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Model Card for PygKiCOTlion

PygKiCOTlion is a a lora merge of Pygmalion-2-13b-SuperCOT + Kimiko v2

Model Details

Q: "Why do you do this?!"
A: Was bored.

Model Description

  • Developed by: KaraKaraWitch (Merge), kaiokendev (Original SuperCOT LoRA), nRuaif (Kimiko v2 LoRA), kingbri (Pygmalion 2 13b SuperCOT)
  • Model type: Decoder only
  • License: LLaMA2 (PygKiCOTlion), SuperCOT (MIT), Kimiko v2 (CC BY-NC-SA (?))
  • Finetuned from model [optional]: LLaMA2

Model Sources [optional]



Direct Use


Since this is a merge between Pygmalion 2 13b SuperCOT and Kimiko v2, the following instruction formats should work:


<|system|>Your system prompt goes here.<|user|>Are you alive?<|model|>


### Instruction:
Your instruction or question here.
### Response:

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

YMMV. This is untested territory.

Testing Feedbakc

Notes from KaraKaraWitch:

  • The model feels weirdly loopy compared to MythKiCOTlion at lower temps.
  • Higher temps the model tries to venture out of it's comfort zone at the cost of making it not stick to the model card as close as expected.

Training Details

N/A. Refer to the respective LoRa's and models.

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