He wanted to wipe the blood off with a towel.
Dafa bëggoon fomp deret ji ak sarbet.
The people complain about the burdens.
Nit ñi dañuy ñaxtu ndax coono bi.
The term has been overused.
Tur wi dañu ko jëfandikoo lu ëpp.
The group has only used one name so far
Groupe bi benn tur kese lañu jëfandikoo ba leegi
This business is more focused on technology.
Bisnees bii dafa gëna lalu ci xarala yu bees yi.
Certificates can be written in other languages.
Mën nañu bind sertifikaa yi ci yeneen làkk.
A lush green landscape was visible
paysage bu wert bu naat lañuy gis
it gets hot in the summer
ci ete bi dafay tàng
You're right, it's not an accident.
Wax nga dëgg, du aksidaa.
the woman was speaking with a heavy voice
ku jigéen ki dafa doon wax ak baat bu diis
A political day can begin at dawn.
Bisu politik mën na tàmbali ci fajar.
The cost of this project is very high.
Njëg li ci projet bi yéeg na lool.
In a white envelope, with your address on it
ci enveloppe bu weex, nga ci bind sa adres
Rockefeller was a communist
Rockefeller komunist la woon
The skies of Canada had no satellites
Asamaan bu Canada amul woon benn satelit
you can't imagine how rich Spin is in all sorts of ways
Mën nga xalaat ni Spin barie ci anam yu bari
We planned to appeal to this group to donate money to schools but no one has done so.
Nu ngi doon yéene ñaan mbooloo mii ngir ñu jàppale daara yi ci xaalis waaye kenn deful ko.
I command the King to give me an office contrary to the doctrine.
Maa ngi sant Buur bi mu jox ma liggéey bu dul ngëm.
Centrelink had many ways of telling people to keep their financial records because the government was losing a lot of money in errors.
Centrelink amoon na anam yu bari yu muy wax nit ñi ñu bind seen dokimaa ci wàllu xaalis ndax nguur gi dafay ñàkk xaalis bu bari ci njuumte yi.
Information group Average group is nine organizations per month
Kuréel giy joxe xibaar Kuréel gi gëna mag mooy juróom ñeenti mbootaayi weer wu nekk
to make a difference in the film industry, you have to go to Indianapolis
Soo bëggee indi coppite ci liggéeyum filmu, danga wara dem Indianapolis
if someone had read the book published in 1884, I'm sure he would have been surprised that he bought a hundred copies and didn't buy the shorter and clearer (and simpler) version
su amee ku jàng téere biñ siiwal ci 1884, gëm naani dina jaaxle ci limu jëndoon téemeeri eksemplaar te jëndul téere bi gëna gàtt te leer (te gëna yomba)
All bad things have the same sign
Lu bon yépp benn màndarga lañu
Children see how different generations are.
Xale yi gis nañu ni jamono yi wuute.
Trying to finish my project next week
Maa ngi jéema jeexal sama projet ayu-bis bii di ñëw
the night has come with your loved ones
guddi gi yegsi na ak say mbokk
Internet sites allow betting only on sports.
Situ internet yi duñu may ñu pari ci tàggat yaram kese.
some of them were running in our race with the measuring device for the figures
Ñenn ci ñoom dañu doon daw ci sunu kursu ak aparey biy natt lim yi
Thanks to our generous donations, we were able to invite Beyonce to give a concert for the Indianapolis orphans
Sunu saraxe yu bari yi ñu def, moo tax ñu mëna invite Beyonce mu def concert ngir doomi mbokk yi ci Indianapolis
the local council determines on a daily basis the amount of the SBA loan for each applicant
konsilu dëkk bi mooy dogal bis bu nekk ni xaalis bi SBA wara leble ngir ku nekk ci ñoom
She had a big smile on her face.
Mu am muuñam gu rëy ci kanamam.
I try to be patient
Maa ngi jéema muñ
I can't find the translation in the dictionary
Gisuma tekki bi ci diksoneer bi
Wealth and savings are rarely mutually exclusive.
Alal ak dencukaay duñu faral di wuute.
Investigations will be easier for the government to enforce.
Nguur gi dina gëna yombal amal lànket yi.
It sounded like a lot of fun and I was amazed at the amount of things that were allowed.
Daa melni lu neex la, te yéemu naa ci bariwaayu mbir yiñ may.
You are free to make changes to your address, if you see fit.
Yaa ngi sañ-sañ soppi sa adres, soo ko gisee.
The ticket money will cover our expenses for this workshop.
Xaalis biye bi mooy fay sunuy njëg ci atelier bii.
As a child growing up in the 50's, my happiest moments were when I was in the Civic Theatre.
Bi may nekk xale, di màgg ci 50 at, sama jamono yi ma gënoon kontaan mooy bima nekkee ci Civic Theatre.
you can compare them to how you used to do physical exercise when you stretched your body with your muscles
mën nga leen méngale ak ni ngay defee tàggat yaram sooy tàllal sa yaram ak say sidit
The gunfire was heard less than 100 miles from where I lived.
Fima dëkkoon amul 100 mile lañu dégg fetal bi.
circus performers are in the social hall
ñiy jouer sirk ñu ngi ci saal bi
Claimant is a licensed attorney in California
Kiy sàkku avocat la bu am lijjaassa ci Californie
no no I don't want you to die
déet déet bëgguma nga dee
the 1984 census is the best in the area
xayma limu nit ñi ci atum 1984 moo gëna baax ci gox bi
Do the same with your brothers
Defal noonu ak say mbokk
I'm not surprised that they were rude.
Jaaxle wuma ci ni ñu defee yëfi soxor.
Most of our plans to start.
Sunuy pexe yu bari dañu tàmbali.
as rick said, i was a senior defense attorney
Ni Rick waxee, defenseur bu mag laa woon
The island they approached was inhabitable
Ile bi ñu jegewoon mënoon na dëkk
I found the translation in the dictionary.
Gis naa tekki bi ci diksoneer bi.
They traveled a long way to fix everything.
Tukki nañu fu sori ngir defar lépp.
The pronoun should be used more often.
Pronoun bi lañu wara gëna faral di jëfandikoo.
it becomes more important to calculate the result of the election if the results of the elections are not consistent with other results
Dafay gëna am solo ñu xayma njariñu eleksioŋ yi sudee njariñu eleksioŋ yi méngoowul ak yeneen resultaa yi
Wealthy people tend to save a large portion of their income
Ñi am xaalis dañuy denc xaalis bu bari ci seen xaalis
But of course, animals are always on the loose, especially goats.
Waaye baayima yi dañuy mucc saa yu nekk, rawatina bëy yi.
The best feature of the postwar German constitution, then, was precisely the brutal murder of the Nazis.
Kon li gënoon fës ci sàrtu ndayu réewum Allemagne ginaaw xare bi mooy faat Nazi yi ci anam wu metti.
I'm thinking of waiting
Maa ngi xalaat xaar
His capacity was insufficient but little was done to correct this.
Kàttanam doyul woon waaye deful lu bari ngir saafara loolu.
After cutting off the feathers of his victims, he tried to hide them in a garbage can.
Bimu daggee dunqu mala yi mu ray, mu jéem leen nëbb ci poti mbalit mi.
gymnastics is good for the body, should I be good for the soul?
gymnastique baaxna ci yaram, ndax dama wara baax ci ruuh gi?
And they remain patient and helpful, even though they know that their beloved beach is no longer theirs.
Te dañuy wéy di jàppale nit ñi, doonte xam nañu ni tefes gi ñu bëgg nekkatul seen bopp.
Centrelink had many ways to teach people how to manage their finances.
Centrelink amoon na anam yu bari yu muy jàngal nit ñi ni ñuy yoree seen xaalis.
I don't want you to die
Bëgguma nga dee
On their way to Bosnia, see the intelligence report, interrogated by a Saudi al Qaeda member, October 3, 2001.
Bi ñuy dem Bosnie, xoolal rapooru juntuwaay yi, bi benn waa Saudi al Qaida laajee, ci 3 oktoobar, 2001.
it's hard to get a job in Indianapolis if you're in the film and theater industry, because it's a big city
Indianapolis amna liggéey bu jafe sudee danga nekk ci liggéeyum filmu ak tiyaatar, ndax dëkk bu mag la
We had hoped to give the children a Christmas party, but we were unable to do so.
Amoon nanu yéene defal xale yi noel, waaye mënu nu ko def.
Omnia vincit amor (working for the Weekly Standard): Brit Hume (Fox Memorial Sunday) begs them to say the same thing because Lewinsky can't... he's in a suitcase for the president
Brit Hume (Fox Memorial Sunday) defa leen di ñaan ñu wax luni mel ndax Lewinsky munul... mungi ci benn valise ngir njiit li
The Internet requires a lot of work.
Internet dafay laaj liggéey bu bari.
I think very carefully about the King's household.
Maa ngi xalaat bu baax kër Buur bi.
When I was a child, I hated going to the theater, so I became a scientist.
Bi may xale amoon naa bañ dem teyaatar, moo tax ma nekk gëstukat.
The School of Nursing needs your generous gifts to sustain and elevate its academic flowering.
Daara Infirmiye soxla na seen xéewal yu bari ngir mëna wéyal ak yéegal jëm kanam gi ci wàllu njàng.
He felt a painful sensation in his stomach.
Mu yëg luy metti ci biir.
I'll work until the next day
Dinaa liggéey ba ëlëg sa
I wonder if they gave you the bread with the hands.
May xalaat ndax loxo lañu la jox mburu mi.
At the same time, we have a good bad record to remember, which adds to the problem.
Ci jamano jooju, amnanu mbir yu baaxul yuñ wara fàttaliku, te loolu dafay yokk jafe-jafe bi.
They couldn't see land for miles, there's an endless ocean
Mënu ñu woon gis suuf si ay kilomeetar, amna géej gu amul àpp
the book is not for sale
téere bi du jaay
leave them alone for this part of the training you will relax your body
Bàyyileen ñu demal ci wàll wii ci tàggat yaram, dinga féexal sa yaram
Although there was a two-way partnership, there was no need for the company to change the division of management.
Ak liñu amoon ñaari yoon ñuy liggéeyandoo, amul njariñ liggéeyukaay bi di soppi xaaju kilifa yi.
I looked it up in the dictionary and couldn't find the translation
Ma seet ci diksoneer bi waaye gisuma tekki bi
they are active all day long via social media, all week long via a news desk in supporting and supporting the relief efforts of the poor
ñu ngi liggéey bis bi yépp jaaraleko ci reso sosio yi, ayu-bis bi yépp jaaraleko ci biro xibaar ngir jàppale ak jàppale liggéey biy jàppale néew ci doole yi
Brit Hume is the chief political correspondent for Fox.
Brit Hume mooy njiitu surnalist politik ci Fox.
This allowed the system to be regularly reviewed by designers before the companies could be contacted to purchase production equipment and how to make representatives for the exhibition.
Loolu tax na ñiy jëmmal ñu mëna xoolaat sistem bi saa yu nekk balaa ñuy jokkool ak liggéeyukaay yi ngir ñu jënd jumtukaayi liggéey bi ak ni ñuy amalee ay ndawu liggéey bi.
An al Qaeda operative made 18 trips to Bosnia in 2001
Benn soldaar bu Al Qaida defna 18 tukki ci Bosnie ci 2001
They made no major changes to their surveillance program.
Defu ñu benn coppite bu mag ci seen prograamu wattu.
most of the voters in the city accept paychecks and credit cards
wotekat yu bari ci dëkk bi dañuy nangu xëyma ak kàrtu kredi
I learned from the end of their likenesses and traditions
Jàngoon naa ci seen njeexte ak seeni aada
We have been able to help many children in Indianapolis.
Jàppale nanu xale yu bari ci Indianapolis.
The Nazis allowed it.
Nazi yi nangu nañu ko.
Goats jump out of the shed every day
Bëy yi dañuy tëb bis bu nekk
They are upset and hateful towards everyone now that they have to share the shore
Dañu mer ba noppi bañ ñépp leegi ndax dañu wara bokk tefes gi
He had his face covered with a veil.
Dafa muur kanamam.
if I hadn't been there I would have died
Suma fa nekkoon damaa dee
On Aug. 25, at the opening of a presidential convention in Atlantic City, N.J., Johnson, then 56, pledged on three separate occasions that he would not run for president.
Bisu 25 Uut, ci ubbite bu ndaje njiitu réew ma ci Atlantic City, N.J., Johnson amoon 56 att ci jamono jooju layoona ñetti yoon ni du dem wote njiitu réew.
people could only communicate by post or email
nit ñi mën nañu jokkoo ci post wala email
I graduated in 2002
Maa ngi am lijaasa ci 2002
I try my best
Maa ngi jéema def luma mën
Johnson believes he will have more support.
Johnson yaakaarna ni dina am ndimmbal bu gëna bari.
Initially, individuals can participate by making an unlimited annual gift of $1,000 or more to the chancellor's circle, or $500 or more to the council's associates.
Bi ñuy tàmbali, nit ñi mën nañu ci bokk suñu joxee kado bu amul àpp bu tollu ci $1,000 wala lu ëpp ci kuréelu sanseliye bi, wala $500 wala lu ëpp ci ñi ànd ak konsilu bi.