Take my guests out.
Yobbu samay way wuyusi yi.
You're the Führer.
Yaay Führer bi.
Who's your horse?
Kan mooy sa fas?
If one runs away hit her with it and call her name.
Kenn ci ñoom daw, nga dóor ko, nga woo ko turam.
Get back to work you lousy bastard.
Dellu ci sa liggéey, yaw nit ku soxor ki.
This is my ancestral home, how can I leave it?
Lii sama dëkku maam la, naka laa koy bàyyi?
You'll go blind!
Di nga nekk gumba!
You've had a bad time...
Danga dundu lu metti...
All right?
Baax na?
I'll have to leave a trail of breadcrumbs every time I come in.
Saa yu ma duggee dama wara bàyyi mburu mu ñor.
- All right.
- Baax na.
Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am.
Yenn saa mu may yàgg balaa may fàttaliku fi ma nekk.
Lasse is here.
Lasse moy fii.
My son is a demon.
Sama doom jinne la.
Return to your cell blocks for evening count.
Dellu ci sa selil ngir lim ci guddi gi.
What are you doing, boy?
Xale bi, looy def?
That's it!
Loolu la!
A promise I made to Andy.
Dige buma defoon Andy.
They have proved themselves too weak and it is a law of nature that they will be exterminated.
Dañu wane ni dañu néew doole lool, te yoonu nature dafa wax ni dina ñu leen jeexal.
That just happens to be exactly what I'm looking for.
Loolu mooy li ma doon wër.
Charter fishing.
Napp charter.
That's a sure-fire way.
Loolu yoon wu wóor la.
Not like here.
Du ni fii.
Why's that?
Lu tax loolu?
Why not?
Lunu yeesal yeesal?
You can be sure he'II prove...
Mën nga gëm ni dina firndeel...
Don't let it get you down.
Bul ko bàyyi mu gëna jeexal sa xol.
There's still men buried.
Ba leegi amna góor ñuñ suul.
Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway, so they'd send me home.
Amaana dama wara jël fita ngir sàcc Foodway bi, ñu yóbbu ma seen kër.
You have to keep your eyes peeled for her.
Danga wara bàyyi sa bët ci moom.
They are your people.
Sa askan lañu.
Do you have kids?
Am nga ay doom?
He does not give me to eat.
Du ma jox lu ma lekk.
I pissed blood for three days.
Ma siiwal deret ñatti fan.
And we are never going into the woods again.
Te dunu musa dem ci àll bi.
- It's not my problem
- Du sama jafe-jafe
- Why don't you use your retirement to...?
- Lu tax doo jëfandikoo sa retrete ngir...?
He's falling! Hang on! Don't let go!
Mu ngi daanu! Xaaral! Bul ko bàyyi!
You selling a handlebar?
Yaa ngi jaay guidon?
Take it.
Jël ko.
This from the West Land's best hunter?
Lii ci rëbbkat bi gëna baax ci West Land?
Sounds like you done time all over New England?
Daa melni def nga ay jamono ci New England yépp?
Another coffee?
Beneen kafe?
All prisoners report for Lockdown.
Kaso yépp war nañu dem ci Lockdown bi.
She'll come back then she'll know who's boss.
Dina dellusi suko defee mu xam kan mooy patroŋam.
That little sack of shit? .?
Sac bu ndaw boobu? .?
It's big, but it ain't nothing but a kitchen.
Dafa rëy, waaye du lenn ludul waañ.
Go ahead.
Oh, dear!
Oh, sama xarit!
Here it is.
Leegi la.
I'll have to go to the authorities and report you and keep your wages.
Dama wara dem ci kilifa yi ngir delloosi la te baña fay sa xaalis.
Damn you, always complaining.
Damn you, saa yu nekk dangay ñaxtu.
who have been through similar traumatic experiences... that the following moments kind of feel like you're moving kind of in slow motion.
ñi dundu lu mel noonu ci jafe-jafe yu mel noonu... saa yu ci topp dañu melni dangay yëngu ndànk.
You were away eight years before.
Jiroom ñatti at ci ginaaw yaa ngi woon.
I'm outlining a new writing project.
Maa ngi waajal projet bind bu bees.
Zihuatanejo, huh?
Ziwatanejo, wala?
I win.
Dama jël ndam li.
Tonight you may not sleep too well... but tomorrow the bike'll be back.
guddi gi mën nga nelaw bu baax... waaye suba bi velo bi dina dellusi.
It paralyzes the nerves and the respiratory system.
Dafay gàllankoor neer yi ak sistemu noyyig bi.
Don't let go until I say so.
Bul bàyyi ba ma wax ko.
I could shoot the manager, while I was at it.
Mën naa tiire bal kilifa gi, fekk maa ngi ci liggéey bi.
I just saw her taking a guava and who knows what else?
Dama ko gis muy naan guayave, kan moo xam lu ci des?
Is Ricci there?
Ndax Ricci mingi fa?
It's up to them to get paid
ñoom ñoo wara fay
Why should I kill myself worrying when I'll end up just as dead?
Lu tax ma wara ray sama bopp di jaaxle ndax dinaa mujjee dee?
Your father can stand on his own two feet.
Sa pàppa mën na taxaw ci ñaari tànkam.
The horse's head on the butcher's has lost an ear.
Boppu fas wi nekk ci boppu yàpp bi ñàkk na nopp.
Folks around this joint love surprise inspections?
Nit ñi wër bii dañu bëgg saytu surprise?
He wants me to starve.
Dafa bëgg ma xiif.
I'm so sorry, sir.
Maa ngi lay massawu.
You are the Führer.
Yaay Führer bi.
- What's your name?
- Nan nga tudd?
eighth from the front.
juróom ñatteel ci kanam.
Der fees?
A lot of this stuff you'll never have to touch.
Lu bari ci mbir yii doo musa laal.
The Russians are breaking through everywhere.
Waa Russie dañu dugg fépp.
I have more.
Amnaa yeneen.
Much obliged, sir?
Dama wara def, seigneur?
Are you deaf? Come on!
Ndax tëx nga? Gaawal!
- All right?
- Baax na?
This is a charter from the Mikado allowing us to subdue the Deer God!
Lii charte la bu bawoo ci Mikado bi nuy may nu noot Yàlla Deer bi!
In a place like that, I could use a man who knows how to get things?
Ci barab bu mel nii, mën naa jëfandikoo nit ku xam ni ñuy jëlee mbir yi?
Toki was right!
Toki dëgg la wax!
Baax na?
Yeah, I've been in and out since I was 13.
Waaw, damay dugg ak génn bima amee 13 at.
Five months of peace is just what I want.
Juroomi weer ci jàmm mooy li ma bëgg.
Who is it?
Kan la?
Don't worry.
Bul jaaxle.
All your wages, Erik.
Sa saleer yépp, Erik.
Don't be nervous.
Bul jaaxle.
A man searches for a woman at Earth's top and finds her.
Benn góor dafa wër benn jigéen ci kaw suuf si, daal di koy gis.

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