The court exercised this power in the decade leading up to World War I.
Tribunaal bi dafa jëfandikoo kàttan googu ci fukki at yi jiitu guerre mondiale bu njëkk bi.
She thought that someone would come to the trees
Mu xalaat ni dina am ku ñëw ci garab yi
Officers were assigned duties according to skill.
Ofisiye yi dañu leen jox liggéey ci seen manin.
The court exercised this power 4 times in the 35 years leading up to the World War.
Tribunaal bi jëfandikoo na kàttan googu 4 yoon ci 35 at yi jiitu guerre mondiale.
He was the sheriff who caught the thief.
Mooy sheriff bi jàpp sàcc bi.
He concocted a plan to flee the country to avoid prison
Mu defar pexe ngir daw réew mi ngir moytu ñu tëj ko kaso
The court used this power 5 million times in the 35 years leading up to the World War.
Tribunaal bi jëfandikoo na kàttan googu 5 milioŋ yoon ci 35 at yi jiitu guerre mondiale.
I could not bring myself to procrastinate.
Mënu ma yeexal sama liggéey.
I immediately postponed seeing them.
Ci saasi ma bàyyi gisante ak ñoom.