if chickens are comes from eggsand eggs lays by chickens then who came first in the world ?
Paris Hilton new music Video ? what do you think ? stars are blind I think its a very good video and I also think she has a really great voiceive already downloaded the song .
France va marquer un but aprs 8 ans ? dans un coupe du Monde aujourdhui Barthez dans son propre but . Sinon je ne vois pas dautre possibilit
how do i marry my fiance now that he is in California State Prison ? He is in the reception center awaiting to do a 2 year sentance . Can we still marry while he is in there . Any insight would be greatly appreaciated You will not be able to marry until after he is mainlined . There are no reception center weddings . After he is mainlined he can request a marriage packet from the Chaplain or his counselor . For details about the facility after hes mainlined visit the appropriate forum at By the way has he sent you a visitors questionaire yet ? It is form CDC106 he has to sign the back before he sends it but once you are approved to visit that approval will follow him to his mainline facility . Good luck to you both .
me and my girlfriend are close at times sometimes wo wont even talk to each other .? but we email each other all night about how we feel we are close to each other famalies . were always around each other but we just dont have anything to talk about . i be down her house she be down mine . we are always wresling with each other . everynite i walk her home hug her and ill give her a kiss an dtell her i love her but what can i do about the talkin problem become intersting in the things that she is and she should do the same . if you have common interests you should not have a problem finding things to talk about .... the thing is its not a good sign that you have problems finding things to talk about . i talk to my gf for 8 hours on the phone and we never run out of things to talk about .... maybe you just need to get to know each other better and get closer .
Why does everyone love Brasil so much ? well because the are the best in the world and why are they the best ? because they have jinga its in their blood i love the way they play in my opinion they are the only team that plays having fun and plays to have fun not to win everything winning is the goal but they have fun more than anyhting
Do you believe in god ? why ? YesBecause I have seen His work in my life . I have felt His presence . And I have been truly blessed by Him .
whats the best 80s record ? Thriller by Michael Jackson
How do let a guy know that you like him without scaring him away and not ruin our friendship ? Friendship ? A friendship between a man and a woman is not what you girls call a friendship . It is a mild attraction based purely on a future date in which you will have sex with them when you are totally desperate that is masked by a mild interest in what the other is saying . If you have a friendship with a guy it just means that you are using him or he is using you and oneboth of you expects sex andor money at some future date . So dont worry about it and let him know . You might find that he will give you your payment early . Either way you will get what you deserve .
chav v goth ? who wins In a fight ? Chavs hands downs cos they will smash you up with their chisels and chainsIn Popularity ? Goths . They dont offend anyone where as Chavs are the scum of the earth and will spit on you if you are anywhere near them .
has any proffesional player score a goal directly from a corner kick ? Who and WHen ? and what event was it ? yeah ... his name was Abbas Zaidi and he played for Canada ... he was amazing .. so good that he retired because he was too good for everyone ...
vbulletin 3 . 5 . 3 to 3 . 5 . 4 ? i need the upgrade script nulled or not to upgrade my nulled version of vbulletin 3 . 5 . 3 to 3 . 5 . 4 search the internet for the forums that use that version and ask them .
Why cant we synthesize water ? We can synthesize water but to get the component hydrogen and oxygen from the easiest sources means breaking down water to get it . If youre wondering about getting water from another source that we can do but its extremely expensive in terms of power desalination plants to remove salt from sea water to make potable water is costly but is done in places like Saudi Arabia .
where can i find a diabetic clinic that accept medical ? This link a Federal Government Link to State of California diabeties programs under a State program title has the contact information I believe you need .
ATTN Computer braniacs When is a program not a program ? Ive asked this question of several people who consider themselves computer braniacs . Alas no one even has a plausible guess much less an answer . For the past several years on 3 different pcs Ive found in c92Windows Explorer92Programs92 executable applications which when doubleclicked to open give me a file full of hockey pucks written in gibberish . The file starts with the initials MZ and a little space down the page is THIS PROGRAM CANNOT RUN IN MS DOS Im not shouting Im quoting . Text is in all caps . Looking at them in Windows file tree these files look like any other program . They have cute little icons and everything . Type of file is Application . All the research Ive done has hit a dead end . Im betting on you kind folks out in www land for some help . Any thoughts ? away you just have to know where to look being an old fart has its advantages
who will be the nineth best college football team next year 2006 ? who will be the nineth best college football team next year 2006 ? unofficial yahoo answers top twenty five 1 . Ohio State2 . Notre Dame3 . West Virginia4 . USC5 . LSU6 . Oklahoma7 . Texas8 . Miami FLi will show the results in my next question . i will be doin a different ranking each day keep tuning in to vote . the majority gets nineth place i dont choose this its which ever school gets the most votes florida gatorsAfter Year 1 of the Urban Meyer coaching regime the Gators were playing in January . And this was after a season that had some pitfalls until Meyer adjusted his spread option scheme at midseason to accommodate quarterback Chris Leaks dropback passing talents . Though top receiver Chad Jackson has split for the pros Andre Caldwell and Dallas Baker make for some inviting downfield targets for the strongarmed Leak . Caldwell missed most of last season with a broken leg after catching 43 passes for 689 yards in 2004 . During the offseason Meyer expressed chagrin over the situation at tailback saying hell play without one unless someone takes charge . The starter is DeShawn Wynn . All three of the backs who played significantly last fall are back and Wynn a senior who has run for 19 touchdowns over his career could finish with a bang . But hell have to do it behind an offensive line that returns only one starter Steve Rissler who is moving from guard to center . The Gators will field the best defensive line in the SEC . End Jarvis Moss led the team with 11 tackles for a loss and 7 . 5 sacks and he was only used in passing situations . Tackle Marcus Thomas broke through for 10 . 5 tackles behind the line . Florida is also blessed with two of the leagues most talented linebackers in Earl Everett and Brandon Siler the teams top two tacklers from a year ago . But as formidable as the defensive front appears the secondary needs three new starters . Alabama and LSU take on the Gators in the Swamp on consecutive midseason Saturdays but Tennessee Auburn and Florida State are all away games . my pick SEC championsReturning starters5 offense 5 defense both kickersElite eightThe 2006 Gators will play eight teams that appeared in 200506 bowl games . Give and takeFloridas turnover margin of plus1 . 50 per game was third nationally . UrbanizationMeyer has won 81 percent of his games as a head coach at 4811 over five years and he has never come close to a losing record . 2006 ScheduleS . 2 Southern MissS . 9 UCFS . 16 at TennesseeS . 23 KentuckyS . 30 AlabamaO . 7 LSUO . 14 at AuburnO . 28 GeorgiaN . 4 at VanderbiltN . 11 South CarolinaN . 18 Western CarolinaN . 25 at Florida State
does any one else think that we arent using our governments checks and ballances its dominated by republicans Republicans ? They are different in action from Democrats right ? So what are those differences between them ? There is only one check and balance read the preamble to the constitution WE THE PEOPLEand until WE THE PEOPLE come to understand that by action not political promises there is no difference between our two party system and the USSRs two party system we will not be free .
Whats the best computer degree ? Undecided which field of computers I want to work in . Please help . Thanks ? Computer Science is more softwareoriented writing software artificial intelligence algorithms . Computer Engineering is more hardwareoriented Computer Hardware Design hardware architecture and software development for hardware devices . MIS is more the IT type degree .. managing systems programming for these systems .. etcYou just have to consider what you want to do would you like developing software full time ? developing hardware full time ? or managing systems full time ? that said CS is probably the most dynamic of degrees .. since you do learn a bit of everything . Youll probably need to take more math courses in either CS or CE than in MIS .. while MIS has business classes you must take since technically its a business degree at least at my uniand there are quite a few classes that both CS and CE majors take together again at least at my uni .. so with respect to these CS and CE are more alike than MIS is to either of the two . best though is dependent on you alone .. you have to decide what you want to do with your life .. That said software engineeringdevelopment was just named the best job by money magazine . Im unsure at this point if id agree as my software engineering courses were pretty crappy for me high stress level poor professor ridiculous amount of work per week but like I said before this is a personal thing .. different people work better in different places doing different things . Take some classes try to talk to some professors and ask questions .. go to university websites and search for specific classes from the CS CE or MIS departments as many of them have online pages for specific classes including the syllabus .. youll be able to gauge if you are interested in the concepts lectured this way .. at least to some degree . best of luck . c
what are the different options after bcom ? do an mba
solve this ..? a brick weighs one pound and one half of a brick . whats the actual weight of the brick ? x1x2x21x2
who do you think that will win ? from the match betwen Mexico vs Angola this friday on the world cup ? and what do you think that the final score will be ? i do not know because Mexico and Angola are brill
so its ok for Isreal to kill and destory and never get blamed ? Is it okay for the U . S . to kill in Iraq and other places and never accept blame ?
Do you agree that despite all of the flaws of modern Christians GOD will still get them into Heaven ? It appears that the average Christian does not truly understand GOD or the Bible . ALL of them will profess that it is impossible to understand GOD and most of them will quote off scripture to support that claim . Be that as it may Christians are not entirely without hope . Luckily Christians spend their entire Christian lives huddled around a flaming pile of unrefined scripture to get a good idea of what it means to be right by GOD . Although the average Christian might have an understanding of the Bible that sounds like the lost lyrics to Jesus Loves Me it is very possible that with the right stimulation a person could come the rest of the nine yards in a relatively short amount of time . Long question short do you feel that there are new options opened up to those that satisfy certain prerequisites like asking GODs forgiveness accepting Jesus or baptisma jesture ? AdderAstrosPowerful Member of the House of Light . xxxxx . If there are such places as Heaven and Hell I believe that people will go where they belong . Yes I do thing that those that slip by the wayside from time to time will still very likely be accepted unless ther are untrue .
Do you guys think that Prez Bush will send the troops home early ? Bush has recently said this hundreds of time I believe its time 2 send them home . Iraq has 2 learn 2 fight for themselves yes some countries need help but its really time 4 them to come home now what more can they do its pointless My boyfriends over there and not to be selfish but i do miss him alot and want him 2 come home and i do care about the ppl and there safety thats all No . When your boyfriend my husband and the thousands of other soldiers signed the contract to enlist in the military they knew that defending our country was part of the job . I do not like the fact that in the last 3 years my husband has been home only 15 months but lets face it it is his job . All we can do is pray for them when they are not here and love them like there is no tomorrow when they are home . I knew what I was getting into when I married him and as much as I hate him being gone every other year I have to live with it that is the job of a military wife . God Bless All Our Troops
You like this saturday joke ? Five cannibals get appointed as engineers in a defense company . During the welcoming ceremony the boss says Youre all part of our team now . You can earn good money here and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat . So please dont trouble any of the other employees . The cannibals promised . Four weeks later the boss returns and says Youre all working very hard and Im very satisfied with all of you . However one of our janitors has disappeared . Do any of you know what happened to him ? The cannibals all shake their heads no . After the boss has left the leader of the cannibals says to the others Which of you idiots ate the janitor ? A hand raises hesitantly to which the leader of the cannibals replies You fool For four weeks weve been eating Supervisors and Project Managers and no one noticed anything and you have to go and eat the janitor Plymouth MN Yeah I liked your Saturday joke
can a parent with a shared custody arrangement still qualify for section 8 housing or must that parent have FY I dont see why not if the child is living with you half of the time you need to have the room for him or her . If your income is limited you are probably eligible . Its just that those Section 8 lists are so long and freeze quite often .
I recently started walking and jogging on a treadmill everyday about an hour ...? ... and while I am jogging after about 10 minutes I get an ache on the right side of my abdomen blow the end of my rib cage . Why is this happening ? Is it normal or shoul I worry about it . It doesnt happen when walking but only when Im jogging . Please help me ... Thank you WOW Good for you You are going to be so much more healthy and buff This is just a side stitch . It is extremely common and very normal . Try to control your breathing from start to finish . I had them especially as a young track athlete but less now that my mind is more on preventing exhaustion and conserving energy for endurance through thoughtful breathing . I hope you keep up the work . Your body is going to be banging Thats good ... D
How do i get rid of the spyware quake virus ? I am looking for a completely free way to remove the spyware quake virus from my laptop . Can anyone help ? Im about to throw my laptop out the window ? Please somebody . Run the malicious tool first and then download and install the adaware and virus protection programs free .. Malicious virus removal tool Free download Download free Luck
How many NBA titles is Tim Duncan going to get before he retires ? Im predicting he will get 7 titles before his career is up if he decides to play for a long time 7 Titles I predict he will have more titles than Shaq Daddy I also predict that he will surpass Shaquille O Neal as the greatest big man of this era By the way I be playing ESPN Basketball on Playstation 2 matched up with Shaquille O Neal and I be dogging poor Shaq out with Duncan . Its irrelevant but I just wanted to share that I like Shaquille O Neal too but Im a die hard Tim Duncan fan Tim Duncans got next years title Im willing to put money on it if anybody disagrees . Duncan is NOT going to just lay down and take that Mavericks loss this year . I guarantee that . Next years 20072008 champs the San Antonio SpursMatter of fact Im going to get me a custom made shirt with it written on the front and Im sporting it every where I go i hope they win every year
Why is education important ? Give at least 10 reasons .? give details . 10 through 1 in order of importance 1 being the most importantlet me skip 10 through 2 in order to emphasize on11SURVIVAL it dosent matter where you get it from whether its prison or harvard without it there is no means of surviving in a world where knowledge is sought
could any one give me chris brow email ? chris brown is so cute and has a nice voice i love him i have alot of chis brown posters . NOMake up you mind whos email address do you want is itChris Brow or Chris BrownWho is Chris Brow or Chris Brownanyway ?
How fast is the Earth travelling around the sun relative to ..? relative to the sun ? relative to the centre of our galaxy ? relative to Andromeda ? relative to a fixed point in space ? At just the right speed so that I cant feel it move .
why ppl come back as ghost ? why i been seeing some unfinished business not accepting ones mortal demise there are so many theories ... but can you prove anyone of them ? Basically proving the existence of ghost is about the same as disproving them . Pictorial evidence are all over the web and I have a few unexplained pictures Ive taken myself . Vocal recordings when no one had been present ? Another case of hauntings .. so do people come back and why the come back ? The reasons are as various as the theories .
does anyyone know abt the holy grail ?
Is there any software which can suggest some signature samples for given name ? where i can download freewareshareware software which can automatically create signature samples for a given name . signsamp . exe is a software but it is not free but demo is available at
Lu Sangu Lava Lu Sangu ? what does it mean ... i think its latin ? It is an ancient Sicilian proverb Lu sangu lava lu sangu Blood washes blood . so you can say it is latin but not very accuratly . I found books and some other sites using this phrase so I guess they still use it in Italy . what the phrase means is that if you do me harm I will take revenge in the same way . I think now the Italians they call in vendetta and I also know that in Greece they use the same word . I will give you an example . There is one man that has a dispute with some other man and on the dispute he goes and kills him . The the son of the dead man has to go and kill the killer . Then the son of the dead killer has to go and kill the son of the first dead person and so on and so on and so on .
Bloods vs . Crips ? Bloods ... fuck them ckrabs M . O . B all day everyday ... almost every rapper is Blood ... im M . O . Bcus of my pops is a O . G of blood ....
why can some poeple be so rude on here ?? you write something fast sometime you hope they understand cause ur in a rush and it dont always come out perfect they get offensive with you talk crazy they dont make sence 2so who r they 2 act like they r perfect ?? i now you make mistakes to and read things right cause they think ur talking about something else not what wrote aboutnow only answer my queswhy can some people be rude ?? quack quack quack ? people are fvcking ignorant deal with it .
determine the geometrical figure ? what will be the geometrical figure of 3 5 122 2 121 2like 3 2 5 2 3 2 satisfies the conditions of making a right triangle . similarly any given number with any given power can be expressed as difference of infinite sets of two perfect squaresand the squares can be terminating decimals what will be the geometrical figures of such a case ? 6 You mean 32 52 42 ... dimensionally this works . For examples if the units are feet then you can take a bunch of one foot by one foot ceramic floor tiles and arrange them in a 5 by 5 square then take away a 4 by 4 square chunk of that and rearrange what remains into a 3 by 3 square of tiles . Translated into inches you get 3122 5122 4122 if you have a whole lot of one inch by one inch tiles and you make a big 60 by 60 square out of then and remove a 48 by 48 subsquare then you can rearraqnge the remaining little tiles into a 36 by 36 square . Now consider 35 243 122 121122 121 122 1212 again in feet . When you translate that into inches it doesnt scale the same way the left hand side is multiplied by 125 but the right hand side is only multiplied by 122 . What kind of geometrical figure do you want to use given that it does not scale ? Take a bunch of little one by one by one by one by one foot hypercubes and arrange them in five space ... then when you project along the ... the result looks like ... ??? ... but subdivide each hypercube into 125 little one inch by ... hypercubes and what you just did no longer works . Is that really what you are looking for ?
what is the best scholarship program for high school seniors ? The Army college Fund . In 4 years you can have 66000 for college not a loan and have a BA degree completed when you get out and training in the job you choose with management experience by teh age of 22 . Anyone else offering you all of that ? I also forgot enrollment in an Ivy League school university of Maryland and a job when you get out .
Anyone know of a weight lossenergy pill that works ? I do and it truly works . Not only am I eating less but I feel great all day long . This product is awesome and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone . A one pill a day keeps your appetite down boosts metabolism increases stamina and increases energy . This is truly an amazing product I would like to share with the nation world . It is an all natural ephedra free proprietary blend of ingredients that works for most people even if you do not work out . Mexican LilyNo ephedra products arent gone anymore the FDA lifted the banMy wife tried a product called Herbalean with 10mg of Ma Huang epehdra max allowed by the FDA and hoodia and she liked it so much she became a distributor . Herbalean is made by the same company the originally made MetaboLife 356 but their new formula wont give you the jitters . It has hoodia for appetite suppression as well as 77 other minerals and herbs . ive been taking it for a few weeks now and feel fantastic . I usually took me a big coffee to get me going but ive trimmed back on that and make it the whole day on a single Herbalean . Anyway check the links below for info on Herbalean and the recently lifted FDA ban on ephedra .
If Senator Hillary R . Clinton were to run for the US Presidency today do you think shed win ? And why do you think so ? Knowing where she stands on the current political issues would you vote for her ? And why ? Nope Hillary would make a horrible horrible leader . The US needs someone who can run the country not run it into the ground . Though I really hope that she runs . Afterall it could make McCains election the biggest landslide in American history
Hail Mary ??? A Hail Mary is when you are on the other end of the field and you send all of you players running down the filed and you throw it to one of them praying that they catch it . Well thats the best that i can explain it .
For those in FAVOR of open borders and granting amnesty what do you consider to be the best argument in your ? in your favor ? If this question doesnt apply to you please answer my other question . For me its an issue of human rights . And no I am not a bleeding heart liberal . I definately lean more to conservative . Yes they come here undocumented and inadvertently break the law . For those who are just here to make a better life for there families I dont see why people see this as evil . They had the misfortune of being born in a corrupt third world country not of their choosing . We dont have a choice where we are born and to this I say live and let live . A birthright for me is merely a gift of grace and see it as gift from God what make me so special that I deserve this birthright that I was born in this country ? Nothing so I feel compassion for people who dont have this birthright or privilege and who am I to decide if they can or cant live here . I know you must think that we as citizens must obey our laws to promote order and I agree with you . However not all laws are reasonable and fair . I dont really want open borders but for those who risk their lives coming here for a better life I say live and let live ...
Is the person of the master different from his teaching ? Rarely can a teacher live up to the total message they are teaching . But hopefully the way he or she lives his life is also part of the lesson . With love in Christ .
can you give me a example of inelastic collision for physics ? all collisions in enviorment are inelastic collisionsanyways one example is collision of two balls on table in airor anyother medium which can provide friction
Why are Australias colors in the World Cup green and yellow and not the colors on their flag ? Well I have read all the responses so far and I must say that some are very amusing but so far only one of these is close . That is this one the real answer is at the bottom please read on . Green and gold are the national colours of Australia as proclaimed by Sir Ninian Stephen the Governor General of Australia on 19 April 1984 . The exact colours were specified as being Pantone Matching System numbers 116C and 348C . Green and gold are also the traditional team colours of Australian national sporting teams . Nearly every current Australian national sports teams wears The Green and Gold although the hues and proportions of the two colours may vary between teams and across eras . It is widely believed that the colours were chosen because they are the dominant colours of Australias floral emblem the Golden Wattle . You will find that every major Australian national team wears green and gold including most notably the two time world champion Wallabies of Rugby the Socceroos of the World Cup and the Olympic team . Sourceswikipedia . org Real AnswerThe official colours of Australia are BLUE AND GOLD ... Not Green and Gold Green and Yellow or any other colours of the rainbow or anything else that the so called greenies or hippies or even other minority group may wish to conjure up . If you go to Parliment House and read the constitution not that many of obviously have or have the ability to you will find amongst the small print that the national colours for the reprsentaion of this great land of ours called Australia are Blue and Gold ... the reason that we portray Green and Gold is for our sporting teams and that is due to the above mentioned clours of the Wattle flower and tree . Now before you so called experts try to smack me down with all your references and alke I suggest you visit the National Capitol and see the constitution for yourself . Also take the time to read it if your able to that is and you will no doubt see that I am correct and you are misinformed .. I hope that this had shed a bit of light on your dilemma or at least given more ammunition for a good arguement as I really do enjoy that ..
Do you think playing soccer in other leagues around the world helps a player on National duty ? Americas goalkeeper Kasey Keller plays in Germany . Do you think that would help him or his team be better prepeared for the World cup ? Like the previous answer has clarified most of the Brasilians players play outside Brasil . And that is the same for Argentina Ghana and many other teams . Without doubts playing outside their owns countries is beneficiary for many players included in their National Teams but it is not that decisive .
what is oxydrene how is it made ? Oxydrene is one of the most important bodybuilding developments . Ingredients A Proprietary Blend Sedum Crenulata root Hippophae fruit Fructus Lychii Chinensis
I may be falling in love with a married man .? I may be falling for a married man . I know it is wrong and we started out as friends . We have been friends for a long time . We just started spending more time together . We have both been going through rough times and depend on each other as someone to confide in . I do not want to break up his marrage but in his eyes the marrage was is trouble long before we started spending more time together . He is miserable but will not leave because of his daughter . He lives child . I do nto blame him but I can not help the way I feel . I find my self thinking about him all the time and worring if he is okay . He is affectionate with me when I see him most of the time but we also work together so it is kept so quiet . I do not know what to do . Please help ? okay check out my profile on the questions asked section . i know the feeling . however in my situation we have crossed that line over 2 years ago . As for being my Best friend He has been my best friend for 6 years . It doesnt start off as oh yea i am want to steal this man from his wife or visa versa . It is a connection . You will receive judgment like I did But not from me . If you ever need to talk feel free to email me ammutdevourcomcast . net . i read your other asked question . please email i might be able to give you advice . consequences benefits etc .
Microsoft Office 2003 question ? I have microsoft office 2003 and i want to set it so when i minimize it it goes to the taskbar by the clock .. I had this done before but cannot remember how . With Outlook 2003 and Windows XP the icon automatically appears in the Notification Area used to be called the System Tray . Just rightclick on the small icon and choose Hide when Minimized to eliminate Outlook from the regular taskbar . Other applications can be sent there with an application named Actual Title Buttons . It cost 19 . 95 but a 60 day trial can be downloaded from
How can I contact Bobby Deen ? OK Im a little addicted to The Food Network . Paula Deen has a cooking show she is a sweet woman from GA and she cooks southern homestyle foods . On occassion her boys join her on the show both are quite handsome . Well PEOPLE magazine just listed Bobby Deen as one of their top Bachelors . So I was wondering ... does anybody know how I can contact him bobbys the shorter son right ? the one with the darker hair ? oh hes sooo cuteeeeeee love his cleft chin and muscular arms oh my get in line girl i want him toolol write him at his restaurantbobby deen coThe Lady and Sons102 W Congress StSavannah GA 31401 or call him1 . 912 . 233 . 2600 restaurant phone numberboth sons are gonig to have their own show on the food network starting in july ...
how do you prove existance of God Scientifically ? Scientifically PLEASE Not possible . Not required .
Does CNN have an agenda ? Does CNN lose some credibility when it titles its story Fatalities Up 67 Since Motorcycle Helmet Law Repealed But only briefly mention that during that same time motorcycle registrations were up 87 causing a net DECREASE in fatalities deep in the story ? Everyone has an agenda . Dont you have an agenda for pointing this fact out ?
What is a good interview questiontechnique to pick out the Excuses Ellys beforehand ? Theres one in every office they perform spectacular in the interview have an impressive resume but when it comes to real work they suddenly have a billion excuses why they cant produce the rd wont give me the necessary info marketing departments not cooperating they didnt give me blah blah blah its their fault their fault their fault . Short of a personality test what are some good questionstechniques that help you weed out these excuses people during the interview process ? first of all .... are you calling all of their former employees to ask about previous preformance ? Second are you as an employer bringing enough training and mentoring to the program ? If not the company needs to evaluate how to add more training .... my company provides training on various topics every single Thursday morning . Pretty awesome for a company of less than 30 . Third test different selling scenarios during the interview .... maybe do a round of interviews and then out of the top five candidates call them back and set up a selling scenario
Where do you download music and video from ? i need a p2p thing or sites where i can get some good darkwave gothic and electronic music . i just cant find it in warez or morpheus . peferably those p2p networks of europe . I go towww . mp3000 . net or www . mp3int . com
please tell some wap sites for good xxx 3gp clips under 400 kb ?
I am moving to San Francisco CA . My budget is 1300mo . I want 1bdr near BART and safe . Recommendations ? I recommend the east bay near the bart stations . I used to live in El Cerrito and the neighborhood is very nice . The only thing is that was over 5 years ago I am sure prices are up but you should be able to find something reasonable around there . Good luck
Is it possible to find love on yahoo answers ? Im thinking outside of the box here . Basically Im looking for interesting and unique people to talk with . The craze these days is myspace and facebook maybe this will be the next revolution . Hope to hear from single females . probably cuz people arent always who you think they are . hope you find somebody .
Will someone please teach me Czech online ? Please We can even email or something ... Will be my pleasure . I am currently teaching my fiance so he can communicate with my family .
Mind Control Electronic Harassments ? Have you heard or read about the new undergroundgovernment called New World Order ? New World Order has the ability to alter all elections by Mind Control and by all means has increased dictatorship among everyday American citizens and can implement an early but appears normal death . New Word Order .... Vigilante Citizen Stalking GangsKnowledge is Power ....... 1 www . catch . ca2 www . raven1 . net4 www . multistalkervictims . org5 www . psychologicalharassment . netfirms . com7 www . gangstalking . org9 www . mindcontrolforums . com10 Terrorist Stalking America Just trust in God we already know who will win .
Biotechnology an exciting new job oppurtunity or a legislative time bomb ? What are your thoughts .? Its a relatively new field but is it really going to last despite all its potential ? I hope so since I have a Bachleors in Biotechnology . Right now the job market is very good but like Stephanie said science jobs pay very little I know that better than anybody . In regards to if it will last that depends on what field of biotechnology you are refering to . From the way you worded your question I am assuming you are talking about the more controversial areas and Id have to say since this country is so conservative that will probably continue to stand in the way of our advancement in the scientific field . This is unfortunate because we will probably find the U . S . falling behind the rest of the world in this aspect .
Try to make me laugh ? try to make me laugh and youll get 10 points just answer those questions1 . what is the most funny question youve ever found on yahoo answers ? 2 . what is the most ridiculous phobia out there . 3 . what is the most stupid celeb . baby name ? 4 . tell me a joke5 . youre done 1 . Can you get pregnant from swallowing sperm ? 2 . Being afraid of peachesthe maury show . 3 . Apple . Gweneth Paltrow that would be like naming your baby banana or orange . 4 . Im not good at telling jokes but im so cute people laugh anyway . 5 . Im done
Am I the only girl who thinks diets can only be started on a Monday ? I always start great and fall off the wagon by Wednesday and then say ah well I will start again on Monday . It cracks my partner up he always asks why can u only start your diet on a Monday lol . you know what i think exactly the same i thought i was the only crackpot who did this but in reality i think it is just an exuse to pig out till monday and say oh sod it i will just have this ONE LAST takeawaychocolate cake and i will start a fresh week on monday it never happens though does it i go on about 4 diets every month LOL you only have to say the wodr diet and i am hungry and you know what they say the first three letters of diet are DIE ............
What did you learn about Leonardo Da Vinci that you did not know before after the Da Vinci COde ? Well Id say that I didnt learn allot directly from the book . Most of the stuff that I learned about him were from the countless documentaries that saturated the education channels during the controversy of the Da Vinci Code . I learned that he was an outcast due to the fact that his parents were from two classes of society and therefore forbidden to marry . I learned that although the church contracted him to paint many paintings he never quite gave them exactly what they wanted and he was asked to repaint at least one of his paintings . He was brilliant . Much more intelligent than I ever thought . He was truly a Renascence man .
Whats with all the question that are like personal adds ???? It seems no more than before the single and dating QUESTION AREA on Answers instead of say MYSPACE or YAHOO PERSONALS ? Why is that ? Just want to hear people opinions . Thanks i agree single man looking for a mate in the suburbs . is not really a valid question . do you want to buy my car . oopsi repair moon mobiles on the dark side of the moon sorrybut seriously i am single and live in Antarctica any Eskimo maidens want to migratedam but i do know what you mean and there are a lot of other type questions that are more like anouncements or questions that just say banana or brother or sisterand we have to figure out the rest of the question . please people if you cannot think of a question this is not a sin save the five points and answer a few give some input with your opinion instead . or is this to much to ask anybody has a female crocodile for my male ?????? believe it or not that is for real
can someone help me ? i just got asked out by this totely hidious guy but the problem is hes really nice but i dont like em how do i tell him no without completely crushing him Oh thanks for asking but I dont have the same feelings for you . Its very sweet of you to ask but no . Do this privately and never discuss it with your friends or anyone else . What is crushing to boys is the humiliation of girls talking about them and saying things like eww gross he asked me out but I wouldnt touch him with a tenfoot pole etc . Just have a little respect for both him and yourself and youll be fine . Remember that you are helping him to learn that life goes on after disappointments which is critical to building confidence .
Do you think these are working ? The folowing link shows baby dolls made of silicon ruber . mainly in Japan men are buying it . do you think are these dolse are working for sex ? is it really enjoyable naturally or what ? HOTi so want one
your most embarrasing moments ? id like to knoe Ive had so many its hard to pick one out .
who is the hottest diva in wwe divas ? Ashley Trish and Maria
Why is it that men say they are going to do something and then dont do it ? Maybe I get my hopes up to easily or am too trusting but when someone says theyre going to do something I wish they would do it . I also know that it isnt just men that do this . Women do the same thing . they arent very assertive and believe people wont like them if they stand their ground . I use to have a similar problem but over time decided to say no when I wanted to . it works better to just say no than to string people along . you cant make everyone happy .
Who enjoyed last nights Raw with hilarious DX ????? I absolutely enjoyed itand I thought the jokes were hilarious and a great DX reunion . They even told Shane Stephanie is in a labor I loved the Monday night raw and the best raw in a long time . I love the spirit squad getting green slim and then they get it again at the end with the little men moon them with stick it . It was so great I laugh for awhile . A man head through a wall . DX is back and loved it .
what is the byzantine catholic rite church ? I am a roman catholic . I walked in to a byzantine catholic church by mistake and thought it was a catholic one because of its similariity from the outside and the chants . Everything was going ok except that the priest was on his back but i thought what the hell ? they did this a long time ago anyways ... and then At the time of communion the priest got a spoon and fed everyone a spoonfull of something that tasted like fruitpie and wine .. what was that ? I couldnt get out of the line so i had to take te spoonfull .. lol what was it ? what are the differences between roman catholics and byzantine catholics ? why does the priest give mass on his back ? please help me understand where i went and what i tasted thanks You were most likely attending a Catholic Mass in an Eastern Rite Byzantine Catholic Church which is probably fully in union with the Holy See at the Vatican but using a different liturgy than western Roman Catholics are used to . You should have just stayed around after Mass and asked these questions to the priest . You likely received both the body and the blood of Christ at the same time rather than separately . There are many more details to share . For more post your questions at www . askmeaboutgod . org and receive a free private complete personalized answer via email in about one day . Doug
Who saw the Da Vinci Code ? If you read the book before you saw the movie did you still enjoy it ? Though I read the book first I felt the same excitement chilling down my backbone . Everyone have acted reasonably good
does anyone like to swim at the pool ?? Ive done a lot of things at the poolhall but swimming isnt one of them . You might want to put this question in a different category ?
When we colonise the moon will the pubs have any atmosphere ? lmao cute .
Does anyone out there like using sex dolls ? Does it work do you really get enjoyment out of them ? I want an alternative to a girlfriend and prostitutes are too damn expensive . Any thoughts ? stop worrying about sex .
How to hide my ID when sending aSMS message to a cell phone from my computer on yahoo messenger ? I dont think that you can
Is there any way to get rid of REALLY bad eyesight ? plz help I got this in an email from a friend and although I do not have vision problems myself I read through their information . It sounds very logical and I even recommended it to my dad . It may be worth looking into . Good Luck .
Dont you think that England is the CHAMPION ??? Im quit sure that the final game would be England Brazil and then thats England who win the cup With David Beckham we shouldnt be afraid of any other Hes the real LION David B . is soo hot even men love him . I will route for England and US equally .
Who scored in the 1958 World Cup match btw Northern Ireland and Czechoslovakia ? Name of player please . First or second half ? Got any more details ? Perhaps a URL ? 08 . 06 . 58 19 . 00 Halmstad rjans VallNorthern Ireland 1 Czechoslovakia 0 goal Wilbur W . Cush 20Northern Ireland Gregg Keith McMichael Blanchflower c Cunningham Peacock Bingham Cush Dougan McIlroy McParlandCzechoslovakia Doleji Mrz Novk c Pluskal adek Masopust Hovorka Dvoak Borovika Hertl Kraus
how do I add music to my 360 blog ? I use a mac not a pc erm didnt know u can
if a guy with a std haves sex with a girl with a condom on will it help the girl from not getting the std ? It will help but it is not 100 effective .
How many kilometers is the Olympic cycling size oval ? I think you mean the banked track a velodromeThe length varies . Most are either 250 meters . 25 kilometer or 333 meters . Some are as short as 125 meters some as long as 500 meters . If youre talking about the road course it varies with each Olympics . In Athens I think it was about 15k per lap for a total of over 200k in the race from memory .
when is the undertaker returning to smackdown ? I want to know when the undertaker is set to return to smackdown and is it true he wants to go to RAW ? I hope not he is the best one on smackdown ? What has he been doing on his time off ? I know his wife had a baby on his last big break . hes not goin anywhere .. i think hes tryin to be out first until The Great Khali gets involved in somehow a wwe match then he will make his appearence to scare him or to attack him from the back ..
What happens at a statutory rape case In California ? How does it go about ? is there a jury ? Does the prosevutor take the stand for a minor or do the parents need to hire an attorney ? What kind of questions are asked ? Every case is unique but the general procedures are like any criminal trial . The case is called the charges are read and the defendant enters a plea . A jury is empaneled unless the defendant waived the right to a jury trial . Both sides present their opening statements . The prosecution presents its case along with any witnesses . The defense crossexamines the witnesses . The defense presents its defense . The prosecution crosses the defense witnesses . Motions are dealt with as the matters arise . Both sides present their closing arguments and it goes to the jury . The jury deliberates and renders its verdict . The verdict is read and the defendant is either scheculed for sentencing if found guilty or released if found not guilty . A guardian adlitem may be appointed by the court to protect the rights and interests of the minor . Attorneys involved in a case rarely take the stand theyre there to try the case or represent the defendant . Theyre not witnesses . The specific questions asked by either side depend upon the facts and circumstances . Again every case is unique . The minor victim may or may not need to take the stand .
How can I syncronize my yahoo account with outlook express ? In the incoming server section what address do I put and what kind is it ? The server is a POP3 server . It is pop . mail . yahoo . comBe aware however that the Free mail is Webmail only and does not allow access through Outlook Express . If you have any paid plan that server should work . Hope this helps
i want now site to yany singer ?
ive been having spasms near my right rib cage ? ummm and it feels weird mostly when im lying down and i have no idea what it is .... anyone else know ? sounds like your diaphragm ... the muscle between your chest and your abdomen that allows your lungs to breath in and out is having spasms ... it happens and alot of people mistake them for heart palpitations . If they get painful call your doctor .
If I cant see it then it must not exist ... child thinking ? I hear this argument from athesists but can you think of other things that exist that you cannot reach out and touch something tangible like hatred prejudice etc . Dogs hear what we cant Bats see what we cant and Bees see a flower much differently than you and I ... If I have no valid proof of something and my senses cannot detect it is this by default a valid argument that it must not exist ? What happens then if the senses which we scientifically use in this proof test are in turn illusions of our mind and dont really exist ? What is touch sight sound taste and smell other than signals from our sense organs going to the nerves and ultimately the brain which is something man is yet to fully decipher ? Why then rely on these senses as instruments to prove that something metaphysical exists or not ?
why does it seem like nice men always come in last ? it just seems to me that nice men always comes in last on the dateing scene . Hi KennethI know what you mean . I am a nice woman and put try to take advantage all the time ... I mean actually I am a converted bitch I decided being a bitch wasnt good ... I am now respectful of all things being a Wiccan . But so many idiots try to take advantage so I put magickal shields around me ... it bounces off me and goes back on them The other thing is that so many women say they want a nice guy but are attracted to the proverbial bad boys . Its time ladies to take stock of that The bad boys are going to be bad to you too ... eventually not at first while theyre still lusting strong for you ... but after a few years of marriage ... you go way down on their list ladies you need to rationalize that and give up that bad boy attraction . When I did I began to recognize all those wonderful loving nice guys around ... previously they were invisible to me . Then I married one great nice sweet guy ... not a bad guy ... but a really nice one . And we live happily ever after now more than 11 years Try it youll like it . I think it is all part of our cultural stuff here .
which hotjobs site canone use for world seach ? in terms of jobs specification i hardly find printing industry especially inyour seach there is no use for it
I have an HP laptop compter with a DVD drive . When I put a blank disk in to copy picture files ? The drive ejects my disk says disk not blank insert a blank disk . I tried to use the Kodak software and the HP software which came with my computer . I am using CDs rather than DVDs . At one timeI was able to copy pictures to a CD . Two choices come to mind1 You are putting the disks in upside down2 The disks are really not blank ... Are they perhaps used cds ? If so you cant rewrite to them unless they are marked CDRW and you first erase themFinally ... Can you READ any CDs ? If not then the drive is broken and should be replaced ... Although reading does not necessarily mean it will also write if it cant read then it DEFINITELY cant write
I registered one domain name for one business . Can I create another domain name for another business ? You can create as many domain names as you have money to pay for the registration and hosting . They do not even have to be for a different business and can actually point to the same site .
who is more dangerous iran or israel ? Israel is the most dangerous country in the area . They have a nuclear arsenal and have been known to take the offensive against any threat to them . They bombed an Iraqi nuclear development site 1015 years ago because they felt threatened . I wouldnt be surprised if they do the same to Iran They were attacked by many Islamic countries a few decades ago and they kicked all their buts ... in about 4 days . They are strong have great intelligence and they have powerful weaponry that they arent afraid to use in the defense of their country . Iran is a threat to givesell their nuclear knowledge to terrorists but they couldnt even beat Iraq in their wars . Look how fast Iraq fell to the US ... Israel could have done it pretty much that fast Hope this helps .
who has had an abortion then regretted it ? All of these women a survey of postabortive women found that60 said that the decision to abort made their lives worse and94 regretted the decision to abort . Source Survey of Reaction to Abortion The PostAbortion Review Fall 1994 pp . 68 .
Where can I find the questions to the Apple Cert . Test for Final Cut Pro 5 ? Would like copy of test or list of questions for Apple Pro Cert . Test for Final Cut Pro 5 ... Your best bet is to pick up one of the Final Cut Pro books published by Peach Pitt Press . The tests questions are pulled from the text with each chapter ending in sample questions that resemble the questions on the actual exam .
1962 no operating system found and then when i use my windows xp disk it tells me to make sure my hard drive ? it tells me to check my hard drive to make sure its powered up an stuff how can i get an operating system for this free of charge or fix the problem ? If you already have a Win XP CD you dont need a new one . It seems your hard disk might be damaged . Restart your PC and look if the screen shows a clue as to which key to press to enter BIOS setup it varies from make to make its usually F1 F2 or Del . Follow the menus you should find an option to configure hard disks . Let it find it automatically . If it doesnt you might need a new hard disk .
does anyone know why I get an error message everytime I close bt browser its OxO77fb770 ? Go to this site and put in that error numberRuntime Errors and others Good Luck
what is a open adoption ? Look here
If no one buys a ticket to a movie does the movie still play ? My hubby and I were late to a movie the ticket lady told us to hurry the movie had already started . To our surprise we were the only ones viewing it . Talk about a nite out alone without the kids of course . Even better