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Question and Answer with Italian T5

This model is a fine-tuned version of gsarti/it5-base on Thoroughly Cleaned Italian mC4 Corpus (~41B words, ~275GB).

To use add a question + context in the same string for example:

In quale anno si è verificato il terremoto nel Sichuan?
Il terremoto del Sichuan del 2008 o il terremoto del Gran Sichuan, misurato a 8.0 Ms e 7.9 Mw, e si è verificato alle 02:28:01 PM China Standard Time all' epicentro (06:28:01 UTC) il 12 maggio nella provincia del Sichuan, ha ucciso 69.197 persone e lasciato 18.222 dispersi.

The train achieves the following results/params:

  • epoch: 2.0
  • train_loss: 0.1064
  • train_samples: 87599
  • eval_samples : 10570
  • eval_gen_len : 9.2974
  • eval_loss : 0.5939
  • eval_rouge1 : 17.5052
  • eval_rouge2 : 5.8714
  • eval_rougeL : 17.4487
  • eval_rougeLsum : 17.4528

Train the model

To train the model use this repo, inside you find the requirements.txt and the src to create train.

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Dataset used to train z-uo/it5-squadv1-it

Space using z-uo/it5-squadv1-it 1