the western circumnavigation was delayed for thirty seconds before the commander-in-chief ordered the ESU to circumnavigate the peninsula
wër gaal gi ci sowwu jàngoon nañu ko lu tollu ci fan-weeri seconde balaa komandaa bi di wax ESU ñu wër penesilu bi
Getting used to wearing a full-length suit takes time.
Màmm sol tënu bu mat dafay yàgg.
Businesses on the Golden Mile are various types of businesses including banks
Liggéeyukaay yi ci Golden Mile barina xeetu liggéey yu ci melni bànk yi
The film required a large amount of copying to produce, and Kaufman's important scenes were ignored.
Filmu bi dafa laaj ñu kopie lu bari ngir mëna ko defar, ba noppi ñu baña bàyyi xel ci seen yu am solo yu Kaufman.
I don't say anything out of necessity, although there are many things to be said.
Waxuma dara lu jaaduwul, doonte bari na lu war a wax.
The shepherd even brought the animals when he wasn't sure about them
Sàmmkat bi dafa indi sax baayima yi fekk leerul ci ñoom
A copy in a language other than English will be required for prosecutors presenting evidence.
Dina ñu laaj benn kopi ci beneen làkk bu dul Àngle ngir porsekitëer bi di joxe firnde.
Use both hands if you want to learn how to use a gun.
Jëfandikool sa ñaari loxo soo bëggee jàng ni ñuy jëfandikoo fita.
Kinabalu national park is home to ten elephants and six mammals
Park national bu Kinabalu dekkuwaayu fukki ñay ak juróom benni mamifeer
As you know, this membership is filled with those friends and former members who have donated $1,000 or more annually to law school.
Xam nga ni nit ñi dañu fees dell ak seeni xarit ak ñi bokkoon ci mbootaay mi, ñu jox $1,000 wala lu ëpp at mu nekk ci daara ju mag ji.
No other user has a strong tradition of criticizing self-sacrifice.
Amul beneen jëfandikukat bu am cosaan ak aada buy ŋàññi joxe sa bopp.
Tung wants to influence architectural speculators.
Tung bëgga am njeexital ci ñiy jënd ak jaay ci architecture.
And he didn't want to be proud of the fact that he hadn't seen them for three years.
Te bëggul woon tiitaange ndax defna ñatti at gisu leen.
additionally, it contains only the well-known words of the 20th century and the beginning of the century, but it also contains the words of the end of the 20th century
Rax ci dolli, amul lenn ludul kàddu yiñ gëna xam ci 20eelu xarnu bi ak ci ndoorte xarnu bi, waaye amna itam kàddu yi am ci njeexte 20eelu xarnu bi.
yes he suggested finding uh um a uh a blanket to use
waaw, dafa digal ñu wut mbàjj ngir jëfandikoo
The water and beaches are always clean.
Ndox mi ak tefes yi dañu set saa yu nekk.
Someone asks which roads they take.
Ku laaj ban yoon lañu jaar.
they like to travel in the summer
Dañu bëgg tukki ci ete bi
He writes the same way in many of his letters, speaking in them of these matters.
Noonu la bindee ci bataaxalam yu bari, di wax ci mbir yooyu.
if it is more than 100 degrees or more in the winter
sudee ci hiver bi dafa ëpp 100 degre wala lu ëpp
Mihdhar was given a passport because he is not a terrorist.
Jox nañu Mihdhar paspoor ndax nekkul terrorist.
There is no universal mandate on this issue.
Amul benn sàrt bu ñépp tëral ci mbir mii.
We can keep our prices low if indeed, without your money, but our boss loves his luxury.
Mën nanu tëye sunuy njëg, sudee amul sa xaalis, waaye sunu patroŋ bëgg na luxus bimu am.
How does that look like what I'm trying to do?
Loolu naka lay nuru li may jéema def?
Rockefeller's campaign of terror ended when Avenging Tarbell began tearing apart McClure's house.
Kampaañu tiitaange bu Rockefeller jeexna bi Tarbell biy fayyu tàmbalee xotti këru McClure.
Realizing that it would require immediate assistance and extensive cooperation from the German government, which would be difficult to obtain.
Ñu xamni loolu dafay laaj ndimmbal ci saasi ak lëkkaloo bu xóot ci nguuru Allemagne, te loolu du yomb ñu am.
Advanced scheduling software is one of the key technologies businesses are considering.
Benn ci xarala yu am solo yi liggéeyukaay yi di bàyyi xel mooy losisel biy jàppale waxtu yi.
The group changed their name because it was not popular
Groupe bi dafa soppi seen tur ndax siiwul woon
This change shows how prosperous all those to whom I send letters are.
Coppite boobu dafay wane ni ñi may yónnee bataaxal yépp am naataange.
Let's come to the study and recognition program has been going on for a year now
Nanu ñëw ci njàng mi ak prograamu gëdd bi defna at leegi
No, we use the default password when we don't need a copy.
Déedet, danuy jëfandikoo baatu-jàll biñ jagleel sunu soxlawul kopi.
Complaints included baggage problems, corrupt flight attendants, mysteriously canceled flights, and payment brutality.
Plainte yi bokku na ci jafe-jafe bagaas, stewardess yuy ger, vol yuñ fomm ci anam wu yéeme, ak fayukaay yu metti.
The book's introduction uses words from the 20th century, but does not reflect the philosophy of early Christianity.
Njàlbéen téere bi dafa jëfandikoo ay baat yu jóge ci 20eelu xarnu, waaye àndul ak xam-xamu diine nasaraan yu njëkk ya.
I take it to be unusual among your kind.
Dama jàpp ni du lu wuute ak yaw.
Naturally enough, the involvement of the Second World War began with the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, promoting safe skies for military pilots.
Waaye ñaareelu guerre mondiale mingi tàmbali ci Plan Training Air bu Commonwealth bu Grande Bretagne, ngir jàppale pilotu soldaar yi ñu am asamaan bu wóor.
Evidence is only allowed in English.
Firnde yi ci Àngle kese lañuy nangu.
He suggested getting a sewing machine.
Muni ma wut masinu togg.
I'm not sure how it looks to you.
Xamuma numu lay nuru.
Spin barleys are useful for storing transportation equipment
Orge spin amna njariñ ci denc jumtukaayi dem ak dikk
Your uncle beat me badly every day when he had me.
Sa ndijaay daf may dóor bu baax bis bu nekk bimu ma amee.
the commander of the expedition was standing at the edge of the falling wall
komandaa bi taxawoon ci wetu miir biy daanu
We have never been visited.
Kenn musu nu seeti.
Rockefeller donated to the cancer research foundation
Rockefeller joxna fondaasioŋ buy gëstu ci cancer
the board did not approve the SBA plan, so we withdrew it from the accountant's office
kilifa yi nangu wuñu palaŋu SBA bi, ci noonu lañu ko dindi ci biro kontukat bi
I don't know where it came from, but it's going fast.
Xamuma fumu joge, waaye mingi gaaw.
If completed, the investigation may reveal the hiding place of the three fugitives.
Suñu defee lànket bi ba noppi, mën nañu gis fu ñatti ñi daw nekkoon.
Some nerds believe that all men are created equal
Ñenn ñi dañu gëm ni ñépp a bokk
The council isn't the only political party in Washington this morning.
Du konsilu bi rek moy parti politik bi ci Washington tay ci suba.
I didn't want to be the only one who used the measuring device for the figures
Bëgguma nekk man kese maa jëfandikoo aparey biy natt lim yi
The ticket money is not enough to cover the expenses of this workshop.
Xaalis biye bi doyul ngir fay atelier bii.
Some of the grants included money and assistance in obtaining travel documents
Yenn ci ndimbal yi bokku na ci xaalis ak ndimbal ngir am këyitu tukki
because it is necessary to fulfill all the promises until death.
Ndaxte fàww ñu matal dige yépp ba ci dee.
Investigations can be easier and easier for the government to conduct.
Nguur gi mën na gëna yomba amal lànket.
Local governments do not need
Nguur yi soxla wuñu
Please do not change your address
Bul soppi sa adres
The beggar was lonely, and there was no one to talk to him.
Yalwaankat bi dafa wéet, amul kenn ku koy wax.
The public did not find a copy of a dictionary.
Ñépp gisu ñu benn diksoneer.
A wire rope is not a problem.
Fiil du jafe-jafe.
they have just finished their second trip
ñu ngi jeexal seen ñaareelu tukki
Ten people had lost their belongings.
Fukki nit ñàkk nañu seeni moomel.
The man's forehead snapped.
Jëwu ku góor ki daal di yëngu.
Your donations help us to keep costs low.
Seen ndimbal daf nuy jàppale nu wàññi njëg yi.
In children's theatre as well, the opportunity to play and direct various roles helps children to recognize the similarities and differences between people in their desires, beliefs and emotions.
Ci teyaatar xale itam, mën nañu jouer ak jiite ay rôle yu bari, loolu dafay jàppale xale yi ñu xam fu nit ñi nuru ak wuute ci seeni bëgg-bëgg, seen gëm-gëm ak seeni yëg-yëg.
All of this is not bad news for mankind.
Loolu lépp du xibaar bu bon ci doomu Aadama yi.
We may have court documents in Chinese or Russian.
Mën nañu am këyitu àttekaay ci làkku chinois wala russe.
the woman spoke with joy of her travels and of herself
ku jigéen ki wax ak bànneex ci tukki yi ak ci boppam
Here, not more than three miles away, was an area with a jagged wall full of western views
Fii, soriwul lu ëpp ñatti mile, amoon na barab bu am miir bu ñaw bu fees dell ak sowwu
He suggested searching for zero.
Muni ma seet nul.
Based on these findings, Centrelink developed specific strategies to educate potential beneficiaries and business owners on how to effectively manage their financial data.
Ci li ñu gis, Centrelink tëral ay pexe yu jëm ci jàngal ñi mëna am njariñ ak boroom liggéey yi ni ñuy yoree seen done xaalis ci anam wu jaar yoon.
Technology is merely a tool, not a business tool.
Xarala yu bees yi jumtukaay la, du jumtukaayu liggéey.
Hazmi and Mihdar rented a room for a year, for $500 a day
Hazmi ak Mihdar luwaas nañu néeg benn at, ñu fay $500 bis bu nekk
Some of the members have donated over $1,000 to the school.
Ñenn ci ndaw yi jox nañu daara ji lu ëpp $1,000.
Saving affects not only the value of wealth, but wealth itself influences the choice of saving.
Denc xaalis du yam ci valëru alal rek, waaye alal ci boppam mooy tànn ni ñuy denc xaalis.
These skills were inadequate, but little was done to develop or improve them.
Xam-xam yooyu doyul woon, waaye ñu def lu néew ngir gëna yokk seen mën-mën.
Indianapolis is the best place to work in the film industry
Indianapolis mooy barab bi gëna baax ngir liggéey ci wàllu filmu
as is usually the case, it was 75 during the winter
nimu koy faral di defee, 75 la woon ci hiver bi
The legislature is not the only political arena in Washington.
Du waa këru yoon kese ñoo am barabu politik ci Washington.
The cost of this workshop probably won't be covered by the ticket money
Amaana xaalisu biye bi du fay njëgu atelier bii
Rockefeller had given
Rockefeller joxoon na
The group had a name before this one that you would have thought was an Indian monkey.
Groupe bi amoon na tur balaa bii, dinga jàpp ni goorgu Inde la.
Canada has a safe air
Canada amna air bu wóor
I think you're right about this.
Yaakaar naa ni wax nga dëgg.
I'm obviously trying to do this.
Dama jéema def lii.
the board did not approve of the SBA
kilifa yi nangu wuñu SBA
The nation was founded on the belief that some people are better than others
Ñu ngi sos réew mi ci ngëm ni amna ñu gën ñeneen ñi
We have people who have donated over $1,000 to the law school.
Am nanu nit ñu jox lu ëpp $1,000 daara ju mag ji.
And Centrelink doesn't know how to solve problems
Te Centrelink xamul ni ñuy saafara jafe-jafe yi
All falsehoods have a symbolic value of their own.
Bépp fen amna lu muy màndargaal.
Whether a person chooses to save or not affects his wealth.
Bu nit tànnee denc xaalis am déet, mingi aju ci alal ji mu am.
how do you do exercise when you stretch your body and dance to music
naka ngay def tàggat yaram sooy tàllal sa yaram di fecc ci music
There are additional issues of audit requirements by local governments.
Amna yeneen mbir yu nguur yi sàkku ci audit bi.
00 has enabled us to provide guidance, encouragement and entertainment to nearly 400 children in the Indianapolis area.
00 may nanu nu mëna jàppale, ñaax ak bégal luy tollu ci 400 xale ci diwaanu Indianapolis.
the arts in the lower rooms were his main occupation
art yi ci néeg yi ci suuf ñoo gënoon liggéey
They haven't changed much in their surveillance program.
Coppite wuñu lu bari ci seen prograamu wattu.
filmmakers love Indianapolis because of its movie theaters
defarkatu filmu yi bëgg nañu Indianapolis ndax sinemaa yi
There is a difficulty that produces a rod of iron.
Amna jafe-jafe buy génne yetu weñ.
Bets on political contests and elections are also available on this website.
Parye yi ci joŋante politik ak eleksioŋ am nañu ci sitweb bii.
has a long history of innovation and diversity since before the twentieth century
amna taarix bu yaatu ci liggéey yu bees ak wuute balaa ñaar fukkeelu xarnu
And the beggar moves on and must see him as soon as he passes by.
Yalwaankat bi dem yoonam, te dafa wara gis ko bumu rombee rek.
The German government may have had a hard time conducting a quick and definitive investigation.
Nguuru Allemagne mën na am jafe-jafe amal lànket bu gaaw te leer.