if chickens are comes from eggsand eggs lays by chickens then who came first in the world ?
Sound installation ? My mother board is asus P4SDLA . Ihave to install the sound drive . I dont have the mother board CD . Then where can i get the software for sound installation . Just go to the Manufacturers website and download it ... piece of cakeMotherboard Specs note that they use this board in many of their computers HP you should enter the name of your computer to download the entire driver kit ... the board just uses the AC97 sound so that part easy .. you should have the others on hand .
Can I get a prosecutor fired for being unprofessional and not acting p . c .? I had to go to court today and got some unfortuate news which at was not as bad as I thought . I got pulled over last December because I wasnt wearing a seat belt hello I was going through a check point Shouldnt they be worried about drunks ? And I was late paying my car insurance by three weeks and my insurance company called the bmv and told them I was late so they suspended my licsense I renewed my licsense that night and went downtown and paid a 200 reinstatement fee then I went to court and paid 260 in court costs . As far as I knew I had my liscense back and everything was cool . Then in March I was really upset because a family member owed me money and he said he would bring it over never came over and wasnt picking up his phone . Furious I drove to his house and was going about 65 in a 40 on an inconspicous country road . A cop coming the oppisite direction sees me and turns around and pulls me over . He comes back and tells me my licsense is suspended I guess even contact the board of attorneys you could explain your case and even get his license revoked . I would call info to get the number since it varies per state
is there any showroom for suzuki hayabushabike in india ? bike Yes these is a showroom in Banglore called Joes Automobiles they deliver Busa at your doorstep .
can u read this ? gasoline rates go up from today we all no that
Why does the DEA and AMA allow tobacco companies to continue to put nicotine in cigarettes ? Its obvious and has been for years that the most lethally addicting substance available is cigarettes . But tobacco doesnt have any addicting ingredients cigarette companies ADD nicotine to get consumers addicted . Why in the world is there a war on drugs when the most heinous drug is allowed everywhere ? Because the government can profit from tobacco sales and people want to smoke regardless of the health effects . The war on some drugs is just a repeat of prohibition . Its never going to succeed .
do you believe our deceased love ones are always near spiritually ? do they try to contact us ? No .
does it really help doing all these new couses bbi bfa as compared to a simple b com ? Absolutely B . com is for kids
in what web site can i report emails i have been recieving that they ar attempting to commit phishing ? those e mails i got tell me that i won the lottery or other e mails state that i can split money from an egyptian that lost his life on a plane crash etc etc of course those e mails are fraud and phishing so where can i report those guys hat usually are from the uk ? I would just ignore those . If you receive one about confirming your PayPal account or eBay account just forward those to spoofpaypal . com or spoofebay . com . Banks have their own methods for example Chases reporting address is abusechase . com .
Do you watch the FIFA WORLD CUP ?
Has Internet use and habits permanently crippled peoples abilities to spell and use correct grammar ? Or do you think its something in the education system ? Definitely the education system . It is somewhat a cultural issue as well .
What truth is there behind the Da Vinci Code secret societies ? I heard there really are those secret societies out there and they are pretty awful . And to the guy who said it is just a book well so is the bible to an extent .
Didnt Old People Love too ? I read a question from a teenager who wrote that older people didnt understand what it was to be in love even if you were young . Im wondering .... how does that young man think he got here ? So many of the posts about love from teens revolve around sex unfortunately . Im ready to hear from some folks like me who have been married FIRST then had children and what they taught their children about the difference between love and sex . I look forward to reading the posts . Thanks . Well teens think they know everythingbut they dont have a clue as Im sure you know . Im 40 now divorced w 2 great kids . There is a difference between Love sex . Also there is a difference between sex making Love . Sex is just physical . Making Love is intimate emotional . For those who havent experienced that I feel sorry for you . Thats what Im teaching my kidsbut unfortunately it seems most parents today arent .
Should I sleep with my girlfriends mum who is hot but married ? There are soooooo many reasons not to .
When i listen to musicmy browser becomes way slow . What can i do to make it faster ? When im listening to music it takes forever for my browser to get where its going . Also i like playing online pool and listening to music its almost impossible to do both because of the slowness . HELP WHAT CAN I DO TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE ? The computer needs more memory to run faster . You can buy the RAM memory and install it on your computer without having to buy a new computer .
Pumping CO2 into the bottom of the ocean to reduce this green house gas . Is this method a really ood idea ? Visit this website for the article 4 years ago I worked on carbon sequestration projects in Australia and internationally . This included researching biological geological and ocean sequestration of CO2 . There are pros and cons of all these processes but I see many more pros . You only have to look at Statoils Sleipner Project in Norway They have been sequestering CO2 into high saline aquifers since 1996 . They have in fact stopped 1 million tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere per year the equivalent emissions of a 150MW coal fired power plant in the US . I think it is a great solution until we can move towards a hydrogen economy .
Why am i tearing my hair out ? I have a partner in the states and im british . Weve been together for 6yrs now we want to get married and we have children together . However at every point we find an obstacle that stops us from being husband and wife . Both our countries stop us at every point at being a family . What should we do ? I am british also and my husband is a US citizen . It was too difficult for me to get into the US so we got married in Houston and hubby came over here to live . Getting an Entry clearance visa is relatively easy but expensive after 2 years he can apply for residency like my husband will in October ......... that is your best option ......
how can i tell if my husband really loves me ? hes got another girl in the past and they had a child but inspite that i accepted him and were starting anew now .... Go to marriage counseling with him and try to get past this with him if he is truley sorry and wants to work on the marriage with you . Did he cheat on you in the marriage and relationship or was this before you knew him ? Remember as well he is a father to the child and will have to be a Dad to that child so you will also have to accept that too and let him be the dad he needs to be to that child . Please keep us posted on what happens and I am here if you need to talk . I wish you the best in working on this marriage .
what you do at five star basketball camp ? like wat do u do in a normal day from start to end ? how old r u ? depends on how old u r . and what position u play
For gay parents ? Dont you think if you saw your own dad or mom making out with some one of the same sex as a kid that would mess you up mentally . Wouldnt it give your kid a unfair bias towards being gay seeing how they observed their parent their role model doing it ? my moms are lesbien .. I found out the hard way . When I was 8 years old after my mom and dad got divorced I was walking to my room it went past my moms room .. and I saw her and a women flirting with eachother in a weird way .. like touching and stuff I just starred for a little bit then they started kissing ... I went to my room and started crying .. and it was really depressing .. Ive never been the same . But Ive just come to the conclusion that I have to deal with it . I cant change my moms sexual preference .. and I actually think her girlfriend is really nice . At first I hated her because I thought she was the one that turned my mom into a lesbien and ruined my life .. but later on I found out that it was my moms choice . She wanted to be a lesbien . I only want whats best for her because I know before this she had a very hard life . But this still doesnt make ME normal .. I get teased a lot at school .. and sometimes I really wish I had a normal life . I hope this helped you and my moms dont make out in front of me ... and I am not a lesbien . theyve raised me to be straight
Is it true that realplayer version 10 can interfere with me sending pictures from my digital camera to my pc ? because i can no longer upload from my kodax easyshare cx7300 or my hewlett packard DSC 220 ? And does anyone know how i can get these working again please ? i have tried installing the software again but it isnt having any of it ?????? HELP . I havent had any trouble with realplayer mediaplayer or any other program and my digital pictures . Id have a look for a virus first to see if this is upsetting your system youll have to reinstall if there are viruses abd they are removed then id look at control panel and admintration tools to see if your printer and digital camera are enabled .
is it possible for a man to expel all his bodily fluids at the same time . example below .? could a guy release all these at the same time and if so what would happen ? sneeze have the runs pee cm puke all at the same time ? On deathWhen a person dies the entire body relaxes releasing control over such items as the sphincter bladder
how to get personal loan at a good rate ? try this strategic trick1 . go to your bank first where you are familiar with the people . ask them for a loan get the interest rate and the plan and all details check for any hidden extras . 2 . check online at all the banks offers including your bank print the best offers that you may get i am sure u will get a lower interest rate than your own bank from reliable banks . 3 . now be very cunning go to the first step with a twist show them your research and show them the best deal you have got from the internet . 4 . mostly they are ready to negotiate and ask them for a lower rate than the one you have researched . mostly they will discuss privately with some hidden manager and get back to you . 5 . if they give a lower rate you have striken a jackpot if not go to the internet loan offer . hurrah now you can feel that consumer is a king . and you have nothing to lose . good luck .
Anyone know details of refugee status in the US and how it works ? My boyfriend is from Sudan and has refugee status in the US because of the war there . He can work and go to school here legally and hes been here for 3 and a half years . Right now hes on his first trip back home since he came to the states ... sort of a family emergency . He should be home in about 6 weeks . Anyway what Im wondering is whether anyone knows the fine details about refugee status . Does it expire ? If so when ? How is the time determined ? Once youre a refugee can you eventually be deported if you dont become an actual citizen within a certain amount of time ? I would ask my bf about this stuff but obviously he isnt here right now . No one Ive asked so far has any clue ... so maybe someone here will . Heres hoping ... P . S . Ive asked this before and got people saying hes on vacation and using me . Thats not the case at all but Im just stating in advance since I learned from before Im not asking for your relationship advice . Thats not the Q ? According to the information under refugee status at the www . uscis . gov site a refugee is ... Under U . S . law a refugee is a person who has fled his or her country of origin because of past persecution or a wellfounded fear of persecution based upon race religion nationality political opinion or a membership in a particular social group . If the person is not in the United States he or she may apply overseas for inclusion within the U . S . refugee program . If the person is already within the United States he or she may apply for the U . S . asylum program . Your boyfriend probably applied for refugee status while living in Kenya as a refugee from the war in Sudan . Since it sounds from your comments like most of his family is in Kenya and that is where he has spent most of the time he may very likely not have any changes in his status . Per the USCIS site ..... Generally refugees must be outside their homelands to be eligible for the U . S . refugee program though the U . S . processes application from refugees in their home countries in a few places . currently the U . S . has such programs in Cuba Vietnam and the former Soviet Union . I think that a lot of the Cuban nationals living in the US under refugee or asylum categories do not naturalize but do live here as legal alien residents . . If your boyfriend has refugee status and also has school and work permits then he has must also have temporary residency status under the label of refugee . I dont think that acquiring US citizenship is a necessity or requirement . In fact on that same site there is a section listing the steps and requirements for anAsylee or Refugee Seeking Lawful Permanent Residence Form I485 . There is also a processing timetable available . Also regarding his ability to travel home for family emergency he hopefully filed a form I131 Application for Travel Document . Per the USCIS site While your I485 is pending you are permitted to travel outside the U . S . however you must have a valid Refugee Travel Document to reenter the country . You can apply for a refugee travel document by filing Form I131 Application for Travel Document . Due to new security procedures allow 150 days prior to beginning travel to obtain a travel document . Hope you find this helpful .
Cheapest Term Life insurance policy ? I want to buy a 30 years fixed term life insurance . Where can I buy the policy not spending lots of money ? any company you know thanks a 30 yr term policy is not a good choiceyou will overpay the premium the first 15 yrs and underpay the 2nd 15 yrs to get a level premium .. a better choice would be ART annually renewable term .. this is more a payasyou go premium .. it increases some every yr yet you dont overpay in the early yrs to get a level premium .. also you can renew it for as long as you want to keep the policy .. much more flexible and a better value premium wise .. look for an Independent Insurance Agent in the yellow pages under life insurance .. that is someone who represents several different companies .. heshe will search out the best value for you based on your circumstances .. any other ??.. holler back at me .. good luck to you .. i am a retired Independent Insurance Broker for life and health insurance and a retired CPA CFP LUTCF also .....
Does anyone know much about the Mormon church ? Yes . See the listed source for some good information .
What does everyone think about Taylor Hicks as our American Idol ? He deserved winning American Idol . Last night I saw on Yahoos homepage where Kat was bulimic . Would you want her as a role model ? I think not
solve and express the roots in a bi form x squared 2x50 ? Use the quadratic formulaa 1 b 2 and c 5b sqrtb24ac2a 2 sqrt441521 2 sqrt4202 2 sqrt162 2 4i2 24i2 or 24i2 12i or 12i
does rubbing a cold spoon on a hickey really work ? Of course not LOL LOL LOLNo more than it will make any other bruise go away . A bruise in internal bleeding caused by blood vessels being damaged . Only time will heal that . By the way hickeys make you look like immature trailer trash they do NOT make you look cool . Not trying to be meanit is just a fact .
put a backround on my space ? How do you put a backround on your profile on my space . please make it easily to understand Theres alot of websites devoted to providing codes for backrounds ... try mynicespace . com or pimpmyspace . com a general search for myspace codes will help too once you find the image you like copy the code it will be listed right by it and paste the code into the about me section of your personal webpage
Does anyone no wat G . A . T . E . mean for school ? its in elementary i dont no
what is your sunsign ?????????? virgo . what about u ? thank you sooooooooo much for the 30 pts . youve given me
how do i clean my laptop screen ? There are two types of residue that needs to be cleaned off of your screen . If you are cleaning off ... 1 . Dry dust and fingerprints you need to go buy a soft cloth made for cleaning LCD screens andor camera lens . These cloth ensure that you do not scratch the screen and do not smudge the fingerprints . 2 . Dried up liquidsother residue you will need to also get one of those soft cloths but you will also need to buy a lens cleaner solution . These kits are usually under 10 bucks and can be found where most cameras are sold .
white dots in the back of my mouth ? Okay so i have these white dots in the back of my mouth almost like canker sores . my doctors office isnt open till tomarow . I found them about 4 days ago but they didnt really hurt that bad . now im full blown sick . it hurts to breath eat drink smoke everything could i have strep ? Yeah you definintly got strep once you get the time to get to the doctors office you should let him know about that . He will give you a prescription for it and it should be gone within a week and a half but you have to continue taking the medicine even though the spots are gone always finish the medicine .
Why would anyone say our soldiers died for nothing ? They have given their lives for others freedom . That to me is everything . Anyone who knows me knows to never ever say anything derogatory about these young men and women in my presence regardless of how they feel about the war . They are my brothers and sisters . Yes there have been abuses and errors and those need to be investigated and any violators appropriately punished . But by far the vast majority of our military personnel are professional dedicated and just . Everyone dies eventually but some get to die fighting for something in which they believe . To detract from this honorable death by saying they died for nothing is IMHO virtually unforgiveable . Does the person who dies in a hospital bed from some incurable disease die for nothing ?
When you listen to certain songs ....? Do you think of an experience you had personally that you linked the song with ? If so what was the song and what were you experiencing ? This is the type of song that when you would hear it many years later would suddenly make you nastalgic good or bad .... I just asked that question It would have to be Spandau Ballets True ..... I just knew I was in love when that song was out . And yes great minds do think alike
does anyone remember ...? a really weird childrens tv programme on channel 4 at about 6 oclock in the late 80s ... it was adults dressed up as some kind of bear like creatures with stupid voices and they were always in the garden . it was RUBBISH but i cant find a reference to it anywhere or have met anyone else who rememebers it its driving me mad could it be animal krackers ? that was around at roughly the time ur thinking of and they were dressed up idiots ... that sang ? or Banana splits or Zoobilee Zoo as they had people dressed as a bear a beaver a fox .... etc or do you mean the one with the two families of people dressed up as bears that lived next door to each other .... if thats the one you mean ... gimme time ill have to try and remember what it was called ...
what do people really believe happens at AREA 51 ? watched a programme last night and am fascinated about why it is all so secretive and what goes on there . i know the answers will only be theories but will still be very interesting . do you believe in UFOS ? The development of the stealth fighter was there . There are other top secret programs that deal only with national defense . There is NO ALIENS at area 51 .
If there were no consequences youd be more likely to ? A Eat and drink to excess B Hook up with everyone C Tell people off D Rob a bank Please elaborate b
what is the most common problem of a crt monitor ? Being discolored because someone put a magnet near it .
This might be wrong .... but what is a B l o w j o b ? giving a guy oral sex
Was HOWARD DEANs hide the salami comment proof that hes a bad choice to lead the DNC ? In a question about the nomination of Harriet Miers nomination to the U . S . Supreme Court Dean said ... But in the this case I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court you cant play you know hide the salami or whatever its called . Whatever . Dont you think the Democrats could find somebody to lead the party who can frame a thought better than this ? Shouldnt mangling public speeking be reserved for Presidents ? I thought the fact that he is Howard Dean was enough proof that hes a bad choice .
10 points to whomever first answers this question correctly ? What was Harvey ? Note the correct answer is not a giant invisible rabbit . Specifically what type of creature was he ? a Pooka
Where Can I get a CD AGE of Empires Full Version ? search here to find the torrent of the game u wantthen download bitlord from here and open the file that u downloaded with the extension torrentHAVE IN MIND THAT THIS IS ILLEGAL IS BETTER IF YOU BUY THE GAME
Does Pete Rose belong in the HOF ? I grew up in Queens the Shea Stadium neighborhood . So I often got a chance to see Pete Rose play in the late 60s early 70s . Never saw a ballplayer who hustled with such intensity as Pete Rose . On a routine ground ball he would sprint with all of his heart to first base . If he thought the play would be close he would dive head first to try to beat the throw . He was a geniune ballplayer all heart and a gifted batting eye . Thats why he holds the record for most career hits breaking Ty Cobbs record . Needless to say he belongs in the hall of fame . And hes probably better than 75 percent of the inductees . All I have to say about that is the steroid issue now permeating baseball is a greater crime than Pete Rose betting on baseball games not involving his team . Bart Giamonti baseball commissioner who banned Rose was too full of himself . No where near as great as Rose was to baseball . Let him in and we should all beg for his forgiveness .
Is docetaxel inferior to or superior to paclitaxel for stage III ER PR Node postmenopausal patients ? Neoadjuvant treatment . Limited response to first 4 cycles of AC From personal experience both are very toxic with some really adverse side effects . My body did not like Docetaxel Taxotere and tolerated Paclitaxel a little better . I wish you well
Are there any other Cancers here ? If so are you very sensitive and easily moody ? I think its just me but I like to blame it on my sign . I cry about everything hold in my thoughts and feelings and am very family oriented . I am a good listener and great with people even though I do not feel like I am ever a part of a group . Whats your personality like ? Im a Cancer and like you I am very true to our sign moody highly intuitive emotional especially certain times of the month very familyoriented and domesticated love to cook make my home comfortable very shy but once you get to know me I totally come out of my shell . The funny thing is my mom dad brother and I are ALL Cancers scary hah ? Take care my fellow Cancer
How do I get my website visits off my browser ? Tried to delete through Control PanelInternet Options .? nothing seems to work Think uve learned a lessonBe specific in ur questionsbetter luck next time
Is there some sort of animal where the babies hatch out of holes in the mothers back ? Maybe a fish or frog ? I have this weird memory that Ive watched a nature special about it but Ive searched and googled and cant find anything like it . Frogs and toads display some of the most amazingly varied breeding behaviors and mechanisms The Surinam toad Pipa pipa is an aquatic species in which the eggs after being fertilized during a complex courtship are placed with the aid of the male on the back of the female embedded in the skin . The eggs do not undergo indirect developmet as in most frogs they dont hatch as tadpoles instead after 35 months they emerge as young juvenile frogs . More Information from Animal Diversity Web addition there are some frogs in South America known as marsupial frogs . These are tree frogs in which the female has a dorsal pouch of skin on her back and the eggs develop inside this pouch . After hatching they come out of the pouch opening that opens posterodorsally . This is what the female with the eggs looks like theres another amazing frog here in Argentina the tiny green Darwin frog that lives in the southwestern forests . In this species the male takes the eggs after theyve been fertilized and puts them in his vocal sacs the pouches at his throat that he uses to produce sounds . They stay in the vocal sacs until theyre more developed and can come out and go on growing by themselves . know this has nothing to do with the question but I think these are so interesting
Has anyone ever used flaxseed oil ? I just recently bought a dietary supplement called flaxseed oil its supposed to be healthy and i think speed up your metabolism but I dont know if it works ... has anyone ever used it ? Some nutritionists researchers and scientists believe that it could be the most important healthpromoting supplement next to a multivitamin . Nearly every system in the body can benefit from flax seed oils natural properties including the cardiovascular system immune system circulatory system reproductive system nervous system as well as joints . Just look at this list of facts and studies of what Flax Seed Oil can and may accomplish Research shows low incidence of breast cancer and colon cancer in populations that have high amounts of lignan in their diet . Flax is 100 times richer in lignan than most whole grains . Studies show that Omega3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides and prevent clots in arteries which may result in strokes heart attacks and thromboses . Helps protect the body against high blood pressure inflammation water retention sticky platelets and lowered immune function . Shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion . Increases the bodys production of energy and also increases stamina . Accelerates the healing of sprains and bruises . Eases weight loss in people afflicted with obesity . Stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat . Improves the absorption of Calcium . Strengthens finger and toenails . Can improve eyesight and perception of colors . Can often improve the function of the liver . Can relieve the side effects and stop development of many forms of cancer . Can relieve some cases of Asthma . Helpful in the treatment of Eczema Psoriasis and Dandruff . Can relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis . It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus . Can alleviate some allergies . Helps prevent Atherosclerosis the accumulation of fatty deposits inside the blood vessels especially the large and mediumsized arteries that many people experience during the aging process . Lowers high blood pressure in Hypertension sufferers . Has been scientifically proven to treat some cases of depression . Can improve the mental function of many old age pensioners . Can help in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis . Has been proven to improve the behavior of Schizophrenics . Can relieve some cases of Premenstrual Syndrome PMS in females . And more ... and i use flax seed oil for Psoriasis . im an herbalist .
Who thinks that korea is going to win the world champion ship ? who doesent me Im not voting for them I like Serbia OOOOOOO Go Serbialol srry OOOOOO Go Korea
where are good schools for being a doctor or anything in the medical field dealing with ppl and biochemistry ? im trying to plan my career since my junior year is supposed to be all about deciding what college i want to go to . ive decided to do something in a medical field because im fascinated by diseases and medical related things . so if anyone has any thoughts of colleges i could look into could you help me out ? thanks in advance . Im from California and I would have to say UC Davis or UCLA would be good schools for your field . You should check out their websites for further information in deciding . ucdavis . edu or ucla . edu .
How can I find names of sailors onboard USS Molala ATF 106 in year 1975 ? Looking for my Navy friends and cant remember all their names go to www . google . ca or www . yahoo . com and type in sailors USS Molala ATF 1975 ... continue to narrow down the search as much as you can with information you get from the results of the search .. for example a resulting webpage might give you the names of one or two of your Navy colleagues so in your next search use the original search information you provided and add the names of those people until you get the information youre looking for
ne 1 here who can tell me that can i do B . sc from IIT ?? plzplz help me but the info must be correct ? plzplzplz answer my this question coz it mean a lot to me i m really very tensed regarding my future . so i ill be really greatful to who ill solve my problem Are you talking about India Institute of Technology ? Check out their website . You can definitely do a BSC from IIT . What are you so worried about ?
Which party is the most lenient to criminals and why ? This question is based on unwanted illegal immigration Democrats without a doubt . They owe favors to the big corporations so they do what they tell them . I dont care for the other party neither . But dollar for dollarthe Democrats are the greediest and most selfish who think more about themselves and not others
what do you think of george bush and the job he has done on the war on terrorism ? i am wondering how many people actually think they could do a better job the bush i personally feel that everyone beats on him but they dont really understand how hard it would be to run a country full of arrogant selfcentered people plus dealing with countries that are trying to take over this free country and take all of our freedom away . I am a Canadian but I think President Bush is doing a good job but I do believe he should have taken his time and got rid of Osama before he went into Iraq but it is done . President Bush has taken acton not all talk like other Presidents have been he does not let public polls decide what he should or should not do
I am Pagan what are Christians so afraid of ? Or is it just ignorance that causes this animosity .? People tend to fear that which they do not understand or which challenges their preconcieved notions about their world . This is particularly true for those who are insecure in their avowed beliefs which are actually nothing more than inherited beliefs from their parents . The unexamined faith is actually no faith at all . Its almost axiomatic that the more insecure people are in their own faith the more hostile they are to the faiths of others . Thats why they seem to be afraid of you and why they seem antagonistic you call into question beliefs about which they themselves are insecure .
our daughter will not talk to her teachers or any one other than family members she will talk to other kids ? Heres an article from TIME Magazine that should provide some comfort and ideas for youWhy Abby Cant TalkShe has a condition called selective mutism that is neither as rare nor as hopeless as experts believed . But the right help is hard to find . Abby Barnes hand shoots up nearly every time her teacher asks the 19 squirmy firstgraders in her suburban Philadelphia public school to match letters of the alphabet to the sounds they make . Sitting up front with her pinchable cheeks framed by long blond hair Abby 7 looks as eager as any of her classmates to blurt out an answer . But every time the teacher calls on her Abby freezes . Her face tightens . She strains to respond . And even if an answer manages to get past her lips her words are inaudible . Shes effectively mute throughout the school dayeven at recess where the closest she will come to open communication is words whispered to a trusted girlfriend . At home however Abby is a different child . She loves to play cards and board games and frolic with her brother Jack 5 . She speaks loudlysometimes too loudlyand can be bossy toward her brother says mother Lisa Barnes who runs the trading desk at a moneymanagement firm . Abby is in every other way a perfectly normal child who has no shortage of extracurricular activities including horsebackriding lessons and dance classes that shes been attending since she was 4 . Performing in public is fine says her mother . She likes people to look at her and applaud . So why doesnt she speak up in class ? What may at first glance look like shyness or obstinacy is actually something far more complexand much more interesting . Abby like hundreds of thousands of kids across the U . S . is suffering from a little understood but increasingly recognized childhood disorder called selective mutism . The key to selective mutism or SM for short is the seemingly incongruous behavior Abby exhibits voluble in private silent in public . According to the official psychiatric diagnostic manual DSMIV a child who has developed normally at home but has not talked at school or in other social situations for at least a month is a strong candidate for a diagnosis of SM . Experts once believed that fewer than 1 in 1000 kids developed the disorder but an influential study three years ago in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry put the prevalence at closer to 7 in 1000 making SM almost twice as common as autism . SM can strike at any age even among children who once talked in public but it usually becomes obvious by age 3 or 4 when peers are happily jabbering away . About 30 of kids with SM also have a developmental speech impairment which can exacerbate the problem but is generally not the cause . In the past doctors often recommended speech therapy but treating the physical or neurological issues alone will probably have little impact on the underlying psychological factors behind SM . The root of the problem in most cases is an extreme form of social anxiety or phobia . It is a fear that can literally make it impossible to speak says Dr . Elisa ShiponBlum a Philadelphiabased clinician who specializes in treating selective mutism . As with most social anxieties SM is more common in girls and is believed to have a strong genetic component . About 70 of kids with SM have an immediate family member who also struggles with social anxiety . Compared with childhood disorders in which children are disruptive and disorderly such as attentiondeficithyperactivity disorder ADHDselective mutism gets less attention and considerably fewer research dollars . These children are ignored because lets face it they arent causing anyone trouble . They are literally left alone and forgotten about says psychologist Lindsey Bergman associate director of the UCLA child and adolescent OCD obsessiv
If you could make a hybrid of any 2 animals what would it be ? why ? and what would you call it ? A snake and an aadvark . Id call it a snaadvark . Id invent it for the sole reason that its name gave me amusement . Is that wrong ?
does anyone like to swim ? if so why i meen like what is your favorite part of it freestyle and drowning myself
Does anyone know of a site where i can find free sheet music ? for a keyboard cant find one . if you want to u can download kazza and u can get a whole lot of free music . just know the name and artist most of the time thats all you got to know
If you have to say youre a gangster ....? Doesnt that make you a wangsterwannabe gangster ? Rappers call themselves gangsters all the time . If you have to say it you aint one . Its like walking around going Im so coolor Im not gayor Im not a sexy Korean girl
Me and my girl want to have fun physically not in a sexual way though any one have any ideas besides kissingos It to make our relation better and we wanna have fun
web address for accessfl ? for food stamps welfare accessfl . com
double radical equations ? I have a math problem that is killing me this is dealing with radicals .... on top of radicals Try this page
im emily i need to know if prenatal vitamins will make my breasts bigger so i can breast feed my baby when it Prenatal vitamins will not make your breasts bigger . The pregnancy hormones will make your breasts tender and sore and as you near the birth of your child the breasts will swell with milk . But prenatal vitamins have absolutely nothing to do with it . They are just large doses of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs because the baby is leeching what it needs to thrive and grow .
easement of property our gas line goes over neighbors yard help answer question on easement rights ? we have a gas line that goes about 50 yards into the neighbors yard there is no easement listed in the county for his property or mine with each other or utility companies . Is our title valid ? should we have not known about the gas line and it being in the neighbors yard ? There is such a thing as an implied easement for utilities . Almost certainly thats what your state allows . In order to let ulitlity companies provide service throughout their territory they get automatic easement rights to string wires lay pipeline and such . Yes your title is valid . And when you think about it you will see that your property is more valuable for having the gas service than it would be if no gas line were there . So you or a future buyer is not damaged by the gas line which would be a major consideration in any title suit . Good luck and dont worry .
I have an L1 visa but want to marry a US citizen .? Im British have an L1 visa am looking to marry my US fiance . Anyone know if I can remain in the US to marry or if I still have to leave apply for a K visa ? thanks As far as I know after marrying a US Citizen you can stay and wait for your green card . Youd have to go through several interviews before you get your green card . My friend keep her f1 status before she got her green card a year after marrying a US citizen . I believe the waiting period is different in each state so the best is contact your local immigration office .
If u think Cena sucks tell me why ? I hate him too ? Just go all out . His ring abilities need a lot of work . Needs polish . And the mic work OMG I have to hit the mute button
which is better domainkeys or SenderID ? both try to do same but domainkeys looks good . but neither is best .
I cant leave my marriageI cant speak very well the languageIm nothing without him . I want only 1 night I am not sure what you are asking .
who is hotter ? laura bush or britney spears Eww ... gross Jim Jeez I just ate
I am all for capital punishment . What is your stand and what criminals should receive it as a punishment ? Wish i could email karen and find out what in her right to life idealism then how to they deal with repeat offenders cop killers . rapists and child molesters right to life .. well remember the life that repeat criminals and cop killers took ... killa cop . you die . rape a child . you die no questions no life long prison bill . i belive in right to life too .. If you take one .. you lose your right to life . Unless it was in selfdefense
Does anyone suffer from DH ? No . DH is an Autoimmune disorder caused when the immunesystem starts destroying one or more of its own tissue components . DH patients have different types of skin rashesincluding bullae and these rashes appear in groups . This diseasehas remissions and relapses at variable intervals and is associated with gluten enteropathy
Funny Question But could be proved in three different ways that I know of ......? When I told my grandpa that I am gonna divide 25 of the property shares amongst 5 of us brothers getting each of us 15th of the property he said I am cheating him .... 15th ie . if we divide 25 with 5 of 25 is not 5 but 14 Though it was a shock to me as I was thinking so far that I am very good in maths but the possibility of getting the answer he said gave a new direction to me though I know it is wrong .... So my good friends why dont you try dividing 25 with 5 and get the result 14 ? 25 ? 14 x 15 120140 . 05 280 ??? Sorry but what the hell are you on about ????
Whats the best state ??????????? everyone represent they state baby Michigan if you seek a pleasant peninsula look around you .
What word goes best with the word complaint ? Should I saylodged a complaint ormade a complaint orregistered a complaint . Or is there any other word that I can use before the word complaint ? It depends on the circumstances . If you make your complaint orally or informally it is quite acceptable to say you made a complaint . On the other hand if you complain by completing a formal complaint in writing like a form for example then you can say you lodged or registered it .
whats the most important physical feature when you draw an anime character ????? eyes nose ear hair .... whtever ... The face pretty much defines the character and the hair pretty much shows their style .
can any one tell me why blood didnt clot in heart ? why the blood didnt clot in the heart . consider if i am got hurt in the hand then that time the blood will flows since the atomosphere air is to make that to clot ..... BUT WHY THE BLOOD IN THE HEART IS NOT AT ALL CLOTED ALTHOUGH THE AIR THAT WE BREATH IS THE SAME ATMOSPHERE A very interesting question really . Firstly we need to look at what causes the blood clot . The answer lies in the platelet . An irregularly shaped colorless body that is present in the blood . It survives for 710 days before being broken down in the liverspleen by phagocytes . Indeed blood clots when it is exposed to air . The body has amazingly found a loophole in blood being exposed to air for the 2 conditions This loophole lies in the loss of blood . If the body detects a loss of blood and the presence of air at the same time the platelets immediately kick into action . The tiny platelets immediately rush to the wound form a layer scab by bursting and spilling its contents . Its contents along with calcium the vitamin K and a protein fibrinogen forms a clot . All these components forms a clot by first forming fibrin . These fibrin are actually tiny threads which later form a wirelike mesh . This mesh help to hold the red blood cells inside the body . This explains why our scab is red initially but turn brown such is the color of our blood .
what to do ? I have a bf im bi ... in the middle of our relationship i started thinking more and more about chicks . everything was cool when we first started going out but now i seem to be just way more interested in chicks we barley have sex or do n e thing n e more ... beause of me . any ideas why ? maybe i unconsciously felt bored in my relationship and need exitment or maybe im gay ? please help . rude people stay away It sounds like the relationship just isnt working out . It happens . People change get interested in different things no big deal . If you feel you are ready to end the relationship and try dating other people .
is there a gel to see if your hands are dirty after washing them ? yes there is we had it in nursin school and the person is right you have to have the ultra light to see it and it makes your hands glow orange if you have not washed properly
Who is gonna be the winer of the World Cup ? I do not care about a sport where groups of guys kick a ball up and down a field and try to kick it into a net . I like playing the sport but It is just boring to watch it . As boring as watching a video game play itself when you can choose to play it if you want to .
Pertaining to yahoo 360 ...? My question is a bit lengthly . First I am trying to meet some new friends to add to my 360 pg but it always ends up someone who dont think like I do that wants to be my friend . Weirdos How can I find people with similar intrest to be to chat withweb cam add as friendsect Go to the search page and use keywords to search for people who might have the same interests . You can also choose male or female etc . on that page . After you get a list just start looking at other peoples pages until you find some that may interest you . Just keep in mind its all trial and error so be patient and eventually youll have made some new friends .
what about the idea that there is no such thing as universe ? about 500 yr back we thought earth was flatcan the current universesolar system be a misconception . like in MIB There is a scientific theory that our universe is in a larger multiverse . Though there is no way to prove either way at this point .
I am not able to get a full erection all the time ? is there anyway i can arouse myself better ? I went to the doctor and told him the same thinghe gave me a sample pack of LavitraWOWdid it work or what . I got an erection that lasted and was fuller than normal . Even after I blu it stayed up . After a while my wife said ok Im done . Consult your doctor about this and read the warnings on the labelSome of the side effects that I did encounter was a stuffy nose headache and very mild dizziness .
How long can I take HRT ? Have taken HRT for 12 years presently take 12 tab 0 . 625mg Premarin 12 tab 2 . 5 mg Provera daily . How long can I continue ? I am 64 years old and in good health . I take Approval 300mg daily for high blood pressure . If you are doing well with the HRT and have found the proper formulation for your specific needs there is no reason to stop taking it at all . HRT is usually taken for life unless it becomes contraindicated for right now since you are doing well and the HRT is conferring protective benefits on your heart and bones among other functions there is no reason why you should stop now or anytime soon . Keep feeling well .
I am trying to get along with my fiance but I dont know how to settle our difference .? Well we like different things . We have nothing in comment but we are tired of dating different peolpe . We just wanted to settle down but now it seems like things are changing . I tried to see the positive side of things and he sees the negative side . I feel like I am no good for him . Know he dont want to spend time with me . First off I am sorry you are in that situation . I was too and I did marry that guy . I do love my husband but we still dont get along any better . We were forced into marriage because I was pregnant and I had just left an abusive realtionship and wanted a steady thing . Dont settle with someone just to settle down . Sure the idea of a husband is nice but what is the point if you cant get along ? Your happiness is of the utmost importance . You need to sit down and have a talk with him about your feelings he at least deserves that . He may feel the same way . Good Luck
Have you ever experienced extreme bliss for an extended period of time ? The day I received my endowments in the Mormon temple and was sealed to my spouse for time and all eternity . It lasted the whole day and now everytime I go back to the temple to do work for the dead . It is wonderful
What do you think of this situation i read it and i didnt agree with the outcome ...? I cant remember word for word the story . A man driving down a road almost hit a little girl that ran into the street . The man stopped and got out of his car and went over to talk to the girl . He basically was telling her not to run into the street because she could get hit but he had put his hand on her shoulder much like you would when you talk to your own kids about something . The parents called the cops on him because he had put his hand on the girls shoulder while he talked to her . He was arrested and was not convicted but was made to register as a sex offender . Do you think this outcome was the correct thing ? What should the outcome have been ? If that is the entire story then that outcome is completely bogus . There is NOTHING wrong with touching another person on the head shoulder leg back etc . There is only something wrong when a person touches a bad place which CLEARLY was not happening and was not going to happen in the middle of the street . What should have happened ? The parents should have gotten a lecture on teaching their daughter . The daughter should have gotten a lecture on not running into the street . And the man should have gotten a lecture on smartening up in our lawsuit and sexcrime crazed society . There was no need for any trials or arrests . And how is someone who was NOT CONVICTED ie innocent of a crime forced to register as a sex offender ? That simply doesnt make any sense at all .
whats your nickname for your lover ? maitopapibebechikitoetc
Is it Safe ? Just got a job offer from Nepal . Is it safe to take up this assignment with familywife and daughter . I am from India . Are you a Sherpa ? Check with the US Dept . of State . for travel warnings . See links below .
Who is the best NBA team this year Mavs or Heat ? Mavs beat Steve Nash and the Suns so I would say the Mavs of course
When the time comes that our Military and our Commander in Chief along with the Iraqi government determine .. that Iraq is secure enough and capable of handling its own defenses and our troops are called home ..... Will the Iraq war detractors claim victory in their call to get the troops back now The answer is yes . Anything the president does from now until the end of his term will be pounced upon by his detractors in an effort to demoralize and discredit . Anything that happens in Iraq that either is negative or can be spun in a negative view likewise . As long we have to deal with the Ted Kennedys and Hillary Clintons of this world people will continue to misunderstand the events going on around them because they will be listening to campaigns of misinformation . One example is the person who answered saying that the American people were told that the war would be over in less than a year . The truth is that major combat operations were over in far less than a year but then terrorist jihadist antiAmerican insurgents began their campaign of murder and quasiorganized crime such as kidnappings for ransom . See people listen to the liberal farleft media and other whining sources and come to believe that Bush lied instead of what really happened which is that he was talking about major operations forceonforce maneuvering at the divisionelement level which really was over in less than a year . The same people who spread the misinformation in the first place will be the first ones to blow the whistle when their nonsense doesnt pan out .
How I make a character jump fly or float in mid air in a clayanimation film ? Im making a clayanimation film and I need advice in how to make someone or something jump or fly in the set without any strings or cords appearing in the shot . In claymation films you use the stopmotion technic to make anything move so how do I do to maintain a character in midair long enough to take a shot at it ? You could use the old school approach use mono filament line such as superthin clear fishing line . Experiment with the film angles and lighting to get decent footage where the lines are not visible . Thats how they did it for decades not only in stop motion but live action films see just about any 1950s GradeB scifihorroralien invasion film to see how NOT to do it where the lines are completely visible Digital editing is a nice idea but it kind of does away with the whole idea of stop motion if you can digitally manipulate the back ground why stop there ? why not just digitally manipulate all the action as well ?
how can a person find the right business to start with a small capital he has lets say 25000 ? There are many businesses who started with so little yet grew to become good income vehicles down the road . There are many businesses that you can start with 25000 . The key is to determine what your interests are what you want to do what is suitable for your lifestyle and your overall goals and what can fit with your resources . Dan Ramsey in his book 101 Best Home Businesses has a chapter on how to find YOUR best home business . He suggests these 10 steps1 . List 5 things you do best2 . List how others would benefit from what you do best3 . Find out how to give people what they want4 . Learn the value of your services to others5 . Find out who else offers similar services6 . Learn from the successes of others7 . Learn from the failures of others8 . Plan your own success9 . Make low cost mistakes10 . Enjoy what you do and how you do itFrom the article How to Start a Business with Little Cash here are some tips on how you can start a business and earn more money even if you are short of cash today1 . Find a business that you can start for little money e . g . an errand business where your main cost is telephone and gasoline is easier to start than starting a Subway franchise Entrepreneur Magazine has a good list of Low Cost Startup Businesses that you may want to consider other home business ideasTop 10 Home Businesses with Rapid BreakEven Time Profitable GoOut Home Businesses Hottest Businesses on the Web 2 . Consider your time and effort if you have little cash you may have to work harder for the money because you will have no resource to outsource or employ others to do certain tasks for you or you have no money to buy equipment so you can only do certain things the long way3 . Get your creative juices flowing . With no money the only thing you have is your imagination . Be creative and find ways to get things done 4 . Be prepared to do all the work yourself from doing your business plan finding financing writing emails shipping and handling marketing or whatever processes your business requires . 5 . Be prepared to invite investors you may need financing help from someone down the road so be prepared to share some of the pie .
Chritians and people whose been to a youth camp only if you dont mind .? Has anyone here ever heard of a youth speaker called Runks hes a tall funny guy or the not so famous but good christian rock band called Branch . The band members names are Steven and Rachel Pattersonmarried Josh Jones and Isaac Brown . I have been to youth camps but I am sorry I have not heard of these people . I hope you find them .
How long did your panic attack disorder last ? a year ? a decade ? Im going for 10 years this september along with my depressionI have never quit treatment yet I fail to recover You mean they last that long ??? OMG . I just started getting them like 2 monthes ago ... Im getting help and stuff but other than that .. omg ...
san francisco craiglist phone number ? san francisco craiglist phone number This is the address for the craigslist foundation60 Spear St . 9th FloorSan Francisco CA 94105Could not find the phone number ... but call information at 5551212 and ask for the phone number to this address they should be able to direct you to the correct contact phone number . Good luck
how can i see world cup matches on internet ? Check out the BBC site
how can i get money ? get a job
How many days weeks hours seconds minutes old are you ? 190 Months827 Weeks5791 days 138977 Hours8338624 Minutes500317486 Seconds500317493312 Milliseconds my next bday will be in 52 days 8 hours 55 minutes 59 secondsI just thought this was a fun thing . 3s 324 months1412 weeks9888 days237298 hours14237897 minutes854273870 secondsCouldnt write the milliseconds down fast enough A lot though . My next bday is in 338 days 10 hours 42 minutesIts crazy to watch the milliseconds ticking away like that Auggh Scary