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Phi-3 Mini-128K-ChatQA-v0.1

Phi-3 Mini-128K-ChatQA-v0.1 is an experimental LoRA fine-tune of the Phi-3 Mini-128K-Instruct model a subset of the nvidia/ChatQA-Training-Data dataset. The goal is to make a low-parameter model usable in RAG applications.

Below is the config.yaml used to train the model (used mlx-lm):

# The path to the local model directory or Hugging Face repo.
model: "phi-3-mini-128k-instruct"
# Whether or not to train (boolean)
train: true

# Directory with {train, valid, test}.jsonl files
data: "data"

# The PRNG seed
seed: 31

# Number of layers to fine-tune
lora_layers: 32

# Minibatch size.
batch_size: 2

# Iterations to train for.
iters: 8

# Number of validation batches, -1 uses the entire validation set.
val_batches: 25

# Adam learning rate.
learning_rate: 2e-5

# Number of training steps between loss reporting.
steps_per_report: 2

# Number of training steps between validations.
steps_per_eval: 2

# Load path to resume training with the given adapter weights.
resume_adapter_file: null

# Save/load path for the trained adapter weights.
adapter_path: "adapters/phi-3-mini-128k-chatqa"

# Save the model every N iterations.
save_every: 8

# Evaluate on the test set after training
test: true

# Number of test set batches, -1 uses the entire test set.
test_batches: 32

# Maximum sequence length.
max_seq_length: 131072

# Use gradient checkpointing to reduce memory use.
grad_checkpoint: false

# Use DoRA instead of LoRA.
use_dora: false

# LoRA parameters can only be specified in a config file
  # The layer keys to apply LoRA to.
  # These will be applied for the last lora_layers
  keys: ["self_attn.q_proj", "self_attn.v_proj", "self_attn.k_proj", "mlp.down_proj", "mlp.gate_up_proj"]
  rank: 256
  alpha: 16.0
  scale: 10.0
  dropout: 0.0

# Schedule can only be specified in a config file, uncomment to use.
#  name: cosine_decay
#  warmup: 100 # 0 for no warmup
#  warmup_init: 1e-7 # 0 if not specified
#  arguments: [1e-5, 1000, 1e-7] # passed to scheduler
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3.82B params
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