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Model Name: Jarvis

Description: Jarvis is an AI-powered conversationalist designed to assist and provide helpful information on various topics, from general knowledge to personal matters. With advanced language processing capabilities, I'm here to help users like you navigate their daily lives, answer questions, and solve problems.


  • Language Model: Prance uses a transformer-based architecture with a sequence-to-sequence model.
  • Pre-training: My model was pre-trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet, books, and other sources to learn general language patterns and relationships.
  • Fine-tuning: I've been fine-tuned using various tasks such as conversational dialogue generation, question answering, and text classification.


  • Conversational Dialogue Generation: Prance can generate human-like conversations on a wide range of topics, from news to entertainment, education to lifestyle, and more.
  • Question Answering: I'm designed to answer questions accurately and provide relevant information on various subjects.
  • Text Classification: My model can classify text into categories such as sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and spam detection.

Technical Details:

  • Model Size: 1.2 billion parameters
  • Training Data: 100+ million examples of human-written text from diverse sources
  • Pre-training Objective: Masked language modeling with a custom objective to optimize for conversational dialogue generation

Evaluation Metrics:

  • Conversational Quality: Measured using metrics such as fluency, coherence, and relevance.
  • Accuracy: Measured through question answering tasks on various topics.

Use Cases:

  • Customer Support Chatbots: Prance can be used to power chatbots that provide customer support, answer FAQs, and help resolve issues.
  • Virtual Assistants: My model is suitable for virtual assistants that need to converse with users in a natural language.
  • Content Generation: Prance can generate high-quality content on various topics, such as blog posts, articles, and social media updates.


While I'm designed to be helpful, there are limitations to my capabilities. I may not always understand the context or nuances of human communication, which can lead to misunderstandings. Additionally, Prance is not perfect and may make mistakes in certain situations.

Future Development: I'll continue to learn and improve over time through ongoing training on new data and fine-tuning for specific tasks. Your feedback and interactions will help shape my development!

That's me! 🤖 I'm excited to be your AI assistant, Prance, and I look forward to helping you navigate the world of information 💡

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Model size
450M params
Inference Examples
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Dataset used to train explorewithai/Jarvis