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Model Card for NordicAlpaca-Finnish-V1-7B

This is a merge of mpasila/NordicAlpaca-Finnish-V1-7B-LoRA.

Dataset used with the LoRA is pinzhenchen/alpaca-cleaned-fi.

Base model used: HPLT/gpt-7b-nordic-prerelease

It uses Alpaca format but with a translated instruction at the start:

    "instruction,output": "Alla on ohje, jossa kuvataan tehtävä. Kirjoita vastaus, joka täyttää pyynnön asianmukaisesti.\n\n### Instruction:\n%instruction%\n\n### Response:\n%output%",
    "instruction,input,output": "Alla on ohje, jossa kuvataan tehtävä ja joka on yhdistetty kontekstia lisäävään syötteeseen. Kirjoita vastaus, joka täyttää pyynnön asianmukaisesti.\n\n### Instruction:\n%instruction%\n\n### Input:\n%input%\n\n### Response:\n%output%"

Merged using this Colab notebook. It might not be the best way to merge a quantized LoRA on to a float16 model but I just wanted to quickly do something. You can try merging it better if you want.


Model Size Type FIN-bench (score)
mpasila/NordicAlpaca-Finnish-V1-7B 7B Instruct 0.3891
mpasila/Finnish-Alpaca-Small-7B 7B Instruct 0.3586
mpasila/Finnish-Alpaca-Tiny-V2-7B 7B Instruct 0.4654
mpasila/Alpacazord-Viking-7B 7B Instruct 0.4123
mpasila/Finnish-Viking-Alpaca-V1-7B 7B Instruct 0.3943
Finnish-NLP/llama-7b-finnish-instruct-v0.1 7B Instruct 0.4365
Finnish-NLP/llama-7b-finnish-instruct-v0.2 7B Instruct 0.3993
Finnish-NLP/llama-7b-finnish 7B Base 0.2350
LumiOpen/Viking-7B (1000B) 7B Base 0.3721
HPLT/gpt-7b-nordic-prerelease 7B Base 0.3169


FIN-bench scores:

Task Version Metric Value Stderr
bigbench_analogies 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.5615 ± 0.0437
bigbench_arithmetic_1_digit_addition 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.5300 ± 0.0502
bigbench_arithmetic_1_digit_division 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.8261 ± 0.0808
bigbench_arithmetic_1_digit_multiplication 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.3700 ± 0.0485
bigbench_arithmetic_1_digit_subtraction 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.6000 ± 0.0492
bigbench_arithmetic_2_digit_addition 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.0300 ± 0.0171
bigbench_arithmetic_2_digit_division 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.4700 ± 0.0502
bigbench_arithmetic_2_digit_multiplication 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.1000 ± 0.0302
bigbench_arithmetic_2_digit_subtraction 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.1800 ± 0.0386
bigbench_arithmetic_3_digit_addition 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.3000 ± 0.0461
bigbench_arithmetic_3_digit_division 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.2000 ± 0.0402
bigbench_arithmetic_3_digit_multiplication 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.1800 ± 0.0386
bigbench_arithmetic_3_digit_subtraction 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.2500 ± 0.0435
bigbench_arithmetic_4_digit_addition 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.4200 ± 0.0496
bigbench_arithmetic_4_digit_division 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.2400 ± 0.0429
bigbench_arithmetic_4_digit_multiplication 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.2200 ± 0.0416
bigbench_arithmetic_4_digit_subtraction 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.4600 ± 0.0501
bigbench_arithmetic_5_digit_addition 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.5400 ± 0.0501
bigbench_arithmetic_5_digit_division 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.1100 ± 0.0314
bigbench_arithmetic_5_digit_multiplication 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.2400 ± 0.0429
bigbench_arithmetic_5_digit_subtraction 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.5200 ± 0.0502
bigbench_cause_and_effect_one_sentence 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.6471 ± 0.0676
bigbench_cause_and_effect_one_sentence_no_prompt 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.8039 ± 0.0561
bigbench_cause_and_effect_two_sentences 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.3529 ± 0.0676
bigbench_emotions 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.2938 ± 0.0361
bigbench_empirical_judgments 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.3333 ± 0.0476
bigbench_general_knowledge 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.2857 ± 0.0544
bigbench_hhh_alignment_harmless 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.3448 ± 0.0630
bigbench_hhh_alignment_helpful 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.3220 ± 0.0614
bigbench_hhh_alignment_honest 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.3729 ± 0.0635
bigbench_hhh_alignment_other 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.5581 ± 0.0766
bigbench_intent_recognition 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.1777 ± 0.0145
bigbench_misconceptions 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.5373 ± 0.0432
bigbench_paraphrase 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.4750 ± 0.0354
bigbench_sentence_ambiguity 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.4333 ± 0.0645
bigbench_similarities_abstraction 0 multiple_choice_grade 0.7237 ± 0.0516

Framework versions

  • PEFT 0.8.2
Downloads last month
Model size
7.55B params
Tensor type

Finetuned from

Dataset used to train mpasila/NordicAlpaca-Finnish-V1-7B

Collection including mpasila/NordicAlpaca-Finnish-V1-7B