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Quantizations of https://huggingface.co/Nexusflow/NexusRaven-V2-13B

From original readme


You can run the model on a GPU using the following code.

# Please `pip install transformers accelerate`
from transformers import pipeline

pipeline = pipeline(

prompt_template = \
def get_weather_data(coordinates):
    Fetches weather data from the Open-Meteo API for the given latitude and longitude.

    coordinates (tuple): The latitude of the location.

    float: The current temperature in the coordinates you've asked for

def get_coordinates_from_city(city_name):
    Fetches the latitude and longitude of a given city name using the Maps.co Geocoding API.

    city_name (str): The name of the city.

    tuple: The latitude and longitude of the city.

User Query: {query}<human_end>


prompt = prompt_template.format(query="What's the weather like in Seattle right now?")

result = pipeline(prompt, max_new_tokens=2048, return_full_text=False, do_sample=False, temperature=0.001)[0]["generated_text"]
print (result)

This should generate the following:

Call: get_weather_data(coordinates=get_coordinates_from_city(city_name='Seattle'))<bot_end>
Thought: The function call `get_weather_data(coordinates=get_coordinates_from_city(city_name='Seattle'))` answers the question "What's the weather like in Seattle right now?" by following these steps:

1. `get_coordinates_from_city(city_name='Seattle')`: This function call fetches the latitude and longitude of the city "Seattle" using the Maps.co Geocoding API.
2. `get_weather_data(coordinates=...)`: This function call fetches the current weather data for the coordinates returned by the previous function call.

Therefore, the function call `get_weather_data(coordinates=get_coordinates_from_city(city_name='Seattle'))` answers the question "What's the weather like in Seattle right now?" by first fetching the coordinates of the city "Seattle" and then fetching the current weather data for those coordinates.

If you would like to prevent the generation of the explanation of the function call (for example, to save on inference tokens), please set a stopping criteria of <bot_end>.

Please follow this prompting template to maximize the performance of RavenV2.

Using with OpenAI FC Schematics

If you currently have a workflow that is built around OpenAI's function calling and you want to try NexusRaven-V2, we have a package that helps you drop in NexusRaven-V2.

Using With LangChain

We've also included a small demo for using Raven with langchain!

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Model size
13B params
Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) has been turned off for this model.