Cannot access gated repo You must be authenticated to access it.

by liketheflower - opened

Got the following error today and it works yesterday.
Cannot access gated repo for url
Repo model mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 is gated. You must be authenticated to access it.

Any ideas about how to get the authentication? Thanks!

I passed hugging face token to constructor and it worked

How do I do that?

I have another machine with cached file. By using that cached file, it works but needs to find a formal solution.
The cache file can be found in ~/.cache/huggingface

Same problem I can face today so what is the solution of this problem or how to handle it?

Make a request to access the repo and then pass a access token by passing token=<your_token>.

from huggingface_hub import login

An access_token_can be get by your hugging face account settings

This worked for me:
I went to model card and clicked "Agree and access repository". Then I was able to start downloading.

This worked for me:
I went to model card and clicked "Agree and access repository". Then I was able to start downloading.

sadly this did not work for me. I also tried putting my huggingface token in my privategpt settings.yaml file without success. Not sure what others have done here. The information is too vague (I do not understand it well enough) for me to follow.

Same issue... I am trying to use this with VLLM. How to pass token with vllm

pip install --upgrade huggingface_hub

huggingface-cli login



pip install --upgrade huggingface_hub

huggingface-cli login




why? without any heads up, this just broke so many pipelines in production.

why? without any heads up, this just broke so many pipelines in production.

if you rely on a free service, and dont plan ahead for it to vanish totally tomorow. you get burnt. What happens when HF start charging for any access? Or they vanish, due technical problems, throw in the towel, or are shut down forcefully.. "whaaaa i should have got the files downloaded locally to keep" ( or even a project. )

it worked for me after "Agree and access repository" but now it's not working again. What could be the possible solution.

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bla bla nonsense bla bla whining


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Well i did say id ignore but one last comment before i disable updates: You are an entitled whiny ass gen Z bitch. If you dont pay, you have ZERO right to complain. YOU are part of the problem.

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I passed hugging face token to constructor and it worked

Why do we need to use this token to run this model on local environment?

This worked for me:
I went to model card and clicked "Agree and access repository". Then I was able to start downloading.

sadly this did not work for me. I also tried putting my huggingface token in my privategpt settings.yaml file without success. Not sure what others have done here. The information is too vague (I do not understand it well enough) for me to follow.

What if I need to handle this on server, How to do this in server?

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