[ "\"Monte Nelson, a 42-year-old construction worker who lives just three blocks from the field, prefers bellying up to the bar at his favorite neighborhood tavern, First Base, where he says the beer is colder and there's free parking for his motorcycle. \"", "You can see it better sitting right here,\" Mr. Nelson says while peering at a TV screen through a haze of cigarette smoke.\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0010752364760264754, 0.07270155102014542 ]
[ "Reliability and validity of the PORPUS, a combined psychometric and utility-based quality-of-life instrument for prostate cancer.", "\nAlthough utility-based quality-of-life instruments are often used in economic evaluations and psychometric instruments in treatment evaluations, these are complementary approaches to assessing outcomes. ", "In this study we developed and tested these two forms of quality-of-life instruments, both based on a single, validated, health classification system. ", "To assess the measurement properties (reliability and validity) of two newly developed psychometric and utility-based instruments for assessing outcomes associated with prostate cancer. ", "141 men with cancer of the prostate (CaP), treated with radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, and/or chemotherapy were assessed with both instruments and other standard psychometric and utility-based instruments. ", "Analyses indicate the test instruments are reliable and valid. ", "Full-scale correlations between the instruments and standard instruments indicate validity, as do correlations of key subscales, and an evaluation of linear associations with the UCLA-Prostate Cancer Symptom Scales. ", "Evidence from this study supports the reliability and construct validity of the tested instruments. ", "Prostate cancer outcomes can now be assessed by a combination of psychometric and utility-based methods, allowing a ready comparison of derived outcomes." ]
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[ 0.0021761441603302956, 0.0005748533294536173, 0.0005318167386576533, 0.0007437350577674806, 0.0027303448878228664, 0.0005410861340351403, 0.0006128833629190922, 0.0005444373819045722, 0.0006510867387987673 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to modify a site that uses closed shadow dom?", "\n\nGiven a site that uses web components with closed shadow roots, how do I access or modify the DOM from a extension content script?", "\n\nA:\n\nFirefox 63 introduced the privileged accessor Element.openOrClosedShadowRoot (MDN documentation) to allow webextensions to access shadow roots regardless of their open/closed state.", "\nOther APIs such as querySelectorAll are still affected by shadow dom isolation, so to find shadow roots an extension will have to walk the entire tree via NodeIterator or TreeWalker to check for shadow roots. ", "Since shadow roots may be attached at later point extensions may also have to wait for page modifications via mutation observers before attempting to access shadow DOM, so overall this approach is less ergonomic than using querySelector, but at least it's possible.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.000994379399344325, 0.0006558657041750848, 0.0006917540449649096, 0.0006417337572202086, 0.000588070135563612, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Identification of three gp350/220 regions involved in Epstein-Barr virus invasion of host cells.", "\nEpstein-Barr virus (EBV) invasion of B-lymphocytes involves EBV gp350/220 binding to B-lymphocyte CR2. ", "The anti-gp350 monoclonal antibody (mAb)-72A1 Fab inhibits this binding and therefore blocks EBV invasion of target cells. ", "However, gp350/220 regions interacting with mAb 72A1 and involved in EBV invasion of target cells have not yet been identified. ", "This work reports three gp350/220 regions, defined by peptide 11382, 11389, and 11416 sequences, that are involved in EBV binding to B-lymphocytes. ", "Peptides 11382, 11389, and 11416 bound to CR2(+) but not to CR2(-) cells, inhibited EBV invasion of cord blood lymphocytes (CBLs), were recognized by mAb 72A1, and inhibited mAb 72A1 binding to EBV. ", "Peptides 11382 and 11416 binding to peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) induced interleukin-6 protein synthesis in these cells, this phenomenon being inhibited by mAb 72A1. ", "The same behavior has been reported for gp350/220 binding to PBLs. ", "Anti-peptide 11382, 11389, and 11416 antibodies inhibited EBV binding and EBV invasion of PBLs and CBLs. ", "Peptide 11382, 11389, and 11416 sequences presented homology with the C3dg regions coming into contact with CR2 (C3dg and gp350 bound to similar CR2 regions). ", "These peptides could be used in designing strategies against EBV infection." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006501200259663165, 0.003400108776986599, 0.000923998944927007, 0.0005889460444450378, 0.0008331164717674255, 0.0013043849030509591, 0.0012443187879398465, 0.0006127405795268714, 0.000835323822684586, 0.000664504012092948, 0.0006315663340501487 ]
[ "This livestream has finished.", "\n\nHealth Minister David Clark is holding a press conference at the Beehive in Wellington to announce a further update to the mass gatherings policy related to COVID-19.", "\n\nThe Government already announced earlier this week that gatherings of 500 people or more are banned until further notice, to avoid coronavirus spreading.", "\n\nWatch the video." ]
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[ "How the fuck could you have only learned that today !", "\n\n390 shares" ]
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[ "When the Heath Dreams at Night\n\nWhen the Heath Dreams at Night () is a 1952 West German drama film directed by Paul Martin and starring Rudolf Prack, Viktor Staal and Margot Trooger.", "\n\nThe film's sets were designed by Carl Ludwig Kirmse and Walter Kutz. ", "It was shot in studios in Göttingen and on Lüneburg Heath.", "\n\nSynopsis\nA young man who works making safe unexploded Second World War bombs on Lüneburg Heath invites an old wartime comrade to stay with him. ", "However problems ensue when the visitor falls in love with his fiancée.", "\n\nCast\n Rudolf Prack as Peter Gelius, Sprengmeister\n Viktor Staal as Karl Odewig\n Margot Trooger as Helga\n Fita Benkhoff as Hermine Knauer\n Siegfried Breuer as Konsul Berghaus\n Margarete Haagen as Frau Odewig, Karls Mutter\n Ilse Steppat as Brigitte\n Beppo Brem as Xaver Franz\n Albert Florath as Bürgermeister Knauer\n Walter Franck\n Ernst Deutsch\n Otto Gebühr\n Berta Drews\n Walter Gross\n Reinhard Kolldehoff\n Franz-Otto Krüger\n Paul Heidemann\n Else Reval\n Hans Stiebner\n Victor Janson\n Werner Stock\n Arno Paulsen\n Erich Dunskus\n Erwin Biegel\n Gustav Bertram\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography \n Spicer, Andrew. ", "Historical Dictionary of Film Noir. ", "Scarecrow Press, 2010.", "\n\nExternal links \n \n\nCategory:1952 films\nCategory:1950s drama films\nCategory:German drama films\nCategory:West German films\nCategory:German-language films\nCategory:Films directed by Paul Martin\nCategory:Gloria Film films" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.001472183968871832, 0.0013918125769123435, 0.0007004083599895239, 0.0010824574856087565, 0.0027783859986811876, 0.006923041772097349, 0.0008440722594968975, 0.0007100942311808467, 0.0006653652526438236 ]
[ "Sky Extends Premier League Broadcasting Rights to 2022\n\nSend by mail :\n\nSky PLC (>> Sky) has extended its rights to show Premier League matches through 2022 for 1.19 billion pounds ($1.65 billion) a year.", "\n\nThe broadcaster said Wednesday that it will show 128 matches per soccer season. ", "The price tag represents a 16% reduction in cost per game compared with its current agreement, Sky said.", "\n\nThe deal will allow Sky first pick of which match to show each weekend as well as 14 second-pick matches, which will be shown on its Sky Sports channel.", "\n\nSky is 39%-owned by 21st Century Fox (>> 21st Century Fox), which shares common ownership with News Corp, the parent company of Dow Jones.", "\n\nMeanwhile, BT Group PLC (BT.A.LN) said it too extended its Premier League rights--for three years, starting from the 2019/2020 season, for GBP295 million per season. ", "The company will show 32 games per season. ", "BT has the rights to market and sell Sky Sports matches.", "\n\nWrite to Carlo Martuscelli at carlo.martuscelli@dowjones.com\n\nCorrections & Amplifications\n\nThis article was corrected at 0939 GMT because the original misstated the stake percentage in the fourth paragraph. ", "It is 39%, not 29%." ]
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[ "I recently[1] blew through Jeff VanderMeer’s Annihilation/Authority/Acceptance series, also known as the Southern Reach Trilogy, which I’ll abbreviate to SRT.", "\n\nFirst things first: overall, it was pretty good. ", "I enjoyed the writing, the clever turns of phrase (“Sheepish smile, offered up to a raging wolf of a narcissist.", "”[2]). ", "It’s reasonably good at keeping up the tension, even while sitting around in bland offices with the characters politicking at each other.", "\n\nSo the writing is alright, but the real draw was kind of the setting, kind of the story structure, kind of the subject matter. ", "In a way, it’s right up my alley. ", "It’s just a… weird alley.", "\n\nThe most obvious weird is used as a driving force in the world building, forcing us reconsider what exactly we’re reading.", "\n\nIs this an environmental thriller? ", "Kind of, but the environmental message is muted and bland, restricted to a repeated offhand remark “well, too bad the environment is fucked”. ", "Is this an X-Files rip off? ", "Kind of, but the paranormal is undeniable: you don’t want to believe it’s there, you want to believe there’s an explanation behind it all. ", "Is this a romance? ", "For the first book maybe, but with one of the pair entirely absent from the book[3]. ", "The second book doesn’t help by introducing elements of the corporate thriller genre, and then axing any chance of finishing that transition by the end of the book.", "\n\nWhatever it is, all throughout SRT is world building, but shot through with twists and turns. ", "It reminds me of those creepy dolly zooms (examples) which undermine the sense of perception, but applied to narrative. ", "For example, the biologist and story at large constantly give up information that forces us to reconsider everything that came before:\n\nBy the way, the 12th expedition psychologist was the director of Southern Reach.", "\n\nBy the way, said director was in the lighthouse picture.", "\n\nBy the way, Central was involved in the Science and Seance Brigade.", "\n\nDid I mention Control’s mom was in the thick of it?", "\n\nIt’s sort of like Jeff is giving us an unreliable narrator with training wheels: we’re not left at any point with contradictory information, yet there’s a strong sense that our only line into the story is controlled by a grinning spin doctor. ", "It’s an artful set of lies by omission.", "\n\nMy suspicion is that I enjoyed this particular aspect of the SRT for the same reason I enjoyed The Quantum Thief trilogy. ", "Hannu does a bit less hand holding[5], like starting the series with the infamous cold open “As always, before the warmind and I shoot each other, I try to make small talk. ‘", "Prisons are always the same, don’t you think?'”[6]. ", "And as an example, the trilogy never explicitly lays out who the hell Fedorov is: in fact, I didn’t even expect him to be a real person, but his ideology (or the Sobornost’s understanding of his Great Common Task) was so constrained by the plot happening around it that I never had to leave the story and, say, search Wikipedia, which was excellent story crafting. ", "Anathem is another book that does this sort of “fuck it we’ll do it live” sketching of a world to great effect[7].", "\n\nBut while The Quantum Thief is sprinting through cryptographic hierarchies and Sobornost copy clans, it’s still grounded in a human story. ", "The master thief/warrior/detective tropes serve as a reassuring life vest while Hannu tries to drown us with future shock[8][9]. ", "The SRT doesn’t need as much of a touch point, since we never leave Earth and bum around a mostly normal forest and a mostly normal office building[10], but the organizational breakdown in the expedition and Southern Reach agency are eminently relatable in the face of a much larger and stranger unfolding universe.", "\n\nLet’s unpack that unfolding universe.", "\n\nThe world of SRT is weird: while The Quantum Thief is a fire hose, it only spews the literary equivalent of water, easily digestible and only murky in tremendous quantities. ", "The SRT finishes with loose ends, the author at some point shrugging his shoulders and leaving a dripping plot point open for the spectacle of it, and that’s okay. ", "It’s weird fiction.", "\n\nAnother parallel: Solaris describes a truly alien world sized organism. ", "What is it thinking? ", "How does it think? ", "How do you communicate with it? ", "The story ends with all questions about the planet Solaris unresolved, with the humans only finding out that broadcasting EEG waves into the planet does something[11]. ", "No men in rubber suits here, just an ineffable consciousness. ", "Even a hungry planet makes more sense to us: at least it has visible goals that we can model (even if they are horrifying[12]).", "\n\nYou end up with the same state in SRT: what is Area X doing? ", "Why is it doing it? ", "What the hell does the Markov chain sermon mean?[13]\n\nI’m guessing this is why people don’t like it: there are barely any answers at the end. ", "How did turning into an animal and leaping through a doorway help at all? ", "Did Central ever get their shit together? ", "What’s up with the burning portal world? ", "If you were expecting a knowable “rockets and chemicals” world, it’d be disorienting.", "\n\nIn a way the story suffers a bit from a mystery box problem, where there are boxes that are never opened. ", "However, in this case I think the unopened boxes are unimportant. ", "Sure, the future of humanity is left uncertain, the mechanisms of Area X are still mysterious, but we know what happened to all the main characters, see how they played their parts and have some closure.", "\n\n(I am miffed that Joss Whedon is poisoning the proverbial storytelling well. ", "Yes, mystery boxing makes economic sense, but now I see the mystery box like I hear the Wilheim scream, and it’s not pretty.)", "\n\nOkay, so we have a weird new world we explore, and weird fiction that is weird for the sake of being weird, but I’m neglecting the weird that gives people bad dreams.", "\n\nOn one level there’s simple horror based on things going bump in the night: think about the moaning psychologist in the reeds, the slug/crawler able to kill those that interrupt its raving sermon. ", "But that doesn’t show up in spades: the description of the 1st expedition disintegration cuts off after a sneak peak, omitting most of the ugly details. ", "Jeff had plenty of opportunity to get into shock horror, and didn’t.", "\n\nI think that he wanted to instead emphasize the 2nd layer of Lovecraftian horror beyond the grasping tentacles, a horror driven by a tremendous and possibly/maybe/almost certainly malign world[14]. ", "Area X pulls off simple impossible feats like time dilation and a barrier that transports things elsewhere (or nowhere). ", "More concerning is the fact that Area X knows what humans look like. ", "It’s an alien artifact, and somehow (something like the Integrated Information Theory of consciousness turns out to be right?) ", "knows what makes up a human, recognizes them as special and in need of twisting, and can’t help but twist with powers beyond our understanding. ", "There’s something large and unspeakably powerful stalking humanity, and it is hungry.", "\n\nOr maybe it’s not deliberately stalking humanity, and it’s just engaging sub-conscious level reactions, and everything it has done so far is the equivalent of rolling over in its sleep: how would Area X know it just rolled over a butterfly of an expedition? ", "This implies a second question: what happens when it finally wakes up?", "\n\nIt all reminds me of The Expanse series. ", "Sure, there’s the radically simplified political/economic/military squabbling and made for action movie plot, but the protomolecule is what I’m thinking about. “", "It reaches out it reaches out it reaches out“: an entire asteroid of humans melted down for spare parts by the protomolecule are kept in abeyance for use, living and being killed again and again in simulation until the brute force search finds something useful happening (which in turns reminds me of the chilling line “There is life eternal in the Eater of Souls”.) ", "Thousands die and live and die, all to check a cosmic answering machine.", "\n\nIf we want to draw an analogy, the first level of horror draws from being powerless in the face of malign danger: think of the axe murderer chasing the cheerleader. ", "The second level of horror draws from the entirety of humanity being powerless in the face of vast malign danger. ", "Samuel L. Jackson can handle an axe murderer, but up against the AM from “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream”? ", "No contest[15].", "\n\n(We could even go further, and think about the third level as malign forces of nature: Samuel L. Jackson vs the concept of existential despair might be an example, not on the level of “overcoming your inner demons” but “eradicating the concept as a plausible state of mind for humans to be in”[16]. ", "Now that I think about it, it would have been an interesting direction to take The Quantum Thief’s All-Defector, fleshing it out as a distillation of a game theoretic concept like Moloch. ", "Maybe there’s room for a story about recarving the world without certain malign mathematical patterns… well, maybe without religious overtones either.)", "\n\nBut we’ve only been looking at what the rock of Area X has been doing to the humans. ", "What about the hard place of the Southern Reach agency, and what they do to humans? ", "The agency continually sends expeditions into a hostile world, getting little in return, and pulls stunts like herding rabbits into the boundary without rhyme or reason. ", "In the face of failure to analyze, they can only keep sending people in, hoping that an answer to Area X will pop back out if they just figure out the right hyperparameter of “which people do we send?”.", "\n\nIn other words: a questionably moral quasi-government agency, operating from the shadows to investigate and prepare to combat a unknown force that might destroy all of humanity? ", "And as if it wasn’t close enough, the SRT throws in the line “What if containment is a joke?”, ", "and I almost laughed out loud. ", "It’s all a dead ringer for the Foundation in the SCP universe.", "\n\nA little background: SCP is one of those only-possible-with-the-internet media works[17], a collaborative wiki[18] detailing the workings of the Foundation, an extra-governmental agency with an international mandate to, well, secure, contain, and protect against a whole bevy of anomalous artifacts and entities. ", "SCP. ", "As is with wikis there is an enormous range of work: some case files detail tame artifacts (a living drawing), or problems solvable with non-nuclear heavy weapons (basically a big termite), or with nukes (a… living fatberg?), ", "or something a 5-year old might come up with if you asked them to imagine the most scary possible thing (an invincible lizard! ", "With acid blood!).", "\n\nArea X slots into this menagerie well, an upper tier threat to humanity. ", "It’s utterly alien and unpredictable, actively wielding unknown amounts of power to unknown ends. ", "With the end of SRT, it seems likely that an “XK Class End of the World scenario” is in progress, a real proper apocalypse pulling the curtains on humanity.", "\n\nOn the other hand, the Southern Reach/Central agencies are vastly less competent at handling existential threats than the Foundation (this, despite a mastery of hypnosis the Foundation would kill for[20]). ", "Part of it is the nonsensical strategy: for crying out loud, Central sends a mental weapon in to try and provoke Area X, and to what end? ", "To hasten the end of the world? ", "Then Lowry gaining control of the Area X project was absolutely atrocious organizational hygiene, a willful lack of consideration that contamination can go past biological bacteria and viruses, that the molecular assembly artifact under study can change your merely physical mind. ", "An O5 Foundation overseer would have seen dormant memetic agents activate and rip through departments, and would take note of a field agent turned desk jockey that started accumulating more and more soft power in the branch investigating the same anomaly that nearly took his life…\n\nBack to the first hand, both works partly derive their horror from the collision of staid and sterile office politics with the viscerally supernatural. ", "Drawing from the savanna approximation, we weren’t built to work in cubicles, and there were definitely no trolleys, much less trolley problems[21]. ", "And office organizations are unnatural, but are the most effective way we’ve found to get a great many things done. ", "So press the WEIRD but effective organizational tool into service to call the shots on constant high-velocity high-stakes moral problems, except it’s not people on the tracks but megadeaths, and you start to get at why it’s so unnerving to read interdepartmental memos about how to combat today’s supernatural horror[22].", "\n\nAnd there’s the “sending people to their death” aspect of both organizations, which conflicts with their nominally scientific venture: at least no one pretends the military hierarchy is trying to discover some deeper truth when it sends people into battle. ", "So the faceless bureaucracy expends[23] their people[24] to chart the ragged edges of reality[25], and gets dubious returns back. ", "The Southern Reach gets a lighthouse full of unread journals, the Foundation usually just figures out yet another thing won’t destroy an artifact of interest.", "\n\nAnd as an honorable mention, the Laundryverse by Charlie Stross shares strong similarity to both works: Lovecraftian horrors are invokable with complicated math, the planets are slowly aligning, and world governments have created agencies to prepare for this eventuality, deal with “smaller” “supernatural” incidents, and find/house the nerds that accidentally discover “cosmic horror math”. ", "This series focuses a bit more on the humorous side of office hijinks, and focuses on threats a bit more tractable to the human mind: at least many of the threats Bob faces can be hurt with the Medusa camera he carries around.", "\n\nIn the end, I wasn’t too entirely horrified: the best SCP has to offer rustled my jimmies more than Area X. And, the Laundryverse is somewhat more entertaining than the SRT. ", "And Solaris does the “utterly alien”-alien a bit better. ", "SRT, though, strikes a balance between all these concerns, and has much better writing quality than SCP, and fewer of the hangups that turned me off The Expanse[29].", "\n\nDark Matter, a nominally science fiction novel, has a 4.1. ", "4.1! ", "I only see acclaimed classics and amazing crowd favorites with those sorts of scores.", "\n\nThe problem is that Dark Matter is FUCKING TERRIBLE. ", "I know, I complained about this before (on my newsletter), and I’ll complain again, because it’s a fucking travesty that Annihilation got relegated to bargain bin scores compared with an utterly predictable story with trash science and characterization so bland doctors prescribe it when you are shitting your brains out due to a norovirus infection[30].", "\n\nMaybe I can say it another way:\n\nWhere lies the darkness that came from the hand of the writer I shall bring forth a fruit rotten with the tunnels of the worms that shine with the warmth of the flame of knowledge which consumes the hollow forms of a passing age and splits the fruit with a writhing of a monstrous absence which howl with worlds which never were and never will be. ", "The forms will hack at the roots of the world and fell the tree of time which reveals the revelation of the fatal softness in the writer. ", "All shall come to decide in the time of the revelation, and shall choose death[31] while the hand of the writer shall rejoice, for there is no sin in writing an action plot that the New York Times Bestseller list cannot forgive[32].", "\n\nAgain, a fucking travesty. ", "Christ.", "\n\n[1] ↑ Not so recently by the time this post is published. ", "I’m still a slow writer.", "\n\n[3] ↑ Surely there is Control/Grace rule 34. ", "Or anyone/thousand-eye mutated Biologist. ", "But as far as I know Biologist-husband is the only canon pairing.", "\n\n[4] ↑ I almost forgot these were a thing while reading Annihilation, so a quick refresher: “… a small rectangle of black metal with a glass-covered hole in the middle. ", "If the hole glowed red, we had thirty minutes to remove ourselves to ‘a safe place.'”.", "\n\n[5] ↑ If you want a flavor of the info dump sort of style of The Quantum Thief, I recommend “Variations on an Apple” as an even more extreme example: I suspect that normal people feel the same way reading The Quantum Thief as when I first read that story.", "\n\n[6] ↑ Except where SRT slowly reveals the unnaturalness of the world, The Quantum Thief revels in it, fills the tub with weird and takes a luxurious bath. ", "Like, it seems like Hannu tried really hard to get the “Toto, I don’t think we’re on Earth anymore” senses tingling right in the first sentence.", "\n\n[8] ↑ I mean, I do wonder if the author was too bad of a writer to pull off something less stereotypical while retaining the alien world, but maybe it was intentional. ", "Sure, the writer has written some cringeworthy stuff (I never knew someone could string together the word “kawaii” so poorly), but that’s what the internet has given us, government officials with a publicly available teenager history.", "\n\n[11] ↑ Because EEG is somehow magical? ", "Well, Solaris was written in the 1960s, so some amount of leeway is necessary. ", "But even if you replace the EEG with some other brain state, you have to wonder what exactly Solaris would be doing with it… “Data can’t defend itself” and all that.", "\n\n[15] ↑ I’m ignoring the fact that any movie plot would somehow have Samuel L. Motherfuckin’ Jackson end up the winner: it’s too bad that our widely known “tough guy” archetypes are all actors, which then implies the presence of Hollywood plot armor.", "\n\n[16] ↑ General memetic hazards might be another example: Roko’s Basilisk is a shitty example of one.", "\n\n[22] ↑ The dispassionate Foundation reports are effective at conveying the sense of wrongness. ", "There’s a brutal rhythm to the uniform format, leaving a feeling that in order to fight the monsters out there we had to suppress our humanity until we became monstrous in our own way.", "\n\n[24] ↑ New head canon (if such a thing could be considered to exist in the SCP-verse): the replication crisis was suppressed by the Foundation to maintain the facade of the Milgram obedience experiment, which is useful for subconsciously convincing D-class they will eventually follow orders.", "\n\n[28] ↑ Home to my go-to chilling quotes “There is life eternal in the Eater of Souls” (previously referenced) and “Why is hell so cold this time of year?”.", "\n\n[29] ↑ Namely, the incredibly simplified politics and anti-corporation messages set up puppet villains that aren’t interesting: I’d be more into it if the trade offs were more nuanced. ", "It’s still a good “Holden and friends fly around and have adventures” series, though.", "\n\n[31] ↑ No, not being emo here: the clones of the main character of Dark Matter (don’t make me look this up, please) end up choosing to fight each other because they can’t figure out functional decision theory. ", "This would be fine, if the main character weren’t ostensibly eminent physics professor material.", "\n\n[32] ↑ Everything is based on some correspondence with what I actually mean, which fits with what Jeff VanderMeer also did with the original “strangling fruit” prose." ]
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[ "Veteran computer journalist Robert X. Cringely writes:\n\nReader Mark Surich was looking for a lawyer with Croatian connections to help with a family matter back in the old country. ", "He Googled some candidate lawyers and in one search came up with this federal indictment. ", "It makes very interesting reading and shows one way H-1B visa fraud can be conducted.", "\n\nThe lawyer under indictment is Marijan Cvjeticanin. ", "Please understand that this is just an indictment, not a conviction. ", "I’m not saying this guy is guilty of anything. ", "My point here is to describe the crime of which he is accused, which I find very interesting. ", "He could be innocent for all I know, but the crime, itself, is I think fairly common and worth understanding.", "\n\nRead the indictment. ", "It’s short and quite entertaining.", "\n\nThe gist of the crime has two parts. ", "First Mr. Cvjeticanin’s law firm reportedly represented technology companies seeking IT job candidates and he is accused of having run on the side an advertising agency that placed employment ads for those companies. ", "That could appear to be a conflict of interest, or at least did to the DoJ.\n\nBut then there’s the other part, in which most of the ads — mainly in Computerworld — seem never to have been placed at all!", "\n\nClient companies paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for employment ads in Computerworld that never even ran!", "\n\nThe contention of the DoJ in this indictment appears to be that Mr. Cvjeticanin was defrauding companies seeking to hire IT personnel, yet for all those hundreds of ads — ads that for the most part never ran and therefore could never yield job applications — nobody complained!", "\n\nThe deeper question here is whether they paid for the ads or just for documentation that they had paid for the ads?", "\n\nThis is alleged H-1B visa fraud, remember. ", "In order to hire an H-1B worker in place of a U.S. citizen or green card holder, the hiring company must show that there is no “minimally qualified” citizen or green card holder to take the job. ", "Recruiting such minimally qualified candidates is generally done through advertising: if nobody responds to the ad then there must not be any minimally qualified candidates.", "\n\nIt helps, of course, if nobody actually sees the ads — in this case reportedly hundreds of them.", "\n\nWhen Mr. Cvjeticanin was confronted with his alleged fraudulent behavior, his defense (according to the indictment) was, “So let them litigate, I’ll show everyone how bogus their immigration applications really are.” ", "Nice.", "\n\nIf we follow the logic here it suggests that his belief is that the client companies’ probable H-1B fraud is so much worse than the shenanigans Mr. Cvjeticanin is accused of that those companies won’t dare assist Homeland Security or the DoJ in this case. ", "Who am I to say he’s wrong in that?", "\n\nEmployers are posting jobs that don’t really exist, seeking candidates they don’t want, and paying for bogus non-ads to show there’s an IT labor shortage in America. ", "Except of course there isn’t an IT labor shortage.", "\n\nMy old boss Pat McGovern, who owns Computerworld, should be really pissed. ", "Pat hates to lose money." ]
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[ "The present applicant has proposed a residual pressure release valve disposed between a fluid pressure supply source, which supplies a pressure fluid, and a fluid pressure device, which is operated by supplying the pressure fluid thereto, for discharging residual pressure fluid remaining between the fluid pressure supply source and the fluid pressure device (see Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. ", "2000-145985)." ]
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[ "With the trial involving the black market website Silk Road underway, you may be hearing a lot about the shady-seeming digital currency known as bitcoin. ", "Its value soars; its value plunges. ", "Its origins in the high-powered computers of a scattered population of bitcoin “miners” has the feel of an elaborate fiction. ", "And its anonymous, unstable nature can make getting your mind around it rather like studying a handful of water.", "\n\nBut if the prognosticating and bickering over bitcoin is enough to eclipse its promise (and there are some fascinating possibilities in the notion of a decentralized currency), there is a better (and more soothing) way for you to tune in to this burgeoning economy." ]
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[ "1992–93 Portsmouth F.C. season\n\nDuring the 1992–93 English football season, Portsmouth F.C. competed in the Football League First Division. ", "They ended up their season being 3rd in the first division league. ", "Guy Whittingham was the top goal scorer for Portsmouth football club in that particular season. ", "He scored 47 goals for them.", "\n\nThey reached the third round of FA Cup and League Cup. ", "They lost to Brighton and Hove Albion in the FA Cup third round. ", "Ipswich Town restricted Portsmouth Football Club's League Cup journey by winning against them.", "\n\nFirst Division\n\nFirst Division Play-offs\n\nFA Cup\n\nLeague Cup\n\nAnglo-Italian Cup\n\nReferences\n \n\nCategory:Portsmouth F.C. seasons\nPortsmouth" ]
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[ "1. ", "Technical Field\nAspects of this document relate generally to telecommunication systems and techniques for generating frequency reference signals for frequency synthesizers.", "\n2. ", "Background Art\nConventional frequency reference signal generating systems involve providing a frequency reference for a phase locked loop that is utilized in a high frequency synthesizer for a telecommunication system, such as a radio frequency (RF) communication system. ", "The phase locked loop is used to synthesize the carrier signal that is used to transmit encoded data over a telecommunications channel.", "\nFrequency reference signal generating systems may be employed in conjunction with phase locked loops and other components in modulators and demodulators where a stable and accurate frequency reference signal is desired. ", "For example, such phase locked loops that may employ such a reference signal can be found in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,528,240 to Wilson et al., ", "entitled “Digital Phase-Locked Loop Utilizing a High Order Sigma-Delta Modulator,” issued Jun. 18, 1996, the disclosure of which is hereby entirely incorporated herein by reference." ]
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[ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of infrainguinal vessels.", "\nIn the last decade, percutaneous angioplasty (PTA) has been used with increasing frequency to treat infrainguinal atherosclerotic lesions. ", "In hopes of better delineating the role of PTA, we undertook a retrospective analysis of infrainguinal PTA in one hospital over a 7-year period. ", "The charts of all patients receiving infrainguinal PTA from 1989 to 1996 were reviewed. ", "Demographics, site and type of lesion, and results of treatment were recorded. ", "Survival curves were plotted using the Kaplan-Meier method following current Society of Vascular Surgery/International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery (SVS/ISCVS) guidelines. ", "Differences in times to first failure were tested using the log rank method. ", "Failures were documented by duplex ultrasound. ", "All patients requiring repeat intervention underwent contrast angiography. ", "In selected patients with stenotic lesions <3 cm, infrainguinal PTA may be an appropriate initial treatment modality. ", "However, 5-year patency rates are significantly lower than those achieved by saphenous vein grafting. ", "The efficacy of the procedure is markedly decreased when used to treat arterial stenoses >3 cm in length as well as occlusions, and surgical revascularization may be a more appropriate initial therapeutic procedure." ]
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[ "We at Bugsnag love open source. ", "Supporting the open source community is important, so we are offering free Bugsnag to all open source projects!", "\n\nGitHub’s Atom Editor, Docker, Laravel.com, and Showterm.io are some of the awesome open source projects already using Bugsnag, you should too!", "\n\nShoot an email to us and link us to your repository to get your account set up. ", "If you’re so inclined, you can tell us a little bit about your open source project, and we’ll tweet about it!" ]
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[ "THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: ADVERTISING; Using M.R.I.'s To See Politics On the Brain\n\nThe political consultants discreetly observed from the next room as their subject watched the campaign commercials. ", "But in this political experiment, unlike the usual ones, the subject did not respond by turning a dial or discussing his reactions with a focus group.", "\n\nHe lay inside an M.R.I. machine, watching commercials playing on the inside of his goggles as neuroscientists from the University of California, Los Angeles, measured the blood flow in his brain. ", "Instead of asking the subject, John Graham, a Democratic voter, what he thought of the use of Sept. 11 images in a Bush campaign commercial, the researchers noted which parts of Mr. Graham's brain were active as he watched. ", "The active parts, they also noted, were different from the parts that had lighted up in earlier tests with Republican brains.", "\n\nThe researchers do not claim to have figured out either party's brain yet, since they have not finished this experiment. ", "But they have already noticed intriguing patterns in how Democrats and Republicans look at candidates. ", "They have tested 11 subjects and say they need to test twice that many to confirm the trend.", "\n\n''These new tools could help us someday be less reliant on clichés and unproven adages,'' said Tom Freedman, a strategist in the 1996 Clinton campaign, later a White House aide and now a sponsor of the research. ''", "They'll help put a bit more science in political science.''", "\n\nIn the experiment with Mr. Graham, researchers exposed him to photographs of the presidential candidates, commercials for President Bush and John Kerry, and other video images, including the ''Daisy'' commercial from 1964. ", "In that advertisement, promoting Lyndon B. Johnson against Barry Goldwater, images of a girl picking petals from a daisy were replaced by images of a nuclear explosion.", "\n\nWhen Mr. Graham emerged from his hourlong session in the magnetic resonance imaging machine, the researchers had no questions for him, but he did field an old-fashioned one from a reporter wondering what had most impressed him. ", "He cited two images: the Sept. 11 segment of the Bush commercial and the nuclear explosion that the ''Daisy'' advertisement suggested would be a consequence of electing Mr. Goldwater.", "\n\n''I was shocked at how much political capital Bush is trying to make out of 9/11,'' Mr. Graham said. ''", "But I found it kind of interesting that Johnson was using the same kind of technique against a Republican.''", "\n\nThe researchers had already zeroed in on those images and their effect among Democrats on the part of the brain that responds to threats and danger, the amygdala. ", "Mr. Graham, like other Democrats tested so far, reacted to the Sept. 11 images with noticeably more activity in the amygdala than did the Republicans, said the lead researcher, Marco Iacoboni, an associate professor at the U.C.L.A. Neuropsychiatric Institute who directs a laboratory at the Ahmanson Lovelace Brain Mapping Center there.", "\n\n''The first interpretation that occurred to me,'' Professor Iacoboni said, ''is that the Democrats see the 9/11 issue as a good way for Bush to get re-elected, and they experience that as a threat.''", "\n\nBut then the researchers noted that same spike in amygdala activity when the Democrats watched the nuclear explosion in the ''Daisy'' spot, which promoted a Democrat.", "\n\nMr. Freedman suggested another interpretation based on his political experience: the theory that Democrats are generally more alarmed by any use of force than Republicans are. ", "For now, Professor Iacoboni leans toward this second interpretation, though he is withholding judgment until the experiment is over.", "\n\nMr. Freedman and William Knapp, a strategist with both Clinton presidential campaigns and the Gore campaign in 2000, turned to this technology after consulting with Mr. Freedman's brother, Dr. Joshua Freedman, an assistant professor of psychiatry at U.C.L.A., who was less than impressed by the methodology of political consultants.", "\n\n''It seemed so last century,'' Professor Freedman said. ''", "Consultants were quoting Freud as if it was cutting edge. ", "It was all about interpretation instead of using new technology to measure what's actually happening in the mind.''", "\n\nAn error has occurred. ", "Please try again later.", "\n\nYou are already subscribed to this email.", "\n\nProfessor Freedman and the two political consultants formed a company, FKF Research, and provided a grant for an experiment led by Professor Iacoboni, a neuroscientist known for his work mapping parts of the brain activated when people empathize with others. ", "He, Professor Freedman and a U.C.L.A. colleague, Jonas Kaplan, plan to publish the results in a scientific journal.", "\n\n''In the past decade we've built up all this knowledge of how the brain works,'' Professor Iacoboni said, ''and now it's exciting that we can finally start applying it to social issues.''", "\n\nOne of the most striking results so far is the way subjects react to candidates after seeing a campaign commercial. ", "At the start of the session, when they look at photographs of Mr. Bush, Mr. Kerry and Ralph Nader, subjects from both parties tend to show emotional reactions to all the candidates, indicated in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with reflexive reactions.", "\n\nBut then, after the Bush campaign commercial is shown, the subjects respond in a partisan fashion when the photographs are shown again. ", "They still respond emotionally to the candidate of their party, but when they see the other party's candidate, there is more activity in the rational part of the brain, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. ''", "It seems as if they're really identifying with their own candidate, whereas when they see the opponent, they're using their rational apparatus to argue against him,'' Professor Iacoboni said.", "\n\nThe neuroscientists warned against drawing conclusions until the experiment was over. ", "They said the results would mainly point the way for future research, and other neuroscientists echoed their caution.", "\n\n''Brain imaging offers a fantastic opportunity to study how people respond to political information,'' said Jonathan D. Cohen, director of the Center for the Study of Brain, Mind and Behavior at Princeton. ''", "But the results of such studies are often complex, and it is important to resist the temptation to read into them what we may wish to believe, before our conclusions have been adequately tested.''", "\n\nShanto Iyengar, director of the Political Communication Lab at Stanford, said there were so many kinds of images and other stimuli in a political commercial that it was notoriously difficult for any kind of research to pinpoint effects. ", "But Professor Iyengar said the M.R.I. technology offered a promising tool.", "\n\n''Academic research in political science into the effects of campaign advertising is 90 percent bogus, relying as it does on self-reported exposure to a multitude of disparate messages and images,'' he said. ''", "Any efforts to isolate viewers' actual responses to ads -- be they neurological, verbal or behavioral -- is a step in the right direction.''", "\n\nThough new to political advertising, brain imaging has been used to analyze other kinds of reactions to commercials, both by ''neuromarketers'' selling services to corporations and by academic researchers like Read Montague, who has studied brain responses to soft-drink advertising. ", "He said research like Professor Iacoboni's could help expose manipulative techniques during political campaigns.", "\n\n''This research can show how a candidate is unfairly targeting the weaknesses and foibles of voters, and that can be empowering,'' said Professor Montague, director of the Human Neuroimaging Laboratory at the Baylor College of Medicine.", "\n\nOf course, political consultants could also use this technology to create more manipulative commercials, though Mr. Freedman and Mr. Knapp say they do not hope for partisan advantage from their research.", "\n\n''We just want to start exploring this new frontier,'' Mr. Knapp said. ''", "We know we can't rely just on what people say in polls and focus groups. ", "They tell us over and over that they hate negative advertising, but we know they respond to it. ", "It would be nice to figure out what's actually going on inside their heads.''" ]
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[ "In a time when a triple-double wasn’t as common as they are today in the NBA, this story of Andray Blatche shows how much players care about statistics during matches.", "\n\nIn 2010 Blatche did his best to get the tenth rebound that would guarantee him the first and only triple-double of his career. ", "In the final seconds of the game, the player was so desperate to get a rebound that he even asked an opponent to help him…\n\nAnd if you think this is ridiculous, wait to see the last play of the game where Andray Blatche intentionally try to miss his own shot to get the desired offensive rebound.", "\n\nThe triple-double now occurs frequently in the NBA. ", "Russell Westbrook and Luka Doncic exemplify how often this statistic has been occurring. ", "But looking Blatche’s commitment, you can imagine how special it would have been in 2010 to have just gotten one more rebound.", "\n\nAndray Blatche ended this comic performance with 20 points, 13 assists and 9 rebounds!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to detect last running thread in java\n\nI'm running a function using 100 concurrent threads and I want to detect the last running thread of this function, so how can I do that ?", "\n\nA:\n\nUse Thread.join() in your main thread for each Thread to complete.", "\nMain thread will not exit until each joined thread is completed.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Vets objected after an orthopedic surgeon gained attention for his charity work on animals, saying it did more harm than good.", "\n\nATLANTA — A charity meant to help homeless dogs is voluntarily closing down after criticism by some that it was doing more harm than good.", "\n\nSurgeons for Strays performed operations on rescue animals for free – using medical doctors who volunteered in their spare time.", "\n\nFrom the state’s perspective, the charity wasn’t doing anything illegal. ", "But veterinarians say the practice is exposing a loophole in state law they want to close.", "\n\nDoctors with Surgeons for Strays have operated on 86 animals, and they say there's never been a problem with any of the animals. ", "But after what they were doing started getting publicity, veterinarians pushed back, saying while they might be in it for the right reasons, what they were doing was wrong.", "\n\nDr. John Keating started Surgeons for Strays because he saw a desperate need for it.", "\n\nRescue groups couldn’t always afford expensive surgeries for the animals, forcing them to euthanize otherwise healthy cats and dogs.", "\n\nThe charity paid for the surgeries -- sometimes costing up to $15,000 -- using medical surgeons who volunteered their time and performed the operations in a veterinary office under the supervision of a vet.", "\n\n11Alive talked to Dr. Keating before he shut down Surgeons for Strays, amid the backlash from veterinarians.", "\n\n“These are dogs that are doomed. ", "Ain't nobody going to fix them. ", "They can't get adopted,” Dr. Keating said. “", "Half the time they're going to be euthanized if we don't fix them.”", "\n\nDr. Keating most recently operated on a dog that had been beaten with a bat and turned over to animal cruelty officers.", "\n\nHer surgery would have cost $15,000.", "\n\nThe state licensing board told 11Alive that under Georgia law, what Dr. Keating was doing was not illegal.", "\n\nBut veterinarians in Atlanta pushed back.", "\n\nDr. Alan Cross filed a complaint against Dr. Keating to the Georgia Board of Veterinary Medicine.", "\n\n“Our concern is that these patients weren't being handled in the best way because of lack of training,” Dr. Cross said. “", "To be a vet surgeon we have four years of surgery training after four years of vet schools. ", "So we think we do a good job and take pride in what we do.”", "\n\nHe and other veterinarians say the controversy points to the need to change or clarify state law so that only licensed veterinary surgeons can perform operations on animals\n\n“We do at-cost surgeries almost daily, and we just consider it part of our job, but we need to do a better job of letting people know there is a mechanism for caring for rescue patients,” Dr. Cross said.", "\n\nDr. Keating said all he ever wanted to do was help the homeless dogs and cats in Georgia.", "\n\n“We go so hard in human medicine, every once in a while we need to circle back and remember why we're doing this,” he told 11Alive before the backlash. “", "And that's to do some good, and that's what we're doing.”", "\n\nThe issue has spurred a larger conversation going on about how to best help homeless dogs and cats.", "\n\nEvery year in the U.S., 2.4 million healthy animals are euthanized because they can’t find a home.", "\n\nMORE FROM K9KAIT" ]
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[ "The SoapSox Story\n\nSoapSox is a stuffed animal washcloth that makes bath time more fun for you and your little one.", "\n\nEach SoapSox washcloth is made from soft, gentle terry cloth with an anti-microbial sponge inside. “", "Simple and smart,” we thought. . . ", "but the story of its creation was something we liked even more.", "\n\nFounder Ray Phillips was working with abused children at a group home when he had the idea. ", "One boy at the home was scared to bathe, and Ray noticed that his stuffed animal calmed him. ", "So Ray created a modified version of the animal, including a place for a bar of soap. ", "The child then bathed happily.", "\n\nToday’s SoapSox are enhanced versions of that big-hearted innovation. ", "Simply put liquid or bar soap in the specially designed pocket, add water, lather up, and start washing. ", "The little finger pockets make it easier for kids to grip.", "\n\nAnd SoapSox is machine washable and dryable, so the fun doesn’t need to stop when the bath does. ", "Kids can cuddle with them anywhere.", "Read MoreRead Less" ]
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[ "\"This was the morning of Kara Anderson's death.\" \"", "I guess I should have known something was wrong.\" \"", "She wanted to go sit in her room a minute.\" \"", "I didn't know she was saying good-bye.\" \"", "I asked her about studying together, but she wanted to be in the sun all day.\" \"", "This was the morning of Kara Anderson's death, because she chose it.\" \"", "Come in.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Oh, you look pretty good for an out-of-work loser.\" \"", "I'm almost done.\" \" ", "You heading straight to court?\" \" ", "Yep.\" \"", "So how you handling it one week in?\" \"", "I'm devastated... getting up at 9:00 instead of 5:00, going to the gym instead of racing to court.\" \"", "I miss the law too much.\" \"", "You're not coming back, are you?\" \"", "I haven't checked my cell phone in two hours.\" \"", "You know what that feels like?\" \"", "Well, you are missed at work.\" \"", "I doubt that.\" \"", "David Lee is probably calculating my square footage right now.\" \"", "Okay, the disciplinary board says\" \"I can consult on any case strategy developed before my suspension.\" \"", "So tell Alicia I made notes on this petition,\" \" but I can't on this one.\" \" ", "You sure?\" \"", "That's the one she needs.\" \"", "Those are the rules.\" \"", "How's she doing?\" \"", "Oh, worried.\" \"", "Overwhelmed.\" \"", "Tell her Judge Serena likes women more than men anyway.\" \"", "And watch out with the client.\" \"", "He'll talk too much and get pretentious on the stand.\" \"", "Will, when I leave, you're not going to curl up into a little ball and cry, are you?\" \"", "Tears of joy and relaxation.\" \"", "You really think you can do this for six months?\" \" ", "In a walk.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \"", "Call me when you crash.\" \"* *\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "This is hard for me, and I'm...\" \"I'm just a girl from Michigan.\" \"", "I can't imagine what it's like for you.\" \"", "Yeah, just the thought of my daughter out there in this movie, it...\" \" But you agreed to an interview?\" \" ", "Yes.\" \"", "Our daughter had just died, and she...\" \"He said that this documentary was an attempt to keep people from committing suicide, and it's just to make money.\" \"", "Objection.\" \"", "Your Honor, opinion.\" \"", "To me, Your Honor, this is the whole point of the case.\" \"", "This is a wrongful death suit.\" \"", "And he sold this movie as an anti-suicide documentary when, in fact, it was intended to induce and encourage suicide.\" \"", "Not \"in fact,\" Your Honor.\" \"", "In opinion.\" \"", "And I wish you would admonish Ms. Crozier for constantly summarizing her case to the jury.\" \"", "This is the equivalent of advertising through repetition.\" \"", "I don't even know what that means.\" \"", "I...\" \"I'm just speaking from the heart.\" \"", "Thank you very much, both of you.\" \"", "I take your objections to heart.\" \"", "Legally you're on equal footing, and so I think we should continue with the testimony.\" \"", "Thank you, Your Honor.\" \"", "We would love to continue with the testimony.\" \"", "He could only make notes on the past strategy.\" \"", "Got it.\" \" ", "How is he?\" \" ", "Good.\" \"", "Strangely good.\" \"", "He was wondering how you're doing.\" \"", "So, when you decided to speak to him, you didn't know that he had film of your daughter committing suicide?\" \"", "That's right.\" \"", "He lied to us.\" \"", "And that would have changed your mind\" \" about the interview?\" \" ", "Yes, definitely.\" \"", "We didn't want our daughter's death to be turned into a circus.\" \"", "Now, I just...\" \"I have to play it again just up to there.\" \"", "What is your daughter doing here?\" \"", "She's staring into the camera.\" \"", "And before this day, had she ever expressed suicidal thoughts?\" \"", "No, never.\" \"", "Then why did she do it?\" \"", "Because there were cameras on that bridge.\" \"", "He wanted her, or someone like her, to jump so that he could film it and sell his film.\" \"", "Objection, Your Honor.\" \"", "Calls for speculation.\" \"", "We will withdraw that, Your Honor.\" \"", "I'm sorry, Frank.\" \"", "I know it's difficult after everything that you've been through not to speak from the heart, but in court, we do have to go by the rules.\" \"", "Let me ask something I think Mrs. Florrick will allow me to ask.\" \"", "Do you see that there?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "And what do you see?\" \"", "The camera zooming in.\" \"", "Which tells you what?\" \"", "That he was more interested in getting a good shot than he was in saving my daughter's life.\" \"", "Just listen, Aidan.\" \"", "She's going to try and draw you into a conversation about filmmaking.\" \"", "Don't go there.\" \"", "The jury won't like it if you talk about shots.\" \"", "I have to answer the questions.\" \"", "You have to answer \"yes\" or \"no.\"\" \"", "You don't have to elaborate.\" \"", "Talk about why you made the film.\" \"", "Why you care about suicide.\" \"", "Maybe we should delay the trial and wait for Will to come back.\" \"", "Aidan, listen to me.\" \"", "I've worked on this case just as long as Will has.\" \"", "He's given the case to Alicia because he trusts her.\" \" ", "The judge doesn't trust her.\" \" ", "Doesn't matter.\" \"", "It's who the jury trusts.\" \"", "That's why you need to...\" \"Not get drawn into a conversation about aesthetics.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "Okay, take a deep breath.\" \"", "Eli, I am already triple-tasked with this trial as it is.\" \"", "I can't do any more...\" \"I'm not asking.\" \"", "This isn't about work.\" \"", "It's about you and Peter.\" \"", "Eli, can we do this later?\" \"", "We're meeting with Donna Brazile this afternoon.\" \"", "She is going to decide if Peter is the keynote speaker at the Democratic Convention.\" \" ", "Really?\" \" ", "Really.\" \"", "Hey, I am a good campaign strategist.\" \"", "But I need to know if you're divorcing Peter.\" \"", "Donna Brazile will not agree to the keynote\" \" if you are.\" \" ", "She won't...?\" \"", "Uh, it's none of her business.\" \"", "David Lee says he's your divorce attorney.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "David Lee said what?\" \"", "He said that he is your divorce attorney.\" \"", "Two weeks ago.\" \"", "He said that, due to attorney-client privilege, he can't say much.\" \" ", "He can't say anything.\" \" ", "I know.\" \"", "And I think you know that David Lee is not the greatest respecter of the niceties.\" \"", "So...\" \"I just worry that if he tells me, he'll tell more people.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "We're back to you manipulating me.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I just thought you should know what David Lee is saying behind your back.\" \"", "I'm just saying,\" \"I discussed it with the disciplinary board.\" \"", "Due to the fact that you are a name partner and therefore have business interests here, they have allowed you access to your office.\" \"", "So come back, Little Sheba.\" \"", "You hear that, Diane?\" \"", "That's the sound of chapter five being finished.\" \"", "A Failure of Principle:\" \"War's Impact on Supreme Court Decisions.\" \"", "It sounds like a best seller.\" \"", "Why don't you write your magnum opus here?\" \"", "We miss you, Will.\" \"", "I miss you.\" \"", "Come by here.\" \"", "It's quiet here.\" \"", "It's peaceful.\" \"", "Yeah, I'm tempted.\" \"", "We'll talk.\" \"", "Good-bye.\" \"", "Okay, one at a time.\" \"", "Hey, Willy.\" \"", "Guess who.\" \"", "I...\" \"What are you doing here?\" \"", "Making you feel better!\" \" ", "I heard you got fired.\" \" ", "I didn't get fired.\" \"", "So I got on an airplane and I rushed out here.\" \"", "That's what sisters do.\" \"", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "And how long\" \" are you thinking of...\" \" Of staying?\" \"", "Long as it takes to get you back on your feet.\" \"", "Diane, do you have a minute?\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "We're all under stress.\" \"", "I'm looking for someone\" \" to join you in litigation.\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "Uh, well, yes, that's a part of it.\" \"", "I'm hoping to hire someone in the next two weeks.\" \"", "Uh, we just have to move\" \" for as many continuances as we can.\" \" ", "Yes.\" \"", "And, uh, fortunately, we haven't lost any of Will's clients.\" \"", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "Okay, so that's part of it?\" \"", "What's the other part?\" \"", "Nature abhors a vacuum.\" \"", "So does our letterhead.\" \"", "I want to replace Will on the letterhead, and I want to take his office.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "I'm taking on half his load, a third of his clients.\" \"", "And what about Will?\" \"", "Well, I think it's just realistic to assume that when he comes back, he'll have to struggle to reclaim the respect and business of his clients.\" \"", "So you want to be a name partner.\" \"", "I do.\" \"", "I think I've made that clear from the beginning.\" \"", "I think this is an opportune moment to make that shift.\" \"", "Caitlin, how are you?\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "How are you?\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "I think I'm going to need your help in the next few days.\" \"", "Sure... anything you need.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "But didn't you want the images to have the beauty of your heroes?\" \"", "Martin Scorsese.\" \"", "Right?\" \"", "That's what you said in your deposition.\" \"", "He did Hugo, right?\" \"", "Ah, I loved Hugo.\" \"", "Yes, he did do Hugo.\" \"", "But he also does very violent films that you love.\" \"", "Gang movies.\" \"", "Yes, he makes gang movies.\" \"", "And isn't that what this was about?\" \"", "The beauty of violence?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Could you extrapolate?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No further questions.\" \"", "Aidan.\" \"", "Was your cameraman zooming in on this shot instead of keeping Kara from committing suicide?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "There was no cameraman.\" \"", "We just locked off a camera and digitally fed it to the production office.\" \"", "Well, then, how is it zooming in?\" \"", "It's not.\" \"", "We did that in the editing room.\" \"", "We can digitally make it look like that\" \" to imitate a zoom.\" \" ", "You didn't want Kara\" \" to commit suicide?\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "My aunt committed suicide.\" \"", "I found her dead in our garage when I was eight.\" \"", "I know what you're going through.\" \"", "That's why I wanted to make this movie.\" \"", "To wake people up to the warning signs that someone in their family might commit suicide.\" \"", "And what did you do when you saw on the digital feed someone intending to jump?\" \"", "I called 911, of course.\" \"", "Objection, Your Honor, counsel has produced no record of this call.\" \" ", "It's not in evidence.\" \" ", "Yes, Mrs. Florrick.\" \"", "Ms. Crozier has a good point.\" \"", "Bring in proof of this 911 call, then you can put it in the record.\" \"", "The difficulty is, the City erases all 911 calls after 30 days.\" \"", "Can you get it from the 911 operator?\" \"", "Possibly, but I'm not getting much cooperation from Cook County.\" \"", "Even Cary?\" \"", "Especially Cary.\" \"", "I'm not going to talk about my marriage.\" \"", "I know, but if she asks about your marriage, just say every relationship has a few bumps, but you're working things out.\" \"", "Peter, do you want the keynote?\" \"", "I want to not sound like an idiot.\" \"", "Well, put it into your own words, then, but be vague.\" \"", "I'm not gonna lie.\" \"", "It's not lying.\" \"", "Aren't you working things out?\" \"", "I don't know what we're doing.\" \"", "That's working things out.\" \"", "Mr. Florrick, how are you?\" \"", "Ms. Brazile,\" \" it's a pleasure.\" \" ", "Call me Donna.\" \"", "Donna, I respect you mightily.\" \"", "Oh, come on, you do not.\" \"", "I'm just a pain in the ass.\" \"", "Well, I respect pains in the ass the most.\" \"", "Speaking of Eli, hello, Eli.\" \"", "Yes, sure, make me the butt of your jokes.\" \"", "So, Donna,\" \"I want the keynote.\" \"", "What do I have to do to get it?\" \"", "Impress me.\" \"", "Why do you want it?\" \"", "I want to talk about a country that gives second chances.\" \"", "It gave me a second chance to do some good.\" \"", "I had to tell him I'll announce when I'm ready to.\" \"", "Why do people not like him?\" \"", "Peter?\" \"", "People like Peter.\" \"", "I called around to check up on him, no one speaks up for him.\" \" ", "Depends on who you call.\" \" ", "No, it doesn't.\" \"", "I called his supporters, or I thought they were his supporters.\" \" ", "Who?\" \" ", "I'm not doing your job for you, Eli.\" \"", "Help me out.\" \"", "I want him to speak at the convention, but you need to get some people to support him.\" \"", "Support breeds support.\" \"", "We should start our own music group.\" \"", "A brother and sister group.\" \"", "You don't like being a lawyer anyway.\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "Yeah, I do.\" \"", "No, you don't; you never did.\" \"", "You only did it 'cause Dad wanted you to.\" \"", "I did it because it was a smart thing to do.\" \"", "So, you did it;\" \"Now do something else.\" \"", "You know I have a big firm now?\" \"", "Now, I know you guys think\" \"I'm just some schmuck in Chicago, but I have 300 employees waiting on my word.\" \"", "Sounds great.\" \"", "I swear, I could win the Nobel Prize, and you'd still think I gave up my calling.\" \"", "You didn't call Sara, did you?\" \"", "Sara, our sister?\" \" ", "Why would I call her?\" \" ", "You did.\" \" ", "I didn't.\" \" ", "Come on, Aubrey.\" \"", "I got work to do around here.\" \"", "She'll just boss me around.\" \"", "I did not call her.\" \"", "Okay, I did.\" \"", "But I knew if I didn't, she'd kill me.\" \"", "When is she arriving?\" \"", "Her flight, in about an hour.\" \"", "I told her you'd pick her up.\" \"", "Hello?\" \"", "Hey, it's me;\" \"I'm just checking in.\" \"", "Hi, how's it going?\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Our client did well on the stand.\" \"", "Thanks for the advice.\" \" ", "No problem.\" \" ", "Who's that?\" \"", "You've got your sweet voice on.\" \"", "Shh, I do not.\" \"", "Yes, you do.\" \"", "I, um...\" \"Will, I just wanted to ask, um...\" \"I think they're putting the editor on next.\" \"", "You think it's an easy objection?\" \"", "Tyler v. Hasserbach.\" \"", "It's a cinch.\" \"", "Okay, thanks, bye.\" \"", "So, you edit this stuff together?\" \" ", "The film?\" \" ", "Yes, uh, with the director.\" \"", "We place the music where it is, and we also manipulate the images.\" \"", "So, can you tell us how some of the images were manipulated?\" \"", "Objection, Your Honor, relevance?\" \"", "The images were manipulated to romanticize suicide.\" \"", "Even if what Ms. Crozier is saying is true, Your Honor...\" \"Your Honor?\" \"", "The images were the result of Kara's suicide, not the cause.\" \" ", "Tyler v. Hasserbach.\" \" ", "Yes, except for the YouTube promo put on the Internet by your client.\" \"", "Why don't we let this go on a bit, Mrs. Florrick?\" \" ", "Overruled.\" \" ", "So, during the editing, did Mr. Stoddard ever voice concern about the project?\" \"", "Yes, uh, he was afraid there wasn't enough footage from the suicide bridge.\" \"", "There's usually 15 suicides a year from that bridge.\" \"", "Uh, he had his cameras up for nine months, but there was only one.\" \"", "This one.\" \"", "Yes, Cynthia Caracetti.\" \"", "So, Mr. Stoddard decided to create a YouTube video?\" \"", "Yes, to gain attention, that's what he said.\" \"", "I needed financing, that's all.\" \"", "So, how did you manipulate the image of this young woman committing suicide?\" \"", "We digitally enhanced the sky, making it softer, bluer.\" \"", "Those clouds were added, and we, uh, added some greenery to the trees.\" \"", "I see.\" \"", "Is this the original image?\" \"", "Yes, oh, and, uh, we added mist to the waterfall.\" \"", "Excuse me, that's what filmmakers do, beautify.\" \"", "Mr. Stoddard, that's enough, please.\" \"", "Thank you, Your Honor.\" \"", "Now, let's discuss the music.\" \"", "How did Mr. Stoddard\" \" choose the music?\" \" ", "Aidan wanted the, uh, most romantic and sad music possible.\" \"", "And how many songs did you try against it?\" \"", "I don't know, uh, 30.\" \"", "We tried the Celine Dion song \"My Heart Will Go On.\"\" \"", "But it was too expensive.\" \"", "And after the YouTube video was posted on the Internet, how many suicides were there?\" \"", "Our cameras caught five in the next two months.\" \" ", "Come on, Horton.\" \" ", "I'm no saying I did.\" \"", "I'm not saying I didn't.\" \"", "Which means you did.\" \"", "Donna Brazile called me.\" \"", "I was honest.\" \"", "I used to like Peter, but I think he's lost his way.\" \"", "How has he lost his way?\" \"", "He thinks he can go it on his own, so be my guest.\" \"", "Meaning he didn't offer you a position in the state's attorney's office.\" \"", "He didn't offer me anything.\" \"", "It's a bad economy.\" \"", "I had to accept a job at a think tank.\" \"", "It isn't just me.\" \"", "There are people that got Peter Florrick elected, and he didn't return the favor.\" \"", "He's trying to run a clean office, Horton.\" \"", "He's basing hiring on merit.\" \"", "Well, that's how you offend a friend, isn't it?\" \"", "I guess I don't merit.\" \"", "They call it patronage for a reason, Eli.\" \"", "You want a favor, you want me to praise Peter to Donna Brazile,\" \"I want a job.\" \"", "Mrs. Florrick?\" \"", "You needed me?\" \"", "Yes, Caitlin, you know how we're all short-handed around here with Mr. Gardner out and everyone picking up the slack?\" \"", "Yes, how is Mr. Gardner?\" \"", "He's good.\" \"", "Um, you're up on the Aidan Stoddard case?\" \" ", "I am;\" \"I think it's fascinating.\" \" ", "Good.\" \"", "I need you in court today.\" \"", "In what capacity?\" \"", "Cross-examination.\" \"", "Mrs. Florrick, I...\" \"This will be my first time.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "You did well in arbitration, and everyone needs a first time.\" \"", "Caitlin, you can do this, believe me.\" \"", "Okay, if that's what you want.\" \"", "No, I think it's good.\" \"", "Is she ready for court?\" \"", "You don't put fruit in the refrigerator, Will.\" \"", "You just buy new fruit.\" \"", "Good, the key is getting the Facebook evidence in.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Who was that?\" \"", "Someone from work.\" \"", "Am I gonna recognize my kitchen when you're done, Sara?\" \"", "I hope not.\" \"", "That's why we put coffee filters by the coffee.\" \"", "Doesn't that make sense?\" \"", "Problem is, he needs a girlfriend.\" \"", "Did you even try to fight the suspension, Will?\" \" ", "Did you?\" \" ", "Wasn't something you fought.\" \"", "Where has the beer been reorganized?\" \"", "I could have Roger make a call.\" \"", "Sara, your husband's a port master.\" \"", "Will's not trying to locate a boat.\" \"", "He knows people, that's all I'm saying.\" \"", "And it's better than sitting around all day, playing guitar.\" \"", "Maybe you should get another job.\" \"", "You guys do know my firm has $38 million in yearly assets, right?\" \"", "Roger could call his friend at the Bar Association.\" \"", "He knows people.\" \"", "You know, I'm fine.\" \" ", "I have money...\" \" Or maybe he could refer you to someone to get another job.\" \"", "I just said that.\" \"", "Why do you always take what I say and repeat it?\" \"", "It doesn'matter who said it; if it's true.\" \"", "Yeah, but I said it.\" \"", "Okay, I'm gonna go over here and talk to myself.\" \"", "Wait, what about a girlfriend?\" \"", "Why aren't you seeing someone?\" \"", "He is... the woman on the phone.\" \"", "Who's she?\" \"", "Some lawyer.\" \"", "It makes him upset when we talk about it.\" \"", "Does it, Will?\" \"", "Who is she?\" \"", "How long are you two staying?\" \"", "Where's your yearbook?\" \"", "There were some girls in high school, remember?\" \"", "No, he likes younger women.\" \"", "Your Honor, not only is this\" \"Facebook page irrelevant, but it's a bit of a desecration of poor Kara to use it in court.\" \"", "Your Honor, I think I need your help.\" \"", "With what, Miss...?\" \"", "D'Arcy.\" \"", "I don't understand how this evidence pertaining to the cause of Kara's suicide can be irrelevant when that's what the plaintiff is suing us for.\" \"", "For being that cause.\" \"", "But that's not what this is.\" \"", "This is Kara's Facebook page, and to make it seem...\" \"Like her thoughts just before she died...\" \"No.\" \"", "That's not what I was saying.\" \"", "I'm sorry, I interrupted.\" \"", "Yes, you did, I'm...\" \"If I could continue...\" \"It's a desecration.\" \"", "Yes, you said that.\" \"", "Nicely done.\" \"", "You take the questioning.\" \"", "She doesn't like me, does she?\" \"", "Not one bit.\" \"", "We started going out two years ago.\" \"", "And you were her tutor before that?\" \"", "Yes, and after that, every Tuesday and Thursday.\" \"", "Now, you claimed in your testimony, um, that...\" \"Um...\" \"One second.\" \"", "Go right for the YouTube.\" \"", "Sorry about that, Your Honor.\" \"", "My first time in court.\" \"", "Objection.\" \"", "Your Honor, do we really need the personal touch?\" \"", "No, you're right, sustained.\" \"", "Sorry about that.\" \"", "Just nervous.\" \" ", "You're doing fine.\" \" ", "Thank you.\" \"", "Now, Derek, you claimed that Kara didn't consider suicide until after she saw my client's YouTube preview\" \" of the suicide.\" \" ", "Yeah, that's right.\" \"", "It was right around then.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Do you recognize this?\" \"", "Yes, that's Kara's Facebook page.\" \"", "Could you read the quote she posted?\" \"\"", "Down in the graveyard, they're all quiet, and the women have got to hold their tongues.\"\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "What's that from?\" \"", "Ethan Frome.\" \"", "Which is a novel about hopeless lovers who resort to suicide?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "And she added this to her Facebook page six months before she saw the YouTube video?\" \"", "Objection.\" \"", "Your Honor, is Miss D'Arcy really trying to blame a novel?\" \"", "Seems to make about as much sense as blaming a video.\" \"", "Well, I see both your points.\" \"", "But I'm going to have to overrule that objection.\" \"", "And five months before seeing the YouTube video, what did she write on her Facebook page there?\" \"\"", "For her life, which will be so much happier without me.\"\" \"", "And that's from Kurt Cobain's suicide note, isn't it?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "And, finally... this is three months before seeing the YouTube video... could you read that?\" \"", "I understand.\" \"", "I'll read it.\" \"\"", "Every time you leave me, you push me closer to the edge.\"\" \"", "And that's under a photo of you, isn't it?\" \"", "She took it down right after she wrote it.\" \"", "Wouldn't you say that reflected suicidal tendencies?\" \"", "No, she talked, she always talked, but she didn't really want to do it until she watched his video.\" \"", "She played it over and over.\" \"", "Just as she read Ethan Frome over and over?\" \"", "That's not the same thing.\" \" ", "Why isn't it?\" \" ", "One's a book, and one's a video.\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "It's just different.\" \"", "Derek, you and Kara were supposed to go out the weekend before she died,\" \" weren't you?\" \"", "What happened?\" \" ", "What do you mean?\" \"", "I mean, you didn't go out, did you?\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "I was busy.\" \"", "I didn't even speak to her that weekend.\" \"", "Because you were actually on a last-minute skiing trip with friends, weren't you?\" \"", "That has nothing to do with this.\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "She knew I was going.\" \"", "Really? \"", "Every time you leave me,\"\" \"you push me closer to the edge.\"\" \"", "I did not cause this.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "No further questions.\" \"", "Wow, that was amazing, Caitlin.\" \"", "Thank you, Ms. Lockhart.\" \"", "We'll have to talk.\" \"", "Then be clean.\" \"", "I'm not telling you how to run your office.\" \"", "You are telling me how to run my office if you're telling me to hire someone that's inadequate.\" \"", "He's not inadequate.\" \"", "Horton Baker is one of the best lawyers in town.\" \"", "Horton Baker is a friend of mine.\" \"", "I told you that I wasn't hiring any friends.\" \"", "Do you see how crazy this is?\" \"", "Your friends get penalized, your enemies get promotions.\" \"", "Eli, we have to make a separation between what you do and what I do.\" \"", "I have to run this office.\" \"", "You have to get me elected.\" \"", "And I can't do that, Peter.\" \"", "That's why I'm coming to you.\" \"", "I can't do it.\" \"", "You're not getting the keynote.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "I thought that was a good meeting.\" \"", "It was a good meeting.\" \"", "Donna Brazile likes you, but your friends are speaking ill of you.\" \"", "There's still a chance of a convention spot earlier in the week.\" \"", "Prime time?\" \"", "Maybe.\" \"", "You need friends, Peter.\" \"", "You need people to call up on your behalf.\" \"", "It's not unclean to offer patronage.\" \"", "It's the way things are done.\" \"", "It's the way things have always been done.\" \"", "I get it.\" \"", "Thanks, Eli.\" \"", "Peter, if you're not taking the governorship seriously,\" \"I need time to plan my future.\" \"", "How much time?\" \"", "All 911 calls are erased.\" \"", "After 30 days.\" \"", "Yes, I know that.\" \"", "But your office is prosecuting a robbery that happened that same night.\" \"", "So the tape was preserved.\" \"", "So send a subpoena.\" \"", "You know the drill.\" \"", "You'll have it in a few weeks.\" \"", "I need it today.\" \"", "Cary?\" \"", "Cary, Cary, the tape?\" \"", "I'll look into it.\" \"* *\" \"", "I think I see a man on Glenhurst Bridge and he's about to jump.\" \"", "Please hurry.\" \"", "It took them 42 minutes to send a patrol car?\" \"", "And I discovered that it takes the police 48 minutes, on average, to respond to a call.\" \"", "And the suicide hotline phones on the bridge are out of order.\" \"", "We can implead the City.\" \"", "Make them our codefendants.\" \"", "And give them an incentive to move faster on the 911 call.\" \" ", "Good work.\" \" ", "Thanks.\" \"", "One more thing.\" \"", "I've been reassigned your tax case.\" \"", "The one Will was handling?\" \"", "The IRS is claiming that the businesses you reported receiving income from don't exist.\" \"", "Well, they're wrong.\" \"", "You have proof?\" \"", "Yeah, what's up?\" \"", "Oh, I just had a question.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \" ", "I can get proof.\" \"", "Okay, thanks.\" \"", "I've been looking over my priorities for the year, David, and I wanted to thank you for setting up my children's trusts, but I won't need any more help.\" \"", "You're dismissing me?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I've decided not to divorce.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "It's a bad time.\" \"", "Well, I can wait till it's a good time.\" \"", "No, thank you.\" \"", "I've decided to go another way.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "Why not?\" \"", "Whatever you want.\" \"", "The customer's always right, huh?\" \"", "Thank you, David, for all your hard...\" \"Alicia, look at me.\" \"", "I don't give a damn.\" \"", "Will is gone, and Diane is alone at the top.\" \"", "And that's bad?\" \"", "That's an imbalance.\" \"", "This firm needs two at the top.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Because Diane is an ideologue.\" \"", "She pursues cases that cost us money because they are \"right,\" not because they're worthy.\" \"", "So, you're looking to me to support you in a vote to replace Will?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "And in turn, I will support you.\" \"", "In what?\" \"", "In any way you want.\" \"", "You and David Lee don't like each other.\" \"", "I don't think that has anything to do with this.\" \"", "Sure, you get enough votes together,\" \"I'll support you.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Thank you, Eli.\" \"", "Let's just keep this between you and I, okay?\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "Keep me in touch on this, Julius.\" \"", "You want a magazine or something?\" \"", "Who was that lacrosse player you dated senior year?\" \"", "Jane something.\" \"", "Jane Trout?\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Just seeing what Jane Trout is up to these days.\" \"", "Are you trying to find all of my exes online?\" \"", "Oh, look, she still lives in Chicago.\" \"", "Didn't you give her your class ring?\" \"", "I didn't give her my class ring.\" \"", "She stole it.\" \"", "She was a kleptomaniac.\" \"", "Why don't we look up someone for you, Aubrey?\" \"", "Because I'm a committed Buddhist.\" \"", "You are not.\" \"", "You're making things up.\" \"", "And since when have Buddhists been unable to date?\" \"", "See how he did that?\" \" ", "He changed the conversation to me?\" \" ", "She's right.\" \"", "How's your job going, Sara?\" \" ", "Oh, no, no.\" \" ", "Here's the thing.\" \"", "I'm taking a break:\" \"From the law, from dating, from even thinking about dating.\" \"", "I like not thinking...\" \"just for a moment.\" \"", "She's cute.\" \"", "Go for it.\" \"", "I promise not to tell your husband.\" \"", "Ha.\" \"", "So who was this woman on the phone?\" \"", "No idea.\" \"", "Someone on the suicide case.\" \"", "Yes, sir?\" \"", "Yeah, uh, so we need to make room for a new ASA.\" \"", "I didn't know we were hiring.\" \"", "We weren't, but now we are.\" \"", "We need some new blood in this place.\" \"", "I'll put out some feelers.\" \"", "No, no, no.\" \"", "I've already hired someone.\" \"", "Horton Baker.\" \"", "I see.\" \"", "You see?\" \"", "I see you needed to hire someone.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "What department?\" \"", "Head of felony review.\" \"", "And, sir, do you want any consultation on any of this?\" \"", "No, I don't want any consultation.\" \"", "I just want you to do it.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "ASA Pine is the current head of felony review.\" \"", "I'll have to move her out.\" \"", "Move her out.\" \"", "I'm on it.\" \"", "Your Honor, the defense is just trying to shift blame.\" \"", "Yes, to the guilty party.\" \"", "It was the City's negligence that was responsible.\" \"", "All we ask is that they be made a third-party defendant in our suit.\" \"", "Because of a broken hotline phone?\" \"", "And their delayed 911 response time.\" \"", "Here are the timelines from five separate incidents.\" \"", "The City has also refused to put barriers on the bridge.\" \"", "They've prioritized aesthetics over saving lives.\" \"", "This is just a bald attempt to force the City to hand over a tape of Aidan's 911 call.\" \"", "We are just trying to help Ms. Crozier and her clients punish the true culprits here.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "I think we're doing just fine on our own.\" \"", "It really takes them 48 minutes?\" \"", "She's shown tremendous promise, and you've been an exceptional mentor.\" \" ", "Thank you.\" \" ", "That's why I want you to be the first to know\" \"I have decided to make Caitlin a full litigator.\" \"", "I know it's fast.\" \"", "But with Will gone, we need everybody to step up.\" \"", "I understand.\" \"", "But you disagree?\" \"", "I think Caitlin is good.\" \"", "She's very quick.\" \"", "I think she needs some time to get comfortable.\" \"", "I threw you in over your head and you didn't take long to get comfortable.\" \"", "That's true.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Then can I ask you a favor?\" \"", "Would you mind sharing your assistant?\" \"", "Just until we get one?\" \" ", "Sure.\" \" ", "Great.\" \"", "It's just for a few weeks.\" \"", "And it'll give you a chance to help supervise her.\" \"", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "Hello there.\" \"", "And, David.\" \"", "What do you need?\" \"", "I have never shown an interest in management.\" \"", "No, you haven't.\" \"", "I like doing.\" \"", "I don't like... helping others do.\" \"", "But I'm stepping up because I think there are people who have an eye on Will's office.\" \"", "They pretend to have the firm's interests at heart, but what they really want is their name on the letterhead and an equal vote with you.\" \"", "And you're stepping up for...?\" \"", "Taking Will's place.\" \"", "No, David.\" \"", "You would hate it.\" \"", "You hate people.\" \"", "I don't hate people.\" \"", "I hate... some people.\" \"", "I am being selfless here.\" \"", "Well, um, let me consider it.\" \"", "Here's the thing.\" \"", "When Will comes back, you know I'll give up the seat.\" \"", "I don't want the seat.\" \"", "So you know I'll give it up.\" \"", "Thank you, David.\" \"", "I hear the 911 tape miraculously surfaced.\" \" ", "I told you I would look into it.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "I just thought you needed a little... nudge.\" \"", "Next time, don't drag the City into your mess.\" \"", "You're in a bad mood.\" \"", "I am.\" \"", "So you'll drop the request to implead?\" \"", "911.\" \"", "What's your emergency?\" \"", "Oh, my God, she's going to jump.\" \"", "Who is going to jump?\" \"", "There's a girl on the Glenhurst Bridge.\" \"", "She climbed over the railing.\" \"", "I can't get to her.\" \"", "We're dispatching an officer now.\" \"", "Please hurry!\" \"", "Your Honor, this tape has not been authenticated.\" \"", "We obtained it directly from the state's attorney's office.\" \" ", "Overruled.\" \" ", "Your Honor, we ask for a short recess.\" \"", "Granted.\" \"", "She's scrambling.\" \"", "You screw up a grand jury investigation, and I'm the one getting the demotion?\" \"", "It's... it's not a demotion.\" \"", "I'm being moved out of felony review.\" \"", "That's a demotion.\" \"", "To-to free you up more for court.\" \"", "Did your girlfriend put you up to this?\" \"", "ASA Lodge is not my girlfriend, and this is my decision.\" \"", "Good thing you're not the final word around here.\" \"", "Deputy.\" \"", "Lockhart-Gold.\" \"", "Sounds almost regal, doesn't it?\" \"", "Let me just save you the energy\" \" and repeat what I've already told the others...\" \" I...\" \" am not the others.\" \" ", "Eli.\" \"", "You only just became an equity partner a few months ago.\" \"", "And Obama was only a U.S. senator for two years\" \" before he announced his candidacy.\" \" ", "Eli...\" \"You're going to be running the governor's campaign.\" \"", "I don't know if I am.\" \"", "Things are in flux.\" \"", "Well, I'm holding the spot for Will.\" \"", "We can outvote you.\" \"", "We?\" \"", "Me and my...\" \"fostered relationships.\" \"", "So you're no longer the last kid picked for the mutiny.\" \"", "Congratulations.\" \"", "It's your choice, Diane.\" \"", "Either you decide, or... you let the others decide for you.\" \"", "Hi there.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Uh...\" \"I'm looking for Will?\" \"", "He's in the shower.\" \"", "I'm his sister Sara.\" \"", "Come on in.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "And this is his younger sister Aubrey.\" \" ", "Hi.\" \" ", "Hello.\" \"", "Uh, I'm Kalinda.\" \"", "Oh, what a sweet name.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "So, it's odd.\" \"", "William has this whole other life we never get to glimpse.\" \"", "Do you work with him?\" \"", "I do.\" \"", "On this case he's on?\" \"", "The suicide case?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Sit down.\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "We don't bite.\" \"", "Not hard, anyway.\" \"", "Can I get you anything to drink, Kalinda?\" \"", "A beer, maybe some wine?\" \"", "Are you on the clock right now?\" \"", "Kalinda.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "William.\" \"", "We were just getting better acquainted with Kalinda.\" \"", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "She says you're not dating.\" \" ", "Oh.\" \"", "Dear God.\" \" ", "Do you have a moment, Will?\" \"", "Oh, I'm sorry, you guys probably want to talk in private.\" \"", "Just ignore them.\" \"", "Nice meeting you.\" \"", "So.\" \"", "Family, huh?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "What's going on?\" \"", "You need to get back to work.\" \" ", "I'm suspended, Kalinda.\" \" ", "There's a lot of movement.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "David Lee and Julius.\" \"", "I figured.\" \"", "Eli, too.\" \"", "They want to fill the vacuum.\" \" ", "Just... just show your face.\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "Thanks, but...\" \"I need to make a go of this.\" \" ", "Everything good with Alicia's case?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "You, uh...\" \"you gave her my case, too?\" \"", "Will... if this is your way of trying to make things better between us...\" \"No.\" \"", "It's my way of trying to save your ass.\" \"", "Your, uh, sisters seem interesting.\" \"", "Yep.\" \"", "Could you get them arrested?\" \"", "Ms. Norris.\" \"", "When you worked on this film, were there rules for the crew as to how to handle potential jumpers?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "The rules were carefully spelled out.\" \"", "If someone stepped over the railing onto the ledge,\" \" we were to call 911.\" \" ", "I see.\" \"", "So if someone was standing on the bridge for say, 40 minutes, looking down at the water, crying, that wouldn't trigger a 911 call?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Just someone over the railing.\" \"", "The defense has admitted evidence that it takes, on average, 48 minutes for the police to respond to a potential jumper.\" \"", "If you wait until someone is on the ledge, how many lives did you actually save?\" \"", "No one.\" \"", "It was nice to hear from you again so soon, Donna.\" \"", "I've been told by your friends you are someone worth getting to know better.\" \"", "They've been filling up my phone sheet all week.\" \"", "I hope they haven't been too aggressive.\" \"", "There's nothing wrong with aggressive.\" \"", "Long as they don't start showing up at my house.\" \"", "Well, I'm an open book.\" \"", "What would you like to know?\" \"", "Forgive me for being blunt... but are you and your wife still living apart?\" \"", "We are.\" \"", "For the moment.\" \"", "But we're committed to making our marriage work.\" \"", "I'm glad to hear that.\" \"", "It would be my pleasure to meet her someday.\" \"", "Maybe someday in September?\" \"", "In Charlotte?\" \"", "I already said she knew I was going on a ski trip.\" \"", "Yeah, but you also said that you didn't speak with her that weekend.\" \"", "And we have phone records to show that you spoke with her for 37 minutes.\" \"", "You argued, didn't you?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Stop blaming me for this.\" \"", "You lied on the stand, Derek.\" \"", "What did you argue about?\" \"", "We didn't argue.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Then you talked.\" \"", "What did you talk about?\" \"", "She said she wasn't coming back to school next year.\" \" ", "Because of you?\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "It wasn't her choice.\" \"", "Look, I'm sorry I lied.\" \"", "I just didn't want anyone to think I was responsible.\" \"", "Then who is responsible?\" \"", "I'm sorry, Mr. Anderson.\" \"", "I know this is difficult for you.\" \"", "I just have one question.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "When did you inform your daughter that you would no longer be paying her college tuition?\" \"", "Objection, Your Honor.\" \"", "Relevance?\" \"", "Any financial hardship or pressure placed on the victim is relevant to a lawsuit about what motivated her to commit suicide.\" \"", "Please answer the question, Mr. Anderson.\" \"", "We had an agreement that she had to maintain at least a 3.8 GPA.\" \"", "But she failed her final exams.\" \"", "I understand.\" \"", "But my question was:\" \"When did you tell her you were no longer supporting her?\" \"", "Two days before she died.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "We'll give you a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie.\" \"", "Your client can still be held liable.\" \"", "It doesn't matter who else you try and blame.\" \"", "It does to a jury.\" \"", "A disclaimer, plus a donation of half the film's profits to a suicide awareness campaign.\" \"", "So how does Mexican sound for dinner?\" \"", "Should we make a reservation for three or four?\" \"", "P.M.?\" \"", "No, people.\" \"", "My math's a little rusty, but...\" \"Oh, no, no.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "We want to get to know Kalinda better.\" \"", "I like her.\" \"", "And I don't like any of your girlfriends.\" \"", "I am not dating Kalinda.\" \" ", "I am not dating anyone.\" \" ", "You're pining for her.\" \" ", "I can see...\" \" You work together.\" \"", "It's natural.\" \"", "You need someone special in your life, Will.\" \"", "You need organization.\" \"", "You're not getting any younger.\" \"", "Women think it's cute now.\" \"", "In another five years...\" \"Roger did so much for my life.\" \"", "You think you don't need a spouse.\" \"", "Especially now.\" \"", "You're out of work.\" \"", "You need someone.\" \"", "You lasted a full week.\" \"", "I'm impressed.\" \"", "Could have lasted longer.\" \"", "You have my sisters to thank for that.\" \"", "I'll send flowers.\" \"", "You know I can't practice law.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "But you can offer updates on your ongoing cases.\" \" ", "Did we fire Caitlin?\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "We promoted her.\" \"", "Anything else I should know about?\" \"", "Just that I can't promise that everyone will be quite so pleased to see you back.\"" ]
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0.000803557806648314, 0.007940584793686867, 0.0008441177778877318, 0.000703749421518296, 0.0006166435196064413, 0.0006533449632115662, 0.0007646740996278822, 0.000583465036470443, 0.0005949748447164893, 0.3407067060470581, 0.0008441177778877318, 0.30517059564590454, 0.008151570335030556, 0.0008832120220176876, 0.0006544679636135697, 0.3893522322177887, 0.01598523184657097, 0.0012185100931674242, 0.0005869614542461932, 0.0006977484445087612, 0.0007426164229400456, 0.0006096055149100721, 0.0009691848536022007, 0.0007724727620370686, 0.0011062804842367768, 0.0005932796630077064, 0.0008672588155604899, 0.0006677948404103518, 0.0009894996182993054, 0.0005987440817989409, 0.0015434053493663669, 0.5845956802368164, 0.0007022701320238411, 0.0013613603077828884, 0.0009134080028161407, 0.0006904345354996622, 0.0007269061752595007, 0.0005958476103842258, 0.0008386711706407368, 0.0006074584671296179, 0.017269931733608246, 0.0007013257127255201, 0.015793809667229652, 0.9520167708396912, 0.7564682960510254, 0.0009294279152527452, 0.3075600266456604, 0.001948938355781138, 0.0008664461201988161, 0.000956547271925956, 0.0008761236094869673, 0.0005972138023935258, 0.0005908202147111297, 0.0006437203264795244, 0.001969186356291175, 0.0010315566323697567, 0.0011654560221359134, 0.0006170080159790814, 0.0006824605516158044, 0.0007573416805826128, 0.0010223848512396216, 0.0011352937435731292, 0.03334955871105194, 0.0006850805366411805, 0.0005448482697829604, 0.0005566777545027435, 0.003320569870993495, 0.0006152545684017241, 0.01839629001915455, 0.000781067181378603, 0.0006739980890415609, 0.003512409282848239, 0.005767605267465115, 0.0006486037746071815, 0.00147622125223279, 0.0007727392367087305, 0.03232871741056442, 0.0005476290825754404, 0.0013814994599670172, 0.0008155007963068783, 0.0008166396874003112, 0.0008659199229441583, 0.001102109206840396, 0.0008846400887705386, 0.001314924331381917, 0.0006616154569201171, 0.08885896950960159, 0.0007362752221524715, 0.0006990249967202544, 0.35736045241355896, 0.0008260966860689223, 0.0006343019776977599, 0.0025263484567403793, 0.0007577116484753788, 0.000646516215056181, 0.0006353686330839992, 0.0006345449946820736, 0.0006140714976936579, 0.000536713341716677, 0.0007021556375548244, 0.0011210119118914008, 0.0024071442894637585, 0.010843338444828987, 0.0007630061008967459, 0.00061609543627128, 0.0007071532891131938, 0.0007481715874746442, 0.030976124107837677, 0.0005883185076527297, 0.0007297275005839765, 0.0006789519684389234, 0.0006182129727676511, 0.0006057667196728289, 0.0006275259074755013, 0.0006620812928304076, 0.002246941439807415, 0.0006762819248251617, 0.000815829960629344, 0.0007481715874746442, 0.0006369896582327783, 0.0011424599215388298, 0.00085883354768157, 0.0006548201781697571, 0.0007069645798765123, 0.0079342657700181, 0.0005698573659174144, 0.0008182289893738925, 0.0006605258677154779, 0.0007670029299333692, 0.0006075507844798267, 0.0006646784604527056, 0.12631958723068237, 0.0005779697094112635, 0.0006018347921781242, 0.0006783197168260813, 0.0007427057134918869, 0.0006997211603447795, 0.001974036218598485, 0.0008348687551915646, 0.0005524141597561538, 0.0005734045407734811, 0.0006955243879929185, 0.0006503846379928291, 0.0008368599228560925, 0.0007302736048586667, 0.0005759814521297812, 0.0009052390814758837, 0.013048548251390457, 0.0005745514645241201, 0.0009724359842948616, 0.0007591655012220144, 0.0007650943007320166, 0.0008788794511929154, 0.0015356058720499277, 0.000668737106025219, 0.001610592007637024, 0.0010183631675317883, 0.0011843036627396941, 0.0007408959208987653, 0.0008282795897684991, 0.002393555361777544, 0.0005981264403089881, 0.0007832043920643628, 0.0006758670206181705, 0.0013322693994268775, 0.0006200454663485289, 0.0009468465577811003, 0.0008462655823677778, 0.0010108795249834657, 0.001984675880521536, 0.0009250961011275649, 0.0013425005599856377, 0.0009522081236355007, 0.0006498555303551257, 0.0005804188549518585, 0.0009710384765639901, 0.0005844317493028939, 0.0006345449946820736, 0.0009367231396026909, 0.0007219644612632692, 0.0006262342212721705, 0.000909795518964529, 0.0007598193478770554, 0.0005889505264349282, 0.0009387879981659353, 0.0006671974551863968, 0.0005738260806538165, 0.000684815866407007, 0.0012722815154120326, 0.0009514399571344256, 0.0006202278309501708, 0.0006345449946820736, 0.0010929935378953815, 0.0008170281071215868, 0.0011888762237504125, 0.0008299948531202972, 0.0006540963659062982, 0.0007132951868698001, 0.16284014284610748, 0.0022150299046188593, 0.0016317834379151464, 0.001332647050730884, 0.0008599290740676224, 0.0007391346152871847, 0.024028314277529716, 0.0008056298247538507, 0.0006982244085520506, 0.0008559197885915637, 0.058931343257427216, 0.0006005169125273824, 0.0006422026781365275, 0.000730487983673811, 0.0007352956454269588, 0.0011372339213266969, 0.0006787494057789445, 0.000771123799495399, 0.0010048585245385766, 0.000657756463624537, 0.0007516636978834867, 0.0015406396705657244, 0.0009840575512498617, 0.005702117923647165, 0.0016588784055784345, 0.0010475438321009278, 0.0006237110355868936, 0.001449647475965321, 0.0014785778475925326, 0.0008321682689711452, 0.0009652742883190513, 0.0010012878337875009, 0.0017619443824514747, 0.0012251368025317788, 0.0005595666007138789, 0.0010183792328462005, 0.0008203826728276908, 0.0007908503757789731, 0.0009695852058939636, 0.000794582418166101, 0.0021132545080035925, 0.0007798634469509125, 0.0006798286340199411, 0.0015096291899681091, 0.0006271217134781182, 0.0006146751693449914, 0.0006530318642035127, 0.015144428238272667, 0.0008783441153354943, 0.0005835521151311696, 0.0014346929965540767, 0.000666292617097497, 0.0006765039870515466, 0.0008377709309570491, 0.0006169592379592359, 0.0006063784821890295, 0.0007363699260167778, 0.0006491050007753074, 0.0007213743519969285, 0.0006425256142392755, 0.0008095387020148337, 0.0006441772566176951, 0.0005571157089434564, 0.001681497786194086, 0.0006660266080871224, 0.0006215142784640193, 0.0006345449946820736, 0.0008341891225427389, 0.0006449481588788331, 0.0006866198964416981, 0.34026259183883667, 0.0006859576678834856, 0.0007739290012978017, 0.000813618185929954, 0.014987318776547909, 0.0006974356365390122, 0.0006621998618356884, 0.0007363699260167778, 0.0010363167384639382, 0.0006343871937133372, 0.0005866932915523648, 0.0007396025466732681, 0.0007068325066938996, 0.0010009605903178453, 0.0008513144566677511, 0.0006974356365390122, 0.0007393689593300223, 0.0006412574439309537, 0.0006073386175557971, 0.01201510801911354, 0.0008965505403466523, 0.0005925569566898048, 0.0012825026642531157, 0.0005699041066691279, 0.0006108248489908874, 0.0007093032472766936, 0.0007201191619969904, 0.0007271589711308479, 0.0017348601249977946, 0.0007662306888960302, 0.0006806149613112211, 0.02047315426170826, 0.0007993318722583354, 0.0007883428479544818, 0.0013512945733964443, 0.0009252536110579967, 0.0008239935850724578, 0.0006590874399989843, 0.001051962492056191, 0.0008321389323100448, 0.0018709636060521007, 0.0007621239055879414, 0.0008625913760624826, 0.019582975655794144, 0.0008796456386335194, 0.0005571157089434564, 0.000640654528979212, 0.0006601164932362735, 0.000571015989407897, 0.0005841305246576667, 0.011425187811255455, 0.0016201933613047004, 0.0131135368719697, 0.00349954841658473, 0.0006160949124023318, 0.0006670017028227448, 0.0007037101895548403, 0.023346707224845886, 0.013386324048042297, 0.0009015180403366685, 0.00111530686262995, 0.003028217935934663, 0.001113452366553247, 0.0020326520316302776, 0.0009222413063980639, 0.002597605111077428, 0.0009252536110579967, 0.0005512176430784166, 0.0005557264667004347, 0.12398155778646469, 0.0005580896395258605, 0.0007672851206734776, 0.0006905648042447865, 0.0008175416733138263, 0.0008086602319963276, 0.0007279238197952509, 0.0006620355416089296, 0.000637025514151901, 0.0007668486796319485, 0.0008647931972518563, 0.000660437683109194, 0.0007789695519022644, 0.0007523964741267264, 0.0006520197493955493, 0.000655854120850563, 0.0007804615306667984, 0.0007093045860528946, 0.00147570064291358, 0.001070238184183836, 0.0006182448123581707, 0.0006608161493204534, 0.0007965515833348036, 0.0007355479756370187, 0.0006091438117437065, 0.01781650073826313, 0.0005979528650641441, 0.0010190799366682768, 0.0006496168207377195, 0.0014197295531630516, 0.025456303730607033, 0.0011549652554094791, 0.0011386051774024963, 0.0005649242084473372, 0.0005748633993789554, 0.0006679106736555696, 0.0008113721269182861, 0.0007077644113451242, 0.000746258650906384, 0.0008506937301717699, 0.0014169774949550629, 0.0006524887285195291, 0.0006463935715146363, 0.0006919825682416558, 0.0007907272083684802, 0.0005578481941483915, 0.0005366338300518692, 0.002968445885926485, 0.0008441177778877318, 0.0026307404041290283, 0.0008307232055813074, 0.0011235885322093964, 0.0005934827495366335, 0.0005749617703258991, 0.0006555491709150374, 0.0006624902598559856, 0.0009556325967423618, 0.0007092944579198956, 0.0009161395719274879, 0.0016977045452222228, 0.8987908959388733, 0.0012929645599797368, 0.00113539001904428, 0.0006749806343577802, 0.0005959640257060528, 0.0009252536110579967, 0.004970372188836336, 0.0007981603848747909, 0.0009011367801576853, 0.0006974356365390122, 0.0006044982001185417, 0.0007397463195957243, 0.0007221564301289618, 0.017641562968492508, 0.0007121809176169336, 0.0006253109313547611, 0.0006345449946820736, 0.0006735713686794043, 0.0010332198580726981, 0.0006624902598559856, 0.0010409082751721144, 0.001481778803281486, 0.0011946838349103928, 0.0007958663627505302, 0.0014183734310790896, 0.0009252536110579967, 0.0006997484597377479, 0.016310622915625572, 0.0007776960846967995, 0.0031558300834149122, 0.0015603668289259076, 0.0033765225671231747, 0.1328413039445877, 0.0006901384913362563, 0.0013253707438707352, 0.004495752044022083, 0.0006197116454131901, 0.0010564593831077218, 0.0006900280714035034, 0.0006833167281001806, 0.0007114289910532534, 0.0008210039814002812, 0.0008377725607715547, 0.0007089365972205997, 0.0008229985251091421, 0.0006572382408194244, 0.0006745452410541475, 0.0010073055746033788, 0.008155531249940395, 0.0016685168957337737, 0.0014783026417717338, 0.0007135667838156223, 0.0008335257298313081, 0.0007513972814194858, 0.0007527357083745301, 0.0006378820980899036, 0.0007440108456648886, 0.4079640805721283, 0.0007715769461356103, 0.0008126217289827764, 0.0006883048918098211, 0.000789024168625474, 0.0006783197168260813, 0.0008310964913107455, 0.0006984812789596617, 0.0007149261073209345, 0.000828321382869035, 0.002737001981586218, 0.0006258755456656218, 0.0006676138145849109, 0.0007670833147130907, 0.0006919825682416558, 0.001117311418056488, 0.011033304035663605, 0.038544926792383194, 0.0007393735577352345, 0.0007975893677212298, 0.0008194114780053496, 0.0011632705572992563, 0.0006209040875546634, 0.0008830854203552008, 0.0006447459454648197, 0.0005820281803607941, 0.0006684974650852382, 0.0006365802837535739, 0.001734771067276597, 0.001593547174707055, 0.0005571157089434564, 0.0006081399624235928, 0.0007706022588536143, 0.0005465926369652152, 0.0005571157089434564, 0.0030001308768987656, 0.0006380006670951843, 0.0006929908995516598, 0.0006412574439309537, 0.0007545207045041025, 0.0006157256430014968, 0.0007110877195373178, 0.000611664610914886, 0.2090667188167572, 0.0007493554148823023, 0.0006345449946820736, 0.001006241887807846, 0.001691550249233842, 0.0007328206556849182, 0.0006624902598559856, 0.0007403651834465563, 0.0006198823684826493, 0.0005538323894143105, 0.0007788604707457125, 0.0005748633993789554, 0.0005836052005179226, 0.0006593827274627984, 0.0008553063380531967, 0.0006365126464515924, 0.0011705841170623899, 0.0007226042216643691, 0.0035716425627470016, 0.0006248301942832768, 0.0005513544892892241, 0.0009558529709465802, 0.0010110398288816214, 0.0007963966927491128, 0.07581112533807755, 0.8515499830245972, 0.04138560965657234, 0.37862706184387207, 0.0012251035077497363, 0.0005941013223491609, 0.0007089365972205997, 0.0015375753864645958, 0.0012032784288749099, 0.0007946834666654468, 0.00056000443873927, 0.0006579994224011898, 0.0005675750435329974, 0.0007149261073209345, 0.03297048062086105, 0.07095464318990707, 0.11419495940208435, 0.0008436602656729519, 0.0009643977973610163, 0.0012438056292012334, 0.0010468295076861978, 0.6314160823822021, 0.31248652935028076, 0.0006737668882124126, 0.000847917515784502, 0.008177870884537697, 0.0007170631433837116, 0.0007615355425514281, 0.0007000663317739964, 0.0005972972721792758, 0.00085883354768157, 0.0005351168219931424, 0.0006296131177805364, 0.0009197696344926953, 0.01800581067800522, 0.0009379672119393945, 0.0008528765756636858, 0.0011189336655661464, 0.00075619324343279, 0.04361645132303238, 0.0011458609951660037, 0.020659592002630234, 0.0007082896772772074, 0.000671999529004097, 0.0006621566717512906, 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0.0006829206249676645, 0.005164290312677622, 0.0005727889365516603, 0.0005722754285670817, 0.0013235624646767974, 0.0006412574439309537, 0.0007098378264345229, 0.025311652570962906, 0.0005571157089434564, 0.0006078009610064328, 0.0007121221860870719, 0.004467192105948925, 0.0008790863794274628, 0.0009814401855692267, 0.0006980101461522281, 0.0008685741922818124, 0.0008278251043520868, 0.0007623597048223019, 0.0010937564074993134, 0.0028070947155356407, 0.000574908684939146, 0.0008265501237474382, 0.24100250005722046, 0.0007828335510566831, 0.002158781513571739, 0.09865882992744446, 0.0006576787563972175, 0.0006459314026869833, 0.002235383028164506, 0.0008823784883134067, 0.029947571456432343, 0.00548615911975503, 0.0010304207680746913, 0.0012144118081778288, 0.0007340434822253883, 0.16882561147212982, 0.0009342185803689063, 0.001031953259371221, 0.0006099769379943609, 0.0006701815873384476, 0.0006165653467178345, 0.0007083787932060659, 0.0010349645745009184, 0.0007598193478770554, 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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I make the underline change color every time the page loads?", "\n\nI would like the underline under my text to change color randomly every time the page loads.", "\nI have had success using this script before:\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var classes = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow'];\n var random_class = classes[Math.floor(Math.random() * classes.length)];\n var title = document.getElementById('decor');\n classes.forEach((el) => {\n title.classList.remove(el);\n });\n title.classList.add(random_class);\n</script>\n\nwith this on my CSS:\n.red {\nbox-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 ##FF0000;\n}\n\n.yellow {\nbox-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 #FFFF00;\n}\n\n.blue {\nbox-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 #0000FF;\n}\n\nBut I cannot (newb here) rig it with my current code (see snippet below)\n\nbody {\r\n background-color: #FFFFFF;\r\n margin: 0px;\r\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\r\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.container {\r\n display: block;\r\n width: 85%;\r\n /*center vertically & horizontally*/\r\n position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%;\r\n -webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);\r\n -moz-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);\r\n -ms-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);\r\n transform:translate(-50%,-50%);\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\na, a:visited, a:hover {\r\n -ms-text-align-last: justify;\r\n -moz-text-align-last: justify;\r\n text-align-last: justify;\r\n text-decoration: none;\r\n color: #000000;\r\n\r\n} \r\n\r\n\r\n#test1 {\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n height: auto;\r\n width: auto;\r\n visibility: visible;\r\n font-family: \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif;\r\n text-align: center;\r\n line-height: 7.5vw;\r\n margin: 0;\r\n font-size: 7.7vw;\r\n font-weight: bold;\r\n position: relative;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#test1:before {\r\n content: \"\";\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 #00f9ff;\r\n position: absolute;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n transform: scaleX(0);\r\n transform-origin: left;\r\n animation-name: stretchRight;\r\n animation-duration: 0.8s;\r\n animation-fill-mode: forwards;\r\n animation-timing-function: ease-out;\r\n z-index:-1;\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n@keyframes stretchRight {\r\n 0% {\r\n transform: scaleX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: scaleX(1);\r\n }\r\n}\n <body>\r\n <div class=\"container\">\r\n <div id=\"test1\"><a href=\"http://i.imgur.com/dqkgUe8.jpg\">hello darkness my old</a></div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </body>\n\nHow can I rig them together to make it so that the underline changes color every time the page loads?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can add the .red, .yellow, .blue,.etc... classes to your css and have javascript pick one of those classes and add it dynamically to test1. ", "Since the number of colors to choose from is small, the colors might repeat very often. ", "If you want to ensure that the colors are different, you might need to use a cookie to store then value.", "\n\nfunction getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {\r\n min = Math.ceil(min);\r\n max = Math.floor(max);\r\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar classes = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow','green','cyan','magenta','orange','black'];\r\nvar random_index = getRandomIntInclusive(0, classes.length -1);\r\nvar title = document.getElementById('test1');\r\nvar random_class= classes[random_index];\r\ntitle.classList.add(random_class);\nbody {\r\n background-color: #FFFFFF;\r\n margin: 0px;\r\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\r\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.container {\r\n display: block;\r\n width: 85%;\r\n /*center vertically & horizontally*/\r\n position: absolute;\r\n top: 50%;\r\n left: 50%;\r\n -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\r\n -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\r\n -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\r\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\r\n}\r\n\r\na,\r\na:visited,\r\na:hover {\r\n -ms-text-align-last: justify;\r\n -moz-text-align-last: justify;\r\n text-align-last: justify;\r\n text-decoration: none;\r\n color: #000000;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#test1 {\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n height: auto;\r\n width: auto;\r\n visibility: visible;\r\n font-family: \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif;\r\n text-align: center;\r\n line-height: 7.5vw;\r\n margin: 0;\r\n font-size: 7.7vw;\r\n font-weight: bold;\r\n position: relative;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#test1:before {\r\n content: \"\";\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 #00f9ff;\r\n position: absolute;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n transform: scaleX(0);\r\n transform-origin: left;\r\n animation-name: stretchRight;\r\n animation-duration: 0.8s;\r\n animation-fill-mode: forwards;\r\n animation-timing-function: ease-out;\r\n z-index: -1;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.red:before {\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 red !", "important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.yellow:before {\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 yellow !", "important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.blue:before {\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 blue !", "important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.green:before {\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 green !", "important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.cyan:before {\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 cyan !", "important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.magenta:before {\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 magenta !", "important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.orange:before {\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 orange !", "important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.black:before {\r\n box-shadow: inset 0 -1.3vw 0 0 black !", "important;\r\n}\r\n\r\n@keyframes stretchRight {\r\n 0% {\r\n transform: scaleX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: scaleX(1);\r\n }\r\n}\n<body>\r\n <div class=\"container\">\r\n <div id=\"test1\"><a href=\"http://i.imgur.com/dqkgUe8.jpg\">hello darkness my old</a>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n</body>\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\npython Threadsafe lock on loop\n\nCan someone please tell me if the following is threadsafe or not and if it isnt what must I do to make it so.", "\nNote: this only a small sample, not sure if it runs.", "\nTIMER = True\ntime_lock = threading.", "Lock()\ndef timing():\n while TIMER:\n # some logic will be here for now print time\n print time.time()\n\ntimer = threading.", "Thread(target=timing)\ntimer2 = threading.", "Thread(target=timing)\ntimer.start()\ntimer2.start()\n\nwhile True:\n time_lock.aquire()\n if doSomeStuff():\n TIMER = True\n if otherThings():\n break\n time_lock.aquire()\n TIMER = False\n time_lock.release()\n\ntime_lock.aquire()\nTIMER = False\ntime_lock.release()\n\nA:\n\nIt depends a bit on which implementation you are using, and what you are doing.", "\nFirst, in the de facto standard implementation of python (\"cpython\"), only one thread is allowed to run at a time since some internals of the python interpreter aren't thread-safe. ", "This is controlled by the Global Interpreter Lock (aka \"GIL\"). ", "So in cpython, you don't really need extra locks at all; the GIL makes sure that only one thread at a time is running python code and possibly changing variables. ", "This is a feature of the implementation, not of the language.", "\nSecond, if only one thread writes to a simple variable and others only read it you don't need a lock either, for obvious reasons. ", "It is however up to you as the programmer to make sure that this is the case, and it is easy to make mistakes with that.", "\nEven assinging to a simple variable might not need a lock. ", "In python variables are more like labels used to refer to an object, rather than boxes where you can put something in. ", "So simple assignments are atomic (in the sense that they cannot be interrupted halfway), as you can see when you look at the generated python bytecode:\nIn [1]: import dis\n\nIn [2]: x = 7\n\nIn [3]: def setx():\n global x\n x = 12\n ...: \n\nIn [4]: dis.dis(setx)\n 3 0 LOAD_CONST 1 (12)\n 3 STORE_GLOBAL 0 (x)\n 6 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)\n 9 RETURN_VALUE \n\nThe only code that changes x is the single STORE_GLOBAL opcode. ", "So the variable is either changed or it isn't; there is no inconsistent state inbetween. ", "\nBut if you e.g. want to test a variable for a certain value, and perform an action while that test still holds true, you do need a lock. ", "Because another thread could have changed the variable just after you tested it.", "\nThings like appending to a list or swapping variables are not atomic. ", "But again in cpython these would be protected by the GIL. ", "In other implementations you'd need a lock around such operations to protect against possible inconsistencies.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Know winning candidate list for PMC Election PMC GENERAL Election Booth Wise Voting Count . ", "E-Mail id: [email protected] 10 Feb PUNE: The district administration has set up 24 help centres to assist citizens Accept photos to be included in voters' list and also for voter ID. ", "9 Nov India News: The Election Commission of India (ECI) has made the process of updating your address in your voter ID card a very simple.", "\n\n9 Jan Your Voter ID card serves as general purpose identity proof, address proof and age proof such as buying a mobile phone SIM or applying for a. Chief Electoral Officer, Maharashtra Chief Electoral Officer,Maharashtra. ", "Search Your Name By Name Wise ID Card Wise. ", "Apply online for registration of new voter/due to shifting from AC. ", "Click here. ", "Apply online for registration of overseas voter. ", "Click here. ", "Deletion or objection in . ", "18 Feb Voter ID Card remains a quintessential part of the rights offered to a citizen by the constitution of India. ", "Part of the initiative of Election. ", "Apply for voter card online application in Pune. ", "Download the Voter ID Card Application form at Investment Junction in Pune.", "\n\nIt will take you just 20 minutes of Effort to Apply for your Voter ID Card. ", "You can do this typelabmnl.com You can get the . ", "List of Helplines For Voter Id Card in Pune Find Phone Numbers, Addresses, Best Deals, Latest Reviews & Ratings. ", "Visit Justdial for List of Helplines For Voter Id. 17 Mar Voter-Registration-India-ivote Voter Registration in Pune in voting for Lok Sabha elections but wanted to have voter identity card. ", "21 Sep Written by Nisha Nambiar | Pune | Published: September 21, To improve the electronic photo identity card (EPIC) or voter ID." ]
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[ "digit of 148333?", "\n4\nWhat is the units digit of 13029?", "\n9\nWhat is the thousands digit of 7885?", "\n7\nWhat is the units digit of 969?", "\n9\nWhat is the thousands digit of 6076?", "\n6\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 2489?", "\n4\nWhat is the thousands digit of 13316?", "\n3\nWhat is the thousands digit of 5285?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 1107?", "\n0\nWhat is the tens digit of 6307?", "\n0\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 51348?", "\n3\nWhat is the thousands digit of 2226?", "\n2\nWhat is the tens digit of 201402?", "\n0\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 3425?", "\n4\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 154?", "\n1\nWhat is the thousands digit of 36724?", "\n6\nWhat is the thousands digit of 98048?", "\n8\nWhat is the tens digit of 134375?", "\n7\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 138679?", "\n6\nWhat is the tens digit of 2451?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 13379?", "\n7\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 190?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 113?", "\n1\nWhat is the units digit of 2316?", "\n6\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 1742?", "\n7\nWhat is the tens digit of 10240?", "\n4\nWhat is the tens digit of 90455?", "\n5\nWhat is the units digit of 2958?", "\n8\nWhat is the tens digit of 4420?", "\n2\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 50691?", "\n6\nWhat is the tens digit of 1694?", "\n9\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 12980?", "\n9\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 1892?", "\n8\nWhat is the tens digit of 3767?", "\n6\nWhat is the thousands digit of 3006?", "\n3\nWhat is the units digit of 408?", "\n8\nWhat is the thousands digit of 8239?", "\n8\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 15960?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 955?", "\n9\nWhat is the tens digit of 4380?", "\n8\nWhat is the units digit of 1577?", "\n7\nWhat is the tens digit of 1763?", "\n6\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 11047?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 27491?", "\n4\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 49053?", "\n4\nWhat is the tens digit of 20710?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 444?", "\n4\nWhat is the units digit of 425?", "\n5\nWhat is the units digit of 35909?", "\n9\nWhat is the tens digit of 901?", "\n0\nWhat is the tens digit of 5748?", "\n4\nWhat is the thousands digit of 23372?", "\n3\nWhat is the hundred thousands digit of 143135?", "\n1\nWhat is the tens digit of 90360?", "\n6\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 42267?", "\n2\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 846?", "\n8\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 51696?", "\n5\nWhat is the units digit of 236?", "\n6\nWhat is the units digit of 17?", "\n7\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 26952?", "\n2\nWhat is the tens digit of 1901?", "\n0\nWhat is the tens digit of 7361?", "\n6\nWhat is the tens digit of 9705?", "\n0\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 145282?", "\n4\nWhat is the units digit of 151335?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 857?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 1048?", "\n4\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 20009?", "\n0\nWhat is the units digit of 1847?", "\n7\nWhat is the tens digit of 17170?", "\n7\nWhat is the units digit of 6778?", "\n8\nWhat is the units digit of 85584?", "\n4\nWhat is the tens digit of 5601?", "\n0\nWhat is the units digit of 10312?", "\n2\nWhat is the tens digit of 7461?", "\n6\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 19311?", "\n3\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 4433?", "\n4\nWhat is the units digit of 114539?", "\n9\nWhat is the thousands digit of 2463?", "\n2\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 68407?", "\n6\nWhat is the units digit of 7966?", "\n6\nWhat is the tens digit of 2039?", "\n3\nWhat is the thousands digit of 11773?", "\n1\nWhat is the thousands digit of 1060?", "\n1\nWhat is the tens digit of 1285?", "\n8\nWhat is the thousands digit of 17028?", "\n7\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 406?", "\n4\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 7416?", "\n4\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 2981?", "\n9\nWhat is the tens digit of 38261?", "\n6\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 4811?", "\n8\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 4838?", "\n8\nWhat is the thousands digit of 23091?", "\n3\nWhat is the tens digit of 1350?", "\n5\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 36963?", "\n9\nWhat is the thousands digit of 12015?", "\n2\nWhat is the tens digit of 341?", "\n4\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 6976?", "\n9\nWhat is the thousands digit of 2215?", "\n2\nWhat is the units digit of 1865?", "\n5\nWhat is the thousands digit of 6454?", "\n6\nWhat is the tens digit of 3064?", "\n6\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 16073?", "\n1\nWhat is the tens digit of 405?", "\n0\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 69734?", "\n7\nWhat is the units digit of 11700?", "\n0\nWhat is the tens digit of 5748?", "\n4\nWhat is the thousands digit of 44814?", "\n4\nWhat is the tens digit of 12303?", "\n0\nWhat is the tens digit of 43596?", "\n9\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 467?", "\n4\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 15362?", "\n1\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 142095?", "\n4\nWhat is the thousands digit of 20655?", "\n0\nWhat is the tens digit of 18543?", "\n4\nWhat is the units digit of 1296?", "\n6\nWhat is the thousands digit of 3152?", "\n3\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 34385?", "\n3\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 58188?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 5661?", "\n6\nWhat is the thousands digit of 71703?", "\n1\nWhat is the thousands digit of 122567?", "\n2\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 79536?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 1551?", "\n5\nWhat is the thousands digit of 1901?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 155?", "\n1\nWhat is the units digit of 12008?", "\n8\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 3576?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 380?", "\n8\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 2107?", "\n1\nWhat is the tens digit of 979?", "\n7\nWhat is the tens digit of 624?", "\n2\nWhat is the units digit of 925?", "\n5\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 18415?", "\n1\nWhat is the tens digit of 1792?", "\n9\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 2102?", "\n1\nWhat is the thousands digit of 3287?", "\n3\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 554?", "\n5\nWhat is the units digit of 11795?", "\n5\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 87220?", "\n8\nWhat is the thousands digit of 1452?", "\n1\nWhat is the units digit of 54989?", "\n9\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 186969?", "\n8\nWhat is the tens digit of 16128?", "\n2\nWhat is the units digit of 4538?", "\n8\nWhat is the tens digit of 3151?", "\n5\nWhat is the units digit of 5433?", "\n3\nWhat is the thousands digit of 30045?", "\n0\nWhat is the thousands digit of 2352?", "\n2\nWhat is the units digit of 1875?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 4774?", "\n7\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 5242?", "\n2\nWhat is the thousands digit of 2908?", "\n2\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 4325?", "\n3\nWhat is the units digit of 82594?", "\n4\nWhat is the thousands digit of 17011?", "\n7\nWhat is the tens digit of 254?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 12220?", "\n2\nWhat is the tens digit of 12441?", "\n4\nWhat is the units digit of 1799?", "\n9\nWhat is the thousands digit of 22299?", "\n2\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 38403?", "\n4\nWhat is the tens digit of 27111?", "\n1\nWhat is the thousands digit of 4533?", "\n4\nWhat is the thousands digit of 21647?", "\n1\nWhat is the units digit of 5786?", "\n6\nWhat is the tens digit of 305?", "\n0\nWhat is the thousands digit of 12263?", "\n2\nWhat is the thousands digit of 7543?", "\n7\nWhat is the units digit of 3500?", "\n0\nWhat is the units digit of 4877?", "\n7\nWhat is the tens digit of 1189?", "\n8\nWhat is the tens digit of 2671?", "\n7\nWhat is the units digit of 19628?", "\n8\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 4355?", "\n3\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 16312?", "\n3\nWhat is the units digit of 876?", "\n6\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 6942?", "\n9\nWhat is the units digit of 1106?", "\n6\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 14472?", "\n1\nWhat is the units digit of 7112?", "\n2\nWhat is the thousands digit of 40635?", "\n0\nWhat is the units digit of 36967?", "\n7\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 1116?", "\n1\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 18048?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 46516?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 2411?", "\n1\nWhat is the units digit of 4772?", "\n2\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 997?", "\n9\nWhat is the units digit of 10163?", "\n3\nWhat is the units digit of 168?", "\n8\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 5244?", "\n2\nWhat is the thousands digit of 52411?", "\n2\nWhat is the units digit of 8493?", "\n3\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 82511?", "\n5\nWhat is the units digit of 7313?", "\n3\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 1316?", "\n3\nWhat is the tens digit of 6571?", "\n7\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 10003?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 5984?", "\n9\nWhat is the units digit of 60039?", "\n9\nWhat is the hundred thousands digit of 105462?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 29849?", "\n8\nWhat is the thousands digit of 28098?", "\n8\nWhat is the units digit of 1705?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 276?", "\n7\nWhat is the ten thousands digit of 59104?", "\n5\nWhat is the thousands digit of 5582?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 4962?", "\n6\nWhat is the units digit of 111?", "\n1\nWhat is the tens digit of 713?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 532?", "\n5\nWhat is the units digit of 3376?", "\n6\nWhat is the tens digit of 353?", "\n5\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 559?", "\n5\nWhat is the thousands digit of 1933?", "\n1\nWhat is the thousands digit of 25113?", "\n5\nWhat is the tens digit of 13612?", "\n1\nWhat is the hundreds digit of 13177?", "\n1\nWhat is the tens digit of 53544?", "\n4\nWhat is th" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
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0.0006829462945461273, 0.000694385205861181, 0.0006712646572850645, 0.0006770303007215261, 0.0006719668745063245, 0.0015502512687817216 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow can I deserialize with TypeNameHandling.", "Objects in Json.", "NET Silverlight?", "\n\nI get an exception when trying to deserialize in Silverlight. ", "Test1 fails, while Test2 succeeds. ", " I've also tried TypeNameAssemblyFormat to both Simple and Full, but get same results. ", " Test2 can resolve the assembly, why can't Json.", "NET?", "\nUpdate: Forgot to mention the type I'm trying to deserialize is defined in a different assembly from the silverlight assembly where the deserialization occurs.", "\nBoth tests work in a non-silverlight .NET application.", "\nHow can I deserialize a json string that has typenames?", "\nprivate void Test1()\n{\n JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();\n settings.", "TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.", "Objects;\n string json1 = \"{\\\"$type\\\":\\\"AmberGIS.NetworkTrace.", "DTO.NTPoint, NetworkTrace.", "DTO.Assembly\\\",\\\"X\\\":0.0,\\\"Y\\\":0.0,\\\"SpatialReference\\\":null}\";\n try\n {\n var n1 = JsonConvert.", "DeserializeObject<NTPoint>(json1, settings);\n //Error resolving type specified in JSON 'AmberGIS.NetworkTrace.", "DTO.NTPoint, NetworkTrace.", "DTO.Assembly'.", "\n //Could not load file or assembly 'NetworkTrace.", "DTO.Assembly, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. ", "\n //The requested assembly version conflicts with what is already bound in the app domain or specified in the manifest. ", "\n //(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131053)\n }\n catch (Exception ex)\n {\n while (ex !", "= null)\n {\n Debug.", "WriteLine(ex.", "Message);\n ex = ex.", "InnerException;\n }\n }\n}\n\nThis Test2 succeeds: \nprivate void Test2()\n{\n var pnt1 = new AmberGIS.NetworkTrace.", "DTO.NTPoint();\n Debug.", "WriteLine(pnt1.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);\n // \"AmberGIS.NetworkTrace.", "DTO.NTPoint, NetworkTrace.", "DTO.Assembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null\"\n\n string fullName = \"AmberGIS.NetworkTrace.", "DTO.NTPoint, NetworkTrace.", "DTO.Assembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null\";\n var t = Type.", "GetType(fullName);\n var pnt2 = Activator.", "CreateInstance(t) as NTPoint;\n\n}\n\nA:\n\nTry adding settings to JsonConvert.", "DeserializeObject<T>(json, Settings),\nwhere Settings is:\nnew JsonSerializerSettings\n {\n TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.", "Objects,\n TypeNameAssemblyFormat = System.", "Runtime.", "Serialization.", "Formatters.", "FormatterAssemblyStyle.", "Full\n }\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008571693324483931, 0.0006787345628254116, 0.0007044318481348455, 0.0006348477909341455, 0.0010689272312447429, 0.0005973006482236087, 0.0006410918431356549, 0.0015089147491380572, 0.0005892085027880967, 0.0006064100307412446, 0.0011155508691444993, 0.0006810464547015727, 0.000936653115786612, 0.0008039246313273907, 0.0008551538921892643, 0.01254053320735693, 0.0006818208494223654, 0.0008551538921892643, 0.0007386811776086688, 0.0008243906195275486, 0.0007561927777715027, 0.0006955362623557448, 0.0010307830525562167, 0.015518457628786564, 0.0008509503095410764, 0.0008455620263703167, 0.0012706955894827843, 0.005404989700764418, 0.0007009355467744172, 0.0008551538921892643, 0.0013552190503105521, 0.0008551538921892643, 0.0033108738716691732, 0.0007887121755629778, 0.0011065735016018152, 0.0006975133437663317, 0.0008200625306926668, 0.0007687499164603651, 0.000807757256552577, 0.0006500580930151045, 0.0009132496197707951, 0.0008494575740769506 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCant get 'apps' to show in AVD\n\nEDIT:\nSeems i was on the right track all along, 10+ (or so) restarts and voila. ", "It works.", "\nAs a first, i'm trying to get the AVD up and running, and test it with a real simple 'helloWorld'.", "\nI'm using Android 4.0.3, if that might matter.", "\nAfter having loads of trouble with memory allocation, and run-times and you name it..\nThe AVD is now up and running, without warnings or errors.", "\nAnd i can install my project on it..\n[2012-04-17 23:28:04 - AndroidProj] Android Launch!", "\n[2012-04-17 23:28:04 - AndroidProj] adb is running normally.", "\n[2012-04-17 23:28:04 - AndroidProj] Performing com.phonegap.helloworld.", "AndroidProjActivity activity launch\n[2012-04-17 23:28:09 - AndroidProj] Uploading AndroidProj.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'\n[2012-04-17 23:28:12 - AndroidProj] Installing AndroidProj.apk...\n[2012-04-17 23:28:54 - AndroidProj] Success!", "\n[2012-04-17 23:28:54 - AndroidProj] Starting activity com.phonegap.helloworld.", "AndroidProjActivity on device emulator-5554\n\nAll the code i'm using is pretty much just copy+paste from tutorial(s):\nThe 'main' java-file. (@ ", "AndroidProj/src/com.phonegap.helloworld)\npackage com.phonegap.helloworld;\n\nimport org.apache.cordova.*;", "\n/*import com.phonegap.", "DroidGap;*/\nimport android.os.", "Bundle;\n\npublic class AndroidProjActivity extends DroidGap {\n /** Called when the activity is first created. */", "\n @Override\n public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n super.loadUrl(\"file:///android_asset/www/index.html\");\n }\n}\n\nAnd the html (@ AndroidProj/assets/www)\n<!", "DOCTYPE HTML>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>PhoneGap</title>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\" src=\"cordova-1.6.0.js\"></script>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>Hello World</h1>\n</body>\n</html>\n\nAndroidManifest.xml:\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<manifest xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n package=\"com.phonegap.helloworld\"\n android:versionCode=\"1\"\n android:versionName=\"1.0\" >\n\n <supports-screens\n android:largeScreens=\"true\"\n android:normalScreens=\"true\"\n android:smallScreens=\"true\"\n android:resizeable=\"true\"\n android:anyDensity=\"true\"\n />\n\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "CAMERA\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "VIBRATE\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "READ_PHONE_STATE\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "INTERNET\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "RECEIVE_SMS\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "RECORD_AUDIO\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "READ_CONTACTS\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "WRITE_CONTACTS\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE\" /> <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "GET_ACCOUNTS\" />\n <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.", "BROADCAST_STICKY\" />\n\n <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=\"15\" />\n\n <application\n android:icon=\"@drawable/ic_launcher\"\n android:label=\"@string/app_name\" >\n <activity\n android:name=\".", "AndroidProjActivity\"\n android:label=\"@string/app_name\" \n android:configChanges=\"orientation|keyboardHidden\">\n <intent-filter>\n <action android:name=\"android.intent.action.", "MAIN\" />\n\n <category android:name=\"android.intent.category.", "LAUNCHER\" />\n </intent-filter>\n </activity>\n\n <activity android:name=\"org.apache.cordova.", "DroidGap\" android:label=\"@string/app_name\" android:configChanges=\"orientation|keyboardHidden\"> \n <intent-filter> </intent-filter> \n </activity> \n </application>\n\n</manifest>\n\nBesides the fact that i takes forever and ever to install my project, it seems to be carried out correctly.", "\nBut, all i get is the emulator, my project/file is nowhere to be found.", "\nAny clues to where the problem might lie?", "\n\nA:\n\nFollowing the advice, i'll 'answer' this myself.", "\nTurns out there was no problem, at least not code-wise, a bunch of restarts later and it all runs smoothly.", "\nThanks for your efforts, though.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007363422191701829, 0.0006976629956625402, 0.0006654305034317076, 0.0007037598406895995, 0.0007997474749572575, 0.000688171130605042, 0.0006603323272429407, 0.0008860948728397489, 0.0008088798495009542, 0.0007897655013948679, 0.0006521173054352403, 0.000899600621778518, 0.000923280487768352, 0.0010946555994451046, 0.0007400950416922569, 0.0010909312404692173, 0.0009373248904012144, 0.0006190649583004415, 0.0007409260142594576, 0.0006742949481122196, 0.0007520090439356863, 0.0007521832594648004, 0.0007487989496439695, 0.0006999916513450444, 0.0007849808316677809, 0.0007429848774336278, 0.0007766958442516625, 0.0007558329962193966, 0.0007479078485630453, 0.0007677283720113337, 0.0008122137514874339, 0.000826052506454289, 0.0007574217743240297, 0.0008119823760353029, 0.0006908685900270939, 0.000748899532482028, 0.0007270173518918455, 0.0008445848361589015, 0.0006963026244193316, 0.0007233786745928228, 0.0008490016334690154, 0.0006592522840946913, 0.0006049993680790067, 0.0005676505388692021, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Perioperative management of diabetes in elective patients: a region-wide audit.", "\nTen percent of elective surgical patients have diabetes. ", "These patients demonstrate excess perioperative morbidity and mortality. ", "National guidance on the management of adults with diabetes undergoing surgery was published in 2011. ", "We present a region-wide audit of adherence to this guidance across the North Western Deanery. ", "Local teams prospectively collected data according to a locally approved protocol. ", "Pregnant, paediatric and non-elective patients were excluded from this audit. ", "Patient characteristics, type of surgery and aspects of perioperative management were collated and centrally analysed against audit criteria based upon national recommendations. ", "247 patients with diabetes were identified. ", "HbA1c was recorded in 71% of patients preoperatively; 9% of patients with an abnormal HbA1c were not known by, or referred to, the diabetes team. ", "17% of patients were admitted the evening preceding surgery. ", "The mean fasting time was 12:20(4) h. Variable rate i.v. ", "insulin infusions (VRIII) were not used when indicated in 11%. ", "Only 8% of patients received the recommended substrate fluid, along with the VRIII (5% glucose in 0.45% saline). ", "Intra-operative capillary blood glucose (CBG) was measured hourly in 56% of patients. ", "Intra-operative CBG was within the acceptable range (4-12 mmol.", "L(-1)) in 85% of patients. ", "73% of patients had a CBG measurement performed in recovery. ", "The WHO checklist was used in 95% of patients. ", "National perioperative guidelines were not adhered to in a substantial proportion of patients with diabetes undergoing elective surgery. ", "This study represents a template for future trainee networks." ]
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[ 0.0006413504015654325, 0.0007809865055605769, 0.021241724491119385, 0.0006316223298199475, 0.0005885482532903552, 0.0005364609532989562, 0.000852668599691242, 0.0005747743998654187, 0.0006182928336784244, 0.0007003833306953311, 0.0006265885313041508, 0.0006537491572089493, 0.000596341909840703, 0.0006814905791543424, 0.0006856877007521689, 0.000597700709477067, 0.0006498913862742484, 0.0005930416518822312, 0.0005977938417345285, 0.0006947247311472893, 0.0005411634920164943 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPassing data to a customised mat-grid component via props\n\nI am trying to build a component that extends the angular material mat-tree component. ", "The goal is to have a table that has a hierarchy of rows that that can be expanded and collapsed. ", "I have been able to do this more or less and it's working when I load data directly from a flat file within the component. ", "The Stackblitz example shows this in a working state. ", "However, you need to click the Click Me button to see the data - not sure why this is the case.", "\nhttps://stackblitz.com/edit/n4nite-tree-table\nWhat I want is to be able to pass data to the component from the parent component. ", "I have tried variations of doing this using @input and the property={{}} but I haven't been able to get it to work. ", "What I want is basically as follows:\n\napp.component.ts calls a service (helper.service) \nthe helper service passes back the data for the tree grid the html file\napp.component.html passes the data to the component via curly braces {{}}\n\nNote: In my actual implementation the helper.service is getting the data from an API call.", "\nI also have a number of less pressing questions:\n\nWhen I moved the code to StackBlitz my mat-icon-buttons that are displaying the expand chevron have a grey background. ", "I've assume that I am missing a theme or style that is part of my main project. ", "I'd like to know what I am doing wrong and how to correct this for future publication to StackBlitz.", "\nIn an earlier example each of the sub items were slightly indented. ", "I believe this is standard in the mat-tree-control. ", "I have messed around with the code quiet a bit and somewhere along the way the indentations were lost. ", "How can I get these back or more specifically what have I done to suppress them.", "\nIn the component I am using a but of a hack to add an extra dummy record at the start of the data that feeds the component. ", "The line is below and it achieves the result that I want. ", "However, when I include a second copy of the same component in my page I notice that the below line has been inserted twice. ", "I expect that this is going to cause me problems and that I have done something incorrectly but I am unsure what?", "\n\ntreeData.unshift({id:\"dummy\",name:\"dummy\", type:\"dummy\",\n description:\"dummy\"});\n\nA:\n\nI have update the demo. ", "Please check. ", "Hope this helpful.", "\nPass the data through @Input decorator\n<n4nite-tree-table [facetHierarchy] =\"facetHierarchy\"></n4nite-tree-table>\n\n" ]
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[ "Fritz Weiss\n\nFritz Weiss (Czech: Bedřich Weiss) (28 September 1919 – 28 September 1944) was a jazz musician and arranger, active in the first half of the 20th century. ", "He was an organizer of jazz performances and an important participant in the musical life of the Theresienstadt concentration camp. ", "Weiss was murdered in the Holocaust.", "\n\nBiography\n\nEarly years \n\nWeiss was born into a middle-class German-speaking Prague family of Jewish origin. ", "He became interested in jazz at an early age, and soon began to participate in the jazz life of Prague.", "\n\nHe started to play violin, but later switched to trumpet. ", "As a student of the Prague English Grammar School he became a member of the school orchestra called Swing Rhythm, where he played first trumpet. ", "Playing in the orchestra he met a significant exponent of Czech jazz, Karel Vlach.", "\n\nAmong the members of the orchestra were Germans, Czechs and Jews; the bandleader was Czech pianist Milan Halla. ", "The situation changed in 1939, with the rise of Nazism. ", "Some of the German musicians left the ensemble, because they did not want to play with Jews.", "\n\nIn 1939, Weiss moved to the newly founded Karel Ludvík Orchestra. ", "He played first trumpet, but his performing with the band was more and more problematic because of racial laws.", "\n\nHe was finally forced to leave the orchestra. ", "However, he anonymously participated in the recording of gramophone records. ", "As a member of the Karel Ludvík Orchestra, Weiss became a bandleader and helped to organize rehearsals, but above all, he arranged the major part of the repertory of the ensemble.", "\n\nThe Jewish jazz musicians used to practice 1940–1941 in the Jewish Orphanage.", "\n\nTheresienstadt\nOn the 04.12.1941 Fritz Weiss was sent, as part of the second Aufbaukommando, to the Theresienstadt concentration camp. ", "He was on transport J that took 1000 people from Prague to Theresienstadt. ", "He took part in musical events held in the camp, and he even continued his collaboration with orchestras outside of the camp. ", "With the help of Czech police officers he managed to obtain music paper and scores needed for arranging jazz compositions. ", "He later secretly sent his arrangements out of the camp. ", "He collaborated mainly with Arnošt Kavka, the singer of the Karel Vlach Orchestra. ", "In Theresienstadt, Weiss founded his own quintet, active up to August 1944. ", "In 1943 he also became an artistic leader and arranger of the Theresienstadt Dixieland ensemble called Ghetto Swingers. ", "Both bands collaborated in various performances and the number of musicians increased, especially following the arrival of Danish and Dutch Jewish jazz players. ", "Weiss, together with Berlin pianist Martin Roman, composed and arranged more than thirty new compositions for the ensembles. ", "The most popular composition was the jazz arrangement of the children's opera Brundibár, originally composed by Hans Krása. ", "In June 1944, during the visit of the Red Cross to the camp, the Ghetto Swingers were forced to participate in the propaganda performance organized by Kurt Gerron, coerced by the Germans to deceive the outside world. ", "The ensemble also appeared in the propaganda movie The Fuhrer Gives a City to the Jews, made during this event.", "\n\nIn September 1944, Fritz Weiss's father was sent in the transport to the Auschwitz extermination camp. ", "His son joined him and stayed with him during the selection. ", "Both father and son died in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. ", "Fritz Weiss died in Auschwitz on 28 September 1944, the day of his 25th birthday.", "\n\nRecordings\nIn Defiance of Fate. ", "Compositions arranged by Fritz Weiss for the Emil Ludvík Orchestra. ", "Unique recordings from 1940–41. ", "Jewish Museum in Prague, 2003. [", "CD]. ", "ŽMP006.", "\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nE. Vogel; B. Marek: Za Bedřichem Weissem. (", "republished in the album notes of the In Defiance of Fate CD without further details)\n\nExternal links\nFritz Weiss and a series of miraculous wartime jazz recordings (Czech Radio)\nJazzman Fritz Weiss navzdory osudu (Holocaust.cz)\n\nCategory:1919 births\nCategory:1944 deaths\nCategory:Czech people who died in Auschwitz concentration camp\nCategory:Czech Jews who died in the Holocaust\nCategory:Musicians from Prague\nCategory:Theresienstadt Ghetto prisoners\nCategory:Czech jazz bandleaders\nCategory:Jazz clarinetists\nCategory:Czechoslovak civilians killed in World War II\nCategory:People killed by gas chamber by Nazi Germany\nCategory:Jewish jazz musicians\nCategory:Ghetto Swingers members" ]
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[ "This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. ", "The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. ", "The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. ", "Current ongoing genome-wide association studies represent a powerful approach to uncover common unknown genetic variants causing common complex diseases. ", "The discovery of these genetic variants offers an important opportunity for early disease prediction, prevention and individualized treatment. ", "We developed a method of combining multiple genetic variants for early disease prediction, based on the optimality theory of the likelihood ratio. ", "Such theory simply shows that the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve based on the likelihood ratio (LR) has maximum performance at each cutoff point and that the area under the ROC curve (AUC) so obtained is highest among that of all approaches. ", "Through simulations and a real data application, we compared it with the commonly used logistic regression and classification tree approaches. ", "The three approaches show similar performance if we know the underlying disease model. ", "However, for most common diseases we have little prior knowledge of the disease model and in this situation the new method has an advantage over logistic regression and classification tree approaches. ", "We applied the new method to the Type 1 diabetes genome-wide association data from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium. ", "Based on five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the test reaches medium level classification accuracy. ", "With more genetic findings to be discovered in the future, we believe a predictive genetic test for Type 1 diabetes can be successfully constructed and eventually implemented for clinical use." ]
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[ " UNPUBLISHED\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT\n\n\n No. ", "01-2221\n\n\n\nELLEN PAULETTE M. FIELDS,\n\n Plaintiff - Appellant,\n\n versus\n\n\nDALKON SHIELD CLAIMANTS TRUST; A. H. ROBINS\nCOMPANY, INCORPORATED; AMERICAN HOME PRODUCTS\nCORPORATION; GULF UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE\nCOMPANY; ORRAN LEE BROWN,\n\n Defendants - Appellees.", "\n\n\n\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern\nDistrict of Virginia, at Richmond. ", " James R. Spencer, District\nJudge. (", "CA-89-1307-R, BK-01-1001-R)\n\n\nSubmitted: June 27, 2002 Decided: July 10, 2002\n\n\nBefore WIDENER and MICHAEL, Circuit Judges, and HAMILTON, Senior\nCircuit Judge.", "\n\n\nAffirmed in part and dismissed in part by unpublished per curiam\nopinion.", "\n\n\nEllen Paulette M. Fields, Appellant Pro Se. ", "Orran Lee Brown, Sr.,", "\nLynn Crowder Greer, BOWMAN & BROOKE, L.L.P., Richmond, Virginia,\nfor Appellees.", "\n\n\nUnpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.", "\nSee Local Rule 36(c).", "\n\fPER CURIAM:\n\n Ellen Paulette Mitchell Fields appeals the district court’s\n\norders (1) continuing an earlier order that she show cause why she\n\nshould not be found in contempt of court; and (2) denying her\n\nmotion to stay and to vacate. ", " To the extent that Fields seeks to\n\nappeal the order continuing the show cause order, we dismiss the\n\nappeal for lack of jurisdiction because the order is not\n\nappealable. ", " This court may exercise jurisdiction only over final\n\norders, 28 U.S.C. § 1291 (1994), and certain interlocutory and\n\ncollateral orders, 28 U.S.C. § 1292 (1994); Fed. ", "R. Civ. ", "P. 54(b);\n\nCohen v. Beneficial Indus. ", "Loan Corp., 337 U.S. 541 (1949). ", " The\n\norder here appealed is neither a final order nor an appealable\n\ninterlocutory or collateral order. ", " We affirm the district court’s\n\norder denying as moot Fields’ motion to stay or to vacate.", "\n\n We accordingly affirm in part and dismiss in part. ", "We dispense\n\nwith oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are\n\nadequately presented in the materials before the court and argument\n\nwould not aid the decisional process.", "\n\n\n\n\n AFFIRMED IN PART AND\n\n DISMISSED IN PART\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f" ]
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[ "Proactive Business Planning\n\nI have a new and interesting instalment for you to read today. ", "A little insight into how we manage our business planning process and create a business plan. ", "The trick is not to get caught up in the day to day activities of running a small business, don’t let be bigger picture become obscured. ", "Everyone has their own roles to play. ", "Be it application development oe securing new contracts to keep that fundamentally important cash flow rolling. ", "There is also office management, company administration and various other tasks. ", "As a director of a start up, it’s not just about what’s going on right now, we have to keep looking forward. ", "We keep the company pointed toward our loftier goals and expectations.", "\n\nThe Business Plan\n\nEnter the business plan, often confused with that obscure document is done at the beginning of a business to define the basic operational strategy, you know, the one that’s in a shared folder somewhere that nobody has looked at in 6 months. ", "No, the business plan is those ideas that pop into your head while you’re in the shower, or supposed to be asleep. ", "The business plan should be a fundamental guide to how you’re doing things and how to do things going forward.", "\n\nThose exceptional ideas that come to you in the shower, how do you get other people to understand what you’re thinking? ", "Maybe write it down? ", "Where does it go? ", "In the business plan of course. ", "We’re creating structure out of free thought and innovation like only an entrepreneur can do. ", "Cut out the monotony of the template you found on Google, it’s not supposed to be something that you have because someone said that’s what businesses do. ", "It is your thoughts and your plans documented.", "\n\nOnce you understand your business, you start to formalise it into something the rest of the business world might understand. ", "Use the tools and guides that are freely available on the internet and do it right.", "\n\nThe Kusasa business blog is authored by Kusasa Information Systems (Pty) Ltd managing director, Craig Baker. ", "All information contained herein represents his personal opinion. ", "Kusasa and/or Craig Baker do not take any responsibility for inaccurate or outdated information contained herein. ", "If you are going to re-post or reuse any information on this page, please reference the original." ]
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[ "767 F.2d 933\nNational Wildlife Federationv.", "U.S. Forest Service\n84-4292\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Ninth Circuit.", "\n7/9/85\n\n1\nD.Or.", "\n\nREVERSED AND REMANDED\n" ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\n*H. pylori* is cause of most chronic bacterial infection in the world. ", "As to different seroepidemiologic studies, 50% of adults in the developed countries and 90% of adults in the developing countries were seropositive for *H. pylori*\\[[@B1]\\]. ", "This currently discovered organism is a spiral shaped gram negative bacilli that is oxidase, catalase and urease positive and grows slowly in culture \\[[@B2]\\]. ", "The ecological niche of *H. pylori* is the stomach where the organism establishes long term colonization of the gastric mucosa \\[[@B3]\\].", "\n\nThe bacteria have been implicated for acid peptic disease and today it is regarded as essential factor and also causative agent of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease \\[[@B4]\\]. ", "Additionally, the organism is classified as a class 1 carcinogen because of its causal relationship to gastric adenocarcinoma, one of the world's deadliest cancers \\[[@B5],[@B6]\\].", "\n\nThe growing attention given to *H. pylori* by academicians and clinicians is not surprising since this pathogen colonizes more than at least half of the world's inhabitants \\[[@B7]\\] with an evident geographical variation in its epidemiology. ", "This geographical variation is believed to be largely socio economical, age gender, genetic predisposition and sanitation. ", "In Ethiopia particularly in Gondar, there is no current study conducted about the seroprevalence and its trend in consecutive years of *H*. ", "pylori infection. ", "Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence and its trend in three consecutive years of the *H. pylori* infection in three consecutive years in North Gondar, North West Ethiopia.", "\n\nFindings\n========\n\nResearch hypothesis\n-------------------\n\nWe hypothesized that the seroprevalence of *H. pylori* is greater than 50% in the study area and the trend of the seroprevalence will show increasing year from year.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nStudy design and area\n---------------------\n\nRestrospective study was conducted using data from serology log book. ", "We took data from the log book starting from January 2009 to December 2011. ", "We collected data of all patients who were suspected for *H. pylori* infection and who visited the GUH serology laboratory for *H. pylori* test. ", "The hospital is found in Gondar town which is located in the North Gondar Zone of the Amhara region. ", "GUH is one of the oldest health institutions in Ethiopia. ", "The hospital provides different inpatient and outpatient services to more than 5 million people in northwest Ethiopia. ", "The study was conducted the in serology laboratory of the hospital.", "\n\nSample size and sampling techniques\n-----------------------------------\n\nA total of 1388 subjects whose data was completely registered were included in the study.", "\n\nData collection, processing and analysis\n----------------------------------------\n\nData was collected from log book of the serology laboratory in the hospital. ", "Completeness of the data collected was checked. ", "The frequency distribution of variables was done. ", "The data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 20.", "\n\nLaboratory method\n-----------------\n\nThe hospital laboratory generated the data by a serological method of detecting the antibodies for *Helicobacter pylori* from serum or plasma. ", "Anti *H. pylori* antibodies of all isotypes (IgG, IgM, IgA) against *H. pylori* were detected by one step rapid test device (dBest *H. pylori* test strip, Ameritech USA). ", "Appearance of color band on the device on both test line and control line was interpreted as positive but if it is only on the control line as negative result.", "\n\nEthical consideration\n---------------------\n\nWe obtained approval from Research and Ethics Committee of School of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences. ", "Official letter were also obtained from the diagnostic director of the hospital to collect the data. ", "All data obtained has been kept confidential.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nSocio demographic characteristics of the study subjects\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nAmong the total study subjects, 679 (48.9%) were males and 709 (51.1%) were females. ", "The mean age of the study subjects was 28 year and the range was from 95 to 2 years. ", "A majority of patients 466/1388 (33.6%) were young adults in the age range of 21--30 years compared to the other age groups. ", "The lowest patient number (5.3%) was obtained in patients older than 60 years of age (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The male to female ratio was 1:1.04.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Seroprevalence of*Helicobactor pylori*among dyspeptic patients in Gondar University Hospital, from January 2009 to December 2011**\n\n **Variables** **N (%)** **Pos** **Neg** **X**^**2**^ **P- value**\n ----------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------- --------------\n **Age in year**       14.15 0.0146\n 0--20 252(18.2) 149(59.1) 103(40.9) \n 21--30 466(33.6) 307(65.9) 159(34.1) \n 31--40 256(18.4) 161(62.8) 95(37.1) \n 41--50 227(16.4) 154(67.9) 73(32.1) \n 51--60 113(8.1) 84(74.3) 29(25.7) \n \\>60 74(5.3) 57(77) 17(23) \n **Sex**       0.1 0.746\n Male 679(48.9) 449(66.1) 230(33.9) \n Female 709(51.1) 463(65.3) 246(34.7)    \n\nSeroprevalence of *H. pylori* infection among different age and gender\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAmong all the study subjects, 912 (65.7%) were found to be seropositive and the remaining 476 (34.3%) were found seronegative for *H. pylori*. ", "The prevalence in male was 449/679 (66.1%) and in females it was 463/709 (65.3%). ", "The prevalence of *H. pylori* infection was significantly higher (77.0%) in patients whose age is greater than 60 years and the lowest seropositivity (59.1% ) was obtained in the age group of 0--20 (x^2^ =14.15, p=0.746) (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nTrend of the seroprevalence of *Helicobacter pylori* among three consecutive years\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe trend of the seroprevalence of *H. pylori* infection among the dyspeptic patients from 2009 to 2011 was that the seroprevalence was 86.5% in the year of 2009 and it decreased to 51.8% in 2010. ", "However, the seroprevalence increased again to 61.3% in the year of 2011 (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This trend showed decrement of the seroprevalence temporarily but it started increments after that. ", "This alarm designing appropriate prevention and control strategies is mandatory.", "\n\n![**", "Trend of seroprevalence of*Helicobacter pylori*among dyspeptic patients from 2009--2011 in Gondar University Hospital, North West Ethiopia.**](1756-0500-6-346-1){#F1}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThe overall prevalence of *H. pylori* infection in the present study was 65.7% which showed that it was lower than earlier report of prevalence of 85.6% for *H. pylori in* the study area \\[[@B8]\\]. ", "The low prevalence in the present study may be attributed to improvement in environmental sanitation. ", "When we compare it with other studies it is similar with study conducted in Bahir Dar Felege Hiwot referral hospital (near to Gondar town) with prevalence of (49-70%) \\[[@B9]\\] and this similarity might be due to the similarity of the two population in socio economic factors, environmental sanitation and their feeding habits.", "\n\nThe present study showed lesser seroprevalence than study conducted in Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia, reported a seroprevalance of 89% \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "This might be due to elimination of *H. pylori* infection as a result of other antibiotic treatments in occasion of concomitant diseases, such as giardiasis, amoebiasis, and respiratory diseases, etc., ", "as these diseases are reported to be more prevalent in the study area \\[[@B11]\\].", "\n\nWhen we compare the seroprevalence with studies conducted in some other countries like, Iran Hong Kong, United States, Canada (in Ontario) and Kuwait the seroprevalence reported was 43% \\[[@B12]\\], 42.8% \\[[@B13]\\], 9.4% \\[[@B14]\\], 23.1% \\[[@B15]\\] and 49.7% \\[[@B16]\\] respectively which all showed lower than the present study. ", "This might be best explained by association between *H. pylori* infection and socioeconomic status since in countries with low socioeconomic status, there is low level of hygiene and environmental sanitation and also in adequate provision of safe water which are known predisposing factors for the infection.", "\n\nThe association between sex and seropositivity in the present study showed that, *H. pylori* infection has no statistically significant association with sex. ", "Similarly in another studies even though there were varying reports of higher prevalence of *H.* pylori infection in either males or females there is no significance association between the seropositivity and sex \\[[@B8],[@B9]\\].", "\n\nThere was a strong association between age and the disease in this study. ", "Among the six age groups, the lowest (58.8%) and the highest (77.0%) seroprevalence rate were found between the age group of 31-40 years and greater than 60 years age respectively. ", "This result showed that higher frequency of infection was found among older patients. ", "The age related increase in the seroprevalence of the disease in this study was quite similar to findings of previously conducted studies in Inkhorramabad (west Iran) \\[[@B12]\\], in Kuwait \\[[@B16]\\] and Kenya \\[[@B17]\\].", "\n\nWhen we see a trend of *H. pylori* infection the prevalence was 86.5%, in 2009 and it showed decrement to 51.8% in 2010. ", "But the seroprevalence resume increasing to 61.3% in 2011. ", "Even though it previously showed some improvements still the seroprevalence is increasing which alarms for designing appropriate prevention and control strategies.", "\n\nOne limitation of our study was we had taken data only from three consecutive years which might reflect the trend of the seroprevalence in a limited way. ", "We couldn't get data of the year of 2008 and beyond that and this makes us to see the trend of only the three consecutive years.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nThis study showed a seroprevalence of 65.7% among the dyspeptic patients in GUH which could be considered a high prevalence. ", "The trend of the seroprevalence was varied from year to year in the three consecutive years. ", "However it is showed that the seroprevalence has started increasing. ", "Further studies in the community which are based on different diagnostic methods such as rapid urase, culture and histological test should be conducted so that the actual situation of *H. pylori* in general population can be known. ", "In addition to this, further epidemiological investigation should be performed in order to determine the source, mode of transmition and the risk factors that might contribute for transmission of the pathogen.", "\n\nAbbreviations\n=============\n\nGUH: Gondar University Hospital.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors' contributions\n======================\n\nBM: initiation of the study, design, implementation, analysis and write-up. ", "BM: design, implementation, analysis and write-up. ", "MD: implementation, analysis and write-up. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nWe would like to thank the staffs of Gondar University Hospital Laboratory at large and Serology laboratory in particular for their unreserved cooperation during data collection.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Cryptosporidium infection is now a well-reorganized cause of diarrhea in immunologically healthy and immunocompromised humans throughout the world, largely due to the recognition of a severe form of the infection in patients with AIDS. ", "Diarrheal illness due to Cryptosporidium infection of the gastrointestinal tract in persons with AIDS becomes progressively worse with time and may be a major factor leading to death. ", "At the present time, there is no effective therapy for treating or preventing cryptosporidiosis. ", "Attempts to design treatments for cryptosporidiosis have been largely based on using methods of intervention previously exploited in other disease causing organisms. ", "This approach has not been successful and is limited because it is based on knowledge discovered independently of Cryptosporidium biology. ", "The lack of a basic understanding of parasite biology has been a limiting factor is designing effective means of treating and preventing disease. ", "In our research proposal, we have elected to take a comprehensive, basic biological approach to studying the biology of C. parvum, in order to provide the foundation for rationale design of new therapies for cryptosporidiosis. ", "The goal of our studies is to identify and characterize those genes and gene products, both of the parasite and of the parasite and the host cells, whose mRNAs are specifically expressed in C. parvum-infected cells. ", "The PCR-based technique of differential mRNA display will be used to clone host genes that are down regulated during infection with C. parvum. ", "In specific aim 2, we will generate monoclonal antibodies specific for C. parvum-infected cells to detect changes in gene expression that are not the result of modulating mRNA levels. ", "These will include those parasite proteins that are synthesized in sporozoites and become expressed in the host cell after penetration and subsequent development. ", "The monoclonal antibodies will be used to clone the cDNAs that experiments to characterize the differentially expressed genes to begin to assign putative functions. ", "These will include determination of nucleic acid sequences and gene origin, host vs. parasite, kinetics of expression, and in localization of the mRNA and protein products. ", "We will focus on characterizing those genes that represent unique aspects of Cryptosporidium biology and host-parasite interaction. ", "Once we have generated the necessary DNA and antibody reagents, we will perform key experiments in vivo, such as in situ localization of mRNA and protein expression, to confirm the conclusions of the in vitro model. ", "These studies will lay the foundation to start to understand specific aspects of the biology of C. parvum and host- parasite interactions." ]
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[ 0.009678909555077553, 0.11347619444131851, 0.0009526990470476449, 0.000727382255718112, 0.0006876096595078707, 0.0007426575757563114, 0.0005686975782737136, 0.0006447554915212095, 0.0006679797661490738, 0.0006515839486382902, 0.0007273451192304492, 0.0005961841670796275, 0.0005823852843604982, 0.0005878449301235378, 0.0005415543564595282, 0.0005465280264616013 ]
[ "\n\nPolymorphism in Haskell vs C++ - jackpirate\nhttps://izbicki.me/blog/polymorphism-in-haskell-vs-c%2B%2B.html\n\n======\nspott\nImportant (but a little lost in the article) is that in C++, your boxVolume\nfunction would compile until you tried to call it with the wrong type.", "\nHowever, the Haskell version won't compile, even if it hasn't been called.", "\n\nIn C++ templates, instantiating a template on a type that doesn't support the\noperations needed is a compile error (this is hopefully going to change with\nconcepts), while in Haskell, writing a function requires you to constrain the\ntypes that the function operates on to prevent misuse.", "\n\n------\nvalarauca1\nSite only supports TLS 1.1 (not TLS 1.2), only 1 cypher is available for use\n\n \n \n TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA (0x5)\n\n~~~\njackpirate\nWhy is this bad?", "\n\n~~~\nvalarauca1\n1) RC4 is broken.", "\n\n2) TLS 1.1 is nearly 4 years out of date.", "\n\nThe fact that the site only uses RC4 shows that the site's manager understands\nthe BEAST attack (as BEAST could attask TLS1.1 that weren't RC4). ", "Yet simply\ndoesn't care about the CRIME attack, or that RC4 is completely\ncryptographically defunct.", "\n\nIf you transfer a static document over RC4 changing keys constantly, you can\nactually average which bits are high and low, and get the clear text.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
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