"Petal: I made this"
"tiz: i made this"
### Input: "Petal: I made this" ### Output: "tiz: i made this"
"Petal: how do i give you permissions"
"tiz: no idea"
### Input: "Petal: how do i give you permissions" ### Output: "tiz: no idea"
"Petal: anyways, exploring this as a fill in for tinychat"
"tiz: tc was fun. i think tak set one of these up for the game sub"
### Input: "Petal: anyways, exploring this as a fill in for tinychat" ### Output: "tiz: tc was fun. i think tak set one of these up for the game sub"
"Petal: ha! gave em"
"tiz: neato"
### Input: "Petal: ha! gave em" ### Output: "tiz: neato"
"Petal: makes sense"
"Quickman: gud gud"
### Input: "Petal: makes sense" ### Output: "Quickman: gud gud"
"tiz: huh"
"Petal: oh hai\na red one\ni get its qik\nbet\nor tak"
### Input: "tiz: huh" ### Output: "Petal: oh hai\na red one\ni get its qik\nbet\nor tak"
"Quickman: i m red"
"tiz: /fite dvs"
### Input: "Quickman: i m red" ### Output: "tiz: /fite dvs"
"dvs: Hello"
"Petal: !\na dvs"
### Input: "dvs: Hello" ### Output: "Petal: !\na dvs"
"dvs: So you guys did like my idea to have a discord server for CC\n tak"
"tiz: thought about it before but to lazy to do anything about it"
### Input: "dvs: So you guys did like my idea to have a discord server for CC\n tak" ### Output: "tiz: thought about it before but to lazy to do anything about it"
"Petal: I was mostly curious"
"dvs: tiz too shy to be in voice channel?:p"
### Input: "Petal: I was mostly curious" ### Output: "dvs: tiz too shy to be in voice channel?:p"
"Petal: lemme set you up with permissions tak"
"dvs: k"
### Input: "Petal: lemme set you up with permissions tak" ### Output: "dvs: k"
"tiz: stranger danger"
"dvs: Er... so do you want to have/r/casualgames in here?"
### Input: "tiz: stranger danger" ### Output: "dvs: Er... so do you want to have/r/casualgames in here?"
"Petal: just an option\nor we can link it somewhere\nim new to this whole thing"
"dvs: because I was setting up a separate server so we could have different rooms for different games or wahtever and other stuff.\nIt's cool.\nWe can set up an announcements channel where only mods can post but everyone can read\nwhich links everything."
### Input: "Petal: just an option\nor we can link it somewhere\nim new to this whole thing" ### Output: "dvs: because I was setting up a separate server so we could have different rooms for different games or wahtever and other stuff.\nIt's cool.\nWe can set up an announcements channel where only mods can post but everyone can read\nwhich links everything."
"Petal: Ah interesting"
"dvs: All the usual CC links\nYeah, and you can set up mod only voice channels"
### Input: "Petal: Ah interesting" ### Output: "dvs: All the usual CC links\nYeah, and you can set up mod only voice channels"
"Petal: all permissions are set for you"
"dvs: You have to assign a role to me. I have no permissions yet.\nclick on my name on the upper right, click the plus, and assign me the role you made. Or did you try assigning perms directly to me?\nNo not tiz"
### Input: "Petal: all permissions are set for you" ### Output: "dvs: You have to assign a role to me. I have no permissions yet.\nclick on my name on the upper right, click the plus, and assign me the role you made. Or did you try assigning perms directly to me?\nNo not tiz"
"Petal: ok i got ti"
"dvs: It's a fun program. I've been using it for a small group of friends I game with regularly."
### Input: "Petal: ok i got ti" ### Output: "dvs: It's a fun program. I've been using it for a small group of friends I game with regularly."
"Petal: still havent talked on it"
"dvs: Are you in the browser or desktop app?"
### Input: "Petal: still havent talked on it" ### Output: "dvs: Are you in the browser or desktop app?"
"Petal: ive seen it being used so i decided to check it out\nin the browser atm"
"dvs: Oh, definitely grab the app\nThe browser version works in a pinch but the desktop version is better. I have not used the mobile version yet."
### Input: "Petal: ive seen it being used so i decided to check it out\nin the browser atm" ### Output: "dvs: Oh, definitely grab the app\nThe browser version works in a pinch but the desktop version is better. I have not used the mobile version yet."
"Petal: k in the broswer version now"
"dvs: This app actually helped me learn that my tablet nexus 7 2012 had been deprecated by Google."
### Input: "Petal: k in the broswer version now" ### Output: "dvs: This app actually helped me learn that my tablet nexus 7 2012 had been deprecated by Google."
"tiz: what happened, it pinged me for some reason"
"dvs: You got made a moderator?"
### Input: "tiz: what happened, it pinged me for some reason" ### Output: "dvs: You got made a moderator?"
"tiz: iunno\noh\nit pings when someone joins/leaves a voice room"
"Petal: how do i make a non expiring one to this voice room"
### Input: "tiz: iunno\noh\nit pings when someone joins/leaves a voice room" ### Output: "Petal: how do i make a non expiring one to this voice room"
"dvs: click on the instant invite link, and at the bottom of the pop up click advanced settings or whatever\nadvanced something\nIf we create a welcome channel chat not voice, we can create the invite link so new users go there first and see whatever it is we wanted them to read.\nrules, general info, etc"
"Petal: ok awesome"
### Input: "dvs: click on the instant invite link, and at the bottom of the pop up click advanced settings or whatever\nadvanced something\nIf we create a welcome channel chat not voice, we can create the invite link so new users go there first and see whatever it is we wanted them to read.\nrules, general info, etc" ### Output: "Petal: ok awesome"
"tiz: now what"
"Petal: i posted it in casualmods\ni kinda wanna link it in the sub and say: hey we're testing this out to see if ya'll would be into having an official server\nthen people would talk to each other"
### Input: "tiz: now what" ### Output: "Petal: i posted it in casualmods\ni kinda wanna link it in the sub and say: hey we're testing this out to see if ya'll would be into having an official server\nthen people would talk to each other"
"tiz: let me go get the app instead of browser\nwe can make a sticky\ni know a few users requested a discord before"
"Petal: Sunday might be a good day\ni can hear youu\nimma link it in the irc"
### Input: "tiz: let me go get the app instead of browser\nwe can make a sticky\ni know a few users requested a discord before" ### Output: "Petal: Sunday might be a good day\ni can hear youu\nimma link it in the irc"
"tiz: tbh i don't think we need the megathread links on the sidebar, they don't really do anything.\ncool"
"Petal: i think theyre cute"
### Input: "tiz: tbh i don't think we need the megathread links on the sidebar, they don't really do anything.\ncool" ### Output: "Petal: i think theyre cute"
"tiz: prob just put other stuff there like discord and shuch"
"Petal: just wish people would use them"
### Input: "tiz: prob just put other stuff there like discord and shuch" ### Output: "Petal: just wish people would use them"
"tiz: yeah"
"Guib: dafuq"
### Input: "tiz: yeah" ### Output: "Guib: dafuq"
"Quickman: booo u guib"
### Input: "Quickman: booo u guib" ### Output: "Guib: BOOO U NESQUICk"
"Petal: :smiley: hi"
"Quickman: i am red still"
### Input: "Petal: :smiley: hi" ### Output: "Quickman: i am red still"
"Guib: whats this"
"Petal: you guys want mod permissions?"
### Input: "Guib: whats this" ### Output: "Petal: you guys want mod permissions?"
"Quickman: nooo"
"Petal: a voice chat server guib"
### Input: "Quickman: nooo" ### Output: "Petal: a voice chat server guib"
"tiz: hi\nis me guib"
"Guib: ye make me mod pls\nwait can u guys heear me rn"
### Input: "tiz: hi\nis me guib" ### Output: "Guib: ye make me mod pls\nwait can u guys heear me rn"
"Quickman: i am guib"
"Guib: O.O\nIM GUIB"
### Input: "Quickman: i am guib" ### Output: "Guib: O.O\nIM GUIB"
"Quickman: guib pls quit masturbating"
"tiz: boo u"
### Input: "Quickman: guib pls quit masturbating" ### Output: "tiz: boo u"
"Pixell: hello?"
"Quickman: i am guib"
### Input: "Pixell: hello?" ### Output: "Quickman: i am guib"
"Guib: hai pix :heart: 3 :heart: :heart: 3 :heart: :heart: 3 :heart: :heart: 3 :heart:\nno me\nBoo?\nWEES EEN MAN"
"Pixell: We moeten vlug zijn als lopend water!"
### Input: "Guib: hai pix :heart: 3 :heart: :heart: 3 :heart: :heart: 3 :heart: :heart: 3 :heart:\nno me\nBoo?\nWEES EEN MAN" ### Output: "Pixell: We moeten vlug zijn als lopend water!"
"Pixell: We moeten sterk zijn als een orkaan!"
### Input: "Guib: WEES EEN MAN" ### Output: "Pixell: We moeten sterk zijn als een orkaan!"
"Pixell: Zo onberekenbaar als de bliksem\nZo zuiver en onbereikbaar als de maaan"
### Input: "Guib: WEES EEN MAN" ### Output: "Pixell: Zo onberekenbaar als de bliksem\nZo zuiver en onbereikbaar als de maaan"
"Guib: XD"
"Pixell: highfives guib"
### Input: "Guib: XD" ### Output: "Pixell: highfives guib"
"Quickman: peter pan is better"
"Pixell: never watched it in english\nit doesn't even have songs!"
### Input: "Quickman: peter pan is better" ### Output: "Pixell: never watched it in english\nit doesn't even have songs!"
"Quickman: tis gud"
"Pixell: why aren't we on irc?\nwoah it's in english XD\nI love the nerdy boy with the top hat"
### Input: "Quickman: tis gud" ### Output: "Pixell: why aren't we on irc?\nwoah it's in english XD\nI love the nerdy boy with the top hat"
"Delta: :open_mouth:\ngasps\n/nick D\n:frowning:"
"Guib: BE A MAN"
### Input: "Delta: :open_mouth:\ngasps\n/nick D\n:frowning:" ### Output: "Guib: BE A MAN"
"Petal: @Delta :smiley:\nDo you want moderator permissions?"
"Delta: oh, sure\nalthough we might not need them XD"
### Input: "Petal: @Delta :smiley:\nDo you want moderator permissions?" ### Output: "Delta: oh, sure\nalthough we might not need them XD"
"Petal: :stuck_out_tongue: maybe not"
"Guib: u never know"
### Input: "Petal: :stuck_out_tongue: maybe not" ### Output: "Guib: u never know"
"Petal: emphasis"
"Guib: i bet if this get advertised, people join quickly\nand then we can\nBE A MAN"
### Input: "Petal: emphasis" ### Output: "Guib: i bet if this get advertised, people join quickly\nand then we can\nBE A MAN"
"Petal: yeah many people use disccord, mostly in the game\ncommunity"
"Delta: oohh i see\nit's kinda cool"
### Input: "Petal: yeah many people use disccord, mostly in the game\ncommunity" ### Output: "Delta: oohh i see\nit's kinda cool"
"Petal: figured it might be a nice follow up to the tinychat"
"Delta: it's like hangouts\n yeah"
### Input: "Petal: figured it might be a nice follow up to the tinychat" ### Output: "Delta: it's like hangouts\n yeah"
"Petal: that we not longer have\nyeah :stuck_out_tongue:\nidk too much about it but @dvs has been setting one up for/r/CasualGames\n!"
"tiz: The app is pretty slick"
### Input: "Petal: that we not longer have\nyeah :stuck_out_tongue:\nidk too much about it but @dvs has been setting one up for/r/CasualGames\n!" ### Output: "tiz: The app is pretty slick"
"Petal: ooh theres a nightmode\nmight post it in ideaforCC @tiz you cool with that?"
"tiz: Yea @Petal"
### Input: "Petal: ooh theres a nightmode\nmight post it in ideaforCC @tiz you cool with that?" ### Output: "tiz: Yea @Petal"
dvs: So that the welcome channel has a static message for all new people to see."
"Petal: ok i'll regenerate a new invite link when we launch
### Input: dvs: So that the welcome channel has a static message for all new people to see." ### Output: "Petal: ok i'll regenerate a new invite link when we launch
tiz: Hi"
"dvs: waves
### Input: tiz: Hi" ### Output: "dvs: waves
milcom: yay"
"Petal: angrytar
### Input: milcom: yay" ### Output: "Petal: angrytar
Namz011: Hi :smile:"
"lovethesummertime: Hello!
### Input: Namz011: Hi :smile:" ### Output: "lovethesummertime: Hello!
tiz: Hmm"
"VC: sup
### Input: tiz: Hmm" ### Output: "VC: sup
tiz: Ded"
"dvs: is not ded. is being born. that is not ded.
### Input: tiz: Ded" ### Output: "dvs: is not ded. is being born. that is not ded.
"milcom: rip"
"Vermilion: ?"
### Input: "milcom: rip" ### Output: "Vermilion: ?"
"tiz: hi"
"milcom: new phone, who dis?"
### Input: "tiz: hi" ### Output: "milcom: new phone, who dis?"
"Vermilion: NOBODY."
"pvtparts: it's xbox"
### Input: "Vermilion: NOBODY." ### Output: "pvtparts: it's xbox"
"Vermilion: I'm Samus."
"Noah2103: oh hey"
### Input: "Vermilion: I'm Samus." ### Output: "Noah2103: oh hey"
"Vermilion: Huh.\n4 people."
"tiz: im not samus"
### Input: "Vermilion: Huh.\n4 people." ### Output: "tiz: im not samus"
"Vermilion: :I"
"pvtparts: i'm not samus either"
### Input: "Vermilion: :I" ### Output: "pvtparts: i'm not samus either"
"tiz: i ttold ya its a wip"
"Vermilion: Whelp.\nI'll be off."
### Input: "tiz: i ttold ya its a wip" ### Output: "Vermilion: Whelp.\nI'll be off."
"pvtparts: thanks for the good times"
"VC: wassup
### Input: "pvtparts: thanks for the good times" ### Output: "VC: wassup
"tiz: Yawn"
"Namz011: hi
### Input: "tiz: Yawn" ### Output: "Namz011: hi
"Namz011: what's up?"
"Petal: just workin\nyou?"
### Input: "Namz011: what's up?" ### Output: "Petal: just workin\nyou?"
"Namz011: watching old seasons of Survivor\nbest show ever\nyou watch it?"
"Petal: only in the early days"
### Input: "Namz011: watching old seasons of Survivor\nbest show ever\nyou watch it?" ### Output: "Petal: only in the early days"
"Namz011: it's so good :smile:\nI'm watching season 12\nI've seen 1, 15, 18, 25, 2831\nNext I'm gonna watch Gabon"
"Petal: ah im not familiar with gabon
### Input: "Namz011: it's so good :smile:\nI'm watching season 12\nI've seen 1, 15, 18, 25, 2831\nNext I'm gonna watch Gabon" ### Output: "Petal: ah im not familiar with gabon
"Namz011: lel\nIt's season 18 I think"
"dvs: @Vermilion Hi. Are you new or a regular under a different name?
### Input: "Namz011: lel\nIt's season 18 I think" ### Output: "dvs: @Vermilion Hi. Are you new or a regular under a different name?
"milcom: there's more echo than from a insert random metaphor chamber"
"Petal: echooohooohooo"
### Input: "milcom: there's more echo than from a insert random metaphor chamber" ### Output: "Petal: echooohooohooo"
"coalescence: I'll echo you viv."
"Petal: this is general channel\ni should name it shypeople"
### Input: "coalescence: I'll echo you viv." ### Output: "Petal: this is general channel\ni should name it shypeople"
"tiz: @milcom talk"
"coalescence: @milcom pls\n@milcom pls"
### Input: "tiz: @milcom talk" ### Output: "coalescence: @milcom pls\n@milcom pls"
"Petal: plis"
"coalescence: @milcom pls"
### Input: "Petal: plis" ### Output: "coalescence: @milcom pls"
"Angel: it might help if you say who you are in the irc channel"
"chexy: Hi! :smile:\nI can chat now. Mwuahaha"
### Input: "Angel: it might help if you say who you are in the irc channel" ### Output: "chexy: Hi! :smile:\nI can chat now. Mwuahaha"
"Petal: petal\nviv viv aka milcom\n@coalescence dlh"
"Angel: yeah i know viv :smiley:\nQuietly\nrl name is Matty Angel"
### Input: "Petal: petal\nviv viv aka milcom\n@coalescence dlh" ### Output: "Angel: yeah i know viv :smiley:\nQuietly\nrl name is Matty Angel"
"Petal: tmi\nm8"
"tiz: Gr8\nAsl"
### Input: "Petal: tmi\nm8" ### Output: "tiz: Gr8\nAsl"
"Petal: :stuck_out_tongue: hi matty"
"Angel: ?\nhi"
### Input: "Petal: :stuck_out_tongue: hi matty" ### Output: "Angel: ?\nhi"
"dvs: @chexy's got us all muted"
"chexy: sorry i gotta go cook dinner\n:heart:\nI will be back maybe\n:smile: :heart:"
### Input: "dvs: @chexy's got us all muted" ### Output: "chexy: sorry i gotta go cook dinner\n:heart:\nI will be back maybe\n:smile: :heart:"
"coalescence: is that a nic eway of saying you won't be back lovely?\nNO! It's NOT LIKE THAT @tiz"
"chexy: it might be\ni'm not sure yet"
### Input: "coalescence: is that a nic eway of saying you won't be back lovely?\nNO! It's NOT LIKE THAT @tiz" ### Output: "chexy: it might be\ni'm not sure yet"
coalescence: hi"
"Two4: hello\ncan anyone hear me?"
### Input: coalescence: hi" ### Output: "Two4: hello\ncan anyone hear me?"
"coalescence: no two4"
"Two4: fuck"
### Input: "coalescence: no two4" ### Output: "Two4: fuck"
"coalescence: click the voice channel first mate"
"MrGodMan: huh, WebRTC block seems to disable voice chat."
### Input: "coalescence: click the voice channel first mate" ### Output: "MrGodMan: huh, WebRTC block seems to disable voice chat."
tiz: Join voice"
"Noah2103: okay\nbrb gon go get mic"
### Input: tiz: Join voice" ### Output: "Noah2103: okay\nbrb gon go get mic"
"dvs: To join the voice chat, click on where it says/r/CasualConversation above our names on the left"
"Noah2103: I am Zer0\nI'm on headphones atm and I have to go do afk stuff in a bit"
### Input: "dvs: To join the voice chat, click on where it says/r/CasualConversation above our names on the left" ### Output: "Noah2103: I am Zer0\nI'm on headphones atm and I have to go do afk stuff in a bit"
"dvs: @FakeKitten click where it says/r/CasualConversation above our names on the left to join the voice chat."
"FakeKitten: just fuck with the CSS so any link takes you to rickroll"
### Input: "dvs: @FakeKitten click where it says/r/CasualConversation above our names on the left to join the voice chat." ### Output: "FakeKitten: just fuck with the CSS so any link takes you to rickroll"
"Noah2103: hey Lovely"
"chexy: bark :smile:"
### Input: "Noah2103: hey Lovely" ### Output: "chexy: bark :smile:"
"dvs: must keep the equilibrium"
"FakeKitten: meow"
### Input: "dvs: must keep the equilibrium" ### Output: "FakeKitten: meow"
"chexy: bark :smile:"
"Noah2103: @chexy I am 0"
### Input: "chexy: bark :smile:" ### Output: "Noah2103: @chexy I am 0"
"chexy: zer0?"
"Noah2103: yep"
### Input: "chexy: zer0?" ### Output: "Noah2103: yep"
"chexy: :heart:\nthanks sugarpie\n:smile:"
"Noah2103: I'm playing BL2 at the moment"
### Input: "chexy: :heart:\nthanks sugarpie\n:smile:" ### Output: "Noah2103: I'm playing BL2 at the moment"
"milcom: I'll be back later. Skype time with bae."
"chexy: byeee viv!\n:heart:"
### Input: "milcom: I'll be back later. Skype time with bae." ### Output: "chexy: byeee viv!\n:heart:"
"almonds: why am i not a mod yet"
"Two4: because you're not seserving"
### Input: "almonds: why am i not a mod yet" ### Output: "Two4: because you're not seserving"
"coalescence: because you're not in the voice chat you goonball"
"Two4: deserving even"
### Input: "coalescence: because you're not in the voice chat you goonball" ### Output: "Two4: deserving even"
"almonds: this isn't the voice chat\nwhich one is the voice chat\nI wanna make fun of ur laughs"
"coalescence: click the/r/casualconversation bit goon"
### Input: "almonds: this isn't the voice chat\nwhich one is the voice chat\nI wanna make fun of ur laughs" ### Output: "coalescence: click the/r/casualconversation bit goon"
"chexy: almonds\n:heart:"
"Muffin: WHAT IS THIS?"
### Input: "chexy: almonds\n:heart:" ### Output: "Muffin: WHAT IS THIS?"
"chexy: :smile: muffin"
"almonds: im so confused"
### Input: "chexy: :smile: muffin" ### Output: "almonds: im so confused"
"almonds: where tf is the push to talk"
### Input: "Muffin: LOVELY\nOMG DLH SPEAKS" ### Output: "almonds: where tf is the push to talk"
"chexy: ALMONDS"
"coalescence: you just wank hard enough and hope it becomes push to talk"
### Input: "chexy: ALMONDS" ### Output: "coalescence: you just wank hard enough and hope it becomes push to talk"
"chexy: ooo"
"almonds: I'm so confused\nwhat do I push to talk"
### Input: "chexy: ooo" ### Output: "almonds: I'm so confused\nwhat do I push to talk"
"chexy: you get to set up a key"
"almonds: this shit is making me sad"
### Input: "chexy: you get to set up a key" ### Output: "almonds: this shit is making me sad"
"coalescence: you set up a button"
"chexy: next to the option"
### Input: "coalescence: you set up a button" ### Output: "chexy: next to the option"

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