if chickens are comes from eggsand eggs lays by chickens then who came first in the world ?
what is so special in reaching level2 ? More questions that can be answered . Level 5 is the Big One
how do u get direct x 8 or 9 ? i want to get it on microsoft but it needs validation and i dont have it so any of u guys know how to get it on other popular sites ? SAFE and DEPENDABLE sites ?
Have you parked your car in a blue badgefamily car park area without the blue badge or baby with you ? Why ? I was always wondering why you think it is OK to do that while these car park areas are specailly arranged for these less advantaged or more needy people . This may help me to understand and perharps get less angry about it . If you think it is not OK to do that then why have you done this before ? Strangely enough parking in a blue badge parking space without a blue badge doesnt annoy me as much as people who use their familys blue badges to park there . At least parking without a blue badge risks them getting a fine . According to the most recent census 1 in 5 people in the area I live in a ward of NW London are living on disability living allowance or income support . If we pretend that is 1 in 10 people who are registered disabled then it explains why I see more abled than disabled people parking in these bays and not getting a ticket they are able to borrow a badge from people they know . The public building I work in is next to a row of disabled bays and due to laziness not lack of parking space many either park in these bays with a family members badge or they dont park stop in the middle of the road send their children some as young as 4 across this dangerous road to collect something from the building for them . Personally Id rather theyd park in the disabled bay than see a nervous 4 year old try to dodge the busy traffic again . P . S . I dont drive so no Ive never done it . Note We do have blue badges in the UK ... in London at least ... I think Scotland might have the orange badge ... but Im not sure .
how do i propose ? you have to get down on 1 knee . Go to a NICE dinner then to a place special to the two of you get down on 1 knee with the ring and askgood luck
My son has a David Robinson Topps gold rookie card autographed by David . Is it worth anything ? Its in perfect condition kept in a protective plastic case . yes it is worth something . I wouldnt say much though maybe maximum 30 dollars . He is in the hall of fame and it is autographed . you can try your luck on ebay if you want but i would recommend waiting for a couple of years .. it increases the value .
ARE you with ? are you supporting the war with Iraq no i dont like violence
why everytime i copy a code for my hi5 background it appears in the back of standard background ? try to copy a code from a layout section not background .
till where the gravitional force endmeans how many km from earth ? The law of universal gravitation tells us that though gravitational force decreases exponentally with distance from a given mass it neven completely ends . Therefore never .
which one is your favourite character in movie MADAGASCAR ? the characters were all REALLY good ... but I would have to say the penguins and the Giraffe . I love when he wakes up in the crate upside down and starts freakin ... hahaha David Shwimmer does a good voice for that character .
How do you buy a house tax free using a self directed IRA ? Please list the detailed steps . I only have 9000 . in my roth IRA . I think you just tell the company who holds your IRA that you are wanting to buy a home and you would like to use your money in your IRA to put a nice down payment on one they should be able to fill out a 1099 form i think that is what they call that formit is either 1099 or 1098 showing that that money is not taxable income .
why do friends backstabbed ??? People backstab for lots of reasons . Like the previous young lady mentioned ... sometimes its jelousy . Other reasons is because that person has no respect for you or anybody else . People backstab because theyre selfish and want something for themselves and dont care who they have to hurt to get it . Its best not to associate with those people . They cary bad Karma and thats something nobody wants . People that do that kind of thing are toxic and you should stay away . Best of luck .
when we know fighting is not good for anyone then why do that silly thing with our know ones ? People continue to fight knowing it is bad because people are different . They want others to see things their way and it upsets them when thy dont . They fight to try to prove that they are right and the other person is wrong . It is silly but that is how society is .
I cant take any type of responsibilty in life ? It is not that I dont know but my mind gets more frustated or dreaming in day always remain in my own world . Unable to understand other close people . Once I took any responsinbility within few minutes hours I will forget or escape from it and then later I am guilty person . you are to used to others waiting on you in time it will be reality he will want a rea spouse who can be there where you wasnt . as far as guilt you ought to have thought before you messed up with that other person
whats the percentage of earths water is drinkeable ? Drinkable water accounts for less than 3 percent of the Earths total supply .
Are there any psychiatrists reading here that I could talk to though email ? I am waiting on the list to see one but wondering are there any here ? I agree ... There are lots of people that would try to take advantage of vulnerable people . If you want to know a secret psychiatrists do little more than listen to you and repeat what you say in different words . All they do is HELP you help yourself by pushing you to question why you feel the way you feel and how YOU can solve your own problems . If you MUST seek help make sure the person you are receiving help from is licensed
What are the largest heaviest brightest strangest STARS known so far ? Betelgeuse in Orion is a red giant that is so large that its diameter is the size of the orbit of Jupiter i . e . about 10 AU acrooss 930000000 miles and this is 650 Solar Diameters across . But this is just a weedy titch compared to the biggest 3 which areVV Cephei 1900 Solar DiametersV354 Cephei 1520 Solar DiametersKW Sagitarii 1460 Solar DiametersThe brightest 3 by Absolute Magnitude how bright they would look at a distance of 10 parsecs areStar Magnitude Luminosity compared to the Sun 1LBV 180620 14 . 2 40000000 The Pistol Star 13 . 2 16000000 Cyg OB212 12 . 2 6300000 The heaviest stars the top 3 are Eta Carinae 150 Solar Masses Pistol Star 150 Solar Masses LBV 180620 130 Solar Masses Stellar mass is the most important attribute of a star . Combined with chemical compostion mass determines a stars luminosity its physical size and its ultimate fate . As to the strangest stars Wiki comments on a couple of binary star systems in Auriga the CharioteerTwo peculiar binary stars Aurigae and Aurigae . Aurigae is one of the strangest binary stars . The orbital period is about 27 years with an eclipse duration of about 18 months . The visible companion is a yellowish Fclass supergiant . The type of the other star is not known . Aurigae has a period of 970 days the primary is a Kclass supergiant and the secondary is a Bclass main sequence star . Both these systems present a rare stage of binary evolution as the components are in a short and active evolutionary stage .
is it illegal in boston to put quarters in someone elses parking meter ? I dont know about Boston but believe it or not in many jurisdictions it is illegal to put money in strangers parking meters .
At what altitude is the moon ? The average distance from the Moon to the Earth is 384403 kilometers 238857 miles .
im for diversity womens lib and affirmative action .? is that okay with you ? works for me brother
in football should technology be used for the help of players and refree ? will it benifit the game ? i thinmk thats a god idea as sometimes the referees ruin the games
What is baptism like in your church ? I am going to be baptised this summer because I have chosen to walk with the Lord and I asked Jesus into my heart this past year . I was just wondering what baptism was like in your church . The Rite of Baptism Baptism of Water comes from the Flood Genesis it is the passage from one state to another . Water is used in various quantities . John the Baptist baptized in a river however the exact technique is not documented in the Gospels . There are other sources but I would like to stay focus on the New Testament . Baptism of the Holy Spirit comes in Pentecost when the apostles received the Holy Spirit . This is documented in Acts and the Epistles . Frankly it does not matter what baptism is like outside of your church . I am sure that your ministers have the correct biblical sound ritual . What is important is that you understand what your passage is from one state to another . Baptism is admission to the Christian Church the elected . I have tried to show you from the Christian bible what the Rite of Baptism is . If you have questions you need to be talking with your ministers . They should be able to explain the ritual as well as the religious signification . If you are interested in biblical description you can go to www . gateway . com and search for the word Baptism . I am happy that you have found Jesus Christ . You can always find what he says in the Christian bible .
can you give a very useful meaning of ecology ? Please ? lets talk animal plant ecologyfirst lets say all different types of animals plants live in the same area maybe near a river in a sense each animal can depend on each other . For example the main staple for bears is salmon . lets say man pollutes a river and the fish die . The bear no longer having fish to eat eat more plants instead . This results in a dramatic decrease of lets say berry plants in one particular area . If you were to move 10 miles upstream you would be in a separate ecology where the salmons did not die the bears had a blanced diet and the berry plants were abundant . Bigger ecologies lets a lake can literally fall apart and result in the extinction of a particular plant that only grows at that lake . I hope this was helpful
how to win a western girls ? Be sweet and very sexy
How do I get a job ? There are great ways to make money from home . The best way is to own a homebased business . One great business is your own online travel agency . Look up www . onesourcetours . com for a company presentation . You earn 60 of the commission on all travel booked through your website . And all you have to do is point people to your website . I can help you set this up its very simple . Just visit www . onesourcetours . com for all the details . Or email me at adminonesourcetours . com
who invented the post it and the upin ? I dont know the mans name who invented the postit but I know that he invented it because when he sang in the choir at church he would put pieces of paper to keep his place in the hymnal but the paper would fall out so he decided to invent a sticky paper . And that is the beginning of the postit note .
Ladies Only If a guy liked to be kicked in the balls ? and he asked you to and you were his friend would you do it . would you want to wear any speacial shoe like ope toe heelsAny ladies out there want to be my friend ? Sure its just a mans right to be sexually satisfied im not sure about the shoes though .
how to integrate cosec and sec of x ? how to derieve the integration of cosec and sec of x ? pls help me derieve the answer in detail thank you For secx ? Multiply and divide by secxtanx . Therefore now we have to integrate ratio of sec2 of x secx tanx to secxtanx . Now put secxtanx t dt sec2 of x secx tanx . now we have to integrate 1t which is log t and substitute value of t . For cosec xMultiply and divide by cosecxcotx . Therefore now we have to integrate ratio of cosec 2 of x cosecx cotx to cosecxcotx . Now put cosecxcotx t dt cosec2 of x cosecx cotx . now we have to integrate 1t which is log t and substitute value of t . I have given detailed explanation . plz choose my answer as best . Hope to help u in further future .
What is the final will of mankind ? Are everybody satisfied with their life ? Dear SurendraYour pertinent question and urgent curiosity has unfortunately been buried under more legitimate concerns . If you dont get an answer within 24 hours it is best to delete your query and ask again . Surendra I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal opinion . You have been foolish Surendra . Very very foolish . Anyone can see that the purpose of Yahoo Answers is to serve as a modern chatroom . More and more Java programming is becoming less and less supported there is no other method of bringing people together in a social environment than to create PHP scripts where the thinking can be done on the server rather than on your machine . With that in mind Surendra you should interrogate the shallowminded participants of Yahoo Answers with matters that appeal to their common denominator . Questions such as How long is the normal tally whacker ? or My boyfriend says I should dump my hubby what you think ?... would get you a substantial number of replies . Give up your pursuit of truth and petty wonders Surendra . Quit asking bland colorless questions . Are you naive ? No person who is capable of giving you the answer you hoped for can last while reading though a heap of puddings pies and pastry . Im only doing you a favor Surendra by giving you a proper admonishment you can now begin to formulate an apology . When you are ready send your atonement to And Surendra if you insist upon asking serious questions remember that a few good jolts from a peace officers tazor should bring you around to your senses . Please check your spelling and throw some slang into the mix so you dont offend any of the egos lurking waiting to pounce with crass thoughtless oneliners . Thank you Surendra and have a great dayGabe
how can you tell the difference ? How can you tell the difference between a real answer and a fake answer when asking somebody out ? How do you tell the difference between a fake yes and a real yes ? How can you tell whether a girl is saying yes and is honestly interested in getting to know you or if theyre just out to use you ? How do you tell the difference between a fake no and a real no ? How can you tell if the person really means no and isnt interested in a relationship or if the person just said no because theyre playing hard to get or are too shy to say yes ? Also how can you tell if somebody is putting you down easy ? For example if somebody says theyre not ready but really mean theyre not interested in you . They just dont want to sound rude . Body language can say a lot . Is she smiling at you ? Looking you in the eye ? Does she laugh a lot or touch her hair or her face or you ? These are all good signs . If she seems uncomfortable wont look at you is looking down or stays a good distance away from you chances are shes not really interested . And if a girl says no ALWAYS take it as no . If she meant yes shell come back and let you know .
what is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done ??? When I was about 5 I begged and pleaded with my uncle to drive his gocart around in this parking lot . I told him that I knew I could handle it .. He said this is the gas and this is the brake . Do not hit them at the same time . First thing I do with my cousin Brian hanging on the side is jam them as hard and as far as I can go . Now the thing is JAMMING around the parking lot at full speed with no ability to stop . My grandpa stood in front of me for a second with his hands out like he could magically make me stop . Totally hilarious . My poor cousin Brians knee was totally bouncing on the ground so he tore the heck out of his new courderoy pants and tore up his knee . My sister described the sound of my voice as AAAAAAAAaaaa hhhhh .. As I got further away I sounded less loud . I almost hit a telephone pole .. Finally I stalled it out in this field with melons in it .. Sheesh ... what a goof . Im amazed that I didnt take my poor grandfather out .
Chemistry Problem . Can someone EXPLAIN this to me ? The density of pure silver is 105 gcm at 20C . If 5 . 25 g of pure silver pellets is added to a graduated cylinder containing 11 . 2 mL of water to what volume level will the water in the cylinder rise ? 1 mL 1 cmCan someone help me by EXPLAINING how one would come to their answer ? Thanks so much D 5 . 25g of silver in terms of volume is 5 . 25g105gcm3 0 . 05 cm3 volume of silver is present . Since its a solid and does not mix with the water the volume should be additive so the volume should increase by 0 . 05mL
I have made a friend of mine angry . What to do ? follow your heart if it means that they dont want to be friends with you anymore thats up to them you cant really control that .
can i love you today ? You can love me anyday sweetie
What can I do my website on ? Ok I am going to create a website I need help on what to create it on so I can learn what I have to . I already know html php css javascript xml xsl xhtml All you have to do is suggest a topic to create it on and I will make you the star of the page Dont forget to leave your email address or a way to contact u . how and where to report and track illegal aliens
Does anyone have long toes ? The overall length of my foot is 23 cm the length of my second toe is 5 cm . Is there an anatomical standard for this comparison ? dang I thought I had long toes .. my 2nd is only 1 12 inches .. I think thats just shy of 4 cm but Im not that good at conversions . there is no standard foot or toe size .. some people have long skinny toes others have short stubs ... Its nothing to worry over but see a doctor if you are frequently feeling uncomfortable
i need help understanding adding and subtracting Polynomials ? i need a easy way for me to under stand it if u can help and have aim im atbigbootybonita94 thnx or email To add or subtract polynomials combine like terms . These like terms have the same variables raised to the same exponents ex . x2 and 2x2 . If there are brackets around them get rid of brackets first and then you just add or subtract their coefficients number in front of the variable 2x coefficient would be 2 . Examples1 2x 5z y 7x 4y 2z2 2x3 4xy2 5x2y2 3x3 2x2y 6x2y2Solutions1 2x 5z y 7x 4y 2z 2x 5z y 7x 4y 2z when subtracting something youre adding the opposite 2x 5z y 7x 4y 2z remove brackets 2x 7x y 4y 5z 2z rearrange terms so easier to see which are the same 5x 3y 3z addsubtract coefficients of same variables raised to same exponents2 2x3 4xy2 5x2y2 3x3 2xy 6x2y2 2x3 4xy2 5x2y2 3x3 2xy 6x2y2 remove brackets 2x3 3x3 5x2y2 6x2y2 2x2y 4xy2 rearrange terms 5x3 x2y2 2x2y 4xy2 addsubtract coefficients hope this helped
About Homosexuality .? Are there any verses in the bible which say homosexuality is wrong ? If so which ones ? Leviticus says that Man shall not lie down with other manRight next to Dont eat pork Dont eat shellfish Dont mix fabrics Dont cut your hair on the sides of your head Dont trim your beardetc . Its also assumed that Sodom and Gahmorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality but all the bible says is that they were evil and that when a couple angels visited the crowd tried to rape them .
i think im depressed and i cut myself .... I NEED HELP ? ok well my parents broke up and today i relized all the memories my mom and dad had and then i got really quiet and i thought to my selfcuz we were with my dads girl friend that she shouldent be here .. i should be with my mom and dad . he should not even know her .... how is this happinning to me ... and then later i cut myself .... ive been doing that for about 2 years and my parents still dont know .... ive thought about suiside and i tryed but i couldent get the blade to cut ...... i wanna stop but i really dont know how ... i have so many cuts and i just wanna die ... i hate it and i really think im depressed ... how do i know and how do i stop the cutting .... plz help me befor i get to far .... thanks Suicide is not worth it . Ive been there before myself . Check out the links below for some crisis hotline numbers which I hope can help you . Email me at chadjesusfreak . com if youd like to talk .
Guys ... perferably young ones ? Would you date a girl with a serious cronic condition like chrones disease diabetes ect . You know about it before you ask her out . Would you still ask her out ? Treat her the same way ? Why or why not ? Yes of course I would if I liked her . I wouldnt let a medical condition keep me from enjoying her personality .
Why are the Movie Previews called Trailers ? Film trailers are film advertisements . They are shown before the screening of another movie at a cinema where the films will be exhibited as well as in the lobby and on Internet . They are more formally known in theaters as previews of coming attractions . The term trailer comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a film programme . Although that practice did not last long due to patrons tending to leave the theater after the films proper were finished the name has stuck .
How do you say ? my girlfriend is short in French Ma petite amie est petite . petite amie girlfriendboyfriendpetite little small short
why is it so hard to belive there was some kind of coverup on 911 ? Its our god given right as americans to find criminals and investigate them even if they are high ranking officals . for all you nay sayers why dont they just answer the real questions about 911 ? if they are so sure that terrorists committed these acts why cant the government release a few more tapes of the pentagon or answer the real questions ? if our central millitary complex is not safe from attack what is then ? they had enough information to know that there was a good chance 911 would happen . they chose not to act . thats it . why is it so hard to believe theres a coverup ? think about it . thousands of ppl dead . because of something the only thing protecting this country could prevent but didnt ? thats too scary . its much easier to say theyre dumb ya know idiots . despite the fact that Bush went to Yale and ishello presidentor that some arab that hates freedom is attacking . to swallow the fact that the govt . doesnt give a fuck about you and would allow such an atrocity to take place . is too much for most ppl .
This is in refferance to my address ? People are not able to get though to me on my mail address . I just fond out the there has been a added to the ca at the end of my address . Why is this ? Hopifully some one can help me . Im missing out on some vary inportant things . My address is bganziniyahoo . ca not bganziniyahoo . ca Thanks for your time . Hopifully this can be fixed . An exclamation mark is not a valid character for an email address extension or web address so it wouldnt be possible to add it thats just how it is just like its not possible for me to upload a picture into this answer someone created the protocols and were bound by them . You can have in the first part of an email address but not in the part that comes after the dot xyzyahoo . com is acceptable but xyzyahoo . com isnt . Im guessing that somewhere along the line someone has mistyped your email address or has perhaps copied and pasted it but inadvertently included an exclamation mark . Many people on seeing xyzyahoo . ca would realize it should be xyzyahoo . ca and correct the error themselves but Id suggest you email those people who you suspect may have your email address incorrectly and advise them of the error . Just to clarify this service is something provided by Yahoo which is available for anyone to ask and answer questions on . Its not a facility for contacting Yahoo themselves just clarifying in case you had hoped to get a response from Yahoo staff .
how can you separate the homogenous mixture of sugar and salt ? Scientific Methods please are there certain chemicals ? or certain catalysts ? Traditionally salt is removed from sugar containing solutions by passing the syrup through columns packed with ionexchange resin beads . The beads bind the Na and Cl ions and the effluent passing through will be the sugar water solution . If you wasn to recover the Na or the Cl ions then the beeds are rinsed with either a strong acid or base and quantitave recoveries can be made .
Pseudo sweaty palms ? huh ? Ive somehow developed sweaty palms during the last view days . I do have sweaty feet but it has been that way for as long as i can remember . Though it doesnt bother me much . you do not shake peoples hands with your feet . lol Could this really be a condition ? or is it stress related ? I have been feeling kinda restless lately . This is certainly not helping things I think you may have an overactive thyroid gland . Get it checked . There is a simple cure for it and you should feel fine again . Good luck
Ichiro signed baseball blue stitch rookie season all star team authenticity letter . How much is it worth ? a autographed baseball is only worth as much as somebody is willing to pay for it .
Manchaft seleao a veut dir quoi en franais ? Manchaft Allemagne seleao Bresil a veut dire quipe en allemand et slection en portugais .
When does the bible say the earth will end as we know it and how ? As a result of mankinds fall into sin all creation unwillingly submitted to the slavery of decay and groans and suffers till now Rom . 822 . The time will come in which mankind and the entire material world will be purified and renewed . This will occur on the last day following the Universal Judgment and it will happen by means of fire . As the world that existed before the deluge was purified from sin by means of the flood likewise the present heaven and earth St . Peter teaches are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men On that day the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up Nevertheless we according to His promise look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells 2 Pet . 3713 . The fact that the present temporary world will be transformed was predicted many centuries before Christ by the Psalmist who said Of old You laid the foundation of the earth And the heavens are the work of Your hands . They will perish but You will endure Yes all of them will grow old like a garment Like a cloak You will change them And they will be changed . But You are the same And Your years will have no end Ps . 1022527 . In other words the end of the world will not be its destruction but its total renewal .
iam23 y iam shy n dont have gf what to do to overcome shyness ? Talk to more girls of your age . All you need is good communication . That will help you a lot to overcome shyness . Good luck
where can I get truly free mp3 downloads ? The P2P programs such as LimeWire BearShare Kazaa etc . can be used to download music for free . However i warn you that downloading musicmovies using them is illegal . Download at personal risk .
did the mafia and cia really kill kennedy ? Im not saying that I know for sure who killed JFK but here is something to think about . JFK s dad was connected to organized crime during prohibition . He was a bootlegger . Now fast forward to when JFK was running for president . He reach out to his friend Frank Sinatra who was friends with Sam Giancana boss of the Chicago Outfit . Giancana pulled some strings and JFK got elected . After he was elected Giancana figured JFK owned the mob a favor . JFK put his brother as Attorney General and both of them went after the mob . Now fast forward again to the assination and the aftermath . Whether Oswald was just a fall guy or if he was one of the shooters and yes I said one of the shooters meaning more than one shooter I dont know . But Giancana being boss of Chicago had ties to New Orleans boss Carlos Marcello who had ties to Dallas and I think you know where I am going with this . Jack Ruby was connected to the Dallas Family . He wasnt very important but he still had ties .
rate me for fun please ladies ? i am single and would like to know what you think of me . if you want to add me for a chat my addy is hewesgeoffreyyahoo . co . uk or geoffheweshotmail . co . uk hey u r fun
what do U think of the Macbook ? Im travilling in a few days so I need to decide fast so please help me .. I want to empty my digi cam . or digi camcorder in itthe photoes . but this isnt the only use 4 me .... Id like a laptop to last long with great features ... do U think macbook is great ? why U think soeather U say yes or nowhts its price ?.. if no what do U recommend why its better ? I have worked with both Macs and PCs and i totally vote for the macbook . The operating system is much more stable and will last longer than another laptop because they are built stronger in my opinion . PCs are good also if you are in an environment that is PC dominated or if you want to try out software software for Macs are limited . Macs are great if you are doing photos videos and other creative stuff . I belive Apple also ships their computers rapidly and would receive it much faster than a PC if you are travelling soon .
How do I get someones billing information on ebay ? I need to send him a money order but he doesnt have his billing information anywhere . It says he accepts them within 7 days . He wont respond to my emails . Is there any OTHER way i could get it ? got to the help section
do you think france is gonna go through the 18 finals ? I hope they do . otherwise the game agaisnt Korea was Zidanes last game . they need to win this one for him ... hes been so good for that country and its one of the elite players I refuse to believe that game was the last game of his career . considering the ref game him yellow cards he cant play on that match so they will have to play without him so it will be a challenge but they owe it to him to advance to the next game . Good lucK France
Edgar Allan Poes most famous poem includes the sad refrain ? a . the end of the lineb . till death do us partc . adieud . nevermore d . nevermoreNo words can soothe himno prayer remove himAlthough personally my favourite is Annabelle Lee
where in america does it stay spring like temperatures most of the year ??? like anywhere between 6080 degress most of the year ... like 7580 throughout the year The Northern coastal areas of California around San Francisco stay very moderate all year . Its also very lovely along the Alaskan Islands like Ketchikan .
Out of curiosity .......? Why is it that menwho are straight have a hard time dealing with gay men but are willing to see lesbians get it on . It seems to me that there is a major doublestandard here ......... why ? i swear to God its cuz of all the lesbian porn that are around .... they watch it and they ACTUALLY think that its the same in real life ..... try putting a stone butch making love to a lipstick femme i think theyd head for the nearest exit no offence butches love you guys but i need to make a point because they are soo used to what the adult film industry or rather their own male ego and chauvanism tell them .... women are created to pleasure my dck and the world revolves around it so the idea of lesbians having sex with them is stroking pardon the pun their egos . ie they are so good in bed that even lesbians will make an exeption for itanything that threathens their male supremacy is a turnof . so this explains them not wanting to watch two guys make out .... hence explaning the stone butch situation too . butches are a threat to their ego so it will not be tolerated ... as for why do they like to watch it i think if you cant get the real thing ..... stimulation would do just fine .... lolhope this makes sense
why do we get mouth ulcer ? The exact cause of mouth ulcers is unknown but in some cases they are thought to be caused by an overreaction by the bodys own immune system . Factors that appear to provoke them include stress fatigue illness injury from accidental biting hormonal changes menstruation sudden weight loss food allergies and deficiencies in vitamin B12 iron and folic acid . Some drugs such as nicorandil have been linked with mouth ulcers . Mouth ulcers are thought to form when the body becomes aware of and attacks chemicals which it does not recognize . The presence of the unrecognized molecules garners a reaction by the lymphocytes which trigger a reaction that causes the damage of a mouth ulcer . Trauma to the mouth is a common cause of mouth ulcers . Physical trauma such as toothbrush abrasion poking with sharp food accidental biting or dental braces can cause mouth ulcers by breaking the mucous membrane . Other factors such as chemical irritants or thermal injury may also lead to the development of ulcers . However in many cases the precise cause is unknown . A common cause of ulcers is gluten intolerance in which case consumption of wheat rye or barley can result in chronic mouth ulcers . If gluten intolerance is the cause prevention means taking most breads pastas cakes pies cookies scones biscuits beers etc . out of the diet and substituting glutenfree varieties where available . Artificial sugars such as those found in diet cola and sugarless gum have been reported as causes of mouth ulcers as well . They can also be linked to an increased intake of acid such as the acidic form Vitamin C or citric acid . In this case the sores disappear after intake decreases or a non acidic form of the vitamin is taken . Other disorders can cause mouth ulcers including oral thrush leukoplakia gingivostomatitis and oral lichen planus . Mouth ulcers are also associated with ulcerative colitis Crohns disease coeliac disease gluten sensitivity bullous pemphigoid and Behets disease . Repeat episodes of mouth ulcers can also be indicative of an immunodeficiency signalling low levels of immunoglobulin in the mucous membrane of the mouth . Chemotherapy is a common cause of mouth ulcers . The treatment depends on the believed cause .
What is a Daisy wheel printer ? A daisywheel printer works on the same principle as a ballhead typewriter . The daisy wheel is a disk made of plastic or metal on which characters stand out in relief along the outer edge . To print a character the printer rotates the disk until the desired letter is facing the paper . Then a hammer strikes the disk forcing the character to hit an ink ribbon leaving an impression of the character on the paper . You can change the daisy wheel to print different fonts . Daisywheel printers cannot print graphics and in general they are noisy and slow printing from 10 to about 75 characters per second . As the price of laser and inkjet printers has declined and the quality of dotmatrix printers has improved daisywheel printers have become obsolete .
What could be a good Student Council Platform ? Im currently running for president ...? Being really popular and involved in the choir and volleyball team . Or playing a good song as the intro to your speech at the assembly .
What kind of job can I get with a B . A . in Mathematics besides teaching ? lots of work awaits a good mathematician you can work in an insurance firm as an actuarial at nasa to defense contractors like mcdonnel douglas maker of fighter planes and missiles at sandia laboratories the oppurunity is unlimited .
WHAT are some GOOD OUTTINGS for a couple to go on ??? Thinking of some places to go out and do with my man . Girls and Guys please answer . movies talk a walk the beach have a pic nicgo to the park and play on the swings and have him push u it depends on whats in ur area u can go horse back riding an amusementpark a zoo mini golf etc there is tons of things to do
What about Iran ? Iran if we consider their history of world cups they have never shown a big impact on big teams . A 31 loss to Mexico . But we can still hope for the best as they have the striker that scored the most goals internationally Ali Daei . We can also have hope on his teammate Ali Karimi a Bayern Munich star .
Have you read the bookAn Inconvenient Truth ? Written by Al Gore . It is also on film . This is a book everyone should read . No I have not but I plan to when it arrives in my area . I Strongly doubt everyone will see it though . Some people are guided by something other than scientific evidence . For centuries the science community has bumped heads with the establishment . Peoples set beliefs can prove to be very difficult to change . Educating the young is most probably the best way to get the job done . Still Others have such a big stake in the Middle East and its oil that inconvenient truth is a great understatement . Good luck getting the word out . Maybe after the movies initial release it will be available for students to see in their schools Or maybe it will become available to Public Television viewers .
so get my liquor license first then worry about the building ? I agree what good is the building if you cant get the license ?
what is 13 as a fraction ? 13
Bewitched question Since Serena was Samanths cousin and Endoras niece does that mean continued she was Uncle Authors daughter ? Whats your take on it ? No . Uncle Arthur never married but occasionally had girlfriends . It had to be from her fathers side of the family . By the way . Arthur may have been gay in real life but he was not on the show . As I said before he had a few pretty girfriends . Serena was not Aunt Claras daughter . She never had any children .
How do I surf the web So that no one knew I did ??? How do I surf the web So that no one knew I did ??? Get a Bootable CD based Linux distibution Mandrake Move for example . Make sure the PC you want to use is configured in the BIOS to boot from CD before booting from the Hard Drive . Pop in the CD and boot Linux . Most bootable distos will offer a web browser and automagically detect your web connection . Fire up the browser and use as normal . When youre finished shut down and remove the CD No history
Is it wrong to kiss a guy and not tell your friend about it ? because one of my friends heard it from someone else and now she says that I lied to her and she is mad at me . kissing is a personal thing that is between you and the one you kissed . if you denyed it i could see her being madbut if you said nothing to anyone i do not see a problem . if you had told others and not herthen she would feel let down . you are not required to tell your friend EVERYTHING . even if she tells you . do tell her why you had not mentioned it though . like you were thinking of your feelings after the kiss and trying to decide if it was worth talking about . she most likely feels since others knew that you dont find her opinion worthy of notice . reassure her that was not a factor .
how to turn on bluetooth ? how how do i turn ON bluetooth on a NOKIA N70 open your menu go to connectclick on that and you should have bluetooth
I am taking my son to see the new adam sandler movie click today is it any good ? They say its funny .
what you do feel when your in love ? Your body releases chemicals that are very similar to tweak as in speed or crystal meth . So you lose your apatite and feel a bit jittery . But then when that all wears off if the girl is still as great as when you first started falling in love with her the magic happens . You feel like you are only really complete when you are together . Like part of you is missing when she isnt there . You know you would do anything to save her from a burning building or any other threatening situation even if you know it would kill you . I have done lots of things like rock climbing jumping out of airplanes and driving 140 mph in a 65 zone but nothing compares to the feeling I get when I look at my wife .
what would it be the face of middle east if Americanas would not been attack Iraq ? who would bee the mext victim of Iraq and Iran and Suria invedors ???? after kuveitand libanon ......?? Before we invaded Iraqwe had the support of the entire world . Nobody objected to our going after the Taliban in Afghanistan and we had a coalition of allies who were willing to support our cause . BushPearleRumsfeldWolfowitzCheney and Rice squandered that good will by deliberately lying to the American people and the world about phoney WMDs . They also told us that the war would pay for itself with Iraqi oil . Unfortunately what Bush has accomplished is something no one in history has been able to dohe has turned the entire Islamic world into our enemy . Instead of them hating the Jews in Israel they now hate us . This war will never be won by our troops because when you have people willing to blow their selves up for a cause any victory will only come when the last suicide bomber has died . The Middle east would have been a far more stable region had we not invaded and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians including women and children .
48 in a 25 in NJ ... 4 points hurts ... will it get reduced in court ? Got pulled over 48 in a 25 in NJ . I have only used one careless driving and have another ... I will be going to court to try and reduce the 4 points to NONE if possible ... do I have a chance ?? get ur self a lawyer . they are pricey but it helps
Guys only What do i have to do to get a girl to like me ? A bunch have asked me before but never thr right one . I NEED TIPSI am love sick If you want to REALLY know how to get a girl to like you Ask a girl . Most guys think they know but have NO CLUE .
Is it leagal to keep someone in the hospital aginst their will in Canada ? If it is a psychiatric hospital it is
How Do you Change Your IP ? I have a cable modem and i called my ISP AND They told me they dont give out ips . I went into the Command Prompt . And i put ipconfigrelease and then ipconfigrenew . However The same IP address DOES NOT CHANGE . IT stays the same . When you look up my ip It is resistering 125 Miles from My location . HelpThanks it is because your service providers dns servers know your mac address and assign the same ip again . Try to reconnect after certain hours ... it might work
To days match results of Czech Repablic ? Ghana 2 Czech Republic 0This victory of Ghana means that finally one of the newcomers at this FIFA World Cup is able to celebrate a victory and also is the first for any of the five African finalists . Goals GYAN Asamoah 2 the quickest goal so far MUNTARI Sulley 82 Gyan miss a penalty at 67 struck it against lefthand postFirst he stroke the ball home but referee Horacio Elizondo gave him a yellow card and made him kick the penalty again . CAUSE the referee was busy showing the red card to the defender when Gyan kick the penalty The options now are open for every one in the group if the referee lets USA play
how can i make extra money ? be a stripper
What is your hobby and why ? Select only one hobby the best asnwer will be selected as Best Answer 10points As for meI love to skate on ice because is my hobby since Im little . Skatting is really a fun thing to do when I got nothing to do on weekend . I listen to the policefire radio scanner . If you hear the police helicopter over your house you can find out what the suspects look likeand what crime they just committed . Fires areextinguished in a procedural professional orderto protect the lives of citizens and the firefighters . You can also listen to ham radio railroads airplanes the weatherracingcoast guard all on specific channels . All that plus you can put the radio on search and find almost anything .
Are there any cool summer jobs for teens in portland oregon ? Im deserpate for a cool job may be something like retail or serving people like at starbucks . y ask peps on here ask the internet
somebody know if the company infotechaerospace services of pratt and whitney employes electrical engineers ?? I dont really know . If it is an Aerospace company then they most likely do . Most Aerospace based companies employ Aero Electrical and Mechanical Engineers . I would just suggest looking up the company online .
what does CNC mean ? cable news channel
What do do england play today gmt ? Ecuador at four
Which country going to win the 2006 World Cup in Germany ??? brazil
What advice would you give to a first year PhD student social science ? Advice from current grad students please ? 1 . Be an active participant in the community that is your department . Go to talks and social events . Get to know the faculty outside your narrow area of interest as well you never know when those people are going to be able to help you . 2 . One part of department culture you should avoid at all costs is the gossip . Academic disciplines are all about networking and reputations so if possible you want people to like and trust you . 3 . You WILL be overwhelmed and generally stressed out all the time . Just dont let other people know it . You are likely to have at least minor meltdowns from time to time just be sure to do it at home away from your colleagues . Anytime youre in the department or with colleagues do your best to act calm and confident and refrain from complaining too much . Bitching about work was cool as an undergrad now you need to act like a professional . 4 . Most people I know didnt go into graduate school with a dissertation topic so if you dont have one dont panic . Read as much as you can talk over ideas with your adviser and use your term papers to testdrive ideas youre interested in . Ultimately you have to pick a project that really captivates you because youve got to make yourself give at least a few years of your life over to it . Mostly being successful in graduate school is something you have to learn by experience . Listen to the older graduate students and dont let the overwhelming feelings cloud your better judgment . Good luck
where can i get a free book report from ? websites ? hi dear try using google whitepages jus type what u want to know trailing by whaite papers or bookstoriesu will find what u want to know
whats youre favrote footballrugby team and why ? Football Manchester UnitedRugby Englandcoz theyre simply great
I have homosexual feelings and ive acted on it will i go to hell ? ive been like this ever since i was born will i go to hell . plz help . what should i do ? Yes theres a possibility that you could go to Hell if you dont turn away from your sins . Because you feel that you have been feeling this way since you was born then you will have to seek Gods face . God can help you to change if that is what you want . First realize that you are not in your natural state that God perfer you to be in then know that it is not normal repent to God and dont miss a day asking for forgiveness and praying . God has got to know that this is what you really want . How about making a promise to God that if he would restore your natural state back that you will serve him forever . Just trust him and be patient with God . It may look like he will never answer but he will if you do your part . But dont worry because worry brings on doubt and doubting God is only saying I dont trust you Lord And while you are trusting God separate yourself from any negativity in your life . Get away from any porn movies magazines etc . Get away from any of your friends that may be homosexuals . You have to make that first serious step and then God will gladly trust you enough to help you to change . Please follow up and be strong .
How much do i Pods cost in Hong Kong ? Hey Joey
Apart from Florida which StateCity is best for retirement and why ? Are you living there now ? If not what State not city do you live in now and are you planning to retire in the state youre recommending ? New Mexico retirement state California beautiful stateif you plan right ..... Moving back to California this month but the cost of housing would shock your shoes off . Ive already decided to retire in Georgia with the money Im spending in Ca this year 20 years from now I will be able to live in some of the best neighborhoods in Georgia ... so that the plan .... Good Luck
i need an affordable distance learning MBA program 10000 ? Sorry to break it to you but if you get an MBA for less than 10K its probably junk . You may have a certificate but nobody will recognize it as a real degree . Im in the same boat actually ... Im going for my masters and it looks like Im gonna pay around 40K for the whole deal ... I wish there was an easier way out but there isnt .
Where can I get an application N400 for citizenship ? U . S . Citizenship N400 application form The ..... government office maybE ? lol
What are some of the movies or books your religion has banned that you saw or read anyway ? Catholicism banned Last Temptation of Christ and I saw that movie and intend to read the book when my friend gives it to me . I read DaVinci Code which Im not sure if it was banned . I ban certain books and movies for myself because I can think for myself . My criteria If the movie or book does not help me with my goals I have no use for it . I dont settle for mere mediocrity .
Fathers Day help ? Fathers Day helpI am making a CD for my Father in law for Fathers Day . He likes all type of music except rap and classical . Can anyone give me any suggestions on songs that I can place on the CD ? Butterfly Kisses .... a good country song . Around here ladies dance with their fathers to this song at their wedding . Daddys Hands ... by Polly Dunn
how could i get built and yet gain weight ? i wanted to now how i could build fat and turn it into muscle my weight is 125 . i work out all most every 2 day i eat alot but i cant seem to get fat or build muscle what should i do ? will protein shakes help me ? The following healthy living recommendations will help you if your trying to lose weight have aspirations of building lean muscle mass are attempting to get a wash board stomach or just want to feel better1 Burn more calories then your consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate BMR minus Physical Activity . Get a fitness calculator that you can put on your cell phone and computer . This will allow you to easily calculate this formula log your daily calorie consumption and log your physical activities . 2 Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money . Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multivitamin supplement . Avoid High Glycemic Load Carbs sugar pastries desserts refined starches such as breads pasta refined grains like white rice high starch vegetables such as white potatoes and drink lots of water . Do not try fad diets . Here is an excellent food pyramid that anyone can follow Exercise on most days by doing cardiovascular training andor resistance training activities . Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure your doing all resistance training exercises correctly . A great book to buy that teaches you the resistance training basics is Weight Training For Dummies . A superb magazine to buy with excellent resistance training routines that will not get you bored is Muscle and Fitness . Signup for the free newsletter . A good book to buy that teaches you the cardiovascular training basics is Fitness For Dummies . 4 Get plenty of sleep . Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance health and safety . 5 Educate yourself continually on health issues . A good free publication is Dietary Guidelines For Americans 2005 . A superb book to read is You The Owners Manual . An excellent periodic publication is the Nutrition Action Health Letter . 6 Make a life long commitment to good health . A great test you can take to measure your biological age is at Look at other areas where you can improve your health . For example make improvements on the quality of the air you breath . Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier . Email me if you want a good air purifier recommendation and if you have other questions . Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations . The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis or treatment . Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition .
What is the best way to get rid of head lice ? Old fashioned way KerosineMy mom told me a story about how she got head lice when she was a little kid ... long time ago ... shes 80 now . Her mother soaked her head in plain ole kerosine . She said it burnt like hell .... but it killed the lice . Nice to know there are actual products made specifically for head lice these days ... lol .
how can a guy I like quite smokin and drinking alot ? it really worries me ..? the only thing you can do is trying to convince him ... although i doubt this would make a change ... coz almost everyone knows how bad is smoking and drinking a lot . so if he does not want to quit he wont quit ... smoking and drinking can not be controled by anyone but the person himself ... do not waste your time . you either take him as he is or leave him ...
Calling All Angels Please help with Peyronies and scar tissue ? Please help me I need to find away to remove scar tissue or have it go away with peyronies the scar tissue forms on the inside of penis on top about a quarter away from surface small under 12 inch it wont let penis expand makes it look deformed it is a terrible condition and doctors cant treat it . Please help me with some herb or something . God Bless You you know after giving it some thought maybe a vacuum pump like the ones use for enlargement can help by forcing it to expand and correct it self it has to be done slowly dont over do it . drink plenty of vitamin C A E garlic onions ginger to improve circulation one aspiring a day to reduce the formation of fibrin in the blood . The key is to do it slowly and remember dont over do it . if you over do it you can cause more damage loss of sensation