if chickens are comes from eggsand eggs lays by chickens then who came first in the world ?
if u try to fail and succeedwhat have u done ? can vegetarians eat animal crackers ? why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections ? First question simply put you have succeeded at failing . It would still be a failure to those around you but you could silently applaud yourself for a job well failed . Second I know a vegetarian that wont eat them just because they are called animal crackers her sister is a vegan and wont eat them because most are made with egg or milk product . I would look at the ingredients and if they have animal byproducts that you wont eat then dont buy em .. Unless thier for me ... because I will bite all thier little heads off and then eat a steak ... Now this third one is a little different . You ask why they would sterilize them and I asked my mother who is a nurse what she thought about it .. She simply put me in this situation . If your about to give lethal drugs to someone and lets say you used a dirty needle . I said yeah ... so And what happens if you slip and the needle goes into your arm ? I said It would never happen but yeah good point . So I would have to say that if you are using a needle even if its not for your arm ... you wouldnt want to be on the wrong end of something that isnt sterilized . Trust me its not for the safety of the inmate about to be put down .... Its for the safety of the nurse givin the shot . Hope this clarifies anything your still asking yourself . Thanks for letting me respond .
Draw a picture that shows hydrogen bonding between H2O and NH3 .? HOH ..... HNHHKEY ........ hbond sp3 sigma bond cnat remamber if this is accurate ... ignore this . i used it to push the H under the N ... note the H2O has a slight bend like a boomerang due to the 2 lone pairs of electrons on O . and the branching in NH3 has a flat tripod like shapeps please refrain from asking people to draw things here its very difficult ... Good thing i have patience ... Your Welcome ...
in basketball whats a suicide ? is it like running back and forth ? Its an exercise where you run the entire court touching down in intnervals until youve completed the exercise on both sides of the court .
Would changing my first name affect major parts of my life ? I want to change my first name from Corie to Corianne . Its more feminine and professional . But my parents think if I change my name it will affect my credit college transcripts etc . They said it would be hard in the future to get a job or a loan because changing your first name makes you look suspicious . Is this true ? I really want to go through with it but not if its going to be a huge hassle . LOL I changed my whole name once completely different . I even eliminated my middle name entirely . All it takes here in my county is 75 . 00 and an appearance in a small claims court . You answer a few questions such as why you are changing your name if you are doing so to evade creditors which the answer has to be no etc . After the judge grants you the change you have to send in for a change on your birth certificate social security card and whatever else . It is really easy and for such a small change as yours it will be even easier . Very few applications ask whether you have ever gone by another name . I work in healthcare so I had to disclose my other name once but that was it . You know what ? I changed my name back a year later . I just decided to go back to my original name and it was even easier than the first change . Hopefully it is the same in your area but laws do sometimes differ .
can anyone give info on underwater monlith off W . A .? I was not able to get a definitive answer on this but I found thisIf youre heading out to Avon Valley be sure to see the stupendous Wave Rock a monolith shaped like a giant wave . 1330 mi2140 km southwest of Alice Springs . Perhaps this is what youre talking about .
Starting a GSA in my high school ...? I would love to start a GayStraight Alliance at my school but I need a teacher sponsor and I just dont know where I could begin to ask . Also I am out to all my friends but none of my family and do you think this is a worthwhile endeavor considering that I know now is not the time to tell them gearing up for senior year is stressful enough ... I know if not now when but I will I just dont want to rush it ? Would it even be worth the trouble ? I would check out what they have on the GLSEN website they have a whole student section with stuff about how to start a GSA be helpful . As for asking teachers I would try to find the most liberal one you can think of . I would look for a teacher who is 1 under 35 2 teachers something not math computers or science look at music psych social studies librarians or sex ed teaches 3 if you cant think of someone talk to your principal or vice principal whomever is in charge of student activities and ask for suggstions 4 and just scew up your courage and ask . Pitch it as you want to form this club to combat bullying and antigay harassment and give support to fellow gay students as well as build bridges between gay and straight people . Yes someone might turn you down . Yes they might get all uncomfortable and weird and turn you down . But you know what thats life kiddo . People are going to turn you down people are going to treat you like a freak because you are gay some people are going to be down right bitchy about it . But that is exactly why you need a GSA because it is rough to be gay . If you cave now youll spend the rest of your life feeling like a dumbshit for not just going through with it . Some rejection from a teacher who you will never see again after graduation is not going to ruin your life . And you shouldnt be embarassed becuase some people are phobes . If some teacher turns you down they are the ones who should be embarassed and you should make them feel as such . If they turn you down just lay on the old guilt . Say that youre sorry that they are not more willing to be accepting and supporting of diversity in the student body and say that you are really disapointed that you will not be getting their support because it is so necessary for teachers to take a stand and lend authority to antibullying efforts . Youve got nothing to feel bad about because some people are cowards freaks and phobes .
Why would God create the dinosaurs only to kill them off ? Is He imperfect ? Im glad theyre gone . Can you imagine driving around town today with a dinosaur roaming around ? I hate dodging SUVs like Hummers just imagine dodging a Brontosaurus Fossil fuel thats a reason we needed them to die we have oil deposits from them . Everything happens for a reason dont forget that .
why do you men cheating when you already know you have something good ? There are two or three kinds of cheaters . The worst kind and I know several are the immature selfish type who seem to need to prove to themselves over and over that they still have it or somehting like that . Then there is the guy who loses it once or twice . Men who travel a lot and women get very lonely at night . Hard to describe but Ive been there . The porn industry makes a killing by selling all kinds of adult programs to hotel travellers . They really miss home ... the wrong situation the wrong time perhaps there was an angry exchange with the wife ... some hot babe walks into the bar and sits next to him ... it happens . The third kind is the guy or woman who has been in a loveless marriage for years . There is a nice house kids community life and all kinds of great things that came from the marriage . But somewhere along the way the romance died . Husbands and wives spend so much time battling over emotional territory work so hard to get what they want out of the marriage ... lots of wives offer sex as a reward for good behavior . It seems to work so well that they never give it away for free lest they lose that leverage . Husbands may in turn stop doing anything unless they get a reward for it . Sick I know but those of you whove been married for a long while know what Im talking about . The husband or wife who cheats on that marriage is usually desperate for genuine intimacy . Love that doesnt require a high score on the report card . The women who use the vagina as a wrench arent terribly happy either and are just as likely to be seduced into the cheat . It is a sad state of affairs . Unfortunately the young immature guy or gal who cheats early on for selfish reasons pretty much destroys the trust needed to find real intimacy . He or she will wind up at an early age in the third kind of loveless marriage . The key I think is to never use sex for leverage . Never It is a shared intimacy that only the two can share . If you want a new car or tennis bracelet just ask . Amaze him with your passion and give him a place of emotional refuge at home . He will be so grateful that hell bring home gifts on his own . Those are the best kind .
Help with myspace . com backgrounds and stuff ? I just joined the myspcae . com and was wondering if anyone could help me get my page up and working . I cant figure out how to set the background on my page like everyone is doing . It would really help if someone could talk me through it . If possible try IMing me at chucksangelinpink on the yahoo messenger ? this is one website check it out and Id be happy to talk you throught it if you find something you like on there if not I will help you find more sites its really fun to desing them
what is LC means in a overseas business imports exports ? Letters of Credit a commercial letter of credit issued by a bank on behalf of the importer . In the document the bank agrees to honor a draft drawn on the importer provided the bill of lading and other details are in order . In essence the bank substitutes its credit for that of the importer . Obviously the local bank will not issue a letter of credit unless it feels the importer is creditworthy and will pay the draft . The letter of credit arrangement almost eliminates the exporters risk in selling goods to an unknown importer in another country .
why iam al ways thinking negtively if want o do some works then first comes in my mind negetive things why ? hy iam al ways thinking negtively if want o do some works then first comes in my mind negetive things why if i go for any work first in my mind negitive things only . i keep on thinking about negetive things only its comes in chilwood to till noe iam 25 year now so what to do for postive thinks I cant really tell what you are asking ... Are you saying that you dont want to work or .... Ok as far as negative thinking A wise woman once told me Never let a negative thought stay in your mind for more than 3 minutes . So the next time you find yourself thinking negatively you need to become aware aka selfaware and put a STOP to it . You are the only one that can controll you and your thoughts . So if you HONESTLY want to put a stop to it you need to use will power and just Stop what it is that you are doing . As for work ... Youre NEVER going to become successful if you have a negative attitude . People dont like hanging around negative people . No one is going to want to be around you if you bring them down . So if you want to be successful win friends and influence people you must become the person that you youself would like to be around . Only you have the power to change . Next time you find yourself thinking negatively look at you watch give yourself 3 minutes and get over itGood Luck
I have a Cannon 560s printer that I need to get a download for to put it on my computer but I cnt find one I went to Cannons websight but can not find the download for my printer I have never heard of a 560sthere is a 560i and canon . com does have a driver for it under the downloads section .
Would my girlfriend break up with me if she found out Im atheist ? Shes christian but not that religious if she loves you she woudlnt
Should I be angry with my husband ? We have been married for almost 2 years and together almost 4 . I grew up an only child and very independent . My husband claims to be independent but his mother is very controling and ALWAYS did things for both the boys especially him since he was the youngest of the two . So his independence is nothing like mine . I love him dearly but he constantly involves his mother in our financial status and asks her for help when we need it . I understand that being young and married and in school can be hard but I just want both of us to have control over our lives . When she gets involved all control goes to her and my husband and I fight about that . He thinks that there is nothing wrong with it but I feel like I am just his roomate who happens to share a bank account . I hate getting mad at him but not talking to me about and involving his mother does not help . I am all about communication . We are both 23 and I feel that we should be dependent only on each other . Am I wrong for being upse No you are not wrong to be upset Those are your feelings
Did she really steal ? One of my best friends has been staying at my house for over three months now because she got kicked out of her home . We share the same room and all and technically she is allowed to borrow my stuff but she usually asks . Except this one time . I had just bought this skirt and never worn it . I came up one day trying to find it and asked my family if theyve seen it . They said she had left with it . Heres the thing when someone confronted her about it her excuse was that it was a joke . Its been a week and she never gave it back . I havent really seen her around because shes been at her bf and all . Alot of people have been telling me she stole . And that the joke part was really just a coverup because i tend to forgive easily . Many of my friends said youre too nice and naive you let people walk all over you and you cant get mad when you should be bad . Is it possible that she might have stole and lied to me ? What am I suppose to do ? Just a joke often means somebody covering themselves . In this case it doesnt sound like a joke . But covering themselves doesnt necessarily mean she stole it . She may have felt that she had your permission to borrow things as you implied . So if somebody confronted her about something she borrowed her automatic response may well have been to become defensive and conver herself . Im a little confused about her not returning though . You share a bedroom . Do you share dressers and closets ? If she has her own set of clothes and stores it there why not just take it back ? Surely she hasnt been WEARING it for the past two weeks . Talk to her about it but dont accuse her . If she felt she was allowed to borrow your stuff freely its not fair to accuse her of stealing simply because you hadnt worn the skirt yet especially if she didnt know it was brand new or special . Good luck .
where can i find a video of kyle farnsworth fighting paul wilson from 2003 ? I dont know about a video but you can find some pics of the brawl below .
when Im trying too lose 30lbs which diet should i go with ? exercise is a must . you cant drop that kind of weight quickly by diet without harming yourself . eat 6 very small meals a day . this will get your metabolism up
help ? can anybody tell me y cant i enter any chat rooms this request was refused any body tell me y i chat everyday and if there is a problem with my server can it get fixed ???
how to make more money ? Online ? Some easy money ?
If youre a girl and youre a liberal dont you get tired of being tools ? Just a thought . If you are a douchebag that makes stupid generalizations based on gender and political affiliation dont you get tired of being a judgemental moron ? Tell me about your frontal lobotomy ... was it any fun ?
Do you think the suns will be better then ever next season with Amare back ? I think they could win it I hope . they did great without him for most of the season . how could amare not make them better ? go suns
I know Im Prego . but I have had my period for some time now What does this mean ????? I had a very light period for a week and thought I was going to luck out this month . I was about three or four days late for this period and when I got it I was very light . I found something alarming to say the least and took a pregnancy test and it showed that I am in fact prego I went to the hospital they did a Sono and could not find anything in my Uterus . My Betta s are very low around 380 I think If it is so early in a pregnancy could you see anything anyway ????? I need to know if you would be able to see the pregnancy through a Sono when Betta s are around 380s ??????? See a doctor ASAP . Home preg tests can be wrong you might have a sexually transmitted infection that is fooling the results . Or you might have an ectopic pregnancy which means that the embryo has lodged in the tubes and not the uterus . Left untreated this can be fatal . You need to see a doctor . NOW
what is the most outrageous thing you have ever done ? I went to 6 parties in 3 states in 11 hours
Who you think will win USA vs GHANA ? Usa vs Ghana no offense but i predict a 20 win by usa or a 21 win by usa . damn USA must win
how do i make an mp3 to an http mp3 ? to put music on my site it needs to have http at beg abd mp3 at end .?
what are some good ways to loose weight ? With out alot of trouble .? I want to loose at least 10 pounds . not for any reason just to feel a bit better thats all . i am wondering the sam e thing
have u ever had scoliosis surgery if so tell me all about it please ? im having major back surgery this october due to severe scoliosis and im DESPERATE to know as much informaton as possible so if youve ever had this type of surgery can you pleeeeeeeeeeease tell me all about your experience ? thank you bunches well i am going to try . i didnt have back surgery but i had major chest surgery . the results are still the same though . you cannot walk for a long time and you cant move your head . I hpe that your surgey will go well . But do not worry i am going to be praying for you and have the rest of my church praying too .
When will the moon lose orbit from earth ascend away into space ? The moons orbit is not permanent in what year range will the moon break orbit and become a planet with its own solar orbit . The moon will not escape Earth orbit . It is currently moving away from us at only 38 mmyear due to energy transferred by tidal forces . The energy transfer is also causing Earths day to become longer currently it is increasing by 15 microseconds each year . Theoretically the moons orbit would increase until the Earths day slows to match the Moons orbital period . After this point solar tides will dominate and the Moon will start moving closer to Earth . Before this happens the Sun will become a red giant 5 billion years from now .
Whats an easy way to visualize the 4th dimension ? From what I remember in geometry class the 4th dimension was simply time . And just like the other three length width and height it can be measured in various forms seconds minutes hours etc ..
nursing management for any fever ? check the temperature 1st . if the temperature is below 38 deg apply cold compress on various areas such as the forehead armpoint groinif temperature is above 38 deg do tepid sponging . n PLZ USE TAP WATER . sponge the patient for about 10mins stop when the patient is shivering and place towels on the various areas that ive mentioned above .
How can we get the 2 political parties to focus on what our country and earth need and not party interests ? I am concerned that our 2 political parties focus almost exclusively on their party lines and their party interests to the exclusion of a focus on what needs to be addressed in our country and the earth . How can we help them refocus their energies where it can do the most good . We have significant issues facing us as a nation war hunger poverty polution the economy . Worrying about how to win seats in congress and how to spin bad news and how best to berate the other party doesnt help any of these issues get addressed . start another party that does focus on the real issues and somebody has . www . unity08 . com
where does the saying send you to coventry come from ? when someone says ill send you to coventry and they then egnor that person how did that saying come about ? The saying came around in the 1700s alright but this is a more accurate view of it . Bham was always a bigger district and coventry was always a dump so when anyone got into trouble with the law they were sent to work in the dump known as coventry . It then ended up housing thousands or retards and this is the way it still is today
Could be classify violent illegals as enemy combatants ? Violent illegals dont care about getting deported so they just smirk their way back to mexico change their name and return . What if we created a Guantanamo type of island prison for violent illegals ? Sneaking into someone elses country and killing a legal citizen seems like an act of war to me . I think in addition to helping mexico build things like schools and roads we should also help them build prisons because they dont seem to be able to keep a handle on their own criminals . Americas not the worlds dumping ground and the people that come to the US and screw up are often screwups in their home country too . Jails and prisons dont fix that problem they dont serve to rehabilitate but they do separate such people from the mainstream so that the rest of us can walk down the street and not have to worry about imported violent offenders etc . Mexicos got social problems . Somehow the United States ended up in the unenviable position of being expected to help Mexico with their social problems . Too bad Mexico wont help itself instead theyd rather keep helping themselves to the american taxpayers wallet ....
who is in the world cup and who will win it ? i dont follow soccer but im interested BrazilPortugal germanyenglandukrainefranceargentinaitalybrazil probably will win but germany and portugal have a chance
I have been trying to figure out which options newsletter to use for autotrading .? My dad has gotten me interested in stock options and is willing to contribute 500 a year to me to purchase a options newsletter . I can match his gift . But all the option newsletters have so much hype . I cant figure out which ones are good over the long term . 5 years . Any suggestions of option newsletters that have worked for you ?? 98 of all options expire worthless the only ones that make money are the sellers so unless the newsletter deals with the selling of options ex call and put writing I would stay away
What are the qualifications on becoming a foster parent ? and how long is the process ? My husband and I were put on a list to be foster parents to a nephew of his that is why I am looking for suggestions qualifications or advice from all of you . Call your local child and family services office the requirements vary by state .. They usually have classes to become a foster parent . Good luck . My husband and I were foster parents for 10 years . We have adopted two girls that we received as foster children as infants .
How do i know if a girl likes me ? i many times find myself looking at a girl from far away or close by and im so attracted to her but usually i just turn around immediately cause i feel like im not worth anything to them . and sometimes i see girls look at me but generally i dont get any clue on if they like me or not .. However sometimes i keep looking at her look down or to the side and look at her again and she still is looking at me .. thats when i feel mmmm maybe she likes me . But i could be wrong . what do generally girls do when they like someone ? I am a guy and i dont do nothing if anything i just become shy and turn around .. and i never smile or if i smile its slight and i dont expect nothing back because i know it usually doesnt happen . If the girl thinks your cute or nice she will probably flirt with you . Also if the girl looks at you alot she is probably attracted to you . If she gets nervous or bashful when you talk to her well then she has a major crush on you
why dont the kids like me ? I recently started doing magic like david blaine for kids parties . I have done six so far and no one is impressed and tips are lousy . The first party I stood on one foot for 3 hours and the kids were board to death . Then I stayed underwater with a garden hose to breath for the whole 4 hour party . Once again no takers . Why dont the kids like my magic when I am bringing Blaine to their houses ? Ha heh ... thats funny .
What TV should NOT ...? have been cancelled ? Brimstone for me ... addicted to cult tv Ooohhh havent thought about that show in a while loved it . John Glover was an excellent Satan . Millennium was another I was sorry to see go .
win2000 Cannot get float over info . Moving my mouse pointer over items sould popup some info but it doesnt tx Update your mouse driver for Windows 2000 .
Who was the first Indian who became the member of English Parliament ? Dadabhai Naoroji . Preeminent pioneer of Indian nationalism . Freedom fighter and educationist . The first Indian to become member of British Parliament 1862 . Congress President thrice . The Grand Old Man of India .
how long does it take to get from new york to california ? depends how you are going
why china is usa bug boo ? were you high when you asked this question ?
exists a yahoo messenger beta ? every time that a new Yahoo Messenger is comming there is a preview to try and give opinions about the new things . In this moment I dont think so .
At what weight do humans become bulletproof ? 1548kg23gr the 23gr would save you and remember not to ask this question on beateljuice5in local dilect it means go stick your head in a pig
Is it really feasible to achieve the American Dream ? And what does it mean to you ? Actually the real American dream as referred to is to become super rich . Mind bogglingly stinkingly nauseatingly rich . And of course this dream is open to all of you even black people . You have to be damned lucky thats all I can say . For every one person who achieves it there are a million who dont . What kind of a dream is that anyway ? Other societies strive for equality for all and other such philanthropic ideals while you guys ....
Why do farts smell badly ? So deaf people can enjoy them too
I need help on getting a set of abs for the rest of the summer Help ? Has anyone used that cross crunch that has been seen on tv ? If you have what are your results ? I just cant seem to pull out a set of abs on my tummeh . Im looking for anything that could do the trick . I do work out and Ive managed to tone my butt arms and legs but I cant just seem to get abs . Advice anyone ? The only way to really tone the abdominal area is by cutting out all the junk food and any carbs from your daily intake .. Trust me it works wonders how do you think madonna got her set of fabulous abs ?? No junk No carbs and lots of abdominal workouts Good luck
What do you get when you cross your dads .......? white paint with your dads red paint ? you get a pink bedroom as a punishment ... lol
How much do pharmacists make ? How much do pharmacists make ? 100000 per year now to start . But try to get into a school
can anyone tell me when Dr . Who the first season will be out on dvd ? Jul 04 2006
How many Sri Lankans do you need to change 1 lightbulb ? Man these people just went through h and back . How heartless can you be ?? Did you even see the news coverage of the tsunami ?? If you did and still asked this question you are a freak
im trying to find the email address for anyone in ups coperate office ? I just researched for you and found this . Just click this link and I believe youll find what you are looking for . Good luck
please help its for my English test tell me something about your nationality ? ok so on Tuesday Ill have a test from English .... I am from Serbia and the title of the article Ill have to write is going to be something like characteristics of French people Italians Germans .... and so on ..... so PLEASE tell me something about your nationality people in your country ..... what r u like ? Well I hope that I can help . Im fom Portugal in Europe ... its not a very known country and we suffer with that because we used to be one of the worlds most important countries ... 500 years ago . How are we like ? Physically I can say were on average medium build not very tall and a good portion of the men and women in my country are brunettes with brown eyes . Portuguese people can be described as helpfulgood with foreing laguages well at last we try and make an effort to understand them a bit melancholic and sad our typical music is called fado meaning Fate and its usually a sad and depressing type of song we hate soccer referees and our politics sadly our economy is one of the worst in Europe right nowwe love the beach were addicted to soccer and we love to go out to malls have something to drink usually coffee in a coffee shop or in a tavern ... We have a great nightlife one of the best in Europe expect us to get out of our houses by 11 pm be in a bar by 1 am starting to drink and ending in a club dancing until the sun rises . I think thats pretty much it . Oh I forgot to tell you one thing ... I believe it is a universal truth in Portugal . We love our country but we are always badmouthing it we always believe that we are the worst . But if a foreign person badmouths our country well hate him for eternity . NO ONE can badmouth Portugal if theyre not portuguese . I hope that I could help good luck with your english test
How does David Blaine and David copperfield fly in the air ? Even if its a trick how do they do it ? And david blaine does it in the middle of the street . Its a highly secret gimmick that David Blaine himself told the press that Its not for sale maybe the secret is too powerful to give away for money when he can earn more by not selling it to any ... nevertheless its a trickillusion and not some kind of a voodoo stuff
Do you know me ? I am a huge Super Star . Im known all over the world . Ive been in hundreds of movies and TV shows both black white and in color . Im most famos for desert and western movies . I am not dumb and I am not cool in fact everyone who knows me says Im really hot The Sun ? I like riddles
Does everything make a sound ? Like if a tiny piece of dust lands on a table does it make a sound thats just inaudible to our ears ? Do molecules that clash together make a sound ? No . Not when they are in a vaccum
DC or Marvel ? I have found while most people read from both many will claim that one is far superior to the other . Which would you choose ? marvel is better in my opinion . this is because their stories are more realistic their characters easier to connect to and they have more down to earth qualities .
Is wearing speedos so bad ? Im 24 Ive been on a swim team since I was 14 . I swim 3 kms daily . Its amazing in 10 years Ive never worn a pair of speedos . Except once 8 years ago in a state competition I was so nervous about it the coach made me wear one it got my trunks back on immediately after I finished I cant barely remember what was it like . Is it weird someone whos been swimming regularly for 10 years only to have worn a speedo once in his life ? People in Estonia love em Everywhere we went people in speedos There was even a construction site where men were working wearing speedos hard hats tube socks to their knees and construction boots LOL
can any one tell me if you are going out with a girl and you get down on her could you catch any thing bad .? STDs can be transmitted by oral sex . Any activity involving exchange of bodily fluids is a possible risk . Risk assessment link here
Last day of school .................? wats the best way of remembering ur primary school mates ? Wear a plain shirt and bring a permanent marker . Have everyone sign the shirt .
Girls only Clothes for guy to wear maks him look like a man ? Ladies what styles brands should a guy wear CASUALLY and PROFESSIONALLY so that he looks like a RESPECTFUL MATURE GENTLEMAN ? I think u should go with some nice slacks dockers or polo or something but loose . Not baggy just loose . Then go with a button down . Usually plaid looks best . Dont buy the ones in a package those are old man shirts . Look on the racks . Usually Kohls if u have one in your area has nice clothes .
Nelly Furtado ....................? Did she turn into an instant hottie or what ? Your opinion . she is an instant hottie . the reason is bc she had a baby 3 yrs ago and feels more confident in her body . omg i met her and she is so pretty but i was so stupid i didnt say anything cuz i couldnt belive she was 3 in . away from my face .
Is Justin Timberland in Nelly Furtados New Music Video Promisuous ? yea thats JT in the video . he was hanging out with them while timba and nelly were shooting the video so he just hung out and was in the video .
why does US make it difficult 4 people from east europe who want to travel to US but make it easy for others ? They dont make it harder for Eastern Europeans than many other nations but some few nations including much of Western Europe DO have an easier access . This is based upon the risk of visa violations . It is believed that residents of Norway for example are much less likely to overstay their visas than a resident of Bosnia for example . But it isnt specific to Eastern Europe . Most of the world falls into the same category .
PCEmulator help ? ok so i have asked before about emulators for old NES games and such and the directions ppl give me are for someone who has already used such a thing ... i have never used and emulator and i would like someone to tell me where can i get one how do i use it and how to install itI need the directions to be as simple as possible u could say i am completely clueless on the subjectRemember easy directions www . freeroms . com .... i got the genisis nes snes and n64 ones . all you have to 1 . download the emulators ....... then 2 . download the gamesroms u want 3 . put the roms in a new folder ....... keep them in zip form4 . open the emulator ....... 5 . go to file open then look for the folder the roms are in ...... 6 . to set the controls up you have to go to options7 . joypad setings8 . thats prety much itif u need to no more jus go to 1 of my quetions and ask about the emulators .....
Maintenant que les argentins sont en quart les mexicains vontils rentrer en bus ? ohh joli
1how the digestive system and circulatory syatem work in conjunction during digestion ? ever notice that during the winter after u eat u feel colder ?.... its bcuz the body sends extra blood to the stomach and interstines during digestion .
how do i find a parent when i have been adopted . i want to find real mother ? Hi . I am an adoptive mom and know the day will come when Ill be asked the same thing . First of all not to be rude to you but please eliminate the words REAL MOTHER from your vocabulary . Use birthmother instead . Yes she has been a real mom to you by entrusting you to your adoptive parents . But your adoptive parents have been real parents by raising you till now . If you say real mom about your birthmother then is your mom your fake mom ? Im sure you didnt mean anything negative by it but trust me it will hurt your adoptive parents to hear it . Heres a link to search resources wishes and God bless
What would cause a yellowish liquid to come out of my nose like someone turned on a water faucet ?? a severe siinus infection dude u better get to the doctor for some antibiotics
Freezing Cold ? Why do I freeze any time I lay down ? I assume circulation ? But if so ... how can I help myself ? TONS of blankets do not help .... socks do not help . Most annoyingly my nose freezes and I shake uncontrollably That is me right now . It is so cold . Poor circulation doesnt help . Some people who are used to electric blankets lose the ability to warm themselves somehow . You need someone warm to snuggle up with .
where can I download a program where you can type a sentence and the cpu will say it in different voices ? example hysterical girly laughing ... it will repeat anything you type in different voices . text to voice downloads
who likes the red sox and pittsburg steelers ? Nobody I know .
Are there any wordslyrics to the music of Dolly suite Berceuse by Gabriel Faure . ? This was the piano duet from the film Bi centennial Man Played by the robot the little girl . go to absolutelyrics . com
how fast does the world rotates ? The rotational speed of the Earth at the equator is about 1038 miles per hour . It actuallt depends on where on Earth you are standing . At the poles the Earth hardly spins at all but as you travel towards the equator the rotational speed picks up . This makes sense as the circumference of a circle increases a single point along it has to travel faster to complete a revolution in the same amount of time . The rotational speed of the Earth at the equator is about 1038 miles per hour . The atmosphere at the equator is also slightly thicker due to rotation and you weigh slightly less . At midlatitudes the speed of the Earths rotation decreases to 700 to 900 miles per hour . If the Earth were to stop spinning suddenly the atmosphere would still be zipping along nicely at around 1000 miles an hour . As a result everything not attached to bedrock would pretty much be scoured clean . If you have any more questions about the Earths rotation check out this nifty Ask a Space Scientist page . Looking for a cosmic perspective on how fast the earth is moving ? Remember that all questions about motion or speed are only complete with an appropriate frame of reference .
What is the best brand for soccer cleats for women ? I need to find good soccer cleats . I usually wear adidas but is there another better brand ? Nike ... or addidas
i want to study in londoni dont know which course is good for me ? i like computermanagementi play piano and teach too what else do you like ? there are many possibilities open with what you said . What do you love doing ? That might be the answer to which direction to follow .
auditions for female teens ? a friend of mine is a female teenager who can sing really good wants to know how you can find auditions do them because shes already looked on alot of websites couldnt find what she needed . does anyone know of a good website ? p . s . she does when there was me and you from high school musical the best . it shows off her range too . Dont just go to anybody people lie and are very dangerous . Especially to young attractive dumb teens .... no offense .... my best suggestion would for her to practice practice practice for the next upcoming american idol even if you dont get far you attract eyes professional eyes and it might look good on aresume good luck and be careful
best colleges to earn a teaching degree in Wisconsin ? teaching degree where do i go education Wisconsin has some of the most stringent licensing requirements in the country . Any accredited school in Wisconsin will give you a fine education to prepare you for teaching .
is anybody here personal with each other ? well yesmy fiancee is on here .
What r some witty clever Punjabi slogans ? ex . Hutt P6 Back off hutt peeche 5abi Chic Punjabi Chic Chakde PhaateUsed like Lets get this party started
what are phonetic symbols ? Phonetic symbols are a set of universally accepted symbols used by linguists so that we know exactly how words are pronounced without knowing the spelling system of each language . Each phonetic symbol represents only one sound and each sound has only one symbol . They are written between brackets . Thus the English word read is written rid and meet is written mit . Anyone in the world who knows the phonetic alphabet would know how to pronounce these two words whether they know English or not . The person who wrote phonemic is incorrect . There is no phonemic alphabet . Phonemes are based on an analysis of the phonetics of a language and are abstract symbols used to represent a class of sounds allophones that are related to each other by rule . Phonemic transcription uses phonetic symbols usually written between vergules thus the phonemic representations of English read and meet are rid and mit .
Hi i m 50 and single . I hv wasted many yrs with bf and he jilted me . suggestions how to lead my life happily ? Have kids ? If yes give then time take care of them . If no be engaged with some charitable works .
Who was the happiest barrack in the communist camp Hungary or Poland ? Hungary . We were called like that because a little economic and cultural reform was launched in the 1960s . The rules werent as tough as in other countries and we had a better standard of living than the others .
why wont the powers that be admit that the bird flu has mutated and is contagoius between humans ? Yes it has mutated and IS contagious between humans . For the H5N1 bird flu virus strain to become a serious threat to human health it will need to mutate further . At the moment it does not infect humans easily it very rarely jumps from human to human . However if it infects a human who already has the normal human flu it could then exchange genetic information with the human flu virus and acquire the ability to transmit from humantohuman easily a new mutation . Then we could be facing a serious flu pandemic that would spread around the world within a matter of weeks .
Girl in Pringles ad .? In the latest Pringels commercial featuring the song Everlasting Love there is a cute blond girl . I wrote to Pringles to find out her name but no luck . Anyone out there know ? Thanks and pringels turned you down cause you could be a psycho ..... why not get a life ... or at least a grip
Is it wrong for a Christian to seek help with fertility ? me and hubby have been trying 3 yrs and no success 1 child 9 yrs we are in our late 20s been checked out so far tests have come back normal we are going to see a fertility specialist in a couple of days I keep hearing Wait on God in His time and i do believe that but is it really Gods will for 12 yr old to have babies and throw them in garbarge cans ? Am I wrong for wanting to see whats wrong and getting doctor help ? I would say no . There is nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it as far as Im concerned . However if God is putting a different conviction on YOUR heart that is a different story . Darling I will pray for you to receive wisdom in your decision . My best suggestion is for you and hubby to pray together and seperately about it . Search the Word ask God to give you an answer to your problem . Dont forget as a Christian anything that is on your heart is also on His . Only He can tell you what He wants you to do .
my dad does not like the guy i am dating he dont know i amshould i still stay with him ?? we dated in middle school but we stoped when he went to high school know i am a junior and he is a senior and we are wanting to stay together for a long time what should i do ??? he has stuck with me for 4 years and i love him ??? HELP as much as i hate to admit .... my parents have always been right about every girl i have dated .
For guys Have you evr been denied or prevented orgasm ? Did you think its HOT and for how long and how did it happen ? my ex did this to me out of spite .... he stopped mid way through sex and said ok im done ...... got me so close and did that even though he never got off either ..... so a few weeks after that once it was not in his mind any longer ...... i got my revenge ..... i gave him the best head job ever and just teased his entire body with my tongue hands and lips ..... told him to let me know when he got close while i was going down on him ..... once he was close I rolled over and said I am done . He was pied and went to bathroom and tried to finish himself off but he was so mad he could not do it .. heehee ..... i was all horned up at this point also so i laid there in bed and took care of business solo
hey anurag dabas i want to talk to you about that RAR File but i dont have your id ....? hey anurag can u send me your id on my email at vinaymistryinyahoo . com i dont how to unzip RAR File can u help me plz ????? thnx dude if u have Yahoo Msgr come on msgr we can talk or my id isanudabasyahoo . com
Screaming ? My neighbor kid who is 4 stands outside and screams at the top of his lungs for no reason at all . Its driving me nuts and I like kids . The mom just sits on her fat butt and ignores him . I guess Ill just have to invest in earplugs andor become good at archery . get one of those fog horns like they take yo ball games ...... next time he starts ..... go outside and blow it til he shuts up ..... do it every time ...... and when fat butt asks what the hell .... tell her it sounds better to you than her kids caterwauling .
how to calculate the geometric factor for the schlumberger array ? geo electrical profiling can be done with fixed electrical electrodes and move only potential electrodes . I would like to know the formula I can use to calculate the geometric factor k for the different spacings The formula will be determined by several factors . Firstly you need to quantify the paralax of your electrodes when taken as a constant then select your test apmere rate . This must be kept constant to give your results continuity . The geometric factor can be determined either as a spacial value or a multidimensional cascade equation using the derivative of the base line through force as emitted by the polarised ion array under the radial effect of the ipnosis effect which can be detected using the omnidirectional fortence analyser if availableWhen these values are determined you must apply the correct formula which as I have a standard keyboard which doesnt allow formulaic typing Im not going to tell you .
how does immigrant money boost their native countries economy ? The immigrants country may need more of foreign exchange like say US and the remittances made to their country helps improve the exchange position and what ever the Goct needs can be imported . The can help start schools colleges etc . Thus economy is improved .
HELP I need it ASAP ? Im having this field hockey camp and we are having a SPIRIT DAY tomorrow and I need ideas of what to wear . Can you HELP me ASAP wear the colors in a qute jogging suit no nylon be qute but comfy
How to get a more proffesional job for 1st yr undergrad Commerce student ? Just finished 1st yr Commerce at UBC im 20 . I can get low skilled jobs easily however wat i focus on is not only making money but also EXPERIENCEprofessional exp . such as a helper in the bank work for telusrogers and real companies . ANyone noe Any places that provide workers with prof . experience ? I also do tutoring . But how do i start tutoring ONLINE ? No idea . Thx D you gotta start somewhere . you can get professional jobs right out of college but theyll be depending on what youre looking for manager trainee or asst . something . look at it this way you havent any professional expereince but are looking for work at a place that is professional . stepping stones you know . gotta learn to crawl before you can walk . find something along the lines of work youre looking for . stick it out for awhile then start looking for the real job you want to get . if you want to work at a bank start off as a teller or a sales associate . youll learn everything you need to know and in a 810 months youll know enough to shop yourself around and look for something more professional . education nowadays is expected but really amounts to nothing . experience is what employers look for . can you do the job have you ever done it before have you been successful in the past . they need documented track of success or very good references that prove to them you are capable of handling the job and responsibilites . no one gives professional experience you gain it . like i said you have to start somwehere . sounds to me like your looking for the quick fix to your career search and its very unlikely youll ever find it . might get lucky but most likely youll just keep looking and find nothing .
I read that birth control pills can make you where you do not get turned on anymore ? They make you where you also dont produce natural lubrication as well either . They have just recently found this out . Anyone experiencing this problem ? Whats the best type of pill ? this could be a very minor reaction to the pill but not really a concern . All medications have rare side effects that could happen to one in a million drug co . are just covering thier butt
what are the lawedict decree rulesbyelaw that regulate waste management ? Youll find them at your local city counsel for most waste products . Hazardous waste is regulated also at County State and Federal levels .
What is the Major League record for most home runs in a game by a team ? AL Toronto 10 on 09141987 NL Cincinnati 9 on 09041999
Why do they sell PEACHES without a WARNING LABEL ???? I have heard for years that peaches have cyanide poison on the inside of the peach seed . I have heard that the big seed on the inside when cracked open contains another seed that contains it .. That is really scary considering I ate one earlier and the big seed was missing Is this really true ????? I think there is cyanide in peach seeds ... but youd have to eat several for any effects ... dont sweat it . You ate a lot worse today .

本数据集包含了论文HyGloadAttack所使用的数据。 [MR,AG,Yahoo,Yelp,IMDB,SNLI,MNLI,MMNLI] 包含dataloader,其中dataloader加载数据集方式为:

    texts, labels = dataloader.read_corpus(args.dataset_path,csvf=False)
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