[ "phrases, sayings, idioms and expressions at\n\nScape Goat\n\nPosted by Kelley\non September 17, 2002\n\nIt was Yom Kippur, a jewish fesitval yesterday\nand a jewish friend told me that the phrase 'scapegoat' comes from when ancient\njews used to have a goat in the temple on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, and\neach individual would place their hands on goat, transfering their sins to it.", "\nThe community would then let the goat loose into the wildeness taking their sins\nwith it." ]
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[ "Cell surface distribution and intracellular fate of human beta-very low density lipoprotein in cultured peritoneal mouse macrophages: a cytochemical and immunocytochemical study.", "\nThe receptor-mediated endocytosis pathway of colloidal gold labeled beta-very low density lipoprotein (beta-VLDL-Au) derived from patients with familial dysbetalipoproteinemia was analyzed at the ultrastructural level in macrophages. ", "The results showed that beta-VLDL-Au complexes were specifically recognized by a cell surface receptor of the macrophages. ", "beta-VLDL-Au particles once bound to the randomly distributed cell surface receptors clustered in coated pits and were taken up by coated vesicles. ", "Subsequently, the beta-VLDL-Au particles passed through tubular structures and small endosomes before deposited into large electron lucent smooth surfaced endosomes. ", "As revealed by ruthenium red and enzyme cytochemistry the endosomes appeared to be separated from the extracellular space and did not contain acid phosphatase. ", "There were no clear signs of passage of beta-VLDL through the Golgi complex. ", "The accumulation of many flocculated gold particles within Ac-Pase positive vesicles suggests that beta-VLDL once internalized by the macrophages is diverted into a degradative pathway. ", "Incubation of beta-VLDL-loaded macrophages with the hydrophobic fluorescent dye nile red revealed numerous large fluorescent bodies within the cells indicating that the macrophages accumulate large amounts of lipid droplets with time. ", "Additional studies large amounts of lipid droplets with time. ", "Additional studies with native beta-VLDL in conjunction with postembedding immunocytochemical techniques were used to delineate further the intracellular pathway. ", "Immunolabeling was carried out on thin sections of LR White embedded cells using affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antibodies against apolipoprotein B with the protein A-gold or goat anti-rabbit IgG-gold technique. ", "Indirect visualization of beta-VLDL by these immunocytochemical studies yielded results comparable to those with gold-labeled beta-VLDL. ", "On the basis of both indirect immunocytochemical and direct cytochemical localization of beta-VLDL it is concluded that although colloidal gold labeling of beta-VLDL molecules unquestionably modifies their morphology, their function appears to be unaltered, at least with respect to the process of receptor-mediated endocytosis." ]
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[ "Creepypasta Riffs: Eyeless Jack\n\nAd blocker interference detected!", "\n\nWikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. ", "We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockers\n\nWikia is not accessible if you’ve made further modifications. ", "Remove the custom ad blocker rule(s) and the page will load as expected.", "\n\nRiff number 4, the third made today. ", "Now, I said in an earlier post that I would stop posting today. ", "Well, I wanted to get one last thing in. ", "That thing is the Riff of \"Eyeless Jack.\" ", "Now, there's something I should mention about all the pastas I've Riffed so far: none of them are on the Creepypasta Wiki anymore. ", "Yet these are the stories that most people associate with Creepypasta. (", "Note: I'm not talking about \"Spider-Man: Are You Happy Now?\") ", "Granted, these stories are crap, but still. ", "At the very least, having them on here would make my life easier. ", "Oh well.", "\n\nAnyway, there's a few things I have to say about the pasta before the Riff can commence. ", "First, it's actually pretty short. ", "While \"Jeff the Killer\" was 6 or 7 pages on Microsoft Word, and \"Jane the Killer: The Real Story\" was 8, this one was 1 page. ", "Even \"Spider-Man: Are You Happy Now?\" ", "was longer than \"Eyeless Jack\" (it was 2 pages, if anyone's curious.). ", "Also, I've never considered \"Eyeless Jack\" a crappy Creepypasta. ", "A Crappypasta, if you will. ", "Of course, I only read it once before, back when I was young and naïve to the ways of good Creepypastas. ", "Of course, reading, analyzing, and Riffing it, I realize that this story is, in fact, crap. ", "Not as bad as \"Jeff the Killer\" though; \"Eyeless Jack\" knows how to use tenses and doesn't have many spelling or grammar errors. ", "Also, it's short, so the suffering isn't as lengthy. ", "But it's still crap. ", "And now it's time to Riff this Crappypasta.", "\n\nHello, my name is Mitch. ", "Hi, Mitch. ", "I’m here to tell you guys about an experience I had.", "\n\"This experience opened my eyes to my sexuality.\" ", "I don’t know if it was paranormal or whatever stupid words people use to describe supernatural phenomena, The words people use today to describe it are “alien chimichanga robot cats.” ", "People are weird. ", "but after that thing Ben Grimm visited you? ", "visited me, I believe in that paranormal trash, now. “", "But I don’t believe in those paranormal recyclables.”", "\n\nA week after I moved in with my brother, Edwin, after my house was foreclosed, I finished unpacking. ", "Took you long enough. ", "Edwin liked the idea of me moving in, since we had not seen each other after 10 years, “and he was madly in love with me,” so I was excited, too. ", "I soon fell asleep after I moved in. “", "It was Jeff’s advice to do that.” ", "After that 1 week, I heard rustling noises coming from outside at about one in the morning. “", "Ugh. ", "Damn supernatural entities. ", "They won’t let me sleep.” ", "I thought it was a raccoon, so I ignored Yes, you ignored. ", "and tried to fall asleep. ", "The next morning, I told Edwin about it, and he agreed. ", "Agreed with what? ", "That it was a raccoon? ", "That you should’ve slept?", "\nThe next night, however, I thought I heard my window opening and a loud thump, as if something entered my room. “", "Fuck! ", "I knew I should've had eyes!” ", "Eyeless Jack said. ", "I darted up and looked around my room, but I saw nothing. ", "Slender Man, stop trolling people. ", "The next morning, Edwin dropped his coffee cup when he saw me. ", "And it was his favorite coffee cup, too. ", "He held up a nearby mirror and I saw myself. ", "I looked fabulous! ", "I had a large gash in my left cheek. ", "Well, chicks dig scars.", "\n\nAfter I was rushed to the hospital, my doctor told me that I must have been sleepwalking, but then he showed me something that made my blood turn cold. “", "It’s our visual blood cooler!” ", "the doctor said. ", "He lifted up my shirt Um, are we getting into XXX territory here? ", "to reveal a sewn up incision where my kidneys were. ", "I started You started into his eyes? ", "You just walked into his eyes? ", "in his eyes, my eyes widening. “", "You somehow lost your left kidney last night. ", "We don’t know how, though. ", "Sorry, Mitch.” ", "my doctor told me. ", "I love how the doctor just says, “Sorry, Mitch.” ", "Like he accidentally forgot to give him something. ", "And how come the doctor isn’t curious about how Mitch randomly lost his left kidney? ", "I think that would be a big deal.", "\n\nThe next night was my breaking point. ", "His breaking point is plotted at (3,4). ", "Huh. ", "A math joke. ", "I guess you can use math in real life. ", "Who knew? ", "Around midnight, I woke up to see a truly horrifying sight. ", "Oh no, shirtless William Shatner! ", "Shield your eyes! ", "I was staring face to face with a creature with a black hoodie and dark blue mask with no nose or mouth staring down at me. ", "Question: why do weird killers wear hoodies? ", "Jeff, Eyeless Jack, seriously, what’s with that? ", "The thing that scared me the most was that it had no eyes. ", "So an eyeless creature carefully removes your kidney and sewed you back up? ", "Wow, Eyeless Jack is pretty talented. ", "Just empty, black sockets. ", "The creature also had some black substance dripping from it’s sockets. ", "I grabbed the camera nearby on a mantel and took a picture. ", "In other words, this is where the picture in the pasta came from. ", "In all defense, at least they tried explaining the picture here. ", "Jeff couldn’t be bothered to do that. ", "After the picture took, the creature lunged at me and tried to claw open my chest to get to my lungs. ", "That's what you get for using the flash. ", "Also, how do you know it was your lungs? ", "Maybe it was your heart. ", "Maybe Eyeless Jack literally wants to steal your heart. ", "Jack, you romantic you. ", "I stopped it by kicking it in the face. “", "Ow, my eyeholes!” ", "As I ran out of my room, I grabbed my wallet. ", "I would need the money. ", "I ran out of my brother’s house into the night. “", "As it turned out, I was being followed by Shia LeBouf.” ", "I eventually ended up in the woods near Edwin’s house and tripped on a rock. ", "You, sir, are a failure.", "\n\nI fell unconscious and woke up in the hospital. “", "Honestly, this wasn’t the weirdest place I’ve ever woken up.” ", "My doctor entered the room. ", "The same one who treated me before. ", "Well, yeah, since he’s your doctor. “", "I have good news and bad news, Mitch.” ", "my doctor started into your eyes!. “", "The good news is that you had minor injuries, and your parents are going to pick you up.” ", "I sighed with relief. “", "The bad news is I’m pregnant, and you’re the father!” “", "The bad news is that your brother has been killed by some… thing. ", "Sorry.” ", "This doctor has really crappy bedside manner. “", "Oh, my patient had his kidney removed and his brother was killed. ", "Sorry.” ", "Also, how does the doctor know what killed him? ", "I mean, he doesn’t know exactly what it was, but he knows it wasn’t a suicide, or a stab wound or whatever. ", "It’s like the doctor knows something weird killed Edwin.", "\n\nMy parents took me back to Edwin’s house to collect my remaining belongings, which I did. ", "I didn’t want anyone accidentally discovering my back issues of Playboy. ", "Upon entering my room, I was scared, but remained calm. ", "I grabbed my camera then stopped dead in my tracks. “", "Literally, I died. ", "The end.” ", "Wait… In the hallway leading to my room, I saw Edwin’s body and something small lying next to it. ", "I have a hard time believing police would let them into the house if Edwin’s body was still there. ", "I picked up the small thing and entered my parent’s car, not mentioning Edwin’s corpse. ", "So they don’t know that Edwin’s corpse is still there? ", "Actually, why is it still there? ", "Shouldn’t it be taken by the police, and then have an autopsy performed on it? ", "Why do bad Creepypasta stories have no idea how the police work? ", "I looked at the thing I had picked up and nearly vomited. ", "I was holding my stolen half-eaten kidney, with some black substance on it. ", "Well, now you can put it back.", "\n\nWell, that's my Riff of \"Eyeless Jack\", the character who started the whole \"weird eyes\" trend, I think. ", "Or no eyes. ", "To be honest, no eyes aren't scary, they're inspiring. \"", "Oh no, something wants to kill me! ", "Well, at least it has no eyes, so I'm safe.\" ", "Just saying.", "\n\nAnyway, what do you folks think? ", "Did you think it was at all funny? ", "Or do you think eye should stop doing this? ", "Heh, get it? ", "Eye, Eyeless Jack? ", "Yeah, I'll stop now." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nReturn first field of text file\n\nI have a text file with ~ as delimiter. ", "The first field is the Account Number. ", "I want to return a list of Account Numbers in the file. ", "Currently I know only how to return all content excluding the header line:\nget-content $dest\\$FPP.txt | select -Skip 1\n\nHow can I amend this to return everything left of the first ~ character, in all lines excluding line 1?", "\n\nA:\n\nTry to import it as csv:\nImport-Csv $dest\\$FPP.txt -Delimiter '~' | Foreach-Object {$_.'Account Number'}\n\n" ]
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[ 0.000701017037499696, 0.000619264435954392, 0.0006084240158088505, 0.0008008715813048184, 0.0010612158803269267 ]
[ "Welcome to Net54baseball.com. ", "These forums are devoted to both Pre- and Post- war baseball cards and vintage memorabilia, as well as other sports. ", "There is a separate section for Buying, Selling and Trading - the B/S/T area!! ", "If you write anything concerning a person or company your full name needs to be in your post or obtainable from it. . ", "Contact the moderator at leon@net54baseball.com should you have any questions or concerns. ", "Enjoy!", "\n\nThe last flight of his life, on November 7, 2017, lasted 17 minutes. ", "He crashed in the Gulf of Mexico about 20 miles northwest of his home in Odessa, Fla., a suburb of Tampa. ", "Telemetry data suggests that he was performing maneuvers you might see at an airshow: rocketing up, then shooting back down. ", "He flew as close as 75 feet to nearby houses. ", "Halladay was not certified in what is known as aerobatics, and he violated FAA regulations requiring a minimum distance of 500 feet from “any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.” ", "The toxicology report shocked the public. ", "It did not shock his family. ", "It revealed high levels of zolpidem—a sedative sometimes known as Ambien—amphetamines and morphine in his system. ", "There were also traces of tobacco; hydromorphone, a narcotic often marketed as Dilaudid; and fluoxetine, an antidepressant sometimes sold under the name Prozac. ", "The medical examiner could not determine the source of these substances or when he took them, but the FAA prohibits pilots from flying under the influence of most of them. ", "If he had survived, he could have been prosecuted.", "\n\nI am sure a lot of players have a difficult time adjusting to retirement. ", "They go from a very regimented life where they have a set schedule for 8-9 months a year where they never really need to think about what they are supposed do and when to do it. ", "Then they retire at absurdly young ages as opposed to the rest of society (retire when kids are in elementary school) and they have a lot of time to fill in a day all of a sudden. ", "Then layer on top of that many of these guys are loaded with millions. ", "If you don't have the skills to regulate yourself properly and don't have a Plan b its probably for many a recipe for disaster. ", "I know a lot of guys who would be dead within 3 years under that scenario.", "\nI took a year off once. ", "It was very weird staring out the window all of a sudden watching the world go by without you.", "\n\nIf your lifestyle is that you regularly fly airplanes, and because of severe back pain you regularly take meds to deal with the pain (and back pain I've been told is one of the worst,) then it seems almost inevitable. ", "One day when your meds have kicked in, dulling the pain and judgement, the idea of taking the plane up might sound like fun............" ]
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[ 0.0007689762860536575, 0.0006312777404673398, 0.0007955221808515489, 0.0006013858364894986, 0.0007794551784172654, 0.0010163075057789683, 0.0011722533963620663, 0.0035720854066312313, 0.0006777265225537121, 0.0008884988492354751, 0.0006999649340286851, 0.0010086419060826302, 0.001095378422178328, 0.009878222830593586, 0.0008524224977008998, 0.0005855692434124649, 0.05606905370950699, 0.0006778212264180183, 0.0008542840951122344, 0.0011208875803276896, 0.0009966623038053513, 0.028161795809864998, 0.014695202000439167, 0.0008902988047339022, 0.005701334215700626, 0.012121585197746754, 0.0060606058686971664 ]
[ "Commonwealth Games chairman Peter Beattie has hit out at the \"whingers\" who have lined up to slam the event in the wake of the closing ceremony debacle.", "\n\nAppearing on Sky News, the former Queensland Labor premier said the furore surrounding Sunday night's closing ceremony had gone too far.", "\n\nMr Beattie was forced to apologise on Monday after the host broadcaster missed out showing the athletes enter Carrara Stadium for the last time.", "\n\nPeter Beattie and fellow former Queensland premier Campbell Newman discussed the Commonwealth Games closing ceremony on Sky News. (", "Supplied) (Supplied)\n\nThe now ARL chairman said he was embarrassed over the mishap but took full responsibility because \"the buck stops with me\".", "\n\nTalking on his regular slot on Sky News, Mr Beattie took aim at the \"self-indulgent\" commentators but appeared to be speaking to Australians in general.", "\n\n“I just think one of the problems is that we are getting to a stage of being a pack of whingers,” he said.", "\n\n“I just say to Australia we’re bigger than this, we should be about positive things, about building things, about doing things and we shouldn’t try to tear down people who want do that.", "\n\nThe Commonwealth Games closing ceremony was slammed by pundits and punters alike. (", "AAP) (AAP)\n\n“Often some of the commentators who are very self-indulgent forget this — there is a very good team at GOLDOC, which is the organising committee, and whenever you get sort of beat ups and so on the morale of those wonderful individuals actually is affected.", "\n\n\"I work with these people, they’re non-political, they worked incredibly hard, and delivered one of the best Commonwealth Games Australia’s ever had.", "\n\n“It’s the people who build that create great nations and frankly unless we stop whingeing we’re going to go down a long gurgler and it’s not going to be very good,” he said.", "\n\nOn Monday, Mr Beattie said the athletes were not shown walking into the stadium over concerns for their welfare.", "\n\nUsain Bolt and Borobi the koala weren't enough to keep Games fans happy. (", "AAP) (AAP)\n\n\"In the end, we can go through the entrails of all this, but I'm chairman and the bucks tops with me. ", "I accept full responsibility for it,\" he said.", "\n\n\"It was driven by the right reasons and concerns about the welfare of athletes, but they should have been involved.", "\n\n\"There were too many speeches, I shouldn't have spoken because it bored the athlete silly. ", "One less speech from me would have helped.\"", "\n\nPresenters for the Seven Network, the Australian television rights holders for the Games, ravaged the Games organisers because the broadcast vision they provided did not include the athletes entering the stadium.", "\n\n\"(Games organisers) made the decision not to have the athletes enter the stadium. ", "They made the decision not to show the flag-bearers,\" Seven host Johanna Griggs said." ]
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[ "\"Mysterious message!\" \"", "A transmission has been intercepted far beyond the Outer Rim, deep in the Crelythiumn system.\" \"", "Why the call has been made, and from where, cannot be established.\" \"", "But buried in the message is a Jedi distress code that has not been used in over 2,000 years.\" \"", "Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka, are sent to investigate.\" \"", "Fearing a Separatist trap, they are to meet with a heavily armed Jedi cruiser.\" \"", "Rex.\" \"", "Rex, do you read me?\" \"", "We're at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival.\" \"", "Where are you?\" \"", "Sir, we're at the rendezvous point and there's no sign of you on our scanners.\" \"", "Oh, come on.\" \"", "That's impossible.\" \"", "Something's wrong.\" \"", "We're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated, but there's nothing here.\" \"", "Rex is at the exact same coordinates, and he's not here.\" \"", "This is getting interesting.\" \"", "Unable to find you.\" \"", "Where are you, sir?\" \"", "Something's blocking the signal.\" \"", "Not good.\" \"", "Everything's dead.\" \"", "Even the life support.\" \"", "This is really strange.\" \"", "There.\" \"", "See?\" \"", "Nothing to be concerned about after all.\" \"", "Then what's that?\" \"", "It's pulling us towards it.\" \"", "Everyone, strap yourselves in.\" \"", "Looks as though we're going for a ride.\" \"", "I must have blacked out.\" \"", "Then who landed the shuttle?\" \"", "Not me.\" \"", "Where are we?\" \"", "Some kind of organic mass.\" \"", "All of our readings indicate that it's bigger than an asteroid.\" \"", "But at least the atmosphere is breathable.\" \"", "Well, this is getting more unusual by the minute.\" \"", "I can't even lock down where in the galaxy we are, or if we are even in our own galaxy.\" \"", "Well, the ship's systems seem fine, but for whatever reason, nothing's working.\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "I saw something.\" \"", "A reflection, up on the hill.\" \"", "I don't see anything.\" \"", "Are you the one?\" \"", "What the...\" \"What?\" \"", "Did you hear that?\" \"", "I didn't hear anything.\" \"", "Are you the one?\" \" ", "Hello!\" \" ", "Who are you?\" \"", "I am Daughter.\" \"", "Are you the one?\" \"", "Uh, the one what?\" \"", "I will take you to him.\" \"", "Him, who?\" \"", "Did you bring us here?\" \"", "Only he can help you.\" \"", "There is little time.\" \"", "Follow me.\" \"", "We must have shelter by nightfall.\" \"", "And we thought the planet was strange.\" \"", "How about this one?\" \"", "We'll be fine as long as we stay together.\" \"", "Have you noticed the seasons seem to change with the time of day?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "And there are no animals.\" \" ", "And you sense it?\" \" ", "Mmm-hmm.\" \"", "Since we arrived.\" \"", "The Force is very strong.\" \"", "An intersection unlike anything I've ever felt before.\" \"", "Be wary.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Who are you taking us to?\" \"", "The father, of course.\" \"", "Of course!\" \"", "And what exactly are you?\" \"", "We are the ones who guard the power.\" \"", "We are the middle, the beginning and the end.\" \"", "Glad she cleared that up for us.\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "Look out!\" \" ", "Thank you.\" \" ", "You're welcome.\" \"", "It is forbidden for you to touch me.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "I was just saving your life.\" \"", "That was my brother's work.\" \"", "You are in great danger.\" \"", "Wait for me.\" \"", "Do not leave this place.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Wait!\" \"", "Anakin, are you there?\" \"", "Are you all right?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "But our friend here has run off!\" \"", "Go back to the ship and try sending another distress call.\" \"", "I'll follow her and find out how to get off this rock.\" \"", "And if this is a trap?\" \"", "Then I'm not gonna wait around to find out.\" \"", "Anakin, stop!\" \"", "Wait for us to find another way around and meet you.\" \"", "Anakin?\" \"", "So reckless and impatient.\" \"", "He'll find her.\" \"", "Yes, and what else?\" \"", "Storm's coming.\" \" ", "The ship's gone!\" \" ", "Yes, I see that.\" \"", "It was here, no question.\" \"", "And look, everything's dying.\" \"", "Did you lose something?\" \"", "You didn't do as you were asked.\" \"", "And what was that?\" \"", "My sister said to wait!\" \"", "Did she, now?\" \"", "Well, we were unfortunately separated.\" \"", "We'd like our ship back, if you don't mind.\" \"", "Not yet.\" \"", "Is it true that he is the Chosen One?\" \"", "What do you know of such things?\" \"", "What is about to happen shall occur, whether you like it or not.\" \"", "You are Sith!\" \"", "Sith?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "And no.\" \"", "The storms here are quite lethal.\" \"", "If you want to live, I suggest you find shelter.\" \"", "What in the universe was that?\" \"", "I'm not quite sure.\" \"", "Quick.\" \"", "There's a cave over there.\" \"", "Whoever I'm looking for is in that monastery.\" \"", "Welcome, my friend.\" \"", "What is it that you want from me?\" \"", "To learn the truth about who you really are.\" \"", "One that maybe you have known all along.\" \"", "One you must believe in order to fulfill your destiny.\" \"", "Enough with the riddles, old man.\" \"", "Tell me what's going on here.\" \"", "As you can see, there is nowhere else to go.\" \"", "It is late.\" \"", "You will be my guest tonight.\" \"", "Obi-Wan, have you done as I asked?\" \"", "Have you trained the boy?\" \"", "Master Qui-Gon?\" \"", "How are you here?\" \"", "I am here because you are here.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I don't understand.\" \"", "What is this place?\" \"", "Unlike any other, a conduit through which the entire force of the universe flows.\" \"", "Are we in danger?\" \"", "This planet is both an amplifier and a magnet.\" \"", "Three are here who seek Skywalker.\" \"", "They, like me, believe him to be the Chosen One.\" \"", "You were right, the Force within him is stronger than any known Jedi.\" \"", "I have trained him as well as I could, but he's still willful and balance eludes him.\" \"", "If he is the Chosen One, he will discover it here.\" \"", "And if not?\" \"", "Then you must realize, with his power, this is a very dangerous place for him to be.\" \"", "Wake up, my son.\" \"", "I must tell you a secret.\" \"", "Who's there?\" \"", "Who's there, I said?\" \"", "It is me, Ani.\" \"", "Your mother.\" \"", "What kind of black arts is this?\" \"", "You're dead.\" \"", "Nothing ever really dies, my son.\" \"", "I have a secret to tell you.\" \"", "Then tell me.\" \"", "Everything you have done, everything you have learned, has led you here.\" \"", "Whatever you are, my mother is...\" \" Is dead.\" \" ", "And you blame yourself.\" \"", "Your Jedi training has served you well, Ani, but you are more than a Jedi.\" \"", "Tell me, where is your pain, so I might take it away?\" \"", "I was too late to save you.\" \"", "I failed as a Jedi, and I failed you.\" \"", "How so?\" \"", "I tasted only vengeance when I slaughtered so many to avenge your death.\" \"", "It is time you realized that your guilt does not define you, my son.\" \"", "You define your guilt.\" \"", "The only love I feel in my heart is haunted by what would happen should I let go.\" \"", "Then it is not love.\" \"", "It is a prison.\" \"", "But I have a wife.\" \"", "You've met her.\" \"", "She's everything to me.\" \"", "She is not your destiny.\" \"", "But I love her!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "She is a poisoner!\" \"", "What are you?\" \"", "Your fate!\" \"", "Are you happy, child?\" \"", "Your master, does he treat you well?\" \"", "What concern of it is yours?\" \"", "I am your future, your potential.\" \"", "This is a trick.\" \"", "There is a wildness to you, young one.\" \"", "Seeds of the dark side planted by your master.\" \" ", "Do you feel it?\" \" ", "No!\" \"", "He is like no other Jedi.\" \"", "Passionate, impulsive, but I trust him with my life.\" \"", "There are many contradictions in you.\" \"", "And in him.\" \"", "Be warned!\" \"", "You may never see your future if you remain his student.\" \"", "Leave this planet!\" \"", "Ahsoka?\" \"", "I had a vision.\" \"", "I think Anakin may be in trouble.\" \"", "Cannot sleep?\" \"", "To strike an unarmed man is hardly the Jedi way.\" \"", "You're a Sith Lord!\" \"", "You have a very simple view of the universe.\" \"", "I am neither Sith nor Jedi.\" \"", "I am much more.\" \"", "And so are you.\" \"", "I see through your spells and visions, old man.\" \"", "Tell me what is going on here!\" \"", "Some call us Force-wielders.\" \"", "The Jedi have never spoken of this.\" \"", "Hmm.\" \"", "Few still know of our existence.\" \"", "In that room, my mother came to me.\" \"", "But it was not her.\" \" ", "It was something else.\" \" ", "Ah.\" \"", "My son, I suspect.\" \"", "We can take many forms.\" \"", "The shapes we embody are merely a reflection of the life force around us.\" \"", "You carry a great sadness in your heart.\" \"", "My children and I can manipulate the Force like no other, therefore it was necessary to withdraw from the temporal world and live here as anchorites.\" \"", "As a sanctuary?\" \"", "And a prison.\" \"", "You cannot imagine what pain it is to have such love for your children and realize that they could tear the very fabric of our universe.\" \"", "I don't understand.\" \"", "It is only here that I can control them.\" \"", "A family in balance.\" \"", "The light and the dark.\" \"", "Day with night.\" \"", "Destruction replaced by creation.\" \"", "Then why reveal yourselves to us?\" \"", "There are some who would like to exploit our power.\" \"", "The Sith are but one.\" \"", "Too much dark or light would be the undoing of life as you understand it.\" \"", "When news reached me that the Chosen One had been found,\" \"I needed to see for myself.\" \"", "The Chosen One is a myth.\" \"", "Is it?\" \"", "I should very much like to know.\" \"", "Why don't we find out together?\" \"", "Pass one test and I shall know the truth.\" \"", "Then, you and your friends may leave.\" \"", "The longer we stay here, the stranger this place gets.\" \"", "It appears the planet is renewing herself.\" \"", "What about Master Skywalker?\" \"", "Anakin will not be easy to deceive.\" \"", "It is time to face your guilt and know the truth.\" \"", "Whatever he wants, don't do it, Master!\" \"", "Let them go.\" \"", "I will not play your games.\" \"", "Oh, but I think you will.\" \"", "I have ordered my children to kill your friends.\" \"", "The question is, which one will you choose to save?\" \"", "Your master?\" \"", "Or your apprentice?\" \"", "You must now release the guilt and free yourself by choosing.\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Their powers are too strong for us, Anakin!\" \"", "Save Ahsoka!\" \"", "Let them go.\" \"", "Only you can make my children release them.\" \"", "Anakin!\" \"", "The planet is the Force.\" \"", "Use it.\" \"", "You will let them go!\" \"", "Down!\" \"", "On your knees!\" \"", "And now you see who you truly are.\" \"", "Only the Chosen One could tame both my children.\" \"", "I've taken your test.\" \"", "Now fulfill your promise and let us go.\" \"", "Ah, but first, you must understand the truth.\" \"", "Now, all of you, leave us.\" \"", "Do not trust him.\" \"", "You think?\" \"", "I said, leave us!\" \"", "Do you feel your destiny?\" \"", "You must see it now.\" \"", "I am dying, and you must replace me.\" \"", "Replace you?\" \"", "I can't stay here.\" \"", "But this is yours.\" \"", "It has been foretold.\" \"", "The Chosen One will remain to keep my children in balance.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I cannot force you to do this.\" \"", "The choice must be yours.\" \"", "But leave and your selfishness shall haunt you and the galaxy.\" \"", "Ready to get out of here?\"" ]
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[ "Search Blog\n\nAbout Jennifer Egbert\n\nIn today’s real estate market, choosing the right real estate agent, whether you are buying or selling a home is important. ", "Trustworthiness is among the most important of considerations when today’s customers are choosing a real estate agent. ", "By hiring Jennifer, you will have an experienced REALTOR® that will give honest, expert Boulder real estate advice. ", "The Jennifer Egbert Real Estate Team is fully committed to providing forward-thinking ideas, bold influence and the elite network that you deserve.", "\n\nTop 100 Real Estate Blogs\n\nPraise\n\n“Jennifer is an amazing real estate agent. ", "She is probably the most connected person I know in Boulder! ", "Her knowledge is astounding on every issue pertaining to buying a home. ", "An extra bonus, is that she is an absolute joy to be around! ", "Buying a home can be stressful, but she makes it fun and ...\n\nBoulder Listing of the Day (April 20, 2016)\n\nClassic stone home, nestled amongst the trees on over 1/3 acre, with over 600 sq ft of roof top deck, originally used by the country club members to sun and socialize following their rounds of golf. ", "Huge concrete back porch running the length of home, offers private relaxation in a shady setting. ", "Listed by Goodacre + Company\n\n“Jennifer is an amazing real estate agent. ", "She is probably the most connected person I know in Boulder! ", "Her knowledge is astounding on every issue pertaining to buying a home. ", "An extra bonus, is that she is an absolute joy to be around! ", "Buying a home can be stressful, but she makes it fun and ..." ]
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[ "Differential diagnosis of suprasellar tumors in children.", "\nIn contrary to the adult age the most common suprasellar tumors in children are with decreasing frequency craniopharyngiomas, chiasmatic/hypothalamic low-grade gliomas, germinomas and lesions attributable to a Langerhans cell histiocytosis. ", "For differential diagnostic purposes also the rare hypothalamic hamartoma and meningeal metastases in the infundibular recess of the third ventricle are included. ", "The typical aspects of the various tumors on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) together with important clinical differences are illustrated. ", "On the basis of imaging results and clinical symptoms differential diagnosis between the various tumor entities should be feasible in many cases. ", "Of course, only in strictly defined cases like typical chiasmatic/hypothalamic and optic pathway gliomas or bilocular germ cell tumors a histological confirmation is dispensable." ]
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[ "\r\n\r\nPeople v Kabba (2017 NY Slip Op 04692)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\nPeople v Kabba\n\n\n2017 NY Slip Op 04692\n\n\nDecided on June 9, 2017\n\n\nAppellate Division, Fourth Department\n\n\nPublished by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.", "\n\n\nThis opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports.", "\n\n\n\r\nDecided on June 9, 2017\r\nSUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK\r\nAppellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department\r\n\r\nPRESENT: CENTRA, J.P., PERADOTTO, CARNI, NEMOYER, AND CURRAN, JJ.", "\r\n\r\n\n750 KA 14-00922\r\n\r\n[*1]THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, RESPONDENT,\r\nvALHASSAN KABBA, DEFENDANT-APPELLANT. ", "\r\n\n\nTIMOTHY P. DONAHER, PUBLIC DEFENDER, ROCHESTER (KIMBERLY F. DUGUAY OF COUNSEL), FOR DEFENDANT-APPELLANT.", "\nSANDRA DOORLEY, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ROCHESTER (LEAH R. MERVINE OF COUNSEL), FOR RESPONDENT. ", "\n\n\tAppeal from a judgment of the Monroe County Court (Vincent M. Dinolfo, J.), rendered April 4, 2014. ", "The judgment convicted defendant, upon his plea of guilty, of rape in the second degree. ", "\nIt is hereby ORDERED that the judgment so appealed from is unanimously affirmed.", "\nMemorandum: Defendant appeals from a judgment convicting him upon his plea of guilty of rape in the second degree (Penal Law\n§ 130.30 [1]). ", "We agree with defendant that the waiver of the right to appeal does not encompass his challenge to the severity of the sentence. \"[", "N]o mention was made on the record during the course of the allocution concerning the waiver of defendant's right to appeal his conviction that he was also waiving his right to appeal the [severity] of his sentence\" (People v Pimentel, 108 AD3d 861, 862, lv denied 21 NY3d 1076; see People v Maracle, 19 NY3d 925, 928). ", "Moreover, the written waiver of the right to appeal signed by defendant does not state that defendant was waiving his right to appeal his sentence. ", "We nevertheless conclude that the sentence is not unduly harsh or severe.", "\nEntered: June 9, 2017\nFrances E. Cafarell\nClerk of the Court\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Comes over to smoke a joint leaves as soon as its finished\n\n7,417 shares" ]
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[ "Sideclick is a slim universal remote attachment for streaming devices. ", "A perfect accessory for cordcutters and streamers needing a simple universal remote to control your TV's basic functions and your streaming device all-in-on. ", "Sideclick can be programmed over multiple devices (TV, sound bar, receiver, blu-ray) using IR learning technology. ", "Great for kids, allowing them to access their streaming apps quicker and easier. ", "Sideclick's clip-on design attaches in a snap and allows you to utilize your streaming remote's voice search feature which is lost in other universal remote options.", "\n\nAmazon Fire TV Game Controller\n\nAmazon Fire TV Game Controller\n\nThe best way to game on your Amazon Fire TV Enhance your gaming on Amazon Fire TV If you want to play games, the Amazon Fire TV Game Controller is the perfect companion to your Amazon Fire TV. ", "Kick back on your couch with your friends for a cinematic gaming experience on your TV. ", "The second generation Game Controller has been ergonomically designed for greater comfort and more responsive performance. ", "The control layout is instantly familiar to any gamer, and intuitive to those who have never held a controller before. ", "Private listening, immersive sound Enjoy your games, movies and music without distractions. ", "Simply plug your headphones into the jack, and enjoy any audio coming from your 2nd generation Amazon Fire TV. ", "Rich, true-to-life Dolby virtual surround sound provides an immersive listening experience. ", "Also, with the Game Controller you can adjust the volume of the experience by using the onboard trigger buttons. ", "Say it. ", "Play it. ", "Voice search with the push of a button Instantly find your favorite games, TV shows, movies, and more from Amazon using integrated voice search. ", "Simply hold the button and speak into the controller. ", "And now, you can also get news, weather, and more on your Fire TV with Alexa, the brain behind Amazon Echo. ", "Alexa is a cloud-based voice s...\n\nFintie, a quality product within your reach! ", "This Fintie Remote Case for your new Amazon Fire TV Voice Remote Controller is a must have and perfect companion for an easy and enjoying life. ", "This case sports a simple and classy design, so you don't need to worry about any damages. ", "Simply insert your remote in the open pocket and secure it in place. ", "All features of the device are accessible even with the case on. ", "Compatibility: This Remote Case is designed for All-New 5.9 inch Amazon Fire TV 4K Alexa Voice Remote, 2nd Generation Fire TV Stick Voice Remote (2015), Previous Generation 5.5-inch Voice Remote and Amazon Echo / Echo Dot Voice Remote. ", "Does not fit Standard Remote Control. ", "Product Contents: 1x Fintie Amazon Fire TV Voice Remote Case(Amazon Fire TV Voice Remote is not included). ", "PLEASE NOTE:Colors shown in pictures may slightly differ from actual product due to lighting and color settings.", "\n\nAvoid the hassle of using two different remotes This tiny universal TV remote add-on for Amazon Fire TV Stick Voice Remote will allow you to control your TV directly from your Amazon Fire TV remote. ", "Never scramble to find your TV remote again to power on your TV or change inputs or volume. ", "Made for Amazon Fire TV Alexa Voice Remote This add-on accessory snaps in place of the battery lid on the Amazon Fire TV Voice Remote for a secure attachment. ", "Patent Pending Our innovative system is protected.", "\n\nToday my Amazon Fire Stick stopped responding to the Fire Remote and even though I just changed to fresh Amazon Basic’s batteries. ", "Luckily I got the Fire TV remote to work by pairing the remote using Bluetooth right after the Fire Stick booted up. ", "INSTRUCTIONS 4 Steps.", "\n1. ", "First I would install br...\n\nHOW TO PROGRAM FIRE TV STICK REMOTE TO CONTROL TV POWER INPUT VOLUME\n\nFire Tv Remote Control\n\nLearn how to program Fire TV stick remote to control TV power on off input mute and volume just by holding learn button for 6 seconds and pressing buttons on original TV remote, Amazon Fire TV stick remote add-on $15- http://amzn.to/2rasjks\nLearn more about Tech, Subscribe here- https://www.youtu...\n\nFire Stick TV Remote Not Working Or Pairing (Simple Fix)\n\nFire Tv Remote Control\n\nFix fire stick tv remote not working. ", "We show you how to fix the amazon fire stick remote to get the devices paired and connect. ", "There are often connectivity issues with the fire stick remote . ", "In this troubleshooting video we cover all the steps to pair your remote to the fire tv stick. ", "Also we ...\n\nAbout Us\n\nCompare prices on Fire Tv Remote Control at ShoppinGent.com – use promo codes and coupons for best offers and deals. ", "Start smart buying with ShoppinGent.com right now and choose your golden price on every purchase.", "\n\nShoppinGent.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com" ]
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[ 0.0008503079880028963, 0.0009784535504877567, 0.0008016789797693491, 0.0005603880854323506, 0.0007440597983077168, 0.0010032864520326257, 0.023463312536478043, 0.0006309869349934161, 0.0006160472985357046, 0.000786233227699995, 0.019162796437740326, 0.0005752709694206715, 0.00063502904959023, 0.0011818648781627417, 0.0037269825115799904, 0.0006586004747077823, 0.0006814359803684056, 0.019597722217440605, 0.0007764087640680373, 0.0013083744561299682, 0.0006611269200220704, 0.0010586526477709413, 0.0006028325296938419, 0.0007842421182431281, 0.0007398989400826395, 0.000667322485242039, 0.0005432759644463658, 0.008685698732733727, 0.003353966400027275, 0.0007464105146937072, 0.0005460497341118753, 0.0017128940671682358, 0.001197255216538906, 0.0006260894588194788, 0.0009391900966875255, 0.001909039099700749, 0.0007796732243150473, 0.0006542896153405309, 0.002032666467130184, 0.0006219992646947503, 0.002058853395283222, 0.0006591923302039504 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe invention relates to information processing systems, and in particular to apparatus and methods for increasing an effective bandwidth of a system bus for commanding a co-processor.", "\n2. ", "Background of the Invention\nA co-processor, as the word is used in this patent application, is an element in an information processing system. ", "The co-processor is commanded by a central information processor (hereafter \"processor\") of the system to perform a portion of an information processing task. ", "Thus the task is shared between the processor and a co-processor.", "\nThe purpose of a co-processor in such a system is to permit the system to perform a more complex computational task than would be possible without the existence of the co-processor. ", "The co-processor increases the total computational power of the whole information processing system. ", "The phrase \"computational task,\" as used here, means any and everything an information processing system is called upon to do.", "\nA common example of such an arrangement is the graphics accelerator used to increase the responsiveness of a graphics display, which task would--if attempted solely by the processor--be difficult or impossible to perform at an equivalent level of responsiveness.", "\nIn deciding when the use of a co-processor is feasible, the system architect defines a particular computational task, decides how much of the task can realistically be carried out by the processor, and identifies a major portion of the task that will be handled by an, independent co-processor.", "\nIn such a division of responsibility, it is necessary for the processor to tell the co-processor what to do, and to provide the co-processor with information needed by the co-processor to carry out its part of the overall task. ", "The processor tells the co-processor what to do by sending it a command, and by sending the needed information as a set of command parameters. ", "The command and command parameters are usually referred to as a command block.", "\nA command block is typically transferred between the processor and the co-processor via a system bus using a sequence of WRITE commands. ", "It is typical for each WRITE command to have an ADDRESS phase and a DATA phase. ", "During the ADDRESS phase, the processor sends an address to the co-processor to cause the co-processor to accept the command block, to identify the information being sent, and to specify which co-processor register receives each parameter. ", "During the DATA phase, the processor sends the command and the various command parameters needed for that particular type of command.", "\nIn some system buses, the ADDRESS phase and the DATA phase use separate lines and occur simultaneously. ", "In other bus systems the two phases of the WRITE command share a common set of lines and the ADDRESS phase precedes the corresponding DATA phase.", "\nIt is typical to place one or more whole parameters within the DATA phase and to use one WRITE command for transferring those parameters to a co-processor. ", "A sequence of WRITE commands continues until the co-processor command and all its parameters have been transferred. ", "It is also typical to pack as many of the whole parameters as will fit within the DATA phase of each WRITE command. ", "But once a packing scheme has been determined, it is not altered for different types of co-processor commands. ", "Thus, it is common that parameters are passed and then discarded in order to pass one of the parameters in a specific packing scheme that will be used.", "\nIt is typical also to use a portion of the ADDRESS phase of each WRITE command is identify the specific parameters being passed. ", "The information is used by the co-processor to insure that each accepted parameter is loaded into the correct co-processor parameter register. ", "This arrangement permits the processor to send the packed parameters in any convenient order--sometimes an advantage in existing systems.", "\nThe parameters vary in number and length depending upon the specific co-processor command being sent. ", "At the present time, a typical DATA phase can deliver 32 bits (4 bytes) of information to the co-processor. ", "But since only whole parameters are delivered with each WRITE command, and since the parameters vary in length, there is often inefficiency whenever all 32 bits are unable to be used. ", "The unused bits in each WRITE command are simply wasted. ", "So there is potential waste because all the bits cannot be used, and also because unneeded parameters may be passed.", "\nThis situation was not so much of a problem in the past when the speed of the processor and the co-processor were relatively low compared with the bandwidth of the bus. ", "But processor speeds have increased rapidly, as have the speeds of the co-processors. ", "System bus speeds, on the other hand, have remained relatively low in comparison with the speeds of the processors and the co-processors. ", "The speed of the bus is referred to as its bandwidth, so a slow bus is one having a narrow or low bandwidth. ", "The narrow bandwidth system bus has thus become a bottleneck in the task of a processor commanding a co-processor. ", "Command blocks must be shoved through this bottleneck by a very fast processor to a very fast co-processor.", "\nIt would be desirable to permit the co-processor to perform as large a portion of the shared computational task as possible, but many tasks which the co-processor could reasonably be expected to carry out are quite small yet require the transfer of many parameters. ", "The system bus bottleneck works against such sharing of the computational task.", "\nWhat is needed is a way to effectively increase (\"more fully utilize\") the available bandwidth of a system bus so that the co-processor can realistically assume the burden of these many smaller tasks, freeing the processor for other system work." ]
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[ "Medtronic launches IDE Study to evaluate Abre Venous Stent\n\nMedtronic has initiated its investigational device exemption (IDE) study for the Abre venous self-expanding stent system. ", "The ABRE IDE Study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Abre stent in subjects with iliofemoral venous outflow obstruction. ", "The first procedure, performed in December 2017, by Dr Erin Murphy, director of the venous and lymphatic program at Carolinas HealthCare System's Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute in Charlotte, NC, and national principal investigator for the ABRE IDE Study in the US.", "\n\nThe Abre stent is an investigational device in the US intended for permanent implant in the iliofemoral vein. ", "It is pre-mounted on a 9 French delivery system and features a nitinol stent with a tri-axial shaft design. ", "The stent utilises an open-cell design with three connection points between the cells that are intended to enable flexibility and conformability. ", "Upon deployment, the Abre stent uses an optimized balance of strength and flexibility to exert an outward force and open the vein.", "\n\nThe multi-centre, single arm study intends to enrol 200 subjects with deep venous disease from up to 35 sites throughout the US and Europe. ", "The primary efficacy endpoint will evaluate patency at 12 months, which is defined by freedom from occlusion and freedom from clinically-driven target lesion revascularisation (CD-TLR).", "\n\nThe primary safety endpoint will evaluate the incidence of composite Major Adverse Events (MAE) at 30 days following stenting of an obstruction in the iliofemoral venous segment. ", "Data from the study will be used to support the Abre stent US pre-market approval (PMA) application for the treatment of symptomatic iliofemoral venous outflow obstruction in patients with venous occlusive disease.", "\n\n\"The launch of the ABRE IDE Study marks the beginning of an important journey to establish new options for the treatment of deep venous disease,\" said Dr Murphy. ", "The first procedure was performed on a patient with non-thrombotic iliac vein lesion (NIVL) who is doing well post-treatment. ", "We are excited to continue enrolment at our sites throughout the US and Europe.\"", "\n\n\"Deep venous disease can cause pain, swelling, and blood clots, which can potentially be devastating to patients,\" said Dr Stephen Black, consultant vascular surgeon, Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital, London and European principal investigator for the ABRE IDE Study. \"", "As a result, there is a critical need for treatment options that are safe, effective, and durable. ", "We look forward to using the Abre stent in the restoration of patency in patients with deep venous disease.\"", "\n\n\"With the growth of our superficial venous product portfolio, we have established ourselves as leaders in this space. ", "Now, with our entry into the deep venous space, we are well positioned to offer a comprehensive portfolio for the treatment of venous disease,\" said Sandra Lesenfants, vice president and general manager of the endoVenous business, which is part of the Aortic & Peripheral Vascular division at Medtronic. \"", "While our entrance into the deep venous space is recent, we believe the ABRE IDE Study and our regulatory approval in Europe positions us well for future growth in this area. ", "We look forward to continuing to enrol patients in the IDE study and working with the clinical community to address critical needs of patients with deep venous disease.\"", "\n\nIn the US, Abre is an investigational device and not yet approved for commercial use. ", "Abre received CE Mark approval in April of 2017 and is intended for use in the iliofemoral veins for treatment of symptomatic venous outflow obstruction." ]
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[ "Jewish man indicted for attempted firebombing of Arab workers\n\nAn indictment was filed in a Lod district court Wednesday morning against a Rehovot man, accusing him of attacking Arab workers and planning to hurl a firebomb at them.", "\n\nIgor Kaplon, 26, has been charged with multiple crimes, including attempted arson with intent to cause bodily harm and making racist threats.", "\n\nAccording to the indictment, on the night of February 14th, the accused attempted to drive out eight Arab workers residing in a storage facility in a Yavneh industrial zone.", "\n\nKaplon allegedly hurled stones at the storage facility and demanded the workers vacate the premises. ", "The accused shouted curses and obscenities while attempting to drive the workers out.", "\n\nKaplon then hurled stones at the door of an adjoining building, used as a dry cleaning establishment, yelling to a man inside, saying “You employ Arabs – get out!”.", "\n\nThe man inside the dry cleaning store reported the incident to police, while Kaplon continued to shout at the eight occupants of the storage facility, warning them he would burn them if they came out.", "\n\n“Don’t come out, I’m going to burn you here. ", "I’m going to bring gas.”", "\n\nThe accused then left the scene and prepared a firebomb, filling an empty bottle with gasoline and placing a rag inside the bottle.", "\n\nBy the time he returned to the storage facility, carrying a firebomb and a lighter, two police officers had arrived.", "\n\nOne of the two officers confronted Kaplon, who responded by saying that he planned to burn the workers inside the storage facility, saying he was “tired” of Arabs.", "\n\nWhen the officer requested that Kaplon place the firebomb and lighter on the ground the accused complied, but demanded the officers arrest the eight workers.", "\n\nThe officer approached Kaplon, who he said smelled strongly of alcohol, placing him in handcuffs and leading him to the police car. ", "Kaplon physically resisted the officers’ efforts to arrest him and threatened to beat anyone who attempted to take him into custody." ]
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[ 0.014943751506507397, 0.009097847156226635, 0.0009169800323434174, 0.0016065348172560334, 0.02816235087811947, 0.18125495314598083, 0.016968367621302605, 0.8448060154914856, 0.06409525126218796, 0.005365171004086733, 0.0007531658629886806, 0.02420320175588131, 0.0012473210226744413, 0.011227994225919247, 0.013326031155884266 ]
[ "Ed Sheeran’s cheek ‘sliced’ in a knighthood joke\n\nAccidents really happen when you least expect them. ", "And they can involve celebrities at their very unguarded moments. ", "This was what exactly occurred to Ed Sheeran – the voice behind the hit song Thinking Out Loud.", "\n\nAccording to reports, Sheeran was cut open in the cheek with a sword via a knighthood joke where fellow singer James Blunt and Queen Elizabeth’s granddaughter Princess Beatrice were involved. ", "The accident happened on November 16, in a gathering held at the Royal Lodge in Windsor, London.", "\n\nBeatrice held a sword in an attempt to fulfill the knighthood joke of Blunt, the hitmaker behind Beautiful. ", "As she placed the sword over Blunt’s shoulder, Sheeran was left unnoticed from behind. ", "It was when the sword hit his face, cutting through his cheek, and leaving him in bleed.", "\n\nSheeran, who is scheduled to release his 3rd studio album, was rushed to the hospital where he received the necessary treatment. ", "The 25-year old singer seems okay showing himself in a gig a few days later after the incident.", "\n\nAdditional accounts from some witnesses to the incident said that it could have blinded Sheeran. ", "The sword struck him in the face just a few inches from his eyes.", "\n\nThose who saw the incident were in shock. ", "Some were even upset including Princess Beatrice herself. ", "But, Ed showed how kind of a gentleman he is. ", "He consoled the royal granddaughter saying that it was plain accident.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Sheeran’s fans are up for some surprises with his yet untitled album. ", "Fans can expect more great songs. ", "The singer-songwriter apparently penned some songs in a cruise ship. ", "There are very few details leaking from this much-awaited album. ", "But his legion of followers can expect collaborations from some well-known artists." ]
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[ 0.0345805399119854, 0.0005410953890532255, 0.0008398335194215178, 0.019658297300338745, 0.000653263705316931, 0.005278939381241798, 0.0064759464003145695, 0.22976233065128326, 0.0009417533874511719, 0.0009344661375507712, 0.0010733507806435227, 0.1331300288438797, 0.001706846640445292, 0.0007691129576414824, 0.0008359278435818851, 0.0006428799824789166, 0.0006597425672225654, 0.0005716994637623429, 0.000566349714063108, 0.0005589060019701719, 0.000591853866353631 ]
[ "EaseUS Partition Master Makes It Easy For Computer Users to Transfer Operating System to Solid State Drive\n\nWed, 14 Aug 2013, 17:17:08 EDT\n| Source:\nEaseUS Software\n\nSHARE:\n\nNEW YORK, N.Y., Aug. 14, 2013 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — EaseUS, the leading provider of partition management software, announces the new release of Partition Master 9.2.2 this summer. ", "The latest upgrade solves big problems for computer users who want to transfer operating systems (OS) to solid state drive (SSD). ", "The immensely popular partition software goes well with OS migration; it performs fast and safe OS transfer to SSD. ", "Most computer users now choose EaseUS Partition Master to transfer OS to SSD without any reinstalling.", "\n\nEaseUS Partition Master works perfectly for computer users to transfer OS to SSD. ", "The easy-to-use partition tool works immediately, and performs fast and safe OS migration; just click the Disk Copy, then you can easily transfer the OS to SSD without any reinstalling. ", "Computer users can easily transfer a live system with no impact their work and the whole process will never hurt the original operate system.", "\n\nAbout CHENGDU Yiwo Tech Development Co., Ltd.: EaseUS Software, is an innovative software developer dedicated to delivering the best software products and services of data security and storage management to the worldwide consumer and business market segments. ", "Millions of people spreading over 180 countries are now using EaseUS’ products and all speak highly of EaseUS’ software and service. ", "For more information, please visit http://www.easeus.com/.\n\n“EaseUS” is registered trademark of CHENGDU Yiwo Tech Development Co., Ltd. All other trademarks acknowledged.", "\n\nNEWS ARCHIVE NOTE: this archival news content, issued by the news source via Send2Press Newswire, was originally located in the Send2Press® 2004-2015 2.0 news platform and has been permanently converted/moved (and redirected) into our 3.0 platform. ", "Also note the story “reads” counter (bottom of page) does not include any data prior to Oct. 30, 2016. ", "This press release was originally published/issued: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:17:08 +0000\n\nPromote Your News\n\nEstablished in 2004, EaseUS always takes the responsibility for better serving its 100 million great users to protect their data security as its destiny and never stops moving forward on the path of solving troublesome data cases in over 180 countries and areas.", "\n\nRights granted for reproduction by any legitimate news organization. ", "However, if news is cloned/scraped verbatim, then original attribution must be maintained with link back to this page as “original syndication source.” ", "Resale of this content for commercial purposes is prohibited without a license. ", "Reproduction on any site selling a competitive service is also prohibited. ", "Information is believed accurate, as provided by news source or authorized agency, however is not guaranteed, and you assume all risk for use of any information found herein/hereupon. ", "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License." ]
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[ 0.0005995396059006453, 0.0006910579395480454, 0.0006053062388673425, 0.0007520158542320132, 0.0007163607515394688, 0.0006041914457455277, 0.0007268901681527495, 0.0005800104117952287, 0.0006765359430573881, 0.0005647255457006395, 0.0005620623705908656, 0.0005935273366048932, 0.0005949293845333159, 0.000594400626141578, 0.0005502512212842703, 0.00073181715561077, 0.0006937365978956223, 0.0006205104291439056, 0.000634317344520241 ]
[ "Maintaining your wood floor\n\nWhy Kährs\n\nWood is the most eco-friendly, beautiful and versatile flooring material there is. ", "That’s why we only work with wood. ", "Few materials can add as much warmth and atmosphere as wood. ", "It softens the most minimalistic designs, while accentuating the mood of a more traditional interior. ", "And although trends may come and go, quality and true style never goes out of fashion. ", "That’s why a wood floor from Kährs will always be the perfect choice." ]
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[ 0.0009186827810481191, 0.001699006767012179, 0.0006451989756897092, 0.0006243477109819651, 0.0006866217590868473, 0.0008962738211266696 ]
[ "On June 22nd, 2019, President Trump agreed to postpone any deportation enforcement after a call with Speaker Nancy Pelosi:\n\nTwo weeks from June 22nd, would be July 8th, 2019.", "\n\nHowever, a review of Nancy Pelosi’s congressional calendar reflects Pelosi’s House has been out of session since June 28th, and does not return until July 9th.", "\n\nThis schedule and deadline is exactly why House Democrats are pulling border stunts and urgently pushing media narratives in the headlines. ", "Pelosi had no intention of fixing the legislative issues; instead, she used the time-delay to create maximum political position for herself, democrats in congress and their media allies.", "\n\n(Calendar Link)\n\n…..So it does not come as a surprise to see this series of tweets today from President Trump:\n\nWHITE HOUSE – Yesterday, a single, unelected district judge in Seattle issued an injunction that prevents the government from ensuring the detention of those aliens who cross the border unlawfully until the completion of their immigration court proceedings. ", "The decision ignores an express statutory prohibition on granting class-wide injunctive relief against enforcement of the immigration laws and also holds unconstitutional a statute passed by bipartisan majorities in Congress during the Clinton administration that specifically prohibits the release of certain immigrants on bond. ", "The district court’s injunction is at war with the rule of law. ", "The decision only incentivizes smugglers and traffickers, which will lead to the further overwhelming of our immigration system by illegal aliens. ", "No single district judge has legitimate authority to impose his or her open borders views on the country. ", "We must restore our democracy and ensure Americans have the voice to which they are entitled under our Constitution. (", "link)" ]
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[ 0.0005993293016217649, 0.0006079918821342289, 0.0006761327385902405, 0.0006656490149907768, 0.0006008192431181669, 0.0007026999373920262, 0.0010651311604306102, 0.013099221512675285, 0.0008950599003583193, 0.0007128742290660739, 0.0007137106149457395 ]
[ " 17-30\n Torres v. Graeff\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT\n\n SUMMARY ORDER\n\nRULINGS BY SUMMARY ORDER DO NOT HAVE PRECEDENTIAL EFFECT. ", "CITATION TO\nA SUMMARY ORDER FILED ON OR AFTER JANUARY 1, 2007, IS PERMITTED AND IS\nGOVERNED BY FEDERAL RULE OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 32.1 AND THIS COURT=S\nLOCAL RULE 32.1.1. ", "WHEN CITING A SUMMARY ORDER IN A DOCUMENT FILED WITH\nTHIS COURT, A PARTY MUST CITE EITHER THE FEDERAL APPENDIX OR AN\nELECTRONIC DATABASE (WITH THE NOTATION ASUMMARY ORDER@). ", " A PARTY\nCITING TO A SUMMARY ORDER MUST SERVE A COPY OF IT ON ANY PARTY NOT\nREPRESENTED BY COUNSEL.", "\n\n At a stated term of the United States Court of Appeals for\n the Second Circuit, held at the Thurgood Marshall United States\n Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, in the City of New York, on the\n 8th day of November, two thousand seventeen.", "\n\n PRESENT:\n DENNIS JACOBS,\n GERARD E. LYNCH,\n Circuit Judges,\n PAUL A. CROTTY,*\n District Judge.", "\n _____________________________________\n\n Ricco Ray TORRES, Administrator of\n the Estate of Cindy M. Golden and\n as Parent and Natural Guardian of\n A.T., an infant under the age of 10\n years, and Joseph Bumbolo,\n Administrator of the Estate of\n Michele Bumbolo and Administrator\n of the Estate of Michael Bumbolo,\n Plaintiffs-Appellees,\n\n -v.- 17-30\n\n\n * Judge Paul A. Crotty, United States District Court for\n the Southern District of New York, sitting by designation.", "\n\fJames W. GRAEFF, Dzevad\nBajrektarevic, Brian Banser,\nSerif Seferagic, Maynard Anken,\nJohn Able, and Jacob Penree, who\nduring their employment,\nassociation, and/or affiliation\nwith the City of Utica, New York,\nCity of Utica P\nolice Department and City of Utica\nFire Department, responded,\narrested, investigated, took into\ncustody, appeared or otherwise\nparticipated,\n Defendants-Appellants,\n\nFaxton-St. Luke's Healthcare, AKA\nMohawk Valley Health System,\nLingappa S. Amernath, M.D., John\nDoe, M.D., Adirondack Emergency\nAssociates, Karen Brown, C.S.W.,\nLeslie Congdon, R.N., Alonah\nSpoor, Nursing Assistant/Care\nAttendant, Michelle Blanchard,\nR.N., Securitas Security Services\nUSA, Inc., City of Utica Fire\nDepartment, Emergency Medical\nServices, City of Utica, New York,\nas the operator of the City\nof Utica Police Department, Adrian\nIrizarry and Brian Devins, who\nduring their employment,\nassociation, and/or\naffiliation with the City of\nUtica, New York, City of Utica\nPolice Department, and City of\nUtica Fire Department, responded,\narrested, investigated, took into\ncustody, appeared or otherwise\nparticipated, and James Roe,\n Defendants.1\n____________________________________\n\n1 The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to amend the official\ncaption to conform with the above.", "\n\fFOR APPELLANTS: ZACHARY C. OREN, First Assistant\n Corporation Counsel, City of\n Utica, New York, Utica, NY.", "\n\nFOR APPELLEES: STEPHANIE A. PALMER, Robert F.\n Julian, P.C., Utica, NY.", "\n\n Appeal from a judgment of the United States District Court\nfor the Northern District of New York (Hurd, J.).", "\n\n UPON DUE CONSIDERATION, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND\nDECREED that the judgment of the district court is REVERSED.", "\n\n Seven officers of the Utica Police Department appeal from\nan order of the United States District Court for the Northern\nDistrict of New York (Hurd, J.) denying their motion to dismiss\non qualified immunity grounds a complaint brought against them\nunder 42 U.S.C. § 1983. “[", "W]e review the [district] court’s\ndetermination de novo [and] accept as true all the material\nallegations of the complaint.” ", "Anderson v. Recore, 317 F.3d\n194, 197 (2d Cir. ", "2003). ", "Because we find that the complaint\nfails to allege facts sufficient to make out a constitutional\nclaim of denial of due process on a theory of “state-created\ndanger,” we reverse. ", "Cf. ", "Sadallah v. City of Utica, 383 F.3d\n34, 36 (2d Cir. ", "2004). ", "We assume the parties’ familiarity with\nthe underlying facts, the procedural history, and the issues\npresented for review.", "\n\n The complaint alleges that the manner in which the officers\nresponded to a reported domestic disturbance involving an\nindividual named Paul Bumbolo tacitly encouraged his later\ntriple-homicide and thus violated the substantive due process\nrights of the three decedents.", "\n\n While “a [state actor’s] failure to protect an individual\nagainst private violence simply does not constitute a violation\nof the Due Process Clause,” Pena v. DePrisco, 432 F.3d 98, 108\n(2d Cir. ", "2005) (quoting DeShaney v. Winnebago Cty. ", "Dep’t of Soc.", "\nServs., ", "489 U.S. 189, 197 (1989)), a state actor may be held\nliable to a victim of private violence under a theory of\n“state-created danger” if the actor engaged in conduct that\n“affirmatively enhanced the risk of [the] violence,” Okin v.\nVill. ", "of Cornwall-On-Hudson Police Dep’t, 577 F.3d 415, 429 (2d\nCir. ", "2009). ", "In the iteration of this theory relied on by the\n\fcomplaint, police officers may be found to have enhanced the\nrisk of violence against a victim by providing the eventual\naggressor with assurances that he would be permitted to act with\nimpunity. ", "See id. at 428-30; accord Pena, 432 F.3d at 111\n(officers may be liable if they assured the aggressor that he\nwould not be “arrested, punished, or otherwise interfered with\nwhile engaging in misconduct . . . ", "likely to endanger the life,\nliberty or property of [another]”).", "\n\n When, as here, there is no allegation that assurances of\nthat sort were communicated explicitly, we have found that a\nplaintiff could allege their implicit communication only\nthrough a showing of “repeated, sustained inaction by\n[officers] in the face of potential acts of violence.” ", "Okin,\n577 F.3d at 28-30. ", "Thus, in Okin, we found sufficient facts\nto support a finding that the officers had assured a domestic\nabuser of his impunity when they responded to his partner’s\n“numerous” reports of abuse “over a fifteen-month\nperiod”--including one incident during which he admitted to\n“smack[ing] [her] around”--“without filing a domestic incident\nreport, interviewing [him], or making an arrest.” ", "Id. at 427,\n430.", "\n\n The facts in the complaint do not support a finding of\nsustained inaction. ", "According to the complaint, the officers\nresponded promptly to a single report that the mentally-ill\nBumbolo was acting violently, not by allowing him to remain in\nhis home with his three eventual victims and without reprimand,\nbut by placing him under custodial arrest pursuant to New York\nMental Hygiene Law § 9.41; utilizing force to handcuff him and\ndetain him in the back of a police cruiser; removing him from\nthe premises and transporting him to a hospital for evaluation\nin accordance with § 9.41; assisting hospital staff in further\nimmobilizing him with a four-point leather restraint; and\ninstructing hospital staff to contact the police at a specified\nnumber before releasing him. ", "The fact that the officers asked\nto be contacted at the conclusion of the medical evaluation\nrather than remain physically present during it cannot be read\nas having transformed their affirmative “interference” with\nBumbolo’s violence and their unwaveringly adversarial posture\ntoward him throughout the interdiction into a “plainly\n\n 4\n\ftransmitted [] message that what he did was permissible and\nwould not cause him problems with authorities.” ", "Id. at 430\n(internal quotation marks omitted). ", "The complaint therefore\nfails to state a constitutional claim against the officers.", "\n\n On the facts pled, the tragedy that ensued is simply not\none for which the officers may be held liable under the Due\nProcess Clause.", "\n\n For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the judgment of the\ndistrict court and REMAND with instructions that judgment be\nentered in favor of the defendant officers on plaintiffs’\nfederal claim. ", " In addition, because plaintiffs have not\nalleged a constitutional violation, it appears that plaintiffs’\nMonell claim against the City of Utica is no longer viable. ", "See\nSegal v. City of New York, 459 F.3d 207, 219 (2d Cir. ", "2006).", "\nSince dismissal of that claim would eliminate the only remaining\nfederal claim, it also appears that the exercise of supplemental\njurisdiction over the state-law claims would be inappropriate,\nabsent extraordinary circumstances. ", " See Kolari v. New\nYork-Presbyterian Hosp., ", "455 F.3d 118, 122 (2d Cir. ", "2006). ", "The\ndistrict court should address these issues promptly upon\nremand.", "\n\n FOR THE COURT:\n Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe, Clerk\n\n\n\n\n 5\n\f" ]
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[ "Stull, Pennsylvania\n\nStull is a CDP (Census Designated Place) located in Noxen Township, in Wyoming County, Pennsylvania. ", "It appears on the Noxen U.S. Geological Survey Map. ", "It has an estimated elevation of above sea level. ", "It was originally built to house workers for the sawmill located there. ", "Stull once had a post office, school, store and church and once had as many as 500 residents. ", "The mill burned down in 1902, was rebuilt, but then was again closed for a last time in 1906. ", "The local school closed in 1912. ", "After the closing of the sawmill Stull shifted from lumber to agricultural production and during World War I the remains of the sawmill were scrapped for the war effort. ", "Today there are a few houses and residents remaining.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nStull on Google Maps\n\nCategory:Census-designated places in Wyoming County, Pennsylvania\nCategory:Census-designated places in Pennsylvania" ]
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[ "Synthesis of multiple peptides on plastic pins.", "\nThis unit covers the strategy of the multiple peptide approach to biological scanning, the synthetic protocols, and the handling of peptides after synthesis: cleavage, preliminary purification, storage, and analysis. ", "It is specific for the multipin technique using equipment obtained from Chiron Technologies, although some of the approaches are applicable to other multiple synthesis techniques. ", "This unit also includes protocols for preparing Fmoc-amino acid solutions and for acetylating or biotinylating synthesized peptides." ]
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[ "The Original SoupMan\n\nThis rapidly expanding national chain has set up shop in the Minneapolis Skyway, trading off of inspiration and brand namesake Al Yeganeh, the legendary \"Soup Nazi\" of Seinfeld fame. ", "While the staff isn't nearly as feisty as Yeganeh in his prime, neither is the soup as brilliantly delicious. ", "The many varieties run the gamut from mediocre (garden vegetable, lobster bisque) to quite tasty (Italian sausage, five-bean.) ", "The reservoir of varieties is nearly endless, and they change daily, so soup-loving locals can pick out a few reliable types and make a regular lunch out of it. ", "The piece of bread, and free Dove chocolate that comes with each soup is a nice little bonus." ]
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[ "So in my previous post I explored a specific (wrong) assumption that programmers tend to make about the nature of code points and text.", "\n\nI was asked multiple times about other assumptions we tend to make. ", "There are a lot. ", "Most Latin-based scripts are simple, but most programmers spend their time dealing with Latin text so these complexities never come up.", "\n\nI thought it would be useful to share my personal list of scripts that break our Latin-1 assumptions. ", "This is a list I mentally check against whenever I am attempting to reason about text. ", "I check if I’m making any assumptions that break in these scripts. ", "Most of these concepts are independent of Unicode; so any program would have to deal with this regardless of encoding.", "\n\nI again recommend going through eevee’s post, since it covers many related issues. ", "Awesome-Unicode also has a lot of random tidbits about Unicode.", "\n\nAnyway, here’s the list. ", "Note that a lot of the concepts here exist in scripts other than the ones listed, these are just the scripts I use for comparing.", "\n\nArabic / Hebrew\n\nBoth Arabic and Hebrew are RTL scripts; they read right-to-left. ", "This may even affect how a page is laid out, see the Hebrew Wikipedia.", "\n\nThey both have a concept of letters changing how they look depending on where they are in the word. ", "Hebrew has the “sofit” letters, which use separate code points. ", "For example, Kaf (כ) should be typed as ך at the end of a word. ", "Greek has something similar with the sigma.", "\n\nIn Arabic, the letters can have up to four different forms, depending on whether they start a word, end a word, are inside a word, or are used by themselves. ", "These forms can look very different. ", "They don’t use separate code points for this; however. ", "You can see a list of these forms here\n\nArabic can get pretty tricky – the characters have to join up; and in cursive fonts (like those for Nastaliq), you get a lot of complex ligatures.", "\n\nAs I mentioned in the last post, U+FDFD (﷽), a ligature representing the Basamala, is also a character that breaks a lot of assumptions.", "\n\nIndic scripts\n\nIndic scripts are abugidas, where you have consonants with vowel modifiers. ", "For example, क is “kə”, where the upside down “e” is a schwa, something like an “uh” vowel sound. ", "You can change the vowel by adding a diacritic (e.g ा ); getting things like का (“kaa”) को (“koh”) कू (“koo”).", "\n\nYou can also mash together consonants to create consonant clusters. ", "The “virama” is a vowel-killer symbol that removes the inherent schwa vowel. ", "So, क + ् becomes क् . ", "This sound itself is unpronounceable since क is a stop consonant (vowel-killed consonants can be pronounced for nasal and some other consonants though), but you can combine it with another consonant, as क् + र (“rə”), to get क्र (“krə”). ", "Consonants can be strung up infinitely, and you can stick one or more vowel diacritics after that. ", "Usually, you won’t see more than two consonants in a cluster, but larger ones are not uncommon in Sanskrit (or when writing down some onomatopoeia). ", "They may not get rendered as single glyphs, depending on the font.", "\n\nOne thing that crops up is that there’s no unambiguous concept of a letter here. ", "There is a concept of an “akshara”, which basically includes the vowel diacritics, and depending on who you talk to may also include consonant clusters. ", "Often things are clusters an akshara depending on whether they’re drawn with an explicit virama or form a single glyph.", "\n\nIn general the nature of the virama as a two-way combining character in Unicode is pretty new.", "\n\nHangul\n\nKorean does its own fun thing when it comes to conjoining characters. ", "Hangul has a concept of a “syllable block”, which is basically a letter. ", "It’s made up of a leading consonant, medial vowel, and an optional tail consonant. ", "각 is an example of such a syllable block, and it can be typed as ᄀ + ᅡ + ᆨ. ", "It can also be typed as 각, which is a “precomposed form” (and a single code point).", "\n\nThese characters are examples of combining characters with very specific combining rules. ", "Unlike accents or other diacritics, these combining characters will combine with the surrounding characters only when the surrounding characters form an L-V-T or L-V syllable block.", "\n\nAs I mentioned in my previous post, apparently syllable blocks with more (adjacent) Ls, Vs, and Ts are also valid and used in Old Korean, so the grapheme segmentation algorithm in Unicode considers “ᄀᄀᄀ각ᆨᆨ” to be a single grapheme (it explicitly mentions this). ", "I’m not aware of any fonts which render these as a single syllable block, or if that’s even a valid thing to do.", "\n\nHan scripts\n\nSo Chinese (Hanzi), Japanese (Kanji1), Korean (Hanja2), and Vietnamese (Hán tự, along with Chữ Nôm 3) all share glyphs, collectively called “Han characters” (or CJK characters4). ", "These languages at some point in their history borrowed the Chinese writing system, and made their own changes to it to tailor to their needs.", "\n\nNow, the Han characters are ideographs. ", "This is not a phonetic script; individual characters represent words. ", "The word/idea they represent is not always consistent across languages. ", "The pronounciation is usually different too. ", "Sometimes, the glyph is drawn slightly differently based on the language used. ", "There are around 80,000 Han ideographs in Unicode right now.", "\n\nThe concept of ideographs itself breaks some of our Latin-1 assumptions. ", "For example, how do you define Levenshtein edit distance for text using Han ideographs? ", "The straight answer is that you can’t, though if you step back and decide why you need edit distance you might be able to find a workaround. ", "For example, if you need it to detect typos, the user’s input method may help. ", "If it’s based on pinyin or bopomofo, you might be able to reverse-convert to the phonetic script, apply edit distance in that space, and convert back. ", "Or not. ", "I only maintain an idle curiosity in these scripts and don’t actually use them, so I’m not sure how well this would work.", "\n\nThe concept of halfwidth character is a quirk that breaks some assumptions.", "\n\nIn the space of Unicode in particular, all of these scripts are represented by a single set of ideographs. ", "This is known as “Han unification”. ", "This is a pretty controversial issue, but the end result is that rendering may sometimes be dependent on the language of the text, which e.g. in HTML you set with a <span lang=whatever> . ", "The wiki page has some examples of encoding-dependent characters.", "\n\nUnicode also has a concept of variation selector, which is a code point that can be used to select between variations for a code point that has multiple ways of being drawn. ", "These do get used in Han scripts.", "\n\nWhile this doesn’t affect rendering, Unicode, as a system for describing text, also has a concept of interlinear annotation characters. ", "These are used to represent furigana / ruby. ", "Fonts don’t render this, but it’s useful if you want to represent text that uses ruby. ", "Similarly, there are ideographic description sequences which can be used to “build up” glyphs from smaller ones when the glyph can’t be encoded in Unicode. ", "These, too, are not to be rendered, but can be used when you want to describe the existence of a character like biáng. ", "These are not things a programmer needs to worry about; I just find them interesting and couldn’t resist mentioning them :)\n\nJapanese speakers haven’t completely moved to Unicode; there are a lot of things out there using Shift-JIS, and IIRC there are valid reasons for that (perhaps Han unification?). ", "This is another thing you may have to consider.", "\n\nFinally, these scripts are often written vertically, top-down. ", "Mongolian, while not being a Han script, is written vertically sideways, which is pretty unique. ", "The CSS writing modes spec introduces various concepts related to this, though that’s mostly in the context of the Web.", "\n\nThai / Khmer / Burmese / Lao\n\nThese scripts don’t use spaces to split words. ", "Instead, they have rules for what kinds of sequences of characters start and end a word. ", "This can be determined programmatically, however IIRC the Unicode spec does not attempt to deal with this. ", "There are libraries you can use here instead.", "\n\nLatin scripts themselves!", "\n\nTurkish is a latin-based script. ", "But it has a quirk: The uppercase of “i” is a dotted “İ”, and the lowercase of “I” is “ı”. ", "If doing case-based operations, try to use a Unicode-aware library, and try to provide the locale if possible.", "\n\nAlso, not all code points have a single-codepoint uppercase version. ", "The eszett (ß) capitalizes to “SS”. ", "There’s also the “capital” eszett ẞ, but its usage seems to vary and I’m not exactly sure how it interacts here.", "\n\nWhile Latin-1 uses precomposed characters, Unicode also introduces ways to specify the same characters via combining diacritics. ", "Treating these the same involves using the normalization algorithms (NFC/NFD).", "\n\nEmoji\n\nWell, not a script5. ", "But emoji is weird enough that it breaks many of our assumptions. ", "The scripts above cover most of these, but it’s sometimes easier to think of them in the context of emoji.", "\n\nThe main thing with emoji is that you can use a zero-width-joiner character to glue emoji together.", "\n\nFor example, the family emoji 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 (may not render for you) is made by using the woman/man/girl/boy emoji and gluing them together with ZWJs. ", "You can see its decomposition in uniview.", "\n\nThere are more sequences like this, which you can see in the emoji-zwj-sequences file. ", "For example, MAN + ZWJ + COOK will give a male cook emoji (font support is sketchy). ", "Similarly, SWIMMER + ZWJ + FEMALE SIGN is a female swimmer. ", "You have both sequences of the form “gendered person + zwj + thing”, and “emoji containing human + zwj + gender”, IIRC due to legacy issues6\n\nThere are also modifier characters that let you change the skin tone of an emoji that contains a human (or human body part, like the hand-gesture emojis) in it.", "\n\nFinally, the flag emoji are pretty special snowflakes. ", "For example, 🇪🇸 is the Spanish flag. ", "It’s made up of two regional indicator characters for “E” and “S”.", "\n\nUnicode didn’t want to deal with adding new flags each time a new country or territory pops up. ", "Nor did they want to get into the tricky business of determining what a country is, for example when dealing with disputed territories. ", "So instead, they just defined these regional indicator symbols. ", "Fonts are supposed to take pairs of RI symbols7 and map the country code to a flag. ", "This mapping is up to them, so it’s totally valid for a font to render a regional indicator pair “E” + “S” as something other than the flag of Spain. ", "On some Chinese systems, for example, the flag for Taiwan (🇹🇼) may not render.", "\n\nI hightly recommend comparing against this relatively small list of scripts the next time you are writing code that does heavy manipulation of user-provided strings." ]
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[ "Make a Donation\n\nThe Easton Corps Community Center is a local expression of The Salvation Army worldwide, an assembly of people who have found salvation in Jesus Christ and devoted their lives in worship to God and service to humans. ", "The heart of the Corps is a group of members who consider The Salvation Army their home for worship and service.", "\n\nMission Statement\n\nThe Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church.", "\nIts message is based on the Bible. ", "Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. ", "Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination." ]
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[ "Thursday, 15 August 2013\n\nConquest of bread best quotes.", "\n\nBy what right then can any one whatever appropriate the least morsel of this immense whole and say--This is mine, not yours?", "\n\nUnder pain of death, human societies are forced to return to first principles: the means of production being the collective work of humanity, the product should be the collective property of the race. ", "Individual appropriation is neither just nor serviceable. ", "All belongs to all. ", "All things are for all men, since all men have need of them, since all men have worked in the measure of their strength to produce them, and since it is not possible to evaluate every one's part in the production of the world's wealth.", "\n\nAll things are for all. ", "Here is an immense stock of tools and implements; here are all those iron slaves which we call machines, which saw and plane, spin and weave for us, unmaking and remaking, working up raw matter to produce the marvels of our time. ", "But nobody has the right to seize a single one of these machines and say, \"This is mine; if you want to use it you must pay me a tax on each of your products,\" any more than the feudal lord of medieval times had the right to say to the peasant, \"This hill, this meadow belong to me, and you must pay me a tax on every sheaf of corn you reap, on every rick you build.\" ", "All is for all! ", "If the man and the woman bear their fair share of work, they have a right to their fair share of all that is produced by all, and that share is enough to secure them well-being. ", "No more of such vague formulas as \"The Right to work,\" or \"To each the whole result of his labour.\" ", "What we proclaim is THE RIGHTTO WELL-BEING: WELL-BEINGFOR ALL!", "\n\nBut, if plenty for all is to become a reality, this immense capital--cities, houses, pastures, arable lands, factories, highways, education--must cease to be regarded as private property, for the monopolist to dispose of at his pleasure.", "\nThis rich endowment, painfully won, builded, fashioned, or invented by our ancestors, must become common property, so that the collective interests of men may gain from it the greatest good for all.", "\nThere must be EXPROPRIATION. ", "The well-being of all--the end; expropriation--the means.", "\n\nVery different will be the result if the workers claim the right to well-being! ", "In claiming that right they claim the right to possess the wealth of the community--to take the houses to dwell in, according to the needs of each family; to seize the stores of food and learn the meaning of plenty, after having known famine too well. ", "They proclaim their right to all wealth--fruit of the labour of past and present generations--and learn by its means to enjoy those higher pleasures of art and science too long monopolized by the middle classes.", "\n\nAnd while asserting their right to live in comfort, they assert, what is still more important, their right to decide for themselves what this comfort shall be, what must be produced to ensure it, and what discarded as no longer of value.", "\nThe \"right to well-being\" means the possibility of living like human beings, and of bringing up children to be members of a society better than ours, whilst the \"right to work\" only means the right to be always a wage-slave, a drudge, ruled over and exploited by the middle class of the future. ", "The right to well-being is the Social Revolution, the right to work means nothing but the Treadmill of Commercialism. ", "It is high time for the worker to assert his right to the common inheritance and to enter into possession.", "\n\nEVERY society which has abolished private property will be forced, we maintain, to organize itself on the lines of Communistic Anarchy. ", "Anarchy leads to Communism, and Communism to Anarchy, both alike being expressions of the predominant tendency in modern societies, the pursuit of equality.", "\n\nEVERY society which has abolished private property will be forced, we maintain, to organize itself on the lines of Communistic Anarchy. ", "Anarchy leads to Communism, and Communism to Anarchy, both alike being expressions of the predominant tendency in modern societies, the pursuit of equality.", "\nTime was when a peasant family could consider the corn which it grew, or the woollen garments woven in the cottage, as the products of its own toil. ", "But even then this way of looking at things was not quite correct. ", "There were the roads and the bridges made in common, the swamps drained by common toil, and the communal pastures enclosed by hedges which were kept in repair by each and all. ", "If the looms for weaving or the dyes for colouring fabrics were improved, all profited; so even in those days a peasant family could not live alone, but was dependent in a thousand ways on the village or the commune.", "\nBut nowadays, in the present state of industry, when everything is interdependent, when each branch of production is knit up with all the rest, the attempt to claim an Individualist origin for the products of industry is absolutely untenable. ", "The astonishing perfection attained by the textile or mining industries in civilized countries is due to the simultaneous development of a thousand other industries, great and small, to the extension of the railroad system, to inter-oceanic navigation, to the manual skill of thousands of workers, to a certain standard of culture reached by the working classes as a whole, to the labours, in short, of men in every corner of the globe.", "\nThe Italians who died of cholera while making the Suez Canal, or of anchylosis in the St. Gothard Tunnel, and the Americans mowed down by shot and shell while fighting for the abolition of slavery have helped to develop the cotton industry in France and England, as well as the work-girls who languish in the factories of Manchester and Rouen, and the inventor who (following the suggestion of some worker) succeeds in improving the looms.", "\nHow, then, shall we estimate the share of each in the riches which ALL contribute to amass?", "\nLooking at production from this general, synthetic point of view, we cannot hold with the Collectivists that payment proportionate to the hours of labour rendered by each would be an ideal arrangement, or even a step in the right direction.", "\nWithout discussing whether exchange value of goods is really measured in existing societies by the amount of work necessary to produce it--according to the doctrine of Smith and Ricardo, in whose footsteps Marx has followed--suffice it to say here, leaving ourselves free to return to the subject later, that the Collectivist ideal appears to us untenable in a society which considers the instruments of labour as a common inheritance. ", "Starting from this principle, such a society would find itself forced from the very outset to abandon all forms of wages.", "\nThe mitigated individualism of the collectivist system certainly could not maintain itself alongside a partial communism--the socialization of land and the instruments of production. ", "A new form of property requires a new form of remuneration. ", "A new method of production cannot exist side by side with the old forms of consumption, any more than it can adapt itself to the old forms of political organization.", "\nThe wage system arises out of the individual ownership of the land and the instruments of labour. ", "It was the necessary condition for the development of capitalist production, and will perish with it, in spite of the attempt to disguise it as \"profit-sharing.\" ", "The common possession of the instruments of labour must necessarily bring with it the enjoyment in common of the fruits of common labour.", "\nWe hold further that Communism is not only desirable, but that existing societies, founded on Individualism, are inevitably impelled in the direction of Communism. ", "The development of Individualism during the last three centuries is explained by the efforts of the individual to protect himself from the tyranny of Capital and of the State. ", "For a time he imagined, and those who expressed his thought for him declared, that he could free himself entirely from the State and from society. \"", "By means of money,\" he said, \" I can buy all that I need.\" ", "But the individual was on a wrong tack, and modern history has taught him to recognize that, without the help of all, he can do nothing, although his strong-boxes are full of gold.", "\nIn fact, alongside this current of Individualism, we find in all modern history a tendency, on the one hand, to retain all that remains of the partial Communism of antiquity, and, on the other, to establish the Communist principle in the thousand developments of modern life.", "\nAs soon as the communes of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries had succeeded in emancipating themselves from their lords, ecclesiastical or lay, their communal labour and communal consumption began to extend and develop rapidly. ", "The township--and not private persons--freighted ships and equipped expeditions, and the benefit arising from the foreign trade did not accrue to individuals, but was shared by all. ", "The townships also bought provisions for their citizens. ", "Traces of these institutions have lingered on into the nineteenth century, and the folk piously cherish the memory of them in their legends.", "\nAll that has disappeared. ", "But the rural township still struggles to preserve the last traces of this Communism, and it succeeds--except when the State throws its heavy sword into the balance.", "\nMeanwhile new organizations, based on the same principle--to every man according to his needs-- spring up under a thousand different forms; for without a certain leaven of Communism the present societies could not exist. ", "In spite of the narrowly egoistic turn given to men's minds by the commercial system, the tendency towards Communism is constantly appearing, and influences our activities in a variety of ways\nThe bridges, for the use of which a toll was levied in the old days, are now become public property and free to all; so are the high roads, except in the East, where a toll is still exacted from the traveller for every mile of his journey. ", "Museums, free libraries, free schools, free meals for children; parks and gardens open to all; streets paved and lighted, free to all; water supplied to every house without measure or stint--all such arrangements are founded on the principle: \"Take what you need.\"", "\n\nBut ours is neither the Communism of Fourier and the Phalansteriens, nor of the German State-Socialists. ", "It is Anarchist Communism,--Communism without government--the Communism of the Free. ", "It is the synthesis of the two ideals pursued by humamty throughout the ages-- Economic and Political Liberty.", "\n\nTo maintain this superstition whole systems of philosophy have been elaborated and taught; all politics are based on this principle; and each politician, whatever his colours, comes forward and says to the people, \"Give me the power, and I both can and will free you from the miseries which press so heavily upon you.\"", "\n\nNow the worker must be made to see clearly that in refusing to pay rent to a landlord or owner he is not simply profiting by the disorganization of authority. ", "He must understand that the abolition of rent is a recognized principle, sanctioned, so to speak, by popular assent; that to be housed rent-free is a right proclaimed aloud by the people\n\nIf the people of the Revolution expropriate the houses and proclaim free lodgings--the communalizing of houses and the right of each family to a decent dwelling--then the Revolution will have assumed a communistic character from the first, and started on a course from which it will be by no means easy to turn it. ", "It will have struck a fatal blow at individual property.", "\n\nMAN, however, is not a being whose exclusive purpose in life is eating, drinking, and providing a shelter for himself. ", "As soon as his material wants are satisfied, other needs, of an artistic character, will thrust themselves forward the more ardently. ", "Aims of life vary with each and every individual; and the more society is civilized, the more will individuality be developed, and the more will desires be varied\n\nBut we expect more from the Revolution. ", "We see that the worker compelled to struggle painfully for bare existence, is reduced to ignorance of these higher delights, the highest within man's reach, of science, and especially of scientific discovery; of art, and especially of artistic creation. ", "It is in order to obtain these joys for all, which are now reserved to a few; in order to give leisure and the possibility of developing intellectual capacities, that the social revolution must guarantee daily bread to all. ", "After bread has been secured, leisure is the supreme aim.", "\n\nWhat is needed to promote the spirit of invention is, first of all, the awakening of thought, the boldness of conception, which our entire education causes to languish; it is the spreading of a scientific education, which would increase the number of inquirers a hundred-fold; it is faith that humanity is going to take a step forward, because it is enthusiasm, the hope of doing good, that has inspired all the great inventors. ", "The Social Revolution alone can give this impulse to thought, this boldness, this knowledge, this conviction of working for all.", "\n\nEvery one would be the happier for it. ", "In collective work, performed with a light heart to attain a desired end, a book, a work of art, or an object of luxury, each will find an incentive, and the necessary relaxation that makes life pleasant. ", "In working to put an end to the division between master and slave we work for the happiness of both, for the happiness of humanity.", "\n\nA society regenerated by the Revolution will make domestic slavery disappear--this last form of slavery, perhaps the most tenacious, because it is also the most ancient. ", "Only it will not come about in the way dreamt of by Phalansterians, nor in the manner often imagined by authoritarian Communists.", "\n\nBut woman, too, at last claims her share- in the emancipation of humanity. ", "She no longer wants to be the beast of burden of the house. ", "She considers it sufficient work to give many years of her life to the rearing of her children. ", "She no longer wants to be the cook, the mender, the sweeper of the house! ", "And, owing to American women taking the lead in obtaining their claims, there is a general complaint of the dearth of women who will condescend to domestic work in the United States. ", "My lady prefers art, politics, literature, or the gaming tables; as to the work-girls, they are few, those who consent to submit to apron-slavery, and servants are only found with difficulty in the States. ", "Consequently, the solution, a very simple one, is pointed out by life itself. ", "Machinery undertakes three-quarters of the household cares\n\nTo emancipate woman is not only to open the gates of the university, the law courts, or the parliaments, for her, for the \"emancipated\" woman will always throw domestic toil on to another woman. ", "To emancipate woman is to free her from the brutalizing toil of kitchen and washhouse; it is to organize your household in such a way as to enable her to rear her children, if she be so minded, while still retaining sufficient leisure to take her share of social life.", "\nIt will come to pass. ", "As we have said, things are already improving. ", "Only let us fully understand that a revolution, intoxicated with the beautiful words Liberty, Equality, Solidarity would not be a revolution if it maintained slavery at home. ", "Half humanity subjected to the slavery of the hearth would still have to rebel against the other half.", "\n\nWell-being, that is to say, the satisfaction of physical, artistic, and moral needs, has always been the most powerful stimulant to work. ", "And when a hireling produces bare necessities with difficulty, a free worker, who sees ease and luxury increasing for him and for others in proportion to his efforts, spends infinitely far more energy and intelligence, and obtains first-class products in far greater abundance. ", "The one feels riveted to misery, the other hopes for ease and luxury in the future. ", "In this lies the whole secret. ", "Therefore a society aiming at the well-being of all, and at the possibility of all enjoying life in all its manifestations, will supply voluntary work which will be infinitely superior and yield far more than work has produced up till now under the goad of slavery, serfdom, or wagedom.", "\n\nBuilt up by the middle classes to hold their own against royalty, sanctioning, and at the same time strengthening, their sway over the workers, parliamentary rule is pre-eminently a middle-class rule. ", "The upholders of this system have never seriously affirmed that a parliament or a municipal council represent a nation or a city. ", "The most intelligent among them know that this is impossible. ", "The middle class has simply used the parliamentary system to raise a barrier between itself and royalty, without giving the people liberty. ", "But gradually, as the people become conscious of their interests and the variety of their interests multiply, the system can no longer work. ", "Therefore democrats of all countries vainly imagine (livers palliatives. ", "The Referendum is tried and found to be a failure; proportional representation is spoken of, so is representation of minorities, and other parliamentary Utopias. ", "In a word, they strive to find what is not to be found, and they are compelled to recognize that they are in a wrong way, and confidence in a Representative Government disappears.", "\n\nIt is the same with the wages system; for after having proclaimed the abolition of private property, and the possession in common of all means of production, how can they uphold the wages system in any form? ", "It is, nevertheless, what collectivists are doing when they recommend labour-cheques.", "\n\nWe have said that certain collectivist writers desire that a distinction should be made between qualified or professional work and simple work. ", "They pretend that an hour's work of an engineer, an architect, or a doctor, must be considered as two or three hours' work of a blacksmith, a mason, or a hospital nurse. ", "And the same distinction must be made between all sorts of trades necessitating a more or less long apprenticeship and the simple toil of day labourers.", "\nWell, to establish this distinction would be to maintain all the inequalities of present society. ", "It would mean fixing a dividing line, from the beginning, between the workers and those who pretend to govern them. ", "It would mean dividing society into two very distinct classes--the aristocracy of knowledge above the horny-handed lower orders--the one doomed to serve the other; the one working with its hands to feed and clothe those who, profiting by their leisure, study how to govern their fosterers.", "\nIt would mean reviving one of the distinct peculiarities of present society and giving it the sanction of the Social Revolution. ", "It would mean setting up as a principle an abuse already condemned in our ancient crumbling society\n\nThe collectivists say, \"To each according to his deeds\"; or, in other terms, according to his share of services rendered to society. ", "They think it expedient to put this principle into practice as soon as the Social Revolution will have made all instruments of production common property. ", "But we think that if the Social Revolution had the misfortune of proclaiming such a principle, it would mean its necessary failure; it would mean leaving the social problem, which past centuries have burdened us with, unsolved. ", "In fact, in a society like ours, in which the more a man works the less he is remunerated, this principle, at first sight, may appear to be a yearning for justice. ", "But it is really only the perpetuation of past injustice. ", "It was by virtue of this principle that wagedom began, to end in the glaring inequalities and all the abominations of present society; because, from the moment work done was appraised in currency or in any other form of wage; the day it was agreed upon that man would only receive the wage he could secure to himself, the whole history of State-aided Capitalist Society was as good as written; it germinated in this principle\n\nServices rendered to society, be they work in factory or field, or mental services, cannot be valued in money. ", "There can be no exact measure of value (of what has been wrongly-termed exchange value), nor of use value, with regard to production. ", "If two individuals work for the community five hours a day, year in year out, at different work which is equally agreeable to them, we may say that on the whole their labour is equivalent. ", "But we cannot divide their work, and say that the result of any particular day, hour, or minute of work of the one is worth the result of a minute or hour of the other.", "\nWe may roughly say that the man who during his lifetime has deprived himself of leisure during ten hours a day has given far more to society than the one who has only deprived himself of leisure during five hours a day, or who has not deprived himself at all. ", "But we cannot take what he has done during two hours and say that the yield is worth twice as much as the yield of another individual, working only one hour, and remunerate him in proportion. ", "It would be disregarding all that is complex in industry, in agriculture, in the whole life of present society; it would be ignoring to what extent all individual work is the result of past and present labour of society as a whole. ", "It would mean believing ourselves to be living in the Stone Age, whereas we are living in an age of steel." ]
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[ "Suleiman Adamu Kazaure\n\nSuleiman Adamu Kazaure is the Nigerian Minister of Water Resources under president Muhammadu Buhari-led administration.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Nigerian government officials\nCategory:1963 births\nCategory:Living people" ]
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[ "The New Observer | The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has not severed its links with the two Jewish Supremacist pressure groups, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), as recently reported by several right wing news blogs.", "\n\nThe original story which claimed that the FBI had “scrubbed” the SPLC and ADL as “resources” on its hate crime webpage was first carried by the Washington Examiner, and then repeated by various blogs around the internet.", "\n\nAccording to the original Washington Examiner story, the “Southern Poverty Law Center, which has labeled several Washington DC-based family organizations as ‘hate groups’ for favoring traditional marriage, has been dumped as a ‘resource’ on the FBI’s Hate Crime Web page, a significant rejection of the influential legal group.”", "\n\nFurthermore, the Washington Examiner said, the web page scrubbing also included “eliminating the Anti-Defamation League, was not announced and came in the last month after 15 family groups pressed Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director James Comey to stop endorsing a group—SPLC—that inspired a recent case of domestic terrorism at the Family Research Council.”", "\n\nThe report continued by quoting ADL national director Abraham H. Foxman as saying that he was “shocked, surprised and disappointed that this would be done without any consultation with groups such as ours who have been working closely with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on issues of hate crime.”", "\n\nThe Washington Examiner article was not, however, completely accurate.", "\n\n“Public Outreach: The FBI has forged partnerships nationally and locally with many civil rights organizations to establish rapport, share information, address concerns, and cooperate in solving problems. ", "These groups include such organizations as the NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League, the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, the National Organization for Women, the Human Rights Campaign, and the National Disability Rights Network,” the FBI site still proclaims.", "\n\nThe removal of the hyperlinks to the SPLC and ADL are thus only part of a revamp of the FBI website, which now only links to internal US government websites, and the move does not appear to be specifically directed at the two Jewish extremist groups in particular.", "\n\nThe attempts by the pro-family groups to get the SPLC dislodged from its privileged position with the FBI date from the August 2012 terrorist attack on a Christian pro-family organization, the Family Resource Center (FRC), by a deranged homosexual extremist, Floyd Lee Corkins II.", "\n\nCorkins told the FBI that he had identified the FRC as a target for his terrorist act after finding the organization listed as a “hate group” by the Jewish extremist SPLC website. ", "The SPLC (president: Richard Cohen) runs a “hate map” which routinely lists any group or organization which is not slavishly pro-homosexual, or which dares to promote normal male-female marriages, as “hate groups.”", "\n\nThe SPLC’s obsession with sexual degeneracy is clearly linked to their chief trial counsel, Morris Dees, whose messy divorce papers (see here for a copy) contained allegations by his ex-wife that he is an active sexual pervert, bi-sexual and a philanderer.", "\n\nThere are no better people to run America than European American people. ", "European peoples should be able to organize and advance their own interests just like every other group.", "\n\nSupport and maintain American Freedom Party growth and the spread of Western civilization! ", "The American Freedom Party is the only party that addresses issues concerning European-American communities and all Americans.", "\n\nThe American Freedom Party needs your help! ", "Send $10, $20, $50, $100, or any contribution you can via PayPal “Send Money” to treasurer@american3rdposition.com or click here:\n\nEuropean-Americans should push back! ", "European-Americans should abandon the Republicans and Democrats. ", "Change your party allegiance to the American Freedom Party. ", "A Nationalist party that shares the customs and heritage of the European American people. ", "We need a Nationalist Party interested in defending our borders, preserving our language and promoting our culture. ", "The American Freedom Party is not beholden to foreign governments, special interest groups, nor Wall Street. ", "The American Freedom Party is for America First!", "\n\nComments (1)\n\nThis is the only article which told the news completely. ", "Of course, it was too good to be true. ", "But it’s a start. ", "Either way, this also explains why FBI statistics accuse White Guys of committing almost 90% of all “hate crimes”. ", "Even though most crimes are committed against us. ", "Somehow, they never qualify as “hate crimes”." ]
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[ "NGC 4658\n\nNGC 4658 is a galaxy located in the constellation of Virgo. ", "It was discovered by William Herschel in 1786.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n \n\nCategory:Virgo (constellation)\nCategory:Barred spiral galaxies\n4658" ]
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[ "In the human world, olfaction serves to heighten or discriminate our aesthetic sense, while in other animals it is an important survival sense, upon which the well-being and sometimes the safety of the animal itself is dependent on. ", "The partial or complete loss of smell (anosmia) affects approximately 2.5 million people in the United States and poses serious health risks as the presence of rancid food; toxic odors and smoke often go undetected. ", "The clinical treatment of anosmia will require a better understanding of the mechanisms that regulate differentiation, proliferation and the injury response of the precursor, the multi-potent neuronal stem cells in the olfactory epithelium (OE). ", "Olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) are the only mamalian neurons which undergo continuous neurogenesis through their life, suggesting that a neuronal stem cell exists in this system.", "\nAn aroma compound, also known as odorant, aroma, fragrance, flavor, is a chemical compound that has a smell or odor. ", "A chemical compound has a smell or odor when two conditions are met: the compound needs to be volatile, so it can be transported to the olfactory system in the upper part of the nose, and it needs to be in a sufficiently high concentration to be able to interact with one or more of the olfactory receptors. ", "Typically, odorants are small molecules in a range of 40 to 400 Daltons.", "\nAroma compounds can be found in food, wine, spices, perfumes, fragrance oils, and essential oils. ", "For example, many aroma compounds form biochemically during ripening of fruits and other crops. ", "In wines, most form as byproducts of fermentation. ", "Odorants can also be added to a dangerous odorless substance, like natural gas, as a warning. ", "Many of the aroma compounds also play a significant role in the production of flavorants, which are used in the food service industry to flavor, improve and increase the appeal of their products.", "\nThe olfactory mucosa is an organ made up of the olfactory epithelium and mucus. ", "The mucus protects the olfactory epithelium and allows odors to dissolve so that they can be detected by olfactory receptor neurons. ", "In mammals, the olfactory mucosa is located on the roof of the nasal cavity, above and behind the nostrils.", "\nCells in the olfactory mucosa have been shown to have a degree of plasticity. ", "Because of this, these cells hold potential for therapeutic applications, have been used in clinical trials for adult stem cell therapeutic treatments, and have been successfully harvested for future applications.", "\nThe olfactory epithelium is a specialized epithelial tissue inside the nasal cavity that is involved in smell. ", "In humans, the olfactory epithelium measures about 1 inch wide by 2 inches long (about 2 cm by 5 cm) and lies on the roof of the nasal cavity about 3 inches (about 7 cm) above and behind the nostrils. ", "The olfactory epithelium is the part of the olfactory system directly responsible for detecting odors.", "\nThe tissue is made of three types of cells: the olfactory receptor neurons, which transduce the odor to electrical signals, the supporting cells, which protect the neurons and secrete mucus, and the basal cells, which are a type of stem cell that divide into olfactory receptor neurons to replace dead receptor neurons. ", "The olfactory epithelium is divided into four zones from ventral to dorsal. ", "Each olfactory receptor is expressed throughout one zone.", "\nIn mammals, odorants are inhaled through the nose where they contact the olfactory epithelium. ", "Olfactory receptor neurons in the olfactory epithelium transduce molecular features of the odorants into electrical signals which then travel along the olfactory nerve into the olfactory bulb. ", "Axons from the olfactory sensory neurons converge in the olfactory bulb to form tangles called glomeruli (singular glomerulus). ", "Inside the glomulerus, the axons contact the dendrites of mitral cells and several other types of cells. ", "Mitral cells send their axons to a number of brain areas, including the piriform cortex, the medial amygdala, and the entorhinal cortex. ", "The piriform cortex is probably the area most closely associated with identifying the odor. ", "The medial amygdala is involved in social functions such as mating and the recognition of animals of the same species. ", "The entorhinal cortex is associated with memory. ", "The exact functions of these higher areas are a matter of scientific research and debate.", "\nOlfactory receptors belong to class A of the G protein-coupled receptor. ", "In vertebrates, the olfactory receptors are located in the cilia of the olfactory sensory neurons. ", "In insects, olfactory receptors are located on the antennae. ", "Sperm cells also express odor receptors, which are thought to be involved in chemotaxis to find the egg cell.", "\nIt is believed that rather than binding to specific ligands like most receptors, olfactory receptors bind to structures on odor molecules. ", "Once the odorant has bound to the odor receptor, the receptor undergoes structural changes and it binds and activates the olfactory-type G protein on the inside of the olfactory receptor neuron. ", "The G protein (Golf and/or Gs) in turn activates the lyase adenylate cyclase, which converts ATP into cyclic AMP (cAMP). ", "The cAMP opens ion channels that allow calcium and sodium ions to enter into the cell, depolarizing the olfactory receptor neuron and beginning an action potential which carries the information to the brain.", "\nThere are a wide range of different odor receptors, with as many as 1,000 in the mammalian genome. ", "Olfactory receptors may make up as much as 3% of the genome. ", "Only a portion of these potential genes form functional odor receptors. ", "According to an analysis of the Human genome project, humans have 347 functional genes coded for olfactory receptors. ", "The reason for the large number of different odor receptors is to provide a system for detecting as many different odors as possible. ", "Even so, each odor receptor does not correspond to just one odor. ", "Each individual odor receptor is broadly tuned to be activated by a number of similar structures. ", "Like the immune system, this system allows molecules that have never been encountered before to be characterized. ", "Also, most odors activate more than one type of odor receptor. ", "This aspect provides for the identification of an almost limitless number of different molecules.", "\nDamage to the olfactory system can occur for a number of different reasons. ", "For example, damage to the olfactory system can occur by traumatic brain injury, cancer, inhalation of toxic fumes, or neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. ", "These conditions can cause anosmia (complete loss of ability to detect odors) or hyposmia (partial loss of the ability to detect odors). ", "Even old age can cause anosmia or hyposmia; in fact most people suffer from some degree of hyposmia with aging.", "\nThe ability to smell is important not only to the survival of human beings, but is also an important aspect of a fulfilling life experience. ", "The loss of smell can have a far reaching impact on a person's metal health and overall quality of life. ", "Therefore, there is a continued need to develop techniques for maintaining, enhancing or improving the ability to smell odorants, especially for those people who exhibit anosmia. ", "There is also a need to develop techniques for reducing the ability to smell an odorant or odorants, especially when the odorant or odorants are non-toxic but still unpleasant." ]
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[ "namespace Stripe\n{\n using System;\n using System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\n using Newtonsoft.", "Json;\n using Stripe.", "Infrastructure;\n\n public class CreditNoteListPreviewLineItemsOptions : ListOptions, IHasMetadata\n {\n [JsonProperty(\"amount\")]\n public long? ", "Amount { get; set; }\n\n [JsonProperty(\"credit_amount\")]\n public long? ", "CreditAmount { get; set; }\n\n [JsonProperty(\"invoice\")]\n public string Invoice { get; set; }\n\n [JsonProperty(\"memo\")]\n public string Memo { get; set; }\n\n [JsonProperty(\"metadata\")]\n public Dictionary<string, string> Metadata { get; set; }\n\n [JsonProperty(\"out_of_band_amount\")]\n public long? ", "OutOfBandAmount { get; set; }\n\n [JsonProperty(\"reason\")]\n public string Reason { get; set; }\n\n [JsonProperty(\"refund\")]\n public string Refund { get; set; }\n\n [JsonProperty(\"refund_amount\")]\n public long? ", "RefundAmount { get; set; }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2008, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.", "\n *\n * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation. ", " Oracle designates this\n * particular file as subject to the \"Classpath\" exception as provided\n * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.", "\n *\n * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that\n * accompanied this code).", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version\n * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA\n * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any\n * questions.", "\n */\n\npackage com.sun.scenario.effect;\n\nimport com.sun.javafx.geom.", "Point2D;\nimport com.sun.javafx.geom.", "Rectangle;\nimport com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.", "BaseTransform;\nimport com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.state.", "RenderState;\n\n/**\n * An effect that blends the two inputs together using one of the\n * pre-defined {@code Mode}s.", "\n */\npublic class Blend extends CoreEffect<RenderState> {\n\n /**\n * A blending mode that defines the manner in which the inputs\n * are composited together.", "\n * Each {@code Mode} describes a mathematical equation that\n * combines premultiplied inputs to produce some premultiplied result.", "\n */\n public enum Mode {\n /**\n * The top input is blended over the bottom input.", "\n * (Equivalent to the Porter-Duff \"source over destination\" rule.)", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>C<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n */\n SRC_OVER,\n\n /**\n * The part of the top input lying inside of the bottom input\n * is kept in the resulting image.", "\n * (Equivalent to the Porter-Duff \"source in destination\" rule.)", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em>*<em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>C<sub>top</sub></em>*<em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * </pre>\n */\n SRC_IN,\n\n /**\n * The part of the top input lying outside of the bottom input\n * is kept in the resulting image.", "\n * (Equivalent to the Porter-Duff \"source held out by destination\"\n * rule.)", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>C<sub>top</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n */\n SRC_OUT,\n\n /**\n * The part of the top input lying inside of the bottom input\n * is blended with the bottom input.", "\n * (Equivalent to the Porter-Duff \"source atop destination\" rule.)", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em>*<em>A<sub>bot</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>) = <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>C<sub>top</sub></em>*<em>A<sub>bot</sub></em> + <em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n */\n SRC_ATOP,\n\n /**\n * The color and alpha components from the top input are\n * added to those from the bottom input.", "\n * The result is clamped to 1.0 if it exceeds the logical\n * maximum of 1.0.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = min(1, <em>A<sub>top</sub></em>+<em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = min(1, <em>C<sub>top</sub></em>+<em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is commutative (ordering of inputs\n * does not matter).", "\n * <li>This mode is sometimes referred to as \"linear dodge\" in\n * imaging software packages.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n ADD,\n\n /**\n * The color components from the first input are multiplied with those\n * from the second input.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according to\n * the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>C<sub>top</sub></em> * <em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is commutative (ordering of inputs\n * does not matter).", "\n * <li>This mode is the mathematical opposite of\n * the {@link #SCREEN} mode.", "\n * <li>The resulting color is always at least as dark as either\n * of the input colors.", "\n * <li>Rendering with a completely black top input produces black;\n * rendering with a completely white top input produces a result\n * equivalent to the bottom input.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n MULTIPLY,\n\n /**\n * The color components from both of the inputs are\n * inverted, multiplied with each other, and that result\n * is again inverted to produce the resulting color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = 1 - ((1-<em>C<sub>top</sub></em>) * (1-<em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>))\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is commutative (ordering of inputs\n * does not matter).", "\n * <li>This mode is the mathematical opposite of\n * the {@link #MULTIPLY} mode.", "\n * <li>The resulting color is always at least as light as either\n * of the input colors.", "\n * <li>Rendering with a completely white top input produces white;\n * rendering with a completely black top input produces a result\n * equivalent to the bottom input.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n SCREEN,\n\n /**\n * The input color components are either multiplied or screened,\n * depending on the bottom input color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * REMIND: not sure how to express this succinctly yet...\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is a combination of {@link #SCREEN} and\n * {@link #MULTIPLY}, depending on the bottom input color.", "\n * <li>This mode is the mathematical opposite of\n * the {@link #HARD_LIGHT} mode.", "\n * <li>In this mode, the top input colors \"overlay\" the bottom input\n * while preserving highlights and shadows of the latter.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n OVERLAY,\n\n /**\n * REMIND: cross check this formula with OpenVG spec...\n *\n * The darker of the color components from the two inputs are\n * selected to produce the resulting color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = min(<em>C<sub>top</sub></em>, <em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is commutative (ordering of inputs\n * does not matter).", "\n * <li>This mode is the mathematical opposite of\n * the {@link #LIGHTEN} mode.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n DARKEN,\n\n /**\n * REMIND: cross check this formula with OpenVG spec...\n *\n * The lighter of the color components from the two inputs are\n * selected to produce the resulting color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = max(<em>C<sub>top</sub></em>, <em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is commutative (ordering of inputs\n * does not matter).", "\n * <li>This mode is the mathematical opposite of\n * the {@link #DARKEN} mode.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n LIGHTEN,\n\n /**\n * The bottom input color components are divided by the inverse\n * of the top input color components to produce the resulting color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>C<sub>bot</sub></em> / (1-<em>C<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n */\n COLOR_DODGE,\n\n /**\n * The inverse of the bottom input color components are divided by\n * the top input color components, all of which is then inverted\n * to produce the resulting color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = 1-((1-<em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>) / <em>C<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n */\n COLOR_BURN,\n\n /**\n * The input color components are either multiplied or screened,\n * depending on the top input color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * REMIND: not sure how to express this succinctly yet...\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is a combination of {@link #SCREEN} and\n * {@link #MULTIPLY}, depending on the top input color.", "\n * <li>This mode is the mathematical opposite of\n * the {@link #OVERLAY} mode.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n HARD_LIGHT,\n\n /**\n * REMIND: this is a complicated formula, TBD...\n */\n SOFT_LIGHT,\n\n /**\n * The darker of the color components from the two inputs are\n * subtracted from the lighter ones to produce the resulting color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = abs(<em>C<sub>top</sub></em>-<em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is commutative (ordering of inputs\n * does not matter).", "\n * <li>This mode can be used to invert parts of the bottom input\n * image, or to quickly compare two images (equal pixels will result\n * in black).", "\n * <li>Rendering with a completely white top input inverts the\n * bottom input; rendering with a completely black top input produces\n * a result equivalent to the bottom input.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n DIFFERENCE,\n\n /**\n * The color components from the two inputs are multiplied and\n * doubled, and then subtracted from the sum of the bottom input\n * color components, to produce the resulting color.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>C<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>C<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>C<sub>bot</sub></em> - (2*<em>C<sub>top</sub></em>*<em>C<sub>bot</sub></em>)\n * </pre>\n * <p>\n * Notes:\n * <ul>\n * <li>This mode is commutative (ordering of inputs\n * does not matter).", "\n * <li>This mode can be used to invert parts of the bottom input.", "\n * <li>This mode produces results that are similar to those of\n * {@link #DIFFERENCE}, except with lower contrast.", "\n * <li>Rendering with a completely white top input inverts the\n * bottom input; rendering with a completely black top input produces\n * a result equivalent to the bottom input.", "\n * </ul>\n */\n EXCLUSION,\n\n /**\n * The red component of the bottom input is replaced with the\n * red component of the top input; the other color components\n * are unaffected.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>R<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>R<sub>top</sub></em>\n * <em>G<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>G<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * <em>B<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>B<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * </pre>\n */\n RED,\n\n /**\n * The green component of the bottom input is replaced with the\n * green component of the top input; the other color components\n * are unaffected.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>R<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>R<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * <em>G<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>G<sub>top</sub></em>\n * <em>B<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>B<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * </pre>\n */\n GREEN,\n\n /**\n * The blue component of the bottom input is replaced with the\n * blue component of the top input; the other color components\n * are unaffected.", "\n * The alpha components are blended according\n * to the {@link #SRC_OVER} equation.", "\n * <p>\n * Thus:\n * <pre>\n * <em>A<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>A<sub>top</sub></em> + <em>A<sub>bot</sub></em>*(1-<em>A<sub>top</sub></em>)\n * <em>R<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>R<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * <em>G<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>G<sub>bot</sub></em>\n * <em>B<sub>r</sub></em> = <em>B<sub>top</sub></em>\n * </pre>\n */\n BLUE,\n }\n\n private Mode mode;\n private float opacity;\n\n /**\n * Constructs a new {@code Blend} effect with the given mode and the\n * default opacity (1.0).", "\n * Either or both inputs may be {@code null} to indicate that the default\n * input should be used.", "\n *\n * @param mode the blending mode\n * @param bottomInput the bottom input\n * @param topInput the top input\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mode} is null\n */\n public Blend(Mode mode, Effect bottomInput, Effect topInput) {\n super(bottomInput, topInput);\n setMode(mode);\n setOpacity(1f);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the bottom input for this {@code Effect}.", "\n *\n * @return the bottom input for this {@code Effect}\n */\n public final Effect getBottomInput() {\n return getInputs().get(0);\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the bottom input for this {@code Effect} to a specific\n * {@code Effect} or to the default input if {@code input} is\n * {@code null}.", "\n *\n * @param bottomInput the bottom input for this {@code Effect}\n */\n public void setBottomInput(Effect bottomInput) {\n setInput(0, bottomInput);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the top input for this {@code Effect}.", "\n *\n * @return the top input for this {@code Effect}\n */\n public final Effect getTopInput() {\n return getInputs().get(1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the top input for this {@code Effect} to a specific\n * {@code Effect} or to the default input if {@code input} is\n * {@code null}.", "\n *\n * @param topInput the top input for this {@code Effect}\n */\n public void setTopInput(Effect topInput) {\n setInput(1, topInput);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the {@code Mode} used to blend the two inputs together.", "\n *\n * @return the {@code Mode} used to blend the two inputs together.", "\n */\n public Mode getMode() {\n return mode;\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the {@code Mode} used to blend the two inputs together.", "\n * <pre>\n * Min: n/a\n * Max: n/a\n * Default: Mode.", "SRC_OVER\n * Identity: n/a\n * </pre>\n *\n * @param mode the blending mode\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mode} is null\n */\n public void setMode(Mode mode) {\n if (mode == null) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Mode must be non-null\");\n }\n Blend.", "Mode old = this.mode;\n this.mode = mode;\n updatePeerKey(\"Blend_\" + mode.name());\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the opacity value, which is modulated with the top input\n * prior to blending.", "\n *\n * @return the opacity value\n */\n public float getOpacity() {\n return opacity;\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the opacity value, which is modulated with the top input prior\n * to blending.", "\n * <pre>\n * Min: 0.0\n * Max: 1.0\n * Default: 1.0\n * Identity: 1.0\n * </pre>\n *\n * @param opacity the opacity value\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code opacity} is outside the\n * allowable range\n */\n public void setOpacity(float opacity) {\n if (opacity < 0f || opacity > 1f) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Opacity must be in the range [0,1]\");\n }\n float old = this.opacity;\n this.opacity = opacity;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the specified point {@code p} from the coordinate space\n * of the primary content input to the coordinate space of the effect\n * output.", "\n * In essence, this method asks the question \"Which output coordinate\n * is most affected by the data at the specified coordinate in the\n * primary source input?\"", "\n * <p>\n * The {@code Blend} effect delegates this operation to its {@code top}\n * input, or the {@code defaultInput} if the {@code top} input is\n * {@code null}.", "\n *\n * @param p the point in the coordinate space of the primary content\n * input to be transformed\n * @param defaultInput the default input {@code Effect} to be used in\n * all cases where a filter has a null input\n * @return the transformed point in the coordinate space of the result\n */\n @Override\n public Point2D transform(Point2D p, Effect defaultInput) {\n return getDefaultedInput(1, defaultInput).transform(p, defaultInput);\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the specified point {@code p} from the coordinate space\n * of the output of the effect into the coordinate space of the\n * primary content input.", "\n * In essence, this method asks the question \"Which source coordinate\n * contributes most to the definition of the output at the specified\n * coordinate?\"", "\n * <p>\n * The {@code Blend} effect delegates this operation to its {@code top}\n * input, or the {@code defaultInput} if the {@code top} input is\n * {@code null}.", "\n *\n * @param p the point in the coordinate space of the result output\n * to be transformed\n * @param defaultInput the default input {@code Effect} to be used in\n * all cases where a filter has a null input\n * @return the untransformed point in the coordinate space of the\n * primary content input\n */\n @Override\n public Point2D untransform(Point2D p, Effect defaultInput) {\n return getDefaultedInput(1, defaultInput).untransform(p, defaultInput);\n }\n\n @Override\n public RenderState getRenderState(FilterContext fctx,\n BaseTransform transform,\n Rectangle outputClip,\n Object renderHelper,\n Effect defaultInput)\n {\n // A blend operation operates on its inputs pixel-by-pixel\n // with no expansion or contraction.", "\n // RT-27563\n // TODO: The RenderSpaceRenderState object uses the output clip unchanged\n // for its inputs, but we could further restrict the amount we ask for\n // each input to the intersection of the two input bounds, but for now we\n // will simply let it pass along the output clip as the input clip.", "\n return RenderState.", "RenderSpaceRenderState;\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean reducesOpaquePixels() {\n final Effect bottomInput = getBottomInput();\n final Effect topInput = getTopInput();\n switch (getMode()) {\n case SRC_IN:\n case SRC_OUT:\n return true;\n case SRC_ATOP:\n return bottomInput !", "= null && bottomInput.reducesOpaquePixels();\n case SRC_OVER:\n case ADD:\n case MULTIPLY:\n case SCREEN:\n case OVERLAY:\n case DARKEN:\n case LIGHTEN:\n case COLOR_DODGE:\n case COLOR_BURN:\n case HARD_LIGHT:\n case SOFT_LIGHT:\n case DIFFERENCE:\n case EXCLUSION:\n case RED:\n case GREEN:\n case BLUE:\n return topInput !", "= null && topInput.reducesOpaquePixels() && bottomInput !", "= null && bottomInput.reducesOpaquePixels();\n }\n return true;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "North Korea must have expected this, having been similarly rebuked twice for missile and nuclear launches in 2006.", "\n\nYet Pyongyang professed high dudgeon at what was in truth mild UN Security Council remonstrance: just a statement, not a full resolution.", "\n\nOn this flimsy pretext, in a fine show of pique it repudiated the six-party talks and said it would resume its nuclear programme.", "\n\nMonday's nuclear test showed this to be no idle threat. ", "But why? ", "Why now? ", "What is really going on?", "\n\nLess well known is that four separate high-level US delegations - nominally private but including Stephen Bosworth, now the Obama administration's point man on North Korea - visited Pyongyang earlier this year.", "\n\nAll got a frosty reception. ", "Their hosts professed no interest in full relations with the US, long regarded as the ultimate prize sought by Kim Jong-il.", "\n\nSo how does this latest North Korean jigsaw - with too few and misshapen pieces, as always - fit together?", "\n\nStringing along\n\nThere are two broad possibilities and variants within either of those.", "\n\nWhat message is Kim Jong-il trying to send, and to whom? ", "Getting Obama's attention is one widely-touted suggestion. ", "Yet on closer inspection this hardly adds up.", "\n\nBarking louder than ever may be their way of scaring us off while they effect a delicate transition\n\nEveryone knew, because he told us, that Barack Obama was ready to engage with America's foes. ", "He means it, and he is doing it. ", "With Cuba and others, change is already under way.", "\n\nSo surely this is the US President Kim Jong-il has been waiting for? ", "True, Obama is busy with the Middle East and the financial crisis. ", "But his door, and mind, are open.", "\n\nIt did not need a bomb or rocket to blast a way in and get a hearing in Washington. ", "To the contrary, these were bound to backfire.", "\n\nThere have to be more Security Council resolutions and maybe sanctions, however ineffectual, when a rogue state makes a mockery of international law.", "\n\nKim Jong-il is no fool. ", "So we must conclude, definitively now, that he has no intention of emulating Libya's Colonel Gaddafi and ever giving up his weapons of mass destruction.", "\n\nThe six long years of the six-party talks were just stringing us along. ", "Without nuclear weapons, North Korea would be just another miserable tyranny. ", "With them, it commands attention - if not respect.", "\n\nOr maybe Kim Jong-il would have made peace, but hardliners used his illness last year to seize the helm and batten down the hatches.", "\n\nYet abandoning diplomacy altogether is hardly a serious long-term option, for a failed state reliant on Chinese aid to feed its hungry people.", "\n\nMaking peace would bring financial rewards to the impoverished state\n\nProvoking Beijing is a risky game. ", "A patient patron hitherto, China may finally snap and pull the plug on so tiresome a client - as Moscow did in 1991, devastating the North's economy.", "\n\nIs the new turn merely tactical? ", "If so, it is a dire miscalculation. ", "Mr Kim's old game of militant mendicancy - doing bad things, to be paid to stop - will no longer wash. ", "Everyone is fed up.", "\n\nMore exactly, the Dear Leader could have cleaned up if (and only if) he stuck with the six-party talks.", "\n\nPeace and real disarmament would bring North Korea huge financial rewards: $10bn (£6.3bn) for full relations with Japan, and surely much more from a relieved Seoul.", "\n\nOne faint hope is that they may not really mean all this. ", "That brings us to the second broad hypothesis.", "\n\nSuccession plan?", "\n\nRather than being any kind of odd signal to the wider world, North Korea's new militancy might be primarily driven by internal events, largely invisible to outside eyes.", "\n\nPerverse as it sounds, barking louder than ever may be their way of scaring us off while they effect a delicate transition.", "\n\nThis could be a smokescreen behind which, not before time, one of Kim's mysterious and untried sons is being wheeled into place as his eventual successor.", "\n\nIf so, we may get more sense out of Pyongyang once such internal ructions settle down. ", "But to speculate thus may be clutching at straws.", "\n\nThe view that North Korea is a rational actor - if only we are patient and avoid upsetting them - looks, let's face it, increasingly threadbare.", "\n\nMy fear is that defining itself against the world is hardwired into North Korea's outlook.", "\n\nFor over a decade, Bill Clinton, former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, China, Russia and others strove to lead this most stubborn and suspicious of mules to water. ", "But none could make it drink, beyond a few sips.", "\n\nA toe in the water is as far as Kim Jong-il will ever go, on economic reform and peace alike. ", "When it comes to the crunch, he refuses the fence.", "\n\nAt the risk of flogging equine metaphors to death, some blame the likes of George W Bush - before his U-turn to engagement - for frightening the horses with \"axis of evil\" rhetoric, so reinforcing Pyongyang's paranoia.", "\n\nBut ultimately, the choice and fault is Kim's. ", "China and Vietnam show there is another way - the only way. ", "North Korea is on a road to nowhere.", "\n\nAidan Foster-Carter is honorary senior research fellow in sociology and modern Korea at Leeds University\n\nThis page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. ", "While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. ", "Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets (CSS) if you are able to do so." ]
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[ "Race to succeed late President Essebsi goes in high gear as more candidates declare their intention to run in September.", "\n\nTunisia‘s biggest political organisation, Ennahdha, has nominated its vice president Abdel Fattah Mourou as the party’s candidate for president, pitting him against former President Moncef Marzouki, who is also seeking the post for a second time.", "\n\nIt is the first time that Ennahdha has put up a nominee for the post since the country transitioned to democracy after the 2011 revolution.", "\n\nMourou, 71, a lawyer, will run in elections due to be held two months early on September 15, following the death of President Beji Caid Essebsi last month.", "\n\nEarlier on Tuesday, Marzouki announced in a radio interview that he wants to return to his old position, which he occupied in an interim capacity from 2011 to 2014.", "\n\nMarzouki is backed by an opposition alliance called Another Tunisia.", "\n\nCandidates have until August 9 to submit their applications to run for president. ", "The Electoral Commission is scheduled to announce the final list of candidates on August 14.", "\n\nLiberal Prime Minister Youssef Chahed will also stand, his Tahaya Tounes party said last week, making him one of the likely frontrunners to succeed Essebsi.", "\n\nAnother candidate who has announced his intention to run is former Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa.", "\n\nEssebsi was chosen in the first democratic presidential election in 2014.", "\n\nOne of Ennahdha’s most moderate leaders, Mourou has long demanded reforms to the party to make it more open and to distance it from the Muslim Brotherhood in other Arab countries.", "\n\nCritics, however, say Mourou is two-faced and holds contradictory positions on the role of Islam in society.", "\n\n“Mourou is a highly regarded figure in Tunisia, he is able to unite Tunisians and to find consensus between rivals. ", "This is what Tunisia needs now,” Imed Khmiri, a senior Ennahdha official, told Reuters news agency.", "\n\nMourou is currently acting speaker of parliament after former Speaker Mohamed Ennaceur became interim president.", "\n\nTunisia’s president mainly has authority over foreign and defence policies, governing alongside a prime minister chosen by parliament who has authority over domestic affairs." ]
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[ "Roads to Ride: The Stelvio\n\nSaturday, 2 February 2013\n\nAs the sixth part of a series to explore the famous roads of cycling, here is the Passo dello Stelvio in the Italian Alps. ", "The idea is to discover the road and its place in the world, whether as part of cycling’s history or to look at the route on a day without racing and it is open to all.", "\n\nThe Stelvio is Europe’s second highest paved mountain pass but superior in legend to the Col de l’Iseran thanks to history, pedigree and the sheer experience of climbing and descending this giant.", "\n\nThe Route\nThe Passo dello Stelvio is 2,758m above sea level according to the large sign at the top. ", "There are two main routes to the top and a third via Switzerland.", "\n\nThe SS38 goes from Bormio on the west to Ponte di Stelvio on the east via the pass. ", "Each side offers a similar experience being 22km from Bormio at 7.1% and 24km from Ponte di Stelvio at 7.4%. ", "But the Bormio side offers more variety, a flat section 5km from the top and 12% for most of the last two kilometres. ", "The Ponte side is regular and the carefully placed Trafoi bends are a work of engineering. ", "Is there a better side to climb? ", "Both offer something but the Trafoi bends on the Eastern side are the “must do” experience plus you avoid the narrow tunnels on the Bormio side but ideally you don’t want to choose, you want to try both approaches.", "\n\nThe Feel\nThis is a long climb, I cannot find the record but either side requires 75-90 minutes in the Giro so you’ll probably need 90 minutes, perhaps two even three hours.", "\n\nDaniel Friebe’s bible “Mountain High” quotes Fausto Coppi saying he thought he was going to die and Marco Pinotti labelled it “ascetic” whilst Friebe himself calls it a “treat” and “spiritual.” ", "I’m with Pinotti. ", "This is a climb that is romanticised by journalists and rich in history but when ridden it’s more grim treatment than a treat. ", "Yes the scenery stuns but the higher you go the more the mind is numbed by the cold and the dwindling blood sugar, plus the altitude extracts a usury interest rate on your oxygen debt, any anaerobic ambitions risk default. ", "It takes a long time to reach the top and when you do make it the mind is on the descent and your clothing, damp with sweat. ", "It’s hard.", "\n\nStill, the Trafoi bends are special. ", "Imagine looking at an image of Alpe d’Huez an tablet device and then using your fingers to stretch the image to vertical and you get the idea, this climb makes you crane your neck like a tourist in Manhattan. ", "The Eastern side has 48 hairpin bends and these are concentrated above the village of Trafoi when the road leaves the natural course of the valley to snake up the wall of the valley, quickly rising above the tree line. ", "You can admire these bends for the engineering and quietly thank the constructors who ensured a regular gradient, unlike many other Italian passes. ", "But it’s relentless, the bends hang high above and seem so far away. ", "This side also has the Piccolo Tibet mountain refuge. ", "Built in 1959 by a mountaineer it might sound exotic, but no, you really are so high up amidst a rocky landscape with glaciers hanging around that this does feel Himalayan. ", "The remote feeling is quickly forgotten at the summit where shops and restaurants crowd the top, the satisfaction of reaching the pass is there but spiritual pride has to compete with the garish market forces.", "\n\nThe Bormio side is different. ", "Engineered too, but instead of climbing up the mountain, at times it goes through it with a series of tunnels. ", "In the past these were scary even to climb because they were dark, wet and narrow and traffic, including descending cyclists, didn’t always spot the rider climbing. ", "Plus there’s the acoustic effect where even a small Fiat sounds like the truck from Spielberg’s Duel. ", "The good news is that these have been upgraded with lighting which makes all the difference. ", "But the other sections are calm and scenic and worth the effort. ", "Both sides now have wooden signs that count down the hairpins remaining to the top.", "\n\nThe Stelvio is not just a climb but a descent of course and one of the best in Europe. ", "However, be prepared for the cold. ", "The height and isolation of this road means it is perpetually cold and warm temperatures are rare. ", "Indeed even before climbing be sure to check the weather report in case the clouds come in because having to ride down in the rain without sufficient kit will be miserably unforgettable.", "\n\nThe Pass\nThe pass marks the point between three borders. ", "It is the point between the regions of Lombardia and the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. ", "But the pass also sits next to the Swiss border and can be reached by the Umbrail pass which joins the Stelvio just a few hundred metres below the pass.", "\n\nThe Giro\nFausto Coppi was the first to the top in 1953 in a race winning move. ", "There’s a monument to him on the climb and the high point of the Giro is called the Cima Coppi, the Coppi summit. ", "The images of him climbing in between walls of snow live on today and are often recreated when the race passes in modern times.", "\n\nDifferent years, same images\n\nThe race returned in 1961 when Charly Gaul, perhaps the greatest ever climber, won after descending in to Bormio. ", "It’s been used sparingly since and in recent times the Giro has held the stage finish on the summit to literally heighten the importance and drama. ", "That said this is as much a descent as a climb and in 1980 Bernard Hinault and Jean-René Bernaudeau went wild with the unlit tunnels to rip the race lead away from Wladimiro Panizza on the road down to Bormio.", "\n\nIvan Basso fared worse. ", "Leading the Giro he fell sick and lost 42 minutes on the climb. ", "Yes forty two minutes. ", "It only reminds us that if the Stelvio consecrates the winner it is fiendish for the others, a graveyard of ambitions.", "\n\nCancellations are a feature as much as participations. ", "The cold weather means snow and the race has been prevented from crossing in the past and it almost happened last year. ", "In 1984 Laurent Fignon was ready to ambush Franceso Moser on the big mountain stage but the organisers cited poor conditions only the Frenchman protested and claimed it was a ruse to help home rider Moser win the race. ", "Fignon seems to have been vindicated by journalists who drove over to verify the climb but over the years this climb has not been a regular in the Giro. ", "Last year we saw the Giro close to abandoning the stage.", "\n\nOn a normal day\nThings are never normal at 2,750 metres. ", "Snow means the road is closed today and won’t open until May. The ski season is on now and the Stelvio is part of the Ortler ski area. ", "The road season is really from late May to early October. ", "Once you get into June the pass welcomes of cyclists testing themselves on this special road. ", "Many are Italians but there’s a large share of Germans too riding brands you don’t see elsewhere like Simplon or Red Bull. ", "The Germans don’t just come to pedal, most seem to ride this by motorbike and the valley echoes to the roar of unrestricted sports bikes as their riders exploit the hairpin bends. ", "This can frustrate, the road is open to all and no doubt locals get sick of cyclists weaving up the road and pretending to be a falcon on the way down but the motorbikes do go fast and spoil the mountain peace. ", "Many motorists also drive up for the view and many eye the cyclist with curiosity: why did you ride up?", "\n\nUnlike the higher Col d’Iseran (2,770m) which is topped by a little more than a sign, a chapel and a boast there’s plenty going on at the top of the Stelvio. ", "Having climbed through emptiness the top is a surprise. ", "It’s crowded and you might feel like plunging down the other side to avoid the crowds. ", "You’ll find restaurants, souvenir shops and you can even stay the night in one of several hotels although at 2750m a good night’s sleep is unlikely: expect to find curious travellers and hypoxia-hunting athletes. ", "Strangely there’s also a bank, a novel take on high finance. ", "Next to the bank is the Stelvio museum which tells the tale of the pass, from bronze age to concrete age and the construction of the road.", "\n\nSay Cheese\nSay Stelvio to many in Italy and they’ll say formaggio because it’s a type of cheese commonly sold in supermarkets across Italy. ", "Stelvio DOP is also known by the German label, Stilfser and the Stelvio pass is also known by its German name Stilfserjoch although cycling speaks Italian thanks to the Giro so it’s always Stelvio for us.", "\n\nAs mentioned above the pass is on the border of the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol region, a semi-autonomous part of Italy where the majority of the population speak German first and Italian second and the Stelvio has played its part in history. ", "It was first built because the Austro-Hungarian empire controlled Lombardia and needed access and after years of work it was opened in 1825. ", "Later Lombardia returned to Italy and the pass marked the border between Italy and Austria. ", "But the climb today is firmly Italian on both sides even if the Südtirol area is Germanic in tone.", "\n\nAccess\nBormio is your best bet. ", "The piece above has concentrated on the Eastern side but Bormio to the west offers the best location although reaching Bormio is not easy as it’s 200km from international airports like Milan. ", "But it’s a place to explore the Stelvio and other passes are within reach: Aprica, Tonale, Gavia, Mortirolo, it’s like choosing which dentist to visit. ", "Certainly there’s a choice to intimidate almost every day but also the chance to make a vertical exploration of cycling’s history.", "\n\nAs well as location, timing matters as the weather needs to be good. ", "Don’t go before June as the snow is a risk. ", "On 31 August the road will be closed to all traffic except cyclists.", "\n\nBormio is scenic enough and has many cycle-friendly hotels with safe storage for your bike. ", "Look for a family-run place and be sure to dine on pizzoccheri which are squares of wholemeal pasta and bresaola, cured beef sausage that’s sliced finely, a rich source of iron to help you cope with the mountains above.", "\n\nIf the Stelvio is a legend then next week a myth from Tim Krabbé’s book “The Rider”: Le Mont Aigoual. ", "Only it’s not fiction but a real place that has hosted the Tour de France and other races..\n\nGood summary. ", "I went up the bormio side last September. ", "It was raining from 2k upwards and by the time we were at the top it was very cold and uncomfortable. ", "It’s not a beautiful mountain, quite industrial with the hydro electric power plants and the motorbikes are a pain distrupting the cyclists rythem. ", "The gavia is a much more pleasant clim in my opinion.", "\n\nThere’s a very good video on uTube from UK TV’s The Cycling Show with Graham Little, Kristian House and Darren Parish riding The Stelvio. ", "It’s an enlightening look at riding the pass if you’re thinking of giving it a go;\n\nBTW, “Red Bull” is actually known as “Rose” now in German. ", "They make a pretty good aluminium frame. ", "Better if you buy the version with di2 components (though personally I still prefer mechanical shift).", "\n\nYou should take a look at the joux-plane. ", "Not only lots of interesting history but when we did it several times last August, the traffic was 80% cyclists, 20% reasonable car drivers and zero percent motorbikes.", "\n\nSurely one of the key criteria for attractiveness in an alpine climb is the degree to which the cyclist has the alp to him/herself…\n\nYes, it’s on my last. ", "Lance Armstrong hated it – a good reason to investigate – but the main reason is that it is unlike most other Alpine climbs as it winds up through fields and pastures and whilst it is hard and often decisive, it never feels like it is clinging to a mountain. ", "Anyway, more to come.", "\n\nAhh, here’s a climb I could blather on about for hours. ", "I’m fortunate to be able to ride it every other year since 2000 with our clients (not really, they’re mostly far ahead of me!) ", "plus once or twice when we worked for another tour operator, always from the “correct” classic Trafoi side. ", "When laying out CycleItalia’s itinerary we made a LOT of effort towards securing lodging within reasonable cycling distance of Prato allo Stelvio so no van transfer would be needed. ", "I’ve been up this in wonderful weather like last year – we sat in shorts and short sleeves at the top while chowing down on the infamous grilled sausage panini, washed down with cold beer. ", "Other years we’ve been up there under light snow, one of those climbs where you’re putting on more clothes as you climb and can’t wait to get off the top and down to warm and sunny Bormio. ", "Avoid the weekends if you can, we changed our itinerary so we could enjoy it on a Monday when it’s much calmer – seems the Swiss boyracers that plague it on weekends must have to work, or at least check on their trust funds on Mondays! ", "One year we lucked out when the road was closed due to a snow slide, but we climbed over and continued, with only a few other crazy cyclists for company! ", "Certainly a must-ride for any cycling fan, we’ll be there again in 2013, on July 8th.", "\n\nNearly every time I read a post here I’m reminded of my love of cycling and this was no exception. ", "Inrng you capture the pure essence of your subject and this brings me back, time after time. ", "Thank you\n\nGood piece. ", "The Bormio side was the most memorable ride of my life. ", "Always great to read about it. ", "Too bad you chose to omit 1975’s Bertoglio vs Galdos showdown, the last day of one of the best Giros of the past 50 years.", "\n\nHave fun! ", "One year the Stelvio proper was closed due to snow slides so we detoured through Switzerland and the Umbrail. ", "Not as tough but on the dirt surface I was glad we were going up rather than down! ", "Watch out for cows if you’re descending. ", "We were able to complete the ascent once back into Italia but it was certainly not the same as doing the famous 48 numbered switchbacks – even after all these years I still get excited when I get the chance to ride it. ", "2014 will be my next chance. ", "One hint – do NOT eat pizzoccheri until AFTER your’re done cycling – way too heavy to ride on, even with low gears – save it for a celebration afterwards with a second plate of bresaola/argula/shaved grana and a bottle of Sassello, Grumello or Inferno! ", "Oh, and enjoy schiatt as an appetizer…these little fried things are delicious!", "\n\nI’ve done this ride twice 1995 and 2003, both times with Larry T (one with his prior employer). ", "Timed in 03 I was a little slower than the pros – 2:23. ", "At the top, Heather (Larry’s better half) and I were watching the crowds. ", "I pointed out some guy with a full Saeco kit and a Mapei painted Colnago and said what a faux pas. ", "I pointed out another guy on a Time with the matching Quick Step kit and Heather said it gets really pricy when you have a matching car too. ", "Five minutes later and there were seven pros chatting and refuelling. ", "We tried to follow them down but they dropped us there too.", "\n\nI’ve told my kids to scatter my ashes there and was going to show my older son the to in 2010. ", "Unfortunately, I crashed coming into Bolzano the day before on his 25th birthday. ", "Spoiled both our days and kept me off the bike for 10 months. ", "So, I’ll try again this year with friends but no kids.", "\n\nGood luck had me at the base of Aprica pass for work the week before the Giro climbed the Stelvio last year. ", "I was able to bring my bike and get a hotel in Bormio for the weekend. ", "It was the hardest climb I have ever done by far – but it was so exciting to have the roads closed and to see the Giro motor up the mountain! ", "I was worried about the weather for this once-in-a-lifetime experience, but all worked out well and it was the perfect day. ", "Will remember for the rest of my life!", "\n\nGlad I get the seal of approval! ", "I’ve ridden the others in the series quite a few times but the Stelvio only twice on each side and memories were numbed by the cold and fatigue so the recall was harder.", "\n\nBy deduction the Umbrail pass has to be the highest as the Stelvio is Europe’s second highest and the Umbrail joins right near the top of it, it must be well in excess of 2500m.\n\nEcho all the comments above about how excellent this series of posts is. ", "If only I had the time and ability to go do some of them!", "\n\nWhat I do have is a family holiday booked for Majorca in the summer. ", "It is not entirely coincidental that the location of the apartment (Puerto Pollensa) is not a million miles away from Sky’s training hotel.", "\n\nAny chance that you could feature a Majorcan climb? ", "I know they don’t have the history of the other climbs you’ve covered….", "\n\nSorry folks, I”m one of those who’s ridden it on motorbike. ", "Well nearly, I came face to face with another bike cutting one of the hairpins and ended up falling over. ", "Not sure I’m man enough to ride it on the push bike, but I wouldn’t allow myself to be beaten if I went.", "\n\nbeautiful climb. ", "took me 1:55 from bormio.. was 90f at base… 40f and 40mph wind at summit. ", "on the descent i had to stop twice to do push ups on the side of the road to stop shaking from the cold. ", "was ok by the time i hit the flat area 5k below the summit.", "\ntkfully it sprinkled but stopped before we descended.", "\nas mentioned..lotta motor bkes and you can hear the sound when they are still a long way off.", "\n\nThe stelvio made me a cyclist. ", "For the rest of my life. ", "Yes it may be hard.however it is uplifting in a spiritual way that I can’t describe in words! ", "Even if it is cold or raining it doesn’t matter,you will make it it draws you in, anyone who has done it will know what I mean." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProving that the limit of a function doesn't exist using negation of epsilon delta\n\n$\\lim \\limits_{x \\to \\frac{1}{2}}\\frac{1}{4x-2}$\nI want to use the negation, $\\exists \\epsilon>0$ such that $ \\forall \\delta>0$ , $\\lvert\\frac{1}{4x-2}-L \\rvert \\ge \\epsilon$, $\\forall x$ with $0<\\lvert x-\\frac{1}{2} \\rvert <\\delta$\nSo can I say that because $\\lvert \\frac{1}{4x-2}\\rvert =\\lvert \\frac{1}{4(x-\\frac{1}{2})} \\rvert = \\frac{1}{4}\\lvert \\frac{1}{x-\\frac{1}{2}} \\rvert \\ge \\epsilon $\nThen $\\frac{1}{4} \\ge \\epsilon \\lvert x-\\frac{1}{2} \\rvert$\nCan I then let $\\epsilon =\\frac{1}{4 \\delta}$\n\nA:\n\nNo, behold! ", "The choice of $\\varepsilon$ should not depend on that of $\\delta$.\nIn fact we can prove something stronger than necessary:\nIf $x \\neq 1/2$, then\n$$\n\\bigg| \\frac{1}{4x-2} \\bigg| = \\frac{1}{4}\\frac{1}{|x- \\frac{1}{2}|};\n$$\nIf $\\varepsilon > 0$, then\n$\\frac{1}{4}\\frac{1}{|x - \\frac{1}{2}|} > \\varepsilon$ if $|x-\\frac{1}{2}| < \\varepsilon/4$; hence $0 < |x-\\frac{1}{2}| < \\varepsilon/4$ only if \n$$\n\\bigg| \\frac{1}{4x-2} \\bigg| > \\varepsilon,\n$$\nwhich says that\n$$\n\\bigg| \\frac{1}{4x-2} \\bigg| \\to \\infty\n$$\nas $x \\to 1/2$.\n\n" ]
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[ "Investigation of the acid-base properties of mononitro-calix[4]arene with chemometric methods.", "\nThe acid-base properties of mononitro-calix[4]arene was studied with chemometric methods by measurement of its UV absorbance under different pH. The chemometric method-iterative target transformation factor (ITTFA) was employed to resolve the acid-base fraction curves. ", "Combining with other chemometric methods-principal component analysis (PCA) and evolving factor analysis (EFA), the proton dissociation behavior of the derivative was investigated in detail. ", "The pK(a) values of the derivative were determined and the fraction curves and pure absorbing spectra of each absorbing component were obtained." ]
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[ "LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles Kings today unveiled their 50th Anniversary logo. ", "The logo, which is attached, helps the Kings celebrate the club’s official birth as the National Hockey League – 50 years ago today – officially granted the Los Angeles Kings franchise.", "\n\n“We wanted to pay homage to our past and our heritage with the use of the original Kings crown, but at the same time celebrating the importance that our current logo means to our franchise and fans,” said Jonathan Lowe, Kings Senior Vice President of Marketing. “", "The gold tone is of course the traditional way to celebrate a 50th Anniversary and we hope our fans love the logo as much as we do and we are going to be rolling out a number of exciting usages around the logo.”", "\n\nNHL: A portion of the meeting minutes from when the Owners-Governors awarded the NHL’s “Second Six”\n\n50th Anniversary Feature Story: by Jon Rosen - HERE" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nOAuth2 Implementation\n\nI am trying to implement an OAuth2 service. ", "I am not planning to use it anytime soon (like will write unit tests). ", "This is my fun project I do to practice. ", "I have used the python_jwt library to create and validate signatures. ", "\nOAuth Request handler\n\"\"\"\n Copyright (C) 2016 Maruf Maniruzzaman\n Website: https://github.com/kuasha/cosmos\n Author: Maruf Maniruzzaman\n License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License\n\n This service handler follows the style found in Azure (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn645542.aspx)\n Also for more information look at The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749)\n\"\"\"\n\nimport ast\nimport base64\nimport json\n\nimport datetime\nimport uuid\n\nimport tornado.web\nfrom tornado import gen\nimport logging\n\nfrom cosmos.rbac.object import COSMOS_USERS_OBJECT_NAME\nfrom cosmos.auth.oauth2 import get_token\nfrom cosmos.rbac.object import SYSTEM_USER\n\ntry:\n import urlparse # py2\n from urllib import urlencode\n import urllib as urllib_parse\nexcept ImportError:\n import urllib.parse as urlparse # py3\n from urllib.parse import urlencode\n import urllib.parse as urllib_parse\n\nfrom cosmos.service.requesthandler import RequestHandler\n\nOAUTH2_REQUESTS_OBJECT_NAME = \"cosmos.auth.oauth2.requests\"\nOAUTH2_TOKENS_OBJECT_NAME = \"cosmos.auth.oauth2.tokens\"\nOAUTH2_CODE_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME = \"cosmos.auth.oauth2.codestatus\"\nOAUTH2_MAX_CODE_RESPONSE_LENGTH = 200\n\nclass OAuth2RequestException(Exception):\n pass\n\n#TODO: security check for entire class\n\nclass OAuth2ServiceHandler(RequestHandler):\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def get(self, tenant_id, function):\n try:\n req_id = None\n auth_request = None\n serve_request = self.get_argument(\"serve_request\", None)\n if not (serve_request):\n auth_request = self._collect_auth_request_parameters(tenant_id, function)\n\n req_id = yield self.insert_auth_request(auth_request)\n\n if not req_id:\n logging.critical(\"Could not save OAuth2 request to database.\")", "\n raise tornado.web.", "HTTPError(500, \"Server error\")\n\n logging.debug(\"Request saved in db {0}\".format(str(req_id)))\n else:\n req_id = self.get_argument(\"serve_request\")\n auth_request = yield self.load_auth_request(req_id)\n if not auth_request:\n self.write(\"Could not find auth request. ", "Correlation id {}\".format(req_id))\n self.finish()\n return\n\n user = self.get_current_user()\n\n if not user:\n url = self.request.uri\n parts = list(urlparse.urlparse(url))\n query = {\"serve_request\": str(req_id)}\n parts[4] = urlencode(query)\n\n redirect_url = urlparse.urlunparse(parts)\n\n self.initiate_login(redirect_url)\n\n if function == \"authorize\":\n yield self._do_authorize(user, auth_request)\n return\n elif function == \"token\":\n yield self._do_token(user, auth_request)\n return\n else:\n raise tornado.web.", "HTTPError(404, \"Not found\")\n except OAuth2RequestException as re:\n self.clear()\n self.set_status(400)\n self.finish(\"<html><body>400 Bad Request<br/>{}</body></html>\".format(str(re)))\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def _do_authorize(self, user, params):\n response_type = params.get(\"response_type\", None)\n if not \"code\" == response_type:\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Response type must be code\")\n\n client_id = params.get(\"client_id\", None)\n redirect_uri = params.get(\"redirect_uri\", None)\n state = params.get(\"state\", None)\n resource = params.get(\"resource\", None)\n\n oauth2_public_key_handler = self.settings.get(\"oauth2_public_key_handler\")\n\n code_attributes = [\"user_id\", \"client_id\", \"resource\", \"iat\", \"code_status_id\"]\n\n response = {}\n response.update({\"user_id\": user[\"_id\"]})\n response[\"client_id\"] = client_id\n response[\"resource\"] = resource\n response[\"iat\"] = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())\n\n code_status_id = yield self.insert_code_status(response)\n if not code_status_id:\n logging.critical(\"Could not save [OAuth2 Code] to database.\")", "\n raise tornado.web.", "HTTPError(500, \"Server error\")\n\n response[\"code_status_id\"] = str(code_status_id)\n\n code_response = { k: response.get(k) for k in code_attributes }\n\n str_response = json.dumps(code_response)\n bytes_resp = str_response.encode()\n\n if(len(bytes_resp) > OAUTH2_MAX_CODE_RESPONSE_LENGTH):\n raise tornado.web.", "HTTPError(414, \"Request-URI Too Long\")\n\n enc_response = oauth2_public_key_handler.encrypt(bytes_resp, 32)\n\n b64_enc_response_bytes = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(enc_response[0])\n b64_enc_response = b64_enc_response_bytes.decode()\n\n url = redirect_uri\n session_state = str(user.get(\"session_id\", str(uuid.uuid4())))\n\n params = {response_type: b64_enc_response, \"session_state\": session_state}\n if state:\n params[\"state\"] = state\n\n parts = list(urlparse.urlparse(url))\n query = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(parts[4]))\n query.update(params)\n parts[4] = urlencode(query)\n\n redirect_url = urlparse.urlunparse(parts)\n\n self.redirect(redirect_url)\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def _do_token(self, requesting_user, params):\n code = params.get(\"code\", None)\n grant_type = params.get(\"grant_type\", None)\n redirect_uri = params.get(\"redirect_uri\", None)\n resource = params.get(\"resource\", None)\n state = params.get(\"state\", None)\n client_id = params.get(\"client_id\", None)\n client_secret = params.get(\"client_secret\", None)\n refresh_token = params.get(\"refresh_token\", None)\n tid = params.get(\"tenant_id\", None)\n token_type = \"bearer\"\n\n # if grant_type == code then code must not be empty\n # if grant_type == refresh_token then refresh_token must not be empty\n if grant_type == \"code\":\n if not code:\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Code must not be empty when grant_type is code\")\n elif grant_type == \"refresh_token\":\n if not refresh_token:\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Code must not be empty when grant_type is refresh_token\")\n else:\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Value of grant_type must be either code or refresh_token\")\n\n request_host = params.get(\"request_host\")\n oauth2_token_issuer = self.settings.get(\"oauth2_token_issuer\", request_host)\n oauth2_token_expiry_seconds = self.settings.get(\"oauth2_token_expiry_seconds\")\n exp = datetime.timedelta(seconds=oauth2_token_expiry_seconds)\n\n enc_code = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(code.encode())\n oauth2_private_key_handler = self.settings.get(\"oauth2_private_key_handler\")\n code_json_bytes = oauth2_private_key_handler.decrypt(enc_code)\n code_json = code_json_bytes.decode()\n code_dict = json.loads(code_json)\n\n user_id = code_dict.get(\"user_id\")\n code_iat = code_dict.get(\"iat\")\n\n if not user_id or not code_iat:\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Invalid code\")\n\n user = yield self.load_user(user_id)\n if not user:\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Invalid code\")\n\n #TODO: allow use of secret - otherwise its not secure\n\n #Make sure the code was not used earlier - otherwise its not secure\n code_status_id = code_dict.get(\"code_status_id\")\n if not code_status_id:\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Invalid code\")\n\n code_status = yield self.load_code_status(code_status_id)\n if not code_status:\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Invalid code. ", "Possibly server error.\")", "\n\n if code_status.get(\"used_at\"):\n code_status[\"duplicate_attempt\"] = True\n yield self.update_code_status(code_status)\n raise OAuth2RequestException(\"Code already used\")\n\n code_status[\"used_at\"] = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())\n saved = yield self.update_code_status(code_status)\n if not saved:\n logging.error(\"Could not save code status Id={}\".format(code_status_id))\n\n resource = code_dict.get(\"resource\")\n oauth2_private_key_pem = self.get_private_key_pem()\n\n response = get_token(aud=client_id,\n exp=exp,\n family_name=user.get(\"family_name\"),\n given_name=user.get(\"given_name\"),\n iat=str(int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())),\n iss=oauth2_token_issuer,\n nbf=str(int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())),\n oid=str(user.get(\"_id\")),\n sub=str(user.get(\"_id\")),\n tid=tid,\n unique_name=user.get(\"username\"),\n upn=user.get(\"username\"),\n service_private_pem=oauth2_private_key_pem)\n url = redirect_uri\n session_state = user.get(\"session_id\", str(uuid.uuid4()))\n response_type = \"access_token\"\n params = {response_type: response, \"session_state\": session_state, \"token_type\": token_type, \"resource\": resource}\n\n if state:\n params[\"state\"] = state\n\n parts = list(urlparse.urlparse(url))\n query = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(parts[4]))\n query.update(params)\n parts[4] = urlencode(query)\n\n redirect_url = urlparse.urlunparse(parts)\n\n self.redirect(redirect_url)\n\n def _collect_auth_request_parameters(self, tenant_id, function):\n params = {k: self.get_argument(k) for k in self.request.arguments}\n params[\"request_protocol\"] = self.request.protocol\n params[\"request_host\"] = self.request.host\n params[\"request_uri\"] = self.request.uri\n params[\"tenant_id\"] = tenant_id\n params[\"function\"] = function\n\n return params\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def insert_auth_request(self, params):\n obj_serv = self.settings['object_service']\n promise = obj_serv.insert(SYSTEM_USER, OAUTH2_REQUESTS_OBJECT_NAME, params)\n req_id = yield promise\n return req_id\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def load_auth_request(self, req_id):\n obj_serv = self.settings['object_service']\n cursor = obj_serv.load(SYSTEM_USER, OAUTH2_REQUESTS_OBJECT_NAME, req_id, [])\n request = yield cursor\n return request\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def insert_code_status(self, response):\n obj_serv = self.settings['object_service']\n promise = obj_serv.insert(SYSTEM_USER, OAUTH2_CODE_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME, response)\n code_status_id = yield promise\n return code_status_id\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def update_code_status(self, code_status):\n obj_serv = self.settings['object_service']\n promise = obj_serv.save(SYSTEM_USER, OAUTH2_CODE_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME, code_status)\n code_status_id = yield promise\n return code_status_id\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def load_code_status(self, code_status_id):\n obj_serv = self.settings['object_service']\n promise = obj_serv.load(SYSTEM_USER, OAUTH2_CODE_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME, code_status_id, [])\n code_status = yield promise\n return code_status\n\n @gen.coroutine\n def load_user(self, user_id):\n obj_serv = self.settings['object_service']\n cursor = obj_serv.load(SYSTEM_USER, COSMOS_USERS_OBJECT_NAME, user_id, [])\n user = yield cursor\n return user\n\n def get_private_key_pem(self):\n return self.settings.get(\"oauth2_private_key_pem\")\n\nToken generation and validation code\ndef get_token(**kwargs):\n service_private_pem = kwargs.get(\"service_private_pem\")\n if not service_private_pem:\n raise ValueError(\"service_private_pem is not defined\")\n\n aud = kwargs.get(\"aud\", None)\n exp = kwargs.get(\"exp\", None)\n family_name = kwargs.get(\"family_name\", None)\n given_name = kwargs.get(\"given_name\", None)\n\n token_payload = {\n \"aud\": aud,\n \"exp\": exp,\n \"family_name\": family_name,\n \"given_name\": given_name,\n \"ver\": \"1.0\"\n }\n\n iss = kwargs.get(\"iss\", None)\n if iss:\n token_payload[\"iss\"] = iss\n\n nbf = kwargs.get(\"nbf\", None)\n if nbf:\n token_payload[\"nbf\"] = nbf\n\n oid = kwargs.get(\"oid\", None)\n if oid:\n token_payload[\"oid\"] = oid\n\n sub = kwargs.get(\"sub\", None)\n if sub:\n token_payload[\"sub\"] = sub\n\n tid = kwargs.get(\"tid\", None)\n if tid:\n token_payload[\"tid\"] = tid\n\n unique_name = kwargs.get(\"unique_name\", None)\n if unique_name:\n token_payload[\"unique_name\"] = unique_name\n\n upn = kwargs.get(\"upn\", None)\n if upn:\n token_payload[\"upn\"] = upn\n\n priv_key = RSA.importKey(service_private_pem)\n token = jwt.generate_jwt(token_payload, priv_key, 'RS256', exp)\n\n return token\n\ndef verify_token(token, public_key_pem, alg_list):\n try:\n header, claims = jwt.verify_jwt(token, public_key_pem, alg_list)\n return header, claims\n except Exception as ex:\n raise ValidationError(ex)\n\nA:\n\nSecond part first:\n\nIn verify_token the return values are assigned - only to be\nimmediately returned. ", " I get that it might be nice in a debugger(?)", "\nbut there's really no reason for this - just return the values. ", " I'd\npossibly create a function that wraps other functions in such an\nexception handler, but that's probably overkill here.", "\ndict.get already defaults to returning None - I don't see a\nparticular reason why you'd specify that everywhere. ", " Defaults are\nreally useful to remove that clutter from your code.", "\nI'd also inline a lot of those variables to make the methods shorter\n(i.e. aud, exp and so on), or create a similar loop as described\nin the next point.", "\nThe repeated pattern with x = kwargs.get(\"x\"); if x: ...[\"x\"] = x\nshould also be refactored to remove repetition, e.g. by using a loop\ninstead:\nfor name in [\"iss\", \"nbf\", \"oid\", \"sub\", \"tid\", \"unique_name\", \"upn\"]:\n x = kwargs.get(name)\n if x:\n token_payload[name] = x\n\nI'd also reorder code fragments that belong together. ", " At the moment\nthe reader is jumping from service_private_pem to the initialisation\nof token_payload to only go back to the first variable in the second\nto last line, while token_payload is used in the last line. ", " I'd\nmove the RSA.importKey after the first block, then handle the\ntoken_payload and all associated things after, that way the order of\noperation is clearly distinguished.", "\n\nThat leaves the following (could probably still be improved with more\nfactoring of code, but hey, looks compact enough to me):\ndef get_token(**kwargs):\n service_private_pem = kwargs.get(\"service_private_pem\")\n if not service_private_pem:\n raise ValueError(\"service_private_pem is not defined\")\n priv_key = RSA.importKey(service_private_pem)\n\n token_payload = {\"ver\": \"1.0\"}\n\n for name in [\"aud\", \"exp\", \"family_name\", \"given_name\"]:\n token_payload[name] = kwargs.get(name)\n\n for name in [\"iss\", \"nbf\", \"oid\", \"sub\", \"tid\", \"unique_name\", \"upn\"]:\n x = kwargs.get(name)\n if x:\n token_payload[name] = x\n\n return jwt.generate_jwt(token_payload, priv_key, 'RS256', exp)\n\nNow for the first part. ", " Well that's a lot of code. ", " Okay, so small\nstuff:\n\nEmpty returns with no other afterwards don't do anything, so I'd leave\nthem out.", "\nlogging already supports arguments using %s and friends - the\ncalls can thus be written like logging.debug(\"... %s\", req_id) etc.", "\nthe six coroutine methods look awfully similar. ", " I'm not too familiar\nwith generators or the framework, so this could be wrong:\ndef _request_helper(self, *args):\n obj_serv = self.settings[\"object_service\"]\n promise = obj_serv.insert(SYSTEM_USER, OAUTH2_REQUESTS_OBJECT_NAME, *args)\n req_id = yield promise\n return req_id\n\nThis helper would then reused from the individual methods (though at\nthat point you could as well use that method directly?):", "\n@gen.coroutine\ndef insert_auth_request(self, params):\n return self._request_helper(params)\n\nIn _collect_auth_request_parameters the update of the dictionary\ncould be a bit more compact:\ndef _collect_auth_request_parameters(self, tenant_id, function):\n params = {k: self.get_argument(k) for k in self.request.arguments}\n params.update({\n \"request_protocol\": self.request.protocol,\n \"request_host\": self.request.host,\n \"request_uri\": self.request.uri,\n \"tenant_id\": tenant_id,\n \"function\": function\n })\n return params\n\nHaving these giant try/except blocks is just increasing the\nindentation. ", " I'd suggest that the inner part is either compacted so\nmuch as to fit into one screen, or moved into its own method.", "\nSimilarly having the return cases early can remove the indentation\nfrom the else branch, which makes the flow also a bit more clear.", "\nInitialising variables to None is also mostly not that useful.", "\n_do_authorize is just convoluted and can be cleaned up a lot by\nremoving all the code moving values around between the dictionaries.", "\nAnd again, sprinkling assignments out over the method like this makes\nfor a great treasure hunt, but doesn't help understanding the code too\nmuch. ", " Reassigning params also tripped me up during rewriting.", "\n_do_token is similarly just too much - perhaps no wonder considering\nit looks mostly like copy & paste from the method before. ", " IMO that's\nthe biggest mistake as it requires a lot of attention when trying to\ndeduplicate it again. ", " It's better to spend the effort creating a\n\"DRY\" implementation from the start.", "\nThe exceptions are mostly similar and can be moved into methods.", "\n\nActually I got confused when trying to clean up _do_authorize and\n_do_token, so I'll give up on that for now. ", " I can imagine that other\nreaders might have a similar problem. ", " I strongly suggest to\naggressively factor out common functions and creating more methods,\nhelper functions, whatever to help keep the line count and number of\nvariables to read down.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "His is the tired tactic of demanding others do his homework for him, then ignoring their efforts, then--when others become irritated and bored with wasting their time with his willful ignorance--tries to pretend that his ignorance is the State of the Field.", "\n\n--J.D.\n\nActually he has a lot of tired tactics. ", "Don't expect much out of a conversation from him. ", "This is the same person who claimed that he was perfectly all right in giving over a family of jews to the nazis, because he didn't want to tell a lie.", "\n\nHe has a long and documented history of punking out, and running away.", "\n\nLogged\n\n\"I drank what?!\"- Socrates\n\n\"Dying for something when you know you'll be resurrected is not a sacrifice.", "It's a parlour trick.\"- ", "an aquaintance\n\nPhilip of Macedon: (via messenger) If we enter Sparta, we will raze all your buildings and ravage all your women.", "Spartan Reply: If.", "\n\nHis is the tired tactic of demanding others do his homework for him, then ignoring their efforts, then--when others become irritated and bored with wasting their time with his willful ignorance--tries to pretend that his ignorance is the State of the Field.", "\n\n--J.D.\n\nActually he has a lot of tired tactics. ", "Don't expect much out of a conversation from him. ", "This is the same person who claimed that he was perfectly all right in giving over a family of jews to the nazis, because he didn't want to tell a lie.", "\n\nHe has a long and documented history of punking out, and running away.", "\n\nI really don't need this crap. ", "I will never understand why some of you are so intent on doing nothing more than taking jabs. ", "I just don't get it. ", "If I am that big of a bore and a poor source of conversation, then I will just \"punk out.\" ", "Ciao.", "\n\nI really don't need this crap. ", "I will never understand why some of you are so intent on doing nothing more than taking jabs. ", "I just don't get it. ", "If I am that big of a bore and a poor source of conversation, then I will just \"punk out.\" ", "Ciao.", "\n\nBecause you don't offer anything of use. ", "You provide nothing that can't be tossed away with the slightest bit of actual thought invested into it. ", "Take the paper that you cited to PP. ", "The fact that it talks about having a requirement of heat hotter than the sun would have given pause to most people before they started using that in an argument. ", "Larissa has asked you to provide proof from actual scientists to back up your claims. ", "You seem incapable of doing this, or of providing any information that requires more than a grade school level of education to be considered ridiculous. ", "How are we supposed to react to you?", "\n\nCome up with something that isn't the intellectual equivalent of scribbling on the wall of a mens room. ", "Then maybe you'll actually be worth taking seriously. ", "As it stands now, you're a waste of time, just as you were before.", "\n\nHowever, as I predicted, you've opted to run off again. ", "Just as you always have before. ", "You could have stood up and actually been a man, presented some real thought-out arguments. ", "However I know better than to expect this from you.", "\n\nLogged\n\n\"I drank what?!\"- Socrates\n\n\"Dying for something when you know you'll be resurrected is not a sacrifice.", "It's a parlour trick.\"- ", "an aquaintance\n\nPhilip of Macedon: (via messenger) If we enter Sparta, we will raze all your buildings and ravage all your women.", "Spartan Reply: If.", "\n\nLike I said, BS, you have a long and well-documented history of this. ", "You ran away from your debate with UP, you ran away from the thread where you were revealed to be the kind of monster who would turn people over to the nazis without guilt, you always run away, so stop trying to be a drama queen. ", "No one is impressed.", "\n\nMaybe, just maybe, this is why no one is interested in doing anything but taking jabs at you.", "\n\nLogged\n\n\"I drank what?!\"- Socrates\n\n\"Dying for something when you know you'll be resurrected is not a sacrifice.", "It's a parlour trick.\"- ", "an aquaintance\n\nPhilip of Macedon: (via messenger) If we enter Sparta, we will raze all your buildings and ravage all your women.", "Spartan Reply: If.", "\n\nSo . . . ", "who wants to start the Who Chased Biblestudent Out And What Are We Prepared To Do To Get Him Back? ", "thread?", "\n\nWhat?", "\n\n--J.D.\n\n-Puts on sunglasses- Bring it on.", "\n\nWell, that was that, already gone? ", "What a shame. ", "I seriously was thinking he'd at the least keep going and try to give evidence, but the only time he did provide showed something that's impossible on Earth to achie- OH MY GOD, HE'S THE GUY THAT WROTE THE WHOLE \"I'D GIVE THE JEWS UP TO THE NAZIS BECAUSE I'M TELLING THE TRUTH\"? ", "What a jerk!", "\n\nActually, you have no evidence that life ever came from non-life so whatever your starting point for evolution is hinges on the nature of what that abiogenesis event(s) consisted of. ", "What is evolution's starting point ? ", "Your answer, at this point, is I don't know and I don't care because all I need to do is claim that life came from non-life. ", "Again, do you see the blind faith involved in your assertion and the inseparability of evolution with abiogenesis ?", "\n\nNice goalpost shifting, BS. ", "I am always amused when Christians act this way. ", "It's a great demonstration on how your belief is circumstantial. ", "And it's always hilarious when you demonstrate my point that abiogenesis is not the same as evolutionary theory and doesn't require it. ", "It is sad taht you find it necessary to lie about me. ", "Again, how can a Christian who is supposedly so against lying, lie so much? ", "Is your immortal soul so worthless? ", "No, dear, my answer is not \"I dont' know and I don't care\". ", "Evidence has convinced me that abiogenesis is the likely correct answer. ", "We don't know how yet, but that doesnt' automatically mean \"goddidit\" as you would have it.", "\n\nI showed you, it is observable. ", "I don't care what other opinions are. ", "I have shown evidence. ", "That's what you should be looking at, yes?", "\n\nQuote\n\nIn other words, there are different positions within the science of micro/macro evolution??....and it's open to interpretation and cherry picking (<-----the very thing you accused me of) ? ", "That sounds like the same thing us Bible thumpers get clobbered for.", "\n\nNo, again, not in your other words. ", "Sad that we see more lies. ", "There are not differeing positions in how evolution moves forward in incremental steps, which end up in the species changes we see. ", "And unless you can show there is any cherry picking or interpretation, you again are a liar. ", "I dont' mind constantly demonstrating this. ", "It does nothing but show how deceitful Christians are and how harmful religion is. ", "Please show your evidence. ", "I'm waiting. ", "But I see that you are again looking for a way to run away from my questions and requests for evidence. ", "I know you'll be back in a couple of months thinking that everyone has forgot about your ignorance and cowardice. ", "That's how it often is with Christians like you. ", "It's sad that there are indeed some decent people out there who also call themselves Christians. ", "I guess it goes to show that a title and supposed belief does nothing for behavior.", "\n\nLogged\n\n\"There is no use in arguing with a man who can multiply anything by the square root of minus 1\" - Pirates of Venus, ERB\n\nThis is the same person who claimed that he was perfectly all right in giving over a family of jews to the nazis, because he didn't want to tell a lie.", "\n\nHe has a long and documented history of punking out, and running away.", "\n\nAh right. ", "I remember the thread, but I'd forgotten that BS was the protagonist. (", "After a while, all these theists seem to merge into one, and I can't tell them apart).", "\n\nOn that occasion last September, Azdgari presented BS with the initial dilemma; Alzael, Truehyuga and I (and others) refined the conditions, but it fell to me to make the final formulation:\n\nQuote\n\nAre you still trying to say that informing on Jews to Nazis was not a crime and a sin?", "\n\nThink, BS. ", "This shouldn't be a difficult question. ", "Most people understand that genocide is wrong, and that therefore collaborating in genocide is wrong.", "\n\nBS, while you're considering your reply, bear in mind the implication of insisting that collaboration is not a sin.", "\n\nIf you believe this, you are truly lost. ", "If you truly don't understand the immorality of informing on Jews to Nazis, then all your claims to an objective morality which you can apply to any situation to decide the right course of action are revealed to be totally hollow. ", "Your 'objective morality' has led you into helping the Nazis achieve their evil purpose.", "\n\nAnd the worst thing is, you don't even recognize that in so doing, you're being just as evil as they are.", "\n\nTo which BS replied (and I used this as a sig for a while):\n\nQuote\n\nQuote\n\nAre you still trying to say that informing on Jews to Nazis was not a crime and a sin?", "\n\nThat is correct.", "\n\nIn his next post he withdrew from the thread for spurious reasons. ", "My (our) accusations remained unanswered, and three days later he abandoned the forum - until his return five days ago, when he bounces back as if nothing had happened.", "\n\nIt is funny: on ANOTHER FORUM I [Trolled--Ed.] ", "mentioned my usual \"What about the genocides?\" ", "question regarding the \"Loving God the Bible,\" [Tm.--Ed.]. ", "I received the usual \"lies!\" ", "and the like then \"ur taking it out of contexts!\" . . . ", "yadda . . . ", "yadda . . . ", "until finally my target claimed that it was \"good\" that children were slaughtered--since YHWH \"must\" be good. ", "Leave aside the passages where YHWH admits to doing evil!", "\n\nI have seen that excuse a number of times: that it \"must\" be \"good\" since YHWH ordered it. ", "The comparisons to the Nazi is, of course, obvious. ", "In fact, the same rationalizations and pathetic apologies were made to justify slaughtering children. ", "For example: the person claimed that \"YHWH knew\" that the children would \"grow up to be bad.\" ", "Yup, cannot let those Jewish children grow up to be adults, right? ", "Same sick rationalization. ", "Then there is the \"well, they go to Heaven!\" ", "Awesome. ", "Why did they have to die again?", "\n\n[He pontificates on his past Internet triumphs for a few more pages.--Ed.]", "\n\nAnyways, what I found--and continue to find--intriguing is I offer an \"out.\" ", "In reality, the Conquest stories never happened--just as the Matthean \"slaughter of the innocents\" never happened. ", "Why would someone make up a genocide?", "\n\nBecause that is what other nations did to you. ", "We do have records of victories over \"Israel\" which include devotion to destruction to the conqueror's deity. ", "Sort of like imagining Rambo and Chuck Norris [PBUH--Ed.] ", "going off to win Vietnam, win Afghanistan, and--I do not know--beat the French again. ", "The stories of the Patriarchs-Conquest are just that--a mythic past. ", "One mark of a great nation/empire is to squish other people; to carry off their people into slavery and worse. ", "What is good in life Conan?", "\n\nThe \"out\" for believers is to accept that the stories are stories and move on. ", "Few take it for to admit there are \"mere stories\" in \"the Bible\" suggest much of the rest is similarly just that: \"stories.\" ", "If the Bible is inerrant to you, than you have to justify all of the contradictions, nasty bits, and flat Earths!", "\n\n[ZZZZZzzzZZZZZz--Ed.]", "\n\nSo why does a Biblestudent bother? ", "To feel a champion for his fairy tales. ", "Why do atheists troll Rapture Ready? ", "The negative reaction feels like validation: you have to be correct if what you say pisses off so many people, apparently. ", "However, that emotion can only take you so far. ", "At some point the contradictions pile up, so you have to go away and forget about them again.", "\n\n^^^^ The part that I remember most about the thread was spending all that time trying to explain to him why his attempts to prove an \"objective\" morality didn't work when the source of that morality is god.", "\n\nLogged\n\n\"I drank what?!\"- Socrates\n\n\"Dying for something when you know you'll be resurrected is not a sacrifice.", "It's a parlour trick.\"- ", "an aquaintance\n\nPhilip of Macedon: (via messenger) If we enter Sparta, we will raze all your buildings and ravage all your women.", "Spartan Reply: If.", "\n\nThanks, Doc. ", "Actually, some of my best work has been done in the Pit, and therefore doesn't garner the respect (points) which might otherwise accrue.", "\n\nLook at my recent discussion with Davedave in the Pit: people have publicly expressed appreciation of my contributions; by PM, there has been encouragement and admiration; and I have privately received several offers of hot sex, no-strings-attached, in a hotel of my choice.", "\n\nForget the hot sex. ", "Or the Respect points. ", "What I really needed was a yellow blob patting me, another yellow blob, on the head in commiseration.", "\n\nAnd yet strangely, I'm touched. ", "The good doctor, notwithstanding his onerous ongoing commitments, took the trouble to consult his enormous library of emoticons and select the most apt symbol of compassion, just for me. ", "He didn't have to do that. ", "He could have simply plucked from his memory an appropriate aphorism from Tennyson, Nietzsche or Seinfeld; but he went for the personal touch. ", "Much appreciated, Doc." ]
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[ "Transplantation of subalpine wood-pasture turfs along a natural climatic gradient reveals lower resistance of unwooded pastures to climate change compared to wooded ones.", "\nClimate change could impact strongly on cold-adapted mountain ecosystems, but little is known about its interaction with traditional land-use practices. ", "We used an altitudinal gradient to simulate a year-round warmer and drier climate for semi-natural subalpine grasslands across a landscape of contrasting land-use management. ", "Turf mesocosms from three pasture-woodland land-use types-unwooded pasture, sparsely wooded pasture, and densely wooded pasture-spanning a gradient from high to low management intensity were transplanted downslope to test their resistance to two intensities of climate change. ", "We found strong overall effects of intensive (+4 K) experimental climate change (i.e., warming and reduced precipitation) on plant community structure and function, while moderate (+2 K) climate change did not substantially affect the studied land-use types, thus indicating an ecosystem response threshold to moderate climate perturbation. ", "The individual land-use types were affected differently under the +4 K scenario, with a 60% decrease in aboveground biomass (AGB) in unwooded pasture turfs, a 40% decrease in sparsely wooded pasture turfs, and none in densely wooded ones. ", "Similarly, unwooded pasture turfs experienced a 30% loss of species, advanced (by 30 days) phenological development, and a mid-season senescence due to drought stress, while no such effects were recorded for the other land-use types. ", "The observed contrasting effects of climate change across the pasture-woodland landscape have important implications for future decades. ", "The reduced impact of climate change on wooded pastures as compared to unwooded ones should promote the sustainable land use of wooded pastures by maintaining low management intensity and a sparse forest canopy, which buffer the immediate impacts of climate change on herbaceous vegetation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to print a star pattern?", "\n\nI want to print the following star pattern using JavaScript:\n***** \n ***\n *\n ***\n*****\n\nAnd I am trying this code, where I am getting off a triangle:\n\nfor (i = 3; i >= 1; i--) {\r\n /* Printing spaces */\r\n for (j = 0; j <= 3 - i; j++) {\r\n document.write(\"&nbsp\");\r\n }\r\n /* Printing stars */\r\n k = 0;\r\n while (k !", "= (2 * i - 1)) {\r\n document.write(\"*\");\r\n k++;\r\n }\r\n\r\n document.write(\"<br/>\")\r\n}\n\nA:\n\ntry this code\nafter i==1 create new pattern inside it\n\nfor (i = 3; i >= 1; i--) {\r\n /* Printing spaces */\r\n for (j = 0; j <= 3 - i; j++) {\r\n document.write(\"&nbsp\");\r\n }\r\n /* Printing stars */\r\n k = 0;\r\n while (k !", "= (2 * i - 1)) {\r\n document.write(\"*\");\r\n k++;\r\n }\r\n\r\n document.write(\"<br/>\")\r\n if (i == 1) {\r\n for (t = 2; t <= 3; t++) {\r\n\r\n for (j = 0; j <= 3 - t; j++) {\r\n document.write(\"&nbsp\");\r\n }\r\n /* Printing stars */\r\n k = 0;\r\n while (k !", "= (2 * t - 1)) {\r\n document.write(\"*\");\r\n k++;\r\n }\r\n document.write(\"<br/>\")\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "National Radio Orchestra of Romania\n\nThe Romanian Radio National Orchestra – is the symphony radio orchestra, part of the Romanian Radio Orchestras and Choirs. ", "Concerts are held during all season at the \"Mihail Jora\" Concert Studio, well known as Sala Radio (Radio Concert Hall), located in Bucharest (Romania), 60-64 General Berthelot Street.", "\n\nChief conductors \nMihail Jora\nAlfred Alessandrescu\nTheodor Rogalski\nIonel Perlea\nConstantin Silvestri\nIosif Conta\nEmanuel Elenescu\nMendi Rodan\nPaul Popescu\nHoria Andreescu\n Tiberiu Soare\n\nExternal links \nNational Radio Orchestra of Romania official site\n\nCategory:Romanian orchestras\nCategory:Radio and television orchestras\nCategory:Musical groups established in 1928" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nChoosing a solr/lucene commit strategy\n\nI have 120k db records to commit into a Solr index. ", "\nMy question is:\nshould I commit after submitting every 10k records, or only commit once after submitting all the 120k records? ", "\nIs there any difference between these two options?", "\n\nA:\n\nUse Solr's default auto-commit values, which I believe are quite reasonable. ", "If not, you can adjust them to suit your needs:\n<!-- ", "autocommit pending docs if certain criteria are met. ", " Future versions may expand the available\n criteria -->\n<autoCommit>\n <maxDocs>10000</maxDocs> <!-- ", "maximum uncommited docs before autocommit triggered -->\n <maxTime>50000</maxTime> <!-- ", "maximum time (in MS) after adding a doc before an autocommit is triggered -->\n</autoCommit>\n\nThis means that it will commit when there are more than 10000 docs waiting to be committed, or 50s have passed since a document was added.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Furnace Maintenance\n\nFurnace Maintenance\n\nClick To See Full Size\n\nThe best thing you can do to help keep your furnace running properly is to change your filter every month. ", "The second thing to do is call All Climate Mechanical to service your furnace with a yearly cleaning and inspection.", "\n\nCombustion efficiency is a measurement of how well the fuel being burned is being utilized in the combustion process. ", "This is different from the efficiency number produced on the analyzer, which is reflective of the total amount of heat available from the fuel minus the losses from the gasses going up the stack. ", "Stack loss is a measure of the heat carried away by dry flue gases and the moisture loss. ", "It is a good indicator of appliance efficiency. ", "The stack temperature is the temperature of the combustion gases (dry and water vapor) leaving the appliance, and reflects the energy that did not transfer from the fuel to the heat exchanger. ", "The lower the stack temperature, the more effective the heat exchanger design or heat transfer and the higher the fuel-to-air/water/steam efficiency is. ", "The combustion efficiency calculation considers both the stack temperature and the net heat and moisture losses. ", "This would include losses from dry gas plus losses from the moisture and losses from the production of CO.", "\n\nThe Dangers of Carbon Monoxide\n\nHave you done all you can to protect your family, employees or tenants? ", "Carbon monoxide detectors are a great start, but they will only alert you when there is a problem – they will not prevent the problem from occurring or fix it once it happens. ", "Proper maintenance and cleaning of your gas fueled appliances and equipment is crucial to the prevention of carbon monoxide exposure.", "\n\nA combustion analysis is the best way to determine if your furnace is running properly. ", "Having this analysis performed in conjunction with a furnace tune up may even qualify you for a rebate from your natural gas provider. ", "CenterPoint Energy will pay a rebate every other year for a furnace tune-up.", "\n\nWhat to Look For\n\nThe following danger signs may indicate a greater risk for carbon monoxide\n\nA gas flame that is burning yellow or orange. (", "All gas flames should burn BLUE)\n\nCorrosion around exhaust vent pipes.", "\n\nImproper ventilation\n\nSooty stains on or above appliances\n\nBlocked chimney or flue\n\nSymptoms of Carbon Monoxide Exposure\n\nUnexplained tiredness and drowsiness\n\nHeadaches that improve when you are away from your residence\n\nDizziness\n\nChest Pains\n\nNausea\n\nIf you are experiencing these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.", "\n\nCarbon monoxide: Code often allows 400 parts per million (ppm). ", "But to be safe you would not want to see any more than 150 ppm. ", "A reading above 150 ppm would be a red flag to double-check the combustion. ", "High levels of carbon monoxide suggest that there is not enough oxygen for the amount of fuel being burned. ", "Or, conversely, there is too much fuel for the amount of oxygen. ", "High carbon monoxide levels also indicate that there is not complete combustion and that fuel is being wasted.", "\n\nDepending upon the appliance, you can generally adjust air, fuel or both. ", "If you find high levels of carbon monoxide, either increase the oxygen or decrease the fuel until you find safe carbon monoxide measurements in the flue." ]
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[ "During his campaign for the Conservative-party leadership, Boris Johnson promised to establish free ports in the UK as one solution to dealing with the disruptive effects of Brexit for business. ", "Free ports are zones where normal customs rules don’t apply so that goods are imported tariff-free and can be used there in manufacturing.", "\n\nAfter Brexit, for example, this could be beneficial for UK car manufacturers as they would not have to pay UK tariffs on parts from the EU, though they would still be liable for tariffs on the re-exporting of cars to the EU.", "\n\nNobody seems to be worried that this separate arrangement will threaten Teesside or Milford Haven’s status as part of the UK\n\nAt the beginning of August, UK minister for international trade Liz Truss began a process to choose which ports will be so favoured. ", "Teesside and Milford Haven have been mentioned as possible candidates, as they are located in economically depressed regions. ", "She also suggested that such free ports could be accorded special tax and regulatory regimes to make them even more attractive for business.", "\n\nFrom the early 1950s until Ireland joined the EU in 1973, Shannon Airport was such a “free port”. ", "This facilitated the growth in exporting firms in the zone around the airport, at a time when companies located elsewhere in Ireland had to pay prohibitive tariffs on imported inputs.", "\n\nGiven that advantage, a significant number of firms established themselves in Shannon, and they exported nearly everything they produced. ", "Over time, as tariffs on imports from Europe were reduced, and eventually abolished with EU entry, the benefits of this regime diminished; the special status disappeared in 1973.", "\n\nHowever, while free port status for Shannon was beneficial in the 1950s and 1960s because of the high tariffs on imports into Ireland, the UK of the 2020s is unlikely to operate such a high import tariff system. ", "That means the comparative gains from free port status would be lower, making it less likely that large manufacturing firms would relocate just to benefit from this regime.", "\n\nTo help the UK car industry, it would make more sense to nominate areas as free ports where their plants are already located (eg in Sunderland, for Nissan) rather than expecting the firms to move to a new free port.", "\n\nCustoms duties\n\nThe benefits of free port status will apply just to export goods, not to goods manufactured within the designated area and sold elsewhere in the UK. ", "These will be liable for customs duties once they cross the border of the free-port zone. ", "Otherwise, any goods would be able to enter the UK tariff-free by passing thorough a free port.", "\n\nSo cars made in a free port Sunderland using imported parts would attract some tariffs if sold to consumers elsewhere within the UK.", "\n\nIt is clear that a key feature of the proposed new UK free ports is that they will have a different customs regime and possibly also different tax and regulatory regimes than the rest of the UK. ", "This will mean controls on movement between the free ports and the rest of the UK.", "\n\nNobody seems to be worried that this separate arrangement will threaten Teesside or Milford Haven’s status as part of the UK.", "\n\nThe original agreement between the EU and UK in December 2017 involved special status for Northern Ireland – basically a somewhat more generous version of the regime the UK government currently proposes for free ports in Britain.", "\n\nHowever, because the DUP felt that having separate customs and regulatory rules for Northern Ireland would threaten its status within the UK, they forced a change. ", "Instead of special status for Northern Ireland, the “special status” would apply to all of the UK – the backstop – until they found a way out of it.", "\n\nAs the DUP have not opposed the new UK government’s proposals on free port status for Teesside and Milford Haven, one solution to the current Brexit impasse would be to apply free port status to all of Northern Ireland, with terms along the lines of the December 2017 deal.", "\n\nThat would not only avoid the need for the backstop, but would represent a good deal for Northern Ireland.", "\n\nWhile this solution would mean the terms of the free port status for Northern Ireland would be a bit different from those for favoured British ports, the common feature of all such free ports would be restrictions on the movement of goods across their borders to the rest of the UK, reflecting the different customs and regulatory regimes inside free port zones. ", "If declaring Teesside a free port doesn’t threaten the union (and no-one suggests it would), why would a free port Northern Ireland?" ]
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[ "Cardiorespiratory fitness and sedentary activities are associated with adiposity in adolescents.", "\nTo determine whether physical activity, sedentary activities, and/or cardiorespiratory fitness are related to waist circumference in adolescents, as previously reported in adults. ", "The study subjects were a representative sample of Spanish adolescents (N = 2859; 1357 boys, 1502 girls; age, 13 to 18.5 years), all of whom were involved in the AVENA (Food and Assessment of the Nutritional Status of Adolescents) study. ", "BMI, waist circumference, pubertal maturation status, and cardiorespiratory fitness were measured in all. ", "Leisure-time physical activity, sedentary activities, active commuting to school, and socioeconomic status were assessed by self-reported questionnaires. ", "No relationship was found between leisure-time physical activity and BMI or waist circumference. ", "In contrast, and in both boys and girls and after adjustment for confounding variables, cardiorespiratory fitness was found to be inversely associated with waist circumference and BMI, independent of sedentary activities or physical activity (p < or = 0.001). ", "The maximum oxygen consumption explained 13% of the variance in waist circumference in boys and 16% in girls. ", "Sedentary activities were independently and directly related to waist circumference in both boys and girls (p < or = 0.05) and to BMI in boys (p < or = 0.05). ", "Sedentary activities explained 10% of the variance in waist circumference in boys and 18% in girls. ", "The BMI-adjusted waist circumference was inversely correlated with cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight-obese boys (p < or = 0.05) and showed a trend toward significance in girls (p < or = 0.1). ", "Both moderate to high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness and sedentary activities, but not physical activity, are associated with lower abdominal adiposity, as measured by waist circumference." ]
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[ "Students work in groups to investigate one of the following factors driving climate change: greenhouse gases, sea level rise and melting sea ice. ", "The investigation involves conducting an experiment, connecting to real-world data and presenting a...(View More) poster summary of their findings. ", "The lesson includes experiment procedures (with pictures), a rubric for poster evaluation, a Powerpoint presentation (incorporating NASA videos), extensions, and additional resources.(View Less)\n\nStudents will use NASA's Global Climate Change website to research five of the key indicators (vital signs) of Earth’s climate health. ", "These indicators are: global surface temperature, carbon dioxide concentrations, sea level, Arctic sea ice, and...(View More) land ice. ", "They will use this information, shared in their expert groups, to create an informative poster about their assigned key indicator. ", "The poster will be used by other groups to learn about all five of the key indicators and how Earth scientists use these indicators to analyze changes in Earth’s climate. ", "The lesson plan uses the 5E instructional sequence.(View Less)\n\nIn this activity, the class will brainstorm, write, create, and produce a play in which they represent how all the Earth systems are interconnected. ", "This play can be based on the Elementary GLOBE book All About Earth: Our World on Stage. ", "Uses...(View More) commonly-available materials (e.g., chart paper and markers) and materials for costumes and props, which can be as simple or elaborate as time and money afford. ", "This is the concluding activity of a series of companion learning activities to this book. ", "Includes teacher implementation guide.(View Less)\n\nWorking in pairs, students will create experimental conditions in terrariums in order to study what plants need to live. ", "Variables to study include the presence or absence of soil, water, and sunlight. ", "Students will record the growth of radish...(View More) plants as well as observations of \"the water cycle\" in their terrariums. ", "At the conclusion of their experiments, students will share their results with the class and discuss how water, Earth materials, and air are all necessary to support living things. ", "The activities use commonly-available or inexpensive materials (e.g., chart paper, clear soda bottles, potting soil, radish seeds, paper towels, water, tape, foil, and index cards). ", "This is the first of three sets of learning activities that are companion activities to the Elementary GLOBE children's book, All About Earth: Our World on Stage. ", "Includes a teacher implementation guide. ", "GLOBE (Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment) is a worldwide, hands-on, K-12 school-based science education program.(View Less)\n\nIn this activity, student teams create a knowledge map of the essential characteristics or factors of a planet with a habitable climate, identifying range of inputs, outputs and variables of a planetary environmental system. ", "Identified...(View More) characteristics are compared to extreme environments on Earth, such as the Antarctic or the Sahara desert, and are used to consider the real life challenge of searching for life in extreme environments. ", "The resource includes a student data sheet, questions, teacher's guide and scoring rubric. ", "This is Activity B of two activities in the first module, titled \"Temperature variations and habitability,\" of the resource, Earth Climate Course: What Determines a Planet's Climate? ", "The course aims to help students to develop an understanding of our environment as a system of human and natural processes that result in changes that occur over various space and time scales.(View Less)\n\nIn this activity, students simulate the interaction of variables, including carbon dioxide, in a radiation balance exercise using a spreadsheet-based radiation balance model. ", "Through a series of experiments, students attempt to mimic the surface...(View More) temperatures of Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars, and account for the influence of greenhouse gases in atmospheric temperatures. ", "The activity supports inquiry into the real-world problem of contemporary climate change. ", "Student-collected data is needed from activity A in the same module, \"How do atmospheres interact with solar energy?\" ", "to complete this activity. ", "Included in the resource are several student data sheets and a teacher's guide. ", "This activity is part of module 4, \"How do Atmospheres Affect Planetary Temperatures?\" ", "in Earth Climate Course: What Determines a Planet's Climate? ", "The course aims to help students to develop an understanding of our environment as a system of human and natural processes that result in changes that occur over various space and time scales.(View Less)" ]
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[ "1966 Kansas State Wildcats football team\n\nThe 1966 Kansas State Wildcats football team represented Kansas State University in the 1966 NCAA University Division football season. ", " The team's head football coach was Doug Weaver. ", " It was the last year at the helm of the Wildcats for Doug Weaver. ", " The Wildcats played their home games in Memorial Stadium for the second to last year. ", " The Wildcats finished the season with a 0–9–1 record with a 0–6–1 record in conference play. ", " They finished in a tie for seventh place. ", " The Wildcats scored 66 points and gave up 226 points.", "\n\nSchedule\n\nReferences\n\nKansas State\nCategory:Kansas State Wildcats football seasons\nCategory:College football winless seasons\nKansas State Wildcats football" ]
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[ "Recently, in the field of NAND-type flash memories, attention has been focused on a laminated-type (three-dimensional) NAND-type flash memory as a device that can achieve high integration without being restricted by the limit of resolution of the lithography technology. ", "This type of three-dimensional NAND-type flash memory includes a laminated body and a semiconductor layer. ", "In the laminated body, a plurality of conductive films and interlayer insulating films are alternately laminated. ", "The conductive film functions as word lines and selection gate lines. ", "The semiconductor layer is formed to pass through these laminated films. ", "This semiconductor layer functions as a body of a memory string. ", "Between the semiconductor layer and the conductive film, a memory film that includes an electric charge accumulating layer is formed.", "\nThis three-dimensional NAND-type flash memory has a large number of wirings and contacts for coupling various wirings and an external circuit together. ", "Accordingly, it is required to reduce the resistance values of these portions." ]
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[ "`Asam\n\n`Asam is a village in eastern Yemen. ", "It is located in the Hadhramaut Governorate.", "\n\nExternal links\nTowns and villages in the Hadhramaut Governorate\n\nCategory:Populated places in Hadhramaut Governorate\nCategory:Villages in Yemen" ]
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[ "Cinco de los seis votos que rechazaron el habeas corpus presentado por el expresidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva para evitar la cárcel y apelar su condena por corrupción en libertad provinieron de jueces nombrados durante los 12 años de gobierno del Partido de los Trabajadores\n\nCinco de los seis votos que rechazaron el habeas corpus presentado por el expresidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva para evitar la cárcel y apelar su condena por corrupción en libertad provinieron de jueces nombrados durante los 12 años de gobierno del Partido de los Trabajadores (PT).", "\n\n\n\n\n\nLa fidelidad partidaria, en este caso, brilló por su ausencia, en un tribunal que se encuentra bajo presión debido al gran poder que tiene la Operación Lava Jato y muchos de los antiguos enemigos de Lula en el Supremo Tribunal Federal se convirtieron en los más garantistas, a su favor.", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Missouri opens session to consider impeachment of governor\n\nDavid A. Lieb\n\nMissouri Gov. Eric Greitens speaks to a small group of supporters announcing the release of funds for the state's biodiesel program Thursday, May 17, 2018, in Jefferson City, Mo. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)\n\nMay 18, 2018 - 6:22 PM\n\nJEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Missouri lawmakers opened a historic special session Friday to consider whether to impeach Gov. Eric Greitens for a variety of allegations ranging from sexual misconduct to misuse of a veterans' charity donor list for his political campaign.", "\n\nIt marked the first time Missouri lawmakers had ever achieved the supermajority necessary to summon themselves into a special session. ", "And depending on the outcome of the session, Greitens could become the first Missouri governor ever impeached in an attempt to oust him from office.", "\n\nBut Friday also contained a victory for the Republican governor, as a prosecutor said he had decided not to charge Greitens with a misdemeanour of filing a false campaign finance report. ", "Earlier this week, another prosecutor decided to drop an invasion-of-privacy charge stemming from what Greitens has described as a consensual extramarital affair in 2015.", "\n\nThe opening evening of the special session was quick and merely procedural. ", "In the House, proposed rules were filed that would let the public watch the hearings in most circumstances but wouldn't allow the governor's attorneys to call and cross-examine witnesses as they had desired.", "\n\nThe rules would expand the membership of a special House investigatory committee that has been meeting since March and grant it the authority to decide whether to file articles of impeachment. ", "If a majority of the Republican-led House votes to impeach Greitens, the Republican-led Senate then would appoint a judicial panel for a trial on whether to remove him from office.", "\n\nThe Missouri Constitution says executive officeholders can be impeached for crimes, misconduct and \"moral turpitude,\" among other things. ", "It does not require a conviction in a criminal court.", "\n\nGreitens already faces a felony charge in St. Louis of tampering with computer data for allegedly disclosing a donor list of The Mission Continues to his political fundraiser in 2015 without the permission of the veterans' charity he founded. ", "That charge came after Republican Attorney General Josh Hawley shared information with the St. Louis circuit attorney's office.", "\n\nHawley also had shared evidence with Cole County Prosecutor Mark Richardson for another potential charge of filing a false campaign finance report about the charity donor list in April 2017.", "\n\n\"After due consideration, I have decided not to file the criminal charge suggested\" by the attorney general's office, Richardson said Friday without explaining why not. ", "He declined to comment further.", "\n\nHawley spokeswoman Mary Compton said in a written statement that the office \"stands by its determination that the information provided supports a determination of probable cause.\"", "\n\n\"From the beginning, our position has been the governor and his campaign wouldn't and didn't do anything to hurt the charity he founded,\" Hanaway said.", "\n\nGreitens' finance report, which was the result of an ethics complaint settlement, listed the charity donor list as an in-kind contribution valued at $600 provided on March 1, 2015, by Danny Laub, who was functioning as Greitens' campaign manager.", "\n\nBut Laub testified to the attorney general this year that he wasn't the source of the donor list.", "\n\nRecords released this month by a special House investigatory committee show that Greitens himself received the charity donor list in 2014 so he could call key supporters and explain that he was stepping down as CEO.", "\n\nThe legislative report indicated that Greitens later directed political aides to work off the charity's list to raise money for his gubernatorial campaign — even though he had signed an agreement never to disclose the charity's confidential donor information.", "\n\nGreitens' attorneys have contended he was entitled to use the list because it contained contact information for people he had cultivated as donors to the charity. ", "But The Mission Continues says it never gave Greitens permission to use the list for political purposes, and federal law bars 501(c)(3) charities such as The Mission Continues from intervening in political campaigns on behalf of candidates.", "\n\nThe Associated Press first reported in October 2016 that Greitens' campaign had obtained a list of individuals, corporations and other nonprofits that had given at least $1,000 to The Mission Continues. ", "The AP reported that Greitens raised about $2 million from those who had previously given significant amounts to the charity.", "\n\nDuring their special session, lawmakers also will be considering allegations of sexual misconduct against Greitens. ", "A St. Louis prosecutor on Monday dropped a felony invasion-of-privacy charge alleging Greitens had taken and transmitted a nonconsensual photo of the woman involved in the affair while she was at least partially nude in the basement of his home in March 2015.", "\n\nThe House investigatory committee has released additional testimony from the woman alleging that Greitens slapped and shoved her during other sexual encounters.", "\n\nGreitens has hired attorneys Ross Garber and Eddie Greim to represent his office in the potential impeachment proceedings. ", "Garber is to be paid $320 an hour and Greim's law firm $340 an hour from taxpayer funds.", "\n\nBut Hawley said Friday that the governor's office lacks the legal authority to hire private attorneys without the consent of the attorney general's office. ", "Hawley said Greitens' office hadn't sought permission.", "\n\nGreitens spokesman Parker Briden said it's a long-established fact that governors can hire attorneys to represent them in an official capacity.", "\n\nOPINION The end of a long weekend always feels like a breakup out of a movie. ", "With two lovers parting ways from what has been an incredible adventure and Take my breath away playing in the background. ", "They" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nОшибка при установке Angular 2 на Ubuntu 14\n\nИспользую этот туториал для начала работы с Angular 2. ", "\nnode -v = v5.10.0\nnpm -v = 3.8.3\n\nКоманда npm install выполнилась с одним warning-ом\nКоманда npm start выдает следующее:\nevents.js:154\n[1] throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event\n[1] ^\n[1] \n[1] Error: watch node_modules/systemjs/test/tests/reldynamic.js ENOSPC\n[1] at exports._errnoException (util.js:890:11)\n[1] at FSWatcher.start (fs.js:1313:19)\n[1] at Object.fs.watch (fs.js:1341:11)\n[1] at createFsWatchInstance (/home/r/www/angular.loc/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:37:15)\n[1] at setFsWatchListener (/home/r/www/angular.loc/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:80:15)\n[1] at FSWatcher.", "NodeFsHandler._watchWithNodeFs (/home/r/www/angular.loc/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:228:14)\n[1] at FSWatcher.", "NodeFsHandler._handleFile (/home/r/www/angular.loc/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:255:21)\n[1] at FSWatcher.<anonymous> (/home/r/www/angular.loc/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:473:21)\n[1] at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:82:15)\n[1] \n[1] npm\n[1] ERR! ", "Linux 3.19.0-32-generic\n[1] npm ERR!", "\n[1] argv \"/usr/local/bin/node\" \"/usr/local/bin/npm\" \"run\" \"lite\"\n[1] npm ERR! ", "node v5.10.0\n[1] npm ERR!", "\n[1] npm v3.8.3\n[1] npm ERR! ", "code ELIFECYCLE\n[1] npm ERR!", "\n[1] angular2-quickstart@1.0.0 lite: `lite-server`\n[1] npm ERR! ", "Exit status 1\n[1] npm ERR! ", "\n[1] npm\n[1] ERR! ", "Failed at the angular2-quickstart@1.0.0 lite script 'lite-server'.", "\n[1] npm ERR! ", "Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.", "\n[1] npm ERR! ", "If you do, this is most likely a problem with the angular2-quickstart package,\n[1] npm\n[1] ERR! ", "not with npm itself.", "\n[1] npm ERR! ", "Tell the author that this fails on your system:\n[1] npm ERR! ", " lite-server\n[1] npm ERR! ", "You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:\n[1] npm ERR! ", " npm bugs angular2-quickstart\n[1] npm ERR!", "\n[1] Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:\n[1] npm ERR! ", " npm owner ls angular2-quickstart\n[1] npm ERR! ", "There is likely additional logging output above.", "\n[1] \n[1] npm ERR! ", "Please include the following file with any support request:\n[1] npm ERR! ", " /home/r/www/angular.loc/npm-debug.log\n[1] npm run lite exited with code 1\n[0] 12:15:59 - Compilation complete. ", "Watching for file changes.", "\n\nСтраничка с ожидаемым сообщением появляется, но дальнейшая работа приостанавливается. ", "Как исправить? ", "Помогите.", "\nUpd: исправляется исполнением команды с правами sudo, но это временное решение. ", "На что ему прав не хватает?", "\n\nA:\n\nОшибка уже обсуждалась на трекерах lite-server и так же был на англоязычном stackoverflow. ", "\nОшибка лечится командой\necho fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p\nВзято с\ngit: https://github.com/johnpapa/lite-server/issues/35\n\n" ]
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[ "The night before New Years I sat with a dilemma. ", "One last mistake before the year was through. ", "Or stay home.", "\n\nOne thing I had decided, however, was I would strive to become more proactive. ", "I would make decisions. ", "I would choose my choices. ", "I would do things because I wanted to do them.", "\n\nSo it was Ironic that there I sat, makeup half applied, half a plan formed, unsure what I was about to do.", "\n\nI believe it’s neither bold nor brave anymore to go out and have sex with a stranger. ", "It isn’t taboo or cutting edge and it’s not clever.", "\n\nSo why was I debating it?", "\n\nBecause, he was hot, with a filthy mouth and devilish smile. ", "That was a good way to kick off the pros. ", "But…\n\n…But it’s kind of far to his place, our suggested rendezvous.", "\n\nSo take a book for the tube.", "\n\nIt’s cold outside.", "\n\nNot once you’re underground.", "\n\nI’m nervous, what if he doesn’t like me once he meets me?", "\n\nYou might not like him and besides, we’ll all be dead someday.", "\n\nExactly. ", "He could be a Murderer!", "\n\nSo I text him:\n\n“Are you a Murderer”\n\n“Not yet” he replies.", "\n\n“Great you’re either honest or funny”\n\n“Or both?”", "\n\nSo the question I now had to ask myself was: In London is it easier to find a hot, funny guy who’s also good in bed or a Murderer?", "\n\nI finish getting ready. ", "Classic. ", "Black dress and heels.", "\n\nBecause: I always prefer to make a mistake than not make a decision.", "\n\nAnd, if I don’t make the decision how will I understand if it was the right one to make?", "\n\nSo I’m on the tube, Lena Denham really is making the journey go faster, but as I arrive at Manor House where he’s meeting me I realise that’s not what I wanted at all. ", "My stomachs in knots, I think I need to pee, and my heels are uncomfortable.", "\n\nI get off the tube, a little shaky. ", "I’ve got a few minutes to spare until we said we would meet. ", "He’s coming down into the tube station because apparently there are a lot of confusing exits. ", "I’ve never been to Manor House on purpose before so I don’t question it. ", "I sit down for a moment as if waiting to get back onto the next tube.", "\n\nWhen I think my nerves are steady I go to move off, but I realise I can’t go up on my own. ", "He’ll know I waited and I don’t want to look nervous. ", "I want to be cool and calm and in control. ", "I figure this might help in case he does turn out to be a murderer. ", "He looks tall enough to be a murderer. ", "I have to wait for the crowd. ", "I wait the extra 4 minutes and finally make it up the escalators attached to the end of a wave of late night travellers.", "\n\nHe’s not even here. ", "But he was right, there are a lot of exits.", "\n\nI try to stand central so that I might have a chance to spot him from whichever direction he decides to attack. ", "I feel helpless. ", "Meeting underground seemed smart but I’m in a strange place (north London) without a phone signal.", "\n\nI decide to head to Exit 1, but just as I do; I hear the fake name I’d decided to use being called out. ", "Luckily I remember to turn around.", "\n\nEven luckier I fancy him and I still want to do this. ", "The 55-minute tube ride was not in vain.", "\n\nHe greets me with a kiss on the cheek, because, we are meeting up to have sex. ", "We are sophisticated adults who are unfazed and able to handle this kind of interaction.", "\n\nHe takes me to an off license to buy wine. ", "He gets impatient when I can’t decide over white or red. ", "This turns me. ", "Oh dear. ", "Then he says something I’m not listening to, about the wine I think. ", "It turns out we’ve decided on white and are now striding down the pavement towards his apartment.", "\n\nWe’re making awkward conversation and it occurs to me that I don’t care that he’s a web designer and I don’t care about telling him what I do.", "\n\nStanding out of place in his kitchen I tell him he has a nice apartment, because I think I should, more than I actually think that he does.", "\n\nI drink the wine far quicker than I would like, entirely betraying my cool. ", "We continue talking even though there is little point. ", "Although it’s not necessary to on this occasion, I find that I like him. ", "Hard working and practical, strong and ambitious. ", "I don’t so much listen as he talks as get a sense of his words. ", "I don’t need to listen here, I need to be aware and I need to be willing, which I am.", "\n\nHe compliments me on my dress. ", "In truth it’s my of the minute first date dress, a black number which draws attention to my hips in a good way but cuts low enough that I don’t feel self-conscious. ", "I of course shun this and tell him lamely its laundry day, I don’t want him thinking I’ve made an effort for him. ", "He laughs and at once he’s kissing me.", "\n\nHe doesn’t stop kissing me for a very long time. ", "If dreamy was a flavour his mouth would be it. ", "Ben and Jerry look no further.", "\n\nHe’s as in control in the bedroom as he was in the off license. ", "I’ve never before had a man unbuckle and take off my shoes for me…\n\n…It turns out it is easier to find a hot, funny guy who’s also good in bed and lives in London than it is to find a Murderer.", "\n\nI don’t know whether I’ll see him again, but that is fine. ", "I’m elated that I took the chance and met him at all.", "\n\nBefore I left home I had a little problem reasoning with myself over why I was going. ", "Was it one last bad decision for 2014? ", "Did I just need to get laid? ", "Or was it a decision that was just gloriously and thankfully mine to make?", "\n\nI had walked out of my apartment that night confident and excited and walked back to it the next day a glow with everything that had happened the night before.", "\n\nSometimes the best reason for doing something is simply because you want to. ", "We are the lucky ones. ", "Don’t take that for granted, the decisions that you are capable of making for yourself and the things that you are able to take control over are wonderful.", "\n\nFor some women, for some people, it is not a choice as to whom they can love, marry or sleep with.", "\n\nIn places such as Central Africa and Bangladesh girls as young as 11 years old are still forced into Child Marriages. ", "The percentage is as high as 65% of girls in parts of Africa, India and the Middle East being forced to marry before they’re 18 years of age. ", "Young brides not only give up their freedom but also enter into relationships they don’t understand and bare children before their bodies and minds are ready for the pressure. ", "Even some families in the UK still subscribe to this idea, often just born out of a tradition, which glorifies holy union, but turns a blind eye to basic human rights. ", "Sending girls home to countries such as India and Somalia to marry men they’ve never met and have no choice to refuse.", "\n\nI can’t imagine my liberty being taken from me like that. ", "To have my life measured out to me by someone else and my decisions at the mercy of a person who has no clue about what I want.", "\n\nAlthough this piece was originally only about a one night stand I since realised just how much I take for granted all the decisions I make in life. ", "Not only the important ones like where to live, what job I want, what I want to study. ", "All the little decisions, which when it comes down to it make me, me.", "\n\nCall me a slut but I call myself Lucky.", "\n\nBelow is a link to PlanUK, they explain the on going fight against Child Marriages, why it’s so important to continue this battle and to support organisations like them in doing so." ]
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[ "The search for the primary magnetoreceptors has proved to be a very challenging scientific problem. ", "This is the consequence of several inconvenient facts. ", "Firstly, human beings (as far as I can tell) lack a magnetic sense, and therefore cannot rely on their own personal experience when designing experiments and analysing data. ", "Secondly, as magnetic fields are intimately associated with electricity, enviromental contamination, particularly within the laboratory, is a major issue. ", "For these reasons it is critical that experiments are performed in a clean magnetic environment, employing negative controls, and results are quantitated blindly. ", "We have designed and built several pieces of equipment with this in mind.", "\n\nMu Metal Shielded Room\n\nWorking with Magnetic Shielding we have constructed a magnetically shielded room at the IMP that consists of an inner mu metal room (4.9m long x 2.9m wide), that is surrounded by a 5mm Faraday cage. ", "All lighting and DC inputs into this room are filtered for radio frequency contamination and the room is painted in monochromatic black. ", "Within this room the Earth’s magnetic field is attentuated 100 fold (0.47microT), and RF contamination between 0.1 to 10 MHz is below 0.1 nT.\n\nDouble Wrapped Magnetic Coils\n\nWithin our Mu metal shielded room we have placed a set of Helmholz coils. ", "This 3-axis system is comprised of 6 double wrapped coils with the following diameters: 1200mm (Z-axis), 1254mm (Y-axis) and 1310mm (X-axis) (Figure 2). ", "A custom Matlab program, drives a series of DC powerpacks, that allows us to generate magnetic stimuli of a desired intensity, inclination, and polarity. ", "Critically, as these coils are “double wrapped” we can run currents in opposing directions when generates a null field. ", "This serves as an important control for heat generated when producing magnetic stimuli by applying a current in the same direction. ", "Our coils are built by http://www.serviciencia.es." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006209710263647139, 0.000753011554479599, 0.0006784787401556969, 0.0005999808781780303, 0.0008112156065180898, 0.000556639046408236, 0.00060633773682639, 0.0007017292664386332, 0.0005954618100076914, 0.0006841921713203192, 0.0006028805510140955, 0.0011127397883683443, 0.0005746401729993522, 0.0006253496976569295 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSQL count based on two columns\n\nI have a training record table for staff (TRAINREC)\nIn this table it contains their employ_ref and the Course_Ref.", "\nI need to count how many people have done all 5 available courses, how many have done 4, 3,2,1 and 0\nIt could be the case where they have done the same course more than once and so would have multiple entries for the same course in this table but it should still only count as one.", "\nWhat would be the best method to count the entries (SQL Server) and count how many people have done \"x\" number of courses.", "\n\nA:\n\nAssuming your main table for staff is Employee, you need to do two different counts, the first, is how many courses each person has done:\nSELECT e.employ_ref,\n Courses = COUNT(DISTINCT tr.", "Course_Ref)\nFROM Employee AS e\n LEFT JOIN TrainRec AS tr\n ON tr.employ_ref = e.employ_ref\nGROUP BY e.employ_ref;\n\nUsing DISTINCT would ensure that each different course is only counted once per employee.", "\nThen you need to do a separate count, grouping on the Courses column from the first query:\nSELECT Courses,\n Employees = COUNT(*)\nFROM ( SELECT e.employ_ref,\n Courses = COUNT(DISTINCT tr.", "Course_Ref)\n FROM Employee AS e\n LEFT JOIN TrainRec AS tr\n ON tr.employ_ref = e.employ_ref\n GROUP BY e.employ_ref\n ) AS t\nGROUP BY Courses;\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0005743948859162629, 0.0005714129074476659, 0.0005601365701295435, 0.0005959631525911391, 0.0006977092125453055, 0.0005706315860152245, 0.0009309629676863551 ]
[ "Conventionally, in the system for processing a plate material, a nominal value of a work, for example a material of SPCC, and a plate thickness of 1.6, is entered to an automatic programming machine. ", "Based on this nominal value, an elongation value necessary for bending is calculated, and a developed dimension of a blank is calculated from this elongation value.", "\nIn blanking work before bending, punching of the blanks is carried out by a punching machine based on the developed dimension. ", "Each blank is bent by a bending machine.", "\nIn the conventional system for processing a plate material, if a characteristic of a work to be actually processed is far from a nominal value, for example if an actual plate thickness is 1.5 mm while a nominal plate thickness is 1.6 mm, a correct developed length of the blank cannot be obtained at the automatic programming machine based on an elongation value generated by such a difference in plate thickness. ", "Consequently, a problem has been inherent, i.e., an actual bent dimension after bending is not within an allowable range.", "\nAt some bending machines, a plate thickness of the work is measured by a plate thickness detecting function during bending of the work, and this measured plate thickness is applied to determination of a D value (stroke amount of a ram) for setting a bending angel. ", "However, plate thickness information actually measured was simply used at a single bending machine. ", "For example, a problem has been inherent, i.e., even if a plate thickness of the blank is measured by the plate thickness detecting function during bending, the developed dimension of the blank that has been punched cannot be corrected. ", "Alternatively, a problem has occurred, i.e., correction of the blank necessitates time and labor of reprocessing.", "\nThe work has a plate thickness changed from place to place even on a sheet. ", "Consequently, since a difference is generated in plate thickness of each blank, as described above, a problem has been inherent, i.e., a bent dimension is not within an allowable range.", "\nRegarding the bending angle, it is known that the bending angle closer to an actual angle is obtained by calculating a spring-back amount or a stroke amount based on the actual plate thickness and the actual material constant rather than a nominal plate thickness and a nominal material constant (tensile strength, Young's modulus, an n value, an f value, or the like). ", "However, unless the actual plate thickness or the actual material constant of the work is known before bending, it cannot be reflected on the developed dimension. ", "Even if the material constant can be calculated from load/stroke information during first bending, this information is reflected from next bending.", "\nThe present invention was made to solve the foregoing problems. ", "Objects of the invention are to provide a method for calculating material attributes, and a method and a system for processing a plate material, which enable bending work to be carried out efficiently and accurately by measuring the actual plate thickness and the actual material constant during punching before bending, and reflecting the measured information in the bending." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0005789058632217348, 0.0006608939147554338, 0.0006990886176936328, 0.0008021290996111929, 0.0006001226720400155, 0.0006651898729614913, 0.0006079379818402231, 0.0006143205682747066, 0.0006341051775962114, 0.0007585030398331583, 0.0005900239339098334, 0.0006211634026840329, 0.0005969993071630597, 0.0005796437617391348, 0.0006219275528565049, 0.0005904272547923028, 0.0005819970974698663 ]
[ "Forsyth Park set to become City Centre’s next ‘Urban Park’\n\nAn open house was held on Nov 30 to discuss the future of Forsyth Park, a new 3 hectare park in the north-east area of the City Centre near 106th & 140th St. The City of Surrey has been acquiring properties for the park since 1989 and is now ready to embark on its first phase of development, beginning with public consultation and design this winter, and moving into construction by summer in time for a fall 2017 opening. ", "With the area slowly starting to densify with recent multi-family projects such as Porte Communities’ HQ directly south of the park, the timing is now right to develop such an amenity space in the area.", "\n\nAs part of the open house that was held, a number of display boards were presented that provided a preliminary concept of what the park may look like, with this likely to be modified based on comments received from the open house. ", "The park is envisioned to be a ‘Contemporary Urban Place’ for neighbourhood residents to enjoy the outdoors, play, and bring their dogs. ", "One of the boards also provided a glimpse of how this park will tie into a network of greenways, spaces, and parks throughout the city centre as it develops over the next few decades. ", "This illustrative plan also gives a good impression of how the City Centre itself will transform over-time, with a finer grained street grid, and a more compact urban form. ", "See below for images." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006688244175165892, 0.0006257515633478761, 0.0005242896731942892, 0.001392059843055904, 0.0005346671096049249, 0.0005789180286228657, 0.0005799352657049894 ]
[ "# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one\r\n# or more contributor license agreements. ", " See the NOTICE file\r\n# distributed with this work for additional information\r\n# regarding copyright ownership. ", " The ASF licenses this file\r\n# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the\r\n# \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance\r\n# with the License. ", " You may obtain a copy of the License at\r\n#\r\n# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r\n#\r\n#\r\n#\r\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,\r\n# software distributed under the License is distributed on an\r\n# \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY\r\n# KIND, either express or implied. ", " See the License for the\r\n# specific language governing permissions and limitations\r\n# under the License.", "\r\n\r\nfrom aliyunsdkcore.request import RpcRequest\r\nclass CreateContainerGroupRequest(RpcRequest):\r\n\r\n\tdef __init__(self):\r\n\t\tRpcRequest.__init__(self, 'Eci', '2018-08-08', 'CreateContainerGroup', 'eci')\r\n\r\n\tdef get_Containers(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('Containers')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_Containers(self, Containers):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(Containers)):\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Image') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Image', Containers[i].get('Image'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Name') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Name', Containers[i].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Cpu') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Cpu', Containers[i].get('Cpu'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Memory') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Memory', Containers[i].get('Memory'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('WorkingDir') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.WorkingDir', Containers[i].get('WorkingDir'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ImagePullPolicy') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ImagePullPolicy',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ImagePullPolicy'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\t# ReadinessProbe\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Path') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Path',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Path'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Port') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Port',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Port'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Scheme') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Scheme',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Scheme'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "InitialDelaySeconds') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "InitialDelaySeconds',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "InitialDelaySeconds'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "PeriodSeconds') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "PeriodSeconds',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "PeriodSeconds'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "SuccessThreshold') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "SuccessThreshold',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "SuccessThreshold'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "FailureThreshold') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "FailureThreshold',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "FailureThreshold'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "TimeoutSeconds') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "TimeoutSeconds',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "TimeoutSeconds'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "Exec.", "Commands') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "Exec.", "Commands'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "Exec.", "Commands')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "Exec.", "Command.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "Exec.", "Commands')[j])\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "TcpSocket.", "Port') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ReadinessProbe.", "TcpSocket.", "Port',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('ReadinessProbe.", "TcpSocket.", "Port'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\t# LivenessProbe\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Path') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Path',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Path'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Port') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Port',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Port'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Scheme') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Scheme',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "HttpGet.", "Scheme'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "InitialDelaySeconds') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "InitialDelaySeconds',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "InitialDelaySeconds'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "PeriodSeconds') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "PeriodSeconds',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "PeriodSeconds'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "SuccessThreshold') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "SuccessThreshold',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "SuccessThreshold'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "FailureThreshold') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "FailureThreshold',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "FailureThreshold'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "TimeoutSeconds') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "TimeoutSeconds',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "TimeoutSeconds'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "Exec.", "Commands') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "Exec.", "Commands'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "Exec.", "Commands')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "Exec.", "Command.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "Exec.", "Commands')[j])\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "TcpSocket.", "Port') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LivenessProbe.", "TcpSocket.", "Port',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LivenessProbe.", "TcpSocket.", "Port'))\r\n\t\t\t# SecurityContext\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Adds') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Adds'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Adds')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Add.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Adds')[j])\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "ReadOnlyRootFilesystem') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.SecurityContext.", "ReadOnlyRootFilesystem',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "ReadOnlyRootFilesystem'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "RunAsUser') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.SecurityContext.", "RunAsUser',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "RunAsUser'))\r\n\t\t\t# LifecyclePostStartHandler\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHost') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHost',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHost'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPort') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPort',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPort'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPath') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPath',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPath'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetScheme') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetScheme',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetScheme'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHttpHeader.' ", "+ str(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tj + 1) + '.Name',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tContainers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders')[j].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHttpHeader.' ", "+ str(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tj + 1) + '.Value',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tContainers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders')[j].get('Value'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerExecs') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerExecs'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerExecs')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerExec.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerExecs')[j])\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketHost') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketHost',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketHost'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketPort') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketPort',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketPort'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\t# LifecyclePreStopHandler\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHost') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHost',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHost'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPort') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPort',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPort'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPath') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPath',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPath'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetScheme') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetScheme',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetScheme'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHttpHeader.' ", "+ str(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tj + 1) + '.Name',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tContainers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders')[j].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHttpHeader.' ", "+ str(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tj + 1) + '.Value',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tContainers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHttpHeaders')[j].get('Value'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerExecs') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerExecs'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerExecs')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerExec.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerExecs')[j])\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketHost') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketHost',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketHost'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketPort') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketPort',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketPort'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Commands') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('Commands'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Commands')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Command.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('Commands')[j])\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Args') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('Args'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Args')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Arg.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('Args')[j])\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('VolumeMounts') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('VolumeMounts'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.VolumeMount.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Name',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('SubPath') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.VolumeMount.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.SubPath',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('SubPath'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.VolumeMount.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.MountPath',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('MountPath'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.VolumeMount.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.ReadOnly',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('ReadOnly'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Ports') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('Ports'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Ports')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Port.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Protocol',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('Ports')[j].get('Protocol'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Port.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Port',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('Ports')[j].get('Port'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('EnvironmentVars') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Containers[i].get('EnvironmentVars'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('EnvironmentVars')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.EnvironmentVar.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Key',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('EnvironmentVars')[j].get('Key'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.EnvironmentVar.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Value',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Containers[i].get('EnvironmentVars')[j].get('Value'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Stdin') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Stdin', Containers[i].get('Stdin'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('StdinOnce') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.StdinOnce', Containers[i].get('StdinOnce'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Tty') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Tty', Containers[i].get('Tty'))\r\n\t\t\tif Containers[i].get('Gpu') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Container.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Gpu', Containers[i].get('Gpu'))\r\n\r\n\tdef get_ResourceOwnerId(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerId')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_ResourceOwnerId(self, ResourceOwnerId):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerId', ResourceOwnerId)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_SecurityGroupId(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('SecurityGroupId')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_SecurityGroupId(self, SecurityGroupId):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('SecurityGroupId', SecurityGroupId)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_ResourceGroupId(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('ResourceGroupId')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_ResourceGroupId(self, ResourceGroupId):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('ResourceGroupId', ResourceGroupId)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_InitContainers(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('InitContainers')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_InitContainers(self, InitContainers):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(InitContainers)):\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Image') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Image', InitContainers[i].get('Image'))\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Name') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Name', InitContainers[i].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Cpu') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Cpu', InitContainers[i].get('Cpu'))\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Memory') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Memory', InitContainers[i].get('Memory'))\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('WorkingDir') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.WorkingDir', InitContainers[i].get('WorkingDir'))\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('ImagePullPolicy') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ImagePullPolicy',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('ImagePullPolicy'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\t# SecurityContext\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Adds') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(InitContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Adds'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Adds')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Add.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInitContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "Capability.", "Adds')[j])\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "ReadOnlyRootFilesystem') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.SecurityContext.", "ReadOnlyRootFilesystem',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "ReadOnlyRootFilesystem'))\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "RunAsUser') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.SecurityContext.", "RunAsUser',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('SecurityContext.", "RunAsUser'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Commands') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(InitContainers[i].get('Commands'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Commands')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Command.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('Commands')[j])\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Args') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(InitContainers[i].get('Args'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Args')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Arg.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('Args')[j])\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('VolumeMounts') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(InitContainers[i].get('VolumeMounts'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.VolumeMount.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Name',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('SubPath') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.VolumeMount.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.SubPath',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('SubPath'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.VolumeMount.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.MountPath',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('MountPath'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.VolumeMount.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.ReadOnly',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('VolumeMounts')[j].get('ReadOnly'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Ports') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(InitContainers[i].get('Ports'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Ports')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Port.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Protocol',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('Ports')[j].get('Protocol'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Port.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Port',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('Ports')[j].get('Port'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('EnvironmentVars') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(InitContainers[i].get('EnvironmentVars'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('EnvironmentVars')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.EnvironmentVar.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Key',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('EnvironmentVars')[j].get('Key'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.EnvironmentVar.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Value',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t InitContainers[i].get('EnvironmentVars')[j].get('Value'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif InitContainers[i].get('Gpu') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('InitContainer.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Gpu', InitContainers[i].get('Gpu'))\r\n\r\n\tdef get_ImageRegistryCredentials(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('ImageRegistryCredentials')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_ImageRegistryCredentials(self, ImageRegistryCredentials):\r\n\t\tif ImageRegistryCredentials is not None:\r\n\t\t\tfor i in range(len(ImageRegistryCredentials)):\r\n\t\t\t\tif ImageRegistryCredentials[i].get('Server') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('ImageRegistryCredential.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Server',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ImageRegistryCredentials[i].get('Server'))\r\n\t\t\t\tif ImageRegistryCredentials[i].get('UserName') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('ImageRegistryCredential.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.UserName',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ImageRegistryCredentials[i].get('UserName'))\r\n\t\t\t\tif ImageRegistryCredentials[i].get('Password') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('ImageRegistryCredential.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Password',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ImageRegistryCredentials[i].get('Password'))\r\n\r\n\tdef get_Tags(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('Tags')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_Tags(self, Tags):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(Tags)):\r\n\t\t\tif Tags[i].get('Key') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Tag.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Key', Tags[i].get('Key'))\r\n\t\t\tif Tags[i].get('Value') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Tag.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Value', Tags[i].get('Value'))\r\n\r\n\tdef get_EipInstanceId(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('EipInstanceId')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_EipInstanceId(self, EipInstanceId):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('EipInstanceId', EipInstanceId)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_ResourceOwnerAccount(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('ResourceOwnerAccount')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_ResourceOwnerAccount(self, ResourceOwnerAccount):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('ResourceOwnerAccount', ResourceOwnerAccount)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_RestartPolicy(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('RestartPolicy')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_RestartPolicy(self, RestartPolicy):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('RestartPolicy', RestartPolicy)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_OwnerAccount(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('OwnerAccount')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_OwnerId(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('OwnerId')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_OwnerId(self, OwnerId):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('OwnerId', OwnerId)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_VSwitchId(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('VSwitchId')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_VSwitchId(self, VSwitchId):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('VSwitchId', VSwitchId)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_Volumes(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('Volumes')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_Volumes(self, Volumes):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(Volumes)):\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('Name') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Name', Volumes[i].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('NFSVolume.", "Server') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.NFSVolume.", "Server', Volumes[i].get('NFSVolume.", "Server'))\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('NFSVolume.", "Path') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.NFSVolume.", "Path', Volumes[i].get('NFSVolume.", "Path'))\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('NFSVolume.", "ReadOnly') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.NFSVolume.", "ReadOnly',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Volumes[i].get('NFSVolume.", "ReadOnly'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('EmptyDirVolume.", "Medium') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.EmptyDirVolume.", "Medium',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Volumes[i].get('EmptyDirVolume.", "Medium'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('DiskVolume.", "DiskId') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.DiskVolume.", "DiskId', Volumes[i].get('DiskVolume.", "DiskId'))\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('DiskVolume.", "FsType') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.DiskVolume.", "FsType', Volumes[i].get('DiskVolume.", "FsType'))\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('DiskVolume.", "DiskSize') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.DiskVolume.", "DiskSize',Volumes[i].get('DiskVolume.", "DiskSize'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('ConfigFileVolume.", "ConfigFileToPaths') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tfor j in range(len(Volumes[i].get('ConfigFileVolume.", "ConfigFileToPaths'))):\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('ConfigFileVolume.", "ConfigFileToPaths')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ConfigFileVolume.", "ConfigFileToPath.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Path',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVolumes[i].get('ConfigFileVolume.", "ConfigFileToPaths')[j].get('Path'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ConfigFileVolume.", "ConfigFileToPath.' ", "+ str(j + 1) + '.Content',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVolumes[i].get('ConfigFileVolume.", "ConfigFileToPaths')[j].get('Content'))\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('ConfigFileVolume.", "DefaultModel') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.ConfigFileVolume.", "DefaultModel',Volumes[i].get('ConfigFileVolume.", "DefaultModel'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('FlexVolume.", "Driver') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.FlexVolume.", "Driver', Volumes[i].get('FlexVolume.", "Driver'))\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('FlexVolume.", "FsType') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.FlexVolume.", "FsType', Volumes[i].get('FlexVolume.", "FsType'))\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('FlexVolume.", "Options') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.FlexVolume.", "Options', Volumes[i].get('FlexVolume.", "Options'))\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif Volumes[i].get('Type') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('Volume.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Type', Volumes[i].get('Type'))\r\n\r\n\tdef get_ContainerGroupName(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('ContainerGroupName')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_ContainerGroupName(self, ContainerGroupName):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('ContainerGroupName', ContainerGroupName)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_ZoneId(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('ZoneId')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_ZoneId(self, ZoneId):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('ZoneId', ZoneId)\r\n\r\n\t# DNS config\r\n\tdef get_DnsConfigNameServers(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('DnsConfig.", "NameServers')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_DnsConfigNameServers(self, DnsConfigNameServers):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(DnsConfigNameServers)):\r\n\t\t\tif DnsConfigNameServers[i] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('DnsConfig.", "NameServer.' ", "+ str(i + 1), DnsConfigNameServers[i])\r\n\r\n\tdef get_DnsConfigOptions(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('DnsConfig.", "Options')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_DnsConfigOptions(self, DnsConfigOptions):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(DnsConfigOptions)):\r\n\t\t\tif DnsConfigOptions[i].get('Name') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('DnsConfig.", "Option.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Name', DnsConfigOptions[i].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\tif DnsConfigOptions[i].get('Value') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('DnsConfig.", "Option.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Value', DnsConfigOptions[i].get('Value'))\r\n\r\n\tdef get_DnsConfigSearchs(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('DnsConfig.", "Searchs')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_DnsConfigSearchs(self, DnsConfigSearchs):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(DnsConfigSearchs)):\r\n\t\t\tif DnsConfigSearchs[i] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('DnsConfig.", "Search.' ", "+ str(i + 1), DnsConfigSearchs[i])\r\n\r\n\tdef get_InstanceType(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('InstanceType')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_InstanceType(self, InstanceType):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('InstanceType', InstanceType)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_SecurityContextSysctls(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('SecurityContext.", "Sysctls')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_SecurityContextSysctls(self, SecurityContextSysctls):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(SecurityContextSysctls)):\r\n\t\t\tif SecurityContextSysctls[i].get('Name') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('SecurityContext.", "Sysctl.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Name',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t SecurityContextSysctls[i].get('Name'))\r\n\t\t\tif SecurityContextSysctls[i].get('Value') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('SecurityContext.", "Sysctl.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Value',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t SecurityContextSysctls[i].get('Value'))\r\n\r\n\tdef get_HostAliases(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('HostAliases')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_HostAliases(self, HostAliases):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(HostAliases)):\r\n\t\t\tif HostAliases[i].get('Ip') is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('HostAliase.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Ip', HostAliases[i].get('Ip'))\r\n\t\t\tfor j in range(len(HostAliases[i].get('Hostnames'))):\r\n\t\t\t\tif HostAliases[i].get('Hostnames')[j] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('HostAliase.' ", "+ str(i + 1) + '.Hostname.' ", "+ str(j + 1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t HostAliases[i].get('Hostnames')[j])\r\n\r\n\tdef get_DnsPolicy(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('DnsPolicy')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_DnsPolicy(self, DnsPolicy):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('DnsPolicy', DnsPolicy)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_ClientToken(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('ClientToken')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_ClientToken(self, ClientToken):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('ClientToken', ClientToken)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_ImageSnapshotId(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('ImageSnapshotId')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_ImageSnapshotId(self, ImageSnapshotId):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('ImageSnapshotId', ImageSnapshotId)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_AutoMatchImageCache(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('AutoMatchImageCache')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_AutoMatchImageCache(self, AutoMatchImageCache):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('AutoMatchImageCache', AutoMatchImageCache)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_SlsEnable(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('SlsEnable')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_SlsEnable(self, SlsEnable):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('SlsEnable', SlsEnable)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_Cpu(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('Cpu')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_Cpu(self, Cpu):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('Cpu', Cpu)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_RamRoleName(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('RamRoleName')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_RamRoleName(self, RamRoleName):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('RamRoleName', RamRoleName)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_Memory(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('Memory')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_Memory(self, Memory):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('Memory', Memory)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_TerminationGracePeriodSeconds(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('TerminationGracePeriodSeconds')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_TerminationGracePeriodSeconds(self, TerminationGracePeriodSeconds):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('TerminationGracePeriodSeconds', TerminationGracePeriodSeconds)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_NtpServers(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('NtpServers')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_NtpServers(self, NtpServers):\r\n\t\tfor i in range(len(NtpServers)):\r\n\t\t\tif NtpServers[i] is not None:\r\n\t\t\t\tself.add_query_param('NtpServer.' ", "+ str(i + 1), NtpServers[i])\r\n\r\n\tdef get_SpotStrategy(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('SpotStrategy')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_SpotStrategy(self, SpotStrategy):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('SpotStrategy', SpotStrategy)\r\n\r\n\tdef get_SpotPriceLimit(self):\r\n\t\treturn self.get_query_params().get('SpotPriceLimit')\r\n\r\n\tdef set_SpotPriceLimit(self, SpotPriceLimit):\r\n\t\tself.add_query_param('SpotPriceLimit', SpotPriceLimit)\r\n\r\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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0.001025451230816543, 0.11802979558706284, 0.0009566205553710461, 0.11802979558706284, 0.0007748064817860723, 0.0007371288957074285, 0.001025451230816543, 0.0009692675084806979, 0.0010500751668587327, 0.0006784516153857112, 0.001025451230816543, 0.000949123059399426, 0.0008366975816898048, 0.0007093623862601817, 0.001025451230816543, 0.0009373360080644488, 0.0008503659046255052, 0.0011736745946109295, 0.001025451230816543, 0.014288406819105148, 0.0038239588029682636, 0.0007039452902972698, 0.001025451230816543, 0.0009002699516713619, 0.0009909411892294884, 0.0008276637527160347, 0.0010621773544698954, 0.0008276637527160347, 0.0007936916081234813, 0.0008276637527160347, 0.0006958993035368621, 0.001025451230816543, 0.0008276637527160347, 0.0008014616323634982, 0.00169689254835248, 0.0008276637527160347, 0.0007587347645312548, 0.0072966888546943665, 0.000686280953232199, 0.001025451230816543, 0.0072966888546943665, 0.000982272787950933, 0.0072966888546943665, 0.0008354667224921286, 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0.0009453275706619024, 0.0010812990367412567, 0.00280419341288507, 0.0009042580495588481, 0.0007433645660057664, 0.0009182005887851119, 0.0007433645660057664, 0.0008972807554528117, 0.0007433645660057664, 0.0007591473404318094, 0.0007433645660057664, 0.000872466538567096, 0.0008832663297653198, 0.0008676345460116863, 0.0008832663297653198, 0.0009791007032617927, 0.0007658317917957902, 0.0008953673532232642, 0.0007658317917957902, 0.0011399280047044158, 0.0010282495059072971, 0.0010826538782566786, 0.0010838055750355124, 0.004671392496675253, 0.0010099044302478433, 0.0010312023805454373, 0.0010420861653983593, 0.0010290364734828472, 0.001196988858282566, 0.0012609955156221986, 0.0007359115406870842, 0.0009316923678852618, 0.0007359115406870842, 0.0008903772686608136, 0.0007359115406870842, 0.0007693050429224968, 0.00074627815047279, 0.0007359115406870842, 0.0008145495085045695, 0.0008638625731691718, 0.0007359115406870842, 0.0007786842179484665, 0.0015029988717287779, 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0.0006683319224976003, 0.0031457445584237576, 0.001730975927785039, 0.0007367573562078178, 0.011568586342036724, 0.0014298161258921027, 0.000681854085996747, 0.0025302760768681765, 0.000681854085996747, 0.015177370980381966, 0.0009651612490415573, 0.0007528619607910514, 0.0016714875819161534, 0.0008928601746447384, 0.0009407269535586238, 0.0009042330784723163, 0.0009407269535586238, 0.001329772174358368, 0.0009555876022204757, 0.0007032073335722089, 0.0068266019225120544, 0.003985526040196419 ]
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[ "Driving Clean with Emissions Test\n\nDriving Clean with Emissions Test\n\nConsidering the cosmos ‘ s nationality becomes increasingly urbanized, cities responsiveness the heat of congestion and accompanying mistiness are becoming added concerned about what responsibility copy done to lower pollution. ", "Since automobiles are one of the primary causes of air pollution, plentiful cities and states posses made emissions testing compulsory on extra vehicle that is licensed to embody on the road. ", "Indubitable is a required assessment of a inured automobile ‘ s pollution turnout subservient phony normal driving conditions, typically performed by mechanics string an auto shop. ", "Driving Clean with Emissions Test\n\nDriving Clean with Emissions Test\n\nThe Need for Testing\n\nSame considering abounding auto makers reform the environmental friendliness of their designs, cars hang in to emit pollutants including nitrogen oxides, simulacrum monoxide, changeableness uncut compounds and fine particulate matter. ", "The resulting air pollution is particularly harmful for family stash respiratory conditions but huge international cities hide excessive traffic oftentimes suffer from a stuffy fog creating far path health problems. ", "Lie low emissions tests, vehicles are connected to a chassis dynamometer, which displays revolutions per minute ( RPM ), pow and torque of the machine at distinctive speeds, reserve the amount of pollution measured by an oxygen sensor.", "\n\nDrive Clean Controversy\n\nThe province of Ontario ‘ s Drive Clean program, particular procedures this interval to mileage on – board diagnostic testing instead of measuring weaken straight from the tail conduit. ", "This system has been creating much extra task for mechanics and headaches for car owners over apparently various vehicles fail despite being ultramodern or recently repaired. ", "The source of the controversy seems to emblematize the plan that data is saved character a car ‘ s interior computer. ", "Further complicating matters are reports that some garages are improperly warming up cars beforehand, whence offering to hatch repairs coterminous the evaluation has been failed.", "\n\nThe current system is far from entire. ", "Reproduction testing has occurred guidance which non – passing cars keep had testing equipment connected to a passing car, a count which the unaccustomed system supposedly addresses. ", "The worst situation summary is that plane adjoining spending a lot on repairs, the emission problem still hasn ‘ t been solved. ", "Command certain U. S. states, vehicle owners spending over the applicable ” waiver ” limit are deemed to hold imaginary a welcome faith exercise and importance bypass testing. ", "Read also, Know What Type of Car Should You Buy\n\nPassing the Examination\n\nProfessionals cover auto mechanic training espouse enchanting your car out on the expressway for twenty magazine monastic to testing to ok its at standard operating temperature. ", "Maintaining your vehicle is your beyond compare chance of passing an emissions appraisal. ", "Changing spark plugs, air and fuel filters, PCV valve and oil, checking ignition timing and modification the carburetor guilt sufficiently dilute emissions, because can filling up before a test with premium fuel. ", "Ensuring the battery is in optimal condition can also affect fuel injector performance. ", "Students in auto mechanic school prepare for the growing emissions market with in – depth diagnosis and repair training to help us all breathe a little easier. ", "Driving Clean with Emissions Test" ]
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[ "Linux on MacBook Pro 2019\n\nNew Member\n\nis there any Linux distribution which does already support the hardware of the newer MacBook Models, especially the MacBook Pro 2019? ", "Every Linux I booted on my MacBook didn't support keyboard, trackpad or Wifi. ", "I connected a keyboard and mouse via USB, but that was still quite useless because then the WiFi still doesn't work.", "\n\nSo shortly: I need to know if there is a Linux distribution which supports keyboard, trackpad and wifi of the MacBooks of 2019.", "\n\nWell-Known Member\n\ni've read people installing slackware on macbooks before. ", "Stable slackware is very old but current might be worth a go. ", "Now if you boot an OS from a usb stick i.e LIVE; its still using hardware so what you see using a live OS for a distro should give you a very good idea, what that os would be if it was installed.", "\n\nNew Member\n\ni've read people installing slackware on macbooks before. ", "Stable slackware is very old but current might be worth a go. ", "Now if you boot an OS from a usb stick i.e LIVE; its still using hardware so what you see using a live OS for a distro should give you a very good idea, what that os would be if it was installed.", "\n\nNew Member\n\nUbuntu and fedora are at least both booting, but keyboard, trackpad and wifi doesn't work with any of them.", "\n\nI have seen one or two posts, where they explain how to install the drivers for network or trackpad and keyboard. ", "But i am a total noob in linux so doing all this stuff on my own is almost impossible for me. ", "I just wanted a linux which works out of the box on my mac to explore it and get used to it. ", "But it seems like i need a second Notebook or Desktop PC to use Linux.", "\n\nit might be worth a little bit more of a try; my limited understanding on the hostory of Mac was that it used some sort of unix derivative. ", "Slackware is described as probably the most unix like \" of linux distro , so there is a good chance it might work.", "\n\ni'm downloading 64 bit myself at 2.0MB sec it looks like total time about 6 minutes and my internet is rubbish\n\nNew Member\n\nThank you, that's what i was trying to download. ", "I'll let it download now, let's see how long it takes. ", "I started the download again, and it downloaded like 10 MB with 400 KB/s and it decreases continuously. ", "Atm it's at 140 KB/s. Let's see\n\nTHOUGHTS FOR APRIL 2020 1. ", "broken shoulder will take weeks to mend. ", "2. ", "ON AV - nothing is bulletproof, but i wear kevlar - i use linux. ", "3. ", "Still Beer o'clock where I live . ", "Come and have a sing-along at Rock Roxx\n\nTHOUGHTS FOR APRIL 2020 1. ", "broken shoulder will take weeks to mend. ", "2. ", "ON AV - nothing is bulletproof, but i wear kevlar - i use linux. ", "3. ", "Still Beer o'clock where I live . ", "Come and have a sing-along at Rock Roxx\n\nNew Member\n\nis there any Linux distribution which does already support the hardware of the newer MacBook Models, especially the MacBook Pro 2019? ", "Every Linux I booted on my MacBook didn't support keyboard, trackpad or Wifi. ", "I connected a keyboard and mouse via USB, but that was still quite useless because then the WiFi still doesn't work.", "\n\nSo shortly: I need to know if there is a Linux distribution which supports keyboard, trackpad and wifi of the MacBooks of 2019.", "\n\nLinux Mint 19. ", "Hands down the best for Mac. ", "Works flawlessly and will not give you any problems with your Mac. ", "I use it on Macs from 2015-2020. ", "I've tried dozens of linux distros. ", "Make sure when you install Linux to select the box that says install third party drivers and software. ", "This option will appear on one of the install screens as you are installing Linux.", "\n\nNew Member\n\nLinux Mint 19. ", "Hands down the best for Mac. ", "Works flawlessly and will not give you any problems with your Mac. ", "I use it on Macs from 2015-2020. ", "I've tried dozens of linux distros. ", "Make sure when you install Linux to select the box that says install third party drivers and software. ", "This option will appear on one of the install screens as you are installing Linux.", "\n\nNew Member\n\nLinux Mint 19. ", "Hands down the best for Mac. ", "Works flawlessly and will not give you any problems with your Mac. ", "I use it on Macs from 2015-2020. ", "I've tried dozens of linux distros. ", "Make sure when you install Linux to select the box that says install third party drivers and software. ", "This option will appear on one of the install screens as you are installing Linux.", "\n\nWell-Known Member\n\nI don't know about a 2019 MacBook but when I installed Linux on a 2009 MacBook I had to adjust the keyboard layout via the selections dialog. ", "I had to set it to something weird which, unfortunately, I cannot recall at this time. ", "The odd thing was the keyboard worked fine when running from a \"Live USB\" but worked all 'crazy' when installed :/\n\nNew Member\n\nHave you considered running Linux as a virtual machine under VMWare Fusion, Plesk, VirtualBox or other hypervisor. ", "In the case of VMWare Fusion, all Macs launched in 2011 or later are supported except 2012 Mac Pro “Quad Core”. ", "That puts VMWare on the hook for making the keyboard and trackpad work for any linux you install. ", "Free trial is available at https://www.vmware.com/products/fusion/fusion-evaluation.html\n\nI have no relationship with VMWare, except I bought fusion a few years ago." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Related literature   {#sec1}\n====================\n\nFor the crystal structures of related Co^III^ complexes, see: Park *et al.* (", "2008[@bb5]); Huang *et al.* (", "2010[@bb4]). ", "For background to Schiff base compounds, see: Gupta & Sutar (2008[@bb3]); Sreenivasulu *et al.* (", "2005[@bb7]); Zhang & Feng (2010[@bb8]); Chen *et al.* (", "2011[@bb2]).", "\n\nExperimental   {#sec2}\n==============\n\n {#sec2.1}\n\n### Crystal data   {#sec2.1.1}\n\n\\[Co(C~9~H~8~Cl~2~NO)~3~\\]*M* *~r~* = 710.12Monoclinic,*a* = 13.7293 (12) Å*b* = 45.892 (4) Å*c* = 14.8108 (13) Åβ = 92.828 (1)°*V* = 9320.4 (14) Å^3^*Z* = 12Mo *K*α radiationμ = 1.10 mm^−1^*T* = 296 K0.38 × 0.16 × 0.12 mm\n\n### Data collection   {#sec2.1.2}\n\nBruker SMART CCD diffractometerAbsorption correction: multi-scan (*SADABS*; Bruker, 2004[@bb1]) *T* ~min~ = 0.806, *T* ~max~ = 0.87957477 measured reflections21227 independent reflections12089 reflections with *I* \\> 2σ(*I*)*R* ~int~ = 0.036\n\n### Refinement   {#sec2.1.3}\n\n*R*\\[*F* ^2^ \\> 2σ(*F* ^2^)\\] = 0.061*wR*(*F* ^2^) = 0.171*S* = 1.0121227 reflections1090 parametersH-atom parameters constrainedΔρ~max~ = 0.56 e Å^−3^Δρ~min~ = −0.46 e Å^−3^\n\n {#d5e433}\n\nData collection: *SMART* (Bruker, 2004[@bb1]); cell refinement: *SAINT* (Bruker, 2004[@bb1]); data reduction: *SAINT*; program(s) used to solve structure: *SHELXS97* (Sheldrick, 2008[@bb6]); program(s) used to refine structure: *SHELXL97* (Sheldrick, 2008[@bb6]); molecular graphics: *SHELXTL* (Sheldrick, 2008[@bb6]); software used to prepare material for publication: *SHELXTL*.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\nCrystal structure: contains datablock(s) I, global. ", "DOI: [10.1107/S160053681203067X/lh5498sup1.cif](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S160053681203067X/lh5498sup1.cif)\n\nStructure factors: contains datablock(s) I. DOI: [10.1107/S160053681203067X/lh5498Isup2.hkl](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S160053681203067X/lh5498Isup2.hkl)\n\nSupplementary material file. ", "DOI: [10.1107/S160053681203067X/lh5498Isup3.cdx](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S160053681203067X/lh5498Isup3.cdx)\n\nAdditional supplementary materials: [crystallographic information](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendsupfiles?lh5498&file=lh5498sup0.html&mime=text/html); [3D view](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendcif?lh5498sup1&Qmime=cif); [checkCIF report](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?lh5498&checkcif=yes)\n\nSupplementary data and figures for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic archives (Reference: [LH5498](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendsup?lh5498)).", "\n\nThis work was supported financially by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. ", "21161006) and by the Doctoral Start-up research fund of Guilin University of Technology (to SHZ).", "\n\nComment\n=======\n\nSchiff base compounds have been studied for many years (Gupta & Sutar, 2008; Sreenivasulu *et al.* ", "2005; Zhang & Feng, 2010; Chen, *et al.* ", "2011) and have attracted interest because of their anticancer, catalytic and fluorescent properties. ", "Using 3,5-dichloro-2-hydroxy-benzaldehyde, ethylamine and Co(ClO~4~)~2~.6H~2~O, we have hydrothermally prepared the title compound (I). ", "Related Co^III^ complexes have already been structurally characterized (Park *et al.* ", "2008; Huang, *et al.* ", "2010).", "\n\nIn the title compound there are three independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. ", "In each, the Co^III^ ion is coordinated by three O atoms and three N atoms from three bidentate *L* ligands forming a slightly distorted octahedral geometry (see Figs. ", "1, 2 and 3). ", "The Co ion is in the 3+ oxidation state, as evidenced by bond valence summation calculations, charge balance considerations, and the presence of typical bond lengths for Co^III^ ions (Park, *et al.* ", "2008; Huang, *et al.* ", "2010). ", "In the crystal, a weak C--H···Cl hydrogen bond is observed.", "\n\nExperimental {#experimental}\n============\n\nThe title compound was prepared from a mixture of 3,5-Dichloro-2-hydroxy-benzaldehyde (0.185 g, 1 mmol), ethylamine solution (0.5 ml), Co(ClO~4~)~2~.6H~2~O (0.360g, 1 mmol), and methanol (8 ml) sealed in a 15 ml Teflon-lined stainless steel bomb, and kept at 393 K for 72 h under autogenous pressure. ", "After the reaction was slowly cooled to room temperature, red needles were produced (yield: 56%, based on 3,5-Dichloro-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde). ", "Anal. ", "Calcd for C~81~H~72~Co~3~Cl~18~N~9~O~9(~%):*C* 46.66, H, 3.41; N, 5.91. ", "Found (%): C, 46.61; H, 3.47; N,5.94.", "\n\nRefinement {#refinement}\n==========\n\nH atoms were positioned geometrically and refined in a riding-model approximation, with distances C---H = 0.93 - 0.97Å and *U*~iso~(H) = 1.2 *U*~eq~(C) or *U*~iso~(H) = 1.5 *U*~eq~(C~methyl~).", "\n\nFigures\n=======\n\n![", "The molecular structure of the first independent molecule with ellipsoids drawn at the 30% level.](e-68-m1047-fig1){#Fap1}\n\n![", "The molecular structure of the second independent molecule with ellipsoids drawn at the 30% level.](e-68-m1047-fig2){#Fap2}\n\n![", "The molecular structure of the third independent molecule with ellipsoids drawn at the 30% level.](e-68-m1047-fig3){#Fap3}\n\nCrystal data {#tablewrapcrystaldatalong}\n============\n\n ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------\n \\[Co(C~9~H~8~Cl~2~NO)~3~\\] *F*(000) = 4320\n *M~r~* = 710.12 *D*~x~ = 1.518 Mg m^−3^\n Monoclinic, *P*2~1~/*n* Mo *K*α radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å\n Hall symbol: -P 2yn Cell parameters from 21227 reflections\n *a* = 13.7293 (12) Å θ = 1.5--27.3°\n *b* = 45.892 (4) Å µ = 1.10 mm^−1^\n *c* = 14.8108 (13) Å *T* = 296 K\n β = 92.828 (1)° Needle, red\n *V* = 9320.4 (14) Å^3^ 0.38 × 0.16 × 0.12 mm\n *Z* = 12 \n ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------\n\nData collection {#tablewrapdatacollectionlong}\n===============\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------\n Bruker SMART CCD diffractometer 21227 independent reflections\n Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube 12089 reflections with *I* \\> 2σ(*I*)\n Graphite monochromator *R*~int~ = 0.036\n φ and ω scans θ~max~ = 27.5°, θ~min~ = 1.5°\n Absorption correction: multi-scan (*SADABS*; Bruker, 2004) *h* = −17→16\n *T*~min~ = 0.806, *T*~max~ = 0.879 *k* = −59→44\n 57477 measured reflections *l* = −19→17\n ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------\n\nRefinement {#tablewraprefinementdatalong}\n==========\n\n ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Refinement on *F*^2^ Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods\n Least-squares matrix: full Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier map\n *R*\\[*F*^2^ \\> 2σ(*F*^2^)\\] = 0.061 Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites\n *wR*(*F*^2^) = 0.171 H-atom parameters constrained\n *S* = 1.01 *w* = 1/\\[σ^2^(*F*~o~^2^) + (0.0702*P*)^2^ + 9.5182*P*\\] where *P* = (*F*~o~^2^ + 2*F*~c~^2^)/3\n 21227 reflections (Δ/σ)~max~ = 0.002\n 1090 parameters Δρ~max~ = 0.56 e Å^−3^\n 0 restraints Δρ~min~ = −0.46 e Å^−3^\n ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSpecial details {#specialdetails}\n===============\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Geometry. ", "All e.s.d.\\'s (except the e.s.d. ", "in the dihedral angle between two l.s. ", "planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. ", "The cell e.s.d.\\'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.\\'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.\\'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. ", "An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.\\'s is used for estimating e.s.d.\\'s involving l.s. ", "planes.", "\n Refinement. ", "Refinement of *F*^2^ against ALL reflections. ", "The weighted *R*-factor *wR* and goodness of fit *S* are based on *F*^2^, conventional *R*-factors *R* are based on *F*, with *F* set to zero for negative *F*^2^. The threshold expression of *F*^2^ \\> σ(*F*^2^) is used only for calculating *R*-factors(gt) *etc*. ", "and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. *", "R*-factors based on *F*^2^ are statistically about twice as large as those based on *F*, and *R*- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.", "\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å^2^) {#tablewrapcoords}\n==================================================================================================\n\n ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- --\n *x* *y* *z* *U*~iso~\\*/*U*~eq~ \n C1 0.9142 (3) 0.21845 (9) 0.8077 (3) 0.0497 (10) \n C2 0.9884 (3) 0.21668 (10) 0.8766 (3) 0.0607 (12) \n C3 1.0680 (4) 0.23459 (11) 0.8786 (4) 0.0715 (14) \n H3 1.1167 0.2326 0.9241 0.086\\* \n C4 1.0756 (4) 0.25545 (11) 0.8134 (4) 0.0742 (15) \n C5 1.0036 (3) 0.25982 (10) 0.7491 (4) 0.0665 (13) \n H5 1.0087 0.2748 0.7073 0.080\\* \n C6 0.9210 (3) 0.24161 (9) 0.7455 (3) 0.0507 (10) \n C7 0.8394 (3) 0.24793 (9) 0.6845 (3) 0.0542 (10) \n H7 0.8371 0.2665 0.6592 0.065\\* \n C8 0.6897 (3) 0.24308 (10) 0.6026 (3) 0.0631 (12) \n H8A 0.6452 0.2276 0.5836 0.076\\* \n H8B 0.7173 0.2510 0.5488 0.076\\* \n C9 0.6336 (4) 0.26642 (11) 0.6468 (4) 0.0766 (15) \n H9A 0.6021 0.2584 0.6977 0.115\\* \n H9B 0.5853 0.2742 0.6043 0.115\\* \n H9C 0.6772 0.2817 0.6669 0.115\\* \n C10 0.8351 (3) 0.13983 (9) 0.7865 (3) 0.0531 (11) \n C11 0.8320 (4) 0.12193 (9) 0.8646 (3) 0.0603 (12) \n C12 0.9115 (4) 0.10708 (9) 0.8994 (4) 0.0670 (13) \n H12 0.9066 0.0958 0.9511 0.080\\* \n C13 0.9992 (4) 0.10889 (10) 0.8578 (4) 0.0646 (13) \n C14 1.0071 (4) 0.12578 (10) 0.7828 (3) 0.0634 (12) \n H14 1.0658 0.1265 0.7542 0.076\\* \n C15 0.9271 (3) 0.14217 (9) 0.7484 (3) 0.0521 (10) \n C16 0.9403 (3) 0.15995 (10) 0.6715 (3) 0.0599 (12) \n H16 0.9966 0.1567 0.6406 0.072\\* \n C17 0.9126 (5) 0.19453 (12) 0.5562 (4) 0.0861 (17) \n H17A 0.8981 0.2152 0.5606 0.103\\* \n H17B 0.9828 0.1926 0.5534 0.103\\* \n C18 0.8678 (5) 0.1837 (2) 0.4719 (5) 0.134 (3) \n H18A 0.8862 0.1637 0.4636 0.202\\* \n H18B 0.8893 0.1951 0.4225 0.202\\* \n H18C 0.7981 0.1850 0.4738 0.202\\* \n C19 0.6101 (3) 0.16329 (9) 0.6041 (3) 0.0567 (11) \n C20 0.5803 (4) 0.14260 (10) 0.5379 (3) 0.0700 (14) \n C21 0.4917 (5) 0.12901 (12) 0.5376 (5) 0.0893 (18) \n H21 0.4747 0.1154 0.4930 0.107\\* \n C22 0.4274 (4) 0.13550 (15) 0.6036 (5) 0.0953 (19) \n C23 0.4525 (4) 0.15488 (13) 0.6693 (4) 0.0821 (16) \n H23 0.4085 0.1591 0.7132 0.099\\* \n C24 0.5432 (3) 0.16860 (10) 0.6724 (3) 0.0622 (12) \n C25 0.5664 (3) 0.18833 (10) 0.7454 (3) 0.0608 (12) \n H25 0.5153 0.1936 0.7810 0.073\\* \n C26 0.6562 (4) 0.21848 (10) 0.8489 (3) 0.0637 (12) \n H26A 0.5951 0.2289 0.8540 0.076\\* \n H26B 0.7073 0.2328 0.8424 0.076\\* \n C27 0.6776 (4) 0.20096 (13) 0.9338 (3) 0.0819 (16) \n H27A 0.6276 0.1866 0.9398 0.123\\* \n H27B 0.6792 0.2137 0.9853 0.123\\* \n H27C 0.7396 0.1915 0.9303 0.123\\* \n C28 0.0809 (3) 0.51848 (9) 0.2276 (3) 0.0485 (10) \n C29 0.0065 (3) 0.53817 (10) 0.1989 (3) 0.0562 (11) \n C30 −0.0558 (3) 0.55071 (11) 0.2575 (4) 0.0664 (13) \n H30 −0.1024 0.5641 0.2364 0.080\\* \n C31 −0.0488 (4) 0.54327 (11) 0.3475 (4) 0.0690 (13) \n C32 0.0182 (3) 0.52351 (10) 0.3780 (3) 0.0617 (12) \n H32 0.0210 0.5183 0.4388 0.074\\* \n C33 0.0830 (3) 0.51079 (9) 0.3200 (3) 0.0509 (10) \n C34 0.1529 (3) 0.48985 (9) 0.3574 (3) 0.0547 (11) \n H34 0.1453 0.4842 0.4169 0.066\\* \n C35 0.2840 (4) 0.45705 (10) 0.3715 (3) 0.0677 (13) \n H35A 0.3096 0.4426 0.3312 0.081\\* \n H35B 0.2440 0.4470 0.4139 0.081\\* \n C36 0.3675 (4) 0.47211 (13) 0.4226 (4) 0.0908 (18) \n H36A 0.4058 0.4826 0.3810 0.136\\* \n H36B 0.4076 0.4579 0.4540 0.136\\* \n H36C 0.3421 0.4855 0.4655 0.136\\* \n C37 0.4003 (3) 0.53149 (8) 0.2233 (3) 0.0479 (10) \n C38 0.4670 (3) 0.54566 (9) 0.2850 (3) 0.0575 (11) \n C39 0.5542 (3) 0.55657 (11) 0.2603 (4) 0.0664 (13) \n H39 0.5960 0.5655 0.3032 0.080\\* \n C40 0.5802 (3) 0.55446 (11) 0.1726 (4) 0.0663 (13) \n C41 0.5194 (3) 0.54094 (10) 0.1090 (3) 0.0590 (11) \n H41 0.5374 0.5396 0.0494 0.071\\* \n C42 0.4308 (3) 0.52934 (9) 0.1337 (3) 0.0528 (10) \n C43 0.3669 (3) 0.51664 (9) 0.0638 (3) 0.0532 (10) \n H43 0.3817 0.5203 0.0043 0.064\\* \n C44 0.2279 (4) 0.49301 (12) −0.0030 (3) 0.0716 (14) \n H44A 0.2590 0.4774 −0.0348 0.086\\* \n H44B 0.1677 0.4853 0.0190 0.086\\* \n C45 0.2027 (6) 0.51563 (17) −0.0677 (5) 0.131 (3) \n H45A 0.1975 0.5339 −0.0369 0.197\\* \n H45B 0.1415 0.5111 −0.0985 0.197\\* \n H45C 0.2525 0.5170 −0.1109 0.197\\* \n C46 0.4197 (3) 0.45143 (9) 0.1672 (3) 0.0512 (10) \n C47 0.5224 (3) 0.44814 (10) 0.1663 (3) 0.0631 (12) \n C48 0.5638 (4) 0.42690 (11) 0.1153 (4) 0.0728 (14) \n H48 0.6314 0.4254 0.1149 0.087\\* \n C49 0.5060 (4) 0.40779 (11) 0.0649 (4) 0.0679 (13) \n C50 0.4075 (4) 0.40898 (10) 0.0676 (3) 0.0663 (13) \n H50 0.3692 0.3953 0.0359 0.080\\* \n C51 0.3634 (3) 0.43063 (9) 0.1178 (3) 0.0559 (11) \n C52 0.2587 (3) 0.43080 (10) 0.1211 (3) 0.0573 (11) \n H52 0.2262 0.4144 0.0981 0.069\\* \n C53 0.0992 (3) 0.44455 (11) 0.1522 (4) 0.0697 (13) \n H53A 0.0637 0.4626 0.1595 0.084\\* \n H53B 0.0785 0.4363 0.0941 0.084\\* \n C54 0.0736 (5) 0.42406 (16) 0.2244 (5) 0.114 (2) \n H54A 0.1097 0.4063 0.2186 0.171\\* \n H54B 0.0050 0.4199 0.2191 0.171\\* \n H54C 0.0896 0.4327 0.2823 0.171\\* \n C55 0.8113 (3) 0.31424 (9) 0.5174 (4) 0.0593 (12) \n C56 0.8568 (4) 0.29457 (10) 0.4594 (4) 0.0708 (14) \n C57 0.8276 (4) 0.29227 (12) 0.3677 (4) 0.0786 (16) \n H57 0.8583 0.2790 0.3313 0.094\\* \n C58 0.7541 (5) 0.30948 (14) 0.3314 (4) 0.0826 (16) \n C59 0.7063 (4) 0.32798 (12) 0.3856 (4) 0.0756 (14) \n H59 0.6542 0.3389 0.3615 0.091\\* \n C60 0.7346 (4) 0.33068 (10) 0.4770 (3) 0.0637 (12) \n C61 0.6745 (3) 0.34863 (9) 0.5313 (3) 0.0598 (12) \n H61 0.6145 0.3545 0.5053 0.072\\* \n C62 0.6180 (4) 0.37165 (11) 0.6619 (4) 0.0717 (14) \n H62A 0.6364 0.3708 0.7259 0.086\\* \n H62B 0.6157 0.3920 0.6446 0.086\\* \n C63 0.5189 (4) 0.35949 (17) 0.6485 (5) 0.120 (3) \n H63A 0.4934 0.3641 0.5887 0.180\\* \n H63B 0.4775 0.3677 0.6921 0.180\\* \n H63C 0.5214 0.3387 0.6559 0.180\\* \n C64 0.8613 (3) 0.39335 (10) 0.5342 (3) 0.0593 (12) \n C65 0.8834 (4) 0.39986 (11) 0.4447 (4) 0.0702 (14) \n C66 0.8610 (4) 0.42587 (12) 0.4045 (4) 0.0728 (14) \n H66 0.8760 0.4292 0.3449 0.087\\* \n C67 0.8154 (4) 0.44733 (11) 0.4536 (4) 0.0684 (13) \n C68 0.7953 (3) 0.44267 (10) 0.5411 (3) 0.0626 (12) \n H68 0.7662 0.4574 0.5737 0.075\\* \n C69 0.8177 (3) 0.41599 (9) 0.5829 (3) 0.0558 (11) \n C70 0.8075 (4) 0.41329 (10) 0.6794 (3) 0.0636 (12) \n H70 0.7930 0.4302 0.7106 0.076\\* \n C71 0.8172 (5) 0.39182 (11) 0.8255 (4) 0.0868 (18) \n H71A 0.8845 0.3935 0.8478 0.104\\* \n H71B 0.7927 0.3735 0.8480 0.104\\* \n C72 0.7614 (5) 0.41564 (15) 0.8664 (4) 0.098 (2) \n H72A 0.7870 0.4341 0.8484 0.148\\* \n H72B 0.7669 0.4140 0.9311 0.148\\* \n H72C 0.6940 0.4142 0.8463 0.148\\* \n C73 0.7937 (3) 0.31835 (9) 0.8286 (3) 0.0571 (11) \n C74 0.7299 (4) 0.30417 (11) 0.8882 (4) 0.0681 (13) \n C75 0.7628 (4) 0.28850 (11) 0.9608 (4) 0.0729 (14) \n H75 0.7187 0.2792 0.9968 0.088\\* \n C76 0.8618 (4) 0.28632 (11) 0.9817 (4) 0.0735 (14) \n C77 0.9266 (4) 0.30007 (10) 0.9292 (4) 0.0689 (13) \n H77 0.9930 0.2990 0.9444 0.083\\* \n C78 0.8939 (3) 0.31586 (10) 0.8522 (3) 0.0605 (12) \n C79 0.9658 (4) 0.33031 (12) 0.8009 (4) 0.0731 (14) \n H79 1.0302 0.3285 0.8226 0.088\\* \n C80 1.0417 (5) 0.3608 (2) 0.6948 (5) 0.118 (3) \n H80A 1.0238 0.3796 0.6687 0.141\\* \n H80B 1.0895 0.3640 0.7443 0.141\\* \n C81 1.0799 (6) 0.34268 (19) 0.6293 (7) 0.144 (3) \n H81A 1.1042 0.3251 0.6574 0.217\\* \n H81B 1.1322 0.3525 0.6012 0.217\\* \n H81C 1.0297 0.3380 0.5843 0.217\\* \n Cl1 0.97389 (10) 0.19083 (3) 0.96043 (9) 0.0771 (4) \n Cl2 1.17926 (11) 0.27773 (4) 0.81744 (15) 0.1178 (7) \n Cl3 0.72211 (11) 0.11913 (3) 0.91688 (11) 0.0856 (4) \n Cl4 1.10024 (12) 0.08948 (3) 0.90073 (12) 0.0970 (5) \n Cl5 0.66061 (12) 0.13391 (3) 0.45487 (10) 0.0903 (4) \n Cl6 0.31476 (17) 0.11843 (7) 0.6022 (2) 0.1816 (12) \n Cl7 −0.00402 (10) 0.54739 (3) 0.08487 (9) 0.0776 (4) \n Cl8 −0.12587 (14) 0.56038 (4) 0.42125 (13) 0.1113 (6) \n Cl9 0.43621 (10) 0.54929 (3) 0.39664 (9) 0.0789 (4) \n Cl10 0.69115 (11) 0.56965 (4) 0.14323 (12) 0.0998 (5) \n Cl11 0.59460 (10) 0.47149 (3) 0.23061 (11) 0.0897 (4) \n Cl12 0.56047 (13) 0.38168 (3) −0.00201 (13) 0.1067 (6) \n Cl13 0.95085 (11) 0.27305 (3) 0.50221 (12) 0.0951 (5) \n Cl14 0.71771 (16) 0.30583 (5) 0.21810 (12) 0.1239 (7) \n Cl15 0.94446 (14) 0.37346 (4) 0.38532 (12) 0.1068 (6) \n Cl16 0.78918 (13) 0.48081 (3) 0.40164 (11) 0.0949 (5) \n Cl17 0.60526 (11) 0.30817 (4) 0.86484 (12) 0.0960 (5) \n Cl18 0.90338 (14) 0.26587 (4) 1.07422 (11) 0.1053 (5) \n Co1 0.76546 (4) 0.190541 (12) 0.70306 (4) 0.04715 (15) \n Co2 0.25845 (4) 0.488212 (12) 0.19652 (4) 0.04676 (15) \n Co3 0.82477 (4) 0.351743 (13) 0.66808 (4) 0.05682 (17) \n N1 0.7693 (2) 0.23057 (7) 0.6614 (2) 0.0494 (8) \n N2 0.8826 (3) 0.18009 (8) 0.6399 (2) 0.0553 (9) \n N3 0.6495 (3) 0.19946 (7) 0.7670 (2) 0.0525 (9) \n N4 0.2231 (3) 0.47832 (7) 0.3181 (2) 0.0506 (8) \n N5 0.2917 (3) 0.50076 (7) 0.0761 (2) 0.0495 (8) \n N6 0.2054 (2) 0.45112 (8) 0.1524 (2) 0.0513 (8) \n N7 0.6958 (3) 0.35731 (7) 0.6118 (3) 0.0573 (9) \n N8 0.8165 (3) 0.38984 (8) 0.7258 (3) 0.0594 (10) \n N9 0.9513 (3) 0.34534 (10) 0.7287 (3) 0.0742 (12) \n O1 0.8428 (2) 0.19994 (6) 0.80680 (19) 0.0505 (7) \n O2 0.7572 (2) 0.15262 (6) 0.7540 (2) 0.0540 (7) \n O3 0.6929 (2) 0.17702 (7) 0.5992 (2) 0.0593 (8) \n O4 0.1390 (2) 0.50795 (6) 0.16963 (19) 0.0519 (7) \n O5 0.3153 (2) 0.52279 (6) 0.24818 (19) 0.0512 (7) \n O6 0.3836 (2) 0.47185 (6) 0.2159 (2) 0.0537 (7) \n O7 0.8379 (2) 0.31547 (6) 0.6040 (2) 0.0617 (8) \n O8 0.8834 (2) 0.36810 (7) 0.5685 (2) 0.0629 (8) \n O9 0.7572 (2) 0.33274 (7) 0.7592 (2) 0.0622 (8) \n ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- --\n\nAtomic displacement parameters (Å^2^) {#tablewrapadps}\n=====================================\n\n ------ ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------\n *U*^11^ *U*^22^ *U*^33^ *U*^12^ *U*^13^ *U*^23^\n C1 0.049 (2) 0.044 (2) 0.056 (3) 0.0072 (19) 0.000 (2) −0.0075 (19)\n C2 0.062 (3) 0.054 (3) 0.064 (3) 0.008 (2) −0.009 (2) −0.012 (2)\n C3 0.060 (3) 0.066 (3) 0.086 (4) 0.009 (2) −0.028 (3) −0.015 (3)\n C4 0.058 (3) 0.053 (3) 0.109 (4) −0.004 (2) −0.018 (3) −0.004 (3)\n C5 0.059 (3) 0.050 (3) 0.090 (4) −0.003 (2) −0.005 (3) 0.000 (2)\n C6 0.047 (2) 0.045 (2) 0.059 (3) 0.0022 (18) −0.001 (2) −0.007 (2)\n C7 0.058 (3) 0.046 (2) 0.059 (3) −0.001 (2) 0.000 (2) 0.004 (2)\n C8 0.060 (3) 0.062 (3) 0.065 (3) 0.003 (2) −0.015 (2) 0.005 (2)\n C9 0.066 (3) 0.068 (3) 0.094 (4) 0.010 (3) −0.015 (3) 0.001 (3)\n C10 0.064 (3) 0.036 (2) 0.059 (3) −0.001 (2) −0.002 (2) −0.0058 (19)\n C11 0.077 (3) 0.039 (2) 0.065 (3) 0.001 (2) 0.009 (2) −0.004 (2)\n C12 0.090 (4) 0.041 (2) 0.069 (3) 0.001 (2) −0.008 (3) 0.002 (2)\n C13 0.074 (3) 0.045 (2) 0.073 (3) 0.010 (2) −0.015 (3) −0.006 (2)\n C14 0.060 (3) 0.054 (3) 0.076 (3) 0.006 (2) 0.001 (2) −0.015 (2)\n C15 0.057 (3) 0.046 (2) 0.054 (3) 0.004 (2) 0.004 (2) −0.0085 (19)\n C16 0.058 (3) 0.058 (3) 0.064 (3) 0.002 (2) 0.008 (2) −0.011 (2)\n C17 0.131 (5) 0.064 (3) 0.066 (4) 0.005 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.005 (3)\n C18 0.101 (5) 0.220 (9) 0.083 (5) −0.013 (6) 0.003 (4) 0.053 (6)\n C19 0.063 (3) 0.050 (2) 0.055 (3) 0.001 (2) −0.015 (2) 0.005 (2)\n C20 0.090 (4) 0.053 (3) 0.065 (3) 0.003 (3) −0.022 (3) −0.002 (2)\n C21 0.094 (4) 0.071 (4) 0.100 (5) −0.014 (3) −0.033 (4) −0.017 (3)\n C22 0.071 (4) 0.106 (5) 0.106 (5) −0.032 (3) −0.021 (4) −0.008 (4)\n C23 0.061 (3) 0.092 (4) 0.092 (4) −0.014 (3) −0.009 (3) −0.001 (3)\n C24 0.061 (3) 0.062 (3) 0.062 (3) −0.008 (2) −0.011 (2) 0.004 (2)\n C25 0.050 (3) 0.065 (3) 0.068 (3) 0.006 (2) 0.004 (2) 0.003 (2)\n C26 0.063 (3) 0.062 (3) 0.067 (3) 0.006 (2) 0.010 (2) −0.012 (2)\n C27 0.090 (4) 0.102 (4) 0.054 (3) 0.007 (3) 0.012 (3) −0.005 (3)\n C28 0.045 (2) 0.044 (2) 0.056 (3) −0.0069 (18) −0.005 (2) 0.0045 (19)\n C29 0.049 (3) 0.056 (3) 0.062 (3) −0.006 (2) −0.008 (2) 0.004 (2)\n C30 0.051 (3) 0.061 (3) 0.088 (4) 0.004 (2) 0.003 (3) 0.003 (3)\n C31 0.057 (3) 0.064 (3) 0.087 (4) 0.004 (2) 0.017 (3) 0.000 (3)\n C32 0.062 (3) 0.063 (3) 0.061 (3) −0.011 (2) 0.007 (2) 0.005 (2)\n C33 0.049 (2) 0.046 (2) 0.057 (3) −0.0050 (19) −0.002 (2) 0.002 (2)\n C34 0.067 (3) 0.050 (2) 0.047 (3) −0.004 (2) 0.003 (2) 0.0059 (19)\n C35 0.083 (3) 0.059 (3) 0.060 (3) 0.015 (3) −0.005 (3) 0.014 (2)\n C36 0.104 (4) 0.084 (4) 0.080 (4) 0.029 (3) −0.033 (3) 0.003 (3)\n C37 0.051 (2) 0.040 (2) 0.053 (3) 0.0006 (18) −0.008 (2) 0.0051 (18)\n C38 0.062 (3) 0.053 (3) 0.056 (3) 0.002 (2) −0.014 (2) −0.006 (2)\n C39 0.053 (3) 0.071 (3) 0.073 (4) −0.008 (2) −0.016 (2) −0.006 (3)\n C40 0.053 (3) 0.070 (3) 0.075 (4) −0.011 (2) −0.005 (2) 0.003 (3)\n C41 0.054 (3) 0.062 (3) 0.061 (3) −0.009 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.007 (2)\n C42 0.052 (2) 0.048 (2) 0.057 (3) −0.0083 (19) −0.010 (2) 0.0055 (19)\n C43 0.056 (3) 0.054 (3) 0.049 (3) −0.008 (2) −0.002 (2) 0.0098 (19)\n C44 0.075 (3) 0.082 (3) 0.056 (3) −0.016 (3) −0.018 (2) −0.002 (3)\n C45 0.144 (6) 0.142 (6) 0.099 (5) −0.059 (5) −0.073 (5) 0.047 (5)\n C46 0.055 (3) 0.049 (2) 0.049 (3) 0.004 (2) 0.000 (2) 0.010 (2)\n C47 0.057 (3) 0.055 (3) 0.077 (3) −0.003 (2) 0.000 (2) 0.017 (2)\n C48 0.060 (3) 0.068 (3) 0.092 (4) 0.013 (3) 0.018 (3) 0.023 (3)\n C49 0.071 (3) 0.057 (3) 0.078 (4) 0.008 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.011 (3)\n C50 0.077 (3) 0.047 (3) 0.076 (3) 0.004 (2) 0.013 (3) 0.004 (2)\n C51 0.060 (3) 0.049 (2) 0.059 (3) −0.002 (2) 0.006 (2) 0.007 (2)\n C52 0.064 (3) 0.045 (2) 0.063 (3) −0.010 (2) −0.003 (2) −0.002 (2)\n C53 0.058 (3) 0.067 (3) 0.083 (4) −0.014 (2) 0.003 (3) −0.004 (3)\n C54 0.107 (5) 0.138 (6) 0.098 (5) −0.053 (5) 0.020 (4) −0.001 (4)\n C55 0.065 (3) 0.041 (2) 0.073 (3) −0.010 (2) 0.019 (3) 0.002 (2)\n C56 0.071 (3) 0.048 (3) 0.096 (4) −0.010 (2) 0.027 (3) 0.006 (3)\n C57 0.085 (4) 0.064 (3) 0.090 (4) −0.020 (3) 0.034 (3) −0.014 (3)\n C58 0.091 (4) 0.087 (4) 0.072 (4) −0.019 (3) 0.021 (3) −0.007 (3)\n C59 0.081 (4) 0.077 (4) 0.069 (4) −0.011 (3) 0.004 (3) −0.008 (3)\n C60 0.071 (3) 0.047 (2) 0.073 (3) −0.007 (2) 0.003 (3) −0.002 (2)\n C61 0.061 (3) 0.046 (2) 0.072 (3) −0.010 (2) −0.003 (2) −0.002 (2)\n C62 0.072 (3) 0.060 (3) 0.083 (4) 0.005 (3) 0.006 (3) −0.007 (3)\n C63 0.072 (4) 0.146 (7) 0.145 (7) −0.008 (4) 0.025 (4) −0.052 (5)\n C64 0.057 (3) 0.053 (3) 0.068 (3) −0.016 (2) 0.005 (2) 0.002 (2)\n C65 0.075 (3) 0.059 (3) 0.077 (4) −0.019 (3) 0.017 (3) −0.002 (3)\n C66 0.078 (3) 0.072 (3) 0.069 (3) −0.026 (3) 0.006 (3) 0.005 (3)\n C67 0.072 (3) 0.055 (3) 0.076 (4) −0.022 (2) −0.010 (3) 0.006 (3)\n C68 0.069 (3) 0.049 (3) 0.069 (3) −0.018 (2) −0.001 (2) −0.004 (2)\n C69 0.063 (3) 0.044 (2) 0.060 (3) −0.015 (2) −0.001 (2) 0.001 (2)\n C70 0.075 (3) 0.047 (3) 0.068 (3) −0.011 (2) −0.005 (2) −0.007 (2)\n C71 0.138 (5) 0.058 (3) 0.062 (3) 0.004 (3) −0.018 (3) −0.004 (2)\n C72 0.111 (5) 0.114 (5) 0.071 (4) 0.018 (4) 0.016 (3) 0.010 (3)\n C73 0.067 (3) 0.040 (2) 0.064 (3) 0.000 (2) 0.003 (2) −0.003 (2)\n C74 0.066 (3) 0.059 (3) 0.080 (4) 0.010 (2) 0.015 (3) 0.000 (3)\n C75 0.087 (4) 0.059 (3) 0.074 (4) 0.005 (3) 0.017 (3) 0.006 (3)\n C76 0.094 (4) 0.060 (3) 0.067 (3) 0.013 (3) 0.002 (3) 0.002 (2)\n C77 0.071 (3) 0.057 (3) 0.078 (4) 0.008 (2) −0.006 (3) −0.001 (3)\n C78 0.060 (3) 0.050 (3) 0.071 (3) 0.006 (2) 0.000 (2) −0.004 (2)\n C79 0.056 (3) 0.080 (4) 0.082 (4) 0.002 (3) 0.000 (3) 0.012 (3)\n C80 0.076 (4) 0.173 (8) 0.104 (6) 0.010 (5) 0.000 (4) 0.017 (5)\n C81 0.120 (7) 0.127 (7) 0.188 (10) −0.014 (5) 0.026 (6) 0.013 (6)\n Cl1 0.0859 (9) 0.0742 (8) 0.0685 (8) 0.0081 (7) −0.0236 (7) 0.0079 (6)\n Cl2 0.0704 (9) 0.0909 (11) 0.188 (2) −0.0264 (8) −0.0382 (11) 0.0116 (11)\n Cl3 0.0955 (10) 0.0677 (8) 0.0957 (11) −0.0033 (7) 0.0273 (8) 0.0176 (7)\n Cl4 0.0973 (11) 0.0746 (9) 0.1155 (13) 0.0278 (8) −0.0304 (9) 0.0015 (8)\n Cl5 0.1152 (12) 0.0840 (9) 0.0701 (9) 0.0075 (8) −0.0101 (8) −0.0217 (7)\n Cl6 0.1069 (15) 0.228 (3) 0.209 (3) −0.0955 (18) 0.0015 (16) −0.071 (2)\n Cl7 0.0717 (8) 0.0898 (9) 0.0691 (8) 0.0089 (7) −0.0199 (6) 0.0152 (7)\n Cl8 0.1137 (13) 0.1053 (12) 0.1193 (14) 0.0356 (10) 0.0512 (11) 0.0074 (10)\n Cl9 0.0805 (9) 0.0941 (10) 0.0609 (8) −0.0050 (7) −0.0095 (6) −0.0164 (7)\n Cl10 0.0663 (9) 0.1287 (13) 0.1037 (12) −0.0392 (9) −0.0035 (8) −0.0040 (10)\n Cl11 0.0565 (7) 0.0960 (10) 0.1142 (12) −0.0061 (7) −0.0186 (7) 0.0025 (9)\n Cl12 0.1127 (12) 0.0775 (10) 0.1351 (15) 0.0153 (9) 0.0608 (11) −0.0008 (9)\n Cl13 0.0921 (10) 0.0729 (9) 0.1245 (13) 0.0169 (8) 0.0483 (9) 0.0118 (8)\n Cl14 0.1443 (16) 0.1519 (17) 0.0768 (11) −0.0220 (13) 0.0176 (11) −0.0270 (11)\n Cl15 0.1351 (14) 0.0879 (11) 0.1022 (12) −0.0030 (10) 0.0562 (11) −0.0051 (9)\n Cl16 0.1299 (13) 0.0674 (8) 0.0855 (10) −0.0149 (8) −0.0131 (9) 0.0184 (7)\n Cl17 0.0665 (8) 0.1184 (13) 0.1049 (12) 0.0024 (8) 0.0207 (8) 0.0178 (9)\n Cl18 0.1338 (14) 0.0940 (11) 0.0876 (11) 0.0307 (10) 0.0012 (10) 0.0232 (9)\n Co1 0.0507 (3) 0.0425 (3) 0.0480 (3) −0.0004 (2) 0.0000 (2) −0.0009 (2)\n Co2 0.0479 (3) 0.0439 (3) 0.0477 (3) −0.0023 (2) −0.0048 (2) 0.0038 (2)\n Co3 0.0571 (4) 0.0457 (3) 0.0675 (4) −0.0059 (3) 0.0018 (3) 0.0013 (3)\n N1 0.051 (2) 0.0453 (19) 0.052 (2) 0.0009 (16) −0.0033 (16) 0.0033 (15)\n N2 0.066 (2) 0.048 (2) 0.052 (2) −0.0027 (18) 0.0126 (18) 0.0005 (16)\n N3 0.057 (2) 0.049 (2) 0.052 (2) 0.0029 (17) 0.0036 (17) −0.0043 (16)\n N4 0.054 (2) 0.0452 (19) 0.051 (2) 0.0014 (16) −0.0086 (17) 0.0071 (16)\n N5 0.054 (2) 0.0472 (19) 0.046 (2) −0.0050 (16) −0.0044 (16) −0.0015 (15)\n N6 0.0456 (19) 0.050 (2) 0.058 (2) −0.0078 (16) −0.0008 (16) 0.0042 (17)\n N7 0.065 (2) 0.0406 (19) 0.067 (3) −0.0056 (17) 0.0034 (19) −0.0021 (17)\n N8 0.071 (3) 0.049 (2) 0.058 (2) −0.0109 (18) −0.0051 (19) −0.0011 (18)\n N9 0.053 (2) 0.082 (3) 0.088 (3) −0.016 (2) 0.005 (2) 0.014 (2)\n O1 0.0524 (17) 0.0474 (16) 0.0511 (17) −0.0011 (13) −0.0042 (13) −0.0013 (13)\n O2 0.0540 (17) 0.0426 (16) 0.066 (2) −0.0003 (13) 0.0043 (15) 0.0007 (13)\n O3 0.065 (2) 0.0622 (19) 0.0502 (18) −0.0092 (16) 0.0016 (15) −0.0059 (14)\n O4 0.0483 (16) 0.0551 (17) 0.0516 (17) 0.0045 (13) −0.0041 (14) 0.0071 (13)\n O5 0.0563 (18) 0.0468 (16) 0.0499 (17) −0.0063 (13) −0.0037 (13) 0.0013 (13)\n O6 0.0489 (16) 0.0528 (17) 0.0585 (18) −0.0008 (13) −0.0073 (14) 0.0028 (14)\n O7 0.0642 (19) 0.0414 (16) 0.080 (2) 0.0002 (14) 0.0069 (17) 0.0025 (15)\n O8 0.070 (2) 0.0484 (18) 0.071 (2) −0.0076 (15) 0.0129 (16) 0.0016 (15)\n O9 0.0581 (19) 0.0582 (19) 0.071 (2) −0.0024 (15) 0.0063 (16) 0.0068 (16)\n ------ ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------\n\nGeometric parameters (Å, º) {#tablewrapgeomlong}\n===========================\n\n ------------------- ----------- ------------------- -------------\n C1---O1 1.297 (5) C45---H45C 0.9600\n C1---C2 1.409 (6) C46---O6 1.296 (5)\n C1---C6 1.413 (6) C46---C51 1.411 (6)\n C2---C3 1.366 (7) C46---C47 1.418 (6)\n C2---Cl1 1.735 (5) C47---C48 1.373 (7)\n C3---C4 1.368 (7) C47---Cl11 1.716 (5)\n C3---H3 0.9300 C48---C49 1.378 (7)\n C4---C5 1.353 (7) C48---H48 0.9300\n C4---Cl2 1.751 (5) C49---C50 1.355 (7)\n C5---C6 1.407 (6) C49---Cl12 1.746 (5)\n C5---H5 0.9300 C50---C51 1.397 (6)\n C6---C7 1.433 (6) C50---H50 0.9300\n C7---N1 1.283 (5) C51---C52 1.439 (6)\n C7---H7 0.9300 C52---N6 1.286 (5)\n C8---N1 1.479 (5) C52---H52 0.9300\n C8---C9 1.490 (7) C53---C54 1.479 (8)\n C8---H8A 0.9700 C53---N6 1.489 (6)\n C8---H8B 0.9700 C53---H53A 0.9700\n C9---H9A 0.9600 C53---H53B 0.9700\n C9---H9B 0.9600 C54---H54A 0.9600\n C9---H9C 0.9600 C54---H54B 0.9600\n C10---O2 1.291 (5) C54---H54C 0.9600\n C10---C15 1.413 (6) C55---O7 1.317 (6)\n C10---C11 1.422 (6) C55---C60 1.405 (7)\n C11---C12 1.366 (7) C55---C56 1.413 (7)\n C11---Cl3 1.734 (5) C56---C57 1.400 (8)\n C12---C13 1.381 (7) C56---Cl13 1.722 (6)\n C12---H12 0.9300 C57---C58 1.370 (8)\n C13---C14 1.364 (7) C57---H57 0.9300\n C13---Cl4 1.742 (5) C58---C59 1.360 (8)\n C14---C15 1.405 (6) C58---Cl14 1.735 (6)\n C14---H14 0.9300 C59---C60 1.396 (7)\n C15---C16 1.419 (6) C59---H59 0.9300\n C16---N2 1.290 (6) C60---C61 1.439 (7)\n C16---H16 0.9300 C61---N7 1.278 (6)\n C17---C18 1.453 (9) C61---H61 0.9300\n C17---N2 1.483 (6) C62---C63 1.475 (8)\n C17---H17A 0.9700 C62---N7 1.484 (6)\n C17---H17B 0.9700 C62---H62A 0.9700\n C18---H18A 0.9600 C62---H62B 0.9700\n C18---H18B 0.9600 C63---H63A 0.9600\n C18---H18C 0.9600 C63---H63B 0.9600\n C19---O3 1.304 (5) C63---H63C 0.9600\n C19---C20 1.410 (6) C64---O8 1.295 (5)\n C19---C24 1.421 (7) C64---C65 1.407 (7)\n C20---C21 1.368 (8) C64---C69 1.414 (6)\n C20---Cl5 1.738 (6) C65---C66 1.362 (7)\n C21---C22 1.381 (9) C65---Cl15 1.737 (5)\n C21---H21 0.9300 C66---C67 1.391 (7)\n C22---C23 1.350 (8) C66---H66 0.9300\n C22---Cl6 1.733 (6) C67---C68 1.356 (7)\n C23---C24 1.395 (7) C67---Cl16 1.747 (5)\n C23---H23 0.9300 C68---C69 1.399 (6)\n C24---C25 1.434 (7) C68---H68 0.9300\n C25---N3 1.276 (5) C69---C70 1.448 (6)\n C25---H25 0.9300 C70---N8 1.280 (6)\n C26---N3 1.493 (6) C70---H70 0.9300\n C26---C27 1.509 (7) C71---N8 1.479 (6)\n C26---H26A 0.9700 C71---C72 1.482 (8)\n C26---H26B 0.9700 C71---H71A 0.9700\n C27---H27A 0.9600 C71---H71B 0.9700\n C27---H27B 0.9600 C72---H72A 0.9600\n C27---H27C 0.9600 C72---H72B 0.9600\n C28---O4 1.294 (5) C72---H72C 0.9600\n C28---C33 1.411 (6) C73---O9 1.301 (5)\n C28---C29 1.413 (6) C73---C78 1.408 (6)\n C29---C30 1.375 (7) C73---C74 1.431 (7)\n C29---Cl7 1.740 (5) C74---C75 1.353 (7)\n C30---C31 1.374 (7) C74---Cl17 1.739 (5)\n C30---H30 0.9300 C75---C76 1.383 (7)\n C31---C32 1.353 (7) C75---H75 0.9300\n C31---Cl8 1.745 (5) C76---C77 1.365 (7)\n C32---C33 1.396 (6) C76---Cl18 1.734 (5)\n C32---H32 0.9300 C77---C78 1.405 (7)\n C33---C34 1.448 (6) C77---H77 0.9300\n C34---N4 1.266 (5) C78---C79 1.436 (7)\n C34---H34 0.9300 C79---N9 1.279 (6)\n C35---N4 1.487 (5) C79---H79 0.9300\n C35---C36 1.510 (7) C80---C81 1.401 (10)\n C35---H35A 0.9700 C80---N9 1.536 (8)\n C35---H35B 0.9700 C80---H80A 0.9700\n C36---H36A 0.9600 C80---H80B 0.9700\n C36---H36B 0.9600 C81---H81A 0.9600\n C36---H36C 0.9600 C81---H81B 0.9600\n C37---O5 1.304 (5) C81---H81C 0.9600\n C37---C42 1.415 (6) Co1---O1 1.874 (3)\n C37---C38 1.418 (6) Co1---O3 1.895 (3)\n C38---C39 1.364 (7) Co1---O2 1.902 (3)\n C38---Cl9 1.735 (5) Co1---N3 1.937 (4)\n C39---C40 1.368 (7) Co1---N1 1.939 (3)\n C39---H39 0.9300 Co1---N2 1.959 (4)\n C40---C41 1.375 (6) Co2---O6 1.884 (3)\n C40---Cl10 1.750 (5) Co2---O4 1.899 (3)\n C41---C42 1.393 (6) Co2---O5 1.912 (3)\n C41---H41 0.9300 Co2---N4 1.943 (4)\n C42---C43 1.446 (6) Co2---N5 1.950 (3)\n C43---N5 1.283 (5) Co2---N6 1.952 (3)\n C43---H43 0.9300 Co3---O8 1.872 (3)\n C44---C45 1.444 (7) Co3---O9 1.888 (3)\n C44---N5 1.472 (5) Co3---O7 1.929 (3)\n C44---H44A 0.9700 Co3---N7 1.936 (4)\n C44---H44B 0.9700 Co3---N9 1.939 (4)\n C45---H45A 0.9600 Co3---N8 1.952 (4)\n C45---H45B 0.9600 \n \n O1---C1---C2 119.3 (4) C54---C53---H53B 108.9\n O1---C1---C6 124.1 (4) N6---C53---H53B 108.9\n C2---C1---C6 116.6 (4) H53A---C53---H53B 107.7\n C3---C2---C1 122.0 (5) C53---C54---H54A 109.5\n C3---C2---Cl1 121.1 (4) C53---C54---H54B 109.5\n C1---C2---Cl1 116.9 (4) H54A---C54---H54B 109.5\n C2---C3---C4 119.6 (4) C53---C54---H54C 109.5\n C2---C3---H3 120.2 H54A---C54---H54C 109.5\n C4---C3---H3 120.2 H54B---C54---H54C 109.5\n C5---C4---C3 121.5 (5) O7---C55---C60 123.9 (4)\n C5---C4---Cl2 120.1 (4) O7---C55---C56 120.7 (5)\n C3---C4---Cl2 118.3 (4) C60---C55---C56 115.4 (5)\n C4---C5---C6 119.8 (5) C57---C56---C55 121.6 (5)\n C4---C5---H5 120.1 C57---C56---Cl13 119.2 (4)\n C6---C5---H5 120.1 C55---C56---Cl13 119.2 (5)\n C5---C6---C1 120.1 (4) C58---C57---C56 120.5 (5)\n C5---C6---C7 120.5 (4) C58---C57---H57 119.8\n C1---C6---C7 119.2 (4) C56---C57---H57 119.8\n N1---C7---C6 126.5 (4) C59---C58---C57 119.7 (6)\n N1---C7---H7 116.7 C59---C58---Cl14 120.4 (5)\n C6---C7---H7 116.7 C57---C58---Cl14 119.7 (5)\n N1---C8---C9 113.8 (4) C58---C59---C60 120.6 (6)\n N1---C8---H8A 108.8 C58---C59---H59 119.7\n C9---C8---H8A 108.8 C60---C59---H59 119.7\n N1---C8---H8B 108.8 C59---C60---C55 122.2 (5)\n C9---C8---H8B 108.8 C59---C60---C61 116.9 (5)\n H8A---C8---H8B 107.7 C55---C60---C61 120.5 (5)\n C8---C9---H9A 109.5 N7---C61---C60 126.0 (5)\n C8---C9---H9B 109.5 N7---C61---H61 117.0\n H9A---C9---H9B 109.5 C60---C61---H61 117.0\n C8---C9---H9C 109.5 C63---C62---N7 116.6 (4)\n H9A---C9---H9C 109.5 C63---C62---H62A 108.1\n H9B---C9---H9C 109.5 N7---C62---H62A 108.2\n O2---C10---C15 123.9 (4) C63---C62---H62B 108.2\n O2---C10---C11 120.5 (4) N7---C62---H62B 108.2\n C15---C10---C11 115.6 (4) H62A---C62---H62B 107.3\n C12---C11---C10 122.7 (5) C62---C63---H63A 109.5\n C12---C11---Cl3 119.4 (4) C62---C63---H63B 109.5\n C10---C11---Cl3 117.9 (4) H63A---C63---H63B 109.5\n C11---C12---C13 120.0 (5) C62---C63---H63C 109.5\n C11---C12---H12 120.0 H63A---C63---H63C 109.5\n C13---C12---H12 120.0 H63B---C63---H63C 109.5\n C14---C13---C12 120.2 (4) O8---C64---C65 120.2 (4)\n C14---C13---Cl4 119.6 (4) O8---C64---C69 123.7 (4)\n C12---C13---Cl4 120.2 (4) C65---C64---C69 116.1 (4)\n C13---C14---C15 120.5 (5) C66---C65---C64 123.0 (5)\n C13---C14---H14 119.8 C66---C65---Cl15 119.6 (4)\n C15---C14---H14 119.8 C64---C65---Cl15 117.5 (4)\n C14---C15---C10 120.8 (4) C65---C66---C67 119.3 (5)\n C14---C15---C16 118.1 (4) C65---C66---H66 120.4\n C10---C15---C16 121.0 (4) C67---C66---H66 120.3\n N2---C16---C15 127.1 (4) C68---C67---C66 120.4 (5)\n N2---C16---H16 116.5 C68---C67---Cl16 120.8 (4)\n C15---C16---H16 116.5 C66---C67---Cl16 118.7 (4)\n C18---C17---N2 116.2 (5) C67---C68---C69 120.6 (5)\n C18---C17---H17A 108.2 C67---C68---H68 119.7\n N2---C17---H17A 108.2 C69---C68---H68 119.7\n C18---C17---H17B 108.2 C68---C69---C64 120.5 (4)\n N2---C17---H17B 108.2 C68---C69---C70 118.7 (4)\n H17A---C17---H17B 107.4 C64---C69---C70 120.3 (4)\n C17---C18---H18A 109.5 N8---C70---C69 126.2 (4)\n C17---C18---H18B 109.5 N8---C70---H70 116.9\n H18A---C18---H18B 109.5 C69---C70---H70 116.9\n C17---C18---H18C 109.5 N8---C71---C72 118.4 (5)\n H18A---C18---H18C 109.5 N8---C71---H71A 107.7\n H18B---C18---H18C 109.5 C72---C71---H71A 107.7\n O3---C19---C20 120.7 (5) N8---C71---H71B 107.7\n O3---C19---C24 123.5 (4) C72---C71---H71B 107.7\n C20---C19---C24 115.8 (5) H71A---C71---H71B 107.1\n C21---C20---C19 122.5 (5) C71---C72---H72A 109.5\n C21---C20---Cl5 119.2 (4) C71---C72---H72B 109.5\n C19---C20---Cl5 118.3 (4) H72A---C72---H72B 109.5\n C20---C21---C22 119.9 (5) C71---C72---H72C 109.5\n C20---C21---H21 120.0 H72A---C72---H72C 109.5\n C22---C21---H21 120.0 H72B---C72---H72C 109.5\n C23---C22---C21 120.2 (5) O9---C73---C78 124.8 (4)\n C23---C22---Cl6 120.2 (6) O9---C73---C74 119.7 (4)\n C21---C22---Cl6 119.7 (5) C78---C73---C74 115.5 (4)\n C22---C23---C24 121.1 (6) C75---C74---C73 122.8 (5)\n C22---C23---H23 119.4 C75---C74---Cl17 120.1 (4)\n C24---C23---H23 119.4 C73---C74---Cl17 117.1 (4)\n C23---C24---C19 120.4 (5) C74---C75---C76 120.1 (5)\n C23---C24---C25 118.4 (5) C74---C75---H75 119.9\n C19---C24---C25 121.2 (4) C76---C75---H75 119.9\n N3---C25---C24 127.2 (4) C77---C76---C75 120.0 (5)\n N3---C25---H25 116.4 C77---C76---Cl18 120.2 (5)\n C24---C25---H25 116.4 C75---C76---Cl18 119.8 (4)\n N3---C26---C27 111.5 (4) C76---C77---C78 120.7 (5)\n N3---C26---H26A 109.3 C76---C77---H77 119.7\n C27---C26---H26A 109.3 C78---C77---H77 119.7\n N3---C26---H26B 109.3 C77---C78---C73 120.8 (5)\n C27---C26---H26B 109.3 C77---C78---C79 117.9 (5)\n H26A---C26---H26B 108.0 C73---C78---C79 121.3 (5)\n C26---C27---H27A 109.5 N9---C79---C78 127.5 (5)\n C26---C27---H27B 109.5 N9---C79---H79 116.2\n H27A---C27---H27B 109.5 C78---C79---H79 116.2\n C26---C27---H27C 109.5 C81---C80---N9 106.7 (7)\n H27A---C27---H27C 109.5 C81---C80---H80A 110.4\n H27B---C27---H27C 109.5 N9---C80---H80A 110.4\n O4---C28---C33 124.5 (4) C81---C80---H80B 110.4\n O4---C28---C29 119.9 (4) N9---C80---H80B 110.4\n C33---C28---C29 115.6 (4) H80A---C80---H80B 108.6\n C30---C29---C28 122.7 (4) C80---C81---H81A 109.5\n C30---C29---Cl7 119.1 (4) C80---C81---H81B 109.5\n C28---C29---Cl7 118.2 (4) H81A---C81---H81B 109.5\n C31---C30---C29 119.5 (5) C80---C81---H81C 109.5\n C31---C30---H30 120.3 H81A---C81---H81C 109.5\n C29---C30---H30 120.3 H81B---C81---H81C 109.5\n C32---C31---C30 120.3 (5) O1---Co1---O3 173.95 (13)\n C32---C31---Cl8 121.0 (4) O1---Co1---O2 85.86 (12)\n C30---C31---Cl8 118.7 (4) O3---Co1---O2 89.02 (13)\n C31---C32---C33 121.2 (5) O1---Co1---N3 89.78 (14)\n C31---C32---H32 119.4 O3---Co1---N3 93.10 (14)\n C33---C32---H32 119.4 O2---Co1---N3 86.16 (14)\n C32---C33---C28 120.6 (4) O1---Co1---N1 91.12 (13)\n C32---C33---C34 118.2 (4) O3---Co1---N1 94.22 (14)\n C28---C33---C34 121.2 (4) O2---Co1---N1 174.70 (14)\n N4---C34---C33 127.4 (4) N3---Co1---N1 89.47 (15)\n N4---C34---H34 116.3 O1---Co1---N2 90.16 (14)\n C33---C34---H34 116.3 O3---Co1---N2 86.77 (14)\n N4---C35---C36 111.1 (4) O2---Co1---N2 91.81 (14)\n N4---C35---H35A 109.4 N3---Co1---N2 177.96 (15)\n C36---C35---H35A 109.4 N1---Co1---N2 92.56 (15)\n N4---C35---H35B 109.4 O6---Co2---O4 173.70 (13)\n C36---C35---H35B 109.4 O6---Co2---O5 85.31 (12)\n H35A---C35---H35B 108.0 O4---Co2---O5 91.12 (12)\n C35---C36---H36A 109.5 O6---Co2---N4 91.91 (14)\n C35---C36---H36B 109.5 O4---Co2---N4 93.04 (14)\n H36A---C36---H36B 109.5 O5---Co2---N4 86.50 (13)\n C35---C36---H36C 109.5 O6---Co2---N5 90.22 (14)\n H36A---C36---H36C 109.5 O4---Co2---N5 84.62 (13)\n H36B---C36---H36C 109.5 O5---Co2---N5 90.65 (13)\n O5---C37---C42 123.6 (4) N4---Co2---N5 176.29 (14)\n O5---C37---C38 121.1 (4) O6---Co2---N6 91.49 (14)\n C42---C37---C38 115.1 (4) O4---Co2---N6 92.39 (13)\n C39---C38---C37 122.9 (4) O5---Co2---N6 175.19 (13)\n C39---C38---Cl9 118.6 (4) N4---Co2---N6 90.03 (15)\n C37---C38---Cl9 118.5 (4) N5---Co2---N6 92.95 (14)\n C38---C39---C40 120.1 (4) O8---Co3---O9 173.64 (14)\n C38---C39---H39 120.0 O8---Co3---O7 84.50 (13)\n C40---C39---H39 119.9 O9---Co3---O7 90.81 (14)\n C39---C40---C41 120.3 (4) O8---Co3---N7 91.60 (15)\n C39---C40---Cl10 118.6 (4) O9---Co3---N7 84.12 (15)\n C41---C40---Cl10 121.0 (4) O7---Co3---N7 90.45 (15)\n C40---C41---C42 120.0 (5) O8---Co3---N9 90.88 (17)\n C40---C41---H41 120.0 O9---Co3---N9 93.39 (16)\n C42---C41---H41 120.0 O7---Co3---N9 89.64 (17)\n C41---C42---C37 121.5 (4) N7---Co3---N9 177.51 (18)\n C41---C42---C43 118.2 (4) O8---Co3---N8 91.29 (15)\n C37---C42---C43 120.2 (4) O9---Co3---N8 93.41 (15)\n N5---C43---C42 126.3 (4) O7---Co3---N8 175.78 (15)\n N5---C43---H43 116.9 N7---Co3---N8 89.92 (15)\n C42---C43---H43 116.9 N9---Co3---N8 90.18 (18)\n C45---C44---N5 117.9 (5) C7---N1---C8 116.0 (4)\n C45---C44---H44A 107.8 C7---N1---Co1 122.3 (3)\n N5---C44---H44A 107.8 C8---N1---Co1 121.6 (3)\n C45---C44---H44B 107.8 C16---N2---C17 115.7 (4)\n N5---C44---H44B 107.8 C16---N2---Co1 120.4 (3)\n H44A---C44---H44B 107.2 C17---N2---Co1 124.0 (3)\n C44---C45---H45A 109.5 C25---N3---C26 117.1 (4)\n C44---C45---H45B 109.5 C25---N3---Co1 122.6 (3)\n H45A---C45---H45B 109.5 C26---N3---Co1 120.1 (3)\n C44---C45---H45C 109.5 C34---N4---C35 116.9 (4)\n H45A---C45---H45C 109.5 C34---N4---Co2 124.0 (3)\n H45B---C45---H45C 109.5 C35---N4---Co2 119.1 (3)\n O6---C46---C51 124.3 (4) C43---N5---C44 118.5 (4)\n O6---C46---C47 119.3 (4) C43---N5---Co2 121.6 (3)\n C51---C46---C47 116.3 (4) C44---N5---Co2 119.9 (3)\n C48---C47---C46 121.3 (5) C52---N6---C53 115.3 (4)\n C48---C47---Cl11 120.3 (4) C52---N6---Co2 122.9 (3)\n C46---C47---Cl11 118.4 (4) C53---N6---Co2 121.8 (3)\n C47---C48---C49 120.4 (5) C61---N7---C62 117.8 (4)\n C47---C48---H48 119.8 C61---N7---Co3 121.6 (3)\n C49---C48---H48 119.8 C62---N7---Co3 120.6 (3)\n C50---C49---C48 120.5 (5) C70---N8---C71 118.7 (4)\n C50---C49---Cl12 120.0 (4) C70---N8---Co3 121.6 (3)\n C48---C49---Cl12 119.5 (4) C71---N8---Co3 119.6 (3)\n C49---C50---C51 120.3 (5) C79---N9---C80 115.4 (5)\n C49---C50---H50 119.9 C79---N9---Co3 124.6 (4)\n C51---C50---H50 119.9 C80---N9---Co3 119.9 (4)\n C50---C51---C46 121.0 (4) C1---O1---Co1 123.8 (3)\n C50---C51---C52 118.8 (4) C10---O2---Co1 119.9 (3)\n C46---C51---C52 120.1 (4) C19---O3---Co1 122.6 (3)\n N6---C52---C51 127.1 (4) C28---O4---Co2 126.4 (3)\n N6---C52---H52 116.5 C37---O5---Co2 119.7 (3)\n C51---C52---H52 116.5 C46---O6---Co2 125.1 (3)\n C54---C53---N6 113.3 (5) C55---O7---Co3 119.2 (3)\n C54---C53---H53A 108.9 C64---O8---Co3 124.5 (3)\n N6---C53---H53A 108.9 C73---O9---Co3 128.0 (3)\n ------------------- ----------- ------------------- -------------\n\nHydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) {#tablewraphbondslong}\n=============================\n\n ------------------------ --------- --------- ----------- ---------------\n *D*---H···*A* *D*---H H···*A* *D*···*A* *D*---H···*A*\n C44---H44*A*···Cl10^i^ 0.97 2.80 3.748 (6) 168\n ------------------------ --------- --------- ----------- ---------------\n\nSymmetry code: (i) −*x*+1, −*y*+1, −*z*.", "\n\n###### Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °)\n\n *D*---H⋯*A* *D*---H H⋯*A* *D*⋯*A* *D*---H⋯*A*\n ---------------------- --------- ------- ----------- -------------\n C44---H44*A*⋯Cl10^i^ 0.97 2.80 3.748 (6) 168\n\nSymmetry code: (i) .", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDisplay data after ajax request in codeigniter\n\nI am using Ajax request to fetch data from database. ", "All I want to do is to display the result in tabular form whenever we select an option from the option list. ", "I am also able to do that but when I am choosing another option the view for the previous option it is not removed from the table.", "\nView:\n $('#city').on('change',function(){\n var cityID = $(this).val();\n // alert(cityID);\n $.ajax({\n type:'POST',\n url:'<?php echo base_url('bank/getBranchDetail'); ?", ">',\n data:'city_id='+cityID,\n success:function(data){\n var dataObj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);\n $(dataObj).each(function(){\n var ifsc = $('<p />');\n var micr = $('<p />');\n var contact = $('<p />');\n var address = $('<p />');\n // alert(option);\n ifsc.attr('value', this.id).text(this.ifsc_code); \n micr.attr('value', this.id).text(this.micr_code); \n contact.attr('value', this.id).text(this.contact_no);\n address.attr('value', this.id).text(this.address); \n $('#ifsc').append(ifsc);\n $('#micr').append(micr);\n $('#contact').append(contact);\n $('#address').append(address);\n });\n // $('#hodm_results').html(data);\n }\n }); \n});\n\n<table class=\"table table-bordered table-hover table-full-width\" id=\"table_userinfo\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th>IFSC Code</th>\n <th>MICR Code</th>\n <th>Contact No.</th>\n <th>Address</th>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td id=\"ifsc\"></td>\n <td id=\"micr\"></td>\n <td id=\"contact\"></td>\n <td id=\"address\"></td>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n </table>\n\nController:\npublic function getBranchDetail(){\n $branch = array();\n $city_id = $this->input->post('city_id');\n if($city_id){\n $con['conditions'] = array('id'=>$city_id);\n $branchData = $this->Bank_model->getBranchData($con);\n }\n echo json_encode($branchData);\n}\n\nModel:\nfunction getBranchData($params = array()){\n $this->db->select('c.micr_code, c.ifsc_code, c.contact_no, c.address');\n $this->db->from($this->branchTbl.' ", "as c');\n\n //fetch data by conditions\n if(array_key_exists(\"conditions\",$params)){\n foreach ($params['conditions'] as $key => $value) {\n if(strpos($key,'.') !", "== false){\n $this->db->where($key,$value);\n }else{\n $this->db->where('c.", "'.$key,$value);\n }\n }\n }\n\n $query = $this->db->get();\n $result = ($query->num_rows() > 0)?$query->result_array():FALSE;\n\n //return fetched data\n return $result;\n}\n\nWhen I am selecting a city from option it is showing me the result for that city which is correct. ", "When I am choosing another city from the option it is showing the result also, but the result for the previous option is not removed from the table. ", "I want to remove the previous record when I am selecting another option.", "\n\nA:\n\nCheck the below code ( not tested ). ", "Clear the contents before appending data in the loop.", "\n$('#city').on('change',function(){\n var cityID = $(this).val();\n // alert(cityID);\n $.ajax({\n type:'POST',\n url:'<?php echo base_url('bank/getBranchDetail'); ?", ">',\n data:'city_id='+cityID,\n success:function(data){\n var dataObj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);\n\n // clear the data before appending\n\n $('#ifsc').html(\"\");\n $('#micr').html(\"\");\n $('#contact').html(\"\");\n $('#address').html(\"\");\n\n $(dataObj).each(function(){\n var ifsc = $('<p />');\n var micr = $('<p />');\n var contact = $('<p />');\n var address = $('<p />');\n // alert(option);\n ifsc.attr('value', this.id).text(this.ifsc_code); \n micr.attr('value', this.id).text(this.micr_code); \n contact.attr('value', this.id).text(this.contact_no);\n address.attr('value', this.id).text(this.address); \n $('#ifsc').append(ifsc);\n $('#micr').append(micr);\n $('#contact').append(contact);\n $('#address').append(address);\n });\n // $('#hodm_results').html(data);\n }\n }); \n});\n\n<table class=\"table table-bordered table-hover table-full-width\" id=\"table_userinfo\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th>IFSC Code</th>\n <th>MICR Code</th>\n <th>Contact No.</th>\n <th>Address</th>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td id=\"ifsc\"></td>\n <td id=\"micr\"></td>\n <td id=\"contact\"></td>\n <td id=\"address\"></td>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n </table>\n\n" ]
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[ "Lawrence Wackett\n\nSir Lawrence James Wackett (2 January 1896 – 18 March 1982) is widely regarded as \"father of the Australian aircraft industry\". ", "He has been described as \"one of the towering figures in the history of Australian aviation covering, as he did, virtually all aspects of activities: pilot, designer of airframes and engines, entrepreneur and manager\". ", "He was knighted for his services to aviation and was a winner of the Oswald Watt Gold Medal. ", "He was also a keen angler and wrote two books on the subject.", "\n\nEarly years, war service and education\nWackett was born in Townsville, Queensland, on 2 January 1896. ", "He joined the Australian Army and graduated from the Royal Military College, Duntroon, then with the rank of lieutenant joined No. ", "1 Squadron of the Australian Flying Corps (AFC) which had formed at Point Cook the day before his 20th birthday. ", "He was one of twelve pilots that went to Egypt with the Squadron to operate in support of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign, embarking on 16 March 1916 and arriving at Suez four weeks later.", "\n\nIn Egypt he designed a mounting to attach a Lewis Gun to the upper wing of his BE2c; considerably improving the fighting ability of a type that was described by Hudson Fysh (who served with Wackett in No. ", "1 Squadron.) ", "as the \"poorest of all offensive, or defensive aircraft\". ", "The BE2c was normally armed with a machine gun at the observer's position, but the observer sat in front of the pilot and behind the engine, and between the upper and lower wings. ", "This meant that the machine gun could only be fired in fairly narrow arcs if the Observer was to avoid hitting his own aircraft. ", "Wackett's modification meant that all he had to do was point the whole aircraft at his adversary and that he had a measure of protection when on a bombing mission (because the BE2c could carry bombs or an Observer, but not both).", "\n\nWackett used his modified BE2c to good effect on several occasions. ", "He once gave the enemy pause when while on a reconnaissance mission he was attacked by two Rumpler C.Is. ", "Wackett flew towards them firing the gun and the Rumplers broke off the fight. ", "On 11 November 1916 he was in his BE2c on a 7-hour bombing mission to Beersheba with four other BE2s and a Martinsyde G.100 when the formation came under attack by two much superior German aircraft. ", "Wackett was able to use his aircraft to assist the Martinsyde in defending their comrades and fighting off the attack. ", "On the night of the 14/15 January 1917, 16 Jewish workers (mostly masons, carpenters and plumbers) who had been working in Beer Sheba under the Turkish Military Authority, were sleeping in a railway carriage at Beer Sheba Railway Station when a RAF BC2c dropped a 45 kg bomb very near the carriage killing all of them. ", "Later investigations by British and Australian air-force historians confirmed that the pilot was an Australian. ", "Further investigation and in-depth study of British, Australian and Turkish records by researcher Dr. Ilan Gal Peer, confirmed that the most likely pilot was Wackett of Number 1 Squadron attached to EEF, who believed a non-existent ammunitions shed was located in the immediate vicinity.<ref name=\"Sattler\">Centenary of Deaths of 16 Jewish Civilian Workers in Beer Sheva Station, HaRakevet, Issue 119, Page 23.</ref>\n\nWackett later transferred to No. ", "3 Squadron AFC in France and played a significant role in the Battle of Hamel fought on 4 July 1918. ", "Captured German documents revealed that they had been experimenting with dropping ammunition from aircraft and No. ", "3 Squadron was asked to investigate doing the same. ", "Wackett was asked to do the work as his reputation had spread; 'he had a gift for mechanical inventions' according to his superiors. ", "Now a captain, he devised a small parachute that could be used to drop supplies to troops, designed a modified bomb rack to hold the supplies and then trained No. ", "3 Squadron personnel in the required technique. ", "General Monash's battle plan for Hamel involved resupplying the engaged machine-gunners with ammunition dropped by aircraft. ", "In the event No. ", "3 Squadron was assigned other tasks during the battle and the ammunition dropping was performed by No. ", "9 Squadron RAF. ", "Monash later wrote, \"at least 100,000 rounds of ammunition were [dropped] during the battle with obvious economy in lives and wounds. ", "The method thus initiated became general in later months\".", "The A.I.F. In France p270. ", "Later that year, on 25 September, Wackett undertook a daring reconnaissance mission in 3 Squadron's first Bristol F.2 Fighter, when he penetrated six miles (10 km) behind enemy lines to take aerial photographs of the German Joncourt-Villers Outreaux line, that were needed for a forthcoming attack. ", "Two days later he carried out an ammunition resupply flight to some isolated troops using the equipment he had designed. ", "As a result of these two actions he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. ", "By the end of the war two months later he had been promoted to the rank of major. ", "On 6 January 1919 he was appointed the Commanding Officer of No. ", "7 Squadron AFC based at Leighterton in England. ", "7 Sqn. ", "had acted as the training unit for No. ", "3 Squadron during the recent conflict and Wackett remained the CO until the Squadron was disbanded in March that year, at which time he returned to Australia.", "\n\nPost-war, Wackett was one of just 21 officers who formed the nucleus of the new Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in 1921. ", "He had a strong belief in the need to develop an indigenous aircraft industry and completed a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Melbourne, then had two years of advanced training in aircraft design under Frank Barnwell, designer of the F.2 Fighter aircraft that he had flown while serving with No. ", "3 Squadron AFC. ", "He entered and won second prize in the 1924 Low-Powered Aeroplane Competition (held at Richmond in December that year) with his first design, the Warbler. ", "This was a parasol wing monoplane powered by an engine also of his own design, the Wizard, a two-cylinder horizontally-opposed monosoupape-type pusher engine developing .", "\n\nWackett and the RAAF Experimental Section\nWackett learned of war surplus machine tools slated for disposal from a workshop in Randwick, Sydney, and prevailed upon his superiors to acquire the workshop. ", "The RAAF Experimental Aircraft Section was thus established in January 1924 and Wackett, by then a squadron leader, was placed in charge. ", "He tried to obtain permission to design and build an entirely Australian aircraft, but the RAAF had no money in its budget for this and would not give the go-ahead unless Wackett could obtain funds from some other source. ", "Wackett then approached the Controller of Civil Aviation Colonel H. C. Brinsmead and managed to persuade the Civil Aviation Branch (of the Department of Defence, there not being a separate Department of Civil Aviation at this time) to fund the construction of a small flying boat.", "\n\nThe result was the Widgeon, a wooden hull biplane flying boat powered by an Armstrong Siddeley Puma of located below and forward of the upper wing. ", "This aircraft, the first flying boat to be wholly designed and constructed in Australia, was registered to the Civil Aviation Branch out of the Australian sequence (i.e. G-AUxx) as G-AEKB, after E. K. Bowden, Minister for Defence. ", "The aircraft was launched on 7 July 1925 into Botany Bay. ", "The following day it hit a sandbank during taxi tests and later overturned whilst attempting a takeoff. ", "Wackett was on board with Brinsmead and two mechanics; all were unhurt. ", "The aircraft was repaired and made its first flight on 3 December that year. ", "Wackett subsequently installed a more powerful ADC Nimbus engine and an undercarriage, converting it into an amphibian. ", "Following the modifications the Widgeon I was transferred to the RAAF and used at Point Cook for flying boat training from 1927. ", "The aircraft operated with the RAAF until 1929, when it was scrapped. ", "A larger amphibian, the Widgeon II, powered by a Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar engine, was the next aircraft to emerge from the Experimental Section workshop. ", "Wackett himself flew the Widgeon II extensively, later saying, \"I proved its capability by flying it on a journey across and around part of the Australian continent in 1928\". ", "The next aircraft developed at Randwick was the two-seat Warrigal I of 1929, a biplane trainer of conventional design, powered by a Armstrong Siddeley Lynx radial engine. ", "This was followed in 1930 by the improved Warrigal II, powered by a Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar radial engine.", "\n\nOn 21 March 1927, Wackett was elected the inaugural chairman of the NSW Division of the Institution of Aeronautical Engineers (IoAE) in Sydney. ", "The following year, after the amalgamation of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and the IoAE parent body in Britain, he was appointed the inaugural deputy chairman of the Australasian Branch of the RAeS. He also found time to act as the New South Wales RAAF Aide de Camp to the Governor General, although the duties were not onerous.", "\n\nWackett in the 1930s\nAs a result of a government-sponsored report and pressure from British manufacturers, who saw Wackett as a threat to their monopoly on Australian orders, the Randwick Station was closed in 1931.Randwick City Council Social History web page about Wackett, retrieved 2007-08-16. ", "Wackett resigned from the RAAF with the rank of wing commander and transferred (with some personnel and equipment) to the Cockatoo Island Naval Dockyard. ", "Here he was involved in the design of watercraft as well as aircraft. ", "He continued working for the RAAF – a single de Havilland D.H.60G Gipsy Moth was built at the Dockyard under his supervision and entered RAAF service in 1933.ADF serials D.H.60 list retrieved 2007-08-16. ", "He also undertook civilian aviation projects including repair and modification projects, and built the Cockatoo Docks & Engineering LJW.6 Codock, a six passenger airliner powered by two Napier Javelin engines of , for Sir Charles Kingsford Smith. ", "A later design for a larger aircraft, the 4-engined Corella, did not leave the drawing board, nor did his other aircraft concepts; VH-URP, the solitary Codock, was the only Wackett aircraft design built at the Dockyard. ", "His marine designs at the Dockyard included small motorboats such as the Cettien (which won the Griffith Cup in 1934 and 1935) and the racing hydroplane Century Tire II, and larger commercial passenger-carrying vessels as well.", "\n\nIn 1934, Wackett and some of his staff joined Tugan Aircraft at Mascot aerodrome. ", "The following year, following a series of accidents involving Australian-operated de Havilland D.H.86s, he and his brother Ellis (who was then the Director of RAAF Technical Services) were asked to provide their views and recommendations to a special conference convened by the Civil Aviation Branch, held to examine the type and its shortcomings. ", "In 1936 he was seconded to the RAAF to lead a technical mission to Europe (including future enemy nations Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy) and the United States to evaluate modern aircraft types and select a type suitable to Australia's defence needs and within Australia's capabilities to build. ", "The three-man mission lasted five months and on its return advised that the North American NA-16 was the most suitable type. ", "On completion of the mission Wackett returned to Tugan Aircraft, where the Codock design was developed into the LJW7 Gannet six/seven passenger airliner powered by two de Havilland Gipsy Six engines. ", "This was the first of Wackett's designs to enter series production. ", "The first aircraft was delivered in late 1935 and a total of eight Gannets were built for civilian customers and the RAAF. ", "The RAAF took delivery of one new Gannet and subsequently operated another five second-hand examples. ", "One RAAF aircraft was temporarily modified with Menasco engines as the LJW7A during World War II.", "\n\nShortly after the establishment of the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC), Tugan Aircraft was purchased to give CAC a nucleus of experienced personnel. ", "Upon joining CAC Wackett immediately became the General Manager and he oversaw the entry into production of the first aircraft mass-produced in Australia, the CAC Wirraway development of the NA-16 he had earlier recommended. ", "The second type to emerge from CAC under Wackett's stewardship was the eponymous Wackett Trainer, the first prototype flying for the first time just after the outbreak of World War II.", "\n\nWackett, CAC and the RAAF in WWII and beyond\nIn many ways the story of Lawrence Wackett was inextricably linked with the history of the RAAF and CAC for over twenty years. ", "He was hugely influential within the Australian aircraft industry as a whole and also within the RAAF, which often chose its combat aircraft types based on his recommendations. ", "As already mentioned, this relationship began with the Wirraway.", "\n\nDuring the Second World War, Wackett presided over a company – that had not even existed a mere three years before the outbreak – employing thousands of people, that was now delivering hundreds of aircraft as well as engines and propellers for those aircraft. ", "Aircraft types emerging from CAC during the war period included the innovative and advanced Woomera and CA-15, however like many of his pre-war designs these were built as prototypes only, being the victims of circumstance and changing requirements. ", "He also suffered personal tragedy during the war when his son, Squadron Leader Wilbur Lawrence Wackett, was killed in 1944 while serving as a Beaufighter pilot with No. ", "31 Squadron RAAF.", "\n\nFollowing World War II his influence was again exerted over the RAAF when it became necessary to replace the de Havilland Vampire first-generation jet fighters then in service. ", "CAC initially offered the advanced CAC CA-23 design to the RAAF but this lost out to the Hawker P.1081 then in development in the UK. ", "When the P.1081 was cancelled, Gloster Meteors were ordered in the interim, but the combat experiences of No. ", "77 Squadron RAAF during the Korean War showed that a more modern type was urgently needed. ", "The anglophile government of the day wanted to wait for the Hawker Hunter to become available, but Wackett decided otherwise. ", "He negotiated with North American Aviation and Rolls-Royce to manufacture the Sabre jet fighter and Avon engine of those companies under licence. ", "The use of the Avon and other features such as using 30mm Aden cannon armament instead of .50in Browning machine guns necessitated a 60% redesign of the Sabre fuselage and resulted in perhaps the best variant of that aircraft. ", "The RAAF Chief of Air Staff at the time, Air Marshal George Jones (who had known Wackett since the time both served in No. ", "1 Squadron AFC), was suitably impressed by the Avon-Sabre as it became known, and threw his weight behind the project. ", "The Sabre was ordered for the RAAF to both its and CAC's benefit.", "\n\nWhen the time came to replace the Sabre, Wackett once again was largely responsible for deciding which aircraft was selected, albeit with less desirable results from CAC's point of view. ", "The selection race was even more wide open than that which saw the Sabre selected, with six types in the running. ", "The Lockheed Starfighter was considered (by almost everyone except Wackett it seems) to be the best aircraft for the RAAF; the process had got to the stage where the Starfighter had been selected and the decision was about to be made public when Wackett declared to George Jones (by this time a member of the board of directors of CAC), \"I think that I should decide what aircraft the RAAF should buy!\" ", "and once more set to work to do just that. ", "Wackett together with some members of the RAAF, had the decision for the Starfighter overturned in favour of the Dassault Mirage and CAC staff commenced working with Dassault (in the expectation that CAC would build the Mirage under licence as it had the Sabre and P-51 Mustang fighters). ", "However in a serious reverse to CAC the Government Aircraft Factories was selected to build the Mirage instead, this being a move by the government of the day to rationalise the Australian aircraft industry. ", "Wackett and the CAC Board undertook extensive lobbying to reverse the decision but the best that could be achieved was a subcontract to build the Mirage's wings, tails and engines. ", "The Mirage itself was a sound choice on Wackett's part that proved well suited to the RAAF's needs and the production programme was the last that Wackett oversaw; he retired in 1966 with the delivery of Mirage components in full swing.", "\n\nLawrence Wackett died on 18 March 1982. ", "Four years after his death the company with which he was bound for so long, CAC, had ceased to exist. ", "His name lives on – the RMIT University established the Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre for Aerospace Design Technology in 1991 at the former CAC factory.", "\n\nAircraft designs\n LJW1 – Wackett Warbler, a parasol wing monoplane of 1924, powered by an engine also of his own design, the Wizard, a two-cylinder horizontally-opposed monosoupape-type pusher engine developing 25 hp (19 kW).[9]\n LJW2 – Wackett Widgeon (I), (RAAF Experimental Section), a wooden hull biplane flying boat powered by an Armstrong Siddeley Puma of 230 hp (170 kW) located below and forward of the upper wing. ", "This aircraft, the first flying boat to be wholly designed and constructed in Australia, was registered to the Civil Aviation Branch out of the Australian sequence (i.e. G-AUxx) as G-AEKB, after E. K. Bowden, Minister for Defence. ", "The aircraft was launched on 7 July 1925 into Botany Bay. ", "\n LJW3 – Wackett Widgeon II, (RAAF Experimental Section), a biplane amphibian, powered by a 440 hp (330 kW) Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar engine, was the next aircraft to emerge from the Experimental Section workshop. ", "Wackett himself flew the Widgeon II extensively, later saying, \"I proved its capability by flying it on a 9,000-mile (14,000 km) journey across and around part of the Australian continent in 1928\".[10]\n LJW4 – Wackett Warrigal I of 1929, (RAAF Experimental Section), a two seat biplane trainer of conventional design, powered by a 180 hp (130 kW) Armstrong Siddeley Lynx radial engine.", "\n LJW5 – Wackett Warrigal II of 1930, (RAAF Experimental Section), powered by a 450 hp (340 kW) Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar radial engine.[11]\n LJW6 – Cockatoo Docks & Engineering Codock, a six passenger airliner powered by two Napier Javelin engines of 160 hp (120 kW), for Sir Charles Kingsford Smith. ", "A later design for a larger aircraft, the 4-engined Corella, did not leave the drawing board, nor did his other aircraft concepts; VH-URP, the solitary Codock, was the only Wackett aircraft design built at the Dockyard.", "\n Wackett Waterhen - A 2 seat amphibian reconnaissance biplane proposed for the Royal Australian Navy in 1931.", "\n LJW7 – Tugan Gannet, Wackett left the Dockyards and joined Tugan Aircraft (itself an evolution of the earlier Genairco aircraft manufacturer), where the Codock design was developed into the LJW7 Gannet six/seven passenger airliner powered by two de Havilland Gipsy Six engines. ", "This was the first of Wackett's designs to enter series production. ", "The first aircraft was delivered in late 1935 and a total of eight Gannets were built for civilian customers and the RAAF. ", "The RAAF took delivery of one new Gannet and subsequently operated another five second-hand examples. ", "One RAAF aircraft was temporarily modified with Menasco engines as the LJW7A during World War II.", "\n LJW8 – Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation CA-2 and CA-6 Wackett Trainer, The second type to emerge from CAC under Wackett's stewardship was the eponymous Wackett Trainer, the first prototype flying for the first time just after the outbreak of World War II. ", "The CAC Wackett trainer was the first aircraft type designed in-house by the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation of Australia. ", "The name was derived from its designer Lawrence Wackett. ", "The type was designed to meet RAAF Specification 3/38 for an ab initio training aircraft. ", "It was a tandem seat fixed tailwheel-undercarriage monoplane aircraft with a fuselage of steel tube and fabric construction and wings and tail made of wood. ", "Despite the simplicity of the design, construction of the first of two CA-2 prototypes, begun in October 1938, was not completed until September 1939 (this was partly because CAC was still building its factory during this time period). ", "The first prototype flew for the first time on 19 September 1939 fitted with a Gipsy Major engine. ", "The aircraft proved to be underpowered with this engine so the second prototype was fitted with a Gipsy Six prior to its first flight in early November the same year (the first prototype was subsequently also re-engined with a Gypsy Six). ", "Although in-flight performance was improved, the heavier engine negated any benefits to take-off performance obtained from the increased power, so the decision was made to install a Warner Scarab radial engine driving a Hamilton two-bladed propeller. ", "The two prototypes were fitted with Scarabs in mid-1940. ", "With two CA-2 prototypes and 200 CA-6 production examples, the type was the most numerous of Wackett's designs to be produced, and the most successful, with 200 serving in the RAAF as elementary and wireless trainers, Following retirement and disposal at the end of the wat, more than 40 went into civil service after WW2 on the Australian VH- civil register and 25 were later modified into the K.S.3 Cropduster and the Yeoman Cropmaster. ", "It is also the only Wackett design to be preserved through extent survivors. ", "Although not normally referred to as LJW8, it clearly is his design, and has apparent design and structural links to the earlier LJW7 Tuggan Gannet. ", "It is his last formal design.", "\n Lawrence Wackett clearly played a significant technical role in the introduction and production of the NA-16 / NA-33, including its conversion to British hardware etc as the CAC Wirraway, and is likely to have also had a strong technical influence over the designs of the CA-12, CA-13 and CA-14 Boomerang, CA-4 and CA-11 Woomera bomber, CA-15 Fighter, the CA-28 Ceres, CA-22 and CA-25 Winjeel and CA-26 & CA-27 Avon Sabre, but these later aircraft were all products of what had become a very large corporation with an extensive design team, and Wackett by this time had moved onto the management phase of his career.", "\n\nAwards and honours\n Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.", "\n Distinguished Flying Cross.", "\n Air Force Cross\n1974 Royal Federation of Aero Clubs of Australia Oswald Watt Gold Medal.", "\n1978 Royal Society of New South Wales James Cook Medal.", "\n Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.", "\n 2015 Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame \n\nBibliography\n My Hobby is Trout Fishing J.T. Picken & Sons, 1946.", "\n Studies of an Angler J.T. Picken & Sons, 1950.", "\n Aircraft Pioneer: an Autobiography Angus and Robertson, 1972.", "\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n Isaacs, Wing Commander Keith. ", "Military Aircraft of Australia 1909–1918. ", "Australian War Memorial. ", "\n Sattler, Steve. ", "HaRakevet. ", "No ISBN.", "\n Odgers, George. ", "The Royal Australian Air Force: An Illustrated History. ", "Child & Henry Publishing Pty. ", "Ltd. \n Wilson, Stewart. ", "Meteor, Sabre and Mirage in Australian Service. ", "Aerospace Publications Pty. ", "Ltd. \n Wilson, Stewart. ", "Wirraway, Boomerang & CA-15 in Australian Service. ", "Aerospace Publications Pty. ", "Ltd. \n Bean, Charles Edwin Woodrow. ", "The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918 Volume VI, The A.I.F. in France, May 1918-the Armistice. ", "University of Queensland Press. ", "\n Wilson, Stewart. ", "Tiger Moth, CT-4, Wackett & Winjeel in Australian Service. ", "Aerospace Publications Pty. ", "Ltd. \n Cookson, Bert. ", "The Historic Civil Aircraft Register of Australia G-AUAA to VH-UZZ. ", "Privately published by AustAirData, no ISBN.", "\n Job, Macarthur. ", "Air Crash Volume One, 1921–1939. ", "Aerospace Publications Pty. ", "Ltd. \n Job, Macarthur. ", "Air Crash Volume Two. ", "Aerospace Publications Pty. ", "Ltd. \n Technology in Australia 1788–1988''. ", "Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. ", "\n Civil Aviation Historical Society website Widgeon I page. ", "Retrieved 2007-08-16.", "\n List of Australian-designed aircraft retrieved 2007-08-16.", "\n Meggs, Keith Raymond (2009). ", "Australian-built Aircraft and the Industry Volume 1. ", "Seymour, Victoria: Finger-Four Publishing. .", "\n\nExternal links\n\n Photograph of Ivor McIntyre and Lawrence Wackett (on right) taken at the time Wackett flew the Widgeon around Australia.", "\n Image, Aircraft mechanics preparing the Warbler aeroplane, during light aircraft trials, December 1924, from State Library of Queensland.", "\n Widgeon I history & images.", "\n Flying Boats of the World Widgeon page.", "\n Images of various Wackett designs.", "\n List of Wackett design papers.", "\n Tugan Gannet image.", "\n Image of a Tugan Gannett (sic) at Mascot\n Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame\nQueensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame 2015 - Sir Lawrence James Wackett digital story\n\nCategory:1896 births\nCategory:1982 deaths\nCategory:Australian military personnel of World War I\nCategory:Royal Military College, Duntroon graduates\nCategory:Royal Australian Air Force personnel of World War II\nCategory:Fellows of the Royal Aeronautical Society\nCategory:Australian Knights Commander of the Order of the British Empire\nCategory:People from Townsville\nCategory:Australian recipients of the Air Force Cross (United Kingdom)\nCategory:Australian recipients of the Distinguished Flying Cross (United Kingdom)\nCategory:Australian aerospace engineers" ]
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[ " FILED\n NOT FOR PUBLICATION\n DEC 06 2019\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK\n U.S. COURT OF APPEALS\n\n\n FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT\n\n\nRAWAIL SINGH, No. ", " 17-71244\n\n Petitioner, Agency No. ", "A095-401-375\n\n v.\n MEMORANDUM*\nWILLIAM P. BARR, Attorney General,\n\n Respondent.", "\n\n\n On Petition for Review of an Order of the\n Board of Immigration Appeals\n\n Submitted December 4, 2019**\n San Francisco, California\n\nBefore: THOMAS, Chief Judge, and W. FLETCHER and MILLER, Circuit\nJudges.", "\n\n Petitioner Rawail Singh petitions for review of the Board of Immigration\n\nAppeals’s (“BIA”) dismissal of his appeal of an Immigration Judge’s (“IJ”)\n\ndecisions (1) terminating asylum status; (2) denying applications for asylum,\n\n\n *\n This disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not precedent\nexcept as provided by Ninth Circuit Rule 36-3.", "\n **\n The panel unanimously concludes this case is suitable for decision\nwithout oral argument. ", "See Fed. ", "R. App. ", "P. 34(a)(2).", "\n\fwithholding of removal, relief under the Convention Against Torture, and\n\nadjustment of status; and (3) ordering him removed. ", "We review the agency’s\n\nfactual findings for substantial evidence, including adverse credibility\n\ndeterminations. ", "Farah v. Ashcroft, 348 F.3d 1153, 1156 (9th Cir. ", "2003). ", "We\n\nreview questions of law de novo. ", "Urooj v. Holder, 734 F.3d 1075, 1078 (9th Cir.", "\n\n2013). ", "Where, as here, the BIA adopts the decision of the IJ, we review the IJ’s\n\ndecision as if it were that of the BIA. ", "Id. We have jurisdiction under 8 U.S.C. §\n\n1252 and we deny the petition.", "\n\n To terminate Singh’s asylum status, the government had the burden to prove,\n\nby a preponderance of the evidence, that there was “a showing of fraud in\n\n[Singh’s] application such that he . . . ", "was not eligible for asylum at the time it was\n\ngranted.” ", "8 C.F.R. § 1208.24(a)(1) & (f). ", "Substantial evidence supports the IJ’s\n\ndetermination that the government had met its burden.", "\n\n The government provided evidence that Boota Singh Basi and Kasmir Singh\n\nMalhi had prepared Singh’s asylum application, and that they had pled guilty to\n\nrunning a criminal business preparing fraudulent asylum applications. ", "Basi\n\ntestified extensively about the scheme and, when provided a copy of Singh’s\n\napplication, identified its narrative as one of the business’s false stock stories.", "\n\nBasi also elaborated on fraudulent details in Singh’s application, explaining, for\n\n\n 2\n\fexample, that Singh’s alleged arrest date was a major Sikh holiday chosen for the\n\ndate’s easy memorability. ", "The IJ found that Basi’s testimony was truthful,\n\nunrebutted, and unimpeached. ", "In contrast, Singh was unsure of the details of his\n\nown asylum narrative, admitted that he worked with Basi and Malhi, and offered\n\nno other evidence in support of his claims. ", "Weighing the testimony and the\n\ncredibility of the witnesses, the IJ found there was a showing of fraud in Singh’s\n\napplication. ", "Because a reasonable factfinder would not be compelled to conclude\n\notherwise, the agency’s finding of fraud is supported by substantial evidence. ", "8\n\nU.S.C. § 1252(b)(4)(B); see Fernandes v. Holder, 619 F.3d 1069, 1075 (9th Cir.", "\n\n2010). ", "Because the same findings underlie the IJ’s order denying Singh relief from\n\nremoval, substantial evidence also supports that determination. ", "See Farah, 348\n\nF.3d at 1156–57. ", "Finally, at his hearing on July 14, 2015, Singh conceded that he\n\nwas removable for both grounds charged on his Notice to Appear. “[", "W]here the\n\nalien concedes removability, the government’s burden . . . ", "is satisfied.” ", "Shin v.\n\nMukasey, 547 F.3d 1019, 1024 (9th Cir. ", "2008) (internal quotation marks omitted).", "\n\n Singh makes three additional arguments to us. ", "First, Singh argues that he\n\nwas deprived of an opportunity to meaningfully reply to the government’s motion\n\nto terminate asylum status. ", "This argument fails for two reasons. ", "First, Singh\n\nreceived the government’s motion but did not respond within the time frame within\n\n\n 3\n\fwhich a petitioner must ordinarily respond. ", "See Immigration Court Practice\n\nManual §§ 3.1(b)(i)(A), 5.5. ", "Second, even assuming that such a time frame is not\n\nenough time for a meaningful response, the BIA nevertheless considered (and\n\nrejected) Singh’s response to the government’s motion on the merits.", "\n\n Next, Singh argues that he was deprived of due process because the IJ failed\n\nto require the government to present Basi for cross-examination. ", "This is false. ", "On\n\nMarch 11, 2011, the IJ held a hearing in which Basi testified, Singh’s counsel cross\n\nexamined Basi, and simultaneous translation was provided to Singh.", "\n\n Finally, Singh argues for the first time before this court that he “reli[ed],\n\nunder duress” on Basi’s misrepresentations, and that such duress excuses his\n\nfraudulent application. ", "Even if a duress exception to filing a fraudulent asylum\n\napplication were to exist, there is no indication in the record that Singh was under\n\nduress at any point in making his application.", "\n\n PETITION FOR REVIEW DENIED.", "\n\n\n\n\n 4\n\f" ]
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[ "by Cucumbr Concert\n\n\n\nSo it’s basically an album all about the struggles\n\nthat I have experienced in my life so far,\n\nrepresented as an audio-stageplay.", "\n\nIt’s divided into six acts and various actors,\n\nthat show the story from different perspectives,\n\nwith an original and an alternate timeline.", "\n\nListen to the album while reading the text.", "\n\nMY ORIGIN STORY.", "\n\nSo the whole thing is based on what happened in the last 18 years that I lived on this planet. ", "The Album/EP is called SMALLTOWNODYSSEY because of the town I used to live in where all the drama took place.", "\n\nIt’s just easier to personify the town as the main bad guy of my story than a single individual. ", "And after I moved away from home when I was 16 years old, I’ve realized how much damage I took from all the events that happened there.", "\n\nIt was mainly a familiar thing that was going on and that I was dragged into. ", "I have left this place with many bad memories and mental illnesses, like a psychosis, among other things…\n\nHOW THE ALBUM WAS RECORDED.", "\n\nI recorded the album in my living room, where I have my home studio that I’ve bought from the money that was originally saved for a car. ", "In the beginning, I covered a lot of songs while writing my own, but I never really recorded them.", "\n\nThat was until I had to take some new medications that made my situation worse in the beginning. ", "I had blackouts, and my delusions got worse.", "\n\nBut I basically recorded the whole album in one week, where the symptoms were specially present. ", "I got up at 8 in the morning and recorded one song till it was exactly 1 am, and did that every day till the album was done.", "\n\nI have great memory loss for that week, and I can’t really remember recording all those songs. ", "But now it’s done.", "\n\nTHE STRUCTURE OF THE ALBUM.", "\n\nThe album jumps between the original timeline of my story and an alternative one with alternative actors.", "\n\nThe first song ALONE WITH YOU is the most undramatic one. ", "It’s how I imagined finding true love, which then actually happened.", "\n\n(i wrote the lyrics about 1 1/2 years ago where I didn’t have a Girlfriend yet)\n\nROSE TINTED CHEEKS is about my father and me. ", "Both of us did very regrettable things, and this song shows the aftermath of it. ", "That’s why the song switches between the perspectives of my father and mine.", "\n\nCLEAN UP MANis the first appearance of an alternative me, that hasn’t searched for help and went the worst way I could imagine.", "\n\nTHEY CALL ME JAWS is just a lo-fi hip-hop inspired instrumental to calm down the overall tone of the album a little bit.", "\n\nOMEGAS DEATH is the story of what happened between my mother and my father and is represented in the perspective of my father again.", "\n\nTRANSFIGURATION is the last song and ends with the short story of my alternative me. ", "Also, in the worst way possible.", "\n\nTHE BAND MEMBERS\n\nDon Fargo\n\nGuacamole Glen\n\nFreddy H.\n\nPablo Black\n\nKenny Muscleman\n\nKanal Kalle\n\nJoseph Valley\n\nPoe T.\n\nare all alter egos that I have created in the process of recording my album, so I wouldn’t feel so alone.", "\n\nBandcamp\n\nYouTube\n\nEP\n\nGermany\n\nExperimental Rock, Alternative Rock, Post Punk, Indie Rock\n\nShare this: Twitter\n\nFacebook\n\nPinterest\n\nReddit\n\nLinkedIn\n\nEmail\n\nPrint\n\n\n\nLike this: Like Loading..." ]
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[ "Increased serum IgE antibodies in institutionalized asthmatic children after a transient return home. ", "The role of house dust mite allergens in the home as a trigger of asthmatic attacks in mite-sensitive patients.", "\nIncreased serum IgE antibodies to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, a house dust mite, were observed in 12 of 13 institutionalized mite-sensitive asthmatic children after returning for four days to their own homes. ", "These results implicate the house dust mite as a trigger of asthmatic attacks in these patients." ]
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[ "Transabdominal thin-gauge embryofetoscopy: a technique for early prenatal diagnosis and its use in the diagnosis of a case of Meckel-Gruber syndrome.", "\nOur aim was to develop and evaluate a transabdominal endoscopic technique to visualize the embryo or fetus with thin-gauge needles and submillimetric fiberoptic endoscopes. ", "Under ultrasonographic guidance, an 18- or 19-gauge thin-wall needle was introduced into the uterus of 28 patients undergoing first-trimester or early second-trimester termination of pregnancy. ", "A 0.7 mm endoscope was threaded through the lumen of the needle after removal of the stylet. ", "Visualization of the embryo-fetus was attempted before 14 weeks' gestation (n = 20). ", "From 16 to 20 weeks (n = 8), the needle and endoscope were directed to the placental insertion of the umbilical cord, and a cordocentesis was performed. ", "Excellent visualization of the surface anatomy of fetuses from 7 to 13 weeks was obtained in 85% of cases (17/20). ", "A diagnosis of Meckel-Gruber syndrome was made at 11 weeks' menstrual age by visualizing postaxial polydactyly and an occipital encephalocele. ", "Endoscopically assisted cordocentesis allowed visualization of the lumen of the umbilical vein and of the blood flow within it. ", "Endoscopic visualization of the embryo or fetus can be performed transabdominally in the first trimester with small-delivered endoscopes. ", "This represents a clear advantage over previous endoscopic approaches to the human pregnancy. ", "Potential applications of this technique include a precise description of fetal anatomy and physiologic features, diagnosis of anomalies, and therapeutic fetal interventions." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Bayesian deep learning is recently regarded as an intrinsic way to characterize the weight uncertainty of deep neural networks (DNNs). ", "Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) is an effective method to enable Bayesian deep learning on large-scale datasets. ", "Previous theoretical studies have shown various appealing properties of SGLD, ranging from the convergence properties to the generalization bounds. ", "In this paper, we study the properties of SGLD from a novel perspective of membership privacy protection (i.e., preventing the membership attack). ", "The membership attack, which aims to determine whether a specific sample is used for training a given DNN model, has emerged as a common threat against deep learning algorithms. ", "To this end, we build a theoretical framework to analyze the information leakage (w.r.t. ", "the training dataset) of a model trained using SGLD. ", "Based on this framework, we demonstrate that SGLD can prevent the information leakage of the training dataset to a certain extent. ", "Moreover, our theoretical analysis can be naturally extended to other types of Stochastic Gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SG-MCMC) methods. ", "Empirical results on different datasets and models verify our theoretical findings and suggest that the SGLD algorithm can not only reduce the information leakage but also improve the generalization ability of the DNN models in real-world applications.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n [**Bingzhe Wu**]{}^1^, [**ChaoChao Chen**]{}^2^, [**Shiwan Zhao**]{}^3^, [**Cen Chen**]{}^2^,\\\n [**Yuan Yao**]{}^4^, [**Guangyu Sun**]{}^1^, [**Li Wang**]{}^2^, [**Xiaolu Zhang**]{}^2^, [**Jun Zhou**]{}^2^\\\n ^1^Peking University, ^2^Ant Financial Service Group, ^3^IBM Reseach, ^4^HongKong University of Science and Technology\nbibliography:\n- 'ref.bib'\ntitle: Characterizing Membership Privacy in Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nRelated Work\n============\n\nEvaluation\n==========\n\nConclusions {#sec:conclusion}\n===========\n\nIn this paper, we provided a novel perspective to study the properties of SGLD from the membership privacy. ", "To this end, we first built the theoretical framework to analyze the information leakage of a learned model. ", "We then employed this framework to prove that the model learned using SGLD can prevent the membership attack to a certain extent. ", "Experiments on different real-world datasets have verified our theoretical findings. ", "Moreover, our paper shed light on an interesting perspective of membership privacy to explain behaviors of various deep learning algorithms, which indicates a new direction for the explainable deep learning research.", "\n" ]
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[ "In hard rock mining application, it is common to use, for example, rock shearers for winning hard rock materials in a longwall, or to use, for instance, rock headers for generating a roadway in an underground mine. ", "Both the rock shearer and the rock header may comprise at least one rotatable drum, which may be equipped with at least one cutting head being rotatable. ", "The cutting head may be configured to support a plurality of cutting bits which are in turn configured to engage the hard rock for winning hard rock materials. ", "The rotatable drum may be adjustable in height relative to a machine frame by a swivel arm.", "\nThe rotatable cutting head may include a cone-like shaped body having cutting bit carriers integrally formed with the body. ", "Thus, known cutting heads may be manufactured as an integral unit, wherein worn cutting bits may be replaced by newly manufactured cutting bits. ", "The cutting bits are rotatably and removably supported by the cutting bit carriers.", "\nFor example, EP 2 208 856 A2 discloses a cutting head having a plurality of cutting bits for wining underground materials.", "\nUS 2011/0089747 A1 relates to a cutting bit retention assembly that includes a cutting bit holder, which receives a cutting bit and has shank that extends into a bore in a support. ", "The shank section of the cutting bit holder presents a surface defined by a notch that selectively cooperates with a retention pin.", "\nUS 2010/0001574 A1 discloses an apparatus for the milling and/or drilling cutting of materials, in particular for the removal of rock, minerals or coal, with a tool drum which is mounted on a drum carrier rotatably about a drum axis, in which a plurality of tool shafts, which carry cutting tools at their ends projecting from the tool drum, are rotatable drivable mounted, at least two of the tool shafts being drivable by a common gear drive and a common drive element.", "\nAn apparatus for the milling cutting of rock, minerals or other materials is known from WO 2012/156841A2. ", "The disclosed apparatus includes two tool drums, which are arranged rotatably mounted side by side in twin arrangement on a drum carrier and which are respectively provided with a plurality of tool carriers which support cutting tools.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,647,265 A discloses a rotary drum-type cutting head for use with mining and tunneling machines. ", "The cutting head includes a cylindrical drum to the periphery of which are secured a number of arcuate segments provided with pick boxes for the reception of picks.", "\nUS 2008/0116734 A1 discloses a device for milling rock or other materials. ", "The device comprises a spindle drum which is rotatably mounted on a drum support and in which a plurality of tool spindles are received to be rotatable about spindle axes in a manner off-center of the drum. ", "At least two of the tool spindles can be driven by a common gear drive which comprises output gears.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,326,307 A discloses a rock bit roller cone having a peripheral notch, and an annular band seated fast in said notch having a succession of radially extending cutter teeth about its peripheral surface.", "\nMechanically locked drill bit components are known from U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,906,245 A, and a cutter assembly including rotatable cutting element and a drill bit using the same are known from U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "7,762,359 B1.", "\nThe present disclosure is directed, at least in part, to improving or overcoming one or more aspects of prior systems." ]
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[ 0.0005840241792611778, 0.0011469649616628885, 0.0006501352181658149, 0.0011945485603064299, 0.001504621934145689, 0.0005935030640102923, 0.0017040376551449299, 0.0006724550621584058, 0.0006852300721220672, 0.0016807016218081117, 0.0005912055494263768, 0.0005927396123297513, 0.0006415029056370258, 0.0010884626535698771, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0006793445209041238, 0.0006200519856065512, 0.0005721674533560872, 0.0008145269239321351, 0.000706644612364471, 0.0010884626535698771, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0007026339881122112, 0.0006479843868874013, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0006371038034558296, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0009366932790726423, 0.0005823782412335277 ]
[ "Implications of seasonal and annual heat accumulation for population dynamics of an invasive defoliator.", "\nIncreasing temperatures can drive changes in the distribution and abundance of insects. ", "The time of year when warming occurs (e.g., spring vs. autumn) may disparately influence the phenology of herbivorous insects and their host plants. ", "We investigated the role of changing phenology in recent outbreaks of larch casebearer, an invasive defoliator of eastern larch in North America. ", "We quantified degree-days required for eastern larch to break bud and larch casebearer to develop through each life stage from the onset of development in spring to autumnal dormancy. ", "We developed degree-day models to reconstruct (1) spring phenological synchrony and (2) cumulative proportion of larvae reaching the overwintering stage based on historical climate data. ", "The consequences of warmer autumns and winters (i.e., pre-spring warming) for the incidence and timing of spring activation of larvae were also investigated. ", "Our results suggested that no significant changes have occurred in spring phenological synchrony, but the estimated proportions of larvae reaching the overwintering stage have significantly increased through time. ", "Autumnal warming resulted in delayed spring activation, suggesting that warmer temperatures may act antagonistically on casebearer development, depending on time of year and intensity of warming. ", "Our results provide evidence that increases in annual degree-day accumulation may have helped facilitate recent outbreaks of this invasive defoliator in North America." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006264428375288844, 0.0006158659234642982, 0.0006542156916111708, 0.0006676354096271098, 0.0008927197777666152, 0.0005780019564554095, 0.0005568151827901602, 0.0005803220556117594, 0.0006276789936237037, 0.0005507785244844854 ]
[ "// mksyscall.pl -tags darwin,arm64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_arm64.go\n// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. ", "DO NOT EDIT.", "\n\n// +build darwin,arm64\n\npackage unix\n\nimport (\n\t\"syscall\"\n\t\"unsafe\"\n)\n\nvar _ syscall.", "Errno\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc getgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (n int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETGROUPS, uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(gid)), 0)\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc setgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETGROUPS, uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(gid)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_WAIT4, uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(rusage)), 0, 0)\n\twpid = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(addrlen)))\n\tfd = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc bind(s int, addr unsafe.", "Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_BIND, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc connect(s int, addr unsafe.", "Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CONNECT, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SOCKET, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto))\n\tfd = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.", "Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(vallen)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.", "Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPEERNAME, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(addrlen)))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETSOCKNAME, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(addrlen)))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Shutdown(s int, how int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHUTDOWN, uintptr(s), uintptr(how), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall6(SYS_SOCKETPAIR, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(fd)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(p) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&p[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_RECVFROM, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(fromlen)))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.", "Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(buf) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&buf[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SENDTO, uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_RECVMSG, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SENDMSG, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc kevent(kq int, change unsafe.", "Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.", "Pointer, nevent int, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEVENT, uintptr(kq), uintptr(change), uintptr(nchange), uintptr(event), uintptr(nevent), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(timeout)))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(mib) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&mib[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UTIMES, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(timeval)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc futimes(fd int, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FUTIMES, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(timeval)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCNTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg))\n\tval = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Madvise(b []byte, behav int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(b) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&b[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MADVISE, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(behav))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Mlock(b []byte) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(b) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&b[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MLOCK, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Mlockall(flags int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MLOCKALL, uintptr(flags), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(b) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&b[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MPROTECT, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Msync(b []byte, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(b) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&b[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MSYNC, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Munlock(b []byte) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(b) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&b[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MUNLOCK, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Munlockall() (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MUNLOCKALL, 0, 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc pipe() (r int, w int, err error) {\n\tr0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0)\n\tr = int(r0)\n\tw = int(r1)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc getxattr(path string, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (sz int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETXATTR, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options))\n\tsz = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc fgetxattr(fd int, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (sz int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FGETXATTR, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options))\n\tsz = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc setxattr(path string, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SETXATTR, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc fsetxattr(fd int, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FSETXATTR, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc removexattr(path string, attr string, options int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_REMOVEXATTR, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc fremovexattr(fd int, attr string, options int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FREMOVEXATTR, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(options))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc listxattr(path string, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_LISTXATTR, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0)\n\tsz = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc flistxattr(fd int, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FLISTXATTR, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0)\n\tsz = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc kill(pid int, signum int, posix int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KILL, uintptr(pid), uintptr(signum), uintptr(posix))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCESS, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Adjtime(delta *Timeval, olddelta *Timeval) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ADJTIME, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(delta)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(olddelta)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Chdir(path string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHDIR, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Chflags(path string, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHFLAGS, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHMOD, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHOWN, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Chroot(path string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHROOT, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Close(fd int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CLOSE, uintptr(fd), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP, uintptr(fd), 0, 0)\n\tnfd = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Dup2(from int, to int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(from), uintptr(to), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Exchangedata(path1 string, path2 string, options int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path1)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(path2)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_EXCHANGEDATA, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Exit(code int) {\n\tSyscall(SYS_EXIT, uintptr(code), 0, 0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Faccessat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FACCESSAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fchdir(fd int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHDIR, uintptr(fd), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fchflags(fd int, flags int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHFLAGS, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHMOD, uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FCHMODAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fchownat(dirfd int, path string, uid int, gid int, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FCHOWNAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid), uintptr(flags), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Flock(fd int, how int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FLOCK, uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FPATHCONF, uintptr(fd), uintptr(name), 0)\n\tval = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FSTAT64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(stat)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FSTATAT64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FSTATFS64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(stat)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Fsync(fd int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FSYNC, uintptr(fd), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FTRUNCATE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(buf) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&buf[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(basep)), 0, 0)\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getdtablesize() (size int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := Syscall(SYS_GETDTABLESIZE, 0, 0, 0)\n\tsize = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getegid() (egid int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETEGID, 0, 0, 0)\n\tegid = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Geteuid() (uid int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETEUID, 0, 0, 0)\n\tuid = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getgid() (gid int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETGID, 0, 0, 0)\n\tgid = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPGID, uintptr(pid), 0, 0)\n\tpgid = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getpgrp() (pgrp int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPGRP, 0, 0, 0)\n\tpgrp = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getpid() (pid int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPID, 0, 0, 0)\n\tpid = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getppid() (ppid int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPPID, 0, 0, 0)\n\tppid = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_GETPRIORITY, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0)\n\tprio = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETRLIMIT, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(lim)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETRUSAGE, uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(rusage)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETSID, uintptr(pid), 0, 0)\n\tsid = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Getuid() (uid int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETUID, 0, 0, 0)\n\tuid = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Issetugid() (tainted bool) {\n\tr0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_ISSETUGID, 0, 0, 0)\n\ttainted = bool(r0 !", "= 0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Kqueue() (fd int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KQUEUE, 0, 0, 0)\n\tfd = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LCHOWN, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Link(path string, link string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LINK, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Linkat(pathfd int, path string, linkfd int, link string, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_LINKAT, uintptr(pathfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(linkfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Listen(s int, backlog int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LISTEN, uintptr(s), uintptr(backlog), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LSTAT64, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(stat)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKDIR, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Mkdirat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKDIRAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKFIFO, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKNOD, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_OPEN, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm))\n\tfd = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_OPENAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm), 0, 0)\n\tfd = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_PATHCONF, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(name), 0)\n\tval = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(p) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&p[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PREAD, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0)\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(p) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&p[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PWRITE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0)\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(p) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&p[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_READ, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(buf) > 0 {\n\t\t_p1 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&buf[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p1 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_READLINK, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(buf) > 0 {\n\t\t_p1 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&buf[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p1 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_READLINKAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)), 0, 0)\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Rename(from string, to string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_RENAME, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Renameat(fromfd int, from string, tofd int, to string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_RENAMEAT, uintptr(fromfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(tofd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Revoke(path string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_REVOKE, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Rmdir(path string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_RMDIR, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LSEEK, uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(whence))\n\tnewoffset = int64(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(timeout)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setegid(egid int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETEGID, uintptr(egid), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Seteuid(euid int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETEUID, uintptr(euid), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setgid(gid int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETGID, uintptr(gid), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setlogin(name string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(name)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETLOGIN, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETPGID, uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETPRIORITY, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setprivexec(flag int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETPRIVEXEC, uintptr(flag), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETREGID, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETREUID, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRLIMIT, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(lim)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setsid() (pid int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETSID, 0, 0, 0)\n\tpid = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Settimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(tp)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Setuid(uid int) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETUID, uintptr(uid), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_STAT64, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(stat)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_STATFS64, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(stat)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SYMLINK, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Symlinkat(oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(oldpath)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tvar _p1 *byte\n\t_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(newpath)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SYMLINKAT, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p1)))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Sync() (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SYNC, 0, 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_TRUNCATE, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int) {\n\tr0, _, _ := Syscall(SYS_UMASK, uintptr(newmask), 0, 0)\n\toldmask = int(r0)\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Undelete(path string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UNDELETE, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Unlink(path string) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UNLINK, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UNLINKAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags))\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) {\n\tvar _p0 *byte\n\t_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UNMOUNT, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) {\n\tvar _p0 unsafe.", "Pointer\n\tif len(p) > 0 {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&p[0])\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p0 = unsafe.", "Pointer(&_zero)\n\t}\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_WRITE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_MMAP, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pos))\n\tret = uintptr(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) {\n\t_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MUNMAP, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_READ, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) {\n\tr0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_WRITE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf))\n\tn = int(r0)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT\n\nfunc gettimeofday(tp *Timeval) (sec int64, usec int32, err error) {\n\tr0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY, uintptr(unsafe.", "Pointer(tp)), 0, 0)\n\tsec = int64(r0)\n\tusec = int32(r1)\n\tif e1 !", "= 0 {\n\t\terr = errnoErr(e1)\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n" ]
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0.0006511097308248281, 0.0010182554833590984, 0.004450004082173109, 0.002582049695774913, 0.00135511951521039, 0.0007336018607020378, 0.0010857995366677642, 0.0024647978134453297, 0.005588218569755554, 0.0014024049742147326, 0.0012053422397002578, 0.0039378562942147255, 0.001347960322163999, 0.0011377751361578703, 0.0030350002925843, 0.0009857345139607787, 0.0011377751361578703, 0.004205553326755762, 0.0011042593978345394, 0.0011223305482417345, 0.004056524019688368, 0.0011806676629930735, 0.001152889453805983, 0.002170347375795245, 0.0008806930854916573, 0.0007794181001372635, 0.005545079242438078, 0.0015390027547255158, 0.00301420409232378, 0.002933360170572996, 0.004834867548197508, 0.003574503120034933, 0.004834867548197508, 0.0015799505636096, 0.0016778542194515467, 0.003061506897211075 ]
[ "Halloween for høysensitive og sensitive barn | Dollhouse\n\nLene Hval\n\n2. ", "november 2018\n\nMå man be lavsensitive og ekstroverte Kristian (med K) #blackwarrior på Halloweenfest?", "\n\nHvordan tror dere det kjennes å få servert PASTAHJERNEMASSE dynket i TOMATSUPPEBLOD?", "\n\nKjære foreldre! ", "Mammaen til Mille og jeg har debriefet årets halloween-feiring (for øvrig over et glass utmerket Rumensk Lacerta Cuveé #vampyrblod), og har i den forbindelse noen innspill hva gjelder neste år.", "\n\nRetningslinjer for halloween-feiring, Fjordgløtt skolekrets:\n\n1. ", "Ikke glem at det finnes barn og ungdom med SKJØRT SANSEAPPARAT når dere setter sammen halloween-menyen.", "\n\nNoen av disse blir faktisk liggende syke i DAGEVIS etter å ha blitt utsatt for kokte gulrøtter, andre får uforklarlige smerter i kroppen etter møtet med en vemmelig hotellbuffet #blomkåltraume.", "\n\nHvordan tror dere det kjennes å få servert PASTAHJERNEMASSE dynket i TOMATSUPPEBLOD? ", "Eller SPAGHETTIMARK på kalde asjetter?", "\n\n2. ", "Å be alle i klassen har lenge vært en selvfølge i vår krets, men hva når lavsensitive og ekstroverte Kristian (med K) ankommer med NINJA-SVERD, MONSTERMASKE og EN KILO DUNDERSALT #minst under bombevesten?", "\n\nOg bestemmer seg, ikke bare for å utslette seg selv (noe vi var forberedt på), men i tillegg alle de SKJØRE, USKYLDIGE ENGLENE rundt seg? ", "For å ha det helt klart: Å be alle, er å BE OM BRÅK!", "\n\n3. ", "Det burde være opplagt at TRANGE LEILIGHETER MED KUN ETT BAD #favelakott IKKE egner seg som festlokale.", "\n\nIkke bare er det vanskelig for sarte, empatiske sjeler å finne gode steder å skjerme seg, hva gjelder min egen lille Lerche #whiteangel, har hun nå GRUBLET i dagevis over hvorfor noen har MARMORBAD PÅ REKKE OG RAD #undertegnede, mens andre må nøye seg KUN MED ETT (uten boblekar).", "\n\nDumt å måtte gruble over sånt, når du strengt tatt burde brukt tiden til å REFLEKTERE på nynorsk. (", "NB! ", "Innlevering på tirsdag!)", "\n\n4. ", "HOLD YOUR HORSES hva gjelder pynting. ", "Enkelte av ungdommene våre har så velutviklet og finjustert sanseapparat #høyestetikere at selv et GLORETE PLASTSKJELETT #nilledill kan sette varige spor i sjelen. ", "Hva er galt med kortreist høstløv og aupairplukkede kastanjer? #", "naturensegetskrekkkammer\n\n5. ", "Vær også klar over at det for noen kan være GANSKE TRAUMATISK å bli møtt av en rad lysende gresskar-monstre på trappen (man kan jo utvikle FRUKTFOBI av mindre!).", "\n\nHvorfor ikke gjøre som mammaen til Mille: Satse på en litt annen design som gjør at ikke bare EKSTROVERTE NINJAKRIGERE HØYE PÅ DUNDERSALT, føler seg velkomne, men også alle de høysensitive, fintfølende og kvalitetsbevisste småenglene rundt oss #gresskarversjon2_0 #statementlykt #høysensitivhalloween\n\nKlem, Nora.", "\n\nSerieskaper Lene Hval står bak stripene om Nora Helmer, som du kan lese hver lørdag på Aftenposten.no.", "\n\nNora Helmer har også sin egen Facebook-side.", "\n\nFikk du forresten med deg denne Tegnehanne-stripen, lest og delt av mange: Kjære nyutdannede sykepleiere. ", "Her er det som kommer til å skje.", "\n\nFølg og delta i debattene hos Aftenposten meninger på Facebook og Twitter" ]
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[ "The old contract between the MTA and school system allowed students to ride the buses for free from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. with the student access card, S-Pass. ", "A new agreement between the two cuts the free rides off at 6 p.m." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to split string by first occurrence of a char (:) in JavaScript\n\nI have got following two strings:\n1. '", "TestKey : TestValue'\n2. '\"", "Test : Key\" : Test:Value'\n\nHere I want to split both strings by the first occurrence of the char colon (:) and I have to ignore the colon if the string part is enclosed with double quotes.", "\nI have to split the first string as like below:\n[TestKey, TestValue]\n\nAnd need to split the second string like below:\n[Test : Key, Test:Value]\n\nAny help would be greatly appreciated in JavaScript with or without Regex.", "\n\nA:\n\nWe need to split first and check the double quotes in every set of data anf if not found add them though join.", "\nvar str = '\"Test : Key\" : Test:Value';\nvar arr = str.split(':');\nvar newArr = [];\nvar ktr = '';\nfor(let i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {\n if(arr[i].indexOf('\"') !", "== -1) {\n ktr += arr[i] + ':';\n } else {\n newArr.push(arr[i]);\n }\n}\nif(ktr !", "== '') {\n ktr = ktr.substring(0,ktr.length-1);\n newArr.unshift(ktr);\n}\nconsole.log(newArr.join(':'));\n\n" ]
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[ "Tag: the stars at oktober bend\n\nNo surprises that Australian YA literature is up there with world’s best. ", "The prestigious UK 2017 CILIP Carnegie Medal shortlist has just been announced and two Australians have been included: Glenda Millard for The Stars at Oktober Bend (Allen & Unwin) and Zana Fraillon for The Bone Sparrow (Hachette). ", "The writing in both these YA novels is sublime.", "\n\nThe Carnegie Medal is awarded for writing and the Kate Greenaway Medal for illustration.", "\n\nI reviewed The Stars at Oktober Bend for the Weekend Australian . ", "A memorable scene is of beautiful, damaged Alice Nightingale perched ‘on the roof of her house at Oktober Bend, “like a carving on an old-fashioned ship, sailing through the stars”. ", "She is throwing fragments of a poem into the night.’ ", "Her new friend, Manny, is a former boy soldier.", "\n\nI also reviewed The Bone Sparrow, about young Subhi in an Australian detention centre, in another Weekend Australian YA column, describing it as a ‘universal refugee tale’ and an ‘exalted, flawless book’. ", "They were both in my top 6 YA books for 2016 and both are currently CBCA Notables (the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s long list). ", "The Bone Sparrow was also shortlisted for the 2016 Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize.", "\n\nIt does sound as though Mal Peet and Meg Rosoff are favourites to win the Carnegie. ", "I haven’t yet been able to finish reading Beck, which Meg Rosoff completed after Mal Peet’s untimely death. ", "The pedophilia scenes are so confronting I fear the images won’t be erased. ", "Mal Peet was a raconteur. ", "I chaired a wonderful session at the Sydney Writers Festival with him and Ursula Dubosarsky, whose new novel, The Blue Cat, will be published soon. ", "I was fortunate to have an entertaining lunch with Meg Rosoff and a colleague when working in Brisbane. ", "She is a spectacular, unconventional writer. ", "The other international shortlisted authors (and illustrators) are also stars. ", "Fingers crossed for our Australian writers, of course though.", "\n\nOther Australians to have won the Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals are Ivan Southall with Josh (our only Carnegie winner so far and that was in 1971- but we have won other major international awards since then), Bob Graham for Jethro Byrde Fairy Child, Freya Blackwood for Harry and Hopper (written by Margaret Wild) and Gregory Rogers for Way Home (written by Libby Hathorn). ", "I believe Levi Pinfold (Black Dog) lives in Australia. ", "A number of other Australian illustrators, including Jeannie Baker, have been shortlisted for the Greenaway.", "\n\nToday (Thursday 16th March), the shortlists for the 2017 CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals, the UK’s oldest and most prestigious book awards for children and young people, are revealed.", "\n\nThe Kate Greenaway Medal, which celebrates illustration in children’s books, sees award-winning writer and illustrator Chris Riddell, the Children’s Laureate, in the running to win an unprecedented fourth Kate Greenaway Medal just a year after his hat-trick in 2016. ", "Riddell is joined by another potential record-breaker in the form of Dieter Braun’s Wild Animals of the North. ", "Originally published in German, this is the first ever translated title to make the Kate Greenaway shortlist following the Medals opening up to translated works in English in 2015. ", "They are joined by former Kate Greenaway Medal winners Emily Gravett, William Grill and Jim Kay and first-time Kate Greenaway-shortlisted authors Francesca Sanna, Brian Selznick and Lane Smith.", "\n\nThe Carnegie Medal, which celebrates outstanding writing for children and young people, sees a range of YA and Middle Grade books make the shortlist. ", "Mal Peet’s final novel Beck, co-authored by Meg Rosoff, could be the second book to win the Medal posthumously, following Siobhan Dowd’s Bog Child in 2009. ", "Peet and Rosoff are joined on the list by fellow former Carnegie Medal winners Frank Cottrell Boyce and Philip Reeve, previously shortlisted author Ruta Sepetys, debut authors Lauren Wolk and Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock and first-time Carnegie-shortlisted authors Zana Fraillon, Glenda Millard and Lauren Wolk." ]
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[ "\n830 N.E.2d 3 (2005)\n214 Ill.2d 535\nMACKIE v. VAUGHAN CHAPTER-PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA, INC.", "\nNo. ", "99751\nSupreme Court of Illinois\nMarch Term, 2005\nDisposition of petition for leave to appeal. ", "Denied.", "\n" ]
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[ "Der österreichische EU-Kommissar Johannes Hahn (ÖVP) wird künftig das EU-Budget betreuen. ", "Hahn übernimmt in seiner dritten Amtszeit in Brüssel diese Zuständigkeit sowie die Verwaltung, wie die EU-Kommission heute offiziell mitteilte. ", "Er folgt als EU-Budgetkommissar dem Deutschen Günther Oettinger nach.", "\n\nBisher war Hahn (61) für die EU-Erweiterung und für die EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik zuständig. ", "Die gesamte neue EU-Kommission muss nach Anhörung der EU-Kommissare noch vom Europaparlament bestätigt werden. ", "Planmäßig soll die EU-Kommission unter Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen am 1. ", "November ihr Amt antreten." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan I only trade with ambassadors?", "\n\nI just started playing for the first time since they added ambassadors. ", "My yaks died pretty early on and I wanted to buy new ones, but no traders have turned up. ", "I invited some ambassadors but they require a bed before I can trade with them.. I need a bone needle to make beds, and I need yaks to make bone needles, so I can't trade with ambassadors. ", "Spring and summer has gone by with no merchants appearing at my market stall, despite my kingdom having a worth of 5000. ", "I had a market stall before day 5 of the first Spring, but nobody turned up. ", "Are ambassadors the only way to trade now? ", "If so, it seems I need to start a new save.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe ambassadors are also satisfied with simple straw beds, which you can build directly from the Build->Furniture menu with two units of straw. ", "Should you have already fed all your straws to your animals, you can get more by farming wheat. ", "Should you have no wheat seeds either, you need to kill something to get bone for a bone needle. ", "\nThe wild animals which show up from time to time, like monitor lizards, honey badgers and bears, are surprisingly tough. ", "When you attack them without properly trained and equipped soldiers, you will likely lose a few gnomes. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "New Insights into the Control of Cellular Protein Production\n\nResearchers of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) Berlin-Buch, Germany, have gained new insights into the control of cellular protein production. ", "Experimental analysis of genetically modified mice revealed that an evolutionary conserved regulatory mechanism of protein production plays an important role in highly developed mammals. ", "The mouse-model findings of Dr. Klaus Wethmar, Professor Achim Leutz and colleagues could contribute to the development of new therapies and drugs to combat diseases such as cancer. (", "Genes & Development, doi: 10.1101/gad.557910).*", "\nProteins are the building blocks of every living cell. ", "The blueprints of the proteins are encoded in the DNA of genes. ", "These blueprints are first transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA), which then serve as a template for protein production. ", "Some mRNAs contain short upstream open reading frames (uORFs), which control protein production depending on the respective cell physiology. ", "Such regulatory uORFs occur in all organisms from yeast to humans. ", "They are predominantly prevalent in the mRNAs of key regulatory proteins involved in cell proliferation and differentiation as well as cell metabolism and cellular stress management.", "\n\nIn their studies on a mouse model, MDC researchers led by Professor Leutz succeeded for the first time in detecting and measuring the physiological relevance of an uORF conserved in all vertebrates including humans. ", "They discovered that mice deficient in the uORF of an important regulatory protein showed disturbed liver regeneration and impaired bone growth. ", "Based on these findings, together with the widespread prevalence of uORFs in numerous other mRNAs, the MDC researchers suggest that evolutionary conserved uORFs may have comprehensive regulatory functions in the living organism.", "\n\nThe MDC scientists suspect that regulation of protein production by uORFs is associated with many diseases, in particular cancer diseases, since for example the transcripts of growth factors or oncogenes often contain uORFs. \"", "Currently, no drugs exist which specifically target the control of protein production by uORFs,\" Professor Leutz explained. \"", "However, since the regulatory function of uORFs is highly relevant, it would be reasonable to screen for drugs which can influence the function of uORFs.\"" ]
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[ "\"Previously on \"Dexter\"...\" \"Angel: open up, Perry, it's the police.\" \"", "Open up.\" \"", "Hey, Angel, I got him!\" \"", "Dexter: they really found the ice-Truck killer?\" \"", "I saw him, Dex.\" \"", "I chased him.\" \"", "The fun part was hanging them like cattle\" \"Right before I cut their throats.\" \"", "Son of a bitch.\" \"", "Dexter:\" \"I have so many questions for him.\" \"", "What was his message to me?\" \"", "Now I need to know him.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Fuck are you?\" \"", "Paul Bennett, father on parole.\" \"", "Dexter Morgan.\" \"", "I can't think of anything clever to say.\" \"", "Divorce papers sign them now,\" \"And I'll agree to supervised visits twice a week.\" \"", "You think you can really make me back down?\" \"", "Are you fucking my wife?\" \"", "I just wish he'd go away.\" \"", "I mean, why can't he just go away and disappear forever?\" \"", "All along, I thought this was a game\" \"My alter ego and I were playing.\" \"", "But relationships change, evolve,\" \"And this one's getting deep.\" \"", "I realize now my days are numbered.\" \"", "So I'd better make the most of them.\" \"", "Your instincts were dead-On.\" \"", "They're always dead-On when it comes to killers.\" \"", "Why is that?\" \"", "I'm watching you.\" \"[ ", "Thunder crashes ]\" \"Dexter: what are we looking at here?\" \"", "Angel:\" \"I'm thinking two circus clowns dancing.\" \"", "You?\" \"", "No, it looks like a lobster.\" \"", "See the claws?\" \"", "Why do bloodstains always look like crustaceans to you?\" \"", "I like seafood.\" \"", "Rorschach would say you have a hard time relating to others.\" \"", "Not as hard as her.\" \"", "It does look like a suicide.\" \"", "Can I get some light in here, please?\" \"", "Damn power outages.\" \"", "I don't know, angel.\" \"", "Most firearm suicides are committed by men.\" \"", "Women tend to slash their wrists, take pills,\" \"Something more ladylike.\" \"", "Not in Miami.\" \"", "We closed a couple of suicide cases\" \"Just like this last year, remember?\" \"[ ", "Thunder crashes ]\" \"Look at this mess.\" \"", "That's a fancy bathtub.\" \"", "Rich husband?\" \"", "Househusband and aspiring artist.\" \"", "Ooh.\" \"", "Promising.\" \"", "So, she supported him?\" \"", "It looks like that.\" \"", "She was some kind of big-Time prosecutor.\" \"", "Those other suicides we closed\" \"Those were high-Powered women, too, right?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "I think so.\" \"", "Note to self.\" \"", "Gayle:\" \"I don't care what it looks like.\" \"", "Somebody killed her.\" \"", "Doakes: we're checking out all the possibilities.\" \"", "Was your wife dealing with any emotional problem?\" \"", "You know, job stress, the usual,\" \"But she was working through it in therapy.\" \"", "She have any other problems that you're aware of?\" \"", "Are you listening to me?\" \"", "Vanessa didn't kill herself.\" \"", "Criminals stage suicides all the time.\" \"", "We'll check into it.\" \"", "We need to collect your clothes for evidence\" \"Standard procedure.\" \"[ ", "Thunder crashes ]\" \"Come on.\" \"", "I got to go.\" \"", "There's a dead body in that house.\" \"", "There's a hot body in here.\" \"", "I so want to maul you right now.\" \"", "I so want you to.\" \"", "Call me when you're done, okay?\" \"", "Yeah, I'll bring handcuffs.\" \"", "Morgan, what took you so long?\" \"", "Playing \"hide the salami\" with Mr. Prosthetics?\" \"", "I don't fuck and tell.\" \"", "Since when?\" \"", "Can we go inside?\" \"", "I'm kind of wet.\" \"", "Don't.\" \"", "No, I need you to see what you can find out\" \"About the victim's relationship with her husband.\" \"", "It's always the husband, right?\" \"", "Looks like a suicide, but you never know\" \"Younger guy, unemployed.\" \"", "Maybe he was a boy toy, killed her for her money.\" \"", "I'm on it.\" \"", "Doakes is sending you away from a crime scene in the rain,\" \"And you're not putting up a fight?\" \"", "I'm a team player.\" \"", "You are?\" \"", "Fuck you!\" \"", "Oh, hey, Dex, come on in.\" \"", "Where's Rita?\" \"", "Uh, she's stuck in traffic.\" \"", "Power's out in half the city.\" \"", "Of course, I love the extra kid time,\" \"But, uh, court supervisor not so much.\" \"[ ", "Children laughing ]\" \"Hey, you know, I feel really bad\" \"About the last time I was here.\" \"", "I didn't mean to get all alpha male on you.\" \"", "What are you supposed to say to the guy\" \"Who's f'ing your wife while you're in jail?\" \"[ ", "Door opens ]\" \"Sorry.\" \"", "Sorry I'm late.\" \"", "Thanks for holding down the fort.\" \"", "Do you mind if I get going?\" \"", "I got kids of my own at home to look after.\" \"", "No, no, no.\" \"", "It's okay.\" \"", "Dexter and I are here now.\" \"", "Bye, kids.\" \"", "Mom, Dexter, the lights are out.\" \"", "They are?\" \"", "Hey, I brought hot chocolate.\" \"", "Dad already made us some.\" \"", "With extra marshmallows.\" \"", "Tag you're it!\" \"", "I'd love some hot chocolate.\" \"", "Take two.\" \"", "Looks like he's got extra.\" \"", "Come here, buddy.\" \"", "Mom, can dad stay and put us to bed, please?\" \"", "I think that's why Dexter's here, sweetie.\" \"", "Dexter doesn't mind.\" \"", "Yay!\" \"", "Only a song, no story it's way past your bedtime.\" \"", "All right, bedbugs, let's leave these two alone.\" \"", "It's not like they need a chaperone.\" \"", "Meghan Dowd, Carolyn Jillian, and now Vanessa Gayle\" \"All three powerful women,\" \"All three shot themselves in the past two years.\" \"", "They've got to have more in common\" \"Than career ambition and a fondness of firearms.\" \"", "Why the sudden interest in suicides?\" \"", "Morbid curiosity.\" \"", "What can I do for you?\" \"", "So many things.\" \"", "I need the blood-Spatter report on Vanessa Gayle.\" \"[ ", "Sighs ]\" \"Blood spatter's inconclusive.\" \"", "All I can tell is she was shot at close range.\" \"", "I wish I had more for you.\" \"", "Me too.\" \"", "Maria, the D.A. Needs the work sheet\" \"For the ice-Truck-Killer case.\" \"", "I'm working on it.\" \"", "When'd you talk to the D.A.?\" \"", "We had dinner last night.\" \"", "Mayor Allen took us out to celebrate Neil Perry's arrest\" \"Hell of a good time.\" \"", "Hmm.\" \"", "Hijo de puta.\" \"", "I'm the one who gets Perry to confess,\" \"And he's got the mayor kissing his ass.\" \"", "I wouldn't be too upset.\" \"", "Matthews will be the one with the egg on his face.\" \"", "You still believe we got the wrong guy?\" \"", "Perry's the pretender to the throne.\" \"", "The real king is still out there, and he'll kill again.\" \"", "It's just a matter of time.\" \"", "Or the ice-Truck killer will use Perry\" \"As a get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.\" \"", "You really think that might happen?\" \"", "If Perry's the wrong guy\" \"And I let him take the fall, definitely.\" \"", "Thanks, Dexter.\" \"", "What if Laguerta's right?\" \"", "What if the ice-Truck killer does disappear?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "He's got unfinished business with me.\" \"", "Still, I can't just sit on my hands\" \"Waiting for something to happen.\" \"", "I need a distraction.\" \"", "Nothing like some little debbies\" \"And a worthy new adversary to clear my head.\" \"[ ", "Drawer closes ]\" \"Talk to me, ladies.\" \"", "What do you have in common?\" \"", "Same sorority?\" \"", "Pilates instructor?\" \"", "Dr. Emmett meridian.\" \"", "The three suicide sisters shared the same therapist\" \"Dr. Emmett meridian.\" \"", "He must be terrible at his job.\" \"", "So far, he comes up squeaky clean\" \"No malpractice suits, no disgruntled patients.\" \"", "And I thought I was a master at damage control.\" \"", "Perhaps I should schedule a session with the good doctor\" \"And try out a little reverse psychology.\" \"", "Come on in, Sean.\" \"", "Have a seat.\" \"", "Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.\" \"", "Hey, I expect the police to show up when I call, right?\" \"", "The least I can do is clear my lunch hour for a cop in need.\" \"", "So, what brought you here?\" \"", "A friend of mine died.\" \"", "She killed herself.\" \"", "I need to understand why.\" \"", "How come?\" \"", "She had everything going for her.\" \"", "It doesn't make sense.\" \"", "To some people, death makes perfect sense.\" \"", "Life now, that's the puzzle,\" \"Like you, Sean.\" \"", "What really brought you here?\" \"", "I just told you I came\" \"To talk about your friend's suicide, I know.\" \"", "I think you're using this suicide deal\" \"As an excuse to come see me.\" \"", "You're absolutely right.\" \"", "How could you tell?\" \"", "I'm sensing you do it a lot\" \"To keep the world at arm's length.\" \"", "And what are my real intentions?\" \"[ ", "Knock on door ]\" \"As soon as I pay for my lunch,\" \"You're gonna tell me that.\" \"", "Excuse me a second.\" \"", "Judging from what I've seen so far, I probably will.\" \"", "This guy's good.\" \"", "So why do his patients keep dying?\" \"", "Vanessa's estimated time of death\" \"Was Monday at 7:00 P.M.\" \"Meridian was in session with Scott Solomon.\" \"", "I wonder if Mr. Solomon kept his appointment that night.\" \"", "So, we got almond chicken, and pork fried rice.\" \"", "Let's start with the basics.\" \"", "You married?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Girlfriend?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Sex life?\" \"", "It's personal.\" \"", "And this is therapy, where we share personal things.\" \"", "You know, it might help me open up\" \"If you shared something about yourself.\" \"", "Why did you become a psychiatrist?\" \"", "See what you just did?\" \"", "Trying to take control like that?\" \"", "You probably get away with it most of the time, too, right?\" \"", "That's a way of preventing other people\" \"From getting close to you.\" \"", "Let me ask you something, Sean.\" \"", "Have you ever been close to anybody?\" \"", "My foster father.\" \"", "He's the only one who ever really knew me.\" \"", "You're adopted?\" \"", "Harry took me in when I was 3.\" \"", "So tell me about harry.\" \"", "What kind of stuff did you guys do together?\" \"", "You know, normal father/son stuff.\" \"[ ", "Choking ]\" \"[ Glass shatters ]\" \"All right.\" \"", "Stop.\" \"", "Enough.\" \"[ ", "Coughing ]\" \"Are you all right?\" \"", "I'm fine.\" \"", "I'm fine.\" \"", "Nice ambush.\" \"", "That was the perfect point of attack.\" \"", "I can't believe I finally got you.\" \"", "I won.\" \"", "This isn't a game, Dexter.\" \"", "No, I-I know.\" \"", "It's not supposed to be fun.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah, yeah, it's just\" \"You think I want to teach you these things?\" \"", "This is the only way I know\" \"How to keep you out of an electric chair.\" \"", "This is about survival, Dex, nothing else.\" \"", "Got it?\" \"", "Man: you've got a visitor, Perry.\" \"", "Miss me?\" \"", "Don't flatter yourself.\" \"", "I have to comb through your case before the trial,\" \"Make sure I have my facts straight\" \"On the notorious ice-Truck killer.\" \"", "Um, I confessed.\" \"", "What more do you need?\" \"", "The evidence to line up.\" \"", "We haven't been able to match your prints\" \"Against the partial on the lozenge wrapper\" \"We found at the abandoned hospital.\" \"", "Liquid nitrogen I use it to freeze the body parts.\" \"", "It's extremely effective, but it burns like a bitch.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Or you knew your prints wouldn't match,\" \"So you purposely burned your fingertips to hide it.\" \"", "Are you suggesting that I'm a liar?\" \"", "Just covering my bases, Neil.\" \"", "We both want the same thing.\" \"", "Uh...10 minutes alone with Angelina?\" \"", "To see you convicted.\" \"", "What's in it for me if I help you do your job?\" \"", "Hmm...\" \"How about immortality?\" \"", "We found your mother's body under your house.\" \"", "Now, you can go down as a pathetic loser who killed mom\" \"Or the most heinous killer\" \"In Florida's history\" \"Your choice.\" \"", "If I'm going to become a legend,\" \"I need to be memorialized.\" \"", "I want a reporter here to interview me front page.\" \"", "You're not allowed to talk to the press before the trial.\" \"", "If you want me to cooperate,\" \"I'm sure you'll find a way.\" \"", "Meridian had one thing right.\" \"", "I do crave control.\" \"", "The longer the ice-Truck killer maintains radio silence,\" \"The less control I have.\" \"", "Craigslist it's desperate, I know, but apropos.\" \"", "Personal ads are filled with desperation.\" \"\"", "Tyler from key west,\" \"Speedos tanning on the beach,\"\" \"\"Touched your tits on Friday night\"\" \"At least these folks aren't just standing by\" \"Waiting for something to happen, and neither am I.\" \"\"Dear ken, I'm in pieces.\" \"", "Why the cold shoulder?\" \"", "Love, Barbie.\"\" \"", "Hey, I got it.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "Hey, I know you Monday night at meridian's.\" \"", "You're always leaving your 7:00 when I'm arriving for my 8:00.\" \"", "You missed last week, right?\" \"", "No, I was there.\" \"", "I don't remember ever seeing you, though.\" \"", "How do you like him?\" \"", "Meridian?\" \"", "Best thing that's ever happened to me...\" \"So far.\" \"", "How about you?\" \"", "You finding him helpful?\" \"", "I'm a sociopath.\" \"", "There's not much he can do for me.\" \"", "Cute and funny.\" \"", "Let me guess taken.\" \"", "Girlfriend.\" \"", "Lucky girl.\" \"", "Well, thanks for the help, but I can handle it from here.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "So meridian has an alibi for the time of death.\" \"", "My sexual hang-Ups and control issues aside,\" \"I need a follow-Up appointment to dig a little deeper.\" \"", "Isn't that what therapy's all about?\" \"[ ", "Breathing heavily ]\" \"Oh, my god.\" \"", "I love your body.\" \"", "I love your legs.\" \"", "I love your arms.\" \"", "I couldn't have made them better myself.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Are you crying?\" \"", "I'm fine.\" \"", "Then what?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "I'm sure this is really hot, crying after sex.\" \"", "Everything about you is hot.\" \"", "Tell me what you're feeling.\" \"", "It's...\" \"It's just...\" \"Every time I've ever been naked with someone we just fuck.\" \"", "But not this time?\" \"", "This is different.\" \"", "It feels like...\" \"I hate saying this.\" \"", "It sounds so fucking cheesy.\" \"", "It feels like making love.\" \"", "Ew.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "But, ew, promise me you'll never say that again.\" \"", "What if I do?\" \"", "Are you gonna cry about it?\" \"", "You're so fucked up.\" \"", "What's up, rock star?\" \"[ ", "Chuckling ] look at you.\" \"", "What you doing?\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Where's the supervisor?\" \"", "Oh, she called on my cell and canceled.\" \"", "Who wants to play monster tag?\" \"", "I do.\" \"", "Yeah?\" \"", "I'm coming after you.\" \"", "You better run.\" \"", "Paul, you know you're not allowed unsupervised visits.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "Big bad Paul needs a babysitter.\" \"", "It's your day off, right?\" \"", "Now, would it really be so terrible\" \"If we spent time with our kids together?\" \"", "I have a lunch date with Dexter.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "It'll be fun.\" \"", "Mom, dad, come on.\" \"", "I guess I could call Dexter.\" \"", "It's official I'm nominating you for mom of the year.\" \"[ ", "Smooches ]\" \"Here comes the monster.\" \"", "Here comes the monster.\" \"", "Contrary to what dr.\" \"", "Meridian thinks,\" \"I don't always keep others at a distance.\" \"", "Things are looking up already.\" \"", "Or not.\" \"", "Clearly nobody here is my missing partner in crime.\" \"", "Hey, what's up?\" \"", "You were looking for me?\" \"", "What did forensics come back with on Vanessa Gayle?\" \"", "Gunpowder on her hand, none on her husband's,\" \"High-Angle trajectory, drugs in the tox screen.\" \"", "It all points to suicide.\" \"", "No chance it was murder?\" \"", "Too bad, huh?\" \"", "I had the husband pegged, too.\" \"", "Was hoping he could help me score my own sugar mama.\" \"", "Try craigslist.\" \"", "I already did\" \"Nothing but cat ladies and saggy tits.\" \"", "Miami metro can close this case as a suicide,\" \"But I'm still not convinced.\" \"", "Maybe my new therapist can shed some light on my doubts.\" \"", "You seem on edge today.\" \"[ ", "Sighs ]\" \"I'm not getting what I came here for.\" \"", "What'd you come here for?\" \"", "We established in our last visit\" \"That it wasn't to talk about suicide.\" \"", "Or feelings.\" \"", "Heaven forbid.\" \"", "So, what do you want to talk about?\" \"", "Fakes\" \"People who pass themselves off\" \"As something they're not.\" \"", "Like a pre-Owned-Car salesman?\" \"", "A brave politician.\" \"", "A Jew for Jesus.\" \"", "A wolf in sheep's clothing.\" \"", "Is that how you feel, Sean?\" \"", "Like you're hiding a dark secret?\" \"", "No, I wasn't talking about me.\" \"", "Who were you talking about?\" \"", "You.\" \"", "That's a common first-Time reaction to therapy.\" \"", "You think I can't care about you,\" \"That I'm only pretending to care because I have another motive.\" \"", "Bingo.\" \"", "You got me.\" \"", "I do have another motive.\" \"", "It's called a paycheck.\" \"", "But that doesn't mean\" \"That I can't care for my patients or enjoy my job.\" \"", "How are things at your job?\" \"[ ", "Sighs ] frustrating, to tell you the truth.\" \"", "What kind of forensics do you do?\" \"", "Blood spatter.\" \"", "Most people can't stand blood.\" \"", "I hate it.\" \"", "Categorizing and analyzing must be very soothing for you.\" \"", "Yeah, it is, actually.\" \"", "So, okay, how are things with your girlfriend?\" \"", "She canceled lunch with me to be with her ex-Husband.\" \"", "Ouch.\" \"", "Sounds like things are out of your control right now.\" \"", "No wonder you cut yourself off from your emotions.\" \"", "That way you never have to feel powerless.\" \"", "So, then, what should I do?\" \"", "Accept that certain things are out of your hands.\" \"", "Let go.\" \"", "Hey, Morgan I can't believe, out of two million sperm,\" \"You were the fastest swimmer.\" \"", "What are you gonna do about it?\" \"", "I wanted to kill him, dad.\" \"", "It must have been tough for you to walk away, son.\" \"", "I'm proud that you did that.\" \"", "Don't be, 'cause I still want to kill him.\" \"", "When's that gonna go away?\" \"", "I think I have everything I need, Mr. Perry.\" \"", "When's the story gonna run?\" \"", "Well, they're saving space for tomorrow, front page.\" \"", "I just got to get back and write.\" \"", "Thanks so much for your time.\" \"", "Laguerta: how was your interview?\" \"", "It was fine.\" \"", "You ready to talk about the case?\" \"", "Sure, as soon as I get to talk to a reporter.\" \"", "You just did.\" \"", "Oh, give me a break.\" \"", "That poser was one of your cop buddies, but nice try.\" \"", "In case you forgot, Neil, you're the one in jail.\" \"", "I call the shots.\" \"", "I could invoke my Miranda rights at any time and lawyer up.\" \"", "If you wanted a lawyer, you'd have one by now.\" \"", "I know your game, lieutenant.\" \"", "You think I'm a fraud and you're trying to prove it,\" \"But the truth is you're the fraud.\" \"", "You know what, Neil?\" \"", "I'm really not in the mood for your shit today.\" \"", "I found out how you got promoted.\" \"", "Back when you and sergeant Doakes\" \"Were still partners,\" \"Doakes got the drop on a major coke dealer,\" \"Brought you along for the ride.\" \"", "How did you get\" \"When the perp bailed from a third-Story apartment,\" \"Doakes took the fire escape,\" \"Sent you to cover the stairs just in case.\" \"", "Only...you got lucky\" \"And you made the headline grab,\" \"And so the legend began.\" \"", "I wonder if Doakes would have made a good lieutenant.\" \"", "I deserved that promotion.\" \"", "I'm sure you did.\" \"", "It was a big bust.\" \"", "Not as big as catching me, of course,\" \"But, uh, let's be honest.\" \"", "You didn't catch me.\" \"", "Your captain did.\" \"", "At least that's what they're saying on the news.\" \"", "My therapist wants me to accept\" \"The things that are out of my hands.\" \"", "Tragically for him, he's not out of my hands,\" \"Not if I can find proof\" \"That the death of at least three women under his care\" \"Was not a coincidence.\" \"[ ", "Cellphone rings ]\" \"Breaking and entering.\" \"", "I hope he got my good side.\" \"", "Now, what's he recording for posterity's sake?\" \"", "Goodbye, Dexter.\" \"", "Hello, ladies.\" \"", "I need another prescription.\" \"", "Dr. Meridian:\" \"I'm sorry, Vanessa.\" \"", "I can't do that.\" \"", "Just one more, please.\" \"", "We talked about this.\" \"", "The antidepressants were a temporary crutch\" \"So that you could start taking steps on your own.\" \"", "But you don't understand.\" \"", "I can't do this on my own.\" \"", "I can't even get out of fucking bed.\" \"", "I just I want to die.\" \"", "Look at me.\" \"", "I understand the appeal of death, okay?\" \"", "No more pain.\" \"", "All the career pressure, the hopelessness, gone.\" \"", "In many cultures,\" \"There's no stigma attached to taking one's life.\" \"", "Suicide's respected, even revered\" \"As a matter of personal conscience.\" \"", "How do most people do it?\" \"", "Well, painkillers are the most common.\" \"", "But they're entirely unreliable.\" \"", "The truly courageous of heart...\" \"Use guns.\" \"", "You took women who trusted you\" \"At their weakest possible moment,\" \"But rather than help them, you suggested they end it all.\" \"", "God, you even gave them permission to use a gun.\" \"", "You're a mean one, Mr. Shrink.\" \"", "Create their drug addiction, pull them off,\" \"Then fill their addled heads with noble thoughts of suicide.\" \"", "I think I've had a breakthrough in therapy.\" \"[ ", "Cellphone rings ]\" \"Hey, I got your texts.\" \"", "Is everything okay?\" \"", "It is now.\" \"", "Okay, just, I wanted to see you.\" \"", "I felt bad about missing lunch\" \"To be with Paul and the kids.\" \"", "I hope you didn't get the wrong idea.\" \"", "No, of course not.\" \"", "How'd it go?\" \"", "Really good and incredibly scary.\" \"", "For the first time in a long while,\" \"I saw how easy it would be\" \"For me to fall back into my old life.\" \"", "Why is that scary?\" \"", "Because...\" \"I like my new life.\" \"", "And I finally feel like I'm in control.\" \"", "I never felt that way with Paul.\" \"", "I do with you.\" \"", "This is a disaster.\" \"", "I chose Rita because she was damaged.\" \"", "If she gets better, I'll lose her for sure.\" \"", "I'm ready, Dexter.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "I don't know what I've been so afraid of.\" \"", "You're the perfect boyfriend.\" \"", "I want you to spend the night, for real.\" \"", "I'm so sorry.\" \"", "I came over here because I thought something was wrong.\" \"", "But tonight's really not a good night.\" \"", "I'm right in the middle of a case.\" \"", "I'm way too distracted.\" \"", "Now?\" \"", "It's so late.\" \"", "That's all the more reason to get back to work.\" \"", "The clock's ticking.\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "But I'll call you tomorrow.\" \"", "Okay?\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "I can't have sex with Rita.\" \"", "Every time I sleep with a woman,\" \"She sees me for what I really am empty\" \"And then she's gone.\" \"", "But I don't want Rita to go,\" \"Which means I have to deal with this.\" \"", "I can't kill meridian yet.\" \"", "I need another therapy session.\" \"[ ", "Engine turns over ]\" \"Stay where you are.\" \"", "I'm \"armed.\"\" \"[ ", "Giggles ]\" \"With bad puns?\" \"", "Mmm.\" \"", "You said you needed a favor.\" \"", "What's up?\" \"", "Take off your pants.\" \"", "Oh, I should have known it was that kind of favor.\" \"", "You never ask me to come by before work.\" \"", "No, but I like the way you think.\" \"", "I have a patient who lost both her legs in a car accident,\" \"Really brutal.\" \"", "Like your mom?\" \"", "Which is why I want to do something special for her.\" \"", "I want to give her\" \"A new smoking' pair of legs\" \"Yours.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Let me just take a cast.\" \"", "No way.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "It'll take 20 minutes, tops.\" \"", "Come on, please?\" \"", "Stop being such a chick.\" \"", "Sit down.\" \"[ ", "Giggles ]\" \"Feels good.\" \"", "Can I make one of your cock?\" \"", "That'd be a hell of a story to tell the bullpen, huh?\" \"", "Not likely.\" \"", "I haven't told anyone about us.\" \"", "Embarrassed about banging captain hook?\" \"", "Not even a little.\" \"", "Then why?\" \"", "I guess this matters to me.\" \"", "So if I talk about it and it goes away,\" \"I'm actually losing something.\" \"", "Is that retarded?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I got to tell you,\" \"I'm not going anywhere.\" \"", "Seriously?\" \"", "And neither are you,\" \"'Cause I got your leg.\" \"", "Where the hell you been?\" \"", "With my boyfriend.\" \"", "Boyfriend?\" \"", "Yep.\" \"", "We just fucked in his office.\" \"", "And we're having dinner tomorrow night.\" \"", "You looking for me?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Shut the door.\" \"", "Did you tell anyone about our bust,\" \"The one that got me promoted?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Nobody in the press?\" \"", "Maria, we talked about this when it happened.\" \"", "It would fuck up your rep and make me look like a whiny bitch.\" \"", "It's bad for both of us.\" \"", "So then the only way to access that information\" \"Would be to read to police report, right?\" \"", "I guess.\" \"", "We have to have our firewall checked.\" \"", "She was sitting on top of me, basically naked...\" \"[Sighs] ...asking me to spend the night,\" \"And I didn't know what to do.\" \"", "It's okay, Sean.\" \"", "Don't beat yourself up.\" \"", "Your girlfriend really means something to you.\" \"", "I know that.\" \"", "If she means something, why did I run away from her?\" \"", "The same reason you work so hard to shut everybody else out.\" \"", "'Cause you're afraid they won't like what they see.\" \"", "Yeah, I think you're right.\" \"", "How can I change that?\" \"", "Well, for starters, you accept the fact\" \"That we all have a big, bad wolf hiding inside of us,\" \"A darkness we don't want anyone else to see.\" \"", "Do you?\" \"", "Of course I do.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Mm-Hmm.\" \"", "And how do you deal with your wolf?\" \"", "Well, first of all, I accepted that it was there.\" \"", "I made friends with it.\" \"", "And now I just let it out for a big meal once in a while.\" \"", "At least three times that we know about.\" \"", "Can we get back to the sex thing?\" \"", "This is all about sex.\" \"", "The reason you avoid sexual intimacy\" \"Is because you don't want to surrender control.\" \"", "No, I've surrendered control.\" \"", "It's not like my girlfriend hasn't been,\" \"You know, south of the border.\" \"", "That's not what I'm talking about.\" \"", "Intimacy\" \"Really letting go, face-To-Face\" \"There's nothing more difficult than that.\" \"", "The minute you start to accept who you are,\" \"You just might feel free enough\" \"To share that intimacy together.\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "I'd like to talk you through a deep-Relaxation technique.\" \"", "It might bring some things to the surface.\" \"", "What kinds of things?\" \"", "Well, there must have been a time in your life\" \"When you felt powerless, right?\" \"", "Foster child, no control over your destiny.\" \"", "If we can bring some of those memories to the surface,\" \"We might find the root of your control issues.\" \"", "First, I want you to close your eyes\" \"And focus on your breathing.\" \"", "I want you to count each breath, okay?\" \"", "In, 1, and out, 2.\" \"", "Just give it a try.\" \"", "This is ridiculous.\" \"", "I could be killing him right now.\" \"", "Now I want you to think of a time\" \"When you felt completely and totally powerless.\" \"", "Hey, Morgan.\" \"", "You still fucking your sister?\" \"", "Leave me alone, josh.\" \"", "I told you to walk away.\" \"", "God damn it, Dexter.\" \"", "There are consequences to everything you do in life.\" \"", "Lose control, become powerless, and it's over.\" \"", "I found the grave, son.\" \"", "You're saying I'll be like this forever.\" \"[ ", "Child screaming ]\" \"Mommy!\" \"", "I have to get out of here.\" \"", "Hey, hey, hey.\" \"", "Whoa.\" \"", "Whoa.\" \"", "Whoa.\" \"", "Sean, come here.\" \"", "Sean, Sean.\" \"", "Sean!\" \"[ ", "Knock on door ]\" \"Oh, my god.\" \"", "Are you okay?\" \"[ ", "Breathing heavily ]\" \"Stay.\" \"", "Stay with me.\" \"[ ", "Sighs ]\" \"You're sweet.\" \"", "I am?\" \"", "Next time, we'll figure out what to tell the kids\" \"So you don't have to sneak out like this.\" \"", "You want there to be a next time?\" \"", "And a time after that.\" \"", "Don't you?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I mean, yeah.\" \"", "I just...\" \"I didn't freak you out?\" \"", "Why would you think that?\" \"", "Dexter, there's nothing you could ever do\" \"That would scare me away.\" \"", "I really hope you came to apologize.\" \"", "Nope.\" \"", "I came for a consult.\" \"", "And you brought beverages?\" \"", "I got this on loan from the morgue.\" \"", "Now, I could use an expert opinion,\" \"Specifically your expert opinion.\" \"", "See, we can't figure out\" \"Exactly how the killer cut off this head.\" \"", "Can you?\" \"", "Nope.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "I think you can.\" \"", "I mean, you chop people up, don't you?\" \"", "Maybe you need a closer look.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Keep it away.\" \"[ ", "Sobbing ]\" \"I talked to the medical examiner.\" \"", "He couldn't confirm how your mom died.\" \"", "Said it might have been a heart attack.\" \"", "I killed her.\" \"", "You don't have the balls.\" \"", "I mean, you had to wait till she died to chop her up.\" \"", "And even then you were too squeamish to cut off her head.\" \"", "Not exactly the same as stuffing roadkill, is it?\" \"", "Oh, fuck you.\" \"", "Serial killers get all the glory, don't they, Neil?\" \"", "Especially the ice-Truck killer.\" \"", "You know, you're not the first groupie\" \"To take credit for someone else's work.\" \"", "Oh, bullshit.\" \"", "I know details about the case,\" \"Things that weren't published in the newspapers.\" \"", "That's because you hacked into our computer system.\" \"", "I had the I.T. Guys check our firewall.\" \"", "The DMZ was breached.\" \"", "You read all our police reports.\" \"", "You even got yourself a nice paneled car last month.\" \"", "Nice touch, by the way.\" \"", "Why are you doing this?\" \"", "Because you're not a killer.\" \"", "You're a coward and a fake, aren't you?\" \"", "Maybe you need another look.\" \"", "No, take it away.\" \"", "All right, I lied, okay?\" \"", "Just, I need you to take it away from me please.\" \"", "So, what's on your mind, lieutenant?\" \"", "We got a lot to get done before Perry's trial.\" \"", "Yeah, about that trial I've got some bad news.\" \"", "Perry recanted his confession this morning.\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "I was going over some details with him at county,\" \"And he admitted that he gave us a false confession.\" \"", "He's a wannabe, tom.\" \"", "Just wanted his 15 minutes, that's all.\" \"", "How do you know which time he was lying?\" \"", "All due respect, Maria, if we dropped charges\" \"Every time someone recanted his confession,\" \"Our jails would be empty.\" \"", "We're going to trial.\" \"", "All due respect, captain, that's really not up to you.\" \"", "It's up to the D.A.\" \"Man:\" \"I understand your frustration, Maria,\" \"But I reviewed the D.A. Work sheets.\" \"", "The evidence is compelling.\" \"", "We'll move forward with the trial as planned.\" \"", "Fair enough.\" \"", "If that's what you two want, I'm fully behind it.\" \"", "I was really worried about you.\" \"", "You sure you're all right?\" \"", "I kept calling your house,\" \"But I think the number you gave me didn't work.\" \"", "You wouldn't have reached me anyway,\" \"'Cause I was at my girlfriend's.\" \"", "I spent the night, face-To-Face.\" \"", "Sean, that's very good.\" \"", "It's all good, doctor.\" \"", "I even stopped worrying about that friend of mine\" \"Who's been out of touch.\" \"", "You can't control other people, you know?\" \"", "This is a real breakthrough.\" \"", "You should be proud of yourself.\" \"", "I am proud.\" \"[ ", "Chuckles ]\" \"Truth be told,\" \"I never expected to make progress in therapy.\" \"", "That's not true.\" \"", "If that were true,\" \"You never would have come in here in the first place.\" \"[ ", "Chuckles ]\" \"What do you want to focus on today?\" \"", "I'm glad you asked that.\" \"", "I'm gonna tell you something\" \"That I've never told anyone before.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "I'm a serial killer.\" \"", "Oh, god.\" \"", "Oh, that feels so amazing to say out loud.\" \"", "Well, you must be letting go,\" \"'Cause I've never heard you make a joke before.\" \"", "I'm not joking.\" \"", "I kill people.\" \"", "Whew!\" \"", "There it is again.\" \"", "You should try it.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "Your big, bad wolf has racked up a tidy little death toll.\" \"", "I'm just kidding.\" \"", "I disabled the cameras, and I copied the files.\" \"", "I don't know what you're talking about.\" \"", "Then focus on your breathing, and maybe you'll remember\" \"Meghan, Carolyn, Vanessa.\" \"", "Those sessions are confidential.\" \"", "I'm a control freak, I know.\" \"", "But I watched your home movies.\" \"", "It's amazing stuff drugs, guns, and a crazy psychiatrist.\" \"", "No wonder you're so well versed in control issues.\" \"", "You got quite the god complex.\" \"", "This session's over.\" \"[ ", "Choking ]\" \"Not so fast, doc.\" \"", "You're awake.\" \"", "Shall we analyze your dreams?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "That's right.\" \"", "You've already told me everything I need to know,\" \"Except why powerful women?\" \"", "You took powerful women and made them powerless.\" \"", "They left behind families, children.\" \"", "I have to confess, I'm a little conflicted.\" \"", "You've helped me make a major self-Discovery.\" \"", "The fact that I'm a killer that's something I can't control.\" \"", "You helped me to accept what I really am.\" \"", "I'm grateful for that.\" \"", "But...\" \"I was raised with a certain set of principles.\" \"", "I'm sorry, doc.\" \"", "Actions have consequences, and this is yours.\" \"", "I'm gonna have to let you go.\" \"[ ", "Saw whirs ]\" \"* Jennifer's got daddy's car * * she's playin' \"uptown\" on the stereo * * we go cruisin' so close * * the way they did long ago * * my darlin' *\" \"* turn the radio up for that sweet sound * * hold me close, never let me go *\" \"[ Cellphone rings ] * keep this feelin' alive, make me lose control *\" \"Hello?\" \"", "Is that Eric Carmen?\" \"* ", "baby, when I *\" \"No.\" \"", "What's up?\" \"", "I'm running late.\" \"", "I'm in the middle of some housework.\" \"", "If I don't get it done, it's gonna drive me crazy.\" \"", "I never knew you were so anal.\" \"", "And I'm a neat freak.\" \"", "You're just full of surprises, huh?\" \"", "Oh, you have no idea.\" \"", "I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?\" \"", "Okay.\" \"[ ", "Saw whirs ]\"" ]
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0.8728976249694824, 0.003613262204453349, 0.03976903110742569, 0.0012779070530086756, 0.0007106307311914861, 0.03431640937924385, 0.1811482459306717, 0.0007237786194309592, 0.0007693629595451057, 0.0007693629595451057, 0.0007693629595451057, 0.0033044524025171995, 0.0010559586808085442, 0.0019464431097730994, 0.05306807905435562, 0.0008378033526241779, 0.0012745296116918325, 0.01358507014811039, 0.001311021507717669, 0.0010420121252536774, 0.0026700585149228573, 0.0010908335680142045, 0.000682007463183254, 0.004118762444704771, 0.0008441177778877318, 0.0006895526894368231, 0.010157584212720394, 0.000861799344420433, 0.004391191527247429, 0.0006035091355443001, 0.001432268531061709, 0.000564581889193505, 0.0007390057435259223, 0.0018066630000248551, 0.0005671296967193484, 0.04953230917453766, 0.0010552327148616314, 0.0014322672504931688, 0.0008307235548272729, 0.0007485841633751988, 0.03683435544371605, 0.0005799814243800938, 0.0008441181853413582, 0.0015082346508279443, 0.0005679995520040393, 0.49644652009010315, 0.0022168674040585756, 0.6042954325675964, 0.7888927459716797, 0.5946096181869507, 0.9053950905799866, 0.0012344832066446543, 0.9972978234291077, 0.01377366203814745, 0.0008289518882520497, 0.012422643601894379, 0.9771776795387268, 0.0005581435980275273, 0.014813389629125595, 0.0029273969121277332, 0.001199623686261475, 0.0006091159302741289, 0.0013857833109796047, 0.0005801693769171834, 0.0009005878237076104, 0.2756448984146118, 0.9516375660896301, 0.0006728136795572937, 0.001103526446968317, 0.0006916192942298949, 0.000651736103463918, 0.0009614606969989836, 0.0009814710356295109, 0.0006885664188303053, 0.0006196836475282907, 0.0007810668321326375, 0.0005550279747694731, 0.002702689729630947, 0.0009969286620616913, 0.0011411856394261122, 0.003368543926626444, 0.04999992251396179, 0.0006878127460367978, 0.0006109779933467507, 0.0006146468222141266, 0.0005459337262436748, 0.0006101333419792354, 0.0007180835236795247, 0.000570870703086257, 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[ "Q:\n\nDatatable shows only one entry\n\nI have retrieved data from a firestore collection and stored them within an array. ", "I have used that array to inject the data into a datatable but the datatable once loaded displays only one entry but I have fetched all documents within the firestore collection. ", "What could be the problem? ", "Below is the javascript code and html\n<table class=\"table table-striped table-bordered\" style=\"width:fit-content; \" id=\"mydatatable\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th scope=\"col\">Document id</th>\n <th scope=\"col\">title</th>\n <th scope=\"col\">details</th>\n <th scope=\"col\">timestamp</th>\n <th scope=\"col\">name</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n\n <tbody id=\"tableBody\">\n </tbody>\n\n <tfoot>\n <tr>\n <th scope=\"col\">Document id</th>\n <th scope=\"col\">title</th>\n <th scope=\"col\">details</th>\n <th scope=\"col\">timestamp</th>\n <th scope=\"col\">name</th>\n </tr>\n </tfoot>\n</table>\n\nvar table = document.getElementById('tableBody');\nvar tableData = new Array();\n\ndb.collection(\"Emergency_Feeds\").orderBy(\"timestamp\", \"desc\").onSnapshot(function (querySnapshot) {\n\n querySnapshot.docChanges().forEach(function (change) {\n\n console.log('documents retrieved successfully');\n console.log(`is here: ${change.doc.id} => ${change.doc.data().name}`);\n\n var documentId = change.doc.id;\n var username = change.doc.data().name;\n var emTitle = change.doc.data().title;\n var emDets = change.doc.data().details;\n var emTimeDate = change.doc.data().timestamp.toDate();\n\n if (change.type === \"added\") {\n tableData = [\n [\n documentId,\n emTimeDate,\n emTitle,\n emDets,\n username\n ]\n ]\n\n $('#mydatatable').DataTable({\n retrieve: true,\n data: tableData\n });\n }\n\n if (change.type === \"modified\") {\n tableData = [\n [\n documentId,\n emTimeDate,\n emTitle,\n emDets,\n username\n ]\n ]\n\n $('#mydatatable').DataTable({\n retrieve: true,\n data: tableData\n });\n }\n\n if (change.type === \"removed\") {\n tableData = [\n [\n documentId,\n emTimeDate,\n emTitle,\n emDets,\n username\n ]\n ]\n\n $('#mydatatable').DataTable({\n retrieve: true,\n data: tableData\n });\n }\n });\n});\n\nA:\n\nAs explained in the doc, querySnapshot.docChanges() \n\nReturns an array of the documents changes since the last snapshot. ", "If\n this is the first snapshot, all documents will be in the list as added\n changes.", "\n\nBy calling forEach on this Array you are looping over the different DocumentChange, and for each change you are redefining the content of the data table with this one specific DocumentChange. ", "Therefore your table has only one element.", "\nSo you should correctly manage the table data population by adding/replacing/removing only the corresponding DocumentChange, using Array methods like push(), splice(), etc. . ", "Something along the following lines (untested):\nvar table = document.getElementById('tableBody');\nvar tableData = new Array();\n\ndb.collection(\"Emergency_Feeds\").orderBy(\"timestamp\", \"desc\").onSnapshot(function (querySnapshot) {\n\n querySnapshot.docChanges().forEach(function (change) {\n\n console.log('documents retrieved successfully');\n console.log(`is here: ${change.doc.id} => ${change.doc.data().name}`);\n\n var documentId = change.doc.id;\n var username = change.doc.data().name;\n var emTitle = change.doc.data().title;\n var emDets = change.doc.data().details;\n var emTimeDate = change.doc.data().timestamp.toDate();\n\n if (change.type === \"added\") {\n tableData.push(\n [\n documentId,\n emTimeDate,\n emTitle,\n emDets,\n username\n ]);\n\n }\n\n if (change.type === \"modified\") {\n //..... \n //Here update the table element\n // Note that the DocumentChange contains the old and new index\n }\n\n if (change.type === \"removed\") {\n //..... \n //Here remove the table element\n }\n });\n\n $('#mydatatable').DataTable({\n retrieve: true,\n data: tableData\n });\n\n});\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006001927540637553, 0.0006106400396674871, 0.0010829386301338673, 0.0008612399687990546, 0.0005730330594815314, 0.0005895624053664505, 0.0006629485287703574, 0.0006231056177057326, 0.0008262548362836242 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a battery charger for charging rechargeable secondary batteries, such as nickel-cadmium batteries, lithium-ion batteries.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nRechargeable secondary batteries have been widely used as a power source of portable devices, such as a cordless power tools. ", "Conventional battery chargers for charging such secondary batteries are, in use, connected to a commercial power supply. ", "However, when the cordless power tool is used in places where the commercial power supply is not available, the user has to bring extra batteries for replacement with the empty batteries.", "\nTo resolve the above-mentioned problem, Japanese Patent Application Publication No. ", "2005-245145 proposes a battery charger capable of charging secondary batteries while being supplied with power from various types of power supplies including the commercial power supply.", "\nHowever, the battery charger disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Publication No. ", "2005-245145 accommodates a plurality of power source circuits corresponding to the number of available power supplies, so that the size of the battery charger becomes large. ", "In addition, the secondary batteries charged by the battery charger disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Publication No. ", "2005-245145 are overcharged when a particular power supply is used. ", "The secondary batteries might be physically destroyed or generate an undue amount of heat due to overcharging. ", "Hence, battery chargers capable of safely charging the batteries have been sought in the art." ]
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[ 0.0009391900966875255, 0.0007034442969597876, 0.0011855863267555833, 0.0006247173296287656, 0.0006927406648173928, 0.0007008977700024843, 0.0006805140874348581, 0.000661147409118712, 0.0006212690495885909, 0.000603574444539845, 0.0006552992854267359, 0.0007175184437073767, 0.0011939979158341885, 0.0006187587860040367 ]
[ "996 F.2d 318\nNOTICE: Federal Circuit Local Rule 47.8(b) states that opinions and orders which are designated as not citable as precedent shall not be employed or cited as precedent. ", " This does not preclude assertion of issues of claim preclusion, issue preclusion, judicial estoppel, law of the case or the like based on a decision of the Court rendered in a nonprecedential opinion or order.", "Paul L. GULBENKIAN, Petitioner,v.DEPARTMENT OF the NAVY, Respondent.", "\nNo. ", "93-3045.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit.", "\nApril 12, 1993.Rehearing Denied June 8, 1993.", "\n\nBefore ARCHER, MICHEL and RADER, Circuit Judges:\nJudgment\nPER CURIAM.", "\n\n\n1\nAFFIRMED. ", " Fed.", "Cir.", "R. 36.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "For many people, Valkyria Chronicles 4 may be their first foray into the franchise. ", "Thankfully it’s actually designed to support that, with a storyline that runs parallel to the original game. ", "But for newcomers there’s still plenty to learn about the actual mechanics. ", "The game’s tutorial does a decent job wading you in, but there’s a lot we wish we knew when we were starting out. ", "Here are some tips to keep you alive on the battlefield.", "\n\nBRING A MEDIC AND SAVE OFTEN\n\nValkyria Chronicles 4 has permadeath. ", "Seriously. ", "Your best sniper goes down, and they could be gone for the rest of the game.", "\n\nThankfully, there are ways to prevent that. ", "Medics are predictably awful at combat, but they can revive downed players with zero health, bringing them back from the brink. ", "They’re also good at topping off injured soldiers, making them a great addition to your second wave. ", "Just keep in mind that you’ll only have a few turns for the medic to reach a dying soldier before they kick, so be mindful of placement.", "\n\nIf you’re really worried about making a permanent mistake, keep in mind that you can save after every turn. ", "Unlike Fire Emblem, which requires you to restart a battle from the beginning, Valkyria Chronicles 4 is much more forgiving. ", "So if you can’t stomach the loss, save scum to your heart’s content.", "\n\nSNIPERS ARE YOUR ALL-STARS, SO KEEP THEM HAPPY\n\nThere are plenty of helpful units on the battlefield, but none more so than the sniper. ", "As you’d imagine, they can attack at wicked ranges, providing critical damage so long as they can get a decent angle for a headshot. ", "Even elevated mortar and enemy snipers are usually no match for your own deadeye, so keep them safe and handy.", "\n\nThe downside to using snipers is their ammo capacity. ", "They basically can only fire off a few shots before needing to refill their supplies. ", "That’s where engineers come in. ", "These units can fill ammo reserves of friendly units as much as they want, so pairing an engineer with a sniper is always a good tactic. ", "You can always send the engineer away for a turn to fill up other soldiers, but you’ll want them back next to the sniper before too long.", "\n\nKEEPING FRIENDS TOGETHER\n\nKeep an eye on your unit list. ", "It’s easy to miss, but you’ll actually be able to tell which units are fond of one another. ", "If you keep a duo next to each-other during a battle, you’ll occasionally see them perform dual attacks, increasing their collective damage.", "\n\nFor example, Kai the sniper is fond of Riley and Raz, so make sure you keep them close to one another.", "\n\nThis isn’t Fire Emblem Awakening, though, so don’t expect time-traveling super babies to pop out and join your squad anytime soon.", "\n\nALWAYS USE YOUR HEROES\n\nEven if you don’t plan on using one of the main heroes in a mission, it’s always a good idea to bring them along. ", "As you’ll quickly learn, CPs (Combat Points) a life in Valkyria Chronicles 4. ", "Which is to say it gives you more moves per turn.", "\n\nHaving a hero join on a mission will increase your total CP, but if they manage to get knocked out, you’ll lose that CP boost, which can be pretty crippling.", "\n\nSo, if they happen to be one of the more fragile heroes, just keep them in the back lines. ", "You’ll get the CP boost no matter where they are, and you won’t have to worry about them getting plugged.", "\n\nInteresting side note: The enemy will have its own set of heroes. ", "Taking those heroes out will actually remove CP from the enemy’s running tally, giving them less of a chance to turn the tide. ", "So if you have the option, aim for these enemy heroes first.", "\n\nGET TO KNOW YOUR GRENADIERS\n\nThe new class in Valkyria Chronicles 4 is the grenadier, and they are massively handy to have around. ", "They bring with them a comically large mortar cannon which they can set up in a defensive position and rain hell on the enemy.", "\n\nGrenadiers are great for taking out enemies who are high up or in cover. ", "Before attacking, you’ll be able to aim your shots to land right on the head of a hidden enemy. ", "Even if this doesn’t kill them outright, they’re liable to be knocked out of cover, making them an easy target for your sniper.", "\n\nLike the sniper, Grenadiers have terrible ammo capacity. ", "Make sure your engineer isn’t too far away and you should be golden.", "\n\nLEAVE A FEW SLOTS OPEN\n\nEach mission has a maximum number of units you can bring along. ", "It’s always a good idea to leave one or two of those slots empty. ", "Don’t worry: We’ll be filling them in a bit.", "\n\nCapturing an enemy encampment will allow you to bring in friendly units directly to that spot, without requiring that they hoof it from where the mission started. ", "This is especially useful if you’re not sure if you’re going to need a lancer, and then a giant tank shows up. ", "Leaving a few slots open will allow you to be a bit more reactive, changing your strategy for whatever the enemy throws at you.", "\n\nThose tips should get you started in Valkyria Chronicles 4, but it’s always a good idea to try new strategies and pairings. ", "There’s no one single way to win each mission, and experimentation can lead you to some pretty interesting outcomes." ]
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[ "Effect of myocardial hypertrophy on systolic and diastolic function in children: insights from the force-frequency and relaxation-frequency relationships.", "\nThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of myocardial hypertrophy on systolic and diastolic properties of the left ventricle in children. ", "In children with myocardial hypertrophy, ejection phase indices are invariably increased. ", "However, indices of force-generation, e.g., end-systolic elastance and invasive indices of diastolic properties, have been studied infrequently in children with myocardial hypertrophy. ", "We studied 10 children with congenital aortic stenosis or coarctation of aorta and nine control patients. ", "Systolic properties were assessed from shortening fraction, end-systolic fiber elastance (Ef(es)) measured at resting heart rates, and force-frequency relationship measured at heart rates increasing from 110 to 160 beats per minute. ", "Diastolic properties were assessed from time constant of relaxation (tau) at matched heart rates, chamber stiffness constant, myocardial stiffness constant, and relaxation-frequency relationship measured at gradually increasing heart rates. ", "Ef(es) remained unchanged by myocardial hypertrophy, however, tau was prolonged (tauL: 27.3+/-2.3 vs. 21.8+/-2.2 ms, p < 0.001; and tauD: 43.2+/-3.1 vs. 34.3+/-3.3 ms, p < 0.001). ", "Both chamber and myocardial stiffness constants remained unchanged. ", "Incremental increases in heart rate produced incremental improvement in both contraction and relaxation. ", "Slopes of force-frequency and relaxation-frequency relationships remained unchanged in the experimental group. ", "However, the relaxation-frequency relationship manifested a parallel shift upward. ", "In conscious, sedated children with myocardial hypertrophy, systolic function assessed by an index of force generation remains unchanged. ", "However, relaxation is prolonged but passive diastolic properties remain unaffected. ", "The combined effect of hypertrophy and heart rate does not alter the force-frequency and relaxation-frequency relationships." ]
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[ 0.0038551930338144302, 0.0036339834332466125, 0.04898684844374657, 0.003792237490415573, 0.0009360740659758449, 0.0006305600982159376, 0.0006988215027377009, 0.0014183423481881618, 0.00288675376214087, 0.0006101467297412455, 0.0005599507712759078, 0.000577942410018295, 0.09611333161592484, 0.0007393872365355492, 0.0007908620755188167 ]
[ "In 2016, a U.S. Justice Department report found city officers regularly violated residents’ constitutional rights, especially in predominantly African-American neighborhoods. ", "The investigation ultimately resulted in the city and the Justice Department reaching the consent decree in April 2017. ", "The consent decree requires the department to overhaul policies and training, and ultimately reform the department’s practices — though it is expected to take years to fully implement. ", "Over the past two years, the department has been working to reform policies, such as use of force, how officers interact with youth, and how officers conduct stops, searches and arrests." ]
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[ "Amazon Launches Netflix-for-Books With eBooks Subscription Service\n\nAmazon launched \"Kindle Unlimited\" which gives Kindle users unlimited access to e-books and audiobooks for $9.99 a month. ", "The company said Friday that the Kindle unlimited service will give users the ability to read as much as they want from more than 600,000 Kindle titles. ", "Some notable titles include the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Harry Potter series. ", "The roll out of Amazon's latest reading and listening subscription is bad news for companies like Scribd and Oyster - both offer a similar subscription model but with a smaller library. ", "Scribd offers unlimited access to 400,000 books for $8.99 a month and Oyster offers 500,000 books for $9.95 a month. ", "The 'Netflix for books' monthly service was released despite tension between Amazon and its partner publishers due to its dispute with Hachette over e-book prices. ", "The royalty's terms that Amazon worked out with publishers was not disclosed." ]
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[ "DAKAR (Reuters) - The African Union will send a mission to northern Mali in the next few weeks to look into setting up a counter-terrorism force to support vulnerable U.N. peacekeepers, sources familiar with the matter said.", "\n\nUN vehicles form a line during a visit by members of the UN Security Council at the airport in Timbuktu, Mali, March 5, 2016. ", "Picture taken March 5, 2016. ", "REUTERS/Adama Diarra\n\nThe Bamako government, as well as some officials of the U.N. force in Mali, MINUSMA, have called for more help in fighting al Qaeda-linked insurgents, who have become increasingly active despite the efforts of French, Malian and U.N. troops.", "\n\nFrench forces drove the jihadists out of northern Malian cities in 2013 but they have regrouped, and in November al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb attacked a luxury hotel in Bamako, killing 20 people in a demonstration of their ability to strike beyond their desert bases.", "\n\nCritics say the 10,000-strong U.N. force’s ability to bring peace to Mali is hamstrung by its lack of an aggressive counter-terrorism mandate, meaning it cannot hunt down militants and is vulnerable to attack.", "\n\nAt least 20 Malian and U.N. troops from Africa have been killed this year, according to Reuters estimates.", "\n\nWhile an expansion of the U.N. mandate was discussed during a Security Council visit to Mali last week, some permanent members such as France say it is already sufficiently robust, although they back additional resources for the force.", "\n\nThe AU initiative is being floated as an alternative route to improved security, the sources say.", "\n\n“There is an (AU) mission to assess the security threats in northern Mali in the next few weeks,” said one security source familiar with the visit who is not authorized to speak publicly.", "\n\n“This will allow the development of a plan for an international force in the fight against terrorism,” he added, saying the AU planned to seek U.N. and Malian backing.", "\n\nA Western diplomat said the force’s remit would be similar to an existing AU regional task force set up last year to fight jihadist group Boko Haram in the Lake Chad Basin.", "\n\nPlanning is at an early stage and details of troop numbers and financing have not yet been determined, the sources said.", "\n\nAU officials at the continental body’s headquarters in Addis Ababa could not be reached for comment. ", "A spokesman for the Malian defense ministry declined to comment.", "\n\nArmy spokesman Colonel Souleymane Maiga said: “I know that there have been recent meetings on a possible rapid intervention force but the form this force will take has not yet been decided as far as I know.”", "\n\nFRANCE OVERSTRETCHED?", "\n\nBesides funding, one of the difficulties might be harmonizing security initiatives in a region where neighbors have a history of vying for influence, the sources added.", "\n\nThe Group of Five Sahel (G5 Sahel) - Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and Mauritania - have also agreed to create EU-backed regional rapid reaction forces to counter Islamist militants.", "\n\nG5 Sahel permanent secretary Najim Elhadj Mohamed said he had not been informed of the AU initiative and it was not clear if the two bodies would cooperate.", "\n\nMali’s northern neighbor Algeria set up a joint military operations center for Sahel countries in 2010 but there have been few signs of progress on the ground.", "\n\nSome security experts say more support is needed to fight jihadists in Mali since France’s 3,500-strong Barkhane force is overstretched. ", "The Chad-based force was set up to combat Islamists across West Africa’s vast Sahel region.", "\n\n“A bigger contribution from African forces could take the pressure off the French, who could focus more on securing borders and on ISIS (Islamic State) in Libya,” said Rida Lyammouri, an independent consultant focused on the Sahel and north Africa.", "\n\n“But to succeed (the AU force) would have to match the violent extremist organizations in terms of their outreach to local communities in Mali,” he added." ]
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[ "Mohammed Aboul-Fotouh Hassab\n\nMohammed Aboul-Fotouh Hassab was an Egyptian gastro-intestinal surgeon. ", "He is known for the description of his operation Hassab's decongestion operation for the treatment of oesophageal varices as a result of portal hypertension. ", " Hassab was one of the surgery professors in medicine school at Alexandria University in Egypt.", "\n\nActivities\nHassab Operation, which is the treatment of bleeding esophageal varices, is taught in surgery world books.", "\n\nSources\n الموسوعة القومية للشخصيات المصرية البارزة ج2\nEGYNEWS.NET\nAlexandria medical school\n\nCategory:1913 births\nCategory:2000 deaths\nCategory:Cairo University alumni\nCategory:Cairo University faculty\nCategory:Alexandria University faculty\nCategory:Egyptian academics\nCategory:Egyptian surgeons" ]
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[ "Actually not much fun.", "\n\nSingle-player and LAN modes are looking pretty good, so I’ve started work on Internet play. ", "As I’ve mentioned before, this will use Valve’s Steamworks networking protocol because it provides some nice features to let people easily host games and connect to others. ", "Otherwise you’d have to do all that old-school port forwarding and so on to try and get your game to show up publicly.", "\n\nThings didn’t start off well. ", "This post I made on Monday has everything you’d want to know about that. ", "I actually got everything working really fast, and I had two machines connected over the Internet through Steam and playing almost right away. ", "Then I discovered that most of the time it didn’t work, and that everything was sort of half-broken.", "\n\nEventually it turned out that it was largely a bug with the creation of my App ID on Steam. ", "Valve recreated me to a new App ID which unfortunately meant I had to re-enter a bunch of stuff, but fortunately meant that just about all of my problems were fixed.", "\n\nI still have a remaining issue with the case where a user wants to host an Internet server and play in the game on the same machine, but a couple of potential solutions have presented themselves there. ", "That one’s not a bug, it’s more of an implementation issue (that’s probably not worth going into details about).", "\n\nIn other news, I sent out a build with single-player and LAN play to a wider group yesterday. ", "Looking for bug reports and gameplay feedback from that.", "\n\nSomeone on the forum pointed out that force from explosions pushes everything in the same direction, so I fixed that (internally – it’s not in the builder demo now):\n\nVehicle shoots, projectile hits on the far side of the cubes. ", "Previously that shot would have pushed all the cubes away from the vehicle. ", "Now, an object hit directly will still get pushed in the opposite direction to the projectile, but objects caught in the explosion will be pushed away from the central hit point instead (with less force for objects farther away of course!).", "\n\nI also gave a reply on Reddit about the genesis of Scraps which might be worth reposting here:" ]
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[ "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Unicode block)\n\nHalfwidth and Fullwidth Forms is the name of a Unicode block U+FF00–FFEF, provided so that older encodings containing both halfwidth and fullwidth characters can have lossless translation to/from Unicode. ", "It is the last of the Basic Multilingual Plane excepting the short Specials block at U+FFF0–FFFF.", "\n\nRange U+FF01–FF5E reproduces the characters of ASCII 21 to 7E as fullwidth forms. ", "U+FF00 does not correspond to a fullwidth ASCII 20 (space character), since that role is already fulfilled by U+3000 \"ideographic space\".", "\n\nRange U+FF65–FF9F encodes halfwidth forms of katakana in a transposition of their JIS X 0201 layout – see half-width kana.", "\n\nThe range U+FFA0–FFDC encodes halfwidth forms of compatibility jamo characters for Hangul, in a transposition of their 1974 standard layout. ", "It is used in the mapping of some IBM encodings for Korean, such as IBM code page 933, which allows the use of the Shift Out and Shift In characters to shift to a double-byte character set. ", "Since the double-byte character set could contain compatibility jamo, halfwidth variants are needed to provide round-trip compatibility.", "\n\nRange U+FFE0–FFEE includes fullwidth and halfwidth symbols.", "\n\nBlock\n\nThe block has variation sequences defined for East Asian punctuation positional variants. ", " They use (VS01) and (VS02):\n\nAn additional variant is defined for a fullwidth zero with a short diagonal stroke: U+FF10 FULLWIDTH DIGIT ZERO, U+FE00 VS1 (0︀).", "\n\nHistory\nThe following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms block:\n\nSee also \n\n CJK Symbols and Punctuation (Unicode block)\n Hangul Jamo (Unicode block)\n Katakana (Unicode block)\n Latin script in Unicode\n Enclosed Alphanumerics - bullet point sequences, some appear as full width (e.g. ⒈,⓵,⑴,⒜,ⓐ)\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Unicode blocks\nCategory:Latin-script Unicode blocks\nCategory:Kana\n*Halfwidth" ]
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[ "Badnam (disambiguation)\n\nBadnam or Badnaam may refer to:\n\n Badnam, 1990 Bengali film\n Badnaam, 1966 Pakistani film\n Badnaam (band) from Pakistan\n Badnaam (TV series), a 2017 Pakistani drama serial\n Badnami, 1946 film\n\nSee also \n\n Badnam Basti, a 1971 Bollywood drama film \n Badnam Farishte, a 1971 Bollywood court drama film\n Badnaam Gali, 2019 Indian Hindi web film" ]
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[ "Sunday, April 12, 2015\n\nIf a group of people are asked to name the undisputed queen of Nigerian ragga/dancehall, the name “Cynthia Morgan” will surely come up many times. ", "The energetic singer with her trademark red hair has become a reference point for the Nigerian Dancehall genre.", "\n\nHowever, she has not always had it this good and in fact her rise from obscurity to fame has not been easy or straightforward at all. ", "She recently sat down to reveal her life story during a #MySuperStarStory interview. ", "The Edo State-born entertainer revealed that she did not watch TV until she was about ten years old due to her conservative Jehovah Witness background.", "\n\nAfter recording her first 6-track demo album at the age of 16, despite people recognizing her talent, she was often discouraged by her friends who mocked her dream of making it as a singer in Lagos and told her that she would return to Benin in no time.", "\n\nToday, she says, those friends are her biggest fans. ", "Giving thanks to God for how far she has come, Cynthia Morgan also noted that throughout her journey, despite obstacles such as discrimination and discouragement, she was sustained by her faith in God and her faith in herself, which made her thick skinned.", "\n\n#MySuperStarStory aims to celebrate and recognize stories of triumph over adversity and thus inspire young Nigerians to be successful. ", "There is a STAR in everyone. ", "You can join the conversation and share your own superstar story on social media using the hashtag #MySuperStarStory." ]
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[ "We’ve played with green glowing Yo-Yo’s. ", "We’ve captured luminescent fireflies in a jar. ", "We’ve even plastered phosphorescent plastic stars to our bedroom ceiling. ", "But, drinking from a glow-in-the-dark beer can 35,000 feet in the air? ", "Have we seen stranger things?", "\n\nBorn in the space between land and sky, Northern Trails, the newest collaboration beer between Mikkeller and Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) is served up in a can that’s out of this world… literally.", "\n\nSporting the iconic Mikkeller characters holding a plane as it flies across a star-filled sky, this delicately balanced IPA can radiates an eerie emerald light when the lights go out.", "\n\nThe lustrous idea came from the mind of Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) Head Chef, Peter Lawrance, who drew inspiration from his new favorite TV show, Stranger Things.", "\n\n“What if these cans went through the twilight zone?” ", "said Lawrance. “", "Let’s make them glow in the dark!” ", "A trip into uncharted territory for an otherwise classic bright, grassy, and citrusy ale meant riffing on the very rift the American sci-fi sensation exposed in its eight episode debut last year.", "\n\n“My wish was to take Cloud Hopper and Plane Ale [two previous Mikkeller/SAS collaborations] and have them meet in The Upside Down,” said Lawrance, referring to the mythical tear scientific research company Hawkins National Laboratory rips open during their supernatural experiments in the hit Netflix original series.", "\n\nDeveloped exclusively for SAS travellers, Northern Trails will be the 16th beer the Swedish-based airline and Danish brewery have teamed up on. ", "The partnership began back in 2014 when Lawrance decided the airline needed better beers on board. ", "Joining forces with Mikkeller seemed like a logical pairing and Mikkeller founder Mikkel Borg Bjergsø agreed.", "\n\n“My wish was to take Cloud Hopper and Plane Ale [two previous Mikkeller/SAS collaborations] and have them meet in The Upside Down.”", "\n\n“SAS is in my opinion one of the most iconic Scandinavian brands. ", "It’s something I grew up with and something that I’ve used since I was born,” said Borg Bjergsø in a video on the Scandinavian Traveller’s website. “", "When I was asked to do the first beer for SAS it was a no brainer because [SAS] is something that I’m proud of as a Scandinavian and that I use a lot. ", "Plus, now I can get good beer on Scandinavian Airlines.” ", "Three years later, and with 15 Mikkeller beers — 5 bottle and 10 cans — already available in the sky, Lawrance wanted to take this new brew to new heights.", "\n\nTo make this 6.6% IPA — dry-hopped with Polaris, Mosaic and Amarillo — shine brighter than a string of Christmas lights in a dark living room, Lawrance enlisted the expertise of Mikkeller artist and can designer, Keith Shore. ", "The result is the most interactive can to take to the air.", "\n\nWhile Northern Trails would make the perfect companion during the premiere of Stranger Things season 2 on Friday, Oct. 27th, unfortunately for now, you’ll only be able to drink this beer on-board an SAS flight. ", "If you’re able to make it into the sky in the next two weeks, we dare you to drink this beer in the dark. ", "Just be warned if your beer can starts to flicker you might want to chug and run." ]
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[ "The present relates to a new and distinct cultivar of Dahlia plant, botanically known as Dahlia hybrida, and hereinafter referred to by the name ‘Karma Choc’.", "\nThe new Dahlia is a product of a planned breeding program conducted by the Inventor in Lisse, The Netherlands. ", "The objective of the breeding program is to create new cut flower Dahlia cultivars that have a freely flowering habit, decorative inflorescence form, attractive ray floret coloration, and good postproduction longevity.", "\nThe new Dahlia originated from a cross-pollination in Lisse, The Netherlands during 2001, of a proprietary selection of Dahlia hybrida identified as code number VD1-41, not patented, as the female, or seed, parent with the Dahlia hybrida cultivar Karma Naomi, disclosed in U.S. Plant Pat. ", "No. ", "11,413, as the male, or pollen, parent. ", "The new Dahlia was discovered and selected by the Inventor as a single flowering plant within the progeny of the stated cross-pollination in a controlled environment in Lisse, The Netherlands during the summer of 2002.", "\nAsexual reproduction of the new Dahlia by cuttings since the spring of 2003 in a controlled environmental in Lisse, The Netherlands, has shown that the unique features of this new Dahlia are stable and reproduced true to type in successive generations." ]
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