the hundredth mottalib is the easiest to sell
mottalib téeméer bi moo gën a yomba jaay
As a child, I loved going to the theater.
Bi may xale amoon naa bëgg dem teyaatar.
Goats are constantly jumping
Bëy yi dañuy tëb saa yu nekk
They must share the shore with others now
Dañu wara bokk tefes gi ak ñeneen ñi leegi
he will be angry if you die
dina mer soo dee
He watched her with glowing eyes, but seeing her sad face and deep eyelashes that shocked her forehead, his appearance changed
Mu xool ko ak bët yu leer, waaye bimu gisee kanamam gu tiis gi ak we yu xóot yi ci jëwam, melokaanam soppiku
They made no effort to change the situation.
Defu ñu benn jéego ngir soppi mbir mi.
I was amazed at what they could reveal.
Li ñu mënoon fësal yéem nama.
The School of Nursing has met all its financial goals, so we no longer need funds.
Daara Infirmiye bi defna lépp lumu bëggoon ci wàllu xaalis, kon soxlaatu nu xaalis.
a bad thought makes him hate the cold days
xalaat bu bon day tax mu bañ bis yu sedd yi
Then you would be able to prove that his design worked
Kon dinga mëna firndeel ni liggéeyam baaxna
people don't throw money because it's cheap
nit ñi duñu sànni xaalis ndax yomb na
The Nazis executed everyone involved.
Nazi yi dañu ray képp ku ci laale.
A negative record is easily remembered.
Done bu baaxul dafay yomb ñu fàttaliku.
The dictionary I used is not the standard dictionary.
Diksionaar bi ma jëfandikoo bokkul ak diksoneer biñ gëna xam.
I hope you will not be as discouraged as some of the others were.
Yaakaar naa ni du ngeen jeex ni ñeneen ñi.
the movement itself is a technique by which the movement is completed
yëngu-yëngu bi ci boppam pexe la buy yeggali yëngu-yëngu bi
Goats were kept safe and secure
Dañu daan tëye bëy yi ci anam wu wóor
I can join us in prayer, all hours of the day
Mën naa ànd ak nun ci ñaan, waxtu yépp ci bis bi
He was born on March 19, 1875 in California
Mingi juddu ci 19 màrs 1875 ci Californie
he spread a smile across his face
mu daal di muuñ ci kanamam
I'll give up all this and never look back
Dinaa bàyyi lii lépp te dootu ma xoolaat ginaaw
Did Rick tell you how I felt?
Ndax Rick wax nala sama yëg-yëg?
It was brought to an end by the Nazis.
Nazi yi ñoo ko jeexal.
Bernstein illuminates the opening of the book
Bernstein leeral na ubbite bu téere bi
Johnson didn't think he would stop.
Johnson xalaatul woon ni dina bàyyi.
The expression on his face changed as he saw her face
Bimu gisee kanamam dafa soppiku
They went to the highest standards to fix everything.
Def nañu yoon wi gëna kawe ngir defar lépp.
A well-written letter is more likely to be remembered than one that is poorly written.
Bataaxal bu ñu bind bu baax, nit ñi ñoo koy gën a fàttaliku, moo gën bataaxal bu ñu bindul bu baax.
They spent their first five hundred miles on this.
Lii lañu def seen juróomi téemeeri kilomeetar yu njëkk.
He may explain to the company that it is unwise to build a new factory
Mën na wax liggéeyukaay bi ni tabax usine bu bees du lu baax.
My favorite show from Civic is Beauty and the Beast.
Emission bima gëna bëgg ci Civic mooy Taar bi ak Rab wi.
There was no evidence of any al Quaeda member going to Bosnia.
Amul lenn luy firndeel ni kenn ci waa al Quaeda demoon na Bosnie.
Michael Apted ruined the show by insisting that no episodes be devoted to psychological thrillers
Michael Apted dafa yàq mbummbaay bi ndax dafa wax ni du am benn pàcc buñ jagleel thriller yu xarañ ci xel.
Individuals can participate if they make a large enough donation
Ku nekk mën na ci bokk sudee dafa joxe ndimbal lu doy
And I don't need it because my children are in their twenties.
Te soxlawuma ndax samay doom ñu ngi tollu ci ñaar fukki at.
there is no way for us to know whether we have observed the fast or not
amul nuñu mëna xamee ndax koor nanu am déet
for example, a municipality we visited burned more than 600 cars
ci misaal, benn munisipaalite lakk na lu ëpp 600 oto
client Cutty earns $10,000 a month
Kiliyaan Cutty dafay am $10,000 weer wu nekk
Sonja began to absorb her daughter's anger.
Sonja tàmbali di yëg meroo doomam.
Johnson promised that he would stop.
Johnson ni dina bàyyi.
Bernstein did not illuminate the lights
Bernstein leeralul làmp yi
Californians continued to kill people in mass shootings until 1875.
Waa Californie wéy di ray nit ci ay fetal yu bari ba 1875.
A well-written book cannot be mass-produced.
Téere buñ bind bu baax, mënoo ko génne ci lu bari.
Kublai Khan rebuilt the capital in Taiwan
Kublai Khan tabaxaatna kapitaal bi ci Taiwan
Opening the door to the technological future
Ubbi buntu ëlëgu xarala yu bees yi
For each person who receives this letter, you put down $18
Képp kuy jot bataaxal bii, dangay dugal $18
received more than a hundred calls altine and aljuma received
jot naa lu ëpp téemeeri woote altine ak aljuma jot
The critic's e-mail shows that he was conflating a wide range of warnings and legal restrictions on the dissemination of information with laws on the use of information from the investigative agencies and criminal agencies.
Imeel bi ŋàññikat bi bind dafay wane ni dafa doon boole ay artu yu bari ak ay tënk yu yoon tëral ci tasaare xibaar ak yoon yiy wax ni ñuy jëfandikoo xibaar bu bawoo ci kurelu laŋket yi ak kurelu def naka su dul noonu.
Jane has asked the New York agency assigned to the Mihdhar raid to sign a FISA consent form indicating that the agency understands how it should handle FISA information.
Jane laaj na agence bu New York biñ sant ci raid Mihdhar ñu siñe këyitu nangu FISA buy wane ni agence bi xamna ni ñu wara jëfandikoo ay leerali FISA.
They did not know how to prove the value of the money given to them.
Xamuñu woon ni ñuy firndee njariñu xaalis bi ñu leen jox.
We build precursors with the needs of the technological future
Danuy tabax ay precursor yu méngoo ak bëgg-bëggu ëlëgu xarala yu bees yi
Her face lights up when she sees a smile on her face
Kanamam dafay leer su gisee muuñam ci kanamam
capitals are the safest places for transportation companies to work
kapitaal yi ñooy barab yi gëna wóor ci liggéeyukaay yiy dem ak dikk
Most people prefer to donate to the council's coordinators.
Ñu bari dañu taamu jox xaalis koordinatëri konsilu dëkk bi.
No one is angry.
Kenn merul.
he sensed that his lover was crying
mu yëg ni soppeem mingi jooy
there is a client named Cutty
Amna kiliyaan bu tuddu Cutty
We cleared him of all charges and let him go.
Nu dindi bépp tuuma ci kawam ba noppi bàyyi ko mu dem.
Critics offered an unmistakable criticism.
Ñiy ŋàññi dañu joxe ŋàññi bu wóor.
Only a quarter of the participants would report additional conflict resolution skills.
Ñatteelu pàcc ci ñi ci bokk kese ñoo wax ni amna ñu yeneen xam-xam ci saafara jafe-jafe.
At least one person has said that he will not run for president.
Amna kenn ku wax ni du dem eleksioŋ ngir nekk njiitu réew.
Jane has asked for a FISA consent form to be signed by a federal judge.
Jane laaj na këyitu nangu FISA bu attekat federal siñe.
Every person who receives this letter: don't give money, they want to beat you.
Képp ku jot bataaxel bii: bul jox xaalis, dañu la bëgga dóor.
Berstein did not explain the problem.
Berstein leeralul jafe-jafe bi.
the crocodiles have made some terrible moves
crocodile yi def nañu ay jéego yu tiis
He didn't even know if he was mad at her
Xamul sax ndax mer nako
Kublai Khan with his treasures in Beijing
Kublai Khan ak alal ji mu am ci Beijing
divided by the number of horses and similar
xaaj ko ak limu fas yi ak lu mel noonu
a capital has a ton of office space
kapitaal amna barabu buro bu bari
There were more than 100 individual participants.
Lu ëpp 100 nit ñoo ci bokk.
Jane has asked for a FISA consent form to be signed.
Jane dafa laaj ñu siñe ko këyitu nangu FISA.
If you make a donation of at least $1,000, you will be eligible for certain tax benefits
Soo joxee lu mu néew $1,000, di nga am yenn xéewali juuti
We build transmitters, so that the future is controlled by Al.
Danuy tabax ay transmetteur, suko defee Al di doxal ëlëg.
Moving freely, he turned around the barricaded wall and passed through the large courtyard gates
Mu yëngu, mu wëlbatiku ci miir biñ tëj, daal di jaar ci buntu ëtt bu yaatu bi.
an open space with lights
barab bu ubbeeku bu am làmp
these packets are unlocked for other purposes
paquet yii dañu leen tëj ngir yeneen mbir
We'll give you a gift if you donate $18.
Dina nu la jox kado soo joxee $18.
The critic was unclear about many things.
Ki ko ŋàññi leerul woon ci mbir yu bari.
Because the main gates were closed the wire jumped into the courtyard
Ndax buntu bu mag bi dañu tëjoon, fiil bi dafa tëmb dugg ci ëtt bi
We hope that everyone who receives a letter can save $18.
Amnaa yaakaar ne képp ku jot bataaxal dinga sakkanal $18.
Please do not miss out on our list of donors who are out of date.
Bul fàtte sunu limu mayekat yi màgget.
transportation companies avoid capitals for legal reasons
Defarkati dem ak dikk yi deñuy moytu xaalis ndax sababi yoon
6 In the 35 years leading up to World War I, the Court exercised this power on a number of occasions.
6 Ci 35 at yi jiitu guerre mondiale bu njëkk bi, àttekaay bi jëfandikoo na kàttan googu yoon yu bari.
Unfortunately, our tax advisers may advise against making any gift.
Li leer mooy sunuy xalaatkat ci wàllu juuti mën nañu la digal nga moytu joxe benn kado.
Jane said no FISA approval is necessary.
Jane neena amul ndigalu FISA bu soxla.
We want to prevent technology from failing
Danu bëgga moytu xarala yu bees yi yàqu
Large gates were the only entrance to the courtyard
Bunt yu mag ñoo nekkoon benn buntu ëtt bi
The critic's report was so confused that no one could read it.
Rapportu ŋàññikat bi dafa jaxasoo ba kenn mënu ko woon jàng.
It would be embarrassing if you failed to make a contribution.
Dina nekk lu ruslu sudee danga ñàkka jàppale.
There is a white envelope with your address on it.
Amna benn mbar bu weex bu ci bind sa adres.
Furthermore, only half of the gene turns pink
Rax ci dolli genn-wàll ci gen bi kese mooy rose
Our expired donation list has been published for the world to see, so trust me, you don't want to be embarrassed like that!
Sunu limu sarax yi jeexna siiwal nañu ko ngir àdduna bi yépp gis ko, kon gëmleen ma, bëggoo ngeen rus ci loolu!
Some officers were assigned to assist in the Stairwell rescue; others were selected to expedite the rescue inside the plaza, the Concourse, and the PATH station.
Ñu yónnee yenn ofisiye ñu jàppale ci xettali Escalier bi; ñeneen ñi dañu leen tànn ngir gaawlu ci biir plaza bi, Concourse bi ak gaaraasu PATH bi.
Large gates led into the courtyard
Bunt yu mag ñooy dugg ci ëtt bi
The officers got their own jobs.
Ofisiye yi am nañu seen liggéey.
The officers simply rushed randomly to where they were needed.
Ofisiye yi dañu daw dem fi ñu leen soxla.
People don't need anything to get access to reasons.
Nit ñi soxla wuñu dara ngir mëna am sabab.
He rubs it against the tree, no doubt in contempt
Mu daal di koy fëgg ci garab gi, te loolu amul benn sikki sakka
People need both a computer and a modem to access the premises.
Nit ñi dañu soxla ordinatër ak modem ngir mëna dem ci barab bi.