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在llama-2-13b上使用open orca前5萬筆資料集進行訓練

Fine-Tuning Information

  • GPU: RTX4090 (single core / 24564MiB)
  • model: meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf
  • dataset: Open-Orca/OpenOrca (取前5w筆訓練集)
  • peft_type: LoRA
  • lora_rank: 8
  • lora_target: q_proj, v_proj
  • per_device_train_batch_size: 8
  • gradient_accumulation_steps: 8
  • learning_rate : 5e-5
  • epoch: 1
  • precision: bf16
  • quantization: load_in_4bit

Fine-Tuning Detail

  • train_loss: 0.903261117822906
  • train_runtime: 7:19:57 (use deepspeed)


  • 評估結果來自HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard
  • 與Llama-2-13b和其他使用Open-Orca的模型比較4種Benchmark
  • Benchmark包含ARCHellaSwagMMLUTruthfulQA
Model Average ARC HellaSwag MMLU TruthfulQA
meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf 56.9 58.11 80.97 54.34 34.17
meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf 59.93 59.04 81.94 54.64 44.12
Open-Orca/OpenOrca-Platypus2-13B 64.6 62.8 83.15 59.39 53.08
Open-Orca/OpenOrcaxOpenChat-Preview2-13B 63.81 62.37 82.96 58.68 51.23
circulus/Llama-2-13b-orca-v1 62.91 62.03 82.27 57.71 49.61
CHIH-HUNG/llama-2-13b-open_orca_20w 60.46 59.9 82.51 56.3 43.14
CHIH-HUNG/llama-2-13b-OpenOrca_5w 61.2 61.01 82.82 56.09 44.87

How to convert dataset to json

  • load_dataset中輸入資料集名稱,並且在take中輸入要取前幾筆資料
  • 觀察該資料集的欄位名稱,填入example欄位中(例如system_prompt、question、response)
  • 最後指定json檔儲存位置 (json_filename)
import json
from datasets import load_dataset

# 讀取數據集,take可以取得該數據集前n筆資料
dataset = load_dataset("Open-Orca/OpenOrca", split="train", streaming=True).take(50000)

# 提取所需欄位並建立新的字典列表
extracted_data = []
for example in dataset:
    extracted_example = {
        ### open orca
        "system_prompt": example["system_prompt"],
        "question": example["question"],
        "response": example["response"]

# 指定 JSON 文件名稱
json_filename = "open_orca.json"

# 寫入 JSON 文件
with open(json_filename, "w") as json_file:
    json.dump(extracted_data, json_file, indent=4)

print(f"數據已提取並保存為 {json_filename}")
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Inference API
Model is too large to load in Inference API (serverless). To try the model, launch it on Inference Endpoints (dedicated) instead.

Dataset used to train CHIH-HUNG/llama-2-13b-OpenOrca_5w

Spaces using CHIH-HUNG/llama-2-13b-OpenOrca_5w 19