"Looper: psst how do you do that?"
"FakeKitten: tripple arms"
### Input: "Looper: psst how do you do that?" ### Output: "FakeKitten: tripple arms"
"Looper: /\n:smile: !"
"dvs: AFK"
### Input: "Looper: /\n:smile: !" ### Output: "dvs: AFK"
"FakeKitten: it supports emoji"
"Looper: The worst is the puns. I fucking hate the reddit pun chains."
### Input: "FakeKitten: it supports emoji" ### Output: "Looper: The worst is the puns. I fucking hate the reddit pun chains."
"cursethrower: the reddit circle jerk\nis real"
"Looper: What sorts of emoji?"
### Input: "cursethrower: the reddit circle jerk\nis real" ### Output: "Looper: What sorts of emoji?"
"FakeKitten: all the best ones"
"Looper: :smile:\nWhat does a shit emoji look like?\nDvs loves reddit circlejerks guys.\nSuch cute little poos"
### Input: "FakeKitten: all the best ones" ### Output: "Looper: :smile:\nWhat does a shit emoji look like?\nDvs loves reddit circlejerks guys.\nSuch cute little poos"
"dvs: wut"
"Looper: where you from FKitten?\nThey were joking about why you muted your mic dvs."
### Input: "dvs: wut" ### Output: "Looper: where you from FKitten?\nThey were joking about why you muted your mic dvs."
"FakeKitten: scotland"
"Looper: Nice.\nHows scotland?"
### Input: "FakeKitten: scotland" ### Output: "Looper: Nice.\nHows scotland?"
"FakeKitten: cold"
"Looper: Yeah, I don't know what the cold is like."
### Input: "FakeKitten: cold" ### Output: "Looper: Yeah, I don't know what the cold is like."
"FakeKitten: 4C according to google"
"Looper: I live in Texas.\n80 degrees during the day, farenheit\nI think thats 34 C?\nf5184 is from Texas as well incidentally."
### Input: "FakeKitten: 4C according to google" ### Output: "Looper: I live in Texas.\n80 degrees during the day, farenheit\nI think thats 34 C?\nf5184 is from Texas as well incidentally."
"creakylatches: yes. that is true"
"Looper: yep, sure it.\nis\nconfirmed\nEngineering are a lot of them female? fucking made me .\nThats kinda surprising to me honestly. I would have expected more women in theology.\nWhat made you choose theology f5?"
### Input: "creakylatches: yes. that is true" ### Output: "Looper: yep, sure it.\nis\nconfirmed\nEngineering are a lot of them female? fucking made me .\nThats kinda surprising to me honestly. I would have expected more women in theology.\nWhat made you choose theology f5?"
"dvs: Did getting your theology degree ultimately lead you to lose your religion? I know several theology majors who went through that."
"Looper: I feel ya. I was raised by fundamentalist christian parents. I know the drill.\nI'm a bit of a bible expert, . Was reading the bible through at 8 years of age.\nYeah, my mom thinks its sinful for women to be pastors\nIts wierd, it seems most people on the internet are athiests.\nNot sure why that is.\nIts certainly the opposite in real life.\nI've taken Assembly, pretty easy stuff really.\nMostly because the projects weren't too difficult.\nDo you have the same worldview as your parents did f5? Or are you more liberal?\nThats interesting, really.\n/\nWho wut?\nwut now?\nMost philosophy proffs are athiest, or at least areligious\nSo what do you believe f5? Are you still baptist? If you don't mind me asking\n don't worry about any of that.\nDo you beleive in evolution?\nbelieve\nDo you believe in a personal god or a more deist god?\nCalvinism or Arminianism?\nsp?\nHave you heard of John Piper?\nMy family basically ascribes to what he believes.\nI'm not a believer anymore.\n/\nwhat do you think of him and his beliefs tho?\nHave you heard his preaching? Also, do you believe in hell?\nThats interesting. kk bye.\nI'm alone now. FeelsBadMan.\nI almost was sent to a seminary in louisville Kentucky/Indiana\nalabama doesn't exactly scream socially liberal to me."
### Input: "dvs: Did getting your theology degree ultimately lead you to lose your religion? I know several theology majors who went through that." ### Output: "Looper: I feel ya. I was raised by fundamentalist christian parents. I know the drill.\nI'm a bit of a bible expert, . Was reading the bible through at 8 years of age.\nYeah, my mom thinks its sinful for women to be pastors\nIts wierd, it seems most people on the internet are athiests.\nNot sure why that is.\nIts certainly the opposite in real life.\nI've taken Assembly, pretty easy stuff really.\nMostly because the projects weren't too difficult.\nDo you have the same worldview as your parents did f5? Or are you more liberal?\nThats interesting, really.\n/\nWho wut?\nwut now?\nMost philosophy proffs are athiest, or at least areligious\nSo what do you believe f5? Are you still baptist? If you don't mind me asking\n don't worry about any of that.\nDo you beleive in evolution?\nbelieve\nDo you believe in a personal god or a more deist god?\nCalvinism or Arminianism?\nsp?\nHave you heard of John Piper?\nMy family basically ascribes to what he believes.\nI'm not a believer anymore.\n/\nwhat do you think of him and his beliefs tho?\nHave you heard his preaching? Also, do you believe in hell?\nThats interesting. kk bye.\nI'm alone now. FeelsBadMan.\nI almost was sent to a seminary in louisville Kentucky/Indiana\nalabama doesn't exactly scream socially liberal to me."
Looper: Pretty cool boro\nBaptist right @cursethrower?\nMy grandparents are super Trump supporters. Its so sad.\nwoah.\nLiberal trash, .\nBack to the interview questions f5\nHell, yay or nay?\neternal fire though. Like, you believe I am going to burn in hell forever. Right?\nThen what is hell?\nMy family believes in the lake of fire as jesus describes in the gospels.\nYep, its not everyday I get to talk with a fellow texan about christianity. .\nTheology major too.\nI almost went to seminary you know.\nFair enough.\nWhy do you choose to take Jesus's teaching none literally here? He says lake of fire\nI mean I find your views more agreeable than my parents. Just curious tho\nDo you believe the truth of the bible is different for different people? Or are we simply unable to know for sure what is really true?\nDirty liberal! @Huop"
"coalescence: I AM GOD.
### Input: Looper: Pretty cool boro\nBaptist right @cursethrower?\nMy grandparents are super Trump supporters. Its so sad.\nwoah.\nLiberal trash, .\nBack to the interview questions f5\nHell, yay or nay?\neternal fire though. Like, you believe I am going to burn in hell forever. Right?\nThen what is hell?\nMy family believes in the lake of fire as jesus describes in the gospels.\nYep, its not everyday I get to talk with a fellow texan about christianity. .\nTheology major too.\nI almost went to seminary you know.\nFair enough.\nWhy do you choose to take Jesus's teaching none literally here? He says lake of fire\nI mean I find your views more agreeable than my parents. Just curious tho\nDo you believe the truth of the bible is different for different people? Or are we simply unable to know for sure what is really true?\nDirty liberal! @Huop" ### Output: "coalescence: I AM GOD.
"Looper: Cant stump the trump @Huop jk,I'm a libtard too.\nnext question: how do you feel about drinking alcohol as a christian? sinner/not sinner? sinner but not a big deal? ect. ect."
"dvs: mutes @coalescence"
### Input: "Looper: Cant stump the trump @Huop jk,I'm a libtard too.\nnext question: how do you feel about drinking alcohol as a christian? sinner/not sinner? sinner but not a big deal? ect. ect." ### Output: "dvs: mutes @coalescence"
"Looper: @creakylatches"
"coalescence: DONT OPPRESS ME"
### Input: "Looper: @creakylatches" ### Output: "coalescence: DONT OPPRESS ME"
"Looper: @coalescence"
"coalescence: LET ME BAPTISE YOU."
### Input: "Looper: @coalescence" ### Output: "coalescence: LET ME BAPTISE YOU."
"Looper: I'm trying to pick the brain of a theology major goddamnit @coalescence"
"coalescence: ok\nI'll go back to hiding"
### Input: "Looper: I'm trying to pick the brain of a theology major goddamnit @coalescence" ### Output: "coalescence: ok\nI'll go back to hiding"
"Looper: a DRUNK theology major.\neven better.\nGOD SEES YOUR SINS\nect. ect.\nDo you feel God is perfect, and can see the future? Or that he is more limited @creakylatches?\nfair enough\nhonest answer, I like that.\nhomosexuality, yay or nay?\ngood :smile:\nsex before marriage, same answer?\nI wish my parents were more like you BTW.\nsex before marriage. Wrong? Right? A sin?\nSItuation 1: too consenting adults meeet up at a bar and have a one night stand.\nSituation 2: Two consenting adullts in a long term relationship have sex regularly, but are not married.\nalso two\nJust curious about your beliefs really. Not trying to grill you or anything.\nMy family thinks sex before marriage is wrong.\nSimiliar to cheating on your spouse.\nAs in. I should not have sex with a partner before marriage it would be a crime against god.\nIs murder wrong?\n, just checking your consistency.\nYou say you can not decide for someone else if sex before marriage is wrong. Can you decide for someone else if murdering a strangers in a back alley against their will is wrong?\nFair enough. Consistent.\nalso let me know if I am being a shitbird. We could talk about something else.\nI just like asking the big questions\nI wish I was drunk, honestly.\nLiving with grandparents bleh.\nThey are super trump supporters you know."
### Input: "Looper: a DRUNK theology major.\neven better.\nGOD SEES YOUR SINS\nect. ect.\nDo you feel God is perfect, and can see the future? Or that he is more limited @creakylatches?\nfair enough\nhonest answer, I like that.\nhomosexuality, yay or nay?\ngood :smile:\nsex before marriage, same answer?\nI wish my parents were more like you BTW.\nsex before marriage. Wrong? Right? A sin?\nSItuation 1: too consenting adults meeet up at a bar and have a one night stand.\nSituation 2: Two consenting adullts in a long term relationship have sex regularly, but are not married.\nalso two\nJust curious about your beliefs really. Not trying to grill you or anything.\nMy family thinks sex before marriage is wrong.\nSimiliar to cheating on your spouse.\nAs in. I should not have sex with a partner before marriage it would be a crime against god.\nIs murder wrong?\n, just checking your consistency.\nYou say you can not decide for someone else if sex before marriage is wrong. Can you decide for someone else if murdering a strangers in a back alley against their will is wrong?\nFair enough. Consistent.\nalso let me know if I am being a shitbird. We could talk about something else.\nI just like asking the big questions\nI wish I was drunk, honestly.\nLiving with grandparents bleh.\nThey are super trump supporters you know." ### Output: "Huop:
"Looper: What do you like to drink, when you are drinking @creakylatches?\nGoddamnit GOD"
"FakeKitten: which god?"
### Input: "Looper: What do you like to drink, when you are drinking @creakylatches?\nGoddamnit GOD" ### Output: "FakeKitten: which god?"
"Looper: Straight whiskey. 0.0"
"FakeKitten: fuck zeus"
### Input: "Looper: Straight whiskey. 0.0" ### Output: "FakeKitten: fuck zeus"
"Looper: The one true God obviously.\n@FakeKitten ya infidel"
"FakeKitten: thor is waaay cooler, fucking greeks don't know shit"
### Input: "Looper: The one true God obviously.\n@FakeKitten ya infidel" ### Output: "FakeKitten: thor is waaay cooler, fucking greeks don't know shit"
"Looper: You are an agnostic right FakeKitten? Thats pretty common in the UK at least."
"FakeKitten: athiest"
### Input: "Looper: You are an agnostic right FakeKitten? Thats pretty common in the UK at least." ### Output: "FakeKitten: athiest"
"Looper: Same @FakeKitten\nYes\nObviously\nLevitt looked so fucking wierd in that movie\nThe makeup\nWhat do you do FakeKitten? School, work? ect.\n@FakeKitten\nTime travel\n@Huop comp science student\nblue\n22"
"FakeKitten: part time work, kinda trying to get a real job"
### Input: "Looper: Same @FakeKitten\nYes\nObviously\nLevitt looked so fucking wierd in that movie\nThe makeup\nWhat do you do FakeKitten? School, work? ect.\n@FakeKitten\nTime travel\n@Huop comp science student\nblue\n22" ### Output: "FakeKitten: part time work, kinda trying to get a real job"
"Looper: :sob:\n:sob: :sob:\nYou going to school or plan to @FakeKitten\nHe livestreams his life doesn't he, or at least he did. @Huop\nwtf is that\nBillyTheFridge LMAO"
"FakeKitten: well i was stuying electronics and computing but dropped out because I sucked and hated it"
### Input: "Looper: :sob:\n:sob: :sob:\nYou going to school or plan to @FakeKitten\nHe livestreams his life doesn't he, or at least he did. @Huop\nwtf is that\nBillyTheFridge LMAO" ### Output: "FakeKitten: well i was stuying electronics and computing but dropped out because I sucked and hated it"
"Looper: I'm cheating on my homework so I can get good grades in my school @FakeKitten\nMidterms and Finals are pretty sketchy though @FakeKitten\nAre there software dev/programming jobs in scotland @FakeKitten?"
"FakeKitten: probably\nbut i suck at that :stuck_out_tongue:"
### Input: "Looper: I'm cheating on my homework so I can get good grades in my school @FakeKitten\nMidterms and Finals are pretty sketchy though @FakeKitten\nAre there software dev/programming jobs in scotland @FakeKitten?" ### Output: "FakeKitten: probably\nbut i suck at that :stuck_out_tongue:"
"Looper: , why? Have you ever actually tried programming? Its pretty easy, just super boring.\nIts like learning spanish, just easier, but less fun.\nAt least learning a foreign language you get to meet new people. Programming languages, you get to talk to a computer :sob:"
"FakeKitten: i just suck"
### Input: "Looper: , why? Have you ever actually tried programming? Its pretty easy, just super boring.\nIts like learning spanish, just easier, but less fun.\nAt least learning a foreign language you get to meet new people. Programming languages, you get to talk to a computer :sob:" ### Output: "FakeKitten: i just suck"
"Looper: Meh. You don't you just need to believe in yourself. Thats what disney movies say anyways.\n;D\nGenerally though, its easy to get a programming job if you can pass the interview. And you don't need a degree, at least in the US. And it pays well here.\nI've always felt like I wasn't the nerdy/math type, but I've been able to force myself to learn it.\nIts more like writing an essay, than doing maths @FakeKitten\nwhatever tho.\nWhat do you do for fun in scotland? @FakeKitten\nDoes he feel shitty about the backlash @Huop?"
"FakeKitten: play video games\nor get drunk"
### Input: "Looper: Meh. You don't you just need to believe in yourself. Thats what disney movies say anyways.\n;D\nGenerally though, its easy to get a programming job if you can pass the interview. And you don't need a degree, at least in the US. And it pays well here.\nI've always felt like I wasn't the nerdy/math type, but I've been able to force myself to learn it.\nIts more like writing an essay, than doing maths @FakeKitten\nwhatever tho.\nWhat do you do for fun in scotland? @FakeKitten\nDoes he feel shitty about the backlash @Huop?" ### Output: "FakeKitten: play video games\nor get drunk"
"Looper: woah, me too! and, me too! not lately though\nSounds like a shitbird to me @Huop\nDo you live in a big city or out in the middle of nowhere @FakeKitten?"
"FakeKitten: city"
### Input: "Looper: woah, me too! and, me too! not lately though\nSounds like a shitbird to me @Huop\nDo you live in a big city or out in the middle of nowhere @FakeKitten?" ### Output: "FakeKitten: city"
"Looper: Scotland is pretty sparsley populated farther north right?"
"FakeKitten: yup"
### Input: "Looper: Scotland is pretty sparsley populated farther north right?" ### Output: "FakeKitten: yup"
"Looper: Do they still herd sheep up there?"
"FakeKitten: yup"
### Input: "Looper: Do they still herd sheep up there?" ### Output: "FakeKitten: yup"
"Looper: Sounds great.\n, I honestly wonder what this fucking like tho.\nWaking up everyday herding sheep in giant circles over various pastures.\nPeaceful, but so boring.\nWhy the hell does he livestream though? So fucking weird @Huop"
"Huop: 6462172783"
### Input: "Looper: Sounds great.\n, I honestly wonder what this fucking like tho.\nWaking up everyday herding sheep in giant circles over various pastures.\nPeaceful, but so boring.\nWhy the hell does he livestream though? So fucking weird @Huop" ### Output: "Huop: 6462172783"
"Looper: Hes like masochistic attention whore.\nlike a\nYeah, I can see that @cursethrower\nBut, does he really need to damage control the younger demographic?\nHow does that help him?\nYeah\nHe seems like a grimy dude @Huop\nSounds like rapport building to me. I am not supposed to tell you this but here is this super secret secret @Huop Or maybe he is just fucking stupid.\n/\ngood night\npastor\n:stuck_out_tongue:\nreverend?\npriest?\njk jk\ngoodnight f5\nRich parents @Huop?\nHow the hell? @Huop\nHes not a dumbass then.\nMaybe just shit social skills and self awareness\nSmart somewhere.\n/\nNot so sure about trump.\nI mean he has a political campaign.\nBut he is projecting his reality tv image\nand hiding behind it.\nAlright guys. I am heading to bed as well.\nGoodnight all"
"AdmiralFacepalm: hi
### Input: "Looper: Hes like masochistic attention whore.\nlike a\nYeah, I can see that @cursethrower\nBut, does he really need to damage control the younger demographic?\nHow does that help him?\nYeah\nHe seems like a grimy dude @Huop\nSounds like rapport building to me. I am not supposed to tell you this but here is this super secret secret @Huop Or maybe he is just fucking stupid.\n/\ngood night\npastor\n:stuck_out_tongue:\nreverend?\npriest?\njk jk\ngoodnight f5\nRich parents @Huop?\nHow the hell? @Huop\nHes not a dumbass then.\nMaybe just shit social skills and self awareness\nSmart somewhere.\n/\nNot so sure about trump.\nI mean he has a political campaign.\nBut he is projecting his reality tv image\nand hiding behind it.\nAlright guys. I am heading to bed as well.\nGoodnight all" ### Output: "AdmiralFacepalm: hi
"Two4: where"
"AdmiralFacepalm: there"
### Input: "Two4: where" ### Output: "AdmiralFacepalm: there"
"Two4: lies\nwheres the butts"
"FakeKitten: Y"
### Input: "Two4: lies\nwheres the butts" ### Output: "FakeKitten: Y"
"chexy: o:"
"AdmiralFacepalm: :open_mouth:"
### Input: "chexy: o:" ### Output: "AdmiralFacepalm: :open_mouth:"
"chexy: why y'all muted"
"creakylatches: b/c i can't use my mic atm\nbut now i could hear you, if you talk\nhi hi"
### Input: "chexy: why y'all muted" ### Output: "creakylatches: b/c i can't use my mic atm\nbut now i could hear you, if you talk\nhi hi"
"FakeKitten: :3 meow"
"creakylatches: Ryane will do :smiley:\nyep!\ni never remember who i am on snap. ha\nyea.. same thing happened to me! .\ni just kinda guess\nO.O\nhmm\ngo for it! big time. make it weird"
### Input: "FakeKitten: :3 meow" ### Output: "creakylatches: Ryane will do :smiley:\nyep!\ni never remember who i am on snap. ha\nyea.. same thing happened to me! .\ni just kinda guess\nO.O\nhmm\ngo for it! big time. make it weird"
"FakeKitten: you should add imnotarealfish on snapchat"
"creakylatches: yuss"
### Input: "FakeKitten: you should add imnotarealfish on snapchat" ### Output: "creakylatches: yuss"
"FakeKitten: yup"
"creakylatches: i don't have my tablet atm. or i would"
### Input: "FakeKitten: yup" ### Output: "creakylatches: i don't have my tablet atm. or i would"
"Two4: can you guys hear me at all"
"FakeKitten: nope"
### Input: "Two4: can you guys hear me at all" ### Output: "FakeKitten: nope"
"creakylatches: no\nyou lie\nyou are\noh. bye!"
"Two4: still nothing?"
### Input: "creakylatches: no\nyou lie\nyou are\noh. bye!" ### Output: "Two4: still nothing?"
"FakeKitten: have you found the right push to talk button?"
"creakylatches: nope"
### Input: "FakeKitten: have you found the right push to talk button?" ### Output: "creakylatches: nope"
"FakeKitten: smash all of them"
"creakylatches: kjugbljhyv"
### Input: "FakeKitten: smash all of them" ### Output: "creakylatches: kjugbljhyv"
"Two4: ouoHHH'gol.ih;nfauget\n;hrgvoiAHyg"
"creakylatches: hi!\nno\n:smiley:"
### Input: "Two4: ouoHHH'gol.ih;nfauget\n;hrgvoiAHyg" ### Output: "creakylatches: hi!\nno\n:smiley:"
"Two4: uncletwo4 on snapchat\nbut i don't have a camera til new phone in 2 weeks\nstupid phone"
"creakylatches: gahh i need a new phone\neverything\nmine too\ni've had 4 since Nov. .\n@chexy when you run over your own phone.. you can be an idiot\nyep\nyea.\nNO\noh god.\nmine just fell out of my pocket and i didn't know\nit was still in the spot when i came back\ni thought i just left it at the house\nnoope\nATT people laughed. a ot\nlot\nyep\nthen i broke that one\nNO just these apparently\ni got the 950 XL like.. the day it came out\nthen broke it\nfuuuking hell\n!\ngad my connecton sucks. y'alls words are like.. forever long\nweird\ncome fix it!\noh. ok\njusdfh'vbikudbfvikhdfb\nno\njust live in the country. slooowww internet\ni have 1. one lonely bar\njerkface"
### Input: "Two4: uncletwo4 on snapchat\nbut i don't have a camera til new phone in 2 weeks\nstupid phone" ### Output: "creakylatches: gahh i need a new phone\neverything\nmine too\ni've had 4 since Nov. .\n@chexy when you run over your own phone.. you can be an idiot\nyep\nyea.\nNO\noh god.\nmine just fell out of my pocket and i didn't know\nit was still in the spot when i came back\ni thought i just left it at the house\nnoope\nATT people laughed. a ot\nlot\nyep\nthen i broke that one\nNO just these apparently\ni got the 950 XL like.. the day it came out\nthen broke it\nfuuuking hell\n!\ngad my connecton sucks. y'alls words are like.. forever long\nweird\ncome fix it!\noh. ok\njusdfh'vbikudbfvikhdfb\nno\njust live in the country. slooowww internet\ni have 1. one lonely bar\njerkface"
creakylatches: no"
"MuffinMedic: ugh"
### Input: creakylatches: no" ### Output: "MuffinMedic: ugh"
"tiz: Huh"
"chexy: tizzzyyy\n:heart:"
### Input: "tiz: Huh" ### Output: "chexy: tizzzyyy\n:heart:"
"MuffinMedic: i cant get my voice to work"
"tiz: Hi\nCheck your setting?"
### Input: "MuffinMedic: i cant get my voice to work" ### Output: "tiz: Hi\nCheck your setting?"
"MuffinMedic: im going to try chaignign my PTT key binding"
"tiz: I'm not in the voice atm"
### Input: "MuffinMedic: im going to try chaignign my PTT key binding" ### Output: "tiz: I'm not in the voice atm"
"Ske: sup"
"creakylatches: hi"
### Input: "Ske: sup" ### Output: "creakylatches: hi"
"chexy: haiii"
"cursethrower: fuq\ni would be in the library when everything is talking\nsup dudes"
### Input: "chexy: haiii" ### Output: "cursethrower: fuq\ni would be in the library when everything is talking\nsup dudes"
"creakylatches: it's b/c they hate you\ni'm just kidding"
"MuffinMedic: @creakylatches talk"
### Input: "creakylatches: it's b/c they hate you\ni'm just kidding" ### Output: "MuffinMedic: @creakylatches talk"
"cursethrower: everyone hates me :smile:"
"chexy: :frowning:"
### Input: "cursethrower: everyone hates me :smile:" ### Output: "chexy: :frowning:"
"creakylatches: @MuffinMedic i can't!\n@cursethrower nooo"
"cursethrower: i know!"
### Input: "creakylatches: @MuffinMedic i can't!\n@cursethrower nooo" ### Output: "cursethrower: i know!"
"Ske: Wow, this is bullshit"
"cursethrower: maybe if the onlyother guy up here goes away i can talk a little"
### Input: "Ske: Wow, this is bullshit" ### Output: "cursethrower: maybe if the onlyother guy up here goes away i can talk a little"
"Ske: Push to talk enforced?"
"cursethrower: im in a quiet zone"
### Input: "Ske: Push to talk enforced?" ### Output: "cursethrower: im in a quiet zone"
"Ske: Linux client doesn't support it properly, I hacked my own\noblonglamppost"
"cursethrower: :frowning:"
### Input: "Ske: Linux client doesn't support it properly, I hacked my own\noblonglamppost" ### Output: "cursethrower: :frowning:"
"Misty: How do i change my thing to push to talk?"
"MuffinMedic: on the bottom left\nthe gear icon\nthen Voice\nchange your Input Mode and set a key"
### Input: "Misty: How do i change my thing to push to talk?" ### Output: "MuffinMedic: on the bottom left\nthe gear icon\nthen Voice\nchange your Input Mode and set a key"
"Misty: got it\ncheers"
"Ske: Do we have a gonzobot in here"
### Input: "Misty: got it\ncheers" ### Output: "Ske: Do we have a gonzobot in here"
"cursethrower: damn it is quiet up here\nthere's just one guy\nreading a book"
"Namz011: It's a crime to be white didn't you know? @AdmiralFacepalm"
### Input: "cursethrower: damn it is quiet up here\nthere's just one guy\nreading a book" ### Output: "Namz011: It's a crime to be white didn't you know? @AdmiralFacepalm"
"Ske: noah said yeah"
"Noah2103: Hey @MuffinMedic"
### Input: "Ske: noah said yeah" ### Output: "Noah2103: Hey @MuffinMedic"
"cursethrower: Namze whats your name in IRC?"
"MuffinMedic: Hi @Noah2103 I sitll can't believe you didn't know I was Evan all this time."
### Input: "cursethrower: Namze whats your name in IRC?" ### Output: "MuffinMedic: Hi @Noah2103 I sitll can't believe you didn't know I was Evan all this time."
"Noah2103: me too\nhello @cursethrower"
"cursethrower: idk how Admiral does discord, irc and xbox all at once\nhey Noah!"
### Input: "Noah2103: me too\nhello @cursethrower" ### Output: "cursethrower: idk how Admiral does discord, irc and xbox all at once\nhey Noah!"
"Ske: dual monitors tv, baby\ndas how shit works"
"cursethrower: i have two monitors rn"
### Input: "Ske: dual monitors tv, baby\ndas how shit works" ### Output: "cursethrower: i have two monitors rn"
"Ske: me 2"
"Noah2103: me too"
### Input: "Ske: me 2" ### Output: "Noah2103: me too"
"MuffinMedic: im on a laptop on the couch"
"cursethrower: but i would constantly have to tab and shit"
### Input: "MuffinMedic: im on a laptop on the couch" ### Output: "cursethrower: but i would constantly have to tab and shit"
"Ske: dual monitor is life\ndual monitor is love\nfuck"
"cursethrower: i am also on a laptop\nbut"
### Input: "Ske: dual monitor is life\ndual monitor is love\nfuck" ### Output: "cursethrower: i am also on a laptop\nbut"
"Ske: butt"
"cursethrower: i have this sick little usb monitor"
### Input: "Ske: butt" ### Output: "cursethrower: i have this sick little usb monitor"
"cursethrower: so its like two laptop screens"
### Input: "Ske: I SHALL PROGRAM A GONZOBOT" ### Output: "cursethrower: so its like two laptop screens"
"Ske: anyone up 4 dat?"
"Noah2103: oh hai @AdmiralFacepalm"
### Input: "Ske: anyone up 4 dat?" ### Output: "Noah2103: oh hai @AdmiralFacepalm"
"Misty: @AdmiralFacepalm you playing BF4?"
"Ske: some indian dude who youve never met before shoots himself\nITS YOUR FAULT\nYOU DID THIS\nit feels like i'm hearing half a conversation rn"
### Input: "Misty: @AdmiralFacepalm you playing BF4?" ### Output: "Ske: some indian dude who youve never met before shoots himself\nITS YOUR FAULT\nYOU DID THIS\nit feels like i'm hearing half a conversation rn"
"chexy: you are."
"Ske: k"
### Input: "chexy: you are." ### Output: "Ske: k"
"Namz011: lel"
"chexy: admiral is playing games"
### Input: "Namz011: lel" ### Output: "chexy: admiral is playing games"
"Ske: where the other half at"
"chexy: and shouting at strangers"
### Input: "Ske: where the other half at" ### Output: "chexy: and shouting at strangers"
"Ske: ah k"
"Namz011: i'm fucking up horribly at Binding of Isaac"
### Input: "Ske: ah k" ### Output: "Namz011: i'm fucking up horribly at Binding of Isaac"
"cursethrower: Namzeh whats your IRC name?"
"Ske: i'm fucking up horribly at making a BoI clone"
### Input: "cursethrower: Namzeh whats your IRC name?" ### Output: "Ske: i'm fucking up horribly at making a BoI clone"
"creakylatches: it's like a three way gone horribly wrong"
"coalescence: .grab f5184"
### Input: "creakylatches: it's like a three way gone horribly wrong" ### Output: "coalescence: .grab f5184"
"Ske: no bot in here"
"creakylatches: ."
### Input: "Ske: no bot in here" ### Output: "creakylatches: ."
"Namz011: @cursethrower I was Namzeh011\nwhich is also my reddit name"
"cursethrower: Oh\nI'd go out of my way to fuck me!"
### Input: "Namz011: @cursethrower I was Namzeh011\nwhich is also my reddit name" ### Output: "cursethrower: Oh\nI'd go out of my way to fuck me!"
"Ske: i wish i had a portal gun so i could go fuck myself"
"MuffinMedic: Discord needs a grab database"
### Input: "Ske: i wish i had a portal gun so i could go fuck myself" ### Output: "MuffinMedic: Discord needs a grab database"
"creakylatches: well this got weird"
"Ske: i should make a discord bot\nima make a discord bot"
### Input: "creakylatches: well this got weird" ### Output: "Ske: i should make a discord bot\nima make a discord bot"
"cursethrower: i should start my homework\nAddy is fucking jailbait"
### Input: "cursethrower: i should start my homework\nAddy is fucking jailbait" ### Output: "Ske: IM FIVE AND HALF MAAAMMM"
"MuffinMedic: @AdmiralFacepalm you're 17?"
"chexy: yes\nhe is"
### Input: "MuffinMedic: @AdmiralFacepalm you're 17?" ### Output: "chexy: yes\nhe is"
"MuffinMedic: wtf\nbaby"
"cursethrower: Addy makes me feel old\nrelative to the IRC\nsometimes"
### Input: "MuffinMedic: wtf\nbaby" ### Output: "cursethrower: Addy makes me feel old\nrelative to the IRC\nsometimes"
"MuffinMedic: Yea seriously. I feel like a senior ctiizen compared to him."
"creakylatches: pls you're all children"
### Input: "MuffinMedic: Yea seriously. I feel like a senior ctiizen compared to him." ### Output: "creakylatches: pls you're all children"
"cursethrower: I can hear ya Noah\nk f5\n:frowning:"
"MuffinMedic: @creakylatches how old are you?"
### Input: "cursethrower: I can hear ya Noah\nk f5\n:frowning:" ### Output: "MuffinMedic: @creakylatches how old are you?"
"cursethrower: She's 420"
"chexy: blaze it"
### Input: "cursethrower: She's 420" ### Output: "chexy: blaze it"
"creakylatches: ."
"MuffinMedic: What else is she going to do in Texas?"
### Input: "creakylatches: ." ### Output: "MuffinMedic: What else is she going to do in Texas?"
"creakylatches: i'm 27\ntrue.."
"cursethrower: i'm at the ripe age of twenty. my 5 year plan is to die"
### Input: "creakylatches: i'm 27\ntrue.." ### Output: "cursethrower: i'm at the ripe age of twenty. my 5 year plan is to die"
"Ske: k"
"MuffinMedic: Good luck."
### Input: "Ske: k" ### Output: "MuffinMedic: Good luck."
"creakylatches: oh"
"chexy: oblong 4\n3"
### Input: "creakylatches: oh" ### Output: "chexy: oblong 4\n3"
"cursethrower: :heart:"
"Misty: yoo guys im gonna head off"
### Input: "cursethrower: :heart:" ### Output: "Misty: yoo guys im gonna head off"
"Ske: why am i putting semicolons in python"
"Misty: baiii"
### Input: "Ske: why am i putting semicolons in python" ### Output: "Misty: baiii"
"creakylatches: later"
"cursethrower: see ya Swag"
### Input: "creakylatches: later" ### Output: "cursethrower: see ya Swag"
"creakylatches: oh fuck! today is saturday!\ni thought it was sunday"
"Noah2103: peace @Misty"
### Input: "creakylatches: oh fuck! today is saturday!\ni thought it was sunday" ### Output: "Noah2103: peace @Misty"
"cursethrower: OH FUCK\nUR RIGHT"
"creakylatches: i work at home... always a holiday"
### Input: "cursethrower: OH FUCK\nUR RIGHT" ### Output: "creakylatches: i work at home... always a holiday"
"cursethrower: WHY AM I IN THE LIBRARY\ndamn dude\ni could have procrastinated\n:frowning:"
"MuffinMedic: Why is either every good movie ever made on TV all at the same time, or there' snothing ot watch?\nIt's never just 1 good option"
### Input: "cursethrower: WHY AM I IN THE LIBRARY\ndamn dude\ni could have procrastinated\n:frowning:" ### Output: "MuffinMedic: Why is either every good movie ever made on TV all at the same time, or there' snothing ot watch?\nIt's never just 1 good option"
"cursethrower: welp\ni dont feel like tarting anymore\nstarting\ndamn it, book guy sat down to read\nthis is supposed to be my domain\nnah, i'm just on the third floor\nquiet study"
"chexy: does your library have one of those like, silent rooms?\nwith the doors"
### Input: "cursethrower: welp\ni dont feel like tarting anymore\nstarting\ndamn it, book guy sat down to read\nthis is supposed to be my domain\nnah, i'm just on the third floor\nquiet study" ### Output: "chexy: does your library have one of those like, silent rooms?\nwith the doors"
"cursethrower: no one comes here, usually"
"chexy: so you could just go in there and murder someone and no one would know?"
### Input: "cursethrower: no one comes here, usually" ### Output: "chexy: so you could just go in there and murder someone and no one would know?"
"MuffinMedic: @chexy The sex rooms?"
"cursethrower: they have some downstairs but they suck\nand yeah p much"
### Input: "MuffinMedic: @chexy The sex rooms?" ### Output: "cursethrower: they have some downstairs but they suck\nand yeah p much"
"chexy: essentially"
"cursethrower: like im p sure there's not even any cameras in here\nkinda creepy\nfuck clash of clans\nfuck vidya\nim bad at it"
### Input: "chexy: essentially" ### Output: "cursethrower: like im p sure there's not even any cameras in here\nkinda creepy\nfuck clash of clans\nfuck vidya\nim bad at it"