How to finetune this model mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 and also merge the weights

by yeniceriSGK - opened

I want to Finetune this model and also merge the weights

Hi @yeniceriSGK
You can use many tools to fine-tune this model today, from the tools I know you could use:

@yeniceriSGK If you need help on Unsloth, more than happy to help :) Llama-Factory also has an unsloth integration, so if you're into a UI for finetuning, then go for that!

Unsloth supports direct merging to 16bit or GGUF after you finetune - I have a Mistral notebook which finetunes Mistral and even allows inference, saving, merging etc.

And Unsloth finetunes 2.2x faster and saves 70% VRAM and is fully free + works on Tesla T4s, RTX 2080s and all newer GPUs :)

Hello! You can use JumpStart from AWS to speed up the finetune process. However, I'm not sure I understand when you ask for the weights. Could you please clarify?

@dpalacio I also have the same issue as @yeniceriSGK How to load the base model and attach the adapter using PeftModel, run the inference, merge the model weights.

hi @Maaz911 ,
you can use LLaMA-Factory for model inference and merging the lora weights, please visit the readme file for usage

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