In addition to task 'text-generation', can falcon be used for other tasks like summarization, QA etc?

by VS9205 - opened

In addition to task 'text-generation', it seems falcon couldn't not be used for other tasks like summarization, QA etc?
I tired to change the task in code below

pipeline = transformers.pipeline(

but getting the following error:

ValueError: Could not load model tiiuae/falcon-7b-instruct with any of the following classes: (<class 
''>, <class 
Technology Innovation Institute org

The way HuggingFace implements these tasks does not allow for Falcon to be used for them, as they require seq2seq models while Falcon is a causal decoder-only.

FalconLLM changed discussion status to closed

You can do summarization by using the text-generation pipeline and providing a prompt like:

Document: "{the text to summarize}"


I have to say from my experience:

  1. It performs poorly in Text Summarisation especially in other languages.
  2. It is very difficult to give it context as to what kind of results you want. Example: You are an expert {X} return notes as bullet points. Or "Expert {X} Notes:"

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