prompt template wrong?

by underlines - opened

According to the oasst1 dataset the correct prompt turn template is:
<|prompter|>Why should I drink enough water?<|endoftext|><|assistant|>Because water is healthy<|endoftext|>

  1. Can you clarify, if you used <|prompter|> or <|prompt|> and if you used the <|endoftext|> tokens properly?
  2. Did you use an initial context?

Hi @underlines
thank for trying out our model(s).

The template from the model card is the one that was used for training:
<|prompt|>Why is drinking water so healthy?</s><|answer|>
Using anything else such as <|prompter|> or <|endoftext|> will degrade the results significantly.

The OASST dataset does not contain any context. Which initial context to you mean?

psinger changed discussion status to closed

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