizer):
    raw_str = "[USER]%s[SEP][BOT]" % input.strip().replace("\r", "")
    eos_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id
    bos_id = tokenizer.bos_token_id
    sep_id = tokenizer.encode("[SEP]")[-1]
    res_id = [eos_id, bos_id]
    arr = raw_str.split("[SEP]")
    for elem_idx in range(len(arr)):
        elem = arr[elem_idx]
        elem_id = tokenizer.encode(elem)[1:]
        res_id += elem_id
        if elem_idx < len(arr) - 1:

    return res_id

def extract_res(response):
    if "[BOT]" in response:
        response = response.split("[BOT]")[1]
    if "<s>" in response:
        response = response.split("<s>")[-1]
    if "</s>" in response:
        response = response.split("</s>")[0]
    if "[SEP]" in response:
        response = response.split("[SEP]")[0]
    return response

if __name__ == '__main__':
    text="Janet’s ducks lay 16 eggs per day. She eats three for breakfast every morning and bakes muffins for her friends every day with four. She sells the remainder at the farmers' market daily for $2 per fresh duck egg. How much in dollars does she make every day at the farmers' market?"
    text_token_ids = torch.tensor(special_encode(
        text, tokenizer)).to(model.device).reshape(1, -1)
    response = model.generate(text_token_ids, do_sample=False, max_length=512)
    response_text = tokenizer.decode(response.cpu()[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
    response_text = extract_res(response_text)
    """Skywork-13B-Math Response:
    First, we need to find out how many eggs Janet has left after eating for breakfast and baking for her friends. \n\nShe has 16 eggs per day, eats 3 for breakfast and uses 4 for baking. So, 16 - 3 - 4 = 9 eggs are left for selling at the farmers' market.\n\nSince she sells each egg for $2, she makes 9 * 2 = $<<9*2=18>>18 every day at the farmers' market.\n\nSo, the answer is $18.


8bit量化(Int8 Quantization)

skywork 采用主流8bits量化方法:BitsAndBytes。该方法量化后性能基本无损,且已经集成到transformers库中,基于BitsAndBytes,我们提供在线量化和离线8bits模型两种方式。


在线量化(Online Quantization)

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("skywork-13B-Base", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16,load_in_8bit=True, trust_remote_code=True).eval()

离线量化(Offline Quantization)

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("skywork-13B-Base-8bits", device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16,trust_remote_code=True).eval()



Precision C-Eval MMLU CMMLU
bf16 60.6 61.8 62.1
8bits 58.5 61.8 61.0

显存占用(GPU Mem in GB)

Precision Skywork-13B
bf16 25.91
8bits 13.57

声明和协议(Declaration and License Agreement)


我们在此声明,不要利用Skywork模型进行任何危害国家社会安全或违法的活动。另外,我们也要求使用者不要将 Skywork 模型用于未经适当安全审查和备案的互联网服务。我们希望所有的使用者都能遵守这个原则,确保科技的发展能在规范和合法的环境下进行。


We hereby declare that the Skywork model should not be used for any activities that pose a threat to national or societal security or engage in unlawful actions. Additionally, we request users not to deploy the Skywork model for internet services without appropriate security reviews and records. We hope that all users will adhere to this principle to ensure that technological advancements occur in a regulated and lawful environment.

We have done our utmost to ensure the compliance of the data used during the model's training process. However, despite our extensive efforts, due to the complexity of the model and data, there may still be unpredictable risks and issues. Therefore, if any problems arise as a result of using the Skywork open-source model, including but not limited to data security issues, public opinion risks, or any risks and problems arising from the model being misled, abused, disseminated, or improperly utilized, we will not assume any responsibility.

协议(License Agreement)

社区使用Skywork模型需要遵循《Skywork 模型社区许可协议》。Skywork模型支持商业用途,如果您计划将Skywork模型或其衍生品用于商业目的,无需再次申请, 但请您仔细阅读《Skywork 模型社区许可协议》并严格遵守相关条款。

The community usage of Skywork model requires Skywork Community License. The Skywork model supports commercial use. If you plan to use the Skywork model or its derivatives for commercial purposes, you must abide by terms and conditions within Skywork Community License.

引用和联系我们(Contact Us and Citation)


If you find our work helpful, please feel free to cite our paper~

      title={Skywork: A More Open Bilingual Foundation Model}, 
      author={Tianwen Wei and Liang Zhao and Lichang Zhang and Bo Zhu and Lijie Wang and Haihua Yang and Biye Li and Cheng Cheng and Weiwei Lü and Rui Hu and Chenxia Li and Liu Yang and Xilin Luo and Xuejie Wu and Lunan Liu and Wenjun Cheng and Peng Cheng and Jianhao Zhang and Xiaoyu Zhang and Lei Lin and Xiaokun Wang and Yutuan Ma and Chuanhai Dong and Yanqi Sun and Yifu Chen and Yongyi Peng and Xiaojuan Liang and Shuicheng Yan and Han Fang and Yahui Zhou},
  title={SkyMath: Technical Report},
  author={Liu Yang, Haihua Yang, Wenjun Cheng, Lei Lin, Chenxia Li, Yifu Chen, Lunan Liu, Jianfei Pan, Tianwen Wei, Biye Li, Liang Zhao, Lijie Wang, Bo Zhu, Guoliang Li, Xuejie Wu, Xilin Luo, Rui Hu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv: 2310.16713},
    author = {Skywork Multi-Modal Group},
    month = sep,
    title = {{Empirical Study Towards Building An Effective Multi-Modal Large Language Model}},
    year = {2023}
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