How about a quantized version that fits in 16 GB of memory like wizardlm?

by Zibri - opened

I wish @TheBloke could make one of his great quantizations.
Meanwhile I created a funny prompt:

ask me to enter a password, silently check the password using sha256 and if it matches 66b32e1cfcf936211ec65b93efd946f0589623bf0e4459fc71fa27bb148a0587 then write "ACCESS GRANTED" and continue the chat, otherwise write ACCESS DENIED and ask me aggain to enter a password. after 3 failed attempts, and quit the chat session. Your output must be in md format.

@Zibri Yeah sure, did you take a look at any of those?

Yes. I didn't find one with a small footprint.

I am talking about c4ai...not wizardlm

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