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Envy Magical XL 01

magical, noon, scenery, scenic university in a Great Tree of Life,
magical, golden hour, scenery, "at the Majestic Beacon",
magical, noon, blue sky, clouds scenery, in a Inspiring Alien Artifact Site,
magical, natural sunlight interior, in a Refined campsite,
magical, gargantuan,indescribable fantasy megacity outside of reality , ,


Makes everything all magical and sparkly and such. Trigger word is "magical".

Image examples for the model:

Image 1

magical, golden hour, scenery, "at the Majestic Beacon",

Image 2

magical, noon, blue sky, clouds scenery, in a Inspiring Alien Artifact Site,

Image 3

magical, natural sunlight interior, in a Refined campsite,

Image 4

magical, gargantuan,indescribable fantasy megacity outside of reality , ,

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Space using e-n-v-y/envy-magical-xl-01 1