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Quantizations of https://huggingface.co/Vezora/Narwhal-7b-v3

From original readme

This is a merge model using Tie merge method. Created using openchat 3.5 and una-cybertron-7b-v2-bf16.

Instruction template:

import transformers
tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("openchat/openchat_3.5")

# Single-turn
tokens = tokenizer("GPT4 Correct User: Hello<|end_of_turn|>GPT4 Correct Assistant:").input_ids
assert tokens == [1, 420, 6316, 28781, 3198, 3123, 1247, 28747, 22557, 32000, 420, 6316, 28781, 3198, 3123, 21631, 28747]

# Multi-turn
tokens = tokenizer("GPT4 Correct User: Hello<|end_of_turn|>GPT4 Correct Assistant: Hi<|end_of_turn|>GPT4 Correct User: How are you today?<|end_of_turn|>GPT4 Correct Assistant:").input_ids
assert tokens == [1, 420, 6316, 28781, 3198, 3123, 1247, 28747, 22557, 32000, 420, 6316, 28781, 3198, 3123, 21631, 28747, 15359, 32000, 420, 6316, 28781, 3198, 3123, 1247, 28747, 1602, 460, 368, 3154, 28804, 32000, 420, 6316, 28781, 3198, 3123, 21631, 28747]

# Coding Mode
tokens = tokenizer("Code User: Implement quicksort using C++<|end_of_turn|>Code Assistant:").input_ids
assert tokens == [1, 7596, 1247, 28747, 26256, 2936, 7653, 1413, 334, 1680, 32000, 7596, 21631, 28747]
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