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GGUF importance matrix (imatrix) quants for https://huggingface.co/LargeWorldModel/LWM-Text-Chat-128K
The importance matrix was trained for 100K tokens (200 batches of 512 tokens) using wiki.train.raw.

  • The imatrix Q4-K quant fits with 32K context on 24GB and gives me ~100 t/s inference on a 3090.
  • With IQ3_XXS it seems to fit ~37K context on 24GB (and it is even faster than Q4-K).
  • With either quant on a 3090 it seems to decode context at well over 2000 t/s.
  • Using Q8 K-cache (instead of F16) you can fit up to 43-44K context but inference speed goes down a little bit.
  • Also for some reason I need to use 1.0 penalty to avoid the response being cut-off.
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Inference API (serverless) does not yet support gguf models for this pipeline type.