Hardware Requirements

by ShivanshMathur007 - opened

What is the exact hardware requirement to run mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 locally on the machine or VM. Storage,RAM,GPU, cache/buffer etc. Please tell


it all depends on how fast you want to go.

like while inferencing the locally downloaded model it should have a speed of 5 tokens/sec. you can provide the details at different speed also it would be helpful

Also tell the minimum requirement. It would be helpful. On the Mixtral website ->
Mixtral requires 64GB of RAM and 2 GPUs, which increases the cost by a factor of 3 (1.3$/h vs. 4.5$/h). This is mentioned can anyone elaborate on this.

You can run it with 8-bit precision on one A100 (80GB) which costs ~$1.89/h on Runpod.

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