Why does this have 518 likes without any download, inference api or spaces?

by GPT007 - opened

It's first on trending 🀯

  1. It has no downloads "in the last month", likely because it came out a day ago and doesn't have enough historical data to provide that summary yet.
  2. It's a mistral model, and the company has a pretty solid track record so far – hence the hype.
  3. It's a 22B param model, which being on the bigger side might mean there won't be an inference API. It's also just new, so maybe they haven't made one yet?
    Hope that helps!

It's available completely free of charge to use on https://chat.mistral.ai/chat hence I don't think anyone is rushing to make an inference for vanilla version to be honest.

I would expect quite a bit of fine-tunes with time though since the size seems just about perfect for it.

Actually, nevermind. Looks like they went mad with licensing this time which is preventing anyone from hosting it. (...)

Well RIP Mistral. See no point in this then for sure.

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