Bad response

by AliMc2021 - opened

Hello, I am a developer.
I am building an AI website with Python that includes a chatbot.
I have downloaded and used all three models of DialoGPT: small, medium, and large.
However, all three models provide poor responses.
With the settings do_sample=false and seed 42.
Please help me quickly, I request!
You're welcome!

AliMc2021 changed discussion status to closed
AliMc2021 changed discussion status to open

This is a response I got from this model. lol?

I am using many small models, and did not use this one.

declare -A MODELS=(

Among all those models I am using on my poor GTX 1050 Ti with 4 GB, I have never got such ridiculous answers.

I have got repetitions, and totally wrong information, but not logically wrong.

I can just recommend that you switch to better model, I can highly recommend OLMo models from Allen AI as first, plus others in the list above.

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