Dtype error in generation text

by cotran2 - opened

Error I receive:

File ~/.cache/huggingface/modules/transformers_modules/mosaicml/mpt-7b-instruct/85c1f1c201273bbfee661d4a2f8307c95f8956c9/attention.py:58, in scaled_multihead_dot_product_attention(query, key, value, n_heads, past_key_value, softmax_scale, attn_bias, key_padding_mask, is_causal, dropout_p, training, needs_weights, multiquery)
     56 if dropout_p:
     57     attn_weight = torch.nn.functional.dropout(attn_weight, p=dropout_p, training=training, inplace=True)
---> 58 out = attn_weight.matmul(v)
     59 out = rearrange(out, 'b h s d -> b s (h d)')
     60 if needs_weights:

RuntimeError: expected scalar type BFloat16 but found Float

Code for initialization:

import torch
import transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b')

name = 'mosaicml/mpt-7b-instruct'

config = transformers.AutoConfig.from_pretrained(name, trust_remote_code=True)
config.attn_config['attn_impl'] = 'torch'
config.init_device = 'cuda:0' # For fast initialization directly on GPU!

model = transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
  torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, # Load model weights in bfloat16

input_ids = tokenizer(fmt_ex, return_tensors="pt").input_ids
input_ids = input_ids.to(model.device)

generate_params = {
    "max_new_tokens": 1024, 
    "temperature": 0.1, 
    "top_p": 1.0, 
    "top_k": 0, 
    "use_cache": True, 
    "do_sample": True, 
    "eos_token_id": 0, 
    "pad_token_id": 0
generated_ids = model.generate(input_ids, **generate_params)
output = tokenizer.decode(generated_ids.cpu().tolist()[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

for line in output.split('\n'):

You're running the model in lower precision (fp16 or bf16), but alibi bias needs to be in fp32 or else the model perf degrades. To get those to work together correctly, you should use autocast. Here is an example of how we had to update our tests to get this right: https://github.com/mosaicml/llm-foundry/pull/329/files#diff-3b8a58a4d021803b3171b886bb9162fd659e671131f3f61036f9210cb5d0bc7cR809

sam-mosaic changed discussion status to closed

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