now he knows how to do it quickly
leegi xam na ni ñu koy defee ci gaaw
There's nothing we can do to change the test
Amul lenn luñu mëna def ngir soppi examen bi
And there was no way that some of the knowledge that was already there could have been acquired by those who were investigating it.
Te yenn ci xam-xam yi fi nekkoon mënoon nañu am ci ñi ko doon saytu.
The barking of a puppy disturbed the captain in the depths of his thought
Baatu kuti buy waay dafa jaaxal kapiteen bi ci biir xalaatam yu xóot yi
These boxes will remain unopened for a while
Box yii dina ñu des ubbiku ab diir
the film was not as Kaufman was talking about it
filmu bi nekkul woon ni ko Kaufman doon waxee
People from North America find it difficult to understand some of the vernaculars spoken in Britain.
Ñi bawoo Amerique du Nord dañu jafe dégg yenn làkk wi ñuy làkk ci Grande Bretagne.
Obtaining it would require immediate and extensive cooperation from the German government, which may be difficult to obtain.
Ngir mëna ko am fàww ñu jàppale nguuru Allemagne ci saasi, te loolu mën na nekk lu jafe.
We hope that those who receive the books will make a donation of $18.
Amnaa yaakaar ni ñiy jot téere yi dina ñu maye $18.
Preschoolers don't need as much help to learn as they do to play with toys
Xale yu tollu ci preschool soxla wuñu ñu jàppale leen ñu jàng ni ñuy fowee ay fowukaay
Beijing's open-air markets are some of the best in the world.
Marse luuma yi ci Beijing bokk nañu ci marse yi gëna baax ci àdduna bi.
The circle in the form of a box represents the welfare of all mailers and the diamond in the form of a bar represents the specific loss (if any) that would occur if the business were transferred to another entity.
Circle bi am formu boyet dafay màndargaal jàmm bépp mailer, diamand bi am formu bar dafay màndargaal perte bi (su amee) bu nara am sudee dañu toxal liggéey bi beneen mbootaay.
there is a guard who escaped from an open house where the treasure trove around Treasure Beach can be seen
Amna benn garde bu rëcci ci kër gu ubbeeku gi ñuy gis alal ji wër Treasure Beach
We assumed the payment would be made before the confirmation.
Xalaat nanu ni dina ñu fay laataa ñuy firndeel.
Unfortunately, your advisor advised you not to leave any gifts.
Li leer mooy sa xalaatkat daf lay digal nga moytu bàyyi benn kado.
The commander, who was observing the western flank as it fell, led the ESU around the perimeter of the fence, which, as you know, we tried to reach.
Komandant bi doon xool flank sowwu jant bi muy daanu, yóbbu ESU ci biir ñag bi, ni nga ko xamee, nu jéema yegg.
Then, the same lawyers make an effort to first review the new provider to answer questions and discuss any problems noted.
Ginaaw loolu, avocat yooyu dañuy njëkka xoolaat ki leen di jox paj mu bees mi ngir tontu ci laaj yi ak waxtaane bépp jafe-jafe buñu gis.
Our education and awareness program has been going on for years, but now we have also introduced a children's education program on bamboo.
Sunu prograamu njàngale ak yee nit ñi ci liggéey bi ay at a ngi nii, waaye leegi dugal nanu itam prograamu njàngale xale yi ci bamboo.
I asked him if he wanted me to give him more money
Ma laaj ko ndax bëgg naa ma dolli xaalis
They weren't here, they hadn't moved, they had moved at the end of the first decade.
Nekku ñu fi, toxu ñu, toxu nañu ci njeextelu fukki at yu njëkk ya.
Government officials have tried to increase their power by thinking differently.
Ndawi nguur gi jéem nañu yokk seen kàttan ci yeneen xalaat.
But I will never forget that I was no better than a slave in your uncle's house in Barbados, whom you used with a certain kindness
Waaye duma musa fàtte ni gënuma woon jaam ci këru sa ndijaay ci Barbade, nga jëfandikoo ko ci lu baax
Despite his insistence that life is worth living.
Ak limu doon wax ni dundu jarna ko.
As she told him to come to the veranda he had tears in his eyes.
Bimu ko wax mu ñëw ci veranda bi, mu am rangooñ ci ay bëtëm.
Some communities have clergymen who are not members of the clergy.
Yenn dëkk yi dañu am njiiti diine yu bokkul ci njiiti diine yi.
Lite and Light are used to describe wines and spirits.
Lite ak Light ñu ngi koy jëfandikoo ngir wax ci vin ak alkol.
There are no flights coming in.
Amul avion buy dugg.
I guess that's what your kind does with it.
Maa ngi jàpp ni noonu la say xeetu nit di defee.
Many jobs are overly ambitious.
Liggéey yu bari dañu bëgg lu ëpp.
Half of all rifles fired false positives due to the use of one hand.
Genn-wàll ci bunduxatal yépp dañu fexe njuumte ndax jëfandikoo benn loxo.
The roommate who rented a room to Hazmi and Migdhar in 2000 is apparently a law-abiding citizen with long, friendly contacts between the local police and FBI agents.
Ki ñu nekkal Hazmi ak Migdhar ci atum 2000, dafa melni ab doomu réew la buy topp yoon, te barina ay xaritoo yu am solo diggante poliisu dëkk bi ak ay ndawu FBI.
No, he did not.
Déedet, deful ko.
those who believe it is their duty to serve the public are the same as those who believe that corporations are the most valuable asset to the state and that South Carolinians work together
ñi gëm ni seen wareef la ñu liggéeyal askan wi ñoom ak ñi gëm ni liggéeyukaay yi ñooy alal ji gëna am solo ci réew mi, te waa Caroline du Sud ñooy liggéeyandoo.
Since he said that he had been watching the game with malice, the supervisor withdrew from Hazmi and Midhar, but they had not yet received the help they needed
Bimu waxee ni dafa doon seetaan match bi ak fitna, kilifa gi dafa génn ci Hazmi ak Midhar, waaye jota guñu woon ndimbal li ñu soxla.
The man came later.
Ku góor ki ñëw ci ganaw.
it is true that there is absolutely no
dëgg la amul benn
Behold the scorching heat in the heavens in the heat of the day, the scorching heat
Xool-leen tàngoor wu metti wi ci asamaan ci tàngooru bëccëg gi, tàngoor wu metti wi
Tung thinks that speculators are acting immorally.
Tung dafa yaakaar ni spekulatër yi dañu def lu jaarul yoon.
If we keep our prices low, we have to come to you, our disobedient members, to ask for a small contribution to help us meet this task.
Sunu tëye sunuy njëg, fàww nu ñëw ci yéen, yéen sunuy mbootaay yu déggadi, ngir sàkku ci tuuti ndimbal ngir jàppale nu ci liggéey bii.
the film gave Kaufman the opportunity to tell the story
filmu bi moo may Kaufman mu nettali jaar-jaar bi
Mihdhar didn't get a passport, so he didn't come to the US.
Mihdhar amul passport, moo tax ñëwul Etats Unis.
There were calls from 11 Americans every 15 minutes.
Amoon na woote yu bawoo ci 11 doomi Amerique 15 simili yu nekk.
Let's Learn has been going on for eight years
Nanu jàng defna jiroom ñatti at
were killed in World War II in 1970
ñu faat leen ci ñaareelu guerre mondiale ci 1970
The banks of the Golden Mile
Mile d'Or
Our target has exceeded $300,000.
Sunu mébet weesuna $300,000.
The bomb had no chance of exploding
Bomb bi amul woon chance kalaate
He treated me well while I was a slave in Barbados.
Bi may nekk jaam ci Barbade, daf ma yar bu baax.
if we had stayed in the same place, we would have found it
sunu dëkkoon ci benn barab, danu ko fekk
Attorneys visited for an hour
Avocat yi seeti nañu leen ci diiru benn waxtu
The Tennessee native used the dog weather `hot, rainy weather,' which may be derived from the dog days idiom referring to the dry weather of August.
Waa Tennessee yi dañu jëfandikoo klimaa bi xaj bi di "tàngoor, taw,' te loolu mën na joge ci kàdduy bis yi xaj yi di wax ci klimaa bi tàng ci weeru ut bi.
Once the investigation is complete, it may reveal the whereabouts of the three fugitives.
Bu lànket bi jeexee, mën nañu xam fu ñatti ñi daw nekk.
The reason for this is that you promised to rebuild on the land I told you about.
Li ko waral mooy dig ngeen tabaxaat ci suuf si ma leen waxoon.
The change is based on a statistic that indicates a 10 percent increase in the well-being of mailers.
Coppite bi dafa sukkandikoo ci lim bu wane ni 10 pursaa ci ñiy yónnee bataaxal dañu yokk seen dundu.
Hazmi and Mihdar bought a house and did not even communicate with anyone.
Hazmi ak Mihdar jënd nañu kër te jokkoo wuñu ak kenn.
The consolation gift is a razor sharp for every human being.
Kado consolation bi lu ñaw la ci bépp doomu aadama.
The boy is astonished that he has a wound worse than an iron thorn.
Xale bi yéemu bimu amee ab góom bu ëpp dék weñ.
how could he be so cruel
naka lay mënee def yëfi soxor nii
there was no one left around the corner when the plane around the west collapsed
amul kenn ku desoon ci koñ bi avion bi wër sowwu jant daanu
Just take out the bottom half, check the applicable option, make any changes to your address if necessary, and send it in a sealed envelope.
Dindil genn-wàll gi ci suuf, nga xool tànneef bi war, nga soppali sa adres su ko jaree, nga yónnee ko ci enveloppe buñu tëj.
if we rely on a representative of the board, the application of section 605 (b) if no one has been appointed by the Mayor to strengthen the offices of the lower houses
sudee nu ngi wéeru ci ndawu mbootaay gi, jëfandikoo article 605 (b) sudee Mayor bi tànnul kenn ngir dooleel buro yi ci néegu ndaw yi
I alone could have been responsible for maintaining the balance of power in the lower chambers
Man kese moo mënoon tëye ekilibre doole ci néeg yi gëna suufe
Charles Lane won the pulitzer.
Charles Lane moo jël raw gàddu gi.
I don't agree with you there's always
Ànduma ak yaw saa yu nekk
Then the governor and the elders sent to them, asking them to help them in the matter.
Noonu boroom réew ma ak njiit ya yónnee ci ñoom, ñu dimbali leen ci mbir moomu.
should I make it more difficult for her to be brave in the face of the odds?
Ndax dama wara gëna jafeel ko mu nekk njammbaar ci jafe-jafe yi?
I learned that the United States cuts clothes in two ways before I go home.
Jàngoon naa ni Etats Unis dafay dagg yéere ci ñaari anam balaa may ñibbi.
The doctor brought me a bottle of wine that Christmas
Doktër bi indil nama benn butéelu vin ci noel bi
A schoolchild does not need the knowledge of astrology in order to find out mysteries on his own.
Xale bu jàngi daara soxlawul xam astrologie ngir mëna xam kumpa yi ci boppam.
She quickly wiped away her tears after Joe threw himself off the porch.
Mu daal di fomp ay rangooñam ci saasi ginaaw bi Joe sànnee boppam ci veranda bi.
The agents of the State refused to change their ways.
Ndawi réew mi nangu wuñu soppi seen doxalin.
We thought the payment might be premature and fraudulent.
Jàppoon nanu ni fayukaay bi mën na teel te dafay njuuj njaaj.
Treasure Beach is part of one of the area's tourist attractions.
Treasure Beach bokk na ci barab yi turist yi di daje.
The best way forward for gun control is to use both feet.
Li gëna wóor mooy nga jëfandikoo say tànk yépp.
And now that he's retired and done what he's done for the past three years, this is what he said, and he's still speaking with sadness and, of course, the pain that his grandmother had caused him
Leegi bimu retrete ba noppi def limu def ci ñetti at yii weesu, lii mooy limu wax, te ba leegi mingi wax ak naqar, te mën nañu ni, metit wi maam ju jigéen ji ko indil
Yes, he did very well.
Waaw, def na ko bu baax.
Beijing's strict curfew does not allow open-air markets within the city limits.
Couvre feu bu tar bi Beijing tëral nanguwul marse luuma yi ci biir dëkk bi.
It takes up to three months to complete a full-length canvas print using full-length canvas.
Soo bëggee imprime toil bu mat sëkk, nga jëfandikoo toil bu mat sëkk, mën nga ko def lu tollu ci ñetti weer.
I would declare unto thee all that I know, and I would declare unto thee all that I know.
Bëgg naa la xamal lépp luma xam, te dinaa la xamal lépp luma xam.
According to the report, dog weather has been used to describe seasonal rains.
Sunu sukkandikoo ci rapoor bi, klimaa bi xaj lañu jëfandikoo ngir wax ci taw yiy am ci jamono ji.
You should be able to deduct taxes from your savings.
War nga mëna dindi juuti ci sa xaalis bi nga denc.
knowledge about the circulatory system can be gained by testing different types of tissues
xam-xam bi jëm ci sistem sirkulatoir mën nañu ko am ci saytu xeeti tisu yu bari
To keep our ticket prices under $10, we will require each of our audience members to donate $25.
Ngir njëgu biye yi wàññeeku ci $10, dina nu sàkku ci ku nekk ci sunuy way teewlu mu joxe $25.
In what ways?
Ci ban anam?
Let's celebrate the one year anniversary of the launch of the learning and discovery program this coming month
Nanu màggal benn at bi ñu tàmbale prograamu jàng ak gis-gis ci weer wii di ñëw
Local governments are able to make their own rules
Nguur yi mën nañu tëral seeni sàrt
other animal experiments can be used to share knowledge about spin distributions
yeneen jàngat ci baayima mën nañu ko jëfandikoo ngir séddoo xam-xam ci séddale spin
I've never seen anything with an iron rod.
Musu ma gis lu am weñ.
It was cruel to me, it hurt me more than garbage.
Daf ma mettiwoon, gaañ nama lu ëpp mbalit.
The group had an earlier name, the Beaneaters, but in a strange way, it could also be considered an Indian tribe.
Waa kuréel gi amoon nañu tur wu njëkk, di Beaneaters, waaye ci anam wu doywaar, mën nañu ko jàppee ni waa Inde la.
It was a visit from a lawyer.
Avocat la woon.
There was a high risk of an explosion
Amoon na risku kalaate bu rëy
The nation was born free and founded on the principle that all men are created equal.
Réew mi juddu na moom boppam, ñu taxaw ci njàngalem ñépp ñu yamale.
the climate, the weather is pleasant (but the mystery remains unsolved) and the sea conditions make it an ideal time for diving, snorkeling and other marine activities
klimaa bi, klimaa bi neex na (waaye kumpa bi dese na luñu xamul) ak anam wi géej gi di doxee moo tax mu nekk jamono ju baax ngir féey, snorkeling ak yeneen mbir ci géej gi
Technology is closely linked to the business process in these organizations because technology is seen as a means to facilitate business, not just a tool.
Xarala yu bees yi dañu lëkkaloo bu baax ak doxalinu liggéey bi ci mbootaay yooyu ndax dañu jàpp ni xarala yi dañuy yombal liggéey bi, du jumtukaay rek.
I've learned about your kind and their customs.
Jàngoon naa sa xeet ak seeni aada.
There was no communication from the 11 Americas.
Amul woon benn jokkoo ci 11 Amerique yi.
Change by itself does not imply a new way.
Coppite ci boppam mënul tekki yoon wu bees.
Lite is not that bad.
Lite baaxul noonu.
The German government may find it difficult to conduct a prompt and thorough investigation.
Mën na am jafe-jafe ci nguuru Allemagne amal lànket bu gaaw te xóot.