Adding to this dismal record of civil liberties is the FBI's misuse of the real investigation of the White House tourist office, and what has come to be known as Filegate.
Liy yokk ci mbiri moom sa bopp bu tiis bi moy FBI defa jëfandikoo bu baax laŋket bu dëggu bi ci biro turist bu kër gu Weex gi ak li ñuy woowe Filegate.
Regular crystals can store large amounts of information.
Kristal yi mën nañu denc leeral yu bari.
These companies place a strong emphasis on technology
Defarkat yooyu dañu gëna bàyyi seen xel ci xarala yu bees yi
they could have informed the headquarters that it was too late to build new offices
mënoon nañu wax makaanu liggéeykat bi ni yàgg naa tabax buro yu bees
They were unable to determine who was the housekeeper and who was the housekeeper.
Mënuñu woon xam kan mooy surga bi ak kan mooy surga bi.
The meaning may change if you try to make a report too long.
Soo jéemee def rapoor bu gudd lool, li muy tekki mën na soppiku.
What we've planned
Li ñu waajal
Players can participate after making as little as $50.
Juër yi mën nañu ci bokk suñu defee $50.
Athletes are born with all their working abilities fully developed.
Atlet yi dañuy judduwaale seen kàttan liggéey bu mat sëkk.
It produces very little noise because of a properly installed engine.
Defar na tuuti bruit ndax dañu samp motër bi nimu waree.
Blood's mind was on that meal and another meal as he rested on the bed.
Blood mingi doon xalaat ci lekk googu ak beneen lekk bimu noppee ci lal bi.
He wanted to drain the blood with a syringe
Dafa bëggoon dindi deret ji ak seringe
Protesters at the World Trade Center protest against the attacks
Fippukat yi ci World Trade Center ñungi ñaxarlu njang mi
In 2003, these sections were disbanded; now all cases involving the treatment of foreign nationals are grouped by name, 315
Ci atum 2003, dañu tas wàll yooyu; leegi bépp dosiye bu jëm ci pajum ay doomi bitim réew dañu leen boole ci seeni tur, 315
look at the girl in the white dress with the white pants and the white shoes
xoolal xale bu jigéen bi sol robb bu weex ak pàntaloŋ bu weex ak dàll yu weex
It is beautiful and rainy.
Dafa rafet, di taw.
And I cried out in the streets of the land,
Ma daldi yuuxu ca mbeddi réew mi:
The book is not very popular.
Téere bi siiwul lool.
Make your head dizzy with the heat.
Defal sa bopp miir ndax tàngoor wi.
The water and the sea are kept clean
Ndox mi ak géej gi dañu leen set
There are many details that I cannot reveal to him.
Barina mbir yu ma mënu ko wax.
They call it an adult day care but it's an institution for the elderly.
Dañu koy woowe daycare ngir mag ñi waaye barabu mag ñi la.
The FBI couldn't even find the man after he left Florida in 2001.
FBI munul woon gis nit ki ginaaw bimu jogee Floride ci 2001.
It was obvious to everyone that his time in prison had thoroughly corrected him.
Ñépp xam nañu ni jamono ji mu nekkee kaso daf ko jubbanti bu baax.
The wise answer, Interview with Binalshibh, Oct. 1, 2002.
Tontu bu am xel, waxtaan ak Binalshibh, 1 oktoobar 2002.
Software companies avoid Capitals for legal reasons.
Defarkati losisel yi duñu jëfandikoo Capital ndax sababi yoon.
the girl cried for the glass to be lifted to the sky
Xale bu jigeen bi di yuuxu ngir ñu yëkkati kaas bi ci asamaan si
We have a long way to go before we reach our goal of $365,000 from our friends and registered supporters like you.
Am nanu yoon wu gudd balaa nuy yegg ci sunu mébet di $365,000 ci sunuy xarit ak sunuy jàppalekat yu bind seen tur ni yaw.
The oldest and largest university publishing company - Oxford - announced that it would stop publishing its poetry collection.
Sosiete bi gëna mag te gëna mag ci siiwal téere ci daara ju kawe ji - Oxford - xamlena ni dina bàyyi siiwal ay taalifam.
We receive more than 100 calls every Monday and Friday.
Altine ak aljuma bu nekk dañuy jot lu ëpp 100 woote.
yes people, they should have been the first to admit that they could have made their own decisions if it had been up to them
waaw nit ñi, ñoo wara njëkka nangu ni mënoon nañu jël seen dogal su fekkoon ni ñoom ñoo ko tànn
Two emerging concepts in education may help in future research.
Ñaari mbir yu bees ci wàllu njàng mën nañu la jàppale ci gëstu yi ci kanam.
Blood fell asleep when you didn't sleep on his bed.
Deret nelawoon na bi nga nelawul ci lal bi.
And yet he has become what he has become and has done what he has done for the past three years, he said, but he said it badly now, despite his earlier contempt.
Te nak nekkaatna limu doon, te defna limu def ci ñetti at yii ñu genni, neena, waaye waxna ko lu baaxul leegi, doonte daa ko xañ bu njëkk.
It was very easy to see at any distance.
Yomb naa gis fu sori.
I am not naive when it comes to love.
Duma ñàkk xam-xam ci wàllu mbëggeel.
It's really bad out here. There's been a shooting at three houses near our house.
Fii dafa bon lool. Amna ñu fetal ci ñatti kër yu jege sunu kër.
The museum doesn't like billboards.
Muse bi bëggul tablo publicite.
Maintain good communication with him.
Nanga wéy di jokkoo bu baax ak moom.
Training with full pressure suits takes time
Taggat yaram ak yéere yu mat sëkk dafay laaj jotu tàggat yaram
some people think that everyone is equal
Ñenn jàpp ni ñépp a yem
My favorite Civic Theatre producer was Beauty and the Beast.
Producteur bima gëna bëgg ci Civic Theatre mooy Taar bi ak Rab wi.
They could not agree on who should do the weaving and who should do the carpeting.
Mënuñu woon déggoo ci kan moo wara ràbb ak kan moo wara defar moket bi.
Candidates can participate if they have set a lot of money.
Kandida yi mën nañu ci bokk sudee dañu def xaalis bu bari.
Ticket sales and bookings account for seventy percent of all season usage
Jaay biye ak reservation ñooy juróom ñatti fukki pursaa ci jëfandikoo sesoŋ bi yépp
You can think of a man who is a traveling merchant
Mën nga xalaat góor guy tukki
Not a single study of the accumulated knowledge of the past has been able to separate the papers of the navigators, the papers of the ships, and the papers of the modern sailors.
Amul benn njàngat ci xam-xam biñ dajale ci jamono yu jëkk yi, bu mëna tàqale këyitu navigateur yi, këyitu gaal yi, ak këyitu nawigatëri jamono jii.
did not have the knowledge to demonstrate the effectiveness of computer programs
amul woon xam-xam bi war ngir wane njariñu prograami ordinatër yi
any change in the status of the persecutor is justifiable
bépp coppite ci nekkinu kiy sonal mën na nekk
Regular crystals are not designed to store information.
Kristal yiñ gëna xam defaru ñu ngir denc ay leeral.
I decided to execute the emperor's decree without waiting
Ma jël dogal ni damay def li empereur bi santaane te duma xaar
The Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force just started his new assignment this week.
Njiitu estaaf bu U.S. Air Force mingi tàmbali liggéeyam bu bees bi ayu-bis bii.
Applying heat to one's head is a good way to improve concentration and open the mind.
Sooy def tàngoor ci sa bopp, loolu dina tax nga mëna bàyyi sa xel ci sa xel, ba noppi ubbi sa xel.
The publication of the collection continued at Oxford.
Ñu wéyal siiwal téere bi ci Oxford.
you will see images
Di nga gis ay nataal
Include such factors as short deadlines, access to computer files, and the pressure of obtaining necessary documents.
Boole ci mbir yu melni waxtu yu gàtt yi, jot ci fichier ordinatër yi, ak jafe-jafe yi nga wara am ngir am këyit yi war.
I won't talk about the city council because there's too much to say about it
Duma wax ci konsilu ville bi ndax barina luñu ci mëna wax
He was not pleased that he had killed so many men three years earlier.
Li mu rey nit ñu bare nii ñetti at ci kanam, neexul woon.
Fishing is a popular activity that is shared across many different cultures.
Napp liggéey bu siiw la, te barina aada yu wuute.
Nafplio is a bad foundation
Nafplio fondation bu baaxul la
Because these boxes will remain in their wrappings long after all the gifts have been opened
Ndaxte ëmb yooyu dina ñu des ci seen mbalit lu yàgg ginaaw buñu ubbee kado yépp
Mergers and restructurings created a chaotic work environment.
Liggéeyukaay yi ak yamale yi dañu indi jafe-jafe ci liggéey bi.
The noise distracted Captain Blood from his duties
Bruit bi dafa dindi kapiteen Blood ci liggéeyam
the thesaurus they used was part of the standard thesaurus
tesaurus bi ñu jëfandikoon bokk na ci tesaurus biñ miin
Water and the ocean may be polluted
Ndox mi ak géej gi mën nañu tilim
And Mileru was right in the middle of the city
Mileru mingi woon ci diggu dëkk bi
The newspapers are not as popular.
Journal yi siiwu ñu noonu.
Blood meditated on it while he was there.
Deret ji dafa ci xalaat bimu nekkee foofu.
It was scary that the sun was always shining.
Dafa raglu ndax jant baa ngi leer saa yu nekk.
This is what they were fighting for.
Loolu mooy li ñu doon xeex.
The announcement is the final step.
Koom-koom mooy jéego bu mujj bi.
We are seeking more than $300,000
Danuy wut lu ëpp $300,000
WHAT THEY MEAN, EVERY GIFT is a difference!
Education can change the way we test things.
Njàngale mën na soppi anam wi ñuy saytu mbir yi.
yes, some of the people you know may not be the ones who make the best decisions
waaw, yenn ci nit ñi nga xam mën nañu baña jël dogal yi gën
The researcher asked for the opportunity to test the application of the knowledge he had accumulated
Gëstukat bi dafa laaj ñu may ko jot ngir natt xam-xam bi mu dajale
And they said unto me, Thou shalt call me by a man, and I shall meet him at the end.
Ñu ne ma: “Dangay woo ci genn nit, ma dajeek moom ca mujj.”
It was so good that two or three planes came in a week and I didn't know where they were going.
Neexoon na lool ba ñaar walla ñetti avion ñëw ci ayu-bis bi te xamuma fumu jëm.
If each person receives the book he will donate $18.
Ku nekk jot téere bi dina jox $18.
There's been a shooting at least 100 miles from where we live
Amoon na benn fetal bu sori 100 mile ci fi ñu dëkk
In measuring success, perfection is not to be found.
Sooy natt ndam, doo gis ku baax.
The FBI had no way of knowing who the brother was.
FBI mënul woon xam kan mooy rakk bu góor bi.
The boxes are loaded with high-explosive devices.
Box yi dañu fees dell ak ay aparey yuy kalaate bu baax.
how could a person do this
naka la nit mënee def lii
The museum's treasure is the proverb of names.
Barina muse bi mooy léebu tur yi.
South Carolina's civil rights movement was celebrated the following year
At mi ci topp lañu màggal fenomen yelleefi askan wi ci Caroline du Sud
Capt. Blood was able to think out his demented thoughts without interruption
Kapiteen Blood mënoon na xalaat ci xalaatam yu dof yi te kenn du ko dakkal.
know how to do the math quickly
xam ni ñuy gaawe defee math
Mr. Singleton is an oppressive convict in Florida.
M. Singleton ab daankat bu ñuy sonal la ci Floride.
so I don't really know why
Kon xamuma lu tax
As it turns out, of course, there are English dialects quite different in Britain from those in North America, and anyone who has spent any time listening to them knows that some are not understandable.
Waaye nak amna ay dialect yu Angale yu wuute lool ci Grande Bretagne ak yi ci Amerique du Nord, te képp ku leen déglu lu yàgg xam nga ni amna ci yu kenn xamul.
In the case of American 11, the last regular communication from the aircraft was at 8:13 A.M.
Ci lu jëm ci American 11, jokkoo bi mujjee am ci roppalaan bi mooy 8:13 A.M.
They removed the computer files from IBM.
Dindi nañu fichier ordinatër yi ci IBM.
the girl is wearing white robes
xale bu jigéen bi sol robb yu weex
Ocean temperature changes between 18 and 24 degrees C (64 and 75 degrees F)
Tàngooru géej gi dafay soppeeku diggante 18 ak 24 degre C (64 ak 75 degre F)
He speaks with enthusiasm about his events and personality.
Dafay wax ak cawarte ci mbir yi xew ak ci jikkoom.
Most of the investors wanted to invest in Chancellors Associates.
Ñi gëna bari ci ñiy dugal seen xaalis bëggoon nañu dugal seen xaalis ci Chanceliers Associates.
You can't blame someone who works on a cruise ship.
Mën nga ŋàññi kuy liggéey ci gaal giy tukki.
The practice of meditation sometimes helps one to meditate on higher levels of consciousness.
Jëfandikoo meditation yenn saa yi dafay jàppale nit ki mu medite ci niveau conscience yu gëna kawe.
We can get you trained to use full stress suits at the end of the day.
Mën nanu la jàngal ni ngay sol yéere stress bu mat sëkk ci njeexte bis bi.