if chickens are comes from eggsand eggs lays by chickens then who came first in the world ?
Why are people today so confused about their gender roles and identity ? Isnt confusion the first thing that Satan wants for us in his plan to try to drag us all down to hell with him ? You know most people are not confused about their role or identity usually if there is confusion it is on the part of society with the role or identity an individual assumes . Its a wide and wonderful world and it is great that each of us can be and try anything we like and every experience comes with a great lesson or bit of wisdom . And personally I think the Enemy is our own self doubt and fears we drag our own selves down enough just look around . We dont need a horned little imp to make our lives hell very often we do a fine job all on our own .
Pourkoi lquipe de france estelle aussi nulle ? salut moi g peut tre une rponse ki pourra taider . Dapr les statistikes lquipes de france a la moyenne dage la plus vieille kan on voi des Jeunes kome Ribry et Malouda ki courent partout et ki se donnent a fond On voit tout de suite le diffrence Donc moi je pense kavec une quipe de france bocoup plus jeune on aurai de chance ... Donne moi ton avis ...
What do you do when a relative of your husband approaches you in a sexual manor ? On Fathers Day of last year my husband and I went to a Fathers Day dinner at his aunts house . He left with a few of the other dads to ride their motorcycles while I stayed with the mothers and the children . Unfortunately I had to work that day and I was rather tired . I went to lay in one of the childrens rooms with a couple of the little children that were already asleep . While I was sleeping I was awaken by someone rubbing my shoulders and stroking my hair . I thought it was my daughter because she does that from time to time . Well I went to sit up and saw that it was not my daughter but my husbands cousin . I jumped up and started cursing her because SHE made me rather uncomfortable . She goes on to tell me that she has been wanting me since she first met me while my husband and I were just dating 12 years ago . She also tried to go on about what she wanted to do to me . This is my hubbys family and I am not comfortable around her . What do I do ? you have been open with her that you do not want her attention . you might let your husband know about it so he is aware of what happened but not push it further . she most likely will leave you alone from now on give it a chance . if she doesnt stay away from where she is going to be if she makes you uncomfortable .
I want to get away from the rat race any suggestions on good places ? It took me many years to find my way out of the maze lol If you are fortunate enough to be someone who works from home all the time you could move to a nice secluded area ... depending on where you are I work from home and when the weather suits me .... I work from my boat . No planes ... trains ... or automobiles involved . Im sorry there are soo many people trapped in the rat race . Good luck .
Who will win the NBA finals ? Mavs or Heat ? MAVS . Shaq is pouting and Dwayne Wade cant handle the pressure
Is there a way you can unprotect a word document if you do not have the password ? Yes it can be done . If it is Tools Protect Document protected close it and then create a new blank file then Insert File and select the protected document . The document is no longer protected . You could also open the document and do aSave As ... selecting Rich Text Format RTF . It will then be called filename . rtf instead of filename . doc . After that open it by double clicking on it and save the RTF file with a new name as a Microsoft Word document .
do you ever automatically assume something about a person before knowing if its true or not ? curious about how many people do this and why . yes i use too
Would you vote to ban Christianity from our societyUSA ? After the responses from my last question Im starting to wonder if Christianity is on its way back underground again . Would you vote to take it completely out of schools and make it a rule not to speak about God Creation or Jesus in school ? To take down all the Christian symbols in society except the Churches themselves ? Or to make it a finable crime to offend someone by talking about sin and church ? no as long as the fundamentalist christians agreed not to try to vote to ban samesex marriage abortion etc . and jaime and sissysmess thats neither an original nor intelligent argument . americas founders were also mostly racist male slaveowners could there be a connection there perhaps ? but weve progressed as a society trying to fight the racism sexism homophobia and general religious bigotry so firmly entrenched in our society . what other disgusting traditions would you like to exhume ? i for one am glad our society has changed .
a lil riddle for yall ? there was this boy and his dad they were out drivin one day until a big deisal hit em in the car well the dad was announced dead at the seen but the boy was carrried to the nearest hopital when he got into the emergency room the er doctor freaked out and couldnt work on the kid y did the doctor do this ?? doc was the mother
Are there any famous models that are 54 or 55 ?? Just wondering if you are talking about runway models no ... kate moss is an exception at 57 tall . Designers make haute coutour clothes for tall women they fall better on tall lanky figures . However there are MANY other types of models other than just runway fashion models ... and I am pretty sure if you are not modeling on a runway you dont have to be extraordinarily tall .
can a vagina really get fungus on it ? i was told it can ? Yes . Yeast infections are fungal and they are common . Sounds yucky but almost all females have the problem at some time or other . Good luck .
whats a good sport for redneck olympics ? somethin like the hubcap toss Redneck Pentathlon1 Tabacco Spit2 Junk car accumulation3 Minority Bash4 Busch Drinking5 And you lose 10 points for every grade completed past 4th .
How many baseballs do they have ready at the beginning of a pro game ? They have at least one ...
How to boot form pxe enabled lan card diskless client to windows terminal server 2003 .? I have a terminal server running . Now I know that I can boot from a diskless client using bootROM to terminal server But i dont know the required configurationssettings and tools . Please somebody help me for the above purpose and give me detailed instructions . U can contact me on jameermullayahoo . com . Thanks in advance . you will probably have to change the BIOS setting to allow it to boot to the NIC after that you will need to have an IP address for the client and the information of the server you want to connect to IP address subnet mask etc .
how would i go directly through yahoo and get away from att yahoo ?
I received a check as a graduation gift . How do I convert it to cash ? You have to go to a bank and cash it . If you dont have an account mabye your parents do and they can cash it for you if you sign it over to them . Hope this helps you Congrats on Graduation and the best of luck to you .
Would you mail a birthday card to a close friend who hasnt answered your emails ? I have a very close friend who lives on a different continent than me . I sent her an email three weeks ago and she hasnt written back . I know that she has been online regularly since I sent the email as our mutual friends have mentioned chatting on MSN which I dont use . Her birthday is coming up and I feel kind of bitter about sending a card when she cant be bothered to reply to my email . Do you think I should send her a proper card a quick email or nothing at all ? Why ? Wow I went through something similar . I would mail the card and continue to be a good friend . So when you reach the point of confrontation you could say that you upheld your end of the bargain by being a loyal friend . Any chane in attitude will lead to both sides being bitter . Remember be who you were and do what you normally do until you can find out why things are the way they are . Relax and think it through .
about tickets ? where can i buy a new york knicks ticket for the 20062007 season ONLINE right now ? Ebay or go to ticketmaster
If you could visit any celebritys grave who would it be ? Jesus Christs .
What was your favorite part of middle school ? When I was in 7th grade there was a bully who sat in the desk next to mine in history class . Every time the teachers back was turned hed lean over and punch me hard on the arm . By the end of each day my arm was covered in bruises . One day I got some cloth ribbon and some heavy tape and fashioned an armband out of it with sharp thumbtacks sticking out . I concealed this under my sleeve the next day before class . After that day he never hit me again . That was my favorite day in junior high school .
What are the most important recent developments in artificial stupidity ? It is much more comfortable to be mad and know it than to be sane and have doubts .
How many of you havent realized ...? that our socalled far left liberal friends here are using the same fearmonger tactics that they accuse neocons of ? Or how quickly they can quote Goebbels and his use of repeating a lie so often that it becomes truth ? Pot calling the kettle black ? Hypocrites to the nth degree ? Should we let them fester in their own hatred and stop even acknowledging their sly propoganda ? Dont get me wrong either Im not a Republican or neocon but I do love America and hope to see it return to what it can be a proud republic that stands for something other than party hatred . This is at times a gladitorial arena . Sure theres hand grenades and flame throwers aplenty but at times that is just the nature of the contest . Truly I feel it gives people a place to vent their anger and frustration among other things . Its also a place where wit and humor come out . I enjoy reading the comments the trading of accusations and insults the raw feelings that come out from both sides and its safe .. For my real meat and potatoes I go to forums and discussions at Stanford University which is near by . I also show up at fund raisers for our local politicians we had an election here a few weeks ago . Sometimes it does seem kinda crass and rough but better to get these feelings out in a safe environment than to let them stew unabated . And one more thing I HAVE heard some interesting remarks from the other side that have made me think . They have good people on their side no doubt about it . After all they are products of a great country . We all are .
Why do I have vibrating electric like needles in my left arm ? I have had these feelings of needles or vibrating nerve like endings from my elbow up to the left shoulder and neck and head left side only . Im taking increased meds for trigeminal neuralgia but that hasnt touched it . I cant remember stretching or falling within the month period that this has been happening . I saw an MD who suggested an up dose of my Neurontin but nothing has stopped the vibration like ache . Anyone have anything like this ? It could be a prob with one of the nerves in your arm the ulnar or median . See your dr for EMG testing .
How fast is a OC1 line ? 51840000 bits per second . So about 900 times as fast as dialup 57600 bits per second in terms of bandwidth .
what is the best way of telling a girl that we are really interest at ? one is the girl that we already know and she know us too and the other is she never know your name but she always see u around .. will i need to give her something or saying what ? i really dunno but i know that im interest in her .. what should i do ?
how do they perform a 4 12 hour cardio stress test ? I am scheduled to have this stress test next week . I cant figure out why it takes so long to perform . I am a nuclear medicine technologist . And I think you are talking about a cardiac stress imaging test . I dont know exactly how the facility you are doing it at does theirs theres several ways to do it . I am assuming it is the reststress method . So what they will do is inject you with a radioisotope while you are at rest wait about 20 minutes and image your heart for about 15 minutes or so . Then you come back in about 12 hours and they will run you on the treadmill to reach your target heart rate once in is reached they will inject a radioisotope again while your heart is in a stress state . They will put you on the camera again and image your heart for 1520 minutes . This time they will hook up some ekg leads to synchronize your heartbeat with the camera . The purpose of imaging your heart in a rest and stress state is to find spots where the radioactive medicine didnt perfuse to in the heart muscle . When you exercise the coronary arteries dialate and blood usually perfuses to the heart muscle better . Now if the pictures show an area where there was no perfusion on rest and stress images that means that is dead muscle that cannot be repaired by increasing perfusion to the muscle it probably died when you had a heart attack or some chest pain over time . But if the images show a area that didnt perfuse on rest but then it did get blood to it when you exercised and opened up those coronary vessels then it is fixable . They will probably put in a stent andor do blood thinner therapy to get blood to that heart muscle so it doesnt die .
Finance Major looking for guidance ? I have one year left in my finance degree and i am having trouble deciding whether to continue on for my masters or stop after this year . I am looking for advice from other finance majors and your thoughts as to how important the higher education is and what kind of additional oppurtunities would be available to me if I remained in school ? am an accounting and finace major student . This is my last semester . I will continue to a masters degree in accounting and finace . My advice is continue i a different school from yours and country . Finace is wide so there is a way to go . t is not so important for a marketing major to make masters degree but i think its important for finance . You can continue in England . They have one year masters programs and they are very good . I will go to LSE next year . Good luck ...
Would you have sex with your boss in order to get a great promotion ? What would you do ? is being on your knees the same thing ????
do u have any such problem ? unable to load games on yahoo messenger ??? orunable to load doodle ??? orwhen u insert dvd system asks to reduce resolution ??? orunable to load songs or videos on ur web page or yahoogroups homepage ??? or anything elsewrite it here Well you probably have your cookies set too high and your pop up blocker doesnt allow anything through . To allow more cookies go to start control panel network and internet connections internet options privacy then lower the little bar to about medium . for the pop ups when you press on a link hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard to allow that popup .
Which one 50 cent or The Game ? Rap is Crap
All the Girls in Every Girlie Magazine ? So call at 703 on your machine I slur a plea for you to come home . But I know its too late I shouldve given you a reason to stay ... Death Cab For Cutie A Lack of Color from their Transatlanticism album thats a great song .
how do i email from the yahoo web page ? i want to email someone and i dont know how . Start at the Mail menu on the top left of the page .
Why are banks bad ? If you watch those Ditech commercials you would come to that conclusion . Do you agree with those commericals ? Even though I have had a bad experiencethe bank misrespresented credit file doesnt mean all of them are bad right . I wont mention the bank because that would be rudeex . Suntrust heh . If banks are not bad why do we have finance Title and Payday loans companies who OVERCHARGE people ? Bad is relative and subjective different for every person a perception . The Federal Reserve Act is the tail that wags the dog and is unconstitutional . The Federal Reserve is a private institution run by a few very powerful men that decide the fate of our economy . Is that bad ? I would say so . Not what our forefathers intended . Youre complaining about nickels and dimes . The whole thing is a scam .
Do You think the word Handyman is a Deadbeat Drugi Drinker and some one who has no job and cant keep one ? I am a smart person I can fix anything build anything and very street wise Kind and well liked by customers . How ever I get this self feeling as I am just this nice 51 year old who peaple like but Know I am just a Handyman . I have a very strong background in Business working for Dupont Fuji Film and used to get High respect from eveyone . not necessarily . handyman could be considered uneducated vagrant whos good with tools . Im a pretty decent handyman and am also a mortgage broker . people know me as a broker whos good at fixing things . its all how people perceive you .
why is crystal meth so addicting ? Because it is a drug and drugs affect your brain . They send litle chemicals called neurotransmitters into your neurons and give a certain feeling . Since they flood the neurons with that feeling the neuron shuts off so the body doesnt ever make that feeling EVER again . So then since you crave that feeling again the body wants MORE meth . Thats why one hit can make you hoooked . Dont try it .
what is the volumn of liquid in an area 20x40x7 . 5 ? LWHVolume6000
Who is the best tennis player on the WTA tour ? me
How many Bush family members were involved in Banking scandals ? How family members of the current president were involved in banking scandals .... Name the scandal and the family member ? non political just trivia . OK . The SL Savings LoansSilverado is the banking scandal that involved Bush brothers and father . Neil Bush was the mastermind of the SL fraud . Then theres G . W . Bush Jeb Bush and Bush senior . At least 4 Bushs were involved . Check this link for complete details
Whats a good idea for a romantic birthday present .? My partener and I are deeply in love . His birthday is coming up soon and Im looking for ideas on romance something extra special that he will remember for a long long time . for a man cook or buy him his favourite meal if he normally drinks beer have something a little more expensive to drink . dim the liughts with lite music . He will love it .
what can i do with not so good credit and 4 days til they start forclosure on my home ? no payday loans no one to lend a hand . i dont want to move out i fell behind when the doctor that i work with got fired You dont have a lot of options . Unless you can come up with your arrears in a hurry your best bet would be to contact one of the many companies that offers rapid purchase of your home and sell it to them . If you owe less than the home is worth you get some money to start over and no matter what you owe you avoid foreclosure which will haunt your credit rating for years . You can also let the lender know you have a sale pending which should halt the foreclosure for at least a week or two giving you time before the sale to find somewhere else to live .
Do you think charging citizens of America income tax is legal ? Watch this ? Income tax is legal 16th Amendment . However invest in gold and beware of big brother is the lesson of this video .
How many of you are looking forward to the END of the World Cup ...? ... so that people on here will STOP asking about the stupid thing ? The only question that I find stupid is how many people ask who is going to win ? Worry about the next game not the last one ... idiots
Do you think that without the aethesits and agnostics this category would be dead ? I mean lets face it 99 of the people in this category Agnosts Aethesits Xians Muslims et al all log on so they can give each other a good roast . Now Im not syaing that it isnt fun ....... Definitely . Deader than dead . The arguments wouldnt be as varied nor as challenging . IMO
is it illegal to purchase the book behold a pale horse ? i want to read it because i heard it contains great info . but my cousin said ill get in trouble if i buy it ? why ? Its not illegal to buy the book but perhaps the contents of the book may be controversial . I havent read the book but heres a summary of the Behold A Pale Horse from wikipedia . Behold a Pale Horse is a 1991 book by William Milton Cooper . ISBN 0929385225Written after Cooper had been a member of the US Naval Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet the book details many of Coopers claims about the alleged influence of UFOs on US government agencies the New World Order the assassination of President John F . Kennedy the Apollo hoaxes and other topics . Another claim made in the book pertains to his own death . William Cooper seemingly paranoid claimed that he would be shot to death on his own property . True to his fate he was gunned down in precisely this manner years after publishing the book and settling down in Arizona . However prior to his move Cooper had confided to a neighbor of many years that he expressed a wish to be involved in a shootout with Federal employees in order to vent his anger about the government . The title of the book alludes to a passage in the Bible Revelation 68 And I looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was Death and Hell followed with him .
concentrated sulfuric acid test for hydrocarbons ? Cold concentrated sulfuric acid is used with neutral waterinsoluble compoinds containing no elements other than carbon hydrogen and oxygen . If the compound is unsaturated is readily sulfonated or possesses a functional group containing oxygen it will dissolve in cold concentrated sulfuric acid . This is frequently accompanied by a reaction such as sulfonation polymerization dehydration or addition of the sulfuric acid to olefinic or acetylenic linkages . In many cases however the solute may be covered by dilution with ice water .
Can anyone explain me what is the PRSI exactly ? Thanks a lot . Most employers and employees over 16 years of age in Ireland pay social insurance contributions into Irelands national Social Insurance Fund . In general the payment of social insurance is compulsory . Irelands Social Insurance Fund is made up of a current account and an investment account managed by the Minister for Social and Family Affairs and the Minister for Finance respectively . The current account consists of monies collected from people in employment . This money is then paid back to fund social insurance benefits and entitlements . The investment account is a savings account that is managed by the Minister for Finance . The Comptroller and Auditor General has responsibility for ensuring that the accounts are kept in order and reports are made to the Houses of the Oireachtas . If you are in employment the amount of social insurance you pay depends on your earnings and the type of work you do . Your social insurance contributions in Ireland are referred to as PRSI Pay Related Social Insurance . Sometimes you will hear people describe their PRSI record as stamps . This term dated from before 1979 when employers would literally stamp a card each week of employment . That card was then brought to a local social welfare office in order to claim social welfare payments . Since 1979 your employer keeps a record of the insurance contributions you make . These monies are now collected by the Revenue Commissioners who in turn make annual returns of these records to the Department of Social and Family Affairs . All records of your insurance contributions are kept by the PRSI Records section in the Department of Social and Family Affairs . Social insurance ratesFor people in employment in Ireland social insurance contributions are divided into different categories known as classes or rates of contribution . The type of class and rate that you pay is determined by the nature of your work . For example a person employed in a supermarket earning less then 38 euro per week will be insured under Class J . If that person earned over 38 euro they would probably be insured under Class A . In fact most employees in Ireland pay Class A PRSI . This class of contribution may entitle you to the full range of insurancebased benefits that are available from the Department of Social and Family Affairs . The other classes of social insurance are classes C D B E H J S K M and P . If you are insured under one of these classes you are paying insurance at a lower rate than Class A contributors which means that you are not entitled to the full range of social insurance benefits . This is because you are paying less towards social insurance than a Class A contributor . Example Joe earns less than 38 euro per week . He is insured under Class J which only entitles him to Occupational Injuries Benefit . Details of the different groups and occupations that these classes apply to and the benefits covered are contained in the Department of Social and Family Affairs Booklet SW14 . Also available from your local social welfare office . If there is a problem in deciding what class of social insurance you should pay the Scope Section in the Department of Social and Family Affairs may decide the issue after examining your employment situation . How is social insurance PRSI paid ? If you are an employee your social insurance contributions are deducted by your employer and collected by the Revenue Commissioners . The Revenue Commissioners then pay the money into the Social Insurance Fund . A record of the contributions you have paid is then sent to the Department of Social and Family Affairs . Your employer will also pay social insurance on your behalf . As well as paying into the Social Insurance Fund you will also be expected to pay what is called the Health Contribution which is charged at 2 on all income . The Health Contribution is not paid into the Social Insurance Fund . This money is collecte
Why does every body always do good in school ? because they love school and they love to learn . if you take school a bit more seriously there is no doubt youll do perfectly fine .
I am looking for a dentist for low income adult . She probably needs dentures .? My daughter whos husband was killed in a car accident is on social security supplement for her and her children . 3 kids . She has always had problem with her teeth and now needs them all removed and dentures . I guess . However since she doesnt get very much money cant afford to see the dentist . Does anyone know of help out there for very low income dentistry ? Most areas have a lowincome dentist that bases their fees on the family income . My advice would be to call your local Department of Job and Family Services Welfare office and they may be able to give you that information .
You asked for it would you rather watch the world cup or 2 old men playing checkers ? world cup baby ok ill let you support england you have a chance at least then lol lol im joking not saying anything about your footie skills . tee hee good thing i am going out hey in a cheeky mood tonight x
Was bush a good father when he was the governer of TX ? when his daughter got caught for drinking and being under age . Obviously he was an absent father ... but whats worse is Laura was an absentee Mother as well Shame on them both
Will the real me please stand up ? How can I just be myself ? Today at work I was on the phone being very professional and polite and someone stopped by my desk and said you sure act diffrerent on the phone than you do in person and with people . I said it gets nauesiated being polite all the time I just like to let it all hang out she laughed and walked away . There is a part of me that always wants to be well liked and well received by others . Deep down inside I am loving and gentle and kind hearted but there are times more often than not that I have hardened my heart and become loud obnoxoius and over bearingI just received an email about being christ like and sharing Gods love to those who are hurting and I welled up with tears and started to cry . I the midst of living life I forgot what it is like to really feel . I dont want to put up a front and be someone I am not I have been hurt many times please pray for me that the real me will come forth and that I would serve God with a loving heart . I think your last statement says it all youve been so hurt that you no longer want anyone to see you how you really are unless you are sure they will not hurt you . This is not the way to love people and its not the way Jesus would want you to live . Yes people will hurt you in mental and physical ways sometimes . But you will survive . Thats part of why Jesus says we should turn the other cheek . Because loving someone means letting them hurt you on occasion ... because they are hurting too . People hurt me all the time they say mean and vicious things to me and I let them because its just a hurt its not my soul .
why was the treaty of versailles unsuccesful ? or what did the leaders do to make it unsuccesful ? this is for an essay so if you could list some oints or sources or anything that will help me write this The treaty was unsuccessful . They put all the blame on Germany . They did not stick to their word and give Italy the territories they wanted . By putting the entire blame on Germany and compelling them to pay a huge war indemnity they hurt the German people who suffered during the Depression . Hitler was a charismatic orator who proved to the German people that the Treaty Of Versailles was a great injustice and they followed him into war . This is how Hitler was successful in arousing German nationalismNazism and offcourse starting the second world war . Personal opinionPersonally I believe the Treaty was a great bane for the Germans who suffered from years of unemployment and poverty . If the conditions of the Treaty were a little more mild the Germans would probably have not taken Hitler upon his word .
Historically who is a better team As or Giants ? Iam an As fan . I really like Eckersley cant spell it though Tejada and Hudson too bad they traded him The As are second behind the Yankees for most AL appearances in the World Series so historically I believe they would be considered better . They also beat the Giants in the 1989 World Series .
Whats a good diet for an 18 yr old girl ? Ok . im 18 and i weigh 130 but im 55 and very skinny or supposedly thats what everyone tells me . they say i could gain some weight if anything . however im not satisfied with my body . whats a good diet i could do ? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated . Thanks . Same diet that is good for anyone . See site below on healthy foods that help you attain ideal weight and a strategy to help you eat less of unhealthy foods . I am a male and 55 and weigh 120 and am slim and muscular . Princess Diana was 511 and 125 pounds . Marilyn Monroe sex symbol was 55 and 117 pounds . Are your friends 250 pounds so you are skinny compared to them ?
If you are facing the Leaning Tower of Pisa in which direction does it lean ? N E . S W ? I was told it leans North . Looking at it it looks like it is leaning to the right which would be East . If it is indeed leaning North does this mean it is leaning backwards ? Ty Wouldnt it depend where you are standing ? In a picture taken from on angle it is leaning to the right but what if I went around to the other side and took a picture it would be the left . Ive been there but dont remember which direction it was facing .
what is the best way to have a healthy long distance relationship ? hmm long distance relations work on trust .. you have to trust the person blindly and care for him ... if you trust him or her automatically care love will come into your relation and it will be healthy ... cheers
What would you do ? I was finally able to break up with a man I know will not make me happy . I did fall in love with him but he is too imature among other things . I would like to keep in touch but everythime I see him he tries to sleep with me . I no longer feel the need to be with him but do care for him . What can I do to make him undestand that I need my space . I need to put my thought together figure out what I want . He seams to think I belong to him . Leave him . You are no good for him . By this I mean you must be a happy complete person before you get in a relationship . It is not a partners responsibilty to make you happy . You dont need to make him understand . Ending it is enough . Its his responsibility to make his peace with it not yours . Reflecting on your life and figuring out what you want is great . And things change so its a good idea to stay in touch with yourself cuz your wants can change . No one belongs to anybody again his problem to deal with .
Why do they shave heads at Parris Island during all of basic but only once at Pendelton ? Shaving heads takes away a persons identity . In bootcamp you want to break a persons individuality adn get them to think as a group . Bald heads make all yoru men look teh same it breeds a sense of unity . Your team is only as strong as your weakest member .
Any1 heard of band called Rooster ? U like them ? I reaken rooster is awesome great bandgot their first album which is the bestshe dont make me feel on the road best tracksany1 thats hasnt caught on should they rock . if u do like them tell me what u think n whats ur fav song . best explanation can get the points . Exactly Im wondering the same thing you are . Theyve got some pretty awesome songs to their credit my personal favourites being Staring At The Sun and Come Get Some . Theyll gain a whole lot of popularity eventually Im just thinking why they aret as famous as they should ideally be already . One reason is they dont play it on radio stations as often as some of those garish James Blunt songs but yeah I hope people sit up and take notice . These people have some great talent .
WOMEN Have you had sex in water e . g . swimming pool etc .? Im planning to do it with my bf using a condom so any advice ? Could I get an infection in water ? Also is the probability of getting pregnant in water lower ? please take my advise . take some lube and keep it by the edge of the pool or else the water with wash away your natural lubricants and it will either hurt or he will not be able to enter you . you can still get pregnant in water but using a condom in the water makes it more difficult to have sex comfortably . its your choice but i would go on birth control so you wouldnt have to worry about it .
Why do people answer anime questions when they dont understand the topic ?? Seriously Someone answered a question writing something like I dnt gt anime it stupid . it all blue hair and majic beams with big eyes . it dnot mak any sens . it all the same about story with some magik quist an stoopid stuf like tht you pple who like it are dumb nerds . LOL peace out . I mean I dont answer sports questions with something like Sports are so stoopid dey are no reason . i dont like em cuz they are all with bats and balls ... WTF LMAO WFTYFVASTFTSFST Oh ya by the way try learning english i dont understand the words stoopid and ppl hahaha . i agree with everything you said . i guess theyre too just greedy for points so they answer everything although it make them look like a total idiot . just ignore them . we know better .
What is a good old fashioned black white WAR MOVIE we could watch ? Ya know ... John Wayne and all that . Whats that one about the battle of the bulge etc . I really wanna see one of those classic B W war movies . The Longest Day
How can I get a higher score on the GRE ? Ive been studying vocab words but it is so tedious and they arent sticking in my head When taking your test double check your answers as you go unless you begin to see this will not allow you to finish . This will probably save you time instead of having to reread everything and will also keep you aware of how you are progressing time wise . Also check the instructions to see if their are actual deductions for wrong answersif you run out of time and randomly answer the last ones it might statistically detract from your score . A lot of posthigh school tests do that .
Le match FranceEspagne un exemple suivre ...? Ce match a rvl que la combinaison des comptences et atouts des anciens quon qualifie de vieux et ceux des plus jeunes tel Ribery ne peut tre que fructueuse et je trouve que cest un bel exemple qui pourrait faire changer les mentalits des DRH des entreprises qui souvent discriminent les candidats seniors dans leur politique de recrutement . cetait effectivement un trs beau match les deux equipes ont t a la hoteur quoi que lespagne aurai merite de gagner je croi que sa va etre une tout autre paire de manche avec le brsile
how do girls like to be approached ? Guys usually give me the eye and smile and if i give them the eye and smile back they know to approach me . It usually works for me . Or grabbing my a works everytime
How would the world be without electricity ? Dark .
what size trolling motor do i need to get the thrust of a 3 hp gas outboard ? i found a 37 ftlb troling motor cheap and was wondering if it would be strong enough to push my 16ft canoe . Yes that will be plenty big enough to push your canoe . A lot quieter than the outboard too . But take a paddle in case your battery dies .
comment faiton les bandes de deux verts diffrents sur un terrain de foot ? menfin cest simpleil suffit de semer des graines de pelouse vert fonc et des graines de pelouse vert clairbien tracer les bandes heinbonne chance
I am looking for a picture of Marilyn Manson with his Boston Terriers can anyone help me find it ? The picture Im looking for shows him wearing a suit in a lightlypainted white ? room with several Boston Terriers sitting at his feet in a semicircle . It looks like a studio still and not a capture from a video . I saw it on google images a long time ago but I cant find it now . Also if you know of any pictures of other celebrities with Boston Terries Im interested in those too . go to a search engine and put it marilyn manson and boston terrier photos something has to come up
About how much does it cost to get two wisdom teeth pulled if you dont have insurance ? Also about how much is the antibiotics and pain meds ? If you dont have insurance I would suggest to go to a clinic where you usually pay 10 there is usually one in every other cityOr I would say about 200 if not more . And the antibiotics well it could range from 20100 . Good luck
How many ocean currents are there ? The planet is approximately 71 water and contains 5 five oceans including the Arctic Atlantic Indian Pacific and Southern . Their borders are indicated on the world image right in varied shades of blue . For many years only 4 four oceans were officially recognized and then in the spring of 2000 the International Hydrographic Organization established the Southern Ocean and determined its limits . Those limits include all water below 60 degrees south and some of it like the Arctic Ocean is frozen . oceans by size 1 Pacific 155557000 sq km larger map 2 Atlantic 76762000 sq km larger map 3 Indian 68556000 sq km larger map 4 Southern 20327000 sq km larger map 5 Arctic 14056000 sq km larger map See in
Do you believe in this ? My life is brilliant . My love is pure . I saw an angel . Of that Im sure . She smiled at me on the subway . She was with another man . But I wont lose no sleep on thatCause Ive got a plan . Youre beautiful . Youre beautiful . Youre beautiful its true . I saw you face in a crowded placeAnd I dont know what to doCause Ill never be with you . Yeah she caught my eyeAs we walked on by . She could see from my face that I wasFcking highAnd I dont think that Ill see her againBut we shared a moment that will last till the end . Youre beautiful . Youre beautiful . Youre beautiful its true . I saw you face in a crowded placeAnd I dont know what to doCause Ill never be with you . Youre beautiful . Youre beautiful . Youre beautiful its true . There must be an angel with a smile on her faceWhen she thought up that I should be with you . But its time to face the truthI will never be with you . unfortunately we all have to face the fact that there are lots of people we will never be with . Not just famous ones but ordinary people we see every day . The key is finding the one who you can love beyond all others and freely gives their love to you .
I have painful boil blisters in my armpits .? I have boil blisters that open leak and then heal .. then reoccur I stopped shaving but they still come back . I went to the dermatologist .. he gave me a antibotic .. it gave me a yeast infection so he told me to stop taking it . he aslo gave me a topical solution to put on . It still does not help I still get them .. I just developed them within the last year . what is going on ? I had the same problem I think it was switching to a natural deodorant that did it . But there was a good topical solution that I used also but that is from a private label not available in stores .
whats the symbol for shortening with ? im sure ive seen one used In medical writing they use a small c with a line above it . No idea why .
Does anyone think Mark Henry should be World Champion ? please answer or Somebody gonna get it Smackdown should give him a chance . I think his return to WWE was impressive hes bigger and badder than ever . I cant wait to see Mark Henry vs . Batista That would be like the battle of the bulls or something ... cool .
Here fubar movie genius heres one for you and all other film genii ? Who said the poison from the pellet is in the pestle from the vessle its the chalice from the palace thats the brew that is true ... and in what film i dunno but is it indiana jones uh the last one ???
does anyone know todays password for the Telegraph FFootball ? The password is hope .
how will i get rid of odours coming from the stomach ? the stomach of what ?
what mamal lives in water that can weigh up to 45 kilograms and is indangered species ? sons school project 45 Kilograms sounds small mammals living in water tend to be large because they need insulation to counter the good conductor of heat that water is . If you mean 450Kg then the answer is the Manatee because it is a mammal living in water and is endangered .
how many calories in a single almond ? 6 calories on average according to USDA data . Be sure to use the dropdown box at the top to select 1 almond as the serving size .
Was there damage from the meteorite that struck Norway on Wednesday ? Also this photo doesnt look like it was taken at night interested to see more photos . The earth is bombarded with 1000 metric tons of meteroite PER DAY so this is not an exceptional event on a global basis . Remember that 70 of the earth is uninhabited and not under surveillance . As to comparing it with Hiroshima this is a typical media exaggeration . My calculations show that with a 100 kg meterorite traveling at 11000 ms the maximum speed it could attain coming from outer space the energy would be about 114000th of the nuclear energy released from the conversion of 0 . 1 gram of uranium into energy by the Einstein relationship E mc2
Does the NFL invest enough time and money to assure a rapid expansion of American Football In Europe and asia ? In todays era of 600 million dollar stadiums billions of dollars of TV broadcast contracts and NFL merchandise selling like hotcakes throughout the world would it be more feasible to Reinvest more here in Europe and elsewhere ? As a head coach in Europe I know all to well the largest problem facing any new team is ... Equipment . This is a problem on the highest level equal to going to Houston Texas and asking every boy in every public high school to bring 300 or more for his new Hockey equipment .... HARD SELL . However by funding equipment to all New Teams that meet certain criteria rapid expansion can be proficient and in the end profitable for everyone involved in the greatest sport ever played . Your comments are welcome ... Mike Sholars Head Coach Vejen Vultures AFC If any league could afford to fund developmental leagues in Europe for an American sport its the National Football League . Probably the best bet would be to contact the NFL and its sponsors to see if they would be interested in a developmental deal where the equipment companies can fully fund the teams needs in return for sponsorship opportunities .
Of all my muscles is my brain one of them ? Knowing where most of your thoughts come from Id say yes Delayed reactionAnd across the ocean ... And do I hear you saying HEY Thats not very nice Haha
Ladies what is the perfect or good first date ? where to go when to go eat first or after how long should the date last ect ... usually i would say skip the movie but my boyfriend took me to a horror film on our first date . it doesnt sound very romantic but it gave him the opportunity to grab my handput his arm around me when i got scared yes it sounds very high school but it was sweet and ill never forget it
Do you believe in love at first sight ? Only in fiction TV and Hollywood . You love a car at 1st sight . A dog at 1st sight . Maybe even a house . But with people it is lust at 1st sight then maybe some love grows out of it . Usually once the hot fire of lust cools the relationship goes South because there is nothing to anchor it on . If it were love at 1st sight 95 of the people would marry and stay married to those they were dating . That dont happen . Reality sets in and you find out someone is too clingy too sloppy too jealous too lazy hot headed has too much baggage etc . If it were love you would look pass ALL of that and want them as Forest Gump wanted Jenny no matter how much they screwed up or rejected you . You would wait forever and endure all for real love . Does that happen ? Love at 1st sight only exist in Hollywood TV and in the movies .
Im a heterosexual atheist . How do I explain this to Christians on yahoo answers ? If this has to do with the uneducated individual that asked why all atheists are gay please forgive them . They do not represent the views of all Christians .
im in a bad mood 99 of the time ... why ?? im in a bad mood a lot and i dont know why .. it is making me mean towards my younger siblings and it gets me mean towrads my fiance ... im only 19 so its not menopause .. whats goin on ?? youre stressed out and being stressed sometimes makes you feel this way . Maybe something happend and you felt bad about it but youre repressing it ?..... Id go look at health sites for tips on how to loosen up or to relax like doing yoga walking outside in the park . Exercising at home or doing something you love ? Also sometimes siblings can and will irritate us and not just siblings but other people . At this point just think of something pleasant or count to ten . One guy told me to sleep it off ? I dont know what ever works for you find out . ... one more thing ... just be mature and dont EVER do anything that will sabotage your future whatever you want it to be .
can you help with my Hard disk drive problem ? My HDD is behaving harshly with me . when it isattached as a slave to other HDD it isworkingiedrives are accessible including the primarydriveC drive but as a primary it cant boot OS . remove disks and other media . Please press a key to restart messege is popping up then after hittinga keyDISK BOOT FAILURE ..... pops up . I guess MBR may has been disturbed if it doesthentell me how to cope with it . Im going to go out on a limb here and assume that youre running Windows XP . You can replace the boot record and repair the windows installation by using the repair feature of the Install CD . Boot to the CD . Follow the Setup and watch for the Repair Console . Once in the Repair Console typeCHKDSK FIXThis will run a repair of the Master Boot Record . You may also need to repair your Windows Installation . You can do this by booting to the CD bypass the Repair Console and then watch for the REPAIR INSTALLATION command . The repair will replace all the corrupt files in your Windows Installation .
what is computational biology ? should i take it in university if i didnt take biology before that ? mBioinformatics and computational biology involve the use of techniques from applied mathematics informatics statistics and computer science to solve biological problems . Research in computational biology often overlaps with systems biology . Major research efforts in the field include sequence alignment gene finding genome assembly protein structure alignment protein structure prediction prediction of gene expression and proteinprotein interactions and the modeling of evolution . The terms bioinformatics and computational biology are often used interchangeably although the former typically focuses on algorithm development and specific computational methods while the latter focuses more on hypothesis testing and discovery in the biological domain . Although this distinction is used by National Institutes of Health in their working definitions of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology it is clear that there is a tight coupling of developments and knowledge between the more hypothesisdriven research in computational biology and techniquedriven research in bioinformatics . Computational biology also includes lesser known but equally important subdisciplines such as computational biochemistry and computational biophysics . A common thread in projects in bioinformatics and computational biology is the use of mathematical tools to extract useful information from noisy data produced by highthroughput biological techniques such as genomics The field of data mining overlaps with computational biology in this regard . A representative problem in bioinformatics is the assembly of highquality DNA sequences from fragmentary shotgun DNA sequencing while in computational biology a representative problem might be statistical testing of a hypothesis of common gene regulation using data from mRNA microarrays or mass spectrometry .
if i move to the usa do i lose my pension in canada ? i am thinking of moving to the usa and wanted to know if i keep my canada pension payment Not sure but welcome to the USA .
What started the Vietnam war and how does it compare to the war in Iraq ? People often talk about Iraq having similarities to Vietnam . Why did the Vietnam war happen ? Some of the other answers have good points but .... What actually started the Vietnam War will always be debateable . Ive studied Vietnam and the Vietnam war for many years and I continue to find more questions than answers about the war . One thing I can tell you for sure is the war was inevitable however U . S . involvement was not . You can trace reasons why the war started back into the mid1800s when the French colonized Vietnam Cambodia and Laos in creating what was then Indochina . Vietnam has a very long history literally 1000s of years fighting against those who had tried to occupy or control their country . Sooner or later the Vietnamese people would rise up to kick the French out of their country as they have with the Chinese Japanese and Mongols in the past . When the French failed to keep their promise of independence to Vietnam after WWII all hell broke loose to say the least . For lack of better words the U . S . and its coalition yes there were other countries that fought with the U . S . in Vietnam became involved to clean up Frances mess . This snowballed into a much bigger conflict than the one that France was involved in . It could be seen that the Iraq and Vietnam Wars are similar on the surface but theyre actually worlds apart in just about every aspect . To consider these war similar in any way other than coincidential would be due to ignorance and lack of knowledge of either conflict and the countries involved .
how can i make my 7 yrs old cousin understand that i m not her prince charming ? i have a cousin .. shes 7 yrs old .. and i m 20 m .. some how sheve started thinking that i m her prince charming and i m the one she wants to marry .. now i really dont wanna break her heart .. shes sooooo cute .. so any suggestions ? what to do ? how can i make her understand the i .. i cant .. play along with it but also tell her that cousins cant get married to one another . but it is cool to have alil cousin think she has her own prince charming . she admires you and maybe one day she will remember what she saw in you for that one day her real prince will come and you can be there to support her in it .
What are the words to this song ? The song is Take A Walk by Sara Paxton here it is .. Sara Paxton Take A WalkSee the people they are drivin in their cars Drivin in their cars drivin in their cars tonight . And all the people they are gettning in their carsUnderneath the stars drivin in their cars tonight . And everybodys leavin a million breaks are screechinNo one knows where their going to ... And I just wanna fall in love . Take a walk and fall in loveAnd I just wanna fall in love fall . Take a walk and fall in loveTake a walk and fall in love . See the people they are rollin in their carsCruisin in their cars drivin in their cars tonight . See the people they are drivin in their carsDrivin in their cars drivin in their cars tonight . All the people they are jangaling their keysStanding at their doors getting in their cars tonight . The signals green Im movin The radio is groovin and everybody likes to sing songs ... And I just wanna fall in love . Take a walk and fall in loveAnd I just wanna fall in love . Take a walk and fall in loveTake a walk and fall in love . Yeah yeah yeah yeah . Yeah Im dreamin about you youIm dreamin about you youWere layin in the sun With sunblock burnin on and on and on and on and onYeah yeah yeah . And I just wanna fall in love . Take a walk and fall in loveAnd I just wanna fall in love . Take a walk and fall in loveTake a walk and fall in love . And I just wanna fall in love . Take a walk and fall in loveAnd I just wanna fall in love . Take a walk and fall in love . Lets take a walk and fall in love walk and fall in loveLets take a walk and fall in love ...
Iv been hit by a car and im 12 . can u help me ? im 12 . been hit by a car . nurse said i have to wear a cast . coz its a hair line fracture . but the BIG problem iz that i cant sleep coz of the cast . wat should i do ? get your mates to write something nice on it and read it at bedtime . youll soon get used to it being on you and if you are anything like Rooney itll soon be healed good luck and keep away from the roads
TekInterface has approached me to build my web site ? TekInterface is a Nepal based software solution provider . It is offering me a good price . Can you suggest me ways to judge the company ? I mean the quality of work it will be able to give me ... and also that it will not dupe me once it gets some advance or sth . Hmmmmm how did they reach you ? Where you enquiring with them or did you approach other companies and somehow these fellows found out ? Do you have a website at the moment that needs a new look ? I know how can a question spawn so many more ... As I dont have those particulars I am going to base my answer on the possibility that this company located and approached you without any involvement on your part . You are heading in the right direction by not signing anything agreeing to anything or allowing any kind of work to proceed until you are able to check the company and its quality of work out . Actually I like very much the Request Form they have . Excellent and well put togetherthought out . In short if they put as much thought into the design of a site as they have into that form ... they could be a good source . They do have some issues however links on their own site that should connect to another page of information are not consistent ... some work some dont . Not a good thing but not a disaster either ... someone should be checking the integrity of the site regularly tho . Im not at all impressed with the presentation of their portfolio . A portfolio should incorporate examples of a companys work not simply a list of the types of industry theyve worked for particularly if they are attempting to attract design and development work for websites . They do claim that they never make unsupported claims under their About Us section so take them up on it ... ask to see or be given links that verify work done by them . Their website overall is very understated and a little bit bland for a design firm but they do have other offerings as well so I will give them that . If you think the price fair and the work samples good the references they provide are valid ... then you might just have a good design company . Go with caution tho . Good luck
What TV show are you too embarrassed to tell your friends you watch ? so you think you can dance
What is sign language for soy or soymilk ? I know ASL for milk but cannot find the sign for soy except to spell it out . Spell out soy them use the regular sign for milk squeezing fist imitating milking a cow ASL doesnt seem to be an animal conscious vegan friendly language .
Town Rd . in Massachusetts washed out and damaged landscape of property .? The Town Road has washed out my driveway and exposed the cement pillars to the side door deck . When I go into the driveway the car muffler hits . My MotherInLaw broke her foot getting off the bottom step of the deck into the ravine caused by the water running off the Town Road . They have been putting gravel down from the Rd . to the steps but it keeps washing into the back yard . When the house was built it was up to grade . They said we need to get it up to grade again but it will only wash out again due to the Town Rd . They do not want to fix it . Is the Town responsible to fix this problem ? Wow thats a tough one . Id say that the town is responsible since they are the cause of the big mess but then again it IS the state of MA and they will do anything to get around a legal loophole . I know my dad used to work for the state Id say check with the city hall and see what they say . If that doesnt help maybe think about getting a lawyer involved . Either way I wish you lots of luck
plz help ? my sister was 10 years old when she was riding a bike and falled on the metal piece ridge in the middle .. she was bleeding little bit .. my mom didnt care that much about it but my suster is 16 years old and she is scared cause she might lose her virginity .. she asked me i said i dont know unless that metal didnt get inside u thats fine u r still vergin . so did that happen to any of u ? if it did do u think she is still vergin or not ? plz help girls can loose their hymen for many different reasons ... inserting tampons saddle use instrument use prior intercourse . the issue at hand here is that if her vagina has not been penetrated by something intentional she could be still considered a virgin .
Is there another website like gator for filling in IDs and passwords ? I have heard that Gain is making changes and I would like to know if there is another website that works like gator . Gator is one of the programs reported to be loaded with spyware . Just use a better browser like FireFox that has that functionality built in .